Flagship 02.16.2023

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Changes coming to help military spouses take their professional licenses to other states

The MilitarySpouse Licensing ReliefAct amends federal lawto improve the portabilityofmilitaryspouses’ professional licenses issued bystates PageA2

NORFOLK,Va (Feb 7,2023) Master-at-Arms at

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic participates in Solid Curtain


NORFOLK Va Installations across the Mid-Atlantic region participated in exercise Solid Curtain 2023 (SC23) Feb. 13-17, to enhancethereadinessofNavysecurityforces

We ask for your continued support to ensure that our installations remain as safe aspossibleduringthedurationoftheseexercisesandbeyond While there is no credible threat to the public thisexerciseisaperfectopportunityfor all installation personnel to practice the “see something,saysomething reportingmethod

Measures have been taken to minimize disruptions within local communities and to normal base operations, but there may be times when the exercise causes increased traffic around bases or delays in base access next week. Area residents may also see or hear security activities associated with the

exercise. Advanced coordination has taken place with local law enforcement and first responders Ensuringthesafetyandsecurityofoursailors, civilians, andsurroundingcommunity is ourtoppriorityandrequiresateameffort.

Exercise SC23 is an anti-terrorism force protection exercise that is being conducted nationwideonNavyinstallations.Theannual exercise is not in response to any specific threat, but is used to evaluate the readiness offleetandinstallationsecurityprograms

Virginia Beach,Va (Feb 9,2023) - Sailors assigned to NavalAirStation Oceana security forces participate in an active shooterdrill in support ofCitadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2023. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSMEGANWOLLAM/ RELEASED)

Hampton Sailor serves as RDC in Great Lakes



U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command

Meet Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels)

2nd Class Anthony Mullen! He’s a Recruit Division Commander (RDC) from Hampton, Virginia assigned to Recruit Training Command(RTC)inGreatLakes Illinois.

He has completed four pushes and currently works in separations, where he oversees the recruits through their separationprocess

Mullen takes pride in knowing he has an impactonmakingciviliansintoSailorswho willmakeadifferenceintheworld

“Watching a recruit come from pretty much nowhere, said Mullen. “When I say nowhere, I mean they really haven’t had very much family support Just to see them

succeed in boot camp—that’s something that’sreallyagreathonor.”

MullenchosetocometoRTCbecausehe wantedtocontributeandhelp.

“I’m out in the fleet and I see these Sailors come in,” he said. “I’m like, ‘there could be more.’ I want to be part of that team that transformsthemintoSailors.Iwantedtobe partoftheforce.”

MullenhasbeenintheNavyforalmost10 years. He’s married with four children. He saidhiswife‘holdsitdown’duringthelong hoursatRTC,andtalkedabouthowmuchhe enjoys spending time with his family when hecan

“I love spending time with my family,” he said. “We like to travel and grew fond of hiking WerecentlycamefromJacksonville

TurntoHamptonSailor Page 5

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) 2nd ClassAnthonyMullen,a Recruit Division Commander (RDC) from Hampton,Virginia,assigned to RecruitTraining Command (RTC) poses fora portrait in Great Lakes,Illinois.Boot camp is approximately10weeks and all enlistees into the U.S.Navybegin theircareers at the command.More than 40,000 recruits train annuallyat the Navy’s onlyboot camp (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS STEPHANEBELCHER)

Naval Station Norfolk Galley competes in “2023 Best of the Mess” competition

Naval Station Norfolk’s CulinarySpecialists EbonyFortney,Crystal Boucherand LynnTrostad competed in the“2023 Best ofThe Mess” competition at the Founders Inn and Spa located inVirginia Beach,Va.,Feb 10,2023. PageA3

Signup today! Call 757222-3900

Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads run toward a building to respond to an armed barricade hostage situation at the HeadquartersAnnex. The exercise is part ofthe Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain Exercise 2023 (CS-SC 23).CS-SC 23 is a two-part force protection exercise that is being conducted nationwide on Navyinstallations Feb.6-17 The annual exercise is not in response to anyspecific threat,but is used to evaluate the readiness offleet and installation securityprograms.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYKATISHADRAUGHNFRAGUADA/RELEASED)
www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S
the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free!
Hampton Roads: Get
VOL.30 NO 6,Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comFebruary 16-February 22 2023
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 16 2023 1

Changes coming to help military spouses take their professional licenses to


Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic, Legal Assistance

On 5 January 2023, President Biden signedintolawtheMilitarySpouseLicensing Relief Act (MSLRA), amending federal law to improve the portability of military spouses’ professional licenses issued by states Military moves between states can pose significant challenges for non-military spouses’ careers One specific challenge relates to those careers which require

licensing by state authorities Licensing requirements processes fees and continuing education policies vary by jurisdiction and career field, ranging from medical professionals, contractors, estheticians, hair stylists, real estate agents, and teachers. State-to-state licensing reciprocity also varieswidely,eventhoughsomestateshave alreadyenactedlocalrulesmeanttorespect out-of-statecredentialsformilitaryspouses

The MSLRA drastically improves the abilityformilitaryspousestotakeandusetheir occupationallicensesacrossstatelines

Following execution of PCS orders to a

other states


new state, the MSLRA requires that new statetorecognizeamilitaryspouse’slicense atasimilarscopeofpracticeandinthediscipline to the one held in the previous state providedthatthemilitaryspouse: providesacopyofsuchmilitaryordersto thenewstate’slicensingauthority; remains in good standing with the originalstate’slicensingauthority(andwithany other state authorities that granted similar licenses);and complies with the new state licensing authority’s rules for standards of practice discipline andfulfillmentofanycontinuing

The MSLRA applies to all “covered licenses,”whicharethoselicenses: held in good standing with the issuing authority; that the spouse of a service member has actively used during the two years immediatelyprecedingtherelocationduetoPCS orders;and thatarenotalicensetopracticelaw.

Implementation details and processes at both the federal and state levels have yet to be ironed out but the MSLRA is promising asamajorvictoryformilitaryspouses

NEXCOM leader recognized as a Top Retail Influencer

Navy Exchange Service Command

Command(NEXCOM)receivedRETHINK Retail’s“TopRetailInfluencers”award.The

awardrecognizesacademics,analysts,association leaders, industry experts and media members who are at the forefront of retail industrythoughtleadership “Ihavebeenpartoftheretailindustryfor over30yearsandI’mhonoredtoonceagain beapartofthisgroupofretailall-stars,”said Honiball.“Ilearnfromthisgroupeveryday.

My goal is to give back by sharing as much as I can about the Navy Exchange, the militaryresalecommunityandouruniqueform of retail. The real honor however, is who I get to work with every day and the military patronsweserve!”

AccordingtoRETHINKRetail,theaward recognizes influencers for their activity

within the online retail community who frequently commented on retail trends or news stories, shared industry insights and participated in leadership discussions RETHINK Retail selected 200 influencers to receive the award from a group of 600 nominations

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas


| news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved Thismonthwecelebrateandhonorthesignificant accomplishmentsofBlackpeopleacrossthe DepartmentofDefense. 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 16 2023

Naval Station Norfolk Galley competes in “2023 Best of the Mess” competition

VIRGINIABEACH,Va NavalStationNorfolk’s CulinarySpecialistscompetedinthe“2023Bestof TheMess competitionattheFoundersInnandSpa locatedinVirginiaBeach,Va.,Feb10,2023

Participants from NAVSTA Norfolk, Culinary Specialist1stClassEbonyFortney,CulinarySpecialist2ndClassCrystalBoucherandCulinarySpecialist Seaman, Lynn Trostad, under the team name “Culinary Daughters”, attempted to defend their titleas“BestoftheMess”fromlastyear’sevent.

The event, hosted by the Chief Petty Officer ScholarshipFund(CPOSF),invitedsixcommands: NAVSTA Norfolk, USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), USS McFaul (DDG 74), USS San Jacinto (CG 56) and PCU New Jersey (SSN 796) to compete for the title of “Best oftheMess”.

“When the Food Service Officer chosen me to leadtheteamIknewIhadtodoitright,”saidFortney “SoIchoseteamamoreseniorSailor,Boucher, who would have the knowhow and a new Sailor, Trostad, who could use the experience of this competitiontoimproveherownwork.”

The “Culinary Daughters” prepared a tangy and savoryKoreanstylebarbecuebeefandmixedvegetables, a sushi roll, a side of Chinese inspired sour soup and an ice cream with polenta crumble web asdessert.

“We went a little all over Asia with our menu,” said Fortney “We were originally going to do a ramenwitheverythinginit,butwelaterdecidedto spreaditoutsoeachflavorcouldbeitsown.Outof the ingredients, thepolenta washardest to manipulate. We ended up using it in our barbeque sauce and made a cake that had it crumbled into our ice cream.”

TheAsianthemecontinuedinthedécoroftheir voting area, taking heavy influence from Japanese culture Thethemealsowasreflectedintheirserving staff who wore kimonos while serving both guestsandjudges

“The theme came about because I’ve been to Japan,” said Fortney “I really love and appreciate thecultureandmyshipmateagreeswithme.”

The NAVSTA Norfolk Team presented their dish to the judges, followed in 15 minute intervals by their competitors While the judges made their decision the CPOSF allowed the rest of the guests tobeserved showedavideoofthe2022-2023scholars, held a silent and live auction, and held cash prizegamesfortheattendees.

NAVSTA Norfolk’s team won the “People’s Choice Award” and “Best Decorated”. The rest of thewinnerswereasfollows;2ndrunnerupwentto USS Kearsarge, 1st runner up went to USS McFaul and “Best of the Mess” went to USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.

“Thiswasagoodexperience,”saidFortney “We hoped to win, but we had good competition from somewonderfulteams,andIhopeotherteamsfeel thesameaboutus.”

VIRGINIABEACH,VA(Feb 10 2023) CulinarySpecialist Seaman,Lynn Trostad,sautés onions during the “2023 Best ofthe Mess”competition at the Founders Inn and Spa inVirginia Beach,Feb.10 2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 2NDCLASSJOSEPHTMILLER)

VIRGINIABEACH,VA(Feb 10 2023) CulinarySpecialist 2nd Class, Crystal Boucher,prepares a cabbage during the“2023 Best ofthe Mess” competition at the Founders Inn and Spa inVirginia Beach,Feb.10 2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2ND CLASSJOSEPHTMILLER)

VIRGINIA BEACH,VA (Feb 10, 2023) Culinary Specialist 2nd Class, Crystal Boucher, (left), Culinary Specialist 1st Class, Ebony Fortney, and Culinary Specialist Seaman, Lynn Trostad, display their“People’s Choice”and“Best Decorated”awards during the“2023 Best of the Mess”competition at the Founders Inn and Spa in Virginia Beach, Feb. 10 2023.The event hosted by the Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund, highlights the talent of Culinary Specialists around the fleet. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2ND CLASSJOSEPHTMILLER)

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CNRMA CREDO team hosts marriage retreat

CNRMA Public Affairs


Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s (CNRMA)

Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO) team hosted a two-day Marriage Enrichment Retreat (MER)inWilliamsburg,VirginiaFeb10-12

Service members, assigned to various commandsaroundtheMid-AtlanticRegion, attended the retreat, which is aimed at providingeducation,reconnectionandquality together-time to Navy couples looking to explore their marriage and connect with otherNavycouplesinthearea.

Religious Programs Specialist 1st Class

Matthew Malloy, assigned to CNRMA’s CREDO staff, said he enjoys teaching at the retreatsbecausehecanseecouplestakingin newinformationthatwillhelpthemintheir relationship “Ienjoyprovidingtrainingandsupporton personalitytypesandcommunicationtechniquesandseeingthe‘lightbulb’turnonfor couples,”saidMalloy.“It’sgreatbecausewe areallowingasafespaceforeveryoneinthe roomtoseetheyarenotalone,andweallfeel thesethings.”

MassCommunicationSpecialist3rdClass JordanGrimes,assignedtoCNRMA, attended the retreat with her husband, Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Chris Stachyra, assigned to Navy Public

Affairs Support Element East, and said she hasbeenlookingforwardtospendingqualitytimewithherhusbandwhowasdeployed for nine months in 2022 and is about to deployagaininafewweeks.

“I think what helped us most was how theretreatunlockedasenseofunderstandingthatwedidn’thavebefore,”saidGrimes “Learningourlovelanguagesandpersonalitytypeswasreallyusefulinmakingproblem

solving and communication plans moving forward. I learned how to appreciate the thingsmyhusbanddoesforme,evenifthey don’t register in my mind the way they do inhis.”

Instructionalseminars heldattheretreat, are designed to strengthen marital relationships by teaching participants skills for improving communication skills and handlingconflictconstructively

“I think the retreat helped teach us how to talk to each other,” said Grimes. “Even thoughwemaybelookingtosolvethesame problem we can be looking at it from drasticallydifferentangles.”

Grimes said she would recommend the retreat to other couples looking for some usefultoolsfortheirrelationship.

“If you can find the time to go, then go,” said Grimes “This retreat is so much more thanafreechancetogetawayfromthekids foraweekend.It’sdefinitelynotforthefaint of heart though. You’re going to discover problems in your relationship that otherwiseyoumayhaveneverthoughttofix but theygiveyouthetoolstofixthemtoo.”

CREDO offers multiple MERs each year and members from all branches of service are welcome to sign up Attendance is free of charge which includes meals and lodgingfortheservicememberandtheirspouse FormoreinformationaboutupcomingMER dates visit CNRMA’s Facebook page or emailcnrmacredo@gmail.com

CREDO FacilitatorTomJensen,teaches service members,assigned tovarious commands around the Mid-Atlantic Region,during a CREDO Marriage Enrichment Retreat (MER) Feb.10-12 at the Woodlands Hotel and Suites inWilliamsburg,Virginia The MERis aimed at providing education,reconnection and qualitytogether-time to Navycouples looking to explore theirmarriage and connectwith otherNavycouples in the area (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSJORDANGRIMES)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 16 2023
Mass Communication Specialist 3rd ClassJordan Grimes (left),assigned to Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA),and Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Chris Stachyra, assigned to NavyPublicAffairs Support Element East attend a Marriage Enrichment Retreat hosted byCNRMA’s CREDO staffat theWoodlands Hotel and Suites inWilliamsburg,Virginia Feb.12 (U.S NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSJORDANGRIMES)

Florida,wherewewerealways outdoors. Anything outdoors, that’swhatIenjoy.”

Although there’snot much hikinginthe area, especially with the cold weather,they were able to exploredowntownChicago.

“Myfirstdutystationwasin Washington state,soI spent fiveyears there,”headded. “That’s what openedmeupto the outdoors. We did alot of hikinginWashington.”

He wasn’tinto hiking growing up,but he did playa lot of sports outside.Mullen talked about howmuch he enjoys watchingsportsandevenplays fantasyfootball.

“I love my sports!Football, basketball,Ilove ‘em,”he added. “I am an Eagles fan— SuperBowlherewecome!”

Asfarashisfuture,hewants totraveltoJapan,putinapackage to go to officer candidate school, and be commissioned asaNavalofficer Bootcampisapproximately 10 weeks and all enlistees into the U.S. Navy begin their careersatthecommand.Training includes physical fitness, seamanship,firearms,firefightingandshipboarddamage controlalong with lessons in Navyheritageandcorevalues teamworkanddiscipline.More than40,000 recruits train annually at the Navy’s only bootcamp

FormorenewsfromRecruit Training Command, visit www.navy.mil/local/rtc

FoundedbyThe FlagshipInc. in Norfolk,Virginia in 2005, Heroes at Home is ahighly regarded, regional recognition programthathonorsmilitary spouses from all ranks and all branches who makeimportant contributionstothe military community,local civilian communities, and country

Ourrecognition programisuniqueinthatthe honorees areselectedbased on merit.Allnominationsare reviewed and scored by an independent panelofjudges who areeither former recipients of the awardorindividuals/business representativeswith strong ties to themilitary community

from Page 1 www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, February 16,2023 5 ARMY |NAVY| AIR FORCE| MARINES |COAST GUARD |NATIONALGUARD |SPACE FORCE
Hampton Sailor
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PENSACOLA,Fla. (January30 2023) -

Fleet Subject Matter Experts from the Builder(BU) rating meet in Pensacola, Florida,fortheir


Examination Readiness Review (AERR).AERRs bring togetherexperts from around the fleet to review,validate,and develop exam content fortheirrating’s exam banks.Ifyou are a chief,seniorchief,or masterchief,andwish to contribute to the future ofyourrating go to MyNavyPortal to apply Afterlogging in,click“Professional Resources, then “NavyAdvancement Center,”then “Advancement Examination Readiness Review. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY CHERYLDENGLER)

Fleet subject matter experts needed for exam development



NavalAdministrative Message (NAVADMIN) 030⁄23 released Feb. 9, 2023, announced the April 2023 through September 2023 Advancement Examination ReadinessReview(AERR)schedule

Navy chief petty officers (E-7 through E-9) areneededtoserveasratingfleetsubjectmatter experts (FSMEs) for upcoming AERRs to be heldinPensacola,Florida FSMEsprovidetheir expertise by reviewing, validating and updatingtheNavy-wideadvancementexamquestion backfortheirrespectiveratings.

Chiefs, senior chiefs, and master chiefs on active duty, Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR), and Reservists on Active DutyforOperationalSupportareencouragedto takepartintheprocessbycontactingtheirType Commander(TYCOM)orratingsponsorpoint ofcontact(POC)forapplicationinformation

“Type Commanders and other rating sponsorsselectadiversegroupofFSMEstorepresent eachratingandtheiruniquejobrequirements,” saidNavalEducationandTrainingProfessional Development Center (NETPDC) Director for the Navy Advancement Center (NAC), Cmdr Shane Beavers. The AERR selection process

ensures all platforms, skillsets and communities throughout the fleet are well represented. Having the right mix of rating experts is key to determining appropriate and timely exam contentforeachadministration.”

ChiefHospitalCorpsmanLuisFigueroa who attendedtheHospitalCorpsmanAERRinJuly 2022 believesAERRsareimportantinorderto keeptheexamscurrent.

TheAERRprocessisvitaltoensuretheSailors are receiving the most current, important, relevant and correct information in preparationfortheiradvancementexaminations, said Figueroa “Italsoensureswearepromotingthe mostqualifiedSailorsinourrate.”

In addition to being beneficial to the Navy asawhole,theAERRsbenefittheFSMEswho attendfortheirrating.

The AERR has helped me personally by ensuring that I remain current on all up-todatepoliciesandprogramsacrosstheHospital Corpsmanrating,”saidFigueroa “Italsoensures IcanbetterequipmySailorswiththetoolsand trainingtopreparefortheirfutureexams.”

AERRs can vary in length between one and two weeks are held throughout the year with each specific rating reviewed on average once a year Normally, four to eight nominees are selected to be panel members for each AERR, withtravelpaidforbyNETPDC

The April 2023 through September 2023 schedule is as follows. Convene

Date: Rating (numberofFSMEsrequired):

„ 2 15AprilGSE(6),IC(6),YNS(6)

„ 9 15AprilAWA(6),OS(6)

„ 9 22AprilAWV(8)

„ 16 22AprilAC(6),QM(6)

„ 16 29AprilCM(8),GSM(6)

„ 23 29AprilAWE(6)

„ 23April 6MayAME(8),DC(6), GM(7),PR(8)

„ 30April 6MayNCR(6)

„ 7 20MayAM(6),ETV(7),FCA(6), UT(8)

„ 14 20MayNCC(6)

„ 14 27MayCS(6),CTI(6),RS(7), SB(6)

„ 4 17JuneCTN(6),ET(6)ND(6)

„ 9 15JulyATO(6)

„ 9 22JulyABF(6),AD(6),EO(6), FC(7),IT(6) MN(6)

„ 16 29JulyCTT(6)

„ 30July 12AugustAS(8),MT(7)

„ 13-26AugustFT(7),HM(6),MA(8)

„ 20August 2SeptemberMMN(6)

„ 10-23SeptemberCSS(6),ETN(6), MU(8)

„ 17 30SeptemberEA(6)

ToviewtheannualAERRschedule,locatea specificratingpointofcontact,orviewAERR eligibility requirements, log into MyNavy Portal at www.my.navy.mil. Search under “ProfessionalResources,”then“NavyAdvancement Center,” then “Advancement ExaminationReadinessReview.”ContacttheTYCOM or rating sponsor POC to determine submissiondeadlines.

Those selected to participate will receive a selection email from the NAC approximately 45dayspriortothestartoftheAERR Selectees should make early contact with NAC staff to answeranyquestionstheymayhaveconcerningtheAERRprocess.

As part of the MyNavy HR Force Development team NETPDC provided products and services that enable and enhance education, training, career development, and personnel development throughout the Navy Primary elementsofthecommandincludetheVoluntaryEducationDepartment,theNAC,andthe ResourcesManagementDepartment

Additional information about NETPDC can be found at https://www.netc.navy.mil/ NETPDC

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic participates in Solid Curtain

From page A1

ANavymaster-at-arms handcuffs a role-playerduring a barricaded hostage exercise aboard Joint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Storyduring the Navy-wide force protection exercise Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2023.CS-SC23 is a regularlyscheduled anti-terrorism force protection exercise conducted on naval bases and installations throughout the continental United States Feb.6-17 The exercise enhances the training and readiness ofNavysecurity personnel and betterprepares them forpotential force protection situations.(PHOTOBY MICHELLESTEWART,JOINTEXPEDITIONARYBASELITTLECREEK-FORTSTORY) NORFOLK,Va (Feb 7,2023) Master-at-Arms at Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads respond to an armed barricade hostage situation at the HeadquartersAnnexas part ofthe Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain Exercise 2023 (CS-SC 23).CS-SC 23 is a two-part,force protection exercise that is being conducted nationwide on Navyinstallations Feb.6-17 The annual exercise is not in response to anyspecific threat,but is used to evaluate the readiness offleet and installation securityprograms.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYKATISHADRAUGHN-FRAGUADA/RELEASED)
ByCherylDengler Naval Education and Training Professional Development
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, February 16 2023
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 16 2023 7

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AmbassadorLindaThomas-Greenfield,U.S.Representative to the United Nations (left),Adm.Daryl Caudle,Commander,United States Fleet Forces Commandand (center-left) and U.S.Senator Tim Kaine,ofVirginia (center),meetwith Capt.Kathryn Elliot,USNS Comfort’s Commanding Officer(right),during avisit to MilitarySealift Command’s hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) while thevesselwas

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine visit the hospital ship USNS Comfort


USN Military Sealift Command NORFOLK Va —Ambassador Linda

Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Representative to the United Nations and U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, of Virginia, visited Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) while the vessel was pier-sideatNavalStationNorfolk,Feb.10

The distinguished guests met with Adm. Daryl Caudle, Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command, Rear Adm. Jeffery S. Spivey Deputy Commander Military Sealift Command, Capt. Daniel Broadhurst, Commodore, Military Sealift Command Atlantic, Capt. Kathryn Elliot, USNS Comfort’s Commanding Officer, and members of the hospital ship’s crew for a familiarizationvisit.

“I have been wowed by my experience while touring USNS Comfort,” said Thomas-Greenfield “PresidentBidensaidduring his recent State of the Union address that ‘we need to bring leadership back to deal

with the challenges of our time.’ This ship and the personnel on this ship, all of the womenandmeninuniform,areactuallyon thefrontlinesofmeetingthosechallenges.”

“Iamextraordinarilyproudtohavespent time aboard and to hear about the extraordinary work they do,” Thomas-Greenfield stated. “The crew (of USNS Comfort) leads ondiplomacy.Priortomyvisit,Iconsidered myselfthefrontlineofdiplomacy However, therealityisthatthecrewofUSNSComfort is truly on the frontline of diplomacy, and I just come in with the ‘win’ after they have alreadywonthebattle.”

WhileaboardComfort,theguestsreceived atourofthehospitalship’sspaces,interacted withSailorsandCivilServiceMariners,and received a brief on the vessel’s Continuing Promise missions; humanitarian assistance and goodwill operations conducted inCentralAmerica,SouthAmerica,andthe Caribbean. The guests also received officialbriefingsonvitaltopicsincludinginternational subject matter expert exchanges Women, Peace and Security initiatives

humanitarian assistance and disaster relief capabilities, international community relations efforts, a description of U.S. Fleet Forces’ mission and an overview of MSC’s role in supporting the U.S. Navy

“We have had an amazing tour of USNS Comfort. Comfort, along with its sister ship, USNS Mercy, are amazing examples of floating American diplomacy,” according to Kaine “We were briefed on USNS Comfort’s complex Continuing Promise missions which involves active duty (service members), who run the hospital component and civilian mariners who sail this massive ship.”

“As a member of the Armed Services Committee and as Foreign Relations Chair of the Western Hemisphere, I know what a differenceUSNSComfortmakesintermsof openingupdiplomacyandbuildingrelationshipswithnations,”Kaineadded.

USNSComfortisoneoftwohospitalships currentlyservinginMSC’sinventory Hospital ships provide an afloat, mobile acute surgical medical facility for the U.S. mili-

tary which is flexible, capable and uniquely adapted to support expeditionary warfare andhumanitarianreliefefforts.

“ContinuingPromise2022wasamulti-national, joint collaborative mission which tookplaceinCentralAmerica,SouthAmerica and the Caribbean region, according to Elliot “We visited Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, Dominican Republic and Haiti Whileweweretherewesupportedmultiple linesofeffortincludingdirectpatientcarein eachcountryvisited.”

In2022,USNSComfortdeployedtoLatin AmericaandtheCaribbeantoprovidemedical assistance in support of Continuing Promise 2022. Continuing Promise 2022 markedthe12thmissiontotheregionsince 2007andtheeighthmissioninvolvingUSNS Comfort.Theoperationsfosteredgoodwill, strengthened existing partnerships with partner nations, and encouraged the establishmentofnewpartnershipsamongcountries non-government organizations, and internationalorganizations

NETC Awards 2022 Military Instructors of the Year


Naval Education and Training Command

NavalEducationandTrainingCommand’s (NETC) Military Instructors of the Year (MIOY) were presented awards at the National Naval Aviation Museum aboard NavalAirStationPensacolaonFeb.10,2023

As part of a two-day event, culminating in an awards ceremony, awardees met with Rear Adm. Pete Garvin, commander NETC andForceMasterChiefMattHarris touredthemuseumandexploredthegreater Pensacolaarea. Instructors serving throughout the MyNavy HR Force Development domain competed against nearly 11,000 instructorsforthisprestigiousdistinction.Thefive awardeesdemonstratedsuperiorsustained performanceintheirinstructorroles excelling as leaders and mentors at their respectivecommandswhileactivelyengagingwith theircommandsandlocalcommunities

During the ceremony, Garvin presented Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals to the all of the NETC 2022 MIOY awardees “Instructordutyisanoutstandingopportunity for our Sailors and Marines to pass on their knowledge and share their expertise with those who like themselves have madeachoicetoproudlyservetheircountry,” said Garvin.


JUNIORENLISTED-ElectronicsTechnician Second Class Petty Officer Sean Paulson, Surface Combat Systems Training Command,SanDiego,California Poulson, a subject matter expert in radio sets and antenna couplers, dedicated 120 off-dutyhourstostudentsthatneededextra study hours. He ensured that each student receivedhighqualityandpersonalizedtraining His efforts as an instructor helped to producehighlyskilledSailors

RearAdm.Pete Garvin,commander Naval Education andTraining Command (NETC),presents a Navyand Marine Corps Commendation Medal to ChiefWarrant 5 OfficerPaulAdams, assigned to OfficerTraining Command,Newport Rhode Island,forhis selection as the officer militaryinstructoroftheyearduring the MilitaryInstructoroftheYear2022 awards ceremony at the National NavalAviation Museum onboard NavalAirStation Pensacola,February10, 2023.NETC’s mission is to recruit,train and deliverthosewho serve ournation,taking them from street-to-fleet bytransforming civilians into highlyskilled,operational and combat ready warfighters.(UNITEDSTATESNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS ZACHARYMELVIN)

MIDGRADE ENLISTED - Quartermaster First Class Petty Officer Heather Vautard,RecruitTrainingCommand,Great Lakes, Illinois

As battle stations leading petty officer, Vautard managed the Navy’s $62.5 million “war-at-sea” simulator and conducted over 150 hours in the evaluation of 34,000 recruits in firefighting basic seamanship andshipboardfundamentals.Shehelpedto delivercombatreadywarfighterstothefleet.

SENIOR ENLISTED Chief Electronics Technician Troy Sumaya, Surface Combat Systems Training Command,

Detachment Southwest Sumaya developed a limited training event to expand the technical knowledge for bridge and combat watch standers on the waterfront. He provided actionable insightsaboutthetrainingthatwasinplace and implemented a solution to optimize currentoperations

OFFICER - Chief Warrant Officer 5 Paul Adams Officer Training Command, Newport,RhodeIsland Adams provided annual instruction to over1,100studentsasdeputydirectorforthe LimitedDutyOfficer/WarrantOfficer/Chief

Warrant Officer Academy He encouraged his students to connect with the community and organized a lecture series with the Naval War College and the local Veterans of Foreign Wars post His efforts reinforce involvementinthecommunityandstressthe importanceofbecomingalifelonglearner

NROTC INSTRUCTOR - Capt Joseph Butterfield, Jacksonville University Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Jacksonville,Florida Butterfieldutilizedinnovativeeducational methods and fostered an environment that encouraged midshipmen to actively participate in class. He was the sole instructor to be named for his outstanding teaching and leadership abilities in the unit’s command climatesurvey Thesecreativeteachingtechniquesensurethatthestudentsstayengaged andretaintheinformationinordertobetter preparethemforthefleet.

Garvin congratulated all of the finalists and their loved ones for their role in shapingthefutureoftheNavyandMarineCorps “Each of you plays a critical role in training our next generation of Naval personnel to fightandwinournation’swars,”saidGarvin. “Youhelpinstillpurposewithyourstudents and forge them into combat-ready Sailors andMarines.”

NETC recruits, trains and delivers those who serve our nation, taking them from “street to fleet, by transforming civilians intohighlyskilled,operational,andcombatreadywarfighters

For more information about NETC, visit the command’s website at https://www netc.navy.mil/ and follow the command’s socialmedia:Facebookathttps://www.facebook.com/NETCHQ Instagram at https:// www.instagram.com/netc_hq, and LinkedInathttps://www.linkedin.com/company/ netchq/.

pier-side at Naval Station Norfolk,Feb.10 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBRIANSURIANI)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023 1
USS Paul Hamilton Sails with Indian Navy TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) sailedwith the Indian Navy’s INS Savitri (P53) in the Indian Ocean,Feb 7. PageB4

Donating life aboard USS Boxer



USS Boxer (LHD 4)

One of the most simple but critical ways tosavealifeisthroughblooddonation With an ongoing need for this life-saving liquid, theMedicalDepartmentonboardUSSBoxer (LHD4)teamedupwiththeArmedServices Blood Program to host a blood drive on the ship,Feb.7.

“Donation of blood is a tool that providers can utilize to help save a life and often, dependingoninjuryorcauseofbleeding,one individual may need several units of blood,” said Lt Cmdr Paul Flood, the senior medical officer aboard Boxer, who added that the nationalbloodsupplyatanall-timelow.

Sailorslineduptosupportthedrive,which successfully collected 30 pints of blood. For everypintofblooddonated,uptothreelives canbesaved.

“Anythingyoucandonate,particularlytoour split program, is used not only by the military, but family members, veterans and retirees,” saidDoreenRekoski,arepresentativeofNaval MedicalCenterSanDiegoBloodDonorCenter

Established in 1952, the Armed Services

Blood Program is the official blood program oftheU.S.military.Theorganizationcollects tests,stores,transportsanddistributesblood productstomilitarybasesaroundtheworld, supportingallbrancheswhereverandwheneveritisneededmost

“Donating blood exemplifies what being a Sailor is all about; sacrificing your time in order to help those who are in need, whether they are shipmates veterans or familymembers,”saidblooddonorandMass CommunicationSpecialist3rdClassBradley Kaminski.“That’swhattheNavycorevalues teachesusandit’ssomethingwestrivetolive uptoeverydayontheship.”

When donors arrived in Medical for the drive,theyansweredaninitialsetofscreening questions Next Sailors had vitals taken and bloodtested,followedbyadditionalquestions toverifydonoreligibility OncetheSailorwas approvedtodonate,theyweredirectedtoan operatingroomwheretheirbloodwasdrawn. Followingthedonation,theSailorwasgiven replenishmentsandtimetorestbeforeheadingbacktowork

Like Kaminski, for many Boxer Sailors, this blood drive wasn’t their first time in the donor seat. Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class

AntwornAndersonhasrecordnumbers;this blooddrivebroughthislifetimetallyupto57 donations

In addition to supporting a need for blood now, Sailors who donated were preparing to helpshipmatesinthefuture “DonationonboardallowstheBoxermedical team to screen for individuals who can donate during a walking blood bank should we have significant casualties on board,” explainedFlood Blooddrivesoccurthroughouttheyearand helpensuremissionreadiness

“Just most of all, blood saves lives,” said Rekoski “There’snosubstituteforblood.”

Boxer is a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship commissioned February 11, 1995 and is thesixthshiptobearthename.Boxer’screw is made up of approximately 1,200 officers andenlistedpersonnelandcanaccommodate upto1,800Marines.

For more information or USS Boxer products visit: https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/ USSB-LHD4

Follow us on Facebook at: https://www. facebook.com/ussboxer/ Follow us on Instagram at https://www instagram.com/ussboxer/

IWTC Monterey welcomes their first female senior enlisted leader

FromCenterforInformation WarfareTraining

MONTEREY Calif Languagehasalways beenaninterestofMasterChiefCryptologic Technician Interpretive Laura Stout, and she has served as Navy linguist for the past 25 years before being selected as Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Monterey’s first female Senior Enlisted Leader(SEL).

IWTC Monterey is the first stop on a Sailor’sjourneytobecomingalinguist nowafter more than two decades Stout has returned asthetopenlistedSailorforthecommand.

