Flagship 10.06.2022

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Ford departs on firstdeployment


The Navy’s newest andmostadvanced aircraftcarrier USSGeraldR. Ford (CVN 78)deployed Tuesday, October4andwill operatealongsideacoalitionofalliedforces togetherintheAtlanticareaofoperations.

Ford is theflagshipoftheGeraldR. Ford Carrier StrikeGroup(GRFCSG)andtheir firstoperationaldeploymentwillinclude air,maritime,andgroundassetsfromNATO Alliesandpartnernations.Thestrikegroup setsailfromNorfolk,Virginia,andwilloperateintheAtlanticOcean.

“The USSGerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Groupwilldeploy, integratingwithAllies andpartners,todemonstrateitsunmatched, multi-domain,full-spectrumlethality

inthe Atlantic,”said Adm. DarylCaudle commander, U.S. Fleet ForcesCommand.

“Thistrans-Atlanticdeploymentwill strengthenourrelationships,capacity,and trusttoforgeamorepeacefulandprosperous world by leveragingthe ‘One Atlantic’ CommandandControlConcept.”

Innovationandinteroperabilityarethe keyfocalpointsoftheGRFCSG’sdeployment,allowingalliedandpartnernations to strengthenthecollectivedefenseofthe Atlanticaswellastomatureintegrationfor futureoperations.

“The Atlanticisanareaof strategic interest,”said Vice Adm. DanDwyer, commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet. “Ourprimary goalis tocontributetoapeaceful, stable, andconflict-free Atlantic regionthrough

thecombinednavalpowerofourAlliesand partners.Thedeploymentof USSGerald R. Ford’s carrier strikegroupisthenatural progressionofour renewedcommitment tothe Atlantic.”

AlongwithAlliesandpartners, the GRFCSGwillfocustrainingonairdefense, anti-subsurface warfare,distributedmaritimeoperations,minecountermeasures,and amphibiousoperations.

“Thisdeploymentisanopportunityto pushtheballfurtherdownthefieldand demonstratetheadvantagethat Ford and CarrierAir Wing(CVW)8bringtothe futureofnaval aviation,tothe regionand to our Alliesandpartners,” said Rear Adm. Gregory Huffman,commander,Carrier StrikeGroup(CSG)12.

Thedeploymentinvolvesapproximately 9,000personnelfromninenations,20ships and60aircraft.

Thenineparticipatingnationsare: U.S, Canada,Denmark,Finland,France, Germany, the Netherlands,Spain,and Sweden.

The U.S. commandsandunitsparticipatingintheGeraldR. Ford Carrier Strike Group(GRFCSG) deploymentinclude Carrier StrikeGroup(CSG)12, Carrier Air Wing(CVW) 8, DestroyerSquadron(DESRON) 2, USS Normandy(CG 60), USSRamage(DDG61), USS McFaul (DDG74),USSThomasHudner(DDG116), USNSJoshuaHumpreys(T-AO188),USNS RobertE. Peary(T-AKE5),and USCGC Hamilton(WMSL-753).

VIRGINIABEACH, Va Rear Adm. BradleyAndros,from Poughkeepsie, New York, relieved Rear Adm. JosephDiGuardo Jr.,fromFallston,Maryland,ascommander, Navy ExpeditionaryCombatCommand (NECC),duringaceremonyatAssaultCraft Unit4onboard Joint Expeditionary Base LittleCreek-FortStory.

DiGuardo, whotookcommandofNECC inSeptember2020, thankedthoseinattendanceandaroundtheforce.

“Youhave consistentlylivedupto a warriorethosthathasenabledour Nation todelivercombatcrediblecapability acrossthefullspectrumonnaval,joint,and combinedoperations.Youhaveledtheway toclear,secure,build,andprotectwhereour NationandAllieshaveneededitmost,”said DiGuardo.

Duringhistour, DiGuardoledthe Navy’s singlefunctionalcommandfor20,000 ActiveDutyand Reserve expeditionary forcesandhadcentralmanagementfor the

readiness,resources,manning,trainingand equippingofthoseforces.

Adm.DarylCaudle,commander,U.S.Fleet Forcescommand,presided overtheceremonyandlaudedthesuccessofDiGuardo’s tenureatNECC. He also expressedhis enthusiasmforhowAndroswillguidethe commandmovingforward.

“Yoursingulardrivefor excellenceand efficiency,alongwith your exemplaryleadership,wereabsolutelyessentialinadvancingthe Naval ExpeditionaryCombat Commandteamintowhatweseeheretoday —aforward leaning, highly-trained,adaptiveteamof steely-eyed warfighters,” said Caudle.

AndroscomestoNECCfollowingatour asdirectorJ10DirectorateofCountering Weaponsof MassDestruction, U.S. Special OperationsCommand.

“Iamconfident youaretherightleader attherighttimetotake[DiGuardo’s]NECC achievementsto

evengreaterheights,” saidCaudle.“I’llgive youthesameadvice IgiveeverycommanderI’vebeenfortunate Navy ExpeditionaryCombatCommandChangesCommand RearAdm.Joseph DiGuardo,commander NavyExpeditionaryCombatCommand(NECC), delivers remarksduringhischange ofcommandand retirement ceremonyatAssaultCraft Unit 4onboardJointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-Fort Story Sept 30. www.flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY SouthHampton Roads: Getthe convenience of yourNavynewspaperdelivered right to yourdoor for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 Officerbattlesbreast cancerwhileactive-duty Thenoble call to serveinournation’s militaryisademanding feat requiringhighmoralcharacterand,asArmyGen.(Ret.) Colin Powellwould say,“…avigilancethatis perpetuallyoptimistic.” PAGEA4 CallingforMilitary Citizenofthe Year TheHampton RoadsChamber isnowacceptingnominations forthe2022SamuelT.Northern, MilitaryCitizen oftheYear (MCOY) award. PAGEA6 VOL.29 NO 37 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comOctober6-October12 2022 TurntoCommandchange, Page7 The Navycelebrates its247thbirthday 13 Octoberwe celebrate 247years oftheNavy Let’s celebratebeing onwatch 24/7. COMINGNEXTISSUE! IN THIS ISSUE TheUSSGonzalezreturns tohomeportNorfolk TheArleighBurke-classguided-missiledestroyer USSGonzalezreturnedtotheirhomeportof NavalStationNorfolk Sept 28 2022. PAGEA2
An F/A-18ESuperHornet,attached to the“Gladiators ofStrikeFighterSquadron(VFA) 106 approaches USSGerald R.Ford’s(CVN78) flightdeckduring flightoperations,Sept 17 2022. Ford is underwayintheAtlantic Ocean conducting carrierqualificationsandworkups forascheduleddeploymentthis fall.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMEN APPRENTICEDANIELPEREZ) www.flagshipnews.com|TheFlagship| Section1|Thursday, October 6, 2022 1

USS Gonzalez returns to homeport Norfolk


NORFOLK, Va The Arleigh Burkeclassguided-missiledestroyerUSSGonzalez(DDG66)returnedtotheirhomeportof Naval Station Norfolk, Sept. 28, 2022.

Gonzalez deployed Jan. 23 as part of a surge deployment of five destroyers under commander U.S. 2nd Fleet, that included the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Donald Cook (DDG 75), USS Mitscher (DDG 57), USS The Sulli vans (DDG 68), and USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) before Gonzalez joined the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG) in the Mediterranean Sea as a partofDestroyerSquadron(DESRON)28

The ship was dynamically employed by U.S. 5th and 6th Fleets traveling through out the regions participating in a multi tudeofbi-lateralandmulti-lateraltraining opportunities ensuring maritime security and stability

“We left on this deployment to bolster

relationshipswithkeyalliesandpartnersas wellasdefendinternationalinterestsinthe U.S. 5th and 6th Fleets,” said Cmdr TimothyBattles,Gonzalez’scommandingofficer “I am proud of the men and women of this ship and all that they have accomplished since we left home and know they can feel a strong sense of pride for a job well done.”

The crew’s outstanding efforts complemented the ship’s diversity of mission sets and substantial capabilities “The Sail ors aboard USS Gonzalez lead the way in demonstrating resolve and dedication to support the mission and each other,” said Cmdr Kate Stegner, Gonzalez’s executive officer “As an independent deployer, our team met each mission with continued success I am humbled to be a part of this great crew.”

WhileoperatingintheU.S.5thFleetarea ofoperations Gonzalezconductedmultiple escort transits through the Bab-el-Man deb Strait and conducted counter smug gling operations in support of Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 in the Gulf of Oman.

Gonzalez also conducted security patrols in support of the recently established CTF 153 to ensure international maritime securityandcapacitybuildingeffortsintheRed Sea,Babal-MandebStraitandGulfofAden DuringtheiroperationsinU.S.6thFleet, Gonzalezdemonstratedcohesionandcapa bilitybysailingandoperatingwithForward Deployed Naval Forces-Europe ships, as well as those of Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG) 2 and the HSTCSG.

In the Mediterranean, Gonzalez helped pave the way for the NATO-led exercise Neptune Shield 22, conducting dual and tri-carrier operations with the Italian and French navies The multinational exercise demonstrated NATO’s ability to integrate the high-end maritime warfare capabili ties of allied aircraft carrier strike groups amphibiousreadygroupsandmarineexpeditionary units to support the defense of the alliance Training exercises and vigi lanceactivitiesthroughoutthedeployment provided the opportunity to enhance rela tionshipswithEuropeanAlliesandpartners

held at

ersaswellasalltheNavalStationpersonnel joiningusheretoday.

Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’s Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) hosted the seventh annual “Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members” Sept. 22. The ceremony held at the installations chapel payed tribute to the brave men and women whodiedinservicetoournationandrecog nized the sacrifices of those who have been leftbehind Families of fallen service members entered the chapel greeted by the event speakersandbymusicperformedbySailors FFSC Director, Edie Moorcones provided openingremarks

“On behalf of the Commanding Officer andExecutiveOfficerhereonNavalStation Norfolk I wish to extend their gratitude to the fallen United States service members,” said Moorcones “I would like to thank our GoldStarFamiliesinattendanceandIwould like to express thanks to our guest speak-

Followingtheopeningremarksandinvo cation, the keynote speaker, Melissa Fuhr man gave insight as to why the event was held.FuhrmanservedasNAVSTANorfolk’s GoldStarcoordinatorforsixyearsandisalso aGoldStarspouse

“Weareallgatheredtohonorandremem ber those Sailors who made the ultimate sacrifice, said Fuhrman. “We must never forget those men and women who volunteeredandraisedtheirrighthandtobeable to serve and protect our country. We also must never forget the loved ones that they leavebehind.”

After the keynote speakers remarks, the reading of the names of the fallen service memberswasdonebyJenniferTillard.After each name a bell was rung to honor their memory,withfourbellstrikesgivenafterthe final name Once the tolling of the bell was complete and the benediction was given, Tapswasplayedtoclosetheceremony.

Astheshipfinally pulledinto homeport, Command Master Chief Lance Connolly Gonzalez’sseniorenlistedleader,reflected on the sacrifices made by those onboard and those waiting at the pier

“They conducted themselves admirably the past months despite the many challenges presented throughout our deployment,”saidCommandMasterChief Connolly “I could not have been more pleased with the resiliency and warrior spirit of our crew.”

