carrier, work with our allies and partners, and train with other ships and aircraft

NORFOLK, Va Naval Station Norfolk’s Morale Wellness and Recreation Department heldit’ssecondannual9/11RemembranceRun 5konboardNAVSTANorfolkSept 09,2022.
“Many people focus on the carrier, but the cruiser and destroyers in our strike group are every bit as vital. San Jacinto has been our work horse sailing with the Trumandayandnightandremainingready for any task, said Rear Adm. Paul Spedero Jr.,commander,CarrierStrikeGroup(CSG) 8.“Capt.Marvinandhisteamwerefantastic. They were always ready to protect the
San Jacinto, under the command of Capt. Christopher Marvin, was a critical component to various bi-lateral and multi-national surface, subsurface, and air defense exercises, sailing more than 60,000 miles Participation in these interoperability exercises with the Brit ish, Italian, Hellenic, Spanish, and French navies allowed the strike group to demon strate U.S. commitment to security and stability for all in the region.
The ship also served as a key player in theNATO-ledenhancedvigilanceactivities Neptune Strike 22 and Neptune Shield 22, demonstrating NATO’s ability to integrate thehigh-endmaritimecapabilitiesofallied aircraft carrier strike groups amphibious ready groups and marine expeditionary unitstosupportthedefenseofthealliance “Thisdeploymentwasanoverallsuccess by allowing us to showcase our ability to flex during an unpredictable period and show the brilliance and resiliency of this crew, putting the ship’s versatile capabil ities on full display and highlighting the support we have from our families and lovedonesbackhome,”saidMarvin.“From conducting multi-national exercises that strengthentieswithourregionalalliesand contribute to our continued success day to day, I could not be any prouder how the crew stepped up in a huge way to accom plish the mission.”
The run began at historical McClure Field and followed the instillations waterfront and marina Thefastestrunnerfinishedinunder23 minuteswhileotherswalked,somewithstroll ersandyoungchildren Aftertherun,allofthe participants were invited to enjoy a cookout stylelunch,music,arecoverystationandafree raffleforticketstoBuschGardensandpassesfor Portsmouthmuseums.
Lt Col.USMarineCorpsGuyRavei.“Someof the peoplewhoareintheservicetodayweren’t even born when it happened so it’s important to remember those things. As I get older and afterretiring,it’snicetogetbackamongstpeople whoareintheservicewhoarelikemindedand want to support our country and remember a reallytragicday.”
Norfolk sailors and families run in remembrance of 9/11 (Sept.09 2022) Participants begin running the 9/11 Remembrance Run 5konboard Naval Station NorfolkSept 09 2022 The eventwas the first 9/11 Remembrance Run 5kheld in person on base and is set to be an annual event (USNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILYCASAVANT)

NORFOLK, Va The Ticonderoga class guided-missile cruiser USS San Jacinto (CG 56) returned to its homeport of Naval Station Norfolkafteranine-monthdeployment,Sept 8. San Jacinto part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG), operated in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations from Dec. 14 until late August.
Deployed Truman sailors become U.S. citizens
Thiswasthefirstyearthattheeventwasheld in-personwithCOVID-19causing2021’sevent tobeavirtualon-your-ownrun.


“I was on active duty when September 11th happened and it was a really tragic, sad day,” saidFirstOfficerforSouthwestAirlines Retired
Members of MWR along with NAVSTA Norfolk’sFireStation1setupafitnesschallenge for runners to take part in after they crossed the finish line. The challenge was a relay race that includedaweightedropepull,afirehouse roll-up,9tirejumpsand11tireslamsinrecognition of 9/11 and the efforts made by first responders.
crewofthe amphibious transport dockship USS Somerset
The event was made possible by local spon sors including the Commissary, the WaR program P3T Pregnancy Postpartum Fitness andFirstCommandFinancialAdvisors
San Jacinto also participated in dual and tri-carrier operations with the French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier FS Charles de Gaulle (R91) and Italian carrier ITSCavour(C550)andtheircarrierstrike groups andthecrewconductedportvisits throughout Europe including in Rota, Spain; Souda Bay and Piraeus, Greece; Venice, Italy; Barcelona, Spain; Valletta, Malta;andSplit,Croatia..Theseoperations andportvisitsallowedtheSailorstofurther strengthenthebondsbetweentheU.S.Navy and its allies and partners
USS San Jacinto returns home from 9-month deployment NORFOLK(Sept.9,2022) USS SanJacinto (CG-56) returns to Naval Station Norfolkaftera regularlyscheduled deployment in the U.S.5th Fleet and U.S.6th Fleet areas ofoperations,Sept 8. SanJacintowas deployed as part ofthe HarryS.Truman CarrierStrike Group in support oftheatersecuritycooperation efforts and to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSRYANSEELBACH) www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 35,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comSeptember15-September21 2022
The (LPD
“It’simportanttodothingslikethisbecause we’re living in some harsh times in our nation right nowbutwe’reallheretogetherandmaybe a little bit of that can help ease the issues that we’ve got going on today, said MWR Fitness Coordinator ToniLeary,who’smotherwason the USS George Washington and deployed to NewYorkinresponseto9/11.
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), commanded byCapt.GavinDuff,servesastheflagshipof the HSTCSG; additional elements include the nine squadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, commanded by Capt Patrick Hourigan; and the staff and guided-mis sile destroyers of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 28, commanded by Capt. Blair Guy,whichhaveincluded:USSBainbridge (DDG96),USSCole(DDG67),USSGravely (DDG107),USSJasonDunham(DDG109), USS Gonzalez (DDG 66), and USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98).
USS Somerset visits namesake to honor 9/11

25) visited Somerset County,Pa to attend the 21stAnniversary Observance ofSeptember11 at the Flight 93 National Memorial. PAGEA3 September is Hispanic Heritage Month Celebratewithwords from sailors and a delicious recipe PAGEA6
“Idon’tthinkanyoneeasilyforgetstheevents of9/11,”saidAnthonyBenning,MWRFitness Coordinator “But we have a lot of Sailors that weren’tevenbornyet,soit’simportanttohave thesetypesofeventsbecauseit’sgoingtospark the thought of what they’re all about for that youngergeneration.”
ByUSSHarryS.Truman(CVN75) PublicAffairs

3rd ClassJohn Gacad and Francisian Manaog became U.S.citizens during a naturalization ceremonyaboard the USS HarryS.Truman.PAGEA2 Military members volunteer during Servicing Our Schools Initiative More than 250 militarymembers volunteered during Naval Support Activity(NSA) Hampton Roads’ “Servicing OurSchools”initiative PAGEA4 www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 1
The strike group also participated in a Cooperative Deployment with the Royal Norwegian Navy’s Fridtjof Nansen class frigate HNoMS Fridtjof Nansen (F310), who returned home to Norway in May.
Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | ActingMilitaryEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved THIS TOOL CANCOME IN HANDYINANEMERGENCY. Backup powercan keep you connected in an emergency. Formoretips visit
“The biggest challenges are that the a naturalizationoathceremonymustbeconducted live with authorized USCIS personnel and that Certificates of Naturalization must be physically aboard the ship in time for the ceremony and marked with the correct information.Weknewvirtualoverseascere moniestakeplaceonlandwithassistanceof Region Legal Service Offices, so we started working through our logistical and techni calchallengestomaketheceremonyhappen whiledeployedatsea.”
The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group is currently operating in the Atlantic Ocean in support of naval operations to maintain maritime stability and security in order to ensure access, deter aggression anddefendU.S.,alliedandpartnerinterest.
ANNAPOLIS, Md Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russell Smith passed the ceremonialcutlass,viatheChiefofNavalOper ations Adm. Michael Gilday, to Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James Honea during a change of office and retirement ceremony September8.
ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Mike Gildayhands the Master ChiefPettyOfficerofthe Navy(MCPON) cutlass to MCPONJames Honea during the Change ofOffice ceremonyheld at Mahan Hall,United States NavalAcademy,Sept 8,2022 Honea relieved MCPON Russell Smith to become the 16th MCPON.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSENIORCHIEF MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTANASTASIAMCCARROLL)

Gilday presided over the ceremony and highlighted Smith’s accomplishments during his naval career while thanking him forhisleadership
to postpone his naturalization due to the scheduled deployment.
ByPettyOfficer1stClass JustinWolpert

Gacad, who is assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211, also expressed his delight in reaching this milestone on his journey to citizenship.
“USCIS reached out to the Navy to see if there was anything we could do hold a naturalization ceremony while deployed and that got us asking the question, ‘Can it happen? said Lt Cmdr Kyle Doherty-Pe ters, Truman’s command judge advocate.
The MCPON serves as an advisor to the CNO and totheChiefof NavalPersonnelin mattersdealingwithenlistedpersonneland theirfamilies TheMCPONisalsoanadvisor to boards dealing with enlisted personnel
Duringthevirtualceremony,thekeynote speaker Rear Adm. Paul Spedero Jr commander Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 8,spokeaboutthepaththeSailorstraveled to become American citizens
“The Navy is a team,” said Gacad. “You will never feel like you are alone because there is always someone there to help you when you need it. Without the legal team, I wouldn’t be in this position, and I would like to say thanks for all their hard work.
Deployed Truman Strike Group sailors become U.S. citizens

This event also marks the first time a naturalization ceremony was held on a deployed aircraft carrier.
Gacad and Manaog swore the natural ization oath of allegiance with the help of more than 16 U.S. Navy Judge Advocates, Legalmen, and civilian paralegals, spread throughout three countries and at sea, and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS)WashingtonFieldOffice

After the ceremony, Gacad and Manaog expressed their gratitude for all the help they received.
Your tireless efforts to provide Sailors with mental, morale, and spiritual support has helped make our fleet more resilient andmuchmoreeffective,”saidGilday.“Your leadership ensured that our most important resource, our people, are ready to serve and defend the Nation we love Having conductedmorethan200fleetvisitsallover the world, your outreach and willingness to be there for Sailors and their families is what truly made your service so remark able Thank you for everything you have done over these past four years Our Navy andourNavyfamilyaremuchstrongerthan itwasfouryearsago.”
dayoftheceremony,twoUSCISpersonnel traveled to the Pentagon to connect to the Truman for a virtual teleconference
ATLANTIC OCEAN Petty Officers 3rd Class John Gacad and Francisian Manaog became U.S. citizens during a naturalization ceremony aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSSHarryS.Truman(CVN75),Sep 9.
“Most of us here today were born Amer icans,” said Spedero. “Our citizenship was a gift that we were given. But your citizenship is earned. You’ve earned the right to be called Americans through your service to this country You’ve proven that you are Americans through these many months deployed with all of us doing this nation’s workindefenseofAmericanidealsabroad.
cerManaogwillbeabletowalkofftheship on U.S. soil as U.S. citizens when we return home is phenomenal,” said Capt. Gavin Duff, Truman’s commanding officer “In 2022,thatwehavethecapabilitytoconduct this ceremony virtually and provide this opportunity for them is humbling to say theleast.Itwasacommunity effort tohelp theseimpressiveSailorsrealizetheirdream and become citizens of the country they haveservedsoproudly Welookforwardto theirsuccessandaccomplishmentsintheir future as Americans.”
Smithhasservedasthe15thMCPONsince August 29 2018 During his term he insti tuted Laying the Keel an updated leadership development career path revised the command master chief instruction, and the SailoroftheYearprogram Moreimportantly, he tirelessly advocated policy and program improvementsfortheNavy’sSexualAssault Prevention and Response program as well as increased Sailor access for mental health care to congressional members during his annualtestimoniesbeforetheHouseArmed ServicesCommittee
FromOfficeOfTheMasterChiefPetty OfficerOfTheNavy
Truman is the flagship of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG); additional elements include the nine squadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, commanded by Capt Patrick Hourigan; the staff and guided-missile destroyers of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 28 commanded by Capt. Blair Guy; and the Ticonderoga-classcruiserUSSSanJacinto (CG56),commandedbyCapt.Christopher
“I’m very happy after this long process,” said Gacad “I can finally say I’m proud to be an American.
USS Harry S Truman (CVN 75) Public Affairs
After the ceremonial passing of the MCPON cutlass, MCPON Honea took the helmoftheenlistedforceastheNavy’s16th MCPON During the ceremony, he spoke abouthistoppriorities;warfightingcompe tency, professional and character develop ment,andqualityoflife
James Honea takes the helm as the next MCPON
Aftermonthsofplanningandmeticulous preparation, Gacad and Manaog’s journey to citizenship was finally realized aboard the Truman. In early September, their Certificates of Naturalization were picked upfromtheUSCISWashingtonFieldOffice by a Washington, D.C. based Judge Advo catewhoflewontotheshipandhanddeliv ered the documents as Truman operated underway in the Atlantic Ocean. On the
issues; is the enlisted representative of the Department of the Navy at special events; may be called upon to testify on enlisted personnelissuesbeforeCongress,andmaintains a liaison with enlisted spouse organizations

ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sep 9,2022)Aviation Machinist’s Mate 3rd Class Francisian Manaog left and Logistics Specialist 3rd ClassJohn Gacad,both from the Philippines,pose fora photowith

“I’m proud and honored to be a part of this historic event,” said Manaog, who is assigned to Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 126 “Our names will be in the history books.”
The ceremony held at the U.S. Naval Academy’s Mahan Hall marked the end of morethanthreedecadesofNavalservicefor MCPONSmith.
“When I was selected for MCPON, I thought heavily on what my tenure means and what I could bring to you all,” said Honea. “I’m glad I chose to be challenged by this adventure and I’m proud of what it hasbroughtme Ithankyouallforaccepting the same challenge and being on this journey with me I have always been proud to be your Shipmate, and I’m privileged to be
JAG officers aftera naturalization ceremonyin the in port cabin aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS HarryS.Truman (CVN 75),Sep.9,2022.The HarryS.Truman CarrierStrike Group is operating in theAtlantic Ocean in support ofnaval operations to maintain maritime stabilityand securityin orderto ensure access,deteraggression and defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterest.
Gacad started the process of becoming a citizen in March 2021. However, he had

(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSHUNTERDAY) 2 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, September 15, 2022

“Thisisabsolutelyincredible,”saidClose “Being a lifelong Somerset County resident and being here during the events of 9/11, I followedtheprogressofthebuildingorUSS Somerset to when it was finally commissioned.Itmeansalottous theschooldistrict andentireSomersetCounty.Weappreciate CaptainBrownandyouguystakingthetime to come out on a Friday night and share the eveningwithus.”

“Sept. 11 touched us all,” said Biden. “It changed us all, but it reminds us that, with courage and kindness we can be a light in that darkness It showed us that we are all connectedtooneanother.”

Their annual visit fosters the strong relationship with the Somerset County community and allows Sailors to share the significanceofbeingassignedtoSomerset.

Capt. Chris Brown, commanding officer of USS Somerset. “We will continue to help current and future generations understand that individual choices make a difference that compassion and sacrifice can triumph overevilandhate,andthattheactionsofthe heroesofFlight93isoneofthemostcoura geousactsinAmericanhistory.”
The crew attended a high school football

ByPettyOfficer1stClass BenjaminDobbs

SHANKSVILLE,Penn Thecrewofthe amphibioustransportdockshipUSSSomer set (LPD 25) visited Somerset County, Pa., to attend the 21st Anniversary Observance of September 11 at the Flight 93 National Memorial
Commanding Officer, Capt Chris Brown and 22 Sailors arrived in Somerset County foramulti-daytriptoattendtheobservance, andserveinauniformedcapacityasescorts honoring the families of the 40 passengers andcrewthatperishedonFlight93
First Lady Dr Jill Biden laid a wreath at the Wall of Names at the Flight 93 National Memorial and provided remarks as the keynotespeakerfortheobservance.

