Flagship 11.03.2022

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USS Gravely completes availability ahead of schedule

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Mainte nance Center (MARMC) with the help of Marine Hydraulics International (MHI), Ship’s Force, Engineering, Production and Contracts, completed USS Gravely’s (DDG 107) Selected Restricted Availability (SRA) Oct. 6th, redelivering the Arleigh Burke guided-missiledestroyertothefleetsixdays aheadofschedule.

In just three months, MHI’s availability support team completed an abundance of vital work that included a pump and motor replacement,aSlidingPadeyereplacement,

andrepairsontheVacuumCollectionHold ing Transfer (VCHT) ejector pump The team also opened and inspected 15 tanks and conducted numerous other structural checksandrepairs Withremarkableprecision and efficiency, this team completed the availability ahead of schedule in record timing “The availability speaks for itself, said MARMC Project Manager Michael Gross kopf “Theteamingeffortsandsupportfrom the ship and the contractor was above and beyond what I’ve seen on my past projects We were able to identify the critical and controlling paths from the beginning and made sure that we hit our milestones and

alltheworkwassequencedtobecompleted on-time.”

USS Gravely was just one of three ships that was completed this month USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) completed a 14-month SRA and USS New York (LPD 21) finished an 18-month Docking Selected Restricted Availability (DSRA) at General Dynamics NASSCO-Norfolk.

“It was a huge team effort for USS New York,”saidMARMCProjectManagerKeith Zaccagni. “There’s so much support that goes on behind the success of an availabil ity,noonepersonisresponsible Therewere five or six occasions where we faced signif icant challenges It took finding creative

solutions to the problems that we thought wouldderaileverythingtocontinuouslyfind success.”

Maintenance and modernization of the fleet is key to ensuring commanders have the assets they need to win at sea. Timely delivery of those assets provides them the flexibilitytooperateonaglobalscale MARMC provides surface ship maintenance,managementandoversightofprivate sectormaintenanceandfleettechnicalassis tance to ships in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States and provides support to the 5th and 6th Fleet Area of Responsibili ties They are also responsible for the floatingdry-dockDynamic(AFDL-6).

BySusanneGreene Naval Weapons Station Yorktown

YORKTOWN,Va Itwasasunnyafter noonatCheathamAnnexwhenthesounds of routine operations were interrupted by rapid gunfire; the Blue October multia gency active shooter exercise had begun.

“It’s important for Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Yorktown to train with our community partners so we are all better preparedforareal-worldsituation,”stated NWS Yorktown Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Horgan. “Engaging with our community partners is beneficial to the added security of both the installation and the communities within which we serve.

NWS Yorktown Naval Security Forces, Fed-Fire, York-Poquoson Sherriff’s Office (YPSO), and the York County Depart ment of Fire and Life Safety combined their expertise during a drill on Cheatham Annex for Blue October, an active shooter and barricaded hostage scenario Oct. 18

Installation Training Officer Wayn MacKay said, “The exercise has not been conducted for two years due to COVID-19, but we are confident that the opportunity

willprovideextraordinarytrainingvalueto all who participated.”

“For the Opposition Force, we used a Detective/Hostage Negotiator from the Newport News Police Department, which helps to introduce negotiation challenges to the drilling YPSO Hostage Negotiator, whilealleviatinganyunrealistic‘off-script adlibthatcouldpotentiallyderailtheintent of the exercise,” stated MacKay. “Navy CargoHandlingBattalionOneprovidedus with one of their facilities and 17 Sailors to act as victims.”

Prior to the exercise special effects makeupwasappliedtosomeofthevictims tosimulatewoundswhileothervolunteers were instructed to act frightened and ask first responders for help

Itwasanintenseandchallenging3-hour exercise designed to benefit all team members

“Training with federal entities in our jurisdiction is essential in providing effec tive law enforcement services to our community,” Emergency Response Team Commander


NORFOLK,Virginia (October6,2022) USS Gravely(DDG 107) returns to port aftera successful sea trials officiallyending its three-month Selected RestrictedAvailability(SRA).Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center(MARMC),workingwith Marine Hydraulics International (MHI),delivered theArleigh Burke guided-missile destroyerto the fleet sixdays ahead ofschedule.MARMC provides surface ship maintenance,management and oversight ofprivate sectormaintenance and fleet technical assistance to ships in the Mid-Atlantic region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDANIELLE LOFTON/RELEASED).
Lt Kris Ward stated.
was a great opportunity!” Naval Weapons Station Yorktown conducts active shooter exercise WILLIAMSBURG,Va (Oct 19 2022) EmergencyResponseTeam members fromYork Poquoson Sheriff’s Office search Sailors as part ofBlue Octoberactive shooterdrill on CheathamAnnexOct.18 2022.The Sailors from NavyCargo Handling Battalion One portrayed hostages thatwere released and searched as standard operating procedures dictate (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYNAVALWEAPONSSTATIONYORKTOWNPUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED). www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 41 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comNovember3-November9,2022 Tech FLEX: Event showcases value of unmanned vehicles ONRSCOUTis committed to partneringwith industry to get nontraditional,commercial-off-the-shelf, government-developed and/orgovernment-sponsored technologies to the fleet rapidly PageA2 AEW Wrestlers visit USS San Antonio Professionalwrestlers fromAll Elite Wrestling (AEW)visited the crewof the amphibious transport dockship USS SanAntonio (LPD 17) at MHI shipyard,Norfolk,Virginia,Oct.26 PAGEA3 NMRI and the dawn of Navy medicine’s R&D global enterprise Before therewas the Naval Medical Research Center(NMRC) therewas the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI). PAGEA4 Oceana hosts Afterschool events ChildYouth Programs at NAS Oceana and Midway Manorcelebrated the fall season and hosted Lights on Afterschool events. PAGEA5 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 1

Tech FLEX: ONR SCOUT experimentation event showcases value of unmanned vehicles

ARLINGTON Va.—Theunmannedaerial vehicle(UAV)liftedoffthedeckoftheUSNS Burlington,anexpeditionaryfast-transport ship,andflewinagracefularcawayfromthe vesselandovertheAtlanticOcean.Working in tandem with a piloted Cessna airplane a shortdistanceaway,bothdroneandaircraft detected, identified and monitored their target a small boat formerly used by drug traffickers and seized by the Joint Inter agencyTaskForceSouth(JIATF-South).

This engagement occurred during the recent 2022 Fleet Experiment-Contested Logistics also called FLEX an experi mentation event organized by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)-sponsored SCOUT initiative and U.S. Fourth Fleet, held in Key West Florida.

ONR SCOUT is an ongoing, multiagency experimentation campaign to identify new ways to bring unmanned technologies to warfighter problems, test them in realistic operating conditions and get them to the fleetandforce.SCOUTiscommittedtopart nering with industry to get nontraditional, commercial-off-the-shelf, government-developed and/or government-sponsored technologiestothefleetrapidly.

The Key West FLEX employed commercially developed UAVs and unmanned surfacevehicles(USVs)tocarryoutdiverse tasks related to drug interdiction (track ing and identifying specific targets), logis tics and re-supply, and forward-deployed combatrepair Theultimategoalislessening the danger to warfighters while enhancing their capabilities through the use of unmannedplatforms

“Experimentation events like this demonstrate how ONR SCOUT brings in private-sector partners from across the spectrum and accelerates the delivery of innovative technologies to warfighters to solve tough problems,” said Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. Lorin Selby “In partnering with JIATF-South in its mission to interdict illicit drug trafficking ONR SCOUTisplayingavitalroleinstrengthen ing naval capabilities and safeguarding our nation’ssecurity.

Besides ONR SCOUT, Fourth Fleet and JIATF-South, other commands involved withtheKeyWestFLEXincludedtheNaval Research Laboratory, Marine Corps Warf ightingLaboratory,DefenseInnovationUnit andNavalAirSystemsCommand.

During the experimentation event technologists used UAVs and USVs in realistic operating conditions, including at sea and atinlandandlittoral(coastal)locations.The unmanned vehicles performed re-supply maneuversthatcouldonedaybevitaltothe mission safety and success of warfighters operatinginaustereconditions including


This aligns with the emerging naval conceptknownasExpeditionaryAdvanced Base Operations (EABO), which involves deploying small but highly mobile units to isolated locations. EABO has the potential of quickly getting forces into a strategically vital area, and potentially in an adversary’s weaponsengagementzone,inresponsetoan evolving threat when no other U.S. military assetsareavailable.

“Contestedlogisticsisaproblemforallof the Navy, not just JIATF-South or Fourth Fleet,” said John Phillips, who is from Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock and was the ONR SCOUT lead for the Key West event. “We are taking a hard look at the range, payload capacity, speed, C2 and autonomous capability of a wide variety of air and surface unmanned systems to high light the best platforms to perform specific missions.”

NAS Oceana partners with Project SEARCH to help young adults with disabilities

October is National Disability Employ ment Awareness Month and as the month closesout NavalAirStationOceanaishosting its second wave of Project SEARCH interns Project SEARCH is a program that connectshighschoolstudentswithintellectualanddevelopmentaldisabilitiestointernshipsandon-the-jobtraining.

The program, which runs the duration of the school year, equips students with the skills they need to enter the workforce Lastyear NASOceanahosteditsfirstgroup of eight interns who graduated from the programinJunefollowingasuccessfulyear learningvaluablejobskills

“Four of our Project SEARCH interns are now employed here at Oceana,” said Jan Varney, an Instructional Specialist for Virginia Beach City Public Schools “Two internsareemployedoutinthecommunity, oneinternisworkingonjobplacement,and wearehelpingoneinternenteravocational program.

Interns have been placed at the Navy Exchange,NavyGatewayInns&Suites,NAS OceanaPublicWorksDepartment,andboth

ofthebase’sfitnesscenters Programcoordi natorshopetoexpandtheinternshipoppor tunities to even more facilities onboard the installation

“I work in customer service, working the front desk, and answering the phone,” said Tessa Ewing a Project SEARCH intern at NASOceana’sFlightLineFitnessCenter

Ewing began her internship in Septem ber, successfully completing two weeks of classroom training before placement at the fitness center She runs through a checklist of tasks each day, and works closely with instructors to refine her skills and develop independence

“The partnership between the base and our schools has been a great collaborative relationship,” Varney said. “We have an untapped workforce here. This program is anopportunitytogrowourcommunityand showcase our interns’ abilities, teach them new skills, and help them learn about the military.”

Project SEARCH is a collaborative effort between Virginia Beach City Public Schools theVirginiaDepartmentforAging and Rehabilitative Services Didlake, Inc the Virginia Department of Education, and VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity’sReha bilitationResearchandTrainingCenter

The FLEX also supported JIATF South’s current mission with U.S. Southern Commandandpartnernavalforcestolever ageall-domaintechnologiesandunmanned capabilities to target, detect and monitor illicit drug trafficking in the air and mari time environments This facilitates inter dictionandapprehensiontoreducetheflow of drugs, as well as degrade and dismantle transnational criminal organizations In addition to targeting-and-detection exer cisesinKeyWest,theUAVsandUSVssimu lated supply runs for delivering equipment to counter-narcotics vessels on the water, awayfromport “Naval resupply at sea and in contested littorals ensures our assets remain in the fight, said Chris Heagney, a Naval Air Systems Command fleet/force advisor supporting Fourth Fleet and ONR Global. “Ifthoseassetsbreak,theyloseaweekgoing backtoport,gettingrepairpartsandreturn ing Unmanned platforms could present a

solution by transporting those parts and maximizingnavalpresence.”

TheKeyWesteventwastheculmination of multiple sprint events (scenario-based demonstrations of technology capabilities and characteristics) held this year that will lead to a large-scale main experimentation eventinMarch2023

“FLEX and the ONR SCOUT collabora tioneventwasagreatopportunitytoseethe mission readiness of industrial capabilities to mitigate logistical support challenges to deep-sea operations, which drive Navy and CoastGuardshipdayavailabilitytoJIATF South,”saidJeffreyHavlicek,J7directorfor Innovation and Technology JIATF-South “This event showcased a menu of options and generated comparative insights vital to ourmission-areaanalysisoflow-costresupplyatsea.”

VIRGINIABEACH, Va (Oct 28 2022).Tessa Ewing,a Project SEARCH intern, andJanVarney,a Virginia Beach City Public Schools Instructional Specialist,pose fora photo at the Flight Line Fitness Center onboard NavalAir Station Oceana. NAS Oceana is collaboratingwith Project SEARCH, a program that connects high school studentswith intellectual and developmental disabilities to internships and on-the-job training (U.S. NAVYPHOTO BYMASS


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Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct 17,2022) Crewmembers from the engineering companySurvice,aboard the Spearhead-Class expeditionaryfast transportvessel USNS Burlington (T-EPF-10) land theTactical ResupplyVehicle (TRV) 150 unmanned aerial system practice landing on the ship autonomouslyamongst onlookers from the Scientists-to-Sea program underwayduring the Navy’s Fleet Experimentation Program (FLEX),Oct. 17 2022 FLEXaims to testvarious unmanned aerial and surface systems in orderto strengthen and increasewarfightercapabilities.(U.S.NAVY
THIS TOOL CANCOME IN HANDYINANEMERGENCY. Backup powercan keep you connected in an emergency. Formoretips visit Ready.gov 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, November 3, 2022

AEW Wrestlers visit USS San Antonio

NORFOLK (NNS) Professional wrestlersfromAllEliteWrestling(AEW)visited the crew of the amphibious transport dock shipUSSSanAntonio(LPD17)atMHIship yard Norfolk,Virginia,Oct.26

In coordination with Commander Naval SurfaceForceAtlantic(SURFLANT),AEW wrestlerswereprovidedwithaguidedtour ofSanAntonioaspartofadistinguishedvisit andmoraleboostingevent,priortotheAEW live performance at the Chartway Arena in Norfolk

“Thishonestlymeantalotbecausewres tlersareverybusypeopleandtheytooktime out of their day to come and see us,” said Damage Controlman 3rd Class Christian Guillory. “To have people I grew up watch ing on T.V. come out and show support...It feelslikeIhaveknownthemforever.”

