Naval Station Norfolk holds Chief pinning ceremony
ByKellyWirfel Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs Officer
NORFOLK, Va Sixteen Sailors from Naval Station Norfolk, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, Transient Personnel Unit Norfolk,Mid-AtlanticRegionLegalService Office,NavyMunitionsCommandAtlantic, NavyEnvironmentalandPreventiveMedi cineUnit2,andNavyExchangeCommand earned the title of “chief” during a chief petty officer pinning ceremony Oct. 21.
TheCPOpinningceremonyistheculminationofasix-weektrainingperiod,which began when the CPO advancement results werereleased.Duringthesixweeks,senior leadersintroducedthechiefselectstovari ous challenges meant to strengthen their leadership skills, giving them a better understanding of the roles and responsi bilities of a Navy chief The training also included history and heritage, physical challenges, team building, and mentoring abilities as they transition from the rank of E-6 to E-7.
Duringtheceremony,NAVSTANorfolk’s CommandingOfficer,Capt.DavidDeessaid thechiefsshouldbeproudoftheextremely richheritagetheyhavebecomeapartofbut never forget what got them there.
“Youworkedhardtobehere youwere pushed,moldedanddeveloped.Thisisthe day you will become a Chief Petty Officer intheUnitedStatesNavy,”saidDees “This
is the start of a new journey don’t forget what got you here, don’t forget the junior Sailor you were, as you all said last night:
According to NAVSTA Norfolk’s Command Master Chief Angelo Rappa, the CPO pinning is a culmination of effort from many different levels
“TheCPOpinningrepresentsmuchmore thanmanypeoplewouldtypicallyconsider For the Sailors being pinned, it represents not only the culmination of many years of proven dedication to honing their tech nical and professional expertise but also represents the beginning of a new chapter in their careers,” said Rappa. “The pinning also represents the very best of what Sail ors can do within a command and that is wheretherealmagiclies Ittakesmonthsof planning an initiation season which starts several months before the results are even released. It’s a humbling experience and it wasn’tuntilIwasaCommandMasterChief that I realized exactly how much our Navy pullstogetherasawholeinallowingusthe privilege to train our Chiefs.”
After being pinned with their anchors, each chief received a combination cover signifyinganewpositionofleadershipand responsibility.
“This day is something everyone works for in their Navy career,” said Chief Reli gious Program Specialist Christopher Atwood. “During my time at NAVSTA Norfolk, I have had outstanding mentors whethertheywereofficers,chiefsorjunior enlisted,theirguidanceiswhathashelped me reach this point.”
Remember Your future success and the success oftheNavyisbuiltupon younever forgetting those roots.”
Newlypinned Chiefs assigned to NAVSTANorfolkand sixadditional tenant commands are officiallypromoted during the NAVSTANorfolkChiefPettyOfficerpinning ceremony. The CPO pinning ceremonyis the culmination ofa six-weektraining period,which beganwhen the CPO advancement resultswere released.Chiefs are recognized forexemplarytechnical expertisewithin their rating superioradministrative skills,strong leadership ability,and most importantly chiefs bridge the gap between officers and enlisted personnel,acting as supervisors aswell as advocates for ByHendrickDickson USN Military Sealift Command The Military Sealift Command (MSC) UnderwayReplenishment(UNREP)Train ing Center (MUTC) at Joint Expedition ary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia Beach,Virginia,istheprimarytrainingpipe line for the more than 7,000 civil service mariners(CIVMARS)whoserveinthefleet The curriculum includes: Standard Tensioned Replenishment Alongside Method (STREAM) for Fuel and Cargo Ordnance Handling Training Material Handling Equipment, Banding & Palletization, Explosive Material Handling Equipment, Magazine Sprinkler Operation and Maintenance,ForkliftOperationsandmore. The courses provide CIVMARs with class roomandpracticaltrainingwheretheycan experience what it is like working at sea aboardMSCships With more than 30 replenishment oilers and dry cargo ships in MSC’s inventory, the STREAM course is a core MUTC curric ulum. It trains CIVMARs in conducting replenishments at sea and ensures MSC is capable of achieving its mission of provid ing logistic support across the full military spectrum24/7 265daysayear “Ourprimaryfocusistrainingpeopletodo underwayreplenishmentsaboardourships,” MSC UNREP Training Center keeps CIVMARs ready to sail JOINTEXPEDITIONARYBASE LITTLE CREEK-FORTSTORY(Oct 5,2022) MilitarySealift Command Civil Service Mariners operate a cargo rig at the MilitarySealift Command UNREP Training Center(MUTC).The MUTC provides hands-on training opportunityformore than 7,000 MSC Civil Service Mariners (PHOTOBYHENDRICKDICKSON/RELEASED). www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 Naval Station Norfolk hosts CIVIC Scholars Theirmission is to fostera spirit of civic engagement professionalism, and leadership in college students ofHampton Roadswhile connecting them to established business and communityleaders. PAGEA5 USNS Comfort departs in support of Continuing Promise 2022 Comfort is scheduled to visit Guatemala,Honduras, Colombia,Dominican Republic, and Haiti. PAGEA6 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 40 Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comOctober27-November2,2022 Our Yard History: Dry Docks 6 & 7, built for the EFC WWI changed everything involving shipping supplies across theAtlantic Ocean.The U.S.intended to continue to tradewith its friendlyEuropean allieswhile theycontinued receiving fierce attacks at sea.Over time the United States Shipping Board created the EmergencyFleet Corporation (EFC). PageA3 Dune restoration at Dam Neck Annex NavalAirStation Oceana-Dam NeckAnnexhosted a sand dune stabilization event to restore critical sand dunes along Dam NeckAnnex’s coastline. PAGEA4 Chiefselects assigned to NAVSTANorfolkand sixadditional tenant commands singAnchors Aweigh at the beginning ofNAVSTANorfolk’s ChiefPettyOfficer(CPO) pinning ceremony.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILYCASAVANT) TurntoMSCUNREP Page 7 www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, October 27 2022 1
CNRMA is hiring police officers
Public Affairs Specialist, Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
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police officers throughout the region. Police offi cersplayavitalroleinthesecurityandsafetyofthe military workforce and their families CNRMA police officers are assigned to law enforcement and security duties to protect DON personnel, Navy resources naval assets vital to nationalsecurity andStrategicWeaponsFacilities Thispositiondirectlyplaysavitalpartindefending our nation and those who serve. “One of the benefits included in joining our police force is the safer working environment, said Teddy Smith, CNRMA’s security operations branch head Otherbenefitsofbecomingafederalpoliceoffi cer are: yearly government raises, step increase in pay, and promotion potentials (career progression). Looking ahead for retirement? They offer 401 (K) transfers and the Thirft Savings Plan. They also give options for federal health, dental and vision programs You will receive furnished equipment, annual uniform allowance, and training at no cost to you. Training will be attended at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Academy. Employees will also earn annual leave, sick leave, overtime pay, holiday pay, Sunday premium pay and night differential pay. Join this rewarding career of heroes! To apply, send your resumes to
National First Responders Day is Oct. 28
Alec Lardarelllo
Naval SupportActivityMechanicsburg police officer
Kurtis Rider
Naval SupportActivityMechanicsburg lead police officer
Frank Johnson
Joint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story Fire Station 5 firefighterand paramedic 2 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, October 27 2022
ByMarcusRobbins Norfolk Naval Shipyard
TodayDryDocks6and7arebutmemoriesasafewyears ago they were both demolished after becoming obsolete to serve the modern mission of NNSY The site has now been paved over by providing prime laydown space that in turnpromotesanorderlyflowofworkproductremovaland deliveryofnewmaterialsfortheadjacentdocks,3and4.
Someofusmayrememberanactiveoperationalerawhen docks6and7mayhavebeenkeptdryastousetheconcrete floors for staging materials or wet to use as slips to house floatingworkorlivingbarges Thesetwindockshavealways been viewed as odd in a way to the modern worker, maybe becauseoftheirsmallfinishedlengthofjust466feet These docks were basically squeezed into an open wedge of land betweentheexistingDryDocks3and4.
The Great War, World War I changed everything involv ingshippingsuppliesacrosstheAtlanticOcean.TheUnited States intended to continue to trade with its friendly European allies while they continued receiving fierce attacks at sea OvertimetheUnitedStatesShippingBoardcreatedthe EmergencyFleetCorporation(EFC)
With no infrastructure to receive and or repair ships the EFC essentially started from scratch as the war raged on to provide support to the European allied shipping efforts ItwasdeterminedthatDryDocks6and7wouldbe constructedattheNorfolkNavyYardtoserviceEFCships
by Elisabeth, Queen
DryDock6admittedtheSSElkridgeandDryDock7the SS Lake Cannonsburg,
ing ceremonies on October 31, 1919 it was attended
of the Belgians because Belgium had been so decimated by the war that the availability of new supply ships and their facilities was considered worthy of a royal appearance
both on April 6, 1920, in order to support the efforts of the EFC until such time a few years laterthedocksrevertedbackforoperationalcontrolunder theUnitedStatesNavyatthisshipyard Our Yard History: Dry Docks 6 & 7, built for the Emergency Fleet Corporation Photo ofthe first DryDock7 docking the SS Lake Cannonsburg,Apr 6,1920 (COURTESYPHOTONORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) Photo ofthe DryDock6 Opening Ceremonyat NorfolkNaval Shipyard Oct.31,1919 (COURTESYPHOTONORFOLKNAVAL SHIPYARD) Photo ofthe DryDock6 and 7 Opening Ceremonyat Norfolk Naval Shipyard Oct.31,1919 (COURTESYPHOTONORFOLK NAVALSHIPYARD) Photo ofDryDock6’s first docking the SS Elkridge,Apr 6, 1920 (COURTESYPHOTONORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, October 27 2022 3 ALL OF THESE SHOWERS &BATHS WERE INSTALLED IN 1DAY OFFER EXPIRES 10/30/22 50% OFF INSTALLATION all shower &bath projects 24 MONTHS No Payments &NoInterest for GET YOUR BATHROOM UPDATED BEFORE THE BUSY HOLIDAYSEASON IF YOU WANT YOUR SHOWER REMODELED BEFORE THEHOLIDAYS, CALLTODAY! OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet withone of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design yournew shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswill remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. OVER 125,000+ CUSTOMERS HAVE CHOSEN US FOR THEIR SHOWER &BATHPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Plan 1247. Subject to credit approval. 0.00% interest rate during 24 month promotional period followed by fixed interest rate of 17.99% for 84 months. Payment example: for $10,000 purchase on approval date (APR 10.72%), 24 payments of $0.00 followed by 84 amortized payments of $210.11. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, equal opportunity lender banks. NMLS #1416362. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. New orders only.Cannot be combined with other offers. See design consultant for details.Other restrictions may apply.**50% offinstall is equal to 10% offthe total project price. Offer expires 10/30/22. 2705176338 CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
(Oct 19,2022)
Dune restoration at Dam Neck Annex
Naval Air Station Oceana-Dam Neck Annex hosted a sand dune stabilization event to restore critical sand dunes along DamNeckAnnex’scoastline,Oct 19
The restoration project is a collaborative effortbetweentheNavy,theNationalAquar ium,theVirginiaStateMilitaryReservation, andtheCooperativeEcosystemStudiesUnit
Sand dunes act as a natural barrier betweenlandandwaterand,withoutthese effortstoprotectthedunes,thesoftcoastline wouldrapidlyerode Maintainingthedunes isequallyimportantfromanoperationaland environmentalstandpoint.
“If the dunes weren’t here, our beaches and our installation at Dam Neck Annex would not be what they are today,” said Michael Wright, NAS Oceana’s natu ral resources manager “Additionally, we wouldn’t have the local habitat for species ofconcern andthosespecieswouldbecome endangered.
Building and maintaining Dam Neck’s dunes is a project that has been years in the making.
“In 1995, we had portions of our dunes
that didn’t exist at all,” Wright said. “There waswater,abouttenfeetofgrass,andbuild ings.Wewentthroughanextensiveprocess ofbuildingthedunesalongthebeach.”
Each year the natural resources depart ment identifies a vulnerable portion of the shoreline that needs attention, and volun teers assist with planting vegetation and installingfencing.
“We have planted literally millions of plants by hand on this installation, with volunteersupport,”Wrightsaid.
A wide variety of species were planted to strengthen and diversify the dune structures Astheplantsgrow theirrootstrapand stabilize the sand, which makes the dune more resistant to erosion. Last year’s recy cledChristmastreeswereevenusedtohelp builduppartsofthedune
The project has been very successful in protecting Virginia Beach’s native flora and fauna while allowing our military to continueitsmissionfocus
BesuretokeepNASOceana’sdunerestoration efforts in mind after the holidays when it is time to discard your Christmas tree Follow NAS Oceana on Facebook for updates through the holidays: @NavalAirStationOceana.
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Volunteers from Pocomoke Middle School’s Surfrider Student Club plant beachgrass on Dam Neck AnnexBeach. NavalAir Station Oceana-Dam NeckAnnexhosted a sand dune stabilization event to restore critical sand dunes along the installation’s coastline.
19 2022) Naval AirStation Oceana National Resources ManagerMichaelWright digs a hole fora plant on Dam NeckAnnexBeach. NavalAirStation OceanaDam NeckAnnexhosted a sand dune stabilization event to restore critical sand dunes along the installation’s coastline. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBY MASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASS MEGANWOLLAM) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, October 27 2022 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606
Naval Station Norfolk hosts CIVIC Scholars
Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs Officer
NORFOLK, Va Naval Station Norfolk hosted a military day for the CIVIC Scholars Oct 18
The CIVIC Scholars Program is a collaborative initiative between the CIVIC Leadership Institute, Old Dominion University and Tidewater Community College. Their mission is to foster a spirit of civic engage ment, professionalism, and leadership in college students of Hampton Roads while
connecting them to established business and community leaders, in order to build a cohortofyoungleaderswhoareexcellently preparedfortheircareers.
Thirteen local college students participatedinthemilitarydaywheretheytoured USSHarrySTruman(CVN75) C-2Asquad ronVRC-40,andatelunchwithDepartment ofDefenseciviliansandmilitarypersonnel. The event was held to strengthen communitybonds,helpparticipantsunderstandthe missionandimpactofthemilitaryinHamp ton Roads and most importantly to expose
themtovariouscareerswithintheDoDand military.
“It was such a unique experience for the studentstobeabletotakeatourofthisamazinginstallationthatisrightintheirbackyard,” said Megan Shuford, CIVIC Communica tionsandCIVICScholarsprogrammanager “The students had a wonderful experience and I know they learned so much during theirtimeonthebase.”
During lunch, the students connected with basepersonnel whocurrentlywork in positions that are similar to many of their
majors and also heard from Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’s human resource director, Latasha Keller, about the many opportuni tiesavailablewithintheDoD.
“Workingforthegovernmentisawonder fulopportunityandallowscontinualgrowth andadvancement, saidKeller.“Thegovern ment offers great benefits, job security and, most importantly, the ability to work with ourmilitarypersonnel.”
For more information about the CIVIC ScholarProgramgotohttps://www.civichr org/civic-scholars/.
Commander, Submarine Forces hosts French delegation
ViceAdm.WilliamHouston,Commander, SubmarineForces hostedFrenchNavyVice Adm.JacquesFayard Commander Strategic and Oceanic Submarine Force (ALFOST) alongwithFrenchstaffmembers,inNorfolk, Virginia,Oct.11.
Fayard’sstatesidevisitwasinconjunction withtheannualbilateralU.S.-Frenchsubma rine staff talks, Oct 11-12, which promoted the close cooperation and interoperability betweenthetwoNations’SubmarineForces
“Even before the founding of our Nation andespeciallywhentimesweredark,France supported us,” said Houston. “Not far from here, the monuments at Yorktown memo rializethestartofoursharedalliance With that history in mind, it is my great pleasure tohostViceAdmiralFayardandhisstafffor discussionsthatwilladdtotherichpartner shipweenjoyatsea.”
Houstonwentontoemphasizetheimpor tance of U.S. and French trust and cooperationintheunderseadomain.
“In particular, our Nations’ undersea forces have a strong and tested foundation of cooperation in shared missions in every theater of operations around the world, a foundationbuiltontrust,”saidHouston.
Fayard also took time to thank Houston andtherestoftheSubmarineForceAtlantic staffinattendancefortheirinvitation
“I took command of ALFOST barely a month ago, but this is already the second working engagement Vice Admiral Hous ton and I have shared,” said Fayard “This fact alone should point to the priority my Navyplacesontherelationshipbetweenour SubmarineForces Ilookforwardwithgreat optimismtobuildingonthedeeptiesforged by our predecessors and enhanced by the strongtiesbetweenourstaffs.
Capt.DanPacker,SubmarineForceAtlan tic’s Director for Plans, Policy and Inter national Engagement, also spoke on the importance of holding staff talks to learn fromeachother
“In our partnership, we realize that each submarine force has specific strengths, and the goal of these talks is to continue the dialogue that allows us to learn from the other’s best qualities,” said Packer “Joining with each other’s Submarine Forces is critical in overcoming any challenges we face together while also expanding upon
the NATO cooperation and interoperabil itygoals.”
During the visit, the French delegation also had the opportunity to meet with Adm. Daryl Caudle, Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, as well as take a tour of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) and the Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USS New Mexico (SSN779)
Fayard continued his stateside visit to Commander Submarine Group TEN in KingsBay,Georgia.
U.S. Submarine Forces execute the Department of the Navy’s mission in and from the undersea domain. In addi tion to lending added capacity to naval forces, Submarine Forces, in particular, are expected to leverage those special advan tagesthatcomewithunderseaconcealment topermitoperational,deterrentandcombat effects that the Navy and the Nation could nototherwiseachieve.
U.S. Submarine Forces and supporting organizationsconstitutetheprimaryundersea arm of the Navy Submarines and their crewsremainthetipoftheunderseaspear
(October18 2022)Thirteen
students from Old Dominion UniversityandTidewaterCommunityCollege participated in a militarydayonboard Naval Station Norfolkas part ofthe
CIVIC Scholars Program,Oct.18 Throughout the morning the
toured USS
HarrySTruman (CVN 75),C-2AsquadronVRC-40 and ate lunchwith Department ofDefense (DoD) civilians
and militarypersonnel. The eventwas held to strengthen communitybonds,help
participants understand the mission and impact ofthe militaryin Hampton Roads and most importantlyto expose them tovarious careerswithin the DoD and military
Leadership ofthe U.S.and French submarine forces speakduring a stafftalkmeeting held at Submarine ForceAtlantic onboard Naval Support ActivityHampton Roads,Oct.11,2022 The French statesidevisit is in conjunctionwith the annual bilateral U.S.-French submarine stafftalks which promotes the interoperabilitybetween the two nations’submarine forces BELOW: Leadership oftheVirginia-class fast-attacksubmarine USS NewMexico (SSN 779) pose fora photo alongside U.S.and French submarine force leadershipwhile touring the boat (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY
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ByPettyOfficer1stClassJacobMilham Commander,Naval Surface ForceAtlantic
RearAdm.BrendanMcLane,commander NavalSurfaceForceAtlantic(SURFLANT), hosted abi-annual, two-dayleadership trainingsymposiumonboardJointExpedi tionary Base Little Creekand NavalStation Norfolk,Oct.18-19
The conference provided avenue for navalleaderstofocus on the symposium’s keytopicsandanopportunityforMcLaneto bringwaterfrontleaderstogethertodiscuss current and futurechallenges and ways to maintain the Surface ForceCompetitive Edge
“Likeour lasttwo,this training sympo siumwasfocusedonwarfighting,”McLane said.
“Training symposialikethese arecrucial to us.Itisanopportunity for warfighters to sync and discuss new tactics and lessons learnedwithexperts in their respective fields.These exchanges of tactical ideas allowustoshareinnovativethoughtsabout howtowinthehigh-endfight.
More than 140surfaceleaders,including flag officers,commanding officers,executiveofficers,command senior enlisted leaders and SURFLANT staff members, gatheredtodiscuss alitanyofwarfighting
hosts Commander’s Training Symposium
VIRGINIABEACH,Va.(Oct. 17,2022) Dr.MikePetersen, directorofthe Russia Maritime StudiesInstitute, speaksduring NavalSurface ForceAtlantic (SURFLANT) Commander’sTraining Symposium (CTS)22-2, Oct.18 (U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSJACOB MILHAM)
nity to see and hear more about high-end warfight ing,”saidSeniorChiefInfor mation System Technician Scott Ohrum, the senior enlisted leader of AmphibiousSquadron6.“Icantake thesebigpicturethingsback to my command and our subordinate commands,so theyunderstandtheir partand importance inthebigpicture.”
On the symposium’ssecond day, Adm. Daryl Caudle,commander,U.S.Fleet Forces Command, took the opportunity to sharehis priorities and leadership principleswithwaterfrontleaders.Among other
topics,hespokeaboutthevalueofhavingan aggressive, offensivemindsetand howrisk calculations factor into planningand decision-making
Leaders and civilian expertspresented briefs,discussednumerous topicsand answered questions regarding U.S. Navy operations and interoperability with allies andpartnernations.
Captain BillMiante,commanding offi cerofTACRON22,highlightedthevalueof takingpositive,actionablestrategiesbackto hiscommand.
“Mybiggesttakeawayfromthis will be about howtobestmanage our Sailors.No matter whatplatform or commandyou are at, setting your personnel up for success whileachieving the mission translates everywhere,”saidMiante.
SURFLANT mans,trains and equips assignedsurface forces and shoreactivities,ensuringa capable force forconduct ing prompt and sustained operations in support of United Statesnationalinterests TheSURFLANTforceiscomposedofnearly 80 ships,17pre-commissioning units,and morethan30shorecommands
FormoreSURFLANTnews and photos, visit,www, and Twitter -@ surflant
the U.S. 4th
of opera tions,Oct. 19,2022.
During these mission stops,Continu ing Promise medical teams will focus on
partner nation medical personnel to provide careaboardand at land-based medical sites to increase medi calreadiness,strengthenpartnerships,and enhance the
capabilities of the
U.S. Navy and partner nations to respond to public health disasters and humanitar ian crises
“I’mexcitedtoworkwithsuchanenthu siastic and professional medical team,” saidCapt.Kathryn Elliott, command ing officer of USNS Comfort. “This is the Comfort’s seventh deployment in support of Continuing Promise,and we couldn’t be morethrilled to work withour partner nations,exchangeknowledge,andprovide assistance to those in need, furthering the lasting legacy of the Continuing Promise mission.”
Comfort will also conduct aresupply mission stop at U.S. NavalStation Guanta namo Bay, Cuba, the only Main Operating Base in theUSSOUTHCOMAOR andthe oldest overseas U.S. NavalBase
While deployedtothe USSOUTHCOM
AOR, CP 2022will be under the operational controlofRear Adm. JimAiken, commander,U.S.Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet (USNAVSO/ FOURTHFLT) and under the tacti cal control of Capt. Bryan Carmichael, commander,Amphibious Squadron (PHIBRON) Four,who will serveasthe mission commanderfor thisdeployment.
“It’sanhonor to work with the Comfort teamandourpartnernationspersonnel,as we strengthen our partnerships and help those in need in the Caribbean, Central and South American regions,” saidCarmi chael.“Medicalservicesareabigpartofthe mission, but we arealso building relation ships with these nations and their people that willhavealasting impact.”
Sinceits inaugural mission in 2007
morethan582,000patientsandconducted over7,000surgeriesintheregion.Comfort’s current mission will be the 12th Continuing Promise mission conducted in U.S. Southern Command/U.S.4th Fleet area of responsibility.
U.S. NavalForces Southern Command/ U.S. 4th Fleet supportsU.S.Southern Command’sjoint and combined military operationsbyemployingmaritimeforcesin cooperativemaritimesecurityoperationsto maintain access,enhance interoperability, and build enduringpartnerships in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Caribbean,CentralandSouthAmericanregion. Learn moreabout USNAVSO/4th
readinesstopics.Discussionsincludedhow SURFLANTcommandsandassetsfitintoan eraofGreat PowerCompetition, bestpractices for ensuring Sailors have what they needtosucceed,andsharinglessonslearned fromrecentmissionsanddeployments.
“This symposium gives me an opportu
U.S. NavalForces Southern Command /U.S.4th Fleet NAVALSTATION NORFOLK,Va. Hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH20) departed NavalStation Norfolk in support of U.S. NavalForcesSouthernCommand/ U.S. 4th Fleet’s Continuing Promise 2022 mission in
Fleet area
working alongside
Fleet at FLTand@NAVSOUS4THFLT. USNS Comfort departs Norfolk in support of Continuing Promise 2022 VIRGINIABEACH,Va.(Oct.17,2022) Capt.MacHarkin,deputycommodore,DestroyerSquadron 2,speaks during NavalSurfaceForceAtlantic (SURFLANT) Commander’sTraining Symposium (CTS)22-2,Oct.18.CTS is abi-annual,two-dayleadership training event forflag officers,commanding officers,executiveofficers,and command seniorenlistedleaders across the SURFLANT claimancy.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJACOBMILHAM)(THISPHOTOHASBEENEDITEDFORSECURITYPURPOSES) 6 The Flagship |www|Section 1| Thursday, October27, 2022
said David Dodge, MUTC Instructor.“To thatend, ourSTREAM class is our primary training objective. We have twocourses of stream,oneisastreamfamiliarizationwhich rightnow,wearerunningthroughallofthe new hires thatcome through MSC before theygoout to theships so when theyget to the ship they will have some idea of what theyaregoingtobedoing.”
“The other STREAM course is afull two-week course available for anyone at MSC,but usually the ones who takemost advantageofitare the Reservists who go through itbefore they go out for their two weeks underway. They learn safety proce
dures,actualunderwayreplenishments.We go througheachstep as if they would do on aship.”
More than 500 CIVMARs go through STREAM each year,where they simulate replenishments-at-sea using the on-site refueling and cargo rigs configured with all thesameequipmentfoundonbothsending andreceivingships
“Theonlythingmissingherearetheships and the water,” saidDodge.“We start with classroom traininginstandard operating procedures forUNREP.They learnabout rigteamorganization,safetyproceduresand communications.Thenwetakethem out to the rigsfor hands-on lessons.Everyone gets to participate and see what it’s like to actually conduct an UNREP.Atthe end of thecourse,wetestwhatthey’velearnedand
The nearly 20 MUTCcontract andcivil ianinstructorstrainthousandsofCIVMARs eachyearinSTREAMandtheothercourses. These coursesare invaluable, especiallyfor newhires who cometoMSC withnoprior experience.TheMUTCgivesthemalookat what it’s liketobeatsea andwork operate aboardanMSCship.
“I wish Ihad the opportunity to go throughcourseslikethiswhenIfirstjoined MSC,”saidHildaJacobs,MaterialHandling ForkliftInstructor.“Ithelpswhenyouhave an idea ofwhat you’redoing. Before, new hireswouldjustgetthrownoutthere.There isalotgoingonatseaandpeopledon’thave alotoftimetoreallyhelpyou.Herewehave the time.Theycan makethe mistakes here, but out there,thosemistakescouldcost
MUTChasprovidedreplenishmenttrain ing and engineeringservices to thesurface fleet since 1976. As MSCand the Navy fleet takeonanew generation of challenges, MUTCwillcontinuetobeacriticaltoensur ing maritimeforces most invaluableassets arereadytotakeonthechallenges.
“Ourgoalistoensureourpeople,whether they areCIVMARs,activeduty Sailors or Reservists,are confident in their ability to dotheirjobsatsea,”saidMUTCSiteAdmin istratorCodyHolliday. “Wewant to ensure everyonewhocomesthroughhereisableto takewhat they learned back to their ships andare abletooperate their jobs safely and efficiently.Ultimately,that will affect how successful we areatMSC and impact our abilitytomayoperabilityatsea.”
MSC UNREP from Page 1 www |The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, October27, 2022 7
Expanding Horizons:
Naval STEM initiative focuses on high school, college students
By Warren Duffie Office of Naval Research
ARLINGTON, Va. — The Department of the Navy’s (DoN) Naval STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) program recently launched the newest version of its Naval Horizons student essay contest for high school and college students.
Naval Horizons is a STEM educational video series from the DoN’s Naval STEM Coordination Office, located at the Office of Naval Research (ONR). It is a collection of more than 35 videos highlighting scientists and engineers, to include active-duty mili tary personnel, working within the DoN. It aims to broaden the awareness of real-world science and technology challenges facing the Navy and Marine Corps today and help illu minate the many pathways to STEM careers.
“Naval Horizons is encouraging the students to picture themselves in STEM careers where they are able to contribute to cutting-edge science and technology that
solves tough problems,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby. “We are seeking individuals interested in STEM careers, who may or may not have been exposed to the wide variety of civilian and military professional opportunities in naval science and technology.
“There is a great benefit in having videos presented by both uniformed and civilian personnel with STEM backgrounds,” Selby continued. “This helps demonstrate the crit ical relationship between the DoN civilian workforce and military STEM profession als as they collaborate to develop exciting, and often groundbreaking, technology and capabilities.”
The DoN’s Naval STEM Coordination Office oversees investments in education, outreach and workforce initiatives. This enables the U.S. to cultivate the technical workforce needed to keep the Navy and Marine Corps on the leading edge of scien tific and technological innovation.
Each Naval Horizons contest adds new
online videos to the existing set. Students may choose to learn about any topic in the complete video collection, which covers a variety of research areas — including aero space optometry, autonomy, data science, environmental science, naval architecture, nuclear engineering, oceanography, under sea medicine and more. In each video, naval scientists and engineers discuss the applica bility of their work.
For the essay contest, high school and college students are invited to learn about naval research topics by watching the videos. They then are encouraged to submit an essay that explains how they’re inspired by naval research and the naval workforce — and provide a futurist vision of the Navy and Marine Corps.
The essay contest will close at noon EST on Monday, Nov. 28. Judges will select up to 5,000 winners, all of whom will be eligible to receive a $200 cash prize. Exceptional essays will be designated Naval Horizons Highest Honors and highlighted on the website at
“This is a valuable opportunity for high school and college students to learn about diverse, state-of-the-art science and tech nology areas applicable to naval challenges,” said Sandy Landsberg, who is both the Naval STEM Coordination Office executive and a division director in the Information, Cyber and Spectrum Superiority Department at ONR. “Naval Horizons will showcase lead ing experts — as well as their innovative research — to get students thinking about how they could potentially use science and technology to design the future.”
Those interested in learning about the Naval Horizons essay contest should visit
While this contest is designed specifically for high school and college students, every one is invited to watch the videos related to Naval STEM.
NTAG New England pins ten new Chiefs
By Petty Officer 3rd Class Kalliyah Lowe Navy Talent Acquisition Group New England
Navy Talent Acquisition Group New England pinned ten new Chief Petty Offi cers during a ceremony aboard the USS Constitution, Oct. 20, 2022.
“This year’s group of selectees originally started as nine individuals,” said NTAG New England Command Master Chief Jason Richardson from Sturgis, Michigan. “They became a team over six weeks and stepped up to help a new check-in selectee
adjust to the command and CPO training. I’m proud of their work ethic, knowledge and dedication to the Navy.”
Chiefs are considered experts in their field and are charged with ensuring the command missions are accomplished while developing junior Sailors.
“The training process is vital for the selectees,” said Chief Recruiter, Master Chief Navy Counselor Sara Drake, from Indiana, Pennsylvania. “It helps lay out the framework of what a chief is. It’s in the training and preparation that makes a chief a good leader.”
The pinning ceremony recognizes the diverse leadership, heritage and 128 years of tradition instilled in the new chiefs.
“Chiefs are the backbone of the Navy,” said Chief Hospital Corpsman Ellasan Roe from Chicago. “We are charged with continuing tradition and helping to push the Navy forward. We develop junior sailors into leaders so that they can push the Navy forward as well.”
As the pinning concluded, the new CPOs were rung off the ship through the sideboys, marking the beginning of a new stage of their career as respected and valued leaders.
NTAG New England covers the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa chusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and the eastern half of New York. Headquar tered out of Boston, Massachusetts, the command has more than 35 recruiting stations, eight Navy Operational Support Centers, and four Military Entrance Processing Stations.
Follow NTAG New England on Face book (@NTAG.NewEngland), Twitter (@ NTAGNewEngland) and Instagram (@ newenglandnavy).
Chief petty officer combination covers rest in formation for the Navy Talent Acquisition Group New England pinning ceremony aboard the USS Constitution Oct. 20, 2022. (U.S. NAVY PHOTO BY CHIEF MASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST JOSHUA J. WAHL)
Naval Horizons—a new video educational series from the Department of the Navy’s (DoN) Naval STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education and outreach program. Naval Horizons will officially launch on Tuesday, Oct. 27, at noon EST. (U.S. NAVY GRAPHIC JEFF WRIGHT)
Warren Duffie Jr. is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications.
Honor Flight Chicago Naval Station Great Lakes and tenant commands brought 154 Sailors to support Honor Flight Chicago’s (HFC) last flight of 2022 at Chicago Midway International Airport. Page B3 uarterdeck | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27, 2022 1
SWO boss visits Japan to engage with surface warriors
FromCommander,NavalSurfaceForce, U.S.PacificFleet
YOKOSUKA, Japan Vice Adm. Roy Kitchener,commander,NavalSurfaceForce, U.S.PacificFleetvisitedFleetActivitiesYoko suka (CFAY) and Sasebo (CFAS) to engage with forward-deployed Sailors and their communities and connect with Japan Mari time Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) partners, Oct 16-20.
DuringhisvisittoYokosuka,Kitchenermet withSailorsassignedtoTaskForce71,hosted an engagement for regional surface warfare officers (SWO), and held an all-hands call with Sailors assigned to forward-deployed ships to solicit their feedback about current and future initiatives within the Surface Force.
Kitchener visited USS Dewey (DDG 105) topresentthecrewwiththeBattleEfficiency (Battle‘E’)award.TheBattle‘E ispresented to the command that demonstrates the best performance throughout the calendar year
in the Command Excellence Award (CEAs) areas of maritime warfare engineering and survivability command and control, safety andsupplymanagement.
Deweyisoneofsevendestroyersassigned to Destroyer Squadron 15, the largest forward-deployeddestroyersquadroninthe U.S.Navy
“DeweySailorsdemonstratedexceptional combat readiness throughout an incredibly demandingyearofhigh-tempooperationsin theIndo-Pacific,”saidKitchener.
Alongside officials in the JMSDF Kitch ener toured the recently commissioned Mogami-class frigate JS Mogami (FFM 1) to understand how the U.S. Navy and JSMDF cancontinuetoimproveinteroperabilityand strengthenthemaritimealliance
“For more than 70 years, the U.S.-Japan Alliance has been the cornerstone of stabil ity and security in the Indo-Pacific and will continue to play that role in the future,” said Kitchener. “The U.S. Navy and the JMSDF will continue to integrate our forces and
leverage emerging technologies to advance andstrengthenourcombinedcapabilities.”
FollowinghisvisitinYokosuka,Kitchener traveled to Sasebo, Japan, to continue his conversationswithSurfaceSailorsstationed at CFAS He also held office calls with lead ers from Commander Task Force (CTF) 76, Commander Naval Surface Group West ern Pacific (CNSGWP), Ship Repair Facil ity and Japan Regional Maintenance Center (SRF-JRMC)DetachmentSasebo Amphibi ousSquadron(COMPHIBRON)11,andMine Countermeasures Squadron (MCMRON) Seven.
Before departing Sasebo, Kitchener held anall-handscallonboardUSSAshland(LSD 48) and met with regional chief petty officer (CPO)selectstocongratulatethemonachievingtheircareermilestone.
The mission of CNSP is to man, train, and equip the Surface Force to provide fleet commanders with credible naval power to controltheseaandprojectpowerashore.
From Desktop to Deck Plate
JosephRomanomovedaroundalotduring hisfather’sU.S.Navyservice.Hisfamilyspent thelongestperiodsoftimeinPensacola,Flor ida
before he finally settled withhismotherinGrandPrairie Texas.
Whilesomepeopleshyawayfrommilitary service as a result of this type of upbringing, Romanobecameinspiredtodohisduty
WhilelivingandattendingcollegeinGrand Prairie,Romanoworkedasacashierinalocal grocerystore.Withhiscollegeexperiencenot offeringtheopportunitieshe’dhopedandhis jobnotofferingmuchroomforadvancement Romanodecidedtofollowinhisfather’sfoot stepsandenlistintheNavy
“Ineededachange,”saidRomano “I’dreal ized college just wasn’t in the cards for me. I drovetotherecruitingofficeinIrving,Texas, hoping for an IT rate I could get software trainingandfinishschoolwhileIserved.”
Instead, on May 1, 2012, Romano gradu atedfromRecruitTrainingCommand,Great Lakes asanundesignatedSailor.
Whileathisfirstcommand,theTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh
(CG 67), Romano took full advantage of the opportunitytoexperiencedifferentratesand strike the one that suited him He chose the Navy’soldestrate boatswain’smate
“I love the tradition, and I love working throughoutdeckdepartment,”saidRomano. “I get to be active and enjoy the sunlight every day.”
While at his second command, the USNS Trenton (T-EPF 5), an expeditionary fast transport ship that primarily supports humanitarianaidanddisasterrelief,Romano used his extra time learning software and looking for a job in IT When the time came, he decided to take a break from active duty and follow his initial plan to work with computers After only two years he decided hemissedlifeatseaandmadethedecisionto returntoactivedutyin2020.
Now a Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun (DDG 103), Romano isfocusedondevelopingtheleadershipskills thatwilltakehimtothenextlevel.
“I still want to go back to school to study computers, but I’m excited to see where my careerleadsme,”saidRomano
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS GeorgeH.W.Bush(CVN77)istheflagshipof
CarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)10andtheGeorge H.W. Bush CSG CSG-10 is comprised of George H.W. Bush, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26, the Information Warfare Commander, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USSLeyteGulf(CG55)
The ships of DESRON 26 within CSG-10 are the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarragut (DDG99),USSTruxtun(DDG103),andUSS DelbertD.Black(DDG119)
ThesquadronsofCVW-7embarkedaboard George H.W. Bush are the “Sidewinders” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103, “Nighthawks” of VFA-136 the “Pukin Dogs” of VFA-143, the “Bluetails” of Carrier Airborne Early Warn ing Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the “Grandmasters” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM)46
The George H.W. Bush CSG is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa area of operations employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet to defend U.S. allied, and partnerinterests
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Mid-Atlantic Fleet and
Commander Littoral Combat Ship Squadron Two
JACKSONVILLE,Fla. Inone of the most time-honored tradi tionsofanenlistedSailor’scareer, USS ST Louis (LCS-19) Blue held achiefpettyofficer(CPO)pinning ceremony aboardtheUSSOrleck (DD-886) Museum in Jackson ville,Florida,Oct.21,2022
After several weeks of train ing and mentorship, two Sailors assignedtoUSSSt Louis(LCS19) Blue crew donned a pair of gold fouled anchors for the first time and became chief petty officers The pinning ceremony marked the culmination of six weeks of indoctrination and initiation into one of the most exclusive professional fellowships in the Navy theChiefsMess Duringinitiation, dubbedthe“ChiefsSeason”,First Class Petty Officers selected for chief are trained, mentored, and tested in leadership core values andanarrayofotherprofessional and personal development areas before being accepted into the ChiefsMess
“It was the biggest self-evalua tion I endured in my entire Navy
career,” said Chief Electronics Technician Matthew Gusse, a newly tried, tested and accepted chief in the St Louis Blue Chiefs Mess “The most valuable lesson I learned was humility, and being selected is a great honor and a humblingexperience
Thepinningceremony,setwith a backdrop of a highly decorated naval vessel, adorned with the Navy’s finest décor, was an inspi rational setting for a momentous daysinthesenewchiefscareers.
“Being selected [by the St Louis Blue Chiefs Mess] means theworldtome,”saidChiefIntelligence Technician Tyler Averett, one of the newly pinned chiefs. “I havebeenblessedwithgreatleadershipandSailorswhoallowedme toworkwithandleadthem.Being acceptedmeansIhavethetrustof theMess,andthatiseverythingto me I hope to continue that trust withtheMessandmycrew.”
More than 15 St Louis Blue chiefs,ledbythecommandsenior chief worked tirelessly prepar ing the recently selected chiefs for their new roles in the Navy’s mission. Still, the chiefs season is a mere glimpse into the culture, traditions and expectations of a
Navy chief and what is expected ofthosewhoweartheanchors;the restisuptothebearer
“We used the last six weeks to help these new chiefs under stand the weight of the anchors they must now personify every day,” said Command Senior Chief Bryon Vosburg. “It can be a heavy burden, but it’s something their peers have seen in them and expect from them each day. They must continue setting the highest standards,betheexamplefortheir junior Sailors, and decide which kind of chief, leader and mentor they’re going to be They have so muchtogive,andIexpectthemto pay it forward to the next generationofSailors.”
The history and traditions of thechiefpettyofficerdatebackto 1893 and, each year, chiefs across the Navy work to uphold and instill the principles and obser vances the gold-fouled anchors represent
The USS Orleck is the most decorated U.S. Navy warship post-World War II. The Orleck is named after Lt Joseph Orleck, who went missing in action in 1943 during an attack in the Gulf ofSalerno.CommissionedonSept,
15 1945 the ship served in the ColdWar,theKoreanWarandthe Vietnam War. During the Korean War, she began what became knownasthe“TrainBusterClub” after successfully eliminating two military transport trains, first destroyingthetracksaheadofand behind the trains and then the trains themselves After 37 years of service the USS Orleck was decommissioned on Oct. 1, 1982.
After 12 years of work, the Orleck was moved to Jacksonville and is now the centerpiece of the Jack sonvilleNavalMusuem.
St Louis is the 22nd LCS in the Navy and the tenth of the Freedom-variant. It is the seventh ship to bear the name. The first St Louis, a sloop of war, was launched in 1828. LCS is a fast, agile, mission-focused platform designed for operation in near shore environments yet capa ble of open-ocean operation. It is designed to defeat asymmet ric “anti-access” threats and is capable of supporting forward presence, maritime security sea control,anddeterrence
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three
housing available to families:
Members. These
known as
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HOUSING Norfolk:
Family Support
(FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and
all available to you at no cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
PorshaThompson Carrier Strike Group 10
(Oct 17 2022)ViceAdm.RoyKitchener Commander Naval Surface Force,U.S.Pacific Fleet speakswith the ChiefPetty
Officers Mess
aboardArleigh Burke-class guided-missile
Dewey(DDG 105).During
Dewey’s current
state ofreadiness,metwith Sailors and
the crewwith the 2021
USS St. Louis (LCS 19) Blue Crew pins new chief petty officers aboard museum ship USS Orleck (DD-886). 2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27 2022
Great Lakes Navy joins Honor Flight Chicago for last
NavalStationGreatLakesandtenantcommandsbrought 154 Sailors to support Honor Flight Chicago’s (HFC) last flight of 2022 at Chicago Midway International Airport, Oct 19,2022.
Electronic’s Technician 1st Class Elizabeth R. Tamayo, stationed with Surface Combat Systems Command Great Lakes (SCSTC GL), led the Navy’s effort supporting the 106th HFC flight. Tamayo spent 490 hours organizing 11 Welcome Home ceremonies for 1,265 Wartime Veterans, coordinating transportation utilizing 21 qualified bus driv ers, and leading 1,290 Staff and Student volunteers from 6 commandsintheGreatLakesregion
“HonorFlightChicagohasbeenoneofthemostmeaning ful programs I have been able to be a part of,” said Tamayo “Thisceremonyprovidedarenewedsenseofprideintheir military heritage for the Wartime Veterans helping them forgettheharshwelcometheyreceivedwhentheyreturned duringtheirservice.ItalsogivesnewaccessionSailorsalook intotheirpast,learnaboutthosewhocamebeforethem,and renderhonorstotheirpredecessors.”
HFC accepts applications for veterans from WWII, the KoreanWar,andtheVietnamWar,foranall-expensespaid trip to the Day of Honor in Washington, D.C., visiting the memorials built in tribute to the service of veterans from thoseperiods.
“HonorFlightChicago’smissionistoHonor,Thank and Inspireby buildingawareness andappreciationofthedebt ofgratitudeAmericaowesitsveteransfortheirserviceand sacrificeforournation, accordingtotheirwebsite
The trips culminates into a most-welcomed greeting comprised of several hundreds to well over a thousand local community members and organizations paying their respectstotheveterans
“These veterans always be heroes in our eyes,” said Ron Wolflick, Chairman of Operation Locate a hero at HFC “Whatever their service was to our country it deserves everything,allofoureffortsintothem.Theycomebackfrom the trip [to Washington, D.C.] thinking we’re done…with everyone’s help it’s possible to give them the best welcome homemanyofthemneverreceived.”
Great Lakes Sailors, alongside other uniformed service memberswelcomedeachveteranwithasaluteandescorted theveteranswithaparadethroughNavysideboysfromthe arrivalgateallthewaythroughmorethanathousandcheeringcommunitymemberstothebaggageclaimtomeetwith theveterans’families
“AllofourSailorsvolunteeredtobehere,”saidCapt Roy L. Henkle, commanding officer of SCSTC GL. “My Sailors wanted to be a part of this history, with the same pride in theireyesaswhentheytooktheiroathofenlistment,when they dawned their Navy ball cap after battle stations, when theychosetobeinourNavy Opportunitiesforoursailorsto interact with our veterans and understand the benefits our countryenjoyedduetowhatSailorsandtroopshavedonein thepast OurSailorscanunderstandandbeinspiredtolook tothefuture,whattheirservicebeforeselfmeans.”
For more information about Naval Station Great Lakes, visit:
For more information about HFC, visit: https://www
Combat Systems Training Command
2022 flight
(Oct 19 2022)
Accession Sailors assigned to Surface Combat
SystemsTraining Command Great Lakes
and Surface Warfare Engineering School Command Great Lakes,escortveterans during HonorFlight Chicago’s
106th flight
at Chicago MidwayInternationalAirport Naval Station Great Lakes and tenant commands brought
154 Sailors to support
HonorFlight Chicago’s
flight of2022.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSCORYASATO/RELEASED) CHICAGO (Oct 19,2022) Seaman RecruitAlexanderAtencio (front) and Seaman Luis SantosTrejo both accession Sailors assigned to Surface Combat SystemsTraining Command Great Lakes,greets aveteran during HonorFlight Chicago’s 106th flight at Chicago Midway InternationalAirport.Naval Station Great Lakes and tenant commands brought 154 Sailors to support HonorFlight Chicago’s (HFC) last flight of2022.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSCORYASATO/RELEASED)
(Oct 19,2022) Sailors stationed at tenant commands ofNaval Station Great Lakes,escortveterans during HonorFlight Chicago’s 106th flight at
Midway InternationalAirport.Naval Station Great Lakes and tenant commands brought 154 Sailors to support HonorFlight Chicago’s (HFC) last flight of2022.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSCORYASATO/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27 2022 3
change like
ByDouglasStutz Naval Hospital Bremerton/Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Bremerton
It was back in early September that Gunner’s Mate 1st Class Tristan Brayman along with Hospital Corpsmen 1st Class Cyrus Cunningham, Ferrell Jenkins and Sonnypaul Soriano, were notified by commandleadershipthattheywerechosen to be part of Fiscal Year 2023 Navy Chief Petty Officer ranks
That span of approximately six weeks filled with challenges, adversity,and hardship was a lifetime ago for the quartet.
Since then, each has embarked upon a career-defining, occupational-validating, name-changing path like no other Gone forever are previous references of GM1 and HM1
Theyhaveindividuallyforgedtheirnew professional and personal reputation as a senior enlisted leader They will hence forth, forever, be referred to as ‘Chief.’
To signify their new leadership position as Chief Gunner’s Mate Brayman, Chief Hospital Corpsman Cunningham, Chief Hospital Corpsman Jenkins and Chief Hospital Corpsman Soriano, each took part in the time honored tradition of the chief’s pinning ceremony, Oct. 21, 2022
[note:HMCCunningham,assignedtoNavy MedicineReadinessTrainingUnitEverett, hadhispinningceremonyheldinconjunc tion with Naval Station Everett]
“The announcement of the chief petty officerclassificationbecameeffective,April 1, 1983. Since that date the role of the chief pettyofficer orascommonlyreferredtoas ‘the chief,’ has had many transformations In its beginning the role of the chief was simplytobethetechnicalexpert,masterof theirtradecraft,thebestofthebestwithin their field,” shared NMRTC Bremerton Command Master Chief Brandon May, notingthatthepassageoftimehasnotonly reaffirmed the commitment to excellence inprofessionalaptitude,butexpandedinto fulfilling a trio of needs
“Today’schiefisnotonlydemandedtobe the technical expert within their field, but alsoanexperttrainer,mentor,plannerand leader.” May said.
“Today’s chief is demanded to put their Sailor’sfirst,”continuedMay.“Firstbefore self and often times first before family.”
“Today’s chief has been levied more authority accountability and responsibil itysinceinceptionin1893,”exclaimedMay.
Capt PatrickFitzpatrick,NavalHospital Bremerton director, NMRTC Bremerton command officer and keynote speaker for the ceremony, noted that once Brayman, Cunningham,JenkinsandSorianojointhe ranks of their brothers and sisters in the Chiefs Mess, the world will look and feel a little different to them and in turn, they willappeardifferenttothosearoundthem.
“If you feel a little nervous about the expectations that you must be all things to all men, perhaps you should be It’s
what keeps leaders humble and what will keep you constantly seeking to be a better person, a better leader That’s a very good thing, because if we are satisfied with the status quo, we would never see change,” remarked Fitzpatrick.
Innootherbranchoftheserviceisthere such a notable transformation from one enlisted rank paygrade to another than when a U.S. Navy Sailor becomes a chief.
The manner of promotion to the rank of chief in the Navy is a unique process compared to the other branches in the armed forces In the Army, Air Force and the Marine Corps, an E-6 becomes E-7.
IntheNavy,eacheligibleSailorforchief is required to be selected by a ranking and selectionboardcomposedofmasterchiefs who actively designate future leadership fromthemostcapableSailors considering boththeiraptitudeastechnicalexpertsand ability as leaders.
