Flagship 08.18.2022

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USS Forrest Sherman arrives in Souda Bay, Crete TheArleigh Burke-class guidedmissiledestroyerUSS Forrest Sherman (DDG98) arrived in SoudaBay,Crete forascheduled portvisit,August8,2022. PAGEA2 TurntoCyberCommand, Page 5 TurntoWWIIHero, Page 5 (August 10 2022) United States Marine Corp HonorGuard carrythe casket containing the remains ofMarine Cpl.JackS.Brown to the hearse during a dignified transferat NorfolkInternational Airport,Aug.10 Brownwas killed in actionJuly8,1944 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC2(SW)JOSEPHT.MILLER)

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to get underway Navy Space is on the launch pad, ready to launch. Thingsaresetinmotiontowhere, in my opinion, the next two years willbemorepivotalandhavemore change than the entire history of FleetCyber.”

USS Arlington (LPD 24) arrives in Stockholm This marks Arlington’s first time operating in the Baltic Sea since departing on deployment earlier this year, as well as the first time the ARG-MEU has fully aggregated in the Baltic. PAGEA4

U.S. Army General Paul M. Nakasone,Commander,U.S.Cyber Command (CYBERCOM), direc toroftheNationalSecurityAgency and presiding officer for the ceremony,commendedMyers’leader shipanddedicationtothemission “We are entering into a time when our nation, more so than ever, needs the capabilities and the capacity, and the brilliance of organizations like Fleet Cyber Command,NavySpaceCommand, Joint Force Headquarters Navy and 10th Fleet, said Nakasone “Our nation is entering an inflection point in history One of the things that gives us hope is the extraordinary foundation that Ross Myers established here at Fleet Cyber Command / 10th Fleet.Thetransformation ofleadership purpose and mission that he brought to this command is spectacular.” “I’ve often talked to people and U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. Navy Space / Joint Force Headquarters Cyber / U.S. 10th Fleet holds Change of Command

ByKellyWirfel Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs Officer NAVALSTATIONNORFOLK DecadesafterWorldWarII,more than 72,000 American service memberstoinclude1,100Virginia natives remain unaccounted for However,thatisnolongerthecase for the family of a Marine from VirginiaBeach,Cpl JackS.Brown.

USS Indiana returns from deployment

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Ithasbeennearly80yearssince Brown deployed to fight in WWII and Brown’s family never gave up hope that he would eventually comehome. “We never had a doubt in our minds that he would eventually come home we just didn’t know when,” said Brown’s niece Irene Runyon. Brown was killed in action on July 8, 1944, at the age of 22. He wasamemberofCompanyG,2nd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, which was part of the invasion force of the island of Saipan in a larger effort to capture the Mariana Islands fromJapan. Following the end of the war, the American Graves Registration Service was tasked with investigating and recovering missing American personnel in the Pacific theater They searched for and disinterredremainsonSaipan,but at the time, none were identified as Brown’s and he was declared non-recoverable in 1950. Brown was posthumously awarded the BronzeStarandPurpleHeart Then, 71 years after being declarednon-recoverable,uniden tifiedremains,listedas“Unknown X-30 2nd Marine Division Ceme tery Saipan” and buried at the Manila American Cemetery, were disinterred in March 2021 and sent to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency laboratory in Hawaii for analysis During the testing scientists used dental and anthropological analysis, as well as circumstantial evidence Addi tionally,scientistsfromtheArmed Forces Medical Examiner System used mitochondrial DNA analy-

FORTGEORGE G.MEADE,Md.(Aug.4,2022)ViceAdm.Craig Clapperton, Commander U.S.Fleet CyberCommand/U,S.10th Fleet delivers his remarks during a change ofcommand ceremonyat the U.S.Fleet Cyber Command/U.S.10th Fleet Headquarters During the ceremony,Vice Adm.Craig Clapperton relievedViceAdm.Ross Myers as commanderof U.S.Fleet CyberCommand/U.S.10th Fleet (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSWILLIAMSYKES)

ByPettyOfficer1stClass WilliamSykes U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. 10th Fleet FORT GEORGE G. MEADE Md (NNS) Vice Adm. Craig A. Clapperton relieved Vice Adm. Ross Myers as Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command (FCC) / U.S. Navy Space Command (NAVSPACECOM) / Joint Force Headquarters Cyber / U.S. 10th Fleet (C10F), during a change of command ceremony at the C10F Headquarters Aug.4. Myers commended the 19,000 person enterprise for their innovative and sustained efforts in the dynamic warfare areas of cyber and space. He also previewed the futureofthecommand. “Today is about change,” said Myers “It’snotaboutthepast It’s not about the current. It’s about what’s going to happen. It’s the dawn of a new era. Fleet Cyber / 10thFleethascastoffalllines.The JointForceHeadquartersisready

TheVirginia-class fast attack submarine USS Indiana (SSN 789) returned to its homeport ofNaval Submarine Base NewLondon on Wednesday,Aug.10 2022 after a deployment ofmore than six months. PAGEA3

U.S. Army Gen. James H. Dickinson, commander, United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) and guest speaker for the ceremony, thanked Myers and his wife, Deidre Myers, for their continued contributions over the pastthreedecades “Thanks to you and Deidre for 36 years of service to this great nation service I could char acterize as heroic, patriotic and certainlyselfless,”saidDickinson. “What a remarkable career He’s donesomanythings intermsof leadership as well as warfighting around the world and in places that people wouldn’t necessarily want to be We are fortunate to have both of you as a command team, as part of Navy Space and U.S. Space command.”

Women in the Navy Recognizing the female admiral inspiring STEM students and the firstwoman to command NavalTestWingAtlantic. PageA7

222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 32 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comAugust 18-August 24 2022

WWII Hero’s remains return home 78 years after his death

While in port Souda Bay, Sailors will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of tours across the island of Crete, while enjoying local foods, art, history and outdoor activities Additionally, there will be two community relations (COMREL) events at Kalathas and Stalos beaches whereSailorswillassistinaclean-upeffort. “ForrestShermanSailorsandourNATO allies in SNMG2 are on the leading edge of the Chief of Naval Operations’ Navigation Plan2022, saidCmdr LawrenceHeyworth IV, commanding officer of Arleigh Burkeclassguided-missiledestroyerUSSForrest Sherman (DDG 98). “This task group is strengthening integrated deterrence and strengtheningstrategicpartnershipsevery day we sail together.” USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) is the flagship for Standing NATO Maritime GroupTwo(SNMG2),amultinationalinte grated task group that projects a constant and visible reminder of the Alliance’s solidarity and cohesion afloat and provides the Alliance with a continuous maritime capabilitytoperformawiderangeoftasks, including exercises and real-world operations in periods of crisis and conflict.

Parris Island, South Carolina for “recruit training inSeptember2003andgraduated thirteenweekslater.Ortizthenattendedthe 59-dayinfantrytrainingcourseattheSchool ofInfantry Eastandsubsequentlychecked into his first unit, 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment (⅜), at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune NorthCarolina. During the next two years Ortiz and the Marines of ⅜ would deploy to Iraq twice, resultingin25Marinecasualtiesandroughly 350wounded.Theseyoungmenwereapart of a generation of Americans in the 2000s that grew up in a time of war, experiencing multiplecombatdeployments,oftenmissing holidays and important events with friends andfamily. “Youhadtogrowupquickbackthen,”said Ortiz. “You had to figure out very quickly thatyoujustneededtobeanadult.” During his second deployment to Iraq, Ortiz found himself engaged in a deadly battle that would define the rest of his career. To him, no other deployment, duty assignment,ormission,wouldhaveasmuch importanceasthebattleofRamadiin2006 For eight months coalition forces fought al-Qaida militants who represented one of the last significant holdouts of Iraqi insurgent resistance It was one of the last major battlesduringOperationIraqiFreedomand one of the costliest in terms of human life Nearly100Americanslosttheirlivesduring thebattle “Ramadi is when things got turned up to volumelevel100,”saidOrtiz.“In2006 ifyou wanted to ‘get some,’ Ramadi is where you wantedtobe “It was the physical and visual representation on a daily basis of a three-dimen sional war. We had to step up our game and constantly be 10 steps ahead of the enemy. Any instance where you let your guard down,whetheritwasyoursecurityposture oryourviolenceofactionwhileyouwereout onanygivenmission,couldendupineither a Marine (wounded in action) or (killed in action) And we took a lot of those The sniperthreatinthatcityatthetimewasjust outrageous.” One of these snipers shot one of Ortiz’s Marines in the head as he was on a rooftop providing overwatch for Iraqi soldiers on patrol Lance Cpl. Richard Castletine had just shot an insurgent who was planting a roadside bomb when his head snapped forward as if he had been hit with a rock.

USS Forrest Sherman arrives in Souda Bay, Crete for port visit


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It further sets out NATO’s three core tasks ofdeterrenceanddefense;crisisprevention andmanagement;andcooperativesecurity

MEDITERRANEAN SEA(August 8,2022) QuartermasterSeamanAngel Mendoza stands watch as a bearing takerduring an inbound sea and anchortransit into Souda Bay,Greece aboardArleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyerUSS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98).USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) is the flagship forStanding NATO Maritime GroupTwo (SNMG2), a multinational integrated taskgroup that projects a constant andvisible reminderofthe Alliance’s solidarityand cohesion afloat and provides theAlliancewith a continuous maritime capabilityto perform awide range oftasks,including exercises and real-world operations in periods ofcrisis and conflict.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLIEUTENANTKATHLEENBARRIOS)


U.S.Marine Corps 1st Sgt.Jefferson Ortiz,companyfirst sergeant forAirOperations Company, MarineWing Support Squadron (MWSS) 271,poses fora photo at Marine CorpsAuxiliary Landing Field Bogue,North Carolina,July14 2022.On May13,2022 Ortiz a native ofMiami, Florida,performed life-saving actions on a manwho had been hit bya car.(U.S.MARINECORPS RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved

The tall, wiry Marine with full-sleeve tattoos on his arms made his way through the crowd of spectators and found a man lying face down in the grass One of the man’slegswasmangled,turnedinward,and showedsignsofseverehemorrhaging.


ByLt KathleenBarrios USS Forrest Sherman Public Affairs SOUDA BAY, Crete The Arleigh Burkeclass guided-missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) arrived in Souda Bay, Creteforascheduledportvisit August8,2022. Throughout the past week and a half Forrest Sherman conducted operations with Álvaro de Bazán-class frigate Almi ranteJuandeBorbón(F-102)oftheSpanish Navy,Barbaros-classfrigateTCGKemalreis (F-247) of the Turkish Navy, and Korten aer-class frigate HS Kountouriotis (F462) of the Hellenic Navy

The previous Strategic Concept was adopted at the NATO Lisbon Summit in 2010 Since the end of the Cold War, it has beenupdatedapproximatelyevery10years toaccountforchangestotheglobalsecurity environmentandtomakesuretheAlliance is prepared for the future. “Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2) is dedicated to put into prac tice the core tasks outlined in the Strategic Concept,” said Rear Adm. Scott Sciretta commander, SNMG2. “By operating as one team in the Mediterranean, we prioritize focusingoncontinuousimprovementasour adversariesrapidlyincreasecapabilitiesand demonstrateintenttothreatenournational interests. The Alliance is stronger together and we will continue to demonstrate how our combat-credible, forward deployed fleet is the most potent, flexible and versa tile instrument of military power. Just as we succeed when we operate together at sea, port visits also are key opportunities to continue to build those vital relationships withourAlliesandPartners.”


ByChiefWarrantOfficerBryan Nygaard 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing CHERRY POINT, N.C. On a cloudy, humid afternoon in May 2022, U.S. Marine Corps 1st Sgt. Jefferson Ortiz was driv ing with his wife on Highway 43, through the small town of Vanceboro back to their home in New Bern. Ortiz noticed that traf fic in front of him was coming to a halt. He lookedintoafieldwheremanypeoplegatheredaroundsomethingontheground. Ortiz’s combat instincts kicked in. He immediatelypulledover,toldhiswifetodial 911,andmovedtowardthecrowdofpeople. “Everything that I saw led me to believe thatsomeoneneededhelp,”saidOrtiz.“And that the people who were there did not understand, or were not comfortable with, providing that help. I figured that if I could makemywayoverthere,seewhatwasgoing on,andassessthesituationtoseeiftherewas anythingthatIcoulddotohelpsomebody .I wantedtodothat.”

PHOTOBYCHIEFWARRANTOFFICER2BRYANNYGAARD) Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.hamm@navy.mil ActingMilitaryEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA):

TogetherasmembersofStandingNATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2), the ships in the task group performed unique and tactical events such as live fire gunnery exercises, electronic warfare exercises, air defense exercises, and communica tion exercises While operating together provides for increased interoperability and improved communications during dynamicexercises,italsodirectlysupports the purpose and principles outlined in the 2022 NATO Strategic Concept. NATO Heads of State and Government approved a new Strategic Concept for the AllianceinMadridonJune29,2022,setting out the Alliance’s priorities, core tasks and approaches for the next decade The Stra tegic Concept describes the security environment facing the Alliance, reaffirms NATO’s values, and spells out NATO’s key

“Everyonewastellingmehe’sdead,”said Ortiz.Heaskedthebystandersifanyonehad checked for a pulse and they all responded with‘no. Ortizgotdownonhiskneesandcarefully turned the injured man on his back while ensuring he kept the man’s spine immobile to prevent any further injury He quickly noticed that the injured man had suffered an open-femur fracture. Ortiz grabbed the man’swristtocheckforapulse. Nothing. The man’s skin was cold to the touch. Ortiz then opened the man’s eyelids to look foranykindofreactioninhispupils. Again,nothing nosignsoflife Ortiz told a bystander to kneel down and holdtheinjuredman’sheadsteadytoimmo bilize the spine While this was happening, Ortiz put his fingers on the man’s neck and foundaveryweakpulse Therewashope He began going through the fundamen tal procedures every Marine is trained to perform when treating a casualty: stop the bleeding, start the breathing, protect the wound,andtreatforshock. Ortiz assessed the full damage of the leg wound so he could stop the bleeding Ortiz thought, “I need to put a tourniquet on this legassoonaspossible.”Hetookofftheman’s beltandsecureditaroundthelegabovethe open wound to stop the flow of blood. The belt wasn’t strong enough so another belt was needed. He told one of the bystanders to give him his belt and to hand him a stick. Ortiz used the donated belt and stick to create a makeshift tourniquet that stopped theprofusebleeding Ortiz also noticed the man had severely labored, shallow breathing and blood coming out of his mouth. He stuck a finger in the man’s mouth to remove any obstruc tions in the airway Ortiz found that the man’s entire set of front teeth had been knockedinfromtheimpactandweresettled inhisthroat Hefishedthemout,alongwith some other debris, and the man’s breathing improvedtowherehewasnowtakinggasps ofair “Wehaveachance,”thoughtOrtiz. He then asked a bystander to take off their shirt and used it to cover the wound on the injured man’s leg to prevent any dirt and debris from contaminating the wound. Minutes later, emergency medical services arrived on the scene Ortiz assisted them with inserting an IV into the injured man, movinghimtoagurney andloadinghiminto anambulance Fortunately theinjuredmansurvivedhis life-threatening injuries, thanks in part to theactionsofOrtiz. “For me, this is just business,” said Ortiz. “I was not concerned as to whether or not he was going to live. I just wanted to give him the opportunity. It was really cool to hear later on that the guy ended up making it through the first 24 hours and that even tually he lived. He was able to survive that. Thatwasrewarding. The business of saving lives is nothing new for Ortiz. The 38-year-old Marine has spent almost half of his life fighting in and preparing for war. The life-saving proce dures he performed on the injured man were the same ones he performed on many ofhisfellowMarinesintheheatofbattlein places such as Haiti, Iraq and Afghanistan. The battle-hardened Ortiz thrives in situationswherelifeisontheline. Ortiz was born in Colombia, immigrated to the United States when he was five years old, and grew up in Miami, Florida. He wantedtogotocollegeaftergraduatingfrom CoralParkHighSchoolin2003,howeverhe could not afford to pay tuition so he began working at a pet store. One day, a sharply dressed Marine Corps recruiter stopped in to buy pet food and chatted with Ortiz

WhatOrtizdidnotknowwasthataman, whomomentsbeforewascheckinghismail, had been hit by a car going more than 60 mphwhilehewaswalkinguphisdriveway launchinghimintoanearbyfield

Hesaystherecruitersoldhimonbecoming a Marine He liked the idea of taking on a challenge,andhefiguredtheMarineCorps would give him the greatest challenge and more rewarding challenge between the armedservices. “There was no debate for me as to what service I wanted to join and what job I wanted to do which was to be an infantry man,”recalledOrtiz.

Combat-hardened Marine saves the life of a man hit by a car

ByLt SethKoenig Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic Public Affairs

USS Indiana returns from deployment

GROTON,Conn.(August 10 2022) Sailors attached to the USS Indiana (SSN 789) are greeted byloved ones during a homecoming event at Naval Submarine Base NewLondon in Groton,Conn., Aug.10 Indiana returned to homeport from its 2nd full deployment since commissioning in support ofthe Navy’s maritime strategy supporting national securityinterests and maritime security operations in the 6th Fleet area ofoperations.TheVirginia-class fast attacksubmarine USS Indiana and crewoperate underSubmarine Squadron (SUBRON)TWELVE and its primarymission is to provide attacksubmarines that are ready,willing,and able to meet the unique challenges ofundersea combat and deployed operations in unforgiving environments across the globe.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFPETTYOFFICERJOSHUAKARSTEN)

The ceremonial first kiss upon return to homeportwasawardedtoPettyOfficer2nd Class Richard Trogdon and his wife and child LexieandTuckerTrogdon Theceremonial first hug was awarded to Francesca Osborne and her dad, Chief Petty Officer KirkOsborne “This is the moment we’ve been waiting six long months for,” said Rhonda Hatchett, the command ombudsman and wife of Petty Officer 2nd Class Cameron Hatchett.

GROTON,Conn. TheVirginia-classfast attack submarine USS Indiana (SSN 789) returned to its homeport of Naval SubmarineBaseNewLondononWednesday,Aug. 10, 2022, after a deployment of more than sixmonths “I could not be more proud of what this Hoosiercrewhasbecomeandaccomplished during this deployment,” said Cmdr Scott Bresnahan, the commanding officer of USS Indiana. “Always humble and hungry, each Sailorshowednoceilinginthefaceofmultiple dynamic challenges during a unique geopolitical environment. Most impor tantly, this crew became an even stronger family.Exceptionallysupportedbyourloved ones at home, the Battle Bass and her crew met and exceeded every expectation while deployed,leavinganindelibleimpressionon meandourHoosierfamily.”

“TheworkourSailorshavebeendoingoutat sea on behalf of our nation has been worthwhile and important. But now it’s time for their families to welcome them back home Wearealllookingforwardtospendingtime togetheragain.” During its deployment Indiana’s second full deployment since its 2018 commissioning SSN 789 steamed nearly 40,000 nautical miles The submarine was deployedtheU.S.EuropeanCommandarea of responsibility and made port calls to Faslane Scotland; Haakonsvern, Norway; and Rota, Spain. USS Indiana is the third U.S. Navy ship launched under the name of the Hoosier State after battleships that served in the Spanish-American War and World War II, respectively ThesubmarineIndianaismore than 377 feet long and can displace nearly 7,900tons SSN789operatesunderSubmarine Squadron (SUBRON) 12 in Groton, Connecticut “It’s an honor to welcome USS Indiana home today from their successful deploy ment.Cmdr.Bresnahanandhiscrewtrained longandhardtotakeIndianatoseaandprojectAmericanmilitarystrengthtotheworld,” saidCapt.ThomasP.O’Donnell,commander of SUBRON 12 “We ask a lot of these Sail ors on deployment, and we ask even more of their loved ones, who hold down jobs, manage households and raise children in theirabsence Todaywecanrejoiceasthose hard-working families have their beloved Sailorsbackintheirarmsonceagain. Fast-attack submarines are multi-missionplatformsenablingfiveofthesixNavy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control, power projection, forward pres ence, maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-sub marine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare. Fast-attack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or prepa ration of regional crises

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Marines on the watefront: Taking chances

TheSanAnto nio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD 24), attached to the KearsargeAmphibiousReadyGroup(ARG), arrived in Stockholm, Sweden for a sched uledportvisit,August5,2022. Arlington, with embarked elements of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), is operating in the Baltic Sea to strengthenrelationshipswithNATOallies and partners while conducting combined training and theater-security cooperation engagements. This marks Arlington’s first time operating in the Baltic Sea since departing on deployment earlier this year, as well as the first time the ARG-MEU has fully aggregated in the Baltic. “We look forward to re-aggregating as a three-ship ARG-MEU team while operat ing in the Baltics,” said Capt Eric Kellum, commanding officer of Arlington. “The Sailors and Marines are especially excited to visit Sweden as our first port visit in the Baltics, as we are committed to our NATO alliesandpartnersintheregion.” Arlington entered the Baltic Sea after monthsofoperationsthroughoutEuropean and African waters, including one bilateral exercise and three multinational exer cises aswellasfourscheduledportvisitsin Greece, Turkey Tunisia and Croatia These exercisesincludedAlexandertheGreatwith Greece,EFESwithTurkey,andAfricanLion on the northern coast of Africa. The ship completedamid-deploymentvoyagerepair inJulyinRijeka,Croatia “This is the first opportunity that the Marines on the Arlington have visited the Baltic,” said Lt Col. Christopher Myette executiveofficerofthe22ndMEUembarked aboard Arlington. “We look forward to enjoying the same hospitality our fellow Marines on the other ships enjoyed previouslyinthedeployment Swedenisacritical partner, and this is a great opportunity for the Marines to experience some of its rich culturebeforeweresume trainingwithour alliesandpartnersintheregion.”

NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY HAMP TONROADS,Va.—Tosomepeople,Cocoa, Florida is known for its high crime rates in the United States with approximately 1 in 89 Cocoa residents falling victim to violent crime according to 2021 Neighborhood Scout statistics This is where Cpl Keante Sheffield, an administrative specialist with Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, Marine ForcesCommand,MarineForcesNorthern Command, grew up for most of his child hood in the early 2000s Instead of playing at neighborhood parks or riding bikes with friends Sheffield spent his adolescence behind locked doors and under his moth er’sguard.Hishomeofferedagreatamount of security but hindered him from taking chancesandseekingnewopportunities “Iknewtherewasmoretolifethanliving inthesecurityofmyfamily,”Sheffieldstated, “I needed change.” Sheffield graduated in thespringof2019andgrewevermoreimpatient to leave his hometown; he needed a way out. The United States Marine Corps gave him the chance to escape the violent crimeofCocoaanddiscoverafuturecareer Sheffield left for recruit training at Marine CorpsRecruitDepot,ParrisIslandinthefall of2019 Upon arrival, Sheffield reached a new confinement: the COVID-19 pandemic. Sheffield spent the beginning of his enlistment with travel restrictions and social distancing;theseincludedincreasedspacing between sleeping racks increased seating spacewhileeating,andwearingmasks Sheffieldwasshockedbythesesuddenmandates, but adapted quickly. He was not only on a mission to serve his country in any circum stance,buttodiscoverhisfuturecareer Aftergraduationfromrecruittrainingand his military occupational specialty school, Sheffield was transferred to his first duty station,MarineForcesNorthernCommand (MARFORCOM), Norfolk, Va Due to COVID-19 regulations during that time, he was quarantined for 16 days in his barracks room and isolated from the outside, unable tointeractwithotherMarines Sheffield heard multiple times on how personnel used quarantine to recover and relax. “The quarantine was rough, and I didn’t know what day I was going to be released,” Sheffield sighed, “but, I used it to my advantage and spent the days research ingfuturecareerpaths.” This is when Sheffield came across the real estate business. He was drawn to this line of work because of building relation shipswithothers,somethinghedidn’thave theopportunitytododuringhisupbringing During quarantine he listened to podcasts andYouTubevideosontherealestatebusiness, and made a list of certifications he wouldneedtoobtainforthiscareerpath.

JOHNBELLINO) ByCpl.HannahAdams Fleet Marine Force Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, Marine Forces Northern Command

USS Arlington (LPD 24) arrives in Stockholm STOCKHOLM,SWEDEN (Aug 5,2022) ASwedish tugboat pulls in front ofthe SanAntonio-class amphibious transport dockship USSArlington (LPD 24) during a sea and anchortransit to Stockholm,Sweden,Aug.5,2022 The KearsargeAmphibious ReadyGroup and 22nd Marine ExpeditionaryUnit underthe command and control ofTaskForce 6½ is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS

Sheffield currently has two properties under his name and is working for a local real estate agency Sheffield continues to learn from his mentors both in the USMC and at his second real estate job Later this yearSheffieldwillberealestateagentcerti fied, following his certification exam. Shef field’s passion for real estate won’t stop anytime soon and he plans to get involved inindustrialrealestate Sheffield continues to learn from others and thanks the Marine Corps for showing him that opportunities lie past comfort zones “I don’t plan on re-enlisting but the Marine Corps has given me a lot,” Sheffield said.Hefeelsthathewillbeabletogivemore tohisfuturefamilyandcareerifhistimewas notdivertedbetweentheMarineCorpsand therealestatebusiness “I couldn’t have discovered my passion forrealestateifitwasn’tfortakingchances, using time wisely during the COVID-19 pandemic, and gaining confidence from the Marine Corps.” Sheffield added, “My advice to future Marines is to take chances anddon’twait.”

ByPettyOfficer1stClassJohnBellino USS Arlington (LPD 24) Public Affairs STOCKHOLM,Sweden

Sheffield attended a real estate seminar in downtown Norfolk, in February 2021. He knew this would be a great opportunity for this career path, but was nervous to start conversations with new people Sheffield reminded himself that during his time at MARFORCOM he gained similar confidence from working with high-grade officers and real estate agents work inter changeably “I’velearnedthateveryonehas wisdom to give,” he said, “Asking questions is necessary in the learning process, even if itmayseemlikeadumbquestion.

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 18 2022

U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.Keante Sheffield,an administrative specialistwith Fleet Marine Force,Atlantic,Marine Forces Command,Marine Forces Northern Command,prepares an award citation in Norfolk,Virginia,May10 2022.Administrative specialists manage clerical workactivities in support ofoperations and are required to learn administrative procedures personnel information,and preparation ofdirectives and the use offiling systems.(U.S.MARINE CORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL JACKCHEN)

While in Sweden, Arlington Sailors and Marines will explore the historically and culturally significant city of Stockholm, learning its culture through Stockholm Old Town Walk and Stockholm’s Must Sees tours The crew will also be able to partici pateinaStockholmCraftBeerandSwedish PopWonderstour The Kearsarge ARG and embarked 22nd MEUareunderthecommandandcontrolof Task Force 6½ In addition to Arlington, the ARGconsistsoftheWasp-classamphibious assaultshipUSSKearsarge(LHD3)andthe WhidbeyIsland-classdocklandingshipUSS GunstonHall(LSD44). As Arlington docks in Stockholm, Kearsarge is conducting a visit to Helsinki, Finland, and Gunston Hall calls on Tallinn, Estonia These port visits demonstrate the United States’ commitment to working with key NATO allied and partner nations topreservesecurityandstabilityintheBaltic Searegion EmbarkedcommandswiththeKearsarge ARG include Amphibious Squadron SIX, 22nd MEU, Fleet Surgical Team 2, Fleet Surgical Team 4, Tactical Air Control Squadron 22, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 22, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 28, Assault Craft Unit 2, Assault Craft Unit 4, Naval Beach Group 2, and Beach Master Unit 2. Amphibious ready groups and larger amphibious task forces provide military commandersawiderangeofflexiblecapa bilities including maritime security oper ations expeditionary power projection, strike operations, forward naval presence, crisis response, sea control, deterrence, counter-terrorism,informationoperations, security cooperation and counter-proliferation, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our Allies and Partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve securityandstability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.

“Weare extremely honored to be part of this special homecoming for Cpl. Jack Brown,”saidDavidHuffman,NorfolkAirport AuthorityChief of Police.“Knowing that we couldhelp hisfamilybring himbackto Norfolkinamannerfittingforaherowasvery special for all involved. It wasateam effort between Airport Police,Fire, Operations as well as our Federalpartner,the Transporta tion Security Administrationand coordina tionwiththeUnitedStatesMarines.” Brownwas laid to rest Saturday,August 13,atRosewood Memorial Park in Virginia Beach. WWII Hero from Page 1

(August10,2022) MembersofNorfolkPolice Department andvarious local lawenforcement agenciesarriveNorfolkInternationalAirportforthe dignified transferofthe remains ofWWII Marine,Cpl.JackS.Brown,Aug.10.BrownwaskilledinactionJuly8,1944 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MC2(SW)JOSEPHT.MILLER) (August10,2022) United States Marine Corp the casket remains ofWWII Marine Cpl.JackS.Brownduring adignified transferatNorfolkInternational Airport,Aug.10.BrownwaskilledinactionJuly8,1944 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC2(SW)JOSEPH T.MILLER)



271. Thesquadron is asubordinate unit of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing,the aviation combat element of II Marine ExpeditionaryForce.Theyprovideallessentialaviation ground support to fixed-wingsquadrons of thewing Despite his humility,and tohis surprise, his commanding officer awarded him with the Navy-Marine Corps Commen dation Medal for his actions.The medal is awardedtoMarinesandSailorswhodistinguish themselves by heroic or meritorious achievementorservice Ortiz believeshis actions were in keep ing with the expectations of all Marines, and he hopes his Marines carry the legacy thatwasgiventothemthosewhohavegone beforethem. “I want them on adaily basis to be the physical representation of what the Amer icanpublicexpectsoutoftheMarineCorps because our existence isaboutmorethan just winningbattles,” said Ortiz.“It’s about recognizing that our place in society is valuedbecauseofthesethingsthatMarines do.LettheAmericanpeopleknowthereisa reasonwehaveaMarineCorps.”

Brown’sremains returned homeonAug 10 during adignified transfer at Norfolk International Airport. During the trans fer,the United States Marine CorpHonor Guardtransferred Brown’scasket to a hearse.Followingthetransfer,VirginiaState Policedepartmentandvariouslawenforce mentagenciesprovidedmotorcycleescorts for the hearse.NorfolkAirportAuthority Police Department also provideda plane sideHonorGuardandNorfolkInternational Airport FireDepartment providedawater cannonsaluteastheaircraftarrived.

