Flagship 03.09.2023

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NAVIFOR kicks off Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Active Duty Fund Drive

Naval Information Forces

SUFFOLK,Va TheNavy-MarineCorps Relief Society Active Duty Fund Drive runs from March 1 to April 30 2023 and has two primarypurposes: To raise awareness ofthe programsandservicesavailabletoactiveduty Sailors and Marines, and to raise funds to supporttheprogramsandservicesofferedby NMCRS Thethemeofthe2023ActiveDuty FundDriveis“ByOurOwn,ForOurOwn.”

Leaders from Navy and Marine Corps commands across Hampton Roads gathered at U.S. Fleet Forces Command March 1 to officially kick off 2023 Active Duty FundDrive.ViceAdmiralKellyAeschbach Commander of Naval Information Forces, and Vice Admiral Jim Kilby, Deputy Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, as well as Ms. Dawn Cutler, Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of NMCRS,spokeattheevent.

Aeschbach, who serves as this year’s Active Duty Fund Drive lead coordinator for all commands across Hampton Roads kicked off the event by highlighting the importanceofNMCRS’missiontothelives ofNavalfamilymembers.

“That work that every member and volunteer of the Society across the globe is doingissocriticaltoSailorsandMarinesin need, or who are dealing with unexpected challenges,” said Aeschbach. “I’m pretty passionate about what the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is focused on. When I wasacommandingofficerbackin2012and 2013, I found that the Navy-Marine Corps Relief [Society] provided vital support for the Sailors that were working for me They doitinaconfidentialway,andoftenareable to provide assistance to help Sailors from needing more serious intervention on the part of the Navy when it comes to pay challenges orfrankly justsomeofthechallenges that they’re facing while raising a family or takingcareoflovedones theNavy-Marine Corps Relief Society is always there. They always come through They’re always able torespondandhelp.”

Last year in Hampton Roads alone, the Navy-MarineCorpsReliefSocietyprovided more than $8.2 million of financial assistance to Sailors Marines and their families assisting7,500members

“WhenI’mreflectingontheNavyMarine Corps Relief Society, and thinking about these events, the services that they provide are significant: not only interest-free loans and grants for Sailors, but Budget for Baby classes, educational benefits, emergency travel funds, disaster relief, and providing Sailors who have a need the ability to go to aresource,”saidKilby.“Soitmakesadifference that we support this effort to help

ByNinoshkaBasantes, PublicAffairsSpecialist

Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic

From left to right Mr RickO’Rawe,directorofthe NorfolkNavy-Marine Corps ReliefSociety(NMCRS); Force MasterChiefPettyOfficerLaura Nunley,force masterchiefpettyofficerofNaval Information Forces (NAVIFOR); Col.Gabrielle Hermes,commanderofHeadquarters and Services Battalion,Marine Forces Command;ViceAdm.KellyAeschbach,commanderofNAVIFORand lead coordinatorforthe Hampton Roads area NMCRS fund drive;ViceAdm.James Kilby,deputycommanderofU.S.Fleet Forces Command; and Ms.Dawn Cutler executivevice president and chiefoperations officerofthe NMCRS cut the cake at the Hampton Roads NMCRSActive DutyFund Drive kick-offceremony.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYJASONRODMAN/RELEASED)


The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society was founded in 1904 It is a nonprofit, charitable organization that partners with the Navy and Marine Corps to provide financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Services and their familymembers.Thesocietyhasmorethan 200officeslocatedaroundtheglobe ashore andafloat,andmorethan3,000volunteers Cutler,whoservedintheNavyandretired in 2017, emphasized the critical role the annual Fund Drive plays in assisting Naval familymembersinneed

“The [Fund Drive] message is twofold. Number one, there are financial resources and education resources to help Sailors Marinesandtheirfamiliesdealwithtoday’s economy and just help them be financially

NORFOLK, Va Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s Fire Department answered a call to actionattheNavyFederalonNavalStationNorfolk, April27,2023

Thecallcameafter4-year-oldSabineBeangother arm stuck in a door crack during a game of peek-aboowithherlittlebrother

“Mama,I’mstuck, said4-year-oldSabineBean.

Nina Bean, Sabine’s mother, went to her aid and realizedherdaughter’shandwasstuckbetweenthe doorjambandthedoor Afterseveralfailedattempts to pull her daughter’s arm out, the fire department wascalledbyNavyFederalstaffmembers Thefirefightersarrivedatthesceneandassessed the situation. The only way to release Sabine’s arm from the door was by removing the door from the hinges They quickly removed the door, releasing herarm.

“Theywerereallyawesomewithher,andIknew shewasingreathands,”saidNina

As soon as she was released from the door, Nina said she was relieved Sabine was finally in mom’s arms and Navy Federal staff gave her candy Nina wants to make sure the Fire Department receives hergratitude

“Thankyousomuchforassistingwithmydaughterandmakinghercalmandgettingherfreeasfast aspossible,”saidNina.“Notallheroeswearcapes!”

ready so that they can go serve our country in the job for which they were hired,” said Cutler “The second message is this is an opportunity to make a charitable contributiontotheSocietysothattheycanhelptheir fellow Shipmates and Marines and their familieswhenthey’rehavinghardtimes.”

“Historically theActiveDutyFundDrive hasbroughtinabout60percentoftherevenuethatwebringintoruntheSocietyandto supportSailors,Marinesandtheirfamilies,” continuedCutler “Iencourageallofthosein uniform to learn more about the programs and services of Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society that help them become financially self-sufficient,andgiveeveryonetheopportunitytohelpaShipmateoutbytheircharitablecontributions.


in commands across Hampton Roads are encouraged to learn more about NMCRS and to consider donating Sailors and Marines can contribute to NMCRS quickly and easily through military pay allotment, cash, check, or credit card. More informationisavailableatwww.nmcrs.org

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN.

FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR,visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.

for CNRMA’s firefighters www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship IN THIS ISSUE VOL.30 NO 8,Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comMarch 9-March 15,2023 THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! NNSY Volunteers Participate in Annual Read Across America Day NorfolkNaval Shipyard partnered with Churchland ElementarySchool in Portsmouth forthe annual ReadAcross America DayMarch 2,an observance on the school dayclosest to the anniversary ofDr Seuss’birthday. PageA2 USS George Washington Earns Distinguished Retention Excellence Award The Best in Class award,was a newaddition in 2022 and is given to the top command in each of 18 different sea dutyplatform types. PageA5 Commander NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic’s Fire Department answered a call to action at the NavyFederal on baseApril 27 2023.(PHOTOSCOURTESYOFNINABEAN) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 1
task too small

Take the lead and inspire to read: Norfolk Naval Shipyard volunteers participate in annual Read Across America Day

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) partneredwithChurchlandElementarySchool inPortsmouth,VirginiafortheannualRead AcrossAmericaDayMarch2,anobservance ontheschooldayclosesttotheanniversary ofDr Seuss’birthday

This annual celebration is part of a yearlong program focused on motivating childrenandteenstoread.Theprogramisledby the National Education Association (NEA), with its focus on building a nation of readersonestoryatatime.Thisyearmarkedthe fifthyearNNSYhasparticipatedwithinthe localcommunity,andthefirsttimereturning to schools since 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic

ChurchlandElementarySchoolPrincipal Dr JamillJonessaid,“ReadAcrossAmerica celebrates diversity, inclusivity, the enjoymentandthepleasureofreading.”

“We believe that reading will encourage students to be successful in life and instill firm foundations for their future in everything that they do,” said Misty Conkel, Parent and Family Engagement Liaison for ChurchlandElementarySchool.“Todayisa greatwaytocelebrateandbringthecommunitytogetherfortheimportanceofreading.”

Among NNSY’s volunteers was Business and Strategic Planning Office (Code 1200) Management Analyst Janel Hofler who’s also a member of the shipyard’s Science, Technology Engineering, Arts and Mathematics(STEAM)EmployeeResourceGroup (ERG).“Ithinkit’simportanttogivebackto the community and help the kids develop and feel confident about themselves and their education,” she said. “Today’s event was a huge success I think the kids were very engaged with us as an organization, came with a lot of enthusiasm and questions I enjoyed working with my fourth gradeclassanditwasalotoffun.”

“Any time you can emphasize reading to the next generation, I think we should take the time to do that and have that impact on the community especially as members of America’s Shipyard with the knowledge,

skills, and abilities that we can use to help inspire the next generation,” said SupervisoryPhysicalScienceTechnicianandNNSY volunteerEricStaten.

“Thankyousomuchforthesupportfrom NNSY wereallyappreciateyourpartnership,” said Conkel. “My heart is community Itrulybelievethatwearebettertogether and we all have something to offer Having everyonecometogetherforacommoncause makesmesohappy.”

“As Dr Seuss once said, ‘The more that

youread,themorethingsyouwillknow.The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’ Today was a step for these students’ futures, providing us all a moment to come together and celebrate the joys of reading and working together,” said Public Affairs Training Coordinator and STEAM-ERG LeadEricaMiranda “WeatNNSYarehappy wecouldsupportthisgreatcausetodayand look forward to continuing our outreach efforts within our community We aid the students as they learn and grow, inspiring

themtofollowtheirpathsofchoice SoasDr SeusswhimsicallysharedinOh,ThePlaces You’ll Go! ‘You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so getonyourway!’”

TolearnmoreabouttheSTEAM-ERGor tolearnaboutfutureoutreachopportunities please email erica.s.miranda2.civ@us.navy. mil TolearnmoreaboutReadAcrossAmerica Day, visit https://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/student-engagement/ read-across-america

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757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

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Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com

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Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved On Sunday, March 12 Daylight Saving Time starts At 2am, turn your clocks forward 1 hour You may lose 1 hour of sleep, but you’ll enjoy more light in the evening!
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NorfolkNaval Shipyard PublicAffairsTraining Coordinatorand Science,Technology,Engineering Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Employee Resource Group (ERG) Lead Erica
ofChurchland ElementarySchool Mar 2 forReadAcrossAmerica Day
BYDANIELDEANGELIS,NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023
Volunteers from NorfolkNaval Shipyard (NNSY) attended Churchland ElementarySchool’s ReadAcrossAmerica DayMar 2,an observance on the school dayclosest to the anniversaryofDr Seuss’birthday.(PHOTOBYDANIELDEANGELIS,NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD)
Miranda reads to the students

U.S. Forces assist UK seizure of missiles shipped from Iran


U.S.NavalForcesCentralCommand/ U.S.5thFleet

MANAMA, Bahrain U.S. forces providedairborneintelligence,surveillance andreconnaissancesupportforaninterdiction in the Gulf of Oman conducted by the United Kingdom Royal Navy, Feb. 23, that resultedinthediscoveryofanillegalweaponsshipmentfromIran

Coordinated efforts among U.S. and UK maritime forces led to Royal Navy frigate HMS Lancaster (F229) confiscating antitank guided missiles and missile componentsfromasmallboatthatoriginatedfrom

Iran. UK forces discovered packages that includedIranianversionsofRussian9M133 Kornet anti-tank guided missiles, known in Iran as “Dehlavieh, and medium-range ballisticmissilecomponents

“This is the seventh illegal weapon or drug interdiction in the last three months andyetanotherexampleofIran’sincreasing malignmaritimeactivityacrosstheregion,” saidViceAdm.BradCooper,commanderof U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces “We will continue to work with our partners in pursuing any destabilizing activity that threatens regional maritime security andstability.”

The interdiction occurred along a route historically used to traffic weapons unlawfullytoYemen.Thedirectorindirectsupply saleortransferofweaponstotheHouthisin YemenviolatesU.N.SecurityCouncilResolution2216andinternationallaw.

U.S.andUKnavalforcesregularlyconduct combined maritime security operations to disrupt the flow of illicit cargo in Middle Eastwaters Lastyear,U.S.Navyguided-missiledestroyerUSSGridley(DDG101),Royal Navy frigate HMS Montrose (F236) and combinedairassetsledtoRoyalNavyforces seizing surface-to-air missiles and land-attackcruise-missileengines

In the past three months, seven major

interdictionshaveresultedinU.S.andpartnermaritimeforcesseizingmorethan5,000 weapons 1.6millionroundsofammunition, 7,000proximityfusesforrockets,2,100kilograms of propellant used to launch rocket propelled grenades, 30 anti-tank guided missiles, medium-range ballistic missile components and $80 million worth of illegaldrugs.

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command and United Kingdom Maritime Component Command are headquartered in Manama, Bahrain.

U.S.5TH FLEETAREAOFOPERATIONS (Feb 26 2023)Anti-tankguided missiles and medium-range ballistic missile components seized bythe United Kingdom Royal Navysit pierside during inventoryat a militaryfacilityin the U.S.5th Fleet area ofoperations,Feb.26 2023.(U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSGT.BRANDONMURPHY) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 3 Navy Federal is insured by NCUA. *Membership required. Loanssubject to approval. Equity Lines of Credit arevariable-ratelines. Ratesare as low as 7.750% APR and arebased on an evaluation of credit history,CLTV (combined loan-to-value)ratio,line amount and occupancy, so your rate maydiffer.This rate is current as of 2/10/2023and is subject to change.The plan has amaximum APR of 18%, and the minimum APR thatcan apply during the Home Equity Line of Credit Plan is 3.99%. Forloan amounts of up to $250,000,closing coststhatmembers mustpay typicallyrange between $300 and $2,000.Closing costsare costspaidtothirdparties rather than an application or origination feeretained by Navy Federal. Theclosing costsdependonthe location of the property,property type,and the amount of the Equity Line.Rates aresubject to change—information provided does not constitutealoan commitment. Youmustcarry homeowners insuranceonthe property thatsecures this plan. Home Equity Lines of Credit arenot available in Texas. ©2023NavyFederal NFCU 14215 (2-23) Nail Down Your Home Upgrade navyfederal.org/equity • AHome Equity Line of Credit gives youconvenient access to funds when youneedthem at avariable rate. • Afixed-rateloan allows youtoset monthly payments for big purchases. See which loan is right foryou. Whether you'rerenovating akitchen or building a newone,NavyFederal Credit Union has home equity loans with no application or origination fees.*

Hershel “Woody” Williams delivers supplies to Türkiye



U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S Sixth Fleet

MERSIN Türkiye USS Hershel

“Woody Williams (ESB 4) arrived in Mersin, Türkiye, Feb. 28, to deliver disaster relief supplies to Turkish officials for those affectedbytheFeb.6earthquakes

TheroleofU.S.militaryforcesduringthis disaster relief mission is to rapidly respond tothenaturaldisasterwithcriticallyneeded capabilitiesandlife-savingequipment,delivering assistance to aid areas the government of Türkiye deems necessary Hershel

“Woody” Williams’ arrival to Mersin demonstrates a continued commitment to successfullycompletingthatmission

While operating in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations, the Hershel “Woody” Williams’ crew took on over 100 pallets of supplies consisting of hygiene products clothes, blankets cots comfort kits and more. “To be able to execute this mission really rounds out the mission set the Navy has to offer,” said Lt Micah Gustafson, Hershel “Woody” Williams Gold military crew (milcrew)supplyofficer

After coordinating with Commander, TaskForce63(CTF-63),thecrewwastasked with organizing the pallets so the supplies could be expeditiously delivered to those inneed.

