USS New Hampshire holds change of command
ByPettyOfficer1stClass CameronStoner Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic
The Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USSNewHampshire(SSN778)conducteda changeofcommandatNavalSupportActivityHamptonRoads,Jan.20
Cmdr.CarlJappertrelievedCapt.Bennett Christman as commanding officer of New Hampshirefollowingtheboat’sreturnfrom asuccessfulsix-monthdeployment Capt.JasonPittman,commodore,SubmarineSquadronSix,andtheceremony’sguest speaker spoke highly on Christman’s time asNewHampshire’scommandingofficer “Bennett, you should be extraordinarily proudofwhatyouandyourteamhavedone,” said Pittman. “You have built a team and a culture that defines excellence and execution, and not only demands the best of themselves,butofothers Youhavetrained, developedandledanexceptionalteamwho hasaccomplishedincrediblefeats Youhave pushed everyone around you to be better andtostriveformore.”
PittmancontinuedontohighlightChristman’s accomplishments while aboard New Hampshire “The performance of New Hampshire
ByTroyMiller Norfolk Naval Shipyard
My advice to you is simple,you’reincommand,socommand.”
Before handing over command of New Hampshire, Christman took time to thank the crews’ families and the boat’s family readinessgroup
“There are a handful of people who set asidetheirpersonaltimeandpersonalaspirations to support me in command,” said Christman “First, I would like to thank the families in general. You have allowed the crewofNewHampshiretodeploy,supportingthemfromafarwhilekeepingthehouseholdrunning Insupportofthat,wehavethe bestfamilyreadinessgroupIhaveeverseen. Theygenuinelycareaboutfamiliesandthey provide activities inform and build morale among the spouses and families while we areaway.”
underBennett’scommandspeaksforitself,” said Pittman. “New Hampshire received the 2020 Navigation ‘N award right out of the gate, the 2021 Squadron Six Battle ‘E’ award, the 2022 Weapons ‘W’ award, the 2022Personnel‘P’award,the2022Marjorie
Sterrett Battleship Fund award, and a Navy Unit Commendation award for their first deployment.
Pittman went on to welcome Jappert as the boat’s new commanding officer and offeredwordsofadvice.
you have had an excellent career and you bring a wealth of experience to the New Hampshire team,” said Pittman. “You aretakingcommandofaboatatpeakreadiness, but a boat coming home from deployment is also a boat undergoing change Your steady hand and insightful vision will be essential as you go right back in to the workup cycle and prepare this boat and its crew for deployment.
Naval SupportActivityHampton
During the
Cmdr CarlJappert,prospective commanding officeroftheVirginia-class fast-attacksubmarine USS NewHampshire
(SSN 778),arrives at the boat’s change ofcommand ceremonyonboard
ceremony,Jappert relieved Capt.Bennett Christman as commanding officerofNewHampshire.
If you would connect a two foot piece of thread to a golf ball and tried lowering it intoacoffeecupwithouttouchingthesides while someone blew a small breeze over the cup, you would soon realize that it’s not an easy task to complete On a much larger scale, this is what Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY)CraneOperations(Code742)crane operatorsdoeverydayonthejob “Depending on the day’s workload we provideapproximately100liftsadayonthe pier,” said Crane Operator Leader Milton Jimison. “We move equipment, food, cargo and anything else a carrier or submarine needs put on or taken off the vessel. It can be something like a pallet of tools weighing 100 lbs to a shaft that weighs roughly 110,000lbs.” It takes a minimum team of four to lift something to and from the ship “Our team consistsofacraneoperator,ariggerincharge who is overall responsible for planning and Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s pier gang crane operators provides pick-meups to carriers and subs Crane OperatorLeaderJosephAmbrose is getting the layout ofthe land before lifting and moving equipment and materials onboard USS Dwight D.Eisenhower(CVN 69).(PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST) WWW.FLAGSHIPNEWS.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ THE.FLAGSHIP WWW.TWITTER.COM/ THE_FLAGSHIP THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 VOL.30 NO 3,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comJanuary 26-February 1,2023
The two-weekconference comprised ofover 200 participants and is structured to build relationships across a strike group PageA3 Our Yard History: Unsung heroes of Public Works maintenance Those menwho kept ourfacilities functioning within this complexperformance ofbasic shipyard facilitysupport are the true backstage hands that thewaterfront audience neverreallysawyet for briefpublic appearances such as a road closure for a utilityorrailroad trackrepair PAGEA2 IN THIS ISSUE Capt.Jason
TurntoCraneoperators, Page 4 www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023 1
Tactical Training Group
Hosts Warfare Commanders Conference
Pittman, commodore,Submarine Squadron Six,right, presents the Legion of Merit award to Capt. Bennett Christman, left during a change of command ceremony fortheVirginia-class fast-attacksubmarine USS NewHampshire (SSN 778) onboard Naval SupportActivity Hampton Roads,Jan.20
the ceremony, Cmdr CarlJappert relieved Christman as commanding officerof
FORCEATLANTIC) TurntoUSSNewHampshire, Page 4
Unsung heroes of Public Works maintenance
ByMarcusRobbins Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Unsungheroes;themenofPublicWorks past are whom we honor.
Those men who kept our facilities functioning within this complex performance of basic shipyard facility support are the true backstage hands that the waterfront audience never really saw yet for brief public appearances such as a road closure for a utility or railroad track repair Imagine having to take your horse and cart or perhaps an early Model T work truck on a detour to find another way around such a roadclosurerepairthatisfeaturedinthese images from November 1914 - about 108 years ago
Facilityworkissomewhatlikeanunbroken circle of repair upgrade and continuedmodernizationinordertosupportthis shipyard Whendiggingitisalwaysimportanttoattempttocombineallknownrepair workelementstogetthejobaccomplished onceandthatisapparentwithinthisseries of images
These various images show McKeever Avenue, the major north-south passage lookingtothenorthwithportionsofBuildings33 32 60 65 17 16 15 14and Quarters A in the views I always say that “historic photosareawindowuponourpast. When you compare the historic Gosport District of the 19th Century to the 21st Century of today,wellnotmuchhaschangedwithour buildinglayout.These1840sto1900structureswerebuilttolastandstandasatestament to prior Public Works craftsmen’s resilient construction techniques. Building60wasouroriginalpowerplant and provided heat to the nearby buildings in the northern end of the shipyard Heating was conveyed not with steam at that time but by hot water circulating pipes that eventually supplied individual radiators within various work spaces that then drained the cold-water condensate back to the power plant so the process could continue Well, pipes by their very nature need maintenance and true to form most times these pipes are found underneath somethingelse,inthiscaserailroadtracks
Railroad tracks and their ability to convey materials was and still is an essential element of support for this shipyard Railroadrepairworkhasalwaysbeenlabor intensive yet it must be done right and precise With many miles of rail upon this shipyarditistrulyanever-endingsourceof work and detours
The men’s names that preformed the pipe and rail work shown in these images arelosttotimenowbuttheyweremembers of our local families several generations prior They came to work in service to our navy yard in order to serve their country Theywerenotafraidofhardworkbecause thatinitselfishonorableandthewagethey
received in turn supported their families These men of Public Works contributed theirservicebylendingthestrengthoftheir hands and their backs while preforming extremephysicallaborsothattheindustrial machineofthisshipyardcouldcontinueto servethewaterfrontsupportmissionwithout fail.
Our Yard History:
EDITORIAL STAFF MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter CONTRIBUTING STAFF Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | FLAGSHIP, INC Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved 2 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023
These historical photos from the NorfolkNaval Shipyard archives shows a heating conduit and railroad repairforyard laborNov.14 1914 (COURTESYPHOTOSNORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD)
Tactical Training Group Atlantic hosts Warfare Commanders Conference to build teamwork, boost readiness
ByLt.cmdr DawnStankus Carrier Strike Group Four
TacticalTrainingGroupAtlantic(TTGL) hosted a warfare commanders conference forCarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)2leadership from Jan. 9 to 20
The two-week conference comprised of over 200 participants and is structured to buildrelationshipsacrossastrikegroup,as wellascollectivelydiscussunitcapabilities, command and control (C2), cross-warfare coordination and pre-planned responses On Jan. 9, Rear Adm. Jeffrey “Caesar” Czerewko, commander, CSG 4, provided welcoming remarks to emphasize the importance of building relationships and a “team of teams” mentality
“This conference provides a forum for the Carrier Strike Group 2 team to build relationships and establish trust,” said Czerewko.“Whenthetimecomes,mystaff at Carrier Strike Group 4 will assess your strike group’s ability to work cohesively which will result in you all becoming the mostcapableforcefordeterrence andin combat, to win decisively.”
Attheconclusionoftheconference,Rear Adm. Marc Miguez, commander, CSG 2, stressed how the structure of the conferencehelpedfacilitateneededdialogue,and established a platform to ensure seamless integration and collective understanding across all warfare areas
“Demanding training is essential to ensure proficiency and readiness,” said Miguez.“CarrierStrikeGroup4andTactical Training Group Atlantic equip strike groupswiththenecessarytoolsforsuccess inthepre-deploymentstages Thisconference allowed my team to take a pause and think about the operational environment. We were able to collaborate and take time to develop a battle rhythm, to begin shapingprocedures andtoidentifyactionitems necessary to make us even more lethal and ready.”
Capt. Shawn “Opie” Bailey, commanding officer, TTGL, describes the warfare commanders conference as an essential tool for commanders that helps focus their teams for the intricate missions and requirements ahead
“A warfare commanders conference often occurs a couple times a year and it is something that Tactical Training Group
Atlantic takes pride in organizing and executing,” said Bailey “This really is a mentorship opportunity and institutes a supportivelearningenvironmentfortraining audiences.”
TTGL is a center of excellence for strike group training and hosts joint-based practice platforms that provide a “one stop gouge” for strike group staffs and individual units to use in preparation for and throughout pre-deployment training and deployed operations These best practices are based on observation, feedback,
and lessons learned garnered from strike groups the Navy Lessons Learned database liaison with forward deployed fleet staffs,andinputsfromthroughoutthefleet trainingdomain,CSG4andCSG15,tactical traininggroups,andexpeditionarywarfare training groups CSG 4 is a team that consists of experienced Sailors, Marines, government civilians and reservists, who mentor, train and assess U.S. 2nd Fleet combat forces to forward-deploy in support and defense of national interests CSG 4’s experts shape
the readiness of U.S. 2nd Fleet Carrier StrikeGroups(CSG) ExpeditionaryStrike Groups (ESG), Amphibious Readiness Groups (ARG) and independent deployingshipsthroughlive,at-seaandsynthetic training, as well as academic instruction. Along with its subordinate commands, TTGL and Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Atlantic (EWTGL), CSG 4 prepares every Atlantic-based CSG, ARG and independent deployer for sustained forward-deployedhigh-tempooperations
RearAdm.Jeffrey“Caesar”Czerewko commander CarrierStrike Group (CSG) 4,provideswelcoming remarks at awarfare commanders conference forCSG 2 leadership hosted byTacticalTraining GroupAtlantic.The two-weekconference comprised ofover200 participants and is structured to build relationships across a strike group aswell as collectivelydiscuss unit capabilities,command and control (C2),cross-warfare coordination and pre-planned responses.(PHOTOBYLT.CMDR DAWNSTANKUS) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023 3 OFFER VALID UNTIL 2/05/23 Free Install all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS &NOINTEREST (IFPAIDINFULL) GET YOUR NEW SHOWER AND PAYNOTHING FOR 12 MONTHS* OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet withone of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design yournew shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswill remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 16,000+ GOOGLEREVIEWS (Company reviews all branches of 11/29/2022) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Plan 2521. Subject to credit approval. Fixed rate of 21.19% APR (Interest rate of 24.99%). 12 month promotional period ("Promo Period") during which interest is billed but will be waived if the amount financed is paid in full before Promo Period expires. Monthly payments are not required during the Promo Period. Any unpaid balance and amounts owed after Promo Period will be paid over 84 monthly payments. For example, assuming the full credit limit is used on loan approval date and no payments are made during Promo Period, for every $1,000 financed at afixed interest rate of 24.99%, 12 monthly payments of $0 followed by 84 monthly payments of $28.29. This example is an estimate only.Actual payment amounts based on amount and timing of purchases. Call 866-936-0602 for financing costs and terms. Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is aregistered trademark of GreenSky LLC, asubsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See rep for details. **Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 02/05/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
Volunteers recycle trees for dune restoration
ByMichelleStewart JEBLCFS Public Affairs Officer
Volunteers from different tenant commands on Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story (JEBLCFS) came together from Jan. 10 11 for the annual Christmas tree recycling event. The trees are used to help restore installation sand dunes.