AnativeofSt Petersburg,Fla.,Stoutjoined theNavyasanundesignatedSailorandupon completion of her enlistment, planned to return to Florida to become a high school Spanish teacher However, a Link Magazine containing the cryptologic technician interpretive (CTI) detailer’s contact information coupled with a conversation with a female leader in Groton Conn. where she was stationed onboard the USS Oak Ridge (ARDM 1), led her down the path to becoming a CTI. She was later promoted to mess management specialist 3rd class, and on the same day as the arrival of her results, she received orders to attend language training at the Defense Language Institute Foreign LanguageCenterinMonterey Calif

“Having an honest conversation with a lieutenantwhoaskedmeaboutmygoalsand directionintheNavy,andChiefJimMurphy, theCTIdetaileratthetime,takingmycalland walking me through theprocessto request a rating, are the reasons I am a linguist in the


Stout challenged herself taking a tour outside of the information warfare domain whereshewasultimatelypromotedtomaster chief while stationed at the Senior Enlisted Academy in Newport, Rhode Island After that tour, she transferred to staff duty with the Chief of Naval Personnel in the Office of theNavySeniorLanguageAuthority,OPNAV N13F, serving as the principal advisor for Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture policyandprograms.Uponcompletionofher tourwithOPNAV,shewasselectedtofillthe positionofSELforIWTCMonterey.

“I’vehadaverydiversecareerasalinguist, Stoutsaidofthejobtitlesshe’sheld.“I’vebeen incrediblyluckytohavehadtheopportunity to work as a cryptologic linguist onboard ships and aircraft, while also being a part of Naval Education and Training Command’s street to fleet training pipeline. Diversity in assignments and embracing unique opportunities has enabled me to grow as a linguist andaleader.”

Stout said a lot has changed in the past 25 years She sees more women in command andleadershiprollsthaneverbefore.During her time in the Navy, she has served at eight commands, including time onboard surface vessels, and a tour at Recruit Training Commandasarecruitdivisioncommander.

“It’simperativeforSailorstoseerepresentationofwhattheywanttobeandwhatthey canbewithintheranks,”saidStout “Women arenowactivelyrecruitedforallratings,and as commissioned officers, and are no longer secret code breakers hidden from the world likethewomenbreakingcodesduringWorld

War II. Their exceptional accomplishments are detailed in the book Code Girls by Liza Mundy.”

Stout said she enjoys talking to Sailors about the different opportunities the Navy has to offer and the value of diversity and inclusion

“A more diverse and inclusive Navy that values people as its greatest asset is a Navy thatcanandwillwinwars,”saidStout

“I feel incredibly honored to have an opportunitytoreturntoMontereyandserve as the Senior Enlisted Leader for InformationWarfareTrainingCommandMonterey, said Stout. “I work with a phenomenal staff of incredibly talented military and civilian professionals who spend their days mentoring, guiding, leading, and training the next generation of linguists I am completely humbledbythisexperience.”

IWTC Monterey, as part of the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) provides a continuum of foreign language training to Navy personnel, which prepares them to conduct information warfare across thefullspectrumofmilitaryoperations

With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments, and training sites throughout theUnitedStatesandJapan,CenterforInformation Warfare Training trains over 26,000 studentseveryyear,deliveringtrainedinformation warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services Center for Information Warfare Training also offers more than 200 courses for cryptologic technicians, intelligence specialists, information systems technicians, electronics technicians, and officers intheinformationwarfarecommunity

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy

The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated


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SAN DIEGO (Feb 7,2023) - Sailors assigned to USS Boxer(LHD 4) donate blood during a blood drive hosted bythe BoxerMedical Department andArmed Services Blood Program.Boxeris aWasp-class amphibious assault ship home ported in San Diego.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSROLANDARDON)
MasterChiefCryptologicTechnician Interpretive Laura Stout SeniorEnlisted Leader InformationWarfareTraining Command Monterey addressed student Sailors and staffat one ofherfirst command quarters formations afterarriving on-board.(COURTESYPHOTO)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023

Sailors participate in school beautification project at Doña Blanca School

Naval Station Rota, Spain

In a tiny pueblo on the outskirts of El PuertodeSantaMaría,15Sailorsarrivefor a community relations (COMREL) project at the Castillo de Doña Blanca school, Feb. 3, 2023. The Sailors are there to assist in painting outdoor equipment soccer goals and artwork as part of a beautification project.

TheeventwasorganizedbyNavalStation (NAVSTA) Rota’s community relations programandbroughttogetherSailorsfrom air operations, harbor patrol, public works department and Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron (MSRON) 8.

“I was excited about the opportunity,” said Construction Electrician 2nd Class Dominique Wilkinson, from Public Works Department. “Honestly I hadn’t heard of anything like this, and I think it’s a good way to extend the command and base as a whole to the local community.”

ThiswasthefirstCOMRELattheschool since 2019 due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The pueblo El Poblado de Doña Blanca, has a unique connection with the installation as it was founded to house the familiesthatwererelocatedfromlandthatlater became Base Naval de Rota. Throughout

theyears,theschoolhasmaintainedaclose tiewithbasepersonnelthroughCOMREL eventsandceremoniesaswellasbasechildren attending the school.

As the Sailors broke into groups to begin paintingdifferentareasaroundtheoutdoor patio,thechildrenpeeredcuriouslyatthem frominsidetheschool Duringrecess,many

of the children ran outside to see what the SailorsweredoingorpracticetheirEnglish

“After coming here and seeing the kids, I hope they will be happy to see their renewed playground,” said Logistics Specialist Seaman Tiara Amin, from NAVSTA Rota air operations department.

Amin enjoys drawing in her free time so thisCOMRELallowedhertomakeadifference while doing something she loves.

Most of the Sailors expressed the desire tomakeadifferencewhileinSpain.Masterat-Arms 2nd Class Omar Rodriguez is one of four reservists from MSRON 8 who participated in the COMREL project.

“It is my first time in Europe in Spain and I wanted to do something for the peoplehere, hesaid.“Ijustwantedtogive back to the community while I’m here.

Located near the Strait of Gibraltar and nestled on the Bay of Cadiz, Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota serves as the “Gateway to the Mediterranean” and provides U.S. Navy and all NATO forces a strategic hub for operations in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Capable of promptly deploying combat-ready forces through land, air andsea,NAVSTARota’sstrengthischaracterizedbyitscapabilitytoenablethewarfighter, sustain the fleet and foster the U.S. and Spanish defense partnership

Touring NSA Naples: Italian students visit Capodichino


U.S. Naval Support Activity Naples

NAPLES, Italy Within Italy and across the world, it is common for people to tour important landmarks and areas to learn aboutthehistoryandlifestyleinanarea.

In service of this, Community Relations Specialist, Teresa Merola, is bringing the tour experience back to U.S. Naval Support Activity(NSA)NaplesforItalianstudents.

“LikemuchoftheItaliancommunity,the studentsmayseeU.S.Navymembersintheir localcommunities However,itisnottypical forthemtoseehowSailorsoperateonbase. The base tour gives students a glimpse of U.S.militarylifehereinNaples,”saidMerola.

Seventeen middle school students were welcomed onboard the Capodichino base


The tour began at the base chapel. Students were able to sit in the pews while learning about the services base personnel areofferedatthechapel

After viewing the chapel, Merola along withothertourguidesescortedthestudents to the library and gym to view recreational opportunities available to those stationed onboard Capodichino Merola took the students to see the base’s air terminal and a firetruck, temporarily housed outside of thefirestation.

Towards the end of the tour the students weresurprisedwithabriefrehearsalperformancebymembersoftheU.S.NavalForces Europe-AfricaBand.Finally,theyvisitedthe USO offices back at the air terminal where


Thestudents,visitingfromIstitutoComprensivo1AriostoinArzano,Italy,arethefirst studenttoursince2019 Priortothepauseon tours due to COVID-19, students from the schooltouredthebaseroutinely.

“We’vebeencomingherefor20yearsand every time is a wonderful experience, said Sveva Ricciardi, said Sveva Ricciardi, the class teacher from Istituto Comprensivo 1 Ariosto

WithCOVID-19measuresandregulations lifting,Merolaplanstosafelyconducttours throughouttheItalianschoolyear

“Hosting Italian students on base has always been very exciting for everyone involved—from the students and teachers to the base personnel they come in contact with. Both the students and teachers are

always very impressed with the base facilities,”saidMerola.

Commanding Officer of NSA Naples

Capt. James Stewart expressed his support of the continuation of base tours for Italian students

“TherelaunchofourItalianstudentbase tours allows us to further connect with our local community,” said Stewart. “Through these experiences, we are able to show younger generations some of the ways we support our bilateral cooperation here at NSANaples.”

NSA Naples is an operational ashore base that enables U.S. allied, and partner nation forces to be where they are needed, when they are needed to ensure security and stability in the European, African, and CentralCommandareasofresponsibility

NAVALSTATION ROTA Spain (February3,2023) Sailors stationed at Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota Spain,touch up paintings on the playground ofthe Castillo de Doña Blanca school in El Puerto de Santa Maria during a communityrelations project Feb.3,2023.NAVSTARota sustains the fleet,enables the fighterand supports the familybyconducting airoperations,port operations, ensuring securityand safety assuring qualityoflife and providing the core services ofpower,water,fuel and information technology.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCOURTNEYPOLLOCK)
paintings on the playground ofthe Castillo de Doña Blanca school in El Puerto de Santa Maria during a communityrelations project Feb.3,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY COURTNEYPOLLOCK) ABOVE LEFT: NAVALSUPPORTACTIVITYNAPLES,Italy(Feb 10 2023) Musician 3rd Class Robert Novoa,memberofthe U.S.Naval Forces Europe-Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) Band,sings during a band rehearsal in front oflocal Italian students during a communityrelations event onboard U.S.Naval SupportActivity(NSA) Naples in Capodichino Italy Feb.10 2023 NSANaples is an operational ashore base that enables U.S.,allied,and partnernation forces to bewhere theyare needed when theyare needed to ensure and stabilityin the European,African,and Central Command areas ofresponsibility.ABOVE RIGHT: Local Italian students take a photo during a communityrelations event onboard U.S.Naval SupportActivity(NSA) Naples in Capodichino Italy (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSINDRABEAUFORT) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023 3
Sailors stationed at Naval Station (NAVSTA) up

Gun Boss, departing


USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) is saying farewell this week to its first female head of its weaponsdepartment,Cmdr AlexaSandifer, theship’s“GunBoss”,asshepreparestotake command.

Capt.DavePollard commandingofficerof GeorgeH.W.Bush,praisedSandifer’sleadershipandcommitmenttoSailors “GunBossdemonstrateseverydaywhatit meanstobealeader Thevaluessheembodies and her natural ability to be an encouragerandchampionofSailorsacrossGeorge H.W.Bushhavebeenahugebenefitfromthe most junior Sailors aboard our ship to the mostsenior,”saidPollard.

“It is because of leaders like her who put intheefforteachdaytomakeadifferencein the lives of those around her setting the example for those they serve that we are the deterrent force we are today. Much like our namesake, she lives a life of ‘ceiling and visibilityunlimited.’”

Asayoungwoman,Sandiferworkedtirelessly to escape what she describes as the “slums.” Trying to avoid what she knew waslikelytobeadeadend,shereliedonthe disciplineinstilledinherbyhermotherand grandmotherandenlistedintheU.S.Navy “I knew my family couldn’t afford for me to go to college, but I knew I wanted to get out there and make a difference,” said Sandifer. “I’m the first one in my family to ever join the military. I figured why not get outthereandseewhathappens.”

Sandifer a New York native, enlisted the U.S. Navy in August 1991 as an aviation ordnancemanairman.

When Sandifer graduated “A” school,

USS Paul Hamilton sails with Indian navy

USS Paul Hamilton

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) sailed with the Indian Navy’s INS Savitri (P 53)intheIndianOcean,Feb7.