“Youwereselectedbecauseyourleaders have trust in you; that you have and will continuetobuildonasolidfoundation.You are leaders If you continue to honor the sacred tenets of your responsibilities, you willbecomegreatleaders,”saidFitzpatrick
“Youmustgivesomethingofyourselves to lead others Be present, and be ready always, Fitzpatricksaid,emphasizingthat honesty,toughness,teamwork,dedication, andresiliencewerethevaluesofthesacred tenets
“You must model these attributes; trustworthiness, sincerity, discipline and rigorousthoughtfulness,”citedFitzpatrick,also askingeachnewchieftoknowwhatthey’re about,beself-motivated,andneverhesitate to celebrate success and recognize excel lence in others
Fitzpatrick affirmed what’s important to him as a leader is for them to trust and care for their Sailors which is what they will receive from him in return.
“You’renotalone:Ihaveyourback,”said Fitzpatrickaddressingthenewchiefs “The messandIwillnotletyoufailbecauseyour success is our success But I will challenge you to be better every day. What I expect of you, and others, is fairness and compas sionforthosewhoweserveandyourfellow teammembers Thereisnousversusthem. Don’t assume privilege for yourself Work for it and earn respect every day Non-ne gotiables are that I and you should never tolerate inequity or inequality in your sphere of influence Teach this to all Sail ors.”
After the ceremony ended, with the ceremonial cake cutting completed, those whoattendedtheeventdispersed,andthe command quarterdeck arranged back to normal, the new chiefs, escorted by family and friends departed.
Come Monday morning when each arrives back at work, their uniform will be altered and their title will be different.
They’ll also be addressed by their new name Call them ‘Chief.’
in the geographically distributed environment leading to the maximized efficiency
of firing assets.
VP-45isaP-8APoseidonaviationsquadron operating under Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet (C7F) with the purpose of conduct ing maritime patrol and reconnaissance in flight
“Resolute Dragon 22 provided training opportunities for tactical command-andcontrol and third-party targeting with a diverse group of multi-service and inter national participants across air land, and sea domains,” said Lt Zachary Smith.
“The invaluable experiences gained by exercising these mission sets in a dynamic environment will allow crews to execute
operational missions with increased effi ciency and effectiveness.”
VP-45’sparticipationinResoluteDragon included sustaining one operational flight per day for a total of four sorties and 26 flight hours Commander, Task Group 72.4 (CTG72.4)P-8AaircrewfromVP-45coor dinatedon-stationwiththeArleigh-Burke classguided-missiledestroyerUSSBenfold (DDG 65) F-35s from Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 242 UH-1s and AH-1s from Marine Light Attack Heli copter Squadron (HMLA) 469, MV-22s from Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squad ron (VMM) 265, MH60Rs from Helicop
ter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 51, JapanGroundSelf-DefenseForce(JGSDF) SSM-1,andU.S.MarineCorpsHighMobil ity Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) batteries Theseparticipantsdemonstrated effective communication and operations while executing the bilateral joint simu lated maritime strike
mari time
VP-45iscurrentlyonascheduleddeployment in support of C7F and Commander TaskGroup(CTG)72.4,conductingroutine maritime patrol flights out of Misawa, Japan, to
security for a free
A name
no other at NMRTC Bremerton Aperfect fit. ChiefGunner’s MateTristan Brayman,alongwith ChiefHospital Corpsman Cyrus Cunningham,ChiefHospital Corpsman FerrellJenkins and ChiefHospital Corpsman SonnySoriano were ceremoniouslypromoted to theirnewrankas part ofthe FiscalYear2023 NavyChiefPettyOfficerranks during the NavyChiefPettyOfficerpining ceremonyat NavyMedicine Readiness Training Command Bremerton,Oct.21 2022(PHOTOBYDOUGLASSTUTZ,NAVALHOSPITALBREMERTON/NAVYMEDICINEREADINESSANDTRAININGCOMMANDBREMERTON) ByLt.J.g.ChristianBrumfield Commander Task Force 72 NAVALAIRFACILITYMISAWA,Japan “The Pelicans” of Patrol Squadron (VP) 45participatedinexerciseResoluteDragon Oct.10-13intheAomoriPrefecture,Japan. Resolute Dragon is an annual bilateral training exercise designed to strengthen the defensive capabilities of the U.S. and Japanalliance Duringtheexercise proce duresarerefinedforimprovementofbilat eral command, coordination and control
events across
air and sea forces
promote regional
and open
VP-45 participates in Resolute Dragon 2022 Making it stick...ChiefHospital Corpsman SonnySoriano received his anchorinsignia from familyand mentorduring the NavyChiefPettyOfficerpining ceremonyat NavyMedicine ReadinessTraining Command Bremerton.(PHOTOBYCHIEFPETTYOFFICERJONRASMUSSEN, NAVALHOSPITALBREMERTON/NAVYMEDICINEREADINESSANDTRAININGCOMMAND BREMERTON) Shared smiles all around...ChiefHospital Corpsman FerrellJenkins has his hands full afterhe was ceremoniouslypromoted.(PHOTOBYDOUGLASSTUTZ,NAVALHOSPITALBREMERTON/ NAVYMEDICINEREADINESSANDTRAININGCOMMANDBREMERTON) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27 2022
Master-at-Arms 1st Class Gabrielle Pecore Command:NavalWeaponsStationYorktown Hometown:Brookfield,Massachusetts Whatarethehealthywaysthatyourelievestress? “Stress in the security field is very common so it’s important to have outlets. I enjoyrelievingstresswithphysicalactivities Igotothegymandchallengemy body with squats, deadlifts, and bench presses I love playing rugby too It is a fast-pacedsportandtheteamatmosphereisreminiscentofasupportivefamily. MeettheFleetSailorAccomplishment “IrecentlyachievedmycertificationinCriminalJusticefromLibertyUniver sity Ihaveneverbeenastudiousperson,soachievingthisgoalgivesmeagreat senseofpride It’snevereasytotakeonanewgoalortask,butitisimportantto tryyourbestandnotgiveup Ithastakenmeabitlongertoachievemycertifi-
Sailor on the Street Iasked what kind of family Amina wanted. She said, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her. Denise, adopted 17-year-old Amina LEARN ABOUT ADOPTING ATEEN YOUCAN’T IMAGINE THEREWARD ADOPT US KI DS . ORG www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27 2022 5
New England Patriots visit USS Constitution BOSTON (Oct 18 2022) U.S.NavyCmdr Billie Farrell,Commanding Officer,USS Constitution and crewmembers pose fora photowith NewEngland Patriots players aboard the ship USS Constitution,is theworld’s oldest commissionedwarship afloat,and played a crucial role in the BarbaryWars and theWarof1812 activelydefending sea lanes from 1797 to 1855.During normal operations,the active-dutySailors stationed aboard USS Constitution provide free tours and offerpublicvisitation to more than 600,000 people ayearas theysupport the ship’s mission ofpromoting the Navy’s historyand maritime heritage and raising awareness ofthe importance ofa sustained naval presence.USS Constitutionwas undefeated in battle and destroyed or captured 33 opponents.The ship earned the nickname ofOld Ironsides during thewarof1812when British cannonballswere seen bouncing offthe ship’swooden hull. HEADLINEBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSLEOKATSAREAS,ASSISTANTEDITOROFTHEFLAGSHIPNEWSPAPER U.S.NAVYPHOTOS BYU.S.NAVYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSSKYLEROKERMAN/RELEASED BOSTON (Oct 18 2022)Joe Cardona,NewEngland Patriots long snapper fires the gun aboard USS Constitution. BOSTON (Oct 18 2022) Brenden Schooler NewEngland Patriots saftey observes the wardroom during a touraboard USS Constitution.
BOSTON (Oct 18 2022)
U.S.NavyHospital Corpsman 2nd Class
from Bluffton,South Carolina,gives
a tourto
aboard USS Constitution. BOSTON (Oct 18 2022) U.S.NavyCmdr Billie Farrell,Commanding Officer,USS Constitution, gives a challenge coin to NewEngland Patriots players aboard the ship BOSTON (Oct 18 2022) Cole Strange,NewEngland Patriots guard,climbs into aft magazine during a touraboard USS Constitution aboard USS Constitution. Former teammate, Tom Brady, nowhere to be found, faces Disciplinary Review Board for Unauthorized Absence Disclaimer: Certain headlines, sentences, or words strung together on this page may include friendly satire and should not, in any way, be taken as fact, seriously, or as the opinions, positions, or policies of the United States Government, Department of Defense, United States Navy, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, or the Flagship Newspaper, and are never intended to seem as such. 6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27 2022
www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, October 27 2022 7
The Norfolk Haunted Temple is ready to scare you this weekend
Superintendent for the Norfolk Masonic Temple Why should people come to the Norfolk Haunted Temple? What will they experiencethat’snotanywhereelse?
Russ Reich: What the Norfolk Haunted Templehastoofferthatalotofotherhaunts don’t is that ours is a bit more of a family friendly experience We are a no touch haunt,theactorsdon’ttouchtheguestsand the guests don’t touch the actors We don’t overdo the gore or the violence It’s kind of likeafunhouse.Theactorsarenotgrabbing youassuch.It’smoreatmosphereandjump scares. We are an entirely indoor haunt, so weareopenrainormoonshine.Wearemore orlesscompletelyaccessibleandthewheelchairs can get through the whole thing We also strive to make sure we don’t use any copyrighted material, that way all of our scareandeffectsarecompletelyoriginaland wearenotleaningonotherpeople’sintellec tualpropertytoentertainpeople
The haunt is on the second floor and there is elevator access to get up there and back down. We made every effort to make sure there are no steps and everything that needs to be ramped is ramped as well as all the safety steps that need to be in place to accommodateeveryoneinthere.
Y:How is it different from other Halloweenhauntedevents?
AnnaWalker:WearenotBuschGardens or Hunt Club Farm, we are somewhere in themiddlewithamorepersonalizedexperi ence Asusers,alotoftimesyouseethesame people in line and we try to help accommodateeveryone
RR: We are not here for a profit. At the end of the day, we are a Masonic event and accommodating people is what we do on a dailybasis
Y:Doyouhaveanyspecialdiscountsgoing onatthistime?
RR: We have several special discounts going on: On Halloween specifically, we are honoring any promotion that we have offered discounts for and that includes the: military,firstrespondersandweareadding astudentdiscount Forthemilitaryandfirst responders they must show ID and it will give you $5.00 off up to four tickets at the boxoffice Allofthesepromotionsareavailable only at the box office They cannot be purchasedonlinebecausewecannotcheck IDsonline
We also have a fast pass available for this Friday and Saturday because we typically have long lines and the Fast Pass gives you theopportunitytosaveyoutimeandskipthe lineonceyoupasstheboxoffice
Y:Arethereanyrulesforthoseattending thatyouwanttomakesuretheyadhereto?
RR:Wehavetwowarningsthatwewant to make sure everyone is aware of before they come in. We do use strobe lights and there is some use of fog in the haunt. The strobelightasweknowcantriggerepilepsy and other conditions so we like to make sure that people are aware of that before they go in. The fog obviously may trigger some respiratory issues in some people We also don’t allow any outside food or beverages, especially alcohol. We do have a brief security screening at the door to
secure the safety of our patrons and our actors. No weapons will be permitted in the building
Y: So where did the idea to have the NorfolkHauntedTempleoriginate RR: It got started because a group of masons were looking to start a fundraiser, and at first they just invited the neighbors A couple of years ago, a couple of Lodges left the Masonic Temple and the Temple’s financesareverytiedtotheLodgesthatare in the building So we saw the haunt as an opportunitytoraisemoremoneywithfundraising We went all in on it. We dedicated space for it, and we have been adding to it everyyearsincethen.
Y:Aretherethemesthisyear?Evilclowns, zombies,monsters?
RR: We do strive to re-imagine a differ ent section of the haunt every year and this yearthehauntisbrokenupinthreesections: WehaveNightmares,thattakeyouthrough some dark, twisted hallways where there is no light at some points You then go into ClownTown,wherethefunreallystarts We
just rebuilt the last section andit’stheCityofIllRepute. Asalways,TwistandJerkare joining us back in the cast, down stairs giving people frightsthroughouttheentire night.
Y: You also have a lot of volunteers and donate to charitableorganizations
RR: Everyone that’s not an actor that’s involved in the haunt are volunteers, usually through the masons insomeform Thatincludes thedesign,setup,takedown and all the labor that goes into it to make sure every nightisasuccess
Anna Walker: In the past we have donated to the United Way, Food Bank and JRTCatGranbyHighSchool.