Thedunesareanessentialnaturalcoastline feature that provides a solid and valuable barrier against coastal erosion. They protect the coast against high waves and stormsandadaptnaturallytothewindand water in a way that disperses energy and protects the coastline
Theinstallation’sNaturalResourcesstaff monitors the ecological integrity of the dunes regularly Unhealthy dunes, resulting from human activity or storm surges are identified for restoration work.
“Trees are placed along the shorelines behindsandfencingwheretheneedleswill collect sand and rebuild the dune system,” said Mary Edmonson, Natural Resources manager “The overall goal of this resto-
USS New Hampshire from Page 1
Christman also took time to share his appreciation for the boat’s crew and their lastinglegacyonNewHampshire.
“On New Hampshire, I have been fortunate enough to serve with the best our Nationhasoffer,”saidChristman. Theyare the real story of New Hampshire’s success Long from now, we will forget the missions New Hampshire has accomplished and the
Crane operators
from Page 1
executing the life; crane riggers who safely rigging loads calculate weight of loads and safely move loads; and a crane walker who ensuresthecranehasasafetravelpath, said CraneOperatorLeaderJosephAmbrose “It takesthewholeteamtoensureanygivenlift isdonesafelyandaccurately.”
Operator James Ruffin added,
ration activity is to create a more extensive and stabilized dune system. Efforts to protect and stabilize the primary dune system have produced visible improvements over the years with evidence of buildup in certain areas.”
Used trees are donated by community membersandlocalChristmastreeretailers. Many of the trees were recycled from the Holiday Tree Giveaway Program.
“This is my third time assisting with the tree recycling program,” said Carpenter’s Mate 3rd Class Trenton Ferguson Explosive Ordnance Disposal Expeditionary Support Unit Two. “It is a great outreach initiative on base, and we want to show a Navy presence on Fort Story We are one team, and we want to help out.”
Approximately 1,174 trees were placed along the JEBLCFS shoreline
“TheJEBLCFSEnvironmentalDivision would like to extend our gratitude to all of thevolunteersintheJEBLCFScommunity who gave their time to ensure that these trees live on with a special purpose and continue to support the military community, said Edmonson.
repairs made, but we will never forget the boat’struelegacyandwhatIammostproud of, the Sailors of USS New Hampshire. In that crew are future commanding officers, chiefs of the boat, master chiefs and admirals In the end, these words will never do justice to the depths of my appreciation for all who have helped me during my tour of command.
After assuming command, Jappert addressed the crew for the first time as commandingofficer
“To the officers and crew of New Hamp-
“crane operators are the first ones on the site We perform checks to ensure all safety measures and pre-operations procedures are performed properly, so when the other members of the team arrives, we are ready tostarttheday.”
Although riggers guide the crane operatorduringalift,itisuptothecraneoperator to fine tune the directions “We see things that the riggers might not be able to see,” saidAmbrose “Withwindbeingourbiggest enemy and the water causing the boat to
shift ever so slightly, trying to lower somethingintoatightspaceisachallengingtask. Weneedtobepatient,takeourtime,anduse our hand-eye coordination to complete the evolutioninasafelymanner.”
Ruffin, Ambrose and Jimison all agreed thatthepiergangisacloseknitfamily.“We have to be, said Ruffin. “We need to trust eachothertodoourpartduringaliftevolution.Ifonepersondoesn’tdotheirpartthat weakens the entire team and there is no roomforerrorinlifts.”
The Virginia-class submarine is 377 feet long and 34 feet wide, and weighs about 7,900tonswhensubmerged.Underwater,it canreachspeedsinexcessof25knots
The comaraderie isn’t the only reason NNSY’s crane operators enjoy their job For Jimison it’s something more. “I served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years Working here at the shipyard gives me the opportunity to stillsupporttheNavy’smission Iamproud thatIservedourcountrywearingauniform andevenproudersupportingthosewhostill wear the uniform. It doesn’t get any better thanthis.”
ABOVE: Volunteers from base units helped haul 1,174 trees that were placed along theJoint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story shoreline to enhance beach dunes. BELOW: Carpenter’s Mate 3rd Class Trenton Ferguson, assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Expeditionary Support Unit Two, hauls trees during the 2023 Annual Christmas tree Recycling eventJan. 11.
shire, I have personally observed your performancedeployed,andIamhumbledto join such an incredible team,” said Jappert “Youshouldallbeproudofyouraccomplishments,andIamexcitedtoseeyoucontinue to improve and excel As you depart for a well-deservedstanddown,pleasebesafeand enjoyyourtimewithfriendsandfamilies.
submarines are multi-mission platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities - sea control,powerprojection,forwardpresence, maritime security, and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, specialoperations,intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and minewarfare.Fast-attacksubmarinesproject power ashore with special operations forcesandTomahawkcruisemissilesinthe preventionorpreparationofregionalcrises.
4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023
Pax River prepares for Citadel
Curtain 2023
Naval Air Station Patuxent River
Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain (CSSC), the Navy’s annual anti-terrorism, force protection (ATFP) exercise, will be underway Navywide and at NAS Patuxent River Feb.6-17,2023
Conducted by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command and Commander, Navy InstallationsCommand(CNIC),CSSCuses
realistic drills and scenarios to enhance the readiness of Navy security forces and ensure seamless interoperability among the commands, other services, and agency partners
“The exercise which plays out over a two-week period, tests our Emergency Training Plan and pre-planned responses (PPR),andit’sacontinuationoftrainingfor our security forces,” explained Matt Nalley, Pax River’s installation training officer “It allows us to evaluate whether we have the correct procedures in place in the event of an emergency situation; and any drills involving an integrated response will show howwelldepartmentssuchassecurity fire, emergency management and public works communicateandworkwitheachother.”
Week one’s Citadel Shield focuses on installation-level training, and all scenarios will occur entirely within the Pax River fence line. In the past, those scenarios have included active shooter, hostage situation, gate runner, unmanned aerial surveillance, massshooting protestersatthegate suspicious package, and release of a biological weapon,amongothers
In addition to hearing sirens or seeing emergency vehicles on the road responding to drills in progress, Pax personnel can expect to receive advance emergency response notifications multiple times over a number of days and might, at times, be inconvenienced
“We do our best to minimize disruption, butpersonnelmightexperiencegatedelays or temporary changes in traffic or parking patternsasthedifferentscenariosplayout, Nalleynoted.
The Solid Curtain portion, occurring during the second week, is a national-level exercisecenteredoncommand,control,and communicationsbetweenallechelonsNavy widewhereeverythingthathappensatone installation affects every other installation, evenifonlyinaminorway.
For instance, if leadership NORTHCOM,U.S.FleetForcesCommand,orCNIC seestrendsorincidentsgoingoninoneor more areas that they feel may also impact a
differentarea,theycanselectivelyputinstallations, regions or the entire NORTHCOM areaofresponsibilityintoaheightenedforce protectioncondition.
“Thatmightagainpromptfurtherdelays closures, and emergency notifications at Pax, Nalley said “We ask people for their patience and remind them that the ultimate purpose of these training exercises is to ensure the protection of those who work andliveonboardtheinstallation.”
NAS Patuxent River leadership is especially aware of base impacts after last year’s CS/SCexercise.
“While there were inconveniences, we learned some valuable lessons during last year’sexercise,particularlyabouttrafficflow offbaseinanemergency,”addedNalley “We
arecommittedtothephilosophyof‘trainlike youfight,’sowe’llbeexercisingthatscenario again with additional information regarding base evacuation zones to ease the flow oftrafficoffbase.
With any increase in FPCON, gates will closetoprotectthebaseandouroccupants IfPaxelevatestheFPCONduringtheworkday, the base intends to conduct an ordered departure,offeringtheworkforceanopportunity to evacuate in an orderly fashion. WhilePaxRivercanutilizea“trainingtime out” to pause the scenario locally for emergenciesandunforeseencircumstances-real world events will not afford that opportunity. Personnel on base during these exercises are asked to be prepared for major delaysasaprecaution.
“We want to be as upfront as possible to our mission partners and residents; anticipate the intersection of Taxiway Alpha and CedarPointroadwillbeclosedatsomepoint during the second week of the exercise theweekofFeb.13 asdrivenbyU.S.Fleet Forces’directiontoelevatetheForceProtection Condition to Charlie Telework during these days is highly encouraged to avoid major traffic issues,” said NAS Patuxent River Commanding Officer Capt Derrick Kingsley.
Personnel are also encouraged to check notifications posted on the NAS Facebook page at andTwitter@NASPaxRiverPAO
6,2019) –ASailorattached
Patuxent RiverSecurityDepartment’sAuxiliarySecurityForce monitors traffic through a gate closure during the Citadel Shield/Solid Curtain 2019 exercise.Conducted byCommander U.S.Fleet Forces Command and Commander NavyInstallations Command,the two-week,two-part exercise uses realistic drills and scenarios to enhance the readiness ofNavy securityforces and ensure seamless interoperabilityamong the tenant commands,fire and medical services and agencypartners.NAS Patuxent Riverwill take part in Citadel Shield/Solid Curtain 2020 Feb.3-14 2020.(PHOTOBYCHIEFPETTYOFFICERPATRICKGORDON) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023 5 Youcould missout, or youcould choose USAA. If youknow, youknow. If youdon’t, we do. Members switched andsaved an average of $725 per year.1 Potentialaverage annual savings, roundedtothe nearest$25 increment, based on countrywide survey of newcustomers who switched to United Services Automobile Association and self-reported savings from March 11,2019toMarch 18,2021. Individualsavings mayvary and isn'tguaranteed. Use of theterm “member”or“membership”refers to membership in USAA Membership Services and does notconveyany legal or ownership rightsinUSAA. Restrictions apply and aresubjecttochange. Automobileinsurance provided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA CasualtyInsuranceCompany, USAA General IndemnityCompany, Garrison Propertyand CasualtyInsuranceCompany, based in SanAntonio,Texas; USAA Limited (UK) and USAA S.A. (Europe), andisavailable only to persons eligible forP&C groupmembership. Eachcompanyhas sole financial responsibilityfor its ownproducts. No DepartmentofDefense or government agency endorsement. ©2022USAA. 280415-0922
to NAS
Teamwork makes OICC Florence work
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Officer in Charge of Construction Florence
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command’s Officer in Charge of Construction Florence (OICC Florence) completed a five bridge project for Marine Corps Air Station(MCAS)CherryPointonJan.18.
The bridges, built in the 1950’s, were damagedwhenHurricaneFlorenceravaged NorthCarolina causingsignificantdevastation to buildings and infrastructure across MCAS Cherry Point, Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune, and MCAS New River Each bridge in the $2.7 million project presented a unique logistical challenge requiringthoroughplanningtoensureminimal disruption to the Marines and Sailors workingatMCASCherryPointandatRange BT11onPineyIsland
Project coordination with MCAS Cherry PointRangeControlwasextensiveforthree ofthebridges,becauseofthewidevarietyof personnel,equipment,andaircraftusingthe areafortrainingevents Inaddition,muchof the project material had to be delivered to
the island on a barge and daily synchronization had to be made for transporting the crewstotheworksites
“They had regularly scheduled trips from the main land to the island, but then theyalsohadspecialtripstheyhadtomake for the folks to come back and forth,” said MatthewO’Brien,AIA,CSI,LEED,SupervisoryConstructionManager,ResidentOfficer InChargeofConstruction(ROICC),Cherry Point. “We couldn’t hog dock space so we hadtocoordinateallthat.”
O’Brien credits the personal relationships built by his Engineering Technicians, William Church and David Canupp, with Range Operations Center personnel for the smooth daily operations associated with refurbishingthebridges
On MCAS Cherry Point, Bridge 4341 providedagreatopportunityforvalueengineering due to the experience provided by thedesignerofrecord,FrankBurns,PE
“Therewasthishugetransitionpiecethat neededtobestripped,sandblasted,primed andpainted,”saidO’Brien “Thebetteridea was to pour the foundation and make a concreteramp Nocost,nochange.”
Thechangewasoneofonlythreerequired during the project with O’Brien acknowledging Burns efficiency from the very start ofthejob
“He did a very a good job designing the construction documents and writing the specifications,”addedO’Brien “Therewere veryfewissuesandveryfewRFI’s[requests forinformation].That’sthesignofatightset ofplans.”
The entire task had little overlap for the contractor,meaningwhenonebridgewould complete, the next one started, with the exception of Bridge 4062 which involved overnightwork.Crewsreducedtraffictoone lane in order to perform work in the travel lanesandontheguardrails,asitisoneofthe main thoroughfares on the base and everyonewantedtomaintainasmallerfootprint.