“Wesortedthroughandtookinventoryof the supplies so everything can be delivered as fast as possible to the areas and people whoneedtheaid,”saidPettyOfficer1stClass KyleSonSmith.“Thiscrewisworkinglong

hours to execute this mission and we feel honoredtohavetheopportunitytohelpthe people of Türkiye. Everyone has showed a greatdealofunityduringthismissionandI amproudtobeapartofit.”

As the crew offloaded the supplies for the Turkish people Capt. Lenard Mitchell, Hershel “Woody Williams Gold milcrew commanding officer, said he is proud of the commitmenthisSailorshavedemonstrated whileembracingthismissionforthegreater good.

“Woody’s warriors always stand ready to answerthecalltoworkwithourAllies,”said


Followinga7.8magnitudeearthquakethat struckTürkiyeonFeb.6,2023,U.S.military forcesassignedtoU.S.EuropeanCommand are providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in support of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the BureauofHumanitarianAssistance(BHA) andtheinternationalcommunitytoTurkish peopleduringthistragedy.

Hershel“Woody”Williamsisforward-deployed to the U.S. Naval Forces Africa (NAVAF)areaofoperations,whileemployed by U.S. Sixth Fleet. The ship is capable of

conductinghumanitariananddisasterrelief operations, as well as supporting a variety of rotary wing aircraft. Hershel “Woody” Williams’uniquecapabilitiesarepartofthe critical access infrastructure that supports the deployment of forces and supplies to supportglobalmissions

TaskForce63isheadquarteredatNaples, Italy Composed of oilers, provision ships, and repair ships, its mission is the delivery of supplies at sea, and effecting repairs to other ships and equipment of the Fleet.

Commander, Task Force 63 (CTF-63) is the operational commander of all the U.S. 6th Fleetairandsealogistics

Task Force 6½, under operational control of U.S. Naval Forces Europe and U.S. Sixth Fleet, is responding to the deadly 7.8 and 7.6 magnitude earthquakes that devastated Türkiye on Feb. 6. Hours after the earthquake, U.S. Marines and Sailors established a forward crisis response operations center at Incirlik Air Base Türkiye, in close coordinationwithU.S.interagencypartnersand Turkishofficials.

For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEURNAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our Allies and Partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve securityandstability

HeadquarteredinNaples Italy NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.

Ford sailors reflect on International Women of Color Day



USS Gerald R. Ford Public Affairs

NORFOLK Va Sailorsaboardthefirst-in-class

aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) celebrate International Women of Color Day, March 1, 2023

“AboardFord,wewillbecelebratingInternational Women of Color Day in alignment with Women’s History Month,” said Chief Retail Services SpecialistAnaMarrerosuarez,programmanagerforFord’s Multicultural Heritage Committee “We will make posters videosandstoriesthatcelebratewomenin today’sNavyandtheaccomplishmentstheyprovide dailytothemission.”

InternationalWomenofColordayhasbeenrecognizedbytheNationalInstituteforWomenofColor since 1986 and acknowledges the achievements of thewomenofcolorwhohavepavedthewayinU.S. NavalhistoryandforFord’sSailorsservingtoday.

According to the Naval History and Heritage Command website, in 1942, Lt Susan Ahn Cuddy became the first Asian American woman to serve in the U.S. Navy as part of the Women Accepted for VolunteerEmergencyService(WAVES)program.

Althoughblackwomenwerepermittedtoservein theNavytemporarilyduringWorldWarI,theywere notofficiallyauthorizedtodosountil1944 Thefirst twoblackfemalenavalofficers,Lt j.g.HarrietPickens and Ensign Frances Wills, were commissioned onDecember26,1944

Chief Yeoman Edna Young was the first black AmericanwomantoenlistintheNavyinJuly1948 Thatyear Lt Cmdr.MariaEmilianaAquinobecame thefirstNativeAmericanwomantoserveasanofficerintheMedicalServiceCorps.

In 1978, Capt. Joan Bynum was the first black woman to be promoted to her rank of O-6. That same year, Brenda “Raven” Robinson became the first black female pilot and only the 42nd woman toearnWingsofGoldforcompletingnavalaviation training

In1993 Cmdr LynnChowbecamethefirstfemale Navy gunnery officer aboard a combatant ship In 2000, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Roseanne Oliveros became the first female Hispanic Seabee Diver In 2010,Capt.KathleneContreswasthehighest-ranking Hispanic American woman officer in the Navy


By2014,AdmiralMichelleJ.Howardwaschosen as the Vice Chief of Naval Operations after having been the first black woman to command a ship Howard was also the first black woman to achieve ranksoftwoandthree-staradmiral.

These trailblazers of the past, as well as Ford’s strong Sailors, provide inspiring examples of resiliency and courage According to diversity.defense. gov, in 2016, more than 19,000 U.S. Navy Sailors were women of color. Today, Ford recognizes how farwomenofcolorintheNavyhavecomeandhow muchfurthertheywillgointhefuture

“Iamtheonlypersonwhohasthepowertodetermine my future and I am the only obstacle in my way, saidSeamanNacoletteCarr fromMiamisburg, Ohio,assignedtoFord’ssupplydepartment.“Ithink the Navy does very well with inclusion and I think just continuing to keep people informed of the past andhowfarwe’vecomehasaccomplishedsomuch.”

Fordisproudtohavewomenofcolorservingand assisting with daily operations to achieve mission readiness

“IthinkofmyselfasaSailor asanofficer notasa gender,”saidLt Cmdr WandaColon,Ford’sprincipal assistant supply officer “When I get a task I try todomybest,workhard,andthat’showIsurvive.”

FordistheU.S.Navy’snewestandmostadvanced aircraft carrier. As the first-in-class ship of Fordclass aircraft carriers, CVN 78 represents a generational leap in the U.S. Navy’s capacity to project power on a global scale Ford-class aircraft carriers introduce 23 new technologies including ElectromagneticAircraftLaunchSystem AdvancedArresting Gear and Advanced Weapons Elevators The newsystemsincorporatedontoFord-classshipsare designedtogenerateahighersortieratewitha20% smallercrewthanaNimitz-classcarrier,pavingthe wayforwardfornavalaviation.

For more information about the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), visit https://www.airlant.usff navy.mil/cvn78/ and follow along on Facebook: @ USSGeraldRFord,Instagram:@cvn78_grford,Twitter: @Warship_78 DVIDS www.dvids.net/CVN78 andLinkedInatUSSGeraldR.Ford(CVN78)

Agraphic highlightingvariouswomen assigned to the first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78).(PHOTOBYSEAMANMANVIRGILL)

MERSIN,Türkiye (Feb 28,2023)The USS Hershel“Woody”Williams (ESB 4) arrived in Mersin,Türkiye to deliverreliefsupplies toTurkish authorities forthose affected bythe earthquakes,Feb.28, 2023.At the request oftheTurkish government the Hershel“Woody Williams is one ofseveral U.S.militaryunits,operating underU.S.Sixth Fleet U.S.Naval Forces Europe (NAVEUR),and U.S. European Command as part oftheTurkish earthquake reliefefforts (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSCONNERD.BLAKE/RELEASED)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023

USS George Washington (CVN 73)

NEWPORT NEWS Va The NimitzclassaircraftcarrierUSSGeorgeWashington(CVN73)receivedtheFY-22Retention Excellence Best in Class award for U.S. Pacific Fleet, February 13

“Receiving Best in Class, on top the Retention Excellence Award, is distinct because it is the first time we competed within our type commander with new challenging requirements but GW has shown that nothing is too difficult for us and that we are resilient,” said George Washington’s Command Career Counselor, Chief Navy Counselor (SW/AW) Dalila Rodriguez.

The Best in Class award, was a new addition in 2022 and is given

NAVFAC MIDLANT awards contract for repairs, improvements to Bachelor Enlisted Quarters, Building 4310 at MCAS Cherry Point

FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic


NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Military & Federal Construction Company Inc., Jacksonville,NorthCarolina,a$14,570,382firmfixed-price task order (N4008523F4749) undermultipleawardconstructioncontract

(N40085-21-D-0102) for the renovation of Bachelor Enlisted Quarters, Building 4310, at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NorthCarolina.

Work will be performed in Havelock, North Carolina, and is expected to be completedbySeptember2024

Fiscal year 2023 operation and maintenance (Marine Corps) funding will be obligatedattimeofawardandwillexpireatthe endofthecurrentfiscalyear

Thiscontractwascompetitivelyprocured via the System for Award Management website,withthreeoffersreceived.NAVFAC MIDLANTisthecontractingactivity

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine, and as far west as Michigan, anddowntoIndiana.Asanintegralmember of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-At-

lantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently andeffectively

For additional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.

to the top command in each of 18 different sea duty platform types Each platform type will see a winner named from U.S. Fleet Forces Command and U.S. Pacific Fleet. “We are the only carrier in the Pacific Fleet to receive this award,” noted Rodriguez. “It really showcases the work ethic and dedication of both the command and departmental career counselors It also reemphasizes a command’s commitment towards promoting a culture of excellence and the need to retain the best and brightest talent. The ship’s commanding officer, Capt. BrentGaut,expressedhisprideintheteam that led to the ship receiving the honor “Our command, department, and divisional career counselors ask for nothing but still give so much. Bravo Zulu to them for their leadership ability, fight, and grit to help us realize how great we can be in taking care of our Warfighters,” said Gaut. With the authorization of the award by Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, the ship is able to fly the Retention Excellence Award pennant and paint the ship’s anchor gold. USS George Washington earns distinguished Retention Excellence Award ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Mike Gildayrecites the oath ofreenlistmentwith Sailors during a reenlistment ceremonyaboard the Nimitzclass aircraft carrierUSS GeorgeWashington (CVN 73) in Newport News Virginia,March 2,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST3RDCLASSJUSTINB.LAWSON) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 5 OFFER VALID UNTIL 3/26/23 Free Install all shower &bath projects $99 AMONTH Payments as lowas SHOWER AND BATH REMODELING AVAILABLE WITH LOW MONTHLYPAYMENTS OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of ourdesign consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installers will remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 16,000+GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branchesasof11/29/2022) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing available to well qualified buyers on approved credit at an APR of 6.99% for 180 months, with an estimated monthly payment of 0.89% of your purchase amount. For example, for $11,000 financed, the payment will be 180 payments of $99 paid monthly.You may prepay your account at any time without penalty.Money down may be required. Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply.See your Truth in Lending Disclosures for more information. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 3/26/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

Every quarter Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) celebrates a department whose actions protect critical and unclassified information through operations security (OPSEC). Through teamwork and with leadershipfromtheirdepartmentalOPSEC coordinator, the winning group showcases how to properly store and dispose of information so it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands Inaddition,theyinspiretheirfellow teammates at America’s Shipyard showcasingwhatrightlookslike.

“Thisawardisgiventothecodethattruly exemplifies the principles of OPSEC and work daily through the five-step process identifying critical information, analyzingthethreat,analyzingthevulnerabilities, assessing the risks, and applying countermeasures to ensure that information does not fall into the wrong hands,” said InformationandIndustrialSecurityBranchHead RayFisher

The Nuclear Engineering and Planning Department (NEPD - Code 2300) was recently recognized as the Fourth Quarter of2022ExcellenceinOPSECAwardwinner duringaceremonyheldFeb.2,theirfirstwin sinceNNSYinstatedtheawards Code2300 received the OPSEC flag and pennant as wellasthePurpleDragontrophytodisplay in their area for the quarter In addition, Code 2300 Department OPSEC Coordinator Katee Waydula received a Certificate of Achievement for her efforts in leading the OPSECcharge.

“OPSEC has always been a huge priority tomethatsteamsbackfrommyArmydays,” saidWaydula.“Mostimportantly,IamgratefultohavethesupportofMr Largey,NEPD leadership, and my C2301.4 team to be able to get NEPD where it is today in regards to how we implement OPSEC Having their supporthasmademyjobsomucheasierand managementinthisdepartmenttrulyleads by example when it comes to what right looks like in that regard. C1120 has been super supportive in my efforts for compliancethelasttwoyearssinceItookoverthis position and has always been available for guidanceandexpertiseforthemostrandom things our department throws at them. My OPSEC program manager, Teresa Coon, and the Departmental Security CoordinatorProgramManager,SeanLoury,havebeen great mentors to me through my develop-

ment in this position. Lastly my husband, Chris, who often times gets off the waterfront and into our house just to hear more aboutOPSECandsecuritycompliancestandards IjusttellhimthatOPSECdoesn’tstop at the gate NEPD has come a long way in justtwoyearsandIamhappytohavehelped themachievethisawardforthefirsttime.

NEPD Director Jeremy Largey said, “I appreciate Katee’s strong leadership and aggressivefocustogetuswhereweneedto be in OPSEC as a department and this win isduetotheeffortsofherandtheteamthat have put in that time and attention in our program.

“Since we’ve had Katee instilled as the Code 2300 OPSEC Coordinator, it’s been a significant improvement in the way NEPD

does business in protecting our information from checking work stations to ensuring everyone has the tools they need tosucceed,”saidOPSECProgramManager TeresaCoon.“She’ssomeonethatalotofour coordinators across the shipyard reach out to just because she’s always willing to help and helps inspires others to succeed. The hardworkofKateeandtheentiretyofCode 2300 has really built a lasting improvement ontheprogramandIcongratulateallofyou onyoureffortstoprotectAmerica’sShipyard andthefleet.”

TheNNSYOPSECmissionistoprovidea comprehensive process denying the adversaryaccess to critical informationconcerning the planning processes, practices and operations of NNSY Through awareness,

resources, assessments, guidance and support training that promotes an understanding of OPSEC among all Shipyard employees

“When I think of OPSEC I think of need-to-know andhow wewillcontinueto outpacethethreatsoutthere, saidShipyard CommanderCapt.DiannaWolfson.“Ittakes peopletogodothatandbeconsciousandbe inthefighteverysingledaytoguardagainst thatthreat Ireallyappreciateourworkforce taking the time to protect that information thestrongerwebecome,themorewe’llbe abletodojustthat.”

To learn more about the OPSEC purple dragon, check out this story on DVIDS: https://www.dvidshub.net/news/379440/ opsec-history-purple-dragon.

Seeking Marine Engineer for R/V HughR.Sharp UniversityofDelaware

Agreat opportunity for amid-level licensed engineer or atransitioning engineer from the Armed Services or Federal Research Fleets. Advancement potential to Chief Engineer.

Research Vessels have flexibility and can support you obtaining your U.S. Coast GuardMerchant Mariner Credential.

Be akey part of exciting oceanographic operations at sea!

Sail in and out of the same port most of the time and enjoy ample time off! Join our great team in the beautiful resort town of Lewes, Delaware.

The SHARP is a146’ oceanographic research vessel with z-drives and other advanced engineering systems. Engineers operate and maintain propulsion, power,and auxiliary equipment. Engineers also operate winches and frames to deploy and recover scientific equipment. Work as an Assistant Engineer and sail in the rotation as Chief Engineer

Missions aretypically near-coastal along the Atlantic coast and 10-18 days long. Ship maintenance is performed alongside Monday –Friday during the offseason.

Candidates should hold or be working towarda Designated Duty Engineer (DDE- 4000 HP) or higher endorsement from the U.S. Coast Guard.

This is afull-time position providing outstanding benefits (vacation, health insurance, retirement plan contributions). The SHARP is part of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet and the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) conducting federal agency and academic cutting-edge research at sea. The University of Delawareisanequal opportunity employer

For moreinformation, please contact the Director, Marine Operations: jswallow@udel.edu

Code 2300 celebrates first Excellence of
teammates throughout America’s Shipyard NorfolkNaval Shipyard’s NuclearEngineering and Planning Department (NEPD - Code 2300)was recentlyrecognized as the Fourth Quarterof 2022 Excellence in OPSECAwardwinnerduring a ceremonyheld Feb.2,theirfirstwin since NNSYinstated the awards.(PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606 Midsized
OPSEC Award win, inspires
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YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 9, 2023

An American hero turns 100

WhenArt Nicholas,one ofthe first naval commandos responsible forthe formation ofNaval SpecialWarfarewas born,the U.S. presidentwasWarren Harding and the Ottoman Empire hadyet to fall.


JOINTBASE PEARLHARBOR-HICKAM (Feb 28 2023)The official partysalutes during a change ofcommand ceremonyfortheVirginia-class attacksubmarine USS Missouri (SSN 780) on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,Hawaii,Feb.28 2023.Missouri is the seventhVirginia-class submarine and the fourth U.S.Navyship

USS Missouri (SSN 780) holds change of command ceremony in Pearl Harbor

Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

The Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USSMissouri(SSN780)conductedachange of command ceremony at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam,Feb.28

Cmdr.GieoragAndrews,fromGardnerville,Nevada,relievedCmdr CarlosMartinez, from Atlanta, as commanding officer of the Missouri during the ceremony which was held aboard the submarine, with the crew andguestsseatedpierside

“ThroughoutmycareerIhaveheardhow greatsubmarinecommandis AndI’mhere to tell you the hype is real, said Martinez,addressinghiscrew “Servingwithyou all was loaded with experiences; it was a

problem solving, decision-rich endeavor thatwasathickblendoftactical,engineering and leadership experiences that I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to share with you.”

MartineztookcommandoftheMissouri in September 2020. He led the crew through numerous significant events to include a deployment to the Western Pacific, two fleet readiness training periods, and a sustained level of performance which earned Missouri the Commander, Submarine Squadron (CSS) 1 Battle Efficiency “E” award for 2022.

“Solidarity is part of our command beliefs,” said Martinez, “and solidarity is what makes us the best crew in the fleet What we do is epic by every measure

and [submarining] is a team sport of epic proportions.” Martinez’s next assignment will be to CSS-7 in Pearl Harbor where he will serve as the deputy commander Capt. Tyler Forrest, deputy commander CSS-1, attended the ceremony as the guest speaker “Carlos and his team regularly rewrote the script for what ‘right’ looks like,” said Forrest. “To the crew of Missouri, keep leaningforward,pushtheenvelope,setthe standardandcontinuetocementthelegacy that has come to define the ‘Mighty Mo’!”

Andrews’ previous assignment was to Commander,SubmarineForcesU.S.Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, where he served as the Force Nuclear Power Officer

“What we do as United States submariners grows in importance every day, [and] the crew of Missouri is what makes this mighty warship the most lethal beast beneath the sea,” said Andrews “Today I make a commitment to these volunteers these brave souls, who make sacrifices day in and day out to defend our way of life.”

Missouri was commissioned July 31, 2010 MissouriistheseventhVirginia-class submarine and the fourth U.S. Navy ship to be named for the state of Missouri. It is 377feetlongwithabeamof34feet.Virginia-class,fast-attacksubmarineshaveacrew ofapproximately132 madeupof15officers and 117 enlisted Sailors

International Maritime Exercise 2023 kicks off operational phase

ByNAVCENTPublicAffairs U.S.NavalForcesCentralCommand/ U.S.5thFleet

MANAMA, Bahrain The Middle East region’s largest maritime exercise, International Maritime Exercise (IMX) 2023, kicked off its operational phase March 2 during an opening ceremony at U.S. 5th Fleet’sheadquartersinBahrain.

Theceremonycappedaweekofacademic discussions covering a series of topics includingthenavalplanningprocess,maritime operations center procedures, and disasterresponsecoordination.

IMX 2023 is an 18-day naval training event hosted by U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT). This year’s iteration is combined with exercise Cutlass Express, which is led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa

The combined exercises include 7,000 personnel, 35 ships, and 30 unmanned and artificial intelligence systems from more than 50 nations and international organizations

IMX and Cutlass Express are designed todemonstrateglobalresolveinpreserving the rules-based international order offeringauniqueopportunityforparticipantsto collaborateandshowcaseregionalmaritime securitycooperation.

“The incredible level of international representation is truly remarkable,” said Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, commander of NAVCENT U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces “Maritime forces are always at our best when we work and lead together.”

Cooper is the IMX 2023 exercise commander. Senior officers from United ArabEmiratesandFranceareservingasthe deputy commander and vice commander, respectively Additionally, IMX’s chief of staffisfromPakistanandthemaritimeoperationscenterdirectorisfromEgypt. Internationalnavalforcesparticipatingin theexercisearedividedintofiveoperational task forces led by Bahrain, Jordan, Kenya, SaudiArabiaandtheUnitedStates.Training evolutionswillspanacrosstheArabianGulf, ArabianSea,GulfofOman,GulfofAden,Red

MANAMA,Bahrain (March 1,2023) Machinist’s Mate 3rd ClassAndrewMorales,assigned to mine countermeasures ship USS Devastator (MCM 6) briefs militaryofficers fromvarious nations,March 1,2023 in Manama,Bahrain,during International Maritime Exercise/Cutlass Express 2023.IMX/CE 2023 is the largest multinational training event in the Middle East,involving 7,000 personnel from more than 50 nations and international organizations committed to preserving the rules-based international orderand strengthening regional maritime security cooperation.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT J.G.GULIANNADUNN)

Sea, Indian Ocean and East African coastal regions

The operational phase will include partner exchanges on mine countermeasures; visit, board, search and seizure; unmanned systems and artificial intelligence integra-

tion; explosive ordnance disposal; vessel defense; search and rescue; and mass casualtyresponse,amongotherfocusareas.

This is the eighth iteration of IMX since itsestablishmentin2012.

IMX and Cutlass Express are scheduled

toconcludeMarch16and17,respectively A full list of nations and international organizations participating is available at: https:// www.dvidshub.net/feature/IMX23

to be named forthe state ofMissouri.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY TORPEDOMAN3RDCLASSTOMMYHENG)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 1

NAVALSTATION MAYPORT,Fla.(Feb 23 2023) In a special ceremony,aboard USS Cooperstown (LCS 23),Surface Combat SystemsTraining

Command (SCSTC) LCSTraining Facility(LTF)Atlantic’s (LANT) Command SeniorChief(CMDCS) KeithJohnson andwife,Cooperstown’s CMDCS


Navy husband and wife promoted to Command Master Chief


Surface Combat Systems Training Command

NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Fla.— In a special ceremony, aboard USS Cooperstown (LCS 23), Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) LCS Training Facility (LTF) Atlantic’s (LANT) Command Senior Chief (CMDCS) Keith Johnson received all of the responsibilities and authority of the highest enlisted rank in the U.S. Navy, Feb. 23 What made this ceremony evenmoreextraordinary,Cooperstown’sCMDCSKeonaJohnson,


As command master chiefs, the Johnsons are responsible for theirSailors’personalandprofessionaldevelopment Mostimportantly theyrepresenttheirSailorsinallmattersNavy

This is not the first time husband and wife were promoted together. In 2017, during a ceremony onboard Naval Air Station Jacksonville, the couple pinned on the rank of senior chief petty officer For more information on SCSTC, visit: https://www.netc.navy mil/SCSTC/.

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A: There are three types of housing available to families:


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CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated

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2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023

NAVSUP FLC Norfolk CHRIMP program supports Fleet HAZMAT needs


NAVSUPFleetLogisticsCenterNorfolk’s Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and Inventory Management Program (CHRIMP) is the fundamental tool for life-cycle control and management of hazardous materials (HAZMAT), both ashore and afloat. It promotes compliance with a broad range of federal, state and localenvironmentalregulationsbymandating life-cycle management procedures to control, track, and reduce the variety and quantityofHAZMATinuseandultimately disposed.

According to NAVSUP FLC Norfolk RegionalHazardousMaterialDirectorGary McBride, there are several key benefits to theCHRIMPprogram.“Theprogramhelps ensure the safe use of (HAZMAT) through useofauthorizeduselists(AULs)”explained McBride “WealsotrackHAZMATforEPA chemicalreportingthroughtheEmergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act(EPCRA),reduceHAZWASTEthrough the reuse program where work centers can turn in excess HAZMAT for free issue to other commands, and provide safe storage of HAZMAT through our shore side HAZMAT locker assessment program and afloatCHRIMPsupport.

TheCHRIMPProgramreducesthequantityofHMordered,stockedandusedwhile effectively supporting ship’s operating requirements,meetingenvironmentalstandardsandcreatingoverallcostreduction

“Themostimportaspectsoftheprogram arethesafeuseandstorageofHAZMATand the reduction of hazardous waste through thereuseandbrokeringofexcessmaterial,” saidMcBride. IntheHamptonRoadsarea,therearetwo locations at Naval Station Norfolk. Building X-218 Reuse Center has a CHRIMP Tech team that supports 64 homeported afloat units as well as visiting units and providesfreeissuematerial LF-50Hazardous Material Center (HAZMIN Center) supports nine installations with 460 work centers On Naval Air Station Oceana the HAZMIN Center supports four installations with 185 work centers NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Hazardous Property Management Division also provides oversight and guidance for many installations in the Mid-Atlantic regions, including JEB Little Creek/ FortStory,NavalWeaponsStationYorktown Cheatham Annex, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, NNSY/St. Julien’s Creek Annex, FTC Dam Neck, NSA Northwest Annex,andNALFFentress

InthenortheastandNewEngland,installations with CHRIMP programs include Naval Submarine Base New London, Naval Station Newport, Naval Support Activity Saratoga Springs, Naval Weapons Station Earle and Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg. In the Naval District Washington area supported installations include NAS PatuxentRiver,WebsterFieldAnnex,Naval

SupportFacilityDahlgren,U.S.NavalAcademy,WashingtonNavyYard,NSWCIndian Head, Naval Base Stump Neck Annex and NSWCCarderock.

Despite its success, managing the CHRIMP program is not without its challenges “With the constant turnover of personnel at the installations keeping up awareness of the program and its requirements is one of the most challenging aspects,”explainedMcBride.

McBride has a team of 29 people who managetheHamptonRoadsareaCHRIMP program. Since its inception in 1990, CHRIMPhasresultedinsignificantreduction in HAZMAT procurement and associated hazardous waste disposal costs He is extremely proud of the work his team doeseveryday.“Themostrewardingpartof the CHRIMP program is helping the Navy maintain and improve its environmental stewardship,” said McBride.

NAVSUP FLC Norfolk, commanded by Capt. Martin L. Edmonds is the largest of eight globally positioned commands that providethefullrangeofsolutionsforlogistics, business and support services to our missionpartners Themorethan1800Sailors, civilians and contractors that make up NAVSUP FLC Norfolk support operations at 37 sites across 13 states plus Washington D.C.

NCTAMS PAC February 2023 Sailor of the Month YN2 Samantha L. Ropero

Naval Information Forces Naval Computer and TelecommunicationsAreaMasterStation,Pacific(NCTAMS PAC)ispleasedtointroduceYeomanSecond ClassSamanthaL.Ropero!

A native of Miami, Florida, Petty Officer Second Class Samantha Ropero graduated from Nova High School in 2016 and is currentlyworkingonherdegreeinBiomedicalScience BorntoafamilyfromColombia, her biggest supporters are her mom, Luz, and brother Alejandro. She decided to join theUnitedStatesNavytofurtherhereducation and travel the world and she has taken fulladvantageofthatopportunity.

Afloat, Petty Officer Ropero completed toursstationedaboardtheNuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71) and with Helicopter Sea CombatSquadronSIXaboardUSSNIMITZ (CVN-68) During her sea tours she made three deployments - the first was to the Arabian Gulf in support of the U.S. FIFTH Fleet area of responsibility (AOR), the second, in support of Carrier Strike Group 9 operations to the U.S. SEVENTH Fleet AOR and third, to the Mediterranean Sea in support of operations in the U.S. THIRD FleetAOR.

PettyOfficerRoperoiscurrentlyassigned to NCTAMS PAC. She is the N11 Assistant Workcenter Supervisor Command Evaluations Yeoman,andPlanoftheWeekCoordinator Petty Officer Ropero’s personal awardsincludetheNavyandMarineCorps AchievementMedal(withGoldStars)along with multiple unit and service awards She iscurrentlylivingonOahu,Hawaiiwithher 2dogs

PettyOfficerRoperowasrecentlyselected by NCTAMS PAC and Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) to represent them at Miami Navy Week as part of the Fleet Outreach Ambassador Team (FLOAT). The Navy Week program has served as the Navy’s principal outreach effort into areas of the nation without a significant Navy presence Theprogramisdesignedtoshare withAmericanshowtheirNavyisdeployed aroundtheworldandaroundtheclock and why a strong Navy is vital to protecting the Americanwayoflife.Sailorsselectedaspart of the FLOAT program are stellar performers and hometown heroes with ties to each NavyWeekcity.

Petty Officer Ropero’s experience in her

ownwords: “It was such an honor being picked by NAVIFOR for Miami Navy Week, it was an incredibleexperience Mymostmemorable momentwasprobablysurprisingmymom.I didn’ttellherIwascomingforaworktrip so shethoughtIwasstillonisland.Mybrother decided to join me on the surprise which was amazing because he was the person who raised me my entire childhood and it’s beenalmost10 years sincewelast saw each othersobeingreunitedaftersolongwasthe

best feeling My favorite memory is being picked to sit courtside and warm-up with theMiamiHeat.IactuallyaskedtheMiami Heat manager if I could invite my mom to sit courtside with me which he said yes to Itwassuchanexperiencebeingabletotalk to the players and take tons of pictures My mom and I were also interviewed for the news and she kept thanking me for giving heraonceinalifetimeopportunityofsitting courtside at her first ever basketball game Sherecordedeverysecondoftheexperience asanyHispanicmomwould.Othermoments

I’ll remember forever is volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club, playing soccer with all the kids, and cleaning up South Beach with a huge group of volunteers. Tips for others who want to participate in the program: 1) Beoutgoing,showthatyouwanttoactually be there and represent the Navy for Navy Week; 2) Pitch ideas you would like to see happen during your time there; 3) Be yourself but also step out of your comfort zone if you are not an extroverted person. They will give many great opportunities to those whoseekit.”

Naval ComputerandTelecommunicationsArea MasterStation,Pacific (NCTAMS PAC) is pleased to introduceYeoman Second Class Samantha
Michael Nichols,material handlerassigned to NAVSUPFLC NorfolkHazardous
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 3
Material CenterBuilding LF50 aboard Naval Station Norfolk, operates a Hysterhighlift to store receipted material.(PHOTOBYJIMKOHLER)

USS Normandy hosts change of command

Carrier Strike Group 12 NORFOLK, Va Capt. Errol Robinson relievedCapt GaryChaseasUSSNormandy (CG 60) commanding officer during a Feb. 28changeofcommandceremony.

Captain Chase assumed command in November 2022 completing USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group’s inaugural deployment during which time USS Normandyvisiteditsnamesakeport Followingthecompletionofthedeployment,heled NORMANDYthroughthecompletionofits finalpre-deploymentwork-upsandmultiple fleetlevelcombatexercises

Captain Chase is a graduate from Maine Maritime Academy with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Marine Engineering and wascommissionedanEnsignin1997 Hewill assume command of the Maine Maritime Academy Naval Reserve Officers Training CorpsinApril.

HailingfromQueens NewYork,Captain Errol A. Robinson graduated from Old Dominion University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems. He holds a Master degree in Business Administration from the University of Mary Washington, a Master of Science degree from Dwight D. Eisenhower School ofNationalSecurityandStrategicResource, andaMasterofArtsdegreeinStrategicMilitary Studies from Marine Corps Command andStaffCollege Heisalsoagraduateofthe Joint and Combined Warfighting School at JointForcesStaffCollegeandanalumnusof the National Security Affairs Seminar XXI program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(2013).

Captain Robinson’s sea assignments were aboard USS Normandy (CG 60), USS Robert G Bradley (FFG 49) USS Monterey (CG 61), and as Commanding Officer and ExecutiveOfficeraboardUSSArleighBurke (DDG51).Duringthatperiod,ArleighBurke,

conductedseveraloperationalassignments to include the first-ever Dynamic Force EmploymentdeploymentandArabianGulf deployment as Regional Ballistic Missile Defense Commander in CENTCOM’s area ofresponsibility

Ashore, he recently served as Executive Assistant to Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education) and Chief of Naval Personnel. He also served at the Joint Staff as a Joint DoctrineStrategicPlanner,andasaDefense LegislativeStafferinthe113thUnitedStates Congress He is a designated joint qualified officer(JQO)

“Itismyhonortoleadsuchastellargroup of Normandy Sailors, as we continue to be thevanguardtovictoryinordertopreserve our great democracy As we celebrate this day, I am vividly aware that today is much about the awesome crew and what they have accomplished so far It’s also about the Confidence, Courage, and Compassion

demonstrated by the officers and crew as they pivot to execute Commander’s Intent and the required expectations of them moving forward, as one officer relinquish Commandtoanother.”

USS Normandy is the first ship to honor thebattleinnorthernFrance,foughtinthe summer of 1944, in which Allied forces gained a foothold on Europe in preparation for the final defeat of Nazi Germany. TheBattleofNormandyopenedonD-Day, June 6, 1944, and continued into August, when Allied armies broke into the French interior The armada that conducted the invasionconsistedof702warshipsprotecting9000shipsandlandingcraft.Theinvasion shifted the tide of WWII in favor of the allies

CommissionedDec.9,1989 theshipisthe thirdBath,Maine-builtAegiscruiserandthe 14thshipoftheTiconderogaclass Normandy’smottois“VanguardofVictory”andher crewisknownastheVanguardsmen.

LEFT: FamilyofCapt. ErrolA.Robinson look on during a change of command ceremonyfor theTiconderoga-class guided missile cruiserUSS Normandy(CG-60),held on Pier4 at Naval Station Norfolk,Feb.28 2023.

BELOWLEFT: FamilyofCapt. GaryM.Chase,commanding officer,USS Normandy(CG60) lookon during a change ofcommand ceremonyfor the ship held on Pier4 at Naval Station Norfolk,Feb. 28 2023.

BELOW:Adm.GregoryC. Huffman,commander CarrierStrike Group 12 left greets the prospective commanding officerof theTiconderoga-class guided missile cruiserUSS Normandy(CG-60),Capt. ErrolA.Robinson,right and the current commanding officer,Capt.GaryM.Chase, during a change ofcommand ceremonyheld on Pier4 at Naval Station Norfolk,Feb. 28,2023. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOS BYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASS MALACHILAKEY)

Capt.GaryM.Chase,left and Capt.ErrolA.Robinson,commanding officer,USS Normandy cut a cake following a change ofcommand ceremonyfortheTiconderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy(CG-60),held on Pier4 at Naval Station NorfolkFeb.28 2023.During the ceremony,Capt.Errol Robinson relieved Capt.GaryChase as commanding officerofthe ship Capt. Chase assumed command ofNormandyin November2022 as the shipwas underwaywith the Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group during the Ford’s inaugural deployment (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMALACHILAKEY)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 5

Fleet Readiness Center Southeast innovates to support fleet need for air combat training aircraft

Fleet Readiness Center Southeast

JACKSONVILLE, Fla Since Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) inducteditsfirstF-5NTigerII,thedepothas forgedforwarddespitethechallengesassociatedwithstandingupanewproductline.

The F-5s were initially purchased in the 1970s by the Air Force and then sold through foreign military sales to Switzerland. In 2002, the Department of Defense decided to repatriate many of these aircraft back to the Navy The F-5 is a twin-engine tactical fighter aircraft that provides air-toair combat training for Navy and Marine Corpspilots Itsreliabilityandlowoperating costsresultinsavingstotheNavyeachyear in maintenance and unnecessary wear on currentstrikefighteraircraftliketheF/A-18 SuperHornetandF-35LightningIIwithout sacrificingessentialpilottraininginaformidableaircraft.

In 2019, the depot-level maintenance and repair of the F-5 airframe transitioned from the original equipment manufacturer to organic support, and FRCSE was designatedastheU.S.Navydepotsourceofrepair

Currently FRCSE performs Phased Depot Maintenance(PDM).Thisprocessincludes replacing certain high time structural and systemcomponentsandthoroughlyinspectingtheaircraftinknowncorrosionandmetal fatigue areas Artisans use various means, includingnon-destructiveinspection(NDI) methodstolookforcorrosionand/orcracks causedbywearandstressfatigue.

“The maintenance we conduct at the depotextendstheservicelifeoftheaircraft as each phase of the PDM addresses time-limited component inspections and replacements at certain flight hours,” said




structural component replacements include the upper cockpit longeron (UCL) and the vertical stabilizer (V-stab).

The UCLs, approximately six-foot beams that run down either side of the cockpit, are the main structural components of the airframe and provide fundamental rigidity to the aircraft around the cockpit. The V-stab another critical component, is the static part of the vertical tail that stabilizes and balances the aircraft in yaw. These load-bearing sections of the aircraft are replaced at regular intervals, but before recent process innovations, the work was


“One of the innovative time reduction effortswastheideatoperformtheUCLand V stab work concurrently,” said Lt Cmdr Ryan McNulty, FRCSE’s F-5 Production Line Military Director “Originally, these weredoneseparatelybecauseeachisacriticalstructuralelement.Withoneortheother removed, there is a risk that the airframe could be permanently damaged due to twisting. Fortunately we have an in-house engineering support team and a dynamic manufacturingdivisionthatprovidedsound, innovative thinking in an effort to conduct theseeffortsconcurrently.

Concurrent work would significantly

reducethetimeneededtoreturntheaircraft back to adversary operations but the team faced risks associated with the stability of theaircraft ToconducttheUCLandVstab repairs simultaneously, the airframe had to be adequately supported. FRCSE’s engineeringandmanufacturingteamsdesigned robustshoringtositbeneaththeaircraftand preventtwisting, which illustrates the level ofongoinginnovationatthedepot.

“The F-5 engineering team devised and performed a test to determine if and how muchtheairframewouldflexwhentheUCL andVstabworkwasperformedatthesame time,” McNulty said. “The results proved that by using the shoring, the two repairs couldbeperformedtogether.”

WhiletheconcurrentworkforUCLsand V stabs are the most beneficial of the F-5 production line efforts to reduce the time theaircraftisatthedepot theyarefarfrom the only ones There have been more than 45 innovative solutions proposed to help turn aircraft around faster. More than half ofthosesolutionscamefromartisansonthe production floor, and include V stab work stands, flight control rigging tool test kits, and a mobile, hand-held, E-drill® system to remove hard metal fasteners more than 20 times faster than twist drills These technological advancements should provide increased productivity as the team continuestogetmoreadept

“The F-5 team is an amazing group of professionals with many challenges to overcometomeettheFleet’sdemand,”said Baldwin. “Over the last year, I have seen incredible improvements and I know this line will soon become the best-performing product line at FRCSE. I’m proud of their performance and continued dedication to thewarfighter.”

Artisans assigned to Fleet Readiness CenterSoutheast’s F-5 Production Line prepare to remove thewing ofan F-5NTigerII forinspection.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTOIETEJACKSON/RELEASE) Artisans assigned to Fleet Readiness CenterSoutheast’s F-5 Production Line prepare to remove thewing ofan F-5NTigerII aircraft forinspection.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTOIETEJACKSON/RELEASE)
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023
mechanic Chanh Doan and sheet metal mechanic Brett Mcdonell,assigned to Fleet Readiness
CenterSoutheast’s F-5
Production Line,discuss the installation ofthewing sparinto an F-5NTigerIIwing assembly (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTOIETEJACKSON/RELEASE)

An American hero turns 100

When Art Nicholas one of the first naval commandos responsible for the formation of Naval Special Warfare was born the U.S. presidentwasWarrenHardingandtheOttoman Empire had yet to fall. A non-exhaustive list of global events that have come and gone since Feb. 15, 1923 include The Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, the rise and fall of the BerlinWall,theformationoftheNavySEAL Teams andtheentiretyofBeatlemania

In 1923 the Academy Awards were yet to be established, and the Marathon world record was 2:40:17, set by Aksel Jansen of Denmark. In 2022, Eliud Kipchoge ran a newworldrecordof2:01:09,finishingatthe BrandenburgGatewhichstoodasasymbol ofHitler’spower,aphysicalbarrierbetween EastandWestBerlin,andarepresentationof unityandpeaceallduringArt’slife

On Feb.15 2023 Art celebrated his 100th birthday To commemorate this milestone he was joined by family and friends at his home in Englewood, Florida. So how does one discuss the life of the husband, father, businessman, and decorated war hero that stretchesforacentury?Startatthebeginning.

In many ways, Art’s life mirrors the story ofAmerica Hisfather,John,aGreekimmigrant from the Island of Thassos entered the United States through Ellis Island He initiallyfoundworkasagandydanceronthe railroads, laying sections of track. As such, heandhiscousinliterallywalkedacrossthe country, eventually finding themselves in SanDiego,CaliforniawhereJohntrainedas abarberandbecameaU.S.citizen.

Inwhatwouldbecomeamotifinthelives ofthisfamily JohnNicholasfoundhisfledgling career interrupted by global conflict as World War I engulfed Europe so he joined theU.S.Army.Followingthecessationofthe war, John would be discharged, ultimately settling in Lansing, Michigan, where he openedhisownbarbershop

However, unbeknownst to John at the timeaquicktriptoGreecebeforereturning totheU.S.attheendofthewarhadinadvertentlynegatedhisU.S.citizenshipfollowing his discharge When the world was thrust intoconflictoncemoreduringWorldWarII, theU.S.SecretServicetookhimintocustody The government ordered him to appear in Federal Court which was in the local post office at the time However, in a show of genuineAmericanspirit,thejudgesworethe elderNicholasinasaU.S.citizenonceagain and informed John that he would visit his barbershoplaterthatweekforatouch-up.

Born in 1923 to his immigrant father and homemakermother,Art’syouthandadolescencewereemblematicoftheworking-class ethos that defined that era in American history A consistent trait throughout Art’s life was a strong work ethic exemplified by his father and further refined by his time shining the shoes of barbershop patrons beginningatagefive.

However, it wasn’t all work for Art, as he wasalsoatalentedmusicianandself-taught drummer Togetherwithagroupoffriends, he created the “Art Nicholas Orchestra” in a similar vein as Glen Miller Together, the bandgotajobatWild’sCasinointheMichigan vacation town of Saulte Sainte Marie located on the banks of Lake Superior The band was so successful that Art made more money during the brief six-week stint at the casino than his father had made during the firstsixmonths oftheyear Stashinghis earnings in a shoe box for safekeeping, Art partially supported his family that summer duringtheGreatDepression.

Inadditiontohismusicaltalents,Artwas also a talented swimmer, so much so that the Michigan State Athletic Department was able to put him in a Spartan uniform forasemesterdespitenotbeingtechnically enrolled as a student. In his brief stint as a collegiate athlete, Art set several school recordswhichwouldstillbestandingwhen hereturnedhomefromhistimeintheNavy Themachinationsofgreatpowercompetitionandbrewingglobalconflictmusthave felt a world away for the young Nicholas tuckedawayintheMidwest.Nevertheless, after his short time at Michigan State Art enlisted in the Navy and reported for duty at the Great Lakes Training Center For the young Sailor and for the United States, morebroadly,thebombingofPearlHarbor broughttherealityofwarintosharpfocus.

Ironically,Artwasonleavewhenthebombingoccurred,buthewaspromptlyrecalled, like the rest of the U.S. service members away from their duty stations during the attack. His first duty assignment was in North Africa aboard a cargo ship supporting amphibious operations conducted off the coast of Morocco Although not a member of the fledgling special operations forces at that time, Art had a glimpse of what would be a part of his future when a new unit, the Scouts and Raiders (S&R), were initially implemented

Given the increasingly amphibious nature of operations in both the Pacific and European theaters, there was recognition amongst the Allied Forces of the necessity to develop teams of men that could handle a complex and daring mission set. When U.S. Marine forces were restructured, the European,African,andMiddleEast(EAM) Theater was left without any pre-landing reconnaissance ability Consequently the first Amphibious Scout and Raider school was established in Little Creek, Virginia to fillthevoid

Originallyajointschool,theArmy“Raiders”weretrainedforbeachandlandreconnaissance, while the Navy “Scouts” acted primarily as boat crew commandos Before anamphibiouslanding,theNavypersonnel wouldlocatethecorrectlandingbeachesto deliverreconnaissancecrewsandthenserve asguidesduringtheoperation.

The S&R were first used during Operation Torch to invade North Africa through Morocco Their primaryrolewas pre-landing reconnaissance and guiding larger

vessels during landings at Safi, Fedala, Mehdia,andAlgiers.

To say that the first implementation of thenewunitwasacompletesuccesswould belie the fact that there were some initial misstepsanderrors Nevertheless,theS&R units had proven their worth, and as such thecommanderofamphibiousforcesinthe Atlantic ordered their continued training and relocation to Fort Pierce Florida.

FollowinghisassignmentinNorthAfrica, Art requested a transfer and soon found himselfassignedtohelpestablishandtrain thenewrecruitsatFortPierce.Afterspending a few weeks conducting testing on the amphibious DUKW boats(colloquially known as the “Duck”) Art found himself intheruggedmarshlandsofSouthFlorida.

It would be difficult to overstate the amount of work that went into transformingthesoon-to-beamphibioustrainingbase. Interviewswith theNavySailorswho were therefortheconversionprocessrevealthat thoseearlydaysmainlyconsistedofclearing trees and fighting off insects Anecdotally, Jim Barnes, a fellow S&R veteran, said he neverneededtopepperhiseggsasthesand fleas took care of that.

The Scouts and Raiders would prove more resilient than Fort Pierce’s resident pests Soon the base was up and running and much of the training that has since becomecommonplaceintoday’sSEALand SWCCcommunitieswascreated.Eachday beganearlyforthemen,risingat0530toeat breakfast before engaging in long hours of hauling logs for physical training (log PT), boat handling, swimming, and small arms practice

Art’s previous experience as a swimmer were a blessing in the harsh training conditions

“There was a lot of swimming A lot of swimming.Especiallyduringthedayandat night,”thecentenarianreports

“At night it was pretty tough at times becauseyouwouldeitherloseyourwayand there were a couple of times when I had to jump overboard with a line tied to me and had to be pulled in, Nicholas said. “It was scarysometimes.”

Some of the training recounted by the Sailors read more like a fantasy novel than arecitationoffactualevents WhileArtwas

inFortPierce therewasspeculationregardingthesurvivabilityoftheEastCoastinthe eventofaninvasion.Atthetime,thewidely shared belief was that there was no possibilityofasuccessfulattackbyAxisforces

Exhibiting hubris and confidence, which has since become a trademark of Naval Special Forces, a uniquely plucky S&R ensign voiced his vehement belief that Fort Lauderdalewasvulnerable Thus,planning for a mock invasion of the Sunshine State beganinearnest According to Nicholas, the S&R took 11 small boats to Bimini in the Bahamas They weredividedintothree-personteams,then proceeded to surround and capture their assigned areas, donned only in Navy blue coveralls, and lightly armed with combat knives After setting off smoke grenades in cityhall,stealingthecommandingofficerof thelocalCoastGuardstation,andcausingan unfortunatebusdrivertosufferimpromptu incontinence,FortLauderdalewasdeemed capturable.

Unfortunately, some of the other training Art experienced did not go as planned. PriortoD-Day,BritishandAmericanforces were conducting a practice operation off the southern coast of England at Slapton Sands The secret event known as Operation Tiger was intended to prepare the English and American units for an actual amphibious assault at Normandy a few months away Coincident with the event, German forces, specifically the Luftwaffe, were shifting their focus to the English Channel.Thepilotscollecteddetailedintelligenceleadingtocalamitousresultsforthe


OperationTiger conductedonthenight of 27⁄28 April, 1944, would become one of World War II’s greatest and least talked about disasters German U-boats interrupted the mock assault, attacking the approachingconvoy,resultinginthedeaths ofatleast749Americans Itwasincredibly embarrassingandpotentiallydevastatingto morale considering the rapidly approaching D-Day invasion. The Operation Tiger failure remained a secret for many years with full details only emerging several decades later

For Art and his fellow Sailors, Operation Tiger and the lost lives of U.S. servicemen

were a tragedy However, the impending invasion in France forced the men to compartmentalize and return to their preparations

During the Normandy invasion, Art was assigned to LST-52 as a Boatswain’s Mate FirstClass.TheLandingShipTank,orLST, wasanamphibiousassaultvehicleusedfor landing soldiers, tanks, and other supplies onthebeachhead.Assignedtothebeaches of Gold, Juno, and Sword, his team functioned as a Special Forces unit tasked with initiallyclearingthebeaches,thenconvertingtheLSTintoahospitalship pickingup wounded and resupplying fresh troops LST-52 was on its third trip when Art kickedaliveammoroundandtheresultant explosion sent him to the hospital for 29 days ArtwasawardedthePurpleHeartfor his actions and injury during the invasion. No great war story is complete without our protagonist finding love, and Art was no exception. Following his injury and hospitalization, the young Sailor began a new assignment in Weymouth, England where he was the Assistant Master-AtArms When off-duty during this tour, Art returned to his musical roots and began performing with a pickup band to entertainthewar-wearyBritsandfellowservice members

Afterbeinginvitedtoapartyinthesmall nearbytownofDorchester Artvolunteered to drive a truck full of young lads to the event.Then inamovebefittingatrueNavy man,Artwanderedacrosstothestreettoa localbarafterseeingthemainactivityinthe dance hall was musical chairs

If there were an opposite of a “meetcute,” the ensuing events between Art and his now-wife Hazel would fit the definition ArtoriginallyaskedHazel’sgirlfriend to dance Unfortunately for Art, the young ladyhadhereyeonadifferentBritishsailor anddeniedhisrequest.Bidinghistime,Art approached the couple after their dance andboldlytoldthewoman,“Youwerevery rude, and you’re no damn good. I’ll tell you that right now.”

For Hazel, her future husband’s ill-tempered behavior would prove fortuitous Hazel approached Art, where she firmly scolded him leaving the embarrassed young Sailor to sulk back over to the bar Addinginsulttoinjury,whenArtstruckup a conversation with the bartender intending to drown his sorrows in a lager, he discoveredthatthemanwas,unfortunately, Hazel’s father Improbably, the young duo had a movie datescheduledbytheendofthenightand, in Art’s words, “that continued.”

After the war, Art left the Navy and moved back to Michigan to start building a career and a family. He and Hazel were separated for 16 months, and during that time he worked a variety of odd jobs to support himself Bouncing around from shoe salesmen, to bartender, to restaurant worker, he found more consistent work at the REO Motor Car Company inspecting variouspartsthatwereusedtobuildtrucks intendedfortheKoreanWar.Afterthatwar ended, Art was offered and subsequently took a job as a salesman selling corrugated boxes. Then, with the encouragement of a local banker, Art would set out on his own tostartacompanythatbecameCorrugated Paper Products Inc.

Never content with only one goal to occupy his time Art’s post-war life was also filled with philanthropic pursuits In the 1960s he was instrumental in building St David’s Episcopal Church in Lansing, Michigan,aswellasdevelopingablueprint for Real Services Inc. in South Bend, Indiana which provides housing, transportation, and nutritional services to senior citizens.

Proud of his Hellenic roots, Art is a member of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, the largest andoldestfraternalorganizationdedicated to preserving Greek heritage in America. In addition, he continues to exemplify the traits of selfless service embodied by so manyofourservicemenandwomen,donating time and money to replace tattered American flags, establish Hospice chapterswheretheyareneeded andfundhome repairs for those in need.

Art’s life and war experience came full circle when he, his wife, and two grown daughters had the opportunity to visit the five beaches of the Normandy coast in the Spring of 2009 on the 65th anniversary of theinvasion.ThelocalFrenchreceptionist presented the veteran with a silver medal, French and America flags and a diploma recognizing his role in the D-Day invasion upon the family’s arrival at Utah Beach.

Then, at Omaha Beach, Art had the opportunity to participate in a flag loweringceremony,foldingtheAmericanensign during evening taps. It was a powerful moment for the man, the backdrop of white crosses signifying the thousands of menwhodiedonthebeach.Thesettingsun fitting for the soldiers who gave their lives to prevent Hitler’s fascist spread.

“Ididn’tknowifIcouldstanditemotionally,” he said

“I thought I might start crying like a baby.”

In many ways, Arthur Nicholas embodies the American Dream—an immigrant son with working-class roots, who fought for his country raised a family and built a successfulcompany.Moreover,ifonewere touseasinglewordtosumupthisamazing manitwouldbe“builder.”ArthurNicholas startedhisownband,wasacriticalmember of the group that paved the way for Navy SEALsandSWCC,andliterallyhelpedraise a church.

The country has changed dramatically over the past century One could argue it would be near impossible to swim at MichiganStatewithoutbeingenrolledasa studentorsupportafamilyonsixweeksof playinggigsatacasino Nevertheless,individualslikeArtbuiltthiscountry,anditwill bepeoplelikehimresponsibleforbuilding our future.

Art Nicholas,an NSWveteran ofWorldWarIIwho recentlyturned 100-years-old,poses at a makeshift camp in South Florida’s marshlands.Nicholas served as a memberofthe Scouts and Raiders,the predecessors to today’s Naval SpecialWarfare (NSW) operators.NSWis the nation’s elite maritime special operations force that gains and maintains access and placement forthe Fleet andJoint Force.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFTHENICHOLASFAMILY)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 7
ENGLEWOOD Fla.(Feb 15,2023)Art Nicholas celebrates his 100th birthdayin Englewood, Fla.Nicholas served inWorldWarII as a memberofthe Scouts and Raiders,the predecessors to today’s Naval SpecialWarfare (NSW) operators.NSWis the nation’s elite maritime special operations force that gains and maintains access and placement forthe Fleet andJoint Force. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSSEANWEIR/RELEASED)
YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume.Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 9, 2023

On iberty

Celebrate St. Patricks Day with these magically delicious recipes

Irish Potato Bread,Reuben Sandwiches and 3-layermint chocolate brownies bring festive flavors to the table! PageC4

ABOVE LEFT: Centuries converge at MilitaryThrough theAgeswith nearly600 militaryre-enactors (JAMESTOWN-YORKTOWN FOUNDATIONPHOTO)

ABOVE:TheGreekPhalaxdemonstrate shields and otherdefensive techniques of500 B.C.E.(JAMESTOWN-YORKTOWN FOUNDATIONPHOTO)

LEFT:At noon on both days,visitors can enjoydemonstrations of comparative artilleryfirings,from a 17th-centuryswivel gun to a howitzer with theVirginiaArmyNational Guard. Shown is theVirginiaArmyNational Guard firing its 105mm howitzer (PHOTOBYBOBRUEGSEGGER)

FARLEFT: Ladies forLibertywill perform during MilitaryThrough the Ages (PHOTOBYBOBRUEGSEGGER)

Jamestown Settlement’s Military Through The Ages returns March 18-19 for centuries of military history


WILLIAMSBURG,Va Romans,Vikings, knights Privateers, sailors, soldiers Patriotic music and artillery salutes Make ready for centuries of military history all in one weekend during Jamestown Settlement’s time-honored Military Through the Ages eventonSaturdayandSunday March18-19.

Military Through the Ages features hundreds of re-enactors depicting armed forces from 500 B.C.E. all the way to modern-day soldiers with the Virginia Army National Guard.

As one of the most unique chronological displays of military history held for nearly 40years,MilitaryThroughtheAgesinvites visitors to explore military encampments and interact with re-enactors to learn how uniforms weapons and tactics evolved throughthecenturies.

Timeline from 500 B.C.E. to the Virginia Army National Guard

Nearly 600 re-enactors will portray soldiers and military encounters across the globe from Greek and Roman times the medieval period, Hundred Years’ War, War of the Roses, American Revolution, War of 1812, Napoleonic Wars and Ameri-

canCivilWar.Re-enactorsdepictingWorld Wars I and II, the Vietnam War and Operation Urgent Fury in Grenada will take visitorsthroughthe20thcentury.TheNational Museum of the Marine Corps and the Virginia Army National Guard 111th Field Artillery will represent the present day View a complete list of participating units atjyfmuseums.org/militarythroughtheages

Patriotic Musical Performances

Music will be performed throughout the weekend, featuring the boogie-woogie soundsoftheLadiesforLibertyreminiscent oftheWorldWarIIera.LadiesforLibertyis scheduledtoperformat11a.m.and2:30p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sunday. The Federal City Brass Band, re-creating a UnionArmyregimentalbrassbandfromthe 1860s with period instruments, and Field MusickVirginia,offeringamixofAmerican Revolutionmilitarymusicandinstrumental history,willpresentroamingperformances duringthetwo-dayevent.

