Flagship 08.25.2022

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“As long as you can pass your overseas screening, the program will not prevent you from being stationed overseas,” said regional EFMP lead Loris Velez-Acev edo “We have had both senior officers and enlistedthathavebeenintheprogram,and it is here to help your family not to hinder your career.”

Sailors arrived at their chosen schools at 10 a.m. in Navy Physical Fitness uniforms, ready to spruce up the schools for the coming school year The tasks given to the volunteers included moving chairs and books, changing light bulbs, cleaning the halls, rooms and grounds, and washing the windows Allofthesetaskswerecompleted alongsidethestaffoftheschool.

A service member must submit a completed EFMPenrollmentpackagetoacoordinator or the nearest military treatment facility Once assigned, a service member will haveaccesstoacaseliaisonthatcanprovide non-medical case management and assis tanceinaccessingresourcessuchasservice plans, non-medical care coordination, communication with local schools and the access to the EFM Respite Care Program (RCP).TheNavy’sEFMPRCPwillprovide upto40hoursofrespitecaremonthlywith qualified personnel that specialize in the care of exceptional family members at no cost to the service member’s family A service member can reach out to the trained EFMP point of contact at their command, a military chaplain or the Fleet and Family support center to contact a liaison for information on enrolling in the EFMP Regional special education liaison with the EFMP Erika Swenson, is a military spouse who personally benefited from the program. Swenson has 15 years of profes sionalexperienceineducationandhasseen how this program impacts her family with her own personal experience of having a daughterwhoisclassifiedasanexceptional family member “Therearemanyresourcesthisprogram canprovidethatparentsdon’tknowabout, whichcouldhelpempowerthemtobecome an advocate for their exceptional loved ones,” said Swenson. There are currently over 24,000 family membersenrolledintheNavy’sEFMPwith over7,500ofthesemembersintheMid-At lantic region.

NAVSTA Norfolk Class BrittanyWilkerson moves a boxofstudent reading material in the cafeteria ofSewells Point Elementary Wilkerson collaborationwith NorfolkPublic Schools District.

Theideaforprovidingspecialassistance to children of service members character ized as exceptional started in 1987, and the program evolved to accommodate all dependentsofservicemembersthatqualify asexceptionalin1988 makingitthefirstof its kind in the DOD MembersofEFMPcanpresentinforma tionabouttheprogramtoservicemembers and dependents upon request and have conducted presentations at places such as fleet readiness group meetings, ombuds man dinners and medical clinics For more information on the EFMP and toaccesstheEFMPAppfromtheNavyApp Locker gotohttps://www.mynavyhr.navy mil/Support-Services/Exceptional-Fami ly-Member/.

ByMassCommunicationSpecialist 3rdClassNicholasSkyles,NPASE


The Family Member Program

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 1

ByMassCommunicationSpecialist PettyOfficer2ndClassJosephT.Miller

Workingthroughtheafternoon,theSail ors completed all of the tasks and wrapped upataround1400 “I love working here,” said Aviation Ordnanceman1stClass,BrittanyWilkerson, a volunteer “I don’t consider it hard work becauseit’ssomethingIliketodo Iamvery proud of what I am doing here to give back tothecommunityandthekids.”

Identification and enrollment into the program is conducted by Navy Medicine and consists of three support elements Enrollees can be self-identified by family members, educational personnel, medical personnel,orciviliannetworkproviders

NORFOLK, Va Sailors assigned to Naval Station Norfolk, volunteered to help clean and organize schools in the Norfolk Public Schools district during the installa tion’sfirstever“ServicingOurSchoolsDay”, August18 Atotalof36Sailorsparticipated, giving roughly 5 hours of their day to the schools.TannersCreekElementary Sewells PointElementary InglesideElementary and MadisonAlternativeCenter Duringtheevent,Sailorsassistedteachers andstaffwithpreparationsforthefirstdayof theschool-year beginningonSeptember6. Theeventwasorganizedandcoordinated by the NAVSTA Norfolk School Liaison, Lindsay Adams; and LaEunice Brown, the Community Engagement Coordinator for NPS, both of whom were at Sewells Point ElementarySchoolfortheday.

The EFMP has resources around the globe, ensuring that anywhere a service member and their dependents may be stationed, they will be able to receive the care they require.

(U.S.NAVYPHOTORELEASEDBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHT.MILLER) www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship

U.S. 2nd Fleet conducts undersea warfare exercise

TheNavy’sExceptionalFamilyMember Program is a mandatory enrollment program that assists Sailors with Excep tional Family Members that have special needs and ensures that they are assigned to areas where they can access necessary resources Special needs include medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educationalrequirements,therequirement for adaptive equipment-assistive technology devices and services and/or wheel chair accessibility

“EveryoneoftheSailorsweresoeagerand willing to help,” said Jacquelyn Dingas, the SewellsPointElementaryReadingSpecialist.“Theymovedquicklyandefficientlywith everyjobtheyhave I’mimpressed.”

The exercise provided theater underseawarfare proficiency training byconducting integrated anti-submarinewarfare operations against simulated high-end adversaries. PAGEA3 Women’s Equality: Full Speed Ahead

Aswomen continue to make strides towards equalityin the civilianworld,the U.S.Navy is committed to ensuring female Sailors have the same opportunities as theirmale counterparts PAGEA7

Groundbreaking of EOD and Navy Diver Memorial Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2 held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of construction of the Navy Special Operations Memorial. PAGEA3

“This kind of event has been done before in Chesapeake but we wanted to try and do the same in other school districts in the Hampton Roads area,” said Adams “So I reached out to Mrs Brown with the idea, andfromtherewecontinuedtobuildit.”

Sailors assist Norfolk Public Schools in first “Servicing Our Schools Day” NORFOLK,VA(August 18 2022)Aviation Ordnanceman PettyOfficerFirst

FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 33,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comAugust 25-August 31,2022 JEB Little Creek-Fort Story’s new deputy joint base commander Joint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story recentlywelcomed its newDeputyJoint Base Commander(DJBC)ArmyLt Col.Pierre Han. PageA2

NAVAL STATION NORFOLK, Va With the number of programs that the Department of Defense hosts, it can be overwhelming trying to understand what resources are available to service members and their dependents One of the many resources available is the Excep tional Family Member Program, which is designed to assist service members that have dependents with officially diagnosed medical issues including in the fields of physical, mental, and psychological health that may require special assistance

The work the NAVSTA Norfolk Sailors provided during “Servicing Our Schools Day” event will allow these four schools to openonahighnoteduringthisfallsemester withcleanbuildingsandorganizedsupplies With the success of the event, NAVSTA Norfolk and NPS plan on continuing to do this event in the coming years, as well as, conductingothereventsthroughouttheyear

was at the school as part ofNAVSTANorfolk’s first“Servicing OurSchools Day”event,in

UponcompletionoftheInfantryBasicOffi cerBasicCourseandRangerSchool,hewas assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, serving as a rifle platoon leader, mortar platoon leader, company executive officer, and battalion air operations officer While assignedto2-87,hedeployedtoAfghanistan insupportofOperationEnduringFreedom He later went to command Headquarters andHeadquartersCompany,2ndBattalion, 13thAviationRegiment. In 2010, Han was designated as a func tionalareaofficerintheoperationsresearch systems analyst career field He completed his graduate studies in operations research atGeorgeMasonUniversityandthenserved as an assistant professor in the Department of Systems Engineering at West Point. In 2015,hewasassignedtotheArmy’sHuman ResourcesCommandasamanpowerdistributionanalystandwaslaterselectedtoserve as the executive officer to the commanding general. Most recently, Han served as an operational analyst at Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in Norfolk,Va He has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal (two awards);Defense Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious Service Meal (threeawards);theMaj.Gen Aubrey“Red” Newman Award; Combat Infantryman Badge; Airborne Badge; Pathfinder Badge; andRangertab “There is no better job in the world than leading and supporting our service members,”Hansaid “Iamincrediblygrate ful for this opportunity to serve the folks of JEBLittleCreek-FortStoryandhumbledto play a part in carrying out the installation’s vitally important mission I am anxious to get to work and look forward to engaging withourcommunityinthecomingweeks.”

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.hamm@navy.mil ActingMilitaryEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker


NAS Oceana will host its annual air showSept.17and18 Theshowwillfeature the Navy’s flight demonstration team, the Blue Angels along with a variety of mili tary and civilian aviation performances The theme for this year’s air show, “Back to the Beach, is a tribute to NAS Oceana’s deeprootsintheHamptonRoadsarea,and the installation’s steadfast commitment to the surrounding community The exercise brought together over 130 participants from across the installation, the City of Virginia Beach, and Sentara Healthcare.

Joint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Storyrecentlywelcomed its newDeputyJoint Base Commander(DJBC)ArmyLt Col.Pierre Han to theJEBLCFS team. Han relieved Lt Col.Bryan Donohue.

ByMichelleStewart JEBLCFS Public Affairs Officer Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek Fort Story recently welcomed its new Deputy Joint Base Commander (DJBC) Army Lt Col Pierre Han to the JEBLCFS team.HanrelievedLt Col BryanDonohue The installation commander and DJBC are responsible for more than 25,000 personnel within 4,000 acres Along with theJEBLCFScommander executiveofficer and command master chief, Han is respon sible for installation management, facility maintenance and construction, environmental protection, housing, emergency management, communication systems, security and law enforcement, fire protec tion, dining, lodging, recreational services, human resources management supply and vehicle fleet management and port operationservices A native of Centreville, Va., Han grad uated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 2002 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Infantry Branch

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (August 18 2022) Members oftheVirginia Beach Fire Department recovera simulated casualtyduring a Mass CasualtyDrill onboard NavalAirStation Oceana.The City ofVirginia Beach Fire Department and EmergencyServices collaboratedwith NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Fire and EmergencyServices in an effort to betterprepare fora mass casualtyonboard the installation.(U.SNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDMEGANWOLLAM/RELEASED)

ByJackieParashar Nas Oceana Public Affairs

NAS Oceana, City of Virginia Beach, Sentara simulate mass casualty incident

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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Air Station Oceana partnered with the City of Virginia Beach, Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital, and local first responders, August 18, to conduct a simulated aircraftmishapinpreparationforthe2022 NAS Oceana Air Show. The mass casualty exercise tested the installation’s ability to react to such an event in a rapid, coordinated, and effec tive manner First responders established a Unified Command Post, streamlining coordination efforts to respond to the simulated aircraft mishap conduct search and rescue efforts and triage treat, transport, and track patients “Today was an excellent opportunity to test and validate our written response procedures, as we continuously make efforts to deliver the best possible emer gency services to NAS Oceana and our community,” said Navy Region Mid-At lantic Fire & Emergency Services District 3 Fire Chief Cedric Patterson. The exercise presented a opportunity for the installationto work with local part ners “This is the perfect example of why our strong partnerships with the City of Virginia Beach, Sentara Healthcare, and local first responders are so essential, said NAS Oceana commanding officer, Capt. Bob Holmes “Safety is always our number one priority, whether we’re flying routine flight operations or hosting the NAS Oceana Air Show. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the Navy’s EastCoastMasterJetBasefortheairshow this year.”

Meet JEB Little Creek Story’s new deputy joint base commander

ByLt BrittanyStephens Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2 held a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of construction of the Navy Special Operations Memorial at the EODGRU 2 compound at Joint Base Little Creek-Fort Story Aug. 19

More than 200 members of the Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal commu nity attended the ceremony, including EODGRU 2 Sailors and veterans The memorial will also feature a well ness garden. “The health and wellness portion of this garden and memorial area pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice and serves as a catalyst for renewal, said Eckhart. “This memorial area will provide anurturingenvironmentthatcultivatesthe wholeoperatorbyfosteringnotonlyreflec tive thinking and workforce mindfulness, but also their holistic well being.” NSOF and Navy EODA are funding the construction of the memorial and garden. “Without the support of Navy Special Operations Foundation and the Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Association, todaywouldnotbepossible,”saidEckhart.

The memorial and garden will be completed in February 2024 EODGRU 2 is a critical part of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Force (NECF) that clears explosive hazards to provide access to denied areas; secures the undersea domain for complete freedom of maneu ver; builds and fosters relationships with a constellation of capable and trusted part ners;andprotectsthehomelandandAmer ican way of life FormorenewsfromExplosiveOrdnance Disposal Group 2, visit https://www.dvid shub.net/unit/EODG-2 Thisdoesnotconstituteendorsementof NSOF or Navy EODA by the Department of Defense Department of the Navy or EODGRU 2

“This was a phenomenal opportunity to advance our proficiency to be ready to fightatthehigh-end,”saidRearAdm.Brian Davies,commander,SubmarineGroupTwo (SUBGRUTWO) and deputy commander U.S. 2nd Fleet. “We take every opportunity to conduct coordinated exercises such as this, to ensure that we have a ready and credible force in response to adversary operations in the Atlantic Ocean.” Commander,DestroyerSquadron(CDS)

ATLANTICOCEAN Commander U.S. 2nd Fleet conducted an undersea warfare exercise in the Atlantic Ocean, Aug. 13-15 The exercise provided theater undersea warfare proficiency training by conducting integrated anti-submarine warfare operationsagainstsimulatedhigh-endadversaries

ByPettyOfficer2ndClass AndersonWBranch Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet

ATLANTIC OCEAN (Aug 13,2022) Sailors perform maintenance checks on an MH-60RSea Hawkhelicopter,attached to HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 48,on the flight deck aboard theArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSTruxtun (DDG 103).Truxtun is part ofthe George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group,an integrated combatweapons system that delivers superiorcombat capabilityto deter,and ifnecessary,defeatAmerica’s adversaries in support ofnational security.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSPORSHA THOMPSON)

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 3

groundbreaking of EOD and Navy Diver Memorial VIRGINIABEACH,Va (Aug 19 2022).Suzanna Fisher executive directorat NavySpecial Operations Foundation,NavyDiverSeaman Chris Pedrini,and HenryThrift,president ofNavyExplosive Ordnance DisposalAssociation,dig during the groundbreaking ceremonyforthe NavySpecial Operations Memorial.The memorialwill be located at the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2 compound onJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story and the memorialwill feature the names offallen NavyExplosive Ordnance Disposal technicians and NavyDivers. EODGRU 2 is a critical part ofthe NavyExpeditionaryCombat Force (NECF) that clears explosive hazards to provide access to denied areas; secures the undersea domain forcomplete freedom ofmaneuver; builds and fosters relationshipswith a constellation ofcapable and trusted partners; and protects the homeland andAmericanwayoflife (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT BRITTANY STEPHENS/RELEASED)

22 embarked Arleigh Burke-class guid ed-missile destroyer USS Truxtun (DDG 103) to lead the exercise, which integrated air, surface, and sub-surface assets to coordinate efforts for maritime homeland defense “Effective integration and continued maturation of high-end ASW skills across unitsandstaffsisamust,”saidCapt.Milciades “Tony” Then, commander of CDS 22. “This exercise is another strong step in the broader communities’ continuum to advance Theater, Task Group, and Unit Level ASW readiness in the Atlantic.” U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArcticinorder to ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S., allied, and partner interests U.S. 2nd Fleet conducts undersea warfare exercise

The ceremony featured speakers and leadersfromtheNavyExplosiveOrdnance Disposal community, both active duty and veteran,followedbyagroundbreakingwith shovels Speakers included Rear Admiral Brad Andros directorofJ10DirectorateofCoun teringWeaponsofMassDestruction;Capt. ChuckEckhart,commodoreofEODGRU2; Rear Adm. Frank Morneau, ret. and board member of Navy Special Operations Foundation(NSOF),andHenryThrift,president ofNavyExplosiveOrdnanceDisposalAsso ciation (Navy EODA) The memorial will be located on the EODGRU 2 compound, and it will feature the names of Navy Explosive Ordnance DisposaltechniciansandNavyDiverswho died in the line of duty.

“Thismemorialwillbeaplacewherewe can connect with those that went before us It can also be a place where we connect with those that are with us,” said Andros “Everyone is coming together from this memorial, and we owe it to the names on the wall of the memorial to be connected with each other.”

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 hosts

Expeditionary Preventive Medicine Team returns home after successful mission The US Navy’s Forward Deployable Preventive Medicine UnitTEAM ONE (FDPMU-1),an operational medical platform made ofpublic health experts from the NavyEnvironmental and Preventive Medicine UnitTWO (NEPMU-2) on Naval Station Norfolk,in Norfolk,Virginia,returned from Krakow Poland,July8,2022 aftera five month deployment (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT PETERMERCREDI/RELEASED) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 BEFORE AFTER OFFER EXPIRES 9/04/22 FREE INSTALLATION all shower &bath projects 18 MONTHS no payments &nointerest for GET FAST &EASY FINANCING BEFORE IT’S GONE! OVER 125,000 HOMEOWNERS HAVE CHOSEN US, BECAUSE THEY: •Wantedto Say Goodbye to Mold and Constant Cleaning •Needed a Safe &Low Step-in Shower •Wantedto Customize the Style to Match Their Bathroom •Needed the Job Done and Ready for Use in Less Than aDay •Needed Removal and Installation Completed by Trained Experts •Needed an Affordable Option to Meet Their Budget HURRY! THIS OFFER EXPIRES 9/04/22, SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! SPECIAL LABOR DAY FINANCING 757-280-2257 *Plan 1087. Subject to credit approval. 0.00% interest rate during 18 month promotional period followed by fixed interest rate of 17.99% for 84 months. Payment example: for $10,000 purchase on approval date (APR 11.89%), 18 payments of $0.00 followed by 84 amortized payments of $210.11. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, equal opportunity lender banks. NMLS #1416362. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 9/04/22. 2705176338 CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

CourtesyStory Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center

The Forward Deployable Preventive Medicine Unit TEAM ONE (FDPMU-1), an operational medical platform made up of public health experts from Navy Envi ronmental and Preventive Medicine Unit TWO (NEPMU-2) Norfolk, VA, returned from Krakow, Poland, July 8, 2022, after a five month deployment. The team deployed in support of U.S. Army’s Task Force Dragon, shortly following the outbreak of armed conflict in Ukraine While portions of Navy FDPMUs frequently deploy in support of humani tarian operations disease outbreaks and force health protection efforts, this was thefirstdeploymentofafullFDPMUteam in support of theater combat readiness in over a decade FDPMUs are responsible for ensuring occupational and the environmental safety of all operational personnel including water testing, toxic industrialchemicalexposuresurveillance, and disease surveillance. The 13-member team was led by Cmdr. MichaelPrudhomme,PreventiveMedicine Physician,andwasequippedwithchemical and biological detection equipment capa ble of identifying a wide range of natural ly-occurring and manmade health threats that can degrade force health and mission readiness “Being deployed to Poland was a great experience,” said Hospital Corpsman 2nd ClassDanielleCuello,PreventiveMedicine TechnicianonFDPMU-1.“Ienjoyedwork ing alongside our US Army counterparts Itwasanamazingexperiencetotrainwith the Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) and ExplosiveOrdinanceDisposal(EOD)teams in a joint exercise.”

narian team to execute a joint technology exchange with NATO partner Poland’s Preventive Medicine Center (Wojskowy Ośrodek Medycyny Prewencyjnej; WOMP), Krakow During the technology exchange,FDPMU-1metwithWOMPstaff and toured their laboratory in Krakow “It was an honor meeting the WOMP team, seeing their facility and getting a glimpse into their full capabilities I look forward to teaming up with the Polish CBRNE unit of WOMP for future joint exercises,” said Lt Peter Mercredi FDPMU-1 Biochemist Duringthemeeting,theteamsdiscussed each other’s technical capabilities, equip ment, analysis and testing processes, and general approaches to providing preven tive medicine services to their forces It is hoped that this seminal meeting can serve as a jump-start to future joint oper ations and training exercises “I thank the U.S. Navy preventive medicine team for comingtovisitourfacilityandsharinghow they perform Occupational Environmental Health Site Assessments (OEHSAs), said Col. Konrad Tkaczewski, cardiologist and WOMP Commandant. “The information we all collect is vital for protecting all troops Collaborating in joint base surveillance operations would be fundamental to pioneerinternationalpreventivemedicine testing standards.”

Inadditiontobuildinggreatrelationships withNATOpartners,theteamsuccessfully collected over 500 hours of air samples, performed more than 10 water potability tests, performed pest control evaluation of 300 sleeping tents, evaluated pest and environmentalmanagementcontracts,and conductedepidemiologicalsurveillanceof communicablediseasesbymonitoringover 800 medical encounters Their contribu tions were recognized by the Task Force Commander who awarded the team the Army Commendation medal “The short-fused deployment of FDPMU-1 was a significant event, in response to a real-world and real-time enemy combat threat to NATO’s eastern flank,” said Cmdr John Owings Officer In-Charge NEPMU-2. “Navy Medicine put a highly-capable and mobile preven tivemedicineteaminEasternEurope This team was on-scene and ready to deliver theater-level force health protection analysis and guidance to the joint force They delivered outstanding services to Task Force Dragon, and went a long way to enhancing our military medical relation shipwithacriticalNATOpartner Icannot be more proud of this team!” NEPMU-2 is a field activity of the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC), Portsmouth, Va NMCPHC develops and shapes public health for the U.S. Navy and Marines Corps through health surveillance, epidemiology and analysis, disease and injury prevention, and public health consultation. Learn more by going to www.nmcphc.med.navy mil. Follow NMCPHC on social media at https://www.facebook.com/NavyAnd MarineCorpsPublicHealthCenter http:// twitter.com/nmcphc and https://www instagram.com/nmcphc/ Navy

Upon arrival in Poland, FDPMU-1 conducted Occupational Environmen tal Health Site Assessments (OEHSA) on five forward operating bases throughout Poland. Each OEHSA included the assess ment of chemical, biological, radiological, andvector-bornediseasethreats providing Joint Task Force leadership with detailed analysis,andmitigationrecommendations, regarding potential health risks on each base DuringtheOEHSAs,FDPMU-1team members conducted sampling to ensure short-termwatersafetyandtoassesslong termdrinkability Theteamalsoconducted environmentalairtestingtoassessforhigh risk toxic industrial chemical threats to Joint Task Force personnel. In addition to the OEHSAs, FDPMU-1 executed a 48-hour CBRNE exercise with U.S. Army personnel, participated in a Polish Constitution Day celebration, and partnered with a U.S. Army veteri

NETC Diver VR Simulation Lt Cmdr Ben O’neill,right assigned to the Naval Education andTraining Command’s (NETC) Command at SeaTraining Department office participates in avirtual realitydiversimulation at NETC headquarters in Pensacola,Florida August 19 2022 Leaders from Naval Diving and SalvageTraining Center including ChiefWarrant OfficerJames Dertilis,left visited NETC as part ofan extended reality(XR) training device discussionwith NETC leadership ReadyRelevant Learning is delivering modernized content in support oftransformational changes to thewhen, howandwhere the Navytrains Sailors,and as part ofthat process,NETC continues to evaluate the potential uses oftechnologylikeXRto supplement training (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSZACHARYMELVIN) Firefighting training Aviation Boatswain’s Mate-Aircraft Handling 2nd Class Dakota Montoya andAviation Boatswain’s Mate-Aircraft Handling 1st Class Michael Flosi assigned to NavyRegion Northwest Fire and EmergencyServices put out a fire during an aircraft mishap drill on the Naval Outlying Field in Coupeville,WashingtonAugust 17 2022 The joint training tested the aircraft mishap response procedures ofourFederal Fire,Search and Rescue,and local first responders.(U.S NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSARANZAVALDEZ) FREE PUZZLES &GAMES Playonline every dayat PlayJumble.com Jumble Daily|Jumble CrosswordDaily |JumbleSunday Sudoku |Mahjong| Bubble Shooter Pro| Plusmanymore www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 5 WAY YUM! IS BETTER THAN THEIR BURGER. THIS TOY Mustbe21orolder.Problem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500 1996 POWER PLANT PKWY,HAMPTON, VA 23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM Get moreout of your subscription by setting up your digital account • Morearticles than what’sinprint • Breaking News alerts with the mobile app • Unlimited access to our website • eNewspaper,a digital replica of the paper emailed daily It’seasy to start your online access! Visit: go-activate.com VALUED SUBSCRIBER


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Boston (August 19 2022)AircrewSurvival Equipmentman 2nd Class KimberlyWatson,from HackensackN.J.,rings the ship’s bell during a ceremonycommemorating Sailorswhowere lost during the Battlewith the British HMS Guerriere,onAugust 19,1812

Boston (August 19 2022) U.S.NavyCmdr Billie Farrell,Commanding OfficerofUSS Constitution,speaks during a ceremonycommemorating Sailorswhowere lost during the Battlewith the British HMS Guerriere,onAugust 19,1812

USS Constitution Commemorates the 210th Anniversary of the Battle of HMS Guerriere during the War of 1812

Boston (August 19 2022) SeamanAlec Morris,from Caledonia,M.I.,speaks during a ceremony commemorating Sailorswhowere lost during the Battlewith the British HMS Guerriere,on August 19,1812

Boston (August 19 2022) USS Constitution Commanding OfficerCmdr B.J.Farrell,center Lt Cmdr Raffaelle Giarnella,right and Command SeniorChiefSeth Miles pose during a ceremony commemorating Sailorswhowere lost during the Battlewith the British HMS Guerriere,on August 19,1812

She has received some sage advice throughout her career which includes “Never let another person’s experiences determine the fate of your own adventure. Her commitment and hard work make her agreatrolemodelandleader.

The NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support communications team held its third Communications Boot Camp on Aug. 3, as part of its continuing effort to improve communications across the command. NAVSUP WSS commander, Rear Adm. Ken Epps, opened the event by emphasiz ing the importance of effective commu nication “Communication is the thing that—especially in large organizations— helps keep us together and allows us to transmit messaging and intent, Epps told thebuddingcommunicators.“It’smyhope that this course gives attendees the proper toolstocommunicateinawaythatensures messaging is aligned across the NAVSUP WSS leadership spectrum.” Following the commander’s introduc tion, students were given an overview of the command’s mission and current Naval Sustainment System (NSS) initiatives in which NAVSUP WSS is heavily involved: NSS-Supply,NSS-AviationandNSS-Ship yard Kelly Luster, director of the NAVSUP WSS office of corporate communications, led the next lesson on communicating the command’s mission externally, communi catinginavirtualenvironmentandcommunicating with vendors Luster explained to the class that nearly every interaction the studentshavewithexternalstakeholdersis anopportunitytosendadditionalmessages about their role their department, and the command.

NAVSUP WSS vice commander Lynn Kohl also spoke about the effectiveness of messaging during the leadership roundtable portion of the class whichalsofeaturedCapt ShannonWalker NAVSUPWSSdeputycommanderforavia tion,andJohnSoracco,NAVSUPWSSchief logistician for aviation. “Messaging is really helping our command and NAVSUP in general main tain a recognizable presence throughout the Navy and among the Department of Defense leadership as well, Kohl said. The class also featured a series of prac tical exercises designed to enable the students to effectively respond to several scenarios while incorporating command messaging


www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 7

command an aircraft carrier Women’s Equality Day, which is recog nized on Aug. 26, commemorates the 19th Amendment of the United States Constitu

The NAVSUP WSS Communications Boot Camp is offered three to four times each year and is open to all NAVSUP WSS employees NAVSUP WSS is one of 11 commands under Commander, NAVSUP Headquar tered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse, worldwide workforceofmorethan22,500militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain,acquisition,operationallogisticsand Sailor and family care activities with our missionpartnerstogeneratereadinessand sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars Learn more at www.navsup.navy.mil, www.facebook. com/navsupwss, and https://twitter.com/ navsupsyscom

ByNavalWeaponsStationYorktown PublicAffairs YORKTOWN, Va Women served in the U.S. Navy for 12 years prior to gaining the right to vote The Navy Nurse Corps was established by Congress on May 13, 1908, allowing women to serve, and the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote was ratified on Aug. 18 1920 As women continue to make strides towards equality in the civilian world, the U.S. Navy is committed to ensur ing female Sailors have the same oppor tunities as their male counterparts. In today’s Navy, women can serve in combat, aboardsubmarines,pilotaircraft,andeven

“I am responsible for monitoring the surrounding areas and ensuring no drones fly over the installation, said Cmehil. “If they do, we have procedures in place to respond.” Along with her daily responsibilities, Cmehil is a Command Unit Sexual Assault Victim Response advocate and Assistant Motorcycle Safety Coordinator Her outstandingperformanceandleadershipled hertobeingselectedasSailoroftheYearfor NWSYorktown. Reflecting on Women’s Equality Day, Cmehil stated, “I am grateful to have the opportunity to work beside like-minded peopleandknowthatIamnotdefinedsolely bymygender,butbymyachievements.”

“To my fellow female Sailors, junior or new, if you ever find a door being shut in your face, look for support from the people around you and stay strong,” said Cmehil. “Youcanbewhoeveryouwanttobe solong asyounevergiveupthefight!” Formoreinformationaboutthecontribu tions made by women in the United States Navy,pleasevisithttps://wwwhistory.navy mil/browse-by-topic/diversity/women-inthe-navy.html.

NWSYorktown’s SailoroftheYearwatches overinstallation

NAVSUP Communications Boot Camp

StoryByMatthewJones NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support

Women’s Equality: Full Speed Ahead

tionandwasfirstcelebratedin1971,butnot officiallyrecognizedbyPresidentialprocla mationuntil1973 Naval Weapons Station Yorktown provides an equitable environment, ensuring all Sailors have the same opportunities toflourish. Operations Specialist 2nd Class, Sabryna Cmehil, is responsible for ensuring the air spacearoundNWSYorktownissecurefrom drone activity She joined the U.S. Navy in 2015 and has been stationed at the installationforthreeyears.

“The effective use of messaging is somethingyouseeallthetimewithoutrealizing it,” Luster said. “After this class, you won’t look at interviews on the news the same way again. The third lesson taught the students how to effectively use NAVSUP WSS’ key themes and command messages to speak withonevoiceasadvocatesandspokespeo ple for the command.


ThisiterationofFBPincludedaseriesof experiments testing warfighting concepts, which validated innovative tactics, tech niques and procedures for employment in complex operational environments In addition to testing IAMD in support of maritime homeland defense, the experiment also flexed the strike group’s ability tooperatewithjointforces,specificallythe Air Force. “Fleet battle problem was a great oppor tunity to work with our joint partners at a high level early in our deployment,” said Rear Adm. Dennis Velez, commander, CSG-10,GeorgeH.W.BushCSG “Whenyou havetwocarrierstrikegroupsandelements of the joint force competing against one another it brings out the best in our teams, and drives the learning and development in the high-end fight that is critical to our national defense and security.”

George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group

ATLANTIC OCEAN (Aug 16 2022)Two MH-60RSea Hawkhelicopters attached to HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 flyin formation above theTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS Leyte Gulf(CG 55) in theAtlantic Ocean,Aug.16 2022 USS Leyte Gulfis a part ofthe George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (CSG),an integrated combatweapons system that delivers superiorcombat capabilityto deter,and ifnecessary defeatAmerica’s adversaries in support ofnational security.The George H.W.Bush CSG completed Fleet Battle Problem (FBP) 22-2 fromAugust 14-19 2022 FBP22-2 integrated naval,marine and aircapabilities to support IntegratedAirand Missile Defense (IAMD) and test use ofIAMD systems capabilityin a contested environmentwhile providingvigorous Maritime Homeland Defense.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANSAMUELWAGNER)

Fleet Battle Problem

The Navy’s Surface Combat Systems Center on Wallops Island provided live scenarios for the FBP The Center’s efforts enabled warfighter training testing and fleet operations development This battle problem focused on the transformation of the IAMD infrastructure to fuse all sensor dataintoanintegrated,seamlessoperations and intelligence warfighting network.

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Arlington and Gunston Hall’s presence in Latvia builds on the strong and enduring relationshiptheUnitedStatessharewiththe Baltic country and underscores increasing interoperability opportunities between the UnitedStatesandNATOalliesandpartners.


The George H.W. Bush CSG is an inte grated combat weapons system that delivers superior combat capability and the ability to deter and, if necessary, defeat America’s adversaries in support of national security Units that participated in the FPB 22-2 are USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron 26, the embarked Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55). The Air Force squadrons who participated in FBP 22-2 include the 27th Fighter Squadron, the 94th Fighter Squadron, and the 7th Fighter Squadron. Refueling tankers also supported from Joint Base McGuire-Dix Lakehurst’s 305th Air Mobility Wing, and from Pease Air National Guard Base’s 159th Air Refueling Wing

“The Gunston Hall crew and embarked MarinesareexcitedtobeheadingtoRigato experience the rich culture and history of Latvia, saidCmdr BethNelson,commandingofficerofGunstonHall.“Wearethrilled to be strengthening relationships with our Baltic Allies while also enjoying some rest andrecreation WethankRigaforthehospitalityandlookforwardtoourvisit.”

The ship’s presence in Lithuania builds on the strong and enduring relationship the United States shares with the Baltic country



The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group completed Fleet Battle Problem 22-2 August 18 Led by Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command, the focus of this FBP was to test Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) systems in a complex, maritime homeland defense scenario

The Kearsarge ARG and embarked 22nd MEU, under the command and control of Task Force 6½, consists of the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship and flagship of the ARGUSSKearsarge(LHD3) inadditionto ArlingtonandGunstonHall. EmbarkedcommandswiththeKearsarge ARG include Amphibious Squadron SIX, 22nd MEU, Fleet Surgical Team 2, Fleet SurgicalTeam4,TacticalAirControlSquadron 22, Tactical Air Combat Squadron 22, HelicopterSeaCombatSquadron28,Naval BeachGroup2,AssaultCraftUnit2,Assault CraftUnit4,andBeachMasterUnit2. Amphibious ready groups and larger amphibious task forces provide military commanders a wide range of flexible capabilities including maritime security opera tions,expeditionarypowerprojection,strike operations, forward naval presence, crisis response, sea control, deterrence, count er-terrorism, information operations, secu rity cooperation and counter-proliferation and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our Allies and Partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve securityandstability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.


USS Kearsarge arrives in Lithuania

Exercise; Port in Riga, Latvia RIGA,Latvia (Aug 20 2022)

“Our visit to our Latvian NATO allies comes on the heel the Secretary of Defense Austin’svisitlastweekasaphysicaldemonstration of the United States commitment toourBalticAllies,”saidCapt.EricKellum, commanding officer of Arlington. “The Kearsarge ARG-MEU brings substantial capability that is flexible agile mobile and readytorapidlyrespondtothreatsorpoten tialthreatsintheregion.Theprimaryadvan tageisweshowupreadytoworkondayone I know my crew looks forward to spending quality time ashore and experiencing the Latviancultureandrichhistory.”

ByPettyOfficer1stClassJohnBellino USS Arlington (LPD 24) RIGA, Latvia (Aug. 20, 2022) The San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD 24) and Whidbey Island-classdocklandingshipUSSGunston Hall (LSD 44) with embarked Marines assigned to the 22nd Marine Expedition aryUnit(MEU)arrivedinRiga,Latviafora scheduledportvisit,Aug.20,2022.

USS Arlington, USS Gunston Hall Completes U.S. - Finland Interoperability

Rapidly and consistently integrating fleetfeedbackonIAMDcapabilitiestested during the exercise will provide a desired level of control through the air, overland orfromtheseaindefenseofthehomeland.

FBP 22-2 allowed the Navy to analyze best practices and incorporate them in future training, tactics, and procedures, as well as make recommendations for material improvement and acquisition priorities “Sending the Bush Strike Group on deployment following their extraordinary performance during FBP 22-2 is a clear demonstrationofthecaliberofinvestments we’ve made in advanced combat capabil ities responsive tactics and war fighting integration” said Admiral Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. “No doubt the Bush team is ready to compete and win in the high-end fight.”

ArlingtonandGunstonHall’svisitcomes after Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) calledonRigainearlyJuly Therelationship built between the United States and Latvia is rooted in a foundation of shared values andvision,andbothnationsfurtherenhance the relationship through mutual participa tion in exercises, operations, and port visits likethese While in port, Arlington will host a ship tour for members of the U.S. Embassy in Latvia while Gunston Hall will host ship toursforEmbassyandLatviangovernment officials Additionally, Sailors and Marines assignedtobothshipswillbeabletoexplore the city of Riga and participate in Morale, Wellness and Recreation (MWR) tours to

The SanAntonio-class amphibious transport dockship USS Arlington (LPD 24),foreground,arrives in Riga,Latvia,alongwith theWhidbeyIsland-class docklanding ship USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44),background,fora scheduled portvisit Aug.20 2022 The KearsargeAmphibious ReadyGroup and 22nd Marine ExpeditionaryUnit underthe command and control ofTaskForce 6½ is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partner interests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJOHNBELLINO)

FortheAssociateofArtsinMilitaryStudies, theUSNCCstudentstakeamajorityoftheir courses through ASU. “Ithasbeenapleasuretopartnerwiththe

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USNCC to serve their students in pursuit of a robust military education. Our Military Studies associate was built to complement the Naval Studies certificate and provide a degree that is founded in the principles of history and leadership with a global lens,” said Casey Evans chief growth officer for EdPlus at ASU. All active duty enlisted Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen are eligible to apply for any degree program with the USNCC.

USNCC students complete 1st Military Studies Course with ASU

KLAIP DA Lithuania (Aug 20 2022)TheWasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) enters port in Klaip da,Lithuania fora scheduled portvisit Aug.20 2022.The KearsargeAmphibious ReadyGroup and embarked 22nd Marine ExpeditionaryUnit underthe command and control ofTaskForce 6½ is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSTYLERTHOMPSON)

Whileinport,ARG-MEUleadershipwill participateinapiersidemediaengagement featuring Lithuanian military and civil ian leaders Kearsarge will also host a key leader engagement aboard the ship with Lithuanian and U.S. government, civilian and military officials to express gratitude to Lithuania for the hospitality and welcome to the country

QUANTICO,Va (Aug 18 2022) The first students enrolled in theAssociate ofArts in Military Studies through the United States Naval CommunityCollege completed theirfirst course throughArizona State UniversityAugust 9,2022.This course,Introduction to MilitaryStudies,is designed to help these students understand howpolitical science and historyinforms national securityresearch into diverse solutions.This graphicwas created using shapes,text and images (U.S.NAVYGRAPHICILLUSTRATIONBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTXANDER GAMBLE/RELEASED)

ByChiefPettyOfficer AlexanderGamble U.S. Naval Community College

USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) arrives in Klaipėda, Lithuania

“The Kearsarge ARG/MEU team is priv ileged to have the opportunity to visit the historic and beautiful city of Klaipėda, strengthening the bonds between the U.S. and the countries that call the Baltic Sea home,”saidCapt.TomFoster commanding officer of USS Kearsarge (LHD 3). “We are extremely grateful to our Lithuanian hosts fortheirpartinpreservingthereadinessand responsiveness of our units and personnel.”

QUANTICO Va The first students enrolled in the Associate of Arts in Military Studies through the United States Naval Community College completed their first course through Arizona State University August 9, 2022. This course, Introduction to Military Studies, is designed to help these students understandhowpoliticalscienceandhistory informs national security research into diverse solutions “Even after the first course, we’re seeing the impact this has in developing our enlisted leaders,” said USNCC’s President RandiR.Cosentino,Ed.D “Weareexcitedto seethedynamicshiftthattakesplaceacross the tri-service maritime forces once these Sailors,Marines,andCoastGuardsmenhave completed the full associate degree.” “It helped me to see everything mili tary-wise from both the deckplates as well as from the higher-ups, and even on the political level, said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rd Class Petty Officer Gordan, of St Louis, Missouri. The Military Studies degree program is offered fully online in an asynchronous environment to better meet the needs of theactivedutyenlistedmembersoftheU.S. Navy Marine Corps and Coast Guard. This means service members can take naval-rel evant courses during their off-duty hours fromanywhereintheworldtheyhaveaccess to the internet

ThoseinterestedinearningadegreeinMili tary Studies, or any other degree program offered by the USNCC, can fill out an appli cation at www.usncc.edu. The United States Naval Community Collegeistheofficialcommunitycollegefor theNavy MarineCorps andCoastGuard.To get more information about the USNCC, go towww.usncc.edu.ClickontheInquireNow link to learn how to be a part of the USNCC Pilot II program.

Duringtheirportvisit,SailorsandMarines assigned to Kearsarge will explore the rich cultureLithuaniahastooffer Theywillhave the opportunity visit the SOS Children’s Village in Klaipėda, a non-profit organiza tion that aims to strengthen local families by offering access to essential education, nutritional and health services Sailors and Marines will also have the opportunity to participate in a basketball tournament with the Lithuanian Navy basketball team. The Kearsarge ARG and embarked 22nd MEU, under the command and control of Task Force 6½ consists of Kearsarge San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock shipUSSArlington(LPD24),andWhidbey Island-classdocklandingshipUSSGunston Hall (LSD 44) Arlington and Gunston Hall are scheduled to conduct a simultaneous port visit in Riga, Latvia, Aug. 20 EmbarkedcommandswiththeKearsarge ARG include Amphibious Squadron SIX, 22nd MEU Fleet Surgical Team 2, Fleet SurgicalTeam4,TacticalAirControlSquadron 22, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 28, Naval Beach Group 2, Assault Craft Unit 2, Assault Craft Unit 4, and Beach Master Unit 2. For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our Allies and Partners leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve security and stability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEUR NAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is perma nently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and naval operations

Q: Iamassignedtoa Pre-CommissioningUnit (PCU)/Detachment(PCD). Whatismycontroldate? A: ForFamily Housing assignment at the ultimate homeport ofthe ship,the control date will be as follows: Personnel assigned to the PCU The control date will be the date Navy Housing receives yourapplication,afterthe official naval message from the Chief ofNaval Operations (CNO) is released designating the ship’s homeport Personnel assigned to the PCD The control date will be the date Navy Housing receives yourapplication,orthe date of the official naval message from the CNO is released designating the ship’s homeport,whichever is later NAVY HOUSING Norfolk (757) 445-2832 JEBLCFS (757) 462-2792 Oceana/DamNeck (757)433-3268 Yorktown (757) 847-7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling(Individual,Couples,a nd Child Counseling) Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family Employment Assistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAnger Management Command Support Crisis Support SuicidePrevention SAPR Support ByPettyOfficer1stClass TylerThompson USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) KLAIPĖDA Lithuania TheWasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD3) flagshipoftheKearsargeAmphib iousReadyGroupand22ndMarineExpedi tionary Unit, arrived in Klaipėda, Lithuania for a scheduled port visit, Aug. 20, 2022. The ship’s presence in Lithuania builds onthestrongandenduringrelationshipthe UnitedStatesshareswiththeBalticcountry Kearsarge’svisittoKlaipėdafollowsaprevious visit to the port city by Arleigh Burkeclass guided missile destroyer USS Gravely (DDG 107) in May 2022.

The USNCC degree programs each include a Naval Studies Certificate and a professional certificate embedded in the associate degree program. This mile stone model of education ensures Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen earn certif icates within their degree programs with outhavingtotakeadditionalcourses.These certificates demonstrate an increased level ofknowledgerelevantbothwithinthenaval servicesaswellasoutsidetheservice,ensur ing these service members are better set up for professional success as veterans Each degree program is offered in a consortium model with our partner insti tutions This means the students take the Naval Studies Certificate courses through the USNCC directly and take all the other coursework with our partner institutions

ManySailorshaveavitalresourceavailable to them to manage this stress and concern, though: the Navy’s Chaplain Corps Chaplains are embarked on U.S. Navy ships across the globe, ready to support and encourage everyone from the most junior Sailor to most senior officer in church services, counseling or just to be a listeningear Lt Cmdr EliasPaulk,achaplain embarked on the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missiledestroyerUSSForrestSher man (DDG 98), demonstrates the value of embarked chaplains on Navy ships “It’s an honor to be able to serve along sidesomeofthehardestworkingSailorsin thefleet,”saidPaulk “Myroleasachaplain allows me to be there for Sailors through prayer and Bible study through the cele bration of church services and as a broth er-in-arms. ForrestShermandeployedfromtheEast Coast of the United States, June 11, 2022 to the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa area of operations Throughout the deployment, Forrest Shermanhasintegratedandoperatedwith many NATO allies and partners, as well as the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG). Lt Rene Pellessier, a Roman CatholicchaplainembarkedonUSSHarry S. Truman (CVN 75), spent an afternoon aboard Forrest Sherman and celebrated a RomanCatholicmasswiththeship’screw Coordinating personnel transfers at sea is no small task, but when a small window of opportunity presented itself Truman ForrestSherman,andDestroyerSquadron 28 leadership prioritized the chaplain’s movement via helicopter “It was a pleasure and a welcomed opportunity to have Chaplain Pellessier aboard from Harry S. Truman,” said Cmdr LawrenceHeyworthIV commandingoffi cer of Forrest Sherman. “Chaplains are incredible force multipliers in the surface Navy Religious ministry is extremely importanttomanySailors,andmanymore alsobuildtoughnessthroughtheseasoned counseling that all chaplains offer, regardlessofreligiousaffiliation.Maximizingour Sailors’ access to Navychaplains including the Navy’s initiative to permanently assign chaplains to Arleigh Burke-class destroyers unquestionably builds our team’s resilience.” As they continue their deployment throughout Europe, Forrest Sherman’s crewknowsthattheChaplainCorpsstands ready to assist them through a variety of situations and opportunities. As the Navy continues to prioritize providing chaplain services on surface ships destroyer crews around the world will continue to benefit fromthisinitiativeandtheeffortsputforth by the Navy’s chaplains. Forrest Sherman is serving as the flag ship for Standing NATO Maritime Group Two (SNMG2), a multinational integrated taskgroupthatprojectsaconstantandvisi blereminderofthealliance’ssolidarityand cohesion afloat and provides the alliance with a continuous maritime capability to perform a wide range of tasks, including exercisesandreal-worldoperationsinperiods of crisis and conflict For over 80 years U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S.NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our allies and partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve security and stability Headquartered in Naples, Italy, NAVEUR-NAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and naval operations

Chaplains unite at sea (U.S.NAVYPHOTO)


MEDITERRANEAN SEA Life at sea can be difficult, at times filled with uncer tainty and challenging days The schedule can be ever-changing, bringing stress and concern to Sailors and their families

ByLt KathleenBarrios USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) Public Affairs

The NeuseWinds Freedom Riders,left and ChestyPullers,a paddle team comprised ofMarineswith the Single Marine Program,during the 12thAnnual Dragon Boat Races and Festival in Oriental,North Carolina,Aug.13,2022 The festival raises moneyforlocal charities and non-profit organizations and gives Marines the opportunityto build a strongerrelationshipwith theirlocal communities.


U.S.Marines from Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint participate in an opening parade during the 12thAnnual Dragon Boat Races and Festival in Oriental,North Carolina,Aug.13,2022 The festival raises moneyforlocal charities and non-profit organizations and gives Marines the opportunityto build a strongerrelationshipwith theirlocal communities.(U.S.MARINECORPS PHOTOBYLANCECPL SYMIRABOSTIC)

Devil Dog Dragons

The Single Marine Program (SMP) at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point gathered 35 Marines to race in the 12th Annual Dragon Boat Races and Festival in Oriental, North Carolina, Aug. 13, 2022. Eight teams raced in the festival, which raised money for local charities and non-profitorganizationsoftheirchoosing, according to the event coordinator Two of those teams were Marines from Cherry Point the Neuse Winds Freedom Riders and the Chesty Pullers The way dragon boat racing works is 18-20 people paddle a single dragon boat, whicharelong,narrowwatercraftsresem bling dragons Situated at the front of the boat is a drummer, synchronizing the paddles strokes, while a steerer is posi tioned at the back. This year the teams were sponsored by Dr John Windrith, a local community member “We want to serve our Marines because they serve us, so we raise the money to sponsorateamforthem,”saidFloraMoor man,eventcoordinatorfortheDragonBoat RacesandFestival.“Thiscommunityloves the Marines, they are always helpful and thefirstpeopletovolunteertohelpothers So whenthey’rehere,wewantthemtofeel welcomed and loved.” In Dragon Boat Racing synchronicity is more important than strength. Teams must learn how to work together in order to move swiftly through the water “Theracesbuildteamworkandteachthe Marines to rely on each other, something that’s really foundational in the Marine Corps,” said Hannah Greiner, an SMP recreation assistant.

The ChestyPullers,a paddle team comprised ofMarineswith the Single Marine Program,and othercommunityteams create an oararch forpassing teams during the 12thAnnual Dragon Boat Races and Festival in Oriental,North Carolina,Aug.13,2022 The raising ofoars is a sign of respect and good sportsmanship to otherteams (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL SYMIRABOSTIC)

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 25, 2022

SMPoffersMarinesandSailorsallkinds of opportunities to get involved in local communities “It was an awesome opportunity to do something good for the community while also building a stronger relationship with theotherMarines,”saidU.S.MarineCorps Lance Cpl. Gabriel MacIntosh, a student at the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training “I hope to participate next year and see more Marines participate.” Intheend,NeuseWindsFreedomRiders placed first in the Military Division by less than one second.

StoryByLanceCpl SymiraBostic Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point

Marines from Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint paddle to the starting line during theirfinal race at the 12thAnnual Dragon Boat Races and Festival in Oriental,North Carolina,Aug.13,2022 The festival raises moneyforlocal charities and non-profit organizations and gives Marines the opportunityto build a strongerrelationshipwith theirlocal communities.(U.S.MARINECORPS PHOTOBYLANCECPL SYMIRABOSTIC)

Inhisoff-time,Shirleyenjoyssportsand watching TV and since COVID-19 restric tions have started to lift, he tries to make themostoftheaddedfreedombyexploring Sicily and traveling One of his biggest off-time passions is shopping,specificallycollectingshoes For Shirley,hiscollectionisnotaboutthelatest sneaker trends or the new “must-haves” but more so about any shoe that sparks his interest. Having moved overseas, his collection tookabitofahitinregardstotheshoeboxes themselves so he says he is working on getting new boxes while at the same time still adding to his collection. His future goals are to pick up rank and advance to 2nd class petty officer and he hopes that his next duty station will lead him to Japan, giving him a chance to mark offafewmoreitemsonhistravelbucketlist. Reflecting on the last seven and half years, Shirley says he believes he made the right choice in joining the Navy and that serving to him means making his family proud. Overall, Shirley likes to go with the flow and just take things a day at a time He enjoys living in the moment and taking things as they come, a lot like his favorite saying, “there will be better days even during dark times.”

(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSKEGANE.KAY) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 5 THIS TOOL CANCOME IN HANDY IN AN EMERGENCY. Take pictures of your important documents forinsurance. Formoretips visit Ready.gov

“Shirley is my subject matter expert for housing along with galley operations, and is continuing to strive and succeed in any tasksgiventohim,”saidCulinarySpecialist 1stClassJosephClem,thehousingdepart mental leading petty officer The admiration and recognition of Shir ley’s work by his leadership is echoed by how Shirley feels working for his chain of command. “I’ve been very fortunate to have good leadership throughout my entire career so far,”remarkedShirleyandhecontinuedby saying he could name at least two people from each command he’s been at that have actedasmentorstohim,assistinghimboth personally and professionally. “I have had the honor of working with CS3 Shirley for almost two years now, addedClem “CS3isanextraordinarypetty officer who demonstrates the maturity, leadership and dedication we seek to find in our Navy.”

“Getting to know people not only for job-relatedpurposesbutonapersonallevel as well,” clarified Shirley on why he enjoys socializing with people at work. Shirley also has the added responsibil ityofaresidentadvisorasacollateralduty, andisresponsibleforateamoffourRAsin taking care of all after-hours emergencies and assisting barracks residents.

NAVALAIRSTATION SIGONELLA,Italy(Aug.18 2022) CulinarySpecialist 3rd Class Darius Shirley,from Byram,Mississippi,smiles at the camerawhileworking on paperworkat the Ristorante Bella Etna Galleyon NavalAirStation Sigonella,Aug.18 2022 NAS Sigonella’s strategic location enables U.S.,allied,and partnernation forces to deployand respond as required ensuring security and stabilityin Europe,Africa and Central Command.

ByPettyOfficer1stClassKeganKay Naval Air Station Sigonella

Shirley has spent the past two years working for the housing department of Naval Air Station Sigonella While his primary responsibilities are to the housing department, he has spent the last three weeks currently working at the base’s award-winning Ristorante Bella Etnagalley Shirleyislearningandhandling theadministrativesidebutalsogetstohelp with his favorite aspect of being a culinary specialist: cooking and meal prep When watching him work, Shirley displays an intensely focused and serious demeanor but the moment he starts inter acting with his co-workers or customers, his face transforms with an easy smile Shirley says the best thing about his job is getting to interact with people.

In the spotlight: Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Darius Shirley

Most people spend a lifetime checking off items on their bucket lists but Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Darius Shirley, from Byram, Mississippi, has almost completed his travel bucket since he joined the Navy in January 2015 with only Asia and South Americastillleftonhislistofplacesofvisit.

Oh How Far I’ve Come

Samandhisbrotherstartedschoolinthe first grade, even though they were older than the other students “It was very difficult for us having to go through all of those ESL [English as a Second Language] classes, said Sam. “For bothelementaryschoolandmiddleschool, Istruggled Ihadsuchahardtimegrasping English and spelling.” Sam, with his wilting education, was once again pushed to rock bottom. “Iwasstruggling,”saidSam.“Iwasstrug gling to the point where I told myself I wasn’t smart enough.”

Evenashehitthebottom,Samdidn’tgive uporgivein.Hepersistedandstartedtoset himself apart from rest “AsIgotintohighschool,Istartedstudy ing more and paying more attention in class,”saidSam.“Finally,whenIgraduated, I was in the top ten percent of my class.” This transition didn’t just appear out of nowhere. One key character in Sam’s life played a role in that. “I used to work in a movie theater when Iwasinhighschool, Samchuckled.“There wasagentlemanwhowouldcomeinallthe time, and eventually, I got to know him.”

UnbeknownsttoSam,thiswasthebegin ning of a lifelong friendship “He told me that if I was ever interested in law enforcement that he would take me into the cadet program, said Sam. That gentleman was Trooper Ian Rola, with the Maryland State Police Over the coming months, Trooper Rola mentored Sam,offeringhimwordsofwisdom,sound advice, and a shoulder to lean on. “He taught me how to be a man,” said Sam. “He taught me how to stand up for what is right how to stand your ground, how to treat people with dignity and respect,andtoneverletanybodydothejob for you when you can easily do it yourself.” But the life lessons from Trooper Rola all came from one specific place; Before becoming a state trooper, he was first and foremost a United States Marine It was these life lessons that helped shape Sam into a young man and guided his decision toenlistintheUnitedStatesMarineCorps “I wanted to change as a person, he said. “This was my way of giving back to the country that had given me so much.” Rct. Plaskon shipped to Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C. on October 18, 2015 at the age of nineteen and was placedinBravoCompany,1stRecruitTraining Battalion. “I was definitely scared,” said Plaskon. “Itwasacultureshock butovertimeIgrew to like it. Plaskon earned his Eagle, Globe and Anchor on January 8, 2016 and the title of UnitedStatesMarine Thistitlemendedthe bond between Plaskon and Trooper Rola tighter than ever before. “I was lucky enough to hold a lot of high billets in the fleet,” he said. “At times I was in charge of over 120 Marines.” Sgt. Plaskon arrived at MCRD Parris Island Drill Instructor School in October of 2021 and completed a grueling 11-week training cycle before earning the coveted campaign cover on December 17, 2021 and formally becoming a United States Marine Corps drill instructor. “It taught me alot,” said Plaskon. “It taught me to hold the standards high and hold myself above the highest standards.

Now,Sgt.Plaskonservesasadrillinstruc torforEchoCompanyin2ndRecruitTraining Battalion. Each cycle, he passes on the knowledge and wisdom he once received fromTrooperRolatotherecruitshetransforms from civilians to United States Marines “To me I wake up every morning at 100%, he said. “I know that I am making Marines and that I would want them to emulate me when they leave here. It definitely makes me proud of what I do.”

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 25, 2022

Butevenafteralltheseyears,Sgt.Plaskon hasn’t lost touch with his humble origins and to this day Trooper Rola remains as a mentorandashouldertoleanonwhenever the need arises “I don’t think I could ever make up for it,” Sgt. Plaskon said. If it wasn’t for him [Trooper Rola] I honestly couldn’t tell you where I would be at right now.

SamPlaskonandhistwinbrotherstarted the first eight years of their lives in and out oforphanagesacrossUkraine,beforefinally beingadoptedbyanewfamilyandmoving to the United States “We were scared,” said Sam. “We really didn’t trust anyone Coming from Ukraine where anything could happen to you, to now being with an unfamiliar new family; it was scary. Sam and his twin brother James, were almostinseparable Whilecomingtoanew place and whilst being surrounded by new people, they ensured that closeness never went away “MybrotherandI,wekindofstuckwith each other,” said Sam. “We were close but thatwasbecausewedidn’tknowwhatwas going to happen and we gave each other a certain comfort. Coming to the United States was a challenge for the Plaskons Learning a new language, meeting new people, and having tocreateacompletelynewwayoflife;their world had turned upside down. “When we came here, we were home schooled for the first six months,” said Sam.“Mymomhadtoteachuseverything, like the basics of English, even colors and numbers.” But not everything was a rough start for the Plaskon’s new home “I remember the portion sizes of food were huge!” Sam laughed. “But not only that, everything was clean, people were nicetoyou,weweretreatedlikefamily we finally had love and affection like we had never had before.

U.S.Marine Corps drill instructorSgt.Sam Plaskon poses fora photo aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island,S.C. August 18 2022 Sgt.Plaskonwas originallyborn in Ukraine; Hewas adopted and brought to the United States at the age of8years old.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOSBYLANCECPL DAKOTADODD)

ByLanceCpl DakotaDodd Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island “When I walked down the streets, the buildings were destroyed and trash was all over the place,” said a young Sam Plaskon. “But here, [United States] here you could tell it was a better place.”

U.S.NavyLogistics Specialist

“Itreatthesubsandthepersonnelwithin thosesubsasmyownfamily Mykids ‘Hey, what do my kids need?’ Give it that family touch,” he said.

1st Class Luis Martinez,center,discusses an upcoming fuel deliverywith Brazilian submarine crewmembers Nelson LuizMoreira Da SilvaJr right and Gabriel Fontes Melo Bitencort.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 7

“With the Colombians we actually rented a U-Haul, that’s how much food we had. We loaded an entire U-Haul full of food, Nodal said. Nodal’s enlisted counterpart is Logistics Specialist 1st Class Luis Martinez, a long time Navy reservist activated for 90 days to come to Jacksonville for the DESI exer cise As a civilian back in El Paso, Texas, he works as an appraiser with State Farm insurance

If you’renoticing changes, it could be Alzheimer’s. Talk about visiting adoctor together. “Early detection gave us more time to findinformation andsupporttogether.”

Catering to Two Foreign Submarines is Full-time Job for Mayport Logistics Team

ByJeanetteSteele NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville MAYPORT,Fla. It’saninterestingchallenge Whenaforeignnavalvesseldocksat a U.S. Navy base, someone must help the crew get food, vans, fuel and, sometimes, access to medical care. One visiting foreign vessel can keep U.S. NavylogisticsSailorsprettybusy Now,how abouttwoforeignvessels?Fromtwodiffer entnations,atthesametime?

That was the scene at Naval Station Mayport starting in May, when the Brazil ian submarine BNS Tikuna (S 34) and the ColombiansubmarineARCTayrona(SO29) arrivedforthe2022DieselElectricSubmarine Initiative (DESI). DESI is an annual exercise that brings diesel-electric subma rines from South American nations to Florida and California for exercises with U.S. navalvesselsandaircraft. It wasn’t a first, but it may be the way of thefuture.Plannersareprojectingthatmore foreign nations may gather in Jacksonville forthemultimonthexerciseinthefuture. Sailors from Logistics Support Center Mayport provided the supply lifeline to the visitingcrews Jugglingtwoforeignnations’ needs at once makes for an interesting day, saidLt EmilioNodal,officerinchargeofthe two-person team that handled the visiting submarines The Mayport logistics center isapartofNavalSupplySystemsCommand FleetLogisticsCenterJacksonville “That’s the uniqueness of the day when you come in. It’s ‘Ok, what do they require today?’”Nodalsaid.“Itcouldbe theyhave ameetinginKingsBay,(Georgia.)Wehave to coordinate security to get them on the base, then we have to get them through security Everything they do requires some kind of security process or a special entity who has to assist us.” At two points this summer, an urgent situation arose for the team. One foreign sailor passed a kidney stone andanothersufferedapparentappendicitis

The Mayport logistics team rushed them to U.S. Navy medical care, which required obtaining a special federal ID number for each foreign sailor and providing translation service in the doctor’s office


On a recent morning, Martinez waited at a Mayport gate for a fuel truck from a companythathadpossiblyneverdelivered to the base before. He was armed with a specialletterfromU.S.NavalForcesSouth ernCommand/U.S FourthFleetsayingthat this fuel shipment should be allowed for the Brazilians. Once at the pier, it took almost an hour forthefuelcompanyandtheBraziliancrew to find a connector that would make the American fuel line fit Tikuna’s fuel tank. Martinez played facilitator, as all parties stood in a circle with heads bent over the hose pieces The language exchange was a mix of Portuguese, Spanish and English TheBraziliansspoketheirfirstlanguageof Portuguese,plussomeSpanishandEnglish Martinez is a fluent Spanish speaker Martinez said that if all else fails he can resort to a translator app on his cell phone for help This is Martinez’s fifth time being acti vated for DESI. Sometimes he is called to SanDiegofortheWestCoastversionofthe exercise “I like interacting with the young sailors that I meet out of the different countries Andbeingabletoaddthatpieceofspeaking to these folks in Spanish,” Martinez said.

Another wrinkle is that the visiting nations don’t buy fuel and food from the established vendors that American ships use for supplies Part of the job is taking them to grocery stores around Jackson ville Costco and Walmart are among the highlights for the visitors. The South American visitors are typi cally wowed by the American superstores

8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 Advertise – –it’sthat easy! Layout Review &Submit Schedule ✔ ✔ ✔ Visit: placeanad.tribpub.com Self-Service Print and Online Display and Classified Ads See Your Options: Selling an item Hiring an employee Celebrating aloved one Announcing an event ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

rangeofballetsmakesanimportantglobal statement.Itdemonstratestheresilienceof theUkrainianpeople.” The KyivCity Ballet’s residencyat the SuffolkCenterincludeseducation, outreach,andperformances. September20th&21st: SuffolkCenter willhostinteractiveKyivCityBalletWorkshops,Demonstrations,andMasterClasses on Tuesday, September20thand Wednesday21st workingwithlocalschoolsand dancecompaniesthroughout Virginia during KyivCity Ballet’s residencyin Suffolk, VA. Wednesday, September21,2022: We arethrilledtosharethat KyivCity Ballet will perform two evening performances ontheCenter’sBirdsongTheater stage OnWednesday,September21,2022at7:00 PMpatronswilldelightinaperformanceof threeballets,comprisingaspecial‘Tribute to Peace’Ukraine Repertoire: „ Thoughts (choreography by Vladyslav Dobshynskyi)acontemporaryballet, „ Tributeto Peace (choreography by Ekaterina& Ivan Kozlov)aneo-classical work, „ Menof Kyiv (choreography by Pavlo Virsky)aUkrainianfolkdance. Thursday, September 22,2022: Don’t

RiteAidselected renownedlocalartist SamWelty,anartistwithdecadesofmural experience All 10 locationsare locatedwithin a short1.5mile walkand were selected by the ViBeCreativeDistrictnonprofit over thelast yearasthelocally owned-businessesandproperty owners expressed interestinparticipatinginthedistrict’s growth.Property ownershave committed topreservingthemuralsforaminimum of2 yearsandpostingasponsorplaque to recognizethefundersandfeatured artists.Anonlinegooglemapnowshows 425,000virtualviewsofthemuralsinthe ViBeDistrict. Enjoyfreeparkingon18th have not returnedhome. Thecountryof Franceshelteredthemandthecompany hasbeenperformingthroughoutFrance andnowEurope,sincetheinvasionbegan.

PressRelease VIRGINIABEACH, Va.—The ViBe CreativeDistrict nonprofitannounced todaythatthepublicis welcomedtocome witnessthefifthannual ViBe Mural Festivalpresented by trusted retailerRiteAid in VirginiaBeachthis August19-28, 2022. Atotalof10newmuralswillbepainted by 10differentnationalandlocalartistsat propertiesthroughouttheartsdistrict.The projectallowstheartistsa10daytimeframe topainttheirartworkdesignstocompletionprovidingthepublicampletimeto exploreandmeettheartistswhilethey work.Freepublicprogrammingandevents areofferedduringthefestival.

“The5thAnnual ViBe Mural Festivalis ourlargest eventtodatewithseveralnew opportunitiesforthepublictoengage withtheartists,” saidKatePittman, executivedirectoroftheViBeCreativeDistrict nonprofit.“Weare thrilledtohave the supportofourpresentingsponsorRiteAid, whowillhostthelargestwallmuralattheir locationon17th Street.Theiracknowledgementof ViBe’s communityimpact andtheircommitmenttoimprovinghealth outcomesmakethisaperfectpartnership.”