“Theteamdidagoodjobassessingsafety risks on the project; there were a couple activities that were high risk and required some extra attention, added LDCR David Dreyer, PE, ROICC Cherry Point , OICC Florence “The repairs made to the underside of Slocum Bridge (Bridge 4062) required the contractor to utilize a float-
ing barge on Slocum Creek to perform the work.”
Constant and consistent communication allowedallmemberstoidentifyanyrisksto theprojectthatcouldescalateintoanissue. O’Brien employed risk identification in the weekly quality control meeting where they discussed the three week look ahead. The teamalsohostedpartneringsessionswhere updates were provided to ROICC, Cherry Point thecontractorandMarineCorps,and riskstotheprojectcompletiontimelinewere discussed.
O’Brien believed the contractor and ROICC shared the vision and mission of thisproject.
The bridges are part of OICC Florence’s mission to provide engineering, construction, and acquisition services supporting the Marine Corps’ recovery from the storm and deployment of the Joint Strike Fighter, re-establishingthereadinessofexpeditionaryforcesforMarineCorpsInstallationEast andIIMarineExpeditionaryForce.
The$3.6billioninrepairsandrenovations the command is responsible for are scheduledforcompletionin2026
Bridge 4341 aboard Marine CorpsAirStation (MCAS) CherryPoint North Carolina receives one last lookoverbyNAVFAC employees onJan 18 2023.The 1950’s era bridgewas lifted offit’s moorings,sandblasted,repaired painted and inspected due to damage sustained during Hurricane Florence,aswell as general deterioration due to age.The concrete transition rampwas a last minute,no cost/no change modification allowing crews to decreaseworktime and finish the project early (COURTESYPHOTONAVALFACILITIESENGINEERINGSYSTEMSCOMMAND OFFICERIN CHARGEOFCONSTRUCTIONFLORENCE)
Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Officer In Charge Of Construction Florence
Facilities Engineering Systems Command’s Officer in Charge of Construction Florence Camp Lejeune, North Carolina awarded a $16,506,834 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contracttoRQ-WMJordanJVofCarlsbad, California. Under this contract, RQ-WM Jordan JV is relocating the logistics operations school atMarineCorpsBase(MCB)CampLejeune. The total cumulative value of the contract is $213,242,036 Work is expected to be completedbyNovember2025 The contract supports the larger Hurricane Florence Recovery Program, a nearly $4 billion critical infrastructure and repair project for Marine Corps Installations East. Fiscal year 2020 military construction (Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $16,506,834 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the currentfiscalyear NAVFAC awards contract modification for OICC Florence, MCB Camp Lejeune Bridge 4341 aboard Marine CorpsAirStation (MCAS) CherryPoint,North Carolina sits readyforthe phase ofit’s renovation on Dec.13,2022 The 1950’s era bridgewas lifted offit’s moorings, sandblasted,repaired painted and inspected due to damage sustained during Hurricane Florence,aswell as general deterioration due to age.Bridge 4341was completedJan.18 2023 (COURTESYPHOTONAVALFACILITIESENGINEERINGSYSTEMSCOMMAND,OFFICERINCHARGEOFCONSTRUCTIONFLORENCE) The best acquisition you’ll make all year. Call 757.446.9000 to subscribe 6 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023
Medal of Honor reciepient, Navy Rear Adm. Robert
Cary Jr., saved lives lives amidst an onboard explosion
ByKatieLange DOD News
Navy Rear Adm. Robert W. Cary Jr had a long military career that included both worldwars,buttheactionsthatearnedhim theMedalofHonorhappenedwhenhewas only a few months into life as a commissioned officer
CarywasbornonAug.18,1890,inKansas City, Missouri, to Robert and Lalla Cary AccordingtoaKansasCityTimesarticle,he wasadescendantofMeredithMilesMarmaduke thegovernorofMissouriin1844
After graduating from Kansas City’s Westport High School, Cary went to William Jewell College and the University ofMissouribeforeattendingtheU.S.Naval Academy,whichhegraduatedfromin1914. Aboutsevenmonthslater,hefoundhimself serving as an ensign on the USS San Diego
OnJan.21,1915 theSanDiegowasoffthe coastofLaPaz,Mexico,conductingafourhour full-speed endurance trial, when all hell broke loose
Toward the end of the trial, Cary was working in the ship’s boiler rooms with the job of taking steam pressure readings from every boiler every half-hour. He had just read the steam and air pressure on the No 2 boilers and had stepped through the electricwatertightdoorintotheNo 1boiler room when the No 2 boilers exploded.
Apparently one of the boiler tubes had becomeblocked,causinganexplosionthat led to a chain reaction.
As the emergency unfolded, the ship’s bridge started to electronically close the doorsbetweentherooms Carydidn’twant themenintheNo 2roomtobetrapped,so he forced the doors to remain open so they could escape even as the steam from the rupturedboilersswirledaroundhim.That quickthinkingsavedthelivesofthreemen
Cary’s cool demeanor also kept the men in the No 1 boiler room calm enough to remain at their posts, even though five nearbyboilershadexplodedandmorewere expected to explode at any time
Eventually, Cary was able to direct the men in the No 1 boiler room into a bunker for safety The entire incident killed five men and injured at least seven others according to the Naval History and Heri-
tage Command.
Cary was cool and collected during the ordeal and showed a lot of bravery during a dire situation. But it would be 19 years before he would earn the Medal of Honor for those actions
Cary continued his service in the Navy
DuringWorldWarI,heservedondestroyers and earned the Navy Cross for bravery when the potential for an explosion threatedanothership OnNov.7,1918,Cary was an executive officer on the USS Sampson when, during a heavy storm, a depth charge on the ship’s fantail broke loose something that could lead to an explosion. Cary and three enlisted men quickly went tothefantailandsecuredthedepthcharge to quell the danger, despite almost being washed overboard.
At some point early in his career, Cary married a woman named Jane Watt. After she died in 1931, he remarried a woman named Jane Christian. Between the two marriages Caryhadason,Robert,andfour daughters
AfterWorldWarI,Caryremainedinthe Navy, serving in many capacities at several duty stations It was during this period between wars that he finally received the Medal of Honor for the 1915 incident on the San Diego On May 23, 1934, then-Lt. Cmdr. Cary received the nation’s highest award for valor The ceremony was held at the Bremerton Navy Yard where Cary’s ship at the time, the USS Arizona, was in port. A fellow sailor from the San Diego, PettyOfficer2ndClassTelesforoTrinidad, also received the medal for his efforts in rescuing crew members that day.
Cary went on to serve in various European campaigns during World War II, includingasthecommandingofficerofthe USS Savannah during the U.S. invasion of Italy On Sept. 11, 1943, the ship was struck by a German glide bomb off the coast of Salerno.About200sailorswerelostduring theincident,buttheshipmanagedtomake it to Malta to be salvaged
According to an article in the Kansas CityTimes,CaryearnedtheBritishDistinguished Service Order from King George VI during World War II. He returned to the U.S. in 1944 to command Naval Station Treasure Island in San Francisco
By the time Cary retired from the Navy in1946,he’dreachedtherankofrearadmiral. As a civilian, he worked various jobs in industry and business He also owned and operatedafarminhishomestateforabout 10years accordingtotheLima,Ohio newspaper, The Lima Times
Cary died of a heart attack while in Toledo, Ohio, on July 15, 1967 At the time, hewasthechairmanoftheboardofTransWorldServiceInc.,Toledo’slargestfreight forwarder He was 76
Cary was buried in Arlington National Cemetery
NavyEnsign RobertWebsterCary Medal ofHonorrecipient (PHOTOBY:CONGRESSIONAL MEDALOFHONORSOCIETY)
The USS San Diegowas serving as flagship ofthe Pacific Fleetwhen itwas photographed onJan.28 1915.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, January 26 2023 7
The USS Savannah is hit bya German,radio-controlled bomb on Sept 11,1943,while supportingAllied forces during the invasion ofSalerno Italy The photograph shows the explosionventing through the top ofa gun turret and through the ship’s hull belowthewaterline.Amotortorpedo boat is passing byin the foreground.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
U.S. Navy remembers partnership during Tomodachi
director of force requirements, Commander, Naval Air Forces(CNAF),spoketoanaudienceofU.S. and Japanese military and civic leaders at the “Thank You from Fukushima” reception hosted by the Honorable Kenko Sone, Consul General of Japan at his official residenceinLosAngeles,Jan.17
TheeventservedtoexpressJapan’sgratitude for the support received from around the world following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that resulted in nearly 16,000 deaths. The reception also included remarks given by Sone, the Honorable Masao Uchibori, Governor of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, and retired U.S. Navy Capt. Thom Burke, a former commanding officer of Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS RonaldReagan(CVN76).
“We received tremendous support from
southern California, including assistance fromsouthernCaliforniarescueteamsfrom OperationTomodachiledbytheU.S.Forces stationedinJapan,anddonationsfromthousandsofCalifornians,”saidSone
At the time of the tsunami, the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group, consisting of Ronald Reagan, Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG62) ArleighBurke-classguided-missile destroyerUSSPreble(DDG88)andMilitary Sealift Command fast combat support ship USNS Bridge (T-AOE 10), was on a routine deployment in the Western Pacific Ocean The strike group arrived on the Japanese coastthenextday.
“Weknewweweregoingthereassoonas westartedseeingwhatwashappening,”said Burke.“Iturnedtheship.Wewentthere and wewereproudtodoit.
Officials from Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, extended their appreciation and
commemorated the partnership between theU.S.andJapanduringOperationTomodachi “We the people of Fukushima Prefecture have been able to move positively towards revitalization, no matter how hard it has been for us,” said Uchibori. “Remembering the gratitude to all of you, we have, and will continue to further advance and strive for revitalizationonestepatatime.”
Graham, executive officer of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 4 embarked onRonaldReaganduringOperationTomodachi,reflectedonherpersonalexperience duringtheoperationandtheopportunityto honorthepartnershipbetweentheU.S.and Japan apartnershipthathascontinuedto strengthenformorethan70years
“Our combined Reagan Strike Group operations with the Japanese Self Defense ForcesinsupportofthepeopleofJapanwill foreverbeahighlightofmy30yearsofNaval
Sri Lanka and U.S. Militaries commence
FromU.S.7thFleetandDesron7 PublicAffairs
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps began exercise CooperationAfloatReadinessandTraining(CARAT)/ MarineExercise(MAREX)SriLanka2023with the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) and Sri Lanka Air Force(SLAF)inColombo,Jan 19,2023.
CARAT/MAREX Sri Lanka is a joint, bilateral maritime exercise taking place ashore in Colombo and at the SLN bases in Trincomalee and Mullikullam. The sea phase will take place in the Laccadive Sea This year’s exercise includes participants fromtheJapanMaritimeSelf-DefenseForce and Maldives National Defence Force, and coincideswiththe75thanniversaryofdiplomaticrelationsandpartnershipbetweenthe UnitedStatesandSriLanka
The exercise commenced with an opening ceremony led by Deputy Chief of Staff / Director General Operations of SLN Rear Adm. Pradeep Rathnayake, and Capt. Sean Lewis, deputy commodore of Destroyer Squadron(DESRON)7.
“CARAT/MAREX Sri Lanka is designed to exchange ideas as well as tactics,” said Lewis “We will practice interoperability and strengthen our interpersonal relationships bothatseaandinport.
Sri Lanka Navy offshore patrol vessels SLNS Gajabahu (P 626) and SLNS Vijayabahu(P627)willmeettheSanAntonio-class amphibious transport dock USS Anchorage (LPD 23), with embarked 13th Marine ExpeditionaryUnit(MEU),atsea Training will focus on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief as well as air defense small boat operations and replenishment-at-sea approaches.
“Ibelieveeacheventperfectlyreflectsthe excellent collaboration between our forces andemphasizesourpartnershipinpromotingregionalsecurity,combiningknowledge, skill and understanding of goals, cultures andideals,”saidRathnayake
The shore phase trainings will consist of classroomsubjectmatterexpertexchanges (SMEE),practicaleducation,andaWomen, Peace and Security roundtable hosted by U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka Julie Chung Highlights will include a series of public performances and exchanges between
bothcountry’snavybands,asportsday,and a series of community service activities, as well as SMEEs on issues like diving and underwater construction, medicalsupport, andmaritimedomainawareness
“For seventy-five years, Sri Lanka and the United States have worked together to preserve an international community in which diverse sovereign states can unite to work with each other while maintaining their own respective identities,” said Rear Adm. Derek Trinque, commander, Task Force (CTF) 76⁄3 “CARAT/MAREX Sri
service, said Graham. “The teamwork and selfless actions of our Sailors in the face of both natural and nuclear disasters, with so muchuncertainty,epitomizedwhatitmeans toserveandmakeadifferenceintheworld. ThoseeffortsweremirroredbyourJapanese partnersandtheverypeoplewewerethere to support. Operation Tomodachi was an incredible example of the resilience of the human spirit and the true meaning of partnership anditwasanhonortorepresentthe contributionsofthemenandwomenofthe U.S.NavytothepeopleofFukushimaandthe greaterglobalcommunity.”
