Volume 34 • Issue 14 •July 15, 2010 • Ser ving Active and Retired Militar y and DoD Workers for Over 34 Years
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Page 2 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
Volume 35 • Issue 14 • July 15, 2010
Stop me before I spend again! By Cal Thomas
Last month as America celebrated the upon withdrawal.” Just substitute 234th anniversary of its independence “government” for the drugs and from Britain, there was a reminder “psychological” for “physiological” and of how increasingly dependent too you have characterized our addiction to many Americans have become on our government. There are toll-free hotlines for drug addicts who wish to get clean. government. The New York Times headline read: Who do you call to break free of an “Illinois Stops Paying Its Bills, but Can’t addiction to government? Certainly not the politicians; they’re the pushers. Stop Digging Hole.” This is classic co-dependency. The Land of Lincoln has become a land of mounting debt: $5.01 billion Politicians tell people what they want to be exact. That may not seem to hear and voters elect them out of a like much compared to the growing sense of entitlement to other people’s federal debt -- calculated on the money. If you are successful and National Debt Clock at midday July resist, you are called greedy, uncaring 4 at $13,189,792,856,331.20 -- but and a Republican! This class warfare has enriched the as the late Illinois politicians who Republican Senator Everett McKinley Politicians tell people practice it, but it impoverishing Dirksen is reputed what they want to hear is America. (but never proven) to Too many have said, “A billion and voters elect them out here, a billion there of a sense of entitlement expect too much from government and pretty soon you’re talking real to other people’s money. and too little from It used money.” If you are successful and themselves. to be the other I l l i n o i s ’ Comptroller, Daniel resist, you are called way around, but concepts such W. Hynes, says greedy, uncaring and a as initiative, selfthe $5.01 billion frugality, is what the state Republican! This class control, persistence, honor, owes to schools, r e h a b i l i t a t i o n warfare has enriched the integrity and virtue centers, child care, politicians who practice went out about the time baby boomers the state university and he told the New it, but it is impoverishing began their cultural counterinsurgency. York Times, “it’s America The reason so getting worse every few jobs are being single day.” He calls the state’s inability to pay for essential created in the private sector (the labor force is shrinking and unemployment is services “obscene.” The real obscenity -- in Illinois, more than 10 percent, if those who have California, New York and especially given up looking for work are included) Washington, D.C., is an inability to live is because government has grown too within the means taxpayers provide. big and is strangling the private sector Despite record high taxes in these which is uncertain about the cost of states and more coming at the federal Obamacare and tax hikes. The progressives want more reliance level, government never has enough of our money. But it isn’t all government’s on government and less self-reliance. fault. Too many Americans have come But this is not what America needs. to rely on government to take care of Republicans, should they regain a them and government has passed the majority in Congress this fall, and the White House in 2012, must have a point where it can do so any longer. Politicians, whose sole aim is re- serious talk with their fellow countrymen. election, behave like enabling parents, We can’t go on like this. We can’t keep giving the children whatever they want spending and taxing. We must stop hoping for “love” in return, or in this asking our country to do more for us case votes. The obituary of Senator and begin doing more for ourselves. Is there a visionary who will say Robert Byrd, West Virginia Democrat, said he served more time in Congress and then do such things, regardless than anyone else. That, too, is an of the political consequences? He (or obscenity. The Founders did not intend she) could quote Thomas Jefferson: “To preserve our independence, we public service to become self-service. The definition of “addiction” best must not let our rulers load us with describes our increasing reliance on perpetual debt. We must make our government: “Complete physiological election between economy and liberty, need for and use of a habit-forming or profusion and servitude.” substance (heroin, nicotine, or alcohol), characterized by tolerance and by (Direct all MAIL for Cal Thomas to: well-defined physiological symptoms tmseditors@tribune.com) For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 3
Debt panel told to leave Military, Vet benefits alone Advocates for military retirees and veterans urged a bipartisan commission studying ways to end runaway budget deficits not to lump militaryearned benefits in with other entitlements eyed for cost controls. “There’s a f u n d a m e n t a l difference between social insurance programs open to every American and military benefits earned by decades of service and sacrifice,” Steve Strobridge, director of government relations for the Military Officers Association of America, told the commission. Carl Blake, legislative director for Paralyzed Veterans of America, conceded the country “faces a very harsh reality” of rapid federal spending growth that “appears unsustainable. And yet PVA is here today to emphasize why continued growth in federal spending for [veterans] is imperative.” More than 90 “public comment” witnesses were invited to appear June
