Volume 34 • Issue 23 • December 1, 2010 • Serving Active and Retired Military and DoD Workers for Over 34 Years
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Volume 35 • Issue 23 • December 1, 2010
Garfield cartoon strips causes controversy In the syndicated strip, the tubby feline is about to squash a spider with a newspaper. The spider says, “If you squish me, I shall become famous! They will hold an annual day of remembrance in my honor, you fat slob.” The final panel shows the spider addressing a group of other spiders: “Does anyone here know why we celebrate ‘National Stupid Day?’” Creator Jim Davis issued a statement apologizing and stating that the strip was actually created a year ago and that the decision to run it on Veteran’s Day was “the worst timing ever.” “I had no idea when writing it that it
would appear today — of all days,” he said. “I do not use a calendar that lists holidays and other notable days, so when this strip was put in the queue, I had no idea it would run on Veterans Day.” Davis said his brother served in Vietnam, and his son has served in the armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Cindy McCain reverses course on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Reprinted with permission from Jamie Reno and
The McCain family seems a bit conflicted about gays in the military. A few years ago, Sen. John McCain said he would support a repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which prohibits gays from openly serving, if the military’s top brass supported such a ban. Many do, but despite that, McCain is now staunchly against a repeal and is calling for yet another study, despite the fact that the Pentagon’s leaked current study reportedly shows repeal would have no negative impact. Now comes his wife, Cindy McCain, who’s done an apparent flip-flop of her own on the issue in a matter of just a couple of days. Mrs.
McCain appears in a new video in which she says the government’s actions encourage anti-gay bullying in schools. In the video, she says: “Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future. They can’t serve our country openly. Our government treats the LGBT community like second-class citizens. Why shouldn’t [bullies]?” But less than 24 hours after that video debuted, she seemed to change her position. On her Twitter account on Friday, Mrs. McCain wrote: “I fully support the NoH8 campaign and all it stands for and am proud to be a part of it. But I stand by my husband’s stance on DADT.”
China hijacked global Internet traffic According to the Kevin Coleman, a Defense Tech Cyber Warfare Correspondent, this month, U.S. cyber security specialists were able to prove than in April of this year, about 15% of global Internet traffic was hijacked, then rerouted through China. A non-trivial portion of the world’s Internet traffic was redirected by China’s state-controlled telecommunications company. The redirected traffic was said to include information from “U.S. military, civilian organizations and that of U.S. allies.”
One of the main concerns about the incident is the fact that China was able to handle the massive amount of traffic/data and continue to retransmit it back out again without anyone having a noticeable slow-down or disruption in service. It is believed by some security experts that encryption could not have insured the integrity of the hijacked data.
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 3
Letters to Military Press Dear Military Press, Your piece on the major players of World War II (Nov. 1, 2010) was very good and factual. However, you placed Joseph Stalin in with the wrong group. In no way does the Soviet dictator qualify as a defender along with the likes of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. The only thing Stalin defended was his brutal totalitarian dictatorship. Only a mere historical, but inevitable, technicality “converted” Stalin to the side of the wartime Allies. Even as youngster studying history, I always viewed Stalin’s place among the Allied Big Three as sorely ironic. The fact remains that Stalin was every bit Hitler’s equal as a ruthless tyrant who had ordered the random murder of just as many millions of his country’s citizens per capita as Hitler had, and that was BEFORE the Nazis attacked Poland to launch World War II. The “Non-aggression Pact” that Hitler and Stalin agreed to in August 1939 was the exact opposite of what they wanted the rest of the world to believe, and by attacking Poland from its eastern border, Stalin essentially entered the war on the side of the Axis Powers. So from September 1939 until the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941, Stalin and Hitler were technically
allies, with one invading Eastern Europe and the other invading Northern and Western Europe. But Hitler was calling the shots, and once he attacked Russia, he basically jettisoned Stalin to the Allies in a “three-on-three match-up of Prison Ball” to help the Allies compensate for Churchill’s “body fat percentage” and FDR’s polio, while Hitler marched forward along with Mussolini and Tojo “in review”. Even after the Nazi invasion, Stalin was no more a defender of liberty and freedom than Hitler was. The photos and depictions of the wartime leaders show an obvious distinction between democracy and totalitarian dictatorship. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill are in civilian attire afforded their statesmen ship in countries governed by the people. In stark contrast, the aggressors, including Stalin, are all wearing some form of military attire, signifying the totalitarian regimes in which they used the military
and police to eliminate any opposition and enforce tyranny and fear upon their populations. Great as he was, however, FDR made one critical error in judgement. It was one thing to extend military assistance to Britain to help bolster their efforts to keep the Atlantic Ocean shipping lanes free from Nazi U-boat attacks. It was quite another, however, to give away any form of military hardware to the Soviet Union. For one thing, as a communist dictator, Stalin was entirely opposed to the principals of freedom and democracy that we stand for. Second, FDR should have had the immediate foresightedness to anticipate that the United States was eventually going to have to go to war against the Axis Powers in the not-to-distant future, and that we could ill afford to aid a potential adversary like Stalin simply because his country was attacked by Hitler, knowing full well that we would need all of our resources, as it turned
out, to fight World War II on two fronts; it would have made more sense to give aid to Poland instead. Finally, after the war ended and the free world faced another equally dangerous totalitarian threat, how much of that military aid that FDR gave to Stalin ended up being used in propaganda against democracy in the Cold War?? How much of it later wound up in the hands of the communists to fight against the United Nations during the Korean War?? Paul Montenegro (War History Buff) – Chula Vista, California Hello Paul, You made some great observations and you certainly know your history. We should have probably placed Stalin in a sidebar of his own, as he had a foot on both sides of the fence. I thought it was really interesting that you saw a correlation between how the leaders were dressed, and how it reflected their political stance. Our history section is certainly becoming popular. Thank you for taking the time to write to us. – Ed
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Letters to Military Press
Morning, In your Vol 34, Issue 21, November issue, your magazine states that “Cain Velasquez defeated Brock Lesnar to become the first Mexican UFC Heavyweight Champion.” Last time I checked, Cain Velasquez was American, born in Salinas, California. Much has been made of his Mexican roots, but he is American, not Mexican. Jeff Lisowski Good job, Robert Downey Jr. It took a long time to overcome, well everything, but he has finally found his peace of mind. I saw a great television interview on how he is continually working through his demons. It is just too bad that Charlie Sheen can’t seem to get his life in order. Greg – Hillcrest I am a history buff and always enjoy reading the variations on how our United States began. Your coverage was very interesting. I thought the “A Pilgrim’s Tale” was well-done, even though the parallel was overly harsh to the whole concept of immigrants and how this country was founded. Each and every one of us is part immigrant and yet seem to overlook that at every opportunity. And you can imagine how the native Indians felt as the first immigrants came over and took everything! Bill – Santee Hey MP, I always look forward to “Remember When.” Don’t lose that page! It is one of the highlights. Donald – Point Loma I am not in the military but do have family members in service. I wanted to say how much I enjoy the magazine. I look forward to each new issue when I get my Sunday coffee at Starbucks. I truly enjoy the “Remember When” section. Will you do 1948 soon as that is my husband’s birth year. Thank you and great job! Best Wishes, Karen Bradley Re: The Greatest War Movies Trevor, You left out THE HURT LOCKER? How could you? Was it because it was directed by a woman? Kathryn Bigelow’s film is undeniably one of the greatest stories about ‘war’ and
definitely should have made the list. Take off PORK CHOP HILL which was a mess from the get-go and also GLORY and then add THE HURT LOCKER. Bigelow’s film was a brilliantly scripted, directed and acted film about current life and IED diffusion. I think Ebert would have agreed. Bob Lapierre PS: Oh, yeah, a cousin of mine Dominic Lapierre penned a book with Larry Collins titled IS PARIS BURNING which became a relatively decent “war movie.” Of course we included The Hurt Locker, you must have missed it. – Ed How could you leave out “To Hell and Back,” “Dambusters,” and “The Red Badge of Courage.” We’d like to have included these and many, many more. There have been so many great ones, we’d need a whole issue in order to include them all. Ed Hi Editor, I was given a copy of your magazine by one of our officers and noticed that you had an article about why we fold our flag 13 times (November issue, page 11). I was wondering how I could go about getting permission to re-print this in the San Diego Police Officers Association publication, The Informant. We recently had a line of duty death and our December issue will cover his memorial service, in which a flag was folded and presented to his family. I think it would be really fitting to have this article run in the same issue. Please let me know if there is someone else who I should contact with this request. Thanks for your help! Emily Of course, you are most welcome. – Ed In the last issue of Military Press you asked the question, “Was the atomic bomb justified?” My question to you is, “How many more times is this dead horse going to be kicked around?” If you truly want the answer to your question, ask those men who were in preparation for the invasion of Japan. Enough said.
We welcome your comments, critique and opinions. Send to: trevor@
Military Press Newspaper Publisher Richard T. Matz Editor / Design Trevor Watson Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Graphic Design & Much More Dayna Gomez, Sandie Powers Circulation Mgr. James Allen Account Representatives: Michelle Hull, Trina Estes, James Wyatt, Stephanie Martinez, Chelsea Provatas, Vince Meehan, Madison Duncan
9715 carroll centre road, suite 104 san diego, ca 92126 Tel 858.537.2280 For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 5
Is next Medal of Honor going to a U.S. Marine? By Jamie Reno, with permission of
Using energy harvesting to reduce weight Rockwell Collins is one organization tasked with reducing the weight that soldiers have to carry. The total weight is usually 50-60kg and of this batteries account for 10-25kg. In 2007 there were a total of 257,000 orthopedic injuries reported in the Army. Batteries are typically only used once per mission and it cannot be risked that a battery fails during a mission. Rockwell Collins estimates that the cost to ship the batteries to Afganastan costs $3,000 to $4,000/ KwH. Rockwell is assessing energy harvesting technologies combined with fuel cells and new thin film lithium ion batteries.
Reports are leaking out that former Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer, 22, of Greensburg, Ky., could become the first living Marine to receive the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award, and only the second living recipient of the medal since the Vietnam War. Earlier this month, Army SSgt. Salvatore Giunta, 25, was awarded the medal. The Corps has submitted the required paperwork for Meyer to receive the medal for actions in September 2009 in Afghanistan’s Kunar Province. Meyer, now a civilian, and his unit
were involved in a fight with as many as 150 insurgents when he charged into the kill zone alone to find three missing Marines and a Navy Corpsman. Meyer had been wounded, the Marine Corps Times reports, and found the missing men, stripped them of their gear and carried them to a safe area. None of them survived. The newspaper said Meyer was unaware he’d been recommended for the medal. “Whatever comes out of it, it’s for those guys,” he said. “I feel like the furthest thing from a hero. I feel like I let my guys down because I didn’t bring them home alive.”
Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer
Hero’s name graces newest Navy ship The Navy’s newest commissioned warship bears the name of Medal of Honor recipient (posthumously) Cpl. Jason Lee Dunham. The ship was dedicated mid-November and set sail from Port Everglades, Fla., to its new home port in Norfolk, VA. The ship was named after Dunham, who died six years ago during Operation Iraqi Freedom. U.S. Marine Corps Commandant James Amos said, “We name our war-fighting capital ships after presidents, cities, great battles, but we’ve not named one after a young Marine that I’m aware of.”
Marine Cpl. Jason Lee Dunham
Jason Dunham was 22 when he threw himself on a grenade in 2004. Two nearby Marines suffered burns and shrapnel wounds, but Dunham blocked most of the blast. He died eight days later. Navy Undersecretary Robert Work, performed the official duties of commissioning the ship — “As authorized by the secretary of the Navy, and for the president of the United States, I hereby place the United States ship Jason Dunham in commission. May God bless and guide this warship, and all who shall serve and sail in her,” Work said.
FREE Military Swap Meet
This new Military Press feature is for active duty military to advertise private party items FREE! Autos • Tools • Furniture • Toys • Clothes • Plants • Etc.
Ads are limited to 30 words, three ads per person. Items must be private party items only.
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Page 6 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 7
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CARS SPORTS & MORE NEWS thanks I MP to (check ’em out) I MP
TOP SPEED, TOP GEAR Ferrari Jumbo watch
Christmas is getting closer, so we’re trying to arm everyone with a plenty of gift ideas for this holiday season. Ideal for everyday use, the Ferrari Jumbo features an IPStreated titanium bezel with a rubber wrist strap. It has a Swiss-made quartz chrono mechanism, insideoutside anti-reflective mineral crystal, and titanium and aluminum buttons, as well as a stopwatch and counter buttons. The watch comes in a wooden box with a soft touch effect painting.
2012 Hyundai Veloster
There have been many out there that have been waiting for a true successor to the Hyundai Tiburon and the Honda CR-X sports coupes. Now both companies have supplied such vehicles in the Genesis Coupe and the CR-Z, but that hasn’t been enough for true enthusiasts. The former was expensive and heavy, and the latter is a hybrid. Through the darkness, a successor might be found in the Hyundai Veloster. Sure, it has very odd name that reminds us of the appliance used to cook bread, but don’t let that get you down. This little coupe might be what the doctor ordered in terms of a small, lightweight sports machine. We have just heard reports that it will make its public debut in Detroit at the North American International Auto Show and we simply can’t wait. It might not pack monstrous power, but it should be a hoot to drive.
2011 Aprilia RSV4 Factory APRC Special Edition Aprilia has brought a new limited edition RSV4 to the U.S. market. Called the RSV4 Factory APRC (Aprilia Performance Ride Control) Special Edition, this bike was developed using data from this year’s Superbike Championship and is equipped with a new electronic management system that includes traction control, wheelie control, launch control and quick shift. The new bike is powered by a water-cooled, 999cc, 65° V4 engine that develops 180 HP and 115 Nm of torque. The APRC package uses an automotive inertial platform with two turn meters and two accelerometers that enable the ECU to track dynamic conditions and adjust engine control consequently. The rider can adjust any component of the APRC system independently at will. Also, the RSV4 Factory APRC SE is the first Aprilia bike that comes with the Aprilia Quick Shift as standard. Basically, the quick shift shortens spark advance for an instant and then gradually restores it, making for super-fast shifting with no need to close the throttle or use the clutch. The system works hand in hand with the new closer spaced gearbox to limit RPM drop during shifting for faster lap times.
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 9
VA heldup as model health system
Liaison officer named to work on claims resulting from secret ops The Army Times (11/17, Maze, 104K) reports, “For veterans claiming they can’t prove a service connection for their disability because it resulted from a secret operation, the Veterans Affairs Department has assigned a liaison officer to the U.S. Special Operations Command with direct access to classified files. The littleknown program has a VA employee work closely with the command historian at the command’s headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., to review files on classified missions for special operations units in all services. Befitting the nature of the missions involved, the program, quietly launched a year ago, has received scant attention. Joe Davis, spokesman for VFW, was unaware of the initiative. ‘But it does make perfect sense, given the clandestine nature of their business,’ he said. The liaison officer has access to records involving special operations units including the Navy SEALs, Air Force units and Marine Corps Special Operations and recon units.
In his Green Valley (AZ) News and Sun (11/14, 13K) medical column, Charles Barta writes that in 1993, the VA “had such a low perception that Congress seriously looked at defunding it and transferring all veterans to private care using a voucher system. Fortunately, Bill Clinton chose a man [Jesse Brown] to take over the VA who had the drive to make dramatic changes.
… The result of his work from 1993-97 can be seen in every report and study of the new VA.” And “after studying, as well as working in, most of the models of healthcare provision, I believe the VA model is the best for us.” Barta argues that the chief advantages are the integration of information and the cooperative efforts of personnel on behalf of the patient.
New lupus drug given the thumbs up The AP (11/17, Perrone) reports the FDA approved Benlysta on Tuesday, “the first new drug to treat Lupus in over 50 years, setting aside concerns that the experimental therapy does not work in some key patient groups, including African-Americans.” The drug was developed by Human Genome Service and GlaxoSmithKline. Dr. Robert Kerns of the
Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System, a member of the FDA board that approved the drug, commented, “I found the personal stories today particularly compelling, and I see this as an important opportunity to advance a challenging area of medicine and serve a previously underserved population.”
Do you have any Veterans items, questions or topics that you would like to see us cover? If so, please email Lisa at:
Annual Salute to Heroes dinner being held
On Sunday, Dec. 12, 5:30 to 8 p.m., the VSSN will host its annual Salute to Heroes Military & Veterans Dinner. The event will be held at the South Mesa Staff NCO Club, 202850 San Jacinto Road, Camp Pendleton. The cost is $55 per military/ veteran or DOD/VA employee or $100 for two. General admission is $65 per ticket or two for $120. Please RSVP by Monday, Nov. 29 to Daisy Tate at or call 951-821-8776. Included in the price is a threecourse meal, cash bar, silent auction, commemorative gifts and more. The VSSN, in partnership with North Area Community Development (NACD), will be presenting awards to Native American. women and student veterans along with two special awards to local active service members and veterans who have gone above the call
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Veterans find help in battle for mental health The Willoughby (OH) News-Herald (11/14, Glasier, 34K) reports, “Helping veterans of military service overcome mental-health challenges is the life’s work of Dr. Edgardo Padin-Rivera, Ken Smith and Dr. Tina Brown. Padin-Rivera is chief of psychological services and coordinator of post-traumatic stress disorder programs for the Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. … PadinRivera brings more than impeccable professional credentials to his dealings with hundreds of area veterans at the VA Medical Center’s sprawling campus
in Brecksville. In 1967, at the height of the Vietnam War, Padin-Rivera was in the United States Army serving as door gunner on a helicopter.”
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Calif. Dept. of Rehabilitation 619-426-3675 Calif. Employment Development 619-266-4258 County of SD Veterans Service 619-531-4545 Dept. of Veterans Affairs Educ. 800-827-1000 Club Vet Veterans Support Service 619-449-5513 Regional Office Human Resources 619-400-5403 VA Health System Human Res. 858-552-8585 x7342 Veterans Employment Coordination Service 858-641-3807 San Diego Sheriff 858-974-2000
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 11
Jamie O’Brien in Hawaii Discipline: Free Surfing Photocredit: (c)Brian Bielmann/Red Bull Photofiles Location: North Shore, HI, USA
Who is JOB? Jamie O’Brien will get you one way or another. If it isn’t his elastic aerial attack or his domination at the world’s most dangerous piece of coral — Pipeline — it’ll be his high-octane surf films or outspoken opinion on competitive surfing. Jamie’s got all ends of the surfing spectrum handled. O’Brien is a free surfing acrobat as well as a big wave hell-man. And with his childhood sandbox located directly in front of the
most recognized wave in the world, his domination in the surf world’s ultimate proving ground is just beginning. Surfing the wave since he was 5 years old, Jamie’s as comfortable at Pipeline as most surfers are at their local beachbreak. His local knowledge led him to one of the most prestigious titles in all of surfing — a Pipeline Masters title — which he won in 2004 and continues to excel in year after year as a wildcard. With his 2008 win at the Da Hui Backdoor Shootout, Jamie became the first surfer to win Pipe Masters, Pipeline Pro, and Backdoor Shootout titles, not to mention his recent win at the 2010 Volcom Pipeline Pro. Although big wins at big waves, including Pipe and Teahupoo, show that he can compete, the Haleiwa local’s focus has been on free surfing with resulting solid video parts and magazine covers. His own films, “Freakside” and “Freakshow,” which Jamie edits, produces, directs and stars in, are now staples in the surf world. By pairing his aerial antics across the globe with a barrage of dangerous reef stunts in his backyard on the North Shore, Jamie is bound to keep people coming back for his third film, “Who is JOB?,” coming out Fall 2010. Film info: The story of how a towheaded, semi-deaf haole born on the North Shore of Oahu to a wild Australian father became one of the most controversial surfers renown for his presence in the barrel. A peak into how O’Brien was weaned to throw himself over Pipeline ledges translating into a life-long adventure. Draining bombs, tweaked airs, broken legs, Tavarua, Nias, Teahupoo, P Pass, Chungu, and Hawaii; this will be the movie of the year.
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Page 12 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
2011 Chevrolet Camaro Supercharged HPE600 by Hennessey
We’ve seen all kinds of packages from Hennessey for the Chevrolet Camaro, such as the HPE700 and the HP800 — which both boast 1000hp on racing fuel — so this latest package isn’t really all that exciting. It’s kind of like eating the filet mignon first and then digging in to the mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes are good, but the steak is the main appeal. By now you must know that the mashed potatoes in this meal is the HPE600. This tuning package provides the Camaro with a supercharged 6.2 liter V8 engine (LS3 or L99) that delivers 602 HP at 6,300 rpm and 595 lb-ft of torque at 4,400 rpm. It sprints from 0 to 60 mph in 3.5 seconds. The speed in this vehicle is illustrated with a stainless steel cat-back exhaust, exterior stripes, lightweight wheels, full coliover suspension kit, a Hennessey CarbonAero body kit, and custom leather interior.
2011 Chrysler 200 The Toyota Camry and the Honda Accord better watch out because the Chrysler 200 mid-size sedan has just been revealed. What used to be the Sebring has now been completely restyled and re-engineered into the Chrysler 200 and not the Nassau, as we had originally thought. It will be ready to go on sale in the fourth quarter 2010 with the Accord and the Camry as its main targets. For 2011, the 200 sedan will be getting front and rear fascias and fenders and a grille featuring the new Chrysler brand winged badge. It will also feature a new hood, rear decklid and exterior mirrors, projector headlamps and fog lamps, LED taillamps, and an LED center highmounted stop light. A glance to the interior of the vehicle will show a new instrument panel, bezels and gauge face, upgraded leather and cloth seats with a new design, new “soft touch” door trim panels, new “soft touch” armrests and dash, new heating and cooling outlets in the instrument panel, acoustic laminated glass for lower sound levels, and revamped HVAC outlets. Although there are no full interior pictures at this time, we are hoping that the 200 continues with the current trend of well built interiors that started with the Dodge Ram and Jeep Grand Cherokee. Under the hood Chrysler has given customers a choice of two engines: a 2.4-liter I-4 World Gas Engine mated to either a four- or six-speed automatic transaxle, or the new 3.6-liter Pentastar V-6 engine that delivers 283 HP and 260 lb.-ft. of torque and is mated to a six-speed automatic transaxle.
2010 Campagna T-Rex 14RR
Ask any 5-year-old what a T-Rex is and they’ll tell you it’s the largest dinosaur ever with a ravaging hunger and killer teeth. Now we can’t think of what the connection is between this dinosaur and the Campagna T-Rex 14RR, but this car does not look ferocious or murderous, and can definitely not be considered the largest. So why the misleading name? Well, Campagna doesn’t think it’s misleading as they describe the T-Rex 14RR as the “most ferocious pavement predator we make.” It’s powered by a Kawasaki sourced 1400 cc inline-4 engine that delivers 197 HP and 113 of torque. The engine weighs only 1,040 lbs and is mated to a Sequential six-speed transmission that features custom designed mechanical reverse gear. Suspension components provide a smooth ride with excellent cornering ability and stability. The sprint from 0 to 60 mph is made in 3.92 seconds and its top speed is 144 mph. And if you want to take the T-Rex to the track, don’t worry, it comes loaded with lots of safety systems, including triangulated side walls and front crash zone, 3-point safety belts with adjustable shoulder straps, a reinforced safety roll-cage, and a safety belt warning light. For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 13
Ultimate American Supermodel Marisa Miller continues to redefine what it means to be the All-American Supermodel. She has graced the covers of many renowned magazines worldwide and is currently featured in numerous major advertising campaigns. She currently holds title to some of the most historical brands in our American culture as the face and branded image. Marisa’s global brand has reached more than 80 different countries through top publications and media outlets. Her continued growth globally has given her the edge in the commercial market worldwide. In 2008, Marisa had a benchmark year and unquestionably secured her position as a globally recognized brand. Her year began with the coveted cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Shortly thereafter, she was ranked #1 on Maxim’s Hot 100 List and became the most famous Victoria’s Secret Angel for the largest lingerie retailer. She has strutted the famous Victoria’s Secret runway numerous times for the lingerie giant on CBS and in 2009 she wore the highly adorned 3 million dollar Fantasy Bra designed by Damiani, etching her brand name into history as the most celebrated Victoria’s Secret Angel. Harley-Davidson Motor Company also took notice of Marisa Miller’s ubiquity and All-American image as a perfect match for their brand, using her in a several campaigns in 2008. The success was monumental and in 2009, Harley-Davidson made Marisa the new face of the brand, which holds historical significance since it is the first ever for the brand to have a face. In 2010 Marisa Miller became the official marketing icon and “First Mate” of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum Brand, as well as a collection of other drink and spirit brands operated by Diageo, Inc. Marisa’s celebrity brand continues to grow within the national weekly publications and corporate marketing strategies of top global brands. She continues to play an active role in supporting the Young Survival Coalition and the American Breast Cancer Society, bringing awareness to her philanthropical endeavors. “Marisa is one in a billion. She’s the quintessential California beach girl, she’s incredibly gorgeous and she exudes a remarkably positive energy. Marisa is truly an asset to Victoria’s Secret.” - Ed Razek, Chief Marketing Officer and President of Brand and Creative Services at Limited Brands.
