Diverse perspectives: Naval STEM touts outreach programs at DoD STEM event
“It turns out that orthopedic surgery is the least diverse field of medicine,”said Lt Cmdr Marvin Dingle, who himself is one of a handful ofAfrican American orthopedic surgeons in the Navy “I knew I wanted to do something to improve that number but how?” PageA3
Taking care of people: Building Team 74 starts day one
NEWPORT NEWS, Va Working in a shipyard environment is tough, especially for the U.S. Navy’s newest Sailors Not only are new check-ins coming from boot camp trying to figure out their new rating and jobs,buttheshipyardprovidesanevenmore complex and often difficult physical work environment.
Before arriving for a multi-year overhaul in 2021, the leadership team aboard USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) recognized these additionalhardships
“Typically whennewSailorsareassigned to an aircraft carrier they can go straight to the ship, check in immediately, and start gettingacclimatedtotheirnewcommand,
said Capt. Cassidy Norman, Stennis’ commanding officer. “We knew that would not be possible for our new Sailors arriving ataprivateshipyard.”
Stennis’ leaders took proactive steps to help new Sailors by creating Training University (Training U), a unique take on a robust command indoctrination program. Since Sailors have to wait weeks to receive theirbadgetoentertheshipyard,theStennis teamutilizesthattimetowelcomeandtrain newSailors
“Before E-6 and below Sailors ever come intotheshipyard theyattendTrainingUfor upwards of four weeks at Huntington Hall oneofStennis’off-siteworklocations,”said Lt Cmdr CharlotteRoche,Stennis’Training Officer “Our goal is to ensure new Sailors
AIRLANT welcomes new Force Master Chief
Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic
NORFOLK,Va NavalAirForceAtlantic (AIRLANT) welcomes Force Master Chief (FORCM)JimmyW.HaileyIII. Hailey,anativeofAustin,Texas,assumes responsibilityfromFORCMChrisChelberg as AIRLANT’s 20th Force Master Chief Chelberg is retiring after 33 years of naval service. Prior to reporting to AIRLANT, Hailey served as the command master chief of the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) to preserve warfighting capability combat lethality and readiness by working with stakeholders to identify, mitigate or eliminatehazardsinordertoreduceunnecessary risktopeopleandresources
As the senior enlisted advisor to AIRLANT, Hailey now oversees more than 52,000Sailorsassignedtoaviationassetson theEastCoast
“I look forward to getting out to find and address normalization of deviation, things that we’ve become so accustomed to that are just normalized now, Hailey said. “I’m excited to meet our Sailors and see what’s ontheirmindsandtoaddressthosethings.”
Hailey began his Navy career as a Sonar Technician (Surface) where he served on his early career on guided-missile destroyers and says he’s possibly one of the last plank owners of USS Fitzgerald that is still on active duty He says joining the Navy provided him with some needed discipline andpurpose
Afterseveralassignmentstovariousother commands, to include being a recruit divisioncommandertwice,hemadethetransitiontoNavalAviation.Fromtherehebecame thecommandmasterchiefforStrikeFighter Squadron (VFA) 86 Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 and USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Next, he went back to Great Lakes to the Naval ServiceTrainingCommand,thentothethen NavalSafetyCenterandtookitthroughthe transitiontotheNAVSAFECOM HaileysaysthathistimeatNAVSAFECOM has really changed how he views the Navy andseeshisroleastheseniorenlistedadvisor to AIRLANT perfectly aligned with the priorities of the commander of AIRLANT, RearAdm.JohnF.Meier.
Hailey went on to say he is looking forwardtohistimeatAIRLANT
“I’m really excited to meet AIRLANTs Sailors and leadership and figure out how I can help clear obstacles for them to be successfulintheirmission,”Haileysaid.“I’m thrilledtobehereandveryhumbledtohave thisopportunitytoserveastheforcemaster chiefofnavalaviationfortheAtlantic.
AIRLANTisresponsibleforsevennuclear-powered aircraft carriers, 54 aircraft squadrons, 1,200 aircraft and 52,000 officers, enlisted and civilian personnel with priorities focused on warfighting, people, and readiness by providing combat ready, sustainable naval air forces with the right personnel, properly trained and equipped, with a focus on readiness, operational excellence,interoperability,safety,andefficient resourcing
feel like they are a part of the team and are ready to work aboard the ship when they enter the shipyard. We enable them to start withtheirbestfootforward.”
Roche manages a robust curriculum that new Sailors go through during Training U, including formal indoctrination called School of Ship, administrative check-in items,basicqualificationcompletionincluding Damage Control and Maintenance & MaterialManagement(3M),aswellasfacilitating the Navy’s newest medical training, Tactical Casualty Combat Care. They also receive training on several topics grouped intoaclasscalledTrueNorth,acollectionof practicallessonsofservingintheNavygatheredthroughfeedbackfromnewSailorsand experienced leaders.The specializedtrain-
ing includes the importance of mentorship, nutrition education, digital literacy, saving and investing, and mental and preventive health.
New Sailors also learn about the many quality-of-life programs resources and opportunitiesavailabletothemduringtheir tourintheshipyard TheylearnaboutTeam 74’sveryactiveMorale,Welfare,andRecreation (MWR) program, command social outings,mentalhealthresources,theExceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), continualtransportationtoaccessagymand Navy Exchange mini-mart, monthly visits fromMuttsWithAMission,WiFilocations insideandoutsidetheshipyard andseveral
TurntoTakingCareofPeple, Page 7
Taking care
of people: Building
Team 74 starts day one
Working in a shipyard environment is tough, especiallyforthe U.S.Navy’s newest Sailors.Not onlyare newcheck-ins coming from boot camp trying to figure out theirnewrating and jobs,but the shipyard provides an even more complexand often difficult physicalworkenvironment The leadership team aboard USSJohn C.Stennis (CVN 74) recognizes these additional hardships. PageA7
www The.Flagship the_flagship VOL.31,NO 14 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comApril 20-April 26 2023
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Force MasterChief(FORCM)JimmyW.HaileyIII poses fora portrait photo (COURTESYPHOTO)
NEWPORTNEWS,Va (Feb 14 2023)
U.S.NavyCapt.CassidyNorman,commanding officerofthe Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSSJohn C.Stennis (CVN 74),speakswith newSailors during a School ofShip briefat Huntington Hall,in Newport News Virginia,Feb.14 2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSJONGS.PARK)
www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 20 2023 1
What’s in a name: Pharmacist’s Mate Third Class
John Russell Litchfield and his namesake ship
By André Sobocinski
U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
For as long as there has been a U.S. Navy there has been the practice of naming its ships after individuals who have made important contributions to the service. Since 1902, our naval destroyers have sailed under the names of deceased heroes of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. USS Litchfield (DD-336) is but one of hundreds of destroyers that have followed this naming convention. But unlike those christened before, the Litchfield holds the distinction as the first ship named in honor of a Navy hospital corpsman.
Commissioned on May 12, 1920, USS Litchfield had a life worthy of her Hospital Corps namesake. Over her first decade of service, she participated in several humanitarian efforts including the evacuation of over 250,000 Greek and Armenians refugees from Smyrna during the Greco-Turkish War (1922) and repatriating the remains of Private First Class George Dilboy, a Greek-American Medal of Honor recipient interred in Smyrna. During World War II, the Litchfield served as an escort for submarines and convoys from Pearl Harbor to the Northern Pacific and took part in two rescues of downed patrol planes. Remarkably, when finally decommissioned in 1944— after 24 years of service—Litchfield had a longer naval career than her namesake had been alive.
John Russell Litchfield—or “Russ” to his friends and family—was a product of small towns. Born in Flanagan, Illinois, on March 6, 1899, he later moved to and grew up in Blackwell, Oklahoma. The local Main Street, family and patriotic duty would all play big roles in Litchfield’s short life.
When the U.S. entered World War I in April 1917 there was little question that Litchfield would join the cause. Just over a month after his eighteenth birthday, he took the 100-mile trek south to Oklahoma City in order to enlist in the Navy.
Following boot camp and Hospital Corps School at Great Lakes, Litchfield reported to the newly established Marine Corps Base at Quantico, Va., in August 1917 for field medical training. At Quantico, Litchfield was assigned to the 6th Marine Regiment and part of the legendary Fourth Brigade, Second Division of the U.S. Army. He deployed with his unit to France in September 1917.
Many of those newly minted Corpsmen sailing across the Atlantic to France were kids just like Litchfield. Then as now, great responsibility was placed in the hands of these young medical providers who would serve as first responders on the frontlines and “life links” to so many Marines and Sailors in the direst of conditions.
For Lt. (later Vice Adm.) Joel Boone, a surgeon with the 6th Regiment, Litchfield’s youthful appearance did not instill him with great confidence of going to war. His initial impressions of the young HM was of a “skinny, undernourished. . .[and a] puny-looking youngster.” But while serving alongside Litchfield at Verdun, Chateau-Thierry, Belleau Wood, and Soissons, Boone soon discovered those impressions of the “youngster” were “off the mark.”
“I found this youngster always busy, rather in a sense a lone wolf, but always doing something,” remembered Boone. “As time went on and we got into the battle areas, he was very popular among officers and men of the company to which he was attached.”
Those who served with Litchfield later spoke of his “driven and energetic nature” and “utter fearlessness.” When the battle ended and the night sky shrouded the carnage of the day, Litchfield could be seen walking across “No Man’s Land” looking for wounded Marines.
Litchfield remained dedicated to his role as a corpsman until his very last day. On September 15, 1918, while serving on the eastern flank in the allied offensive on the St. Mihiel Salient, Litchfield was killed when taking a wounded soldier from a trench to
the rear. He was 19 years old. Although initially laid to rest at the St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Litchfield’s body was later moved to Arlington National Cemetery (Section 18, Grave 1931). For his actions in the war, Litchfield was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal and a Purple Heart.
Postscript: Twenty-three years after USS Litchfield was launched, the Navy named three destroyer escorts after hospital corpsman killed in the Solomon Islands campaign.
Since 1920 there have been 22 destroyers and frigates named in honor of fallen hospital corpsmen. This number includes the upcoming USS William Charette (DDG-130) and USS Kilmer (DDG-134), both named after Korean War Medal of Honor recipients.
Boone, Joel T. Memoirs (Unpublished), Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., Boxes 44-46.
The Dictionary of American Fighting Ships, 1959-1981. Retrieved from: https:// ship-histories/danfs/l/litchfield.html, on April 13, 2023.
Lejeune, John. Letter to Mrs. Martha Litchfield, February 17, 1926. Retrieved from:, on April 13, 2023.
Strott, George. The Medical Department of the United States Navy with the Army and Marine Corps in France in World War I: Its Functions and Employment (NAVMED 1198). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1947.
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Pharmacist’s Mate Third Class John Russell Litchfield, USN (1899-1918). Litchfield was the first hospital corpsman to have a warship named in his honor. To date, the Navy has named 22 destroyers and frigates after hospital corpsmen. (PHOTO BY ANDRÉ SOBOCINSKI) Flagship, Inc. MNV Military Manager | Ski Miller Free Classified Advertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA): Rear Adm Christopher “Scotty” Gray Regional program manager for Navy Region Mid-Atlantic (NRMA): Public Affairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy, under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va. 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved April is the #MonthoftheMilitaryChild! This month the #MHS and #DHA celebrate the strength and resilience #MilKids and families show through life changes, like military moves. moving/pcs-and-military-moves/ #MOMC 2 The Flagship | | Section 1 | Thursday, April 20, 2023
Diverse perspectives: Naval STEM touts outreach programs at DoD STEM event
ByWarrenDuffieJr Office of
Lookingbackonhisexperiencesinmedicalschool,andwhileservingasapracticing specialistinorthopedicmedicine,Lt Cmdr
Marvin Dingle an orthopedic surgeon at Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterinMaryland recalledhowhedidn’t encountermanyotherAfricanAmericansin hisfieldofstudy.
“It turns out that orthopedic surgery is the least diverse field of medicine,” said Dingle, who himself is one of a handful of African American orthopedic surgeons in theNavy “IknewIwantedtodosomething toimprovethatnumber,buthow?”
A few years ago, Dingle read about E. Anthony Rankin, a celebrated U.S. Army surgeon who was the first African American to serve as president of the American AcademyofOrthopaedicSurgeons
Inspired by this example, Dingle started theE.AnthonyRankinOrthopaedicSurgery Internship, which launched last year, with support from the Naval STEM Coordination Office, located at the Office of Naval Research, and an endorsement from the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
Dingle shared his story during a Naval STEM panel held during the recent DoD STEMTechnicalExchangeinWashington, D.C.Theexchangebroughttogetherexperts inSTEMeducationandworkforcedevelopmenttoshareinnovativepracticesforinspiringthenextgenerationofleaders
Titled “Leveraging Naval STEM InitiativestoImproveDiversity EquityandInclusion,” the Naval STEM panel highlighted how the Department of the Navy (DoN) is working to increase diversity and inclusion in the naval workforce through innovative STEMprograms
Naval STEM oversees investments in education, outreach and workforce initiatives This enables the U.S. to cultivate the technical workforce needed to keep the NavyandMarineCorpsontheleadingedge ofscientificandtechnologicalinnovation.
“Thevalueofaneventlikethisisitgivesus thechancetodiscusswaystoimprovediversity,equityandinclusionwithinthe[DoN],” saidNavalSTEMProgramOfficerKathleen GatelyMiranda.“Howcanwedothiswhile increasinginterestinscientificandtechnical careerswithintheNavyandMarineCorps?”
In addition to Dingle, other panelists included:
Kathleen Gately Miranda and Marla Singleton,supportcontractor,NavalSTEM
Paul Jornet, operations and instructional support branch manager, Marine Corps
Lt Olivia Barrau, operations officer for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Commander,NavalAirForces
Capt Fredora McRae, Navy Medicine Diversity, Equity and Inclusion director, BUMED
The panel spotlighted several first- and second-year Naval STEM initiatives that haveseengreatsuccess,including:
The E. Anthony Rankin Orthopaedic SurgeryInternship ManagedbyBUMED, this program invited first- and second-year civilianmedicalstudentsfromunderrepresented backgrounds to consider careers in orthopedicmedicine Thefour-weekinternshipwashostedattheWalterReedNational MilitaryMedicalCenterinBethesda,Maryland.
Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) Flight Academy The Flight Academy is an eight-week summer
program for students affiliated with Navy and Marine Corps JROTC Students have the opportunity to attend ground school, participate in flight training, earn college credits and achieve a Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)privatepilot’slicense (PPL). To date, 27 students were selected to participate of which 70% represented underservedandunderrepresentedgroups. Ultimately studentsnavigatedtheirfirstsolo flight,earnedcollegecredits,passedtheFAA written exam and 17 achieved their PPL. Moreover, 15 of the program’s alumni have receivedROTCscholarshipsorbeenadmittedtotheserviceacademies.
Naval Horizons
This initiative is designed to introduce high school and college students to cutting-edge topics impacting the Navy and Marine Corps It does so through engaging online videos covering a variety of research areas including autonomy, oceanography, data
science and aerospace optometry In each video, diverse naval scientists and engineersdiscusstheirworktoincreasestudent awareness of naval science and technology challenges
Contestparticipantswatchthevideosand then submit a short essay explaining how they were inspired by naval research and the naval workforce To date broad participation resulted in more than 31,000 video viewsand1,727studentsselectedaswinners of$200cashprizes
“Initiativeslikethesearevitalforincreasing accessibility to STEM opportunities within the Navy and Marines Corps,” said McRae “Ultimately, they result in not only greater representation from underserved andunderrepresentedbackgrounds,butalso foster greater diversity of thoughts viewpointsandperspectives.”
WarrenDuffieJr isacontractorforONR CorporateStrategicCommunications.
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Left to right: Naval STEM participants Lt Olivia Barrau,PaulJornet,Marla Singleton,Kathleen GatelyMiranda,Lt Cmdr.Marvin Dingle and Capt. Fredora McRae discuss Naval STEM initiatives during a panel discussion at the recent DoD STEMTechnical Exchange inWashington,D.C (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMICHAELWALLS)
FRCE Fuel Control Shop recognized for contribution to H-53 readiness
Fleet Readiness Center East
CHERRY POINT, N.C. One Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) team recently earned recognition for its contribution to improved flight line readiness for the MH/ CH-53Eheavylifthelicopter TheNavalAir Systems Command Heavy Lift Helicopters Program Office (PMA-261) honored the FRCEFuelControlShopasPMA-261“Gold Stars”duringaMarchevent
The Fuel Control Shop worked with a teamledbyNavalSupplySystemsCommand that included representatives from FRCE’s FleetSupportTeamEngineeringandMaintenance, Repair and Overhaul Engineering, to eliminate backorders and increase stock on hand for the T64 engine’s 416A and 419 main fuel control units The team’s improvementoffuelcontrolreadinessover the past two years ultimately resulted in a 15% increase mission capable readiness for theMH/CH-53Ecommunity,saidCol.Kate Fleeger,thePMA-261programmanager
“TheworkbeingdoneintheFuelControl Shop at FRC East makes a positive, realworldimpactthatisbeingfeltbyourMarine Corps and Navy aviators on flight lines and flightdecksaroundtheglobe,”Fleegersaid.