RR:Thewaythatit’smanagedisoncethe revenuecomesin,theTempleboardtowards the end of the year decides where they will maketheircharitabledonations Thebuild ingsupportstheLodgesandeachLodgehas itsowncharitiestheydonateto.
Idowanteveryonetoknowthatthisevent iswhatkeepsthisbuildingopen Inthepast, we may have been able to focus on charitable work as a Temple instead of letting the Lodgesdoit,butwearetryingtogrowthisso wecansupportthebuildingandthecommu nityaroundit
AW: The building is a non-profit, the board meets once a month. We host events hereforprofitsandnonprofitsandwecan’t doitifwecan’tholdontothebuilding.
RR: My favorite is that, “It’s better than lastyear.”Wealwaysstrivetodobetterthan the year before, because in the community of haunts, there’s a fan base that will go to
thesamehauntseveryyearevenifitdoesn’t changemuch,justbecauseit’sfunandexciting I am of the philosophy that we need to do better than last year so that way there is areason tocomeback Whenpeoplenotice it and comment on it, it makes all the hard workworthit
Y: Legend says that there may be some real life ghosts in the building as well. I know you had a paranormal investigation group Flumeri Promotions, look for ghosts afewyearsago Haveyouheardofanyghost stories from those who have been there for manyyears?
RR: The guest haunters do frequently have an engagement in our building and there is a reason they keep coming back. Theirequipmentgoesoffinthesameplaces that they set it up as last time From what they have seen, the place does have some spirits floating around. From personal experience, I’m in this building all day and all night for the most part, and when I first movedintothebuildingandIhadawitness, there was music piping through the building, very faintly sounding like John Philip Sousastylemusicmarchingstuff Atfirstwe thoughtitwasacarbutitwentwaytoolong forthat Wewentdownstairsbutwecouldn’t findthesource.Itsoundedaroomawaythe entiretimewewerelookingforit
AW: I can tell you that I make it a point thateverytimeIcomeintothebuildingthat I acknowledge whoever else spirit wise is here. I feel like that gives me some type of protection. I don’t want to be scared and I think we have a healthy respect for each other Go to
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
the Marine Protection, Research and Sanc tuaries Act which,
the National Marine SanctuarySystem
of the
ofNationalMarine Sanctuaries serves as the trustee for a networkofoceanparksencompassingmore
miles of marine and Great Lakes
an area nearly the size of Alaska.
includes a system
national marine sanctuaries
that conserve
and drives
by providing
for people to discover,
connect people and commu nitiesthroughscience education,andstew
environmental disasters,
among other things, established
Threeyearslater,theunderwater resting place
shipwrecked Civil
national marine sanctuary in
United States Today,NOAA’sOffice
The network
of 15
and two marine national monuments
special ecological, cultural, and
The National Marine Sanctuary System supports
local economies
jobs and opportunities
spectacularplaces. Sanctuaries
ardship Werelyonthesenetworkstoinspire community-based solutions that help us understand and protect our nation’s most spectacular underwater habitats, wild life, archaeological wonders, and cultural seascapes Managed by NOAA’s Office of
Marine Sanctuaries, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary was designated in 1975 toprotectthewreckofthefamedCivilWar ironclad USS Monitor which sank during a storm 16 miles off Cape Hatteras, North Carolinain1862. Findmoreinformationontheweb: VisitUs!: visit/ VisitorCentersandExhibits:https:// html NOAA’sNationalMarineSanctuaries: MonitorNationalMarineSanctuary: 50thAnniversarywebsite:https:// NOAA celebrates 50 years of America’s National Marine Sanctuaries ABOVERIGHT:Aseaturtlerestsbythebowof USSMonitor RIGHT:Sandtigersharksswimnext toUSSMonitor’sarmorbelt (GFOE/NOAA) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Warm up this Fall with filling family meals Coolerfall months call forcomforting hearty meals that taste just as delicious as theylook like Chili Con Carne,Lasagna a la Sockarooni and Caramel StickyRolls. PageC4 InterviewbyYiorgo It’s that time of the year again for all Hampton Roads Area fans to come to the Norfolk Masonic Temple at 7001 Granby Street for their annual Norfolk Haunted Temple. They are celebrating their 12 year orastheyliketocallittheirMidnightAnni versary ItisgoingonOctober27ththrough HalloweennightOctober31st Yiorgo: Here with us today to tell us all about are: Anna Walker, Special Events Coordinator and Russ Reich, Building
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 27 2022 1
exciting series of lectures at The Mariners’ Museum in
John V. Quarstein, Director emeritus of theUSSMonitorCenter presentsCivilWar toursandlecturesacrossthe countryandis the author of 18 books, with three more on the way. He leads the Museum’s Civil War and Hampton Roads Lecture Series and is now writing blogs and presenting online content via YouTube Live. John’s deep interestinallthings related to the Civil War stems from his youth living on Fort Monroe walking where heroes like AbrahamLincolnandR. E. Lee once stood. An avid collector of decoys, water fowl/maritime art, and oriental rugs, John lives among them in his home the 1757 Herbert House on Sunset Creek in Hampton, Virginia. On the National Regis ter of Historic Places, this is the only house to have survived August 7, 1861, burning of Hampton Advance registration for John’s lectures is required whether you attend in person or virtual. If you can’t attend in person, the lectures will be livestreamed from the Museumforonlineregistrants.Viewersare welcome to send comments or questions to John through the Chat and Q&A boxes, and he will answer following the lecture. In person lectures are free for museum member and $1 for guests. Virtual lectures are free to watch online To register or for additional information visit www.mari or email
Notable Native American Civil War Leaders
lecture is part of The Mariners’ celebration for Native American Heritage Month!
ThehighestrankingNativeAmericanCivil War officer was Brigadier General Stand Watie, CSA. A Cherokee leader, Watie was born in Georgia and moved to Oklahoma duringthe TrailofTears He organizedthe 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles on behalf of the Confederacy His command was the last Confederate land force to surrender when Watie did so on June 23, 1865 Colo nel Ely S. Parker, USA, a Seneca Indian, served as a Union engineer until he was named aide to General U. S. Grant. Parker drafted the surrender documents at Appo mattox Court House Virginia, resulting in General R. E. Lee laying down his army’s arms on April 9, 1865
Special History Lecture: Veterans Day and the Meaning of Peace
Friday November11 2022
The first commemorations honoring US veteranswereonArmisticeDay,November 11,1919,exactlyoneyearaftertheconclusion of World War I. “The war to end all wars” resulted in millions of deaths prompting President Woodrow Wilson to issue his FourteenPointsasapeacefulpathtocreate a democratic Europe Instead, the Allies sought revenge against Germany, insist ing on reparations and significant territo rial changes Hence, the world opened to Fascists and communistic dictatorships, layingthepathtoWorldWarIIandaneven greater need to honor those who fought for liberty and freedom with all too many makingtheultimatesacrifice
Evolution of Naval Ordnance
Civil War Lecture Series
Friday November18 2022
The 19th century was noted for naval innovation, including ship design, motive power, and naval ordnance But the change in seaboard weaponry explosive shells, armor-piercing shot, rams shell guns and rifled cannon forced the transition from wooden ships to armored vessels By the dawn of the 20th century, every major warshipwouldbemadeofsteel,steam powered,andarmedwithrifledguns Waratsea wouldneverbethesame.
The Distinguished Speaker Series of the World Affairs Councils of Greater Hampton Roads returns this Tuesday November 1st with a nuclear topic
The World Affairs Councils of Greater Hampton Roads (WACGHR) is excited to announce the return of its Distinguished
Series on Tuesday, November 1st. They bring to Norfolk global leaders, experts in their field, to discuss
everyone to hear Yiorgo:Heretotellusallaboutitaswell as some other programs coming up, is the PresidentofWACGHRandRetiredColonel SusanSeaman,nowSusanBore.Youserved 27yearsintheMarineCore.Thankyoufor your service to our country What is the mission statement of WACGHR and what doyouwanttoaccomplishintheHampton Roads Area?
Ret. Col. Suzan Seaman: It was my honor and my pleasure to serve our great country Ourmissionistobringworldlead ers to Hampton Roads to educate the elec torate in a non-partisan way. That is what we are here to do, to educate our commu nityaboutinternationalissuesandprepare HamptonRoadstothriveinanincreasingly complex world
Y:Youhavesomeexcitingprogramssuch astheDistinguishedSpeakerSeries,WorldQuest Competition, Great Decisions, just to name a few Can you tell us a little about them?
SS: We put on about 15 events a year We do a Distinguished Speaker Series where we bring global leaders, experts in their field, to discuss these complex issues And cominguponthisTuesdayNovemberfirst, we have the Honorable Joyce
theSloverLibraryindown town Norfolk with recep tion at 6:00 pm and the program at 7:00 pm. We invite everyone to go to ourwebsitehttps://hrwac. org/ for all the info on this event, the discounted membershipdrivegoingon now,otherprogramsandso much more.
Y: Tell us about WorldQuest.
SS: WorldQuest is a quiz game geared primarily for highschoolstudentsacross theareabutcivicorganiza tions, university students, faculty and so on, all come and get a table It’s a geog raphy, history quiz game withcategoriesandprizes And we send the winning high school team to Washington,DCtoparticipatein theAcademicWorldQuest. We have so many kids that want to be a part of this It’s exciting To all of our events, kids come in free or at a very very reduced rate So we always have a balance of partnerships, those paying to attend and the mostly free for students
Y: I understand that everyone loves the Great Decisions program. What is that about?
SS:WithGreatDecisionswehaveforeign policy institutes come up with eight topics that are complex and current. Our job is to find local or non-local experts and on Saturday morning we meet and the expert speaks for about 40 minutes Then the conversation can go up to three hours to talkaboutthecomplexityoftheissue.Why are there no easy answers? What are the problems, upside, downside, etc. It’s really good because it develops critical thinking and a better understanding that there is so much that goes into decisions made on a global level.
Y: There are two NATO Headquarters in the world, one in Brussels and the other here in Norfolk. I understand there is a big anniversary coming up this year Can you tell us about it?
SS: The final thing that we do is a NATO Festival Banquet every year As part of NorfolkNATOFest ourresponsibilityisto bring in a world class speaker as a keynote speaker at the end of the NATO Festival. This year we will commemorate the 60th AnniversaryofNATOFesthereinNorfolk, byhavingaformalBall.That’stheplanright now.WearecommemoratingNATOatwar, many countries trying to get into NATO, ourNATOHeadquartershereandthe60th Anniversary of NATO Fest
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
Author John V. Quarstein presents an
November IsaacStandWatie,Degataga(right),ca 18601865.Col.ElyS.Parker(left),ca 1860-1865. (MATHEWBRADY,U.S.NATIONALARCHIVES ANDRECORDSADMINISTRATION) “TheSigningofPeaceintheHallofMirrors, Versailles,28June1919.”WilliamOrpen,artist,1919 (THEIMPERIALWARMUSEUMVIAPICRYL.COM) “The Battle ofMobile Bay,”painting ca 1884 Unknown artist afterWilliam H.Overend. (THEMARINERS’MUSEUM)
ABOVE: NATO banquet RIGHT:Tallwood High School studentsWorldQuestwinners atAcademicWorldQuest inWashington DC put on bytheWorldAffairs Councils ofAmerica (COURTESYOFWORLDAFFAIRSCOUNCILSOF GREATERHAMPTONROADS)
Connery Chair, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, who will speak on the topic of “The Premise and Perils of Nuclear: Risk and RewardsduringaTimeofClimateChange and Conflict.” The event will take place at
2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, October 27 2022
Swashbuckling, family fun returns with The Pirates of Penzance
NORFOLK,Va Gilbert&Sullivan’sclassicoperettadocksintheatresstatewidethis NovemberatVirginiaOpera.OneofVirginia Opera’s most popular productions The Pirates of Penzance presents a great oppor tunity for audiences of all ages to return to the theatre for a rollicking good time. With Family Day activities scheduled for select matineesandspecialpricingforkids,young patrons—and the young at heart—will be treatedtoworld-classperformances
The Pirates of Penzance tells the topsy turvytaleoftheyoungpirate Frederic,who is out of his indentures and hopes to “lead a blameless life.” The Pirates of Penzance takes audiences on a wild ride as timeless characters through classic songs grapple with duty, love, honor, acceptance, and the complications of being born during Leap Year
AsFrederic’sheartand“senseofduty” is pulled in different directions the diffi culties of modern life and the fine line that exists between pirates and upstanding citi zenscreategloriouschaos
“ThePiratesofPenzanceisadelightfrom starttofinish,andwecannotwaittoenchant audiencesacrossthestate,”saidPeggyKriha Dye, general director and CEO of Virginia Opera. “What makes this show unique is that it appeals to everyone regardless of age experience or background. Whether youareinterestedinhittunes pirateantics lavish spectacle clever staging witty puns or social satire, The Pirates of Penzance meets you where you are. Adam Turner, artisticdirectorofVirginiaOpera,chimesin, “I totally agree Everyone needs comedy in their lives Especially when the world feels chaotic,weallneedaplacetocometogether,
enjoy one another’s company, and poke fun atourselvesalongtheway.”
While Gilbert & Sullivan operettas are over one hundred years old, they continue to be performed across the world, bring ing new audiences to opera houses “It’s incredible that these pieces have had such staying power,” muses Turner “Most comedydoesn’tstickaroundverylong,and yet,theseoperettascontinuetobepopular. Themusicnevergetsold,andthejokesare always funny. I think it’s because—despite its silliness—The Pirates of Penzance is about ideas and emotions we can relate to in 2022. What is our duty to one another? Howdoweliveagood honestlife?Howdo we balance personal happiness with civic obligations?”
On select matinees in Norfolk and Rich mond (November 5th and 20th), pirate actors and activities will take place in the lobbies and gathering spaces before the show. Pirate Day was organized by Virginia Opera’s Civic Engagement Coor dinator, Michelle Ford “The opera house is fun and welcoming to all. Therefore, everything we are doing surrounding The PiratesofPenzanceisaboutcelebratingthe joy that’s possible when we come together as a community to experience great art.”
Virginia Opera’s production will be directed by perennial favorite Kyle Lang who has led some of Virginia Opera’s biggest hits in recent years “Kyle was our first choice, says Dye. “His shows are funny and clever. I think audiences will be delighted with the staging, spectacle, and choreography he and our production department are putting together.”
The Pirates of Penzance will be sung in English with English surtitles, and the
Virginia Symphony Orchestra will accom panytheproductionfromtheorchestrapit. With Adam Turner and Brandon Eldredge sharing conducting duties the orchestra cast,andchorusoftwentywillbethelargest musicalforcesassembledbyVirginiaOpera since2020
The cast of The Pirates of Penzance is filled with wonderful singing actors, many of which will be making their Virginia Opera debuts with this production. Tenor MartinBakariandAmyOwenswillplaythe central heroes Frederic and Mabel, while Troy Cook and Aubrey Allicock square-off as Major-General Stanley and The Pirate King Lucy Schaufer will vie for Frederic’s affectionsastheunscrupulousRuth,andan ensembleofVirginiaOperaEmergingArtists and local singers will round out the cast, including Jeremy Harr as the Sergeant of
Police,andTaylor-AlexisDuPont,Katherine Sanford, and Kaileigh Riess as the featured daughtersoftheMajor-General.
“Ifyou’rewantingtoexperienceoperafor the first time, venture back into the theatre again, or bask in timeless fun, The Pirates of Penzance is for you,” concludes Turner “Inshort,thispieceisforeveryone—includ ing you—and we can’t wait to see you at the theatre.”
Tickets for The Pirates of Penzance at the HarrisonOperaHouseinNorfolk Virginia, can be purchased at rates-of-penzanceorbycalling866.673.7282 Wednesday,November2,2022,Student NightattheOpera
HAMPTON ROADS, Va The Virginia Symphony Orchestra will bring two fami ly-friendly concerts to the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts in Virginia Beach just in time for Halloween: “Hogwarts Hullabaloo: The Magical Music of Harry Potter” and “Halloween Spooktacular.”
HogwartsHullabaloowillbeheldFriday, Oct 28,2022,7:30PMattheSandlerCenter for the Performing Arts, Virginia Beach.
HogwartsHullabaloowillfeaturemusic from the Harry Potter films, including “Hedwig’s Theme,” “Harry’s Wondrous World” and “Double Trouble” written by award-winning composer John Williams Attendees are invited to come dressed in costume and participate in Harry Potter film trivia
This concert will be conducted by Chelsea Gallo, who is currently serving as the AssistantConductortoTheFloridaOrchestra. For the 2022-23 season, she will also serve as Principal Guest Conductor of the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra a Cover ConductorfortheNewYorkPhilharmonic, andwillbearegularGuestConductorwith the VSO and the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra.
Tickets to Hogwarts Hullabaloo start at $25 and can be purchased in advance by calling 757.892.6366, visiting or visiting the Virginia Symphony Box Office at 150 Boush Street Suite201 Norfolk,VA23510from10a.m. 4:30p.m.,Monday Friday Forgroupsales of 10 or more, call 757.213.1431.
Halloween Spooktacular, the second concertintheVSO’s2022-23PeanutButter
& Jam Family Concert Series, will be held Saturday,Oct 29,2022,3PMattheSandler Center for the Performing Arts, Virginia Beach.
Designed for ages 3-12 but perfect for all ages the PB&J series presents a casual andengagingconcertexperienceforyoung ones to gain exposure to the orchestra and the music of the day.
“At Halloween, we all like to dress up and be a different character, but what about those families and friends in stories and movies that are always in character?” said Staff Conductor Helen Martell, who will conduct this concert. “Harry Potter HermioneandRonwillbeourhoststohelp explorecharactersandmusicfrom‘Howto TrainYourDragon, ‘Wicked, ‘TheAddams Family’ and of course ‘Harry Potter!’ ” Arrive at 2 p.m. to enjoy pre-concert activities put on by the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center, the Virginia Beach Public Library system, the Virginia Children’sChorus thePortsmouthDepartment of Museums and Tourism and WHRO! Kids and grown-ups dress up in your favorite Halloween costume and join the VSO for a ghoulish afternoon of monstrous fun!
Tickets start at $12 for children and $17 for adults Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling 757.892.6366, visiting or visiting the VirginiaSymphonyBoxOfficeat150Boush Street, Suite 201, Norfolk, VA 23510 from 9 a.m. 4:30p.m.,Monday Friday.Tickets can be purchased the day of the concert at the venue starting at 1:30 p.m. For group sales of 10 or more, call 757.213.1431.
theArtsAlliance,theCityofVirginiaBeach, the Virginia Beach Arts and Humanities CommissionandtheVirginiaCommission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the NationalEndowmentfortheArts,afederal agency. Funding also provided by Sentara Healthcare,theVirginiaSymphonyOrches tra’s Regional Presenting Partner for our 2022-2023 season. Virginia Symphony Orchestra brings two familyfriendly Halloween concerts to Virginia Beach Gilbert & Sullivan continue 2022-2023 season at Norfolk’s Harrison Opera House Nov. 2-6 www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 27 2022 3
Warm up this Fall with filling family meals
Cooler fall months call for comforting, hearty meals that taste just as delicious as they look.Fillingrecipeslikechiliandpastamaketheseasonaspecialtimeforspendingquality momentswiththoseyoulove
Con Carne
time: 20 minutes
Lasagna a la Sockarooni
time: 10 minutes
time: 25 minutes
high heat, boil large pot of heavily salted water Once boiling, add lasagna noodles and cook until al dente then drain andsetaside
beef and brown. Add kidney
sauce water
totaste Simmer
celery and corn; simmer 1 hour
Use 3 cups cooked rice for meattomakevegetarianchili.
make bechamel sauce: In saucepan over medium-low heat, melt butter Add flour and stir with wooden spoon until paste forms Add small amount of milk and stir until mixture loosens. Gradually add remaining milk and continue stirring with whisk.Cooksauceoverlowheatuntilthickened,about10minutes.
In large, deep, oven-proof casserole dish, ladle small amount of pasta sauce followed by small amount of bechamel sauce Sprinkle some Parmigiano Reggiano cheese over saucesandlayerwiththreelasagnanoodles Continuepatternuntildishiscomplete Top finallayerofnoodleswithremainingbecha melsauceandgratedParmigianoReggiano
Bake 25-30 minutes until golden brown andbubbling Coolpriortoserving.
There are no alarms set and you are cuddledupinbedafteragoodnight’ssleep It’slatemorningandthereisnowheretogo no rushing around to do No school bus, no worktobedone,justrelaxingathomewith loved ones However, breakfast is calling yourname
Your stomach rumbles as your stumble toward the kitchen You need something quickandeffortless.Thekidswillbeupsoon andyouknowfoodwillbeontheirminds.
When you’re in a pinch, there is nearly nothing better to make than something sweetandfillingforaweekendfamilybreakfast.TrythesesimpleanddeliciousCaramel StickyRollsforaneasybreakfastforall.The rolls are fluffy, a little crunchy and drizzled withcarameltopping Start by sprinkling some flour on the
countertop Rolloutonesheetofpuffpastry Drizzleandspreadcaramelsauceonthepuff pastry Sprinkle½cupofchoppedwalnutsontop then roll up the puff pastry and cut it into aboutninepiecestoplaceinsideamuffintin.
Bake for 22 minutes and cool If you like your rolls super sweet, drizzle with some extracaramelsauce
Theresultisapanfullofwarm,gooeyand delightful rolls that are perfect for a large familyortosaveleftoverstoenjoythroughouttheweek.
Next time you slept in a little too late or yourfamilywantssomethingmorethanthe daily norm for breakfast try this scrump tious and tasty recipe Your family will love itanddon’tbesurprisedifyougetarequest ortwoforthisbreakfastagain.
Food Chili
Servings: 8 2cupsdicedonion 3clovesgarlic minced 1greenpepper
2tablespoonscookingoil 2poundscoarselygroundleanbeef 2cupskidneybeans,soakedovernight 1jarNewman’sOwnSockaroonior MarinaraPastaSauce 2-3cupswater 2-3tablespoonschilipowder 1teaspoongroundcumin salt,totaste pepper totaste 1cupchoppedcelery 1can(8ounces)corn sourcream,forgarnish limewedges,forgarnish Sauteonion,garlicandgreenpepperinoil until
beans pasta
uncovered,1hour,stirringfrequently. Add
Garnishwithsourcreamandlimewedges Substitution:
Servings: 9 Saltedwater 1packagelasagnanoodles 1jarNewman’sOwnSockarooni PastaSauce 2cupsParmigianoReggianocheese,
BechamelSauce: 4tablespoonsbutter ½
Warm Caramel Sticky Rolls make the perfect weekend breakfast
itsblendoftomatoes,mushroomsandbellpeppersplusafewsignaturespices Thisversa tilesaucemadewithhigh-qualityingredientsisreadytobeanewfavoriteatyourhomein recipes like Chili Con Carne a satisfying dish that can simmer on the stove while you help littleoneswithhomework. If your family and friends love sharing pasta on those cool crisp evenings Lasagna a la Sockarooni can help you impress guests as a quick, easy recipe elevated by creamy and butterybechamelsauce Alongwithcomfortingfoods,fallisalsoatimeforgiving Youcanputtastyfoodonyour owntablewhilehelpingnourishandtransformthelivesofchildrenwhofaceadversitywith Newman’sOwn’sradicallygoodcommitmentto“givingitallaway.”Aswithallofitsprod ucts,100%ofprofitsfromSockarooniPastaSauceisdonatedtoorganizationsthathelpkids Learn more about supporting that commitment and find additional autumn recipes by Caramel Sticky Rolls Servings: 9 Nonstickcookingspray flour,forrollingpastry 1frozenpuffpastry thawed caramelsauce,divided ½cupwalnuts,chopped powderedsugar 1. Heatovento400F. 2. Spraymuffintinwithnonstickcookingspray 3. Sprinkleflouronworksurface Flattenpastrysheetandrollintorectangle. 4. Drizzlecaramelsauceoverpastryandspreadwithin½inchofedges 5. Sprinklechoppedwalnutsovercaramelsauce 6. Startingonshortend,evenlyrollpastrywithfillingtootherend. 7. Cutpastryintoninepieces.Placepastriescutsideupintomuffincups 8. Bake22minutes,oruntilgoldenbrown.Immediatelyremovefrompantowirerack. Letcool10minutes. 9. Drizzlewithadditionalcaramelsauceanddustwithpowderedsugar. 4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, October 27 2022
BREMERTON, Wash. There was a noticeable different hue for many participants at Navy Medicine Readiness TrainingCommandBremerton’sFridaymorning colors
Fromrosetofuchsiatosalmon,withOctoberdesignatedasBreastCancerAwareness Month,staffmembersdonnedpinkattireto raiseawarenessfortheannualbreastcancer campaign “Thank you for helping show awareness today. One in eight women will develop invasivebreastcancerintheirlifetime,”said Capt.PatrickFitzpatrick,NHBdirectorand NMRTCBremertoncommandingofficer ForYeomanSecondClassRachelGuevara, theopportunitytowearpinkwasaheartfelt decision
“I wore pink in support of one of a close friend of my family, Denise, who passed away in 2020 after a long five-year battle with breast cancer,” related Guevara Breastcanceristhesecondmostcommon cancer in American women, trailing only skin cancer
The best way to detect and treat breastcanceriswithamammogramscreen ing “Our message to everyone is not wait for any symptoms to appear Get screened because early detection saves lives,” said Marde Buchart radiologic and mammog raphy technician, a staunch advocate of addressing breast cancer needs in a timely manner.
