Flagship 02.02.2023

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Navy launches CL1P to optimize fleet readiness

Leaders gathered fora ribbon cutting ceremony January24,2023,aboard USNS Robert E.Peary (T-AKE 5) to celebrate the occasion. PageA2

Navy aircraft to fly over Super Bowl LVII

Commander Naval Air Forces

SAN DIEGO Three U.S. Navy tactical aircraft squadrons will conduct an integrated flyover at the conclusion of the National Anthem during Super Bowl LVII at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Ariz., Feb. 12

The flyover formation will include two F/A-18F Super Hornets from the “Flying Eagles” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 122, an F-35C Lightning II from the “Argonauts of VFA-147, and an EA-18G Growler from the “Vikings” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129 These aircraft represent the strike and electronic attack capability of the “Carrier Air Wing of the Future,”providingadvancedtechnologyand enhancedflexibilitytoourmilitarycombatantcommanders.VFA-122andVFA-147are based at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, Calif.; VAQ-129 is based at NAS Whidbey Island, Wash. The squadrons willstage and departfromnearbyLukeAirForceBase

Theflyoveralsocommemorates50years of women flying in the U.S. Navy In 1973 the first eight women began flight school in Pensacola, Fla., and one year later six of those eight women, titled “The First Six,” earned their Wings of Gold. Since then, women have served, operated and led at every level of Naval Aviation.

Lt Katie Martinez, a Naval Flight Officer assigned to VFA-122, looks forward to representing Naval Aviation at one of the world’s most-watched events “It’s not a feeling I can even put into words,”saidMartinez.“Itdoesn’tgetbigger thantheSuperBowl,andIamhumbledand honored to be able to participate with my friendsandfellowNavalAviatorsaspartof this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”


Lightning II integrates advanced stealth technology into a highly agile, supersonic aircraft that provides unprecedented battlespace awareness, versatility and survivability.TheF-35C whichistheNavy variantoftheF-35JointStrikeFighter sets new standards in weapon system integration, maintainability, combat radius and payloadthatbringformidablemultimission power projection capability from the sea.

Enteringfleetservicein1999,TheF/A-18 Super Hornet, has earned a reputation as the backbone of the Navy’s carrier air wing and a workhorse within the fleet continuingitskeystrikefighterroleagainst the advanced threats of the 21st century

Designed to meet current Navy fighter escort and interdiction mission requirements,theSuperHornetmaintainsfleetair defense and close air support roles, as well as an increasing range of missions, including in-air refueling

The EA-18G Growler is a variant in the F/A-18 family of aircraft that combines

the proven Super Hornet platform with a sophisticated electronic warfare suite that performs a variety of functions including communications jamming and countermeasures.

Commander, Naval Air Forces (CNAF) is the type commander for Naval Aviation that oversees the Navy’s aircraft wings, squadrons, aircraft carriers,support facilitiesandtrainingcommands BasedatNaval

Air Station North Island, Calif., CNAF is responsible for manning, training and equippingdeployable,combat-readyNaval Aviation forces to compete and win in any environment

ByStephanieSlater Naval Safety Command

Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) seeks Sailors andMarinestofeatureinsafetycampaignsandpromotions suchasthe“101CriticalDaysofSummer,”“FallandWinter Safety”andotheroff-dutyactivities

To support this goal, the command is launching a Fleet-facingPublicAffairsCampaigntosolicitsafety-related videoscreatedby,andfeaturing,SailorsandMarinesacross theenterprise First,secondandthird-placewinnerswillbe recognizedbyCommander NAVSAFECOM

Sailors and Marines are encouraged to develop and produce videos highlighting and reinforcing a safety message.Idealsubmissionswillbetailoredforsocialmedia, engaging and easy to follow. Videos should be between 12 and60secondsinduration

The submission window is Feb. 1 through Oct 31, 2023. Each video will be promoted across all NAVSAFECOM social media platforms and evaluated on the effectiveness ofitsengagementafter30daysfromthedateitisfirstposted.

The NAVSAFECOM command master chief and public affairs office staff are available to assist and to answer your questions.

NAVSAFECOM’s goal is to promote behaviors of self-awareness,self-assessment,self-correctionandcontinual learning to enable an effective defense-in-depth that ensuresthenavalenterpriseisSafetoOperateandOperating Safely through proper risk identification, communication andaccountabilityattheappropriatelevel.

For contest guidelines and additional information, visit 2023NAVSAFECOMFleet-FacingPublicAffairsCampaign under the Resources tab at navalsafetycommand.navy.mil, or reach out via email to the NAVSAFECOM public affairs officeatSAFE-PAO@navy.mil.

NAVSAFECOM announces fleet-facing public affairs campaign (GRAPHICBYSTEPHANIESLATER) www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.30 NO 4,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comFebruary 2-February 8,2023 San Jacinto Hosts 35th Commissioning Anniversary
Celebration TheTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS SanJacinto (CG 56) hosted formercrewmembers and familyas part ofthe ship’s 35th commissioning anniversarycelebration,Jan.23.
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 1

Navy launches CL1P to optimize fleet readiness



TheNavyispartneringwithwithbest-inclassstrategicindustrieslikeFourInc.,IBM andCubewisetolaunchtheClass1Common OperatingPicture(CL1P),aprogramtooptimizefleetreadiness

Leaders gathered for a ribbon cutting ceremony January 24 2023 aboard USNS

Robert E. Peary (T-AKE 5) to celebrate the occasion

Spearheaded by Rear Adm. Matt Ott, director of fleet ordinance and supply for U.S. Fleet Forces Command, the program willtiemanymissionpartnerstogetherand remove stovepipes of data and information flow while also removing additive steps the Fleetsailorusestodayinadatedandreactive manner.Theendgoalisanimprovedendto end subsistence visibility which will then help enable improved Naval readiness and missionvibrancy

“The technology we plan to employ may start with food, but to me, it is commodity agnosticandmarriestherightelementsthat drive integration across our supply chain ecosystem,” said Ott. “We operate in a very dynamicenvironmentandourlogisticsmust

pace,andinmanycases precedeandpropel ouroperations.

“It’s all about getting the right food to the right place at the right time,” said Capt. MarkBowmer,FleetSupplyPolicy,U.S.Fleet ForcesCommand.“Whenweapplybusiness intelligence, we will optimize the supply chainandsupporttheforcemoreeffectively withsustainedmissionreadiness.”

CL1P is designed to provide fleets with real time or near real time data to inform decisions throughout the optimized fleet response plan (OFRP) including the ability tosurgeandsustainthefleets.

The proof of concept being developed will demonstrate collaborative planning, forecasting, and reporting capabilities that match food supply with demand while concurrently reducing supply chain risk.

The program simultaneously increases operationalenduranceanddirectlybenefits ClassIsupplychainstakeholders,including thenumberedFleets,NavalSupplySystems Command, the Defense Logistics Agency, andlogisticstaskforces

Assembling many teammates across the Navy, Ott noted that the effort started among Supply Officers and momentum grewquickly

USNCC, ASU begin first Organizational Leadership classes


U.S. Naval Community College

QUANTICO, Va U.S. Naval Community College, in partnership with Arizona StateUniversity,beganitsfirstclassesforthe

Associate of Arts in Organizational LeadershipJanuary9,2023

This is the second associate degree program offered by USNCC in consortium with ASU which provides active duty enlistedSailors,Marines,andCoastGuardsmenanopportunitytoearnanaval-relevant associatedegree

“All Sailors and Marines are part of a very complex organization,” said USNCC’s President Randi R. Cosentino, Ed.D “The program is designed to complement the excellentleadershipdevelopmentprograms thenavalservicescurrentlyoffer Itwillhelp studentstounderstandorganizationdynamicsbetterandtobecomemoreeffectiveoperational leaders. It really is a program that willbenefitanyonewhoaspirestobeawellroundednavalprofessional.”

The USNCC’s consortium model of education means USNCC teaches the five-course 15-creditNavalStudiesCertificate courses while the partner institution teaches the rest of the courses that make up the associate degree This allows the naval services to have a flexible, scalable model of education to meet the needs of the services while providing a quality

Editorial Staff

MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

education to the Sailors Marines and Coast Guardsmen who earn their degree through the consortium.

“We are thrilled to further advance our partnership with the USNCC and to provide a new avenue for educational opportunity for the Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen to develop skills that will help them succeed in their military careers,” said Casey Evans chief operating officer and chief growth officer for EdPlus atASU.“ASUiscommittedtothesuccessof this partnership, and looks forward to our ongoing collaboration.

The Associate of Arts in Organizational Leadership has the Naval Studies Certificate embedded into the program, along with the Certificate in Military Studies

“This is the type of degree that any Marine Sailor or Coast Guardsman can benefitfrom, saidtheUSNCC’scommand seniorenlistedleader,Sgt.Maj.MikeHensley, who has a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership “We train our young service members from day one to be leaders in the organization. This degree helps take them to the next level of leadership in our naval forces.”

The United States Naval Community Collegeistheofficialcommunitycollegefor the Navy Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. TogetmoreinformationabouttheUSNCC, gotowww.usncc.edu.ClickontheInquire Now link to learn how to be a part of the USNCC Pilot II program.

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas

757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

Contributing Staff

Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

| 757-622-1455

“The Navy Supply Corps ruthlessly attacks needless waste and possesses the skills that embody our Learning OrganizationVisionStatement,”saidOtt “Ourglobal challengesacquiring,delivering,sustaining, and resupplying food represents a massive logistics effort that advances our morale, but even more importantly purposefully advances warfighting capability in order to maintainmaritimesuperiority.”

Thesupplyanddemandmatchingmodels withintheprogramwillbedevelopedusing IBM Planning Analytics with Watson, an AI-infused,continuousintegratedplanning solution,asthetechnologicalbackbone The programwillbedesignedtodeliverprocess automation, greater forecast accuracy, and business intelligence reporting while interfacing with multiple IT systems to produce CL1P, ultimately enabling commanders to makeinformedoperationaldecisions.

“Everythingweundertakeshouldbenefit our Navy, the Sailors, and enable warfighting dominance,” said Ott. “We are getting after removing wastes, eliminating rework Removing wasted time of delayed initial orders and substitutions that do not fit in our warfighting concepts We are focused on where we place our material the meth-

ods used, and valuing responsiveness and completeness Through an available injection of current technology, we will support ourSailors,andmakeourenterpriseperformance chain stronger, learning from our experiences, and demonstrate urgency in expediting knowledge transfer to advance anddominateourwarfightingmission.”

USFFCisresponsibleformanning,training equipping and employing more than 125 ships 1,000 aircraft, and 103,000 active duty service members and government employees, and providing combat-ready forces forward to numbered fleets and combatant commanders around the globe insupportofU.S.nationalinterests USFFC also serves as the Navy’s Service Component Commander to both U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Strategic Command, and providing naval forces in support of joint missions as Commander Naval ForcesNorthernCommand(NAVNORTH) and Commander, Naval Forces Strategic Command (NAVSTRAT) USFFC is the Strategic Command Joint Force Maritime ComponentCommander(JFMCCSTRAT),

Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved PunxsutawneyPhilisatitagain! Whetherweget anearlyspringorsixmoreweeksofwinter havea#HappyGroundhogDay!
& Home Delivery | 757-446-9000
Force Atlantic in coordinationwithU.S.NavalForcesEurope.
NORFOLK,Va (Jan.24 2023) Navyleaders and industrypartners celebrate the launch ofthe Class 1 Common Operating Picture (CL1P) aboard USNS Robert E Peary(T-AKE 5)Jan.24 The Navypartnered strategic industries like FourInc,IBM and Cubewise to develop CL1P a program to optimize fleet readiness.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS CONNERFOY)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023

NAVFAC MIDLANT awards contracts for multiple projects at Camp Lejeune, surrounding area

FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic

NORFOLK Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Civil Works Contracting LLC, Wilmington, North Carolina (N40085-23-D-0013); Quadrant Construction Inc. Jacksonville, North Carolina (N40085-23-D-0014); and Riza Construction, Inc., Jacksonville, North Carolina (N40085-23-D-0015), a combinedmaximumvalueof$95,000,000 firm-fixed-price indefinite-delivery/indef-

inite-quantity, multiple award construction contract for civil and paving projects at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and the surrounding area. WorkwillbeperformedatCampLejeune andthesurroundingarea,andisscheduled to be completed by January 2028

The maximum dollar value, including base period and four option years, is $95,000,000 Fiscal year 2023 operation and maintenance (Marine Corps) funds in theamountof$15,000areobligatedattime of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year

Contractorsmaycompeteforfuturetask orders under the terms and conditions of the awarded contract. This contract was competitively procured via the System for Award Management website with seven proposals received.

NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering, public works and environmental products and services across an areaofresponsibilitythatspansfromSouth CarolinatoMaine andasfarwestasMichigan, and down to Indiana. As an integral

member of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineer organization to ensure the region’s facilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFAC MIDLANT on social media, follow our activities on Facebook at www facebook.com/navfacmidatlantic and on Instagram @navfacmidatlantic.

USS West Virginia bids farewell to commanding officer


Commander Submarine Group Ten KINGSBAY,Ga. TheOhio-classballistic-missile submarine USS West Virginia (SSBN736)heldachangeofcommandceremonyonboardNavalSubmarineBaseKings Bay,Georgia,January26

Cmdr James Kepper IV relieved Cmdr Joseph Pisoni as the commanding officer ofWestVirginia’sBlueCrewinaceremony heldatthebasechapel

Capt.CharlesMcLenithan,commodoreof SubmarineSquadron17 wastheceremony’s guest speaker and praised Pisoni’s leadershipduringhistour.

“The strongest teams hold a shared purpose that is well understood with an engrainedstandardofdailyexecutionanda strong individual sense of worth and unity as a valuable part of an elite team,” said McLenithan “Weneedtodothebesteveryday as leaders and peers to foster the environmentsthatallowthesetypesofteamsto manifestandflourish.IknowJoePisonidid thisandwillcontinuetodothisinserviceto ournation.”

During the ceremony, Captain Eric D. Cole, commodore of Submarine Squadron 20 awarded Pisoni with the Meritorious Service Medal for his service as commandingofficer

“In Joe’s time in Command his team made their mark on this vital mission of Strategic Deterrence,” said McLenithan. “Joe completed four outstanding patrols in Command.Throughhisleadershiphiscrew was always ready to answer the call for our nation His team pushed the envelope on SSBNoperationsoverthefullgamut.”

Pisoni, from DuBois Pennsylvania, received his commission through the NuclearEnlistedCommissioningProgram. He graduated from North Carolina State University with a Master of Science in aerospace engineering He completed the NATO Defense College Senior Course in

Rome, Italy

“I’ve been asked why I keep doing this job,” said Pisoni. “The answer is simple I know it makes a difference in the world. I watched American Sailors born in other countries from nearly every corner of our nation,Sailorsfrominnercities,ruraltowns Sailors from every walk of life who didn’t care about their differences These Sailors simply took care of one another in support of the ultimate mission of strategic deterrence, to make a difference in the lives of everysingleAmericanandeverysinglecitizen around the world whether they knew itornot.

Pisoni took command of the ship’s Blue Crew in June 2020 Under his command, the crew accomplished the first Ohio-class SSBN deployment in the Indian Ocean, the

firstexchangeofcommandatseausingonly two transfers of personnel, the first missile ripple-launchinnearlytwodecades.Inaddition,theysuccessfullycompletednumerous evaluations,inspectionsandexercises

Pisoni’s personal awards include the Navy Unit Commendation and Battle Efficiency “E.” He has earned the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, as well asotherpersonalandcampaignawards

During his speech Pisoni addressed the crewandtheirincomingcommandingofficer,Kepper “WestVirginia,takecareofCmdr Kepper as you did me,” said Pisoni. “He has a stellar record of success and will take you far Jimmy, you are getting the best crew any


For his next assignment, Pisoni will report to U.S. Fleet Forces as a senior board member for the Nuclear Propulsion ExaminationBoard

Kepper, from New Orleans, Louisiana, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy withabachelor’sdegreeinmechanicalengineering HepreviouslyservedastheNuclear EnlistedCommunityandProgramManager fortheDeputyChiefofNavalOperationsfor Manpower,Personnel,Training andEducation

“We are about to enter into one of the toughest periods of a ship’s operational cycle,” said Kepper “Extended maintenanceavailabilitiesbringuniquechallenges ofexecutingcomplexandinfrequentevolutions,maintainingourat-seaproficiencyand skill sets, all while welcoming new Mountaineers as we say farewell to current ones But,makenomistake executingthismaintenanceontimewiththesupportoftheentire Kings Bay team provides a unique advantagethatwehaveoverouradversaries the ability to keep our ships and the number of ships at sea for extended periods of time to providethenecessaryglobalpresence.”

Keppersaidhelookedforwardtowhatis instoreforUSSWestVirginia’sBlueCrew

“It is an honor and privilege to join this elite team of professional submariners as your new Commanding Officer,” said Kepper “Ourship’smissionisoneofutmost importanceandisregardedasthetopprioritybyournation’shighestleadership West Virginiaensurescredibilityofourstrategic forces to protect our nation and our allies And, in today’s times of strategic competition, we must continue to answer the call,”

USS West Virginia was commissioned in 1990, and is the eleventh Ohio-class submarine She is the third trident submarine fitted with the Trident II D-5 missile system to be homeported in Kings Bay, Ga. ThebaseishometoalleastcoastOhio-class submarines

KINGS BAY,Ga.(Jan.27 2023) Cmdr Joseph Pisoni,outgoing commanding officerofthe Ohioclass ballistic-missile submarine USSWestVirginia (SSBN 736) Blue Crew salutes the side boys during a change ofcommand ceremonyheld at the chapel onboard Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay,Georgia.Pisoni is relieved byCmdr James KepperIV (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEF MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTASHLEYBERUMEN) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 3 OFFER VALID UNTIL 2/05/23 Free Install all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS &NOINTEREST (IFPAIDINFULL) GET YOUR NEW SHOWER AND PAYNOTHING FOR 12 MONTHS* OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet withone of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design yournew shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswill remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 16,000+ GOOGLEREVIEWS (Company reviews all branches of 11/29/2022) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Plan 2521. Subject to credit approval. Fixed rate of 21.19% APR (Interest rate of 24.99%). 12 month promotional period ("Promo Period") during which interest is billed but will be waived if the amount financed is paid in full before Promo Period expires. Monthly payments are not required during the Promo Period. Any unpaid balance and amounts owed after Promo Period will be paid over 84 monthly payments. For example, assuming the full credit limit is used on loan approval date and no payments are made during Promo Period, for every $1,000 financed at afixed interest rate of 24.99%, 12 monthly payments of $0 followed by 84 monthly payments of $28.29. This example is an estimate only.Actual payment amounts based on amount and timing of purchases. Call 866-936-0602 for financing costs and terms. Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is aregistered trademark of GreenSky LLC, asubsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156. www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See rep for details. **Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 02/05/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

Naval Foundry and Propeller Center executes another record casting

Naval Foundry and Propeller Center



and Propeller Center continues to innovate as it executed the pouring of the largestnon-ferrousringinUnitedStateshistory on Thursday at its facility on the Philadelphia Navy Yard Weighing in at 112.5 tons this casting is anticipated to greatly reduce manufactur-

ing time and continue to bolster the organization’s ability to support the Navy’s challenging needs Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition Frederick J. Stefany and Dr Brett Seidle, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research, Development, Test, and Engineering were on hand to witness the record-breaking pour “We are well underway in Colum-

bia-class production as evidenced by the large casting poured today at the Naval Foundry and Propeller Center for the Wisconsin (SSBN 827), said Matthew Sermon, who is the Executive Director, Program Executive Office for Strategic Submarines, “This pour, at approximately 220,000 pounds, is the second largest type in NFPC’s history Today’s pour was the result of NFPC’s casting process improvementsandlessonslearnedfromtheirpours

for the District of Columbia (SSBN 826). These improvements have enabled NFPC tostayonthecuttingedgeoflargenon-ferrous castings. Locatedat1701KittyHawkAvenueatthe PhiladelphiaNavyYard,theNavalFoundry andPropellerCenterisamodernmanufacturingfacilitythatemploysahighlyskilled and versatile workforce of engineers, tradespeople, and support personnel.

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023
EngineeringTechJoe Santola (left) demonstrates toAssistant Secretaryofthe NavyforResearch,Development andAcquisition FrederickStefanyhowNFPC uses lasertracking onThursday,Jan. 26 in Philadelphia.(PHOTOBYRYANBEVITZ,NAVALFOUNDRYANDPROPELLERCENTER)

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Naval War College professor shares history, breadth of unmanned systems with NUWC Division Newport workforce


Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NEWPORT, R.I. Robotic and unmanned systems are having an impact in many aspects of American culture. How thesesystemsareusedformilitaryandcivilian purposes was the topic of a Knowledge ManagementForumattheNavalUndersea WarfareCenter(NUWC)DivisionNewport onJan.18

Thelecture,titled“RobotsthatFly,Swim and Crawl,” was given by professor John E. Jackson of the Naval War College (NWC) andbroadcastvialivestream.

Basinghispresentationonhisbook“One Nation,UnderDrones,”publishedbytheU.S. NavalInstitutein2018 Jacksoncoveredthe historyofunmannedsystems currentapplications,andaglimpseatwherethetechnology is headed. The majority of examples Jacksonprovidedhavebeenusedforsurveillanceanddefensepurposesbythemilitary

“I hope the audience learned about the fullrangeofroboticsystemsinuseandthose being developed, and understand the capabilities and limitations of these ‘robots,’ ” Jacksonsaid.“Thesesystemshavematured due to the engineering and scientific developments made by the military in labs at NUWCandelsewhere.”

Mark Dalton, chief strategist in Division Newport’sStrategicPlanningOffice,invited Jacksontogivehisunclassifiedpresentation as part of the ongoing Knowledge ManagementForum.

“IinvitedprofessorJacksonasaneffortto expandthetopicareascoveredbytheforum

and to build a greater connection between NUWCandtheNavalWarCollege,”Dalton said “While the professor covered UUVs, I thinkit’simportantforNUWCpersonnelto have a broader view of unmanned systems indomainsoutsideoftheunderseavariety.”

Jackson,whoholdstheE.A.SperryChair ofUnmannedandRoboticSystemsatNWC, has taught about national security decision-making, logistics, and unmanned and roboticsystems,formorethan20years He is also the program manager for the Chief of Naval Operation’s Professional Reading Program, and serves on the President’s Action Group and as Chairman of the 9-11 MemorialCommittee

From the Sperry Automatic Airplane in 1918tounmannedsystemsbeingusedinthe warinUkraine Jacksonprovidedexamples throughouthistoryofaerial,underwaterand surfaceunmannedsystems

The devices Jackson described varied in design, power source, purpose and size. They ranged as small as the hand-held Instant-EyeQuadrotor,whichusesacamera to show soldiers in real time what might await them on the other side of a hill, to the Lockheed KMAX helicopter that could lift 6,000 pounds, to Boeing’s 80-foot-long EchoVoyagerunmannedsubmarine capable of launching unmanned aerial vehicles, missiles,mines,ortorpedoes,carryingNavy SEALs,anddivingtoadepthof11,000feet.

