flagship 12.15.2022

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A tradition of service for the Dukes family

NORFOLK, Va The year was 2006 and the guided-missile destroyer, USS Ross (DDG 71), had just returned from deployment Personnel Specialist 1st Class (PS1) BenDukeswasgreetedexcitedlyonthepier by his 6-year-old daughter, Amaya, in the briskNovemberair

Sixteenyearslater thetableshaveturned fortheDukesfamily Master-at-Arms2ndClass(MA2)Amaya Dukes returned from deployment with the amphibious assault ship, USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), October 13, and was met with a surprise greeting from her father, recreatingthatspecialmomentfromsomanyyears before. To her father’s surprise, the events leading up to meeting Amaya on the pier weresimilartowhenhewastheonereturningfromdeployment.

“Wecallitchannelfever,”saidBenDukes “It’saperiodwhereyoujustdon’tsleep,and the day before [she got back], I couldn’t get

to sleep! I did the same thing when I was cominghome.”

Although he is happy about his daughter following in his footsteps now, Amaya’s father says he was caught off guard initially byherdecision.

“It wasashockactually,”saidBenDukes “[Amayaandherbrother]calledmeoneday and said, ‘Hey, guess what we did!’ I was shocked when they both went in, but I’m happythattheydid.”

The Dukes family and their shared experience in the service has opened new doors of communication for them. They say they often spend time reflecting on the good timestheyhavehad

Overall, the Navy has become something of a family business for the Dukes clan. It has created a bond between them not only as a family but as a brotherhood in service. A little girl who once ran into her father’s arms now serves in his place, making him proudeveryday

Carl Johnson a professional photographerbasedinAlaska,recentlycompletedthe artist-in-residenceprogramatShenandoah National Park in northwestern Virginia. Johnson spent three weeks exploring and documenting the park’s landscapes and naturalfeatures Duringhisstay,hereflected on the path that led him to this career, and itallstartedwithacollateraldutyasaship’s photographerintheNavy

In 1987 Seaman Apprentice Carl Johnson graduated from Operations Specialist ‘A’ School which, at the time, was located at NAS Oceana’s Dam Neck Annex inVirginia Beach. He knew that he wanted to travel outside of the United States, and received his first choice of orders: the Nitro-class ammunition ship USS Haleakala (AE-25) homeportedinGuam.

“Becauseofthesizeofthecommand,they didn’thaveaphotographer’smateonboard,” Johnsonsaid.“Theywerelookingforsomeonetobetheship’sphotographer,andIsaid, ‘Sure,I’dloveto.’”

He then purchased his first camera, a Minolta X-700, and started photographing shipboard life in addition to his job as an operations specialist. He was also part of the Ship’s Nautical or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Examination (SNOOPIE) team, a group of Sailors who are charged with collecting information on surface and air contacts that come in close proximitytoaU.S.Navyvessel.


Tomahawks, Sea Sparrows, and RAMs launchingfromtheship.

At his next duty station, the Spruance-class destroyer USS David R. Ray (DD-971), Johnson again volunteered to take on the role of ship’s photographer He recalledsomeofhismostmemorableexperiences,fromtakingaerialphotosoftheship from a CH-46 helicopter to photographseedsforapassionforphotography.” Aftercompletinghisenlistment,Johnson attended the University of Minnesota Law
“Most of the work I did was more of a photojournalistic, documentary sort of style, Johnson said “It just really laid the
From Dam Neck Annex to the Alaskan wilderness, photographer’s passion began in the Navy
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remember Pearl Harbor 81 years later Service Membersyoung and old gathered at the Naval AirStation (NAS)Joint Reserve Base (JRB) FortWorth base chapel Dec.7 to rememberthe lives lost 81years agowhenJapanese aircraft attacked United States Naval Base Pearl Harbor Hawaii. PageA5
CarlJohnson being recognized as an honorgraduate ofthe OS“A”School at Fleet Combat Training CenterAtlantic at Dam Neck,1987 (COURTESYPHOTO)
NORFOLK,Va (Oct 13,2022) Master-at-Arms 2nd Class (MA2)Amaya Dukes and herfather Ben Dukes on the pierafterreturning home from a 7-month deploymentwith the amphibious assault ship,USS Kearsarge (LHD 3),Oct.13,2022 Kearsargewas deployed to the High North and Baltic Seawith the KearsargeAmphibious ReadyGroup (PHOTOSBYMC2GWYNETHVANDEVENDER)
TurntoPhotographer Page 7
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 15, 2022 1
JEB Little Creek-Fort Story kicks off the holiday season Santa joined the Fleet Forces Band during the JEBLCFS annual holiday concert, Dec. 2. The show capped evening festivities featuring a tree lighting, a gift giveaway, and a guest appearance by Santa. PageA2

Christmas cheer at

NAVALSTATION NORFOLK —Naval StationNorfolk’sFirstClassPettyOfficerAssociation hosted a“Cookies with Santa”event at thecommand’sgalleyDec.10,2022.

Theevent wasfreeand open to allNAVSTA Norfolk families.Attendees were invited to decorate sugar cookies, enjoy ahot chocolate bar,watch Christmasmovies,playgamesand gettheirphotostakenwithSanta.

“The kids have been enjoying this whole thing,especiallydecoratingthecookiesbecause we have some greattoppingsoverthere,” said Culinary Specialist1st ClassEbonyFortney, whoheadedtheevent.

Upon entering,guests were greetedbya cheerful Santa and NAVSTA Norfolk Sailors ready to hand out cookie decorating kits and hot chocolate. Christmas music played in twofestively decoratedroomswhilefamilies enjoyedthemanyactivities

“Itgives us an opportunity to meet each otheroutsideofworkandspendtimetogether asmomsanddads,”saidPettyOfficer3rdClass MargaretKamara,whoattendedtheeventwith herdaughter.“Theyshouldkeepondoingthis.”

Over 62 children, alongwith their families attended the event throughout the afternoon Thiswasthefirstcommunalholidayeventheld onbasesincetheCOVIDpandemic.

“Shoutouttothe1stClassMessandour2nd classvolunteersbecausewediditandit’sbeen very successful,”saidFortney.“I’mjustsoglad wecouldgeteverybodytogether.”

This year wasthe firsttime the event was held,buttheorganizersplantomakeitannual

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story startedtheseasonwithatreegiveaway,treelighting andaholidayconcert,Dec.2

Theinstallation’sfestivitiesbeganwiththeannual HolidayTreeGiveaway—formerlyknownasTrees forTroopsattheJointExpeditionaryBaseFortStory tenniscourts

MarinaLopez,whosespouseservesonUSSWasp broughtherfamilytotheevent.

“Thisisourthirdorfourthyear,”Lopezsaid.“Itis nowoneofourfamilytraditionstocomeouttoselect thefluffiesttreewecanfind.Itisgreatthatthebase doesthis for families.The people who arehereto helparegreattoo.”

The Trees for Troopsprogram is an initiativeof the ChristmasSPIRIT Foundation to advance the Christmas spiritfor kids, families,and the environmentthroughprogramsandactivities.Theprogram providesfree, farm-grownChristmastrees tothe United States military and their families through donations,sponsorships,grants,and the work of manyvolunteers.Nearly300treeswerehandedout attheevent

“Weare honored to be one of manyinstallations that receivethese trees,” Installation Deputy

Commander Lt.Col. Pierre Hansaid.“It is agreat waytorecognize our junior servicemembers who maybeunabletoaffordarealChristmastree.”

Thisyear’sneweditionwastheU.S.ArmyTraining Doctrine and Command Band, which provided festivemusicforthegiveawayevent.

The installation CommandingOfficer Capt. Michael Witherspoon welcomed the attendees to theconcert

“Asweapproach the holidays, we arereminded thatitisatime to celebrate family, friends,and the wonderful things in our lives,” Witherspoon said.

“Todayishow we reflect on you— our military members,civilians,and families on all the great things youdotomakeJEB Little Creek-Fort Story agreatplacetoliveandwork.Icouldn’tbeprouder ofyourworkandthedifferenceyouaremaking.”

The annual event, growing post-COVID,was ahit withattendees.Hot cocoa and cookies were provided,and atoy chest from which the children couldselecttoystotakehome.


“Thisisverynice.Weplan to attend everyyear,” Floressaid

The young attendees joined Witherspoon in summoningSanta,whoarrivedinstyleontheNavy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire&Emergency Services Station5firetruck.

2022.The eventwasfreeforall command membersand theirfamilies and includedcookie decorating,photoswithSanta,ahot chocolatebar gamesand aChristmas movie. RIGHT: GunnersMate1st Class Shontae Mims decoratescookiesatNaval Station Norfolk’s1st annual“CookiesWith Santa”event BELOW: MembersofNaval Station Norfolk’sFirst Class Petty OfficerAssociation come togetherfora photo at the“CookiesWith Santa” event (USNAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASS EMILYCASAVANT/RELEASED)
NavalStationNorfolk ABOVE: NAVSTANORFOLK(Dec.10,2022) FamiliesenjoyNavalStation Norfolk’s“CookiesWith Santa”event at the command’sgalley,Dec10.
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story kicks off the holidayseason Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor |MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 |maddelin.v.hamm@navy.mil AssistantEditor |MC2 LeoKatsareas 757-322-2853 |news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner |TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com Contributing Staff NinoshkaBasantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 |news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager |Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com Free ClassifiedAdvertising |757-622-1455 Distribution &Home Delivery |757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdmChristopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairsDirector| Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD)orthe United States Navy under exclusivewritten contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official viewsof, nor endorsed by,the U.S. Government, DOD,orthe Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regardtorace, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories maybe submitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every ThursdaybyFlagship, Inc., whose offices arelocated at 150W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va.23510. ©2021Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved Santajoined the Fleet Forces Band during the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story annual holidayconcert, Dec. 2. The showcapped evening festivitiesfeaturing atreelighting,a giftgiveaway, anda guest appearancebySanta. 2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, December 15, 2022

Holidays in the real North Pole

When you think about Santa Claus, the first thought most have is his workshop and the North Pole We can’t forget elves, reindeer and narwhals either While that may be the fictional North Pole, there is, in fact, a small town in Alaska named North Pole True to its name, the town celebrates theChristmasholidayyear-round Evenin 80-degree weather

The North Pole located 14 miles southeast of Fairbanks, Alaska, was given its name in 1944 with the intent of marketing to toy manufacturing companies who wanted to advertise that their products were made in the North Pole, or to start a “Santaland”; the northern version of Disneyland. Unfortunately, the idea to draw in businesses never came to fruition, nevertheless the name stuck. Driving around in the North Pole, you will find yourself in streets named after the most awaited time of the year: Santa Claus Lane, Kris Kringle Drive, and Mistletoe Lane

“The first time I went, I was also surprised to learn that reindeer are real, and there are several of them just outside the building where you can take photos or feed them, said Chief Religious Programs Specialist Samantha Greenley, assigned to Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, wholivedinNorthPole,Alaskaforsixyears andhasfondmemoriesofvisitingtheSanta Claus house with her children.

NorthPoleAlaska.com, states that the ‘Made in North Pole’ endeavor failed to blossom, but the North Pole has continued to grow The North Pole Association, in the spirit of Christmas, began in the 1950s thanks to Conrad Miller, a young trading-post operator who was well known for playing Santa Claus for young children in Alaska villages Once he set up a trading post, he decided to call it “Santa ClausHouse” Today,SantaClausHouseis budding with endless isles filled with holiday ornaments and toys While there, you can also savor a decadent piece of fudge, cookies, chocolates, and a warm cup of coffeeorhotchocolate Therecontinuesto

be interest in developing the North Pole as athemecity,‘WherethespiritofChristmas lives year round’.

