Fleet Week New York returns to NYC in May 2023
CNRMA Public Affairs
NORFOLK, Va Fleet Week New York (FWNY)willagainreturntoNewYorkCity this year from May 24-30 with three U.S. Navyships twoU.S.Coastguardvesselsand, fourU.S.NavalAcademy(USNA)YardPatrol boats(YPs).
Additionally, three ships from our NATO allies will join the week-long celebration. Ships from Canada, Italy and United Kingdom will join the Parade of Ships on WednesdayMay24.
Manhattan,Pier88South:(Tourswillbe closedSunday)
Amphibious assault ship, USS WASP (LHD-1)fromNorfolk,Virginia
Manhattan,Pier88North:(Tourswillbe closedSunday)
Ocean survey vessel HMS Scott (H131) fromPlymouth,UnitedKingdom
HMCS Glace Bay (MM 701) from Nova Scotia,Canada ITSVirginioFasan(F591)fromLaSpezia, Italy
Manhattan, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum,Pier86: FourU.S.NavalAcademyYPs,Annapolis, Maryland
Fast response cutter USCGC Warren Deyampert (WPC-1151) from Boston, Massachusetts
The Harpers Ferry-class dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD-51) from Norfolk, Virginia Spearhead class fast transport USNS Newport(T-EPF12)fromNorfolkVirginia Medium Endurance cutter USCGC Legare (WMEC-912) from Portsmouth, Virginia
Ship tours will be conducted throughout the week in Manhattan and Staten Island from8a.m.to5p.m.Pleasenote:Shiptours will be closed Sunday, May 28 on Pier 88 in Manhattanduetocruiseshipmovement.
ShiptoursonIntrepidSea,AirandSpace Museum, Pier 86 will be conducted daily from10a.m.to5p.m.Pleasenote:USNAYPs arescheduledtodepartSaturday,May27
Nearly 2400 uniformed personnel will
Now in its 35th year, FWNY is the city’s time-honoredcelebrationoftheseaservices. It is an unparalleled opportunity for the citizens of New York and the surrounding tri-state area to meet Sailors Marines and Coast Guardsmen as well as witness firsthand the latest capabilities of today’s maritimeservices
Forup-to-dateinformationonallFWNY events, visit the official FWNY website at www.fleetweeknewyork.com. Join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag,#FleetWeekNYC,andfollowuson Facebook,TwitterandInstagram.
Naval Station Norfolk passes operational assessment
Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs Officer NORFOLK, Va Naval Station Norfolk successfullycompletedandpassedtheFinal Evaluation Program (FEP) operational assessmentApril3-7.
FEP is a Commander Naval Installations Command (CNIC) tri-annual certification event assessing the command, control, communicationsandNavalSecurityForces (NSF) on all U.S. Navy installations The exercise was designed to assess NSF’s abilitytomeetallcorecompetencies,including component and geographical operational requirements
“As the Navy’s most vital 24/7 mission,
Force Protection demands a steady and rigorous training program for all-hands, civilians, federal emergency responders and service members, so as to form a cohesiveteamcapableofreactingandneutralizing any threat to the base,” said Cmdr Rob Collett, Naval Station Norfolk’s Security Officer “This week’s successful evaluation is the result of 18 months of training hard work and pure determination and certifies the Naval Station Norfolk Team’s ability to defendthebaseandtheU.S.AtlanticFleet.”
During the four day assessment, CNIC assessors reviewed multiple anti-terrorism andforceprotectiondrills,includingasimulatedactiveshooter,gate-runner,suspicious package and small boat intrusion. These
drills demonstrated NAVSTA Norfolk’s security department’s ability to respond to threats taking place on the installation, report incidents accordingly, and assess each threat as needed, as well as its ability toparticipateeffectivelyinintegrateddrills alongsideothermembersoftheinstallation trainingteam.
FEPisthefinalpartofCNIC’sNavysecurity force shore assessment and certification cycle which consists of three phases: CommandAssessmentofReviewandTraining (CART), Regional Assessment (RASS) and lastly FEP This will be the final step in the assessment process, which will certify thesecurityforcesfor18months “As the protectors of this “city” called
Naval Station Norfolk, I could not be more proud of the Security Department professionals who executed flawlessly during the Final Evaluation Problem (FEP). A continuous training model coupled with the day to day challenges provide my team with the experience required to remain flexible, agile and focused,” said Capt. Janet Days NAVSTA Norfolk Commanding Officer “This assessment showed we can continuously train and develop the skills we need to protect our personnel and assets should an emergency take place We have and will continue to hold ourselves to the highest standardandpushforperfection.”
ABOVE LEFT: NAVSTANorfolk’s Commanding Officer,Capt.Janet Days provides and receives updates from EmergencyOperations Centerpersonnel during the final exercise ofthe
Final Evaluation Program (FEP) operational assessmentApril 3-7. FEPis a Commander Naval Installations Command (CNIC) tri-annual certification event assessing the command,control, communications and Naval SecurityForces (NSF) on all U.S.Navyinstallations.The exercisewas designed to assess NSF’s abilityto meet all core competencies,including component and geographical operational requirements. ABOVE RIGHT: Operations Specialist 3rd ClassAungelique Golding and SeniorChiefMaster-at-Arms MichaelThom update the event log in the EmergencyOperations Centerduring the final exercise.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHMILLER) www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship VOL.31,NO 13,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comApril 13-April 19 2023 NSWCDD Dam Neck Activity celebrates 60 years of supporting the Fleet Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Dahlgren DivisionDamNeckActivityemployeesgathered April 5 for a cake cutting ceremony celebrating 60 years since its establishment. PageA4 IN THIS ISSUE THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! Hampton Roads celebrates the Month of the Military Child through art Eachyear April is set aside as a militarychild appreciation month,officiallyknown as the Month ofthe MilitaryChild.“TheArt ofthe MilitaryChild event is an opportunityforus to appreciate the talent and creativityofour military-connected children. PageA2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 1
Hampton Roads celebrates the Month of the Military Child through art
Eachyear,Aprilissetasideasamilitarychildappreciation month, officially known as the Month of the MilitaryChild.
Withitsstartinthemid-1980s thePentagonandother military support organizations and agencies use the month to recognize military kids for their sacrifice and braveryonthehomefront.
“The Art of the Military Child event is an opportunity for us to appreciate the talent and creativity of our military-connected children, and to acknowledge the supporttheyreceive,”saidCaptainMichaelWitherspoon, Commander, Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek Fort Story “This event is a reminder and a message to our military-connected children that they are not alone They have a community of advocates educators classmates, and friends, who are here to support them every stepoftheway.
The exhibit provides a vital outlet to recognize the talents of military children and acknowledge the challengesthattheyfacebecausethey“servetoo.”
“It is an honor to be part of an event that celebrates the resilience and creativity of our military children,” said Witherspoon “As we all know, the life of a military childcanbechallenging Theycopewithconstantchange, frequentmoves,andtheabsenceofaparentwhoisserving our country. But amongst those challenges, military children continue to demonstrate remarkable strength, courage,andadaptability.”
The art on exhibit was far more significant than some sketches and paint strokes on paper It is an opportunity forVirginiaBeachstudentstoexpressthemselvesasthey focusonmilitarylifefromachild’spointofview
“With approximately 12,000 military-connected students in our school division whose families support some of the most important military functions in the world, the Month of the Military Child holds special meaning for us,” Dr Aaron Spence, the Superintendent for Virginia Beach City Public Schools “Our students share their unique stories through their art, so I invite everyone to see this exhibit and connect with families whoplayavitalroleinourcommunity,nationandworld.”
Editorial Staff
MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil
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Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved April is the #MonthoftheMilitaryChild! This month the #MHS and #DHA celebrate the strength and resilience #MilKids and families show through life changes like military moves. https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/ moving/pcs-and-military-moves/ #MOMC
VIRGINIABEACH,Va (April 3,2023) –Achild pauses to admire artworkat theArt ofBeing a MilitaryChild event in Lynnhaven Mall inVirginia Beach,Virginia.The event is an opportunityforVirginia Beach students,militarydependents and theircivilian counterparts to express themselves as theyfocus on militarylife from a child’s point ofview.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSMEGANWOLLAM/RELEASED) VIRGINIABEACH,Va (April 3,2023) – Children pause to admire artworkat theArt ofBeing a MilitaryChild event in Lynnhaven Mall inVirginia Beach,Virginia.The event is an opportunityforVirginia Beach students,militarydependents,and theircivilian counterparts to express themselves as theyfocus on militarylife from a child’s point ofview.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMEGANWOLLAM/RELEASED) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023
Using her story to inspire others
ChiefCulinarySpecialistJasmineYoumes’ decision to join the Navy over 17 years ago becameapivotalmomentinherlife.
“When I was 17 I was living in a shelter. Aftermovingoutandgettinganapartment, I was looking for direction, she recounted. “TheNavynotonlyprovidedmedirectionin life,butitalsogavemeapurpose.Itfeltlike thestarttoanewlife.”
Beingasinglemotherandanewlyenlisted Sailorpresenteditsfairshareofchallenges, and Youmes faced a difficult decision early oninhercareer
“My son was very sick during my first enlistment, and we feared that he was going to die,” she said “That left me with a very difficult decision, but luckily I had a commanding officer and a group of people who supported me through this difficult timeinmylife.” Youmes’ son recovered from his illness, and that inspired her to make an important decision
“I decided to continue my naval career because Isawmy sonfightfor hislife,and I knewthatifthisbabycouldcontinuetofight, socouldI,”shesaid.“Itwasaharddecision tomake,butIknewitwastherightone.”
Youmes’ leadership skills have continued to grow as her career has progressed. Currentlyservingastheproductionchieffor Dam Neck Annex Galley she also recently earned her Chief’s anchors, a major career milestone in the Navy Chief Petty Officers aresomeoftheNavy’smostcriticalleaders, tasked with mentoring, guiding, and training junior Sailors Youmes has relished the opportunity “Being a black female in the military has given me the opportunity to mentor and inspireotherslikeme,”sheexplained.
Reflecting on Women’s History Month, Youmes explained that she has continued to use her experiences and the challenges she overcame as a foundation to uplift and inspireotherservicewomenaroundher.
“Every woman that joins the service has a different story to tell, and I feel like how we learn and grow from those trials can be an opportunity to inspire those around us,” Youmes said. “Being a single mother and senior enlisted has granted me the opportunitytomentorandupliftthejuniorsailors around me who may be struggling to find balance That’swhatit’sallaboutforme.”
ChiefCulinarySpecialistJasmineYoumes (U.S.NAVYCOURTESYPHOTO) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 3 OFFER VALID UNTIL 4/16/23 20% Off all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS &NOINTEREST KICKOFF THE SPRING WITH A NEW SHOWER OR BATH OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of ourdesign consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installers will remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8/5 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 17,000+ GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branches as of 3/02/2023) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures, and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**20% offisequal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 4/16/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
NSWCDD Dam Neck Activity celebrates 60 years of supporting the Fleet
NSWCDD DNA Public Affairs Officer
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Dam Neck Activity employees gathered April 5 for a cake cutting ceremony celebrating 60 yearssinceitsestablishment.
