From saving lives to a life of service
NORFOLK Va Itwasonlysupposedto be a temporary job One that would last for threetosixmonthsservingasawatersafety instructor, or lifeguard, at Naval Station Norfolk’s Fleet Recreation Park pool. The perfect summer gig for an 18 year-old Old Dominion University student, and varsity swim team member, to earn a whopping $1.60anhour minimumwagein1971.Not only did the young lifeguard jump into the water he jumpedinto a50 year career that would propel him to the top position overseeing not only the first pool he sat above, but all pools and more in 14 states
Charles “Chuck” Dozier, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic’sdirectorofFleetandFamily Readinesspreparestoleavefederalservice after more than 50 years His story is one that truly epitomizes what is possible with hardworkanddetermination.Beginningin anentry-levelhourlypositionandclimbing the ladder to career senior management.
“A classmate my senior year of high school drowned on a school field trip and shortly thereafter I was offered an opportunity to go to the national aquatic school
in the Richmond-area. [Afterwards] I just tried to put it to best use When I started at naval station as a lifeguard, I did swim lessonsaswellandstuckwithit,”explained Dozier. “When I graduated from ODU, my degree was in education the offers were coming in to teach out of college but I had worked for the government at that point for about six years and the opportunity for the aquatics director for Naval Station [Norfolk] came open just about three or four weeks before I was to graduate so I put my name in for it.”
OverthecourseofDozier’scareer hehas served in a number of capacities all within the Fleet and Family Readiness umbrella. From recreation and billeting director at the Joint Forces Staff College (formerly Armed Forces Staff College) to housing managementspecialistwithNavalFacilities EngineeringSystemsCommandtobusiness manager for Naval Station Norfolk. He’s watched and worked through changes to the organizational structures the Navy’s shift from quality of life programs falling under Bureau of Naval Personnel to the establishment of Commander, Navy Installations Command, and consolidatingMWR,housingandcounselingservices.
“The biggest change is that they really pulled everything under one umbrella. [Quality of life] were all kind of standalone programs,” explained Dozier “I’ve been blessed to really have an opportunity that I thought was going to be a temporary job with the government for about three to six months and made it a life career I was 18 years old when I started and it’s been such a diverse career.”
Dozierledmanyprojectsthathadmajor significance for the Navy to include federally-funded childcare services following the Military Child Care Act of 1989 which prior to was ran by wives clubs on a volunteer basis; Base Realignment and Closure for Naval Station Norfolk in 2005 resulting in the only loss being Defense Finance Accounting Service; and the first-of-itskind $48M Navy Gateway Inns & Suites-funded hotel built from the ground by the Navy in 2018
“Getting the hotel built was quite an accomplishment,”saidDozier.“Ifyoulook around our program we all try to put our headstogetherforthecreativityofhowyou candoitbest.EachofmyprogramsI’vehad a proud moment but the hotel is key.” Each position Dozier held gave him the
experience and knowledge that uniquely positionedhimasatop,qualifiedcandidate for the next role as he moved from entrylevel to mid-level to senior-level. In 2020, Dozierassumedthetopjobintheprogram he spent more than four decades supporting and became responsible for all of the regionqualityoflifeprogramsintheNavy’s mid-Atlantic.
“On behalf of multiple generations of Sailors and their families who served [in Norfolk], thank you very sincerely,” said Rear Adm. Christopher “Scotty” Gray, Commander, Navy Region Mid- Atlantic, during Dozier’s going away celebration. “[His] legacy is enshrined in the history of Norfolk and more importantly the people [he] has mentored and served with and brought along across the whole breadth and depth of [his] 50 year career.”
After visiting more than 60 military bases and 54 activities across the U.S. and abroad, Dozier plans to vacation with his wife BarbarawhohemetthroughtheNavy aquaticsprogramin1984 sothatshehasan opportunity to experience some of those countries First stop…Italy and Spain.
NORFOLK, Va The Navy is an ever-changing organization, and Sailors and their families require special skills to helpthemadaptandovercomeanythingthat comestheirway.Whenthesechangesarise, Sailors are able to turn to Chaplains ReligiousEnrichmentDevelopmentOperations (CREDO)tohelpthemovercomethestress intheirprofessionalandpersonallife.
CREDOoffersprogramscoveringavarietyof topics,includingpersonalresiliency,marriage enrichment,andsuicideintervention.
on the Sailor,” said Malloy. “Our people are our best asset CREDO is the one providing youwithhowtobethebestthatyoucanbe.”
Malloy highlighted their CORE+ programs, which includes Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) and safeTALK TheseprogramshelpteachSailorshowtorecognizeapersonwiththoughts of self-harm and suicide and connect them withavailableresources
“Help is everywhere, Malloy said “Everyone says ‘I’m here to help,’ but being safeTALKandASISTtrained,you’llbehere tohelpandyou’llknowhowtohelp.”
Program Specialist 1st Class Matthew Malloy, the Leading Petty Officer oftheCommander NavyRegionMid-Atlantic CREDO program, says CREDO’s goal is to provide support to service members and theirfamilies “Theseprogramsarespecificallyfocused
Better yourself with CREDO CAMPLEMONNIER Djibouti (July27 2022) U.S.NavyReligious Program Specialist 2nd Class Reggie Orabuena,chapel staffon Camp Lemonnier Djibouti (CLDJ),teaches safeTALK,a suicide prevention training to CLDJ personnel.SafeTALKfocuses on theT.A.L.K.steps (tell, ask,listen,and keep safe) to help bring individuals to a safe place.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSCHRISTOPHERPREVIC) www The.Flagship the_flagship THE FLAGSHIP’S FREE HOME DELIVERY South Hampton Roads: Get the convenience of your Navy newspaper delivered right to your door for free! Signup today! Call 757222-3900 IN THIS ISSUE VOL.29 NO 48 Norfolk VA| flagshipnews.comDecember22-December28 2022 Naval Station Norfolk participates in local Wreaths Across America ceremony Naval Station Norfolk’s Executive Officerand local militaryand communityvolunteers participated in the ceremonyat Forest Lawn Cemetery Dec.17 PageA2 ACB 1 transports Orion spacecraft, supports
CREDO offers their training programs monthly to Sailors and their families For moreinformationonCREDOprogramsand tosignupforupcomingdates,
Sailors assigned to ACB
transported the NASA Artemis I Orion spacecraft from the well deck of amphibious transport dock USS Portland to a holding area onboard Naval Base San Diego.
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs
ABOVE LEFT: RearAdm.Christopher“Scotty”Gray,right,presents Charles“Chuck”Dozierwith the NavySuperiorCivilian ServiceAward at a luncheon,Dec.20 The NavySuperiorCivilian Service
www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 22 2022 1
Award is the highest honoraryaward the ChiefofNaval Operations maybestowon a civilian employee in the Department ofthe Navy (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYTRAVISKUYKENDALL/RELEASED)
NavalStation Norfolk
ByKellyWirfel NavalStation NorfolkPublic Affairs Officer
NORFOLK,Va.—NavalStationNorfolk’s ExecutiveOfficer and local military and communityvolunteers participated in the annualWreathsAcrossAmericaceremony at Forest Lawn Cemetery,Dec.17.
TheeventwashostedbyWreathsAcross America, which partners with companies and organizations around the country to providewreathsforfallenservicemembers Wreaths Across America wasofficially establishedin2007bytheWorcesterfamily andtheinitiativecontinuestoexpandeach year
“Aswegather heretoday,National Wreaths across America Day, it is truly
humbling to think that thousandsand thousands of people at nearly3,500 locationsin50statesaregatheredtohonorand rememberourfallenveteransallacrossthe country,” said Capt. Janet Days,NAVSTA NorfolkExecutiveOfficer and keynote speaker
The mission of Wreaths Across America is three pronged; REMEMBER our fallen U.S.veterans,HONORthosewhoserveand TEACHchildrenthevalueoffreedom.This mission touches the lives of thousands of school, scout, civic and religious groups acrossthecountrythroughfundraisingfor wreathsponsorships.
During her remarks,Daysfirstspoke about honoring and remembering fallen servicemembersandshethenspokeonthe
importance of teaching and educating the futuregenerations
“Along with honoring and remembering,the missionofthis organization is to educate.Iwouldliketotakeafewmoments and talk aboutjustthat, teachingand educating our future generations on what our veterans andcurrent militarypersonnel fought and continue to fight for…our freedom,”said Days.“For246 years,the freedom we enjoyasAmericans has been purchasedatgreatcostbymenandwomen who have confronted evil with courage andplacedthemselves in harm’sway to protect the American wayoflife.Each of us as the living beneficiaries of that sacrifice,mustaskwhatweoweintheirmemory We honor them by teachingour children
what our grandparentsknew- whereevil still exists -freedom is worth fighting for That the measureofa life is not lengthor possessions, but service for humanity that leadstojusticeand peace.”
Followingtheopeningceremonywreaths were placed on morethan 900 veterans graves
“Participatinginthiseventwasextremely rewarding for me and Iwould certainly encourage anyone considering volunteeringtodoso,”said Damage Controlman 3rd ClassAshleyPearson.“Weoweagreatdeal of gratitudetoour veterans and this is one small waywecan honor them.”
Additional information about Wreaths Across America can be found at https://
Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor |MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 | AssistantEditor |MC2 LeoKatsareas 757-322-2853 | GraphicDesigner |TeresaWalter Contributing Staff NinoshkaBasantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager |Ski Miller Free ClassifiedAdvertising |757-622-1455 Distribution &Home Delivery |757-446-9000 Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdmChristopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairsDirector| Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD)orthe United States Navy under exclusivewritten contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official viewsof, nor endorsed by,the U.S. Government, DOD,orthe Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regardtorace, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories maybe submitted via email to
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leadership and volunteers participate in local Wreaths Across America ceremony NORFOLK,Va (Dec.17,2022) –Naval Station Norfolk’sExecutive Officer,Capt.Janet DaysprovidesremarksatForestLawnCemeteryforthe annualWreathsAcrossAmerica Ceremony,Dec.17.Following the ceremony,militaryand localvolunteers placed more than 900wreaths onveterans graves (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDAMAGECONTROLMAN3RD CLASSASHLEYPEARSON) NORFOLK,Va (Dec.17,2022) –Naval Station Norfolk’sExecutiveOfficer,Capt.JanetDaysplaces awreath on aveterans graveatForestLawnCemeteryduring the annualWreathsAcrossAmerica Ceremony,Dec.17.During the event,militaryand localvolunteers placed morethan 900wreaths onveterans graves (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDAMAGECONTROLMAN3RDCLASSASHLEYPEARSON) NORFOLK,Va (Dec.17,2022) –The annualWreathsAcrossAmericaceremonywasheldatForest Lawn Cemeteryon Dec.17.During the event,militaryand localvolunteers placed morethan 900 wreaths onveterans graves (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDAMAGECONTROLMAN3RDCLASSASHLEY PEARSON) 2 The Flagship |www|Section 1| Thursday, December 22,2022
ByPettyOfficer1stClassStormHenry Expeditionary Strike Group Three
SailorsassignedtoAmphibiousConstructionBattalion(ACB)1transportedtheNASA Artemis I Orion spacecraft from the well deck of amphibious transport dock USS Portland(LPD27)toaholdingareaonboard NavalBaseSanDiego(NBSD),Dec.14,2022, forfurtherinspectionfollowingasuccessful recoveryinthePacific Oceanaftera 25-day mission that went 1.3 million miles around themoon.
ACB1tooktheleadinthesafeandprofessional offload of the Orion spacecraft from Portland,usingan11kSkyTrakTelehandler forkliftwithapropertrailertotransportthe capsule to the inspection and holding area, with support from a police escort and the NASA Artemis I recovery team conducting constantvisualinspections.
“I felt excited and honored to be a part
of this once-in-a-lifetime experience,” said Equipment Operator 2nd Class Venicia Taijeron,anACB1craneoperationsupervisor.“The capsulecame fromspace,andour veryown[ACB1]AlfaCompanycranecrew wastaskedbytheNASALandingandRecovery team to transport the Artemis I Orion capsule off of the ship Our team executed the transport to the same high standard we always expect, and I am proud of everyone involved.”
FromNBSD,therewillbefurtherinspections of the spacecraft before its ground transportbacktotheKennedySpaceCenter inFlorida.Themaingoalofthismissionwas todemonstrateOrion’soperationalsystems heatshield andrecoverytactics.
This operation was the continuation of a long-standingrelationshipbetweentheU.S. NavyandNASA Teamsfrombothorganizations, along with other partners, frequently train together in water recovery tactics,
transportation and other operations The Navyhasmanyuniquecapabilitiesthatmake it an ideal partner for supporting NASA, including its amphibious and expeditionary capabilities with the ability to embark helicopters launchandrecoversmallboats, three-dimensional air search radar and advancedmedicalfacilities Portland along with Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Montgomery (LCS 8), supported the spacecraft recovery while underway in U.S.3rdFleet,andACB1wasabletoprovide the vehicles, tools and personnel needed to complete the Orion spacecraft transport as requireduponitsreturntoSanDiego
The Artemis I mission is the first in a series of increasingly complex missions to build a long-term human presence at the moonfordecadestocome Thelaunchofthe Orioncapsuleisthefirstofthreeanticipated launchandrecoveries,withthegoalofArtemis III being a manned flight with a lunar
landing This would be the first manned lunarlandingsinceApollo17in1972
ACB 1 is a Seabee unit headquartered in SanDiegoandistheU.S.Navy’ssoleprovider ofImprovedNavyLighterageSystemcapability ACB 1 conducts ship-to-shore transportation, construction, and logistical support as an integral part of joint operationsaroundtheworld.
ACB 1, Portland, and Montgomery are assigned to Expeditionary Strike Group ESG 3 comprises four amphibious squadrons, 15 amphibious warships, and eight naval support elements including approximately 18,000 active-duty and reserve SailorsandMarines Asthedeputycommander foramphibiousandlittoralwarfare U.S.3rd Fleet, the ESG 3 commander also oversees Mine Countermeasures Group 3 and the 14 littoral combat ships and two subordinate divisionsunderLittoralCombatShipSquadron1.ESG3isposturedinsupportofU.S.3rd Fleet as a globally responsive and scalable naval command element, capable of generating deploying andemployingnavalforces and formations for crisis and contingency response, forward presence, and major combatoperationsfocusingonamphibious operations,humanitariananddisasterrelief andsupporttodefensecivilauthorities,and expeditionarylogistics.
I SAN DIEGO (Dec 14 2022) Equipment Operator2nd ClassVanessa Leon,attached toAmphibious Construction Battalion (ACB) 1,transports the NASAArtemis I Orion spacecraft into an inspection and holdingzone onboard Naval Base San Diegowith assistance from otherACB 1 Sailors,Dec.14 2022 TheArtemis I mission is the first byNASAin a series to achieve sustained operations to the moon.ACB 1 is a Seabee unit headquartered in San Diego and is the U.S.Navy’s sole providerofImproved NavyLighterage System capability.ACB 1 conducts ship-to-shore transportation, construction,and logistical support as an integral part ofjoint operations around theworld.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOGRAPHBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSSTORMHENRY) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 22 2022 3 ALL OF THESE SHOWERS &BATHS WERE INSTALLED IN 1DAY OFFER VALID UNTIL 12/31/22 50% OFF INSTALL all shower &bathprojects 5YEARS 0% APR GET YOUR BATHROOM UPDATED BEFORE THE BUSY HOLIDAYSEASON OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet withone of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design yournew shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswill remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. OVER 125,000+ CUSTOMERS HAVE CHOSEN US FOR THEIR SHOWER &BATHPROJECT EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Subject to credit approval. Fixed APR of 0.00% for 60 months. For example, for $12,000 financed the payment will be 60 payments of $200paid monthly.Financing provided by Dividend Solar Finance LLC, NMLS #1186969. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. **50% offinstall is equal to 10% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 12/31/22. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
spacecraft, supports Artemis
ABOVE: Christmas menu for59thAirDepot,303rdAirRepairSquadron, HobbsArmyAirField,Hobbs,N.M.,Dec.25,1946 (U.S.AIRFORCEPHOTO)
LEFT: Christmas menu forArmyofficers inAustralia,Dec.25,1942 features photo ofcommanding officer,ArmyCol.William H.DonaldsonJr (DOD PHOTO)
Services showcase menus from Christmases past
ByDavidVergun DoD News
Mealshavealwaysbeenanimportantpartof militarylife forsustainmentaswellasenjoyment Onholidays,theDefenseDepartmenthas triedtoprovideespeciallydeliciousmeals,as troopswereoftenfarfromfamilyandneeded an extra morale boost. In 1933 the ChristmasDaymenuforCoastGuardsmenaboard theU.S.CoastGuardpatrolboatDaphneon Staten Island, New York, included roast duck, giblet and oyster dressing, asparagus on toast and petit pois, or small green peas, aswellascigarsandcigarettes
Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jeffrey Manninen, a food advisor at Fort Lee, Virginia, said cigars and cigarettes were on chef-prepared menus until as late as 1959 possiblylater
CigaretteswereevenincludedinCrations aslateastheearly1980s.Theserationswere given to military personnel in the field on Christmasinlieuofchef-cookedmeals
Christmas Wishes to the Troops
Sometimes,messagesfromthecommand wereincludedonChristmasmenus.In1942, ArmyCol.WilliamH.DonaldsonJr Wrotea messagetoU.S.troopsinAustralia:
“This, the Second War Christmas for Americans, finds many of us far from our homes If we feel that the cause of truth, righteousness and justice is in danger of perishing we have only to compare this Christmaswiththelast.
“Then, we were in the throes of wild rumors and foolish prophecies Today, we know the magnitude of the task and have set our hearts on seeing it through to final victory.
“Whenthisvictoryhasbeenwonandthe ‘Peaceonearth;goodwilltomen’meaningof Christmasisagainapparent,weshallknow thateachofusnowinAustraliahasdonehis parttomakethismeaningpossible.”
A Slice of Home
Most service members dine on turkey, gravyanddesertevenwhenthey’refarfrom home. Mincemeat pie and fruit cake were regularChristmasfareonearly20thcentury Christmas menus but over the decades Christmasmealshavechanged.
In 1918, Marines at Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, dined on Delaware County turkey, served with giblet gravy and oyster dressing,CapeMayBluePointsoysters,Stiltoncheese,mincepie,oldEnglishpudding
Turkey drenched in oyster dressing was on the Army’s 66th Service Squadron in Rizal, Philippines, in 1927 Mincemeat pie cigarsandcigaretteswerealsofeatured.
Manninensaidtheuseofoystersdropped off the in the 1940s “I would assume that was a result of the sourcing challenges
Snowflakepotatoeswereamenuitemfor a long time, but the recipe isn’t listed in the Army manual for cooks in 1896, 1910, 1906 or Army recipes in 1946 or 1980, Manninen said. The trendy dish was a mixture of mashed potatoes with sour cream, cream cheese,butterandseasoning
Christmas at Sea
Sailors,MarinesandCoastGuardsmenin portandatseabeginninginthe20thcentury weresuppliedwithavarietyofgoodfoodfor themostpart.Suchhadnotalwaysbeenthe case before canning and food preservation, along with nutritional requirements, were incorporated The challenge for chefs and crewwaspreparingandeatingmealsduring rough weather when the ships would roll andpitchviolently,causingseasickness.
In 1931, he Christmas menu for the U.S. CoastGuardcutterSebagoincludedroasted Long Island turkey with sage and giblet gravy,celeryhearts,creamedasparagusand Neapolitanicecream.
The ship was transferred to the British Royal Navy in 1941 as part of the government’s lend-lease since the U.S. wasn’t yet in World War II. It was carrying 235 U.S. soldiers, sailors and Marines when it was sunkin1942
In 1943, sailors on the USS Kasaan Bay, most likely in Alaska, dined on cream of asparagus soup, roast turkey, sage dressing, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, Dutch apple piealamodeandbakedsweetcorn.
Sailors aboard the USS Intrepid in 1943 feastedonturkey,ham,sagedressing snowflake potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas, corn andgravy.
Feasts for Ground Troops
Thanks to good U.S. military logistics, troops in garrison, in training and on the warfront ate reasonably well for the most part.
In 1928 the Army’s 7th Field Artillery possiblylocatedinMadisonBarracksinNew York, served up turkey, ham, oyster dressing,gravy,sweetpotatoes,mashedpotatoes, butteredpeasandcreamedcorn.
In1937,SoldersattheArmy’sFortRussell in Texas, dined on shrimp cocktail, oyster stew, turkey, oyster dressing, cranberry sauce snowflake potatoes yams creamed petit pois custard corn and baked pork hams. During World War II, soldiers with the Army Air Corps in North Africa feasted on roast turkey, giblet gravy, sage dressing, cranberry sauce, baked Virginia ham, raisinsauce,creamedwhippedpotatoesand butteredpeas.
In 1967 during the Vietnam War, the Christmas menu included scotch broth, a warming soup made from barley lamb mutton or beef stock a selection of vegetables and split peas Soldiers also ate traditionalChristmasfare,includingturkey,ham, cornbreaddressing,mashedpotatoes,sweet potatoes,peas,cornandgravy.
ABOVE: Christmas menu forthe U.S.Coast Guard Cutter Sebago,Dec.25,1931.(U.S.COASTGUARDPHOTO)
LEFT: Christmas menu for3203rd SupplySquadron,3203rd Maintenance and SupplyGroup EglinAirForce Base,Fla.,Dec. 25,1948 (DODPHOTO)
Christmas menu forMarine Barracks,NavalAmmunition Depot,Philadelphia,Pa.,Dec. 25,1918.(U.S.MARINECORPSPHOTO)
4 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, December 22 2022
ABOVE: Christmas menu forArmyofficers inAustralia,Dec.25,1942 (DODPHOTO)
Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads celebrates its 45th anniversary
ByKatishaDraughn-Fraguada Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads Public Affairs Officer
Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roadsobservedits45thanniversaryandthe historyoftheinstallationduringaceremony atitsPOW/MIAParkMay6.
“Shore commands and installations have a pretty unique mission: We provide shoreinstallationsupportservicesenabling our tenant commands to dedicate their resources to the fleet and fighter, while the installationssupportthefamilies,”saidCapt.
Matt Frauenzimmer Commanding Officer of NSA Hampton Roads “Our installation hasarichhistoryofprovidingthissupport.
InJanuary1977,astudywasundertakento determine the mission, tasks and functions ofaheadquarterssupportactivity.OnMay1, 1977,theChiefofNavalOperationsdirected theestablishmentoftheAtlanticFleetHeadquarters Support Activity (HSA) to provide administrative, personnel, logistics maintenance, transportation, special services, supply, and fiscal services to tenant activities and commands so they could operate with maximum emphasis on their primary missions
In 1999, HSA was redesignated a major commandanddual-hattedwiththeresponsibilitiesastheInstallationCommanderfor threeinstallationsandastheProgramDirec-
Over the past 45 years, the installation has undergone name changes to include HSA, Naval Support Activity
“OurNavyandourcountryneedtocounton you and believe that no matter how dark the skies are, that you will show up, stand up and above all, that you will never give up the ship andyouwillfightforhertoherlast,”hesaid.“I haveenjoyedmypostNavycareerbutrarelya weekgoesbythatIdonotmissworkingwith a team of Sailors like you who unleash their combinedintellectandenthusiasm.”
As part of the ceremony, there were also historicalphotodisplaysandacakecutting Attendeesreceivedhistoricalinformationon thedifferentamenitiesthatwerehousedon theinstallationatthattimetoincludeawood working shop a library and a hobby shop which had the only auto painting booth in the Tidewater area. In addition, unaccompanied enlisted personnel housing buildingswereoriginallyconstructedasopenbay berthing
To conclude the celebration, the NSA HamptonRoadsChiefPettyOfficershosted a barbeque for command personnel and attendees, as well as an anniversary golf tournament hosted by the Sewells Point GolfCourse
“Our history is imperative, and so is our future,” said Frauenzimmer “And we are looking forward to continuing future partnerships, relationships, and service to our communities.”
Naval Weapons Station Yorktown conducts Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain exercises
ByPettyOfficer1stClass MaddelinHamm Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
YORKTOWN,Va U.S.NavySailors,and civiliansassignedtoNavalWeaponsStation (NWS) Yorktown conducted force protection (FP) exercises on the installation Feb. 1 andFeb.2aspartofExerciseCitadelShieldSolidCurtain2022(CS-SC22)
CS-SC22 is an annual, two-part FP exercise conducted by Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command and Commander Navy InstallationsCommandonallCONUSNavy installations.
Exercises on Feb.1 included a small-boat exercise and a mock protest, which both testedthesecurityprotocolsandprocedures ofthebasesecurityteam,whichiscomposed ofhighlytrainedSailorsandciviliansecurity professionals.
“These scenarios provide our security team opportunities to train with varying realistic threats and receive feedback on their performance allowing us to maintain a high level of readiness,” said Senior Chief Master-at-ArmsNateFinkbiner,NWSYorktown’s Security Department leading chief pettyofficer
Daytwoofthescenariosincludedtesting the emergency operations center response protocols and involved a simulated active shooterdrill.
“Thesescenarios aretrulyaboutprotecting our most important assets - our people,
“saidCapt.ChrisHorgan,NWSYorktown’s commandingofficer “Wedothatbyaddressingtheever-changingsecurityenvironment in which our Sailors and civilians work and live.”
When it comes to ensuring safety during the scenarios, everyone involved is briefed prior to the drills on safety procedures and how to report real-world emergencies shouldtheyariseduringthetraining.
“Safetyofourpeople,equipmentandfacilities is a top priority,” said Finkbiner. “So having skilled trainers out here, dedicated toobservingandensuringthetrainingenvironmentissafe,iskeytosuccessfultraining forourSailors.”
Measures were taken prior to conducting CS-SC22 to ensure the local Yorktown communitywasnotnegativelyimpactedby thescenariosbeingconductedonthebase.
“Wearecommittedtobeingagoodneighborinourcommunity,”saidHorgan.“Keepingthepublicinformedofpotentialimpacts oftheexerciseispartofourcommitmentto theYorktowncommunity.”
NWS Yorktown’s mission is to provide responsive, quality support for explosive ordnance storage, maintenance, logistics, and support services; expeditionary logisticstrainingandoperations;warfaretraining for sailors, Marines and other Department ofDefenseandfederalagencies
Please follow us on social media for updates and information regarding NWS Yorktown.
Naval Weapons Station Yorktown conducts active shooter exercise
willprovideextraordinarytrainingvalueto all who participated.
two years due to COVID-19, but we are confident that the opportunity
“For the Opposition Force, we used a Detective/Hostage Negotiator from the Newport News Police Department, which helps to introduce negotiation challenges to the drilling YPSO Hostage Negotiator, whilealleviatinganyunrealistic‘off-script’ adlibthatcouldpotentiallyderailtheintent of the exercise,” stated MacKay. “Navy CargoHandlingBattalionOneprovidedus with one of their facilities and 17 Sailors to act as victims.”
Prior to the exercise, special effects
makeupwasappliedtosomeofthevictims tosimulatewoundswhileothervolunteers were instructed to act frightened and ask first responders for help
Itwasanintenseandchallenging3-hour exercise designed to benefit all team members
“Training with federal entities in our jurisdiction is essential in providing effective law enforcement services to our community,” Emergency Response Team Commander Lt Kris Ward stated. “It was a great opportunity!”
year in review
Norfolk, and the current name, Naval Support Activity HamptonRoads
Capt. (Ret) Charles Melcher, former Commanding Officer of NSA Hampton Roads from 2009-2012, served as the guest speaker during the anniversary ceremony, and gave insight and words of encouragementtocommandpersonnel.
During the installation’s 45th anniversaryceremony,Naval SupportActivity(NSA) Hampton Roads personnel participate in a cake cuttingwith the oldest andyoungest Sailorand newest and longest employed Civilian.(From left to right) CoryJohnson,newest employed civilian; Capt.Matt Frauenzimmer Commanding OfficerofNSAHampton Roads;Willie King longest employed civilian; Capt.(Ret) Charles Melcher formerCommanding OfficerofNSAHampton Roads; Lt Cmdr Dwayne Stoumbaugh,oldest Sailor; and Master-at-Arms SeamanApprentice SerenityThomas,youngest Sailor (BYKATISHADRAUGHN-FRAGUADA)
YORKTOWN,Va (Feb 1,2022) U.S.NavySailors,and civilians assigned to NavalWeapons StationYorktown alongwith Sailors and civilians assigned to Commander NavyRegion Mid-Atlantic conduct a force protection (FP) exercise on installation Feb.1 as part ofExercise Citadel Shield-Solid Curtain 2022 (CS-SC22).CS-SC22 is an annual,two-part FPexercise conducted byCommander U.S.Fleet Forces Command and Commander NavyInstallations Command on all CONUS NavyInstallations.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1STCLASSMADDELINHAMM)
Naval Weapons Station Yorktown
ItwasasunnyafternoonatCheathamAnnexwhenthesounds of routine operations were interrupted by rapid gunfire; the Blue October multiagency active shooter exercise had begun.
important for Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Yorktown to train with our community partners so we are all better preparedforareal-worldsituation,”stated NWS Yorktown Commanding Officer Capt. Chris Horgan. “Engaging with our
community partners is beneficial to the added security of both the installation and the communities within which we serve.”
NWS Yorktown Naval Security Forces, Fed-Fire, York-Poquoson Sherriff’s Office (YPSO), and the York County Department of Fire and Life Safety combined their expertise during a drill on Cheatham Annex for Blue October an active shooter and barricaded hostage scenario Oct. 18
Training Officer Wayn MacKay said,
exercise has not been conducted for
WILLIAMSBURG,Va (Oct 19 2022) EmergencyResponseTeam members fromYork-Poquoson Sheriff’s Office search Sailors as part ofBlue Octoberactive shooterdrill on CheathamAnnex Oct.18 2022.The Sailors from NavyCargo Handling Battalion One portrayed hostages thatwere released and searched as standard operating procedures dictate.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYNAVAL WEAPONSSTATIONYORKTOWNPUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 22 2022 5
Naval Weapons Station Yorktown celebrates Earth Day
NavalWeaponsStationYorktown(NWSY), workedwiththeinstallation’sEnvironmental Division on another important project. They carefully removed stabilizing cables from recently planted trees that were emplaced during MCSFR’s relocation to NWSY This included planting a new tree to support the installation’s environmental initiatives.Additionally,theMarinesparticipated in the installations Sexual Assault Prevention and Response/Earth Day 5K awareness run to further environmental awarenessandpreventionefforts
“Stabilizing wires and ropes are important when first planting trees and if they are not removed, will start to cut into the tree’s barkseveringthewatervessels,”statedTom Olexa, Natural Resources Manager “Trees are considered an asset on all Navy installations and provide invaluable support to the surrounding ecosystem but also much needed shade to service members who are trainingonhotsummerdays.”
The installation is also engaging with other partners to protect the York River and military assets One example, is the Coastal Living Shoreline Restoration project in partnership with Office of the SecretaryofDefense,USArmyCorpofEngineers, Virginia Institute of Marine Science and otherstateandfederalagencies
BySusanneGreene Naval Weapons Station Yorktown
YORKTOWN, Va Naval Weapons Station Yorktown is committed to being a goodenvironmentalstewardandtoprotecting the installation’s natural resources year round
“TheUSNavycaresandunderstandsthat performing its critical mission and protecting natural resources are not mutually exclusive, stated Jeff Kissler, REM, Instal-
lation Environmental Program Director “The Navy’s commitment to both is beneficialtoourworkforceandtheinstallation’s surroundingcommunities.
NWS Yorktown’s sailors, civilians and Marinesarehardatworktomakesurethey protect the installation’s natural resources andYorkRiver.
“On 1 April, sixty sailors and civilians attachedtoNWSYorktown,NavalConstructionHandlingBattalionOne NavalOphthalmicSupportandTrainingActivity,theNavy
Facilities Engineering Command Public Works Department and Fleet and Family Readiness Center came together to clean 7 miles of shore line along the York River,” stated Chief Boatswain’s Mate Earnest W. Hightower,IV “Theteamcollected46bags oftrash,tires,andmetaldebristotaling1,270 lbs insupportofCommander,NavyRegion MID-ATLANTIC and the Chesapeake Bay FoundationCleantheBayDay.”
On 22 April, Marines from Marine Corps Security Force Regiment (MCSFR) aboard
“The project will support the integrity of muchoftheweaponstation’sshorelineand benefit local Oyster Farmers using those areas,”statedOlexa.
Although Earth Day is recognized on 22 April, NWS Yorktown is continuously managingseveralhabitatsbymowing,clearing brush and planting to ensure a healthy ecosystem and providing local wildlife a bountiful environment that allows them to flourish
ofSailors and civilians collected 46 bags oftrash,tires,and metal debris totaling 1,270 support of Commander,NavyRegion MID-ATLANTIC and the Chesapeake BayFoundation Clean the BayDay (COURTESYPHOTO/RELEASED) SPECIAL SECTION: The year in review
– Sixtysailors and civilians attached to NavalWeapons StationYorktown,Naval Construction Handling Battalion One, Naval Ophthalmic Support andTraining Activity,the NavyFacilities Engineering Command PublicWorks Department and Fleet and FamilyReadiness Centercame togetherto clean 7 miles
line along theYorkRiver
RELEASED) LEFT: Seven Marines from Marine Corps SecurityForce Regiment Hampton Roadsvolunteered on Earth Dayto plant a tree and remove stabilizing cables from multiple trees around theirbarracks. (U.S.
6 The Flagship | www | Section 1 | Thursday, December 22 2022 ARE YOU READY? Mustbe21o lder.P blem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Line at 1-888-532-3500. 1996 POWERPLANT PKWYHAMPTON,VA23666 |ROSIESGAMING.COM Director of Assessment &Planning for Student Engagement & Enrollment Services (FP460A) This position is responsible for providing research and assessment support to lead aculture of evidence-based decision making and accountability across all offices comprising the Division of Student Engagement &Enrollment Services. Through education, training, and research/ reporting this position will establish an effective model for strategic planning and assessment thatwill support the Division’svision of being the preeminent model for engaging every student to achieve success. Required Qualifications: Master’sdegree in social science or related field and have experience in assessment, research, or evaluation. Knowledge of assessment theoryand practice. Proficiencyinusing statistical software to complete quantitative and qualitative data analyses. Effective communication, leadership, and collaboration skills. Preferred Qualifications: Doctoral degree. Experience using assessment management systems. Experience working with faculty and staff in auniversity setting. To review the full position requirements and submit an application, please visit and follow the online instructions. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution.
Yorktown,VA(April 1,2022) –Ateam
FARLEFT:Yorktown,VA(April 1,2022)
Naval Station Norfolk’s Commissary honors Vietnam Veterans
ByMassCommunicationsSpecialist ThirdClassJosephT.Miller
NORFOLK Va Naval Station
(NAVSTA) Norfolk’s Commissary hosted a Vietnam Veterans Appreciation Day event, March 29 The event was held to honor the courageandsacrificeoftheservicemembers who fought in the Vietnam War that took placefrom1955-1975
Commissary Director, Xavier Miller kickedtheeventoffwithashortceremony.
“Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. Today and every day we honor the veterans their spouses and families,” said Miller “Approximately 2.7 million, of the nearly9millionAmericanservicemembers servedduringtheVietnamwar.Thisdaythat honors their sacrifice was created by presidentialproclamationin2012,leadingtothe startofannualobservanceeventsin2014.”
Thefestivitiesoftheeventincludedacake cutting thehandingoutofcommemorative pins and the reading of the proclamation fromformerpresidents,BarackObamaand DonaldTrump,whichcreatedtheholiday.
Veterans from throughout Hampton Roads attended, including Aguda Amando, a former chief petty officer of the Navy
duringtheconflictinVietnam.Amandohad afewwordofappreciationfortheeventand reflectingonthewar.
“Thiseventwasreallygood,andthinkthat more places should acknowledge the sacrificesmadeduringthewar,”saidAmando “It was a terrible time during the war. I was on ashipduringtheoperationandIremember allofit.”
Theeventwouldcarryonthroughtheday, with Commissary workers showing their appreciation to the Veterans Miller spoke on behalf of the Commissary, on why it is important to acknowledge and give thanks totheveteransofVietnam
“I’vespokenwithVietnamveteransinthe past, and they have told me about the hardships they have faced when they returned homefromthewar,”saidMiller “Atthetime they were not recognized for their service Nowhowever,peoplemindshavechanged,it doesn’tmatterhowpeopleperceivethewar, these veterans still served the noble cause and made sacrifices as a service member of themilitary.”
Theeventendedsoonafterwithmembers of the Commissary staff shaking hands and thanking the service members for their serviceduringthosetryingtimes.
History comes to life on Naval Station Norfolk’s McClure Field
ByMassCommunicationSpecialist2nd ClassEmilyCasavant
NORFOLK, Va Naval Station (NAVSTA)NorfolkhostedtheNavyWorld Series Throwback Softball game at the installations historic McClure Field on Friday, June 17
On June 12, 1920, Naval Training Station NorfolkopenedtheAthleticStadiumwhich later became known as McClure Stadium after Captain Henry McClure For the next 20 years, due to World War II and the draft,manyMLBplayerscamethroughthe stadium playing for Navy baseball teams including Dominic DiMaggio, Bob Feller, YogiBerra,PeeWeeReese EddieRobinson and more. The first Navy World Series was held in 1943 between the Naval Training Station (NTS) and Naval Air Station (NAS) teams to determine which team was the bestafteraverysuccessfulseasonforboth.
“I grew up in the Navy and I’m also a baseball fanatic so to be able to bring those two things together is great,” said Anthony Benning Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Fitness Director for NAVSTA Norfolk “It’sapieceofbaseballhistoryand Navyhistorythatmostpeopledon’tknowis there.We’rehappytobringexposuretothis historicalfieldandhostsomethinglikethis.”
This year, Sailors from sea and shore commands around Hampton Roads attended tryouts to be on the NAS or NTS team, each of which had 13-15 players
The game began with a home run derby followed by a live performance of the National Anthem. The two teams played 9 innings, with NAS winning 15-9
“This base has incredible history and heritageandwhenweforgetaboutthatwe lose part of who we are, said Commanding Officer Naval Station Norfolk, Captain David Dees “Letting these teams come together and play on the same field that Major League baseball players played on with Sailors just like them is important.”
The team members wore traditional uniformsidenticaltothoseworninthe‘40s and used wooden bats The Commanding Officer (CO) and Executive Officer (XO) took part in the game with the CO being ontheNASteamandXOontheNTSteam.
“We had pro ball players enlist in the Navy and they were the first version of whatwedonow,”saidBenning “Theywere putting on recreation activities for their fellowshipmates TherewasnoMWRthen. Theycreatedanenvironmentofmoralefor the Sailors on this base.”
Norfolk’s Morale Welfare (MWR) and Recreation Department set up a “walk through history of baseball at Naval Station Norfolk” outdoor museum. Along with the display, MWR also held a raffle and provided traditional baseball stadium stylefoodfor“throwbackprices”,allbeing $1 each. Many family members and Sailors cameouttoshowtheirsupportfortheplayersandseeagameatthehistoricallocation
years after his death
ByKellyWirfel Naval Station Norfolk Public Affairs Officer
ican service members to include 1,100 Virginia natives remain unaccounted for However, that is no longer the case for the familyofaMarinefromVirginiaBeach,Cpl. JackS.Brown.
It has been nearly 80 years since Brown deployed to fight in WWII and Brown’s family never gave up hope that he would eventuallycomehome.
“We never had a doubt in our minds that he would eventually come home we just didn’tknowwhen, saidBrown’snieceIrene Runyon.
Brown was killed in action on July 8, 1944, at the age of 22. He was a member of Company G, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marine
Following the end of the war, the American Graves Registration Service was tasked with investigating and recovering missing American personnel in the Pacific theater They searched for and disinterred remains onSaipan,butatthetime,nonewereidentifiedasBrown’sandhewasdeclarednon-recoverablein1950 Brownwasposthumously awardedtheBronzeStarandPurpleHeart.
Then, 71 years after being declared non-recoverable unidentified remains listed as “Unknown X-30 2nd Marine Division Cemetery Saipan” and buried at the Manila American Cemetery, were disinterredinMarch2021andsenttotheDefense POW/MIA Accounting Agency laboratory in Hawaii for analysis During the testing
scientists used dental and anthropological analysis,aswellascircumstantialevidence Additionally, scientists from the Armed ForcesMedicalExaminerSystemusedmitochondrial DNA analysis The remains were officially identified as Brown’s on May 11, 2022,andhisfamilywasnotified.
“The work that these men did during WWIIandtheworkthatourcurrentservice membersaredoingisextremelyimportant,” saidBrown’sgrandnephew,EveretteBrown. “Itisonlyrightthatwecontinuetodoeverythingwecantobringthemhome.”
Brown’s remains returned home on Aug. 10 during a dignified transfer at Norfolk International Airport. During the transfer the United States Marine Corp Honor Guard transferred Brown’s casket to a hearse Followingthetransfer,VirginiaState Policedepartmentandvariouslawenforcementagenciesprovidedmotorcycleescorts
for the hearse Norfolk Airport Authority Police Department also provided a planesideHonorGuardandNorfolkInternational
“We are extremely honored to be part of this special homecoming for Cpl. Jack Brown, said David Huffman, Norfolk Airport Authority Chief of Police “Knowing that we could help his family bring him back to Norfolk in a manner fitting for a herowasveryspecialforallinvolved Itwas a team effort between Airport Police, Fire, Operations as well as our Federal partner, the Transportation Security AdministrationandcoordinationwiththeUnitedStates Marines.”
Brown was laid to rest Saturday, August 13, at Rosewood Memorial Park in Virginia Beach
SPECIAL SECTION: The year in review
Xavier Miller Director of the Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk Commissary gives remarks, while Aguda Amando a retired chief petty officer of the Navy watches during a Vietnam Veterans Appreciation Day event at the commissary The Vietnam Veterans Appreciation Day Event is part of the nationwide observance of National Vietnam WarVeterans Day (MC3 JOSEPHMILLER)
“It’simportantforustolookbackandsee that as much as the Navy has changed, it’s still the same,” said Dees This year’s game was the 3rd annual
ThrowbackSoftballgameandthefirstsince the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Naval Station Norfolk and McClure Stadium hope to see you next year!
Members ofthe NavalAirStation softball team celebrate theirwin against the NavalTraining Station team at Naval Station Norfolk’sThrowbackSoftball game held at historical McClure FieldJune 17 2022 The annual game is held in honorofthe 1943 NavyWorld Series baseball game held at McClure Stadium.(MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSEMILY CASAVANT)
Regiment, 4th Marine Division, which was part of the invasion force of the island of SaipaninalargerefforttocapturetheMarianaIslandsfromJapan.
Airport Fire Department provided a water cannonsaluteastheaircraftarrived.
(August 10,2022) United States Marine Corp HonorGuard carrythe casket containing the remains ofMarine Cpl.JackS.Brown to the hearse
Airport Aug.10 Brownwas killed in actionJuly8,1944 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMC2(SW)JOSEPHT.MILLER) www | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, December 22 2022 7
WWII Hero’s remains return home 78
during a dignified
U.S., Regional Partners
Multinational Boarding Team in Middle East
U.S.5th Fleet completed a two-week multinationalvessel boarding integration event,Dec.15. PageB3
USS South Dakota returns home for the holidays
ByChiefPettyOfficerJoshuaKarsten Submarine Readiness Squadron (SRS) 32
“Wheneverashipmatecanwelcomehome asubmarineontheadventoftheChristmas season,it’samagicalandjoyousoccasionfor sailorandfamilyalike, saidCapt.JohnStafford,commanderofSubmarineSquadron4, underwhichSouthDakotaoperates “Cmdr Zaker and his crew executed a vital role in the defense of our nation and furthered the prospectoffreedomandlibertyabroad.Iam incrediblyproudoftheirdeployment
“Theyhavewell-earnedthereunionwith loved ones and the satisfaction that comes fromajobwell-done, hecontinued. These important missions would be impossible without the support and sacrifice of their families at home My deepest thanks go out to the spouses, children, brothers, sisters, parents and friends who stand the watch over the home front during long months of deployment.”
During its deployment to the U.S. European Command area of responsibility South Dakota steamed more than 30,000 nautical miles and made a port call to Tromso, Norway Twenty enlisted personnelandtwoofficersearnedtheirsubmarine warfaredevices commonlyreferredto as
hiswife,Courtney,wererecognizedwiththe ceremonialfirstkissonthepier
“IthasbeenabusyyearforSouthDakota andwearesoproudofoursailorsandallthat theyhaveaccomplishedduringthisdeployment,”saidCommandFamilyOmbudsman Carolyn Bannon, whose husband is Petty Officer 1st Class Jason Bannon. “We are thrilled to welcome them home and just in time for the holiday season. There really is no feeling better than having our sailors homesafeandinourarmsonceagain.”
USSSouthDakotawascommissionedon Feb.2,2019 SSN790isthethirdU.S.warship commissioned under the name South Dakota, following a Pennsylvania-class armored cruiser commissioned in 1908, andtheleadshipofaclassoffastbattleships, whichwascommissionedin1942andoperated during World War II. The submarine South Dakota has a crew of more than 130 personnel,ismorethan377feetlongandcan displacenearly7,900tons
Fast-attack submarines are multi-missionplatformsenablingfiveofthesixNavy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance irregular warfare and mine warfare. Fast-attack submarines project power ashore with special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles in the prevention or response to regional
NSWCPD recognizes employees at Quarterly Awards Ceremony
ByGaryEll Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division
The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division hosted a hybrid quarterly awards ceremony on Nov. 2, 2022 to acknowledgeandhonoreligibleemployees for their federal career milestones, as well as several colleagues for their exceptional accomplishments.
Addressing employees attending both in-person and virtually, NSWCPD Commanding Officer Capt. Dana Simon commented about what a great day it was to be gathered for the Quarterly Awards CeremonyasthePhiladelphiaPhillieswere battling during the World Series across the streetfromtheNavyYard
After recognizing their achievements, he shared the success stories at NSWCPD saying, “We have length of service awards and for all the awardees, thanks for your service-whatanaccomplishmentandwhat a commitment to your country for those numberofyears WehavesomeScienceand Engineering program graduates and a varietyofexternalawardsthatcoverthegamut ofthingsthatwedoatNSWCPD.”
“Ithoughtitwasinterestinglookingover theprogram,asitreallyunderscoresthevast portfoliothatNSWCPhiladelphiacoversfor the fleet different platforms and areas of expertise that we hold. It really shows our capabilities that we bring to the fleet and it embodiesallthatwedo,”Simonadded
In total, 44 employees were honored including:
- Career Service (one with 40 years of service, four with 35 years of service, two with 30 years of service, and three with 25
- Scientist and Engineer Development ProgramGraduates(12awardees)
TheBlacksinGovernmentMilitaryMeritorious Service Award was presented to Edward Carter who distinguished himself throughextraordinarycharacter leadership and service as a civil servant of NSWCPD andaUnitedStatesNavyReserveEngineeringDutyOfficer.
According to his nomination package, Carterstrivestobuildamoreinclusiveenvi-
ronment for his colleagues and inspires the nextgenerationofUnitedStatesDepartment ofDefense(DoD)civilservantsthroughvariousdevelopmentalcareeropportunitiesand outreach programs, including his support of the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Carver High School events He has created an environment of inclusionthroughhisleadershipasChairof the NSWCPD African American Employee Resource Group His exemplary accom-
plishmentswhileupholdingtheDepartment ofNavyCoreValuesofHonor,Courage,and Commitment, extend beyond his professionalcareerasanAcquisitionManager.
The Department of Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award was presented to Edward Harvey for his achievements as Test Manager, Lead Engineer, and Chief Test Engineer at NSWCPD According to his award write-up, as the DDG 1000 Test Manager and Lead Engineer for High Voltage and Propulsion System Integration, he developedandtaughtatrainingprogramfor the crew and their trainers from Bath Iron Works contributingtothelong-termexpertiseandsafetyofourNation’sSailors Harvey identified, documented and resolved over 1,000technicalissuesforLowVoltage,High Voltage,andtheEngineeringControlSystem resulting in a significant cost avoidance for theU.S.Navy Throughouthiscareer,Harvey ensuredthesafetyofhisteamandthewarfighters who will operate and maintain the Navy’s high energy Integrated Power and PropulsionSystems
There were also numerous 2022 Naval SeaSystemsCommand(NAVSEA)Warfare CenterAwardpresentationsinseveralcategoriesincludingknowledgesharing,collaboration,andtechnicalsupportservices.
The Advancing Knowledge Sharing Award was presented to the Research Commons Team (Dr. Eugene M. Golda, ReLinda Fagan, Scott Harris and Stephen Mastro) for their innovative digital library that provides knowledge management resources and tools to more than 4,000 researchers across the Department of the
Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division Commanding OfficerCapt.Dana Simon, presents the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal to Edward Harveyforhis achievements asTest Manager Lead Engineer and ChiefTest Engineerat NSWCPD during the command’s quarterly awards ceremonyon Nov.2,2022 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSGT.JERMAINESULLIVAN/RELEASED)
GROTON,Conn.(December18 2022) –The USS South Dakota (SSN 790) transits theThames Riverduring a homecoming event at Naval Submarine Base NewLondon in Groton,Conn.,Dec.18 South Dakota returned to homeport aftera five-month deployment in support ofthe chiefofnaval operations’maritime strategy TheVirginia-class fast-attacksubmarine USS South Dakota and crewoperate underSubmarine Squadron (SUBRON) FOURand its primarymission is to provide attacksubmarines that are ready willing and able to meet the unique challenges ofundersea combat and deployed operations in unforgiving environments across the globe.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFPETTYOFFICERJOSHUAKARSTEN)
Conn. With Santa Claus waving onboard topside, the Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USS South Dakota (SSN 790) returned home to Naval Submarine Base New London on Sunday, Dec. 18, after a five-month deployment under the commandofCmdr.AdamZaker
“dolphins” duringthedeploymentperiod.
“The crew of South Dakota proved once again to our country and world that America’s submarines can deploy any time, be almost anywhere and execute any mission we’regiven,”saidZaker.“I’mtremendously proud of the professionalism and commit-
ment to excellence shown by the South Dakotasailorsoverthepastseveralmonths atsea,andI’mdeeplythankfulforthesacrifices made by our families and loved ones whilewe’vebeenaway Wealltrulycherish thesereunions.”
Chief Petty Officer Michael Kromer and
TurntoAwardsCeremony, Page 4 www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, December 22 2022 1
GROTON,Conn.(December18,2022) – Santa Clauswaves onboard the USS South Dakota (SSN 790) during a homecoming event at Naval Submarine Base NewLondon in Groton,Conn., Dec.18 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFPETTYOFFICERJOSHUAKARSTEN)
Vice Chief of Naval Operations visits Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
Adm. Lisa Franchetti, Vice Chief of Naval Operations,visitedPearlHarborNavalShipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PHNSY & IMF) Dec. 14 2022, to assess progress on implementing the Navy’s Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP)andconductareviewofongoingship maintenanceavailabilities.
During her visit, Franchetti met with PHNSY & IMF leadership for operational briefings and toured the shipyard’s dry dock areas that will be modernized beginning in 2023. The first modernization action proposestoconstructandoperateanewgravingdrydockandwaterfrontproductionfacilitytosupportcurrentandfutureclassesofthe nation’snuclear-poweredsubmarines
Aftercarefullyweighingthestrategic,operational, and environmental consequences of theproposedaction,theNavyannouncedits decisionDecember16,2022toselectAlternative 4 from the Final Environmental Impact Statement (
Phase one of the project will see the construction and operation of Dry Dock 5 along with auxiliary facilities, a weight-handling system, and upgraded utilities Phase two includes the assembly of a waterfront production facility that will increase collaborationandefficiencyamongtheworkforce, reducinglostoperationaldaysbyrecapitalizingandreconfiguringshipyardinfrastructure towards improving industrial performance resulting in sustained improvement in the shipyard’smaintenanceprocesses
According to Franchetti, the proposed
facilities will provide needed dry dock capabilityatPearlHarborNavalShipyardforefficient maintenance, upgrades, and repairs in order to return combat-capable submarines to the fleet on time Completing ship and submarinemaintenanceavailabilitiesontime isvitaltotheNavy’smissionandmaintaining maritimesuperiority
“Our public shipyards are critical to our nation’s national defense,” said Franchetti. “The future of our submarine force relies on the key infrastructure provided by Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate MaintenanceFacility.Thededicatedcivilians and Sailors putting in the work here every dayhaveadirectimpactondeliveringofour Navy’swarfightingadvantage.”
The dry dock construction activities are expected to result in projected increased employment of 2,500 jobs during the construction period and a projected $200 million in annual salary for construction workers, creating a measurable beneficial impact on the local economy. Originally designed and built in the 20th century to support construction of new ships using industrialmodelsofthetime,PHNSY&IMF is not efficiently configured to optimize its current (and projected) mission to conduct depot-level maintenance and upgrades of nuclear-poweredsubmarines
The SIOP mission is to execute the Navy’s once-in-a-centuryinvestmenttoreconfigure, modernizeandoptimizeourfouragingnaval shipyardsintonew,modernfacilitiesthatwill servethisnationintothefuture.
In addition to SIOP Adm. Franchetti participated in several small-group discussionswithprojectleadershipteamsandengineers to underscore the importance of the
work done by the PHNSY & IMF team in regardstolocalNavalSustainmentSystem Shipyards(NSS-SY)initiatives
Franchetti acknowledged the challenge posed by both local and corporate barriers across the Navy’s four public shipyards and committedtosupportingthecriticalmission ofournavalshipyardsandtheirpeople,especially as the shipyard undergoes its most significant modernization transformation since the upgrades to support nuclear-poweredshipsinthe1970s
“SIOPisessentialtosupportingthefuture needs of the Navy’s nuclear submarine and aircraft carrier force,” said Franchetti. “The average age of our Navy’s dry docks is approaching 100 years Recapitalization such as that planned for Pearl Harbor must be completed to accommodate current and future platforms and new configurations of Virginia-class submarines I’m incredibly proud of the skill and dedication I’ve seen from the workforce and excited to see these future projects come to fruition The investmentswe’remakingherewillhaveacritically importantimpactonourfuturefleet.”
PHNSY&IMFisafieldactivityofNAVSEA and a one-stop regional maintenance center for the Navy’s surface ships and submarines It is the largest industrial employer in the state of Hawaii, with a combined civilian, military and contractor workforce of approximately 7,100 It is the most comprehensive fleet repair and maintenance facility between the U.S. West Coast and the Far East strategically located in the heart of the Pacific, being about a week’s steaming time closer to potential regional contingencies in theIndo-Pacific
A: There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS. CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated
Norfolk: 757.445.2832
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Mid-Atlantic Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) programs and services are designed to help you make the most of your military experience, and they’re all available to you at no cost
This strategic plan provides the college’s fivemajorgoalstoachieveitsfinaloperating capabilityby2026
“This is a plan by and for the USNCC communityandistheresultofmanymonths of information gathering, analysis, and carefulthoughtacrossourorganization,communityandtheDepartmentoftheNavy(DON). The contributions and advice provided by
everyone involved are deeply appreciated,” saidUSNCC’sPresidentRandiR.Cosentino, Ed.D., in the document. “This plan highlightsthetwocriticalaspectsoftheUSNCC; weprovidenavalrelevanteducationtobenefit the operational readiness of the Naval Services and we are an institution of higher education focused on student success and academicachievement.”
The five major goals are to develop and implement naval-relevant programs and outcomes focus on student achievement, ensureinstitutionaleffectivenessandsuccess, establish learning systems and andragogical excellence, and drive impact for the naval servicesandNavalUniversitySystem.
The United States Naval Community College is the official community college for the Navy Marine Corps and Coast Guard. To get more information about USNCC, go link to learn how to be a part of the USNCC PilotIIprogram.
Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
FUNCTIONSAND/OR SERVICESFFSCPROVIDES: ClinicalCounseling – Individual, Couplesand
Personal Financial Management Information & Referral Family EmploymentAssistance TransitionAssistance FamilyAdvocacy Program Deployment and Mobilization Support Ombudsman Support RelocationAssistance Parenting Programs Stress andAngerManagement Command Support Crisis Support Suicide Prevention SAPR Support
PEARLHARBOR,Hawaii (December14,2022)Vice
ChiefofNaval OperationsAdmiral Lisa Franchetti and staffvisit the historic N Ka‘Oi sign at
Pearl HarborNaval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility(PHNSY& IMF) during avisit foran operations update and Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP) touronboardJoint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.PHNSY& IMFis a field activityofNAVSEAand a
regional maintenance centerforthe Navy’s surface ships and submarines.
U.S. Naval Community College QUANTICO,Va U.S.NavalCommunity Collegereleasedits2022-2026strategicplan Dec.16,2022.
“We are developing a quality education program using online and asynchronous technologythatwillmakethenextgeneration of naval warfighters smarter and more efficient enlisted leaders,” said USNCC’s senior enlisted leader, Sgt. Maj. Michael Hensley “This strategic vision becomes our roadmap to ensure we deliver on that promise to the Navy,MarineCorps,andCoastGuard.”
USNCC releases 2022-2026 strategic plan (U.S.NAVYGRAPHICILLUSTRATIONBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTXANDERGAMBLE) 2 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, December 22 2022
U.S., regional partners form multinational boarding team in Middle East
ByPettyOfficer1stClass MarkMahmod U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet
U.S. 5th Fleet completed a two-week multinational vessel boarding integration event, Dec. 15 with regional nations in the MiddleEast.
Participants consisted of members from naviesandcoastguardsfortheUnitedStates and regional nations including Bahrain All personnel attended a classroom exchange at U.S. 5th Fleet headquarters in Bahrain beforeoperatingatseafromguided-missile destroyerUSSTheSullivans(DDG68)inthe GulfofOman.
While ashore, participants held discussionsonmaritimelaw,safety,vesselinspectionandsearchprocedures.Personnelthen embarkedTheSullivanstoconductroutine flag-verification boardings on vessels tran-
“The Sullivans’ crew was proud to work alongside our partners to help strengthen partnerships and ensure maritime security here in the Middle East,” said Cmdr James Diefenderfer Jr commanding officer of TheSullivans “Inanenvironmentlikethis collaboration and partnerships are critical because no navy or coast guard can accomplishthemissionalone.”
The event follows a similar one held in October that included Bahrain, Djibouti, Yemen and the United States. Participants from these nations formed a multinational teamtoconductroutinevesselboardingsin theGulfofAden.
TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21countries,theArabianGulf,GulfofOman, RedSea,partsoftheIndianOceanandthree criticalchokepointsattheStraitofHormuz, Babal-MandebandSuezCanal
Hollywood produces another star
ByEdwardJones Commander Navy Recruiting Command
SAN ANTONIO, Texas Known for its beautiful beaches and diverse community, Hollywood, Florida is arguably one of the most attractive places to visit in the country Thecityisthebirthplaceofstarssuchas VictoriaJustice,JoshGad,and“TheWalking Dead” star Norman Reedus But those aren’ttheonlystarsthecitycanboastabout.
Mate (Equipment) 2nd Class Chemar Jordan to its list of award-winning natives who have found success in their careers.
Jordan, a recruiter for Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) San Antonio, is a multi-award winning recruiter who continues to excel at his job of strengthening the United States Navy by adding quality people who will serve and protect the United States Jordan, who enlisted into the Navy seven years ago, has served as a recruiter the last two years
“TheNavyhasallowedmetoshowothers in my community that there are other routes or ‘plays’ (as we say back home) to be successful,” said Jordan. “The Navy has allowedmetobeeverythingbutanegative statistic, all while allowing me to rewrite my fate and destiny to my liking.”
Jordan was inspired to become a recruiter by his recruiter, Navy Career Counselor Christopher Brown. Jordan creditsBrownwithhelpinghimchangehis life for the better and now wants to do the same for others.
During his current assignment, Jordan has earned recognition in many different areas His awards include Junior Sailor of the Quarter; Recruiter of the Quarter (x3); Nuke Recruiter of the Quarter (x2); Large Station of the Quarter (x3); Division of the Quarter (x3); Recruiter of the Month (x6); NuclearFieldRecruiteroftheMonth(x6); Large Station of the Month (x4); Division oftheMonth(x5);SixShooterAward(x2); LoneStarAward(x2);HeavyHitterAward (x4);TriplePlayAward(x3);TexasRanger Award(x3);ChiefRecruiter’sHadCharger Award,SuperiorSustainedPerformer(x3); RegionWestCOMAchievement;andMost Inspirational Sailor for FY22.
Jordan’s success as a recruiter comes from his love for self and others “The most rewarding part to me is being aSailorpeoplecometoforanswersorsolutions when it comes to strengthening the Navy,” said Jordan.
Jordan’sfocusonstrengtheningtheNavy is what drives him. Recruiting is the blood of the Navy and Jordan knows the importance of his job “Tobesuccessfulinthiscareer,youhave
to be personable and care about each individual you encounter,” said Jordan. “In addition to qualifying someone on ‘paper,’ you must make sure you place them in a position where the Navy assists them in reaching their dreams and aspirations
“Idonotputpeople intotheNavyjustto add another contract to my numbers; I put them in to hopefully provide a better life for them and their families,” said Jordan.
“IwantthemtohopefullymaketheNavya 20-year journey When I take this uniform off for the last time, I want to know that those relieving me are the right people Because of that thought, I chose to serve where it begins recruiting.”
However,Jordanknowsrecruitingisnot for everyone
“Recruitingisuniqueandremindsmeof an Emergency Room,” said Jordan. “You neverknowwhatyouwillseecomethrough
those doors, so you have to stay ready and never be caught having to get ready.”
It is not hard to feel Jordan’s love for Navy recruiting when you talk with him. Hispassionisgenuineandhetrulyhopesto makehismarkintherecruitingcommunity
“I desire to become the best leader the recruiting nation has ever seen, said Jordan. “I feel if you set goals for the highest achievement possible, you will never stop being hungry or humble There is alwaysroomforgrowthandimprovement. Awards, nominations, and accolades will come, but it is the impact and impression on others that will last forever As long as I have that, everything else will follow suit.”
It’s obvious Jordan plans on making the Navy a career, and looks at his hunger to succeed as one of his greatest strengths
“Nomatterwhatgoesonaroundmeorin my life, I continue to hold my head up and
Seven years ago Jordan hadn’t even considered
GULFOFOMAN (Dec 10 2022)Aboarding team from guided-missile destroyerUSSThe Sullivans (DDG 68) prepares approaches a fishingvessel in the GulfofOman,Dec.10 (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYSONARTECHNICIAN(SURFACE)1STCLASSKEVINFRUS)
things today that others won’t do in order to have things tomorrow that others won’t have I’llalwaysstrivetobeatthetopinlife becausethebottomistoocrowdedforme!”
the Navy
the ongoing success of America’s Navy
now that the Navy was the perfect fit, and that this Hollywood native has earned his star status To follow Jordan on Instagram, go to @ manthe_fleetjordan Navy Recruiting Command consists of a commandheadquarters,twoNavyRecruitingRegionsand26NavyTalentAcquisition Groupsthatservemorethan815recruiting stations across the world. Their combined goal is to attract the highest quality candidates
Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class ChemarJordan,assigned to NavyTalentAcquisition Group SanAntonio is highlighted as thisweek’s Recruiterin the Spotlight (PHOTOBYEDWARDJONES) GULFOFOMAN (Dec 8,2022)Amultinational boarding team,consisting ofmembers from navies and coast guards forthe United States and Middle Eastern nations including Bahrain,rehearses vessel boarding procedures aboard guided-missile destroyerUSSThe Sullivans (DDG 68) in the GulfofOman,Dec.8.U.S.5th Fleet conducted a two-weekmultinationalvessel boarding integration eventwith regional partners to deepen maritime securitycooperation.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYSONARTECHNICIAN(SURFACE)1STCLASSKEVINFRUS) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, December 22 2022 3
brings talent to Texas
NSWC Crane Midwest Tech Bridge supports Hypersonics Innovation Conference
ByAudreyDeiser Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division
Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division’s (NSWC Crane) NavalX Midwest TechBridge(MTB)supportedthefirst-ever Hypersonics Innovation Conference with Strategic Systems Programs (SSP), which is developing the Navy’s Conventional PromptStrike(CPS)hypersonicmissile The purposeoftheconferencewastoemphasize thepressingneedtoadvanceU.S.hypersonic technologies and leverage these technologiestoachieveU.S.nationalsecuritygoals
“This event came at a critical time for our country The message throughout the conference was clear: The hypersonics community must come together and be innovative in our approach to developing advanced systems,” said Sarah Armstrong, DirectoroftheJointHypersonicsTransition Office Systems Engineering Field Activity “Across the board, we must be open to new partnerships,newmethods,andnewideas It was truly inspiring to be in a room with suchenergyandfocusonasinglegoal.”
The NavalX Midwest Tech Bridge works withpartnerstofostercollaborationamong universities, industry, small businesses and
non-profits to accelerate technology to the warfighterinareasincludingtrustedmicroelectronics hypersonics and electro-optics SSP is responsible for executing CPS program which is focused on hypersonic missile prototyping for sea-based launch platformintegrationbythemid-2020s
“Working in partnership with SSP, the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), DefenseStrategiesInstitute(DSI),National SecurityTechnologyAccelerator(NSTXL), IndianaInnovationInstitute(IN3)andother ecosystem partners to create this inauguraleventwas anhonor,” said MTBDirector Anne Fields “Supporting an event of this magnitudethatconnectedessentialecosystemplayersandcontinuedtheadvancement of hypersonic capabilities to ensure global security is the heart and soul of what the NavalX Midwest Tech Bridge was made to do.”
Thethree-dayeventwasatown-hallstyle forum with attendees from government, military, industry, industry and academia. Panels explored emerging technological advancements, standards, and technical requirements needed to overcome to capitalize on the expanding role of hypersonic weaponswithintheglobalsecurityenviron-
“It was great to get everyone together to talkaboutsomeoftheNavy’stoughesttechnical challenges when it comes to the fielding and deployment of hypersonic missile technology,” said NSWC Crane Technical Director Dr Angie Lewis, SES “It has beenwonderfultohaveouremployeesback together in person having tough conversations with academia, industry and nontraditional partners. We are using this time to lookforopportunitiestoacceleratedevelopment,andmostimportantly,thedeployment of hypersonic technology into the hands of Warfighters.
NSWC Crane is a hub for hypersonics innovation and collaboration. In 2021, The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) establishedJHTOSEFAatNSWCCranein order to leverage the growing capabilities inhypersonicstechnologiesofgovernment, industry, and academic partners including Indiana’sthreeTier1researchuniversities
“TheHypersonicsInnovationConference represents some of the nation’s top talent convenedtosolveoneofourNation’stoughest challenges,” said Jarad King, NSWC Crane’s acting Director of Engagement. “NSWCCraneisproud,alongwithavibrant
innovation ecosystem, to provide national leadershipandtechnicalstewardshipofthe Hypersonicsmission.”
About NSWC Crane NSWC Crane is a naval laboratory and a field activity of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) with mission areas in Expeditionary Warfare, Strategic Missions and Electronic Warfare The warfare center is responsible for multi-domain, multi- spectral, full life cycle support of technologies and systems enhancingcapabilitytotoday’sWarfighter Join Our Team! NAVSEA employs a diverse,highlytrained,educated,andskilled workforce - from students and entry level employeestoexperiencedprofessionalsand individuals with disabilities. We support today’s sophisticated Navy and Marine Corps ships, aircraft, weapon systems and computer systems We are continuously looking for engineers scientists and other STEMprofessionals aswellastalentedbusiness finance logistics and other support experts to ensure the U.S. Navy can protect and defend America. Please connect with NSWCCraneRecruitingatthissite-https:// jmR6cUhZKZ_qD5QUqyMk8w or email
Expeditionary Chief Strategist presses NSWC Crane forward
Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division
NavalSurfaceWarfareCenter CraneDivision’s (NSWC Crane) Shannon Kasinger Clark serves as the Chief Strategist for the Expeditionary Warfare Mission Area. The Expeditionary Warfare department at NSWC Crane has 1200 employees and involvesawidearrayoftechnologies,includingelectro-optics,sensorfusion,Command and Control (C2), cyber and power and energy. In this role she helps department leadership facilitate and develop strategy andcollaborateswiththeotherChiefStrategists to advise on NSWC Crane command strategy
“Iworkwithourleadershipandmycounterparts to develop our thrust areas,” said Kasinger Clark. “We work to understand where NSWC Crane is and where we need togo.”
Kasinger Clark said the role requires consideringcustomersupportwhenweighingareasofemphasis
“Whether it’s Warfighter Driven Challenge, power and energy, sensor integration,oroneofthemanyotherareasofNSWC
Craneexpeditionaryexpertise,wearemain pillarstohelpsupportthosecustomers We have to make sure we continue providing support for current customerswhile developingstrategyyearsintothefuture.”
KasingerClarksaidstrategyisatwo-way street.
“No one person is the expert in every area,”shesaid “Youtakeinandyoushareto developthestrategicpicture.Youhavetobe readytoadjustandadaptquicklydepending onwhatishappeningintheworld.”
She emphasized the important role of strategyinpressingforward
“To keep our military dominance and soundnationalsecurity,wehavetobeahead of the threat and know what technology advancementsarehappening,”saidKasinger Clark. “If we’re focused just on today, and not tomorrow, we’ll be behind and that meansthewarfighterwouldbebehind.”
Givingthewarfighteranunfairadvantage is personally important to Kasinger Clark. Hersonisoverseasinthemilitary.
“What we do is so, so important When I think of him, I think of all of them,” said KasingerClark Before taking on the role of Chief Strat-
egist, Kasinger Clark held positions in or in support of all three of NSWC Crane’s mission areas: Strategic Missions Expeditionary Warfare, and Electronic Warfare (EW). She has worked at NSWC Crane for 18 years, with positions including departmentlevelstaffpositionsearlyinhercareer, astrategicanalystfortheEWportfolio,and project and multiple branch manager roles withinExpeditionary
Kasinger Clark advised others interested inacareerlikeherstoexploreotherrolesat NSWCCrane
“There are so many different areas If you find your passions or desires are a little different than what you have been doing, there is definitely a program at Crane that aligns better Lean on your mentors to help yougettoyourpassion.”
Kasinger Clark also shared lessons learned through experience with women startingouttheircareers
“Continue to use your voice and take the seat at the table A lot of times we secondguessourselvesandthinkwe’reunderqualified for a position when in reality we’re more than qualified,” said Kasinger Clark “Network, network, network, and pursue
those opportunities and leverage your mentors.”
About NSWC Crane: NSWC Crane is a naval laboratory and a field activity of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) with mission areas in Expeditionary Warfare, Strategic Missions and Electronic Warfare The warfare center is responsible for multi-domain, multi- spectral, full life cycle support of technologies and systems enhancingcapabilitytotoday’sWarfighter
Join Our Team! NAVSEA employs a diverse,highlytrained,educated,andskilled workforce - from students and entry level employeestoexperiencedprofessionalsand individuals with disabilities. We support today’s sophisticated Navy and Marine Corps ships, aircraft, weapon systems and computer systems We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals, as well as talented business, finance logistics and other supportexpertstoensuretheU.S.Navycan protectanddefendAmerica.Pleaseconnect with NSWC Crane Recruiting at this site jmR6cUhZKZ_qD5QUqyMk8woremailus
Awards Ceremony
from Page 1
Navy and Department of Defense The Team’s work on the Research Commons Team expands access to essential research andinformationwhileavoidingduplication of efforts and resources through a shared subscription model that saved over $6 millionacrosstheparticipatingcommands
TheJohnC.MickeyCollaborationAward waspresentedtotheUSSGeraldFord(CVN 78) Team (Sarah Collins, Herbert Cope, Rahul George, Robert High, Michael Liberati, Daniel Moran, Phil Pascetta, Andrew Saturno James Winward Pat Wraga) for their tremendous collaboration between the Carderock, Crane Dahlgren, Keyport, Philadelphia, and Port Hueneme Divisions resultinginthesuccessfulexecutionofthree underwaterexplosivetestsonCVN78 The team’scollectiveeffortefficientlyandeffectively met test objectives within environmentalandsafetyrequirementsduringthis complexandhighvisibilitytestandevaluationevent.
The AN/BRA6 Antenna Team (Mathew Smith and Brandon Weiss) was also presented with the John C. Mickey Collaboration Award for their exemplary collaborationbetweenKeyportDivision,theNaval SeaLogisticsCenter,andPhiladelphiaDivision on delivering an AN/BRA 6 Antenna withina two-week windowto support USS Pasadena’smissionrequirement Theteam’s efforts achieved an 85 percent reduction in schedule while meeting the critical fleet demands
A final John C. Mickey Collaboration AwardwaspresentedtotheIn-ServiceEngineeringAgentTeam(ShawnAndersonand WilliamLong)fortheirsubstantialcontributions in the execution of a full software and hardware installation With members from Panama City Philadelphia and Port HuenemeDivisions theteamembodiedthe‘One Team’ mantra throughout the installation, which resulted in unprecedented collaborativeefforts
Following the John C. Mickey Collaboration Award presentations, NSWCPD Technical Director Nigel C. Thijs noted “Collaboration is key to everything we do here. None of us can achieve our mission withoutworkingwithsomeoneelse.”
The Technical Support Service Award was presented to Nolan LaFountain who proactively demonstrated the ability to understand the technical and logistical aspects of the amphibious ship diesel program and determined that a time-based life cycle maintenance philosophy would be superior to the existing hours-based maintenance philosophy His project engineering and coordinating abilities resulted in a 50 percent reduction in the Landing Ship Dock 4¼9 Ship Service Diesel Generatorclassprovisioningtasktimeline,which acceleratedthedeclineofgrowthworkand advanced the on-time delivery of parts for
Daniel Lin was also presented with the Technical Support Service Award for providing unwavering support of the troubleshooting and repair efforts for problems associated with the cooling/backup pump forthewaterjetsystemsonLittoralCombat Ship 6 and subsequent number hulls He successfullylednumerousprocessimprovementinitiatives,includingthedevelopment oftheCoolingPumpPlannedMaintenance System card, saving roughly $250,000 per fiscal year while increasing the availability ofthewaterjetsystem.
There were also a number of 2021 NAVSEA Excellence Awards presented during the ceremony featuring categories suchasacquisition,safety shipmaintenance expanding the advantage and infrastructure.
An Excellence in Acquisition Award was presented to Chris Pafford for providing coordination and leadership of Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Trials in a restricted travelenvironment.Hisleadershipandguidance in the coordination of over 900 engineersthroughamultitudeoflogisticsissues broughtonbytheCOVID-19pandemicwere crucialtothesuccessof25LCStestandtrial events Pafford’s efforts played a key role in NAVSEAmeetingitsmissionrequirements.
Robert Klimas was presented the Excellence in Safety Award for his commitment toandpassionforkeepingU.S.NavySailors safe from the dangers of hazardous materials (HAZMAT). He developed an innovative and analytical approach to predict HAZMAT stowage requirements in order to prevent ships from carrying excessive HAZMAT during deployments, thereby reducing serious risks of fire and personnel injury and exposure. He also assisted in the development of the Ship Hazardous Materials List reduction program in response to Executive Order 12856, which resulted in a 50 percent reduction of HAZMAT. His achievements improved the health and safetyofSailors andinspiredthenextgenerationofscientistsandengineers
Damon House was awarded the Excellence in Ship Maintenance Award for his unrelenting support of the Coastal Patrol Class electrical systems and for his dedication and determination to resolving waterfront electrical issues on numerous ship classes He provided crucial deck plate support and expertise both in the Norfolk, Va area and overseas in the Kingdom of Bahrain. House’s efforts have had a direct impact on the readiness and reliability of electricalsystemsthroughouttheU.S.Navy Fleet
The Expand the Advantage AchievementAwardwaspresentedtotheFullScale BearingTestFacilityTeam(BrianBrennan, KevinKing DylanMcNally,JosephPeltier) for their commitment to and demonstrated focusonsubmarinemissionexecutionagility, and supporting critical milestones for twosubmarineclasses Theteamcontinued to meet challenging milestones during the
COVID-19 pandemic and helped to de-risk the installation of submarine shafting journalandbearinglinersystemsfortwosubmarine classes to ensure strategic defense objectiveswereupheld.
The Infrastructure Acquisition Team (Renaldo Aponte, Gregory Cancila, Angela Cusati, Linda Dobbs Alec Hess Mark LaGatta, Richard McMullen, Neal Moran, Robert Nazian, Steven Nelson, Jessica Rodriguez, Jacob Scholz, Robert Sheridan, RobertSmargiassi,JamesTeti,andAnthony Tropea) was awarded the Excellence in Facilities Engineering and Management Award for developing pre- and post-award capabilitiestogenerate,award,andmanage sustainment, restoration, and modernizationcontractsin-house Thiseffortreduced theburdenonexistingserviceprovidersand affordedPhiladelphiaDivisionmorecontrol in achieving execution goals The team providedtremendouscostandtimesavings, awarding approximately 20 Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization (SRM) contracting actions totaling $3.5 million, with an average procurement action lead timeofapproximatelytwomonths
The Excellence in Safety Award was presented to the Safety Branch Team (Albert D’Imperio, Naydeen Jones-Buggs, Joseph Katella, Nicholas Kutufaris, Kevin McGlinchey, Nicholas J. Teti, and John Krawiec) for their continuous efforts to identify hazards, mitigate risks, and implement actions to reduce mishaps NSWCPD becamethefirstWarfareCenterDivisionto earn Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Starcertification threetimes The VPP Star certification is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s highest honor and is reserved for organizations that have achieved and maintained a comprehensive workersafetyprogram.
Letters of Appreciation written by various stakeholders acknowledge NSWCPD employeesfortheirhardworkandcommitment to ensuring that the Navy’s mission is met Kevin McCauley and Steven Krider receivedaLetterofAppreciationfromRear Adm. James P. Downey, program executive officer,AircraftCarriers Theywereapartof the CVN 78 Advanced Weapons Elevators Certification Team, and were recognized fortheirprofessionalismanddedicationfor providingoutstandingsupporttocertifythe AdvancedWeaponsElevatorforUSSGerald Ford(CVN78).Theyprovidedcollaborative skills, technical expertise, and attention to detail to secure authorization for CVN 78 to carry out ordnance, as well as come up with solutions to achieve on-time certification of the Advanced Weapons Elevator By delivering the final piece of functionality to the centerpiece of American naval power, they were essential in preparing the Sailors embarkationaboardCVN78toexecutetheir mission McCauley’sandKrider’scontributionswillhavealastingimpactontheNavy’s force structure, the aircraft carriers, the Fleet,andtheU.S.Navy
installation effort late inthenewconstructivecycle Theyworked collaboratively and expediently to quickly resolve issues with the imaging mast dip loop Their quick responsiveness and technicalexpertisehelpedmaintainoverallshipyard construction schedules without delay or interruptions Their hard work, technical expertise, dedication and professionalism has earned the highest respect of the Virginia Class Submarine Program Team and reflects great credit upon the team and theNSWCPDcommand.
DamonHousereceivedaLetterofAppreciation from Commanding Officer, Dan Hartman, USS Chinook for his outstanding efforts and unique troubleshooting skills His efforts led to multiple repairs onboard USS Chinook during a critical period and enabled the ship to meet mission tasking without delay. His technical skills led to a longlistofrepairs,includingthefunctionof the starboard bridge wing control, number three main propulsion diesel engine starboard bridge wing alarm, starting malfunction of number two’s ship service diesel generator, number two SSDG switchboard initial start relay, and number four main propulsiondieselengineshaftspeedindicators.HousedisplayedacutetechnicalknowledgebyprovidingtrainingtooneOfficer,one Chief, three First Class Petty Officers, and two Third Class Petty Officers, by teaching them the skills and knowledge to maintain superior readiness of a U.S. Navy Cyclone class ship His diligent efforts and impressiveresourcefulnessinspireallwhoobserve himandgreatlycontributedwithChinook’s missionaccomplishments.
Duringclosingremarks,Thijsofferedhis gratitudeandsummarizedtheachievements oftheawardrecipients
“We have a continuum of excellence that wedeliverhereatNSWCPD Ourimpactto theFleetisthemostimportantthingthatwe dohere Deliveringwithagilityandspeedis critical because we have to compete at the speed of relevance and ensure that we are stayingaheadofouradversaries,”Thijssaid.
NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery ship machinery systems and related equipment and materialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines NSWCPDisalsotheleadorganization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems.
Christopher Bromhead, John Huffman, and Charles Small received a Letter of Appreciation from Rear Adm. Jonathan E. Rucker, program executive officer, attack submarines, for their professionalism and dedication for providing outstanding support to the required modifications as part of the Imaging Repair and Installation Team on USS Montana (SSN 794). As members of the team, they supported an important repair and
4 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, December 22 2022
K-9 Handler is Navy Sailor is the Spotlight
“Aginaga is an integral member of the team,” said Senior Chief Master-at-Arms Zachary Hough, senior enlisted advisor, NBVC “Sheworkshardtoimproveourforce protection’spositiveperformancemarksfor
current and future Naval security requirements.”
Aginagahasservedforthreeyears,reporting to NBVC in 2020. She graduated from Naval Technical Training Center Lackland, SanAntonio,Texas.
“I didn’t join to be a K-9 Handler said Aginaga.“Whentheopportunitypresented itself, I understood its importance, I felt lucky, and I’m honored to be part of this community.”
Whether executing crime prevention programs or carrying out anti-terrorism measures,theSailorsworkingastheNavy’s
are trained to handle difficult situations Select members can train to become a K-9 Handlers which specialize in explosive and drug detection, and patrol missions Handlers form an unshakable bond with their dogs, one that often lives into the dog’s retirement, where many are eventuallyadoptedbytheirhandlers
“My step-dad
Naval Base Ventura County
MUGU, Calif. Master-atArms 3rd Class Chanel Aginaga, from Visalia, Calif., assigned to Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Force Protection, has been recognized as the Nov. 2022 Sailor in the Spotlight.
served in the military and that was a big part of my decision to join, said MA3 “I think service provides experience that is unique from the civilian world, not everyone gets to do this, and I look forwardtore-enlistment.”
The Sailor in the Spotlight is a program that recognizes Sailors who display outstandingdriveanddedication
are our top priority,” said NBVC Command Master Chief William Kumley
for mission readiness and supporting our tenantcommands.
ationalfacilities:PointMugu,PortHueneme and San Nicolas Island. It is Ventura County’slargestemployerandprotectsSouthern California’slargestcoastalwetlandsthrough itsaward-winningenvironmentalprogram.
POINTMUGU Calif (Dec 15 2022) – Master-at-Arms 3rd Class ChanelAginaga,fromVisalia,Calif assigned to Naval BaseVentura County(NBVC) Force Protection,has been recognized as the Nov.2022 Sailorin the Spotlight NBVC is a strategicallylocated Naval installation composed ofthree operating facilities: Point Mugu,Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island.NBVC is the home of the Pacific Seabees,West Coast E-2D Hawkeyes,3warfare centers and 80 tenants.(U.S.NAVYILLUSTRATIONBYENSIGNDREWVERBIS/RELEASED) www | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, December 22 2022 5
Adiscovery worth shell-ebrating
ByPettyOfficer2ndClass SamanthaJetzer Pacific Missile Range Facility
KEKAHA,Hawaii—Arhythmic tune of breaking waveswas the only sound that could be heardinthe calmness of night as the tide methodically rolled overthe nearbycoralreef.Gentlewavesoffrothysea foamcascadedacross the soft palesandof Kohomahana. The beach wasnarrowand layoversomesmallhills next to theairfield at Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF), BarkingSands.Thiswasthesitethatoffered sanctuarytoonegreenseaturtleinsearchof aplacetonest.
Despitethepeacefulnight,thebeachwas steepwhichofferedachallengetothenestingmother to climb.She dragged herbody across the sand to reach the safety of the vegetationnearthe top of the dunes.From here, sheburrowedtocreate aholeabout a yarddeepinordertolayhereggs.Whenthe lasteggwaslaidandthelastofthesandhad beenshoveledoverthemsheabandonedher nestandjourneyedbacktosea.
Thiswas the onlysea turtlenestdiscoveredatPMRFthisyear,continuingthetrend ofoneturtlenestperyearsince2020.Historically, nests have beenfound along PMRF’s
entirecoastline,soitisveryimportanttobe awareofwhat thesenests looklikeand to keepaneyeoutforthem.
“Anyone on the beach couldfind one during the season, so Iwish morepeople knewhow to identifythem,”saidStephen Rossiter,PMRF’sfield biology coordinator with Pacific CooperativeStudies Unit. “If you’reout on the beach duringthe summer time,you may find one.It usually consists of apit and amoundnexttoeach other and potentiallytracks leading from the water to the nest and back. They’ll laytheir nests abovethetidelinearoundwherevegetation beginstogrow.”
PMRF’senvironmental team wasjoined by biologists withthe Department of Land andNaturalResources(DLNR)aswellasthe NationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration(NOAA)toexcavatethenest.
“They arethe experts,” Rositter said. “They arethe ones that keep trackofturtle nestsallacrosstheislandand,throughtheir organizations,all across the state.I think we were luckytohavethatlevel of expertise availableand willing to come out and evaluatewhatwehavehereatPMRF.”
The team hiked out to the site Nov. 10 where the nesthad beensurroundedwith wooden stakes and flags to identify it.
Normally, thenesting season is between themonthsofMaythroughJulyandhatching seasonisbetween July and September, so this wasa late nest. Duringthe nesting season,theenvironmentalteam,alongwith volunteers, walked the entirecoastlineof PMRF twice aweek in search of nests to ensure they were identified and properly markedtohelpkeepthemundisturbed
“Itwas good to see alot of peopleinterested in it this year,” said Rossiter.“Abig part of my job ispreventing and mitigating human and wildlife conflict. It’s agood casewherethespeciescanbenefitfromthe resourcesatPMRFwithalittleprotection.”
Oncetheteamarrivedatthesite,theytook turns with shovels and dug into the small mound.Ataroundthree feetdeep thecrew startedtoshavearoundtheedgesofthepit’s walluntilsomeonespottedit,asmallwhite fragment. An eggshell!After aquick exclamation of excitement from the team, they began to remove the sand closer to the top ofthemounduntiltheyhitthejackpot.Egg shellspopped up likebubbles in the sand, andeachonewasremovedfromthenestand carefullycounted. Fiftyseven hatched eggs werefoundinthenest.
“Wegreatly appreciate our partnership withthePMRFbiologiststohelpusconserve
ourendangeredmarinelife,”saidMimiOrly aKaua`i marine mammal response field coordinator with DLNR. “Currently the greatestthreatstoseaturtlesishumanactivity causinghabitat loss to nests on beaches duetodevelopmentandhumanactivities.”
There aremanydangersinfluencing the decline of sea turtles today, most of which arehuman impacted. Vehicles driving on the beach can crush eggs in nests.Fishing linesandnetsleftoutonthereefcanentangleanddrownseaturtles.Boatstravelingat highspeeds near shorewaters can break a turtle’sshell by thebow or propeller.Even artificiallightcandisorienthatchlingswhen theyemergefromtheirnests
“ThePMRFbiologistsdoanexcellentjob monitoring the endangered marine wildlifeatPMRF,”Orlysaid.“Theyworkclosely withus,NOAAFisheriesandHawaiiDLNR Protected Species Program to report all wildlifeandfollowallprotocolsweprovide forwildlifeconservation.”
FormoreinformationaboutPMRF’senvironmental program, please callthe Natural ResourcesHotlineat(808)208-4416,orvisit PMRF-Barking-Sands/
KEKAHA,Hawaii (Nov.10,2022) —Tessa Broholm,a field biologistwiththe environmental team at PacificMissile RangeFacility(PMRF),Barking Sands,right,excavates seaturtle eggs from a nest found on abeach,traditionallyknownasKohomahana,onthe installation.PMRFis theworld’slargest instrumented multi-environment rangecapable ofsupporting surface,subsurface,air and spaceoperations simultaneously (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSSAMANTHAJETZER) 6 The Flagship |www|Section 2| Thursday, December 22,2022
YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING www| The Flagship |Section 2| Thursday, December 22,2022 7
Finish your high school diploma, foryou andfor them. Find free,flexibleand supportive adult education centersnearyou at When you graduate, they graduate. 8 The Flagship | www | Section 2 | Thursday, December 22 2022
After a triumphant world tour Shen Yun returns to Chrysler Hall January 7th-8th for three epic performances immersing the audience into a theatrical experience, involving dancer perfection, visually stunningcostumes,multidimensional,patented scenographiceffects,andoriginalorchestral works, that will leave everyone spellbound. Shen Yun brings to life the rich history that isancientChina.
Kenn Wells former lead dancer of the EnglishNationalBalletsays “Absolutelythe NO 1 SHOW-no other company or of any stylecanmatchthis.”
AndinternationalsuperstarandAcademy Award-winningactressCateBlanchettsays, “Exquisitely beautiful. An extraordinary experienceforusandthechildren.”
For more info, go to
WithustodayisDongXiang,aDCvolunteer promoter he helps organize the local volunteers to work together and promote Shen Yun. Mr Xiang is not employed by ShenYun.
Yiorgo: What should people expect to see when they come to a Shen Yun performance?
Dong Xiang: It is a very fast paced,
about two and half hour show, including a 15 minute intermission, that has 20 short, differentprograms,experiencingandlearning about Chinese culture and history It’s like time travel. For those coming for the first time, it is definitely something that the people have not seen before. They will see very,veryexpressive,verychallenging,clas-
Y: You do not use the traditional dropdown backdrops Instead you use a very expensive,hightechbackdrop Canyoutell usaboutit?
DX:ItfeelslikeyouhavealargescreenTV withanimationinthebackground,withthe dancers performing in front of it and interacting with it. It feels like the characters are jumping in and out of the background enhancing the very expressive way of telling a story The incorporation of the high tech backdrop and the Chinese dancing is so unique that it was patented in the US a fewyearsago.
Y: The show is so mesmerizing that fans come back year after year Will they see the sameshow?
DX:EveryyeartheycomeupwithadifferentprogramsoevenifyouhaveseenaShen Yunperformancebefore,thisshowistotally different. Also, do not be late to the show because when the curtain opens with the
Chinese dancing filled with spinning, jumping, forward and backward flips It is almost like martial arts but actually martial arts came from Chinese dances It’s very interestingthatinChinathewordfordance is pronounced “wu” and the martial arts wordisalsopronounced“wu”soitisexactly the same pronunciation but the writing is
Intheolddays,thewarriorswould use martial arts on the battlefield but in the Imperial palace the warriors used martial arts as a way of entertaining the emperor and the guests So it’s almost like classical Chinesedanceandmartialartsaretwosides ofthesamecoin.
The internationally renowned Shen Yun returns to Chrysler Hall Jan 7th-8th bringing 5,000 years of ancient Chinese culture and dance PressRelease NASHVILLE Tenn. MoreperformerswereannouncedtodayforNEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE: NASHVILLE’S BIG BASH, a star-studded entertainment special hosted by country music stars and GRAMMY®-nominated artists Jimmie Allen and Elle King and Entertainment Tonight’s Rachel Smith.ThecelebrationtoringinthenewyearwillairlivefromMusicCity, Saturday,Dec.31(8:00-10:00PM,ET/PT;10:30PM-1:30AM,ET/PT)onthe CBSTelevisionNetwork,andstreamliveandondemandonParamount+* JoiningalreadyannouncedperformersKelseaBallerini,Brooks&Dunn, Little Big Town and Zac Brown Band will be Jason Aldean, Jimmie Allen, Dierks Bentley, Luke Bryan, King Calaway, Sheryl Crow Flo-Rida, Riley Green, Elle King, Ashley McBryde Steve Miller Thomas Rhett, Darius Rucker, Lainey Wilson, and The War And Treaty The five-hour broadcast will feature a staggering hit parade of 50 back-to-back performances and cross multiple time zones, live from the destination home of country music.NashvillewillcountdownwiththeEastCoastatmidnightandkeep the party going through midnight Central Time with the city’s renowned MusicNoteDrop® The special event will feature once-in-a-lifetime collaborations with artistsinvitingspecialguestsandartistfriendstoperformtogetherthroughoutthenight.Takingontheirbiggesthitsandperformingcoversofsomeof themosticoniccountrymusicsongsofalltime,collaborationswillbestacked throughoutthelineup,withdetailstobeannouncedinthecomingweeks. NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE: NASHVILLE’S BIG BASH is executive produced by Robert Deaton and Mary Hilliard Harrington in partnership withtheNashvilleConventionandVisitorsCorp Thespecialwillbedirected bySandraRestrepo *Paramount+ Premium subscribers will have access to stream live via the live feed of their local CBS affiliate on the service as well as on demand Essential-tiersubscriberswillhaveaccesstoon-demandthedayafterthespecialairs. More of country music’s biggest stars announced for “New Year’s Eve Live: Nashville’s Big Bash,” a star-studded entertainment special, airing Dec. 31 on CBS INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7 On iberty Celebrate the holidays with festive Mexican favorites Asyou gatherwith loved ones forthe holidays you can enhance the magic ofthe season byadding Chispa – a special spark – toyourdinnertablewithTamales and Empanadas. PageC4 TurntoShenYun, Page 3 www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 22 2022 1
Carnival Cruise Line opens 2025 bookings from Norfolk, steering toward port’s first-ever year-round sailing program
NORFOLK, VA Carnival Cruise Line today announced it will launch year-round sailings from Norfolk beginning Feb. 18 2025 Each week thereafter passengers from across the country will have a chance to enjoy six-day sailings to the Bahamas and eight-day Eastern Caribbean itineraries aboard the 3,000-passenger Carnival Sunshine This marks the first year-round cruiseserviceforVirginia’sonlycruiseship program. Today’s announcement from the world’s largest cruise line opens sales through May 2025; additional 2025 dates anditinerarieswillbeannouncednextyear Itineraries from Norfolk include stops in Nassau,Freeport,BiminiandHalfMoonCay intheBahamas;GrandTurkintheTurksand CaicosIslands;andtheDominicanRepublic.
“This positions Norfolk as a major destinationforvisitorsfromacrossthecountry,” said Norfolk Mayor, Dr Kenneth Cooper Alexander. “It will have a tremendous economicimpactonthisregion.”
With Carnival’s expanded cruise service,
Norfolk anticipates welcoming more than 280,000 unique passenger visits in 2025, as guests begin and end their cruise vacations fromtheHalfMooneCruiseandCelebration Center Norfolkispreparingforanincrease inpre/posthotelovernightstays,additional transportationneeds,andpassengerspending at restaurants and retail businesses On average, each cruise passenger spends $125 whileinport
“Thisisagamechangerforourprogram,” said Nauticus Executive Director Stephen Kirkland. “Regular, year- round cruising fromNorfolkexpandsourpassengermarket far beyond the Mid-Atlantic We will see visitors flying in and out of town for these sailings further expanding the economic benefitsthesecruisesprovidetoNorfolkand thegreaterHamptonRoadsregion.
“Carnival Sunshine is the perfect ship to usherinthisnextstepforserviceexpansion from Norfolk’s Half Moone Cruise Terminal, and as we work closely with city and port officials on our plans to increase from seasonal to year-round operations we’re delighted to open these sailings for sale so
guests from all over the southeastern U.S. can start doing some planning of their own for 2025,” said Christine Duffy, presidentof Carnival Cruise Line “We’ve been sailing fromNorfolksince2002 andwe’repleased to expand our offerings from this historic, charming community while strengthening oursupportofthelocaleconomy.”
CarnivalSunshinewillrotatebetweensixand eight-day sailings and will visit populardestinationsintheBahamasandEastern Caribbean, such as Nassau, Freeport, Half MoonCay,Bimini,AmberCove,GrandTurk, HalfMoonCayandPrincessCays Theitinerariesnowopeninclude:
Six-daycruisetoBimini Nassau, Freeport
Six-daycruisetoNassau,HalfMoonCay, Freeport
Eight-daycruisetoAmberCove,Grand Turk,PrincessCays
Eight-daycruisetoHalfMoonCay, GrandTurk AmberCove Featuring more than 500 balcony state-
rooms and dozens of suites, Carnival Sunshine accommodates more than 3,000 guests and is expected to bring approximately 100,000 guests to Norfolk in 2025 The ship offers a wide range of amenities such as a three-level Serenity adults-only retreat, and attractions like a suspended ropes course and dual racing slides at its WaterWorks aqua park. It features extensivediningandbeverage options, including Carnival favorites like Cucina del Capitano ItalianrestaurantandFahrenheit555steakhouse, as well as the Caribbean-inspired RedFrog Pub and the cocktail pharmacy-themedAlchemyBar.
City of Norfolk and Carnival officials announced last month the cruise line will extenditsservicein2023forafullsix-month period from May through October more thandoublingitssailingsin2022.Toprepare for year- round service, Carnival will pause its sailings from Norfolk in 2024 to allow for needed terminal and infrastructure enhancementsatHalfMoone
PressRelease New York, NY
have already laid,” states BPC CEO GaryGuidry.
and TANK starting on Thursday March 9 in Columbia, SC and ending on Sunday, April 30 in Tampa,FL.
The tour will stop at the Hampton ColiseumonFriday,March17 Ticketsareonsale now and range from $59.50 to $179.50 and can be purchased online at
“Few recording artists can attest to a superior 40-year career that stands the test of time but New Edition can. When we partnered with NE for “The Culture Tour,” although I knew it would be stellar their show exceeded my expectations; the guys were nothing short of miraculous We are excitedaboutpartneringwithNewEdition to further the legacy of the foundation they
New Edition hit the scene in 1983 withtheiriconic#1 debutalbumCandy Girl disrupting the music industry forty years ago. Thatsameyear,the album’s title cut knocked Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” out of the #1 spot on the Billboard “HotBlackSingles” chart. The group has gone on to win many awards, including BET’s “Lifetime Achievement” awards, and has one of the most highly watchedbiopicsinmusichistory,the3-part BET series: The New Edition Story, which attracted more than 29 million viewers ComprisedofRonnieDeVoe BobbyBrown, RickyBell MichaelBivins RalphTresvant andJohnnyGill,NewEditionhasremained one of the most influential R&B groups in the world for close to four decades With a vastcatalog,NewEditionisreadytoperform a host of new hits that weren’t performed
in 2022’s “The Culture Tour,” giving their fansawholenewexperiencetotuckintheir memorybook.
Keith Sweat entered the charts with his 3Xplatinumdebutsoloalbum,MakeItLast Forever, in 1987 giving the world its first New Jack Swing Billboard “Hot 100” hit, “I Want Her.” The song produced by Teddy Riley and Sweat, became the most successful R&B song in 1988 on the Billboard “Hot R&B Songs” chart. In 1997, Sweat formed the group LSG (Levert, Sweat, and Gill -
Johnny Gill of New Edition), whose debut album, Levert.Sweat.Gill sold double platinum and produced the hit song “My Body,” which became a platinum single, spending sevenweeksat#1onthecharts Inaddition to touring and making new music, Sweat currently has the #1 nationally syndicated R&Beveningradioshowcalled“TheSweat HotelwithKeithSweat,”reachingmorethan fiftymarketsacrossthecountry
Teddy Riley ushered in a new musical genre called New Jack Swing, which included the formation of his group GUY with Aaron Hall and Damion Hall in 1987 The group’s first album, the self-titled masterpiece quickly spawned the Billboard “Hot 100” hit “I Like,” which, along with four other hit singles such as “Groove Me and“Teddy’sJam, helpedtopropelthe debutalbumtodoubleplatinumstatus.The group disbanded after their second album, The Future, citing the stresses of the tragic loss of their former manager However, TeddyRileywentontoproduceforthelikes ofMichaelJacksonandLadyGaga.Inaddition,hewasinstrumentalintheriseofBobby Brown’s solo career creating the megahit “My Prerogative, which Complex magazine says is the #1 New Jack Swing song of all time The “Legacy Tour” will be the first timethegrouphascometogethertotourin morethanfifteenyears
Community Submit YOUR events, news and photos The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
Carnival Sunshinewill set sail from Norfolk’s HalfMoone CruiseTerminal.
Iconic Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum-selling R&B supergroup New Edition closed out 2022 with the highly successful “The Culture Tour,” nominated as one of the Top R&B Tours in the country by Pollstar Selling out arenas across the country, the icons and The Black Promoters Collective (BPC) are happy to announce the 30-city “LEGACY TOUR” with a must-see lineup that includes a New Jack Swing reunion with Keith Sweat and the original members of GUY (Teddy Riley, Aaron Hall, and Damion Hall)
The New Edition “Legacy Tour” brings back a New Jack Swing extravaganza to the Hampton Coliseum on March 17 2 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, December 22 2022
Get ready to soar with snowbird travel tips
During the winter months, many sun seekers put beach and desert destinations at the top of their travel lists Chasing the winter sun can be a rewarding vacation experience,madeevenbetterwhenyoucan enjoy homelike accommodations
“Snowbirding isn’t just for retirees anymore, said Melanie Fish, Vrbo travel expert. “More flexibility at work allows travelers of all ages to escape the cold and stay in warmer places for days or weeks Private vacation rentals provide all the comforts of home and allow snowbirds to travelinflocksandspendthewintermonth with their family or close friends.”
Manysnowbirdsplantotravelforweeks orevenmonthsatatime,andthatcantranslate into discounts for stays more than a week or month long, especially if you’ll be staying at a vacation home If you’re considering a sunshine-filled
escape this winter consider these popular destinations, which offer premium amenities,amplespaceandoutstandingreviews, making them ideal places for family or friendstostaytogetherandsoakupthesun.
Guanacaste, Costa Rica: Nestled between the Costa Rican mountains guests love the relaxing and private natural surroundings with 270-degree mountain views For one of the best ways to enjoy the scenery, take those views in from a tropical villa with an infinity-edge pool.
Destin, Florida: In the sought-after neighborhoodofDestinyWest,rentalhomes aresituateddirectlyonthelakeandcomplemented by impressive views of the Gulf acrossthestreet Lookforoptionswithadded bonuses like built-in spa pools sun shelfs hot tubs and modern outdoor furnishings
Akumal, Mexico: In the Mayan
Riviera, attractions include the Yalku lagoon with its unique freshwater to saltwater snorkeling and restaurants serving up fine local cuisine You can find a wide selection of rental homes, including options boasting rooftop sun decks, handpainted murals and tropical enclosed yards with pools, spas and outdoor dining
Galveston, Texas: In the heart of Beachside Village, guests can find both character and comfort. Rentals offer easy access to the beach; sought-after spots nearby for fishing, swimming and local shopping; and stunning views
Palm Springs, California: Breathtaking views of the San Jacinto Mountains are just part of the reason snowbirds flock to Palm Springs Many rental options in the area blur the lines between indoor and outdoor living with floor-to-ceiling sliding doors and open layouts, along with fireside
lounging areas to wind down each day.
Maui,Hawaii:Atanelevationof700feet and only 10 minutes from Lahaina, guests enjoy premium access to nearby hiking and biking trails from luxury rental homes Surrounded by 1 ½ acres of lush tropical gardens thisretreatalsooffersunobstructed views of neighboring islands floor-to-ceiling windows and a wraparound lanai.
Phoenix,Arizona:Withalargebackyard and heated pool, built-in grill and a fire pit, guests can take advantage of Tucson’s yearround outdoor living in a well-appointed, contemporarymodernrentalhome.
For snowbirds planning an upcoming winter escape or just looking for future inspiration visitVrbo.comandexplorethe Trip Boards feature, where you can like, save and share favorite properties to make planning a group trip easy
Cirque Zuma Zuma comes to the Sandler Center this February
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va After sell-out seasons abroad and an extensive run on America’s Got Talent, Cirque Zuma Zuma brings their exuberant and entertaining showcase of African culturetoVirginiaBeach!
The Langley Federal Credit Union Concert Series presents Cirque Zuma Zuma on Sunday, February12at7PMattheSandlerCenterforthe PerformingArts.Ticketsareonsalenowandcan be purchased at or by visiting the Sandler Center box office located at 201 MarketStreet,VirginiaBeach,VA23462.Tickets arepricedat$21,$31,and$41,plusapplicablefees.
Audiences and critics agree that Cirque Zuma Zuma is unlike anything they have ever seen before. Often described as an “African-style Cirque du Soleil, this high-energy dance act part cirque, part Harlem Globetrotters is fast paced and full of acrobatic ingenuity Cirque ZumaZumapushestheenvelopeofhumanpossibilitywithastonishingfeatsofbalance,agility,and flexibility all set to African music, drumming, anddance Experience this unique and vibrant blend of culture movement andcircusskillswhenCirque ZumaZumacomestotheSandlerCenter!
AboutTheSandlerCenterforthePerformingArts:TheSandlerCenteropenedonNovember 3, 2007 and is managed by Oak View Group (OVG360). With 1,308 seats and a soaring glass façade, the building is located in the heart of Virginia Beach’s Town Center, a hub for cultural entertainment With local and international talent visiting the Sandler Center, performances are perfect for audiences of all ages. Patrons will experienceanintimateenvironmentwhenvisiting the Sandler Center, as no seat is further than 100ft.fromthestage LearnmoreatSandlerCenter.organdFacebook,Twitter,andInstagram
Yun from Page 1
first program, it is designed to have a lot of wow,wow,breathtakingmoments
DX: There are close to 40 dancers, 40 musicians and a handful of a production crew There are six touring companies Everything in Shen Yun is original The artists train and meditate in a secluded, peacefulareainupstateNewYork,adhering tooldtraditionsofpurifyingthemselvesand preparing themselves to perfectly perform thedancingandmusic.
The costumes are of course influenced and based on the 5000 year old programs being presented. They are hand made and inordertoensurethatthecolormatchesthe feel and mood of the particular story being performed,theymixandcustommaketheir own colors because they can not buy the colorstheyneed.
The music that you hear are all original compositions, composed by the Shen Yun conductor The music is performed live by an orchestra that also includes the Chinese musical instruments: erhu and pipa. This is not an easy thing to do to include these Chineseinstruments Itis liketryingto mix oil and water together, it’s close to impossible because the pitch and the tone of these instruments are very different from the westerninstruments.TheShenYunorchestraisabletomixthemtogether.Theperfor-
mances are not just a feast to your eyes but alsomusictoyourears.
Y: Where are you from and how did you get involved as a volunteer promoter for ShenYun?
DX: I was born in 1969 and grew up in China under Communist rule where I was raised like all of us in our generation to believeinCommunism That’stotallydifferent from what my parents and grandparentsbelievedin WhenIcametotheUnited States I realized that my Chinese culture is so different from what I was familiar with when I grew up A lot of us are ex-patriots from China. We want to tell the world how China was before Communism took over. This has motivated a lot of Shen Yun artists to dedicate their lives and technical skills to present this show. It also empowered people like me who are not artists to help and promote the show. We the promoters of the show are all volunteers not only do wenotgetpaidtopromoteShenYunbutwe contribute a small portion of our personal wealth to make sure that Shen Yun has enough resources to send the message out We have a shoestring budget but we have a lotofvolunteersandthatiswhyweareable topromoteitinNorfolk
I am the Executive Director of the Falun Gong Association in Washington DC and we present Shen Yun in the Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC areas Shen Yun wasfoundedin2006andtheirmissionisto restoreandshowcasethetraditionalChinese culture to honor on the stage through classical Chinese dance. The mission is in line
with what we believe in the Falun Gong Association. As we know, China has a five thousand year old history and we want to present the Chinese before Communism. The traditional Chinese culture is so differentthenthecontemporaryChineseculture thatalotofpeoplearenotfamiliarwithand sadlyevenmanyChinesepeopledon’tknow it Iamaperfectexample.
Y: What has been a favorite moment of yourswiththeshow?
DX: There is also another very unique aspect of the show and none of the other performing arts have it. It’s Show Energy Afewyearsago,IpresentedashowinWest Virginia,andtherewasaladysittingnearthe front who came to see the show by herself She was very excited and clapped at everything,sometimestoomuch Whentheshow finished,wefilmedcollectingsomefeedback fromtheaudienceandIwasverymovedby hercommentsinhervideoclip Shesaidthat shewasinher70’sandhadpainallthetime She stopped taking the pain-killing medicine because it did not work, but she said, trying to holdbackhertears, that whenshe was watching the show, for the entire two and a half hours, she did not feel any pain. I wasnotsurprisedbecauseIknowthepower of Shen Yun. In the old days, the Chinese peoplebelievedthatdancingisnotforentertainmentforhumanbeings Inancienttimes artistsbelievedthatdancingwasagiftfrom heaven. The artists would cultivate their inner purity and beauty so they can purify themselves, have high morals, and perform the art beautifully and show their gratitude
toheaven.Intheolddays,artistslivedinvery secluded temple settings not interacting with everyday people and they constantly practicedtheirskillsetsandsharpenedtheir minds Today they practice the same noble task. When they perform on the stage, the power of meditation is such that they can radiate energy directly to the audience and that is why the woman felt no pain. That is something that is very unique about Shen Yun and no other performing art group can dothat.
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist
VolunteerpromoterDongXiang (PHOTO COURTESYOFSHENYUN)
www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 22 2022 3
Celebrate the holidays with festive Mexican favorites
Asyougatherwithlovedonesfortheholidays,youcanenhancethe magicoftheseasonbyaddingChispa-aspecialspark-toyourdinner table It’saseasyasaddingclassicMexicandishestoyourmenu. The key to adding this special spark is using authentic Mexican ingredients which you can find in recipes like Chorizo and Oaxaca TamalesandOaxaca,PotatoandChorizoEmpanadas.Theseflavorful dishesfeaturedeliciousadditionsfromCacique,oneofthecountry’s topauthenticHispanicfoodbrands,thatthewholefamilywilllove Whenplanningyourflavor-fueledfestivities,considerthesemusthaveingredients; Chorizo:Whetherpork,beeforsoy,chorizoaddsthespicesand heartyflavorsofMexicancuisinetoanyrecipe Oaxaca:Similarinflavortomozzarellabutevenmeltier,youcan enjoythisbutterycheeseinmanydishes.
CremaMexicana:Withaneutral,fresh-tastingflavorandsilky pourabletexture,thiseverydaytablecreamisusedforbalancing spicydishes.
Find more delicious additions to your holiday menu at
In large skillet, cook chorizo according to package instructions Add onions; saute overmediumheatuntiltranslucent,about5minutes Coolthoroughly Tomaketamales:Prepareonehuskatatimebyplacinghuskonopenpalm,smearing 3 tablespoons tamale dough on husk from side to side and to bottom leaving 3 inchesoftopuntouchedforfolding.Place1tablespoonchorizomixtureincenterand topwithonestripofOaxaca Fold⅓ofhusktoleftand⅓toright,overlapping;pinch bottomtosealandgentlyfoldovertoptocreatesmallrectangle
The traditional dishes served year after yearatyourfamily’sholidaygatheringsmay bring comfort and a sense of nostalgia but youcanopenyourlovedonesuptoawhole new world by incorporating recipes from aroundtheglobe
People of all different cultures across the Earthareoftenconnectedbyfood,whether it’s a classic holiday dish or a unique take onatraditionaldish,likethisraisin-infused Challah. While the dishes themselves may drastically differ using similar ingredients canbeaunifyingthread.
For those looking to pull off worldly cuisines this holiday season, consider a familiarandnearlyuniversalingredientlike raisins,aninnovativeanddeliciousaddition incorporatedinculturallydiversedishes On topoftheirversatileflavor,Sun-MaidRaisins offerabetter-for-youwholefruitoptionwith noaddedsugarper¼-cupserving Considertheseglobalrecipeideasenjoyed atholidaygatheringsaroundtheworld.
Germany Apple Strudel: Quite possibly one of the mostfamousGermandessertsofall,raisins addadeliciouschewinesstothistraditional strudel.
Lebkuchen: A traditional German cake similar to gingerbread that’s full of sweet spices walnuts dates and raisins
Italy CuccidatiSiciliani:Typicallyattheirmost popular during the holiday season, these
Italian fig cookies feature raisins inside the deliciouslyfruityfilling.
Panettone: Also a holiday favorite Panettoneisatoweringroundofsweetbread speckledwithraisins citrusandalmonds
Traditionalfruitcakeischockfullofdriedraisins,goldenraisins,cherries, dates,pineappleandapricotssoakedindark teaovernight Bread Pudding: This English staple uses stalebread,spices sweetenerandraisinsto createadenseanddeliciouscake Poland Cinnamon-Raisin Rugelach: These flavorfulpastriesarecharacterizedbyameltin-your-mouth cheese-based dough with a sweetcinnamon,raisinandwalnutfilling. Greece Christopsomo: Considered sacred in many Greek households and translating to “Christ’sBread, thisrevereddishisusually preparedthedaybeforeChristmasEveand isservedwithnothingbutbarehandsatthe table Raisins, nuts, cinnamon, cloves and nutmegareallfoundthroughouttheloaf. Armenia Ghapama:Abakedpumpkinstuffedwith partiallycookedrice raisins nuts,cinnamon andhoney Ireland Irish Soda Bread: The cakey texture of thisIrishfavoriteiscomplementedbysweet, chewyraisinsthroughouttheloaf Visit to find more recipes perfectforholidaygatherings. Crown Raisin Challah Yield: 3 loaves Dough: 2envelopes(¼ounceeach)active dryyeast ½cupsugar ¼cuphoney 3cupswarmwater 2teaspoonscinnamon ⅓cupoliveoil 2extra-largeeggs,plus3eggyolks 2tablespoonskoshersalt 1cupSun-Maidraisins 3cupsbreadflour 6½cupsall-purposeflour EggWash: 2extra-largeeggs 2tablespoonssugar To make dough: In big bowl, mix yeast, sugar, honey and warm water Let yeast bloomabout7minutes Addcinnamon oil,eggs eggyolksandsalt Mix well. Add raisins Add flours and mix untilsticky Doughshouldbecreamyyellow Turn dough out onto floured surface and knead 12-15 minutes, or until smooth. Oil bowl, place dough back in bowl and cover tight with plastic wrap Let rise in warm placeabout1½hours,oruntildoubled. Punch dough down, cover and let rise another45minutes.Punchdownagainand cut into three equal pieces Let rest about 10 minutes then roll each piece into snakes about30incheslong;taperatoneend.Startingwiththickend,rolleachsnakeintospiral shape like snail shell. Use a little water and stick tapered end onto body of spiral. Mold intoplacewithhands Oil loaves lightly, cover with plastic wrap andletriseuntilpoofy,about25minutes.
or until loaves are
Incorporating recipes from around the globe is a festive way to diversify your holiday table Chorizo and Oaxaca Tamales Prep time: 60 minutes Cook time: 60 minutes Servings: 10-12 40driedcornhusks water 3packagesCaciquePork,BeeforSoyChorizo
make egg wash: In small bowl, whisk eggsandsugar.Gentlybrushloaveswithegg wash,takingcarenottodeflatethem Bake
3packages(10ounceseach)Cacique OaxacaCheese,cutinto½-inchstrips
CaciqueHomestyleMildSalsa,forserving Inlargebowl,covercornhuskswithboilingwaterandsoakatleast1hour Remove excesswaterandpateachhuskdry.
adequate room temperature water to tamale steamer and
vertically and upside down,
and steam over
to check doneness Tamale is cooked when
5ouncesCaciqueOaxacaCheese,cubed 1egg,well-beaten,foreggwash Preheatovento350F. Tomakedough:Usepastrycutterorforktocutbutterintoflouruntilitformscrum-
Sprinkleinsaltandstir Pourinwarmwaterandegg;stiruntilclumpy dough forms. Knead dough about 5 minutes Cut dough into 24 pieces and using hands rolleachpieceintoball.Withrollingpin,rollballsevenlyinto5-6-inchcircles To make filling: In pan over medium heat, cook chorizo, stirring until it crumbles Add cubed potatoes. Cover and cook until potatoes are soft then uncover and cook 5-10minutesuntilliquidevaporates. Fill empanadas by placing 2-3 tablespoons chorizo and potato mixture with 2-3
Withfinger,runeggwashacrossonesideofcircles. Foldoverandsealedgesbypressingdownwithforkorcreatefoldsandpinchtoseal fillinginside.Brushtopswitheggwash Prepareparchment-linedbakingsheetsandplaceempanadasonsheets.Bake12-15 minutesuntilgolden-brown 4 The Flagship | www | Section 3 | Thursday, December 22 2022
set steamer grate Place formed tamales,
Once first layer of tightlypackedtamalesiscomplete,beginsecondlayeroftamaleshorizontally Cover
medium-high heat 45 minutes-1 hour. Check water level at 45minutes Ifwaterislow,gentlyaddhotwatertosideofpot Remove one tamale
dough separates fromhuskwhenunwrapping
Oaxaca, Potato and Chorizo
Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Yield: 24 empanadas Dough:
1egg atroomtemperature,whisked Filling:
What women need to know about stroke risks
It may not be widely known that women face unique risk factors for stroke throughout their lifetime Things like pregnancy, preeclampsiaandchronicstresscanincrease the risk for high blood pressure, a leading causeofstroke Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, istheleadingcauseofdeathamongwomen, accordingtotheCentersforDiseaseControl andPrevention(CDC),and1in5womenwill have a stroke However, a large majority of strokescanbeprevented.
Caring for yourself by understanding your risk factors can help reduce your risk forstrokeandprovideabetterqualityoflife. Start managing your stroke risk with these tipsfromtheAmericanStrokeAssociation,a divisionoftheAmericanHeartAssociation:
Monitor Your Blood Pressure
The first step you can take in reducing your risk for stroke is knowing your blood
pressure and keeping it in a healthy range. HighbloodpressureistheNo 1preventable cause of stroke, according to the American HeartAssociation
The best way to know your blood pressure is to have it measured at least once per yearbyahealthcareprofessionalandregularly monitor it at home then discuss the numbers with a doctor For most people, a normal blood pressure should be 120⁄80 mm HGorless
Inadditiontoproperlymonitoringblood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, eating healthfully and reducing or eliminating alcohol and tobacco usage can help control blood pressure Ifyoudodevelophighbloodpressure work with a health care professional on a plantohelpmanageit.
Plan for Pregnancy
In the United States, high blood pressure during pregnancy is becoming more common accordingtotheCDC,andmedical conditions including preeclampsia, gestationaldiabetesandbloodclotsduringpreg-
nancy all increase stroke risk during and immediatelyfollowingapregnancy
Managingconditionslikehighbloodpressurebeforegettingpregnanthelpskeepyou andyourbabyhealthyduringpregnancyand beyond Inaddition,yourhealthduringand immediately after a pregnancy can shape the lifelong health of you and your child. If you’re planning to become pregnant or are currently pregnant, it’s important to regularlymonitoryourbloodpressure.
Some stress is unavoidable but constant stress is not healthy. Chronic or constant stress may lead to high blood pressure and otherunhealthybehaviorchoices whichcan increaseriskforstroke
Based on findings in a Stress in America 2020 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, the top sources of stress are money, work, family responsibilities and health concerns Managing yourstressandbloodpressurecanimprove youroverallhealthandwell-being Reclaim controlofyourscheduleandbuildintimeto investinyourhealth.Find10minutesevery daytodosomethingforyou,likelisteningto
Learn the Warning Signs
A stroke can happen to anyone at any pointinlife Immediatetreatmentmayhelp minimize the long-term effects of a stroke and even prevent death Learn how to spot astrokeF.A.S.T: Facedrooping-Doesonesideoftheface drooporisitnumb?Askthepersontosmile Istheperson’ssmileuneven?
Arm weakness - Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms Doesonearmdriftdownward?
Speech difficulty - Is speech slurred? Is thepersonunabletospeakorhardtounderstand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentencelike“Theskyisblue.
Time to call 911 - If someone shows any ofthesesymptoms,evenifthesymptomsgo away, call 911 and get to a hospital immediately Check the time so you’ll know when thefirstsymptomsappeared.
Talktoyourdoctoraboutwaystoimprove your well-being and help prevent stroke
ByJanetA.Aker Mhs Communications
Ifyouhaven’tgottenyourannualflushot yet,isittoolate?Absolutelynot,expertssay.
And while last week was the annual National Influenza Vaccine Week, there is plentyoffluvaccineavailable.
You can still be well protected with just oneshot.
Flu shots are available at your local military hospital or clinic, through TRICARE, at participating pharmacies, and even at temporary flu clinics The shots are mandated each year for all those in the armed services to help maintain readiness The mandated deadline for 90% of service memberstogettheirannualflushotsisJan. 15 each year with some services as early as Dec.15
AsofDec.2,“weare72%compliantoverall, said U.S. Army Lt Col. Katie Martinez, deputy director of operations for the Defense Health Agency Health Care Division. That compares to 68% last year, “so overall we are doing better this year than wehaveinthepreviousfluseasons,”shesaid, adding:“Ianticipatewewillhit90%compliancebytheestablisheddeadlines.”
Theinfluenzavaccineisrecommendedby theCentersforDiseaseControlandPreventionforeveryone6monthsofageandolder For people 65 years and older, who are at a higherriskofdevelopingflu-relatedcomplications,theCDCrecommendsahigherdose or adjuvanted flu vaccine If a higher dose or adjuvanted flu vaccine are not available please consult with your provider about whichfluvaccineisrightforyou.
The young, those with compromised immune systems or chronic diseases, and the elderly are at risk of serious complications from the flu, so getting them immunizedisimportant.
“Hospitalization rates are higher at this pointinthefluseasoncomparedtolastyear,” Martinez said, citing figures from the CDC This is for both those 65 and older and for childrenupto4yearsold.
Sofar,therehavebeen14pediatricdeaths from flu nationwide, which is more at this time than during last year’s flu season, she added.
Don’t Forget Your COVID-19 Shots
Whileyou’regettingyourflushot,youalso can get your COVID-19 booster or series at thesametime
WhileCOVID-19infectionratesappearto betrendingdownwardforthemoment,itis stillimportanttogetyourbooster especially thebivalentboosterswhichcameoutearlier this fall. They have been shown to protect againsttheOmicronvariantanditssubvariantsaswellastheoriginalformofCOVID-19 and the subsequent Delta variant. Omicron anditsmutationsremainthedominantvariantsthatcauseCOVID-19.
“Bothrespiratorydiseasesarecirculating worldwide and “hospitalization rates are trendinghigherforthefluthisyearthanthe rateobservedinweek46duringeverypreviousseasonsince2010-2011, Martinezsaid, citingCDCdata.
“Flu seasons are unpredictable in a number of ways, including when they begin, how severe they are, how long they last,whichviruseswillspread,andwhether the viruses in the vaccine match flu viruses that are circulating,” the CDC said. All flu vaccines available this year protect against fourdifferentcirculatingfluviruses
“National Influenza Vaccine Week highlights the need for every eligible person to get their annual flu shot, but also this year, theirlatestCOVID-19boosterorseries,”said U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Rear Adm. Brandon Taylor, director ofDefenseHealthAgencyPublicHealth
“It’saremindertoallthatfluandCOVID19 are major national public health issues that can affect the youngest to the oldest and the healthiest to those whose immune systemsareweakened.Headded,“Thisholidayseason,thinkofothersyoumaybejoiningforgatherings,andbeprotectedfromflu andCOVID-19,notonlyforyourself,butalso forallyourfamily,colleagues,andfriends.”
Could It Be RSV?
Thisyear,itcanalsobehardtodetermine if you have the seasonal flu, COVID-19 or respiratorysyncytialvirus,sinceallthreeare respiratoryinfections,andRSVnumbersare
well up from last year in children. All
Cover your nose and mouth with tissue ortheinsideofyourelbowwhenyoucough orsneeze Cleananddisinfectsurfacesregularlythat
send your kids to
Talk to your
to feel
flu and
Limit contact with others
When possible, do more activities outdoors where the droplets that spread these diseases are lessened by the large amountoffreshair Flu season’s here: You still can get your flu
protection www | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, December 22 2022 5
three have similar symptoms, with fever being the most common If you want to know for sure, you can check with your health care provider Thesevirusescouldbecomesevere in a short span of time, so starting on the righttreatmentcanbeimportant. Prevention, Prevention, Prevention Just as with the COVID-19 pandemic, therearesomesimplewaystobetterprotect yourselffromgettingsickandfromspreadingyourfluorCOVID-19:
Getvaccinated Vaccinessavelives
Washyourhandsregularlywithsoapand waterorusealcohol-basedhandsanitizer.
daycare if theyfeelill.
health care provider if you begin
ill. There are treatments for both
COVID-19 that
available if caughtquicklyenoughthroughtesting
when you are sickandavoidclosecontactwithpeoplewho aresick.
shot for
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