Operation Tomodachi was a U.S. Armed Forces humanitarian assistance operation involving 24 ships, 140 aircraft and more than 15,000 Sailors and Marines, supportingJapanin disasterreliefefforts following the2011Tohokuearthquakeandtsunami
Lanka will help us move in unison toward achieving our shared goals of safety and prosperity.”
Additional participating U.S. assets include a P-8A Poseidon and personnel fromU.S.7thFleet,Commander,TaskForce (CTF) 72 CTF 73 CTF 76⁄3 DESRON 7, and AmphibiousSquadron7.
CARAT/MAREX Sri Lanka is a bilateral exercise between Sri Lanka and the United Statesdesignedtopromoteregionalsecurity cooperation,maintainandstrengthenmaritime partnerships, and enhance maritime
In its 28th year, the CARAT series is comprised of multinational exercises, designedtoenhanceU.S.andpartnernavies’ abilities to operate together in response to traditional and non-traditional maritime security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.
7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion
Exercise CooperationAfloat Readiness andTraining (CARAT)/Marine Exercise (MAREX) Sri Lanka 2023with
Sri LankaAirForce (SLAF) in Colombo
the Sri Lanka Navy(SLN) and
LOSANGELES (Jan.17 2023) Capt.Tamara Graham,directorofforce requirements,Commander NavalAirForces speaks to attendess during a reception commemorating the partnership between the U.S.andJapan during OperationTomodachi at the residence ofthe Consul General ofJapan,Jan.17 OperationTomodachiwas a U.S.Armed Forces humanitarian assistance operation involving 24 ships,140 aircraft and more than 15,000 Sailors and Marines,supportingJapan in disasterrelieffollowing the 2011Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY
Capt. Tamara Graham,
Beach Group One completes integrated amphibious training exercise
PageB3 www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023 1
NBG 1 simulated beach traffic control and distribution ofship-to-shore logistics including personnel,supplies,and equipment
Defense leaders pledge new Ukraine support
ByJimGaramone DOD News
This is a crucial and tumultuous time for Ukraine,butwesternleadersaredemonstrating they will stand by Ukraine as it faces the challengefromRussia.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaff,todaypraised the result of the eighth meeting of Ukraine DefenseContactGroup,sayingthemorethan 50nationsinvolvedarestandingstrongalongsideUkraine
At the conclusion of the meeting at RamsteinAirBase,Germany,Austinsaidthe contactgroupmembersdeepenedtheircoordinationandcommitmenttoUkraine andthe nations are working together very smoothly to deliver to Ukraine the equipment it needs to defend its citizens and expel Russia from Ukraine’sborders
“This contact group will not slow down,” Austin said. “We’re going to continue to dig deep Andbasedupontheprogressthatwe’ve madetoday I’mconfidentthatUkraine’spartnersfromaroundtheglobearedeterminedto meetthismoment.”
Austin is chairman of the contact group, which first met at Ramstein in April 2022. The secretary was able to share the most recent tranche of equipment President Joe Biden authorized to send to Ukraine This amountstoaround$2.5billionworthofgear, including Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Strykerarmoredpersonnelcarriers mine-resistantambush-protectedvehicles Humvees andmore
Maintaining the impetus to defeat the Russian invasion of Ukraine requires munitionsandsupplies.IncludedintheU.S.package are 20,000 rounds of 155 mm artillery shellsand600precision-guided155mmartilleryrounds.
Thepresidentialdrawdownauthorityalso transfers 95,000 105 mm artillery rounds and about 11,800 120 mm mortar rounds to
Ukraine The package also will deliver more ammunitionforhighmobilityartilleryrocket systemsand12ammunitionsupportvehicles
The Ukrainian military will also receive more than 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition.
The United States will transfer a number of high-speed, anti-radiation missiles to Ukraine Thesemissilesaredesignedtohome inonantiaircraftradars
The contact group focused on Ukraine’s need for air defense Many nations have providedmilitarycapabilitiesinthisarea.The groupworksto“synchronizethosedonations andturnthemintofullyoperationalcapabilities,”Austinsaid.“Andthatmeanseverystep —from donation to training to maintenance andthentosustainment.”
How these capabilities work together in an integrated air defense system was also discussed.
“Severalcountrieshavecomeforwardwith key donations that will help protect Ukraine skies and cities and citizens,” the secretary said.“France,Germanyandthe[UnitedKingdom] have all donated air defense systems to Ukraine And that also includes a Patriot battery from Germany that’s especially importantcomingalongsideourowncontributionofaPatriotsystem TheNetherlandsis also donating Patriot missiles and launchers andtraining.”
In addition, Canada has procured a National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile SystemandassociatedmunitionsforUkraine “These air defense systems will help save countlessinnocentlives, Austinsaid.
ThecontactgroupalsodiscussedUkraine’s requirements for tanks and other armored vehicles Austin noted the United Kingdom is sending Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine the first Western nation to do so Sweden announced it is donating CB-90 infantry fightingvehicles,andDenmarkwill donate19howitzers
Latvia a frontline state is donating more Stingers helicopters and other equip-
Finally, Estonia, also a frontline state, is providing Ukraine with a significant new package of much needed 155 mm howitzers andmunitions
“Now, all of today’s announcements are direct results of our work at the contact group,” Austin said. “And these important new commitments demonstrate the ongoing resolve of our allies and partners to help Ukraine defend itself because this isn’t just aboutUkraine’ssecurity;it’salsoaboutEuropeansecurity,andit’saboutglobalsecurity.”
Milley said he was impressed by the unity of NATO members and the contact group. “I think that, over my 43 years in uniform, this is the most unified I’ve ever seen NATO,” he said
He noted that the war has evolved over the last 11 months. “Still, the mission of this contactgroupunderSecretaryAustin’sleadership has remained the same: We are effectively committed to support Ukraine with capabilitiestodefenditselfagainstillegaland unprovoked Russian aggression,” the chairmansaid
MilleysaidtheUnitedStatesisinthisoperation for the long haul. The contact group is a “clear, unambiguous demonstration of the unityandresolvewiththealliednations,”he said.
Milley also said the recent security assistance package combined with earlier ones includes combined arms maneuver capabilities with supporting artillery that is equivalenttoatleasttwocombinedarmsmaneuver brigades, or six mechanized infantry battalions.
“Eventually, Russia will realize the full extent of their strategic miscalculation, but untilPutinputsanendtothiswar hiswarof choice thenationsofthiscontactgroupwill continue to support the defense of Ukraine inordertoupholdrules-based,international order,”hesaid.
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“We are excited to bring air shows back to Point Mugu,” said Robert “Barr” Kimnach III,commandingofficer,NBVC “Thisfamily friendlyeventwillofferahistoricandunique opportunitytoshowcasetwoofourmilitary’s top demonstration teams together, the Navy Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds But, as a MH-60R Seahawk operator, I’m excited to see the Red Bull Helicopter performance.”
AaronFitzgeraldisanAmericanaerobatic pilot and member of The Flying Bulls from Wenatchee, Washington. He has built his career primarily focusing on film and television productions and has worked on countlessmoviesandshows Hehasbeenrecruited asaerialcoordinatorforseveralworld-record aviation projects and incorporates other means of flying like utility flying, offshore support and flight test programs for NASA and Lockheed/Martin. He also flies UH-60
Naval Base Ventura County
POINTMUGU(NNS) TheBO105CRed Bull Helicopter piloted by Aaron Fitzgerald willreturntothe2023PointMuguAirShow March 18-19, at Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC),PointMugu
AaronFitzgerald NorthAmericanT-6Texanpilotedby JohnCollver StearmanORP51pilotedbyVicki Benzing SubsonexMinijetPT-17pilotedbyTom Larkin USMCPBJ(WWIIBomber) MitsubishiA6MZero(JapaneseFighter) U.S.AirForceThunderbirds,F-16C FightingFalcons U.S.NavyBlueAngels,F/A-18Eand F/A-18FSuperHornet ThePointMuguAirShow,VenturaCounty’slargestpublicevent,isopentothepublic, andoffering2-showdates,March18,19,2023 Gates open at 8 a.m. daily Parking, admission, and blanket seating are free Upgraded preferredseatingoptionswillbeavailable NBVCisastrategicallylocatedNavyinstallationcomposedofthreeoperatingfacilities: Point Mugu, Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island. NBVC is the home of the Pacific Seabees West Coast E-2D Hawkeyes 3 warfarecentersand80tenants To learn more about the air show which will attract over 100-thousand people, visit: Point Mugu Air Show is ready for the Red Bull helicopter POINTMUGU Calif.(Jan.19 2023) -The BO 105C Red Bull Helicopterpiloted byAaron Fitzgeraldwill return to the 2023 Point MuguAirShowMarch 18-19 at Naval BaseVentura County(NBVC),Point Mugu.NBVC is a strategicallylocated Naval installation composed ofthree operating facilities: Point Mugu,Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island.NBVC is the home ofthe Pacific Seabees West Coast E-2D Hawkeyes,3warfare centers and 80 tenants.(PHOTOBYENSIGNDREWVERBI) Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is
only available
limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing
CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor
on firefighting
Forest Service battling forest fires in the WesternUnitedStates. Performers of the 2023 Point Mugu Air Showwillinclude:
what was formerly
is still widely
government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated
MID-ATLANTIC FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTERS (FFSC) PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ARE DESIGNED TO HELP YOU MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MILITARY EXPERIENCE, AND THEY’RE ALL AVAILABLE TO YOU AT NO COST FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support AirForce SeniorAirmanAaron Howell,a ramp operation specialistwith the 436thAerial Port Squadron,prepares to load cargo forUkraine during a securityassistance mission at DoverAirForce Base,Del.,Jan.13,2023.The Department ofDefense is providing Ukrainewith critical capabilities to defend against Russian aggression.(U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTOBYAIRMAN1STCLASSAMANDAJETT) 2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023
Naval Beach Group One completes integrated amphibious training exercise
ByEnsignValentineMulango Expeditionary Strike Group Three
CORONADO, California Naval Beach Group(NBG)1completedafour-dayintensive integrated amphibious training exerciseJan.20,rehearsingitsabilitytorespond toreal-worldship-to-shorelogisticaltransportation missions.
During the exercise dubbed Operation Paper Route a task-tailored force from NBG 1 subordinate units deployed to the Silver Strand Training Complex in Coronado, California, to simulate beach traffic control and distribution of ship-to-shore logisticsincludingpersonnel,supplies,and equipment.
“This exercise afforded Beach Group One the opportunity to train the team for upcoming operations in the 7th Fleet area of responsibility by demonstrating over-the-shore capabilities,” said NBG-1 commander, Capt. Joel Stewart. “In so doing, we are employing legacy systems in new missions to meet requirements for supporting the Marine Corps who is our primary customer.”
Headquartered at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, NBG 1 provides personnel tosupportandoperatetheImprovedNavy Lighterage System (INLS), landing craft, air cushion (LCAC), landing craft, utility (LCU), buoyant ship-to-shore bulk fuel systems, beach traffic control, and beach
salvage equipment.