The Snakehead Large Displacement Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (LDUUV), christened at Division Newport’s Narragansett Bay Test Facility last February was amongJackson’sexamples.

“SnakeheadisaverylargediameterUUV thathasdemonstratedthepotentialtomeet theoperationaldemandsofthewarfighters for long periods and stealthy surveillance intheunderseabattlespace,”Jacksonsaid

The proliferation of drones and other unmanned vehicles has raised some ethical questions such as attaching biological weapons to a drone or using potentially dangerous sources of power to operate them, Jackson said.

“TheChinesearedevelopingaversionof the Echo Voyager that has extreme range becauseitusesareactorasapowersource, as opposed to the diesel/electric power that the U.S. version uses,” he said. “The U.S. position is we’re not going to allow a radioactivesourcetobewanderingaround in the ocean by itself. China appears to not have those compunctions.”

Jackson estimated that 47—50 countries aredevelopingunmannedsystemsformilitary purposes. As technology has evolved, finding ways to combat potential threats has been difficult.

“Oneofthethingswe’reconcernedabout is swarms of drones,” Jackson said. “What if someone sends dozens or hundreds of drones against you? It is a very big challenge.”

There are a few proven ways to counter unmanned aerial systems. Sky Wall uses a compressed air canister and a viewfinder to shoot a projectile that splits open and drops a net with a parachute attached to safelybringdownadrone Dronekilleruses electronics to jam a drone’s control signal to force it off target or to land. A pitfall of

using electronic counter measures is they can interfere with other frequencies in the vicinity Hawks have also been trained to bring down drones

While this was Jackson’s first visit to Division Newport in recent years, he’s had plenty of interaction with the Division’s engineers and scientists at the Naval War College

“NUWC has a multi-media tradeshow boothatthecollegetwiceayear,”Jacksonsaid.

NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt Chad Hennings, NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond,Connecticut

Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse, highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers scientists andotherSTEMprofessionals aswell as talented business, finance, logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @ NUWCNewport.

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023
NavalWarCollege professorJohnJackson poseswith Guardbot (left photo) a unique spherical robot used forground surveillance,and exercises the SkyWall anti-drone gun (right photo) in front ofthe NavalWarCollege in November2017 (COURTESYPHOTO)

San Jacinto hosts 35th commissioning anniversary celebration



NORFOLK Va TheTiconderoga-class guided-missilecruiserUSSSanJacinto(CG 56)hostedformercrewmembersandfamily as part of the ship’s 35th commissioning anniversarycelebration,Jan.23

Named after the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution, the San Jacinto was formally commissioned on Jan. 23, 1988 by VicePresidentGeorgeHWBush.

In the years following, thousands of Sailors solidified the ship’s place in history by conducting missions for operations including Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Most notably, the ship launchedthefirstTomahawkCruisemissiles

ever in battle during Desert Storm. In addition to combat operations, San Jacinto also served in many presence operations to include the most recent deployment to U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group,sailingmorethan60,000miles.

“While the Sailors of San Jacinto have changed over the last three and a half decades, the impact of their hard work, here and abroad, will never be taken for granted,” said Capt. Christopher Marvin, San Jacinto’s commanding officer “The sense of pride ‘Gunslingers’ have for this ship and what she has accomplished for our nation will be a part of them forever This reunion gives us a chance to rememberallthattheshipandcollectivecrewhas

accomplished over the years.”

The commissioning anniversary events wereanopportunityforcurrentandformer crew members colloquially known as “Gunslingers,” to share stories, reconnect, and celebrate the legacy of the ship Activities included tours for former crew and theirfamiliesandaformaldinner Thetours allowedformercrewmemberstoreflecton theirtimeaboardandsharetheirmemories withfamilymembers.

“The 35th Anniversary marked a major milestone in San Jacinto’s storied service history,” said Cmdr Glenn Atherton, San Jacinto’s executive officer “(The) celebration was unique and also allowed for ‘Gunslingers’ past and present to share sea stories,learnabouteachother,andseehow

the ship has changed over her venerable career.Formany thismighthavebeentheir last opportunity to board San Jacinto while she’sinactiveservice.

Guests included Vice Adm. Jim Kilby, RearAdm.(Ret.)RobKatz,andfourformer commandingofficers

“Working with the crew of San Jacinto shaped me and my experience in the Navy,” said Vice Adm. Jim Kilby, deputy commander,U.S.FleetForcesCommand SanJacintoisscheduledtodecommission at the end of the fiscal year and currently servesunderCarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)8.

For more news from CSG 8 and USS San Jacinto,visit:www.facebook.com/CSG8; https://www.facebook.com/USSSanJacinto; https://www.surflant.usff.navy.mil/cg56

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 7 ©2023UniversityofMarylandGlobalCampus. in the NewYear Formore than 75 years,University of MarylandGlobal Campus hasbeen helping adult learners earn thedegreeorcertificate they need to reach their next big goal. Apply by February 15 and we’ll waive yourapplicationfee •125+ degrees & certificates•Online &hybridcourses available •No-cost digital materials in place ofmost textbooks•Personalized advisingand support•Lifetime career services, resourcesand tools UMGC.EDU 301-985-7530 ScantheQRCodetoApply &SavewithNoAppFeeThru2/15. UMGCiscertifiedtooperatebytheStateCouncilofHigherEducationforVirginia(SCHEV).UniversityofMaryland GlobalCampus,9625BelvoirRoad,BardenEducationCenter,Building1017,Room128,FortBelvoir,VA22060.
NORFOLK,Va (Jan.23,2023) Crewmembers oftheTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS SanJacinto (CG 56) posewith the ship mascot during a tourofthe ship in celebration oftheir 35-yearcommissioning anniversary,Jan.23,2023.SanJacinto is currentlyin port onboard Naval Station Norfolk.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOCOURTESYOFUSSSANJACINTO)
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 2, 2023


USNS Richard Byrd hosts MSC’s firstpost-COVID


MARSEILLE,France(Dec 29 2022)TheNimitz-classaircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),alongwiththeembarked staffofCarrierStrikeGroup (CSG)10 arrives in Marseille,France, forascheduledportvisit Dec.29 2022.TheGeorge H.W.Bush CSGisonascheduleddeploymentinthe U.S.Naval Forces Europearea ofoperations,employed byU.S.SixthFleet to defend U.S.,

NAVSUP,Armylogisticsleaderscontinue collaborationeffortsaboardGeorgeH.W. Bush

Naval Supply SystemsCommandFleet LogisticsCenterSigonella(NAVSUPFLCSI) andthe U.S. Army’s21stTheater SustainmentCommand(TSC)have beencollaboratingin recent yearstodevelopandtest contingencyplansintheEuropeanTheater inanefforttoimprovejointefficienciesand enableflexiblecapabilitiesforsupporting logistics requirementsof U.S. and NATO WarfightersoperatingacrosstheU.S.Naval ForcesEurope-Africa(USNAVEUR-AF) areaofoperations.

Aspartofthisjointservicecollaborativeeffort,leadersfromthetwologistics commandsandDefenseLogistics Agency Distributionconductedaprofessionaldevelopmentsessionaboard USSGeorgeH.W. Bush(CVN77)Jan.12,2023.

“Thisprofessionaldevelopmentsession wasanidealopportunityfor NAVSUP FLCSIattendeestolearnmoreabouthow theU.S.ArmyissettingtheEuropeantheater andestablishingjointlogisticscapabilities,” saidCapt.Douglas S. MacKenzie, NAVSUP FLCSIcommandingofficer.“Fromour discussions,allparticipantsgainedinsights intohow we -asajointforce-canbetter exploitthesynergyofourlogisticsorganizations.”

Duringthe event,participants discussed current USNAVEURoperationsplans, particularlytheU.S.Army’sTheaterConcept ofSustainment.

Lt.Col.ScottGum,Theater Movement Center- Europechief, representedthe U.S. Army’s21stTSCaboardtheGeorgeH.W. Bushandprovidedabriefingtothe event attendeesthatcovereditsorganization’s missionandcapabilities.

“A keymessageIconveyedto my U.S. Navylogisticscolleagues wasthatinorder toeffectivelysettheEuropeanTheaterfor logistics,optionsarerequiredasisaflexibilityandatrueunderstandingofcommercial andmilitarysupportcapacities,”Gumsaid.

GeorgeH.W. Bush’s supplydepartment membersalsoattendedtheprofessional developmentsession.


fulandarticulatedtheimportanceoflogisticalinteroperabilityintheregionandwithin DoDservices,” saidCmdr.Don McIntyre, USSGeorgeH.W.Bushsupplyofficer.“Each militaryservicebranchfacesuniquelogisticalchallengesbut by understanding them fromaholisticperspective,ourservicescan leverageour strengthsandcreatesolution setsinanoperationalenvironmenttomaximizeefficiencyandlethalityofourcombined forces.Thediscussionsbetween NAVSUP FLCSIandthe21stTSCtrulyopenedup theapertureforjuniorsupplyofficersabout thecontinueddirectionofjointU.S.military operationsandtheimportanceofwhatGet RealGetBetterbringstothefight!”

GeorgeH.W. Bushistheflagshipofthe BushCarrier StrikeGroup,whichison a scheduleddeploymentinthe U.S. Naval ForcesEurope-Africaareaofoperations employedbyU.S.SixthFleettodefendU.S. alliedandpartnerinterests.

“Theship wasanideal venueforthis kindofprofessionaldevelopmentsession forourtwologisticscommunities,” Gum said.“TheEuropeantheaterhassomeof themostchallengingproblemsetsforlogisticsandsustainmentoperationsinsupport of NATO, Alliesandpartnernations.Sharingourcommunicatingsustainmentplans iscriticaltoclosinggapsandseamsofgetting logisticstothepointofneedasa jointforce and alsoinidentifyingsharedconceptsand

waysofbettersupportingoperations. Joint matters!”

Supplyandlogisticsprofessionals assignedtoGeorgeH.W.BushechoedGum’s statementsabouttheimportanceofsharing tactics,techniquesandprocedures.

“Ourdiscussionwith Lt.Col.Gumand theFLCSIleadership wasanopportunity tolearnhowacarrier strike group fitsinto atheater’s jointlogisticsefforts;specificallyhowGeorgeH.W.Bushisconnectedto efforts across USNAVEUR,”said Lt.Cmdr MichaelCurtis,GeorgeH.W.Bushprincipal assistantforservices(PAS).“Thevisitwith theseleaders wasanimportantchancefor ustolearnfromtwoorganizationsexecuting logisticsatajointlevelandhowwe,assupply corpsofficers,maybeabletoleverage their capabilitieslaterinourcareers.”

GumandCmdr.Ed Windas, NAVSUP FLCSIoperationsofficer,agreedthatthe successoftheprofessionaldevelopment sessionaboardGeorgeH.W. Bushisjust thebeginningofaproductiveandmutually-beneficial relationshipbetweenthe21st TSCandNAVSUPFLCSI.

“Ourtwologisticsorganizationswill continuetoidentifyfutureopportunities to strengthenour relationshiptosetthe Europeantheaterthroughplans,jointexercisesandengagementswithnationsand NATO,”Gumsaid.“Byaligning strategic engagementsandfinding exercisestotest

jointcapability,wewillcontinuetoimprove logisticssupportcapabilityandcapacityin Europe.”

