FINDING A Way To Thrive
RAFM Chapel Grows Virtual Presence
Finding a way to thrive throughout the pandemic
by Jennifer DeRedin
THE UNITED STATES Air Force Chaplain Corps was established soon after the USAF was made into a separate military branch by the National Security Act in 1947. The military chaplaincy caters to all faith practices and promotes military members’ right to exercise their respective religion. Like most organizations, the Chaplain Corps, and locally, the RAF Mildenhall Chapel, has had to re-organize their services due to the Covid-19 pandemic - rising to the challenges of “virtual church.” In order to
accommodate changing UK restrictions, the safety concerns of their constituents, and base guidelines, the chapel has re-invigorated and grown their online presence. According to Multi Media Coordinator, Elder Je’Mahl Ray, current circumstances have forced the chapel to expand in the best way possible, “ We have found a way to thrive, where more people can jump in.” By putting content out on more platforms than ever before, the chapel is giving people - who might not
| APRIL 2021
Sunday service streaming live to social media channels.
otherwise have the opportunity - “a chance to re-energize and be reminded or encouraged” from wherever they may be, Ray explained. The RAF Mildenhall Chapel Facebook page was launched well before the onset of Covid-19,