“The cross-disciplinary team of professionals tackling these readiness constraints has provided critical support in raising the mission capable rate for the H-53 platform, and the heavy lift community appreciates theirefforts.”
DonaldJeter,directoroftheEnginesand IndustrialProcessesdivisionsatFRCE,said therecognitionisatestamenttotheskilland dedicationoftheFuelControlShopartisans
“The Fuel Control Shop wouldn’t see results like this without a highly skilled, professional workforce on the shop floor,” Jeter said. “This team has so much expertiseandexperiencedoingwhattheydo,and theyputittouseeverydayinsupportofour nation’s warfighters What they’ve been able to do in terms of reducing high-priority backorders and stocking the shelves for the Fleet, is nothing short of amazing, and they are without a doubt deserving of this recognition,andsomuchmore.
The fuel control units occupy just 1 cubic footofspacebutarecomposedofmorethan
1,200 individual pieces Fuel Control Shop supervisor David Lawrence said boosting fuelcontrolavailabilityalsorequiredalotof moving pieces to work together as a whole muchlikethefuelcontrolunititself
“It starts with the dedication and expertise of the shop employees, their mechanical skill and the years of knowledge that a lot of these guys have with the unit,” he explained. “With engineering’s help, we’ve managed to overcome some supply constraints and meet some major milestones Then add in our excellent group of testers our quality analysts our planners andestimators ourproductioncontrollers and the network we have here to support us, and we’ve been able to overcome the hurdles we’ve run into.”
Lawrencesaidoverthepasttwoyears,the shop has seen a steady increase in production of the fuel control units week after week, experiencing a higher first-time pass rate on testing and yielding more ready for issueunitstoshipouttotheFleet Communication has been key in these efforts, he noted.Dailymeetingswithkeyinternaland externalstakeholdersallowfortheidentification and resolution of factors that might
MSC Atlantic changes hands
USN Military Sealift Command
NORFOLK, Va (NNS) Military Sealift Command’s leadership in the Atlantic changed hands, when Navy Capt. James
A. Murdock relieved Navy Capt. Daniel E. BroadhurstascommanderofNorfolk-based Military Sealift Command Atlantic (MSC Atlantic)duringachangeofcommandceremonyheldaboardNavyhospitalshipUSNS Comfort(T-AH-20)inNavalStationNorfolk April13,2023 Broadhurstwillassumeduties as the chief of staff for MSC headquarters inNorfolk
The change of command ceremony is a time-honored tradition that formally restates to the officers enlisted Sailors and civilians of the command the continuity of theauthorityofcommand
Rear Adm. Michael A. Wettlaufer, commander, Military Sealift Command, was the keynote speaker who spoke about the accomplishments of both captains and the significance of being in command. “Command is the single most important element in our naval organization and the ultimate vote of confidence Our Navy’s success is totally dependent upon the quality of those who have been entrusted with the absolute responsibility, authority, and accountabilityinherentincommand.”
“TosayDanhasbeenbusyasCommander, MilitarySealiftCommandAtlanticwouldbea substantialunderstatement,”Wettlaufersaid.
“He and his MSC Atlantic team make directcontributionstoourNation’sdefense by providing ready logistics and special mission ships and crews to then train and sustain carrier and expeditionary strike groups on deployment to Europe and the Middle East. His work allows our Navy to play the away game to go forward with
John Stilley,pneudraulic systems mechanic leaderin the Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Fuel Control Shop assembles aT64 engine’s fuel control unit in a clean room.The Fuel Control Shop recentlyearned recognition from the NavalAirSystems Command HeavyLift Helicopters Program Office forits contribution to improved flight line readiness forthe MH/CH-53E heavylift helicopter.(PHOTOBYHEATHERWILBURN, FLEETREADINESSCENTEREASTPUBLICAFFAIRS.)
inhibitproduction.Ifanissuecan’tbesolved attheshoplevel,Lawrenceisabletoelevate ittohisleadershipforaction.
“It’s been very effective,” he said. “We’re abletohighlighttheissuesthatcomeupwith parts for example and let upper managementseeiftheycanhelpusresolvesomeof these issues Often they can help expedite something that might take us a little longer togetdoneatmylevel.
These meetings also give the shop’s artisansaclearpictureofthefuelcontrolneeds of both FRCE’s engine line and the Fleet, which gives them a sense of ownership in theprocess,Lawrencesaid.
“They’re not working just to be working they’re working toward a goal They know what that goal is and they know how theirworkaffectsthat, headded “Theysee the impact of their work when they know wherethosepartsaregoing,andwhenthey see recognition like this award from the programoffice.”
Communicationbetweentheshop’sartisansandtestersalsoplaysaroleinrepairing thefuelcontrolunitsandreturningthemto the Fleet in working order said shop work leaderJohnStilley “The testers and the builders have such a great relationship,” he noted “We have so manypartsinsidetheunit,andthere’sagreat deal of troubleshooting that goes into this and it’s done on both sides The communication between the builder and the tester is incrediblyimportant;itcan’tjustbeamatter of ‘it failed. The tester needs to be able to explain what they noticed, what flows are failing,howcertainflowsworkincorrespondence with the bad flows As a team, they compileallthisinformation,andthat’swhen
they decide what’s happening That helps them determine what the actual problem wouldbe.
“Justbecauseatestfailedatacertainspot does not mean that one part is what’s bad,” Stilley continued. “It could mean a part upstream could have caused the problem downstream. Determining that requires experience, and it requires a little bit of humilitytonotbestubbornandthinkyou’re just automatically going to be right every time.Successisamatterofworkingtogether it’steamwork.”
Lawrencesaidwhileprocesschangesand enhancedcommunicationhavestreamlined some of the work and improve outcomes the skill and dedication of the artisans and support staff in the Fuel Control Shop have alwaysbeenapparent
“This shop has a lot of leaders in it, and thesuccessallcomesdowntothat.It’sleadership: taking ownership of that job and giving the Fleet the quality product that they deserve,” he said. “Between that, the mechanical skills and attention to detail, this team has a lot to be proud of Whenever something comes up they step up and showgreatteamworkandawillingnesstogo aboveandbeyond Icouldn’tbemoreproud tobepartofthisteam.”
FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers. Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunctioning as an integral part of the greater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters
Dakota Mason,pneudraulic systems helperin the Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Feul Control Shop disassembles aT64 engine’s fuel control unit in a clean room.FRCE’s Fuel Control Shop recentlyearned recognition from the NavalAirSystems Command HeavyLift Helicopters Program Office forits contribution to improved flight line readiness forthe MH/CH-53E heavylift helicopter. (Photo byHeatherWilburn,Fleet Readiness CenterEast PublicAffairs.)
capabilities to uphold the rules-based international order that has underpinned global stability and economic prosperity since WWII. His work allows our Navy to fly and sail where international law allows, to defend our national interests forward, to reassure allies and partners in this era of strategic competition, and, if required, to wininconflict.”
Broadhurst was presented with the Legion of Merit for his outstanding efforts indirectingextensivecargooperationsthat included 9.8 million square feet in strategic sealift and prepositioning ship cargo 425 millionpoundsinordnance,and776million gallonsinfueltransfersacrossmultipleport facilities,while,atthesametime,supporting 15majorfleetexercisesanddeployments.
Broadhurst thanked his family for their continuedsupport histeam,thoseservingat seaandashore fortheircontinuedsacrifice and to Rear Adm. Wettlaufer for his steady leadership
After the official orders were read, MurdockassumedalldutiesandresponsibilitiesasMSCAtlanticcommodore.“Weneed leaders who demonstrate both operational excellence and strong character to propel our Navy forward Our greatest strength is the incredible pool of talent we attract, and webearwitnesstothisfacttoday.Jamie you are the right leader at the right time to take commandofMSCLANT, Wettlaufersaid Addressinghisteamfortheveryfirsttime, Murdocksaid,hewashonoredandhumbled to take command. A native son of Ticond-
NORFOLK,Va (NNS) (April 13, 2023) – Military Sealift Command’s leadership in the Atlantic changed hands,when Navy Capt.JamesA. Murdockrelieved NavyCapt.Daniel E.Broadhurst as commanderof Norfolk-based MilitarySealift CommandAtlantic (MSCAtlantic) during a change of command ceremony held aboard Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) in Naval Station NorfolkApril 13,2023. Pictured from left to right are Captains Broadhurst and Murdock.Centered is RearAdm.Michael A.Wettlaufer commanderofMSC. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOS BYRYANCARTER)
eroga, N.Y., Murdock received his commissionthroughtheOfficerCandidateSchoolin Pensacola,Fla.,in1999 HeholdsaMasterof Arts’degreeinNationalSecurityandStrategic Studies from the Naval War College. He servedascommandingandexecutiveofficer ofUSSForrestSherman(DDG98),completing two deployments to the Fifth and Sixth Fleet areas of operation with the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group and the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group While commanding USS Forrest Sherman he earned the Battle “E” recognition for his leadership
For more news about Military Sealift Commandvisit MSCdelivers, MSCsealift,
4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, April 20 2023
ByStephanieSlater Naval Safety Command
Warmdaysofsummercomewithunique risks To help reduce the likelihood of mishaps,injuriesorworse lossoflife the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) will launch its annual “101 Critical Days of Summer” safety awareness campaign May 26toSept.4.
The 101 Critical Days of Summer is the longest vacation period of the year for military members beginning Memorial Day weekend and ending Labor Day weekend Itincludesfourholidays,whichcommands frequently approve as long weekends for uniformedpersonnel.
In the spirit of the Navy’s Get Real, Get Better call to action, this year’s campaign aims to empower Sailors and Marines to self-assess and self-correct risks related to summertimeoff-dutyrecreationalactivities
“EveryonefromtheNavy’snewestaccessions to its senior leaders should embrace a safety mindset that commits to educating aboutriskandunderstandingthebehaviors that lead to mishaps,” said NAVSAFECOM Command Master Chief, CMDCM (AW/ SW)DeanSonnenberg.“Weallhaveanobligationtospeakupifsomeoneappearsready to make an ill-fated decision or engage in riskybehavior.”
According to NAVSAFECOM data, the root causes of almost all off-duty mishaps inthesummerarefromlapsesofjudgment, lack of situational awareness and complacency Most off-duty, recreational mishaps are entirely preventable These mishaps are avoidable if service members perform a reasonable risk assessment and comply with laws procedures or recommended bestpracticeswhenengaginginanyactivity
During the 2022 101 Critical Days of
Summerperiod,theNavyandMarineCorps lost 29 Sailors and Marines to preventable off-dutymishaps.Motorvehicleandmotorcycle (PMV-4 and PMV-2) mishaps were the leading causes Of the 29 members lost, 19 died in PMV-4- and PMV-2-related incidents Twowerepedestrianrelated.Another persondrowned. Aside from PMV-4 and PMV-2 mishaps, thetopactivitiesthathurtusthemostwere team sports (basketball incurred the most, followed by baseball), in the home (cuts, trips falls cooking and lifting and moving objects), outdoors (hiking, walking, swimming,camping,divingandboating),individualphysicaltraining(mainlywhilerunning andweightlifting),bicycles,stairsanddogs “Everyone shouldgetoutand enjoy their summer, because that time off improves our resiliency and sharpens our readiness,” Sonnenbergsaid.“Butremembertomanage yourrisk.
Throughout the summer campaign NAVSAFECOM will promote and disseminate various media and training products to inform the naval enterprise on common risksassociatedwithsummertimeactivities, includingacomprehensive101CriticalDays of Summer presentation, downloadable posters,articles,safetyawarenessdispatches and videos via its official website and social mediachannels Commands are encouraged to submit locallyproducedphotos,videos postersand othermultimediaproductsinsupportofthe 101 Critical Days of Summer Inputs should
Naval Enterprise Encouraged to Selfassess, Self-correct Summertime Risks www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, April 20 2023 5 Formorethan75years, University of Maryland Global Campus has been helping working adults earn the degree or certificate theyneed to reach their next big goal. Start your next success! •125+ degrees &certificates •Online &hybrid courses available •No-cost digital materials in place of mosttextbooks •Personalized advising and support• Lifetime career services, resources and tools UMGC.EDU 301-985-7530 No ApplicationFee if YouApply by May31. StartYour Next Success. ©2023 University of Maryland Global Campus Scan the QR CodetoApply &SavewithNoApp FeeThru5/31 UMGC is certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). University of Maryland Global Campus, 9625 Belvoir Road, Barden Education Center,Building1017, Room 128, Fort Belvoir,VA22060.
Since standing up Navy’s Consumable Asset Reutilization Program (CARP) program at NAVSUP FLC Norfolk, the program is showing early dividends in supporting Navy Fleet Readiness CARPprovidesaNavy-managedcapability to reutilize excess material from Navy WorkingCapitalFund(NWCF)activities It providesacentralizedNAVSUPlocationfor all“ReadyforIssue”(RFI)NWCFmaterial.
NWCF activities can initiate CARP services via the NAVSUP WSS Smart Offload Team. The Smart Offload Team works with each activity to identify different categories of excess material and providestheguidancetotransferthemate-
rial to NAVSUP FLC Norfolk. The CARP team accepts the RFI material that the Smart Offload Team identified for offload.
In June 2022, NAVSUP FLC Norfolk recommended piloting CARP to the Navy as a proof of concept. Once approved, NAVSUPFLCNorfolkestablishedtheenvironment,conductedthepilotandexpanded further to meet the current demand for services
“Not only does NAVSUP FLC Norfolk havethewarehousespaceinBuildingW-143 available the team has extensive experience in processing fleet excess offloads a comprehensiveinventoryknowledgeanda strongpartnershipwiththeNAVSUPWSS
Smart Offload Team,” explained NAVSUP FLC Norfolk CARP Director John Martin. Headdedthathisteamhastheflexibility
to greater serve the fleet with a variety of material, even items at low unit value
“This material (valued at less than $100) accounts for 59 percent of all CARP issues including 472 CASREP requisitionsthroughFebruary2023,”saidMartin. “Thisisahugeimpacttofleetreadinessthat cannot be measured by dollars alone.”
They also receive and stow material ‘as is”inregardstohowitispackaged,repacking the material for shipment when it is issued. This enables the team to quickly stow the material and make it available for immediate issue
“One thing that we learned was that a large percentage of the material received has come from activities that are not sourcedinthesupplysystem,”saidMartin “Once this material is received into CARP
it is instantly available to any Navy activity with a backordered requirement.”
MartinsaidCARPhasmadeahugereadiness impact since becoming operational at NAVSUP FLC Norfolk last August. “On Aug. 17, we processed the first receipt and thenmadethefirstissuethenextday.Seven monthslater,wehaveaninventoryofmore than25,000lineitemsvaluedatmorethan $45 million This fiscal year so far we have processed more than 34,000 receipts and 14,000 issues and CARP is now the busiest NWCF plant in the NAVSUP Enterprise.”
Martin is extremely proud of his team. “As CARP director, my biggest reward is knowing the service we provide via CARP has increased fleet readiness while reducing waste for the Navy,” beamed Martin
NAVSUP FLC Norfolk CARP provides positive impact to the fleet Lead Consumable Asset Reutilization Program Supply TechnicianTyler Wetherington performs quality assurance checks on material priorto receiving it into stock.(PHOTO BYTHOMAS KREIDEL) 6 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, April 20 2023 STARTED BY 25 SOLDIERS As long as thereare those who serve, USAA willbe theretoservethem. 5 SO S 13 MILLION MEMBERS AND GROWING 100 YEARS AND GOING STRONG 1MISSION THROUGHITALL Membership eligibilityand productrestrictions apply and aresubjecttochange.USAAmeans United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. No Department of Defense or governmentagencyendorsement. ©2023USAA. 291559-0223 SCAN HERE
NAVFAC leaders across Southeastregion attend conferencewith industry partners, discuss upcoming work andcommunication
NavalFacilities Engineering SystemsCommand, Officer In Charge Of Construction Florence Representatives from NavalFacilities EngineeringSystemsCommand(NAVFAC) Atlantic,Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast; Officer in ChargeofConstruction -Florence (OICC Florence);U.S.ArmyCorps of Engineers(USACoE);FortBragg;MarineCorps Installations East(MCI-East); Seymour JohnsonAFB;U.S.CoastGuard;andvarious otherfederalandstateagenciesgatheredin Wilmington,NorthCarolinaonApril12and 13,for the annual Southeast RegionFederal Construction, Infrastructure& Environmental Summit (The Summit) heldatthe WilmingtonConventionCenter.
