Flagship 09.01.2022

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MOUNTTRASHMORE,VA,Aug. 27, 2022 JoyJosker ,left, and Electricians Mate (Nuclear) Chief Petty Officer ZacharyJosker right pose for a photo ChiefJosker has been in the Navy for 19 years and has two EFMP dependents with his wife, joy,who has been in the educational field for 12 years.

EFMPclassificationscanrangeinseverity fromcategoryonetocategoryfive.

AlthoughChiefJoskerwasabletochoose ordersthatcoincidedwiththedesiretostay in the greater Hampton Roads area, the programhasresourcesworldwide. “From my understanding, if a new duty station has everything that the old duty stationhas,theexpectationisthatyoumove with your family,” said Chief Josker “I was fortunateduringthedetailingprocessthata billetwasopeninguplocally.”

Theprogramaddressesthespecialneeds ofExceptionalFamilyMembersandensures that they are assigned to areas where they canaccessnecessaryresources

www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 34 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comSeptember1-September7,2022 EODTEU 2 holds change of command ceremony Cmdr Paul Mahoneyrelieved Cmdr DouglasAlleyas commander,EODTEU 2 in front offamily,friends and staffmembers ofEODTEU 2. PageA4 The Norfolk Tides celebrate the Navy The NorfolkTides baseball team hosted a special NavyNight on Saturday,Aug.20 at HarborPark Stadium in Norfolk,VA PAGEA3 2022 DoD Warrior Games success Apictorial ofthe annual elite competition thatwrapped up August 28th in Florida PAGEA6 Fleet’s ocean tug USNS Apache inactivated MilitarySealift Command hosted a ceremonymarking the inactivation ofits Powhatanclass fleet ocean tug USNS Apache (T-ATF172). PAGEA7 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 1, 2022 1

NORFOLK, Va Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class, Roslyn Dumalsen, reen listedatNavalStationNorfolk’sFireStation 1,August24 inhonorofherdepartedstep son Joshua Megill. Joshuawasavolunteerfirefighterforthe Perrytown Volunteer Fire Department in North Carolina “I came into my stepson’s life six years prior,” said Dumalsen. “In high school, he was very independent. He had a very activelife.HewasinROTC,playedfootball, workedandvolunteeredatthefirestation.” Afterhighschool,Megillwouldcontinue to volunteer at the fire station. “He was always very excited and loved being a firefighter,” said Dumalsen. “We wouldhaveahardtimewakinghimupjust to do normal chores, but when he got the calls, even super early in the morning, he wouldbereadyandonthewayinnotime.” InlateAugustof2021,Megillresponded toahousefireandbravelyfoughttorescue the residents Tragically, he contracted COVID-19 during his life saving efforts, which led to his unexpected passing on September 09, 2021. To honor his passing, Dumalsen had her reenlistment in a place that reminded her of him and his passion; NAVSTA Norfolk’s Fire Station 1. “I have done reenlistments in the past andhavenotputmuchthoughtintothem, said Dumalsen. “This one, however, was different.Iwantedtoremembermystepson andIwantedtomakeitmemorable.Wishing he was here, I picked a place he would have loved to be.” Family members, co-workers, and membersofNAVSTANorfolk’sfiredepart mentwereallpresentforDumalsen’sreen listment. A framed picture of her stepson rested on the bumper of a fire engine with theAmericanflagdrapedbehinditwasthe centerpiece of the event. Dumalsen extended her time with Navy anotherfouryearsandhasdedicatedthem to her stepson, Joshua.

Nineteen-year active-duty Electrician’s Mate (Nuclear) Chief Petty Officer Zach ary Josker and his wife Joy Josker are one of many families with dependents in the program. The Joskers have two children enrolled in the EFMP and have been involved in the program for six years. “They’re both category five right now, but when we initially started our oldest was [category] three and our youngest was [category] two,” said Joy. “As time moved on, and other things came up thecategorieschangedaswell.”

Chief Josker advises service members that feel they may have dependents who qualify as exceptional family members to reach out to the nearest EFMP liaison and begin the assessment process “All the stuff that you’re dealing with could potentially be an EFMP thing,” said Chief Josker “Like us you may not realize howhelpfulthisprogramreallyisuntilyou fullyunderstandwhatitisanditsbenefits.”

Available resources can include service plans, non-medical care coordination, communication with local schools and the accesstotheEFMRespiteCareProgramfor dependentswhoqualify.

Norfolk Sailor honors stepson’s memory with fire station reenlistment

EFMP can be reached through Fleet and Family services and once enrolled can be viewed on the service member’s Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) account. Other resources can be found on the Morale, Welfare and Recreation website. success


Another valuable resource that is at the Exceptional Family Member Program’s disposal is the EMFP legal team. In certain cases,theattorneysadvocatefortheirclients by attending meetings with school staff members, and will assist in the event that courtinterventionisnecessary

StoryandPhotoByMC3NicholasSkyles NPASE East More than 24,000 Navy dependents are enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program that provides resources for those classified by Navy medical as needing additional and specific physical and/or mental care.

“Theprogram’sresourcesthat we’vehad access to in the last two years have taken us from just trying to get by to function ing in a healthy and thriving manner,” said Joy. “Zachary did a geographic bachelor tour down to South Carolina for two years because the needs of our kids meant that stayingherewasthebetteroptionforthem.



NORFOLK,Va (August 24 2022)AmyLee-Dumalsen (left) andAviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Roslyn Dumalsen hold a photo ofthe lateJoshua Megill duringABH2 Dumalsen’s reenlistment at Naval Station Norfolk’s Fire Station 1.Dumalsen had herreenlistment at Fire Station 1 in honorofherstepson,Joshua,whowas avolunteerfirefighterbefore his passing in 2021.

“Whenever we first got the respite care services Zachary was on a ship that was going on workups and underways, and I was also working, said Joy. “Having a respitecareproviderthatcouldsitathome whileItakeonekidtoappointmentsmade life doable.”

The RCP includes 40 hours of respite care a month per family which includes siblingcareforchildrenundertheageof13 and is provided by screened highly trained professionals

Meet the Joskers: An EFMP


Although the Joskers have not needed to utilize the EMFP legal team for representation, Joy stated that the resources and services given to their family by EMFP liai sons have been instrumental in advocating fortheirfamilyatnofinancialcost “Forusasparentstochildrenwithspecial needs, it’s a program for our children, said Joy.“It’smorethanjustthatandit’sdifferent foreveryfamily;anydependentofaservice memberwithqualifyingneedsthatiseligible for the program will be given access to the servicestheprogramprovides.”

ByMassCommunicationSpecialist2nd ClassEmilyCasavant NORFOLK, Va Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’s Executive Officer, Capt.JanetDays,spokeasaguestspeakerat NavalComputerandTelecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic (NCTAMS LANT) for their Women’s Equality cele bration on Aug. 25 2022 Days was asked to be the guest speaker due to the significant strides she has made asafemaleinthemilitary Mostrecently,in 2021, she became the first African Ameri can female executive officer of NAVSTA Norfolk and will soon be the first African American female commanding officer of the instillation. “Today, because of all of these amaz ing women, these women of purpose I proudly stand before you as the first black female Executive Officer of Naval Station Norfolk,” said Days “I am often asked the question, ‘How does it feel to be the first femaleblackExecutiveOfficerandeventu ally Commanding Officer of Naval Station Norfolk?’ I can tell you that it is an honor and privilege only made possible by those who came before me.” NCTAMS LANT’s diversity committee held the presentation the day before the 102ndanniversaryofthepassageofthe19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote in America About 40 Sailors and civilians were in attendance “This Day not only represents the 19th amendment and women’s right to vote,” said Chief Alfonso Ramirez-Rodriguez, ChairmanoftheNCTAMSLANTdiversity committee “It also recognizes the contributionsandachievementsofmanywomen in their fight to be equal in multiple areas, breaking gender barriers in the quest for equality.” Ramirez-Rodriguez opened the ceremonywithaspeechofhisown,highlighting womenwhoweretrailblazersandpioneers for future generations “Togetherwemustcontinuetomarkthis dateandhonorthosewhocamebeforeus,” said Days “We should honor their motivation, their tenacity and their desire to fight for their purpose.”

areassignedtoashipandperhapsliveinthe barrackswithnodogtocomehometo,”said Ramsey “If the USO can bring the dogs to interact with them even for a short period of time, that makes a huge difference The enjoyment on the Sailors faces, the stories we hear of their dogs from home and the sense of all around love at these events is like no other and is extremely rewarding.”

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved


1st Class Christopher Atwood, NAVSTA Norfolk RMT Leading Petty Officer. Atwood said that the events they have conducted so far have been very well received and continue to grow each time and thought that bringing the dogs to the event might help them grow even more.

NORFOLK,Va (Aug 25 2022) Operations Specialist 3rd Class CindyLopezpets one ofthe United Services Organizations ofHampton Roads and CentralVirginia Canine Comfort Crew members during a cookout hosted byNaval Station Norfolk’s Religious MinistriesTeam,Aug. 25. (USNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHMILLER/ RELEASED)

NORFOLK,Va (Aug 25 2022) Naval Station Norfolk’s Religious MinistriesTeam host a cookout at the installations parade field,Aug.25. The purpose ofthe cookouts is to conduct outreach, boost morale and make people aware ofthe services the team provides. (USNAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHMILLER/RELEASED)

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day on Naval Station Norfolk NORFOLK,Va (Aug.25 2022) Executive OfficerNaval Station Norfolk,Capt.Janet Days,delivers a speech during aWomen’s EqualityDay celebration at Naval ComputerandTelecommunicationsArea MasterStationAtlantic.The eventwas held in honorofthe 102nd anniversaryof the passing ofthe 19thAmendment grantingwomen the right tovote (USNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILY CASAVANT/RELEASED)

AccordingtotheUSO’swebsite,therapy dogs are known to lower blood pressure, reducestressandreleaseoxytocinwhichis often referred to as a “feel good hormone.” Ramsey said she enjoys working with the dogs for a variety of reasons but mainly because of the huge impact they have on the Sailors “Ifeelforourservicememberswhomay havegrownupwithdogsandnowthatthey

“Each time we have had a cookout the participation has increased,” said Atwood. We saw another command brought dogs to an event so we contacted the USO and inquired and they were able to support. Bringing the dogs definitely brought more people out and this time we had about 120 people participate.” The dogs were all part of the USO’s Canine Comfort Crew which was founded in 2017 with a mission to boost moral for service members and help relieve the stressors of military life “Dogsareamazingdistractionsfromthe

The chapel plans on continuing to hold cookouts at various parts of the base and will also invite the Comfort Crew out as long as they are available For those interested in becoming part of the USOHRCV Canine Comfort Crew, email usohrcvcontactus@uso.org for an application. They are accepting qualified teams who have been certified by Therapy Dogs International, Love on a Leash and Pet Partners

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Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.hamm@navy.mil ActingMilitaryEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker

Diversity committees at US Naval commands around the world celebrate Women’s Equality day and many other historical landmark days to continue to honorourhistoryandthebravepeoplewho have fought for our rights and freedoms

everydayworkdutiesandstressorsinlife,” said Emily Ramsey, USOHRCV Center Operations Specialist. “These therapy dogsaretrainedtosenseemotionsthrough facial expressions, tone of voice and body language and can detect if a person might be struggling internally The USO Canine Comfort Crew is an amazing way for us to bring extra love and attention to service members that might not even realize they need it.

ByKellyWirfel Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs Officer NORFOLK,Va NavalStationNorfolk’s Religious Ministries Team partnered with UnitedServicesOrganizationsofHampton Roads and Central Virginia to host a cookout for the installation’s Sailors and civil ians Aug. 25 Attheevent,theUSObroughtsomevery special guests, four therapy dogs who are membersoftheUSOCanineComfortCrew Thechapelhasbeenhostingcookoutsat various parts of the installation since June and is using them as a way to engage with base personnel. “The main purpose of these events is to conduct outreach, boost morale make peopleawareofourservicesandprimarily ensure they know we are here to support them,” said Religious Programs Specialist

Naval Station Norfolk Religious Ministries Team hosts ‘Burgers with Dogs’ morale event

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For more information on upcoming Norfolk Tides events, visit https://www milb.com/norfolk

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“Events like these always boost the morale of our Sailors and they bring fami liesandfriendstogether,”saidNavyRegion MidAtlanticPublicAffairsSpecialist,Nina Basantes,whowas one the lead organizers of the event. Guests in the stadium were present for the enlistment ceremony of eight of the Navy’s newest Sailors as they gave their Oath of Enlistment before the first pitch.

“This event is important because it is whatbringstheciviliancommunity,sports community, and military all together to share our patriotism on one common ground; the ball field,” said Chief Boat swain’s Mate Shih Chin, a member of the event’s color guard. Tickets were offered at a discounted rate toallactivedutyandretiredmilitaryperson nelandtheirfamilies.Duringthegame,Navy promotional videos were played on the outfielddigitalscoreboard,includingscenes from“TopGun:Maverick” “Seeing events come together makes the planning process worth it,” said Basantes. “SeeinghowwelltheNavywasrepresented onthefieldgavemeprideforbeingapartof thisamazingbranchofservice.

ByMassCommunicationSpecialist 2ndClassEmilyCasavant NORFOLK,Va TheNorfolkTidesbase ball team hosted a special Navy Night on Saturday, Aug. 20, at Harbor Park Stadium inNorfolk,VA Thenightbeganwithaspecialceremony involvingaboutapproximatelySailorsfrom five different commands including JEB Little Creek, NAS Oceana, NSA Norfolk, NWSYorktown,andNorfolkNavalShipyard andendedwithfireworksafterthegame

Thefirstpitchwasthenthrownby4Sailors from some of the participating commands followed by a performance of the national anthem, sung by Musician 3rd Class Trisha Phillips,accompaniedbyanon-fieldparade ofcolors.

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NORFOLK,Va (Aug 20 2022) NewNavyrecruits recite the Oath ofEnlistment during a special NavyNight at the NorfolkTides Stadium.Members offive Hampton Roads area Naval commands participated in pregame ceremonies forthe special event (USNAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILYCASAVANT/RELEASED) usaa.com/renters we do. stuff as of January 2020.Rates based in (UK) andUSAAS.A.(Europe),

The Norfolk Tides celebrate the Navy Va (Aug 20 2022)AfloatTraining Group NorfolkColorGuard members performs colors during a performance ofthe NationalAnthem at the NorfolkTides NavyNight Members offive Hampton Roads area Naval commands participated in pregame ceremonies forthe special event (USNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILYCASAVANT/RELEASED)

Marine CorpsAirStation (MCAS) CherryPoint Commanding OfficerCol.Brendan Burks briefs U.S.SenatorforNorth CarolinaThomTillis and his delegates in the airtraffic control tower on newand future construction projects at MCAS CherryPoint,Aug.26,2022.While on the installation,Tillis and his staffgained insight into the current and future operations ofthe air station,such as the incoming F-35 Lightning II squadrons,Hurricane Florence recoveryprojects, and local environmental conservation efforts (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL LAURALLEWALKER)

Prior to assuming command, Mahoney served as Joint Staff Action Officer and Branch Chief for Deputy Director, Nuclear and Homeland Defense Operations in the Chemical,Biological,Radiological Nuclear andHigh-YieldExplosives(CBRNE)Branch.

Thegroup also received insight on future opportuni ties and challenges aboard MCAS Cherry Point and in the local communities

U.S.NavyCmdr Brian Schonefeld (left),facilities directorforMarine CorpsAirStation (MCAS) Cherry Point,briefs U.S.SenatorforNorth CarolinaThomTillis (center),and MCAS CherryPoint Commanding OfficerCol.Brendan Burks and the members ofthe senator’s staffon the damage that occurred to onbase housing areas during Hurricane Florence at MCAS CherryPoint Aug. 26 2022 (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTO BYLANCECPL LAURALLEWALKER)

Sen. Tillis visits

“The challenges we face together as a country and a military are complex and dynamic,movingatbreakneckspeeds,”said Mahoney “The value that this team brings to bear to ensure that every EOD techni cian, Navy Diver, and expeditionary Sailor, istrainedandreadytoconductcombatoperations on a moment’s notice can’t be repli catedanywhereelse.” Alley assumed command of EODTEU 2 Aug. 2020; he adapted training curric ula during COVID-19 to continue to have readytrainedNavyEODandMobileDiving and Salvage Units for deployments to numbered fleets and various special opera tionscommandsacrosstheworld. “Warfightersatthiscommandaretraining thenextgenerationofEODtechniciansand NavyDivers, saidAlley Under the direction of commander, EODGRU 2, EODTEU 2 oversees training for all East Coast based EOD and mobile diving and salvage units as well as EOD MobileUnit8basedinRota,Spain

The air station is home to 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, Fleet Readiness Center East, and Naval Health Clinic Cherry Point, employing and supporting 23,000 active duty reserve, civilian, and family members

ByMaj.JoshuaSchubert Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point U.S. Senator for North Carolina Thom Tillis and members of his staff visited Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point, Aug. 26 2022. As a member of the Senate Armed ServicesandVeteransAffairsCommittees, thevisitprovidedTillisawarenessofMCAS CherryPointcurrentandfutureoperations Duringthevisittotheairstation,thesena tor and his staff learned more about ongo ing, large-scale military construction for readyingtheinstallationforsixF-35Light ning II squadrons in keeping with Force Design 2030 the progress of Hurricane Florence recovery projects and local envi ronmentalconservationefforts

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ByChiefPettyOfficerAriellaFeracho Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training and EvaluationUnit(EODTEU)2welcomeditsnewest leader during a change of command ceremony at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek FortStory,Aug.25 Cmdr Paul Mahoney relieved Cmdr Douglas Alley as commander EODTEU 2 infrontoffamily,friendsandstaffmembers of EODTEU 2; Capt. Chuck B. Eckhart, commodore, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2 was the guest speaker fortheceremony.

“Today is about showing the crew who is their commander,” said Eckhart. “That’s important, because ultimately, the (commandingofficer)isresponsibleforthe welfare care andmoraleofthecrew Andit isanincredibleresponsibility.”

Cherry Point

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (Aug 25,2022).Cmdr.DouglasAlley,commander,Explosive Ordnance Training and Evaluation Unit (EODTEU) 2 salutes as hewalks through sideboys during the EODTEU 2 change ofcommand ceremony.Underthe direction ofcommander Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2,EODTEU 2 oversees training forall East Coast based EOD and Mobile Diving and Salvage units,aswell as EOD Mobile Unit (EODMU) 8,based in Rota Spain.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFPERSONNELSPECIALISTARIELLAFERACHO/RELEASED)

The engagement included an air station overview presentation with discussion, a windshield tour with designated stops at the air station’s air traffic control tower, riflerange,militaryhousing,shoreline and combat fitness field. MCAS Cherry Point provides quality facilities, ranges, aviation support, and servicestopromotereadiness,sustainment, and quality of life for the operating forces and tenant commands

EODTEU 2 holds change of command ceremony

While NRL has a long history in space exploration, stretching back to the V-2 rockettestinthelate1940s,thisexperiment marksafirstinspacefortheLab Thefungal experiment will become the first biological project performed at NRL to be launched tospace After the Orion spacecraft completes its missionthefungalsampleswillbereturned toNRLforathoroughanalysis “The mission is about 42 days in lunar orbit,” Yuzon said. “Then we’ll process our samplesforsurvival,genomicandmetabolic changes.”

TiffanyWong-Stack,Ph.D a postdoctoral researcherin the U.S.Naval Research Laboratory’s (NRL) LaboratoryforBiomaterials and Systems,prepares a sample ofthe fungusAspergillus niger Fourdifferent strains ofthe fungus are scheduled to be launched aboard theArtemis I mission as part ofa NRLexperiment examining the effects ofspace radiation.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYSARAHPETERSON)

Microbiologists at the U.S.Naval Research Laboratoryare preparing experimental samples of ‘Aspergillus niger fungi to send fora ride around the moon.The experiment aims to provide insight into fungi’s natural defenses against radiation,a phenomenon that could prove useful forfuture space exploration and sustained life in space.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSARAH PETERSON)

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“We’re interested in factors that affect eukaryotic survival in space,” said Jenni fer Yuzon, postdoctoral scientist for NRL’s Laboratory for Biomaterials and Systems “For our experiment fungus is our model organism, specifically Aspergillus niger, which is found in all human environments includingspacecraft.”

The Space Biology Program is managed by the Space Life and Physical Sciences Research and Applications Division in NASA’s Human ExplorationandOperationsMissionDirec torateattheagency’sheadquartersinWashington,D.C. ArtemisIwillbeanuncrewedflighttestin NASA’s mission to extend human presence to the Moon and beyond. The mission will demonstrate the performance of the Space Launch System rocket and test the Orion spacecraft’s capabilities over the course of about six weeks as it travels about 40,000 milesbeyondtheMoonandbacktoEarth.

ByMichellePatten U.S. Naval Research Laboratory WASHINGTON

Inadditiontobeingfoundinhumanenvi ronments, fungi are notable for their natural mechanisms to protect and repair DNA damage caused by radiation. The experi ment seeks to understand fungi’s radiation protective qualities, as well as generally studying how biological systems adapt to deepspace. The project’s experimental setup has fourdifferentstrainsofthefungus.Samples include one wild type strain and three mutated strains that were genetically engineeredinthelaboratory Twoofthemutated strainsaredeficientinDNArepairpathways whiletheothermutatedstrainisdefectiveat melaninproduction.

An experiment prepared by the U.S. Naval Research Labo ratory (NRL) will launch as part of NASA’s scheduled Artemis I mission to orbit the moonAug.29 TheNRL experimentwillusesamples of fungitoinvestigateeffectsofthedeepspace radiation environment outside of Earth’s protectivemagnetosphere.

TheNRLexperimentisoneoffourspace biology investigations selected for Biolog ical Experiment 01 (BioExpt-01) mission aboard the Orion spacecraft by NASA’s SpaceBiologyProgram.DuringtheArtemis Imission,thefungalsampleswillbestored in a specialized Biological Research in Canisterssystemwithinthecrewcompart mentofNASA’sOrioncapsule Accordingto NASA,alloftheinvestigationsaimtostudy DNA damage and protection from radia tion, which for Moon missions experience approximately twice as much radiation exposure as levels on the ISS NASA funded NRL’s project as a Space Biology research opportunity.

The Artemis I mission is scheduled to launchAug.29fromKennedySpaceCenter located in Florida after 8:30 a.m. within a two-hour window, according to a NASA briefing.Thelivestreamofthelaunchmaybe seen here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=C MLD0Lp0JBg. AbouttheU.S.NavalResearchLaboratory NRL is a scientific and engineering commanddedicatedtoresearchthatdrives innovative advances for the U.S. Navy and MarineCorpsfromtheseafloortospaceand in the information domain NRL is located inWashington,D.C.withmajorfieldsitesin StennisSpaceCenter,Mississippi;KeyWest, Florida; Monterey, California, and employs approximately3,000civilianscientists,engi neersandsupportpersonnel. For more information, contact NRL Corporate Communications at (202) 480-3746ornrlpao@nrl.navy.mil.

“Looking at the impact of melanin and DNA repair pathways in the samples with the effects of both cosmic radiation and microgravity will increase our knowledge for how humans may be impacted at the Moonandbeyondaswecontinuetoexplore further,” said Zheng Wang, NRL microbi ologist and the principal investigator on this project. “We also hope to gain knowl edge for the development of new ways to protect astronauts and equipment during spacetravel.Asthefungiadapttothespace environment they may also produce novel biomolecules that could have therapeutic potentials.”

While the NRL research team antici patesArtemisIlaunchday,theyarealready preparing for other experiments that will investigate their research questions One planned future mission is a collaboration with DoD’s Space Testing Program, Inter nationalSpaceStation(ISS)NationalLaboratory and NASA Kennedy Space Center to send fungal samples to the ISS Wang’s research group has also been selected by NASA to study how melanized fungal cells adapttoMars-likeconditionsusingNASA’s Antarcticballoonplatform “These three programs will give us a full pictureofhoweukaryoteslikefungiperform in diverse space conditions,” Wang said. “Then in the future we can develop better strategies to help astronauts explore deep space.”

AU.S.Naval Research Laboratory(NRL) experiment prepares to launch as part ofNASA’s scheduledArtemis I mission to orbit the moonAug.29 The NRLexperimentwill use samples offungi to investigate effects ofthe deep space radiation environment outside ofEarth’s protective magnetosphere.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOILLUSTRATIONBYSARAHPETERSON)

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

ABOVE RIGHT:Jon Stewart emcees the opening ceremonyforathletes,families,and friends forthe 2022 DoDWarriorGames, August 19 2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSPC GISELLEGONZALEZ)

Retired U.S.Coast Guardsman ME2Jacob Cox,Team Navy competes in the 100M dash alongwith his guide during the 2022 DoDWarriorGames,August 25,2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTO BYSPCGISELLEGONZALEZ)

Highlights from the 2022 DoD Warrior Games

Athletes prepare to enterthe pool during the swimming competition at the 2022 DoDWarriorGames,Aug.26 2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSSPECIALIST 2NDCLASSGEORGEM.BELL)

The Warrior Games are composed of over 200 wounded, ill and injured service members and veteran athletes competing in 12 adaptive sporting events Aug. 19-28, 2022atESPNWideWorldofSportsComplexatDisneyinLakeBuenaVista,Florida.

Lance Cpl.Annika Hutsler,Team Marine Corps,competes in theWomen’s 50M freestyle at the 2022 DoDWarriorGames Aug.26 2022.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST2NDCLASSGEORGEM.BELL)

AmemberofTeam Ukraine competes in the 200M dash during the 2022 DoDWarriorGames,August 25,2022 (U.S. ARMYPHOTOBYSPCGISELLEGONZALEZ)

AirForce defeats Navyforthe gold medal inwheelchairrugby during the 2022 DoDWarriorGames,onAug.22 2022.(DOD PHOTOBYROGERL.WOLLENBERG)

LEFT:Athletes,families,and friends participating in the 2022 DoDWarriorGames attend theWarriorGames Friends and Family Welcome Event hosted bythe FisherHouse Foundation andAmazonWeb Services at Magic Kingdom ParkatWalt DisneyWorld Resort,August 16 2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTOBY SPC ALBERTJUAREZ)

U.S.Marine Corps StaffSgt.JackSteinfield,veteran,Team USMC and Retired U.S.NavyCulinarySpecialist Second Class Mario Ingram,Team Navy,prepares forthe start ofthe wheelchairbasketball game at the DoDWarriorGames,Aug. 25,2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSGT.ANGELHERALDEZ)

TeamAirForce,Team Ukraine,andTeam Navycelebrate winning medals in sittingvolleyball at the 2022 DoDWarrior Games,August 28 2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSPC.GISELLE GONZALEZ)

ABOVE LEFT: Darius Ruckerannounces the official start forthe 2022 DoDWarriorGames, August 19 2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSPC GISELLEGONZALEZ)

Athletes race in the 100 meterdash during the 2022 DoD WarriorGames,August 25th,2022 (U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSPC ALBERTJUAREZ)

Team Navycyclists are awarded medals at the 2022 DoD WarriorGames,Aug.22 2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSGEORGEM.BELL)

Military Sealift Command’s fleet ocean tug USNS Apache inactivated

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (August 26 2022)--The last Civil Service Mariners to crewthe MilitarySealift Command’s fleet ocean tug USNSApache (T-ATF172) pose fora photograph pier-side on Joint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story Aug.26 The photographwas taken priorto a ceremonyheld aboard the ship marking the inactivation ofUSNSApache.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBILL MESTA/RELEASED)

ByBillMesta USN Military Sealift Command VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Military SealiftCommandhostedaceremonymark ing the inactivation of its Powhatan-class fleet ocean tug USNS Apache (T-ATF 172), pier-side, on Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Aug. 26 Delivered to the U.S. Navy on July 23, 1981,ApachewasusedtotowvariousNavy vessels aidinsalvageoperations,fightfires and assist in special missions such as data collection. The Apache is equipped with diving equipment as well as spill equip ment. Apache is equipped with a crane to lift large objects onto its deck. When augmentedbyNavydivers,Apacheassisted in the recovery of downed aircraft, and stranded or grounded ships “We are exceptionally proud of the history of this great ship,” said Rear Adm. Michael Wettlaufer, Commander, Mili tary Sealift Command. “The Civil Service Mariners (CIVMAR) who crewed Apache shouldbeveryproudtotheimportantwork youhaveaccomplishedovertheextensive, and frankly, very cost effective service this ship provided to our nation.” Apache proved its worth during its 41 year service by supporting a variety of important efforts during the ship’s career In 1982, Apache towed the Battleship ex-USSIowa(BB-61)fromthePhiladelphia NavalShipyardinPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania, to Westwego, Louisiana, where Iowa began modernization work in preparation for being returned to active service Apache also provided towing services for the Sherman-class destroyer ex-USS Barry (DD-933); transporting the warship to the Washington Navy Yard to serve as a museum, in 1983 Recent tows conducted by Apache included transporting Whidbey Islandclass dock landing ships ex-USS Fort McHenry (LSD-43) and ex-USS Whidbey Island (LSD-41) to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for inactivation. InOctober2015 Apachewenttoseafrom JointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-Fort Story, to aid the National Transportation Safety Board in its search for the missing cargo ship SS El Faro, which was lost with all hands during Hurricane Joaquin, on Oct. 1, 2015, east of the Bahamas Apache used the CURV 21, a deep ocean remotely operatedvehicle tosurveyandconfirmthe identity of the ship’s wreckage “The CIVMARs who crewed Apache have set a shining example for other mari ners,” according to Wettlaufer “Apache spent its entire time in the fleet taking on critical missions forward, and has always been ready when the nation called.” At 226 feet in length, Apache was crewed by 18 Civil Service Mariners (CIVMAR) who provided all shipboard services including navigation, propulsion, hotel services and specialized shipboard equipment operation.

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“It has been extremely rewarding for myselfandthecrewtobeapartoftheship’s great legacy,” said Capt. Matt Hoag, USNS Apache’s Master “The most meaningful part of being an Apache crewmember has been supporting challenging missions and tows that require everyone perform at a high level. All of our departments worked togetherseamlessly,evenunderhighpres sure situations, and this has been apparent to all of our stakeholders.”

Apache was the recipient of MSC Mari time “E” for out-performing two other fleet ocean tugs in 2020, by demonstrat ing day-to-day excellence in providing the highest degree of operational readiness performance, efficiency and safety standards Apache has earned the following awards during its service life: Meritorious UnitCommendation,NavyUnitCommen dation, National Defense, and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; two awards forOperationRestoreHopeandOperation Uphold Democracy “What has been unique about serving on Apache is the tight bond formed among thecrew,”Hoagstated.“Overtheyearsthis bondhasbecomeasstrongasafamily The ship’s inactivation will be difficult for the crew, but we will retain the memories and carry our experiences and work ethic to other ships.” With Apache’s inactivation, MSC still operates one of the original seven Powhatan-class fleet ocean tugs USNS Catawba (T-ATF 168). MSC’s remaining fleet ocean tugandtworescueandsalvageships,USNS Grasp(T-ARS51)andUSNSSalvor(T-ARS 52)arescheduledtobereplacedbytheU.S. Navy’s new USNS Navajo-class towing, salvage and rescue ships

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (August 26 2022)--AviewofMilitarySealift Command’s fleet ocean tug USNSApache (T-ATF172) pier-side onJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story Aug.26 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBILLMESTA/RELEASED)

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ByAlanNunn U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command GREAT LAKES Recruit Training Command (RTC) Motorcycle Mentorship Programhosted50ridersduringathree-day eventintendedtohelpparticipantsimprove skills,abilitiesandawareness Fivethree-hourclasses,heldAugust22-24 at Naval Station Great Lakes, were led by American Motorcycle Training instructors Fred McMullen, DeAnna Ward, and Tony Castellano “RTC has over 100 motorcycle riders and with such a large demographic, the commandwantedtofindwaystoimproveon ourMotorcycleMentorshipProgram, RTC High-Risk Training Safety Administrator Cody Vanderlois said. “The classes provide extended training beyond the current requirementsandmentorshipinvolvement of our riders Additionally, riders were able tomeetotherriderswhocouldlaterprovide additionalinsight,experienceandsupport.”

Royerencouragedotherriderstopartic ipate in the Motorcycle Mentorship Program. “It is an excellent course; and for riders hesitanttoparticipate theycouldeasilysee itasacommandapprovedeventwherethey couldtakepartoftheirdaytogetawayfrom workandgetontheirmotorcycles,”hesaid.

BySidneyHinds Naval Medical Research Center SILVER SPRING, Md Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) hosted student interns during an eight-week summer program, which concluded with a presen tationofresearchfindingsatthejointSTEM expo with Walter Reed Army Institute of ResearchonAug.12

Using their own motorcycles, riders began with a pre-ride safety inspection. The hands-on training exercises included following distances with safety margins situational awareness approach ing intersections/interacting with other traffic, crash avoidance maneuvers (braking/swerving), and rider character Each exerciseconcludedwithatopicdebriefand discussion Chief Mineman Joshua Royer, an RTC RecruitDivisionCommanderwith14years ofmotorcycleridingexperience saidriders always benefit from safety courses

Recruit Training Command’s Motorcycle Mentorship Program promotes safe, fun riding uarterdeck

Service Person of the Quarter U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.LeSean Neely an intermediate level avionics mastertraining specialist assigned to CenterforNavalAviation TechnicalTraining Unit (CNATTU) CherryPoint was recognized as the Service Person ofthe Quarter.

RTC, in conjunction with Naval Station GreatLakes,hasalsoacquiredamotorcycle smart trainer. This digital platform uses visualization andhasallthecontrolsofastandardmotor cycle but removes the risk of actual riding. The smart trainer provides scenarios that could be reasonably encountered while operating a motorcycle Examples include vehicles exiting blind spots in front of the rider, lane change or passing of cross traffic. The smart trainer also allows for different areas of riding such as downtown, highway and side roads tofurthertheexperience Thesmart trainer is available for all to use, regardless of rider status or experience “The Motorcycle Mentorship Program goalistobringtogetherbothnewandexpe rienced riders and promote responsible fun, education and safety to the dozens of riders in our command, RTC Command SafetyOfficerVicHernandezsaid.“It’snice to see our motorcyclist focus and commit ment to safety Any day is a good day when our Sailors can concentrate on the overall safety of riding their motorcycles.” Boot camp is approximately 10 weeks and all enlistees into the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command Training includesphysicalfitness,seamanship,firearms, firefighting and shipboard damage controlalongwithlessonsinNavyheritage and core values, teamwork and discipline. Morethan40,000recruitstrainannuallyat the Navy’s only boot camp For more news from Recruit Training Command, visit www.navy.mil/local/rtc

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This year’s intern program saw six students intern at NMRC through NREIP, andthreethroughSEAP Ninestaffmembers with NMRC took part in the program as directmentorstointerns NMRC’s eight research commands are engaged in a broad spectrum of activ ity from basic science in the laboratory to fieldstudiesinaustereandremoteareasof the world to investigations in operational environments In support of the Navy, Marine Corps, and joint U.S. warfighters researchers study infectious diseases, biological warfare detection and defense combatcasualtycare,environmentalhealth concerns, aerospace and undersea medicine,medicalmodeling,simulation,operational mission support, epidemiology, and behavioral sciences hosts student interns for Summer 2022 program

“The mentors all tell me the students are so proud of the work they’ve done,” said Carlson.“There’salotofanalysisrequiredin theworkourstaffdo,andthestudentsarea bighelpincarryingonimportantresearch.”


“Theygiveyouastrongrefresherorfirsttimeexperiencewithrareoccurrencesthat weexperienceontheroad,aswellasfocus ingonthefundamentalsofriding,”hesaid.

SILVERSPRING,Md.(July28 2022) Internswith the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) and Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) posewith Naval Medical Research Centerintern coordinators.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSIDNEYHINDS/RELEASED)

This year marks the first iteration of the summer intern program since 2019 after it went on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Maj.AmyCarlson,whomanages the summer intern program for NMRC, spoke highly of the impact of the program’s returnonstudentsandstaff

“Ultimately, it helps keep riders sharp and safe This is my fourth course I’ve taken in the military and I find them all equally beneficial.”

The expo included poster presentations by NMRC summer interns from the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) and Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP). Post ers summarized projects which interns conducted in multiple research areas, includinginfectiousdisease,underseamedi cine,andneurotrauma.

NMRC hosts interns annually for eight weeks each summer, pairing students from high school and college with mentors who instruct them in research and laboratory techniques. Interns are assigned a project whichtheyworkonoverthecourseofeight weeks andhavetheopportunitytolearnfrom NMRCstaffacrossmultiplelaboratories “Gettingtoknowmentorswhocanguide us in the field has been great,” said Katie Ripley (a recent graduate from Butler University), who interned with NMRC’s Operational Undersea Medicine Directorate “Everyone here is very eager to teach, and really passionate about what they’re teaching You don’t usually get the sort of one-on-one mentorship with multiple peoplethatI’vegottenhere.”

GREATLAKES (Aug 23,2022) RecruitTraining Command and Naval Station Great Lakes SafetyhostedAmerican MotorcycleTraining instructors to provide a total offive sessions ofsafety oriented ridertraining overthree consecutive daysAugust 22-24.Each sessionwas three hours and accommodated up to 12 riders.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJOHNSHEPPARD)

The NMRC summer intern program offers an opportunity for students to experience the daily flow of research work, and toapplytheirskillstotheuniquechallenges ofNavyMedicine “Intheshortterm,internsareabletohelp advanceongoingprojectsandresearch,”said Dr Hans Linsenbardt, an NMRC research psychologistandinternmentor “Inthelong run, these students not only get positive research experience that you don’t neces sarily get in high school or college, but also get experience with DoD research, which thereisn’tthatmuchawarenessof.”

“Like the Navy, e-sports is a competitive environment that requires loyalty, team work, effective communication under pres sure, and a strong commitment to continual improvement, saidRearAdmiralLexWalker Commander Navy Recruiting Command. “Goats & Glory helps the Navy improve its relatability with the public and defy current misperceptionsaboutNavylife.”

Goats & Glory, which is a

The Red Bulls,thewinners ofthe competition,and the Casa Migos pose fora photo afterthe final game ofthevolleyball tournament hosted by Marine Corps CommunityServices at the Marine Dome on Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint North Carolina,Aug.19 2022 The eventwas held to boost unit moral and fosterfriendlycompetition between installation personnel.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL TRISTENREED)

2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Chief team, key theendofOctober,afterallapplicationshave beenreviewed,thetop-100selecteesfromthe poolwillfaceoffinafive-titletournamentto determinegamingskilllevelandexpertise

Navy’s eSports team ‘Goats & Glory’ seeks new members

Marine Dome hosts volleyball tournament

component of Navy Recruiting Command’s multi-faceted outreachefforts Theportalwillbeopenuntil October1,andSailorsE5andupcanapply.At

PHILADELPHIA(May14 2022) U.S.NavyElectronicsTechnician 2nd Class Manuel Bolanos,a native ofMcAllen Texas,assigned to the Navy’s esports team,Goats & Glory plays a friendlyValorant skirmish during theValorant $5KLanTournament part ofa NavyPromotional Day(NPD) Philadelphia,May14 2022 Goats & Gloryis dedicated to outreach and engagementwith members ofthe gaming community,showcasing life and opportunities available in the Navy The purpose ofan NPD is to build and sustain strategic networkswith high schools,universities and colleges,and to promote Navyawarenesswithin diverse and under-represented communitieswhile building a pool ofScience,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) talent and showcasing opportunities forboth militaryand civilian careers.

Q: Iamcomingfroman involuntaryunaccompanied tourtoanaccompaniedtour Isspecialconsiderationgiven tothiscircumstanceformy controldate? A. Yes.The control date for members returning PCS from an involuntary unaccompanied tour orfrom assignment to ships operating in specifically designated areas to an accompanied PCS tourwill be the date ofdetachment from the prioraccompanied PCS tour NAVY HOUSING Norfolk (757) 445-2832 JEBLCFS (757) 462-2792 Oceana/DamNeck (757)433-3268 Yorktown (757) 847-7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling(Individual,Couples,a nd Child Counseling) Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family Employment Assistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAnger Management Command Support Crisis Support SuicidePrevention SAPR Support Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/ FromNavyRecruitingCommand

U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.Bryan Ung,a radio operatorwith MarineWing Communications Squadron 28 2nd Marine AircraftWing spikes the volleyball overthe net to score a point forhis team during the final game ofavolleyball tournament hosted byMarine Corps CommunityServices at the Marine Dome,Marine CorpsAirStation Cherry Point North Carolina,Aug.19 2022 The eventwas held to boost unit morale and foster friendlycompetition between installation personnel.(U.S. MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCE CPL TRISTENREED)

The Goats & Glory team was established in 2020 to provide a platform for Sailors to authentically engage with people from all walks of life and discuss the range of oppor tunities the Navy provides, while sharing a mutual passion for gaming. Sailors selected forGoats&Gloryarefull-timeNavye-sports team members, and they operate out of the team’sdedicatedtrainingfacilityinMemphis, Tennessee Theteammostrecentlycompeted attheRugbytown7Se-sportstournamentin Glendale,ColoradoAugust17-21.


ByLanceCpl TristenReed Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) hosted its final game in its volley balltournamentattheMarineDome,Marine CorpsAirStationCherryPoint,NorthCarolina, Aug. 19, 2022. The event was held to boost unit morale and friendly competition among installation personnel. More than five teams comprised of Marines, Sailors, and civilians competed in the tournament. In the final match of the tournament, it was the Red Bulls and the CasaMigospittedagainstoneanother After a close game, The Red Bulls emerged victo rious, besting the Casa Migos by one point. For their efforts, members of The Red Bulls received medals for their win.

of Naval Personnel has released NAVADMIN 185⁄22, announcing multiple openings for the Navy e-sports

Sailors interested in participating in e-sports should go to https://www.cnrc. navy.mil/Esportsandclickon2023Goatsand Gloryapplication. AboutAmerica’sNavy With more than 330,000 active duty sail ors, 290 deployable ships, more than 3,700 aircraft and dozens of bases in the U.S. and acrosstheglobe,America’sNavyisthelargest, most powerful naval force in the world The opportunitiesavailableintoday’sNavyareas boundlessastheseaitself.Youcanlearnmore about these opportunities at Navy.com, and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, andLinkedIn


TheeventisheldtocelebrateMarinesand Sailorswhogoaboveandbeyondtoinvestin theinstallationandsurroundingcommunity withtheirtimeandtalent. Neelywasnominatedbyhisleadershipfor hisvolunteerworkwithlocalschools,coordinatingablooddriveforCNATTUCherry Point,andpursuingaBachelorofSciencein electrical engineering from the American MilitaryUniversity

ByLanceCpl LauralleWalker Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. LeSean Neely, an intermediate level avionics master training specialistassignedtoCenterforNavalAvia tion Technical Training Unit (CNATTU) CherryPoint,wasrecognizedastheService PersonoftheQuarterbytheCarteretCounty Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee at CNATTU Cherry Point, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, NorthCarolina,Aug.19,2022.

Lambert got his wish His first duty assignmentsbroughthimallovertheworld to places he never thought he would go However, like many who join the Navy and fall in love with other places, in the end, there is no place like home. Now Lambert works about 60 miles northeast from where he grew up at Talent Acquisition Station Maryville As a local, he uses this as a strength to resonate and engage with the local community and build off of his rela tionships with teachers at his former high school. “It all worked out,” said Lambert. “I wanted to give back to my community that IcamefromandIwantedtoshoweveryone thattherearemoreopportunitiesthanwhat isinfrontyou.”

As Lambert finishes his last active duty tour at NTAG Nashville he still plans to serve and complete a 20 year career in the navalreserves Evenifhe’snotinarecruiting billet, he still plans on educating people on whattheNavyhastooffereveryone “The Navy has taken me to places and countries that I never thought a guy like me, from East Tennessee, would ever get to see,” said Lambert “The life that the Navy hasprovidedformeissomethingthatIwill alwaysremember.”

Engineman 2nd ClassAlexLambert poses fora photo as he is selected as NavyTalent Acquisition Group Nashville’s Recruiterin the Spotlight (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATION1STCLASSNICOLASLOPEZ)

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FromNavyRecruitingCommand MARYVILLE, Tenn “I want to travel theworld,”isacommonresponsefutureSail orsgivewhenaskedwhytheyareconsideringtheNavy ForEngineman2ndClassAlex Lambert,anativeofMorristown,Tennessee, thiswashisinitialreasonforjoining Buthe’s foundalotmorereasonstostay

Sailor comes home as a Navy Recruiter

U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.LeSean Neely(center) an intermediate level avionics mastertraining specialist assigned to CenterforNavalAviationTechnicalTraining Unit (CNATTU) CherryPoint poseswith CNATTU personnel,installation personnel,and members ofthe Carteret CountyChamberofCommerce MilitaryAffairs Committee during a Service Person ofthe Quarterceremony at CNATTU CherryPoint Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint North Carolina,Aug.19 2022 Neelywas recognized as the Service Person ofthe Quarterbythe Carteret CountyChamberof Commerce MilitaryAffairs Committee forhis contributions on and offthe installation.

needed individuals to join and in order for future Sailors to join, recruiters had to be creativewiththeirtactics “I came on recruiting at the tail-end of COVID and being a new recruiter and getting myself out there to build relation ships with teachers was challenging,” said Lambert.“AsIlearnedfrommistakesinthe beginningofrecruiting,Iimprovedmyability to speak and engage with students and people,andthathasworkedinmyfavor.”

U.S.Marine Corps Sgt. LeSean Neely(center left),an intermediate level avionics mastertraining specialist assigned to Center forNavalAviationTechnical Training Unit (CNATTU) CherryPoint,shakes hands with GunnerySgt.Aaron Legath,avionics assistant chiefforCNATTU Cherry Point during a Service Person ofthe Quarterceremony at CNATTU CherryPoint Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint North Carolina, Aug.19,2022 (U.S.MARINE CORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL LAURALLEWALKER)

NTAGNashvilleincludes46Navyrecruit ing stations across the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Georgia covering 138,000 square miles NTAG Nashville employs over200recruiters,supportpersonnel,and civilians in its mission to recruit individuals who meet standards for naval service Follow NTAG Nashville on Facebook NTAGNashville Navy Recruiting Command consists of a command headquarters, three Navy Recruiting Regions, and 26 Navy Talent Acquisition Groups that serve more than 1,000 recruiting stations across the world. Their combined goal is to attract the highest quality candidates to assure the ongo ing success of America’s Navy For more news from Commander Navy Recruiting Command, go to http://www.cnrc.navy mil. Follow Navy Recruiting on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/MyNAVYHR), Twitter (@USNRecruiter) and Instagram (@USNRecruiter).

“I joined the Navy to see the world and leave small town America behind for a bit,” said Lambert. “I was looking for more out of life and a greater opportunity I really wantedtoseeifIcoulddoitmyself.”

Carteret County honors Service Person of the Quarter

Lambert has been in the Navy since 2015 and at his last command, Marine Expedi tionary Group 2, he was contemplating the decision to stay Navy or get out As he was looking at orders he saw that the Navy was lookingforrecruitersatNavyTalentAcquisition Group (NTAG) Nashville and that’s whenheapplied. Ashearrivedatthecommand,recruiting stations when into a COVID-19 risk mitigation environment. During this time all recruitersinthenationwerenotallowedin anyschool,whichmadeitdifficultforallU.S. military branches Even though the world wasfacingthispandemic,theU.S.Navystill


ByWarrenDuffie Office of Naval Research

Participants in the E.AnthonyRankin Orthopaedic SurgeryInternship posewith NavyOrthopedic Surgeon Lt Cmdr Marvin Dingle (farleft); Surgeon General ofthe NavyRearAdm.Bruce Gillingham (next to Dingle); and Naval STEM Coordination Office DeputyDirectorKathleen Gately Miranda (second row,right).(PHOTOCOURTESYOFTHENAVALSTEMCOORDINATIONOFFICE)

Applicants must: be U.S. citizens; be at least 19 year old and not older than the age limit in their designator by commissioning (usually 32-25, find out more here); hold a 2.8 or higher grade point average on a 4.0 scale, have at least 60 semester or 90 quarter hours of credit from an accredited college or university and be able to fulfill baccalaureatedegreerequirementswithin 24monthsofacceptanceintotheprogram.

Ortho: Naval STEM, BUMED internship boosts diversity in orthopedic medicine

Navy expands baccalaureate degree completion program

“Student feedback was very positive,” said Dingle “Not many of the interns had connections with the military They were surprised by how welcoming we were and our amazing facilities and inspiring patients. “Several of them called the four weeks life-changing and seemed to be seriously considering specializing in orthopedic medicine,” he continued. “Hopefully, they’ll go back to their schools share their experiences and encourage other students to apply for the Rankin Internship and consider a career in naval medicine.”


During the four-week internship, partic ipantsengagedinthefollowingactivities:

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Toincreasediversityinthefieldofortho pedic medicine, the Naval STEM Coordination Office (NSCO) recently sponsored the four-week E. Anthony Rankin Ortho paedic Surgery Internship, held earlier this summer. Named after a celebrated U.S. Army surgeonwhowasthefirstAfricanAmerican toserveaspresidentoftheAmericanAcad emy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), the Rankin Internship is managed by the Navy BureauofMedicineandSurgery(BUMED). It targets first- and second-year civilian medical students from underrepresented backgrounds considering careers in ortho pedic medicine which focuses on bones, joints ligaments tendonsandmuscles. “The goal of the Rankin Internship is to exposecivilianmedicalstudentstomilitary health care and hopefully inspire them to consider careers in naval medicine, partic ularly in orthopedics,” said NSCO Deputy Director Kathleen Gately Miranda. “Ultimately, this will not only add greater diver sity to naval medicine but the naval STEM workforceasawhole.

The purpose ofan NPD is to build and sustain strategic networkswith high schools,universities and colleges,and to promote Navyawarenesswithin diverse and under-represented communitieswhile building a pool ofScience,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) talent and showcasing opportunities forboth militaryand civilian careers.

“We re-launched this program- which was active from the 1980s through the early 2010s because we want to reach schoolsthatdonothaveatraditionalNaval ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) unit or Navy presence,” said Cmdr David Benham, Director of Public Affairs for Navy Recruiting Command. Originally the program required service in unrestricted line designators like avia tion, special warfare, special operations, and surface warfare. This update expands the choice of designators to include those in the Information Warfare communities, like cryptologic warfare, cyber warfare engineer, intelligence,information professional, and oceanography.

Dingle whoisoneofahandfulofAfrican American orthopedic surgeons in the Navy

Benham emphasized that the expansion of the baccalaureate degree completion program to information warfare communities opens up the program to a popular and much-needed discipline “NavyInformation Warfareis incompetition with civilian technology compa nies for the best and brightest. Cyber is inextricably linked to everything we do and we have to be able to connect at long distances and in harsh environments as a forward-deployed afloat force,” said Benham. “This program should help us competesuccessfully withciviliancompa nies for America’s diverse college talent. Students considering this program should contact their local officer recruiter or go to Navy.com to find out more.”

3. In a cadaver laboratory, they collabo rated with orthopedic surgeons from the U.S.NavalAcademyfootballteamtorecon struct an anterior cruciate ligament. The interns also attended lectures at Walter Reed, visited the Naval Academy, andattendedaspecialeventwheretheymet Dr E.AnthonyRankinaswellasRearAdm. Bruce Gillingham, the surgeon general of the Navy During the four weeks, they also received mentorship and guidance about pursuingcareersinmilitarymedicine

1. Observed Walter Reed orthopedic surgeons in a variety of specialties such as trauma care. 2. Shadowed surgeons during their roundsandperformedpatientassessments

of U.S. Naval Information Forces and responsible for manning, training and equipping the Navy’s IW force, noted how opening BDCP opportunities to IW disciplines will enhance readiness “In today’s environment, we are in constant competition around the globe, and in every fight, information warfare is and will continue to be constantly in demand,” said Aeschbach “Expanding the BDCP program to IW designators, along with accessions through other commissioning sources, ensures we can meet this demand with our nation’s next generation of critical thinkers and problem-solvers.”


FromNavy Recruiting Command MILLINGTON, TN

TheNSCOislocatedattheOfficeofNaval Research and coordinates investments in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education, outreach and workforceinitiativesacrosstheDepartment oftheNavy(DoN). Lt Cmdr Marvin Dingle program manager for the Rankin Internship and a Navy orthopedic surgeon conceptual ized the internship after reading articles by AAOS, the American Orthopaedic Associa tionandtheAssociationofAmericanMedi cal Colleges describing the lack of diversity inorthopedicmedicine

“Women and students from underrepre sented racial backgrounds are underrepre sented in surgical medicine,” said Dingle. “We need more men and women from minority race and gender backgrounds to aspiretothemedicalprofessions,especially tobecomeorthopedicsurgeons.”

More Information Specific academic requirements for IWC designators are listed in NAVADMIN 188⁄22 (https://www.mynavyhr.navy mil/Portals/55/Messages/NAVADMIN/ NAV2022/NAV22188.txt?ver=Xrue-XFJi6fywsn6MzOOnQ%3d%3d) and other designator requirements are listed in NAVADMIN 055⁄22 Sailors enlisted in the Navy Reserve are also eligible for BDCP Talk to an officer recruiter in your area and visit https://www.navy.com/joining the-navy/ways-to-join/become-a-com missioned-officer for more information.

Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications


Applicants accepted into the program earn pay and full benefits including healthcare as an Officer Candidate Petty Officer 3rd Class with the opportunity to advance, up to two times if the student provides a referral that leads to another enrollment, or if the student makes the dean’s list for two consecutive semesters or three consecutive quarters Cmdr BrianSchulz, theseniorInforma tion Warfare community manager said the Navyis excitedto seethisprogramexpand to include the Information Warfare communities “We are looking for applicants who are already midway through college and are starting to look at their next steps after college Our ideal candidates are strong students in STEM programs, proven lead ers with incredible work ethic and moti vation. This program offers participants benefits now a pay check, money for housing free health care while getting full time to devote to your studies,” Schulz said. “It’s like having a job on the side In addition, it provides a guaranteed job and potential lifelong careerasanofficer inthe Navy upon graduation.”

The Navy announcedtodaytheBaccalaureateDegree CompletionProgram whichpayscollege students between $12,000- $50,000 annu ally is now open to Information Warfare communities effective immediately The program, which was re-started in March 2022, provides an opportunity for collegestudentstoearnmoneytocomplete their degree and earn a commission in the Navy following graduation.


PHILADELPHIA(May11,2022) Members ofNavyRecruiting Command’s Office ofOutreach and Diversityteam,speakto GeorgeWashington High School students during a NavyPromotional Day (NPD) Philadelphia,May11,2022

chosesixinternsfromapoolofnearly80 applicants Candidateswerejudgedontheir academic performance; leadership experienceandpotential;andeffortstostrengthen diversity, equity and inclusion at their respective medical schools Many applicants were from historically black colleges anduniversities/minorityinstitutions

The newest designators authorized —cryptologic warfare, cyber warfare engineer intelligence information professional, and oceanography have more specific academic requirements

Knowing that Naval STEM seeks to support innovative pilot programs in line with the DoN’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, Dingle submitted a proposal to NSCO and received funding to establish the Rankin Internship at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda,Maryland.

Majors in science,technology,engineering, mathematics and those which have a directapplicationtoanavalcareeraregiven strongest consideration for selection.

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TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21 countries the Arabian Gulf Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke points at the Strait ofHormuz,Babal-MandebandSuezCanal. Iraq, Kuwait and U.S. conduct joint patrol in Arabian Gulf ARABIAN GULF(Aug 25,2022) U.S.Navycoastal patrol ship USS Sirocco (PC 6) U.S.Coast Guard fast response cutterUSCGC Charles Moulthrope (WPC 1141),Kuwait Naval Force ship Maskan (P3717),and Iraq Navyfast attackcraft P-310,sail togetherduring a joint patrol exercise in theArabian Gulf,Aug.25 Trilateral engagements help strengthen partnerships and ensure maritime stabilityand securityin the Middle East region.

From the right U.S.Navycoastal patrol ship USS Sirocco (PC 6) U.S.Coast Guard fast response cutterUSCGC Charles Moulthrope (WPC 1141) and Kuwait Naval Forces ship Maskan (P3717),sail in formation during a joint patrol in theArabian Gulf Aug.25.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSANITACHEBAHTAH)


ByNAVCENTPublicAffairs U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet Maritime forces from Iraq, Kuwait and the United States conducted a joint patrol, Aug. 25, in the Arabian Gulf Ships from the Iraq Navy, Kuwait Naval Force, Kuwait Coast Guard, U.S. Navy and U.S.CoastGuardparticipatedinmaneuver ing exercises and maritime security drills U.S. ships included patrol coastal ship USS Sirocco (PC 6) and fast response cutter USCGC Charles Moulthrope (WPC 1141). Sirocco and Charles Moulthrope are forward-deployed to Bahrain where U.S. 5th Fleet is headquartered. “Trilateralengagementslikethisdemonstrate the shared commitment of partner nationstosafeguardingtheseas,”saidCapt. Robert Francis, commander of Task Force 55 whose staff oversees operations for U.S. 5th Fleet surface forces Cooperation among regional partners at sea helps ensure maritime security and stability in nearby waters, he added.

NORFOLK(August 15, 2017) Beyond attending the required motorcycle training courses,active dutyriders are required towearproperpersonal protective equipment whetherriding on oroff base.Riders mustwearlong pants,long-sleeved shirt orjacket a Department of Transportation approved helmet,protective eye wear,full-fingered gloves and above-ankle shoes, and preferably steel-toed boots (U.S.NAVYPHOTO ILLUSTRATIONBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 1STCLASSRJSTRATCHKO/ RELEASED) Motorcycle Safety Get more out of your subscription by setting up your digital account It’seasy to start your online access! Visit: go-activate.com VALUED SUBSCRIBER 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Thedemonstrationhighlightedthecapa bilitiesofanautonomousmaterialhandling technology (AMHT) system, which uses a package of sensors that can be installed on conventional forklifts or electric carts to convertthemtoself-drivingvehicles “We could take our vehicles that we currentlyownandoperateinvariousspaces and bolt on a kit that turns them autono mous,”saidTempleton.“Wewouldstillhave the ability to run them with a human, but wecouldalsorunthemcompletelyautonomouslywithnointeractionatall.”

The ATI Team’s core mission is to identify and develop advanced technology solutions and industrial capabilities to improve the maintenance or engineering operations at FRCE, the FST and custom ers in the Fleet. The team is a key member ofabroaderNavalEnterpriseSustainment Technology Team (NESTT) that looks for technology solutions to common chal lenges that affect the Navy sustainment community.TheDepartmentoftheNavy’s SmallBusinessInnovationResearch(SBIR) program has been instrumental in funding NESTT initiatives, which included a numberoffocusareasthatareripefortech nology solutions across the Naval Aviation Enterprise; one of these was robotic mate rial handling Templetonsaidthisdemonstrationisjust the first of several tests the autonomous vehicles will go through before a decision ismadewhethertoadoptthetechnologyat FRCE and other maintenance depots “We’re implementing a crawl, walk, run kindofplan,”Templetonsaid.“We’regoing tostartwiththeeasiestareasfirstandthen tackle the more complicated processes as we progress the program forward.”

FRCEproductioncontrolsupervisorShel leyLeibensperger-Henrysaidsheishopeful the autonomous vehicles could help keep items moving through the facility with less physicaleffortfromproductioncontrollers “Whenforkliftsaren’tavailable,PCstake large items off incoming carts and move themtowagonsorontoothercarts,”Leiben sperger-Henry said. “An automated system would give them another option to help themtransportlargeorheavyitems.”

FRCE test drives autonomous parts-handlingvehiclesinwarehouse

FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance repair overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Its annual revenue exceeds $1 billion. The depot provides service to the fleet while functioningasanintegralpartofthegreater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; andCommander,FleetReadinessCenters

Material handling personnel at Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) examine self-driving technology installed on a forklift in a partswarehouse. Employees recently witnessed a demonstration ofautonomous material handling equipment to evaluatewhetherthis technologycould be used in the future to eliminate production downtime at FRCE.(PHOTOBYKIMBERLY KOONCE,FLEETREADINESS CENTEREAST)


www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 1, 2022 7

ByKimberlyKoonce Fleet Readiness Center East MARINE CORPS AIR STATION CHERRY POINT, N.C. A group of Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) employees got a glimpse of the future recently when theywitnessedademonstrationofdriverless transportationvehiclesinapartswarehouse atthefacility

FRCE’sAdvancedTechnologyand InnovationTeam recentlyhosted the demonstration of autonomousvehicle technologyat the facility.(PHOTOBYKIMBERLYKOONCE,FLEETREADINESS CENTEREAST)

AccordingtoGabrielGarcia,FRCEtrans portation program manager, autonomous vehiclescouldhelpeliminatedowntimefor aircraftmaintenanceprofessionalswhoare waiting for a forklift while transportation personnelarebusyatothertasks “We have artisans who are moving parts from point A to point B, taking support equipmentaroundorbringingatoolboxout to the aircraft,” Garcia said. “We’re paying that artisan to be an aircraft mechanic or electrician,andhavinganautomatedsystem that can bring the toolbox to the aircraft keepsemployeesdoingthejobthey’rehired to do.” Garcia said the autonomous vehicle could be used for simple, unplanned tasks along an established route when transpor tationpersonnelwerenotavailable.

An autonomous forklift loads a crate onto a driverless cart in awarehouse at Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE).FRCE is evaluatingwhetherautonomousvehicles could be used in the future to move parts and equipment along established routes in orderto eliminate downtime spentwaiting fora forklift.(PHOTOBYKIMBERLYKOONCE,FLEETREADINESSCENTEREAST)

Aclose-upviewofa tablet used to direct the path ofautonomous material handling equipment during a recent demonstration at Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE).Operators use the tablet to plot the path and direct the tasks ofdriverless forklifts and carts in industrial facilities.

Thisdemonstrationofautonomousvehi cletechnologywashostedbytheAdvanced Technology and Innovation (ATI) Team, which is part of the Fleet Support Team (FST) at FRCE. ATI engineers have been working for nearly two years to bring autonomous vehicles to FRCE as a means toreducedowntimeandincreaseefficiency

According to Templeton, operators use a tablet to program the route and task that the vehicle is expected to perform. Sensors mountedontheforkliftorcartalsoprevent collisionsandwarnpedestriansanddrivers ofothervehiclestomoveoutoftheway.

Adriverless cart turns down awarehouse aisle as a passengerwatches during a recent demonstration ofautonomousvehicle technologyat Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE). About 20 FRCE employees attended the demonstration to see howdriverlessvehicles could potentiallyimpact future productivityand efficiencyat the aircraft maintenance facility.

More than 20 production controllers, transportation workers, managers and senior leaders watched as an empty elec triccartenteredthewarehouseandwheeled quietly down a wide aisle way. It slowly turnedacornerandheadedupthenextaisle, comingtoasmoothstopinfrontofawaiting forklift, which carefully placed a crate on thebackofthecartwithoutadriverinsight

“The autonomous forklift and electric cart systems can work together to move material around the depot, such as within the warehouse or between buildings,” said Chase Templeton, Support Equipment and RoboticsTechnologyleadfortheATITeam. “This system would improve the accuracy and efficiency of material handling, while interactingsafelywithpeopleorothervehiclesinthefacility.”

FRCECommandingOfficerCapt.James Belmont said he could envision using autonomous vehicles to make better use of overnight hours to prepare for the next day’s work. “We could almost become a 24-hour plant where you have people here during normal working hours, and the third shift becomes the autonomous shift where the big equipment moves happen,” Belmont said. “That way when artisans get to work in the morning, they already have their parts and supplies sitting right there at the work station.”

NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class Coleman Krallis and NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd ClassJoeyMeyers,assigned to the“Golden Falcons”ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,displayrescue equipment following the conclusion ofa bi-lateral emergencyrescue exercisewithAikawaTownJapan EmergencyServices

conducting flight


NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class Coleman Krallis,assigned to the“Golden Falcons” ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,looks over AikawaTown,Japan,while operations as part ofa bi-lateral emergencyrescue

NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class Coleman Krallis,assigned to the“Golden Falcons” ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,hoists a training mannequin during a bi-lateral emergencyrescue exercisewithAikawaTown,Japan, EmergencyServices

NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 1st Class Michael Simmonds (centerright) and Naval Aircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd ClassJoeyMeyers (right),assigned to the Golden Falcons” ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,carrya training mannequin following the landing ofan MH-60S Sea Hawkhelicopterduring a bi-lateral emergencyrescue exercisewithAikawaTown,Japan,EmergencyServices

NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 1st Class Michael Simmonds,assigned to the“Golden Falcons” ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,gives the all clearto hoists a training mannequin to an MH-60S Sea Hawkhelicopterduring a bi-lateral emergencyrescue exercisewithAikawaTown,Japan,EmergencyServices

Lt CmdrGregWestin,assigned to the“Golden Falcons”ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,presents a patch to mayorofAikawaTown following the conclusion ofa bi-lateral emergencyrescue exercisewithAikawaTownJapan EmergencyServices

NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class Coleman Krallis and NavalAircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd ClassJoeyMeyers assigned to the“Golden Falcons”ofHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from NavalAirFacility(NAF)Atsugi,displayrescue equipment following the conclusion ofa bi-lateral emergencyrescue exercisewithAikawaTown,Japan,Emergency Services

PHOTOSBYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASSANGE-OLIVIERCLEMENT, NAVALAIRFACILITYATSUGI AIKAWATOWN,JAPAN AUGUST28,2022 NAFAtsugisupportsthecombatreadinessofCommander CarrierAirWingFIVE(CVW5) HelicopterMaritimeStrikeSquadronFIVEONE(HSM-51)and30othertenantcommandsand provideslogisticsupport,coordination,andservicestounitsassignedtotheWesternPacific. Bi-lateral emergency rescue exercise

8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Host a Hall of Fame Homegate Kickoffyourmenuwith an appetizer like theseJalapeno Bacon and Salsa Biscuit Bites that meld together traditional tailgate

New Ways to Play at the Zoo

In June, Nauticus presented a deep dive into the drone phenomenon with a major national traveling exhibit, Drones: Is The SkyTheLimit?. The interactive exhibition not only tells the story of drone technology over time but also allows visitors to participate in hands-on drone flying programs including piloting drones though digital and physical obstaclecourses Nauticus is proud to partner with the exhibition’s presenting sponsor, Virginia Peninsula Community College (formally known as Thomas Nelson Community College), as they offer the only Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones) certificate program in the region. “We’re excited to partner with Nauticus it’sareallyhigh-techinteractiveexhibitthat exemplifies our coursework and the application to the workforce” said Julie Young, head of Virginia Peninsula Community College’s Mechanical Engineering Technologyprogram. With the grand opening of the exhibi tion, visitors will also enjoy drone demonstrations by VPCC, test their flight skills operating a drone through an interactive obstacle course, and the opportunity to view drones through a new vantage point withtheshortfilm“Flowstate”inNauticus’ 350-seat theatre. Drones: Is The Sky The Limit will be on display at Nauticus from June 18 Octo ber 9, 2022. The exhibition is included in Nauticus’ general admission. Admission tickets are $15.95 for adults (13+), $11.50 (12 and under) for children. Tickets can be purchased online at www.nauticus.org. As always Nauticusmembersarefree

PressRelease NORFOLK Va Perhaps no other emerging technology has captured the public’s imagination quite like unmanned aerialvehicles,otherwiseknownasdrones

tastes PageC4 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 1, 2022 1

On iberty

High-flying exhibit lands at Nauticus (ISTOCK/SMCKENZIE)

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

The Virginia Zoo located in Norfolk, Virginia is home to more than 700 excep tional animals representing over 150 fascinating species Founded in 1901 and residing on 53 beautifully landscaped acres,theVirginiaZoohasdemonstrateda commitment to saving and protecting the world’s wildlife by inspiring a passion for nature and taking conservation action at home and around the world The Virginia Zoo is an accredited member of the Asso ciation of Zoos and Aquariums and is recognized as a global leader in education, recreation, science, wildlife conservation, andanimalcareandwelfare.Tolearnmore, visit www.virginiazoo.org

PressRelease NORFOLK, Va Thanks to a generous donation, there are new ways to nature play! The Virginia Zoo’s nature play ground, the Run Wild! Nature Discovery Zone opened in June 2019 and has been a popular spot where guests both young and oldcanexplore.Thehoppinglogs bamboo maze balancebeams andeventhebenches in the shade of a magnificent oak tree offer opportunitiestoexperiencenatureupclose and at your own pace Through a generous donation from the Mid-Atlantic Women’s Care honoring the memory of a long-time employee, Saune Feeley,RunWild!hasgottensomeamazing newadditions Saune,alife-longresidentof NorfolkandChesapeake,wasknownbyher colleagues to have a positive and slightly eccentric personality and remembering her in a place where children and families gather and play was the perfect fit. The new structures include a hollow log tunnel where kids who love to crawl can channeltheirinnerforestcritterorlookfor real ones nestled in the bark or soil. Musi cally inclined guests will have fun figuring outthebestwaytocreatesoundfromafew unconventionalinstruments:apebbleharp and a musical fence Navigate through the sensorygardenandexperiencearainbowof flowersandplantswithinterestingtextures anddelightfulsmells Lastly,buddingscien tistscanmakeobservationsabouttheworld around them using a weather station and a mounted magnifying glass Keep an eye out for these new ways to play at the Zoo and give yourself the time in nature you need this fall! Studies have shown that unstructured play in natural spaces improves physical health, supports mental and emotional wellbeing, and promotes life-long conservation values


NASA will discuss the 13 regions with broaderscienceandengineeringcommunities throughconferences andworkshopsto solicitinputaboutthemeritsofeachregion. This feedback will inform site selections in the future, and NASA may identify addi tionalregionsforconsideration.Theagency will also continue to work with SpaceX to confirm Starship’s landing capabilities and assesstheoptionsaccordingly NASA will select sites within regions for Artemis III after it identifies the mission’s target launch dates, which dictate trans fer trajectories and surface environment conditions. Through Artemis, NASA will land the firstwomanandthefirstpersonofcoloron the Moon, paving the way for a long-term, sustainablelunarpresenceandservingasa steppingstoneforfutureastronautmissions to Mars For more information on Artemis visit https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/


All regions considered are scientifically significant because of their proximity to the lunar South Pole, which is an area that contains permanently shadowed regions rich in resources and in terrain unexplored byhumans.

