Vice Chief of Naval Operations visits Navy submariners in Connecticut
ByLt.Cmdr.SethKoenig Submarine Readiness Squadron (SRS) 32
GROTON, Conn Vice Chief of Naval OperationsAdm.LisaM.Franchettivisited Submarine Force leaders at Naval Subma rineBaseNewLondoninGroton,Connecti cut,Nov.16
Thevicechiefofnavaloperations(VCNO) isthesecondhighest-rankingcommissioned officerintheDepartmentoftheNavy,under thechiefofnavaloperations.
Franchetti was hosted in Groton by Rear Adm. Martin Muckian, commander of the UnderseaWarfightingDevelopmentCenter (UWDC)
During her first visit to the area since becomingVCNO Franchettimetwithlocal military leaders to discuss Sailor quality of service, readiness and submarine maintenance
“Thisvisitwasatremendousopportunity toheardirectlyfromsomeoftheleadersin
NEWPORT NEWS, Va Senior Navy leaders, members of Congress, and ship builders gathered at Newport News Shipyard (NNSY) to attend a keel-laying ceremony for the future Virginia-class submarineUSSArkansas(SSN800)onNov.
19 SSN 800 will be the fifth naval vessel to bearthenameArkansas.TheoriginalArkan sas was a Civil War-era screw steamer In 1902 an Arkansas-class monitor, one of the lastmonitorsintheU.S.Navy,wascommis sioned with the same name The third Arkansas, a Wyoming-class battleship, was commissioned in 1912 The fourth, which saw service from 1980 until 1998 was a Virginia-class nuclear-powered guided missilecruiser “Today is a momentous occasion. Not
the Navy’s Submarine Force and discuss howtheNavycanbestsupporttheircontin uedinnovationandreadinessintheunder sea domain,” said Franchetti “It’s crucial we maintain, grow and leverage the warf ightingadvantagethatourstate-of-the-art submarines and their elite crews provide our country.”
Grotoniscurrentlythehomeof15nucle ar-powered fast attack submarines and submarine crews, as well as the UWDC and a significant portion of the Subma rine Force training pipeline, including the Naval Submarine School and Subma rine Learning Center After meeting with area submarine, squadron and support command leaders, Franchetti visited the submarine school.
“We are honored to host Adm. FranchettiattheU.S.NavalSubmarineSchooland demonstrate the warfighter development ofourprospectivedepartmentheadsaswe trainandmentorthemtowardexcellence,”
said Capt. Eric Sager commanding offi cer of the submarine school. “The Subma rine Officer’s Advanced Course is a pivotal moment in a submarine officer’s career and professional development as leaders, warriors, and tacticians Her meeting with thestudentsand sharingtheNavy’sstrate gic vison for combat today and in the near future underscores the significance of the submarineasapremiercomponentofeach combatant commanders’ war plan.
Also while in Connecticut, Franchetti visited General Dynamics Corp.’s Elec tric Boat shipyard to discuss the newest Virginia-classfastattacksubmarinesbeing constructed, as well as the future Colum bia-class ballistic missile submarines, the Navy’s number one acquisition priority
The keel-laying ceremony marking the start of construction for the first of the new class the future USS District of Columbia (SSBN 826) was held in June at Electric Boat’s facility in nearby Quon
set Point, Rhode Island. When completed the Columbia-class submarines will be the largest submarines ever built by the United States, with 560 feet in length and a displacement of 20,810 tons Fast-attack submarines are multi-missionplatformsenablingfiveofthesixNavy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control, power projection, forward pres ence maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-sub marine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irreg ular warfare and mine warfare. Fast-at tack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or response to regional crises Visit Fact-Files/ for more information on the Navy’s submarines
just for the shipbuilders who will pour their considerable skills into building this submarine, but also for the Sailors who will deploy aboard Arkansas and patrol the ocean’s depths in service of our nation and ourwayoflife,”saidRearAdm.JonRucker, Program Executive Office Attack Subma rines. “Virginia-class submarines such as Arkansas and their dedicated crews will ensure our Navy remains ready to deter maritime aggression, maintain freedom of the seas, and defend our country and allies wellintothefuture.”
The submarine’s sponsors are the six womenoftheLittleRockNine Dr Melba PattilloBeals,ElizabethEckford,GloriaRay Karlmark, Carlotta Walls Lanier Minnijean Brown Trickey and Thelma Moth ershed Wair In a 1954 landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled racial segrega tion of schools as unconstitutional. Three
years later, nine African-American chil drenwerethefirstpeopleofcolortoattend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas,apreviouslyall-whitecampus President Dwight D. Eisenhower would eventually federalize the Arkansas National Guard to protect the students during their integra tion The Little Rock Nine as they came to beknown,havespenttheirlivesadvocating forqualityeducation.
Per Navy tradition, shipbuilders welded the six women’s initials onto steel plates that will be affixed to the ship The men of the group Ernest G. Green, Dr Terrence J. Roberts, and the late Jefferson Thomas werealsohonoredduringtheceremony.
“Withadvancesinsoundsilencing,acous tic sensors and weapons delivery systems Arkansas will traverse the world’s oceans and seas as an Apex Predator,” said Vice Adm. Bill Houston, Commander, Naval
SubmarineForces “Representingourasym metric advantage in the undersea domain, Arkansaswillhavenoequal.”
Arkansas will be the 27th Virginia-class submarine Boats in this class are the most advanced attack submarines in the world, withsuperiorstealth,firepowerandmaneu
www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 VOL.29 NO 44,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comNovember24-November30 2022 USS Gerald R. Ford departs Portsmouth, UK The first-in-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78) departed Portsmouth,United Kingdom,Nov.18,concluding its second international portvisit and first in Europe. PAGEA6 Steps you need to take before foreign travel “Ifemployees are looking to travel overseas,theymust reach out to their Department SecurityCoordinator (DSC) priorto leaving to begin the process,”said NNSYForeignTravel ManagerLisa Lafitte. PAGEA2 Women Sailors: get ready for better fitting uniforms NCTRFheld a Female Size Standardization fit evaluation with the ultimate objective of establishing a consistent fit for uniforms in the future. PAGEA3
verability than previous classes They can hitshore-basedtargetswithhighlyaccurate Tomahawkcruisemissilesandarecapableof long-term,stealthsurveillanceofseaforces, littoral waters or ground targets Their designalsoprovidesforSpecialForcesdeliv eryandsupport,minedeliveryandminefield mapping,andanti-submarineandanti-ship warfare.
FormorenewsfromtheNavy,visitwww. Navy lays keel for future USS Arkansas (SSN 800) Vice ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Lisa M.Franchetti is joined byRearAdm.Martin Muckian,commanderofthe UnderseaWarfighting Development Center(UWDC) during a meetingwith fast attacksubmarine commanding officers,executive officers and chiefs ofthe boats at UWDC in Groton,Conn.,onWednesday,Nov.16,2022 Franchettivisited Naval Submarine Base NewLondon to meetwith local militaryleadership to discuss Sailorqualityofservice,readiness,and submarine maintenance.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER2NDCLASSWESLEYTOWNER/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 24 2022 1
For more
about the Virgin ia-classattacksubmarine visithttp://www
ShipyardSpotlight:Meg McIntosh
ByMichaelD.Brayshaw Norfolk NavalShipyard
Whether it’s in her previouspositionas
AccountsPayableSupervisorornewrespon sibilityasaComptrollerDepartment(Code 600) Management Analyst, MegMcIn toshapproaches everyday withapride for NorfolkNavalShipyard(NNSY)andpassion forteamwork
That One Mission-One Team mindset is particularlyimportantgiven McIntosh’s reach and responsibility of processing paymentstovendors,contractorsandother businesses providinggoods andservices to the command.The accounts payableteam also processes miscellaneouspayment vouchers for shipyard employeecollege courses,safetyshoereimbursements,federal andstatefees,legalsettlementsandmore
“I love helping people andleavingthings better thanhow Ifoundthem,”saidMcIn tosh. “EventhoughI am in asupport code those on the waterfront cannot perform their job without employeesand material.
Work stoppagesare caused whenvendors do not receivepayment for their invoices
Shipyardemployees shouldfeelvaluedand appreciated, which is whyour teamshould haveemployeepaymentvouchersprocessed inatimelymanner.AndI’mnothingwithout my team! Youshouldtreat your employees thewayyouwanttobetreated.”
She’s long had an appreciation for NNSY anditspeople.HerparentsNormandKathy bothmadelifelongcareersatNNSY,withher fatheralwaysadvocating“accomplishment of the mission and welfareofthe people” as aleader’s biggestpriorities. McIntosh’s brothersare bothcurrently at theshipyard, with Norm an Assistant Test Engineer in Code246,and CodyasShop 31 apprentice turned Code 300 Zone Manager.McIntosh’s grandfather,grandfather’s brother, and great uncle also worked at NNSY.Her Great Uncle Jimmet his wifeKitty atthe shipyardduringWorldWarII.Evenoutside herfamily,herbestfriend’sfatherservedon ashipyardTigerTeam.“Friendsandfamily whoworkedherealwayshadsomuchpride
and dedication for the shipyard and their jobs, and it definitely impacted megrowing up,”saidMcIntosh.
Perhaps surprisingly then, her initial dream going backtobeingseven years old wasinstead to become afirefighter, which she did for ten years prior to retir ing on aservice-connected disability.She joinedNNSYin2009 in theCostAccount ingBranch of Code 600 as aGS-03 Student Trainee. McIntosh credits herfirefighting experience withinstilling an appreciation for teamwork, having asense of urgency valuingsafetyandthat“helpingpeopleand doing the job correctly arewhat matter.” Since then she has put out the figurative firesinCode600asneeded,whichincludes addressinginvoicing questionsand issues with stakeholders,attending meetings, updatingmetrics,preventinganyworkstop pagesonthewaterfrontanddevelopingher team.“Some people jokethat Iretired as a firefighter only to become one for the ship yard,”shesaid.
“She is an incredible leader who truly
cares about every one of her employees,” saidKatieTurner of the Accounts Payable team. “Her leadership skills,organization, teaching,empathy,compassionarejustafew ofheramazingtraits.Mostofallimportance, isherworkethicanddrivetocompletetasks Sheshows up every daywith amission toget the job done,and done correctly Meg’sprofessionalism is top notch with all co-workers,leadership,and stakehold ers.She knows and understands theCORE values of this shipyard, anddeservesrecognitionforherhardworkeverysingleday.
Creditingherempathyandcompassionto hermotherandsenseofleadershiprespon sibility fromher father,McIntosh said her “myDad taught me that youcan delegate authority,but never responsibility.You are always responsible for thework no matter what.Donotblameotherswhenissuesarise, just go fix the problem. Anddonot ever ask your employee to do something that you would not do yourself.Knowhow to do the work, and the regulationsthatdictate your processes.Knowyour‘why.
As we enter the holidayseason, many areplanning adventures across the globe, whether it be to visit family, see the world, or justcatching some much needed rest and relaxation.Asa member of the federal government, Norfolk NavalShipyard (NNSY)employees arewelcome to take foreign travel both for officialbusiness as wellasforpersonalreasons;however,there aresomestepsall employees musttake beforetheytakeoffontheirnextadventure.
“Ifemployees arelooking totraveloverseas, they mustreach out to theirDepart mentSecurity Coordinator (DSC) prior to leavingtobegin theprocess,”said NNSY Foreign Travel Manager Lisa Lafitte. Per DOD Directive4500.54G Foreign Clear anceGuide(FCG),thisinstructiongoverns whatisrequiredforgovernmentemployees inordertobeabletotraveltoaforeigncoun try.Moreinformationisavailableathttps:// on requirementsforcountriesorCOCOMs.
“The Foreign Travel Office acts as the liaison for the Geographic Combatant Commander (GCC) Clearance Office and we help to ensureeveryoneisset and ready to go so that employees aretaken care of before they travel. We handlethese requests not onlyfor NNSY but alsofor the NavalFoundryandPropellerCenter(NFPC)
ingeverythingisinplacesotheCOCOMcan assistthemasquicklyaspossible
Lafitteadded,“TheDSCsarethefirstlines of defense andanintegral part in following the FCG andgetting employees prepared. Theycan share the current status of coun trieswithemployeesandgoovereverything the employee needs to complete prior to meetingwithus.Inaddition,employeescan visitstate.govforadditionalinformationon country statusfor travel.The DSCsare also trainedfrequentlyonthelocalrequirements as well as instructionsacross the Depart mentofDefense(DoD)toensuretheyhave thetoolsavailabletoassistyouasneeded.”
Timeliness is keytoensuring thereare no hold-ups going into both official and personal travel.Once the reports arefinal ized ahead of time,everythingisentered into the databasetoensure employees are accountedfor.Ifany changesoccur tothe itinerary,for exampleaddinganother loca tioncountrytotravelduringyourtrip,please be sure to work with your DSC following yourtraveltoupdateyouritinerary.
“Wewant to makesureour employees aresafe and secureduring travel at all times,” said Morse.“If all the steps are completed, we’ll be abletoget youtoyour destination as quickly as possible.Should anything occur,you’reset up and ready to getassistance with that COCOM. If you haveanyquestions,pleasereachouttoyour DSC or the Physical Security and Antiter rorism Department (Code 1121)and we’ll do our besttoassist.”
ComptrollerDepartment (Code 600)ManagementAnalyst MegMcIntosh leads ameetingwith herteam at NorfolkNavalShipyard.(PHOTOBYDANIELDEANGELIS,NORFOLKNAVALSHIPYARD)
inPhiladelphiaandNuclearRegionalMain tenanceDepartment(NRMD)KingsBayin Georgia,” said Lafitte. “Requirements are not going to be the same for each country Someplacesrequireadditionaltrainingand briefingswhileothers do not. However, it’s importantfor all employees to report their travel to include itineraries to ensurethey areable to travel to the areas in question and ensurethat if anything happens
while theyareoverseas,theyareinthesystemand able to reach outtothe COCOMtoreceive assistance.Thisincludeshavinganupdated IsolatedPersonnelReport(ISOPREP)and makingsureallpermissionsareinplace. If an employeetravels overseas and misplaces their passport or an incident happens, reportingtheirtraveland ensur
team works hardtoassistinthese endeavors,working withemployees every stepofthewaytogetthemsituatedfortheir travel,” said Physical SecurityBranch Head MikeMorse.“It’simperativethatemployees lettheir DSCsknowassoonaspossible,no laterthan30daysinadvanceoftheplanned travel. Sometimes emergency services are needed and we’ll work with youinthat regard; however, we need time to ensure allactionsarecompletedandareasofinter estareaccessiblefortravel.Therearesome areas thatare restricted access,whichwill requirespecial permissionfromthe SES as well as the COCOMoverseas beforetravel canbeauthorized.”
Planning foreign travel —steps youneedtotakebeforetakeoff Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor |MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | AssistantEditor |MC3 LeoKatsareas 757-322-2853 | GraphicDesigner |TeresaWalter Contributing Staff NinoshkaBasantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager |Ski Miller Free ClassifiedAdvertising |757-622-1455 Distribution &Home Delivery |757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdmChristopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairsDirector| Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD)orthe United States Navy under exclusivewritten contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official viewsof, nor endorsed by,the U.S. Government, DOD,orthe Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regardtorace, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories maybe submitted via email to The Flagship® is published every ThursdaybyFlagship, Inc., whose offices arelocated at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va.23510. ©2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved (ISTOCK/MUSTAFAHACALAKI) 2 The Flagship |www|Section 1| Thursday, November 24,2022
Women Sailors get measured now for better fitting uniforms in the future
ByKristineSturkie Navy Exchange Service Command
Navy Clothing & Textile Research Facil ity (NCTRF) held a Female Size Standardization fit evaluation at Naval Air Station North Island, California, Oct. 31 Nov. 4.
Duringtheevent 100womenSailorsvolun teered to have their measurements taken and try on several prototype uniforms to collect data with the ultimate objective of establishingaconsistentfitforuniformsin the future.
“Over the past four years, we have been working with anthropometric data on currentfemalebodytypes/sizesandcloth ingindustryexpertstoupdatethepatterns to reflect an accuracy in the development ofanewNavyfittypeandsizingforwomen Sailors,” said Dr Brianna Plummer, Super visoryTextileTechnologist,Design&Test ingGroupatNCTRF “Theultimategoalof this effort is to update all uniform patterns to create better fit that require fewer alterations and resulting in the commonality of sizing across all uniform items.”
individually with NCTRF clothing design ers and textile technologists to have their measurements documented. Sailors then tried on multiple dress uniform items, includingtwooverblouseprototypedesign concepts in the new sizing system to be worn with Summer White and Service Dress Blue uniforms
“ThedatagatheredduringtheWestCoast fitevaluation,alongwiththedatagathered from previous fit evaluations, will signifi cantly contribute to the direction of our research,”saidPlummer “Itwasimportant thatwehadawidediversityoffemalebody
types and sizes documented, so we would have a complete view of today’s women Sailors NEXCOM is committed to providing certified, high-quality Navy uniforms with a focus on continuing improvements to fit, comfort, design and durability.”
This West Coast fit evaluation was the third and final one to collect instrumental data to assess the fit, comfort, consistency of sizes based on prototyped construction features NEXCOM’s two previous fit tests were held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in 2019 and Norfolk, Virginia, in July 2022.
in Naval Exchange Command (NEXCOM) fit test aboard NavalAirStation North Island,Nov.02 The NavyExchange Service Command’s NavyClothing &Textile Research Facility(NCTRF) held a Female Size Standardization fit evaluation at NavalAirStation North Island,California,Oct.31 Nov.4.During the event,100women Sailorsvolunteered to have theirmeasurements taken and tryon several prototype uniforms to collect datawith the ultimate objective ofestablishing a consistent fit foruniforms in the future.NEXCOM is comprised of13,000 personnelworldwide facilitating seven business lines: NEXretail stores NavyLodge Program,NavyGatewayInns & Suites Ships Store Program,NavyClothing andTextile Research Facility,Uniform Program Management Office andTelecommunications Program Office (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSKEENANDANIELS/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 24 2022 3 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606 MILITARY APPRECIATIONDAYS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 &THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2022 DILLARD’S IS PLEASED TO EXTEND THESE SPECIAL DISCOUNTSTO: Enjoy extra savings as Dillard’shonors ourmilitary heroes and their families. Thank you for your service to our country! IN STOREONLY •Call 1-800-345-5273tofind aDillard’sstore near you. ACTIVE MILITARY MEMBERS and their immediate families FULL-TIMEACTIVE GUARDSMEN and their immediate families ACTIVATED GUARDSMEN OR RESERVISTS and their immediate families PROCESS FOR OBTAINING YOUR DISCOUNT: Please visit our Customer Service area and show your valid military ID.Our customer service associates will provide you with abar-codedshopping pass to use throughoutthe day.Please retain this shoppingpass andshowittoour salesassociates at the beginning of every transaction. Your appropriate discount will be applied to each transaction. Thispass is valid for oneday.Should you decide to shop both days, you will need to request anew shopping pass on daytwo. **These individuals and/or arepresentative from their immediate family are cordially invited to shop any area Dillard’sstoreoneither or both days. At Dillard’s, we recognize with continuinggratitude the sacrifices our military forces and their families make daily for ourcountry.Inappreciation, we areextending a to military personnel** on purchases made at Dillard’son Wednesday,November 30 and Thursday,December 1, 2022. 20%* DISCOUNT *10% discount on small electric appliances.
(November02 2022) Retail services specialist 1st classJasmineAllen,assigned toArleigh Burke-class destroyer,USS Halsey(DDG 97),participates
Navy medicine Sailor carries a World Cup legacy
ByAndréSobocinski U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
On November 20, 2022, the greatest sporting event in the world will begin and soccer (football) teams representing 32 nations will compete vying for a chance to capture the coveted FIFA World Cup trophy.
ForHMCM(SW/AW)JoséAlonsoofthe BureauofMedicineandSurgery(BUMED), the FIFA World Cup has special meaning Master Chief Alonso serves as the Surface Force Independent Duty Corps man Program Manager and a Senior EnlistedLeaderatBUMED Healsohasthe uniquedistinctionasbeingthegreatgrand son of Álvaro A. Gestido (1907-1957), star mid-fielder for the 1930 Uruguayan team that won the first ever World Cup
Alonso, a native of Ormond Beach, Flor ida, grew up hearing stories of his famous relative, a man who inspired him to enter the U.S. Navy in 2003 “Álvaro was not only a soccer star but also balanced a career in the Uruguayan National Army, explained Alonso “His servicetohiscountryandtheexamplethat
he set in his life always held special mean ingtome Iimaginemanyofhisvaluesand attributesonthefieldofplaycamefromhis military service background.”
Álvaro Gestido, a native of Montevideo, first discovered soccer at the Uruguayan Military Academy and, in 1926 while still a student, was selected for the soon-to-be legendary national team. From 1926 to 1941, Gestido played 26 matches for the Uruguayannationalteamwhereheearned a reputation for his athletic prowess, his leadership and being part of an “impene trable defense.”
“In the 1928 Olympics he led his fellow midfielders in defensive tactics that were immortalized as ‘la cortina metalica’ or the ‘iron curtain, related Alonso “These tactics proved effective in keeping the opposing team in check by limiting adver sary plays in friendly territory.”
Gestido led Uruguay to gold in the IX SummerOlympiadinAmsterdam.Hisgold winningmedalremainsaprizedpossession in the family and Alonso owns his great grandfather’s Olympic identification card.
Although well-known on the interna tionalstage,Gestidoalsoplayed13yearsfor
the Uruguayan Club Atletico Peñarol, lead ing them to seven national titles
Despite retiring in 1941, when the Peñarol team lost players to injury and risked forfeiting their place in a tournament,Gestidoreturnedtothefieldhelping themwinthenextthreegames.ButGestido not only excelled on the soccer field. As a military officer he served in the calvary, as anarmsinstructor,ministryofdefense,and rose to the rank of Colonel (Coronel).
Formuchofhisathleticcareer,hisservice record and leadership were reflected in manyofthenicknamesgiventohim—these include “Caballero del deporte” (Gentle men of the game), “el Teniente” (the Lieutenant),and“elCapitan”(theCaptain).The latter represented for a time his military paygrade and his team role
MasterChiefAlonsotakesprideinGestido’smanyaccoladesonthefieldandinmili tary service, but remains proudest of his relative’s many admirable character traits, and his “leadership by example.”
“HewasaleaderontheUruguaynational teamthatshatteredracialdividesbybecom ingoneofthefirstinterracialteamstoplay ontheinternational stage,”related Alonso
“And regardless of how his adversaries on the field treated him, he always took the high road, even providing his opponents adviceduringthegame Hewasknownfor his commitment, initiative, loyalty, friend ship beingateamplayerandatrueambas sador for sportsmanship and grit.
Throughout his own military service, Alonso has tried to emulate these same traits by being a dedicated, loyal, empa thetic leader with a drive to help build winning teams—quite simply, being the “caballero del deporte” in all he does
Tragically Gestido died at the peak of lifein1957 Forty-twoyearsafterhisdeath, the Uruguayan National Military Athletic Compoundnameditssoccerstadiuminhis memory,CoronelÁlvaroGestido[Stadium]
Among the many of legions of soccer fans tuning into the 2022 World Cup will beMasterChiefAlonsowhowillbecheer ing on multiple teams
“Ofcourse,IwillberootingfortheUnited States,”saidAlonso “ButIwillalwayshave aspecialplaceinmyheartforUruguay,my ancestral home and a team that meant so much to Álvaro.
ByStephanieSlater Naval Safety Command
Reducing no-show students, unused quotasandunder-projectedtrainingneeds are critically important goals for the Naval SafetyandEnvironmentalTrainingCenter (NAVSAFEVTRACEN)thisfiscalyear(FY).
Tofindsolutions,NAVSAFENVTRACEN analyzed its training quota dashboard The centerdeterminedthatitneededtoimprove communicationstoreduceunfilledseatsand encourage commands to assess their safety training needs critically, said its learning standardsofficer AmandaCarter
“The dashboard is a truth serum that exposes gaps that may potentially hinder readiness,”shesaid.“Thebestintervention was for us to step up our game when we communicate with our stakeholders.”
To help reduce unfilled seats, and ensure completetransparency,NAVSAFENVTRA CENnowprovidesalistofno-showstudents initsbi-weeklycommunicationswithEche lon II naval organizations, to supplement a spreadsheet generated from its training quota dashboard (Echelon II naval organizations report to leaders who report to the ChiefofNavalOperations(CNO)).
The spreadsheet includes data for plannedquotasandfleetquotaneeds,with newly added data sets not available before that indicate remaining open quotas to assistnavalorganizationswithclosinggaps caused by no shows.
This fiscal year, NAVSAFENVTRACEN will offer 420 occupational safety, indus trial hygiene, environmental protection and emergency management courses More than 14,000 Navy and Marine Corps students will receive training if all quotas are filled.
However, several FY23 first quarter coursesfacecancellationduetolowenroll ment including “Safety Programs Afloat, “HazardousMaterialControlandManagement,” “Hazardous Substance Incident ResponseManagement(HSIRM)”plusthe HSIRM Refresher course Visit the train-
ing center’s website for the course sched ule and enrollment guidance If a course is needed, reserve a quota using the enter prise Navy Training Reservation System (eNTRS).
At the same time, NAVSAFENVTRA CEN asks that Echelon II commands complete their FY24 safety training needs assessment as well as coordinating with subordinate commands no later than Jan. 31, 2024 The needs assessment is a plan ning tool that allows the training center to determinethebestuseofresourcestomeet stakeholder training needs.
“We encourage organizations to assess theirneedswithacriticaleye,”Cartersaid “Inafiscallyconstrainedenvironment,itis hardforustorespondtorequestsforaddi-
ÁlvaroA.Gestido (1907-1957),starmid-fielderforthe 1930 Uruguayan team thatwon the first everWorld Cup.Gestido is also the great grandfatherofBureau ofMedicine and SurgerySailor (BUMED),HMCM (SW/AW)JoséAlonso (PHOTOSUSEDINGRAPHICARECOURTESYOFHMCMALONSO)
ment does not accurately project needs.” The official FY24 Needs Assessment is assigned as Tasker ID: DON-221024-596S Request Echelon 2 commands provide NAVSAFENVTRACEN with FY24 quota needs
quotas mid-year if the needs assess-
to operate and operat
implementstheSMS,whichalignswiththe ‘Get Real, Get Better’ initiative directed by CNO. The SMS relies on four key takeaways: safe place safe people safe prop erty and materiel and safe processes and procedures Relatedlinks: CourseCatalog( Catalog%2024FEB2022.pdf) RequestaQuota(https:// Learning/NAVSAFENVTRACEN/
mil/Learning/NAVSAFENVTRACEN/ NAVSAFENVTRACEN/) Safety training courses available for FY23, assess needs now for FY24 quotas Students attending a RespiratoryProtection Program Management (RPPM) course listen to a math calculation explained byBen Winslow,an instructor with Naval Safetyand Training Environmental Training Center (NAVSAFENVTRACEN). NAVSAFENVTRACEN delivered the on-site training in Kaneohe, Hawaii Sept 20-23, 2022 The course provides militaryand civilian RPPMs at shore commands and RespiratoryProtection Managers on all classes ofNavyshipswith training necessaryto effectivelyestablish, maintain and monitor respiratoryprotection programswithin their units.(COURTESY PHOTO) 4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, November 24 2022
NAVSAFENVTRACEN course offer ings
the Navy’s lynch pin within its newlyrenewedSafetyManagementSystem (SMS).TheSMSencouragesasafetyfocus and mindset that embraces self-assess ment and self-correction to manage risk and maintain accountability NavalSafetyCommand(NAVSAFECOM)
ByLeslieTomaino Naval Safety Command
It’s that time of year when many begin imagining the smells of delicious pumpkin pie, turkey and stuffing Some have already startedthoughtfulprepworkinanticipation ofpreparingtheperfectmealfortheirloved ones this Thanksgiving As we look ahead to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, the Naval Safety Command reminds every one planning to hit the road over the long weekendtobediligentandplanaccordingly aheadoftheirtrip,regardlessofdistanceor destination.
Therewere440fatalcrashesandanestimated 33,000 crashes resulting in injuries that occurred in wintry conditions in 2019, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association (NHTSA) Additionally anestimated182,000police-reported crashes also occurred in freezing conditions If you are living in or traveling toorthrougharegionwhereitsnows,sleets andices,usethethree“Ps”tominimizeyour riskontheroad:Prepareforthetrip;Protect yourselfandPreventcrashesontheroad.
Here are several tips to help you prepare your vehicle for potential wintry weather conditions
1. Check your vehicle headlights brake
lights, turn signals emergency flashers and interior lights Check your trailer brake lightsandturnsignals ifnecessary
2. You can quickly go through a lot of windshield wiper fluid in a single snowstorm Fill your vehicle’s reservoir with a wintertime mixture before colder weather hits Make sure defrosters and windshield wipers work and replace any worn blades Consider installing heavy-duty winter wipersifyouliveinanareawithalotofsnow andice
3.Makesureyouhaveenoughcoolantin your vehicle and that it meets the manu facturer’s specifications See your vehicle owner’s manual for recommendations Check the cooling system for leaks, test the coolant and drain and replace the old coolant.
4.Aconsiderationspecificallyforelectric and hybrid-electric vehicles is that lower temperatures can increase the drain on the battery Generally, lithium-ion batteries havereducedenergyatlowertemperatures Additionally, most vehicles will use battery powerforself-heatinginlowtemperatures. The battery drain due to heating can be minimized by keeping your electric car as warm as possible during freezing temperatures A common way to do this: plug your vehicle in at night during the winter, keep
ing the battery temperature in its optimal range Forthosewithfuel-poweredcars,itis ideal to keep gas tanks close to full as much aspossible
Good preparation includes thought ful planning Plan your route using local weather and traffic reports before head ing out If the roads are not in good shape, consider postponing non-essential travel untiltheroadsareclear Yourlovedonescan keepyourplatewarmandunderstandyour safetycomesfirst.
Protect yourself If you have to go out, ensure you are prepared for any extended delays.Ifadverseweatherisintheforecast, consider changing your departure time to avoid being on the road during the worst of the storm and make sure you are prepared foranyextendeddelays.
Even those who are prepared or used to driving in snow-prone regions can find themselves suddenly stuck or stranded in wintry weather, so make sure you carry items in your vehicle to handle everyday winter-related driving tasks and supplies you might need in an emergency. Recom mended items include: a snow shovel, broom, ice scraper; abrasive material (sand orkittylitter)incaseyourvehiclegetsstuck in the snow; jumper cables, flashlights and warning devices (flares and emergency
markers); blankets for protection from the cold; a cell phone and car charger water food,andanynecessarymedicine.
Preventandminimizethelikelihoodofan accident by ensuring you are mentally and physically fit during your drive. On longer trips, plan enough time to stop to stretch, getsomethingtoeat,checkyourphoneand change drivers and rest if you feel drowsy While driving, increase your following distanceenough,soyouhaveplentyoftime to stop for vehicles ahead of you. Snowplows travel slowly make wide turns and frequently stop, overlap lanes, and exit the road, so don’t crowd a snowplow or travel besideit Ifyoufindyourselfbehindasnowplow,keepasafedistanceandusecautionif youpasstheplow These tips can help ensure you safely reachyourdestinationsandnotbeanunsafe turkeyonwinterroadsthiswinterseason.
For more information on winter driv ing, visit NHTSA ( winter-driving-tips) and view additional resources like NAVSAFECOM’s fall and winter safety presentation ( Safety-Stand-Down/)
Don’t be a turkey when hitting the roads (U.S.NAVYGRAPHICBYLESLIETOMAINO/RELEASED) With National Cake Day this Saturday, nowistheperfecttimetotestoutthisfabu lously festive pumpkin cake recipe! This wonderfully moist cake topped with rich cream cheese frosting is sure to be a crowd favoriteatallofyourholidaygatherings Pumpkin Cake Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 4 hours (includes cooling) Cake: 2cupsall-purposeflour 2teaspoonsbakingpowder 1teaspoonbakingsoda 1teaspoonsalt 1½teaspoonsgroundcinnamon 2teaspoonsstoreboughtorhomemade pumpkinpiespice 1cupcanolaorvegetableoil 4largeeggs 1cuppackedlightordarkbrownsugar ½cupgranulatedsugar 1canpumpkinpuree 1½teaspoonspurevanillaextract Frosting: 8ouncesfull-fatblockcreamcheese, softenedtoroomtemperature ½cupunsaltedbutter,softenedtoroom temperature 3cupsconfectioners’sugar,plusan extra¼cupifneeded 1teaspoonpurevanillaextract ⅛teaspoonsalt Instructions: Preheattheovento350andgreasea9x13 inchbakingpan. Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda,salt,cinnamon,andpumpkinpiespice together in a large bowl. Set aside Whisk theoil,eggs,brownsugar,granulatedsugar, pumpkin, and vanilla extract together until combined Pourthewetingredientsintothe dry ingredients and use a mixer or whisk until completely combined Batter will be thick. Spreadbatterintothepreparedpan.Bake for30-36minutes Bakingtimesvary,sokeep an eye on yours.
If you
aluminumfoil. Remove the cake
pan on a wire rack. Allow to cool completely After about 45 minutes, place the cake in the refrigeratortospeedthingsup Makingthefrosting:Inalargebowlusing a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a paddleorwhiskattachment,beatthecream cheese and butter together on high speed untilsmoothandcreamy.Add3cupsconfectioners’ sugar, vanilla, and salt. Beat on low speed for 30 seconds, then switch to high speedandbeatfor2minutes.Ifyouwantthe frosting a little thicker add the extra ¼ cup ofconfectionerssugar(Iaddit) Spreadthe frosting on the cooled cake Refrigerate for 30minutesbeforeserving Thishelpssetthe frostingandmakescuttingeasier Coverleftovercaketightlyandstoreinthe refrigeratorfor5days It’s National Cake Day, pumpkin! www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, November 24 2022 5 ARE YOU READY? Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. 1996 POWERPLANT PKWYHAMPTON,VA23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM
Thecakeisdone when a
pick inserted in the center comesoutclean.
find the top or edges of the cake is/are browning too quickly in the oven, loosely cover it with
ovenandsetthe entire
USS Gerald R. Ford departs Portsmouth, UK
The first-in-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) departed Ports mouth, United Kingdom Nov. 18 concluding its second international port visit and firstinEurope.
“We were honored to visit the United Kingdom, a nation with rich cultural heritage and strong ties to the U.S. Navy, during Ford’s first deployment,” said Capt. Paul Lanzilotta,Ford’scommandingofficer.“Our Sailors were incredibly excited to explore Portsmouth and its naval history. The community extended us a genuinely warm welcome,andwetrulyenjoyedtakingafew days to recharge and explore local sights as wellasLondonandothernationaltreasures beforereturningtosea.”
During the four-day port visit, Ford Sail ors participated in community relations (COMREL)projectsorganizedbytheship’s CommandReligiousMinistriesDepartment SailorsdedicatedtheirfreetimetoWeShine
Portsmouthbysettingupafour-dayartand light festival in various locations around the city Portsmouth Creates sponsored the program, which aims to enhance the avail-
“Givingbacktothecommunitywhohosts usisapriorityforus,”saidCmdr Genevieve Clark, Ford’s command chaplain. “We are appreciative of Portsmouth for hosting our Sailorsandsupportingtheship’svisittothe city Community relations projects provide ourSailorstheopportunitytobeinvolvedon a personal level with a community they are visitingthroughindividualconnectionsthat strengthenourpartnerships.”
In conjunction with COMRELs, Sailors had the opportunity to experience local sites, including Stonehenge Bath, Hamp tonCourt,Windsor,andLondon.Thetours were organized by Ford’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation office and were arranged to provide Sailors opportunities to sightsee and explore many of the area’s cultural and historicattractions.
InteriorCommunicationsElectrician3rd Class Colin Priestino, from Blair, Nebraska, attached to combat systems department, joined several Sailors who explored Bath andStonehenge
“To visit Stonehenge, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was awesome, and to have experienced the historical Roman
Baths was amazing,” said Priestino “Being from a small town in Nebraska and given this chance to see other countries with the Navy and experience London, a city I have onlyseenontelevisionandsocialmedia was overwhelminginthebestpossibleway.
Ford also hosted a number of distin guishedvisitorswhileanchoredoffthecoast ofPortsmouth.
Gen. Sir Tim Radford, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, visited Ford as partofatwo-daycommanders’conference Morethan45attendeesandguestsenjoyed lunch and received a carrier strike group capabilitiesbriefandtouraboardFord
TheHonorableJaneHartley,U.S.Ambas sadortotheUnitedKingdomofGreatBrit ain and Northern Ireland, and Rear Adm. Robert Pedre, Commander, U.K. Strike Force, Royal Navy, embarked the ship to meet with strike group leadership, inter act with service members, and learn about the strike group’s capabilities and recent operations
“It’s been an honor to be here,” Hartley saidduringashipvisit,“andthefactthatthe USS Gerald R. Ford has stopped in Ports mouth on its maiden voyage is a powerful
exampleofthestrongrelationshipandcoop eration we have with our trusted ally the UnitedKingdom.”
During its first deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG) has operated with air, maritime,andgroundassetsfromseveralNATO Allies and partner nations Together, they participated in training events, including long-range maritime strike, air defense, anti-subsurface warfare, and distributed maritimeoperations
USS Gerald R. Ford is a first-in-class aircraft carrier and the first new aircraft carrier designed in more than 40 years The flagship departed Norfolk, Va Oct. 4 onitsfirstoperational deployment,setting the stage for the U.S. Navy’s newest class of carriers
For more information about the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), visit https://, and follow along on Facebook @USSGer aldRFord,Instagram@cvn78_grford,Twit ter @Warship_78, LinkedIn https://www.
The HonorableJane Hartley,U.S.Ambassadorto the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland,and Capt.Paul Lanzilotta,USS Gerald R.Ford’s (CVN 78) commanding officer,discuss
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Gerald R.Ford’s legacyin the CO’s in port cabin,Nov.17 2022 The touroffered distinguishedvisitors an opportunityto meetwith seniorleadership and provided a basic familiarization ofFORD class carriers’design,advanced technologies,and upgrades from NIMITZ-class carriers.The ship is anchored offthe coast ofPortsmouth,England,marking the second foreign port call forthe nation’s newest Ford-class aircraft carrier The Gerald R.Ford Strike Group is deployed in theAtlantic Ocean,conducting training and operations alongside NATOAllies and partners to enhance integration forfuture operations and demonstrate the U.S.Navy’s commitment to a peaceful,stable and conflict-freeAtlantic region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST
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Morning and evening colors
A timed-honored military tradition
ByPettyOfficer3rdClassOliverSerna Naval District Washington
Forciviliansandmilitarypersonnelliving and working on a military base starting and finishing their day with morning and evening colors has always been the norm. This daily routine is deeply steeped in history, and Naval Support Activity (NSA) Washington has been keeping with this time-honoredmilitarytradition
Across NSA Washington’s bases, which include the Washington Navy Yard and NavalSupportFacilitiesArlington,Suitland, Carderock and Naval Observatory colors is observeddailyat8a.m Thenationalensign is hoisted smartly up a flagpole, flown throughout the day, then lowered gently at sunset. Morning colors is accompanied by the national anthem, while evening colors is accompanied by the playing of Retreat Morning and Evening colors are observed
AccordingtoNavalDistrictWashington’s DirectorofCeremoniesandSpecialEvents, StuartMcLean,Colorswasfirstinitiatedby theRoyalNavyin1797 andthenadoptedby theUnitedStatesNavyin1843
“RoyalNavyArchivesstatethepracticeof MorningColorsbeganin1797,whenAdmiral Lord St Vincent, Admiral of the Fleet, Royal Navy, started the tradition of raising and lowering the ensign and jack following a mutiny at Spithead, a Royal Navy anchor age near Plymouth England,” said Mclean. “In 1843 the U.S. Navy adopted the Brit ish tradition of both Morning and Evening Colors The 1843 Rules and Regulations for theGovernmentoftheNavyprovidedthese requirements:Ifsunsetwereafter6:00p.m, morningcolorswouldbeat8:00a.m;other wise,thecolorswouldstartat9:00a.m This wasupdatedinthe1870swhenthetimefor morning colors were definitively moved to
Service members and civilians take part in this long-standing tradition to reflect on the sacrifices of the women and men who devoted their lives to protect our nation’s shores from foes. To many, this custom is rooted in a sense of deep pride and is a symbolofadmiration.
Cmdr Terry McNamara, NSA Washing ton executive officer, appreciates the tradi tionandwhatitrepresents
“Iwillnevergettiredofobservingcolors,” said McNamara “It gives me a tremendous amount of pride knowing what the flag represents It stands for what we fight for whyweserveandshowupeveryday.
Across NSA Washington, the “First Call” to colors is played over the installation’s publicaddresssystemat7:55a.m.,followed by “attention” and the national anthem at 8 a.m., concluding with “carry on” when thenationalanthemisover.Thisisoverthe
samesystemusedforemergencyannounce ments, which are broadcast at a louder volume;colorsisplayedatthelowestsetting, which is more than adequate for people to hearitthroughoutthebase
During colors, service members are required to stop all activities, face the flag, cometoattention,andsaluteuntilthe“carry on” signal is given. In some cases when the flag is not visible, they are to face the direc tionofthemusicandperformthoseactions Similarly,civiliansareexpectedtostop,face theflagandstandatattentionwiththeright handovertheheart.Vehicleswithinsightor hearingoftheceremonyarealsorequiredto stop and pull safely on the side of the road untilthecarry-onsignalisgiven.
“As a former service member and veteran,Iamalwaysmovedbymorningand evening colors,” said McLean. “For some reason, I find evening colors to be a little more poignant.”
ByTech Sgt.GarrettCole Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka
ThePier5ribboncuttingceremonyonboard Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka concluded a multi-year project, bringing the pier into the 21st century Integrating new technology with legacy systems and retaining the historical element is crucial to preserving Yokosuka’s history The project faced various challengesandsetbacksbutsuccessfullymetall milestones with its completion by the Nov. 18 2022,deadline.
SinceWorldWarII,Pier5hasprovidedbasic services for ships pulling into CFAY With the recent upgrades, it has become an even more effectiveassetfortheharborwithitsexpanded sizeandfunctionality.
This new pier, by design, is pretty robust,” said CDR Tyler Scharar, CFAY public works officer.“It has4160volts shorepowerwhichis whattheZumwaltclassdestroyeruses.Sothat’s abigupgrade.Theonly4160wehaverightnow is on berth 12, which is for the carriers, and it couldworkforotherassets,butit’sforcarriers. Sonowwehaveasmallboypierwith4160volts, whichiswhatallthenewerclassesofshipswill have It also has 480 volts which is the existing shorepower.
Other upgrades to the pier include accommodating a 140-mobile truck crane, a 20-ton forklift, and emergency vehicles. It also providesessentialutilitiessuchaspotablewater, compressed air, utility trenches, a grounding system,andasupportinginfrastructure.
“Having that additional port loading ability willsignificantlyhelpsupportthefleet, saidLt Randall Cribb, CFAY port operations officer “We can get the ships in, get them what they need,andgetthembackonthemission.
The pier’s size has also developed to a 205m x35mfixed,single-deckpier Theaddedspace makesforasaferandmoreeffectiveworkplace especiallyduringmaintenance.
“When ships moor alongside each other, it can be a risk,” said Quartermaster Chief Petty Officer Derek Goehmann, a CFAY harbor pilot. “So, having another berth option will be an upgrade, especially since we’ve been workingwithoutthepierforthelastyearandahalf Walkingbytheharbor you’llseethatshipsare doubled up So the new pier affects us We’re heretosupporttheships,andiftheycan’taccess thesideoftheship itslowsdownproduction.”
The contract was awarded in March 2020, withacompletiondateofNov.18,2022.Along
the way, the project met challenges but in the end,wascompletedbythedeadline.
There are many surprises that can happen from when the design starts to when the construction finishes, and we did encounter someofthose, saidScharar. Thereweresome unforeseen things as we dug. This base dates back to 1870, and it was a Japanese industrial shipyard So anytimeyougodigging youfind things.AndCOVID-19alsoplayedafactor.So wehadtoadapt.It’simpressivethattheproject stayedontrack,andwe’reveryproudtobedeliveringonthatpromiseddatetothefleet.
In addition to the upgrade itself and vying to meet deadlines, this was an opportunity for the team to stay current on construction requirements.
“The Navy has a vested interest in making sureweknowhowtodolarge-scaleandwaterfrontconstructioninthePacific,”saidScharar. “In most operation plans for the Pacific, both enableconstructionforces,whichareenlisted
As the project was greenlit the contract was awarded to a
company and needed to meet both U.S. and Japanese stan dardsandgivethepiera75-yearlifespan.
The contract was a learning experience,” saidLCDRVictorWong,facilitiesengineering andacquisitiondivisiondirectoratNavalFacilitiesEngineeringCommand. Thecontractisa newcultureandinnewterritory Tomyunder standing, the Japanese company had no prior experience working for the U.S. government especiallyinthisscaleofwork So itwasalearn ing curve for both the contractor and us Ulti
mately,itwasagoodexperienceintermsofwhat they needed to understand our requirements andstandards.Atthesametime weadaptedto incorporatetheJIS(JapanIndustrialStandard). So evenwiththosedifferences,wewereableto compare the requirementsandmake surethat a useful and good product quality-wise, was stilldelivered.
International camaraderie was formed around a common goal through the interactions between the U.S. Navy and the Japanese contractor. This exchange reflects the mission and vision here onboard Yokosuka to support the U.S.-Japan Alliance and to be “an instal lation community that attracts the best Sailors and civilian employees to serve in Japan with theirfamilies
“WedoalotofworkwithJapanesecontrac tors, but when you do a product of this scale, the company that gets awarded that work is usually highly resourced and highly capable, saidScharar.“It’samazingtoseewhattheycan doandwhattheycansolveasyoucomeacross theseissuesandthescaleofthetask Justbythe numbers, it’s quite outstanding. The capability oftheU.S.andtheJapanesecontractorteamto develop solutions and overcome them grows with the capacity of these partner companies They were a great contractor, and we’re very proud of their work, and hopefully, that does provide opportunities in the future to work together.”
The dedication and time invested throughouttheprojectoutweighthehardships,primar ilywhenreflectingoneverythingthathasbeen accomplishedphysicallyandrelationally.
“It’sunparalleled;I’mveryproudtobepartof thisprogramandthisproject,”saidWong “It’s verynicetoseetheendproductwhenashipis berthednexttoit.”
“Anytimeyouworkonaprojectthathassome kindofphysical,standoutfeature,”saidScharar, “thatpeoplecanrecognizefromanaerialphoto or look at it anytime you visit this base you’re goingtoremember‘Ibuiltthat.’
The opening of Pier 5 is a commemorative occasion and a proud accomplishment in waterfront construction and international collaboration.
Formorethan75years,CFAYhasprovided, maintained and operated base facilities and services in support of the U.S. 7th Fleet’s forward-deployed naval forces, tenant commands andthousandsofmilitaryandcivilianpersonnelandtheirfamilies
Seabee Battalions as well as NAVFAC on lots of little islands and also main bases like this one,andwe’rebuildingthingstolandairplanes and to pull in ships and refit the ships and rearm, the ships and leave. The Army Corps of Engineers constructs all military contracts in this region The Navy got permission from the DOD for a waiver to build this military constructionproject.”
local Japanese
YOKOSUKA Japan (Nov.18 2022) Capt Lance Flood,Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Fast East left Capt.Leslie Sobol Commander FleetActivitiesYokosuka,center and RearAdm.Carl Lahti,Commander NavyRegionJapan/ Commander U.S.Naval ForcesJapan, right,cut a ribbon during a ceremonyfora newly-completed Pier5 located onboard CFAY,Nov. 18,2022 The ceremonymarked the completion ofa two-yearproject thatwill support both the legacyand newerclasses
ribbon on new pier
ofships docked at CFAY Formore than 75years,CFAYhas provided, maintained,and operated base facilities and services in support ofthe U.S.7th Fleet’s forwarddeployed naval forces tenant commands,and thousands ofmilitaryand civilian personnel and theirfamilies.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYGARRETTCOLE)
The U.S.NavyCeremonial Band performs the national anthem as theAmerican flag is raised during morning colors at Leutze Parkat theWashington NavyYard (PHOTOBYSTEPHENHASSAY)
USS Gettysburg Crew Awarded for Battlefield Preservation Projects
PageB2 uarterdeck www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 24 2022 1
Sailors assigned to USS Gettysburg accepted the KinsleyAward during the annual Gettysburg Foundation Gala.
2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, November 24 2022
In show of interchangeability, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral re-assumed command from Bulgarian Chief of Staff
Scirettasaid.“CommanderIvanov’sinsight, regional expertise and strong pedigree of commanding at sea allowed me to take advantage of this unique opportunity. The strength of our Alliance is diversity of thought, and symposiums like these are a tried and tested method of promoting the exchange of ideas The full participation last week of flag officers and other senior leadersacrossNATOstrengthenedourAlli ance Commander Ivanov’s capability as a commander enabled my participation.
Under Ivanov’s command, SNMG2 led the task group in conducting vigilance activities while transiting the Ionian Sea. “We have such a talented staff with redundancies up and down the chain of command,” Ivanov said. “I am happy to have demonstrated that redundancy and thankful for the opportunity to lead this
amazingly talented task group at sea.” SNMG2 is a multinational integrated task group that projects a constant and visible reminder of the Alliance’s solidarity and cohesion afloat. This continuous maritime capability performs a wide range of tasks, including exercises and real-world operations in periods of crisis and conflict.
SNMG2 is one of four Standing Naval Forces that operate under NATO Allied Maritime Command headquartered in Northwood, United Kingdom.
For more news and information on SNMG2, StandingNATOMaritimeGroup2
Sailors assigned to the guided-missile cruiserUSSGettysburg(CG64)acceptedthe KinsleyAwardduringtheannualGettysburg Foundation Gala, Nov. 18 The Gettysburg Foundation recognized the extraordinary contributions by the ship’s crew to the historical preservation of the Gettysburg National Military Park and service to the Gettysburg community over the past two years Susan Eisenhower was the keynote speaker at the event hosted in the Gettys burg National Military Park Visitor Center Since August 2021, more than 125 USS Gettysburg Sailors visited the ship’s name sake for seven community relations events, serving alongside the Gettysburg Founda tion and National Park Service on projects contributingtothehistoricalpreservationof
key sites. During each event, the crew took time to walk through the hallowed ground oftheGettysburgNationalMilitaryParkand learn the history of the battle that changed the course of the Civil War.
Due to operational commitments aboard the ship Capt. Megan Thomas command ing officer of USS Gettysburg, spoke to gala participants via video recording
significant benefit of having USS Gettysburg homeported in Norfolk is the proximity we have to our namesake,” Thomas said
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management
housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is
was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated NAVY HOUSING Norfolk:
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Nato Allied
19 in
ByCmdr FernandoEstrella
Maritime Command
Navy Rear Admiral Scott Sciretta reassumed command of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) from Bulgar ianNavyCommanderIvayloIvanovonNov.
Taranto, Italy
elected to transfer command to Ivanov from Nov.12-19 to meet with fellow NATO flag officers at the Combined Force Maritime Component Commander sympo sium held in Naples, Italy The symposium serves as a forum for flag officers and senior leaderstodevelopanddeepenrelationships within the context of regional challenges the Alliance faces in the Mediterranean.
myChiefof Staff and sodoesMARCOM,”
USS FORRESTSHERMANATSEA U.S.NavyRearAdmiral Scott Sciretta reassumed command ofStanding NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) from Bulgarian NavyCommanderIvaylo Ivanovon Nov.19 inTaranto,Italy (PHOTOBYPETTYOFFICER3RDCLASSEZEKIELDURAN)
“It is truly an honor for the officers and crew of the USS Gettysburg to be named the recipient of the distinguished Kinsley Award,”Thomassaid “Therelationshipwe havecontinuedtobuildwiththeGettysburg Foundation and the National Park Service has deepened our understanding of our namesake We are grateful for all of the support you continue to provide to our offi cers and crew and to generations of Americanstoensureweneverforgetthesacrifices made here.” Virginia,andinthefinalstagesoftheCruiser Modification and Service Life Extension Program. The guided-missile cruiser has a crewof356Sailorsandisexpectedtoreturn to sea in 2023 Ship’s leadership plans to continue deepening the relationships with herpartnersattheGettysburgNationalMili tary Park through many more cooperative activities
look forward to continuing ourrelationshipwiththeborough,National Park Service and the
Founda tion and providing new opportunities for our crew to integrate with history and give back to the community.”
USS Gettysburg crew awarded for battlefield preservation projects at their namesake
Sailors assigned to the guided-missile cruiserUSS Gettysburg (CG 64) accepted the KinsleyAward during the annual Gettysburg Foundation Gala, Nov.18 SinceAugust 2021,more than 125 USS Gettysburg Sailorsvisited the ship’s namesake forseven communityrelations events.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYLT JAMINBAILEY)
Royal Australian Navy Admiral tours Key West in Korea
ByLt.Cmdr.RobertReinheimer Commander Submarine Group Seven
BUSAN, Republic of Korea The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Key West (SSN 722) hosted Royal Austra lianNavy(RAN)RearAdm.JonathanEarley, CommanderAustralianFleet,whilevisiting Busan,RepublicofKorea(ROK),Nov.4.
Key West was in Busan for a port visit as part of its scheduled deployment to the Indo-Pacificregion.
Earley was visiting the ROK Navy Fleet HeadquartersinBusanaspartofacounter partvisittotheRepublicofKoreahostedby
Cmdr.JebParm,KeyWest’scommanding officer, greeted the admiralupon hisarrival andledthetour “Alliances and partnerships are vital to howweoperateasaglobalsubmarineforce,” said Parm “So, to be able to host a leader fromourRoyalAustralianNavyallieswhile pierside in Korea- another of our closest alliesfornearly70years wasveryspecial.”
The tour included stops in the forward portion of the boat, with Earley and Parm
discussing the capabilities of Key West and thedifferencesbetweenaLosAngeles-class submarine and the RAN’s Collins-class boats Earley was invited to the wardroom where the two leaders discussed the chal lenges and opportunities in manning and traininganuclearsubmarineforce
Key West is assigned to Commander, Submarine Squadron (COMSUBRON) 15, whichislocatedatPolarisPoint,NavalBase Guam, in Apra Harbor, Guam, and consists offiveLosAngeles-classattacksubmarines TheCOMSUBRON15staffisresponsiblefor providing training, material and personnel readinesssupporttothesecommands Also
basedoutofNavalBaseGuamaresubmarine tenders USS Frank Cable (AS 40) and USS EmoryS.Land(AS39).Thesubmarinesand tenders are maintained as part of the U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed submarine force and are readily capable of meeting global operationalrequirements
Key West is the third ship to bear the name of the city of Key West It was built in NewportNews,Virginia,launchedJuly1985 andcommissionedSeptember1987
FormoreinformationonKeyWest please visit
U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-De fense Force (JMSDF) worked together on several anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and surfacegunneryeventsdesignedtoadvance
“As Allies working together we demonstrateourcollectiveresolveinfacingshared maritime challenges,” said Rear Adm. MichaelDonnelly,commanderCSG5,Task Force (CTF) 70 “While this exercise has benefitted us tactically and professionally, italsoisapowerfulsymbolofthestrengthof aforceallcommittedtothesameidealsthat keepthisregionsecureandstable.”
During KS23, Vice Adm. YUASA Hideki, Commander-In-Chief Japan Self-Defense Fleet, along with Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet, visited the U.S. Navy’s only-forward deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), as well as JS Izumo (DDH 183) Throughout theexercise liaisonofficersfromJapanand the Royal Australian Navy were integrated intotheoperationsofthestrikegroup
“I appreciate that we had the occasion to work with all members of CSG 5 on USS Ronald Reagan, and we received knowledge and lessons learned with their support throughKeenSword23,”saidRear Adm. HIRATA Toshiyuki commander EscortFlotillaFour JMSDF.“Thisexercise contributed to improving the tactical and operational capabilities of the JMSDF, and enhancedtheeffectivenessofbilateraloper ations between Japan and the U.S. We are facing big challenges in the region, but our
relationship is stronger than at any time in history, and is contributing to the strength ening deterrence and response capabilities ofthealliance,andtothepeaceandstability oftheIndo-Pacificregion.”
This year, for the first time ever, the JMSDFembeddedanInformationWarfare Commander (IWC) and planning staff into CTF 70 IW team where they made great progress in areas such as information shar ing, electronic warfare, and expanding collective warfighting capabilities This afloatopportunitybuiltuponthesuccessof severalroutineexercisesandexchangesheld inYokosukaoverthepast18months
“HavingtheJMSDFIWCandhisteamof expertsonboardUSSRonaldReaganwork ing alongside our team has been a tremen dous success,” said Capt. Kurt Mole, CSG 5 IWC.“Welearnedsomuchfromeachother and were able to leverage the strengths of each team. This was a significant advance ment of our IW collaboration and I’m excitedtocontinuemovingtherelationship forward.”
On Nov. 14 formation sailing took place with one submarine from the JMSDF and 19shipsfromtheU.S.Navy JMSDF United Kingdom (Royal Navy), Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and Royal Canadian Navy (RCN).
“We have stood side-by-side and we are
The Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) and U.S. MarineCorps conducted multiple side-by-side amphibious landings on Japanese islands to demonstrate the capability of forward-deployed forces to swiftly counter aggression against regional Alliesandpartners.
JSDF and U.S. forces have conducted the joint/bilateral field training exercise Keen Sword since 1986 designed to increase combatreadinessandinteroperability
USSRonaldReaganCarrierStrikeGroup is underway conducting operations in supportofafreeandopenIndo-Pacific U.S.
7th Fleet conducts forward-deployed naval operations in support of U.S. national inter ests in the Indo-Pacific area of operations
As the U.S. Navy’s largest numbered fleet, 7th Fleet interacts with 35 other maritime nations to build partnerships that foster maritime security, promote stability, and preventconflict.
Fleet Commander, Vice Adm. Kang, Dong Hun. While visiting the Busan Navy Base Early had the opportunity to tour the submarine.
NavyRearAdm.Jonathan Earley,CommanderAustralian Fleet speakswith Cmdr Jeb Parm,commanding officerofthe LosAngeles-class fast-attacksubmarine USS KeyWest (SSN 722),during a tourofthe submarine,Nov.4.KeyWest routinelyoperates in the U.S.7th Fleet area ofoperations,conducting maritime securityoperations and supporting national security interests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSADAMCRAFT/RELEASED) ByPettyOfficer2ndClassAskiaCollins Commander, Task Force 70 / Carrier Strike Group 5 PHILIPPINE SEA (NNS) Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 5 Sailors along with Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and JointforceU.S.militarypersonnel,conclude Keen Sword 2023 (KS23) a biennial joint/ bi-lateralfieldtrainingexercise aroundthe watersofJapan,Nov.18 KS23 was designed to enhance JapanU.S. readiness and interoperability while strengthening the bi-lateral relationship and demonstrating U.S. resolve to support the security
interests of Allies and partners intheregion.KeenSworddoessobyprovid ingmilitariesopportunitiestotrainacrossa varietyofmissionareasinrealisticscenarios enhancing readiness, interoperability, and buildingcredibledeterrence
Navy units included the embarked staffs of CSG 5, Carrier Air Wing Five (CVW 5), and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON)15alongwiththeaircraftcarrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), guided-mis sile cruiser USS Chancellorsville (CG 62), and guided-missile destroyer USS Benfold (DDG65).
said Capt.DavidTietzel,Commander,Australian MaritimeTaskGroup(COMAUSMARTG).
the link across differentdomainsbringingourwarshipsand
“Our teams that worked on USS Chan
and USS Ronald Reagan have brought back valuable lessons learned We want to continue being
Carrier Strike Group 5 concludes Keen Sword 23 PHILIPPINE SEA(Nov.14 2022) Ships from the U.S.Navy Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF),Royal Navy RoyalAustralian Navyand Royal Canadian Navysteam in formation during Keen Sword 23,in the Philippine Sea,Nov.14 Keen Sword is a biennial,joint and bilateral field-training exercise involving U.S.militaryandJMSDFpersonnel,designed to increase readiness and interoperabilitywhile strengthening the ironcladJapan-U.S.alliance.USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76),the flagship ofCarrierStrike Group 5,provides a combat-readyforce that protects and defends the United States,and supports alliances,partnerships and collective maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASS GRAYGIBSON) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, November 24 2022 3
Amphibious Squadron 1 changes command
Capt. Tate Robinson relieved Capt. DeWayne Sanders to become the 30th commodore of Amphibious Squadron (CPR) 1 during a ceremony held on the flight deck aboard amphibious transport dock USS Portland, Nov. 17 Rear Adm. Wayne Baze, commander, Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 3, presidedovertheceremonyandpresented Sanders with a Legion of Merit before thanking the staff of CPR 1 for their hard work.
“We’re here today to celebrate DeWayne’sgreatleadershipandoneofthe nation’s highest performing amphibious squadrons,” said Baze “It’s a team effort. To the Sailors and Marines of Amphibious Squadron 1, you’ve made your leadership proud, and your personal readiness to do your part makes a difference, whether you know it or not.”
Sanders assumed command of CPR 1 in
August 2021. As commodore, he led the Essex Amphibious Ready Group through anextensivedeploymenttotheU.S.5thand 7th Fleet areas of responsibility alongside his 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit coun terpart. While deployed, the ARG/MEU conductedmultiplemissionsandexercises including Large Scale Exercise 21, Indigo Defender, Egyptian and Pakistani Passing Exercises, Noble Fusion 22, and Marine Exercise Philippines 22.
“The way we win wars and conflicts is more important than just winning,” said Sanders “The Essex ARG and 11th MEU executedthe2021-22deploymentasprofes sionalswithstyle class andafiercesenseof dutytoprotectourfreedomsandwayoflife not just for the United States, but for our partnersandalliestoo.
Sanders followed his remarks with the readingofhisorders,followedbyRobinson reading his orders to assume command In his remarks, Robinson thanked Sanders for the excellent performance of duty while in
command of CPR 1 and addressed his staff forthefirsttimeastheirnewcommodore.
“MyfirstdeploymentwaswiththeEssex ARG as an ensign,” he said “It’s exciting to comefullcircleandcommandthesquadron withEssexassigned.”
CPR1ischargedwithresponsibilitiesfor planning and executing amphibious operations and deployment with a reinforced Marine Battalion. The staff is capable of planningandexecutingamphibiousassaults at the MEU level with augmenting detach ments from a Tactical Air control Squad ron(TACRON),NavalBeachGroup(NBG), Special Warfare Group (SWG), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team (EOD), and Fleet Surgical Team (FST). Additionally it serves asNavalForcesCommanderinvariousJoint Task Force Operations It also functions for thecommanderintheoperationalreadiness of each ship CPR 1 is prepared to perform tasks across a wide operational spectrum supportingcontingencyrequirementsandto control ships and forces during operations,
ESG3comprisesfouramphibioussquadrons, 11 amphibious warships, and eight naval support elements including approximately 18,000 active-duty and reserve Sailors and Marines As Deputy Commander for Amphibious and Littoral Warfare, U.S. 3rdFleet Commander,ESG3also oversees the 14 littoral combat ships under Littoral CombatShipSquadron1andMineCounter measures Group 3. ESG 3 is postured in support of U.S. 3rd Fleet as a globally responsive and scalable naval command element, capable of generating, deploying, and employing naval forces and forma tions for crisis and contingency response forward presence and major combat oper ations focusing on amphibious operations, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief anddefensesupportofcivilauthorities,and expeditionarylogistics.
FormorenewsfromExpeditionaryStrike Group3,visit esg3/.
SAN DIEGO (Nov.17 2022) Capt DeWayne Sanders,center speaks during a change ofcommand ceremonyaboard amphibious transport dockUSS Portland (LPD 27),Nov.17 2022 Capt.Tate
Robinson relieved Sanders as commander,Amphibious Squadron (CPR) 1 during the ceremony.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSRICHARDETHANANGLIN)
FARLEFT: SAN DIEGO (Nov 17 2022) Master ChiefMachinist’s MateJoseph Lynch,assigned toAmphibious Squadron (CPR) 1,right presents an award to Capt.DeWayne Sanders during a change ofcommand ceremonyaboard Portland,Nov.17,2022
LEFT: Capt.Tate Robinson speaks during a change ofcommand ceremonyaboard amphibious transport dockUSS Portland (LPD 27),Nov.17 2022 Robinson relieved Capt. DeWayne Sanders as commander Amphibious Squadron (CPR) 1 during the ceremony.
4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, November 24 2022
Capt.DeWayne Sanders,commander, Amphibious Squadron (CPR) 1,salutes side boys during a change ofcommand ceremony aboard amphibious transport dockUSS Portland (LPD 27),Nov.17 2022 Capt.Tate Robinson relieved Sanders as commander CPR 1 during the ceremony.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASS RICHARDETHANANGLIN)
The NavalMedical Leader and ProfessionalDevelopmentCommand’s(NMLPDC) Expanded Operational Stress Control (E-OSC) teamvisitedNavyReserveOffi cers’Training Corps (ROTC)atUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County(UMBC) this week The NMLPDC E-OSC team leaders, Lieutenant
coming everydaychallenges.LCDR Nichols followedthe presentationwithanopendiscussionforumonhowthese tools can better equip thefuturenaval officers in leading theirSailors and Marines. E-OSCisthecornerstoneoftheNavy’sCultureofExcel lence,designed to help servicemembers improve their psychological readiness and resiliency through peer-to peer connections andevidence-based practices. NavalMedical Leader and Professional Development Command’sExpanded Operational Stress Control team talks resiliency with local Navy ReserveOfficers’ Training Corps The NavalMedical Leaderand Professional Development Command’sExpandedOperational Stress Control team leaders,Lieutenant CommanderSierraNichols,Medical ServiceCorps,United States Navyand Dr.JohnSchmidt,PhD visitwith NavyReserveOfficers’TrainingCorps at UniversityofMaryland,BaltimoreCounty.(PHOTOBYLT.J.G.JESSICAWENTLENT) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING Search jobs. Postyour resume Stand out from the crowd. Stop wasting time searching forjobs. Find the right jobs with tribune publishing recruitment services. We work hardtomake your job search easy. With our expansivenetwork of distinguished employers from coasttocoastand advanced job matching technology,you’ll find opportunities thatmatch your skills, your personality and your life. www| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, November 24,2022 5
NavalMedical Forces Support Command
Commander SierraNichols, Medical Service Corps United StatesNavy, serving as the Plans,Operations,and Medical Intelligence Course Director at NMLPDC,and Dr.John Schmidt, PhD., serving as aClinical Psychologist at NMLPDC,visited Navy ROTC students at UMBCto discuss resiliency and stress management toolstouse as a part of their cultureofexcellence.
presented strategies on howtomanage setbacks,theimportanceofreframingsituations,andover-
Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery all-in during Keen Sword 23
While elements of Naval Medical Forces Pacific (NMFP) deployed to Okinawa prefecture, Japan, and participated in exer cise Keen Sword 23 (KS23), Nov. 10-19, the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) took a whole Navy Medicine approach in the medical planning and set the conditions that enabled major involvementinsupportofKS23
“This exercise shows the power of Navy Medicine as part of an integrated Naval combatcapability,”saidRearAdm.DarinK. Via,deputysurgeongeneraloftheNavyand deputy chief, BUMED “There was opera tionalplanningandcoordinationacrossthe Navy-Marine Corps team and at all levels acrossOneNavyMedicine.Thisexerciselets us better evaluate how we deploy and run an expeditionary medical facility (EMF) in supportofmajorcombatoperations Itwasa successfultestofhowourunitscanorganize, trainandequipforcesforforceemployment bythecombatantcommands.”
Keen Sword 23 is a biennial, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-directed, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command-scheduled, and U.S. Pacific Fleet-sponsored field training exercise (FTX). The joint/bilateral FTX runs through Nov. 19 KS23 is designed to enhance Japan-US. combat readiness and interoperability while strengthening bilat eral relationships and demonstrating U.S. resolve to support the security interests of alliesandpartnersintheregion.
In KS23, Navy Medicine exercised the employment of expeditionary hospitaliza tionontheFirstIslandChainwithbilateral engagementwiththeJapanGroundSelf-De fenseForce(JGSDF) TheFirstIslandChain referstothefirstchainofmajorPacificarchipelagosoutfromtheEastAsiancontinental mainlandcoast.
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command requested Navy Medicine provide an EMF and supportingelementstomeetcapabilitygaps intheFirstIslandChain,withEMFcapabil itytoreceive triage,treat,andprocesscasu altiesinamasscasualtyevent.
BUMED provided a small headquarters element from NMFP, out of Naval Base San Diego, and EMF 150-Alpha, out of Camp Pendleton,Calif.,tosupportmedical-related exercise scenarios at Camp Foster, Marine CorpsBaseS.D.Butler,Okinawaprefecture, Japan.
To facilitate planning, BUMED flexed its recent organizational restructure that closely aligns functions with Navy operationalcommands.Thisincludedthecreation of a Maritime Headquarter (MHQ) and Maritime Operations Center (MOC) at BUMED that better enabled the command to integrate into the U.S. Indo-Pacific
In addition to the NMFP’s HQ element and EMF 150-A, Navy Medicine Readiness andTrainingCommand(NMRTC)Okinawa and Yokosuka provided additional mass casualtyscenarioinvolvement.
With Navy Medicine units working in concert,theBUMEDassetsintegratedwith a JGSDF medical base at a Naha hospital in Okinawa and executed mass casualty scenario assessment and response drills receiving casualties from III Marine Expe ditionary Forces aid stations and JGSDF dispensaries
BUMED involvement in KS23 demon strated a new laser focus on readiness and operationalmedicine—man,trainandequip “As we pivot to embrace our new mission set and organizational structure, NMFP and all subordinate commands will continue to support the warfighter,” said Rear Adm. Guido F. Valdes, commander, NMFP “We achieve this support by ensur ingouroperationalplatforms areoptimally manned, trained, and equipped; the warf ighter is physically and mentally ready to fight tonight; the installation and warfare commander are fully supported; and we remain on the cutting edge of health and medical research to enhance deployment readinessoftheJointForces.”
Inthepast,NavyMedicineplayedalarge role in the execution of the military healthcare mission at military treatment facilities (MTF). In the National Defense Authorization Acts for Fiscal Years 2017 and 2019, Congress called for changes in the military healthsystem(MHS),includingthetransfer ofallMTFstotheDefenseHealthAgencyby Sept.30,2021.
Navy Medicine participation in a large bilateral and joint exercise of this scale is a firstsincetherecentMHStransformation.
“BUMED hasn’t participated in an exer ciselikethis,tothisscaleinalongtime,”said Lt Cmdr Jefferson M. Moody, director of future plans N55 and MHQ/MOC future operations director at BUMED “KS-23 serves as an FTX environment for Navy Medicine force elements to maneuver with the joint force and bilateral partnerships andpromoteHSS(healthservicessupport) interoperability.”
Naval Medical Forces Pacific provides oversightfor10NMRTCs,ontheWestCoast and Pacific Rim that man, train, and equip medical forces primarily in military treat ment facilities NMFP also oversees eight research laboratories that deliver cutting edgehealthandmedicalresearchtoenhance the deployment readiness and survivability ofourJointForces
Hospital Corpsman 3rd ClassJuan Lopez,ExpeditionaryMedical Facility150-Alpha (EMF150-A),out ofCamp Pendleton,California,evaluates simulated casualtyHospital Corpsman 3rd Class Louis Grass,EMF150-A,in the EMFat Camp Foster,Marine Corps Base S.D Butler Okinawa prefecture,Japan,during exercise Keen Sword 23,Nov.15.Keen Sword is a joint bilateral,biennial field-training exercise involving U.S.militaryandJapan Self-Defense Force personnel,designed to increase combat readiness and interoperabilityand strengthen the ironcladJapan-U.S.alliance.
NavyMedicine Sailorswith ExpeditionaryMedical Facility(EMF) 150-Alpha,out ofCamp Pendleton,California,prepare the operating room in the EMFat Camp Foster Marine Corps Base S.D Butler Okinawa prefecture Japan,during exercise Keen Sword 23,Nov.15.
Story&PhotosByGradyFontana Naval Medical Forces Pacific
ABOVE: Members ofJapan Ground SelfDefense Force conduct medical training at Camp Foster Marine Corps Base S.D Butler Okinawa prefecture,Japan,during exercise Keen Sword 23,Nov.15.
6 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, November 24 2022
RIGHT: Members ofU.S.NavyandJapan Ground SelfDefense Force conduct medical training at Camp Foster Marine Corps Base S.D Butler Okinawa prefecture,Japan, during exercise Keen Sword 23,Nov.15.
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STOMP, the international percussion sensation, makes its Norfolk premiere at Chrysler Hall
NORFOLK, Va STOMP the international percussion sensation, makes its NorfolkpremiereatChryslerHallonJanu ary 14-15, 2023 From its beginnings as a streetperformanceintheUK,STOMPhas grownintoaninternationalsensationover thepast28years,havingperformedinmore than50countriesandinfrontofmorethan 24 million people
Created by Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas STOMP continues its phenomenal run with four global produc tions: the ongoing sell-out production at NewYork’sOrpheumTheatre,apermanent Londoncompany,andNorthAmericanand European tours Throughout its life, the show has continued to change by creating new material; next year, itwillincorporate two new pieces It is safe to say you will never again look at supermarket carts or
plumbing fixtures the same way… or paint cans, or kitchen sinks or… STOMP an overwhelming success markedbyravereviews numerousawards and sell-out engagements is the winner of an Olivier Award for Best Choreography (London’s Tony Award), a New York Obie Award, a Drama Desk Award for Unique TheatreExperience,andaSpecialCitation from Best Plays
In addition to the stage shows, STOMP hasbeenanoverwhelmingsuccessmarked byravereviews,numerousawards anAcademyAwardnomination,fourEmmynominations and one Emmy Award for their acclaimed HBO special Stomp Out Loud, noteworthyTVappearancesincludingThe London2012OlympicGamesClosingCeremony,TheAcademyAwards(producedby Quincy Jones), Mister Rogers’ Neighbor hood, and a series of award-winning inter national commercials
The performers “make a rhythm out of anything we can get our hands on that makes a sound,” says co-founder/director Luke Cresswell. A unique combination of percussion, movement and visual comedy STOMP has created its own inimitable, contemporary form of rhythmic expres sion:bothhouseholdandindustrialobjects find new life as musical instruments in the hands of an idiosyncratic band of body percussionists It is a journey through sound, a celebration of the everyday and a comic interplay of characters wordlessly communicating through dance and drum.
Synchronized stiff-bristle brooms become a sweeping orchestra, eight Zippo lightersflipopenandclosedtocreateafiery fugue; wooden poles thump and clack in a rhythmic explosion. STOMP uses every thing but conventional percussion instru ments dustbins,teachests,radiatorhoses, boots hub caps to fill the stage with a
compelling and unique act that is often imitated but never duplicated Critics and audiences have raved: “STOMP is as crisp and exuberant as if it had opened yesterday, says The New York Times The San Francisco Chronicle declares“STOMPhasabeatthatjustwon’t quit!” Los Angeles Times exclaims: “Elec trifying! Triumphs in the infinite variety of the human experience.” “A phenomenal show!Bashing,crashing,smashing,swishing, banging and kicking a joyous invention!” says the Chicago Tribune
TicketsareavailableattheScopeArenabox officeorTicketmaster.combeginningFriday, November 18 at 10 a.m. Those interested in purchasing group tickets of ten or more can call the SevenVenues group sales hotline at 757-664-6418oremailatgroupsales@sevenvenues.comformoreinformation
Yiorgo: With us today is WWE Superstar Austin Theory Why should new WWE fans come to the Monday Night Raw live show Nov 28th? What will they see and experience that theywillnotseeonTV?
Austin Theory: The first thing they will experience is seeing me and I’m not going to saythefuture,I’mgoingtosay“TheNow. They are going to see exactly who Austin Theory is and exactly why he can do this all day, and I’m goingtodowhatIalwaysdoandthatisputanA town down. For anybody that has never been to aMondayNightRAW,it’sforfamilyandfriends and you get to go on a wild ride of these crazy stories that are happening right in front of you. It’s all live it’s all on TV and we are all interact ing together and it’s going to be a great time for everyone.
Y: What is required of you and all the other superstarsonRAWday?
AT: So typically, if it’s eastern time for example,wegetthereby2:00PMOfcoursetheshow picks up at 8:00 PM and wraps by 11:00 PM. In between, it all varies based on what you have to do.Dependingifyouhaveamatchormorethen one match, or you have an interview or in ring promo Your day kinda varies, based on what you have and some days you have so much stuff and not even pertaining to the show. There is stuff you need to do backstage for travel, live event interviews like what we are doing right now,thereisjustsomuch.BeingaWWEsuper star means it’s often a jam packed day everyday There’s not really an off day when it comes to beingaWWESuperstar
Y: Where were you born and what made you fallinlovewithprowrestling?
AT: Oftentimes you will hear me say that I am from Atlanta, Georgia because Atlanta is more well known, but I was actually born in McDonough, about an hour away south of Atlanta. I grew up there my whole life My first wrestlingexperiencewasinMcDonough.Deep South Wrestling one of WWE’s developmen tal territories used to be there They don’t have thoseanymore.WehavetheWWEPerformance Center.IrememberIwaseightyearsoldthefirst time I met a professional wrestler It was at the gym my mom was going to and the one that I startedworkingouttoowhenIturned12
My mom had gotten me out of the daycare at the gym, I was standing behind the counter trying to order a protein shake and this giant
Press Release
world wide phenomenon
WWE,WorldWideEntertainment:Then,Now Forever,TogetherreturnstotheNorfolkScope with a live taping broadcast all over the world, of Monday Night RAW this Monday November 28th. TherearemanyWWEsuperstarsscheduled to appear such as: Alexa Bliss, Asuka, The Miz, Johnny Gargano, The Judgement Day, The O.C. many more and a blockbuster main event featuring Matt Riddle vs Bobby Lashley, vs UnitedStatesChampionSeth‘Freakin’Rollins
vs Austin Theory For tickets special Ringsider experience ticket packages and more, go to https://www
WWE’s Monday Night RAW returns to the Norfolk Scope this Monday, Austin Theory talks wrestling career highlights and more WWE United States ChampionAustinTheoryat a May2022 MondayNight Rawevent (JONATHANMCLARTY) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Warm up with Barbecue Corn and Potato Chowder This quickand easyrecipe offers a satisfying wholesome dinnerforyourloved ones without spending an entire evening in the kitchen. PageC4 TurntoAustinTheory, Page 8 www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, November 24 2022 1
How to keep pets happy and healthy this holiday season
Theholidayseasonmeansfunandfestiv ities for all, but getting wrapped up in all the excitement and celebrations can lead to forgetting about safety and precautions, especiallyforpets.
Considertheseseventipstohelpyouspot potential hazards around the holidays and keepyourpetshealthyandhappy
Food for Thought: Sweet treats and savory bites are treasured holiday pastimes for humans, but that can also mean things like chocolates, nuts and animal bones should be supervised carefully so your pets don’t ingest something toxic or harmful. Other human foods to put on the do-not share list include garlic, onions and grapes It’s also wise to keep your trash in a tightly sealedcontainerorhiddensomewhereyour petcan’taccess.
Keep Calm and Carry On: The holiday seasonbringspeopletogetherformilestones and celebrations, but all the hoopla can be stressful for pets From the loud music and new visitors to kids running around or fire works going off some pets can become overwhelmed. To help keep your pets comfortable and calm try turning on a TV orsomesoothingmusicinaquietroomaway from the noises or let them curl up on their favorite bed with a toy or treat to distract them.Youcanalsotryintroducingacalming supplement like Zesty Paws Calming Bites for Dogs that may help with normal stress, nervousnessandhyperactivityduringstress fulsituations
Watch Out for Tree Trimmings and Poisonous Plants: While poinsettias and festive fir trees are holiday classics, they canalsobeextremelyhazardoustopets It’s important to be careful about what you’re bringing inside your home Many holiday plants like holly, lilies, amaryllis and even pine needles from trees can be toxic if ingested. If ingestion does occur contact a petpoisonhotlineoryourveterinarian.Ifit’s after hours or in the event of an emergency findyournearest24-houremergencyveter inaryclinic
WatchtheWeather:Changingtemperaturesandharshconditionscanwreakhavoc onhumanskin,soit’snosurpriseitcanalso affectpets’skinandcoats Youcantryreduc ingtheirbathingfrequency,keepingupwith
brushings and providing extra hydration to keep them feeling their best. Another way tokeepyourpet’sskinandcoathealthyisto addsupplementsthatcontainessentialfatty acids A fish oil, like Zesty Paws Wild AlaskanSalmonOil,providesomega-3sfordogs tohelpnourishtheirskinandcoats
SticktoaRoutine:Petsthriveonroutines forfeeding,pottybreaksandexercise,sobe conscious of how your holiday plans may shake things up Try to stick toyour regular
NORFOLK, Va With the giving season upon us, the Norfolk SPCA is asking the community to join in on our HolidayDonationDrive.Bydonatingcriti cally-neededsuppliesorbecomingadona tiondrop-offlocation youaresupporting the Shelter’s life-saving mission and providing opportunities for the animals within the Shelter’s temporary care. In fact,theneedforourfurbabiesissogreat this year that we extended our Fall Donation Drive through the holidays “For 130 years, we have proudly served thisareabyshelteringhomelesscompanion animals providinglow-costandhigh-qual ity veterinary care, and offering other support
The trek marks a significant milestone
for the hard-working trio, who have been performingtogethersince2014.
“Itfeelsreallyamazingtobegoingouton ourfirst-everheadliningtour,”DevynnHart explains “Godhastrulyhadhishandsonus and our careers We are forever grateful for everyopportunity.”
Her cousin, Trea, reiterated their excitement over the opportunity. “A wise woman oncesaid,‘Givethepeoplewhattheywant,’ but it’s so much better when it’s exactly what you want as well,” she notes. “We just wanttoshowasmanypeopleaswecanthat anything is possible if you work hard and nevergiveuponyourdreams.”
“Inmyentirecareer I’veneverbeenmore excited, nervous proud and every emotion imaginable,” Danica Hart adds “We’ll be able to share our songs and stories with the millions of people who got to watch us on TV, and now they get to experience us up close and personal. This tour will remind peoplethatthesearetheGLORYDAYS!”
Lucas Hoge, fellow country singer-song writer and host of Sportsman Channel’s Hoge Wild television series, will act as support for the first leg of the tour through March26
A complete list of Chapel Hart’s upcom ing tour dates can be found below. You can find additional ticketing information at the trio’sofficialwebsite,
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
consider asking a friend or relative to help if you’ll be away during regular feeding or outdoor breaktimes Spend
to providing companionship and love, spending time with pets can also reduce stress, anxiety and depression; ease
ness; and encourage exercise and playfulness. Even though you may be traveling or
dog’s faces when you pull out a newtoyortreatforthemtoenjoy Whether it’sanewleash,ballorcozybed,besureyou have a little something to give your furry familymembersthisholidayseasonaswell Formoreinformationandwaystokeepyour petshappyandhealthy,
schedule as closely as possible or
Time: In
partyingwithfriends,besuretospendsome qualitytimewithyourfurbabiesthisholiday season,too GiveThemGifts:Humansaren’ttheonly ones who love to get gifts Few things beat the look on
programs like our Emergency Pet Pantry,” says Norfolk SPCA Executive DirectorKimberlySherlaw.“Ourlongevity andsuccesswouldnotbepossiblewithout the generous support we receive from our community.” Suppliessuchaskittenmealreplacement powderedmilksupplement,drykibbleand canned food for dogs and cats of all ages household cleaning supplies bedding toys and more are needed For a full list of accepteditems,ortoshoponlinefordirect deliverytotheNSPCA,pleasevisithttps:// Ifyourbusinesswouldliketoparticipate by becoming a donation drop-off location, pleasecontactTammyLindquistatTLind Help our homeless furry friends and support the Norfolk SPCA Holiday Donation Drive (PHOTOSCOURTESYNORFOLKSPCA) Donationscanbedroppedoffattheseparticipatinglocations: NorfolkSPCAAdoptionCenter 916BallentineBlvd,Norfolk,VA23504 NorfolkSPCACommunitySpay/NeuterClinic 2364ELittleCreekRd,Norfolk,VA23518 BDOUSANorfolkOffice 150BoushSt#1100,Norfolk,VA23510 ElationBrewing 5104ColleyAve,Norfolk,VA23508 FirstTeamSubaruNorfolk 6633EVirginiaBeachBlvd,Norfolk,VA23502 NorfolkSisterCities 232EMainSt#250,Norfolk,VA23510 PressRelease VIRGINIABEACH,Va Talentedcoun trytrioChapelHartwillhittheroadfortheir first headlining tour in 2023 The Langley Federal Credit Union Concert Series pres ents Chapel Hart Glory Days Tour 2023 on Saturday, April 15 at 8 PM at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Tick or by visiting the Sandler Center box office located at 201 Market Street,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Ticketsare priced at $39, $44, $49, $59, $79, and $129, plusapplicablefees Sisters Danica and Devynn Hart and cousin Trea Swindle won the hearts
of America’s Got Talent viewers earlier this year but have been steadily making their mark on country music for years Over the past few months, the Poplarville, Miss natives have earned praise from greats like DollyPartonandTanyaTucker Theirtalents also drew the attention of Darius Rucker, who recruited them for the stellar collaboration “Ol’ChurchHymn.”
As they continue to ride this much-deserved wave of success, Chapel Hart have plotted an extensive tour that kicks off Jan. 26inWichita,Kansas,andcontinuesacross
Featured on America’s Got Talent, country music trio Chapel Hart brings Glory Days Tour to Virginia Beach Sandler Center
2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, November 24 2022
trio Chapel Hart (COURTESYPHOTO)
The worldrenownedWWE Hall of Famer,D-Generation X’sown, formerly known as Road Dogg Jesse James himself, whoserealnameisBrianJames,hasanew, 10montholdpodcastcalled,OhYouDidn’t Know?Brian is with us todaytotalk about the podcast, his wrestling career,new WWEadministrativepositionandsomuch more. ThisisPart IofaPart II interview
Yiorgo: Brian, thank youfor being with us today. Ican’t even imagine howbusy your newschedule hasbecome. Super congratulationsonyourrecent newWWE positionastheVicePresidentofLiveEvent Creative. Howdoes it feeltoget that position andhow did it all fall in place?
BrianJames: Thankyou for having me hereand thank youfor the congrat ulations.Itwas all an incrediblestory with divine intervention for sure. Iwas released in January 2022and Ihad nine months of severance paybecause Iwas a full time employeefor adecade.Literally the month the severance paywas due to end,Paul(Levesque,ChiefContentOfficer for WWE)or Hunteras mostpeople know him, called me and asked me if Iwanted to comeback.Itwasincredibleandthat’swhy Isayitwasdivineintervention.Idobelieve it wasGod looking out for me even when Iwas worried and wasnot being faithful. At thesame time,I wasthinking,the right thingwillhappen.Iwasprayingandbelieving.Anditdidhappen,itwasnotwhatIwas expecting.
Y: What doesthe job entail?
BJ: It’s very time consuming.It’snot a difficultjob,it’sbasicallyfollowingcreative on television and making surethe live events match that creative. Ihavetocome up with some creative, likesome angles for the liveevents,justputting together creativeand the matches and coming up with the finish, so it’s allthe creativeofthe liveevents.Every nowand then Ihaveto strayfromthe formula but it’s really just following what creativetheyare doingon television and makingsurethe liveevents replicate that
BJ: No Idon’thavetobeat all the live eventsbut Idogoto theoffice everytwo weeks and Igotoaliveevent or twoa month.LikeIcouldgotoaRAWorSmack Down event. Ikinda pick the ones Iwant to go to.Sometimes I’llgointhe seats real highandwatchtheshowbecausealsowith thecreativeoftheliveevent,Icanalsohelp the production. Forexample, Ijustshort ened some promotional stuff and tried to makeitmorefanfriendly.Icanworkonthe production side and try to makea change too.It’sreally acool gig
Y: Speaking of liveevents,asI’m sure youknow, MondayNightRaw is emanating livethisMonday, November 28th from theNorfolkScopehereinNorfolk,Virginia Areyouplanningonbeingherethatnight?
BJ: Iwill be there. Iwill be coming to all RAWs and SmackDowns until the end of the year
Y: Well thereyou gowrestling fans,an exclusiveforthoseofyoureadingthisinter view.Soifyouhavenotboughtyourtickets yet, go to events/detail/wwe-monday-night-raw-1 buyyourtickets,cometotheshowandyou maysee the Road Dogg himself sitting up high in the seats taking it all in.
So Brian, speaking of theNorfolk Scope, let’s talk aboutthe WorldChampion shipWrestling (WCW) invasion angle that started there. Thatnight, Iwas at the HamptonColiseum for the then WWF showand all of asudden they showedyou guys on the Titantron and youwereatthe Scope.Everyone went crazy with excite-
ment. Can youshare severalmemories?
BJ: Of course.You of all people knew, holy mackerel, they aregoing down the road to the Scope.It wasagutsy maneu ver. Idon’tknowwhose idea it was. It was probablyVinceRusso’s,acrazynewwriter that changed things up and honed into the Attitude Era. Yea, we went thereina jeep/ tank that had acanon on it. We drove on the street, talkingsmack and once we got totheundergroundparkingramp,wewent downthere.Iftheyopenedthedoor,Idon’t knowwhat would have happened. Iknew mybrotherswereintherebutIdidn’tknow on whoseside they would fight on. It was really acool opportunity for us.And the nextweekortheweekafterthat,itwasthe firstweek that we started winning in the ratingswaragainstWCW.Itwasaplethora of things such as Mick Foley winningthe WWFWorldTitleandWCWstoogingitoff ontheirchanneland500,000peopletuned in to see Mick win the title.Soitstarted the wave of the WWF/WWE winningthe ratings war.
Y: Can youtalk aboutthe logisticsofit?
BJ: We all got into abig vanand the guy withthejeep/tankwasbehindus.Wedrove fromtheHamptonColiseumtotheNorfolk Scope.Weparkedouton thestreet, gotthe jeepofthe trailer and we said let’s go.We really didn’tknowwhat we were going to do.Thedrivingdowntherampandbeating on the door,thatwas totally lastminute.It waslike, justgodownthere,justgodown there,they’re closingthe door. The door started closing.Ofcourse we shot it alittle latersoitmadeitlook likeweweregoing down theresotheyclosed the dooronus. Butthe truth wasthey started closing the door,sowestarted driving down there. Perception is reality.Had that door open, Idon’tknowwhat would have happened. Iknewthey had Haku, the toughestwrestleraroundsoIwasgoingtorunfromhim, but some of the othersIknew Icouldtake.
Y: Speakingabout theguy withthe jeep/tank, on this week’sepisode 32,NXT InvadesSmackDownfromyourpodcastOh YouDidn’tKnow?youtalkedaboutColonel
Williewhoownedanddrovethejeep/tank. Canyouelaboratemoreaboutthejeep/tank and what youtried to do recently?
BJ: Well recently Iwas in Norfolk with Mick Foley for the filming of season two of A&E’sWWE’sMostWantedTreasures because we tried to buy it from the family Colonel Willie has passedonand he leftit alltohissonJohnWarren.Wespenttheday togetherandtheamountofhistoricmemorabilia, full uniforms from some of the first marine paratroopers,aJapanese machine gun, an incredible collection, justsomuch tolookat.Iactuallycouldhavestayedthere all day. We tried to buy the jeep from him. Hewanted$300,000foritandweonlyhad abudget of $35,000.Instead we agreed to payhimtobringhimandthejeepinanduse them on as aneeded basis.Weactually did that. That wasthe jeep/tank that we used recentlyfortheDegenerationX25thAnni versarysegmentsonMondayNight Raw.
Y:That’sincredible.Ican’twaittoseethe episode when it airs.Thank youfor shar ing it with us here. Nowback to your new positionwiththeWWE.Howdidyouhear about it? Did Hunter call you?
BJ:IthinkHunterhadmynameinmind for that position when it became available So Ijustappreciateitman.Hehas always beenthereforme.ThistimeI’vedoubtedit andIwillfeelbadforthateternallybecause Ifelt likewe’llstill be friends but from a businessstandpoint we’redone.Thenhe calledmeout of nowhere.Itwas so shock ing.Iwas alittle bit hurt at myself,you knowwhat Imean. Idoubted him, yethe still came through. And when Isay him, Imean Hunter,but I’m also talking about God. They arenot the same person, Ican assureyou ofthat but I’m talking about that too,because thereweretimes that I doubted, youknowwhat Imean?
What’s going to happen? Will Ihaveto sell my homethatmybeautiful wife Tracy loves? Do we have to downsize? Youknow what Imean?Wewouldbeabletolivebut not the wayweare living now. Iknowthat sounds egotistical but we arejusthappy with whereweare at. This is our forever
home.Tracy and Ihaveproperty,wehave goats,wehavefarm animals,you know whatImean?WelovewhereweareatandI didn’tknowifIwasabletokeepit.Sothank God and good friends that we areable to keep it. “But as formeand my house,we willservetheLord.”Soit’sformetoleadmy family.Therewas somedoubt thereand I feltbadformyselffornotdoingthejobthat Iwasborntodoandthatistobeahusband and fatherand lead this household.
Y: Ilove seeing the pictures that Tracy posts of the house and the farm animals She is really very proud of it.
BJ: Yesweboth arereally very proud of it.Look,we’vehadbiggerhousesandmore property,I’m not going to lie.Therewere timesthatwehaditallbutwedidn’tappreciateitbecauseIwas living wrong.That’s justa part of my past,but it is in my past. YouknowwhatImean?Ijusthavetowork everydaytostaysober,tostayclearminded andtokeepmyprioritiesstraight.Foralong time,I lived the wrong wayand my priorities were wrong.Now Ifocus on keeping it rightand keepingmyfeet on theground
Y: One of the manyreasons that Ilove youandyourpodcastOhYouDidn’tKnow? Is your love forour Lordand becauseyou do put it all out thereabout your pastdrug addictions and allowing people to hear that part of your life.You don’tglorify it but youdopresentitinanentertaining waysopeoplewill learn from it.Itisyour testimony. Youare nowaninspiration for so manyothers.Whatprompted youtobe so forthcomingwith it? Did youdiscuss it with Tracy firstthatyou were going to talk aboutitonthe podcast?
BJ: Ididn’task her permission per say but she knows that Iamanopen book, right, wrong or indifferent, it’s therefor all to read. Iwear my feelings on my sleeves. Idon’thaveagood poker face.I have to tell youwhat Ifeel and what Iamthink ing.That’sacurseandablessing.It’swhoI am. Especially when Igot clean and sober Iwanted toscream it from the mountain top.Whata better waytolivethenthe way Iwas living for so long in activeaddiction.
Y: Let’s talk about your podcast. Why should fanslisten to it? What will they get out of it that they will not get from other podcasts?
BJ:Iknowthatnow,podcastsareadime adozen, and I’dliketothink that mine is a50cent piece.Mine not only gives you behindthe scenesinformation but what I liketodoishaveagoodtimewhiledeliver ingthatinformation.Onsomeepisodesyou willhearsomeserioustalkbutIliketojoke around. It’s very light. With professional wrestling,itshouldn’tbetoo serious but somethingthateverybodyenjoysandloves. Youare going to find some comedy,relief from everyday life and some up close and inside baseball type conversations about insideandbackstageprofessionalwrestling shows of the past20years that Ihavebeen involvedwith.YouknowwhatImean?We go pretty deep into my career,but youalso get to hear everydaystuff about relation shipsinthebusiness.Weliketohaveagood time,muchmoresothananyotherpodcast I’veeverheard. So tune in for fun, excitementandplentyofbehindthescenestories youwillonlyhearonthispodcastaboutour crazy,wonderful wrestling business
Next week, in Part II we coverBrian’s early life,his famous wrestling family,the podcast,wrestlingstories,beingintheDX, Ric Flair’s lastmatch PPVand so much more.
Yiorgo is an arts,entertainment and sports writer.A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also asports entertainer,educator,motivational speaker,writer, storytellerand columnist.
Elizabeth River Tunnels toll rates increase effectiveJanuary 1,
PORTSMOUTH, Va.—New tollratesat the Downtownand Midtown Tunnelswill takeeffectJanuary 1, 2023.This toll rate changeisinaccordance withthe ComprehensiveAgreementbetweenElizabethRiver CrossingsOpCo,LLC(ERC)andtheVirginia DepartmentofTransportation(VDOT).
The Elizabeth River Tunnels providean efficient,connectedtransportationnetwork for the HamptonRoads region.Tolls help payfor the continued finance,operations, and maintenance of the Downtown and MidtownTunnels,the MLK Expressway, and approximately 51 lane miles ofroad way. Toll revenuesalso help repaythe debt from$2.1billionofstructuralimprovements and rehabilitation completed by ERCin 2017, includingthe construction of the new MidtownTunnelwestbound.
Enroll in the Toll Relief Program
It wasrecently announced that Eliza bethRiver Crossings, in collaboration with VDOT,hasexpandedtheeligibilityrequirementsfortheTollReliefProgram.Effective November1,eligibleresidentscansave50% on up to 10 E-ZPass trips per week through theDowntownandMidtownTunnels.With thediscount,participantswillonlypay$1.05 pertripduringoff-peakhoursin2023
TheTollReliefProgramisfundedbyEliz abeth River Crossings. In 2023 ERCwill contributemorethan $3.3 million to the program and increase thatamountby3.5% eachyearthrough2036. EligibilityRequirements: Mustearnlessthan$50,000peryear
on Tolls
It’s neverbeen easier to saveonPay by Plate tolls.E-ZPass offers the maximum amount of savings at 67%, but mobile paymentappslikeGoTollandSloraprovide convenienceandsavingsofover50%.Learn moreabout the different ways to save at
*Savingsvarydependingontimeofdayand vehiclesize. PaybyPlateratesincludea$4.18 processing fee.Off-peakratesapply on weekendsand the following holidays: NewYear’s Day,Memorial Day,Juneteenth, July 4th, LaborDay,ThanksgivingDay,ChristmasDay
Mustdriveapassengervehicle (vehiclesover2-axlesareineligible). MusthaveaVirginiaE-ZPass transponder *Participantsmustprovideastreetaddress for their residenceinChesapeake,Glouces ter County,Hampton,Isle of Wight County James City County,Newport News,Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk,Virginia Beach,Williamsburg, York County,Franklin, SurryCountyorSouthampton. Thereisnolonger adeadline toapply Residentscan enroll anytimeand will start receivingtheirdiscountsimmediatelyafter they have appliedtheir unique Toll Relief codetotheirE-ZPassaccount. Participants mustenroll in-person at the E-ZPass CustomerService Center in Portsmouth or Norfolk, or the DriveERT Customer CareCenter on County Portsmouth.Proofofresidencyandincome required.
More ways to Save
WWEHallofFamer Road Dogg, talksnew WWE administrativeposition, Norfolk
stories,new podcastand more, Part I
www| The Flagship |Section 3| Thursday, November 24,2022 3
Festive recipes for hosting a perfect holiday gathering
Creamy Mushroom Pasta Nests
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4
2tablespoonsblackandwhite sesameseeds
17½ouncesmushrooms,roughly sliced
To make marinade: Whisk olive oil, hoisinsauce,sesameoil,garlicchilipaste, sesameseedsandharissapaste Setaside.
To make breadcrumbs: In frying pan, heatplantbutter Addbreadcrumbs,rose mary and garlic; saute 3-5 minutes until golden.Removefromheatandsetaside
Tomakepasta:Sautemushroomsinolive oil5-7minutesuntilgolden.Addspinach, 2-3minutes,andpourovermarinade Add creamcheeseandwhiskuntilcreamy.
Boilpastaaccordingtopackageinstructions Sieveandreserve½cuppastawater, adding to pasta sauce Whisk constantly untilcombined.
Using tongs, make small nests in pasta, place on plates and pour creamy mush roomsauceontop.
Sprinklewithbreadcrumbs,redpepper flakesandgratedParmesan
Pomegranate Cheesecake
Prep time: 5 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 6 individual cheesecakes
Crust: 10½ouncesvegangingerbread biscuits
Cheesecake: 0.07ouncesagar-agar
PomegranateSyrup: 10fluidouncespomegranatejuice divided 3tablespoonscornstarch pomegranateseeds,forgarnish
Tomakecrust:Inblender,blitzginger breadbiscuitsuntiltheyformpowder Add butterandsalt;blitzagainuntilcombined. Place in six individual greased tart tins andsmoothoverbasewithbackofspoon. Refrigeratetoset.
Tomakecheesecake:Insmallpotover low heat, dissolve agar-agar in coconut milk, whisking constantly Once boiling, removefromheatandsetaside
Inlargebowl,mixcreamcheese,maple syrup, lemon juice and vanilla essence; slowly pour over warm coconut milk, whisking until combined and creamy. Divide evenly among tart tins and refrig erate4hours
Tomakepomegranatesyrup:Insmall bowl, combine 3 fluid ounces pomegranatejuicewithcornstarch.Insmallpot,boil remaining pomegranate juice 5 minutes. Pour in cornstarch and pomegranate mixture; whisk 5 minutes until syrup forms Cool
When cheesecakes have set, remove fromtinsandserveonplates Pourpomegranate syrup on top and garnish with pomegranateseeds.
VisitDole.comorfollowonFace book,Instagram,TwitterandPinterest to find more easy-to-make fall recipesandnutritionalinformation.
1packageViolifeJustLikeCream CheeseOriginal
6ouncesplant-basedbutter ¼teaspoonsalt
2packagesViolifeJustLikeCream CheeseOriginal 2tablespoonsmaplesyrup 1tablespoonlemonjuice 1teaspoonvanillaessence
FromFamilyFeatures Schedulesfullofhomework,prac tices,performances,socialactivities and more make fall one of the busiesttimesofyear,whichoftenpushes meal planning to the backburner This autumn, as you look to keep familymealsonthemenu,consider simplestrategiesthattaketheguess workoutofmealprep
for your
without spending an entire evening in the kitchen. The key addition: Dole’s Chopped BBQ Ranch Salad Kit with pre-cut and pre-washed greens and veggies to savepreptimewithbarbecueranch dressingasanall-in-oneflavorbase Serving as the foundation of the recipe, chopped salads are made withsturdygreensandveggiesfora satisfyingeatingexperiencethatcan stand up to being cooked without losing texture and character Plus, theall-importanttoppings crispy fried onions and cheddar tortilla strips addtheidealcrunchtothis warm,comfortingmeal.
Barbecue Corn
Potato Chowder
a satis fying, wholesome dinner
loved ones
Warm up with quick and easy Barbecue Corn and Potato Chowder Barbecue Corn and Potato Chowder Barbecue Corn and Potato Chowder Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Servings: 5 2tablespoonsoliveoil 1largeDoleOnion,chopped 2garliccloves,minced 1mediumDoleRussetPotato,peeledanddiced 1teaspoongroundcumin ¼teaspoonsmokedpaprika 1package(14.4ounces)DOLE®ChoppedBBQ RanchSaladKit 2earscorn,kernelscutfromcob(about2cups) 4cupswater 1cupmilk salt,totaste pepper totaste shreddedsharpcheddarcheese,forgarnish In large soup pot over medium-high heat, heat oil. Add onion, garlic and potato; saute 2 minutes. Add cumin and paprika; cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally Add salad greens from kit to pot and cook2minutes,oruntillettuceiswilted. Add corn and water to pot and bring to boil. Reduceheat;coverandsimmergently10minutes Add milk and dressing packet from kit; season with salt and pepper, to taste Simmer uncovered 5minutes. Ladle into bowls and garnish with shredded cheeseandchipspacketfromkit. FromFamilyFeatures Memoriesmadeandrecipessharedarethetrademarksofasuccessfulholidaygathering andthisyear youcanhostyourwaytoapracticallyperfectpartywithdeliciousdishes thatresonatewiththeflavorsoftheseason Afamily-favoritemealstartswithamaincoursethatlooksandsmellsasgoodasittastes. Creamy Mushroom Pasta Nests deliver that festive flavor with a robust blend of bread crumbs,earthymushroomsandahomemadesaucecraftedwithViolifeJustLikeCream Cheese Developedtocapturethetasteofdairycreamcheese,it’sdesignedtobeenjoyed by everyone at the table this holiday season as a non-GMO solution free from dairy, soy, nuts,gluten,preservativesandlactose. Dishing out a dessert that boasts the colors of the season is a perfect way to cap off a gatheringoffriendsandfamily Withpopsofredanddeliciouslysweetflavor,Pomegranate Cheesecake is ideal for serving in individual tins so guests can delight in the creamy deliciousnesstogetherwithoutthehassleofcuttingandserving. VisitViolifeFoods.comtofindmoreholiday-worthyrecipes. 4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, November 24 2022
How an Air Guard pilot beat cancer, continued to fly
ByMasterSgt.TamaraDabney 103Rd Airlift Wing Public Affairs Bradley Air National Guard Base
AirForceLt Col.RichardPaulMastalerz II works as a pilot, full-time for United Airlines and part-time for the Connecticut Air National Guard, where he also serves as Deputy Group Commander of the 103rd Operations Group Mastalerz, a husband andfatheroftwochildren,hasalwaysfound ways to overcome the stress of maintaining his demanding work schedule and family life.
However, in the Spring of 2020, when he beganhavingdigestiveproblems,Mastalerz thought that his busy lifestyle may have startedtotakeatollonhishealth.
“Iwasflyingfortheairlineinternationally and working on the backside of the clock sometimes, but it was totally manageable,” said Mastalerz, who in 2020 also served as the 118th Airlift Squadron Commander “I thought, maybe my eating habits aren’t the best, but I noticed that my digestive system wasn’t right. I would have to go to the bathroom eight or nine times a day. I always attributed it to that lifestyle being a husband, a father of two, a squadron commander, flying C-130s, and being a UnitedAirlinespilot.”
Less than a month after Mastalerz began havingdigestiveproblems COVID-19infec tion rates began to increase around the world In response to the outbreak, United Airlines suspended more than half of its flights, and Mastalerz was unable to fly for the airlineforseveralmonths Sincehe was unable to fly for United, Mastalerz volunteered to be put on military orders and fly for the Guard full-time He assumed that havingabreakfromhisjobatUnitedwould decrease his stress level, and thus, alleviate hisdigestiveproblems
“When I got on orders, I was able to kind of stabilize my life, where I’m eating regu larly, going to the gym, getting a good diet, andgoodsleep,butInoticedthatmydiges tive issues were not getting any better,” said Mastalerz “I credit my wife she said ‘maybeyoushouldgoseeyourprimarycare doctor.’
So, in August 2020, Mastalerz took his wife’s advice and went to see his primary care physician. His physician ordered lab work to test for common conditions that could affect his digestion. After his lab work returned with no abnormal findings, Mastalerz’sdoctororderedacolonoscopy.
“I had just turned 45 and my doctor said, ‘Well you’re at a prime age for when we do a colonoscopy,’ said Mastalerz “So, in December2020,Ihadmyfirstcolonoscopy, and the procedure was fine until I woke up and the doctor who performed the proce duresaid,‘hey,Ihatetobreakthebadnews, it’s not confirmed yet, but we found what lookslikeatumorinyourcolon.We’regonna do a biopsy but I’m just letting you know rightnow,it’snotnormalanditdoesn’tlook right.’
Two days later, at 9 a.m., Mastalerz got a phone call from his physician. Their fears hadbeenconfirmed
“And that’s when my world totally shifted,” said Mastalerz. “They couldn’t stage it, but he said that they found a posi tive, cancerous tumor in my colon. That’s whenmywholelifekindofstopped.”
More than 20 years of military service over 3,600 flight hours, and multiple overseas deployments had not prepared Mastalerzforthebattlehewasabouttoface.
“I was grappling with the immedi ate details of what was going on,” said Mastalerz. “My initial reaction was all the range of emotions— fear, anxiety, helpless ness. After telling my wife and my kids the next phone call I made was to the medical
group and I said, ‘Hey I just got diagnosed withcancer.’
Mastalerz was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer According to the Centers forDiseaseControlandPrevention,colorec talcanceristhefourthmostcommoncancer in men and women and the fourth leading causeofcancer-relateddeathsintheUnited States Mastalerzimmediatelythoughtabout how his diagnosis would impact his family andpotentiallyendhismilitarycareer
“Thefirstthingthatpoppedintomymind when I got diagnosed was being a husband and father,” said Mastalerz. “My son lives 30 minutes from me, but my daughter goes to college at the University of Utah, so we hadtobreakthenewstoheroverthephone, whichwasextremelydifficult.Withthereal ity of not only the diagnosis but so many questionsthatwerenotansweredrightaway when they found the tumor, my mortality instantly came to mind. After processing that, within a few hours, the next thought was, ‘okay, am I going to be able to serve in the military?’ Even if I were to get healthy again, I thought that maybe, because of my diagnosis,mymilitarycareerwouldbeover andthatI’dalreadyhadmylastofficialmilitaryflight.”
His career was not immediately over. Though Mastalerz would not be able to fly, Lt Col NealByrne,103rdOperationsGroup Commander, left the decision up to him as to whether he would continue to serve as a squadron commander while undergoing cancertreatment.
“[Byrne] supported me, without a doubt saying,‘We’rehereforyou.We’renotgoing toleaveyou.
Mastalerz confided in several members of the 103rd who were closest to him. Col. Howard Suls, former Chief of Aeromedi cal Services for the 103rd Medical Group, as well as Chaplain, Col David Larsen and others, reinforced Mastalerz’s resilience by assuringhimthathewouldnothavetofight his cancer battle without the support of his fellowairmen
“[SulsandLarsen]bothtoldme ‘thisisn’t theendall,beall We’regoingtogetthrough this We’regoingtobattlethisandwe’lloffer whateversupportwecangive.’”
Mastalerz began his uphill battle against colorectalcanceratMassachusettsGeneral Hospital in January 2021. It was during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, so for the safety of medical patients and staff the cancercenterdidnotallowpeopletoaccom panytheirfamilymembersastheyreceived treatment.Mastalerz’swifewoulddrophim offatthecancercenterforhisradiationand chemotherapy,thenpickhimupeighthours laterwhenthesessionsended
Still, through the hardship, Mastalerz wanted life for himself and his family to be asnormalaspossible Itwasthebestwayhe knewhowtodealwiththediagnosis
“My daughter would call very often because she was obviously concerned that her dad was diagnosed with cancer,” said Mastalerz Sheeventalkedaboutwithdraw ing from school that semester We assured herthat,iftherewasadownturninmytreatment,wewouldhavethatconversation,but she needed to go to school and continue livingherlife That’swhatyouwantforyour kids.Youdon’twanttoimpedeonyourchil dren’sgrowthandtheirlife.”
Mastalerz also wanted the airmen under his command to continue their lives as normal. Few airmen knew that he was battlingcancer.
“I didn’t want the attention on me,” said Mastalerz. “I wanted to stay squadron commander because when I was not feelinggoodathome recoveringfromchemoat leastitgavemesomethingnormal Ibooted up my laptop and went through my emails anddidallthatstuffwhenIfeltgoodenough because I wanted a sense of normalcy, instead of just looking at four walls and watchingNetflix.”
Mastalerz received eight rounds of chemotherapy, then 28 rounds of radia tion therapy while taking chemotherapy pills After a brief pause in treatment, he
underwenta6-hourlongsurgerytoremove canceroustissueandnineinchesofhislarge intestine
“Thefirstfewdaysaftereachchemotreat mentjustfeltterrible,”saidMastalerz.“Ihad neuropathywheremyfingersweretingling If I touched anything, it felt like needles. I was extremely sensitive to cold If I drank anything it had to be room temperature or warmer;anythingotherthanthat,itwaslike drinking ice and it would freeze my whole throat That’s just a byproduct of one of the chemotherapiesthatIwasundergoing.”
Mastalerz went through what many would consider a dark period, not knowingwhetherhewouldsurvive,muchlessbe abletocontinuehiscareerasapilot Now,in 2022,nearlytwoyearsafterhiscancerdiag nosis Mastalerzisacancersurvivor,andhe hastakentotheskiesagain.
On June 24, the weather was clear and sunny,withahightemperatureof82degrees On that day, surrounded by members of his aircrewwhohadhelpedhimthroughsome of his toughest days, Mastalerz piloted his firstflightsincehisdiagnosis
“I became emotional as soon as I got airborne,”saidMastalerz.IjustfeltthisoverwhelmingjoyinsidethatwhatIjustencoun tered for the last 18 months is now behind me and I’m starting a new chapter Being abletophysicallydowhatIoncewasableto do without any restrictions and having the pure enjoyment of flying again was amazing As I was flying, I got a little misty-eyed because I missed it so much And the crew wasfantastic.”
Mastalerz gives credit to his family and fellowmembersofthe103rdAirliftWingfor helpinghimmakeafullrecovery
“Theloveandsupportofmykids,mywife, and, of course, my parents and my in-laws, thatkeptmeresilient,”saidMastalerz “The camaraderie on the military side kept me resilient. And then, just trying to do things forthegreatergood,mademeresilienttoo.”
ByJanetA.Aker Mhs Communications
The Department of Defense continues its research work to improve brain health across all services and operational environ ments
As part of a congressionally directed research effort on brain health and blast exposures, DOD Health Affairs and the Defense Health Agency implemented a pilot study that took place at the U.S. Army’s Fort Campbell, Kentucky with 333 membersofthe101stAirborneDivisionand theirtrainers ThestudyranfromMarch15 to Nov. 24, 2021.
The study evaluated current monitor ing capabilities for brain health and blast overpressure, which is the shock wave that occurs from firing weapons or weapon systems,forexample
Presented at the recent Military Health System Research Symposium, the study looked at soldiers outfitted with small wearable blast gauges. The two-part study reviewed the gauge measurements during a single day of supervised training in heavy munitions including additional contextual metavariables and longitudinally during a three tofour-monthtrainingperiod
The study then surveyed participants asking troops’ perceptions on blast overpressureandbrainhealth.
One goal of the study was for the results to be included in service member medical records Study participants who believed damage may have occurred to their brains andbodiesfromblastexposurewouldhave properdocumentationintheirmedicalfiles
One participant agreed on the need to address brain health and occupational exposure to blast overpressure, stating: “I hope the blast program is able to gather the impact that blasts are having on our bodies and brains, and hopefully use it to protect andinnovate.”
The next steps of the study included U.S.
Steve Jones, assigned to the DOD Health Affairs, and directly involved with deter mining how best to implement blast-overpressure monitoring across the DOD, said “similar to other operational and envi ronmental exposures, monitoring blast over-pressure is a very important with regard to the health and readiness of the force,andtomitigatingsuchexposures.”
Warfighter Brain Health Initiative
The study is part of the DOD Warfighter BrainHealthInitiativethatfollowsaservice
“We want you in for the long haul, and wewantyoutohaveahighlyfunctionaland productivelifewhenyouleavethemilitary, said Kathy Lee, lead for the WBHI for the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense forHealthAffairs,inarecentinterview
The long-term data will help support the maximum number of healthy service memberswhoarereadyfordeployment
“A key part of the plan calls for ensur ing that we’re monitoring through time and having a spot check throughout the restofaservicemember’scareer,toensure that we’re maximizing brain health,” Lee explained, adding: “It gives us the oppor tunity to intervene.”
“Marching this plan out, we wanted to ensurethatcognitionwasfrontandcenter,” Lee said “Many times when there’s been some decrement in your testing of cogni tiveabilities,evaluatingsleephealth,mood, andlookingatanylingeringTBIsymptoms can help improve and restore cognitive functioning.”
‘Culture Change in Leadership’
Lee said there’s been a “culture change in leadership” inaccepting the brain health concept that varies from the typical warf ighter mindset. “I think that the environ ment has really seen that we’ve come up withaplanthat’scogent;it’sdoable.”
There also has been “more buy-in to the initiative” from listening to the concerns of those in the field across all services, Lee suggested. Many brain health actions and researchwerealreadywellunderwayatthe DODonbrainhealthpriortotheactualplan publishedinAugust.
The Warfighter Brain Health Initiative lays out the action plan for the DOD. These are: Enhancehealthandperformance Optimizecognitiveandphysical performance
Identify,monitor,andmitigatebrain exposures Prevent recognize andminimizethe effectsoftraumaticbraininjury.
Reduceoreliminatelong-term/late effects
LeegaveapreviewoftheWarfighterBrain HealthInitiativelastyearataspeechbefore traumanurses
The military’s brain health program “is wideanddeep,”and“rapid, shesaid,adding that in the next four years, “our goals and our strategies are to get really meaningful outcomes and changes related to the warf ighterbrainhealthplan.”
AirForce Lt Col.Richard Paul MastalerzII,a pilot assigned to the 103rdAirliftWing ConnecticutAirNational Guard,prepares to flya C-130H aircraft,June 4,2022 at BradleyAirNational Guard Base,East Granby,Conn.The flightwas Mastalerz’s first since being diagnosedwith stage 3 colorectal cancerin 2020 (U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTOBYMASTERSGT.TAMARAR.DABNEY)
Marines at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Cali fornia, and ran from July 6 to Oct. 28, 2022. The study compared their experiences and supported more broadly applicable recom mendations
brain condition from joining up to retirement The idea is to gather data on brain health in training, deployment, garrisons,andoff-dutysports
DOD brain health initiative is at work across the military Small,wearableblastmeasurementgaugesshowthedamagesincurredduringarecentstudyof blastpressureexposureatFortCampbell,Kentucky Thepilotstudywiththe101stAirbornewaspart ofacongressionallymandatedlongitudinalstudyonblastoverpressureinmembersofthe armed services ThestudyispartoftheWarfighterBrainHealthinitiative,whichfocusesongatheringdata onservicemembers’brainhealthintraining deployment garrisons,andoff-dutysports www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, November 24 2022 5
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WWE Hall of Famer and JCP star Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat will wrestle this Sunday for Big Time Wrestling on Fite TV, shares many wrestling memories
Ricky Steamboat’s name is mentioned, immediatelyawidegrinappearsonthefaces ofwrestlingfanswhohaveveryfondmemo ries of the handsome young wrestler who appeared on their television screen every week for Jim Crockett Promotions (JCP) on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Theywouldalsoseehiminpersoninallthe citiesthatJCPpromoted.TheDortonArena in Raleigh, North Carolina was one of the more popular locations that fans would go to see Ricky do battle with such dastardly villainsasRicFlair,HarleyRace,GregValen tine,BaronVonRaschke,BlackjackMulligan andsomanymore
This Sunday, November 27th, at the Dorton Arena, Big Time Wrestling the wrestling promotion that specializes in giving the fans a one-on-one experience with some of their favorite wrestlers and exciting matches, presents “Return Of The Dragon.”Itisanopportunityofalifetimeto see Ricky Steamboat lace up his wrestling boots and wrestle in a six-man tag match. Ricky teams up with AEW and WWE stars FTRtodobattleagainstAEWandROHstar Jay Lethal, AEW star Brock Anderson with AEW,WWE,WCW,JCPstarArnAnderson andamysterypartner
In another exciting match, the legendary WWEHallofFamersandJCPstarstheRock ‘n’ Roll Express vs ROH stars the Briscoe Brothers Other exciting wrestling stars scheduled to appear are: Matt Hardy, Scott and Rick Steiner Kane, Ron Simmons Lex Luger Teddy Long Jimmy Valiant, Shane Douglas Crowbar and many more. There will be a meet and greet with all the stars at 2pm and bell time is 5pm. Get your tick ets now @ If you are not able to see it in person, you can see it on Fite TV Go to @FiteTV DragonReturn
As a huge fan myself of JCP and Ricky Steamboat in particular it was an absolute honorandpleasuretospeakoverthephone withRickyawhileback Wecoveredeverything from his feuds with Ric Flair, Paul Jones,SargentSlaughterandDonKernodle, JackandJerryBriscoandhisfamousmatch withRandySavageatWrestleManiaIII
Yiorgo: You are coming back to your Mid-Atlantic roots, where you had some of your most memorable matches Where wereyoubeforeyoustartedworkingforJim CrockettPromotions?
Ricky Steamboat: Before going to the Carolinas I was in Atlanta, GA with Ole Andersonasthebooker.Iwasamid-carder, still new in the business, two years under mybeltwhenOlemadethetalentswapand IcametotheCarolinasinMarch1977 Soon after,itwasRicFlairthatwenttoJimCrock ett and said “I would like to do something withthatyoungkidSteamboat.”
Y: As a huge wrestling fan myself I rememberbeinggluedtotheTVandseeing in horror as Ric Flair rubbed your face all over the TV studio cement floor An inter esting tidbit for you and the wrestling fans reading this is, on the recent WWE Rival ries Series Ric Flair VS Ricky Steamboat, it is my wrestling footage that I filmed 35 years ago by the ring apron that is used to tell a big part of your Mid-Atlantic history TheyalsousedmyfootagefilmedofmyTV set of you talking to Bob Caudle with your face all scarred up RS:Thankyoufordocumentingthatpart of our history I tell people all the time that someofmybestmatcheswereinthearenas only for those fans to see, but now thanks toyourfootageotherscan seethemaswell. So then here is a tidbit for you. During our match before the rubbing of my face on the floor, I agreed to let Ric punch me one time “the hard way” that is to say full force, to guarantee that my eye would swell up Not thatmanypeopleknowthatfact.Nowletme tellyouwhathappenedbackstagewiththat segment. I went backstage after Ric rubbed my face on the floor and the rule of thumb
Austin Theory
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dude walked up He was from the Deep South show, he told me what he did and I was pretty blown away just because of how this guy looked, a big dude who did not look like a normal human being I remem beraskinghim,whoareyouandhesaidthat hewasawrestler Iwaslike,whatisthat?He looked like a superhero and I wanted to see whatthisguydoes
My mom told me about the Deep South wrestling show and I went to it. It was in McDonoughandassoonasIsawthatforthe firsttime thenextMondayIturnedonRAW, IsawJohnCenaandIwashooked Istarted gettingthefiguresandthegamesandwatchingiteveryweek Iwouldtellpeopleallthe time that this is what I’m going to spend all ofmylifedoing
Y:HowdidyougetsignedbyWWEwhat wasitlikeatperformancecenterwhodoyou creditwithhelpingyoufondestmemories
AT:Ialwayslookedfordifferentavenues togetnoticedbytheWWE.Theonlyreason I even did a bodybuilding show was not because I had a passion for bodybuilding I always found it interesting but as a young kid I always had a mindset of how can I get to WWE as fast as I could. My plan was to graduate high school and go straight into the WWE I didn’t know how, but as I was gettingolder,Iwaslookingfortheseways
In 2015, I was 17 and one of my friends told me about the NPC Georgia Bodybuild ing Championship Teen Men category. My friend said WWE scouts people at their showssoIfiguredifIwinfirstplace,Iwould get noticed by WWE Well I got first place butIdidn’tgetnoticedsoIwaslikewhatdo
back then was that you would get a small towel, wet it, and put a raspberry on your cheek. Well Harley Race who was in the Carolinas at the time sent David Crockett to the hardware store to bring back some sandpaperandDavidcamebackwithavari etypack Harleypulledouttheharshestone I looked at it and it looked like it had small rocks on it. I sat in the chair and a couple of the wrestlers held me down. Harley said, “Rick this is going to hurt”. He started to sandpaper my cheek and my eyebrow He actually took off part of my eyebrow and he sandpapered through the skin and I was bleeding Hethengotsomeiodineandthen sprayedsomeNew-Skinoverit Iwasyoung thenanddidwhatIwastold.Ihadadiscol oration starting at the top of the eyebrow andgoingdowntomycheek.Foragood6-7 months I looked like spot the dog I would walk into 7⁄11, the clerk would see my face and say, “Oh my God, that stuff is real.” And I did not know if this discoloration would staywithmeforlife ThankGoditeventually faded away We drew pretty good with that angle but it wasn’t until a little later when Ric was on TV with a couple of his models and was showing off an 8 X 10 picture close up of my face that I went out there, jumped himandtoreeveryshredofclothesoffofhim downtoIbelievehislimegreenunderwear his shocks and a his tie that became a knot knot and I could not get it off of him. Once I did that to him, we did really great, great business. We either sold out or came close tosellingouteverywherewewent
Y:Ialsoremembervividlyyour90-minute match you had with Ric at the Norfolk, Scope And that was after you had a 60-minute draw two weeks before. When I am asked what was my favorite match that I witnessed, I always cite that particular match Howdoyoukeepupthestaminafor somethinglikethat?
RS: Ric and I only had a few of those 90 min matches and I was trying to recollect recently where they were and what cities they were in. But to answer your question, you learn to pace yourself Any of those 90 min matches you were really in uncharted territories The only time I did them was only with Ric Flair and the few times we did do them, you just have to pace yourself and know whether you are going 10, 60, or 90 minutes the last part of the match is the most important because the last thing they see is the last thing they remember in the match. You have to have enough gas in the gas tank, you do not want to burn out early.
Y: Is that when you started training to becomeawrestler?
AT:Yes,Iwenttoawrestlingschoolcalled WWA4 in Atlanta. I was driving to Atlanta everyday.ItsuckedbecauseIhada1996Ford Explorer. It costs like $25.00 to drive there everyday and when you are an 18 year old kid,that’salotofmoney Literallythatschool sent me off and my trainer A. R. Fox said to do all these smaller shows that aren’t going to pay anything and aren’t going to have a lotofcrowdsbutkeepdoingthemandkeep building That’s what I did I kept building myself up until I got noticed. I was offered atryoutwithWWEandtherestishistory
Y: Who trained you at the WWE Perfor manceCenter?
AT: The main guys that helped me out were:FitFinley,Scotty“TooHotty,”Norman Smiley,SteveCorinoandIworkedalotwith TerryTayloraswellasShawnMichaelswas ahugehelp
Y: And then you get THE call to move to themainroster Canyoutellusaboutit?
AT: It was one of those things that we could see that NXT was changing They weregoingtobebringingupfromtheolder NXT to the main roster and I was one of thoseguys.Iwasdoingdarkmatchesbefore RAW and SmackDown started not really knowing what the plan was and eventually finding out that I will be working with Mr McMahon backstage That was pretty wild just to be in that scenario and to know that this is my first thing on the main roster and I’m going straight to the deep end. It’s one of those things that I remember at the time everybody telling me, Vince said he was never coming back on TV for anybody and hecamebackonforyou.Irememberseveral
It is also very difficult to tell a story when you go that long I’ve done enough 60 min matches with Blackjack Mulligan, Harley Race, Greg Valentine of course most were with Ric Flair. When you are trying to tell a story and keep the audience captivated, 90 minutes can be very difficult to do because you end up repeating yourself which you don’twanttodo Andbelieveitornotthose matches back then were all pretty much on thefly.Wecalleditinthering Itmakesyou theconsummateproinbeingabletostickto yourstorylineandsometimesyougetwhatI call the brain farts and get lost. Fortunately for me, when you are in the ring with Ric Flair it never happens He always puts on a 4or5starperformance
Y: Now I would like to mention some names and if you can tell us a memory or story Let’s start with you and Jay Young blood against Sargent Slaughter and Don Kernodle
RS: It was Sarge’s idea to tag with Don I remember going to the office because they didnotthinkSargeandDontogetherwould work and Jay and I spoke up We were the world tag team champions and I looked at Jimmy Crockett and said, “Jimmy, that is the responsibility of Jay and I of how we can make Don a main event guy. Sarge was alreadyamaineventerwithoutadoubt.We will sell for him and make him look good to put him over. The rest is history They beat us; we chased them for the belt and that matchinGreensboroinacagewiththestip ulation unbeknown to us that if we lost we couldnotbeatagteamagain.Wehadturned awaybusiness Wealsohadaformalcontract signing on TV and that was very, very rare backthen.
RS: The four of us presented the idea to haveaseriesofbabyface(goodguysvs good guys) matches against each other We went toJimmyagainandsaidthesamething We hadtoconvinceJimmyCrocketttodoit He saiditwouldnotwork Isaid,“It’suptoJay and myself to make these guys heels or bad guys.”Itwasanothergreatangleandwedid just great business as with Sarge and Don. Later on they told me several times that those years were the most fun they had in theircareer Onedaywewerewaitingtodo interviewswhensomebodycameinandsaid theBriscoswereneededonthephone.Jack said, “Gerald, go see what they want.” Jerry camebackandsaid,“Wearegivingourtwo weeks notice We have a salvage/bodyshop yard that the state of Florida is building a
Y: You are 25 years old, you have accom plished so much already and have a great future ahead of you. What do you attribute thatto?
I think a lot of times I find myself in the scenario where, yes I am 25 years old, but I startedworkingforthiswhenIwas12years old Ihadadifferentmentality Iwasn’tgoing to parties, I wasn’t doing drugs, I was so set on this that I had to go to the gym everyday Since I was 12, I’ve really carved that path in order to get here. When I find myself in the ring at 25 with these guys that I grew upwatching,it’samazingandonehellofan experience but for me I know that I have earned to get there It’s not that I just got lucky or I was put in a good spot. I know every single time, I earned that. For me that means more than anything ever will. I’vealsobeenblessedwithbeingabletonot let my nerves over react, or feel like I’m not preparedforsomething Ifeellikeeverybody should be like this If you worked hard and putinthatgrind,nomatterwhat youalways gottarememberwhatyousacrificedinorder togethere.
Y: Can you share a favorite Vince McMa honstory?
AT: I remember right before I was going to debut on RAW to do the selfie thing with Jeff Hardy, Mr McMahon was walking up tothegorillaposition.Forthosenotfamiliar with the term, it’s the backstage area, right before you walk out Mr McMahon was on his way there, I was already there, about to go out, the first thing I was ever going to do onTV Irememberhimlookingatmeinthe eyes and telling me, “Go out there and be confident like I know you are.” And for me, especiallycomingfromMr MacMahon,it’s
bypassthrough,theyjustboughtfromusand we just became millionaires They opened upanotheroneandarestillinbusiness.
RS: Jay came into the area in 1980 We were together 4½ years and he would ride with me We both had long black hair, his much longer He fell asleep against the window. I see an 18 wheeler tow truck towinganother18wheelerjustthecabpart and it is facing backwards meaning if I am behind it, it would look like it is coming straightatus SoIdecidedtoplayaribonJay. Irolledthewindowdowngentlyandrolled it up again catching his hair in the window I am about 8 feet behind them and I let out a big scream yelling for Jay to wake up He does and in his sleepy state, to him it looks like the cab of the 18-wheeler being towed is coming straight at us He jumps; his hair isbeingpulledoutofhisheadbecauseitwas caughtinthewindow.Itwasfunnyandyou knowheneversleptagain
RS: I was disgruntled a little bit with the wayDustywasbooking.Ihadseenthewriting on the wall I had been there for 8 years andthatwasalongtimeforaguytobeinone territory especially a guy like me who had neverswitchedsidesfrombabyfacetoheel. So I called George Scott who was booking in WWF at the time. Jimmy Crockett was good with it. He said “Ricky you’ve done goodwithme.”Ididnotrealizeituntilyears laterthatIhadtothankDustyfordoingthat because I went up to the WWF at the time and it actually took my career to another level.Iwasverygratefulforthat.
RS: I did years later We were both work ing at the training school in Tampa, before it became NXT and the school moved to Orlando Dusty and I were talking, it was justhimandI,andhesaid“Therewasatime whenyouleftme.”(LeftCrockett’sandwent to Vince) and I told him I was disgruntled andleftbutIthankedhimforitbecauseonce Ileftmycareertookabigjumpandbrought meinthemaineventcategory Dustylooked atmeandgavemeanodandasmile Hedid nothavetosayanything Thingshappenfor a reason and whatever life tosses you try to makethebestofit AndImoveduptoVince anditturnedoutbetterthanIthought.
Y: How about a WWF story. How do you wrapyourheadaroundperforminginfront of93,000fansatWrestleManiaIII?
RS: It took my career to another level. I becametheDragon,hadgreatmatcheswith Savage, Jake the Snake, and Don Muraco, Mr Fuji. Here is a Randy Savage story. We worked on some things at previous live events Randywasveryparticularabouthis matches but so was I. We were on the same page and it flowed. We never, never, never had words with each other I remember coming down in that cart at WrestleMania IIIandseeingthatmanypeoplebutseconds later I got tunnel vision, and focused on the ring and once the match started stayed focusedonthematchitself Andyouhaveto pacethematchsothefanscanprocesswhat had just taken place In a standard match, you have 7-8 false finishes then the finish itself. Do you know how many finishes we had? We had 21 false finishes and number 22 a simple finish where he goes to pick me upandIrollhimupforfinishnumber22.It changedhowothersdidmatchesafterthat. ItsetthetoneIthinktoalotofstuffthatyou see today. The ups and downs in a match and so many false finishes And back then from Jessie the body to Arnold Skaaland to GorillaMonsoontheywereallcomingupto uscongratulatingusandwonderinghowwe wereabletorememberallofthat.Evennow guysarestillcomingup Iwasatawrestling convention recently and the Nasty Boys GregValentineandLannyPoffo,allbrought upthatmatch.
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
Y: You are referring to yourself as “The Now.”Whatdoyoumeanbythat?
AT: As far as “The Now,” I’ve had a great career, being the youngest United States Champion, the youngest Mr Money in the Bank,withMr McMahonbeingtheprotege andthefuture.That’salloverwith,because I’m “The Now. There’s no worries about what’sgoingtohappeninthefuture.What’s happening now is what’s going to be the futureandthat’sAustinTheory
AT: Definitely when I did my backstage promo with John Cena. Just how cool that was to go through that whole process with him and pretty much him telling me when itcametothatpromo “Tocomeupwithmy own ideas, and come back to me and we’ll figure it out and let me see how it sounds.” I remember coming back to him with some stuffandhimsaying,“Manthisisreallygood butifyouwantto,let’stakeachance.”Long storyshort,Iwastryingtocomeupwithhis own stuff and he was like, “Use your stuff makethisaboutyou,don’tworryaboutme.” Irememberdoingthatpromowithhimand himtellingmetoeithertakeachanceorstick withwhat’sonthepaper Wehad10minutes soIeithermemorizewhat’sonthatpaperor comeontherewithanaturalconfidenceand that’s what I did, I took that chance To me, I love how that promo came off because I tookthatchance That’swhatlifeisallabout, putting in that hard work and taking that chance.
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
8 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, November 24 2022