Designedtoconnectgeneralandspecialty contractors,design firms,construction supply firms,and companies providing facility-supportcontractswith the federal government,TheSummitprovidedattendees withtwo days of dialogue about critical and timely topics as well as manynetworking opportunities.Thisyear’s event, hosted bytheofficeofSenatorThomTillis(R-NC), and the North Carolina MilitaryBusiness Center,steeredtowardanemphasisonopen communicationamongallentitiesinvolved in MilitaryConstruction (MILCON) projectsandFacilitiesSustainment,Restoration, andModernization(FSRM)projects
“Forthepastthreetofouryears,NAVFAC has been activelyseeking industry feedbackonbestpracticesthatcanbeappliedto governingprojects,” saidRear Adm. Maria “Lore” Aguayo,Commander, NAVFAC Atlantic,duringherkeynotespeechonApril 13.“We have heardinthe pastfromindustry that government decisions areoften delayedbecausefieldpersonneldonothave the authority for certain decision making Wehaveinitiatedamulti-tieredgovernance structureintendedtoidentify and resolve issuesonthe lowest appropriate level, but allowing aframework to elevate concerns forquickresolutionofthebarriers.”
Aguayo also outlined three keyareas for success provided from the feedback:
Ensuresenior leaders and stakeholders areinvolved; partnering and governance needs to begin in the early stages of planning and continuebeyondproject completion; and transparent collaboration is essential,and team members shouldsharetheirconcerns, especially when thereisa risk to the schedule or cost of aproject
“It’sapartnership,” echoed Cmdr.DanielJ Gutierrez, operations officer,NAVFACMid-Atlantic, duringoneofthreedialogue sessions he participatedin. “It’smaking surewework together to get to agoal.
Brig. Gen.Andrew M. Niebel, commanding general,MCI-East,emphasized the importance of a solid relationship between NAVFACandtheprimeand sub-contractors.
“It’snot justrebuilding afterahurricane,it’snotjust modernizing old buildings, it is keeping up and maintaining acompetitiveedge withour competitors,” said Niebel. “Today, rightnow and 365 days ayear, we are operating from our bases andstations right nowwe areconducting operations thateffect real world thingsaroundthe globe.Makenomistake about it,you allare apartofit.”
RearAdm.Maria“Lore”Aguayo,Commander,NAVFAC-Atlantic,assists in presenting an awardtoGeneral ServicesAdministration,SoutheastSunbelt Region 4atthe SoutheastRegionalFederal Construction, Infrastructure& Environment Summit onApril 13,2023 Leadersand subject matterexpertsfromNAVFACLANT, NAVFACMIDLANT,NAVFACSOUTEAST,and OICCFlorenceattendedthe conferencetoconnectwith industry partnersand discussworkin progressand upcoming projectsintheirareas.(PHOTOBYASHLEYSNIPES,NAVAL FACILITIESENGINEERINGSYSTEMSCOMMAND,OFFICERINCHARGEOFCONSTRUCTIONFLORENCE)
ing,bidding,and larger issues such as environmentalandenergytopics
Discussionsthroughoutthetwodayevent focused on collaboration between government and industry panel members about issues theyare encounteringnow,aswell as challenges they foresee while looking for futureopportunities with the federal government. The topics coveredcurrent issues such as supply chain, inflation, pric-
“Itwas great to come togetherasone NAVFAC team and discuss work in progress and upcoming projects across the Southeast,”saidCapt. James “Jim”Brown, PE,PMP,CEM,commandingofficer,OICC Florence.“I’m excited to see that lessons learned at OICCFlorenceare being used to improve project management, partnering between government and contractors, and
with overall efficiency and effectiveness of communications between NAVFAC and primecontractors.”
OICC Florence provides world-class engineering,construction, and acquisition servicessupporting the Marine Corps’ recovery from Hurricane Florence and deploymentoftheJointStrikeFighter,re-establishing the readiness of expeditionary forces for MCIEAST and II Marine ExpeditionaryForce.
NORAD and U.S. Northern Command will conduct exerciseVIGILANT SHIELD 23
PETERSONSPACEFORCEBASE,Colorado —The North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command will conductits annual homelanddefenseexercise,VIGILANTSHIELD 23April11-19,2023.
Exercise Vigilant Shield 23 is abi-national exercisebetween the United States andCanadadesignedtoassessandenhance the readinessofNORAD andUSNORTH-
Taking CareofPeople
educationalprogramsincludingfinancial managementandstresscontrol.
“Wewant these Sailors to knowthey are apartoftheStennisteamandthatwegenuinelycareaboutthem,”saidNorman.
SailorsalsomeetwithStennis’chaplains, oncetolearnaboutthemanywaysinwhich the chaplains are available to help them at anytime with anyissue,and asecondtime for SafeTALK training,one of the Navy’s Suicideprevention programs that teaches participantstorecognizeandengagepersons whomightbetrendingtowardsthoughtsof suicide,and to connect themwith communityresourcestrainedinsuicideprevention.
“TheteamismuchstrongerwhenSailors in the work centersand on the deckplates knowhowtolookoutforandhelpotherSailors,”Rochesaid.
“During Training U, we issue their commandballcapandshipyardsafetygear, establish their computer access,measure them for shipboard coveralls,ensure they receiveshipyard badges,and we qualify Sailors through 3M skillset building and generalshipboardfirefightingclasses,”said
COM,itscomponentsandmissionpartners todefendNorthAmericafromattack.
Personnel from across the United States and Canada willparticipate,including the commands’ Headquarters,the Alaskan, CanadianandContinentalNORADRegions, USNORTHCOM components (U.S. Army North,U.S.AirForceNorth,U.S.NavyNorth, U.S.MarineForcesNorth,andSpecialOperationsCommandNorth),andothersubordinateunitsandmissionpartners.
Roche.“We check as many boxesaswecan toensurethatwhentheywalkintotheshipyard and aboardthe ship, they haveagood baseline forwhere they aregoingand what they aredoing. We want themtofeel like they cansucceed and contribute immediatelyasawelcomedpartoftheteam!”
Theoverall Training Uprogram is ledby Stennis’bestandbrightest.
“Each year,wesendthe Senior Sailor of theYeartoleadthestandardindoctrination portionofTrainingUcalledSchoolofShip” saidRoche. “Again, we aretaking as many proactivestepsaspossibletowelcomenew Sailors,and who better to welcome them than our recognized leaders aboardthe ship?”
Anaircraft carrierhas acrewofapproximately2,650 Sailors during RCOH.This meansupwardsof30-90peopleattendeach TrainingU iteration startingroughly every otherweek
Newcheck-insalsoget to hear from the ship’shighestleadersduringTrainingU
Capt.Normanhastraveledfromtheshipyard to Huntington Hall over50times and haspersonallyengagedinindividualconversationswith1,350Sailors,overhalf of the entireship’screw. “I makea point to speak witheverysingleTrainingUclassinperson,
andUSNORTHCOMopportunitiestoexamine and refine strategies,evaluate processes and procedures,and demonstrate the ability to address threats in various environments anddomains.ItisprimarilyaCommandPost Exerciseusing simulated forces and involves the commander,the staff,and communicationswithinandbetweenheadquarters.While the overall exercise scenario is classified, it is designed to assess and enhance NORADand USNORTHCOM’sability to defendNorth America across all domains,which include
said Norman. “While Ispeak to the group abouthow we operate as ateam and how importantourmissionistogetourwarship backinthe fight, Ialsochat with each new Sailor at apersonal levelabout where they arefrom,whytheyjoinedtheNavy,andwho inspiresthem.I want them to feel universallywelcomed,andletthemknowdirectly from me as their commanding officer that they matter and areessential members of Team74.”
“Training Uwas pretty helpful to start working on Stennis,”said AviationBoatswain’s Mate (Equipment) (ABE) Airman Apprentice Jose Belizaire,fromAttleboro, Massachusetts,having recently gone through Training U. “Itwas tough to envisionwhat workinginashipyard would be like, plusI knewI had to get someinitial qualifications andlearn howtobeanABE. Training Udefinitely helped setabaseline, soIwasreadytogobythetimeIcametothe shipandshipyard.”
“SchoolofShip,andultimatelythewhole TrainingUprogramisincrediblyimportant,” said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 1stClass Sirita Weaver,Stennis’ current Senior Sailor of the Year and Training U leader.“Ournew Sailors truly have no idea whattoexpectintheshipyard,andthefeed-
air,land,maritime,spaceandcyber NORAD is abi-national command formedbyapartnership between Canada and the United States.NORAD provides aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning for North America. USNORTHCOM conducts homeland defense,civil support and security cooperation to defendand securethe U.S. and its interests.The twocommandshave complementary missions and areco-locatedtogetheronPeterson SFB,Colorado
backwereceive is that all the courses and qualifications we put them through before sendingthemtotheyardareextremelyhelpful for setting abaselineand ensuring they canstartworkrightaway.”
“Wealwayshaveclasses going on,”said Weaver.“Andwedosurveys atthe end of each course to makesurethey have good sponsors,goodindoctrination,andtogarner feedbackfromparticipantsandseehowwe canfurtherimproveourprogram.
At theend of the four-week Training U, WeaverandothermembersoftheTraining staffbringthenewSailorstotheship,where thereisa shortceremony to welcome them aboard.ThenewSailorsarethenabletostart workintheirparentdepartmentfeelinglike theyarepartoftheteam.
“IamveryimpressedwithhowtheTraining Department built an inclusiveexperiencefor our newestTeam74members and genuinelymakeSailorsfeeltheyarevalued,” reflectedNorman.“Workinghereisn’teasy, butwearetakingeverysteppossibletomake our Sailors feel seenand heard, welcomed andprepared,asweworktogetourfloating citywithanairportandairforcebackoutto seatoprotectourcountryagain.
www| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, April 20,2023 7
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3 Tips for upcoming household goods moves
NAVSUPNavyHousehold Goods Program experts saythere are three things service members can do this upcoming peakmoving season to make the process easier: get educated; start early; and be flexible.PageA4
NASA Astronaut and former SEAL completes Navy Flight Training
Jonny Kim, NASA astronaut and former Navy SEAL, earned his “Wings of Gold” during a winging ceremony Friday March 24 onboardNavalAirStationWhitingField. Kim,alongside22newaviatorsinhiswinging class, completed advanced helicopter training resulting in his designation as a NavalAviator
The families of the newly designated Naval Aviators were in attendance to congratulate and “pin” the wings onto the uniformoftheirlovedones Kimwaspinned byhiswifewhilehisthreechildrenwatched fromcloseby
After graduating on the “Commodore’s List” with distinction, Kim is now a “dual designator,” meaning he is one of a rare group of individuals who is simultaneously designated (qualified) as both a Navy flight surgeon and Naval Aviator as part of the AeromedicalDualDesignatorProgram.
Kim’scareerisuniqueandmayleadsome towonderhowheendedupinaruralregion ofwestFloridapursuingadvancenavalhelicoptertrainingaftermanyyearsundergoing therigorouschallengesandrequirementsof the Navy SEAL Teams, the Harvard School ofMedicine,andNASA ForKim,hisdesire tobeimpactfulandmakeadifferencebegan inchildhood.
“Growing up, I never thought about joiningthemilitary,butlikealotofyoungkids I dreamtofbeingaheroandmakingapositive difference in the world However, I didn’t believe in myself or have the confidence I needed to impact the world in the way I wantedto,”saidKim.“Then,at 16,Idiscovered the SEAL teams and the warrior spirit theteamscultivate Ithoughtmaybebecoming a SEAL could change me to become the
In 2002, Kim enlisted in the Navy and sought out the most direct path to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training
“The quickest way to make it to BUD/S wastoenlistintheNavyasaHospitalCorpsman, said Kim. “Following SEAL training
I underwent Special Operations Combat MedictrainingfromtheArmySpecialForces trainingcenter[U.S.ArmyJohnF.Kennedy SpecialWarfareCenterandSchool],located inFortBragg,NorthCarolina Welearned howtostabilizeandkeepsoldiersalivewho were gravely wounded until surgeons couldgivemoredefinitivetreatment.Itwas thebestplacetolearnthatkindofbattlefield traumamedicineandwhereIreallystarted toappreciatethegiftthatmedicinecanbe.”
After completing SOCM training, Kim reported to SEAL Team 3 in 2005. He deployedtoIraqin2006whereheengaged in over 100 combat operations which included his first experiences with combat medicineonthebattlefield.Hisdeployment experience influenced him to further his medicalcareerwiththeNavy “WedeployedtoRamadi,Iraq inconcert with various U.S.-Iraqi coalition forces in an effort to stabilize the region,” said Kim. “Ramadi,atthetime,wasveryunstableand weparticipatedinalmostdailycombatoperations,experiencingnumerousfirefightsand suffering multiple casualties I came back fromthereandthoughtthatIcouldn’tkeep doing this for a long time but I had some decent field experience, at that time, taking care of the wounded I really appreciated thatmedicinecouldsavelives,butIwanted togivebackalittlemoretotheSEALteams, soIstuckaroundforanothertour.”
Following a second deployment, Kim began to pursue options that could elevate
his impact in the medical field He applied totheSeamantoAdmiral-21Program(STA21)whichatthetimeincludedtheoptionto pursue a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree inordertojointheMedicalCorps.
“I wanted to continue serving but in a different way,” said Kim “I made a promise to my fallen brothers that I would live my best life in a way that betters the world in their honor For me, medicine was the answertothat.”
Through STA-21, Kim earned his undergraduate degree at the University of San Diego, then applied to Harvard Medical School. After graduating from Harvard in 2016, he focused on emergency medicine during his residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Brigham and Women’s Hospital, both in Boston ItwasduringthistimethatKimfirst became inspired to apply his new medical profession to an organization that, in Kim’s eyes, shares similar aspects with the Navy SEALteams “ThereasonIwantedtobeanastronautis thesamereasonIwantedtobeaphysician bothfieldsserveothersinawaythatbetters theworld,”saidKim,whocreditshisinterest inapplyingtoNASAtophysicianandastronaut Scott Parazynski “He was like ‘You should really think about being an astronaut. You get to serve the public, do really challengingthingsandworkinasmallteam environment,’andIthought‘thissoundslike thespecialforcesofscienceandexploration.’ ServingasaNASAastronautwouldallowme tocontinuetoservemycommunityandthe publicinanimpactfulway.
KimjoinedNASAin2017and,alongwith the other astronaut candidates, reported to the Naval Introductory Flight Evaluation (NIFE) program at Naval Air Station(NAS) Pensacola. Astronaut candidates complete
designatedportionsoftheNIFEcurriculum, aswellasunderwatersurvivaltrainingatthe NavalSurvivalTrainingInstitute Thecandidates then must complete 12 flight hours in thefrontseatofaT-6ATexanII. Kimadmitsthathe“fellinlovewithevery aspect(ofaviation)includingthechallenges of the environment, the somatosensory experiences,pullingG’s,buildingsituational awareness, communicating effectively and theCRM(crewresourcemanagement).”
Once complete with his training in the T-6A, Kim resumed training at NASA, becoming rear cockpit qualified in the T-38 Talon. However, he began to feel that more aviationtrainingwouldmaximizehiseffectivenessasanastronaut
“Pretty early on I realized the closest analogtospaceflightwasaviationtraining,” saidKim.“Iwantedtobeabletoextendand applyasmuchoftheoperationalexperience I had as a combat-experienced SEAL into space flight. A lot of my operational experience does apply to space flight but there aresomeaspectsthatIdidn’thavetheright perspectiveonbecauseIdidn’thavepilotin commandexperience.”
Kim began to research the possibility of further pursuing Navy flight training, and realized that NASA has a precedence for cross-training astronauts Before Kim, the mostrecentNavyphysician-aviatorselected for the astronaut program was Capt David Brown. After completing training as a Navy flight surgeon in 1984 Brown was designated as a Naval Aviator in 1990 He flew the A-6E Intruder and the F-18 Hornet before being selected for the NASA astronautprogramin1996
“He was a great astronaut There hasn’t been a Navy-physician-aviator selected
TurntoNASAAstronaut, Page 4
Reunited at sea: Childhood friends reunite
USS Nimitz (CVN 68)
SOUTH CHINA SEA - A young Sailor stares up eyes fixated on the massive gray hulloftheaircraftcarrierUSSNimitz.About togounderwayontheshipforthefirsttime he finds himself lost in wonder and excitement, the Sailor is drawn back to reality by the call of his name in the distance He believed it to be a coincidence, though his name is called again, closer this time The Sailorlooksinthedirectionoftheunknown voice only to be delightfully surprised to see hischildhoodfriendandtheyrushedto greetoneanother.