30 before the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. They came from a variety of interest groups and think tanks, liberal and conservative. Many were economists and policy experts but private citizens also testified. Each got four minutes unless their comments sparked a dialogue with commissioners. Most of the focus was on controlling Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security costs, and whether and how to raise taxes. Not every witness was keen on maintaining the status quo for military retirees or veterans. Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, in his written statement said “no program should be exempted from new constraints of fiscal discipline, including defense.” He referred to Congressional Budget Office options that included higher “military health care premiums and deductibles” that would save $6 billion to $8 billion annually. Maya MacGuineas, president of another non-profit, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, endorsed a revised method of
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calculating cost-of-living adjustments for federal entitlements. The so-called “superlative” Consumer Price Index would end what some economists contend is an upward bias to the current CPI that allows COLAs to exceed annual inflation. The most heated exchange occurred between retired Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.), the commission’s cochair, and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. This organization, Simpson noted, threatens politicians with brief careers if they don’t sign a pledge not to raise taxes. But Simpson pointed out that Norquist’s “idol,” Ronald Reagan, had signed into law cumulative tax increases of
we will make those recommendations to him [to] reduce the cost of entitlements and help restore our nation’s long-term fiscal strength.” No recommended spending cuts or tax increases would occur before fiscal 2012, Bowles said. But solutions must be found and adopted to the stem the rising tide of red ink that threatens disaster for future generations. “If we don’t restore some fiscal sanity around here,” Bowles said, “we are going to go broke. I know that’s not a word people like to use but it happens to be true. We face the most predictable economic crisis in history. And if we stay on automatic pilot, the debt we are accumulating will be like a
The most heated exchange occurred between retired Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.), the commission’s co-chair, and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. This organization, Simpson noted, threatens politicians with brief careers if they don’t sign a pledge not to raise taxes. But Simpson pointed out that Norquist’s “idol,” Ronald Reagan, had signed into law cumulative tax increases of $132.7 billion during his eight years as president. Because Reagan, above all, was a realist, said Simpson. $132.7 billion during his eight years as president. Because Reagan, above all, was a realist, said Simpson. When deficit hawks in Congress last year couldn’t get a bill approved to create by statute a commission to control federal deficits, President Obama created one under an executive order. In February its 18 members were named, including 12 members of Congress. Simpson and Erskine Bowles, former chief of staff to President Clinton, were named co-chairs. A report is due to the Obama by Dec. 1. Clinton was the last president able to work with Congress to produce budget surpluses. Since then, deficits have soared to levels not seen since the end of World War II, the result of Bush tax cuts, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the financial crisis, economic stimulus spending to address the crisis and largely unrestrained spending by Democrats and Republicans who continue to use budget spending to ensure their reelection. Bowles said the commission sought any ideas that might support the president’s goal of ending deficit spending, except for interest payments on the rising national debt, by the year 2015. Meeting that target will require finding $250 billion in deficit savings for just that budget year alone. “President Obama made it clear that no one should be surprised next year when he brings forward recommendations that have real budget cuts in them,” Bowles said. “I expect
cancer, and it will definitely destroy this country from within.” Simpson had served on a previous commission on entitlement reform, in 1993-94, and he co-sponsored a bill to apply a means test to entitlement COLAs, including for military retirees. Only those retirees drawing the lowest 30 percent in income would have gotten a full COLA each year under Simpson’s bill, which never passed the Congress. Means testing military retiree COLAs, Strobridge argued before the new commission, “would be a counterproductive performance penalty” because it would hurt those who had won promotion or served long careers. Strobridge acknowledged a period of rapid growth in military personnel costs aimed at addressing a pay gap, repairing a misguided cut in retirement for new entrants after July 1986 and restoring lost health care benefits to older military retirees. That time of rapid growth “is behind us, and we won’t see major new fixes in the years ahead,” Strobridge said. “MOAA isn’t saying that [military] health fees should never be increased,” Strobridge said. “But comparing only military versus civilian cash fees ignores that military people pay far higher premiums than any civilian --but they pay them up front and in kind through decades of service and sacrifice. MOAA believes that should be acknowledged by limiting the percentage fee increase in any year to the percentage growth in pay.”
Letters to Military Press
To whom it may concern, Just arrived at a local base in CA and casually picked up and browsed through your June issue of MP. This was my first time to read it. Upon opening your magazine the first story to read was Cal Thomas’ editorial. I understand that Mr. Thomas’ political commentaries are geared for entertainment purposes. What I don’t understand is why a military-friendly publication would print an article critical of the President of the U.S. What purpose does it serve to present doubt/questions in the minds of service-members who serve a Commander-in-Chief? I’m an advocate of free press but when your audience is primarily military why would you want to print an article that questions the President’s leadership abilities? This seems counter-productive. I suspect that there are some people who may not understand the difference between editorial and news. What message are you trying to convey to those who serve their country? – Preston Lawson Dear Mr. Lawson, I just received your comment on the Cal Thomas opinion piece that appeared in our last issue. Actually Cal Thomas’ political commentaries are one of the few editorial slots we provide that are not geared for entertainment purposes. Mr. Thomas certainly doesn’t straddle the fence when it comes to his opinions on affairs in the world. He has been a regular columnist in our paper for many years, with opinions that I personally do not necessarily always agree with, but certainly often make me re-examine topics. In most cases we adopt a non-biased approach and like to show two sides to a story, unfortunately in this case we did not have a column that reflected a differing opinion on this heated topic. The Military Press supports our Armed Forces 100%, this you can see in our regular military news section. Cal Thomas feels that President Obama is failing and seems to be way over his head. It is an opinion piece that opens the door to further dialogue. I do agree with you in the fact that some people may not understand the difference between opinion pieces and news items. Regardless, this should be no reason to omit op-ed columns from our paper. Feel free to send a rebuttal to me at: trevor@militarypress.com Thanks for your critique, and becoming a new reader of our paper. Sincerely, Trevor Watson Dear MP, I love the fact that you cover sports in your publication and especially the coverage of The World Cup. My concern is that in the last issue of your paper you discussed the thoughts people are having on the immigration laws. Well with all that said, why are England and America the only teams talked about in the sports section. There are many more aspects to sports than
what happens with the USA. I would like to see more about other parts of the world, as I have seen your paper is online and can be viewed all over the world. As we all know, the Military is all over the world as well. I think it would be great for them to maybe see what’s going on where they are at, such as Japan, Korea, Kuwait etc. – Marine Wife from Camp Pendleton Editor, Really, Kim Kardashian?!?! I don’t understand what all the hype about her and her family is about. Ok so they have all the money one family could possibly need, and they have have the looks men die for . . . but all the shows, all the drama, is it real or is it fake? I think the new show your paper was talking about last issue will not go far. Everyone has drama, hectic schedules, and demanding clients. Whether it be kids, spouses or your job. I think a realty show about it will be something no one will want to sit through and watch. Granted I love Jonathan Cheban, I have seen his work and he is great to watch. Kim has so much already and now it is getting to the point where she is just greedy. Look at all the actors and actress’s out there, do they seek fame and fortune by coming up with stupid shows to film, no they stick to movies as to what they are asked to do. It is getting tiresome. I wish the best for her and her family but enough is enough! – Annoyed Retiree Dear annoyed, I’m equally annoyed by all this fame for fame’s sake . . . Warhol said we’ll all get our 15 mins! Dear Military Press, I absolutely love the “Made in America” article. It brought tears to my eyes, as every part of that article is true . . . some people don’t really realize how significant July 4th is. Me, being a Marine myself for 6 yrs. and counting, celebrate Independence Day probably a little different than others. We go to the cemetery of Fallen soldiers every year. In your article you had mentioned “ the dreadful event of 9/11.” Let me tell you Mr. MP there is no better word to explain it than DREADFUL. I would like to thank you for supporting us and putting this article in the paper. Everyone is a Hero, and some of them have fallen and I send Prayers to all the families who have lost a loved on. God Bless Everyone, Semper Fi Ssgt, MCAS Miramar Nice to see Marinello in your paper. My wife went there and she couldn’t be any happier, also with the financial assistance for military spouses that helped out so much. I would like to let other families now reading this that Marinello is a GREAT place. It has made my wife a different person! Thanks again to you and Marinello!! Happy Husband, Miramar
We welcome your comments, critique and opinions. Send to: trevor@militarypress.com
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 5
USS Midway Museum hosts largest All-Military Naturalization Ceremony By Electrician’s Mate 3rd Class Lori Bent, Navy Public Affairs Support Element West
Military service members from 51 countries became U.S. citizens during a swearing-in ceremony aboard the USS Midway Memorial Museum July 2. In celebration of Independence Day, the flight deck of the USS Midway was transformed into an official courtroom for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), where 300 service members from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps became American Citizens. “It is humbling and an absolute honor to be apart of this ceremony with so many of our past decorated veterans in our audience today,” said Capt. Collin Green, a decorated U.S. Navy Seal and guest speaker for the event. “And to the promise of the future represented by you the 300 men and women in uniform we welcome today citizens of the United States of America.” USCIS officials announced that this was the largest all-military naturalization ceremony in history, focusing on Citizenship and Service, honoring those who have and those who continue to guarantee our freedom.