Artillery & Military Pass-in-Review

Comparative artillery-firing demonstra-

tions will be presented at noon Saturday and Sunday, with weapons ranging from a 17th-century swivel gun to a modern-day howitzer Amilitarypass-in-reviewwilltake placeat3p.m.Sundayandwillfeaturerecognitionofre-enactorunitsjudgedinthebest unitimpressioncompetition.

Mobile Veteran Center

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will display its Mobile Vet Center near the museum’smainentranceduringthetwo-day event.An“officeonwheels,”theMobileVet providesreadjustmentcounseling,information and resources to veterans for veterans, service members and their families. Find it nearthemuseum’smainentrance.

Share Your LOVE of Military History

In partnership with the Virginia Tourism Corporation and the LOVEworks program, Jamestown Settlement will feature the lifesize LOVE artwork in the museum’s Quadricentennial Plaza offering re-enactors and guests to take photographs and share their love of history on social media using #LOVEVAand#JYFMUSEUMSand#MTA. MilitaryHistoryatJamestownSettlement:Arms,armorandmilitaryequipment

Virginia Championship Wrestling returns to Hampton High School March 18th with special guest, local international wrestling superstar, Magnum TA


Virginia Championship Wrestling (VCW), sponsoredbyPriorityAutomotive,isreturningon March18thtoHamptonHighSchoolforitsannual schoolfundraiser,withanexcitingwrestlingcard andspecialguest,localinternationalprowrestling superstar,MagnumTA Magnumwillbeavailable tosignautographs,takepictureswiththefansand reminisce with the fans at the show. For tickets photoopsandmore gotovcwprowrestling.com

Fans will see Virginia Heavyweight Champion LoganEastonLarouxdefendhistitleagainstThe Boar Also VCW Liberty Champion Dirty Money putshistitleupagainstformerLibertyChampions the “Greek God” Papadon and former Hampton High School’s own “Platinum Icon” Phil Brown inaTripleThreatMatch.

In other great matches, Erica Leigh locks up withSavannahEvans GinoMedinatakesonCaleb Konley The Reason with “The Director Jerry StephanitsisinhiscornerbattlesBenjaminBanks with“Diamond”VictorGriffinhiscorner,Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Champion Tim Spriggs goes one-on-one with DK Vandu, Alex Divine steps in theringwithSaulEsparzaandsomuchmore.

The special guest of the night is a man who needs no introduction in the wrestling world. He isHamptonRoadsown,MagnumTA TerryAllen. AtremendoussuperstarforJimCrockettPromotions as well as several other promotions in the

1980’s. Magnum TA was one of the most popular wrestlersinNationalWrestlingAlliancehistory a two-timeNWAU.S.HeavyweightChampionand afutureWorldChampion.Ahorrificcaraccident endedhiswrestlingcareerbeforehecouldbecome World Champion. The doctors at the time credit Magnum’sphysicalconditioningforsavinghislife, believinghewouldneverwalkagain

With Magnum’s strong faith in God along with his will and determination to never give up he pushed himself hard through many months of physical therapy and is a walking testament that anythingispossible

Yiorgo: With us today is Magnum TA, Terry Allen.Ittrulyisanhonortotalkwithyoutoday.

Magnum TA: The honor is all mine I want to thankVirginiaChampionshipWrestlingforbringingmein.IcannotwaituntilMarch18thatHampton High School to return back home after being goneforsomanyyearstosee thankandtalktoall the great wrestling fans that make our business possible

Y:Speakingofhome,let’sstartattheverybeginning.Wherewereyoubornandwhatmadeyoufall inlovewithprowrestling?

TA:IwasborninNorfolk,Virginiaandmyearliest memories of watching on television back in the day was with my dad. That laid a seed in my mind.Itwasadifferenttimeandera.WehadJohn

TurntoMagnumTA Page 3

of 17th-century Virginia can be seen yearroundinJamestownSettlement’sextensive gallery exhibits and in the “Reign & Rebellion” special exhibition on display through September 5. Permanent exhibits and films tell the story of America’s first permanent English colony and of the convergence of PowhatanIndian,EnglishandWestCentral Africanculturesin1600sVirginia.Outdoors visitors can immerse themselves in life of early Virginia in outdoor re-creations of a 1610-14 English fort, Paspahegh Town and threere-createdshipsthatbroughtEnglish coloniststoVirginiain1607

MilitaryThroughtheAgesismadepossible inpartbygrantsfromJamesCityCountyand theVirginiaTourismCorporation,withadditional support from the Jamestown-YorktownFoundation Inc.AnnualFund.

Admission to Jamestown Settlement, open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily year-round, is $18.00 for adults and $9.00 for ages 6-12 Childrenages5andunderarefree Avaluepriced combination ticket with the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown is $30.00 for adults and $15.00 for ages 6-12 Parkingisfree JamestownSettlementislocatedonState Route31neartheColonialParkwayinJames CityCounty justsouthwestofWilliamsburg and adjacent to Historic Jamestowne For information, call (757) 253-4838 or visit jyfmuseums.org/militarythroughtheages.

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 1

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Free 757 Sober LYFT Rides

St. Patrick’s Day within the Hampton Roads coverage area


HAMPTONROADS,Va ThehardestpartofSt Patrick’sDayisthemourningafter

Plan ahead for a sober ride before you reach the pint of no return! Use Drive Safe HR’s 757SoberRidepoweredbyLyft.https://www.drivesafehr.org/757soberride

Free or reduced fare rides are being offered to drivers in Hampton Roads who are using alcohol on St Patrick’s Day 2023. Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is sponsoring757SoberRideforSt Patrick’sDayfrom4p.m.onFriday,March17thuntil4:00a.m onSaturday,March18th.

Duringthetwelve-hourperiod,arearesidentsage21andoldercelebratingwithalcohol may download the Lyft app to their phones, then enter the 757 Sober Ride code in the app’s “Payment” tab (under the “Add Lyft Pass” option) to receive their no-cost (up to $15) safe transportation home DSHR’s 2023 St Patrick’s Day 757 Sober Ride promo codewillbepostedat3:00p.m.onFriday,March17th,atwww.DriveSafeHR.org/757SoberRide.Itcanbeusedonlyduringtheabovestatedperiodforridesoriginatingfromor have a destination within Hampton Roads Subject to Lyft’s Terms of Service. Valid for newandexistingLyftuserswhilesupplieslast.

According to the NHTSA, approximately one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers (with BACs at or above .08) During the 2016-2020 St Patrick’s Day holiday period (6 p.m. March 16 to 5:59 a.m. March 18), 287 lives were lostindrunk-drivingcrashes.**InanefforttoreduceinjuriesandfatalitiesinHampton Roads DSHRpartnerswithLyfttopromotethe757SoberRidecampaignforridesstarting and/or ending in Hampton Roads Sponsors of the 2023 757 Sober Ride campaign includetheChristopherKingFoundationandtheVirginiaDMV “St.Patrick’sDayisoneofthebiggestdrinkingday’softheyear Whichmeansalotof drunkdriversmaybeontheroad.Ifyouplantodrink,pleasedon’tdrive.Besmart,plan ahead, and use 757 Sober Ride to get home safely The life you save may be your own, or someone you love.” said Pat Davidson, 757 Sober Ride Chairperson. The program is patternedafterthehighlysuccessful,award-winningSoberRide®programconductedby thenon-profitWashingtonRegionalAlcoholProgram(WRAP)

Drive Safe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is a non-profit regional coalition whose mission is to improve highway safety and reduce injuries and deaths from vehicle crashes For 35years DriveSafeHamptonRoadshaspromotedcitizeninvolvementandcommunity awarenessaswestrivetowardzerodeathsonourregion’sroadways.

*Source: Virginia Crash Data **Source: USDOT Traffic Safety Marketing

Register now for the Chesapeake State of the City address


TheStateoftheCityisthepremierannualforumforChesapeake’sbusiness, civic, and community leaders. The 2023 address, delivered by the Honorable RickWest ChesapeakeMayor,willhighlightkeybusinessdevelopmentinitiatives provide strategic municipal progress updates address challenges and opportunities,andprovideaglimpseintotheCity’sfuture

WHEN: Wednesday,March29,2023



WHERE: ChesapeakeConferenceCenter



This event is open to the public, but advanced registration is required. Cost is $60 for Chamber members and $80 for prospective members Table Sponsorship is $850. Register online at https://web.hamptonroadschamber.com/ events/.


NASHVILLE, Tenn As “an artist made for the outdoor summer concert season” (Sun-Sentinel), multi-Platinum singer/songwriter Dierks Bentley announces details today behind his upcoming GRAVEL & GOLD TOUR this summer produced by Live Nation.The“notoriousroadwarrior (RollingStone)hastappedJordanDavisasdirect supportwithadiversegroupofspecialguestsjoiningthroughoutthe28-citytrekincludingElleKing,TracyLawrence,TylerBraden,CayleeHammack,HotCountryKnights, Kameron Marlowe, The Cadillac Three, The Red Clay Strays, Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway,ShaneSmith&theSaints,CaitlynSmithandHaileyWhitters

A complete list of tour dates can be seen online, but the closest shows to Hampton Roads are:

„ June16-Raleigh,NCatCoastalCreditUnionMusicParkatWalnutCreek

„ June17-Charlotte,NCatPNCMusicPavilion

„ July29-Bristow,VAatJiffyLubeLive

Tickets are now available! Citi is the official presale credit card of the GRAVEL & GOLDTOURandCiticardmemberswillhaveaccesstopurchasepresaleticketsbeginning Weds Mar. 8 at 10:00A local time through Citi Entertainment®. For complete presaledetailsvisitwww.citientertainment.com.Ticketsbegingoingonsaletothepublic nextFri.,Mar.10at10:00ALocalTimeatDierks.com.

“I’ve been waiting as patiently as possible for the time when we could tell our fans aboutthistourandI’mhappythemomenthasarrived, saidBentley.“Withnewmusic, awholenewsetandvibealongwithincrediblemusiciansandsingerstosharethestage with IcanhonestlysayIthinkthiswillbeourbesttourever JordanDavisandIhave beentalkingabouttouringforalongtimeandhe’sjustkilling.Nottomentionthelistof artiststhatwewillbetouringwithissoexcitingformeasafanofalltheirmusic.Iwillbe sidestageeverynighttakingitallinalongsidethefansonthisGRAVEL&GOLDTOUR.”

Named after his newly released 10th studio album which “testifies to everything Bentleydoessowell (Esquire),theGRAVEL&GOLDTOURwilltakeBentleybackto the road where “his stage presence is something to marvel (Spokesman Review) and “hepourshisenergyandheartintoeachperformance (St.LouisDispatch).Coinciding with the announce Bentley’s GRAVEL & GOLD TOUR openers trade verses for their ownrenditionofhisTop10andclimbingsingle“Gold.”

The10thalbumlandmarkspeakstohowtimehasflowninBentley’sunique,21st-centurycareer.Thediverse14-trackalbumofperspectiveandself-awareness,atmanylevels, fromthepersonaltotheprofessionalisatestamenttothemanystrainsofCountrymusic Bentleyhasmasteredandcultivatedinhiscareer fromthearenashakertothebarroom weeper to the bluegrass fireballer His current Top 10 and climbing single “Gold,” hits thecorethemeofperspectivewitharoad-tripvibeandwisdomearnedonlybyputting in the years and the work He landed his first publishing deal in 2001 and released his debutalbumin2003,producinganinstantNo Onesingle.Theyearssincehaverevealed a rare consistency that’s fueled longevity eight more albums that reached the top of theCountrysalescharts,resultingin21No Onesongs,eightbillionstreams,threeCMA Awards,14GRAMMY®nominationsandmembershipintotheGrandOleOpry Trendy soundshaveebbedandflowedaroundhimoverthesetwodecades,butfanshaverelied on Bentley for something more nourishing and individual. He also has created professionalendeavorsoutsideofthemusicwithhisFlag&AnthemlifestylecollectionDesert Son along with his “Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row” franchise hosting four locations Formoreinformationvisitwww.Dierks.com




Due to the high volume of attendance and limited space, we ask that cancellations be received at least 3 business days before the day of the event to avoid beingcharged.

Dierks Bentley returns to the road where he
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 9, 2023
“pours his energy and heart” into the Gravel & Gold Tour this summer

Wayne and Clint Eastwood, Batman, very clearheroesandvillains.Theywerepersonalitiesthatweknewwhothegoodguysand whothebadguyswere SoasIgrew,became anathlete,anamateurwrestlerandwenton towinthestatechampionshipin1977inthe 167 pound division I always had pro wrestlinginthebackofmymind.WhenIwasin high school, I was wrestling at 167 pounds and I didn’t really comprehend in my mind thatIcouldchangemybodyandgrowtothe size that I did That I could be competitive with these guys who looked like monsters and freaks ofnature.Ididn’tknowthat was apossibility

Think about this fact I graduated in 1977 at 167 pounds and in 1985 I’m wrestling Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight title in a sold out Norfolk Scope in my hometown. In what kind of a fantasy story does something like that come about? It’s just unfathomableforpeopletowraptheirheadaround because breaking into pro wrestling back thenwouldn’tbemuchdifferentthansomeone who thought they were a pretty good football player and decide they are going to do a walk-on with an NFL pro team and try toplayfortheNFL.Justtogetintothebusinesswasafeatinitself,buttoexcelandgetto thatlevelinareallyshortperiodoftimeand then to be able to perform in front of your family, friends, two sets of granddaddy’s up in the stands watching their grandson compete for the world’s heavyweight title, that’ssomethingbeyondcomprehension


MTA: I went to Norfolk Collegiate for my 6th-12th grade years and then to Old DominionUniversitywhereIcompletedmy Freshman and started my Sophomore year but then I decided to follow my dream and becomeaprofessionalwrestler

Y: When did you realize I can make a livingdoingthis?

MTA: I realized it the first week in the business Again, I had never been in a pro wrestling ring in my life. I got into the ring, workedoutfortwohourswithBuzzSawyer and Princess Victoria in Portland, Oregon in a bowling alley and the next night, I had my very first match on TV against Buzz. I workedsevendaysaweekfromthenonout, because all these people thought that I had been wrestling in Mid-South Wrestling for Bill Watts and nobody had checked out the story

Y:Youhaveauniquewrestlingnamewith an interestingly unique way of how you got thenameMagnumTA Canyoutellusabout it?

MTA: It was just like all the other crazy things WhenIstartedinPortland,Ihadthe biggest car of all the babyface (good guy) wrestlers, an Olds 98 Regency four-door, big luxury car So when Andre (the Giant) camein,theofficesaid,heneedstoridewith yousohecanbecomfortable SoAndreand

I met literally my first month in the businessandwebecamefriendsbecausehewas there for a couple of weeks He is with me everynight,travelingupanddowntheroad talking. I don’t see Andre again until about two years later, when I’m in Tampa, wrestling as Terry Allen, tag teaming with Scott Magee, Brad Armstrong and having a good timeinFlorida.

While in Florida, Andre says to me, “You’rereadyBoss,todosomethingbigbut youneedaname,youneedahandle.”That’s exactly what he called it, a handle Andre said, “You look like that guy on TV, you should be Magnum TA.” It sounded great. I didn’t know what I was going to do with it and he was going back to Vince Sr to tell him about me to pitch it and have me come upthereandworkforthem.

Well before he could do that, a little event took place in Mid-South where Paul Orndorff up and left, went to the WWF/E, leaving a big spot to fill on the cards Earnie Ladd had been coming back and forth to Tampa working spots, he had seen me, and calls me in the middle of the night saying “There’s a spot open here that’s an opportunity of a lifetime if you want to try.” So I gothereandtakeonthenameMagnumTA that Andre gave me over breakfast around threeo’clockinthemorningandtherestwas history

Y: Dusty Rhodes and Jim Crockett also gave you an opportunity to work for Jim Crockett Promotions, Mid-Atlantic Wrestlingandyouranwithit Howdidthatoffer happen?

MTA: How it all came to be, is that I was on top at Mid-South for Bill, I’ve been his champion,workingmaineventseverynight, and making six figures for the first time in mywrestlingcareer.Meanwhile,Dustyhad left Tampa to go work for Jimmy as a wrestler and the booker (set up the matches, recruits talent, etc) to help them revitalize the territory because they were not making a lot of money Barry Windham had come with Dusty to be his top guy and for Dusty to build everything around Barry but Barry wenttoworkfortheWWFformoremoney JimmyandDustycalledmeinthemiddle of the night. Dusty puts me on the phone with Jimmy, he introduces me, and they laiditalloutforme JimmyknewwhatIwas makinginMid-Southandsaid,“Ican’tguaranteeyouthatmoneytoday Icanguarantee you’ll make half of that to start and we will give you the biggest push anybody can ever want to get.” Meaning they will basically givemethekeystothecity.Tobethebigger star, on the bigger field then I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. Dusty believedinmeandIknewthatJimmyasthe ownerofthecompanywouldbesupportive andinfullagreement

It also brought my journey full circle I had left Virginia, gone all the way to the other side of America to start my career in wrestling. I had worked myself all the way around the whole loop, to get back where I had started from, but now I am coming on thesceneasastar

Y: How did the friendship between you andDustystartinFlorida?

MTA: Dusty and I traveled everyday for close to a year and we had this eerie bond almostlikewewerebrothers.Hewasalittle olderthanmebutwebothwerebigdreamersandalsohardworkers.Weweredriving back from a show one night and he started

playing Frank Sinatra songs inthe8trackplayer.Because my parents raised me to be culturally diverse I knew every word to every song and we sang them together We got along like we were connected at the hip from a decadebefore.Soourfriendship took off immediately once we started spending some time together just the twoofus.

He saw that potential in me from the get go, but againwehadthatfriendship with a mature type, respect friendship that you don’t commonly find in our business.IfDustytoldmethathe needed me to do anything short of taking somebody out I would have done it for myfriend

Y: Your friendship with Barry and Dusty is intertwined.Canyoutellusabout it?

MTA: Barry and I had become friends in Florida before Dusty and I were friends Barry and I were just a mess together,verygoodfriends OfcourseBarry and Dusty were almost related together becauseofthefriendshipbetweenDustyand Blackjack Mulligan (Barry’s father.) Dusty watched Barry grow up When Dusty first came into Florida, Dusty didn’t know me from a house cat. Dusty was looking at me asoneofthetalentstosendtoTennesseeand to Barry’s credit, he pulled Dusty aside and said,“Dusty,youmightwanttotakeacloser look at this one referring to me From that pointon,wewerefamily Barry,DustyandI weretrulythethreeamigosdowninTampa.

I also mended the fences for Barry to comebackaftermyaccidenttoJimCrockett Promotions Dusty was being stubborn and was hurt personally when Barry left to go workforVinceMcMahon.BarryandIwere talking on the phone and I told Dusty, look it’s time, you need Barry back here. Barry is amazing. Bring him back and let him do what he does best That’s the other inside storythathadalottodowithrebuildingthat whole relationship before there was ever goingtobeachancefortheFourHorsemen.

Y: What can you share about the Crockettfamily?

MTA: Let me just say this about the Crocketts Birds of a feather always flock together when things are good and not so muchwhenthingsarebad Ihavetosaythat Jimmy,David,JackieandFrancis,allofthem treated me with as much respect and kindness after my accident as they did before whenIwasmaineventingandhelpingthem draw record breaking crowds. They are the most first class of individuals anybody can everwanttoworkfor

Y: You mentioned Ric Flair earlier, how didyoufirstmeetRic?

MTA:IhadwatchedRicwrestlebeforeI brokeinthebusiness Mygrandfatherwould take me to the Norfolk Scope to watch the matches,soIadmiredhisabilitiesandwhat he could do in the ring. I broke in, in 1980 and the first time I met Ric was on a boat in Tampa with Mike Graham Ric came down withBeth(WWESuperstarCharlotteFlair’s mom) they were not married yet. We all went out on the boat and had a few cocktails together He was definitely a fun guy tobearound.

Ididn’tseeRicagainuntilprobablyayear and a half later I’m in Mid-South, I’m the North American Heavyweight Champion, workingforBillWattsandtheybookRicand I in the main event either in Tulsa or Oklahoma City, I can’t remember. We worked a very lengthy match with probably a DQ since I was Bill’s Champion. It was my first opportunity to be in the ring with him and also, every time he is traveling the world wrestling different people, he was scouting for Jimmy Crockett at the same time I’m sureheputthatbuginJimmy’sear.Ournext meeting was when the Crocketts brought me in I started around Christmas 84 and I wenttoFlair’sannualbigblowoutChristmas party that he always had at his home every year with Wahoo and the whole crew and we struck up an immediate bond. Rick is 10 yearsolderthanmebutheactedlikehewas my age or younger most of the time I have the ultimate respect for him as a performer andsuchagoodhumanbeingtobearound. With all the extreme travel that we did, it’s always good to have someone there to keep themoraleupandonahappynote

Y:How about a favorite Ric story that we canprint?

MTA: I’m running it through my filter rightnowbecausemostofRic’sstoriesaren’t PG 13, 14, they are NR you can’t even rate them,lol.Comicallyenough,oneofthegreat RicstorieswasinRichmond Virginia.They had just opened up a new Sheraton Hotel, right across from the Holiday in which we alwaysstayedhistorically WehadtheGreat American Bash and the whole crew was in this brand new bar/restaurant there at the hotel. There are probably 50 plus of us in this room. Road Warrior Hawk is sitting there, Flair has flipped some food over and it hit Hawk Well Hawk of course returns the favor, and the biggest food fight that I ever personally seen in my life that probablyrivalsthefoodfightinthemovieAnimal HouseandRicwasthecatalystofthewhole thing Itturnedintothebiggestfiascotothe point, that next morning when we checked out, they said, “Mr. Flair, Mr Rhodes, and Magnum are no longer welcomed in our hotel.” They blamed it all on us because we weretheonlythreepeopletheycouldreadilyidentifyinthemeleethathadtakenplace the night before Supposedly, we had done $2,500 water damage that Jimmy of course had to pay. Ric was just classic like that He liked to play hard and every night he went outintheringandgaveyou60minutes,tear the house down and do only what Ric Flair cando

Y:TellusaboutRic,thein-ringperformer In one month you and Ric did 19 one hour broadways(60minutesmatches.)

MTA:So we had just gotten on TBS the SuperStation.JimmypaidVinceMcMahon 1 million dollars to get on there. That was the amount that was told to me. Dusty and

Jimmywereamazingpromotersandshowcased the difference between our product andtheWWFnowWWE’sproduct.Soyou takeyourtopbabyfacewhotheywerepushing to the moon, and that’s what they were doing with me, and had me chasing Ric for the world title In all these major cities we weregoingto,weweredoinganhourevery night and tearing the house down. We set thetableforthewholefoundationforeverythingweneededtodoinbuildingthatbrand.

Ourmatcheswereorganic Whatworked in one town did not mean that it would work in another city with different people there. We always worked to the crowd Ric was a master at manipulating the crowd and getting them where he wanted them to When it came to heat, Ric was second to none.Thereweresomanyspotsthatwedid alloverthecountrythatwedidn’tevenhave totalkabout.Itkindofnaturallyflowedwith whatweweredoing.

Y: Let’s talk about Tully Blanchard. You actually worked for Tully’s father Joe BlanchardbeforeyoucametoJimCrockett Promotionscorrect?

MTA: Yes, that was my second territory working in the business That’s where I met Tully for the first time and Scott Casey Bruiser Broady Tank Patton Buck Robley, TomPrichard,HerculesHernandez,wehad auniquecrewthere Iwasonlythereforsix months and I absolutely loved it. It was a great experience and I learned a lot there. IhadagreatworkingrelationshipwithJoe, they taught me a lot. Mike Graham came there,alittleguestshot MikeandIstruckup this great friendship and next thing I knew, IwasofftoFlorida

Y: Tell us about your rivalry with Tully WasitDusty’sideaforyoutodotheprogram withTully?

MTA: It was a marriage that made sense Tully and I talked about it amongst ourselves.Whenhesawmecomingintothe territory, he had not seen me since I was a rookieinSanAntonio Whenhesawtheskill setsthatIhaddeveloped sincehehadseen mebefore heknewtherewasmoneyinthe making there. So I think between Tully and JJ, they probably campaigned for it. I had just come off the win in the cage matches against Wahoo in Charlotte. The money is always,thebabyfacechasingtheheelforthe belt. And we had those horrendous battles and Tully would get a win by the skin of his teeth, by cheating The fans wanted to kill him

BecauseIwassointense,likeIhadtodial itdownforRicbecauseIwasaphysicalstyle type performer. I came from the Bill Watts school of credibility and physicality and Ric was very much more the finess, Ricky Steamboat type style performer and Tully couldbejustasbrutalasIcouldfromaheel perspective. So you take those two intense styles throw them against each other and themagicisgoingtohappen.

Y:Whatwouldyoulikethefanstorememberabouttheinfamous“IQuit match?

MTA: It was the fact that I let him live. It was that John Wayne moment, when I had that spike in my hand, he had already submitted and the fans seriously did not know if I would finish him off and just kill him or what would happen That poignant moment at the end where I had him and I just let him go and it was over, that to me was the complete, final conclusion of this bloodbath battle that had been going on for months, and months and months I guess it was not forgiveness or redemption, it was mercy.

Y: How about a favorite memory of you andNikitaKoloff?

MTA:Ihavemany,manyfavoritememoriesbutthatpressconferencewithmymom there, will go down in history, because my mom had no idea what was going on. She was not told anything in advance She reacted like an academy award winning actressanditwasallanaturalreaction.Out of all the things we did, to me that’s one of the biggest standout moments It was the way we protected the business back then. I never smartened my parents up about the business and they never questioned me aboutthebusiness

Y: You were involved in that horrific car accident that ended your wrestling career Doyouremembertheaccidentatall?

MTA: Oh I never lost consciousness I remember it all It was a freaky thing and I guessthat’swhyaccidentshappensocloseto home.Whenyouareonapaththatyoutraveled hundreds of times when you get close tothosefiveminutesfromyourhouseyou’re likeonautopilot.Itwasrainingreallyreally hard, I was driving the posted speed limit butitwastoofastgiventhehorribleweather conditions at the time It didn’t seem to me at the time, but the fact that I hydroplaned, ifIwasgoing15-20milessloweritprobably wouldnothavehappened.

ThosefivemonthsthatIwasinthehospital gave me time to reflect. In my wrestling career, I had the opportunity to play this hero on television for years and now I had real life in front of me I knew the way that I reacted to this thing was going to impact

morepeoplethananythingelsethatIwould probably do in my life I really felt driven to do everything I could not to get on my pity party like most people would do in such a situation I tried to present a positive attitude,makingthebestofwhateverIwasable to gain back from the injury and show the people that I was not quiting the game of life. I was going to find my path and never give up Through the grace of God, I was able to persevere and help motivate others Irememberitlikeitwasyesterday.

Y:Youhaverecentlygotteninvolvedwith PowerTownWrestling Canyoutellusmore aboutthisexcitingventure?

MTA:PowerTownWrestlingwasfounded in2021bytoyindustryveteranSteveRosenthal and wrestling legend Greg Gagne I got involved with it through an invitation by GregGagne Greg’sdadVernGagne(legendaryAWApromoter ownerandwrestler)and Steve had a working agreement back in the 80’s. Steve’s company Remco made all the actionfiguresbackintheday.Sohereached out to Greg and asked him about doing a few nostalgic figures of wrestlers that have neverbeendone,andmakesomemoneyfor the guys. That rapidly changed He started talkingtomeandotherpeopleandlongstory short, we started with 12 wrestlers and we arewellover200ontheroster

We want to pay tribute to wrestling’s earliest television origins So we are starting back with Verne Gagne, Lou Thesz and bringing them back to a new level of relevancytoanewgenerationofwrestlingfans At the same time, we can create some revenue stream for their families and give back to those that didn’t get to capitalize in the heydayofwrestlingwhenitbecameabillion dollar industry You know back in the day, guys wrestled seven days a week and we’re notmakinganyfortunesbyanystretchofthe imagination, we want to give back to those people.

Y:Howcanfanspurchasethesewrestling figures?

MTA:Wehaveanonlinestoreathttps:// powertownwrestling.com/ and pre-orders are reopen for series 1 Ultras for a limited time They include: Bruiser Brody Stan Hansen,KerryVonErich,LouThesz,myself andVerneGagne

Y: Why did you decide to get involved? Youareactuallyapartner,correct?

MTA: Yes, I am an equity partner in the company.I’vegotaverydiversebackground. I owned and operated the communication towerbusinesswithmymomanddadthere inChesapeake,Virginiaforyears Ofcourse I’ve worked in Turner Broadcasting on the corporatesideofthehousewithDustyback inthedayandinthelast15plusyearsIhave been working for MasTec an international companythatdoescellularworkalloverthe world Ihavebeenintelecomsince1989.

Over the course of all of these things that I have done after my in-ring career, which was almost seven years I’ve been involved inalotofoperationalthingsthathavegiven me a good overview of the process that you need to do in any business in order to be successful. So when Greg brought me this idea, introduced me to Steve, in the course of our conversation, I was more than your averageretiredwrestlerfrombackintheday. Ihadbusinessknowledgeandexpertisethat added value to what they were trying to do We became a good fit and I share the same passionforwantingtobeabletogivebackto theforgottenlegends Wearetryingtobring awareness truly to the pioneers that laid all thebricksintheroadsopeoplecanenjoythe productthattheyseetoday.

Y: The figures are so life-like, as a figure collectormyself,theyaretrulybreathtaking.

MTA: We have a couple of 3D artists that are absolutely world class They as well are partners in the company and have lended their skilled craftsmanship. They have created these amazing sculptures, these seven inch scale figures, to allow us to provide the best wrestling action figures today to the avid collectors It really is a thingofbeautyandweareextremelyproud ofthem.

One of the figures is Bruiser Brody and Bruiser had a special part in my startup in wrestling somebody that I had a very special friendship with and I am really glad wehave beenable to get himin this Series1 Ultrasoffering.Thelikenessofhimisreally breathtakinglikeyousaid.It’sliketheytook a snapshot and turned it into 3D It’s absolutelyamazing

Y: You also have a website at https:// magnumtaofficial.com/Whatcanyourfans purchasethere?

MTA: We have exclusive apparel, tee shirts,memorabilia, autographed photos, a Magnum TA Slam Buddy, a personalized Cameoandsomuchmore.

Y:Iknowthisisahardquestiontoanswer but it is my favorite to ask. Can you share a pinchmemoment?

MTA: The pinch me moment for me is that this kid from Chesapeake, Virginia who couldn’t do not one push-up in the eighthgrade,wouldgoontoheadlineinthe Norfolk Scope, where I had watched Elvis Presley perform as a young man, to be in the main event against the World Heavyweight Champion and exceed the attendance record that Elvis was able to achieve inthesamebuilding.

When I was on Jim Ross podcast Grilling JR he said to me “The fact that all that (my wrestling career) was encapsulated in just under a seven year period of time, that in itself is just crazy.” And back then, if you gota shot at a main event within 10 years of being in the business that was considered mind boggling For most people, that’s how longittookto bein contention forthemain event,muchlessheraldedasastar Weallhavechallengesthatcanseemoverwhelming.Istillhavechallengestothisday. You really do have to take one day at a time and believe you will come out of it to the othersidebythegraceofGodbecausenone ofuscandoitonourown.Iamjustgladtobe hereandtocontinuetosharesomestories I amreallylookingforwardtoagreatVirginia ChampionshipWrestlingshowMarch18th at Hampton High School and seeing all my wrestlingfansthere.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Magnum TA from Page 1
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 9, 2023 3

CelebrateSt. PatricksDay with these magicallydelicious recipes

Reuben Sandwich

Servings: 2

„ 2tablespoonsbutter,softened

„ 4slicesryeandpumpernickelswirlbread

„ 4slicesswisscheese

„ 6ouncescornedbeef

„ 2tablespoons,plus2teaspoons,Thousand IslandDressing,divided

„ 4tablespoonssauerkraut


Spread 1tablespoon butter on one sideoftwo bread slices.Place buttered sidedowninheated skillet. Addtwo slices cheese to each bread slice

Spread 2tablespoons dressingovercheeseslices.


Spread 2teaspoons dressing overcorned beef


Spread remaining butteronone sideofremaining bread slices. Place buttered side up on top of sauerkraut

Cook 4-7minutes each side,flipping once,until goldenbrownandcheeseismelted


Irish Potato Bread

„ 2mediumorlargerussetpotatoes

„ 1egg „ 1eggwhite „ ⅓cupcanolaoil

„ ¾cupmilk

„ 2tablespoonsgreenonion,minced

„ ½teaspooncarawayseeds

„ 3¼cupsall-purposeflour,plusadditionalfor dustingandkneading

„ 1½tablespoonsbakingpowder

„ 1teaspoonsalt


Peelpotatoes.Sliceonepotatoandboilinsaucepan15 minutes,oruntil tender.Remove potato from saucepan intolargebowl.Mashpotatothensetaside. Gratesecondpotatoonto cloth.Wringpotatoin cloth to remove excess water.Add gratedpotato to mashed potatoinlargebowl.Addegg,eggwhite,oil,milk,onion, caraway seeds, 3 ¼ cups flour, baking powder andsalt Stirwithwoodenspoonuntilmixtureissoftandsticky. Turn dough onto floured surface. Adding flour as needed, knead dough to form8-inch round shape with slight dome.Place dough onto bakingsheet linedwith parchment paper.Cut large “X” on top of dough about ½inchdeep

Bake55minutesuntilgoldenbrown.Coolonwirerack 1hourbeforeserving

3-LayerMint Brownies

Servings: 9-12

„ Nonstickcookingspray

„ 1boxsupremebrowniemixwith chocolatesyruppouch

„ 3tablespoonswater

„ ⅓cupvegetableoil

„ 1egg


„ 3½cupspowderedsugar

„ ¼cupbutter,softened

„ ¼cupwhippingcream

„ 5ouncescreamcheese,softened

„ ½teaspoonpeppermintextract

„ 5dropsgreenfoodcolor




„ 1bag(12ounces)chocolatechips

„ ½cupbutter


Spray8-by-8-inchpanwithnonstickcookingspray. In large bowl, mix brownie mix, water,oil and egg untilcombined.Pourintopreparedbakingpan.Bake35 minutes.Coolcompletely,about1hour.

To make filling: In large bowl, beat powdered sugar, butter,whipping cream, cream cheese,peppermint extractandfoodcoloring.Spreadovercooledbrownies


Tomaketopping:Insaucepan,meltwhippingcream, chocolatechipsandbutteruntilsmooth.Cooluntillukewarm,about10minutes.Pouroverfilling;spreadtocover. Refrigerate2hours,oruntilset.

Beforeserving, letbrowniesset 10 minutes at room


Tips: Cut brownies with wetknife for cleaner cuts


4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 3| Thursday, March 9, 2023

Monitor your diabetes and health daily, one step at a time

If you have diabetes, monitoring your healthcanbealottomanage:checkingyour blood sugaropens CDC making healthy food,findingtimetobeactive takingmedicines, and going to doctor’s appointments Withallthat,yourfeetmightbethelastthing onyourmind.

“Poorly controlled diabetes can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels goingtopeople’sfeet,”saidDr DanielLamar, aninternalmedicinespecialistwiththe56th MedicalGroupatLukeAirForceBaseopens LukeAFBinGlendale,Arizona “Asaresult, people can lose the sensation in their feet. This causes people to change the way they walk and may result in the development of soresontheirfeetthattheydon’tfeel.”

Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death opens CDCin the United States, with more than 11 percent of the U.S. population havingthedisease accordingtotheCenters forDiseaseControlandPrevention

According to the National Institutes for Healthopens NIH, foot problems are commoninpeoplewithdiabetes Checking and taking care of your feet every day can helploweryourchancesfordiabetes-related footproblems Managingyourbloodglucose levelscanalsohelpkeepyourfeethealthy.

Due to nerve damage in feet people can develop sores which then can get infected and be very difficult to treat because of the damage to the blood vessels, according to Lamar “The damaged blood vessels cause decreased blood flow which makes it hard for the immune system to respond and makes it difficult to get high levels of antibiotics to the area of infection. As a result, peoplecanendupwithamputations.”

When poorly controlled, Lamar notes thatdiabetescausescomplicationsthroughout the body. “It can damage all nerve cells including people’s retinas Diabetes is the mostcommoncauseofnontraumaticamputationsintheU.S,andisoneofthetwomost commoncausesofpeoplegoingondialysis


When should you see the doctor?

Ifyouexperienceanyofthesesymptoms, youshouldseeyourdoctorrightaway:

„ Paininyourlegsorcrampinginyour buttocks,thighs,orcalves

„ Tingling,burning,orpaininyourfeet

„ Lossofsenseoftouchorabilitytofeel heatorcoldverywell

„ Achangeintheshapeofyourfeet


„ Lossofhaironyourtoes,feet,and lowerlegs

„ Dry,crackedskinonyourfeet

„ Achangeinthecolorandtemperature ofyourfeet

„ Thickened,yellowtoenails

„ Fungusinfectionssuchasathlete’sfoot betweenyourtoes

How to Keep your Feet


“Prevention is the best way to keep your feet healthy. Complications from diabetes are most associated with diabetes being poorly controlled. If a patient keeps their blood sugar under control, manages their weight, and has regular provider visits, it dramatically decreases the risk of longterm complications,” said Rachel Perkins Garner, a disease management nurse at Luke Air Force Base

Tips to maintain your feet include:

„ Check your feet every day for cuts swelling and blisters

„ Wash your feet every day.

„ Never go barefoot.

„ Wear shoes that fit well.

„ Trim your toenails

„ Get your feet checked with the doctor

Not all diabetes are the same

There are two types of diabetes, each with its own set of causes and treatments:

Type 1 diabetes: This is the rare form, makingupabout5%ofalldiabetes AccordingtotheCDC,Type1diabetesisachronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Treatment focuses on managing blood sugar levels with insulin, diet and lifestyle changes Unfortunately Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. It is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes: This is the most common type “Type 2 diabetes is caused primarilybygeneticfactorsandfattissue,” said Dr Lamar “As people have more fat tissue people with a genetic predisposition for Type 2 diabetes will have worsening insulin resistance.” Being overweight is a leading cause of Type 2 diabetes, and it keeps your body from using insulin properly “Many patients with Type 2 diabetes can cure it with weight loss, but even if weight loss doesn’t cure a person’s diabetes it will still make it easier to control,” Lamar said.

Lamarnotedthatifsomeoneisnotproperlycontrollingtheirdiabetes,theymaybe thirsty all the time and will urinate a lot.

“Peoplewithpoorlycontrolleddiabetesfeel generally poorly.”

Staying Healthy and Creating Lifestyle Change is Important

According to the CDC, eating healthy, regularexerciseandmaintainingahealthy weight can help control your diabetes With over 130,000 Department of Defense beneficiaries worldwide affected withdiabetes accordingtoPerkinsGarner

theDefenseHealthAgencyseesanurgency in combatting this chronic disease

OneexampleofthisistheDOD’sfocuson promoting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle The U.S. Air Force has adopted Lifestyle and Performance Medicineopens AF Medicine to keep their airmen healthy.

According to Perkins Garner “Lifestyle medicine is an evidenced-based lifestyle therapeuticinterventionwhichisbasedon six pillars: a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connections These interventions practiced, can prevent, treat, and often reverse chronic disease such as diabetes.”

2 Steps to Save a Life: The importance of Hands-Only CPR

FromFamilyFeatures/American HeartAssociation

Morethan350,000suddencardiacarrests occur annually outside hospital settings

However, a hands-on emergency intervention like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),especiallyifperformedimmediately, candoubleortripleacardiacarrestvictim’s chanceofsurvival.

According to the American Heart Association, 70% of cardiac arrests - electrical malfunctionsintheheartthatcauseanirregularheartbeat(arrhythmia)anddisruptthe flow of blood to the brain, lungs and other organs-occurathome,butoftenfamilyand

friends who witness a child spouse, parent orfriendgoingintocardiacarresthesitateto perform potentially lifesaving CPR for fear ofmakingthesituationworse

“By equipping people with Hands-Only CPR training, we are empowering them to spring into action if a loved one needs help, as the majority of cardiac arrests occur at home,” said Dr Anezi Uzendu, M.D interventional cardiologist and American Heart Association volunteer

As part of its Hands-Only CPR campaign, nationally supported by the Elevance Health Foundation, the American Heart Association aims to increase

awareness about the importance of bystander CPR and offers these two simplesteps: „

1.Call911 „

2.Pushhardandfastinthecenterof thechestoftheindividualexperiencing cardiacarrest.

Using the beat of a familiar song with 100-120 beats per minute such as “Stayin’ Alive”bytheBeeGees canhelpyoustayon pacewiththenecessarycompressions BeingabletoefficientlyperformHandsOnly CPR in the moment can mean the difference between life and death, and by following these two simple steps we can

increasesomeone’schanceofsurvivalfrom cardiac arrest, said Shantanu Agrawal, M.D., board certified emergency medicine doctor and chief health officer at Elevance Health. “As a longstanding supporter of the American Heart Association, we remain focused on working together to improve health inequities in our communities by expanding access to training and increasingthenumberofpeoplewholearnandfeel confident performing Hands-Only CPR to savelives.”

To find more information, watch a livestream video demonstration of Hands-Only CPRordownloadafirstaidsmartphoneapp, visitheart.org/CPR.

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Tickets will be available on Wednesday, March 15 2023, from 8 am-Noon at The Chesapeake Sheriff’s Office 401 Albemarle Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23322. First come first served--only two tickets per person. Contact us for more information at 757-382-6159 NOTICE FOR CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS: Notice is hereby given that 4Ward Logistics Management Inc., 701 Maury Avenue Norfolk, VA 23517 has filed an application to amend its current certificate of public convenience and necessity that would authorize: 1. Passenger transportation as a Common Carrier over Irregular Routes providing service throughout the cities of Chesapeake, Colonial Heights Emporia, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Hopewell, Newport News Norfolk, Petersburg, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg, Virginia and the counties of Accomack, Amelia, Brunswick, Caroline Charles City, Chesterfield, Cumberland, Dinwiddie Essex, Gloucester Goochland, Greensville Hanover, Henrico Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George King William, Lancaster Louisa, Lunenburg, Mathews Mecklenburg, Middlesex, New Kent, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottoway, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince George Richmond, Southampton, Spotsylvania, Stafford Surry, Sussex, Westmoreland and York Virginia; 2. Transportation of Medicaid recipients throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia as a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Carrier as defined in Section 46.2-2000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. Any person who desires to protest the application and be a party to the matter must submit a signed and dated written request setting forth (1) a precise statement of the party’s interest and how the party could be aggrieved if the application was granted; (2) a full and clear statement of the facts that the person is prepared to provide by competent evidence; (3) a statement of the specific relief sought; (4) the name of the applicant and case number assigned to the application; and (5) a certification that a copy of the protest was sent to the applicant. The case number assigned to this application is MC2300114SK. Written protests must be mailed to DMV Motor Carrier Services Attn: Operating Authority, P. O. Box 27412, Richmond, VA 23269-0001 and must be postmarked on or before March 22, 2023. 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