Aviation Machinist’s Mate Airman John Giannaris,andPersonnelSpecialist3rdClass MarcusMcGee,bothfromColumbus,Ohio, were not best friends at first sight but later became great friends through their schoolingexperiencetogether
“Moving around so much I never really had any friends but when I moved to Ohio, John was the first real friend I ever made,” said McGee “We went to school together at Lincoln Heights Elementary, having the same classes and homeroom teacher together.”
Theduostartedtalkingwhentheydiscovered they had a similar interest in video games Because of that, Giannaris invited hisnewfriendovertohishouseforthefirst time andhediscoveredthatMcGee’sfavoritedogwasthelabradoodle whichGiannaris justsohappenedtohaveasahouseholdpet.
“I remember seeing the labradoodle at John’s house for the first time,” explained McGee “I was so excited because I loved these dogs Over the years, when I went over to John’s house, we would play with the dog all day. I believe that we bonded while doing so.”
The two friends spent their school days and afternoons with each other, up until they graduated from middle school. It then came time for high school, and due to the differences of where they lived, they were required to go to separate schools for the first time This was not the end of their friendship, though, since these two had builtabondandweredeterminedtoremain friends Though their interests varied, with one pursuing football in athletics and the other being passionate about music, they stillput inthe effort to spendtimewith one another after school hours, sharing how their days had gone and what new adven-
“Lifemayhavetakenusindifferentdirections,butwealwaysmadesuretoreconnect whenwecould,”saidGiannaris “Ifyouwant something you have to make the effort and pursueittothebestofyourability.”
High school came and went for the two friends, and it was then time to take the leap past school and into the world. McGee chose to join the U.S. Navy after leaving high school, and Giannaris chose to stay in Columbus and work while continuing his education.
“Choosing to join was hard for me,” said McGee “Iwasmakingthefirstbigdecision of my life that would take me away from friends and family John came to see me off to boot camp, which I really appreciated. I tried my best not to get emotional about it. Itreallyshowedmehowmuchhecared.”
A year went by, and there had been little to no contact between the two friends McGee decided that after a year of work, it was finally time to visit home As he traveled,Giannaris’mothercalledtoaskhimto help Giannaris take the next step in his life. Hearingthathisfriendneededhelp,McGee contacted Giannaris and started to talk to himaboutjoiningtheNavy
“I was hesitant to join, but with the help and support of Marcus, I was able to take thatsteptowardsmyfuture,”saidGiannaris
McGee assigned to Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 73; and Giannaris assigned to Nimitz, continued their Navy careersworkingwithoutmuchcontact
“IunfortunatelylostcontactwithMarcus forsometimeasIfocusedonmycareer,but Ineverforgothim,”saidGiannaris.
As the Nimitz was in-port San Diego during its first week of work-ups in 2022, the ship’s crew was let go for liberty as the squadrons came aboard. While Giannaris was making his way off the brow he looked downthepier,spottedafamiliarfacefixated on the hull of the ship and happily called to him.
McGee and Giannaris now are deployed togetheraboardNimitzduringits2022-2023 deployment.Theymightnotalwaysbeable to spend time with one another, but they stilltalk hangout,andgetlunchanddinner togetherwhentheyhavethetime.
“We might not be kids for long,” said McGee “Butagenuinefriendlastsforever.”
Lt Cmdr JonnyKim poses fora photo alongside fellowastronauts afterreceiving his“Wings ofGold”following the completion ofadvanced naval helicoptertraining (PHOTOBYJAMIECOFFEY)
www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023 1
NSWCPD co-hosts 18th annual Greater Philadelphia SeaPerch Challenge with Temple University
Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division co-hosted the 18th annual Greater Philadelphia SeaPerch Challenge with Temple University’s College of Science andTechnologyatTheSalvationArmyRay& JoanKrocCenteronMarch24 2023 SeaPerchisanunderwaterroboticscompetition for middle and high school students in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Students completeapresentationandtechnicaldesign report of their SeaPerch Remotely Operated Vehicles(ROV)priortotheevent Schoolsare requiredtocompeteinboththeobstacleand missionpoolevents
NSWCPD’s Commanding Officer Capt. Joseph Darcy and Technical Director Nigel C.Thijsgavewordsofencouragementtothe studentsthroughouttheevent.
“InthemilitaryweneedSTEMprofessionalslikeyourself Ifyouwanttoservethecountryinadifferentcapacity,youcandothat We need scientists, engineers, problem-solvers likeyourselfsokeepdoingwhatyou’redoing
The Greater Delaware Valley had a huge impact on building our Nation so I can see that it is in good hands,” Darcy said in relatingtheSeaPerchcompetitiontotheneedsof theNavy
“Engineering and the sciences teach us how to analyze and examine things Think abouttheproblemsyousolvedandhowgood itfeltwhenyouaccomplishedyourgoal.I’m proud to see you all here competing and for the creativity you showed in the course of thiscompetition. Thijssaidreflectingonthe competition
The obstacle pool event requires students tonavigatetheirROVthroughseveralhoops, rise above the water, and then return back throughthehoops.
Students are allowed one chance to successfullycompletetheeventunlessthere is an electrical or mechanical failure with their ROV. This rule benefited Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls students PhuongNguyenandWithnieMerone,
During their first attempt, Nguyen and MeronesubmergedtheirROVandbeganthe obstacle pool event. They noticed their ROV wasmalfunctioning Thisforcedthemtoend their attempt and perform maintenance on theirROVinpreparationfortheredoround.
“The motor fell off and the zip tie didn’t work so we had to fix that, Nguyen said recalling their first attempt at the obstacle course Nguyen and Merone performed repairs on their ROV and came back for a second attemptattheobstaclecourse.
“We didn’t go far enough with the second attempt Wereachedthelasthoopandwegot tangled.Itwashorrible,”Meronesaid.
Because Nguyen and Merone are juniors they will have an opportunity to come back next year and try again. They plan to learn from the errors they made here to perform betternexttime
“The lesson that I learned was that we should put a light on the vehicle so we can know which way it’s going so we won’t get tangled,”Nguyensaid.
“Ithinkweshouldallbemorepreparedfor the challenges that we might face Bringing toolslikebinocularscouldhelpusandadding lightstotheperch, Meroneadded.
This year featured a brand-new tasking the rocket mission event which required students to attach a rocket to their ROV and launch it down a lane. The rocket had to land within the student’s lane to get points Students also had the opportunity to release threerocketsfromunderwaterobstaclesthat could then be launched to score additional points
“This year we challenged teams to launch rockets and it wasn’t as simple as an easy modification onto the vehicles Prior years what we had done is that teams would have to add a small widget onto their vehicles to do the competition It was something as a simple as a hook or a pole or something like that. This year it was an entire design with a solenoid [valve], NSWCPD’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Outreach Program Manager and SeaPerch/SeaGlide Director Tristan Wolfe saidinexplainingthenewevent.
Teams were tasked with modifying their controllersbyincorporatingasolenoidvalve. The intent was for students to operate the valvewithapushofabutton.
“Theyhadtowaterproofeverything.They had to modify the controller It was much more challenging for the students. We saw thatduringthecompetitionthatitwasachallengingmissionthisyear,”Wolfeadded.
Becauseitwasanewevent,somestudents struggled to complete the event. Students Joseph Kwee and Tyler Baughman, two juniorsfromSTEM-UP theNSWCPD-sponsored afterschool program in collaboration withTempleUniversity foundsomesuccess inthemissionevent.
“We did technically pretty well. We were abletogetmostoftheobjectivesunderwater. Afterwardswewereabletolaunchfiverockets out of the six We wish that rockets went into the zones, but they went into different lanes,”Kweesaid.
“Something I liked about this year was moving the crab and using the push button because it was a lot different than last year’s obstaclecourse, Baughmansaid.
Baughman has attended the competition for five years while Kwee has participated in the competition for four years STEM-UP placed third in the technical design report category
SeveralNSWCPDemployeesvolunteered their time to assist with judging the competition, such as Jamie Gates a NSWCPD program manager who appreciates the hard workbythemiddleandhighschoolstudents eachyear
“I volunteered because this is one of my
TOP: Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) Commanding OfficerCapt. Joseph Darcyawards Haddonfield High Schoolwith the Overall Best award in the Captain’s Class during the 18th annual GreaterPhiladelphia SeaPerch Challenge atThe SalvationArmyRay& Joan Kroc Centerin Philadelphia on March 24 2023.SeaPerch is an international underwater robotics competition formiddle and high school students.ABOVE: Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) ComputerScientists Nicholas Carmen (left) and Stephen Lau (right) supervise KingsleyNwoko,a student at GeorgeWashington CarverHigh School,while he solders a part forthis SeaPerch during the 18th annual GreaterPhiladelphia SeaPerch Challenge. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYSGT.JERMAINESULLIVAN/RELEASED)
favorite days I think working with the kids and seeing all of their hard work in creating the SeaPerch and then competing makes for averyfunenvironment, Gatessaid.
Eachteamfromthemiddleschoolandhigh school divisions were divided between the Captain or Admiral class The Captain class had a $25 cap on purchasing modifications for the SeaPerch, while the Admiral class didn’t have a cap The two classes are meant to create an equal playing field amongst studentsregardlessoftheirschool’sfunding
The participating teams in the SeaPerch middle school division were: Add B. Anderson School, East Norriton Middle School, George W. Nebinger School, Haddonfield MiddleSchool,RadnorMiddleSchool,Saint EphremSchool,SaintHelenaSchool Blue Bell, Snyder Middle School, Saint Katherine of Siena School, STEM Scholars Sonderton Charter School Collaborative, Danville MiddleSchool,UniversalVareSTEM&Arts Academy, R.W. Brown Boys & Girls Club, OurLadyofHope SouthPhiladelphia,and NorthleyMiddleSchool
SeaPerch’s winners for the middle school division were as follows:
First UniversalVareSTEM&ArtsAcademy
Second HaddonfieldMiddleSchool
Third DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
First HaddonfieldMiddleSchool
Second SnyderMiddleSchool Third NorthleyMiddleSchool
First DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
Second SaintHelena-BlueBell
First SnyderMiddleSchool
Second EastNorritonMiddleSchool
First DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
Second RadnorMiddleSchool
First SnyderMiddleSchool
Second EastNorritonMiddleSchool
First HaddonfieldMiddleSchool
First OurLadyofHopeSouthPhiladelphia
First HaddonfieldMiddleSchool
The participating teams in the SeaPerch highschooldivisionwere:AcademyofNotre
Dame de Namur, Haddonfield High School, Kroc Center of Philadelphia, Manchester
Township High School, Springfield High School, Sycamore Squad, Delaware Valley Friends School, Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls, Danville High School, STEM-UP,RadnorHighSchool,CapeHenlopen High School, Merion Merch Academy, The U School, George Washington Carver HighSchoolofEngineering&Science
SeaPerch’s winners for the high school division were as follows:
First HaddonfieldHighSchool
Second DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
First SycamoreSquad
Second HaddonfieldHighSchool
Third DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
First HaddonfieldHighSchool
Second AcademyofNotreDame
First SycamoreSquad
Second DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
First HaddonfieldHighSchool
Second AcademyofNotreDame
First SycamoreSquad
Second DanvilleAreaSchoolDistrict
First SycamoreSquad
First AcademyofNotreDamedeNamur
First PennsburyHighSchool
SeaPerch aims to reduce traditional barrierstoparticipationinroboticsprogramsand promotes opportunities to engage students and educators in inquiry-based learning with real-world applications. As an educationalprogram,SeaPerchintroducesstudents to basic engineering design, and science concepts.Asafunhands-onproject,SeaPerch engagesstudentsandfosterskey21stcentury skills including critical thinking, collaboration,andcreativity
NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team doestheresearchanddevelopment,testand evaluation, acquisition support, and in-serviceandlogisticsengineeringforthenon-nuclearmachinery shipmachinerysystems,and related equipment and material for Navy surface ships and submarines NSWCPD is also the lead organization providing cybersecurityforallshipsystems.
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
A: There are three types of housing available to families:
Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing
GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government
Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.
CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated
Norfolk: 757.445.2832
JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792
Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806
Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost
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2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023
White Beach Festival returns and brings together community
Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa
Thousandsgathered at a small naval base in Heshikiya, Uruma City,Okinawa,forthereturnofWhiteBeach Festival onboard Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa (CFAO) White Beach Naval Facility April15-16,2023
White Beach Festival combined Americana and Japanese festival elements with traditional festival fare, live entertainment from Japan-based performers, carnival rides,acarshow,andstaticdisplaysofequipment from military and firefighting organizations. Returning after a three year-hiatus driven by the Coronavirus pandemic, the festival included notable firsts and special guests thanks to support from the local community and Japan Maritime Self-DefenseForce(JMSDF).
Uruma City farmers participated for the first time this year, introducing their fresh produce to American consumers More than 30 food vendors from across Okinawa alsoparticipated,highlightingtheirdiverse specialties from Japanese grilled meats to Hawaiian poke. On Sunday, more than 80 vehicleslinedthepierforacarshow.
The musical stages jumped both afternoons with traditional Japanese, soul, funk, rock, and reggae, creating an openair soundtrack that permeated the festival grounds Worldchampionhumanbeatboxer SO-SOandhiscrew,SARUKANI,headlined the venue closing out the weekend on a high-energynote
The nautical centerpiece of the festival was touring American and Japanese naval vessels visiting from the mainland of Japan. JMSDF sailed the Aomori-based Murasame-class destroyer JS Yudachi (DD-103) and alongside it was U.S. Navy Avenger-class mine countermeasures ship USS Chief (MCM-14), forward deployed to Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo in NagasakiPrefecture Together theyallowed visitorstoseethesimilaritiesanddifferences in how both forces operate and perform theirmissions
Lt Cmdr RandyHayes,Chiefcommanding officer, said he liked the opportunity to showcasehis vesselsidebysidewithYudachi.“Iamalwaysimpressedonhowprofessional our JMSDF allies are as mariners Our presence together in Okinawa shows the bond that has been forged over generations of friendship and mutual support and respectforeachother’snavies.
“Like a whirlwind and quick as lighting,” Yudachi allowed visitors to tour its flight
deckandgetupclosetoitsmaingun.Simultaneously Chief brought visitors through narrowpassagewaystothebridge thebluelighttingedCombatInformationCenter and to see its mine-hunting gear, including the shark-mouthed mine neutralization vehicles.
Oneofthevehiclemaintainertourguides, Mineman Seaman Kay Yang, said he was proud to share his knowledge with curious visitors and that sharing it also challenged himtostaysharp.
“Ifeelgreataboutgettingtodothis, said the Sacramento, California, native. “This is my first sea tour, and it’s nice to see the smiles on kid’s faces after being away from homeforalongtime.”
On shore, a kid-friendly and enticing static display of Navy Seabee heavy equipment mingled with a ship-launched target droneandfirefightingvehicles Accordingto White Beach Fire and Emergency Services Fire Inspector Kazuma Tengan, this is the first time they have been able to bring togethervehiclesfromUrumaCity,JMSDF, theMarineCorps,andAirForcefiredepartments “EveninSaturday’sheavyrainandon Sunday,wehad2,000visitorsjusttoseethe fireengines,”hesaid “Mostlychildrencame totryonfiregearandtakepictureswiththe engines We were able to teach them about firesafetyandhowcoolfirefightersare.”
More than 14,000 visitors came over the weekend, even with heavy rain on opening
day. Capt. Patrick Dziekan, Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa, credits the festival’s success to the partnership between CFAO UrumaCity andJMSDF
“This festival celebrates the relationshipwehavewithourlocalcommunityand JMSDF, and it’s those relationships that have allowed us to bring the festival back better than ever,” he said “We all brought somethingtothetable,andourstrongpartnershipmadetheweekendabighit.”
CFAOmaintainsandoperatesfacilitiesto support the U.S. Navy’s naval and aviation assets in the Indo-Pacific region JMSDF Sub-AreaActivityOkinawaisco-locatedon WhiteBeachNavalFacility
WHITE BEACH,Japan (April 16 2023) SO-SO ofhuman beatboxgroup SARUKANI entertainsWhite Beach Fest attendees on Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa (CFAO)White Beach Naval Facility,Okinawa Japan,April 16 2023.White Beach Festwas held forthe first time in threeyears with the support ofJMSDFand Uruma Cityand celebrates the relationship between them.CFAO maintains and operates facilities to support the U.S.Navy’s naval and aviation assets in the Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSDAVIDR. KRIGBAUM) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023 3 ROSIE’SSUPPORTS OUR TROOPS 1996 POWER PLANT PKWY,HAMPTON,VA23666 Mustbe21orolder.Problem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500 Valid on Tuesdays now– April 2023. Mustcheck in at the Rosie’s RewardsClub to be enrolled intothe promotion. VETERANS TUESDAYS FREE PLAY $5 R'BURGER +FRIES $5 POINTS 5X ROSIESGAMING.COM JUST
Willacoochee, Georgia, native serves aboard USS Milius while conducting operations in the South China Sea
ByPettyOfficer1stClassGregoryJohnson Commander, Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron 15
A Willacoochee Florida native and 2012 graduate of Atkinson County High School is serving aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missiledestroyerUSSMilius(DDG69).
