Flagship 07.06.2023

Page 11

NAS Patuxent River mourns loss of firefighter Brice C. Trossbach

Naval Air Station Patuxent River

It is with profound sadness that NAS Patuxent River announces the tragic loss of one of our brave firefighters Brice C. Trossbach, 25 who died in the line of duty while responding to an emergency on June 27 Trossbach made the ultimate sacrifice while responding to a mutual aid call ofastructurefireinLeonardtown,Maryland,dedicatinghis lifetoprotectandserveourcommunity

“Ourthoughts and deepest condolences go out to Brice’s family, friends, and loved ones during this incredibly difficult time,” said NAS Patuxent River Commanding Officer Capt. Derrick Kingsley “We understand that no words can fully alleviate the pain and grief they are experiencing but we want them to know that our entire NAS Patuxent River family stands beside them, offering our support, love, and prayers In the face of this tragic loss, we are reminded of thetremendousrisksourfirefightersfaceeachshifttokeep ourinstallationandourcommunitysafe Theyputtheirlives on the line without hesitation, demonstrating remarkable bravery and commitment to the well-being of others We are forever grateful for their service and sacrifice. Brice’s lossisnotonlyfeltbyusatPax,butbythegreaterSouthern Marylandcommunityaswell. TrossbachwasaNavalDistrictWashingtonFireFighterat NASPatuxentRiver,havingjoinedthedepartmentinAugust of 2019 His commitment to the community was further demonstratedbyhisadditionalserviceasaVolunteerFirefighter with the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department and the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department, which he servedwithsince2013

“I’ve known Brice since he was a little kid following his dad to the Leonardtown Fire Station when I was the Chief there,andhealwayswantedtobeafirefighter,”saidGerald Gardiner, Deputy Director of Emergency Services for St Mary’s County “To see him come up from that kid, to the manandfirefighterhe’dbecome,makesthislossespecially hard. His respect for those he helped, the mentorship he provided the younger guys coming up, and the service he gave tothenation and Southern Marylandcommunity will leaveabigholeinourhearts.”

We kindly request that the privacy of the Trossbach family be respected during this challenging time of grieving Information regarding memorial services and other relatedarrangementswillbecommunicatedassoonasthey arefinalized

NAS Patuxent Riverannounces the tragic loss ofone of ourbrave firefighters,Brice C.Trossbach,25,who died in the line ofdutywhile responding to an emergencyon June 27 Trossbach made the ultimate sacrificewhile responding to a mutual aid call ofa structure fire in Leonardtown,Maryland,dedicating his life to protect and serve ourcommunity.(COURTESYPHOTO)

US 2nd Fleet awards Sailor for heroism:


NORFOLK, Va A Sailor assigned to

U.S. 2nd Fleet was awarded the Navy and MarineCorpsAchievementMedal,June27 2023,forhisactionsrenderinglife-savingaid whileonlibertylastmonth.

Senior Chief Culinary Specialist Gary Askins was first to respond to a man choking on food by administering the Heimlich maneuver Askinswasdiningwithhispeers when he was approached by a patron, who noticed him in uniform and asked for assistance with a man who couldn’t breathe Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Askinsassessedtheseverityofthesituation, andactedwithouthesitation,usinghistraininginCPRandanti-chokingtechniques

“He was just sitting on the floor, and he gavemethesignalthathewaschoking,”said Askins. “I used my training to dislodge the food.ThenIjustmadesurehewasokayuntil themedicalpersonnelarrived.”

Oncethepatron’sbreathingwasrestored, Askins returned to his meal while medical personnelcontinuedtheircare.

“Ireceivedafewpatsonthebackandeven received a command coin from one of our senior leaders I didn’t really think much of it,”saidAskins Askins’ actions and humble approach to saving a life serves as a testament to the importance of comprehensive training for Sailors The incident highlights the critical role played by the U.S. Navy in equipping its personnel with life-saving skills, such

as CPR and anti-choking techniques By instillingtheseskillsandfosteringaculture of readiness, the Navy continues to uphold its commitment to the safety and well-beingofitsSailorsandthebroadercommunity theyserve

“The Navy has medical [jobs], but when any Sailor sees someone in need they’re

ready to assist,” said Senior Chief InformationSystemsTechnicianShantaMcPherson, 2ndFleet’sCPRprogramcoordinator “Firefighting is the first thing most people think of when it comes to our training, but medical response is crucial in protecting those aroundus.”

Recognizing that emergencies can occur

at any time and in any place, the Navy ensuresthatitspersonnelreceivethorough instructioninlife-savingtechniques.These training programs include CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and other essential skills ensuring that Sailors are well-prepared to respond swiftly and effectively during criticalsituations

“I am proud of our Sailors at sea and ashore,” said Vice Adm. Daniel Dwyer, Commander, U.S 2nd Fleet “Senior Askins is a great example of a shore-based Sailor whokepthisskillssharp,andmadeadifference saving a life When the moment arose, he acted without hesitation. His actions represent the values we hold true here at 2nd Fleet, as our Sailors demonstrate their commitment to duty and excellence every day.”

The Navy prioritizes the safety and well-being of its personnel, as well as civilianswhomayrequireassistanceinemergencies Regulartrainingsessionsandrefresher coursesareconductedtoreinforcetheskills and knowledge of Sailors By maintaining a high standard of training, the Navy ensures thatitspersonnelarepreparedtotakeimmediate action, potentially saving lives in both militaryandciviliancontexts

U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArcticinorderto ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S.,allied,andpartnerinterests

A testament to Sailors’ CPR and life-saving training NORFOLK,Va - Commander U.S.2nd Fleet ViceAdm.Daniel Dwyer awards SeniorChief CulinarySpecialist GaryAskinswith a Navyand Marine CorpsAchievement Medal.Askins received the award forhis actions regarding life-saving aidwhile on liberty (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJUSTINJOHNDRO) VOL.31,NO 23 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comJuly 6-July 12 2023 IN THIS ISSUE Navy Establishes the Maritime Cyber Warfare Officer Designator – 1880 Previously the Navyhas utilized officerswithin the InformationWarfare community,including CryptologicWarfare and Information Professional to fill billets across the CyberOperations Forces (COF). The establishment ofMCWOwill allowofficers to build expertise and professional experience. PageA6 www.flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! The Lisle father son firefighting team “Any fatherwould be proud, no matterwhat profession, if his son decided to follow in his footsteps, said U.S. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Christopher Lisle, the Expeditionary Firefighting & Rescue Chiefwith Marine Aircraft Control Group-28 PageA3 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 1

19th hired NCDOC civilian retires

Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command

SUFFOLK, Va A Sailor A contractor And finally, a civilian. That’s Tammy Fletcher, who has dedicated 26 years of service to Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC). During a sit-down interviewwithNCDOC’sPublicAffairsOfficer, AlexisSmith, Fletchersaid,“Ioweit all to teamwork! This has been an awesome commandtoworkfor alwaysgrowingand forward leaning with a bunch of amazing teammates.”

Fletcher stands as the only NCDOC employee to be recognized as both Sailor of the Year (2001) and Civilian of the Year (2012).

Born in Orange County, Calif., Fletcher enlisted in the Navy as a Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (CTM) and reported forbootcampatRecruitTrainingCenterin Orlando,Fla.,inMay1986

In1997,CTMFirstClassFletcherreported toNavyComputerIncidentResponseTeam (NAVCIRT), which was part of the Fleet Information Warfare Command (FIWC), as a Defensive Information Warfare Technician.Sheestablishedherselfasthesubject matterexpertinintrusiondetection,vulnerabilityanalysis andcomputernetworkincidentresponse,andprovidedcriticaltraining andsupportforFleetRedTeamexercises Fletcher shared a few vivid memorable work-related stories “In 2000 I took the very first NAVCIRT Sea Duty orders and deployed with Commander Cruiser Destroyer Group Twelve on USS Enterprise I deployed with the FIWC Information Warfare (IW) Team and, along with my Computer Network Defense (CND) deployerduties,IalsostoodtheIWwatch, Fletcher said, “I was on watch during 9/11 and again when the U.S. launched missiles intoAfghanistan.”

During her time at sea, she earned both surfacewarfareandairwarfarequalification pins “We also stood up the CND Deployer

department, which has now grown and matured to Defensive Cyberspace Operations (DCO) Afloat I also stood the watch as CND Watch Officer for many years now known as BWC, or Battle Watch Captain. Our watch team photo is hanging up in several places in the command,” Fletcher said. “I was also one of the key participants who established the CTN rating in 2004,” sheadded

Since 2004, Ms. Fletcher led the command for six Cybersecurity Service Provider (CSSP) certification and accreditation inspections In that time NAVCIRT has earned the highest accreditation in the DoDmultipletimes TheFIRSTeverthreetimeLevel3exemplaryCSSP!

OnJan.10,2006,NAVCIRTwascommissioned as a command and renamed as NCDOC and Ms. Fletcher was recognized asaPlankOwner

WhenMs.FletcherretiredfromtheNavy asaCTMC(AW/SW)in2006,shereturned to NCDOC as a contractor for CACI and helped stand up the N5 Plans Policy and Programsdepartment.

It wasn’t until 2011 when she made the move from contractor to General Schedule orGScivilianemployee

Her personal decorations during her active-duty service in the Navy include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal(twoawards) JointServiceAchievement Medal (five awards), Good Conduct Medal (five awards), the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (two awards) as well asvariousunitserviceawards

On June 2, 2023, during the monthly All Hands ceremony at NCDOC, Capt Christina Hicks, NCDOC’s commanding officer, presented Fletcher with the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, where she was also

recognized with a standing ovation from Sailors, contractors and civilians in attendance

The following is advice Ms. Fletcher would share with someone who is just beginning their military career “Lean in.

Lean forward Get engaged. Stay Curious

Ask questions I asked lots and lots of questions! Remember that you don’t have toknoweverything,butyoudoneedtohave agreatworkingrelationshipwiththosewho do,”Fletchersaid.“Askquestions.Peopleare interesting You’ll never know someone’s storyifyoudon’ttakethetimetogettoknow them Askquestions Andlastly,ifyoudon’t askforsomethingthatyouneedorwant,the answerwillalwaysbeno.”

IaskedFletcherwhatshefeltaboutretirement.Shereplied,“Retirementisbothhappy and bittersweet. I love working at NCDOC and the people who make this place tick so well. I will miss both the command and the comradery.”

Ms.Fletcheralreadyhasabusyagendaof events she’s looking forward to after retirement.Shewillspendmoretimewithfamily and friends, travel a bit, knocking things off herbucketlist.Sheplansonhiking,goingto the beach, bike riding just a bunch of fun stuff!Oh,andhomeimprovementprojects.

NCDOChasgrowntomorethan900military, government civilian, and contractor personnel Ms. Fletcher, the 19th employee hiredatNCDOC,retiredonJune30

NCDOC’s mission is to coordinate, monitor, and oversee the defense of Navy computer networks and systems. Provide Cyber Security Service Provider (CSSP) servicesandexecuteDefensiveCyberspace Operations (DCO) in order to enable global powerprojection.

For more information on NCDOC, visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavyCyberWarriorsor thepublicwebpageathttps://www.navifor usff.navy.mil/ncdoc/


to right): Capt.Hicks, TammyFletcher Chris Brown,JimmyLemelle,PatriciaWalker Cmdr Lo; Backrow(from
Rhiannon Freeman,Chris Edwards,MikeVitha,Will Lyons,Nii Banfro.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY ALEXISSMITH,PAO,NAVNETWARCOM/RELEASED) Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com FreeClassifiedAdvertising 757-622-1455 Distribution&HomeDelivery757-446-9000
Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at P.O. Box 2820, Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved After a traumatic event anyone can experience acute stress. Don’t wait until you’re in crisis to make your mental health a priority.www.health.mil/mentalhealth #ReachOutGetHelpGetBetter Capt.Christina Hicks,NCDOC commanding officer,presentsTammyFletcherwith the Meritorious Civilian ServiceAward at theAll Hands ceremonyonJune 2,2023.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYALEXISSMITH,PAO,NAVNETWARCOM/RELEASED) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023
Department N5 team poseswithTammyFletcherafterreceiving the Meritorious Civilian ServiceAward at theAll Hands ceremonyonJune 2,2023 Front row(from left
left to right):

The Lisle father son

Marine Corps Installations East

“Any father would be proud, no matter whatprofession,ifhissondecidedtofollow in his footsteps,” said U.S. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Christopher Lisle the Expeditionary Firefighting & Rescue Chief with MarineAircraftControlGroup-28.“Toshare the title of Marine and to share that bond is somethingthatwedon’treallyspeakabout, but we have become closer and share more thanwhatweusedto.”

Lisle,anativeofLakeland,Florida,joined the Marine Corps in May 1999 to get out of his town, and to get away from dead end jobs.Hewantedtodosomethingmorewith his life and see the world, and the Marine Corpsprovidedjustthat.AccordingtoLisle, over the last 24 years the Marine Corps has providedthatandmore

“It’s really the many accomplishments throughout my career that I look at to say I’mproudof Fromgraduatingbootcampto performingmyjobduringemergencysituations or each rank I have obtained knowing thatmyleadershiptrustedmetocarryonthe responsibilitiesthatcamewithit, saidLisle, but there was something more personal that he says ranks as one of his proudest moments as a father and supersedes all of his accomplishments “I was there when my son came back from the crucible, and I had theopportunity toplace myEGAinhis handsandwelcomehimintotheCorpsasa UnitedStatesMarine.”

U.S.MarineCorpsLanceCpl.DevinLisle an aircraft rescue and firefighting specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Marine Corps Air Station New River, joined the Marine Corps September 20,2021,followinginhisfather’sfootsteps

Devin came into the Lisle family in September 2001 when Christopher was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort South Carolina When Devin was younger, Christopher was not around a lot Hewaseitheratworkeveryotherday,upto threedaysinarow,oronadeployment.That leftDevintobemostlyraisedbyhismother, butwhenhisfatherwasaround,heenjoyed watchinghimdohisjobasafirefighterinthe MarineCorps

“Iwaslikeeverylittlekid;‘Mydad’safirefighterIwanttobeafirefighter!”saidDevin. TheLislefamilyhasmanypicturesofyoung Devin dressing up as his father, whether it was in cammies or dress blues Devin was alwaysoutsideplayingwargamesand‘playing Marine’. Even from a young age, Christopher believed Devin wanted to become a Marine.

“Growing up my dad wasn’t around a lot, and it was hard. I didn’t understand at first asachildbutnowIknowthereasonswhy, said Devin. “We didn’t truly start getting closeaswearenowuntilabouttheageof13.”

As Devin grew older and started high school his father convinced him to join

the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, commonlyknownasJROTC.Hetransferred to 13 different schools before graduating high school After graduating, Devin spent afewyearsworkinganormaljob,andeventually deciding that he wanted to do more withhislife

“I was a firefighter for Western Carteret, North Carolina for a little bit,’ said Devin. “WhenIwasdoingthat,itreallyopenedmy eyestowhatfirefightingcanbe.”

Devin’s peaked interest led him to talk to his dad about firefighting in the Marine Corps and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps

Both father and son share a unique and special memory, the moment when Devin receivedhiseagle,globe,andanchor(EGA) afterhisbootcampcrucible Hisplatoonwas informed that one of the recruit’s fathers who is in the Marine Corps was coming to the ceremony. Devin, thinking it could be anyone’s father, did not suspect anything until the point in the ceremony where his seniordrillinstructor(SDI)steppedinfront of him to present his EGA His SDI looked

at Devin and continued past him without presenting him with the symbol that consummated his becoming of a Marine It wasatthatmomenthesawhisdadoutofthe cornerofhiseye,andthencaughtaglimpse of his mom across the street. Once he was abletowraphisheadaroundhisfamilytruly beingthere,Devinstartedtocry

“I have watched his determination drive himtoaccomplishingwhatisputinfrontof him Hehasaheartofgoldandtakesafterhis motherwithhiscompassionforothers,”said Lisle “As a military brat, he has had many people in his life that helped him build the toolstobesuccessful Iamproudoftheman hehasbecome.”

“There were times growing up when I would get mad when he would have to leave. I understand totally now the reasons whythingshappenedthewaytheydid.Now we have a very strong relationship and talk almost every single day, said Devin “We help each other out when we are together I am so thankful I have him as a father and wouldn’tchangeanything IloveyouDad.”

For his final exercise before retiring,


MasterSgt.ChristopherLisledecidedtodoa liveaircraftfireexercisewithhisson.During the exercise he manned the same firehose as his son as they extinguished an aircraft fireduringatrainingexerciseatMCASNew River, in Jacksonville North Carolina, May 12,2023

“It is good to call myself a Marine along with my dad,” said Devin “Being able to be heretodayandhavetheopportunitytowork andtrainsidebysidelikewearedoinghere today.”

AlloftheMarinesstoodbackandwatched asDevinandhisfatherextinguishedthefire together It was a special and rare moment between a father and a son to be able to do something like that. The older Lisle retired June16,2023,atMCASCherryPoint

“Thetimehascomeformetohangupthe uniformandtransitionbutinasense,Iwish I had a little more time It feels really good thatapieceofmewillbestayingintheCorps andtheMOS,”saidLisle “Almostasalegacy I know he will do great things and will be takencareof.”

Headquarters Squadron 751,fatherand son,pose fora photo on Marine CorpsAir Station NewRiver inJacksonville,North Carolina,May12 2023.This marked MasterSgt.Lisle’s last live fire training ofhis career putting out the firewith his son byhis side.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL LORIANNDAUSCHER) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 3 $1,500 OFF all shower &bath projects THE FIRST 6MONTHS NO payments &NOinterest Lock In LowMonthly Payments plus GET YOUR PROJECT NOW AND PAYNOTHING FOR6 MONTHS* BATH REMODELING DONE RIGHT From start to finish,weprovide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswillremove yourold unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. REAL REVIEWSFROMREAL CUSTOMERS 4.8/5 Based on 18,670 reviews 4.9/5 Based on 11,179 reviews 4.8/5 Based on 6,554 reviews (Company reviews across all branches as of 5/22/2023) OVER 137,093+ BATH REMODELING JOBS COMPLETED IN 1DAY 757-280-2257 *Plan 1069. Subject to credit approval. 8.94% APR based on 0.00% promotional interest rate for 6months ("Promo Period") followed by fixed interest rate of 9.99% for 120 months based on the amount financed and other amounts owed. Monthly payments are not required during the Promo Period. For example, assuming the full credit limit is used on loan approval date and no payments are made during Promo Period, for every $1,000 financed, 6monthly payments of $0.00 at an interest rate of 0% APR, followed by 120 monthly payments of $13.21 at afixed interest rate of 9.99%. This example is an estimate only.Actual payment amounts based on amount and timing of purchases. Call 866-936-0602 for financing costs and terms. Financing for the GreenSky® consumer loan program is provided by Equal Opportunity Lenders. GreenSky® is aregistered trademark of GreenSky,LLC, asubsidiary of Goldman Sachs Bank USA. NMLS #1416362. Loans originated by Goldman Sachs are issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Salt Lake City Branch. NMLS #208156. www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply. **$1,500 offtotal project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 7/09/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
Corps MasterSgt.ChristopherLisle,Regional ExpeditionaryFirefighting and Rescue Chiefwith MarineAircraft Control Group-28 left and Lance Cpl.Devin Lisle,firefighterwith Headquarters and

Welcome back Lunga Park, we missed you!


Moralehasbeenanimportantpartofthe Marine Corps since its founding and as all good leaders will attest, it’s also a key to the successofMarinesandtheirfamilieswherevertheyserve

Morale comes in different shapes and sizes Itmaylooklikecampfires,boats,fishing, cabins and maybe even a lake or, in the case of Quantico, a reservoir. For decades, Lunga Recreation area and Reservoir was a favorite location for locals to relax, fish, camp, host command events, and even celebrate holidays like the fourth of July

In February 2012 after partially exposed mortar fins were found in the recreational area, Lunga was temporarily closed while Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC),andtheMarineCorpsexplosives safetyauthorityconductedanareasurveyto determineiftheparkwassafeforcontinued use Basedonthedeterminationafterthesite inspection, the base commander closed the LungarecreationareaandreservoironMay 11thofthatyearuntilitcouldbeclearedand deemedsafeforpublicuse May26,elevenyearslater,aportionofthe originalareawasreopened.

Lunga Reservoir dates back to World War II, when Quantico expanded what is now the base property west of Interstate 95 More space was needed for additional maneuversandtrainingduringthewarand became the home of Camp Barrett where newlycommissionedofficersattendedThe Basic School after graduating The Officers Camp of Instruction, which would later be renamedOfficersCandidateSchool

Lunga Reservoir was constructed as a water source for Camp Barrett while the surroundinglandareaswereusedasimpact zones when Marines conducted live-fire training with mortars artillery and rifle grenades.

As new and more efficient ranges were constructed, all live-fire training shifted awayfromthereservoirarea.Mapsarchived at Quantico’s Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Branch show that the Lunga Recreational Park was established duringthemid-1960’sandconsistedofaboat dock, separate enlisted, staff non-commis-

sioned officer, officer areas, and a rod and gun club In July of 1971, the addition of the civilian recreation and welfare association recreationalareawasapprovedforconstruction.

In 2001, the Department of Defense created the Military Munitions Program in which Congress mandated that all DOD installations, including formerly used defense sites, make an inventory of those sites that had former ranges or munitions usageandwhatthosesitesoncewere

In order to properly assess and address the situation at Lunga Recreation area, an advisorycouncilwasformed.Theteamwas composed of members from the NAVFAC Washington Environmental Restoration, MCBQ G-F Installation and Environmental, Quantico Area Counsel Office, Range Management, Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS), Public Works, Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Academy, andanExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal(EOD) Tech Division from Indian Head, Md, who provided quality assurance support all

throughout the cleanup process

“Cleaning up a former Marine Corps range for safe recreational use by the public is no small feat,” said Victoria Waranoski, Environmental Engineer and Remedial Project Manager (RPM) for the Environmental Restoration Program, NAVFAC Washington. “I havebeentheleadforthe Lungacleanupsince2016. Most of our ERP sites do not have the intended landusethatLungadoes The investigation and cleanup at Lunga were much more comprehensive, and with that, much more time-consuming andexpensive.”

The lead agency of the Lunga cleanup was the Department of the Navy in partnership with the United States Environment Protection Agency andVirginiaDepartmentofEnvironmental Quality Crewsscannedhundredsofacresinchby inch using highly advanced equipment like magnetometers, a hand-held, super sensitivedetectorthatlocatesironandsteel,they alsousedAdvancedGeophysicalClassification, Simultaneous Location and Mapping equipment that estimated the properties of buried metal objects; specifically detailing the size, sometimes more than three feet underground.Themostcommonmunitions recoveredduringthecleanupwere2.36-inch rockets, rifle grenades, 75mm projectiles, and60mmmortars. Asmunitionswerefound,eachwascarefully excavated and identified. Every munition goes through a stringent certification, demilitarization, and verification process They are designated as either safe-to-move or not safe-to-move by EOD professionals. If found safe to move for disposal, they are taken offsite for metal recycling/smelting or are securely stored, consolidated, and destroyed. If the items were not safe to

move, they were destroyed in place When items were destroyed in place, EOD Techs followedthestandardDODprocedures.

“Theadministrativecomponenttoensure public health is protected was also very comprehensive and time consuming,” said Warnanoski. The Lunga cleanup brought many leaders, branches offices and people together to make it all happen, setting and managingexpectationsregardingthecourse of action, schedule, and cost up and down thechainsofcommandwasthecriticalpath foroursuccess.”

In an interview before the park opened, Nancy Moorman, MCB Quantico MCCS Deputy Director was very excited about what they have been able to do for the community “There’sgoingtobesomegreat new features, and upgrades to Lunga Park that we’re really excited to offer everyone,” she explained “We will be unveiling a new generalstore,boatramp,boatdocks,volleyball court, refurbished pavilions, a kid’s playground, camping sites, grills, RV camp sites,metalcircularfirepitsandnewlybuilt rustic cabins complete with beds lamps electricity, and air conditioning. We’ve also upgraded the RV storge lot as well, said Moorman.

As the cleanup progressed, MCCS began working closely with NAVFAC to determine which areas would be acceptable for use. This also meant new construction and double-checkingcleanupefforts

Today, only a small portion of Lunga is open as cleanup and construction continues Lunga Park is divided into 7 areas Maple, Oak, Cedar, Pine, Hickory, FBI, and the former Civilian Welfare Recreation area.MapleandOakarethefirstareastobe reopened.

“Currently, the entire recreation area is not yet open because cleanup is still underway in some areas The ultimate goal is to have all the areas cleaned up for recreational use and back open for all to enjoy,” saidWaranoski

“I was here in 2012 when it closed, I watched it deteriorate over time and in just the last three years, have seen it built back up It’s exciting! All involved have worked tirelessly to ensure that the park and reservoirarebetterandsafer!Wewanteveryone tocomeoutandenjoyit,”saidMoorman

1958 Birds eyeviewofLunga Reservoirat 27,000 ft (PHOTOBYCHARLESWOLF,MARINECORPSBASEQUANTICO) CaptionAn aerialviewofLunga Park,a Marine Corps CommunityServices OutdoorRecreation site on thewest side ofMarine Corps Base Quantico.Lunga Park,a portion ofthe original Lunga RecreationArea,is scheduled to reopen May26 afterbeing closed since 2012 due to the discoveryofunexploded ordnance.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL JEFFERYSTEVENS) U.S.Marine Corps Private Bodarprepares to fire a rifle grenade using a M1 grandA22 mm adapterwith Mk.2 fragmentation grenade.Propelled bya blankcartridge inserted into the chamber ofthe rifle.A22 mm grenade adaptercan range from a powerful anti-tankround to a simple finned tubewith a fragmentation hand grenade attached as seen in the photo The original 1950’s caption:“Underthewatchful eye ofan instructor,Private Bodaris all set to fire a hand grenade that is fitted into an adapterforuse with the rifle at the grenade range. (PHOTOBYCHARLESWOLF MARINECORPSBASEQUANTICO) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023

NAVSUP WSS celebrates the 75th anniversary of women’s integration into the Armed Forces

NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support

The year 2023 marks the 75th anniversaryofWomen’sIntegrationintotheArmed Forces On June 12, 1948 President Harry S. TrumansignedintolawtheWomen’sArmed ServicesIntegrationActof1948;pavingthe way for women to officially serve in the military. This landmark legislation granted womentherighttoserveasregular,permanentmembersofthearmedservices

Onthisanniversary,NavalSupplySystems Command Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) celebrates the countless women who have fought tirelessly for the Navy and the armed forces as a whole 75 years since that pivotal day of integration, the women of NAVSUP WSS share their experienceswithintheNavyandthestories behindwhytheydecidedtoraisetheirright handtofightforourcountry

Like many women, the Armed Forces presented an opportunity for growth and advancement. These benefits attracted many service-women to include Lt Cmdr NaomiGreenofSacramento,California.

“I joined prior to 9/11, and was drawn to the Navy for the education and training opportunities. The Navy offered me opportunitiesforpersonalandprofessionaldevelopmentthat,atthetime,Iwouldotherwise not have been afforded,” said Lt Cmdr Naomi Green, NAVSUP WSS, Big Deck Integrated Weapon Support Team (IWST) Director “Istayedforpatriotismandservice To serve my country and contribute to national security I feel a sense of duty and want to make a positive impact by defending my country and supporting warfighters howeverIcan.

For some women, a calling to serve was engrainedintheirblood.Aswasthecasefor Cmdr.RenaeRenkenofCanton,Kansas

“My father was in the Navy He was part oftheTINcannavyservingonthedestroyer USS Radford back in the early 60’s, and so the family has some history with being in theNavy SomethingthatI’mveryproudofis that,likemyfather,myfirstshipintheNavy was also a Destroyer,” said Cmdr Renae Renken,NAVSUPWSS,SurfaceOperations


“His first duty station was Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and my first duty station was Pearl Harbor, Hawaii So, you can say that I was literally following in my father’s footsteps,” Renkencontinued.

For other women, joining the Navy was a coping mechanism for tragedies that had taken place in their lives This was the case for Petty Officer 1st Class Courtney Sizemore-MorrisofEdgewood Kentucky.

“In high school, I always pushed myself physically through involvement in varsity sportsandextracurricularactivities During my senior year, I received the tragic news that both of my parents had passed,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Sizemore-Morris, NAVSUP WSS, Carrier (CVN) IWST, on-timedeliverylead.

“I attended the University of Toledo for a semester attempting to cope by going forward with life My main interests were training at the gym and indulging in vices Yet,IrealizedthatIneededtopursuemore than just physical accomplishments and challenge myself mentally This began my journeyintotheNavy Therewasnotalegacy of military service in my family but being thefirsttojointhearmedforcesencouraged me I transitioned from profound grief over losingmylovedonestofindinganinvaluable new family in the Navy,” Sizemore-Morris continued.

Though every woman may have a differentpersonalreasonforwhytheyjoinedthe military, the end result remains the same; womencreatingaprofoundhistory.

“I think it’s important to recognize that we have been an important part of history,” said Renken “You can go back to Rosie the Riveter during World War II when women lefttheirhomestohelpthewarfighter Some would say that was our first beginnings to inclusivityandbeingabletoserveourcountry I think it’s important to recognize the glass ceilings that we have broken with the ability to be included from aviation, from mixedgenderonboardtheships totheabilityofhavingwomenserveinthesubmarine force Weareshowingthatwehavetheabilitytostandbesideourmalecounterpartsand playacriticalpartinservicetoourcountry,”


BycontinuingtoacknowledgetheimportanceoftheWomen’sArmedServicesIntegrationActof1948andthestridesthatNavy womenhavemadeoverthelast75yearswe continue to show future service women a senseof“whatispossible”withinthearmed forces

“We’re inspiring future generations. Through celebrating the accomplishments of women in the military we provide role models for young girls and women who aspire to serve their country. It helps them envision themselves in similar roles and encourages them to pursue their goals, even in fields where women have historicallybeenunderrepresented,”saidGreen.

“Additionally,celebratingtheaccomplishments of these women not only recognizes theirindividualachievementsbutalsoisan important step towards achieving gender equality and fostering a more inclusive and diversearmedforce,”Greencontinued

Along with a page in the history books, women who serve in the armed forces will walkawaywithknowledge,skills,newfound experiences,andaneverlastingsisterhood.

“Servinginthearmedforceshasbeenthe biggestblessing Igrewupinasmalltownof lessthan1000people TheNavyhasopened theaperturetoexperiencedifferentcultures and backgrounds and have so many new experiencesthanwhatIgrewupwith”said Renken. “I grew up on a farm and had an amazingchildhood,buttheNAVYhasgiven me so many new opportunities to see the world and being a part of something bigger thanmyselfhasbeenthebiggestblessing.”

“The Navy has become more than a job for me; it’s grown into a part of my identity and the people I have met have become an extension of my family I have formed deep sisterhood with the women I serve alongside;helpingshapetheverycoreofwhoIam today as a woman,” said Sizemore-Morris “One of the most powerful aspects I cherish is the constant presence of individuals whosurpassmeinstrength,speed,orintelligence This always encourages me to rise higherandneversettleforless.

“Joining theNavyhas been atransformative, a unique experience and hands down

the best decision I have made I have been blessedwiththeopportunitytohaveserved as both an enlisted member and officer, in the aviation and medical communities and onboardsurfaceandsubmarineunitsworldwide,”saidGreen.

“However, it’s the emphasis on camaraderie and teamwork that develops within service. The Navy places a strong emphasis on unit cohesion and relies on the collective efforts of its members to accomplish missions and tasks I have forged lifelong friendshipsandthereisatight-knitsupport networkIamableandhavebeenabletorely on every place I have been. It’s the people, the lasting relationships and memories created that really make a tour special,” Greencontinued.

“Some people say it’s difficult being a woman in the military due to the expectationsplaceduponus Ibelieveit’sessentialto embracethechancetosurpasstheseexpectationsandeventoperformathigherlevels than our counterparts Rather than viewing the challenges of being a woman in the military as obstacles, we should seize these opportunitiestoshowcaseourstrengthand resilience,”saidSizemore-Morris.

“By striving to excel, we not only honor thewomenwhopavedthewaybeforeusbut alsoinspirethosewhowillfollow Celebrating the accomplishments of women in the militarymeansacknowledgingtheremarkable achievements of individuals who dare to do what most will not—both women and menalike.”

NAVSUP WSS is one of 11 commands under Commander NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse worldwide workforceofmorethan22,500militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain,acquisition,operationallogisticsand Sailor and family care activities with our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars Learn more at www.navsup.navy.mil www.facebook.com/ navsupwss,andwww.twitter.com/NAVSUP.

NEWPORTNEWS,Va (March 10,2016)Agraphic timeline byPre-Commissioning
ILLUSTRATIONBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANAPPRENTICEGITTESCHIRRMACHER/RELEASED) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 5 Ultimate Maneuverability This dual-fuel,low profile lightcomes with multiple mounts and aflexible stalksoyou canput thelight rightwhereyou need it.Light optionsinclude visible white and colored LEDs plus IR high and lowmodes. And aseparateIFF switch lets youuse both theflexible stalklight andIFF when needed 76 LUMENS |DUALFUEL| FLEXIBLESTALK |MULTIPLEMOUNTING OPTIONS STREAMLIGHT.COM/SIDEWINDERSTALK © 2023 STREAMLIGHT, INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Unit Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78) illustrating the historyofwomen in the Naval service.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO

Navy establishes the Maritime Cyber Warfare Officer (MCWO) Designator 1880


SUFFOLK VA The Navy has announced the establishment of the MaritimeCyberWarfareOfficer(MCWO)Designator via Naval Administrative Message (NAVADMIN)143⁄23

The 2023 National Defense AuthorizationAct(NDAA),signedintolawonDec.23, 2022, directed the Secretary of the Navy, in coordinationwiththeChiefofNavalOperations toestablishacyberwarfareoperations designatorforofficerswithin180daysafter enactmentoftheNDAA

Previously, the Navy has utilized officers within the Information Warfare (IW) community, including Cryptologic Warfare (CW) and Information Professional (IP) to fill billets across the Cyber Operations Forces(COF).TheestablishmentofMCWO will allow officers to build expertise and professionalexperiencewithintheCOF.

Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, commander of NavalInformationForces and the Navy’s Information Boss, explained how the Navy developed its plan to establish the MCWO designator

“The Navy is committed to meeting current and future cyber capability requirements Naval Information Forces and key leaders in IW domain closely examined the IW construct and determined it did not adequately support multiple tours in the cyber mission area.

Creation of the MCWO designator creates a career path for those officers to specialize in the cyber mission and develop their unique and critical skillset.

The establishment of the MCWO designatorisamajormilestoneinexpandingthe Navycybermissionandrecognizesthecriticalneedforcyberspecializationamongthe Navy officer line community MCWOs are experts in cyberspace operations, focused on both Offensive Cyberspace Operations (OCO) and Defensive Cyberspace Operations(DCO).

“IWOfficershavebeenabsolutelycritical toaddressingthreatsincyberspace ensuring our Navy and joint force stay in competition,” continued Aeschbach. “The Navy is committed to developing cyber specialization and skill sets among the MCWO Community to pace this competition, and to prevail in conflict if they are ever called todoso.”

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN.

FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR,visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.

U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Jacob Gilmore carries the torch of his family legacy


Cpl CalebStelter

2nd Marine Aircraft Wing


CHERRY POINT, N.C. U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Jacob Gilmore, an aviation-logistics information-management systems (ALIMS) specialist with Marine Aviation LogisticsSquadron(MALS)14 reenlistedin theU.S.MarineCorpstocontinuehisfamily’s legacy. Gilmore’s grandfather and great uncle served in the military, and his father served24yearsintheU.S.MarineCorps.

“I’vealwaystoldmydadI’mgoingtobeat his time in service,” said Gilmore “He was priorenlistedandbecameanofficer Iwant tofollowinhisfootsteps,andIcan’tdothat ifIdon’treenlist.”

After enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps Gilmore graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, and received orders to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, for follow-on training at the Basic ReconnaissanceCourse However,Gilmoredecidedto change his military occupational specialty andwasassignedtobeanALIMSspecialist. At first he felt indifferent about this unexpected challenge for he preferred to work inamorehands-onenvironment.However, thatmentalityeventuallychanged.

“Ilikeworkingwithcomputersnow,”said Gilmore. “I found a new love for it. It’s very satisfyingknowinghowmuchI’vechanged.”

Now stationed at Marine Corps Air StationCherryPoint,NorthCarolina,Gilmore works on a broad spectrum of network infrastructureandinformationsystemsthat supporttheaircraftandaeronauticalcomponentsforMarineAircraftGroup(MAG)14

“I’ve come to enjoy working with the pilots, working around the aircraft, and seeing my computer server used by just about everybody,” Gilmore said. “It’s pretty satisfying knowing those jets are flying becauseofourservers.”

Despite transitioning to a different military occupational specialty than initially intended,Gilmorehasnotletthatdeterhim fromhisoriginalgoalofservinghiscountry formorethantwentyyears

“Idon’tseemyselfdoinganythingbesides whatI’mdoingnow,whichisstayinginthe military,”saidGilmore “Itneveroccurredto methatI’dhaveanyotherjob Withoutthis, I’dbeprettylost.

In December 2022, Gilmore earned his bachelor’s degree in history He plans to submit an enlisted-to-officer commissioning program application to pursue becoming a commissioned officer like his father Aftercompletinghisfirstenlistment,Gilmore advises every Marine to consider their future opportunities that come with reenlistingintheUnitedStatesMarineCorps “Ithinkeverybodyhasthechancetoreenlistifyoujustworkhardenough,”saidGilmore. “You have the opportunity to do it, so workforit.”

U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.Jacob Gilmore, an aviation-logistics information management systems specialist with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron (MALS) 14 speaks during an interviewat Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint,North Carolina,March 15,2023.Gilmore discussedwhyhe thinks Marines should reenlist and get the most out of theirMarine Corps experience.MALS14 is a subordinate unit of2nd Marine AircraftWing the aviation combat element ofII Marine Expeditionary Force.(U.S.MARINE CORPSSTILLIMAGE EXTRACTEDFROM VIDEOBYCPL CHRISTIANCORTEZ)

NUWC Division Newport’s top performers honored during 2022 Annual Awards ceremony


Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NEWPORT, R.I. The best of the best at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport were celebrated during the 2022 Annual Awards ceremonyheldonJune7.Theeventrecognizestheexceptionaleffortsandoutstanding achievements of Division Newport employees over the 2022 calendar year andshinesaspotlightonthecriticalcontributions the organization makes to the U.S. Navy Nearly 250 citations were presented to individualsandteamsacross39categories, withamonetaryprizeassociatedwitheach of the awards

“It was a very competitive year for the awards and the job is not going to get any easier,” Division Newport Commanding Officer Capt. Chad Hennings said in his opening remarks “You should be proud of the work you do on a day-to-day basis It’s hard. It’s not easy It’s really the work that you do on a day-in and day-out basis that makesRussiaandtheChinesenavieswake up and say, ‘You know, today is not the day thatwewanttotriflewiththeU.S.Navyand theirSailors.’Youguysbringthatcapability tothefleet,sothankyouforallofyourhard work this season.

ActingTechnicalDirectorVickiComeau also thanked the employees for their dedication over the past year

“We want to recognize and congratulate all of the recipients, and all of those who were even nominated for the awards,” she said.“Everythingthatyoudoistrulyamazing andwe’regoingtotakethisopportunity to recognize all of the wonderful accomplishments that you’ve done.”

Division Newport Director of Corporate Communications Jeffrey Prater, who servedasmasterofceremonies,notedthere werenearly300nominationsreceivedthis year and a total of 1,420 employees in the runningforanaward.Hesaidoverthepast five years the Division has averaged 340 nominations annually

“These nominations take effort, and they come from across the workforce,” Prater said.“Soifyouwereapersonwhonominated apersonorateam,I’dliketogiveyouaround ofapplause Wecan’tdoitwithoutyou.”

The Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport celebrated the 2022AnnualAwards winners during a ceremonyheld onJune 7,2023 The awards recognize the exceptional efforts and outstanding achievements ofDivision Newport employees and shines a spotlight on the critical contributions the organization makes to the U.S.Navy Nearly250 citationswere presented to individuals and teams across 39 categories.(PHOTOBYRICHARDALLEN,NAVAL UNDERSEAWARFARECENTERDIVISIONNEWPORT)

Prater also acknowledged the roughly 200 staffers who reviewed all of the nominees and made the “very difficult” selections.

Commander/Technical Director Award

TheSpecialSecurityTeam,intheCorporate Operations Department’s Security Division took home the distinguished Commander/Technical Director Award, whichispresentedtoanindividualorteam foranoutstandingcontributiontoDivision Newport in the area of project management,engineering,scientificachievement, cost reduction, lifesaving, civic duties or any other appropriate achievements that reflects favorably upon the Division, its mission or its personnel.

During 2022, the Special Security Team provided services to more than 400 Division Newport customers and higher echelon commands on a daily basis Because of the nature of the work, secu-

rity team members often aren’t lauded for a job well done That made the recognition at the Annual Awards ceremony that much nicer, said James Blaess, director of theSecurityDivision,whowrotetheaward nomination.

“The submarine force is the silent service andtheseguysaretheheartofthat silent service,” Blaess said. “Super proud, because I know the work that’s going on.

I was proud that the command recognized them and the work that they do The captain recognized it, the technical directorrecognizeditandtheymadeaneffortto give us a pat on the back.”

Outstanding new employee Ryan Scott Young an entry-level computerscientistintheScienceandTechnology Branch of the Sensors and Sonar Systems Department, hired July 19, 2021, was presented with the Outstanding New Employee Award, which goes to a staffer

who exhibits “growth far exceeding the normal expectations of an employee with the time in grade.”

Young also was part of the Undersea WarfareReconstructionandAnalysisPlayback (Replay) TopsideC3 Toolset Development Team that won the Excellence in Technical Innovation Award. The award was presented to the team for achieving criteria that included value to the organization; contributions or achievements in advancing new technology; innovative solutions to technical problems or processes; and inventions, patents, disclosure, or licensing Team members with YoungincludeAdamD.Arrighi,ChasePaul Poirier and Tyler L. Tucker

When the Annual Awards ceremony wrapped up, Prater and Caroline Diette, deputy director of Corporate Communications provided a variety of ice cream desserts for attendees and honorees as an additional “treat” for their hard work.

A video of the ceremony is available at the following link: https://www.dvidshub. net/video/887396/nuwc-division-newport-honors-top-performers-2022-annual-awards-ceremony

NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt Chad Hennings, NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Andros Island in the Bahamas, as well as test facilities at Seneca Lake and Fisher’s Island, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond, Connecticut.

Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse, highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals, as well as talented business, finance, logistics and other support experts who wish to be at the forefront of undersea research and development. Please connect with NUWC Division Newport Recruiting at this site- https://www.navsea.navy.mil/ Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/Career-Opportunities/ and follow us on LinkedIn @NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @NUWCNewport.

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023

Burgeoning fleet sponsorship program for Information Warfare Officer accession

Center For Information Warfare Training

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Intelligence Officer Basic Course (NIOBC) and Information Professional Basic Course (IPBC), 20-week accession-level courses taught at Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach for students learning to become naval intelligence and information professional officers haverecentlyincorporatedasponsorshipprogramwhichbringsseniorinformationwarfare(IW)officersfromthefleet in to serve as mentors An idea that came to fruition in late 2022 has now become a staple at IWTC Virginia Beach for eager and inquisitive prospective IW officers

Each NIOBC and IPBC class is paired with a different fleet command, and the sponsor from that command (typically the senior intelligence or information professional officer), acts as the mentor for that classduringtheirtimeintheschoolhouse

The goal of the sponsorship program is forthatseniorIWofficertoimpartsomeof theknowledgeandwisdomgainedthrough their experience to the students prior to them joining the fleet. The engagements between mentor and mentees usually consists of question and answer sessions where the students ask questions on IW related subjects or general Navy related subjects such as how to prepare for a deployment, which are the most sought afterbillets,orthingstheycandotobecome the best naval officer possible These engagements occur approximately every five weeks during the course and culminate with the mentor speaking during the combined graduation ceremony. IWTC Virginia Beach strives to provide the students with a variety of different commands to act as sponsors Thus far, three iterations of both courses have graduated with a sponsor command and seven classes will have completed the course by the end of calendar year 2023 with a sponsor Sponsor commands have included the Office of Naval Intelligence United States Fleet Forces Carrier Strike Group 2, and Amphibious Squadron 4 (PHIBRON 4), with Naval Special Warfare Development Groupscheduledtomentortheclassesthat begin in July

This month, Lt Cmdr William Mallory, theseniorintelligenceofficerforPHIBRON 4, spoke with NIOBC class 23040 during their Threat 101 block of instruction. The class wasted no time and began peppering the Mallory with questions about the fleet and his time in the service He

spoke at length about work-up cycles in the amphibious community, maintaining professionalism during deployment, integrating the greater information warfare community in his intelligence work at PHIBRON 4, and how best to prepare his intelligence team for deployment. Mallory imploredthestudentstoapproacheachday when preparing for deployment as if you had already begun, and that “mimicking deployment [on a daily basis] is now [his] top priority.”

The conversation ultimately shifted to focusing on the best strategies for making a difference in the fleet as an intelligence officer Mallory challenged the students to “relentlessly pursue the truth by any means possible” during their first tours in

the fleet, and told the students that operationalintelligenceisthecommunity’sbread and butter

The students are learning about a variety of threat platforms during their current block of NIOBC. Upon reaching the operationalintelligenceblockofinstructionatthe endofthecourse,Mallory’swordswillhopefullystarttogathermeaningtothestudents, as he noted that as intelligence officers we willtrack“anyassetunderthewater,onthe water,orintheair;that’sourjob.”

IWTCVirginiaBeachcurrentlyoffers74 coursesofinstructionininformationtechnology, cryptology, and intelligence with an instructor and support staff of over 300 military civilian, and contract members who train more than 7,000 students yearly

atfivetrainingsites Itisoneoffourschoolhouses for the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) and also oversees learning sites at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.; Jacksonville and Mayport, Fla; Kings Bay, Ga.; and Groton, Conn.

With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments andtrainingsitesthroughout the United States and Japan, CIWT trains over26,000studentseveryyear,delivering trained information warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services Center for Information Warfare Training also offers more than 200 courses for cryptologic technicians, intelligence specialists, information systems technicians electronics technicians,andofficersintheinformation warfare community

courses Lt j.g AmyWikle received heraward forearning honorgraduate in herNaval Intelligence OfficerBasic Course (NIOBC) from Cmdr John Copeland,commanding officerofIWTCVirginia Beach,and Lt Cmdr JosephJones,executive officer,at the Nov.2022 NIOBC graduation ceremony.(COURTESYPHOTO) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 7 ry—thisoffer ends Aug. 31, 2023. Apply today! Visit navyfederal.org/morerewards With MoreRewards, youcan also enjoy: YouCould Get 25,000 BonusPoints on Back-to-School Purchases Start the newschool year with aMoreRewards American Express® Credit Card and earn 25,000 bonus points when you spend $3,000 within the first90days of account opening.1 Plus, youcan getaone-time $49statement credit when youpurchase an annual Walmart+ Membership 2 Federally insured by NCUA. 1Offer valid forcardholdersissued newNavy Federal MoreRewards AmericanExpress® credit cardaccounts. To be eligible forthe 25,000 points offer,you mustmake$3,000 or moreinnet purchases within 90 days of accountopening. Rewardsare earned on eligible netpurchases. “Netpurchases” means the sum of your eligible purchase transactions minus returns and refunds. Eligible purchase transactions do not include,and rewards arenot earned for, thefollowing transactions: cash advances, conveniencechecks, balancetransfers gambling, or fees of anykind, including financecharges, late fees, returned check fees, and ATMcash advancefees. Cash-equivalenttransactions, such as the purchase,loading, or reloading of gift and prepaid cards (e.g moneyorders, GO Prepaid Cards, and other cash-equivalent gift cards), maynot be eligible purchase transactions and maynot earn rewards. Please allowupto8 weeks after the 90-dayperiod forthe 25,000 points to posttoyour rewards balance. Accountmustbeopen and not in default at the time the 25,000 points arescheduled to post to your rewards balance. Limit of one promotional offer at account opening. Valid foroffers applied forbetween 5/1/2023 and 8/31/2023. Navy Federal reserves the right to change or endthis offer at anytime without notice. Statement credit forannual Walmart+ Membership subscription only.Does not apply to monthly Walmart+ Membership Subscription. Youwill receiveaone-time credit on the statement following your initial Walmart+ Annual Membership purchase.Your Walmart+ Membership will auto-renewannually following enrollment, and your credit or debit cardonfile will be charged foran additional term at thefee(s)ineffect at thattime.You maycancel your Walmart+ Membership by calling Walmart Customer Careat(800) 924-9206 or through your Walmart Account. Walmart is a registeredtrademark of Walmart Apollo,LLC 3Navy FederalMoreRewards American Express® Cards earn 3points forevery $1 of netpurchases made forgas, transit, restaurants, food delivery,and supermarkets, and1 point forevery $1 of other net purchases. Merchant transit categories classified as railway,ferries/watertrip,taxis, limousines, bus lines, charters, tour buses, tolls, road/bridge fees, and parking/lots will receive3points forevery $1 of netpurchases. Asupermarket, food delivery,transit, gas station, or restaurant purchase mayonly earn 1pointper dollar spent, depending on the merchantcode used to processthe transaction. Restaurants locatedwithin another establishment (e.g hotel, casino,commissary,grocery store, eventvenue)may receive1point per dollar spentatthese locations. In addition, superstores, supermarkets, and warehouse clubs thatsell gasoline arenot considered gas stations, so youwill earn 1point per dollar spent at theselocations. Formoreinformation, viewthe MoreRewards American Express® CardProgram Description at navyfederal.org.The Navy Federal MoreRewards American Express® Cardisissued and administered by Navy Federal Credit Unio AmericanExpressisa federally registeredservicemark of American Expressand is used by the issuer pursuanttoalicense.© 2023 Navy Federal NFCU 14222 (5-23) Plus,earn 1X points on allother purchases.3 3X Pointsat Restaurants &on Food Delivery3 3X Pointsat Supermarkets3 3X Pointson Gas&Transit3 Travel Discounts &Perks Hur

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Service members deliver supplies to Djiboutian school

U.S.service members deployed to Camp Lemonnier Djibouti,repaired desks and delivered picnic tables in support ofa renovation project led bythe 450th CivilAffairs Battalion at a primaryschool inAli Oune. PageB3

Nimitz Carrier Strike Group returns to San Diego from deployment


SAN DIEGO Ships from the Nimitz CarrierStrikeGroup(NimitzCSG)returned to San Diego June 28 concluding a sevenmonthdeploymenttoU.S.3rdand7thFleet areasofoperations(AO)

SailorsassignedtoTiconderoga-classguided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), ArleighBurke-classguided-missiledestroyer USSDecatur(DDG73)andtheembarkedair wingofCarrierAirWing(CVW)17returned home with the arrival of USS Nimitz (CVN 68) in San Diego Nimitz will depart San Diego for its return to homeport in Bremerton,Washingtonatalaterdate.

Hawaii-based ships attached to Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 11, Arleigh Burke-class guided-missiledestroyersUSSChung-Hoon (DDG 93) and USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108), returned to homeport on June 20 and 27,respectively “For seven months the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group demonstrated our ironclad commitment to partners and allies in the Indo-Pacificregion, saidRearAdm.Jennifer Couture, commander, CSG-11. “During this deployment, Sailors of every rank and rate displayed a vigorous work ethic and a humbledevotiontodutyandIwanttothank them and their families for their sacrifice I amhumbledtoservealongsidedetermined professionalsandobservetheirexcellenceat every level. Our strike group returns home stronger, smarter, and more resilient than everbefore.

While in the U.S. 7th Fleet AO, CSG-11 conducted deterrence and presence operations; multinational exercises; integrated multi-domaintraining;long-rangemaritime strike exercises; anti-submarine warfare; informationwarfareoperations;airdefense operations; multiple ship navigation; and formationmaneuveringandrefueling-at-sea

operations. U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largestforward-deployednumberedfleet.

Nimitz executed six port calls Guam; Singapore; Busan, South Korea; Laem Shabang,Thailand;Sasebo JapanandPearl Harbor Hawaii and hosted two formal “Big Top” receptions in South Korea and Thailand.Theaircraftcarrieralsoembarked

foreigndignitaries,militaryofficials,ambassadors, and international media, and operatedwiththejointforceandseveralnations, includingAustralia,Canada,France,Japan, the Philippines Republic of Korea and Singapore.Alongsidealliesandpartners the NimitzCSG’spresenceinU.S.7thFleetreinforcedtheUnitedStates’commitmenttofly, sailandoperatewhereverinternationallaw allowsinsupportofafreeandopenIndo-Pacificregion Nimitz theoldest-servingU.Scommissioned aircraft carrier in the world completed its 350,000th arrested aircraft landing on April 22 2023 while sailing in the South China Sea. The milestone was piloted in an F/A-18F Super Hornet from the “Fighting Redcocks” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 22 by Capt Craig Sicola, Nimitzcommandingofficer,andCmdr Luke Edwards, commanding officer of VFA 22. NimitzisthefirstactiveU.S.aircraftcarrier toreachthismilestone Nimitz’s embarked air wing consisted of the “Fighting Redcocks of Fighter Attack Squadron (VFA) 22, “Mighty Shrikes” of VFA-94, “Kestrels” of VFA-137, “Blue Diamonds” of VFA-146, “Sun Kings” of CarrierAirborneEarlyWarningSquadron (VAW) 116, “Cougars” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 139, “Battlecats” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 73 “Screamin’ Indians” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 6 and “Providers of Fleet Logistic Support Squadron (VRC) 30

CVW-17, 4 squadrons return home after 7-month deployment

NAS Lemoore

NAS LEMOORE, Calif Naval Air StationLemooreisexcitedtoannouncethe returnofCarrierAirWingSeventeen(CVW17) and Strike Fighter Squadrons VFA-22, VFA-94,VFA-137andVFA-146afteranearly 7-monthdeploymenttotheWesternPacific with USS Nimitz (CVN-68) Carrier Strike Group (CSG-11) The homecoming event is Tuesday and Wednesday June 27-28, 2023 and will feature both the aviators and the nearly 1,000 Sailors who keep the Navy fighterjetsintheair

CVW-17, nicknamed “Team Quicksand,” and the four squadrons that are attached to it have been away from their home base of NavalAirStationLemoore Calif sinceDec. 5,2022.Duringtheirdeployment,theyhave beenengagedbyU.S.SeventhFleettodefend U.S., Allied and partner interests in the U.S. NavalForcesIndo-Pacificareaofoperations

The Air Group that would come to be known as CVW-17 was created during WorldWarIIonApr.1,1944,inAtlanticCity.

CVW-17 is currently composed of VFA-22, VFA-94 VFA-137 and VFA-146 flying the F/A-18E/FSuperHornet;VAW-116flyingthe E-2CHawkeye;VAQ-139flyingtheE/A-18G GROWLER; HSC-6 flying the MH-60S Seahawk; and HSM-73 flying the MH-60R Seahawk.

Strike Fighter Squadron 22 (VFA-22), or the “Fighting Redcocks,” was originally

commissioned as Fighter Squadron 63 at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Va in July 1948 butwasre-designatedAttackSquadron22in July1959.VFA-22operatestheF/A-18Super Hornet, which is one of the Navy’s newest andmostlethalstrike-fighteraircraft.

Strike Fighter Squadron 94 (VFA-94), also known as the “Mighty Shrikes,” was commissionedin1952andnicknamedafter asmallcarnivorousbirdofpreythatimpales its victim on sharp thorns The Mighty Shrikes began flying the F4U Corsair, but nowoperatestheF/A-18SuperHornet.

StrikeFighterSquadron137(VFA-137),or the “Kestrels,” was established in 1985 and is named after the native North American Falcon. It, too, operates the F/A-18 Super Hornet. VFA-137 joined CVW-17 in the springof2019 Strike Fighter Squadron 146 (VFA-146), or the “Blue Diamonds,” was established in 1956.Thesquadron’soriginalnicknamewas the “Blacktails,” which was derived from its assigned color as the sixth squadron of the air group, but just a few years later, the squadronadopteditscurrentnicknamethe “BlueDiamonds.”VFA-146alsooperatesthe F/A-18E Super Hornet, which is one of the mostadvancedfighteraircraftintheworld. All four squadrons’ capabilities and versatility make them critical assets to the Navy’s mission, and their dedication and commitment to excellence continue to inspire and motivate future generations of naval aviators

VFA-22 returnshome after7-monthlong deployment
SAN DIEGO (June 28 2023) U.S.NavySailors prepare to man the rails ofthe aircraft carrierUSS Nimitz(CVN 68).Nimitzarrives in San Diego concluding a seven-month deployment to U.S.3rd and 7th Fleet areas ofoperations (AO) Nimitz’s presence in U.S.3rd and 7th FleetAOs reinforced the United States commitment to fly,sail and operatewhereverinternational lawallows in support ofa free and open Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSSAMUELOSBORN)
SAN DIEGO (June 28 2023) Familyand friends hold up signs as the aircraft carrierUSS Nimitz (CVN 68) returns from deployment (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 1

Lt Thomas McGlynn,a medical entomologist at the NavyEntomologyCenterofExcellence (NECE),workswith commissioned and noncommissioned officers ofthe MalaysianArmed Forces (MAF) to setup a BG PRO mosquito trap inJohorBahru,Malaysia,February9,2023.Lt McGlynnwas sent on a temporaryadditional duty(TAD) in Singapore in support ofthe Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (NAMRU-2) to carryout mission critical research and global health engagement projects in the Indo-Pacific.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT NICHOLASJOHNSTON)

NECEentomologistaugmentswarfighter research across INDOPACOM


Protection Command

Lt Thomas McGlynn, a medical entomologist with the Navy Entomology Center of Excellence (NECE), Jacksonville Florida, recently provided “entomological” support to the Navy Medical Research Unit TWO (NAMRU-2),Singapore,carryingoutmission critical research and global health engagementprojectsintheIndo-PacificfromJanuarytoMarch2023

Entomological support typically includes thestudyofinsectsandbugscommonlyfound in a particular region in order to prevent the spreadofinsect-bornedisease

McGlynn provided entomological expertiseinsupportofmultiplestudiesduringthis timeincluding:aprojectinMongoliasurveyingfordifficulttofindmosquitoesthattransmit malaria, examining new pesticides to treatservicememberuniforms,surveillance ofmelioidosis,adiseasecausedbyabacteria that can cause severe pneumonia in humans inAustraliaandinsecticideresistancestudies inVietnam.

NAMRU-2 was established during World War II in Guam to conduct applied research insupportofforcehealthprotectionandhas operatedintermittentlysince1955 Currently, NAMRU-2islocatedinSingaporeandactsas thecenterofahub-and-spokeresearchmodel inmultiplesoutheasternAsiancountriessuch as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Mongolia, andLaos

In Malaysian Borneo the particular species of parasite that can cause malaria through mosquito transmission is becoming an emerging public health threat Typicalmalariatransmissionisfromoneinfected human to another human through the bite of a mosquito, but this species of parasite is transmitted by mosquito between non-hu-

man primates in heavily forested areas Urbanization, climate change, and farming practices that encroach upon natural jungle habitats provide increased opportunities for thisspeciesofparasitetobetransmittedfrom monkeystohumansviamosquito.

Tobetterunderstandthethreatofmalaria transmissionintheregionfromthisparticular parasite, McGlynn worked with the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) to coordinate the trainingof29officersandnoncommissioned officers in entomological surveillance techniquesandidentificationofmalariaparasites in human blood. These military personnel will now be able to train their respective unitswithintheMAFtoincreasetheirarmy’s capacity to survey for insect-borne diseases suchasmalaria

“This was an incredible experience for me, and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity,”saidMcGlynn.“Theleadership

andpersonnelatNAMRU-2werefantasticto workwith,conductingcuttingedgeresearch insupportofthewarfighter.”

Lt McGlynn was awarded his first Navy Achievement Medal (NAM) for his efforts andentomologicalsupportofthismission.

NECE is the Navy and Marine Corps Center of Excellence for operational entomologylocatedatNavalAirStationJacksonville, FL. NECE’s unique DoD mission is to develop and evaluate novel products, pesticides, and technologies to better protect deployed forces from vectors of disease NECE also provides operational medical entomology and pest management training to DOD military and civilian personnel and is the program manager for all Navy shipboard pest management. NECE plays a key role in supporting national strategic interests though engagement and exchange with foreignhealthandmilitarypartners

CMF counter-piracy Admiral meets European Task Force Commander aboard Italian Warship


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet

MANAMA Bahrain The commander of a Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) counter-piracy task force met with the commander for a European naval task force aboard an Italian warship that was pierside in Bahrain, June 23 RepublicofKoreaNavyRearAdm.KoSeungbum,commanderofCombinedTaskForce151, visited Italian Navy Rear Adm. Mauro Panebainco, commander of Task Force 474, aboard ItalianfrigateITSRizzo(F595)

The leaders discussed current maritime operations opportunities for regular information sharing and closer collaboration. They also received a briefing from Cmdr Valerio DI Giammatteo, Rizzo’s commanding officer, on theship’scapabilities TaskForce474istheoperationalarmofnaval coalitioncalledtheEuropeanMaritimeAwareness in the Strait of Hormuz The partnership, consisting of eight nations protects navigational rights of regional mariners in Middle Eastwaters

“I am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about Task Force 474 and ITS Rizzo’s capabilities in the maritime environment,” said Ko “As CMF has demonstrated, international cooperation and collaboration are vital to ensure that all maritime trade remains protected and unhindered from safe and free navigationinregionalwaters.”

As one of CMF’s five operational staffs Combined Task Force 151 focuses on counter-piracy missions in the Middle East. The multinationalteamincludesnearly30personnelfromadozencountry

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government

Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated

NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832

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(June 23,2023) Republic ofKorea NavyRearAdm.Ko Seung-bum, commanderofCombinedTaskForce 151,left greets Italian NavyRearAdm.Mauro Panebainco, commanderofTaskForce 474,aboard Italian frigate ITS Rizzo (F595).(COURTESYPHOTO) Lt Thomas McGlynn,a medical entomologist at the NavyEntomologyCenterofExcellence (NECE),poses fora photowith MAFcommissioned and noncommissioned officers Malaysian public health officials,and researchers from the UniversityofMalaysia Sabah during theirtraining inJohorBahru,Malaysia,February9,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT NICHOLASJOHNSTON)
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, July 6, 2023

Service members deliver supplies to local Djiboutian school


Camp Lemonnier Djibouti

DJIBOUTI U.S. service members deployed to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, repaired desks and delivered picnic tables insupportofarenovationprojectledbythe 450th Civil Affairs Battalion at a primary schoolinAliOune,Djibouti,June7.

The 450th Civil Affairs Battalion works with the Djiboutian Minister of Education on multiple projects to build libraries in schoolsthroughoutDjibouti.

“We’re trying to make their educational experience a bit better,” said U.S. Army Maj. David Ewing, Civil-Military Operations Center chief of the 450th Civil Affairs Battalion.

The civil affairs team received help from the 294th Engineering Support Company, whose primary mission is to provide force and general engineering support to the CombinedJointTaskForce-HornofAfrica.

Initially, as the teams delivered libraries,theynoticedthatstudentsneededmore supplies, and that need sparked a new goal -toeliminatethedeskshortage

“When we first started building these libraries most of the desks were broken,” said Ewing “I just saw what needed to be done,soIgrabbedateamandstartedworkingonit.

During the recent desk and picnic table delivery,volunteersinteractedwiththelocal childrenbyplayinggames,andgotachance topracticebothEnglishandFrench.

“Every time service members volunteer, they get to interact with the school faculty the kids and the parents,” said Ewing “When we come off the base and interact withtheDjiboutians,itshowsthemthatwe care.

By providing better facilities for Djiboutianschools,thisprojectandthe294thESC’s work directly relate to CJTF-HOA’s line of effort of being a good partner to our host nation-Djibouti.

U.S.MarineCorpsLanceCorporalJoshua Guevara assigned to the Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 364, talked about his volunteerexperience

“I felt so happy, I felt so many emotions,” said Guevara “I know I will be helping young kids that will appreciate what we do forthemandmotivatethemtopursuetheir


Thecommunityandstudentshavenoticed the changes that the team has made said Abdichakour Robleh, an English teacher at theschoolinAliOune

“Sometimes three to four children have to sit in the same chair because there were not enough chairs,” said Robleh “When all the students came here and noticed that all the chairs were fixed, they were happy, and itmademehappyforthem.”

Thisprojectandothersledby450thCAB inDjiboutiarefundedthroughtheOverseas Humanitarian,Disaster,andCivicAid.

Each project has to be approved by U.S. Africa Command and the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti, and to save time and money the teamwillgetcreativewiththeirresources

“Instead of waiting on funding to get approved, we do projects that require little timeandnofunding,”saidEwing Repurposed woods and metals found on CampLemonnier,alongwithpersonalfunds were used by the 294th ESC to ensure the jobgotdone.

“This project gave us the opportunity to see our work make an impact at the personal level here within our host nation

of Djibouti. It also gave our Soldiers more awarenessofthecultureofDjibouti,specifically the educational environment, said U.S. Army Capt. Trey Maevers, 294th ESC commanding officer “We built it, we delivered it, we installed it, and with the help of Civil Affairs, it became a tangible product thatourSoldierscanbeproudof.”

The team has more projects planned for the school in Ali Oune, there is a series of humanitarian projects that will provide a cleanwatersourcetotheschoolandcombat flashfloodingintheregion.

Through their efforts, the team hopes to support sustainability in Djibouti for children,saidEwing

“My goal is to provide something for the kidstohave,”saidEwing.“Theyarethenext generation and we care about the people of thecommunity.”

For over the past 20 years service membersatCampLemonnierhaveworked onmultiplecommunityimprovementprojectstohelppromotestabilityandprosperity inDjibouti. Camp Lemonnier enables maritime and combat operations in the Horn of Africa whilefosteringpositiveU.S.-Africarelations.

DJIBOUTI,Djibouti (June 7,2023) U.S.ArmyMajorDavid Ewing Civil-MilitaryOperations Centerchiefofthe 450th CivilAffairs Battalion assigned to Camp Lemonnier Djibouti,repairs a desktop in a school atAli Oune,Djibouti,June 7.The 450th CivilAffairs Battalion coordinatedwith the school to fixthe existing deskswith newwooden desktops and provide picnic tables forthe students formeal times.CLDJ is an operational installation that enables U.S.,allied,and partnernation forces to bewhere andwhen theyare needed to ensure securityin Europe,Africa and Southwest Asia.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSRIONCODRINGTON) U.S.service
450th CivilAffairs Battalion renovation
a primaryschool inAli Oune,Djibouti,June 7. U.S.service members deployed to Camp Lemonnier,Djibouti talkedwith children in support ofthe 450th CivilAffairs Battalion renovation project inAli Oune,Djibouti,June 7. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 3
members deployed to Camp
Djibouti,repaired desks and delivered picnic tables
support ofthe
project at

NAVSUP liaison officer lends expertise to support BALTOPS23

During Baltic Operations 2023 (BALTOPS23),acoalitionofliaisonofficers representingparticipatingnationsgathered attheexercise’scontrolhubatNavalStriking and Support Forces NATO’s (STRIKFORNATO)headquartersinOeiras Portugal to collaborate in planning a realistic training scenariothateffectivelytestedtheflexibility, adaptability,andcapabilitiesoftheirnations’ combinedforces.

Among the cadre of LOs was Lt Adam Thomas who represented Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella(NAVSUPFLCSI).Below,Thomas and several of his U.S. Navy and Marine Corps logistics colleagues discuss some of the highlights of their experience supporting the exercise’s logistics requirements They address, in particular, how logistics interoperabilitywithanotherNATOnation contributedtoachievingtheexerciseobjectiveofstrengtheningthecombinedresponse capabilitycriticaltopreservingthefreedom ofnavigationandsecurityintheBalticSea

Why were you the ideal candidate to deployasLOtoSTRIKFORNATO?

Thomas: Because I am assigned to NAVSUP FLCSI’s operational site at Naval Station Rota, Spain, I am geographically closetoPortugal Beyondthat,Ihaveawillingness to learn how NATO does business and am open to the different ideas that our diversesetofalliesbringtothetableinorder to Get Real Get Better I also bring exercise experience from having been LO during BALTOPS22.

Describehowyousupportedtheexercise asNAVSUPFLCSI’sLO?

Thomas: As NAVSUP FLCSI’s only LO deployed to support BALTOPS23, I provided organic exercise control support alongside a multinational logistics team with whom I had the opportunity to discuss, plan and develop future logistics evolutions in order to exercise collective logistics Throughparticipatingintheexercise, our command strengthened alliance

tiesinareasofconceptdevelopment,exercise planning and execution.

I also helped to augment STRIKFORNATO’s Assistant Chief of Staff J4 as he performed his role as the Multinational Maritime Force’s (MNMF’s) Force LogisticsCoordinator(FLC)duringtheexercise

The FLC was the Force’s senior maritime logistics officer and was responsible to Commander STRIKFORNATO for the pro-active management and movement of logistics, provision of support services, replenishmentfromorganicsupportvessels and/or external sources and the maintenance of the MNMF at the highest state of logisticreadiness

Wherewereyoudeployedtosupportthe exerciseotherthantoSTRIKFORNATO HQ?

Thomas: In May, just prior to the beginning of the exercise, I was deployed to the Baltic Island of Bornholm, Denmark and helpedtoestablishaForwardLogisticsSite (FLS) alongside our Royal Danish Navy allies Together, we demonstrated multinational, complementary sustainment and support while concurrently assisting STRIKFORNATO’s evaluation and validation of Bornholm for future FLS deployments

U.S.MarineLt Col.TonyMcNair,STRIKFORNATODeputyJ4:Thesuccessfulestablishment of FLS Bornholm enabled the subsequentmaritimesustainmentandVLS reload,bothofwhichshowcasedSFN’sability to identify, integrate and leverage disparate national logistics capabilities sustain operations and tempo and keep forces in thefight.

Thomas: Through FLS Bornholm, NAVSUP FCLSI facilitated the receipt and embarkation of mission support materials from USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) onto the German sustainment ship Frankfurt Am Main, and assisted with in-exercise replenishment-as-sea (RAS) execution planning betweenthetwonations

What were some positive takeaways fromsuccessfullyexecutingtheRASand the cargo evolution between Paul IgnatiusandFrankfurtAmMain?

Lt IanPidduck,USSPaulIgnatiussupply officer: The proof-of-concept underway replenishment for cargo with Frankfurt AmMainwasanawesomedemonstrationof ourgrowinglogisticalintegrationcapability Continued success with this type of NATO replenishment will be a game changer for theater logistics and ultimately provide the afloat supply officer with more avenues to get more parts on board faster; ultimately increasing readiness and keeping critical weaponssystemsoperational

Thomas: These efforts expose our NATO allies to a sample of the capabilities of NAVSUP FLCSI and the MNMF Force LogisticsCoordinator,furtheringthepossibilityforfuturecollaborativelogisticsplanningandexecutionopportunitiesinsupport ofNATO’smissionobjectives TheseaccomplishmentscomeatacriticaltimeforNATO, NAVEUR-NAVAF/SIXTHFLTandSTRIKFORNATO as U.S. Navy assets are increasingly assigned to STRIKFORNATO task units,groupsandforcessupportingSupreme Allied Commander Europe’s directed Vigilance Activities without a proficient means of sustaining Class I and IX via alliance supplychains. DidotherNAVSUPFLCSIteamssupport BALTOPS23?

Thomas: In addition to this cargo evolution, NAVSUP FLCSI’s transportation and customs clearance teams based at Naval Station Rota, Spain, supported eight units deploying and redeploying more than 325,000poundsofequipmenttothreecountries Additionally these teams completed the required USDAO inspections cargo weighing and packaging, and booked CONUSbasedunit’sequipmentformilitary airtransport.

Most notably, these teams supported 41,000 pounds of NCHB-1 equipment to include weapons handling equipment, an inert SM-2 missile shape and 12,000pound all-terrain forklift deploying it to FLS Bornholm. There NCHB-1 successfullycompletedanexpeditionaryordnance reload of the Danish Frigate HDMS Peter Willemoes VLS tubes This was equally significantfortheRoyalDanishNavyasthey developtheirSM-2missileprogramandfor

NCHB-1 as they continue to exercise their capabilitiesacrosstheglobe

(Interview End)

Conducted from June 4-16, 2023, BALTOPS23 was the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa and U.S. Sixth Fleet (NAVEUR-NAVAF/SIXTHFLT)-led maritime exercise aimed to strengthen the combined response capability critical to preserving the freedom of navigation and securityintheBalticSea.

STRIKFORNATO, headquartered at Oeiras, Portugal, is a rapidly deployable and scalable headquarters, under the operational command of Supreme Allied Commander Europe STRIKFORNATO is capableofplanningandexecutingfullspectrum joint maritime operations including maritime ballistic missile defense, primarily through integration of U.S. and other nation’scarrierandamphibiousforcesinto NATO operations to provide assurance, deterrence, and collective defense for the Alliance HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility SIXTHFLT is permanently assignedtoNAVEUR-NAVAF,andemploys maritime forces through the full spectrum ofjointandnavaloperations.

NAVSUP FLCSI is one of eight FLCs under Commander, NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse worldwide workforceofmorethan25,000militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities with our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent anddecisivelywinwars

FLCSI provides a full range of solutions for logistics business and support services to the U.S. Naval, Joint, NATO and Allied Forcesacross14enduringandforwardoperating sites; forward contingency and cooperative security locations in 13 countries in EuropeandAfrica

COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMARIOCOTO) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, July 6, 2023
participating in exercise
(BALTOPS 23) moorin Kiel,Germany,June 16
23 is the premiermaritime-focused exercise in the Baltic Region.The exercise, led byU.S.Naval Forces Europe-Africa and executed byNaval Striking and Support Forces NATO provides a unique training opportunityto strengthen the combined response capabilitycritical to preserving the freedom ofnavigation and securityin the Baltic Sea.(COURTESYPHOTO)
exercise Baltic Operations 2023 (BALTOPS
exercise control group stands outside the Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO HeadquartersJune
Ships participating in exercise
steam in formation through the

Task Force 51/5 hosts Multilateral Maritime Engagement 23.2 in Bahrain


On June 25th and 26th, 100militaryleadersfromtenpartnercountries and several U.S. military branches met in Bahrain for the second iteration of the Task Force 51⁄5-led Multilateral Maritime Engagement. The Multilateral Maritime Engagement(MME)enhancesmultilateral partnershipsandmaritimemilitarycooperationthroughouttheregionwhilesupporting the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) securityconstructs

“The MME is about bringing partners together and enhancing the strong bonds that are already in place,” said Brig. Gen. Matthew S. Reid, Commanding General of Task Force 51⁄5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Task Force 51⁄5). “One of the best ways to remain ready to respond to a contingencyistolistentoandworkwithour partners,” said Reid “Understanding their security challenges and learning how we can best integrate with them during a crisis or contingency response especially one that occurs in an amphibious domain is important,”hesaid.“Allofthissupportsour efforts to ensure this region’s stability and security”.

Over the course of two days, conference participantshadaseriesofbriefsandbreakout sessions on air, ground and maritime operations,continuingdiscussionslastheld

inJanuary ParticipantsalsotouredtheRoyal Fleet Auxiliary Ship Cardigan Bay (L3009), alanding-shipdockbelongingtotheUnited

Kingdom’s Royal Navy Participating countries included Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman,Qatar,SaudiArabia,theUnitedArab Emirates, France and the United Kingdom; participating U.S. armed forces elements includedleadersfromwithintheU.S.Naval Forces Central Command and U.S. Army CentralCommand’sTaskForceSpartan. ThisisthesecondtimeTaskForce51⁄5has ledtheMMEinBahrain.Futureiterationsof MME are planned, although dates have not yetbeensolidified

Task Force 51⁄5 is a Bahrain-based Joint Task Force-Capable (JTF-C) Headquarters that responds to crises and contingencies; coordinates, plans, and executes operations; conducts Theater Security Cooperation;andadvancesemergingNaval concepts at sea, from the sea, and ashore in supportofU.S.FifthFleetandMarineForces Central Command theater objectives Led by a Marine Corps Brigadier General, the command is comprised of a staff of Marine CorpsandNavyprofessionals TaskForce51⁄5 regularly conducts Theater Security Cooperation exercises with partner nations in coordinationwithU.S.NavalForcesCentral Command and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command, on behalf of CENTCOM, in pursuit of National Defense Strategyobjectives.

USS Wasp arrives in the Bahamas to celebrate nation’s 50th year of independence

USS Wasp (LHD 1)

NASSAU The Bahamas

On June 28 amphibiousassaultshipUSSWasp(LHD1) arrived in Nassau, The Bahamas for a port visitaimedtocommemoratethe50thanniversaryofU.S.-TheBahamasrelationsand the50thanniversaryofBahamianindependence

Duringthevisit,U.S.NorthernCommand and U.S. Embassy Nassau will host officials fromthegovernmentoftheCommonwealth ofTheBahamasandseniormembersofthe Royal Bahamas Defense Force with an officialreceptiononboardWasptocelebratethe uniquebilateraltiesbetweenthetwonations aswellasahalf-centuryofsovereignty

“Werecognizethatourstrongpartnership is tremendously important for the national security of both nations,” said Lt Gen. A. C. Roper, deputy commander U.S. NorthernCommand.“Wecontinuetocollaborate closely to protect our shared interests and ensurethewell-beingofallourcitizens.

In the spirit of developing a connection with the local community, Wasp Sailors are scheduledtovisittheSimpsonPennCentre for Boys and the Willie Mae Pratt Centre for Girls to provide mentorship, hands-on

demonstrations of several Navy skillsets, and participate in extracurricular activities suchassoccer basketballand/oranobstacle courserace

“We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to visit and experience this gorgeous nation and wonderful Bahamian people during such a historic occasion,” said Capt. NakiaCooper,Wasp’scommandingofficer HomeportedinNorfolk,Virginia,Waspis aUnitedStatesNavymultipurposeamphibious assault ship with a primary mission to support U.S. Marines in combat and to also provide disaster relief and medical support tothoseinneed

Theleadshipofherclass,sheisthetenth USNvesseltobearthenamesince1775,but certainlynotthefirstofhernamesaketovisit

The Bahamas

USS Wasp’s first trip to the whitebeachesandclearwatersofTheBahamaswasmadealmosttwo-and-a-halfcenturiesagobyawoodenhullmerchantschooner originally named Scorpion. Purchased, outfittedandcommissionedin1775 thefirst ever Wasp set sail in the company of USS Hornet, a merchant sloop From Baltimore, they sailed for the Delaware Capes to join Commodore Esek Hopkins’ squadron: the firstAmericansquadrontogettosea.

The fleet made its way to The Baha-

mas, arriving at the Abaco Islands March 1, 1776. Wasp was one of two ships to cover the Marine units that stormed ashore and assisted in the taking of Fort Montague and FortNassaufromBritain.Here,theytookas much ammunition and weaponry as they couldbeforeWaspreturnedtothestatestwo weekslater

HavingrecentlytakenpartinFleetWeek New York 2023, Wasp now returns to The Bahamas This time around, the primary missionistocelebrate

In1973 theCommonwealthofTheBahamas earned its independence from Britain after 255 years of control under the Crown. OnJuly10,TheBahamaswillofficiallycelebrate its 50th anniversary of governmental independence

“The U.S. Embassy and U.S. Northern Commandarehostingareceptiononboard,” saidCapt ChrisPurcell,Waspexecutiveofficer “Notonlyarewecelebratingtheirindependence but we’re also celebrating the United States’ relationship with the Bahamiangovernment.Wasp has a special connection with The Bahamas; our presence goes back as far as the historyoftheUnitedStates.”

Thisvisitisalsoalong-awaitedreunionas the Embassy’s own Senior Defense Official

Capt. Gregg Gellman served aboard Wasp over20yearsago.

“It’s great to see the Wasp still out there buildingrelationshipswithourforeignpartners, Gellmansaid “Partofthejoyofbeing ship’s crew is waking up in a new partner’s country and sharing our experiences with each other. I find that navies all over the world speak the same language, we just do itinadifferentaccent!”

This trip is an opportunity for Wasp to grow the friendship between the United States and The Bahamas Sailors aboard Wasp are more than excited for the opportunity to see one of the islands and experienceBahamianculture

This port visit is the first time many Sailorswillgettovisitanotherpartoftheworld. It is also a milestone for Wasp, marking the firsttimetheshipisdockingataforeignport sincedepartingfromJapanin2020

“I’veneverbeenoutsidethecountry,”said Aviation Machinist Mate Airman ApprenticeAlexWells,whoremarkedhowexcited he was to be part of an organization that by trade brings its employees to all corners of the world. “I want to try their food and see what life is like there. I have no idea what I’m going to get to experience, but I can’t waittofindout.”

MANAMA,BAHRAIN (June 26,2023) – Multinational participants ofthe Multilateral Maritime Engagement (MME) 23.2 conference in Bahrain discuss future bilateral training ideas,June 26, 2023.MME is aTaskForce 51/5-led event that fosters multilateral communication,securitycooperation,and future collaborative training between partners in the U.S.Central Command area of responsibility.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYSTAFFSGT.VICTORMANCILLA)
YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 5
MANAMA,BAHRAIN (June 26,2023) – U.S.service members and participating SeniorNational Representatives attending the Multilateral Maritime Engagement (MME) 23.2 conference in Bahrainvisit RFACardigan Bay,June 26 2023.

Reefense project commences off MCBH’s coast


Marine Corps Base Hawaii

Beneath the waves of our planet’s oceans are expansive natural structures that are both beautiful and necessary: coral reefs The “rainforests of the sea” are vital to the health of global ecosystems whose fragility puts at risk nearly 25% of all ocean life, also including food, protection, and resources forabouthalfabillionpeople.Allcoralreefs are unique to include those found in and around the waters off the coast of Marine CorpsBaseHawaii.Inparticular,thesereefs are home to approximately 7,000 known species of marine plants and animals, 1,250 of which are unique inhabitants of Hawaiiancoralreefs TheDefenseAdvancedResearchProjects Agency (DARPA) Reefense project aims to develop self-healing hybrid biological and engineered reef-mimicking structures to mitigatecoastalflooding,erosionandstorm

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport

Building 1, the oldest permanent Navybuilt structure onboard Naval Undersea WarfareCenterDivision,Keyport,wasbuilt morethanacenturyago whenhorse-drawn wagons plied the base and torpedoes were propelledbysteam.

NUWC Division, Keyport celebrated the reopening of this venerable landmark with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 22. The event marked the official completion of a five-year renovation project aimed at preserving Building 1’s historic features whileupgradingittomeetcurrentbuilding codesandenergyperformancestandards

NUWC Division, Keyport Facilities Branch Head Jared Peterson gave opening remarks in which he spoke of the vital role Building1playedformanyyearsasahubfor theKeyportbase.

“For all of us, Building 1 represents more thanacenturyoftorpedodevelopment and will now move into the future by providing many more years of key mission-focused innovationthatwillcontinuetosupportour warfighters,”saidPeterson.

Theevent’skeynotespeechwasdelivered by NUWC Division, Keyport Commanding OfficerCapt ClintHoskins,whorecounted Building1’sstoriedhistory.

“For decades, this building was the beatingheartofKeyport,”saidHoskins “Itoriginally housed nearly all of the base’s early operationsforthe16enlistedmenandeight civilian laborers initially stationed here. It went on to become the base’s hub for torpedo manufacturing and storage, along with many other functions, including the union and human resources offices and KitsapCreditUnion.”

Hoskins added, “The simple fact is that forthemajorityofthe90-plusyearsthatthis building was open, it was impossible to be anemployeehereandnothavesomesortof regularneedtovisitthebuilding.”

Hoskins went on to describe Building 1’s gradual deterioration over the years—how it was abandoned in the late 2000s due to mold, rotting wood and asbestos, and was eventually slated for demolition as part of a footprint reduction requirement for a new underseavehiclemaintenancefacilitymilitaryconstructionproject

It was Peterson who proposed renovating Building 1 as a way of preserving its legacy while simultaneously addressing a lack of engineering office space at NUWC

damage while helping promote reef organism settlement growth and enabling the system to self-heal and keep pace with sea level rises over time. The Reefense project willimprovetheresiliencyofcoralreefsand helpmitigatetheeffectsofdisease,temperaturechangeandotherenvironmentalstressors In coordination with Marine Corps Base Hawaii, DARPA is also partnering with the University of Hawaii and U.S. Geological Survey St Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center to tackle this complex fiveyearproject USGSSt Petersburgresearchers will provide UH and DARPA with sea floor data collected from the waters surrounding Marine Corps Base Hawaii to helppredictcoastalerosionpatterns USGS St Petersburgresearchersarealsoconducting offshore geological surveys using sonar technologytoprovideahigh-resolutionmap ofunderwaterterrainfeatures.

“IntheareasurroundingFortHase there

arecomplexinteractionsbetweenthegeology waves, wind, and sediment transport thatallaffectstheerosionofthebeach.What we’redoingisfocusinginonthegeologyand the shape of the sea floor,” said Emily Wei, researchgeologistatUSGSSt Petersburg.

With this collected data, UH researchers will have a accurate referenceon where to position these novel coral reefs USGS St Petersburg was able to identify the best spotstoplacethesestructureswiththeaidof specialtechnologythatcapturestheimagery oftheseafloor.

These artificial and living coral reefs will help promote the growth and allow for more species of marine life to thrive in the oceanic environment off the coast of the installation. Additionally, the coral reefs will provide homes for millions of species, healthy ocean food webs, and protect the coastlinesofMCBH.

“They [University of Hawaii Researchers] would like to put in artificial and living

hybrid coral reefs,” said Wei. “They plan to installthesereefstructuresandhopetoplant living corals on top Hopefully biology will take over and the corals will thrive in that environment.

Attheconclusionofthisproject,therewill becarefullydesigned,newcoralreefsystems emplacedtohelppromotethesealifeinthe area and drastically improve the environmentaroundthecoastoftheinstallation

Coral reefs are critically important ecosystems that continue to face natural and manmade threats. If coral reefs disappeared,essentialfood,shelter,andspawning groundsforfishandothermarineorganisms wouldceasetoexist,andbiodiversitywould greatly suffer as a result. With the help of these research efforts, MCBH, in unison with interagency partners, can continue to protect resources and promote resiliency onlandandsea.

Division, Keyport. The renovation, which began in 2018, was a team effort between the firm formerly known as Fraser + Fogle Architects—now known as Fathom Architecture—the builders, the NUWC Division, KeyportFacilitiesteamandtheNavalFacilities Engineering Systems Command, said Hoskins

Hoskins praised the work of Fathom Architectureas“atruetriumphofarchitectural craftsmanship and attention to detail, one that pays stirring tribute to the building’soriginalcharacterwhileaugmentingit withmodernfunctionality.”

He noted in particular the successful restorationofBuilding1’soriginalredbrick veneer—which had long ago been painted over—and the preservation of its signature large yellow overhead crane interior windows and an original stairwell, among otherhistoricalartifacts

Also speaking at the event was Ryan Hendryx of Fathom Architecture, who

served as principal architect and architect ofrecordforBuilding1’srestoration Hendryx spoke of the inspiration and vision that drovetherestorationeffort.

“While Building 1 was a bit ramshackle when we started, the design team saw tremendous potential,” said Hendryx. “We saw the potential to enhance day-to-day operations through a highly pragmatic and functional arrangement of spaces, and we sawthepotentialtoenhancetheday-to-day experiences of personnel through thoughtfuldesign.”

Hendryx continued, “[T]he functionality, materiality and building features were intended to promote a sense of warmth, well-being and character inside and out, while optimizing operations now and into thefuture.”

In his closing remarks, NUWC Division, KeyportActingTechnicalDirectorMichael Slater turned to the future of Building 1, whichhesaidwillseeit“returntoitsroots”


“SoontheWeaponsIn-ServiceEngineering Division will fill these halls and offices withthesightsandsoundsoftorpedowork,” said Slater “Once again, men and women willbeoperatingoutofthisbuildingasthey work to sustain our weapons and ready the forceforthefight.”

Following the ceremony, guests were offered refreshments provided by the NUWCDivision,KeyportRecreationAssociation, and were invited to tour the newly renovatedbuilding.

About Naval Undersea Warfare Center DivisionKeyport NUWC Keyport provides advanced technical capabilities for test and evaluation, in-service engineering maintenance and industrial base support, fleet material readiness, and obsolescence management for undersea warfare to expand America’s underseadominance

Researcherswith the U.S.Geological SurveySt Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center take down a pole camera during a geological survey Marine Corps Base Hawaii,May12 2023.The surveymapped the nearshore coast offshore ofFort Hase beach to help predict coastal erosion.The USGS Centerisworking in
the UniversityofHawaii
provide data ofthe sea floorto help UH place artificial and living coral reefs thatwill promote sea life growth in the
in a
NUWC Division, Keyport’s oldest building Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision,Keyport Commanding OfficerCapt.Clint Hoskins cuts the ribbon at the reopening ceremonyfor Building 1 onboard NUWC Division,Keyport onJune 22 2023.From left are: Retired NUWC Division,Keyport Infrastructure/Facilities Division Head GlendaWilson; NUWC Division,KeyportActingTechnical DirectorMichael Slater; Capt.Hoskins; NUWC Division,Keyport Facilities Branch HeadJared Peterson; and FathomArchitecture Project ManagerKris Penberthy.(USNAVYPHOTOBYSHAYNAGOSNEY) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, July 6, 2023
Ribbon cutting celebrates
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On iberty

Beat the heat with hydrating fruits & veggies this summer

Staying hydrated is critical during summer’s heat But drinking multiple glasses ofwater throughout the day isn’t for everyone.Trythese tastytips and recipe forGrilled Fruit Kebabs with Balsamic Drizzle to beat the heat! PageC4

Comedy Smackdown 17 The Roast Battle, takes place July 16th at the Virginia Beach Funny Bone


Back by popular demand is Virginia’s first and biggest ROAST BATTLE Yes, the ComedySmackdown17,returnshometothe VirginiaBeachFunnyBoneJuly16thforone showonly 16comicsfromacrossthecountry will battle verbally by going head-to-head with uncensored, highly offensive, down right ruthless verbal jabs at each other for agreatcause Aportionoftheproceedswill gotobenefitthenon-profitSLOTHorganization which raises awareness and assists veteranssufferingfromtheeffectsofPTSD.

For tickets and more info, go to https:// vb.funnybone.com/ShowDetails/2b03ac178593-4494-92f4-7fc40b75aab7/ eaf5e248-1faf-437c-8832-2fb72fdee936/ Comedy_Smackdown__The_Roast_Battle/ Virginia_Beach_Funny_Bone

Yiorgo:Withustodayistheproducerand hostoftheComedySmackdown comedian Tim Loulies and the founder of SLOTH, CareyMalec.Tim,let’sstartwithyou.What istheComedySmackdown17RoastBattle?

TimLoulies:OurRoastBattleisnotyour typicalstandupshow.Thisisverydifferent, very entertaining and fast based. There is a bracket of 12 comedians that are paired up one-on-one against each other on stage and hurl insults at each other Four judges and the audience, so really five judges, will decidewhomovesontothenextround.We areproudtoannouncethatVirginiaChampionshipWrestling’sownBrandonMetheny Esq willbedoingtheannouncing,aswellas conductingthevotingprocessthatincludes thefourjudgesandtheaudience

There are three rounds and the eventual winner will receive a $500 cash prize from ourchiefsponsor theStevenL.Washington Law Firm and the prestigious Sean Malec ComedySmackdownChampionshipbelt.

We also have a one round tag-team of comedians as well They go at each other, similar to the singles competition and the teamthatwinsgets$200cashsponsoredby realtorErikJ.Hovik

Also a portion of the proceeds will go to thenon-profitSLOTH whichraisesawareness and assists the veterans suffering from theeffectsofPTSD

Y:What will the people see and hear and whyshouldtheycome?

TL: This is a much different type of comedy show. They take the gloves off and hurl insults at each other They do not take it personally past the stage and it’s all for a goodcause andit’scomedy

Y: Speaking of a good cause Carey let’s learn about your organization. What is SLOTHandwhydidyoucomeupwithit?

Carey Malec: A few years ago, Sean, my middlebrothertookhisownlifeandwelost himtoPTSD Seanthoroughlyenjoyedhelping people and we wanted that to live on, evenafterhispassing Abunchofhisfriends, my little brother Bobby and I would meet regularly and reminisce about Sean so we decidedtocreatealegacyforhimandthisis whatwecameupwith.

SLOTH is two fold as the name It’s an acronym for Sean’s Last Opportunity To Help We are an awareness program that brings to light the serious and permanent consequences of suicide, for the person in need and those loved ones left behind. Our

The Elizabeth River Trail Foundation

the launch of its guided kayak tours – first



TheElizabethRiverTrailFoundation is partnering with Norfolk Kayak Rentals to bring guided kayak tours to the Elizabeth River this summer Launching from the ERT kayak launch at Plum Point Park, these 90-minute tours are free and open to the public.

An experienced guide will highlight the working waterfront that makes the ERT so unique and showcase the environmental, natural and historical beauty of the trail from the water The dates for this inaugural three-part series are: July 8, August 5 and September 23 from 8:30-10 am. Prior kayaking experience is required. Paddlers are encouraged to bring their own kayak or register in advance for a limited number of free kayaks Go to https://www.facebook.com/even ts/274517368460763/274517385127428/ for details and registration.

“We are so excited to offer water programming,“ said Kindra Greene, executive director of the Elizabeth River TrailFoundation.“It’salwaysbeenavisionoftheFoundation tohavethisconnected‘blueway’alongsideourtrailthatwe can activate with a series of kayak launches and programming.Theconnectiontoournamesakeriverisveryimportant to us and it will be so fun to see and appreciate the trail from this different perspective. The forthcoming kayak launchattheLarchmontLibrarywillexpandourprogrammingevenmore.

“As a daily user of the ERT, Norfolk Kayak Rentals is excited to be able to partner with the ERT to offer this free programming and get more people in the community out exploringourwaterways,”saidJoshCoplenowner/founder ofNorfolkKayakRentals

The Elizabeth River Trail Foundation’s mission is to create an inclusive and resilient urban riverfront trail that connectsandinspirespeopleandbusinessesintheHamptonRoadsregion.TheElizabethRiverTrailruns10.5miles through businesses, historic attractions and 28 neighbor-

hoods within a five-minute walk. The multi-use trail is designed for walking, running and biking It comprises 11 sectionsfromNorfolkStateUniversity throughDowntown Norfolk and Old Dominion University to NIT Terminals along the Elizabeth River The Foundation has completed multiplenewuniqueandaward-winningamenities,includ-

play sculpture and double turbo challenge course in Plum Point Park and most recently, The Glowline. Major sponsors include Sentara and the City of Norfolk. Formoreinformationonthe ElizabethRiverTrail visit https://elizabethrivertrail.org/ or call 757.681.1405

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

ComedySmackdown championship belt (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFTIMLOULIES) TurntoComedySmackdown, Page 3
kayak launches,
8 (COURTESYPHOTOFROMELIZABETHRIVERTRAIL.ORG) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 1

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The Norfolk Forum announces 2023-24 season to include Roy Williams, Colson Whitehead, Amanda Knox, and Liz Cheney



The Norfolk Forum recently announced the lineup for its upcoming 2023- 24 season. The Forum’s 91stconsecutiveseasonincludesalegendary men’sbasketballcoach,atwo-timePulitzer Prize winner, an exoneree and bestselling author,andaformerCongressionalleader

The Norfolk Forum will welcome Roy Williams,ColsonWhitehead,AmandaKnox, and Liz Cheney The speakers will address topics to include the keys to long-term successfulleadership thepowerofliterature andart thepervasiveissuesaroundwrongful conviction and public shaming, and the needforapowerfulAmericaintoday’sshiftingglobalaffairslandscape Alllectureswill beheldatChryslerHall.

The Norfolk Forum President Jason Davis adds, “the lineup for our 91st season perfectly embodies the mission of The Norfolk Forum: to bring thought-provoking speakers to our stage who will inspire, inform,andengageouraudiencemembers This year’s diverse lineup is comprised of dynamic individuals who are experts in a numberofdifferentfields Wearesopleased to be able to continue the tradition of The Forumthatbeganin1933.”

Founded in 1933, The Norfolk Forum is the oldest publicly-subscribed speakers’ forum in the country. Each season, The

Forum presents thought-provoking public figures who, in different ways, help shape American thought and opinion After each presentation,speakersengagetheaudience in a question and answer session For more information on The Norfolk Forum, please visitourwebsite,www.thenorfolkforum.org

A series ticket may be purchased online at www.thenorfolkforum.org/tickets.

Fullseasonticketsforthe2023-24season are on-sale now for $160 each and only full seasonticketswillbesoldthroughthedateof the first speaker, Roy Williams on September12.Singleticketsforlaterspeakerswillbe limitedandwillonlybemadeavailableiffull seasonsubscriptionsdonotsellout.

Here is more information on each of the speakers,includingtheirappearancedates:


„ Former Basketball Coach of the North CarolinaTarHeelsandKansasJayhawks

„ Tuesday September12 2023(7:30pm)

Oneofthemostcharismaticandsuccessful head coaches in college basketball, Roy Williams retired on April 1, 2021, with the third-mostwinsbyaD1headcoachandthe 6th highest winning percentaage in college basketball history (.784). Inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 2007, Williams was a college head coach for 33 seasons at two of the three winnningest programsinthesport’shistory HeledUNC

to NCAA championships in 2005, 2009, and2017andwasanassistantwhentheTar

Heels won the title in 1982 Williams is the onlyheadcoachtowinthreenationalchampionshipsathisalmamater

ColsonWhitehead „ PulitzerPrizeandNationalBookAwardwinning author of The Underground RailroadandThe „ NickelBoys „ Tuesday,November14,2023(7:30pm)

Whitehead is only the fourth author to win two Pulitzer Prizes in the Fiction category The Underground Railroad won in 2017andTheNickelBoyswonin2020.His latest bestselling novel, Harlem Shuffle, is a work of crime fiction set in Harlem in the 1960s. His other publications are The Noble Hustle, Zone One, Sag Harbor, The Intuitionist, John Henry Days, Apex Hides the Hurt, and one collection of essays, The Colossus of New York. Whitehead’s work has appeared in a number of publications, including The New York Times, The New Yorker,Harpers,andGranta

AmandaKnox „ Exoneree, Bestselling Author & Host of TheScarlettLetterReports

„ Tuesday,January23,2024(7:30pm)

Between 2007 and 2015 Knox spent nearly four years in an Italian prison and

eight years on trial for a murder she did not commit.Shehasdevotedthetimesincethen to shedding light on the pervasive issues of wrongful convictions, public shaming, and ourfrequentlyimperfectmethodsofseeking truth. Knox will speak to the specific social criseshighlightedbyherharrowingexperience controversy-hungrytabloidculture, “fake news” and misinformation, and our increasinglyelusivesenseofempathy Knox istheauthoroftheNewYorkTimesbestsellingmemoir,WaitingtoBeHeard.

LizCheney „ U.S. Representative for Wyoming’s At-LargeCongressionalDistrict(2017-2023) „ Tuesday,May7,2024(7:30pm)

Cheney chaired the House Republican Conference,thethird-highestpositioninthe House Republican leadership, from 20192021, and served as the Vice Chair of the SelectCommitteeinvestigatingtheJanuary 6,2021attackontheU.S.Capitol Aspecialist innationalsecurityandforeignpolicy,sheis theco-author,alongwithherfather,former VicePresidentDickCheney,ofExceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. In 2022, Cheney received the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library’s prestigious ProfileinCourageAward.


NASHVILLE, Tenn. An All-Star Salute To Lee GreenwoodiscomingtoatheaternearyouthiscomingNovember featuringstar-studdedperformancesofGreenwood’scareer hitsongs.Thisone-night-onlyeventwillpremiereinmovie theaters across the United States over Veterans Day 2023 weekend,Sunday,November12,justintimetohonorthose whoservedthisgreatnation

Also, as a part of the event, Concerts 4 A Cause, a 501c3 organization, has teamed up with Greenwood to allow the publictosponsoraveteranandtheirguest/caregivertoenjoy thespectacularliveconcertevent.

Ticketstoseethisamazingtributeconcertwillgoonsale tothegeneralpubliconFriday,August4,viaFathomEvents YoucanfindmoreinformationHERE.MEANTIME,viewerscangettheirticketsfirstbygoingtoAdoptAVet.com,and AmericancompaniesareencouragedtoSponsoraTheatre for$5,000

“On the night we filmed this special I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at the same time. I couldn’t believe so many great artists came to honor my music. On top of that, my entire family sat in the front row to witness this magical eveningwithme Icouldnothavebeenprouder,”saysGreenwood, who is a Grammy award winner “Now, to share that special night with veterans, first responders, and country music fans with this premiere presentation in theaters is a perfect way to celebrate my forty-year career, which has includedhonoringsomanyofthem.”

An All-Star Salute to Lee Greenwood will premiere in movie theaters on Sunday, November 12, and will include performances by Dustin Lynch, Lee Brice Michael Ray, MichaelW.Smith+TheIsaacs,TheOakRidgeBoys Tracy Lawrence Big&Rich,JameyJohnson,GavinDeGraw,Scott Stapp of Creed, Crystal Gayle, Sam Moore + T. Graham Brown, Larry Gatlin + Debby Boone, Mark Wills, Home Free,TheFrontmen,TyHerndon+JanieFricke,andmore!

Everyone was thrilled to be a part of the tribute to Lee Greenwood acountrymusiciconwhosesongshavebeen cherished for years Each artist graced the stage performing one of Lee’s songs or their own hits. More than twenty artists forty years of hits and a sold-out arena proved that ‘America’s patriot Lee Greenwood continues to shine and impactliveseverywherehegoes.

“It’s like attending the Grand Ole Opry, but amplified to the next level,” shared Jerry Hayes of Huntsville’s WHNT. “Whereelsecanyouseesomanystarstakethestageandplay for a sold-out crowd? The audience remained on their feet throughout the night. They not only enjoyed the music but alsofeltanoverwhelmingsurgeofpatrioticpridethatswept acrossthearena,particularlyduringsongslikeGreenwood’s signatureanthem “GodBlesstheUSA.”

AboutLeeGreenwood:Throughouthisexpansivecareer internationalcountrymusiciconLeeGreenwoodhasearned multipleCMAandACMAwards,aGrammyAwardforTop Male Vocal Performance on “I.O.U,” in 1985, and a multitudeofotherprestigiousawardsnominations Hisdiscogra-

phyincludestwenty-twostudioalbums,sevencompilation albums, seven No 1 hits, and thirty-eight singles including songs like “It Turns Me Inside Out,” “Ring On Her Finger TimeonHerHands, “She’sLyin’, “IDon’tMindtheThorns ifYou’retheRose,”“DixieRoad,”“Somebody’sGonnaLove You,”“GoingGoingGone,”“YouGotAGoodLoveComin’,” among others. His stand-out hit “God Bless the U.S.A.”

has beeninthetopfiveonthecountrysingleschartsthreetimes (1991, 2001, and 2003), giving it the distinction of being the only song in any genre of music to achieve that feat It reached the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100 chart shortly after 9/11. Known for his stand-out patriotism and support of the U.S. military, Greenwood has been honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s National Patriot’s Awardandentertainedtroopsonmorethan30USOTours. Formoreinformation,visitleegreenwood.com. The stars of country music shine bright in ‘An All-Star Salute To Lee Greenwood’ in theaters nationwide on Veterans Day weekend Sunday, November 12
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, July 6, 2023
From left to right: RoyWilliams,ColsonWhitehead,Amanda Knox and LizCheney.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFNORFOLKFORUM)


Y:IunderstandtheacronymSLOTHhasadouble meaning

CM: Yes, there is also a joke behind it. Sean was workingonacomedyimpressionbitonstageinvolving a sloth. One night he was on the stage, the crowd wasnotfeelingitandheaskedthecrowd,“Hey who here likes impressions?” The crowd cheered and he said, Well you are going to hate this one. It’s my impressionofaslothsittingonacouchwhowastold by his human best friend not to sit on a couch. So Seanproceedstotakeonanimpressionofasloth,on the stool on stage. He slowly slides off the stool and even much slower sliding off the stage He was great likethatatthemoment Ittookhimthreeminutesto get off the stage. At first the audience laughed a little bit then they realized that he had bought into it So that’salsowherethenamecamefromaswell.

Y:Carey TellusaboutyouandSean.Wherewereyouboth bornandwhatwasSeanlike?

CM: We were a Navy family Our dad was stationed in Florida.IwasborninJacksonvilleandSeaninPanamaCity Later our dad was stationed in NOB and we grew up there most of our lives with our youngest brother Bobby being borninVirginiaBeach.SeaneventuallyjoinedtheAirforce. From the time growing up Sean was very caring unique very intelligent and an in the moment goofball, who loved beingthecenterofattention.Itwasonadarethathegoton thestagetodoastandupcomedybitandhelovedthatfeelingofbeingonthatstage.


TL:SeanMalecwasanupcominglocalcomicwhoeverybody loved. He knew how to make edgy funny. When I started this Roast Battle back in 2014, he was the first I had in mind to book for the show. The concept of a roast battle hadofcoursebeendonebefore,butthisisVirginia’sfirstand

alsothelongestrunningRoastBattle Thefirstyearwinner was actually Sean Malec but we had toy belts back then. AfterSeanpassed,Igotarealchampionshipbeltmadeinhis honor.Theshowwassuchasuccess,wemovedittoabigger venue,theVirginiaBeachFunnyBone


CM:Formoreinfoonour501c3organization,peoplecan go to http://www.slothcares.org/ Our Facebook is SLOTH and our instagram is slothcares Our goal is to raise awarenessabouttheearlysignsandwewanttohelpthosewholost their loved one through suicide. We want people to be able toaskforhelp.That’smostlyourgoal

I hope everyone shows up on July 16th at the Funny Bone They will hear a lot of angry individuals saying a lot of mean things at each other but they actually love each other They hangouttogetherandtheyfindthedirtieststufftosaytoeach otheronstageandthere’snoholds-barredwhatsoever.Ithelps tosupportlocalcomediansandsomeareveteransthemselves

Y: Tim, we both wear many hats and we both work for Virginia Championship Wrestling As the VCW Commissioner,IwillbecomingtotheComedySmackdownonJuly 16th and I have a big announcement that I will make there thatnightinregardstoourannualLibertyLotteryshowwith specialguestMattCardona.NotonlywillMattdophotoops, but he will also be competing against former VCW heavyweight Champion Brandon Scott, July 29th at the Kroc Center of Hampton Roads For tickets and more info, go to vcwprowrestling.com

TL:Iknowwedon’talwaysseeeye-to-eyeonthings,but youcantellme Areyoubringingaspecialguestforme?

Y: You will have to wait like everyone else to find out on July16thattheVirginiaBeachFunnyBone

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, heis also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker writer storyteller and columnist

Comedy Smackdown from Page 1
Sean Malec
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 3
From left to right: Sean,Bobbyand CareyMalec.Careyis the founderofS.L.O.T.H. (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFCAREYMALEC)

Beat the heat with hydrating fruits and veggies this summer

Staying hydrated can help you live a longer, healthierlife Butdrinkingmultipleglassesofwater throughout the day isn’t for everyone

Health experts say that’s OK While fluids are important, hydration doesn’t just come in a bottle orfromthetap Infact,atleast19%ofaU.S.adult’s waterintaketypicallycomesfromwater-richfoods. And they’re not hard to find.

“A lot of foods are high in water content, especiallyfruitsandvegetables, saidPennyKris-Etherton,EvanPughUniversityProfessorofNutritional Sciences at Penn State University in University Park,Pennsylvania. “Eatingthese foodsis away of helping to maintain good hydration status.”

Thoughithasnocalories,waterplaysavitalrole inkeepingpeoplehealthy Itpreventsdehydration, helps rid the body of waste products lubricates joints protects the spinal cord, helps to keep body temperature in the normal range, helps manage body weight and can help reduce calories when substituted for sweetened beverages such as soda or iced tea

The National Academy of Medicine recommends men consume 13 8-ounce glasses of water per day and women consume nine, more if they arepregnantorbreastfeeding Dehydrationoccurs when people don’t consume enough, and symptoms may appear with a water deficit as low as 2% under the recommended amount. Symptoms may include fatigue, confusion or short-term memory loss and mood changes such as irritability or depression.

Theimportantthingistostayhydrated,Kris-Etherton said regardless of where the water comes from.

Whenlookingforwater-richfoods headstraight totheproducedepartment,saidGeorgiaJones an associate professor in the nutrition department at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.

“Aim for fruits and vegetables that contain at least 85% water,” she said Cucumbers top the list, at about 95% water, Kris-Etherton said. They’re also low in calories while high in fiber and vitamins K and A.

“The neat thing about fruits and vegetables is they bring with them some important nutrients in addition to water,” she said.

Tomatoes are another good source for hydration, along with cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon Also water-rich are celery, peaches, zucchini,radishesandasparagus “Andlettucecan also provide a good amount of water,” Jones said Snacking on fruit is a good way to get the extra hydration needed after exercise or other activities thatcausealotofperspiration,Kris-Ethertonsaid But don’t forget to drink water

When choosing foods for hydration or any other purpose Jones said it’s important to seek a wide variety “Don’t stick with just one kind Be willing to try new things.”

What’s not good for hydration are drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine, including many popular energy drinks, Kris-Etherton said. “They can worsen dehydration And sports drinks often contain a lot of sugar They’re really not a good source of fluid for staying hydrated. You need to read the labels.”

But remember that fruits and veggies can’t completely replace daily fluids, Kris-Etherton said. If a 100-gram cucumber is 95% water, that’s 95 grams or 3.3 of the recommended 72 ounces of water per day for women.

“You’d be eating a lot of cucumbers,” she said

Grilled Fruit Kebabs with Balsamic Drizzle

Threading fruit on skewers is a fun way to get kids to help in the kitchen A balsamic-honey glaze makes this a delicious side dish or dessert.Formorehearthealthyrecipeslikethis,visithttps://recipes heart.org/

Recipe by Amercian Heart Association

Servings: 4

Serving size: 2 kebabs per serving


„ 1poundhulledstrawberries

„ 2cupspineapplechunks

„ 2cupswatermelonchunks

„ 2mediumbananas,peeledandcutintothickpieces

„ 2tablespoonsbalsamicvinegar

„ 1tablespooncanolaoilOR1tablespooncornoil

„ 2teaspoonshoney


Soak eight 9- to 12-inch wooden skewers for at least 10 minutes in cold water to keep them from charring, or use metal skewers Set aside Preheatthegrillonmediumhigh Threadthefruitontothe8skewersinthisorder:strawberry,pineapple,watermelon,banana,strawberry,pineapple,watermelon,and banana.Transfertheskewerstoaplatterorbakingsheet In a small bowl, using a fork, whisk together the vinegar, oil and honey Using a basting brush, brush about half the vinegar mixture overthefruittoglazeit. Grill the kebabs for about 8 to 10 minutes, or until the fruit is caramelized, turning the kebabs several times and basting with the remainingvinegarmixture.

Tip: Choose a firm watermelon that is heavy for its size, with no bruises. cuts, or dents It should have a yellow spot on it, called the “groundspot.”

(OLLO/ISTOCKVIAGETTYIMAGES) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, July 6, 2023

DALLAS, Texas Mother nature is at it againasrecordhightemperaturesarebringing summer heat early this year around much of the U.S., and the American Heart Association,aglobalforceforlonger,healthierlivesforall,isurgingpeopletotakeextra stepstoprotecttheirhearts.Precautionsare especially important for older adults and people with high blood pressure, obesity or ahistoryofheartdiseaseandstroke

Temperatures exceeding 100°F or even temperaturesinthe80’swithhighhumidity can cause a dangerous heat index that can be hard on the heart. Heat and dehydration causethehearttoworkharder tryingtocool itselfbyshiftingbloodfrommajororgansto underneath the skin. This shift causes the heart to pump more blood, putting it under significantly more stress Hydration helps the heart more easily pump blood through thebloodvesselstothemusclesandithelps themusclesworkefficiently Scientific research published in Circulation, the flagship journal of the American Heart Association, found that when temperatures reach extremes of an average daily temperature of 109 degrees Fahrenheit, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease may double or triple Another research study, featured at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2019, suggests that the more temperaturesfluctuateduringthesummer, themoreseverestrokesmaybecome “While heat-related deaths and illnesses are preventable, more than 700 people in theUnitedStatesarekilledbyextremeheat everyyear,accordingtotheU.S.Centersfor DiseaseControlandPrevention.Ifyouhave heart disease or have had a stroke or you’re older than 50 or overweight, it’s extremely importanttotakespecialprecautionsinthe heat to protect your health,” said Donald

M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D, Sc.M., FAHA, past president of the American Heart Associationandchairofthedepartmentofpreventivemedicine,theEileenM.FoellProfessor of Heart Research and professor of preventive medicine, medicine and pediatrics at NorthwesternUniversity’sFeinbergSchool of Medicine in Chicago “Some medications like angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and diuretics, which affect blood pressure responses or deplete the body of sodium,canexaggeratethebody’sresponse to heat and cause you to feel ill in extreme heat. But don’t stop taking your medicines Learn how to keep cool and talk to your doctoraboutanyconcerns.”

Even if you aren’t taking medications for acardiovascularcondition,itisimportantto take precautions in the heat. While infants andtheelderlyaremorevulnerabletoproblems from heat, extreme temperatures can causehealthissuesforanyone “Staying hydrated is key. It is easy to get dehydrated even if you don’t think you’re thirsty,” Lloyd-Jones said. “Drink water before, during and after going outside in hotweather Don’twaituntilyoufeelthirsty And the best way to know if you are getting enoughfluidistomonitoryoururineoutput and make sure the urine color is pale, not darkorconcentrated.”

TheAmericanHeartAssociationsuggests that everyone follows these top 5 hot weatherprecautions:

Watch the clock: It’s best to avoid the outdoors in the early afternoon (about noonto3p.m.)becausethesunisusuallyat its strongest, putting you at higher risk for heat-relatedillnesses

Dress for the heat: Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing in breathable fabrics suchascotton,oranewerfabricthatrepels sweat. Add a hat and sunglasses Before

you get started, apply a water-resistant sunscreen with at least SPF 15, and reapply iteverytwohours

Drinkup:Stayhydratedbydrinkingafew cupsofwaterbefore,duringandaftergoing outside or exercising Avoid caffeinated or alcoholicbeverages.

Takeregularbreaks:Findsomeshadeor acoolplace,stopforafewminutes hydrate andstartagain Followthedoctor’sorders:Continueto takeallmedicationsasprescribed.

It’simportanttoknowthesignsandsymptoms when you may be experiencing too muchheat.


„ headaches

„ heavysweating

„ cold,moistskin,chills

„ dizzinessorfainting(syncope)

„ aweakandrapidpulse

„ musclecramps

„ fast,shallowbreathing

„ nausea,vomitingorboth

If you experience these symptoms move to a cooler place stop exercising and cool downimmediatelybydousingyourselfwith cold water and re-hydrating You may need toseekmedicalattention

If you experience symptoms of a heat stroke,call9-1-1andmedicalattentionright away


„ warm,dryskinwithnosweating

„ strongandrapidpulse

„ confusionand/orunconsciousness

„ highfever

„ throbbingheadaches

„ nausea,vomitingorboth

Heat stroke is not the same as a stroke

Stroke happens when a blood vessel to the brain either bursts or is blocked by a clot, causing a decrease in oxygen flow to the


While taking precautions is key, it’s still importanttofindwaysforthewholefamily to stay active in the heat of summer Try walking,swimming,biking,skating,jumping rope, building a backyard obstacle course, or organizing a neighborhood soccer game Even gardening pushing a stroller or walking the dog counts Adjusting your activity timetoearlymorningorlaterintheevening can also help If being outside is just too much on some days, find indoor locations whereyoucanbeactive,suchasashopping mall,gymorcommunityrecreationcenter. It’s also important to keep cool as you refuel.Trylight,healthypre-andpost-workout snacks that can also help you stay cool, suchas:

„ Chilledorfrozenfruit

„ Homemade popsicles made from 100 percentfruitjuice „ Fruitsmoothies

„ Coldsaladsloadedwithvegetables,beans, legumesandheart-healthyfishlikealbacore tunaorsalmon

„ Crisp chilled raw veggies like cucumber, carrotorcelerywithalight,cooldip

„ Cold sparkling water with a splash of 100% fruit juice or slices of citrus or cucumber

The American Heart Association is a relentlessforceforaworldoflonger,healthierlives.Wearededicatedtoensuringequitable health in all communities Through collaboration with numerous organizations and powered by millions of volunteers,wefundinnovativeresearch,advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health informationfornearlyacentury Connectwithus onheart.org,Facebook,Twitterorbycalling 1-800-AHA-USA1.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, July 6, 2023 5
Extreme Heat Warning: Keep cool to be heart-healthy when temperatures rise The American Heart Association warns that extreme heat can be hazardous to your heart health
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