Norfolk business placed off-limits again to all service members
Thisweek,Commander NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic returned Carafello’sAuto Sales,LLC to the off-limits list forall Hampton Roads service members due to unscrupulous business practices Also,see a list of otheroff-limits businesses. PageA2
Naval Station Norfolk conducts Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2023
NORFOLK, Va Naval Station Norfolk participated in the annual two-part force protection exercise Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain2023(CSSC23) Feb.6-17
Conducted by Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) and Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), CSSC23 uses realistic drills and scenarios to enhance the readiness of Navy security forces and ensures seamless interoperability among the commands, otherservicesandagencypartners “Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain reinforces our ability to respond to threats to the base and the more than 300 tenant commands wesupport,”saidCapt JanetDays,NAVSTA Norfolk’s commanding officer “The more wedrillasateam,themorepreparedweare to respondtoanythreatwe may encounter. Wehavearesponsibilitytoensurethesafety andsecurityofourpersonnelandassets,soit iscrucialwehaveconfidenceinourresponse andtraining.”
Citadel Shield, which occurred during the first week, focused on installation-level training and all scenarios occurred within the installation’s fence line Scenarios includedanactiveshooter,hostagesituation,
gate runner, unmanned aerial surveillance protestersatthegateandsuspiciouspackage
During the Citadel Shield portion, NAVSTANorfolk’sinstallationtrainingteam conductedanactiveshooterdrillthatevalu-
ated information dissemination, individual response plans, security force response and theabilitytocoordinatewithlocalemergency respondersandthecommunity Asimulated active shooter took place at building LP-1,
From boxcars to the battlefield: The story of Ensign Jesse L. Brown
CNRMA Public Affairs
NORFOLK,Va “Asthefirstofourgraduates to attend a predominantly white university, you are our hero.”
from applying for the program, but he stayed persistentandwaseventuallyallowedtotakethe
which serves as the distinguished visitors terminal for the installation. Naval Security Forces responded to and neutralized simulated threats in the terminal Subsequently, NAVSTA Norfolk’s Fire & Emergency Servicessimulatedtriagingvictims.
“Our number one asset in the United States military is our people,” said Cmdr Robert Collett, NAVSTA Norfolk’s security officer “There’sasaying:‘Missionfirst,Sailorsalways.’”
TheSolidCurtainportionoftheexercise, which took place during the second week was a national-level exercise centered on command, control and communications Navy-widewheredifferentincidentshappen at installations throughout the U.S. which can impact the force protection levels for otherinstallations.
“The overall goal with Citadel ShieldSolid Curtain is to train like we fight so that ifanincidentdidhappenwewouldachieve optimalresults-meaningnolossof lifeand noimpacttomission,”saidCollett.“Inshort, thegoodguyswinandthebadguysdonot.”
The two-part approach of the exercise is designed to enhance the readiness of U.S. Navy security forces and ensure seamless interoperability among the commands, otherservicesandagencypartnersinorder toprotectlife,equipmentandfacilities.
EnsignJesse Brownwas the firstAfrican American to complete U.S. Navyflight training and the firstAfrican American naval aviatorto be killed in combat He flewwith FighterSquadron 32 (VF-32) from USS Leyte (CV-32) during the KoreanWar. Forhis heroism, Brownwas awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. (WWW.HISTORY NAVY.MIL)
NNSY breaks ground on $300 million renovation of its carrier drydock, adjacent berths
NNSYbroke ground forthe renovation ofits historic DryDock8 and adjacent berths Feb.15. The renovationwill support NNSY’s abilityto continue serving the Navydecades into the future accommodating the Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78) carrier class. PageA3
an active shooterdrill during Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2023,Feb.8.Citadel ShieldSolid Curtain is an annual two-weeklong securitytraining exercise that takes place on naval bases throughout the continental United States (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILYCASAVANT/RELEASED)
Sailors and civilians assigned to Naval Station Norfolkconduct
These words were memorialized inalettertoEnsignJesseL.Brownfromhishigh schoolprincipalin1944 BrownwasonhiswayfromMississippitostart his education at Ohio State University Little did heknow,thiswouldnotbethelasttimehewould inspirechangeforBlackcitizensinAmerica Brown had worked the midnight shift loading boxcars for the Pennsylvania Railroad to fund his education, and made the decision to join the Navy Reserve to further ensure he could afford hiscollegedegree. Brown saw a poster advertising a new naval aviationprogramandwasimmediatelyinterested inapplying Brownwascontinuouslydiscouraged
www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900
VOL.30 NO 7,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comFebruary 23-March 1,2023
Norfolk,VA(Feb 16,2023) Sailors,assigned to gate securityforthe USSWasp (LHD-1),inspect the underside ofa truckon board Naval Station Norfolk,Feb.16,2023.The securitydetails actions are on showas part NAVSTANorfolk’s Operation Citadel Shield Solid Curtain Exercise. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHTMILLER)
Page 7 www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 1
Medical Forces Atlantic welcomes new ombudsman
Naval Medical Forces Atlantic
Assuring a crucial link between Sailors, families and Navy leaders, Emily Summers was appointed as the new ombudsman for Commander,NavalMedicalForcesAtlantic (NMFL) on board Naval Support Activity
Hampton Roads-Portsmouth Annex, Feb.
AsaNavyspousefor13yearsandamother to three children, Summers volunteered to fillthecriticalroleoftheombudsmansince the command hasn’t had one in an official capacitysincebeforeJuneof2021.
“Mygoalistoset-upasuccessfulprogram for the command,” said Summers “I am looking for the best way to communicate to the families and to help empower them on howtoutilizetheresourcesavailable.”
working closely with NMFL’s Command
Master Chief Zachary Pryor to keep Sailors,familiesandstaffuptodateonNavyand command information, command climate issues, family challenges, and local quality oflifeimprovementopportunities.
“Emilyisthe10thombudsmanthatIwill be working with,” explained Pryor “It is trulyajoytohavesomeoneontheteamwho brings another dynamic of team success to NMFL. I look forward to working with her assheservesthecommand.
Summers attended the 3-day Ombudsman Basic Training Course with Fleet and FamilySupportCenter(FFSC)LittleCreekFort Story, where she was given the tools and resources needed to run a successful program.Thetrainingfocusedonconfidentiality,workingwiththecommand’smilitary leadership and learning how various organizations can assist in helping Sailors and
“Having experienced the challenges of beingamilitaryspouseandmother,Iwasnot awareoftheresourcesavailabletome,”said Summers “Inowhaveabetterunderstanding of how important it is to have a conduit betweenthefamiliesandthecommand.”
Ombudsman, official representatives of commanders, are volunteers and spouses of service members within the command that provide communications between the commandingofficerandfamilies
“The ombudsman is here to make our families and our staff’s life easier when unforeseen incidents arise in their lives,” explained Pryor. “Everything from deployments to illness to death in the family, the ombudsmancanassistorpointinthedirectionofassistance.”
TheNavy’sFamilyOmbudsmanProgram was established on Sept. 17 1970, by Chief
of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Elmo Zumwalt to assist commands in maintaining the morale, health and welfare of Navy families Today, ombudsmen promote self-reliance and resiliency to strengthen the military and its family members as well assupporttomissionreadiness.
Commander,NavalMedicalForcesAtlantic (NMFL), headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet MarineandJointForcerequirements by providing equipment, sustainment and maintenance of medical forces during combat operations and public health crisis. NMFLprovidesoversightfor21NavyMedicineReadinessandTrainingCenters,logistics, and public health and
services throughout the U.S. East Coast, U.S. Gulf Coast,Hawaii,Europe andtheMiddleEast.
Norfolk car dealership placed off-limits again to all service members
NORFOLK Va Thisweek,Commander
NavyRegionMid-AtlanticreturnedCarafello’s Auto Sales, LLC, located at 6328
E. VirginiaBeachBlvd.,totheoff-limitslistfor all Hampton Roads service members The swift move to place them on the off-limits list again was due to recent reports of the unscrupulous business practices known as bird-dogging.
Bird-dogging occurs when someone refers a prospective customer to a particular dealership or salesperson for a given fee orcompensation.Onlysalespersonslicensed toadealershipcanassistcustomerswiththe purchaseofavehicle
The dealership was previously placed on the off-limits list on Nov. 12, 2015 after the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board (AFDCB) became aware that the dealershipwasbird-doggingatthattime Carafello’s Auto Sales LLC was subsequently removed from the list on March 14, 2016 after providing information to the board
thatdemonstratedthedealershipwasagain in compliance with Virginia motor vehicle dealerlawsandregulations.
Recently, Carafello’s Auto Sales resumed bird-doggingtargetingyoungSailorsoutside thegatesandNavyExchange SeveralSailors weresoldvehicleswithoutbeinginpossessionofdriver’slicenses
Carafello’s practice of selling automobiles to personnel without driver’s licenses unfairly targets junior service members, taking advantage of their limited financial understanding or ability to walk away from anegotiation.
Thecurrentoff-limitslistincludesthe followinglocations:
7City’sCustom&Design,106237thSt., Norfolk
AnneRd Norfolk
Excellence 3336HollandRd Virginia Beach
MellowSmokeTobaccoShop 1948
DiamondSpringsRd VirginiaBeach
OuterEdgeGifts 760-BJ.ClydeMorris Blvd.,NewportNews
PrimeAutoAKASkylineAuto,4114E. IndianRiverRd,Chesapeake
TheVault,86W.MercuryBlvd., Hampton
TheVault,15435-BWarwickBlvd., NewportNews
TheVault,4746GeorgeWashington MemorialHwy. Hayes
TKYUBar,1910AtlanticAve,Virginia Beach
Theseestablishmentswillremainoff-limits until the next scheduled meeting of the AFDCB,atwhichtimetheboardwillreconsiderthestatusofeachbusinessonthelist.