Lifesaving Marine from Page 2 said that if Ihad onlyone quarter left, one phonecalloronephone-a-friend,oneofthe peopleIwouldcertainlythinktocallisRoss Myers.Why is that?Because anytime there isanissue,Rossbringstenacitytoitandgets thingsdone,”Nakasoneadded. During his comments,Nakasone also praised the men and women of Fleet Cyber Commandfortheirexceptionalwork. “Tothe Fleet CyberCommand,JFHQ-C Navy,and Navy Space Command Sail ors,civilians, and contractors …thank you for what youdoevery single day. During a timeofpandemic,greatchallenge,andnew missions,every single time we have called uponyou,youhavestoodupandsucceeded. Forall of you, for all the work youhave accomplished —the commitment youand yourfamilieshavegivenandcontinuetogive —thankyouverymuch.” Clappertonendedtheceremonybypledg ingtobuildupon astrong legacy bestowed uponhimandtheincomingcommander. “Formethisisn’taboutchange,”saidClap perton. “For methisisaboutbuilding upon thefoundationandthebedrockthatAdmiral Myers has ledustooverthe lasttwo years Hehassetthisteamupsothatwecandrive thetypeofchange,makethekindofimpact and produce the outcomes that General NakasonehastalkedaboutandthatGeneral Dickinsondemandsandrequiresfromus thatournationrequires.I’mdeeplyhonored and humbled by the trustand confidence that CNO, General Nakasoneand General Dickinson have in metocontinue to serve the amazing Sailors,civiliansand contrac torsofFleet CyberCommand.Ittruly is an amazinghonor.” Clapperton is the seventh flag officer selected to command the Navy’s newest Fleet, which reports directly to the Chief of NavalOperations asanEchelon II command and is responsible for Navy information network operations,offen siveand defensive cyberspace operations, space operations and signalsintelligence Assuch,U.S.FleetCyberCommandserves as the Navy component command to U.S. Cyber Command, the Navy space compo nent to U.S. SpaceCommand, and the Navy’s Service Cryptologic Component Commander under the National Security Agency/Central Security Service FCCisresponsibleforNavyinformation network operations,offensiveand defen sivecyberspace operations,space operations,and signals intelligence.Comprised ofmorethan19,000Sailors,Reservistsand civilians stationed across the world, C10F istheoperationalarmofFCCandexecutes its mission through atask force structure similar to other warfarecommanders.In this role,C10F provides support of Navy andjointmissionsincyber/networks,cryptologic/signals intelligenceand space Fornews and informationfrom Commander,U.S.Fleet CyberCommand /U.S.10th Fleet, visit www.FCC.navy.mil/ or followusonTwitter @USFLEETCY BERCOM and on Facebook@USFLTCY BERCOM.

determined,heprovidedthetried-and-true combatlife-saving procedures to someone hedidnotevenknow.Itwasasituationsimilartooneshehadexperiencedinplaceslike Iraq and Afghanistan.But this time there were no al-Qaidamilitantsfiring AK-47s at him,andnolandminestomaneuveraround, notthatitwould’vematteredtohim.Hewas inhiselement. “(Combat)maximizeswhowearewithin ourframework,”saidOrtiz.“Sometimeswe don’trealizethisasMarines,butregardless ofrankor(militaryoccupationalspecialty), Marines arebredfor one thing and one thingonlyandthat’stogotocombat.When we don’thavethat, it’s likeyou don’t have an identity.”

The veteranofnearly20years of service has come along waysince working in a pet shop in Miami. Ortiz served in multi ple infantry units,endured fivecombat deployments,servedasacombatinstructor twiceandasamountain-warfareinstructor. He climbed the ranks fromprivate to first sergeant and currently serves as the first sergeantoftheAirfieldOperationsCompany ofMarineWingSupportSquadron(MWSS)

containing the

2022) Three officers from NorfolkAirportAuthorityHonor Guard render honorsasthe airplane carrying the remains ofWWII Marine Cpl.Jack S. Brown arrives Norfolk InternationalAirport,Aug. 10 Upon the planesarrival, Norfolk International Airport FireDepartment conducteda water cannon salute. Brownwas killedinaction July 8, 1944 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC2(SW) JOSEPHT.MILLER) www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, August18, 2022 5 ARE YOU READY? Beverleywon $53,011 DeeAnn won $8,931 Mark won $10,772 Jeffrey won $9,005 Mustbe21orolder.Problem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500 1996 POWER PLANT PKWY,HAMPTON, VA 23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM

The bullet struck the front of his Kevlar helmet, ricocheted inside the helmet, lodgingafragmentfourcentimeterslongintothe backofhisneck.Ortizdraggedhimdownthe stairsofthetwo-levelIraqihouse,bandaged thewoundandloadedhimontoastretcher Unfortunately,the streets surround ing the house were too narrow to allowan armored vehicle to transport Castletine to ahospital and armed insurgents were everywhere. Ortiz and his Marines were notgoingtoletthatstopthemfromgetting theirwounded comrade to safety.They decidedtheyweregoingtoshoottheirway out while carrying Castletine “Wewereveryaggressive,”saidOrtiz.“We refusedtoallowtheenemyortheterrainto dictatehowweweregoingtoconductoper ations.Thatwastheattitude.” TheMarines laiddowncoveringfire and carried Castletine morethan six blocks whileenduringmachinegunfireandvarious small-armsfirefromtheenemy.Duringthis grueling movement,anIraqi soldier,who washelpingthem,stepped on alandmine, whichblewhislegoff.Nowtheyhadtocarry twopeopletosafety.ThebraveIraqisoldier would eventually die from his wounds Castletine would survivehis woundsand rejoinOrtiz’ssquadafewweekslater “Whenyou haveanexperience like Ramadi,whichessentiallybecomeswhatwe expectafterpracticingtodoyourjob,train ing over andoveragain, that’s the pinnacle ofwhatwestrivetoaccomplish,”saidOrtiz. “Itopensupalltheseotherdoorsofstuffthat youdealwiththatyouneverevenwould’ve entertainedbeyondthegloryofcombat. “I alwaysgoback to Ramadi for many thingsthatyou see Marines going through, not justbecauseofthe combat experience WhatitdoestoyouasaMarine.Whatitdoes to youasaperson. What it doestoyou as aprofessional.That deployment exposed me to amultitude of things that allowsme to understand amultitude of things that go beyondrunningaroundwitha rifle just hookingandjabbing. Fast-forward16years and Ortiz found himselfprovidinglife-saving care to acivilianwhohadjustbeenhitbyacar.Calm,yet

Cyber Command from Page 1 sis.The remains were officially identified as Brown’sonMay 11, 2022, and his family wasnotified. “The work that these men did during WWIIandtheworkthatourcurrentservice membersaredoingisextremelyimportant,” saidBrown’sgrandnephew,EveretteBrown. “Itisonlyrightthatwecontinuetodoevery thingwecantobringthemhome.

Densell M. Washington ReligionsProgramSpecialist2ndClass JointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-FortStory,Chapel FromBuffalo,NewYork Why did you join the Navy? “I understood before joining that freedom is not free and whether I joined the military as a building block towards the careerofmychoiceormakingitacareer,Iwantedtocontributetoournation. Iappreciateourhistoryandwhatittakestoserve.” Whatdoyoulikeaboutyourjob?“IenjoywhatIdobecauseitisnotabout me I enjoy providing a service to all who come to the chapel whether they come for a joyous or a tragic occasion We provide selfless service to those in need,andwefillanimportantspiritualneedaswell.” Meet the Fleet Lacey Nunez Reveles Master-At-Arms3rdClass NavalSupportActivityHamptonRoads FromWilliamsport,Pennsylvania WhydidyoujointheNavy?“Toservemycountryandtofollowinmygrand father’sfootsteps,ashewasintheU.S.NavyandtheU.S.Army.Ialsowantedto beabletosaythatIdidsomethingbiggerthanmyself.” Whatdoyoulikeaboutyourjob?“It gives me great pride knowing that I get to protect our installation and the personnel that I interact with on a daily basis WorkinginSecurityaffordsmetheopportunitytomeetsomanydifferent types of people To be able to connect with them, and also work hard to safeguardourinstallationsanditsassetsisveryimportanttome.” Truman hearts VERTREP MEDITERRANEAN SEA(Aug 10,2022)ASailorposes fora photo as an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter,attached to the“Dragonslayers”ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 11,transfer supplies from the landing pad ofthe USNS Supply(T-AOE 6) during a resplenishment-at-sea,Aug. 10 2022 The HarryS.Truman CarrierStrike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partner interests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSHUNTERDAY) CNO administers Oath of Enlistment at Red Sox game BOSTON (Aug 9,2022) ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Mike Gildaymeetswith future U.S. NavySailors before administering the oath ofenlistment priorto a Red Soxgame at FenwayPark, Boston.The celebration ofmilitaryservice included a flyoverbyStrike FighterSquadron (VFA) 106 a U.S.NavyBandvocalist singing the national anthem,and USS Constitution’s colorguard parading the colors.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTAMANDAR. GRAY/RELEASED) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 18 2022 BEFORE AFTER OFFER EXPIRES 9/04/22 FREE INSTALLATION all shower &bath projects 18 MONTHS no payments &nointerest for GET FAST &EASY FINANCING BEFORE IT’S GONE! OVER 125,000 HOMEOWNERS HAVE CHOSEN US, BECAUSE THEY: •Wantedto Say Goodbye to Mold and Constant Cleaning •Needed a Safe &Low Step-in Shower •Wantedto Customize the Style to Match Their Bathroom •Needed the Job Done and Ready for Use in Less Than aDay •Needed Removal and Installation Completed by Trained Experts •Needed an Affordable Option to Meet Their Budget HURRY! THIS OFFER EXPIRES 9/04/22, SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! SPECIAL LABOR DAY FINANCING 757-280-2257 *Plan 1087. Subject to credit approval. 0.00% interest rate during 18 month promotional period followed by fixed interest rate of 17.99% for 84 months. Payment example: for $10,000 purchase on approval date (APR 11.89%), 18 payments of $0.00 followed by 84 amortized payments of $210.11. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, equal opportunity lender banks. NMLS #1416362. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 9/04/22. 2705176338 CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

Capt.Elizabeth Somerville shakes handswith Col.Richard Marigliano aftertaking command ofNavalTestWingAtlantic during a ceremonyat NavalAirStation Patuxent River,Aug.11. Somerville is the developmental testwing’s firstwoman commodore.During the ceremony, Marigliano retired from the U.S.Marine Corps after27years ofservice.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY PAULLAGASSE)

“Think about your dream career, what does it look like to you, and just think about those roles they might play along the way,” saidKuehner “So,whatdoesyourdreamjob look like for you in the future? Take some time and imagine that, figure out what are you passionate about, and make sure your dreams, your passions, and what you are workingonallalign.”

ByNAWCADPublicAffairs NAVAL AIR WARFARE CENTER AIRCRAFT DIVISION, PATUXENTRIVER Md Capt Elizabeth Somerville became the Navy’sfirstwomantocommandNavalTestWing Atlanticafterachangeofcommandceremonyat NavalAirStationPatuxentRiver,Aug.11.

Python The purpose of GEMS is to inspire and empower young girls to be innovative with their future in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). The camps, funded by the Army Education Outreach Program, covers various topics of education to which the students would not normallybeexposed Some of the programs include develop ing teamwork skills, learning how to better their communities with their knowledge, beingcreativeoutsidethebox,anddeveloping self-sufficiency, according to Stephanie Weiss-Lopez, GEMS project manager and coordinator. The goal of GEMS is to increase the number of female students interested in STEM careers especially in engineer ing and computer programming The objective, according to Weiss-Lopez, is to increase the number of females students fromunderrepresentedcommunitieschoos ingSTEM-relatedpathwaysinhighschool, STEM-related vocations, or STEM-related majorsupongraduationfromhighschool

Women in the Navy

RearAdm.Cynthia Kuehner commanderofNaval Medical Forces Support Command (NMFSC) and 26th directorofthe US NavyNurse Corps, speakswith students afterthe megaGEMS summersymposium ceremonyabout theirfuture and the great research theydid overthe summer, at Universityofthe IncarnateWord,Aug.6.Kuehnerspoke to the girls about hercareer,balancingworkand personal life,and provided tips to the girls about howto be successful.MegaGEMS is a program designed to empowerfemale high school juniors and seniorsworkon research projects to inspire them to be innovativewith theirfuture in the fields ofSTEM (science,technology,engineering and mathematics) (USNAVY

ThestudentstookinspirationfromKueh ner’s success in a STEM-related career withintheNavy “She (Kuehner) has a lot of successes behind her and as a woman in STEM and in such a high leadership position it is very inspiring for girls like us looking to go into the STEM field as women, said Tanya Lertpradist,asecond-yearstudentwiththe GEMS program. “The fact that she is inter estedinseeingwhatwehavedoneandhow we have grown throughout our summer researchisareallybigopportunity.” “Ithinkitimportant(tohearfromKueh ner) about how she worked her way up and wasn’t given her high position, it is a very important lesson how you can start at a basic level and can still achieve a lot in a field like STEM,” said Anneliese Coleman, another 2nd-year student in the GEMS program. “It was really inspiring for all of us here. It shows that even though we have our passions now, we can make something outofthat.” Kuehner also expressed that work life balance is just as important as finding passioninyourcareer “For me to have a whole balanced life, I have to play. I have to do things that enable me to enjoy my life around the work,” said Kuehner “I have a lot of hobbies because they keep me balanced and whole Think about making sure you make time (for hobbies)andcontinuetodothatfortherest ofyourlife.

SANANTONIO Texas (Aug 6,2022) RearAdm.Cynthia Kuehner commanderofNaval Medical Forces Support Command (NMFSC) and 26th directorofthe US NavyNurse Corps, speakswith students at the megaGEMS summersymposium ceremonyabout theirsummer research program,at Universityofthe IncarnateWord Aug.6.Kuehnerspoke to the girls about hercareer balancingworkand personal life,and provided tips to the girls about howto be successful.MegaGEMS is a program designed to empowerfemale high school juniors and seniorsworkon research projects to inspire them to be innovativewith theirfuture in the fields ofSTEM (science,technology,engineering and mathematics) (USNAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSDAVIDKOLMEL)

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 18 2022 7

First woman takes command of Naval Test Wing Atlantic

Kuehner spoke to the young girls about how impressed she was with their summer projects and to think about incorporating theirpassionsintotheirfutures Sheencouragedthemtousetheirinternalmotivationto thinkaboutplacestheywouldliketoinspire andleadothersassheviewedtheirsummer projects

Someoftheprojectsthestudentsworked on involved simultaneous local ionization and mapping (SLAM) on the “Quanser QCar,” using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and odometry use of image filter ing to improve the training of autonomous vehicles, utilization and significance of LiDARforinspectionsforutilitycompanies, theutilizationoftechnologywithinforensic pathology,andimplementingPythoncoding in Tello micro-drones for object detection, colordetection,andswarming

Admiral inspires young girls in STEM Summer Program

DivisionistheNavy’slargestwarfarecenter employing more than 17,000 military, civil ian and contract personnel It operates test ranges, laboratories and aircraft in support of test, evaluation, research, development andsustainmentofeverythingflownbythe Navy and Marine Corps Based in Patux ent River, Maryland,the command also has major sites in St Inigoes, Maryland, Lakehurst,NewJersey,andOrlando,Florida.

Somerville relieved Commodore Col. RichardMarigliano whooversawthedevelopmental air wing the Navy’s largest thatconductstestingforeveryaircraftinthe NavyandMarineCorps “Overthepastfewyears,thisWingdeliv ered our Navy and Marine Corps capabilitiesincludingNextGenerationJammer,the CH-53K heavy lift helicopter, and the Joint Air-to-Groundmunitiontonameafew,”said NAWCAD Commander Rear Adm. John Lemmon who presided over the ceremony. “Its leadership and our people make this teamworldclass.” Somervilletakescommandalongsidethe wing’s first woman civilian director, Deb Salamon. “Thistestwingischargedwithanimport ant mission: deliver lethality to our Sailors and Marines,” said Somerville. “It’s a huge challenge but this team is up for it flight testistheultimateteamsport.” Somerville is an EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G Growler naval flight officer with more than two decades of experience in operational and developmental avia tion. The Massachusetts native deployed to support Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in the Global War on Terrorism, and flew with Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 141 where she led the Growler’s maiden deployment aboard USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77). She also served as commanding officer for two developmental test squadrons dedicated to

ByPettyOfficer1stClassDavidKolmel Naval Medical Forces Support Command SAN ANTONIO, Texas Rear Adm. Cynthia Kuehner, commander of Naval Medical Forces Support Command and the 26th director of the Navy Nurse Corps high-school aged girls at the megaGEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science) end-of-summer research symposium at UniversityoftheIncarnateWord,Aug.6.


“Itisimportantforthegirlstoseeaccom plished high-ranking women achieving success in fields that are not traditionally seen as areas where women would thrive, fromanearlyage,asthiscanbolsterinterest andconfidencewhenpursuingthoseprofessions,” said Weiss-Lopez. “Rear Admiral Kuehner is the model leader in this regard, assheexcelsinseveraldifferentdisciplines; especially considering the high number of girlsintheprogramthatwishtopursuemili tarycareerspost-graduation.”

weapons and tactical aircraft: Air Test and Evaluation Squadrons (VX) 31 and 23, and held various acquisition roles at Naval Air Systems Command. She is a U.S. Naval Test PilotSchoolgraduateandearnedbachelor’s and master’s degrees in aeronautical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Air Force Institute ofTechnology. “This tour was the most challenging and rewarding over my 27 years as a Marine, said Marigliano “This test wing has big jobsaheadofusadvancingnavalaviation [Capt Somerville]istherightleadertomove itforward.” During the ceremony, Marigliano retired from the U.S. Marine Corps after nearly 30 yearsofservice TheCH-53Stallionpilotled the air wing through its largest reorganization in more than 30 years, and through the COVID-19pandemic TheNewYorknative previously served as the military assistant for the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisitions, and various other acquisition roles at Naval Air Systems Command. He also served as commanding officer of NTWL’s rotary test squadron, HX-21. He worked in multiple positions on the CH-53 developmental test team, including the government flight test director of the new CH-53K program. He is a U.S. Naval Test Pilot School graduate, earned a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics and applied mathematics from Dowling College, and a master’s degree in aircraft systemsfromtheUniversityofTennessee NavalTestWingAtlantic,acomponentof Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), supports the test and evaluationoftheNavy’sprincipalaviationsystems, rangingfromunmannedtorotary-andfixedwingaircraft The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft

Weiss-Lopez explained the importance of the young girls hearing from Kuehner as awomanthathassuccessfullymaneuvered andexcelledinherchosencareer

ThemegaGEMSprogramconsistsoftwo four-week camps in which 16 girls from Allen,Bexar,andMedinaCounties,focused on exposing them to challenges that incor porate subjects in chemistry mechanical engineering,andtheprogramminglanguage


ByPublicAffairsOffice Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NEWPORT R.I. A U.S. Navy team led by NUWC Division Newport staff demonstrated an end-to-end intelligence prepa ration of the operational environment (IPOE) mission with the Snakehead large displacementunmannedunderseavehicle (LDUUV) prototype at the Narragansett Bay Test Facility on July 21. The Snakehead LDUUV conducted a long distance ingress performed a sonar survey box, and then egressed back to the test facility, demonstrating a new mile stone in total sortie endurance The sortie, conducted with the Draper Laborato ry-developedMaritimeOpenArchitecture Autonomy, successfully collected sonar data utilizing technology from the PennsylvaniaStateUniversityAppliedResearch Laboratory Snakehead, a modular reconfigurable multi-mission LDUUV deployable from submarines and surface ships, provides guidance and control, navigation, situa tionalawareness,propulsion,maneuvering, andsensorsinsupportoftheIPOEmission. Snakeheadisinnovativeintheareasofhull materials,lithium-ionbatterycertification, advancedsensors andlaunchandrecovery from both submarines and surface vessels



NAVFAC holds change of command Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) held a change of command and retirement ceremonyat theWashington NavyYardAug.12 PageB3

“TheRobosubeventistrulyamazing,”said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby. “It gives future scientists and engi neers a taste of some of the challenges we face as a naval force, and they innovate and solvetoughproblemsatspeed exactlythe kind of approach I encourage in the Naval ResearchEnterprise.It’sagreatcredittothe team and all the students that work so diligentlytomakethisasuccess.”

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 18 2022 1

The IPOE mission is a critical step toward understanding an area of interest and feeds into planning a relevant course of action to support the warfighter To date, Snakehead has conducted 155 in-water sorties and more than 78 hours of runtime utilizing a government-owned andcontrolledmodularopensystemarchitecture to include vehicle controller soft ware; autonomy software; and command, control, and communications software TopsideC3 for mission planning, opera tions and analysis Sincelastyear,theteamconductedupto 190hoursofsimulationsusingfull-upvehi

The Snakehead large displacement unmanned underseavehicle prototype operates in Narragansett Bayin Rhode Island onJune 30 2022 Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision staffrecentlydemonstrated an end-to-end intelligence preparation ofthe operational environment mission,demonstrating a newmilestone in total sortie endurance.(PHOTOBY PUBLICAFFAIRSOFFICENAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTERDIVISIONNEWPORT)

Deployable from the drydeckshelterofa submarine,Snakehead provides guidance and control,navigation,situational awareness,propulsion,maneuvering and sensors in support of the intelligence preparation ofthe operational environment mission.The large displacement unmanned underseavehicle has undergone tests recentlyat the Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport’s Narragansett BayTest Facilityin Rhode Island.(PHOTOBYRICHARD ALLEN,NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTERDIVISIONNEWPORT)

The week-long competition was spon soredbytheOfficeofNavalResearch(ONR) Blue Origin, MathWorks Blue Robotics LGH, Blue Trail Engineering, Siemens, SolidWorks,BulginandTeledyneMarine “Robosub provides a way for students to learn and demonstrate engineering principals in the undersea environment,” said Dr DanielDeitz,aprogramofficerinONR’s Ocean Battlespace Sensing Department andaRoboSubjudge “Thisaugmentstheir traditional school curriculum and provides experience with undersea systems These students are potential new workforce membersintheNavalResearchEnterprise Whether industry, universities, military or government civilians, these students have increasedknowledgethattheycanapplyin theirfuturecareers.”

A total of 39 teams from 11 countries, comprising 790 students and 63 advisors, participatedinRoboSubthisyear;29teams, with289studentsandadvisors,attendedthe in-person competition. There were multiplecategorieswithvariouswinnersineach category butthewinnerofthepenultimate competition the Autonomy Challenge was the National University of Singapore. Amador Valley High School, (Pleasanton, California) earned an impressive second place finish, and in third was Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.)

25th Annual RoboSub Competition Showcases an Autonomous Future

AnAutonomous UnderwaterVehicle (AUV) is lowered into a swimming poolJuly31,2022 forthe 2022 RoboSub competition in College Park,Maryland.RoboSub is an international robotics competition,where student teams design,build,test and operate theirown robotic submarines—AUVs—in challenging underwaterenvironments.


During the competition, students were challenged with designing, building and then testing an autonomous submarine Once the vehicle is released, there is no humanintervention.Thestudentswatched poolside,hopingtheyhaddesignedarobust vehicleandprogrammedandtunedthesoft waretosuccessfullynavigatethecourse. “Testing is a critical part of the design process,”saidDeitz.“Itdetermineswhether the system meets the goals of the design and operates as required for the customer. Autonomouscapabilitieswillplayamassive role in future battlespaces It is important we introduce these capabilities to the next generation,sotheycanprovidethedecisive edgeintheconflictstocome.”

In 1997 ONR Program Officers Tom Curtin and Tom Swean, of ONR’s Ocean Battlespace Sensing Department, helped originate the AUV Competition, better knownasRoboSub Over the past two-and-a-half decades, RoboSub has grown into what it is today: a Naval STEM multiday super-event with dozensofcompetingteamsfromacrossthe U.S. and around the world; an introduction toreal-worldautonomoussystems;anexclusive networking event; and an on-the-job mentoring opportunity for students and engineersalike. AUVs play a critical role in maintaining maritimesuperiorityfortheU.S.Navytoday andwillcontinuetoprovidethatsuperiority in the future with the aid of brilliant minds likethoseondisplayatRoboSub. Bobby Cummings is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications

Thispastweek,the25thAnnualRoboSub competition occurred at the University of MarylandinCollegePark,Maryland.Robo Subisaninternationalroboticscompetition where student teams design, build, test and operate their own robotic submarines autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) inchallengingunderwaterenvironments.

ByBobbyCummings Office of Naval Research

NUWC Division Newport tests Snakehead large displacement unmanned undersea vehicle for autonomous missions

The accomplishment of this mission in the system’s intended operational environment was a big step for the program to gain confidence in the vehicle software and hardware systems, as the team pushes toward extended endurance operations and layering additional system capability, saidChrisDelMastro,headoftheUndersea WarfarePlatformsandPayloadIntegration Department.

Thesesimulated missions ensure the software operates as intended and that mission parameters are set correctly and confirmed by the vehicle. “The success of Snakehead testing is a direct result of the time and energy spent designingthevehicle.In-labhardwareand software simulations are major contributors to the success in water,” said Allison Philips,DivisionNewport’stestandevalu ation lead for Snakehead. “The testing to date has demonstrated a baseline capability,” said Cheryl Mierzwa Division Newport’s technical program manager for Snakehead. “Future testing will provide additional capability, auton omy,andendurancetodiscoverthesystem utility.”

BaylorUniversitystudents Luke Mello (from row,from left),Arvind Chithambaram and Eric Zietz had the unique opportunitytoworkalongside Naval UnderseaWarfare CenterDivision Newport technical experts Dr Eugene Chabot (backrow,from left) and Dr John DiCecco as participants in this summer’s Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program.The students continuedworkon a Naval Engineering Education Consortium project to improve the autonomous capabilities of robots (PHOTOBYDAVIDSTOEHR,NAVALUNDERSEAWARFARECENTERDIVISIONNEWPORT)

Designer Thought: ONR ‘SCOUTs’ for Creative Warfighting Solutions at Naval Academy Event

NUWC Division

NEEC, established by NAVSEA and executed by the warfare centers, aims to develop and attract new professionals into the broad technical fields associated with current and future U.S. Navy ships and submarines Through grant awards, the program brings professors and students together with scientists and engineers at all 10 warfare center divisions to explore solutionstotheNavy’smostpressingtechnological challenges This summer, three Baylor University students ArvindChithambaram,EricZietz andLukeMello hadtheuniqueopportunity to continue their NEEC project by work ing alongside technical experts at Divi sion Newport as participants in the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) Thestudentsworkedon-sitefromMay31 to Aug. 5 with DiCecco and fellow project mentorDr EugeneChabot.Baylorprofessor Dr Scott Koziol provided additional guidance as well. “Thishasbeenagreatopportunity,”Zietz said. “In addition to working at NUWC, Dr Chabot has taken us to Brown University for robotics discussion where we had the chance to hear about where neuromorphic robotics is today. I’ve learned things during this internship that I can’t learn anywhere else.” Using circuit and algorithm co-develop ment,computersimulationandcircuithardware experiments the group assessed the performance of a proposed method utiliz ing a bio-inspired, neuromorphic engineer ing-version of stochastic computing The proposedmethod’scomputationcapabilities were compared to standard digital imple mentationmethods,suchasimageprocessing and neural networks “The interns were exposed to lead ing-edgetoolsandenvironments suchasthe Spot robot and Robotic Operating System (ROS),toenablequickexperimentationand leverage tools in academia and industry,” Chabot said. “This work provided a solid foundation for understanding Navy chal lengesbyimmersingthemincomplexauton omyconceptsandoperatinginunstructured and dynamic environments.”

ByWarrenDuffieJr Office Of Naval Research ARLINGTON,Va Awebofconnecting sensorsandbuoysforconductingISR(intel ligence,surveillance,reconnaissance)inthe maritimeenvironment.SpecializedGPSthat can monitor fishing routes and pinpoint suspicious activity that might reveal the presence of drug smugglers Thesewerejusttwooftheideaspresented by recent U.S. Naval Academy graduates during a “design thinking event aimed at addressingamajorchallengefacingtheJoint Interagency Task Force-South (JIATF-S) limited resources to cover a huge area of operations to counter narcotics smuggling into the U.S. The Academy event which lasted from Aug. 2-5 and culminated in presentations to Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby and other stakeholders was a partnership between the Office of Naval Research (ONR)-sponsored SCOUT initia tive,JIATF-Sandmultiplewarfarecenters “My job is to train people to think differ entlyandchallengethecurrentsystem,”said Selby, “and this generation is the one that will change things We’re trying to change theconversationandtalkopenlyaboutchal lenges obstacles and opportunities to learn and improve.” The event was spearheaded by SCOUT, an ongoing, multiagency experimentation campaign that rapidly brings solutions to warfighter challenges SCOUT is commit ted to getting nontraditional, commercialoff-the-shelf, government-developed and/ or government-sponsored technologies to the fleet rapidly. Currently SCOUT is helping JIATF-S whichworkswithU.S.SouthernCommand and partner naval forces to leverage all-domain technologies and unmanned capabilitiestotarget,detectandmonitorillicitdrug traffickingintheairandmaritimedomains This facilitates interdiction and apprehension to reduce the flow of drugs, as well as degradeanddismantletransnationalcrimi nal organizations. “We wanted to get fresh minds and perspectives to study the warfighting prob lemsfacedbyJIATF-S,”saidDanCabel,who heads up SCOUT “What better minds than thoseattheNavalAcademy,whowillsurely bring creative thinking and viewpoints to real-world challenges?” During the Academy event, the gradu ates divided into two teams and listened to JIATF-S operators and subject matter experts describe challenges and needs unique to their mission. From there, they groupedtheseissuesintothemesthatwould serveasthebasisforgeneratingideas After ward, they held a Shark Tank-style round robin to pitch ideas and select the best four for final presentation In addition to the ideas about connect ing sensors and buoys and specialized GPS, other concepts included using artificial intelligenceandmachinelearningtopredict wheredrugrunnersmightoperate aswell as improve data gathering for asset allocation and case management. “An event like this is fantastic for expos ing these Academy graduates, who are now newly minted Navy and Marine Corps offi cers, to operational issues and challenges theywillfacewhenleadingourwarfighters,” said Lt Cmdr Allison Mabrey, lead facilitator of the event. “We can’t wait to see them bringtheirinnovativeideasandskillstouse in the fleet.” Next steps involve SCOUT and JIATF-S reviewingthefourpresentationsanddeter miningwhichaspectscouldbeincorporated into experimentation exercises The Acad emygraduateswillbepartofthisimplementation process “This has been a fantastic experience,” said Ens Skyler Schork, one of the present ers “It’snotoftenthatsomeonefreshoutof theAcademygetstobriefatwo-staradmiral It’s inspiring to know that naval leadership is interested in the ideas and viewpoints of an ensign.” The Academy event was part of the largerSCOUTExperimentationCampaign, which will leverage the Naval Research and Development Establishment commu nities, capabilities and enterprise tools to solvewarfighter-drivenproblems Thegoal of SCOUT is a series of innovation sprint events, exercises and experimentations to encourage learning and innovation, in order to rapidly develop technologies and techniques to improve warfighting capability—and assist in quicker leadership decision-making These events will ultimately culminate in a large-scale demonstration early next year Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications

The genesis of this project dates back to 2014, when DiCecco and Chabot began investigating neuromorphic computing as partofanIn-houseLaboratoryIndependent Research (ILIR) at Division Newport. Two years later, the scope of the ILIR expanded beyond the walls of Division Newport. “For the most part, this all came about through the process of establishing a work ing relationship with Baylor during the evolution of that initial ILIR,” DiCecco said. “It morphed from there into a NEEC program. It’s to the point that Scott has had three students graduate while working on the project, two more grad students work ing on it now and he’s recruiting more for the pipeline.” Newport, Baylor University students aim to advance autonomous capabilities of robots

ChiefofNaval Research RearAdm.Lorin Selbyspeaks to recent graduates ofthe U.S.Naval Academyaftertheygave theircounternarcotics presentations to leaders ofthe SCOUTinitiative. During this“design thinking”event,the graduates shared theirideas foraddressing a major challenge facing theJoint InteragencyTaskForce-South limited resources to covera huge area ofoperations to counternarcotics smuggling into the U.S.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMICHAELWALLS)

Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/ Q: Myshipismakingachange ofhomeport. Whatismycontroldate? A: The control date will be the earlierofeither: The date the dependents move to the new homeport and apply forhousing after official announcement ofthe homeport change,or The effective date of homeport change Ifyou are assigned to the new homeport afterthe official announcement ofthe homeport change,but priorto the actual change,yourcontrol date will be based on the date of detachment from the last permanent duty station. NAVY HOUSING Norfolk (757) 445-2832 JEBLCFS (757) 462-2792 Oceana/DamNeck (757)433-3268 Yorktown (757) 847-7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling(Individual,Couples,a nd Child Counseling) Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family Employment Assistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAnger Management Command Support Crisis Support SuicidePrevention SAPR Support ByPublicAffairsOffice Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NEWPORT, R.I. Naval Undersea WarfareCenter(NUWC)DivisionNewportis partneringwithBaylorUniversityonaNaval EngineeringEducationConsortium(NEEC) project to improve the autonomous capabilitiesofrobots

Thegoaloftheprojectistodevelopbetter onboard computation systems for small autonomous robots performing missions suchassurveying,minedetectionandmine countermeasures(MCM).Thisisimportant becauseonboardcomputationislimiteddue to size and power constraints, and comput ing is a critical capability for autonomous systems performing these missions Ifsuccessful,potentialapplicationscould includeintegrationintosystemstoimprove navigation, acoustic localization or under water sound tracking in challenging envi ronments “Withinthefirstweekheretheythrewus rightintoitandit’sbeenalotoffun,”Chithambaram said. “In the middle of the intern ship, we hit a mini wall on the project, but then suddenly we had a breakthrough and we’ve had a lot of success recently.”

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 18 2022

The objective of this project, titled, “Improved Robot Autonomy using Neuromorphic-BasedStochasticComputing,”isto use novel computing techniques to provide improvedautonomousrobotcapabilitiesby fundamentally changing the way onboard computation is performed. A critical step to this is understanding how to exploit the sensed environment in novel and efficient ways “One of the NEEC students is focused on building an artificial cochlea and develop ing circuitry to process sound the way the brain and cochlea work together to process sound,” Dr John DiCecco, a mentor on the project and Division Newport engineer, said. “One of the key problems is how do you get this device to encode the informa tion? The human cochlea senses encodes and performs some very important preprocessingoftheauditoryinformation,sowe’re tryingtofigureouthowtodothesameutilizing neuromorphic computing.”

ByChristopherDunne Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command HQ WASHINGTON NavalFacilitiesEngineeringSystemsCommand(NAVFAC)held achangeofcommandandretirementcere monyattheWashingtonNavyYardAug.12

change ofcommand ceremonywhere RearAdmiral DeanVanderley, right relieved RearAdmiralJohn Korka,left as commanderofNAVFAC and ChiefofCivil Engineers.Vanderleyis the U.S.Navy’s 46th NAVFAC commanderand ChiefofCivil Engineer (U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSADAMBROCK) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 18 2022 3 REAL. LOCAL. SAVINGS. See how much you couldsave with your local GEICOagent. Call or visit us online today! MikePagan 757-549-1772 109VolvoParkway Chesapeake geico.com/chesapeake iHablamos Español! Limitations apply. See geico.com for more details. GEICO &affiliates. Washington, DC 20076 ©2020 GEICO. 20_549338271 Advertise – –it’sthat easy! Layout Review &Submit Schedule ✔ ✔ ✔ Visit: placeanad.tribpub.com Self-Service Print and Online Display and Classified Ads See Your Options: Selling an item Hiring an employee Celebrating aloved one Announcing an event ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

VanderLeyreceivedhiscommissionfrom the U.S. Navy’s Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1991, after receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Calvin College AftercompletingtheNavynuclear powertrainingpipeline,VanderLeyserved on USS Michigan (SSBN 727) in various division officer positions from 1993-1996 Hethenservedastheleadinstructorforthe Trident Prospective Commanding Officer courseatTridentTrainingFacility,Bangor VanderLey was selected for transfer to the Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) in 1998 His initial CEC tours included assistant resident officer in charge of construction at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard; assistant public works officer, Naval Air Station Keflavik, Iceland; and operations officer for Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 7. His facilities and staff tours include plan ning officer, Navy Installations Command; executiveassistanttothePrincipalDeputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment); public works officer Naval Station Norfolk; Civil Engineer Corps head detailer; deputy commanderforoperations NAVFACAtlantic;andvicecommander,NAVFACAtlantic. His command tours include NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4, NAVFAC Atlantic, fleet civil engineer, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and most recently, NAVFAC Pacific and fleet civil engineer, U.S. Pacific Fleet. VanderLeyalsoholdsaMasterofScience degree in Civil and Environmental Engi neering from Stanford University. For more news from Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, visit https://www.navfac.navy.mil/Media/.

NAVFAC holds change of command


Rear Adm. Dean VanderLey relieved Rear Adm. John W. Korka and became the 46th commander of NAVFAC and chief of Civil Engineers The ceremony was offi ciated by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday In his remarks, Gilday called Korka “a leader of competence and character.” “Charged with managing the Shipyard InfrastructureOptimizationProgram,John acceptedthechallengeandhasexpertlyset our public shipyards on a course to ensure that our Navy and our shipbuilding base continues to answer our nation’s demands in this decade and long into the future,” Gilday said. Korka, who assumed duties as commander of NAVFAC and chief of Civil Engineers on Oct. 19, 2018, reflected on his time with NAVFAC “For the past three years, it has been a distinct honor and an absolute privilege to serve as the commander of NAVFAC and as the Navy’s 45th chief of civil engineers,” Korka said.” “I was honored to support meaningful missions of significance during a complex period of time fraught with unpredictability.” In his remarks, VanderLey thanked family and friends for their sacrifices, support, and mentoring throughout his career VanderLey also thanked industry part ners “Onourhorizonwehavesomesignif icantchallengesfrontandcenter,todeliver a lot of really large, complex construction projects,” he said. “We’re not going to be successfulwithoutstrongpartnershipsand collaboration with industry.”

Admiral Michael Gilday,ChiefofNaval at the Naval Command (NAVFAC)

Facilities Engineering Systems

Davis,assignedtoNRSDurham “AfterIreceivedacallfromOS1Davisand discussed the benefits that the Navy offers, itwasthenthatIgotinterested,”Angelsaid. “I did the research and asked OS1 Davis a lot of questions regarding the Navy Once I knew I wanted to do it, I then informed my brotherBrian.” Brian said that this was a decision they made on their own and without the influenceoftheirfamily “We wanted to join to be a part of some thing bigger than ourselves and once it was presented to us we knew this was the opportunity for us,” Brian said. “We didn’t getanyoutsideinputonthedecisionthatwe made We wanted to have the opportunity to gain discipline, go to college and travel theworld.” They said they’re very excited about the journey they are about to embark upon. Havingeachothertoexperiencethisadven tureiswhattheysaidmakesiteasier. Davisstatedthatheishappytobeapartof theirjourneyandtheywereverymotivated tojointheNavy “This is my first time being a part of the recruiting process for twins and they were veryeasytoworkwith,”Davissaid.“Itwasa quickprocess andtheymadeatimelydecision. I didn’t even know there was two of them until Angel brought his brother Brian inwhenitwastimefortheinterview.” Angel and Brian will be attending boot camptogetheraftertheyfinishhighschool.

ByPettyOfficer1stClassErikaKugler Navy Region Europe Africa, Central NAPLES, Italy When Sailors join the U.S. Navy, their career can take them all over the world. They are paid to deploy across every maritime environment and frequentlymove,andrespondimmediately to an unpredictable operational environ ment Within the first few weeks of train ing they give an oath, and the first direct deposit is made into their bank accounts What Sailors do with that money is completely up to them, but their decisions can have long-lasting effects That’s where professionals like Curtis Gilland come in, he’s the Regional Work and Family Life Coordinator at Commander Navy Region Europe Africa, Central(EURAFCENT).Hisjobistomake sure that all of the policies and procedures are implemented at the Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) throughout the EURAFCENTareaofresponsibility

Sailorsdeployformonths,oftenunderway intax-freeenvironments,returningtoport with money to spend. This inconsistency in bank accounts can lead to undisciplined and unsustainable spending habits “A lot of Sailors join right out of high school and college, they were never taught howtobudget,”saidGilland.“Theyaretold they need credit, and it’s being offered to them They are going to get paid every 1st and 15th, so what’s the harm?” According to reports, the average American has about $90,000 in consumer debt. Sailorsarenoexception,evenwithasteady paycheck It is imperative that Sailors, alongwiththeirfamilies,takesometimeto reviewthehealthoftheirpersonalfinances and prepare for the future. Financial Awareness day, August 14, offers a reminder for families to stop and take stock of their financial health. “The [Fleet and Family] Service centers aresoimportant Theyhavepersonalfinan cialmanagers(PFMs)andcommandfinan cial counselors (CFSs) to help instill and providefinancialskillsforourSailors,”said Gilland. He added it is a common misconception that poor financial planning only affects our junior or youngest Sailors Without a plan,anyonecanfallvictimtohaving“more month left at the end of their money.” Another misconception has to do with the word “budget. “They think it’s a restriction, that they can’t spend their money how they want,” said Gilland. “No, you can spend your money, but let’s look at where it’s going.”

Brian and Angel are seniors at Chapel HillHighSchoolandwhenaskedwhythey chosetheNavy,theysaid,“Itisawayforusto getacollegeeducationandtodosomething newandpositivewithourlives.”

InmanycasesSailorsentertheNavywith debttheyaccruedwhileinschoolorduring otherlifecircumstances Forthosewhofeel like they will never get out from under it Gilland said the first step is recognizing there is a need for a PFM and ask for help “Debt can affect your personal life and career,” said Gilland. “And usually no one isnotifieduntilitistoolate Butwithaplan and discipline it is possible.” A Sailor’s financial counselling is confidential, PFMs and CFSs only report debt to income ratios as required, but the commanding officer can request to read Sailorsfinancialcounsellingiftheyarenoti fied of delinquency in payments “Eventually your naval career will end and likely while you’re still young enough towork,”saidGilland.“Youneedtoplanfor your future.” Planningincludesmanagingdebt,saving for retirement and investing The FFSC provides courses on house and car buying skills, learning about credit, and spending plans. PFMs and CFSs cannot advise Sail ors on what to do with their money, but they can give them the resources and base knowledge to make informed decisions.

Tofindoutmoreaboutclassesandwhen they are being held, Sailors and their familiescanlookuptheclassschedulesattheir local FFSC Navy Region EURAFCENT oversees nine installations in seven countries, enabling U.S., allied and partner nation forces to be where they are needed, when theyareneededinordertoensuresecurity and stability in the European, African, and Central Command areas of responsibility LU ED

Finan cial management is one of the biggest programs and Gilland believes it is essen tial to work and family life “Financial literacy is having a good knowledge of what money can do for you, said Gilland “Weallknow wehave to have it, but you have to be smart about it. Financial literacy is important so that Sailorsstayontopoftheirpersonalfinances from the beginning of their naval career

Angelsaidthatheneverthoughtaboutthe Navy until he got a call from their recruiter, Operation Specialist 1st Class Johnathan


Twins embark on a journey at sea PublicAffairs OfficerMarQuan Stith takes a photograph ofAngel HernándezMendoza,Brian HernándezMendoza and Operations Specialist 1st classJohnathan Davis at the MilitaryEntrancing and Processing station in Raleigh,North Carolina.

ByMarquanStith Navy Recruiting District Raleigh RALEIGH, N.C Brian and Angel Hernández Mendoza of Chapel Hill North Carolina,areidenticaltwinswhoareleading theway,astheyarethefirstintheirfamilyto swearintotheworld’sgreatestNavy

Financial Awarene$$ Day: Where’s your money? Get moreout of your subscription by setting up your digital account • Morearticles than what’sinprint • Breaking News alerts with the mobile app • Unlimited access to our website • eNewspaper,adigital replica of the paper emailed daily It’seasy to start youronlineaccess! Visit: go-activate.com VA

CNRC consists of a command headquar ters, two Navy Recruiting Regions NRRC, and 26 NTAGs that serve more than 1,000 recruiting stations around the world Their mission is to attract the highest quality candidates to assure the ongoing success of America’sNavy For more news from Commander, Navy Recruiting Command, go to http://www cnrc.navy.mil. Follow Navy Recruiting on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MyNAVYHR), Twitter (@USNRecruiter) and Instagram(@USNRecruiter).

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Jacksonville “The day-to-day life here is different, I’m on the computer or making phone calls the majority of the time,” said Lee “We are trying to be creative here with marketing and advertising trying to make the recruiters lives in the field easier by finding them qualifiedapplicantstojoin. Lee has adapted well to his role He still getstohelppeoplelookingtojointheNavy In his position, he is often the first person that a potential applicant will talk with He getstosetthetoneandanswerorclarifyany questions that someone might have about joining. In his own words, he breaks down the opportunities, benefits and advantages togiveapplicantsabetterunderstandingof whattheNavyoffers.


Lee joined the Navy for a change of scenery and as a way to provide for his family He was excited about being able to travel the world, have fun and grow as a person, but also wanted to make sure he could take careofhimselfandhisfamilyfinancially He foundallthiswaspossibleintheNavy Growingup,Leewantedtobeafirefighter, so naturally he joined the Navy as an ABF. Thisratingisresponsibleforfuelingaircraft; andtraininganddirectingfirefightingcrews, firerescueteamsanddamagecontrolparties assigned to fuel and lubricating oil spaces. Thisisexactlywhathewaslookingfor “The Navy has provided for my family andme,wehavestability,mywifeandIboth drive our dream cars and we are financially set have health benefits I could go on and on, said Lee “The Navy provided every thing I had always dreamed of but didn’t knowhowtoaccomplish ” Lee eventually made his way back to his hometownofJacksonvilleasarecruiter He wanted to share with others how the Navy could positively help them as it had done forhim “BelieveitornotIdefinitelyhaveenjoyed my time recruiting. Is it challenging sometimes? Yes,” said Lee “I think it has made me a better person, some of the difficul ties I’ve personally gone though is getting attachedtoapplicants.,likeinthepastwhen I’vehadapplicantsthatreallywantedtojoin but couldn’t due to various reasons Being disqualifiedformilitary servicewouldkind ofhitmehard. While Lee started out recruiting at a station, he now works as part of the E-TalentteamoutNavyTalentAcquisitionGroup

Navyrecruiting isnottheeasiestofassignmentstovolunteer for in one’s career However, Jacksonville, Florida, native Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel) (ABF) 1st Class Duane Lee doesn’t lookforeasywaysout.Helooksatrecruiting andthechancetohelpothersasanadmirablewaytospendpartofyourcareer

Class Duane Lee aJacksonville native,assigned to

Recruiting from the heart JACKSONVILLE,Fla.(Aug 11,2022)Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel)

is appropriate Call signs are meant to be good natured and fun, but occasionally a commandingofficerwillsendthesquadron back to the drawing board where second and third choices are given another look. Moreno explained, “There’s no room for bad or inappropriate call signs They are fun loving and should be assigned in good spirits.” While call signs are now a recognized part of the community, the ideas behind where they come from have largely remained the same Oftentimes a call sign is awarded based on a person’s traits be they physical or character, or stem from a playontheirnames.Anothersourceforcall signs are the mishaps and mistakes junior aviators run into “My call sign is Harry, as in Harry Potter BackwhenIhadshortbrownhairandwore my glasses all the time our squadron had been sent a magazine in a care package and the Harry Potter movie was being featured onthecover.Everyoneinmysquadronkept saying I looked exactly like Harry Potter It became a running joke and Harry stuck. PeoplegetworriedcallingmeHarry,butI’m honestlynotoffended.It’sallpartofthefun.” McNabbsaid. No matter where an aviator’s call sign comes from, the name evokes pride and a sense of belonging throughout an avia tor’s career “Call signs are such a good camaraderie builder personal to each aviator It’s what makes our community different from any otherintheNavy.”Morenosaid.