Participating NBG 1 subordinate units includedAmphibiousConstructionBattalion 1, Assault Craft Unit 1, Assault Craft Unit5andBeachmasterUnit1.Theseunits areassignedtoExpeditionaryStrikeGroup (ESG) 3, which comprises four amphibious squadrons, 15 amphibious warships, and eight naval support elements including approximately 18,000 active-duty and reserve Sailors and Marines As the deputy commander for amphibious and littoral warfare, U.S. 3rd Fleet, the ESG 3 commander also oversees Mine CountermeasuresGroup3andthe14littoralcombat ships and two subordinate divisions under Littoral Combat Ship Squadron 1. ESG 3
is postured in support of U.S. 3rd Fleet as a globally responsive and scalable naval command element, capable of generating, deploying, and employing naval forces and formations for crisis and contingency response, forward presence, and major combat operations focusing on amphibious operations, humanitarian and disaster relief and support to defense civil authorities and expeditionary logistics
For more information about NBG-1, visit: Naval-Beach-Group-COMNAVBEACHGRU-1/About-Us/
SAN DIEGO (Jan.18 2023) Sailors aboardAmphibious Construction Battalion 1’s Improved NavyLighterage System causewayferryprepare to land on a beach during an amphibious landing exercise,Jan.18,2023 The exercise afforded NBG 1 subordinate commands the opportunityto train forupcoming operations in the U.S.7th Fleet area ofresponsibilitybydemonstrating over-theshore capabilities to meet requirements in support ofNavy-Marine Corps missions.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSLILYGEBAUER) LEFT: SAN DIEGO (Jan.17, 2023)ASailorassigned to Amphibious Construction Battalion 1 conducts checks on a M240B machine gun during an anti-terrorism training scenario in support ofan amphibious landing exercise,Jan.17,2023. (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 2NDCLASSLILYGEBAUER) BELOW: SAN DIEGO (Jan. 17 2023) Sailors assigned to Naval Beach Group 1 conduct a radio checkduring an antiterrorism training scenario in support ofan amphibious landing exercise,Jan.17,2023 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 3RDCLASSSEBASTIAN PORTIELESLOPEZ) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023 3
USNS Earl Warren christened as MSC’s newest ship
BySarahConnon Military Sealift Command Pacific
Fleet replenishment oiler USNS Earl Warren (T-AO 207), the Military Sealift Command’s newest ship, was christened duringaceremonyattheGeneralDynamics NASSCOshipyardinSanDiego,Calif.,today
The event was attended by the family of the ship’s namesake as well as Rep. Eric Swalwell, California’s 14th District; Rep. SaraJacobs California’s51stDistrict;Carlos Del Toro Secretary of the Navy; Vice Adm. Roy Kitchener, Commander, Naval Surface Forces and Commander, Naval Surface Force, U. S. Pacific Fleet; Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall, Jr., Judge Advocate General of the Navy; Rear Adm. Michael Wettlaufer, Commander, Military Sealift Command; Rear Adm. Thomas J. Anderson, Program Executive Officer Ships; Rear Adm. Larry D.Watkins DeputyCommander,U.S.Third Fleet;Brig Gen JasonL.Morris Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, SanDiegoandCommandingGeneral,West-
ern Recruiting Region; Rear Adm. Bradley Rosen, Commander Navy Region Southwest; as well as executives and employees ofNASSCOSanDiego
The ship honors Earl Warren, an American attorney, politician, and jurist who served as the 14th Chief Justice of the United States from 1953 to 1969 Warren writing the majority opinions in landmark civil rights cases such as Brown v. Board of Education, Reynolds v. Sims , Miranda v. Arizona and Loving v. Virginia. Warren also led the Warren Commission a presidential commission that investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy In addition, Warren also served asGovernorofCaliforniafrom1943to1953, andisthelastchiefjusticetohaveservedin an elected office before nomination to the SupremeCourt.Warrenisconsideredtobe one of the most influential Supreme Court justices and political leaders in the history of the United States
“How fitting that this ship, named for Chief Justice Earl Warren, is built here
in California, the state of his birth and service as a three-time governor; and in this city where his legacy lives on in UC SanDiego’sEarlWarrenCollege dedicated to the importance of critical thinking and problem solving while cultivating ethnically responsible citizen scholars,” said Wettlaufer
The 746 foot Warren is the first of the new John Lewis-class previously known as the TAO(X). This class of oilers has the abilitytocarry162,000barrelsofdieselship fuel aviationfuelanddrystorescargo The upgraded oiler is built with double hulls to protect against oil spills and strengthened cargo and ballast tanks, and will be equipped with a basic self-defense capability, including crew served weapons, degaussing, and Nixie Torpedo decoys, and has space, weight, and power reservations for Close In Weapon Systems such as SeaRAMs, and an Anti-Torpedo Torpedo Defense System. The Lewis-class of oilers will replace the current Kaiser Class fleet replenishment oilers and they age out of
the MSC fleet.
“Very soon, USNS Earl Warren will be added the MSC fleet. Like her namesake, our nation is fortunate to have Americans stepforwardfromallwalksoflifetoserve, said Wettlaufer “Her Civil Service Mariner crew will operate this ship with the same skill, resolve, and courage displayed by Chief Justice Warren.”
“Maythisshipcarryoninthespiritofits namesake,” said Toro “May justice always prevail.”
FourmoreLewis-classoilersareonorder for the Navy In July 2016, US Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus that he would name the Lewis-class oilers after prominent civil rights activists and leaders including Harvey Milk, Earl Warren, Sojourner Truth, Lucy Stone and Robert F. Kennedy.
“It is an honor and a pleasure captain this great ship with these capabilities and to serve with of this great crew,” said Capt. Daniel Glazier,” Warren’s civil service master “Thisistrulyoneofthehighpoints of my career.”
The Honorable Carlos DelToro
SEALIFTCOMMANDPACIFIC) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023
Secretaryofthe Navy(left) and RearAdm.MichaelWettlaufer Commander MilitarySealift Command (center) renderhonors during the NationalAnthem,at the christening ceremonyofMSC’s newest fleet replenishment oilerUSNS EarlWarren (T-AO 207),at the NASSCO General Dynamics Shipyard in San Diego.(PHOTOBYSARAHCONNON,MILITARY
U.S. 5th Fleet kicks off Central Partnership Station in Kenya
MOMBASA, Kenya Personnel from U.S. 5th Fleet launched a five-day relationship-building mission with the Kenya Navy,Jan.23,duringanopeningceremony in Mombasa, Kenya.
The mission, called Central Partnership Station (CPS), is designed to strengthen regional relationships and collaboration between the U.S. Navy and Kenya Navy
through professional exchanges and community engagement events
“This mission presents a tremendous opportunity for U.S. 5th Fleet and our Kenyan partners to deepen our relationship, which is already established through the Combined Maritime Forces,” said Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, commander of NAVCENT, U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined MaritimeForces,amultinationalmaritime partnership headquartered in the Middle East. “Working together and building
shared understanding supports regional maritime security and stability.”
The mission will include 50 U.S. military personnel engaging Kenyan and other international counterparts during subject-matter-experts exchanges on dive operations,smallboatrepair,masscasualty response,publichealthandtacticalcombat casualty care. U.S. Navy Seabees will also supportcommunityconstructionprojects
U.S. 5th Fleet conducted its first-ever CPS mission in 2021 when U.S. personnel
held a series of professional exchanges with the Lebanese Armed Forces on mine countermeasures,disasterresponse public health and construction capabilities
NAVCENTisheadquarteredinManama, Bahrainandincludesmaritimeforcesoperating in the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal and Bab al-Mandeb
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet
MOMBASA,Kenya (Jan.23,2022)ViceAdm.Brad Cooper commanderofU.S.Naval Forces Central Command,U.S.5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces speaks at the opening ceremonyof
and communityengagement
www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023 5
Central Partnership Station (CPS) in Mombasa,Kenya,Jan.23.CPS is designed to strengthen regional relationships and collaboration between the U.S.Navyand Kenya Navythrough professional
Traffic up here is thick
ByPettyOfficer2ndClass SamanthaJetzer Pacific Missile Range Facility
When you think of an albatross you may remembertheold1977Disneyanimatedfilm “The Rescuers which depicted two mice, Bernard and Miss Bianca, that worked for the Rescue Aid Society whose mission is to savethoseinneed. In order to reach Devil’s Bayou, Louisiana, from New York City to save an orphan girl from kidnapping, the rescuers received a flight from an overzealous albatross pilot Orville While Orville was a pilot in the movie meshing albatross with aircraft in real life is a major hazard. Even for Orville himself, he ran into some trouble trying to land while he communicated with the control tower at the airport saying,“Look,bud AmIcleartoland?Trafficuphereisthickerthan-Wow!Dab-blast, youdirtyroad-hog!”
This hazard between birds and aircraft is one that the Navy is trying to prevent through the Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) program. Navy bases around the world are located in areas where wildlife hazards present significant risks for air and ground strikes Such strikes can result in potential loss of life for flight crews or ground personnel, costly aircraft damage, and degradation of mission capability for Navyinstallationsandtheircustomers This program identifies aviation safety hazards andeffectivelymitigatestheassociatedrisks.
Here in the Hawaiian Islands, Laysan Albatross (known in Hawaiian as mōlī) are themostcommonspeciesofalbatross With a wing span of just over six feet and weighinguptoninepounds,itisveryobviouswhy these birds can become both a danger to aircraftandthemselvesiftheygettooclose.
TheenvironmentalteamatPacificMissile Range Facility (PMRF), Barking Sands, works with the BASH initiative in order to conducttheannualLaysanAlbatrossTranslocation Program. This program conducts searches for albatross eggs on the airfield andotherhazardousareasofthetestingand training facility in order to find them safer homesonotherpartsoftheislandsofKaua`i or O`ahu. This year PMRF worked with many institutions including Pacific Rim Conservation(PRC),KilaueaPointNational WildlifeRefuge(KPNWR),U.S.Department of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Services, as wellasprivatepropertiesonthenorthshore of the island. PMRF has been participating inthistranslocationprojectsince2005,with thesitesvaryingeachyear
“The long-term egg translocation program is a success for partnerships at PMRF,” said Brooke McFarland, PMRF’s NaturalResourcesManager “Althoughone of the main goals of the project is to reduce the number of albatross nesting at PMRF, this project also demonstrates the Navy’s commitmenttoworkingwithcommunities topreservetheuniqueecosystemofKaua`i.”
Historically theMānāPlain,wherePMRF islocated wasawetlandusedbyavarietyof birdspecies includingalbatross Theyprefer theopenwindsweptlocationasitisaneasy place to land and take off They also tend to return to where they were born to nest due totheirextremelyacutesenseofdirection.
Egg collecting is one way to reduce the number of birds at PMRF without reducingtheoverallpopulation Albatrosstendto be site specific when finding places to nest. However, they aren’t particularly attached toaneggthattheylay.Theparentswillraise whateverchickcomesoutoftheeggaslong asitishatchedintheirnest.
“It is important for PMRF to move albatross when they are still eggs in order for thechickstoimprintonotherlocationsand not return to PMRF,” stated McFarland. “It will take some time since they live so long but eventually the population here will decrease.”
Albatross can often live to over 70 years old and will mate for life They reproduce about one egg a year from around the time theyaresevenyearsold.Forthisreason,the translocation of eggs will continue to be a long term project that needs careful attentioneveryyear
“Their population is naturally very slow to respond to change,” remarked McFarland. “In the meantime, PMRF uses other measures such as capturing and moving adults away from the airfield to reduce the risktoaircraft.”
The process begins with the collection ofeggs SailorsandotherPMRFemployees gather to conduct the albatross egg sweeps throughoutthebreedingseason Thevolunteers split into multiple groups and search throughvegetativeareasonPMRF’straining range in search of albatross and their nests This year, 67 eggs were found on the installationasaresultofexecutingthesesweeps.
Aftertheeggsarecollected,theyaretaken tobeincubateduntilthe“swapday” Incubators maintain a consistent temperature and humidity just right for the eggs to continue developing This year PCR came to PMRF totestwhichoftheeggsareviable,meaning verifying if the egg is fertilized and developing an embryo, or if they are considered a dead egg They do this through a process calledcandling “Eggs are ‘candled’ with a bright light to see through the shell and see if the embryo is alive,” McFarland explains. “You can see clear blood vessels and some movement in liveembryos anddeadorinfertileeggslook emptyorblurry Sometimes especiallywhen the egg is newly laid, it can be very difficult to tell if it is viable This is why we have an expertmakethefinaldetermination.”
The viable eggs will be collected and passed off to organizations like PRC and KPNWR to bring to the north shore of Kaua`i This year, 27 eggs from PMRF were considered viable. Once at the north shore these scientists conduct the same candling technique to determine which eggs on the north side are viable The ones that are determined as not viable are switched with the eggs from PMRF, thus allowing a north shorealbatrossparenttoraisethechick.
“Translocated eggs and chicks are monitored until they fledge,” continued McFarland. “Over the course of the program, over 700 viable albatross eggs have been moved from PMRF to the north shore of Kaua`i or O`ahu. While not all of those would have fledged, the result is potentially hundreds of albatross returning as adults to other high-island colonies rather than PMRF, whichisawinforthespeciesandforPMRF.”
Eggs that are determined to be not viable are not discarded or destroyed. They are actually sent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology as well as the Seabird Tissue Archival and Monitoring Project in order to retain infertile eggs as partofanefforttostudyenvironmentalqualityovertimeandregions Forexample,some of the eggs are sampled for contaminants andothersmaintainedaspartofalong-term collectionforresearchpurposes.
“We appreciate the Navy’s commitment to this project,” commented Dr Eric VanderWerf director of science and founder of PRC. “It was a pleasure to work with the environmental team. Everything went smoothly We have been doing this projectforanumberofyearsandeverybody knows how things work.”
Translocating the eggs offers them a betterchanceofsurvival,buttherearestill dangersfromotherenvironmentalfactors, such as predators trying to eat the eggs longlinefishingandplasticpollution.Even larger issues are facing the population due to climate change If nesting on low lying island areas, they become vulnerable to storm surges and sea-level rise, which are only becoming more unpredictable due to climate change
“ThisprojecthelpstoincreasetheLaysan Albatross population on Kaua`i by producing additional offspring,” said VanderWerf “The species is threatened by sea level risebecausemostofitsnestingareasinthe Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are just a few feet above sea level. The nesting areas on Kaua`i are higher in elevation and will be safe from sea level rise.”
TranslocatingtheeggsfromPMRFtothe north shore of Kaua`i or O`ahu allows for thehigh-islandpopulationtopersist,which will likely be important to the species in thefuture Theprimarynestingspotforthe majority of these birds is on Midway Atoll, approximately 1,200 miles west of Kaua`i. If sea level rise makes that island uninhabitable,thenextprimaryspotforthebirdsto
nest is Kaua`i.
“They are already experiencing the effects of climate change,” VanderWerf elaborated. “Some of their nesting areas have already washed away and others are under threat. Climate change and sea level rise are not something that might happen someday, it is already happening.”
Theworktopreservethesenativespecies is instrumental in the overall wellbeing of not just the island, but the health of the entire ecosystem for generations to come
Albatrossaretrulyawondertoobserve.It isn’tdifficulttoseewhytraditionalHawaiiansreveredalbatrossasmasternavigators with a strong tie to their homeland as they spend most of their lives at sea.
In the words of Miss Bianca to Bernard inTheRescuerswhenshedelightedlysees Orville fly for the first time she exclaims, “Look! There he is! Doesn’t he fly beautifully?Andyouwantedtotakethetrain,you ‘fraidy cat.”
For more information about PMRF’s environmental program, please call the Natural Resources Hotline at (808) 208-4416, or visit mil/Installations/PMRF-Barking-Sands/
KEKAHA,Hawaii (Dec 7,2022)An albatross stands overtheiregg at the Pacific Missile Range Facility(PMRF),Barking Sands.PMRFconducts an annual LaysanAlbatross translocation programwhich removes albatross eggs from the hazardous areas ofthe installation in support ofthe Bird Hazard Strike Program.PMRFis theworld’s largest instrumental multi-environment range capable ofsupporting surface,subsurface,airand space operations simultaneously (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSSAMANTHAJETZER)
6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023
KEKAHA,Hawai’i (Jan.11, 2023) Brooke McFarland, the natural resources managerforPacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF),Barking Sands, shows a map to a group of volunteers displaying the areas ofthe installation theywill be searching during an albatross egg sweep.This event is part ofPMRF’s annual Laysan AlbatrossTranslocation Programwhose purpose is to collectviable albatross eggs from hazardous areas on the base in order to send them to safer nests on otherparts ofthe island.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASS SAMANTHAJETZER) If you’renoticing changes, it could be Alzheimer’s. Talk about visiting adoctor together. “Early detection gave us more time to findinformation andsupporttogether.” www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023 7
8 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, January 26 2023 Finish your high school diploma, foryou andfor them. Find free,flexibleand supportive adult education centersnearyou at When you graduate, they graduate.
SevenVenues is very proud to announce that internationally renowned Cirque Du Soleil returns to the Norfolk Scope arena, thisThursdayJanuary26ththroughSunday January 29th with their most enchanting arena production of Corteo which means “cortege”inItalian.Itisajoyousprocession, a festive parade imagined by a clown who pictures his own funeral taking place in a carnival, circus atmosphere, watched over byquietlycaringangels
The international cast represents more than 18 nationalities Performers are from Argentina, Armenia, Belarus Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Columbia Finland, France, Hungary Italy Japan,Kazakhstan Romania Russia, United Kingdom, Ukraine, United StatesandUzbekistan.
This incredible, very unique production of Corteo, directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca, had its world premiere under the Big Top in April, 2005 in Montreal, Canada and has sincethen,amazedwellover10millionfans, inover20countriesonfourcontinents.
For more info go to Yiorgo: With us on the phone today is Gonzalo Muñoz Ferrer who plays Mauro the Dreamer Clown. Tell us Gonzalo, why shouldpeoplecometoseeCorteo,whatwill theyseeandhear?
show. It is the first time we are in Norfolk with this show and we can not wait to tell everyone this story Everyone will have a fantastictime.Themostinspirationalthing for me about the show Corteo is that it is a celebration of life. That is the main theme even though it is also the funeral or how to saygoodbyetoaclown.
This show, Corteo, has been the best one out of all of the different Cirque shows that
has gone from a tent into the arena It is a very delicate process because when you carry your tent to a place you carry your house So, you invite people to your house, they enter and you can create a whole world Whenyougotoanarena,yougotoa spacethathasbeenusedforhockey,basketball and other forms of entertainment. So you go merely to an anonymous place. To be able to enter an arena and make people
feel at home is not easy I have heard from many, many people from our headquarters in Montreal, Canada that this show is the exception When people enter the Norfolk Scope arena this week, they will feel like they have entered another world That is the maximum complement that we can receive because the audience is no longer inthatarenabutsomewhereelse.Itiswhat we performers enjoy the most, to be able to carry people away from their normal lives andentertainthemforseveralhours
Y:Withoutgivingawaytoomuch,whoare youinCorteoandwhatisitabout?
GMF: I am Mauro the Dreamer Clown, and all his friends his family, his lovers the more important people in his life come to saytheirgoodbyestohiminthevocabulary of the circus So it is akindofametaphor. It is with such positive energy, it is a celebration of life It is fantastic. People laugh and cry Itisveryemotionalbecauseourdirector DanieleFinziPasca,hasthisimportantattributetomovethepeople Shewantstocaress thepeople,totouchtheheartandsoulofthe people.ItisthemostpoeticshowthatCirque Du Soleil has ever produced. And whereas in all the other Cirque shows the performers wear a lot of makeup, in Corteo there is verylittlemakeup Thedirectorwantstosee the performers and their personalities. For me,thiscastisveryparticular,verysensitive
PressRelease NORFOLK Va It’sback,FREE,in-person and better than ever! The Hampton Roads Naval Museum (HRNM) is proud to announcetheirAnnualBrickbyBrick:Lego® Shipbuilding event on Saturday, February 4,2023from10a.m to4p.m.,attheDecker HalfMooneCruiseandCelebrationCenter in downtown Norfolk. This FREE event invites LEGO® shipbuilders of all ages to build and share their creations with fellow enthusiasts and compete for fabulous prizes create with LEGOs and DUPLOs in amassivefreeplayarea enjoycrafts,aroboticsdemonstrationandmuchmore! This popular event is presented in proud partnership with the Navy League of the UnitedStates-HamptonRoadsChapterand the Naval History and Heritage Command. Participantscanbuildavarietyofkitsranging from easy to expert, and participate in otheractivities,aswell Childrenandadults alike can also bring their pre-constructed LEGO® ships to enter in a contest prior to 2 p.m. on February 4th, winners will be announced by 3:30pm. There are two separatecontests:oneforthosewhomakeships atHRNM andoneforthosewhobuilttheir shipsathome This FREE family event features: STEM-baseddesignplans(easyto expert)tobuildshipsfromthekeelupin ourshipyardof200+drydocks; Hands-onroboticdemonstrationsand professionalLEGOdisplaymodels; Freeplayareasforallages(LEGOsand Duplos); Craftsforallages; Asensory(quieterspace)roomfor alternative-needchildren. Joining in the fun will be FIRST LEGO® League of Tidewater and the Hampton Roads Lego User Group (HARDLUG). Bringyourappetite,sincefoodandrefreshments will be available for purchase at one of several food trucks on site Additionally five dollar cash on entry (COE) parking is availablethedayoftheeventatthefollowing CityofNorfolkparkinggarages: WestPlumeStreetGarage:135West PlumeStreet,Norfolk,VA23510 TownPointGarage:110W.MainStreet, Norfolk,VA23510 For more information please contact orcall(202)494-4899 INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Cook like a pitmaster from the comforts of home Turn familymeals into extravagant adventures take backyard barbecues to newheights and impress friends and neighborswith these pitmaster-worthyrecipes. PageC4
Cirque Du Soleil’s Corteo is ready to dazzle everyone at the Norfolk Scope arena Thursday through Sunday and Gonzalo Muñoz Ferrer shares his Corteo memories (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFCIRQUEDUSOLEIL’SCORTEO) TurntoCorteo, Page 3 www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, January 26 2023 1
VIRGINIABEACH, Va SomepeoplecelebrateValentine’sDaywithroses candy andexpensivedinners.Notus!
The Virginia Aquarium Foundation is launching the Love Bites Fundraiser today as a way for those who are not in a “happilyeverafter relationshiptocelebrateValentine’sDay inahumorousway.Thejilted,theromanticallyrejected,or thosewhoareenthusiasticallycelebratingtheirsinglestatus can symbolically name a feeder item, such as a rat, a worm, or a roach, which will be consumed by one of the Virginia Aquarium’s resident animals Expanding on the popularity ofthelastyear’sfundraiser,the2023LoveBitesFundraiser provides several options all found online at https://one Between9am,January23,2023,and12noon,February14, 2023exploreourmenuoffeeders,nominallypricedbetween $5and$50.Whichoneremindsyoumostofyourex?Isitthe
deadratorfish?Acreepycrawlycricket,roach,orworm?Or just a dull vegetable? Purchase a feeder item, and our residents will devour it. You’ll quickly receive a fun video of an animaleatingthatfeederitem,andavalentinewithyourex’s namethatyoucanshareonsocialmedia.
Didyourexreallymakelastyeardifficult?Feelingtheneed forsomethingextra?Optforthe$150LoveBitesFundraiser personalizedvideotohearacustomizedmessagewhileyou watchyour“ex”disappearintothemouthofahappyanimal. Of course, you’ll also receive a unique valentine to share as well. This opportunity is available to purchase between 9 am, January 23 2023, and 11:59 pm, January 31 2023 with thevideoandvalentinesenttoyounolaterthanFebruary14 2023 Asthisiscustomized,quantitiesarelimited.
“Seal” your love this Valetine’s with a framed, pink and red sparkly 11x14 seal painting done by Hector, one of the Aquarium’sresidentHarborSeals.Don’tdon’tdelay,bidding on the seal painting starts 9 am, January 23, 2023, and ends
The Olivia Show - A Tribute to Olivia Newton-John comes to the Sandler Center
For the ultimate Love Bites Fundraiser experience, one luckybidderwillhavetheopportunitytowitness inperson, a Love Bites Fundraiser Komodo dragon feeding during an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience on Valentine’s Day.Thisuniqueexperiencewillberecorded,andthelucky bidder will receive a personalized, customized video highlighting the experience Bidding for this experience begins 9am,January23,2023andends5pm,February10,2023
All proceeds raised through Love Bites Fundraiser will be used to help the Virginia Aquarium care for hundreds of animals provide educational offerings, offer outreach programs to schools conduct research and conservation activities and operate our nationally recognized Stranding ResponseProgram.
For details and specifics on the variety of options for the Love Bites Fundraiser, please visit lovebites2023/welcome.
feel-good, throwback. This show is 70s gold!
TheOliviaShowalsofeaturesanexcitingGreasesing-alongwithon-screenlyrics,inviting all Pink Ladies and T-Birds to sing along to their favorite Grease hits Sing until you loseyourvoice,dancelikenooneiswatching,andreliveyourglorydays
ABOUT THE SANDLER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS: The Sandler Center opened on November 3, 2007 and is managed by Oak View Group (OVG360). With1,308seatsandasoaringglassfaçade thebuildingislocatedintheheartofVirginia Beach’sTownCenter ahubforculturalentertainment Withlocalandinternationaltalent visiting the Sandler Center, performances are perfect for audiences of all ages Patrons will experience an intimate environment when visiting the Sandler Center, as no seat is furtherthan100ft.fromthestage.LearnmoreatSandlerCenter.organdFacebook,Twitter,andInstagram.
Community SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS, NEWS AND PHOTOS The Flagship welcomes submissions from our readers online. Please submit events here: Please submit news and photos here:
Bites: The Anti-Valentine’s
Get sweet revenge while supporting a great cause! (Back for a second year by popular demand!)