NSWCDD DNA was originally commissioned as Fleet Computer Programming Center, Atlantic on March 31, 1963. Since then,thecommandhasundergonechanges toitsorganizationalstructureandnamebut hascontinuedtoprovidesoftwareengineeringsupporttotheFleetaswellasexpanding its mission to include intelligence & cyber technologyandintegratedtrainingsystems
CNRMA FCPOA adopts a family for Easter
Mc3JordanGrimes Commander Navy-Region Mid-Atlantic
NORFOLK, Va Commander, Navy RegionMid-Atlantic’s(CNRMA)FirstClass Petty Officer Association (FCPOA) partneredwithCrossroadsSchoolinNorfolkto give a local family in need an Easter dinner April7.
The FCPOA provided the family with ingredients and supplies to allow them to cookafulldinnerincelebrationofEaster.
Yeoman 1st Class Jamie Whitaker, one of the volunteers, said she hopes the association’sdonationshelpthefamilyrealizethere arepeoplearoundthemwillingtohelp.
“Ithinkbydoingthis,itgetsusoutintothe community,”saidWhitaker.“I’mhopingthis willgetustoamorepersonallevelandshow themwe’reheretoassist.”
PersonnelSpecialist1stClassChristopher Diaz,theFCPOAcoordinatorfortheevent said the association hopes to expand the numberofdonationsinthefuture
“As it is our first time, we are only doing one family for now,” said Diaz. “But if all goes well, we plan to expand our numbers forfutureholidays.”
The FCPOA broadens the professional development of all first class petty officers while volunteering in local communities andfostersmoraleandespritdecorps.
“This command has always been an important place for the Fleet,” stated Cmdr Christina Carino, NSWCDD DNA commanding officer “It’s interesting because it has stood the test of time Even in the face of a [Base Realignment and Closure],itwasdeterminedthatthisactivity whether it was called [Fleet Combat Direction Systems Support Activity] or [Combat DirectionSystemsActivity],hasevolvedand adaptedtocontinuetosupporttheFleetand has been an important fixture here on the waterfront.”
As a twist to Navy birthday tradition, where the oldest and youngest Sailors have the honor of cutting the cake, NSWCDD DNA which is predominantly comprised
of civilians, had the longest tenured civilianinattendance,MaryKayAnderson,and the youngest Sailor, Information Systems Technician2ndClassJosephParker,dothe honorsofslicingintothecake
“Certain [employees] have been here long enough to have seen a lot of changes throughouttheinstitutionasitsmissionhas evolved, said Dave Richardson, NSWCDD DNA senior civilian and department head. “Thefamilyenvironmenthasremainedover time. [NSWCDD DNA] is kind of a smaller organizationsoyougettoknowpeopleand buildrelationshipsduringyourtimehere.”
There is a lot of pride and we thank you for all the contributions you’ve had in the pastforDamNeckActivity thecurrentand
NSWCDD DNA serves the world’s largestNavyfleetconcentrationareaasatenant commandonboardNavalAirStationOceana Dam Neck Annex in Virginia Beach, VA, housedinhistoricHopperHall,namedafter one of the Navy’s first and most respected and innovative computerengineers, Rear Adm. Grace Hopper This geographic location, unique facilities, talented workforce and strong customer focus has made NSWCDD DNA a recognized leader in developing innovative, affordable and effective integrated training systems, cyber warfare, fleet readiness and sustainment solutionsfortheNavalWarfighter
(VIRGINIABEACH,Va.) Naval SurfaceWarfare CenterDahlgren Division Dam NeckActivityhosts a cake cutting ceremony,April 5,celebrating 60years since the commandwas first established. NSWCDD DNAwas first commissioned on March 31,1963,as the Fleet ComputerProgramming Center Atlantic,and has since undergonevarious name changes overthe last 50years.Pictured (left to right): Cmdr Christina Carino NSWCDD DNAcommanding officer; MaryKayAnderson,integrated training systems division head; Information SystemsTechnician 2nd ClassJoseph Parker; Dave Richardson,NSWCDD DNAseniorcivilian and department head.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTRAVISJ.KUYKENDALL/RELEASED)
(SHUTTERSTOCK) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023
NSA Hampton Roads CPOs give back to homeless veterans
Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads
Public Affairs
Chief Petty Officers (CPOs) from Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads gave back to homeless veterans by rehabbing the outdoor recreation area for the Hampton Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center’s Domiciliary Unit on March 28
“This day was designated as a volunteer day for Hampton Roads area CPOs leading up to the Chiefs Birthday,” said Senior Chief Culinary Specialist Ryan Weimer, Senior Enlisted Leader at NSA Hampton
Roads-Northwest Annex. “I wanted to specifically do something where we were giving back to the veterans in our community, so I reached out to the VA and they were excited to have us help out.”
Approximately 15 CPOs spent the day refurbishingandre-stainingparkbenches, building a new horseshoe pit area, and cleaning,repainting,andpreservingashuffleboard court in the recreation area.
“This area plays an important role in the care and healing of our patients,” said Atalaya Horton-Keyes, Assistant Chief for the Center for Development and Civic Engagement with the VA “Recreation
Therapy helps improve social, cognitive, physical and leisure needs of the veteran. Other benefits include reduction of stress and depression while increasing life satisfaction, confidence and self-esteem.”
TheVAhousesover100homelessveterans at any given time, so having the recreation area available as an outlet for them is critical The area had not been in use because of degradation for many years
“For us to be able to come and give them aplacetogetoutsideandhavesomefunfelt really great, said Weimer “I think everyone who volunteered that day was aware that they will all be veterans themselves in
the near future. So to give back to such an esteemed group of people that we will all be joining, meant even more.
The CPOs hope to continue this new partnershipwiththeVAandworkonadditional projects in the future.
“Itisimportantforournation’sheroesto seeactivedutyservicemembersshowtheir appreciationforthosewhohavefoughtfor our freedoms,” said Horton-Keyes “And time is one of the most precious things you can give.
Garden &Landscape Technician (00255A)
TheCare &Maintenance Department at OldDominion University is seekingcandidates for theGarden &Landscape Technician(full-time, 12 month) position.The Garden &LandscapeTechnicianwillproperlymaintainthe landscape of theUniversitytopresent aneat,clean andwell-maintained appearance.Thiswillinclude theperformance of grounds maintenance, operategroundmaintenance equipment such as truck with or withoutmanualtransmission, ridingand push mowers, tractors,and smallpowered equipment. This will also include horticulture practicessuch as mowing, planting, litter removaland other aspects associatedwith theupkeepofthe landscape of thecampus.
Required Education: Basic knowledgeofproperway to maintain and/or plant treesshrubsand flowers.
Required Qualifications: Basic knowledgeofthe properway to trim,spray,mow,remove trashand debris weed,fertilize, sweep,rake, cultivate,dig, water, shovelorplow snow, remove ice, spreadsaltand/orsandand other relatedfunctions.Demonstrated skill in pruningdifferentspeciesofshrubsand trees. Basic knowledgeand experience in theoperation of grounds equipment.Someknowledge of pesticides. Basic mechanical knowledgeto recognizemalfunctions of equipment. Demonstratedability to recognizeirrigation malfunction.Demonstrated ability to work in extreme heat or cold;tolift/move/carry 50 pounds many timesper week.Demonstratethe ability to read and write. Demonstrateability to work independentlyortoworkwithothers.
Speciallicenses, registration or certification:Valid driver’s licenseand insurabledriving recordwhich must be maintained.Demonstratethe abilitytoacquireavalid PesticideTechnicianLicense within 1year of employment.
Preferred Qualifications: VirginiaDepartmentofAgriculture CertifiedTechnicianorCommercial Applicator 3A or 3B License. ProfessionalCertifications, Licenses,and/orCredentials from: VNLA,ISA,PLANET, StateMaster Gardener Program, VTC, or anyother industry specificrecognized organization. Irrigation RepairExperience Associate or BachelorDegreefromrecognized institution in horticulture,forestry, biology,botany, naturalresource management, or other related industry.Membership in anyHorticulture related organization
Conditions of Employment: Facilities Management employees are considered essential personneland subject to working during university closings.Thisisanopenuntilfilled recruitment.Thisrecruitment mayclose afterthe five-day required posting period when asuitable poolofapplicants hasbeen generated Review Date: Theinitial application review date for this position is April17, 2023,and will remain open untilfilled To apply, please visithttps://jobs.odu.edu/postings/18354.Old Dominion University is an equalopportunity, affirmative action institution
Turf Maintenance Technician (00949A)
The Care &Maintenance Department at Old Dominion University is seeking candidates for the Turf Maintenance Technician (full-time, 12 month) position.The Turf Maintenance Technicianwill properly maintain the landscape of the Universitytopresent aneat, clean and well-maintained appearance. This will include the performance of grounds maintenance, operate ground maintenance equipment such as truck with or without manual transmission, riding and push mowers, pesticide application equipment, tractors, and small powered equipment. This will also include horticulture practices such as mowing, weed control, turfgrass maintenance, planting, litter removal and other aspects associated with the upkeep of the landscape of the campus.
Required Education: Basic knowledge of proper way to maintain and/or plant trees shrubs and flowers.
Required Qualifications: Working knowledge of the proper way to trim, spray,mow,remove trash and debris, weed, fertilize, sweep, rake, cultivate, dig, water,shovel or plowsnow, remove ice, spread salt and/or sand and other related functions. Demonstrated skill in pruning different species of shrubs and trees. Working knowledge and experience in the operation of grounds equipment. Working knowledge of pesticides. Basic mechanical knowledge to recognize malfunctions of equipment. Demonstrated ability to work in extreme heatorcold; to lift/move/carry 50 pounds manytimes per week. Demonstrate the ability to read and write. Demonstrate ability to work independently or to work with others. Ability to recognize irrigation malfunction.