Call signs presented on plaques and statues from the original Cubi Barand Café nowreside in a replica at the NationalAviation Museum.(PHOTO BYJASONBORTZ,NAVALAIRSTATIONPENSACOLA)

behind call signs

Sowheredidcallsignsoriginate?Histor ically many aviators had nicknames Oftentimesthesenicknamescamefromaperson’s time at the Naval Academy and mostly focused on pop culture or appearance. However, they didn’t follow aviators into theairrightaway Goodspeed explained, “While these nicknames appeared in conversation and correspondence there is no evidence that they were part of radio procedures in the pre-World War II era, during which much of the communication between open-cockpitaircraftstillconsistedofhandsignals.”

Acquisition GroupJacksonville,poses fora photo Lee is a E-Talent recruiterat NTAGJacksonville and is being recognized as the Recruiterin the Spotlight NavyTalentAcquisition GroupJacksonville’s area ofresponsibilityincludes more than 30 NavyRecruiting Stations and NavyOfficer Recruiting Stations spread over144,000 square miles ofFlorida and Georgia (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS SEANSTAFFORD/RELEASED) ByEns MeaghanM.Anderson Naval Air Station Pensacola Call signs have become a cornerstone of theaviationcommunity,oftentimesinvoking prideamongstaviators.Butthestorybehind call signs and their

For those officers in flight school, earn ing a call sign represents a culmination of all the hard work and training they’ll have tocompletetobecomeanaviator “Flight students get really excited about the traditions of Naval Aviation. They ask usallkindsofquestionsaboutthesteinsthat have our call signs on them in the Officer’s Club.Theyareexcitedtobecomepartofthe communityandtoearntheirowncallsigns.” McNabbexplained. A great place to see call signs highlighted is the National Aviation Museum. Not only are there call signs on some of the planes on display, but the Cubi Bar Cafe has a near endlesssupplyforpatronsofthemuseumto examine.TheCubiBarandCafeoriginated asanOfficer’sClubatNASCubiPointinthe Philippines Retired Lieutenant Commander Scott Coleman,atourguideattheNationalNaval Aviation Museum explained, “All the ships with their squads and units that came through would have plaques made listing everyone’scallsigns.” In 1992 it was moved in its entirety to the National Naval Aviation Museum where it still operates as a cafe open to museum patrons. “Walkthroughit.That’swhereyou’llfind allthecallsigns,”Colemanurges The plaques truly are worth the view Eachoneismoredetailedandfantasticthan the last, showing off not only the pride and camaraderie that these aviators shared but howmuchcallsignshavebecomepartofthe bedrockofaviation. story

Lee believes in order to be a successful recruiteryouneedtobeauthenticandrelat abletothepeopleyouinteractwithonadaily basis He believes that his passion for help ingothershashelpedhimgrowasaperson.

“AsanE-talentrecruiter,youneedtobuild rapport with the field recruiters as well as withtheapplicants,”saidLee.“Ifyouhavean applicantthatyouneedtopasstothefield,I havetohavethetrustthattherecruiterwill takecareofthatapplicant.”

Call signs started to come into exis tence during World War II, but at that time, they were used to identify planes and ships Typically, a ship was given a call sign and all of the planes attached to said shipweregivenonecollectivecallsignthat was preceded by a serial number for each plane Goodspeed provided the example of the USS Enterprise. The Enterprise was dubbed“Carbon”anditsplaneswerecalled “Sniper.” When coming in for a landing or when the ship was discussing a plane, the plane’s call sign would be used. Although these call signs weren’t for the aviators themselves, when pilots would communicate with the ship, they would sometimes identify themselves by first name or a nickname after using the call sign for their plane Call signs for aviators only started to become commonplace during the 1970s Lang noted that, “Like aircraft call signs for pilots became more widespread [during]Vietnam;however,officialnaming ceremoniesforthemweren’tinstitutionalized until the 1980s.”

“I’m going to give you straight facts and tell you exactly how it works,” said Lee. “It easy for me to connect and relate to people I have grown while recruiting and hope to continuetogrowpositively.” The best part for him about being in the Navy is the friendships he has made along the way, which he believes will last the rest of his life He believes recruiting fits everypartofhisbeing socially,spiritually, mentally and physically Lee said it helps him in every single way to give back, and is one of the best choices he has made in his career Navy Recruiting Command consists of a commandheadquarters,twoNavyRecruit ing Regions and 26 Navy Talent Acquisi tion Groups that serve more than 1,000 recruiting stations across the world. Their combinedgoalistoattractthehighestqual itycandidatestoassuretheongoingsuccess of America’s Navy For more news from Commander Navy Recruiting Command go to http://www cnrc.navy.mil. Follow Navy Recruiting on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MyNA VYHR), Twitter (@USNRecruiter) and Instagram (@USNRecruiter). 1st NavyTalent history is unknown to many. Call signs have become a rite of passage for aviators. It’s a point of pride to earn the moniker, whatever it may be, and call signs areevenknowntobondcrewstogether Capt. Tony Moreno, commanding officer ofNavalAviationSchoolsCommand(NASC) explained,“It’syouridentifierandaunique aspect of Naval Aviation. People forget names especially first names If you went intotheMustinBeachOfficer’sClublooking forCapt TonyMoreno,noonewouldknow who I am. Ask for CHEECH [my call sign] andeveryonewouldimmediatelyknowwho you’relookingfor.” There is a purpose in using call signs. In an article written by Kate Lang from the DepartmentofDefenseNews sheexplains “Thesepilotnicknamescanquicklyidentify anaircraftorindividual,andtheyalsohelpto confuse the enemy, who might be listening inonyourcommunications. HillGoodspeed,historianattheNational Naval Aviation Museum elaborates, “They are valuable as another level of authentication/identificationinmakingacleardistinc tion between aircraft in the air, particularly during times of intense fast-paced operations.”

Today,callsignsarepartofthesquadron. Moreno explained, “[Call signs] are enduring People put them on their nametags and helmet bags Your call sign will go on your mug at the Officer’s Club too People even put them on their cars.” Most pilots are given their call sign as a junior officer, and normally, it’s up to the squadron to make the pick. Cmdr Brandy McNabb, the executive officer at NASC explained the process, “When a new officer would arrive at the squadron without a call sign, we would writetheirnameonawhiteboardandstart making a list of about 10 or so options. The final selection would be a special Ready Room event We would make popcorn, reviewalloftheoptionsandputittoavote to select the best call sign.”

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 18 2022 5

Ultimatelythough,thecommandingoffi cerhasfinalsay,justtoensurethemoniker

ByPettyOfficer1stClassSeanStafford Commander, Navy Recruiting Command JACKSONVILLE,Fla

ChiefAviationMachinist’sMateKielDiaz fromSanDiego,assignedtoFleetLogisticsMultiMissionSquadron(VRM)30 iswelcomedbyhisfamilyafterreturningtoNavalAirStation NorthIsland,California.VRM-30 aspartofCarlVinsonCarrierStrikeGroupandCarrierAir Wing(CVW)2,returnedtoNavalAirStationNorthIsland,California,Feb.12 2022 followingan eight-monthdeploymenttoU.S.3rdand7thFleetareasofoperations TheCarlVinsonCSG isthefirstcarrierstrikegrouptodeploywithacombinationoffourthandfifth-generation platformswithinCVW2thatpredominantlyrepresentthe“AirwingoftheFuture” includingthe F-35CLightningIIsofStrikeFighterSquadron(VFA)147andtheCMV-22BOspreysofVRM-30 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSOLYMPIAO.MCCOY)

Homecomings Across the Fleet

SAN DIEGO (Aug 5,2021) AircrewSurvival Equipmentman 2nd ClassAutmnYbright assigned to the“Chargers ofHelicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 14 greets her familyduring a homecoming celebration. HSC-14 as part ofCarrierAirWing (CVW) 9,embarked aboard USSAbraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and returned to NavalAirStation North Island,Aug.10,2022,following a seven-month deployment to U.S.3rd Fleet and 7th Fleet areas ofoperations. CVW-9 deployedwith a combination of fourth and fifth-generation platforms that predominantlyrepresent the“Airwing ofthe Future, executing more than 21,307 fixedwing and helicopterflight hours comprising of10,250 sorties,8,437 launches and 8,487 aircraft arrestments..(U.S.NAVYPHOTO ILLUSTRATIONBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSSARAESHLEMAN)

PettyOfficer2nd ClassAndrewFrable proposes to his girlfriend Nevada Currierduring a homecoming event forthe USS Indiana (SSN 789) at Naval Submarine Base NewLondon in Groton,Conn., Aug.10 Indiana returned to homeport from its 2nd full deployment since commissioning in support ofthe Navy’s maritime strategy supporting national securityinterests and maritime security operations in the 6th Fleet area ofoperations.TheVirginia-class fast attacksubmarine USS Indiana and crewoperate underSubmarine Squadron (SUBRON)TWELVE and its primarymission is to provide attacksubmarines that are ready,willing,and able to meet the unique challenges ofundersea combat and deployed operations in unforgiving environments across the globe.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYJOHNNAREWSKI)

NORTH ISLAND,Calif (Aug 9,2022) Lt Cdr Desmond Fournerassigned to the“Titans”of Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Squadron (VRM) 30 poseswith his familyduring a homecoming celebration.VRM 30 as part ofCarrierAirWing (CVW) 9,embarked aboard USSAbraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and returned to NavalAirStation North Island,August 9,2022,following a seven-month deployment to U.S.3rd Fleet and 7th Fleet areas ofoperations.CVW-9 deployed with a combination offourth and fifth-generation platforms that predominantlyrepresent the“Airwing ofthe Future, executing more than 21,307 fixed-wing and helicopterflight hours comprising of10,250 sorties,8,437 launches and 8,487 aircraft arrestments.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSKEENANDANIELS/RELEASED)

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 18 2022

SAN DIEGO (August 10 2022) HSM-71 as part ofCarrierAirWing (CVW) 9,embarked aboard USSAbraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and returned to NavalAirStation North Island,Aug.10 2022 following a seven-month deployment to U.S.3rd Fleet and 7th Fleet areas ofoperations.CVW9 deployedwith a combination offourth and fifth-generation platforms that predominantly represent the“Airwing ofthe Future, executing more than 21,307 fixed-wing and helicopter flight hours comprising of10,250 sorties,8,437 launches and 8,487 aircraft arrestments. (PHOTOSBYPETTYOFFICER3RDCLASSANALICEBAKER,COMMANDER,NAVALAIRFORCES)

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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 18 2022 Iasked what kind of family Amina wanted. She said, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her. Denise, adopted 17-year-old Amina LEARN ABOUT ADOPTING ATEEN YOUCAN’T IMAGINE THE REWARD ADOPT US KI DS . OR G

Virginia’s Premier Halloween Event Returns

TicketsforAttucksJazzClubarejust$25 andmaybepurchasedonlineatwww.vafest. org, by phone at 757-282-2822 or by visiting the Virginia Arts Festival box office located at 440 Bank Street in Norfolk between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday-Friday; also avail ableatTicketmaster.com

Busch Gardens Howl-O-Scream®

Additional Attucks Jazz Club perfor mances for 2023 will be announced soon. The 2022 Attucks Jazz Club line-up includes: ALLANHARRIS,VOCALS „ JohnToomey,piano;JimmyMasters, bass;TonyMartucci,drums „ Saturday,September17,2022,7:30pm “Aproteantalent.”-TheNewYorkTimes Singer,composerandguitaristAllanHarris weaves mood-soaked, evocative stories in song from his acclaimed recording Cross ThatRiver whichchronicledrunawayslaves who chased America’s western dream, to his latest release, Kate’s Soulfood, in which he captures his childhood memories hanging out at his Aunt’s diner in Harlem. NPR calls this beguiling singer “velvet-voiced” and The New York Times praises Harris’s “formidable baritone, with its husky edges and deep resonant low notes.” Harris joins the John Toomey Trio at the long-awaited reopeningofthebelovedAttucksJazzClub Ticketsarelimited getyoursnow.

