carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73), along with the ship’s commanding officer Capt. Brent Gaut, participated in a custom izedtourofMountVernon,GeorgeWashing ton’sfamilyestate,Sept.14
“I took on a job that had to do with the [California] Film Commission and I was able to meet Viggo Mortensen while they were filming Durango,” said Ramirez. “Theywouldalsofilmalotofcommercials and it started getting me back into electri cal engineering or anything that had to do with creativity.”
With her brothers working on their lowriders, classic cars with hydraulic suspension systems Ramirez was captivated by the not only the mechanics of lowriders but also the art culture that was connected to it. She became inspired and began to scribble and attempt to draw the muralsliketheartistsshewouldencounter
USS George Washington is undergoing refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) at Newport News Shipyard RCOH is a multiyear project performed only once during a carrier’s 50-year service life that includes refueling the ship’s two nuclear reactors, as well as significant repairs, upgrades, and modernization.TheUSSGeorgeWashington mottois“Firstinwar,firstinpeace.” returns home from 9-month deployment area ofoperations in response to Russia’s unprovoked invasion ofUkraine.PageA2 and
TOP: Pvt Maria Ramirez USMC MIDDLE: Blas familydayat the beach.Maria Ramirezis in the ABOVE: Custom paintingworkbyMaria Ramirez (PHOTOSFROMMARIARAMIREZ)
“WashingtonisthefatheroftheAmerican military….the idea that civilians control the military, that the [United States] military is the highest-educated military in the world, that all comes from George Washington’s visionitself.”
Among the Sailors chosen for the event were several Spirit of Freedom award winners, as well as various crew members selectedasSailoroftheQuarterandSailorof the Year The tour route included different stops around the grounds of Mount Vernon, including the special additions of climb ing to the top of the main building’s famed cupola,andviewingcenturies-olddocuments belongingtoWashingtonintheprivatevault oftheestateresearchlibrary
“I wanted to go into the Naval Acad emy but during my senior year [my family] found out my dad had cancer so I had to stop doing my extracurricular activities,” said Ramirez “I wasn’t really focused so I didn’t get my 4.0 [GPA] so instead of going into the Naval Academy I went into the Marine Corps at 17 years old.”
“He put up a stand and a piece of paper and then he gave me the air brush, explained Ramirez. “I looked at a picture of a werewolf and I just started to draw it and it came out amazing [My husband] said, ‘oh my gosh, that looks really good’ andsowestarteddoingcustompaintingfor Harley-Davidsonmotorcyclepartsasnota hobby but to sell on eBay for people and it started doing very well.

cal engineering at San Diego State Univer sity before enlisting in the U.S. Army as a combat medic in 1994. Not her first mili tary occupational specialty choice but one that afforded her the opportunity to go to
The participants derived meaning from different aspects of the tour, with Interior CommunicationsSpecialist2ndClassEmma Dolata noting that the personal responsibil
NEWPORTNEWS,Va Aselectnumber ofSailorsassignedtotheNimitz-classaircraft
Lance Cpl.MatthewMunger Club in high school.From then on,shooting firearms became a regularpart ofhis learning a his PMI
ity and accountability of Washington stood outtoher
“It’sanextraordinarystory,theirbraveryin purchasing the land to save it, and the work they’ve done to maintain and preserve the President’shomeandpartofhislegacy.”
Shoot your shot
was introduced to shooting when he joined a Rod and Gun
life and

“[During the naturalization ceremony] there were about 500 people there in San Diego but only two of us in uniform, explained Ramirez. “They had asked me to go first so I was like, ‘ok, yeah’ and I was really honored.”
Top USS George Washington Sailors visit Mount Vernon www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 36 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comSeptember22-September28 2022 USS Harry S. Truman
The tour included a meeting with the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association chief executiveofficerDr DouglasBradburn,who Gaut presented with a flag flown aboard the USSGeorgeWashington Bradburnacknowl edged the profound connection between Washington and the ethos of the modern
USS Monterey decommissioned The crewofthe guided-missile cruiserUSS Monterey(CG 61) held a decommissioning ceremonyonboard Naval Station Norfolk,Sept 16 PAGEA6 Navy
dation of an individual’s unique identity The values, culture, and traditions that are inheritedandwhatisobservedandexperiencedthroughoutalifetimeisdifferentfor eachperson.But,thereisacommonthread thatconnectsgroupsofpeopleandthatmay notbetruerthanfortheHispaniccommunity Maria Ramirez, a financial analyst at NavyRegionMid-Atlantic,shareshowher Hispanic heritage has helped her become an artist, a veteran, and a proud American.
“I thought I was going to be a patriot missile crewmember but the recruiter forgot to schedule me for one of the [required] physical exams,” said Ramirez.
During those five years, first on active duty and then in the U.S. Army Reserves, Ramirez deployed twice to Busan, South Korea.
lot from

AfterRamirezendedhermilitaryservice, shereturnedtocollegetocontinuestudying electrical engineering at San Diego State University while working as a driver and then night shift supervisor for an armored transport company. It is her time with the transport company she credits her success laterinlifeofworkingasafinancialanalyst. ShehadmarriedaU.S.Marineandbecame pregnant with her first child.
In 1972, two year-old Maria Ramirez immigrated to the United States from Guadalajara, Mexico, with her reporter father, hairstylist mother, and three older brothers They landed in Chula Vista, a San Diego suburb where she grew up and attended Samuel F. B. Morse High School. For three years she was enrolled in the school’s aviation technology magnet program and Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps with the aspirations of attending the U.S. Naval Academy before tragedy struck close to home.

Gaut was impressed by the work of the MountVernonLadies’Association,agroupof womenthatsavedtheestatefromfallinginto ruininthemid-19thcentury andtheorganizationthatcontrolsthepropertytothisday.
By Travis Kuykendall Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs

“After that experience I started to get backintocreativeworkandtheendresultof art to me is priceless,” expressed Ramirez.
“They told me I could pick something else and I saw for combat medic you can go airborne so that’s what drew me to it.
During her five-year enlistment in the U.S.MarineCorps,Ramirezdeployedwith Marine Observation Squadron 1 (VMO-1) in support of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm before separating inJulyof1992 Shewentontostudyelectri
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrierreturned home to Naval Station Norfolk,Sept 12,2022,marking the end oftheirnine-month deployment afteroperating in the U.S.6th Fleet

“Theothersideof[thelowridercommu nity] was how incredible the art was,” said Ramirez. “It is just so meticulous and it looked so real. For me when I was younger
After her marriage to an active duty Marine and starting a family, Ramirez put her schooling on pause The family PCS’d toNavalAirWeaponsStationChinaLakein central California. It was during that tour that once childhood passions came to life again engineering and art.
NORFOLK,Va Heritagelaysthefoun
TurntoRamirez Page 3 www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 22 2022 1
Marine Corps JROTC Academy takes flight The DON is setting its sights skyhigh through sponsorship ofthe Academy,established to increase diversityin the field ofaviation. PAGEA4
WithadreamtoworkforNASA,Ramirez was led to the mechanical career field in the Marine Corps because of her love of robotics and engineering It was an area shescoredveryhighontheArmedServices VocationalAptitudeBatterytest.Shecred its that experience and knowledge to her three older brothers and a big part of the Hispanic culture in Southern California.
airborne school.
“He was ‘first in war, first in peace, first in theheartsofhiscountrymen’.”
After working with the California Film Commission, Ramirez became a manager of a Homeowner Association for a wealthy communitynearNAWSChinaLake.Many of the residents held PhD’s and were rocket scientists One resident she met wasthefatherofBlink-182frontman Mark Hoppus who asked her to paint his BMW motorcycle
The journey of a patriotic Hispanic-American Sailors assigned to USS GeorgeWashington viewartifacts from GeorgeWashington’s personal collection in theWashington Library at MountVernon.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS ROBERTJ.STAMER)

“When I was pregnant my boss said ‘come [to the office] we’ll show you the receivables payables and get you into the database’,” explained Ramirez. “I was startingtogetreallygoodwithitandthat’s where I learned all the financial stuff.”
Another barrier keeping Ramirez from her goal of attending a service academy was that she was still not a U.S. citizen a requirement to attend In 1987 she enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps as an aircraft hydraulics mechanic and two months after graduating from Marine Corps recruit training in Parris Island,S.C.,whereshereceivedrecognition as both honor graduate and Molly Marine, she had finally been granted U.S. citizen ship

One day her husband was in the garage practicing painting with an airbrush when he asked her to give it a try

“My three brothers showed me how to break apart and fix a carburetor, know how to change the oil on a car,” explained Ramirez. “Where I grew up there was a lot of lowriders and car clubs and essentially that is where I learned about hydraulics because my brothers were a part of some of the clubs. They would tell me ‘see this is a parallel, this is a series, here’s the reser voir’andallthatstuff Iwasveryintrigued.”
“Itfeelsgoodwhensomeoneelselooksatit and they enjoy it and see value in it.”
ByLt.j.g CarolineLeya USS George Washington (CVN 73)
middle in pink.
“He took so much pride and care in his homeevenafterallthebigthingshedid, she said, touching on the fact that farming and cultivatingwereneartoWashington’sheart “Anyone could have done it for him but he woke up early each morning to take care of hisfarmanddoroundsontheland.”
The HSTCSG had the opportunity to participate in numerous training exercises and activities,integrating seamlessly with NATO Allies and partners with afocus on interoperability operations. The strike
The staff and guided-missile destroy ers of Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 28,commanded by Capt. Blair Guy,have included USSCole (DDG 67), USSBain bridge (DDG 96), USSGravely (DDG 107), and USSJasonDunham (DDG 109). USS Gonzalez(DDG66) and USSForrestSherman (DDG 98)both conductedoperations withtheHSTCSGandremaindeployed.

Truman serves as the flagship of the HSTCSG.Additionalunitsincludethenine squadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, commanded by Capt. PatrickHourigan,to include StrikeFighter Squadron (VFA) 11 “Red Rippers;” VFA-211 “Fighting Check mates;” VFA-34“Blue Blasters;” VFA-81 “Sunliners;” Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ)137 “Rooks;”CarrierAirborne Early WarningSquadron(VAW)126“Seahawks;” Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 11 “DragonSlayers;” Helicopter Mari
FormorenewsfromTrumanandCarrier Air Wing 1, visit https://www.airlant.usff,,,http://, and wing1. from
USSHarry S. Truman returns home

Local commands,aswell as local volunteer organizations,can nominate

activedutyE-6andbelow.Nominations mustbereceivedby Monday, Sept. 26 Nominations received from volunteer organizations mustbeendorsed by the service member’s parent command in order to qualify for the award. Packages received from volunteer organizations will be forwarded to the appropriate command for verification and endorse ment. This year’s winner and finalists willberecognizedduringaluncheonon Tuesday, Oct.11, at the Norfolk Water side Marriott.
“TheTrumanandourembarkedairwing arethecentralpillarofthestrikegroup,”said Rear Adm. Paul SpederoJr.,commander, CarrierStrikeGroup (CSG) 8. “Thecarrier isn’tjustaweapon of war, it isasymbol of American commitment and attention onethathasbeenfocusedonreassuringour NATOAllies and other Europeanpartners of our commitmenttopeace,stability,and cooperation. The Sailors of Truman and CarrierAirWing1haveprovenournation’s resolvethrough their professionalism and dedication.”
Acall for nominations: Military Citizen of the Year Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor |MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | ActingMilitaryEditor |MC3 LeoKatsareas 757-322-2853 | GraphicDesigner |TeresaWalter Contributing Staff NinoshkaBasantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager |Ski Miller Free ClassifiedAdvertising |757-622-1455 Distribution &Home Delivery |757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdmChristopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairsDirector| Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD)orthe United States Navy under exclusivewritten contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official viewsof, nor endorsed by,the U.S. Government, DOD,orthe Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regardtorace, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories maybe submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every ThursdaybyFlagship, Inc., whose offices arelocated at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va.23510. ©2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved THIS TOOL CANCOME IN HANDYINANEMERGENCY. Backup powercan keep you connected in an emergency. Formoretips visit 2 The Flagship |www|Section 1| Thursday, September22, 2022

Areyou aSailor,ordoyou knowa Sailor,who goes above and beyond the calltodutybyvolunteeringintheHamp ton Roads community?The Hampton Roads Chamber is nowaccepting nomi nations for the 2022SamuelT.Northern,MilitaryCitizenoftheYear(MCOY) award.