Yeoman(YN)3rdClassYuriHernandezjoinedtheNavyin2022and is now forward-deployed aboard Milius to Commander, Fleet ActivitiesYokosuka,Japan.
“AtthetimeIjoinedtheNavy,Iwasreallylookingtogetoutandsee theworldandtheNavyseemedlikeagoodwaytodothat,”saidHernandez “Iwasalsoproudtobethefirstfemaleinmyfamilytoserveinthe military Notmanyfemalesinmyfamilyhavehadthesameopportunities that Ihave so serving in the Navy isjust oneway I’vebeenableto pushcertainboundariesandIfeellikeit’sanaccomplishment.”
As a yeoman, Hernandez serves on Milius’ administrative team, which provides a wide range of administrative support services for morethan300Sailors.
“SomethinghasalwaysinterestedmeinofficeworkandI’vealways wanted to do something administrative,” said Hernandez. “I’m lucky enoughtoworkinadivisionwherewehaveteamworkandweallhelp eachotherout.IespeciallylookuptoourYN1forbeingabletoconsistently help our customers and always know the answer to difficult questions.” Hernandez said serving in the Navy has allowed her to accomplish thingssheneverthoughtpossible
“It’s made me push myself to the limits,” said Hernandez “You’re sometimesfacedwithchallengesthatyoufeelyoucan’tovercome,but thenyoudoitandyourealizeitispossible.”
Hernandezofferedawordofadviceforthosewhoarethinkingabout militaryservice “Ifyouwantthis,thenyouneedtohavethemindsetthatyoucando it,”saidHernandez.“It’snotimpossibleandwiththerightattitudeand dedication youcanachieveit.”
MiliusisassignedtoCommander TaskForce71/DestroyerSquadron (DESRON)15,theNavy’slargestforward-deployedDESRONandthe U.S.7thFleet’sprincipalsurfaceforce
7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preservingafreeandopenIndo-Pacificregion.
SOUTH CHINASEA(April 14 2023) –Yeoman.3rd ClassYuri Hernandez,fromWillacoochee,Georgia,poses fora photo on the flight deckaboard theArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Milius (DDG 69)while operating
3 Tips for upcoming household goods moves
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)NavyHouseholdGoodsProgram (HHG) experts say there are three things servicememberscandothisupcomingpeak moving season to make the process easier: geteducated;startearly;andbeflexible
“Get educated,” advises NAVSUP Director of Navy HHG Program Jay Yerkey “It’s nevertooearlytogeteducated AttendHHG Webinars,familiarizeyourselfwithMilitary OneSourceandNavyCustomerwebsitesto help identify your responsibilities and the Transportation Service Provider (TSP)/ AgentresponsibilitiesforyourHHGmove.” plan-to-move/pcs-and-military-moves to startlearning.
“Startearly SubmityourHHGapplication assoonasyougetyourorders,”Yerkeysaid.
“Theaverageleadtimeforprocessingmove applicationsduringPeakSeasonmonthscan beuptosixweeksinsomemarkets.”
Members can start the move process by going to andreviewingthevariousDefensePersonal Property System (DPS) guides along with basicentitlementinformation. CreateanapplicationbyloggingintoDPS at moving-pcs/moving-personal-property/. There members can reactivate a previous DPSaccountorcreateanewone Whenthe application is completed, members should print, sign and upload all required signed documents, such as Power-of-Attorney, for example. Including all required documentationisvitalasitwillexpeditetheapproval process; applicants cannot be processed without all required signed documents and orders
After submitting an application to the Personal Property Processing Office (PPPO), service members can check the statusoftheirapplication.Whenprocessed, members will receive an automated email indicating their HHG shipment has been assigned to a moving company and that pack-outandpick-updatesareassigned.
“If, after 10 days from submitting shipment application to the PPPO a member has not received a response of notification that their application is being processed, it isimportanttheycontactthePPPO,”Yerkey said.
Be flexible Members should be flexible
as adjustments to requested pick-up dates mayoccur.
“Customershavetoprovidea7-dayspread forpick-updates,butalsoneedtoleaveflexibility for any emergencies that may arise during their PCS or Permanent Change of Station,” Yerkey said “If a government moving company is unavailable to meet requirements by a certain date members may need to conduct an approved PersonallyProcuredMove(PPM).
Members should be aware that if the movingcompanyfailstopickuptheirhouseholdgoodsontheconfirmeddate,theycould be entitled to an Inconvenience Claim (IC) to offset out-of-pocket expenses incurred. While members should start by communicatingwiththeirmovingcompany,thePPPO is available should assistance be needed or furtherquestionscomeup.
Duetotheriskofdelaysandotherunforeseencircumstances,membersshouldavoid submitting notice to vacate or selling their
residence prior to their shipment being acceptedbyamovingcompany.Additionally, members should avoid terminating rental/ lease agreements until firm pack-out and pick-up dates have been confirmed by their assignedmovingcompany. If a request date cannot be met and a service member is unavailable members may also designate a releasing agent (such as a spouse, mother, father, sister, e.g.). The releasing agent can act on behalf of the member, be available for the pack-out and pick-up dates and sign all required documents The legal office is not needed to designate a releasing agent. A signed note statingtheintendeddesignationwillsuffice For example: “I appoint (name of individual) (phone number) (email) my attorneyin-fact to sign all documents required for the pack-out and pick up of my Personal Property Shipment.” Stating the name and contact information (phone and email) of the releasing agent is sufficient for docu-
Additional questions may be submitted via email to orbycalling1-855-HHG-MOVE(1-855-4446683). For your convenience, Navy Household Goods can also be found on Facebook at WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/NAVYHHG; on YouTube at WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/ NAVYHHG; and Pinterest at: WWW. PINTEREST.COM/NAVYHHG NAVSUPisheadquarteredinMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 22,500 military and civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enablesupplychain,acquisition,operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities withourmissionpartnerstogeneratereadiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars Learn more at, and navsupsyscom.
since,” Kim said of Brown, who died in the space shuttle Columbia crash in February 2003 “There is significant value in being able to wear multiple hats and provide multiple perspectives that bridges otherwise independent fields such as aviation and medicine This jack-of-all-trades approach is familiar to me from my time in the SEAL teams and is one of the reasons Naval Special Warfare produces excellent, roundedwarriors.”
After being approved to commence full Navy flight training, Kim left Houston in early 2022 to begin training in Corpus Christi Texas,withthe“Rangers”ofTraining Squadron (VT) 28. Already a trained astronaut Kimenjoyedthechallengesoflife asastudentNavalAviator(SNA).
“Despitehavinghundredsofhoursinthe back seat of a T-38, I did not initially have thestickandrudderskillstogracefullyland planes,” said Kim “Building the necessary neuro-synaptic connections in my brain to properly coordinate sensory information with appropriate movements of the flight controls in coordination with the PCL [power control lever] while handling emergency procedures, coordinating ATC commsandnavigationtooktime,studyand repetition.”
In September, 2022 Kim moved on to
advanced helicopter training with the “Hellions”ofHelicopterTrainingSquadron (HT)28aboardNASWhitingField,Florida Whilehelicoptertrainingmaynotseemthe obvious path for an astronaut, Kim asserts that it teaches several skills that are applicabletospacemissions
“NASA really values helicopter pilots for their perspectives and crew resource management mentality,” said Kim. “Space flight is closely related to aviation, and propercrewresourcemanagementallocates humanresourcestoaccomplishthemission safely and effectively By virtue of the helicopter cockpit environment, helicopter pilots bring an abundance of CRM to the spaceflighttable Anotherreasonisthathelicopter training is an excellent lunar analog with its vertical takeoff and vertical landing characteristics in a side-by-side cockpit CRM setup There are plenty of fixed-wing cockpits that offer invaluable CRM trainingforspaceflightreadiness,buthelicopter trainingprovidesadifferentperspectivethat isjustasvaluable,whichiswhyApolloastronautstrainedwithnavalHelicopterTraining Squadron8beforetheirApollomissions.”
Kim also addressed the challenge of advancing from the training in the T-6B fixed-wingaircrafttotheTH-57SeaRanger helicopter: “Once I was becoming proficient in the T-6B, I moved to the TH-57 which completely ignored previously established fixed-wing flight control relationships and I had to relearn and remap
what my brain wanted to do.”
Navyflightschoolprovidesstudentswith confidence-boostingexperiencesthatresult from an unforgiving demand to be self-sufficient in the application of learned flight skills. To test their ability to operate alone and complete the mission, students must complete multiple “solo” flights in both primary and advanced flight training as the PIC(PilotinCommand).
Kimexplainedwhatthesesolosmeantto him: “Accountability is a necessary ingredient for personal growth and leadership It’s hardtogetthatsenseofaccountabilitywhen you are always flying with an instructor at your side that can fix anything you might need, anything that might go wrong Going on those solos is a really symbolic experienceforallaviatorsthat[representsthat]the training wheels are coming off You need to rely on the training that you have acquired up to this point, to accomplish the mission Ilovedit.”
Advancedhelicopterstudentsaretrained to fly under instrument flight rules (IFR)in additiontovisualflightrules(VFR)forboth nightanddaylighthours.Atnight,helicopter studentsutilizenightvisiongoggles(NVGs) toamplifytheavailablemoonandstarlightto seeingreaterdetail.ThisnightflightexperienceprovidedKimanopportunitytoreconnectwithhisprevioustimeasaSEAL.
“TheNVGtrainingintheadvancedsyllabus for helicopters was amazing, especially becauseIhavealotofgroundexperienceas
aSEALusingnightvision butIdidn’thave theexperienceofintegratingacockpit-NVG scan with degraded visual environments That was really challenging and formative inmygrowthasanaviator.”
The new Naval Aviators earning their wings in late March brought the total number of individuals to earn the title of NavalAviator,throughoutU.S.navalhistory, to36,416.
AsKimreturnstoNASAtoprepareforhis firstspacemission hereflectedonhisfamily andhowtheyenabledhimtoaccomplishso much leading up to this point: “Often times whenyouseepeopleaccomplishingthings, you don’t see the support network behind them.” Kim praised his wife and children for “always being there for me, and putting up with me through the long nights long weekendsandthemanymorningsIcouldn’t be present to take them to school or do any of the dad things that many of their friends gettoexperience.Ithankthem,Iappreciate them,andIlovethem.”
CNATRA trains, mentors, and delivers the highest quality Naval Aviators who prevail in competition, crisis, and conflict Headquartered at NAS Corpus Christi, CNATRAcomprisesfivetrainingairwings in Florida, Mississippi, and Texas, which arehometo17trainingsquadrons Inaddition, CNATRA oversees the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels and the training curriculum for all fleet replacement squadrons
in the South China Sea,April 14 Milius is assigned to Commander TaskForce 71/DestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 15, the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S.7th Fleet’s principal surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSGREGJOHNSON)
HONOLULU (May5,2020) Household Goods Inspector Faata Leafa,performing an inspection ofa household goods packout performed by Aloha International.Theyall are practicing social distancing andwearing facemasks in accordancewith NAVADMIN 126/20 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY DANIELMAYBERRY/RELEASED)
4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023
NASA Astronaut from Page 1
From the left: Dispatcher of the year Kristin Charette, Operations Specialist Christina Miller and Lead Dispatcher of the year Bridget Weir are pictured duringtheTelecommunicationBanquet hostedbytheCityofSuffolkattheHilton GardenRiverfrontinSuffolk.(U.S Navycourtesyphoto) CNRMA Regional Dispatch Center employees recognized www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023 5
Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center holds change of command
Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center
PENSACOLA Fla. Capt David Pavlik relievedCapt.WillieBrisbaneascommanding officer of Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC) during a change of command ceremony at the National Naval Aviation MuseumonboardNavalAirStationPensacola,April14,2023
Commander NavalEducationandTraining Command (NETC) Rear Adm. Pete Garvin was the guest speaker for the event and highlighted NETPDC’s responsibilities of administering the Navy’s Voluntary Education program, providing resource management services to the domain, and administering the Navy’s enlisted advancementprogram.
Garvin commended NETPDC’s team on their contributions under the leadership of Brisbane
“Captain Brisbane led and persevered during unprecedented times to include a pandemic,” said Garvin. “NETPDC used the virtual domain to provide outstanding servicesandsuperiorsupporttoourSailors.”
Brisbane told guests she was pleased withtheaccomplishmentsofthecommand throughouthertour.
“I could not be more proud of the NETPDCteamandallofthesuccessesthey have achieved during my time here, said Brisbane.“Theteamalwaysputsfortheffort thatisnotonlyprofessional,butcreativeand forward-thinking.BeingapartofNETPDC
andseeingthelarge-scaleeffectsourmission hasontheSailorsinthefleetisbothawe-inspiringandimmeasurable.”
Brisbanealsoacknowledgedmanypeople withintheorganizationwhocontributedto thecommand’ssuccess
“As I end this tour, I give my thanks to all of those who have contributed to get us where we are today,” said Brisbane “I am so proud to have been a part of such a high-performing team and an incredible organization.”
After assuming command of NETPDC Pavlik,anativeofPittsburgh,Pennsylvania spokeofhisexcitementintakingcommand ofNETPDC.
“I am proud and excited to join the NETPDC team, and look forward to workingwiththisgreatstaffofprofessionals,”said Pavlik. “It’s an honor to support our Sailors aroundtheworldbycontributingtoNETPDC’svitalmissioninanywayIcan.”
Pavlik, who most recently served as the Executive Assistant to the Commander Navy Recruiting Command, will become NETPDC’s22ndcommandingofficer.
AspartoftheMyNavyHRForceDevelopmentteam,NETPDCprovidesproductsand servicesthatenableandenhanceeducation, training,careerdevelopment,andpersonnel advancementthroughouttheNavy Primary elements of the command include the VoluntaryEducationdepartment theNavy Advancement Center and the Resources ManagementDepartment.
Additional information about NETPDC canbefoundat NETPDC
NAS JRB Fort Worth’s Navy Lodge General Manager earns Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award
BySandyOwens Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base NAS JRB FORT WORTH, Texas
On Mar. 28, the Navy Exchange Service Command’s (NEXCOM) Navy Lodge Program recognized Naval Air Station (NAS) Joint Reserve Base (JRB) Fort Worth’s Navy Lodge General Manager Secelia Donovan with a Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award (SARA).
A SARA is given in recognition of performancethatsignificantlyexceedsthenormal requirementsofapositionforameaningful time period. Donovan was nominated for exceedingnormalrequirementsduringa$2 millionfacilityrenovationproject.Shemaintainedexcellentcustomerserviceduringthe project. During two winter storms lodging wasprovidedfordisplacedfamilies Donovan was presented the award by CommandingOfficer,CAPTMarkMcLean andNEXCOMHospitalityGroupsRegional Vice President, Sandra Greenwell.
“TheNavyLodgeatNASJRBFortWorth is a ‘must see’ for families who have or currently serve our Nation. Overlooking Lake Worth, with state-of-the-art amenities, the Navy Lodge provides a scenic ‘home away from home’ for guests,” said McLean. “However, what really makes staying at the Lodge special is the excep-
tional staff Secelia’s hard work and attentiontodetailaidinamemorableexperience for visitors She is committed to ensuring everyguesthasanexceptionalstayandthat is reflected in this award.”
Greenwell also shared her view about Donovan’s passion for providing excellent customer service and her work ethic.
“Seceliaisatop-notchGeneralManager who is passionate about providing “Premier”guestservicestoallguests Sheis currentlyoverseeingbothNavyLodgeand Navy Gateway Inns & Suites as of March 2023,” wrote Greenwell.
Donovan expressed her gratitude for being recognized and for her team’s support throughout the last three years that she has served in the General Manager’s role
“Iamthankfulthatmyhardworkisbeing seenandrecognized.IthasbeenanincrediblethreeyearshereatNASJRBFortWorth Icouldnothavedonethiswithoutthehelp of my awesome team at the Navy Lodge,” said Donovan.
When asked what impact she hopes to continue to have Donovan stated, she hopestocontinuetobeseenasthelodging expert on base “My passion is to give the best service to our military members and their families,” said Donovan.
