Kearsarge ARG returns after deployment in the High North and Baltic Sea
NORFOLK,Va. —Sailors and Marines assignedtothe Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) returned home to Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia after completing aseven-month deploymentin theSixthFleetareaofoperations,Oct.13
More than 4,000 Sailors and Marines assigned to the KearsargeARG,and embarked 22nd MEU,supported awide rangeofinteroperabilityopportunities and exercisesacrosstheU.S.SixthFleet area of operations covering the High North, North Atlantic, Central Mediterra nean, and Baltic region increasing combat readiness and crisis response capabilities whilestrengtheningrelationshipswithboth NATOAlliesandpartners.
“Today is acelebration of the Kearsarge ARG-MEU homecoming following a successful deployment to the HighNorth, theCentralMediterraneanandtheBalticSea for sevenmonths whichdemonstrated our dynamicability to operate in anyenviron ment withresilience andmission success,” said Capt.Aaron Kelley,commanderofthe KearsargeARGandAmphibious Squadron(PHIBRON)Six.“FromMarch toSeptemberofthisyear,wesafelyexecuted morethan 12 major exercises and bilat eral training opportunities.Together,the Kearsarge ARG-MEU operated alongside NATOAlliesandpartnersinportandunderwaydemonstratingsolidarity,maintaininga highlevelofreadiness,andpreservingsecu rity and stability in ouroperating regions.I am humbled by the skill and professionalismofthis ARG-MEU team andextremely proudofwhattheyaccomplished.”
Exercises in the HighNorth and North Atlantic regions included Northern Viking 2022,amultinationalamphibiousandmari timeexercisealongsideAlliednationsfrom France, Germany, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom; and abilateral training event in northern Norway and the NorwegianSea,exercisingintegratedcoldweather andlivefiretrainingwithNorwegianArmed Forces “I am immensely proud of the high performance and outstanding profession alismdisplayedbyour Sailors during this uniquedeployment,”saidCapt.TomFoster commandingofficerofUSSKearsarge(LHD 3).“Weoperatedforover30days,wellnorth of the Arctic Circle,inthe most unpredict able weather environmentwehaveever experienced.Wealsospentmonthsoperat ingintheBalticSeaengagingintrainingand exerciseswithourNATOAlliesandserving asacounter to Russianaggression in EasternEurope.”
–TheWasp-class amphibious assault ship USSKearsarge (LHD 3),returns to
NavalStation Norfolkaftera sevenmonth deployment,Oct.13.Morethan 4,000 Sailorsand Marinesassignedtothe
KearsargeAmphibious ReadyGroup (ARG) supporteda wide rangeofinteroperabilityopportunitiesand exercisesacross the U.S.Sixth Fleet area ofoperations
combat readiness and crisis
response capabilitieswhile strengthening relationshipswith both NATOAlliesand
www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’SFREE HOME DELIVERY South HamptonRoads: Getthe convenienceofyour Navy newspaper delivered right to your door forfree! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 Theadvent of Navy medicine in the Revolutionary War During the RevolutionaryWar,Navy surgeons and surgeon’smates those firstrepresentatives ofwhat we call NavyMedicine today—could be found on almosteveryshipof the Continental Navy PAGEA2 Calling for Military Citizen of the Year The HamptonRoads Chamber is nowaccepting nominations forthe 2022 SamuelT.Northern, MilitaryCitizen oftheYear (MCOY)award PAGEA7 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29,NO.39,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comOctober20-October26,2022 NAVSTA Norfolks VETAC provides education &services In addition to treating MWDs, the facilityalsoprovidesmedical care to pets ownedbypersonnel authorized DoDmedical care including activedutyservice membersand retirees. PAGEA5 PAGEB6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY U.S. NAVY! TurntoKearsarge Page 7 Sailorsatvarious commands around the CNRMA region celebratethe Navy’s 247thbirthdaywiththe traditional cake cutting ceremony. www |The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, October20, 2022 1
U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Iwishtohavenoconnectionwithanyship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm’sway.
~Captain John Paul Jones
Today’sU.S.NavyrecognizesOctober13th as its official birthdate. It was on this day in 1775 that the Continental Congress autho rizedtheconstructionofthefirstNavyships aswellasaspecialcommitteetooverseethe administration of this service The provision for medical care followed soon after. TheRulesandRegulationsoftheNavyofthe UnitedColoniesofNorth-America,issuedby Congress on November 28, 1775, mandated the role of shipboard medical providers as well as a place on each Navy vessel to care forthesickandinjured(Article16).
ThroughouttheAmericanRevolutionary War, Navy surgeons and surgeon’s mates— those first representatives of what we call Navy Medicine today—could be found on almosteveryshipoftheContinentalNavy as wellascolonialprivateersandstatevessels
During the heat of battle, the need for their services rang as loud as any bell announc ing a declaration of freedom and independence from Great Britain And some 247 years since this mission first commenced, remainsasrelevantasever
Navy Medicine’s Charter Members:
From 1775 until 1783, a total of 136 surgeons and surgeon’s mates served in the ContinentalNavy Whereasthesurgeonwas a commissioned officer who rated a ward room aboard the ship, the surgeon’s mate was a warrant officer who held the same status as masters-at-arms and sail-mak ers and typically shared the steerage with midshipmen. Regardless of rate, surgeons and surgeon’s mates were akin to contrac torssignedtoaparticularshipforaspecific deployment. If their ship was destroyed or decommissioned, they would be permitted to leave service and “sign” elsewhere And manydid.Throughoutthewar,Continental Navysurgeonsandsurgeon’smatescouldbe regularly found moving from ship to ship from the Continental Navy to privateering vessels, and even to ranks of the ContinentalArmy.
The first Navy physicians on record
were Dr Joseph Harrison of Kent County, Delaware and an 18-year old Surgeon’s Mate Henry Hendren Tillinghast of Providence, Rhode Island. Both reported aboard CommodoreEzekHopkins’sflagshipAlfred in November 1775. Other Navy physicians soon followed reporting as plankowners aboardtheNavy’sfirstships.Theyincluded Surgeon Thomas Kerr and Surgeon’s Mate MichaelJenningsofthe14-gunbrigAndrea Doria (December 1775); Surgeon John ErnestKesslerandSurgeon’sMateThomas Burns of the 24-gun Columbus (January 1776);SurgeonHenryMalcolmofthe12-gun sloop-of-war Providence (January 1776); Surgeon John (Johan) Wiesenthal (Wisenthall)ofthe8-gunsloop-of-warWasp(Janu ary 1776); Surgeon William Adams of the 10-gun sloop of war Hornet (January 1776); and Surgeon Robert Wilcox of the 14-gun brigCabot(February1776).
Until September 30, 1776, there was no requirement for these physicians to prove their qualifications or medical acumen On thisdate Congressstipulatedthatthecoloniesappointphysicianstoexamineprospective Navy surgeons and surgeon’s mates prior to receiving their commissions and warrants By 1777, all prospective surgeons and surgeon’s mates seeking appointments wererequiredtoprovideacertificateofthis examination.
Holding a medical degree was not a requirement for Navy physicians in the RevolutionaryWar,butitwasexpectedthat most applicants would have been appren ticed to a practicing physician for a period of two-years and be familiar with existing medical literature. Medical degrees were stilluncommonatthestartofthewar.Ofthe roughly3,500practicingphysiciansinthe13 colonies only about eleven percent or 400 hadMDs.Mostofthesedegreedphysicians weregraduatesfromtheEuropeanmedical schoolsliketheUniversityofEdinburgh.At the time only two medical schools existed in the colonies—the College of Philadelphia (later University of Pennsylvania) and King’sCollege(laterColumbiaUniversityof Medicine).In1775,about13percent(or50) ofMDsinthecoloniesweregraduatesfrom theseAmericanschools.
Operational Medicine in its Heroic Age:
In January 1776, Commodore Ezek Hopkins led a fleet consisting of the ships
Alfred, Andrea Doria, Cabot, Columbus, Providence,Hornet,FlyandWasptoattack fortsatNewProvidence,Bahamasandseize much needed gunpowder for the Conti nental Army. This Raid on Nassau, as it was later known, and the fleet’s return voyage presented many of the first medical chal lengestoNavyMedicine’schartermembers
For Drs Harrison, Tillinghast and the other naval physicians taking part in this operation the practice of shipboard medi cinerequiredthetreatmentofanassortment of diseases, shipboard occupational inju ries, and—during combat—wounds caused by gunshot, cannon, and burns Medical care was still in its heroic age where venesection (bloodletting), blistering and purgingweretherule.Shipboardmedicalchests containedtheusualassortmentofanodynes, antiarthritics,astringents,cathartics,emet ics, diaphoretics, diuretics, rubefacients, stimulantsandtonics—someofwhichwere equipped to induce a host of iatrogenic disorders such as mercury poisoning and dehydration. Calomel (mercury chloride) andjalap(apoisonousroot)werecommonly usedtostimulatetheintestinaltractandrid intestinal irritation Peruvian bark (later known as quinine) was ever-present and used in the treatment of malaria and other malignant fevers Opium and laudanum (tincture of opium in alcohol) were used to relieve pain and induce sleep. Teas and tonics were commonly used to settle digestivecomplaints
Infection remained a chief concerned for theseshipboardphysicians DuringtheRevo lutionaryWar,infectionsledto90percentof wardeaths.Inthedecadesbeforethediscoveryofantisepsisandgermtheory,therewas littleshipboardphysicianscoulddo
The fleet departed New Providence with 24casksofgunpowder,47cannons,andfive mortars Many of the Sailors and Marines that took part in the landing party seizing thestores,laterfellillwithafeveranddeliriumthatwasdescribedbyHopkinsasa“new malignant fever.” When the fleet landed in New London, Connecticut, Navy physi cians helped offload over 200 sick Sailors andMarines,manywithsmallpox.
Atthetime,ourNavyphysicianstypically inoculated crews through the practice of variolation. By the 1770s this method was widespreadthroughouttheAmericanColoniesasameansofimmunizingagainstsmall pox. Even Benjamin Franklin and General Washington were among its greatest advo cates Variolationgetsitsnamefromvariola
(Latinforsmallpox)andreferstotheprocess oftakingpus,vesiclesorgroundscabsfrom individuals exhibiting mild cases of small pox and introducing it to others through the nose or skin. Before the advent of the smallpoxvaccinein1796 onetotwopercent of those variolated died compared with 30 percentofthosewithsmallpox.
Navy Medicine at the Battle of Flamborough Head:
On September 29, 1779, the Continental Navy ship Bonhomme Richard engaged in one of the most iconic sea battles in history when it fought against HMS Serapis in Flamborough Head, off the coast of York, England. Commanding the 42-gun Bonho mmeRichardwasthefierce,anddetermined Captain John Paul Jones, a seasoned sailor who had already established a reputation for his daring victories and raids But it was his actions in the bloody battle of Flamborough Head that cemented his place in the pantheon of naval heroes and earned him themonikerthe“FatheroftheU.S.Navy.”
Joneswasfarfromaloneinthisfight.The Bonhomme Richard included 347 crew members on board including physicians Surgeon Lawrence Brooke and Surgeon’s Mates Elijah (Elisha) Perkins and John Peacock.
The Bonhomme Richard had originally been built a merchant ship named Duc de Duras by the French East India Company 12yearsbeforethebattle.Whenherowners went bankrupt in 1769, the ship was used by the French Crown as a troop transport before being acquired by a merchant and used for shipping goods Through Benja min Franklin’s influence as the first Amer ican ambassador to France it was gifted to the United States and refitted as a warship Franklin selected Jones as its first Captain inFebruary1779 Andintributetohisbene factor,JonesnameditinhonorofFranklin’s nom-de-plume, “Poor Richard” (known as “GoodManRichard”or“BonHommeRichard”inFrance).
Among the ship’s plankowners was Dr Lawrence (Laurence) Brooke who Jones appointed as ship surgeon in April 1779 A nativeof Virginia,Brookewasborn4-miles outside of Fredericksburg on the RappahannockRiver Thereispossibilitythateither he or his family had known Jones in Fred
The Bonhomme Richardvs HMS Serapis at the Battle ofFlamborough Head,23 September1775.
Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | AssistantEditor | MC3 Leo Katsareas 757-322-2853 | GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | Flagship, Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski Miller Free ClassifiedAdvertising | 757-622-1455 Distribution & Home Delivery | 757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdm Christopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairs Director | Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD) or the United States Navy under exclusive written contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by the U.S. Government, DOD, or the Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories may be submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every Thursday by Flagship, Inc., whose offices are located at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va 23510. © 2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved
Page 7 2 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, October 20 2022
Sailor on the Street Meet the Fleet
Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Submarines Jaysenkeopele Balacy Epia
Command:NavalStationNewport Hometown:Jacksonville N.C.
“Becauseofmystep-father’sinfluenceonme WhenwemovedtoNorthCarolinafromHawaii,Iwantedtohelpveteransonthestreets,homeless,anduplift theirhopes Iwantedtoopenupmyownrestaurantinfavorfortheveterans to come in and work and restart their lives They deserve a lot better they servedtheircountryandIthought“whynotfindawaytohelpthem.”
“IloveservingtheSailorsmost.Whentheycomein,sometimestheyaredown andwhentheyseethefoodthatwecookitliftstheirspiritsup WhileI’mdoing theomeletbar,Ialwaysaskthequestion“Howareyoudoing? andthey(OCS candidates)alwayslookatmesmilingandsay“well,I’mdoinggreatnowthat I’mtalkingtoyou. Theygetafatomeletandasmile.
“Mygoalshavechangedalotoverthepast5-6years Asofrightnow,mygoalis tofindwaystoinvestinmyselfmore.Idothingsforothersalotandwaspulled asideandtoldthatIneedtotakecareofmyselfmore.Thesecondistoopenup a restaurant
homeless vets Andthen, ofcourse,formyselfinthenearterm,I’mtryingtorouteapacketthroughthe officer’ssideforOCSormake1stclassorchiefpettyofficerifI’mnotselected.
Culinary Specialist 2nd Class
Jaime Graham
Command:NavalStationNewport Hometown:Cleveland,TN(borninJamaica)
“I like to talk to myfamilymembers Beingin the military, and beingawayfromfamily,wedon’tspendtoomuchtimewithour familysowhenIgetachancetoItrytotalktothem.Myfamily isinTennesseeandNewJersey,IdohavefamilyinJamaicastill and am planning to go back for Christmas. Those are some of thewaysIcopewithstress…alsogettingawayfromwork,leave socializing,watchingTV TravelisanotherwayIrelievestress jointheNavyseetheworld.
or just find a way to create jobs for the
www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, October 20 2022 3
Period is
Medicare hasfour parts. Here’s what you shouldknow abouteach one:
Original Medicare
• Inpatienthospital care
• Skilled Nursing Facility(SNF) care
• Home health expenses
• Hospicecare
MedicarePartB(Medical Insurance)
• Coverage fordoctors visits and other healthcareproviders
• Some preventiveservices and screenings
• Home healthcareand ambulanceservices
• Durable Medical Equipment(DME)
• Thepremium forMedicare Part Biswithdrawnfromyour monthly Social Securitycheck
• Outpatientservices
• Your Medicare Advantage (MA) plan’sMaximumOut-ofPocket(MOOP) limit is the total amount youwillspend this year on copayments and coinsurance forcovered or eligible medical services.When youhavereached your annual MOOP limit,your MA plan’s eligible medical services are coveredfor the remainder of theyear at no cost to you.
• Confirmifyou qualify forstate subsidyprograms to reduce your premiums:
c MedicarePrescription AssistanceProgram(MPAP)
c Low-Income subsidy
MedicareAdvantage (PartC)
• Includes all the benefits and services coveredunder Part Aand Part B
• Mayinclude MedicarePartD,aprescription drug coverage plan
• Includes extrabenefits such as: grocery, dental,vision, and hearing allowances
• Instead of additional premiums forPartD and Medigap coverage,Optima Medicaremay offer aplan thatincludes all this and morefor $0 premium
MedicarePartD (Prescription Drugs)
• Helps coverthe costs of prescription drugs
• Requires an additional monthly premium above your Part Bpremium
• Verify the plan network within your servicearea:
c Affiliatedprovider network
c Non-affiliatedprovider network
c Both affiliated and non-affiliatedprovider network
• When youlook at your plan options make suretoconfirm:
c Your PrimaryCareProvider (PCP), specialists,and your hospital arein-network
c Thecosts foryour deductible,MOOP,and copayments/coinsurance
c Your medications areinthe plan’s formulary
c Your MA plan offers additional benefits and if there areany additional costs
MedicaretoOriginal Medicare
difference foryourself.
4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, October 20 2022 Medicare Annual Enrollment
October 15 December 7 There’salot to considerwhenselecting therightMedicareplanfor you. At Optima Medicare, we want to ensure youhave theinformation you need to make thebestchoiceduring this year’s annual enrollmentperiod Optima Medicareis an HMO with aMedicarecontract. EnrollmentinOptima Medicaredepends on contract renewal.This information is not a completedescription of benefits H2563_1022_ADFGF_500389_M Want to learn more? Visit or scan this code with your smartphone to watch Medicare Basics on demand webinars and other educationalvideos. MedicareParts A& BMedicare SupplementOptima MedicarePlans Prescription drug coverage (PartD) No No Yes Moneytowardyour Part Bpremium No No Yes1 Maximum out-of-pocket(MOOP) No No Yes Groceryallowance No No Yes2 Over-the-counterproducts allowance No No Yes Dental allowance No No Yes Vision allowance No No Yes Hearing allowance No No Yes Annual physical exam No No Yes Transportation No No Yes 30-day, $0 prescription home delivery No No Yes 90-day, $0 prescription home delivery No No Yes 24/7 nurse adviceline No No Yes SilverSneakers® fitness program No No Yes Meals afterhospitalization No No Yes3 In-home supportservices No No Yes Bathroomsafetysupplies No No Yes Worldwide emergencycarecoverage No No Yes HealthyRewards program No No Yes4
Medicare Advantageplans
anda Medicare Supplemental plan and seethe
1 Not available in all plans 2 Members with chronic condition(s) thatmeet certain criteria maybeeligible forthis special supplemental benefit 3 Prior authorization is required by health plan Care Coordinatorupon hospital discharge 4 Some eligibilitycriteriamay apply
MedicarePartA(Hospital Insurance)
Virginians, here’s what youshouldknowifyou’rechoosing aMedicare Advantageplan:
education and services
Veterinary Activity (VETAC)Veterinary
Treatment Facility provides pet wellness education throughout the year and in particular duringOctober,which is Pet Wellness Month.
NAVSTA Norfolk’sVETAC is profes sionally staffed by ArmyVeterinary Corps personnel.
The ArmyVeterinary Corps began in 1916with the primary purpose of treating horsesthatwerethenusedforwarfighting Over the years their mission has evolved
andnowtheirprimarymissionistoprovide servicesandcaretoMilitaryWorkingDogs (MWDs).
NAVSTA Norfolk’sVETAC opened in 2016and, in addition to treating MWDs, the facility also provides medical careto pets owned by personnelauthorized DoD medical careincludingactivedutyservice members and retirees
“Weprovide routine check-ups; flea and heartwormprevention;preventivecareand evensurgicalservicesiftheyarerequired, said JesikaStreeter,aveterinary assistant who works at NAVSTA Norfolk’sVETAC Petwellness education is provided at
theveterinaryclinicforthehandlersofthe military working dogs who arestationed onboardNAVSTANorfolk. According to the specialists, important ways of keeping yourpethealthyisbyhavingahighprotein diet,conductingroutinecheckups,regular exerciseand preventativemedications “Wetrain the dog handlers who work on the installationonavariety of topics,” said ArmySpc. Keanu Ahrend, an animal carespecialistattached to VETAC.“This includes taking vitals andemergency care sincetheyare withthe animal mostofthe day.Wealsoconductmonthlytrainingwith new dog handlers,and annual training for
all handlers.Training is howwepromote and maintain pet wellness.”
Dogs and cats aremostly seen at the veterinaryactivity, however, it isnot uncommontoseeadifferentvarietyofpets
“Wemostly work on dogs and cats,but bunnies,ferrets,and bearded dragons are treatedhereaswell,” said Streeter
TheVETACislocatedatbuildingU-239, 1100 TowerStreet onboardNAVSTA Norfolk.Theirhoursofoperationsare0800 to 1600,open Mondaythrough Friday, and areclosedonallFederalHolidays.Theycan be reachedat757-953-0350
NavalStation Norfolk’sVeterinary Treatment Facility provides
NORFOLK,VA(October12,2022)Veterinarians assignedtoNaval Station Norfolk’sVeterinaryActivity(VETAC)VeterinaryTreatment Facilityexamine aMilitaryWorking Dog’spaw,Oct.12,2022 VETAC offersavarietyofservices forpetsinsupportofpetwellness month.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYENSIGNHARRISONCOX) www| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, October20, 2022 5 Your LocalHealthPlanfor 35 Years $0 Premiums Groceryallowance1 SilverSneakers® membership Dental allowance Hearing aid allowance TRICARE forLife members welcome! Optima MedicareSavings (HMO), aPartBGiveback plan that savesyou up to $55 amonth Join alocalMedicareCommunityEvent near you! Register at or call 1-855-951-6417 (TTY: 711) from October1–March 31 |7daysaweek|8 a.m.–8 p.m. |April 1–September 30 |Monday–Friday 8a.m.–8 p.m. to learn aboutall of your Medicareoptions.For accommodations forpersons withspecialneeds at salesmeetings,call toll-free 1-855-460-5820 (TTY:711) Youcan also visit our websitebyscanning this code with your smartphone camera orQRCodereader app. 1Members with chronic condition(s) that meet certain criteria maybeeligible forthis special supplementalbenefit. Optima Medicareisan HMO with aMedicarecontract. Enrollmentin OptimaMedicaredependsoncontractrenewal H2563_1022_ADFGH_500390_M
USS Cole honors their Heroes
FromCommander,NavalSurfaceForce Atlantic
The guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG 67) crew, past and present, gathered alongside guests and families of the Cole heroes Oct 12, to commemorate the 22nd anniversaryoftheship’sbombing
More than 30 Gold Star family members attendedtheceremonyheldattheUSSCole Memorial aboard Naval Station Norfolk.
The remembrance ceremony honored the 17 shipmates who perished in the attack, forever to be remembered as Cole heroes, who set the standard for the “Determined Warrior”culturetheColecrewstrivesdaily
“Today our military seeks ways to create tougher more resilient Sailors,” said Cmdr James V. Welsch, Cole commanding officer, in addressing ceremony guests “The DeterminedWarriorsofthepast22yearshavebeen privileged to have a daily reminder of what toughness and resiliency looks like and the connectedness of our crew and connections toourpastiswhatmakesColedifferent.”
During today’s ceremony a wreath was again laid for the fallen heroes Another 21-gun salute pierced the silence along the waterfront. A lone bugler offered taps But, appropriately,the22ndsuchceremonyhad at its core again a tolling of the bell and a
readingofthenamesofthe17heroeswhose liveswerelostthatfatefulday.
“Thememoryofourfallenshipmateswill continuetomakeColespecial,tougherthan all the rest,” concluded Welsch. “When we confrontfuturechallenges,wewilldrawon our strong legacy and the toughness of our Coleheroestowintheday.”
DeployedtotheMiddleEastin2000,Cole stoppedtorefuelintheportofAden,Yemen. At 11:18 a.m., a small boat came alongside theship Suddenly,ahighlyexplosivebomb detonated alongside Cole The explosion blew a massive 40-by-60 foot hole on the port side of the ship, taking the lives of 17 Sailors and injuring 39 others Cole Sail
A Lasting Impact: Ties to USS Cole
USS Nimitz (CVN 68)
PACIFIC OCEAN Every Sailor knows thesignificanceofSeptember11andOctober 13 However,alessknownbutequallysignif icant date is Oct 12, 2000 On that date, the USSCole(DDG67)wasmooredpiersidein the Yemeni port of Aden when a small boat rigged with explosives sped up to the port side of the ship and detonated, blowing a 1,600 square foot hole in the vessel’s hull. Nimitz’sveryownMasterChiefOperations Specialist Torrance Mabry was serving on theColeatthetimeoftheattack.
“That day we were pulling in, getting set up to moor Once we were pierside every thing was good. Everything was fine,” said Mabry “We thought it would be a regular portstop Itwasrightbeforelunchtime,and themessdeckswerenotthatfull.
Theshippulledintoportforroutinefueling when the horrific attack happened. Mabry had talked about how force protection measures were made more thorough and given additional attention following the attack on the Cole, and spoke about the floating barriers being used today, along with security patrol boats and extra armed watches topside to prevent similar attacks from happening Unfortunately however, noneoftheseprocedureswereextant,oras followedbackthen.
“People don’t realize but the barriers we have now, the watches we stand, the secu rityapparatusinplaceisbecauseoftheUSS Cole. People think it is because of 9/11 9/11 was not the reason we do force protection thewaywedo It’sbecauseoftheCole.”
For those not familiar with the layout of aguidedmissiledestroyer,theengineroom is located under the Chief’s Mess and mess decks Theblastwassopowerfullitupended the engine room into the Chiefs Mess and messdecks Mabry, a petty officer third class during the attack, was initially surprised by the explosion but kicked into an immediate war-fightingposture.
“Whentheeventwentdown,Iwasatthe aft end of the ship back by laundry,” said Mabry. “I was walking up from there, and when it hit, I hit the overhead and became alittledelirious.Thelightskindofflickered andthenwentoff That’swhenIknewthere wasaproblem.”
Mabry knew that he had to get to his general quarters station and be prepared to fightfortheship,buthequicklyrealizedthe immensenessandseverityofthesituation.
“All I was thinking was ‘get to my GQ station. Iwastryingtogettherethroughthe starboard side and it was blocked off Next I tried to get to the port side and it was also blockedoff,”saidMabry.“Iwenttopsideand everyonewasyelling‘getbackintheskinof
Upon reaching the Combat Information Center (CIC), Mabry came upon a scene of destructionanddevastation.
“While traveling to CIC There was a lot ofsmoke,fire,water,andbodies Thingsyou wouldn’t see on a normal day. Things you wouldseeonlyinahorrorfilm.”
The blast ultimately claimed the lives of 17 service members and wounded 39 more. Amongthe17deceasedwereSeamanLakiba N.Palmer,SignalmanCheroneL.Gunn,and Operations Specialist 2nd Class Timothy Saunders The loss of these three Sailors and friends had a lasting impact on a young OS3Mabry
Petty Officer Mabry made three prom ises “Seaman [Lakiba] Palmer wanted to be the first female Chief aboard a subma rine,” said Mabry ”’I obviously couldn’t be a female onboard a submarine but I will fulfill that dream andmakeChief Number two, Seaman [Cherone] Gunn wanted to outrank his dad who was an E7 (Sergeant First Class) in the Army. So he promised to fulfill the dream of being a Senior Chief for him His third promise OS2 [Timothy] Saunders his whole goal in life was to be a Master Chief in the United States Navy, he and OS3 Mabry had the same goals so he promised as long as the Navy would allow him to serve he would make Master Chief tofulfillhisdreamandalsoMabry’sdream.
ors courageously fought fires and flooding for the following 96 hours Their actions prevented further loss of lives and kept the shipafloat
In commemoration, the Cole Memorial includes 17 low-level markers that stand for the youthfulness of the Sailors, whose liveswerelost Threetallgranitemonoliths each bearing brass plaques stand for the three colors of the American flag A set of brown markers encircling the memorial symbolizes the darkness and despair that overcame the ship on Oct 12, 2000 Addi tionally, 28 black pine trees were planted nearbytorepresentthe17Sailorsandthe11 childrentheheroesleftbehind.
Thesewherehisthreepromiseshemadeto thefamiliesofthosethatlosttheirloveone on October 12 2000
AsSailors,weoftentalkaboutandmourn the events of September 11, and the importance of never forgetting those who lost their lives on that fateful day. Oppositely, we enjoy celebrating the Navy’s birthday on October 13 But we slowly have forgot tentheeventthatchangedthewaytheNavy operates, an event that has had a lasting impactontheNavyfordecades Itmaybeof benefittoreflectonthesacrificesthosewho haveservedbeforeushaveundergone The pricetheypaidthenisoneofthereasonswe are more secure now.
“The Navy promises you that they’ll pay for your school and they’ll show you the world, and these things are true and great. But in order to enjoy these bene fits you put our life on the line you raise your right hand to defend and protect at all cost and 17 Sailors did just that for the American people and their fellow service members, said Mabry. “I would say ‘let’s notrepeathistory’.In2000,17Sailorsgave their lives for a way of life, in 2017, 17 SailorsgavetheirlivesonboardtheMcCainand theFitzgerald,letitnotbeanother17years thatwegive17orevenmorelives Wehave to understand the things that we do and the job that we have you must learn it, you must know it, and you have to understand the seriousness of it every day. Do better today, learn your job today, be the best at whatyoudosothatyoucancomehomeand enjoy tomorrow.”
NORFOLK,Va (Oct 12 2022)Awreath rests at the USS Cole Memorial following a ceremony commemorating the 22nd anniversaryof the terrorist attack on theArleigh Burkeclass,guided-missile destroyerUSS Cole (DDG 67).Past and present Cole crewmembers gathered alongside families and guests for the ceremonyat the USS Cole Memorial onboard Naval Station Norfolk.
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Acall for nominations: Military Citizen of theYear
ByTravisKuykendall Commander,NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs
AreyouaSailor,ordoyouknowaSailor,whogoesaboveandbeyond thecalltodutybyvolunteeringinthe HamptonRoads community? TheHampton RoadsChamber is nowaccepting nominations forthe 2022SamuelT.Northern,MilitaryCitizenoftheYear(MCOY)award
TheSamuelT.Northernawardhasbeengivenannuallytorecognize themilitarycitizen whohas made themostsignificant contribution intheareaofcommunityservice
Theawardisnotforasingleact,but ratherforsustainedcommunityserviceintheHamptonRoadsareafora periodofatleastoneyear.NomineesvolunteerbycoachingLittleLeague teams,youthmentoring,fundraising,emergencymedicalservices,and manymorecommunityprograms
“HamptonRoadsisblessedwithsuchalargepresenceofNavyinthe region ThemenandwomenwhoweartheNavyuniform,Department oftheNavyciviliansandalltheirfamilymembersareintertwinedinto thefabricofour region andcontributesomuchto it,” said BryanK Stephens,President&CEO,HamptonRoadsChamber.“Itisourhonor everyyeartorecognizethosewhogoaboveandbeyondtheircalltoduty totheNavyandgivebacktotheircommunity.”
Localcommands,aswellaslocalvolunteerorganizations,cannominate active dutyE-6 andbelow.Nominations must be receivedby Friday,Oct.28. Nominations receivedfrom volunteerorganizations mustbeendorsedbytheservicemember’sparentcommandinorderto qualifyfortheaward.Packagesreceivedfromvolunteerorganizations willbeforwarded to theappropriate commandfor verification and endorsement.Thisyear’swinnerandfinalistswillberecognizedduring aluncheononThursday,Nov.17,attheNorfolkWatersideMarriott
Kearsarge from Page 1
Marines assigned to the SanAntonio-class amphibioustransport dock shipUSS Arlington(LPD24)participatedintraining opportunities and exercises suchasAlexander the Great 22, abilateralU.S Greece (Hellenic)amphibioustrainingevent;EFES 22,abiennial,multinational,combinedjoint andlivefiringexercisewithTurkishArmed ForcesandU.S.Army’sExplosiveOrdnance Disposal (EOD) andmedical teams; as well asAfricanLion(AL)22,anexerciseenhanc ingtheU.S.AfricanCommand’spartnership andsecuritycooperationwiththeTunisian MinistryofDefense
“Arlingtonparticipated in sevenmulti national exercises allowing the U.S. to strengthen NATOAlliesand partnerships, to include twoseparate bilateral exercises with Finland and Sweden as areformed ARG-MEU.” said Capt.EricKellum, commanding officer of Arlington. “I think thatonceagain we were able to demonstrate the flexibilityand versatility that an ARG-MEUbringstothefight.”
While operating in the Baltic region, Kearsarge and the Whidbey Island-class docklandingshipUSS Gunston Hall (LSD 44)participatedinanEstonian-ledexercise, Hedgehog (Siil) 22 withEstonianDefense Forces and forces from Task Group 6½.4 andtheNATO-ledexercise,NeptuneShield whichincorporate18NATOAlliesandpart ners working together through multiple domainsthroughout the European conti
“Wearegladtohavebeengiventheoppor tunity to support and work withour Allies and Partners,” said Cmdr.Beth Nelson, commandingofficerofGunstonHall.“Iam extremelyproud of the hardwork, resil ienceand dedicationofevery memberof theGunstonHallteam.”
In June,Kearsarge and Gunston Hall participated in the joint, annual multi national exercise,Baltic Operations (BALTOPS)22designedtoenhanceinterop erability,capability,and demonstrate cohesionamong Alliedand Partner forcesin defendingtheBalticSearegion.
FollowingBALTOPS 22 and AL 22, the KearsargeARG-MEUconductedscheduled maintenanceavailability periods in Brest, France; Rijeka, Croatia; and Copenhagen, DenmarkthroughoutJuly2022.Themaintenanceavailabilityperiods,whichincluded mid-deployment voyage repair (MDVR) evolutions,allow U.S. Navy ships to accom plish necessaryand preventativerepairs to continue theirmissions in theregion while simultaneouslystrengtheningrelationships withhostnations.
TheKearsargeARG-MEUteamreturned to the Baltic regionasa combinedforce to continue strengtheningrelationships and partnerships.Throughrapidplanning,coor dination, and execution, the ARG-MEU teamsuccessfully completedbilateral training events with Finland, Sweden,and StandingNATOMaritimeGroup(SNMG)1 duringthemonthsofAugustandSeptember
Upon conclusion of operations in the Baltic region,the ARG-MEU successfully
completed acumulativeof29port visits across the ARGvisiting 14 NATOAllied and partner countries including Reykjavik, Iceland;NarvikandTromsø,Norway;Volos andAlexandropoulos,Greece;Tallinn,Esto nia;Helsinki,Finland;StockholmandVisby, Sweden; Gabés,Tunisia; Kiel, Germany; Brest, France; Rijeka, Croatia;Copen hagen and Kalundborg, Denmark; Riga, Latvia; Klaipeda, Lithuania; and Gdańsk and Gdynia,Poland. During each visit, the ARG-MEU engagedwith representatives from embassies,ministries of defense, and local government, military,and civilian officialstostrengthen relationships with NATOAlliesand partners through in-per sonkeyleaderengagementsandexchanges including media availabilities, ship tours, officecalls,ceremoniesandreceptions,and communityserviceprojects.
“Ourfamiliesandfriendsshouldbeproud of the servicetheir Marines rendered and Ibelieve the22d MEUhas represented II MEF andthe Marine Corps accordingly,” said Col. Paul Merida, commanding offi cer of the 22nd MEU.“Allofthis wasdone withinthebackdropoftheRussia-Ukraine War, which added an additional sense of importancetoourwork,muchofwhichwas donealongsideour NATOallies and other keyregionalpartners.”
TheKearsargeARGconsistsofKearsarge, Arlington and Gunston Hall, stationed in Norfolk,Va. Embarkedcommands include Amphibious SquadronSix Fleet Surgical Team 2, Fleet Surgical Team 4, Tactical Air Control Squadron 22, Helicopter Sea CombatSquadron 28 stationed in Norfolk,
Va and NavalBeach Group 2, Assault Craft Unit 2, Assault Craft Unit 4stationed in Norfolk,Va., and Beach Master Unit 2 stationed inVirginia Beach, Va.The 22nd MEU’smission is to provide the United States with aforward-deployed, amphibi ousforce-in-readinesscapableofexecuting missionsacrossthefullspectrumofcombat andmilitaryoperations other than warand consistsoffourbasicelements—acommand element,agroundcombatelement,Battalion LandingTeam (BLT) 2⁄6,alogistics combat element, Combat Logistics Battalion(CLB) 26,andanaviationcombatelement,Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 263 Reinforced.
The ARG-MEU’s presenceoverseas supported strategic interests andcontrib uted to regional security and stabilityand reassuringU.S.commitment to multiple regions.Theblue-greenteamprovidedoper ational flexibility to combatant command ers by providing aversatile contingency responseforceusingsea,air,landandlogistical assets.The versatilityinherenttothe amphibious force allowedfor flexible and mission-tailoredforces,while representing ournation’sstrength,capability,andresolve topartnersandalliesanddeterringpotential adversaries.
U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArcticinorderto ensureaccess, deteraggression and defend U.S.,allied,andpartnerinterests
ericksburgpriortohostilities.In1774,atthe age of 15,Brookeand his youngerbrother Robert—a futureGovernorofVirginia—left the colonies to study at the University of Edinburgh. When colonistsbecamebarred from studyingatUniversity ofEdinburgh, Lawrence fled to Paris wherehemay have continuedhis medical education.OnApril 5, 1779,Brookeoffered his services to Jones as surgeon of the newlyacquired Bonho mmeRichard.Brooke’snameappearsinthe correspondence of severaldignitaries and itissaid that he dined with both Franklin andJohnAdamsandearnedareputationfor skillandcomportment.Asonenavalofficer who encountered Brookelater wrote,“He was. agreatfavorite,anagreeable,cultured gentlemanaswellasaskillfulsurgeon.”
The Bonhomme Richardwas part of a
squadron of ships that alsoincluded the 36-gun Alliance,the 32-gunPallas,and the 12-gunbrig Vengeance.Each ship also included acomplement of its ownsurgeons and surgeon’smates.Onthe morning of September23, 1779,the squadron encoun tered twoBritish warships—the 20-gun Countess of Scarborough and the 44-gun British warship Serapis—escorting aconvoy ofmerchantships.AstheVengeancetargeted the merchant ships,and Pallas set out in pursuit of the Scarborough, Jones set his sightsontheSerapis.
BonhommeRichardapproachedtheSerapisonhislarboardbowat1920intheevening CaptainRichardPearsonofSerapiscalledout to the ship to identify itself to which Jones replied, “The PrincessRoyal.”Pearson then asked,“Whodoyoubelongto?”Whenhedid not get areplyheasked again stating that if they did not answer that the Serapis would “fire intothem.”Bonhomme Richardthen fired abroadside,which wasanswered by
On the firstbroadside,two of Richard’s 18-poundcannons exploded leadingto massivecarnage on the gundeck. With the help of available crewmembers,Surgeon’s MatesPerkinsandPeacockwentintoimmediateaction carrying wounded to the orlop deck.ThereSurgeonBrookehelpedstabilize the wounded, working quickly to remove gunshots,splinters,controlling bleeding, settingfractures,andwhennothingcouldbe donetosalvagethewoundedlimbs,perform ing amputations through use of tourniquets, surgical saws and knives. The locationand typeofwoundwaskey—andtherewasnoth inganyNavysurgeoncoulddoforinjuriesto theabdomen and thoraciccavity other than administer opium for pain relief.Intreating burns,Brookewould likelyhaveadhered to the practice ofthe time—using linseed oil, cerateofoil,orspermacetiontheburnbefore applyinganemollientpoultice
Therepeated exchangeofcannon fireleft agaping hole in Richard’sside forcing the crewtoabandonthelowerdecks.Bonhomme Richardwas every bitthe sinkingwreck and anyopposingshipcaptainwouldhavesurely expected Jones to“strike the colors,”mean ingtosurrender.PearsonoftheSerapisasked Jonesifhewaswasreadyto“strike”towhich he is said tohavedefiantlyanswered,“Ihave notyetbeguntofight!”
Brooke reported to Jones about the flood ing in the lowerdecks and that water was coming in so fastthat the wounded were “beingfloatedoutofthecockpit.”Jonesissaid to have replied, “What! Wouldyou have me striketoadropofwater,doctor?
As the twoships maneuvered for strate gic advantage theycollided. Jones usedthis as an opportunity to grapple ontothe Serapis hooking into the ship’sbulwarkrailsand
rigging and ultimately linkingtheir fates
Richard’sMarinesstrategically positioned topsidebeganusingmusketstopickoffenemy combatants while an enterprising seaman climbed to the ship’smainyard and began dropping grenades onto Serapis’sdecks
Theseactionsturnedthetideofthebattleand forcedPearsontosurrenderingtheSerapis
The casualty totals on both ships was significant. Eighteen percent (63)ofBonho mme Richard’scompanywerekilled and 25 percent (87) were wounded; the Serapis suffered19percent(54)killedand27percent (75)wounded.
The1783TreatyofParisformallyendedthe RevolutionaryWar,andwithittheContinentalNavy.Withwar’scessationandadepleted treasury,Congressbegansellingoffwhatwas left of its fleet. On August1,1785,the frigate Alliance—thelastofthe Navy’s ships—was soldintoprivatehands
TheNavy’sgradualresurgencewasspurred bythesigningoftheNavalActof1794,ongoing difficulties with the Barbary States and a“Quasi-War” withour formerally France
ThisnewNavy,formallyestablishedonApril 30,1798,came with similar requirementsfor shipboardmedical personnel and the care of Sailors and Marines as its Continental forbearer.
Over the ensuing years,through wars, conflictsandpeacetimeoperations,theNavy built an impressivelegacy.Every step of way therehavebeen representatives of Navy Medicineworkingtoprovideourwarfighters the carethey need while ensuring that they remain ready for the fight. And for as long thereisaNavyMedicinethiswillremainour NorthStarguidingus
Born in HarmsWay from Page 2 www| The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, October20, 2022 7
As the Navy turns 247 it launches a new campaign aimed at Gen Z “Nevers”
MILLINTON, Tenn. America’s Navy is celebrating its 247th birthday Navy Recruiting Command (NRC) is commemorating the day by premiering its latest “Forged by the Sea” marketing campaign, developedtochangeGenZ’scurrentmind set about Navy service.
The Navy primarily recruits 17-to-24year-olds, whose perceptions about mili tary service have changed dramatically in thelastfewyearsduetomanyissues,includingCOVID,astrongjobmarket,andalackof personal connection to military life. Today, just 2 percent of the youth market is eligi ble and motivated toserve andmanyofthe remaining 98 percent say “never” to a Navy career before ever exploring the possibil
ities This lack of propensity is creating a challenging recruiting environment for all themilitarybranches
The new campaign features current Sail ors sharing life-changing experiences and opportunities Gen-Zers are missing out on by not considering a Navy career (See links below.) Among the new creative elements areone60-secondfilm,two30-secondfilms, three 6-second films, and two 15-second films, all of which will be part of a paid media campaign on the digital and social media platforms most popular with Gen Z. Fellow WPP agency Wavemaker will over seepaid-mediaplacements Complementary content will be featured on and the #AmericasNavy social media channels andthekeythemeswillbestrategicallyintegrated into experiential, direct, and public
relationsefforts (Seelinksbelow)
“Sinceourfounding,theNavyhasempowered Sailors from all walks of life to exceed whattheythoughtpossibleintermsoftheir own personal and professional accom plishments,” said Rear Admiral Alexis “Lex” Walker Commander Navy Recruit ingCommand.“WewanttosharewithGen Z the life-changing opportunities the Navy provides, and to help them understand the vital role the Navy plays in all of our lives, defending against our adversaries and ensuring our global economy travels over freeandopenseas.Theseareopportunities toserveacausegreaterthananyindividual, onethatrequirescorevaluesofhonor cour age,andcommitment.”
Youcanviewthethefollowingrecruiting videosonline:
StrongEnough: https://youtu be/b_FL2yiCJSE
WhatMatters: https://youtu be/-8GcrnIQMLc
Withmorethan330,000active-dutysail ors 290 deployable ships more than 3,700 aircraft and dozens of bases in the U.S. and acrosstheglobe,America’sNavyisthelargest, most powerful naval force in the world. The opportunitiesavailablein today’sNavy are as boundless as the sea itself You can learn more about these opportunities at, and on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram YouTube andLinkedIn
On the Surface: ONR SCOUT showcases
Unmanned Surface Vehicle capability on the water
ARLINGTON, Va In an effort to increase the range and detection of vari ous unmanned surface vessels (USVs), the OfficeofNavalResearch(ONR)-sponsored SCOUT initiative recently conducted a unique demonstration event off the coast of Virginia Beach, Virginia The event highlighted the capability of seven different USVs, ranging in size from five to 36 feet, demonstrating their abil ity to contribute to the Joint Interagency Task Force South (JIATF-S) mission areas of rapid distributed logistics and hunting without maritime patrol aircraft. The Joint Prototyping and Experimentation and Maritime (JPEM) program executed the on—the-water demonstration from the STILETTO maritime experimenta tion craft
The demonstration was attended by stakeholders across multiple commands including U.S. Fleet Forces Command, II Marine Expeditionary Force, the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command, the Unmanned Task Force, Navy Special Warfare Command, PEO Unmanned and Small Combatants, and Naval Surface
Warfare Center (NSWC) Headquarters and Carderock.
ONRSCOUTisanongoing,multiagency experimentation campaign for identifying alternative ways to bring unmanned technologiestowarfighterproblems operation alizethemandbringthemtoscale SCOUT is committed to getting nontraditional, commercial-off-the-shelf,government-developed and/or government-sponsored technologies to the fleet rapidly “SCOUT is changing the way we solve warfighter problems,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby. “We are rapidly conducting experiments and test ingthatwillhelpourJIATF-Spartnersand ultimately help protect the United States from illicit drug trafficking.”
During the Virginia Beach event, the SCOUTandJPEMteamscarriedouttechnical and operational assessments of the USVs They captured data from each vehicle looking at the various payload capacities range, speed and endurance to better informthefleet;thescienceandtechnology andacquisitioncommunitiesofthecurrent stateoftheseUSVs;andwhichonesmaybe the best fit for the mission of interest.
The teams looked at capabilities and
characteristics of the USVs that align to the JIATF-S problem sets ultimately stopping illicit drug trafficking. With this data, the team will be able to provide a list of options for various USVs to help leaders decide which one is the best platform for a mission.
According to Dennis Danko, JPEM program manager, “this was a valuable opportunity for the USV developers to experience an ocean environment. Oper atingfromSTILETTOprovidedthedevelopers aswellastheobservers asnapshotof theoperationalchallengesofworkinginan openoceanenvironment,wherethecondi tions can change from day-to day.
John Phillips, who is from NSWC Carderock and was the ONR SCOUT lead for the Virginia Beach event, said, “The ONR SCOUT USV Sprint in the Norfolk fleetconcentrationareaprovidedanoppor tunity to showcase the capability of small USVs aligned to warfighter problems, to a contingent of naval stakeholders The collaboration was amazing and we are optimistic the data collected will assist in determining the best unmanned systems toperformvariousnaval-specificmissions.”
Now the logistics team is preparing for a
largereventthatwillbringtogetherseveral logistics-focusedunmannedindustrypart nerstogethertotesttheircapabilitiesinan operationalenvironment.SCOUTwillpart ner with U.S. Fourth Fleet next month in a real-world demonstration in the JIATF-S area of operation near Key West, Florida.
“We’ve been planning this event for several months and look forward to seeing thevariousvesselsandcapabilitiesrespond tomissionsinanoperationalenvironment,” said Chris Heagney, a Naval Air Systems Command fleet/force advisor supporting Fourth Fleet and ONR Global. “This event will bring everyone together to focus on adding new platforms and options to the Navy portfolio.
TheJIATF-Steamremainsoptimisticas SCOUT efforts continue to help with their daily mission.
“Every day we are faced with multi ple suspect vessels and illicit trafficking near and in the area of operations,” said U.S. Coast Guard Lt Cmdr Duane Zitta JIATF-S chief of operational demonstration and experimentation. “We need alter native capabilities and options that will helplocateanddetectsuspectactivitystop illegal movement to the United States.”
Vessels participate in an ONRSCOUT-sponsored experimentation event offthe coast ofVirginia Beach,Virginia.The purpose ofthe eventwas to increase the range and detection ofvarious unmanned surfacevessels.ONRSCOUTis
an ongoing multiagencyexperimentation campaign foridentifying alternativeways to bring unmanned technologies towarfighterproblems, operationalize them and bring them to scale.SCOUTis committed to getting nontraditional,commercial-off-the-shelf government-developed and/orgovernment-sponsored technologies to
the fleet
Cover refer hedlyn Ceporium me imorarei sendien me imorarei sendien me imorarei seen du iien me imorarei sendien me imorarei seen du intem.PageXXuarterdeck www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 20 2022 1
U.S. Naval Forces in Middle East interdict $29 million in illegal drugs
Cmdr StephenHills,Charles Moulthrope’s commanding officer. “We remain committed to countering the flow ofillegalcontrabandandpromotingsecurity and stability across the region.”
Hills’crewpreviouslyinterdictedanother fishing vessel Sept. 27 while patrolling the GulfofOman,whichledtotheseizureof$85 million worth of illegal drugs
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families:
Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806 Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support ByNavcentPublicAffairs U.S.NavalForcesCentralCommand/ U.S.5thFleet MANAMA, Bahrain A U.S. Coast Guard fast response cutter seized an estimated $29 millionworthofillicitnarcoticsfromafishing vessel while patrolling the Gulf of Oman, Oct. 12 twoweeksafteranothersizableinterdiction. USCGC Charles Moulthrope (WPC 1141) confiscated 2,980 kilograms of opium and 400kilogramsofmethamphetaminesasthe fishingvesseltransitedinternationalwaters The Coast Guard cutter was operating in supportofCombinedTaskForce150,which oversees maritime security operations for Combined Maritime Forces in the Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman and Gulf of Aden. “A success like this is a team effort I am proud of each and every member of our crew,”saidLt
Charles Moulthrope arrived in the Middle East in May and operates from the U.S. Navy base in Bahrain where U.S. Naval
Forces Central Command, U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces are headquartered.
(Oct 12 2022) Personnel from U.S.Coast
Guard fast response cutterUSCGC Charles Moulthrope
(WPC 1141) interdict a fishingvessel smuggling illicit drugs in the GulfofOman,Oct.12 (U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTOBYINFORMATIONSYSTEMSTECHNICIAN1STCLASSVINCENTAGUIRRE)
GULFOFOMAN (Oct 12 2022) Bags ofillicit drugs sit aboard U.S.Coast Guard fast response
cutterUSCGC Charles Moulthrope (WPC 1141) following the interdiction ofa fishingvessel in the GulfofOman,Oct.12 (U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTOBYINFORMATIONSYSTEMSTECHNICIAN1ST CLASSVINCENTAGUIRRE)
2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, October 20 2022
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Norfolk Naval Shipyard welcomes new journeymeninannualapprenticegraduation
ByKristiRBritt Norfolk Naval Shipyard
Friends and family gathered Oct. 14 at Scott Center Annex to celebrate the achievements of the graduates of the Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) Apprentice Program.
The176graduates,representing21trades acrosstheshipyard havecompletedafour year training program, which includes academics, trade theory, and on-the-job experience Upon graduation, the appren ticeswillreceiveaTechnicianCareerStud ies Certificate and will be converted to the journeymen level of their trade.
“Inlife,weoftenworryabouthowuncer tain the future is, but today we get a look into our shipyard’s future,” said Shipyard CommanderCapt.DiannaWolfson.“That’s because you graduates are the very ones whowillleadAmerica’sShipyardandkeep our Navy sailing well into the 21st century Regardless of your trade, you bring very unique and valuable skills to our ONE TEAM in America’s Shipyard in working
towards fixing ships You should be proud that you fix ships—and not just repairing them, but modernizing and inactivating themaswell.Youshouldbeproudnotonly becauseyouhaveaspecialskillset,butalso given the kinds of ships under our care. Because we don’t work on ferries or cruise ships—weservicewarshipsthatprotectour Nation,ourlovedones,ourverywayoflife.”
She continued, “As a vital member of our ONE TEAM in America’s Shipyard thank you for your daily commitment to deliver your competence and craftsman shiptomaintainandmodernizeourNavy I knowamindsetof‘Don’tGiveUpTheShift’ takes discipline, responsibility, integrity and patience It takes a continual focus on what can be achieved today. Show disci pline in your work, own it with responsibility exhibit integrity in all you do and havethepatiencetovaluetheperspectives andinputsofyourteammates,buildingthe shipyardculturewe’reallproudtobeapart of Together, we will reach our shipyard visiontodeliverontime,everytime,every where to protect America. You are on the
front line for delivering our Nation’s naval presencethroughouttheworld,protecting our interests and keeping America and its alliessafe Don’tjustholdtheline,advance it. By serving Norfolk Naval Shipyard, we effectively serve our families, our community, our Navy and our Nation.”
The NNSY Apprentice Program Class of 2022 valedictorian was Linda Matthews, a Shop 31 Inside Machinist. A 2012 grad uate of Lakeland High School, Matthews completed the program with a 3.942 GPA, which earned her an early promotion. “When people ask me if I like working at the shipyard, I can honestly say this is the best job I’ve ever had. I’ve had the oppor tunity to grow in a career and as a person. Above all, I feel like my work matters.”
Matthews continued, “Even though we havenowcompletedourfouryearappren ticeship wemustbecautiousnottobecome overconfident. This is a dangerous work environment where safety is paramount and complacency is the enemy of safety Onemiscalculationcouldchangethequal ity of your life forever The most sobering
partoftheworkwedohereisknowingthat we determine whether other people live ordie Thereisnoroomforerror Wemust demand perfection from ourselves and those around us Today we call ourselves mechanics wecannolongerhidebehind the title of apprentice We must accept the responsibility that comes with our jour neyman’scard.Whetheryouwanttobethe best mechanic you can be or you aspire to be a superintendent from here we will go on to be the next leaders of America’s Shipyard.”
This year marks the 109th anniversary of NNSY’s Apprentice Program, one of the most historic and honored apprentice programs in the nation. The program has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor in partnership with the Secretary’sAdvisoryCommitteeonApprentice ship (ACA), as a 21st Century Registered ApprenticeshipTrailblazerandInnovator TheeventwaslivestreamedtotheNNSY Facebook Page at norfolknavalshipyard1/.
Center for Information Warfare Training
PENSACOLA Fla. Along the Navy training continuum, the Center for Infor mation Warfare Training (CIWT) provides accessionstrainingforInformationWarfare (IW) Sailors in route to their first duty stations,wheretheNavalInformationWarf ighting Development Center (NIWDC) picks up to continue the training process forthoseIWprofessionals;advancingtheir knowledge with tactics, techniques, and proceduresinassignedmissionareaswithin theoptimizedfleetresponseplan
Capt Bryan Braswell commander NIWDC, visited CIWT to discuss how the two centers could best support each other,lookforopportunitiestocollaborate to enhance training along the continuum,
andmeetthefutureneedsoftheNavy’sIW community.
During his initial conversation with Capt. Chris Bryant, commanding officer of CIWT, Braswell said that he was study ing the current intermediate and advanced training NIWDC provides to fleet Sailors andindicatedhewouldliketoincreaseboth, aswellasaddanIWcertificationcomponent for those completing the advanced phase training He also mentioned leveraging Warfare Tactics Instructor (WTI) network toincreasecurrenttrainingcapabilitiesand improvereadiness.
Braswell said the current security envi ronment has forced NIWDC to “reprior itize Assured Command and Control as its number one priority” for the upcom ing fight, and he is working on a plan to get the community trained on the newsystems
Braswell received an in-depth brief on the accessions training programs CIWT provides Training managers and department heads for all the programs discussed their subject expertise and answered any questions This allowed Braswell to gain a good perspective of how and where opportunities exist for NIWDC to help shape the linkages between training new Sailors receive from CIWT programs and what they will receive when they arrive in the fleet. He indicated that he saw a range of ways the centers could collaborate to enhance training
LaterBraswellmetwithCmdr.Meredith Schley, commanding officer, Information Warfare Training Command Corry Station, discussedhisperspectiveontheIWcommunity with IW officers from Corry Station
over lunch, and received a tour of one of the Multipurpose Reconfigurable Train ingSystem3Dimensional(MRTS3D®)labs used by cryptologic technician technical students to learn how to maintain the AN/ SLQ-32v6,theprincipalElectronicWarfare systemusedonNavysurfaceships
With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments, and training sites through out the United States and Japan, Center for Information Warfare Training trains over 26,000 students every year, deliver ingtrainedinformationwarfareprofessionals to the Navy and joint services Center for Information Warfare Training also offers more than 200 courses for crypto logic technicians, intelligence specialists, informationsystemstechnicians,electron icstechnicians,andofficersintheinforma tion warfare community
From left to right: NorfolkNaval ShipyardApprentice
DirectorColbyTynes,2022Apprenticevaledictorian and Shop 31 Inside Machinist Linda Matthews,and Shipyard CommanderCapt.Dianna Wolfson.(PHOTOBYSHELBYWEST,NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD)
NIWDC Commander visits CIWT to discuss IW Training Whilevisiting the CenterforInformationWarfareTraining,Capt.Bryan Braswell,commander,Naval InformationWarfighting Development Center,received a tourofone ofthe Multipurpose ReconfigurableTraining System 3 Dimensional (MRTS 3D®) labs used bycryptologic technician technical students to learn howto maintain theAN/SLQ-32v6,the principal ElectronicWarfare system used on Navysurface ships,at InformationWarfareTraining Command CorryStation on Oct 13.(PHOTOBYKURTVANSLOOTEN) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, October 20 2022
NSWC Philadelphia Division Disability Month Spotlights
Logistics Management Specialist, Jorge Flores
Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division
In recognition of the important role peoplewithdisabilitiesplayinadiverseand inclusiveAmericanworkforce NSWCPhil adelphia Division recognizes Jorge Flores a logistics management specialist for the IntegratedLogisticsandFleetMaintenance Department, Technical Manuals (TM) BranchatNSWCPD
Observed annually in October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates the contributions of America’sworkerswithdisabilitiespastand present and showcases supportive inclu sive employment policies and practices The theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2022 is “Disability:PartoftheEquityEquation.”
Flores attended the Model Secondary SchoolfortheDeaf(MSSD)inWashington, D.C. and earned a certificate in computer operation from Camden County College and a certificate in computer aided draft ing (CAD) from the Technical Institute of CamdenCounty Born in Puerto Rico, he started as a summer intern at NSWCPD and strived to work his way up through the organization to where he is now in a logistics managementrole Flores’s responsibilities are to provide inventory database support or financial supportthroughanalysisoftechnicalequip ment data and documents associated with prescribed Navy processes in support of NSWCPD.
Hedescribedhiscurrentpositionassimilar to a person who writes the manual that describes how to operate and maintain a bicycle Only he does it for complex Navy ships Flores serves as a member of the Inte grated Logistics Support (ILS) Reference Desk Team. The Reference Desk serves as an entry point for In-Service Engineer ing Agents (ISEAs), Alteration Installa tion Team (AIT) & Program Managers, and anyone in the tech community seeking logistics support by providing assistance in searching&downloadingdrawings AllowancePartsLists(APLs),TechnicalManuals (TMs), and Planned Maintenance Systems (PMS) documentation, providing Ship Change Documents (SCDs) and ILS Cert assistance,provisioningandsupplysupport help, as well as running general configuration reports and performing research on smallprojects.
His journeyhas not always beeneasy He has faced many obstacles but continually strives to improve his work environment
so future Deaf employees can more easily integrate into the workforce establishing a better network for access to interpreters, improving the visual alert system in buildings,andsettingupvideophonetechnology are just a few of the improvements he has influenced.
“PuertoRicowasnotagreatplacetogrow up as a deaf kid My father was a true inspi ration for me though. He knew that I could and would succeed in life and he put everythinginmotionthatledtothatverysuccess,” Floressaid
His father worked as a courier in Puerto Rico shuttlingdocumentsfromthebankto lawyers offices via motorcycle His mother wasahomemaker
“My dad searched all over the country looking for Deaf programs and schools for children. Finally, when I was five years old; together with my siblings; our family relo cated to Philadelphia I was enrolled in an elementaryschoolforDeafkids,”Floressaid
“Myparentsonlylearnedalittlebitofsign languagebecausetheywerebusytakingcare of the family, not to mention that English was not their native language We commu nicated with body language and gestures Fortunately,mysisterlearnedSignedExact English (SEE) and Pidgin Signed English (PSE) and we could communicate in an actuallanguage Webecameveryclose Still are,infact,”Floressaid.
An elementary teacher recognized his ability to learn and recommended that he should move to Washington, D.C. for better educationalopportunities
“Bothmymotherandfather wereelated, as they encouraged me to progress and succeed in every endeavor along life’s journey,”Floressaid,excitedforthisopportunity “So, when I was 15 they enrolled me into the Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD) I am still very grateful to this very day becauseIflourishedthere.
FloreswhojoinedNSWCPDin1990,was thefirstdeafpersontobehiredbythe PhiladelphiaDivision.
“Most people here have never worked withaDeafperson,”Floressaid,addingthat tryingtomaketheinteractionbetweenthe Deaf and hearing as relaxed and normal as possible is always the goal. He noted that there is a tendency for people to want to talk to the interpreter instead of the Deaf person.
Flores’s primary communication languageisAmericanSignLanguage(ASL).
“It’spolitetolookattheDeafpersonyou arespeakingwith,justlikeyouarespeaking tosomeonewhocanhearyou,”headvised.
When asked about inspiring others Flores said, “Don’t focus on anything but
your passions Follow your heart. Follow yourinterestsandskillsets,andjustlikemy father said to me; you will be successful!”
NSWCPDemploysapproximately2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, andsupportpersonnel.TheNSWCPDteam does the research and development, test
and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-serviceandlogisticsengineeringforthe non-nuclear machinery, ship machinery systems, and related equipment and
rialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines. NSWCPD is also the lead organization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems
SOUTHCHINASEA(NNS) Maritime forces from Canada, Japan, and the United States concluded exercises in the South China Sea in support of Royal Australian Navy forces, Oct. 17
Thisisthefirsttimeallfournationshave trained together in the South China Sea exercising complex, maritime operations in the region.
This exercise builds on the previous bilateral and trilateral exercises from recent months conducted in the South China Sea. Throughout the naval exer cises, participants trained together and conducted integrated operations designed to increase the allies’ collective ability to maintain maritime security and read
iness to respond to any regional contin gency Integrated events included surface, subsurface, and air defense exercises that included Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) from several participat ing nations
Representing Commander, Task Force 71 are U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class guid ed-missile destroyers USS Milius (DDG 69) and USS Higgins (DDG 76).
“WorkingwithourAustralian,Canadian and Japanese allies in the South China Sea has been an invaluable experience and opportunity,” said Cmdr. Matthew Hays commanding officer of USS Milius “Combined maritime exercises help us strengthen interoperability and increase collective war-fighting readiness It was great to be able to work with these 3 fine naviesandtodemonstrateourunwavering
strong support for their increasing role in the region and our commitment to a free and open Indo-pacific.”
Professional engagement and cooperation with allies and partners is the foun dation of regional stability which fosters peace and prosperity for all nations
Australia was represented by the Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Arunta (FFH 151), and HMAS Hobart (DDG 39).
Japan was represented by the JS Suzut suki (DD 117) and JS Kirisame (DD 104).
Representing Canada was the Royal Canadian Navy Halifax-class frigate HMCS Winnipeg (FFH 338).
“HMCS Winnipeg’s deployment in the Indo-Pacific on Operation PROJECTION isaimedatconductingforwardnavalpres ence operations in the region as well as participating in cooperative deployments
andnavalexerciseswithalliedandpartner nations,” said Commander Annick Fortin, commanding officer of HMCS Winnipeg
“Theseexercisesareanexcellentexample; as they demonstrate our interoperability with other navies and provides opportunities to learn as well as prove our abilities to work seamlessly together It is a prime example of our motto “One with the strength of many”; working together, we are stronger.”
U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest forward-de ployedfleetintheworld,andwiththehelp ofanetworkofalliancesandpartnersfrom 35 other maritime-nations the U.S. Navy has operated in theIndo-Pacific regionfor more than 70 years, providing credible, ready forces to help preserve peace and prevent conflict.
In recognition ofthe important role peoplewith disabilities playin a diverse and inclusive Americanworkforce Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division recognizesJorge Flores a Logistics Management Specialist forthe Integrated Logistics and Fleet Maintenance Department Technical Manuals (TM) Branch forNational DisabilityEmploymentAwareness Month (NDEAM).(PHOTOBYPHILSCARINGI/RELEASED) FromCommander,TaskForce71/ DestroyerSquadron15
U.S. Navy supports Australia’s Indo-Pacific Deployment alongside Canada, Japan in the South China Sea SOUTH CHINASEA(Oct 07 2022)TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Milius (DDG 69) conducts a trilateral training exercisewith theJapan Maritime SelfDefense Force Murusame-class destroyerJS Kirisame (DD-104),the RoyalAustralian NavySupply-class auxiliaryreplenishment
oilerHMAS Stalwart (A304),and the Hobart-class airwarfare destroyerHMAS
Hobart (DDG 39)while operating in the South China Sea,Oct.07 The United States withJapan Maritime SelfDefense Force and Royal Canadian Navyare participating in multi-lateral exercises in the South China Sea in support ofthe RoyalAustralian Navy’s regional presence deployment Exercises like this reassure ourallies and partners ofourcombined commitment to maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSRICHARDCHO) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 20 2022 5
LEFT:IONIAN SEA(Sept.17,2022)
An aircraftattachedtoCarrierAir Wing (CVW) 7 fliesabove Greek islands in the Ionian Seaduring Athens FlyingWeek,Sept.17,2022
CVW-7isthe offensiveairand strike component ofCarrierStrikeGroup 10,GeorgeH.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (GHWBCSG).The squadrons ofCVW-7are StrikeFighterSquadron (VFA) 86,VFA-103,VFA-136,VFA-143 ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 140,CarrierAirborne EarlyWarning Squadron (VAW)121,Helicopter SeaCombat Squadron (HSC) 5, and HelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46.The GHWBCSG is on ascheduleddeployment in the U.S.NavalForcesEurope area ofoperations,employedbyU.S.
Fleet to defend U.S.,allied,and
Athens Flying Week
ByPettyOfficer2ndClass RichardRodgers Carrier StrikeGroup 10
Sailors from Helicopter Maritime StrikeSquadron (HSM) 46,Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26,and Carrier StrikeGroup (CSG)10flewfromtheNimitz-classaircraft carrierUSSGeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77)to Tanagra, Greece,toparticipateinthe 10th annual Athens Flying Week to demon strate U.S. air capabilities,Sept. 15 —Sept. 19,2022.
More than 30,000 visitors attendedthe weekend air showwheretwo MH-60s were among30military and civilian flight displays from 10 nations,including mili tary participation from Greece,France, Germany, Italy,Poland,Switzerland, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
The Sailors participated in three days of the air show, providing astatic display of both MH-60R and MH-60S aircraft for thepracticeanddemonstrationdaysofthe exhibition.
“The purpose of the showwas toget multiplecountriesandtheiraviationteams and armed services together to demonstrate aerobatictalents and airpowerto
the local public of Tanagra, Greece,” Lt AlexOwens,joint missionplanning officer assignedtoHSC-5
The detachment wasthe onlyAmerican presence at the Athens Flying Week and afforded CSG-10the opportunity to interactwithkeymembersoftheHellenicNavy including pilots of the Sikorsky S-70B-6 Aegean Hawk (SH-70B)and other part ners and allies
Outside of their official responsibilities inTanagra,personneltooklibertyinChalk idaandEritrea,aswellasmadedaytripsto Athens to tour the ruins of the Acropolis “The local cultureinChalkida, Tanagra, andAthenswaswelcomingandvivacious,” said Lt.Cmdr.StevenBerres.“The Greek peoplewerevery accommodating and we were excited to sharetheir culture.
GeorgeH.W.Bush is the flagship of CSG-10, GeorgeH.W. Bush CarrierStrike Group(GHWBCSG).CSG-10iscomprised of George H.W. Bush, CVW-7,DESRON26,the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyte Gulf (CG 55).
TheshipsofDESRON26withinCSG-10 aretheArleighBurke-classguided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarra gut(DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),and USSDelbertD.Black (DDG 119).
The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboardGeorge H.W. Bush arethe “Side winders”ofStrikeFighterSquadron(VFA) 86,the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103,“Night hawks” of VFA-136,the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143,the“Bluetails”ofCarrierAirborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW)121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron
(VAQ)140,the “Nightdippers” of HSC-5, and the “Grandmasters”ofHSM-46 GHWBCSG is on ascheduled deployment in the U.S. NavalForces Europe-Africa area of operations,employedbyU.S Sixth Fleet to defendU.S., allied, and part ner interests
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partnerinterests BELOW:TANAGRA,Greece (Sept 17,2022) Lt.Daniel Rose,right,and NavalAirCrewman (Helicopter Tactical) 2nd ClassValerie Koonjy, both assignedtoHelicopter Maritime StrikeSquadron (HSM) 46, speakwithvisitorsduringAthens Fly Week,Sept.17,2022.CarrierAirWing (CVW) 7isthe offensiveairand strike component ofCarrierStrikeGroup 10,GeorgeH.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group (GHWBCSG) (U.S.NAVY COURTESYPHOTOS) 6 The Flagship |www|Section 2| Thursday, October20, 2022
FRCE Hosts F-35 Joint Program Office
Product Support Management Director
ByJoeAndes Fleet Readiness Center East Public Affairs
CHERRY POINT, N.C. Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) hosted an Oct 11 visit from Edgar Apollo, the F-35 Joint Program Office(JPO)ProductSupportManagement director During the visit, FRCE leadership briefedApolloandgavehimatourhighlightingthedepot’ssupportoftheF-35program.
TheF-35JPOProductSupportManage ment team oversees F-35 supply chain logistics and sustainment for theU.S Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, seven international partners, and foreign military sales customers
“Thisvisitwasagreatopportunitytohigh light what we’ve been doing and where we are headed, said FRCE Commanding Offi cer Capt James Belmont “The F-35 brings unprecedented capabilities to our warf ighters It is unlike any other aircraft. We are proud of the work we’ve done and even prouder to support the fleet by providing modification and repair for an aircraft that isessentiallythefutureofnavalaviation.”
FRCEistheleadsitefordepot-levelmain tenance on the F-35B Lightning II and has conducted modifications and repair on the
MarineCorps shorttakeoff-verticallanding variantoftheaircraftsince2013 Thedepot has also worked with the F-35A (conventional takeoff and landing) and F-35C (carrier)variants
Belmont and other FRCE officials also briefed Apollo on the depot’s overall oper ations and facilities as well as the ways the commandisovercomingchallengesregard ingaginginfrastructure
After the briefing, Apollo toured shops supporting engine overhaul and compo nentcapabilitiesaswellasthedepot’sF-35B Lightning II modification line Apollo also visited FRCE’s $6 million, purpose-built laser shock peening facility Laser shock peening is a procedure used to extend the lifeexpectancyofcertainF-35Baircraft
FRCE is North Carolina's largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and techni cal servicesprovider,withmorethan4,000 civilian, military and contract workers. Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunction ing as an integral part of the greater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters
Learn more at or nessCenterEast.
Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Production MilitaryDirectorLt Col.Jason Raper,right,FRCE Business Development andWorkload Planning Branch Head Matt McCann and F-35Joint
Program Office Product Support Management DirectorEdgarApollo discuss FRCE’s support ofthe F-35B Lightning II during a tourofthe depot.FRCE is the lead site fordepot-level maintenance
on the F-35B Lightning II and has conducted modifications
and repairon
Marine Corps’short takeoff-vertical landingvariant
aircraft since
depot has
alsoworkedwith the F-35A(conventional takeoffand
and F-35C (carrier)variants.
Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Commanding OfficerCapt.James Belmont,second from right briefs F-35Joint Program Office Product Support Management DirectorEdgarApollo during
tourofthe depot.FRCE
is the
lead site fordepot-level maintenance on the F-35B Lightning II and has conducted modifications and repairon the Marine Corps’short takeoff
landingvariant ofthe aircraft since 2013.The depot has alsoworkedwith the F-35A (conventional takeoffand landing) and F-35C (carrier)variants.
@reallygreatsite Active Duty Sailors and Marines may be eligible for a Quick Assist Loan (QAL) for an unexpected financial situation. Interest Free Loan Up to $1000 No Application Fee No Appointment Required About 15 Minute Processing Time Must Apply in Person Please call your local Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society office to verify eligibility. Norfolk - 757.322.1171 Little Creek - 757.462.1596 Oceana - 757.433.3383 Portsmouth - 757.953.5956 www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 20 2022 7
SAFE SAFETREATS TREATS Don’t eat candy until it has been inspected at home Parents of very young children should removeany choking hazards suchasgum, peanuts, hard candies, or small toys from the Halloween bags Inspect commercially wrapped treatsfor signs of tampering, such as an unusual appearance or discoloration, tiny pinholes, or tears in wrappers. Throw away anything thatlooks suspicious Eat asnack before heading out to avoid the temptation of nibbling on atreat before it has been inspected. In case of afood allergy, check the label to ensure the allergen isn’t present. Tell children not to accept —or eat—anything that isn’t commercially wrapped 8 The Flagship |www|Section 2| Thursday, October20, 2022
Rain A
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va RAIN A TRIBUTETOTHE BEATLESisexcitedto announce that in addition to paying tribute to “Abbey Road” they will be performing your favorites from the “Rooftop Concert,” aswellasallofyourotherBeatle’sfavorites!
The Langley Federal Credit Union ConcertSeriespresentsRAIN ATRIBUTE TO THE BEATLES on Tuesday, May 2 at 8pm at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts Tickets will go on sale this Friday, October14at10amandcanbepurchasedat Ticketmaster.comorbyvisitingtheSandler Center Box Office located at 201 Market Street,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Ticketsare priced at $48, $58, $68 and $83 plus appli cable fees. To receive the exclusive presale code to purchase tickets before the general public,jointheSandlerCenterCyberClubat willtakeplacefromThursday,October13at 10amto11:59pm.
This mind-blowing performance takes you back in time with the legendary four
Santa Claus prepares to land at the
Aviation Museum!
to the Beatles presents “Songs
Rooftop Concert Live!”
nition screens and multimedia content, RAIN will bring the “Abbey Road” album and the “Rooftop Concert” to life with the launch of this new Tour Together longer than The Beatles, RAIN has mastered every song, gesture, and nuance of the legendary foursome deliveringatotallylive,note-for-noteperformance that’s as infectious as it is transporting Let RAIN take you back with all of the great est hits along with all of your other Beatles favorites!Thisadoringtributewilltakeyou backtoatimewhenallyouneededwaslove, andalittlehelpfromyourfriends!
LikeTheBeatles,theonstagemembersof RAINarenotonlysuprememusicians but electrifying performers in their own right!
For more information on tour dates, and tickets,pleasevisit:http://www.raintribute com/shows/ JOIN the conversation with RAIN on Facebook RainTribute, follow RAIN on Twitter @ raintribute, Instagram: @RainTribute and YouTube:
All children 17 and under get in free all weekend.Regularpricesapplyforguests18 andolder Museummembersgetinfree!All guestswithactivemembershipsorpre-pur chasedtickets get priority access to sitwith Santa! Portraits with Santa are taken by Museum Photographers and are printed on-siteatacostof$5.00perprint
Buy your tickets now online over the phone at 757-721-7767, or at the door. The museumisopen9:00a.m. 5:00p.m.,closed
The Military Aviation Museum is home to one of the largest private collections of WorldWarIandWorldWarIIeramilitary aircraft in the world
Each of our planes has been beautifully restored to its prior military condition, using original parts whenever possible
Most of the planes are airworthy and flown at the museum during flight demon strations and at air shows throughout the year Some being the last flight-ready aircraft of their time, and all of them being one of a kind.
VisitorstotheMilitaryAviationMuseum often wonder where these marvelous airplanes came from. The heart of the collection was formed and created by Gerald and Elaine Yagen, longtime resi dents of Virginia Beach and founder of Tidewater Tech, now Centura College, and the Aviation Institute of Maintenance
some delivering a note-for-note theatrical event that is “the next best thing to seeing The Beatles!” (Associated Press) Expe rience the worlds’ most iconic band and
come celebrate The Best of Abbey Road Live with RAIN A TRIBUTE TO THE BEATLES In addition to the updated sets thatincludestateoftheartLED high-defi
from AbbeyRoad and the
PressRelease SantawillbeflyinginfromtheNorthPole on Thanksgiving weekend November 25th,26th&27th,2022. Bringyourfamilyforafunfilleddaywith Planes,TrainsandSanta!Santafliesintothe museum each day at 10:00 a.m in a vintage airplane, weather permitting. You can even getyourportraitwithSanta! The Tidewater Division of the National Model Railroad Association are hosting a variety of train experiences, allowing kids (and adults!) of all ages to see and interact withmanyamazingmodeltrainexhibits. Santa and the Marine Corps Reserves will also be collecting donations for Toys for Tots! Donate a new, unwrapped toy for anewborntoteenager.Toys,books,science sets, art kits and sports equipment are just some of the ideas! Can’t make the event but wouldliketovirtuallyfillthecollectionbox? Visithttps://toysfortotsbox.comandfillthe
miss this great family event to includeinyourThanksgivingWeekend!For moreinformationvisithttps://militaryavia
schools Yagenhadlongbeenageneralavia tion pilot but never had the opportunity to serve in the military All of his flight expe
riencehadbeenincivilian,generalaviation flyingandmostofteninhiscorporate twin engine Piper Aerostar aircraft.
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Sweet Halloween treats! Before heading
to trick-or-treat,gather yourminions in the kitchen forsome familyfriendlyfun crafting these spooky tasty popcorn treats
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 20 2022 1
Threatened crocodile species hatches at Virginia Aquarium
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Two Tomi stoma hatched at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center on September 1, 2022. In May, 16-year-old Sommer laid a clutch of 19 eggs Two babies hatched after beingcloselymonitoredbytheAquarium’s husbandry team during a 113-day incu bation period. This is the first successful Tomistoma birth at the Aquarium, following previous nests laid by Sommer in 2019and 2020
“This hatching event is significant for not only the Virginia Aquarium, but also for broader Tomistoma conservation in North America,” says Colin Walker, Assis tant Curator of Fishes, Herpetology, and Invertebrates at the Virginia Aquarium.
“RalfandSommerwerethefirstlegalTomi stomaimportsfromahome-rangecountry in nearly 50 years, and their offspring will contributegreatlytothelong-termgenetic diversity of this crocodilian species.”
NativetoMalaysiaandIndonesia,Tomi stoma are a freshwater crocodilian species at risk of extinction. Therefore, this reproduction marks a commemorative mile stone for the Virginia Aquarium and the TomistomaSpeciesSurvivalPlan(SSP),an Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) conservationprogramthatmanagesbreed ing, research, and field projects with the goaltomaintainahealthyandself sustaining population.
The hatchlings are approximately 12 inches long and will likely double in size within the first year They will remain behindthescenesattheVirginiaAquarium for about 12 months while their health is closelymonitored.Aquariumstaffarecoor dinating with Tomistoma SSP partners to locate qualified caretakers
Born in Malaysia, Ralf (male) and Sommer were acquired by the Virginia Aquarium in October 2015 At the time, they were the first legally imported Tomi stoma in the U.S. since 1973 Tomistoma
are one of the least studied of the 24 differ ent types of crocodilians found around the world, due to their remote and inaccessible habitat, but some estimates show only 2,500 remaining in the wild. Tomistoma arelistedasvulnerableontheInternational UnionofConservationofNature’s(IUCN) RedListofThreatenedSpeciesandlistedas endangered according to the U. S. Fish and WildlifeService Populationthreatsinclude habitat destruction, drowning in fishing nets and overfishing of food resources
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center has an extensive history with field and conservation research on theseanimals TheAquariumisanaccredited member of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) as well as a participat ing member of the AZA Crocodilian Taxo nomic Advisory Group
About Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center
TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScience Center is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums TheAquariumisalsoamember of World Association of Zoos and Aquari ums The Virginia Aquarium’s mission is toinspireconservationofthemarineenvironment through education, research, and sustainable practices It is located at 717 General Booth Boulevard, just south of RudeeInletinVirginiaBeach.TheVirginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquar ium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising, administrationandfundingfortheVirginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservationandscientificresearchefforts, andtheAquarium’smission-relatededuca tion programs You can be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support our programming
3 Tips to boost your children’s self-esteem this school year
While packing bags and backpacks for school, there’s one essential that may be overlooked: Children’s self-esteem. Although many children may feel confi dentandself-assuredathome,theycanfeel differentlyintheclassroom.Whenchildren have high self-esteem, they’re less likely to reflectnegativefeelingstowardothers
“If children can treat themselves kindly, they’ll treat others that way,” said Carter Peters from KinderCare Learning Centers’ education team. “When children feel encouraged, supported and loved, they are abletogivethosefeelingstoothers.
Consider these three tips to boost your children’sself-esteem.
praisingorcomplimentingchildrenfortheir achievements, be specific and include affirmation for positive character traits such as “You were so kind to help Ms. Delmar take her recycling out or “I’m proud of you for seeing she needed help and offering it. Beingspecificwithyourcomplimentsrein forces the idea that your children are kind and helpful. Eventually, they’ll offer others the same positive affirmations and be less likelytolooktooutsideinfluencestodefine theirsenseofself.
“When children have high self-esteem andself-worth,theyknowwhensomeone’s opinionofthemisuntrue,”Peterssaid.“Chil dren with high self-esteem become adults capableofbelievinginthemselves.”
Their Emotions
• While it’s important to
intentionally connect with your children one-on-one, it’s equally important to give themspacetocometoyouforhelp Letthem know you notice when they don’t seem like themselvesbuttrynottopushthemtoshare beforethey’reready
You can talk with your children about the ways they can communicate with you, asidefromone-on-oneconversations Ifthey find it easier to communicate their feelings through writing, you can go to the store togethertopickoutajournal.Childrenwho are not yet proficient writers may prefer to drawpicturesabouttheirfeelings Nomatter themethod,besuretomaketimetocheckin withyourchildren.
TeachEmotionalLiteracyandReplace ment Skill Behavior
• You can help your children move beyond comprehension
of basic emotions happy, sad, mad and toward an understanding of more nuanced emotions Whenchildrencanidentifytheir feelings,they’reclosertodevelopinghealthy responses
Commonly labeled “bad behaviors” are often young children’s way of communi cating something is wrong, so they may need help identifying the emotion driving their actions It’s important for children to understand that while their feelings are acceptable,theirbehaviormaynotbe That’s wherereplacementskills acceptableways toexpressemotions comein.Forexample try saying “It’s OK to be mad It’s not OK to hitotherpeople.Whenyou’remad,youcan hitapillow.”
For more tips to help boost children’s self-esteem,
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
TOP:Tomistoma eggs hatching ABOVE: First tomistima hatchling is being examined.(PHOTOS COURTESYVIRGINIAAQUARIUM&MARINESCIENCECENTER)
2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, October 20 2022
ApolloAstronaut James McDivittdiesatage93
FormerNASAastronautJamesA. McDivitt, who commanded the Gemini IV and Apollo 9 missions, died Oct. 13. McDivitt passed away peacefully in his sleep surrounded by his family and friends in Tucson,Arizona.Hewas93yearsold.
McDivitt was born June 10, 1929 in Chicago. He graduated from Kalamazoo CentralHighSchool,inKalamazoo,Michigan,beforegoingontoreceiveaBachelorof SciencedegreeinAeronauticalEngineering fromtheUniversityofMichigan,graduating firstinhisclassin1959
HejoinedtheAirForcein1951andretired with the rank of Brig. General. Heflew 145 combat missions during the Korean War in F-80 and F-86 aircraft. He was a graduate of the US.Air Force Experimental Test Pilot School and the U.S. Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot course and served as an experimental test pilot at Edwards Air ForceBase,California.Heloggedmorethan 5,000flyinghoursduringhispilotingcareer.
McDivittwas selectedasanastronautby NASA in September 1962 as part of NASA’s secondastronautclass.
He firstflewinspaceascommanderof
theGeminiIV missionin June 1965. McDivitt wasjoined by fellow Air ForcepilotEd Whiteontheprogram’smostambitious flighttodate. DuringGeminiIV,White wouldbecomethefirstAmericantoventure outsidehisspacecraftforwhatofficiallyis knownasan extravehicular activity(EVA) orastheworldhascometoknowit,aspacewalk.Inthefollowing years,it wasaskill thatallowedApolloexplorerstowalkonthe MoonandAmericanastronautsandtheir partnersfromaroundtheworldtobuildthe InternationalSpace Station. Themission’s four-day durationnearlydoubled NASA astronauts’previoustimeinspacetothat point,withthelongestAmericanspaceflight previouslybeingGordon Cooper’s34-hour Mercury9mission.
McDivitt’ssecondspaceflightasthe commanderofApollo9playedacriticalrole inlandingthefirsthumansonthe Moon. This wasthefirstflightofthecompleteset of Apollohardwareand wasthefirstflight oftheLunarModule.Themissionlaunched from NASA’s KennedySpaceCenteron March 3, 1969,withCommander James McDivitt,Command ModulePilot David Scott,and Lunar Module Pilot Russell Schweickart.Afterlaunch,Apollo9entered
Earthorbitandthecrewperformedan engineeringtestofthefirstcrewedlunar module,nicknamed “Spider,” frombeginningtoend.Theysimulatedthemaneuversthatwouldbeperformedduringactual lunarmissions.Duringthemission, the astronautsperformedaseriesofflighttasks withthecommandandservicemodule andthelunarmodule.Thetoppriority was rendezvousanddockingofthelunar modulewiththecommandandservice module.Thecrewalsoconfiguredthelunar moduletosupportaspacewalkbyMcDivitt andSchweickart.OnFlight Day10, March 13,1969,the Apollo9capsule re-entered Earth’satmosphereandsplasheddown inthe AtlanticOcean,withinthreemiles andinfullviewofthe recoveryship,the USSGuadalcanal,about341milesnorthof PuertoRico.
McDivittloggedmorethan 14 daysin space. After Apollo 9, hebecamemanagerof lunarlandingoperations,andledateam thatplannedthelunarexplorationprogram and redesignedthespacecrafttoaccomplishthistask.In August1969,hebecame manageroftheApolloSpacecraftProgram, guidingtheprogramthrough Apollo12,13,
14,15and 16.
McDivitt retiredfromthe U.S. Air Force andleftNASAinJune1972,totakethepositionofexecutivevice-president,corporate affairsforConsumers PowerCompany. In March1975,hejoinedPullman, executivevice-presidentandadirector.In October1975hebecamepresidentofthe Pullman StandardDivision,TheRailcar Division,and later hadadditional responsibilityfortheleasingandengineeringand constructionareasofthecompany.InJanuary1981hejoined RockwellInternational asseniorvicepresident,governmentoperations,andRockwellInternationalCorporation, Washington, D.C.
Hisnumerous awardsincludedtwo NASA DistinguishedService Medalsand the NASA ExceptionalService Medal. For hisserviceinthe U.S. Air Force, healso was awardedtwoAir ForceDistinguished Service Medals,fourDistinguishedFlying Crosses,fiveAirMedals,andU.S.AirForce Astronaut Wings. McDivittalso received theChong Moo MedalfromSouth Korea, theU.S.AirForceSystemsCommandAerospacePrimusAward,theArnoldAirSociety JFK Trophy, the Sword ofLoyola,andthe MichiganWolverineFrontiersmanAward.
MacArthur Memorialto hostlectureandQ&Aon the
workofthe Multinational JointCommissionof MilitaryCooperationandDefense Reform.HeiscurrentlyservingasUkraine’s Partner NationalLiaison Representative andastaffofficerattheNATOHQSupreme AlliedCommander Transformation, Norfolk,VA.
historyofthe Russian-Ukrainian conflict,it’srecentdevelopments,proposed strategyforthefuture, as wellasahistory ofAmericanmilitaryassistancetoUkraine since2014. A question-and-answerperiod willfollowthebriefing.
Kovalenkoservedin variouspositions intheMinistryofDefenseofUkraineand theGeneral Staff of theArmed Forcesof Ukraine. At thebeginningofthe RussianUkrainianWar,hedeployedattheoperation areaand was responsibleforcoordinating internationalassistancewithintheframe-
This eventisfreeandopentothepublic. Formoreinformation,visitwww.macarthurmemorial.orgorcontacttheMacArthur Memorialat757-441-2965.
Aboutthe MacArthur Memorial:The MacArthur Memorial wasfounded in1964 asamuseumandlibrarydedicatedtothelife andtimesofGeneraloftheArmyDouglas MacArthur, whoisburiedinthe Memorial’s rotundawithhiswife Jean.TheCityof NorfolkoperatestheMemorialinclosepartnershipwiththenonprofitGeneralDouglasMacArthurFoundation.Itaveragesover 50,000visitorsper yearandisopenfreeof charge. Formoreinformation,pleasevisit
PressRelease NORFOLK, Va.—On Saturday, October 22, at 1:00 p.m.the MacArthur MemorialwillhostUkrainianAir ForceColonel Hennadiy Kovalenko.Colonel Kovalenko willpresentapubliclectureentitled“The Russian-Ukrainian War: RecentDevelopments,
staffofficerattheSupremeAlliedCommand Transformation (SACT)HQinNorfolk,Virginia.Heisagraduate ofKharkivAirForceMilitary Institute,theNational DefenceAcademyofUkraine,and received hisMastersofArtin International Securityand Strategyat King’sCollege London. Military AppreciationNight Sunday,October23rd $5OFFSINGLEADMISSIONWITHAMILITARYID LIMIT4PERID TICKETSMUSTBEPURCHASEDATBOXOFFICEONDAYOFEVENT. 757.423.8866•|TheFlagship| Section3|Thursday, October20 2022 3
Witchy Popcorn Balls
½of3-ouncebox)lime gelatindessertmix
orangesugarsprinkles,placedin smalldish
Spread sheet of waxed or parchment
over work surface and place wafer cookiesonit.
Spray large mixing bowl with nonstick cookingsprayandplacepopcorninside
Inmediumsaucepanoverlowheat,melt butter Stir in marshmallows and gelatin powder until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Adjust color with 1-2 drops food color, if desired. Pour mixtureoverpopcornandmixuntilcoated. Sprayhandswithnonstickcookingspray and press firmly to form into eight balls Place balls on eight wafer cookies Press candy decorations into popcorn balls to form“eyes, “nose and“mouth.
In small, microwave-safe bowl, heat chocolate chips, covered, 10 seconds. Stir toaidmelting Repeatasneededuntilchoc olateismeltedandsmooth Spoon about ½ teaspoon melted choco lateontopofeachpopcornball.Presslico ricestringsintochocolatetoform“hair.”
Dip cone edges into melted chocolate then orange sugar sprinkles Place on remainingwafercookiestoform“witches’ hats.” Place hats on popcorn balls. Allow chocolate to set about 45 minutes before serving.
1 spider web
1cupsemisweetchocolatechips, divided
Line round pizza pan with parchment paper; set aside In large saucepan over lowheat,meltbutter;stirin5cupsmarshmallows, stirring constantly, 3-4 minutes, or until completely melted Stir in vanilla. Remove from heat. Stir in 8 cups popcorn until coated. Spread onto prepared pizza pan in irregular round shape, about 1-inch thick, to resemble spider web. Refrigerate about15minutes,oruntilfirm.
In microwave, melt remaining marshmallowsabout20seconds,oruntilmelted. Using spatula, string strands of melted marshmallowoverpopcornspiderwebto createcobwebeffect.
In heatproof bowl set over saucepan of hot (not boiling) water melt ¾ cup choc olate chips; cool slightly In large bowl of remaining popcorn, pour chocolate over popcorn, folding gently to coat. Spread mixture on waxed paper-lined baking sheet, separating into eight small clusters Affixtwocandyeyestoeachpopcornclus ter Refrigerate10-15minutes,oruntilset
Melt remaining chocolate chips Cut licorice into 1-inch lengths Using small spoon,dabcirclesofchocolateontospider web.Affixchocolate-coatedpopcornonto chocolate circles Affix licorice lengths to chocolate popcorn clusters to resemble spiderlegs
Refrigerate 15 minutes, or until set. To serve,cutintosmallerpieces
Popcorn Caramel Apples
in large bowl; set aside.
In small saucepan over medium-low heat, heat caramels and cream Stir frequently until caramels are melted and creamisblendedintocaramels.
Pushonestickintoapplecenteranddip intocaramel.Spooncarameloverappleto
Placepopcorninlargebowl;setaside. Inmediumsaucepanovermediumheat, meltbutter.Stirmarshmallowsintobutter
8 popcorn balls 16chocolatewafercookies
3quartspoppedpopcorn 4tablespoons(
margarine 3cupsminiaturemarshmallows 3tablespoons(
¾cupchocolatechips licoricestrings 8chocolateicecreamcones
jellybeans candycorns
Yield: 4 apples 1quartfreshlypoppedpopcorn 1package(9
caramels,unwrapped ¼cuplightcreamorhalf-and-half 4lollipopsticksorwoodencandyapple sticks 4apples ½cupchocolatechips sugarsprinkles decorativeribbon(optional)
Place sheet of
paper on work surface
coat.Repeatwithremainingapples Place caramel-coated apple in bowl of popcorn and press popcorn onto caramel tocover.Placeappleonwaxedpapertoset; repeatwithremainingapples In small, resealable plastic bag, microwave chocolate chips 10 seconds and press chips to aid melting Repeat, heat ing at 10-second intervals, until chips are completely melted. Cut small corner off bagandsqueezechocolateontoeachapple, allowing chocolate to drip down sides Sprinklewithsugarsprinkles Tiebowtoeachapplestick,ifdesired.To
Green Halloween Zombies Yield: about 7 pieces 2½quartspoppedpopcorn 6tablespoonsbutterormargarine 3cupsminimarshmallows 4tablespoonslimegelatinpowder redgumballs candycorn flatgreencandystripsorfruitleather greensugarsprinkles
until melted. Stir in gelatin powder until evenlycolored. Pour melted mixture over popcorn and stir until evenly coated. With buttered hands,shapepopcornintosevenovals Flattenoneovalslightlyandsqueezeone endtoform“skull”shape Placeonparch ment-lined baking sheet. Repeat with remainingovals To decorate: Press two gumballs into eachskulltoform“eyes. Presscandycorn into skull to form “teeth. Use scissors to trim candy strips and press into top for “hair.”Sprinklewithsugarsprinkles Allow“zombies”tosetabout20minutes before wrapping individually in plastic wraporserveimmediately.
FromFamilyFeatures• From watching scary movies to dressing up as ghouls and goblins, spooky season means it’s time to pop up your loved ones’favorite snacks for a ghostly good time. Before heading out to trick-or-treat, gatheryour minions in the kitchen for some family-friendly fun crafting these haunting yet tasty treats Throughout October you can honor National Popcorn Poppin’ Month with eerie, delicious eats like Spooky Popcorn Spider Web, Green Halloween Zombies,Witchy Popcorn Balls and Popcorn Caramel Apples that add festive fun to the Halloween excitement As a perfect ingredient in treats of all types, popcorn is beloved for its seed-to-snack simplicity as a non-GMO,vegan, gluten-free sugar-free snack that’s naturally low in fat and calories.Add in its irresistible smell, taste and versatility, and it’s easy to see why it pairs so well with spooky celebrations. Find more Halloween treats at 4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, October 20 2022
Protecting your hearing and vision is a personal readiness mission
ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications
Hearingandvisionareimportanttoevery one,includingactivedutyservicemembers They must be alert at all times to their surroundingsandpotentialdangers
Fortunately thereareresourcesavailable from the Defense Heath Agency’s Hearing Center of Excellence and Vision Center of Excellencetokeepyoureyesandearssharp
Experts from these centers help advance research to diagnose and treat diseases and conditionsthataffectmilitarypersonneland theirfamilies
Hearing Loss
Limitingtheriskofhearinglossiscritical foraservicemember’shealthandreadiness
DOD policy requires the military services to each manage a comprehensive hearing conservation program to reducehazardous occupational and operational noise expo sures
The Army and Marine Corps provide annualhearingteststoallservicemembers, while the Air Force and Navy conduct annualtestingonservicememberswhoare routinelyexposedtohazardousnoise.
Noise-inducedhearingloss,orNIHL,isa commonmedicalconcernreportedtomilitary hospitals and clinics, according to Air Force Lt Col. April Taylor, an audiologist and a deputy branch chief of the Hearing Center of Excellence Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland.
“NIHL is caused by exposure to harmful noise, which can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear Once damaged, these microscopichaircells…cannotrepairthemselves,”sheexplained.
NIHL can occur gradually over time or with one single exposure Repeated expo suretoloudsoundsoveraperiodoftimecan causepermanentinnereardamage.
“The consequences of NIHL can be substantialincombatandnon-combatsitu ations, but it can also affect your personal life,” Taylor said. Hearing and communica tionarefundamentalto:
While noise is the number one work placehazardforservicemembersandcivilianemployees,hearingproblemsoverallare declininginthemilitary,accordingtoa2020 report.
A review of the data in 2022 has shown a plateau in the decline of hearing loss, but the trend has not continued downward said audiologist Dr Theresa Schulz, HCE
Hearing Loss Resources
Concussion (mild TBI) is one way you mayexperiencebothhearingandvisionloss.
Tinnitusisdeemed“bothersome”andcan impact your everyday life Tinnitus is often experiencedasaringingintheears
Protectingyourhearingeitheron-dutyor off-dutyiscrucialtoreadiness
Mobile boothless hearing test units are beingpilotedbyHCEandtheU.S.Army.
Eye Injuries and Vision Trauma
Twocommontypesofeyeinjuriesinclude chemical exposure and burns, and blunt trauma such as falls, accidents, or recreationalinjuries.
All eye injuries are unique and treatment variesbasedonthetypeanddegreeofinjury
“The most effective treatment is prevention,”saidMarleneFacine,visioncarecoordinator at the Vision Center of Excellence
Limb Loss:
headquarteredinSilverSpring Maryland.
Service members should remember to include their eye protection with safety equipment such as helmets even while enjoyingrecreationalactivities.
From2016through2019,thereweremore than 12,000 eye injuries among active duty service members Based on a recent review oftheDefenseandVeteransEyeInjuryand Vision Registry (DVEIVR), the number of blunt trauma injuries has remained fairly constantoverthelast10years
Vision Care Resources
DHArecentlyopenedtwooffourocular trauma centers (OTCs) across the MHS enterprise to provide care for the full range of eye injuries from initial medi cal/surgical management through visual rehabilitation and follow-on care in DOD or Department of Veterans Affairs’ facil ities The first two regional centers are at BrookeArmyMedicalCenter/WilfordHall Ambulatory Surgical Center in San Anto nio, Texas; Walter Reed National Military Medical Center/Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, National Capital Region, and the others will be located at Madigan Army
Medical Center Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, and Naval Medical Center San Diego, California.
Vision Care Service Coordinators are embeddedinthoseclinics.Theteaminteracts with thousands of eye injury patients each year These injuries are typically due tooccupationalhazards,trainingactivities, and conflict events
Preventing Vision Loss
If you are experiencing any vision or hearing problems, contact your military hospital or clinic for an evaluation.
Protecting your eyes is essential to mission readiness, communications, and safety
Proper eye protection is crucial to curtailinginjuries Differenttypesofsafety eyewear or gogglesAuthorized Protective Eyewear List (APEL) on the website may be needed depending on the typeofworkyouaredoingandtheenviron ment you are working in.
Regardlessofthereasonforvisionprob lems, early intervention is key to recovery “Any eye that can be repaired, should be repaired,” Facine said.
three Advanced Rehab Centers provide holistic care
ByClaudiaSanchez-Bustamante MHS Communications
Therearemorethan30,000Department of Defense beneficiaries with some level of limblossordysfunction.
They include many wounded combat veterans, as well as people who’ve suffered car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and othersevereinjuries
To ensure the Military Health System providesthemostcutting-edgemedicalcare for treating limb loss, the Defense Depart ment operates three Advanced Rehabili tation Centers or ARCs throughout the country to address the complex needs of individuals with severe limb dysfunction, includingamputation.
Located in San Diego, California; San Antonio, Texas; and Bethesda, Maryland, each ARC provides specialized and holistic carethroughmultidisciplinaryteams
They go far beyond the typical range of care, to include occupational and physical therapists and doctors that specialize in physical medicine rehabilitation, prosthet ics,andorthotics
“The whole structure of the ARC programsforpatientswithlimblossisholis tic, designed to address all the needs of the patient to live a full life, and either return to duty or to life after injury and after the military depending on what the individ ualpatient’sgoalsare, saidArmyMaj.(Dr.)
Megan Loftsgaarden a physical medicine specialistattheCenterfortheIntrepidCen terfortheIntrepidwebsite,atBrookeArmy MedicalCenter,inSanAntonio,Texas.
The ARCs’ multidisciplinary teams also include nutritionists, multiple types of behavioral health specialists, pain manage mentspecialists plasticsurgeons dermatol ogistsandneurologists.
The doctors “really look at the individ ual and what their needs are, versus look ing at the limb loss,” said Stuart Campbell, a physical therapist and chief of global health engagement for the Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excel lence, at Joint Base San Antonio, in Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
The three ARCs work in partnership with the Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence which conducts researchandprovidesclinicalpracticeguidancetotheARCs
Inadditiontofocusingontheindividuals with limb loss, the ARCs also support fami
“AlloftheARCshaveFisherHousefacili ties,”saidCampbell,referringtothenot-for profit organization that operates comfort homes near military hospitals where mili tary and veteran families can stay free of chargewhilealovedonereceivescare
“So, when the individual is being cared forasaninpatientorasamoreacuteoutpa tient,theirfamilieshaveaplacewherethey can stay right on the installation,” he said.
Those family members can attend sessions and be involved in their loved one’s care program and learn about what to expect.
“Each one of the three Advanced Reha bilitation Centers have, for lack of a better term,theirownpersonality,”Campbellsaid
TheARCinMaryland,knownastheMilitary Advanced Training Center is embedded within Walter Reed National Military MedicalCenterWalterReedNationalMili tary Medical Center website.
MATC uses a sports medicine model whereservicemembers,retirees,andfamily membersusesophisticatedprostheticsand athletic equipment to move from injury to independence,Campbellsaid.
The ARC in Texas, the Center for the Intrepid,has its ownfacilityon theBrooke Army Medical Center hospital campus
Designedtoprovidefull-spectrumampu teerehabilitationandadvancedoutpatient rehabilitation, CFI’s mission includes:
Providing rehabilitation for service members who sustained amputation, burns, or functional limb loss
Providing education to DOD and VA professionals on cutting edge rehabilita tion modalities
Promotingresearchinthefieldsofortho pedics, prosthetics, and physical/occupa tional rehabilitation.
“Weprovideamultidisciplinary,comprehensivecareprogramforpolytraumacases, includingeverythingrelatedtomajor limb trauma, limb salvage, the IDEO brace program,”amongothers,saidLoftsgaarden.
While CFI’s priority is active-duty servicemembers,theymayalsotreatbene ficiaries whose injuries fit their profile on an as-needed basis provided there is available space, she said.
TheARContheWestCoast,theComprehensive Combat and Complex Casualty
Care CenterComprehensive Combat and Complex Casualty Care Center website, knownasC5,isattheNavalMedicalCenter in San Diego
“Itwasformedin2007,ascombatinjuries wererising tomeettheneedsofcombat-in jured service members from the western andPacificUnitedStates,”saidDawnGolding, a physical therapist at C5
The C5 is equipped to provide the full spectrumofcare,frommedicalevacuation throughinpatientcare,outpatientrehabilitation, and eventually a return to active duty or transition from the military
“We mostly see patients ranging in age from 18 to their 70s,” said Golding
Most of their patients are active-duty servicemembersfromtheNavyandMarine Corps, but they have seen patients from all servicesandhaveafewretireesanddepen dents, she explained
Historically, most of the C5’s patients were injured in combat.
“Recently,alotofourpatientshavebeen involved in motorcycle accidents some in car accidents,” Golding said
The holistic care process begins with treatment to heal the injury and continues
with education on how patients can care for themselves That can extend for weeks ormonths,ifneeded,topreparepatientsto live an independent, active life
“Once they’re past the protective healingstage westartpre-prosthetictraining,” said Golding
This may include strengthening exer cises using crutches or other assistive devices, she added
Then, they can begin working with a prosthetist to cast and fit their prosthetic limb That’s typically around the six-to eight-week mark.
Patients work with physical and occu pational therapists on gait training to help them walk as symmetrically as possible They learn to trust the prosthesis and how tomaintaintheirbalanceonit,saidGolding.
Care also includes other health care providers, including neurologists and mental health care experts
“Wetakethemallthewaythrough,until they’re walking and balancing well,” said Golding “And then start increasing activi ties from there based on their goals.”
Thesecanincluderunning biking orany activity they enjoy.
Formoreinformation,ortobereferredto theARCs,talktoyourhealthcareprovider or contact your nearest ARC directly
Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Dominique Campbell drives a forklift on the flight deckofthe Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS HarryS.Truman (CVN 75) during avertical replenishment She iswearing properhearing andvision protection.(SEAMANVICTORIASUTTON)
LCpl.Annika HutslerworkswithJames Malinak,a prosthetician at Naval Medical
CenterSan Diego’s Comprehensive Combat and ComplexCasualtyCare clinic to adjust her prosthetic leg.C5 serves to delivermultidisciplinary qualityhealth services in an outpatient rehabilitation facilityforwounded,ill,and injured service members.(PHOTOBYU.S.NAVYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSJAKEGREENBERG) www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 20 2022 5
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