Special licenses, registration or certification: Valid driver’slicense and insurable driving record which must be maintained. Demonstratethe ability to acquire avalid Pesticide Technician License within 1year of employment. Preferred Qualifications: Virginia Department of Agriculture Certified Technician or Commercial Applicator 3A or 3B License. Professional Certifications, Licenses, and/or Credentials from: VNLA, ISA, PLANET,State Master
MACSJean‘’Phil”Bissaintheworks on one ofthe benches in the outdoorrecreation area at the HamptonVeteransAffairs Medical Center’s
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 5
(From left to right) CMDCM Cedric Marks,MACS EricArp and HMC Nikira Ferguson paint a bench in the outdoorrecreation area forthe HamptonVeteransAffairs Medical Center’s DomiciliaryUnit
Program, VTC, or anyother industryspecificrecognized organization. Irrigation Repair Experience Associate or Bachelor’sdegree from recognized institution in horticulture, forestry, biology, botany, natural resource management, or other related industry. Membership in anyHorticulture related organization. Conditions of Employment: Facilities Management employees are considered essential personnel and subject to working during university closings. This is an open until filled recruitment. This recruitment may close after the fiveday required posting period when asuitable pool of applicants has been generated. Review Date: The initial application review date for this position is April 17, 2023, and will remain open until filled. To apply,please visit https://jobs.odu.edu/postings/18352. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity affirmative action institution. Electrical Engineer (00701A) The Planning/Estimating Department at Old Dominion University is seeking candidates for the Electrical Engineer (full-time, 12 month) position. The Electrical Engineer,a member of the Facilities Management Engineering Group, provides designs, analyses, project management and inspections and condition assessments. Duties include electrical designs for minor renovations and lighting projects including power and control systems. Design to include calculations, code analysis, preparation of sketches/drawings, etc. This position will also be responsible for managing various design and construction projects as assigned along with assisting with facilities inspections and condition assessment. Required Education: BS in electrical engineering /electrical engineering technologyorclosely related discipline from an ABET accredited institution is required. Required Qualifications: Thorough understanding of design criteria such as National Electrical Code (NEC), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) and other engineering standards and building codes. Possess strong communication skills, both verbal and written, with all University stakeholders. Proficient in Microsoft Office with ability to maintain databases as required. Demonstrated ability to prepare electrical designs including engineering calculations and preparation of plans and specifications. Demonstrated ability to use Computer Aided Design software such as AutoCAD and/or Revit. Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate graphically and verbally with designers, engineers, contractors and shop mechanics and electricians. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous construction projects. Demonstrated ability to work well with others and project aprofessional image at all times. Special licenses, registration or certification: Licensed in Virginia as aProfessional Engineer or licensed in another state and able to obtain Virginia licensure within 12 months of employment. Valid driver’slicense and insurable driving record. Preferred Qualifications: Extensive knowledge in running lighting calculations quickly and accurately for exterior and interior lighting projects. Preferred experience designing fire alarm systems. Considerable experience with facilities operation, maintenance and repair in an institutional setting. Registered communications distribution designer (RCDD) certification is preferred. Conditions of Employment: Facilities Management employees are considered essential personnel and subject to working during university closings. This position is designated as sensitive. A fingerprint-based criminal history check will be required of the final candidate. This is an open until recruitment. This recruitment may close after the five-day required posting period when asuitable pool of applicants has been generated. Review Date: The initial application review date for this position is April 10, 2023, and will remain open until filled. To apply,please visit https://jobs.odu.edu/postings/18302. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity affirmative action institution.
Hampton Roads children with disabilities compete in Little Feet Meet
NORFOLK,Va Childrenwithdisabilities from15 Hampton Roads area elementaryschoolsparticipatedinthe14thannual
Little Feet Meet at Old Dominion University’s Ballard Stadium in Norfolk,VA, April 4th, 2023
Approximately 600 students and 187 volunteerswereinattendance,32ofwhich were Naval Station Norfolk Sailors “I feel like, with my son having autism, there aren’t a lot of things out there
designed for him but I’m really excited for him to have this opportunity to do things he loves and shine while being himself,” said Rachelle Henry, a parent of one of the participants.
The Special Olympics organization partnered with local schools to provide students with intellectual disabilities the opportunitytoparticipatein19sensoryand non-sensory-based,physical,andtrackand field activities. The activities ranged from playground parachute games, to obstacle courses,ballgames,andraces Thepurpose of the event is to allow these children the
opportunitytoshowtheirabilitiesandhave fun while playing as a unified group
“It’s amazing to have the opportunity to behereandhelpputsomethingtogetherfor the kids that everyone can participate and contribute to in their own way,” said Staff Sergeant Antonio Enriquez, a volunteer fromJointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek.
Afterafun-filleddayofplaying thechildrengatheredwiththeirteachersandlined up for the buses to head back to school.
All participating students in attendance received a medal for a job well done
“The main take-away is seeing the kids
that people often think are not able to do thingshavingtheopportunitytoshowtheir abilities on the field and just have the time of their lives while doing so,”said Candace Delpino, Senior Coordinator Learning Support at Norfolk Public Schools
TheNorfolkPublicSchoolsandVirginia SpecialOlympicshostfoureventsannually In May 2023 they will be hosting a Little FeetMeetforpreschoollevelchildren.For more information on upcoming Special Olympics,andthevolunteeropportunities visit https://www.specialolympicsva.org/.
NORFOLK,VA(April 4,2023) StaffSergeantAntonio Enriquezvolunteers at disc tossing stationwhile local students tryto get the disc in the net at the14th annual“Little Feet Meet.”
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023
Naval Station Norfolk Chief Petty Officer Association holds first annual “Ride with the Chiefs” event
PORTSMOUTH, Va Naval Station
Norfolk’s Chief Petty Officer Association (CPOA), along with Bayside Harley-Davidson and Ducati, held a “Ride With the Chiefs” motorcycle event in Portsmouth, VA, March 31st, 2023 in celebration of the Navy Chief’s 130th birthday.
The event began at the Norfolk Navy Exchange with over 50 motorcyclists doingasafetyandregistrationcheckbefore beginning the nearly 70 mile ride together “I’vedonealotofchiefsrideswhileIwas
stationed in Florida but this is probably the largest one that I have ever done,” said Naval Station Norfolk Command Master Chief, Angelo Rappa
While the motorcycle group was on theirwayfromNorfolk,thestaffofBayside Harley-Davidson and Ducati, along with CPOA volunteers were preparing a picnicstyle lunch for the participants Hotdogs, burgers and refreshments were sold at a low price with all of the proceeds going back to the CPOA.
“The military is a huge part of our community and we support our military,
saidAmyByronStrickland,EventsMarketing Manager at Bayside Harley-Davidson and Ducati.
The 2 hour ride ended at Bayside where riders participated in a slow ride competition and a bike show with volunteers from Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association chapter 27-1 and staff members of Bayside Harley-Davidson and Ducati.
“It’s important that we remember that theNavyisnotjustabusiness,”saidRappa. “It’s supposed to be fun too It helps to remind us that we’re part of a team away from work as well as at work.
The event ended with awards given to the winners of the slow ride competition and bike show followed by a cake cutting Tofollowtradition,thetwochiefsthathave held the Chief title for the shortest and longest time cut the cake together
“I hope we can do a whole lot more eventslikethisandIhopewemakethisone annual,” said Byron Strickland
To view upcoming Navy events in the Hampton Roads area, visit https://www navylifema.com/installation/nsn
ChiefPettyOfficerAssociation’s first annual“RideWith
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 7
Participants dismount
Station Norfolk’s
the Chiefs event at Bayside Harley-Davidson and Ducati in Portsmouth,VA March
eventwas held to
130th birthday.(U.S.NAVYCOURTESYPHOTO)
from the Navy’s ChiefPettyOfficerAssociation prepare and serve food during a“RideWith the Chiefs event at Bayside Harley-Davidson and Ducati in Portsmouth, VA MArch 31,2023.The eventwas held to celebrate the NavyChief’s 130th birthdaycelebration.(U.S.NAVYCOURTESYPHOTO)
Thelargest andmostspectacularTattoointhe United States celebrates with an awe-inspiringshow, filled with the“Music &Might”thathas inspired audiencesfromthroughout theworld.The soul of the 2023 VirginiaInternational Tattoo will be an emotionaland grateful “Tribute to Military Families”
Threehours priortoeachTattooperformance, enjoyfood,beer, music,dance, drill performances,a dailyDrumLineBattleand much more!
Watchaspipebandscompete forhonors in this annual competition!
Watchasaninternationalgatheringof percussionistsand drummers sharetheir culturein this exciting drumming displaywhile demonstrating atrueculturalexchange throughpercussion. In partnershipwithDrum Corps International
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 INFO &TICKETS: VAFEST.ORG OR CALL 757-282-2822 GROUPS 10+SAVE! CALL 757-282-2819 FORINFORMATION VIRGINIAARTSFESTIVAL VIRGINIA INTERNATIONAL TATTOO APRIL 20 -23•SCOPE ARENA, NORFOLK CELEBRATE FREEDOM IN THEMOST PATRIOTIC SHOWEVER! FLAG RAISINGCEREMONY Celebrate theNATOalliancewithmilitary music and ceremony.For aspecialtreat,looktothe skies to seeU.S.Navyhelicopters! THURSDAY,APRIL 20,5PM SCOPE PLAZA 70TH ANNUALPARADEOFNATIONS Enjoythe onlyparade in theUnitedStatestohonor NATO.Over100 parade units includingcolorful floatsrepresentingNATOMember Nations,plus internationalmilitary bands and more! SATURDAY,APRIL 22,10-11:30 AM DOWNTOWN NORFOLK INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE Enjoyperformances,cuisine,art,souvenirs,and more!Food and international beers available for purchase.Fun forall ages! SATURDAY,APRIL 22,11:30 AM -3PM TOWN POINTPARK PLUS FREE EVENTS!
USS Nitze returns from deployment
The USS Nitze (DDG 94) returned to its homeport ofNaval Station Norfolk, April 5,2023,following an eight-month deployment to the U.S.5th and 6th Fleet areas ofoperation.PageB6
NUWC Division Newport’s chief technology officer wins 2023 Providence Business News Award
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NEWPORT, R.I. Dr Jason Gomez, Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC)
DivisionNewport’schieftechnologyofficer recently won a 2023 Providence Business News C-Suite Award, in the government agencies category, which recognizes top chief (C-level) executives who are innovators, trailblazers, role models and leaders in the community.
Gomez, a resident of East Greenwich, Rhode Island, has been employed at Division Newport since 1992 As chief technologyofficer heisresponsibleforpromoting a culture of innovation that leads to new technology development, cultivating strategic collaborations with industry and academicpartners,championingprograms that develop the science and technology workforce of the future, and ensuring the researchandtechnologiesdevelopedtransition quickly into naval fleet capabilities
He directs Division Newport’s basic and applied research efforts in ways that strengthen the U.S. Navy’s undersea warfare capabilities and focuses the research efforts of more than 600 Division Newport scientists and engineers on current fleet capability needs “His efforts to connect Sailors directly with engineers
enable both communities to see how individualtechnologiesfitintolargerwarfighting capabilities,” the award states “I have been very fortunate to work on efforts that span the entire technology development cycle from basic and applied research,throughprototypinganddemonstration, to fleet introduction and transitiontoacquisition, Gomezsaidinarecent interview “As NUWC Division Newport’s chief technology officer, I hope to utilize this full spectrum of experience to focus our researcher’s efforts on solving fleet needs and providing enabling technology solutions NUWC Division Newport has provided our Sailors with groundbreaking technology for more than 150 years and I hope to help shape and direct our workforce to maintain that level of excellence for the next 150 years.”
Under Gomez’s leadership of the TechnicalPartnershipOffice,DivisionNewport currently has about 70 formal cooperative research and development agreements withindustryandexternalpartnersand40 educational partnership agreements with schoolsanduniversities.Theseagreements expandtheresearchbaseofunderseatechnologies,tappingintooutsideexpertiseand potentiallyleadtodual-usetechnologiesto help grow the blue economy Gomez also coordinates with Division
Newport’s Northeast Tech Bridge within theTechnicalPartnershipOffice,toconnect innovative industry to Navy technology developers and accelerate the process of transition. Division Newport utilizes its tech bridge to partner with the University of Rhode Island Research Foundation to enablelocalindustrytogainaccesstoDivision Newport experts and testing facilities and to provide engineers access to local industry manufacturing and innovative commercial technologies
“I have been very lucky throughout my career to have co-workers who took the time to both teach and provide me opportunities to learn on my own,” Gomez said. “I have tried to provide the same learning environment to younger engineers It is great to see young scientists and engineers grow into leaders in their chosen paths.”