During the ceremony, USCIS honored Medal of Honor recipient Tibor “Ted” Ruben, a Hungarian-born Korean War veteran, by awarding him the American by Choice Award. In an unexpected but welcomed interruption, Sailors aboard USS Boxer (LHD 4) manned the rails in honor of their shipmates as the ship passed the Midway upon returning to homeport. Six ballerinas with the San Diego Ballet performed to “Victory at Sea,” and the Sounds of Freedom Choir sang the national anthem as well as a rendition of Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to be an American.” U.S. Army Wounded Warrior, Sgt.
At Sea, Ashore, On Base
Carlos Martinez-Negrete, led the Pledge of Allegiance as veterans of World War II through the Global War on Terrorism observed. Many of the service members sworn in during the even have been deployed overseas and are veterans themselves. “This was a process that I needed to do, and I am very happy to be a United States citizen. After all the paperwork and time I can now say I am proud to be an American,” said Boatswain’s Mate Seaman Bettina-Angeline Bautista, originally from the Philippines. Service members who are interested in becoming a U.S. citizen are now eligible to apply for citizenship under special provisions provided for in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). All non-citizen service members who apply for citizenship must complete one year or more of service, be able to demonstrate good moral character, have no criminal record, speak English, demonstrate knowledge of the U.S. government and history, and take the oath of allegiance to the U.S. Constitution before they are eligible.
GW returns for 18th birthday By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class (SW) Devon Dow
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USS George Washington (CVN 73) returned to her forward-deployed base of Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan, July 3, after a three-week underway period on time to celebrate the 18th anniversary of her commissioning on Independence Day. During underway period George Washington conducted Undersea Warfare Exercise (USWEX) 10 with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). The Navy’s only permanently forward-deployed aircraft carrier will also commemorate a special day in its service to the U.S. Navy. Commissioned July 4, 1992 in Newport News, Va., GW’s return to Yokosuka will allow the Nimitzclass aircraft carrier to celebrate its 18th birthday in port. The United States, the country which the ship’s namesake help found, turns 234 that same day. “I am extremely proud and honored to be able to bring this great warship into the port of Yokosuka to celebrate one of the most significant days in our country’s history and the day this great aircraft carrier was commissioned into
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our Navy,” said Capt. David Lausman, GW’s commanding officer. “I am very happy that the course of our summer patrol coincided with this very important day.” While conducting routine operations, the ship frocked 149 new petty officers. The ship also conducted a joint USWEX with the JMSDF and executed weeks of intense air wing and shipboard readiness that included more than 1,300 sorties, or flight missions, the onload of nearly 7 million gallons of jet fuel and serving more than 360,000 meals to the 5,500 Sailors of the GW and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5 team who tallied more than 1.2 million man-hours of work. “We polished our skills underway and as always, we are honored to be the flagship of the forward-deployed naval force,” Lausman said. “Being forward deployed, we are able to have constant interaction with many maritime partner countries throughout the Pacific Rim. With that interaction, we are able to promote stability through understanding and cooperation.” This interaction included USWEX 10, a joint submarine detection and engagement exercise with the JMSDF, further enhancing the 50-year alliance between the US and Japan. “This year, we continued to strengthen our interoperability between the U.S. Navy and the JMSDF and
trained against tactics, techniques and procedures to develop new concepts in [undersea warfare],” said Lt. Justin Santos, a surface operations officer with Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15. “Throughout the exercise, I believe everyone involved had executed in a professional manner and to the best of their expertise.” The four-day exercise allowed the two allied navies to locate, track and complete simulated engagements with friendly submarines in the vicinity. Though the exercise highlighted the 15,412 nautical mile journey, it’s the return to Yokosuka that will drive most of the crew’s joy, Lausman added. “As always, it is a pleasure to be reunited with family and loved ones whenever service to our country permits,” he said. “It is through their support that allows us to do our job deployed away from home protecting the freedoms we value.” “I’m excited that we’re returning and have the opportunity to celebrate the U.S. and the GW’s birthday in port,” said Culinary Specialist Seaman Chao Ye, from the ship’s supply department. “I’m going to call my mom as soon as we pull back into port and for the holiday. I’m looking forward to hanging out with my friends and relaxing.” GW is the fourth naval vessel to bear the name of our nation’s first President. The ship’s motto, the “Spirit of Freedom,” was inspired by a letter George Washington wrote in 1774 describing the mood of the people before the start of the Revolutionary War.