As a trailblazing comedian, actress, musician and activist, Margaret Cho has five Grammy Award nominations and one Emmy nod for her groundbreaking work on 30 Rock. Rolling Stone magazine named Margaret one of the 50 Best Stand-Up Comics callingher“thesortoffunny sex-positivefeministandLGBTQactivistyoungercomics continue to look up to.” This new and sure-to-be dazzling series Comedy @ The Coliseum,allowsourloyalfanbaseatTheAmericanTheatreanopportunitytoseeheadliningactsonabiggerstageatoursistervenue,HamptonColiseum. “Live and LIVID is a show celebrating my 40 years as a stand up comedian. I will be radiatingrageabouthomophobia,sexism,racismandthefighttostayaliveinaculture that is killing us daily You will love seeing me Live and LIVID! This is living! Come throughlife!”-saysCho. Don’tmissthissingleperformanceat8pmonSaturdayMarch11,2023.Ticketsareon salenowatticketmaster.comorattheHamptonColiseumboxoffice Ticketsstartat$55 and Preferred Seating starts at $75. Add-on a VIP Meet & Greet with Margaret before theshowforonly$100perticket!Meet&GreetIncludes:CashBar,Autograph,&Photo Opportunities!(Mustalsohaveatickettothesame-dayperformance.) Pleasenote:Thisshowisformatureaudiences Margaret Cho is bringing her Live and LIVID! Tour to Hampton Coliseum Saturday, March 11 PressRelease VIRGINIABEACH,Va It’ssystematic hydromatic ultramatic.. why,it’sTheOlivia Show,atributetoOliviaNewton-John,Grease,Xanadu,andmore! TheLangleyFederalCreditUnionConcertSeriespresentsTheOliviaShow ATribute to Olivia Newton-John on Wednesday, October 11 at 7:30 PM at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets will go on sale this Friday, January 27 at 10 AM and can bepurchasedatTicketmaster.comorbyvisitingtheSandlerCenterBoxOfficelocatedat 201MarketStreet,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Ticketsarepricedat$29,$34,$39,and$44 plusapplicablefees. To receive theexclusive presale codeto purchase tickets before the generalpublic, Thepresalefor thisshowwilltakeplaceonWednesday,January25at10AMthroughThursday,January 26at10PM The Olivia Show features Sabrina Plaisance-Sia, who commands the stage with charisma charm, humor, and an uncanny resemblance to the look and sound of Olivia Newton-John.TheOliviaShowisanexcitingmusicaljourneyfilledwithnostalgiafrom starttofinish.AudienceswillexperienceallofOliviaNewton-John’saward-winninghits
Live vocals, powerful musicianship, amazing costumes, and chart-topping hits all contribute to a spectacular show. It’s a modern,
2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, January 26 2023
Y: How would you describe a Cirque Du Soleil show for those who have never been toonebefore?
GMF: Cirque Du Soleil is a circus with incredible, fantastic acrobats, no animals, beautiful costumes created originally for each Cirque show and we have live music createdspecificallyfortheshowsthatreally movesyou.Everyshowhasadifferentstory and theme that takes the audience into a fantastic,imaginativeworld
Y: As a performer, what is your favorite partofCorteo?
GMF:ItisthemomentIplaywithValentina played by my dear friend Lilly. She is very very small. She is not a dwarf She is a normalhumanbeing butreally,reallysmall. LillyisafantasticladywhoIrespectandlove her so much. She arrives on the stage with four balloons filled with helium, no wires, she walks onto my hands and I take her to the center of the stage We have a moment there,thenIlethergothroughtheaudience The audience is able to touch her feet and push her in different directions She laughs and smiles flying all over the arena. To me it is the most metaphorical moment of the showwhereyoureallyhavetolearnhowto saygoodbye,becauseyouwillhaveValentina inyourarmsmaybeforonesecondandthen sheisgone.Shegoestofly Forme,thisislife andweshouldbestrongenoughtoappreciateitthatwaybecausebeautifulthingscome and go Human beings come and go. That’s why for me it’s the most intense beautiful moment that speaks more for me. That momentissopoeticandsimplethatitisdifficulttodescribe.
Y: When you are not performing on the stage,whatactoractsdoyouenjoywatching fromtheback?
GMF: I enjoy watching Valentina (Lilly) andherhusbandGregorio.Theyaresonaturalandspontaneous Forme themovement ofthesoulisthemoreriskyoneandtheone that demands more strength and solidity in yourself TobeabletodoitisamazingandI cannottakemyeyesfromthem.
Y: With a live performance anything can happen.Canyousharesomefunnymoments oranecdotesthathavehappenedinCorteo?
GMF:Yesthishappenedtome,beingable to dominate the bicycle There is a scene where my character flys on a bicycle and at first, I could not learn how to control the bicycleanditwasmovingeverywhereandI lookedlikeapinatamovingallovertheplace All the performers were laughing so much and it was a joyful, shared moment with them.Andthenthenextdaytheygavemea wholelessonofhowtomanageandcontrol thatbicycle
Y: Where were you born and what made you fall in love with comedy and entertainingpeople?
GMF: I am a son of Chilean parents, and I was born in Cali, Columbia. When I was a little boy, my mother would carry me to the
circus when it came to town. When I was eight years old, I saw a sad clown playing a musical saw on stage and that moment for mewasliketimehadstopped Itwasincredible and from then on it was a surge for me to find this circus world When I finished school and people asked me, what do you wanttodoinlife?Iwouldsayactingandthey would say, take it like a hobby. So I chose to beaveterinarianbecauseIloveanimals,but IrealizedonedaythatIwantedtofollowthe arts. My father supported my decision and said,“DowhateveryouwantGonzalo.”That wasagreat,greatmomentbecauseifhehad notsupportedme,Iwouldhavestayedwith beingaveterinarian.
Thanks to my father, I moved to Paris to continue my studies in theater, then I went toNewYorkforfourandahalfyears,where withotheractorswebuiltatheatercompany by ourselves called The Flying Machine We were very successful and received an excellence in theater award I then auditionedwithCirqueDuSoleil Iwasdyingto perform whatever I could do under a tent. It was an American clown, my friend John Gilkey,whotoldmethatCirqueneededtwo clownsfortheirDralionshow,andIgotthe part.Formeit’sallaboutacting.Andparallel toactingisthesearchforlife’smeaningand knowing myself I love being in the circus because you work with musicians, clowns andeveryoneinfrontandbehindthescenes, all of us working together preparing for the show. It is a shared experience that is very inspiring
Y: When did you first start working with Corteo?
GMF: I started with this show in 2011, then I left and returned in 2015, left again andnowIamback.Ihavebeeninfourshows with Cirque Du Soleil and this one is the one I enjoy the most because it really goes into your heart and soul. You have to be so tranquil, so yourself, to be able to deliver a performanceinthebestwayinthisshow
Y: How about a pinch me, wow, inspirational moment? Something that happened to you that you did not think would ever happentoyou?
GMF: This was very inspirational for me and has stayed in my mind forever It was whenweperformedonSeptember12th2011, thedayaftertheTwinTowerswereattacked. We were in Boston, the place where two of thefourplanesoriginatedfrom.Thepeople were so emotional, so emotional and we the performers were so emotional Cirque offered to anyone that wanted a refund. We decided to perform because we felt the people needed a distraction, to think of somethingelse Weperformedandthenwe had to take the metro back home with the audience Some of the people approached usandsaid,“Thankyousomuch Itwasthe only time today that we were not thinking about what happened on September 11th.”
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Corteo from Page 1
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, January 26 2023 3
LEFT: Gonzalo MuñozFerreras Mauro the DreamerClown in Cirque Du Soleil’s Corteo (ALLPHOTOS COURTESYOFCIRQUEDUSOLIEL’S CORTEO)
Cook like a pitmaster from the comforts of home
For home chefs looking to take their cooking skills to the next level, it all starts with a little inspiration and a few new skills. Turn family meals into extravagant adventures take backyard barbecues to new heights and impress friends and neighbors with pitmaster-worthy recipes In fact, it can be as easy as turning on the TV From beef ribs and barbacoa to curried brisket rice and pho rub beef belly spring rolls, viewers are in for a treat by tuning into season 3 of “BBQuest: Beyond the Pit,” a video series that dives into the long-held traditions, new flavors and everyday inspiration that make Texas barbecue legendary
The show follows four themes that capture the essence of Texas barbecue: legacy and tradition; creativity and innovation; Texas trailblazers; and family and community Youcanbringbarbecueflavors homeandcooklikeapitmasterwith dishesrecreatedfromtheseriesand developedby“HardcoreCarnivore” cookbookauthorJessPryles,including SmokedChuckBeefRibs,GrilledJalapenoCheddarMeatballsandSzechuan SkirtSteakwithCrispyRice.
“Since launching BBQuest four years ago it’s truly remarkable to see how much has changed and yet stayed the same when it comes to Texas barbecue, and that’s exactly what you see in season 3,” said Rachel Chou, Texas Beef Council’s director of consumer marketing “There has been so much exciting innovation around cooking methods and international flavors while there’s still a huge dedication to long-held recipes and smoking techniques.”
Learn more about the show and find inspiration to bring the taste of barbecue to your kitchen at
Lower heat to medium-high then add remaining oil and milk or cream. Add rice, pressing down gently with large spoon to form large, flat disc covering entire base of pan Season with Szechuan salt, if desired, then lower heat to medium and cook 10 minutesuntilgrainsbegintoturnbrownand becomecrisponbottom.Breakupriceinpan tomixsoftandcrispygrains
To serve, place rice in two bowls Layer withslicedskirtsteak.Sprinklewithsesame seeds and chopped scallions then place cucumberandcilantroontop,ifdesired.
Food Smoked Chuck Beef Ribs Cook time: 10 hours, 30 minutes Servings: 8 1slabbeefchuckshortribs (about4pounds) 2tablespoonskoshersalt 2tablespoonscoarseblackpepper ¼cupcidervinegar 1cupwater Preheatsmokerorpelletgrillto275F. Pat ribs dry with paper towel; remove moistureonsurface. Combine salt and pepper Rub beef ribs well on all sides and ends with seasoning coatinggenerously Place ribs in smoker and close lid. Cook 5-6hours Inspraybottle,combinecidervinegarand water Lightlyspritzribsevery30minutesfor first4hoursofcooking Ribs are ready when completely probe tender Ifpartsstillfeeltough,continuecooking Oncecompletelytender removeribsfrom smokerthenwraptightlyinbutcher’spaper andplaceinsmallcoolertorest30minutes Toserve,sliceribsbetweenbones Grilled Jalapeno Cheddar Meatballs Cook time: 1 hour, 15 minutes Servings: 15 ½cuptortillachips,crushed ¾cupmilk 2poundsgroundbeef 3freshjalapenos,seededand finelydiced 1block(8ounces)cheddarcheese, finelydiced 1tablespoonpaprika 2teaspoonsgarlicpowder 2teaspoonskoshersalt Place crushed tortilla chips in large bowl. Add milk and allow chips to soften about 10 minutes. After milk is absorbed, add beef, jalapenos,cheese,paprika,garlicandsalt.Mixwell to combine then scoop approximately ⅓-½ cupofmixturetoformmeatball;repeatwith remainingmixture. Placemeatballsonplateortrayandrefrigerate30minutestofirm. Heatgrilltomediumfortwozonecooking Place meatballs on indirect heat side of grill away from coals or lit burner; close lid Grill25-35minutes,oruntilmeatballsreach 165 F internal temperature on meat thermometer Remove meatballs from grill and cool slightlybeforeserving Szechuan Skirt Steak with Crispy Rice Total time: 35 minutes Servings: 2 2teaspoonsSzechuanpeppercorns 1teaspoonfivespicepowder 1teaspoonkoshersalt 1skirtsteakorbavettesteak (about1pound) ¼cupvegetableoil,divided 2teaspoonsmilkorcream 2cupscookedwhiterice sesameseeds(optional) scallions,thinlysliced(optional) cucumber,sliced(optional) cilantroleaves(optional) Inskilletoverlowheat,toastpeppercorns until fragrant, swirling in pan to keep from burning,about2minutes.Allowpeppercorns to cool slightly then add to spice grinder or mortar and pestle with five spice and salt. Crushuntilfinepowderforms Patskirtsteakwithpapertoweltoremove moisturethenseasonwellwithSzechuansalt onbothsides. Place skillet over high heat then add 1 tablespoon oil When skillet is hot, add skirt steak and cook 5 minutes per side for medium-rare or medium doneness (135-150 F), turning occasionally Remove steak from skillet then tent with foil to rest 3 minutes Temperaturewillriseabout10-15Ftoreach 145Fformedium-rare;160Fformedium.
4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, January 26 2023
Donated blood saves lives
ByRobertHammer MHS Communications
In recognition of National Blood Donor month in January the Armed Services Blood ProgramOpens ASBP reminds the military community about the importance of donating blood.