On Mar 28 2023 Secelia Donovanwas presented a SuperiorAccomplishment Recognition Award byCommanding Officer,CAPTMarkMcLean and NEXCOM HospitalityGroups Regional Vice President Sandra Greenwell.(PHOTOBYSANDYOWENS) PENSACOLA,Fla (April 14 2023) Outgoing Naval Education andTraining Professional Development Center(NETPDC) Commanding OfficerCapt.Willie Brisbane addresses the crowd during a change ofcommand ceremonyheld at the NationalAviation Museum onboard NavalAirStation Pensacola,April 14 2023.Brisbane thanked the crowd fortheirmany contributions to the command successes and accomplishments during hertime at NETPDC (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHERYLDENGLER) USS Arlington display dedication PhotosbyArlingtonCountyGovernment CongressmanBeyerandArlingtonCountyBoardViceChairLibbyGarveywithCapt.EricKellumandtheSailorsoftheUSSArlingtonatthededication oftheUSSArlingtondisplayinthecountygovernmentcenter IntheaudiencewerePentagonemployees,9/11familymembers,andfirstresponders 6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023 MilitaryBanking offers convenient banking services with greatvalue, likesavings and CD rates, loan discounts and credit card rewards. Plus, get access to morethan 55,000 ATMs, Send Money with Zelle® and more. Formoreinformation, call 1-800-242-2265 or visit Dollar.Bank/MilitaryBanking. Do extraperks with Military Banking. Military Banking is foractivemilitary members and veterans. Earn up to $400* when youopen an Everything Checking Account! Equal Housing Lender.Member FDIC. Copyright© 2023, Dollar Bank, FederalSavings Bank. $50 minimum to open Everything Checking requires six qualifying posted payments made per month or a$2,500 average monthlychecking balancetoavoid a$5monthly servicefee. 0.10% Annual Percentage Yield (APY). Ratemay change after account is open. All ratesare accurate as of 12/1/22 and aresubject to change without notice. Formoreinformation on the account fees, see the Account Information Schedule. Fees couldreduceearnings. Account opening is subject to approvaland accounts areavailableonlytoconsumers residing in Dollar Bank’smarkets. Must be an activemilitary member or veteran and anew checking customer to qualify.Offer is non-transferable. To qualify forthe offer,an Everything Checking account must be opened by 12/31/23 and coupon must be presented at account opening. Up to $400 is availablein one $100 Mastercarddebit card rebate,one $200 credit, and one $100 credit. To receivethe $100 debit card rebate,the account must receive cumulativepayroll directdeposits of $1,000 or morewithin 90 days of account opening and the account must be in good standing. The $100 debit cardrebatewill be added to thenew checking account within 40 days of the qualifying cumulativedirect deposits. To receivethe $200 credit, the account must receivecumulativedirect deposits of $5,000 or morewithin 90 days of account opening and the account must be in good standing. The $200 will be credited to thenew checking account within 40 days of the qualifying cumulativedirect deposits. The $100 credit will be applied within 2monthsofthe 1-year anniversary of account opening provided the account qualified forthe $100 debit card rebate, is active, in good standing and is in aqualifying plan. Maximum amount is $400 per account and one per household. Subject to 1099 tax reporting. Offer includes Introductory 40 check package. Zelle and the Zelle related marks arewhollyowned by EarlyWarning Services, LLCand areused herein under license. Mastercardisa registered trademark of MastercardInternational Incorporated. WPB114_23 *
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Watchasaninternational gathering of percussionists and drummers sharetheir cultureinthisexciting drummingdisplay whiledemonstrating atrue cultural exchange throughpercussion. In partnership with Drum CorpsInternational
8 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, April 20 2023 VIRGINIA INTERNATIONAL TATTOO APRIL 20 -23•SCOPE ARENA, NORFOLK CELEBRATE FREEDOM IN THEMOST PATRIOTIC SHOWEVER! FLAG RAISINGCEREMONY Celebrate theNATOalliancewithmilitary music and ceremony.For aspecialtreat,looktothe skies to seeU.S.Navyhelicopters! THURSDAY,APRIL 20,5PM SCOPE PLAZA 70TH ANNUALPARADEOFNATIONS Enjoythe onlyparade in theUnitedStatestohonor NATO.Over100 parade units includingcolorful floatsrepresentingNATOMember Nations,plus internationalmilitary bands and more! SATURDAY,APRIL 22,10-11:30 AM DOWNTOWN NORFOLK INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE Enjoyperformances,cuisine,art,souvenirs,and more!Food and international beers available for purchase.Fun forall ages! SATURDAY,APRIL 22,11:30 AM -3PM TOWN POINTPARK PLUS FREE EVENTS! COME EARLYTOENJOY THESE ONE-OF-A-KINDEXPERIENCES! AMERICAN PIPE BAND CHAMPIONSHIP Watchaspipebandscompete forhonors in this annual competition! SATURDAY,APRIL
Threehours priortoeachTattooperformance, enjoyfood,beer, music,dance, drill performances,a dailyDrumLineBattleand much more! THURSDAY-SUNDAY, APRIL 20 -23 SCOPEPLAZA,NORFOLK,FREE Thelargest andmostspectacularTattoointhe United States celebrates with an awe-inspiringshow, filled with the“Music &Might”thathas inspired audiencesfromthroughout theworld.The soul of the 2023 VirginiaInternational Tattoo will be an emotionaland grateful “Tribute to Military Families” ATRIBUTE TO MILITARYFAMILIES The HIXON FAMILY INFO &TICKETS: VAFEST.ORG OR CALL 757-282-2822 GROUPS 10+SAVE! CALL 757-282-2819 FORINFORMATION 2023 PLATINUM SPONSORS
On iberty
Veggie packed recipes perfect for a spring picnic With the universal desire to get outdoors, springtime is a beloved season forenjoying an al fresco meal.Add in fresh produce to heighten the flavors offamilyfavorites and the table is set fora delicious picnic. PageC4
The Virginia International Tattoo: A Tribute to Military Families is this
Thursday-Sunday at the Norfolk Scope
The Virginia Arts Festival, celebrating its 26th Anniversary this year, is proud to present The Virginia International Tattoo 2023 A Tribute to Military Families April 20th-23rd at the Norfolk Scope This year’s Tattoo will feature the largest international cast of 150 pipers,drummers and dancers to date. Performers from Latvia, Singapore, Ukraine,ninecountriesinallwillbeapartof the largest spectacle of music in the United States and an emotional and inspirational TributetoMilitaryFamilies.
“The 2023 Virginia International Tattoo will not only entertain you, it will inspire your participation …from the moment that yourhandtouchesyourheartduringtheStar SpangledBannertowhenyoujumptoyour feetwhenyourfamily’sfavoriteservicesong
isplayed,towhenyouriseinsolemnprayer as hundreds of pipers, bandsmen and singersjoininthesingingofAmazingGrace is anexperiencethatyouandyourfamilywill neverforget.”
Tickets are available and on sale now at, by phone at 757-282-2822, orinpersonattheVirginiaArtsFestivalBox Office located at 440 Bank Street, Norfolk, VA23510
Yiorgo: With us from the Tattoo today is MasterSergeantStacieD.Crowther.Thank youStacieforyourcontinuedservicetoour country Of course I want to make sure our readers are aware that the appearance of references to the Marine Core in this interview does not constitute endorsement by the Marine Core Serv So tell us Stacie, why should people come to this year’s Virginia InternationalTattoo?Whatwilltheyseeand
experience? StacieCrowther:Whattheywillseeand experience is a very wide range of musical brilliance Theperformersthattheywillsee intheTattooarefromallovertheworldand they come together and put on an incredible show. There are so many local people whodon’tknowandhaveneverbeentothe Tattoo and to them I say, don’t pass up this opportunitytoseesomethingsobiginscope, no pun intended, of just musical excellence and military precision that you will not see anywhereelse
Y: Have you performed in the Tattoo before and what do you remember about yourfirstexperiencewithit?
SC: Yes, my first actual performance in the Tattoo was in 2021 as the Senior Drum Major, not in association with the Marine Corps Band. It was definitely a different
experience WewereinthemiddleofCovid so that year we performed in the middle of theODUField,becausewecouldnotgather inlargegroupsinsidethebuildings Itwasa greatvenueandwewereabletoaccomplish our goal of performing There is however a difference when you perform inside the NorfolkScope Beingunderthelights seeing the production, makes it so much more pomp and circumstance and that makes it way more incredible than you could see outsideattheODUField
Y:Whatdoyouenjoythemostbeingapart oftheTattooandwhatdoyougetoutofit?
SC: My favorite part as a performer is meeting and interacting with all of the service members from different countries that come there and exchanging gifts with
Jamestown Settlement to present ‘Counter Cultures: Reign’ event on April 22
Settlement, a museum of 17th-century Virginia history, will present “Counter Cultures:Reign”onApril22,11a.m.to5p.m. Through lively presentations, music and storytelling, the special event will examine power structures of the Indigenous, EuropeanandWestCentralAfricanculturesand theirimpacton17th-centuryVirginia.
“Counter Cultures: Reign” is among a series of special events and programs that complement the ongoing “Reign & Rebellion” special exhibition that explores the Stuart monarchy’s legacy in early American and Virginia history Spanning both Jamestown Settlement and the American RevolutionMuseumatYorktown,“Reign& Rebellion”illuminatesfascinatingmoments in Virginia’s road to Revolution and the formationofthestate’sidentity.
“Counter Culture: Reign and “Reign & Rebellion”areincludedwithgeneraladmission.
From11a.m.to3:30p.m.onthemallstage, emcee Ken Johnston of History Now will introduceavarietyofmodernperformances rooted to the traditions of Indigenous English and African cultures tracing back
to the 17th century Performers will feature Indigenous music duo Soapstone storytellers Felicity Meza-Luna and Ken Johnston,AtumpanDanceTheatreandDrunken WeaselsBorderMorris. Avarietyofpresentationsanddemonstrationswillinvitevisitorstodiscoverhowkey events influenced paramount chief Powhatan’s rule and the leadership of his successors, examine the Royal Stuarts’ policies thatshapedEnglishexpectationsandexperiences in the Virginia colony and explore howAfricanrulersinNdongoresistedcolonialism.
Steve Prince, distinguished artist in residenceattheMuscarelleMuseumofArt,will host a drop-in, hands-on community art projectforgueststocontributetoacollaborative work of art for future display. Guests are welcome to join in the community art project from 1 to 4 p.m. in Zadarlik-SogoloffGazebo.
Nearthe“Reign&Rebellion”specialexhibitioninElmonandPamGrayPresentation Hall, a series of30-minuteprogramsfrom1 to 3:45 p.m. will explore the cultures of the Powhatan,EnglishandWestCentralAfrican peoples with opportunities for discussion.
Speakers include Jamie Helmick, director of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation IndigenousPeoplesInitiative;VincentPetty Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation historical interpreter; and Valarie Gray Holmes, historicalinterpreter,actorandindependent researcher.
Outdoorsinre-createdsettings,interpretivepresentationsat11:15a.m.inPaspahegh Town will explore Powhatan government and at 3:45 p.m. in James Fort, the English RuleofLaw.
“CounterCultures:Reign”issponsoredby Dominion Energy with additional support byJamesCityCounty
AbouttheReign&RebellionSpecial Exhibition
On display through September 5, 2023
“Reign & Rebellion” explores Virginia through the lens of the Stuart monarchy, whose royal foothold impacted and influenced early America and shaped the struggles and determination of those who lived inthecolonyinthe17thand18thcenturies.
Reign & Rebellion intertwines groundbreaking moments in Virginia’s history, provocativepersonalstoriesandshowstopper artifacts that lay the path of Virginia’s roadtoRevolution.Withtheapproachofthe
250thanniversaryoftheAmericanRevolution, the exploration of the Stuart dynasty has never been more relevant The exhibition features more than 125 artifacts in the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation collectionandonloanfrommorethan25international and national institutions and private collections
“Reign&Rebellion”ispresentedbyJames City County and York County, with additional support from Dominion Energy The RichardS.ReynoldsFoundation,JamesD.& PamelaJ.Penny,theRobinsFoundationand SueH.Gerdelman
Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, Jamestown SettlementislocatedonRoute31justsouthwestofWilliamsburg.Admissionticketscan bepurchasedonlineorinperson.Individual museum admission is $18 for adults $9 for ages 6-12 and free for children ages 5 and under. A value-saving combination ticket with the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown is $30 for adults and $15 for ages 6-12
Residents of James City County, York County and the City of Williamsburg, includingWilliam&Marystudents,receive freeadmissionwithproofofresidency Parking is free For more information call (757)
Shown from left to right: DrunkenWeasels BorderMorriswill perform at 12:30 and 3:30 p.m.April 22 during the“CounterCultures: Reign”event atJamestown Settlement (IMAGECOURTESYOF DRUNKENWEASELSBORDERMORRIS);Join Lakota storytellerFelicityMeza-Luna at 12 p.m.and 3 p.m.on theJamestown Settlement mall stage.(JAMESTOWN-YORKTOWNFOUNDATIONPHOTO); Enjoya drop-in,hands-on communityart project led bySteve Prince,distinguished artist in residence at the Muscarelle Museum ofArt.(IMAGECOURTESYOFSTEVEPRINCE) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 20 2023 1
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Renown comedian Ellen Karis to perform this Saturday at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral Hellenic Center in Norfolk, Virginia
The Greek Ladies Philoptochos Society of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral mission statement is to improve the quality of life of those in need, in a way that maintains the dignity and self-respect oftheindividuals Throughconfidentialand professionalservices Philoptochosprovides outreach education, information, support, intervention,motivation,advocacy,financial assistance and referral to local and broader resources
To help support these great causes, and celebratethe90thAnniversaryofPhiloptochos, they are proud to bring in renowned comedian Ellen Karis this Saturday April 22ndattheCathedral’sHellenicCenterright hereinNorfolk,Virginia Itissuretobeafun, entertaining evening that includes appetizers dinnerandtheamazingEllenKariswho willleaveeveryonelaughingwithheramazingstandupcomedyshow.
Forticketstotheeventandshow,callthe Cathedral’s office at (757) 440-0500 M-F 9AM-4PM Yiorgo:Forthoseattendingtheeventand your show on the 21st, what will they hear and experience? What is the theme of your show?
Ellen Karis: First I want to thank the Philoptochos Society of the Annunciation Cathedral for all the great work they are doing for so many people. This really is a great cause to support and at the same time enjoy a great meal and entertainment
After all, there is nothing like live entertainment, of getting out of the house and enjoying that live experience There is no comparisontowatchingsomethingonyour phone or TV My show is family appropriate, respectful and we will have lots of fun. It’sinGreek-Americanwithsomeobviously Greek topics, but I aways translate What I findwhenthenon-Greekscome,theycome up to me and say, our neighbors are Greek andyouaresofunny,wegotyourjokes
You know, when you are Greek and you have non-Greek friends, you automatically bring them into your vortex They wind up knowingmoreaboutyourheritagethanyou will know about their heritage So they will always get it. Also I’m married so there are a whole host of things to talk about there. AlsoItalkaboutkids,gettingolderandsome specificthemesthatareGreekOrthodox
I like to take people on a ride and help them forget whatever is going on outside those walls My job is to make you happier thanwhenyoucamein Weneedthatinour livesintheworstway.
Y:Anyanecdotesfromdoingstandupyou wanttoshare?
EK: Yes, most of my work is private events-corporates, parties, country clubs, bridal Showers are also big and of course Hellenic Fundraisers Here is something thathappened recently.In myshow,Iask if people have done and what didtheyfindout,meaningyourethnicity,or various combinations This one man said, “Yes Idid,butthenIalsofoundout Ihavea daughter.”Allofasudden,itturnedintoThe Maury Povich Show. That was definitely a first. I was not expecting that at all Later on he actually came over to me told me the story they were young he didn’t know he was showing me pictures and it wound up having a happy ending to it. I do play with theaudience,andIlovetodothatbutit’sall ingoodfun Inevercrosstheline.
Also, when I do private shows, I am very specific about how I want it layed out. The food has to be served and done, seats nice andclosetome.Iamalsoonalittlebitofan elevationwiththelightsalittledim.Thereis something to be said about the atmosphere of when you are doing standup Your audi-
ence has to be able to listen. I always ask about sound and that it has to be perfect I makesurethatwearesetupforsuccess It’s very spontaneous but I have a very set act I countmynumberofbitsinmyhead,it’slike arolodex in there.Idosayalotofthings off the cuff and I make sure they are fun. I am sointhezonewhenIamupthereandIlove itbecauseIamthemostfocused
Y: Where were you born and what made youfallinlovewithentertainmentandstand upcomedy?