The AFDCB works closely with businesses that are being considered for the off-limits list to avoid these actions. Mitigationeffortsdemonstratedbyareabusinesses, andcommunicationtotheboardbythebusi-
Establishments are given an opportunity to notify the AFDCB in writing that correctiveactionshaveoccurred.Removal from the list will be considered by the board upon presentation that satisfactory correctiveactionshavebeentaken.Failure to respond will result in the board making arequestforestablishmentrepresentatives to appear in person at a formal hearing of the AFDCB.
The safety and security of all service members is a priority for the Department of Defense. The AFDCB is an investigative committeecomposedofmembersfromeach militaryserviceintheHamptonRoadsarea, aswellandcivilianadvisers,whoworkwith local law enforcement agencies and local businessestoidentifyconditionswhichmay adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, anddisciplineofthearmedforces.
For up to date information regarding off-limits establishments visit www.cnic. and click on “Off-LimitsList”underPopularLinks
Editorial Staff
MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 |
AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 |
GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter
Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 |
VIRGINIABEACH,Va (Feb 9,2023) Naval Medical ForcesAtlantic (NMFL) Command MasterChiefZacharyPryorand RearAdm.MatthewCase,NMFLcommanderand director,Tidewater Market present EmilySummers a certification ofcompletion forthe Ombudsman BasicTraining (OBT) course,during a ceremonyhosted bythe Fleet and FamilySupport Center(FFSC) on boardJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little-CreekFort Story Feb.9,2023.The 3-dayOBTcourse provided training that focused on confidentiality,workingwith the command’s militaryleadership and learning howvarious organizations can assist in helping Sailors and theirfamilies.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBOBBIEA.CAMP)
MNVMilitary Manager | Ski
Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved Thismonthwecelebrateandhonorthesignificant accomplishmentsofBlackpeopleacrossthe DepartmentofDefense. 2 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
Norfolk Naval Shipyard breaks ground on $300 million renovation of its carrier drydock, adjacent berths
Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) broke groundfortherenovationofitshistoricDry Dock8andadjacentberthsFeb.15
The $300 million-plus renovation will supportNNSY’sabilitytocontinueserving the Navy decades into the future accommodating the Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) carrier class This multi-contract, multi-year renovation is NNSY’s biggest project yet as part of Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command’s (NAVFAC) Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP). SIOP oversees infrastructure investments modernizing the nation’s public shipyards through upgraded dry docks and facilities new equipment and improved workflow.
“Today signifies a new chapter in the story of SIOP and this historic facility as the shipyard workforce prepares for its new mission of supporting CVN 78,” said
Pete Lynch, Program Executive Officer for Industrial Infrastructure responsible for SIOP. “CVN 78 is a critical enabler of increased naval capability and ushers in a new era of maritime readiness.”
He added, “The Navy and the Nation require new approaches driven by innovation and investment. SIOP is the cornerstone of our efforts and the four public shipyards including the entire NNSY workforce of over 10,000 members, play a vital role in national defense by providing combat-ready ships to the fleet in defense of our Nation.”
As part of its full modernization, Dry Dock 8 will be undergoing saltwater upgradestomeetcapacityandflowdemand supporting a docked carrier; caisson and dewatering pump repairs More than $90 millionwillbeinvestedinrepairstothetwo berths adjacent to the dock.
Dry Dock 8 has been of national interest its construction began in July 1940, with
then President Franklin D. Roosevelt touring the shipyard and inspecting its progress Usedforcarrierandtanklandingship construction during World War II, in the decadessinceithasheldshipsrangingfrom the Forrestal-class carriers in the 1950s to now preparing to host the world’s most technologically advanced aircraft carrier NNSYhasbeenmakingsignificantprogressthisdecadeinitsongoingSIOPefforts
The shipyard’s largest submarine dry dock, Dry Dock 4, is finishing a three-year, $200-millionrenovation.ThispastNovember,theshipyarddedicatedits$73.3million
Production Training Facility, consolidating training that was previously spread acrosstheshipyardintoacentralizedtraining hub with 34 academic classrooms and 26 mock-up areas Other improvements includea24/7NavyExchangeMicroMart that also opened in November, and a new Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant completing this spring
“Regardlessofthescopeordollaramount of these projects, we are getting better as a shipyard, both in our ability of meeting our one mission and supporting our one team,” said Shipyard Commander Captain Dianna Wolfson. “These investments are exciting to see, and I’m proud and thankful for everyone who is not just involved in theseefforts buttrulydevotedtomakingus better asapremier21stcenturyshipyard It takesalotofsupportfromNavyleadership and partnership with entities like Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command to ensure these vast undertakings are both achievable and ultimately successful.”
NNSY, a field activity of Naval Sea Systems Command, is one of the oldest, largest and most multifaceted industrial facilitiesbelongingtotheU.S.Navy specializinginrepairing,overhaulingandmodernizing ships and submarines.
NorfolkNaval Shipyard (NNSY) broke ground forthe renovation ofits historic DryDock8 and adjacent berths Feb.15.(PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 3 Youcould missout, or youcould choose USAA. If youknow, youknow. If youdon’t, we do. Members switched andsaved an average of $725 per year.1 Potentialaverage annualsavings, rounded to the nearest$25 increment,based on countrywide survey of newcustomers who switched to United Services Automobile Association and self-reported savings from March 11,2019toMarch 18,2021. Individual savings mayvary andisn't guaranteed. Use of theterm “member”or“membership”refers to membership in USAA Membership Services and does notconveyany legal or ownership rightsinUSAA. Restrictions apply and aresubjecttochange. Automobile insurance provided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA CasualtyInsuranceCompany, USAA General IndemnityCompany, Garrison Propertyand CasualtyInsuranceCompany, based in San Antonio,Texas; USAA Limited (UK) and USAA S.A. (Europe), andisavailableonlytopersons eligible forP&C group membership.Eachcompanyhas sole financial responsibilityfor itsown products. No DepartmentofDefense or government agencyendorsement. ©2023USAA.280415-0922
Around the region: Photos of the week
NORFOLK,Va -TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Porter(DDG 78) departs Naval Station Norfolk,Feb.15,2023.Porteris currentlydeployed in the U.S.2nd Fleet area of operations in support ofmaritime stabilityand securityin the region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSANDERSONW.BRANCH)
ABOVE: NORFOLK,Va -TheArleigh Burkeclass guided missile destroyerUSS Porter (DDG 78) departs Naval Station Norfolk,Feb. 15,2023.Porteris currentlydeployed in the U.S.2nd Fleet area ofoperations in support of maritime stabilityand securityin the region. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSANDERSONW. BRANCH)
LEFT:ARLINGTON,Va (Feb 15,2023)A guest observes awreath at the USS Maine Memorial inArlington National CemeteryFeb. 15,during a commemoration ceremonyfor the 125th anniversaryofthe explosion and sinking ofMaine.InJanuary1898 Mainewas sent to Havana,Cuba to protectAmerican interests during the long-standing revolt of the Cubans against the Spanish government During the evening ofFeb.15,Maine sank when its forward gunpowdermagazines exploded,killing nearlythree-quarters ofthe battleship’s crew (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS ABIGAYLELUTZ)
NORFOLK,Va (Feb 10 2023) Capt.Matt Frauenzimmer Commanding OfficerofNaval SupportActivityHampton Roads,responds to questions from reporters during a mock press conference following an active shooter drill at NorthwestAnnex.The drill is a part ofCitadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2023,a force protection exercise that is being conducted nationwide on Navyinstallations Feb.6-17 The annual exercise is not in response to any specific threat,but is used to evaluate the readiness offleet and installation security programs.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYKATISHA DRAUGHN-FRAGUADA/RELEASED)
4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
Around the region: Our ships at sea
MEDITERRANEAN SEA(Feb 15,2023) NavalAirCrewman (Helicopter) 3rd Class MorganWay,left assigned to HelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,showsAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) 2nd Class Esmeralda Delarosa,assigned to the USS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),howto use the rescue hoist inside ofa MH-60S Nighthawkhelicopterduring flight operations,Feb. 15,2023.CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7 is the offensive airand strike component ofCarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 and the George H.W.Bush CSG.The squadrons ofCVW-7 are Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 143,VFA-103,VFA-86 VFA-136 CarrierAirborne EarlyWarning Squadron (VAW) 121,ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140 HSC-5,and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 The George H.W.Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests ABOVE RIGHT:
MEDITERRANEAN SEA(Feb 14,2023)ASailordirects an F/A-18E SuperHornet aircraft,attached to Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 136,onto the catapult during flight operations on the Nimitzclass aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),Feb.14,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOS BYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSNICHOLASAVIS)
ADRIATIC SEA(Jan.31,2023)An MH-60S Nighthawkhelicopter, attached to HelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,lands on the flight deckofthe Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),Jan.31,2023. The George H.W.Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations, employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partner interests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 3RDCLASSCHANDLERLUDKE)
ARABIAN SEA(Feb 14 2023) Sailors assigned to the guided-missile destroyerUSSTruxtun (DDG 103) man the rails and salute Pakistan Navyfleet replenishment tanker PNS Moawin (A39) during exerciseAMAN 23,in theArabian Sea,Feb.14 2023. Truxtun is deployed to the U.S.5th Fleet area ofoperations to help ensure maritime securityand stability in the Middle East region.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASS KENNETHBLAIR)
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Surface Combat Systems Training Command names Junior Sailor of the Year
Surface Combat Systems Training Command
DAHLGREN Va Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) recentlyannouncedtheir2022JuniorSailor oftheYear(JSOY)
SCSTC selected Information Systems
Technician 2nd Class Stephanie Hunter, a NorthPlainfield,N.J.native,whoisassigned to SCSTC Detachment Middle Pacific (MIDPAC)locatedonboardJointBasePearl Harbor-Hickam.
“I’m the type of person that always questions if I am doing enough, so it feels good to know I’m doing some things right and that others see and appreciate the work I put in,” said Hunter “Everything I do is to support mycommand anditsmission andI feel proud to know that I am executing my dutieswell.”
Since August 2021, after serving aboard theNimitz-classaircraftcarrierUSSGeorge H.W. Bush (CVN 77) for five years, Hunter has been teaching Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) and providing IT support at SCSTCDetMIDPAC
“IT2Hunterisashiningexampleofwhat we need from Sailors in preparing the fleet tofightandwinduringthisstrategiccompetition,” said Capt. George A. Kessler Jr commodore, SCSTC “Her level of techni-
cal and tactical expertise and professionalismmakesheraninvaluableassettoSCSTC andthefleet.”
Hunter enlisted in the Navy in February 2017toopendoorsforherselfandherfamily
“I know if I had remained where I was, opportunitiesthatIhavehadwouldnothave occurred,”shesaid
Lt Cmdr BeuxWedderburn,SCSTCDet MIDPAC’s officer in charge, says Hunter’s willingnesstogoaboveandbeyondhaspositivelyimpactedhisteam
“I am not surprised by IT2 Hunter’s recognition, he said. “Dedicated to the Navymissionandhershipmates,shealways strives to provide the absolute best support totheSCSTCOhana.”
SCSTC’s Command Master Chief Steven Cosgrove says Hunter is a role model for juniorSailorsthroughouttheNavy
“This award recognizes junior Sailors whostandoutabovetherest,”hesaid.“IT2 Hunterwasselectedforhersteadfast,superiorperformanceanddedicationtotheNavy core values of honor, courage and commitment.”
Atthistime,Hunterdoesnotknowwhere her next tour of duty will be but she knows wherever she is, she will be a part of somethingbiggerthanherself
“BeingaSailormeansservingmycountry and being a part of something bigger than myself,” she explained. “Knowing you’re
Norfolk Naval Station galley holds Black History Month pageant presentation
Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs
NORFOLK Va NavalStationNorfolk’s Diversity Committee held a Black History Month pageant presentation in remembranceofseveralfamousAfricanAmericans throughouthistory,Feb.15
Black History Month is celebrated in February because the second week of the monthcoincideswiththebirthdaysofboth U.S.PresidentAbrahamLincolnwhoissued the Emancipation Proclamation, and African-American abolitionist, author and oratorFrederickDouglass
“Normally we read off a pamphlet or a slide show about the person, but for this event I wanted the Sailors to have pride in researching people that they would want to emulate,” said Culinary Specialist First
Class Phillip Harrison, NAVSTA Norfolk’s diversitycommitteechairman.“Youshould expectthat the Sailors are veryknowledgeable on who they are talking about and just theoverallawarenessonAfrican-American history.”
After the introduction, a poem, titled “I KnowWhytheCageBirdSings writtenby Mya Angelou was read by Larisse Francois This was followed by the song “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” referred to as the “Black NationalAnthem,”sungbyCulinarySpecialistSecondClassStachelSmith.
After the song, Sailors dressed up and presentedshortbiographiesoffamousAfrican-Americans Thosehighlightedincluded; American blues musician and songwriter, Robert Leroy Johnson, associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, Ketanji Brown Jackson, American mathematician, Katherine Johnson and Ameri-
supportingthefleetfromwhereveryouare, no matter how miniscule your day-to-day may feel. It means being a good person in and out of uniform. Because while we are Sailors24/7,wearemuchmorethanjustour navalcareers.
Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) falls under the Naval Education and Training Command (NETC). As the owner of the Force Development pillar within MyNavy HR, NETC recruits, trains and delivers those who serve our nation taking them from “street to fleet” by transforming civilians into highly skilled, operational, and combat ready warfighters SCSTC is a training organization of over 6,500 staff and students across 12 global locations and implements culture of excellence and warrior toughness by building a Surface Warrior mindset to complement the technical and tactical skillsets of buildingthekillchainandclosingthefirecontrol loop. SCSTC delivers system and platform specific combat systems training to a growingsurfaceNavy SCSTCdeliverstrainingto over 35,000 U.S. Navy Sailors as well as 700 internationalSailorsfrom22partnernations annually. Our overall mission is to train the fleetsothatourNavycanfightandwin!
ForinformationabouttheSurfaceCombat Systems Training Command, visit https://
can politician, publisher, businessman, and maritime pilot, Robert Smalls The event concludedwithclosingremarksbyHarrison
“Black History means recognition to me as an African-American,” said Harrison “It’s a chance for those of us that are Afri-
can-Americantoreallythankthosethathave comebeforeusfortheirstrengthandperseverance,”saidHarrison
Following the presentation, the galley provided a special meal to commemorate themonth.
PEARLHARBOR Hawai’i (Dec 15,2022) Official portrait ofInformation Systems Technician 2nd Class Stephanie Hunter, Surface Combat SystemsTraining Command’s 2022JuniorSailoroftheYear (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSURFACECOMBAT SYSTEMSTRAININGCOMMANDDETMIDDLE PACIFIC)
1st Class EbonyFortney,CulinarySpecialist 2nd Class Shelean Palmer CulinarySpecialist 3rd Class Bryan Snell,CulinarySpecialist 2nd Class CedrickCeballos and Larisse Francois participate in BlackHistoryMonth pageant presentation,Feb.15,2023.The event honors the historyand heritage ofAfricanAmericans.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALISTSECONDCLASSJOSEPHT.MILLER) RISK OF PREDIABETES: 1IN 3ADULTS LIFEDOESN’T ALWAYS GIVE YOUTIMETO CHANGE THEOUTCOME. PREDIABETES DOES. RISK OF SHARK ATTACK: 1IN11.5 MILLION TAKE THE RISKTEST TODAYAT 6 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606
NORFOLK,Va (Feb 15,2023) CulinarySpecialist 1st Phillip Harrison,(left),CulinarySpecialist
Stoltenberg explains why support to Ukraine still matters
DoD News
Ayearon,supporttoUkrainefromnations around the world matters more than ever, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saidinBrusselstoday.
Stoltenberg spoke before the alliance Defense Ministerial which, he said, is happening“atacriticaltimeforoursecurity.”
February24marksoneyearsinceRussian PresidentVladimirPutinorderedhisforces toinvadeneighboringUkraine TheRussian leader believed he would have a cakewalk
qualificationexams.Hepassedeachportion of the exams with flying colors but despite his performance, he still felt unwanted by hisNavy,writingafriendaftertheexamsto say“I’mnotsuretheNavyreallywantsme.”
Despite his doubts, Brown began his traininginMarch1947,andonOct 21,1948, he became the Navy’s first Black man to completeNavyflighttrainingat22yearsold. He made headlines for his accomplishmentbeforebeingshippedofftoUSSWright (CVL 49) where he was section leader for fighter squadron VF-32. Brown’s squadron later transferred to USS Leyte (CV 32) in October 1950 to assist U.N. forces with Fast CarrierTaskForce77inKorea.
On Dec 4, 1950, Brown’s plane was hit in battle He announced to his wingmen, “I think I may have been hit. I’ve lost my oil
and take the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, but his forces were stopped and driven off The sameoccurredinKharkivandinKherson
Still,“weseenosignsthatPresidentPutin is preparing for peace,” he said. “What we seeistheopposite,heispreparingformore war,fornewoffensivesandnewattacks.So, itmakesitevenmoreimportantthatNATO alliesandpartnersprovidemoresupportto Ukraine.”
TheNATOallieswillprotecteveryinchof NATO territory but supporting Ukraine in its fight against naked aggression is crucial aswell
After crash-landing his Vought F4U-4 Corsairinthesnow,Brownbecametrapped in the cockpit and started to bleed out. Despite the efforts of his wingman, Lt j.g.
Thomas J. Hudner Jr the now deceased Brown,hadtobeleftbehind His last words to Hudner were to tell his wife,Daisy,howmuchhelovedher
Brown’s shipmates decided to honor his lifewithawarrior’sfuneral.Threedaysafter hisdeath,sevenaircraftsflewoverthecrash site to drop napalm over his plane as they recitedTheLord’sPrayer Brown was posthumously awarded with the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air MedalandthePurpleHeart,andhadaship, USS Jesse L. Brown (DE 1089), commissionedinhishonorin1973.
To learn more about Ens Jesse L. Brown andtrailblazerslikehim,visitwww.history
The Russian attack on Ukraine is an affronttosovereigntynotonlyinEurope but around the world “This is a war of aggression, Stoltenberg said. “President Putin
Russia has attacked a sovereign independent democratic free nation in Europe
Ukraine Ofcourse,Ukrainehastheright todefenditself therightofself-defenseis enshrinedinthe[UnitedNations]Charter.”