More than 15 professional wrestlers

and staff were greeted by San Antonio’s CommandingOfficerCapt.DavidSnowden and Executive Officer Cdr Daniel Rogers Onceonboard,AEWtalentmetwithsubject matter experts throughout the command, and dined with San Antonio Sailors on the bargemessdecks

“This has been a great experience and moraleboostforourcrewhereonboardUSS SanAntonio,”saidSnowden.

AEW wrestlers posed for photos with crewmembers and showcased title belts in an effort to strengthen pro-military rela tionships with professional sports enter tainment

“This is mind boggling honestly,” said CryptologicTechnicianTechnical2ndClass DesireeOrticelli.

“I never thought I’d actually get the chancetositwithsomeofthepeopleIgrew upwatching It’sheartwrenchingandamazing.”

AEW is an American professional wres tling promotion based in Jacksonville, Florida. It is considered the second largest wrestlingpromotionintheU.S. SanAntonioistheleadshipofherclassof amphibious transport dock or landing plat formdock,andisthefirstshipoftheUnited States Navy to be named for the city of San Antonio,Texas. Editors Note:Formoreon AEW, see ourinter view with AEW star Serena Deeb on page C2
Norfolk,Virginia (Oct 26) Professionalwrestlers fromAll EliteWrestling (AEW)visited the crewofthe amphibious transport dockship USS SanAntonio (LPD 17) at Marine Hydraulics International (MHI),Oct.26 SanAntonio is currentlyundergoing a scheduled maintenance availability.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYSENIORCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTJUSTINAILES) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 3

dawn of Navy

global enterprise

“I do not know what you have heard about NMRI as to its reputation among those who can evaluate research. From what I have heard it appears that it has already attained a stature in the scientific world and has made contributions to research in its short life of which a much older institution might be justly proud.

—Capt. E.G. Hakansson, Commanding Officer, Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI),1946

Before there was the Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) there was the NavalMedicalResearchInstitute(NMRI). On October 27 1942 NMRI was estab lishedattheNationalNavalMedicalCenter (NNMC) in Bethesda, Md Over the next three years, its complement of military and civilian scientists and researchers—some of the most brilliant minds in the coun try—embarked on an ambitious mission of “comprehensive research” relating to all aspects of military “problems.” Many of these efforts had immediate impact on the warfighters and accomplished what Navy Surgeon General Rear Admiral Ross McIntire summarized as the: “prevention ofdisease,thereliefofthesufferingandthe savingoflives.”

Behnke’s Vision:

ByWorldWarII,medicalresearchinthe Navywasfarfromuncharteredterritory.In the first decades of the twentieth century, physician-scientistRearAdm.EdwardStitt and others had turned the Naval Medical School into the nation’s premier tropical medicineandnavalhygieneresearchcenter And the inter-wars years (1919-1941) saw a vast array of pioneering medical research conducted at the Naval Medical School in Washington, D.C. the Submarine Base in New London, Conn., the Experimen tal Diving Unit, Navy Yard Washington, D.C., aviation bases in Pensacola, Philadelphia, and San Diego and, of course, aboard ships at sea. During this period Navy medi cal personnel helped unlock mysteries like decompression sickness, anti-G forces, oversaw the development of liquid plasma, spearheadedthedevelopmentandtestingof tetanus toxoid, and a means for combating heatstressaboardsurfaceships

Capt.AlbertBehnke,MC,USN,oneofthe Navy’s leading medical researchers of the 1930s,isoftencredited asoneofthefathers of NMRI. Behnke is best known today for

hispioneeringworkondecompressionsick ness,humanbodycompositionandsupport the USS Squalus submarine rescue effort, but Behnke was also a leading researcher onheatstress Whileamemberofaboardto studyairconditioninginrelationtodamage control, Behnke conducted a series of stud iesaboardtheshipsNevada Tuscaloosaand New Orleans looking at the impact of ship board environments on combat efficiency

The operational value of this work gained the attention of Rear Adm. Ross McIntire, who then served as both Surgeon General and primary physician to the President Franklin Roosevelt. McIntire shared Behnke’s work with Roosevelt who took inter est. Having the ear of Roosevelt, Behnke beganadvocatingforalaboratorydedicated to conducting medical research on issues impactingtheNavyandMarineCorps.Roos eveltsupportedtheplanandBehnkegothis wish OnOctober27,1942,NMRIopenedits

doorsfromBuilding17onthecampusofthe NationalNavalMedicalCenterinBethesda NMRI originally consisted of 13 officers, 50 enlisted men and one civilian. By war’s endtheInstitute’sstaffexpandedtosome81 officersand125enlistedpersonnel.

Plankowners included Capt. (later Rear Adm.) William Mann MC USN and Cmdr Robert H. Draeger who served as NMRI’s first CO and XO, respectively At the time, MannwasbestknownasoneofNavyMedi cine’sleadingstrategicthinkersanddecades before helped initiate the concept of “field medical training” at Quantico Prior to reporting to NMRI, Draeger had earned some renown as an inventor of a microfilm camera originally designed to photograph publications at sea and later used by libraries In the inaugural year of NMRI, Mann and Draeger were joined by Dr Andrew C. Ivy, the institute’s first scientific director (1942-1943) Ivy, a Northwestern Univer

sity professor of physiology later earn prominence as one of the developers of the NuremburgMedicalCode,asetofresearch principlesonhumanuseexperimentation.

Organized under four research depart ments—naval environmental medicine, naval preventive medicine, dental research and equipmentresearch—NMRI’smissionbecame increasingly specialized during the war.

In July 1943 the four research departmentswerereorganizedinto“facilities”for: Animal Laboratories, Aviation, Bacteriol ogy, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Chemistry andassay,Analysis,ExperimentalDentistry, Diving and Underwater Physiology, Heat ing,AirconditioningandVentilation,IndustrialHygiene,aLibrary,Nutrition,Pathology, PersonalEquipmentDesign,Pharmacology andToxicology Physiology Psychologyand Statistics Psychometric and Metabolism, Hematology,TechnicalShops,Experimental Surgery,andVirology

NMRI’s First Research Projects:

NMRIcategorized itsfirst researchproj ects into five categories: general (affecting the Navy as a whole), maritime medicine aboard surface vessels, submarine and divingmedicine,aviationmedicineandfield medicine.

Throughout World War II, NMRI investigatedpracticallyeveryproblemrelatingto the health of Navy and Marine Corps; and thereisnodenyingthattheorganizationhad anairofamedicalversion“QBranch”from the 007 novels and films NMRI scientists researched and developed first aid kits for aviators, protective creams for flashburns, insect repellents and fungistatic agents, tested new uses for Penicillin, invented resuscitation devices, explored prevention of general effects of cold water immersion, new treatments for seasickness, transpor tation methods for whole blood stood up the Navy’s first mobile nutrition units and oversaw new treatments for and preven tion techniques to ward against tropical diseases (including treatment for malaria, scrubtyphusandschistosomiasis).

But, all of these developments would followinthewakeofitsfirstassignedproject: devisingafull-proofmethodfordesalinating seawateranddevelopingspecialfoodrations forthewar’sunfortunateseacastaways.

Althoughtherearenoofficialstatisticson how many World War II Sailors, Marines, merchant mariners, military aviators, and


NMRI and the
medicine’s R&D
Original home ofthe Naval Medical Research Center’s predecessorcommand,the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI).From 1942 until 1998 NMRI operated out ofBuilding 17 National Naval Medical Center Bethesda.(PHOTOBYANDRÉSOBOCINSKI)
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NAS Oceana Child Youth Programs hosts Lights on Afterschool events

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Child Youth Programs(CYP)atNASOceanaandMidway Manorcelebratedthefallseasonandhosted LightsonAfterschoolevents Oct.26and27

A project of the Afterschool Alliance, Lights On Afterschool was launched in October 2000, with celebrations in 1,200 communities nationwide The event cele bratesthemanywaysafterschoolprograms help students succeed in school and in life. Italsounderscorestheimportanceofafter

school programs like those managed by NAS Oceana’s CYP, which keeps kids safe, inspiresthemtolearn,andgiveshardwork ingmilitaryfamiliespeaceofmind.

“NAS Oceana and Dam Neck Annex’s Child Youth Programs is proud to support our Sailors, marines, and their families by offering children enrolled in our program an enriching, safe, and nurturing environ ment. It’s an honor to watch our service members’childrengrowupandthriveinour Child Youth Programs,” said Nancy Byrne, NASOceana,DamNeckAnnex,andMidway


The programs and services of CYP are designed to meet the unique needs of mili taryparentsandtheirfamilies Theysupport military personnel by providing trusted childcare, so they can focus on the mission whileknowingthattheirfamilyiscaredfor

The Navy’s East Coast Master Jet Base, NAS Oceana’s mission is to provide oper ational and logistical support across 19 command departments, five Carrier Air Wings, 17 squadrons, and 79 supported commands onboard NAS Oceana, Dam

Neck Annex, and NALF Fentress to strengthen the Fleet’s warfighting forces around the globe The NAS Oceana team proudly maintains its unwavering dedi cation to the “Fleet, Fighter and Family” with a commitment to Sailor support and customer service, which extend into the surrounding communities through highly cooperative outreach initiatives

If you or someone you know is inter ested in working with NAS Oceana and DamNeckAnnex’sCYP,visit:https://www navycyp.org/

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (October24 2021) ChildYouth Programs (CYP) at NAS Oceana and MidwayManorcelebrated the fall season and hosted Lights onAfterschool events,Oct.26 and 27 A project oftheAfterschoolAlliance,Lights OnAfterschoolwas launched in October2000 with celebrations in 1,200 communities nationwide.The event celebrates the manyways afterschool programs help students succeed in school and in life.It also underscores the importance ofafterschool programs like those managed byNAS Oceana’s CYP,which keeps kids safe inspires them to learn,and gives hardworking militaryfamilies peace ofmind (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMICHAELBOTTS/RELEASED) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 5 ARE YOU READY? Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. 1996 POWERPLANT PKWYHAMPTON,VA23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM

Naval Station Norfolk holds first annual Chili Cook-Off

NORFOLK, Va Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’s galley held its first annualChiliCook-OffonOctober27 2022.

There were five teams that participated eachwithtwotothreeteammembers.The event was held from 10-12 and saw about 50 guests

“We created this event to bring people together and improve morale around the installation,” said Chief Warrant Officer 3 Nicole Campbell, NAVSTA Galley Food ServiceOfficer “EspeciallywithCOVID we are trying to get back to a normal routine”.

The participants included Transient Personnel Unit (TPU), Security depart ment, Navy Munitions Command Atlantic (NMCLANT), Unaccompanied Housing (UH), and the Galley. The Galley’s team of culinaryspecialistswerethewinnersofthe competition,usinggroundturkeyinsteadof

beef as a healthier option

“Iwasallowedtotaketheleadonmaking our chili,” said Culinary Specialist Seaman Donajha White assigned to NAVSTA Galley “Wemadeourchilifromtheheart”.

There were five judges on the panel, including the Command Master Chief, Chief Staff Officer, and Food Service Offi cer,allofNAVSTANorfolk.Therewasalso a people’s choice award chosen by guests, which the galley also won.

“This competition was fun,” said Culi nary Specialist 2nd Class Ervin Riddick, NAVSTA Galley “I have been cooking for fifteenyearsandanyopportunitytopartic ipateincommandeventsorhelpoutjunior Sailors is what I love to do.”

The competition is planned to be held nextyearwiththegoalofimprovingmorale and comradery between the departments on the installation

USS Boise holds change of command

The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USSBoise(SSN764)conductedachangeof commandatNavalStationNorfolk,Oct.21.

Cmdr Christopher Holland relieved Cmdr Jonathan Cantor as commanding officerofBoise.

Capt. Brian Hogan, commodore, SubmarineSquadronEight,spokeonCantor’stime asBoise’scommandingofficerandcongrat ulatedhimforasuccessfultour

“Cmdr Cantor, thank you for your lead ershipandforyoursuperbeffortsonbehalf of your Sailors and your submarine,” said Hogan. “You should absolutely be very proud of your accomplishments in the face ofanunprecedentedchallenge.”

HoganthenwelcomedHollandasthenew commandingofficerofBoise

“Cmdr Holland,asyouassumecommand today, remember thatourSubmarine Force has invested many years of effort into you as a professional submariner,” said Hogan. “We hand selected you for this position, we trustyoutoleadBoiseandcontinuetoforge thispaththatnosubmarinerhasgonedown before. Congratulations on an incredible opportunity and I look forward to continuingtoworkwithyou.”


he let that be known to the crew during his remarks.

“AsIwrapupmytimeasthecommanding officerofBoise,I’dagainliketoreiteratethat thesuccesswe’vehadoverthepastcoupleof years has been a group effort,” said Cantor. “Tomycrew,Iwouldputyouguysupagainst anyoperationalcrewintheSubmarineForce andIwouldgotowarwitheveryoneofyou right now if called upon. Thank you all for sharinginthishistoricday.

Cantor’s next assignment is at Undersea Warfighting Development Center detach mentNorfolk,Va

While assuming command, Holland addressed the crew as the new commandingofficer.

“To the Boise crew; there is no question thatUSSBoisefacesuniquechallenges,”said Holland “We really fit the mantra of a ‘One Ship Fleet’ You have the opportunity to be the best trained and most qualified Sailors in the Submarine Force. Seek out ways to improve yourself mentally, physically and spiritually every day. Earn your dolphins everysingleday.”

Fast-attack submarines are multi-mis sion platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control,powerprojection,forwardpresence, maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare,

specialoperations intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and minewarfare.Fast-attacksubmarinesproject power ashore with special operations forcesandTomahawkcruisemissilesinthe


NORFOLK,VA(October27 2022) CulinarySpecialist 2nd Class Ervin Riddickand Culinary Specialist Seaman DonajhaWhite,assigned to Naval Station Norfolk(NAVSTA) stand behind theirwinning chili at the annual Chili CookOff,onboard NAVSTANorfolk,Oct.27,2022 Five teams participated in the event (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBOATSWAIN’SMATE3RDCLASSJESSICA NUNES/RELEASED)
The Los Angeles-class submarine is 360 feetlongand33feetwide,andweighsabout 6,900tonswhensubmerged.Underwater,it canreachspeedsinexcessof25knots
Capt.Brian Hogan,commodore,Submarine Squadron Eight center watches as Cmdr ChristopherHolland,right relieves Cmdr Jonathan Cantor left as commanding officerof the LosAngeles-class attacksubmarine USS Boise (SSN 764) during a change ofcommand ceremonyonboard Naval Station Norfolk,Oct.21,2022 (PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER1STCLASS CAMERONSTONER) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606 Continue Your Honorable ServiceToThe Community Call (757) 873-3333 Become An MD In Just 6Years! StartYour NewCareer As AMedical Doctor! Startonyour path today! Usethis QR code to find out more! UseYour GI Bill or check into our many financial aid packages! www.hopemedicalinstitute.org Call Today! Our6-year programhas been especially designed for students who can go on to rewarding careers in the US and all over the world!

Sailor on the Street

Yeoman 2nd Class Giani Rivera





“MyfamilyisPuertoRican,sowehavepernil porkshoulder.”

others awaited rescue at sea in World War II, a conservative estimate is tens of thou sands. Following the loss of their ships or aircraft, these castaways would often face a gauntlet of inclement weather conditions, the threat of secondary enemy attacks, and sharks Even if they escaped these hazards, andeveniftheydidnotsufferanyinjuriesor wounds, they still needed sustenance until eventual rescue Without food, the average person can survive for about 21 days; and withoutwaterforaboutthreedays

Early 1943, NMRI staff began experi mentingwithchemicallyprocessingseawa ter so that it could be drunk by personnel adrift on life rafts In February 1943, NMRI physiologist Lt Cmdr Clair Speal-

man, H (S), USNR developed a pioneering multi-process filtering system for desali nating seawater A similar, but simpler methodwassoonafterdevelopedbyNMRI in conjunction with by the Permutit Water Conditioning Company The “Permu tit-Navy Desalting Kit, as it was known, containedaplasticdrinkingbagwithacloth filteratitsbaseandfivecharcoalbriquettes ofdesaltingchemical Thecastawaywould collectseawaterinthedrinkingbag,dropin abriquette,sealthebagandshakeit Within 20minutestheywouldhaveaccesstoapint offreshwaterthattheycoulddrinkthrough a tube beneath the filter By war’s end the kit was adopted by the Army, Navy as well as American Airlines Food was another concern for NMRI researchers who sought to develop a ready supplyofemergencyrationsthatcould“lend itself to easy consumption and efficient

Sailor on the Street

Systems Technician

achieve this mission.

metabolism.” Known as the “NMRI Emer gency Ration,” these small cans consisted of high fat butterscotch tablets, hard candy fruitdrops(containingcitricacidtopromote theflowofsaliva),maltedmilktablets chew ing gum multivitamin tablets and a water proofpouch By1944 theU.S.Navyadopted theseemergencyrationsaspartofasurvival kitforaviatorsaswellastoserveasthe“U.S NavyEmergencyRationforLifeRafts.”

A Legacy:

TheNavy’sSurgeonGeneralRossMcIn tireonceoutlinedtheMedicalDepartment World War II mission as “…to maintain naval tradition by keeping as many men at as many guns as many days as possible.” There is no denying that through its vast outputofbasicandappliedresearch,NMRI helped the Medical Department better

Over the ensuing decades NMRI was joined by other medical laboratories and research detachments across the globe, all unitedtomeetacentralmissiontoenhance the health, the readiness and the perfor mance of Navy and Marine personnel Through reorganizations and re-envisioningoftheR&DEnterprise,NMRIchanged from a hub for Navy Medicine’s research activitiestoasubordinatelaboratoryofthe NavalMedicalResearchandDevelopment Command(1974-1998)tofinally,in1998,an Echelon-4headquarterscommandknown as the Naval Medical Research Center

Today, NMRC’s mission and its role in the U.S. Navy, remains as vital as ever and stands tall as Navy Medicine’s “premier research organization with the vision of world-class, operationally relevant health and medical research solutions.”

NMRI from Page 4 Information
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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, November 3, 2022


USS North Dakota returns home from deployment

ByPettyOfficer2ndClass WesleyTowner Submarine Readiness Squadron (SRS) 32

GROTON,Connecticut Justafewdays before Halloween, this was no trick: The Virginia-class fast attack submarine USS North Dakota (SSN 784) returned home to Naval Submarine Base New London on Thursday, Oct. 27 after a deployment of sevenmonths

“TheNorthDakotaSailorshavebeenbusy serving our country and keeping us safe,” said Terezia Nutt, who is married to North Dakota Sailor Petty Officer 2nd Class Larry Nutt.“Whileweareproudofthemfortheir hard work and the time that they sacrifice, we’rehappytohavethembackhomebefore Halloween whatatreat!”

During its deployment, North Dakota steamed more than 40,000 nautical miles andoperatedintheU.S.EuropeanCommand area of responsibility, making port calls to Faslane,Scotland;Tromso,Norway;Toulon, France;andRota,Spain

“This crew impressed me every day on this deployment with its professionalism andcommitmenttoexcellence, saidCmdr RobertEdmondson,commandingofficerof NorthDakota “NavysubmarineslikeNorth Dakotaareequippedwithcuttingedgetechnologyandhavethestealthandfirepowerto give our country and incredible advantage in the undersea domain. But it’s the Sailors aboard whose hard work and innovative thinkingovercomeanychallengeswemight face, who really deserve our admiration on adaylikethis

“To our families here in Groton: We’ve missedyoudearly,andwecannotthankyou enough for your sacrifices and love during thisdeployment,”headded.“We’resohappy tobehome.”

The ceremonial first kiss upon return to homeport was awarded to Petty Officer 3rd Class Brady Smith and his significant other Elizabeth Beaulieu The ceremonial first hug was awarded to Chief Petty Offi cerJohnHamm,hisspouseChelseyandhis childrenCarsonandJohn CassieGagliardi

introducednewborndaughterMaizietoher fatherandhomecomingweaponsofficer,Lt ConnorGagliardi

“It has been a long seven months, but seeing the boat come up the river makes it allworthit,”saidJillHenry,whosehusband, Master Chief Petty Officer Cody Henry, returned Thursday with the sub “We are allsoproudofourSailorsandareexcitedto havetheNorthDakotahomeintimeforthe holidayseason.

USS North Dakota recently celebrated its eighth birthday the submarine was commissioned on Oct. 25, 2014. SSN 784 is the second U.S. warship commissioned underthenameNorthDakota,thefirstbeing a World War I battleship The submarine NorthDakotaismorethan377feetlongand candisplacenearly7,900tons.SSN784operatesunderSubmarineSquadron(SUBRON) 4inGroton

“I’m proud to welcome home Cmdr Rob Edmondson and the crew of North Dakota who, over the last seven months, strived to further our nation’s objectives in the arena

ofgreatpowercompetition,”saidCapt.John Stafford, commander of Submarine Squadron 4. “The North Dakota families and the citizens of this country can take great pride in the loyal dedication to duty exemplified by the captain and crew of this warship. The return is especially sweet as the holi day season is upon us We are all thankful for the selfless dedication of all who serve, butespeciallysotodayaswewelcomehome NorthDakota.” Fast-attack submarines are multi-missionplatformsenablingfiveofthesixNavy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control, power projection, forward pres ence, maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-sub marine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare Fast-attack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or prepa ration of regional crises

Situated in the Texas Hill Country, Camp Bullis is a long way from showing up on any nauticalchart.

For U.S. Navy Culinary Specialist 2nd Class Israel Tellezalego and Culinary Specialist 3rd Class Alvin Bueno, they might have felt initially likefishoutofwaterattheU.S.Army trainingsite.

Untiltheystartedcookin withtheircooking.

Tellezalego and Bueno, assigned to Navy Medicine Readiness Training Command Bremerton Terrace Dining facility were the initial culinary specialists to recently take part in the U.S. Army Joint Field Nutrition Course whichprovideshand-onnutritionaloperational trainingwithinasimulatedArmyfieldhospital inadeploymentsetting.

“We learned how to carry out our culinary specialist duties in a tactical environment. We learned how to help others in a disaster situation by caring for victims by setting up a field kitchen, which we got down to be able to have readytousein10minutesinafieldoperation We also learned how to prepare nutritional mealsforwoundedanddisplacedpeople,”said Tellezalego.

The10-daycourseisdesignedtoteachmilitarypersonnel,whichinthepasthasbeenrele gated to Navy Medical Service Corps officers withspecialtytrainingindietetics toassessthe nutritional status of various populations and becomefamiliarwithseveraltypesofnon-governmental organizations food distribution programs

“Every year the Army allots the Navy four slots for this valuable training. We thought it

Navy nutritionists to have
experience and gain the knowledge,” stated Lt Lorna
registereddietitianandNutritionManagement department head “We got great feedback on CS2TellezalegoandCS3Buenoeffortthroughoutthecourse.” Thetwotookpartinahostofactivetraining scenarios suchaslandnavigation;convoyoper ations;litterobstaclecoursetraining;hands-on instructions in setting-up a containerized kitchenandfeedingpatientsduringfieldoper ations;helpingwithphysicalexamsonchildren; Cooking with soldier, sailor culinary connection
Cookingwith Soldier,SailorCulinaryConnection...NavyCulinarySpecialist
2nd Class
IsraelTellezalego (left) and CulinarySpecialist 3rd Class Alvin Buenowere the
initial culinaryspecialists to take part in
the U.S.ArmyJoint Field Nutrition Course,Camp Bullis,Texas,which provides hand-
on nutritional
operational trainingwithin a simulatedArmyfield hospital in a deployment setting (OFFICIALNAVYPHOTOBYDOUGLASHSTUTZ,
GROTON,Conn.(October27 2022) The USS North Dakota (SSN 784) transits theThames Riverduring a homecoming event at Naval Submarine Base NewLondon in Groton,Conn.,Oct.27
Dakota returned
homeport from
deployment since commissioning in support ofthe Navy’s maritime strategy supporting national securityinterests and maritime security operations in the 6th Fleet area ofoperations.TheVirginia-class fast attacksubmarine USS North Dakota and crewoperate underSubmarine Squadron (SUBRON) FOURand its primary mission is to provide attacksubmarines that are ready willing and able to meet the unique challenges ofundersea combat and deployed operations in unforgiving environments across the globe. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFPETTYOFFICERJOSHUAKARSTEN) USS Gerald R. Ford hosts reception at Halifax port visit The event attended byU.S.Navyallies and partners highlighted the long-standing bilateral alliance between the U.S.and Canada and celebrated the first portvisit during Gerald R. Ford’s inaugural deployment PageB3
TurntoCooking, Page 4 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 1

CNP unveils his strategic design

The Chief of Naval Personnel spoke here Oct 24and25 abouthis visionfor the future of what he calls, “our most valuable weapon system”:theSailor Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman described the MyNavy HR Strategic Design to audiences during two All Hands Calls at the Naval Support Activity Mid-South Conference Center Atitscore,hesaid,isthemission.

“Whatareweabout?Itcomesdowntotwo words:personnelreadiness,”hesaid.

Cheesemansaidwithpersonnelreadiness as the mission, all efforts across the MyNavy HR enterprise lead to his vision of what he calls,“mission-focusedSailors.”

Thisvision,hesaid hasasitsfoundation: Steady,effectiverecruitmentandtraining An inclusive Navy culture that supports adaptiveandresilientSailorsandfamilies Sailor-informed, transparent, data-driven talentmanagement

Thepillarsthemselvesarefocusedonvery specificinitiatives:

Deliver Billet-Based Advancement

Cheeseman said closing gaps at sea is a priority At the same time, he acknowledges the challenges of matching Sailors to billets appropriatetotheirpaygrades.That’swhere billet-basedadvancementcomesin.


Initiatives such as the Detailing Market place Assignment Policy, Command Advance-to-Position, Advance-to-Position programs, and the Senior Enlisted Advance ment to Position pilot, along with coming changes to the Senior Enlisted Marketplace, are expected to correct systemic misalign ment between the Navy’s enlisted advance mentandpersonneldistributionprocesses Annually,theNavyadvancesthousandsof Sailorsbutdoesnotimmediatelymovethose Sailors into positions that match their new paygradeduetoimpactstolosingcommands

Billet-based advancements are expected to reduce inefficiencies and eliminate critical gaps, while offering both monetary and non-monetary incentives to Sailors It also gives Sailors more control over their careers and permanent change of station moves to include increased flexibility, transparency andgeographicstabilityincareerdecisions.

Cheesemanenvisionsafuturewherebillet based advancement becomes the standard mechanism for all enlisted Sailors through journeyman and supervisory paybands (E5-E9)toattainthenexthigherpaygrade “TransformingtheNavyenlistedadvance mentanddistributionprocessesintoarobust, billet-basedmarketplacedecreasesbilletgaps and increases Fleet readiness to ensure the rightSailor,withtherightskills,isintheright billettomeetthemission,”hesaid

Deliver Ready Relevant Learning

TheNavyisinawarfortalent,Cheeseman noted “We are focused on how we recruit, train, and educate our Nation’s best,” he said. “We must have Sailors who are skilled combatready warfighters, both disciplined and tough.”


“It’s a career-long learning continuum for every Sailor in our Navy,” Cheeseman said “Think officer career paths; every officer cantellyouexactlywhattheircareerpathis We’retryingtodothesamethingforenlisted ratings If we do that…then you’re deliver ingthattrainingtothepointofneed.Wealso want to deliver this content faster and make sure it’s relevant to the Fleet so they are at peakperformance.

Modern challenges call for modern solu tions,henoted.

“At its core, RRL is about creating more proficient and technically capable Sailors as they head to operational fleet units,” Cheesemansaid.

Advance Navy Culture

Cheesemanpointedoutthatcultureisboth afoundationalelementandapillar

“In order for our Navy to win, we must have a culture that can,” he said “In order to achieve success, we all need to take owner ship together and create the Navy Culture thatisnecessaryforourSailors,theirfamilies, andourcountry.”

Cheeseman pointed out that, like no time sincetheColdWar,theNavyfacesthepossi bilityofconflictatseawithapeercompetitor. Withsomuchatstake,theNavyhastodefine desired cultural characteristics; set standardsandmeasuresforhowtodevelopgreat people, teams, and leaders; and then train, reinforce, incentivize, reward, and measure totheculturalstandard.

This will be task of the Integrated Culture Framework and supporting Playbook that simplifies streamlines, and aligns existing terms,programs,andpolicies,providinglead ers with the an executable plan to develop greatpeople,leadersandteams

“This will illustrate what right looks like, withtoolsyoucanusetoadvancetheculture wewant,”hesaid.

Cheeseman urged leaders and Sailors to act transparently and call out issues as they see them to avoid the “checklist culture” of thepast.

“TogetherweownourcultureandIknow everyone here is on board to creating the culturethatweneed,”Cheesemansaid.

Provide Modern HR Service Delivery

Cheeseman said the vision here is to, “create a system that works for the 90% of us who require routine transactions that

are almost automatic so the workforce can focusonthe10%thataretrulyunique helpingthosepeoplewhoneedthedirecttouchpoints.”

Thetransformationthathasbeeninwork since2016continues,albeitthepacehasnot beenwherethefleetbelieveditwouldbeby now, Cheeseman acknowledged.

“But what we have done to date has been epic,” he said. “We just need to understand what we are driving towards and how we’ll get there.

Cheeseman said the efforts between enterprise management and enterprise support to create the solutions have greatly impressed him.

The My Navy Career Center personnel, he said, are, “working hard to provide a modern HR Service Delivery solution, with 24/7 contact support, to resolve personnel andpayissuesatincreasedspeed,improved accuracy and reduced cost.

CheesemanthankedtheNPCandMNCC teams for strengthening programs and providing direct and honest feedback to developers.

“Thank you for all that you are doing and keep at it, because we owe it our Sailors to getthisrightsoeveryonecanfocusonwarf ighting readiness.”

Deliver and Sustain Modern HR IT Solutions

“The one thing that touches each of our pillars Billet Based Advancement, Ready Relevant Learning, Advancing Culture and HRservicedelivery aredeliveringmodern IT systems,” he said Movingforward,Cheesemansaid,ourIT Transformation team is laser-focused on modernizingourprocesses,removingbarri ers, fixing glitches and delivering worldclass technology That’s why enterprise support has been stood up as an OPNAV code OPNAV N16 to allow them the flexibility to deliver effective MyNavy HR digital transforma tion solutions

Just as importantly, Cheeseman said, increased communication between enter prise support and the rest of the MyNavy HR enterprise has improved tremendously, allowing for the technical requirement to meet the needs of the functional require ments

“This is so important and underpins everything we’re trying to do,” he said Cheesemanexpressedoptimismingetting theStrategicDesignoperationalandmaking an effective impact on the Fleet.

“As we have always done in the past, our peoplewillstepupandrisetotheoccasion,” hesaid.“Thesefivethingswillgetusintothe future where we want to be As a MyNavy HRteam,we’llgetthebasicsrightsoSailors canbethemission-focusedprofessionalsour Nation deserves.

“I know we are up to the task.

MyNavy Coaching trains RDCs at RTC

GREAT LAKES, Ill. MyNavy Coaching conducted two four-hour coaching work shops Oct. 11 and 12 with the Recruit Divi sionCommanders(RDCs)andstaffatRecruit TrainingCommand(RTC)inGreatLakes Ill

The workshops were conducted by Lt.j.g Adra Oglesby and Command Master Chief Duncan MacLeod from the MyNavy Coaching team in order to complete the Job Qualification Requirements (JQRs) for 65 participantswhocanthenconductcoaching trainingtorecruitsatRTC.

“It was a very successful trip,” said MacLeod.“Wequalifiedsomanyparticipants who are eager to implement the MyNavy Coaching initiative and its tools Speaking with leadership at RTC was very encouraging, as everyone is on board with Coaching andeagertoseeitflourish.”

The workshop taught the RTC staff, who

are training the Sailors of tomorrow how to better conduct peer-to-peer coaching conversations using personal and profes sionalgoal-settingandprovidingconstructive feedback “Mybiggesttakeawaywaslearning whatquestionsIcanaskduringthesecoach ingsessions,”saidAviationMachinist’sMate 1st Class Latasha Lawrence an instructor at RDCC-School.“It’snotleadingthemtotheir answer but asking all sorts of questions to find out what it is that they wanted to work on.

Lawrence was inspired by the training to help her junior Sailors succeed. “I think the most important part of it for me was learn ing what powerful questions I can ask to get the conversation started; to get them to tell me what goals they have or what underlying issues may come from me asking certain questions.

The MyNavy Coaching team intends to return to RTC in February 2023 to pilot a five-day training course which provides greater in-depth instruction on coaching

and the modern tools to develop and engage ourpeople.Sailorswhocompletethefive-day training will receive a Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) or Additional Qualification Designation (AQD) that demonstrates their competency and mastery of the MyNavy Coachinginitiativeandcoachingasacommu nicationandleadershipskill.MyNavyCoach ing supports and builds upon the CNO’s principals for self assessing, self-correcting and using a learning mindset to innovate betterthananyopposition.

The mission of MyNavy Coaching is to inspire coaching partners to reach their potentialandachievemaximumperformance outcomes through coaching partnerships to deliberately grow, broaden, and sustain development through self-learning and goal achievement.

For more information on MyNavy Coach ingpleasevisit:https://www.mynavyhr.navy mil/Career-Management/Talent-Manage ment/Coaching/


A: There are three types of housing available to families:

Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated

NAVY HOUSING Norfolk: 757.445.2832 JEBLCFS: 757.462.2792 Oceana/DamNeck: 757.433.3268 Yorktown: 757.847.7806

Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no

Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
cost FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling Individual, Couplesand ChildCounseling Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
MILLINGTON,Tennessee (October 24,2022)–ViceAdm.RickCheeseman,ChiefofNaval
Personnel,and RearAdm.Stu Satterwhite,Commander,
MyNavyCareerCenter observe a demonstration ofMNCC’s Human Resource Service
Centeroperations from Marcus Richardson,Workforce
ManagementTrafficAnalyst Supervisor Cheesemanvisited NavyPersonnel
Command and MNCC during a swing through Millington to
unveil MyNavyHR’s Strategic Design,which focuses on personnel readiness as MyNavyHR’s
primarymission.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASS
COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJAREDCATLETT) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022


Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet, Vice Adm. Daniel Dwyer, and the U.S. Ambassador to Canada,DavidCohen,co-hostedareception aboardthefirst-in-classaircraftcarrierUSS GeraldR.Ford(CVN78)whileanchoredoff the coast of Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 29,2022.

Theevent,attendedbyU.S.Navyalliesand partnershighlightedthelong-standingbilat eral alliance between the U.S. and Canada and celebrated the first port visit during Gerald R. Ford’s inaugural deployment. GuestspeakersincludedDwyer,Cohenand Vice Adm. Angus Topshee, Commander, RoyalCanadianNavy

“It is my great honor to host this historic event along with my co-host, the United StatesAmbassadortoCanadaDavidCohen,” saidDwyer “Thisinauguraldeploymentisa gift.Ithasbroughtanamazinggroupofallies and partners together for a short period of time, for a single focus, and it has given us an amazing opportunity to train together and better understand how to work along sideeachother,sothatwecanmoveforward withastrengthenedpurposeandresolve.”

Topshee emphasized that NATO is more unified than ever, even in the face of an ever-evolving security environment, and that the evening’s gathering of military and civilians from around the world aboard the Navy’s newest, most advanced aircraft carriermorethanaccentuatedthatfact.

“It is amazing the power of an aircraft carrier to bring people together even as it represents an incredible deterrent force,” said Topshee “The Navy ships from so many NATO ally nations sailing into port withFordandtheshipsthatwillworkwith Fordduringherinauguraldeploymentarea testamenttothepowerandcommitmentof theNATOalliance.Theyservetoensurethat wewillupholdthatrule-basedinternational orderanddemonstratethatwearecommit


The evening included an opportunity for more than 400 guests to enjoy food and beverages,aswellasaceremonialtoastand cakecutting “Here is to the men and women and the familiesthatsupportthem ofourcombined forces at sea, said Capt. Paul Lanzilotta, Ford’scommandingofficer Topshee said he could not let Ford’s commanding officer visit Canada without

a symbol that he visited the nation as he presented Lanzilotta a ceremonial hockey stick.

“Keep your stick on the ice and be ready for anything,” said Topshee to resounding applause

The Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG)isdeployedintheAtlanticOcean, conducting training and operations along side NATO Allies and partners to enhance integration for future operations and

demonstrate the U.S. Navy’s commitment toapeaceful,stableandconflict-freeAtlan ticregion.

information about the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), visit https:// www.airlant.usff.navy.mil/cvn78/,

For more
and follow along on Facebook @USSGer aldRFord,Instagram@cvn78_grford,Twit ter @Warship_78, LinkedIn https://www. linkedin.com/company/uss-gerald-r-fordcvn-78/andDVIDSwww.dvids.net/CVN78 USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) hosts reception at Halifax port visit Aceremonial colorguard marches into the hangarbayofthe first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78) during a reception as part ofits first International portvisit Oct.29 2022 The Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (GRFCSG) is deployed in theAtlantic Ocean,conducting training and operations alongside NATOAllies and partners to enhance integration forfuture operations and demonstrate the U.S.Navy’s commitment to a peaceful,stable and conflict-freeAtlantic region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNOLAN PENNINGTON) Aceremonial colorguard presents colors inside the hangarbayofthe first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78) during a reception as part ofits first International portvisit Oct.29 2022 The Gerald R.Ford CarrierStrike Group (GRFCSG) is deployed in theAtlantic Ocean,conducting training and operations alongside NATOAllies and partners to enhance integration forfuture operations and demonstrate the U.S.Navy’s commitment to a peaceful,stable and conflict-freeAtlantic region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNOLAN PENNINGTON) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Post your resume Stand out from the crowd. careers.tribpub.com www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 3

U.S. Navy rescues mariners who set fire to vessel smuggling drugs

MANAMA,Bahrain U.S.Navypersonnel rescued eight civilian mariners in the Gulf of Oman, Oct. 29, after they set their fishingvesselonfirepriortobeingboarded.

U.S.NavypatrolcoastalshipUSSSirocco (PC 6) was conducting a counter-smug gling patrol in international waters when themarinerssettheirfishingvesselablaze Sailors from Sirocco rescued the mariners from the water and provided medical aide as USS Chinook (PC 9) and USS Thunder bolt (PC 12) extinguished the fire on the vessel.

“This was a superb effort by all of our crews,” said Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, U.S. 5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces “I couldn’t be prouder of everyone involved in saving lives while carrying out our mission to disrupt desta bilizing maritime activity.”

Themariners,whoidentifiedthemselves asIranianandPakistani,admittedtosmuggling hashish and methamphetamines U.S. naval forces recovered 560 kilograms

of hashish worth an estimated $1 million, about one-third of the total shipment The remainingdrugsweredestroyedinthefire.

After the mariners received immedi ate medical care, all were transferred to a regional nation for additional treatment andrepatriation.Thefishingvessel,which sustained significant damage during the fire, sank.

The rescue comes three days after U.S. Navypersonnelrescuedthreecivilianmari nersintheGulfofAden,Oct.26 aftertheir small motorboat caught fire while transiting international waters

Guided-missile destroyer USS Nitze (DDG 94) and patrol coastal ship USS Monsoon(PC4)respondedafterobserving the mariners in distress and immediately rendered assistance Sailors safely rescued the civilian mariners before their burning vessel sank approximately 50 miles off the coast of Yemen

TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21 countries, the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke points at the Strait ofHormuz,Babal-MandebandSuezCanal.

interviewing victims/patients and a cook-off competition.

It was the first foray for both away from their comfort and culinary zone into an oper ational environment decidedly different from theirnorm Notonlyweretheyinalandlocked setting,itwassunnyandhot.

“The Army definitely has their own system in the field, which is different than the one we’reusedtoonaship,”notedTellezalego,from Kernersville,NorthCarolina,whoservedonthe guided-missilecruiserUSSPrinceton(CG59)

“We were doing hydration tests every day. Sometimes twice a day to make sure we were drinking enough fluid and not getting dehy drated,”addedBueno,fromHonolulu Hawai’i, previously stationed on the nuclear aircraft carrierUSSDwightD.Eisenhower(CVN69).

Tellezalego cited that amongst the lesson

learned were how to assist victims from a calamityand/ordisaster;howtopreparenutri tiousmealsusingonlyavailableresources;field survival;combatfirstaidtraining;andtheafore mentionedhydrationtesting.

“It was a humbling experience Seeing how the other service branches went about their duty made us more connected and gave us a lot moreknowledge in being able to take care of patients with special dietary needs,” Tell ezalegosaid

Buenoaffirmedthatthetrainingexperience in a primary Army-centric environment can certainlybenefitaSailorsbackinhis‘haze-gray underway’surrounding.

“IfdeployedonaNavyplatform,likeahospitalship Iwouldknowhowtofeedpatientswho are malnourished, gather information from the patients about their health and be able to directly support humanitarian rescue while deployedtothirdworldcountries”saidBueno.

Perhapsoneofthemorecrucialandimport ant lessons both learned was simply how to

makedowithwhatwasobtainableinthefield. Logistical support is not a guarantee during times of a natural disaster. Supply lines can get cut during any conflict. Material manage ment during a mass casualty situation can becomemuddled.Casualties,aswellasservice members,willneedsustenance

Towards that end, Tellezalego and Bueno tookpartinthecook-offportionofthecourse wheretheyweregivenanhourtoprepareand onehourtocookamealfeaturingbeef relying oningredientstheyweredirectedtouseatthe startoftheir60minutewindow

“We had to include ginger and avocado,” relatedTellezalego.

Once returned to their parent command in the Pacific Northwest, the other culinary specialists expressed varied degrees of curi osity over their training experience Yet each expressedthesameresponsetoTellezalego.

“They all said that wanted to be the next to beabletoattendthecourseandincreasetheir knowledge to be able to perform nutritional

needs in any type of operational field,” Tellezalegosaid Note: USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) just returned from participating in Pacific Part nership 2022, the 17th iteration of the largest annual multi-national humanitarian assistanceanddisasterreliefpreparednessmission conducted in the Indo-Pacific, with host nations Vietnam, Palau, the Philippines and SolomonIslands.USNSComfort(T-AH20)is currentlydeployedtoU.S.4thFleetinsupport of Continuing Promise 2022, a humanitarian assistance and goodwill mission conducting direct medical care, expeditionary veterinary care,andsubjectmatterexpertexchangeswith fivepartnernationsintheCaribbean,Central andSouthAmerica

According to the Joint Base San Antonio website CampBullisprovidesbaseoperation supportandtrainingsupporttoJointBaseSan Antonio mission partners in order to sustain operationalandinstitutionaltrainingrequirements.

GULFOFOMAN (Oct 29,2022)Acivilian fishingvessel burns in the GulfofOman,Oct.29 Thevessel,found to be smuggling illicit cargo,was set on fire bythe fishingvessel’s crewas U.S.forces approached.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO) GULFOFOMAN (Oct 29 2022) Sailors aboard patrol coastal ship USSThunderbolt (PC 12)workto extinguish a fire aboard a fishingvessel in the GulfofOman,Oct.29 Thevessel,found to be smuggling illicit cargo,was set on fire bythe fishingvessel’s crewas U.S.forces approached.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
Cooking from Page 1
GULFOFOMAN (Oct 29,2022) Sailors assigned to patrol coastal ship USS Sirocco (PC 6) rescue mariners from thewaterin the GulfofOman,Oct.29 The mariners jumped into the wateraftersetting theirvessel on fire as U.S.forces approached.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022

USSTheodoreRoosevelt changes command

BREMERTON,Wash.—The Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USSTheodoreRoos evelt (CVN 71)held achange of command ceremonyaboardtheshipOct.28.

Capt. Brian Schrum received command from Capt. Eric Anduze in aceremony presidedoverbyViceAdm.KarlO.Thomas, commander,U.S.7th Fleet, with family, friendsandotherhigh-rankingofficialsand officersinattendance Schrum, from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, graduatedfromthe U.S. NavalAcademy in 1996 with aBachelor of Science degree in politicalscience.Hehasaccumulatedmore than 2,700 flight hours and 680 arrested landings in F/A-18 Hornets.Hepreviously served on staff at Commander,Naval Air ForcesPacific

“I am readytoengage the challengesand celebrate the successes that lie ahead as commanding officer,” said Schrum. “I will endeavorevery daytoleadthiscrewboldly and never forget my solemn responsibility to ensurethe materialand personnel readiness of thisU.S.Navywarship. Forwhen we arecalled to action,wemustbeready, and we mustrespond. Our nation demands nothingless.”

Duringtheceremony,Schrumaddressed the futureofTheodoreRooseveltremark ing on theremaining months of itsdocking plannedincrementalavailability(DPIA)and returningtosea.

“RoughRidersoftheTheodoreRoosevelt, weareinatimeofrenewingandreinvigorat ingthisship,”saidSchrum.“Wearepreparingforareturntosea,whereshipsbelong.”

Anduze, from Manati,PuertoRico, assumed command of TheodoreRoos evelt in July 2020. He earnedaBachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering fromtheU.S.NavalAcademyin1993

While underAnduze’scommand, Theo doreRoosevelt deployedand operated in the U.S. 7thFleet and U.S. 3rdFleetareas of responsibility.Whiledeployed,theytrained withthe Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Nimitz(CVN68)andparticipatedinNorthern Edge 2021. Theodore Roosevelt then shifted homeportstoBremerton, Washing ton, for DPIA at PugetSoundNaval Ship yardandIntermediateMaintenanceFacility wheretheshipisreceivingscheduledmaintenanceandupgrades.

In his remarks to the crew,Anduze said he wasproud of the team’sachievements andthewaythattheyhaveconductedthem selves. He alsospoke about howthey have beenlikefamilyforthepasttwoyears “Rough Riders,words cannot express the admiration and respect that Ihavefor youraccomplishmentsandthesupportyou provided me,” said Anduze.“Itried every daytogiveyou my best. Continue to work hard,continuetobegoodcitizens,anddon’t evergiveup.”

TheodoreRoosevelt is undergoing a dockingplannedincrementalavailabilityat Puget Sound NavalShipyard and Interme diate Maintenance Facility where the ship is receiving scheduled maintenance and upgrades FormorenewsfromUSSTheodoreRoos evelt (CVN 71), visit http://www.navy.mil/ local/cvn71/ .Join the conversation with TR online at www.facebook.com/USSThe odoreRoosevelt and at www.Twitter.com/ TheRealCVN71.

NAVALBASEKITSAP-BREMERTON,Wash.(Oct.28,2022) –U.S.NavyCapt.Brian Schrum,incoming commanding officerofthe Nimitzclass aircraftcarrierUSSTheodoreRoosevelt (CVN 71),saluteswhilewalking through sideboys during achangeofcommand ceremony in the ship’s hangarbayOct.28,2022.TheodoreRoosevelt is undergoing adocking plannedincremental availabilityatPuget Sound Naval Shipyard and IntermediateMaintenanceFacilitywherethe ship is receiving scheduledmaintenanceand upgrades.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSCHRISTOPHERJ.CRAWFORD)
www flagshipnews.com |The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, November 3, 2022 5

An EA-18G Growler attached to Elec tronicAttackSquadron(VAQ)129,success fullycompletedafunctionalcheckflightat Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, Oct.17,markingtheendofacomplextrans formation process for an aircraft thought to be beyond repair This five-year effort demonstrates large-scale teamwork between multiple organizations over an extended timeline

The aircraft, then attached to the “Wizards” of VAQ-136, was involved in a mid-air collision with another aircraft attached to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 2 at NAS Fallon during a training event on Sept. 14, 2017 Both aircraft landed safely and the aircrew were uninjured. The GrowlerremainedatNASFallonforseveral years as refurbishment of this nature had never been done before and there were no processesorproceduresonexactlyhowthe repairs could be completed.

Upon initial inspection, there was little hope the aircraft would be fit to fly due to the complexity of the repairs required following the mishap, as well as weather damage from years of sitting in a desert environment. However, after thorough analysis and continued coordination, the Growler’s road to recovery began when

Growler returns to the skies

clearance for repair was granted in 2021.

In February of that year the aircraft was loaded onto a flatbed truck and trans ferredtotheFleetReplacementSquadron, VAQ-129, at NAS Whidbey Island Classified as a “special rework,” funding wasapprovedandalong-termhangarspace wasidentifiedfortheunprecedentedproject. For more than a year, engineers, main tainers and artisans from facilities across the United States collaborated to develop processes completerepairsandthoroughly inspect the recovered aircraft more than 2,000 man hours in total

“This was a team effort by personnel fromFleetReadinessCenter(FRC)South east, FRC Southwest Engineering and my team from FRC Northwest,” said Tommy Moore,depotleadforFRCNorthwest “We reassembled the aircraft by replacing all major components and turned the aircraft back over to VAQ-129 as a ‘special rework’ complete on April 24, 2022.

The Growler will soon be transferred to anoperationalsquadroninordertodeploy around the globe and be ready to conduct flight operations for decades to come. Capt. David Harris, commodore, Elec tronicAttackWingPacific,commendedthe efforts of the entire Naval Aviation Enter priseintheaccomplishmentofthisfirst-of its-kind mission.

“Itwastrulyamazingtowatchtheentire Naval Aviation Enterprise team come togethertogetthismuch-neededassetback up to flight status, said Harris “From the engineerswhodevelopedtheneededrepair

designs, to the artisans who accomplished thecomplexrepairs,totheVAQ-129Sailors whoultimatelyrebuilttheaircrafttoaflight status; it was a true team effort.

five years after a mid-air collision NAVALAIRSTATIONWHIDBEYISLAND,Wash.(Oct 28,2022)- EA-18G Growler515,assigned to ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 129,is refurbished at NavalAirStationWhidbeyIsland (NASWI).The aircraft flewits functional checkflight on Oct.17,2022 at NASWI andwill be reentered into servicewith a forward-deployable squadron in the nearfuture.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO) NAVALAIRSTATIONWHIDBEYISLAND Wash.(Oct 28 2022) The team that refurbished EA 18G Growler515,assigned to ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 129 poseswith the aircraft at NavalAirStationWhidbeyIsland (NASWI).The aircraft flewits functional checkflight on Oct. 17 2022 at NASWI andwill be reentered into servicewith a forward-deployable squadron in the nearfuture.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO) NAVALAIRSTATIONWHIDBEYISLAND Wash.(Oct 28 2022)- EA-18G Growler515,assigned to ElectronicAttackSquadron (VAQ) 129 arriveswingless at NavalAirStationWhidbeyIsland (NASWI) before undergoing refurbishment The aircraft flewits functional checkflight on Oct.17 2022 at NASWI andwill be reentered into servicewith a forward-deployable squadron in the near future.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022
ALZ.org/TimeToTalk If you’renoticing changes, it could be Alzheimer’s. Talk about visiting adoctor together. “Early detection gave us moretime to find information and support together.” www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 7

Denise, adopted

Iasked what kind of family Amina wanted. She said, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her.
17-year-old Amina LEARN ABOUT ADOPTING ATEEN YOUCAN’T IMAGINE THE REWARD ADOPT US KI DS . OR G 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, November 3, 2022

On iberty

The all-new Cirque Musica: HolidayWonderland is coming to Hampton Coliseum on December 11


TCG Entertainment, producer of oneof the top Cirque-style shows in the indus try,has announced the all-new Cirque Musica: HolidayWonderland—amust-see holiday eventtousher in the magicofthe season.Igniting joy andwonder toHamp tonColiseumonSunday,December11,2022, “Wonderland” is amusical journey that willtransport audiences to amagical land far awayforafun-filled,unforgettableholiday-themed showexperience. Tickets are onsalenowwithpricesrangingfrom$45to $129 (VIP)and can be purchased at hamptoncoliseum.orgorvisitwww.CirqueMusica com for moreinformation. This perfor mance is presented by ColiseumCentral as partoftheirannualHolidayExtravaganza “Our holiday-themed Cirque Musica productionshavequicklybecomeaseason traditionforfamiliesacrossthecountryand weareexcitedtocontinuethistraditionwith our ‘Holiday Wonderland,’”saysStephen Cook, President of TCG Entertainment, ProducerofCirqueMusica.“Weexpectfans of cirque-shows to be enchanted with our latestproduction and hope it will create a wonderfulmemoryforalltoshare.”

Featuring the talented castofCirque Musica, spectators will be dazzled by the acrobats,aerialists,hilarious hijinks and

holiday cheer. The showblends the spell binding grace anddaredevil athleticism of today’sgreatestcircus performerswith a musicalmixoftimelessseasonalfavorites

Cirque Musica:HolidayWonderland is an unforgettable experience forthe entire familytoenjoy aworld-class circus experi enceinfusedwiththeholidayclassicsweall love.Formoreinformationonticketingand VIPticketpackages,visithamptoncoliseum. orgorwww.CirqueMusica.com

Treat your family and create memories youwillcherishforever at Cirque Musica: HolidayWonderland!

AboutCirque Musica: Cirque Musica is one ofthe top cirque-styleshows in the industry.Sinceits inception in 2010,the world-renowned casthas performed feats of grace,skill, and strength to audience members worldwide.The visually stun ning masterpiece of artisticinterpretations combines mesmerizing acrobats,aerialists anddaredevil athleticism with thegreatest music of alltime.With itsmultipleproduc tions,including Rhapsody,Crescendo, Heroes and Villains, Symphonic, and HolidayWonderland,Cirque Musica is a ground-breaking production guaranteed to thrill andcaptivateaudiences of all ages Formoreinformation visit, www.Cirque Musica.com

DearEvanHansen, declared “One of the

Hall November8th-13th.

The NewYorkTimes

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values,your source for automobiles,employment, real estate and more! PagesC6-7
Kick autumn’s chill with sweetpotato chowder Loadedwiththe flavorsofautumn comfort, it’s a filling meal that makes enough fora crowdsonoone goes hungry PageC4 InterviewByYiorgo
mostremarkableshows in musical theater history”bytheWashingtonPost,andwinner of sixTonyAwards, including BestMusi cal,twoObieAwards,aDramaDeskAward, twoOuterCriticsCircleAwards,twoHelen HayesAwardsand Olivier Awards justto mention afew,iscomingtoChrysler
callsit“abreath takingknockoutofamusical.”NBCNightly News declaresthe musical “aninspir ing anthem resonating on Broadway and beyond.”And CBS News describes it as “A brilliantmessage of hope and humanity.” The show’snow iconic blue poloand arm castare partofthe permanentcollection of the National Museum of American History inWashington,DC Thereisimportantevent info in that this production contains some adult themes, including discussions of suicide,therefore the showisrecommended for ages 12 and up.Children under the age of fourwillnot bepermittedinthetheatre.Fortickets,info onthedigitallotteryandmore,gotohttps:// www.sevenvenues.com/events/detail/ dear-evan-hansen Yiorgo: With us todayare Anthony NormanwhoplaysEvanHansenandColeen Sexton, who plays Evan’smom, Heidi Hansen.WhyshouldpeoplecomeseeDear EvanHansen?Whatwilltheyseeandexpe rience that they will not get from another Broadway show? Howisitdifferent from othershows? Coleen Sexton: This is avery,very real show, just to put it bluntly.It’swritten as if youwouldbesayingthese lines to yourself everyday.Everysinglepersonouttherewill relate to everyone of our characters.Steven The multi-awardwinningBroadway musical Dear Evan Hansen is coming to Chrysler Hall November 8th-13th
AnthonyNorman (EvanHansen),JohnHemphill(LarryMurphy),LiliThomas (Cynthia Murphy),AlainaAnderson (Zoe Murphy),inthe 2022-2023 NorthAmericanTour(PHOTOCOURTESYDEAREVANHANSENNATIONALTOUR)
TurntoDearEvanHansen, Page 8 www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 3| Thursday, November 3, 2022 1

Tony Khan’s All Elite Wrestling (AEW) made its triumphant return to Norfolk, Virginia this past Wednesday October 26th at the Chartway Arena with AEW DYNA MITEbroadcastlivefortheworldtosee

The renowned broadcast team of Excal ibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were there to call all the exciting action. The show opened up with ROH World Champion Chris Jericho &ROHPureChampionDanielGarciataking onClaudioCastagnoli&WheelerYuta(with William Regal). The match was non-stop actionwithClaudiopinningJericho

There were many exciting matches including a AEW Tag Team Championship #1 Contender’s Match of FTR vs Swerve In Our Glory Keith Lee from Swerve In Our GlorypinningDaxofFTR Alsotherewasa women’smatchwithJamieHaytertakinga winoverRiho

Other great matches included world famous Bryan Danielson winning over Sammy Guevara and AEW World Cham pion Jon Moxley defeating Penta El Zero Miedo.Toreadabouttheentirecardresults andtofindoutwhereyoucanseeAEWlive inyourarea,gotohttps://www.allelitewrestling.com/ Yiorgo: With us today is Virginia’s own, AEW star Serena Deeb Serena, welcome back to Virginia. We are so very proud of you. Tell us why should fans attend the live TV airing of AEW this Wednesday October 26thattheChartwayArena?Whatwillthey see and experience that they can’t get from home?

Serena Deeb:



stand that if you have a match it’s too much to also be coaching or producing I did that onAEWRampageaboutamonthagowhere Icoachedandwrestledthesamenight Y: How did the opportunity come up to workforAEW?Whoreachedout?Whatwas thatconversationlike?Whydidyousayyes?

SD: It’s a very wide knowledge that I lost my coaching job at the WWE Performance center during the pandemic. That day they released something like 70 people. It was a crazy,verystressfultimeandIhadnotwres tled for a long time The whole time I was at the WWE Performance center, I wanted to wrestle They were very good to me as a company, I was coaching because it was a great job and getting to travel and stuff like that, but it wasn’t wrestling I still had that itchtogetbackinthering,andthatIstillhad time to scratch that itch When I was hired asacoachIwas31.

As soon as they released me when covid hit, I started training, getting my body back inshape,andstartedmakingnewwrestling gear buying boots I started putting my ducks in a row, without knowing what the futureholds

It was Monday night about midnight whenIgotthecalltoseeifIwantedtowork a match with Thunder Rosa in AEW. I said yes, because I had everything prepared just in case So I drove to Jacksonville, Florida, did the match with Thunder Rosa, it went really well and I was offered a contract a week later. I have a lot of respect for her we’vehadsomegreat,funmatchestogether andwishherthebest.

Y: How about a Tony Khan story you can share?


have been

is a completely differ entproductthenanywherethatIhaveever been.There’sthisgrittyfeelingthathasbeen missingforawhile IcompareittotheAtti tude Era.

is why it has been so successful in just three years And coming to a live show regardless of what that live sport is it’s a totallydifferentvibethenjustsittingonyour couchandwatchingit.Beingtherelive,you feedofftheenergyoftheotherfansandour crowdshavealwaysbeensogreat.It’satotal immersiveexperience Iamstillawrestling fan,andit’sjustanobrainer.Atourliveshow Wednesday October 26th at the Chartway Centeriswhereyouwanttobe Y:ForAEWyouwearmanyhats,wrestler, coach for both men and women. How and when does the coaching take place? At this stage in your wrestling career, what do you enjoydoingthemost?

SD:I’vebeencoachingalittlelessbecause I’vebeenwrestlingmore.It’shonestlyhard todobothonthesamedaybecauseifyou’re wrestling you have to focus on the whole processofgettingreadyandonwhatyou’re doing in the match In the past when I had my knee injury I was still traveling every week and I was coaching 2-3 matches a night IwanttogiveashoutouttoCodyRhodes because Cody always believed in me and would say to me, “You’re my coach, I want you as my coach.” He always put me in that role for him and showed me that respect. That was really really huge for me and I reallyappreciatedthat.WhenI’mnotwres tling I do want to be coaching but I’ve been doing more wrestling When they have me onAEWElevationorAEWDark,theydon’t give me producing roles because everyone ontherehasbeenawrestlerandtheyunder

SD: Tony is a great guy I can honestly say that whenever I text him, he always responds the same day or at the latest the nextday.Heisoneofthebusiestmeninthe world and has the respect and courtesy to reply It speaks volumes for his character It means a lot, knowing how much he has on his plate, juggling several global business ventures. It’s actually mind boggling Hetreatshistalentverynicely

Y: Do you have a favorite segment, storylineeitherinvolvingyouoryoubehind thescenes?

SD: My favorite segment may have been when I came back from my knee injury when I wrestled Hikaru Shida What was on the line was that she would get her 50th victory Everyoneexpectedhertowin,butI beat her and hit her the trophy afterwards It swerved people so much and it was very cooltoexperiencethatfeeling.

Y:Let’stalkaboutyou.WhereinVirginia wereyoubornandwhereishomenow?

SD: I was born in Fairfax, Virginia and raised in Oakton, a suburb outside of DC It was a really cool place to grow up because I got to go to DC all the time and experi ence that. I really love it there and still have friends there. My father who passed away over a decade ago was Arabic, spoke six languages, and my mother who is Americanspeaksfivefluently Igrewupinafamily where culture, language and food were all important.

Y: You loved soccer growing up so what madeyoufallinlovewithprowrestling?

SD: I was a very serious soccer player 365daysayear,indoor,outdoor,whereverI couldplay,Iwouldplay.Ifwrestlinghadnot gottenintothepicture,Iwouldhavegoneto collegewithasoccerscholarship Igotwith a really good soccer group in the DC area, shout out to (WAGS) Womens and Girls in Soccer If you played for WAGS it was a pretty big deal I played for a really good teamandIplayedinhighschoolaswell

I was a really big tomboy and around the ageof11-12allmyguyfriendswerewatching wrestling Iwasnotafanyet.Theyordereda

Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
Thank you for the kind words. I am very happy to be back in my home state I believe fans should come to the live show because I have
wrestling business for 18 years I
inmajorcompaniesandtheindies,traveled all over Japan, Europe, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and
to me
To me AEW has that grittiness and that
I saw Chyna for the first time and
she was
a big influence on me She
so amazing to me and I
captivated and obsessed by
especially They changed
mypersonalityasakid,mademerebellious, they changed my life It
in 1997 and I
middle school and
do all
catchphrases and
teachers would
write me
up and
send me
to the office My soccer coaches who also wereteachersthere,wouldnotwritemeup not because I was
their soccer player, but because they were wrestling fans too And AEW October 26th 2022 results from the Chartway Arena, AEW star Serena Deeb talks wrestling career highlights
WrestlerSerena Deeb(COURTESYOFALLELITEWRESTLING) Blackpool Combat Club memberClaudio Castagnoli (R)with the uppercut to Ring ofHonor Pure Champion Daniel Garcia (L).All EliteWrestling at ChartwayArena.Norfolk,VA October26, 2022 (JONATHANMCLARTY)
CashWheeler(C)with the headlockto Isaiah“Swerve”Scott (R) as FTRmemberDaxHarwood (L) looks on.All EliteWrestling at ChartwayArena.Norfolk,VA October26
Madison Rayne making herentrance.All EliteWrestling at ChartwayArena.Norfolk,VA October26 2022 (JONATHANMCLARTY)
TurntoAEW, Page 3 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, November 3, 2022

Tidewater Veterans Day parade and ceremony to be held Friday, Nov. 11


TheHamptonRoadsCouncilofVeterans Organizations (HRCVO) hosts the annual Tidewater Veterans Day Parade in Virginia Beach on Friday, 11 November 2022. The parade will begin at 9:00 AM. The parade route will start from the Virginia Beach OceanfrontonAtlanticAvenueandproceed up 17th Street, right turn onto MediterraneanAvenue thenaleftturnonto19thStreet up to at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial (acrossfromtheVirginiaBeachConvention Center).

For over thirty years, the HRCVO has beencoordinatingtheVeteransDayParade andassociatedevents.Eachyear,oneofthe HRCVOmemberorganizationsco-sponsors theparade This yeartheSonsof Confeder ateVeteransistheco-sponsororganization. In addition to the parade, a short ceremony is held at the Tidewater Veterans Memo rial immediately following the parade and a luncheon honoring our Veterans is held at the DoubleTree Hotel at approximately 12:00PM.

TheVeteransDayParadeissanctionedby theDepartmentofVeteransAffairsNational VeteransDayCommitteeandtheMayorsof Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach who sign a proclamationresolvingthat“citizens,businessesand organizations demonstrate due apprecia tion,admirationandrespectforallveterans whohaveservedourgreatnation”.

Free wedding gowns for our heroes:

Operation Wedding Gown event Nov. 10th


This Veteran’s Day, Camille La Vie is partnering with Brides Across America and spreading gratitude, joy, and appreciation to our military, first responders, and COVID-19 health care work ers in the form of wedding gowns a special way to thank them for theirtirelesswork.Ourhonoristo helpcelebrateandsupporteachof them in a genuinely unique way ahead of their wedding day.

10-5PMatPrinceWilliamStore CamilleLaVieatPotomacMills 2700PotomacMillsCircle#754 Woodbridge,VA22192 Phone:571-412-2683

Across stores nationwide Brides Across America will be premiering one-of-a-kind events devoted to matching our heroic brides with their dream dresses at zero cost. The events will begin on November 2, 2022 and continue through the end of August 2023 in stores located throughoutthecountry Planning a wedding can be stressful and the Brides Across America team is here to help.Alongwithourpartneredstores,Brides AcrossAmericawillbehonoringactivemilitary, first responders, COVID-19 frontline healthcareworkers,andveterans Together with our partners, Brides Across America willdonatefreebridalgownstoourheroes Salons will offer a selection of designer wedding gowns as part of the Operation WeddingGowninitiative “This is a time to be grateful and spread deserving thanks to those that have given their selfless acts of service to our country.” Heidi Janson, founder of Brides Across America.

How to Qualify and Register for an Operation Wedding Gown Event:

Formoreinformationonhowtoqualify to locate a salon near you, or to register for an event,gotowww.bridesacrossamerica.com. Bridesmustpresentproofofoccupationon thedayoftheevent.

About Camille La Vie: Camille La Vie is a major shopping destination for prom dresses, homecoming dresses, wedding dresses and dresses for all party events Customers can also find our bridal shop offering wedding dresses bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses, mother of the bridedresses,andguestsofweddingdresses Camille La Vie also provides alterations and bridal consulting services Whether

very generic pamphlet. I moved to Indiana andstartedmytrainingatOVW.

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nization that honors our heroes by making their dreams come true Since its inception in2008,BridesAcrossAmerica,incollaborationwithbridalsalonsanddesignershave donated more than 27,000 wedding gowns and 25 weddings Brides Across America alsoreceivedthehighesthonorattheWhite House event hosted by Michelle Obama and Dr Jill Biden from the Joining Forces

CommunityChallenge Operation Wedding Gown has been featured in PEOPLE, Oprah, and Good Housekeeping, and has appeared on The SteveHarveyShow,NBCNightlyNews Fox andFriends,CNN andTheDoctors For more information contact Terry Brumleyat978-808-5462orbridesacrossamerica1@gmail.com

like I said, I grew up in DC and whenever WWE were in town, my poor mom would takeme

Y: I love that you trained at Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW). How did you find out about them, your initial contact and how didyouconvinceyourfamilyat18toletyou movetherebyyourself?

SD: This is a funny story. Remember the series of books: The Idiot’s Guide to…, I bought The Idiot’s Guide to Pro Wrestling and they had a list of wrestling schools in there At the time OVW was the develop mental system for WWE and I ultimately wanted to work for WWE so in my senior year in high school, I applied to Virginia Tech where my sister went, George Mason Universitywheremyothersisterwent and then I applied for Indiana because it would put me closer to OVW. I was so obsessed with wrestling in high school that I should havegottenA’sinclasseswhereIwasgetting C’sandD’sbecauseIwasnotreallytrying.

So I got rejected by Tech, waitlisted by GMU and accepted by Indiana and that’s what I wanted I told my parents well the universe wants me to go to Indiana and OVW. My dad was really big on education and said, “You can go and do your crazy wrestling but you have to get your univer sity degree.” So my mother drove me from Virginia to Indiana for a college tour and I convinced her to take me by OVW. It was sohardtofinditbutwefinallyfoundit.The only persontherewasthisoldref,the place looked gray and cold. I was 17 at this point andIwaslikeIhavetocomehere.Itypedup aletterandsentittoOVW.Ontheirwebsite they had an address that you could send a lettertoifyouwantedtoapply Ispentallthis timetypingitupandtheysentmebackthis

Y:Whotrainedyou,whoareyougrateful for being in your life there, at that time to guideyoualong?

SD: OVW completely changed my life I am so grateful and anytime I see Al Snow, oneofmytrainersIthankhimandtellhim thatmytimetherecompletelychangedthe courseofmylife.OthertrainerswereMike MondoandRipRogers Ilearnedtobeover prepared from Rip Rogers who was hard on us and drilled in us the importance of being over prepared for any situation that comes up

OVW was very special because I got to trainwithalotofveryspecialpeople.Robert Gibson was there for about a year, one half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time Dr Death Steve Williams was there and he really paid attention to me and helped me The Dudleys passed through there, they shared a lot of great knowledge I obviously chose the right place to train and the right peopleweretheretohelpguidemytraining I started in OVW in 2005 and signed with FloridaChampionshipWrestling(FCW)in 2009

I also did this three day wrestling camp My friends from OVW did a roadtrip to the CarolinasanditwasDr TomPrichard,Ricky Steamboat, Terry Taylor and Les Thatcher. Andwedidthreeshowsaswell.Ihavebeen very blessed to have learned from those old school minds Anyone that asks me about wheretheycantraintowrestle,Itellthemat thispointRipRogersorgotoDr TomPrich ardattheJacobs-PrichardWrestlingAcademyinKnoxville Tennessee

Y:JoiningtheStraightEdgeSocietywith CM Punk was pivotal to your career Can you share some memories? Who pitched theidea,howlonginadvancedidyouknow, didtheypayyouextraforshavingitofflike the old days, etc?

SD: A little bit. Looking back probably not enough to make a woman go bald. I was 22and I was willing to do anything for wrestling Iwassigned,IwasatFCW,Iwas wrestling a match, got my jaw broken in three places, my mouth was wired shut for six weeks It really, really was a bad injury but I never spoke about it, I persevered through The day the doctor cleared me he said, “I don’t think you should do this anymore It’sreallyabadinjury.”IsaidOK but am I cleared? It was a Friday, we had a show. I was so excited, I went to Dr Tom and Norman Smiley I told them it’s been three months, I just got cleared.

I was on my way to the show when I got a call from an unknown number which always meant it was WWE in Stanford, Connecticut It was Johnny Ace, he was askingaboutmyjaw.Iwastherewithother people too I said I was good and wrestling that night. He got right to the point and said, “Have you seen the stuff we’ve been doing with Punk on TV?” I said, yes of course And he says, “Would you be will ing to shave your head on TV? Would you bewillingtogobald?”Iwassoexcitedthat I was going to wrestle that night and then it was like wow I’m going to be on Smack downTV Hetoldmetogowrestleandhave some fun, think about it and he would call me the next day. He didn’t call but I did get an email with flight info so I was like, this is really happening I went, I had a meet ing with Vince McMahon, Johnny, all the people who were in charge and all of them said, “You don’t have to do this.” I think it was Punk’s idea, and he asked to use me becauseIwasreallycoolwithhimatOVW. I’m not sure though, I’ve never asked.

They asked again if I was sure. And I was likewellyouseemehere Thisismydream, thisishowmuchIwanttodothis.Thatwas the night I debuted on Smackdown. It was inGreenville,SouthCarolina,Iranupfrom

thecrowdandbytheendofthesegmentmy headwasshaved,andIwasbaldforacouple ofyears

Y: What have been some pinch me moments?

SD: Definitely the Wrestlemania 26 in frontofover72,000whereImanagedPunk and had a moment in the match where I jumped up and I blocked Rey Mysterio fromdoingthe619onPunk.Thebooswere soloud,Ifeltthemacrossmybody it’shard todescribe itwasliterallyavibration.That was awesome Another one would be wrestling at the famous Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan againstAsukawhowrestledasKanathere. And I also had my retirement match in the same building against Syuri and I remem ber taking the loss, looking up at the lights and I couldn’t believe that I had my retirement in that famous Hall. At that stage in my life I had decided that’s what needed to happen but obviously I was not ready to retire. And with wrestling, you always find your way back and where you need to be While I have this opportunity, I want to thank all my wrestling fans who have supported me throughout my career, who have supported women’s wrestling and the growth of women’s wrestling Since I started in 2005 it’s been an uphill battle in somanywaysanditcontinuestobe Those of you that support women’s wrestling, I just want you to know that I really appreciate you. And thank you for all your nice comments I see all of them and I appreci ate them. Right now, I am where I need to beandIamlookingforwardtoseeingallof AEW fans Wednesday night October 26 at the Chartway Arena in Norfolk, Virginia.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

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Memory-making recipes to add to your Thanksgiving traditions


Starting with parades and ending with family meals, Thanksgiving provides all-day opportunities for cele brating life’s special moments with those nearest and dearest to your heart.

Waking up to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Paradeisatraditionthatbringssmilesandhappinessfor manyfamilies,andthisyear,aniconicbrandwilljointhe festivities. Since 1921, Wonder Bread has captured the “wonder”itsfounderElmerClineexperiencedwhenfirst watchingahotairballoonrace It’softencreditedwiththe popularization of

bread in the United States and now,forthefirsttime itslegacywillbeondisplayNov.24 paradingthroughthestreetsofNewYorkCity

To celebrate the

Kick autumn’s chill with hearty sweetpotato chowder


Colder, shorter days call for a little comfort. Cozying upwithaheartymealonbriskautumneveningscanhelp fightoffthechillwhilesavoringfavoriteflavorsalongside theonesyoulove

Avoid venturing into the cold for a trip to the store by turning to a pantry staple like sweetpotatoes. As one of the most versatile veggies, they’re easy to add to a vari ety of recipes while enhancing both flavor and nutrition. Perfectly suitable for both simple and elevated dishes, they can be baked, microwaved, grilled, slow cooked or prepared on the stove so their sweet taste never goes out ofstyle

Their longshelflife uptofourweeksifstoredprop erly in a cool, dry well-ventilated area away from heat sources meansyoucanrelyonsweetpotatoesthrough outtheseasonasanon-handingredient.Additionally,asa “diabetessuperfood accordingtotheAmericanDiabetes Association, they’re rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxi dants and fiber, all of which are good for overall health andmayhelppreventdisease,makingthemakeysource of nutrients

Whenyourfamilyneedsawarm-uponthosechillydays, putsweetpotatoesatthecenterofmealtime(withanadded kick)inthisJalapenoSweetpotatoChowder Loadedwith theflavorsofautumncomfort,it’safillingmealthatmakes enoughforacrowdsonoonegoeshungry Visitncsweetpotatoes.comtofindmorecomfortingmeal ideas.RecipecourtesyoftheNorthCarolinaSweetPotato Commission.

special occasion and the joy that Thanksgiving brings, you can enjoy Turkey Cranberry Dinner Rolls as a delicious homemade meal that’s as easy to make as it is to share. If you’re searching for a tasty side that’ll leave your loved ones stuffed, look no furtherthanthisThanksgivingStuffing,aclassicaccom paniment to holiday meals and a favorite of home chefs across the country To learn more about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Paradeandfindfamily-favoriterecipesfitforThanksgiv ing feasts, visit wonderbread.com/macys-parade Turkey Cranberry Dinner Rolls „ Nonstickcookingspray „ 1packageofWonderDinnerRolls „ 2cupsdicedturkey,cooked „ 1cupcranberrysauceorrelish „ 6slicesSwisscheese „ 6tablespoonsbutter „ 1tablespoonyellowmustard „ 1tablespoonWorcestershiresauce „ ½tablespoondriedmincedonion „ salt,totaste „ pepper totaste „ 1tablespoonparsley „ 1cupParmesancheese Preheat oven to 325 F. Cover 9-by-13-inch baking pan withfoilandspraywithnonstickcookingspray Removerollsfrompackageinonepiece,cuttingentire slabinhalflengthwisetocreateonehalfof“tops”andone halfof“bottoms.” Place bottom half in foil-covered pan and layer with turkey, cranberry sauce and Swiss cheese Add top half ofrolls. In microwave, melt butter and whisk in mustard, Worcestershiresauce,onionandsaltandpepper,totaste. Pourevenlyoverrolls Cover with foil and let sit 5-10 minutes then bake, covered,20minutes Uncoverandbake5minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and Parmesan cheese Slice into individualrolls Thanksgiving Stuffing „ ½cupunsaltedbutter,divided „ 3cupschoppedonion „ 2½cupschoppedcelery „ 1clovegarlic,finelychopped „ 1½tablespoonschoppedfreshsage „ 1½tablespoonschoppedfreshthyme „ 2teaspoonsceleryseeds „ 1pinchgratednutmeg „ 1pinchgroundcloves „ 1teaspoonkoshersalt „ 1loafWonderClassicWhiteBread,cubed „ ½teaspoonfreshlygroundblackpepper „ 1½cupslow-saltchickenbroth Heatovento325F. In large skillet over medium heat, melt ¼ cup butter Add onion, celery garlic, sage thyme celery seeds nutmeg,clovesandsalt. Cover and cook until onions are soft, 5-7 minutes Removefromheat. Inlargebowl,tosssauteedvegetableswithbreadcubes andseasonwithpepper Meltremainingbutterandpour overstuffingalongwithbroththentosstocoat Bake,covered,untilheatedthrough,about35minutes. Uncoverandbakeadditional15minutes Jalapeno Sweetpotato Chowder Servings: 6 „ 2largeNorthCarolinasweetpotatoes baked „ 1smallonion,¼ inchdiced „ 2tablespoonsoliveoil „ 1quartchickenorvegetablestock „ 2cupscookedchicken,cubed „ 1½cupswholecornkernels „ 2teaspoonsmincedjalapenos „ ½cupheavycream „ 1teaspoonsalt „ choppedscallions forgarnish Peelbakedsweetpotatoes;discardskin andpuree. Insouppot,sauteonioninbutteruntil softened.Addpureedsweetpotatoand stock,asdesired. Bringtoboil,reducingliquidslightly Addchicken,corn,jalapenos heavycream andsalt Simmer10minutes Toserve,ladleintobowlsandgarnish withchoppedscallions 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, November 3, 2022

Groundbreaking study on trauma-related sleep disorder

A team of military and civilian researchers has identified a new sleep disorder that’s been disrupting the lives of trauma survivors for decades if not centuries

The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine publishedthegroundbreakingstudy,titled “Clinicalandpolysomnographicfeaturesof trauma associated sleep disorder”; on its site in August.

While there have been related stud ies this was the largest to date and iden tifies trauma associated sleep disorder or TSD as a distinct sleep-related disorder or parasomnia, explained U.S. Air Force Lt Col (Dr ) Matthew Brock, the study’s lead author and chief of the San Antonio Market Sleep Disorders Center at Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. “We believe trauma-associated sleep disorder isthefirstadultsleepdisorderandrapideye movement (REM) parasomnia identified sinceRapidEyeMovementSleepBehavior Disorder (RBD) was identified more than 35 years ago,” he said.

Dream Enactment

The study, which spanned five years, included 40 service members who had experienced trauma, mainly from combat, and were experiencing dream enactment. That is when someone acts out dreams physicallyorverbally Thestudycomprised a clinical interview and video-recorded sleep study “We watched all eight hours of video on each sleep study, which is not typical,”Brocksaid,notingthatmanysleep centersrecordeighthoursbutrarelywatch the video recording in its entirety

“Our key finding was that most of these patientshadparasomniabehavior ormove mentsandvocalizationsinREMsleep This is groundbreaking because traditional wisdom is that parasomnia behavior is almost never captured in the sleep lab but isfrequentlycitedbypatientsasasymptom they’re experiencing at home.”

Typically, during REM sleep, the skele talmuscle,otherthaneyes diaphragmand sphincter muscles, is paralyzed to prevent people from acting out dreams However, in some cases, the part of the brainstem responsible for paralyzing the skeletal muscle degenerates, which may result in dream enactment. This is called RBD and iscommonlyseeninpeoplewithneurode generative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease Brock explained.

“Dreamenactmentbehaviorcaninclude punching kicking defensive posturing yelling,andmovements,”Brocksaid “This

is disruptive, and often scary, not only for the patient, but for his or her bed partner as well.”

TSD is similar to RBD regarding dream enactment However, TSD also includes vivid,repeatingnightmaresabouttheindi vidua’straumaandsymptomsofautonomic hyperarousal, which is when the fight or flightresponsekicksinandone’sheartrate orrespiratoryrateacceleratesduringsleep

Distinguishing TSD from Other Sleep Disorders

A key focus of the study is to distinguish TSD from other diagnoses, such as RBD, post-traumatic stress disorder and night mare disorder, Brock said.

For example, TSD symptoms are often associated with PTSD However, PTSD includesdaytimeandnocturnalsymptoms, while many TSD patients only experience nocturnal symptoms

Additionally nightmare disorders typi cally don’t include dream enactment or repeatingnightmaresaboutatraumaexpe

rience, Brock explained.

TSD Symptoms & History

Although it had not been given a name TSDsymptomshavebeenstudiedformany years Retired U.S. Army Col. (Dr.) Vincent Mysliwiec, director of sleep medicine, UT Health San Antonio, and co-author on the study, has been researching this phenom enon since 2003, when he was assigned to Madigan Army Medical Center and during the peak of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom.

“This was when we initially saw activedutyservicememberswhopresentedwith trauma-related nightmares, dream enact mentbehaviors,andrapidbreathing,night sweats and racing heart rates shortly after returning from combat,” Mysliwiec said

“We evaluated many service members who had these symptoms but did not meet diagnostic criteria for either REM sleep behavior disorder or PTSD,” he added. “It was unknown at that time what diagnosis they had.”

By having TSD officially recognized as a

distinct,novelparasomnia,“wearehoping toencouragefutureresearchintothedisorder as well as treatment-related studies,” said Mysliwiec, noting that would best be accomplished by larger studies at both military and veteran health care facilities Additional research also would be bene ficial for people with non-combat-related trauma. “Evaluating and studying TSD in thecivilianpopulationwouldhelpprovide an enhanced understanding of this disor der,” Mysliwiec said The goal is to have better awareness and treatment to help improve trauma survi vors’ quality of life Brock said. “People who suffer from TSD are not getting qualitysleepandtheirbedpartnerisnotgetting quality sleep,” he said. “Many are afraid to go to sleep They’re having to go back to battleortraumaatnightintheirsleep,then, during the day, dealing with a lack of quality sleep Each morning is like the morn ing after they experienced the trauma, but forthem,it’severyday.Mygreatesthopeis thatwecanhelpmakeapositiveimpactfor anyone suffering from TSD.”

Your body cannot produce B vitamins on its own to support proper metabolism, so it isimportantyoueatawell-balanceddiet NoonefoodprovidesalloftheBvitamins.

TomaximizeyourintakeofBvitaminswith out taking dietary supplements you should selectavarietyofnon-processedfoods.

Currentnutritionsciencesaysyoushould aim for a varied diet that consists of whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and leanproteins(beef,pork,poultry,andfish).

For Meatless Eaters

easily inthefoodanddrinkyouconsume provided you are choosing a variety of plant-based foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains,beans,nuts,andseeds

The exception is vitamin B-12, which is naturallyfoundinanimalfoods

For those strictly meatless eaters who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cautioned that their babies might not get enough vitamin B-12 and the mothers should be counseled about taking a B-12 supplement.

Vitamin B-12 a Key Player

cellsandDNA.Itisalsocrucialinthefunc tion and development of brain and nerve cells

Toensureyou’regettingenoughvitamin B-12—evenifyoueatmeatoranimal-based foods—tryconsumingfortifiedplant-based foods such as plant-based milks, including soy and almond milks said USU assistant professorJonathanScott aregistereddieti tian who holds a doctorate in health and rehabilitation sciences

Other non-animal-based foods rich in vitamin B-12 include:

„ Nutritional yeast and yeast spreads

Tempeh, a fermented soy-bean cake

Vitamin B-6 on

Department of Agriculture’s


Department of Health and

Airman 1st ClassAustin Starks,59th Medical SpecialtySquadron health service management journeyman,prepares fora sleep studyat the SanAntonio Market Sleep Disorders CenteratWilford HallAmbulatorySurgical Center Joint Base SanAntonio-Lackland,Texas,Aug.31,2022 Ateam ofmilitaryand civilian researchers has identified a newsleep disorderthat’s been disrupting the lives oftrauma survivors fordecades, ifnot centuries.While there have been related studies,thiswas the largest to date and identifies trauma associated sleep disorder orTSD,as a distinct sleep-related disorderorparasomnia.(U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYJASONW.EDWARDS)
MeetthevitaminBteam.Thesevitamins are the key players that help convert your food and drink into energy to keep your brainandbodygoing “All your B vitamins equal energy,” said U.S.NavyLt MichaelKantar adietitianwho heads the Nutrition Management Department at Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton in California. “It’snotasifyoutakethevitaminandyou haveenergy,”headded.“Rather,yourBvita minsaretheassistanttoyourmetabolismto breakdownenergyfromthefoodsyoueat.” Your metabolism is the process of chemicalchangestomakeenergycellsneededto grow reproduce repair and stay healthy The metabolic process also helps get rid of toxins How essential are B vitamins? It’s the biggestreasonever “ThemostimportantbenefitoftheBvita minsislife—theyareessentialtoallpersons, andanydeficiencycancauseserioushealth problems,”saidPatriciaDeuster whoholds a doctorate in nutritional sciences and is acting executive director of the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences’ ConsortiumforHealthandMilitaryPerfor mance What are B Vitamins and How Can You Get Them? Consisting of eight different essential nutrients each B vitamin has specific func tions as explained by the Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health: „ thiamin(B-1) „ riboflavin(B-2) „ niacin(B-3) „ pantothenicacid(B-5) „ pyridoxine/pyridoxal(B-6) „ biotin(B-7) „ folate(B-9) „ cobalamin(B-12)
Eggsanddairyproductsareagoodsource of at least four B vitamins Many types of cereals and baked goods are enriched so, although processed, they provide many of theBvitamins One super B vitamin food is perhaps somethingyourparentsmayhavetriedtoget youtoeatasachild—withvaryingsuccess “Believe it or not, one food high in many oftheBvitaminsisbeefliver,”Deustersaid
If you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, you should be able to get your B vitamins
„ Tofu „ Cremini mushrooms „ Plant-based “meats” „ Nori seaweed Additionally, as you age, you are able to absorblessB-12fromyourdiet Youshould consider adding a vitamin supplement, Deuster suggested.
Defense VitaminB-6alsoservesmanykeyrolesin keepingyourbodyhealthyandwouldbene fit from more research, Scott said. “It is involved in over 160 biochemi cal reactions related to carbohydrate, fat, amino acid, and nucleic acid metabolism. Thevitaminalsoservesasasignalforcells, acts as an antioxidant, participates in the functioning of the immune system, and more,” he explained Foods richest in vitamin B-6 include: „ Organ meats such as beef liver „ Chickpeas „ Tuna „ Salmon „ Poultry „ Potatoes „ Fortified cereals Resources Check how well you are feeding your brain and body: The CHAMP Human Performance Resources’ Warfighter Nutrition Guide helps warfighters learn to fuel their daily performance nutrition needs U.S.
My Plate program discusses how to build a healthy plate and a pattern of healthy eating The U.S.
and USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 edition,providesnutritioninformationfor all age groups What does vitamin B do for me? Much more than you think www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, November 3, 2022 5
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Levenson wrote an amazing book and it’s a wonderful way for parents and kids to connect It’s a show about connection, relationships with parents and kids It’s a phenomenal show for families to come see andthemusicisbrilliant.Ithasawonderful message that you are not alone and there’s someonetheretotalkandlistento AnthonyNorman:Itisauniversalshow that has something for everyone of any age, teenager or young adult, adults or older adults. Don’t let the interpretation of the movie affect wanting to come see the show because they are two completely separate things Also, the music alone is worth the priceofadmission.

Y:Canyougivethenameanddescribethe charactersthatyouplay?

AN: I play Evan Hansen and he is an isolated teen who so desperately wants to fitintheworldandsociety Evancan’tseem to overcome his own anxieties to break through and make connections with other people,especiallyonsocialmedia.

CS:IplayHeidiHanson,Evan’smom.She is a hard working single mom, who is just trying her best. Like many mothers, she is really struggling to connect with her teen age son There’s actually a song right at the beginning called, “Does Anybody Care?” Sheislookingforsomebodytohelpher She worksonejob,hasclassesatnightandstrug glestoconnectwithEvan.

Y: Without giving away too much for those not familiar, can you describe what theplayisabout?

AN: It’s about Evan Hansen getting caughtupinaliethathenevermeanttotell and everything that happens around him becauseofthat

Y: How long have both of you been with thisTour?

CS: I actually have been with this tour

sinceithasstarted.In2018,Iwascastasthe Heidi and Cynthia understudy So I had to know both parts and would go on for one or the other when one called out or had a personalday.

AN: With rehearsals, it’s been almost sevenmonths


AN:Myagentemailedmeforanappointment with the show. I did not think I was rightfortheshoworthepartatall.Iwentin on a Tuesday and as soon as I left the room, I knew this was the part for me There was nowaythatthiswasnotgoingtohappen.It goestoshowyouthatwhat’srightforyouis notgoingtopassyouby OnceIgotthepart, it was another two months before I started rehearsals I sat on it for soooo long that I wastrulyconvinceditwasnotrealoritwas goingtobetakenaway

CS: I saw the show right before I auditionedforit,fellinlovewithitandIwanted therolesobadly.Onthethirdfinalcallback,I wasdoingMamaMiainSaltLakeCity,itwas myopeningnightandIcouldn’tgo WhenI gotbackhome,theyneededtwounderstud ies for the two women, so I ended up bookingthatjobbutitwaskindofabummernot beingabletogotothatfinalcallback.

Thenthepandemichappened Ihadalot happentome Ihadbreastcancerandhada doublemastectomy,itwasahorribletimefor manyreasonsbutIgotthroughit Iactually just had my six month checkup and everything is in the clear One of my final surgerieswasrightbeforeweweregoingbackand in November last year the director Michael Greif wanted to work with me I was very excitedtobeinfrontofhimtoseemywork. And at a party in February I found out that theyweregoingtogivemethepartwhenthe nextcastcamesoIhadtokeepitasecretfor fourmonths


AN: It was a marathon We rehearsed six daysaweekandmycharacterEvandoesnot leave the stage ever I rehearsed from 10:00

AMto6:00PMeveryday.Thesizeoftherole is so massive. We rehearsed in New York for three weeks then one week in San Jose wherewemetthetourandthenwedebuted the next week. I had to stay in good health, voice all that stuff At the same time, I was taking care of a dog, packing up my apart ment.Itwashardbutvery,veryrewarding

CS: It was such an exciting time for me Being that I had known the role prior, I did not have to rehearse much. However, AnthonywasrehearsinginNewYorkwhile IwasontourandIwouldhavelovedtohave been out there with him before we started. We clicked so quickly that it didn’t even matter We have a great connection on and offstage.WhenyouseeAnthonyonthestage you are going to fall in love with him I was justsoexcitedtofinallyhavegottentherole tobeintheshoweightshowsaweek

AN:Youaregoingtobeblownawaywith Caleen,sheisabsolutelyincredible.

Y: Where were you both born and what madeyoufallinlovewithmusicaltheater?

AN:IwasborninChicagoandwhatmade mefallinlovewithitwasVenessa,mysister We went to the same high school, she was a senior and me a freshman, that’s when I starteddoingtheaterandtherestishistory

CS: I grew up in Westfield, New Jersey and when I was in fifth grade my mom workedatWestfieldHighSchoolwherethey wereknowntohavereallytopnotchtheater shows I remember going to see West Side Story and playing in it was Mathew Glave fromTheWeddingSinger Itwasthatshow that made me want to do theater. I got into alltheshowsinjuniorhighandatWestfield HighSchoolandIknewthat’swhatIwanted todo

Y: Anthony, you are a multi-instrumen talist,amasterat:vocals piano guitar,saxophone, clarinet, flute, ukulele, bass guitar and accordion Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

AN:IwouldlovetobelivingintheCarolinas, flying to and from New York City or

Los Angeles and creating roles on Broadway or in TV and film.

Y: Caleen you continue to have an incredible career such as Lucy in Jekyll & Hyde on Broadway to Elphaba in Wicked justtonameafew Canyoushareamemory ofbeing19yearsoldandbeingonBroadway in Jekyll & Hyde?

CS: Linda Eder originated the role of Lucy Harris in Jekyll & Hyde on Broad way and I was a huge huge fan since I was 14 listening to all her concert recordings

When I got the audition notice that Linda Eder needed an understudy, I laughed becauseIwaslikeright,I’mgoingtounderstudy Linda Eder So I went into the audition, sang the songs, winging it because I did not expect to get it. But I kept getting called back Finally I got the part and I had justseenheramonthbeforeIgottheaudi tion and I remember talking to her at the stage door

When I was cast, I went backstage to meeteverybody,andshewasthelastperson theyintroducedmeto Shelooksatmeand says, “Hi, you look really familiar.” And I said,yes,Imetyouamonthagoatthestage door I’m your understudy now. It was so exciting because she is the most amazing human, so talented and I learned so much from her She taught me to be humble and kind. She was not a diva but a lovely lovely human being and so talented

Y: How about pinch me moments from both of you?

AN: Getting to do prints like this It’s a very cool thing to be asked to do press It’s an honor

CS: I have to back up that comment as well. As an understudy for so long I was never asked to do that and it is an honor to do the interviews I agree 100%.

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
Dear Evan Hansen from Page 1 LAND SEA AIR STARTPLANNING YOUR NEXT GETAWAY In Print. Online. Look For The Travel Section In Your Sunday Publication
AnthonyNorman as Evan Hansen.(PHOTOCOURTESYDEAREVANHANSENNATIONALTOUR) AnthonyNorman,Coleen Sexton as Heidi Hansen in the 2022-2023 NorthAmericanTourof DEAREVAN HANSEN (PHOTOBYEVANZIMMERMANFORMURPHYMADE)
8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, November 3, 2022

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