“Several of the proposed sites within the regions are located among some of the oldest parts of the Moon, and together with the permanently shadowed regions provide the opportunity to learn about the history of the Moon through previously unstudied lunar materials,” said Sarah Noble, Artemis lunar science lead for NASA’s Planetary Science Division. The analysis team weighed other land ingcriteriawithspecificArtemisIIIscience objectives, including the goal to land close enough to a permanently shadowed region toallowcrewtoconductamoonwalk while limitingdisturbancewhenlanding.Thiswill allow crew to collect samples and conduct scientific analysis in an uncompromised area, yielding important information about the depth, distribution, and composition of water ice that was confirmed at the Moon’s SouthPole Theteamidentifiedregionsthatcanfulfill the moonwalk objective by ensuring prox imitytopermanentlyshadowedregions and alsofactoredinotherlightingconditions

Landing Next Americans on Moon PHOTOCOURTESYOFNASA

Kick off a delicious Labor Day weekend this Friday at the Sunset Beach Boil Presented by The Culinary

As NASA prepares to send astronauts back to the Moon under Artemis, the agency has identified 13 candidate landing regions near the lunar South Pole Each region contains multiple potential landing sitesforArtemisIII,whichwillbethefirst oftheArtemismissionstobringcrewtothe lunarsurface includingthefirstwomanto set foot on the Moon. “Selectingtheseregionsmeansweareone giantleapclosertoreturninghumanstothe Moon for the first time since Apollo,” said Mark Kirasich, deputy associate administrator for the Artemis Campaign Development Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington “Whenwedo,itwillbeunlike anymissionthat’scomebeforeasastronauts venture into dark areas previously unexplored by humans and lay the groundwork forfuturelong-termstays.


The Sunset Beach Boil will feature all locally-sourced cuisine including North Carolinashrimp,EasterShoreclams,Cullipher Farm sweet corn, Smithfield sausage, andEasternShorepotatoes. Tickets to this Oceanfront event are $75 each and include the three-course local fare,twofreedrinkvouchers,liveentertain ment,plustentandcabanaseatingtowatch the sunset Space is limited and advance purchase is required. Tickets and informationareavailableatbeacheventsvb.com. Institute Of Virginia the Oceanfront Sunset Beach Boil



PressRelease Neptune Festival’s Symphony by the Sea Concert Series presented by The Breeden September 1 experience Symphonicity and Thursday,September8delightinthesounds oftheVirginiaSymphonyOrchestra.

Menu IndividualCharcuterie AssortedCuredMeats HomemadePickles,Breadsticks,andCrackers AssortedBerriesandNuts ShrimpandClamBoil FeaturingNorthCarolinaShrimp,EasternShoreClams, CullipherFarmSweetCorn SmithfieldSausage,andEasternShorePotatoes GroundCherriesCheesecakeParfait SeasonalGroundCherriesCompote CreamyCheesecakeFillingandGrahamCrackerCrust * Menu subject to change Allergy warning: nuts, seafood, shellfish

13regionscontainsitesthatprovidecontin uousaccesstosunlightthroughouta6.5-day period the planned duration of the Arte mis III surface mission. Access to sunlight is critical for a long-term stay at the Moon becauseitprovidesapowersourceandminimizestemperaturevariations

VIRGINIABEACH,Va VirginiaBeach Events, the Culinary Institute of Virginia, and IMGoing are pleased to announce the first annual Sunset Beach Boil presented by The Culinary Institute of Virginia. This LaborDayweekendkick-offwillbeheldon the 24th Street beach at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront on Friday, September 2, 2022 from5:30p.m. 7:30p.m. Join Beach Events and the Culinary Institute of Virginia for live music drinks local-inspired cuisine, and warm ocean breezes as we celebrate the end of summer withfamilyand friendsinauthentic beach boil style All guests will be treated to an individual charcuterie appetizer fami ly-styleseafoodboil,andindividualdesserts prepared and served by Culinary Institute ofVirginiafacultyChefsandstudentChefs in-Training

Company,madeitsgrandreturnin2022for the11thSeasonofconcerts.Comeenjoythe lasttwoconcertsoftheseason OnThursday,



NASA Identifies Candidate for

“Developing a blueprint for exploring thesolarsystemmeanslearninghowtouse resources that are available to us while also preserving their scientific integrity”, said Jacob Bleacher, chief exploration scientist forNASA “Lunarwatericeisvaluablefrom ascientificperspectiveandalsoasaresource, because from it we can extract oxygen and hydrogenforlifesupportsystemsandfuel.”

Locatedin31stStreetParkattheVirginia Beach Oceanfront, all concerts are a FREE musical offering to residents and visitors Guestsareencouragedtoarriveearly asthe concerts are well-attended and will fill the park.Concerttimesare7:30 9pm VIP Memberships can be purchased for the full season of concerts online at www neptunefestival.com/products/sympho ny-sea-membership VIP Members receive thefollowingbenefits: „ ReservedSeating „ ValetParking „ Pre-ConcertReceptions,including lighthorsd’oeuvres,wine,beer,and non-alcoholicbeverages „ Complimentarypopcornandbottled waterduringconcerts „ Twoticketvoucherspermemberforan additionalVSOconcertofyourchoice „ Twoticketvoucherspermemberforan additionalSymphonicityconcertof yourchoice „ RaindatesasneededonSept1,Sept15 „ Children16andunderarefreewitha payingmember As summer winds down, come enjoy the Neptune Festival’s Symphony by the Sea Concert Series PHOTOCOURTESYOFNEPTUNEFESTIVAL 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

NASA identified the following candidate regionsforanArtemisIIIlunarlanding: „ FaustiniRimA „ PeakNearShackleton „ ConnectingRidge „ ConnectingRidgeExtension „ deGerlacheRim1 „ deGerlacheRim2 „ deGerlache-KocherMassif Haworth „ MalapertMassif „ LeibnitzBetaPlateau „ NobileRim1 „ NobileRim2 „ AmundsenRim Eachoftheseregionsislocatedwithinsix degrees of latitude of the lunar South Pole and, collectively contain diverse geologic features Together the regions provide landing options for all potential Artemis III launch opportunities. Specific landing sitesaretightlycoupledtothetimingofthe launch window, so multiple regions ensure flexibilitytolaunchthroughouttheyear To select the regions, an agencywide team of scientists and engineers assessed the area near the lunar South Pole using data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and decades of publications and lunar science findings In addition to considering launch window availability, the team evaluated regions based on their ability to accommodate a safe landing, using criteria including terrain slope, ease ofcommunicationswithEarth,andlighting conditions. To determine accessibility, the team also considered combined capabili tiesoftheSpaceLaunchSystemrocket,the Orionspacecraft andtheSpaceX-provided Starship human landing system.

Krueger also discussed the importance of cultivating trust and modeling humility and kindness as leaders in the workplace “The positive unintended consequence of owning that we don’t have all the answers, is that we extend trust to our teammates,relyingontheirexpertise This requires humility and kindness We must extend trust to generate trust,” she said. Finally, Krueger called upon everyone to embrace the characteristics that make women unique “Women serving in the military have an overlap between their family life, in their most prolific reproductive years, and their military career How do we work in a way that honors both?” Krueger emphasized that the ultimate goal in celebrating Women’s Equality is to create an environment where women no longer have to fight for equal rights “We know we have equality when we

“We’ll know we have equality when we stop talking about it because women will have a deep sense of fairness and calm ness in their own pursuit of happiness,” Place added. We must acknowledge the value that women bring to the table and recognize those trail breakers who paved the way through patient, persistent, courageous action, according to Krueger “I think we can all learn from women like Elizabeth Blackwelland Mary Walker Some of the first female physicians in the United States. They both brought their talentstobearintheface ofgreatridicule.” “Let’s also talk about Maya Angelou,” she added. “She became the first black female street car conductor in San Fran cisco after repeatedly being turned down for the position. She added, “Angelou’s bravery and persistence in pursuing this role was an example of her strength of character that later led her to be a world-famous author and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.” Krueger referenced these women of competence and character who served as models for future generations as trailblaz ers and trail makers Once we recognize the value that women bring to the table, we must create space for them to share it. We bring value to the table, Krueger acknowledged, “when we open the door to diversity of experience and thought and use that gift to create well-rounded teams that can help us capitalize on our strengths.”

DHA Honors Empowered Women Who Strengthen the Nation The Defense HealthAgencycelebratedWomen’s EqualityDaywith an eventwhose themewas EmpoweredWomen Strengthening the Nation.(PHOTO:DEFENSEEQUALOPPORTUNITY MANAGEMENTINSTITUTE) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 1, 2022 3 Get moreout of your subscription by setting up your digitalaccount • Morearticles than what’sinprint • Breaking News alerts with the mobileapp • Unlimited access to our website • eNewspaper, adigitalreplica of the paper emailed daily It’seasy to start your onlineaccess! Visit: go-activate.com VALUED SUBSCRIBER

To get that point, “we have to challenge the assumptions that we hold, a goal that takes some intentional work, she added.

ByPaulReynolds Defense Health Agency Empowered Women Strengthening the Nation was the Defense Health Agency theme for 2022 to celebrate Women’s Equality Day. The celebration was under scored during a virtual fireside chat with ArmyBrig Gen.MaryKrueger command ing general of the Army’s Regional Health Command-Atlantic held on Aug. 11. Women’s Equality Day honors the rati fication of the 19th Amendment on August 26, 1920, which prohibits voter discrimi nation on the basis of gender This legisla tion was a major step to remove barriers to women’s full participation in Ameri can public life The observance has grown to focus attention on women’s continued efforts toward gaining full equality in every aspect of life, and serves as a call for allAmericanstopubliclyaffirmthedignity of women and to support the fight for full gender equality “For me, equality has a feeling It’s measured by the happiness someone has in their life The ability to say ‘yes’ when asked: Do you feel like the opportunities and tools you have are allowing you to pursueyouruniqueversionofhappiness?” said Army Lt Gen. (Dr.) Ron Place, direc tor of the DHA

don’thavetothinkaboutwhatsomebody’s heritageisorwhattheirgenderis Welook at their competence and character.” There is perhaps no more important place for the fight for equality to continue than in our health care system. For Krueger, bridging the gaps in access to care for women is an important battle cry for everyone in the Military Health System. “Women are a significant part of our patient population and we have to acknowledge that women’s health care needs are valid and important. We have to continue to address barriers to health care access and to respect what wellness looks like to our patients.” We have made progress as a nation yet we still have a long way to go Until we reach our ultimate goal, we must continue our mission, she added. “I expect every element of the DHA to monitor and assess gender equality and to work towards filling gaps where they exist,” Place said. “Thanks for doing your part to challenge your own assumptions and unconscious bias along with building trust and empowering those around you.”

LearnmoreaboutMHS’commitmentto women’s health care online at health.mil/ Military-Health-Topics/Total-Force-Fit ness/Preventive-Health/Womens-Health

From kickoff to the final whistle taking yourgamedaypartytothenextlevelstarts with serving an all-star lineup of menu items. From starting-caliber appetizers to MVP-level main courses and a support ing cast of side dishes, dips like salsa and hummus can play the role of superstar whenitcomestoservingupgamedaygrub One of the benefits of cheering on your favorite teams from the couch and bring ing the tailgate to your literal home field is the availability of appliances you may not otherwise have access to at the stadium like the oven or air fryer However, that doesn’tmeanmissingoutontheactionand being sidelined in the kitchen all game or that these recipes won’t travel to a tailgate With a flavor-packed, vibrant recipe, the lineup of Fresh Cravings Salsa offers a homemade-tasting alternative to softer duller blends of jarred salsa. Made with high-quality ingredients like vine-ripened tomatoes, crisp vegetables, zesty peppers and spices, the salsas make a perfect addi tion to these recipes from celebrity chef and entertainer George Duran, author of “Take This Dish and Twist It” and host of Food Network’s “Ham on the Street” and TLC’s “Ultimate Cake Off.” Kickoff your menu with an app like these Jalapeno Bacon and Salsa Biscuit Bites that meld together traditional tailgate tastes Then put a Tex-Mex twist on a traditional favorite with this Enchilada Lasagna, perfect for feeding a crowd of hungry fans To round out the playbook, this Layered Mediterranean Hummus Salad can make for an accompaniment to a variety of main courses. The cucumbers, olives, cherry tomatoes and other veggies are balanced by thesavory taste ofFresh Crav ings Hummus Made with a short list of high-quality ingredients like chickpeas, tahini and Chilean extra-virgin olive oil, it has a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. Find more game-winning recipes made for homegating and tailgating at Fresh Cravings.com.


Host a Hall of Fame Homegate

Enchilada Lasagna

Repeat then place remaining tortillas over top Mix crushed tortilla chips with cheddar cheese and sprinkle over top Bake 30 minutes, or until lasagna is bubbling and lightlybrowned. Let stand 10 minutes then top with addi tionalsalsabeforeserving. Jalapeno Bacon and Salsa Biscuit Bites


Layered Mediterranean Hummus Salad Recipe courtesy of chef George Duran Servings: 4-6 „ 2containers(10ounceseach)hummus, anyflavor „ 1cupslicedcucumbers „ ½cupKalamataolives seededand roughlychopped „ ½cupcannedgarbanzobeans,drained „ ¼cupcrumbledfetacheese „ ¾cupcherrytomatoes,quartered „ „ 16ounceschunkySalsa,plusadditional forserving „ 1cupfreshcilantro chopped „ nonstickcookingspray „ 6flourtortillas(9incheseach) „ 1cuptortillachips,crushed „ 1cupshreddedcheddarcheese Preheatovento350F. In large skillet over medium-high heat, addoliveoil Addonionsandcookuntilsoft andtranslucent,4-5minutes Add shredded chicken and stir in taco seasoning Add chicken broth and bring to simmer,about5minutes. Add cream cheese, Tex-Mex cheese, salsa and cilantro. Stir until cream cheese is melted and simmer 3-4 minutes until slightlythickened. Spray square baking dish with nonstick cooking spray Place two tortillas in bottom of pan, folding over or trimming sides of tortillastofit.

Recipe courtesy of chef George Duran Yield: 16 biscuit bites „ 1tubebiscuitdough(8biscuitstotal) „ 7ouncesgratedmozzarellacheese „ ¼cupjarredjalapenos,chopped „ 8slicescookedbacon,chopped „ 1cuprestaurantstylesalsa „ nonstickcookingspray Preheatairfryerto350-360F. Divideeachbiscuitinhalfbypullingapart in centers Use hands to flatten each biscuit intocircles Setaside In bowl, mix mozzarella cheese with choppedjalapenos,baconandsalsa. Addheapingspoonfulintoeachflattened biscuit and pinch each together tightly to form balls Top each with small amount of salsamixture. Spray nonstick cooking spray in air fryer and, working in batches, cook biscuit bites 6-9minutesuntilgoldenbrown. Servewarm Note: If air fryer access is unavailable, biscuit bites can be baked 8-10 minutes at 400 F in oven, or until golden brown.

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

Food Layered Mediterranean Hummus Salad

Jalapeno Bacon and Salsa Biscuit Bites

¼redonion,finelychopped „ 2tablespoonsfinelychopped freshparsley „ ½lemon,juiceonly „ extra-virginoliveoil „ zaatar forsprinkling(optional) „ pitabreadortortillachips On bottom of large, flat serving dish or platter, use spoon to evenly spread hummus. Layercucumbers,olives,garbanzobeans, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, red onion and parsley throughout hummus Squeeze lemon juice over top Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with Zaatar, if desired. Serve immediately with pita bread or tortilla chips. Enchilada Lasagna Recipe courtesy of chef George Duran Servings: 4-6 „ 2tablespoonsoliveoil „ 1largeonion,chopped(1cup) „ 1deliroastedchicken,skinandbones removed,shredded „ 2tablespoonstacoseasoning „ 1cupchickenstockorbroth „ 8ouncescreamcheese,atroom temperature „ 2cupsshreddedTex-Mexcheeseblend

A second major impact, said KimballEayrs, is that students learn the role of animal-assisted interventions.

This option is available 24/7 through web or video chat, or phone, giving you peace of mindwithsoundmedicaladvice Discover More with Mobile Health Apps InadditiontotheseDHAprograms,there are DHA Mobile Apps available on your smartphone. These mobile apps can help service members and families with their health, help set goals and stay on track. Accesstheseappswithatapofyourfinger „ Decide+BeReady:Thisappprovidesan interactivewayforservicememberstolearn about birth control options and help think throughwhatisimportanttothemaboutthe methodtheychoose. „ My Prosperity Plan: Set goals for your personal life in relationships to meet spir itual needs and more. This app helps you reachyourpotentialandkeepsyouontrack. „ MissionFit: Get into shape with this 12-week exercise program! You get differ ent options and various exercises Video, text, and images help you through these programs „ VisittheDHAapppagetoseetheother availableappsonyourmobiledevice. Through these events services and resources theDHAisfurtheringtheirfocus inintegratingtechnologytomakeyourlives easier. “DHAispivotingtomeetthedigitalnative generationwithcarethatmeetstheirexpec tations,”saidCornfeld.

While Shetland is calm and dignified Grover is a bit more energetic and goofy Eachbringshisownpersonalitytostudent interactions



Extra stress can come at exam time or in preparation for the medical school’s Bush mastersimulateddeployment practicumat theendofthefour-yearprogram. It’s then that Shetland and Grover get reinforcementfromtheRedCrossTherapy Dogs, said Navy Ensign Kimberly Dodd, a med student and one of USU’s facility dog studenthandlers “Ifsomeonefeelsliketheymightnotdoas wellonthatexam,wehavethedogstherefor socialsupport,”saidDodd. HavingallthefacilitydogsfromUSUand Walter Reed together “really brings up the moodonexamdayswhenstudentsneedthat extrasupport,”sheadded. Other military hospitals and clinics have facility dogs to support patients and staff Theseinclude: „ WalterReedNationalMilitaryMedical CenterinBethesda,Maryland „ BrookeArmyMedicalCenterinFort SamHouston,Texas „ MadiganArmyMedicalCenteratJoint BaseLewis-McChord,Washington „ NavalMedicalCenterPortsmouthin Virginia

AcrosstheDHA,informationtechnology systems, programs, and apps are designed to make health care more streamlined and accessibletoservicemembersandfamilies Eventually, the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Coast Guard will be able to seamlessly transitionyourhealthcarefilesthroughout your service and as you transition into the VAmedicalsystem

Robert Cornfeld, chief health information officer and pediatric gastroenterologist at MadiganArmyMedicalCenteratJointBase Lewis-McChordinWashington,stated „ Nurse Advice Linegoes tot he MHS Nurse Advice Line: With every medical issue there are questions By utilizing the Nurse Advice Line you can get answers findthepropermedicaltreatmentfacilities, scheduleappointments,andsomuchmore

DHITS offered opportunities forpartners to connect and learn more about future technologyand support to MHS efforts.(PATRICKMOORE/DHA STRATEGICCOMMUNICATIONS)

ShetlandandGroverareambassadorsof the benefits facility animals can bring Their impact at USU is primarily “joy, said Marine Col. (Dr.) Catherine KimballEayrs, commandant of the medical school. It’s also “the peace and calm that the dogs can bring” to stressed-out medical students “The students start to relax and have fun with the dogs,” she said “To watch the joy of that interaction, and how it brings some peace and calm to folks’ lives in a time where none of the schools medical school, nursing school, any other is easy, is very rewarding.”


In August 2022, Department of Defense healthcareprofessionalsmetattheDefense HealthInformationTechnologySymposium todiscussthetransformationoftheMHSto ensure high-quality patient-centered care. Topics included improving virtual health, transforming health care delivery and the futureofcybersecurity.

“I don’t think we’ve even scratched the surface of what we can do with a single system and the benefits it will bring,” said Holly Joers program executive officer for the Program Executive Office Defense HealthcareManagementSystems.


And “when [USU students] are future healthcareproviders,theycanhelpspread theknowledgeandsupportand,intheright situation, maybe get a dog placed with a service member who could really benefit from it, she said.

Shetland,one ofUSU med school’s two facilitydogs,gets attention and provides some fun interactionswith med school students.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 1, 2022 5

Before he was selected to be USU’s first facilitydogin2019,Shetlandtrainedforfour months with an accredited service-train ingorganization.Hethencompletedseveral more weeks of training to ensure he was acclimatedtohisnewhome. Groverunderwentthesametrainingregi mensandwasrecentlyinductedintoservice

ByRebeccaHill MHS Communications Gonearethedayswhereyouneedapaper trailtoconnectwithyourhealthcare. Advances in technology has vastly improved the accessibility to beneficiaries’ electronic health records The Defense Health Agency is tapping into this tech nology to improve the patient experience by bringing together key professionals and streamliningservices Through a symposium for the Military Health System and by the ongoing promotion of services and resources DHA is putting the intersection of health care and technologyattheforefront.

Bell and highly trained student handlers spend part of their time with the dogs at events, such as university blood drives, wheretheyexplainthedifferencesbetween service dogs, facility dogs and companion animals FacilitydogslikeShetlandandGroverare service dogs trained to perform a variety of physical tasks, such as providing emotional and physical support for veterans with disabilities, low-vision, or post-traumatic stressdisorder Asfacilitydogs theyalsoprovidecomfort and affection in a variety of settings to help improve physical, social, emotional, and cognitivefunctioning

“Ourstudentsareexposedtofacilitydogs andunderstandtheirroleinacommunity, shesaid.“Thishelpsthemprepareforwhen theycomeacrossfacilitydogsatothermili tary hospitals, clinics, and programs.”

Department of Defense Streamlining Tech for

USU Facility Dogs Help De-stress USU Med Students



Dogs on a Mission Shetland and Grover’s mission is to promote wellness on campus as well as the benefits and responsible use of animal-assisted interventions in health care, referred tobroadlyaspettherapy.

ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications Daily demands on students at the Uniformed Services University’s F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine can be stressful. That’s where Shetland and Grover, USU’s designated facility dogs, come into play literally The Hebert School of Medicine is the first and only medical school with a fulltime complement of facility dogs Shetland, a yellow Lab; and Grover, a black Lab, often wander through the student lounge, library, or school court yard seeking out hugs or getting belly rubs fromstudentsaspartoftheirofficialduties to comfort, de-stress, and calm them.

Having the dogs “builds community and adds a little levity,” said Kameha Bell, assistant dean of the Office of Student Affairs’ Well-Being Program. Bell leads the facility dog program at the medical school and is Shetland’s guardian. “The ultimate goal is to support the well-being of our community,” she said.

Advancing Technology to Fit Patient Care AstheDOD theVAandU.S.CoastGuard are working on a more integrated system, there are programs available right now to access records online, get answers about yourhealth,andcheckonyourownwell-be ing Herearejustafew: „ MHS GENESIS Patient Portal: This electronic health record gives you 24/7 access to your information and allows you tosendmessagestoyourcareteamandoverseeappointments Thissecuresitewillhelp integrate patient care, keeping your health care professionals updated with your latest information. No matter where you are stationedintheworld,MHSGENESISwill beavailabletoyou. “Specialists can provide care via video or other electronic media and consult with providers in theater to help facilitate care andaquickerreturntoduty,”ArmyCol.(Dr.)

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