“I went to the Santa Claus House every year and even took my kids there for pictures with Santa for the few remaining years we were in Alaska,” Greenley said.

Every year, the North Pole Post Office receives over 400,000 letters addressed to Santa Claus In the spirit of keeping the holiday spirit, a group of community volunteersrespondstoeachletterreceived. Keeping the magic of Christmas alive through all the children around the world

You can also hop on Santa’s sleigh and take a photo with Santa that will last a lifetime NexttotheSantaClauseHouseisthe Antler Academy where the reindeers live. You will be able to spend some time with reindeers,pettingandfeedingthem.Moreover,donotforgettotakeaphotowithone

According to Greenley the attraction is a “must-see” for tourists, and frequented by North Pole’s 2,200 people, plus the surrounding area population.

ABOVE:Located next doorto Santa Claus House,AntlerAcademy(ofFlying & Reindeer Games) givesyou the chance to step inside the penwith Santa’s ReindeerTeam.(PHOTO FROMWWW.SANTACLAUSHOUSE.COM/ REINDEER.ASP)

TOP: Santa Claus House in North Pole,Alaska is one ofthe top attractions in the state,and haswelcomed millions ofvisitors from all over theworld.(FACEBOOK)
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FRCE makes Toys for Tots a holiday tradition


CHERRY POINT, N.C. —Two sure signs of the holidays at Fleet Readiness Center East(FRCE)areToysforTotsboxesposted throughout the facility and rows of toys and bicycles purchased by groups of FRCE employeestofillthoseboxes.

The Marine Corps Reserve sponsors the nationwide program, now in its 75th year Its mission is to collect and distribute new, unwrappedtoystodisadvantagedchildren, who might not otherwise receive holiday gifts Nationally,ToysforTotsestimatesthat theorganizationhasgiventoystomorethan 281 million children since it was founded in1947

At FRCE, the Toys for Tots program is administered by Marines assigned to the Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron. Collection boxes were posted in locations throughout the FRCE facility in early November, with the drive running through mid-December. FRCE Marines will collect the toys and transport them to the eastern North Carolina collection point at Camp


Master Sgt. Don Matthews is coordinatingtheToysforTotsdriveatFRCE Hesaid the children’s reactions to receiving a toy makeassistingwithToysforTotsarewardingexperiencefortheMarinesandReservistswhotakepart

“Theymaybeshywhentheyfirstmeetthe Marines, but once we talk to them and get them a toy, they warm up to us,” Matthews said. “You see them glow, smile and laugh, and their excitement and joy makes the eventspecialforeveryoneinvolved.

Many employees at FRCE consider donating to Toys for Tots a holiday tradition. For example, employees in FRCE’s engine production shops have pooled their resources to purchase bicycles for Toys for Tots for the last decade Tom Hoover, now a production control supervisor, said he decided to organize the first collection among his coworkers after he noticed a nearlyemptycollectionboxonhiswayinto workonemorning

“After seeing that box staying empty, I thought it shouldn’t be that hard to fill up a boxwithtoys,ifsomeonewouldjusttakethe lead,”Hooversaid.“Iofferedtobuythetoys

ifmycoworkerswerewillingtodonate,and nowit’sbecomeatradition.”

Hooversaidtheengineline’sToysforTots drivehasgrownfromacoupleofproduction shopstocoveringmorethanthreebuildings atFRCE.Oneyear,theemployeespurchased nearly 40 bicycles, and last year’s donation was a mix of bicycles, toys and a cash donation.Hooversaidvolunteersarenowcoordinatingthecollectiondrive,buthestilllooks forwardtopurchasingthetoys

Other shops and aircraft lines are also showing their Christmas spirit through groupdonationstoToysforTots Forexample,theF-35andAV-8aircraftlinesareteaming up to purchase bicycles for the second year,andFRCE’sunionshavealonghistory ofcontributingtopurchasetoys

IkeRettenmair,headoftheF-35andAV-8 branchatFRCE,saidhisteammemberslook forwardtomakingtheholidaysmorespecial forareachildren.

“ToysforTotsisastellarorganization,and thethoughtofgivingachildabicyclethathe orshemightnototherwisehaveisimportant tomeandthegroup,”Rettenmairsaid “Asa former Marine, giving to Toys for Tots was aneasychoice.”

USNS Comfort arrives in Haiti Hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) sails offthe coast ofJeremie,Haiti,Dec.11,2022 Comfort is deployed to U.S.4th Fleet in support ofContinuing Promise 2022,a humanitarian assistance and goodwill mission conducting direct medical care expeditionaryveterinarycare and subject matterexpert exchangeswith five partnernations in the Caribbean,Central and SouthAmerica. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSETHANJ.SOTO) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, December 15, 2022

Rory Brown, aircraft engine training leader and president of International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 2297 said participating in Toys for Tots is a holiday tradition for the employeesherepresents.

“SinceI’vebeenintheunion,ToysforTots hasbeenamustdo,”Brownsaid.“It’sChristmas, and it’s the time of year when everybody’s in a good mood to give to those who arelessfortunate.”

Hoover said thinking about the children who will receive the gifts makes Toys for Totsaspecialpartofhisholidays

“It’s in my mind that someone’s going to have a better Christmas than they would havewithoutmydonation,”Hooversaid.“I enjoydoingit,knowingthatI’mhelpingthe children,andthat’swhattheprogramisfor.”

FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance repair overhaul and technical services provider with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers. Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunctioning as an integral part of the greater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters


Since the announcement of CP22, Hospitalman Christie Guerrier from Port-auPrince Haiti, has been looking forward to thismissionstop “As a new Hospitalman, I am blessed to have learned many new skills from the U.S. Navy to assist my Haitians in need,” said

Guerrier. “The Comfort provides me with the opportunity to leave a lasting impact that will bring hope and peace of mind to theHaitians.”

From Dec. 12 to Dec. 15 Comfort is scheduled to provide medical services on the Wharf de Jeremie, which will include generaladultcare,pediatriccare,dental,and optometry



Continuing Promise 2022 team includes U.S.

U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/ U.S. 4th Fleet supports U.S. Southern Command’s joint and combined military operationsbyemployingmaritimeforcesin cooperativemaritimesecurityoperationsto maintain access, enhance interoperability, and build enduring partnerships in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the Caribbean,CentralandSouthAmericanregion.

Fleet Readiness CenterEast (FRCE) Commanding OfficerCapt.James Belmont joins Marines from the Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron to displaytoys donated toToys forTots by FRCE employees The Marines are collecting toys until December13,when theywill transport the toys to the Marine Corps Reserves eastern North Carolina collection point at Camp Lejeune. Pictured from left Belmont Cpl.Marco Hernandez,Cpl.Devon Schoffand Sgt.Dylan Harbo (PHOTOBYKIMBERLYKOONCE,FLEETREADINESSCENTEREAST) BySeamanDevenFernandez U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command / U.S. 4th Fleet JEREMIE Haiti Hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) arrived off the coast of Jeremie, Haiti, in support of U.S. Naval ForcesSouthernCommand/U.S 4thFleet’s Continuing Promise 2022 (CP22) mission, Dec.11 visit marks the final mission stop of CP22 and the sixth time the Continuing PromisemissionhasvisitedHaitisince2007
and disaster relief mission in
In August of 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquakestruckinthevicinityofJeremie,killing atleast3,000peopleandinjuringmorethan 12,000 Inresponse U.S.SouthernCommand createdJointTaskForceHaiti(JTF-Haiti)to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief JTF-Haiti rescued hundreds of peopleanddistributedalmost600,000relief suppliesincoordinationwiththeU.S.Agency forInternationalDevelopment. U.S. Southern Command chose to conduct aCP2022missionstopinJeremie Haiti in coordinationwithHaitianofficials
and partner nation medical personnel from
Chile, Ecuador, the United Kingdom, U.S. Coast Guardsmen,U.S.Marines,andU.S.NationalGuard Soldiers from Louisiana, Haiti’s State Partnership Program partner Additionally multiple non-governmental organizations (NGOs)andpersonnelfromacademicinstitutionsvolunteeredtoserveontheContinuingPromise2022team.
mission in
Continuing Promise missions have treated more than 582,000 patients and conducted over7,000surgeriesintheregion.Comfort’s currentmissionwillbethe12thContinuing
Since its inaugural
Promise mission conducted in the Caribbean,CentralandSouthAmerica.
Learn more about USNAVSO/4th Fleet at https://www.facebook. com/NAVSOUS4THFLT and @ NAVSOUS4THFLT

Service members young and old remember Pearl Harbor 81 years later

NAS JRB Fort Worth, Texas Service

Members young and old gathered at the NavalAirStation(NAS)JointReserveBase (JRB) Fort Worth base chapel Dec. 7 to remember the lives lost 81 years ago when Japanese aircraft attacked United States Naval Base Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

During the annual ceremony, led by the NASJRBFortWorthJuniorEnlistedAssociation, the four World War II veterans in attendance were recognized for their service to our nation. In attendance were 102-year-old Staff Sergeant Bill McIntire, Yeoman 3rd Class Al Chatwin, Petty Officer 3rd Class Derrick South and Petty Officer 2nd Class Jack Stowe

“Pearl Harbor was the site of an event that changed not only the United States but the world,” said Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class Harold Miller, master of cere-

monies Giving a chronological sequence of events from the early hour the attacks began, Miller detailed the devastating losses U.S. forces suffered. “Most of the damage to the battleships occurred in the first 30 minutes of the assault,” said Miller. The next five hours were chaos for the service members stationed at Pearl Harbor “Though they fought back as hard as they could, the shocking tragedy left 2,403 dead and over 1,000 wounded, said Miller

Religious Program Specialist 2nd Class Stephen Rossell was the guest speaker “The sacrifices made by America’s Sailors, both past and present, can never truly be measured,but theycertainlycan beappreciated,” said Rossell.

“Relatively few Americans today have come face-to-face with the horrors of war. We must honor those who live with the reminders of what happened there, those who fought and survived the attack on

Pearl Harbor—those who recall the last moments of peace and the faces of fallen friends,” said Rossell.

Recallingthe remarkablestory ofaPearl Harbor survivor who passed away earlier this year and attended the ceremony held in 2021, Staff Sergeant Dale Robinson was in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941, stationed at Schofield Barracks with the 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. SSgt Robinson saw Japanese Zero fighter planes fly right over his head. He, along with his fellow Soldiers, quickly scrambled to get weapons, which was a problem because ammunition was not immediately available to them. “They did the best they could in what was a frantic scene,” said Rossell. SSgt Robinson left Hawaii a year later shipped off to the European theater eventually taking part in the invasion at Normandy in June of 1944, and going ashore at Omaha Beach.

Inspiring stories like SSgt Robinson

are what continue to attract like-minded people to join our military forces, said Rossell. “America’s Navy is our nation’s front line in war and peace, operating on, above and below sea. Ultimately, it is our peopleandouractionsthatwillshapehow the world views us The bombing of Pearl Harbor was a pivotal moment in U.S. and world history The attack thrust the U.S. into WWII and set in motion a series of events that would transform the country into a global superpower and guardian of international order,” said Rossell.

“The fighting spirit, ingenuity and boldness which defined our Navy at Pearl Harbor lives on in today’s Sailors Their bravery and courage have not been forgotten and they remain an inspiration to our current and future generations of Sailors,” Rossell concluded.

The ceremony concluded with a benediction offered by Base Chaplain Gregory Hazlett.

NASJRB FortWorth,Texas (Dec 7,2022) NavalAirStation (NAS)Joint Reserve Base (JRB) FortWorthJuniorEnlistedAssociation led a Pearl Harborremembrance ceremonyat the installation’s chapel.WorldWarII survivors StaffSergeant Bill McIntire,Yeoman 3rd ClassAl Chatwin,PettyOfficer3rd Class DerrickSouth and PettyOfficer2nd ClassJackStowewere in attendance.On the
battleships,destroyed ordamaged 300 US aircraft and killed 2,403 men.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJOSER.JAEN/RELEASED) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 15, 2022 5 ARE YOU READY? Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. 1996 POWERPLANT PKWYHAMPTON,VA23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM
morning ofDecember7,1941 Japan attacked US Naval Base Pearl Harbor Hawaii.The surprise attackbysome 350Japanese aircraft sunkorbadlydamaged
navalvessels,including eight

Sailor participates in NFL Salute to Service game

Flag onto the field, during the player introductions at the Pittsburgh Steelers Salute to Service game vs the Cincinnati Bengals November20

PITTSBURGH HospitalCorpsman1st ClassMaliqueGraham,aNavySpecialOperations and Special Warfare (NSO/NSW) scout assigned to Navy Talent Acquisition Group(NTAG)Pittsburgh,rantheU.S.Navy

“I’m just thankful for the opportunity,” Graham said. “It was nice of the Steelers to do that. Obviously it shows they care about servicemembersinthecommunity.”

Running onto the gridiron at Acrisure

Stadium was familiar territory for Graham inmorewaysthanone The6-foot-6former highschoolfootballplayer,playeddefensive endandtightendatSanBenitoHighSchool inSanBenito,Texas.Grahamhasalsoparticipatedinmultipletelevisedeventsasacolor guardmemberduringhistimeinPittsburgh. Eachbranchofthemilitarywasrepresented duringthegame.

“I think it’s definitely a sense of pride to put on a uniform every day as a representation of not only the country, but yourself soIdothatwithasenseofhonor,becauseit meanssomethingtome.”

NTAGPittsburgh partofNavyRecruiting Command, recruits the next generation of NavySailorsthroughoutareasinPennsylvania,NewYork,WestVirginia,andMaryland.

ByPettyOfficer1stClass BenjaminDobbs Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH (November20 2022) Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Malique Graham,assigned to NavyTalentAcquisition Group Pittsburgh,carries the Navyflag onto the fieldwith service members from everybranch ofthe military during the playerintroductions at the Pittsburgh Steelers Salute to Service gamevs the Cincinnati Bengals atAcrisure Stadium November20 NTAG Pittsburgh,part ofNavyRecruiting Command,recruits the next generation ofNavySailors throughout areas in Pennsylvania,NewYork,WestVirginia,and Maryland.(PHOTOCOURTESYKARL ROSER/PITTSBURGHSTEELERS) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, December 15, 2022 ALL OF THESE SHOWERS &BATHS WERE INSTALLED IN 1DAY OFFER VALID UNTIL 12/31/22 50% OFF INSTALL all shower &bathprojects 5YEARS 0% APR GET YOUR BATHROOM UPDATED BEFORE THE BUSY HOLIDAYSEASON OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet withone of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design yournew shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswill remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. OVER 125,000+ CUSTOMERS HAVE CHOSEN US FOR THEIR SHOWER &BATHPROJECT EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Subject to credit approval. Fixed APR of 0.00% for 60 months. For example, for $12,000 financed the payment will be 60 payments of $200paid monthly.Financing provided by Dividend Solar Finance LLC, NMLS #1186969. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. **50% offinstall is equal to 10% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 12/31/22. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON

QR Codes arechanging the customer service game across the Region

Anew Quick Response code program is taking customerserviceto the nextlevel around the region.

The QR code initiativetook off earlier this year thankstoNaval Submarine Base (SUBASE)NewLondon’sUnaccompanied Housing team. Noticing an opportunity for processimprovement, DonnaWilson, Charles Tweedyand TomKraemer established the innovativeprogram that allows residents to submit maintenance requests andotherroomandfacultyissuesbysimply pulling out their phones,scanning aQR Code,and submitting aform.

David Snodgrass,requirements and performance integration for Navy Region


Schoolandspenttwoyearsworkingasawildernessguide,whichsparkedhisinterestinnature photography

It wasn’tlongbefore Johnson set his sights onseekingtravelandadventureagain,andafter someresearch, decided tomove to Alaska.In 1999,hetooktheplungeandmovedtoAnchoragewithouthavingevervisited

“Havinggrown up in amilitary family,the notionofjustpickingupandmovingandjumping rightinissomethinglife prepared me for,” Johnsonsaid.

Johnsonspentabouttenyearspracticinglaw in Anchorage while continuing aphotography businessontheside.

“Itooksomephotographyclassesincollege, but it wasstill justahobby,”Johnson said.“I didn’t think it wassomething Icould do as a career.”

Hedecidedtostartfocusingsolelyonnature photography, and eventually it became his full time job.Today, he owns aphoto gallery in Anchorage,and he and hiswife,Michelle, ownandoperateaphototourcompany,Alaska PhotoTreks.

He credits his timeinthe Navy for cultivating an interestthat has lasted alifetime,and he sharedamessage fortoday’sgeneration of Sailors:

“I lovedbeing an OS,” Johnson said. “I thoughtitwasfascinatingwork,butthatcollateraldutyinphotographyreallyhashadthemost long-lasting effectonmylife.While you’rein, find something that grabs your passion. Take anopportunitytodosomethingnew.Younever knowwhereitmighttakeyou.”

Mid-Atlantic, stated thatevery UH facility across the Region is utilizing this innovativecustomer service tool. The program is continuingtoexpand pastUHand into other customer-facing programs around likeChildDevelopment Centers (CDC), recreation facilities and galleys

“Alongside UH facilities,we’reexcited to report that since Novemberofthisyear, all [child development centers] across the Mid-Atlantic arenow using QR codes to manage customer expectations,” said Snodgrass.“Across the Region, thereare approximately425[programs]thatprovide aservice.Mygoal is to have every installationusethismethodforallcustomerfacing facilities.”

With its simplicity and ease of use,it’s not surprisingthatthe QR crazecaught on quickly

“TheQRcodesallowourcustomerswho arenowalmost100%reliantontheirsmart phonestoutilizeappstheyarefamiliarand comfortable with,”said Bill Dorris,Naval Station Norfolk galley program manager Not only does this new system make it easier for aSailor toreport an issue or sharefeedback, it’s easier formanagers to resolveissues effectively and efficiently ForWilliamWhirleyJr.,Naval Air Station Oceana’sUHprogramdirector,thisisespecially the case when comparing to older customer service methods

“Inthepast,residentshadtocometothe staff office or the main office front desk,” Whirley said. “It’sdefinitely been time saving for the tenants,but also time saving for UH staff because of less foot trafficin the offices.”


ley says the program provides managers withmoreoversightonwhatmaintenance requests tenants aresubmitting. This makes it easier to prioritize them based on the levelofimportance,and keep tabs on the request’sstatus in thequeue

“Life,health and safetyissues [are] the top priority.This reducesplanning timeand expediteswhat gets summited to [Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command],”Whirleysaid.

Atitscore,thesuccessofthisnewinitiativeisall thanks to thosewho recognized anopportunitytotakethingsastepfurther

“The UH teamatSUBASE NewLondon has changed the customer service game forthebetter,”Snodgrasssaid.“Theirhard workanddedicationdoesnotgounnoticed, and they should be proud of all that they have accomplished.

Photographer from Page ABOVE: CarlJohnson at the Hawksbill Summit in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia.
ABOVERIGHT:Tomahawklaunch from VLAonboardU.S.S.David R.Ray(DD-971). BELOW:U.S.S.Haleakala (AE-25) at port inApraHarbor,Guam.(PHOTOSBYCARL JOHNSON)
www flagshipnews.com |The Flagship |Section 1| Thursday, December 15, 2022 7


How volunteering changed a U.S. Marine’s life

IWAKUNI, Japan Social anxiety is one of the most common issues children face in today’s world. It can manifest itself as the urge to seek approval from others or fit in within a group. Social anxiety is something extremely challenging to break away from because one has to confront their struggles and face their fears head-on. This affected U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Yocelin Vertiz, an Allen, Texas native, currently serving as an S-1 Legal Clerk with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron (H&HS), Marine CorpsAirStationIwakuni.

GrowingupVertizwasashyandreserved child. Vertiz realized she was isolating herself from others and understood early on,itwouldbecomehardertoovercomethe seclusionifnoactionwastaken.Inelementary school, Vertiz was even enrolled in a programwherehighschoolstudentshelped mentor younger children demonstrating shynessorsocialanxietyduringtheirlunch breaks.Theprogramhelpedbygivingthem an older sibling figure to talk about their issuesandbeplayfulwith.

“I was one of those kids they had to pull from lunch, and I would just have to talk to mybuddybecausegrowingup,eventhough I wanted to do certain things, I would be quiet and didn’t have much of a voice,” said Vertiz. “I was fairly secluded growing up Theprogramallowedyoungerchildrenthe opportunitytorelaxandgetoutoftheschool environment.”

This program was the first step she took toward curing her social anxiety As the years went on, Vertiz realized she had to start planning for her future, but she still was not fixated on anything in particular That changed when the school hosted a functionthatofferedstudentsspecificelectives designed to help them find interest in


“When we were in school before the Freshman center we were given a sheet of courses to choose to decide what future we wanttohave, Vertizsaid.“Ialwayswanted to be a part of the government, and the U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ TrainingCorps(JROTC)piquedmyinterest in high school I loved the values and what I learned from it and the mini boot camp experience.”

Being a member of JROTC gave her an idea for her future, and after finishing high school and briefly going to college, she decided to enlist in the Marine Corps in January 2020 and eventually became the MCAS Iwakuni H&HS Legal Clerk. As a juniorMarine,Vertizstillfoundsometrouble overcoming her fears when it came to interactingwithpeople.Thatisuntilshewas confronted with the reality of advancing in hercareer

“Closed mouths don’t get fed. This was a quote said to Vertiz by one of her former staffnon-commissionedofficers Thisresonated with her personally and thus, she set out wanting to improve herself Vertiz told

herselfshecouldn’texpectthingstoimprove ifshecontinuedtodonothing

Eventually Vertizfoundthatvolunteering invariousdifferentsocialsettingshelpedher overcomehersocialanxiety Hersocialanxiety reached its peak in elementary school until she started participating in volunteer work the school provided. This helped Vertizbecomeaself-confident,courageous, and compassionate leader through volunteer work in her community This created the foundation for her to volunteer as her current billet as the H&HS primary Single MarineProgramrepresentative.

“When I found out about the Single Marine Program, I loved the aspect that it wasnotonlytojusthelpouttheMarinesand Sailors,butitwasacommunity-basedorganizationandnotjusttheAmericancommunity,butJapanasawhole,”saidVertiz.

Recently an Inclusive Day event at the Atago Owl Park in Iwakuni, Japan, was hosted to foster community relations with theJapaneselocalsandprovideasafeenvironment for children with disabilities to enjoyadayatthepark.Thisvolunteerevent wasoneofVertiz’sfavorites

“Whenpeoplethinkofvolunteering,they generally think about doing an event for an ulterior reason, such as for letters of appreciation,” said Vertiz. With volunteering, I have the opportunity to voice out concerns told to me by other Marines and that helps themalot.ThebiggestreasonIvolunteeris to see people smile, people are happy, and thosethatwearevolunteeringforarealways so grateful and thankful that we took time outofourdaystocometoit.”

TheSingleMarineProgramhelpedVertiz find her second family Through volunteering and holding meetings to improve the air station, meeting new people is one of the biggest reasons why Vertiz consistently volunteered. The Single Marine Program andvolunteeringforseveralworkingparties hasgivenhertheopportunitytomeetpeople shewouldn’thavepreviouslymet.

Along the way, Vertiz has helped spread what she has learned to others One of the peopleVertizhashelpedisoneofherfellow coworkers,U.S.NavyPettyOfficer2ndClass BrianaGarciaCuevas,theHeadquartersand HeadquartersSquadroncommandpayand personneladministrator

“AlthoughI’mnotonetobeshyanymore, volunteering with Vertiz has helped me meet more people within the community and a lot more people in our command and reallygettoknowthem, saidGarciaCuevas. “It’s interesting to get to know people we workwithday-to-dayonapersonalbasis,as opposedtojustknowingofthem.”

ForVertiz,theonlycareshehasismaking peoplehappy.Althoughsocialanxietymade growing up difficult, she used it as a learning experience and has made every effort to overcome it Now, as the primary H&HS SingleMarinerepresentative,sheusesthese experiences to advocate for her Marines and help coordinate events to help others andtocurethediseaseofisolationforsome MarinesinJapan.

MCRD Parris Island heart monitor testing

“It’s a check engine light, but for your body,” said Kyla Driver a research coordinatorwiththeU.S.ArmyResearchInstitute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM).

Thebyproductofmanyyearsofresearch, development, and redesigns, the Heat Injury Prevention System (HIPS) developed by the U.S. Army Medical Material Development Activity (USAMMDA) and USARIEM, along with several other researchgroups isundergoingitsfinaltesting on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C.

“All recruits are issued a heart monitoring system that they wear throughout the Crucible,” said Dr Mark Buller, the lead investigator for the project. “This allows

a drill instructor to see that he has recruits who may be higher risk of suffering a heat injury.”

Heat casualties are some of the most common training related injuries experienced at Parris Island especially given the stressors and rigors of the recruit training process

“Prior to Parris Island we developed a heat stroke prediction algorithm,” said Buller.“Thatcameoutofworkingwiththe 75th Ranger Regiment, when we actually capturedsixheatstrokesthatoccurredreal time.”

Testing of the HIPS began early in 2019 but due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, testing was put on hold for 2020 and part of 2021 Now, the testing is back in full swing, analyzing and collecting data on approximately 500 recruits each week during the


“It’s been three years and we’re still learning,”saidDriver “Now,thealgorithm isabletolearnfromtheperson’sheartrate anddeterminealertstoanindividual’srisk level.

On average, it only takes the algorithm about thirty minutes to collect this data and adapt to each individual recruit. The algorithms calculate each recruit’s heat strain state and sends this to the phone that enables each drill instructor to monitor their recruits

“Thismaynotbeascoolasawatch,oras easy to wear as one,” said Buller “Though we’ve learned that during higher intensity training, the watches are often inaccurate at collecting a correct heart rate.”


the British Royal Marines, Parris Island’s recruittraininghasofferedthestressesand challenges the team needed to round out development of the HIPS

“Marinescanbreakjustaboutanything,” said Driver “The first generation we brought out here, recruits demolished it during recruit training The second generation has gone through all the Crucibles from last year, and all the ones so far this year.”

With the HIPS testing nearing

“A Marine’s life is priceless,” said Driver “Thissystemwillallowustopreservethose Marines by being able to monitor their conditions during real time events.”

its completion, these devices are soon to see use across the Marine Corps as well as the globe. U.S.Marine Corps Cpl.YocelinVertiz anAllen,Texas native,and an administrative specialist assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron,Marine CorpsAirStation Iwakuni,poses for a photo at MCAS Iwakuni on Dec.8,2022 Vertizcurrentlyserves as the H&HS PrimarySingle Marine Program Representative,where she helps coordinate events forherMarines.(U.S.MARINE CORPSPHOTOBYCPL.RAYMONDTONG) U.S.Marines Corps Cpl.YocelinVertizposes fora group photo during the 2022 ColormeAware Run event at MCAS Iwakuni,Japan,May21,2022.(COURTESYPHOTOBYU.S.MARINECPL MITCHELLAUSTIN).
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, December 15, 2022 1
Finnish Minister of Defense Visits USS Arlington in Norfolk on Same Day U.S. Destroyer Visits Helsinki As Finland awaits the finalization oftheirNATO membership process,its MinisterofDefensevisited the USSArlington,Dec.4,fora tour

(also known as Military Housing orNavy ManagedHousing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantitiesCONUS,Government OwnedHousing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that aServiceMember maychoosethat is notPPVor government operated.This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately ownedand operated


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USSPaul Ignatius (DDG 117) arrives in Kiel, Germany

KIEL, Germany— The Arleigh Burkeclass guided-missile destroyer USSPaul Ignatius(DDG117)arrivedinKiel,Germany for ascheduled port visit, Dec. 8, 2022.

Duringtheportvisit,PaulIgnatiusandher crew will refuel the ship,explorethe city, connectwithlocals,andconductexchanges between keyleaders.This port visitallows forPaul Ignatius’ crew to strengthen interpersonalbondswiththelocalGermanpopulationinastrategicallysignificantBalticSea port city

“Weare truly excited to visit Kiel, the home of the German Navy’s Baltic Fleet. The rich tradition and skill of the German Navy’s operations hereare well known and highly respected,”said Cmdr.Aaron Arky, commanding officer of Paul Ignatius.“Last week we were able to hostthe commanding officer of German Minesweeper FGS Dillingen as well as his Sailors onboardto begindeveloping personal ties that we will

continue to develop in port. The resolve of the German Navy is vitalinkeeping the NATOAlliancestrongerthanever.Ourpartnership has proventhat we areabsolutely stronger together.”

Paul Ignatius is currently in her fifth month on patrol in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operations as amember of the Forward DeployedNaval Forces-Europe (FDNF-E) force.The ship began patrolonAug.1,2022 and has sailed throughout the North Atlantic,BalticSea,andEnglishChannel,making port stops along the wayinEstonia, Latvia, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Finland.

While operating in the Baltic Sea, the ship participatedinthe Finnish Navy Command-led exercise Freezing Winds 22 alongside NATOAllies and partners, including the ships and personnelofStandingNATOMaritimeGroup(SNMG)1.Once complete with Freezing Winds 22, theship pulled intoHelsinki, Finlandfor aport visit beforereturning to the Baltic Sea to continue conducting routine operations in the region. The ship’spresence in the Baltic has enhanced interoperability with NATO

Allies and partners,promotingstabilityand prosperity in the region.

Four U.S. Navy destroyers,including Paul Ignatius,are based in Rota, Spain and are assigned to Commander,Task Force65in supportofNATO’sIntegratedAir Missile Defense architecture. These FDNF-E ships have the flexibility to operate throughout the waters of Europe and Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to the Arctic Circle, demonstrating their mastery of the maritime domain.

Forover80years,U.S.Naval Forces Europe-U.S.NavalForcesAfrica(NAVEURNAVAF) has forged strategicrelationships with allies andpartners,leveraging afoundationofsharedvalues to preservesecurity and stability

HeadquarteredinNaples,Italy,NAVEURNAVAFoperatesU.S.navalforcesintheU.S. EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)andU.S Africa Command (USAFRICOM)areas of responsibility.U.S.Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF,and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and navaloperations

KIEL,Germany(Dec.8,2022)TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) moorsinKiel,Germanyduring a scheduledportvisit,Dec.8,2022.Paul Ignatius,forward-deployedtoRota,Spain,is on ascheduleddeployment in the U.S.NavalForcesEurope area ofoperations,employedbyU.S.Sixth Fleet,todefend U.S.,alliedand partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 2NDCLASSAARONLAU) Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable? A: Thereare three typesof housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different privatemanagement companies to provide housing to Service Members. These

companiesare responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenanceand day-to-daymanagement ofthe housing.PPVhousing maybe located on oroffgovernment property and in mostcaseswillbe formermilitary housing
Fleet and Family SupportCenters (FFSC)programs and services aredesigned to help youmakethe mostofyour military experience,
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Egypt takes command of international RedSea task force

TheU.S.Navyturned overcommand of anewly formedinternational RedSea task force to the Egyptian Navy,Dec.12, during aceremonyinBahrain wherethe multinational staff is headquartered.

U.S. Navy Capt. Robert Francis,who stood up Combined Task Force(CTF) 153 in April, handed command to Egyptian Navy Rear Adm. Mahmoud Abdelsattar The transition marks the firsttime Egypt isassumingcommandofaCombinedMari-

time Forces (CMF) operational staff since joining the 34 member-nation navalpartnership in 2021.

“I am incredibly proud of our efforts since launching this new task force only eightmonthsago,”saidFrancis.“Itisatrue honortohandovercommandtoanincredibly strong regional maritime partner like Egypt. Iknowthe task force willcontinue to execute as one dynamic team,and Iwill alwaysbecelebrating their accomplishments from afar.”

CTF153isoneoffourCMFtaskforces.It wasestablished April 17 to enhanceinter-

national maritime security and capacity-building efforts in the RedSea, Bab al-Mandeb and Gulf of Aden.

CMF’sothertaskforcesincludeCTF150, focusedonmaritimesecurityintheGulfof Oman,IndianOceanandGulfofAden;CTF 151, which leads regional counter-piracy efforts;andCTF152,dedicatedtomaritime security in the ArabianGulf

“Itismyhonortoserveascommanderof CombinedTaskforce153,”saidMahmoud. “The focus of my efforts will be to work closely together with regional countries, partners,andparticipatingnationstomain-

tain maritime security and stability in the region.”

Mahmoud’s27years of military experience began following graduation from the Egyptian NavalCollege in 1995. He has extensiveexperience in submarine operations and mostrecently served as the chief ofstaffforanavalbaseinAlexandria,Egypt.

CMF is headquarteredinBahrain with U.S. NavalForcesCentral Command and U.S. Fifth Fleet.

U.S. NavalForces Central Command /U.S.5th Fleet
MANAMA,Bahrain (Dec.12,2022) Egyptian NavyRearAdm.MahmoudAbdelsattar,right;ViceAdm.Brad Cooper,commanderofU.S.NavalForcesCentral Command,U.S.5th Fleet and CombinedMaritime Forces;and U.S.NavyCapt.Robert Francis,the outgoing commanderofCombinedTaskForce(CTF) 153; saluteduring achangeofcommand ceremonyinManama,Bahrain, Dec.12.The U.S.Navyturnedovercommand ofthe newlyformedinternational RedSea taskforce,CTF153,to the Egyptian Navyduring aceremonyinBahrainwherethe multinational staffis headquartered.(U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSGT.BRANDONMURPHY) www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, December 15, 2022 3

andCTF-53personnelcombinedtoprovide Jeddah,SaudiArabia (June 1,2022) Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUP) Fleet Logistics Center(FLC) Bahrain provided contracting and logistics support to Littoral Combat Ship SiouxCity(LCS 11)while inJeddah,Kingdom ofSaudiArabia.NAVSUPFLC Bahrain is one ofeight FLCs underCommander NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg,Penn.,and employing a diverse,worldwideworkforce ofmore than 22,500 militaryand civilian personnel,NAVSUP’s mission is to provide supplies,services and quality-of-life support to the Navyand jointwarfighter (COURTESYPHOTO)

Littoral Combat Ship USS Sioux City (LCS 11) deployed to 5th Fleet marking the first deployment of this ship class in the Area of Responsibility (AOR). The voyage through the theater lasted 68 days, including nine port visits, and a 14 day Preventative Maintenance Availability (PMAV) in Bahrain. The deployment marked the first of the LCS deployments to 5th Fleet, and confirmed the successful proof of concept willpavethewaytoincreasedLCSpresence in the theater The success relied heavily on collaboration and a hands-on approach betweenallsupportingmissionpartners.

The National Security Strategy places emphasisonsuccessingeopoliticalcompetitiontoshapethefutureoftheinternational order Tothatend,afteryearsoffocusinthe USCentralCommand(CENTCOM)AORto supportoperationsinAfghanistanandIraq thestructureoftheAORandtheforcesallocated to 5th Fleet continue to shift as well.

Withintheglobalcompetitionparadigm,the Suez Canal, Bab-el-Mandeb and Straits of Hormuzrequireapersistentnavalpresence tosupportsecurityofglobalcommerce USS Sioux City (LCS 11) deployed to 5th Fleet supporting Commander, Destroyer Squadron 50 (CDS 50) and Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) to promote regional security andstability

The minimal manning construct for the LCS ship class requires augmentation from shore based facilities to support day-today operations. Augmentation to the ship’s Supply Department comes in the form of a Logistic Support Team (LST). The Sioux City is primarily supported by the LST out of NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville, but part of thishistoricdeploymentincludedadditional support from the forward LST construct at NAVSUPFLCBahrain

NAVSUP FLC Bahrain has billeted support in the Operations and Contracting departments to support LCS deployments to 5th Fleet. NAVSUP FLC Bahrain’s Oper-

ations department provided boots on the ground support during port visits including:AlexandriaandBerenice Egypt,Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Fujairah and Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates, Manama, Bahrain, and Duqm, Oman. NAVSUP FLC Bahrain’s contracting team also supported all port visits in theater, as well as ship support, and three PMAVs in Bahrain, Greece,andDenmark.

support for all port visits, ensuring delivery of cargo mail, and provisions throughout the theater. FDRMC and the Contracting team at


McGuckin,currentlytheassistantoperationsofficerforHSC-5,hasbeenselectedto attendthe“SEAWOLF”SeahawkWeapons and Tactics Instructor course at the Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada.

“Lt. McGuckin embodies the fighting spiritofthehelicopterseacombatcommunity,”saidCmdr ErikGustafson,commanding officer of HSC-5 “She is an exemplary role model and a selfless leader I’m proud to serve with her.”

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) is the flagship

of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 10 CSG-10 iscomprisedofGeorgeH.W.Bush,CVW-7, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 26 the InformationWarfareCommander andthe Ticonderoga-class

guided-missile cruiser USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55).

Delbert D. Black (DDG


relationships withalliesandpartners,leveragingafoundationofsharedvaluestopreservesecurity and

FLC Bahrain ensured execution of maintenance to maintain operational availability LCSRON 2 provided a Liaison teamtocommunicateshiprequirementsto
and Sailor & family care activities
our mission partners to generate readiness and sustain naval forces
Learn more
As the Sioux City made her way through 5thFleet,NAVSUPFLCBahrainandmission partnersthroughouttheAORlearnedvaluable lessons to better support future LCS deployments to the AOR. The alignment between NAVSUP FLC Bahrain, NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville, Forward Deployed Regional Maintenance Center (FDRMC), Littoral Combat Ship Squadron (LCSRON) 2, Combined Task Force (CTF) 53, and Commander US Navy Central Command (USCOMNAVCENT was critical to the success of the deployment. NAVSUP FLC Bahrain Logistic Support Representatives The hands on approach to littoral combat ship support in the 5th FLEET AOR
one of eight FLCs under Commander, NAVSUP which is headquartered in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania andemploysadiverse worldwide workforceofmorethan25,000militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the U.S. Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics
worldwide to prevent anddecisivelywinwars
at www.navsup.navy.mil, www.facebook.com/navsup and https:// twitter.com/navsupsyscom.
Carrier Strike Group 10 Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7 announced the first recipient of its Junior Officer of the Year Award, Dec 8, 2022. Lt Molly “Dish” McGuckin, assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, earned recognition as the most outstanding firsttour junior officer, and earned a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for her selection. The award recognizes firsttour junior officers who best demonstrate the leadership attributes of integrity accountability, initiative, and toughness “Lt. McGuckin is an unparalleled choice for our first Junior Officer of the Year Award,” said Capt. Thomas Bodine, commander, CVW-7 “Dish exemplifies thehigh-caliber personal andprofessional excellencewelookforinoutstandingleaders She serves as a high benchmark for all who follow in her path.
aretheArleighBurke-classguided-missile destroyersUSSNitze(DDG94),USSFarra-
Squadron(VAQ)140,the“Nightdippers”of HSC-5,andthe“Grandmasters”ofHelicopter Maritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 46 For over 80 years U.S. Naval Forces
has forged strategic
The squadrons of CVW-7 embarked aboard the George H.W. Bush are the “Sidewinders” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86 the “Jolly Rogers”
of VFA-103 the “Nighthawks” of VFA-136, the “Pukin Dogs”ofVFA-143,the“Bluetails”ofCarrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 121, the “Patriots” of Electronic Attack
Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 7 recognizes its first Junior Officer of the Year 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, December 15, 2022
Headquartered in Naples, Italy, NAVEUR-NAVAF operates U.S. naval forces in the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM) areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is permanently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF, and employs maritime forces through the full spectrum of joint and naval operations

Finnish Minister of

NORFOLK,Va. —AsFinland awaits the finalization of their NATOmembership process following its MayNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization application,the HonorableAntti Kaikkonen, Finland’s Minister of Defense,visited the SanAntonio-classamphibious transport dockship USSArlington(LPD24),Dec.4,forafamiliarization tour

The minister,who wasgreeted by U.S. 2ndFleet’sDeputyCommander,RearAdm. Brian Davies received atour of Arlington led by the ship’sexecutiveofficer,Cmdr Matthew Plant. Subject matter experts

from the crew were stationedthroughout theshiptogreettheministerandhisguests and providedinformation on the capabilities within each designatedwarfarearea.

Earlier in the day, Kaikkonen visited AlliedCommandTransformation,NATO’s WarfareDevelopment Command, where he had an office call with it commander, FrenchAir ForceGen. Philippe Lavigne After visiting the ship,hefinished the day with atourofNaval Station Norfolk.

“ItwasapleasuretovisittheUSSArlington on this sunnySundayafternoon,”said Kaikkonen.“Iwas impressed by thecapabilities of the ship and the expertise of her crew.The UnitedStates is aclose and important partner with Finland and we

U.S.,Iraq, Kuwait conduct 2nd joint patrol in Arabian Gulf

Maritime forces from Iraq,Kuwait and the United States completed ajoint patrol intheArabianGulf,Dec.11,representingthe secondtimeinfourmonthsthethreenations sailed together to promote regional maritimesecurity U.S. Navy mine countermeasuresship USSDextrous (MCM 13) operated with ships from the Iraq Navy and Kuwait Coast Guard.Thevesselsconductedmaneuvering andmaritimesecuritydrills

“Partnerships areatthe foundation of maritime security and stability in the Middle East,”saidVice Adm. Brad Cooper commander of U.S. NavalForces Central Command,U.S.5th Fleetand Combined

MaritimeForces.“Ourcontinuedcollaboration reflects our collectivecommitment tosafeguardingregionalwaters.”

The three nationspreviously conducted asimilar patrolinthe Arabian Gulf on Aug. 25.U.S.NavypatrolcoastalshipUSSSirocco (PC 6) and U.S. CoastGuardfastresponse cutter USCGC Charles Moulthrope (WPC 1141)participated.

Dextrous is an Avenger-class mine countermeasures ship designed to clear mines from vital waterways. The ship is forward-deployedtoBahrain whereU.S 5thFleetisheadquartered.

U.S.5thFleet’soperatingareaincludes21 countries, the ArabianGulf,Gulf of Oman, RedSea,partsoftheIndianOceanandthree criticalchokepointsattheStraitofHormuz, Babal-MandebandSuezCanal

visits USSArlington in

look forwardtoworking together as allies in the futuretopromote security in the trans-Atlantic area.”

The minister’s visit to Arlington comes while guided-missile destroyer USSPaul Ignatius (DDG 117) arrived in Helsinki, Finland, Dec. 2, following their participation in the Finnish Navy Command-led exercise Freezing Winds 22, which also includedtrainingevolutionswiththeRoyal Danish and RoyalNetherlands navies “Itwas an honor hosting the Finnish MinisterofDefense;itreallydemonstrates our dedicationtoanimportant defense partner,” saidPlant. “Arlington enjoyed working withthe Finnish Navy over our lastdeployment and the U.S. Navy looks

forwardtocontinuedopportunitiestowork together withFinland in the future.”

During Arlington’slastdeployment which concluded in Oct. 2022, the KearsargeAmphibiousReady Group (ARG),composed of the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USSKearsarge (LHD3),ArlingtonandtheWhidbeyIsland Classdock landing ship USSGunston Hall (LSD 44) operated in the U.S. Sixth Fleet area of operationunder thecommand and control of Task Force 6½.The ARG conducted interoperability training with partner nations Finland and Sweden to defend U.S.,alliedand partner interests in the Baltic Sea

U.S. NavalForces Central Command /U.S.5th Fleet ARABIAN GULF(Dec.11,2022) U.S.Navymine countermeasures ship USSDextrous (MCM 13), right,operatesintheArabian Gulfwith ships from the Iraq NavyandKuwait CoastGuard,Dec. 11.Iraq,Kuwait and the United States completedajoint patrol in theArabian Gulfforthe second time in fourmonths to promote regional maritime security.(U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYSPC.AARON TROUTMAN)
Norfolk on same dayU.S.destroyer
Helsinki NORFOLK,Va.(Dec.4,2022) -The HonorableAntti Kaikkonen,left,Finnish MinisterofDefense,presentsa gifttoU.S.NavyCmdr.MatthewPlant,executive officerofthe SanAntonio-class amphibious transportdockship USSArlington (LPD 24),during atouroftheArlingtonatNaval Station Norfolk,Virginia,Dec.4,2022.During arecentdeployment,Arlington Sailorsand embarked 22nd Marine ExpeditionaryUnit (MEU) MarinesconductedinteroperabilitytrainingwithFinnishArmedForcesinFinland and the Baltic Sea.U.S.2nd Fleet employs maritime forces readyto fight across multiple domains in theAtlantic andArctic in orderto ensureaccess,deteraggression and defend U.S.,alliedand partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSJOHNBELLINO) www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, December 15, 2022 5
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Finish your high school diploma, foryou andfor them. Find free,flexibleand supportive adult education centersnearyou at FinishYourDiploma.org. When you graduate, they graduate. 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, December 15, 2022

Free Carnival cruise for twoawaits one lucky guestatWinterFestonthe Wisconsin


NORFOLK,Va.—Tocelebratetherecent announcement that the Carnival Magic will sail from Norfolk for six months in 2023,Nauticus and Carnival Cruise Line have teamed up to present the WinterFest on the Wisconsin Great Cruise Giveaway. Throughout the month of December,all guests who purchase an online ticketto WinterFestwill automatically be entered to win afreesix-day cruisedeparting from Norfolk in 2023.The lucky winner will cruiseaboardthe 4,000-passenger Carni-

valMagic, thelargestvessel to ever homeport from Virginia “Nauticus is the only museum in the country that also manages acruise ship program,”saidStephenE.Kirkland,Nauticusexecutivedirector.“WinterFestonthe Wisconsin has become aholidaytradition for Hampton Roads and so it seemed like theperfectopportunitytomakeavacation dream come true.”

All guests 21 years or older who book their WinterFestonthe Wisconsin tickets online during the month of December willautomaticallybeeligibletowin the

six-day cruise.Tickets purchasedonsite at Nauticus will not be eligible for the giveaway.Some restrictions and black-out dates apply.For moreinformation on the WinterFestontheWisconsinGreatCruise Giveaway, guests areencouraged to visit https://www.winterfestonthewisconsin. com/carnivalcruisegiveaway.

WinterFestonthe Wisconsin features morethan one million holidaylights,live entertainment, tree lighting ceremonies, andseasonalshopping.ThisseasonWinterFest nearly doubles in size with an all-new experience called Mistletoe Marina —an

immersivewaterfront journey featuring lights,beautifully-decorated boats,interactive fun, and twoshows nightly Plan Your Visit: WinterFestonthe WisconsinrunsNovember9,2022,toJanuary 1, 2023,and is openeach Wednesday— Sunday, in addition to select Mondays and Tuesdays throughout the holidayseason. General admission pricing is $18.50 for adults and $16.50 for children. Nauticus members receiveadiscounted rate.Visit www.winterfestonthewisconsin.com

There is nothing better to put one in the Christmas spirit than experiencing what The Lights Of Christmas located inside the VirginiaBeachKOAhastooffer.Withthousandsuponthousandsoflightsstrunginvery elaborate displays, synchronized to Christmas songs,heardonthe car radio as one drivesthroughitand followedbyavisit to theChristmasVillageincludedintheadmissionprice, everyone gets to experience the true feeling of Christmas.It’slikevisiting a scenefromaHallmarkmovie.Andthestory ofhowitallcametobe,threeyearsagointhe middleofthepandemic,isworthyofaHallmarkmovieinitself.

Fortickets,times,directions,specialNew Year’s Eve activities on December 31stand more, go to https://www.thelightsofchristmasvb.com/

With us todayare brothersTreyEichenbergand DJ Eichenberg.They aresuper excitedtotellusthestoryofhowTheLights OfChristmasVirginiaBeachcametobe

Yiorgo: Whydid youdecide to do The LightsOfChristmas?

Trey Eichenberg: The main reason that The Lights Of Christmas is somethinguniqueandspecialisthatweareboth twobrothers, DJ is the oldestand Iamthe secondoldest

Of 10 siblings,three boys and seven girls,same mom and dad, and we grew up truly loving the meaningofChristmas. So coming from abig family,Christmas time it wasalwayshardfor us to go out and do anything because of howexpensive it was,


DJEichenberg:IfIamnotmistaken,we arethe onlyfullymusically synchronized Christmas lights showinVirginia Beach. Wewanttogivepeopleamusicallightshow experienceastheydriveintheircars,listeningtoChristmasmusicontheirradio.Butwe didn’twantittobejustadrivethroughlights experience,ours is amusical synchronized lightsexperience.

Y: Tell us about the Christmas Village experience

DJE:WehavetheChristmasVillage,that’s includedasapartoftheLightsOfChristmas price,andthatislocatedaftertheycomeout of thedrive-through.Wehaveafreephoto opportunity everyday of the week and on FridaysandSaturdayswehaveSantaandthe Grinchonstagetakingfreephotoswiththe kids.Wealso have letters to Santa, outdoor movies,games and jump pads.Thereare also craft, food andspecialty vendorsinthe village

Y: Howdid the ideacome up to do The Lights Of Christmas? Howdid youmakeit areality?

DJE: Trey served in theArmyand when hewaslookingtogetout,hehadsomeexperience with light shows in the pastand he decided when he gotout of the military, he wantedtodosomethingthatwouldprovide agreatfamilyexperienceduringChristmas time.Heputinallofhisefforttoputtogether this light showand ourwhole family,weall pitched in, collectivelyall gettingtogether tohelphismissionofcreatingthismusically synchronized light showthatall the families could enjoy. We arefamily owned and operatedand we offer afamily discount to ourmilitarymembers.I’llletTreytalkabout wherehispassioncamefrom.

TE: Christmas is alwaysone of my favorite times of the year.Weare Christian and thetruemagicofChristmasandhoweveryoneseemstobedifferentduringthattimeis somethingI’veenjoyedandloved.Myfavoritemovie is the Polar Expressand theJosh Grobansoundtrackonthatmoviereallygets

body whereafamily no matter what size couldcomeandhaveatrulymagicalChristmasexperienceinthisareawithoutitbeing
The Lights of Christmas synchronized musical drive-through displayand Christmas Village,happening nowthrough Jan2nd at the Virginia Beach KOA (PHOTOSCOURTESYOFTREYEICHENBERG) INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values,your source for automobiles,employment, real estate and more! PagesC6-7 On iberty Make apples the star of your holidaytable Thisyear,you canchangethingsupand startnewtraditionswith freshapples, which provide an easywaytoupdate classicsdue to theirsweettaste and availability. PageC4 BrothersDJ(left)&TreyEichenberg(right) TurntoLightsofChristmas, Page 3 www flagshipnews.com |The Flagship |Section 3| Thursday, December 15, 2022 1

Frank Ferrante’s one-man show “Frank Ferrante’s

GROUCHO” a loving

tribute to Groucho Marx, to be broadcast on public television at the end of the month

For over 35 years and over 3,000 performances in over 500 cities world-wide,

Frank Ferrante’s labor of love for the legendary Groucho Marx is like fine wine It continues to get better with age Frank is proud to announce that his filmed stage show “Frank Ferrante’s GROUCHO” will be broadcast on public television, over 120 times nationally from LA to NYC between 12⁄26 and 1⅔1

Broadcast dates and times for the PBS stations continue to be added daily on the list.Foranupdatedlist,gotohttps://www eveningwithgroucho.com/thefilm.

TheNewYorkTimesdescribedFrankas “the greatest living interpreter of Groucho Marx’smaterial.”“Nothingshortofmasterful”fromtheChicagoTribune “Uncanny. astonishing” says L.A Weekly and The Today Show, Gene Shalit called Frank and the show “Brilliant”.

And those who knew Groucho best, his family and friends: “Nobody does Groucho better than Frank Ferrante.” Is what Arthur Marx, Groucho’s son said MiriamMarx,Groucho’sdaughter,hassaid that “Frank doesn’t just do Groucho...he is Groucho.” And Morrie Ryskind, co-author of the Marx Brothers hits The Cocoanuts Animal Crackers and A Night at the Opera said “Frank is the only actor aside from Groucho who delivered my lines as they were intended to be.”

I was very fortunate a few years ago, to see the internationally renowned, award-winning actor/director/playwright Frank Ferrante’s acclaimed show “AnEveningwithGroucho”andspokewith him on the phone Frank gets very excited everytimehehas theopportunitytore-introduceGrouchotoawholenewaudience, to those who are young and those who are young at heart.

Yiorgo:Howandwhendidyoudiscover and fall in love with Groucho?

FrankFerrante:Iwas9yearsoldwhen I saw the Marx Brothers movie “A Day at theRaces.”Iremember Ineverlaughedso hardinmylife Theywereanescapeforme; I wanted to behave like they did, complete anarchy,becauseIwasgoingtoaverystrict Catholic School at the time

Y: Talk to us about when and how you came up with the idea to do a one-man show on Groucho?

FF: The year was 1985 and I was a studentattheUniversityofSouthernCalifornia. As part of my senior project, I put on a one-man show on Groucho Marx that I had written. I wanted real feedback and I invited Groucho Marx’s son Arthur, a playwright, Groucho’s daughter Miriam and Morrie Ryskind who co-wrote three oftheMarxbrothersgreatesthits,“Animal Crackers”“Coconuts”and“ANightAtThe Opera.” They showed up and Arthur said, “IfIeverdoaplayaboutmyfatherI’dliketo useyou. IgraduatedfromtheUniversityof SouthernCal,ayearlaterweweredoinghis show and here we are more than 35 years later continuing the love affair

Y: Tell us about the show.

FF: The show is storytelling with songs from Groucho’s Broadway shows and films as well as one-liners and bits from his movies But the glory of the show is the improv where the audience literally becomes part of the show. You don’t have toknowwhoGrouchoistofallinlovewith the show

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker writer storyteller and columnist


Withstay-at-homeholidaysathingofthe past for many families, they’re now busy preparing for full-blown celebrations The returnoftraditionalfestivitiesbringsseeminglynever-endingto-dolistsandpressure to be the perfect host.

Frommastering a mouthwatering menu and donning your home with decadent decortoensuringguestsenjoytheevening to the fullest, hosting duties bring plenty of responsibilities This year, though, you canavoidthoseanxiousfeelingswithsome preparation ahead of the big day.

To help pull off a sensational seasonal soiree, consider these tips from the entertaining experts at Sun-Maid to make the holidays brighter and moremanageable so you can navigate the stresses of hosting

„ InviteOtherstoShareFavorite


Especially with stay-at-home holidays in recent years, some friends and family members may have developed their own special traditions from new recipes and foodstoseasonalgamesandactivities.Inviting yourguests to bring or share something thatrepresentstheirfavoritepartoftheholidayscanhelpeveryonefeelwelcome

„ TakeTimeforYourself

Remember to make time for yourself so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor right

alongsideguests Thebusynessofthistime of year can add stress but reflecting

Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
on the true meaning of the season and reveling in yourfavoritepartsoftheholidayscanhelp you avoid feeling overwhelmed „ AddNewIngredientstoYourMenu
pairing this year’s turkey or ham withtheclassicsprovidescomfortandcalls tomindholidaymemoriesofthepast,cooking with new ingredients and adding fresh recipes to the menu can put
fun spin on
traditions to
¼-cup serving They’re an easy, betterfor-yousubstitutiontoreduceoverallsugar intake without compromising flavor or texture when compared with dried cranberries, which contain 27 grams of added sugars per ¼-cup serving. The natural sugars of raisins make them a versatile, useful addition to a wide variety of holiday-worthy dishes „ HopOnHotFoodTrends Oneofthisyear’smostpopulartrendsin the kitchen is food boards a fun and easy way to elevate flavor while incorporating favoriteslikecuredmeats,coldcuts,cheese slices
nutritious items
suchasraisins,whichprovidesweetflavor without the added sugars „ ATimeforTruce Gathering for the holidays is about coming together with loved ones family friends and neighbors - and pulling it off means catering to everyone’s needs and wants It’s a time for compromises and truces To help add a little extra spark this year,tryincorporatingathemetotheparty orcoordinatefunactivitiesandgamesthat can be enjoyed by all For example, holiday-themed charades a seasonal “name thattune”gameandgiftexchangesallgive guests ways to get in on the excitement. To find more holiday entertaining inspirationandrecipeideas,visitSunMaid.com/ PullOffTheHolidays 5 Tips to pull off holiday hosting (PHOTOCOURTESYOFGETTYIMAGES) 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, December 15, 2022
carry forward. For example, baking with an option like Sun-Maid Raisins provides a whole fruit option with zero grams of added sugars per
dips, nuts and more. Plus, you can keep your board balanced with
like vegetables and fruit,


The holiday season is a time for joy and togetherness, but it can often bring stress for parents of young children with the amount of “newness ineachexperience,particularlywhen itcomestoseasonaltravel

To help make holiday travel with little ones more manageable - whether traveling by bus, train,carorplane-Dr WhitneyCasares,MD MPH,pediatricmedicalconsultantforGerber offersthisguidanceforfamilies.

„ TravelLight

Especiallyiftravelingbyplane,packaslightas possible(orcheckmostofyourluggage)soyou have less to maneuver through security gates and on the plane. However, for longer trips, packing small developmentally appropriate toys and snacks can provide perfect entertainmentforlittleones



Babiesoftenscreamduringtakeoffandlanding on flights because they can’t easily equalize the pressure in their eustachian tubes, the

Lights of Christmas

from Page 1


Iwasworkingwithagentlemananddoing lightshowswithoneofthelargestshowsin thecountry andhetaughtmethewhatsand hows of doing light shows before I joined the Army As I was coming to the end of my Army contract I had two roads in front of me AsIprayedtoGodwhatroadtochoose, theideaofthelightshowcontinuedtocome up Itoldmywifeaboutitandshehadareal calmansweraboutit.Shesaid,“Ok,howare wegoingtodothis?”Shewasahugeblessing init Weendedupprettymuchsellingeverything, home, furniture, buying a camper and moving to Virginia from Tennessee and putting all of our savings and resources into building this light show I did not have enoughtopaymyfamilytocomebuilditbut theyweregraciousenoughtolendmetheir workinghandsforafewmonths Theycame, rolled up their sleeves and we set it up here attheVirginiaBeach,VirginiaKOAin2020.

DJE: That was the other thing it was at the start of Covid, everyone was stuck at home and Trey made the decision that nowmorethanever,isthetimetocelebrate somethinggoodwithChristmasandfamily. We did it on Trey’s faith that things would work out and we’ve had great success each year Thisisthethirdyearwearerunningit.

connection between their ears and the back of thethroat Whenyou’reascendinganddescending, give your baby something safe to suck on likeapacifier,toreducethebuildupofpressure intheears Takingsmallsipsofwater,breastmilk or formula and yawning are also ways to help babies and toddlers experiencing ear pressure duringflights.



Forlongtripsthatincludetimezonechanges, expect children to take several days to grow accustomed to their new schedules. Plan an extra day or two for that time adjustment, if possible,whenmappingoutyourtripandmake time for stops to stretch, snack and take bathroombreaks.



Having easy-to-access snacks that don’t make a large mess can make travel easier and less stressful. For example Gerber Plant-Tastic Banana Berry & Veggie Smash with Oats OrganicPouchandPlant-TasticLil Crunchies WhiteBeanHummusarenutritioussnacksfor toddlersthatcomeinresealablecontainersthat

Y: Trey, why did you decide to do it here inVirginiaBeachandwhyKOA?

TE:Therewasaneedinthemarketforit and nobody was doing anything like this in thisarea Also,myfamilyhadlivedherefora shortperiodoftimewhenIwasinthemilitary. I came out to visit them, I met and fell in love with my wife at this KOA as well so wehaveasoftspotforVirginiaBeach.When we were talking about doing The Lights Of Christmas in Virginia Beach, the number onechoicewastheKOA.

Y:Canyouspeakontheactualprocessof creatingtheseincredibledisplays,thevision fromthedrawingboardtoreality?

DJE: I would say that eighty percent of ourfeaturesarecustommadebyus Ihavea background in audio and visuals and I have worked in the music industry for about 15 years so when Trey said he wanted to do a musically synchronized light show it was down my alley and it was like, yes let do it. And with the experience we gained from working with the other gentleman, I definitely saw the potential of what we could doandhave Treyalwayshadaverycreative mind when it comes to creating displays. It was three weeks of a lot of manual, hard, intense work to set all this up from dusk to dawn. There are a lot and lot of wires and thousandsuponthousandsoflightsrunning and strung everywhere. And everyday we stilldosomethingwithit Itwasacollective effort of taking ideas of what we would like


„ BringSanitizingProducts

Havingyourownsanitizingwipeson-hand makes it easier to freshen up often-touched surfaces in public spaces like seatback trays, chairs and tables. While safe on most hard surfaces, check the label before using the wipes then allow the area to dry completely beforelettingyourchildtouchit Warm soapy watercanalsobeusedtocleantoysandother personalproducts.



Keeping your child on his or her normal scheduleduringtheholidaysisn’talwaysfeasibleandafewimperfectionsaretobeexpected duringthebusyseason However,ifyourbaby’s feeding or sleep schedule does get thrown off by holiday events try to return to a consistent routineassoonaspossible Bepatientwithyourselfandyourlittleoneasyoubothadjust



While attending holiday gatherings, your child may become overwhelmed when meet-

to see in our show and finding out how to create it. It’s a lot of standing in the middle ofthearea,sketching on napkins our vision ofhowit’sgoingtolookinthedark,because youneverknowuntilyouplugthelightsin.

Y: This is of course a live experience can youshareanyanecdotesofwhatcouldpossiblygowrong?

TE:Wehadalotofinterestingmoments During our first year in 2020, a person’s vehiclediedwhilegoingthroughthedrivethrough and we had to push it almost the entire way out. That person told us that theywereontheVirginiaBeacheventcouncil. They decide if our event permit gets approved. This person shared with us that the discussion among the board members was that there was no way we could pull it off,it’snotgoingtobebigevenifwetried He said, “I just want you to know that nobody thought you were going to succeed and thank you very much for doing it.” We also hadbadweatherrelateddamages,andtime issues Lastyearwewerescheduledtoopen but because of bad weather we ran out of timeandwewerefinishingandrunningthe showatthesametime

DJE: We currently have someone who is cutting a light strand or two so everyday there’snewlightstorepairbecausewehave a real life grinch, locally running around trying to steal Christmas We believe in Christmas and we will fight for Christmas. Wewillkeeponhanginglights Mypersonal

ing new people including family members. Babiesstarttodevelopseparationanxietyand apprehension to strangers at about 6 months old as their brains start to understand the conceptofobjectpermanence(thatsomething still exists when it is not present). Educating loved ones about this developmental stage canhelpyoufeellessanxiousaboutbigfamily gatherings with your little one. If your child is particularly sensitive, try introducing new peopleinsmallercohorts,asopposedtointroducinghimorhertothewholegroupatonce

„ TakeTimeforYourself

While traveling with little ones can be a “bumpyroad,”it’simportantforparentstoalso tryandenjoytheholidaysasmuchaspossible Making some time for yourself - taking deep breaths,listeningtoameditationonanoption liketheCalmapporplayingafavoritesong for example-canhelpyourechargeandrelaxahead ofabigevent.

Tofindmoreexperttipsandresourcestohelp conquertheholidayseason,visitGerber.com.

favorite happened during the first year Thingsdon’talwaysgoasplanned.Wehada tunnelthatwehaddesignedoutofPVC.We thought it was going to work better than it did.Wehavebeenveryfortunateinthatthe timingofthingsthatcouldgowrongalways workinourfavor.

Intheend Ithinktheonethingthatreally shined that first year was that it was a true testament of what a family could do when theycanallworktogetherandselflesslygive everythingtheyhavetogetbehindoneofthe membersoftheirfamily Everyonefromour 12yearoldsisteronupwasouttherestringinglights.OursisterStefaniewhoisbattling abraintumor rantheChristmasVillagefor us and was a huge help the last two years Everyoneworkedhardtomakeitasuccess The whole thing is a labor of love and our effort as a family, to create experiences for other families. Coming from a large family, weunderstandwhataChristmasexperience can be, so we created The Lights Of Christmas to be a family tradition that the whole family can enjoy and do together year after year andcantrulycreatemagicalChristmas memoriesforalifetime

FormoreinfoonTreyandDJgotohttps:// www.tklightingcompany.com/

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Pediatrician-approvedtipstoconquer holidaytravelwithlittleones (PHOTOCOURTESYOFGETTYIMAGES) FREE PUZZLES &GAMES Playonline every dayat PlayJumble.com Jumble Daily|Jumble CrosswordDaily |Jumble Sunday Sudoku| Mahjong |Bubble Shooter Pro|Plusmanymore www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 15, 2022 3

Make apples the star of your holiday table


Whether your festivities include immediatefamilyorbringtogetherrelatives from around the country, the holidays are about making memories with loved ones From the first days of the season to the last, many families spend theirprecioustimetogetherwithfavorite activitiesandthebestfoodstheholidays havetooffer.

This year you can change things up and start new traditions with a fresh ingredient like Envy apples which provide an easy way to update classics due to their sweet taste and availability

The sweet, sophisticated flavor; uplifting, fresh aroma; delightfully satisfying crunch; beautiful appearance; and naturally white flesh that doesn’t brown as quickly as other apples all lend themselvestoshareablerecipeslikethisApple Wreath Salad or Roasted Apple Macaroni and Cheese, both perfect for holidayparties

Becausecherishedmemoriesaremade withsweetingredients,youcanturncozy movie nights into festive and memorableeventsyearafteryearbypairingHallmarkChannel’spopular“Countdownto Christmas” holiday movies with deliciousdessertslikeAppleCustardSponge TrifleandBrownButterApplePie

Findmorememory-makingrecipesat EnvyApple.com

Apple Wreath Salad

Recipe courtesy of “The Produce Moms” (@theproducemoms)






To make balsamic dressing: In small serving bowl, whiskhoney,Dijonmustard,salt,pepper,garlic,balsamic vinegarandoliveoil.

Placedressingbowlincenteroflargeboardorplatter Arrangearugulaarounddressingbowlinwreathshape.

Place apple slices on top of arugula. Sprinkle on goat cheese,pomegranatearilsandpecans.

Servings: 8-10

Peel,coreanddiceapples;placeinlargesaucepan Add castersugar,cinnamonand½cupwater.Simmerapples 5-8minutesuntiltender Combine corn flour and remaining water Stir corn flourmixtureintoapplesuntilapplesaresyrupy. Cut sponge cake into 2-centimeter diced pieces Arrange⅓ofspongepiecesinbaseofservingbowl.Add half of cinnamon apple pieces including syrupy juices Add1cupcustardanddrizzlewith¼cupcaramelsauce. Repeatwithremainingingredients,finishingwithsponge cake;chill. Whip cream and spoon dollops over sponge cake to cover top Garnish with apple slices, strawberry slices andcaramelsauce.

Placefrozenpieshellonbakingsheet.Add2cupsapple mixture into shell, gently pressing apple slices for even base.Addremainingappleslicesandgentlypress Sprinklestreuseltoppingevenlyoverapples Bake30minutesthenreduceoventemperatureto350 F and bake 35-45 minutes until topping is golden and applesfeeltenderwhenpiercedwithfork.

Create a heart-healthy holiday menu


The traditions of the holidays often include family-favorite meals and seasonal sweets, but enjoying those belovedtreatsdoesn’talwaysmeangiving uphealth-consciouseating

This year, before you decide what to prepare for holiday get-togethers, consider the benefits of recipes like this Apple Coffee Cake that follow hearthealthy eating plans One such plan, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) plan, offers benefits for the heart and helps prevent and treat high bloodpressure,too

Developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), DASHtakesaflexible,balancedapproach to eating that can help boost your health for the long haul. It requires no special foods and instead provides daily and weeklynutritionalgoals

It can lower two major risk factors for heart disease high blood pressure and high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, accordingtoNHLBI-fundedresearch.

Itcanhelpyouloseweightifyoufollow theplanandincreaseyourphysicalactivity,researchshows

Ifcombinedwithreductionsinsaltand sodium, it often provides greater health benefitsthantheeatingplandoesalone

TolearnmoreandfindDASH-friendly recipes,visitnhlbi.nih.gov/DASH.

„ ½
„ ½
Salad: „ 10ouncesbabyarugula
Apple Custard Sponge Trifle
„ 2tablespoonsgoldencastersugar „ 1teaspooncinnamon „ ½
„ 1tablespooncornflour „
„ 2cupsvanillabeancustard „ ½
„ ½
cupcaramelorbutterscotchsauce, plusadditionalforgarnish,divided
Brown Butter Apple Pie StreuselTopping: „ ½cupflour „ ¼cupchoppedpecans „ 2tablespoonslightbrownsugar „ 4tablespoonsbutter,cutinto½-inchcubes Filling: „ 4tablespoonsbutter „ 2poundsEnvyapples,cutinto¼-inchslices „ ½cuplightbrownsugar „ ½teaspooncinnamon „ ⅛teaspoongratednutmeg „ ¼teaspoonsalt „ 1teaspoonvanilla „ 3tablespoonsflour „ 1deepdishfrozenpieshell Preheatovento375F. Tomakestreuseltopping: Mix flour, chopped pecans and light brown sugar Stir in butter using fingertips until incorporatedwithsmalllumpsofbuttervisible Refrigerate To make filling: In large skillet over medium heat, melt butter until amber, stirring often Set aside to cool.
Pourbrown butter over apples and mix, scraping skillet
Inlargebowl,stirslicedapples,brownsugar,cinnamon, nutmeg,salt,vanillaandflourusingspatula
with rubber spatulatoincorporatebrownbutterbits
Apple Coffee Cake (RecipecourtesyofTheHeartTruthprogram,partof theNationalHeart,Lung,andBloodInstitute) Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 40 minutes Servings: 20 „ 5cupstartapples,cored,peeled andchopped „ 1cupsugar „ 1cupdarkraisins „ ½cuppecans,chopped „ ¼cupvegetableoil „ 2teaspoonsvanilla „ 1egg,beaten „ 2½cupssiftedall-purposeflour „ 1½teaspoonsbakingsoda „ 2teaspoonsgroundcinnamon Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly oil 13-by-9by-2-inchpan. Inlargemixingbowl,combineappleswith sugar, raisinsandpecans;mixwell.Let stand 30minutes Stirinoil,vanillaandegg Sift together flour, baking soda and cinnamon. Using about ⅓ of mix at a time add to applemixture,stirringjustenoughtomoisten dryingredients Turn batter into pan. Bake 35-40 minutes until toothpick inserted in center of cake comesoutclean Coolcakeslightlybeforeserving. 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, December 15, 2022

NMCRS Visiting Nurse Program turns 100!

In year 1904 the Society that you know todayastheNavy-MarineCorpsReliefSociety(NMCRS)wasincorporatedbyhandfull of naval officers, their wives, and civilian friends, who saw a need for formal support in the Sailor and Marine-Corps community The funds to support this community in 1904 initially came from the 1903 ArmyNavyFootballgame Withjust$9,500itsfirst year of support, the Society was a success andhasonlycontinuedtogrowfromthere.

By the early 1920s the NMCRS organization took it a step further in seeing a trend within the active duty community seeking out medical support for their dependents During this time, the military was not providing medical support to the dependentsofactivedutyservicemembers; the Society stepped in. Two years later the NMCRSorganizationhiredtheirfirstVisiting Nurse (VN), Nell Watson, for the Parris IslandBranchAuxiliary TodaytheNMCRS organization’sVNprogramprovidesspecialized care to the communities they serve aroundtheworld

TheVisitingNurseProgramofNavy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) organization provides specialized care to the communities they serve around the world. FoundedonNovember25 1922,theprogram will celebrate its centennial anniversary Nov.25,2022.

“The importance and need for the NMCRS Visiting Nurse program is indescribable,”saidMcKallahBlanton,NMCRS Rota director “It’s a struggle for me to explain how under-utilized this program is to our community and the abilities this free program can offer This program was establishedtofillinthosepresentandfuture needs I’m proud to be a part of this organizationandhumbledtoworkalongsidesuch anamazingcommunityofvisitingnurses.”

Throughthe100yearsofitsexistence,the mission of the Visiting Nurse Program has remained:“toimprovethequalityoflifefor Navy and Marine Corps active duty, retirees andfamilymembersbyprovidinghealth educationandresourcereferraltopromote healthmaintenanceandcontinuityofcare.

Rota’s NMCRS welcomes a new Visiting Nurse,ShannonWilliams,whojoinsasmall groupof25VisitingNursesaroundtheworld whoareinstrumentalintheimplementation to this program. She explains that the daily dutiesandprogramsvarybylocation.

“WhatisneededinVirginiaBeachorGulfport is not what is needed here,” she said. “Weeachhaveveryspecificneeds andeach

ofthenursesadjustbasedonthecommunity theyserve.”

For Rota, Williams sees the greatest communityneedsaspostpartumandperinatalsupport,whichtranslatestohomevisits, educationalclasses,andsupportgroups

As a former Army spouse and mother of three, Williams can empathize with many of the challenges new mothers face while stationed in Rota such as deployed spouse thousands of miles away from family and limitedsupportsystem.Theseareareasshe hopesto“fillthegap forthecommunity

Whileeducationandsupportgroupswill beanessentialpartoftheprogram,Williams saidapproximately80%ofhertimeisdesignatedforhomevisits.Thesevisitsallowsfor one-on-one patient care to supplement the careprovidedbytheU.S.NavalHospitaland otherbaseserviceproviders


easily missed or hidden,” said Williams of beingabletoentertheperson’shomeandget agreater,holisticunderstandingofthesituation. “I think I will be able to pick up a lot oftheslippageandthat’sabeautifulthing.”

Pulling on her over 16 years of varied nursing experience, which includes working as a nurse with Veterans Affairs (VA) and at three overseas Women, Infant and Children(WIC)locations.Hermostrecent nursing job was with Covid-19 patients which she admitted almost made her walk away from nursing

“To come from the most depressing two yearsofmynursingcareertohelpingmoms with babies, helping new mom’s breastfeed,andhelpingpostpartummothers,”she said. “It has opened up a new window that Iwasn’texpectingandI’mreinvigorated.”

Williams is thankful for this opportunity tomeetanessentialneedforthecommunity

WhenshemovedtoRota shewasjustlookingforareastogivebacktothecommunity

“I became a volunteer [with NMCRS] in March to help out because I wanted to do the Budget 4 Baby class,” said Williams “I felt like I wasn’t going to work while I’m living in Spain so I’m going to insert myself somewhere where I can do some good and impart a little knowledge from my experience.”

Williams’s passion and enthusiasm for this new role will translate to a new level of support and care to members of the Rota community, and one she hopes to continue to grow and develop along with the community

“I feel utterly and thoroughly privileged [for this position],” said Williams The opportunitytodothisforthiscommunity andforthesepeople ishonestlyadream.”

Lung cancer leading cause of cancer death

Despite reduction in numbers in recent years lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States Each year an average of 218,500 people are diagnosed with lung cancer, and about 142,000peoplediefromthedisease,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Though different people have different symptomsforlungcancer,mostpeoplewith lung cancer don’t have symptoms until the cancerisadvanced,accordingtotheCDC

The three leading causes of lung cancer arecigarettesmoking,exposuretosecondhandsmoke,andexposuretoradon,according to the National Institutes of Health, with 90 % of lung cancer deaths caused by smoking and the use of tobacco products Along with the above leading causes, previousexposuretoanykindofradiation, exposure to asbestos and family history should all be taken seriously

Smoking along with exposure to other causes, increases the risk of lung cancer, according to U.S. Army Major (Dr.) Mateo Houle, a pulmonologist at the Brooke Army Medical Center in Fort Sam Hous-

ton, Texas.


Some warfighters work in locations where there may be hazardous chemicals that can possibly cause cancer. If you have concerns, Houle said, the first step should be consulting a supervisor If there is a question, all work locations should have Material Safety Data Sheets that can be consulted.

“TheMSDSisamanualthatshowsallthe chemicals used in the workplace and their known effects following exposure. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulates workplace exposures/ chemicals and safety,” Houle said.

Unlike some cancers, most symptoms of lung cancer are not discovered until the cancer is advanced “Unfortunately, there are no signs of lung cancer in the early stages,” said Houle

Despite there being no obvious early signs, there are symptoms one can watch for according to the NIH.

Screening for Lung Cancer


“We have a lung cancer screening program, and at BAMC we have a specific lungcancerscreeningclinicwhereweoffer education and same day CT lung cancer screeningforthosewhoarereferredhere,” said Houle “We then evaluate each case of newdiagnosisoflungcancerinamultidisciplinaryteam,onceperweek.Wealsohave a smoking cessation program at BAMC which has nursing and behavioral health embedded in the clinic.”

Even though lung cancer can be hard to cure, early detection can lower the risk of dying from this disease TRICARE will cover an annual low-dose computed tomography screenings for lung cancer if thebeneficiaryisbetween50-to80-yearsold and has a 20-pack per-year history of smoking, is currently smoking or has quit within the past 15 years

Lung cancer screening is not without risks That is why lung cancer screening is recommended only for adults who are at highriskfordevelopingthediseasebecause of their smoking history and age

Lung Cancer Prevention

Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to prevent lung cancer, but there are steps you can take to minimize your risk.

„ Stop smoking, or don’t start.

„ Avoid secondhand smoke, and don’t smoke around others

„ Test your home for radon and asbestos (if appropriate).

„ Take safety precautions at work if you’re around toxic chemicals or carcinogens

„ Examine your diet and exercise

NAVALSTATION ROTA Spain (Nov.22 2022) – ShannonWilliams,visiting nurse forNavyand Marine Corps ReliefSociety(NMCRS) Rota poses fora photo in the NMCRS Rota lactation room Nov.22 2022.TheVisiting Nurse Program provides specialized care to the com-munities NMCRS serves around theworld.The programwill celebrate its centennial anniversary,Nov.25,2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC2HUTCHJOHNSON) ByRobertHammer MHS Communications
choices “Smokingisthesinglegreatestrisk factor to develop lung cancer,” said Houle “It is possible to develop lung cancer from exposure to radon or other environmental factors, but these are far less common.
Signs of Lung Cancer „ Anewcoughthatwon’tgoaway „ Shortnessofbreath „ Chestpain „ Hoarseness „ Losingweight(withouttrying) „ Coughingupblood
may be appropriate screenings available to catch cancer at an early curativestage,”saidHoule Lungcancerscreening is recommended only for adults who havenosymptomsbutwhoareathighrisk for developing the disease because of their smoking history and age
U.S.Naval Medical CenterSan Diego’s medical providers conduct a lung cancerscreening With Novemberbeing Lung CancerAwareness Month,be aware ofsymptoms,causes and steps to take ifyou thinkyou need screening (U.S.NAVYSEAMANAPPRENTICEHARLEYSARMIENTO,NAVALMEDICALCENTERSANDIEGO) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 15, 2022 5
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