NATOandNATOnations“havetheright tohelpUkraineupholdtherightforself-defense.”
He noted that the support Ukraine has receivedhaschangedasthewarevolved At
first, the need was for anti-armor and antiairweapons.Then,theneedshiftedtoartillery then air defense “And now, over the lastweeksandmonths allieshaveagreedto further step up significantly when it comes toheavyweaponry:armor,infantryfighting vehicles,butalsomainbattletanks,”hesaid.
The type of support has evolved and will continue to evolve, he said “We need to ensure that Ukraine gets the weapons it needs to be able to retake territory, liberate the lands and win this war and prevail as a sovereign independentnation, hesaid.
EnsignJesse L.Brown,USN, Takes the oath ofoffice on board USS Leyte (CV-32), 26April 1949 Administering the oath is the ship’s Commanding Officer,Captain William L. Erdmann. Lieutenant Commander E.D Williams (center) is witnessing the ceremony. (WWW HISTORY.NAVY MIL)
SecretaryofDefense LloydJ.Austin III meeetswith NATO SecretaryGeneralJens Stoltenberg at NATO headquarters Brussels,Belgium,Feb.14 2023.Austin hosted the ninth meeting ofthe Ukraine Defense Contact Group that brought together54 countries forcontinuing discussions on support to Ukraine in itswarwith Russia.(DODPHOTOBYCHADJ.MCNEELEY)
Jesse L. Brown from Page 1
www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 7
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USS Tripoli hosts friends and family day cruise
On Feb.3,USSTripoli hosted a friends and familydaycruise offthe coast ofSan Diego, providing guestswith a unique opportunity to get an inside lookat theworkings and equipment ofthe navalvessel. PageB4
KARACHI,Pakistan (Feb 15,2023)ViceAdm.Brad Cooper commanderofU.S.Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT),U.S.5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces interactswith a child and herteacherat the Special Children School at Pakistan Naval Station Karsazin Karachi,Feb.15,2023.NAVCENTpersonnel delivered physical therapyand mobilityequipment to the school. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJACOBVERNIER)
U.S. donates equipment to Pakistan Navy School after participating in naval exercise
KARACHI, Pakistan Members of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) donated $5,000 of equipment toaspecialneedsschoolFeb.15afterU.S.5th
Fleet completed its participation in a fiveday Pakistan-led multinational naval exerciseintheNorthArabianSea
Nearly a dozen NAVCENT personnel, including Vice Adm. Brad Cooper,
commander of NAVCENT, U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces, visited the Special Children School at Pakistan Naval Station Karsaz in Karachi the day after maritime drills for exercise Aman 2023 concluded at sea. NAVCENT personneldeliveredphysicaltherapyandmobility equipmenttotheschool
“Relationshipsamongmaritimepartners extend beyond operations at sea, so we are proud to support Pakistan Navy’s special children’sschoolinameaningfulway,”said Cooper “Ourvisitandexerciseparticipation
reflect Pakistan’s leading role in maritime security,thedepthofourstrongrelationship and mutual commitment to safeguarding regionalseas.”
U.S. guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun (DDG 103) participated in exercise events at sea while Marines from Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Central Command (FASTCENT) and a U.S. Navy explosive ordnance disposal team trained alongsidePakistanicounterpartsinKarachi.
Led by the Pakistan Navy, Aman 2023 aimed to strengthen relationships and
enhance interoperability among participatingnavies.Theexerciseincludedevents focused on maritime defense, vessel boardingprocedures explosiveordnancedisposal, aircraftintegrationandshipnavigation
U.S. forces also participated in the previous iteration of the exercise in February 2021
TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21countries,theArabianGulf,GulfofOman, RedSea,partsoftheIndianOceanandthree criticalchokepointsattheStraitofHormuz, Babal-MandebandSuezCanal
Ascreenshot ofthewrecksite USSAlbacore (SS 218).whichwas lost at sea Nov.7,1944 Indications ofdocumented modifications made toAlbacore priorto herfinal patrol such as the presence ofan SJ Radardish and mast,a rowofvent holes along the top ofthe superstructure,and the absence ofsteel plates along the upperedge ofthe fairwaterallowed Naval Historyand Heritage Command to confirm thewrecksite finding asAlbacore.Screenshot captured fromvideo courtesyofDr Tamaki Ura,from the UniversityofTokyo.(BYPETTYOFFICER1STCLASSABIGAYLELUTZ, NAVALHISTORYANDHERITAGECOMMAND)
Wreck site identified as World War Two submarine USS Albacore (SS 218)
Naval History and Heritage Command
Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) confirmed the identity of a wreck siteoffthecoastofHokkaido,Japan,asUSS Albacore(SS218)Feb.16
NHHC’s Underwater Archaeology Branch (UAB) used information and imagery provided by Dr Tamaki Ura from the University of Tokyo, to confirm the identity of Albacore, which was lost at sea Nov. 7,1944 “Asthe finalresting placeforSailorswho gave their life in defense of our nation, we sincerely thank and congratulate Dr Ura and his team for their efforts in locating the wreck of Albacore,” said NHHC Director Samuel J. Cox, U.S. Navy rear admiral (retired). “It is through their hard work and continued collaboration that we could confirm Albacore’s identity after being lost atseaforover70years.”
Japanese records originating from the
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) covering the loss of an American submarine on Nov. 7, 1944, guided Dr Ura’s missions. The location mentioned in the records matched a separate ongoing effort by UAB volunteers to establish the location oftheshipwreck.
Dr Ura’s team collected data using a Remotely Operated Vehicle to confirm the historical data Strong currents marine growth, and poor visibility on site made it challenging to fully document the wreck or obtain comprehensive images. However, severalkeyfeaturesofalate1944Gato-class submarinewereidentifiedinthevideo Indicationsofdocumentedmodifications made to Albacore prior to her final patrol suchasthepresenceofanSJRadardishand mast, a row of vent holes along the top of thesuperstructure,andtheabsenceofsteel platesalongtheupperedgeofthefairwater allowedUABtoconfirmthewrecksitefindingasAlbacore.
The wreck of Albacore is a U.S. sunken
military craft protected by U.S. law and under the jurisdiction of NHHC While non-intrusive activities, such as remote sensing documentation, on U.S. Navy sunken military craft is allowed, any intrusive or potentially intrusive activities must becoordinatedwithNHHCandifappropriate authorized through a relevant permitting program. Most importantly, the wreck represents the final resting place of Sailors that gave their life in defense of the nation and should be respected by all parties as a wargrave.
AlbacorewasconstructedbytheElectric Boat Company in Groton, CT and commissioned on June 1, 1942 Before being lost in 1944, she conducted 11 war patrols and is credited with 10 confirmed enemy vessel sinkings with possibly another three not yet confirmed. Albacore earned nine battle stars and four Presidential Unit Citations duringhercareer Sixofthetenenemysinkings were enemy combatant ships, ranking herasoneofthemostsuccessfulsubmarines
against enemy combatants during World WarII
For more information on Albacore, please visit research/histories/ship-histories/danfs/a/ albacore-ss-218-ii.html
NHHC, located at the Washington Navy Yard is responsible for preserving analyzing anddisseminatingU.S.navalhistoryand heritage. It provides the knowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect the Navy’s unique and enduring contributions through our nation’s history and supports the fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research, analysis, and interpretive services NHHC comprises many activities including the Navy Department Library the Navy Operational Archives the Navy art and artifact collections, underwater archeology, Navy histories, 10 museums, USS Constitution repairfacility,andthehistoricshipNautilus
www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 1
NHHC remembers USS Maine at Arlington National Cemetery
Naval History and Heritage Command
ARLINGTON, Va Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) Director, Samuel Cox laid a wreath at the USS Maine MemorialFeb.15 commemoratingthe125th anniversary of the explosion and sinking of the U.S. battleship in Havana Harbor that resulted in the loss of 266 of its officers and crew “Today we honor the extraordinary sacrifice and service of the Maine Sailors,” said Cox. “We remember not just the Maine, but hercrew.”
Maine was sent to Havana, Cuba, in January1898 toprotectAmericaninterestsduring thelong-standingrevoltoftheCubansagainst theSpanishgovernment.Duringtheevening of Feb. 15, Maine sank when its forward gunpowder magazines exploded, killing
While the cause of the great tragedy remains unsettled, contemporary American popularopinionblamedSpain,andtheSpanish-American War followed in April 1898 Maine’swreckwasraisedin1912toclearthe harbor and to facilitate an investigation into thecauseofitssinking USSMaine’sremains weresubsequentlysunkwithmilitaryhonors northofHavana.
As the deployment of USS Maine in 1898 demonstrated the nation’s commitment to enabling regional freedom and deterring aggression, today’s Sailors demonstrate the Navy’s continued commitment to these missions With 70% of the Earth’s surface covered in water; 80% of the world population living near the ocean, and 90% of global commercebysea,theNavy’smissionremains criticalto preservingpeace ensuringcontinuednationalprosperity
FormoreinformationabouttheUSSMaine sinking and its history visit: https://www documentary-histories/united-states-navy-s/ destruction-of-the-m.html
NHHC located at the Washington Navy Yard is responsible for preserving analyzing and disseminating U.S. naval history and heritage It provides the knowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect theNavy’suniqueandenduringcontributions throughournation’shistoryandsupportsthe fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research, analysis, and interpretive services. NHHC comprises many activities including the Navy Department Library, the Navy Operational Archives, the Navy art and artifact collections, underwater archeology, Navyhistories,10museums,USSConstitution
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Recruit Training Command announces Junior
Sailor of the Year
U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command Aviation Electronics Technician 1st Class JacobA.DeLaPena,fromTampa,Florida,is arecruitdivisioncommanderandtheJunior
SailoroftheYear(JSOY)atU.S.NavyRecruit Training Command (RTC), the Navy’s only boot camp RTC’sCommandingOfficer,Capt Kertrek Brooks named De La Pena as the JSOY. He competed against three other nominees for the JSOY award. Master Chief Fire Controlman Mark Gilling, his leading chief petty officer nominated him for the award.
“He called me one day and said, ‘Hey I think you would be a good candidate for Junior Sailor of the Year,’ and I was like, say less,” De La Pena said. “Sounds good to me!
Let’s do it.”
De La Pena has several key collateral
duties and qualifications at RTC. He is on the master training specialist (MTS) team, the advanced warrior toughness team, the ships training team, and teaches warrior toughness and MTS “I’m always pushing to do more, and just striving to do whatever I can to stay ahead,” he said. “I think that’s a big part of it, and I always stay motivated.
He also spends his off-time volunteering at the USO, Illinois Great Lakes Center, and with a local high school Junior ROTC “Itmakesmefeelprettygood,”saidDeLa Pena about working with the students “It’s cooltoseethemstrivingtopossiblyjointhe Navy or just the military one day. You feel like it’s a way to give back.”
De La Pena thanked his mentors and teammates for helping him achieve the JSOYaward,andhiswifeforhersupport.He spoke about continuing to grow as a Sailor.
“There are some things I can get better at, that’s for sure. Those are the main things that I think about, the things that I need to get better at.” De La Pena joined the Navy in 2015 He served with Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 7, in Norfolk, and Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 8, in San Diego before reporting to RTC. He earned the Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist and Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist qualifications Bootcampisapproximately10weeksand all enlistees into the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command. Training includes physical fitness seamanship firearms firefighting and shipboard damage control alongwithlessonsinNavyheritageandcore values,teamworkanddiscipline Morethan 40,000 recruits train annually at the Navy’s only boot camp
ARLINGTON,Va (Feb 15,2023)Awreath bearerlays awreath at the USS Maine Memorial inArlington National CemeteryFeb.15,during a commemoration ceremonyforthe 125th anniversaryofthe explosion and sinking ofMaine.InJanuary1898 Mainewas sent to Havana,Cuba to protectAmerican interests during the long-standing revolt ofthe Cubans against the Spanish government During the evening ofFeb.15, Maine sankwhen its forward gunpowdermagazines exploded,killing nearlythree-quarters ofthe battleship’s crew (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSABIGAYLELUTZ)
GREATLAKES,Illinois (Nov.30 2022)Aviation ElectronicsTechnician 1st ClassJacobA.De La Pena,from Largo,Florida,poses fora picture at U.S. NavyRecruitTraining Command in Great Lakes,Illinois,Nov.30 De La Pena,a recruit division commanderwith team 10 received theJuniorSailorof theYearaward.More than 40,000 recruits train annuallyat the Navy’s onlyboot camp (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1ST CLASSSTEPHANEBELCHER) 2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
Carrier Air Wing Five jets participate in Aero India 2023
Commander Task Force 70 / Carrier Strike Group 5
BENGALURU India (NNS) Members of the “Royal Maces” of Strike Fighter Squadron(VFA)27and“Diamondbacks of (VFA) 102 joined hundreds of civilian and military exhibitors for the Aero India 2023 aerospace exhibition held at Yelahanka Air ForceStationinBengaluru,India,Feb.13-17
Aero India 2023 offers a venue to build stronger relationships between the U.S. and India, as well as with other participating nations Department of Defense leadership and participating units’ attendance underscores the importance of the tightknit U.S.-India partnership and our shared
“Participating in Aero India is an excellent opportunity for our squadrons to be showcased alongside our Indian partners,” said Cmdr Adam Cohen, executive officer, VFA 27 “Our squadrons routinely operate throughout the entire Indo-Pacific and it is always a great experience to visit a partner nation’s country in person, and showcasetheprofessionalismoftheRoyalMace, Diamondback team and Carrier Air Wing (CVW)5.”
VFA-27 operates the F/A-18E Super Hornet and VFA-102 operates the F/A-18F Super Hornet as part of Carrier Air Wing (CVW)5,whichdeployswithCarrierStrike Group (CSG) 5. As part of the strike group,
CVW 5 completed a 7th Fleet deployment in 2022 where they provided airpower in support of the USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group while it operated with Allies and partners in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific Those missions included numerous joint and combined multi-lateral operations demonstrating flexibility and capability in multiple warfighting domains, ensuring commitment to regional stability andAlliedandpartnerrelationship-building
CVW 5 aircraft have routinely operated withtheIndianNavyincludingduringexerciseMalabar2022inNovemberoffthecoast ofJapanandinJune2021,CVW5conducted multi-axistrainingoffthecoastofIndia,that included a P-8I maritime patrol and recon-
naissance aircraft, MiG-29K fighters from the Indian Navy Air Squadron 303, and Su-30 fighter aircrafts from the Indian Air Force222Squadron.
The“RoyalMaces and“Diamondbacks” are forward-deployed to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan. The squadrons directly support the 7th Fleet area of operations and enable a free and open Indo-Pacificregion.
7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion
ABOVE:An IndianAirForce
BENGALURU,India (Feb 10 2023)An F/A-18E SuperHornet from the“Royal Maces ofStrike FighterSquadron (VFA) 27 taxis on the runwayafterlanding atYelahankaAirForce Station Feb.10 ahead ofits participation inAero India 2023.Aero India offers avenue to build strongerrelationships between the U.S.and India and the international community.The“Royal Maces are forwarddeployed to Marine CorpsAirStation Iwakuni,Japan.The squadrons directlysupport the 7th Fleet area ofoperations and enable
a free and open Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYCOURTESYPHOTO).
C-17 Globemaster III followed bya formation ofnine aircraft perform a flyoverduringAero India 23 at YelahankaAirBase,Bengaluru,India on Feb. 13,2023.Aero India 2023 offers avenue to build strongerrelationships between the U.S. and India and the international community. (U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTOBYAIRMAN1STCLASS EMILYSAXTON) U.S.EmbassyNewDelhi Charge d’Affaires,a.i AmbassadorA.ElizabethJones and U.S.Air Force Maj.Gen.Julian C.Cheater,assistant deputyundersecretaryoftheAirForce, InternationalAffairs speakto a group ofU.S. Navypilots duringAero India 23 atYelahanka AirStation,Bengaluru,India on Feb.13,2023. Aero India offers avenue to build stronger relationships between the U.S.and India and the international community.(U.S.AIRFORCE PHOTOBYAIRMAN1STCLASSEMILYSAXTON) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 3
– Sailors and theirfriends and families participate in a foreign object debris (FOD)walk-down on the flight deckduring the friends and familydaycruise aboard amphibious assault carrierUSSTripoli (LHA7) Feb.3,2023.Tripoli is hosting more than 500 familymembers and friends to demonstrate the ship’s capabilities.Tripoli is anAmerica-class amphibious assault ship homeported in San Diego.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMACISTERNOD)
Tripoli hosts Friends and Family Day Cruise
USS Tripoli Public Affairs
PACIFIC OCEAN Amphibious assault carrierUSSTripoli(LHA7)hostedafriends and family day cruise off the coast of San Diego,February3,2023
Thecruiseprovidedguestswithaunique opportunitytogetaninsidelookattheworkings and equipment of a naval vessel and provided Sailors with a chance to show off theirwork-lifetotheirlovedones.
“I’m excited to show my family how we
live,howwedothingsandwhattheday-today life on Tripoli is like,” said Aviation Electronics Technician 2nd Class Roberto Melendrez fromLasCruces,NewMexico Guestshadtheopportunitytoobservethe flightoperationsofanMV-22Ospreytiltrotor aircraft, MH-60R Sea Hawks, UH-1Y Venom, AH-1Z Viper, and CH-53E Super Stallion.
Tripoli’s engineering department Sailors setupstationstodemonstratehowtheship responds in various emergency situations andshowcasedtheequipmentutilized.
“Getting to see all this [flight operations],
theefficiencyofthecrewandtherawpower of the aircraft. It really gives me hope and makes me proud to be an American,” said RhettGaeir,amathteacheratGraniteHills
HighSchool The Morale, Welfare, and Recreation committeesetupbasketball,cornhole,golf, andothergamesinthehangarbayforguests toenjoy.Sailorsalsoledtheirguestsontours ofvariousworkcentersaroundtheshipsuch asthebridge,primaryflightcontrol,andthe centralcontrolstation.
“Wearetrulyhonoredtohavesomanyof our friends and family members get under-
waywithustoday,”saidCapt.JohnKiefaber, commanding officer of USS Tripoli. “This cruise was a great opportunity for the best crew on the waterfront to showcase the incredibleworktheydoeveryday.”
Tripoli is an America-class amphibious assaultcarrierhomeportedinSanDiego FormoreinformationaboutTripoli,head tothecommand’sFacebook(www.facebook. com/usstripoli)andInstagram(
ABOVE: PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb 3,2023) –Sailors and theirfriends and families salute during colors in the hangarbayduring the friends and familydaycruise aboard amphibious assault carrierUSSTripoli (LHA7) Feb.3,2023.Tripoli is hosting more than 500 familymembers and friends to demonstrate the ship’s capabilities.Tripoli is anAmerica-class amphibious assault ship homeported in San Diego.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO
LEFT: PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb 3,2023) – Sailors and theirguests participate in a foreign object debris (FOD)walk-down on the flight deckaboard amphibious assault carrierUSS Tripoli (LHA7) during the friends and family daycruise Feb.3,2023.Tripoli is hosting more than 500 familymembers and friends to demonstrate the ship’s capabilities.Tripoli is anAmerica-class amphibious assault ship homeported in San Diego.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO
PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb 3,2023)
4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 5
NAVSTA Rota celebrates Black History Month
Naval Station Rota, Spain
NavalStation(NAVSTA)Rota’snewly-established multicultural and diversity heritage committee held its first event in observance of Black History Month at the base chapel, Feb. 10, 2023 Personnel from around the installation gathered for the eventwiththethemeof“InspiringChange.”
Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Natalia Fraser assigned to air operationsdepartmentandcommitteelead, openedtheeventbystressingtheimportant of contributions by past and present Black that have created “ripples” within society toinspirechange
“However one does not need to hold a protest or be the first to break a record to inspire change,” she said. “They can be the personsittingnexttoyou.”
Fraser stated that for many within
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this community that person was Logistics Specialist 1st Class Nojeem Ogungbo Originally born in Nigeria, he moved to Winston-Salem,NorthCarolinain2012and laterjoinedtheU.S.Navy Hisinspiringstory waswhatledthecommitteetoaskOgungbo tobetheguestspeakeroftheevent.
“As you all know and can tell, I was not born here and English is not my first language, yet am here today wearing the Navy uniform proud and tall,” he said
He went on to describe that through his time in the Navy, he had mentors along the waywhohavehelpedandencouragedhim. Todayhehasamaster’sofbusinessadministration, is a doctoral candidate, serves as leading petty officer for his department, runsmarathons,andisasoccerandrunning coach.
After Ogungbo’s speech, NAVSTA Rota Commanding Officer Capt. Teague Suarez providedsomeremarksontheobservance
He encouraged participants to not focus solely on the monumental achievements but reflect on the other story within that achievement “Wecelebrate,asweshould,theindividualtriumphsoftheGolden13,provingthey were the equal of any other commissioned officers in the Navy,” he stated. “But we shouldalsorecognizethecollectivetragedy ofthethousandsofotherAfricanAmerican Sailors who never had the chance.”
Afterwards participants gathered in the Fellowship Hall to view a museum that the committee created to highlight African-American military trailblazers With dimmed lighting, light music, and large placards detailing the achievements, participants were encouraged to reflect on thesecontributionsandtheirimpactonour current Navy ForSailorsinterestedinjoiningthediversity committee Fraser encourages them
to attend the weekly diversity committee meeting held Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Next month, the committee will be honoring and celebrating Women’s History Month
Located near the Strait of Gibraltar and nestled on the Bay of Cadiz, Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota serves as the “Gateway to the Mediterranean” and provides U.S. Navy and all NATO forces a strategic hub for operations in Europe Africa and the Middle East. Capable of promptly deploying combat-ready forces through land, air andsea,NAVSTARota’sstrengthischaracterizedbyitscapabilitytoenablethewarfighter, sustain the fleet and foster the U.S. and Spanish defense partnership For more information about NAVSTA Rota, visit mil/Installations/NAVSTA-Rota/
NAVALSTATION ROTA Spain (February10 2023) Capt.Teague Suarez the Commanding OfficerofNaval Station (NAVSTA) Rota helps to serve cake during a BlackHistoryMonth observance put
bythe Muliticultural and DiversityCommittee in the Fellowship Hall ofthe base Chapel onboard NAVSTARota Spain,February10 2023 NAVSTARota sustains the fleet,enables the fighter and supports the familybyconducting airoperations,port operations,ensuring securityand safety assuring qualityoflife and providing the core services ofpower,water,fuel and information technology.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSHANNAHFRY)
6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 7
8 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
On iberty
Eat the rainbow!
Focusingyourmenus on healthconscious recipes that lookas good as theymakeyou feel is keyto making positive lifestyle changes Pairseafood and seasonal produce forcolorful, healthyrecipes. PageC4
Local star Elliott Scott Smith returns home in Virginia Musical Theatre’s production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s School of Rock The Musical, at Sandler Center this weekend
VirginiaMusicalTheatreisproudtopresentAndrewLloydWebber’sSchoolofRock the Musical for this weekend only, February 24th-26th at the Sandler Center for the PerformingArtsinVirginiaBeach,VA This kid-driven, extremely talented cast will warm your heart and leave you wanting more. For tickets and times, go to https:// event/01005D0B0A1097A6
Yiorgo: With us today is Elliott Scott Smith, a Hampton Roads Area native and one of the stars of the show. Elliott, why should people come see School of Rock, whatwilltheygettoseeandexperience?
Elliott Scott Smith: School Of Rock for mygenerationwasoneofthemoviesofour childhood. The show has big themes such as self expression and taking pride in who you are. The show also teaches people not tojudgeabookbyitscover.Justafewofthe reasons why people should come and see theshow.
Y: And this is an Andrew Lloyd Webber production
ESS: Yes, that is so awesome It’s such a fun show Half of the music already existed from the movie and then more were added anditworksverynicelytogether
Y: For those not familiar with it, what is thestoryabout?
ESS: The story is about this guy named Dewey Finn He was a part of a rock band. He got kicked out of the band. He is really, really in desperate need of money so he impersonates his best friend and becomes a substitute at a really prestigious school called Horace Green He realizes that his studentshavereallyspecialmusicalabilities thathewantstohelpthemcultivateanduse themtocompeteinabigbattleofthebands Whathappensnextisasighttobehold.
Y:Whatisitlikebeinginoneofyourfavorite movies as a musical and how different is themusicalfromthemovie?
ESS: It is so much fun being in one of my favorite movies as a musical It’s interesting in that the show is not that much different from the movie, other than the songs A favoritedirectorofminewhenheworkson aprojectalwaysasksifthestoryheisworking on “sings?” At first I did not think that the School Of Rock did, but once I started working onitIsee thatitreallydoes There are moments that the music lends itself to enhance the story It’s really cool that I get to experience that especially given that it is alsooneofmyfavorites
Y: Who do you play in it and what drew youtothisrole?
ESS: I get to play several different characters in it. I get to play Doug who is a
member of Dewey’s band at the beginning of the show. Then I get to play Mr Spencer the father of Tomika, one of the children I also play Mr Noble, one of the teachers at Horace Green. What drew me to this play, besides giving me the opportunity to come backhome,isthatit’sbeenareallylongtime sinceIhaveplayedseveralcharactersinone show.TypicallyIplayonewholecharacterin ashow,soit’sreallycooltogettoinvestigate who these three people are and how I can lendmyselftothosethreecharacters.
Y: So how do you go about making a distinction in portraying the three characters?
ESS: I look at the characters’ specific circumstances and what they are going through in the script. For example, Doug the rock star would be acting and performing very different from Mr Noble who is a teacher at that private school I also like to bringalittlebitofmetoeachcharacterthat I portray For me, it’s difficult to act without including a little facet of my life into it, connected with those characters and helpingtobringthemtolifeabitmore.
Y: What has been the most fun for you rehearsinginthisshow?
ESS:Honestly gettingtoseethesekidsat work. The show really focuses on the kids that are at this school and the kids we are
workingwitharesomeofthemosttalented humanbeingsIevermetinmylife.Extraordinaryactors singersandsomeofthemcan playtheseinstrumentslikeI’veneverheard before. It’s really so cool getting to watch
the young generation of workers becoming superstars.Itreallyisincredible.Igetgoosebumpswatchingthemperform.
Y:HaveyouworkedwithVirginiaMusical Theatrebefore?
ESS: In my senior year of high school, I attended the Governor School of the Arts and they do a lot of work with the Virginia MusicalTheatre(VMT)withtheirstudents working in the ensemble with some of the shows. So in 2012 I got to be the Assistant Stage Manager in Hairspray and I got to work with our current stage manager Erin Hollis It’safullcirclemoment.Itwassofun getting to see her again Also in 2016, right outofcollegeIperformedinBeautyandthe Beast for VMT So it’s kind of like a homecomingformeeventhoughithasbeenseven yearssinceIhavebeenbackhere.
Y: Where were you born and what made youfallinlovewithmusicaltheatre?
ESS: I was born in Norfolk, VA and was raised in Chesapeake, VA I fell in love with musical theatre when I was eight years old and my mom had taken me to see Cher in concert at the Hampton Coliseum I would notstoptalkingaboutthewholeexperience. Iwasobsessedwiththelights,thecostumes, everythingandIwastellingmyteachers my
Nauticus honors African American scientists and inventors Saturday, Feb. 25
NORFOLK Va Nauticus’BlackHistory
Month celebration focuses on the African American Scientists and Inventors that made influential change in STEM. A variety of STEM based activities, crafts, and programswillbepresentedinsideNauticus andontheBattleshipWisconsin.
Throughout the day, visitors will be able tocompeteintrivia,learnaboutanumberof African American inventors and scientists competeinSuperSoakerSoccer,watchand experience cool science experiments and
discoverAfricanAmericanSTEMliterature fromtheSloverLibrary
Weareproudtoofferourvisitorsreduced $7.57generaladmissiononSaturday,February25th,2023. Inadditiontoongoingactivitiesthroughouttheday,guestscan:
Compete in Super Soaker Soccer, highlighting inventor Lonnie Johnson and his inventionoftheSuperSoaker Drawbluebloodfromourpretendhorseshoe crab and run some scientific tests as we celebrate Dr Charles Drew the father of human blood banking with our activity
See Nauticus’ 3D printer in action and even take away their own custom printed golf tee which was invented by Lonnie Johnson DrinKicks will show their process of “FromDrinktoShoe”andexplainthecirculareconomy.
11 am and 1 pm: Join Norfolk State UniversityPHDStudent,SheliteAugustusas, as she teaches us about the technology that takesusToTheStars.
12 pm and 2 pm: Make their own lightbulbandlearnhowLewisLatimer’sfilament
3:30 pm: Test their knowledge with our AfricanAmericanInventorTrivia.
Purchase tickets to African American Scientists and Inventors Day at Nauticus onlineat Nauticus is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays Saturdays and 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. onSundays Paidadmissionincludesaccess to the Nauticus museum, special programming and the Battleship Wisconsin. As always Nauticus members are free For moreinformation,
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
Hampton Roads native Elliott Scott Smith is one ofthe stars ofthe show.(COURTESY
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 1
TurntoSchoolofRock, Page 2
Artist lineup announced for the 53rd annual Hampton Jazz Festival
PressRelease HAMPTON Va
After a 3-year hiatus the Hampton Jazz Festival is returning for an incredible three days at the Hampton ColiseuminHampton,VA TheFestivalisslatedfor June23-24-25,andtheconfirmedartistsareas follows:
Register now for the 2023 Virginia Beach State of the City address
The State of the City is the premier Annual forumforVirginiaBeach’sbusiness,civic,and communityleaders The2023address,delivered by the Honorable Bobby Dyer Virginia Beach Mayor, will highlight key business development initiatives provide strategic municipal progress updates, address challenges and opportunities, and provide a glimpseintotheCity’sfuture.
Registration&Networking: 11:30am-12pm
Lunch&Program: 12:00pm-2:00pm
VirginiaBeachConventionCenter 100019thStreet, VirginiaBeach,VA23451
This event is open to the public, but advanced registration required to attend.
Cost is $60 for Chamber members and $80 for prospective members Table Sponsorship is $850 Register online at https://web.
Pressis invited to attend to cover the event. Pressboxandseatinginthedesignatedpress area will be provided. Pre-Registration is required RSVPtoLaurenRobertsCarterat
Due to the high volume of attendance and limited space, we ask that cancellations be receivedatleast3businessdaysbeforetheday of the event to avoid being charged.
AverySunshine TheChuckBrownBand
Babyface KennyG PeterWhite
Friday’sshowfeaturesseveralofourmost requested acts, including the Neo-Soul crooner Anthony Hamilton and the festival favorite Stephanie Mills. Trombone Shorty will certainly raise the roof at the Festival, andtheeveningroundsoutwiththesmooth jazzfavoriteJonathanButler.
Saturday’s show features all-time favorite Charlie Wilson. “Uncle Charlie” will continue to thrill Festival patrons with hits like “There Goes My Baby and “You Are. Making only his second appearance at the Festival will be the incredible Chris Botti - one of the greatest jazz trumpeters alive today.Multi-talentedAverySunshinewillbe there - along with the ever-popular “go-go” styleofmusicbroughttoyoubyTheChuck BrownBand Sunday’s lineup is jam-packed with star power.Multi-talentedAmericanIdolwinner Fantasia leads off the lineup - along with Babyface - just off his Super Bowl performance Festival favorite Kenny G will be
making a return visit with his award-winning smooth jazz sax. Rounding out the Sunday afternoon concert will be smooth jazzguitaristPeterWhite
Ticketstothe53rdAnnualHamptonJazz Festivalarepricedat$100,$90,$85,and$75 perticket-perperformance,plusapplicable fees Tickets will go on sale this Saturday, February 25 at 10 AM online at and at the Hampton Coliseum Box Office Additional festival information is available online at
*Artists subject to change
School of Rock
from Page 1
babysitterandtheybothcalledmymother and told her that this kid needs his energy channeled and she should look into the HurrahPlayersforme
My mother signed me up for Hugh Copland’s Monday night musical theatre class That class has touched so many people’s lives. It was the National Tour of 42ndStreetthatcametoChryslerHallthat Fall,thathelpedtoputitalltogetherforme and in perspective It all clicked together and that’s when I knew at the age of 9-10, that’s what I wanted to do with my life. So ItookclassesatHurrahforprettymuchall of my childhood and young adult life My senioryearofhighschool,IwenttoGovernor’s School and then I went to college for itandhereweare.
Y: You have been in some exciting plays recently Tellusaboutthem.
SpongebobMusical Igotcalledfortherole of Patrick I had gone in a couple of times and the very last time, I had been in the hospital the day before, where I couldn’t talk, I had flu type symptoms. The hospital released me I went to the audition, but I had no voice and couldn’t talk or sing so it was a mutual decision that this was not goingtohappen.BeingPatrickwasadream of mine and in 2021 I noticed Arizona Broadway Theatre was going to be doing it. I submitted my materials, had an audition in New York City and two days later they offered me the part. It was so much fun.Gettingtobeinthatworldwasincredible. That show was pure joy. The music is amazingwithsuchaheartfeltstory Icando thatfortherestofmylife.IgrewupwatchingthisshowonTVandIgottobeinit Y: And then you followed that up with doingMontyPython’sSpamalot.
ESS: Yes I did it in that same theater I didnotknowalotaboutMontyPythonand gettingtodiveintothatworldwasawhole different way of working on my comedy
and acting skills And during Spamalot, they asked me to stay and do the musical version of A Christmas Carol The Musical as the Ghost of Christmas Present so I got tostayanextraamountofmonthsthere.
Y:Anywow,pinchmemomentsyoucan share?
ESS: Oh my gosh, I got emotional as soon as you asked that question. My wow momentwaswithTheSpongebobMusical and the first time we got to run the music withtheliveorchestra,wegottotheendof theopeningnumber,itoccurredtomethat wasthefirsttimeIhadgottentoperformin solongthatIwashitwithanoverwhelming amountofgratitudetowardseveryonethat has come with me on this journey that has allowedmetodowhatIlove
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer Astage TVandmovieactor heisalso a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
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2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
DON’T SWEATTHE SMALL STUFF, JUST NAIL THE BIG STUFF. What’s another teeny, tiny stain? You’ve got more important things to think about—like making sure your kids are buckled correctly in the right seat for their age and size. Check at FREE PUZZLES &GAMES Playonline every dayat Jumble Daily |Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku| Mahjong |BubbleShooter Pro|Plus manymore www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 3
Eat the rainbow! Pair seafood and seasonal produce for colorful, healthy recipes
Focusing your menus on health-consciousrecipesthatlookasgoodastheymake you feel is key to making positive lifestyle changes Addingbigflavorsthatsatisfycravings to easy, go-to recipes can be a big step toward reaching health goals throughout theyear
“Eating the rainbow” refers to adding fruits and veggies of varying colors to your diet such as red tomatoes and beets green cucumbers and avocados, orange carrots and pumpkins and beyond. Complementingfreshproducewiththenutritionalbenefits of tuna and salmon - like heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin D and potassium-cantakeyourmealplanningone stepfurther
Whetheryou’recommemoratingaspecial occasion,hostingagatheringoffriendsand family or simply enjoying a night in, good food shouldn’t mean ditching good eating habits.Withnewpackagingbutacontinued focus on flavor, wild-caught Low-Sodium Pink Salmon from Chicken of the Sea is a perfectcomplementtovibrant,rainbow-inspiredrecipes.
Try these Salmon Chili Bites for a quick and delicious snack option They can easily bedoubled,tripledormoreforapartyappetizer.Featuretherecipewitha“rainbow”of veggies, crackers, meats and cheeses on a charcuterie board for a crowd favorite that cansatisfyguestswithbig,boldflavor.
Ditch boring salads and find joy in food while maintaining healthy eating goals by upping your salad game Say goodbye to bland, boring greens and enjoy salads with yourfavoritetoppings,likeacolorfulcombinationofprotein-packedtunaandfiber-rich veggies in this Mediterranean Tuna Salad, which is completed with a bright dressing andtoppedwithfetacheeseandparsley
For more than 100 years, Chicken of the Seahasprovidedfresh,tastyseafoodstraight from the ocean, so whether you’re reaching for wild-caught tuna for this homemade salad or another option like salmon or sardines you can enjoy a high-quality product that’s delicious on its own or used toelevatefavoriterecipes
Tofindmorehealth-focusedsnacks,appetizers, meals and more, visit
Salmon Chili Bites
Prep time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2
Mediterranean Tuna Salad
Prep time: 20 minutes
Servings: 1-2
2pouches(2.5ounceseach)Chickenof theSeaLowSodiumWild-Caught
2bellpeppers,coredandcutinto 2-inchsquares
To serve, top each bell pepper square with some salmon, green onion, cilantro and sesame seeds. If leftover pieces of bell pepper remain, chop and add as additional garnish.
Note: If serving with cheese plate, place salmon mixture in small bowl and garnish with green onion and sesame seeds.
1cupchoppedEnglishcucumber (about½cucumber)
To make dressing: In large bowl, whisk lemonjuice,oliveoilandoregano
To make salad: In dressing bowl, add tuna,tomatoes,olivesandcucumber Gently toss to cover salad with dressing then top with feta and parsley Serve with pita chips orcrackers,ifdesired
Put a Tex-Mex twist on a traditional dish
The next time your loved ones crave a comforting dish that’s warming from the inside-out,turntoanall-timeclassicwitha touchofsouthernflair.
Take inspiration for this Tex-Mex Beef Lasagnafromseason3of“BBQuest:Beyond the Pit,” avideo series that dives into the long-heldtraditions,newflavorsandeveryday inspiration that make Texas barbecue legendary Developed from the show by BBQuestco-hostand“HardcoreCarnivore cookbook author Jess Pryles,this tasty take on comfort food can be the perfect solution forafamilymealwithplentyofleftovers
After dinner, settle in together and learn pitmaster techniques from the experts as the series follows four themes that capture the essence of Texas barbecue: legacy and tradition; creativity and innovation; Texas trailblazers;andfamilyandcommunity.
“SincelaunchingBBQuestfouryearsago, it’s truly remarkable to see how much has changed and yet stayed the same when it comestoTexasbarbecue,andthat’sexactly whatyouseeinseason3,”saidRachelChou, Texas Beef Council’s director of consumer marketing “There has been so much excitinginnovationaroundcookingmethodsand internationalflavorswhilethere’sstillahuge dedicationtolong-heldrecipesandsmoking techniques.”
To find more pitmaster-worthy recipes,
Tex-Mex Beef Lasagna
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 10
15ouncescannedcorn drained
15ouncescannedseasonedblackbeans drained
10ouncescanneddicedtomatoeswith greenchiles,drained
In large pan or skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat then add onion Cook until softened, 4-5 minutes, stirring regularly Add ground beef and cook, stirring regu-
larly,untilbeefhasbrowned. Add kosher salt, garlic powder, cumin, chipotle powder and onion powder; stir well.Addcorn,blackbeansanddicedtomatoes Turn heat to medium and simmer 10 minutes Removefromheat.
In bowl, combine enchilada sauce and crema;mixwell. Spray casserole dish with nonstick cookingspray.Pourabout¼cupenchiladasauce mixtureonbottomtopreventtortillasfrom sticking.
withlayerofgroundbeefmixture Useladle to spoon some enchilada sauce mixture on top, distributing evenly Top with another layer of tortillas then repeat layers until casserole is full, 3-4 layers Top with shreddedcheese.
Loosely coverdish withfoil in tent shape to help prevent cheese from sticking then bake30minutes Remove foil and bake 10-15 minutes until cheeseisbubblyandgoldenbrown.
Cool 5 minutes before serving. Top with cilantroandgreenonions,ifdesired.
4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, February 23, 2023
DoD releases policies to ensure access to non-covered reproductive health care
On October 20 2022, the Secretary of Defense released a memorandum “Ensuring Access to Reproductive Health Care, directing the Department to take a series of actions to ensure Service members and theirfamiliesareabletoaccessnon-covered reproductive health care. These policies reinforcetheSecretaryofDefense’scommitment to taking care of our people, ensuring their health and well-being, and ensuring theForceremainsreadyandresilient.
On Feb. 16 2023 the Department of Defense has released the directed policies on command notification of pregnancy, administrative absence for non-covered reproductive health care, and travel allowancesfornon-coveredreproductivehealth care.Thesepolicieswillbeeffectivewithin 30 days from today to allow the Military Departmentstimetoimplementandincorporate these policies into their Service
regulations, and to allow time for Service specific guidance to be developed.
The policy on command notification of pregnancy provides Service members the time and flexibility to make private health care decisions while accounting for the responsibility placed on commanders to meetoperationalrequirementsandprotect the health and safety of those in their care. This policy standardizes and extends the timeframe for Service members to inform their commanders about a pregnancy, generally allowing Service members until upto20weeksofpregnancytonotifytheir commanders of their pregnancy status, with limited exceptions to account for specificmilitaryduties,occupationalhealth hazards, and medical conditions
The policy for administrative absence for non-covered reproductive health care provides Service members the ability to request an administrative absence from theirnormaldutystationtoaccessnon-cov-
ered reproductive health care without being charged leave Service members may be granted an administrative absence to access or to accompany a dual-military spouse or a dependent to access non-covered reproductive health care.
Travel and transportation allowances may be authorized for Service members anddependentstotraveltoaccessnon-covered reproductive health care. Travel and transportation allowances may be authorized when access to non-covered reproductivehealthcareservicesisnotavailable within the local area of the member’s permanent duty station, temporary duty location,orthelastlocationthedependent was transported on Government orders Thenon-coveredreproductivehealthcare is at the Service member’s expense Our Service members and their families do not control where they are stationed, and due to the nature of military service, arefrequentlyrequiredtotravelormoveto
Theefforts takenbytheDepartmenttodaywillnotonly ensure that Service members and their families are afforded time and flexibility to make private health care decisions but will also ensure Service members are able toaccessnon-coveredreproductivehealth careregardlessofwheretheyarestationed.
For more information on the Department’s actions on non-covered reproductive health care, visit: EnsuringAccesstoReproductiveHealth.
For comprehensive information and resources related to women’s and gender-specific care, information about reproductivehealth,andinformationabout the full range of contraception methods, and TRICARE benefits for contraceptive services, visit:
Military Working Dog Registry established to
ByRobertHammer MHS Communications
The Department of Defense established a registry for military working dogs, referenced in the military as MWDs, because it recognized a need for a database to keep track of morbidity and mortality during deployment.
In January 2022, the Military Working Dog Trauma RegistryOpens JTS health mil was launched by the Department of Defense Center of Excellence for Trauma and“capturesmilitaryworkingdogcasualty care epidemiology, treatment, diagnostics, and outcomes from point of injury through recovery,”saidU.S.ArmyLt Col.(Dr.)Sarah Cooper, chief of animal medicine with the Defense Health Agency Veterinary Service Division.
Database Will Improve Care
In the last two decades, more than 4,000 MWDs dogs were injured in combat, but detailed information on the dogs’ injuries and treatments were not captured in any existing database, making it difficult to do any research and analysis When a human warfighter is injured, their injuries are tracked and researched so this information canhelp improve treatments recovery and preventioninfuturesimilarincidents
Seeing a need to keep track of this information, “in 2017, the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps established a community of interest to identify MWD trauma care gaps, and the need for an MWD Trauma Registry was established,” said Cooper. In addition the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal YearOpens 2022 requires development of a comprehensive traumacareregistrythatincludesMWDs.
This registry will allow military veterinarians and working dog handlers to draw lessons learned and improve the training and medical care provided to these highly trained canine warfighters. Data from the registrymightalsohelpinthedevelopment ofprotectiveequipment
“The primary objective of the MWD Trauma Registry mirrors that of the DOD Trauma Registry, which is performance improvement. By collecting MWD casualtycaredata,DHAVeterinaryServicescan
support both the medical readiness of the MWD as well as the readiness of U.S. Army VeterinaryServicesOpensAPHC,”shesaid.
Ensuring the health readiness of MWDs isvitalaccordingtoCooper “MilitaryWorking Dogs are a force multiplier and offer a capabilityunmatchedbyanyothertechnology ImprovingMWDtraumareadinessand outcomesprotectsthiscriticalforceprotectionasset.”
“ThedesignandfunctionalityoftheregistrywasbasedontheJointTraumaSystem’s Department of Defense Trauma Registry Thedatafieldsandpatientflowweremodified to reflect Army Veterinary Services as thehealthcareprovidersandMWDsasthe patients, saidCooper.
Ultimately,theregistryonMWDinjuries aimstoimprovetheirhealth.
“The bond between a handler and their
MWDistrulyspecial,andmygoalistokeep that MWD healthy, by their handler’s side, and performing their mission for the Joint Force,”saidCooper.
Selecting Military Working Dogs for the Registry
Military Working Dogs that meet the selection criteria are identified through threesources:
CasualtyCareCardorDDForm3074-K9 TreatmentandResuscitationRecord
TheUnitedStatesTransportation CommandRegulatingandCommandand ControlEvacuationSystem
Once identified, the data abstractor
reviews all the information available to fill thedatafieldsintheMWDTraumaRegistry Theregistry,whichisfundedbytheDHA, has gotten accolades across the military community “SupportfortheMWDTrauma Registry has been tremendous The Joint Trauma System has been instrumental in itsdevelopment,launch,andsupport.When thecapabilitiesoftheMWDTraumaRegistryarebriefed,reactionsarealwayspositive and generate questions and interest,” said Cooper TheMWDTraumaRegistrywillcontinue to be populated by abstracting data from prospective and retrospective MWD casualties In addition, there are plans to move theMWDTraumaRegistryintotheMilitary HealthSystemInformationplatform.
U.S.ArmyMaj.TiffanyKimbrell,assigned to the 949th Medical Detachment gives a briefduring aveterinaryclass atAlAsadAirBase,Iraq on Aug.11,2020 AMilitaryWorking DogTrauma Registrywas launched bythe Department ofDefense to trackMWD casualtycare epidemiology, treatment diagnostics,and outcomes to improve care (PHOTOBYU.S.AIRFORCESENIORAIRMANCALABRO) www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, February 23, 2023 5
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