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), commanded byCapt.GavinDuff,servesastheflagshipof the HSTCSG; additional elements include the nine squadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, commanded by Capt Patrick Hourigan; the staff and guided-missile destroyers of DESRON 28 commanded by Capt. Blair Guy which have included: USS Bainbridge (DDG 96), USS Cole (DDG 67), USSGravely(DDG107),USSForrestSher man (DDG 98), and USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109).

for Fallen


Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | maddelin.hamm@navy.mil ActingMilitaryEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved THIS TOOL CANCOME IN HANDYINANEMERGENCY. Backup powercan keep you connected in an emergency. Formoretips visit Ready.gov
ByMassCommunicationSpecialist SecondClass(SW)JosephT.Miller
“Bells Across America
Service Members”
Norfolk Norfolk,VA(Sept 22 2022) Melissa Fuhrman,the formerGold StarCoordinatorand a Gold Starspouse,speaks about honoring the memoryoffallen
about herown husbands
passing at the BellsAcrossAmerica forFallen Service Members event inside the Naval
Norfolk’s Chapel,September22 2022 The BellsAcrossAmerica forFallen
Members event is done to honorSailors and otherservice memberswho have died in the line ofdutyand to recognize theirsacrifice (PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSECONDCLASS (SW)JOSEPHT.MILLER.)
NORFOLK(Sept.28 2022)TheArleigh Burke-class destroyerUSS Gonzalez(DDG 66) returns to Naval Station Norfolkaftera regularlyscheduled deployment in the U.S.5th Fleet and U.S.6th Fleet areas ofoperations,Sept 28 Gonzelezwas deployed as part ofthe HarryS.Truman CarrierStrike Group in support oftheatersecuritycooperation efforts and to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNATHANT.BEARD) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, October 6, 2022

Day was

National Coffee
October 1st. Tell us: How do you take your coffee? ChaplainSteveShaw Command: Command,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Hometown: Lawton,Oklahoma “I like mycoffeewith a shot ofhalfand half and two packets ofsugar” AO3JonathanCurrie Command:Command,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Hometown:Memphis,Tennessee “I take mycoffeewith foursugars and two creams. LieutenantCommanderVictorMarquez Command: Command,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Hometown: Houston,Texas I like to take mycoffeewith a little bit oftwo percent milkand no sugar I like to have coffee that is jus the cheapest coffee possible,its all the same to me. YN1BrandeMcLane Command:Command,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Hometown:Dallas,Texas “I take mycoffeewith two sugars and two creamers” CommanderSaraMiller Command:Command,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Hometown:Monterey California “I like pumpkin spice lattes” ChiefSamanthaGreenley Command: Command,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Hometown: North Pole,Alaska “I take mycoffee icedwith almond milk, honeyand lavender CHEERS!” www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 3 Youcould missout, or youcould choose USAA. usaa.com/auto 1Potentialaverage annual savings, rounded to the nearest$25 increment, based on countrywide survey of newcustomers who switched to USAA and self-reported savings from March 11,2019toMarch 18, 2021.Individual savings mayvary andisn’t guaranteed. Use of the term “member”or“membership” refers to membership in USAA Membership Services and does not convey anylegal or ownership rights in USAA.Restrictions apply and aresubject to change.Automobileinsuranceprovided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty InsuranceCompany, USAA General IndemnityCompany, Garrison Propertyand Casualty InsuranceCompany, based in SanAntonio,TX; USAA Limited (UK) and USAA S.A. (Europe), and is available only to persons eligible forP&C group membership.Each company has sole financial responsibilityfor itsown products. No DepartmentofDefense or government agencyendorsement. ©2022USAA.280415-1021 If youknow, youknow. If youdon’t, we do. Members switched and saved an average of $725 per year.1

NOPF Dam Neck changes name to Theater Undersea Surveillance Command Atlantic

Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

Naval Ocean Processing Facility (NOPF) Dam Neck officially changed its name to Theater Undersea Surveillance Command Atlantic (TUSC LANT) during a ceremony held at the command on Sept. 30 2022.

TUSCLANTisoneofseveralIntegrated Undersea Surveillance Systems (IUSS) commands under Commander Under sea Surveillance, conducting continuous maritimesurveillanceforunderseadomain awareness TheseIUSScommandsprovide timely and accurate acoustic intelligence reportingandcueingtoalltheaterundersea warfare commanders using fixed, mobile and deployable assets across the world.

“Naval Ocean Processing Facility Dam Neck was commissioned with a crew of approximately 8 officers and 50 enlisted on Oct. 1, 1979, marking her 43rd birthday tomorrow ” said Cmdr Kenny Myrick, commanding officer of TUSC LANT IUSS has its roots in the Sound Surveil-

lance System (SOSUS) developed following World War II. The first SOSUS facility, NavalFacilityRameyAirBasePuertoRico, was commissioned in 1954 SOSUS areas were operated by numerous dispersed monitoringnavalfacilities whichovertime consolidatedintotheNOPFandnowTUSC of today.

“NOPFs were established to consolidate undersea surveillance naval facilities along both coasts of the United States,” saidMyrick.“Todayiscriticalmilestonein our command’s history, With our current expanded mission and capabilities as well as the expected growth over the next decade thisnamechangebetterreflectsthe missionperformed,theextentofourreach, and the increasing importance IUSS plays in protecting national security.”

The IUSS enterprise functions around the clock with fixed systems that are largely impervious to weather and seas, and mobile and deployable systems that operate anywhere and anytime in support of national defense priorities

CNATTU Norfolk staff hosts local maintenance, flight officers to increase awareness of its training capabilities

ByJerronBarnett Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training

NAVAL STATION NORFOLK, Va Cmdr.EllieHurst,CenterforNavalAviation TechnicalTrainingUnit(CNATTU)Norfolk commanding officer opened the doors of CNATTU Norfolk to neighboring Helicop terSeaCombatandAirborneCommandand Control and Logistics Wing squadrons in August

In coordination with the wing mainte nance officers (MO), an opportunity was createdforthesquadronleadership,ground officers, and any interested MO’s and pilot/ naval flight officer division officers to tour CNATTU Norfolk facilities and training assets

Hurst started the tour by providing an overviewpresentationofallthetype/model/ series,aviationordnance,shipboard,special operations parachute rigging, and aviation maintenance and administration courses offered by CNATTU Norfolk and its learningsiteinFt.Lee,Virginia

Following that, walking tours were conducted by Lt Willie Duncan, CNATTU Norfolk training officer The walking tours showcased the vast number of hands-on trainers available to students to build skill sets needed in the squadrons These train ers are available not only to students in the school house, but also to squadron personnel who need refresher training to review

specialized technical aspects of their skills in the fleet for MH-60S, E-2C/D, and C-2A aircraft.

Overall this was an excellent opportu nity to build knowledge of what CNATTU Norfolk offers to support the maintenance effort on the flight line and waterfront as wellasprovidingtrainingtogroundofficers intheNorfolkarea.

Lt Cmdr CarlVick,assistantmaintenance officer (AMO) for Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 123, took advantage of the opportunity that Hurst and her teamprovided.

“MyresponsibilityasanAMOistoensure that the Sailors assigned to the Command have requisite formal training to perform theirjob,”Vicksaid.‘Icouldnotpassupthe opportunity to see first-hand, the valuable servicesthatCNATTUNorfolkprovidesthe juniorandseniorSailorsoftheflightlineand moreimportantly,theFleet.”

Vick said he came away with some valu able information about the CNATTU Norfolkmission.

“I have a greater admiration for the instructors’ desire and eagerness to train,” Vick added. “The school house gave us numerous examples of the utilization of their instructor’s knowledge and services, offeringusanopen-doorinvitationtocoordinate on demand in-rate training within a controlled environment to build upon or refreshtheSailor’sknowledge.”

Newly opened NEX layaways will incur no fees

To assist with holiday purchases, NEX customerswillnotbechargedafeeforanynew layawaysopenedOct 1 Nov.9.

The NEX Layaway Policy allows for clothing,

and general merchandise

be placed



accessories, shoes
for up to 90
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KennyMyrick,commanding officerofTheaterUndersea
Surveillance CommandAtlantic
(TUSC LANT),delivers opening remarks and cuts the ceremonial cake at the Naval Ocean Processing Facilityname change ceremony,Sept 30 2022.Naval Ocean Processing Facility (NOPF) Dam Neckofficiallychanged its name toTheaterUndersea Surveillance Command Atlantic (TUSC LANT) during a ceremonyheld at the command.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSNOAHJ.EIDSON)
NAVALSTATION NORFOLK,Va Aviation Structural Mechanic First Class RobertJames (far right),CenterforNavalAviationTechnicalTraining Unit (CNATTU) NorfolkE-2/C-2 airframe and hydraulic systems instructor,explains howan E-2/C-2 arresting geartrainerworks to a group ofmaintenance and flight officers from localAirborne Command and Control and LogisticsWing and HelicopterSea CombatWing Squadrons during a tourofthe CNATTU Norfolkschoolhouse inAugust.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJERRONBARNETT) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 NEWKENT|VINTON |RICHMOND| HAMPTON |DUMFRIESCOLLINSVILLE |ROSIESGAMING.COM ARE YOU READY? Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. 1996 POWERPLANT PKWYHAMPTON,VA23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM

Officer Alana

Intelligence Specialist 2nd Class Petty
Montana Command:Commander,CarrierStrikeGroup4 Hometown:Houston,TX Cryptologic Technicians Technical 1st Class Petty Officer Lauren Lopez Command:Commander,CarrierStrikeGroup4 Hometown:NewYork,NY WhydidyoujointheNavy? IwantedtogetoutofwhereIwasfromandwanted toseesomethingotherthanmyhometown. Whatdoyoulikeaboutyourjob? IliketheideathatIgettoknowsomethingwhichnobodyelse outsideofmycommunityknowsandthefeelingofknowingit. Whatareyourgoalsforthefuture? IwouldliketostayhomeonceIretire.Ireallylook forwardtobeingabletotakecareofmykidsand nothavetoworryaboutwork. Whatarehealthywaysyourelievestress? “Itrytokeepaproactiveapproachwithstressrelief Some waysIliketobeproactiveareanyformofphysicalactiv itymainlyweightlifting,eatinghealthyandstickingtoit, gettingenoughsleep,andlisteningtomusic Ifindwhen thereismoreconsistencywithmyscheduleIamableto bettermanagestress However,whenI’mfeelingtooover whelmedwithstressIliketotalkitoutwithafriend.” www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 5 Academic Coordinator and ProgramManager (FP150A) Job Summary: TheAcademic Coordinator and Program Manager coordinates and advises Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students in curricular and academic matters; manages administrative tasks required to support the undergraduate programs; coordinates programs to enable student success; ensures students comply with University requirements; and maintains student records. The department offers programs to on-campus and distance learning students. This position will also coordinate with the Office of Distance Learning and stakeholders. Administrative tasks include coordinating course schedules; updating the undergraduate catalog and the course inventory system; supporting the ABET and University accreditation processes and assisting the department’s leadership. Required Qualifications: AMaster’s degree is required in disciplines such as engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering,orother field of academicstudy. Considerablestudent advising experience that can result in theUniversity’s Master Advisor Programcertification within one year. Working knowledge of computer engineeringand electrical engineering curricula and generaleducation requirements. Working knowledgeofthe admissions processatacomprehensive university.Working knowledge of Virginia Community Colleges and the process to transfer to ODU. Working knowledge of database, spreadsheet, and web maintenance tools.Experience with academic advisingtoolssuch as Retain software and academictools such as Banner and DegreeWorks. Effectivecommunication, leadership, and collaboration skills. Prior experience developingand managing programs that promote student success.Capable analytical skills. Good communication skills;both written and verbal. Good interpersonal skills. Preferred Qualifications: N/A Conditions of Employment: N/A Review Date: Initial applicationreview date willbeon10/10/2022 and will remain open until filled. To apply,pleasevisit https://jobs.odu.edu/postings/17108 It is thepolicy of Old Dominion University to provide equalemployment, educationaland social opportunitiesfor all persons,without regard to race (or traits historically associatedwithrace including hair texture, hair type,and protective hairstylessuchasbraids, locks, andtwists), color, religion, sexor gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions),national origin, gender identity or expression,age,veteranstatus, disability, politicalaffiliation, sexual orientation or genetic information. Minorities,women,veterans, and individualswithdisabilities areencouraged to apply. THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606 DON’T SWEATTHE SMALL STUFF, JUST NAIL THE BIG STUFF What’s another teeny, tiny stain? You’ve got more important things to think about—like making sure your kids are buckled correctly in the right seat for their age and size. Check at NHTSA.gov/TheRightSeat

A call for nominations: Military Citizen of the Year

Are you a Sailor or do you know a Sailor, who goes above and beyond the call to duty by volunteering in the Hampton Roads community? The Hampton Roads Chamber is now accepting nominations for the 2022 Samuel T. Northern, Military Citizen of the Year (MCOY) award.

The Samuel T. Northern award has been given annually to recognize the militarycitizenwhohasmadethemost significant contribution in the area of community service The award is not forasingleact,butratherforsustained community service in the Hampton Roads area for a period of at least one year Nominees volunteer by coach ing Little League teams, youth mentoring, fundraising emergency medical services and many more community programs

“Hampton Roads is blessed with such a large presence of Navy in the region The men and women who weartheNavyuniform,Departmentof

the Navy civilians and all their family members are intertwined into the fabric of our region and contribute so much to it,” said Bryan K. Stephens, President & CEO, Hampton Roads Chamber “It is our honor every year to recognize those who go above and beyond their call to duty to the Navy and give back to their community.”

Local commands as well as local volunteer organizations can nomi nateactivedutyE-6andbelow.Nomi nations must be received by Friday, Oct 28 Nominations received from volunteer organizations must be endorsed by the service member’s parent command in order to qualify for the award. Packages received from volunteer organizations will be forwarded to the appropri ate command for verification and endorsement. This year’s winner and finalists will be recognized during a luncheon on Thursday, Nov. 17, at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott.

Battleship Wisconsin veteran visits Hampton Roads Naval Museum

USNAVYPHOTOSBYMAXLONZANIDA/RELEASED NORFOLK,Va (October1,2022) JimBeutte,oneoftheVolunteerMuseumDocentsatthe HamptonRoadsNavalMuseum,providessomemeaningfulinterpretationtoJosephGenet andhisfamily GenetservedaboardtheBattleshipWisconsinfrom1951-1953,andwasinthe DowntownNorfolk,VirginiaareatoattendtheUSSWisconsinannualreunion Battleship Wisconsinislocatednexttothemuseum.
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Each year, Sept. 28 is recognized as

Health and Fitness Day. This is adaytohighlight theimportanceofhealth

for all women.

and specialists


Activity Hampton Roads do an awesomejobpromotingphysicalfitnessfor

base personnel and the entire military community

Heather Sookram

„ Position Title: Fitness Coordinator

Work location(s): All three annexes

Northwest Annex, Portsmouth Annex)

How long have you been in your current position? I have been with MWR since 2008 and NSA Hampton Roads since 2017

„ What is your favorite physical activity?

Weight lifting

„ When did you first get into physical fitness/working out? When I joined the Navy at 18 years old. I started working out as part of my job and I fell in love with it.

„ What classes do you currently teach?

Cycling Pound Fitness Buti Yoga

Why do you think regular physical


Command change

from Page

enough to lead. Take charge Lead boldly withgrit,tenacityandinnovation.

Acareerexplosiveordnancedisposaloffi cer,Andros,issuedhischargetotheforce.

“Our mission is clear: design, develop,

activityandhealthawarenessissoimport ant for women? The number one killer amongindividualsiscoronaryheartdisease and a way to help prevent that and other diseasesisexercise Exercisehelpsprevent osteoporosis and helps with stress builds muscleandbonedensity andhasapositive effect on reproductive health.

Virginia Brown

„ Position Title: Fitness Specialist

„ Work location(s): Northwest Annex

„ How long have you been in your current position? Since 2021 „ What is your favorite physical activity?

Weight lifting and yoga

„ When did you first get into physical fitness/working out? My husband is active duty and when he deployed years ago I startedworkingout.In2016,whileworking out, a fitness instructor saw me and asked metobecomeafitnessinstructor Soin2017

I became a personal trainer.

What classes do you currently teach?


Power Conditioning Command PT Yoga, Insanity, Pound

„ Why do you think regular physical

activityandhealthawarenessissoimport antforwomen?Asamilitaryspouse,itwas so important for me to connect with other people, and exercising was a great way for metodothat.Beingactivemademehappy. Even though it may be hard at times we haveto getoutof the houseand findsomething out there that we love and enjoy.

Debi Brundage

„ Position Title: Fitness Specialist

Work location(s): Headquarters Annex

How long have you been in your current position? For 17 years

What is your favorite physical activity?



When did you first get into physical fitness/working out? I got into fitness because I was overweight and needed to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle and to change my eating habits I started work ing at Bally Total Fitness and met many peoplewhotaughtmehowtoliveahealthy

Upcoming Fitness Events/Classes

generate; and when called upon, employ a prompt and sustained warfighting capability to support fleet operations,” said Andros “We will be known as a command withabiastowardsaction andbemeasured not by activity, but by the readiness of our subordinate units and the effect they have inperformingtheirmissions.”

The ceremony also coincided with

DiGuardo’sretirement,followingmorethan 35yearsofnavalservice.

“The opportunity to lead this group of expeditionary warriors has truly been the highlight of my career,” said DiGuardo “I wanttothankeachandeveryoneofyoufor the tremendous work you have done, not only for NECC, but for our nation and the countless partners and allies with whom


NECCorganizes,mans,trains,equipsand sustainsNavyExpeditionaryCombatForces to execute combat, combat support and combatservicesupportmissionsacrossthe full spectrum of naval, joint, and combined operations,enablingaccessfromtheseaand freedom of action throughout the littorals andinlandoperatingenvironments

awareness and fitness
The fitness instructors
lifestyle „ What classes do you currently teach? Command PT Fitness Enhancement Program, Spin Cycle, Navy Operational Fitness and Fueling System „ Whydoyouthinkregularphysicalactiv ityandhealthawarenessissoimportantfor women?Ithelpsbuildself-esteem.Anditis soimportanttokeepmovingandstayactive as much as possible.
„ Oct.8:GruntRunandGruntRun (NorthwestAnnex) „ Oct.14:PinkRibbon5K (PortsmouthAnnex) „ October:90DayWellnessChallenge „ Nov.18:WoundedWarrior5K (HeadquartersAnnex) „ Dec 2:YogaandSoundbathClass (NorthwestAnnex) „ Dec.9:Winter-A-Thon (HeadquartersAnnex) Classes and events can be found online: „ https://www.navylifema.com/events/ nsahr „ Instagram:nsahrfitsupport „ Facebook:www.facebook.com/NSA HamptonRoadsMWR Women’s Health and Fitness Day Spotlight Debi VirBrundage ginia HeBrown atherSookram www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 7 ©2022UniversityofMarylandGlobalCampus UMGCiscertifiedtooperatebytheStateCouncilofHigherEducationforVirginia(SCHEV).UniversityofMaryland GlobalCampus,9625BelvoirRoad,BardenEducationCenter,Building1017,Room128,FortBelvoir,VA22060. UndergraduateClasses StartOctober19. Secure your future witha cybersecuritydegreeorcertificateincyber management, cyber operations,cybertechnology or digital forensics. •100%online&hybridcourses•Personalizedadvising&lifetimecareer services•No-costdigital materialsinplaceofmosttextbooks UMGC.EDU 301-985-7530 UMGChasbeendesignated asaCAE-CDby theNSAandDHSandasaCDFAEbyDACCA


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceanawasthrilledtowelcomearecordcrowdof341,800 people to the 2022 NAS Oceana Air Show this weekend, while livestreaming the event to 91 countries worldwide Airshowpatronsenjoyedbeautiful,sunnyweatheranda much-anticipatedperformer’slineupfollowingatwo-year hiatus due to the coronavirus

The installation welcomed back internationally acclaimed aerial performers like the Navy’s flight demonstrationteam,theBlueAngels,andtheU.S.AirForce’sF-16 Viper Demo Team. This year’s show also highlighted, for the first time ever onboard NAS Oceana, the F-35C Light ning II Demo Team.

“TheNASOceanaAirShowistrulyspecial.It’sanopportunity for us to give back to our community by showcas

Air Show welcomes record crowd

ing the best naval aviation has to offer,” said NAS Oceana Commanding Officer, Capt Bob Holmes “I can think of no finer way to demonstrate the pride and professional ism of our Navy team than by safely hosting a world-class air show.

Alongwiththeshow’smilitaryperformers,guestswere thrilledbyexcitinghigh-speedaerialmaneuversfromMike Goulian,JessyPanzer,SkipStewart,MattYounkin,andBob Carlton. While these aviation greats put on a world-class show in the skies, fans were invited to explore engaging static displays along the flight line featuring everything fromtheCH-47Chinookhelicopter toNavydivetanks to classic muscle cars Over 5,000 5th graders from the Virginia Beach City Public Schools were among the record crowd welcomed

onboard NAS Oceana, where they gained hands-on, realworld STEM experience right on the flight line

Agencies such as NASA the Virginia Department of Transportation, Dominion Energy, Tidewater Commu nity College, Old Dominion University, and Naval Expe ditionary Combat Command gave students a front row seat to engage with science experiments, robotics, under water remote controlled vehicles, 3-D printers and more, designedtoengage,inspire,andeducatestudentsinSTEM.

“Seeing the smiling faces of over 5,000 students, and watchingthemlearnaboutSTEMinareallyuniqueway,it just doesn’t get any better than that, said Holmes “It was an honor to be able to welcome the world to NAS Oceana during our air show.

The U.S.NavyBlueAngels perform during the 2022 NavalAir Station OceanaAirShow. The Hot StreakIIJetTruckperforms during the 2022 NavalAir Station OceanaAirShow. The CivilAirPatrol parades the colors during the National Anthem at the NavalAirStation,OceanaAirShow. United States NavyParachuteTeam members glide in tandem at the NavalAirStation OceanaAirShow. Amemberofthe U.S.NavyLeap Frogs ParachuteTeam parachuteswith theAmerican flag during a performance ofthe national anthem at the 2022 NavalAirStation OceanaAirShow. Aerobatic aviatorMike Goulian flies during the 2022 NavalAir Station OceanaAirShow. U.S.NavyBlueAngel Lt Cmdr Griffin Stangel greets audience members during the 2022 NavalAirStation OceanaAirShow. MattYounkin performs at the NavalAirStation OceanaAir Show. The United States NavyBlueAngels perform at the NavalAir Station OceanaAirShow. An F-35C Lightning ll performs at the NavalAirStation OceanaAirShow.
NAS Oceana

New uniforms coming for Sailors as Navy looks to leave

clothing issue behind


The Navy has ditched its iconic and beloved coveralls for sailors aboard ships foranew,two-pieceuniformthatwasfinally approved on Monday after years of trials and a decade after a previous version of the uniform was found to be dangerously flammable Fleet Forces spokeswoman Lt Cmdr MadisynHansenconfirmedtoMilitary.com that the 2-Piece Organizational Clothing morecommonlycalledthe“2POC” isnow hittingthefleet.

The “organizational clothing,” which the Navy notes is different from a uniform, has been in development for several years but started to become a reality last October when“40Ambassadorsstartedwearingthe new organizational clothing at select East Coast commands in order to showcase the newgarment,”HansenpreviouslytoldMilitary.com.

The Navy’s top sailor, then-Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Russell Smith, posted photos of him wearing the garment tosocialmediainFebruary

According to an internal Navy message

thatwasreleasedonSept.26,the2POCwill be worn just as the current Navy Working Uniform (NWU) Type III is now, complete with the same command ball caps and brownundershirts.Insteadofthegreendigi tal camouflage pattern of the Type IIIs, the new garments will be plain blue for junior enlisted and khaki for chief petty officers andofficers

An added benefit to the new garment is that, unlike the current coveralls, the Navy will let sailors wear this outfit off the ship

Although the message notes that the 2POC “will be the primary at-sea uniform, it goes on to say that it is also “authorized for commuting and all normal task and associatedstops.”

Hansen also stressed in a phone inter viewthattherolloutdoesnotforecastmore uniform costs for sailors. The garment will beprovidedtothesailorsfree

“Each sailor serving on board surface shipsandsubmarineswillbeissuedaminimum of two sets of 2POC as organizational clothing,withanadditionalsetupondeployment,”themessagesaid.

Hansen said that the Navy is working on arolloutplantothefleetnowbuttheoutfits should be getting into sailors’ hands before

The rollout should close a complicated chapterfortheNavyregardingwhatsailors canwearaboardshipsthatissafewhilealso functionalandattractive.

The original plan began in 2008 with the rollout of the original NWUs the Type Is TheNavyadvertisedthemasheavy-wearing enough to handle doing maintenance on a shipbutprofessionalenoughthatthesailor could also run errands off-base without a changeofclothes.Theuniformfeaturedthe same tunic and pants design of the 2POC but in a distinctive blue and gray camouflagepatternthatearnedthemthenickname “blueberries.”

However, in 2012, a test report revealed thatnotonlywerethoseuniformsnotflame retardant, they were actually dangerously flammable The report noted the uniforms “burnrobustlyuntilcompletelyconsumed” when they come in contact with flame and “meltanddrip astheyburn.

“If this sticky molten material came in contact with skin it would contribute to increasedburninjury,”thetestreportnoted.

This news led to a ban of the original NWUs at sea, and the Navy scrambled to put out new, flame-resistant coveralls for

sailors who didn’t already wear flight suits or engineering coveralls, both of which are flameresistant.

Sincethattime sailorshavejuggleddiffer ent uniforms both at sea and ashore as the Navy moved from the Type I to the Type IIINWUsin2017despitethelatterinitially beingintendedonlyas“tacticaluniformsfor ourexpeditionarySailors.”

Hansennotedthattheuniformwasdevelopedwithsailorsinmindandpointedtothe factthat84%ofsurveyedsailorstoldleader shipthattheywantedsomethingotherthan standardcoveralls.

“Thedevelopmentofthetwo-pieceorga nizational clothing or ‘2POC’ was about finding a common-sense alternative to coveralls,”Hansensaid

Editor’s Note: This article originally said thatthenewuniformswouldbeavailableto sailors starting in October based on infor mationprovidedbytheNavy Afterpublica tion a Navy spokesperson emailed Military com to say that the rollout had been moved to November or December The article has beenupdatedaccordingly.

Konstantin Toropin can be reached at konstantin.toropin@military.com Follow himonTwitter@ktoropin

Naval Safety Command presents the 2022 Fall and Winter Safety presentation

NORFOLK, Va As we transition from the summer to the fall and winter seasons, the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM) continues to promote a safety-first mindset, with the release of its annual2022FallandWinterSafetypresen tation October 1.

As the Navy and Marine Corps team continuestomeetouroperationalcommit ments, we want to ensure our Sailors and Marines are safe and making informed decisions while enjoying the cooler weather,” said NAVSAFECOM Command Master Chief CMDCM(SW/AW/IW) Jimmy Hailey “Each of us is responsible for making smart decisions both on and off duty We need to get better at thinking about risk in everything we do so we can protect ourselves and each other.”

From October 1 through March 1, over fiscal years (FY) 18-22, 139 Sailors and Marines were killed in off-duty inci dents Of these 61 were due to automo bile crashes 47 from motorcycle crashes nine were pedestrian-related and another 22werekilledduringoff-duty,recreational activities

The Fall and Winter Safety presenta

tion provides critical information and tips to raise awareness and assist Sailors and Marinesinmitigatingrisksassociatedwith theoff-dutyactivitiescommonlyassociated with the fall and winter months, including seasonal driving safety; home fire prevention;avoidingslips tripsandfalls seasonal decorating safety; and cold weather tips

“Our goal is to ensure every Sailor, Marine, civilian employee and their fami lies are aware of the risks associated with fall and winter activities so they can take appropriateprecautionstominimizethose risksbothonandoffduty,”Haileysaid.“Ifa fellowSailororMarine,orafriend,isabout to do something unsafe or risky speak up Supervisors reach out to your subordi nates,andtalkwiththemabouttheiractiv itiesandwhattheycandotominimizerisk.

We can’t afford to lose a single Sailor or Marine to another mishap that was 100% preventable.”

NAVSAFECOM will also be produc ing a variety of Fall and Winter Safety media products over the fall and winter seasons, which will be available on the NAVSAFECOM website and via social media Download the presentation on the NAVSAFECOM website, at https://navalsafetycommand.navy.mil/Stand-Down/ Safety-Stand-Down/

1st Class
KellyPyron and Force MasterChiefHuben L.Phillips demonstrate the operationalwearabilityofthe flame-resistant two-piece organizational clothing prototype aboard the
USS HarryS.Truman,Feb.5,2019
Cover refer hedlyn Ceporium me imorarei sendien me imorarei sendien me imorarei seen du iien me imorarei sendien me imorarei seen du intem.PageXXuarterdeck www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 1

honored for leadership on workforce diversity at National Latina Symposium

ByKristineSturkie Navy Exchange Service Command

Retired Navy Rear Adm. Robert J. Bian chi, Chief ExecutiveOfficer,NavyExchange Service Command received the ‘LATINA StylePresident’sAward.’Thisnotablerecog nition waspresented on Sept. 29,atthe National Latina Symposium in Washing ton, D.C. Bianchiwas bestowedthis award in honor of his enduring commitment to a diverse workforce andleading theseefforts withintheDepartmentofDefense “Itwas truly humbling to receivethis distinguished awardfromLATINAStyle,” saidBianchi.

“Aninclusiveglobally-diverse cultureis smart business andanecessity forany organization to surviveand succeed… even more so forNEXCOMwith touchpoints around the world, executing areadiness mission

to sustain and support our Navy warfight ers and military families whether afloat or ashore.Ourcommandisonethatcelebrates encouragesand valuesdiversity, andasIsee it, our dissimilarities cultivate better deci sion-making,moreinnovation and ahigher rateofachievement

This year,the 19thNational LATINA Symposium celebrated leaders in the Department of Defense,toinclude uniformedpersonnel and civil service.The LATINAStyle President’s Awardunder scoresongoingeffortsbytheDoD’sOfficefor Diversity,Equity,andInclusion.ODEIhigh lightstheirmissionasenvisioninga“Depart ment of Defense that reflects the face of the Nation. To thatend, we seek aDepartment that competes for the bestand brightest talent our Nation has to offer.Wefocus our effortsonemergingtalenttoensurethatwe successfully attract, recruit, develop and

retainahighly-skilledTotalForcecapableof meetingcurrentandfuturemissionrequirements.”

Alongside Bianchi’srecognition, NEXCOM wasalso recently named in the top 50 of the bestorganizations for Lati nas to work in the U.S. in 2022 by LATINA Style Inc. This is the 11thyear in arow that NEXCOM has received thistitle

“ToberecognizedbyLATINAStylefor11 consecutiveyearsasatopemployerforLati nas in the U.S. is quiteanaccomplishment,” said Bianchi. “Aninclusivecultureisvital to our ability to attract diverse talent and is criticalforthelong-termsustainablegrowth of our command.

NEXCOM CEO credits its success in hiring and retaining adiverse workforce to the hardwork of the command’s Human Resources team,aswell the resources that LATINAStyle and its membersprovide

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: Thereare three typesof housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different privatemanagement companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companiesare responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenanceand day-to-daymanagement ofthe housing.PPVhousing maybe located on oroffgovernment property and in mostcaseswillbe formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy ManagedHousing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantitiesCONUS,Government OwnedHousing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that aServiceMember maychoosethat is notPPVor government operated.This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately ownedand operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family SupportCenters (FFSC)programs and services aredesigned to help youmakethe mostofyour military experience, and they’re all available to youat no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information &Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
In 2020,NavyExchangeServiceCommand CEO,retiredRearAdm.RobertJ.Bianchi,receives thatyear’s top50employeraward from Latina Style, Inc.In 2020,Latina Style awardpresentationswere heldvirtuallydue to the COVID-19pandemic.NEXCOMiscomprisedof13,000 personnel worldwide facilitating sevenbusiness lines: NEXretail stores,NavyLodgeProgram,NavyGatewayInns&Suites,Ships StoreProgram,NavyClothing andTextile Research Facility,Uniform Program Management Office andTelecommunications Program Office (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYKRISTINE STURKIE) 2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, October6,2022
Coast Guard personnel from the Gulf Atlantic,and Pacific Strike teams staged in Matlacha Isles,Florida to assist the people ofthe Pine Island community,whowere stranded due to Hurricane Ian on Oct.2,2022 The strike forces transferred over100 people to Florida’s mainland to seekshelterand resources.(U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER3RDCLASSJAMIEMEALOR) Coast Guard personnel from the Gulf,Atlantic,and Pacific Strike teams staged in Matlacha Isles,Florida to assist the people ofthe Pine Island community,whowere stranded due to Hurricane Ian on Oct.2,2022 The strike forces transferred over100 people to Florida’s mainland to seekshelterand resources.(U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER3RDCLASSJAMIEMEALOR) ABOVE: Coast Guard personnel from the Gulf Atlantic,and Pacific Strike teams assist residence ofPine Island,Florida,Oct.2,2022.The strike forces transferred people in need to Florida’s mainland to seekshelterand resources afterHurricane Ian.(U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTO BYPETTYOFFICER3RDCLASSIANGRAY)
& LEFT: U.S.ArmyCorps of Engineers,Jacksonville District Commander James L.Booth,and 1Lt.John E.Nikas, project engineerand the colonel’s aide, listen in on Florida GovernorRon Desantis’s briefto Lee County,State,and Federal leadership in the Lee CountySituation Room.The U.S.ArmyCorps ofEngineers (USACE) isworking in partnershipwith the local,state,and federal response to Hurricane Ian.More than 800 USACE personnel and contractors are deployed and engaged coordinatingwith local,state,and federal partners in the affected areas.Our numberone prioritycontinues to be the life health,and safetyofallwho are affected byHurricane Ian.(PHOTOBYBRIGIDA SANCHEZ,U.S.ARMYCORPSOFENGINEERS, JACKSONVILLEDISTRICT) IMAGES FROM HURRICANE IAN www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 3
@reallygreatsite Active Duty Sailors and Marines may be eligible for a Quick Assist Loan (QAL) for an unexpected financial situation. Interest Free Loan Up to $1000 No Application Fee No Appointment Required About 15 Minute Processing Time Must Apply in Person Please call your local Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society office to verify eligibility. Norfolk 757.322.1171 Little Creek - 757.462.1596 Oceana 757.433.3383 Portsmouth - 757.953.5956 LAND SEA AIR STARTPLANNING YOUR NEXT GETAWAY In Print. Online. Look For The Travel Section In Your Sunday Publication 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, October 6, 2022
YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, October6,2022 5
BOSTON (Sept 30, 2022) Chief Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Mechanical) Adam Yenny poses with current and former Navy leadership after receiving the 2021 USS Constitution George Sirian Meritorious Leadership Award while underway aboard USS Constitution The USS Constitution George Sirian Meri torious Leadership Award recognizes a chief petty officer who embodies former USS Constitution crew member George Sirian through their technical expertise, dedication, and leadership USS Constitution, is theworld’soldestcommissionedwarshipafloat,andplayedacrucialroleintheBarbaryWarsandtheWar of 1812, actively defending sea lanes from 1797 to 1855. During normal operations, the active-duty Sailors stationedaboardUSSConstitutionprovidefreetoursandofferpublicvisitationtomorethan600,000people ayearastheysupporttheship’smissionofpromotingtheNavy’shistoryandmaritimeheritageandraising awarenessoftheimportanceofasustainednavalpresence USSConstitutionwasundefeatedinbattleand destroyedorcaptured33opponents TheshipearnedthenicknameofOldIronsidesduringthewarof1812 whenBritishcannonballswereseenbouncingofftheship’swoodenhull. USS Constitution host Chief Petty Officer Heritage Weeks U.S.NAVYPHOTOILLUSTRATIONBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 1STCLASSGRANTG.GRADY/RELEASED IMAGES FROM USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH ADRIATIC SEACVW-7 is the offensive airand strike component ofCSG-10 GHWBCSG.The squadrons ofCVW-7 are Strike FighterSquadron (VFA) 86 VFA-103,VFA-136 VFA-143,Electronic AttackSquadron (VAQ) 140 CarrierAirborne EarlyWarning Squadron (VAW) 121,HelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5,and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 The GHWBCSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests ABOVE: (Oct 01,2022) RearAdm. DennisVelez,center commander CarrierStrike Group (CSG) 10 George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (GHWBCSG) and otherHispanic Sailors,assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),pose fora picture during a Hispanic Heritage Month observance ceremony,Oct.01,2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASS SAMUELWAGNER) BELOWLEFT: Sailors assigned to the George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (GHWBCSG) sing in the gospel choirat the Protestant church service aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),Oct.2,2022.(U.S.Navyphoto byMass Communication Specialist Seaman SashaAmbrose) BELOWRIGHT: Retail Services Specialist 1st Class McRadWillis,from St George,South Carolina,gives a haircut toAviation MaintenanceAdministrationman 2nd Class Malcolm Davis,from Longview,Texas,both assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),Oct.3,2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANSASHAAMBROSE) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, October 6, 2022
BAYSIDE HARLEY-DAVIDSON & DUCATI PRESENTS 22ND ANNUAL FLEET RIDE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2022 Registration: 9am-11:30am Ride Briefing: 11:45am KSUatNoon after partyatbayside with live music, food trucks, vendorsand more! $20 per /$5passenger all proceeds go to navy-marine corpsrelief society 2211 Frederick Blvd.Portsmouth, VA free rally towel for the first 300 riders!cash payment only same dayregistration www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, October6,2022 7

DRIVERS DRIVERS 5 5 Safe ty ti pf or

Be alert for trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Slow down and continue to the road in areas where they are likely or where sight distances are limited

scan to be

Stay alert for pedestrians who may come out from between parked cars or behind shrubbery. Stop, wait for them to pass Don’tlookatyourphonewhen you’re driving. Your attention needs to always be on the road

On Halloween there will likely be more pedestrians on the roads and in places where they are not expected. Slower speeds save lives www.nhtsa.gov/halloween-safety-tips

If you see adrunk driver on the road, contact law enforcement
8 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, October6,2022

On iberty

Jurassic Quest returns to the Hampton Roads Convention Center this weekend, Prehistoric Nick tells us all about it

BackbypopulardemandattheHampton RoadsConventionCenterOctober7th 9th isNorthAmerica’smostpopularinteractive dinosaur experience Jurassic Quest. This year, it’s bigger and better than ever This is fun for the whole family at its finest with life-like dinosaurs, dinosaur themed rides and attractions, live dinosaur shows, inter active science and art activities, a “Tricer atops” soft play area for the little explorers, photoopportunities,andmore

It is a full immersion, interactive experi ence as you walk through the Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic periods and see the dinosaurs that ruled on land, and in the ocean You will see the largest apex preda tor that ever existed a moving, life-size, 50-foot-longmegalodon.Theyaredisplayed inrealisticsceneswithsomethatmoveand roar, allowing guests to experience them as they were when they roamed the earth billionsofyearsago.

You will also see baby dinosaurs such as CammietheCamarasaurus,TysontheT-Rex andTrixietheTriceratops

Fora15%discountformilitarypersonnel andtheirfamiliesaswellasmoreinfo,ticket pricesandtimes,goto,https://tickets.juras sicquest.com/hamptonva2022/events/86b ce1f1-44c6-6016-086f-cf3884b3601f

Yiorgo:WithustodayisPrehistoricNick to tell us all about it. Why should people come to see Jurassic Quest? What will they seeandexperience?

PrehistoricNick:It’sthelargestanima tronicshowinNorthAmericawithover160 millionyearsworthofdinosaursandagreat


We are gateway science You can teach any paleoscienceusingdinosaurs

Y:ForthosenotfamiliarwiththeJurassic Queststory canyougivealittlebackground historyofthecompany?

PN: It started in 2013 and we have been touring the US and Canada for almost a decade now. We bring that joy of seeing life size dinosaurs up close. We also have baby dinosaurs that our younger guests get to interactwith


PN: I am an educator for Jurassic Quest I talk about the dinosaurs that we have and Imakemyownonlinecontentfortheshow I’llansweranyonlinequestionsthatpeople have People can text their questions at 844 DINO411.Ihelpourcustomerslearnabout thefossilswehaveonsite Wehaveanentire display of real fossils that have been found throughout the world as well as casts and molds of fossils. We have a museum quality exhibitfrom60millionyearsandolder.

Y:Whatdoyouenjoythemostaboutyour job?

PN: The interactions we have with people. Watching the reaction on the kids’ faces as they see what we have for the first time, frozen in awe, is incredible Work ing with dinosaurs that are full size is just a reallyincredibleexperience

Y:WhatisyourfavoritepartoftheJurassic Quest experience, what do you enjoy seeingasafan?

PN: Definitely our exhibit of Dinosaurs whenyouwalkinjustseeingthescaleofit It oftenfeelsveryrealbecausewetakethetime

to make sure we have good lighting, audio Weareaveryimmersiveenvironmentasyou arewalkingandseeingthemupclose

Y: Where are you from and what made youfallinlovewithdinosaurs?

PN: I grew up in Norwalk Connecticut aslongasIcanrememberIhaveloveddinosaurs

Y: Were you hired to be Prehistoric Nick fromthebeginning?

PN:IhavebeenwithJurassicQuestsince 2016.Istartedasacuratoroffossils,talking to a lot of people and educating them about thefossilsanddinosaursingeneral.In2018 IbecamePrehistoricNick.

Y: Is this a full time job, what do you do whennotbeingPrehistoricNick?

PN: Yes it is. I also do electric repairs on ourdinosaursandworkfromhomeanswer ingquestionsonline

Y: Can you share some wow, pinch me moments?

PN: There have been quite a lot of them. Loadingthedinosaursattheendoftheexpe rienceandgettingtoseethemevenmoreup close

Thecoolestpartisseeingpeoplewhen theycomeintoourexhibitforthefirsttime hearing little kids saying, “This is the best thing ever This is the best day of my life.” Also for me to sharefacts with the fansthat they are not aware of like how long dinosaurs have been around. The oldest dinosaur is 235 million years old or when T-Rex was alive Stegosaurus fossils were around longer So T Rex lived closer in time to the inventionoftheiphonethenitdoestoStego saurus.

Y: You have traveled all over the US and Canada What have been some of the cool


PN:ActuallyeverycityIhavebeentohas its own charm I was just in Norfolk at the localABCaffiliateWVECchannel13studio andthelocalNBCaffiliateWAVYchannel10 studio to promote Jurassic Quest’s appear ance at the Hampton Convention Center I was able to visit Battleship Wisconsin and thatwasreallycool.


PN:Yes,wehaveanewadventurecalled the Quest, where we give our visitors a lot of clues to look for throughout the exhibit It’s an entire adventure all by itself. Come outandwewillseeyoutherethisweekend.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also an educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.

Virginia Zoo’s Asia Trail has new residents


NORFOLK,Va TheVirginiaZoo’sAsia Trail of the Tiger has new residents on exhibit.Inmid-August,femaleMalayantiger Cahayaexploredherexhibitforthefirsttime and early last week, female red pandas Bo andNatasha,wereintroducedtotheirnewly renovatedexhibit.

Cahaya arrived at the Zoo in late May as a Species Survival Plan® pairing for Christopher, the Zoo’s 11-year-old male Malayan tiger Afteraroutinequarantineperiod,she was able to make her debut on exhibit. She was born May 12 2020 at the Palm Beach Zoo tomomApiwhoalsogavebirthtopast VirginiaZooresidents,brothersOsceolaand Stubbley Despite being connected through the SSP®, Christopher and Cahaya are not blood relatives and have been deemed an ideal match for the breeding program This pairing is imperative as Malayan tigers are critically endangered The pair are not expected to be introduced to each other for some time due to Cahaya’s young age and tigers’ solitary nature, but Zoo visitors can expect to see either tiger on exhibit daily as Keepers will offer them each their own accesstoroamthehabitat.

Red panda, Bo, who has been at the VirginiaZoosinceMay2018,hasbeenliving behind the scenes at the Animal Wellness Campus(AWC)whiletheredpandaexhibit went under renovation. Natasha who turned one-year-old on June 21, joined Bo at AWC in early spring where they became acquainted with one another Natasha was senttotheZoothroughtheSpeciesSurvival Plan®recommendationforapossiblefuture breedingrecommendation.Thefemalescan be distinguished by their fur coloring; Bo’s fur is a darker shade compared to Natasha, whohasalighterhuetoherfur Cahaya,Bo andNatashacanallbeseenon exhibitalongtheAsia TrailoftheTiger

of six subspecies of tigers, Malayan tigers are native to southern and central Malaysia. Adult males of this species average 260 pounds,withfemalesweighing220pounds

It is estimated that there are less than 350 individuals in this critically endangered species which faces threats such as human conflict, poaching for pelts, capture for the illegal pet trade and habitat destruction including the clearing of land for palm oil, an ingredient found in thousands of baked goods,beautyproductsandpetfoods

ABOUT RED PANDAS • Red pandas are tree-dwelling animals native to the eastern Himalayas, in suitable habitat in Myanmar Nepal, India, Bhutan, Tibet and China. While they share the same name as giantpandas,thetwospeciesarenotclosely related. Red pandas are the only living member of their taxonomic family Slightly larger than a domestic cat and with mark ings similar to a raccoon, Red pandas have soft, dense reddish-brown and white fur They feed mainly on bamboo, but also various plant shoots, leaves, fruit and insects. Redpandasareshyandsolitaryexceptwhen matingorraisingoffspring

ABOUT THE VIRGINIA ZOO • The VirginiaZoo,locatedinNorfolk,Virginia,is hometomorethan700exceptionalanimals representing over 100 fascinating species Founded in 1901 and residing on 53 beautifullylandscapedacres,theVirginiaZoohas demonstrated a commitment to saving and protecting the world’s wildlife by inspiring a passion for nature and taking conservation action at home and around the world. The Virginia Zoo is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums andisrecognizedasagloballeaderineducation, recreation, science, wildlife conservation,andanimalcareandwelfare.Formore thanacentury,theZoohasconnectedadults, familiesandschoolchildrenwiththenatural world and its wildlife To learn more, visit www.virginiazoo.org.

pandas Bo and Natasha and
Malayan tigerCahaya
INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7
Mexican Street Corn Bowl with Grilled Chicken An easy-to-make favorite that can keepyou andyourloved ones on trackasyou navigate those hectic moments this autumn. PageC4
Guestswalkthrough the Cretaceous,Jurassic
andTriassic periods as Prehistoric Nick(above right) narrates the show.
(PHOTOS OURTESYOFJURASSICQUEST) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 1

Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks Showdown


Captain Bobby Earl talks season


The nail biting exciting treacherous ninth season finale of Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks Showdown (first season as Showdown) will air this Sunday, October ninth at 9 PM/8 PM central on the National Geographicchannel.

Throughouttheseason,topcaptainsfrom Gloucester,Massachusettsandthebestblue fin tuna fishermen in the South have been battling out at the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The twist this year is that every boat has won a previous season, and the winner this Sunday will be the champions amongchampions

Having won the title in the South four times previously, the captain of the Fishin’ Frenzy, Greg Mayer, is the captain to beat.

Captain Mayer’s strategy of being cool, calmandconsistentin catching afish every singledayisjusttherightrecipetohelphim reclaim his title. To succeed he will have to compete against Mother Nature, a tight quotaandallthecaptainsthatwilldowhateverittakestowin

You can watch all the previous episodes online at https://www.nationalgeo graphic.com/tv/shows/wicked-tuna-out er-banks-showdown

Yiorgo: With us today is Captain Bobby EarloftheReelE’Buggingwhowasthesixth season winner and is known for his brash styleandverycompetitivenature.Forthose notfamiliarwiththeshow,canyoudescribe theconceptandwhyshouldpeoplewatch?

Bobby Earl: For this ninth season, the producerspickedonlysixboats:threefrom the North and three from the South. They stickacameramaninyourboatandyouwant to out produce the other six I m just lucky I made the cut. The concept is, giant bluefinseasonintheOuterBanksisaveryshort window and we get a very limited amount of quota and it all lasts between four to six weeks. The weather is the dead of winter and where the fish are, the Oregon Inlet is one of the deadliest in the country So you put it all together and trying to catch 700 pound fish is quite exciting They are call ingthisshowaShowdownbutitalwayshas been the best bluefin fishermen vs the best fromupNorth,fromGloucester,Massachu setts Y: You had some hairy adventures in season8.Canyoutellusaboutsomeofit?

BE: The competition in the eight season was fierce Here is one personal example They told us Valentine’s Day weekend was goingtobe10feettallwaves.Theotherssaid we’re not fishing in that They stayed home and took their wives to dinner I canceled dinner with my girlfriend, and told her to stayhomeinMorehead.Iwentfishingthree daysinarowandcaughtfisheveryday,when nooneelseleftthedock.Idon’tbelievethere was a single day after Valentine’s Day that every boat did not leave the dock because they were not going to be embarrassed. So it will literally be some of the most fiercest competitioneverfilmed.That’safact.

Y:Yourboatactuallycaughtfireinseason eight Canyoutellusaboutit?

BE:Wehadalotofmechanicalissuesand Ispentaround$60,000-$70,000onrenova tions I borrowed money to make sure the enginewasgoodandwecouldcompete On November5thIwasgoingsouthtogetthere early I was about 10 hours into the journey, it was sunrise my friend Danny was down stairs sleeping and I heard an explosion. I was pretty far out, about 15 miles from the beach. I went down and I could see flames fromtheengineroom MyfriendDannywas

unconscious from smoke inhalation It was terrifying I was punching him in the face to wake up He started coughing, I was able to get his survival suit on him. I fired off a maydayandputmysurvivalsuiton Ithrew a liferaft in the water, we jumped in and for about an hour and a half we watched my lifesavingsburn Thewaterwas54degrees and from the explosion till we jumped in thewateritwasprobably12minutes We’re speculatingthataturboexploded.Wedon’t know. The boat sank in 250 feet deep water sowecouldnotbringitup.

In the five years, I had sunk about $400,000intheboatbutitwasonlyinsured for about $150,000 because it was over 50 years old and you can only insure it for what they call “agreed upon value.” I had about$100,000infishingequipment,allmy clothes, ID, credit cards gone I was finan ciallydevastatedandbankruptandbecause ofCovid,mybedbugbusinesswasbankrupt.

Itwasarealstruggletofindthewilltodo thisagainandatonepointIwassoemotion ally beat up that I was not going to do it again But I went on a road trip for 10 days and we found a boat in our price range in Florida. I got in the hole again for $64,000 and borrowed money to get fuel to bring it totheOuterBanks Wehadnoequipment,I borrowedrodsandreelsandmadeitwithin five days of Wicked Tuna filming A lot of blessings and a gift from God, we pulled it off I’ll tell you something no one knows, theywerenotsurewhatdirectiontheywere goingtogoandIgotacallsayingIwasoffthe show. They wanted real southern boys and my New York accent really stands out. So that’swhenIsaidI’mnotbuyingaboat,I’m notdoingthisagain butImadethedecision to buy that boat anyway I was in the rental caronmywaytoFloridawithmysonwhen I got the call, hey we changed our minds, you’re back on the show. God works in mysteriousways HadItoldtheguyinFlor ida to sell the boat to someone else, I would nothavehadaboat Soweendedupbuying a1983,60footHatteras It’sthebaddestboat in the ocean and like the other one, it’s old andrequiresalotofwork.

Y: Any crazy adventures this time in seasonnineforyouoryourcompetition?

BE: This season was probably the most challenging Theweatherwasnotcooperat ing,notevenforoneday.Thisseason,every one had issues. I think in the third episode, wealmostflippedourboatinthesandbar.It smashedthebackdoor,rippedmytunadoor off lost all of our tools and buckets every thingwentoverboard.Itwasquitetheevent. Tyler on the Pinwheel boat, blew out his window,lostallelectronics,andhebrokehis greenstickonthebridge.TheFishin’Frenzy boat, running 20 miles an hour, snapped a propeller The boat Little Shell, had a gyro ontheirboatthatcameloose,tryingtoblast throughthebottomoftheboat.Itwasjusta wild wild season of stuff you couldn’t plan for It was a very very dangerous season. ThatOregonInletisjustsodangerous.

The arguments and fights you see in the episodes are all real. We may respect each other because we fish together, but ego is ego because we are competing within eight weeks of bad weather with no sleep and tempers flare. We are allowed to let it rip andwedo I’vealwaysfishedwithDrewand Brian and Drew who is like my mechanic had knee surgery, and I had to borrow guys from other boats and that changed the dynamic of the boat. That and the weather wasunrelenting Thentomakethingsworse, usually we get to fish the whole month of February and this time the Department of

Fisheries closed the season unexpectedly February 11th. We report our blue fin daily It’sprobablythemostregulatedcommercial fishingindustryintheworld.Weareallowed to catch one a day and a certain amount of quota We are only allowed to catch 74 tons inthewinter UpNorth,inthesummer,they areallowedtocatch700tons Wehaveavery small window to make a living. We filmed fromJanuarythroughFebruary11th

Y:Wherewereyoubornanddidyoulike fishingasakid?

BE:I was born in Queens New York and some people think you’re from NYC so you don’t fish. But you know what, some of the best saltwater fishing happens off Brook lyn and Manhattan Queens is part of Long Island and Long Island is an island on the Atlantic Ocean. So I was always fishing growing up and I would catch blue fish or floundertypicallyfromapierorifyouwere luckysomeonehadarowboat.

Y:BeforeWickedTuna:OuterBanks,you madequiteanameforyourselfintheworld offinance Tellusaboutit.

BE: After high school, I joined the navy for four years and then got into finance and eventuallyIendedupinthebankbrokerage arena working for Citibank. At the time it was called Citicorp Investments and I was a financial planner I did that forever and at theheightofmycareerIwasaregionalsales manageronthefinanceside Ihadabout100 financialplannersreportingtome Ididthis up until 2007, then the financial markets collapsed.Allmystockoptionswereworthlessandweallgotlaidoff IwentbacktoCitibank as a broker with no clients because I was a regional manager for so long. That’s whenJohnFurman,agoodfriendofmineto thisday,invitedmetojoinhisbedbugbusiness.Iopenedmyownbusinessinmyson’s namein2008andwedidverywell.Asaside note, my son Bobby J Earl who is now 27, when he was 12 weeks old, his mother left due to drugs, alcohol, etc and we have not seenhersince Ididallthatwhileraisingmy sonbymyself.

Y: So how did you get into fishing espe ciallyonabiglevel?

BE:Myescapewastogofishing firstwith little 17-22 footer boats and then I bought a 38 footer and called it Reel E’ Bugging We put a big dead bug on the back of it because wefeltthatdeadbugsboughtthatboat.And that’swherethenameoftheboatcamefrom.

We would wait for December to get here because that’s when the giant bluefin tuna wouldpassNewYorkonitswaytoGlouces ter Well around November they canceled theseason AfriendtellsmethatintheOuter BanksofNorthCarolinatheyarereopening theseasononJanuary1standit’scheaperto winterizetheboattheretheninLongIsland and that’s what we did And by chance the marina that I picked had the Wicked Tuna boatstherelikeDoghouse,Pinwheel,allthe tuna guys and I would fish beside them for about 5 years The funny thing is that we wouldalwayscatchmorefishthentheydid. That’satruestory.

Y:Howdidyougofromfishingalongside them,tojoiningthecastandbecomingpart oftheshow?

BE:About2yearsin,Irealizedthatmy38 footboatwasnotbigenoughandwebought a53footboat.ItwasastrangedealbecauseI hadnomoney IgoogledFishingFrenzyand I found a 53 foot, 1972 custom boat It was falling apart but it was all we could afford and it was sea worthy. Literally two years after that, we saw an ad on Facebook that Wicked Tuna is taking applications I said, we are better than these guys and we only

fish part time. We actually were invited to come on board for the sixth season and I made the decision that we were going to win that thing if it killed me And it almost did,butwewonit.Mysonnowrunsthebug businessandIcanrunthis Buttoputthings inperspective,Covidkilledthebugbusiness

Since people were not going out, they were notbringingbugshome Ourbusinesswent down 90% during Covid. Simultaneously, myboatblewupandIlost$300,000inthat, solastyearwasoneofthetoughestyearswe everhadfinancially

Y: What do you do when you are not competing on Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks Showdown?

BE: We run offshore blue water char ter trips everyday out of Beaufort, North Carolina.Theycanbookchartersbycalling (252)528-8679 WearealsoonFacebookat ReelebuggingSportfishingChartersandon instagram reelebugging Also next week end, I am making an appearance taking pictures, signing autographs, and selling teeshirtsattheOuterBanksSeafoodFestival on October 15th in Nags Head, North Carolina. Come on out everyone, we are going to have a good time For more info go to https://www.outerbanksseafoodfes tival.org/

Y: How has being on the show changed your life?

BE:Ithumblesyouwhenyouwalkdown thestreetandpeopleareexcitedtoseeyou. Wehavelittlekidswhoasktheirparentsto drive a couple of hours to meet me That partislifechanging Italsohasallowedme to have my son to take over our business in New York and allow me to fish full time because I never had that option. I owe all that to the show.

Y:Whatisafavoritemomentortwothat you experienced because of this show?

BE: I love showing up every year in the OuterBanks It’slikeshowingupforspring training Ihaven’tseentheguysinmonths. It’s like a little fraternity Everyone is at the dock, telling war stories It’s a brother hoodandthat’sthepartofdoingthisevery winter that is exciting for me And it’s not just us on the Wicked Tuna that are on the show, there are 30-40 boats that do this in the same inlet every year They come from Virginia, New Jersey, they come from all over the place We sit on the dock and talk about the weather, where you think the fish are. It’s very similar to a sports club It’s very dangerous what we do and even those guys you don’t get along with, they have your back It’s a good feeling to know you have those brothers.

A great moment happened a few weeks ago at the local Ace hardware store. An old gentleman with a Vietnam veteran hat on is staring at me He approaches me with his grandson and says, “You’re Bobby from Wicked Tuna? My grandson who has extreme autism keeps saying Reelebug ging Reelebugging.” He asks if I can take apicturewithhisgrandson.Iactuallygave him my phone number and he has called metwicetothankmebutwhentheepisode aired when my boat almost flipped over, that night that same grandfather called to say that his grandson was very upset and asked him to call to make sure we were ok. That’s special stuff right there. When a kid gets excited, you know that’s pure, real emotion. That to me is the best part.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also an educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.

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The finale
this Sunday on National Geographic Channel and
nine and the finale Reel E’Bugging (left to right) Mate Brian Olszyk,MateJohn Michael Dickinson and Captain BobbyEarl celebrate at the fish drop (PFTV/CODYLONG/WICKEDTUNA:OUTERBANKSSHOWDOWN) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, October 6, 2022

Tips to keep your pets safe this Halloween


Costumes and candy make Halloween a highly anticipated event for children and adults alike but the holiday can be particularly spooky for pets Some of the same thingsthatbringhumansjoyonAllHallows Eve can lead to poisoning, stress or anxiety, which may cause four-legged family memberstorunawayorreactaggressively TohelpensureHalloweenisfunforevery member of the family, take note of these safety tips from the experts at VCA Animal Hospitals, which has more than 1,000 loca tions across North America that cared for more than 4.5 million pets last year Talk to your veterinarian if you need assistance dealingwithpetanxiety

Create a safe space for your pet at home Ifyourneighborhoodisparticularlybusyon Halloweenandthesidewalksareoverflow

ing with exuberant trick-or-treaters, it may bebesttoleaveyourpetathome.Petscanbe thrown off by extra people on the street or at the door in frightening costumes which could lead to uncommon reactions such as growling or biting if they feel threatened. Evenifyourpetsaremellowandenjoygreet ing guests, consider keeping them inside as you sit by yourself near the door or outside to greet trick-or-treaters as they knock or ringthedoorbell.Otherwise,considerkeep ingyourpetinaroomawayfromthefrenzy with a TV radio or white noise machine to dullthesounds.

Becautiouswhentakingyourpettrick-or treating Ifyoudodecidetoventureoutwith yourpet,makesureheorsheisalwaysclose to you on a secure leash (avoid retractable leashes). Observe your surroundings and assess people especially friendly, excited children approaching you and your pet,

because physical contact from strangers in costumes may instigate a fearful or aggres sivereaction

Considercostumesafety Ifyouchooseto dress your pet for Halloween, it’s import ant for them to wear safe, comfortable costumes They should be loose enough to provide freedom of movement but not loose enough to be a tripping hazard. On the other hand, costumes that are too tight canrestrictbreathingandmakemovement difficult.Makesureyourpet’scostumedoes not interfere with vision or hearing Also bewareof small parts,likebuttonsor loose strings, that could be chewed off and swallowed.

Keep treats away from pets Resist the temptationtoshareHalloweencandywith yourpet.Infact,keepallcandysafelyoutof reach. Chocolate, candy or gum artificially sweetened with xylitol can be dangerous

for dogs Plus, cellophane or foil wrappers can cause problems if swallowed. Even natural treats like caramel apples should be off limits as eating items not normally on the menu can cause upset stomachs, GI blockages or pancreatitis

Decorate with safety in mind. Festive decorationshelpsetthemood,buttheycan also create health risks for your pet While non-toxic,pumpkinandpumpkinseedscan upsetstomachs,especiallywhenconsumed in large quantities Lit candles in Jack-OLanterns may pose fire hazards if toppled byacuriousfour-leggedfriend.Decorative lights can brighten your porch but should be kept out of your pet’s reach as nibbling onelectricalcordscancauseelectrocution

To learn more, visit vcahospitals.com , where you can search for additional tips to make Halloween safe and fun for your furry friends

ForU.S.ArmyLt Col FrankRubio,it’san excitingtimetobeatNASA TheUniformed Services University of the Health Sciences class of 2010 graduate, who was selected in 2020 to be among the first team of astronauts to return to the moon as part of the futureArtemismission,headedtotheInternationalSpaceStationonSept.21asaflight engineer for NASA’s Expedition 68 USU’s second alumnus to go to space in the past threeyears

If you listen to Rubio talk about his upcoming launch, excitement seems to be thepredominanttheme

“We’refullyreadytogo,andwe’reexcited about the mission,” Rubio said during a recent press conference “It’s an incred ibly important mission Our partnership betweenNASAandRoscosmos[theRussian space agency] has been ongoing for a long time and it’s really been a good and strong relationship.”

Rubio will launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakstan on Soyuz MS 22, under a United States-Russian inte grated crew agreement that sends him into space now, while Russian cosmonaut Anna KikinajoinsNASAastronautsNicoleMann andJoshCassadaontheDragonEndurance foralaunchintospacefromFloridalaterthis year RubiowillbejoinedbyRussiancosmo nauts Sergei Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin aboardSoyuz.

“I think this crew swap really represents the ongoing effort of tremendous teams on both sides and amazing people that made thishappen.Ithinkit’simportantthatwhen we’re at moments of possible tension elsewhere, that human spaceflight and explo ration something that both agencies are incredibly passionate about remains a form of diplomacy and partnership, where we can find common ground and keep achievinggreatthingstogether,”saidRubio, alludingtotheRussian-Ukraineconflict.

“We all get along great. They’ve become good friends of mine Sergei is a former Russian Air Force pilot. Dmitri is an engi neer, but more importantly they’ve gotten toknowmyfamily I’vegottentoknowtheir families We all have similar priorities familycomesfirst.Ourmainfocusistomake this mission happen as safely and productivelyaspossibletoensurewegeteverything taskedtousdone Ialwayssaythatnomatter

where we’re from, if more people just go to knoweachother,Ithinkwe’dbeverypleasantlysurprisedatthecommonalitiesthatwe haveandhowwellwegetalongtogether.”

Rubio a Florida native of Salvadoran descent who was selected for the astronaut program in 2017, has been in Russia for a few months, continuing the intense train ingnecessaryinpreparationforthemission tospace.Hedescribedtherigorousprepara tionsthatwillhelphimadjusttothegravitational forces he will face during launch and thereturntoEarth.

“Themostcommontrainingwegetisinthe T-38 jet aircraft, which is a supersonic high performance jet. Just being able to fly that on a regular basis provides amazing train ing Because I’m assigned to the Soyuz, I’ve hada chance to trainin Russiancentrifuges, andthoseprovidepossiblythemostrealistic traininginthesensethattheycandialitdown toexactlythetypeofforcesthatyou’llbefeel ingduringyourmissionprofile,”hesaid.

Rubiosaidthelastcoupleofweeksbefore launchincludesimulationtrainingprimarily intheSoyuzandtheRussiansegmentofthe InternationalSpaceStation.

“We’llhavefinalexamsonthem Theyare all-dayevents Thenthey’lltakeadayfullof normalthingsandpossibleemergenciesthat could happen and make sure we’re trained andreadytogo Oncewepassthose,wehead downtoBaikonur.We’llcontinuetotrainfor the mission and then transition to quaran tineandspendmoretimeasacrewtogether. We’ll continue to bond and hopefully get to see our families during the last week or so Unfortunately,duringquarantinethatcanbe limitedexposuretofamily,butwewillhope fullygettoseethem.Andthenwelaunch.”

Separating from his family is the toughest part, Rubio said. “I’ve got an incredible family They’ve all stepped up to the plate and really made this as easy as possible for me It’s been a challenge, but we’ve all gone at it with a positive attitude and try to just embracewithitrepresents.

USU alumnus and NASA astronaut, U.S. Army Col. (Dr.) Andrew Morgan is with the Rubio family for the launch in Kazakh stan. Morgan, who was USU’s first gradu ateinspace,wenttotheInternationalSpace Station in 2019 as part of Expeditions 60 61, and 62 in July 2019

He spent 272 days in space returning in April 2020 Rubio served as the escort for Morgan’s family at his launch. According to Morgan, “it’s the greatest honor an astronaut can have in supportoftheircolleagues.”

Rubiotravels250milesintospacetoreach theInternationalSpaceStation.Oncethere, he’lllearnwhetherornothe’llparticipatein spacewalks

“WespentatonoftimetrainingforEVAs orspacewalks.Allofusareexcitedtohopefully participate in those, he said. “There are four incredibly talented crew members on the USOS side who are all fully trained andwe’llallbeexcitedforeachotherregardlessofwho’sdoingwhat.We’lldoourbestto support each other and make sure we have successineverythingwedoupthere.”

Part of what he’ll be doing up there are researchexperiments.

“There are some really neat biological experiments that I look forward to, obvi ously, because of my background. A biofabrication experiment will be up there, and thepossibilitiesthatthisrepresentsofbeing possibly able to produce human organs would just be phenomenal in our capabilitytodealwithhumandiseasebackhereon Earth.Thosetypesofthingsarejust some timesthey’remindblowing.Whenyouthink about the fact that we get to participate in a smallbutsignificantwayinhelpingtomake thosearealityitistrulyexciting,”Rubiosaid, describinganexperimentfor

also be helping out with

said he’ll

performance in space

“really great food that

and lots of foods

lots of Omega

excited about being part of that experiment, excited about food that we’ll eat up there.

good thing about being an Army astronaut,” Rubio said “is that I’m used to eating

(meals ready

USU’s Center forBiotechnology(4DBio3)program,FabricationinAustereMedicalEnvironments. Rubiowillbeperformingfollow-upwork forameniscusbioprintingexperiment. Rubio will
researchlookingatwhetherahealthierdiet affects
be consuming some
highinvitamins.” “I’m
to eat) quite a bit being out in the field, so I think that’s prepared me well for my six months onstation.” Author’sNote:U.S.ArmyLt.Col.FrankRubio, a doctor and NASA astronaut, launched to the International Space Station aboard Soyuz MS-22 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Kazakhstan, as a flight engineer and member of NASA Expedition 68 Rubio joins crew mates Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokop yev and Dmitry Petelin for the 250-mile trip intospace Watchthecrewprepareforlaunch, on NASA’s video. Exciting time to be at NASA: USU alumnus, Army Doc heads to space U.S.ArmyAstronaut Lt Col.(Dr.) FrankRubio successfullylaunches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome,Kazakhstan,aboard a SoyuzMS-22 spacecraft Sept 21 fora six-month mission aboard the International Space Station.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFNASA) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 6, 2022 3

Simple family meals fit for Fall

Roasted Chicken and Vegetable Soup


Mexican Street Corn Bowls with Grilled Chicken

time: 20 minutes





3limes juiceonly

Creamy Raspberry Mocha Parfait

grill for

Brush all sides of chicken and corn with oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place chicken and corn on hot grill rack; cover and cook 8 minutes, or until grill marks appearandinternaltemperatureofchicken reaches 165 F, turning chicken once and cornfrequently Transferchickenandcorn to cutting board; let stand 5 minutes Cut cornkernelsfromcobsintomediumbowl. Slicechicken¼-inchthickcrosswise.

Add 1 tablespoon lime juice, cilantro and paprikatocorn;tossandfoldinParmesan cheese.Insmallbowl,whiskdressingfrom saladkitandremaininglimejuice

Serve rice in bowls topped with avocado pineapple chicken, corn mixture and remaining contents of salad kit drizzled withdressingmixture.

Food Mexican Street Corn Bowlswith Grilled Chicken
FromFamilyFeatures/Culinary.net Nearlyanytimecanbeagoodtimeforadeca dent dessert. This Creamy Raspberry Mocha Parfait, which combines the flavors of instant coffee chocolate and raspberries can be a perfectnightcaptoalmostanymeal.
Servings: 4 „ 2tablespoonshotwater „ 1tablespooninstantcoffee „ 1packetchocolatepuddingmix „ 2cupsmilk „ 1cartonwhippedtopping „ 1cupheavycream „ ¼teaspooncreamoftartar „ ½teaspoonvanillaextract „ 2tablespoonssugar „ 2cupsraspberries „ whippedcream,fortopping „ chocolatepowder fordusting In small bowl, mix hot water and instant coffee Coolcompletely. In medium bowl, mix milk and chocolate puddingmixuntilblendedandthickened.Add cooledcoffee;mixwell Addwhippedtopping; mixwell.Chill. In large bowl, add heavy cream, cream of tartarandvanillaextract.Beatmixturetoform peaks Gradually add sugar Continue beating mixtureuntilstifferpeaksform. In four parfait glasses layer chocolate puddingmix,whippedcreammixandraspberries Topraspberrieswithadditionalchocolate puddingmix,dollopofwhippedcream,another raspberryanddustwithchocolatepowder A sweet mocha treat
Roasted Chicken andVegetable Soup
Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 35 minutes Servings: 4 „ 1DOLE®HomestyleRoastedHerbSheetPanMealStarterKit „ 1container(32ounces)chickenbroth „ 1cupwhole-wheatpastashells,cooked Prepare sheet pan meal starter kit according to package instructions. Transfer to cutting boardandcarefullycutchickenandvegetablesinto½-inchpieces In medium saucepot over medium-high heat, bring chicken broth to simmer Stir in pasta shells, chicken and vegetables. Reduce heat to medium. Cook 5 minutes, or until heated through,stirringoccasionally FromFamilyFeatures Maintainingahealthyeatingplancanbechallengingyear-round,andbusierfallschedules can make those goals even more difficult. Finding easy-to-make favorites can keep youandyourlovedonesontrackasyounavigatethosehecticmomentsthisautumn One simple yet delicious solution: Chopped Salad Kits and Sheet Pan Meal Starter Kits from Dole, which make it easy to incorporate vegetables without the hassle of kitchen prep Take the guesswork out of meal planning for your time-starved family with these limited-ingredient, kit-based dishes MexicanStreetCornBowlswithGrilledChickenprovideaperfectbalanceofhearty yetnutritiousflavorwhiletakingadvantageoftheconvenienceofprepackagedingredi ents Perfectforfallweather,RoastedChickenandVegetable Souprequiresjustthree ingredients and hungry loved ones for a filling meal worth celebrating For more original easy-to-make fall recipes nutritional insights and information, visit
or follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Prep
Cook time: 8 minutes Servings: 4 „ 1cupdryinstantbrownrice „
breasts „ 2largeearsfreshcorn,silksandhusks removed „
„ ½
(about3tablespoons),divided „ 2tablespoonschoppedfreshcilantro „ ¼teaspoonsmokedpaprika „ 2tablespoonsgratedParmesancheese „ 1package(12.9ounces)DOLE® ChoppedChipotle&CheddarKit „ 1avocado,peeled,pittedandthinly sliced „ 1cupchoppedpineapple Prepare
direct grilling over medium-high heat. Prepare rice according to packageinstructions.
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, October 6, 2022

Safety tips for riding your motorcycle this Fall

A study of motorcycle fatalities among soldiersconductedbytheU.S.ArmyCombat Readiness Center earlier this year revealed the number one cause of fatal accidents between 2016 and 2019: mistakes made by riders Findings from the study has fueled USACRC’s ongoing rider education and trainingtopreventmotorcyclecrashes

For all service members who ride motor cycles,knowinghowtobesafewhileonthe road is key to stopping accidents Beyond attending the required motorcycle training courses, active-duty riders are required to wearproperpersonalprotectiveequipment whether riding on or off-base Riders must wearlongpants,long-sleevedshirtorjacket a Department of Transportation-approved helmet, protective eye wear full-fingered gloves and above-ankle shoes, preferably, steel-toedboots.

Lucia Sanchez, director of media strategy at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and David Newman, the safety and occupational health manager at Bayne-JonesArmyCommunityHospitalat Fort Polk Louisiana, shared advice for new andseasonedriders

Invest in Proper Gear for Protection and Visibility

Wearingahelmetisthemosteffectiveway toprotectyourselffromaheadinjury Usea motorcyclehelmetforeveryride,andensure yourpassengersalsohaveone “Checkingthe fit of your helmet ensures optimal protec tion,” Sanchez shared Your helmet should also have a valid U.S. Department of Trans portation label It means that your helmet meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Novelty helmets without this label may not meet the same standard and will not provide the best protection needed if you are in a crash. For help choosing the righthelmetvisittheDepartmentofTransportations website at https://www.nhtsa. gov/motorcycle-safety/choose-right-motor cycle-helmet

Make sure you have a sturdy jacket, pants, boots, and gloves. You should be comfortable in your gear. “Don’t go for the cheapestoption.Thisgearwillprotectyou duringfallsorcrasheswhenyoumostneed it,” Newman stated.

“Wearing high-visibility colors and retro-reflectivematerialswillmaximizethe ability of drivers to see you,” Sanchez said. Eachvehiclehasblindspots soavoidstaying

inthoseareasanddecreasingthechancesof being hit. Staying in your lane also ensures other drivers will see you. Weaving in and out of cars can be dangerous and increases the chances of being hit. The Department of Defense has specific guidance for attire while operating a motorcycle, with vari ances on each installation, so reach out to thesafetyofficeifyouplantorideonbase

Enjoy the Ride Safely

For many, motorcycles may have been a part of your life for years Riding can become second nature, but you should not forget these routine checks and balances Newmansuggestedfindinganexperienced ridertosharetheroadwith,allowingyouto gainadditional knowledgeon keeping your motorcycleintopcondition.

Understanding the motorcycle you ride andhowithandlesisimportant.“Eachbike rides differently, which riders should be aware of before hitting the road. A safety course taught by a seasoned professional is also a great idea, as riders can learn to operate their machine more efficiently,” Newman said.

“Know and respect your riding abilities, insteadofpushingtheboundariesandcaus

ing unnecessary injuries,” Sanchez shared. When you want to practice riding do so in a controlled environment, where you can keep yourself and others safe. Having a friend present is also a good idea, in case assistanceisneeded.

Newman also suggested planning your route if taking a longer ride This can help with arranging your trip around construc tion areas weather conditions rest stops, and speed limits Plan carefully for items you will need to pack in your bags, such as toolkitsandpatches Differenttemperatures andelevationscanaffecttirepressure,sobe mindfulasyoupreparetohittheroad

Tires, controls, lights, electrical, oil and fluids, chassis, and the side stand are areas to check before each ride, according to Newman.Thiscanhelpalleviateanyissues that might arise and avoid an accident. It is also a great idea to check your tire pressure whenstoppingtofillupongas.

Attheendoftheday,beingsafeallowsyou tobetterenjoytheride

Foradditionalmotorcyclesafetyinforma tion,checkouttheNationalHighwayTraffic Safety Administration’s motorcycle safety website. Contact your base safety office for more information on motorcycle safety training registration andrequirements

As a 21-year-old hospitalman in the Korean War, U.S. Navy Petty Officer 3rd ClassFrancis“Doc”Hammondsavedcountlesslivesduringintensebattleswithenemy forcesbeforelosinghisowninMarch1953

For his acts of valor, President Dwight D. Eisenhower awarded Hammond a posthu mousMedalofHonor

“His great personal valor in the face of overwhelming odds enhances and sustains thefinesttraditionsoftheU.S.NavalService. He gallantly gave his life for his country,” readsthecitation

Life and Career

Born in 1931 in Alexandria Virginia, Hammondexpectedtofollowinhisfather’s footsteps of becoming a pharmacist after graduating from George Washington High School.

But as the Korean War raged into its second year, he instead decided to enlist in the U.S. Navy as a seaman recruit on March 20,1951.

Forclosetotwoyears,Hammondtrained attheNavalHospitalCorpsSchoolinGreat Lakes Illinois; the Naval Hospital at Mare IslandNavalShipyard inVallejo California; and the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendle ton near Oceanside, California, to become ahospitalman

He learned to care for the wounded, set upaidstations,performfieldmedicine,and coordinatetheevacuationofinjuredservice membersfrombattlefield.

As stated in an account from the Naval History and Heritage Command hospitalmen were trained to do “everything and anything in their power to keep their patients alive” until they could be trans ported to the nearest mobile Army surgical hospital units, where their odds of survival weremuchhigher

In February 1953, Hammond was deployed to the Korean Peninsula, and attached to the 1st Battalion, 5th Marines 1st Division, Fleet Marine Force, where he quickly earned the respect and admiration ofhiscomrades Hammond got to work as soon as he arrivedinKorea.

“On his very first patrol, one of his comrades at the head of the group stepped on a mine,” said U.S. Marine Pfc. Robert S. Durham,amemberofHammond’splatoon, accordingtotheNavalHistoryandHeritage Command.

Durham said Hammond saved his first life that night as he “charged through the whole group, and when he found that he could not get through the wire fast enough, he ran right through the minefield to treat thewoundedman.

ThenightofMarch25sawthebeginning of the Battle for Outpost Vegas. U.S. Marine Sgt. William Janzen, his platoon sergeant, described the young Hammond as “the

bravestmanIsawouttherethatnight his actionswereaninspirationtoallofusthere whosawandtalkedwithhim.

He worked “feverishly, to treat his patients, said Janzen. “He was all over the place patching up the wounded, no matter how slight their wounds.”

HeaddedthatHammond“wasthecalm est and coolest person” he saw that night. “Nomatterwhetheramanwaswoundedor not, he always had a few words of comfort andencouragementforeveryone,”hesaid.

AfterHammondspentnearlyfourhours on the battlefield administering aid to wounded comrades, his unit was ordered towithdraw,butherefusedtoleave.AsU.S.

forces fell back he stayed behind to direct the evacuation casualties according to historical U.S. Navy data.

“[He] did not want to leave his men, statestheVirginiaWarMemorial’swebsite

On March 27, as he assisted the relieving unit, a round of enemy mortar fire struck and killed him. He had been scheduled to rotate out of that combat area just two weeks later

Posthumous Honors

On June 10, 1953, Hammond was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery In December 1953, President Eisen hower presented the Medal of Honor to Hammond’s widow, Phyllis, and their 3-month-old son, Francis Junior

In addition to receiving the nation’s highest medal for valor in combat, he was awarded the Purple Heart, the Korean Service Medal, the Navy Combat Action Ribbon, the Navy Presidential Unit Citation, the United Nations Service Medal, and the National Defense Service Medal. Foritspart,theRepublicofKoreaawarded Hammond its Presidential Unit Citation and War Service Medal.

In 1956 his hometown of Alexandria named a new high school in his honor Although the school became a middle school in 1993, it continues to bear his name:FrancisC.HammondMiddleSchool.

On May 11, 1968, the U.S. Navy launched the frigate USS Francis Hammond. This WorldWarII-eraSims-classdestroyersaw action in Vietnam, Kuwait, and other military exercises until its decommissioning in 1992

In 1988 the U.S. Marine Corps named a clinic for Hammond on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. In 2000, the 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division opened a new clinic in a different location onthebase,knownasCampSanMateo,and requesteditberededicatedforHammond, said Faye Jonason, history and museum division director at Camp Pendleton.

As such, the 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division’s Hospital Corpsman Francis C. Hammond Clinic continues to honor his legacy For more information on Hammond’s story, read the Naval History and Heritage Command’s account.

Dedicated Korean War Navy Medic worked “feverishly” to save lives
Forhis service during the KoreanWar,U.S.NavyPettyOfficer3rd Class Francis“Doc”Hammond, a hospitalman,was awarded a posthumous Medal ofHonorin 1953.(PHOTOCOURTESYOFTHE NAVALHISTORYANDHERITAGECOMMAND)
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