USS Somerset (LPD 25)
TheshipwasnamedforSomersetCounty, inhonorofthe40passengersandcrewwho gave their lives on United Airlines Flight 93, which was hijacked during the terror ist attacks of Sept 11, 2001 The passengers andcrewpreventedtheplanefromreaching itsintendedtarget,buttragicallycrashedin StoneycreekTownshipinSomersetCounty.

game to show support for their namesake interact with local fans and present a flag Deanofstudentsandathleticdirector Scott Close accepted the flag on behalf of Somer setAreaJr.-Sr HighSchool.
The Somerset crew also visited Central Cambria High School, the Somerset courthouse, Patriot Park, and the Stoystown American Legion where the met with local veterans SomersetisaSanAntonio-classamphibi oustransportdockassignedtoCommander, Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 3 and home ported in San Diego The ship’s keel contains steel from a mining machine standing near the crash site in Somer set County, Pennsylvania Every deck of the ship contains mementos of Flight 93, including a dedicated passageway lead ing to the Memorial Room, which bears the names of the passengers. Like its sister ships USS New York (LPD 21) and USS Arlington (LPD 24), Somerset was named inhonorofthosewholosttheirlivesduring the 9/11 terrorist attacks visits namesake to
USS Somerset personnel participated in
various service and engagement Community Relations projects (COMRELs) during theirtrip.

“We are honored to represent Somerset County and the heroes of Flight 93,” said

Thefirstladygreetedtheentirecrew,gave them words of encouragement and appre ciation,andtookagroupphotowiththem.
honor 9/11 Shankville,Pa (Sept.11,2022) Sailors from the amphibious transport dockship USS Somerset (LPD 25),pose fora photo during the 21st anniversaryof9/11 at the Flight 93 National Memorial. The U.S.Navysent 22 Sailors from USS Somerset to Somerset Countyfora multi-daytrip to attend the observance,and serve in a uniformed capacityas escorts,honoring the families ofthe 40 passengers and crewthat perished on Flight 93 USS Somerset personnel participated invarious service and engagement CommunityRelations projects (COMRELs) during theirtrip (U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSBENJAMINDOBBS/RELEASED) Shankville,Pa (Sept.11,2022) Gordon Felt brotherofFlight 93 passengerEdward PorterFelt and President ofFamilies forFlight 93 presents a flag on behalfofthe National ParkService to Personnel Specialist SeamanThomasTran,assigned to amphibious transport dockship USS Somerset (LPD 25).(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASS BENJAMINDOBBS/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 3 BEFORE AFTER OFFER EXPIRES 10/02/22 50% OFF INSTALLATION all shower &bathprojects 48 MONTHS 0% APR Special Financing for REMODELING YOUR BATHROOM IS STRESSFUL WE ARE CHANGING THATFOR GOOD HURRY! THIS OFFER EXPIRES 10/02/22, SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! KICKOFF TOFALL SAVINGS ENDS 10/02/22 OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet withone of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design yournew shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswill remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. OVER 125,000+ CUSTOMERS HAVE CHOSEN US FOR THEIR SHOWER &BATHPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Plan 6148 -Subject to credit approval. Fixed APR of 0.00% for 48 months. Actual payments based on usage. If full credit taken on approval date, payments for 6month promo will be $20.83, followed by 42 monthly payments of $20.83 for each $1,000 financed. If transaction is later,the 42 monthly payments could be as high as $23.81. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, equal opportunity lender banks. NMLS #1416362. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. **50% offinstall is equal to 10% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 10/02/22. 2705176338 CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

“It is an honor for our military members to give back to the local schools and show supporttoouramazingteachers,”saidCapt Matt Frauenzimmer, Commanding Officer ofNSAHamptonRoads.“Teacherswearso manyhatsandhavesomuchtodotoensure their classrooms are ready for the school
MDFW includes ship tours Baltimore Inner Harbor flyovers static displays, and Fleet Week festivals at multi ple locations throughout Baltimore Sept. 7-13, both in-person and online This is the thirdtimeBaltimorehashostedFleetWeek. Participating ships include dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (LSD 50), Free dom-variant Littoral Combat ship USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS 21), Military Sealift Command (MSC) Spearhead-class expeditionaryfasttransportUSNSNewport (T-EPF-12), Canadian Royal Navy Kings ton-class coastal defense vessel HMCS
“It is good for us to help out the schools becauseitallowstheteacherstobeprepared for when the students come back into the classrooms, shesaid.
LEFT: CHESAPEAKE,Va (Aug 31,2022) Construction Electrician 2nd
“Itwassucharelieftohaveextrahelpand Ithinkitisgreatthatthesemilitarymembers tooktimeoutoftheirbusyschedulestohelp the teachers out,” said Chloe North, second grade teacher at Deep Creek Elementary School. “And it is just so nice to be able to have the community back in the schools again.”
More than 250 military members across various commands volunteered during Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads’ “Servicing Our Schools” initiative onAug.31
ABOVE:CHESAPEAKE,Va (Aug.31,2022) Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class
Military members volunteered at 28 different elementary, middle, and high schools in the city of Chesapeake during the initiative. Some of the tasks the volunteershelpedwithincludedpreparingbulle tin boards, cleaning the school’s courtyard, sorting books, moving bookshelves, and arrangingfurniturewithintheclassrooms.
Class Sofya Frenkel sorts through baskets in a classroom at Deep CreekElementary School during Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads’6thAnnual Servicing OurSchools initiativeAug.31.More than 250 militarymembers fromvarious commands supported 28 elementary,middle,and high schools in the cityof Chesapeake during the initiative.
Flyover units include Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 2, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1, Fighter Squadron Composite Twelve (VFC-12), Training Air Wing 4 (TW4), Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadrons 14 &
Interested military members signed up for this year’s Servicing Our Schools event through their command’s volunteer coor dinator, and they were also able to pick the schoolwheretheywantedtovolunteer.
Frenkel from Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic arranged desks and set up posters during her morningvolunteeringatDeepCreekElementary School.
Since the initiative began in 2016, mili tarymembershavealwaysbeeneagertoget out in the community and serve in the local schoolsfortheday.
year To be able to help them, with even a smalltask,makessuchahugedifference,and weareveryhappytobeabletoprovidethat servicetothem.”
Squadron 365 (VMM-365) with flightsscheduledSept.9-11 Rear Adm. Nancy S. Lacore, Commandant NavalDistrictWashington,discussed the partnership between the Navy and Baltimore “Fleet Week is a tradition for Baltimore andtheU.S.Navythatgoesbackyears,”said Lacore. “Past Fleet Weeks proved just how magnificentthishistoriccity,itsport,andits people are and how skilled you are as part nerstotheNavyandplanningandexecuting suchacomplexevent Wearegladtobeback forFleetWeek.” MDFW is an opportunity for the citizens of Maryland and the City of Baltimore to meet Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guards men, as well as see firsthand the latest capabilities of today’s maritime services More than 2,300 sea service members are expectedtoparticipatethisyear For more information on ways to enjoy MDFW fleets flights and festivals visit Follow @mdfleetweek on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter for an insider perspective through virtual ship tours and behind the scenes experiences Maryland fleetweek and flyover begins BALTIMORE (Sept.07 2022) The Danish training ship Danmark,left prepares to docknext to the Freedom-class littoral combat ship USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS-21),middle,in Baltimore’s InnerHarbor where both ships are set to participate in Maryland FleetWeekand FlyoverBaltimore 2022 Maryland FleetWeekand FlyoverBaltimore is the city’s celebration ofthe sea serviceswith thisyearmarking the Cityof Baltimore’s third time hosting NavyFleetWeek
related to planning developing and organizing student instruction. 4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, September 15, 2022
with different tasks to get their classrooms ready
ByKatishaDraughn-Fraguada Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads Public Affairs Office
NSA Hampton Roads has continued a strong partnership with the local schools, andthecommandhasparticipatedindiffer enteventstoassistandsupportstudentsand militaryfamilies InadditiontoNSAHamp ton Roads leadership, McGee works very closely with Chesapeake Public Schools on events, initiatives and future partnership opportunities.
“SooftenIgetpeoplewhocomeuptome and say ‘thank you for your service.’ Well this is our chance to say ‘thank you for your service’ to our teachers as they prepare for the school year,” said Frauenzimmer “It’s a greatopportunityforourSailorstocomeout and give back to the community who takes careofthefutureleadersofAmerica,which arethestudents.”
Military members representing commands and installations in the Hamp ton Roads area were spread out at various schools in Chesapeake to assist teachers

Military members volunteer during Servicing Our Schools Initiative
Regina Gilchrist adjusts the height on desks at Deep CreekElementary School during Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads’6thAnnual Servicing OurSchools initiativeAug.31.More than 250 militarymembers fromvarious commands supported 28 elementary middle,and high schools in the cityof Chesapeake during the initiative.These militarymembers helped lighten the load forschool teachers byvolunteering to help them up theirclassrooms forthe upcoming academicyear effort allowed teachers to focus otherresponsibilities
“The Servicing Our Schools event is a shining example of the close partnership that exists between the military commu nity and Chesapeake Public Schools,” said Dr. Jeff McGee School Liaison Officer for NSA Hampton Roads and the organizer of theevent.
15 (HM-14; HM-15), and Marine Medium Tiltrotor
These military members helped lighten theloadsforteachersbyhelpingthemsetup theirclassroomsfortheupcomingacademic year This effort allowed the teachers to focus on other responsibilities related to planning,developingandorganizingstudent instructional activities, and preparing for upcomingmeetandgreetevents
BALTIMORE, Md Ships from around the world sailed into the Port of Balti more,kickingoffMarylandFleetWeekand FlyoverBaltimore(MDFW) Sept.7,2022. This year’s Moncton (M-708), U.S. Coast Guard Cutter JamesRankin(WLM-555),andDanishTall ShipDanmark.NationalOceanicandAtmo spheric (NOAA), and Army Corps of Engi neersvesselsarealsoavailable

The digital tracking team harnessed the power of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, which utilizes wirelessradiofrequencywavestoautomatically identify and track tags attached to objects. RFID tags can be affixed to an object and used to track tools, equipment, inventory, assetsorotheritems

“Weneedtoknowwherethingsare,know whenweneedthem,andbeabletogetthem inthehandsoftheartisanswhoperformthe work on a day—to-day basis,” said Jamaine Clemmons, FRCE’s Advanced Technology andInnovation(ATI)Teamlead.“Thisproj ect ensures that we can have the best technologyinplacetodothat.”
“Wewantthenewertechnologiesthatare foundational and that we can build upon in a scalable way,” said Burr “By taking all of thesedifferenttypesoftechnologies,wecan put the right amount of money into a busi nessprocessandabusinessplanthatmakes themostamountofsense.”
According to Robbie Puett, Support Equipment Engineering Branch head for Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Engi neering at FRCE, the mission of the depot requiresatrackingsystemthatgoesbeyond mereinventory Theteamsetouttodevelop a system capable of handling this vast amountofmaterialsanditems
“We had the vision up front to make sure wedevelopasystemthatwecanbuildupon for other use cases,” said Sylivant. “You couldstartintegratingthissystemintoother systemsandhandleengineeringinstructions or work orders. This is something that will make us more efficient and it will save us moneyinthelongrun,butIthinkitspotentialtogrowisevenmoreimportant.There’s unlimitedpotentialhere.
to streamline and modernize
ancewasanotherconcepttheteamfocused on. He explained that the digital tracking team demonstrated the ability to eliminate nearly 65 different paper forms related to compliance
“I can quickly see by this RFID system if a tool is not my tool,” said Manning-Moore. “This system will not only tell you who it belongs to it will tell you what toolbox it belongs in and where I can clearly see the potentialthissystemhasattheartisanlevel alone Just knowing where our gear is at any given time that’s going to be a huge savings.”
FRCE successfully demonstrates digital tracking system proof of concept
“Fromanassetorinventorymanagement perspective, people often think of services likeAmazonbutwe’renotawarehousetype of facility,” said Puett. “We’re an aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul facility Wehavetotrackallthenecessarymaterials and asset support equipment necessary for thisthismassiveday-to-dayoperation.”
recentlydemonstrated a successful proofofconcept
Tad Sylivant, FRCE’s logistics lead, explainedthatthesystemisn’tlimitedtojust tracking items within a separate system. It canalsobeincorporatedintootherdomains likeFRCE’sworkordersystem

Clemmons said it became clear very quicklyduringtheevaluationthatthetrack ing system offered a time-saving method to locatetoolsorassets
Membersofthedigitaltrackingteamsaid FRCE’s digital tracking system has already proven it can reduce labor costs associated with inventories and searches for tools and equipment. Others cited benefits such as increasedefficiencyandadherencetosafety andcompliancestandards
“One thing we noticed very early is that shopsupervisorswouldleverageandutilize thistechnologyonadailybasis,”saidClemmons “Thereweremultipletimesthroughout the demo and evaluation period where they came up and asked if we could locate anasset.”
Nancy Manning-Moore, a powered ground support equipment mechanic at FRCE, said one immediate benefit she witnessedispositiveaccountabilityforartisans in regards to tooling used on the shop floor.

havewhattheyneed,theycan’tdotheirjob properly.”
Jarred Burr an electrical engineering technician at FRCE, cited scalability as another major benefit of FRCE’s digital trackinginitiative.
Joshua Paige, now a program analyst at FRCE, worked on the digital tracking proj ectasaqualityassurancespecialist.Hesaid thesheernumbersofitemsandassetsatthe depotseemedoverwhelmingatfirst
way Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) tracks tools, assets and inventory recently hit an important milestone FRCE’s digital tracking team, composed of a wide range of subject matter experts from within the depot’s workforce, recently demonstrated a successful proof of concept for a digital tracking system the team spent nearly 24 monthsdevelopingandtesting Proponents say the system could boost efficiency and accountabilitywithinthedepot’sworkforce.
Duringtheevaluationofthedigitaltrack ingsystem,theteamsuccessfullytaggedand trackedmorethan1,000items
“It’s such a massive undertaking,” said Paige “Imagine tracking the 5,000 toolboxes that FRCE has let alone the tools inside them. We literally have millions of tools, more than 2.5 million. That number doesn’tevenincludethesupportequipment like the generators or hydraulic test equip ment. There are hundreds of thousands of assets and all of this has varying degrees of inventoryinterval.”
FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers. Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunction ing as an integral part of the greater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters Learn more at or nessCenterEast.
An effort thewayFleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) tracks milestone.FRCE’s digital tracking team fora digital tracking system the team
While tracking assets items and inventory were key objectives when developing the system, the team approached the proj ect with a much broader scope Paige said automatingandstreamliningartisancompli
tools,assets and inventoryrecentlyhit an important
“We utilized a blended approach of technologies that included RFID location services as well GPS and smart sensors for facilityhealthmonitoring,”saidClemmons “Therecanbelimitationsinregardtorange orfidelitywhenusingvarioustypesoftagsor trackers especiallyasitpertainstoourapplication and within our existing infrastruc ture.Theblendedapproachmeansusingthe right tech in the place where it’s needed to yieldthedesiredresults.”
“A lot of folks look at software and figure out what it can do for them and then worry about the policy after the fact,” said Paige “We went the other way. We took all the policy and compliance requirements and basically had them built into the tracking software at the beginning Being able to lookatemergingtechnologyandthenfigure out how to implement that technology to empower and enable our artisans is one of thehighpointsinmycareer.”
spent nearly24 months developing and testing Proponents saythe system could boost efficiencyand accountabilitywithin the depot’sworkforce www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 5 Donald won $6,791 Donna won $6,198 Elizabeth won $13,645 Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. NEW KENT |VINTON |RICHMOND |HAMPTON| DUMFRIES| COLLINSVILLE|ROSIESGAMING.COM ARE YOU READY?


The digital tracking team also concen trated on critical factors such as safety and quality control during the project’s development. Maddison Dunton, an integrated qualityengineeratFRCE,saidthatthisfocus onsafetyandqualityinfluencedthedevelop mentofotherprojectareassuchascapturing performancemetrics
In addition to RFID the digital tracking teamalsoevaluatedtheuseofGPSandother technologies
“With the dashboard metrics, we really focused on making it useful for predictive maintenance on our assets,” said Dunton. “We could use it for understanding what assetswearegoingtoneedontheshopfloor onaparticularday.Thatplaysintothesafety and quality too, because if a person doesn’t

Servings: 24 1½cupsall-purposeflour 1teaspoonbakingpowder ½cupunsaltedbutter 1cupwhitesugar 5eggs ½teaspoonvanillaextract 2cupswholemilk 1(14-ounce)cansweetened condensed milk 1(12-ounce)canevaporatedmilk 1½cupsheavywhippingcream 1cupwhitesugar 1teaspoonvanillaextract Step1:Preheatthe ovento350 degreesF (175 degrees C). Greaseand flour one9x 13-inchbakingpan. Step 2: Siftflour and baking powder togetherandsetaside Step 3: Cream butter,ormargarine,and 1cupsugartogetheruntilfluffy.Addeggs and the ½ teaspoon vanilla extract;beat well. Step4:Addtheflourmixturetothebutter mixture(2tablespoonsatatime)andmix until well blended. Pour batterinto 9X 13-inchpan.
Step the remaining1teaspoonvanillatogetheruntil thick. Spread overthe top of cake. Be sure andkeepthecakerefrigerated,untilyou’re readytoenjoy!


Bakeat350degreesF(175degrees C) for 30 minutes.Pierce cakeseveral timeswithafork.

6: Combine the whole milk, condensed milk, and evaporated milk together.Pour overthe top ofthe cooled cake Step 7: Whip the whipping cream, the remaining 1cup of the sugar,and

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hisvisit to RecruitTraining Command (RTC).III MEF headquartered in Okinawa Japan,is
“Navy and Marine Corps Integration should start at the very lowest levels; and I couldnotthinkofabetterplacethanRecruit Training Command,” said Blunt. “About 10-15% of the Sailors in our sponsored divi sion will become [hospital corpsmen] or [religious program specialists]. Sailors like
thecountryhasgiventheARG-MEUteam during our time in the Baltics These port visits and interoperabilities alone empha sizeourcombinedcapabilitiesasacohesive partnered force.”
“TheyleftmefeelinglikeourNavywillbe ingreathandswellafterI’moutofuniform,” said Blunt. “It was especially inspiring that Division 263 was integrated [male and
“The Kearsarge ARG-MEU just completed a 10-day complex integrated exercise with our Swedish partners on the land, sea, and in the air It was a very successful exercise enabling us to better workwithSwedishMarines,Navy,andAir Force;understandtheterrainandBalticSea operationsandmakeafewfriendsalongthe way. The Sailors and embarked Marines arelookingforsomerestandrefreshinthe beautiful tour of Visby on Gotland Island.” saidCapt.EricKellum,commandingofficer of USS Arlington.
to receive as much information as possible, assoonaspossible andanyinteractionwith someoneinthefleetwillbeabuildingblock intheircareer.”
The sentiment was shared by Blunt, whose visit with the Navy’s newest Sailors lefthiminvigorated.
September is National Preparedness Month (NPM) and Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC) is observingthisyear’stheme “ALastingLegacy:The lifeyou’vebuiltisworthprotecting.Prepare fordisasterstocreatealastinglegacyforyou and your family,” by offering educational webinars,informationalresourcesandguid ancetoeducateNavyfamiliesaboutdisaster preparedness.
Coincidingwiththeexerciseandunique to BALTOPS22 was Sweden’s celebration of their Navy’s 500th anniversary where Kearsarge and Gunston Hall celebrated the kick-off of BALTOPS22 in Stockholm, Sweden. While in port, Kearsarge hosted a key leader engagement aboard the ship including Swedish leadership such as the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Sweden,ErikRamanathan;SwedishMinis ter of Defense, Peter Hultqvist; and SwedishArmedForcesGeneralMicaelBydenin addition to the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley
services Installations will stand up EFACs followingsignificantemergenciestoprovideNavy familiesaone-stop-shopresourceandinfor mationhubwiththelatestinformation legal support, counseling resources financial supportandmore.
Mostrecently,theKearsargeARG-MEU teamparticipatedinamaneuveringdrillas part of the U.S.-Swedish bilateral training event which included the Swedish Visbyclass corvette HSwMS Härnösand (K33), the Swedish Visby-class corvette HSwMS Nyköping (K34), the Swedish Carlskrona-class auxiliary support ship HSwMS Carlskrona (P04the Swedish Stock holm-classcorvetteHSwMSMalmö(P12), the Swedish Visby-class corvette HSwMS Karlstad (K35), and the Swedish Visbyclass corvette HSwMS Helsingborg (K32).
Each week in September will focus on differentpreparednessthemes:MakeaPlan; Teach Youth about Preparedness; Protect Your Family & Your Property; and Tapping intoYourNavyResponseSupport.Fleetand FamilySupportProgramwillprovidehelp ful information about these topics during their online webinars which are open to Sailors personnel and family members at no cost at https://ffsp.zeiders.refineddata. Webinarschedule: Sept. 7, 1300 EST Be Prepared: Make a plan/BuildaKit (EFAC)
“RTC San Diego was 35 years ago for me, but I definitely would have liked to speak to someone that was not a [recruit divi sion commander],” said Blunt “I spoke to [the recruits]as I would any other Sailor or Marine that I serve with today. From the very start I ensured that no topic was off limits I believe it motivated them to speak tosomeoneoutinthefleet.”
CNIC observes National Preparedness Month with readiness resources and information for Navy families
GREAT LAKES, Ill For the first time in history, III Marine Expeditionary Force sponsored a U.S. Navy boot camp division as part of the recruit division sponsorship program at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, Illinois, providing mentorship from their first day to their graduation on Aug.26 2022.
III Marine Expeditionary Force
III MEF’s goal is to sponsor a RTC divi sion yearly continuing to indoctrinate recruits into the Navy and Marine Corps teammindset.
“Thesponsorshipprogramwasdeveloped duetothehighinterestbymilitaryandcivil ian organizations to learn about the recruit training command, provide mentorship to recruits and be a part of the Sailorization process,” said Senior Chief Carl Haydysch, a Recruit Services Officer and Sponsor ship Coordinator “Sponsorship develops a special bond between recruit divisions and military or civilian organizations Mentor ship and direct contact from these enti ties enhances basic training and provides a uniquelearningexperienceforrecruitsand sponsoringgroups.”
and guidance available on the
EmbarkedcommandswiththeKearsarge ARG include Amphibious Squadron SIX, 22nd MEU, Fleet Surgical Team 2, Fleet Surgical Team 4, Tactical Air Control Squadron 22, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron28,NavalBeachGroup2,Assault CraftUnit2,AssaultCraftUnit4,andBeach Master Unit 2.
Navy’s newest sailors sponsored by III MEF
“Eariler this summer, elements of the Kearsarge ARG-MEU participated in BALTOPS22 and most recently a bilat eral training event with Sweden,” said Capt. Aaron Kelley, Commander of the Kearsarge ARG and Amphibious Squad ron SIX. “Sweden has demonstrated high levelsofmaritimeandamphibiouscapabil ities as we’ve worked together toward our shared commitment of a safe and secure Baltic region.
TheKearsargeARGandembarked22nd MEU, under the command and control of Task Force 6½, consists of Kearsarge, San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USS Arlington (LPD 24), and Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44).
“There is no better example of teamwork than the Navy-Marine Corps team,” said RTC Command Master Chief Nicho las Wallace “Throughout our history there hasn’tbeenaconflictwherethisteamhasn’t demonstrated some form of teamwork. While every Sailor may not have the privilege to serve alongside our Marine counter parts, RTC strives to instill teamwork in every new Sailor that graduates boot camp. Shiftingthemindsetof‘doingsomethingfor themselves’ to ‘doing something to support theTeam’iscritical.Thismindshifttowork ingasateamnotonlysupportstheNavy,but also spills over into the role the Navy plays injointwarfare.”
shiptoshoreoperations,araidinRavlunda, and an airfield seizure ashore. At sea, ARG ships conducted subject matter expert exchanges and maneuvering drills increasingoveralleffectivenessandinteroperability
Arlington’scontinuedpresenceinSweden demonstratesthestrongandenduringrelationshipstheARG-MEUfosterswithNATO alliesandpartnersintheBalticregion
Program for CNIC “During National Preparedness Month, the Navy and other federalorganizationsareofferingnumerous opportunitiestolearnhowtoincreaseyour family’semergencyreadiness Wehopeour Sailors and their spouses take advantage of theavailable resources No one can prevent adisasterbutyoucanbeprepared!
“Emergencypreparednessisaprevention measure. Focusing on your and your family’s emergency readiness will prevent risk, stress property damage and many other hardships that follow natural disasters and largescaleemergencies.”saidJudithWright, Family Emergency Response Program Analyst with Fleet and Family Support
female] a reminder to me that our military is a place of opportunity for anyone that desires to serve their Nation. I believe that there is at least one future general, admiral, [sergeantmajor]or[commandmasterchief] withineveryrecruitdivisionorcompany;it’s our job as fleet Sailors to do everything we can to motivate them, and if III MEF sponsorship helped just one Sailor reach a goal, thenitwasworthourefforts.”
and experience more of what Sweden has to offer. Arlington Sailors and Marines will also have the opportunity to participate in Morale Wellfare, and Recreation (MWR) events such as a walking tour through the MedievaltownofVisby.
For over 80 years U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S.NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with our Allies and Partners, leveraging a foundation of shared values to preserve security and stability
“Being sponsored had a huge impact on not just myself but our whole division, said Rutledge, who was also named the top Sailorinhistraininggroupof909graduates “When Command Master Chief visited us andspokeabouthowmuchhelovedhisjob and being in the Navy, that was something weneededtohearfromsomeoneoutsideof bootcamp.Heevensatwithusatchowand wasaskinguswhatourlife’splanswere He was super inspiring with his advice. That wasonemomentthatwillstandoutformein bootcamp,talkingwithmasterchief.”
Headquartered in Naples, Italy, NAVEUR-NAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and naval operations
VISBY,Sweden TheSanAntonio-class amphibioustransportdockshipUSSArling ton (LPD 24), assigned to the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and embarked22ndMarineExpeditionaryUnit (MEU),arrivedinVisby,Swedenforasched uledportvisit,Sept.6,2022.
annuallyat the Navy’s onlyboot camp (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTBRANDIENIX) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 7
“As Stockholm previously hosted all three ARG ships this year Visby is first in its area to host a ship of Arlington’s size,” said Capt. Kelley “The greatest outcome working with Sweden this summer has beenthecontinuedsupportandhospitality
USS Arlington (LPD 24) arrives in Visby, Sweden
Sept.28,1300ESTFinancialPreparedness forDisasters Sailors, Navy personnel and their family memberscanreadythemselvesfordisasters andunexpectedemergencyeventsby: Creating an emergency kit with at least three days’ worth of food, water essential supplies Developingandpracticingafamilyemergencyplanwiththewholefamily,including children Keeping your family’s information updatedinNavyFamilyAccountabilityand AssessmentSystem(NFAAS),https://navy Adding the phone number for your local Fleet and Family Support Center to your phone now. During a crisis, they are your best resource for Navy assistance and support. Familiarizing yourself with Emergency Family Assistance Center
III MEF Command Master Chief Curtis BlunttraveledfromOkinawa,Japantotour RTC facilities, interact with recruits, and provide mentorship to the Navy’s newest sailors The graduates of Division 263 were giventheopportunitytospeaktoBluntand askquestionsaboutlifeasaSailorandwork ingalongsideMarineswithIIIMEF
Seaman Benjamin J. Rutledge of Grove City, Ohio, a graduate of Division 263, explainedhowbeingsponsoredbyIIIMEF and carrying the sponsored flag at the head ofhisdivisionhadtherecruitsholdingtheir headsalittlehigherwithpride
As Arlington’s second visit to Sweden, thefirstbeingStockholm,Swedenapproxi matelyonemonthago,theportvisittoVisby will present Arlington Sailors and Marines theopportunitytoexploreSweden’sculture
Commander, Navy Installations Command oversees 48,000 employees locatedacross70Navyshoreinstallationsin 10 regions around the world and is charged with sustaining the Fleet, enabling the fighterandsupportingthefamily Formore news from CNIC, visit orfollowthecommand’sFacebook,Twitter andInstagram
Taking advantage of other checklists Federal Emergency Management disaster preparednesswebsite,
Last week, the Kearsarge ARG-MEU, including Arlington, participated in a bilat eral training opportunity with Swedish ArmedForceswheremaritimeandamphibious operations were conducted to maintain unit readiness as a cohesive partnering force During this training opportunity, the ARG-MEU team and Swedish forces conductedcombinedtrainingeventssuchas
aged to be present at key events such as BattleStations a12-hourculminatingevent that leads to the capping ceremony where recruits receive Navy ball caps to replace their recruit caps, and finally, the pass-inreviewgraduationceremony.
Command MasterChiefCurtis Blunt command masterchief,III Marine ExpeditionaryForce (III MEF),speaks to recruits inside a compartment ofthe USSJohn F.Kennedyrecruit barracks during sponsoring recruit division,Division 263,forthe time in its history More than 40,000 recruits train

Thedivisionsponsorshipprogramallows commands to support boot camp divisions throughouttheirrigorouseight weektrans formationfromcivilianstoU.S.NavySailors.
Earlierthisyear elementsoftheKearsarge ARG,includingtheWasp-classamphibious assault ship and flagship of the ARG, USS Kearsarge(LHD3)andtheWhidbeyIslandclass dock landing ship USS Gunston Hall (LSD 44), participated in the joint, annual multinational exercise Baltic Operations 2022(BALTOPS22)hostedbySweden.The ARG-MEUteamwasgiventheopportunity todemonstratemaritimecapabilitiesalong sidesixteenothernationsatseaanddemonstrate U.S.-Swedish combined amphibious capabilities for the first time together on GotlandIsland

“Helivedoutthevery valuestheMarine Corps espouses…the values everyone expects from a U.S. Marine…honor, courage, commitment, service and sacrifice,” said Hogan.
delivering realistic anti-ship missile threat emulation,accordingtoprogrammanagers atNavalAirSystemsCommand.
Luis R. Clemente joined staff with the National Museum of the Marine Corps in a brick laying ceremony to commemorate hisfather,RobertoClemente,attheSemper FidelisMemorialParkinTriangle,Virginia, Sept. 7, 2022.
ightersfordecadestocome. against region The is the to continuetorefinetheirskillsoperatingasan ing and complex maritime environment in theIndo-Pacificregion.
Roberto Clemente started his career playing baseball in Puerto Rico before moving to the Minor Leagues, and finally making it to the Major Leagues in 1955 He played for the Pittsburg Pirates until 1972 and he was named an All-Star and National League MVP Clemente enlisted intheUnitedStatesMarineCorpsReserves in 1958 and served during the off-seasons through 1964
“This is very special to me because of all the accolades that dad accomplished. He was extremely proud of being a Marine,” Luis Clemente said, “I was here with mom when he was inducted into the Marine Sports Hall of Fame and to now have him here, officially with his fellow Marines, is something that he would be very happy about and very proud of.”
PHILIPPINE SEA(Aug 28,2022) TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Barry(DDG 52) launches a Standard Missile (SM) 2 during a live-fire missile exercise as part ofPacific Vanguard (PV) 22while operating in the Philippine Sea,Aug.28 PV22 is an exercisewith a focus on interoperabilityand the advanced training and integration ofallied maritime forces (U.S.NAVY

Clemente died in a plane crash Dec. 31, 1972 The plane was delivering emergency supplies to Nicaragua in light of the giant earthquake that devastated the country a few months prior Clemente was posthu mously inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1973 and the Marine Corps Sports Hall of Fame in 2003
“RobertoClementewasagreatathleteto be sure, but more than that he was a great human being,” said Sara Hogan senior developmentmanager MarineCorpsHeri tage Foundation.
participating navies

crises and contingencies in the
ByLanceCpl KaylaLeclaire Marine Corps Base Quantico
MLB Hall of Famer, Marine memorialized at National Museum of the Marine Corps
“Dadwasamanwhowasveryconscious abouthowtheblessingshereceivedshould be shared to make a difference and an impact in other lives,” said Clemente, “He alwaysbecameavoiceforthosewhodidn’t have a voice, and represented those who don’t have everything in life.”
PHILIPPINE SEA The U.S. Navy’s next-generation subsonic aerial target (SSAT), the BQM-177A, reached full oper ational capability during a successful stan dard missile launch and intercept while participating in Pacific Vanguard 2022 (PV 22)inthePhilippineSea,Aug.28
TheBQM-177Aisanadvancedhigh-subsonic, recoverable aerial target system that imitatesadvancedsubsonicanti-shipcruise missile threats to test the effectiveness of shipboard air defense systems and is used for fleet training It is unmatched in its performance capabilities when it comes to
“Ourprimaryfocusinthetargetscommunity is effective, affordable training and test for the U.S. Navy,” said Don Blottenberger, theNavy’sAerialTargetsprogrammanager “Theeffortsoftheteam,includingpartner ship with MSC and the target operations organizations represents the best of our community The BQM-177, now fully capa ble,willprovidequalityservicetoourwarf
15 is the Navy’s largest forward-deployedDESRONandtheU.S.7th Fleet’sprincipalsurfaceforce. U.S.7thFleetconductsforward-deployed naval operations in support of U.S. national interests in the Indo-Pacific area of opera tions As the U.S. Navy’s largest numbered fleet,7thFleetinteractswith35othermari timenationstobuildpartnershipsthatfoster maritime security, promote stability, and preventconflict. U.S. Navy completes first BQM-177A target intercept during missile launch uarterdeck USS Momsen returns to homeport The destroyer, assigned to Carrier Strike Group Three returned to Naval Station Everett following a 7-month deployment PageB3 PHILIPPINE SEA(Aug 28 2022) The Lewis and Clark-class drycargo and ammunition ship USNSAlan Shepard (T-AKE 3) launches a BQM177Asubsonic aerial target (SSAT) during a Standard Missile (SM) 2 exercise conductedwithArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry(DDG 52) as part ofPacificVanguard (PV) 22while operating in the Philippine Sea,Aug.28 PV22 is an exercisewith a focus on interoperabilityand the advanced training and integration ofallied maritime forces (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1ST CLASSGREGJOHNSON) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 1

that same year
TheMarineCorpsHeritageFoundation’s Commemorative Brick Program serves to honor all Marines past and present, by permanently including them as a part of MarineCorpshistory Theengravedbricks line the pathways of the Semper Fidelis MemorialParkthatoverlookstheNational Museum of the Marine Corps
ByPettyOfficer1stClass DeannaGonzales
“NotonlyamIgladthe[Commander,Task Force (CTF)] 71 team was the first to have a successful Missile Launch against a brandnewtypeoftargetdrone,butIamextremely gratefulthatwegottodoitsidebysidewith our allies and partners in the region,” said Capt. Walter Mainor commander Task Force71 “I’mproudofalloftheparticipants who worked hard to make this happen, but I’m especially proud of the crews of USS Barry, USNS Alan Shepard, and our coalitionpartnerHMASPerth”.
PV 22-1 is the fifth iteration of the quadrilateral exercise series between Australia, Japan, Republic of Korea, and U.S. Naval forces.Thisexerciseisfocusedonimproving thecapabilitiesofthecountriesparticipating to respond together as a naval force
Roberto Clemente Walker was a Major League Baseball player who also served in the Marine Corps Reserves. Aside from beingaMLBHallofFamer Clementespent much of his time during the off-season involved in charity work
Thetargetdroneswerelaunchedfromthe LewisandClark-classdrycargoshipUSNS Alan Shepard (T-AKE 3) and engaged with missileslaunchedfromArleighBurke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG 52) and Royal Australian Navy Anzac-class frigateHMASPerth(FFH157),markingthe firsttimetheBQM-177Ahasbeenusedinthe WesternPacificregionandhighlightingthe dronesachievingfulloperationalcapability.
The ceremony was held to memorialize Clemente’s legacy and his piece in Marine Corps history. The brick was placed in honor of the 50th anniversary of Roberto Clemente’s 3000th hit Sept. 30, 1972 and of his untimely death a few months later
But the lack of current technology or periods between tests is not slowing the Marine Corpsdownfromresearchingandlookinginto expandingelectrificationontothebattlefield.
created by the spinning of the LVSR’s driveshaft,effectivelyeliminatingtheneedforthe Marine Corps to deploy electric charging stationsasthebatteriesautomaticallycharge whilethevehicleisinmotion.
In line with the Defense Department’s stated goal to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, Marine Corps Systems Command is collaborating with the Defense Innovation Unit and Marine Corps Combat Development & Integration, Headquarters Marine Corps to bring cutting-edge electricalvehicletechnologytotheCorps’medium andheavytacticalvehicles
Due to current regulations surrounding transportoflithiumionbatteries,particularly aboard Naval vessels, the Department of the Navy’s Operational Energy Office is investigatingpotentialpathsforwardforlithiumion batterycertification,saidParady
Since arriving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,1stTSChashelpedplayanimportant roleincompletingthemission.
According to Parady, the MTT has several requirements outlining how the vehicle will bebuilt.Theseforthcomingfeaturesinclude an on-board power generator full power outputacrossarangeofenginespeeds capa ble of operating independent of combustion engineforaperiodoftimeandscalableexport powersystems
U.S.Marineswith 3rd Battalion,7th Marine Regiment 1st Marine Division,are transported byMTVR7-ton trucks during a Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation (MCCRE) at Marine CorpsAirGround Combat Center Twentynine Palms,Calif Nov.27 2017 MCCREs are conducted to ensure unit standardization and combat readiness in preparation foroperational deployments.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYCPL.JOSEPHPRADO)

Oceana/DamNeck (757)433-3268 Yorktown (757) 847-7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling(Individual,Couples,a nd Child Counseling) Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family Employment Assistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAnger Management Command Support Crisis Support SuicidePrevention SAPR Support 2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022

Lack of electrical infrastructure is not just a problem in operational austere envi ronments, but also on U.S. military bases currently To assess this, the Marine Corps willbeconductingabatteryoftestatMarine Corps Air Ground Combat Center TwentyninePalms California,accordingtoJames Gough,commercialvehiclefleetdirectorfor MarineCorpsInstallationsandLogistics.
Native Fury 22 executes RSO&I Q: IfIapplyforhousingusing theHousingEarlyAssistance Tool(HEAT),doesthedate Isubmitmyapplicationbecomemycontroldate? A: No HEATdoes not change existing policy fordetermining yourcontrol date. NAVY HOUSING Norfolk (757) 445-2832 JEBLCFS (757)

Silent but Still Deadly
“In the simplest form, RSO&I is match ing the right troops to the right equipment, givingthemthecorrectsupporttomakesure they’re ready for the geographic combat ant command, said U.S. Army Maj. Joshua Lackey, 135th Expeditionary Sustainment Command Support Operations officer-incharge,1stTheaterSustainmentCommand.
To increase vehicular efficiency, Parady noted that Systems Command has already fielded software modifications to about 60% of Marine Corps MTVRs These changes modify systems such as the timed shifting pointsinthetransmissionandrevolutionsper minuteofrotationofthetrucks’crankshaft.
This year, the Marines of NF 22 had the assistance of the U.S. Army’s 1st TSC in supportingRSO&Iinthenewlocation While the exercise is in its 8th iteration, 2022 is the first year Native Fury is hosted by the King domofSaudiArabia.
Combined, these efforts look for ways to extend the range of Marine Corps’ vehi cles, reduce the services’ dependency on petroleum fuels, save money, trim logistics requirementsforoperationalunits,andhelp ultimatelykeepmembersoftheCorpssafein combatsituations
“The 1st TSC’s priority is to support the warfighters and we want to go where we’re needed,” said Lackey “[NF 22] is a great opportunity to show that we can provide RSO&Itothosewarfightersinanypartofour
The ability to turn off the engine and run on battery power also gives the added bonus ofreducingavehicles noisesignatureonthe battlefield.
According to Belfield, the batteries are recharged by capturing the kinetic energy
Not only will a units’ noise signature be greatly reduced because of the elimination of engine idle, but communication amongst Marines on the ground will be enhanced, as they will gain greater situational awareness intheirimmediatearea.
Unlike the large floor-sized batteries used intoday’selectricvehiclesonAmerica’shigh ways thebatteriesplacedinLVSRsareabout thesamesizeasanormalcarbattery
Editor’snote:PortfolioManagerforLogis ticsCombatElementSystemsCol.JohnGuti errez recently appeared on Marine Corps Systems Command’s Equipping the Corps podcasttodiscusstacticalvehicleelectrifica tionandmore.ListentoEquippingtheCorps episode25whereveryougetyourpodcasts.
Currently the Marine Corps requires its tactical vehicles to be able to drive through a depth of 60 inches of water for short periodsoftime.
It is exercises like NF 22 that allow U.S. Marine Corps Forces Central Command, the ability to rehearse effective RSO&I that, in turn, enables the U.S. Central Command combatantcommandertheflexibilitytotask theMarineAirGroundTaskForcetosupport a variety of missions in support of U.S. and regionalpartneroperations
Although modifications to software can provide a finite amount of savings in fuel, another avenue of increasing fuel economy is to add anti-idle battery technology to the existing fleet of LVSRs Like MTVRs, LVSRs are often left to idle in order to continue running its advanced electrical systems Through the incorporation of the anti-idle system,however,MarineCorpstruckopera tors are able to keep their electrical systems running with power provided by the engine toasetofrechargeablelithium-ionbatteries.
“Everything we’re doing or looking at either meets or exceeds current requirements now,” said Chief Warrant Officer 4 CurtisBelfield,themediumandheavymotor transportfleetcapabilitiesintegrationofficer withCD&I.
“Marinesidletheirvehiclesalot.Withsoft ware modifications alone we’ve been able to increasefuelefficiencyby10%,”saidParady Buttherehavebeenothervictories,too So far, positive mission impacts include reducingthefootprintoffieldrefuelingareas freeing up logistics vehicles and aircraft for other missions, and reducing the amount of time convoys or flights will spend to deliv ering fuel to troops in danger zones Fuel delivery is particularly significant as troops transporting fuel to the front lines are often prizedtargetsforenemycombatants.
Although software modifications provide an effective means to reduce fuel consump tion,anotheravenuebeingexploredinorder to increase fuel economy is the addition of anti-idle battery technology to the existing fleetofLVSRs
Surging Forward
The process of RSO&I enables strategic access because of the partnerships being built. According to Lackey, [NF 22] gives the opportunityforservicememberstopractice RSO&I in an area not typically operated in andbecomemoremissioncapableinthenew areaofoperation.
SAUDI ARABIA Wherever Marines go, whether a military exercise or deployment, they undergo a course of action known as Reception, Staging,OnwardMovement,and Integration Exercise Native Fury 22 is no exception
Keep On Trucking
“It’s not just about going green, we’re looking at ways to enhance the operational forcesandreducetheirneedtoberesupplied as often,” said Nate Parady, team lead for the
“At this point we’re not looking for a full EV,” said Austin Petway, Transportation BranchHeadatCD&I.“Weanticipateforthe foreseeable future that there will be difficulties charging electric vehicles on the battle field.”
The Marine Corps will initiate MTT with aconceptualdesignphasein2023
Power Play: How electric modifications provide Marines with a truckload of advantages Now and into the future
“Native Fury represents a tremendous opportunity for MARCENT to practice key enabling capabilities for MAGTF’s and the MarineCorpsasawhole, saidMaj.Gen Paul Rock,commanderofMARCENT “Thoseare the Maritime Prepositioning Force offload, RSO&I,andtheemploymentofMarines.”
Accordingto1stLt CesarMorales,atrain ing officer for Combat Logistics Regiment 1, RSO&I is relevant to not only NF 22, but all futureoperations
Marine Corps Base Quantico Va As growingtensionsabroadcontinuetothreaten global energy security the Marine Corps is putting the pedal to the metal when it comes to researching and fielding ways to improve fuelefficiencyacrossitsvehicularfleets
But these changes won’t just help combat climatechange;they’llhelpmaketheMarine Corps even more effective on the field, both athomeandabroad
Theinnovationscomeatatimewhenenvi ronmental and international pressures have forcedbothpoliticiansandindustryleadersto pushforthedevelopmentoftechnologiesthat can replace or enhance traditional combus tionengines
“Generating electricity on the battlefield isstillgoingtorequirefuelandtime,”Petway said. “From our perspective, it’s all about improving the operational reach of the vehi cleandtheforcesemployedfromthevehicle byreducingthedemandforpetroleumfuels.”
“AsMarines,weneverknowwherewewill besentnext,”saidMorales “Weneedtohave theexperienceofworkinginothernationsin ordertobetterexecutethemission.” 462-2792
Electrificationmaybeenteringtherealmof tacticalvehicles butitwillbequitesometime before Marine Corps vehicles ever become fullyelectric.
Petway added that petroleum fuels will have to remain a part of tactical vehicles for sometimebecauseoftheirimmediatebene fits on the battlefield. Specifically, Petway cited the time to refuel when compared to electric
“A part of RSO&I was the receiving and offloadingofMarinevessels,equipment,and the supporting movement to the Logistical Support Area for staging of the equipment, to include the receiving and processing of personnelwhenarriving,”saidLackey.
Lithium-ion batteries are currently an automotive industry favorite due to their ability to charge quickly when compared to otherrechargeablebatteries Forthisreason, lithium-ionbatteriesarebeingusedinmany LVSRsacrosstheFleetMarineForce.
Marine Corps Forces Central Command
Currently, the innovative fuel savings and efficiencyeffortsfallunderseveralendeavors Thesesolutionsincludesoftwaremodifica tionstotheMediumTacticalVehicleReplace ment and retrofitting anti-idle rechargeable battery technology into the heavy Logistics Vehicle System Replacements Additionally, Systems Command is looking into ways to incorporate hybrid technology into future tacticalvehiclessuchastheplannedMedium Tactical Truck—the future successor to the MTVR.
Although some critics have expressed concernsovertheefficacyofEVtechnologies, Marine Corps experts and engineers have signaled that planned modifications will not affectthefleets’performanceinanyway,stat inginsteadthattheinnovationscouldactually enhancecombatreadiness
ment and employment of forces It is the process of transforming arriving personnel and material into a mission capable force throughoutanarea.Itisanenablingcapabil itythathelpskeeptheMarineCorpsrespon sivearoundtheworld
MTVRs and LVSRs are routinely used to carry heavy loads across vast distances However,upondeliveringtheircargo drivers oftenleavetheengineidlinginordertorunair conditioning and other necessary electronic componentssuchasradios
“Tactical vehicle electrification, initially through hybrid electric technology has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emis sions but it should also provide significant operational capability,” Deputy Secretary of DefenseDr KathleenHicksstatedduringher Nov.2021remarksatWayneStateUniversity
Parady further explained that another factor prohibiting the total electrification of theMarineCorps’vehicularfleetisthetacticalneedforMarinestofordinwater.
By1StLt IsaacLamberth Marine Corps Systems Command
MTVRatSystemsCommand. Oneissuethathasalreadybeenaddressed isvehicularefficiencywhileidling.
When someone hears the word ‘Marine’, they picture the professional renowned Dress Blue Uniforms, and the men and women who embody the core values of honor,courage,andcommitment.Whothey envision, are the Marines with the Marine CorpsCeremonialPlatoons.
NAVAL STATION EVERETT Wash. The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSSMomsen(DDG92),assigned to Carrier Strike Group Three, returned to Naval Station Everett, Sept. 6, following a seven-month deployment to U.S. 3rd, 5th, and 7th Fleets Momsen departed Everett Feb. 7 to support maritime security and enhance regional stability in the Indo-Pacific. Momsen conducted independent operations in and around the South China Sea, participating in cooperative deployments strengthening relationships with partner
An integral part of U.S. Pacific Fleet U.S. 3rdFleetleadsnavalforcesintheIndo-Pacific and provides the realistic, relevant trainingnecessarytoflawlesslyexecuteour Navy’sroleacrossthefullspectrumofmilitaryoperations—fromcombatoperationsto humanitarianassistanceanddisasterrelief U.S.3rdFleetworkstogetherwithourallies and partners to advance freedom of navi gation,theruleoflaw,andotherprinciples thatunderpinsecurityfortheIndo-Pacific region.
themalltogether,”saidAnthony,“Itteaches them the honor it is to be a Marine and to carryourselveshigh, hecontinued Thepositionrequirescountlessuniform inspections and many hours of practice, making sure every step and every drill movement is perfect.
Marines of the Crossroads-Lance Cpl. Christian Anthony, Ceremonial Platoon
ByCpl.AndrewHerwig Marine Corps Base Quantico
Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Momsen (DDG 92),assigned to CarrierStrike GroupThree arrives in Naval Station a deployment
From ceremonies to airshows there are a variety of events for the Marines to engage with the Baltimore community “Iampersonallyexcitedforthecommu nity relation events,” Fairman continues, “I enjoy community service because I get involved with the people around me It is an extra opportunity to lend a hand and I look forward to giving back to Baltimore.”
Lance Cpl. Christian Anthony, a native of Branchburg, New Jersey, enlisted in the Marine Corps in November 2020 as a V-22 aviation airframe mechanic. Little did he know,hisfirstdutystationatMarineCorps BaseQuanticohaddifferentplansforhim AnthonyarrivedreadytoworkatQuanti co’spristineNationalMuseumoftheMarine

