The Unique Microbial Organic Plant Fertilizer USES • • • • • • • •
Bionur maintains a perfectly healthy pH balance of 6.00-6.6 in all soils, so plants extract all the nutrients needed for successful growth; Bionur breaks down all soil elements and produces outstanding soil quality, as it contains fulvic and humic acid that boost microbial levels in soil; Bionur protects crops from the damaging effects of cold temperatures during early growth; Bionur prevents damage and disease caused by insects, fungi and mildew; Bionur extends the harvesting period by enabling earlier plant growth; Bionur enhances the colour, aroma and taste of fruit and vegetables; Bionur increases the efficiency of horticultural growth and quantity of blooms; Bionur replenishes vital soil nutrients that have been lost over the years due to inappropriate farming and fertilizers;
100% organic liquid; 16 key elements for soil nourishment including nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, iron, copper, zinc, manganese and calcium over 60 of the total 90 minerals ever found in soil; beneficial natural bacteria (thiobacillus thioxidans and ferroxians) that break down essential soil nutrients for easy plant absorption;
unique power to break down vital soil elements into micron-sized particles; thiobacillus content enables quick mineral absorption for plant requirements; makes crops resistant to biotic and abiotic stress conditions, eg cold weather; promotes earlier fruit harvesting; stimulates brighter colours and more natural flavours of fruit and vegetables; controls red spiders; contains the chelating agent fulvic acid and revitalises poor soil; its natural anti-salinization agent rectifies problems of excess salinity caused by other soil fertilizers;
CERTIFICATION Certified by the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and by Ceres of Germany for application in organic farming.
Background to Bionur fertilizer development: The use of chemical fertilizers on farmland became widespread after the Second World War but has become excessive over the years. Inappropriate farming has caused an alarming amount of soil pollution and has destroyed the natural balance of nutritive elements in soil that is essential for healthy agricultural production. This has led to poorer quality crops and increasing prices. The solution to this problem of poor soil composition is to add organic matter that restores its nutritive balance, texture and pH content so that crops can absorb all the essential nutrients they need. Bionur is uniquely different from all other soil fertilizers: Bionur is the ideal all-in-one solution to rebalance poor soil composition. It contains a uniquely rich source of organic soil conditioners and mineral fertilizers that break down soil elements into minuscule particles for plants to easily absorb the exact nutrition they need. No other organic fertilizer can do this! Other products derived from Bionur: Andalusian Organic Mineral Liquid Fertilizer Biophoskey Organic Mineral Liquid Fertilizer - in addition to all the nutritional benefits of Bionur, Andalusian and Biophoskey stimulate fruit growth and yield even further, for excellent quality and taste; - contain enzymes that strengthen and protect plants from the damaging effects of extreme weather conditions; - may be applied to leaves or soil; are beneficial for tomato, cucumber, aubergine, pepper, clove and olive quality TD19 Organic Mineral Granule Fertilizer - enables plants to absorb all the soil nutrients necessary for healthy growth; - particularly effective in controlling salinity levels TD19 contents in percentages: Total Organic material.............. 20% Calcium............................. 4% Sulphur............................. 4% Iron................................ 2% Boron............................... 0.1% Zn.................................. 0.1% Cu.................................. 0.1% SiO................................. 28% Humic&Fulvic substance.............. 15%