GomezhasaBachelorofScienceinaerospace engineering from Syracuse University, and a Master of Science and doctorate degreeinmechanicalengineering,fromthe University of Rhode Island Gomez will be honored at a Providence Business News award ceremony on April 20 To learn more about the awards, visit: https://pbn.com/event/2023-c-suiteawards-program/ Readtheabouttheretirementceremony at: https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Media/
News/Article-View/Article/3348066/ technical-directors-passion-to-nuwc-division-newports-mission-highlighted-durin/
NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869
Commanded by Capt Chad Hennings, NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Andros Island in the Bahamas, as well as test facilities at Seneca Lake and Fisher’s Island, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond, Connecticut. Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals, as well as talented business, finance, logistics and other support experts who wish to be at the forefront of undersea research and development. Please connect with NUWC Division Newport Recruiting at this site- https://www.navsea.navy.mil/ Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @NUWCNewport.
Naval Station Newport Galley wins coveted namesake award
Naval Station Newport
message from Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro on Wednesday Naval Station Newport’s Ney Hall Galley was named the best East Coast General Mess among Commander, Navy Installations Command facilitiesforFiscalYear2023.
The installation galley, which is named for Capt Edward F. Ney, and for whom the annualawardsarenamed,wasamongseven Navy recipients representing undersea, surface warfare, naval aviation and shorebased facilities to be recognized for excellenceinfoodservice.
“NavalStationNewportisaNavycenterof excellence,” said Janet Lamb, food services officeratthegalleyandaretiredNavysupply corps officer “Nothing has a more positive impact on the personnel we serve than the
top-notch meals we turn out. Meeting this objective, in spite of some of the challenges we face, is the daily reward our team gets Formally being recognized with the Ney Award is proof that our training, our focus and our commitment to uphold the highest standards of excellence is among the very bestintheNavy.”
The Captain Edward F. Ney Memorial Award Program was established in 1958 by theSecretaryoftheNavytorecognizeafloat andashoregeneralmessesthatdemonstrate excellence in food service Named in honor ofthelateCapt.EdwardFrancisNey,Supply Corps, United States Navy, this awards program represents the pinnacle of Navy food service success It promotes friendly competition among units instills pride in accomplishment, and spreads esprit de corps throughout the Navy Ney had served as the Navy’s head of the Subsistence DivisionoftheBureauofSuppliesandAccounts
“TheNeyHallGalleyteamofmilitaryand civilian culinarians and our partners from Global Connections to Employment work extremely hard each and every day,” stated Culinary Specialist Senior Chief Rob Pare departmentleadingchiefpettyofficer “Our team’sprimaryfocusissimple ThinkNey everyday!”
In order to compete for the Ney Awards, Navy galleys must earn a five-star rating fromaNavyevaluationteamthrougharigid inspection and audit process. Only then do galleys have the chance to compete for the top awards which has its own, separate inspectionandevaluationprocess The Ney Hall Galley serves nearly 3,000 meals each day, providing quality meals and nutrition to more than 1,200 military students, military staff and authorized patronsattheinstallation.
“Winning the Ney Award is affirmation
thatwearenotonlyprovidingavitalservice to all the commands at the installation, but we are excelling at it,” noted Culinary Specialist Chief Anthony Henry, leading culinary specialist at the galley. “When you think of how critical it is to fuel the minds and bodies of our force it brings me great pride to know this team is one of the very bestintheNavy.”
Naval Station Newport is home to the Navy Supply Corps School which prepares Navy officers and logistics professionals like Capt. Ney for service in supply-centric areas NewportisalsohometotheCenterfor ServiceSupportwhichistaskedwithdeliveringtrainingandprofessionaldevelopment to not only the Supply Corps officers but also Navy enlisted culinary specialists, like thoseassignedtotheNeyHallGalleyhere.
a 2023
Business News C-SuiteAward,which
top chiefexecutives
a Providence Business News
Dr Jason Gomez,chieftechnologyofficerat the Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport,haswon
who are innovators trailblazers,role models and leaders in the community.Hewill
be honored at
awards ceremonyonApril
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 1
during the 16th annual RoboBoat competition in Sarasota Florida.Sponsored bythe Office ofNaval Research, RoboBoat brought togetherteams ofstudents from across the globe to assemble and navigate USVs through a series ofreal-world challenges including coastal surveillance,port securityand oceanographic exploration.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFROBOBOAT)
ONR’s RoboBoat competition makes a splash in Sarasota, Florida
Office of Naval Research
A unique maritime competition,sponsoredbytheOfficeofNaval Research(ONR),recentlytookplaceinSarasota Florida.
The 16th annual RoboBoat competition brought together teams of students from across the globe to assemble and navigate autonomous unmanned surface vehicles (USV) through a series of real-world challenges, including coastal surveillance, port security and oceanographic exploration, at Sarasota’sNathanBendersonPark
Kelly Cooper, a program officer in ONR’s Sea Warfare and Weapons Department said the Department of the Navy (DoN) shares a common objective with RoboNation, the non-profitbehindRoboBoat,initssupportof initiativestoengageandmotivatestudentsof all ages in STEM (science, technology, engineering,mathematics).
RoboBoat, and other competitions like it, create a pipeline for the DoN, supplying a potential workforce capable of making substantive contributions to the emerging fieldofmaritimeautonomy.
Cooper said she has met a number of participants from ONR-sponsored events whoendedupworkingfor,orwith,theNavy andMarineCorps
“We constantly run into students who are now working for the Navy as a scientist or engineer, who have competed in these competitions,andpriortotheirinvolvement were really unaware of the Navy for their careers, shesaid.
tions,ONRdistributesinformationtoparticipants about internships and graduate-level scholarships, helping further the students’ opportunities in STEM while supporting the DoN’s recruitment of a technologically advancedworkforce
RoboBoat is a learning experience as well as a competition, helping students develop technicalproficiencyastheyworktogetherto overcomechallengesthatsimulatereal-world conditions of maritime navigation. Collaborationiskeytotheirsuccessandapartofthe competition
Coopersaidthejudgesconstantlyobserve how the participants interact with one another
“We have certain behaviors that we’ve come to expect of teams It is amazing how well the teams on site cooperate and help each other They don’t want to win because everybody does poorly. They want to be the bestofeverybodydoingwell.”
Rules for the competition dictate teams must be composed of no less than 75% students and no more than 25% alumni, industry,academicorgovernmentpartners
It’sanopportunityforstudentstonetwork said Cooper Many will go on to pursue careers in STEM, like fifth-year university studentHannahBrood.
This was Brood’s second competition with Lake Superior State University’s Team AMORE(AutonomousMaritimeOperations andRoboticsEngineering).
“I was able to compete in RobotX in November, so that was the 2022 Maritime Robotics Challenge which was held in Sydney,Australia,”saidBrood
Three of her teammates in Sydney joined
Brood graduates in May 2023 with a dual major in mechanical and robotics engineeringandisalreadylookingtoherfuturecareer path.
“I’ve spoken with some people from the Naval Information Warfare Center on the Pacific side, so NIWC Pacific and I know there’s a couple of other opportunities at placesaroundtheU.S.,”saidBrood.
Winners were announced at an awards ceremony on March 28 RoboBoat gave out morethan20monetaryawards thehighest amount going to the winners of the Autonomy Challenge Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, East Java, Indonesia, came in first place; followed by Karadeniz Technical University Trazbon, Turkey; and the GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,Georgia.
First, second and third place winners for Design Documentation went to the MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology,Cambridge, Massachusetts; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember;andUniversityofMichigan,Ann Arbor,Michigan All winners may be found on the 2023 RoboBoatwebsite:https://roboboat.org.
The Naval STEM Coordination Office located at ONR, oversees investments in education, outreach and workforce initiatives Last year, DoN outlined its five-year plan to advance STEM through competitions and events like RoboBoat to cultivate thetechnicalworkforceneededfortheNavy and Marine Corps to remain on the leading edgeofscientificinnovation.
Rebecca Ward is a contractor for ONR CorporateStrategicCommunications.
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
A: There are three types of housing available to families:
Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy
The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.
CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated
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Competitorswith Lake SuperiorState University’sTeamAMORE (Autonomous Maritime Operations and Robotics Engineering) inspect their unmanned surfacevehicle (USV)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, April 13, 2023
(February20 2023)--BosunAndre
We are MSC: Bosun Andre Sutton
USN Military Sealift Command
FORT EUSTIS, Va I recently had the opportunity to meet with Military Sealift Command Bosun Andre Sutton, Damage Controlman and instructor and MSC’s TrainingCenterEastonFortEustis,Virginia. We met at the Fort Eustis Aquatic Center, where newly hired Civil Service Mariners (CIVMAR) and fleet return CIVMARs receive waterborne survival training and Surface Rescue Swimmer Candidates receive training and evaluation Here are someofthehighlightsofourconversation.
What are some of your roles and responsibilitiesbothasaDamageControlmanand instructor?
Sutton: As a Damage Controlman and instructor, my job is to train MSC’s junior mariners on small arms, underway replenishment-at-sea (UNREP) and I teach life-saving at-sea techniques. I also work with Surface Rescue Swimmer candidates to ensure they are sufficiently conditioned tofillthatrole
The MSC Surface Rescue Swimmer Program consists of a cadre of MSC
CIVMARs who are trained to evaluate the condition of survivors in the water and provideimmediateassistancetoensuretheir successfulat-searecovery
Sutton:IhavebeenwithMSCsince2002; justshortof22years.
Prior to becoming an MSC instructor what were some of your previous duty stations?
Sutton:IhavesailedonMSCshipsfor20 years as a Bosun. I have been on so many MSC ships both as a Ship’s Bosun and an UNREP Bosun. I honestly don’t know how many ships I have been on. It would probablybeeasierformetonametheshipsIhave notbeenon.Ihavesailedonapproximately 20MSCships.
What were you doing prior to joining MSC?
Sutton:PriortojoiningMSC,Iwasactive duty in the U.S. Navy I joined the Navy as a Radioman. Radioman was not a good fit for me so I went to Deck Department as an undesignated Sailor. Once I got to Deck Department I fell in love with the communityandbecameaBoatswainsMate Idid12 yearsintheNavyanddecidedtoleaveactive
What made you decide to join MSC after yourtimeintheNavy?
Sutton: Money (chuckling). I found that I got paid a bit more money sailing with MSC while doing the exact same things I was doing at work as I was when I was in theNavy Mywifewaspregnantwithtriplets andweneededtobringinabitmoremoney. Iunderstandthereissomeexcitingnews fortheSuttonfamilyinregardstotheNavy?
Sutton: I have 20 year-old triplets and a 28year-olddaughter.Mytripletsjustjoined the Navy and they are the first set of Black triplets to join the Navy They are the first set of triplets to join the same branch of the military at the same time My 28-year-old daughter is getting ready to graduate from NavyBootCamp MywifeisalsopriorNavy and we are very proud that they decided to followourpathtojointhemilitaryandserve theircountry
I also understand that you have some exciting news yourself in regards to the Navy?
