CUBAN BACARDS This concept is both aimed to appeal to the required target audience of 18 -25 year old males, as well as educate any consumer of the Cuban heritage that Bacardi is rich in.
The product I have created is the drink versions of Cuban Cigars,, the visuals of the packaging and presentation would be as if the consumer was about to open a box of cigars. CUBAN BACARDS will be found when the box is opened each containing a shots worth of Bacardi rum.
WHAT ARE CUBAN BACARDS? Shots in the shape of Cuban Cigars. Each Bacard contains one shot of Bacardi Rum, allowing the consumer to experiment with a range of different drink options which is aided by the Bacardi Rum Drink Recipe Book.
WHY HAVE A DRINK RECIPE BOOK? Through my experience many young haven’t had the opportunity to try Bacardi Rum, as it is most commonly seen as a “girly” drink I think Men just need to be introduced to the possibilities of Bacardi whilst also showing the quality is high, just as high if not higher than Bacardi competitors
Having this mini drink guide will give some younger men the chance to test and taste a variety of different Bacardi drink options, which will then in turn stay in their head as a high quality option next time they are at a bar or buying alcohol.
WHO WOULD BUY CUBAN BACARDS? This would most likely be a product bought as a gift for friends, sons, brothers or fathers, as it is not as practical for every day drinking, however the box would be bought as a gift, which then gives the recipient of the gift a chance to test and taste greate Bacardi drinks.