Hello Marisa, nice to met you. It’s not every day I get the opportunity to chat with America’s Ultimate Supermodel! I understand you were down here in San Diego not long ago doing a cover photo shoot for 944 magazine? That magazine is a favorite of mine. Actually we shot that in Los Angeles, it was a lot of fun. Your hometown is Santa Cruz?
experience so many different cultures. That, to me, is huge and certainly has changed my life for the better. What was your first big gig for modeling? Well of course, first meeting Mario, then getting on the cover of Italian Vogue. And then without a doubt, doing Sports Illustrated. That took me to a whole new
Yes indeed, I still have a house there plus all my family are still there. It’ll always be home. How did your prolific career come about? I hate to sound so stereotypical, but I was approached by a photographer, I would later find out he is one of the world’s most prolific fashion photographers, Mario Testino. Testino has shot fashion stories for Vogue, V, Gucci, and Vanity Fair. I think some of his most famous include Princess Diana, and her sons. He’s taken photographs of nearly every actress such as Kim Basinger, Emma Watson, Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, models such as Claudia Schiffer, Gisele Bündchen, Elizabeth Hurley, and Kate Moss, and performers such as Janet Jackson, Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Lady Gaga. Wow, he surely does sound impressive. How has this changed your life for the better? Well firstly, I would have never ever dreamed that I’d be doing such work starting at 20 years old. Through the vast amount of travel, I’ve gotten to
level. Is it something you enjoy? Of course, yes. Personally I think of myself as a kind of shy person, so this has allowed me to confront this issue and truly come out of my shell. What is the worst part? Believe it or not, the travelling. It sounds so glamorous. I’ve been to so many places where the schedule has been so hectic that I didn’t have a moment to actually see the place I was in. How do you stay looking like you do? Enjoying living in a natural environment, eating healthy organic food and staying really athletic. My mom was a big example. She taught me the importance of really taking care of myself.
Page 14 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
Funny how it all happened. Old photos of me were discovered that were taken when I was 18 during a test shoot. The photographer that had taken them had a huge passion for Vargas . . . the old-school look of the pin-up model. Anyway, HarleyDavidson got hold of them, contacted me and we brainstormed. So that’s how it all happened. Crazy thing is, we actually also managed to track down the original photographer. How has it been meeting some members of our armed forces? Great. I’ve been to Guantamano Bay, and was recently at Camp Pendleton.
We honor our military Come in and ask how
Is there anything you would like to say to the troops?
I could have done with that kind of mother myself! How does your family feel about your career path? My family are all so very supportive. My dad is a really smart guy, has always been incredibly protective and always had my back. It helps that he always trusts my judgment. Do you still see your family a lot? Quite a lot, we get together and really enjoy watching football. Any holiday traditions? Thanksgiving and Christmas are my absolute favorites. Warmth and love that radiate throughout the whole season. The food is also wonderful but I know how to eat healthy and try to keep myself in check. I hear you thought of yourself as a tomboy as a child. What made you feel destined for a career in modeling? I had no idea. In high school I took woodworking classes, tomboy stuff, always liked being outside. I honestly didn’t think I was pretty, but my parents always knew. Are you still a surfer?
It’s hard to put into words the respect and gratitude I have for the men and women who serve this country, as well as their families. Our country would not be what it is without your sacrifice. I’m much more appreciative of my daily freedoms because of all you do to serve and protect. Much love! xo Marisa Rumor has it you are a avid motorcycle rider. Is that true? It’s true, I ride a Harley Nightster and love it! What are your plans for the future? I’m always open to what doors may open. I love my career, but would consider something in another direction. It would have to be the right kind of project that fits who I feel I am. My career has evolved in a great way by laying new ground work as I go. I always try to get involved with the companies I respect and enjoy working with. Great getting to interview you. You are not only blessed with great looks, but also a generous serving of charm, intelligence and personality. Now I’ve got to back to my mundane, unfashionable life as a newspaper editor and bask for a moment in revelry that I had this opportunity. Cheers, Trevor
2010 HARLEY-DAVIDSON XL1200C Sale Price – $7200, $105 per mo. $2000 Down, 8.25% APR For 72 months on approved credit Vin # 404992
Sure. I do a lot of paddle boarding where you stand up on a board. Surfing has become almost an addiction at this point. The more I do it, the stronger the need becomes. I feel my absolute best physically, mentally, and spiritually when I’m surfing every day. Got any favorite breaks? Gotta be Santa Cruz. Pleasure Point is the main break. There’s a break out there called Sharks, where my mom and dad met. How do you grounded?
Don’t believe the hype. Don’t place all your self worth on something like the physical. Who was the creative team behind all the Harley Davidson and Salute the Troops campaigns? For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
2009 HARLEY-DAVIDSON FXDF Sale Price – $11000, $177 per mo. $2000 Down, 8.25% APR For 72 months on approved credit Vin # 307925
621 El Cajon Blvd, El Cajon CA 92020 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 15
SPORTS By Art Garcia I MP
Interview - Marcus McNeill
Page 16 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
AG: How does it feel to finally be able to get back out on the field again? MM: I’m feeling good – it’s been a long time coming. It’s been a long offseason, probably the longest I’ve had to deal with since I’ve been playing football. AG: I know you said that you kept yourself in shape throughout your holdout but how do you feel after playing in a couple of games – do feel in game shape yet? MM: I’m definitely getting more and more into game shape. One of the things that you don’t have (when you miss training camp) is the level of soreness that you have after you played in some games. That’s one of the hardest things (to get used to) because playing in the trenches is just like being in a car accident every time you play down there. So you can’t simulate that, you wouldn’t want to simulate something like that. But now that my body is kind of getting used to that I’m a lot less sore on Mondays and Tuesdays and my body is recovering a lot faster for Wednesdays. AG: Do you do anything specific like massage therapy or something else to try and eliminate the wear-and-tear on your body throughout the year? MM: We do a lot of massage therapy or on Tuesday’s I might jump into the spa just to make sure the swelling is out of the joints. One of the things you have to do is to take care of your body (because) it’s like a machine – you need to keep it well-oiled and ready to go. AG: So does that mean you had to give up eating carne asada burritos? MM: (Laughingly) Yeah, I had to cut back on something because I noticed that I was seemed to be getting sluggish and a little heavy around the midsection. So I thought, ‘you know what? Let me start paying attention to what I am doing because, as everybody knows, this is a business and our bodies are a part of this team so guys have to do a great job at taking care of their bodies so they can stay on the field.’ AG: I know how much you guys hate it when you have to watch a game from the sidelines because of an injury – is there a different feeling having to watch a game on TV when you are holding out and not injured? MM: It’s definitely a different feeling because when you’re injured and watching a game it’s kind of like you’re wishing you can be there but you know that you can’t be – and that’s what is holding you to the side. When its technical issues and things going on that’s keeping you from being out there it’s a very different and humbling experience. It’s a selfless experience too because you have to sit there by yourself and think about all the decisions you made and go about things in the right manner. AG: Besides your agent and your family, did you get other opinions on what to do? MM: Yeah, I think it would be a mistake for a person to get advice from just one person and not get advice from a wide spectrum of people with wisdom. One of the things that I made sure that I did was to not only talk to my agent but also to my family and other people I knew in the agent world – whether it be in basketball or whatever … anybody who could lend a helping hand towards the situation, I kind of leaned more towards them. Veterans also helped me out. I talked to Steve Wallace who played left tackle, Big Willie Anderson… I talked to numerous amounts of guys like veterans, free agents, the NFLPA and others just to get a conglomerate of ideas to try and help me out and I think that definitely helped with my decision (to end the holdout). AG: How about the Chargers – did you talk to anyone with the team? MM: We really didn’t have any open lines of communication early on so we weren’t talking much, but when I did come in and talked to A.J. we did have a great session where we figured out what was going on with me as far as the team and he let me know that they wanted me to be here. Although we didn’t talk about a contract at that time they said they wanted me here and that made me comfortable enough to want to come in.
BACK for the ATTACK Fresh off a two-game winning streak which raised the Chargers record to 4-5, left tackle Marcus McNeill sat down during the team’s bye week and answered a few questions regarding his well-publicized holdout and how he holds no grudges from having to deal with the business side of professional football. AG: During your holdout a lot of former players were saying that even if you signed a long term deal, you would have resentment because of the way you were treated. However, you don’t seem to have any hard feelings – why not? MM: Everyone has to go through contract negotiations — it’s a part of the business, period. You can’t play football without having a contract and at some point and time a player has to deal with that issue and at that time I had to deal with it. You know, it was long and drawn out but I must say it feels a lot better to be here now than actually having to be sitting home not playing the entire season — that’s what I didn’t want it to come to. I knew from the beginning that I love playing football and I never wanted to be sitting home but sometimes you have to make decisions… just make sure that you’re making the best life decisions that intertwine with your business decisions both on and off the football field. AG: Last question: with that said, many of the talking heads on the different television networks attributed the teams bad start to the way A.J. treated both you and Vincent (Jackson) during our holdouts saying it got too personal and as a result it will affect the team in a negative way. Do you think there’s any truth to that? MM: I think that’s people who are trying to look too far into it – you still have to go out there and play football on Sunday regardless. You know, both me and Vincent are great players and we want to contribute to this team 110-percent and I can promise you that from the both of us because we love this team and this organization. At the end of the day you have to go out there and just play football. And the decisions that were made — they do have an effect, of course, on the outcome of a game and things like that. But look around this locker room, there have been numerous times where people had to step up and earn there role – that’s how I did it. I earned my starting job when Leander Jordan went down my rookie year and I stepped up and played at a high level. I think that’s what we have the ability to do here. We have a lot of great players who can step up play (at a high level) at any time. So you can’t put all the blame on the team, the organization or the players because it’s a group effort that put us where were at right now and it’s going to take a group effort to dig us out of the hole we dug for ourselves.
pacquiao - nothing left to prove
ed to boxing by force of circumstance. Unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. is the only fighter out there with the credentials to embellish Pacquiao’s legendary status. If Pacquiao has to continue fighting, it will only be to face Mayweather in what could be the biggest grossing payper-view boxing event in history. It’s a fight that could easily generate 3 million pay-per-view buys and could reward Pacquiao and Mayweather with a purse
After a lopsided victory over Antonio Margarito, there isn’t really anything left for Manny Pacquiao to prove in the ring. He’s captured eight world titles in eight weight divisions — a feat that is unlikely to be ever duplicated or surpassed. Next month, Pacquiao will turn 32. He has figured in 57 fights since 1995 and with his responsibilities as a Congressman looming large in his ranking of priorities, he may no longer be as dedicat-
of at least $50 mil- ziano versus Zale and Holyfield versus lion apiece. But more Bowe. What’s more, Pacquiao and Mayweaththan anything else, it’s the fight every fan er fight in the same division. They’re wants to see. With both welterweights so there won’t be a Pacquiao’s emerg- need to negotiate a catchweight limit. ing recognition as the They’ll tip the scales within 141 to 147. greatest fighter of all- It’s a match made in heaven and the only time, a Mayweather fight that should prevent Pacquiao from duel could be the ul- retiring. Once Mayweather is silenced, timate showdown of Pacquiao can move on to accomplish the century to rival greater things for the greater good as the drama of Ali ver- he is destined to make a difference in history beyond the ring. sus Frazier, Leonard Philippine APM-1078_Nexcom_B&W_LIC_4.625x6.222.pdf 7/1/10 11:43:03 AM versus Duran, Gra-
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Press Zone 1/Navy December 1, 2010 Military THE MILITARY PRESS Page 17
Auburn’s win is college football’s loss
letic department has gone from a vigorous defense to a complete sea of no comments. Auburn’s take is simple: they’ve won with Cam, they know they can’t win without Cam, so rain or shine, they’re playing Cam all the way through. When you hire a law professor from heated rival Alabama, that’s a sign they’re willing to fight until the end,
ince Lombardi said “winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. That quote has stuck in my head as the Cam Newton controversy has swirled around the college football world. If you’re a sports fan, you know the story. And, according to the Birmingham News, it appears that Newton’s father, Cecil, admitted to the possibilities of solicitation, but said the rest of his family didn’t know and neither did Auburn. The school creed asks to “believe in Auburn.” Excuse me if I don’t. Do I believe John Bond and Mississippi State? Absolutely. For one, Bond has nothing to gain with this issue. Second, MSU sent warning to the SEC in January. They, nor anyone else at the time, were aware that Newton would be a one-man force; the best player in college football at the moment. Third, since this story broke, Bond’s story, as well as State’s, have not wavered. Cecil Newton and Kenny Rogers, however, have made some changes here and there. Take an objective view here: If Guy A and Guy B tell you two different sides to a story, but Guy B changes his story around a couple of days later, which guy are you most likely to believe? Meanwhile, on the Plains, the Tiger ath-
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Page 18 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
athlete or another individual on his or her behalf is not allowed under NCAA rules.” So, sadly for college football, and for Cam Newton, even if you take Cecil’s word that he was oblivious to the matter, Newton should be declared ineligible, a decision that haunts college football at its core. It puts a black cloud on the Heisman, whether Newton gets it, or whether he doesn’t, when the nation knows he’s in a class by himself on the field. For football’s sake, Auburn needs to lose. The less awards bestowed upon the Tigers this year, the less chance for an epic catastrophe to hit the football world. Sure, it won’t pull Auburn out of the fire, but at least we’d assure ourselves of not seeing the national title pulled this season. Had Georgia hung on to that 14-point lead, at least this issue would’ve lost some fire. There would have been a sigh amongst the football purists. At least, if anything, controversies surrounding the BCS title game would’ve circled around making the choice between TCU and Boise and not something as sickening as this. We’re used to the former. The latter paints an awful picture.
For football’s sake, Auburn needs to lose. gets caught with both hands in the cookie jar. Then again, even Auburn’s national title, in 1957, came from the AP despite a bowl ban from Auburn being ... that’s right ... on probation. Auburn is “all in” all right. All in for themselves. The NCAA rule isn’t that opaque when it comes to solicitation. They’ve said it often this past week that “the solicitation of cash or benefits by a prospective student-
Get Ready For The Holidays!
even if the NCAA rules state otherwise. They’re going to thumb their nose at the rest of the college football world. Ineligible or not; they’re going with the man that got them there. This bravado could bite them, but not before thousands of division title shirts and hats are sold. Add conference title and possible BCS title souvenirs and Auburn knows it’s worth risking the wrath of the NCAA to dance in the flames of scandal. They’ve done it time and time again. Five times, Auburn has committed major NCAA violations. It seems as whenever Alabama wins a national title in football, Auburn
by Jean Neuberger
TIME-OUT, Enough Is Enough
The NFL’s Over-Commercialization When it comes to advertisements and football, I’ve tried to remain sanguine about it over the years and not get too bent out of shape about it. After all, you have to take the bad with the good, and we are getting to the point where we can easily watch games that we couldn’t just a few years ago. A couple weeks ago, every single Division 1-A college football game was being broadcast somewhere, either online or on television. Every last one. So, if in order to make that possible, there needs to be a couple of additional commercial breaks, or have every aspect of the game “sponsored” by one entity or another, fine. Maybe about 10 years ago, however, I noticed one facet to in-game advertising that bothered me: a commercial break before and after a kickoff. A bit much, but I tolerated it. I think it was two years ago when I noticed a newer, more insidious trend, one that actually upsets me. Networks started going to commercial during official reviews of disputed plays. Now you only get to the replay several times from different angles if you’re lucky. Who doesn’t enjoy watching the replays and making up their mind? What black-hearted soulless suit looked at those replays and said, “You know, we should be getting some commercials in there!” I really would like to learn learn who that brainchild belonged to and, quite
simply, beat him up. Now comes word that ESPN or the NFL, is asking teams to call timeout if they haven’t got in their allotted commercial breaks. Of course, ESPN denies it. However, as the article states, “A source tells us that it’s not unprecedented for the league to take steps in order to get TV timeouts in. [Referee Mike] Carey is an experienced official and was likely searching for a way to get the breaks in, with possible input from the NFL.” Titans coach Jeff Fisher basically confirmed it. Whether it’s the idea of the NFL or ESPN matters not. This issue came up because Jaguars coach Jack Del Rio did indeed call two timeouts, the same number of commercial breaks the game was short by. He called them when they were down 20, didn’t have the ball, with less than two minutes left. He called them to help the league get all their commercial breaks in, I don’t care what Fisher’s hypothetical alternative reason is. He’s just trying to protect his coaching confederate. In general, I reject the “slippery slope” argument as a logical fallacy. But since the trend towards finding creative ways to stick in more ads has
been a decades-long trend, I think it’s safe to say it’s a matter of if, not when, the audacity of the NFL (and other leagues) in luring the interest of advertisers at the expense of fans gets even more brazen. by Kevin Beane
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 19 11/23/2010
THE SHADOW WOLVES Massive flood of Mexican illegals said unstoppable By August Gribbin The Washington Times
The steady, massive flow of legal and illegal Mexican immigrants into the United States cannot be stopped and won’t decrease dramatically even if the Mexican economy blooms, U.S. and Mexican demographers say. “The migratory phenomenon between Mexico and the United states is structural and permanent,” concludes a study by Mexico’s National Population Council, a ministry of the Interior agency. The report, “Migration: MexicoUnited States,” concludes that by 2030, the Mexican-born U.S. population will at least double to 16 million to 18 million
regardless of improvements in Mexico’s economy. “Diverse factors such as geographic proximity, the asymmetrical and growing economic integration and intense relations and exchanges between both countries make the creation of migratory flow inevitable,” it says. The council’s report was published in Mexico in November but was ignored in this country until David Simcox, board chairman of the nonprofit Center for Immigration Studies, produced an analysis and summary of the document. Mr. Simcox made a copy available to The Washington Times last week. The document provides a statistical foundation for Mexico’s insistence that the United States ease immigration restrictions for Mexicans while creating a “guest worker” program for Mexican laborers and “regularizing” the status of illegal border-crossers now in the United States.
Prominent U.S. demographers who study Mexican immigration were questioned about points the study discussed. Although they have not yet seen the report, they tend to agree with its general observations. Some celebrate it. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco, a Harvard Graduate School professor and author who heads the university’s Immigration Project says, “Without reference to politics and considering only the scientific framework, Mexico and the United States are Siamese twins. Immigration from Mexico is our history and our destiny. That is the basic dynamic of the situation seen after 20 years of study.” Demographer Carl Haub of the Population Reference Bureau says, “It’s reasonable to expect that the influx [of immigrants from Mexico] will continue. It’s hard to see any reason that it wouldn’t.” It’s widely believed that Mexicans flock to the United States principally because they are seeking a job and want to pursue the “American dream.” So by most accounts, a widespread rise in the pay of Mexican workers, accompanying a major, large-scale improvement in Mexico’s economy is one thing that would reduce the number of Mexicans crossing to the United States. But Mexico’s population council says, “The most favorable economic conditions will express themselves in only slightly lower flows in the constant rate of migration,” even if there is a simultaneous fall in the Mexican birthrate. For decades the Mexican government has valued the money immigrants send home. In the last decade, Mexican immigrants dispatched more than $45 billion to relatives south of the border. Page 20 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
In 2000, they sent $6 billion, about $17 million a day. “On average, receiving households obtained about $3,000 a year — $2,000 in rural households and a little less than $4,000 in urban homes. That equalled a little less than 40 percent of total income” for those families, the national council reported. Mexico is not eager to have that income source diminish. *Tom Ramsack contributed to this report.
The Shadow Wolves The “Shadow Wolves” law enforcement unit was created in 1972 by an Act of Congress, after the U.S. federal government agreed to the Tohono O’odham Nation’s demand that the officers have at least one fourth Native American ancestry.The Shadow Wolves became the first federal law enforcement agents allowed to operate on Tohono land, located mostly in southeastern Arizona and northwest Mexico. The unit is congressionally authorized to have as many as 21 members but, as of March, 2007, it consisted of only 15 members. Members of the unit come from nine different tribes, including the Tohono O’odham, Navajo, Sioux, Lakota, Blackfeet, Omaha, and Yaqui. In 2003, the Shadow Wolves became part of the Department of Homeland Security when ICE was merged into Homeland Security. ICE officials are also considering creating a sister unit of the Shadow Wolves to patrol the Blackfeet reservation in Montana, on the U.S. border with Canada.
The debate continues . . . When discussing undocumented workers — or illegals — immigration proponents are quick to point out that they are hardworking folks who come here to make a better life for themselves and their families. It is a sad reality that for quite a few illegal aliens this is the God’s honest truth. Others, however, are involved in drug trafficking, drug cartels and other outcroppings of the Mexican drug war. To forget that drug smuggling is a big problem associated with the illegal immigrant population is shortsighted and naïve. A 2007 report for Congress by the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Division identifies Mexico as the primary non-local purveyor of marijuana used in America. Foreign cocaine entering the country travels via Mexico to the tune of 90 percent. The report goes on to call Mexican drug cartels the main players in the “wholesale illicit drug market in the United States.” Also noted are the ties of Mexican drug cartels to street gangs, such as Mara Salvatrucha (a.k.a. MS13). Initially comprised of Salvadoran gangsters, deportations — sometimes as many as four or more persons — had the unintended consequence of spreading MS-13’s influence and message throughout Latin America. As the boundaries between American border states and Mexico remain porous and drug trafficking continues virtually unfettered, Latin American leaders urge the Obama administration to decriminalize marijuana. The goal — as is succinctly put by Bloomberg — is to ease the pressure that Latin America currently feels with respect to “fighting drug traffickers.” The Council on Hemispheric Affairs goes one step furthers and not only advocates a decriminalization but actively calls for drug legalization. Information gathered by the Shadow Wolves, an elite ICE border patrol group, and news releases by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency itself highlight that much of their working time is spent dealing with drug smuggling illegals. Immigration violations here do not factor in the occasional undocumented worker or workplace raid but rather focus on the possession of firearms and drugs, money laundering, gun smuggling and also bribery.
Opinions can certainly get heated Comment from Tom Horton
HUH? ‘Cannot be stopped’?? What a load of New World Order propaganda bullsh*t that is! We can go over and blow Yugoslavia to pieces, kill over a million Iraqis in the past ten years, polish off 5,000 Afghan civilians at a whim and we can’t control our own border? HORSESH*T!!! We sent a couple hundred thousand Americans to wage the Gulf ‘War’ and we can’t control our own border? Where is my barf bag. How DUMB do these Globalist creeps think we are? The financial and societal costs of the 15 million illegals already (ALLOWED) in here is incalculable. This story even admits to $45 BILLION siphoned out of here in the last 10 years. (Anyone want to double or triple that figure?) This story tells the tale: we Americans...and AMERICA... are being systematically sold out and destroyed by the Globalists. And if you can’t see it, God help you. The Tohono O’odham Nation, translated as “desert people,” is a federally recognized Tribe located in southwestern Arizona. Our people have lived in this region since time immemorial and we have a rich history and culture that continues to thrive today...
What are your thoughts on this controversial issue? Send to and advertising information call: (858) 537.2280 For advertising information call: (858)For 537.2280
December 201021 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS 1,Page THE
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It’s the most unexpected story of the NFL season. Former USC standout Mike Williams runs a comeback route with Seahawks. The receiver was out of football for two years after his NFL career came to a halt. Now he’s returned to become a key weapon for the Seattle Seahawks.
How much do cheerleaders get paid in the NFL? The answer to that question is $15 to $50 a game. Heck, there are times when they don’t get paid at all.
SAN DIEGO • SAN MARCOS 11463024V035.EPS 11463024V035.EPS 11463024V035.EPS 11463024V035.EPS
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9/9/10 9:31 PM
US Colleges.indd 1
US Colleges.indd 1
Joakim Noah is the latest to call Kevin Garnett a “mean” player. He also called Garnett ugly. Which, coming from the ugliest man alive, is simply a bad idea.
9/9/10 9:31 PM
9/9/10 9:31 PM
“The T.Ocho Show” lets TO and OchoCinco give fans their own personal, often comical insight on everything going on in the NFL. Pictured - Terrell Owens as Troy Polamalu on T.Ocho show.
Suzann Pettersen lost at the Lorena Ochoa Invitational by three strokes, but still climbed in the women’s world rankings to No. 2.
On Sunday, Nov. 21st, Jimmie Johnson’s ‘Drive for Five’ resulted in his 5th Championship in a row. Can you say ‘Dynasty’...?
Page 22 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
“Five minutes with the wire brush each day, Sir!” “What’s your ambition?” “To get back to the front lines, Sir!” “Good man!” says the Major.
Sick Soldiers... An Army Major visits the sick soldiers, goes up to one private and asks “What’s your problem, Soldier?” “Chronic athletes foot, Sir!” “What treatment are you getting?” “Five minutes with the wire brush each day, Sir!” “What’s your ambition?” “To get back to the front lines, Sir!” “Good man!” says the Major. He goes to the next bed. “What’s your problem, Soldier?” “Chronic piles, Sir!” “What treatment are you getting?”
He goes to the next bed. “What’s your problem, Soldier?” “Chronic gum disease, Sir!” “What treatment are you getting?” “Five minutes with the wire brush each day, Sir!” “What’s your ambition?” “To get to the front of the line and get the wire brush before the other two Sir!”
Dear John Reply The soldier serving overseas and far from home was annoyed and upset when his girl wrote breaking off their engagement and asking for her photograph back. A creative fellow, he went out and collected from his buddies all the unwanted photographs of women that he could find, bundled them all together and sent them to her with a
note stating the following: “Dear Mary, I can not remember which one is you ... please keep YOUR photo and return the others!
Role Reversal A visitor, returning to Kuwait for the first time since the Gulf War, was impressed by a sociological change. On previous visits she noted that women customarily walked about 5 paces behind their husbands. She observed that the men now walked over 20 paces BEHIND their wives! She approached one of the women for an explanation: “What enabled women here to achieve this marvelous reversal of roles?” “Land mines,” replied the Kuwaiti woman.
Relationships I was talking to a guy in the line at the store. The conversation got around to wives, and he said he had been widowed three times. I said, “Three wives, all dead and buried?” He said, “Yes.”
“What happened to the first one?” “Poison Mushrooms.” “What happened to the second one?” “Poison Mushrooms.” “And the third?” “Fractured skull.” “How did that happen?” “She wouldn’t eat the Poison Mushrooms.” Know some good, clean jokes? E-mail them to:
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 23
“A leader in the Democratic Party is a boss, in the Republican Party he is a leader. ” Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman (May 8, 1884 – December 26, 1972) was the 33rd President
of the United States (1945–1953). As President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s third vicepresident and the 34th Vice President of the United States, he succeeded to the presidency on April 12, 1945, when President Roosevelt died less than three months after beginning his historic fourth term.
In South Africa, the Group Areas Act is passed formally segregating races Violent storms and a tornado devastate southern England Earthquake and floods in Assam, India - 574 deaths, 5,000,000 believed homeless President Harry Truman sends United States military personnel to Vietnam to aid French forces
1950 Chevrolet Pickup
What Events Happened? Communist China provides additional military forces to Communist North Korea
The Eastern United States suffers 7 days of blizzard conditions and strong winds leaving more than 1 million homes without power.
President Harry S. Truman places America’s railroads under the control of the U.S. Army
Chinese invasion of Tibet
Two Long Island commuter trains collide in the Richmond Hills section of Queens killing 79 people The British Labour party wins the 1950 general election
12 nations agree to the creation of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for the defense of the United States and Europe. Formation of the Warsaw Pact in answer to the West’s NATO Volcanic cloud kills 5000 in Mount Lamington, New Guinea
Petrol Rationing Ends in Great Britain after 11 years Uruguay wins the 1950 World Cup in Brazil
North Korea invades South Korea capturing Seoul Great Brinks Robbery on January 17th in Boston President Truman approved U.S. construction of the hydrogen bomb U.S. Defense Production Act starts wage and price controls. U.S. leads UN in Korean War Persecution of Communists is initiated by Senator McCarthy Albert Einstein warns that nuclear war could lead to mutual destruction
Fangio wins the Monaco Grand Prix his first Grand Prix of a total of 24 Grand Prix victories
James Dean gets his break when he appears in a Pepsi commercial
Popular Culture James Dean gets his break when he appears in a Pepsi commercial
Popular Films Cinderella Samson and Delilah Sunset Blvd Father of The Bride Annie Get Your Gun
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” – Einstein
Page 24 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
1950 Ford Stationwagon
Cost Of Living How Much things cost in 1950 Yearly Inflation Rate USA 1.09% Yearly Inflation Rate UK 2.8% Average Cost of new house $8,450.00 Average wages per year $3,210.00 Cost of a gallon of gas 18 cents Average Cost of a new car $1,510.00 Stromburg Black and White Television $249.95 Ball Point Pen 25 cents Samsonite Case $25.00 Clock Radio $59.95
1950 Chrysler
Born This Year Loyd Grossman Tom Petty Stevie Wonder Jay Leno
Technology First TV remote control, Zenith Radio’s Lazy Bones is marketed Diners Club issues first credit cards President Truman authorizes production of hydrogen bomb 8 million homes in the U.S. now own televisions
Great Brinks Robbery on January 17th in Boston
1950 Buick
Norma Desmond: “Shut up, I’m rich! I’m richer than all this new Hollywood trash! I’ve got a million dollars. ” – Sunset Boulevard For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 25
Dan Cooper skyjacking November 24, 1971 The unassuming Dan Cooper boarded
McCoy, who performed a sky robbery four months later, was thought to be Cooper, but that was dismissed since he wasn’t near the crime scene. Another lead, John List, denied involvement, but was later convicted of murder. Today, an FBI fingerprint of Cooper exists and it is being matched against a database of suspects, but with no further hits to speak of.
The murder of Bob Crane June 29, 1978 Hogan’s Heroes star Bob Crane was happily married to his high school a Boeing 747 that was destined for sweetheart. But, as the years passed, Seattle and announced that he had a Crane’s marriage crumbled as he bomb. Cooper’s intention wasn’t to kill explored a darker side of life with anyone. He simply asked for $200,000, his friend John along with four parachutes. When he C a r p e n t e r. received his deliverables in exchange for Carpenter worked hostages, the plane returned to the air in electronics and within minutes, Cooper parachuted and the two men from the plane’s airstair and was never began producing seen again. pornography. On In 1980, the FBI found almost $6,000 in the same night that ransom money near the Columbia River, their friendship begging the question of whether Cooper turned sour, Crane APM-1093 MilitaryGolfBanner FM_BW_4.625x6.222_RF.pdf 1 10/25/10 2:41 PM survived his jump. Initially, Richard was killed in cold
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Military Press Zone 4.625x6.222 Page 26 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
blood. The murder weapon was never found, but other clues pointed to Carpenter. He’d called Crane’s home when police were there, without questioning why they were in his suite. Blood was also found in Carpenter’s rental car that matched Crane’s blood type. In 1992, the blood was to be tested for DNA, but it was found to be improperly preserved. Carpenter was still charged and although the trial highlighted their bizarre relationship, he was acquitted and died in 1998.
The killing of JonBenet Ramsey December 25, 1996 A child beauty queen, JonBenet Ramsey lived with her family in Boulder, Colorado. The day after Christmas, her mother, Patsy, discovered a ransom note asking for $118,000. Against the note’s wishes, the police were contacted, and eight hours later, a search of the house by family and friends led to the discovery of JonBenet’s body in the basement. Police found no signs of forced entry and the note was written on paper belonging to the family. The ransom
note’s figure matched the bonus of father John Ramsey’s recent check and Patsy’s handwriting allegedly wasn’t excluded as a possible match. That aside, investigators do believe the culprit didn’t live in the house, based on unknown footprints in the basement, a strange bedroom rope and unmatched DNA evidence. In 2006, police in Thailand arrested John Mark Karr, who said he had been with JonBenet when she died, but his DNA didn’t match the evidence and no charges were filed.
Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls September 7, 1996 and March 9, 1997 Tupac Shakur and Christopher Wallace (aka Biggie Smalls or Notorious B.I.G.) were two of rap’s most popular figures when they were murdered only months apart. While visiting Vegas for a boxing match, Tupac left by car with Death Row Records co-founder Suge Knight.
MYSTERY I MP A car pulled up and opened fire, hitting Tupac four times. Similarly, Biggie was attending a party at L.A.’s Peterson Automotive Museum when he was told the party was ending early. He left by car until two other cars pulled up and a man in a bow tie fatally shot Biggie four times. Both killings took place in busy areas, but no suspects have ever been charged. One reason for silence is because witnesses were afraid to speak out. Others whisper that police corruption and a larger conspiracy is at work. While gang ties, unpaid debts and royalties are possible motives, some theorists feel that Suge Knight might have been active in both killings to set up a rivalry gone wrong.
The Black Dahlia January 15, 1947 Elizabeth Short was living in L.A. following the death of her fiancé, Matthew Gordon. An aspiring actress, Short mentioned an upcoming film audition in her last letter. On January 9, 1947, Robert Manley drove her to the Biltmore Hotel, where she disappeared a few hours later. Her body, which was severely mutilated with her face slashed open from the corners of her mouth to her ears, was discovered on January 15. The investigation yielded many suspects, including 60 bogus confessions. The media nicknamed Short as “The Black Dahlia,” based on her black hair and the mystery of the crime. Besides Manley, one of the prime suspects was Mark Hansen, a nightclub owner who had housed Short and was linked to some personal information sent to the newspapers. Woody Guthrie, Orson Welles and Bugsy Siegel were each suspected at one time. Some historians point to Dr. Walter Bayley, who lived a block from the crime scene and whose daughter knew Short’s sister. Investigators believe the killer had a medical background and others allege that Bayley’s mistress was keeping a dark secret.
Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance July 30, 1975 Starting in 1957, Jimmy Hoffa was the Teamsters Union President. He encouraged unity among Americans in the transport sector, but hurt his own cause by using mob connections for intimidation. After going to prison for a juror bribe, Hoffa was released by President Nixon and later disappeared from Michigan’s Manchus Red Fox Restaurant on his way to meet mobsters Anthony Giacalone and Anthony Provenzano. Hoffa’s vanishing act has only recently received its best leads. DNA evidence puts Hoffa in the car of his Teamsters colleague, Charles O’Brien, on the day of his disappearance. Felon Richard Powell, Louie Milito of the Gambino crime family, and hitman Richard Kuklinski are among those who claim some responsibility for Hoffa’s disappearance and presumed death. The most compelling theory involves Frank Sheeran, a mob hitman, who told ex-prosecutor Charles Brandt in 2004 that he took Hoffa’s life for a mob hit.
a cloth that was left below some anti-Semitic graffiti, whose creator is unknown. It seems that the case of Jack the Ripper will never be solved, but he does offer historians a glimpse into the early days of how the media covered fearsome killers.
The Zodiac Killer 1968-1969 The elusive Zodiac Killer claimed to have taken 37 lives, but detectives only consider five to officially be his doing. After killings in December of 1968 and July of 1969, the killer sent three letters to San Francisco newspapers with pieces of a 408-symbol cryptogram. The cryptogram was solved, but it didn’t offer clues as to the Zodiac Killer’s identity. The letters and cryptograms
continued (no others were solved), as did the murders. Police estimate that the killings stopped in 1969, but the letters continued into the mid-’70s. Much suspicion was cast on Arthur Leigh Allen, a sex offender caught with bloody knives in his car the same day as a Zodiac murder. Eerily, both Allen and the Zodiac shared an appreciation for the short story The Most Dangerous Game, which tells the tale of a big-game hunter who decides animals are no longer worthy prey and changes his game to include humans. Despite three search warrants on Allen, he was never charged as his DNA tests, handwriting analysis and fingerprints have never offered a match. THE MYSTERY REMAINS
Jack the Ripper August to November, 1888 In 1888, a killer attacked prostitutes in London’s Whitechapel district. There were five known victims, with others subject to debate. One of the perpetrator’s bizarre trademarks, besides the grisly nature of his crimes, was that he would kill in areas with public access — with streets, doorways, and stable entrances being examples. This made it easier to get caught, but more frustrating for those trying to apprehend him. The Jack the Ripper case bears no obvious suspects — though many have been named over the years, including noted author Lewis Carroll and artist Walter Sickert. Jack the Ripper’s name was penned in various letters to Scotland Yard that may or may not have been authentic. Police didn’t have the technology that they do now, so they relied on volunteers to watch for ominous characters on the street. While clues were scarce, one killing featured
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Douglas MacArthur was one of the best-known American military leaders of World War II, when he commanded Allied forces in the southwest Pacific. MacArthur graduated first in his class from West Point Academy in 1903, then went to the Philippines and worked as an aide to his father, General Arthur MacArthur, Jr. He served with distinction in World War I, then returned to the Philippines as major general (1922-25) and commander of the Department of the Philippines (1928-30) before a mainland posting as Army chief of staff (1930-35). In 1935 he was again sent to the Philippines to organize defenses in preparation for their independence. In 1937 he retired from the Army rather than leave his Philippine project uncompleted, but he was recalled to active duty when it became clear that war with Japan was imminent. Overrun by Japanese forces at Bataan, MacArthur was ordered by President Franklin Roosevelt to withdraw to Australia. Before MacArthur and his family escaped, he made the famous vow, “I shall return.” In 1942 he was made the supreme commander of Allied forces in the southwest Pacific and by 1945 had liberated the Philippines on the way to a planned invasion of Japan. MacArthur accepted the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, then led the occupation forces in the reconstruction of Japan. After North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, MacArthur was put in charge of United Nations forces and successfully drove the invaders back. His enthusiasm for pushing on and attacking areas of China was not shared by President Harry Truman, who relieved MacArthur of his command in 1951. Still considered a national hero, MacArthur gave a famous address to Congress and retired. Flamboyant and confident, MacArthur has also been called arrogant and egotistical, but his amphibious campaigns in World War II and in Korea are considered brilliant examples of military strategy. MacArthur is often cited as the source of the quote: “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” He said it in his speech before Congress, but prefaced the quote by saying that it was from one of the popular “barrack ballads” he had heard as a cadet at West Point.
“A better world shall emerge based on faith and understanding.” “A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him. ” “Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.” “Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.” “Americans never quit.” “And like the old soldier in that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the sight to see that duty.” “Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.” Page 28 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
GENERAL GEORGE S. PATTON, JR. One of the most complicated military men of all time, General George Smith Patton, Jr. was born November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. He was known for carrying pistols with ivory handles and his intemperate manner, and is regarded as one of the most successful United States field commanders of any war. He continually strove to train his troops to the highest standard of excellence. Patton decided during childhood that his goal in life was to become a hero. His ancestors had fought in the Revolutionary War, the Mexican War and the Civil War, and he grew up listening to stories of their brave and successful endeavors. He attended the Virginia Military Institute for one year and went on to graduate from the United States Military Academy at West Point on June 11, 1909. He was then commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the 15th Cavalry Regiment.
“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” “If you tell people where to go, but not how to get there, you’ll be amazed at the results.” “Battle is an orgy of disorder.” “Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.” “I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.” “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” “Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.”
“All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated.” “Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn’t give a hoot and hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost nor ever lose a war.” continues on next page
“The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That’s the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!” “Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack.” “Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.”
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 29
“Could I have but a line a century hence crediting a contribution to the advance of peace, I would yield every honor which has been accorded by war.”
“Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.x
MaCarthur fulfilling his promise to return to the Philipines
“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.”
“I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world!” “I’ve looked that old scoundrel death in the eye many times but this time I think he has me on the ropes.” “In war there is no substitute for victory.” “It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it”. “It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear.”
General Patton Patton’s first real exposure to battle occurred when he served as a member of legendary General John J. Pershing’s staff during the expedition to Mexico. In 1915, Patton was sent to Fort Bliss along the Mexican border where he led routine cavalry patrols. A year later, he accompanied Pershing as an aide on his expedition against Francisco “Pancho” Villa into Mexico. Patton gained recognition from the press for his attacks on several of Villa’s men. Impressed by Patton’s determination, Pershing promoted him to Captain and asked him to command his Headquarters Troop upon their return from Mexico. With the onset of World War I in 1914, tanks were not being widely used. In 1917, however, Patton became the first member of the newly established United States Tank Corps, where he served until the Corps were abolished in 1920. He took full command of the Corps, directing ideas, procedures and even the design of their uniforms. Along with the British tankers, he and his men achieved victory at Cambrai, France, during the world’s first major tank battle in 1917.
Just imagine if MacArthur and Patton were alive today! Leaders that really pack some punch. We’d like to hear your thoughts.
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 33
december 7, 1941 - special edition
pearl harbor bombed 0755 Island wide attack begins
r a w
0810 USS Arizona explodes
USS Arizona sinks in 9 min.
USS Arizona Memorial 1177 Men died, most entombed in the ship 1330 Overview of Pearl Harbor after Attack
Page 34 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
“a date which will live in infamy� - F.D.R.
u.s. declares war! Admiral Nimitz takes command of the Pacific Fleet
live i
n inf
t o En R E G A E n e M American
Casualties and losses
4 battleships sunk, 4 battleships damaged 2 destroyers sunk, 1 damaged 1 other ship sunk, 3 damaged 3 cruisers damaged 188 aircraft destroyed 155 aircraft damaged, 2,402 military killed 1,247 military wounded 57 civilians killed 35 civilians wounded
r a
4 midget submarines sunk, 1 midget submarine run aground, 29 aircraft destroyed, 55 airmen killed 9 submariners killed
For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 35
Military Press Café Gladiator Rock ’N Run offers huge military discount The Gladiator Rock’N Run event will take place on Saturday, Dec. 4 in Irvine at 8800 Irvine Center Drive, next to the Wild Rivers Water Park and Verizon Amphitheater. The first wave goes off at 8 a.m. Waves are 30 minutes apart. The event is an extreme 5K run with 12 grueling obstacles and three bands. It’s a mud run brought to the nect level. During and after the event there is an expo/party with bands, food, beer and gladiator-like activities. The race benefits the Epilepsy Foundation. Runners from all walks of life will come out to challenge and prove themselves. Each runner, in addition to the most extreme day of their life, will receive an Affliction T-shirt, a custom Rock’N Run joust stick and a free beer!!! Prizes will be awarded for top finishers. Runners and non-runners can enjoy the party which features live music, a beer garden and food trucks. The Gladiator Rock ‘N Run was created by Dan “Nitro” Clark, one of the producers and star of the hit series “American Gladiator.”
Let us help you meet your measurements! Military Movie Night On Friday, Dec. 3, P&G and Walmart will release “A Walk in My Shoes,” the third collaboration in their Family Movie Night series. “A Walk in My Shoes” (airing on NBC at 8/7c) follows a military family who lost their Marine father/husband in Fallujah. We encourage your readers to tune in and see what the buzz is about.
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 37
MOGULS & MOVIE STARS A History of Hollywood
O n paper, the idea of a sevenp a r t history of Hollywood in the classy environs of Turner Classic Movies sounds swell. In the execution, though, it’s hard not to wish the exercise had a bit more pizzazz, instead of merely plodding — dutifully, chronologically — through more than 70 years of filmmaking. The net result plays like a school study guide, one with occasional snippets of interest but few new insights, especially for those who have devoted any attention to the topic. It’s a somewhat ironic pitfall — a comprehensive documentary about film being diminished, finally, by a lack of focus. Elegantly narrated by Christopher Plummer, “Moguls & Movie Stars: A History of Hollywood” is the cinematic
equivalent of a coffee-table book — handsome, yes, but the kind of thing there’s no pressing need to consume all at once. Written and produced by Jon Wilkman, each chapter details roughly a decade, with some fudging around key years like the advent of talkies or the onset of World War II. The most intriguing wrinkle, such as it is, involves interviewing the grown kids of the early moguls, seeking out heirs to Goldwyn and the Warner brothers, Selznick and Zanuck — many of whom made their own imprint on the business. It brings a slightly personal touch to this trip down memory lane, otherwise augmented by an array of critics, biographers and historians. Perhaps inevitably, the first two hours — devoted largely to the creation of film technology, birth of silents, great migration to Hollywood, and growth into feature-length fare with D.W. Griffith’s
“Birth of a Nation” — prove the driest. Things get more interesting advancing into the 1920s (subtitled “The Dream Merchants”), ‘30s (“Brother, Can You Spare a Dream?”) and ‘40s (“Warriors and Peacemakers”). Obviously, worthwhile facts and amusing tidbits emerge, like the submission of Rin Tin Tin as best actor in the first Oscar race, demonstrating how little the early moguls initially thought of that exercise. Similarly, director William A. Wellman wasn’t even invited to the first Academy Awards, where his movie “Wings” won best picture. Overall, though, “Moguls & Movie Stars” is simply too slow and stodgy to fully do its subject matter justice. The rough formula of an hour per decade (TCM will pair each one with appropriate
movies from its collection) is either too flabby in the initial hours or thin in later ones, forced to skim from World War II into “The Best Years of Our Lives” and the Hollywood Blacklist. After seven consecutive weeks on TCM, the production will take its place as an academic aid and on DVD shelves, to be sure, but this is merely an introduction to Hollywood history, seemingly aimed at people who don’t know William Randolph Hearst was upset about “Citizen Kane” and did his best to bury it. That’s not a bad starting point for beginners, maybe, but this “History of Hollywood” feels a little ho-hum for those TCM viewers craving a more advanced course.
clue: they were all born in 1950
Name the star • Name any movie they were in. 5 winners will be drawn that have correct entries, and will win a pair of movie tickets from UltraStar
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Mail Entries to: The Military Press (Contest) 9715 Carroll Center Road, Suite 104, San Diego CA 92126 For locations, showtimes & special promotions visit Page 38 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 39
Angelina Sexier Than Ever– Gwyneth the Country Music Star! “I see that we have created a nation of zombies — heads down, thumbs on tiny keyboards, mindless millions staring blankly, shuffling off to some unseen horizon.” That’s Ted Gup, writing in The Smithsonian magazine: “One Man’s Rage Against the Dying of Civility.” Mr. Gup also notes: “I say any thought that doesn’t have a shelf life beyond five seconds is best left unarticulated. Alexander Graham Bell liked keeping in touch as much as the next guy, but during the ceremony following his death in 1922, telephones across America were silenced in tribute to their inventor. Quaint as it may sound today, I wonder if a little silence and some self-restraint might be in order.” I am in agreement with Mr. Gup, but I fear our “rage” is to naught. This is it; this is the way people communicate. After hours of texting and tweeting, I often wonder what do people have to say to each other, in the flesh, face to face? Of course, who hasn’t been to a dinner party where half the place is peering into their laps? Once, this might have been a sign of sloppy eaters or footsies under the table. Now? They are giving every detail of the event to somebody ... at the next table. But more depressing than the plague of texting, was Smithsonian’s sobering article that the mighty Colorado River — diverted by dams — is running dry. Leave it to man to destroy every great natural resource. ANGELINA JOLIE looks absolutely ravishing on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, paired with Johnny Depp, who looks less so with his facial hair and shaggy mane. Still, he’s Johnny Depp, and that continues to resonate on the sex appeal
meter. The two stars will appear in “The Tourist,” a thriller set in always-scenic Venice, opening in December. Jolie, according to Depp, has “an incredibly perverse sense of humor. She’s a really cool broad.” The article inside also has more pix of Jolie, who is dressed beautifully, looking every inch the movie queen. Certain people love her in those action films, when she’s all sinewy and bare. But old-fashioned high glamour is not to be despised. In the same issue of EW, readers will learn more about Gwyneth Paltrow and how she mastered the guitar for her role as a country singer in “Country Song.” (She has already displayed her not-bad-at-all pipes, live and in a film or two. Her performance at the Country Music Awards garnered a standing ovation, from a crowd not much impressed by movie stars poaching their territory.)
