Flagship 06.23.2022

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www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, June 23, 2022 1

IN THIS ISSUE V-22 Repairs

Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) is gearing up to return an MV-22 Osprey to the fleet after conducting a wing-off stow ring replacement on the aircraft, the first completion of this procedure by a naval aviation depot. PAGE A4 VOL. 29, NO. 24, Norfolk, VA | flagshipnews.com

June 23-June 29, 2022

Navy’s first Project SEARCH interns graduate at Naval Air Station Oceana

Naval Air Station Oceana hosts a graduation ceremony for eight Project SEARCH interns. The program connects high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to internships and on-the-job training. (MASS COMMUNICATION 2ND CLASS MEGAN WOLLAM)

By Jackie Parashar

NAS Oceana Public Affairs

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana hosted a graduation ceremony on June 14 for eight Project SEARCH interns. This marks the first year a Navy installation has hosted the innovative program, which connects high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to internships and on-the-job training. It is a collaborative effort between Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Virginia Department of Education, Didlake, Inc., and Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. “This graduation ceremony is a chance for us to recognize the hard work of our eight terrific interns, and to celebrate the many people and organizations who made this program possible in its first year here at NAS Oceana,” said NAS Oceana Commanding Officer Capt. Bob Holmes. “We look forward to welcoming Project SEARCH back to the Navy’s East Coast

NAS Oceana NEX employee Joseph Jones congratulates Project SEARCH intern Markus Gray during the graduation ceremony onboard Naval Air Station Oceana. (MASS COMMUNICATION 2ND CLASS MEGAN WOLLAM)

Master Jet Base for another year in September.” Combining classroom instruction and hands-on training, Project SEARCH engaged its interns in a ten-month, holistic approach to starting a career. Since September, the military-connected interns worked side-byside with employees at NAS Oceana’s Navy Exchange, the Navy MWR, and the Navy Gateway Inns & Suites. “Our first year has been a great success,” said Jan Varney, Instructional Specialist for the Virginia Beach City Public Schools’ Office of Programs for Exceptional Children. “The partnership, support, and mentorship that the base and its businesses have provided to the Project SEARCH program have made all the difference in the lives of these young adults, and will, in turn, benefit our community by increasing the pool of dependable, skilled workers ready to join the labor force.” Since starting the program in Sept. 2021, the Project SEARCH interns completed 24 internships across 10 businesses at NAS Oceana, Turn to SEARCH, Page 7

Town hall discusses suicide prevention, mental health awareness By Michelle Stewart

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story Chapel Department held its first-ever Suicide Prevention Town Hall at the Carl Brasher Conference Center recently. The town hall provided an opportunity for members to hear from, and speak with, mental health experts on the critical topic of suicide prevention and mental health. The idea of the town hall came from the base chaplain’s experience while serving on an intervention team and the desire to do more. “I was a member of the Special Psychiatric Rapid Intervention Team that examined the response to the suicides that occurred on the USS George Washington (CVN 73) recently,” Command Chaplain Lt. Scott Dean said. “While on the ship I could

see the frustration and feel the emotional heaviness from the crew. It was on my heart to do more.” Upon returning from the ship Dean met with the chapel team to brainstorm. The idea was to create a Ted Talk meets town hall, Dean said. “We invite people who have a piece of the puzzle and have a dynamic conversation. Maybe people who struggled with it and got help could come and share their stories,” Dean said. The town hall was presented in a panel format. The panelist included Lts. Courtney Gibson and LaShawn Gooden, Navy clinical psychologists at Naval Medical Readiness and Training Center Portsmouth, Mental Health Clinic at Sewells Point; Michelle Peterson, executive director of The Sarah Michelle Peterson Foundation; Margaret Blair, Fleet and Family Support Center SAIL Case Manager and Rayshawn Penn, Eastern Regional Hub Lead for LivingWorks.”

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Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk hosted the Navy World Series Throwback Softball game at the installations historic McClure Field on Friday, June 17. PAGE A6

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story’s Command Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Jason Gregory speaks to the attendees of the Suicide Prevention Town Hall. ( PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS ZACHARY TESLOVICH)

Peterson shared the story of her loss and why she started her foundation. “I am the wife of a 30-year Marine, and

mother of four children. We lost my daughTurn to Mental Health, Page 7

Honor of Flag Day Six years ago, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard Veteran Employee Readiness Group began donating old or worn U.S. Flags from the workforce and community. This year — the team collected 137 U.S. flags, which were presented to Sturtevant during a ceremony held June 13. PAGE A2

Fuel Tank Demolition

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command MidAtlantic awarded HCG-JCG Joint Venture, Escondido, California, a $7,735,000 firm-fixed-price task order under a multiple award construction contract for fuel tank demolition. PAGE A7

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