Sutton: I decided to go back into the U.S. Navy Reserves so as to not only be a father tomychildrenbuttoalsobeashipmateand
serve right alongside them So we inspired our children to join the Navy and in-turn, theyinspiredmetogobackintotheNavy Do you have any advice for CIVMARs who are striving to succeed as part of the MSCteam?
Sutton: My advice applies to not only CIVMARs but to service members as well Payattentiontodetail.Ifyoupayattentionto detail, things will run smooth for you. Also, don’t stay stagnant. Some of our folks can become comfortable and become stagnant Don’tbeleftbehindbysettlingforthe‘easy.’ Strive to keep moving up and look for ways totakeonmoreresponsibility Isthereanythingyouwouldliketoadd?
Sutton: The Navy saved my life. I was headed down the wrong path; as many urbankidsare.Idecidedtojointhemilitary to get out of that environment and I have been doing well ever since After the Navy, my family enjoys a life of abundance with MSC Now I get to serve in the Navy, with my children and with MSC; and you can’t askforanythingbetterthanthat.
Cruise Missile Support Activity Atlantic holds change of command ceremony
Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command NORFOLK Va Family friends colleaguesandshipmatesgatheredatNaval SupportActivityHamptonRoadstowitness the time-honored tradition of a change of command ceremony coupled with a retirementceremony.
Capt. Joseph R. O’Brien was relieved by Capt. Matthew T. Collins as commanding officer of Cruise Missile Support Activity Atlantic(CSMALANT) April6,2023.
“Iamgratefulforthetrustplacedinusby the Combatant Commanders, who rely on CMSALANT for Tomahawk Land Attack
missile (TLAM) and hypersonic mission planning for their Navy, Marine Corps and Armycomponents,”saidO’Brien.
Under his command, O’Brien directly liaised with Combatant Commands and other agencies to provide Tomahawk operational integration consultations, mission planning,weaponeering,training,andother relatedservices.
Assuming command, O’Brien immediatelyrecognizedanopportunitytoincrease understanding of Tomahawk capabilities and the TLAM mission planning process. Hedevelopedacomprehensiveeducational approach to inform leadership of the true capabilities of the weapon system in order
for the President of the United States and Commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to makefullyinformeddecisionsregardingthe employment of national assets Under his command,CMSALANTplannedmorethan 3,000Tomahawkmissions
“I am honored to have served my last Navytourworkingalongsidesuchdedicated governmentemployees,sailors,andairmen as those at Cruise Missile Support Activity, Atlantic,”saidO’Brien.“It’sbeenaprivilege toleadthisexceptionalteam,andIamproud ofwhatwehaveachievedtogether Ihaveno doubt CMSALANT will continue to thrive underthesteadyhandofCaptainCollins.”
During O’Brien’s remarks, he shared sea
stories,thankedhisCMSALANTteamfora job well done, and remarked on his trust in Collinstakingovertheposition.
“Captain O’Brien has led CSMALANT through a period of significant growth, but there is more to come,” said Collins. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to build off his progress and work with an incredible team.”
ThemissionofCSMALANTistoplanand distribute TLAM missions and associated Command and Control (C2) to Tomahawk launch platforms and C2 nodes worldwide insupportofcombatantcommands
Sutton,a Damage Controlman and instructorat MilitarySealift Command’s East CoastTraining Centerposes fora photograph at the Fort EustisAquadic Center (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBILLMESTA)
Start now at PlayOurNews.com Listen to our top news stories for free. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 3
Medical Inspector General evaluates readiness at NavalMedical Forces Atlantic
NavalMedical Forces Atlantic
The Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED)Medical Inspector General (MEDIG) evaluated the performance,efficiency,and mission readiness at Commander, NavalMedical Forces Atlantic (NMFL)during ascheduled command inspection onboardNaval Support Activity (NSA)HamptonRoadsPortsmouthAnnex, March28-30
“Weare excited to have theMEDIG team visit our command,”described Carolyn Medina,the NMFL regional medical inspector general. “Wehaveworked hard thispastyearandithasbeenmorechallenging with the transition of clinical staff and operations to the Defense Health Agency, which affected what programs would be inspected.”
About 12 inspectorsand augments provided 50 evaluations of command programs and collateral duties overthree daystoimproveperformanceandprocesses. The MEDIG team worked with command program managers to verify optimal functionalityofinspectedprogramsthroughthe employmentofself-assessmentsdeveloped byNavyMedicineprogramowners.
“Weinspect toensurethe programs are
serving the command’s needs,”explained Capt. TrentL.Outhouse,the MEDIG.“It is theprogrammanagerswhoareresponsible fortheprogram’sfunctionalityatalltimes.”
Theinformationgleanedfromtheinspection will help validate and inform Rear Adm.DarinK.Via,theactingNavySurgeon General, of NMFL’s readinessposture and command climate.The insights gained from this evaluation will also help hone the command’sbestpractices and procedures acrossNMFL’sareaofresponsibility.
“TheMEDIGteamreallylikedourstructureoftheprograms,”statedHospitalCorpsman 1stClassJohnGorey,the primarylead forthe commandindoctrination and sponsorship programs.“Theywished for us to push our processes down to the region to implement.
During the visit, therewereopen-door opportunities and focus groups for staff to provide an avenuetoaddressconcerns and communicate them with members of the MEDIG team. The focus groups included civilians, activedutyand Reservemembers ofallranksandgrades
“Thefocus groupswereanopportunity foreveryone to providefeedback on what theyseewithinthecommandandhowthey feel aboutit,”said Hospital Corpsman1st ClassCharlesM.Nallie,Jr.,anactionofficer
for planning,operations and medical intelligence
The MEDIG team identified 24 exceptional programs thatwereofsuperior performance and the program managers wererecognizedfortheirattentiontodetail andkeenorganizationalskillsthatprovided apositiveimpactonthecommand’sinspectionresults
“You aresetting the standard, and your echelon four commandsare following through,”expressed Outhouse during an all-handsdebrief.“Sothatrightthereshows effectiveleadership and communication from the program managers at this level thatisbeing promogulateddown, and that isexactlywhatwewanttosee.”
TheNMFLIGteamworkedfor8-months toensurethecommandhadenoughtimeto address any programdiscrepanciesbefore the30-day inspection notification. As a result, out of the 50 programs inspected, 47 were fully compliant and exceeded the MEDIGgoalbyreceivinga96%score.
“Wehavebeen empoweredbyour leadership to solveproblems and conduct self-assessments,” articulated Medina.“We understandourstrengthsandshortcomings, butthroughourteambuildingprincipleswe continuetoimprove.”
MEDIGinspections takeplaceapprox-
imately every three years to assess a command’seffectiveness,capability,and quality of programs in accordance withthe Secretary of the Navy,Office of the Chief of NavalOperations and BUMEDdirectives andinstructions
“Weare so proudofour teams for their hardwork,”concludedNMFLCommander Rear Adm. Matthew Case.“They put in tireless effortstoensure our programs are runningsmoothly.”
NMFL, headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet,MarineandJointForcerequirements by providingequipment, sustainment and maintenance of medical forces during combatoperationsandpublichealthcrises. NMFLprovides oversightfor 21 NMRTCs, logistics,and public health and dental servicesthroughouttheU.S.EastCoast,U.S Gulf Coast,Cuba, Hawaii,Europe,and the MiddleEast.
Navy Medicine—represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals—provides enduringexpeditionary medical supportto thewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea, andashore
NAVFAC MIDLANT awards contract modification for base operating support services at NavalMedical Center Portsmouth
FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic
NavalFacilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT)awardedProfessionalContract ServicesInc.,Austin, Texas, a$34,997,838, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity modification for contract N4008520-D-0040,whichprovidesfortheexercise ofOptionNumberThreeforbaseoperating
support services at NavalMedical Center Portsmouth, Virginia, and its outlying supportsites Afterawardofthisoption,thetotalcumulativecontract value will be $134,741,490. ThisoptionperiodisfromMarch31,2023,to March29, 2024.Nofunds will be obligated attimeofaward.
Work will be performedinPortsmouth, Virginia. Fiscal 2023operation and maintenance,(Navy)funds in the amount of
$32,545,920forrecurringworkwillbeobligated on an individual task order issued duringtheoptionperiod.
NAVFACMIDLANT,Norfolk,Virginia,is thecontractingactivity
NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility thatspans from South CarolinatoMaine,and as far west as Michigan, anddowntoIndiana.Asanintegralmember
of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlanticteam,NAVFACMIDLANT provides leadership throughthe Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructureare managed efficiently andeffectively Foradditional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.
PORTSMOUTH,Va.(March 30,2023)MichaelVasaturo,the personnel securitymanagerforNaval Medical ForcesAtlantic (NMFL)beginsreviewing the securitymanagement programwith ChiefYeoman DiandraCard,ateamadministratorwith the U.S.Navy’s BureauofMedicine and SurgeryMedical Inspector(MEDIG),during acommand IG inspection.MEDIG evaluated the performance,efficiency,and mission readiness at NMFLduring ascheduledcommand inspection onboardNaval SupportActivity(NSA) HamptonRoads PortsmouthAnnex,March 28-30 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBOBBIEA.CAMP)
4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, April 13, 2023
Chief of Naval Intelligence visits
CIWT and NIOC Pensacola
Center for Information Warfare Training
PENSACOLA, Fla. Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence,visitedtheCenterforInformationWarfareTraining(CIWT),Information WarfareTrainingCommand(IWTC)Corry Station, and Navy Information Operations Center(NIOC)PensacolaonMar.30,2023
Capt. Christopher Bryant, commanding officer, CIWT, hosted a roundtable discussion with Studeman and were joined by Cmdr. Colleen Hanbury, commanding officer, NIOC Pensacola, and Lt Cmdr Kevin
Furst,executiveofficer,IWTCCorryStation, to discuss a wide range of information warfare training developments and initiatives
Duringthediscussion,Studemanencouraged the use of technology and leveraging subject matter experts in the fleet to keep coursecontentcurrentandtoinjectasense ofrealityforthestudents
“Periodically connecting with practitioners out in the Fleet and Joint Force will makethematerialstheyarestudyinghighly relevant,” remarked Studeman. “Students willseehowtheirknowledgewillbeapplied against real world challenges and serious
missions That should motivate them to study harder knowing the stakes and the import of their role in the Navy A glimpse at reality will bring a sense of personal accountability for learning, knowing they willsoonbeoutwithcommanderscounting onthemtobeattheirbest.”
Later that day, NIOC Pensacola hosted Studeman and the wider Pensacola-based information warfare community as StudemanprovidedabriefingontheGreatPower Competition in the Pacific. Following the briefing,Studemanheldaquestion-and-answer session with junior information warfareofficers.