Theseengagementsemergewhensurface forces from regional countries are operating in the same area and take advantage of the opportunity to train together U.S. and IndianNavySailorsconductedanexchange with each ship’s officers and conducted communications drills and division tactics where ships sail together in formation. At the conclusion of the event, Paul Hamilton renderedhonorstotheSavitriasshepassed alongside “PaulHamiltonhadatremendousopportunity to conduct maneuvering drills with INS Savitri as the ships both operated in the Indian Ocean,” said Cmdr. Jake Ferrari, commanding officer of the Paul Hamilton “It was an absolute pleasure operating withandconductingapassengerexchange, which allowed our two navies to gain a greater understanding of our capabilities Both navies are committed to keeping the strategicsealanesopeninandaroundIndia.

PaulHamiltondepartedtheUnitedStates in January and arrived in the region as part of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group Paul HamiltonisoperatingaspartofCommander,

ADRIATIC SEA(Nov.10 2022) Sailors assigned to the Ordnance department aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),pose fora group photo Nov.10 2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSSAMUELWAGNER)

womenwerenotyetallowedtoserveaboard aircraft carriers so her first command was a P-3 squadron. As the first woman in the P-3shop,itwasthereshelearnedshewould needtoestablishherselfinafielddominated bymen.

“IworkedhardtoshowIwasjustascapableasthemenIworkedwith,”saidSandifer “I competed to defy my leaders expectationsandoncemyshipmatesrealizedIwas every bit as dedicated and capable as them, Iearnedtheirrespect.”

Afterworkingtoadvance,andpickingup a knack for leading Sailors along the way, Sandiferbegantolooktoherfuture Itwasn’t long before she learned about the opportunities of earning a commission, and set her sightsonaccomplishingthatgoal

Her path to commissioning was full of challenges and required perseverance She applied for the Limited Duty Officer (LDO) programmultipletimesbeforefinallyearn-


As a newly minted naval officer, Sandifer absorbed all the guidance she could from mentors and role models. One bit of advice she still carriers with her today - and tries toinstillinherSailors-isfromretiredCapt MichaelPrice

“Heusedtotellme‘ifitdoesn’tchallenge you, it doesn’t change you, said Sandifer “I’ve tried to face every challenge head on andtoencouragemySailorstodothesame.”

Sandifer will complete her 10th deployment when she departs George H.W. Bush this week, and in all her experiences at sea, there’sonethingshecherishesaboveallelse “Thegreatestachievementofmycareeris beingabletohelpmySailors,”saidSandifer “Nothingcomparestoknowingyourteamis achievingtheunachievable.”

And in living out her values and principles each day, she provides inspiration for young Sailors to achieve their goals and

highest aspirations

“As a young female Sailor, seeing a leader such as her inspires me to be strong and to shineabrighterpathforthefutureofwomen in the Navy,” said Aviation Ordnanceman Airman Lily Cook. “That’s what she has doneforus.”

Sandifer’s deployment aboard with the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) earned her a place in naval history as the first woman deployed as the ordnance handling officer (OHO) on theEastCoast

She also served as the first female force OHO, and is the third woman aviation ordnance LDO to achieve the rank of commander.

Hercareerimpacthasbeensowidespread thathercolleagues peers,andmentorsservingintheordnancecommunityatNavalAir Force Atlantic even put together a framed photoofherfeaturingheraccomplishments thattheyhangproudlyintheiroffice

“The picture we did is heartfelt from the entire staff and really shows the respect we have for her,” said Bill Glenn, Aerial & Seaborne Targets Manager at Naval Air Force Atlantic. “She’s a rock star in the ordnancecommunity.”

And even as Sandifer prepared to depart George H.W. Bush, she urged all Sailors to continuebeinghumble,buthungry.

“Remain who you are,” said Sandifer “Don’t be someone you’re not. Learn from bad experiences, and turn them around. Most of all, do whatever you need to do in ordertomakeadifference.”

After completing her assignment aboard George H.W. Bush, she will move on to becomethefirstwomantocommandCenter for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit Oceana where she will continue to inspire Sailorsbotholdandnew

INDIAN OCEAN (Feb 7,2023)The U.S.NavyArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) and the Indian NavyINS Savitri (P53) patrol the Indian Ocean during an exercise.Paul Hamilton,part ofthe NimitzCarrierStrike Group,is in U.S.7th Fleet conducting routine operations.7th Fleet is the U.S.Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet,and routinelyinteracts and operateswithAllies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSELLIOT SCHAUDT)

ArleighBurke-classguided-missiledestroyers as well as any surface unit conducting independentoperationsintheregion 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest

forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with regional partners in preserving a free and openIndo-Pacificregion.

ATLANTIC OCEAN (April 16 2022) Cmdr Alexa Sandifer the“Gun Boss”aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),oversees an ammunition onload,Apr 16 The George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied,and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYCOURTESYPHOTO) ByEnsignConnorDoherty
Task Force (CTF) 71, U.S. 7th Fleet’s principle surface force CTF 71
the readiness, tactical and administrative responsibilities for forward-deployed
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023 5

Team Navy Warriors participate in Adaptive Sports Camp at JBPHH

Commander Navy Region Hawaii

The Navy Wounded Warrior (NWW) program hosted a series of adaptive sports camps at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH)andIolaniHighSchoolfromFeb. 6 10

This weeklong camp gave wounded warriors the opportunity to try a variety of sportsthatincludedarchery sittingvolleyball, indoor rowing cycling swimming shooting and track.

Margo Crane, program director for Commander, Navy Region Hawaii’s (CNRH) NWW program explained what the program is about.

“TheAdaptiveSportsCampissomething that the Navy Wounded Warrior program does all across the six regions that encompass our program and helps to introduce sportstoNavySailorsandCoastguardsmen who may have a condition that no longer allows them to participate in a sport in a traditional manner,” said Crane “So, they get introduced to different kinds of equip-

ment that have been adapted for the varioussports.”

Navy athletes who participated in the adaptive sports camps at JBPHH are wounded warrior members who flew in from the different regions of the United States For one athlete, this program led him to an opportunity to transition from an athletetoacoach.

Retired Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Roel Espino joined the wounded warrior program through his command after getting into a motorcycle accident when hewasoncestationedhereatNavalHealth Clinic Hawaii.

WiththehelphereceivedfromtheCNRH NWWprogramasaNavyveteran,andasan archeryandshootingathlete,Espinofelthe needed to give his time to coach the NWW shooting team at JBPHH for this year’s adaptivesportscamp.

“I don’t even know how to describe it, it’s an experience that I’m grateful for It’s theopportunitytohelppeoplethatwerein my situation is just my way in giving back to a program that’s given so much to me,”

said Espino EspinomadehistoryinHawaiiasthefirst membertojointheCNRHNWWprogram. Cranesharesherstoryabouthisjourney.

“In 2014, I was a recovery care coordinator so I was a case manager for all the wounded warriors here on the island and myfirstrecoveringservicememberorRSM wasRoelEspino,”explainedCrane “Hewas injuredsince2013andwasstillwithusuntil 2014, and so it’s been wonderful all these years to follow his journey after he retired withusandstayedonaspartoftheadaptive athleticsteamandnowcoach.

Aspartofbeingacoach,Espinosharedhis advice to other wounded warriors who are goingthroughthesamesituation.

“Help is available, get it. You don’t have to go through the struggles alone,” he said. “There are people that are willing to help you and do whatever you need to do to get backonyourfeet,andstayinthefight.

In addition to the adaptive sports camp, theeventalsoincludedaboattourtotheUSS Arizona Memorial, and concluded with a dinnerandcake-cuttingceremonyonFeb.10

AccordingtotheNavyWoundedWarrior website “Navy Wounded Warrior coordinates the non-medical care of seriously wounded, ill, and injured Sailors and Coast Guardsmen, and provides resources and support to their families and caregivers Regional non-medical care providers tailor support to each enrolled service member’s recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration needs Theprogramallowsservicemembers andtheirfamiliestofocusonrecoverywithout distraction. To date, nearly 10,000 seriously wounded, ill, and injured service members located throughout the country received assistance Enrollment in Navy Wounded Warrior does not end when a servicememberleavesamedicaltreatment facility. Navy Wounded Warrior provides a lifetimeofsupport.”

TosignupfortheNavyWoundedWarrior program, contact 1-855-NAVY-WWP (6289997) or for more information, visit their website at https://www.navywoundedwarrior.com/ or “Like” them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/navywoundedwarrior

JOINTBASE PEARLHARBOR-HICKAM (February6,2023) NavyWoundedWarriorhosts an adaptive sports intro camp atJoint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,February6 - 10 Athletes are trying theirhand at archery cycling indoorrowing shooting sittingvolleyball,swimming and track.Sports Camps are aweek-long opportunityto trymultiple adaptive sports All Sailors and Coast Guardsmen enrolled in NavyWoundedWarriorare encouraged to participate,regardless ofa sports background.Attendees have an opportunityto meet and build connectionswith otherservice memberswho are also going through transitional,healing,and recoveryjourneys Participants are encouraged to tryas manysports as possible.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMELVINJ.GONZALVO) JOINTBASE PEARLHARBOR-HICKAM (February7,2023) NavyWoundedWarriorhosts an adaptive sports intro camp atJoint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,February6 - 10 Athletes are trying theirhand at archery cycling indoorrowing shooting sittingvolleyball,swimming and track.Sports Camps are aweek-long opportunityto trymultiple adaptive sports All Sailors and Coast Guardsmen enrolled in NavyWoundedWarriorare encouraged to participate,regardless ofa sports background.Attendees have an opportunityto meet and build connectionswith otherservice memberswho are also going through transitional,healing and recoveryjourneys Participants are encouraged to tryas manysports as possible.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMELVINJ.GONZALVO) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023
what kind of family Amina wanted. She said, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her.
adopted 17-year-old Amina LEARN ABOUT ADOPTING ATEEN YOUCAN’T IMAGINE THE REWARD ADOPT US KI DS . OR G www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023 7
Finish your high school diploma, foryou andfor them. Find free,flexibleand supportive adult education centersnearyou at FinishYourDiploma.org. When you graduate, they graduate. 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, February 16 2023

On iberty


NORFOLK, Va The 2023 Virginia International Tattoo will feature the largestinternationalcasttodate,April20-23in Norfolk, Virginia! Nine countries will bring their awe-inspiring performers to Norfolk andbeapartofthelargestspectacleofmusic and might in the United States Performers from Latvia, Singapore, Ukraine and more will join the cast in what is sure to be an emotionalandinspirationalTributetoMilitaryFamilies AstheTattoo’sProducer/DirectorJ.Scott Jacksonsays-

“Imagine if Hollywood decided to create anold-fashionedEpicmotionpicturewitha patrioticthemeandyouhadachancetosee itperformedlive.Youwouldhave:

A huge cast, stunning costumes intricate choreography, a dramatic musical soundtrack, moments of sheer spectacle, stirring pride and patriotism, something to makeyoulaugh,somethingtomakeyoucry, 2hoursthatflewbywaytoofastandareally goodvillain Replacethevillainwith125BagPipersand Drummers and you have the 2023 Virginia InternationalTattoo.”

Tickets are available and on sale now at www.vafest.org, by phone at 757-282-2822, orinpersonattheVirginiaArtsFestivalBox Office located at 440 Bank Street, Norfolk, VA23510

What is the Tattoo? The centuries-old tradition of Tattoo originated as a signal fromdrummersinstructingDutchinnkeepers near military garrisons to “Doe den Tap-too” or “turn off the tap”. Hearing the call“Tap-too, soldierswouldreturntotheir barracks for an evening roll call. The ensuingparadeofsoldiersevolvedintoamilitary marching band performance now known worldwideas“Tattoo.”