“Wewanttomakethefuneralslookgood forthefamilies,”saidAnthony,“Sothereisa lotoftrainingthatwedotogetinsyncwith eachotherinorderforthefuneralstocome together and look good.”
USS Momsen returns to homeport

WhileoperatinginsupportofCombined Task Force (CTF) 150 counter-narcotics operations, Momsen worked in coordi nation with the U.S. Coast Guard, seizing 640kilogramsofmethamphetamineworth $39 million from a fishing vessel while patrolling international waters in the Gulf
“We don’t often get to hear the stories about the fallen Marines,” said Anthony, “But he told us the whole life story of this Marine.”
ingallies Theseeffortsincludedabi-lateral exercisesfocusedonincreasinginteroperabilitywiththeIndianNavy’sguided-missile frigate INS Trishul (F 43).
Emirates The exercise focused on mari time security operations mine counter measures and harbor defense The event included a medical team embarkation, demonstratingthecapabilitiesofshipboard medicine for UAE officials, and a morale building sporting event between the two nations
sailors with Expeditionary Strike Group 2 transferred Joint Light Tactical Vehicles andHigh Mobility MultipurposeWheeled VehiclestotheUSSCarterHallbyutilizing a LCAC. The vehicles were transported to the USS Carter Hall to be showcased on static displays during Maryland Fleet Week&FlyoverBaltimore2022.Thecohesion between the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy’scapabilitiestocompletethemission gave the Marines a new perspective.
Fleet Week Baltimore 22 U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.DevinT.Fairman,a MarineAir-GroundTaskForce planning specialistwith Fleet Marine Force,Atlantic,Marine Forces Command,Marine Forces Northern Command, watches the USS CarterHall (LSD 50) embarkfrom Naval Station Norfolk,Virginia,Sept 6, 2022 Maryland FleetWeek& FlyoverBaltimore is an annual public event that celebrates the contributions ofthe U.S.sea services and maritime capabilities from the U.S.Marine Corps, U.S.Navyand U.S.Coast Guard.More than 2,300 service members participated in Maryland FleetWeek& FlyoverBaltimore 2022 engaging and assistingwith ship tours,live bands and static equipment displays (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL ANGELALVARADO) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 3
For the next week, Marines and Sailors will be actively involved in Baltimore’s harbors Scheduled physical training events, ship tours, and community service will be conducted by the service members as they showcase their capabilities and give back to the city
“There’s a saying which goes ‘on land machineservesman,butatsea,manserves machine.’ Fairman remarks, “While on ship I have seen that a lot, every sailor has a job to keep the ship afloat.”
Underway to
to the U.S.3rd,5th and 7th Fleets in support ofa free and open Indo-Pacific.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSETHANSOTO)
of Oman.
Everett,Washington,Sept 6,following
The MCB Quantico Ceremonial Platoon conducts funeral and color guard details to include on and off base ceremonies and events They are not your typical Marine Corpsunit;thistemporarydutyassignment allowsMarinesfromanyunitacrossthebase tovolunteer.
Ceremonial Platoon has provided opportunities for Anthony to meet inspir ing people At one funeral detail, he met and spoke with retired Col Harvey C. Barnum Jr., a Medal of Honor recipi ent, who had served alongside the fallen Marine, in Vietnam.
Marine Force Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, Marine Forces Northern Command USS CARTER HALL, Chesapeake Bay U.S. Marines and Sailors boarded the USS Carter Hall (LSD 50) in Naval Station Norfolk,Virginia,onSept.6,2022.TheU.S. maritime services embarked for two days to Maryland Fleet Week & Flyover Balti more. Maryland Fleet Week & Flyover Baltimore is an annual public event that celebrates the contributions of the U.S. sea services and maritime capabilities from the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, and Coast Guard. Over 2,300 service members participated in Maryland Fleet Week & Flyover Baltimore 2022 engaging and assisting with ship tours, live bands, and static equipment displays
“I didn’t really know what it was at the time,” said Anthony, “But I’m always up for newopportunities.”
Momsen made a historic port visit to Goa, India, April 23 The scheduled port callincludedashipvisitandtourbyIndian Navyofficialsaspartofcontinuedeffortsto establishpartnershipsandenhancecooper ationbetweenthenations Thevisitfocused on aviation capabilities and the impact on the nations’ longstanding relationship In the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations, Momsen participated in exercise Iron Defender 2022, an annual bilateral train ingeventbetweenU.S.NavalForcesCentral
Devin T. Fairman, a Marine native of Sanford, North Carolina, gives a personal account of his experiences so far “I have never been on a ship before…,” Fairman continues, “...and it gives you a lot of perspective of what the U.S. Navy does For example there was a Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) that came onto the ship only an hour ortwo ago and it showed me how those operations are conducted and the capabilities of the ship.”
Corps There he provided Marine Corps history informationandfactstoguests,and became well versed in the game of Q&A Anthony’s leadership took notice in him, and he was asked if he would be interested in joining the MCB Quantico Ceremonial Platoon.
Air-GroundTaskForceplanningspecialist with Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, Marine Forces Command, Marine Forces North ern Command, and
Anthony never thought he would be a part of something like the Ceremonial Platoon. However, he is always eager for new opportunities and the chance to be a part of something different Through this experience,Anthonynowunderstandsthe weight in which the Ceremonial Platoon bears “The Ceremonial Platoon is important because it carries the legacy, and it shows thegratitudethattheMarineCorpshasfor fallen Marines and their families.”
As the USS Carter Hall sails closer to port, the Marines and sailors discuss what events they look forward to during Mary landFleetWeek&FlyoverBaltimore2022.
AnthonyhasenjoyedlisteningtoMarines whohavewalkedbeforehim hearingtheir storiesandlearningfromtheirexperiences
While underway in the Chesapeake Bay,
“It pulls Marines from a wide variety of militaryoccupationalspecialtiesandbrings
ByLanceCpl AngelAlvarado
PREDATOR’S RUN is an early step in 1st Brigade’s ongo ing integration into littoral combat, a skill set the Marine Corps is excited to help with.
Finishing up their OMSI patrol in late August, Oakland operated alongside the
“Our primary objective is to enhance combined arms integration with our Australian allies, said GCE commander Lt Col. Tyler Holt, while preparing to lead his Marines and Sailors into the exercise “PREDATOR’S RUN provides us that opportunity and our Marines and Sailors are excited to build even more proficiency
“Itwasan exciting andinteresting experience to train alongside the Australians during PREDATOR’S RUN, especially their tanks,” offered Sgt. Anfernee Richardson,asquadleaderwith3⁄7whostepped up as a platoon sergeant for the exercise “The Australians brought their weapon systems to the fight, and we brought ours,
Forquestionsregardingthisstory,please contact the Marine Rotational Force Darwin media inquiry email address at Imagery from this rotation and previous can be found at
through September 2022.
U.S.CoastGuard adetachmentfromHeli copter Maritime Strike Squadron 35, and partnersthroughouttheregiontosuppress illicitmaritimeactivitieslikeillegal,unreg ulated, unreported fishing and transna tional crime
with 1st Brigade.”
ByCapt JosephDipietro Marine Rotational Force Darwin
Another unique aspect for the MRF-D infantry was the chance to train alongside main battle tanks. The ADF supported PREDATOR’S RUN with elements of the 1st Armoured Regiment, including M1A1 Abrams,thetankMarinesusedtosuppress anddestroyenemypositionsinthehistoric battle of Fallujah and across the Middle East in operations IRAQI FREEDOM and ENDURING FREEDOM.
In addition to the Australians, PREDATOR’S RUN offered MRF-D the chance to train alongside Philippine and Malaysian soldiers, further increasing the interna tional interaction of the deployment. Both the Philippines and Malaysia are support ing exercise PITCH BLACK alongside the MRF-D aviation combat element, but MRF-D greatly enjoyed getting into the details of combined maneuver alongside our regional allies and partners
Littoral combat ships conduct Joint Oceania Maritime Support Initiative Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Oakland (LCS 24) stations behind a fishingvesselwhileTactical LawEnforcementTeam Pacific Coast Guardsmen conduct an Oceania Maritime Support Initiative (OMSI)vessel compliance boarding Aug.19 2022 Oakland is deployed in support ofthe Oceania Maritime Support Initiative,a secretaryofdefense program leveraging Department ofDefense assets transiting the region to increase the Coast Guard’s maritime domain awareness,and lawenforcement operations in Oceania. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSIANZAGROCKI) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022
“This exercise represents a shift back to warfighting for us after a lot of support to domestic operations, so it is a great opportunity and we’re lucky to have our Marine teammates at our side,” said ADF Maj. Anthony Purdy, the operations offi cer for the Australian 1st Brigade, while briefing 1st Marine Division Command
An integral part of U.S. Pacific Fleet, U.S. 3rd Fleet operates naval forces in the Indo-Pacificinadditiontoprovidingrealis ticandrelevanttrainingacrossthefullspec trumofmilitaryoperations fromcombat operations to humanitarian assistance and disasterrelief U.S.3rdFleetworksinclose coordination with other numbered Fleets toprovidecommanderswithcapable ready forcestodeployforwardandwininday-to day competition, in crisis, and in conflict.
PREDATOR’S RUN offered a unique training opportunity to MRF-D in many ways The exercise simulated a littoral combat scenario, similar to 1st Marine Division’s STEEL KNIGHT, where training areas represented key terrain in an archipelagic environment.
DARWIN, Australia. The Marine Rotational Force-Darwin 22 ground combat element, led by 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, participated in exercise PREDATOR’S RUN, integrating into the Australian Defence Force’s 1st Brigade to enhancecombinedandlittoralcapabilities in a simulated combat environment from August 20-27

MRF-D 22 ground combat element integrates into 1st Brigade to enhance combined littoral lethality maritime domain awareness, ultimately supporting regional stability and partnerships in Oceania “The joint Navy and Coast Guard OMSI mission capitalizes on the agility and missionadaptabilityLCSwasdesignedfor,” said Cmdr Derek Jaskowiak, command ingofficerofOakland.“Itisourprivilegeto support our partner nations through pres ence in Oceania and to ensure continued security, stability, and prosperity throughout the region.”
and it was great to integrate those into the same team to increase our effectiveness and lethality.”
“Partnering with the U.S. Navy in support of the OMSI mission enables the Coast Guard to extend our reach into and throughout Oceania as the tyranny of distance when operating in the Pacific is exceptionally vast,” said Lt C.K. Williams, chief intelligence officer of USCG Sector Honolulu.

ing General, Maj. Gen. Benjamin Watson during his recent visit.
U.S.Marineswith Marine Rotational Force-Darwin 22 andAustralianArmysoldiers secure an objective during exercise Predator’s Run 22 at Mount BundeyTrainingArea NT Australia,Aug.27 2022 Predator’s Run 22 is a multinational exercise that simulates littoral combined arms maneuverin a large-scale force-on-force environment (U.S MARINECORPSPHOTOBYCPL.CAMERON HERMANET) ByCommander,LittoralCombatShip SquadronOnePublicAffairsOffice PACIFICOCEAN Independence-vari antlittoralcombatshipsUSSJackson(LCS 6) and USS Oakland (LCS 24) deployed to the Oceania region with embarked U.S. Coast GuardPacificTactical Law Enforce ment Team detachments to conduct maritime law enforcement operations in support of U.S. and Pacific Island nations fisheries laws, August 2022. TheOceaniaMaritimeSupportInitiative (OMSI) is a Secretary of Defense program that leverages Department of Defense assets transiting the region to improve maritime security and
@reallygreatsite Active Duty Sailors and Marines may be eligible fora Quick Assist Loan (QAL) for an unexpected financial situation. Interest Free Loan Up to $1000 No Application Fee No Appointment Required About 15 Minute Processing Time Must Apply in Person Please call your local Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society office to verify eligibility. Norfolk -757.322.1171 LittleCreek -757.462.1596 Oceana -757.433.3383 Portsmouth -757.953.5956 www| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, September 15, 2022 5

First LadyDr Jill Biden delivers speakerduring

President ofFamilies for Flight 93 presents a flag on behalfofthe National ParkService to Personnel Specialist Seaman ThomasTran,assigned to amphibious transport dockship USS Somerset (LPD 25). 6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022

Continued: USS Somerset visits namesake to honor 9/11 PHOTOSBYPETTYOFFICER1STCLASSBENJAMINDOBBS NAVYTALENTACQUISITIONGROUP(NTAG)PITTSBURGH Shankville,Pa (Sept.11,2022) TheU.S.Navysent22SailorsfromtheamphibioustransportdockshipUSSSomer set (LPD 25) to Somerset County for a multi-day trip to attend the observance, and serve in a uniformed capacity as escorts, honoring the families of the 40 passengers and crew that perished on Flight 93 USS Somerset person nelparticipatedinvariousserviceandengagementCommunityRelationsprojects(COMRELs)duringtheirtrip. First LadyDr Jill Biden takes a photowith Sailors from the amphibious transport dockship USS Somerset (LPD 25),and NavyTalentAcquisition Group (NTAG) Pittsburgh during the 21st anniversaryof9/11 at the Flight 93 National Memorial.

Gordon Felt brotherofFlight passengerEdward PorterFelt and

remarks as the keynote
speakswith Sailors from the amphibious transport dockship USS Somerset (LPD 25) at theWall ofNames during the 21st anniversaryof9/11 at the Flight 93 National Memorial.
the the 21st observance of9/11 at the Flight 93 National Memorial.

First LadyDr Jill Biden lays awreath at theWall ofNames at the Flight 93 National Memorial on the 21st anniversaryof9/11.Biden provided remarks as the keynote speakerforthe event LadyDr Jill Biden

www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 7
AN EMERGENCY. Take pictures of your important documents forinsurance. Formoretips visit

Court,speaks to U.S.service members during a naturalization ceremonyaboard USS Constitution. U.S NavyCmdr Bille Farrell,commanding officerofUSS Constitution,speaks at a naturalization ceremonyaboard the ship 8 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 15, 2022
Richard G.Stearns,DistrictJudge,U.S.District
U.S. service members become U.S. citizens aboard USS Constitution U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYAIRMANAUSTINJEAN/RELEASED BOSTON(Sept.12,2022) USSConstitution,istheworld’soldestcommissionedwarshipafloat,andplayedacrucialrole in the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812, actively defending sea lanes from 1797 to 1855 During normal operations, the active-dutySailorsstationedaboardUSSConstitutionprovidefreetoursandofferpublicvisitationtomorethan600,000 peopleayearastheysupporttheship’smissionofpromotingtheNavy’shistoryandmaritimeheritageandraisingawarenessoftheimportanceofasustainednavalpresence USSConstitutionwasundefeatedinbattleanddestroyedorcaptured 33opponents TheshipearnedthenicknameofOldIronsidesduringthewarof1812whenBritishcannonballswereseen bouncingofftheship’swoodenhull US service members,swearthe Oath ofAllegiance and officiallybecomes a U.S.citizens during a naturalization ceremonyaboard USS Constitution. US NavySeamen Martienne Cabatingan,from Cebu City,Philippines,swears the Oath of Allegiance and officiallybecomes a U.S.citizen during a naturalization ceremonyaboard USS Constitution. U.S.service members swearthe Oath ofAllegiance during a naturalization ceremonyaboard USS Constitution.

AboutTheAdventureParkatVirginia Aquarium
tiers and
Gardens and Water
Best known forourchallenginglyfun low-rope and high-rope courses,plus ourgravity-defyingziplines,ouraerial adventure parkatVirginia Beach is the perfect place fora fun and exciting day.
“Fall is a wonderful time to visit The AdventurePark,”saidDarleneZimble,Park Manager ”Theleavesarechanging,andthe air is crisp there’s no better way to expe rience the feeling of autumn in Virginia Beach.”
discounts and exclusive Member events Plus,BuschGardensMemberswill be
areas lazy rivers and a
FallFestival FridayOct.14&SaturdayOct 15:
Ma nufac turedbyIntamin Wo rldwide, Busch Gardens’ newest family thrill is a steel coaster design with four launches and over 1,400 feet of track.Riderswillexperienceatotalof2,454 feetoftrack.
you can experience your favorite ziplines and climb from tree-to-tree on high ropes covered in fairy lights and multi-colored LED lights.We’ve transformed our outdoor aerial adventure park into a land of dreams with our nighttimethemed events.You can nowzipline through the trees and climb our ropes courses with LED lights plus fairy lights to give it an extra magical glow.To top it off we’ll blast the fantastic music to complete the fun. www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 1

The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquar iumwillofferGlowinthePark,itssignature nighttime event, on Fridays and Saturdays throughNovember5,2022 GlowinthePark isauniquewaytoexperiencetheParkwith ziplining and climbing through an illumi natedforesttohighenergymusic.
Halloween FridayOct 28:HauntedHalloween, recommendedforages12+ SaturdayOct.29:Halloween
FridayOct 7&SaturdayOct.8:
WILLIAMSBURG, Va DarKoaster™, theworld’sfirstall-indoorstraddlecoaster, will open in 2023 at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The new attraction is the park’stenthcoasterandanunprecedented family-friendlyadditiontoBuschGardens’ thrill ride portfolio The new coaster will be housed in the iconic Curse of DarKas tle building, paying homage to the previousridewithsubtlethemingnodsforloyal park fans
Escape the storm on the ALL-NEW DarKoaster™, the world’s first all-indoor straddlecoaster launchingin2023atBusch GardensWilliamsburg.Travelingonsnowmobiles across 2,454 feet of track, daring explorersracethroughtotaldarknesswhile changing course to avoid the elements As the weather strikes, riders encounter four accelerating launches and speed through the storm on this family-friendly dark ride experience
Autumn in the trees at The Adventure Park makes the perfect fall outing

VIRGINIA BEACH Va The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium the area’s largestziplineandclimbingadventureexpe rience,announcestheirscheduleofautumn themedeventsfor2022.
TheAdventureParkatVirginiaAquarium is open to the general public and is located justminutesfromtheBoardwalk,onacresof forestonthegroundsoftheVirginiaAquar iumandMarineScienceCenter Theaddress is 801 General Booth Boulevard in Virginia Beach. Walk ins are welcome on a space available basis but guests are encouraged to book ahead on the Park’s website or by calling757-385-4947.
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KingLudwig’sabandonedfortressresurfacesasstrangeweatherpatternshavebeen recorded near the cursed castle grounds Only the bravest souls will embark on snowmobiles in this dark expedition to discover the mysterious phenomenon A supernaturalforceisimminentasexplorers discover that they are evading more than just a raging storm.
USA® Memberships
At GlowintheParkVirginiaBeach
The17trailsatTheAdventureParkconsist of258variouschallengesinthetrees includ ing bridges, tightropes ladders and 31 ziplines.Thelongestziplineruns315feetand crossesOwlsCreekforaspectacularview
“DarKoasterwillbeanexcitingandunique addition to our world class lineup of coasters,” said Kevin Lembke, Busch Gardens
EachGlowintheParkeventhasaunique theme from70s 80sand90stoCountry Top 40andMovieThemes.InOctober,thePark willofferthefollowingscheduleofautumnthemedevents:
or come for a daytime adventure,” said Ms. Zimble,“you’llbesuretoenjoythebirds-eye viewoftheleaveschanging.”
DarKoaster, the World’s First All-Indoor Straddle Coaster, Debuts in 2023 at Busch Gardens Williamsburg INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Creamy Spinach, Mushroom and Lasagna Soup All the comforting flavors oflasagnawith lesswork!Topwith ricotta and a sprinkle of mozzarella you’ve gotyourselfa delicious, nutritiousweeknight meal! PageC4

Williamsburg Park President “As an indoor attr actio n, Da rK oas te r complements our collection of thrill rides andoffersanew experience to enjoy through out the year Plus, with only a48-inchheight requirement, DarKoaster is a ride for the whole family to conquer together.”
water slides kids’
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Tickets for Glow in the Park and all the Park’s activities, are available on the Park’s website, Participants may choose day or evening timeslots
Halloween FridayOct 21andSaturdayOct.22:
sion, FREE parking FREE guest tickets in-park among the to DarKoaster in 2023!
Membership is organized in easy-to-use includes one-park and two-park Busch Country Busch Garden’s sister park, Water Country USA, is a seasonal water park with over 40 state-of-the-art play
Participants wear harnesses with clips that connect to the trail’s safety system, ensuring that they are always locked on to the course until they reach the end. The maintrailsaredesignedforages5toadult Non-climbing participants are admitted freeofchargetosharetheexperienceonthe groundandenjoytheproperty’snaturetrails andpicnictables
Busch Gardens is launching another incredible year for Membership as the BEST VALUE annual theme park pass in Virginia with monthly rewards and amaz ingbenefits rangingfromunlimitedadmis
Wishes for twoleukemia survivors granted at ODUfootball game anddessertvendors,FairyHairbyChelsea,andartactivitiesforallages. This eventisfree andopentothepublic.Donationsatthedoorareencouraged.
PressRelease TheHermitageMuseum&Gardens’annualHermitageHandmadeFestivalreturns!Joinus onSaturday,September17thfrom11-4pmtoshopforartsandcraftshandmadeby85+artists. Plus,enjoylivemusiconthebackpatiobyPeeptheDJ,guidedtoursandscavengerhunts,food

As apre-festival event, Suffolk Festivals Inc., is hosting the firstSuffolk Peanut Fest Golf Tournament at SleepyHole Golf Course on Thursday, September 29,2022. Proceedsfromthistournamentwillbenefit theTunneltoTowersFoundation.Tolearn moreabout this golf tournament and all festival activities,gotoSuffolkPeanutFest. coom. Additional inquiries maybemade bycallingtheFestivalofficeat757.539.6751.
NORFOLK,Va.–OnSept.2,2022,during the ODUvs. Virginia Tech football game, twochildhood leukemia survivors,Foster Jones(center)andCameron Gular(behind Foster), learned duringthe ESPNUbroad castthattheirsharedwishwouldcometrue thanks to fundsgiven from the Chartway Promise Foundation. Cheerleaders and mascots from both teams joinedChartway, itscharitablefoundationandToby’sDream Foundationfortheon-fieldforthebigreveal Their hoped-for triptoDisneyWorld with theirfamilieswillcometrueforthetwobest buddieslaterthisyear

ber 7, hours for the Suffolk Peanut Fest are 10 am until 10 pm, with the firsttwo hours of the daydesignated as “Kiddie Day,” allowing free admission for until
The 44thAnnual Suffolk Peanut Fest is October 6-9, 2022. General admission is $10per person; Children 10 &under are free.CarloadNight is Thursday, Octo ber 6, admission is FREE. Purchaseupto eightall-you-can-ride wristbands for $50 (Carload Night only). Military Appreci ation DayisSunday, October 9(½ price admission for active, retired military and activefirstresponders). $30 per person all-you-can-ridewristbands areavailable on Sunday, October 9. Parkingisfree. For moreinformation about Suffolk Peanut Fest and associated concerts,events and games, log onto or contactSuffolkFestivals at 757.539.6751. Sponsorship,vendor and exhibitor opportuni ties available
noon. 9/11
SHOP Fromover85artists! LEARN •FreeadmissiontotheRobertoLugo:PotterywithPurposeexhibition •GuidedtoursoftheHermitageMuseumandSloaneCollection •Kidsscavengerhunts EAT •HadesWoodFiredOven •Yolees’G-Dawgz •Joysicles CREATE •LilTruckofTools:apop-upcreativespaceformaking,learning, experimentation,andplay •Designandcreateaone-of-a-kindRobertoLugoinspiredmagnet Complimentaryshuttle service is availableatthree satellite parking loca tions: WHRO(5200 Hampton Blvd), LarchmontLibrary (6525 Hampton Blvd), and SecondPresbyterian Church (7305 Hampton Blvd). Shuttlestops at all three satellite parking locations during event and drops off at the Hermitage Museum front gate.Pick up and arrival times will vary based on rider volumeand demand No on-site parking is available.Alimited number of disabled parking spots will be availableacrossfromthefrontgate.Amplestreetparkingisalsoavailableintheneighbor hood.Whenparkingintheneighborhood,pleasebesuretoobserveallparkingsignage, park legally,and ensure that your vehicleisnot blocking drivewaysand walkways. Well-behaveddogsonleashesarepermitted.RaindateSunday,September25 This Saturday! 7th Annual Hermitage Handmade Festival 2 The Flagship |www|Section 3| Thursday, September 15, 2022 Tunnel toTowers Foundation’s9/11NeverForget Mobile Exhibit
NeverForget Mobile Exhibit,families can enjoyspecial activities geared towardsyoung children from until noon.

In addition to the
SUFFOLK,Va. —Suffolk Festivals, Inc., is proud to honorthe fallenheroes of September11, 2001,byhosting the Tunnel to Towers Foundation’s9/11Never Forget MobileExhibitthroughoutthe44thAnnual SuffolkPeanutFest,October6-9,2022.Held at the Suffolk Executive Airport, the fourdayfamily festival will feature the83-foot tractor-trailerthattransformsintoan1,100 square-foot exhibit featuringWorld Trade Center Steel, aluminum façade from the buildings,radio transmissions from first responders,and items foundinthe rubble after theTwin Towers collapsed.This unique mobile exhibitserves to honor and preservethelegaciesofthefirstresponders who losttheir lives on September 11, 2001. Accompanied by regional firstresponders and patriotic groups,the 9/11 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit will begin its jour neytothefestivalsiteat9:30amonFriday, October7.OriginatingattheHiltonGarden Inn Suffolk Riverfront, the procession will maneuver through historic Downtown SuffolkviaNorthMainStreetandcontinuing along Carolina Road beforearriving at theSuffolkExecutiveAirport.Friday,Octo
2022Suffolk Peanut Fest to recognize 21stanniversary of 9/11
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomessubmissions from ourreadersonline. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
World Heavyweight
NWA World Heavyweight Champion TrevorMurdochretainedhistitleinavery hardfoughtmatchagainstNWATVCham-
Y: How did the opportunity to work for theWWEhappen?Whatdoyouremember aboutyourfirstday?
What about the flora? A major overhaul of the landscaping and treescape will also take place Undyed, hardwood mulch will create a natural appearance and more than 60 plants of nearly a dozen species will embellish the tranquil space Some plants will include Creeping Jenny, Nancy RevengeElephantEar,AutumnJoySedum, St John’s Wort and Big Blue Salvia.
Turtle Oasis is a science and conservation based outdoor habitat, focusing on the rescue, care and research of freshwater turtles that need our help. It will be nation allyrecognizedtheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums as part of the Virginia Zoo’s ongoingconservationeffortsandanofficial AZA SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction)Program.
species that will benefit from Turtle Oasis Both bog and spotted turtles are similar in appearance The bog turtle is the smallest species of turtle in North America, weigh ing about 3.9 ounces on average Its skin and shell are typically dark brown, with a distinctive orange spot on each side of the neck. The spotted turtle grows to 1.4 4.9 inches in length and is grayish black with smallyellowspots
murdoch-talks-nwa-74-ppv-this-weekend/ article_5e5f8582-23eb-11ed-8928-53ceae ca7fcb.html
TrevorvsTyrus at the Chase NWA74 (Photo FromTrevorMurdoch’s private collection-NWA)
Historical photo ofthe Zoo’seal pool (VIRGINIAZOO)

The Virginia Zoo has broken ground on a brand-new habitat that puts its conservation efforts front and center.
A “U” shaped visitor pier will be built over the pools and streams, boulders and rocks will create natural barriers between eightfreshwaterhabitats Aquaticandland vegetationwillbeaddedtosoftenthehabi tats and make them more turtle friendly The pools and bogs are low-maintenance and more importantly, low-waste, built with eco-friendly and long-lasting mate rials to ensure a long lifespan. The habi tatswillalsoincludesoftsoilandmudareas so that the turtles will be able to hibernate during the winter season.
What will happen here? Turtle Oasis focuses on the rescue, care, study, and, if necessary, rehabilitation of US Fish and Wildlifeconfiscatedbogandspottedturtles. Additional species may also benefit if the habitats appear suitable These species are endangered due to habitat loss and the pet trade (it is illegal for private individuals to maintain either of these species). Visitors will be able to see these unique species on a pier that extends over pond and stream watersystems.
Howcanwesupporttheproject?This project includes partnerships with the US Fish and Wildlife Virginia Wesleyan University freshwater bog and wetland experts and turtle scientists from the Turtle Survival Alliance If you are as big a turtle fan as we are, you can help support theprojectbydonatingtoActForWildlife
Harley Race stories, NWA, WWE Championships and more, Part II
Where can we find it? Turtle Oasis involves the renovation of the Zoo’s histor ical sea lion exhibit which opened in 1954 The exhibit was very popular with visitors
Who are the inhabitants? Bog turtles andspottedturtlesarejusttwoofthemany
pion Tyrus Go to https://www.national for a full report, to watch the PPV on fitetv and all the up to dateinformationinvolvingtheNWA,fitetv andyoutubeTVshowsNWAPowerr,NWA USA and their next PPV Hard Times in November
TurntoNWA, Page 8 www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 3
When can we visit Turtle Oasis? We have already began construction! Privacy fences will be in place due to the nature of the construction, but we will be posting regular updates to our social media and plantoopenTurtleOasislaterthissummer You can also check out construction prog ress here.
Turtle Oasis is coming soon!
It was a historic night at NWA 74 held at the famous Chase in St Louis Missouri recently. Some of the highlights were: The crowning of new NWA World Tag Team ChampionsLaRebeliónduetoHarrySmith beingunabletoappearbecauseofanillness Asaresult,theCommonwealthConnection was forced to relinquish their belts Hawx Aerie faced La Rebelión, with La Rebelión walkingawaythewinners Therewasalsoa newNWANationalHeavyweightChampion whenCyondefeatedZaxDane

TheTablesMatchbetweenBullyRayand Mike Knox was as wild as it was expected with Bully Ray putting Mike Knox through the table for the win In the main event of night one, NWA Women’s Heavyweight ChampionKamilleretainedhertitleagainst Tynia Valkyrie in an incredible match that couldhavegoneeitherway.Afterthematch, the women’s locker room came out to ring side showing respect and applauding both combatants
Why this location? The historical sea lionpoolistheperfectfoundationtocreate another in-ground system of pools “up cycling” what features were already present Preparation for this project involved a geotechnical investigation to determine soil type, stability of the present struc tures, and substrates The area was found to be suitable for backfilling to create the
properwaterdepthsfornaturalpondsand wetlands to suit each turtle space.
NWA Champion Trevor Murdoch tells more
we had gotten a really bad snowstorm. I’m talkingaboutafootandahalfofsnowonthe ground.Ihadalittlebitoffood,verylittlein therefrigerator,nocable,completelyunpre pared for the storm. I’m there for two days alltheroadsareunploud,icyandundrivable IcalledHarley,describedwhatwasgoingon and that I could not get out of my driveway and I didn’t know what I was going to do Without hesitation he said, “I’ll be there in 20minutestogetyou.”Itriedtotalkhimout ofitdescribinghowbadtheroadswereand tonotputhimselfinjeopardy Hedrovethat excursion up and down these hills, picked me up risked his life took me to his house andthenextthreedays hiswifeBJGodlove her cooked me breakfast lunch and dinner and did everything possible to make me feel comfortable in her home. That’s who Harley was, I was one of his guys He was veryspecialtome Iwalkedintothatschool thinkingI’mgettingwrestlinglessons What I learned was not only how to be a good wrestler but also a good man and how to stand up for myself and to know my worth Iwaslostintheworld tryingtofindmyway andhewasalwayspointingtheway.
If you missed Part I of our interview with Trevor Murdoch, you can read it here. norfolk-navy-flagship/community/ current-national-wrestling-allianceworld-heavyweight-champion-trevor
In night two, a 12 team battle royal was held with The Fixers becoming the new United States Tag Team Champions when theyeliminatedTeamAmbition.Therewere also famed NWA legends and former NWA World Heavyweight Champions Tommy “Wildfire” Rich, Barry Windham who addressedthecrowdandfamedmanagerof TheFourHorsemenJJDillonwhospokeas well. The legendary “The Perfect 10” Baby Dollwasthereaswell,managingherdaugh terSamanthaStarr.
What is a SAFE program? AZA SAFE focuses the collective expertise within AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums and leverages that visitor audience, which is more than 200 million strong, to help save animal species that need immediate atten tion. Since the SAFE program’s inception, nearly 30 species have been identified as part of this initiative and institutions work together alongside their partners to help savetheseanimals TurtleOasiswillprovide conservation education making visitors aware of these turtle species, which live in unique and shrinking freshwater wetland habitats, and how protecting wild habitats benefitsusall.
Executive DirectorGreg Bockheim sits in the pool shortlybefore construction began (VIRGINIAZOO)

And now Part II of our interview with Trevor Yiorgo: Tell us more about your great relationshipwiththegreateighttimeNWA WorldHeavyweightChampionHarleyRace Trevor Murdoch: As hard as Harley pushed in the ring, he was just as compassionate and loving outside of the ring I lived out here by the lake, a lot of hill country and I remember one time specifically,
until the early 1990s when the last sea lion passed away and the area was closed. The siteislocatedjustpasttheZoo’smainpond, and across from Run Wild: Nature DiscoveryZone.
TM: I had been up to WWE 8-9 times for tryouts. One time I was a security guy, another time I was a security guy for Kane when he was coming out of the ambulance and I had to unlock his chains I did all kindsofstufftogetthatopportunity Harley would say, “This is Trevor Murdoch, this is my guy.” And then it was up to me to prove
Blended Pasta Sauce 2tablespoonsextra-virginoliveoil 1mediumyellowonion,finelychopped 3garliccloves,minced 1poundmushrooms(suchaswhite button,criminiorportabella),finely chopped 1pound80%leangroundbeef 1tablespoonItalianseasoning 1teaspoonkoshersalt 1jar(24ounces)marinarasauce cookedpasta salt,totaste pepper,totaste gratedParmesancheese Inlargepotovermediumheat,addoiland cook onions, stirring occasionally until just soft, about 3 minutes Add garlic and cook 1minute Add mushrooms and cook 5 minutes, or untilmushroomsaresoftandreducedinsize Add ground beef, Italian seasoning and salt; cook until browned throughout, about 6 minutes, stirring and breaking up lumps. Skimofffat,leavingabout2tablespoons Stir inmarinara sauce and reduce heat to low.Cook10minutes. Serve over cooked pasta, season with salt and pepper, to taste, and top with grated Parmesan. Recipe courtesy of the Mushroom Council Creamy Spinach, Mushroom and Lasagna Soup Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Servings: 4 1tablespoonextra-virginoliveoil 2clovesgarlic,minced 1mediumonion,smalldiced 8ouncesmushrooms,suchaswhite button criminiorportabella,sliced 1jar(24ounces)marinarasauce 1can(15ounces)dicedtomatoes 2tablespoonstomatopaste 2teaspoonsbalsamicvinegar 1teaspoongranulatedsugar 1tablespoondriedbasil ½teaspoonsalt 1teaspoonoregano ½teaspoonblackpepper 1bayleaf 3cupsvegetablebroth 6lasagnanoodles,brokenintopieces ½cupheavycream 5ouncesfreshbabyspinach 1cupwholemilkricotta ½cupshreddedmozzarellacheese, fortopping Heat large pot over medium heat. Add oliveoil,garlic,onionandmushrooms Cook, stirringoccasionally,untilonionsandmush roomssoften,4-5minutes Add marinara, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, vinegar, sugar, basil, salt, oregano, pepper, bay leaf and broth. Bring to boil over high heat then reduce heat to low and simmer Addlasagnanoodlesandcook,stir ringoften,untilsoftened about15minutes. Remove from heat and remove bay leaf Stirinheavycreamandspinachuntilwilted, 2-3minutes. Divide between bowls and top each with dollopofricottaandsprinkleofmozzarella. RecipecourtesyofEmilyWeeks,MS,RD,on behalf of the Mushroom Council A Savory Solution to Stretch Your Grocery Budget

CreamySpinach,Mushroom and Lasagna Soup

Bake 20 minutes until chicken is cooked throughandvegetablesaretender
Serve in individual bowls with chicken androastedvegetablesatopmushroomorzo risotto

In today’s world, grocery shopping can seemmorelikeaburdenthananopportunity to gather supplies for your family’s favorite meals With prices of everyday ingredi ents fluctuating almost daily, it’s important for many families to make their dollars go furtheratthestore.
Easywaystostretchyourgrocerybudget like using versatile ingredients can make thecheckoutexperiencealittlelessimpact ful on your household’s finances Consider thebenefitsofmushrooms,whichprovidea delicious option to enhance flavor in favorite recipes while extending portions in an affordableway.
Stretch your dollars by stretching your meals using a process called “The Blend. Blending finely chopped mushrooms with ground meat can extend portion sizes of your favorite meaty recipes and help your bottom line Chop your favorite mushroom variety to match the consistency of ground meat, blend the chopped mushrooms and meat together then cook to complete the recipe.Forburgers useablendof25%finely choppedmushroomsand75%groundmeat For tacos or chili, use 50% mushrooms and 50%meatoranevenhighermushroom-to meatratio
Or youcan chop, quarter, slice or enjoy them whole in recipeslikeGarlic-RosemaryButterRoasted Chicken Thighs and Veggies with Mush roomOrzoRisotto,CreamySpinach,Mush room and Lasagna Soup or Blended Pasta Saucepairedwithyourfavoritepasta OneCarton,MultipleDishes Thanks to mushrooms’ versatility you can buy one large carton of mushrooms to chop up then bulk up multiple dishes, from amorningomelettoheartysoupstoblended burgers ServeUpNutrition Low-calorie, low-sodium, fat-free and cholesterol-free mushrooms are nutrient rich and can play a starring role in a variety ofmeals Withanarrayoffreshvarietiesand nearly endless ways to prepare them, they can be your powerhouse from the produce department. Findmorerecipeideasandwaystomake the most of your grocery store dollars at Garlic-Rosemary Butter Roasted Chicken Thighs and Veggies with Mushroom Orzo Risotto Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 50 minutes Servings: 4 Chicken: 8boneless,skinlesschickenthighs salt,totaste pepper,totaste 6tablespoonsunsaltedbutter 16ouncesmushrooms suchaswhite button,criminiorportabella,quartered 3zucchinis slicedinhalfmoons 3largecarrots,thinlysliced 4sprigsfreshrosemary,leavesremoved androughlychopped 4clovesgarlic,minced Orzo: 4cupschickenorvegetablebroth 1tablespoonunsaltedbutter 1tablespoonextra-virginoliveoil 1smallyellowonion,diced 2garliccloves,minced 16ouncesmushrooms,suchaswhite button,criminiorportabella,finely chopped 1cupuncookedorzopasta ⅛teaspoonblackpepper ⅓cupwhitewine ⅓cupshreddedParmesancheese Tomakechicken:Preheatovento450F. Pat chicken dry Season with salt and pepper, to taste In large skillet over medi um-high heat, melt butter Sear chicken until brown on both sides, 4-5 minutes on each side
To make orzo: In small pot over medi um-lowheat,warmbroth.
Using skillet from chicken over medium heat, add butter and olive oil. Add onion, garlic and mushrooms Cook, stirring occasionally,untilonionssoften,3-4minutes. Addorzoandblackpepper Stirandcook orzo 2 minutes Add white wine and cook untilevaporated,about1minute.
Addbrothtoorzo,⅔cupatatime,stirring untilliquidisabsorbed.Repeatwithremain ingbroth,waitinguntillastbatchisabsorbed before adding next. Remove from heat and stirinParmesan.
ChickenThighs andVeggieswith Mushroom Orzo Risotto Blended Pasta Sauce 4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, September 15, 2022
RecipecourtesyofEmilyWeeks,MS,RD,on behalf of the Mushroom Council
Inlargebowl,tossmushrooms zucchinis andcarrotswithrosemaryandgarlic.
The savory umami taste of mushrooms meansaflavorfulexperienceinblendedrecipes like burgers, where the chopped mushroomshelpholdinthejuiciness
On large baking sheet, spread vegetables Nestlechickenintovegetables Drizzlewith butterandjuicesfrompan.
Afghanistan Bahrain Djibouti Egypt GulfofAden GulfofOman Iraq Kuwait Oman Qatar Syria UnitedArabEmirates Uzbekistan WatersoftheArabianSea,PersianGulf,
Morethan325,000servicemembersand veteranshavejoinedtheAirborneHazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to date, and recentupdatesexpandeligibilityandmake it easier for service members and veterans to participate.
Your body will still get the same amount of alcohol but just in a delayed fashion. Thiscouldencouragepeopletodrinkmore
ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications
There is never a good time to drink and drive andIstronglydiscourageevenmodest amounts of alcohol and driving But, if you dodrink,takealicensedcarserviceorataxi homeoruseadesignateddriver SeniorAirmanBrandy,Ihopethisanswers yourquestionsaboutdrinkingandcanhelp you understand alcohol’s effects over time soyoudon’tputyourselforothersindanger, or worse For more information, check out the> Alcohol’s Effects on Your Body page at the National Institute for Alcohol Abuse and Prevention or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention page on impaired drivingGoodluck,myfriend,andasalways, takecareofeachotheroutthere!
To check whether you’ve already joined the registry and make additional entries in your profile, visit
If you eat before you drink, it can slow down the absorption of alcohol, but the alcohol still needs to be broken down in your body People who drink on an empty stomach will get drunk faster Food only delays the rate of alcohol getting absorbed into your system.
There is little difference in the rate of alcohol absorption between different types of alcoholic beverages Different types of alcohol have what is called “alco holbyvolume,”orABV,andthismeansthe amountofpureethanol(alcohol)inagiven volume of beverage and click “Get Started” to log in using your DS Logon Level 2 account. Then, to add deployments, click “Next Steps” and “Add New Deployments.”
“These updates are important in that they demonstrate the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairscollectiveresolvetokeepourservice membersandveteransinformedaboutthe registry, support requirements in National Defense Authorization Acts, and support the recently signed Honoring our Prom ise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022,” according to Steve Jones Force Readiness and Health Assur ancePolicydirector “TheDODandtheVA remaincommittedtobetterunderstanding andmitigatingthehealtheffectsofdeployment-related exposures such as airborne hazards and open burn pits.”
What Effects Does Alcohol Have on My Body?

