Presentiment is the debut fulllength album of hungarian progressive death metal band Dreamgrave. It's a concept album consisting of eight multifaceted metal tunes. Dreamgrave musical concept starts from the roots of bands like Opeth (Watershed album), (early) Theatre Of Tragedy, (early) The Gathering and Dream Theater, and grows by extra layers of dark atmospheres, most notably with the presence of keyboards, and also with a stronger presence of Maria Molnar’s voice soprano. There are also growl vocals, that have depth (closely resembling to Michael Akerfeldt's growl) and are able to carry morbid feelings that compliment well with the melancholy melodies of female wisps. A notable characteristic of Dreamgrave is the band's exploration into various genres of non metal music. There are some jazzinspired techniques and psychedelic guitar effects throughout, although this platter mostly remains within the realm of death metal. Overall, Presentiment is a stunning and versatile fulllength debut, which is strong enough to hold one's attention through sustained active listening. DREAMGRAVE Presentiment 2014
Arrangement: Performance: Production: