www.flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 1, 2022 1
IN THIS ISSUE Gerald R. Ford CSG returns from inaugural deployment The first-in-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, flagship of the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, returned to its homeport at Naval Station Norfolk, Nov. 26. Page A6 VOL. 29, NO. 45, Norfolk, VA | flagshipnews.com
December 1-December 7, 2022
From left to right: Bryan Stephens (President & CEO, Hampton Roads Chamber), HM1 Eddie B. Carroll III (Military Citizen of the Year), Mayor Shannon Glover (Mayor, City of Portsmouth), Ron Lewis (Vice Chair for Military Affairs, Hampton Roads Chamber). (PHOTO COURTESY OF HAMPTON ROADS CHAMBER)
Hampton Roads Chamber Honors 757’s Top Military Citizens
Press Release The Hampton Roads Chamber honored the following eleven service members for their commitment and personal involvement through volunteerism at the 2022 Military Citizen of the Year awards Ceremony held on November 17, 2022.
HM1 Eddie B. Carroll III
Navy Medicine Training Support Center Detachment Portsmouth HM1 Carroll has devoted over 623 volunteer hours to various organizations throughout Hampton Roads between October 20212022. He has dedicated countless hours to the Portsmouth Bruins Pop Warner 6U football program, the YMCA of Portsmouth Youth Basketball program, the Virginia Beach Mustangs 6U Football program and has been a volunteer coach for many other teams. He also is a volunteer landscaper for the Navy Medicine Training Command
Portsmouth’s Fisher House. Through his leadership and guidance while coaching, the athletes excelled while learning lifelong lessons such as teamwork, leadership, perseverance, discipline, and sacrifice.
CS2 Jarelle T. Harley
Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic CS2 Harley has volunteered over 520 volunteer hours with the USO, the Girl Scouts of the USA, and GI Instruction Marine LLC. Petty Officer Harley assisted in saving and raising over $7,500.00, supported our military service members at the USO by providing snacks and resources for them, and assisted in the construction of multiple houses, as well as the repair upkeep of the Portsmouth Boys and Girls Club.
ENFN Adrian A. Hugo
Amphibious Construction Battalion 2
ENFN Hugo has volunteered 210 hours with organizations like the Virginia Beach Little League, Virginia Beach Youth Basketball and the National Flag Football League in Virginia Beach. Through his involvement he has mentored and coached local youths through the fundamentals of each sport, fostering teamwork, camaraderie and social skills that will continue to prove valuable as they grow into young adulthood.
BU3 Raye Lin Klepac
Amphibious Construction Battalion 2 BU3 Klepac has volunteered over 108 hours supporting organizations like the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, Habitat for Humanity, and Dominion Derby Girls. Through her work with Habitat for Humanity, she assisted with building homes for low-income families in our region and has participated annually in their National Woman’s Day. She also helped promote and publicized recruitment for Domin-
ion Derby Girls, an organization geared towards women’s empowerment and healthy living.
BM1 Camillia N. Lee
Amphibious Construction Battalion 2 Throughout the past few years, BM1 Lee has dedicated over 2,800 hours to various organizations including, Pop Warner Bennett Creek Football and Cheer Association, Youth Girl Club and Ro Upsilon Tau Military Sorority. Through her work with Pop Warner she makes sure every child has a ride to games, meals to eat, and equipment on their back. She was also elected to serve as the organization’s treasurer. With the Youth Girl Club she is a mentor and advisor for over 20 troubled female youths by attending field trips with them and helping to advise them. For Rho Upsilon Military Sorority she organizes group outings and Turn to Military COY, Page 7
Naval Station Norfolk celebrates Wounded Warrior Care Month
By Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class Jessica Nunes
NORFOLK, Va. — Commander, Navy Region Mid Atlantic’s Navy Wounded Warrior Care Program held its annual Warrior Care Month cake cutting ceremony at Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’s galley Nov. 21, 2022. During the event, the Wounded Warrior team, along with Capt. David Dees, Commanding Officer Naval Station Norfolk, recognized 8 retired military members who were wounded while serving. The awardees were accompanied by family members and care givers. “November has been recognized as Warrior Care Month and this is one of the events that we have done annually,” said Kendall Hiller, Regional Program Director for the Navy Wounded Warrior program.
“It’s a formal cake cutting and recognition for our service members, retired service members, their families and caregivers for their resiliency, struggle and triumphs over what has happened in their lives.” The Navy Wounded Warrior Program is dedicated to helping increase awareness for any combat wounded, seriously ill and injured Sailors or Coast Guardsmen who are in need of non-medical case management and to help direct them along the process of recovery rehabilitation and back into the Navy or reintegration into the civilian life. “I got to know the Wounded Warrior representatives and they have helped me a lot through the process with references, referrals and transitioning out of the military,” said Aviation Ordnanceman 2nd Class Francine Kahele, who was there with her
NORFOLK, Va. (Nov. 21, 2021) Captain David Dees, Commanding Officer Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk (left), and Aviation Ordnanceman 2nd Class Francine Kahele cut a cake at the Navy Wounded Warrior Program’s annual Warrior Care Month cake cutting ceremony at NAVSTA Norfolk’s galley Nov. 21, 2022. (US NAVY PHOTO BY MASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST 2ND CLASS JOSEPH T. MILLER/ RELEASED)
Turn to Wounded Warrior, Page 7
Friendsgiving with President Biden at MCAS Cherry Point www.flagshipnews.com
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U.S. President Joseph R. Biden Jr., alongside his wife Dr. Jill Biden, serve service members and families during a Friendsgiving meal prepared by celebrity chef Robert Irvine at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina. PAGE A4
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