Paltrow says her newly acquired talent, which caused her hands to bleed for days while rehearsing, will come in handy “for kids birthday parties.”
pirit of Sharing, a 501(c)(3) corporation, was founded on our desire to share with others in our community. The focus of our efforts is to help the families of the Men and Women serving in the United States military, while either one or both parents are deployed overseas during the holiday season. Each year, during the holiday season, we share the gifts of caring and giving with those that often are the most deserving, yet the most in need of that assistance, help and support. We have had an overwhelming response of military families in need of assistance this holiday season. Please help us by making a tax deductible donation to us by visiting our website, (No Amount is Too Small!) It is a great honor and privilege to participate in making these families’ season a little brighter and warmer. Working together, we can bring the magic of Christmas into the households of our San Diego, North County children’s lives. Remember all donations to S.O.S. are tax deductible. Go to our website and click on the “Donate” tab. OR Contact Rachel or Kristin directly (760) 726-8100
Page 40 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
L.C. EmbroidEry & CLEanErs Same day service available
North River Oceanside can be yours for the upcoming holidays for only $1,675/month Smart home buyers are enthusiastically embracing Taylor Morrison’s North River in Oceanside, and as a result, the community is now offering one last chance to enjoy the holidays in a stylish North River townhome for as little as $1,675.00 per month*. “Sales have been exceptionally strong since our grand opening,” stated Phil Bodem, president of Taylor Morrison’s Southern California Division. “While we’re building as fast as we can to keep up with the demand, we have only one home that will be ready for preholiday move-ins. Act quickly, and you could be living near the beach before the end of the year.” North River is a private, gated neighborhood that’s not only close to the beach, but also convenient to shopping, recreation and more. And North River makes all that attainable with low prices starting in the $240,000s, no Mello-Roos taxes, and FHA and VA financing, which enables buyers to move in with little or
no money down. North River’s distinctive three-story floor plans range from approximately 1,133 to 1,372 square feet. Living spaces encompass two to three bedrooms and two and one-half to three baths plus a private deck, and every home includes a two-car attached garage. Impressive features include gourmet kitchens, luxurious master suites with walk-in closets, central heating and air-conditioning systems and Category 5 wiring for computer and telephone connections. In addition the $8,000 Military Tax
For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
Credit** is still available to first-time home buyers who have served in official extended-duty military service outside the U.S. Some restrictions apply, please see a Sales Associate for complete details. North River’s ideal location is just a short drive or a ride along a riverside bike trail to Oceanside’s popular beaches and harbor as well as dining at both ends of the Oceanside fishing pier. For commuters, North River is less than eight miles from the I-5 Freeway and the Coaster, Metrolink and Amtrak Surfliner train station. To take advantage of the last chance to move in before the holidays at North River, take I-5 to Highway 76 East and continue for approximately eight miles. Turn left on College Blvd. and right on North River Road. Turn right into the community, where the models are open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wednesday 1 to 5 p.m. For more, call 760-433-8091 or visit
Del Sur San Diego building several new neighborhoods A surge in construction activity begun this fall at Del Sur will continue at through 2011, and will include the introduction of three new neighborhoods of single family detached homes on sizeable lots. The master-planned community of Del Sur includes two neighborhood schools. Del Sur Elementary and Del Norte High School are part of the Poway Unified School District, one of the highest-ranking districts in the county and state. Del Sur is located in the coastal hills of North County, just a few miles from the coast. New-home neighborhoods now selling include: Bridgewalk by Standard Pacific Homes, Madeira and Mandolin by Shea Homes, and Pasado by William Lyon Homes. For more information on these neighborhoods and moreww, visit or call
December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 41
Homes selling quickly at Brookfield North County neighborhoods For more information, call 888-559-7734 or visit the sales office at 1756 Burbury Way, San Marcos. The coastal-close community of Rockrose at The Foothills is now offering up to $10,000 in incentives, and a new low tax rate of 1.21 percent. Ranging from 2,116 to 3,167 square feet with three to four bedrooms, Rockrose is now priced from the high $500,000s. For more information, visit the sales office at 3538 Glen Ave. in Carlsbad or call 888284-8861. Select homes priced from the $800,000s remain for sale at Serenity at The Estates at StoneBridge. Located within the Poway Unified School District. For more information, call 888-572-5861 or visit the sales center at 14426 Old Creek Road, San Diego.
In the past four weeks, shoppers have moved quickly to purchase homes at Brookfield’s Carlsbad and San Marcos neighborhoods, resulting in sales for the San Diego homebuilder. Brookfield has sold 13 single-family detached homes in its North County neighborhoods including six homes at Rockrose at The Foothills in Carlsbad, and seven homes at Mahogany at Old Creek Ranch in San Marcos. The builder has additional homes ready for movein at Serenity at The Estates at StoneBridge. Mahogany at Old Creek Ranch, located in the hills of San Marcos just east of Carlsbad, Mahogany’s one- and two-story homes range from 2,410 to 3,875 square feet with three to five bedrooms. Prices from the high $500,000s.
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Standard Pacific Homes California Real Estate License No. 01138346 *This financing example is based on a sales price of $399,900 with a 3.5% down payment and a minimum credit score of 640. The mortgage is a 30 Year Fixed FHA conforming loan with a 1-0 buydown for the first year. Loan amount of $389,759 with an interest rate of 2.875% (4.836% APR) and monthly principal and interest, monthly mortgage insurance, taxes and insurance payments of $2,333.08 for the first year. Year 2 through 30 the interest rate will be 3.875% and monthly principal and interest, monthly mortgage insurance, taxes and insurance payments of $2,548.75. Monthly HOA dues are additional and are not included in the above payment. **Seller contributions toward buyer’s closing costs including seller paid buydown costs cannot exceed maximum limits established by loan program for which buyer qualifies. HOA assessments are additional and not included in the above payment. Interest rates, payments, terms and availability of this loan program, and the sales price, are examples only and are subject to change without notice. Interest rates may not be available at time of loan commitment or closing. All loans are subject to credit approval. Restrictions and conditions may apply. This loan program is available through Standard Pacific Mortgage, Inc. licensed by California Department of Real Estate, Real Estate Brokers License Number: 01227562. Tel: 1-800-325-5363. NMLS# 89607. Not applicable on prior sales. 12/10
Page 42 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
Beautiful homes, dramatic views at Viridian at La Costa Greens Offering sweeping views of emerald fairways and surrounding foothills, La Costa Greens in Carlsbad is a true residential jewel, and Taylor Morrison’s Viridian is one of its most precious gems. The community’s beautiful homes are grand in scale and impressive in every detail, and extra-spacious homesites averaging 8,000 square feet extend their appeal outdoors. Priced from the low $900,000s, Viridian showcases four impressive one- and two-story floor plans that span approximately 2,823 to 4,722 square feet, and offer three to six bedrooms and 2.5 to 6.5 baths. Varying plans may be enhanced with such popular options as a detached cabana, guest suite, covered outdoor room, kitchen nook, library, loft or bonus room, depending upon the floor plan. Garages accommodate two to three vehicles. Not far from La Costa Greens, the world-famous La Costa Resort & Spa offers everything from sand traps to body wraps, and Carlsbad State Beach welcomes everyone from surfers to swimmers to sand castle builders. To visit Viridian at La Costa Greens, exit Interstate 5 at Palomar Airport Road and drive east. Turn right on El Camino Real, left on Poinsettia Lane, left again on Alicante Road, right on Pyrite Avenue and left on Halite Place. Furnished models are for viewing open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 760-476-1029 or visit for more information.
A Boozy Up-and-Down Makes This Loko Loco
Can we agree that young people need no help in getting drunk? And can we agree that young people are attracted to the following: Large cans. Sweet flavors like lemonade or fruit punch. A cheap price. Staying awake. Put those all together, and you can understand why Four Loko is one of the fastest-growing alcoholic beverages in the country. And why so many older people are worried. Four Loko comes in brightly colored, 23.5-ounce cans. In case you don’t remember measurements from high school (which is the age of many kids drinking this stuff), old-fashioned Coke bottles used to be eight ounces. A typical can of beer is 12 ounces. Four Loko is not only nearly twice that, it is also 12 percent alcohol content (versus 4 percent or 5 percent for a beer). And, oh, yeah, it only costs a couple of bucks — at a 7-Eleven, gas station or other easily accessible places. This may be why, the last few months, several dozen students at Washington and New Jersey colleges were hospitalized after reportedly drinking Four Loko. And why campus across the country — and this past week the entire state of Michigan — have banned it and other alcoholic energy drinks from being sold. The desire to be humming 24/7 Now, in our current mood of “too much government” this will bring out protesters who cry 1) What’s it your business if I want to get drunk? 2) Where are the parents in all this? 3) Why are stores selling to minors? and 4) What’s it your business if I want to get drunk? The last is an unwinnable argument. If people want to guzzle Four Lokos until they collapse — in their house, not behind the wheel — they have that right. May be a waste of life, but they have the right. I am more worried about kids — high schoolers, college freshmen — stuck in that adolescent wrestle of wanting to be cool versus not wanting to damage themselves. A yellow or purple can, with kiwi or grape flavoring, that also promises to — and this is critical — keep you awake, is a dangerously tempting product. Remember, while many of us went through the sneak-a-beer phase, these energy drinks are a whole new game. The only beverage we drank for energy was
ed Top Rat
“Where you know you're always welcome!”
cola or coffee, and coffee tasted bitter, it was our parents’ drink (this was long before Starbucks) and we only did it if we had a final exam. Today, kids guzzle energy drinks as if popping chewing gum. Red Bull. Monster. Full Throttle. Rockstar. You see 15- and 16-year-olds with this stuff all the time. For an edge in sports. To do hours of homework. To be up all night on the computer. Staying awake has never been so attractive. And crashing has never been so dangerous. The desire to blackout The problem with Four Loko is that the caffeine, taurine and guarana — all stimulants — can mask the effects of all that alcohol. Initially, you feel the jolt and say, “I’m not drunk, I’m alert.” So you have another. But when the stimulant wears off, the depressant takes over. And you have kids blacking out, waking up on lawns, or worse, reporting they were sexually abused but barely remember it. True, stores should never sell this stuff to minors. And parents should teach their kids to be responsible. And we should all love our neighbor, give to charity and maintain the proper body weight. But since that world is fantasy, this world requires some help. I don’t mind the ban on this stuff. The guys who started Four Loko — college buddies from Ohio State — knew exactly whom they were targeting when they created the brew. You know what kids call it? “Blackout in a can.” If you think that’s a product we must save, we’re on a different page. Teens can mix rum and Coke. They can make Irish coffee. You can never fully stop underage drinking. But you don’t have to dress it in fruity colors and sell it cheap. There are many words I’d like A lot of fun, a lot of great food, 24 beers on tap!
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858-503-6787 For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
associated with our kids. “Loko” isn’t one of them.
Enter Just Chill - The Anti Four Loko
Understanding that most people drink alcohol to reduce stress, a 21-year-old Southern Californian surfer has created a safe, all natural beverage that will hopefully put all the “jitter juice” and energy drink junkies on a calmer path. Just Chill seeks to answer a new generation in consumer demand: healthy, natural and functional beverages. A lightly-carbonated, tasty beverage that provides natural stress relief without sedation, it features 7 essential vitamins and minerals, gingko, ginseng, and L-theanine, with only 12g of sugar and 50 calories per can. “The college kids that have been OD-ing on drinks like Four Loko and Joose are in my peer group, so I understand what they are looking for in a stress reliever,” said Just Chill’s CEO and Founder Max Baumann. “Just Chill reduces stress by giving users a calm and centered focus — a sort of Zenlike feeling. We definitely represent the opposite of Four Loko and Joose, both in terms of effect and brand positioning.” Just Chill is catching on beyond the surf community. Whole Foods Market is now stocking Just Chill, which is regularly selling out its shelf space.