The Tattoos seen across the world today are ceremonial performances of military music by massed bands Each Tattoo is influencedbythecultureofthecountrythey represent.Fansofthesemassedspectaclesof music and might flock to the world’s great Tattoos: Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Scotland, Basel Tattoo in Switzerland, andRoyalNovaScotiaInternationalTattoo in Canada. But the greatest Tattoo in the UnitedStates,andrivalingthelargestinthe world,istheVirginiaInternationalTattoo

YoucanattendtheVirginiaInternational Tattoo at the Scope Arena, 201 E. Bramble-

tonAvenue Norfolk Virginia: „ Thursday April20 7:30pm

„ Friday,April21,7:30pm

„ Saturday,April22,7:30pm

„ Sunday,April23,2:30pm

TicketsandInformation:www.vafest.org, byphoneat757-282-2822,orinpersonatthe Virginia Arts Festival Box Office located at 440BankStreet,Norfolk VA23510.

Stay up to date: Follow the Virginia InternationalTattooonsocialmediaplatforms@ VaTatt and subscribe to our Virginia InternationalTattoo YouTube pageforthelatest and greatest content, behind-the-scenes, casttakeovers,andmore!

VirginiaInternationalTattoo 2023ParticipatingNations:

„ AUSTRALIA ScotchCollegePerthPipeBand


2CanadianMechanizedBrigadeGroup PipesandDrums-PENDING

„ FRANCE BagaddeLann-Bihoué-PENDING

„ LATVIA CentralMilitaryBandoftheLatvian

29th Annual Shamrockin’ In Ghent on March


NORFOLK Va The 29th Annual

Shamrockin’ in Ghent, St Patrick’s DayBlockParty willbeheldonFriday, March10,from6to10p.m.ThisFREE event takes place on Colley Avenue in Norfolk’s historic Ghent District betweenShirleyandGatesAvenues

The festivities include musical performancesbyTheFightingJamesons and Tidewater Pipes and Drums Pittsburgh’s Best and Hangry’s food trucks will have tasty treats and cash bars will offer beer including Guinness,andwhiskydrinks

Shamrockin’ in Ghent, called the Greening of Ghent for 10 years, has been a long-standing tradition in the community The event, sponsored by Southern Bank, benefits Hope House Foundation

Proceeds support the programs of Hope House Foundation, the only organization in Virginia that provides support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities exclusivelyintheirownhomes Learnmore about Hope House at www.hopehouse.orgorcall757-625-6161

The FightingJamesonswill perform at the 29thAnnual Shamrockin’In Ghent (COURTESYPHOTO)

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for



TheHighlandDanceCompanyofNew Zealand


SingaporeArmedForcesCentralBandand CulturalDanceTeam







CamdenCountyEmeraldSocietyPipes andDrums






U.S.ArmyTrainingandDoctrine CommandHeraldTrumpets






*Subject to changes and additions.

Hope House Foundation

Virginia Arts Festival announces largest international cast to date for Virginia International Tattoo with performers from 9 different countries - including Ukraine!
10 benefits
real estate and more!
automobiles, employment,
Pages C6-7
Mardi Gras is February 21 From King Cake toJambalaya we have 4 classic NewOrleans style recipes thatwill makeyou feel likeyou’re celebrating in the heart ofthe French Quarter!
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 16 2023 1

Norfolk Botanical Garden begins construction on The Garden of Tomorrow


NORFOLK, Va Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) has begun construction on The Garden of Tomorrow - a historical transformationthatwillcreatemoreeducationalopportunities moreaccessibilityand more green space while connecting even morepeopletonature

Over the past five years, the Garden’s attendance has increased immensely with record visitation exceeding 500,000 visitors,14,400currentmembersandmorethan 1300 school groups visiting annually The Garden of Tomorrow includes the Brock Parking Garden, Brock Entry Pavilion and thetwo-story26,000ft.PerryConservatory featuringasecond-storySkywalkfundedby KayandAlAbiouness ThePerryConservatorywillhouseandprotectthemostthreatened plants around the world, allowing the Gardentoexpandconservationefforts This

isthelargestprojectintheGarden’s85-year history! Guests will no longer wait in long lines at the tollbooth, instead they will be immersedinnaturethesecondtheystepout oftheirvehicles.Constructionisexpectedto taketwoyearstocomplete Spectacular from every aspect and with the environment at the forefront of the design,therewillbenothinglikeTheGarden of Tomorrow in Coastal Virginia Designed byVirginiaBeach-basedDillsArchitects “While our building footprint expands significantly, so will planted green space,” said Michael P. Desplaines, NBG President & CEO. “We will have a much greener footprint we’llbeevengreenerthanbefore.”

TakingCriticalEnvironmentaland ConservationAction

Since its inception, Norfolk Botanical Garden has focused efforts on collecting and managing plants. With climate

change and habitat loss, it is increasingly important for botanical gardens to act as safe refuges for both plants and people In 2019, we expanded our conifer collection with a generous grant from the American Conifer Society This new Perry Conservatory will house both endangered cacti and cycads along with other threatened plants in a safe environment NBG has partnered with experts across the country to ensure successful conservation efforts. While visitors will still be able to see colorful blooms, they will more importantly be able to see conservationinaction

Become a part of the Garden’s future a future that is greener more focused on plant conservation and the visitor experience Help us Build & Plant The Garden of Tomorrow Tolearnmoreaboutthismonumentalproject,pleasevisit:www.gardenoftomorrow.org


Botanical Garden represents an oasis of more than 65 themed gardens encompassing175beautifulacres Fromstunningplant collectionstoWOW-WorldofWonders:A Children’s Adventure Garden, this diverse naturalbeautycanbeexploredbytram,boat, or walking tours. The Garden is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums recognizedasaVirginiaHistoricLandmark, listed on the National Register of Historic Places and designated a Virginia Green attraction. It is managed by Norfolk Botanical Garden, Inc. and supported by the City ofNorfolk.ThemissionofNorfolkBotanical Garden is to immerse visitors in a world of beauty lead through environmental action andinspirethrougheducationandconnection to nature Admission is $16 for adults, $14forseniorsandmilitary,$14forages3-17, 2andunderarefree Formoreinformation, visitwww.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org

Turn in your old child safety seat and get $5 towards a new one Drive Safe Hampton Roads holds old, used and borrowed Child Safety Seat Round-Up February 1 - 28


HAMPTON ROADS, Va For 34 years, Drive Safe HamptonRoads(DSHR)hasjoinedforceswithcommunitypartners to collect old used and potentially unsafe child safety seats duringtheChildSafetySeatRound-Upprogram.Thisprogram also serves to educate parents and caregivers about the possible dangers of using car seats past the date recommended by the manufacturer, have been purchased secondhand, missing partsorhavenotraceablerecallinformation.Accordingtothe National Highway Safety Administration, 755 children were killedinvehiclecrashesin2020with42%ofthemunrestrained.

For these reasons, DSHR and their community partners: Walmart, AAA Tidewater Virginia, Hoffman Beverage Co Waste Management of Virginia, and the Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters will be encouraging everyone to “round-up” their old child safety seats and turn them in for a “reward” throughout the month of February The goal for the Round-Up is to convince parents & caregivers to turn in their old, used or potentially dangerous safety seats so that they are notresoldorgiventounsuspectingparentsorcaregiversforuse Asanincentivetoturninoldsafetyseats,Walmartisproviding a $5 Walmart gift card for each seat turned in (limit 2 rewardsperperson) SafetyseatscanbedroppedoffatWalmart SupercenterselectlocationsoratanyoftheelevenAAATidewaterVirginialocationsfromFebruary1—28,2023.

AllcollectedsafetyseatswillberecycledbyWasteManagementofVirginia,Inc Notonlywillrecyclingtheseseatseliminatethepotentialdangertochildren,itwillalsoprovidepositive benefits to the community by utilizing a “greener” alternative fordisposal Virginialawrequiresallchildrenundertheageofeighttobe properly restrained in an approved Department of Transportation(DOT)childrestraint.Thislawappliestoanydriver not just the parent or guardian, in any vehicle on any highway in Virginia.Inaddition,allchildrenageseightthroughseventeen years of age must be properly restrained in a safety belt while seatedinanyseatingpositioninavehicle Formoreinformation: www.drivesafehr.orgorcall(757)498-2562.

Round-Up Drop-Off Locations:


„ 2448ChesapeakeSquareRingRoad,Chesapeake,VA23321

„ 201HillcrestParkway,Chesapeake,VA23322

„ 632GrassfieldParkway,Chesapeake,VA23322

„ 1170NorthMilitaryHwy.,Norfolk,VA23502

„ 7530TidewaterDrive,Norfolk,VA23505

„ 1098FredrickBlvd.,Portsmouth,VA23707

„ 6259CollegeDrive,Suffolk,VA23435

„ 546FirstColonialRoad,VirginiaBeach,VA23451

„ 2021LynnhavenParkway,VirginiaBeach,VA23456

„ 1149NimmoParkway,VirginiaBeach,VA23456

„ 657PhoenixDrive,VirginiaBeach,VA23452


„ 111KempsvilleRd.,Chesapeake,VA23320

„ 1023S.BattlefieldBlvd.,Chesapeake,VA23322

„ 1520AberdeenRd.,Hampton,VA23666

„ 733JClydeMorrisBlvd.,NewportNews,VA23601

„ 330W.22ndStreet Suite101,Norfolk VA23517

„ 5732E.VirginiaBeachBlvd.,Norfolk,VA23502

„ 3529BridgeRd Suffolk VA23435

„ 5366VirginiaBeachBlvd.,VirginiaBeach,VA23462

„ 3352PrincessAnneRd.,Ste.919,VirginiaBeach,VA23456

„ 1424N.GreatNeckRd.,VirginiaBeach,VA23454

„ 6517RichmondRd.,Williamsburg,VA23188

Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, February 16 2023

It’s time for King

Cake! Mardi Gras is February 21

Here’s what to know about this delicious Mardi Gras tradition

Americans usher in the new year with diets and lifestyle resolutions galore, but many people across the globe particularly those from predominantly Catholic countries celebrate the calendar change with a sweet pastry known as king cake It firstappearsinbakerycasesatthebeginning of each year and can be found at the center of celebrations through early spring Some associate it with Mardi Gras, others with a celebrationknownasEpiphany.

KingcakeiseatenonJanuary6inhonorof Epiphany, or Twelfth Night, which historically marks the arrival of the three wise men/kingsinBethlehemwhodeliveredgifts to the baby Jesus (The plastic baby hidden insidekingcakestodayisanodtothisstory.) King cake also appears on tables throughout the Carnival season, which runs from EpiphanytoFatTuesday(thedaybeforeAsh Wednesday and the start of Lent) at which point practitioners typically abstain from suchindulgencesascake.

Thepastrygoesbydifferentnamesaround the world, and comes in varying shapes and styles Here now, an exploration of the history of this baked good, the traditions surroundingit,andabrieflookatkingcakes acrosstheglobe.


Asweet,circularpastry,cake,orbreadthat is the centerpiece of a historically Catholic celebrationknownasEpiphany,whichfalls onJanuary6.Todayittakesonmanydifferent forms and is found at a variety of similarcelebrationswithreligiousorigins Most Americans are likely familiar with Louisiana-style king cakes that consist of a cake-y bread dough twisted into a ring and decoratedwithcoloredicingandsprinkles Variants can be made from cake batter or bread dough or pastry, but almost all versions are shaped into a circle or oval to mimic the appearanceofaking’scrown.

Every king cake contains a trinket often a small figurine in the shape of a baby which plays a crucial part in the celebration of the holiday that inspired this pastry Whomeverfinds thetrinketin theirsliceof cakegetstobethe“king foraday


King cake is said to have originated in Old World France and Spain and came to be associated with Epiphany during the Middle Ages When it was brought to the New World (along with Catholicism and Christianity),thetraditionevolvedfurther.

InNewOrleans,kingcakeandMardiGras go hand in hand: The cakes can be found startinginearlyJanuaryandareavailableup until Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Thesymbolicbeanorbabybaked(orembedded)intothekingcakeisimportanttoMardi Gras celebrations because the person who getsthepiececontainingthebabymusthost thenextyear’scelebration.


To make it, sweet dough is twisted into a roundandsometimesadornedwithcolored sugar doughs before being baked. Some versionsaresplitandthenfilledwithcream orfruit;othersaretoppedwithcandiedfruit, icing, and colored sugar Louisiana-style king cake is almost always decorated in the colors associated with Mardi Gras: green, gold,andpurple(representingfaith,power, andjustice)

Whyisthereaplasticbabyinsidemyking cake?

Whilethere’salonghistoryofhidingtrinketsinsidekingcakes,themoderntradition of a small plastic baby started in New Orleans AcommercialbakerycalledMcKenzie’s popularizedthebabytrinketthatwasbaked intocakesbackinthe1950s;theywereoriginally made of porcelain but later swapped out for an easier-to-find plastic version. These days the plastic baby figurine is typi-

callysoldalongwiththealready-bakedcake and hidden by the purchaser, rather than comingbakedinside(duetoconcernsabout eating something that’s been baked around apieceofplastic).


You could make it from scratch—there are tons of recipes online that can meet almost all needs and skill levels, but the basics remain the same You whip up a sweet brioche dough and then plop in a ton ofcinnamonand/oraflavorfulcreamcheese filling twist the dough into a ring and then bakeit.Don’tforgettodropinthetinyplastic baby!Afterit’sbakedandcompletelycooled, youpileontheicingandalotofsprinkles


Forthoseofuswhowouldratherbuythan bake,thereareoptions!Nomatterwhereyou live,manybakeriesandgrocerystoresacross the U.S. will have them on hand during the carnivalseason.Butifyou’recravingaLouisiana-stylekingcakeandyoueithera)don’t live in Louisiana; or b) don’t have time to visit Louisiana to simply buy a cake, you’re in luck. Lots of bakeries will ship it straight toyourfrontdoor.

EditorsNote:FormoreNewOrleansinspired recipes to celebrate carnival season, turn to page 4.

Mardi Gras King Cake


Yields: 16 - 20 serving(s)

Prep time: 30 mins

Total time: 3 hrs



„ 2largeeggyolks

„ 1c.sourcream

„ ½c.granulatedsugar

„ 4tbsp (½stick)unsaltedbutter,melted

„ 1tsp finelygratedlemonzest

„ 3c.all-purposeflour

„ ½oz.(2packets)instantyeast

„ 1tsp koshersalt

„ ¼tsp groundcinnamon

„ Pinchofgroundnutmeg

„ 1tbsp.canolaoil


„ 2tbsp granulatedsugar

„ 2tsp.cinnamon

„ ⅓c.unsaltedbutter,roomtemperature


„ 1½c.powderedsugar

„ 2tbsp wholemilk

„ 1tbsp.freshlemonjuice

„ ¼tsp purevanillaextract

„ Purple,green,andgoldfoodcoloring, forglaze(optional)

„ Purple,green,andgoldsprinklesor sandingsugar fordecorating(optional)



Step 1: In a large bowl or in the large bowlofastandmixerfittedwiththepaddle attachment, stir egg yolks, sour cream, granulated sugar, butter, and lemon zest to combine Step 2: In a medium bowl, whisk flour, yeast,salt cinnamon,andnutmeg

Step 3: Using stand mixer or an electric mixer on medium speed, beat sour cream mixturewhileyouspoonindryingredients afewtablespoonsatatimeuntilcompletely incorporated.Switchtodoughhookattachmentandcontinuetobeatonmediumspeed until dough is smooth and pulls away from sides of bowl, about 5 minutes (Alternatively transfer dough to a floured surface and knead until smooth 8 to 10 minutes.) Resist the temptation to add more flour it’s a sticky dough but will eventually come together

Step 4: Swirl oil inside a large bowl. Transfer dough to bowl, turning to coat in

oil Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise untildoubledinsize,about1hourinawarm environmentand90minutesinacolderone

Step 5: Punch down dough and turn out ontoalightlyflouredsurface (Don’tknead.) Usingarollingpin,rolldoughtoalargerectangleabout20”-by-12”


Step 1: Line a baking sheet with parchment. In a small bowl, combine granulated sugarandcinnamon.Usinganoffsetspatula, spread butter on dough, leaving a 1” border ontop

Step2:Sprinklecinnamonsugarmixture over dough. Roll dough away from you lengthwise (Ifaddingapecan,bean,orother food item in lieu of a baby, you can& hide it in the dough now.) Pinch edges together and transfer to prepared sheet. Form into a circularshapeseamsidedown.Pinchedges ofthecircletogether

Step3:Coverwithakitchentowelandlet riseabout45minutes.

Step 4: Preheat oven to 375° Bake cake until golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes Let cool on baking sheet. (If you’re inserting a plastic baby, lift up an edge to place into cake.)


Step1:Inamediumbowl,mixpowdered sugar milk lemon juice and vanilla until smooth. If glaze is too runny, add more powdered sugar; if it’s too thick, add more milk1teaspoonatatime Divideglazeamong 3 bowls and color it with purple, green, and gold/yellowfoodcoloring,ifdesired.

Step 2: If you want more of a thin glaze, drizzleovertopwhilecakeisstillwarm.For a thicker glaze, wait until cake has cooled andspreadicingwithaspoonoroffsetspatula.

Step 3: Add purple, green, and gold/ yellowsprinkles orsandingsugarifdesired whileglazeisstillslightlywet.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 16 2023 3

Mardi Gras party foods that’ll make you feel like you’re in the French Quarter


MardiGras(February21,2023)isthelast day of Carnival season just before Lent, the 40-day period during which many people spend in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving Naturally, it’s a time of great excess (gotta indulge before giving it up!). In New Orleans it’s celebrated with parades elaborate costumes, and tons and tons of delicious food.

One of the most amazing things about traditional New Orleans food is how it has been influenced by cuisines around the world, like French, Caribbean, Italian, and West African, to name a few Many of these influences are found in modern Cajun and Creole cuisine which is a great place to startifyou’reunfamiliar Gumbo,jambalaya, shrimpcreole,redbeans&rice,andshrimp étoufféeareallincredibledishesthat’llmake youfeellikeyou’reintheLouisianabayou.

We’ve rounded up some of our favorites recipeshere Laissezlesbonstempsrouler!

And don’t forget about some of New Orleans’ most infamous sandwiches—the muffuletta and the po’ boy. They were both created out of necessity during important times in history—the “poor boy” during the streetcar worker strike of 1929 and the muffulettabyaSicilianimmigrantin1906 andnowcanbefoundallthroughoutthecity Everyiterationhassomethingalittledifferent or special, so try adding your own little spinwhenmakingthemathometoo

Want even more Mardi Gras inspiration?

Check out our best Mardi Gras appetizers desserts,andcocktailstooatDelish.com

Cajun Jambalaya

Recipe By Lauren Miyashiro and Lena Abraham

Jambalaya is a wildly popular dish that originatedinNewOrleansandwasinspired byflavorsfromaroundtheworld—Spanish, WestAfrican,andFrenchtonameafew.It’s spicy,hearty,andincrediblyflavorful Andas withmostthings,thebetteringredients,the bettertheendresultwilltaste

Yields: 4 servings

Prep time: 20 mins

Total time: 40 mins


„ 1tbsp.extra-virginoliveoil

„ 1onion,chopped

„ 2bellpeppers,chopped

„ Koshersalt

„ Freshlygroundblackpepper

„ 1lb bonelessskinlesschickenbreasts, cutinto1”pieces

„ 1tsp driedoregano

„ 6oz.andouillesausage,sliced

„ 2clovesgarlic,minced

„ 2tbsp tomatopaste

„ 2c.low-sodiumchickenstock

„ 1(15-oz.)cancrushedtomatoes

„ 1c.longgrainrice

„ 2tsp.OldBayseasoning

„ 1lb mediumshrimp,peeledand deveined

„ 2greenonions,thinlysliced


Step 1: In a large pot over medium heat, heat oil. Add onion and bell peppers and seasonwithsaltandpepper Cookuntilsoft, about 5 minutes, then stir in chicken and seasonwithsalt,pepper,andoregano.Cook untilthechickenisgolden,about5minutes, then stir in andouille sausage, garlic, and tomato paste and cook until fragrant, about 1minutemore.

Step 2: Add chicken broth, crushed tomatoes rice and Old Bay. Reduce heat to medium low cover with a tight fitting lid and cook until the rice is tender and the liquidisalmostabsorbed,about20minutes

Step 3: Add the shrimp and cook until pink,3to5minutes.

Step 4: Stir in green onions just before serving


Recipe By Gabby Romero

Italian cold cuts take center stage in this NewOrleansoriginal.Oneofthemostpopular sandwiches to ever come out of New Orleansisthemuffuletta.Itwasfirstserved atCentralGrocery,anItaliandelifoundedby Sicilian immigrant Salvatore Lupo in 1906 Sicilian farmers would stop by Lupo’s deli in between shifts at the French Market and juggle plates of olives, salumi, and cheese for lunch. To make it easier to eat, Lupo decided to slap all the ingredients between twopiecesofbread,andthemuffulettawas born If you visit New Orleans today, you can find a version of muffuletta on nearly every block.Dependingonwhereyougo youcan order a muffuletta hot or cold. It’s a bit of a controversial question, but we think both preparationshavetheirownmerits

Thesandwichisactuallynamedafterthe bread traditionally used in the recipe The soft,round,andrelativelyflatloafiscovered in sesame seeds and provides the perfect pillow to cradle all the layers of meat and

cheese.It’sfairlyhardtofindifyou’renotin New Orleans or near an Italian bakery, but youdon’tneedoneforthisrecipe Trylooking for a loaf of Italian-style bread at your local supermarket. It doesn’t even have to beround—youjustwantthebreadtohavea softinterior Evenabighunkoffocacciacan work,butwewouldn’trecommendciabatta (thefirmcrustandlargeairbubblesmakeit tootoughforthissandwich).

Once you assemble the muffuletta, you maybetemptedtoeatitrightaway—butyou needtoletitsitforatleast30minutes Giving the olive salad time to soak into the bread andgetcozywiththecoldcutswilltakeyour sandwichfromgreattogame-changing.

Yields: 6 servings

Prep time: 30 mins

Total time: 1 hr




½c.freshItalianparsley,coarsely chopped „ ½c.pittedpimento-stuffedor Castelvetranogreenolives


½c.store-boughtorhomemade giardiniera,coarselychopped

„ ⅓c.roastedredpeppers,coarsely


„ ⅓c.pittedKalamataolives

„ 2tbsp drainedcapers

„ 2tbsp extra-virginoliveoil

ASSEMBLY „ 1(1-lb.)roundloafcrustyItalian-style bread,preferablywithsesameseeds



„ ¼lb slicedmortadella

„ ¼lb slicedprovolone


¼lb slicedcapicola

„ Extra-virginoliveoil,forbrushing (optional)



Step1:In a food processor pulse parsley greenolives,giardiniera,redpeppers,Kalamata olives, capers, and oil, stopping once or twice to scrape sides of bowl, until well combinedbutstillchunky,about30seconds

Step2:MakeAhead:Saladcanbemade1 monthahead.Storeinanairtightcontainer, drizzleoilontop,andrefrigerate


Step 1: Slice loaf of bread in half lengthwise Cover cut sides with olive salad. On bottom half, layer soppressata, mortadella, provolone,thencapicola.

Step2: Place top half of loaf over to close sandwich. Set sandwich on a baking sheet Coverwithasecondbakingsheet,thenstack awoodencuttingboard,cast-ironskillet,or

other heavy object on top Let sit at room temperature until olive salad saturates bread,about30minutes.

Step 3: If serving cold, slice muffuletta into6wedgesandserve.

Step 4: If serving hot, preheat oven to

375°. Brush top of loaf with oil and place sandwich on a parchment-lined baking sheet Bakesandwichuntilcheeseismelted, meat begins rendering its fat, and bread is goldenbrown,about10minutes.Sliceinto6 wedgesandserve.Assembledsandwichcan be made 2 days ahead, just wrap in plastic wrapandrefrigerate

Easy Beignets

Recipe By Lindsay

Traditional New Orleans beignets are a friedpastrymadefromFrenchpâteàchoux, an eggy yeasted dough used for things like profiteroles and eclairs To make things simpler, we made a unyeasted dough that comestogetherandfriesupinminutes.Let thegoodtimesroll!

Yields: 15

Prep time: 10 mins

Total time: 30 mins

Ingredients „ 1¼c.all-purposeflour

„ 1tsp.bakingpowder

„ ⅛tsp koshersalt

„ 2largeeggs,separated

„ ½c.granulatedsugar

„ 1tbsp meltedbutter

„ 1tsp purevanillaextract

„ Vegetableoil,forfrying

„ Powderedsugar,fordusting

Directions Step 1: In a large bowl, whisk together flour baking powder and salt. In another largebowl combineeggyolks sugar ¼cup water, melted butter, and vanilla and stir to combine Foldintodryingredientsuntiljust combined.

Step2:Inalargebowlusingahandmixer, beateggwhitesonmediumspeeduntilsoft peaksform,thenfoldintobatter.

Step3:Inalargepot,heatoilto375º.Drop smallspoonfulsofbatterintohotoilandfry until golden, about 5 minutes (You want to keep the oil at 375º to make sure they cook all the way through.) Transfer to a paper towel—linedplate.

Step4:Dustwithpowderedsugarbefore serving

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, February 16 2023

Vision Center of Excellence sponsoring landmark eye health study

MHS Communications

Visionhealthiscriticaltoforcereadiness, somuchsothateyeproblemscancutamilitarycareershort Arecentlylaunchedstudy could lead to better tracking of eye health over a service member’s career to prevent futureeyeconditions

The Defense Health Agency’s Vision CenterofExcellenceopensVCE.Health.mil is working with the RAND Army Research Division on a one-year study to determine whether a “comprehensive baseline militaryeyeexaminationrequirementshouldbe establishedacrosstheservicestofillgapsin information and improve warfighter vision health,”VCEsaid.

The study began in July 2022 and is expectedtobecompletednextautumnwith apeer-reviewedreportduethen

“Today’s modern warfighter has to be so technical in their visual skills, that we think there should be more done to follow eye health and ocular conditions,” said Dr Michael Pattison, VCE’s program manager ofreadinessandoperationsoptometry.

Currently, service members get an eye examattheirenlistmentphysical However, according to Pattison, the RAND study is

looking to determine the value of requiring service members to also receive a comprehensive eye exam, including a full ocular healthassessmentandamanifestrefraction to see if visual correction is necessary. The latterprocedure,whichmeasuresthedegree towhichlightbendsasitpassesthroughthe cornea and lens on to the back of the eye, is extremelyimportantindeterminingifsomeonehasaseriouseyedisease

“My biggest issue is if I’ve got someone who’s got a rifle in their hands do I want that person to see ‘good enough’? Or, do I wantthemtoseetothebestoftheirability?” Pattisonsaid.

Pattison also noted that expanding currentguidelinesforroutineeyecarecould be beneficial to determine if there has been a change from the initial eye exam due to combat-related or non-battle injuries and diseases includingsports-relatedandother off-dutyocularinjuries

Additionally,whenservicemembersseparate from the military or retire, there is no routine method to determine whether an eye disorder has a service-related connection,headded.

This can prove to be a challenge for the Department of Veterans Affairs when it comes to caring for the vision of veterans,


Having both a beginning point and an endpoint for eye health and vision could helpresolvethisgapininformation,hesaid.

Vision Correction Surgery

The long-term results of vision correction surgery are another variable where comprehensive data would be useful, Pattisonsuggested.

LasereyecorrectionsurgeryopensHealth. mil article is one way a service member can optimizetheirvision “Whatit’snotdoingis catching the other people who are ‘getting by,’”Pattisonsaid TheRANDsurveymaydetermineifthere should be periodic monitoring of those vision-corrected service members as well, hesuggested

Current Standards

Thoseseekingtoserveinthemilitaryhave their vision tested during their enlistment physicalandreceiveeyeglassesiftheyneed them.Theymustbeabletosee20⁄40orbetter usingbotheyestogetheratadistance

Those who are deployed are fitted with better-than-ballistics-grademilitarycombat

eye protection and gas mask inserts that match their prescriptions

All deployed service members use Military Combat Eye Protection-approved lenses that are found ontheAuthorizedProtectiveEyewearList, known as APEL MCEP standards are set bytheTri-ServiceVisionandConservation ProgramopensPHC.AMEDD.ARMY.mil.

During required periodic health assessments, medical personnel are required to ask if the service member has had a change invisionthat:

„ impactsdailyperformance

„ resulted in being on any medical profile (noting functional limitations) or limited duty

Additionally,servicemembersareaskedif they wear corrective lenses, and, if so, how many pairs of glasses they have, whether theyhaveprescriptiongasmaskinserts,and are they current with their service-specific visionandeyewearstandards.

“TheRANDstudywillhelpusconnectall thedataformilitaryvisionhealthandreadinessstatustobuildamethodologythatwill better identify whether the strategies we have for the efficacy of eye care are working,”Pattisonsaid

Hearing noises that aren’t there? It could be tinnitus


Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen


AccordingtotheNationalInstitutesofHealth roughly 10 percent of the adult population of theUnitedStateshasexperiencedtinnitusinthe pastyear-that’smorethan25millionpeople

This health condition is a concern to the broader population, but it also can adversely impactSoldierreadiness.TheHearingConservation and Readiness Branch of the Defense CentersforPublicHealth—Aberdeen,formerly knownastheArmyPublicHealthCenter investigates this condition among service members tohelpidentifytrends riskfactors theadverse impactonoperationalperformance,andmeans toreduceitsoccurrence

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of an actual external sound source It iscommonlydescribedasaringing,butitalso cansoundlikeroaring,clicking hissingorbuzzing.Itmaybesoftorloud high-orlow-pitched heard in one or both ears, and intermittent or constant

“Tinnitus is often associated with clinically measurablehearinglossbutmayalsobepresent with normal hearing, says Dr LaGuinn Sherlock anationaltinnitusexpertandseniorinvestigatorworkingjointlyfortheDCPH-A’sHCRB

“Mostpeoplewhohavetinnitusarenotbotheredbyittotheextentthatitaffectstheirqualityoflife, saysSherlock “Butforsomepeople tinnitusisverybothersome.

Tinnitus itself is not a disease but a symptom of a malfunction or injury to the hearing system:theear,theauditorynervethatconnects the inner ear to the brain, and the parts of the brainthatprocesssound.

“Tinnitus is characterized as bothersome whenitaffectsmood emotions sleepandability to focus, says Sherlock “These effects can adversely impact soldiers abilities to carry out militaryduties.”

“Especially concerning, Sherlock says, “is thattinnituscanalsobeaprecursortopermanent hearing loss which is a leading disability recognizedbytheVeteransAdministration.”

What causes tinnitus?

“Unfortunately we still don’t understand exactlyhowthebraincreatestheimpressionof

soundwhenthereisnone,”saysSherlock “But wedoknowitisasymptomofhearingloss,ear andsinusinfections certaindiseases andhead injury,andisalsoasideeffectofvariousmedications.

“However, noise-induced hearing loss, known as NIHL, is one of the most common causesoftinnitus shesays Thisappearstobe theresultofdamagetothesensoryhaircellsof theinnerear.”

The NIH reports that people who work in noisy environments—such as factory or constructionworkers,roadcrews,orevenmusicians—areespeciallyatriskofdevelopingtinnitusandNIHL.

SherlocksaysthatSoldiersarealsoknownto be exposed to noisy conditions In fact, tinnitusisoneofthemostcommonservice-related disabilitiesamongveteransreturningfromIraq andAfghanistan.

In particular repeated exposures to loud noises such as from firing weapons, riding in vehicles and operating machinery increase


Even single, extreme-noise exposures can cause hearing loss or tinnitus. For example a bombblastmaycausetinnitusiftheshockwave of the explosion damages brain tissue in areas thathelpprocesssound.

DismountedSoldierscanalsosufferpermanenthearinglosswhenfiringthemulti-purpose anti-tank, anti-personnel weapon system just oncewithoutwearingproperhearingprotection devices. Soldiers firing the system must wear double hearing protection confirmed with fit testing.

What should you do if you have tinnitus?

“Tinnitusisn’talwaysasignofaserioushealth problem,” says Sherlock, “although, if it’s loud ordoesn’tgoaway itcancausefatigue,depressionoranxiety,andproblemswithmemoryand concentration.

Sherlocksaystinnituscanalsobeanearlysign ofhearingloss Soforthosewhoworkinhighrisk(loud-noise)occupations,suchasthemilitary regularmonitoringofhearingiscriticalto detectearlysignsoftinnitusorNIHL Soldiersarerequiredtohaveannualhearing teststhatidentifymeasurablechangesinhearing todetecthearingloss.Duringtheseannualhearingsurveillancevisits,Soldiersarescreenedfor bothersometinnitusandreferredforanaudiologyfollow-upvisitasneeded

People with bothersome or severe tinnitus may benefit from various treatments that can bediscussedwithadoctororaudiologist Examples of treatment include hearing aids sound therapy cochlear implants and counseling. Sherlock says the military hopes to reduce the risks and occurrence of tinnitus before treatmentbecomesnecessary

While DCPH-A experts like Sherlock continuetoinvestigatetinnitusamongSoldiers, everySoldierneedstodowhattheycantoavoid developing tinnitus or prevent it from getting worse.

Here are some tips for reducing exposure to loud noise:

„ Move away from loud sounds when feasible

„ Turndownthevolumeoncommunication andentertainmentsystems,and

„ Wear appropriate hearing protection devices, such as earplugs or earmuffs, in worksettingsandduringpersonalactivities suchasmowing,recreationalshooting,using power tools and even listening to music.

All Soldiers are already enrolled in a local hearingconservationandprotectionprogram butanySoldierwhofeelstheyhaveexperienced achangeintheirhearingasaresultofloudnoise exposure orhasconcernsabouttheirhearing, should contact their local audiologist or learn moreabouttheArmyHearingProgram.

The Defense Centers for Public Health-Aberdeen advances Joint Force health protection withagilepublichealthenterprisesolutionsin supportoftheNationalDefenseStrategy

NOTE: The mention of any non-federal entity and/or its products is for informational purposesonly andnottobeconstruedorinterpreted inanymanner asfederalendorsement ofthatnon-federalentityoritsproducts.

U.S.AirForce Capt Dominic Rentz optometristwith the 15th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron,examines the eyes ofU.S.AirForce 1st Lt Denise Guaio-Corpuz,15thWing PublicAffairs chief,during a routine eye exam atJoint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,Hawaii.(PHOTOBYAIRMAN1STCLASSMAKENSIECOOPER)
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