To learn more about the registry, visit’s Airborne Hazards and Open BurnPitRegistrywebpage forabriefvideo fact sheet, FAQs and other informational materials
Hey Doc: A friend of mine recently got pulled over for a DUI. He weighs a good 210 pounds and only had four beers at our company picnic, but he still got pulled over and arrested. Now his license is suspended forsixmonths,he’spayingastifffine,andit impactedhisannualreview Iwanttomake surethatneverhappenstome!What’syour advice? SeniorAirmanBrandy
To view a full list of these conditions pleasevisittheVA’sPublicHealthwebpage; and to learn what the PACT Act means for veterans benefits Please note that partic ipation in the registry will not affect your access to health care or benefits, and it is not related to the VA disability compensation claims process
If you have three or four drinks an hour, you’ll be well above most states’ legal limit. Ifyougetbehindthewheelofacar,truckor motorcycle youcouldgetaDWIorDUI,like your friend did, or you could get into a seri ousaccidentoreveninjureorkillsomeone
Forinstance,a12-ouncebeerisequivalent toonestandarddrink.Beertypicallyhas5% ABV.Astandarddrinkofmaltliquorisabout 7% ABV, but that’s only 8 ounces A stan dard drink of wine is 12% ABV and is only 5 ounces, while a 1.5-ounce whiskey is 40% ABV.Allthoseareequivalenttoonedrink.
Women are going to have a higher blood alcohol level concentration when they drink the same dose of alcohol per body weight. That’s because typically they have less of the enzyme in their stomach that helps to metabolize alcohol. And they also have higher total body fat relative to water concentrationintheirbodies.
because they don’t feel that drunk, which couldbedangerous Amealwillnotprotect youfrombecomingintoxicated.Also,drink ing caffeine has no effect on how your body metabolizesalcohol.Itmightmakeyoufeel more alert, but then you might drink more alcoholandbecomemoreintoxicated.
If you are eligible based on your deploymenthistoryandhavenotyetsignedup,join the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry and encourage your fellow service membersand/orveteranstojoin,too Partic ipationisakeycomponentintakingcontrol ofyourownhealthandsupportingtheDOD and the VA research efforts In fact, regis try data supported VA’s recent decisions to establish service connection for certain conditionsasaresultofpresumedexposure tofineparticulatematter
ThehighertheABV,thelowerthenumber of ounces you can drink that qualify as one standarddrink
How you react to alcohol depends on how much water content you have in your body, your rate of blood flow, and also the kindoftissuemassyouhave Infact,alcohol doesn’t disperse easily, but in water it can passthroughyourbodymoreeffortlessly.
VA Expands Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry Eligibility
In 2014, the VA developed the Airborne HazardsandOpenBurnPitRegistrytohelp service members and veterans document potential exposure to airborne hazards while deployed overseas The registry is a secure database of health information
These regions include the following countries, bodies of water, and airspace above these locations: andRedSea
Additionally, the VA has adjusted the registry’s functionality to enable partici pants to return to the registry portal at any time after initial submission to add deploy ments “This enhancement is especially useful for participants who initially joined while on active duty, and it enables users to create a more complete picture of their exposure history for themselves and their health care providers,” said Dr Eric Shup ing, director of operations, the VA Health OutcomesMilitaryExposures “Weaskthat you wait at least 90 days after your return from deployment to log in and update your registryprofile;thisallowstimefortheDOD deployment information to be cycled into VAdatabases.”
Alcohol use slows reaction time and impairs judgment, which are all skills you needtodriveavehiclesafelyorperformyour dailyduties
DUI’s can be very expensive Generally, theywillcostyouabout$10,000inlegalfees.
If you get a DUI, you also may face the loss ofyourmilitarybenefitsandpensionoreven receiveadishonorabledischarge Thebottomlineisthatdrinkinganddriv ing don’t make sense Be smart and limit yourdrinkingtonomorethantwodrinksin asittingformenandnomorethanonedrink inasittingforwomen.
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 5
Dear Senior Airman Brandy: I’m sorry tohearaboutyourfriend.Soundslikeyou’re looking for information about alcohol’s effects on your body over time, the factors behindtheimpactofalcohol,andthehowit affects your ability to operate a vehicle I’ve reached out to an expert to answer your questions: Dr John Shehan, a psychiatrist and head of the Addiction Medicine Inten siveOutpatientProgramattheCarlR.Army MedicalCenteratFortHoodinTexas.
provided by service members and veter ans that helps the VA collect, analyze, and publishdataonhealthconditionsthatmay be related to environmental exposures experienced during deployment
After completing the online question naire, participants have the option to discusstheirhealthcarewithaproviderin an optional medical evaluation Thissummer theVAaddedEgypt,Syria, andUzbekistantothelistofeligibledeploymentlocations Ifyouareaservicemember or veteran who served any amount of time in the Southwest Asia theater of operationsorEgyptbeginningAugust2,1990,or in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Syria, or Uzbekistan beginning Sept. 11, 2001, you are eligi ble to sign up for the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry—regardless of whether you recall being exposed to airborne hazards
There are other factors involved in how you respond to alcohol, such as your toler ance and your gender Different people processalcoholdifferently
CombinedJointTaskForce Operation Inherent Resolve.Service members andveterans that deployed to Syria beginning September11,2001,are noweligible to join theAirborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry

Impaireddrivingduetoalcoholusebegins tooccuratlimitswellbelowthelegallimitof 0.08%,and0.04%isdrunkonduty.
Here’swhatDr Shehanhadtosay. Howalcoholimpactsyourbodyisfirstand foremostafunctionoftime Onaverage,you metabolize about a drink an hour So, if you drinkfourdrinksinunderanhour,it’sprob ably going to take a good four hours for you toprocessthatalcoholoutofyoursystem.
6 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, September 15, 2022 Advertising categories include: •Announcements &celebrations •Merchandise &carsfor sale •Job recruitment •Honoring alife •Pets foradoption And more Creatingyour ownadinthis publication is easy, affordable and willreach thousands in print and online. Place your ad today! Early home delivery. 757-446-9000 or Subscribe to The Pilot today 757-446-9000 Fridays in The Pilot Cockatoo, too. Pick apet in the CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE NEMT AND COMMON CARRIER IR Notice is hereby given that Rosario Foundation Transportation LLC 1911 Laigh Road, Portsmouth, VA 23701 has filed an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity that would authorize: 1. Passenger transportation as a Common Carrier over Irregular Routes providing service throughout the cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia; 2. Transportation of Medicaid recipients throughout the Commonwealth of Vir ginia as a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Carrier as defined in Section 46.2-2000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. Any person who desires to protest the application and be a party to the matter must submit a signed and dated written request setting forth (1) a precise statement of the party’s interest and how the party could be aggrieved if the application was granted; (2) a full and clear statement of the facts that the person is prepared to provide by competent evidence; (3) a statement of the specific relief sought; (4) the name of the applicant and case number assigned to the application; and (5) a certification that a copy of the protest was sent to the applicant. The case number assigned to this application is MC2200462SK. Written protests must be mailed to DMV Motor Carrier Services Attn: Operating Authority, P. O. Box 27412, Richmond, VA 23269-0001 and must be postmarked on or before September 22, 2022. Any protest filed with competent evidence will be carefully considered by DMV however, DMV will have full discretion as to whether a hearing is warranted based on the merits of the protest filed. Announcements Subscribe to The Virginian-Pilot today Call 757-446-9000 or go to YORKSHIRE TERRIER AKC 2 females 3 Males ready OCT 7 first shots parents on site $1500 757 235-1634 YORKIE POO Very Unique 75% Miniature Poodle & 25% Yorkie Poo Unique White color 3 Females Available 9/14 $3000/each. 252-642-4852 WESTIE PUPPIES first shots vet checked, ready for forever homes OCTOBER 6, 2022. $1,500. (252) 473-5619 WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIERS AKC Registered, First Shots Vet Checked, Ready for a forever home October 6, 2022 Lovingly Home Raised 1,500.00 252-473-5619 PUG PUPPIES (2) Black, females 8 wks Parents on premises $475. Call: 757-851-3747 POODLE PUPS Adorable Small Minis Choc M & F. 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Chriscomesback10minuteslaterandsays, “I have to go, but I just want you to know thatyouhaveamatchtonight,goodluckkid, theyaregoingtobewatching.”Andhewalks away I’minshock.SoIwentfromnotreally expectinganythingtonowIhavetheatten tion of anybody that can make a decision aboutme IfindoutI’mgoingtobewrestling Rob Conway. I had not met Rob but I knew of his background in OVW with Rip Rogers and I knew he could wrestle I also knew what my job was and that was to make Rob look like a million dollars and that’s what I did. After the match John Laurinaitis also known by his wrestling name as Johnny Ace, who was in charge of Talent Relations at the time, asked how the match went and Rob put me over by saying that I was there for everything and even more stuff then he was expecting me to be there for and that I couldwork Johnaskedmetocomebackthe next night and wrestle again. I was excited tomakeanother$250.00andeatatcatering.
TM: Right there in the gorilla position, Vince is right there by the monitor, there’s a lot of pressure and Lance looks at Johnny and says, “I’ll be honest with you Johnny, I
feel like I have morechemistry with Trevor.”
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Y: How about a couple of pinch me moments?
early so we can be with him. We go into the funeral home we look in the back, and back there sitting is the Undertaker in his suit, by himself paying his respect. I went backthereandthankedhimforcoming He showed up to pay his respects. That was a very emotional day for me but I remember himtellingmeastoryaboutbackintheday when the Undertaker was just Mark Callaway,hewastryingtomakeit,andwastalking about leaving the business Mark had a talk withHarley.HarleytoldMarktostayinthe business to keep working at it You will get that break So if it was not for that moment, wemaynotbetalkingaboutanUndertaker Itmeanttheworldtomethatheshowedup
Y:YouretiredbutcamebackfortheNWA andyouwereintheveryfirsttapingofNWA Powerr Can you talk about that, how did it happenwhoreachedout?
The next night I wrestled Rene Dupree and John said he wanted a 50⁄50 match so they can see what I can do offensively We have a great match and he makes me look like a million dollars I’m happy and this is the first time I’m feeling close to an oppor tunity.Johncomesintothelockerroomand says, “I need to talk to you, when you get dressed come to my office.” Now I’m think ing what did I do wrong. I go into his office, hecongratulatedmeondoingagoodjobthe lasttwonightsandsays,“Doyouwantajob here?” I couldn’t even get the words out of my mouth. All I could do is shake my head
Igotthere,putonmyworkoutgear,went totheringtodosomestretching.WhileI’m out there, Chris Benoit is out there and he is doing his 500 squats for his warm up I was doing my 500 squats for my workout. I noticed what he was doing out there so I went to the ring I’m fresh as a daisy from the dojo so I start doing some of my neck bridges, some of my Japanese training and that gets his attention. He comes over and asks, “Have you been in Japan?” I said yes sir I just came back from the Noah dojo He said “Who trained you?” I said, Harley Race sir. Now Harley and Chris were really close, we are talking about Japan and he says, “Do you have a match tonight? I said, no sir He said, “Wait right here.” He left, I didn’tthinkmuchofitbecausenothinghad happenedthelast8-9timesthatIwasthere.
Y: What was it like winning the WWE WorldTagTeamTitles?
I was supposed to go to developmental andIgotacalltwoweekslaterandtheysaid, “We are going to bring you in and have you tag with a guy named Lance Cade and see how you guys do.” I came in, met Lance, we went out and had our first match and I was outside of the ring and I knew what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking to the point that we didn’t even have to say wordstoeachother Wejustclickedandthis reminds me in the middle of the match, I wasinthering,IlookedatLance hewasthe first time we had tagged together We rode togethertothenextnight’smatches,feeling goodaboutourmatch Wehadanothergreat matchthesecondnightandafterthatmatch
yesIdo Heaskedformynameandaddress to send a contract to my house and said, “Haveyourlawyerslookatit,signitandwe will send you to the developmental.” Now thiscontractwasasthickasadictionarybut allIcouldseewasthesignheretabs.Icould have signed away my first born, I signed it, putitintheFedexboxandmailedit.Ididn’t wantthemtogobacktoConnecticutandsay, didwereallyhirethatguy?
TM: The last five years that Harley was withus hishealthwasdeclining hewaslike a father figure and I wanted to be around and help as much as I can, I didn’t want to be away But Harley had other plans for me At Harley’s funeral, Nick Aldis and Dave Lagana asked me to come to the first TV tapings for NWA Powerr and I can be a producerandhelpoutwithoneshow,given allmyyearsofexpertise I’malsoawrestler and I was taught to always bring your gear AssoonasIgotthere,IranintoDaveLagana and he asked if I brought my gear I said yes andhesaid,“Great,youaregoingtobewres tling Ricky Starks tonight.” I went there to be a producer and now I’m wrestling their new star We had a great match and Billy Corgan, the owner, is standing there with NickandDaveandBillysays,“Heyman,you stillhavealotmoreinthetankforthisbusi ness.Wehaveyoubookedinanothermatch for tomorrow night. They kept on booking me, one thing led to another and here I am today Forthefirstyearandahalf,Iwrestled everybody As Billy said, I had to earn the people’srespect.Whenthetimecametogo aftertheworldtitle,thepeoplewerewithme becauseIhadputinthehours
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
I was doing 500 squats, 300 pushups, 150 bumps a day, so I was in the best shape of my life When I came back from Japan, Harley said (in Harley’s voice), “Trevor, I gotyouaWWEtryout.”Ithankedhim,butI wasn’texcitedaboutitbecauseIhadbeenup there all those other times and nothing had happened. I was going to focus on working inJapan.Iwentwiththeintentionthatthis was a $250.00 payday, eat some incredible cateringandbeafanbecausetheseareguys IseeonTV
Johnny says “Ok, good. You are both on the road this week.” And he turned around and walked away And I was like, what just happened? And Lance says, “We just got put on the road, get your roadsters ready we are going to work.”
TM:IhadachancetowrestletheUnder taker Well I wouldn’t say wrestle, I had my A** handed over to me and I’m ok with that. My favorite story with him happened at Harley’s funeral. All the WWE guys that came and I was one of them, we were lined up ready to come in. We think we are the first to get there because we all got there
TM: Winning the WWE Tag Team titles twice,standingintheballroomattheChase last year at NWA 73 and winning the NWA title from Nick with Ric Flair in attendance was a pinch me moment for sure. Also watching top stars like HHH, Kevin Nash, allthesetopguysthatareontopoftheworld come to meet Harley and you can see them transform in front of you as a little excited kid.ItmademerealizeIwaswiththeman Harley foresaw me being a world champion.(InHarleyvoice)“Youwereborninthe wrongeraTrevor Ifyouwereborn20years agoyouwouldhavebeenWorld’sChampion Hetooka21yearoldpunkkidandsawsome thing in me that nobody else did, not just at the beginning but my whole career He always said, “Trevor, the cream will always risetothetop justkeepbeingthecream.”
myself to them. I had just gotten back from beingsixmonthsattheNoahDojoinJapan.
Johnny Ace asks Lance, “You’ve worked with both Kevin Thorn and now Trevor, who would you rather tag with?” I figured that’s it, I’m done. Kevin and Lance knew eachotherandtheywerefriends
I tracked down Johnny later and I said I thought I was going to developmental? And he said, “Don’t worry about it, you’re not going to developmental.” I went straight from the inde pendents to WWE TV, to World Tag Team Champions
TM: Winning a WWE title is amazing To stand in that ring and have 3.5 million people at home watching and 10,000 in the arena watching you live this moment, raise my hand in the air as the WWE Tag Team Champion. What I remember most about thatiscominghome,bringingthattitlewith me, kissing my wife and then going to see Harley at the wrestling school, walked into his office and layed that title on his desk. I looked at him and said, this is you, you did this You helped me get this. He got up, I get little emotional now talking about it. Hecameover,gavemeahugandsaid,“Kid, remember the cream rises to the top.” It’s oneofthosemomentsthatIwillnever,ever forget because I was his first guy to make it intheWWEandwinaworldchampionship (Gettingchokedup),Itmademefeelsogood that I was able to walk in lay it on his desk andsay,itwasn’tfornothing Andforhimto givemeahug,squeezemetightandtellmeI deserveit,it’ssomethingIcanneverdowith anybody else. I love that man and I wish he wasstillhere.