Flagship 09.29.2022

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Towards the sounds of chaos: CID Marine awarded Jim Kallstrom Award for bravery for her actions during 2021 Kabul airport attack

MARINE CORPS AIR GROUND COMBATCENTER,Calif. Amassiveblast shakes the ground as the Marines arrive at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. Chaos erupts before their eyes as they attempt to approach the airport gate Vehicles shake and people scream and run in terror as Marine Sgt. Leilana TupuaRodriguez tries to orient herselftofigureoutwhatisgoingon

This was the scene criminal investigator TupuaRodriguezwalkedintoonthatfateful day,Aug.26,2021.


thinggoesboomandyouhearvehiclesshaking and you start seeing people run,” said TupuaRodriguez.

How TupuaRodriguez reacted to the situation that day not only saved lives but earned her the Jim Kallstrom Award for bravery, which she received during a ceremonyatMarineCorpsAirGroundCombat Center,TwentyninePalms,California,Aug. 29, 2022.

Etching her name in history was not something she imagined would happen when shestarted her deployment with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU).

TupuaRodriquez deployed as a criminal investigator with the 24th MEU in February2021andinJuly2021arrivedinKuwait to standby for operations in Afghanistan.

Whilethere,shepreparedservicemembers to search and assess individuals in support of their evacuation mission. As the only criminal investigator non-commissioned officer she was then tasked with teaching service members how to properly search people and biometrically enroll people

“Because I had knowledge and training on how to properly search people, detainees or evacuees, I was tasked with teaching males and females how to properly search people,” said TupuaRodriguez about her timeinKuwait

After a month in Kuwait, 24th MEU deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan to assist in the evacuation operations at the airport, Aug.15,2021.TupuaRodriguezcontinuedto train and prepare Marines to search people

whiletheyreceivedintelligencebriefsabout potentialthreats

“Weweregettingalotofintelbriefsabout Improvised Explosive Devices [IEDs], but that particular day felt different,” recalled TupuaRodriguez.

On Aug. 26 immediately after the blast rangout TupuaRodriguezknewhermission changedfromsearchingtosavinglives.


“[After the blast] Army medics came out andasked,‘heysergeantwheredoyouneed me’ and I just thought, how did I end up in this position?” said TupuaRodriguez. “I start separating civilians and Marines and I start controlling civilians because they were going crazy

“Youmustadaptandovercomeanysitua tion Youareexpectedtodothat.

TupuaRodriguez’s ability to control the chaos helped her assist other servicemem bers there at the time of the bombing. In total, they aided and saved more than 500 dislocated civilians and apprehended and processed60people.

Herinitiativeandcoolcomposureduring crises raretraitswhichwerecrucialduring the bombing in Kabul, were noticed by her seniorleadersatMCAGCCCriminalInves tigation Division (CID), her current duty station

“Herabilitytogaugeasituation,toanalyze andtoact,it’sallonefluidmotiontoherand she just does it,” said Master Sgt. Samuel Powers chief investigator with CID Head quartersBattalion,MarineAirGroundTask ForceTrainingCommand,MarineCorpsAir GroundCombatCenterTwentyninePalms.

TheKallstromAwards,oneforoutstanding leadership and one for bravery, are presented annually in honor of Jim Kallstrom.AMarineCorpsCaptainandVietnam War veteran, Jim Kallstrom distinguished himself over a twenty-eight-year career with the Federal Bureau of Investigations culminating in his assignment as the AssistantDirectorinCharge,NewYorkDivision TheJimKallstromAwardsrecognizethose Military Police, who in the performance of their duties, best exemplify the ethos of protect and serve, and honor, courage and commitmentandagenuineconcernforthe well-beingoftheCorps,fellowMarinesand thecommunitytheyserve.

“Thisawardspeakstohercharacterasan individual, her desire to help in every way, said Powers “She just cares about taking care of people and doing the right thing. Braveryisjustsecondnature

“So as for who she is as a person, that’s her instinct to help, to fix, to do anything because doing something is better than doing nothing.”

As many Marines TupuaRodriguez’s bravery was exemplified by her commit ment to deploy in service to her country, even as some in her family feared for her safety ABremerton,Washingtonnative,Tupua Rodriguez’s family were initially against her decision to serve in the armed forces Despite this, she left for Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island Feb. 10 2014, not knowing she would watch history unfold seven years later

TupuaRodriguezaddedherfamilyisnow her biggest supporters and are extremely proud of the Marine she has become

“She was part of the largest evacuation operation that we’ve ever seen and her role in that was instrumental, ensuring peoplemadeitoutalive,”explainedPowers “When you think of a Marine that is who you think of You don’t think of a female Marine, you don’t think of a male Marine, that’s what you think of.

“When you get called to do something, you have to do it,” said TupuaRodriguez.

NicholasWhite,left a Marine Corpsveteran and SemperFit complexmanager,and StaffSgt.FeliciaWhite, the custodian ofpostal effects at the Marine CorpsAirStation





“Doing so is a national security imperative Ourmilitaryfamiliesprovidethe strongfoundationforourforce andweowe themourfullsupport.”

As a former Army officer himself and onetime vice chief of staff of the Army, Austin said he’s aware of the challenges facedbyservicemembersandtheirfamilies, andhe’smadetakingcareofpeopleapriority forhistenureasthedefensesecretary

“I have seen firsthand how much our military families sacrifice to keep our force strong healthy, and ready to defend this exceptionalnation, Austinsaid.“Intheface of challenges and frustrations, our families

Futenma Post Office posewith theirson, Nicky on Camp Foster Okinawa Japan, April 4,2022 Month ofthe MilitaryChild, celebrated annually inApril,recognizes militaryfamilies and theirchildren forthe dailysacrifices and unique challenges theyovercome (U.S.MARINECORPS PHOTOBYCPL.ALEX FAIRCHILD)

Online courses provide

to those affected by suicide


photowith child hours before a suicide bomb explosion at Hamid Karzai native ofBremerton,Washington,received theJim KallstromAward Marine ExpeditionaryUnit,supporting evacuations during the bombing in
U.S.Marine Corps Sgt.LeilanaTupuaRodriguezposes fora
forherbraverywhile serving as a criminal investigatorwith the 24th
Kabul that tookthe life of13 service members inAugust 2021.(COURTESYPHOTO)
DoD News
Defense Department today laid out anarrayofefforts somealreadyunderway andsomeonthehorizon thataddressthe needsofmarriedservicemembersandtheir families,aswellassingleservicemembers
a memo titled “Taking Care of Our Service Members and Families,” Secretary ofDefenseLloydJ.AustinIIIoutlinedthose efforts in greater detail, saying that taking care of people is a critical component of defendingthenation.
Department of Defense has a sacred obligation to take care of our service members and families,” Austin wrote in
Austin Pledges to ‘Ease the Load’ for Service Members
www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 VOL.29 NO 37 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comSeptember29-October5,2022 Commander visits USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) ViceAdm.Thomas E.Ishee, commander U.S.Sixth Fleet and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO,embarked the carrierSept 22 PAGEA3 Carrier Strike Group 12 Completes SWATT SWATTis the Surface Navy’s premieradvanced tactical training exercise,developed and led by Naval Surface and MineWarfighting Development Center(SMWDC) PAGEA4
course covers communication techniques, ways to connect or stay connected to a support system and more. PAGEA4
and U.S.
and aircraft from the U.K.and the U.S. conducted a long planned multi-domain sinking exercise in the NorthAtlantic. PageA2 IN THIS ISSUE TurntoTakingCare, Page 7 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 29 2022 1

U.K. and U.S. conduct SINKEX during Atlantic Thunder 22

FromU.S.NavalForcesEurope-Africa PublicAffairs

ATLANTICOCEAN Shipsandaircraft from the United Kingdom and the United States conducted a long planned multi-do main sinking exercise (SINKEX) called Atlantic Thunder 22 in the North Atlantic, Sept.7,2022.

AtlanticThunder22participants,assigned to U.S. Naval Forces Europe, U.S. Air Forces Europe,theU.K.RoyalNavyandU.K.Royal AirForcesankthedecommissionedguided missile frigate ex-USS Boone, during the live-fire SINKEX to develop combined

proficiency in tactics, targeting and live-firingagainstasurfacetargetatsea.

“Sinking exercises not only provide excellent opportunities to gain real world operational experience in long range maritime strikes but also demonstrate the collective power of our combined forces,” said Rear Adm. Oliver “Ollie” Lewis U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa’s (NAVEUR NAVAF) Director of Maritime Operations “Most importantly, gaining real world proficiency in the tactics, techniques and procedures we have developed and tested alongside our British Allies not only validate our weapons systems but ultimately

contribute to NATO alliance readiness.”

The exercise was not only a unique and valuable opportunity for sharpening and proving partner capabilities, but also an exerciseofmultiple‘firsts.’

The ex-Boone was struck by Martlet air tosurfacemissilesfromWildcathelicopters assigned to the Type 23 frigate HMS West minster Thehelicoptersprovidedinaugural lasertargetingforfixed-wingU.KRoyalAir ForceTyphoonsusingPavewayIVprecision guidedmunitions

AU.S.NavyP-8Poseidonmaritimepatrol aircraftassignedtoPatrolSquadron46shot alongrangeanti-shipmissile U.S.AirForce

F-15E Eagles, assigned to 494th Fighter Squadron, dropped maritime strike joint directattackmunitions.

Finallyatsea,theU.S.NavyArleighBurke guided-missiledestroyerUSSArleighBurke (DDG 51) struck the ex-Boone with a Stan dard Missile 6 (SM-6), the first anti-ship SM-6 engagement in the U.S. European Commandareaofresponsibility,whileHMS Westminster fired the first live RGM-84D Harpoon missile salvo from the U.K. since 2004

Also aboard Arleigh Burke, Marines assigned to the 22nd Marine Expedition ary Unit provided vital imagery and battle damage assessment by deploying a V-BAT 128 vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmannedaerialvehicle(UAV),markingthe first launch of a V-BAT 128 from an Arleigh Burkeguided-missiledestroyer.

“Ex Atlantic Thunder has demonstrated that U.K. and U.S. naval and air forces can integratetodeliveranend-to-endkillchain againstamaritimetargetatlongrange,”said Cmdr Ed Moss-Ward, commanding officer of HMS Westminster “The integration of high end weapons, sensors and communications with our NATO allies is key to the collectivewarfightingcapabilityoftheAlli ance demonstrated by the sinking exercise. Thefiringshavesupportedthedevelopment of the Royal Navy’s targeting and weapon capabilities, and afforded opportunity to conduct realistic training to validate tactics andoperatingprocedures.”

Former U.S. Navy vessels used in SINK EXs, referred to as hulks, are prepared in strict compliance with regulations prescribed and enforced by the Environ mental Protection Agency under a general permit the Navy holds pursuant to the Marine Protection Research and Sanctu ariesAct.

Prior to being transported for partici pation in a sinking exercise, each vessel undergoes a rigorous cleaning process for environmental safety Aligned with U.K. Ministry of Defense environmental policy, robustmonitoringwasconductedaboveand belowthesea’ssurfacewithtrainedperson nel using specialized equipment to reduce the overall risk of inadvertently impact ing the marine environment and marine mammalsduringtheSINKEX.

Ex-Boone is a decommissioned guided missilefrigate,whichenteredUnitedStates Naval service, May 15, 1982. It was decom missioned on Feb. 23, 2012 The twentieth shipoftheOliverHazardPerryclass itwas the first ship named for Vice Admiral Joel Thompson Boone a Medal of Honor recipientandthemosthighlydecoratedmedical officerduringWorldWarI.

For over 80 years, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-U.S NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEUR NAVAF) has forged strategic relationships with allies and partners, leveraging a foundationofsharedvaluestopreservesecurity andstability

HeadquarteredinNaples Italy NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.

Commander Summit

Submarine Force Atlantic (SUBLANT) hosted a regional and area commander summit onboard Naval Support Activity HamptonRoads,Sept.15

Thesummitgavetheopportunityforkey partners to strengthen relationships and improveposturingandreadinesstoprevent andrespondtoamajorfire,nuclearorradio logicalaccident.

“Thesummitallowedforfocuseddiscus sion to identify obstacles that might inhibit an overwhelming response to a major fire aboard a nuclear-powered warship, said Capt.StephenMongold,SUBLANT’sdirectorformaintenanceandmaterialreadiness “Theintentistodevelopandalignonprior ity actions to further improve our collec tive readiness for a coordinated, effective response.”

During the summit, participants worked toalignpriorities,sharelessons,andidentify leveragepointsintheircollectiveresources torapidlyadvancesolutions.

“Each stakeholder had the opportu nity to brief current priorities and obsta cles to achieving desired outcomes while highlighting where assistance is needed to morerapidlydevelopsolutions,”saidBruce Wainer SUBLANT’s director for radiologi calemergencyplanning.“Areacommanders had the opportunity to share deficiencies, lessons learned, and improvement efforts as a result of their most recent audits and assessments.”

Thesummithad17commandsandinstal lations in attendance allowing for shared feedback, knowledge and experience from all perspectives in the construction, operation and maintenance of nuclear-powered warships.

“Havingparticipantsfromtheentirerange of commands and installations who assist

in the entire lifecycle of nuclear-powered warshipswasessentialtothissummit,”said CarlynnLucas SUBLANT’sdeputydirector forradiologicalemergencyplanning “With allparticipants in attendance, we wereable toshareourrespectiveknowledgeandexpe riences in regards to readiness, prevention andresponse.”

Capt Diana Wolfson, commander, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, also shared her thoughtsontheimportanceofthesummit. “Summitslikethisarenotonlyimportant to continue to fortify our connections but also to recognize gaps so that we can align our priorities as a region, said Wolfson. “It isinthiswaythatwewillrapidlysolveprob lems and come to solutions faster than we couldhavewhenperformedalone.”

Participatingcommandsandinstallations includedSUBLANT,NavalAirForceAtlan tic Naval Surface Forces Atlantic Subma rine Force Pacific, Norfolk Naval Shipyard Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Submarine Group 10, Electric Boat, Submarine Squad ron Four, Newport News supervisor of shipbuilding, Newport News Shipbuilding HuntingtonIngallIndustries,NavyInstal lationCommand,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic, Navy Region Southeast, Naval Sea Systems Command,NavalReactors NorfolkNaval Shipyard and Naval Reactors Newport News Submarine Forces execute the Depart ment of the Navy’s mission in and from the undersea domain. In addition to lending added capacity to naval forces, Submarine Forces, in particular, are expected to leverage those special advantages that come withunderseaconcealmenttopermitoperational, deterrent and combat effects that theNavyandthenationcouldnototherwise achieve.

Submarine Forces and supporting organizations constitute the primary undersea armoftheNavy Submarinesandtheircrews remainthetipoftheunderseaspear

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Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.hamm@navy.mil ActingMilitaryEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed,
SUBLANT Hosts Regional, Area
Participants from 17 commands and installations pose fora photo during a regional and area commandersummit hosted bySubmarine ForceAtlantic onboard Naval SupportActivity Hampton Roads,Thursday,Sept 15,2022 The summit gave the opportunityforkeypartners to strengthen relationships and improve posturing and readiness to prevent and respond to a majorfire nuclearorradiological accident (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSCAMERONSTONER) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 29 2022

Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet & STRIKFORNATO visits USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)

ADRIATIC SEA Vice Adm. Thomas E. Ishee, commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO),embarkedtheNimitzclassaircraftcarrierUSSGeorgeH.W.Bush (CVN77),Sept.22

Isheevisitedtheflagshipandthesupport ing staffs of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 10, George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group (GHWBCSG) while the strike group was underwayintheAdriaticSea.

“Your warfighting spirit shines through the material condition of this ship and the wayIseeyourteamoperatetogether,”said Ishee “Ournation,theNATOalliance,and our other allies and partners around the world continue to rely on the high level warfare capability that George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group brings to maintain freedom of navigation in international waters,deteraggression,defendournation, and the alliance, support our partners in Europe and Africa.”

Duringthevisit,Isheehitthedeckplates tomeetthecrewandrecognizeexceptional

Sailors of GHWBCSG

“You are making a worldwide impact. I am very proud of the operations conducted thusfar,”saidIshee “Inthecomingmonths, youwillcontinuetoworkwithouralliesand partnersintheregionasweworktoimprove stability and security, while being prepared to fight tonight to defend our nation and Alliesifcalledtodoso.”

CSG-10, GHWBCSG, is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (NAVEUR-NAVAF) area of operations employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet to defendU.S.,alliedandpartnerinterests

“Our team worked diligently to prepare for this deployment, and were fortunate to train with our NATO allies and friends aboard the Italian ship Caio Duilio during that time,” said Rear Adm. Dennis Velez, commander, CSG-10 , GHWBCSG “The trust we built across our Strike Group with our allies and partners both in training and nowondeploymentisourcompetitiveedge. We are stronger when we work together, and we look forward to working with our SpanishandFrenchalliesaboardESPSJuan CarlosI(L-61)andFSCharlesdeGaulle.”

While in the NAVEUR-NAVAF area of operations, ships within CSG-10 have had port visits in Split, Croatia and Jijel Algeria, increased interoperability with Italian ship ITS Caio Duilio, and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7 participated in combined operationswithSpainandGreece.

“AstheflagshipofCSG-10,TeamAvenger the warriors who are the leaders, teach ers and ambassadors of our nation are performingbrilliantlywithourpartnersand allies,” said Capt. David Pollard commanding officer of George H.W. Bush. “They are representingourfamilies,ourcommunities, and our nation by exemplifying our name sake’s legacy of service, grit, humility, and resilience Itisatremendousresponsibility, andonewecarrywithgreatpride.”

TheNimitz-classaircraftcarrierGeorge H.W. Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, GHWBCSG. CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7 Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55)

The ships of DESRON 26 within CSG-10

are USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Farragut (DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),andUSS DelbertD.Black(DDG119)

The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardGeorgeH.W.Busharethe“Sidewind ers”ofStrikeFighterSquadron(VFA)86,the “JollyRogers”ofVFA-103,the“Nighthawks” ofVFA-136,the“PukinDogs”ofVFA-143,the “Bluetails”ofCarrierAirborneEarlyWarn ing Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron(HSC)5,andthe“Grandmasters” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM)46

For over 80 years, NAVEUR-NAVAF has forgedstrategicrelationshipswithalliesand partners, leveraging a foundation of shared valuestopreservesecurityandstability HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations.

ADRIATIC E.Ishee,commander,U.S.Sixth Fleet and Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO,observes flight operations aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77) during avisit to the ship,Sept 22,2022 The George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area of operations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSSAMUELWAGNER)
to defend U.S.,allied,and
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Carrier Strike Group 12 Completes Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training

Carrier Strike Group 12

Carrier Strike Group 12 (CSG 12) completed its Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training (SWATT) Sept. 22, 2022.

SWATT is the Surface Navy’s premier advanced tactical training exercise, developed and led by Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC), which provides multi-ship, multi-platform,multi-warfareareatraining atseatoincreasecombatcapability,lethality and interoperability

“SWATT provided Warfare Tactics Instructors to ships for several weeks of high-end combat planning and execution, followed by extensive debriefings that improvedourperformanceovertheweeks at sea,” said Capt. Stefan Walch, Destroyer Squadron Two (DESRON 2) Commodore. Units participating in the event include SMWDC, DESRON 2, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy(CG60),andtheArleighBurkeclass destroyers USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS McFaul (DDG 74), and USS James E. Williams (DDG 95).

“I am extremely proud of the nearly 1,200 Sailors and airmen across the task force who performed exceptionally well duringintensecombatscenariosincluding live-fire gunnery against inbound threats

and at-sea training in the latest tactics for the air, surface and subsurface fight,” said Walch. “We departed SWATT’s capstone

and training of WTI’s.”

WhileSWATTfocusesontacticalwatch stander proficiency including tactical action officers, warfare coordinators, and warfare-centric watch stations support ingtheeventinvolveseverySailorassigned to the ship

“Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training has provided Normandy’s crew with the opportunity to improve tactical proficiencyacrossmultiplewarfareareas,” said Capt. Simon McKeon, Normandy’s commandingofficer “Airdefense,anti-sub marine warfare, surface warfare, and elec tronic warfare exercises have given the crew a chance to further refine the skills they will need to operate effectively on thisupcomingdeployment,andtodevelop multi-ship interoperability with the other warshipsandaircraftthatcompriseCarrier Strike Group 12.”

MuchofCSG12,includingitsflagship,the first-in-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford(CVN78),areunderwayintheAtlantic Ocean conducting qualifications and work upsforascheduleddeploymentthisfall.

For more information about the USS Gerald R Ford, visit https://www.airlant usff.navy.mil/cvn78/ and follow along on Facebook@USSGeraldRFordonInstagram @cvn78_grford on Twitter @Warship_78 and DVIDS https://www.dvidshub.net/ unit/cvn78

TheDefenseDepartmentisnowoffering two online courses that provide support and guidance for those affected by suicide

“The first course is for everyone, but particularly for those more directly affected,” said Lisa Valentine, program manager for Military OneSource’s casu alty, mortuary affairs and military funeral honorsoffice Thecourse “AfteraSuicide,” is about 45 minutes long and can be accessed here.

Thecoursecoverscommunicationtech niques, ways to connect or stay connected toasupportsystem,andremindersforhow to maintain physical and mental health during this difficult time, she said, adding that “in the aftermath of a suicide, you may experience a wide range of complex emotions and may need to learn new ways of caring for yourself and others.”

“The weight of a death by suicide is felt far and wide,” said Valentine. “Those exposedtoasuicidedeatharenotimmune to the death’s impacts.”

Valentine noted that, on average, each

death by suicide affects about 135 others.

“Ifyouareaservicememberandyoulost one of your fellow comrades to suicide, we wouldhighlyrecommendthatyoutakethis course. It’s very, very helpful,” she said.

For service providers there’s a second course “AfteraSuicide WalkingThrough Providing Support, which lasts about two hours It can be found here.

“Besides chaplains and family support personnel, military leaders and supervi sorsatalllevelswouldgreatlybenefitfrom taking this course,” she said

“This course goes into depth, explain ing about the complicated feelings and emotions including survivor guilt, that someone who experienced a suicide loss may experience and providing self-care suggestions.”

“Serviceprovidersarenotimmunefrom the effects of a death by suicide,” added Andrew Moon, the acting director for

research,evaluation,anddata/surveillance for the defense suicide prevention office

“This course will help you gain a greater awareness of the complicated nature of suicide and establish a rapport with suicidelosssurvivors Italsoofferstools to help protect against the heavy impact of a suicide death, he said

“Data tell us that suicide rates continue to rise across the nation, and those in the military and military community are not immune to those trends,” he said

“In spite of these trends and reminders thatsuicideisagrowingpublichealthissue, thereisstillnotenoughfocusoftheimpact thatthesedeathshaveonsuicidelosssurvi vors,” he said

“Research has shown that suicide survivorsareatagreaterriskforanxiety-related disorders, post-traumatic stress, compli cated grief, depression and suicide,” he mentioned.

Additional resources:

„ MilitaryOneSource:https://www.militaryonesource.mil/

„ DefenseSuicidePreventionOffice: http://www.dspo.mil/

SuicideBereavementinVeteransand MilitaryFamilies:https://msrc.fsu.edu/ funded-research/suicide-bereavement

„ ArticleaboutVeteransAffairshealthand suicidetoolkit:https://news.va.gov/58631/ va-releases-mental-health-and-suicide prevention-toolkit-for-former-guard-and reserve-members/

SuicidePrevention TheEssentials: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/ health-wellness/mental-health/suicide/ suicide-prevention-the-essentials/

ToolsforParentingAfterSuicide: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/ family-relationships/gold-star-sur viving-family/understanding-grief/ tools-for-parenting-after-suicide/

event an integrated team better prepared fortheGeraldR.FordCarrierStrikeGroup deploymentbyharnessingthementorship to increase the tactical proficiencyand lethalityofthe surface force. ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sept.18,2022)TheArleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyerUSS McFaul (DDG 74) shoots at an unmannedvessel target during a simulated straight transit while underwayconducting SurfaceWarfareAdvancedTacticalTraining (SWATT).McFaul is underwaywith the Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group conducting SWATTexercises to increase lethality,ensure combat readiness,and promote tactical innovation.SWATTis led bythe Naval Development Center whose mission is to increase the tactical
ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sept.22 2022) Fire Controlman (AEGIS) 2nd ClassJohnVelazquezmonitors the integrityofthe computersystems aboard theTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS Normandy(CG 60) following the ship’s completion ofSurfaceWarfareAdvancedTacticalTraining (SWATT).Normandyis underwayas part ofthe Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group conducting SWATTexercises to increase lethality,ensure combat readiness,and promote tactical innovation.SWATTis led bythe Naval Surface and MineWarfighting Development Center whose mission is
Online courses provide aid to those affected by suicide
Surface and MineWarfighting
proficiencyand lethalityofthe surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST3RDCLASSKERRIKLINE) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 29 2022

NAVSUP, NAVSAFECOM collaborate during Norfolk safety training event

Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) and the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) organized a NAVSUP Enterprise-widesafetytrainingandmento ring event held at NAVSUP Fleet Logistics CenterSept.12-16

As part of NAVSUP’s Get Real Get Better mindset NAVSUP Director Facilities Security and Safety Division Keith Scott, contacted NAVSAFECOM and received unparalleled support. That support was specifically delivered in the week-long trainingeventfacilitatedbyNAVSAFECOM Director of the Shore Safety Director ate Jonathan Wilson and NAVSAFECOM Navy Safety Career Program Manager Keith Wilson.

Together NAVSUP and NAVSAFECOM established a working groupwithNAVSUPechelonIIIcommand collateral duty safety officers (CDSO), program managers, and supervisors of industrialoperations

“NAVSUP’scommitmenttogettingbetter hasresultedin19oftheirCDSOsandindus trial supervisors gaining a better under standingofthecriticalsafetyprogramsthey manage,theirresponsibilitiesasCDSOsand supervisors andhowtheyarewellequipped to ensure NAVSUP gets and stays better,” noted Wilson. “NAVSAFECOM is one of many resources throughout the Navy that can assistand mentor commandsingetting better.”

NAVSAFECOM champions the Safety Management Systems (SMS),the CNO-led, fleet and support activity-owned, Naval SafetyCommand-enabled,defensein-depth systemthatinculcatescontinuouslearning problemsolving,riskownershipandmitiga tionattherightlevelandencouragesreport ing of hazards and near misses, resulting in no unnecessary harm to people or damage toequipment

February of this year, the Naval Safety Center became Naval Safety Command. The change reflects the emphasis that the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) and Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) place on safety NAVSAFECOM now conducts assurance assessments of Echelon II and below organizations Thecommandhastheauthorityto inspect higher headquarters, evaluate their risk management certifications, inspec tionsandassessmentprocesses,andexecute no-notice unit inspections The intent is to effectively identify and correct problems beforetheygrowintolargersystemicissues

Priortotheevent,thecombinedworking group processed internal taskers to obtain feedback about hazardous operations with a focus on occupational safety and health Theteamalsoevaluatedfiveyearsofhistor

icaldataassociatedwithworkplaceinjuries, workplace deficiencies, sustaining metrics formedicalsurveillancecompliance andfor safetytrainingcompliance

Through command inspections and assessments, NAVSUP HQ identified that not all CDSOs across the enterprise main tained the same level of understanding of their responsibilities or of the requirements of Navy Safety and Occupational Health Manual (OPNAV M-5100.23).

NAVSAFECOM provided certified safety professionals (CSPs) to help mentor NAVSUP CDSOs on the manual. The trainingstaffreviewedapplicablesafetyprograms with the CDSOs prior to joining them on multiple site inspections of NAVSUP Fleet LogisticCenterNorfolk’soperationsduring the event. The CSPs worked to ensure the CDSOs could effectively apply classroom knowledge in real-world applications by identifyinghazardsand recommendingriskmitigationactions

The Naval Station Norfolk Safety and Occupational Health Director, Michael Works provided reports training and presented information about Base Operat ing Services (BOS) safety services and how to effectively work with the installation safety offices, what services they provide andsomelimitationswiththesafetyservices theyprovide Thiswasessentialinformation since NAVSUP depends on the installation safety offices to provide support across the enterprise Jeff Henning and Pamela Koepke from the NAVSUP Hazardous Material Pollu

CNO and Commander of Belgian Navy meet; Discuss increasing capabilities and capacity

WASHINGTON (NNS) Chief of Naval Operations Adm.MikeGildaymetwith the CommanderoftheBelgianNavyRearAdm. JandeBeurmeatthePentagonforanoffice call,Sept.23

The leaders discussed building maritime capabilities and capacity, as well as deter rence defense and the need to continue to protect the stability and prosperity of the seas.

“Collectively,ourcapacityexpandswhen wesailincompanywithlike-mindednavies around the world, and we are grateful for the continued partnership and collaboration with Belgium,” said Gilday. “We will continue to strengthen the bonds we share throughincreasedoperations interoperabil ity,andcontinuedcooperation.

Both heads of navy emphasized the need to develop high-end warfare capabilities, such as advanced mine countermeasures and ballistic-missile defense, while also

leveraging enhanced capabilities and tech nology. The Belgian navy is currently lead ingaBelgian-Dutchminecountermeasures replacementprogram,whichwillsupplythe Belgian and Royal Netherlands navies with sixnewminehuntervesselseach.

The U.S. Navy and Belgian navy regu larly operate together around the world In July, the Navy participatedin the Bulgarian exercise Breeze alongside Allies and part ners Albania, Belgium, Georgia, Greece Italy Latvia, Romania, Turkey and the UnitedKingdom.ThissummertheU.S.and Belgiumweretwoofthe16NATOAlliedand partner nations that participated in exer cise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) 22, the premier maritime-focused exercise in the BalticRegion.