9-month deployment LEFT:NORFOLK(Sept.12,2022) USSHarryS.Truman (CVN 75)returns to NavalStation Norfolkaftera regularlyscheduleddeployment in the U.S.5th Fleet and U.S.6th Fleet areas ofoperations in support oftheatersecuritycooperation effortsand to defend U.S.,alliedand partnerinterests,Sept.12 ABOVE:NORFOLK(Sept.12,2022) Familiesand friends await the return ofUSSHarryS.Truman (CVN 75)toNaval Station Norfolk.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSRYANSEELBACH)
Together with CVW 1, Truman demon strated the Navy’s continuing regional commitment to the U.S. European Command(EUCOM)areaofresponsibility, the NATOAlliance and ourregional part ners.Trumanhostedmorethan400guests,
ByTravisKuykendall Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs
groupdemonstrated the enduringpartner shipwiththeNATOalliance,displayingour commitment to deterring aggression while workingalongsidepartnerandallynations, furtherbolsteringNATObonds.
The strikegroup also consisted of the Ticonderoga class guided-missile cruiser USSSan Jacinto (CG 56), commanded by Capt.ChristopherMarvin.Thestrikegroup alsoparticipated in aCooperativeDeployment with the RoyalNorwegian Navy’s Fridtjof-NansenclassfrigateHNoMSFridt jofNansen(F310),which returnedhometo NorwayinMay.
Theshipsailedmorethan65,000nautical miles,all while conducting multiple oper ations in the region to include enhanced air policing missions, dual and tri-carrier operations,and the NATO- ledvigilance activitiesNeptune Shield 22 and Neptune Strike 22.During its historic deployment, theTrumanstrengthenedrelationshipswith NATOAllies and partners while deterring aggressionintheregion
Afterpreviousyearsoflimitedportactiv ityduetotheCOVID-19pandemic,Truman wasable to conduct visits in Souda Bay, Greece; Split, Croatia; Trieste and Naples, Italy;Marseille,France; and Palma De Mallorca, Spain. Scheduledportvisitslike these allowedTruman’sSailors to enjoy somedeserveddowntime,andmoreimpor tantly,buildrelationshipswithNATOAllies and partners through leadership engage ments,community relations events,and Morale,Welfare,andRecreationtours
time StrikeSquadron (HSM) 72 “Proud Warriors;” and adetachment from Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 40 “Rawhides.”
NORFOLK,Va. —The Nimitz-class aircraftcarrierUSSHarryS.Truman(CVN 75),flagshipoftheHarryS.TrumanCarrier StrikeGroup(HSTCSG),andtheembarked commands and staffsofCarrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 28,and Carrier StrikeGroup (CSG) 8 returned home to NavalStation Norfolk, Sept.12,2022,markingtheendoftheirnine month deploymentafteroperating in the U.S.6thFleetareaofoperationsinresponse toRussia’sunprovokedinvasionofUkraine
includingpoliticalandmilitaryleadersfrom morethan 10 allied and partner nations “This has been an outstandingdeployment by everymeasuredue to the expertiseand professionalism of ourSailors,” saidCapt. GavinDuff,Truman’s commandingofficer. “This deploymentwas afirstofits kind for nearly all of us onboard.Iam immensely proudofthetenacity,skillandcommitment thiscrewdisplayedtoour Allies,partners and our ownleadership.TheseSailorsare the soul of this ship,and Ican think of no greaterhonorthantobepartofthisteam.”
The Samuel T. Northern awardhas been given annually to recognize the military citizen who has made the most significant contribution in the area of community service.The awardisnot for asingle act, but rather for sustained communityserviceinthe Hampton

Roads area for aperiod of at leastone year.Nominees volunteer by coaching Little League teams,youth mentoring, fundraising,emergencymedicalservices, and manymorecommunity programs “HamptonRoadsisblessedwithsuch alarge presence of Navy in the region. ThemenandwomenwhoweartheNavy uniform, Department of the Navy civil ians and all their family members are intertwinedinto thefabricof our region andcontributesomuchtoit,”saidBryan K.Stephens,President&CEO,Hampton Roads Chamber.“It is our honor every year to recognize those who go above andbeyondtheircalltodutytotheNavy and giveback to their community.”

it wasjustsofascinating.

“When Iwas young Ido rememberhowwehadtogo through the wholeprocess to come [to the United States] —the pictures and the medical exam,”said Ramirez. “Then Iremem ber howitwas hard for my parents and howhardthey workednomatterhowtired they were.”
“The way[my brothers and I] were raised, the opportunities [in the U.S.]that youcan do and be anything youwant to as long as youworkfor it and that youearn it,”said Ramirez. “The comradery that Ifeel with the Marine Corps still to this daywith my Marine brothers,that’s always kept me going.I think it’s similar to what I saw with my family growing up.”

Build Teamsthat Out-Thinkour Adversaries

“Also,the language barrier,they made sureit wasn’tabarrierandwejust kept on going.”

This is justone journey, likesomanyproudHispanic-Americans who have movedtothe U.S. from Mexico.Yet,Ramirez has not forgotten her heritage and remains trueto her values,culture, and tradi tions
Ramirez explained how she feels her Hispanic heritage has guidedher throughout her life.From the time her family first immigrated to the U.S. to watching how hardher parents worked to achieve the Americandream.

Some of these folks could close their eyes and draw the Statue of Liberty with no problem. The colors andthecultureofitandthe heritagewasjustbeautiful.”
Professional/Character Development

Ramirez credits the way she wasraised, to believe thatifyou work hard, stay truetoyourmorals,and have family,anything is possible

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We must develop leaders with strong character, diverse perspectives, and resilience throughout our Navy at every level of leadership. We must recruit, retain, and effectively manage the talent of adiverse workforce to unleash their full potential at any given moment. To be part of awinning team, my expectation is that every Sailor understands what their role is and the importance they play. My goal is to ensure professional and character development is incorporated at multiple points throughout aSailor’s career, at the right time, in the right manner.

Minorityracialandethnicgroupscomprised 65%oftheprogram.Theprogramendedup

being a 50⁄50 male/female split, with 40% of minorityrepresentationfemale.
The program is a new STEM initiative that was selected for funding by the Naval STEMCoordinationOffice locatedatthe Office of Naval Research which oversees investments in STEM education, outreach andworkforceinitiatives
Throughout the night, guests enjoyed a performance by Norfolk Public Schools string ensemble, the “Strolling Silver Strings”, music from the U.S. Fleet Forces Band a three course meal and guest speakers The evening concluded with a raffle drawingandgroupphotos
According to Cmdr Chandra Newman, Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclu sion, Naval Air Forces, underrepresented and underserved communities often lack resources or accessibility to opportunities, and often have limited exposure to a myriad of subjects. Naval leaders know it is imperative that untapped talent across all communitiesaregiventheopportunityand resourcestocontributetothenation’sfuture.
VIRGINIABEACH,Va (Sept.15,2022) Commander U.S.Fleet Forces Command,Adm. Daryl Caudle,speaks to attendees at NavyLeague Hampton Roads annual Ombudsmen Appreciation Dinnerat theVirginia Beach Convention Center,Sept 15,2022 The eventwas held to recognize the Navyand Coast Guardvolunteerfamilyombudsmen from commands around Hampton Roads.(USNAVYPHOTBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS EMILYCASAVANT/RELEASED)

In2022,theflightacademyprogramwas a soaring triumph for all involved. Sixteen of the 20 students completed ground school, their first solo flight, passed the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airman Knowledge Test, and received collegecreditfortheirachievements.Addi tionally, 13 students obtained their private pilot license. Corps

“Engaging our high school youth into an immersive and challenging program, like the flight academy, sparks a passion for aviation that is impossible to extinguish,” said Newman. “The life skills, professional skills and personal growth that the cadets gainfromthisprogramareimmenselyvalu abletothefutureofnavalaviation DoDand industryat-large Theirfuturesarelimitless.”
“Naval STEM invested in the Flight Academy and partnered with CNAF to provide an educational opportunity that increases student awareness of the role of STEM within Naval aviation,” said Kath leen Gately Miranda, Deputy Director, Naval STEM Coordination Office “On day one and for eight weeks high school students are flying in the air Naval STEM opportunities like these remove financial barriers, which allow high-performing students access to life-changing opportu nities.”
Up, up and away: Navy and Marine
ByMassCommunicationSpecialist 2ndClassEmilyCasavant Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs

ARLINGTON Va The Department of theNavy(DON)issettingitssightssky-high throughsponsorshipoftheNavyandMarine CorpsJuniorReserveOfficerTrainingCorps (JROTC) Flight Academy. The Navy and Marine Corps Academy is managed by the Commander,NavalAirForces(CNAF),and was established to increase diversity in the fieldofaviation
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Navy League Hampton Roads hosted a Hampton Roads ombudsman Recognition Dinner at the Virginia Beach Convention Center Sept. 15, 2022 to honor the ombudsmen of the Navy andCoastGuard
CommandingOfficer Theyarethecommu nication liaisons between commands and familymembers TheOmbudsmenProgram supportsmissionreadinessbyservingasan information link between commands and command families, ultimately enhancing familyresilience
“STEM education is vital to maintain maritime superiority,” said Chief of Naval ResearchRearAdm.LorinSelby,wholeads theNavalResearchEnterprisewhereNaval STEMresides “Ourcontinueddevelopment of young minds will be our decisive edge in anyfutureconflict.
“We’rethebesttrainedNavyintheworld, but it’s our people always being ready to focusonthemissionthatsetsusapart,”said ChiefofNavalOperations AdmiralMichael Gilday, during a prerecorded message “We couldnotdowhatwedowithouttheefforts of our command ombudsmen who freely give their time and energy to support our NavyandCoastGuardfamilies.”
Navy, Coast Guard Ombudsmen recognized at Navy League event
Recognizing that the time to instill a love of aviation is best done early the Flight Academy is an eight-week STEM program for high school students participating in both Navy and Marine Corps JROTC The program is intended to inspire and encour agehighschoolstudentstoconsideraviation careers. The program is offered at zero cost tothestudent,andwithnoobligations.
ThecompetitiveFlightAcademyprogram has an 8:1 selection ratio there were 160 completed applications for the 2022 Class, and 20 outstanding students were selected.
Students attend the Department
JROTC Academy takes flight
ofthe Navy(DON) and Marine CorpsJuniorReserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) FlightAcademyprogram.The program is a newSTEM initiative that was selected forfunding bythe Naval STEM Coordination Office located at the Office of Naval Research which oversees investments in STEM education,outreach andworkforce initiatives (COURTESYPHOTO) 2022 Flight Academy Graduates ScottAflague Guam(DelawareStateUniversity(DSU))* RishitaBagga Richmond,Texas(DSU)* La’DonteBuckhanan Mandeville Lousiana(DSU)* IsaacCarter GroveCity Ohio(DSU)* KennedyChildress FortMill,SouthCarolina(DSU)* JadynDixon Statesville,NorthCarolina(DSU)* BonnieFrazer Bayboro,NorthCarolina(DSU)* AbbyHarwick,Bayboro,NorthCarolina(DSU)* BlessingsKibet Mobile,Alabama(ElizabethCityStateUniversity(ECSU) CamdenKorsmo CorpusChristi,Texas(ECSU)* AlexanderLe St Paul,Minnesota(DSU)* TylerSmolensky Highlands,NewJersey(DSU)* KaitlynStake Mt Juliet,Tennessee(DSU)* HenryStanley CorpusChristi,Texas(DSU)* XitaliVazquez Phoenix,Arizona(ECSU) JoshuaWard Stockton,California(ECSU) Bobby Cummings is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications 4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, September 22 2022 Alvin won $25,000 Pamwon $6,420 Barbarawon $13,128 Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. NEW KENT |VINTON |RICHMOND |HAMPTON| DUMFRIES| COLLINSVILLE|ROSIESGAMING.COM ARE YOU READY?
Over 400 guests attended the event, including over 50 ombudsman and special guest Adm.DarylCaudle Commander,U.S. FleetForcesCommand
“You serve as liaison between the command, our Navy families, spouses and significantothers,”saidAdm.Caudle,speaking to the ombudsmen in attendance “You welcomenewcomerstotheareaandintothe command family and without fail step up in times of crisis and follow up on commit mentsmadetothosefamilies.”
ByBobbyCummings Office of Naval Research
Family ombudsmen are Navy and Coast Guard spouse volunteers appointed by a

almost everything I know…while we lived in Hawaii, we couldn’t go and shoot so he wouldbuyusbbgunstoclearroomsinside the house and play around like that…I think growing up with fond memories like that is what got me into this sport.” Not long after checking into his first unit, Munger’s squad leader gave him the opportunity to participate in the Marine Corps Marksmanship Competition. Munger enthusiastically took the chance to reminisce on a childhood memory; replying with a yes, Munger was ready to embark on a two-week competition.

U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Munger with the Marine Corps Shooting Team, prepares to shoot his rifle during the 2022 National Matches on Camp Perry Ohio Aug. 3, 2022 Participants compete in six-man-teams, each shooter firing a timed 100-point aggregate using national match M-16 A4 service rifles Rifles are fired from the 200 300 and 600 yard lines in both sitting and standing positions.The National Matches, also called the“World Series of Shooting Sports,”have been a tradition on Camp Perry since 1907; more than 4,500 participants compete annually (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL CADENPHILLIPS) www | The Flagship | Section 12 | Thursday, September 22 2022 5 Supporting theWhole You National Universityisheretosupport your educational mission with credit for militaryexperience,and military-trained enrollment advisors. Veteran-Founded. Nonprofit.75+ Degree Programs. appe pa (DoD)v imply nstituteDoD endorsement
ByLanceCpl AveriRowton 2nd Marine Division
Early on, Lance Cpl. Matthew Munger wasintroducedtoshootingwhenhejoined the Maspenock Rod and Gun Club during his freshman year in high school. From then on, shooting firearms became a regu lar part of his life Munger’s father who was a Primary Marksmanship Instructor (PMI), was one of many Marines in his lineage, but one that taught him the most about marksmanship “My dad was a PMI so he taught me
Shoot shot

“If you’re interested in shooting or join ing the Marine Corps shooting team, don’t be afraid to get out there and pick up a weapon. Participate in local competitions, some people even take leave to compete in competitions outside of the Marine Corps To put it simple, just start shooting.”
“This is someone who always domi nates any competition she goes to She’s an insane shooter.”
Medalists were then invited to compete in Quantico, Virginia for the Marine Corps championships Munger placed 10th and was awarded a silver medal. During the competition,hecompetedagainstAmanda Elsenboss, an international shooter and the first woman to win the President’s RifleMatch.MungerwouldtiewithElsen boss
Munger’s performance at the competition led to him being invited to shoot for

the Marine Corps summer shooting team. Over the following months shooting for the Marine Corps, Munger competed in over five competitions across the country and helped teach numerous people about marksmanship

Three previous Navy ships have been named Monterey: a screw tug, which served in San Francisco Bay from 1863 to 1892; Monitor No 6, which commissioned in 1893 serving in the Spanish-American War; and the WWII aircraft carrier which won 11 battle stars

The ceremony atmosphere was one of fond but somber remembrance as Schaller sharedacompilationofstoriesandmemo riescreatedoverMonterey’sthreedecades ofservice,invitingsharedlaughterfromthe crew and their families

bade farewell to the cruiser.
NORFOLK Va The crew of the guided-missile cruiser USS Monterey (CG 61) heldadecommissioningceremonyonboard Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, Sept. 16 Plankowners, including the ship’s commissioning commanding officer Capt. Joel Heaton, as well as former crew members, joined hundreds of attendees to celebrate the ship’s distinguished 32- year history of naval service Vice Adm. Jim Kilby, Monterey’s 11th commanding officer addressed the many guests “UniquetotheNavy,whenweserve onaship,itbecomespartofus Imeanwho weare,howweact,thinkandlive.Similarly, we all in turn become part of that ship it is a tremendously powerful legacy! This is
Over its 32 years of service, the cruiser has been an important part of America’s national defense strategy

“Nobody joins the Navy to decommis sion a ship,”said Schaller “The Monterey crewperformedtheirdutiesofputtingher to rest in the most professional and exem plarymanner,honoringherstoriedhistory and service to our nation.
Monterey was built at Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine, and commissioned in Mayport,Florida,June16,1990 Monterey’s namesakecommemoratesthebattlefought Sept. 20, 2846 in the war with Mexico

well and rightfully takes her place among theshipsthat,forwellover200years,have played an indispensable role in protecting the United States of America and serving her strategic interests across the world, saidSchaller “Thisshipandhercrewswill foreversharealegacythatwillbefeltacross the fleet for years to come.”
most definitely the case with USS Monte rey, she is certainly a testament to her excellent crews and she has been ‘Rough in Battle and Ready in Peace’,” said Vice Adm. Jim Kilby, deputy commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command “Monterey executed 14 deployments, many availabilities, and as many training cycles She was modified over her life to continue to be a relevant and a key ship in our Fleet. She will leave a great legacy for many years in the future as those who proudly call themselves Monterey Sailors continue to serve our Nation.”

NORFOLK,VA (September16,2022) Sailors assigned to the USS Monterey(CG 61) man the rails during its decommissioning

Monterey’s current Commanding Offi cer, Cmdr David M. Schaller, spoke of the powerful bond between Sailors and their ships and the lives shaped aboard His wordsresonatedwiththeaudienceasthey
USS decommissioned ceremony.Montereywas commissioned onJune
16,1990,andwas a U.S.Navywarship for32years.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSRODRIGOCALDAS/RELEASED) Navy Counselor 1st Class Thelma Y. King Hometown:NewYork,NewYork Command:NavalWeaponsStationYorktown WhatLatinAmericancountrydoyourepresent? DominicanRepublic WhatdoesitmeantorepresentyourheritageintheNavy? “Iamgiventheopportunitytodisplayprideinmyculture inspirefellow Dominicans,andaddtothefabricofourgreatmilitary Mytwoeldest brothers,andI,arefirst-generationSailors Beingvaluedandcelebrated bytheU.S.Navygivesmeatremendoussenseofpride.” What Hispanic Heritage in the Navy means to me 6 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, September 22 2022 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606

Cookintheoveninawaterbathat375degreesforan hour to an hour and a half. Remove from oven once done chillandserve.
Lieutenant Command:PWDNSAHamptonRoads Keller,TX

Inapot,addonion,peppers,garlic,oil,cilantroand ham. Sauteeuntilonionsaresoft.
Buen Provecho! (Enjoy!)
www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 22 2022 7
ElectronicTechnician2ndClass Command:JEBLCFS Hometown:VirginiaBeach,VA

“Itakecareofmyshipmatesbyprovidingthemwithclarity in difficult situations Navigating the Navy can prove challenging for any Sailor As a command pay and personnel administrator (CPPA), I work to give my Sailors peace of mind in their transitions I also like to plan departmental outings on occasion. I believe to better serve our Sailors fosteringasenseofcomraderygoesalongway.
Flan de Coco Queso (Coconut Cheese Flan)

Buen Provecho! (Enjoy!)
Then add, chicken bouillon, ham bouillon, sazon and gandules (do not drain the water). Mix them allwelltogether.Addriceandmixwell.
First, prepare the caramel syrup in a saucepan. Combine sugar and water on high to medium heat until syrup is golden brown. Add caramel syrup to cakemoldandletitrestwhilepreparingyourmixture.
Richard Melendez
How do you check
2Cansofgandules 4cupsofricerinsed Choppedcilantro 1canoftomatosauce ½choppedonion 4garlicteeth ½choppedbellpepper 1Sazon 1chickenbouillon 1hambouillon Choppedcookingham(however much yourheartpleasestohave) Saltandpeppertotaste Olives Oil 1Canofsweetcondensedmilk 1CanofEvaporatedmilk 1Canofcoconutcream 1Canofcoconutmilk 8eggs Sugar 8ozpackofcreamcheese 3tbsp.vanillaextract CaramelSyrup 3cupsofsugar 5tbsp.ofwater Celebrate Hispanic heritage with these delicious recipes Andrew Van Norman SeniorChiefAviationMachinist’sMate Command:NavalSafetyCommand Hometown:Yucaipa,California It starts with a simple greeting: to ask them how they are doing (as well as asking how their families are doing), to activelylistenandtobegenuine Tobeapproachableandto welcome that long conversation that may develop, WITHOUTjudgment.Tobuildtrustandprovidecorrectinforma tion.ToknowourSailors,theircharacteristicsandidentify ifsomethingmaybe“off inourinteractions ToACTwhen necessary TounderstandthatweALLgothroughlifechal lenges in different ways and recover differently, but we DO NOThavetodoitalone Wearenotalone Stressisinherent in life, but it is our goal to build resiliency in ourselves and ourSailors,aswellasprofessionalrelationshipstorebound quicklyfromsetbacks Tobethereforeachother,everyday. Onelifeistoomuchtolosetosuicide!
PhotosByTravisKuykendall,Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs NavyRegionMid-Atlantic’sChiefPettyOfficersAssociationand chief selectees hosted a “Burger Burn during lunch, Sept 15 The Chief’s Mess and selectees sold burger and hot dog meals to staff members as a way to raise funds for chief initiation season Chief selecteesroutinelyhostfundraisersthroughouttheinitiationseason asawaytopurchasetherequiredmaterialsthey’llusetocreatecharge booksandthevessel woodenbox,itisstoredinaswellastheguidon theselecteesmarchwithwherevertheygo Thefundsarealsoused tolowerthecostsoftheKhakiBall,whichisaneventthatwelcomes thenewchiefsandtheirspousestotheMess CNRMA’s Chief Petty Officer’s Association host “Burger Burn”

Arroz con Gandules (Rice with pigeon peas)

In a blender combine all other ingredients and blend for 3-5 minutes. Add mixture to cake mold over caramelsyrup Ifyouhearthecaramelsyrupcracking,that isok.
Jacob Cook
Then add 3 cups of water Mix all well together Bring to a boil, once it seems like the water has almost evaporated, bring heat to low. Cover with aluminumfoilandlid(createatightseal).Letcook for 30 minutes. Uncover, mix and serve with side ofchoice
It can be difficult to tell when someone is just having a bad dayoriftheyactuallyneedhelp.Thatiswhereknowingmy ShipmateshelpmeknowwhenIneedtointervene Iliketo dolittlecheck-inswitheveryoneonaregularbasisandknow what their normal behavior is, even when I know nothing is wrong. This makes it so that I really know when they are off and it is probably a good time to give them some extra attention Also,buildingthatrelationshipbeforehandmakes iteasierformetocheckinonthembecausetheyknowthat myconcernisgenuine on shipmates?

RichardRodgers Carrier Strike Group 10
“He was in his sixties when I lived with him, and he was still doing a regular work out routine before bed of push-ups, sit ups, squats, and dumbbells,” said Alvarez. “He walked to and from breakfast almost every morning Heshinedhisshoes,alwaysironed his clothes, shaved and made his bed daily, and always kept his room very orderly He attributed his discipline to the Army and I likedthat,evenasakid.”
ByLt AnthonyJunco Commander Littoral Combat Ship Squadron TWO
From that early, lived experience with his grandfather, Alvarez saw that military service offered a secure income, abundant opportunitiesforpersonalandprofessional growth,andapurposethatcamefromserv ing something greater than self. His mind was made up He enlisted in the Navy a similar but slightly different path than his grandfather AlvarezjoinedtheNavyinNovember1996 as an E-1, and became a Cryptologic Technician (Collection). It wasn’t long until he learned about the opportunities presented throughearningacommission,andsoheset hissightsonachievingthatgoal.
Alvarez’pathtoacommissionwasnotan overnight success story. While some take a single shot at a promotion or a commission beforemovingon,Alvarezwasunwillingto let setbacks deter him from his pursuit of a commission.
The journey from being a student strug gling to balance academic expectations and financial needs, to a U.S. Navy seaman
was really cool to see that all of the training we did over the summer translates tothefleetverywell,”saidMidshipman4th
hear that
“Earningacommissionhadalwaysbeena goal of mine ever since I first learnedthat it wasanoption,”saidAlvarez “Theopportunitiesforpositions theresponsibilityinher ent with those positions, and where I saw myselfbeingabletohavethemostinfluence was through a commission, which is why I continued to apply I was confident I could do the job that the junior officers on the watchfloor,inSSES[Ship’sSignalExploita tion Space], or around the command were doing.”
recruit, to Chief Petty Officer, to U.S. Navy commander is a testament to Alvarez’s commitmenttoservice.Ofcourse,itwasnot lost on anyone at the command that more than 1,000 feet above the Adriatic when Alvarez repeated his oath of office on his promotiontocommanderthathewaswear ing the same, black polished shoes issued tohimatRecruitTrainingCommandGreat Lakes26yearsearlier Alvarez’grandfatherwouldmostcertainly beproud.
The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa area of operations employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet to defendU.S.,alliedandpartnerinterests
He first applied to the Enlisted CommissioningProgram(nowtheSeaman-to-Admiral Program) as a second class petty officer and was unsuccessful. As a first class petty officer he applied for Officer Candidate School (OCS) after completing a bachelor’s degree.Hewasrejectedagain Aftermultiple applications for a commission, then-Chief Alvarez applied for a commission through the Limited Duty Officer (LDO) program.
Bush,CarrierAirWing(CVW)7,Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf(CG55).
omoreattheNavalAcademy.“Youdon’thear in the was to the community
surface community so it
It was only then after more than a decade of sustained superior performance while facing setbacks head on that his steadfastnesspaidoff OnNov.1,2008,Alvarezearned hiscommissionasanLDO.
is so tight-knit and unique inthatmanner.”
ANNAPOLIS, Md The Freedom-vari ant littoral combat ship USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS 21) hosted tours for midshipmen from the United States Naval AcademyinAnnapolis,Maryland,Sept.2-6.
timeStrikeSquadron(HSM)46 A lot of miles on those shoes ADRIATIC SEA(Aug 31,2022) Cmdr MilesAlvarez assigned to the the George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (GHWBCSG) is promoted to commanderduring a promotion ceremonyaboard an MH-60S Nighthawkhelicopterattached to HelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, Aug.31,2022 The GHWBCSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSSTUARTPOSADA) uarterdeck Husband and wife assume command on the same day Lt Col.Michael O’Brien and Lt Col.Courtney O’Brien each tookcommand oftheirown squadronswithin 3rd MarineAircraftWing on the same day,Sept 9,2022 PAGEB4 www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022 1
crew and ship are,
The midshipmen visited various spaces on Minneapolis-Saint Paul, including the airborneandwaterbornemissionzones the messdecks thepilothouse,andtheforecastle of the ship while subject matter experts on the ship discussed the multitude of ship capabilities

Prior to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul’s arrival, the USNA midshipmen completed their in-depth where they officers
More Alvarezandhisfamily,andonethatfeatured a pair of shoes whose soles are long worn withservice
didn’t come from a Navyfamily,sothiswasmyfirsttimeseeing an actual ship I never considered the LCS programasanoption,andwhileIstillhavea longwaytogo itwilldefinitelybeonmylist ofoptionswhenthetimecomes.” While discussing the ship’s capabilities, thecrewmembersalsotalkedaboutdailylife onalittoralcombatship,touchingontopics likemealquality,crewmorale andtheclose nessofthecrew “You hear a lot about the submarine community, how it operates and how close thecommunityis,andIalwaysthoughtthat was exclusive to the sub community,” said Midshipman3rdClassJarrodSchad,asoph-
than 1,000 feet in the air above the water of the Adriatic Sea in an MH-60S Nighthawk helicopter, Lt Cmdr. Miles Alvarez reflected on more than 25 years of serviceintheU.S.NavyalongsideRearAdm. Dennis Velez, commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 10 George H.W. Bush CSG (GHWBCSG). It was the culmination of 26 yearsofdedicatedservicetothecountryfor

As a young man and native Los Angelino, Alvarezworkedtirelesslyatdead-endjobsto payhiswaythroughcommunitycollege He struggledtomakeendsmeetandsaveforthe future simultaneously and eventually the demanding pace took a hit on school work. Staring down college costs and a stagnate incomethatbarelylefthimafloat,thesearch beganforsomethingthatwouldgethimout ofLosAngelesandontomorestableground He looked to examples in his life for guidance,andhedidn’thavetolookfar.
summer training,
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) is the flag ship of CSG-10 and the George H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W.
The squadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7 embarked aboard George H.W. Busharethe“Sidewinders”ofStrikeFighter Squadron(VFA)86,the“JollyRogers”(VFA) 103 “Nighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Pukin Dogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails”ofCarrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, andthe“Grandmasters”ofHelicopterMari
Naval Academy.
Charlotte Caywood, a freshman
about that level of closeness
As a child, Alvarez lived with his grandfather,aKoreanWar-veteranandU.S.Army paratrooperwhowasalife-longexampleof focusanddisciplineforthefledglingstudent.
Sincethen,Alvarezservedinmyriadroles He was a SSES division officer aboard the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD 2), the operations officer at Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Whidbey Island, Wash., the Cryp tologic Warfare LDO/Chief Warrant Offi cer Detailer at Navy Personnel Command, andtheexecutiveofficeroftheFleetSurvey Team,StennisSpaceCenter Today,heserves as the Integrated Fires Officer for CSG-10, GHWBCSGaboardtheNimitz-classaircraft carrierUSSGeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77)
The ships of DESRON 26 within CSG-10 are USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Farragut (DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),andUSS DelbertD.Black(DDG119)
learned about basic seamanship, basic damagecontrol,navigation,andthevarious dutiesandresponsibilitiesofsurfacewarfare
“It Class at the “I
Theyalsostudysubjects such as leadership ethics, small arms drill seamanship and navigation, tactics naval engineering and weapons, cyber security, andmilitarylaw.Upongraduation,midship men earn a Bachelor of Science degree in a choiceof26differentsubjectmajorsandgo ontoserveatleastfiveyearsofexcitingand rewardingserviceascommissionedofficers intheU.S.NavyorU.S.MarineCorps
advanced technology and
knowledgeable about
Foundedin1845,theU.S.NavalAcademy is a prestigious four-year service academy thatpreparesmidshipmenmorally mentally, and physically to be professional officers in the naval service More than 4,400 men and women representing every state in the U.S. and several foreign countries make up the student body, known as the Brigade of Midshipmen.Midshipmenlearnfrommili taryandcivilianinstructorsandparticipate in intercollegiate varsity sports and extracurricularactivities
United State Naval Academy Midshipmen tour USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul ANNAPOLIS,MD (Sept.6,2022) Lt Jeanelle Seals discusses bridge operationswith a group ofmidshipmen aboard the Freedom-variant littoral combat ship USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS 21) inAnnapolis,Maryland,Sept 6,2022 USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul is scheduled to participate in FleetWeekMaryland 2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSJUELFOSTER)
“I wasn’t too the littoral ships coming board,” said Midshipman 2nd Class Padhi, a junior at the Naval Academy. “However,aftertouringtheship the learning how the I think it’s a reallygreatship.”
Minneapolis-Saint Paul is homeported at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Florida.
LCS is a fast, agile mission-focused platform designed for operation in near-shore environments yet capable of open-ocean operation. It is designed to defeat asymmetric “anti-access” threats and is capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security,seacontrol,anddeterrence
“This is a way to press down data so that you can send a lot of information at once,” said Rosa. “If you’re trying to send a classified document right now, we have to use couriers We might use FedEx or [U.S Postal Service] and they’ll bring the letter by hand. Our program can send all theinformationinlessthanaminuteusing the smart contract we wrote.”

LedbyNATOAlliedMaritimeCommand (MARCOM), the Dynamic Mariner aims to test and demonstrate NATO’s Response Force Maritime Component (NRF/M) and interoperability between NATO forces enhancingflexibilityandimprovingtheabil itytoworktogetheramongAlliednations It runs from Sept.11-22.
TheexercisealsoinvolvesStandingNATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) and Stand
ing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG2), two of NATO’s Stand ingNavalForcesonactivedutythatcontribute to the Alliance’s collective defence on a permanent basis.
The exercise includes 50 surface units, 5 submarines, 5 air assets (including mari time patrol aircraft and helicopters), 1,500 marines, and personnel, from 12 NATO nations Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, Türkiye, and the United States
“Nobody knows how to properlymanipulatethedata.Inourminds
Marine officer leads joint-service team of hackers in an IT competition U.S.Marine Corps 1st Lt AnthonyRosa,an unmanned-aerial surveillance electronicwarfare officerwith Marine UnmannedAerialVehicle Squadron (VMU) 2,poses fora photo at Marine CorpsAirStation CherryPoint,North Carolina,Aug.24,2022 Rosa competed in the Bravo Hackathon,an event held to help the Department ofDefense (DoD) bycombining the information technologyknowledge ofcivilians and service members.VMU-2 is a subordinate unit of2nd MarineAircraftWing the aviation combat element ofII Marine ExpeditionaryForce.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBY LANCECPL ANAKINSMITH) Q: IfIapplyforhousingusing theHousingEarlyAssistance Tool(HEAT),doesthedate Isubmitmyapplicationbecomemycontroldate? A: No HEATdoes not change existing policy fordetermining yourcontrol date. NAVY HOUSING Norfolk (757) 445-2832 JEBLCFS (757) 462-2792 Oceana/DamNeck (757)433-3268 Yorktown (757) 847-7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling(Individual,Couples,a nd Child Counseling) Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family Employment Assistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAnger Management Command Support Crisis Support SuicidePrevention SAPR Support 2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022

Whatismore effectiveistounderstanddatathat’scoming
AKSAZ, Türkiye NATO’s Exercise Dynamic Mariner-Mavi Balina 22 kicked offfromAksazNavalBaseSept 11.Dynamic Marinerisacrisis-responseexercise heldin conjunction with the Turkish Navy’s Exercise Mavi Balina, which brings together 12 Allied nations off the coast of Türkiye.

“I understood that this was going to be a high-income skill,” said Rosa. “When you see people using , you understand exactly how it’s helping them. When you build something useful, and then you see somebody’s life improved by it, that’s good and positive feedback from that experience Thatmakesyouwanttobuildmorethings.”
Rosa plans on continuing to program and finding new ways to help people with it. His program was made from thousands of lines of code and took the hard work of hisentireteam.Theirprogramiscurrently beinglookedatbymultiplecompaniesand organizations
“Dynamic Mariner is an incredibly important large-scale maritime exercise,” saidMARCOMDeputyCommanderFrench Navy Vice Admiral Didier Piaton. “This year’s event includes more assets than ever before, facilitating increased interoperability between our nations and enhancing operationalreadiness Wecontinuetowork closely with Türkiye and other Allies and Partners to deteraggressionand defend the Alliance.”
NATO’s maritime strength lies in the ability of the Standing Forces and NATO ResponseForce(NRF)elementstointegrate rapidly with high readiness high capability national forces and task groups Regu-
The NRF is a highly ready and techno logically advanced multinational force that comprises land, air maritime and Special Operations Forces (SOF) components that the Alliance can deploy quickly, whenever and wherever needed.
Dynamic Mariner-Mavi Balina will include training in specific skillsets to includesurface,air,anti-submarinewarfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASuW), mine countermeasures, amphibious, hybrid, and force protection operations

Collective defence remains the Alliance’s greatest responsibility and deterrence is a core element of NATO’s overall strategy preventing conflict and war, protecting Allies maintainingfreedomofdecisionand action, and upholding the principles and values it stands for Headquartered in Northwood, United Kingdom,NATOAlliedMaritimeCommand (MARCOM) is the central command of all NATO maritime forces MARCOM’s commander is the primary maritime advisor to the Alliance Like its land and air counterparts (LANDCOM and AIRCOM), MARCOM reports to NATO’s Allied Command Operations (ACO) which is located in Mons, Belgium. Exercise Dynamic Mariner/Mavi Balina 22 begins in Mediterranean Rosa. allofthatisprettyretroactive
lar training between these groups is a force multiplierandprovidesacollectivelytrained andinteroperablecapabilitythatNATOcan confidently deploy
Rosa and his team made a program that safely and efficiently compresses and sends classified documents and data. The program creates and processes elec tronic messaging in seconds as opposed to upwards of a week.
Rosa has been interested in programing since high school.
“I taught myself how to program when I was in high school, then got a job with websitedevelopment, saidRosa “Icontinuedtoworkinintechfields,andevenafter I went into the Marine Corps, I continued to do it.”
programmingskills Heplansoncontinuing his work in the future
“They are maybe going to move the application over to the National Security Agency,” said Rosa “They have a program for integrating technology. When it gets operationally used, then I’ll feel that satisfaction. You could build something amaz ing, but if nobody uses it, then it doesn’t matter.”
AKSAZ,Türkiye NATO’s Exercise Dynamic Mariner-Mavi Balina 22 kicked offfromAksazNaval Base Sept 11. ByLanceCpl AnakinSmith 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing LANGLEY AFB, Va During the week of July 18-22, 2022, U.S. Marine Corps 1st Lt. Anthony Rosa, an unmanned-aerial surveillanceelectronicwarfareofficerwith Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squad ron2,andhisteamcompetedintheBRAVO Hackathon.TheBRAVOHackathonwasan event to help the Department of Defense by combining the information-technology knowledgeofciviliansandservicemembers Rosa’steamwonfirstplacefor“MostTactically Relevant for Maintenance Data,” and second place for “Most Tactically Relevant forCyberOperations”withtheirprogram When attending the BRAVO Hackathon, RosaandhisteamofU.S.AirmenandGuardiansallhadthesamemissioninmind. “Thepremiseiswehaveallthisclassified data, said
Navy entomologists building strategic partnerships and international military readiness KISSIMMEE,Fla.(Sept.14 2022) Stafffrom Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory(NSMRL) pose fora group photowith the 2022 MilitaryHealth System Research Symposium (MHSRS) Award forExcellence,ResearchAccomplishmentTeam/Militaryfortheirefforts in hearing conservation.NSMRL part ofthe Naval Medical Research & Development enterprise,attended MHSRS, the Department ofDefense’s premierscientific meeting that focuses specificallyon the unique medical needs oftheWarfighter This annual educational symposium brings togetherhealthcare professionals,researchers,and DoD leaders forfourdays ofcritical learning intensive idea sharing and relationship building (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTOMMYLAMKIN/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022 3
The RHC team also investigated factors that can affect the effectiveness of hearing protection devices beyond design, includingeaseofuseandthefrequencyoftraining offered to service members
“A key component is how people wear their hearing protection The devices are only as good as people’s ability to put them on properly.”
NECE personnel shared recent develop mentsinwarfighterprotectiontechnologies such as more durable and longer-lasting insecticide treated netting, updates to NECE’s Insecticide Resistance Response System (IRRS), and ruggedized, field-por
“NECE is uniquely poised to evaluate, develop, and deploy both in-house and commercial solutions to the mission-stop pingthreatofvector-bornediseases,”saidLt Cmdr JamesDunford,NECEAssistantOIC “Thesurgeinpartnermilitaryinterestinthis topicshowsthattheUSNavycontinuestobe aresilientteam-builderaroundtheglobe.”
Although the central focus of ICMM remains firmly rooted in mil to mil coop eration, this year’s invited participants also included representatives from the World HealthOrganization(WHO),International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the World Veterinary Association (WVA) OneofthehighlightsfortheNECEteamwas discussions with Ghanaian Armed Forces Surgeon Captain Edward Nyarko on deep ening long-established collaborations and lookingoverthehorizontowhatfuturechal lengesmaylayahead.
The team, NSMRL’s Regional Hearing Conservation Program of Record (RHC), received the award for work done from Aug. 2021 Aug. 2022 collecting data on the performance of hearing protection devices used by the warfighter
“It’s really nice to be recognized,” said Stephanie Karch, a research audiologist with the NSMRL RHC team, “especially at a meeting like this where so much great work is being done.”
“We’ve teamed up with the Ghanaian military for decades, including helping establishtheGhanaArmedForcesEntomology Center of Excellence (GECE) in 2021,” saidCmdr.IanSutherland,NECEOIC “I’m thrilled by the opportunity to continue the workwithGECEandgrowourpartnerships inthisandotherregions.”
The2022MHSRSannualawardsrecog nize the accomplishments of individual researchers and research teams and warf ighter impact of those research and development efforts
NECE is a field activity of the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC), Portsmouth, Va NMCPHC develops and shapes public health for the U.S.NavyandMarinesCorpsthroughhealth surveillance, epidemiology and analysis, disease and injury prevention, and public health consultation. Learn more by going to Follow NMCPHConsocialmediaat:https://www. cHealthCenter and
MHSRS, the Department ofDefense’s premierscientific meeting that focuses specificallyon the unique medical needs oftheWarfighter This annual educational symposium brings together healthcare professionals,researchers,and DoD leaders forfourdays ofcritical learning intensive idea sharing and relationship building (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTOMMYLAMKIN/ RELEASED) FromNavyandMarineCorps PublicHealthCenter ThreepersonnelfromtheNavyEntomologyCenterofExcellence(NECE),Jacksonville Floridaparticipatedinthe44thWorld CongressoftheInternationalCommitteeof MilitaryMedicine(ICMM)heldinBrussels BelgiumSeptember5 9. The ICMM was founded over 100 years ago in the grave aftermath of World War One by two medical experts Belgian MajorGeneralJulesVonckenandU.S.Navy Captain William S. Bainbridge, who recog nizedtheimportanceofcloser,globalcooperation between the armed forces medical services This legacy continues today, evolving from the original eight founding nations, and culminating in this year’s engagement with over 268 personnel from 32 militaries, including Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Vietnam,Ghana,Nigeria,Georgia,Ukraine, India,Singapore,SriLanka,Turkey,andthe UnitedArabEmirates. The NECE attendees were extremely energizedbythelevelofglobalcooperation and engagement at the event and plan on sharing their experience with fellow Navy entomologists “NECE provides critical but highly specialized operational support, so I was grateful to meet with this global network anddiscusshowinnovationsandintegration
KISSIMMEE,Fla. Ateamofresearch ers from Naval Submarine Medical ResearchLaboratory(NSMRL)wasrecog nizedwiththe2022MilitaryHealthSystem Research Symposium (MHSRS) Award forExcellence,ResearchAccomplishment Team/Military at the MHSRS plenary session on Sept. 12

are doing on their own to protect warf ighterhealth,”saidKarch,“companiesthat make these products sometimes provide a measurement of efficiency, but it’s not mandated by law to be there, so there’s a gap of knowledge, and it’s not always obvious what tools are providing adequate protection We’re trying to build a knowledge base, so providers can answer those questions.”
“Thedemandishighfordataonhearing protection,” Karch added. “It hasn’t been available before this, and it really helps providers determine if certain hearing protections are sufficient.”
MHSRS is an annual conference taking place this year from Sept. 12 15 at the GaylordPalmsResort&ConferenceCenter This year marks the first in-person occur rence of the conference since 2019 NSMRL, part of the Naval Medical Research & Development enterprise and based out of Groton, Conn. sustains the readiness and superiority of undersea warfightersthroughinnovativehealthand performance research.
Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory recognized for excellence in research at 2022 MHSRS
KISSIMMEE,Fla.(Sept.14 2022) Shown,Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory (NSMRL)’s 2022 MilitaryHealth System Research Symposium (MHSRS)Award forExcellence, ResearchAccomplishmentTeam/Military won fortheirefforts in hearing conservation. NSMRL part ofthe Naval Medical Research & Development enterprise,attended acrossourandotherspecialtiescanimprove delivery of comprehensive force health protection,” Lt j.g. Sierra Schluep, NECE TestingandEvaluationDepartmentHead
BySidneyHinds Naval Medical Research Center
The RHC team’s work seeks to fill a knowledge gap in the current research on hearing protection by determining how well individual components of the warf ighter’s gear provide protection against noises encountered during the normal courseofduty,toincludeblastsandengine noises
2022)The Buddhist pennant flies forthe first time in U.S.Navyhistoryonboard the guided-missile destroyerUSS McFaul (DDG 74),Sept 11.The pennant flewduring a Buddhist Dharma service,led byNavy Chaplain Lt Saejeong Kim.U.S.Flag code stipulates that anychurch pennant be flown immediatelyabove the ensignwhen a chaplain conducts religious services underway LEFT:U.S.NavyChaplain Lt Saejeong Kim performs a Buddhist Dharma service onboard the guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74),Sept 11.Kimwas commissioned as a NavyChaplain in 2017 and currentlyserveswith Destroyer Squadron 2 as the onlyactive-duty Buddhist chaplain in the U.S.Navy (U.S. NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST3RDCLASSKERRIKLINE) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022
The O’Briens differences in person ality complements their relationship The couple credits one another for their professional successes and careers as well as the strength of their 17-year marriage Achieving a balance between two active duty careers and family can be challeng ing However,Courtneysaysthereisaway, and it starts with leadership
“At first, I chose this platform because I
siveandhyper-focused.WhenIamupthere intheair,theonlythingmyteamandIhave tothinkaboutiswinning.Everythingelseis adynamicmentalaspectofcommunicating with the other pilots in the most accurate waywithouttalking.”
The Buddhist pennant made its first appearanceonanunderwayshipwhenthe blueandwhitebannerwasspottedSept.11, aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74). The newest official U.S. Navy pennant flewinobservanceoftheBuddhistDharma serviceheldaboardMcFaulandledbyNavy ChaplainLt SaejeongKim.Nowoneoffour church pennants maintained by the U.S. Navy thepennant’sdevelopmentwasajoint effortbetweenU.S.FleetForcesCommand (USFFC) and Naval Surface Force Atlantic (SURFLANT). SURFLANT Force Chap lain,Capt.DavidThames,notedthelimited
“I am grateful for this opportunity to support the spiritual readiness of Sailors who sometimes do not have a language for their spirituality.”
Courtney’s passion is leading Marines and flying aircraft big aircraft. In fact, that’s why she pilots the KC-130J Super Hercules.
Buddhist pennant flies aboard Navy ship for first time
The effortless three-pointers left him in awe.
“While I got all my aggressiveness out of me on the basketball court, he still has plenty to give out in the air,” Courtney said before laughing
Then-midshipman Michael O’Brien watched the ball sail through the air before swishing perfectly into the net on the U.S. Naval Academy basketball court He fell in love CourtneyDavidsonmadeshotaftershot. TheHanover,Pennsylvania,nativewasearningher legacy as the highest all-time scorer on the Naval Academy women’s basketball team.
ByCommander,NavalSurface ForceAtlantic churchpennantsavailabletoships,despite diversereligiousservicesconductedunderway.Aftermonthsofproductionanddevelopment, the USFFC Chaplain Capt. Brian Stamm accepted the pennant and placed it into service in August.
The couple admits to having ups and downsintheirrelationshipastheyworked to find balance in supporting each other and their careers Operational commit ments and long work hours added a level of stress However, the couple learned that communication was key.
The O’Briens reflected on their differ ent experiences and preferences Michael explained that his wife is always there to remind him of the rules and regulations, while she adds that he supports her by encouraging her to be more extroverted and assertive with communication.
O’Brien: Husband and
U.S.Marine Corps Lt Col.Courtney“Britney”O’Brien left commanding officerofMarineAerial RefuelerTransport Squadron 352,MarineAircraft Group (MAG) 11,3rd MarineAircraftWing (MAW) and Lt Col.Michael“Snooki”O’Brien,right commanding officerofMarine FighterAttack Squadron 314 MAG 11,3rd MAW,pose fora photo in front ofa KC-130J SuperHercules and F-35C Lightning II jets on Marine CorpsAirStation Miramar,California,Sept 13,2022 The two married Marines tookcommand oftheirsquadrons on the same day.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBY LANCECPL COURTNEYA.ROBERTSON)
The Buddhist Pennant consists of a blue Dharmachara(Dharma Wheel)on awhite field with a rounded tip on the pennant. According to Kim, the Buddhist insignia is a manifestation of Buddha’s teachings throughone’sbody speech andmind.The Dharmawheelsymbolizesathreefoldprac tice: the outer circle (moral conduct), the spokes(wisdom),andthehub(meditation).

and genuine support of religious diver sity,” said Destroyer Squadron 2 Commo dore, Capt. Stefan Walch. “I am thrilled for Chaplain Kim Her efforts provide excellent care for our Sailors and she is an outstanding ambassador for her faith throughout the sea services This is a great day for the Navy.”
Lt Col. Courtney “Britney” O’Brien has taken the helm as the commanding officer ofMarineAerialRefuelerTransportSquadron (VMGR) 352, Marine Aircraft Group

The U.S. Flag Code stipulates that any church pennant be flown immediately abovetheensignwhileachaplainconducts religiousservicesunderway TheU.S.Navy maintains four church pennants: Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim. Cmdr AntoniaShey McFaulcommandingofficer said the ship is honored to fly this historic pennant.

“Ithinkwe,asleadership,don’tdoagood enough job prioritizing family,” Courtney said “I realized while going through it all, there is always a way to get things done and to still have a flexible approach. And that includes leadership They need to be flexible and support their Marines just as a Marine needs to be flexible to do his or her job.”
“This pennant is a landmark of our Navy’s commitment to our Sailors’ faiths
“McFaul is proud to fly the Buddhist Pennant for the first time in the Navy as Chaplain Kim leads divine services at sea,” said Shey “While flying this pennant is a historic first today, Kim has faithfully provided exceptional care and religious guidance to Sailors for many years The supportKimprovidesmySailorsisextraor dinary.”
“Back before we had our communica tiondown,oneofourbiggestfrictionpoints was figuring out whose job took prior ity,” Michael said. “When we realized the importance of communication, it wasn’t a bigfight It’smoreofcommunicatingwhose mission takes precedence and what makes most sense for the family and the job.”
”I am a jet pilot because I like to win, saidMichael,anativeofPhiladelphia “Iam extremelycompetitive Jetpilotsareaggres
Thetwoagreedthatwithoutbothputting effort into “making it work, their family wouldhavebeengreatlylackingtheconsistencyandstabilityitneeds.Theyexplained that programs for families across military bases,andtheabilitytoovercomeandadapt to adversity immensely helped them “Contrary to popular belief, the Marine Corps does not want cookie cutter,” Michael said. “If something needs to get done go outside the box and get it done TheMarineCorpswantsyoutocontribute yourindividualtalentsandideas,especially if it helps you succeed.”
Down the flightline, Michael leads the MarineCorps’firstoperationalF-35CLight ing II squadron, which he took over from Lt Col. Brendan M. Walsh, who success fully led the squadron on its first deployment aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier Michael’s assumption of command marks anotherachievementinahigh-speedcareer Michael has served in two combat deployments,graduatedfromtheU.S.Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program (TOPGUN),andbecameanF-35CLightning IIpilotbeforebecominganinstructor After takingcommand hesummeduphismotivationswithoneword:“winning.”
“I want to share this special moment withmySailorsandfellowBuddhistpracti tioners,”saidKim.“WhileBuddhistrepresentationintheU.S.militaryisnotlarge,as aBuddhistchaplaininthefleet,Ihavebeen uniquely positioned to appeal to a broad cultural and faith spectrum in the growing numberofsailorswhoidentifyas‘Spiritual But Not Religious.’
Born in Chicago and raised in South Korea, Kim was ordained as a Won Buddhist priest in 2006 after completing Won Buddhist Studies at the Won Insti tute of Graduate Studies She received her Ph.D in Buddhist Studies from Wonk wang University in 2016, after she served various Korean and American Buddhist temples She was commissioned a Navy Chaplainin2017andcurrentlyserveswith Destroyer Squadron 2 as the only activeduty Buddhist chaplain in the Navy Commissioned in 1998, McFaul is the 24thArleighBurke-classdestroyerandwas named after Chief Petty Officer Donald L. McFaul. McFaul was a SEAL Team 4 hero who was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross the nation’s second-highest combat valoraward,forhisheroicactionsinsaving histeammatesduringcombatoperationsin December 1989 as part of Operation Just Cause in Panama.
Almost 20 years later, Lt Col. Michael O’Brien and Lt Col Courtney O’Brien each took command of their own squad rons within 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing on the same day, Sept. 9, 2022, with 17 years of marriageundertheirbeltsandtwochildren bytheirside
ByLanceCpl CourtneyRobertson 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing
The O’Briens explained that being transparent with family and leadership is key to a successful marriage and career in the Marine Corps The growing pains of starting and nurturing a family while maintaining a prestigious career is a challenging endeavor that seems unreachable at moments With support from fellow Marines, leadership, loved ones, and the institutional support at units and installa tions beingahigh-performingMarineand ahusband,wife mother orfatheriswithin reach. It requires hard work, understand ing and sacrifice, but the reward is being thebestyou,foryourfamilyandtheCorps
The two Marine leaders have celebrated many successes throughout their careers, bothpersonalandprofessional Courtney,whorelievedLt Col.MichaelA. Blejskiofasuccessfulcommand,hasserved in multiple combat deployments including OperationEnduringFreedom.Herlonglist of accomplishments include her roles in doctrine development, becoming a Weap ons and Tactics Instructor, serving as a liaisontoNATO,andnowtakingoverasthefirst femaletocommandVMGR-352
11. A short jog down the flightline, Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314 is now commanded by none other than her husband Lt Col.Michael“Snooki”O’Brien
“Iamsohappytobebackinthisenvironment,” said Courtney, during her change of command ceremony while pointing at the formation of Marines “This is what it is all about.”
Courtney agreed with her husband, adding, “your success is the Marine Corps’ success.”
Team wife assume squadron on the same day
wanted to fly the biggest thing the Marine Corpshad,”saidCourtney reflectingonher desire to pilot the KC-130J SuperHercules “Withinthisplatform therearealwaysways to improve, and the teamwork that comes from a junior Marine, to a Master Gunnery Sergeant, and then up to me is an aspect I reallyenjoybeingapartof.”
“This is how we use the Environmental StewardshipInitiative, Morganexplained. “We’ve been to several companies across the state, trying to get ideas of how we can implement their environmental conserva-
annual revenue exceeds $1
functioningasanintegralpartofthegreater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; andCommander,FleetReadinessCenters
ByHeatherWilburn Fleet Readiness Center East
“Whatyou’reseeingherearesomeexamplesoftheout-of-the-boxthinkingourteam does, but it’s also a testament to how environmentalresponsibilityistrulyingrained intoourday-to-dayoperations,”hesaid “At each turn, everyone from our artisans on the hangar deck to the upper tiers of lead ershiphaveenvironmentalstewardshipon theirminds notjustbecauseit’srequired byregulationorbylaw,butbecauseit’sthe right thing to do.”
Partnerships with the state’s Environ mental Stewardship Initiative and private industry helped the command identify areas for improvement and reach its sustainability goals, said FRCE Compliance and Quality Department Head Amy Morgan.
These initiatives, and FRCE’s overall environmental performance, can only happenwhenthereisbuy-infromalllevels of the workforce, Belmont said.
FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider with more than 4,000 civilian, workers Its billion. The while

military and contract
state environmental
During the visit, Morgan and leaders from the depot’s Environmental Divi sion escorted Biser on a tour of FRCE that focusedonthecommand’soperations,and environmentalconservation andpollution prevention initiatives The group stopped at the future site of the F-35 lift fan facil ity currently under construction, which was funded in part by a $5 million invest ment by the state Other points of interest included a structure with a cistern system that collects rainwater for use within the building; an office and hangar complex designed with green building standards in mind; the advanced air filtration systems used in the depot’s aircraft paint hangars and booths; and the V-22 and H-53 aircraft production lines’ sanding processes
FRCE Commanding Officer Capt. James M. Belmont welcomed Biser to the depot Sept. 6 to learn more about the command’s operations and tour the facility, with an emphasisontheworkFRCEdoestoprotect the environment, the workforce and the surroundingcommunity
depot provides service to the fleet
CHERRY POINT, N.C. Fleet Readiness CenterEast(FRCE)hadthe opportunityto showcase the command’s commitment to environmentalstewardshipduringarecent visitbyNorthCarolinaSecretaryoftheEnvi ronmentElizabethBiser
FRCE hosts secretary
“Thesemetrics especiallythereduction in wastewater generation and the landfill diversion rate, are something to be proud of,” Biser said. “The operations here are a lot to manage, but with a comprehensive
“It’s an honor to host Secretary Biser and have the opportunity to highlight the proactive stance FRC East takes when it comes to meeting and exceeding our envi ronmental objectives,” Belmont said. “Our aircraftandcomponentmaintenance,repair and overhaul operations are wide-ranging and complex, but so is our commitment to environmental stewardship Our work force realizes the importance of protecting and preserving our community’s natural resourcesnowandforgenerationstocome, andconservationandsustainabilityarebuilt intoallofourprocesses.
FRCE’s environmental performance goals, which include aggressively pursu ing regulatory compliance and sustainability benchmarks, have consistently earned recognitionbystate,federalandDepartment ofDefenseentities,includingdesignationas aStewardintheNorthCarolinaDepartment of Environmental Quality’s Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) program since 2004 Stewards are the initiative’s elite members, and display a commitment to exemplary environmental performance beyondwhatisrequiredbylaw.
program and a proactive approach, it is clear you are going above and beyond in your environmental stewardship.”
tionprocessesinourfacilitiestosavewater and energy, and increase recycling.”
Theseeffortshelpedthedepotexceedits 2021 environmental objectives, including cuttingindustrialwastewatergenerationby 45%,reducingenergyintensity by18%,and achievingalandfilldiversionrateof61% In addition to meeting environmental objec tives, the depot’s environmental program also successfully completed several audits and inspections in 2021 and 2022, passing eachonewithnomajorfindings
Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Compliance and QualityDepartment HeadAmyMorgan,left discusses the environmental impacts ofaircraft maintenance,repairand overhaul operations with SecretaryElizabeth Biserofthe North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality,second from left during Biser’s recentvisit to FRCE.Biserlearned more about the command’s operations and toured the facility,with an emphasis on theworkFRCE does to protect the environment theworkforce and the surrounding community.
Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Environmental Division DirectorAndrewKrelie left discusses the environmental impacts ofaircraft maintenance,repairand overhaul operations with FRCE Compliance and QualityDepartment HeadAmyMorgan,middle,and Secretary Elizabeth Biserofthe North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality,second from left, during Biser’s recentvisit to FRCE. www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022 5

UNITAS develops and sustains relationships that improve the capacity of our reemerging and enduring maritime partners to achieve common objectives Additionally the military-to-military exchanges foster friendly, mutual cooperation and understanding among participating naviesandmarinecorps. UNITAS2022 U.S.Marineswith Lima Company,3rd Battalion,25th Marine Regiment and Delta Company,4th LightArmored Reconnaissance Battalion,in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir-GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII,pose fora group photowith Mexican and Uruguayan marines during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil,Sept 11,2022 UNITAS which is Latin for“unity, was conceived in 1959 and has taken place annually since first conducted in 1960 The exercise focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create newenduring relationships that promote peace,stability, and prosperityin the U.S.Southern Command’s area ofresponsibility.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL DAVIDINTRIAGO) U.S.Marine Corps Lance Cpl.ConorHicks,a riflemanwith Lima Company,3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division, in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII scans for threats during an amphibious assault training event during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Itaoca, Brazil,Sept 16,2022.Alanding craft,utility was used to move Brazilian,United States, and Uruguayan marines to shore from the amphibious transport dockship USS MesaVerde (LPD 19),where theysecured a beachhead.UNITAS develops and sustains relationships that improve the capacityofour reemerging and enduring maritime partners to achieve common objectives Additionally the military-to-militaryexchanges fosterfriendly,mutual cooperation and understanding among participating navies and marine corps.Hicks is a native of Florence,Kentucky (U.S.MARINECORPS PHOTOBYLANCECPL DAVIDINTRIAGO) U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.Joshua Grant,a squad leaderwith Lima Company,3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division, in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII participates in a push-up competition during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil,Sept 11, 2022 The competition included marines from multiple partnernations and built camaraderie between forces UNITAS trains forces to conduct joint maritime operations through the execution ofanti-surface, anti-submarine,anti-air amphibious,and electronicwarfare operations that enhance warfighting proficiencyand increase interoperabilityamong participating navyand marine forces Grant is a native ofChillicothe, Ohio (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCE CPL DAVIDINTRIAGO)

U.S.Marineswith during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil,Sept 9,2022 The training event consisted ofseveral squad tactics including maneuverunderfire and machine gun suppression drills.UNITAS develops and sustains relationships that improve the capacityofourreemerging and enduring maritime partners to achieve common objectives Additionally the military-tomilitaryexchanges fostermutual cooperation and understanding among participating navies and marine corps.(U.S.MARINECORPS
assigned to a
ABrazilian service memberwith the Grupamento de Mergulhadores de Comabte, Marinha do Brasil (Brazilian NavyCombat Divers Group),and a U.S.NavySEAL assigned to a Naval Special Operations Team,watch thewaterduring a dive mission as part ofexercise UNITAS LXIII in Rio deJaneiro,Sept 12,2022.UNITAS is theworld’s longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise that focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create newenduring relationships that promote peace,stability,and prosperityin the U.S. Southern Command’s area ofresponsibility.

MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL DAVID INTRIAGO) AU.S.Marine provides securityduring an amphibious landing as part ofexercise UNITAS LXIII in Itaoca,Brazil,Sept 16 2022. UNITAS is theworld’s longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise that focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create newenduring relationships that promote peace,stability,and prosperityin the U.S. Southern Command’s area ofresponsibility. (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL TRYSTANTAFT) Brazilian marines sprint to coverwhile conducting a range training event during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil, Sept 9,2022 The training event consisted ofseveral squad tactics including maneuver underfire and machine gun suppression drills.UNITAS trains forces to conduct joint maritime operations through the execution ofanti surface,anti-submarine, anti-air,amphibious,and electronicwarfare operations that enhancewarfighting proficiencyand increase interoperability among participating navyand marine forces (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL DAVIDINTRIAGO) Ecuadorian Marines establish a line offire while conducting an amphibious landing as part ofexercise UNITAS LXIII in Itaoca, Brazil,Sept 16 2022.UNITAS is theworld’s longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise that focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create newenduring relationships that promote peace,stability,and prosperityin the U.S. Southern Command’s area ofresponsibility. (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL TRYSTANTAFT)
U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.Joshua Grant a squad leaderwith Lima Company,3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII participates in a buddysquat competition during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil, Sept 11,2022 The competition included marines from multiple partnernations and built camaraderie between forces UNITAS develops and sustains relationships that improve the capacityofourreemerging and enduring maritime partners to achieve common objectives Additionally the militaryto-militaryexchanges fosterfriendly mutual cooperation and understanding among participating navies and marine corps. Grant is a native ofChillicothe,Ohio (U.S. MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL DAVID INTRIAGO) ofresponsibility. is a native ofChillicothe,Ohio (U.S.

6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022
U.S.NavySEALs Naval longest-running annual multinational maritime exercise that focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create newenduring relationships that promote peace,stability,and prosperityin the U.S. Southern Command’s area ofresponsibility.
U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.TylerRoss,a section leaderwith Lima Company,3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division, in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII folds the American flagwith a Brazilian marine during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil, Sept 8,2022.UNITAS is theworld’s longestrunning annual multinational maritime exercise that brings togetherforces from 19 countries to include Brazil,Cameroon,Chile, Colombia,Dominican Republic,Ecuador France,Guyana,Jamaica,Mexico,Namibia, Panama,Paraguay,Peru,South Korea,Spain, the United Kingdom,the United States of America,and Uruguay.The exercise focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create new enduring relationships that promote peace, stability,and prosperityin the U.S.Southern Command’s area ofresponsibility.Ross is a native ofCincinnati,Ohio (U.S.MARINECORPS PHOTOBYLANCECPL DAVIDINTRIAGO) U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.Joshua Grant a squad leaderwith Lima Company,3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division, in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII poses for a photowith an Uruguayan marine during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil, Sept 11,2022 UNITAS is theworld’s longestrunning annual multinational maritime exercise that brings togetherforces from 19 countries to include Brazil,Cameroon,Chile, Colombia,Dominican Republic,Ecuador France,Guyana,Jamaica,Mexico,Namibia, Panama,Paraguay,Peru,South Korea,Spain, the United Kingdom,the United States of America,and Uruguay.The exercise focuses on enhancing interoperabilityamong multiple nations and joint forces during littoral and amphibious operations in orderto build on existing regional partnerships and create newenduring relationships that promote peace,stability,and prosperityin the U.S. Southern Command’s area

Lima Company,3rd Battalion,25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division,in support ofSpecial Purpose Marine Air-GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII explain theircombat tactics to a Brazilian marine at a training event

Special OperationsTeam sit in a Combat Rubber Raid Craft as theyprepare to conduct a dive mission as part ofexercise UNITAS LXIII in Rio deJaneiro,Sept 12 2022 UNITAS is theworld’s

U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.Eli Smith,a squad leaderwith Lima Company,3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment 4th Marine Division, in support ofSpecial Purpose MarineAir GroundTaskForce UNITAS LXIII folds the Brazilian flagwith a Brazilian marine during exercise UNITAS LXIII in Marambaia,Brazil, Sept 8,2022 UNITAS,which is Latin for “unity,”was conceived in 1959 and has taken place annuallysince first conducted in 1960 Thisyearmarks the 63rd iteration ofthe world’s longest-running annual multi-national maritime exercise.Additionally thisyear Brazil celebrated its bicentennial,a historical milestone commemorating 200years ofthe country’s independence.Smith is a native of Toledo,Ohio (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBY LANCECPL DAVIDINTRIAGO)

ByMatthewJones The brief also provided aback groundonhowNavyWorkingCapitalFund works,maritime allowancing basics, and tactics to effect desired outcomes

NAVSUP WSSparticipates in Navy Operational Support Center -Surface Team One Sustainment Summit PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept.14,2020)TheTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSSAntietam(CG 54) movesinformationduring exerciseValiant Shield 2020.Valiant Shield is aU.S.only, biennial field training exercise (FTX)with afocus on integration ofjointtraininginablue-waterenvironment among U.S.forces.This training enablesreal-world proficiencyinsustaining joint forces through detecting,locating,tracking,and engaging unitsatsea,inthe air,onlandand in cyberspaceinresponsetoarangeofmission areas.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSNICKBAUER) BAYSIDE HARLEY-DAVIDSON & DUCATI PRESENTS 22ND ANNUAL FLEET RIDE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2022 Registration: 9am-11:30am Ride Briefing: 11:45am KSUatNoon after partyatbayside with live music,food trucks, vendors and more! $20 per /$5 passenger all proceeds go to navy-marine corpsrelief society 2211 Frederick Blvd.Portsmouth, VA free rallytowel for the first 300 riders!cash paymentonly same dayregistration www| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, September 22,2022 7


the harvesting costthroughfuture sales.NAVSUPWSS and NavalSea
NAVSUP WSSisone of 11 commands under Commander,NAVSUP. Headquar tered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs adiverse,worldwide workforceofmorethan22,500militaryand civilianpersonnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conductand enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics and Sailor and family careactivities with our mission partners to generatereadinessand sustain navalforces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars.Learn,,and https://twitter com/navsupsyscom.
Thebulk of the twodayswerespent discussing the myriad sustainment issues impactingthevariousshipclasses.Though theissueswerefarranging,partsavailabilitysurfacedasacommontheme,especially for older Hull, Mechanical and Electrical systems

Lynn Kohl,NAVSUPWSS vice commander,weighed in on the need to engage the wholesale supplysystem with theseparts issues,especiallywhen life-oftype part buy opportunities arise Kohl alsomentioned thereisaplace for NAVSUP WSStouse the Navy Working Capital Fund to fund certain ship harvesting efforts,the decommissioning process forTiconderoga-classcruisers for exam ple.Ifongoingdemandfortheseharvested parts areexpected, WSSwould recoup System
NAVSUP Weapons SystemsSupport Public Affairs MECHANICSBURG, Pa. —NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support participated in aNavyOperational Support Center Surface Team One Sustainment Summit at TacticalTrainingGroup’samphitheater onboardNaval Air Station Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The summit included nearly 200 partic ipants from across the sustainmententer prisetoinclude,The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Sustainment; Commander,Naval SurfaceForce,U.S Pacific Fleet; Commander, NavalSurface ForceAtlantic;Commander,NavyRegional MaintenanceCenter;Director,SurfaceShip Maintenance,ModernizationandSustain ment; Navy’s Expeditionary Warfare and SurfaceWarfaredirectorates;theProgram ExecutiveOffices for Ships, Integrated WarfareSystems,andUnmannedandSmall Combatants; and NAVSUP Command Control,Communications,Computersand Intelligence The two-dayevent waschaired by Surface WarfareOfficer Boss,Vice Adm. RoyKitchener.Dayoneincludedanumber of level-setting briefs to include ajoint brief on wholesale supply and retail spar ingissuesledbyNAVSUPWeaponSystems Support,Surface TYCOM N41, and Naval SeaLogisticsCenter.Thisbrieftiedcurrent fundingpoolchallengestoSurfaceWarfare Enterprise sustainment and readiness in the context of Performance to Plan,Navy’s approach to improving operational results using data.
Command’sSurface ShipSustainment Office,PMS443,areinongoingdiscussions onimplementingthisplanasaresultofthis conversation at the summit.

8 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, September 22 2022

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*Cast is subject to changes or additions announces the the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habi tats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising, administration and funding for the Virginia Aquarium Strand ing Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission- related education programs be a part of mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support programming.
Tattoo Hullabaloo: Start your Tattoo experience early with a free festival! Dinner, dessert, drafts, drumming, dance, drill&bagpipesabound!There’ssomething for everyone!
2023 Virginia International Tattoo: A Salute to Military Families PressRelease VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Do you have what it takes to be a hero? The Virginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenter’slatest exhibition,RESCUE,allowsgueststoexpe rience and react to high-pressure, rescue basedscenariosinland,sea,andairrescues The new exhibit is part of the Aquarium’s changing exhibits gallery which showcases new exhibitions seasonally RESCUE is included in general admission to the Virginia Aquarium and will be on display fromSeptember19,2022toJanuary10,2023 CreatedbytherenownedScitechinPerth, Australia and produced by Imagine Exhi bitions, guests can learn how rescue tech nology works and the skills and experience needed to be a rescuer Take control of a full-size helicopter simulator to get a bird’s eye view of a rescue scene and use infrared cameras to look for heat signals Navigate a jet ski around obstacles while searching for a swimmer washed out to sea, experience what it is like to traverse through a smokefilled room and use the correct fire extin guishertoputoutdifferentfires.Interactive exhibitswillalsoeducateguestsaboutmedi cine, search techniques, radio communication rescuesuppliesandequipmentsuchas theJawsofLife Tom Zaller, CEO of Imagine Exhibitions shared, “Imagine Exhibitions is proud to partner with Scitech to bring RESCUE to the Virginia Aquarium. Who didn’t dream ofbecomingapoliceofficerorfirefighteras a child? At RESCUE, now the whole family can learn more about what it takes to be a first responder, and maybe visitors of all ageswillbeinspiredtomakethatchildhood dreamareality!” RESCUE will be open daily to the public from9a.m.to5p.m.foralimitedtime from September 19 2022 through January 10 2023. General admission tickets are avail abletopurchaseontheVirginiaAquarium’s website. About Virginia Aquarium & Marine ScienceCenter TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScience Center is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums TheAquariumisalsoamember of World Association of Zoos and Aquari ums The Virginia Aquarium’s mission is to inspire conservation of the marine envi ronment through education, research, and sustainable practices It is located at 717 General Booth Boulevard, just south of RudeeInletinVirginiaBeach. The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports
You can
Virginia International Tattoo Amer ican Pipe Band Championship: Watch as hundreds of bagpipers and drummers compete for the honors in this annual competition!

Inadditiontothescheduledperformances, you can enjoy the Virginia International Tattoo experience at these free and open to thepubliceventsinNorfolkApril20 23:
New Zealand: The Highland Dance Company of New Zealand
PipingAcademyPipesandDrums;Camden CountyEmeraldSocietyPipesandDrums; Old Dominion University Concert Choir; Tidewater Pipes and Drums; U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Band; U.S. Marine Corps Band, Quantico; U.S.
Virginia Arts Festival
Performances will be held at the Scope Arena in Downtown Norfolk, Virginia on Thursday, April 20, Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 at 7:30pm and Sunday, April 23 at 2:30pm.
The Virginia International Tattoo is locatedinthecoastalVirginiacityofNorfolk, which is home to the world’s largest Navy base NATO’s only North American headquarters,andthelargestpopulationofactive dutyandretiredmilitaryintheUnitedStates Withour“homeport”inthesewatersitisno surprise that our Tattooiswidely knownas themostpatrioticintheworld.
Canada: 2
Company; U.S. Navy Fleet
Thecenturies-oldtraditionofTattooorig inatesasasignalfromdrummersinstructing Dutch innkeepers near military garrisons to “Doe den Tap-toe or “turn off the tap” Hearing the call “Tap-toe” soldiers would return to their barracks for an evening roll call.Theensuingparadeofsoldiersevolved intoamilitarymarchingbandperformance nowknownworldwideas“Tattoo”
Theheartbeatofthe2023VirginiaInter national Tattoo will be its incredible inter nationalcastofmorethan800performers with bands from the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps joined by civilian and mili tary performers from 7 nations You will see returning favorites such as Norway’s Band and Drill Team of His Majesty the King’s Guard, the Singapore Armed Force Central Band and the Massed Pipes and Drums from four nations. The Tattoo will also include first time performers which are sure to become new favorites includ ing the Latvian Central Band. The soul of the2023VirginiaInternationalTattoowill be an emotional and grateful “Tribute to Military Families”.
Symphony Orchestra Chorus
Singapore: Singapore Armed Forces Central Band
Ceremony: Come celebrate the NATO alliance with military music and ceremony. The NATO Flag Raising Ceremony is presented by NATO Allied Command Transformation and the Norfolk NATO Festival, in partnership with the Virginia International Tattoo DrumLineBattle:AHullabaloofavorite, DrumLine Battle™ showcases marching percussion ensembles, spotlighting their unique talents and creativity in a high-energy face-to-face competition.
RESCUE! The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s latest exhibition is now open INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Tackle the perfect tailgate menu As tailgate grub continues to trend toward easyand quick,Sweet Heat Foil Packets provide anotherno-mess, single-serve solution. Page4 www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 22 2022 1

Marine FAST Forces Virginia
International Village: Immediately following the Parade of Nations join in a celebration and appreciation of our NATO Member Nations Explore international heritagewithculturalperformances,inter national art, cuisine and craft beers Come celebrate with the whole family in a European Street fair atmosphere in Downtown Norfolk.
Latvia: Central Military Band of the Latvian National Armed Forces
Norfolk NATO Festival Flag Raising

LEFT: HarryMorgan,Jamie Farr,Loretta Swit at the Emmys

Alan Alda, who played Captain Benja min “Hawkeye Pierce posted a picture of himself and Mike Farrell who played B.J. Hunnicutt holding a bottle of wine, with thecaption,“MikeFarrellandItodaytoast ing the 50th anniversary of the show that changedourlives andourbrilliantpalswho made it what it was. MASH was a great gift tous.”
Yiorgo:Asahugefanoftheshowthathad an impact on my life, it really is an honor to talkwithyoutodayMs.Swit Canyoushare your thoughts and feelings about some of yourfellowMASHactors?
AlanAldaasyouknowisfightinghisafflic tion(Parkinson’sdisease)andisdoingwell Italkwithhimandheisdoinghisexercises hekeepsbusy playschesswithhiswife he’s a terrific, terrific guy Mike Farrell is the leader in the world against capital punish ment, against killing people, and continues toworkhardtokeepthatcauseonthefore frontandinthenews
In a Cirque du Soleil first, the stage is central in the arena and divides the venue, with each half of the audience facing the other half, giving a unique perspective not only of the show, but also a performer’s eye view of the audience An atmosphere like never seen before in Cirque du Soleil arena shows The set curtains inspired by the Eiffel Tower, and the central curtains, which were hand painted, give a grandiose feel to the stage. This sets the tone for the poetryofCorteo

Cirque du Soleil has redefined how the world views the circus; from small town talent to a household name Based in Montreal (Qc), the Canadian organization went on to become a global leader in live entertainment with the creation of world-class immersive and iconic experi ences, across 6 continents Cirque du Soleil connects with audiences by being genuine, human and inclusive. Privileged to work withartistsfrom90countriestobringtheir
Loretta Swit, who played Major Margaret Houlihan for all 11 seasons said on her Facebook post, “Hard to believe it’s been a halfcenturysincethepremiere,wheredoes the time go! It’s been an incredible journey andthankyoutoeachandeverymemberof theamazing#globalmashfamilyforbeingon thisincredibleM*A*S*H-ride!”
Tickets for Corteo at Scope Arena are coming back to America with one of its bestloved productions
Jamie Farr and I are very, very close friends Jamie loved my mom. The last threetofouryearsofherlife,shelivedatthe motionpicturehomeanditwasnotthatfar away from Jamie’s beautiful home and he wouldstopinandvisitwithher,sometimes I wouldn’t even know about it. They were on a first name basis and my mother didn’t want to go anywhere during the holidays exceptJamie’shouse.Heissorespectedand loved. We’ve done shows together, differ entconventionsandpeopleadorehim.And when they have both of us coming to these autographshowswedrawhugecrowds.
Remembering anniversary of the show M*A*S*H and the actors alive today
creativitytolifeonstagesaroundtheworld, thecompanyaimstomakeapositiveimpact onpeople,communitiesandtheplanetwith its most important tools: creativity and art. Overtheyears,morethan215millionpeople have been inspired, in over 70 different countries For more information, visit
andI,beforewewerelivingclosertogether, we were together every weekend. He and Eileen, his first wife, we would go out and have lunch together He had a favorite restauranthelovedgoingto Heknewevery bodythereandtheyknewhim Eileenwould
Y: The episode entitled ‘The Nurses,’ has my favorite scene with you, when you say to the nurses “Did you ever once offer me a lousy cup of coffee?” I have a lump in my throat now just saying the words. I saw it again in preparation for this interview and your eyes are all watery Can you talk about thatsceneandyourmemoryofit?
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
say, “Harry treats this restaurant like his
LS: It’s become a very famous, iconic episode There are tee shirts that people can buy with that saying on there. I believe it was chosen as one of the top 20 speeches from TV shows that broke your heart. Joan Darlingdirectedit,itwastowardstheendof the day, we blocked it She saw where I was going shecameover,tookbothofmyhands putthemonherchestandsaid,it’sallthere Don’trehearseit,don’tdoanythingelse,it’s all there, go home, bring it back tomorrow and we will shoot it. She recognized that I was ready to go The next day, I came out, I did the scene, once, and one of the nurses sent me a note immediately It’s a very, very famoussceneandmanypeoplewanttotalk aboutitwithme Iwatcheditmyself.Itwas a beautiful scene What I loved about it is the opportunity to show how lonely it is at the top. I get a lot of fan mail about it, especially from men in CEO positions saying what a refreshing thing to show. That we needtokeepthatseparationinorderforthe companytogrow Theysawdifferentthings inthesceneforthemselves
LS:Hewaswonderful,hewasjoyperson ified. You were in love with him from the moment he walked in. Greeks have that charm that ability to smile and laugh, to dance and sing and he brought that to the set Hebroughtittotheblocking,torehearsal towalkingtosittingaroundtalking.Hewas a joyous, happy Greek. He was wonderful it’sintheGreekcharacter It’sinstantlove I love Greece by the way. I have spent time in Athens, stayed for quite a while and then took a cruise to the islands They were wonderful.Theyarebleachedwhitehouses against this gorgeous blue sky and equally gorgeous blue Mediterranean Sea. Every where you turn is a painting The Greeks arethemostlovablepeopleandgorgeousto lookat,theskin,thehair,it’sabeautifulplace withbeautifullookingpeoplelikeafairytale Maybe that’s the best way to describe the Greeks
Y: Because I am Greek my other favorite episode is the Easter episode ‘Private Charles Lamb’ with the Greek soldiers and Radar’slamb Canyoushareyourmemories ofthatepisodeandofTitosVandistheGreek officerincharge?
Corteo,whichmeanscortegeinItalian,is a joyous procession, a festive parade imag ined by a clown. The show brings together the passion of the actor with the grace and poweroftheacrobattoplungetheaudience into a theatrical world of fun comedy and spontaneity situated in a mysterious space betweenheavenandearth.
private club.” We were always very close. If weweren’tdoingthat,wewereatmyhouse becauseIlovedtocook.Soithadnothingto dowithproximity,wewerealwaystogether Harry was kinda my everything you see to me He was my father figure, my colleague, my friend, my confessor, he wore all those hatsandfilledthemcompletely.Hewasthe besthumanbeingyoucouldaskfor Hecould doitall.Aconsummateprofessionalwith110 black and white and color films, nine tele vision series, he could make you laugh, cry, knewhiswords,hislines,hewasincredible.
Cirque du Soleil is
For the last Emmy show before we wrapped, we hired a bus so we could go all
NORFOLK, bepresentedattheScopeArenafor5shows onlyfromJanuary26
together Normally the studios send you theselonglimousines,butwewentonabus becauseweallwantedtobeandsittogether Y: Speaking of Jamie being near your mom, you were neighbors with Harry Morgan.Wasthatdoneonpurpose? LS:Ithadnothingtodowithamap.Harry
the 50th
Theclownpictureshisownfuneraltaking place in a carnival atmosphere, watched over by quietly caring angels Juxtaposing thelargewiththesmall,theridiculouswith the tragic and the magic of perfection with the charm of imperfection the show highlightsthestrengthandfragilityoftheclown, aswellashiswisdomandkindness,toillustrate the portion of humanity that is within eachofus Themusicturnslyricalandplay fulcarryingCorteothroughatimelesscele brationinwhichillusionteasesreality
CORTEO 2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, September 22 2022
LorettaSwit:Iwouldbegladto Wewere a family on the TV show then and they are myfamilytoday.Iknowwheretheyareand whattheyaredoingnowaswespeak When Jamiehadahipreplacement Iknew When I took a flop and fell on the sidewalk in my wonderful New York City, he knew We know everything going on with each other Overall,includingme,wehavefivesurvivors andweareadevotedfamily
September 17th marked the 50th anni versaryofmyfavoriteTVshowMASH,and undoubtedly the favorite of millions and millionsuponmillionsoffanslikeme Itwas one of the most iconic shows on television, running for 11 seasons The final episode is themostviewedtelevisionfinaleofalltime.
Wewerefortunateenoughtohavespoken withMs.Switafewmonthsago Hereispart ofourconversation.
Gary Burghoff who has actually retired and is a wonderful, wonderful artist, he doesbirdsmostly beautifulwork.Hewon’t fly He lives in a mobile home and spends his winters in the Florida sunshine and his summersinMassachusettsorConnecticut. Hegoessouthforthewinterandeastforthe summer Heisaproudgrandfatherandloves braggingaboutit.
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
Va Corteo, the most enchanting arena production from Cirque duSoleilisbackinNorthAmericaandhead ing to Norfolk, VA, set to charm audiences for the very first time This unique production, directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca, first premiered in Montreal under the Big Top in April 2005 Since its creation, the show has amazed over 10 million spectators in 20 countries, on 4 continents Corteo will
ABOVE: Loretta Swit and AlanAlda at the Emmys

“There are many benefits to having a natural landscape, including the time and moneyyouwillsaveonseeding,feedingand mowingtraditionalgrasslawnseveryyear,” saidRebekahEastep, “But the biggest impact will be on the environment, including the wildlife and polli nators that will be attracted to all that lush beauty.”
adequate coverage and diversity through outyourspace.Anoverheadcanopyoftrees, for instance, provides wildlife with a food source, nesting cover and shelter from the elements
This area
Go wild with native

Next, look at your landscape to see what changes you would like to make. Consider planting native species of trees shrubs perennials and groundcovers suitable to your area’s growing conditions Choose theseinvaryingheightsandlayerstoensure

HAMPTON ROADS, Va The summer isfadingfast,muchlikethegrassyoucoaxed intogrowingjustafewmonthsago Thefall season is an ideal time to assess your lawn and garden areas and even consider a new vision for the space Replacing traditional sodwithamixofnativeplantsandground covers that boost wildlife populations is growing in popularity And the people who power the environmental educationinitiativeencouragepeopletogive “rewilding”atry.
habitatforcritters Inourarea,thisincludes salamanders, box turtles, birds and other wildlife
ABOVE:Arewilded lawn. BELOW: As of December 2021, approximately 67,000activeandReserveSailorsofHispanic heritageserveintheU.S.Navycontributing tothestrengthofthenation’sforce Hispanic Americans’ military service dates back to theCivilWar. ThetraditionofobservingHispanicheritagebeganin1968 whenPresidentLyndon B. Johnson designated a week in mid-SeptemberasNationalHispanicHeritageWeek. Twentyyearslaterin1988,PresidentRonald Reaganextendedthatweektoamonth long observance The heritage month’s dates refer to Independence Day anniversaries of Latin American countries September 15 is the anniversaryofindependenceforCostaRica, ElSalvador Guatemala,HondurasandNica ragua. Mexico declared its independence September16,andChileSeptember18 The Navy is strengthened by the diver sity of its force as it underlines that patriots ofHispanicAmericanHeritagecontinueto build legacies of freedom and diversity as theyfightforthesecurityofthecountryand thepeaceoftheworld. SelectShipsNamedinHonorofHispanic Americans: 1stLt BaldomeroLopez(T-AK-3010) Benavidez(T-AKR-306) CesarChavez(T-AKE-14) Farragut(DDG-99) Garcia(DE-1040) Gonzalez(DDG-66) RafaelPeralta(DDG-115) See page 8 for more on Hispanic Hertiage and the U.S. Navy The U.S. Navy observes Sailors Hispanic heritage TheArleigh Burke-class destroyerFarragut (DDG-99) sails in theAtlantic Ocean,26June 2016 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNATHANWILKES) Get moreout of your subscription by setting up your digital account It’seasy to start your online access! Visit: www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 22 2022 3

About : askHRgreen. org is your go-to resource for all things green in Hampton Roads from recycling tips and pointers for keeping local water wayscleantowater-savingideasandsimple steps to make local living easy on the envi ronment.Launchedin2011,theregion-wide publicawarenessandeducationcampaignis administered through the Hampton Roads PlanningDistrictCommissionandpowered by the following members: The cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg; the counties of Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, Southampton, Surry and York; the town of Smithfield; and HRSD Like on Facebook, follow on Twitter and Instagram, tune in to YouTube andcatch the“Let’sTalkGreen”blog,writ tenbyateamoflocalexperts plants in this fall SoutheastVirginia partners have published a regional guide.The guide highlights native plants found in SoutheastVirginia,including the“Hampton Roads”region. encompasses entire Southern Coastal Plain Physiographic Province (south oftheJames River east to theAtlantic coastline andwest to the Fall Line),and a portion ofthe Northern Coastal Plain Physiographic Province (north oftheJames River),aswell as a portion ofthe OuterCoastal Plain Physiographic Province.

First, control or remove invasive species that are known to be problematic to the environment, such as English ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, periwinkle, privet, nandina andbarberry
For those who live on the water, create a wide plant buffer at the edge to intercept sediments and filter out nutrients that run offtheland.
Plant Virginia Natives, a collaborative initiativecreatedtoincreasethelocalavail ability and use of native plants statewide offerstipsforcreatingalandscapeinwhich naturetakescareofitself

Includeplantsforthepollinators suchas hummingbirds bats bees, beetles butter flies, and flies that carry pollen from one planttoanother
Plant Virginia Natives publishes native plant guides for all Virginia regions DownloadtheNativePlantsforSoutheastVirginia guide at https://www.plantvirginianatives. org/plant-southeast-virginia-natives And for more information like this visit
your lawn and garden
If you do wish to retainsome lawn space, keepittoaminimum. Finally leave the leaves! Setting aside areas in your landscape for leaf beds and using leaves as mulch provides an essential
“Makinganyofthesechangeswillhelpto transformyouryardintoahealthy‘rewilded’ environment, but don’t feel you have to do everything at once,” Eastep said. “Working onyouryardovertimewillallowyoutoview your landscape throughout the seasons It can be fun to wait and see what nature has instore.
Astailgategrubcontinuestotrendtoward easy and quick, Sweet Heat Foil Pack ets provide another no-mess, single-serve solution. Load up individual packets with shrimp chicken, andouille sausage and favorite veggies then head to the game and grill on-site for a hot meal to fire up your fellowfans.
Recipe cutinhalfand cutinhalf(16
courtesy of Aramark Servings: 8 ½cupcoldbutter,diced 1cupdicedyellowonion 1cupdiced,peeledpotatoes 1cupdiced,peeledcarrots 1cupdicedredbellpepper 2cupsdicedskinless,bonelesschicken breast 16extra-largeshrimp,peeled,deveined andtailsremoved 8teaspoonsCajunseasoning 1cupdicedpineapple 1cupandouillesausage
shrimp, seasoning,
Placegrilled bratwurst on
Heatgrilltomedium.Placeeight18-by-18 squares heavy-duty aluminum foil on worksurface
Infact,manytailgatersbelievefoodisthe mostimportantaspectofthepregamefestiv ities andonetrendywaytofeedyourcrowd is with small plates appetizers samplers and innovative sides that feature a variety of flavors like these ideas from the experts atAramark
Whiletheymaynotstraponhelmetsand head to the field for kickoff, football fans often feel like they’re as much a part of the game as the players themselves. When the team is in the locker room laying out the gameplan,scoresoffansarefuelingupwith tantalizingtailgatefoods
Sweet Heat Foil Packets
the Morning Sweet and SpicyBratwurst Subs 4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, September 22 2022
On half of each foil square evenly layer onions, potatoes, carrots, red bell chicken, pineapple,sausage,corncobsandgreenonions foil in half over filling Fold edges of foiltightlytowardfillingtosealpackets in
Spreadmayonnaiseonrolls rolls and with kimchi and
Find more game day recipe inspiration by visiting Aramark’s Feed Your Potential website, and Spicy Bratwurst

sliced 8frozenminicorncobs
pieces) 1cupslicedgreenonion salt,totaste pepper,totaste
Subs Recipe courtesy of Aramark Servings: 8 Kimchi: 1½cupsgreencabbage,cutintothick strips ¼cupwater 4teaspoonswhitevinegar 1tablespoongochujangpaste 2teaspoonsfishsauce ½teaspoonmincedgarlic ½teaspoonminced,peeledgingerroot ½cupdaikonradishstrips ¼cupshredded,peeledcarrot ¼cupslicedgreenonion Place cabbage in microwavable bowl. Add water Cover and microwave on high 2 minutes or until tender-crisp. Rinse with coldwateranddrainwell In large bowl, mix vinegar, gochujang, fish sauce, garlic and ginger Add steamed cabbage, daikon, carrot and onion; toss to coat.Coverandchill To make mango slaw: Mix cabbage, mango,carrot,onion,redbellpepper,cilantro,ginger vinegar saltandgarlic.Coverand chill MangoSlaw: 2cupsshreddedgreencabbage ⅓cupdicedmangochunks,thawed fromfrozen ¼cupshredded,peeledcarrot ¼cupslicedgreenonion ¼cupredbellpepper,cutintothinstrips 2tablespoonschoppedfreshcilantro 2tablespoonsminced,peeledgingerroot 2tablespoonswhitevinegar ½teaspoonkoshersalt ¼teaspoonmincedgarlic SpicySesameMayonnaise: ⅓cupmayonnaise 1tablespoonsriracha 1½teaspoonssesameoil 1½teaspoonsseasonedricewine vinegar 8bratwursts(4ounceseach) 8hoagierolls(6inches),split Mixmayonnaise,sriracha,sesameoiland vinegaruntilwellblended.Coverandchill. Heat grill to medium and lightly oil grill rack. Grill bratwursts 8 minutes, or until internaltemperaturereaches155F.
Sweet Heat Foil Packets
Placepacketsonbakingsheet Grill 15 minutes with lid closed until chicken and shrimp are cooked through. Seasontotastewithsaltandpepper Tackle tailgate menus with fast, flavorful foods FromFamilyFeatures/ It’shardtobeatafresh,oven-bakedbreak fast to start the day, especially one loaded withsausageandeggscomplementedbythe sweetnessofdicedapplesandmaplesyrup ThisMapleBreakfastBraiddeliversatempt ingflavorcombinationperfectforaweekend morningwithlovedones Maple Breakfast Braid 1package(16ounces)breakfastsausage ¼cupmaplesyrup 2eggs beaten ½cupgreenonions sliced 2GrannySmithapples,peeledanddiced 1½cupsdryherbstuffingmix 1package(17¼ounces)frozenpuff pastry,thawed 2eggwhites 1teaspoonwater Heatovento400F. In large bowl, combine sausage syrup beateneggs,greenonions,dicedapplesand stuffingmix. Dust surface with flour; roll out pastry sheet to 12-by-18-inch rectangle Transfer pastrytolargebakingsheetwithparchment paper Spoon half of sausage mixture down centerofpastry Make 3-inch cuts down sides of pastry Fold one strip at a time, alternating sides Foldbothendstosealinfilling.Inbowl beat eggwhitesandwater;brushoverpastry Repeatstepsforsecondpastrysheet. Bake25-30minutes,oruntilbrown,rotat ingpansafterbaking15minutes Deliver Maple Flavor
Aneasyhackforyournextgamedaymeal can be a recipe you prepare at home before heading to the stadium The toppings are what set these Korean-inspired Sweet and Spicy Bratwurst Subs apart. Just make the crunchy kimchi, bright mango slaw and spicy sesame mayonnaise up to two days ahead of time so grilling the bratwursts is allyouneedtodobeforekickoff
How Novavax is Different
Of note, the PACT Act will:
FulltextoftheSergeantFirstClassHeath RobinsonHonoringourPromisetoAddress Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act can be found here: chrome-extension://efaid nbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https:// PLAW-117publ168.pdf
mental exposures experienced during deployment.
Novavax’s protein-based virus blocking technology is based on a more traditional platform than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines—the first mRNA vaccines to be allowed for use in the prevention of any infectious disease
Improve health effects research and exposure monitoring across Department of Defense
Among the requirements of the PACT Act is substantial coordination between DOD and VA, specifically in regard to service members’ and veterans’ ability to update exposure records in the Individual Longitudinal Exposure Record (ILER).
In the most significant expansion of the Department of Veterans Affairs health care in more than 30 years, President Biden signed the Honoring our Promise toAddressComprehensiveToxics(PACT) Act this past month.
screening for veterans enrolled in VA health care
vaccine as a primary series or boosterindifferentagegroupsandinthose whose immune systems are weakened. Find the chart here: chrome-extension:// efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ downloads/COVID-19-vacc-schedule-at a-glance-508.pdf The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine
Thelegislation,whichunderwentseveral revisionsintheHouseandSenate expands and extends eligibility for veterans of the VietnamWar,GulfWar,andpost-9/11eras
PresidentJoe Biden signs the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring ourPromise toAddress ComprehensiveToxics (PACT)Act onAugust 10 2022 (PHOTO:KENTNISHIMURA)
vaccinations,” said Air Force Lt Col. Ruth Brenner deputychiefoftheDefenseHealth AgencyImmunizationHealthcareDivision. “Because Novavax uses a vaccine platform that has been the basis of vaccines for 30 years, some beneficiaries may feel more comfortable using it for their protection against COVID-19.”
“Novavaxoffersthelatesttooltocombat COVID-19,whichmeansanotheroptionfor militarybeneficiariestogettheirCOVID-19
President Biden signs PACT Act, addresses toxic exposures

Requires provision of a toxic exposure
For more information about the PACT Act and its effects on VA benefits, please visit the VA Resource page: https://www va-benefits/
Add more than 20 new presumptive conditions for burn pits and other toxic exposures, as well as additional presump tive-exposure locations for Agent Orange and radiation
“It’svitallyimportantwetakecareofour service members and veterans I’m proud oftherolethattheDepartmentofDefense
Novavax COVID-19 vaccine now available for 12 to 17 year-olds U.S.AirForce StaffSgt.Joseph Holweger 86th Medical Group non-commissioned officerin charge ofthe Immunizations Clinic,prepares a vaccine at RamsteinAirBase Germany,Aug.18 2022 Holwegerand the rest ofhis team at the immunizations Clinic on base are prepared to issue the Novavaxvaccine to those interested. www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 22 2022 5

ThisapplicationisusedbytheDODandthe VAtotrack,record,andassessenvironmentalandoccupationalexposuretopotentially hazardoussubstances datathatiscrucial tohealthcareinterventionsandtreatment.
“Thevaccinepackagesharmlessproteins of the COVID-19 virus alongside another ingredientcalledanadjuvantthathelpsthe immunesystemrespondtothevirusinthe future,” the CDC explained Protein-based vaccines have been used for more than 30 years in the United States
ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications
COVID-19 is not currently authorized as a booster dose for any age group Novavax said it has been studying how wellitsvaccinewillworkasabooster “and the vaccine has been included in studies assessing mixing and matching different vaccines.”
Active duty service members can learn about recent updates to the registry and how to participate at the AHBurnPitRegistry
includingHealthAffairs willplayinensuring that service members and veterans are able to get the care they need and deserve We’ll work hand in hand with the VA to ensure full and complete implementation of the PACT Act,” stated Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs SeileenMullen,whowasinattendancefor the bill signing In addition to implementation of the PACT Act and ongoing coordination to enhance the capabilities of the ILER, the DOD continues to collaborate with VA in its work on the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, a secure database of health information provided by service members and veterans that helps the VA collect,analyze,andpublishdataonhealth conditions that may be related to environ-
Adolescentsages12to17cannowreceive the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine the fourth vaccine to be authorized for the prevention ofcoronavirus Similar to other vaccines on the market, the vaccination regimen for Novavax calls fortwodosesthreeweeksapart. Military Health System parents who are interestedintheNovavaxoptionfortheirchildrenshouldcontacttheirprovidertodiscuss this vaccination option andfor availabilityof thevaccine Thevaccinemayalsobeavailable throughTRICAREin-networkpharmaciesor otherparticipatingpharmacies The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the vaccine on Aug. 22 for use in adolescents ages 12 to 17 aftertheFoodandDrugAdministrationgave emergency use authorization (EUA) for its useinthatsameagegrouponAug.19 An EUA means the product has not been fullyapprovedbyFDAbutisavailableduring public health emergencies because clinical datahaveshownittobesafeandeffective. Novavax Already Authorized for Those 18 and Older TheFDApreviouslyauthorizedNovavax onJuly13foruseagainstCOVID-19inthose 18yearsandolder TheCDCrecommended the vaccine on July 19 for that same age group. The Department of Defense and the DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices secured 3.2 million doses of Novavax in JuneinadvanceofthedecisionsbytheFDA and CDC Novavax is the Newest COVID-19 Vaccine NovavaxisthefourthCOVID-19vaccine to either get authorized or fully approved. The FDA approved Pfizer and Moder na’s messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines for primary doses Those vaccines are also authorized for boosters Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s one-dose modified adenovirus vaccine is still avail able in limited circumstances as a primary vaccine or booster for those 18 and older The CDC has a chart that shows you howyourhealthprovidershouldgiveeach
Last May, the company started a large scale clinical trial to test a booster that targetstheOmicronvariant.Novavaxplans to speed up research on shots tailored to BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants and it’s also working on a bivalent booster against the Omicron variant. Pfizer and Moderna expect their bivalent boosters against Omicron will be authorized soon.
6 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, September 22 2022 Advertising categories include: •Announcements &celebrations •Merchandise &carsfor sale •Job recruitment •Honoring alife •Pets foradoption And more Place your ad today! Creating your ownadin this publication is easy, affordable and will reach thousands in print and online. Shop smart. Save big! Sunday (and every day). #01A BLACK SIFTED TOPSOIL 6 yds $300. Mulch $30/yd; Compost $35/yd. Rock playground mulch, fire wood, lawn care. D Miller’s 536-3052 Misc. Merchandise For Sale VIRGINIA BEACH ESTATE SALE 4236 COUNTRY CLUB CIRCLE FRI 9-2 pm and SAT 9-2 pm BISHOPSGATE ESTATE SALE 849 Bishopsgate Ln, VB Sat-Sun Sept 24-25, 10-4. bdrms din liv, kit, art, vintage china & crystal, lamps rugs collectibles leather reclin, Sterling fine jewelry, wash/dryer, patio grill, garage Blvd Treasures Estate SalesEstate Sales HOME NEEDED Disabled W/No special needs.Single hm.400-500 Month around EC.NC Announcements Subscribe to The Virginian-Pilot today Call 757-446-9000 or go to AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVERS Males only born May 19 2022. Dew claws removed, wormed regularly and all shots will be given including rabies 434-594-5440. 600.00 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS Male &Female. Updated vaccines & dewormed. Readytogo. $1,000. 757-305-8582 AKC BEAGLE beagle puppies can be reg. up to date on shots & worming 300.00 757 242 9393 for information. 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SEA DOO 2018 To all person claiming an interest in: 2018 9’ Fiberglass Bombardier Sea Doo YDV74976B818 MARK BALDWIN will apply to SCD NR for title on watercraft/outboard motor If you have any claim to the watercraft/outboard motor contact at (803) 734-3699. Upon thirty days after the date of the last advertisement if no claim of interest is made and the watercraft/outboard motor has not been reported stolen, shall issue clear title Case No: 20220718950441 Boats & Watercraft

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