ExperienceKyivCityBalletofUkraine attheSuff olkCenterforCulturalArts INSIDE: CheckoutFlagship Values, yoursourceforautomobiles,employment, realestateandmore! PagesC6-7 Oniberty Recipesto Help Power Through School Days Satisfyinglunch,dinneranddessertideas to give lovedonesthefueltheyneed to powerthroughbusydays Page4 Members ofthe KyivCityBallet ofUkraine perform Swan Lake (KYIVCITYBALLET) www.flagshipnews.com|TheFlagship| Section3|Thursday, August25,2022 1

Streetnear ViBe Parkand at thenear by VBConventionCenter. Meteredparkingis available along19th Streetandpaidparkinglotsare locatedat19th St and Pacific Avenue. Festival’s10featuredartists&locations: „ SAMWELTYatRiteAidon17thStreet „ MIAGUILEatEsotericon17thStreet „ TESSADUQUETTEat17thStreet Marketplaceon17thStreet „ PAULSANTOLERIatNorthEndBag Coon19thStreet „ EREKJONESatWRV/TheAlleyon 19thStreet „ HANNAKIRBYatAtlanticPark containerson19thStreet „ SUMMERPARADISOatOrganic BeginningsMontessoriSchoolinpartnershipwithLRNowonMediterranean Avenue „ HAMILTONGLASSatDWELLon20th Street „ NICOCATHCARTatAmbassadorInn &SuitesinpartnershipwiththeVirginia AfricanAmericanCulturalCenteron ParksAvenue „ FEATUREDTEENARTIST:Leani ThurtonatOrganicBeginningsMontessori School(VirginiaBeachHighSchoolSenior atBaysideHighSchool) Wanttominglewiththeartists? JoinusthisFriday August26thforthe ViBeMuralFestival—ArtistTalkatVirginia MOCA SatelliteGallery. Enjoycasual conversationsandlight refreshmentsfrom ProsperityKitchenfrom5-6pm.ArtistTalk beingspromptlyat6pm.Our10featured artistswillgatheratthe VirginiaMOCA SatelliteGalleryat600 22nd St Virginia Beach, VA 23451tosharetheirartinspiration,mural experiences,artisthacks,and lessonslearnedfrompaintinglargeoutdoor worksofartinthepublicdomain Festivaleventsinclude: „ Self-guided &guidedwalkingtours: FreemapsareavailableatViBebusinesses throughoutfestivaltoguidevisitorsona1.5 milewalkingtourthroughthedistrictto seeall10newmuralsinprogressthrough theevent. „ Visualscavengerhunt „ Guidedbiketours „ Golfcartforpersonswithdisabilities „ Coffee&ConnectionHourwiththe Artists „ BlockPartyfeaturing757StreetArt Battle „ “InTheirOwnWords”artistaudio recordings „ Limitededitionfestivalmerchandise Foracompletelistingofprogrammingand events,pleasevisitViBeCreativeDistrict.org. 5thannual ViBeCreativeDistrict Mural Festivalruns August19-28 PressRelease SUFFOLK,Va.—ThedaybeforeUkraine wasinvadedin February2022, the Kyiv City Balletunknowinglytookoneofthe lastflightsoutof Kyiv.Thecompanyflew to Paristobeginalongplannedtour.They

ViBeMural Festival2021 featuringVictoriaWeissakaButterPopArt.

The KyivCity Ballet,undertheartistic directionof Ivan Kozlov, announcedon June 14,2022a U.S. TourfromSeptember 15toOctober25,2022.TheFalltourisaUS premiereand marksthe KyivCity Ballet’s first United Statesperformances ever. SuffolkCenterforCulturalArtsis honoredtobeoneofthemajorculturalarts centersacrossthecountrythatarecoming togethertoopentheirdoorsandtheirhearts towelcometheKyivCityBallet,in-residence at the SuffolkCenterSeptember19- 22, 2022.Itisveryclearthiscompanyandtheir artistrywillhavegreatappealtonon-dance anddanceaudiencesalike. “Wearehonoredtosharethebeautyof balletwithUSaudiences,throughUkranian artists”said Ivan Kozlov, ArtisticDirector “TouringtheStatesforthefirsttimewitha

missthisonceinalifetimeopportunity tosee KyivCity Balletperformtheirfulllengthperformanceof SwanLake on Thursday, September 22, 2022at7:00 PM.Choreography byMarius Petipa,Lev Ivanovand Ivan Kozlov. Thecompany’s starballerinas,KrystinaKadashevychand OksanaBondarenko, willbefeatured,as will Vsevolod Maevskiy, aformer soloistat theMariinskyBalletinSt Petersburg,now aprincipalwiththetroupe. Foran extraordinaryopportunitythe SuffolkCenterforCulturalArtswillhost a ‘Meet&Greet’Finale Reception for gueststomingle,enjoy refreshments,and take photoswith the KyivCity Ballet.This specialopportunitywilltakeplaceprior to SwanLakeonThursday, September 22, 5:00—6:30PMintheCenter’sTaylorBallroom. Meet&Greet Receptionticketsare limited. Reserve yourseatsonlineatwww. SuffolkCenter.org,or by callingthe Suffolk Center’s BoxOfficeat757.923.2900.The SuffolkCenter forCulturalArtsislocated inhistoricdowntownSuffolk,Virginia:110 WestFinneyAvenue,Suffolk,VA23434.For moreinformationvisithttps://suffolkcenter.org/kyiv-city-ballet/.


“AsaVirginiaBeachresident,Ihaveseen howarthasthepowertoenhancethequalityoflifeintheViBeCreativeDistrict,”said HeywardDonigan,RiteAidPresidentand CEO.“RiteAidiscommittedtomeetingthe healthand wellnessneedsofthecommunities we serve, and we’re excitedtohave anopportunitytoengagewiththeVirginia Beachcommunitythrougha mural that promoteswholehealth.

Amescuasaidthoseathigherriskfor contractingafoodborneillnessinclude: „ Theelderly „ Pregnant women „ Youngchildren,typicallyunder5 years ofage „ Peoplewho arealready illorhave an illnessthatcompromisestheimmune system “Inthesummermonths,the very hot temperaturescreateanenvironmentthat makesiteasyforbacteriaandgermsto thrive,”Amescuasaid. Food expertspointtoseveral key resourcestohelp reducetheriskoffood poisoning. Amescua recommendsusingtheCDC websiteatwww.cdc.gov/foodsafety/. There, youcanview everythingfromthe four stepstofoodsafety—Clean,Separate,Cook,andChill—totipsandalertson contaminatedfoods. Michael Dombrowski,chiefsanitarian for FortCarson,Colorado’sdepartment ofpublichealth,hasthesetipsforasafe outdoorsummercooking experience:

“This rangeiscalledthe ‘dangerzone,’ she explained. Otherimportanttipsforsummerbarbequesincludeusingafoodthermometer alongwithtongsandspatulaswhenyou’re cooking.Alwaystryto keepicethatcools foodseparate fromiceusedforbeverages And,afteroutdoorsummerevents:Beware ofanyleftoversthathave beensittingout. “Researchershave foundatleast250 typesoffoodborneillnessesthatcanmake ussickor, even worse,putusinthehospital,and,forallpeoplethatfallintoahighriskcategory,itcould evencausedeath,” Amescuasaid.

Sue,”“DreamOn,”“ThankGod ForKids,”

Community Submit YOUR events,news andphotos TheFlagship welcomessubmissionsfromourreadersonline. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/ PressRelease VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Every time they step before an audience, the Oak Ridge Boys bring four decades of charted singlesandfiftyyearsoftraditiontoastage show widely acknowledged as among the mostexcitinganywhere.Now,theLangley FederalCreditUnionConcertSeriesbrings these distinctive and recognizable sounds to the Sandler Center for the Performing ArtswiththeOakRidgeBoys’FrontPorch Singin’ 2022 Tour on Friday January 27 at 8 PM. TicketswillgoonsalethisFriday,August 19 at 10 AM and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com or by visiting the Sandler Center Box Office located at 201 Market Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Tickets are priced at $43, $53, $58, and $83. To receive the exclusive presale code to purchaseticketsbeforethegeneralpublic, join the Sandler Center Cyber Club at SandlerCenter.org The presale for this showwillstartWednesday,August17at10 AM and run through Thursday,August 18 at 11:59 PM. The four-part harmonies and upbeat songsofTheOakRidgeBoyshavespawned dozens of Country hits and a Number One Popsmash,earnedthemGrammy, Dove, CMA,and ACM awards,andgarnereda hostofotherindustryandfanaccolades Everytimethey stepbeforean audience, theOaksbringfourdecadesofcharted singles,and50 yearsoftradition,toa stage showwidelyacknowledgedasamongthe mostexcitinganywhere.Andeachremains asenthusiasticabouttheprocessasthey have everbeen.

3. Donotcross-contaminate. Keep coolingiceanddrinkingiceseparate-Don’t useicefordrinkingifithasbeenusedto keepfoodorbeveragescold. Keep raw meat/poultry/seafoodinseparatecontainersto avoidcontaminatingotherpicnic foods. Neverusethesameplate,cutting board,orutensilsforcookedfoodthat you usedfor rawfood. Bacteria in thejuices of rawmeatandpoultrycancontaminate safelycookedfood.

5. Aftercooking, keepmeatandpoultryat 140For warmeruntileaten. If cookeditemsneedto be reheated,grill themto 165 F. Refrigerateanyhotorcold leftoverspromptlyinshallowcontainers.Donot keepanyleftoverfoodsuchas salads,meat/poultry,cutfruit,orcooked vegetablesifthey were leftoutatambient temperature. Besuretocleanupthearea beforeyoudepart,disposingofallfoodand trashinpest-proofcontainers. Sticktotheserulestoensure youhave a happy, healthysummer.

Makesureyourgrilling temperatures cookfoodproperly Useathermometerto determineifsafe temperatures are reached forgrilled foods. Keep cold foods coldandhot foodshot.(PHOTOBYSCOTTFENAROLI,USSCARLVINSON)

Easytips forenjoying outdooor diningwhile avoidingthe risksoffood poisoning

sticktoafew keysafetyguidelinestomakesure youand yourguestsdon’tgetsick.

oneofCountry’strulylegendaryacts.Their stringofhitsincludestheCountry-Pop chart-topperElvira,as

nutFest.Sponsorship, vendorand exhibitoropportunities available. CALLINGALLGOLFERS! Suffolk TournamenttobenefitTunneltoTowers Foundation,militaryandfirstresponders ByJanetA.Aker,MhsCommunications Summertimeheatandoutdoor events canput everyoneatincreasedriskof contractingsevere foodborneillnesssoit’s

“WhenIgoon stage,IgetthesamefeelingIhadthefirsttimeIsangwithTheOak RidgeBoys,” saysleadsingerDuaneAllen. “ThisistheonlyjobI’ve ever wantedto have.” “Like everyoneelseinthegroup,” adds basssingerextraordinaire,RichardSterban, “I wasafanoftheOaksbeforeIbecame a member.I’m stillafanofthegrouptoday. BeinginTheOakRidgeBoysisthefulfillmentofalifelongdream.” Thetwo, along withtenor JoeBonsall andbaritoneWilliamLeeGolden,comprise wellas“Bobbie “American “IGuess andthirdplace awardsforeach round Individual registrationis $150;team registrationis $500. Varioussponsorship levelsare availablefrom $250to $5,000 Breakfast,lunchandan AwardsBanquetis includedforgolfers.Registrationisdueby September23,2022;downloadableform isavailableatSuffolkPeanutFest.com. Tournamentproceedswillbenefitthe Tunnelto Towers Foundation,which honorsthesacrificeoffirefighter Stephen Sillerwho laiddownhislifetosave others onSeptember11,2001. They alsohonor ourmilitaryandfirst responderswho continuetomakethesupremesacrificeof lifeandlimbforourcountry. More informationabout StephenSillerandhislegacy maybefoundatT2T.org. Additionally, Suffolk Peanut Fest will proudlyhost Tunnelto Towers Foundation’s 9/11NEVERFORGET Mobile Exhibit,an83-foottractor-trailerthat transformsintoan1,100square-foot exhibitfeaturing World TradeCenter Steel,aluminumfaçadefromthebuildings radiotransmissionsfromfirst responders,anditemsfoundintherubble after the Twin Towerscollapsed.Thisunique mobile exhibitservestohonorand preservethelegaciesofthefirst responderswholosttheirlivesonSeptember11, 2001. The44thAnnual Suffolk Peanut Fest is October 6-9, 2022. „ Generaladmissionis $10perperson; Children10andunderarefree. „ Parkingisfree. „ Carload NightisThursday, October 6, admissionisFREE.Purchaseupto eightall-you-can-ridewristbandsfor $50 (Carload Nightonly). „ Military Appreciation Dayis Sunday, October9(Halfpriceadmissionfor active, retiredmilitaryandactivefirst responders). „ $30perpersonall-you-can-ride wristbandsare availableon Sunday, October 9. Formoreinformationabout Suffolk Peanut Fest andassociatedconcerts, eventsandgames,logonto SuffolkPeanutFest.comorcontact Suffolk Festivals at757.539.6751.facebook.com/SuffolkPeamoreimportantthan everto

1. Keepthingsclean. Washandrinse freshfruitsand vegetablesbeforepacking. Washhands,surfaces,andutensils frequentlywithsoapandwater,andfollow upwithsanitizingspraysorwipesonfood contactsurfaces.Cleanandrinsecoolers beforeaddingiceandproducts. 2.Coldfoodshouldbestoredat40For below, usingcoolerswithiceorfrozen gelpacks. Keepcoolersoutofthedirect sunandavoidopeningthelidtoooften.This keepsthecontentscoldlonger. It helps to keepbeveragesinaseparatecooler.Everythingshouldstaychilleduntilimmediately beforeitwillbecookedorconsumed.