With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments, and training sites throughout the United States and Japan, Center for Information Warfare Training trains over 26,000 students every year, delivering trained information warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services Center for Information Warfare Training also offers morethan200coursesforcryptologictechnicians,intelligencespecialists,information systemstechnicians,electronicstechnicians, and officers in the information warfare community
Kevin Furst,executive officer,InformationWarfareTraining Command CorryStation,posed fora photo during Studeman’svisit to CIWTheadquarters on Mar 30 2023.(PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASSLINDSAYLAIR CENTERFORINFORMATIONWARFARETRAINING) During avisit to CorryStation,RearAdm.Mike
OFFICER2NDCLASSLINDSAYLAIR,CENTERFORINFORMATIONWARFARETRAINING) Listen to our top news stories for free. Tribune Publishing Company Staying in the know is easy. Each weekday,you’ll get the latest stories curated by our editors on your smart speaker or streaming service. Available on Amazon Echo, Apple Music, Google Home, Spotify and more. Start now at PlayOurNews.com www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 5
Cmdr Colleen Hanbury commanding officer,NavyInformation Operations CenterPensacola,RearAdm.Mike Studeman,Commander Office ofNaval Intelligence,Capt.Chris Bryant commanding officer,CenterforInformationWarfareTraining (CIWT),and Lt Cmdr
Studeman,Commander Office ofNaval
a briefhistoryofhowCorryStation evolved into the Navy’s hub
training from Capt.Chris Bryant,commanding officer,CenterforInformationWarfareTraining (CIWT),in the crow’s nest at CIWTheadquarters on Mar 30,2023.(PHOTOBYPETTY
TOPRIGHT: NORFOLK,Va – Fire Controlman (Aegis) 2nd Class Robert Heinke,assigned to the guided-missile cruiser USSVicksburg (CG 69) and deployedwith guided-missile destroyerUSS Nitze (DDG 94),meets his daughterforthe first time afterNitze returned to Naval Station Norfolk following a scheduled deploymentApril 5,2023.USS Nitze returns to homeport afteran eight-month deployment in support ofmaritime securityoperations and theater securitycooperation efforts in the 2nd,5th and 6th Fleet areas ofoperation.
ABOVE:The guided-missile destroyerUSS Nitze (DDG 94) is moored at Naval Station Norfolkaftera scheduled deploymentApril 5,2023.
LEFT:The guided-missile destroyerUSS Nitze (DDG 94) arrives at Naval Station Norfolkaftera scheduled deploymentApril 5,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSKRISR. LINDSTROM)
USS Nitze returns from deployment
Carrier Strike Group 10
The Arleigh Burkeclass guided-missile destroyer USS Nitze (DDG94)returnedtoitshomeportofNaval StationNorfolk,April5,2023,followingan eight-monthdeploymenttotheU.S.5thand 6th Fleet areas of operation.
Nitze deployed July 17, 2022, following completionofafour-weekcompositetrainingunitexercisewithCarrierStrikeGroup (CSG) 10, George H.W. Bush CSG
While operating in U.S. 5th Fleet, Nitze and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Delbert D. Black (DDG 119) recovered two U.S. Saildrone Explorer unmannedsurfacevehiclescapturedbyan Iranian ship in the Red Sea.
Cmdr Katie Jacobson relieved Cmdr Sam Sareini as commanding officer during achangeofcommandceremonyintheGulf of Aden, Sept. 28
Nitze worked with the Yemen Coast Guard to respond to a fire onboard a small
motorboat in the Gulf of Aden, Oct. 26 rescuing three Yemeni civilians Additionally, Nitze worked with the U.S. Air Force to deconflict air space for the President of the United States during a United Nations conference
As part of Operation Unified Takedown, the ship completed maritime interdiction and security operations supporting regional maritime stability through counter-narcotics and counter-weapons smuggling operations During Unified Takedown, Nitze completed numerous visit, board, search, and seizure operations,resultingintheseizureof2,200kilograms of hash and 320 kilograms of crystal methamphetamineworthanestimated$43 million.
The ship left U.S. 5th Fleet and rejoined the George H.W. Bush CSG in the Mediterranean Sea, where the ship participated in Exercise Juniper Oak 23-2, the largest bi-lateral U.S.-Israeli exercise in history, and the NATO-led vigilance activity Neptune Strike 23.1. Nitze also worked to strengthen interoperability during
the French-led, multi-national Exercise ORION
“I am incredibly proud of my crew and the excellence they achieved while conducting high risk, high visibility mission sets during this extended deployment,” Jacobson said. “Our officers and crew advanced maritime security at sea, served as ambassadors ashore, and seamlessly integrated with our allies and partners Theyembodiedourmantraof Better Every Day’ and reflected superbly on the United States and the U.S. Navy.”
Throughout the deployment, the crew had the opportunity to experience the regions of Rota, Spain; Eilat, Israel; Aqaba, Jordan; Salalah, Oman; Duqm, Oman; Djibouti;Rome Italy;Gölcük,Türkiye;and Valletta,Maltaduringscheduledportvisits Additionally the crew hosted key 13 of 15 leaders, including the U.S. Ambassadors to Türkiye and Malta, strengthening important allied and partner relationships across the theaters.
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) is the flagship
of CSG-10, George H.W. Bush CSG. CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander,andtheTiconderoga-classguided-missilecruiserUSSLeyteGulf(CG55).
The ships of DESRON-26 completing deploymentwithinCSG-10aretheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers Nitze USSTruxtun(DDG103),andDelbert D. Black.
The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboard the George H.W. Bush are the “Sidewinders” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103, the“Knighthawks”ofVFA-136,the“Pukin Dogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails”ofCarrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers” ofHelicopterSeaCombatSquadron(HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46
For more information about USS Nitze (DDG 94) or U.S. 2nd Fleet, contact C2F_ PAO@navy.mil.
NORFOLK,Va –ASailorassigned to the guided-missile destroyerUSS Nitze (DDG 94) is reunitedwith his familyafterNitze returned to Naval Station Norfolkfollowing a scheduled deployment April 5,2023.USS Nitze returns to homeport afteran eight-month deployment in support ofmaritime securityoperations and theatersecuritycooperation efforts in the 2nd,5th and 6th Fleet areas ofoperation.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSKRISR.LINDSTROM)
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On iberty
Savor spring flavor with fresh seafood recipes
Festevents announces music lineup for 2023 Norfolk Harborfest
Norfolk, VA
The music lineup for the 47th Annual Norfolk Harborfest: Music, Food&MaritimeFestivalonFriday-Sunday, June 9-11, 2023, at Town Point Park along theDowntownNorfolkWaterfronthasbeen announced, including headlining performances by the Allman Betts Band, Morris DayandTheTime,andParmalee Norfolk Harborfest is America’s largest, longest-running, free maritime festival. Harborfestcelebratesalloftheelementsthat make Norfolk & Hampton Roads a historic maritime&Navalcommunity.Onbothland and sea, thrilling activities and live music take center stage at Harborfest, including the annual Parade Sail featuring internationaltallships,oneofthelargestfireworks shows on the East Coast, a mesmerizing drone show, interactive family games and activities,Navyexhibitsanddemonstrations, artisan foods and beverages, national and regionalliveentertainment,andmore. This year at Harborfest, Festevents will paytributetoTheBoathouseinwhatwould have been the 40th Anniversary year since the historic venue opened its doors for the firsttimein1983 Theperformanceslistedas “Tobeannounced.”ontheBoathouseStage arebeingreservedforbandsthatperformed attheoriginalBoathousevenueaspartofthe tributetotheiconicNorfolkvenue
The live music lineup for the 2023 Norfolk Harborfest:
3:15pm Erin&TheWildfire 6pm KendallStreetCompany 8pm TheAllmanBettsBand
Saturday,June10 3:15pm Tobeannounced. 6pm Tobeannounced. 8:15pm MorrisDay&TheTime
Sunday,June11 2pm CodyChristianBand 4:30pm Parmalee BOATHOUSESTAGE
2:45pm Tobeannounced.
4:45pm NateSacks&TheLifehacks
7pm TheGoldSauce 10pm Littkeys
Saturday,June10 12:30pm DustinFurlow
2:45pm AllenHudson&theHalfmoons
4:45pm Tobeannounced.
7pm TheChongBand
10pm Tobeannounced.
12:45pm BobbyBlackhatWalters
3:15pm BJGriffin&GalaxyGroove
Band Bios
TheAllmanBettsBand|Performing Fridayat8:00pm
The Allman Betts Band includes Devon Allman & Duane Betts on guitars and vocals, Berry Oakley Jr on bass, Johnny Stachela on slide guitar, John Ginty on Hammond B3 (Robert Randolph/Dixie Chicks) and Devon Allman Project percussionists R. Scott Bryan (SherylCrow)andJohnLum.Theshowfeatures original music from their two recent BMG
albums songsfromtheirsoloprojectsaswellas classicsongsbyTheAllmanBrothersBand the legendarygroupfoundedbyDevonandDuane’s fathers,GreggAllman&DickeyBetts.
MorrisDay&TheTime|Performing Saturdayat8:15pm BorninMinneapolis,Dayhadaflairforfashion.Inspiredbyphotographsofhisgrandpain zoot suits, a true fashionista was formed! Day wenttoschoolwithPrinceRogersNelsonand sanginPrince’sfirstbandGrandCentral.Prince
Fresh,flavorful ingredients take springtime meals to anotherlevel,and it’s hard to top seafood as a seasonal favorite.Trythese recipes forCrab & Rice Cakes and Shrimp PadThaiwithJasmine Rice. PageC5 TurntoHarborfest Page 2
grew as an artist and so did the opportunity around him The Time was originally created asPrince’salter-egotobeseenasthecool streetwisefunkbandcontrastingPrince’smoresoulful R&B sound. After looking at several lead vocalists, Prince wanted someone with mad talent so he cast his high school friend the funky, the fabulous Morris Day. Soon after, Morris Day and the Time were cast in Purple RainwhichcapturedtheexplodingMinneapolis
Catch Me If You Can The Musical, flies into the Sandler Center April 21st-23rd
Virginia Musical Theatre is proud to present Catch Me If
You Can The Musical that is based on the hit film of the same name This high-flying, incredible, true story musical comedy was nominated for four Tony awards, including Best Musical andis about chasingyourdreams while doing yourbestto not getcaught.
For tickets and more info go to https://www.vmtheatre org/?fbclid=IwAR1pq8fL_o-ChDuPk0JeMFIaNXTcCqgp2G5vd-SciGjWb0-G9EiiVol80RE
Yiorgo:WithustodayisRaymondDimaano,oneofthestars ofCatchMeIfYouCan.Raymond,whyshouldpeoplecometo seethismusical?
RaymondDimaano:IthinkpeopleshouldcomeseeCatch MeIfYouCanbecausetheywillbethoroughlyentertainedby all the stellar dancing,singing, and story telling of this show. I alreadylovedthemovieandaddingallthesongsinthemusical justmakesitevenbetter It’sdefinitelyamustsee!
Y:Forthosenotfamiliarwiththestoryorthemovieandwithoutgivingtoomuchaway whatisthisstoryabout?
RD:It’saboutthischarmingyoungmannamedFrankArbangaleJr Heimpersonatedapilot doctor,andlawyerandcashed millionsofdollarsworthofbadchecksandwasontherunfrom theFBI Itisbasedonatruestory.
Y: You mentioned you saw the movie What did you think ofit?
RD: Yes I did I enjoy a lot of Leo DiCaprio’s movies. I think he’s such a talented actor I thought it was a charming movie andit made me tear up a few times.I’m asoftie when it comes tofamilyties
Y:Whodoyouplayinthemusical?Isyourpartintheoriginal movieorwasitcreatedspecificallyforthemusical?
RD:IplayAgentCod,oneoftheFBIagentsontheteamafter FrankJr Nohewasn’tinthemovie,itwascreatedforthemusicaladaptation.
Y: What is your favorite part of this musical that you enjoy watchingyourselfasafan?
RD: My favorite parts in the musical are the scenes that happeninthemovieandarebroughtonstage Ithinktheactors
for automobiles, employment, real estate and more!
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source
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Catch Me If You Can
who play the leads really play the scenes so wellthatit’slikeI’mwatchingthemovie Y: So let’s learn a little about you. Tell us about your early life. Where were you born andwhatmadeyoufallinlovewithmusical theatre?
RD: I was born in Manila, Philippines and came to the US when I was three years old.IgrewupinNorfolk VA Growingup I alwayslovedsinginganddancing.Iremember singing ‘I will always love you’ when I was six years old and a lot of Mariah Carey and Celine Dion As I got older I fell in love with dancing I would watch Michael Jackson,BrittanySpears,NSYNC,andBackstreet Boys Theywoulddoallthesedanceroutines andIwouldtrytomimicandcopythem.And then at Maury high school, here in Norfolk a friend of mine made me audition for the high school musical Guys and Dolls and I got towork together and performwith that friend,ConniePantasnowMoody Thatwas somuchfun,thatIthinkthat’swhenIgotbit by the theatre bug because after that I did not want to stop doing it Then I met Hugh Copeland who is the Director and founder oftheHurrahPlayersinNorfolkandIhave been with them for such a long time that theyarelikemyfamily
Y: How did you hear about the Hurrah Players?
RD:SharonDavidsonCook,whobecame my stage momma, and was an English teacheratMauryHighSchoolaswellasthe directorofGuysandDollshadinvitedHugh Copeland to come see the play. I remember as if it was yesterday that after the show, Hugh approached me saying how much he loved the show and my performance I hadnocluewhohewas.Hesaid,“I’mHugh CopelandandI’mwiththeHurrahPlayers.” AndIwaslikewhat’sthat?Andhesaid,“You don’t know Hurrah?” He explained that they are Virginia’s leading family theatre companyandtocomeauditionforthemand I did My first show I did with Hurrah was Disney’sHighSchoolMusicalbackin200809 and I have been with them until 2015. I havetaughtforthem:actingclasses,hiphop classes, summer classes Theatre was definitelymysavingplace
Y:ThisisnotyourfirstshowwithVirginia Musical Theatre. How did you get involved withVMT?
RD: It was all because Executive Director Mark Hudgins was very welcoming and very encouraging He approached me after watching me in Disney’s Tarzan with Hurrah, and asked me if I wanted to be in the show and he loved my performance. So myveryfirstshowforVMTwasJosephand the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat I did BeautyandtheBeastandImakeupdesigned for them too for that production. I was also inMame MamaMia HelloDollyanddidthe makeup for Hello Dolly as well. Recently I wasalsoinSchoolofRockforVMT
Y: The outdoor drama “Lost Colony in NorthCarolina”isalsoonyourrésumé.
RD: Hurrah takes its summer camp students to see the Lost Colony, the longest running outdoor symphonic drama every summer.Ifellinlovewithit Itwasthefirst time I realized that I could perform for a living Ipersonally didnot think thatsomeone could perform for a living I sent in an audition,theyhiredmeandIlivedinNorth Carolina for about five months dancing every night as a Native American. It helped me to pursue performing for a living I said to myself, if I could book this show, then I would push myself to book more professionalshowsandIdid.FromBuschGardens and a Dinner Theatre to more VMT shows that I mentioned earlier. I like to do vision boardswhereIvisualizewhatIwilldonext. I visualized moving to New York and booking a National Tour All that led me to move toNewYorkandeventuallytoTheKingand
Y: What were some of your first gigs in thecity?
RD: I auditioned for three plays Miss SaigonFirstNationalTour Igotcalledback to do a couple of dances and sing that was fun.I auditioned for the USO Show Troupe tosupportourmilitarybecauseIgrewupin NorfolkanditwassomethingIwantedtodo tosupportourmilitary Mybestfriendfrom Hurrah, Brandon Riddle is in it, he told me about it so I auditioned and got it. We went to a lot of bases and we performed for a lot of military events The third audition was for The King and I National Tour and I got thataswell
Y:Whatwasthatauditionprocesslikefor TheKingandI?
RD: A friend of mine sent me the post to audition for The King and I. It was an open call. I sang a song and the casting director wanted me to read for a character I read for Kralahome, the King’s right hand man, the King’s Prime Minister and that’s who
from Page 1
musicsceneatitspeak MorrisDayburstontothepublicscenewith the group’s self-titled album, The Time which included “Get It Up,” “Cool,” and “Girl.” Other hitSongsInclude:JungleLove TheBird Wild andLoose andWalk Parmalee|PerformingSundayat
4:30pm ACM “New Vocal Duo/Group of the Year nominee Parmalee is one of Country music’s most successful acts: the Platinum-selling band of brothers is one of only four groups since 2001 to earn three consecutive Top 10 singlesfromadebutCountryalbum.Sincetheir debut at Country radio, Parmalee has earned over 1 billion on-demand streams. Heralded as “Country Music’s Breakout Stars” by MSN
I wound up being the understudy for and gotto play thatpart in front ofallmyfamily and friends when we came to the Ferguson Center a few years ago Hearing everyone applaud me at the end of the performance will always be in my heart. It was so exciting I had three callbacks for him. In front of the casting director twice and then the creativeteamandthedirector.Ialsosentin a video singing songs from The King and I. And then I got a call from the casting director one morning saying they were going to castme
I was also the Prince Chulalongkorn understudy, the number one son. In the show I was in an ensemble, but something cool actually happened. My ensemble role does not dance on stage but I love to dance sothereisa16-minutelongballetnumberin theplayandIlearneditbecauseIwantedto havefun.Oneofourcharactersgotsickand theswinghadtogoonbutweweremissing one itwasunevensoItoldtheswingcaptain thatIknewthedanceandsheputmeinthe dance Sowhenevertheyneededsomeone,I wouldbeintheswingballetaswell.
Also when we were teching the show in North Carolina the makeup designer kind of used me as a model and told everyone if you have any questions go to Raymond, he is so good at makeup So on the King And I National Tour I was the “makeup assistant” and when the people had a question about makeup, I was the go to guy Here is a funny little story from that show. In the beginning, there is a scene where the King choosescertainwiveswhoareinroyalfavor. It’s improvised in the sense that the King picks different ones each show so I would dothisthingwhereeveryshowIwillchoose onewifeanddotheirmakeupandwaittosee ifhechoosesherandmostofthetimehedid.
Y: What was that experience like touring nationallywithTheKingandI?
RD:Itwasanamazingexperienceforme travelinganddoingwhatIlovetodo Seeing allthedifferentcitieswasveryempowering aswell.I’vealwaysbeenoneortwoAsiansin acastwheneverIdoashow IntheKingand I, the whole cast is pretty much all Asian I wasn’tusedtoitatall!Itwaswonderfulnot beingtheonlyAsian.
Y: You have not had any formal training as a dancer, yet your dancing skills are amazing What do you attribute that dancing growth to? How did you become such a strongdancer?
RD: As I mentioned, I’ve always loved to dance and sing to music videos since I was a little kid And when I started performing
Entertainment, Parmalee has supported Brad PaisleyandJakeOwenonnationaltourswhile finding time to perform on NBC’s TODAY show, The Kelly Clarkson Show, The Late Late Show, FOX & Friends All American Summer Concert Series, MLB Central’s Studio 21, The Queen Latifah Show and more Comprised of brothers Matt and Scott Thomas (lead vocals/ guitar and drums, respectively) cousin Barry Knox(bass) andlife-longfriendJoshMcSwain, the North Carolina natives had a legendary returntothetopofthechartswiththeirPLATINUM-certifiedNo 1singlewithBlancoBrown, “JusttheWay, withtheirfollowupsingle,“Take MyName fromtheirnewalbumForYou,then becoming a multi-week No 1 hit at Country radio
KendallStreetCompany|Performing Fridayat6:00pm Virginia’s Kendall Street Company are no strangers to having a wild time The genre-
with the Hurrah Players, Lisa Wallace, the choreographer really encouraged me and pushed me I always worried when I was younger that I was not good enough but being on my journey after Lost Colony and pushing myself believing in myself and my talents, I guess I grew up And I learned so much just by watching someone do it. Whenever I would see a Broadway show on the Hurrah trips to New York, it would inspiremetodancebetter AlsowheneverI auditionedforshowsandgotcalledbackfor dance,Iwouldtreatitasafreedanceclass.I triedtopickupthechoreographyasquickly as I could and perform it the best I could. That’showIgrewindancehonestly
Y: Speaking of New York, tell us about your incredible Broadway experience with Mrs.DoubtfiretheMusical RD:IwastheAssociateMakeupDesigner for Mrs Doubtfire on Broadway I met Tommy, the head designer of Mrs DoubtfirewhenIwasperformingontheKingand I Broadway tour and we got to know each
fluid eclectic rock ensemble has drawn varied comparisonstothedynamicjamsofUmphrey’s McGee and Widespread Panic, songwriting prowess of John Prine, experimental psychedelia of Pink Floyd, progressive jazz-infused rock of Frank Zappa, and off-color humor of Ween and They Might Be Giants. Including elements of crowd participation off-the-cuff comedicbits,haphazardchoreography musical improvisation andsurprisemusicalguests,each Kendall Street Company concert is an experience unlike any other. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry. Justremembertostayhydrated Erin&TheWildfire|Performing Fridayat3:15pm
Erin & The Wildfire started as four college kids in Charlottesville Virginia making music just for fun, but has grown into a flourishing, decade-long musical relationship among four best friends E&TW, who now call Virginia’s capital city of Richmond home, have evolved
otherandIgottoshowhimsomeofmywork as a Makeup Artist. After my tour, I came back to VA and did Guys And Dolls at the Wells Theater and that’s when I got a call fromhimaskingmetobehisAssociateona new show he was working on. Since then I alsoworkedwithhimonMacbethonBroadway,andwhenMrs Doubtfiremovedtothe west end I never wanted to just be solely an actor, or makeup artist. I didn’t want to limit myself and pick one or the other I reallyenjoycreatingsomething Iamsovery thankfulIcanperformanddesigninthearts.
RD:Irememberbeingthelittlekidgoing to the national tours that would come to Norfolk, waiting for the actors to sign my playbill,andnowIamthatactorsigningthe playbill That’sjustamazingtome.