EK: Mine is a strange story I was born in Manhattan and I actually got an accounting degree, got my CPA and worked for a big accounting firm. I also got my MBA in finance I worked for a large firm on Wall Street. I grew up in New York City so I always loved entertainment so I decided to take an improv class because I need to express myself I have a lot of stories inside my head and I have a dry sense of humor I loved the improv class and decided to take an acting class It was great and it morphed fromthere.
Mydefiningmomentforstandupcomedy wasthatIwastakingaclasswithMs.Penny Templeton and before we would start our scene study work, we would stand up and improv something from our life At that time, one of my sisters was getting married andtherewasdramaeveryweek.Oneweek theyforgottoinviteyiayia’s/grandma’shairdresser Yiannoula. My head was spinning, I’m not the one getting married, why am I soinvestedinthis?That’swhatIwouldtalk about and the acting teacher would laugh and I’ll never forget it, she said, “I have two notes for you. One is that you should write a one woman show about your sister’s
wedding.”Andthiswastwoyearsbeforethe movie came out. And I go, who would want to see that about a Greek wedding? Clearly Ihadpsychicpowershere.Thesecondnote was, “I hope you talk about your sister’s Greekweddinginyourstandup.”AndIsaid, I don’t do standup And she said, “Well get some.” So I took a class at the Comic Strip. Now I go as a regular I was naive and that wasgoodbecauseIdidnotrealizehowhard it was. I always say that If I wanted to be an astronautIwouldalreadybeinspace That’s howharditis,togettheworkpart.
Y: What advice do you give aspiring comics?
SC: I tell them that it takes a long time to find your voice And you have to have a lot of really, really, really bad shows to get youtobegood.Thereisnoshortcut.Allthe majorpeopleyouknowtodayhaveabillion stories of bad gigs, that’s the growing pains Youhavetowanttobeinit,tokeepongoing You really do. When you get to the five year mark,youhavetodecideifthisisahobbyor doyouwanttoseriouslypursueit
About13yearsagoIquitmydayjob,Igave it my all and that’s what I have been doing eversince IbringafeelingofmaturityandI havetojustdome It’sarollercoaster.Idon’t regret it but the business has also changed aswellastherearealotofcomicsoutthere.
I also diversify by doing acting. I have been in a lot of shows, I have a podcast, I wrote a children’sbookandI’minthemidstofwritingaonewomanshowaboutmygreat,great grandmotherwhoimmigratedfromCyprus
SC:It’scalled SpecialPeople:Godparents intheOrthodoxChristianFaithandIwrote itbecausemyGodmother,mynonaisamaz-
ing, very cultured and still very involved in my life Also I am a Godmother like nine times over. When my niece who is also my GodDaughterwasbornandgotalittleolder, I offered to take her to church. She was four years old, so I stayed in the classroom and offered to help And of course in pure GreekfashionthreeyearslaterI’mteaching SundaySchoolfor14yearsnow. Iwantedtoteachourkidsaboutourtraditions and I could not find a book by itself aboutGodparentssoIwroteone Ofcourse, Igotanillustrator,showedittomyauntwho isanelementaryteacherandalibrarianand gave me much needed advice I also made the book personal. There are some kids’ namesintherethataremyGodchildren,and I gave the illustrator some pictures and she wasabletosketchitthatway.It’spublished onAmazonfortheOrthodoxChristianfaithful.It’sabouttheroleoftheGodparentinthe child’s life. I’ve gotten great feedback and I amvery,very,very,veryproudofit
Y: You also have a podcast. Tell us about that
SC: I have been doing a podcast for nine seasons It’s called Sweet and Salty with Ellen Karris I either have guests or I do a soloshow.
Y: You worked with notable comedians like Drew Carrey and Jimmy Walker What canyoutellusaboutthem?
SC:DrewCarreywasincrediblynice The place was packed of course because they came to see him, but he took the time, he sat, watched me, was laughing and he said afterwards that it was great. He was lovely, verygraciousandveryfunny.
I actually got to hang out with Jimmy Walkerbeforetheshow.Hewasverylovely I foundoutthathewasbestfriendswithFreddiePrinzeandsharedsomeofthosestories Healsorequestednoraunchymaterialinmy act. Something that I learned the first class I took was to write clean material because you can always make clean dirty, you can’t makedirtyclean.
Y:Howdidyougetthepartofthefeatured waitressinTheMarvelousMrs.Maisel?
SC: I fit into the waitress uniform. I am the waitress in the deli and I am in seasons 2-5.Funfact,thatwasarealdeliatonetime. Whentheshowstarted,itwassetinthe 1950’sandnowinthefinal5thseason,it’s in the 1960’s. They make sure to keep the fooddecadeappropriateforthattime
Y: What has been a wow pinch me moment or two that you can’t believe you gottoexperience?
SC: I’ve had quite a few In 2016, I did a Greek American show in Montreal, with another famous comedian Angelo Tsharouchas It was a beautiful setting, white curtains, soft lighting and there were 600 peoplethere.Igotonthatstageandfeltlike a rock star Those Canadian Greeks were fantastic. It was so much fun I had such a great time it felt amazing and it was definitelyanOhMyGodmomentforme
The other one was in 2022 in Chicago, a private Greek American show that was just somuchfun I’vebeenblessedtohavemany moments I’ve done shows in real theaters andthosemomentswhenyouareintheback and someone is introducing you, you feel very important and it’s really, really special. It’sablessingtodowhatIdoandsomebody once told me if it was so easy everyone woulddoit
For more info on Ellen, how to order her book, listen to her podcast, upcoming appearances and more, go to http://www
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist
Community SUBMIT YOUR EVENTS, NEWS AND PHOTOS The Flagship welcomes submissions from our readers online. Please submit events here: Please submit news and photos here:
2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, April 20 2023
Ellen performing on stage and shown above as thewaitress inThe Marvelous Mrs.Maisel.(PHOTOSCOURTESYOFELLENKARIS)
VCW this Saturday at the Norfolk Masonic Temple with Christopher Daniels
VirginiaChampionshipWrestlingreturns to the Norfolk Masonic Temple this Saturday night April 22nd with current AEW star the legendary “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels! Christopher Daniels will be available for autographs and photos with fans, as well as wrestling on the card! The Norfolk Masonic Temple is located at 7001 GranbyStreetinNorfolk,VArightnextdoor to Granby High School Doors open half an hourearlierthanusualat6:00PMwithbell time at 7:00 PM. Front row is already sold out, but there are still ringside seats ($25) andgeneraladmission($20)available Christopher Daniels last competed in a VCWringbackinDecemberof2021,putting on one of the greatest Virginia main events of all-time against Gino Medina. The longawaited return of the “Fallen Angel” this Saturday night will be in a bout against former Virginia Heavyweight Champion Logan Easton Laroux After nearly a year on top of the mountain, Laroux now aims toregainsomemomentumbydefeatingthe professionalwrestlinglegend.Thismatchis certain to leave a lasting impression on the fans in Norfolk, as these two are positioned toputonaclassicbattle!
Speaking of the Virginia Heavyweight Championship, The Boar will defend his newly won title against “Buckshot Brian Brock, who will be accompanied by the “Manager of Champions” Neil Sharkey Boar’s incredible popularity resulted in an ovation unlike any this author has ever heard, when he walked out of Hampton as the Virginia Heavyweight Champion last month. However, he’s going to have his work cut out for him in this first title defense, as Brock has never been pinned in a VCW ring These men were recently on opposite ends of a bitter tag team rivalry There’scertaintostillbeanimosity betweenthem,whichcouldcausethisbout to spill out into a brutal brawl!
That’s not the only time we will see The Boar appear this Saturday night. The Virginia Heavyweight Champion is also scheduledtoappearinLouliesLoungewith host“TheBig44”TimLoulies Thiswillbe the first time Boar has publicly addressed the VCW fans in the ring live Can Loulies be trusted to conduct a fair and balanced interview?LouliesLoungeissponsoredby the Virginia Beach Funny Bone VCW Liberty Champion Dirty Money puts his title on the line against “The
Hoss of All Hosses” Devantes Devantes is another member of Neil Sharkey’s Sharkey Tank, so the “Manager of Champions” will be ringside for yet another championship showdown. There’s a chance that Sharkey could leave the Norfolk Masonic Temple with not one, but two new champions in his regime Although it’s entirely possible,Devanteshasatoughtaskinfront of him. Dirty Money is both the longest reigning Virginia Heavyweight Champion of all-time and the longest reigning VCWLibertyChampionofall-time Smart money would be on the champ retaining in this one!
Erica Leigh and Savannah Evans lock-up in their third encounter, except this time it willbea2outof3FallsMatch Eachwoman holds a victory over the other, so VCW managementdecidedtheonlywaytosettle thisoneiswiththisspecialstipulation.This rivalryhasbeenbuiltuponamutualrespect, soit’slikelygoingtobeanathleticshowcase attheTemple!
In six-man tag team action, The Reason, Myles Hawkins, and Adonis Cole (collectively known as The Director’s Club) will battle it out with VCW Tag Team ChampionstheGoldenPinkySocietyandDezmon King The Director’s Club, which will be accompanied by VCW Director of Operations Jerry Stephanitsis has been formed with the sole goal of getting revenge on their opponents Last month, “The Director” was about to spear a barely conscious BenjaminBankswhenDezmonKingmade the save It’s going to be interesting to see how the next chapter in this on-going rivalry plays out on Saturday night!
Also on the card, Alex Divine teams up with “Mush Master” Tim Spriggs to battle CalebKonleyand“TheSpice SaulEsparza in a tag team bout. Plus, “Mr. Xcellence” BrandonScottgoesone-on-onewith“PlatinumIcon”PhilBrown.VCWmanagement has decided that the winner of the bout between Scott and Brown will be the official number one contender to the Virginia Heavyweight Championship. This creates avarietyofpossibilities Thechampionship landscapeinVCWcouldlookverydifferent after this incredible event!
VCW returns to the Norfolk Masonic TemplethisSaturdaynightApril22ndwith “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and a stacked card of pro wrestling action! Don’t forgetthatdoorswillopenhalfanhourearly at 6:00 PM, which means bell time is also earlierthanusualat7:00PM Ticketscanbe I’llseeyouatthematches!
Celebrating the art of song and dance since1991,VirginiaMusicalTheatreisproud toconcludeits30thseasonwiththeincredibly entertaining Catch Me If You Can The Musical this weekend April 21st-April 23rd with four amazing shows at the Sandler CenterforthePerformingArts.
The captivating musical is based on the hit movie Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo Di Capreo and Tom Hanks It’s the true story of con artist Frank Abagnale Jr,whoconnedhimselfintoafantasticlifeof unfathomable adventures while FBI Agent CarlHanrattyisinhotpursuit
For tickets times and more info go to detail/catch-me-if-you-can
Yiorgo: With us today is one of our own, ChiefPettyOfficerintheUSNavyReserves and regional theatre star Scott Wichmann, whoismakinghisVirginiaMusicalTheatre debut. Thank you Scott for your continued service to our country Of course I want to make sure our readers are aware of the appearanceofreferencestotheU.S.Navyin this interview does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S.NavyortheU.S.NavyReserve.Sotellus Scott, why should people come to see this amazing musical? What will they see and experience?
ScottWichmann:Itismyhonortoserve and thank you for your support. Virginia Musical Theatre’s production of Catch Me IfYouCanTheMusicalistheperfectwayto usherinspring It’sagreat‘datenight’event it’sahigh-speedmusicalthrillridefeaturing a spectacular cast composed of New York Citybased,regionalandhomegrownHampton-Roads area performers The ensemble istruly a high-octane combination of talent andtechnique Theshowfeaturesincredible
musicbyMarcShaimanandScottWittman andasnappybookbyTerrenceMcNally
Y:Forthosenotfamiliarwiththebookor movie can you tell us a little bit about the story?
SW: Catch Me If You Can is based on the duplicitous,daring,real-life1960sescapades of teenage serial check forger Frank Abignale, Jr., as dramatized in the great 2002 StevenSpielbergfilmofthesamename.We follow Frank Jr.’s exploits as he does everything he can to avoid the pursuit of earnest butunluckyFBISpecialAgentCarlHanratty andhisteamofagents Alongtheway,Frank, Jr reinventshimselfbyassumingandsheddingidentities,conningfriendsandfoes,and helearnssomehardlessonsaboutlove,loss, and taking responsibility The adventure is oneyou’llhavetoseetobelieve
Y: If you saw the movie, what did you thinkofit?
SW: I absolutely loved the 2002 film. It was perfectly cast, the storytelling was extremely riveting and there’s a really sad taleaboutfamilyatthecenterofitthatpulls theviewerin.Inthestory,allFrank,Jr really wants is for his family to stay together; he
wantstokeepthegravitationalcenterofhis worldintact,and,asitbeginstopullapart,he isforcedtoreinventhimselfonthefly What hedoesinservicetothatreinventionistruly jaw-dropping.
Y: You play Frank Abignale, Sr Tell us abouthischaracteranddidtheyexpandhis role for the musical or did they keep it the same?
SW:FrankAbignale Sr isaNewRochelle NYbusinessmanwhohasseenhisambitions beaten down by the harsh realities of life, loveandmoney.Hetriesto“bobandweave” around the limitations of his professional and romantic life, but he can’t ever quite maketheappearanceofsuccessmatchreality Hetriestokeephismarriageintactwhile fightingofftheIRSandalsoavoidaninevitableprofessionalimplosion butheisavictim ofhisownmagicalthinking
Frank, Sr.’s worldview that “Perception is Reality,” lays the groundwork for Frank Jr.’sjourneyofreinvention,andthemusical reallyhammersthathomethroughsong For atime,FrankJr.,makesthe“appearance”of success a reality through sheer will, showmanshipandmoxie traitsheinheritsfrom hisdad. FrankSr.hasalittlebitmoretosay, orshouldIsay,‘Sing, inthisversion Weget to see him reveal some of his motivations and relationships through some decidedly Sinatra-esquemusicalnumbers
Y: What is your favorite part of your role
SW: My favorite part of working on this roleistheabilitytoworkwithConorCrowley III as Frank Junior This young man is an absolute star, a triple threat performer, and he has a very promising career ahead ofhim.It’sanhonortobeabletoworkwith him Heissomuchfuntowatchandtoshare thestagewith
Y: Let’s learn a little about you. Where wereyoubornandwhatmadeyoufallinlove withentertainmentandmusicals?
SW: I was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts,andIfellinlovewiththeatreinjunior highandhighschool.Wehadareallyrobust theatre program at Pittsfield High School under the direction of my mentor Ralph Hammann,andhegavememultipleopportunities to expand my love of theatre and theatrical storytelling It was there that I fellinlovewiththeatre,musicandthearts
Y:OnIMDb,youaredescribedasathrowback,musicalcomedianwithaflairforphysicalcomedy Canyouexpandonthat?
SW:I’vebeencastinseveralshowsasthe comic lead, the chameleonic funny fellow with the silly-putty face the over-the-top comedic sensibility and I’ve had the honor toplayabroadrangeofcomiccharactersin solo shows, farces and musical comedies I’m a bit of a vaudevillian in that regard. That’s why I so appreciate playing Frank, Sr., because for all his bravado, there’s a
quiet sadness underneath that represents an actor’s opportunity to reveal an entirely differentdimensiontoanaudience
Y: What are some of your favorite roles onstageandTVthatyouareveryproudof?
SW: I was very fortunate to work on Lincoln with Steven Spielberg, the director of the Catch Me If You Can film; I got the opportunity to share the screen with Ethan HawkeonShowtime’sTheGoodLordBird, and I’ve played my hero, John Adams, both on television and onstage, but this particular production is already one I know I’m goingtocherishbecauseIlovethecast,crew, creativeteamandtheincrediblemusic.The experienceisgoingtogobyfast,soIwantto reallyappreciateit.
This is a special group VMT has assembled andIknowouraudienceswillagree.
Y: You’re currently a Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy Reserve. Why did you join andcanyoutellusaboutyournavalcareer?
SW:IjoinedtheNavyReservelaterinlife than most. I was 34 years old, and I didn’t want my service opportunity to pass me by I didn’t want to live a life of “Oh, darn, I should’ve done ”. Joining the Navy ReservewasoneofthebestdecisionsIever made I’ve worked with and befriended so many extraordinary service members and Shipmates from so many walks of life. I’ve deployed to Afghanistan, Africa, Germany and Italy, and I’ve also had the opportunity toembarkontheUSSDwightD.Eisenhower (CVN69).I’malmost50yearsoldnow,andI continuetomarvelatthetalentandcommitment of all of our junior Sailors throughout the Reserve and Active component, who work so hard to accomplish the mission. They are extraordinary, tough, driven and committed. I’m proud to stand alongside them
Y: Can you share a “wow, pinch me” moment or two from your entertainment orNavycareer?