“Blood is a critical tool to save lives and the need for blood is constant, from the patient undergoing emergency surgery to the person receiving treatment at a militarytreatmentfacilitytoourwarfightersfar forward,” said ASBP Division Chief Navy Capt. Leslie Riggs “A steady and ready supplyofqualitybloodproductswillalways be needed.”
Riggsnotedthatduringtheholidaysand winter months, the number of donations often decrease, with things like vacations, illnesses, and weather changes hindering people from giving blood. “The military health care system needs many units of blood every day. The ASBP has a mission to meet that need globally whenever, and wherever needed, Riggs said.
When the need arises, the ASBP will coordinate additional blood donation
events, including large-scale blood drives thatelevatethemessageoftheimportance of donating blood.
“An adage within the industry is ‘the most-needed type is the one not on the shelf’;fullystockedandreadysupplyisultimatelywhatisneededandalwaystheASBP goal, regardless of type,” explained Riggs.
HeaddedthatdonorswithTypeOblood are considered ‘universal blood donors’ while those with Type AB are considered ‘universal donors’ for platelet donations These donations can be used for any type of recipient in certain situations, or when treatment facilities are low on other blood types
Establishedover70 years ago as theofficialbloodprogramoftheU.S.military,“the ASBP focuses on equipping the warfighter with lifesaving blood products needed on the battlefield as well as in military treatment facilities The ASBP mission is to providequalitybloodproductsandsupport for military health care operations worldwide,” Riggs said.
Besides collecting donations the ASBP alsotests,stores,transportsanddistributes blood worldwide There are over 20 ASBP
blood donor centersDownload the Blood Centers document stateside and overseas Each of the services operates multiple blood donor centers, with many donor centers traveling to conduct mobile drives intheirsurroundingareasorfurtheroutfor large-scale blood drives
While ASBP blood recipients are most oftenthoughtofasservicemembersinjured in the line of duty, the ASBP also provides blood for service members and their familiesbackhomeandinmilitaryhospitalsand clinics around the globe
According to Riggs, tens of thousands of individuals donate blood to the ASBP each year many of whom are repeat donors Despite the intention of wanting to donate blood, sometimes an individual can be deferred for several reasons, but they can often help in other ways
“Thereareseveralwaystohelpsavelives with the ASBP, even if you are ineligible to donateatthistime,”saidRiggs,addingthat ifanindividualisineligible theycancheck backlater “Mostdeferralsareoftentemporary and have set timeframes.”
“Youcanalsohelpcoordinateadrivewith your unit or military community group or
volunteeratanASBPblooddrivenearyou. Youcanalsohelpspreadthewordaboutthe program and our mission, and encourage others to donate by engaging and following the ASBP on its social media channels: Facebook: @militarybloodOpens Military Blood Facebook page twitter: @militaryblood Opens Military Blood Twitter, and Instagram: @usmilitarybloodOpens US Blood Instagram,” Riggs said.
The ASBP is one of four organizations, including the American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, and the Blood Centers ofAmerica,thatensurethenationhasasafe and potent blood supply The four agenciescollaborateintimesofneedandduring emergencies “We work together during humanitarian efforts, on emergency task forces, and other connections,” said Riggs “However,theASBPistheofficialandonly blood program of the military, and it is not affiliated with other civilian collection agencies.”
If a service or family member is interested in learning more about or donating blood, Riggs suggested they visit the ASBP website at
ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications
Hi Doc: Lots of people drink over the holidays, but I think my friend may be overdoing it I suspect she has an alcohol problem because she sometimes doesn’t remember what happened the night before when she was drinking She has said herself that she might have an issue with drinking. What is considered heavy drinking versus normal drinking and where can she go for help?
Cpl. Red Merlot
Dear Cpl. Merlot, I’vereachedouttoanexperttoansweryour questions:Dr JohnShehan,apsychiatristand head of the Addiction Medicine Intensive Outpatient Program at the U.S. Army Medical Center Darnall-HoodOpens TRICARE mil at Fort Hood in Texas. Here’s what Dr Shehan said:
Thanks for asking a question that I frequently get: How do you define having a goodtimeversusriskydrinking?
I’vediscussedtheeffectsalcoholcanhave on your body and how easily it can impair youOpensHealth.milinthisforumbefore.
First of all, it’s important to realize it’s tricky to identify an alcohol use disorder in yourbattlebuddy—that’swhentheyoveruse alcoholtothepointofbeingdependentonit
Moreover,itisveryimportanttocatchan alcoholusedisorderearlyonbecause itcan causerelationshipproblems legalproblems and long-term health issues Also people who drink can be at risk for sexual assaults orforfamilyissues
A 2018 Department of Defense survey found that nearly 10% of service members were categorized as heavy drinkers, and 6.2% reported one or more serious consequencesfromtheirdrinking
Alcoholusedisorderisverycommon,but identification can be difficult because it is hard to tease out problem drinking from havingfun.
Knowinglimitsareanimportantfirststep foryourfriendandforeveryonewhodrinks
Government guidelines recommend not
drinking more than 14 alcoholic drinks in a weekformenandnomorethanfourdrinks inasitting
For women and men over 65 it’s seven drinks in a week, or no more than three drinks in a sitting because they’re more affectedbyalcoholfromahealthstandpoint.
People who exceed these limits are consideredheavydrinkers
Binge drinkingOpens is defined as five or more alcoholic drinks for males or four or more alcoholic drinks for femalesatthesametimeorwithinacouple of hours of each other on at least one day in thepastmonth.
These guidelines are in place because if you drink more than this on a regular basis youcancauseseriousphysicalharmtoyour bodyandbeatriskofdevelopingalcoholuse
Even though alcohol is legal, it is a highly toxic substance I have seen young soldiers withseriousliver heart,andstomachproblemsthatarelife-threatening allfromdrinking too much alcohol.In addition, alcohol can affect your cognitive skills and impact yournervoussystem
Basically,thinkofalcoholasapoison,one that can kill you quickly or over time Alcoholisthethirdleadingcauseofpreventable death in the United States and contributes toover60differentdiseases
TaketheAudit-CQuestionnaireif You’re Worried
The 3-question AUDIT-COpens NIH questionnaire is a quick way to know if you might be at risk of having an alcohol use disorder
At the end of the day, you may be helping yourfriendgetherlifeontherighttrack
Cpl. Merlot, I hope Dr Shehan’s answers have helped you decide on next steps with your friend You are being a good buddy and we wish you both well As the doc says, “Happy holidays and remind your friend that stopping drinking alcohol is the first step in a successful military career.”
When a disasterstrikes blood is needed immediately there is no time towait fordonations.Donate today,to prepare fortomorrow Findwhereyou can donate blood through theArmed Services Blood Program.One donation can save up to three lives.(COURTESYPHOTOBYASBP)
Any service member can walk into
embedded behavioral health clinic or
tospeaktoasubstanceusedisorderclinical careprovidertogetevaluatedandtreated. Remember,beingatruebattlebuddymay meanhavingcourageousconversationswith your friend about addressing her alcohol problem.
Ask the Doc: My friend drinks too much. How can I help? (PHOTOCREDIT:DEBORACARTAGENA,CDCCOORDINATINGCENTERFORENVIRONMENTALHEALTHANDINJURYPREVENTION) www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, January 26 2023 5
6 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, January 26 2023 YOUR PERFECT HIRE IS WAITING Extend your reach. Access customized technology. Simplify your search. S & ENTERPRISE 20 YRS. Concrete Exp. All types of concrete k drive ys, stamped & exposed. We accept credit cards. 757-652-4050. Estate Sales Concrete/Asphalt 757.622.1455 | Subscribe to The Virginian-Pilot today Call 757-446-9000 or go to NOTICE OF ABANDONED WATERCRAFT Notice is hereby given that the following watercraft have been abandoned for more than 60 days on the property of Little Creek Marina located at 4801 Pretty Lake Avenue in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. If the watercraft is not claimed and removed within 30 days after the first day this notice was published, the Little Creek Marina shall apply to the department for the title to the abandoned watercraft This shall be done in accordance with section 29.1-733.25 of the Code of Virginia. 1993 Monterey - 22’ – Hu l # RGFN0245B393; 1989 Bayliner –32’ – Hull # BLBA16EKD889; 1969 Columbia – 26’ – Hull # COL26MKII654 – Registration # GA5984RP; 1971 Choey Lee – 30’ – Hull # 2501 – USCG Doc # 645833; 1996 Wellcraft – 33’ – Hull # WELCCB47A696 –Registration # VA8020BZ; 1988 Bayliner – 26’ – Hull # BBB82871C288 – Registration # VA7943WW NORFOLK COIN SHOW Jan. 21st, vfw 4809, 5728 Bartee St. Free admission, and appraisals call 804-350-1140. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF NEED TO FILE PROOF OF CLAIM FORM (CENTRAL PARTNERS NOW LLC DBA RE/MAX CENTRAL REALTY) Comm. of VA et al. v. Central Partners Now LLC dba Re/Max Central Realty Civil Action No CL21-4890 (Circuit Court for Virginia Beach) NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT: Creditors who wish to share in any distribution of funds from the Receivership Estate of Central Partners Now LLC must file a proof of claim with the Receiver using the email address or mailing address below and do so before March 24, 2023: EMAIL (preferred): with the following subject line: “CENTRAL PARTNERS NOW RECEIVERSHIP - PROOF OF CLAIM” MAILING ADDRESS: Central Partners Now LLC Proof of Claim c/o John T. Farnum, as Receiver for Central Partners Now LLC Miles & Stockbridge P.C. 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20004 Proofs of claim received after March 24, 2023, may be disregarded. PROOF OF CLAIM FORMS MAY BE OBTAINED BY EMAILING: DO NOT REQUEST FORMS FROM THE COURT. DO NOT FILE PROOFS OF CLAIM WITH THE COURT. IMPACTED LIFE CHURCH OF VA WELCOMES YOU! We are spreading the Gospel of Jesus & experiencing a life-changing impact. Join us for Sunday Service 930am- 1030am 3517 Victory Blvd, Portsmouth. CHESAPEAKE CENTER FOR COMPLETE DENTISTRY RELOCATION Effective February 7, 2023, Chesapeake Center for Complete Dentistry is relocating to 629 Volvo Pkwy Ste 100, Chesapeake, VA 23320-4778. Patient dental records can be obtained by calling the office at 757-465-8900. Enjoy a new stateof-the-art facility. Please contact the office for any questions Announcements ACTION ONE FENCE & DECK Custom wood, aluminum, chain link, vinyl. Quality k, great prices. Fr Estimates. 40 Yr Exp. Call 757-438-7057. ACTION ONE FENCE & DECK Custom wood, aluminum, chain link, vinyl. Quality k, great prices. Fr Estimates. 40 Yrs. Exp. Call 757-438-7057. Fencing Cockatoo, too. Pick apet in the CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE. AMERICAN ANTIQUE BUYER RAY HIGGINS BUYING ANTIQUES & ESTATES, ITEMS OF VALUE VINTAGE ARTWORK ALL COINS STERLING FLATWARE VINTAGE WRIST WATCHES ANTIQUE FIREARMS OLD DECOYS OLD TOYS COSTUME JEWELRY 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSED, 7 DAYS A WEEK FREE ESTIMATES 757-617-4043 Estate SalesAntiques & Collectibles FIREWOOD DRY OAK SEASONED FIREWOOD 4’x8’ Rack Delivered (757)334-2400 (757)233-1700 $125.00 COMMERCIAL HOSE CRIMPER Call for info & details 757-422-4477 Misc. Merchandise For Sale ESTATE SALE VIRGINIA BEACH 1112 E. BAY SHORE DRIVE SAT 9-2 SUN 11-3 ESTATE SALE 3701 White Heron Run End of Sparrow Rd., off Indian River Chesapeake Thurs, Fri/Sat, Jan 26-28, 8:30-3 PM Partial Listing: Large house full of quality furniture & decorative items Link Taylor bedroom furniture, copy of Philadelphia high-boy, queen-size bedroom furniture, Oriental rugs like new sofas lots of China & crystal, 9’ Charleston slate pool table & accessories pictures mirrors, 6.5 statue of golfer kit., commercial hose crimper gar. items, lots of costume & silver jewelry, much more. Everything will be & must be sold! Pictures on by Monday. Cash or Check Only. Va Beach Antiques Larry Zedd, 757-422-4477 Estate Sales Estate Sales (A) FAMILY TRASH MAN-HOUSEHOLD Demo inside & out, construction sites, dumpster drop off, backhoe work. We haul it all! 20 yrs. exp., lic & ins. 485-1414 Hauling /Moving ★GENERAL REPAIRS★ ★AFFORDABLE★ All Handyman, Complete Repair Int & Ext: A-Z Jobs, Rot Repair Bathrooms, & Alterations 35 Yrs. Exp. 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