According to Buchart, there are really no tell-tale signs or symptoms of breast cancer, which is why annual screening is recommended Whenthetumorissmall,it is much easier to treat. The most common physical sign is a painless lump Breast cancercanalsospreadtounderarmlymph nodes causing a lump or swelling
Other possible albeit less common indicators include breast pain and/or heaviness;persistentchangessuchasswell ing, thickening, or redness of the skin. If anythingisnoticedorfelt,timelyevaluation by a physician is advised
Buchart attests that if any type of breast cancer is diagnosed early and is followed by aggressive treatment before the cancer spreads,thefiveyearsurvivalrateforbreast cancer is over 85 percent
“The primary purpose of this annual campaign is to increase awareness of this disease Our radiologists here are all work ing aggressively every day to diagnose, keepontopofthebestavailabletreatments and work together to all those involved to try and eradicate any cancer,” remarked Buchart.
American Cancer Society guidelines call for early breast cancer detection for
just that reason, recommending monthly breastself-examinationsandperiodicclin ical breast examinations for women starting in their 20s and annual mammograms starting at age 40 Breast cancer risk does vary by age, race, and ethnicity Compiled ACS statistical evidence attests that breast cancerriskincreasesasawomanagesuntil the seventh decade
Thebenefitsofdigitalmammographyare many It allows the radiologist to review electronicimagesofthebreastusingspecial high-resolution monitors Objects can be magnified for close ups of specific areas of interest, adjusted brightness, increased or decreased contrast and inverted the black and white values while reviewing the images in order to thoroughly evaluate and focus on any specific area of concern, such as small calcifications, masses and othersubtlesigns Beingabletomanipulate images is one of the major benefits of digital technology because it makes it easier to detectbreastcancers.Assoonastheimage is taken it can be transmitted internally in real time to be reviewed by the radiologist.
There is also enhanced connectivity
capabilities with DoD’s electronic health record MHS GENESIS which allows for timely support to other military treatment facilities with the new system.
Men aren’t immune either, although cases in men are less common. Similar to women, male breast cancer risk increases with age, and there are also risk factors such as radiation exposure, family history of breast cancer and obesity
primarilyinwomen50yearsand older butcanalsoaffectyounger women Approximately9percentof newcasesofbreastcancerintheU.S.are inwomenunderage45
Mostlikelyhereditaryinyounger women
Mostlikelymoreaggressiveanddifficult totreat.
can’t be changed:
reproductivehistory,suchasmenstrual periodbeforeage12/menopauseafter age55
can be changed:
reproductivehistory,suchaspregnancy afterage30,notbreastfeeding,nofulltermpregnancy
iftakinghormonereplacementtherapy orbirthcontrolpills,askdoctoronrisks
ByJanetA.Aker MHS Communications
It’s shot season: Time again to get the annual influenza vaccination for you and your family And this year, defense health officials are encouraging Military Health System beneficiaries to pair the flu shot withtheCOVID-19bivalentvaccinebooster if you’ve already had your primary vaccine seriesandare12andolder
U.S.PublicHealthServiceCommissioned CorpsRearAdm.BrandonTaylor,thedirec torofDefenseHealthAgencyPublicHealth, said vaccines greatly reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death, and how “an ounce of prevention is better thanapoundofcure.”
You can get the influenza and COVID-19 shotsatthesametime,butthatdoesn’tmean doublethesideeffects.
“COVID-19vaccinationsusedtobegiven separately due to concerns about possi ble immediate side effects,” said Dr David Hrncir, regional medical director of the Central Vaccine Safety Hub, DHA-Immu nizationHealthcareDivision
“However, with the very large number of immunizations,immediatesideeffectsCDC webpagefollowingreceiptoftheCOVID-19 vaccine have proven to be extremely rare,” hesaid
The bivalent boosters protect against the original form of the infectious respira torydiseaseaswellasagainstthedominant omicron variant and its subvariants, which continue to mutate to become more easily transmissible
When and Where to Get the Flu Shot
Ideally, everyone 6 months and older should be vaccinated for flu by the end of October saidU.S.ArmyLt Col.KatieMarti nez,deputydirectorofoperationsatIHD.
Nevertheless gettingthefluvaccinelater canstillofferprotection,evenifyougetitin thefallorearlywinter
All flu vaccines in the United States for the 2022-2023 season protect against four differentcirculatingfluviruses
There should be no shortage of vaccine
Department of Defense “has received 100% of ordered flu vaccine and 2 million doses have shipped to military medical treatment facility locations both CONUS and OCONUS for administration, Martinezsaid.
“Shipmentscontinueeveryweek,andwe recommend that beneficiaries check with theirlocalmilitarymedicaltreatmentfacility foravailability,”shenoted.
All active-duty service members are required to get an annual flu shot. Vaccines are available to all MHS beneficiaries at militaryhospitalsandclinics,atinstallation vaccination events, and through TRICARE participatingnetworkpharmacies
you use a TRICARE-authorized
when you get the vaccine from your
you may have a copay
It’s particularly important to get vacci natedagainstthefluanditspotentiallyseri
Antiviral Treatment for Flu Symptoms
symptoms and shorten the time you are sickbyaboutoneday,Martinezsaid.
When Will the Flu Season Start?
Flu season usually runs from October throughMay,peakinginDecemberthrough February,butitcancontinuethroughJune Global health organizations, including DHA, monitor influenza activity around theworldsohealthagenciescanworkwith industrytodevelopthebestvaccinessuited totheparticularstrainsthatarecirculating
region they base their formulations on is the Southern Hemisphere. That’s becausepeakfluseasonisthefallandwinter, andthoseseasonsarereversedintheSouth ernHemisphere.
Hrncirsaidtherewasan“earlyinfluenza season in the Southern Hemisphere, so it is reasonable to expect an early influenza season this fall and winter in the Northern Hemisphere.”
The number of cases in Australia, for example, surpassed pre-COVID pandemic levels However,sincethestartoftheCOVID pandemicinearly2020,thetiminganddurationoffluactivityhasbeenlesspredictable.
irritationordimplingofbreastskin rednessorflakyskinaroundthearea nippledischargeotherthanbreastmilk, includingblood paininbreastarea
Think Pink at NMRTC Bremerton for Breast Cancer Awareness In the Pink...From rose to fuchsia to salmon,with Octoberdesignated as Breast CancerAwareness Month,NHB/NMRTC Bremerton staff members gathered on the quarterdeck,manyin pinkattire,to help raise awareness forthe annual breast cancercampaign (OFFICIALNAVY PHOTOBYDOUGLASHSTUTZ,NHB/NMRTCBREMERTONPUBLICAFFAIRSOFFICER).
sharefortheofficevisitorforotherservices receivedduringtheofficevisit At-Risk
ous complicationsCDC webpage if you are athigherrisk. CDChasafulllistofageandhealthfactors that mean an increased risk, but some of thosepopulationsare: Immunocompromised 5yearsoldandyounger 65andolder Pregnant Chronicallyill SeefullCDClistat flu/highrisk/index.htm Influenza can cause significant illness especially in children under 5. Getting the vaccine helps children protect themselves andmoreat-riskpeopletheycomeinregular contact with, such as their grandparents or siblingsunder6monthsold. Some children may need two doses of flu vaccine,CDCnoted.Thosechildrenshould get the first dose as soon as vaccine is available, because the second dose needs to be givenatleastfourweeksafterthefirst. For those 65 and older the CDC recom mendsoneofthreefluvaccinesbecausethey haveshowninstudiesofolderindividualsto create a stronger immune response These vaccinesare: FluzoneCDC FlublokCDC FluadCDC If you have questions consult with your provider about which vaccine is right for you,Martinezsaid.
The CDC recommends treatment with antivirals for people who have flu or suspectedsymptomsandwhoareathigher risk of serious flu complications such as people with asthma, diabetes including gestationaldiabetes,orheartdisease Theantiviralsworkbestwhentreatment is started within two days of becoming sick withflusymptomsandcanlessenfeverand flu
Time to Get Your Flu Shot and Your COVID-19 Booster, Too Flu vaccines and COVID-19 bivalent boostervaccines are available at all military treatment facilities and through
network pharmacies. www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 27 2022 5
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Crossword Sudoku CryptoQuip Last week’s CryptoQuip answer What do you call a celebrated fictional spywho’s producing tons ofoutput?Ahigh-yield Bond. LASTWEEK’SANSWERS Religious Serivices For your installation’s religious service times visit⁄ base_information⁄ religious_services AWOL www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, October 27 2022 7 YOUR PERFECT HIRE IS WAITING Extend your reach. Access customized technology Simplify your search.
HAMPTONROADS,Va. —ThisHalloween 2022, let’s makehappy memories,not tragic nightmares.The only thing scar ier than zombiesand witcheslooseonthe streetsisanimpaireddriver.Approximately one-thirdofall trafficcrash fatalities in the United States involvedrunk drivers (with BACsatorabove.08).*
Free or reduced fare rides arebeingoffered toalcohol-impaireddriversthroughoutHamp tonRoadsthisHalloweenWeekend.DriveSafe Hampton Roads (DSHR) is sponsoring 757 SoberRidefrom4p.m.onFriday,October28th until4:00a.m.onSunday,October30th.
Duringthethirty-six-hourperiod,arearesi dentsage 21 and older celebratingwith alco holmaydownloadtheLyftapptotheirphones, thenenterthe757SoberRidecodeintheapp’s “Payment”tab (under the “Add Lyft Pass” option)toreceivetheirno-cost(upto$15)safe transportationhome.DSHR’s2022Halloween Weekend 757 Sober Ridepromo code will be postedat3:00p.m.onFriday,October28th,on be usedonly during the above stated period. SubjecttoLyft’sTermsofService.Validfornew andexistingLyftuserswhilesupplieslast.
Over the 2021 Halloween weekend, there were 1,028 traffic-related injuries &14fatali tiesonthe Commonwealth’sroadways.* In an efforttoreduceinjuriesandfatalitiesinHamp ton Roads,DSHR has partnered with Lyft to promote the 757Sober Ride campaign. SponsorsofDSHR’s2022757 Sober Ride campaign include theChristopher King Foundation and theVirginiaDepartmentofMotorVehicles
“Using Lyft as an alternativetoimpaired driving is asmart option for individuals and for reducing social harm in their communities,” said Kamillah Wood, Director of Public PolicyforCommunitySafetyatLyft.“Roadway Safety Programs likeinHampton Roads and Lyft’spublicpartnershipsempowercommuni tieswithsaferoptionsforthemselvesandthose around them.”The programispatterned after the highly successful, award-winning Sober Ride® program conducted by the non-profit Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP).
DriveSafe HamptonRoads(DSHR)isa non-profitregional coalition whose mission is toimprovehighwaysafety,andreduceinjuries and deaths from vehiclecrashes.For over34 years,DriveSafeHamptonRoadshaspromoted citizeninvolvementandcommunityawareness aswestrivetowardzerodeathsonourregion’s roadways.
*Source:Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
FREE 757 Sober LYFT Rides Halloween weekend across Hampton Roads ThisHalloween, if you drink, don't drive. Designate asoberdriver or use Drive Safe HR's 757 Sober Ride powered by Lyft. LIMITEDQUANTITIES AVAILABLE GET A FREE LYFT RIDE HOME(UP TO $15) ON HALLOWEE VALID FRIDAY, OCTOBER28AND SATURDAY,OCTOBER 29 ALL CITIESINHAMPTON ROADSSOUTHSIDE AND PENINSULA COVERAGEAR 757 SOBER RIDE WEE E N REA Sponsored by: Somerestrictions apply.See for further details. Limited quantities available. Valid fornew andexistingLyft users who are21years or older. One offer per user. Discountdoes notapply totips,cancellationfees, damage charges or taxes. No cashvalue. May notbesold,transferred or combined with other offers. Subject to Lyft's Terms of Service. Scan Code formore information Getthe code: Joinusto November 6, 2022 Registration at 2PM $30 $150 early bird by 10/21 PinboysVirgnia Beach 1577 Laskin Rd, Virginia 1Beach StrikeOut Domestic Violence TurningVictims IntoSurvivors! Bowling Fundraiser Ticket Price Includes: 2hours of bowling,shoe rental, drinks, pizza, door prizes and MORE! Register usingQRcode or For more info: Deborah@hershelter.comor757-485-1445 9Pin No Tap Knockdown 9pins on first roll = Strike per person Team of 6 8 The Flagship |www|Section 3| Thursday, October27, 2022