It Never Hurts ToHurtSometimes,”“FancyFree,”“Gonna Take a LotofRiver,” andmanyothers.In 2009,theycoveredaWhite Stripessong, receivingaccoladesfrom Rock reviewers In2011,they rerecordedathirtieth-anniversary versionofElviraforaCracker BarrelOldCountry Storeproject. Thegrouphasscored12gold,threeplatinum,andonedoubleplatinumalbum—plus onedoubleplatinumsingle—andhadmore thanadozennational NumberOnesingles and over30 Top Tenhits. TheOakRidgeBoysBringTheirFront Porch Singin’2022 Tour To The SandlerCenter PressRelease SUFFOLK, Va.— Suffolk Festivals,Inc., ispleasedtopresentagolftournamentin supportofthe Tunnelto Towers Foundationat Sleepy HoleGolfCourseonThursday, September29.Thetournamentwill consistoftwo rounds,beginningat8a.m. and1 p.m. respectively. Formatisfour-personFloridaBest BallwithShotgun Start, andprizesforclosest-to-the-pin,longest driveandmost strokesandfirst,second

4. Remembertothawmeatandpoultryslowlyinthe refrigeratorbefore cooking-neveratambienttemperature. Neverpartiallygrillmeatorpoultry andfinishcookinglater.Afoodthermometerisasimportantastongsandspatulasin yourequipmentlist.Alwaysuseafoodthermometertobesuregrilledfoodhasreached asafeinternaltemperature:chickenand turkeyinallformsto 165 F; groundmeats (otherthanpoultry)suchasburgers,and bratwursts/sausagesto160F;andsolidcuts ofbeef,pork, veal,andlambto 145 F.

2 TheFlagship|www.flagshipnews.com| Section3|Thursday, August25,2022

“A simpleruleofthumbis: Keephot foodshotandcoldfoodscold,”said Navy Lt.Cmdr. MelissaAmescua,a registered dietitianandnutritionprogrammanager forthe Navy’s 21stCentury SailorOfficein Millington, Tennessee. “Lettingthesefoodsgetoutsideoftheir allowedtemperature rangeswillincrease theoddsforonetogetsick,”Amescuasaid.

Y: As a fan and a wrestler what matches are you looking forward to the most on the card?

The Burke Invitational returns as an annual event to showcase some of the best talent in women’s wrestling today!

TM: I ended up getting booked on a show that Harley was running called World League Wrestling out of Spring field, Missouri because a promoter owed me a favor. The last time I wrestled for that promoter who was eight hours away, he paid me $3.63, my portion of the gate He feltreallybadthatIdidn’thavemoneytoget home He booked me to wrestle Greg “The Hammer’ValentineonHarley’sshow I was a huge fan of Harley’s so I kept my distance What’s thephrase,‘Betterforhim to think I’m an idiot than for me to open mymouth and showI’m an idiot.’ I keptmy distance from Harley, and as my and Greg’s match got closer, Greg and I were talking, with Greg being very generous with giving me some spots to shine in the match I was shockedandgratefulforthat.I’mstillgreen, and Harley is listening the whole time When we finished talking, Harley takes his headphoneoffandsays,(imitatingHarley’s voice) “Greg, the kid doesn’t get s***.” Greg says, “Well you heard what the boss said.” Andheproceedstobeattheyouknowwhat outofmeduringthematch.Irememberone spot where Greg grabbed my chin, leaning me back and proceeded to drive forearm after forearm across my chest As a young guy,Iwaslovingeverypainfulblow Y: You had Harley’s voice perfect just then TM: As a joke, I would call him on the phone as Harley Race and argue with him that I was THE Harley Race He would get soangrywithme Iwasonlyabletodoit4or 5timesbecausehefinallyrealizeditwasme and said, (again in Harley’s voice), “Trevor, whenyougettotheschool,I’mgoingtokick your I will always say, I’m a Harley Race guy. Heputmethroughthepaces Therewereno easycornersorsteps Myfirstthreemonths training under Harley, I got sick in the ring every single day. I’m not exaggerating I would be in the middle of calisthenics, run outside and puke, run back and try to catch upwhereeverybodyelsewasatcalisthenics. For him, that was normal, you gotta push yourbodykid.Thatwashismentality,goout thereandwork,andworkandworkuntilyou canbethehardestworkerinthering AndI am teaching this now to my 16 year old son whowantstoplaybaseballforaliving.Iam teachinghimthatchampionsarenotbuiltin the game they are built in the hours in the gym and the training you put in before you go in the game I have a 22 year old daugh ter and a 5 year old son as well My wife’s birthday was the other day, I am a blessed manindeed. Next Week, Part II of our interview with Trevor will include his WWE run, winning the WWE World Tag Team Titles with Lance Cade, his emotional return to Harley with the WWE Tag Titles, becom inginvolvedwiththeNWA,resultsfromthe NWA74PPVandsomuchmore. Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Current National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion, Trevor Murdoch talks NWA 74 PPV this weekend in St. Louis, Missouri Live at the Chase

How to Create Connections with Your Child’s Teacher www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 3

TM: Nick and I had put in a lot of work leading into that match and for me being a Harley Race guy and to get to wrestle there after a 37 year absence of wrestling at the Chase, not only to walk into that room, but to be in the main event for the NWA World title,trainedforitforsomanyyears,Ireally could not ask for a more picture perfect moment.Mywifeandkidswereoutsidethe ring, I had one of the best wrestlers in the worldstandingacrossfrommeintheringfor the most prestigious title in all of wrestling andthefactthatIwasabletobecomeNWA championthere,isacorememorythatIwill have the rest of my life I have done every thing I can to walk into Harley Race’s path andsomeofthesamefootstepsasIpossibly can and that’s the closest I think I will ever gettodoingthat. Now the second time everything is switched, I am the champion and I need to prove that last year was not a fluke. Billy Corganhasdoneafantasticjobofputtingthe bestofthebest,thebiggest,themeanest,the strongest, the fastest man in the company againstme Iamlookingforwardtothechal lengeandIampreparingmyselftowalkout ofthereastheworldchampion.

“Learning is a partnership between families and school,” said Quiana Smith, a 15-year prekindergarten teacher “Your childwillbeexcitedaboutschoolandlearn ing when he or she knows you’re excited about it, too.”

The National Wrestling Alliance, (NWA) the world’s oldest, continuous, wrestling promotion, proudly presents NWA 74, a twodaywrestlingeventandPPV,Liveatthe Chase in St Louis, Missouri this Saturday and Sunday, August 27th and 28th. All the current stars of the NWA will be there, as well as legends from its glorious past. The legends scheduled to appear are: former NWA World champions Tommy “Wild fire” Rich and Barry Windham, as well as JJ Dillon, the Manager of the Four Horse menand“ThePerfect10”BabyDoll.Youcan alsomeetthecurrentstarsandlegendsofthe National Wrestling Alliance prior to each night of NWA 74 by purchasing a one-day pass for $20 or buy a two-day discounted bundleforjust$30 The two night event is filled with single tag-team and specialty matches and tour naments to please all wrestling fans. All the NWAtitleswillbedefended CurrentNWA World Heavyweight Champion Trevor Murduchwillputhistitleonthelineagainst the NWA TV Champion Tyrus and current NWA Women’s World Champion Kamille will defend her championship against Taya Valkyrie The Commonwealth Connection defends their NWA World Tag Team Titles against former champs La Rebelión and Kerry Morton challenges Homicide for the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship In other exciting bouts, former friends Bully Ray and Mike Knox and now rivals, willsettletheirfeudinaTablesMatch.Also on the card, ten teams will compete in a Battle Royal to determine the first United States Tag Team Champions of the LightningOneeraoftheNationalWrestlingAlliance.


Y: How did you become a professional wrestler and what are your earliest memo ries? TM: I loved it, but I had no Idea how to get into it. It was still a secret society I had heard about the WCW Power Plant but there was no way I was going to do that I was not ready or prepared for that. I got luckyinthatmybrotherhadmetacoupleof local independent wrestlers who “trained” my brother That gave me the opportunity to get “trained.” I was basically a tackling dummy.Iwasa250pound,19yearoldkid I was like Gumby, you couldn’t hurt me One dayawrestlerdidnotshowup,thepromoter was freaking out, he looked at me and said, “You’ve been training, you are going to be wrestlingtonight.”Isaidok,Iputonahood, I wrestled and I was horrible I did that for about two years So I’m thinking I’m great, I’mastarbutIwasstillhorrible Y:Howdidyoumeetandwoundupbeing trainedbythelegendaryHarleyRace?

To learn more about how to create connections between home and school, visit kindercare.com.


TM: Obviously, I am looking forward to mine, and NWA is putting on a two night PPV and I am looking forward to the Mike Knox vs Bully Ray match, they will kill it. They will put their bodies on the line and do things to each other that as fans we will really enjoy. I am also looking forward to NWA’sWomen’sChampionKamillevsTaya Valkyrie They will do whatever it takes to come out the winner and Kamille has been a dominant champion, so I am really inter estedtoseehowthatmatchwillgoaswell

The winnerofthisspecialgauntletmatchonJuly 27th,willreceiveanNWAWomen’sCham pionshipMatchonJuly28th Foralltheuptodateinfo ticketstothelive eventortoseeitliveonFiteTV,gotohttps:// www.nationalwrestlingalliance.com/ Speaking of tickets, the NWA is proud to announce that they have once again partnered with Vet Tix to offer as part of NWA Outreach, complimentary tickets to all members of branches of currently-serving MilitaryandVeterans includingimmediate familyoftroopsKIA “Ourservicemembers veterans and their families have sacrificed so much for us to have a free and prosper ous country It is an honor and a privilege toofferthemcomplimentarytickets,freeof chargetoourbiggestshowoftheyear,”said WilliamPatrickCorgan,PresidentandCEO of the National Wrestling Alliance Service members veterans and their families can createanaccountatvettix.orgforticketsand moreinformation. Wearehonoredtohavewithustodaythe current NWA World Heavyweight Champion,TrevorMurdochtotalktousaboutthis prestigiousevent. Yiorgo: Why should fans come to the NWA 74 PPV or order it on Fite TV? What willtheyseeandexperienceatthisPPVand NWAingeneral? TravorMurdoch:TheNWApridesitself in heaving “Grown A** Men and Women” when stepping into that ring with people that have been in the business with years of experience who can go out there and beat the hell out of each other and bring back an old school wrestling style that not many peoplecandothesedays Andthatistostand toe-to-toe in the ring with another opponent, no smoke, no mirrors, no music, no nothing Everythingisbasedonyourability andwhatyoucandofrombelltobell. With NWA 74, this is our WrestleMania. So you are going to watch men and women gooutthereandgiveeverythingtheyhaveto make sure they put on the best show of the night.Ihavetowrestleamountainofaman named Tyrus He is 6’8” 400+ pounds. He isnotsomeoneIcanjustpickupandthrow around. So you are going to watch two guys gointotheringandgotobattleandtesteach othertoseewhothetoughestmanis Weare goingtobeatthehelloutofeachother Y: What is your training regimen like for a match of this caliber and a big man like Tyrus? TM: What I do actually is put in a lot of ring time wrestling one guy and as soon as he is tired, I bring in another and another, almost as if I am having one continuous 30-40minutematch Itentertainsmealittle bit,becauseI’mwrestlingyoungguyswitha ton of energy and within 7-10 minutes they are ready to tag in another So for me it’s all about cardio and ring work I’m a Harley Race guy so a lot of my work and training is in the ring because that’s where it’s going to happen? When I’m tired and beaten and hurting,that’swherethejobgetsdoneinthe ring,inordertosurviveandwin Y:Youarereturningtothesitewhereyou won your first NWA Title defeating Nick Aldis What was it like winning the title the firsttimeinthathistoricbuilding?

A new school year can feel like uncharted territory for children, parents and teachers alike as they learn new things and meet unfamiliarfaces Buildingarelationshipwith your child’s teacher can help create a posi tiveschoolexperienceforeveryoneinvolved. Plus,teacherswhoconnectwiththeirclassroom families help families feel seen, heard andrepresentedintheclassroom. “When parents and teachers connect, theycancreateastrongersupportsystem,” said Tyreca Elliott from KinderCare’s educationteam.“Bridgingthegapbetween homeandschoolgiveschildrencontinuity improvesacademicoutcomesandnurtures children’ssocialandemotionalwell-being Whenfamiliesandteachersworktogether, children can succeed.” Building connections with teachers opens lines of communication between homeandschool,allowingfamiliestolearn abouttheirchild’sdayandhelpingteachers feel supported. Consider these three tips from Kinder Care teachers to help families create connections and build trust and collaboration with their child’s teacher Be Intentional.


Y:Wherewereyouborn,wereyouawres tlingfangrowingup?Whatareyourearliest memories? TM:IwasborninSt Louis Missouriand someofmyearliestmemoriesareofmyolder brotherMark,wakingmeupSundaymorningsbeforemyparentsandwewouldwatch, World Class Championship Wrestling and the Von Erich’s were the kings of World Class, there were also guys like, “Iceman” King Parsons, Chris Adams, Michael P.S. Hayes.IwouldsitthereeverySundaymorn ingandIwouldbeamazedwhatthesemen andwomenweredoingintheringandhow theywereabletocontrolthematwill.Tome those guys were super heroes and they left you on a cliffhanger where you had to tune innextweektoseewhathappened.