SW: A few weeks back I was asked to host the Richmond Forum, where I got to spend the day with legendary actor John Lithgow. It was an absolute personal and professional ‘pinch me’ moment made all the more profound by just how supportive, inquisitive and kind he is John has longbeensomeonewhoseworkI’vedeeply admired, so to be able to just talk with him about life and art and being an actor really charged my batteries and gave me a boost of not only enthusiasm, but true gratitude for this opportunity I get to step into a greatrole,inhabitacomplexcharacterand entertain folks for a few hours It’s everything I’m dedicating my performance in Catch Me If You Can The Musical to the memory of my late father, Ted Wichmann, whopassedawayoneyearago Lifeisshort. Gettingajobisaprivilegeandtheaudience deserves the best you’ve got to give.
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
Make sure to catch, Catch Me If You Can The Musical this weekend at the Sandler Center, star Scott Wichmann tells us all about it
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, April 20 2023 3
The FallenAngel ChristopherDaniels.(PHOTOBYJONATHANMCLARTY)
Betweenthewelcomewarmthofthesun’sraysand anearlyuniversaldesiretogetoutdoors,springtimeis abelovedseasonforenjoyinganalfrescomeal.Addin freshproducetoheightentheflavorsoffamilyfavoritesandthetableissetforadeliciouspicnic.
Whetheryourwarm-weatheradventurestakeyou to a nearby park a neighbor’s patio or simply your ownbackyard,satisfyingthosespringcravingsoften startswithplant-forwarddishes Fromtomatoesand onions to mushrooms, Brussels sprouts and other fruits and veggies, you can rely on Mother Nature to givepicnicrecipesaboost
For example, these fresh ideas from Aramark’s Feed Your Potential program offer easy solutions to takeyourlovedonesoutdoorsforamealallcanenjoy.
As a popular springtime lunch, sandwiches provide the opportunity to customize servings according to eachperson’spreferences
These Portobello Mozzarella Sandwiches are a plant-forward version loaded with grilled mushrooms, fresh mozzarella, pesto mayo, arugula and a balsamic glaze on ciabatta rolls For an added touch offreshness,ahomemadetomatobruschettatopping combines tomatoes red onions basil and more to capitalizeonapeakproduceseason.
Nopicniciscompletewithoutasidethatperfectly complements the main course For a delicious solution that’s fast and easy to make, try a new twist on an al fresco classic: coleslaw. A healthy accompanimenttothesandwiches,thisApricotBrusselsSprouts Coleslawisanidealspringdishthatcallsforlessthan 10 ingredients and requires simple prep so you can makeitfreshbeforeheadingoutthedoor
Visit Aramark’s Feed Your Potential website,tofindmorepicnic-worthyrecipeideas
Portobello Mozzarella Sandwiches
Recipe courtesy of Aramark
Servings: 4
2tablespoonsredonion peeledandminced
1poundfreshportobellomushrooms,cleaned, stemsremoved,slicedthin
Tomaketomatobruschettatopping:Inbowl,combinetomatoes onion,basil,oliveoil,salt,pepperandgarlic.Setaside Tomakesandwiches:Preheatgrillpanorgrilltomediumheat. Tossslicedmushroomswitholiveoil,garlicpowder,saltandpepper Grill mushrooms until fork-tender, 3-4 minutes on each side Let cool. Mix mayonnaisewithpestountilcombined Spread2tablespoons pestomayonnaiseoncutsidesofeachroll Foreachsandwich,layer¼ofgrilledmushrooms mozzarellaslices tomatobruschettatopping arugulaandbalsamicglaze Topwithotherrollhalves Cutdiagonallyinhalftoserve.
Apricot Brussels Sprouts Coleslaw
Recipe courtesy of Aramark
Servings: 4
2cupstrimmedandshredded Brusselssprouts
1cupredonion,trimmedanddiced Combine mustard, honey sugar salt and pepper.Mixwell. Add Brussels sprouts, apricot and onion; tosstocoat
Veggie packed recipes perfect for a spring picnic
4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, April 20 2023
MHSleaderDavisonreflectson new path for pain management
ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications
The Defense Health Agency is changing itsapproachtopainmanagementtoprovide quicker and more precise evidence-based care for injured service members and their families John Davison, acting chief of DHA Integrated Clinical Operations Policy Support, discussedhowDHAisapproachingthisnew reality MHS Communications: How is DHA changingitsapproachtopainmanagement?
Specifically, could you address the Stepped Care Model and education on it for clinicians?
John Davison: The SCM is a tiered approach to provide consistent, quality, and safe care for patients with an emphasis on multidisciplinary, multi-modal, and non-drug pain management, such as acupuncture.
Each military hospital and clinic has at least one primary pain care champion who has been trained in the use of the SCM. The role of the champion is to ensure that all other pain care professionals in the patient-centered medical home are trained ontheSCM.
Thepolicy,developedbytheDepartment of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs will require that all patient-centered medical home staffers take the SCM training within 90 days of their assignment to a military hospital or clinic, so that the approachtopainmanagementisconsistent acrosspatientcare.
When a provider team is familiar with a service member or family member’s medicalhistory,it’sgoodforthepatienttoseethe same provider team again and again, especially if they have more complex medical issues
MHS Communications: How important ispatienteducationonpainmanagement?
John Davison: Patient education is a key component because the DHA aims to educate patients in effective self-managementofpainandinjuryrehabilitation.
These ECHO sessions occur weekly and provide a continuing education learning activity followed by a case presentation of a patient who would benefit from pain
management subject matter expert guidance MHS Communications: How does DHA lead in moving away from a medication approach, such as opioids to a more holisticpainmanagementapproach?
John Davison: With the adoption of the holistic SCM for treating pain, DHA is committed to providing complementary and integrative pain treatments, previously referred to as “alternative” treatments These include yoga, meditation, acupuncture,dryneedling,andothernon-drugtreatmentsandactivities
Many DOD providers have experience and training with non-opioid, non-drug paintherapies In conjunction with increasing medical evidence,theDODhasbeenexpandingour experience and use of complementary and integrative health treatments as part of our pain management and opioids safety strategy
TheMHShasshownasignificantdecline in opioid prescriptionsopens to article Opiod Prescriptions Decline Across the MHS for opioids as a primary tool for pain management across the entire MHS, with the most dramatic decline in recent yearsamongactive-dutyservicemembers
The decline in prescriptions for opioid medications—like morphine and oxycodone—highlights the success of DHA’s training and education programs aimed at reducing the risks linked to opioid medications
MHS Communications: What has been theresponsetothenewpainscaleandhow manymilitaryhospitalsandclinicsnowuse thisscalewithintheMilitaryHealthSystem?
John Davison: The DOD developed the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale, or DVPRSopenstoHealth.milDVPRSpage,as aresultoffeedbackfromDODcliniciansand patients that the traditional ways of assessing and discussing painwere not telling the wholestory.Thepainscaleexpandspatients’ ability to define their pain levels beyond the traditional 0-10 and facial expression models.
It’s a very important part of the DHA’s comprehensive approach to pain management.
into its policies and in the electronic health record, through the MHS GENESISopens to In the Spotlight MHS GENESIS platform, for several years. We continue to work on ensuring that it is integrated into clinical practice in all of our military hospitalsandclinics.
The response from our providers and patients who havebeenusingtheDVPRS hasbeenextremelypositive.
In fact, many of our patients who have been exposed to the DVPRS during their treatment in our hospitals and clinics have taken it upon themselves to share the DVPRS with providers outside of DHA This has resulted in a growing number of inquiries from civilian providers and health care organizations requesting information about the DVPRS as well as permission to use the scale in their practices This is an indication that we are moving in the right direction.
MHS Communications: What kinds of teams are available for new pain managementtreatments?
John Davison: Interdisciplinary Pain Management Centers are another componentoftheMHSpain management transformation. There are 29 suchcentersthroughouttheMHS including overseas in Germany, England, and Japan. OnecenterislocatedinHawaiiattheTripler Army Medical Centeropens to the Tripler website.
Staffingisvariableatthecenters,buttypically, each one has at least one pain physician who has been trained as part of a pain management fellowship, physical and occupational therapists and technicians,
behavioral health providers acupuncturists chiropractors,pharmacists,andseveral supportstaff
Overall,thegoalofthepainmanagement paradigm is to enable clinical care communities to effectively treat acute and chronic pain, promote non-pharmacologic pain treatment, prevent acute pain from becoming chronic, and when appropriate, limit opioid prescribing to the minimal effective dose fortheshortestdurationnecessary
Don’t delay your TRICARE covered cancer screenings
FALLS CHURCH, Va If you had cancer, you’d probably want to know as soon as possible That’s because when it comes to cancer, time is critical. Generally,theearlieracancerisfound,theeasier it may be to treat or cure. Some types of cancer can be detected before a person even shows symptoms TRICARE covers screeningsforthesecancersaspartofyour preventive care benefit.
“Getting your recommended cancer screenings is vital to your health and longevity,” said Jeannine Pickrell, RN, DiseaseManagement&PopulationHealth, TRICARE Health Plan, Defense Health Agency “If you’ve been putting off a cancer screeningformonthsorevenyears it’stime tomakeitapriority.
You can get some cancer screenings during your next Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HP&DP) exam, which makes prioritizing cancer screenings and otherpreventiveservicesmoreconvenient And as outlined in the TRICARE Costs and FeesFactSheet,you’llhavenoout-of-pocket costs for getting preventive care when you followyourplan’srules
Yourage,yoursex,andifyouhavecertain risk factors determine which cancers you should be screened for and how often you should be screened for them. Read on to learn which cancer screenings are appropriateforyou.
BreastCancer TRICARE covers clinical breast exams during a covered HP&DP exam TRICARE also covers mammograms every 12 months forwomenwhoare:
For women age 30 or older with a 20% or greater lifetime risk of developing breast cancer TRICARE covers annual breast MRI screening in addition to annual mammograms.
TRICARE covers Pap tests (also called Pap smears) for women starting at age 21. Generally, you should get a Pap test at least once every three years Your provider may recommend that you get Pap tests more frequently
If you’re age 30 or older TRICARE also covers HPV DNA testing when done in conjunctionwithaPaptest.
Ifyou’reage45orolderwithaveragerisk for colon cancer, TRICARE covers several different types of screenings for colorectal cancer Ask your provider about which screeningsareappropriateforyou.
Do you have a history of smoking?
TRICARE covers lung cancer screening if you:
Have a 20 pack per year or more history ofsmoking
Currently smoke or have quit smoking withinthepast15years
OralCavityandPharyngealCancers TRICARE covers a complete oral cavity examination as part of routine preventive care if you’re an adult at high risk due to exposure to tobacco or excessive amounts ofalcohol.
TRICARE covers annual prostate cancer exams for men. Your coverage depends on your age and other factors Typically, TRICARE covers your testing if you’re age 50orolderwithatleasta10-yearlifeexpectancy However,youmaybeeligibleforprostate cancer exams starting at age 40 or age 45 if you have certain risk factors (family history,race).
According to the Centers for Disease ControlandPrevention(CDC),skincancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. TRICARE covers skin cancer exams if you:
Have a family or personal history of skin cancer
Have increased occupational or recreationalexposuretosunlight
Show clinical evidence of precursor lesions
Precursor lesions are abnormal areas of your skin that could turn into cancer Talk to your provider if you notice any changes inyourskin,includinganewgrowth,asore that doesn’t heal, or a change in a mole, or if you have concerns about your exposure tosunlight
Are you a male age 13 through 39?
TRICARE covers testicular cancer exams annually if you have a history of
cryptorchidism, orchiopexy, or testicular atrophy.
ThyroidCancer TRICAREcoversthyroidcancerphysical examsforadultswithahistoryofupperbody exposuretoradiation
Because clinical recommendations for cancer screenings can change over time talk to your provider about which screeningsarerightforyou.Andremember,these screenings are meant to detect cancer beforesymptomsappear Ifyoushowsigns or symptoms of any of type of cancer, visit your provider as soon as possible Visit the CDC and the National Cancer Institute websites to learn more.
WouldyoulikethelatestTRICAREnews sent to you by email? Visit the TRICARE Subscriptions page today, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news,andmore.
Lt Cmdr Christine Higgins,a certified nurse midwife,speakswith a NavyAirman at Naval Branch Health Clinic Mayport.Higgins,a native of Providence,Kentucky holds a doctorofnursing practice from EmoryUniversity. She says,“It’s important to get regularPap tests to screen for cervical cancer,forearlydetection and treatment ofanyprecancerous cells. I encourage allwomen to get routinewellness exams to maintain the healthiestversion ofthemselves possible.” (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDEIDRESMITH,NAVALHOSPITALJACKSONVILLE/RELEASED).
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A U.S. service member gets treated for chronic knee pain
Cockatoo, too.
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them and creating friendships with these peoplethat otherwiseyou may have never met
From aspectatorstandpoint, my favorite partisingeneral,thepridethatisportrayed of our country.Icall myself,“Emotionally Patriotic” and it’s justoverwhelming when youget astanding ovation forthe National Anthem. They saythatmusic is the universallanguageanditreallyis.Particularlywith theTattoo,itisthemusicthatcommunicates acrossallofthat.Whenweareperformingin the Tattoo and seeingall that support from thecommunity,itjustwarmsmyheart.
Y: Wherewereyou bornand what made youfallinlovewiththemilitaryandmusic?
SC:IwasborninVidor,Texasandforme first came music then themilitary.Istarted playingfluteinthe6thgradeandalltheway throughhighschool,becausewealreadyhad one.Mysister playeditsoIcouldstart on it without having to spendmoremoneyon anotherinstrument. When Iwas getting ready to graduate,mybrother who was ayear older than me,had enlisted in the Navyandmymotherwantedmetogivethe Navy man acall.Instead we hada Marine recruiter atour school, Iapproachedhim saw amusician’s pamphlet, Iwas 16 years old, toldmymom andwhen Iwas able to enlist,IenlistedundertheMusicianEnlistmentActionProgramin1999
Y:YouwereinOperationEnduringFreedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. What canyoutellusaboutit?
SC: During that time,wewerenot performing as musicians,weweredoing security.Iturned in my flute for an M-16
During my seconddeployment we traveled abit as musicians and did moral concerts in the area. At the same time,that deploymentwasfocusedonsecurity.Thatwasour wartimemission.TheysayeveryMarineisa riflemanandit’strue.Ihavehadanincrediblecareer.Andtraveledtomanyplacesinthe world.Ijoined right out of highschool and twoyearslater9/11happened.Ididnotever thinkthatIwouldbeonadeploymentbutI endedupdoingtwoofthemwiththeband.
Y: Iread that youwereAssistant Drum Major for “President’s Own” US Marine
Band in WashingtonDCin2017. Can you shareafun/fondmemory?
SC: The previous Secretary of Defence General Mattiswas alsoaMarineand one day, we were at the Pentagon waiting to do anarrival,playforanarrivingdignitary,and theArmyrepresentativethatwastherekept tellingus,it’sagoodideatohavethebandin place becausesometimesthe Secretary of Defence likestocomeout and sayhitothe band.Weturnedaroundandliterallycoming down from the Pentagon wasthe Secretary of DefenceMattis.Ikept sayingok, ok, be cool, be cool.Myfavorite experiencefrom mytimetherewasmarchingthefullHonor at Arlington NationalCemetery.Justabsolutelylife changingbecause yousee it from adifferentperspective.
Y: Youare currently the Instrumental Division Head of the School of Music and Iunderstandmostrecently,inMarch, you wereselectedtobetheFuneralDirectorfor MarineGuardsinWashingtonDC.Congratulations.Whatare some of your duties as InstructionalDivisionHead?
SC: Those that get recruited into the
MarineCorpsorNavymusicprogram,they getassignedaninstrumentalinstructorand go overlessonsevery week. Ioverseethose instructorswhogivetheprivatelessons
Y: Canyou sharea wow or pinch me momentinyourcareer?
SC: It wasthe firsttime Iauditioned as theAssistantDrum Major forthe Marine band. WhenIactually got the job,thatwas my secondtime to audition for that job The firsttime Iauditionedwas that wow moment,thisisreallyhappeningmoment.I amauditioningforthisjob.Itwasthemarching process of the sequence they use in the eveningparadeontheactualdeckatMarine GuardWashington. It wasWOW,Ican’t believe I’mdoingthis,it’sfantastic. It was an emotionalspotinmycareerfor me.My parents had just passed away andIthought iftheycouldjustseemenow,wow!Itwasan emotionalexperience
Yiorgo is an arts,entertainment and sports writer.A stage,TVand movie actor,heisalso asportsentertainer,educator, motivational speaker,writer,storytellerand columnist
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8 The Flagship |www|Section 3| Thursday, April 20,2023