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December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 43
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(619) 966-9338 • canopyparksales @ Page 44 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
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SPORTS NEWS I MP SEMPER FI By Chaplain Ringo I MP With the change from spring to the hot days of summer, to fall’s cooler days and falling leaves and then ground blanketed with snow across much of the Nation, we see a representation of the equally distinct changes occurring in our own lives. National pass times of baseball and the “fall classic” move into the season of the “grid iron.” I have even tried to stay young by playing on our work’s football team in recent past, and I don’t know about you, but I was feeling a little bit old. My mind wants to do what my body doesn’t even recognize anymore. However, in life we have the opportunity to remember and recognize the precious moments and memories of our experiences. A few years ago now, I had the rare opportunity to ride home on an amphibious ship with one of my sons, my namesake, from the war in Iraq, OIF I. I reflected on when I was a young Infantry Marine, and wondered how I would have felt leaving a war zone. It was a time I will cherish and remember. Hanging over the rails, looking out over the ocean and listening to my son share his experiences of the war - one this father will put forever into
Chappy’s On Eagle’s Wings
Changing Seasons
his footlocker. Then a few weeks later, I had another time in this season of life with a rarity attached to it. I had the opportunity to perform the wedding of our youngest daughter. If you think having one of your children get married is difficult, try getting the words out without blubbering too much, while performing the ceremony! Again, it was a choice experience with many friends and family around to share the day. It seemed like only a short time ago when her mother and I had cut our cake with a sword and danced our wedding dance. Where did all those years go? Then, my first born daughter gave me my first grandchild. Again I am feeling old. It seems like the seasons come and go at a much faster pace. I know I was just twenty yesterday… What ought to be our priorities during these ever accelerating seasons of life? A writing I had come across some time ago may help us reflect on this quandary. It is entitled “Lifetimes”. Are you a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime? Pay attention to what you read. After you read this, you will know that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON… it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, the person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire ne of the funnest parts of being a wine buff is trying fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. to pair wines with certain foods. Spicy Asian food is And now it is time to move on. one of the more challenging cuisines, but a lot of When people come into our life for a SEASON it is because our turn has come to share, grow, and learn. They bring you an experience of peace, people are stumped by holiday fare as well. With all the turkey, or make you laugh. They may teach you something new. They usually give potatoes and rich gravy, deciding which wine to serve your you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a guests can be a dilemma. And before you say Manischewitz... season. I’ll invite you to bite your tongue! I’ve got nothing against LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons. Things you must the Gentiles, it’s just that the wine blows. Unless you are a build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to huge fan of Night Train or Mad Dog 20/20, that is. So I will accept the lesson, love the person, and put to use what you have learned solve this quandary for you by suggesting Gewürztraminer. to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is Gewürztraminer? What is that? blind, but friendship is clairvoyant.
Gewürztraminer - Holiday Wine
Pronounced (Gay-hurtz-tra-meaner), this is a white wine which is known for it’s very aromatic and spicy nuances. Traminer was an ancient dry wine born in the land of my ancestors at the foot of the Alps, and Gewürztraminer literally translates to “spicy Traminer”. The Germans made Gewürztraminer somewhat of a national wine and produced most of it until recently. The nose is often very floral, while the taste is an off dry grassy tone with hints of clove, nutmeg, or caramelized apples. This spicyiness is why I think it pairs so well with Holiday dinners. It goes so well with the turkey, yams and hot buttered rolls that you will rush through grace to drink this wine! You’ll have to search for Gewürztraminer, but you will notice it by the long tall bottle it comes in similar to a Riesling. This is due to the Alpine roots of the wine. Firestone Winery makes a very good Gewürztraminer and you can find it at most major supermarkets. So ask for a Gewürztraminer, but be sure and learn the pronunciation first. My girlfriend still calls it “Gewürztraburger, so she’s not allowed in the wine section anymore. ;)
Stop here for a moment and just smile. Now, from here on out in your life, work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt. And dance like no one is watching. Be grateful for those in your life, because their reasons and seasons may soon be over. Much like my experience with my son coming home from war, or marrying off one of my daughters, or continually trying to be a good parent to my two youngest children still at home, life will be full of reasons, seasons and lifetimes. We need to decide how we will make the most of them and what memories we want to create. This should be our priority. Making a wedding more memorable by performing it, making the sacrifices to ride that ship home with my son, or creating special father-son campouts with my two younger boys. These are some of the memories I want to have for them and me to recognize and remember. Let us accept and make the most of whatever may be ahead in our coming days and seasons. It has been said: “Our spirits live where our minds choose to dwell.” I pray that I may remember to look for the reasons, plan for the seasons, and make them memories and lessons for a lifetime. May you do the same. I would like to end with a short poem I had come across that may help us to reflect on this a little further. It is entitled: “Measuring Life” by Charles W. Doutt. Time is not the measure of life’s joys and tears; Mostly it is mileposts along the road of years. Love cannot be measured, kindness has a worth, Friendship has a meaning, faith comes not of earth. Not the years we’ve traveled, but the good we’ve done, Is life’s truest measure at its setting sun. As always, it is my hope that this message will help you this week to, “mount up as on eagle’s wings”, and renew a little of your strength to keep moving forward and find joy…(Isaiah 40:31) Until next time, may God bless you and may God continue to bless our great nation… And have a Happy Holiday Season… SEMPER FI
SAN DIEGO SELF STORAGE LAUNCHES TOYS FOR TOTS HOLIDAY TOY DRIVE San Diego Self Storage (SDSS) is sponsoring its annual holiday toy drive benefiting Toys for Tots by collecting toys at each of their 19 locations throughout the greater San Diego region beginning November 20, 2010 at the Marine kickoff event aboard the USS Midway. The event begins at 2:00 p.m. and admission is free with a new, unwrapped toy. Festivities include raffles, prizes, refreshments and an appearance by The Charger Girls. The SDSS Toys for Tots booth will be open from 11:00 to 3:00 pm. Children are encouraged to participate in the SDSS “Toys for Tots Jack in the Box” game to win a stuffed animal. The US Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program delivers new toys at Christmas, with the purpose of sending a message of hope to needy youngsters that will motivate them to grow into responsible, productive, patriotic citizens and community leaders ( During the toy drive, all San Diego Self Storage facilities will also be conducting raffles for a $100 credit toward a tenant’s storage rental (new or existing tenant); to enter the raffle, individuals may simply sign up when dropping off a new, unwrapped toy. The collection ends at 6:00 p.m. on December 19th and the drawings will be held at each location on December 20th. San Diego Self Storage facilities are located in the following communities: Carlsbad; Carmel Valley; East Lake; Encinitas; Golden Triangle; Jamacha Point; La Jolla; Mira Mesa; National City; North County (Escondido); Olivenhain; Otay Crossing; Otay Mesa; Poway; Solana Beach; Sorrento Mesa; Temecula and Sorrento Valley. Physical addresses and hours of operation can be located at According to SDSS Managing Partner, J. Terry Aston, “This is our 12th annual Toys for Tots toy drive and we’re proud to sponsor this effort on behalf of the children within the communities we serve; our network of neighborhood self storage facilities makes it convenient for all San Diegans to get involved.” Founded in 1972, San Diego Self Storage is one of the largest self-storage providers in San Diego County with an extensive network of 19 neighborhood self-storage facilities and additional locations in Los Angles, Riverside and Orange County. The company is locally owned and operated and offers small personal units and multiple larger units for commercial accounts with a unique one-year price guarantee. For further information, call (858) 909-0090 or visit
Page 46 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
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2531 E Plaza Blvd (619) 475-6171
1136 C St (619) 233-7121
16646 Bernardo Ctr Dr A (858) 487-3302
6977 Friars Rd Ste 140-A (619) 297-6440
9763 Mission Gorge Rd (619) 449-9440
Chula Vista 830 Broadway (619) 425-1515
National City 943 Highland Ave (619) 477-2109
San Diego 1245 Garnet Ave (858) 272-9232
San Diego 4161 Convoy St (858) 279-7472
San Diego 9690 Reagan Rd (858) 271-0260
Vista 1762 University Dr. (760) 941-4313
Shop supply charges in the amount of 6% of labor charges will be added to invoices greater than $35. These charges will not exceed $25 and represent costs and profits. Shop supply charges not applicable in CA or NY. Non-mandated disposal or recycling charges, if any are disclosed above, may also represent costs and profits. Specific product offerings and tread designs may vary. Prices, warranties, car service, credit plans and other offers available at Firestone Complete Auto Care; see affiliated for their competitive offers and warranties. *If you do not achieve guaranteed mileage, your Firestone retailer will replace your tires on a pro-rated basis. Actual tread life may vary. All warranties apply only to original owner on originally installed vehicle. See retailer for details, restrictions and copy of each limited warranty. †MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENTS REQUIRED. Applicable to purchases made June 1st through December 31st, 2010. APR: 22.8%. Minimum Finance Charge $1.00. CFNA reserves the right to change APR, fees and other terms unilaterally.
For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 47
Everything you want at a price you won’t believe. BlackBerry® Torch now just $99.99. Only from AT&T. TM
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Save 15 % AT&T STORES ▲◆ Carlsbad 2525 El Camino Real, Ste.162, (760) 729-9215 ▲◆ Carmel Mountain 11954 Carmel Mountain Rd., (858) 674-0774 ▲◆ Chula Vista 555 Broadway, (Suite #1070), (619)-691-9709 ▲◆ 878 Eastlake Parkway, (Suite 1510), (619) 421-2397
AT&T salutes all those who let freedom ring. 15% military service discount for active duty U.S. armed forces. See store for details. Special restrictions may apply.
▲◆ Clairemont 3998 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.,, Ste. A, (858) 490-8840 ▲◆ Del Mar 12873 El Camino Real, (858) 793-4888 ▲◆ Downtown 252 Broadway, (619) 238-3638 ▲◆ Encinitas 1560 Leucadia Blvd., Ste. D, (760) 635-4363 ▲◆ Escondido 1268 Auto Pkwy., Ste. B, (760) 432-4200 ▲◆ La Jolla 8657 Villa La Jolla, #115, (858) 638-1440
▲◆ Mira Mesa 10754 Westview Pkwy., (858) 621-2000 ▲◆ 8225 Mira Mesa Blvd, (858) 693-0815 ▲◆ Mission Valley 2011 Camino Del Este North, (619) 293 4630 ▲◆ National City 3030 Plaza Bonita Rd #1470, (619) 267-8147 ▲◆ Oceanside 2530 Vista Way, Ste. N, (760) 967-0134 ▲◆ Point Loma 3361 Rosecrans Blvd., (619) 758-0819
▲◆ Rancho San Diego 2883 Jamacha Rd, (619) 660-6075 ▲◆ San Marcos 133 S Las Posas Rd., (760) 752-3273 ▲◆ Santee 50 Town Center Parkway, (619)-448-1798 ▲◆ Vista 347 Vista Village Dr., (Suite 101), (760)-940-9851
▲ Servicio en Espanol ◆ Phone, Advanced TV and Internet from AT&T Sold Here Limited-time offer. Subject to wireless customer agrmt. Credit approval req’d. Activ. fee up to $36/line. Coverage & svcs, including mobile broadband, not avail everywhere. Geographic, usage & other conditions & restrictions (that may result in svc termination) apply. Taxes & other chrgs apply. Prices & equip. vary by mkt & may not be avail. from ind. retailers. See store or visit for details and coverage map. Early Termination Fee (ETF): None if cancelled during first 30 days, but a $35 restocking fee may apply; after 30 days, ETF up to $150 or $325 applies depending on device (details Subject to change. Agents may impose add’l fees. Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge up to $1.25/mo. is chrg’d to help defray costs of complying with gov’t obligations & chrgs on AT&T & is not a tax or gov’t req’d chrg. Offer Details: BlackBerry Torch price with 2-year wireless svc agreement on voice & minimum $15/mo. data plan required is $99.99. Sales tax calculated based on price of unactivated equipment. Smartphone Data Plan Requirement: Smartphone requires minimum DataPlus (200MB); $15 will automatically be charged for each additional 200MB provided on DataPlus if initial 200MB is exceeded. All data, including overages, must be used in the billing period in which the allowance is provided or be forfeited. For more details on data plans, go to BlackBerry,® RIM,® Research In Motion,® SureType,® SurePress,™ and related trademarks, names, and logos are the property of Research In Motion Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. Used under license from Research In Motion Limited. Screen images simulated. ©2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. California/LVS/HWI
(8.5" x 11.125") 9/15/2010 1:10:18 PM San Diego Union Tribune Page 48 December 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS