Flagship 12.08.2022

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Snowball Express is leaving the station!

NORFOLK Va More than 300 Sail ors assigned to Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic and other local commands volunteered to send off spouses and chil dren of fallen service members as part of Snowball Express at Norfolk International AirportDec 3.

Snowball Express, a Gary Sinise Foundation program, is a 5-day adventure at Walt Disney World Resort for families who have experienced a loss relating to military service

Active-duty service members say they were reminded of their own experiences in losing loved ones as they cheered on the familiesboardingtheflight.

Yeoman 2nd Class Aderonke Ogin, a volunteerfromExpeditionaryStrikeGroup Two, said it is easy to imagine what the familiesinvolvedinthisprogramhavegone through. After losing her mother during her time in bootcamp, she said she is able to relate to the emotions these families are experiencing and hopes programs like Snowball Express will help them during a difficulttimeintheirlives

“I hope that it gives them a sense of comfort and it helps them especially the kids to know that their parents volun teered their life to help the country,” said Ogin. I hope that they are proud of their parents and they look back and just feel honored that their family member was involved in helping the country and help ingothers.”

Snowball Express is a support system for spouses and children after they experience thelossofsomeonesoclosetothem.

Erin Milliken, along with her 9-year old daughter, Emme, and 11-year-old son, Finley, attended the trip in honor of their husband and dad, Kyle Kyle Milliken was a Navy SEAL killed while deployed in 2017 MillikensaidSnowballExpressisasourceof stress-reliefforherasshenavigatesparentingalone.

“When you’re a solo parent, it’s hard to plantripsanddothemallbyyourself espe cially Disney,” said Milliken. “To have this fullyplannedoutforme,takesaloadofstress off And for the kids to just be around other kidswhohavelosttheirmomordad,it’snice forthemtoknowthatthey’renotalone.”

Patriot Guard stood alongside active-duty servicemembersinsupportingthefamilies Wayne Anderson, the Assistant State Captain for Hampton Roads District 5 of the Virginia Patriot Guard, said his favorite thing about Snowball Express is seeing the militaryresponse

“Whenthatlineisformedandthefamilies walkthrough,tearsareflowing,”saidAnder son. “The support given by these service membersisawesome.”

Upon their return to Hampton Roads these families will once again be greeted at the airport by volunteer service members For more information about Snowball Express,visitgarysinisefoundation.org.

and offers service seven days a week. This service will provide last-mile accessibil ity for employees who wish to arrive at the base on foot, bicycle, scooter, or transit or by parking in the Exchange area outside thegate TheBluerouterunsonbase,every 15 minutes, Monday through Friday Both routes have multiple stops throughout the base including housing, key administrative buildings and the pier Both routes operate Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Gold Route also operates on the weekends, 9a.m to6p.m.

“The Base Express has the potential to improveregionalaccessibility easecongestion around the base and improve air qual ity,” said Councilman Aaron Rouse, Chair, Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads “But above all, it’s going to improve the lives of thousands of sailors living here at Naval Station Norfolk. And here’sthebestpart:theserviceiscompletely FREEtouse.”


TheBaseExpresshastwoseparateroutes the Gold Route and Blue Route The Gold route runs on base, connecting to the Navy Exchangeoffbase Itrunsevery30minutes

This free service is being funded by a grant for the Virginia Department of Rail andPublicTransportation.

Civilian volunteers from the Virginia
NORFOLK,Va (Dec 03,2022) Sailors andvolunteers greet Gold StarFamilymembers during the annual Snowball Express event at the NorfolkInternationalAirport
The Snowball Express is funded bythe GarySinise foundation and sends families offallen service members on a trip to DisneyWorld to help them bond and strengthen relationshipswith otherGold Star families.(USNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILYCASAVANT/RELEASED)
NORFOLK, Va Hampton Roads Transit(HRT)inpartnershipwithNavalStation Norfolk held a ribbon cutting ceremony marking the official launch of the Base Express,Dec 2. The Base Express is a free daily transit service that connects personnel to popular destinationsonandofftheinstallation The service is open to all personnel living and workingonNAVSTANorfolk “TheBaseExpressisacriticalservicethat fills a significant gap for those living and working on Naval Station Norfolk. Previously all elements of our workforce were forcedtowalkmilesduetogapsinservices.” said Capt. David Dees, NAVSTA Norfolk Commanding Officer “Not only does the service connect to various parts of the installation and Navy Exchange Complex, itallowsthemtoconnecttotheentireHRT
Free transit service officially launches on Naval Station Norfolk Norfolk,Va (Dec 2,2022) Hampton RoadsTransit in partnershipwith Naval Station Norfolk held a ribbon cutting ceremonymarking the official launch ofthe Base Express,Dec.2. The Base Express is a free dailytransit service that connects personnel to populardestinations on and offthe installation. Those assistingwith the ribbon cutting include CommissionerAmelia Ross-Hammond,Hampton RoadsTransit President and CEO,William Harrell,DelegateAnne Tata Commission Chair CouncilmanAaron Rouse,Naval Station NorfolkCommanding Officer, Capt.David Dees DelegateJackie Glass,NorfolkMayor,KennethAlexander and Executive DirectorofHampton Roads Militaryand Federal FacilitiesAlliance,RickDwyer www flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 46 Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comDecember8-December14 2022 FRCE recognized for environmental efforts Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) earned state recognition forits environmental effortswhen North Carolina Secretaryofthe Environment Elizabeth Biserpresented the depotwith the P2 Award forpollution prevention. PageA2 TurntoTransitService, Page 4 SURFLANT Hosts First-Ever Junior Officer Training Symposium RearAdm.Brendan McLane,commander Naval Surface ForceAtlantic (SURFLANT), hosted the inaugural SURFLANTJunior OfficerTraining Symposium (JOTS) onboardJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort Story Dec.1. PAGEA5 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 8, 2022 1

CHERRYPOINT, N.C. —Fleet Readiness Center East(FRCE) earned state recog nition for its environmental efforts when North Carolina Secretaryofthe Environ ment Elizabeth Biser presented the depot withtheP2Awardforpollutionprevention.

FRCEreceivedtheawardduringtheNorth CarolinaDepartment of Environmen tal Quality’s Environmental Stewardship Initiative(ESI)Conference,held October 24-25inRaleigh.

“Itisanhonortoreceivethisaward,”said FRCECommandingOfficerCapt.JamesM. Belmont. “I feel it highlights the commit ment of both the FRCE’sEnvironmental Division and our workforce as awhole Everyone working at the depot is awareof our mission of supporting the warfighter as well as the need to be good stewards of the environment, both within the depot’s fencelineandbeyond.OurEnvironmental Divisionsetshighgoalsforusandwestrive to exceed these expectations.”

Stephen Azok, program coordinator for FRCE’sEnvironmental Management System, accepted the awardatthe ceremonyonbehalf of the command. He said FRCE made history as one of the initial recipients of the new award, which was issued forthe firsttimeduring the confer ence

“Thereisa lot of significanceinthis award,”said Azok. “Wewerecompeting with somereally large organizationswith outstanding environmental records.For FRCEtobeconsidered,letalonetowinthis award, is ahuge honor. Everyone working at the depotshould be proud.”

FRCE earnedthe honor inrecognition of an industrial wastewater reductionand water conservation initiative.

In2019,FRCE’sEnvironmentalDivision began targeting industrial processes that used ahigh volume of potablewater and discharged or generated additional high volumesofindustrial wastewater. Meters were installed in order to identify build ings and industrial processes that fit these criteria.

One of the sites identified as being a heavycontributortoindustrialwastewater generation washometoover27industrial activities ranging from the washing and cleaning of aircraft parts and components tofurnaceshopoperations.Basedonwater meterdata,thisbuildingwasusinganaver age of nearly 79,000 gallons of water per day.

The Environmental Division worked directly withartisans toidentify the processesusing significantamounts of water and develop and solutions

“Our efforts centered on improving our abilitytobettermanagewater use in avia tionrepairprocessessoconservationofthe resource is improved,”said FRCE Compliance and Quality Department Head Amy Morgan.“Thisinvolvedmodifyingsomeof theequipmentused,suchasinstallingauto matic shut off valves insteadofcontinuous flowvalves.Weworkedwiththeartisanson howtomakebetter use ofthe equipment and manage the water while doing things likecleaning aircraftparts.This combination of efforts resulted in asignificant reduction of water use and costsavings.”

FRCE sawa sustained 56% reduction in potable water usage in the building over the next year,cutting the average daily consumptionfrom79,000to44,240gallons perday.FRCEalsogainedautilitycreditof $540,000asadirectresultoftheseconser vation efforts

Vicki Lewis,FRCEEnvironmental Compliancelead,creditedthedepot’sarti sans withmaking the initiative asuccess

“A large part of these savings andreduc tioninusagecameasaresultofartisanson the floor,” said Lewis.“Thereweresome infrastructurechanges.Wehadtofixsome sensorsandvalves.Butallinall,thebiggest part of the savings resulted from the arti sans making achange in day-to-day oper ations.That playedasignificant role.We couldn’tdothiswithouttheengagementof the employees on the work floor and their participation with the programs.”

In addition, the Environmental Divi sionidentifiedstormdrainsasanopportu nity for further savings. Redirection of the drains so they no longer discharged into industrial wastewatertreatment plant drainsallowedforafurther20%reduction in water being sent to the facility

Azoksaidthereductionsandcostsavings areimpressive, butthe mostimportant benefits can’tbemeasuredwith numbers.

“This goes beyond costsavings,” said Azok. “We’reactually improvingwater quality,reducing wastewater and conserv

ing naturalresources as well. Forthe business model, we’resaving money and improving efficiency.For our employees andourlocalcommunity,weareimproving environmental quality and health.”

FRCE’sindustrialwastewaterreduction andwaterconservationinitiativecompeted against otherenvironmentalinitiatives submitted by organizationsthroughout North Carolina. To be eligible for the P2 Award, entrants had to be ESI members Lewis said this made the competition intenseasallESImembersareexpectedto go above and beyond minimum environ mental requirements

“Wewerehappyoureffortsweredeemed worthyofthe award, especiallywith such alarge group of organizations doing really exceptionalthingswiththeirenvironmental programs in the state,” saidLewis

ESI is avoluntary program that recognizesand supportscompanies and facili ties that displayexemplary performance in reducing their environmental impact. FRCE has been amember for nearly 20 years

According to Morgan,FRCE’sESI membership and other environmen tal efforts aredriven by astrong sense of community shared by depot personnel. FRCE has been afixtureineastern North Carolina since 1943.Asthe largestmain tenance,repair,overhaul and technical services provider in the state,the depot employs morethan4,000 peoplewho call North Carolina home

“Weallliveandworkhere,”saidMorgan. “Weall enjoythe natural resources of this area, and our resources areprecious to us Ourstaff consistsofwelleducated, well trainedprofessionals and they careabout theenvironment.Theycareaboutourbusiness,which is supporting the warfighter. At thesame time,theywant to do the right thingtoprotectourlocalareaandourlocal community.”

Both Morgan and Azok referred to this sense of community as one of the factors that led to FRCE joining ESI when the program wasinits infancy.Azok cited the depot’sproactive, aggressiveenvironmen

talpostureasinstrumentaltoFRCEquickly achievingthehighestlevelofmembership, an elite designationfor organizationsthat arecommitted to exemplary environmental performance beyond what is required by law.

“Thereare three levels within the ESI program: Partner,Rising Stewardand Steward,”said Azok. “Stewardisthe high estlevel.Weearnedthe title of Stewardin 2004.NotonlyisthedepottheonlyDepart ment of Defense facility serving as an ESI member, we were oneofthe earliestorganizationsinthe entirestate to achieve the levelofSteward.”

AccordingtoAzok,theprocesstoachieve and maintain the levelofStewardisrigor ous

“You have to prove thatyou have avery matureand comprehensiveEnvironmen tal Management System,”said Azok.“You have to showenvironmental objectives anddemonstratethatyou’remeetingthose objectives.It’snot an easy task to achieve this levelormaintain it. It takes alot of work.”

Lewis and Azok bothnamed workforce participation as critical in sustaining the ESI Steward-levelmembership as well as otherenvironmental programs and initia tives at the depot

“The Environmental Division couldn’t do this on its own,”said Lewis.“We are not only maintaining our environmental programs,weare getting better each year and exceeding objectives.That requires engagement throughoutour workforce Luckily,wehavealot of boots on the ground. We have our program managers that arecommitted and on the ground workingintheshopsanddepartments.We have our artisans doing what they need to be doing.”

Lewis saidthis focus on environmental stewardship begins on an employee’sfirst dayofwork.

“Itstarts with new employeetraining,” said Lewis.“All new employees receive training covering our environmental program and what everyone’sresponsi bilities are.Wetry to makeeverything as

easy as we possibly can in order to get that buy-in.Iftheirresponsibilitiesareunclear, or if the process of doing the right thing is difficult,peoplearen’tgoingtoparticipate.” Lewis and Azok both pointed to FRCE’s successful environmental recordasproof that employees areengaged and partici pating

The depot has maintainedarobustand versatileEnvironmental Management System for morethan 18 years.FRCEwas the first Department of Defense (DoD) facilitytoregisteracomprehensivesystem incorporatingitsentirefacility.Thedepot’s environmentalprogram has sustained auditssinceNovember2003,exceedingall requirements set by boththe DoD and the Department of the Navy

InadditiontotheP2Award,FRCE’senvironmentalprogramhasreceivedtheSecretaryofDefenseEnvironmentalAward,two Secretary of Defense honorable mentions, eight Chief of NavalOperations Environ mental Awards,fourSecretary of the Navy Environmental Awards,and twoSustainability Awards from the state.Theseacco lades span morethantwo decades and highlight the maturity andprofessionalismofthedepot’senvironmentalprogram.

“In this day and age,everyone is aware of and thinking about environmental concerns,” said Azok. “AtFRCE, we areno different.Wehavefocusedonourenviron mental program for many, manyyears and we arecommitted to being good stewards oftheenvironment.Thisawardshowsthat we’redoing everything we can to protect the environment.

FRCE is NorthCarolina’slargestmaintenance,repair,overhaul and technical services provider,with morethan 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Itsannualrevenueexceeds $1 billion.The depot provides service to the fleet while functioningasanintegralpartofthegreater U.S. Navy;Naval AirSystemsCommand; andCommander,FleetReadinessCenters Learnmoreatwww.navair.navy.mil/frce orhttps://www.facebook.com/FleetReadi

Carolina Department
FRCE recognized
environmental efforts by North
earnedthe honorin recognition ofasuccessful industrialwastewaterreduction andwaterconservation initiativethat tookplaceatthe depot.(FILEPHOTO) Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor |MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 |maddelin.v.hamm@navy.mil AssistantEditor |MC2 LeoKatsareas 757-322-2853 |news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner |TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff NinoshkaBasantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 |news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager |Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising |757-622-1455 Distribution &Home Delivery |757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdmChristopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairsDirector| Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD)orthe United States Navy under exclusivewritten contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official viewsof, nor endorsed by,the U.S. Government, DOD,orthe Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regardtorace, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories maybe submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every ThursdaybyFlagship, Inc., whose offices arelocated at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va.23510. ©2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved 2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, December 8, 2022
Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Commanding OfficerCapt.JamesM.Belmont (right) and FRCE Complianceand QualityDepartment Head AmyMorgandisplaythe P2Awardforpollutionprevention.FRCE received the awardduring the North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality’sEnvironmental Stewardship InitiativeConference,held October24-25 in Raleigh.FRCE

Coast Guard rescues three adults and one child from sinking vessel


TheCoastGuardrescuedthreeadultsandachildfromarecreational vesseltakingonwaterSundayatThimbleShoalSouthIsland,alsoknownasFirstIsland,bythe ChesapeakeBayBridgeTunnel

The crew of the 22-foot white center console contacted Coast Guard Sector Virginia CommandCenteratapproximately12:40p.m.Sundaystatingtheyweredisabled,takingon wateranddriftingtowardsthebridge

The command center lost communication with the sinking vessel but was given the exact locationbyagoodSamaritanwhohadcontactwiththeboat AnothergoodSamaritanassisted by pulling them away from the rocks. A Coast Guard Station Little Creek 45-foot Response Boat-Mediumcrewdisembarkedthepeoplefromthevesselthathadtwofeetofwaterondeck Twostationcrewmembersthenbegandewateringeffortsandbroughtthevesselinaside towtowardsLynnhaven.CoastGuardCutterAngelaMcShanwasintheareaandprovideda back-uppumptotheVirginiaBeachPolicewhobroughtittothestationcrewasaprecaution.

OnceinLynnhaven,themarinersweretransferredtoaVirginiaBeachPoliceboatandthe VirginiaBeachFireDepartmenttowedtheboattoanearbyboatramp

“Weheardtheoriginalcalloutfromthevesselaskingforhelpandimmediatelybeganprepa rationstolaunch,”saidPettyOfficer2ndClassKyleCassidy.“Thiscasewassuccessfulbecause themarinerswerepreparedwithaVHFradio andboththestationandmultiplegoodSamaritansquicklyresponded.”


www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 8, 2022 3 Visit navyfederal.org to join. *Dollar value shown represents the results of the 2021 Navy Federal Member Giveback Study TheMemberGiveback Study takes intoconsideration internal market analyses comparing Navy Federal products with industry national averages, as well as discounts, incentives, and other savings. Image used forrepresentational purposes only; does not imply government endorsement. ©2022NavyFederal NFCU 14172-E (11-22) Insured by NCUA. We’veGot Your BasesCovered We’reheretohelpthe military community and their families makethe mostoftheir money. Our members couldearnand save $349* per year by banking with us.
Coast Guard Station Little Creekis dewatering a
22-foot recreationalvessel
taking onwater nearFirst Island ofthe Chesapeake BayBridgeTunnel,Dec.4,2022.The Coast Guard rescued three adults and one child.(U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTOS)

USS Bataan holds change of command

Capt. Paul Burkhart relieved Capt. Joseph Murphy III as commanding offi cer of the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) during a change of command ceremony held in the ship’s hangarbay,Dec 2.

During the ceremony, presided over by U.S.FleetForcesDeputyCommanderVice Adm.JamesKilby,Murphyreflectedonhis tourascommandingofficeroftheship and expressedhisgratitudeforthecrew’shard work.

“ThecrewofBig5hasconsistentlyshown dayin,anddayoutwhatittrulymeanstobe Bataantough,”saidMurphy.“Youhavebeen committedtobeingwhereitmatters,when it matters, and your efforts have substan tially advanced maritime security while alsostrengtheningourglobalpartnerships.”

Murphy, a native of West Deptford, N.J., became Bataan’s 18th commanding offi cer since the ship was commissioned Sept. 20, 1997 Under his command, the ship completedaroutinemaintenanceavailabil-

ity ahead of schedule, and passed its basic andinspectionphases Bataanalsoservedas theflagshipforFleetWeekNewYork2022.

Recently,theshipreceivedthefirstpermanently-installed shipboard metal and poly mer3D-printingsystem,allowingBataanto self-sufficientlysustainitselfatsea.

Burkhart, fleeting-up from the executive officerrole,describedtheSailorshewilllead aboard.

“I am proud to command this greatcrew and I would like to thank the officers and enlisted Sailors who remain committed to ourtraditionsofexcellence,”saidBurkhart. “Together,wewillleadthechargeanddomi nate the challenges of a new day, alongside thefinestgroupofwarfightersinourNavy.”

BataanisthefifthoftheWasp-classships, andthesecondU.S.Navywarshiptobearthe name. CVL-29 was an Independence-class small aircraft carrier which was commis sioned in November 1943 After serving in both World War II and the Korean conflict, CVL-29wasdecommissionedin1954.

Bataan is currently in its routine train ing cycle in preparation for an upcoming deployment

NORFOLK,Va (Dec 2,2022) Capt.Paul Burkhart the commanding officeroftheWasp-class
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amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5),relieves Capt.Joseph Murphyduring the ship’s change ofcommand ceremonyin the hangarbay Dec.2,2022 During the ceremony,Capt. Paul Burkhart relieved Murphyas commanding officerofBataan.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSBRADLEYRICKARD)
the entire installation, I would like to
our partners who made this happen: The Department of Rail and Public Transportation, James River Transportation, andtheHamptonRoadsTransitstaff,”saidDees.Fromideainceptiontothisveryday,you all have been exceptional to work with. I realize that a project of this scale does not just happen. It is more than
a vision but a commitment of time, money, and dedication to workthroughallthedetailsthatmakevision’sreality.”

SURFLANT hosts first-ever

Junior Officer Training Symposium

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Rear Adm. BrendanMcLane,commander,NavalSurface Force Atlantic (SURFLANT), hosted the inauguralSURFLANTJuniorOfficerTrainingSymposium(JOTS)onboardJointExpe ditionaryBaseLittleCreek-FortStory,Dec 1.

The symposium focused on building upon junior surface warfare officer’s skill sets in the Hampton Roads area Attendees had the opportunity to network with learn from, and listen to senior leaders During his opening statements, McLane expressed how the symposium would prepare junior officersforfuturesuccess

“When you are in the Navy for as long as I’ve been, you just learn to accept certain issues and shortcomings,” McLane said. “But,youallarejustcomingintotheservice and you see how those can be addressed. We need to learn how to talk to our junior officersandgettheirperspectivesforbetter solutions.”

126 junior officers representing 25 commands attended the symposium Attendeessubmittedproblem-and-solution scenariosanddiscussedbestpracticesinan opendialogueforum Capt.RileyMurdock, director of SURFLANT’s Commander’s Action Group, discussed the importance of theexerciseandthesymposiumasawhole.

“Junior members of [our] wardroom

[are]determiningthetrajectoryofourFleet tomorrow with their leadership today,” Murdock said “Our junior officers want to serveasleadersinthemostcapableNavyin theworld.Wemustmaintainthatreputation by improving every single day. JOTS is an opportunitytofosterthatgrowth.”

Thesymposiumendedwithasocialevent onboard Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek Overall, junior officers left the event better educated and motivated about their roleintheU.S.Navy

“It is crucial that we invest in the Navy’s future, and our future, said Lt William Porter, navigation officer aboard guid ed-missiledestroyerUSSMason(DDG87) “Thebestwaytodothatisbybridginggaps

between the deckplates and higher lead ership like we did today. Allowing us to be upfront and honest with senior leaders andhavethatreciprocatedgoesalongwith movingourcommunityforward.”

SURFLANT mans, trains and equips assigned surface forces and shore activities, ensuring a capable force for conduct ing prompt and sustained operations in support of United States national interests TheSURFLANTforceiscomposedofnearly 80 ships 17 pre-commissioning units and morethan30shorecommands

For more SURFLANT news and photos, visit facebook.com/SURFLANT, www surflant.usff.navy.mil, and Twitter @ surflant

VIRGINIABEACH,Virginia (December1,2022)
(JOTS) Dec.1.126
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McLane,commander Naval Surface ForceAtlantic,speaks to juniorofficers during the command’s inauguralJuniorOfficer Training Symposium
juniorofficers attendedJOTS and had the opportunityto networkwith,learn from,and listen to

NAVIFOR hosts IW leaders at Annual Commanders’ Summit

SUFFOLK, Va Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach,commander,NavalInformation Forces (NAVIFOR) hosted the Commanders’SummitinSuffolk,Va.,Nov.30through Dec. 2.Morethan160 civilians,officers and enlisted leaders representing command triads from more than 50 information warfare (IW) commands worldwide gath eredtoexchangeideas,voiceconcerns and chartthewayforwardforNAVIFORandthe community

The theme for the three-day summit, “Information Warfare Delivering Deci sion Advantage: “Our People Are our Platform,” stressed the importance of trained, professional information warfighters in winningacrossallwarfareareas.

In line with this theme Aeschbach stressed the demand for IW professionals duringheropeningremarks

“We are in demand everywhere; this is an incredibly exciting time to be part of the information warfare community We have a lot to be proud of in terms of what we’veaccomplished,”saidAeschbach.“But competition is pacing or outpacing us and the sense of urgency is high We need to maintain our sense of urgency But we also must maintain our optimism, because we haveworldclasstalent nooneinourNavy canmeettheirmissionwithoutus ”

Duringthesummit,IWleadersdiscussed severalkeyIWenterprisepriorities,includ ing the Navy’s Get Real Get Better move ment; IW readiness; medical and mental health updates; diversity equity and inclusion; and civilian manning in the IW community

Adm.DarylCaudle,commander,U.S.Fleet ForcesCommand,addressedthesummitas thekeynotespeaker

“When I look at NAVIFOR, and think about what makes this command unique, it’s not just the number of commands, or the eclectic designator mix that makes up the TYCOM, or that twenty-five percent of your domain is composed of civilians,” said Caudle “WhenIthinkofyourmissionset[of assured command and control, battlespace awareness, integrated fires and decision advantage], I can think of few missions as importantandthatwillensureourwarfight erswininconflict.”

Ms. Elizabeth Nashold, deputy commander Naval Information Forces opened day two with a discussion on TYCOM updates and priorities, to include civilianmanning,futureoutlookofTYCOM responsibilities,budgetandrequirements.

“The demand for IW has grown in every aspect of warfighting,” said Nashold. “We

have to be able to keep up with the current demand and future outlook, continually takingahardlookathowwe’reinvestingin ourrequirementstomeettheseresponsibil itiesandoutpaceourcompetition.”

Ms. Tami North, director of NAVIFOR’s Information Warfare Readiness Director ate,(IWRD)alsoprovidedanupdateonthe 2022realignmentofNAVIFOR’sformerN3 and NAVIFOR West elements to form the IWRD, with a focus on three major focus areas:Fleetunitreadiness,ashorereadiness, andafloatreadiness.

LiveVirtualConstructiveTraining(LVC), Ready Relevant Learning (RRL), Cyber Mission Force and IW training committee wasalsopartofthedaytwodiscussions “RRLwillchangethe“when, “how, and “what”ofNavytrainingtosupportcontinual Sailordevelopment,”emphasizedAssistant ChiefofStaffforEducation&TrainingCapt

ChrisGabriel,“Weneedtoimproveindivid ualperformance,andenhancemissionread iness.Weneedthefeedbackfromtheleaders andSailorsintheFleet.”

NAVIFOR’s Force Master Chief Laura Nunleyalsoheldabreakoutdiscussionwith commandmasterchiefsandseniorenlisted leadersthatdiscussedseniorenlistedtalent management, Sailors’ concerns regarding professional development, and how she is looking to the Chiefs’ Mess to mentor and implement the GRGB rollout to the IW community

The final day of the summit include updatesfromNavalSafetyCommand;medi cal and mental health updates; diversity equityandinclusion;publicaffairs,TheIW NavalJuniorOfficerCounsel,andamento ringpanel.

In her closing remarks, Aeschbach encouraged all leaders to connect with

NAVIFOR for assistance to more rapidly effectchangewhenneeded “WearecommittedtotheTYCOMbeing the force enabler for you, especially when it comes to removing barriers to make your jobs easier,” said Aeschbach. “We get the creditforwhatwedobecauseyouaredoing greatthingsintheFleet.”

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically supe rior manned, trained, equipped, and certi fied combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN.

FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.

ALZ.org/TimeToTalk If you’renoticing changes, it could be Alzheimer’s. Talk about visiting adoctor together. “Early detection gaveusmoretime to find informationand support together.” CommanderViceAdm.KellyAeschbach addressed leaders from over50 InformationWarfare (IW) commands across the globe on hertop priorities and the importance ofIW The Commander Summit allowed IWleaders to discuss IWenterprise priorities including the Navy’s Get Real Get Bettermovement; IWreadiness; medical and mental health updates; diversity,equityand inclusion; and civilian manning in the IW community.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYROBERTFLUEGEL/RELEASED) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, December 8, 2022 Disclaimer:Attorney Advertising-The OshmanFirm, Gersowitz Libo &Korek, P.C.,and Hecht Kleeger& Damashek, P.C. areNew York andNew Jersey lawfirms, with co-counselinNorth Carolina. Theinformation youobtain in advertisement or linked websites is not, nor is it intended to be,legal advice.You should consult an attorneyfor advice regarding your individual situation. We inviteyou to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail.Contacting us does notcreate an attorney-client relationship.Nolegal services will be provided unlessa writtenagreement is signed by theclientand lawyer 530Hillsborough St Suite200 Raleigh, NC 27603 WeWill HandleYour Camp Lejeune Case ForLess If youlived or worked at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina from August1,1953,through December 31, 1987you mayhavebeen exposed to chemicals known to cause cancer and birth defects. Youmay be able to pursue aclaim under the Camp Lejeune JusticeAct. If your case is settled after filing your claim with the government but before filing in Court, our contingent feewill be only 25%. Even if we have to file your case in Court, our feewill be amaximum of 33⅓%. Youdonot need to paymore. Our team includes top-rated attorneys with over100 years combined experienceand morethan one billion dollars recoveredfor our clients. Do not trust your casetojustany lawfirm. Call1-800-870-7700 forhelp. https://camplejeunewateract.com

U.S. Navy Seabee Museum receives highest


American Alliance of Museums

TheU.S.NavySeabeeMuseum(USNSM) hasachievedaccreditationbytheAmerican Alliance of Museums (AAM), the highest national recognition afforded the nation’s museums.Accreditationsignifiesexcellence tothemuseumcommunity,togovernments funders,outsideagencies,and to the muse um-goingpublic

Located in Port Hueneme,California, the USNSMisone of10Navymuseums operatedbythe NavalHistoryand Heri tageCommand(NHHC)opentothepublic acrossthecountry.Themuseumisdedicated todocumentingandensuringtheconstruction and engineering accomplishments of the Seabees and the Civil Engineer Corps remain relevant and educating as many peopleaspossible.

Alliance Accreditation brings national recognitiontoamuseumforitscommitment to excellence,accountability,high profes sionalstandardsandcontinuedinstitutional improvement. Developedand sustainedby museumprofessionalsfor50years,theAlli ance’smuseumaccreditationprogramisthe field’sprimaryvehicleforqualityassurance self-regulation and public accountability It strengthens the museumprofession by promoting practices that enable leaders to makeinformeddecisions,allocateresources

wisely,and remain financially and ethically accountableinorder to provide thebest possibleservicetothepublic.

“EarningAlliance Accreditation has shapedtheUSNSM’sstrategicvisionforthe past15years.InpreparationfortheaccreditationreviewtheUSNSMstaffhasworked mindfully to bring all aspects of museum operations up to the highestprofessional industrystandardsand best practices,” said Dr.LaraGodbille, Directorofthe USNSM.

“The museum staff is so proudofaccomplishingthisfortheSeabeecommunityand knowing theirhistoryand heritage is being preservedandsharedexpertly.”

Of the nation’s estimated 33,000 museums,only 1,080 arecurrently accredited. The USNSMisone of only 77 museums accredited in California. USNSMisthe sixth of NHHC’s10museums to earnAllianceAccreditation.

“In layman’sterms,especially given NHHC’slimitedresourcing,this60%bench markshowsthatweoperateatthe“Smithso nian”levelofexcellenceinthestewardship ofthecollectionsinourcare,andthereturn on investment we provide to the Fleet and American People throughall of oureducational outreach and programming,” said NavalHistory and Heritage Command’s Deputy AssistantDirector,NavyMuseums DivisionJeffBarta.

Accreditation is arigorous but reward

ingprocess thatexamines all aspects of a museum’soperations.Toearn accreditation, amuseumfirstmustconduct ayear of self-study,and thenundergo asite visit by ateam of peer reviewers.The Alliance’s AccreditationCommission,anindependent and autonomous body of museum professionals,considerstheself-studyandvisiting committeereport to determine whether a museumshouldreceiveaccreditation.

“This multi-year accreditationprocess ensures that we runour museums to the highestprofessionalindustrystandardsand bestpractices,”saidBarta.“Nationwide,only around3%ofthe nation’smuseums meet the highlyrigorous standards to be accredited.Dr.GodbilleandherteambuiltUSNSM from the groundupwith accreditation as theultimate goal andwe’revery proud of theimmenseworkandtalentthatwentinto theeffort.”

In additiontotraditional museum oper ations, USNSMhouses the Seabee Archive whichincludesrecordsrelatedtobothexpe ditionarySeabeeconstructionandthedevel opmentofthe navalshoreestablishment by the Civil Engineer Corps. TheSeabees Archivesisusedbyavarietyofresearchers includingveteransandtheirfamilies,scholars, and government agencies.The records heldatUSNSMarefrequentlyusedbyAllied nations to assistwith joint regional base construction,environmental restoration,


TheUnited States Navy Seabee Museum wasestablished in 1947and is the second oldest Navy museum in theNHHCsystem. The USNSMislocatedoutside the Knott Gate on NavalBaseVenturaCounty,Port Hueneme; baseaccess is not required. For moreinformationaboutthemuseuminclud ing visitor information, upcomingeduca tion programs and Seabee Archiveonline readingroom,visit www.history.navymil/ seabeemuseum.

NHHC, locatedatthe Washington Navy Yard,isresponsiblefor preserving,analyz ing,anddisseminatingU.S.navalhistoryand heritage. It provides the knowledge foun dation for the Navy by maintaininghistorically relevant resources and products that reflect the Navy’s unique and endur ing contributionsthrough our nation’s history and supports the fleet by assisting withand delivering professionalresearch, analysis,and interpretiveservices.NHHC comprises manyactivities,including the Navy Department Library,the Navy Oper ationalArchives,the Navy art and artifact collections,underwater archeology,Navy histories,10museums,theUSSConstitution repairfacility,andthehistoricshipNautilus Formorenews fromNHHC, visit www. history.navy.mil

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B-21 Raider makes public debut; will become backbone of Air Force’s bomber fleet

PALMDALE Calif (AFNS) In a tangi bledisplayofthenation’sresolveinmeeting security threats, the U.S. Air Force, on Dec 2,publiclyunveiledtheB-21Raider,thefirst new, long-range strike bomber in a gener ation and an aircraft specifically designed to be the multifunctional backbone of the modernizedbomberfleet.

WhiletheB-21isn’texpectedtobeoperationalandintroducedintoserviceforseveral more years the formal unveiling ceremony hostedbyNorthropGrummanCorporation at its production facilities in California is a significantmilestoneintheAirForce’seffort tomodernizecombatcapabilities.TheB-21 is designed to be a more capable and adapt able, state-of-the-art aircraft that will graduallyreplaceagingB-1LancerandB-2Spirit bombersnowinservice.

According to design requirements the B-21 is a long-range, highly survivable stealth bomber capable of delivering a mix ofconventionalandnuclearmunitions The aircraft will play a major role supporting nationalsecurityobjectivesandassuringU.S. alliesandpartnersacrosstheglobe

Senior defense officials note that the National Defense Strategy and other analy ses make clear the need for the B-21 and its capabilities

“The B-21 Raider is the first strategic bomberinmorethanthreedecades,”Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin said during

the ceremony “It is a testament to America’s enduring advantages in ingenuity and innovation. And it’s proof of the Depart ment’s long-term commitment to building advancedcapabilitiesthatwillfortifyAmer ica’s ability to deter aggression, today and intothefuture.

The B-21, Austin said, “is deterrence the American way. This isn’t just another airplane It’s not just another acquisition.

It’s the embodiment of America’s deter mination to defend the republic that we all love It’satestamenttoourstrategyofdeterrence—with the capabilities to back it up everytimeandeverywhere.

The world and its threats have changed dramaticallysincethelastnewbomberwas introduced in 1988, as has the way the Air Force,otherU.S.militaryservicesandallies worktogetherasajoint,multi-domainforce Senior defense officials say that new think ing and innovation are needed to meet the newandemergingthreats.

“Thatinnovativespiritissittingbehindus rightnow,”AirForceChiefofStaffGen.CQ Brown,Jr.,toldreportersshortlybeforethe planewasunveiled.

“Youthinkaboutwhatwe’reabletodoin theamountoftimewiththeworkforcehere fromNorthropGrumman,thecollaboration withtheUnitedStatesAirForcetobringina capability using a digital approach which is newanddifferentfromanythingwe’vedone anymajorprogram,that’spartoftheRaider spirit,”hesaid.

The B-21 is the first new bomber to be

introducedsincetheendoftheColdWar.Air Forceofficialsenvisionanultimatefleetofat least 100 aircraft with an average procurement unit cost requirement of $692 million (baseyear2022dollars)

“When I think about accelerate change this is exactly what it means to be able to bring this kind of capability very quickly and be able to adapt it vis à-vis the threat,” Brown said in his meeting with reporters “And so today, I’m really excited that we bringtheB-21Raiderintothefuture It’llbe thebackboneofourbomberfleet.”

The aircraft is designed with updated stealth qualities and mission flexibility that senior leaders in the Air Force and across the Department of Defense say are necessarytoachievetheU.S.goalofachiev ing integrated deterrence, and if neces sary, capabilities required to successfully respond to aggression anywhere in the world at any time

The specific B-21 unveiled Dec. 2 is one ofsixunderproduction.Eachisconsidered atestaircraft,buteachisbeingbuiltonthe sameproductionline,usingthesametools, processes, and technicians who will build production aircraft. This approach has enabled production engineers and technicians to capture lessons learned and apply themdirectlytofollow-onaircraft,driving home a focus on repeatability, producibil ity and quality

Thetimingforfirstflightwillbedataand event, not date driven.



have been made Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota will become the first Main Oper ating Base and formal training unit for the B-21. WhitemanAFB Missouri and Dyess AFB Texas, are the preferred locations for the remaining home bases Each will receive aircraft as they become available

In addition to building a bomber with state-of-the-art technology and capabil ities, Air Force officials emphasized the focus on containing costs while simulta neously allowing for maximum flexibility

Forexample theB-21isdesignedwithan open systems architecture that will enable rapid future capability integration to keep pace with the highly contested threat environment

TheB-21designisbasedonfirmrequirementswithexistingandmaturetechnology tocontrolprogramcosts Infact,theplane’s prime contractor, Northrop Grumman, has been directed to use production processes, productiontooling,andaproductionwork force that ensures sustained and seamless production while avoiding unnecessary costs

“Leveraging innovative manufacturing techniques, open systems architectures and active management allows us to inte grate new technology as it matures and ensurestheB-21canadapttofuturethreats andbesuccessfulwhenandwhereweneed it, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics AndrewP.Hunter,said.

USS Ronald Reagan Sailors attend Reagan National Defense Forum & visit Reagan Ranch

USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)

Five Sailors currently assigned to the U.S. Navy’s only forward-deployed aircraft carrierUSSRonaldReagan(CVN76)visited California to attend the Reagan National Defense Forum (RNDF) and learn more abouttheship’snamesake,PresidentRonald Reagan,Dec.2-3.

SailorswereselectedtoattendtheRNDF forthefirsttimefollowingtheirselectionas FiscalYear(FY)2022SailorsoftheYearfor theirrespectivepaygrade

Another Ronald Reagan Sailor was invited to sing the national anthem prior to the keynote address given by Secretary of DefenseLloydJ.AustinIII.

Prior to attending the RNDF, Sailors also toured the grounds of the Ronald Reagan PresidentialLibrary&Museum,theReagan Ranch Center, and Rancho Del Cielo, Pres identReagan’spersonalvacationproperty

Sailors attended panels including Members of Congress high-level Depart ment of Defense (DoD) civilians and senior military leadership, including Chief of

MichaelLantron SIMIVALLEY CA(Dec 3,2022) ChiefAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment) LavonTurner from Meridian,Mississippi,and assigned to the U.S.
Navy’s onlyforward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76),sings the national anthem priorto the keynote speakeraddress from SecretaryofDefense LloydJ.Austin III during the Reagan National Defense Forum (RNDF) at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library& Museum
The B-21 Raiderwas unveiled to the public at a ceremonyDec.2,2022 in Palmdale,Calif.Designed to operate in tomorrow’s high-end threat environment the B-21will playa critical role in ensuringAmerica’s enduring airpowercapability.(U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTO)
CSG commencestrainingexercise
Abraham Lincoln
CarrierStrike Group commenced its Sustainment Exercise
to maintaining
at sea Nov.29 PageB4 TurntoUSSRonaldReagan, Page 7 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, December 8, 2022 1
TheAbraham Lincoln
demonstrating its commitment
America’s advantage

USS Howard conducts change of command ceremony

YOKOSUKA Japan Cmdr Kenji

Igawa relieved Cmdr Travis Montplaisir as commanding officer of Arleigh Burke-class guided-missiledestroyerUSSHoward(DDG 83) during a change of command ceremony aboardtheship,Dec.1.

Montplaisir, a Missouri native, has served as commanding officer since August 2021.

During his command, Howard completed two 7th Fleet patrols, a Wellington, New Zealand relationship building port visit, selectedrestrictedavailability contractorsea trialsandledthecrewthroughthebeginning ofbasicphase

“ThiscommandwasmorerewardingthanI couldhaveeverhopedfor,andit’sallbecause of the Sailors’ exceptional support and dedi cation to Howard and her mission”, said Montplaisir. “It has been the highest honor

ofmy28yearcareertoservewitheachofyou. Howardisthebestshipwiththebestcrew.”

Montplaisir’snextdutyassignmentisatthe AustralianJointStaffCollege

Igawa’s most recently served as Howard’s executiveofficer.

“I set my face boldly like a flint, looking at the challenges that will come, the tasks our ship will be called to, in support of our nation’sobjectives,insupportofournation’s defense, because we go in to face no mission alone,” said Igawa. “We have each other, and together,weareReadyforVictory.”

Igawa’s previous sea assignments include CombatSystemsOfficerandWeaponsOfficer ofUSSPrinceton(CG59),AssistantDamage ControlAssistantandRepairDivisionOfficer ofUSSTarawa(LHA1),andCommunications OfficerofUSSStethem(DDG63).

Ashore,heservedastheJapanDeskChief, Joint Staff Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5), Asia Directorate; Congressional Fellow

in the office of Congressman Seth Moul ton (MA-06); Deputy Executive Assistant to the Commander of U.S. Third Fleet; and CompanyOfficerattheU.S.NavalAcademy.

Commissioned in 2001, the ship is named in honor of Marine Corps 1st Sgt. Jimmie E. Howard He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1967 by President Lyndon B. JohnsonforhisheroiceffortsintheVietnamWar.

Howard is assigned to Commander, Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15, the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S. 7th fleet’s principal surfaceforce U.S. 7th Fleet conducts forward-deployed naval operations in support of U.S. national interests in the Indo-Pacific area of operations. As the U.S. Navy’s largest numbered fleet, 7th Fleet interacts with 35 other maritimenationstobuildpartnershipsthatfoster maritime security, promote stability, and preventconflict.



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mately85%complete Sofar,thesoilhasbeen placed in more than 100 55-gallon drums Additionally a significant amount of the contaminated asphalt and concrete swale has been removed from the site and taken to an interim site on JBPHH. All of the AFFF free product in the interior of Adit 6 has been absorbed with absorbent pads, and a technical evaluation is currentlyinprogresstodeterminethemeansandmethodsto remediateAFFFfromtheconcretesurface.

„ JTF-RH defueling-related repairs, modifications and enhancements are suspended presently to focus on spill response and to better understand the current risk situation duetotheabsenceofthenormalAFFFcoverage

„ The AFFF system at the RHBFSF is offline and on-site fire protectionisbeingmanagedbyFederalFirefromJBPHH.

„ JTF-RH will appoint an investigating officer to conduct a thorough investigation into the Red Hill AFFF release in the comingdays


JTF-RH has released additional photos of ongo ing remediation at: https://www.dvidshub.net/feature/ JointTaskForceRedHill

TheNavy’sdrinkingwaterremainssafe;waterinthesystem continues to come from the Waiawa shaft, located approximatelysixmilesaway

JTF-RH was established by the Secretary of Defense to ensure the safe and expeditious defueling of the RHBFSF Importantly,JTF-RHisalsocommittedtoconsistentengage ment with local stakeholders to rebuild trust with the people ofHawaii For more information about JTF RH, or to provide public comment via the contact form, please visit https://www pacom.mil/JTF-Red-Hill/.

AdditionalupdateswillbepostedtotheJointBaseFacebook page (www.facebook.com/jbphh) and on the web at: https:// cnrh.cnic.navy.mil/Operations-and-Management/Red-Hill/ Red-Hill-News-Releases-and-Media-Cover

YOKOSUKA Japan (Dec 1,2022) Cmdr Kenji Igawa,relieves Cmdr Travis Montplaisir outgoing commanding officerofArleigh Burke-class guided-
destroyerUSS Howard
ceremonyaboard the ship forward-deployed to Commander FleetActivities Yokosuka,Dec.1.Howard
Commander TaskForce 71/DestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 15,the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON
Commander,NavyRegionHawaiiandJoint TaskForce-RedHillissuedthefollowinginfor mational updates today regarding response efforts to the Nov. 29 Aqueous Film Forming Foam(AFFF)releaseattheRedHillBulkFuel StorageFacility(RHBFSF):
(DOH) approved the Navy’s PFAS Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), which outlines the sampling strategy at RHBFSF, in response to the Nov. 29 AFFF release at Adit 6. The SAP was developed in direct coordination with DOH and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)andfollowsapprovedtestingmethods. „ Includedintheplan,theNavywilltestnine groundwater monitoring wells in the vicinity forPFAS „ Approximately 3,000 cubic feet of soil has been targeted for removal from the site. That portion of the excavation is now approxi-
„ OnDec.1,theHawaiiDepartmentofHealth
Navy Region Hawaii, Joint Task Force-Red Hill provide updates on response efforts to AFFF release at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility ABOVE:AIEA,Hawaii (Nov.30,2022) Photo ofthe temporarystaging area foraqueous film-forming foam recoveryat the Red Hill BulkFuel Storage Facility. BELOW:Two Naval Facilities Engineering System Command contractors place absorbent mats on an aqueous film-forming foam spill at the Red Hill BulkFuel Storage Facility.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSCHRISTOPHERTHOMAS) Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is
called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose
PPVor government operated This is housing outside
is privately owned and operated
that is not
ofthe base that
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Mid-Atlantic Fleet and
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AbrahamLincoln Carrier StrikeGroup commences training exercise

The Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group (ABECSG) commenced its Sustain ment Exercise (SUSTEX) demonstrating its commitment to maintaining America’s advantage at sea Nov. 29

The strikegroup,commanded by Rear Adm. Kevin Lenox, includes flagship USS AbrahamLincoln(CVN72),thesquadrons of Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9, and ships from Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 21.

During SUSTEX,ABECSGwill execute flightoperationswithCVW 9’scarri

er-based aircraft and undergo amyriad of integrated training evolutions that test everycorewarfareareaincludinginforma tion warfare, air defense,long-range strike and surface and subsurface warfare.

“Sincereturning from deploymentin August, the ships and squadrons of CSG-3 have trained continuously to ensurethat they arereadytoanswer the call if needed. SUSTEX takes that training to the next level, emphasizing the integration and teamworkthatgivesuscompetitiveadvan tageinallwarfightingdomainsagainstany potential adversary,” said Lenox. “These

talented Sailors standreadytorespond, compete and win across the full spectrum of competition and conflict.”

The ABECSG returned to North Island in Augustafter a7-month deployment in support of maritimesecurity operationsin the3rdand7thFleetareasofoperation.The morethan 5,500 Sailors assigned to CSG-3 ships and units support maritime security, maintain freedom of the seasinaccordance with international lawand customs,and promoteregionalstabilityintheIndo-Pacific.

The ABECSGincludes aircraft carrier USSAbraham Lincoln (CVN 72); Carrier

Air Wing (CVW) 9; Destroyer Squadron 21; the Ticonderoga class guided-mis sile cruiser USSMobile Bay(CG 53); and the ArleighBurke-class guided-missile destroyers USSFitzgerald (DDG 62),USS Gridley (DDG 101), USSSampson (DDG 102), USSSpruance (DDG 111), USSPreble (DDG 88), USSMomsen (DDG 92)and Pre-Commissioning Unit Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee (DDG 123)

FormoreinformationonCarrier Strike Group Three,visit https://www.airpac. navy.mil/Organization/Carrier-StrikeGroup-3/

currentlyunderwayconducting routine operations in U.S. 3rdFleet (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMADISONCASSIDY)
SANDIEGO Nimitz-class aircraftcarrierUSSAbraham Lincoln (CVN 72)transitsSan Diego Bay.Abraham Lincoln is
4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, December 8, 2022

Senior militaryleaders from seven partnernationskickedoffplanningforthe29th iterationoftheRimofthePacific(RIMPAC)

military exercise at the 2022Senior Leadership Summit, held in Victoria, British ColumbiafromNov.30—Dec.1

The seminar —hosted by Commander, Maritime Forces Pacific, and Deputy Commander, RIMPAC Combined Task Force, RoyalCanadian Navy Rear Adm. Christopher Robinson —provided an opportunity for RIMPAC 2022Senior Leadership Group and ExecutiveSteering Committee members to discuss lessons learned from RIMPAC 2022 to guide RIMPAC 2024planning

“RIMPAC 2022was atremendous success,showcasing the integration of 26 capable,adaptivepartners.”saidRobin son, “This week, we finalized that chap ter and began writing the next, bringing these seniorleaders together to provide the initial planning guidance and intent for RIMPAC 2024.”

RIMPAC is theworld’s largest maritime exerciseaimedatprovidingtrainingoppor tunities and strengthening relationships betweenpartnernations.TheSLSisoneof the initial conferences for RIMPAC 2024.

More than 40 partner nation representatives,support staff and keyexercise working group leaders participated in the seminar, discussingtopics including focus area reviews,lessons learned, command

andcontrol,aswellasbusinessrulesandan ExecutiveSteeringCommitteeroundtable Commander,U.S.3rd Fleet, and Commander,RIMPAC CombinedTask Force, Vice Adm. Michael Boyle,charged thoseatthose at the summit to improve on last summer’sexercise

“Atthestartofthissummit,Ichargedthe teamtolookateverythingthroughthelens of,‘Howdowemakethisexercise better?’ and ‘How do we move the ball forward?’ ” said Boyle.“We didthat, and whatthe team has done herelaid the foundation for RIMPAC 2024 to continue as the world’s premierjointandcombinedmaritimeexer cise andshowcasetheenduringinteroperability of our coalition partners.” RIMPACbeganin1971andhasbeenheld

bienniallysince1974.Thefoundingnations areUnited States,Australia, and Canada. The exercise is hosted by U.S. Pacific Fleet andplannedandexecutedbyU.S.3rdFleet.

An integralpart of U.S. Pacific Fleet, U.S. 3rdFleet operatesnaval forces in the Indo-Pacificinadditiontoprovidingrealis ticandrelevanttrainingacrossthefullspec trumofmilitaryoperations—fromcombat operations to humanitarian assistance and disasterrelief.U.S.3rdFleetworksinclose coordination with other numbered Fleets toprovidecommanderswithcapable,ready forcestodeployforwardandwininday-to daycompetition, in crisis,and in conflict.

Formoreinformation, visit www.c3f navy.mil orhttps://www.dvidshub.net/ unit/COM-US3rdFleet.

Military leaders kick-off 2024 Rim of the Pacificplanning Seniormilitaryleadersfromseven partnernations pose fora group photo during the Rim ofthe Pacific(RIMPAC)2022 SeniorLeadership Summit inVictoria,British Columbia,Nov.30 The seminar–hostedbyCommander,Maritime Forces Pacific,andDeputyCommander,RIMPAC CombinedTaskForce,RoyalCanadian NavyRearAdm.ChristopherRobinson –providedan opportunityforRIMPAC 2022SeniorLeadership Group and ExecutiveSteeringCommitteememberstodiscuss lessons learnedfromRIMPAC 2022toguide RIMPAC 2024planning. (ROYALCANADIANNAVYPHOTOBYSAILOR1STCLASSKENDRICGRASBY) www flagshipnews.com |The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, December 8, 2022 5

Nurse namesake for new destroyer continues to inspire

Eighty years after her death, Canadian immigrant and U.S. Navy nurse Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee continues to inspire the womeninvolvedwithoutfittinganewNavy destroyernamedforher.

Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Jacksonville provides integrated logistics servicesfornewshipconstructioninPasca goula, Mississippi, where Pre-Commis sioning Unit (PCU) Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee (DDG 123) was built by Huntington Ingalls Industries.

The Navy accepted delivery of PCU Higbee on Nov. 30 To prepare for that milestone, military and civilian logisticians assigned to the FLC generated over 17,700 initial requisitions valued at more than $16.9 million. They outfitted the ship with 97.13% of its allowed material list to ensure thattheArleighBurke-classguided-missile destroyer is ready for sea. This exceeds the supply readiness objective established by NAVSUPandNavalSeaSystemsCommand.

But it wasn’t just business as usual with thisparticularshipforsomeoftheNAVSUP FLC Jacksonville women who participated in its preparation. They feel part of the Higbeelegacy LenahH.SutcliffeHigbeeemigratedfrom Canada to the United States and became a pioneerinNavynursing,receivingtheNavy Crossforherdistinguishedservicecombat ingtheSpanishfluduringWorldWarI.She was the first women to have a U.S. Navy warship named for her, and DDG 123 is the seconddestroyertobearhername

Nurses were the first women to serve in the U.S. Navy, beginning with the official establishment of the Navy Nurse Corps in May1908 Higbeewasoneoftheoriginal20 Navy nurses known as the Sacred Twenty She served as the second superintendent of the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps during World WarIandiscreditedwithshapingtheyoung organization and expanding it from 160 to 1,300nurses Higbee’s story resonated with Yineiry “Genie” Ducre, who serves as the DDG Platform Manager for the FLC in Pasca goula. Like Higbee, Ducre is an immigrant and found a new home in the U.S. Navy As a female Navy pioneer, Higbee opened the door for women like Ducre to have roles in theNavy

“Formepersonally,it’sanhonor Likeher, I was also an immigrant. My family came from the Dominican Republic, and I joined theU.S.Navy,”Ducresaid.

“I feel like I’ve come full circle, I started myNavycareerat17yearsoldservingaboard the destroyer USS Mahan (DDG 72) in the Deck Division as a striker for storekeeper I arrived aboard the ship two days before theNavybirthdayandcutthecake, shesaid “Now,I’mtheDDGplatformmanager.”

Culinary Specialist Senior Chief Lakesia Jackson leads the Fleet Support Team and assists prospective supply officers as they establish the Supply Department aboard pre-commissioningunitships.

“I’ve served on active duty as a culinary specialist in the U.S. Navy for 23 years and it’sbeenanhonortoworkonthefutureUSS Higbee,” Jackson said. “It’s amazing, my daughter asks me when I go home, ‘What did you do today?’ And it excites me to see

her face light up when I explain to her what I do for the Navy to deliver ships to the fleet.”

Analila “Lilli” Tosado is a Navy civil ian assigned to the Outfitting Branch. In addition to being an immigrant and Navy veteran,Tosadohasadaughterwhoworks in medicine

“My family migrated from Mexico, and I’m the first female in my family to join the military.I’maretiredU.S.Navystorekeeper,” Tosado said. “My 22-year-old daughter works as a multi-skilled technician in the Medical Telemetry Department at Memo rial Hospital at Gulfport. It’s a great honor thefactthatshe(Higbee)isafemale Forher tobeoneofthefirstNavynursessetsagreat exampleforotherstofollow.”

The connections continue. Rita F. John son-Amaker is a retired U.S. Army master sergeant and works as a purchase card holder in the Technical Data Branch in Pascagoula. She is responsible for procur ing general-use consumable material for ships HerauntcurrentlyservesataU.S.Air Forcenurse.

“I feel honored to support a ship named after a female who served during WWI as a Navy nurse Women have always found ways to serve in the military in one form of another,” Johnson-Amaker said. “Nursing was one of the first, and it’s a job that’s still ingreatdemandtodayasitwasbackthen.”

Vanessa Davis is a retired Navy storekeeper who has worked in the Pascagoula Outfitting Branch, though she is currently theLPDplatformmanager

“For me, it’s full circle from serving on a shiptoworkingonashipthat’snamedfora female.Asachild,IwantedtojointheNavy

Now, I feel proud to be associated with the ship,especiallyafterlearningabouther,”said Davis, who has a sister and niece who are medicaltechnicians

“She’s what I would’ve liked to learn about while I was serving on active duty in theNavy.”

Iris Linder temporarily filled in as acting DDG platform manager while Higbee was under construction. An Air Force veteran, shehasfamilytiestoNavynursing

“I retired from the U.S. Air Force with 27 yearsofhonorableservice,andhaveover30 years of supply experience It’s an honor to workonthisshipandknowthetrailblazing historybehinditsnamesake,”Lindersaid.

“I’m also the only female in my family to join the military My grandmother was a civiliannurseattheNavybaseinMobileand Pensacola,andmydaughterrecentlyfollowed inmyfootstepsandjoinedtheU.S.Army.”

A century ago, Higbee retired from the Navy on Nov. 30, 1922. She died in 1941 in WinterPark,Florida,andisburiedatArling tonNationalCemetery.

This spring, PCU Higbee is scheduled to becommissionedintoserviceataceremony inKeyWest,Florida

Read more about Lenah Higbee at the Naval History and Heritage Command: https://www.history.navy.mil/browse-bytopic/people/namesakes/lenah-higbee html


NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville
FLC Jacksonville is one of eight Fleet Logistics Centers under Naval SupplySystemsCommand.Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 22,500 military and civilian personnel
6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, December 8, 2022
USS Lenah S.Higbee dressed forthe ceremony.(PHOTOCOURTESYMICHAELDUHE)

Crew of future USS Idaho (SSN 799) holds first change of command ceremony

Groton, Connecticut Cmdr Nicholas Meyers,thefirstcommandingofficerofthe crew of the future USS Idaho (SSN 799), turned command over to Cmdr Randall Leslie in a traditional change of command ceremony held Friday, Dec 2, at Naval Submarine Base New London in Groton, Connecticut.

“Itisaspecialhonortobeawarship’sfirst CO,” said Capt John Stafford, commander of Submarine Squadron 4. “When the history of the submarine Idaho is written, Cmdr Meyers will be remembered as the crew’s very first commanding officer, and leader who prepared these exceptional Sailors who made Idaho a fighting ship of the line.

The future Virginia-class fast attack submarine USS Idaho is under construc tion at General Dynamics Corp.’s Electric BoatshipyardinGroton.Itscrewisknown as a pre-commissioning unit (PCU) until thesubmarineiscommissionedasanoper ational ship

“Serving as commanding officer of the future USS Idaho’s first crew is the high light of my Navy career,” said Meyers, a native of Cumberland, Maryland. “I am tremendously proud of the Sailors on this team,thedrivethey’veshowntogetthem

selves and their submarine ready for oper ation, and the incredible relationships they’ve built not only across the Navy, but in the community with the public as well.”

During Meyers’ tenure, he led members of the crew on visits to the submarine’s namesake state on multiple occasions, working with the civilian commissioning committee to build strong bonds in the community there.

“I am grateful and deeply honored for all the support I received over the past few years from this outstanding crew, the squadron staff, the patriotic shipbuilders atElectricBoat,peopleofthegreatstateof Idahoand,perhapsmostofall,mywonder ful family,” Meyers said. “I look forward to seeingallthatthefuture-USSIdahoaccom plishes under the skillful leadership of Cmdr Leslie, and in defense of the United States of America.

The future USS Idaho is scheduled to be the 26th Virginia-class submarine to join the fleet and eighth in the Block IV of the class. The Block IV submarines are notable for incorporating smaller-scale design changes that increase the number ofdeploymentsasubcancompleteforeach period of regular shipyard maintenance

SSN799willbethefifthU.S.Navyshipto be named for the Gem State The last ship tocarrythenamewasaNewMexico-class battleshipthatservedduringWorldWarII.


ChiefAviationBoatswain’sMate(Equip ment)LavonTurner fromMeridian,Mississippi, sang the national anthem and felt extremepridebeingabletoattendtheevent andsinginfrontofhigh-rankingDoDleadership

“It was just a great experience to sing at this event for people at that level,” said Turner “This opportunity was a blessing andisagreatstoryIcantellmykidsasthey getolder.”

“Cmdr Meyers’inspiringleadershiphas prepared the crew of the future USS Idaho tobesuccessfulformanyyearstocome It’s a true honor for me to take command now andservewiththistremendouscrewaswe work with our Electric Boat teammates to gettheGemoftheFleetreadyforsea,”said Leslie,anativeofHighland,California,who attendedhighschoolinnearbyRedlands “I could not have reached this point without the sage advice of my Navy mentors over the years and the loving support of my family, and to them, I express my deepest gratitude To the Sailors of Idaho, I’m truly excitedtojoinyouaswecarryonthewarf ighting legacy of the men and women that have served throughout the history of the land we now call Idaho.”

ThefutureUSSIdahowillbehomeported in Groton and operate under Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) 4. During his period of command, Meyers enabled up to 60 percentofthePCUIdahoSailors,acrossall paygrades, to temporarily join operational submarine crews in Georgia, Virginia and Connecticuttosupportarangeofunderway missions vital to national security, provid ing Idaho Sailors with valuable experience while enhancing the capabilities of other crews

“Ithasbeenatruepleasuretoworkwith Cmdr Meyers over the last two and a half years to establish and grow this pre-com-

rience and it was pretty cool to see Presi dentReagan’slifestyleawayfromtheWhite House.”

Rachel Hoff, Policy Director for the Reagan Institute’s Washington, D.C. office, explainedtheimportanceofhavingtheSail orsattendtheforumandbeakeylinkforthe forum’saudience

missioning unit into a crew that not only lentsupporttotheshipbuildersconstruct ingtheIdaho,buttotheoperationalsubma rines along the waterfront,” said Stafford. “Cmdr Leslie is an extraordinary talent who inherits a great crew I’m confident he’stherightleadertotakethisteamtosea. Cmdr Leslie, as you prepare to bring the Idaho into a world of growing geopolitical uncertainty my squadron staff and I stand ready to support you.

RearAdm.RobertWirth,deputydirector of strategic targeting and nuclear mission planning at U.S. Strategic Command, was theguestspeakeratFriday’sevent Meyers served under Wirth during Wirth’s tour as commandingofficeroftheGoldCrewofthe Ohio-classballisticmissilesubmarineUSS Alaska (SSBN 736)

Fast-attack submarines are multi-missionplatformsenablingfiveofthesixNavy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control, power projection, forward pres ence, maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-sub marine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance irreg ular warfare and mine warfare. Fast-at tack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Toma


“The Ronald Reagan Sailors are part of the living legacy of President Reagan,” said Hoff “Every forum is anchored through ‘Peace Through Strength, which is also the ship’s motto That saying is also so relevant in today’s world and we hope to get more Sailorshereinyearstocometocontinuethat relationship.”

“Myfavoritepaneltalkedaboutretention ofservicemembersaftertheirfirstre-enlist ment,”saidLowery “Hearingwhatavariety of leaders discuss the importance of topics like taking care of our families, PCS issues and things that effect servicemembers on a daily basis, especially the more junior Sail ors who are just figuring out how to be in

InformationSystemsTechnicianSeaman Tiana Johnson, Reagan’s FY-22 Bluejacket of the Year from Arlington, Texas, felt the best part of the trip was attending Rancho delCielo

“For me, I’ve never been on a ranch before,” said Johnson. “Seeing everything that made up the ranch was a new expe

“What the USS Ronald Reagan and the Sailors onboard are doing is keeping Pres ident Reagan’s legacy and his principle of ‘Peace Through Strength’ alive in today’s world, saidHoff “WhattheSailorsonboard [RonaldReagan]andthosewhohavejoined us here today are doing is implementing many of the policy conversations that are being talked about here and we love having themheretomaketheconnectionforallthe otherdefenseforumattendees.”

Hoff added that the hope is for Reagan

On the ship, Ronald Reagan’s legacy lives on through the design of various shipboard spaces releasedpublicationsandcommuni cation products, Ronald Reagan statues, as wellashistoricalartifactsondisplay Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the United States, and supports Alliances, partner ships and collective maritime interests in theIndo-Pacificregion.

hawk cruise missiles in the prevention or response to regional crises Cmdr Nicholas Meyers,right,shakes handswith Cmdr Randall Leslie moments afterturning overcommand ofPCU Idaho (SSN 799) as presiding officerCapt.John Stafford,commanderof Submarine Squadron 4,looks on.When completed theVirginia-class attacksubmarinewill be fifth U.S.Navyship to be named forthe Gem State.
(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJOHNNAREWSKI) Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday and Adm. John C. Aquilino, commander of U.S. Indo-PacificCommand For Master-at-Arms 1st Class Adonis Lowery,Reagan’sFY-22SeniorSailorofthe YearfromAlexandria,Virginia,hearingfrom key decision makers was an opportunity he wasgladtotakepartin
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USS Ronald Reagan
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On iberty

Oh, fish-mas tree! A winter wonderland at the Virginia Aquarium

Holiday family festivities for two nights in December


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center is decking the halls and transforming into a winterwonderlandduringHoli-Rays!Come dressed in your holiday best or festive paja masforaneveningoffamilyfunonDecem ber16and17from6to9p.m.

Meet Santa and Mrs Claus in the work shop as they prepare presents with the elves, or wave hello as jolly ol’ Saint Nick scubadivesunderthesea Helpthegrouchy Grump find his holiday spirit through the power of recycling Decorate an ornament usingrecycledmaterial,inkeepingwiththe Aquarium’smissiontoinspireconservation. Candy canes galore, there will be much for alltoexplore!

Ticketsare$25.95,andmembersreceivea 50%discount Onlineregistrationandtimed tickets are required due to limited capacity Ticketswillnotbeavailableatthedoor Children two years old and under get in free A paying adult must accompany children. To purchase tickets, visit www.virginiaaquar ium.com.

PRA Group is the exclusive corporate sponsor of the Virginia Aquarium’s after hours programming this year, including the Fins & Frights, Holi-Rays and FantaSea events A global leader in acquiring and servicingnonperformingloans PRAGroup prioritizes giving back to the communities

in which it operates around the world. As a long-time partner of the Aquarium, the company’sgenerousgiftshavefundedthree yearsoftheAquarium’seducationprogram ming,andPRAGroupwillbethetitlesponsor of the South Building grand opening anddedicationeventsoncerenovationsare complete

TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScience Center is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums TheAquariumisalsoamember of World Association of Zoos and Aquari ums The Virginia Aquarium’s mission is to inspire conservation of the marine envi ronment through education, research, and sustainable practices It is located at 717 General Booth Boulevard, just south of Rudee Inlet in Virginia Beach. The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foun dation a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supportstheworkoftheVirginiaAquarium. TheFoundationprocuresandmaintainsthe Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals andhabitats Itisalsoresponsibleforannual andcapitalfundraising,administrationand funding for the Virginia Aquarium Strand ing Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission-related education programs You can be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support our programming.


HAMPTON, Va Big Bad Voodoo Daddy’s annual “wild and swingin’ holi day party’ heads to Hampton’s American Theatre for the ultimate concert to cele brate the season, December 16th and 17th at 8p.m. Drawing from the contemporary swingband’slegendarydiscography,including “Everything You Want for Christmas” and “It Feels Like Christmas Time,” the eveningpromisestobearousingkick-offto ourfavoritetimeofyear

Together for over 28 years Big Bad Voodoo Daddy famously named after an autograph by blues legend Albert Collins has appeared in concert venues across the world, sold millions of records, and had their music appear in hundreds of movies andtelevisionshows

With sold-out concerts from the Hollywood Bowl to Lincoln Center, appearances withmanyofthecountry’sfinestsymphony orchestras and television appearances ranging from “Dancing with the Stars” to SuperbowlXXXIII,BigBadVoodooDaddy

continues its decades-long mission to celebrateandrevitalizejazzandswingmusic America’s

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original musical art form and bring joy to audiences around the world. “Audienceswilllovewhensing-a-longholi day classics converge with Big Bad Voodoo Daddy’s iconic sound, said Hampton Arts Artistic Director Richard M. Parison, Jr “Knowing that the band is such a hit, we’ve scheduledtwoperformancestoensurefans throughout Coastal Virginia can enjoy this terrificwaytocelebratingtheseason,andall thatdowntownPhoebushastooffer.” Individual performance tickets start at $35andmaybepurchasedinpersonatThe American Theatre Box Office or Hamp ton Coliseum Box Office Tickets may be orderedonlineattheamericantheatre.org. Box Office Hours: „ TheAmericanTheatre 757.722.2787 125EastMellenStreet,Hampton,VA Openstwohoursbeforeperformance „ HamptonColiseum 757.838.4203 1000ColiseumDrive Hampton,VA 10a.m. 4p.m. TuesdaythroughFriday Big Bad Voodoo Daddy to perform their hit swingin’ holiday show Dec. 16 & 17 in Hampton Mouthwatering recipes to beef up your holiday menu Beef aversatile,beloved ingredient can be used in appetizers,sides and main courses alike.Checkout these recipes thatwill bring guests backformore PageC4 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 8, 2022 1

Coliseum Central is very proud to pres ent for the first time at the Hampton Coli seum,CirqueMusica:HolidayWonderland Sunday, December 11th at a special time of 7:00PM.“Wonderland”isanall-newcircus/ musical journey, blending the spellbinding, daredevilathleticismofworldrenownacro bats and aerialists with the holiday classics we all love and cherish “Wonderland” is guaranteedtodeliveranunforgettableholi day-themedshowexperiencefortheentire family.

ForticketsandVIPmeetandgreetoptions go to https://www.hamptoncoliseum. org/events/detail/coliseum-central-pres ents-cirque-musica-holiday-wonderland

Yiorgo:Withustodayisoneofthemain stars of the show, Samantha Duval. Thank youforbeingwithustodaySamantha.Why should people come to Cirque Musica: Holiday Wonderland? Without giving too much away, what will they see and expe rience at the show that they will not see anywhere else?

SamanthaDuval:ThankyouYiorgo Our fans are in for a treat. They are going to see something new and innovative. Typically whenpeoplecometoseethecircus,it’sjust the circus What we are doing is a blend of amusicalalongwithincrediblecircusacts Theywillseeastoryintertwinedwiththese beautiful performances It’s a great show for the whole family the kids love it, and welovehavingkidsintheaudiencebecause they are so much fun. They get into it and don’t hold back with their reactions and their performances



SD: For the pre-show and that’s free, one ofourcircusperformerswhoisalsoanactor intheshow,alongwithtwootherdancersgo out, greet people, take photos and welcome everyonetotheshow.Andifpeoplewantto meet the performers after the show, there is the VIP Experience for an additional fee, where you meet with some of the performers of the show There are two groups of at least10performersthatweswitchoffandon tomeetwithourfansaftertheshow.

Y: Again, without giving too much away, whatisyourpartintheshow?

SD: I portray Caroline the CEO of a big companyandthemaincharacteroftheshow that the story revolves around. Caroline is obsessedwithherworkandshewillnotput herphonedown Finally,herauntanduncle force her to take some time off for the holidays and pay attention to the world around her Onceshedoes,sherealizesthatthereare amazing things to see and pay more atten tion to She visits the world of wonderland and she realizes she needs to be more pres entandenjoyallthethingslifehastooffer

Y: What is your favorite part of the show asaperformer?

SD: As a performer, I get to sing a beau tiful number with a contortionist who also plays the lyre She is mesmerizing to watch and her technique is just perfect at every thing she does. She is a beautiful performer and the things she does with her body are amazing.

Y: What part of the show do you enjoy watchingasafan?

SD: The Wheel of Death is incredible to watch. I am not involved in that than God. For those not familiar with it, it’s a double

wheel, constantly spinning, with two guys wholooklikehamstersrunningaroundinit and on top of it. They do some phenomenal tricks They are not just great at what they do,theyaretechnicalperformerswhoreally getintowhattheydo

Y: When did you get involved with the company and what was the audition process like?

SD:Ifirstgotinvolvedwiththecompany five years ago. I received my audition through my agent and did it online I never met anyone until I showed up in Canada to start rehearsals I submitted the song Wonderland,anoriginalsongwrittenforthe show.IthinkIhadacallback,sanganother song and booked it. Five years ago they had twodifferentproductions,onemostlytour ing North America and the other mostly touring in Canada and I did the Canada tour.Ifoundoutwhatwinterwasreallylike. We were also performing a lot in ice arenas because that’s what they have in Canada. The stage was literally on top of the ice It wassooocold.

Y:Whatwastherehearsalprocesslikefor thisproductionandopeningnight?

SD:Wehaveperformersfromalloverthe world so it’s been a process getting everyone together We didn’t have our full cast untiltwodaysbeforeourfirstperformance. Trying to piece things together, conceptualizing what and how it will work together Wedidn’thaveallofoursetpiecesorprops Thankstoallofthehardworkoftrueprofes sionals we were able to put it all together pull it off without a hitch and the audience lovedit

Y: Let’s learn a little about you. Where wereyoubornandwhatmadeyoufallinlove


SD: I was born in Long Beach, California to a Brazilian mother and American father and I have dual citizenship with Brazil and the US My mom said that I started singing before I was even talking I was humming to the music and so on. They figured out quickly that I was very musical. My grand mother Margerie, God Bless her soul, paid formyvocallessonsandaroundtheageof13 Ijoinedatheatergroupandneverstopped I keptperforminginhighschoolproductions and local competitions I continued with it in college and the best thing that I got out of college was Justin, now my husband. He is my manager and biggest cheerleader We have traveled to over 80 countries and performedtogetheroncruiseshipsandvari oustheaters.


SD:WhenIwas22yearsold,Iwasasked to perform at this very prestigious Paz Pela Paz Festival in Brazil. They bring together superstarperformersfromallovertheworld and I was asked to open for Claudia Leite whoisahuge hugestarinBrazil.Sheasked me to sing the National Anthem in English and I performed in front of 30,000 people It was just mind blowing and I will never forgetit


SD: On Facebook I am under my name Samantha Duval On Instagram I am under sduvalsingsandmywebsiteis http://www samanthaduval.com/

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
The world renown
comes to the Hampton Coliseum this Sunday, Dec. 11th (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFCIRQUEMUSICA) LEFT&ABOVE: Samantha Duval (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFCIRQUEMUSICA) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, December 8, 2022
Cirque Musica: Holiday Wonderland

International star Craig Ferguson reflects on his life, career and living the American dream

Whatalife internationalstarCraigFerguson continues to live From hobo to hustler from rascal to actor, stand-up comedian, gameandtalkshowhostCraigFergusonhas done it all. Continuing to re-invent himself in the process, Craig has started touring againwithhisnewestshow,CraigFerguson TheFancyRascalTour Gotohttps://www thecraigfergusonshow.com/ for dates and infoaboutcomingtoyourarea.

Speaking to Craig from his home in Scotland, we covered many topics such as: stand-up comedy, coming to America and living the American Dream, hosting The Late Late Show, Drew Carey, Betty White, KathieLeeGiffordandsomuchmore

Yiorgo: Where were you born and why didyouchooseentertainmentforaliving?

Craig Ferguson: I was born in Glasgow, Scotland. I was from a working class blue colorfamily Iwasbornin1962andcameof ageinthelate70’s,early80’s.Therewasabig recessionhereandIendedupbeingadrum mer in the late 70’s Being in a band in 1978 was like having a twitter account today, it reallywas.SoIstartedmeetingpeoplewho were in show business One of the guys I workedwithsaidtome,“You’reprettyfunny, you should try standup comedy.” I tried it andthat’sreallyit that’showIstarted.

Y: Eventually you came to America and had the opportunity to work with Drew Carey. Can you tell us how you got the part ofMr WickonTheDrewCareyShow?

CF: It’s an interesting story I was just anotherimmigrantinHollywoodlookingfor a job and I would go to every audition. One day I was asked to audition for the Latino photographer for the TV sitcom Suddenly Susan with Brooke Shields I was like this is crazy, why would I do that? My buddy said, “What else are you going to do? You might as well go.” I went, the other actors therewereallLatinoguyslookinglikeAnto nio Banderas. I auditioned and we all were laughing about my Spanish accent, and at the end of my audition the casting director asked me to do a British accent, he liked it, andthat’showIgotthepartofMr Wick.So if I had never gone to the audition, I would haveneverbeenonTheDrewCareyShow.

Y: Can you share any Drew anecdotes on oroffcamera?

CF: Drew is still my friend. He is a great guy Youwillnotfindanyonewhosaysabad word about Drew When we did our 100 show, he rented a 757 airplane and flew us all to Mexico and then took us on a week’s cruise.DrewandBruceHelford,theco-cre atoroftheshow,paidforallofitandallofus, like170people.WewenttoCentralAmerica, Belize, Honduras. The level of generosity andgoodspirit,Ifeelveryluckytohavebeen apartofthatshow.

Y: What is it like to work with Betty White?

CF: Betty is one of the first people I ever worked with in America. My first job ever was working on the TV show Maybe This TimewithBettyWhiteandMarieOsmond. Marie was great and Betty was a fantas tic person. Betty had just finished Golden Girls She was still very young, only in her mid 70’s. She was a legend but she was very kind to me Everyday we would have lunch in her trailer, we would tell stories, and she was so supportive and kind I’ll never forget it. She did not need to do that. Many years later, Betty was getting a giant honor from the television academy and she asked me to speak about it. Before me was the entire surviving cast of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. It was like the Beatles and I had to go after it. I felt like the guy on The Ed Sullivan Show who did go after the Beatles I was horrified. Billy Crystal did the movie Mr Saturday Night and he was that person on The Ed Sullivan Show who had to go on after the Beatles and he said,“You’reexcited,Ijustboughtahouse. So I used that line Betty was the kindest, most gracious person. I thought everyone in Hollywood was going to be like that. There are a lot of unsavory types of people in Hollywood, that’s not a secret but there are some cool ones as well.

Y:WhatcanyoutellusaboutKathieLee Gifford?

CF: It’s a funny thing because we are so different, but we make each other laugh. Thereallessonhereisthatwedonotagree on anything, not religion, not politics and yetwearereallygoodfriendsbecausesheis adecent,goodperson.Iamveryhappywith the movie Then Came You that we made and happy to call her my friend. I knew

Y: Can you share any funny stories from the filming of Then Came You?

CF: As you know they shot the movie in Scotlandandofcourselanguageisdifferent here.Theword‘fannie’forinstancemeans ‘tushorbuttocks’butinScotlanditisavery very very dirty graphic word for vagina. She would use more swear words, she found out more words for the same thing and she would shock the crew with them. She is a highly entertaining individual.

Y:You, like me, are a very patriotic natu ralized American citizen. Why do you love America so much?

CF: It started very early for me When I was seven years old and I was allowed to

stay up late, I watched Americans land on the moon and it started with that as a little child Also my uncle James had emigrated to America and my dad and I visited him and my aunt Susan in Long Island New York when I was 13 years old. The culture shock, the vibrancy, the optimism and the sheer excitement of America, it was something that stayed with me as a kid. When I look at my life now, everything good that has happened to me: my career, my wife and children are American. I can’t express my gratitude enough to what America has done for me

Y: What was your biggest take away memory from doing The Late, Late Show for such a long time?

CF: It’s hard to answer that, but what it did for me and what I am grateful for, is that it demystified fame and success I met everyone on that show and what I realized was that some of them were really happy and some were not, some were nice, some were douchebags The truth is they are

who they are because of how they are, not because they are successful. The show for me took away any idea I had that success and fame would solve all your problems It clearlydoesn’tandthat’saveryworthwhile, grownupthingtohave Theotherthingthe show gave me was that because I was on televisionsomuch,Ijustdon’tgetnervous when I do other shows

Y: What was a pivotal moment in your life that changed the way you saw things forever?

CF:TherehavebeensomanybutIthink for me it would probably be in 1992 when I got sober and I stopped drinking alco hol.IrealizedonceIwassoberthatpeople judge you about how you behave I started to behave differently and people started to judge me on what I do

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist

Kathie when she was a guest on The Drew CareyShow.Iwasliketheeighthbananaon that show, she was the big star from Regis and Kathie Lee and she was so kind. We weretalkingatthesnacktable Mywifejust hadababyandshegavemesomechildren’s books she had written, just a sweet, nice person.
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At this year’s holiday gatherings, you can puttogetherashow-stoppingmenufromthe beginning of the party to the final bite with mouthwatering recipes that bring guests backformore.Itallstartswithbeef,aversatile, beloved ingredient that can be used in appetizers,sidesandmaincoursesalike

ConsidertheseholidayfavoritesfromBeef LovingTexans,includingamust-havemain courselikeClassicBeefWellington Perfect forafamilyget-together,thistraditionaldish combinestenderchateaubriandroastwitha homemadeglazeofearthymushrooms,red wineandDijonmustardwrappedinagold en-brownpuffpastry

Ifyou’reservingagroup,TopSirloinRoast with Herb Garlic Peppercorn Crust is ideal for sharing and provides an eye-catching centerpieceatthediningroomtable

Before bringing out the main course, however, there’s an important aspect of seasonal parties that calls everyone to the kitchen: savory appetizers You can invite your guests to share an option like Holiday Mini Beef Meatball Skewers with Cranberry Barbecue Sauce, a festive, easy-to make favorite that can tide the cravings of ahungrycrowd

Findmorebeef-inspiredholidaydishesat BeefLovingTexans.com.

In large nonstick skillet over medi um-highheat,heat½teaspoonoiluntilhot Combinesaltand¼teaspoonpepper.Press evenly onto all surfaces of roast. Place roast in skillet; brown evenly. Remove roast from skillet


In food processor, pulse mushrooms and shallot about 10 times until finely chopped Donotoverprocess Place same skillet used for roast over medium-high heat and heat remaining oil untilhot.Addmushroomsandshallot;cook 4-6 minutes until tender and all liquid is evaporated, stirring often. Add wine; cook 2-3minutesuntilallliquidisevaporated.Stir in mustard, thyme and remaining pepper Cook 2-3 minutes Remove from skillet to mediumbowl;cool.

Line rimmed baking sheet with alumi num foil and place in oven. On lightly floured cutting board, unfold pastry dough. Roll pastry out to 12-by-9-inch rectangle; lay dough with shortest edge toward you. Spread mushroom mixture onto pastry dough,leaving½-inchborderaroundedges Place roast in center of mushrooms Fold pastry dough neatly around roast, stretch ingdoughifnecessary.Cutoffexcesspastry dough;presstosealoverlappingedges

Removebakingsheetfromovenanddust lightly with flour Place pastry-wrapped roast,seam-sidedown,onbakingsheet.Cut four(2-inch)ventsintopofpastry

Bake35-50minutes,oruntilgoldenbrown and instant-read thermometer inserted intocenterofroastregisters135Fformedi-

um-rare or 150 F for medium. Transfer roasttocarvingboard.Letstand10minutes Temperature will rise about 10 F to reach 145Fformedium-rareor160Fformedium. Carveintoslicesandserve.

Top Sirloin Roast with Herb Garlic Peppercorn Crust

Total time: 45 minutes Servings: 8

1center-cutsirloinbeefroast(about3 pounds)

1tablespoonoliveoil Seasoning:



2teaspoonscoarselygroundmixed peppercorns(black white greenandpink)

Preheatovento350F. Rubroastwitholiveoil.

To make seasoning: In small bowl, combine salt, parsley, thyme, garlic and mixed peppercorns; press evenly into beef roast.

Place roast in roasting pan or baking dish with wire rack in bottom Bake 40-60 minutes Remove roast when meat ther mometer registers 135 F for medium-rare or150Fformedium.

Transfer roast to carving board; tent loosely with aluminum foil. Let stand 10-15 minutes Temperature will rise about 10 F to reach 145 F for medium-rare or 160 F for medium.

Carve roast into slices by cutting against grain.

Holiday Mini Beef Meatball Skewers with

1can(16ounces)wholeberry cranberrysauce

Classic BeefWellington
Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes Servings: 4 „ 1teaspoonoliveoil,divided „ ½teaspoonsalt „ ½teaspoonpepper,divided „ 1chateaubriandtenderloinroast „ 8ouncesmushrooms „ 1largeshallot „ 2tablespoonsdryredwine „ 2tablespoonsDijonmustard „ ½teaspoondriedthymeleaves „ flour „ 1sheetpuffpastry
Beef Wellington
Cranberry Barbecue
„ 1egg „ ½
„ ¼
„ 1smallyellowonion,diced
„ 2redbellpeppers,diced
„ 2greenbellpeppers,diced
Preheatovento400F. In medium bowl, lightly mix ground beef zucchini, egg salt and pepper until thoroughly combined Shape into 24 1-inch meatballs Alternately thread meatballs onions,redpeppersandgreenpeppersonto skewers Placeskewersonshallow-rimmed
Bake 22-25 minutes,
instant-read thermometer inserted
make cranberry barbecue sauce:
and barbecue sauce;
Sauce Total time: 50 minutes
12skewers(6inches) CranberryBarbecueSauce:
or until
into center of
ballregisters160F. To
In mediumsaucepan,combinecranberrysauce
simmer 5 minutes or untilflavorsblend. Drizzle
as dippingsauce
recipes to beef up your holiday menu
HolidayMini BeefMeatball Skewerswith CranberryBarbecue Sauce
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, December 8, 2022
Top Sirloin Roastwith Herb Garlic Peppercorn Crust

DHA’s E Caregiver Directory puts resources at your fingertips

The Defense Health Agency’s new electronic Caregiver Resource Directory provides more than 2,000 resources for caregiversofwoundedwarriorswithinthree tapsontheirmobilephone theircomputer ortablet.

“Itgivesyoutheflexibilitythatwhenever youneedtofindthatinformation,whatever you’re looking for, it’s right there at your fingertips,” said Jamela Davis, a caregiver forherhusband,whowasintheU.S.Army.

For the more than 300,000 caregivers of woundedwarriorsandveterans theeCRD “is phenomenal, Davis added. “People sometimes get a little scared of having to navigateontheirphone,butit’sjustsoeasy That makes it a good tool to have.”

When you open up the eCRD, you can easily see a table of contents and find the category you are looking for From there, you can see the list of resources that are available

TheeCRDisanelectronicplatformbased on the National Resource Directory The NRD is a database of validated resources that supports recovery, rehabilitation, and

reintegration for service members, veter ans, family members, and caregivers It is a joint operation of the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Labor

In May 2022, phase one of the eCRD rolled out.

“When we update the NRD with new resources, they can be immediately added to the eCRD with just a check box, said JonathanMorris,withDHA’sWarriorCare Recovery Care Programs Operations, highlightingjustoneofitsuser-friendlyfeatures. OtherinnovationsintheeCRDinclude:

Simplesearchabilitythrough navigationsandlinks



“TheoldversionwasaPDFandrequired peopletoscrollupanddown Iftheywanted topullaspecificpage,theyneededtodown loadthecompletedirectory,”Morrispointed out

A hard copy of the Caregiver Resource Directory was launched in 2015 updated yearly, and has had more than 300,000 free copiesdistributed,hesaid

Taking the Weight Off Relocation

There are many services and resources available to caregivers and their families if they have to relocate so that the hand-off cangoassmoothlyaspossible “Therearedirectlinkstoeachofthemili tary service relocation programs that are highlightedbylocation, Morrissaid.

He added that the NRD and the eCRD connect relocating caregivers and families to“servicesandagenciestohelpthemsettle in and give them access to virtual support throughorganizationssuchastheAmerican Red Cross Military and Veterans Caregiver Network.”

“They can also reach out to the NRD by email at infoNRD.osd@mail.mil, and the content team will assist with finding resources” down to local community churches,Morrisexplained

Self-Care and Crisis Care

Caregiving can be a 24/7/365 responsi bility and caregivers need to take care of themselvestobeabletocontinuetheirroles without burning out.

ForDavis,“I’malwayslookingatwaysfor rest and relaxation; this helps protect my caregiver mental health and well-being.”

She’s also used the Veteran Spouse Network and has participated in caregiver retreats at an equestrian therapy ranch, whichhasprogramsforwoundedwarriors andtheirfamilies Shesaidtheseprograms add to her “toolkit of self-care.

Additionally, crises can arise, and caregivers may have an immediate need for resources “Some caregivers need that information right now,” Davis said.

Forothercaregivers,challengescouldbe “everythingfrommentalhealth,toemployment, to education,” Davis said, adding: “Caregivers need so much, and they just neverknowwhatkindofasituationthey’ll be in.

The top five resources that are searched for on the eCRD and NRD this year are: „ Access to health care for caregivers „ Guides to community resources „ Caregiverresourcesforfamilymembers with traumatic brain injury

VA specialty resources for caregivers

Mental health support services for chil dren of caregivers

Warrior Spouse

Dear Wounded Warrior Spouse: Movingisamajorpartofmilitarylife,andit canbehardtostartoveragaininanewloca tion. Many wounded warriors, their family members andcaregiversfacethesameissue I found just the person to talk to about this: Ms. Sandra Mason, director of the Defense Health Agency’s Warrior Care Recovery CoordinationProgram.Here’swhatshesaid:

“Although moving can make it hard to start over in a new location, it’s possible Wounded warriors, their families, and caregiversareresilient!Withthehelpofthe Department of Defense’s military services’ wounded warrior programs wounded warriors and their families can continue their recovery journey and make beneficial connections

A great way to get involved in your local militarywoundedcommunityistoconnect with those programs, which often include the Military Adaptive Sports Program, Military Caregiver Support, Education and Employment Initiative, Operation Warf ighter and Recovery Coordination. Each program has coordinators throughout the nation who can connect warriors, spouses, andcaregiverstotheirlocalrecoveringmili tary communities and to resources thatcan aid in their recovery, social life, and next steps. The programs provide non-clinical supporttowounded,ill,andinjuredservice members as well as their families and care givers through the recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration process You can seek more information through your spouse’s militaryservicewoundedwarriorprogram: „ WarriorCareServicePrograms „ U.S.ArmyRecoveryCareProgram „ U.S.NavyWoundedWarrior Safe Harbor „ U.S.AirForceWoundedWarrior Program

For military caregivers such as yourself Military Caregiver Support offers person alizedexperiences,engagement,resources, and coordinators who can provide infor mation exclusively for military caregivers assisting wounded, ill, and injured service membersandveteransintheirlocalregion

A great tool that our team utilizes is the electronic Military Caregiver Resource Directory also known as the eCRD The National Resource Directory-vetted resourcesontheeCRDprovideourmilitary caregiverswithreliableandsaferesourcesto avoidadditionalstress

The NRD has thousands of vetted local, state, and federal assistance resources to supportthemilitarycommunitywithgetting assistancewithbenefitstofindingprograms thatprovidefreeopportunitiesandmore

Anadditionalwaytogetinvolvedinanew community and have fun is by joining the Military Adaptive Sports program. These programs provide wounded warriors with reconditioning activities and competitive athletic opportunities, and we encourage

families to join. The programs encourage wounded warriors to try new physical and cognitive activities outside of traditional therapy and build camaraderie with fellow woundedwarriorswithinthearea.

Forwoundedwarriorsandspousesinter ested in exploring career and education opportunities, the Education and Employment Initiative and Operation Warfighter can help! Recovering service members and theirspousescurrentlyenrolledintheInte grated Disability Evaluation System can work with these program coordinators to identifytheirskillsetsandmatchthemwith educationandcareeropportunitiesthatwill help them successfully transition to civil ianlife

If your wounded warrior has serious or catastrophic wounds illnesses or injuries they are eligible to receive the support of a recovery care coordinator through the RecoveryCoordinationProgram.Coordina torsworkcloselywitheachservicemember, family member, and their recovery team to develop a comprehensive recovery plan,

which identifies their goals and resources they need to achieve them. This includes local support, education, employment, or housing.

The coordinator uses the plan to guide servicemembersandtheirfamiliesalongthe road to recovery, rehabilitation, and return to duty or reintegration into the civilian community.Servicemembersmayself-refer totheprogramorgetareferralfromahealth care provider wounded warrior program staffmember,orfamilymember

We hope you can use this information to build connections and feel supported and engaged in your new community For additional assistance, please email the Warrior Carestaff.”


Wounded Warrior Spouse it sounds like there are a variety of resources to help you settle into your new community with the support you need Take advantage of these programstogetconnectedtoyourcommu nity!

Ida Malone helps herhusband,NavyChiefPettyOfficerAverill Malone,stretch before bicycling during the Navy’s training camp forDepartment ofDefense’sWarriorGames atVentura County Naval Station Port Hueneme in Oxnard,California.Malone is the caregiverforherhusband,who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder The newelectronic CaregiverResource Directory, from the Defense HealthAgency,provides caregiverswith thousands ofresources available at theirfingertips.(DODNEWSPHOTOBYEJHERSOM)
„ Hyperlinkstoeachresource
and we
in the
at our old
but don’t have many connections here. Can you give me tips on how to find local
and caregiver support
at my new location? Thank
Dear Doc, my spouse is a wounded warrior,
recently moved to a new location.
wounded warrior
Regiment „
„ U.S.MarineCorpsWoundedWarrior
Ask the Doc: Finding resources in a new location Service members,militaryspouses,andveterans participate in aWarriorCare employment program initiative in Bethesda,Maryland on Oct.20 2022 The Department ofDefense,Defense HealthAgency,WarriorCare RecoveryCoordination Program,and otherorganizations regularly join forces to provide information on and supportwith careeropportunities fortransitioning active-dutyservice members.(PHOTO:ROGERL. WOLLENBERG,DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSE) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 8, 2022 5
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