Flagship 06.09.2022

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www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, June 9, 2022 1

IN THIS ISSUE Shipyard Spotlight

Porter-Wright and her team of 11 manage the submarine availabilities from planning to departure maintaining the budget, mandays, material and more. PAGE A2 VOL. 29, NO. 22, Norfolk, VA | flagshipnews.com

June 9-June 15, 2022


CNRMA Sailors walk to encourage mental health awareness and outreach By AOAN Brittany Sandoval and MCSN Jordan Grimes

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs

NORFOLK,Va. — Commander, Nav a l R e g i on Mi d - At l antic (CNRMA) Sailors hosted a command walk and burger burn in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month at the Naval Station Norfolk Parade Field May 26, 2022.

Chief petty officers, assigned to Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic gathered outside of CNRMA cooking burgers and lending an ear during a Mental Health Awareness Month event held at the command May 26, 2022. ( AVIATION ORDNANCEMAN AIRMAN BRITTANY SANDOVAL)

The event was the brainchild of two of CNRMA’s junior Sailors, Aviation Ordinanceman Airman Brittany Sandoval and Mass Communication Specialist Jordan Grimes, with the goal of reaching out to Sailors and civilians at the command who may be in need of help or want to learn how to help others. “I helped create this event because I wanted to ensure my

Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Sailors take to Naval Station Norfolk’s parade field with motivational signs during CNRMA’s Mental Health Awareness Walk and burger burn event May 26, 2022. (MASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST SEAMAN JORDAN GRIMES)

fellow Sailors feel heard by their command and have a safe space to get help when they need it,” said Grimes. This event is meant to establish a command relationship that lasts well beyond the confines of Mental Health Awareness Month.” CNRMA Sailors showed that it is acceptable and encouraged to seek help from one another by creating a safe place. “It says it in the name,” said Chief Religious Program Special-

ist Samantha Greenley, who helped facilitate the event, ” it helps to bring awareness to mental health and hopefully the goal is to de-stigmatize mental health and help Sailors seek help.” The mile-long walk brought people together while they held signs with motivational quotes to show their support for breaking mental health stigma. During the event, they sat with one another showing kindness and support for each other through

conversations. “I’m excited, happy, and proud knowing that we do have so many people that are willing to come out here and participate in this great event,” said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) 1st Class Timothy McAuliffe, an attendee at the event. After the walk, attendees came together to eat and heard from CNRMA’s command chaplain, Capt. Stephen Shaw, in hopes to spread awareness about mental

health. CNRMA Sailors and civilians walked away from this event having a family to rely on when in need Grimes added. Military One Source has a list of resources for Sailors and civilians looking to get mental health support. Visit their website here at www.militaryonesource.mil and look under the resources tab to get started. Not all of the resources listed are just for military members.

NAVSTA Norfolk Hosts Inaugural Battle of Midway Heritage 5K By MC3 (SW) Joseph T. Miller

NORFOLK, Va. — More than 340 Sailors, civilians and family members took part in the inaugural Battle of Midway Heritage 5K held onboard Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk, June 3. The 5K, hosted by the NAVSTA Norfolk’s Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) team, commemorates the 80th anniversary of the decisive World War II battle. The Battle of Midway took place from June 3 to June 7, 1942 in the Pacific Theater during World War II, which pitted the United States Navy against the Axis-allied Imperial Japanese Navy. The victory of the United States in this battle landed a critical blow against Japan, causing a loss of four of their aircraft carriers, and if often referred to as “the turning point of the Pacific.” “As we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Midway and again are in the midst of a renewed strategic competition, I feel as if it crucial that our next generation of Sailors, civilians and family members are aware of the significance of this battle,” said Capt. David Dees, Naval Station Norfolk Commanding Officer. “Holding a run past the very piers where the USS Hornet (CV 8) departed in route to the Doolittle Raid, Coral Seas and then Midway itself brings the history and significance of the battle full circle.” The race kicked off at 11:30 a.m. from


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Sailors, civilians and family members pass by a mile marker flag bearing the image of the USS Enterprise (CV 6) during the Battle of Midway 5K event on Naval Station Norfolk, June 3. (KELLY WIRFEL)

Gunner’s Mate Seaman Costa Sanchez crosses the finish line of the Battle of Midway Heritage 5K on Naval Station Norfolk, June 3. The Battle of Midway 5K was held to commemorates the 80th anniversary of the battle. (KELLY WIRFEL)

Vista Point and took the participants down the waterfront, Admiral’s Row and the base marina. Mile markers along the way contained photos of the three carriers who

fought in the battle, USS Hornet, the USS Enterprise and the USS Yorktown. “It was beautiful today, the MWR did a great job setting this up,” said race partic-

ipant, Gunner’s Mate Seaman Costa Sanchez. “This event was great, no matter if you finished first or last. It was also inspiring to see the flags with the carriers who fought in the Battle of Midway. Seeing those and thinking about those who fought and died in the battle gave me that extra boost to keep on running.” Following the race, MWR had music, food and refreshments available for participants inside Vista Point. Upcoming MWR events can be found at https://www.navymwrnavalstationnorfolk. com/.

Historical Highway

Student Meal prices

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month was celebrated on Saturday, May 28 with the unveiling of Virginia’s newest highway historical marker at the Philippine Cultural Center in Virginia Beach. The marker honors the service of Filipino Sailors who served in the U.S. Navy. PAGE A3

Beginning in the fall, breakfasts and lunches administered by the Student Meal Program outside of the continental United States (OCONUS), will incorporate an associated fee unless authorized as free or reduced. PAGE A7

Italian Navy Destroyer

Italian Navy destroyer ITS Caio Duilio (D 554) arrived here today in advance of its participation in Carrier Strike Group 10’s Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX). PAGE A4

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