“Froma NAVSUPFLCSIperspective, we needed this eventtobesuccessfuland it was, Windassaid. “Any conflict requiring U.S. kineticmilitaryactionwillnotbe foughtina vacuum. Resourcesarelimited -whethertheybespecificclassesofsupply, groundlinesoftransportation,orpointsof accesstoseaportsfor re-supply.AstheU.S. militarylogisticsleadersinEurope,wehave anobligationtounderstandhowourjoint forceswillbebroughttobear.Onlythrough constantdialoguewithourU.S.Armylogisticscounterpartscan we manageriskand exploittheopportunitiesthisAORpresents.”

Theship sailedthroughthe Puget Soundand downtheColumbiaRiver wheretheTigerswere able to seeavarietyofnaturalwildlife. PageB6 Logisticsandsupplyleadersassignedto NAVSUPFLCSI,TheU.S.Army’s 21stTheaterSustainment CommandandtheNimitz-classaircraft carrierUSSGeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77)conductedajointserviceprofessionaldevelopment eventaboardGeorge H.W.Bush,Jan.12,2023.(PHOTOBYJOSEPH YANIK,NAVALSUPPLYSYSTEMSCOMMANDFLEETLOGISTICSCENTERSIGONELLA)

GeorgeH.W.BushistheflagshipofCSG-10, GeorgeH.W. BushCSG.CSG-10comprises GeorgeH.W.Bush,CarrierAirWing(CVW) 7, DestroyerSquadron(DESRON)26,the Information Warfare Commander,andthe Ticonderoga-classguided-missilecruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55).

NAVSUPFLCSIlogisticians,customs clearanceandtransportationmanagers, alongwiththeirmissionpartners,have deliveredmorethanonemillionpounds ofmailandnearlyonemillionpoundsof mission-relatedcargotoGeorgeH.W Bush CSGcrewmemberssincetheybeganoperatingintheaterinAugust2022.

21stTSC executesmissioncommand ofoperationalsustainmentacrossthe EuropeanandAfricanTheater, by interfacing,integrating,andpursuinginteroperability with U.S., NATO, andotherpartner nationstofacilitatetheatersustainment andfreedomofmaneuverforcombined alliedforces.TheTSCmovesall U.S. Army forcesandlogisticsthroughouttheEuropeantheaterwithallmodesoftransport and by closelypartneringwithAlliedand partnernations. FLCSIisoneof NAVSUP’seightglobally-positionedcommandsthatprovides forthefull rangeofsolutionsforlogistics,businessandsupportservicestothe U.S. Naval, Joint, NATOandAllied Forces across 14 enduringandforwardoperating sites;forwardcontingencyandcooperative securitylocationsin13countriesinEurope andAfrica.

USS NimitzvisitsSingapore


SOUTH CHINA SEA The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group departed the Republic of Singapore Jan. 26 after a scheduled port visit. TheaircraftcarrierUSSNimitz(CVN68) arrivedwiththeArleighBurke-classguided-missile destroyers USS Decatur (DDG 73), USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93), and USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108).

Prior to arrival, Nimitz operated in the Philippine Sea and South China Sea where it conducted maritime strike train-

ing,anti-submarineoperations,integrated multi-domainandjointtrainingbetween surfaceand airelements, andflightoperationswithfixedand rotarywingaircraft.

“Weare verythankfultothepeopleof Singaporeforwelcomingusthispastweek, andconsiderourselves veryfortunate whenever we gettheopportunitytovisit this wonderfulcountry,” said Rear Adm. ChristopherSweeney,commander,Carrier StrikeGroup11.“TheU.S.NavyandNimitz CarrierStrikeGroupisstrongerandbetter preparedwhen weworkalongsideour Alliesandpartnerstopromotesecurityand

stabilityacrosstheIndo-Pacific region.”

WhileinSingapore, Sailorsgotachance to explorethecountry’s culturethrough various Morale, Welfareand Recreation tours.

“Thenighttourofthecitywasmyfavoritepart,”saidAirTrafficControllerAirman MitchellBrady,aNimitzSailor.“Therewas alottoseeandIlearnedatonofhistory aboutthecountryandtheculture.”

Sailorsalsohelpedprepare andpackage mealsforpeopleinneedat a charityorganizationinSingapore.

“Aspartofthe Navy,whenever we goto

anothercountry, we doourbesttobeof

service,” said Lt.Cmdr.DonelsonThevenin,a Navychaplainassignedto Nimitz whohelpedorganizethe event.“It was a great experiencetogivebacktoacommunitythat wassogracioustohostusinthis beautifulcountry.”

The NimitzCarrier StrikeGroup is deployedtothe U.S. 7thFleetareaofoperations.7thFleetisthe U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployednumberedfleet,and routinelyinteractsandoperateswithAllies andpartnersinpreservingafreeandopen Indo-Pacific region.

www.flagshipnews.com|TheFlagship| Section2|Thursday, February 2, 2023 1

USS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115) completes Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training



Commander Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron 15


The Arleigh

Burke-class guided-missile destroyer

USS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115) completed

Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training (SWATT), Jan. 25

The 10-day exercise was designed to enhance warfighting capabilities, tactical proficiencies and abilities to integrate with a larger force through a series of tactical scenarios

“SWATT provided a great opportunity to test our Sailors in realistic situations where theyhadtomaketacticaldecisionsandreact tothesituationathand,”saidCmdr Charles Cooper, Rafael Peralta’s commanding officer “The Lava Dogs did a great job relying ontheirprevioustrainingandexperiencein theatertomeetdynamicchallenges SWATT alsogaveusanopportunitytoworkwiththe Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, one of ourstrongestandclosestalliesintheregion.

Throughout the exercise, Rafael Peralta participated in a variety of warfighting scenarios while steaming with the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruisers USS

Antietam(CG54),USSChancellorsville(CG 62) and USS Shiloh (CG 67), as well as the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Atagoclass guided-missile destroyer JS Ashigara (DDG 178)

Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC) embarked senior mentors and warfare tactics instructors(WTIs)tofacilitatethescenarios,which weredesignedtoprovideRafaelPeraltaSailorsanopportunitytoapplytheirknowledge and skills across the surface warfare, air warfare,anti-submarinewarfare,andinformation warfare mission areas

“SWATT presented a variety of engaging andrealisticscenarios,”saidEnsignAmanda Cervantes, from Chicago, Rafael Peralta’s ordnance officer “It was good to have an opportunity to exercise in a tactical mindset while simulating real-world situations specifictothisAOR(areaofresponsibility).”

Chief Fire Controlman Valentin Amboy, from Modesto California, said Sailors were readytomeeteverychallengetheyencountered throughout the exercise.

“SWATT was a prolific chance to show the naval might of USS Rafael Peralta and ouraccompanyingallies,”saidAmboy.“Our teams put on an amazing display of fire-

power from fo’c’sle to fantail.”

According to Gunner’s Mate Seaman Abigalia Ralph, from Nashville, Tennessee, who was assigned to the ship’s crew-served weapons team during the exercise SWATT was instrumental to the professional development of many of the ship’s junior Sailors

“It helped me because I’ve been here for two weeks and was put in a situation where I had to help defend the ship,” said Ralph. “Anyone can find themselves in that situation, and it’s vital to the ship to be able to perform when the pressure is on. The exercise scenarios were beneficial because they helped get us more familiar with the weapons systems, and in turn, that will help us to react faster and more effectively in a realworld situation.”

SWATTisconductedundertheguidance of SMWDC and is the U.S. Navy surface force’s premiere advanced tactical training exercise, increasing warfighting capability and tactical proficiency across all domains

Rafael Peralta is assigned to Commander Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON)15,theNavy’slargestforward-deployed DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet’s principal surface force

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PHILIPPINE SEA(Jan.20 2023) –TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115) fires the Mark38 25 mm machine gun during a live-fire exercisewhile operating in the Philippine Sea,Jan.20 Rafael Peralta is assigned to Commander TaskForce 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15,the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S.7th Fleet’s principal surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSGREGJOHNSON)
FromCommanderNavyRegionHawaii Based on DOH Environmental Action Levels and EPA Regional Screening Levels validated Navy groundwater monitoring sample results show no exceedances of PFAS following the November AFFF spill at Red Hill. TheNavy,incoordinationwiththeHawaii DepartmentofHealth(DOH)andEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA), released the first round of groundwater monitoring results from samples collected in December Results are available on the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Safe Waters website at www.jbphh-safewaters.org, on the AFFF AssessmentpageoftheEnvironmentalpage Results will be updated as validated data is received. Groundwater monitoring wells were tested in accordance with a PFAS-Specific Sampling and Analysis Plan approved by DOH in December that outlined the Navy’s sampling strategy Collected data is being used to determine the extent of contamination related to the release event and if further remediation is required at the site For more information on the Navy’s Red Hill environmental efforts visit www jpbhh-safewaters.org. No PFAS exceedances in validated Navy
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also
groundwater monitoring samples
PHILIPPINE SEA(Jan.20 2023) –TheArleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyerUSS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115) fires the Mark45 5-inch lightweight gun during a live-fire exercisewhile operating in the Philippine Sea,Jan.20 Rafael Peralta is assigned to Commander TaskForce 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15,the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S.7th Fleet’s principal surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023

U.S. Navy builds on Philippine partnership with VP-10

ByPettyOfficer1stClassAshleyGuire Patrol Squadron (VP) 10

MACTAN-BENITOEBUENAIRBASE, Philippines The “Red Lancers” of Patrol Squadron (VP) 10 wrapped up a weeklong engagement with personnel from the ArmedForcesofthePhilippinesinMactan Philippines Jan. 27

Designedtopromotejointregionalsecurity and partnership between the Philippines and the United States, the event included a P-8A Poseidon static aircraft display and distinguished visitor flights in the Philippine Sea.

“We have a common interest a free and open Pacific with shared values,” said Cmdr Marc “Magnum” Hines, VP-10 commanding officer “The U.S. Navy and maritime patrol’s persistent presence across the theater and bilateral engagements like this underpin the importance of that partnership.”

Among the distinguished visitors to fly were Lt Gen. Benedict Arevalo the commander of Armed Forces of the Philippines - Visayas Command, Maj. Gen JoannisLeonardiB.Dimaano,commander, Air Mobility Command, and Commodore Ernesto Baldovino, commander, Naval

Forces Central. “The Philippine-U.S Alliance has a long standing history, and joint shore-based operations are aligned with both partner’s priorities,” said Arevalo The week allowed continued regional security in the Philippine Sea while building mutual trust between the Philippines and the United States.

“It’s a pleasure to take these gentlemen flying with us,” said Lt Daniel Leclaire, VP-10 Mission Commander “It is always nice to showcase our maritime patrol aircraft’s capabilities to include anti-submarine warfare, information surveillance

and reconnaissance, and anti-surface warfare.

The“RedLancers”arebasedinJacksonville, Florida, and are currently operating from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan The squadron conducts maritime patrol and reconnaissance, as well as theater outreach operations as part of a rotational deployment to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinelyinteractsandoperateswithAllies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region.

Merrillville, Indiana, native serves aboard USS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115) while conducting operations in the Pacific Ocean

Johnson Commander Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron 15

A Merrillville, Indiana, native and 2021 graduateofMerrillvilleHighSchoolisserving aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115).

Petty Officer 3rd Class Elizabeth

Quinonesmaldonado joined the Navy in 2021 as a cryptologic technician (technical) orCTR,andisnowforward-deployed aboardRafaelPeraltatoCommander,Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan.

“WhenIgraduatedhighschool,Iwasn’t quite ready to commit to college,” said Quinonesmaldonado “Considering that, I come from a military family and they all had really good experiences during their service so I decided that was something I wanted to pursue.”

Quinonesmaldonado said she chose to enlist as a CTR because the rate offers a wide variety of career opportunities

“I was offered three rates, but when I looked into what CTRs do, it really piqued my interest,” said Quinonesmaldonado

“There are a lot of options As a CTR, we can go on subs, ships or shore and follow a number of different career paths.”

CTRs are responsible for providing tactical guidance to special warfare operations and ships across the fleet and serve asexpertsinradarsurveillanceandmissile defense In her short time aboard Rafael Peralta,Quinonesmaldonadosaidhertechnical level of knowledge in these areas has already grown significantly

“One of the most valuable experiences

I’ve had on board so far was hands-on training when NIWTG (Naval Information Warfare Training Group) came on for ourcryptologicwarfarecertification,”said Quinonesmaldonado “We actually ran some simulations and had the opportunity to compile reports and send them out just as we would if we were operating at sea.”

Quinonesmaldonado spent about six months in her primary division before going on a temporary assignment as a food serviceattendant(FSA)intheship’sgalley a duty most junior Sailors fulfill early in their careers It is a duty she has not only embraced,butoneshehasexcelledin,earningthehonorofFSAoftheMonthforJanu-

PACIFIC OCEAN (Jan.27,2023) – CryptologicTechnician (Technical) 3rd Class Elizabeth Quinonesmaldonado (left),from Merrillville,Indiana, accepts the Food ServiceAttendant ofthe MonthAward aboard theArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115)while operating in the Pacific Ocean,Jan.27 Rafael Peralta is assigned to Commander TaskForce 71/DestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 15, the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S.7th Fleet’s principal surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION


ary 2023

“CTR3 Quinonesmaldonado is a highly motivated, standout Sailor who gives her best day in and day out,” said Lt Domenic Mariani, Rafael Peralta’s supply officer “HerpositiveattitudeisinfectiousandI’m proudtohaveheraspartofmyfoodservice operation.

According to Quinonesmaldonado, if there is one thing she has learned since joining the Navy, it is how to be a more effective communicator

“I’ve learned to be better at communicatingwithothersandhelpingothersout,” said Quinonesmaldonado “Being an FSA has forced me to come out of my shell and has taught me a lot about what it is to be a leader because it requires you to take charge of a lot.”

While Quinonesmaldonado is making thebestofheropportunitiesasanFSA,she said she is looking forward to eventually rejoining her division “I’m really looking forward to getting

back and continuing to do my job,” said Quinonesmaldonado. “I want to build on the experience I already have, be my best at my job and focus on studying for the advancement exam.”

RafaelPeraltaisassignedtoCommander Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15 the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet’s principal surface force

MACTAN,Philippines (Jan.25,2023) – Maj.Gen.Joannis Leonardi B.Dimaano commander AirMobilityCommand,and Cmdr Marc Hines,commanding officerofthe“Red Lancers ofPatrol Squadron (VP) 10 shake hands during a meeting as part ofaweeklong engagement promoting joint regional securityand partnerships out ofMactan,Philippines.VP-10 is based inJacksonville, Florida and is currentlyoperating from KadenaAirBase in Okinawa Japan.It conducts maritime patrol and reconnaissance,aswell as theateroutreach operations,as part ofa rotational deployment to the U.S.7th Fleet area ofoperations.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT J.G.TRAVISGOEBEL) ByPettyOfficer1stClassGregory
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 3

U.S. Navy showcases operational readiness, flexibility in exercise with Israel


U.S.NavalForcesCentralCommand/ U.S.5thFleet

MEDITERRANEAN SEA U.S. naval forcesparticipatedinthelargest-everbilateralexercisebetweentheUnitedStatesand Israellastweek,whichculminatedinavisit to aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN77)onJan.26byseniormilitaryleadersfrombothnations.

During exercise Juniper Oak 23-2, the George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group operated in the Mediterranean Sea in support of U.S. 5th Fleet while still under theoperationalcontrolofU.S.6thFleet The command-and-controlsetupdemonstrated theinherentflexibilityofU.S.navalforcesto simultaneously support operations in two

regions EuropeandtheMiddleEast.

“I’m proud of the effort from our team to support Juniper Oak, which showcased a high level of dedication, professionalism and readiness from our Sailors alongside our Israeli partners,” said Rear Adm. Dennis Velez, the strike group commander.

“The command-and-control arrangement in Juniper Oak also highlighted the flexibilityU.S.Navycarrierstrikegroupshaveto operate across multiple theaters of operation,andreflectsthevaluetheNavyprovides to national security and regional stability anywhereintheworld.”

The strike group coordinated complex, combined military operations with Israel on land, in the air and at sea, involving all elements of the team. Guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun (DDG 103) partici-

patedinalive-firedrillinadditiontoalargescale strike with air assets from Carrier Air Wing(CVW)7. Aircraft from CVW-7 involved in the strike exercise included 16 F/A-18 Super Hornets four E/A-18G Growlers and two E-2DHawkeyes FourGBU-16laser-guided bombswereexpendedontrainingtargets.

Additionally,strikegroupshipsalsosailed informationwithIsraelivesselsintheEastern Mediterranean. Participating ships includedGeorgeH.W.Bush,Truxtun,guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55), guided-missile destroyer USS Nitze (DDG 94), and Israeli Navy Sa’ar corvettes INS Hanit, INS Eliat, INS Oz, and INS Tarshis

The Israeli Navy submarine INS Dolphin alsojoined. During Juniper Oak’s final day, top U.S.

and Israeli military leaders flew out to George H.W. Bush to meet and discuss the results of the exercise as well as observe carrierflightoperations.

“JuniperOakhasraisedourlevelofplanning and our level of implementation of combined operations,” said Israeli Lt Gen. Hertzi Halevi, chief of the general staff for Israel Defense Forces “It is always good to have our best partner here with us to learnfromeachother Thisinteroperability strengthensourabilitytocopewitharange ofsecuritychallengesoverthearea.”

TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21countries,theArabianGulf,GulfofOman RedSea,partsoftheIndianOceanandthree criticalchokepointsattheStraitofHormuz, Babal-MandebandSuezCanal

NAVSUP FLC Bahrain detachment enhances border crossing efficiency on the Arabian Peninsula


MUSCAT,Oman NavalSupplySystems Command(NAVSUP)FleetLogisticsCenter (FLC) Bahrain provides boots-on ground mission critical contracting and logistic support throughout the 5th Fleet Area of Responsibility (AOR). NAVSUP FLC Bahrain detachment Oman based at the U.S. Embassy Muscat, assists in supporting operationalreadinesstoourmaritimepartners which consists of line-haul trucking throughout the Arabian Peninsula to meet unitrequirements.

Withthedetachmentprovidingfull-spectrumlogisticssupporttoallU.SNavalactivity within the Sultanate of Oman, NAVSUP

FLC Bahrain understands the importance that border crossings have on mission success, prompting the detachment to conduct a visit to Oman’s border crossings

with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from 12-13 December Day one centered on the United Arab Emirates crossing which is vital for maritime forces as nearly all food and subsistence items are sourced from the United ArabEmiratesanddeliveredtotacticalunits within Oman. Eight hundred trucks transit this border per day and small oversights in a complex customs process can result in lengthy delays and missed Required Delivery Dates. FLC Bahrain detachment Oman plays a vital role in processing the import customs and meeting all lead times This requires logisticians throughout the AOR to coordinate with multiple stakeholders to render the high-caliber support that is consistentlydeliveredtoallactivities

The second day brought the detachment to Oman’s border with Kingdom of Saudi

ArabiawhichprocessedDoDcargothroughout2022.ThemeetingwithOmaniofficials andtouroftheborderfacilitiesprovedvital toformulateanunderstandingoftheimplications and differences of importing materielfromanationotherthantheUnitedArab Emirates These differences infuse additional complexity into planning timelines and highlight the importance that logisticians play in this incredibly strategic and dynamicAOR.Theessentialityofmaintaining awareness of policy changes cannot be overlooked and it is incumbent upon FLC BahraindetOmantoensurethisoccurs

The two-day visit played a critical role in supporting maritime logistics in the AOR and highlighted the effect that ground transportation has throughout the Arabian Peninsula. With the volume of sustainment providedbytrucking,itisessentialtomaintain awareness and acumen of the customs

and border processes Meeting the officials fromvariousnationsassistedinmaintaining goodrelationswithmissionpartnerswhich helpsenableexcellentlogisticssupport

NAVSUP FLC Bahrain is one of eight FLCs under Commander, NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania,NAVSUPemploysadiverse,worldwide workforceofmorethan25,000militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics, Sailors, and family care activities with our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent anddecisivelywinwars

Learn more at www.navsup.navy.mil, www.facebook.com/navsup and https:// twitter.com/navsupsyscom.

Mediterranean Sea (Jan.24 2023)The Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77) sails in the Mediterranean Sea,Jan.24 2023 JuniperOak23-2 is a bilateral militaryexercise, led byU.S.Central Command and the Israeli Defense Force,designed to enhance interoperabilitybetween the U.S.and Israel militaries.JuniperOak23-2 joins the long-standing“Juniper series that the U.S.and Israel have conducted formore than 20-years (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSCHRISTINEMONTGOMERY)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023
Duqm,Oman (February22 2022).Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUP) Fleet Logistics Center(FLC) Bahrain (Oman detachment) conducted bordertrips to the Kingdom ofSaudiArabia and UnitedArab Emirates borders in mid-December NAVSUPFLC Bahrain is one ofeight FLCs underCommander NAVSUP (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLIEUTENANTCOMMANDEREMMALARENAS)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 5

USNS Richard Byrd hosts MSC’s first postCOVID Tiger Cruise

Military Sealift Command Pacific

Familymembersandfriendsgottheopportunitytoexperiencelifeat-seaonaMilitary Sealift Command (MSC) ship as the participated in a Family Cruise, also known asaTigerCruise,onboardtheMSCdrycargo/ammunitionshipUSNSRichardE.Byrd (T-AKE4)inthePacificNorthWest

FifteenTigersboardedtheshipinBremerton,Wash andsailedwiththemovertwo days to the Vigor Industrial Shipyard in Portland, Ore. During the trip, the ship sailed through the Puget Sound and down the Columbia River, where the Tigers were able toseeavarietyofnaturalwildlife,includingOrcas,orKillerWhales. Belowdeck,Tigersweretreatedtotoursofworkspaces,withthemostpopularbeing the Engineering Department, where they saw the big motors that power the ship up close Eveningsincludedapizzaandmovienight

“Havingfamilyandfriendsonboardyourshiptoseewhatyoudowhenyouareaway at-sea, is a real moral boost for everyone,” said Capt. Lee Apsley, Byrd’s civil service master “ThisTigerCruisewasreallyfun,andI’mreallylookingforwardtothenextone.

The Byrd Tiger Cruise is of special note as it is the first time an MSC ship has embarked family and friends since the 2020 COVID restrictions were put into place toprotectships crewsfromthevirus

“Weareveryhappytosupportthisspecialrequest,”saidCapt.KendallBridgewater, commander, Military Sealift Pacific. “Family is important, particularly the families of ourcivilianmarinerswhospendlongperiodsawayfromhomeinsupportofourNavy Beingabletogivefamiliestheopportunitytospendtimeonboardourships,tobewith theirlovedones,andseewhattheydowhileatsea,isaspecialopportunity.”

According to the Navy Tiger Cruise is the unclassified code name of a guest cruise programthatincludestwoormoreconsecutivedaysunderway.Theprimarypurpose of a Tiger Cruise is for service members to acquaint their family members with their shipandtheirshipboardduties,andisintendedtocontributetogoodmoraleandinstill a sense of pride in the Navy and their ships. It also enhances public understanding of theNavyandincreasescommunityawareness.

Command since the 2020

restrictionswere put into place to protect ships’crews from thevirus.

Familymembers ofMilitarySealift Command drycargo/ammunition ship USNS Richard E.Byrd
the first
(T-AKE 4) posewith tools in the
spaces ofthe ship during aTigerCruise from Bremerton,Wash.,to Portland,Ore.TheTigerCruisewas
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023
ABOVE: Familymembers ofMilitarySealift Command drycargo/ammunition ship USNS Richard E.Byrd (T-AKE 4) pose on the bridge ofthe ship during aTigerCruise from Bremerton,Wash.,to Portland,Ore.TheTigerCruisewas the first forMilitarySealift Command since the 2020 COVID restrictionswere put into place to protect ships’crews from thevirus.BELOW: Familymembers practice man-overboard drills in drysuites during aTigerCruise.(PHOTOSBYSARAHCANNON,MILITARYSEALIFTCOMMANDPACIFIC)
Iasked what kind of family Amina wanted. She said, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her. Denise, adopted 17-year-old Amina LEARN ABOUT ADOPTING ATEEN YOUCAN’T IMAGINE THE REWARD ADO PT US KID S .O RG Listen to our top news stories for free. Tribune Publishing Company Staying in the know is easy Each weekday,you’ll get the latest stories curated by our editors on your smart speaker or streaming service. Available on Amazon Echo, Apple Music, Google Home, Spotify and more. Start now at PlayOurNews.com www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 7
Finish your high school diploma, foryou andfor them. Find free,flexibleand supportive adult education centersnearyou at FinishYourDiploma.org. When you graduate, they graduate. 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 2, 2023

On iberty

Sweet treats for your Valentine and a game day appetizer to cheer for!

Wetheryou are getting readyfor Valentines Dayorthe big game,we have treats to please! PageC4

Valor Run honors the U.S. military women who have served our nation since 9/11, huge run taking place March 26 in Virginia Beach


Something very honorable will be taking place March 26 at First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach, Virginia It is the annual ValorRun,organizedbyValorRun,Inc.and they want everyone to know that the run itselfisopenforeveryonetoparticipatein.

Valor Run Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization founded right here in our Hampton Roads area in Chesapeake, Virginia to be exact in 2014 by Admiral NancyLacorewhohas30yearsserviceinthe Navy Theirmissionis: TounitecommunitiesthroughrunningeventstohonortheU.S. militarywomenwhohaveservedournation

since 9/11 especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice while supporting combat operationsinIraqandAfghanistan.

Forthe2023ValorRunregistrationform, scholarship form and so much more, go to https://www.valorrun.org/

Yiorgo: To tell us more about it, with us today is Missy Cotter Smasal, Executive Director and Race Director of Valor Run.

Missy thank you and your family for your service to our country Please tell us more aboutValorRun.

Missy Cotter Smasal: It’s an honor, thank you for your support. Valor Run is a local non-profit, honoring the memory of the women who died in service, post 9/11,

aswellashonoringallservicemembers We haveapictureinourmindofwhataveteran is, an older gentleman with a baseball cap on, and Valor Run wants to make sure that when people think of veterans, they think of women who have served too On our website at https://www.valorrun.org/ you can see the faces of the 177 women that we honor Also on social media, we recognise the anniversary of their deaths as well as during Women’s History Month, Veterans Day, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day. It’s importantthateveryoneseestheirfaces,the diversity of the people who served in terms ofage,raceanddifferentpartsofthecountry thattheycomefrom

Y: Can you tell us about how Valor Run wasstarted?

MCS: Valor Run was started by Admiral Nancy Lacore, who currently serves in the Navy Afterdoingheroverseastoursduring Operation Freedom, Nancy felt compelled to do something and bring attention to the women who were serving in Afghanistan and Iran and she wanted to help everyone rememberthewomenwhodiedwhileserving Thereforein2014,shedecidedthatshe was going to run a mile for each of those women At the time the count was 160 and she ran 160 miles, starting on October 12th

TurntoValorRun, Page 3

The Mariners Museum celebrates Black History Month with a series of engaging lectures


Connecting Ancestral Memory through the History and Archaeology of Slave Shipwrecks

„ Thursday,February2,2023

„ 7pm-8:30pm(Doorsopenat6pm)

„ Inperson:FreeforMuseumMembers.$10forguests

„ Virtual:Thislectureislivestreamedandfreetowatch


Presenter: Kamau Sadiki, Diving With A Purpose board memberandleadinstructor MonitorNationalMarineSanctuaryAdvisoryCouncilmember

AbouttheLecture:Learnabouttheunfathomablestories oftwoshipwrecksinvolvedintheTransatlanticEraofAfrican enslavement through underwater archaeology documentation: SãoJoséPaquetedeAfrica whichcrashedintotherocks offCliftonBeachinCapeTown,SouthAfrica,onDecember 27 1794.Ofthe500capturedAfricansonboard 212losttheir lives Itswreckagewasdiscoveredin2015 Clotilda,whichsailedintoMobileBay,Alabama,onJuly9, 1860,endinganillegalmissionasthelastslaveshiptobring captured Africans into the USA to be enslaved. There were 110 imprisoned human souls from present day Benin in its cargohold.ItsWreckagewasdiscoveredin2018 Kamau participated in some of the underwater archaeological work on these wrecks as a strategic partner with theSlaveWrecksProject,SEARCHInc.,andSmithsonian’s NationalMuseumofAfricanAmericanCulture

US Slave Revolts at Sea

„ Friday,February10,2023

„ Noon-1pm „

InPerson:FreeforMuseumMembers $1forguests

„ Virtual:Thislectureislivestreamedandfreetowatch online

Presenter:JohnV.Quarstein DirectoremeritusoftheUSS


About the Lecture: The most successful slave revolt in US history occurred on November 7, 1841, when enslaved personstookovertheshipCreolethatsailedfromHampton Roads,Virginia,enroutetoNewOrleans MadisonWashingtonledotherenslavedpeopleinasuccessfulrebellion Once theyreachedNassau,Bahamas theywereautomaticallyfree sinceGreatBritainoutlawedslaveryin1834.Despitenumerous American diplomatic and court actions 128 people gainedtheirfreedomintheCreoleRebellion.

Four Freedom Fighters from Southampton County

„ Friday,February24,2023

„ Noon-1pm „ InPerson:FreeforMuseumMembers $1forguests.

„ Virtual:Thislectureislivestreamedandfreetowatch online



About the Lecture: Southampton County, Virginia, was home to four men who took radically different paths seeking freedom. Nat Turner led the bloodiest slave revolt in American history, whereas Dred Scott endeavored to find his freedom via the legal approach. Anthony Gardiner left Southampton County for Liberia, later becoming that nation’spresident.John‘Fed’Brownbecameafugitive eventually reaching England, where he wrote A Narrative of a Slave’sLifeinGeorgia,oneofseveralbookspublishedbefore theCivilWardetailingtheevilsofslavery

RegistrationInfomation: Advanceregistrationisrequiredwhetheryouattendthelecturesinpersonoronline Eveninglectureswillbe inpersonintheMainLobbyandlivestreamed.Can’tattendtheLecture?Noproblem!Lecturesareuploaded to our YouTube channel shortly afterward at https://www.youtube.com/c/themarinersmuseum For additionalassistance questions orsupport contactusatguestrelations@MarinersMuseum.orgor(757)596-2222.

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

(PHOTOCOURTESYOFVALORRUN) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 1

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Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/

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Black Girl Magic to be presented next weekend at the Hugh R. Copeland Center, Sharon Cook talks about her experience with the show


TheHurrahPlayersareproudtopresentBlack Girl Magic, February 17th-19th at the Hugh R. CopelandCenterinNorfolk,VA BlackGirlMagic, is an original show celebrating the history and accomplishments of African American women told through story and song While not inappropriate theremaybecontentthatyoungerchildren maynotgrasp.

For tickets, times, dates and more info, go to https://hurrahplayers.com/ Yiorgo: With us today is Sharon Cook, the writer and Director for Black Girl Magic Why shouldpeoplecometotheshow?Whatwillthey seeandhear?Whatareyouhopingthattheywill getoutofit?

SharonCook:WithourshowBlackGirlMagic, wearehopingtogiveinsighttothecontributions thatblackwomenhavemade Wewilllearnabout thelivesandthelegacythatblackwomen,African Americanwomenhavecontributedtoourcountry andtheworld.Comingtotheshowmeansshowing solidarity for women and the goal is to create conversationsaboutthejourneysthattheseAfricanAmericanwomenhaveexperienced Afterall the history of these women, is the history of this country and the world that we live in. Also they will see and hear about some of the famous AfricanAmericanwomenbutalso,wewilllearnabout otherwomenthatarenewtothem.Thehopeisfor affirmationandtosparkaconversation.

Y: Without giving too much away, what is the show about, who do you focus on in telling their stories,etc.

SC: Black Girl Magic combines poetry, monologue music and conventional drama along with video andfilm.Theaudiencewitnessesthejourney of Sister who is a young African American woman, struggling to find a place of acceptance in the world. She takes notice of things that are happening in the present and how they connect tothingsthathavehappenedinthepast Shefeels asenseofdefeat,butguidedbytheancestorswho are African warrior queens, they come on the scene and they accompany her on her journey, until she comes to a place of self reconciliation andacceptance.Thequeensgetaglimpseintothe livesandlegacyofBlackwomenfromthepastand present,bothyoungandold.

SomeofthepeoplethatSistercomesincontact withintheplayinclude:SojournerTruth,Harriet Tubman, Ruby Bridges as well as Irene Morgan andClaudetteColvin,whobothcamebeforeRosa Parks ThereisalsoMotherClaraHalewhowasa selfless servant in taking in drug addicted babies andchildreninHarlem.Sheopenedherhomeup andbecamealicensedfosterparent.Wealsotalk aboutourblackwomenwhoarepoliticalleaders like Maxine Waters and we look at the Burningham girls and Sarrah Collins who was a survivor ofthatterroristchurchbombing.

With the African queens, one of the things I wanted to establish is that our history did not beginwithslavery,itactuallybeginsonthecontinentofAfrica.InseveralAfricancountrieswomen wererespectedroyalty thesefearlessqueenswho didsomereallyextraordinarythingsduringtheir reigns

TurntoBlackGirlMagic, Page 3

5 easy DIYs to display your LOVE


Handmade Valentine’s Day decor is a craftywaytoputyourloveondisplay.Adda littleTLCtoyourhomeorshareyouraffectionwithlovedonesbydedicatingsometime to simple DIY projects that come straight fromtheheart.

1.Creativecutouts.Placesandmoments holdspecialplacesintheheart,somemorialize them with decorative wall hangings Useatreasuredphotoormapofdestinations youholddearasthebaselayer.Next,choose adesign,suchasaheartoraromanticword like “love.” Print your design then trace it on a piece of foam core or matting. Cut out the design to create an opening and layer it overthephotoormap Tofinishtheproject, either affix the top layer to the bottom and displayas-isorplaceitinaprettyframe.

2.Suckerforsucculents Hardyandeasy tocarefor,succulentsareastylishwaytoadd someplantlifetoyourhome Addaromantic twistbygatheringaselectionofsmallsucculentsinavarietyofcolorsandtexturesthen clusteringtheminaheart-shapedbasketor planter Succulentsalsomakegreatgifts;just createasmallplanterandattachacardthat conveysyourheartfeltthoughts

3.Loveisinthecards Almost everyone hasadeckortwoofoldplayingcardslaying

around, or they’re an inexpensive investment. Using the red-hued cards from the heart suite, punch holes in the top of each card String heart-themed ribbon through the holes to make a whimsical banner you canhangonawalloracrossadoorway

4. Say it in string Expressing yourself withstringartisaneasyprojectsuitablefor all ages Start with a firm backing, such as a scrap of lightweight wood. Add a base coat ofpainttomakeyourdesignpopthensketch your design. Examples like a flower, heart, word or some combination of those are all good choices for a Valentine’s Day project Add thin nails in ½-inch intervals along the borderofyourdesign.Selectyourstringand tieanendtothenailofyourchoice There’s no right or wrong way from there; just loop fromonenailtoanotheruntilyourdesignis obvious Tieoffyourstring,trimanyexcess endpiecesandyou’redone

5. Collage of comrades Paying tribute tothoseyouholdnearanddeariseasywith a stylized cork board Select snapshots of loved ones and attach them to a basic corkboard using push pins in classic Valentine’s colors like red, white and pink. Then add accents with tape, stickers, gemstones and otherembellishments. Explore more DIY ideas to enhance your homeateLivingtoday.com.

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, February 2, 2023

Valor Run

inChesapeake,VAsheran25mileseachday, andfinishedtheraceonOctober18th,atthe Women’s Memorial in Washington D.C. at thefootofArlingtonNationalCemetery

We continue her journey Unfortunately thenumberofwomenthatdiedwhileservinghasgrownto177womennow.

Nancy also wanted to raise money for scholarships for kids whose moms served and the sacrifices that military kids and families make. We have a robust scholarship process right now. Over the past three yearswehavegivenout$25,000inscholarships to kids whose moms have served. We are very proud of the fact that we gave out twoin2020,onein2021andtwoin2022.

Y:Whatdostudentsgetandhowcanthey applyforthescholarships?

MCS: We give $5,000 directly to the students.Wepickonetotwostudentsayear and we want to have even more students apply Applicationsarenowavailableonline andthedeadlineisMay15thofthisyear The qualificationsarethatthemoneybeusedfor postsecondaryeducation.Thestudentshave to be children of women who served in the armedforcesanddeployedduringoneofour recognizedcampaignspost9/11

Y: Can you tell us more about the race itself?

MCS: The race is on March 26 at First Landing State Park, in Virginia Beach, VA and starts at 64th street. We want everyone to participate It’s on the beach and the course is all contained in the park. People are more than welcome to come cheer the runners on, with the start and finish lines beingthebestplacetoseetherace Therace is a trail run through the woods and that makes it hard to see them at other points of therace Spectatorsshouldknowthatthere isafeetoparkatFirstLanding

Along the run itself we set up what we call a Memory Mile Our runners or walkerscanparticipateina10mileeventora5K event. As a part of the race course, we set uppicturesalongthewayofthe177women thatwelostwhiletheywereserving That’s how we have continued Nancy’s journey of memorializing and honoring these women and remembering them. We also have had otherpeoplewhohavedonetheirowntribute runs just like Nancy did, where they’ve run the full 160 miles We haven’t had anyonedothe177numberyet,that’samore recent number when we left Afghanistan last summer. Our big focus for the race in March is making sure we bring people out to that It’s very heavily dominated by military families, veterans and those who want tocomeoutandruntohonorthewomenand raisemoneyforthescholarships.ValorRun isabeautifulthingtobeapartof.Yougetto runinabeautifulparkandyougettohonor peoplewhoservedourcountry

Y: For those that want to participate as runnersorsponsorswhatdotheydo?

MCS: They can sign up online to run or walk. Our in person event, we cap it off at 300 runners We also have virtual events We have a lot of people who come back to usyearafteryearwholiveallovertheworld. And anyone that can sign up to be a sponsor,thatwouldbeveryhelpful.Itmakesour


from Page 2

racereallygreatandaddsfundstoourscholarships which is really what we are focusing on. With the virtual run, people can sign up and run a 10 mile or 5K and when they complete it, they get a shirt and show supportbybeingapartofourevent.

If somebody wants to sign up to do the tribute run, the 177 miles run, that’s somethingthatwetakeafewmonthsofplanning to put out some information for marketing andthat’swheretheywouldraisemoneyon theirownfortheprograms

Y: Where were you born and can you tell usalittleaboutyourselfgrowingupandjoiningtheNavy?

MCS: I was born in Pennsylvania, I went to Villanova University, where I had a Navy ROTC scholarship I enjoyed my travels with the Navy I was a surface warfare officeraboardtheUSSTrenton.Ourjobwasto transport marines. I deployed to the Gulf during Operation Enduring Freedom. Our ship was part of that operation. I loved my time, I loved driving the ship It was a great service and after I finished my duty, I went

In the second act, we talk about some of the black women that made their mark in the entertainment world: in music, dance andliterature.That’swhattheplayisabout, thisAfricanAmericanwomanwhoisfilled with self doubt, she takes this journey throughtime,guidedbytheAfricanqueens and she comes to a place of self love and acceptance

Y:Thisisyourbrainchild.Whenandhow diditallevolve?Whatpromptedyoutoput pen to paper?

SC: Hugh Copland, the Artistic DirectoroftheHurrahPlayersaskedmein2020 to put my Cabaret show on for February and the more I thought of it, the more I realized that this was bigger than a one woman show. Doing my research, I realized it needed to involve other women to go on this journey with me instead of me portraying the different people The hashtag Black Girl Magic was popular at thetimesoIchosethatname It’smorethan justatitle,it’samovementoftheneedtobe heard and change the narrative about how other people see them and how they see themselves as well.

back to Old Dominion University to get my Masters Degree I started a small business forawhile IhadRita’sItalianIceinVirginia Beachforover10years.

Mymasters was in sportsmanagement. I had run in Valor Run previously and when the Executive Director job became open, I thought it was perfect, combining two of my passions: running and military service I applied, got the job and here we are. My husbandBryan,whoalsoservedasanArmy officer is an avid runner as well and we are the proud parents of two wonderful kids whoalsoloverunning Wehavethisamazing boardofallveteransfromdifferentbranches of the military and we all work together to bringrecognitiontoallwomenwhoservein the military and for those women who lost theirliveswhileserving,since9/11

Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Y: You continue to add on to your script so those who have seen it before will see new info correct?

SC:Yesindeed Theoriginalconceptwas thatofatalkshowformatbutIwasnotfeeling it. We needed to go on a journey with somekindofamusicalreviewandIneeded the audience to go on the journey with us Andthat’swhereSistercametobe Andthe thing about her is, every black woman will definitely be able to identify with Sister because they share those experiences that Sister goes through. Representation really does matter When little black girls see a black woman in a space that they aspire to be,thenthatgivesthemhopeandthecourage to believe that, if it happened for her, it can happen for me

Y: Can you talk about the music of the play?

SC:Wehaveoriginalmusicfortheshow written by songwriter and singer Roberta Lea that was added last year and we added more original music this year Roberta is working on more original music this year The intent is that this was not going to be a musical but a play that contains music. It

MissyCotterSmasal,Executive Director and Race DirectorofValorRun.(PHOTOS COURTESYOFVALORRUN)

seems to be slowly evolving into a musical. It is my hope that people want to book the show and bring it to their community not just here but far away as well.

Y: How about a wow moment in regards to the show from last year?

SC: I will share this with you and it happened with every performance to be honest. It would be the end of the show, they would finish the show, take bows, we are done lights are up and the audience is just sitting I’m in the booth and I can’t figure it out. So I come out to the performing stage, thank them for coming and tell them it’s time to go, pointing to the door andsomeoneintheaudienceyells,“Noooo we don’t want to go.” Someone else says, “I have to just sit here for a minute and take it all in.” It was a huge compliment and a definite wow moment.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

from Page 1
Girl Magic
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 2, 2023 3
Sharon Cook,thewriterand Directorfor BlackGirl Magic.(PHOTOCOURTESYOF SHARONCOOK)

Power your homegate playbook with a savory appetizer


Back and forth action for four quarters keeps fans on their feet, but a mouthwateringmenuiswhathomegatingandtailgating are truly all about. Keep your crowd energized by loading your game day playbook with recipes that are just as exciting as the gameitself

Meld together traditional tailgate tastes withtheseJalapenoBaconandSalsaBiscuit

Bites from celebrity chef and entertainer

George Duran, author of “Take This Dish and Twist It” and host of Food Network’s “Ham on the Street and TLC’s “Ultimate CakeOff.”They’reperfectforservingduring the pregame festivities to power up your fellow diehards or as a halftime snack to rechargeforasecondhalfsurge.

Starring the vibrant flavor of Fresh Cravings Salsa and its homemade-tasting alternative to softer duller blends of jarred salsa this appetizer offers a savory solution you can enjoy all season long Made with high-quality ingredients like vine-ripened tomatoes, crisp vegetables, zesty peppers andspices,thesalsasmakeaperfectaddition toavarietyofrecipestotakehomegatingto thenextlevel.

Visit FreshCravings.com to find more homegaterecipesworthyofthehalloffame

Jalapeno Bacon and Salsa Biscuit Bites

Yield: 16 biscuit bites

„ 1tubebiscuitdough(8biscuitstotal)

„ 7ouncesgratedmozzarellacheese

„ ¼cupjarredjalapenos,chopped

„ 8slicescookedbacon,chopped

„ 1cupFreshCravingsRestaurant


„ nonstickcookingspray


Divideeachbiscuitinhalfbypullingapart in centers Use hands to flatten each biscuit intocircles.Setaside

In bowl, mix mozzarella cheese with choppedjalapenos,baconandsalsa. Addheapingspoonfulintoeachflattened biscuit and pinch each together tightly to form balls Top each with small amount of salsamixture.

Spray nonstick cooking spray in air fryer and, working in batches, cook biscuit bites 6-9minutesuntilgoldenbrown. Servewarm

Note: If air fryer access is unavailable, biscuit bites can be baked 8-10 minutes at 400 F in oven, or until golden brown.

A Valentine’s recipes you’ll LOVE to share


If the way to your loved one’s heart is through the stomach, there’s no better way to start off this Valentine’s Day than with a homemadebreakfastpreparedwithlove

Whether you’re whipping up a breakfast for a spouse with a sophisticated palate or tryingtotemptthetastebudsofyourlittlest loves, explore these ideas to get inspired.

„ Redisthecoloroflove sobuildyourmenu around fresh strawberries or raspberries, which pair perfectly with French toast or crepes,andcanevendressupasimplecereal.

„ Foramoresensiblemenu,optforafruity berry smoothie or a parfait layered with fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt and granola. Add a hint of loving indulgence by sprinkling dark chocolate shavings on top.

„ Show your affection with a plate of these colorfulCocoa-KissedRedVelvetPancakes featuring rich 100 percent cocoa, buttermilk and fresh berries Heart-shaped cookie cutters lend a special touch to these fluffy, flavorful pancakes. Add sweet garnishes like powdered sugar and berries for a sensational way to say “I love you.”

Findmorerecipesyou’lllovetosharewith yournearestanddearestthisValentine’sDay atCulinary.net.

Cocoa-Kissed Red Velvet


Recipe courtesy of Nestlé

Servings: 10 pancakes

„ 1cupall-purposeflour „ ¼cupgranulatedsugar

„ 3tablespoonsNestléTollHouse BakingCocoa „ 1teaspoonbakingpowder

„ ½teaspoonbakingsoda

„ ½teaspoonsalt

„ 1largeegg „ 1cupreduced-fatbuttermilkor low-fatmilk

„ 2tablespoonsunsaltedbutter,melted


1½teaspoonsvanillaextract „ 1teaspoonredfoodcoloring „ heart-shapedpancakecuttersor cookiecutters(optional)

„ butter forgarnish(optional)

„ powderedsugar,forgarnish(optional)

„ maplesyrup,forgarnish(optional)

„ freshberries,forgarnish(optional)

Inlargebowl,combineflour,sugar,baking cocoa,bakingpowder,bakingsodaandsalt; stirwell

Inseparatelargebowl,whisktogetheregg buttermilk, unsalted butter, vanilla extract andfoodcoloring Addtoflourmixture;stir tocombine Allowmixturetosit5minutes

Heat nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Brush with oil or butter Add about ¼ cup batter to skillet Cook about 2 minutes,oruntilbubblesstarttoformontop Flip and cook 1-2 minutes, or until bottom is lightly browned. Serve immediately with butter, powdered sugar, syrup and berries ifdesired.

Tip: If usingpancake or cookie cutters, be sure to coat with oil so pancakes don t stick Place cutters in skillet and pour batter into cutters Remove cutters before flipping


Runningshortontimefromabusyschedule shouldn’t mean skipping out on your favorite desserts In fact, it should be all the more reason to enjoy a sweet treat as a rewardforallthathardwork.

Whenyou’redueforabiteintodarkchocolate goodness, all it takes is a few minutes outofyourdaytomake5-MinuteDarkChocolate Cereal Bars This quick and simple dessert makes it easy to celebrate the day’s accomplishmentswithoutaddedstress

As a fun way for little ones to help in the kitchen, you can cook together the butter marshmallows peanut butter and cereal then let the kiddos drizzle the key ingredient: melted chocolate All that’s left to do is cut and serve or pack a few off to school andworkforanafternoontreat. Findmore seasonaldessertrecipesatCulinary.net.

5-Minute Dark Chocolate

Peanut Butter Cereal Bars

Recipe adapted from ScrummyLane.com

„ 4tablespoonsbutter

„ 10ouncesmarshmallows



„ 6cupscereal

„ 4ouncesmilkchocolate,melted

„ 4ouncesdarkchocolate,melted

Heatsaucepanoverlowheat.Addbutter, marshmallows and peanut butter; stir to combine Addcereal;mixuntilcoated.

Line 9-by-13-inch pan with parchment paper Addcerealmixturetopan.

In bowl, mix milk chocolate and dark chocolate Drizzle chocolate over cereal mixture;spreadevenlythenallowtocool. Cutintobarsandserve.


Playonline every dayat PlayJumble.com Jumble Daily|Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku| Mahjong |Bubble Shooter Pro|Plus manymore 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, February 2, 2023
A peanut butter chocolatey treat in just 5 minutes

Equine therapy reduces staff stress and anxiety at military hospital

MHS Communications

Military facility animals—whose job is to de-stress staff and patients at hospitals and clinics—comeinallshapesandsizes.

At the Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD), miniature horses are one more resource to aid in coping with stress and optimizing the staff’s daily performance in anunconventional,yeteffective,way.

Simply by being there, these tiny, shaggy creatures(about30incheshighand250-300 pounds)areshowingtheyarejustascapable ofreducingstressandtheanxietyinstaffand patients as facility dogs used elsewhere at militarymedicalfacilitiesandtheUniformed ServicesUniversity’smedicalschool

The miniature horses—and sometimes mini-donkeys—are extremely popular at NMCSD Themilitaryfacilityanimalswere actually called to work during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when medical demand was at its highest among overworkedandemotionallyvulnerablestaff

Their owner, Judy Lee Beckett, from a

ranch outside San Diego took all necessary publichealthandsafetyprecautions,includingtheuseofpersonalprotectiveequipment and physical distancing so the horses could still come to NMCSD’s courtyard during lunchhours.

“The health and wellness of our team of health care professionals is a top priority at NMCSD,” said the hospital’s director, U.S. Navy Capt. Kimberly Davis “Walking through the courtyard and encountering these miniature horses adds sunshine to anyone’sday.”

She added: “The therapeutic effect of these animals on both staff and patients is significant. The volunteer support has been greatly appreciated, especially during COVID-19whenweallbenefitedfromfresh airandafundistraction.”

Ifthepandemicprovedonething it’sthat doctors,nurses,andmedicalstaffneedtobe inahealthyplace,emotionally,tobeeffective fortheirpatients

Othermilitaryequinetherapyproponents have seen the value of interactions with horses and recovering service members,

such as a program with full-size horses at Fort Campbell in Kentucky Beckett also uses full-size horses for service member, staff, and family recovery at her ranch and has had an established relationship with NMCSDsince2008

Forbothmini-andfull-sizecreatures,the horses’ ability to draw people out of themselves simply by their presence and gentlenessremainsamuch-awaiteddrawthathas become a ritual for many on the NMCSD’s grounds and has even extended beyond its gates to the nearby naval fleet concentrationarea

Researchers have learned that horses and humans tend to align their physiologicalresponsestoemotionalstimulation.It’s called “mirroring.” A similar phenomenon occurs with other animals: Research has shown that people’s blood pressure drops simply by petting a dog or cat, while the levelsoftheso-called“feelgood”hormones oxytocinanddopamineincrease.

“There is something truly magical about these horses’ ability to empathize with us without being able to utter a single word,”

saidKimKobayashiElliott acertifiedtherapeuticrecreationspecialistatNMCSD,who advocates for the program and has worked withBeckettformanyyears

“The importance of just taking time out of your day to stop and pause, and really lookaroundyou,toappreciatethehorses,is prettyamazing,”shesaid.

“Animals have a way of unconditionally accepting you. Also people feel more at ease, Elliott said “They can tell an animal anything, right? They don’t break secrets They’re not into politics But we’re also trying to promote healthy recreation and experiences for staff and their families That’swhattheseanimalsdoforus.”

To learn about TRICARE’s coverage of hippotherapy, an exercise program that offers a person with a disability a means of physical activity that aids in improving balance, posture, coordination, the developmentofapositiveattitude,andasenseof accomplishmentthroughuseofahorseand a physical or occupational therapist, visit: https://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices/ IsItCovered/Hippotherapy

Editor’s note: Boyer is an active-duty psychologist at Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield in Georgia In his commentary below,hesharesastoryofacombatveteran to encourage others to seek mental health help if needed. Names have been changed toprotectconfidentiality

I once met a soldier from Texas named Dan.Hedidwellincollegeandwascommissioned by the U.S. Army through the ROTC programinthespringof2001

The next January, he said goodbye to his loved ones and headed to Afghanistan for a 12-month deployment. His unit had many close calls but were fortunate not to have manycasualties

Six years later, Dan was a company commander and was tasked to deploy for anothertour,thistimeforninemonths

He recalled a same sense of angst he felt onthefirstdeployment

“Maybe it will be like that one,” Dan thought “Maybe nothing too bad will happenthistimeeither.”

Thatwasnotthecase.Onhisfirstday,Dan and his company were hit by improvised explosive device blasts and small-arms fire. Two soldiers died. The next two days grew consecutively worse. He and his unit were involved in a great many firefights on that tour—nearly one a day. Dan was one of the fewfortunatesoldierswhoavoidedphysical injuries during that tour; but by the end, he wasimpactedbytheconflictandnumberof subsequentcondolencelettershesenttothe familiesofsoldiers WhenDangothome,hewasnotthesame.

Thoughphysicallypresent, hismindwas thousands of miles away Even with closed eyes,hecouldstillseebloodandflashesfrom rocket attacks The chaotic sounds of war playedloudlyinhisnightmares Dan had post-traumatic stress He experienced survivor’s guilt. Dan became depressedandanxious Hebegantoshutout fromtheworld—spendinglesstimewithhis lovedonesanddrinkingmoretocope.

It was worse when he left the U.S. Army His whole identity was wrapped up, not

justinmilitaryservice,butinthemoraland mentalwoundsheendured.

I asked him why he did it, “Why join the Army? Why go back to Afghanistan for a second deployment? He did not have to do it,right?”


“I wanted to go,” Dan said. “I had something worth fighting for and worth dying for.”

He believed in the mission. He appreciated the ideals of an American life He wanted others in the world to prosper For him,thiswasworthdyingfor.

Dan survived combat, but he ultimately succumbed to his traumatic stressors and laterdiedbysuicide

Hisstorymaybecommonamongcombat veterans Over the past few decades, our society has become increasingly aware of the emotional weight these individuals bear In a 2020 report, the Department of VeteransAffairsOpensmentalhealth.va,gov stated that suicide was the 13th leading cause of death among veterans overall and the second leading cause of death among veteransunderage45 Theironyisthatthey defendedthenationandacceptedtheriskof dyingonforeignsoil,onlytodiebytheirown handathome

Amid the many threats to our service members, post-traumatic stress, survivor’s guilt, depression, anxiety, and substance abusearefoestheymustfightlongafterthey hanguptheiruniforms

Dan had a cause worth dying for That samecauseisworthlivingfor.

Combatveteransaresomeofthetoughest peoplethereare.However,workingthrough trauma requires a different toughness One mustrecallexperiencesfromtheworstdays oftheirlifeandmentallyprocessthosetraumas Itishard,scary,andtimeconsuming Manyveteransthinkitiseasiertorepress badmemories Theythinkadrinkmaytake someoftheedgeoff ormarijuanawillcalm thestorm.Thesecopingstrategiestoooften causethemtospiraloutofcontrol.

In hard moments, it is more helpful for veterans to make positive, life-affirming choices by seeking help—lean on a coun-

selor, family and friends, or their faith; seek out support and assistance from the variety of mental health resources offered by the VA and the Military Health System; or simplypickupthephonetocalltheVeteran &MilitaryCrisisLineandtalktoaqualified responder any time, any day. The mission going forward is to work through trauma and get to a point where the memories of combat do not impede the ability to live a full, abundant life Surely, that is a cause worthlivingfor

This story gives an opportunity for us to remind veterans—both past and those currently serving—that their sacrifices are worth living for. We can show our appreciation for their service by living our best lives Do something nice for a neighbor Get involved in your child’s school. Thank a service member and a veteran and their familieswhenyouseethem Salutetheflag.

And remember that you live in a nation where we are willing to do what it takes so we can be free to live a good life That’s worthdyingfor,andworthlivingfor

Resources For anyone experiencing a mental health crisis,needsimmediateassistance,orsimply totalktosomeone confidentialhelpisavailable24/7

„ The Military & Veteran Crisis Line text-messaging service, and online chat providefreesupportforallservicemembers, including members of the National Guard and Reserve, and all veterans, even if they

are not registered with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) or enrolled in VA healthcare „ Call:988andpress1

„ Text:838255 „ Chatonlineatveteranscrisisline.net

„ Military OneSource is a 24/7 gateway totrustedinformationforservicemembers and families that provides resources and confidentialhelp Call800-342-9667orvisit www.militaryonesource.mil.

„ The Psychological Health Resource Center is available 24/7 for service members veterans and family members with questions about psychological health topics. Trained mental health consultants can help you access mental health care and community support resources in your local area.Call1-866-966-1020,startalivechat,or visitwww.health.mil/PHRC.

„ The inTransition Program has 20 FAQs that are a helpful introduction to the program. You can call 800-424-7877 or at 800-748-81111 in Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and South Korea only You can also email the program directly at: dha.ncr.j-9. mbx.inTransition@health.mil.

„ The MilitaryHealthSystem, DOD, and VAhavemanymentalhealthresourcesavailable to help any service member, families, or veteran beneficiaries who are struggling withmentalhealthchallenges ReadMental Health is Health Care for a complete list of resources for immediate assistance or to makeappointments

U.S.NavyCapt.Ted Carlson,a commanding officerat Naval Base San Diego,interactswith a therapyminiature horse at Bainbridge Park.(U.S.NAVYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS AJABLEUJACKSON).
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If it is worth dying for, it is worth living for
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