Attucks Jazz Club Returns for 2022-2023 Season (PHOTOBYMIKEPENELLO/SEVENVENUES.COM) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Time saving recipes In just five minutes,you can prepare a spicy take on chicken and ricewith this family favorite

The best way to experience Howl-OScream 2022 is with a Busch Gardens Fun Card or Membership For a limited-time, guests who purchase a 2023 Fun Card will get now through Howl-OScream FREE. Hurry, before prices go up August 28! 2023 Fun Card holders also get unlimited visits from January 27 through September 4, 2023, plus unlimited admission during Howl-O-Scream 2022. For unbeatable benefits and admission, guests can purchase a Membership to receive 12 months of visits with amazing park perks including free parking, up to six free guest tickets, savings on merchandise and more. Busch Gardens Williamsburg was voted oneofthebestthemeparksof2022byUSA Today. To be the first to know about event details and specials, follow Busch Gardens Williamsburg on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


HOWARDCURTIS,DRUMS „ John Toomey, piano; Jimmy Masters, bass;EddieWilliams,saxophone „ Saturday,October22,2022,7:30pm HowardCurtisfirstknewhewantedtobe Buffalo Blue Cheese Chicken TurntoAttucks,


PressRelease WILLIAMSBURG,Va BuschGardens Howl-O-Scream returns with a twisted new game and an evil host, beginning on Friday,September9,2022.Inthisghoulish game show, every guest is a contestant, led totheirdestinybythemasterofscare-mon ies Your fate awaits with five haunted houses five terror-tories four sinister shows two party zones and unsuspecting scares awaiting their victims at every turn. Beyond the haunts, guests can take horror to new heights with nighttime rides on eight world-class coasters, including the all-newPantheontheworld’sfastestmultilaunch coaster. Howl-O-Scream takes screams to the extreme with three NEW haunted houses and three NEW terror-to ries completewithsevenmenacingBOOze barsandbitestofuelthefearandtacklethe night’s frights Busch Gardens Howl-OScreamwilltakeplaceonselectdatesfrom September 9 October 31, 2022. Looking for sinister savings? The best deal of the season is reincarnated for Howl-O-Scream 2022. For a limited-time, guests who purchase a 2023 Fun Card will get now through Howl-O-Scream FREE, plus unlimited visits January 27 through September 4, 2023 Guests will have nowhere to hide as iconic frights are combined with newly unleashedexperiences Fan-favoritehouses Witch of the Woods and KILLarney Diner will return in 2022, as well as two signa ture terror-tories, Ripper Row and Meat Market.Thesestaplescaresarepairedwith the following hair-raising new additions: 2022 All-New Haunted Houses NEW! Inferno: When death is only the beginning, there’s no end to the scorch ing terror in sight. As the ground opens to the fiery torments of the dead, your only hope for escape is to journey further into thistwisteddomain.Descenddeepintothe pitsofLucifer’slairtofindyourwayoutbut beware—theunderworld’sdemonichorde is yearning for your soul. NEW!DeathWaterBayou:Thesounds ofthecarnivalcelebrationgrowfaintasyou are beckoned deeper into the bayou by an unseen force The cursed hands rise out of the swamp, reaching in desperation for their next devilish devotee Beware of the bayou or fall victim to the horrors cast by the swamp’s sinister citizens NEW! Nevermore Chapter 2: A disturbing new chapter in the Nevermore saga has been unveiled, wreaking horror and havoc for the nobility and townsmen alike. The gothic nightmare reads on as tales of torment and terror take frighteningform.Exploreaworldwhereliterature comestolifeandPoe’spoignantprosetakes on an even darker reality 2022 All-New Terror-Tories NEW! Dead A-Head: The bloodied bodies of the beheaded are lurking through the streets of France seeking revenge for their bludgeoned fate Beware of your surroundings— one wrong move and it could be your head on the chop ping block. NEW!GorgonGardens: Don’t look too closely staring straight into the soul-less eyesoftheseserpentsistersleadstovenom ousconsequencesandastone-coldeternity There’s no escaping these sinister sirens once you’ve been added to their succulent garden of souls NEW! Scary Tale Road: Once upon a time, these fairy tale fantasies lured you to sleep with picturesque places and harmo niousheroes Survivalisslimasthesechild hoodiconshavebeenrippedfromthepages and are now haunting your dreams Plus guests can experience daytime fun with thrilling coasters, fall theming, family-friendly shows and more, all at the world’s most beautiful theme park Parental discretion is advised after 6:00 PM, as Howl-O-Scream contains ampli fied scares that are not recommended for children. Best Deal of the Season 2023 Fun Card with HowlO-Scream FREE

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TheAttucksJazzClubisbackforthefirst time since 2019! Presented by the Virginia Arts Festival and SevenVenues, the Attucks Jazz Club transforms an intimate upstairs space at the historic Attucks Theatre and brings some of the genre’s most talented players to Norfolk. With comfortable open table seating, and the Club bar, the Attucks JazzClubistheperfectwaytoenjoyaSaturday night it’s the way jazz was meant to beheard! TheseriesiscuratedbypianistandeducatorJohnToomey,alegendamonglocaljazz fans whose namesake trio performs with thefeaturedartistineachAttucksJazzClub show.Whenhe’snotmakinghistoryhimself, Toomey teaches Jazz History and Jazz Improvisation at Old Dominion University, where he also directs the Jazz Combo and Jazz Choir Before settling down at ODU, Toomey toured with jazz trumpet legend MaynardFergusonaswellasvocalistsMark Murphy and Rene Marie Regular players in the trio include bassist Jimmy Masters, who has enlivened the region’s jazz scene for more than three decades, and drummer TonyMartuccioutofWashingtonD.C. All performances begin at 7:30 pm. The Attucks Theatre is located at 1010 Church St., Norfolk; lot parking is available behind thevenue($5).Formoreinformationandto buyticketsvisitwww.vafest.org

About the Presenters Since 1997, the Virginia Arts Festival has transformed the cultural scene in southeastern Virginia, present ing great performers from around the world to local audiences and making this historic, recreation-rich region a cultural destination for visitors from across the United States and around the world. The Festival has presented numerous U.S. and regional premieres, and regularly commissions new works of music, dance, and theater from some of today’s most influential composers choreographers and playwrights The Festival’s arts education programs reach tens of thousands of area schoolchildren each year through student matinees, in-school performances, artists’ residencies, master classes and demonstrations dirt.Takealookatus Thatwastheexpres sion. It started with the graffiti, trying to paintupthebuildingsandmakethemlook better. You had these artists come out and paint these enormous murals on the dilapidated train system You can see these big, big colorful murals miles away because the trains in New York, in the Bronx and Harlem are elevated. You can stand on one corneronthegrandconcourseandlookall thewaydowntheblockbyYankeeStadium andyoucanseethenumberfourtraingoby andithasthisenormous,vibrantandcolorful mural that is a piece by a graffiti artist that made you feel good inside That was the beginning of hip-hop We are living in all this rubble this dirt but we are not dirt. “MynameisJohn Ileavemynametocarry on. Those who knew me, knew me well. Those that didn’t can go to hell. Y: Tell us about your incredible homagetoDr MartinLutherKingwith yoursong,King’sHoliday. KB: That song to me was the most meaningful production. I had the pleasure andhonor of recording Whitney Huston, Tina Marie Stephanie Mills Menudo Incredible to have Ricky Martin in the studiowhenhewas16 Alltheartists,Stacy Latishow, Run DMC, Fat Boys, Melly Mel, man it was incredible to have been a part of that. And do you know that Prince paid $90,000forthevideosowecouldshootit?



MICHAEL PEDICIN, SAXOPHONE „ John Toomey, piano; Jimmy Masters, bass; Tony Martucci, drums „ Saturday November 12 2022, 7:30 pm “Big luscious tenor sound…with a beautiful warm tone and great creativ ity Pedicin is a joy.”-AllAboutJazz.com. This Philadelphia-based player fell in love with jazz listening to his father, Mike Pedicin, a sought-after player who recorded prolifically with RCA Victor 20th Century ABC-Paramount and other major labels in the 1950s and ‘60s Michael Pedicin’s own career has spanned decades of performance with such icons as Dave Brubeck, Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett (as well as soul and rock stars The O’Jays, Stevie Wonder and David Bowie) A soulful player whose lyrical style invites reveries Pedicin is also a licensed psychologist who believes passionately in the power of music to unite and heal.

Warrior Games Opening and Closing Ceremonies, which will be produced by Disney LiveEntertainment Stewarthashostedthe WarriorGames’marqueeeventssince2015

Ceremonies Butconnectinginpersonwith

a drummer when he heard a high school drum line “It was the most powerful sound I’d ever heard,” he said. Born in Williamsburg, he made a career in music right here in Virginia—despite years of professional urging that he make the New York jazz scene A sought-after player up and down the East Coast, he has played at major jazz festivals across the U.S. and around the world, and has performed and/or recorded with such great artists as Lionel Hamp ton, Rosemary Clooney, Amiri Baraka, Rene Marie, Jon Faddis, Ellis Marsalis, and many more. A veteran educator at several Virginia universities Curtis is now a full professor at Kunst University in Graz, Austria. He returns to Hamp ton Roads for this Attucks Jazz Club performance, and a reunion with the jazz artists and fans he has made great music with in the past.

“The Warrior Games symbolizes the resiliency and dedication of each of these warriors,andthetensofthousandsofothers theyrepresent, saidStewart “Theirfearless approachtotheirrecovery,andrefusaltobe defined by their worst day, is inspirational. I can’t put into words what an honor it is to serveasthehostoftheOpeningandClosing these athletes and their families friends caregivers and supporters is what I’ll never forget. Three-time Grammy Award winner and multi-PlatinumsellingartistDariusRucker will headline the Opening Ceremony. will hear favorites from Darius’ time with Hootie & the Blowfish, as well as his solo chart-topping hits like “Wagon Wheel.” stagefortheclosingceremony. You can view the official Warrior Games livestreamthroughouttheeventatDoDWarriorGames.com Alineupofeventsinclude: „ Shooting August20-21 „ Wheelchairrugby August20-22 „ Cycling August22 „ Indoorrowing August23 „ Powerlifting August23 „ Wheelchairbasketball August23-25 „ GolfExhibition August24 „ Trackandfield August24-25 „ Sittingvolleyball August26-28 „ Swimming August26 „

The ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, which hosted the 2016 Invictus Games, as well as other professional and youth sports events, was donated for use to serve as a Warrior Games venue This 220-acre award-winning facility features multiple indoor and outdoor competition sites and combines the spirit of sports with Disney magic, making it the perfect host venueforthisyear’sevents TheWarriorGamesservetoenhancethe recovery and rehabilitation of wounded warriors by providing them exposure to adaptive sports Military Paralympic-style adaptive sports programs help wounded service members and veterans build strength and endurance and draw inspiration from their teammates. Participation in the Warrior Games represents the culmi nation of a service member’s involvement in an adaptive sports program and demon strates the incredible potential of wounded warriorsthroughcompetitivesports Comedian actorandfilmmakerJonStew

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, August 18 2022 3

PressRelease JOINT BASE LANGLEY EUSTIS Va The 2022 Department of Defense Warrior Games, hosted by the U.S. Army’s Training andDoctrineCommand,kicksoffnextweek attheESPNWideWorldofSportsComplex at Walt Disney World Resort. Nearly 300 athletes from across the globe representing the U.S. military and ally nations will arrive inCentralFloridafortheannualevent,Aug. 19-28. The Warrior Games first held in 2010 celebrates the resiliency and dedication of wounded, ill and injured active-duty and veteran military service members from the U.S. and allied nations Hundreds of elite athletes will compete in adaptive sport ing events such as wheelchair basketball, cycling, indoor rowing, sitting volleyball andothers

Attucks from Page 1

Y: You are the driving force behind the creation of the Universal Hip-Hop Museum.Canyoutellusaboutit? KB: Great project, thank you for asking me about it. The Universal Hip-Hop Museum is just that, a brick and mortar location that everyone around the world cancomeandseethelegacies,thepictures, the artifacts, the stories, all the memorabiliathatisapartoftheembryo,thehistory of hip-hop It is such an important project to document and preserve our history and haveitinoneplacefortheworldtosee We plantoopenupin2024andyoucangoand learn more about it at uhhm.org Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer Astage,TVandmovieactor,heisalsoa sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist Hip Hop from Page 2 Get moreout of your subscription by setting up your digital account It’seasy to start your online access! Visit: go-activate.com

Archery August27 Learn more about the Warrior Games at DODWarriorGames.com. DoD Warrior Games Facebook: https:// www.facebook.com/WarriorGames DoDWarriorGamesTwitter:https://twit ter.com/warriorgames DoD Warrior Games Instagram: https:// www.instagram.com/dodwarriorgames/ DoD Warrior Games elite competition will be held August 19-28 View the official Warrior Games livestream throughout the event at DoDWarriorGames.com (ALLPHOTOSWWW.DODWARRIORGAMES.COM)


Food FamilyFeatures When the back-to-school season brings jam-packed schedules full of learning and homework,everyminutecountsfortheparents who make those school days possible Create some extra time for special moments with the special people in your life by prioritizing easy yetdeliciousdinnersthatcanhelprefuelparents andstudents. Injust fiveminutes, youcan preparea spicy takeonchickenandricewiththisfamilyfavorite Buffalo and Blue Cheese Chicken recipe Makingsomeextratimeforyourselfisassimple asstartingwithMinuteWhiteRiceCupspacked conveniently in single-serving BPA-free cups youcanfinishpreparinginjust1minute. Whenyou’relookingforafunwaytointroduceyourlittlelearnertothekitchen,trycreatingyourownhomemadeBuffalosauceforthis dishbymixinghotsauce butter whitevinegar, Worcestershiresauce cayennepepperandgarlic powder Heat in a saucepan until the butter meltsandthemixturesimmers,thenturndown theheatandwaitforittocool. If your loved ones aren’t big fans of spice, turn to a tamer take on a kid-friendly classic with “Mac” and Cheese in a Cup, a creamy rice version of the familiar favorite made with milk cheddar and cream cheese Just because you may not have a lot of time to spend in the kitchendoesn’thavetomeansufferingthrough boring meals simply use the microwave to enjoythisspeedyyettastyoption.



4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, August 18 2022

On weeknights many families rush around trying to prepare for the next day. While these moments can be stressful, the silver lining of the evening is when every one pauses to enjoy a perfectly cooked family dinner together Fromtoughhomeworkassignmentsand soccer practice to getting everyone tucked into bed, the days can seem long but those specialmomentsmakecookingamemorable meal worthwhile. When life gets busy, you need a family recipe that is quick to make, easy to bake and mouthwatering to eat. Try this recipe forStuffedBellPepperCasserolenexttime you are in a pinch. It’s made with hearty ground turkey breast, delicious bell peppers, crushed tomatoesandbrownricethentoppedwith gooey sharp cheddar cheese This short ingredient list makes it easy to assemble Browntheturkeyandonionsthencombine all the ingredients, in a layered fashion, in a baking dish. It’s simple to prepare before baking to perfection. It’s just right for little ones who are hungry and ready for a wholesome and appetizing home-cooked meal. Adults enjoythenaturalflavorsandfreshingredients that keep all ages happy and content Find more family dinner recipes at Culinary.net. If you made this recipe at home, use #MyCulinaryConnection on your favorite social network to share your work. Stuffed Bell Pepper Casserole Servings: 4 „ 20ouncesgroundturkeybreast „ 1yellowonion,chopped „ ¼teaspoonsalt „ ¼teaspoonpepper „ 3largebellpeppers,chopped(1eachred, yellowandgreen) „ 1can(28ounces)crushedtomatoes „ ½cuplong-grainbrownrice „ 1teaspoonoregano „ ½teaspoongarlicpowder „ 8ouncesshreddedsharpcheddarcheese Heatovento350F. In large skillet over medium heat, add turkey, onions, salt and pepper Break up turkey and cook until browned. Add turkey mixture to 9-by-13-inch baking dish. Add bell peppers crushed tomatoes brown rice oregano and garlic powder Mix until combined. Cover with aluminum foil. Bake 80-90 minutes until rice is tender Remove foil, add shredded cheese and bake 5 minutes until cheese is melted. Meal to Munch On


dutyandleavesmoretimeforhomework,after school activities, school projects and all the excitementthatcomeswithanewschoolyear To find more quick yet satisfying and delicious dinner ideas for busy school nights, visit MinuteRice.com Buffalo and Blue Cheese Chicken Recipe Preptime:2minutes Cooktime:3minutes Servings:1 „ 1cupMinuteWhiteRice „ 1breadedchickentender,sliced „ 2tablespoonsBuffalosauce „ 1tablespooncrumbledbluecheese, forgarnish „ 1greenonion,sliced,forgarnish Heatriceaccordingtopackagedirections. In a small microwave-safe

Back-to-School Solutions that Save Time in the Kitchen ByFamilyFeatures/Culinary.net

in a

A Weeknight

Recipe Preptime:2minutes

Servings:1 „ 1cupMinuteJasmineRice „


It’seasytoenjoythebutterytasteandaromatic scentofjasminerice regardlessofhowpacked yourscheduleis byusingMinuteJasmineRice Cupstomakequickdinnersareality.Thistaste bud-tingling take on mac and cheese made in a microwaveable cup saves you from clean-up bowl chicken and sauce Microwave on high 2-3 minutes. Serve chicken over rice Garnish with blue cheeseandgreenonion. “Mac” Cheese Cup Cooktime:3minutes ⅓cup2%milk „ ⅓cupshreddedcheddarcheese 1tablespooncreamcheese ¼teaspoongarlicpowder 1pinchdrymustardpowder(optional) Heatriceaccordingtopackagedirections. Inamicrowave-safecup,stirrice milk cheddar cheese, cream cheese, garlic powder and mustardpowder,ifdesired Microwave on high, stirring occasionally, 2 minutes,oruntilheatedthroughandcheeseis meltedandsaucy. Tips:Forextra-cheesyrice add2tablespoons gratedParmesancheese. Substitutegarlicpowderwith½cloveminced, freshgarlic.


Yoga Shield: Building Mental and Physical Resiliency AnAirman practices leading ayoga classJuly18 2022 at the 178thWing in Springfield,Ohio The training is a part ofa pilot program calledYoga Shield,which aims to teachAirmen to reduce stress and to build mental and physical resiliencythroughyoga (U.S.AIRNATIONALGUARDPHOTOBYSHANEHUGHES)

Advice LineMHS Nurse Advice Line open 24/7,

haveresourcesavailableatmilitaryhospitals andclinicsorwithintheTRICAREnetwork ofproviders:

„ Helpyoufindadoctor „ Schedule next-day appointments atmilitaryhospitalsandclinics „ Go to a TRICARE-authorized urgent care center, convenience clinic, or network provider: „ Active-duty service members must firstcontacttheirprimarycaremanager/ provider or contact the Nurse Advice Line for a referral before visiting an urgentcarecenter „ TRICAREPrimeenrollees,otherthan active duty, only need a referral to see an out-of-network provider. Without a referral,theymayincurhigherpoint-of-

Notifyyourmedicalprovider „ Call the

The disease most commonly starts with fever, then painful lymph nodes and a rash that typically develops one to three days afterthefeverbegins,accordingtotheCDC The rash is the most significant feature of monkeypox, spreading into small, fluidfilledblisters Theybecomeroundandhard, likepimples,andthenscab You may also have headache, muscle aches, chills, and exhaustion that begin between seven to 14 days after exposure but can develop between five to 21 days post-exposure. You are no longer infectious once your scabshavehealed,droppedoff,andhealthy newskinhasgrownwherethelesionswere located. That usually takes two to four weeks,accordingtoRobinson Children under 8 years old, people who arepregnantorimmunocompromised,and individuals with a history of atopic dermatitis or eczema may be at increased risk for severeoutcomesfrommonkeypox.

“The treatments have been shown to be pretty good at preventing severe illness,” Robinsonsaid. “The earlier you get them, the better,” he noted, adding that “early treatment can prevent you from having symptoms or at least making sure that your symptoms are relativelymild.” Care toms, Military Health System beneficiaries „ MHS Nurse at 1-800-TRICARE(874-2273) Select Option 1 talk to nursewhocan: „ Answeryoururgentcarequestions „ Giveyouhealthcareadvice servicecosts Resources The CDC has published an extensive monkeypox resource library, to include fact sheets on transmission and treatment. Health.mil, the official Military Health System web site maintains a monkeypox informationpage. Army, Air Force, and Navy and Marine Corps medical services also maintain fact sheetsandreferencematerials MHS clinicians seeking vaccines for monkeypox post-exposure prophylaxis are encouragedtocontacttheDHAImmuniza tion Healthcare Division’s 24/7 immunizationclinicalsupportcenterforassistance.


ByJanetA.Aker,MHS Communications


Themostcommontreatmentformonkey poxincludessupportivecare,suchashydra tion and treatment of secondary bacterial infections There’s also an approved vaccine called Jynneos for monkeypox and antivirals that doctorsmayuseincertainsituationsimme diatelyafterpatientexposure,buttheseare not widely available in the United States They are available from the government’s nationalstockpileofmedicines.

a registered

If you think you’ve been exposed, notify yourmedicalprovider,andmonitoryourself forsymptomsfor21daysafteryourlastclose contactwithaninfectedindividual You may have to isolate yourself from other members of your household to limit the spread of the disease including from pets. This means not having close contact, includingtouchingorotherphysicalcontact, no prolonged face-to-face encounters, and notengaginginsex. If you have a fever or a growing rash, see your medical health care professional in person Yourmedicalproviderwillhelpyoudetermineyourriskofbecomingillwithmonkey pox and may offer preventive treatment if youareathighrisk. Ifyougetadiagnosisofmonkeypox,your medicalprovidermustplaceyouinisolation and treat you according to CDC guidelines forinfectioncontrol. Mostpatientswithmonkeypoxhavemild diseaseanddon’trequiremedicalinterven tion, CDC said. However, treatments are available and appear effective in reducing painanddurationofsymptoms

The program began in 2021 as a proposal fortheWarriorResilienceandFitnessInno vation Incubator, which aims to develop, implement, and evaluate new wellness initiatives analytics platforms, and stra tegic partnerships Upon receiving initial funding the program training 60 Airmen and Soldiers in Iowa and has expanded to eightnewsites.

The infectious viral disease monkey pox is slowly spreading around the world includingtheUnitedStates OnAugust4,the United States formally declared it a public healthemergency Monkeypox can spread by anyone to anyone Whileinternational,national,state, andlocalhealthofficialscloselymonitorthe outbreak, Military Health System officials arecarefullytrackingthespreadaswell. As of August 4, U.S. counts are approximately 7,000 probable or confirmed cases, accordingtotheCentersforDiseaseControl andPrevention.TheCDCmaintainsapublic daily case count dashboard. The number mayseemsmall,butitincreasesdaily Whiletherearefewcasesreportedamong military personnel and their families, the declaration of a national health emergency means that it constitutes a “public health risktootherstatesthroughtheinternational spread of disease,” according to the World Health Organization. Defense health officials emphasize that if you think you may have monkeypox, “the first thing to do…is ensure you are not further exposing other people, which means not having close, intimate contact with others until you are asymptomatic,” saidArmyLt Col (Dr.)ScottRobinson,the Public Health Emergency officer for the Defense Health Agency What Does Monkeypox Look and Feel Like?


“A lot of people hear the word yoga and thinkwe’reteachingpeoplehowtostretch or relax we’re really teaching people how to master their own mind and nervous system.”saidOliviaMead,theCEOofYoga for First Responders and lead instructor of the course “There is a missing skill set in our Armed Forces training And that is a proactive way to combat the mental and neurological consequences of such a high stress job and we see that in the statistics andnotallresiliencetraininghasbeenable to make a dent. Mead said the Airmen are learning a training protocol and how to deliver that to others When the Airmen complete the program, they’ll be able to teach other Airmen how to process stress build resilienceandenhanceperformanceproactively, addressing stress and other work-related issuesbeforetheybecomeunmanageable

Transmission The CDC states that monkeypox is far less contagious than COVID-19 or the flu because you get it from an infected person when you come in direct contact with the rash on their skin, their lesions, or bodily fluids or if you touch bedding or clothing thathascomeincontactwiththose You can also get monkeypox through droplets that disperse during prolonged face-to-face contact, such as kissing or cuddling, and through direct, intimate physical contact such as sex, according to theCDC Animals, such as dogs or cats, in an infected person’s household can become infectedandtransmitittoothers InAfrica, infected wild animals are a common way peoplebecomeinfected. Pain as a Symptom Sometimes,theonlysignofmonkeypoxis severepain,Robinsonsaid. That can be because there may be ulcers inside patients’ mouths urethra or rectum where the patient can’t see them but feels severepainthatmayrequirehospitalization “For sexually active people, I’d be concerned if they developed pain, even if it’ssomewhereIcan’tsee I’dwanttogetthat checked out by a health care professional,” Robinsonsaid. Theinfectioncanalsocauselymphnodes inthegroinareaoronthesofttissueofyour neck to swell, which should concern the patientandleadtoacheck-up heexplained.


ofYogaShield,saidtheprogramhasalready hadalotofsuccess “People are finding connectedness, they arehavingbettersleep,becausethey’reable to have neurological reset, mindfulness, less burnout, and it’s also helping with our recruiting and retention,” Long said. “This isimportantforthelongevity,thehealthand the welfare of our Airmen. It’s another tool in our toolbox. It’s not the only tool but it’s onethatcandefinitelyhelpAirmen.” Mead said it will help Airmen train for the mental and neurological impact of high stressprofessions,inthesamewaythemili taryhasproactivelytrainedforthephysical demandsofmilitaryservice


ClareLong,TheSexualAssaultResponse Coordinatorforthe132ndWinganddirector


ByShaneHughes 178th Wing Morethan30AirmenassignedtotheOhio National Guard’s 178th Wing and the Iowa NationalGuard’s132ndWingbeganaweek long,60-houryogatrainingprogramJuly18 atthe178thWinginSpringfield,Ohio. The training is a part of a pilot program called Yoga Shield, which aims to teach Airmentoreducestressandtobuildmental and physical resiliency through yoga The Airmenwhocompletethetrainingprogram will become certified yoga instructors and willbeabletoprovideyogaclassesfortheir fellowAirmen.

What You Need to Know About Monkeypox

Monkeypoxsymptoms include fever,a rash,skin blisters,and others.(PHOTO:NATIONAL

What To Do for Suspected Monkeypox


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Surfers Healing Virginia Beach, healing autistic children with surfing, taking place this weekend at the oceanfront.

IP: I would like for people to watch the videosandpicturesatwww.surfershealing org We are always looking for partnerships and donations and after all these years, to maintain what we do, and take us into the next25years. Y:Tellusaboutyourearlylifegrowingup

InterviewConductedByYiorgo Thisweekend,August19thand20thSurf ersHealingVirginiaBeachistakingplaceat the oceanfront between 4th and 5th street. Anincredible,magicalsurfingeventforchil dren with autism and their families, all are welcome to this free event to come out and witness the true joy that surfing brings to everyone. Surfers Healing was founded by Israel “Izzy”andhiswifeDaniellePaskowitzover 26 years ago when their then three year old son Isaiah was diagnosed with autism and surfing was a source of calm and comfort for him. Since then, Surfers Healing offers free surf camps to thousands of children with autism throughout the United States, MexicoandPuertoRico We are fortunate here in the Hampton Roads Area that Surfers Healing Virginia Beach was founded 16 years ago and this weekend promises to be an exciting week endofsurfingfortheautisticchildren,with food, fun vendors and a 5K run. You can getmoreinfoat:https://www.surfershealingvb.org/ Yiorgo: On the phone with us today is Israel “Izzy” Paskowitz. Tell us about Surf ersHealinghappeninginVirginiaBeachthis weekend. What is it, who can participate, howtoseeitetc.? Israel “Izzy” Paskowitz: It’s my pleasure.It’swhyI’monthisplanet OurVirginia Beach camp is a two day event, averaging about 220 children per day, per camp. It’s grown into a circus vibe, a fun event with many activities and resource booths It’s a beautiful beach, I love the location, with the small, fun waves that we can maximize our efforts in the water with the children. It has grown from a small camp and we are here now, that’s what’s important. It’s an interesting dynamic, with an amazing surf community that loves their waves and the surfcontestthatgoeswithit.It’sagreatloca tionforsurfingandit’slikeLasVegasonthe beachforallthetourismthatgoeson

Y:HowdidtheSurfersHealingcampstart inVirginiaBeach?

IP: I had a very unique experience. My father was a WWII Navy veteran, Stanford educated doctor, and we lived in a camper that sleeps six. We were poor as church micebecausemyfatherjustwantedtotravel aroundtheUnitedStates,MexicoandIsrael to surf There were 11 of us and when you stuff 11 people in a camper that sleeps 6, we were very close to each other. I loved it. We are half Mexican, half Jewish and when I was 13 we traveled to New York City in our camper for my Bar mitzvah and celebrated our Jewish traditions on the beach and wherever we were. We didn’t know any different. We could see people living in houses, driving fancy cars and we wanted that but everyday was so unique to us We would surf surf, surf but then explore and meetpeople Y:Youwentontobecomeaprosurfer. IP: I was a really good surfer And really, reallyhandsome IwasaprosurferandIhad endorsements AtthetopofmycareerIhad a great relationship with Nike I was in ads with Bo Jackson, Agassi, Michael Jordan,it wasincredible,butIhadIsaiah. Y: Because you had gotten married and startedafamily IP: I got married very young to the pret tiest girl in town and I just wanted to be normal like everyone else. We had our first child,abeautifuldaughterIsreaella,andour second child Isaiah was autistic. That was thewrenchinthegearsforme Ididn’tknow howtodealwithautismatallasayoungman and providing for my family was very very difficultbecauseIhadnoeducation. Y: Why did you and your wife start Surf ersHealing? IP: It was a dark place in my mind and a hole in my heart. I had really thin skin and everything really bothered me and it hurt. One day I took Isaiah in the water with me and everything changed. I wish I had taken him in the water sooner The parents these days say, I don’t know if you can handle my child That’s exactly the way I was. There’s no way my son can surf, that’s off the table becauseheneededtobelikeme Butinreal ity it didn’t matter as long as he was in the water on a board surfing, we were connect ing, we were just like any other father and son.Itwasheartwarmingandcreatedarela tionship,webondedandwestartedSurfers Healingbytakinghisclassoutsurfing Itwas maybe six kids, as a special day program. I enlisted six guys my original six, then we tookoutanothersixkids,andthatwasover 26yearsagoinSantaOnofre,California. Y: How did you put such an amazing, diverse team of volunteers, surfers, work erstogethertogiveuptheirtime,moneyand everything else not just for Virginia Beach buttheotherlocationstoo? IP: You hit on the phrase “No good deed goes unpunished. They are doing some thing incredible but the biggest endeavor we’ve ever had, doing five states and seven camptours,greaterthananythingwe’veever done and they are going home after being gone for 2 weeks and will struggle to pay rent. They dont mind because they are so intothis Theyareverygratefultobeletinto the lives of parents with autism. It means so much to the surfers to be a part of that andyoucanhearmyguysandgalssaytothe families, thank you for letting me be a part ofthisandtakingyourchildouttothewater to ride those waves together And that’s the worldtome,itwarmsupmyheartandthat’s whatmakesmecrywhenIheartheloveand passionthatmyguyshaveforwhattheydo I don’t call them surfers anymore, they are healers It’s more than a service or a sport that can be misconstrued as trivial. There’s so much magic that happens with accep tance and healing, an awakening that the family needs as they continue this long life withautismthatwillbedifferent. We did summer programs, then we did North Carolina 18 years ago and Malibu and San Diago and it just grew from there. I always worry about taking children out in a safe wave But conditions change in the water Also our group of volunteers got better and their length of time volunteer ing got longer Bucky and Blake pulled into Virginia Beach on Sunday Bucky has been volunteering for 16 years and Blake for 12 They are maestros on the water with the childrentothepointwheretheyareripping They are not just standing up and riding in, but ripping it with an autistic child on a board Thatmomentonthebeachiselevated withexcitementandyoucanheartheroars onthebeachwheneitheroneofthemtakes off WhenIhearwhistlingandscreaming,I knowit’sthose two Mygoalforeverychild is to have only real hero surfers take them out,likeIdidmyson. Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist

IP: We have the camp in Virginia Beach because the wife of Paul Vaugh, one of the local surfers that taught a lot of people to surf had passed away years ago, and his wife wanted to donate some money in his memory.Iaskedher,wellcanwecomeoutto VirginiaBeachandspendthemoneylocally? And that’s how autism surfing started in Virginia Beach When you walk up to the camp, there is a billboard with a collage of picturesofPaulridingthewaves. Y: How can people make contributions, becomevolunteers,etc.?

Jordan“Mossman”Patterson surfingwith autistic childJonathan Moody(PHOTOCOURTESYOF JOHNWRIGHT,SURFERSHEALINGVIRGINIABEACH)



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