Ruby Villarreal, a preschool teacher of nearly 30 years, suggestsmeetingwithyourchild’steacher before the first day of school to introduce your child and your family Share your child’s previous school experience, likes anddislikesaswellasanyhomeissuesthat may impact your child’s mood or behavior such as a new sibling recent move or divorce Raise any concerns you may have no matter how big or small. Your child is the teacher’s priority too, and he or she mighthavesometipsandtrickstohelpyou help your child. Communicate About Communications.Dropoffandpickuptimescansome times be too busy for more than a “hi” or “bye.” Ask your child’s teacher how he or she likes to t communicate, and share your preference, too Let the teacher know if you would like a phone call during a lunch break for a quick update about your child or if you’d rather communicate via email or the school’s app Make a Big Difference with Little Chats During pick up or drop off, try to leave time for a brief conversation. This could be a quick chat about something fun yourchilddidovertheweekendorwhyhe orshemightbehavingatoughday.Itcould alsomeanasking,“WhatcanIaskmychild about on the way home?” or finding out about activities you could do to help your child keep learning at home

ByFamilyFeatures Amenuoffilling,deliciousrecipesisjustwhat your family needs to make each school day a successful educational adventure. Satisfying lunch and dinner ideas can give loved ones the fuelthey needwhile deliciousdesserts provide motivationforgrowingmindstogethomework finishedbeforeenjoyingatreat. When weeks get hectic due to busy sched ules these recipes offer simple solutions to make cooking easier while limiting time spent in the kitchen. Start with a lunch that’s as easy to make as it is to pack in a lunchbox, recharge intheeveningthankstoaveggie-forwardmain courseandsatisfyeveryone’ssweettoothwitha chocolateyfavoritetoroundouttheday. Keep your family full and energized each schooldaywithmorerecipeideasatCulinary.net.

APerfectPastaforSchoolNights Weeknight meals are all about putting tasty dishes on the table in a short amount of time so you can share precious moments togetherdespitebusyschedules. In a matter of minutes, you can prepare this Lentil Bolognese with Veggie-Based Penne for a quick yet flavorful recipe that can be enjoyed by little ones and adults alike. Featuring Veggiecraft Farms Cauli flower Penne as its key ingredient, this family meal makes it easy to incorporate vegetables without sacrificing taste Availableinpopularshapeslikepenne,spaghetti and elbow, and made with lentils, peas and cauliflower, zucchini or sweet potato, the veggie-based pastas are gluten-free, non-GMO,vegan,Kosherandgoodsources of protein and fiber. Visitveggiecraftfarms.comformoreinfor mationandfamily-friendlyrecipes

Top cooked pasta with lentil Bolognese, freshbasil,Parmesancheeseandredpepper flakes


„ 6grahamcrackersroughlycrumbled, divided Preheatovenorgrillto350F. Place medium heat-proof bowl over medium saucepan simmering with water Add butter ¼ cup chocolate chips and unsweetenedchocolate;melt.Removefrom heat and allow mixture to cool 15 minutes In small bowl, whisk flour, baking powder and salt. Inlargebowl,mixeggs,sugarandvanilla. Add chocolate mixture and mix until well combined.Stirinflourmixture.Add¼cup chocolatechips,½cupminimarshmallows and three graham crackers to batter. Pourmixtureinto8-inchskillet.Topwith remaining mini marshmallows, chocolate chips and graham crackers Grill or bake 10-12 minutes Remove from grill. Cool 10 minutes and serve Kid-Friendly Recipes to Help Power Through School Days Lentil BolognesewithVeggie-Based Penne S’mores Skillet 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, August 25, 2022


S’mores Skillet

„ 1cupdryfrenchgreenlentilsor brownlentils „ 1 jar(24ounces)marinarasauce „ ½cupvegetablebroth „ 1boxcauliflowerpenne Toppings: „ freshbasil „ Parmesancheese „ redpepperflakes

Cook lentils according to package direc tions Drain then return to pot and add marinara and vegetable broth Stir well and simmeroverlowheatabout10minutes. Cook penne according to package directions

„ 1tablespoonmustard „ 1canflakybiscuits „ 1cupshreddedcheese „ dillpickleslices,halved „ 1egg,beaten Heatovento375F. In large skillet, cook ground beef and onion until beef is thoroughly cooked and onionsaretender Drain.Stirinketchupand mustard Separate biscuit dough. On ungreased baking sheet, flatten biscuit dough to form 6-inch rounds Spoon beef mixture onto one side of flattened dough. Sprinkle with cheese Topwithdillpicklehalf Folddough over filling With fork tines, press dough edges to seal. Cut two slits in top of dough to release steam. Repeat with remaining dough,beefmixture,cheeseandpickles Brusheachturnoverwitheggwash. Bake 18-22 minutes, or until deep golden brown.

Prep time: 30 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes Servings: 6 „ 8tablespoonsunsaltedbutter „ ¾cupsemisweetchocolatechips, divided „ 2ouncesunsweetenedchocolate „ ¼cupall-purposeflour „ 1 teaspoonbakingpowder „ ¼teaspoonsalt „ 2largeeggs „ ½cupDominoLightBrownSugar „ 1teaspoonpurevanillaextract „ 1cupminimarshmallows,divided

Heading back to school doesn’t have to mean forgetting the fun of warm weather treats Once the homework is done and you’veenjoyeddinnerwithlovedones,turn your attention to a dessert that tastes like it waspreparedbyaprofessionalbaker. This S’mores Skillet starts with a sweet brownie base made with Domino Light Brown Sugar and is then infused and topped with traditional s’mores ingredi ents Just combine in a skillet then bake


Lentil Bolognese with Veggie-Based Penne

To find more school day recipe inspiration,visitCulinary.net Cheeseburger Turnovers „ 1poundgroundbeef „ ½cuponion,chopped „ 2tablespoonsketchup

There’s a lot to remember when sending your student off to school each morning, from backpacks and school supplies to last night’s homework. Don’t forget one of the keyingredientstoasuccessfulday:lunch. These Cheeseburger Turnovers provide the energy little learners need to power through their afternoon lessons One winning idea to make the week easier is to prep a full batch of these easily packable, kid-friendly handhelds Sunday night so you’vegotlunchreadyforeachday


orgrillforthatfamiliaroutdoorfeel until warm and gooey Find more dessert ideas to sweeten up back-to-schoolseasonatDominoSugar.com.

Treatment and Response

The Military Crisis Line, text-messaging service,andonlinechatprovidefreesupport forallservicemembers,includingmembers

Epidemiology For many, a bee, hornet, or wasp sting is justunpleasant;butforothers,itcanbefatal.

ISTOCK/BO1982 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, August 25, 2022 5

According to the CDC, individuals who know they are allergic to stings and insect bites should carry epinephrine autoinjec tors into areas there may be bees wasps or hornets

Severe Cases

ByKonradE.Hayashi,MD,MPH&TM Bees withmorethan25,000species have acriticalroleinnature,aswellascommerce Theyareresponsiblenotjustforhoney their winter food, but for pollinating food crops, aswellasflowers Wasps and hornets are also important as they hunt down aphids, caterpillars, and other pests that destroy plants and flowers includingcrops.

Theyshouldalsotellfamilymembersand coworkersthattheyareallergicandhowto inject the dose Remember, autoinjectors expire and should be kept out of extreme temperatures Avoid storing them in your vehi cle glove compartment. You should also consider wearing a medical alert bracelet Prevention Besides the obvious recommendation of avoiding flying, stinging insect, there are some other precautions you can take. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recom mends wearing lighter color clothing that coversthebody,aswellavoidingperfumed soaps deodorants andshampoos cologne or perfumes. Staying away from flowering plants (where flying insects look for nectar), and any discarded food also decreases risk. For anyone who had a severe reaction, withorwithoutanaphylaxis,yourprimary care manager may refer you to an allergist to confirm your allergies and potentially start you on desensitizing immunotherapy (allergy shots). That can greatly reduce or eliminate risk oflife-threatening reactions to future stings We need bees, wasps, and hornets, but treat them with a healthy level of respect and be prepared. stings out of summer fun

Thesefactorscombinedwithchanges we’ve experienced during the COVID-19 pandemicmayweighonmany. Everyone reacts to stress and traumatic experiences differently and while some have reactions that can be seen as normal responses to life events, others may expe rience signs or symptoms of more serious conditions Youarenotalone If you’re concerned that you or a loved onemaybeexperiencingmentalillness,you are not alone. Mental health is an import ant part of overall health and well-being, yet mental illness affects millions of peopleworldwide Mentalhealthdisorders includeanxiety,depression,seasonalaffec tive disorder, or more serious illnesses as bipolardisorder,majordepression,schizo phrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. Unfortunately, most people with mental illness do not receive mental health services that they need. Dowhatfeelsrightforyou. There isn’t one way to think or feel or act. The important thing is to take advan tage of all mental health care resourcesgo tomentalhealthresources Rememberthat every moment in time can affect you and others differently Treatment works and it is available Military Health System Resources InTransitionProgram

Stingreactionscanrangefrommildreac tions to severe Beescanonlystingonce,buthornetsand wasps can sting repeatedly. A sting’s usual effectispain,swelling andrednessaround the strike area. Sometimes, more swelling will develop over a day or two. The pain may take a couple of hours to resolve. More severe reaction can involve hives, a lot of itching, difficulty breathing, throat and tongue swelling, rapid pulse, a drop in bloodpressure,nausea,vomiting diarrhea, andevenachangeorlossofconsciousness which is called anaphylactic shock.

The VA encourages veterans to talk with friends and families reach out to battle buddies connect with a peer-to peer network or sign up for mental health services „ View the latest VA blog to learn more at https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ USVA/bulletins/2ecff31

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 1,100 people were stung from 2000 to2017; For about 62 people per year, it was fatal. The CDCreportedthemajorityofdeaths,about 80% weremales While estimates vary the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology estimatesthatinsectstingallergies(includes fireants,etc.)affect5%ofthepopulation.

If you’re attacked by a bee, wasp or hornet, run inside or, if can’t do that, go toward a shaded area. You want to get away from where the stinging insect is and where more could congregate Don’t swat at them as that can stimulate them to sting and you’re spending your energy in the same area, not in running away Jumping into water may not work as some stinging insects will hover above the surface, waiting. Ifyouarestungbyabee,andyoucansee thestinger,removethestingerusingtwee zers your fingernails or even the edge of a credit card. Wash the affected area with soap and water to decrease risk of infection.

Ifyou’restungonanarmorleg,elevateit to decrease throbbing swelling, and apply ice as soon as you can, which will reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. You can put half, or even full-strength ammonia, onto the sting site. That seems to neutralize at least some of the venom. Taking an antihistamine (e.g diphen hydramine)canhelp ascanibuprofen,and applyingcalaminelotionorhydrocortisone cream. Avoidscratchingthesitetoavoidchance of infection

Health FromHealth.mil

The inTransition Program is a free confi dential program that provides special ized coaching and assistance for service members,NationalGuardmembers,reserv ists veterans and retirees who need access to mental health care when relocating to anotherassignment,returningfromdeployment, transitioning between active duty and the Reserve component, preparing to leavemilitaryservice,oranyothertimethey needanewmentalhealthprovider,orneed aproviderforthefirsttime. „ Call1-800-424-7877 „ Visitwww.health.mil/inTransition MilitaryCrisisLine

Taking the

The Real Warriors Campaign aims to break down the stigma associated with mental health care and encourages service members to reach out for help when they needit.Findarticleswithsupportresources video profiles with service member and veteran stories, and materials to download ororder VA Resources

The Military Health System has many resourcesGo to mental health resources available to help any service member, families, or veteran beneficiaries who are strug glingwithmentalhealthchallenges. Military families’ lives are generally very differentfromothers.Servicemembersmay be subject to frequent relocations, deployments, and stressful experiences due to combat and time away from their fami lies Families cope with additional stressors when their loved ones are deployed, managing family life on the home front. Traumatic events such as combat, assault, or disasters can have long-lasting negative effectsliketroublesleeping,increasedanger, nightmares, anxiety, and alcohol and drug abuse

of the National Guard and Reserve, and all veterans,eveniftheyarenotregisteredwith theDepartmentofVeteran’sAffairs(VA)or enrolledinVAhealthcare. „ Call:988andpress1 „ Text:838255 MilitaryHealthSystemWebPages There are two sources of information on ourMHSwebsites „ Visit www.health.mil/mentalhealth to learn about MHS programs and resources and for tips for improving your mental wellness „ Visit www.tricare.mil/mentalhealth TRICARE Mental Health Coverage to see whatTRICAREcoversandhowtomakean appointment. MilitaryHospitalsandClinics Mentalhealthoftenprovidementalhealth services, including integrated behavioral health clinics Contact your primary care manager to see if this resource is available atyourlocalmilitaryhospitalorclinic.Ifitis, thenyoucanscheduleanappointmentsame day.Tofindyourmilitaryhospitalorclinic: „ Visitwww.tricare.mil/Military-Hospitalsand-ClinicsMilitaryHospitalsandClinicsto searchbystate/overseas „ Visitwww.tricare.mil/MTFMTFLocator tosearchbyzipcodeorinstallationname MilitaryOneSource Military OneSourceMilitary OneSource website can provide access to confidential Military Family Life Counselors in your community Military OneSource also providesresourcessoyoucanmanagestress and access benefits and tools that will help youstaystronginbodyandmind.Thispage providesaccesstoself-caremobileapplica tionsMilitary OneSource Apps developed within the Department of Defense, VA and other partners. All mobile applications are freeandforiOSand/orAndroiddevices. „ Call1-800-342-9647 „ Visitwww.militaryonesource.milMilitary OneSourcewebsite PsychologicalHealthResourceCenter The Psychological Health Resource Centerisavailable24/7forservicemembers, veterans, and family members with questions about psychological health topics Trainedmentalhealthconsultantscanhelp you access mental health care and commu nitysupportresourcesinyourlocalarea. „ Call1-866-966-1020 „ Visitwww.health.mil/PHRC RealWarriorsCampaign

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