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist
their sound over the past ten years to where it currently stands firmly in the soul and indiepop genres, drawing influences from a wide range of artists including Emily King, D’Angelo,YEBBA,Vulfpeck,andDonnyHathaway
The band blends the expressive, powerhouse vocalsoffrontwoman ErinLunsford withthe pop,funk andindiesensibilitiesofbandmates RyanLipps(guitar),NickQuillen(drums),and MattWood(bass) Inadditiontothecorefour, E&TW has recently found a kindred musical soul in keyboardist Stephen Roach, who has playedwiththebandsince2019
Visit bit.ly/Harborfest2023 for more details on the 2023 Norfolk Harborfest: Music,Food&MaritimeFestival,including acompletelistingofmaritimeevents,family-friendlyentertainment,andmore
For more information on Norfolk Festevents and the 2023 Season of Events, visit Festevents.org
from Page 1
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Raymond Dimaano and Connie Moody (PHOTOCOURTESYOFDIMAANO)
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Women’s heart attacks symptoms can differ from men’s: Know the signs
MHS Communications
When you are having a heart attack, minutesmatter Fastactioncansavelives
Heart disease and heart attacks are the number one global killer of both men and women.Butwomenoftenexperiencesymptoms other than the classic crushing chest pain and left arm pain that typically afflict menhavingheartattacks.
For example, women are more likely to experience pain between the shoulder blades,abdominalpain,andnausea.
Insomesituations,afailuretoidentifythe unique symptoms women experience can leadtodelaysinseekingtreatment.
If you’re a woman, here are the most commonheartattacksymptoms:
Chest pain or discomfort This is the most common symptom for both men and women,butsomewomenmayexperiencea sense of squeezing or fullness, and the pain canbeanywhereinthechest,notjustonthe leftside.
Pain in the arm(s), back, neck, or jaw Thistypeofpainismorecommoninwomen than in men. The pain can be gradual or sudden, and it may increase or decrease beforebecomingintense
Stomach pain. This is a signal of a heart attack that is often mistaken for heartburn, indigestionorastomachulcer Othertimes, women experience severe abdominal pressure.Thisiswhereit’sbesttobeonthesafe sideandcall911.
Shortness of breath, nausea, or lightheadedness If you’re having trouble breathingfornoapparentreason,youcould be having a heart attack, especially if you’re also having one or more symptoms More women than men experience this aspect of aheartattack.
Cold sweat This is another heart attack symptom more common in women having aheartattack.Itmayfeellikestress-related sweating Fatigue. Some women who have heart attacks feel extremely tired, even if they haven’tmovedmuch Youmayfeelthetirednessinyourchest
How Long Can a Woman Have Symptoms Before a Heart Attack?
Manypeopleexpectaheartattacktocome on suddenly But research suggests that women experience symptoms for several weeks before a heart attack. Doctors say it’s important to encourage women to seek
Should I Take Aspirin
“Despite women have more symptomaticchestpainthanmen,theyarelesslikely to have timely and appropriate care, said Air Force Lt Col (Dr.) Travis Batts, medical director of cardiology at Wilford Hall, LacklandAirForceBase,SanAntonio,Texas. Hepointedtothe2021guidelinesonchest pain.
Also, keep in mind you can have heart problems even a heart attack without chest pain. That’s particularly common amongwomen.
911 Quickly
Call 911 immediately if you experience heart attack warning signs Calling 911 is almostalwaysthefastestwaytogetlife-saving treatment and preserve your heart muscleandtissues.
Anemergencymedicalservicesteamcan begintreatmentwhentheyarrive uptoan hour sooner than if you get to the hospital by car EMS staff are also trained to revive someonewhosehearthasstopped.
Patients with chest pain who arrive by ambulance usuallyreceive faster treatment atthehospital,too
During a Heart Attack?
Medical advice on taking aspirin has changed over the years when it comes to treatinganinitialheartattackorpreventing asubsequentheartattack.
Don’t do anything before calling 911. Specifically, don’t take an aspirin then wait forittorelieveyourpain.Aspirinalonewon’t treatyourheartattack.
The emergency operator can advise you whether to take aspirin and how much to take
If the operator does not suggest aspirin, you may receive the drug in the ambulance oremergencydepartment.
Heart Attacks Can Happen Even if You’re Young and in Good Shape
Younger women are having more heart attacks,accordingtoaNationalHeart,Lung, andBloodInstitutestudyin2019
Researchers were surprised to find that while the heart attack rate has decreased among older adults, it’s risen among those
ages 35-54, especially women. The study reviewedmorethan28,000hospitalizations forheartattacksinfourcities
One condition, spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, causes a small percentage of heart attacks overall, but is responsible for 40% of heart attacks in women younger than age 50, according to 2020researchfromtheAmericanCollegeof Cardiology TheaverageSCADpatientisjust 42yearsoldandislikelyhealthyandactive
The Bottom Line
“As our approach to the diagnosis and management of chest pain syndromes continues to evolve, we must highlight the impact of racial and ethnic disparities on the evaluation of patients with chest pain,” Batts said. “There are disparities in chest pain management in diverse populations thatleadtoworseoutcomes increasedheart attacks andhigherdeathrates.
His bottom line recommendations?
“For both women and men alike, the keys to improving your heart health are simple: Take all symptoms seriously, ask questions about your heart health, and get screened yearlyforheartdiseaseriskfactors.”
How to Approve Your TRICARE Home Delivery Prescription Refills
FALLS CHURCH, Va – Are your prescriptions enrolled in the TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery automatic refill program,administeredbyExpressScripts?
Iftheyare,didyouknowyoumustapprove your refills before they’re sent to you? Not onlyistheprocesseasyandconvenient,but it will also help prevent excess prescription waste.
“The TRICARE Pharmacy Program streamlinedthehomedeliveryrefillprocess, so you only get your medications when you need them,” said Marcy Opstal, a senior program analyst with the Defense Health Agency’s Pharmacy Operations Division. “Havingpatientsapprovetheirrefillsbefore they’reshippedalsoimprovespatientsafety andreducesmedicationwaste.”
Here’sastep-by-stepguidetoapproving your prescription drug refills and usingtheautomaticrefillprogram.
1. You receive a refill notification:
When it’s time to refill your prescription, Express Scripts will contact you by your preferred method of communication— email, phone call, or text—to approve your refill.
When it comes to approving and communicatingaboutyourrefills,youhave a few options Texting may be the easiest and fastest way to approve your refills To choose texting—or to change the way you’recurrentlyapprovingyourrefills—log in to your Express Scripts account. Once you’reinyouraccount,youcanmakeanew communication choice
2. You confirm or decline your refill: You’ll confirm that you want your next refill. You can do this by signing in to your account or through the Express Scripts mobile app If youdon’t confirm or decline your prescription refill, your prescription will no longer be in the automatic refill program. Keep in mind that even if your prescription is no longer in the program, you’ll continue to receive reminders until your prescription expires You still can order refills via your online account or the mobile app. And you can opt back into the
program at any time
3. Your refill ships: After you approve your refill, Express Scripts will process yourprescription.Youcantrackyourorder via text, email, phone call, or the Express Scripts mobile app
Have home delivery but not signed upforrefills?
First, log in to your Express Scripts account to check if your prescription is eligible If it is, then you can choose to start refills through TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery. You can also choose which communication method to receive refill alerts and other notices Note that you’ll still have to approve your prescrip-
tions when it’s time to refill them. Read HowtoTurnonAutomaticRefillsforYour TRICAREHomeDeliveryPrescriptionsto learn more. By approving your refill beforehand, you’llhelpreduceprescriptionwaste.This is important. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency(DEA)estimatesthatintheUnited States approximately 107,622 people died as the result of a drug poisoning in 2021. When you clear out medications you don’t want or need, you help prevent children and others from accessing them. To see if your military hospital or clinic has a medication disposal program, go to Safely
Signs and symptoms ofa heart attackcan differbetweenwomen and men.Ifyou have anyofthese symptoms,call 911 quickly
Dispose of Drugs. You can also visit the DEA Collection Site Locator to find a drug take back location near you. Rememberyoumustapproveyourhome delivery prescription drug refills before theycanbeshipped.Forotherdetailsabout your pharmacy benefit and ways to help you manage your prescriptions, be sure to refer to the TRICARE Pharmacy Program Overview Fact Sheet or TRICARE Pharmacy Program Handbook To check your copayments, go to TRICARE Pharmacy If you have questions, you can reach out to Express Scripts WouldyoulikethelatestTRICAREnews sent to you by email? Visit the TRICARE Subscriptions page today, and create your personalizedprofiletogetbenefitupdates, news and more.
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, April 13, 2023
Savor spring flavor with fresh seafood recipes
Fresh,flavorfulingredientstakespringtimemealsto anotherlevel,andit’shardtotopseafood asaseasonal favorite Skipthewaitatrestaurantsandinsteadcreate yourownsavoryseafooddishesbytakingadvantageof easy-to-make recipes
While takeout may be an easy option, the satisfaction of enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal like ShrimpPadThai with Jasmine Rice can makeyoufeel like you’re enjoying a restaurant-quality dinner. Next timeyou’recravingAsiancuisine,swapouttraditional rice noodles for this version with Jasmine rice as an aromatic, quick-cooking solution for your own spin on a classic.
Take the guesswork out of cooking rice with an option like Success Boil-In-Bag Rice, which offers a heat safe, BPA-free and FDA-approved solution for fluffy, flavorful rice that cooks up perfectly The high-qualitygrainsarequick easy mess-freeandready in10minutes,soyoucanenjoyhassle-freedishessuch as Successful Crab and Rice Cakes
Thesecrispycrabcakescometogethereasilyandare servedwithazesty,homemadeaiolithattastesjustlike you’reonthecoast.Ifyou’renewtomakingcrabcakes, it’s simpler than it may seem - just cook rice beforehand so it can cool then mix in beaten eggs, seafood and seasonings Refrigerating and resting the mixture helps it hold together before frying to a mouthwatering golden brown for a delicious appetizer snack or side dish
VisitSuccessRice.comtofindmorespringtimemeal ideas.
Shrimp Pad Thai with Jasmine Rice
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Servings: 4
Preparericeaccordingtopackagedirections Setaside
In small bowl, combine brown sugar, fish sauce, lime juice,soysauceandchiligarlicsauce Setaside
In large wok or skillet over high heat, heat ½ tablespoon oil. Quickly scramble egg Remove from pan and reserve. Addremainingoiltowokoverhighheat.Addshrimp andgarlic;stir-fry5minutes oruntilshrimparecooked. Add reserved sauce and rice; stir-fry 2 minutes Add greenonionsandreservedegg;tosstocombine
Divide pad Thai between four bowls Top each with bean sprouts, cilantro and peanuts Serve with lime wedges
Successful Crab and Rice Cakes
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4
Tomakecrabcakes:Preparericeaccordingtopackage directions Allowtocool
In medium bowl, beat eggs lightly Stir in rice, crabmeat and seafood seasoning; mix well. Refrigerate 5 minutes Shapemixtureintoeightpatties
In large, nonstick skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Working in batches, carefully place patties in skillet. Cook 5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Transfertopapertowel-linedplate
Tomakeaioli:Stirtogethermayonnaise,garlic,lemon zestandlemonjuice.
Serve aioli with crab cakes and garnish with lemon wedges ifdesired.
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 13, 2023 5
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