BeurmeattendedtheU.S.-led2021Inter nationalSeapowerSymposiuminNewport, Rhode Island, and will see Gilday again in Venice, Italy, next month for the Trans-RegionalSeapowerSymposium.


tion Prevention Branch provided training for the command’s HAZMAT program and common risks associated with hazardous materials storage and operations across the enterprise. The presentation and site visit at NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Consoli dated Hazardous Inventory Management Programcenterprovidedanin-depthreview of the HAZMAT program with hands-on application to improve transfer knowledge intoreal-worldenvironments

Naval Medical Readiness and Training Command(NMRTC)Portsmouth,Virginia, Department Head Megan Ward-Johnson andTeamLeadRebeccaOvertonprovideda presentationonindustrialhygiene,medical surveillance, and common indoor air quality issues associated with molds or other hazards Through peer networking, trainingandechelonIIcollaborationtheCDSOs now have a well-rounded understanding of safetyprograms CDSOresponsibilities and areequippedtohelpNAVSUPGetBetter Eventstothispointhavebeenlimitedto Teamsmeetings,whichofcoursehavebeen periodicandanhouratatime,”sharedMark Porterfield, NAVSUP Enterprise Occupa tional Safety and Health Program manager. “While we can share some good informa tion, we’ve not gone into the kind of depth ofinformationwhichcanbedistributedover anumberofdayslikethistrainingevent.

When the determination was made to conduct the training in Norfolk, person nel from various NAVSUP FLC Norfolk divisions provided support for the event to include: Code 300 Director, David Cass;

FacilitiesandSafetyDivisionDirector Mark Chandler;andCollateralDutySafetyOfficer LanceTillman,Code500DivisionDirector MichaelJohnson,andCommandIGMonica Agarwal were instrumental in assisting the conductofthetrainingweek.Thisinvolved many logistical functions, locating and reserving conference space, coordinating lunches,takingstepstocontractwithNaval Facilities Command (NAVFAC) for drivers and van rentals for transporting attendees from the classroom to various NAVSUP operations in Norfolk, and providing the students welcome aboard information to assistthemwiththeirstayinNorfolk.

For the future, NAVSUP will continue evaluationanddevelopingmetricstoexpand thecommand’sawarenessofsafetyhazards and risks associated with NAVSUP operations TheNAVSUPsafetyoffice incollabo rationwithNAVSUPechelonIIIcommands willconductjobhazardanalysisofmission, tasks, and functions to ensure hazards are mitigated and risk is communicated and managed at the appropriate levels The way ahead includes building stronger part nerships with BOS safety offices and other service providers to resolve occupational safety and health deficiencies at the appropriate level and establish a means to esca lateunacceptablerisk,assessingcontracted operations to ensure adequate safety and occupationalhealthoversightisestablished and hazards associated with contracted operationsareproperlycommunicatedand mitigated, and remain vigilant of attrition rates in medium to high hazard operations toensureproficiencyandcompetencylevels oftheworkforcearesustainedduringturnoverofpersonnel

“Get Real Get Better is about continuous improvement. It is about ‘Embracing the Red’ and working together to find and fix problems from the deck plates to the commandtriad,”saidRearAdm.PeterStamatopoulos, commander, NAVSUP and 49th Chief of Supply Corps. “This means every employee in our supply community offi cer enlisted civilian needs to understand howtheworktheydocontributestogener ating readiness and sustaining Naval forces worldwide.”

NAVSUPisheadquarteredinMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 25,000 military and civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enablesupplychain,acquisition,operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities withourmissionpartnerstogeneratereadinessandsustainnavalforcesworldwideto preventanddecisivelywinwars

Learn more at www.navsup.navy.mil, www.facebook.com/navsupand https://twitter.com/navsupsyscom.

NORFOLK(September13,2022) DannyWoodard,Naval SafetyCommand (NAVSAFECOM) guides Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUP) Safetypersonnel touring NAVSUPFleet Logistics CenterNorfolkAdvancedTraceabilityand Control (ATAC) facilities to identifysafety functions,concerns ordiscrepancies during a training event (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSHANNOND. BARNWELL) WASHINGTON (September23,2022) ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Mike Gildaymeets with Commanderofthe Belgian NavyRearAdm.Jan de Beurme at the Pentagon foran office leaders discussed building maritime capabilities and capacity,aswell as deterrence,defense and the protect the stabilityand prosperityofthe seas.
call,Sept 23 The
need to continue to
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Retail Services Specialist 1st Class Richard Molina Command: NavalSupportActivityHamptonRoads WhatLatinAmericancountrydoyourepresent? Peru “As the first and only Molina member that is in the Navy, representing my heritageisaveryuniquefeeling BeingintheNavyhashelpedmetounderstandthat there is more than one culture and I am part of the melting pot. It means I can sharesomePeruviantraditions,butitalsomeansthatIambecomingculturally richerasIkeeplearningmoreaboutotherethnicbackgrounds. What Hispanic Heritage in the Navy means to me Lt. Jesus Camarena Command: Commander,CarrierStrikeGroup4 HomeTown: CorpusChristi,Texas “Walking the deckplates has always been my thing Getting to knowSailorsandhavingacoupleoflaughsbreakstheiceforjunior Sailors to have a conversation. From there it’s pretty easy to see if a Sailor just needs to have a talk and open up about issues they mightneedhelpwith. How do you check on your shipmate? RISK OF PREDIABETES: 1IN3 ADULTS LIFEDOESN’T ALWAYS GIVEYOU TIMETO CHANGE THE OUTCOME. PREDIABETES DOES. RISK OF SHARK ATTACK: 1IN11.5 MILLION TAKE THE RISK TEST TODAYAT DoIHavePrediabetes.org 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 29 2022 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606

George Washington Sailors attend Security Reaction Force Bravo training


The memo spells out efforts across four areas deemed most critical to service membersandtheirfamilies Theseinclude:

„ Securingaffordablebasicneeds

„ Makingmoveseasier

„ Strengtheningsupporttofamilies,especiallyforsuchthingsaschildcare



Among service members’ most basic needs are housing and food, and DOD has effortsunderwaytoensureservicemembers and their families can afford those things, Austinsaid “Our service members and families must be able to secure affordable basic needs,” he said. It is a matter of bedrock, financial security and a critical, individual readiness issue.”

Among the efforts is a review of the prospective 2023 basic allowance for housing rates to ensure they reflect the unusual fluctuations in the housing market. Addi tionally, in the 28 areas the DOD has iden tified as having a more than 20% spike in rental housing costs above BAH, the secretary has directed automatic increases in BAH.Thoseincreaseswillhappenautomat ically for the service members affected and willbegininOctober

Austin also wrote in the memorandum that he has directed the DOD to fully fund installations’commissariestocutfoodprices for service members As part of that effort, Austin said his goal will be to ensure that pricesatcommissariesachieveatleasta25% savingsongrocerybillscomparedtowhat’s availableonthelocaleconomy.

Finally,AustinsaidthatstartinginJanu ary, someeligible servicememberswillget an additional allowance in their paycheck the “basic needs allowance.” The supplemental allowance will be provided to those who qualify based on their gross household income

According to Jeri Busch, director of military compensation policy, the basic eligibility criteria for that allowance includes service members and their families with a

gross household income below 130% of the federalpovertylevel.

“Theallowanceisdesignedtobringthem backuptothatlevel,andsotheamountwill vary according to their gross household income,”Buschsaid

Financial Aid for Moves

Military families are required to move often,Austinsaid,andthosemovesdisrupt both family life and the social lives and schoolingofchildren,aswell.Inthememo, Austin laid out several efforts underway to ensure that required permanent changes ofstation,orPCSmoves,don’tcausefinancialburdensonfamiliesthatmayalreadybe strapped for cash.

Oneeffortdirectedbythesecretaryisan extension of temporary lodging expenses from 10 to 14 days The temporary lodging expensecoversthecostoftemporaryhous ing for service members and their families whiletheylookforahomeattheirnewduty station. Also, part of the plan is to extend the temporary lodging expense coverage to up to 60 days if a service member has moved to an area that is known to have housing shortages

The secretary has also directed an increase in the dislocation allowance for service members below the paygrade of E-6. This allowance, expected to be paid a month prior to a PCS move, helps offset anyout-of-pocketexpensesassociatedwith the move

Changes to both the temporary lodging expensesandthedislocationallowanceare expected to happen in October

Child Care Assistance

Many military families with young children require some form of child care. Unfortunately, the cost of child care is cost prohibitive for many families, and Austin said that the DOD has several initiatives underway to ensure more child care is available to military families and that it’s more affordable

“We must continue to push hard to provide even more affordable child care options for military families,” Austin said

“Military child development centers have extended their hours to provide additionalcoverageforourservicemembersto accountforthevariedschedulesofmilitary service Thedepartmenthasreachedoutto additional high-quality, community-based child care providers who agree to provide care for military families using our fee-assistance program.”

To further help military families secure quality child care, Austin has directed increased investment across the depart mentinchilddevelopmentprogramfacili ties and infrastructure to expand capacity.

ThesecretaryhasalsoaskedtheDefense Department to standardize a minimum 50% employee discount for the first child ofdirect-careworkersemployedwithinthe childdevelopmentprogramsotheprogram will attract more staff and increase child care capacity

The DOD last year kicked off a pilot program that provides fee assistance to military families with unusual work schedules. The program allows those families to have in home child care during hours when they might not be at home, including nights or weekends The pilot programcoversfull-time in-homecarefor a minimum of 30 hours and a maximum of 60 hours per week.

The initial implementation of the that pilot program was limited to just five loca tions around the United States, but Austin has directed its expansion to additional states in order to provide more options to military families

The department also plans to improve access to the Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood program as well.

Spouse Employment

Many military families, like most civil ian families, need both partners working in order to make ends meet. Due to the numberofmovesafamilymustendureover the course of a military career it’s often a challenge for a service member’s civil ian partner to find sustained, meaningful employment

Part of Austin’s commitment to taking care of people involves ensuring that mili-

taryspousescanfindmeaningful sustained worksotheycancontributetothewell-be ing of the family

“Military spouses provide the strong foundationuponwhichtheirlovedonesin uniformstand andourcommunitiesand our nation rely on their resilience,” Austin said. “We owe them our energetic, unwavering support.”

Tosupporttheeffortsofmilitaryspouses tofindandmaintainemployment,theDOD hasseveralinitiativesunderway,including acceleration of the development of seven additional interstate compacts on occupa tional licenses in multiple professions

That effort will ease the burden on military spouses who struggle finding work because licenses required for their jobs don’t transfer when they move from one statetoanother Beforeaspousecouldstart looking for work in new duty location, for instance, he or she might need to apply for and possibly pay for a new license in a different state Spouses are unable to work whiletheywaittoobtainsometimes-costly new licenses or credentials

AustinalsodirectedtheDODtoincrease the use of noncompetitive, direct-hiring authorities and expand remote-work and teleworkoptions HealsoorderedtheDOD to launch a new pilot initiative in Janu ary to provide military spouses with paid private-sector fellowships in a variety of career paths

Finally, Austin has directed the number ofpartnersintheMilitarySpouseEmploy ment Partnership program to increase by 10% before the beginning of 2023

Currently more than 540 government organizations,nonprofitsandprivatesector companieshavemadeacommitmenttothe DOD to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses as part of the MSEP program. In October, the program expects to add an additional 70 partners

“These actions reflect the department’s sacred obligation to honor and support our service members and families,” Austin said. “We remain profoundly committed to doing


assemble at Huntington Hall in NewportNews,VirginiaforthefinalevolutionoftheSecurityReactionForceBravotraining,Aug.18,2022 GeorgeWash ington is undergoing refueling complex overhaul (RCOH) at Newport News Shipyard RCOH is a multi-year project performed only once during a carrier’s 50-year service life that includes refueling the ship’s two nuclear reactors, as well assignificantrepairs,upgrades,andmodernization. Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS GeorgeWashington (CVN 73) assemble at Huntington Hall in Newport News Master-at-Arms 1st Class DavidW.Delity,from Columbia, Maryland,assigned to securitytraining department aboard the USS GeorgeWashington,administers oleoresin capsicum spraytoAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel) 3rd Class David Garcia,from SanAntonio assigned to airdeparment aboard the USS GeorgeWashington,during the final evolution ofthe SecurityReaction Force Bravo course. Airman Levi S.Haack,from Delaware Ohio assigned to air department aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS GeorgeWashington (CVN 73),swings his baton at a subject during the final evolution ofthe SecurityReaction Force Bravo training course. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuel) 3rd Class David Garcia,from SanAntonio assigned to airdeparment aboard the Nimitzclass aircraft carrierUSS GeorgeWashington (CVN 73), commands a subject during the final evolution ofthe Security Reaction Force Bravo course.
our military families, just as our military families remain profoundly committed to their loved ones and to the nation that they all do so much to defend.” Taking Care from Page 1 U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSJOHNJARRETT Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 29 2022 7
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 29 2022

Capt. Randy Reid becomes Norfolk Naval Shipyard Deputy Commander uarterdeck

AgraduateofFloydE.KellamHighSchool inVirginiaBeach,Capt RandyReidcontinues to deepen his roots in Hampton Roads now as Norfolk Naval Shipyard’s (NNSY) DeputyShipyardCommander

Reid’s journey to his current destination began after turning down an acceptance to Virginia Military Institute and deciding to venture out to prove to his father that he couldmakeitonhisown.

“I searched for jobs that would pay well, and unfortunately, I lacked the experience thattheyrequired, saidReid “IthoughtifI joined the Marines, I wouldgain that expe riencetogetadecentpayingcivilianjob.”

Reid showed up at the Marines recruiting office, only to find out that the recruiter was running late. He figured he would kill time by talking to the Navy recruiter After talking to the Navy recruiter and taking a test,hefoundouthequalifiedforthenuclear programandlikedthepayandbenefits.

When raising his hand for the first time, hisgoalwastograduatefromnuclearelec trician A-School, do his six-year required time and get out. That was until he started working for Chief Machinist Mate George Martin. Chief Martin showed Reid that the Navy offered many opportunities and programs that would benefit him both professionally and personally Reid ended up doing 23 years of consec utiveseadutybeforegoingtohisfirstshore dutyassignment.Duringthistime,hemade ChiefPettyOfficer.Oneofhischieffriends approached him about applying to the Limited Duty Officer (LDO) program.

“I had no clue what the LDO program was. I did some research and thought that it wasn’t much different than what I was doing back then. One thing that sold me was I would be earning more money for doing almost the same job and they were onlyadvancingoneelectricianSeniorChief Petty Officer a year,” said Reid.

Reid is a plankowner for both USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) and USS Harry S.

Truman (CVN 75). He also served as the Auxiliary Technical Assistant on USS Enterprise(CVN65);Chemistry/RADCON Assistant (CRA) on USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69); Hull Tech Division Offi cer and Planning and Estimating Officer on USS Frank Cable (AS 40); Reactor Mechanical Assistant (RMA) on USS Carl Vinson(CVN70);ForceQualityAssurance Officer and Force Radiological Controls (RADCON) Officer at Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT); Production Manager Assistant (PMA) and Repair Officer (RO) at NNSY Fleet Main tenance Submarines (FMB); Chief Engi neer(CHENG)onUSSTheodoreRoosevelt (CVN 71) and N432 Intermediate Level Maintenance and Improvements Officer at Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic (COMSUBLANT).

“I want to take my experience and my knowledge and pass it down to the next generation,” said Reid. “I won’t pretend I have all the answers because I don’t, but I will do what I need to do to find those

right answers It doesn’t matter if you’re thenewestshipyardemployeeorsomeone that has been here for a few decades, we need to work together and come up with a solutionforeveryproblempresentedtous.”

Reid continued, “We need to Get Real and Get Better on the basics so that we thencanfocusonGettingRealandGetting Better on the more advanced issues and concerns Without a strong foundation in thebasics,wewillnotbeabletomoveonto those advanced items I don’t see the ship yard as in being part civilian, part Sailor I see the shipyard as people with the same goalinmindandthatistogetourshipsand boats out on time to the Fleet so they can support the Navy’s mission.

Reid is looking forward to being part of America’sShipyardteam.Helooksforward tothisopportunityandthechallenges that are ahead of him. “We are one team with one mission and I am honored to be part of that team. I am looking forward to the great things that NNSY will accomplish in the future.”

A legacy of service: Former WAVE celebrates 100th birthday

PLAINVIEW,Texas Fourdaysafterthe attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Americasuddenlyfounditselfatwaragainst the combined might of the Axis powers of Germany,ItalyandJapan.Achievingvictory wouldbeamassiveeffortthatwouldrequire theparticipationofnotonlythosewhowere currently serving in the military, but also those civilians living and working at home

FromDecember1941toJapan’ssurrenderin September 1945 more than 16 million men andwomenansweredthecalltoserveinthe U.S. Armed Forces Today, because of their sacrificesfortheidealsoffreedom,theyare collectively known as the Greatest Generation.

Alice Starnes who celebrated her 100th birthday on September 23, is not only a member of this generation, but is also a trailblazer in her own right: she was one of approximately100,000womenwhovolun teered to serve in a special branch of the U.S. Navy Reserve known as the Women AcceptedforVolunteerEmergencyService (WAVES).

TheWAVESwerethefirstoftheirkind:up until this point, women had been generally forbidden from uniformed military service and the idea of integrating women had not beenpopularwithlawmakers However,the Navy needed more men freed for sea duty, so President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed anexecutiveorderestablishingtheWAVES inJuly1942

Aroundthattime,Starnes,whotodaylives in Lubbock, Texas, was living a relatively ordinary life working as a schoolteacher However, after hearing about the WAVES from radio and newspaper advertisements she felt compelled to act, and enlisted in 1943

“Everyonewantedtodotheirpart,andso Ivolunteered,”saidStarnes SheattendedbootcampatHunterCollege

in New York City, which was known as the U.S. Naval Training Center (Women’s Reserve).Shesaidherclearestmemoryfrom that time was a weekend visit from Frank Sinatra, who had been supporting the war effort by giving free concerts for service members After her initial training was over, Starnes said the next step was sorting thewomenaccordingtotheirstrengthsand thengivingthemtheirinitialassignment “Weweregivenabarrageoftests,andthey decidedIneededtobeinthepilotprogram,” saidStarnes.

Though she probably did not know it at thetime,theprogramthatStarneshadbeen selected for would turn out to be crucial to the war effort She transferred to Naval Air Station Atlanta, where she was schooled in

theoperationoftheLinkTrainer Otherwise known as the “blue box,” the Link Trainer was one of aviation’s first flight simulators andtrainedpilotshowtoflywithouttheuse ofvisualreferences

After completing school in Atlanta, Starnestransferredtowhatwasthenknown asNavalAuxiliaryAirStationCorryFieldin Pensacola, Florida There, along with other WAVES,sheusedherknowledgeoftheLink Trainertoprepareover1,000Americanand Britishaviatorsfordeploymentoverseas

“Wetaughttheyoungpilotshowtoflyby instrumentsonly, saidStarnes.“Theyhadto learnhowtoflyatnight.Theycouldn’tvery well fly over Germany and not know their instruments.”

By 1945, Starnes had transferred once

againtoNavalOutlyingLandingFieldBarin inFoley,Alabama,whereshecontinuedher work with the naval aviation community Whenthewarended,Starnessaidshetrav eledtoNewYorkCityandparticipatedinthe joyfulvictorycelebrationsthere

“We marched down 5th Avenue for miles and miles,” said Starnes “We were so exhaustedbythetimetheparadeended,we didn’t even go on liberty. We went back to thedormitory.”

Aftermorethantwoyears Starnesleftthe WAVESwiththerankofSpecialistTeacher 2nd Class and returned to her former life Though her own service was over, Starnes life since World War II has stayed closely entwined with the Navy She went on to marry a Navy chaplain and has a son and granddaughterwhoarebothNavyveterans


Adm. Lisa M. Franchetti, U.S. Navy Vice Chief of Naval Operations recognized Starnesforherservicebysendingheraletter on her 100th birthday in which she writes “ThankyouforsettingourNavyonacourse that enabled women like me to lead at the highest levels of our Navy! I am so grateful foryourservice.”

AlicesaidthatheryearsintheNavywere so meaningfulto her andreceiving Franch etti’sletterwassuchawonderfulfeeling

When thinking back on her service, Starnesalwayskeepsinmindthatshewasa smallpartofamuchbiggerpicture Shewas nottheonlymemberofherfamilytoaidthe war effort: her younger brother served in the Navy and her sister worked in a factory producing war supplies in Los Angeles Althoughsheisproudofherservice,Starnes said that, like so many other members of America’s Greatest Generation, she had simplyansweredthecallofhistory.

“I was doing my duty for my country whichalotofotherpeoplewerealsodoing, said Starnes “The people in the United States were so wonderful. I can’t even say howwedidit.”

PLAINVIEW Texas (Sept.24 2022)An undated portrait ofAlice Starnes duringWorldWarII. Starnes,who recentlycelebrated her100th birthday,served in theWAVES duringWorldWarII using the LinkTrainer one ofaviation’s first flight simulators,to train more than 1,000 pilots to flywithout the use ofvisual references (U.S.NAVYPHOTOCOURTESYOFTHESTARNESFAMILY) Capt.RandyReid becomes NorfolkNaval Shipyard’s DeputyShipyard Commander (PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST) Norfolk Naval Shipyard Defense Department assists in Puerto Rico hurricane aftermath Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Puerto Rico 18 knocking out powerto the island and causingwidespread devastation.
PageB2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 29 2022 1

Defense Department assists in Puerto Rico hurricane aftermath

Hurricane Fiona made landfall in Puerto Rico Sept. 18, knocking out power to the island and causing widespread devastation.

Southern and eastern Puerto Rico may experiencecatastrophicandlife-threatening major river flooding, as well as mudslides, due to the heavy rainfall from Hurricane Fiona, according to a National Weather Service report today.

President Joe Biden directed the Federal EmergencyManagementAgencytocoordi nate all disaster relief efforts, according to a White House statement Sept. 18

ThegovernorofPuertoRicohasactivated more than 450 members of the Puerto Rico NationalGuardtoassist,accordingtoPenta gonPressSecretaryAirForceBrig Gen.Pat

Ryder who held a press conference today.

Also the Virgin Islands National Guard hasactivatedpersonneltomonitorthesituation as part of their joint operations center team, Ryder said

Before the storm hit the Puerto Rico National Guard prepositioned soldiers and heavy equipment, including vehicles with high ground clearance, at 10 strategic pointsaroundtheislandtoallowittoquickly respond to emergencies such as rescuing stranded or trapped people and clearing roads, he said.

Yesterday, Puerto Rico National Guard’s 65th Infantry Regiment rescued 21 elderly and bedridden people from their care facility, as landslides threaten the home’s struc ture and residents’ safety, he said

Also yesterday, Puerto Rico National Guard’s 296 Infantry Regiment in Maya

guez rescued 59 people and 13 pets from a flooded community while Guard members with the 125th Military Police Battalion rescued a man in Ponce who got caught in a flash flood, he said.

Guard personnel also rescued a number of people in other municipalities, he said.

Currently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engi neersispreparinggeneratorsforemergency power and the Civil Air Patrol has been providing post-hurricane landfall imagery support and small unmanned aerial system supporttoFEMA’surbansearchandrescue teams, he said.

The Defense Department continues to stay in close contact with FEMA, the National Guard Bureau and U.S. Northern Command as response and recovery efforts unfold, Ryder said

Russian mobilization may be reinforcing failure in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir V. Putin’s mobilization of 300,000 reservists may just bereinforcingfailure,PentagonPressSecretaryAirForceBrig Gen.PatRydersaidduring anewsconferencetoday

Putin has called up 300,000 Russian reservists for his unjust and unprovoked warinUkraine.Healsoindirectlyrattledhis nuclearquiver.

His action follows a Ukrainian counter offensive that pushed Russian forces from Kharkiv and liberated more than 3,000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory

In August, DOD Policy Chief Colin Kahl said the Russians have lost between 50,000 and 70,000 service members in its war on Ukraine Putin’s mobilization “would primarily be reservistsormembersoftheRussianmilitary thathadretired,”Rydersaid.

Thesearenotlikereserveformationsinthe UnitedStates Thereservecomponentsinthe U.S.militaryaretrainedandreadytomovein hours,daysorweeks,asneeded.

In the Russian model, these are people who have finished their service commit

ment and are being called to come back.

“It’s our assessment that it would take time for Russia to train, prepare and equip these forces,” Ryder said.

Russian actions in the war on Ukraine indicate severe command and control prob lems and a breakdown of logistics since the invasionbeganFebruary24 Theseproblems havenotbeensolvedandhavecontributedto the failure of Russian operations to take the UkrainiancapitalofKyivinMarchandinthe Russian inability to make much headway in theDonbasregioninApril.

The mobilization “may address a manpower issue for Russia, Ryder said.

“What’s not clear is whether or not it could significantly address the command and control, the logistics, the sustainment and importantly,themoraleissuesthatwe’veseen RussianforcesinUkraineexperience.”

If Russia cannot command, sustain and equiptheroughly100,000troopstheyhavein Ukraine adding 300,000 more troops to the mixisnotgoingtomakethesituationbetter.

“If you are already having significant chal lenges and haven’t addressed some of those systemicstrategicissuesthatmakeanylarge militaryforcecapable,there’snothingtoindi catethatit’sgoingtogetanyeasierbyadding


The United States and its partners are going to continue a very open and rigor ous dialogue with Ukrainian counterparts to understand the country’s needs “I don’t see those conversations as being impacted by the situation [with mobilization], the general said. “I think it’s important here to providealittlebitofcontext Ifwegobackin time a little bit, Russia invaded Ukraine and attemptedtoannexallofUkraine

“Theyfailedinthatstrategicobjective,and sotheyscaleddownthescopeoftheiroperationalobjectives,”hecontinued.“Eventhose aren’t going well due to Ukraine’s counter offensiveandtheissuesthatI’vehighlighted intermsoflogisticsandsustainment.”

Putin making the announcement on mobilization, scheduling sham referenda in captured areas of the Donbas or threats about attacking territory, “it doesn’t change the operational facts on the ground, which are that the Ukrainians will continue to fight for their country,” Ryder said. “The Russian military is dealing with some significant challenges on the ground and the international community will stand behindUkraineastheyfight todefendtheir country from an invasion.”


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An aircrewfrom Coast GuardAirStation Borinquen conduct an overflight ofPuerto Rico in the aftermath ofHurricane Fiona,Sept 19 2022.(PHOTO BYCOASTGUARDCHIEFPETTYOFFICERSTEPHENLEHMANN) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 29 2022

NIWC Atlantic presents checks to prize challenge winners in first-ever ‘Rodeo’

CHARLESTON,S.C. NavalInformation Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic officials presentedcheckstotalingnearly$180,000to 13winningcompaniesonSept.15duringthe Palmetto Tech Bridge (PTB)’s Prize Chal lengeRodeo.

PTB prize challenges define a specific naval problem and then look for a commer cial solution. NIWC Atlantic dubbed the event a “rodeo” because it featured multi plecompetitionsinrelatedskillsets

During the event, selected competitors hadachancetopresenttechnologiesbefore apanelofgovernmentexperts Thewinning companies were announced during a closingceremony at Trident TechnicalCollege, culminating more than two months of collecting and evaluating proposals that addressedfivedistinctchallenges

“Wewereveryexcitedtolearnabouteach presenter’s proposal,” said Peter C. Reddy, NIWCAtlanticexecutivedirector.“Wesaw significant interest in these unique prize challengetopics,withmorethan250industrysubscriberstothechallengecontributing totherewardspresentedtoday.”

The winning companies and their earningsundereachofthefivefocusareaswere asfollows

InnovativeMethodologiestoAcquire DevSecOpsCapabilities


„ initializ($15,000)

„ SAIC($10,000)



„ TDPDataSystems($10,000)

BrandCommunicationandSocial NetworkingtoAchieveEffective MarketSaturation

„ BoozAllenHamilton($15,000)

„ BetaSystemsInternationalLLC ($12,000)

AdvancedBattleManagementAids (BMAS)Model „ CyOneInc.($25,000)






PeopleTecInc ($10,000)

In addition to opening up official path

for industry to work with the Navy,

prize challenges can lead to collabo

rative environments in which private-sec tor companies and government labs help spark innovative ideas and solutions on other fronts

“Weknowsomeofthefinestengineersin the Navy work right here at NIWC Atlan tic,” Reddy said. “But our fellow citizens in the commercial sector are a wellspring of originality and knowhow as well. So when you get all of these creative thinkers together,tosolveacommonproblem,solu tionstakeshape,andeveryoneisawinner especially the warfighter.”

DonSallee,oneofNIWCAtlantic’slead ing acquisition planners, called the rodeo a unique and rewarding experience for everyoneinvolved,fromgovernmentacquisition professionals and assessors to the commercial enterprises competing

“This was a special moment in the progression of our prize challenge initia tives at NIWC Atlantic, Sallee said. “We had never used the concept of a ‘rodeo’ before, so I was pleased to see it gain some traction with our teams and industry part ners this first go-around.”

Future PTB prize challenges will continue to encourage participation from not only traditional and non-traditional industry but also academia, including schools with student populations under represented in the math and engineering

fields such as historically Black colleges and universities

Formoreinformationonupcomingprize challenges, visit the PTB homepage at the following link: https://www.niwcatlantic. navy.mil/palmetto-tech-bridge/


NIWC Atlantic’s PTB aims to support “acceleration ecosystems” across the Southeast by removing barriers to entry, fostering a culture of trust and innovation, andprovidingawarenessanddirectaccess to warfighter challenges. The PTB’s three primarymissioncapabilityareasarecybersecurity,assuredcommunicationsanddata science


As a part of Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, NIWC Atlantic provides systems engineering and acqui sitiontodeliverinformationwarfarecapa bilities to the naval, joint and national warfighter through the acquisition, development, integration, production, test, deployment, and sustainment of interop erablecommand,control,communications computer, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, cyber and information technology capabilities

ARLINGTON Va Asanexpeditionary force Marinesoftenfightinisolated,austere environmentsrequiringre-supplyandlogis ticalsupportoverlongdistances.

To refine new technologies that will strengthen naval sustainment and expedi tionary logistics, the Experimentation and Analysis (E&A) office at the Office of Naval Research(ONR)Globalrecentlysponsored the two-week Technology Operational Experimentation Exercise (TOEE) 2022 at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune North Carolina.

The event’s purpose was to take technol ogy developed by ONR-supported scien tists and engineers, put it into the hands of Marines and Sailors forexperimentationin realistic operational scenarios, and solicit feedback from the warfighters on what workedwellandwhatcouldbeimproved.

“Asweprepareforfutureoperations itis vital that we equip our Sailors and Marines withthetechnologyandresourcestheyneed for success,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby. “Exercises like TOEE 22 are critical in determining what our warfighters need and if the technology we are developing can deliver in an opera tionalenvironment.”

Partofthecommand’sinternationalarm ONRGlobalE&Aprovidesdecision-quality information to Naval Research Enterprise (NRE) leadership to support recommendations for technology investment, further development,transitionordivestiture.This involves building and maintaining relationships between naval operational forces andtheNREtofacilitate,fundandconduct experimentationeffortssuchasTOEE22.

Other partners involved with TOEE 22 included II Marine Expeditionary Force, including subordinate elements of 2nd Marine Division and 2nd Marine Logistics Group; the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command; the Marine Corps Warfighting

Laboratory;theDemonstrationandAssessment Team from Naval Surface Warfare Center,IndianHeadDivision,inMaryland; andmultiplewarfarecenters

“The purpose of this exercise is to give technologiestothewarfighter,seehowthey use them and get their feedback, and think about what are the right investments we need to make in future technologies,” said ONRGlobalE&ADirectorTroyHendricks “WeworkhandinhandwiththeMarinesto really learn in a relevant, realistic environ menthowwellthesetechnologiesperform, whichgivesusapathforwardtoimproving


Critical to TOEE 22’s focus was conduct ing technology experimentation in line with the emerging naval concept known as Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO), which involves deploying small but highly mobile units to isolated loca tions EABO has the potential of quickly getting forces into a strategically vital area and potentially in an adversary’s weapons engagement zone, in response to an evolv ingthreatwhennootherU.S.militaryassets areavailable.

During TOEE 22, warfighters such as

infantry, logisticians and medical person nel tested more than 15 technologies in rugged, realistic operating conditions, including diverse landing zones situated in inlandandlittoral(coastal)locations Tasks encompassed supply operations, littoral transportation, equipment maintenance, engineeringandhealthservices

Notabletechnologiesincludedunmanned vehicles(quadcopters,boats,wheeledvehi cles)abletoperformresupplyautonomously orviaremotecontrol;afluid-analysissystem for testing oil, fuel and hydraulic fluid to gauge equipment health; and a system for providingautomatedmedicalcaretocombat casualtiesawaitingevacuation.

“I’m glad theNavy andMarineCorps are looking to make our lives easier and jobs safer by progressing and coming up with newtechnologiestostayaheadofthegame,” saidLanceCpl.HunterTopper,aparticipant intheexercise

ONRGlobalE&ADeputyDirectorDillard Patton said, “I can’t overstate the value of gettingtechnologyoutofthelabandintothe field,intothehandsofwarfighters.Ourtechnologistsgettolearninthemud,inthesand, in the water, and see where their technolo gy-development gaps are and make rapid improvements

“FortheMarines,theygetanearlylookat what technology is coming down the pipe the chance to try it out and build trust with it, and offer their unique perspective as the endusers,”hecontinued.

Justin Helton, the ONR Global science advisorassignedtoIIMarineExpeditionary Force, echoed this sentiment: “An exercise likeTOEE is magic. You have scientistsand engineersgettingfeedbackontheirsystems; you have Marines getting exposed to technology and figuring out what it is what it couldbeandwhattheywant;and together, theydrivethedemandsignalforwarfighter needs.

PeterC.Reddy,Naval InformationWarfare Center(NIWC)Atlantic executive director,addresses an audience on Sept 15 during the PalmettoTech Bridge Prize Challenge Rodeo closing ceremony.NIWCAtlantic presented checks totaling nearly$180,000 to 13winning commercialvendors.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJOEBULLINGER/RELEASED)
N.Charleston,SC (September15,2022)
Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications The Cutting Edge: ONR sponsors technology experimentation at Camp Lejeune U.S.Marines and U.S.NavySailors assigned to II Marine ExpeditionaryForce are briefed on theAutonomous CasualtyEvacuation System duringTechnologyOperational Experimental Exercise (TOEE) 22 on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune,North Carolina,August 4,2022.The ACE System is an experimental technologythat enables Marines and Sailors to autonomously transport a casualtyto a higherechelon ofcare TOEE 22 is an exercise,in partnershipwith the Office ofNaval Research,where Marines and Sailors leverage keytechnologies in realistic, operational conditions to enhancewarfighting,Force Design 2030 initiatives and emerging naval concepts such as ExpeditionaryAdvanced Base Operations.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTO BYCPL.ERICRAMIREZ) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 29 2022 3

executes maritime-based

cyber exercise

CHARLESTON,S.C.—Inthe sameway thatinfantrydivisionstrainhardtobegood inbattle,cyberforcesworkhardtoresearch anddeveloptherighttoolstowintheinfor mation war.

That wasthe premise for aunique mari time-based cyber exercise that concluded on Sept. 16 at NavalInformation Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic called “Cyber ANTX” —Cyberspace DefenseinDenied, DegradedandDisconnectedEnvironments (Cyber)AdvancedNavalTechnologyExercise (ANTX).

Most of Cyber ANTXoccurred at the National Cyber Range Complex(NCRC) Charleston, astate-of-the-art facility at NIWCAtlantic headquarters wheremore than 100 assessors,industry partners and subject matter experts participated in two weeks of demonstrations

“Todefenddeployed networks,you need astrong scheme of cyber support, which canbedifficult at sea,” said Capt. Nicole Nigro, NIWCAtlantic command ingofficer.“Withthatinmind,thisexercise posited, and soughttoaddress,one simple challenge: If acyberattackknocksout the network on multiple ships at once,what kind of fallback solutionscan we develop to support cyber defenders afloat?

Forvendors,Cyber ANTXwas an unprecedented opportunity to demon strate 24 unique innovations in the highly fraught cyber domain using operational vignettes implemented by NCRC Charleston’sunique capabilities

Funded by the Test Resource Manage mentCenterundertheOfficeoftheUnder Secretary of Defense for Researchand Engineering,NCRCCharleston allows programmersandhackerstoworkinasafe

andcontrolled environment.

“Ilookatthisasalive-fireexercise,butin the cyber domain,” said Drew York, Cyber ANTXprincipal investigator.“NCRC Charleston provided an excellent setting, wherewecouldtargetinnovativetechnolo giesusingrealmalwareandenablethesafe explorationofcyberspacedefensetechnol ogies on multiple fronts.”

Atotal of 29 technology proposals were submitted ahead of the event, according to Dana Rushing,Cyber ANTXexecution lead.

Rushinggroupedparticipantsintofocus areasthatincludedthemeslikeprevention, warning,malwaredetectionandcloud-enabled defense.She said each companywas evaluatedbasedonthecapabilityitbrought cyber defenders in an afloat environment.

In addition to traditional industry part ners,manytechnologies at Cyber ANTX camefromthe innovative world of small business

Twotechnologies were developed by government labs,through acollaboration between NIWCPacificand the Office of NavalResearch. Their tools involved “debloating”systemsoverstuffed with non-mission-critical “dead code,” such as unused libraries and chat apps,inorder to securenetworks vulnerable under the weight of too much data.

In the weeks preceding the exercise, ScottWest, leadevent director at NCRC Charleston, orchestrated the integration and testing of the vendor technologies on the range.Once Cyber ANTXbegan, the range environment lit up with activity and dynamic interactions amongvendors, active-duty military assessors,and tech nicalassessors from NIWCAtlanticand NIWCPacific.

“From amission perspective, this exer cisechallengedeveryonetofigureoutways

Multiple construction contract awarded for design-bid-build of Building 4A at NavalSupport Activity Philadelphia

which will expireatthe end of the current fiscal year This contract wascompetitively procuredvia www.SAM.gov,withtwo offers received.

NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity (N40085-21-D-0054).

ofnegatinganenemy’s‘softkill’cyberattack andquicklyrestoringcapabilities,”saidJeff King,director of NCRC Charleston. “The idea of rear echelon support to forward deployedforcesappliestoallofthemilitary services andcomponents,since neutral izing anear-real-time cyber effect will be critical in anyfutureconflict.”

Inotherwords,cybersolutionsharvested atCyberANTXcanapplytodomainsother than ashipboard environment.

“Ifyouthinkaboutasmallexpeditionary force likeaunit of Marines,which could easily find itself in adisconnected or limit ed-accessenvironment on an island chain in the Pacific, cyberdefense and incident response arecrucial as well,”said Peter C. Reddy,NIWCAtlantic executivedirector Maintaining readiness to enable “inte grated deterrence” around the world were keymessageswhen Chief of NavalOperations Adm. MikeGildayreleased Naviga tion Plan 2022two monthsago

In the document, under force design, “cyber” is namedwithinfour priority investmentareas

At NIWC Atlantic, leaders not only hold events likeANTXs but also strive to move awayfromgovernment-basedresearchand developmentmodels that are“isolated, protectedand exquisite,” said Greg Hays NIWCAtlantic’ssenior scientific technology manager for Rapid Prototyping and Fleet Exercises.

“Our value proposition is not measured by the number of commercially available widgets or apps that we can procurebut rather by the continuous delivery of solu tions in response to the changing adver sary,” Hays said.

TheideaforaCyberANTXwashatched at Camp Lejeune ayearand ahalf ago, while York and Rushing were working at an isolated outdoor range in aNIWC

Atlantic ANTXcalled“NavalIntegration in Contested Environments.” York said a discussion about an exercise involving cyber came up with Randy Sharo, who is nowthe ChiefTechnologyOfficer at U.S. FleetCyber Command /Commander,U.S TENTH Fleet (FCC/C10F).

Fast-forwardtolastweek, and Sharo waspart of atourofhigh-ranking officials atCyber ANTX. Afterward, Sharosaid he believedthe event represented achange in the waythe Navy should evaluate cyber technologies

“With the help of NCRC Charleston, we were abletorun realistic scenarios using real toolsinanisolated network environ ment,”Sharo said. “This meantoperating at ahigher leveloffidelity than we would have ever considered beforeonanopen network.”

OnceCyber ANTXconcluded, York praised the strong support of FCC/C10F NIWCPacific, NCRCandallocations from NavalInnovativeScienceandEngineering He also credited NavalInformationWarf ighting Development Center,the Navy’s Cybersecurity Program Office (PMW 130) and U.S. Marine CorpsForces Cyberspace Command for their support.

AboutNIWCAtlantic As apart of NavalInformation Warfare Systems Command, NIWCAtlantic provides systems engineering and acqui sitiontodeliverinformationwarfarecapa bilities to the naval, joint and national warfighter through the acquisition,devel opment,integration,production, test, deployment, and sustainment of interop erablecommand,control,communications, computer, intelligence,surveillance,and reconnaissance,cyber and information technology capabilities


amultiple awardconstructioncontract for adesignbid-buildofBuilding4AatNaval Support Activity Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The work to be performed provides for the renovation of the Defense Contract Management Agency officetoprovide modernized staff workspaces Work will be performed in Philadel phia, Pennsylvania, and is expected to be completed by September 2024.The maximumdollarvalue,includingthebaseperiod and options, is $14,603,468

Fiscal year 2022operation and main tenance (DoD)funds in the amount of $11,484,248 areobligated on this award,

NAVFAC MIDLANTprovidesfacilities engineering,publicworks and environ mental products and services across an areaofresponsibilitythatspansfromSouth CarolinatoMaine,andasfarwestasMich igan, and down to Indiana. As an integral member of the Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineerorganization to ensurethe region’sfacilities and infrastructureare managed efficiently and effectively Foradditional information about NAVFAC MIDLANT on socialmedia, followour activitiesonFacebook at www facebook.com/navfacmidatlantic and on Instagram @navfacmidatlantic

N.Charleston,SC (September14,2022)VendorsdemonstratetheirtechnologiesatNaval InformationWarfareCenter(NIWC)Atlantic headquarters during anAdvanced NavalTechnology Exercise (ANTX) that concludedSept.16.Dubbed“CyberANTX,”the two-weekevent focusedoncyberspacedefense in denied,degradedand disconnected environments.Itwasanopportunity forover100 militaryassessors,industrypartnersand subject matterexperts to evaluate24technologiesbased on howeach capabilitysupportedcyberdefendersinanafloatenvironment (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYJOEBULLINGER/RELEASED) FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic NORFOLK,VA—Naval Facilities EngineeringSystems Command Mid-Atlan tic (NAVFACMIDLANT) awarded Kunj ConstructionCorporation,Northvale,New Jersey,a $11,484,248 firm-fixed-pricetask order
4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, September 29,2022

Drug detection: ONR SCOUT tests tech for monitoring illicit maritime cargo

ARLINGTON Va To improve capabilities for monitoring aircraft and vessels carryingillicitmaritimecargosuchasdrugs forlongerperiodsoftimeandovergreater distances the Office of Naval Research (ONR)-sponsoredSCOUTinitiativerecently conductedadynamicexperimentationevent at Joint Expeditionary Base (JEB) Little Creek-Fort Story, Virginia, at the entrance oftheChesapeakeBay.

The goal of the event was to find creative solutionstopinpoint“darktargets” aircraft or watercraft operating with little to no radio-frequencysignatures foundinmari time operating areas covered by the Joint Interagency Task Force South (JIATF-S). It sought ways to use unmanned technologiestoexpandintelligence,surveillanceand reconnaissancecapabilitiesbeyondthoseof traditional maritime patrol aircraft such as theP-3OrionandP-8Poseidon.

JIATF-S currently works with U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) and partnernavalforcestoleverageall-domain technologiesandunmannedcapabilitiesto target, detect and monitor illicit drug traf ficking in the air and maritime domains

Thisfacilitatesinterdictionandapprehen sion to reduce the flow of drugs, as well as degradeanddismantletransnationalcrim inal organizations.

ONRSCOUTisanongoing multiagency experimentation campaign for identifying alternative ways to bring unmanned technologiestowarfighterproblems,operation alizethemandbringthemtoscale SCOUT is committed to getting nontraditional, commercial-off-the-shelf,government-developed and/or government-sponsored technologies to the fleet rapidly

“SCOUT is an innovation vehicle and investment strategy for the rapid develop mentofautonomousplatformsthataddress today’s warfighter challenges,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby. “Through experimentation with partners like JIATF-S, we can connect innovators, industry,acquisitionprofessionalsandfleet stakeholderstoattackandsolvekeyoperational problems.”

“This is a pressing issue for JIATF-S because every day multiple suspect vessels are near and in the area of operations conducting illicit trafficking,” said U.S. Coast Guard Lt Cmdr. Duane Zitta, JIATF-S chief of operational demonstra tionandexperimentation.“Becauseofthis


Commander Navy Recruiting Command UNIVERSALCITY,Texas Accumulat ingtwentyyearsofservice,EnginemanFirst Class Petty Officer James W. Howes, who currentlyservedasaheadquartersmember of Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) SanAntonio,retiredfromtheUnitedStates Navyduringaceremonyheldinhishonorat VFWPost4676.

The love and admiration for Howes were on full display as family, friends, and members of NTAG San Antonio were on hand to celebrate his distinguished career One common theme throughout the ceremony was Howes’ love for his family and theNavy

Yeoman Petty Officer First Class (Sel) Joshua Paris served as the Master of Ceremonies,NTAGSanAntonioExecutiveOffi cerStaceyO’Neal,thepresidingofficer,and HullMaintenanceTechnicianMasterChief (Ret.)AlbertCardenas,theguestspeaker.

HowesenlistedintheUnitedStatesNavy in November 2002, completed Machinery Repairman “A” school in Great Lakes, Illinois,andservedonseveralships

Starting in 2005 Howes was assigned to theUSSJohnF.Kennedy(CV67)asapartof thedecommissioningcrew Whileonboard, HowesearnedhisEnlistedSurfaceWarfare designationandconvertedtoEngineman.

InadditiontotheJohnF.KennedyHowes servedaboardtheUSSSentry(MCM3),USS

Scout(MCM8)whereheservedastheship’s Oil King after being promoted to Second Class Petty Officer, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), USS Somerset (LPD 25) where he served as the Main Propulsion Leading PettyOfficer

Additionally, Howes served for the Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR) in 2010 as the Barge Engineer Naval Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Balboa as Facilities Manager and Sign Shop Leading PettyOfficer,andhisfinaltourasaPettyOffi cer,NTAGSanAntonio

Throughout his Naval career, Howes has earnedtheNavyandMarineCorpsAchieve mentMedal(5),MeritoriousUnitCommen dation, Battle Efficiency (3), Good Conduct Medal (5), National Defense Medal, Global WaronTerrorismExpeditionaryMedal(2), Global War on Terrorism Service, Humanitarian Medal, Military Outstanding VolunteerServiceMedal,SeaServiceDeployment ribbon(4),andPistolandRifleribbons.

TheceremonyclosedwithHowesoffering hisadmirationandthankstohisfamily,ship mates,andguestswhileofferingachallenge tothosestillserving “Ichallengeeachofyou totakecareofyourSailorsandtrainthemto takeyourplace,”saidHowes.

NTAG San Antonio’s area of responsibility includes more than 30 Navy Recruit ing Stations and Navy Officer Recruiting Stations spread throughout 144,000 square milesofCentralandSouthTexasterritory.

vast area, JIATF-S is looking for alterna tivecapabilitiesandtechnologiestoprovide unmanned counter-operations that can detect and monitor suspect activity ulti mately helping prevent illegal movement to the United States.”

The JEB Little Creek-Fort Story experimentation event was a partnership involv ing ONR SCOUT, JIATF-S, the Naval Research and Development Establish ment, and industry partners in the Ches apeake Bay area. It was one of multiple sprint events (scenario-based demonstrations of technology capabilities and char acteristics) held this year that will lead to a large-scale main experimentation event in March 2023

DuringtheChesapeakeBayevent,partic ipants engaged in simulated drug-running and -hunting scenarios during “cat-andmouse” games involving a special ized vessel owned by SOUTHCOM and JIATF-S a “Gotcha” boat formerly used by drug traffickers and seized by JIATF-S, and various targets of interest.

Participants employed sophisticated sensor systems and technologies, rang ing from coordinated unmanned aircraft systemstowide-areamotionimagery Data collected during the exercises was fed into

an onsite maritime operations center and synthesized,providingoperatorswithrealtime information about targets and each technology’s performance

The technology tested at JEB Little Creek-Fort Story will undergo further refinement and improvement before the March 2023 main experimentation event.

“ONR’sauthoritiestoengagewithindustry have vaulted it as our vital technology maturationpartner,”saidJeffreyHavlicek, J7directorforInnovationandTechnology, JIATF-S “Cooperative technology truly rises all boats in shared stability of maritime commerce and safety

“We’re grateful for the years of tech nology maturation efforts that have been advanced by drawing on ONR’s expertise and passion,” he continued. “The best part is we are finding more naval operators just as grateful as we are for advanced capabil ities in data synthesis, mission planning, autonomous detection of dark maritime threats and improved naval logistics auto mation.

Watchavideoabouttheexperimentation event at https://youtu.be/X2G0FgKX2zA

Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications atJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story,Virginia,at the entrance ofthe Chesapeake Bay.The goal ofthe event found areas covered bytheJoint those
Vessels participate in an ONRSCOUT-sponsored experimentation event
was to find creative solutions to pinpoint“darktargets” aircraft orwatercraft operatingwith little to no radio-frequencysignatures
in maritime operating
InteragencyTaskForce South (JIATF-S).It soughtways to use unmanned technologies to expand intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities beyond
oftraditional maritime patrol aircraft.ONRSCOUTis an ongoing multiagencyexperimentation campaign foridentifying alternativeways to bring unmanned technologies towarfighterproblems,operationalize them and bring them to scale.SCOUTis committed to getting nontraditional,commercial-off-the-shelf government-developed and/orgovernment-sponsored technologies to the fleet rapidly (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMAXHOPKINS,DEMONSTRATIONASSESSMENTTEAM,NAVALSURFACEWARFARECENTERINDIANHEADDIVISION)
new beginnings Chicago native retires after 20 years of Naval service UNIVERSALCITY TEXAS (September23,2022) Engineman First Class PettyOfficerJames W.Howes received the Navyand Marine Corps Commendation Medalwhichwas presented by Executive OfficerforNavyTalentAcquisition Group (NTAG) SanAntonio CDRStaceyO’Neal during his retirement ceremonyatVFWPost 4676 Universal City,Texas.(PHOTOBYEDWARD JONESCOMMANDER,NAVYRECRUITINGCOMMAND) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 29 2022 5
The2022MarineCorpsAirStationMiramarAirShowatMCASMiramartook place in San Diego, California on September 24, 2022. The theme for the Air Show, “Marines Fight, Evolve and Win,” reflects the Marine Corps’ ongoing modernizationeffortstoprepareforfutureconflicts Miramar 2022 Airshow AU.S.AirForce F-22 Raptorand a P-51D Mustang conduct a heritage flight during the 2022 MCAS MiramarAirShow.The F-22 Raptoris theAirForce’s fifth-generation fighteraircraft.Its combination ofstealth,supercruise,maneuverability,and integrated avionics,coupledwith improved supportability,represents an exponential leap inwarfighting capabilities. (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYCPL.ANDREWCORTEZ) The Marine CorpsAirStation MiramarColorGuard performs during the 2022 MCAS Miramar AirShow.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL JOSES.GUERRERODELEONJR.) The U.S.ArmyParachuteTeam,nicknamed the Golden Knights,and U.S.NavyParachuteTeam, nicknamed the Leap Frogs,conduct an aerial demonstration at the 2022 MCAS MiramarAir Show.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL ZACHARYLARSEN) The U.S.NavyBlueAngels perform aerial maneuvers during the 2022 MCAS MiramarAirShow. The BlueAngels,formed in 1946 perform precision flight demonstrations in more than 70 shows at 34 locations throughout the United States eachyear (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBY CPL ANGELAWILCOX) The MarineAir-GroundTaskForce demonstration takes place during the 2022 MCAS Miramar AirShow.The MAGTFDemo displays the coordinated use ofclose-airsupport,artilleryand infantryforces and provides avisual representation ofhowthe Marine Corps operates (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL ZACHARYLARSEN) U.S.Marineswith HelicopterSupportTeam,1st Landing Battalion,1st Marine Logistics Group stand byforthe drop offofaJoint LightTacticalVehicle from Marine HeavyHelicopter Squadron 465 during the MarineAir-GroundTaskForce demonstration ofthe 2022 MCAS MiramarAirShow.The MAGTFDemo displays the coordinated use ofclose-airsupport armor artilleryand infantryforces and provides avisual representation ofhowthe Marine Corps operates (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL ZACHARYLARSEN) The Marine CorpsAirStation MiramarColorGuard performs during the 2022 MCAS Miramar AirShow.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYLANCECPL JOSES.GUERRERODELEONJR.) An F-35B Lightning IIwith 3rd MarineAircraftWing based at Marine CorpsAirStation Miramar San Diego,California,conducts an aerial demonstration during the 2022 MCAS MiramarAir Show.The F-35B Lightning II,flown byaviatorswith Marine FighterAttackTraining Squadron 502 is equippedwith short takeoffandvertical landing capabilitythat expands its range by allowing it to operate from navalvessels and in austere expeditionaryenvironments. (U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTOBYCPL.BRIENNATUCK) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 29 2022
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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 29 2022

The Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party drives into the Norfolk Scope this weekend

For the first time ever, Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party is coming totheNorfolkScope Theshowisperformed in the dark, with the monster trucks, hosts, and those audience members who want to participate,allglowinginthisone-of-a-kind show with three amazing performances, Octoberfirstandsecond.

The fans are in for a treat. They will see their favorite Hot Wheels Monster Trucks such as: Mega Wrex™, Tiger Shark™, Boneshaker™, Bigfoot® and more, plus the all-new Gunkster™ this time all lit up and glowing, doing some incredible competi tionsandbattles.

There is also a dance party, spectacular laser light shows and Hot Wheels toy giveaways.Andlet’snotforgetthespecialappear ances from the car-eating, fire-breathing transforming robot MEGASAURUS, and the electrifying high-flyers of Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live, Freestyle Motocross There is also the Crash Zone Pre-Show Party,wherethefansgoonthecompetition floor and see the Monster Trucks, meet the drivers up close and personal Truly there is something for the whole family Get your tickets now at https://www.sevenvenues com/events/detail/hot-wheels-monster trucks-live-2

With us today are Freddie Sheppard and

have been in the industry for 3 decades and I have never seen a Glow Party in the same universe.It’sprettyfreakingawesome

Marny Florence: It is a party that you will never, ever forget. Since we are a glow party, we get lit literally It’s so much fun andsuchagreatexperienceforeveryoneto create these incredible memories together thattheywillneverforget

Y: What will the fans see and experience thatisdifferentfromthepreviousshows?

FS: We still have the same incredible CrashZonewherethefansgettocomedown for an hour and a half, meet and greet the drivers, hang out with Marny and I, have fun at Camp Crush, a new play area for the kids where they can have competition with their parents, and then when the lights go down, the glow comes up That means all the Monster Trucks they glow in the dark, thelightscomeon,it’sunbelievableandthen MarnyandIareinfullLEDglowinthedark suits and we encourage all the fans to bring their glow in the dark stuff: Glasses, wrist bands,necklacesbringitandbeapartofthis incredibleshow

MF: Yes indeed. These glow parties are to the next level. It’s a full fan immersion for a brand new never before experience for our fans

Y: What is your favorite part of the show

the people who receive services such as assistance with food, medical expenses, dentalcare,clothingandhousing Formore information,visitStockleyGardens.comor call (757) 625-6161.

InterviewByYiorgo MarnyFlorence,thehostsoftheHotWheels MonsterTrucksLiveGlowParty. Yiorgo: Why should people come to theHotWheelsMonsterTrucksLiveGlow Partyshow? Freddie Sheppard: The Glow Party is nothing that has ever been seen before in the industry Period It’s only happening in the US now. Coming up in Norfolk, VA it’s only the fourth or fifth ever Glow Party I Freddie Sheppard and MarnyFlorence,the hosts ofthe HotWheels MonsterTrucks Live Glow Party.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFHOTWHEELSMONSTERTRUCKSGLOWPARTY)
PressRelease NORFOLK, Va Hope House Foun dation hosts the Stockley Gardens Spring Arts Festival, a free two-day community event featuring 115+ artists, musicians and food vendors The Stockley Gardens Fall Arts Festival, presented by TowneBank, takes place in Stockley Gardens Park at the cornerofStockleyGardensandOlneyRoad inNorfolkonOctober15and16 Festivalhoursare10amto5pmonSatur day and noon to 5 pm on Sunday Stockley GardensArtsFestivalhasbeennamedasone ofthetoptwooutdoorartfestivalsinEastern VirginiabyVirginiaLivingMagazinereaders forsixyears Artists present works in various media includingpainting glass,sculpture,photog raphy,andjewelry Everyone is welcome to the free Art Party sponsored by Smartmouth Brewery on Saturday from 5 to 7 pm. This fun event recognizes artists’ awards and features the bandRachel&TheJellyCatswithacashbar. Entertainment Schedule Saturday,October15 „ 11a.m. Dry Land Folk Duo/ Folk-Americana „ 11:45a.m. The Esoteric Ramblers/ The World’s Best Beer Band „ 12:45p.m. Matt Holloman/Acoustic „ 2p.m Skye Zentz/Singer-Songwriter „ 3:30p.m Times New Roman/ Indie-Pop Duo „ 5p.m. Rachel & the JellyCats/ Soulful Rock Sunday,October16 „ 12:00p.m.MarcPessarand SandyMartin/AcousticBlues& Singer-Songwriter „ 12:45p.m.PaulUrbanElectricTrio featuringCarsonLudford/ ContemporaryBluesRock „ 1:45p.m.FoxandtheBear/IndieFolk „ 3:30p.m.Ward’sPocket/AlternativeRock There are also activities for children throughout the weekend with clowns musicians hula hooping and art activities Stockley Gardens Fall Arts Festival presented by TowneBank is also spon sored by Capital Group, Miller Oil, South ern Auto Group, Mancon, Ghent Business Association, The City of Norfolk, The Port of Virginia and Holistic Family Practice Media Sponsors include VEER Magazine, CoastalVirginiaMagazine,WHROand92.3 FM The Tide Proceeds from the Stockley Gardens Arts Festivals support the programs of Hope House Foundation, the only organizationinVirginiathatprovidessupportfor peoplewithintellectualanddevelopmental disabilitiesexclusivelyintheirownhomes The spring and fall festivals, the largest fundraiser for the organization, generate $80,000 that is used to provide necessities for
The Stockley Gardens Fall Arts Festival returns October 15 & 16 INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Seasonal Apple Cake Ifapple picking is one ofyourfavorite Fall festivities,you’llwant to picka few more forthis recipe that highlights the crisp fruit ofthe season and its luscious cinnamon sugar flavored pastry PageC4
TurntoHotWheels, Page 3 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 29 2022 1

VCW debuts at the Kroc Center in Norfolk with EC3 and Gangrel

Hello, professional wrestling fans! The 757 Heater is here with you once again to discus the stacked Virginia Championship Wrestling card this Saturday night October 1stinNorfolk.Ifyou’reanavidreader,you’re aware by now that the Norfolk Masonic TempleisVCW’shomebaseintheTidewa ter region However, this weekend’s event will take place at the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center located at 1401 Ballentine Blvd Doors open at6:30PMandbelltimeisscheduledfor7:30 PM. Tickets can be purchased in advance at vcwprowrestling.com. VCW has a long historywiththeSalvationArmyofHampton Roads,andfromwhatI’vegatheredtheyare thrilledto continue this partnership for the firsttimesincetheglobalpandemicdelayed operationsforeighteenmonths

In the main event, the new Virginia Heavyweight Champion (and self-proclaimed “Champion of the 1%”) Logan Easton Laroux defends against the former champion Ken Dixon. Laroux won the annual Liberty Lottery in July, which guaranteed him any title match of his choosing Hewastednotimeindecidingwhichcham pionship to challenge for as Laroux would cash-in against an exhausted Ken Dixon justmomentsafteragruelingboutwithJoe Keys ended in a no contest Dixon has been fumingeversincetheopportunisticLaroux snaked away the most prestigious prize in Virginia. With both men at 100%, this is certain to be an incredible contest with a personalissuerootedatthecenter

The Virginia Heavyweight Champion ship match won’t be the only time personal animosity takes center stage on Saturday night EC3 makes his VCW debut against thereturning“VampireWarrior”Gangrelin ahigh-profileboutthatwasbirthedfromthe on-goingrivalrybetweenDirectorofOpera tions Jerry Stephanitsis and Commissioner GeorgePantas StephanitsisandPantashave been at odds for roughly a decade with no end in sight Last year Stephanitsis orchestrated an assault on the Commissioner in front of his horrified family that reignited their long-standing hatred for each other Fast forward to this past summer when the Director was so proud of his announced partnership with the CYN (Control Your Narrative) leader EC3 that he challenged Pantas to find an opponent worthy of such a big star Stephanitsis didn’t stop there, as he proclaimed that if EC3 does not win, he will shave his own head right in the center of the ring! Clearly the Commissioner is takingthisbetseriously,ashecontactedthe legendaryGangreltocompeteonhisbehalf As if things couldn’t get any wilder, it was announcedlastweekthatthismatchwould be no disqualification and no count out! Whatevertheoutcome thisauthorbelieves therealwinnerswillbetheVCWfans

VCW Liberty Champion “Greek God” Papadon and Dirty Money have also been at each other’s throats as of late On October 1st, each man will lead a team with three partners into battle in the first-ever “Ghouls and Goblins” elimination match. Team Papadon consists of “Mr. Xcellence” Brandon Scott, “The Hoss of All Hosses” Devantes (accompanied by Neil Shar key), Drolix, and the “Greek God” himself Team Money will unite Phil Brown, Boar, Alex Devine, and Dirty Money Elimina tion occurs via pin fall or submission. The captainofwhicheverteamwinsthiswarof attrition will be able to choose the stipulation for their VCW Liberty Championship match in December at Tidings of Destruc tion. There are so many feuds across team linesinthismatch it’sessentiallyapowder keg waiting to blow. It will be interesting toseewhatstipulationthewinnerchooses for their impending showdown at the end of 2022.

Twomonthsago,VCWTagTeamCham pions the Golden Pinky Society (Benjamin Banks and “Diamond” Victor Griff) were confronted by The Reason, who holds a cabinet position in the Jerry Stephanitsis VCW administration. The Reason called thechampionsajokeandassuredthemthat going forward he would be hand-picking their opponents to expose them for the frauds that they are. For those who are unaware, The Reason is a former World Tag Team Champion with defenses across both the United States and Europe He boasted that his phone book is filled with

top tier tag teams just waiting for a shot at Virginia gold. On Saturday night, the team known as Kingsglaive (Travis Huckabee and“Handsome”MaxZero)cometoVCW tochallengetheGPS Kingsglaivehavebeen making a name for themselves across the countrywiththeirwinningways Fansmay remember that Travis Huckabee tagged with “Diamond” Victor Griff last year, only to turn his back on the team and walk out of the match in frustration. These two certainly have some unfinished business, whichislikelytocometoaheadinNorfolk.

Women’s professional wrestling was revived in the state of Virginia, when Erica Leigh defeated Impact Wrestling star Savannah Evans in Norfolk over the summer Leigh, a Virginia native, returns to VCW this weekend to lock-up with the newcomerZaydaSteel.Notmuchisknown about Steel, aside from the fact that she is still in the early stages of her career This author’s understanding is that she trained withsomeofthebestthestateofMaryland has to offer which could pose a significant threat to her opponent. Erica Leigh isn’t afraid of any challenger (be they female or male) as she has proven up and down the East Coast. We’ll have to see how the unknown elements play out in this one

In other action, Gino Medina returns to VCW to take on Breaux Keller, who made his debut in the Liberty Lottery Although Keller is new to Virginia wrestling fans, he’s already made a positive impression.

Both men are perceived as fan favorites, so this bout is likely to be a straight-up test of athleticism.Also,BrazilianJiuJitsuWorld Champion Tim Spriggs locks up with the “Shamrock Shooter” Killian McMurphy. This match was just announced last week and is certain to appease fans of mixed sports combat VCW debuts this Saturday night Octo

ber 1st at the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center at 1401 Ballentine Blvd in Norfolk. Doors open at 6:30 PM with bell time scheduled for 7:30 PM.Ticketscanbepurchasedinadvanceat vcwprowrestling.com.VirginiaChampion

“VampireWarrior Gangrel (PHOTOCOURTESYOFGANGREL’SPERSONALCOLLECTION) Erica Leighvs Savannah Evans (PHOTOBYJONATHANMCLARTY) VCWHeavyweight Champion Logan Easton Laroux(PHOTOBYJONATHANMCLARTY) VCWTagTeam Champion Benjamin Banks defeating his foe.(PHOTOBYJONATHANMCLARTY)
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
shipWrestlingalwaysbringsfansanightof incredibleaction,andthiscardwon’tbeany different! I’ll see you at the matches!
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 29 2022

Carve Out More Family Time This Halloween


By the time Halloween rolls around, many families are deep into the hustle and bustle of the school year The holi day provides a great opportunity to focus on family and spend some quality time together

Shared experiences bring loved ones closer, and Halloween is a perfect time for doing something with the people in your life who matter most, whether it’s your immediate family, college family, friends, siblings or extended family

Thesefamily-friendlyactivitiescanhelp you create some special spooky memo ries this Halloween with your friends and loved ones:

Visit local attractions. Many communities offer seasonal events or destinations where you can find all kinds of family fun while enjoying a refreshing autumn after noon Some popular examples include cornmazes,pumpkinpatchesandhaunted houses You might also find other attractions such as hayrides and petting zoos

Decorate pumpkins Designing the perfectjack-o’-lanternorpumpkincreation can be fun for the whole family Toddlers and younger children can express their creativity through painting, stickers and accessory kits while older children and young adults may find carving kits to be moretheirstyle Considertheoptionsfrom PumpkinMasters,whichcreatesnewprod uctseveryyearsoyoucanalwaysfindsome


from Page 1


MF:Ilovethedanceoffwiththekidsand the adults having their own party up in the stands Watchingthemgetoutoftheirseats letlooseandhaveanamazingtimeisthebest feelingever

FS: My favorite thing in the world is seeing how crazy the fans get during the glow party. I’ve been around for three decades, I’ve been announcing for two decades, and when I set out as an announcer, I said, I’m going to go up and down every aisle like nobody else and I’m going to high five anybody that wants to high five and take photos with everybody My favorite part of every show is the inter action with all the fans.

Y: I believe that because I watched you lastyeardoexactlywhatyoujustdescribed and I was in awe of your stamina, charisma and genuine love for the fans Both of you makesurethefansfeelapartofthefullexpe rience. Hot Wheels are very fortunate to havebothofyouastheirhosts theirambassadorsifyouwill.

Y: Freddie, how much input do you have inyourstick,inbeingyou?

FS: Our chief, the man that wears the crown, Ken, absolutely believed in me and that angle He loves that I created the connectionbetweenthestorytellingandthe fans,sowecouldallbecomeone Ittookthe industry by storm. It’s been nurtured and Mattel Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live andalltheowners theyjustloveit.

Y: With live entertainment everything andanythingcanhappen.Canyoushareany anecdotes,funstories?


thing fresh each Halloween. For example Premium Sticker Patterns make it easy to peel, stick and carve with pattern transfer sheets while options like Mummy Carving and Decorating Kit or Unicorn Decorating let little creatures in on the fun

Go trick-or-treating together Participating in this age-old tradition as a family canmakeforafuneveningofjoyandlaugh ter You can also incorporate numerous teachable moments including reminders about safety around strangers and when crossingthestreet,practicingmannerslike pleaseandthankyouortakingturnsringing doorbells with friends or siblings

Watch scary movies. Whether you relive your own youth by introducing your kids to the classics or explore more contemporary flicks gathering the group around the screen for a frighteningly fun movienightcanappealtothewholefamily

With so many options available, you can easily find something age-appropriate for your little ones just be sure to add some seasonalsnackstomakethenightcomplete

Find more ideas to inspire quality time with family this Halloween at pumpkin masters.com.

Fun ways to recycle your pumpkin after the holiday

Once the holiday fun is done, you may wonder what to do with your leftover pumpkin (and the insides, too). Consider

low, our lights look red and it looks like we havechickenpox.

FS: I had to learn how to turn off the batteries for our suits I’m in front of every one100%ofthetimeandIhaveglowinthe darkgloveson SoIfindafanwhocanaccess my battery pack and the fan helps me put batteries in as quickly as we can and then I thankthefanbyhavingthemgiveascoreor something

Y: What have been some of the coolest, favoriteplacesyouhaveperformedwithHot Wheelsandwhy?

FS: It continues to be such an incredible ride.Everydestinationisanamazingadventure.IhostedtheonlyHotWheelsMonster LiveShoweverintheMiddleEast,inQatar, hosted the entire European Tour and the USTour

MF:I’velovedalloftheplaceswe’vebeen to It’s cool to check off these places in the states and my world map off my bucket list. OnethatwasreallyuniquewasNewOrleans duringMardiGras AlsotheveryfirstshowI did for Hot Wheels was in Ontario, California and it was so special because as a Cana dian to be flown to host in California was a wowmoment anunbelievablethoughtthat Igottoexperienceanddo Anotheronewas in Chicago with the first weekend of glow parties, it was also my birthday, my siblings came, my dad surprised me there as well as myfirstweekendinCalifornia

Y:Thisisaverydemanding,timeconsuming,awayfromyourfamilytypeofjob Why doyoucontinuetodoit?

MF: Mine is an unbelievable story. I was born in Toronto Ontario Canada. I’ve been dancing since the age of four. My siblings and I went to an art elementary and middle school.AndIwenttoahighschoolinadance program.Itwassomuchfuneverysingleday because we got to experience all the arts

these ideas: Bake the seeds. Whether you eat them yourself or share them with local wild life, roasted pumpkin seeds provide a tasty treat.They’redeliciouswithalightcoating of olive oil and salt, or you can get creative with seasonings and spices

Make slime. The stringy, gooey insides of a pumpkin make for a ghoulish bowl of goopy guts perfect for Halloween pranks You can use the pulp in its natural form or searchforrecipesthataddingredientslike glue, water and baking soda for even more texture.

Compostit Pumpkinsgenerateorganic waste, so adding them to a compost bin (or burying them) can be quite beneficial for the soil. Either option returns organic matter to the Earth, rather than heaping it intoalandfillwhereit’sjustaddingtoaccu mulating food waste.

Create a planter If you save the pieces carved from your jack-o’-lanterns, you can use a toothpick to secure them in place Then you’ll be left with a vessel that’s perfect for using as a seasonal planter Add some mums or other autumn blooms and enjoy them throughout the fall.

Donatetoanearbyfarm.Pumpkinscan be a tasty treat for wildlife and livestock. If you don’t have animals like bunnies and squirrels to share your pumpkin with in your own backyard, check with area farms to see if they’d like your leftover pumpkins to use as food for the animals

For16years,I’vebeenatrainedcompetitive dancer,doing10-12hoursoftrainingaweek in everything from ballet, tap, jazz, musical theater, contemporary, modern, hip hop, all of the above I’ve tried everything. I was a brand ambassador for companies, taught danceatfourdifferentplaces,beeninacircus company musicvideos andadancerinabar mitzvah company All of that is whatgot me into hosting because I was always a host. NowIamahostandachoreographer Iteach danceandchoreographytobiggermusicals Beforecovid,Iwasalwaysonthegosuper busydoingsomuchatthesametime.During CovidItooktwocoursesonselfgrowthand personal development that really changed my life. I found my core values. One assign mentwastofillinsomeblanksinasentence to spread “blank” so others “blank. Mine was to spread love life and positivity every where, so others feel uplifted, encouraged and free to be their authentic selves. I then had to manifest it and work towards a goal. One of my action steps was to put together an action reel. In December 2020 I put togetheratwoandahalfvideoandpostedit on youtube in February 2021. In June 2021 Hot Wheels Monster Trucks reached out to me I got an email and then a phone call from them. They told me that they were looking at 50 other female hosting resumes onyoutubeandtheychoseminebecauseof alltheliveexperienceIhavewithkids.This job is the Golden Ticket of my life. It is the best thing that ever happened to me, living out my passion and my purpose of being a positive role model of your authentic self is celebrated Following your dreams and achievingthemissoawesome Iwashoping forsomethinglikethisandtheywerelooking forsomeonelikeme

FS: I was born in Santa Rosa, Northern CaliforniaandasayoungmanIlovedmotor

Fun ways to include your pup in game day festivities


Game days are all about bonding with friends over football and food, alongside yourfurrybestfriend.Petparentsaren’tthe only ones excited for game days Dogs can getinontheaction,too.

Bringing pups into the game day experiencecanfostermorejoyoftogethernessfor pets and pet parents alike whether that’s a game of catch in the yard, piling up side by-side on the couch to root for your team or snacking on your favorite football foods whileyourpupenjoyshisorherownspecial dog-friendlygamedaymeal.

This football season, CESAR® Canine Cuisineinvitesyoutocelebrateeverytouch down with your top dog from your living room to your kitchen and backyard, using thesetips.

Tail-Wagging Team Spirit

On game day, you wear your favorite team’s colors As loyal fans root on their teams let your dog show his or her squad spirit, too Bring out your team pride with matching jerseys or bandanas, or a special football-themed toy for your pup to sport duringthegame.

Practice Playswith Your Pup

Stay active during your at-home watch partybyrunningaroundwithyourpupduring commercialbreaksorathalftime Playfetchin the yard calling out plays like a quarterback, and have your top furry wide receiver catch his or her favorite toy for the touchdown. A break for fresh air can help keep your dog entertained and make sure he or she can get energyoutthroughoutthegame.

Football Feasting

The game day spread is not complete until your dog has something to dine on, too To help pet parents and their dogs enjoy the most delicious part of game day together, CESAR Canine Cuisine created a “Match Up” Menu of dog-friendly “reci pes,” inspired by fan-favorite foods, using its wide range of bold flavors in a variety of textures VisitCESAR.comforthefullmenu, which features the first-of-its-kind CESAR 7-Layer and more unique wet and dry dog foodcombosforyourpuptoenjoywhileyou watchyourfavoriteteamplaytogether FromtheCESARbrand:Thisisourfunway togetourfurryfriendsinvolvedingameday.

The CESAR® brand believes the best life is shared between pets and their pet parents, but we don’t recommend sharing human food with pets While we’re excited to share these pup-friendly game day recipes with our furry fans we remind all pet owners to followappropriatefeedingguidelines Please beconsciousofservingsizesonthepackaging whenmakingtheCESAR7-Layeror“Match Up” recipes. Do not over feed your dog and consult with your veterinary provider to discussyourpet’sdietaryneeds

sports and competed professionally I am verysuccessfulintheworldofcustombuild ing I build for Fortune 500 companies My wifeandIownatradeshowcompany,atruck accessory company and developing proper ties.AsImentioned,I’vebeenintheindustry for 30 years and Hot Wheels reached out to me Iamtheonlyoriginalannouncer Ihave been there day one, prior to it even starting inthedevelopmentstageoftheannouncing sideofit.Itispurejoyforme

My beautiful wife Angie of 25 years and my amazing four kids: Freddie IV, Paxton, JadeandPresley,theyunderstandwhatthis job means to me and fully support why I do what I do I leave them 32 to 40 weekends a year I miss so many celebrations but my callinginlifewastogosharemyloveforthe sport of Monster Trucks and more impor tantly I get to share it with the fans and for two hours I help them forget the craziness that is life. I make them smile and share as muchofmyenergyandjoy,withathousand, two, three, four, five and thousands more fans at every show I feel like it’s my calling If someone is deaf I will sign with them to thebestofmyabilities Anyonewithspecial needs disabilities I will try my hardest to toucheachandeveryoneoftheirhands I’m able to use the tool of Hot Wheels Monster TrucksliveTheGlowPartytodosomething more important. To engage a child who is autistic by giving them the microphone to hold and give the parents that moment of joy, that’s what I live for. It’s not the money, it’s not the job, it’s not the career, it’s pure passiontomakeourfans’livesthebestever duringthosehoursthattheyarewithus Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

(PHOTOBYFADWAWARDOFRPSTUDIOS) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 29 2022 3

Fall for comforting, grape-inspired recipes


Smoked Paprika Lamb Chops with Fresh Grape Sauce

Servings: 4


1teaspoonkoshersalt,plusadditional, totaste,divided

teaspoonfreshlygroundblack pepper,plusadditional,totaste,divided







1½cupsseedlessGrapesfrom California,rinsed


In small bowl, combine paprika, 1 teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon pepper Rub chops with paprika mixture and set aside

In large cast-iron or other heavy skillet overmedium-highheat,heatoliveoil.Add chopsandcooktodesireddoneness,about 4minutespersideformedium-rare.Trans fer to platter and keep warm.

In same pan, add riesling bring to boil and scrape up any browned bits from bottom of pan. Cook until wine is reduced to glaze, about 5 minutes Add shallots, broth and thyme; cook until reduced by half, about 4 minutes Stir in grapes and butter; swirl to melt butter Season with additional salt and pepper, to taste, then pour sauce over chops and serve.

Nutritionalinformationperserving:359 calories;31gprotein;14gcarbohydrates;17 gfat(42%caloriesfromfat);105mgcholesterol; 565 mg sodium; .9 g fiber.

Hot Honey Roasted Broccoli with Grapes and Almonds

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 12 minutes

Servings: 6










In cup, combine honey, vinegar and crushed red pepper flakes; microwave 10 seconds until mixture is warm enough to stir to blend; repeat if necessary Set aside andkeepwarm.

In shallow, 9-by-13-inch baking dish or rimmed baking sheet, toss broccoli spears with oil then spread in single layer in centerofpan.Roast7-8minutesuntilbroc coli begins to brown on edges Remove from oven.

Drizzlehothoneyoverbroccoliandsprin klewithsalt.Scattergrapesandalmondson top of broccoli and roast 4-5 minutes until broccoliiscrisp-tender,almondsaretoasted andgrapesarewarmedthrough

Transfer broccoli and grape mixture to platter or individual plates and serve warm oratroomtemperature

Nutritional information per serving: 110 calories; 3 g protein; 18 g carbohydrates; 4.5 g fat (37% calories from fat); 7 g saturated fat (8% calories from saturated fat); 0 mg cholesterol;125mgsodium;3gfiber.

Add a little sweetness to any occasion



This delicious recipe for Apple Cake high lights the crisp fruit but also the cinnamon sugar-flavored pastry It’s luscious but doesn’t overdo it on the sweet meter with just the right mix of flavors

The cake is baked with the apples inside as the middle layer, which creates a moist, finished product. The apples are gooey, bakedinacinnamonsugarcoating,making them a sweet and light complement to the perfectly baked cake.

Start by mixing the apples with cinnamon and, of course, sugar Set the mixture aside. Now it’s time for cake. First, mix all thedryingredientstogetherthenmixinthe

wet ingredients

The secret to this cake is creating layers thatwillholdup Pourhalfofthebatterinto aroundspringformpanfirstthenaddapple mixture and top it all with the rest of the cake batter

Finally,foralittleextrasweetness,sprinkle1tablespoonofsugaroverthetopofthe cake before baking

Oncebaked,thiscakecanbedrizzledwith icing (if you’d like) to make it an even more delightfultreattosatisfyanysweettooth.

This cake is perfect for any get-together, families looking for an after-dinner indul gence or anyone who just loves fruity desserts It’s delectable enough for fancy occasions, but also simple enough to make at home for just a couple

With fluffy cake layers and a soft apple


Not to mention thedripoficingattheendthatallbutguar anteeseveryonewillbeaskingforseconds. Find more recipes and sweet desserts at Culinary.net

Apple Cake

Servings: 8-16

Honeycrisp apples,


teaspoon vanilla icing

Heat oven to 350

In medium bowl,

cinnamon and 5 tablespoons sugar until combined. Set

In large bowl, mix flour, 2 cups sugar, baking powder and salt until combined Form well in middle of mixture. Add oil, eggs, orange juice and vanilla; mix until blended.

In springform pan, pour half of batter

Add apple mixture. Pour remaining batter over apple mixture. Sprinkle remaining sugar over batter

Bake 40-50 minutes or until top is golden brown and tester comes out clean and dry

Drizzle with icing, if desired.

Smoked Paprika Lamb Chopswith Fresh Grape Sauce Asdaysgetshorterandcoolerweathersetsin,thecravingsforhearty,comfortingmeals often follow. Traditional fall fare, including roasted meats and veggies, can be enhanced with a delicious and compatible fall fruit: fresh grapes. Grapes work well with a variety of ingredientstomakemealtimesmoreenjoyable. In Smoked Paprika Lamb Chops with Fresh Grape Sauce, grapes provide a delightful sweet-tart accent to the savory meat Juicy grapes also help balance the spicy kick of Hot HoneyRoastedBroccoliwithGrapesandAlmonds Inadditiontotheirdelicioustaste fresh texture and vibrant color grapes of all colors red, green and black are a heart-healthy food,too Findmoreflavorfulfallrecipeideasatgrapesfromcalifornia.com Hot HoneyRoasted Broccoliwith Grapes andAlmonds
center, this
does it all.
„ 3 cups
and diced „ 3 teaspoons cinnamon „ 6tablespoons,plus2cups,sugar,divided „ 3 cups flour „ 3 teaspoons baking powder „ 1 teaspoon salt „ 1 cup oil „ 4 eggs, beaten „ ¼ cup orange juice „ 1
mix apples
„ ½
„ 4bonelesssirloinleglambchops(¾
„ ¾
„ ½
„ ¼
„ ¼
„ ¾
„ ¼
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 29 2022

The truth about concussions and TBI

Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence

Some service members might call a hard hit to the head having your bell rung, getting knocked out, or seeing stars Your doctor calls it something else: a traumatic brain injury

National Concussion Day is Sept. 16, bringingawarenesstoTBIs,signsandsymptoms,theimpacttothemilitarycommunity andhowtogethelp.

A TBI is the disruption of normal brain function caused by a jolt or blow to the head, and the military population is espe cially susceptible. Nearly 459,000 service members worldwide were diagnosed with afirst-timeTBIfrom2000throughthefirst quarterof2022,accordingtotheTraumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence, which tracks multiple TBI-related data points for the Department of Defense Concussion— also known as mild TBI—accounts for over 80% of these injuries, making it by far the mostcommontypeofactive-dutyTBI.

A diagnosis of TBI requires a medical exam. With a population that has volun teeredtoputtheirlivesonthelinetoprotect anddefend,itmaybetemptingtoprioritize the mission over medicine downplaying or ignoringanysymptoms

Retired Marine Corps Capt. William Greeson, who was treated for brain injury attheendofalongmilitarycareer,saysthis attitude is especially true for what he calls “militaryalphas.”

“[Their attitude is] ‘I’m going to go out front, I’m going to lead, I’m going to get it done,andwe’lltalkaboutthislater,’”hesaid. “Andthenlaternevercomes.”

The team at TBICoE believes that later shouldcomesooner Inadditiontoresearch ing TBI in service members and veterans, TBICoE provides training in the condi tion’s diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Regional education coordinators, who are embedded in TBI rehabilitation and research facilities across the DOD and the DepartmentofVeteransAffairs offereduca tionalprogramsformilitarymedicalprovid ers servicemembers veterans families and caregivers

On National Concussion Awareness Day, there’snobettertimetotestyourknowledge about the most common type of TBI. Can you separate fact from fiction in the follow ingstatements?

Concussions only happen on the battlefield.

FALSE. About 8% of active-duty concus sions are from battle injuries, and only 20% happen during deployment. The rest are sustained while doing things like playing contact sports, participating in military training orcrashingavehicle

You don’t have to get “knocked out” to have a concussion.

TRUE. Concussions temporarily change howthebrainworks.Thiscanbeabriefloss ofconsciousness Moreoften,consciousness

is altered, such as, being dazed or seeing stars,orunaffected.

You can have a concussion even without a blow to the head.

TRUE. A concussion may be caused by a sudden increase or decrease in speed, even iftheheaddoesn’tstrikeanything Forexam ple, the external forces present in cases of whiplash or blast injury may be strong enough to shake the brain, causing it to hit theskullandleadingtopotentialdamage.

If you don’t have a headache, you’re fine

FALSE. A headache is the most common symptom of concussion, but it’s just one of many Concussion symptoms can be physi cal cognitive, or emotional, causing a wide variety of issues such as irritability fatigue, balancedifficulties,sleepdisturbance,dizziness,ringingintheears,blurredvision,and concentrationormemorydifficulties Some symptoms are warrant a trip to your local emergencydepartment.Theseinclude:

„ Worseningheadaches







Disorientation(notknowingwhereyou are,difficultyrecognizingpeopleorplaces)

Anyunusualbehavior(suchasincreased aggression,anger,irritability,orcrying)



Symptoms of a concussion appear immediately after the injury.

FALSE. Concussion symptoms can start immediately after the injury—or gradually over the next 48 hours The good news is thattheyoftenresolvewithindaysorweeks CommonSymptomsofConcussion Symptomsofconcussion,ormildTBI can becognitive emotional,andphysical.(Photo by: The Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence)

You Can Recover from TBI

Mostpeoplefullyrecoverfromaconcussion, particularly if it’s their first. Service

members can usually return to full duty in 2—4weeks

However,thetimeittakestohealdepends on the individual, the nature of the injury any history of concussions or migraines and associated conditions such post-trau matic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, andsubstance-usedisorder

You should seek medical care and follow your doctor’s progressive return to activity guidance because a concussion can impact memory,concentration,coordination,reac tion time, and other areas—that may affect job performance or unit readiness and safety This is also why you must be medically cleared before picking up that basket ball or your car keys Otherwise, symptoms likedizziness,balanceproblems,andfatigue canputyouatriskofre-injury

Visit TBICoE for more information about all types of TBI, as well as provider resourcesandsupportforservicemembers, veterans families and caregivers Watch realstoriesofrecoveryandhopethroughA HeadfortheFuture,TBICoE’sTBIawareness initiative. Visit https://health.mil/ Military-Health-Topics/Centers-of-Excellence/Traumatic-Brain-Injury-Center-of-Excellence

NMC Camp Lejeune’s Lab Receives ‘Unprecedented’ Results


Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune’s Laboratory Department obtained recer tification from the College of American Pathologists with a 99.9% compliance rate on their recent inspection. The results of the inspection from July demonstrate the high level of commitment each team member contributes towards quality patient care.

“Meeting CAP accreditation is required and non-negotiable,” said NMCCL’sdirec-

tor of Clinical Pathology, U.S. Navy Cmdr (Dr.) Reynaldo Gomez. “Receiving the accreditation shows you are excelling at laboratory medicine, using good practices and policies that are respected and antic ipated in the industry.”

The CAP program is widely recognized across the globe as the gold standard in laboratory accreditation According to their website, the organization has more than 65 years of experience, includes 18,000 board-certified pathologists, and services over 20,000 laboratories across

the globe in over 100 countries

“The results of this inspection are unprecedented for NMCCL’s lab,” said Lt Cmdr Amanda Randles, assistant depart ment head for the laboratory “It’s a true testament to the hard work of all of our fantastic staff.”

Laboratories accredited by CAP require strict adherence to standards and regu lations. Being accredited also gives an advantage; the lab stays informed of rapidly changing techniques, policies, and regulations for the industry

“We start at the ground level here. All our staff are expected to continuously meet the competencies set out by CAP,” explained Gomez. “We regularly perform self-inspections to ensure we are ready for the real inspections and ensure we are providingthe highestlevel ofcare possible across the industry.”

The NMCCL Laboratory employs 45 activeduty,civilian,andcontractpersonnel.

On a monthlyaverage more than 1,000 service members are diagnosedwith a first-time concussion.Most ofthem happen during recreational orroutine training activities.(SENIORAIRMANCHANCENARDONE,52NDFIGHTERWINGPUBLICAFFAIRS,MEHRING,RP GERMANY) Staffat Naval Medical CenterCamp Lejeune’s lab testing procedures to
yourbody „
lab demonstrate
students inJune 2022 (U.S.NAVYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASSMICHAELMOLINA) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 29 2022 5

subject property in June 2013 and utilized the Terminal for bulk liquids storage and transfer Historically, the Site operated as a wood treating facility by Atlantic Creosote Wood Preserving Works. The principal release and Site impacts are predominantly creosote and constituents contained within creosote. The Site has been the subject of numer ous investigations and limited remedial action. The Site was entered into the Voluntary Remediation Program in 2013 Activities performed within the VRP program included extensive site investigations and limited remedial action in the form of DNAPL recovery The completed remedial activities at the Site consisted of

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 29 2022 Advertising categories include: •Announcements &celebrations •Merchandise &carsfor sale •Job recruitment •Honoring alife •Pets foradoption And more Creating your ownadinthis publication is easy,affordable and will reachthousandsinprint and online. Place your ad today! PlaceAnAd.tribpub.com Subscribe to The Virginian-Pilot today Call 757-446-9000 or go to PilotOnline.com PUBLIC NOTICE OF VOLUNTARY REMEDIATION NORFOLK, Va September 24, 2022 Kinder Morgan Virginia Liquid Terminals LLC is issuing this notice of proposed voluntary remediation and completed remediation activities at its terminal facility located at 1000 Lansing Street, Norfolk, VA This notice is being submitted directly to the City of Norfolk, adjacent landowners, and to the public through the Daily Press newspaper to solicit public comments on the proposed remediation and completed remediation activ ities under the auspices of the VDEQ Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP). Upon both the receipt and subsequent response to public comments and VDEQ approval, the Site will attain a certificate of completion under the VRP (VRP No 000621). VRP Participant Name: Kinder Mor gan Virginia Liquid Terminals LLC; 1000 Lansing Street, Norfolk, VA Site Background and Proposed or Completed Remediation: Kinder Mor gan purchased the
Dense NonAqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) (i.e creosote) recovery from numerous wells within the site. The recovery ef forts served to limit the further migra tion of creosote. The remedial efforts proposed to be implemented include deed restrictions to limit property use to commer cial/industrial uses a groundwater use restriction across the Site, and the use of a soil management plan to identify and mitigate risks to current and future site personnel from contact with known areas of Site impacts on the surface and subsurface Active re medial efforts in the submerged area to the immediate north of the Site include the placement of an organo clay permeable reactive barrier (PRB) along a portion of the surface where seeps have been identified. Copies of the detailed site character ization reports the Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP) and associated addendums as well as the detailed design for the placement of the PRB are available upon request via electronic format. Persons wishing to comment on the voluntary remedial action or request additional information should contact the following (via USPS or E-mail) Written comments will be accepted until October 26, 2022. Mr Court Reece Remediation Supervisor Kinder Morgan, Inc. 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77002 (713) 420-5676 Court_Reece@kindermorgan.com FALL FAMILY FUN FEST Sunday Oct. 2 1-5 PM Rain Date Oct 9 4811 High St. W. Portsmouth Over 50 vendors/crafters! Horse rides pumpkin patch party food, games prizes face painting music NFL lounge adoptable dogs and more. 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