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 7
Marine reserves kickoff exercise in Peru By Master Sgt Peter Walz, Marine Forces Reserve
The parade deck was an elaborate mixture of both ceremonial dress and battle dress uniforms. Desert tans and woodland green camouflage patterns were each as unique as the culture and country they came from: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and the United States. Although their backgrounds, culture and uniforms are different they all have one thing in common—they are Marines. More than 1,000 Marines and Navy Sailors, combined from the US Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force 24 (SPMAGTF 24) and nine partner nations, converged on the parade deck of the Peruvian Marine Corps base to kickoff the multinational combined exercises Partnership of the Americas (POA-10) and Southern Exchange 2010 (SE-10). Rear Adm. Luis Ramos, Commandant of the Peruvian Marines, made the opening remarks. “It’s a real privilege to receive such a select group from all countries,” said Ramos. “This exercise offers all a big chance to perform joint operations and to strengthen the bonds among the participating nations.”
Following the address by Ramos, the Peruvian exhibition drill team made an impressive entrance in their finest ceremonial uniform. They performed a remarkable routine, showcasing crisp marching and precision rifle movements that would have even impressed the U.S. Marines’ Silent Drill Team. Ramos, along with Vice Adm. Jorge De La Puente, Peru’s Naval Chief of Staff, and Rear Adm. Wladimiro Giovannini, Peru’s Pacific Operations Command Chief of Staff, greeted all senior officers from each participating nation’s forces before the ceremony concluded. Immediately following the ceremony, the US Marines and partner nations split up into training platoons with the purpose of fostering cross-training and sharing knowledge over the next three weeks. Although the platoons are an eclectic mix of uniforms and cultures whose members can be heard speaking English, Spanish and Portuguese, they are all working with one common goal--enhancing proficiency and interoperability between the U.S. Marine Corps and partner nation forces. SPMAGTF-24 Com manding Officer, Col. Gary S. Johnston said, “This in an exercise that incorporates the Marine Corps’ from nine different countries to conduct multilateral exercises to make sure that we are prepared to conduct support operations in this region”. Training will specifically focus on peacekeeping, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance to include:
free yourself
Page 8 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
marksmanship, patrolling, convoy operations, water survival, amphibious training, checkpoint operations, civil affairs, human rights training and military operations in urban terrain. More than 300 Marines from both the U.S. and Peru have already boarded the USS New Orleans--the US Navy’s landing-docking transport ship, and the greater portion of the combined forces nations have moved to the field to begin training. The combined exercises, POA-10 and SE-10, will run simultaneously from July 2-24 in Salinas and Ancon, Peru.
Marines provide Afghan police with lifesaving techniques By Lance Cpl. Jeremy Fasci, Regimental Combat Team 7
GARMSIR DISTRICT, HELMAND PROVINCE, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan — Marines and sailors from the police mentor team, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, convoyed to each Afghan National Police checkpoint surrounding Hazer Joft, July 5, to provide the police with tourniquets, bandages and the combat lifesaving skills. The Marines with the PMT provide weekly training to the ANP located at the checkpoints and the district governor’s compound in Hazer Joft. Teaching the classes in the extremely cramped buildings where the police officers eat, sleep and relax does not deter their enthusiasm. Corpsmen taught the proper use of a tourniquet, pressure dressings and the different types of bleeding during the combat lifesavers course. Officers are immediately given the opportunity to practice the new techniques on each other. This is the most important part of the training and for most of the officers, their favorite. “Some of them are really good at it,” said Petty Officer 2nd Class Zachary E. Frantz, a corpsman with the police mentor team, 3/1. “Giving them the stuff and actually watching them do it makes them more receptive to it and it sticks more.” Ultimately the goal is to provide the ANP the basic skills that are necessary for them to sustain themselves. Marines cannot teach them everything they need to know in such a short period of time. Focusing their teaching on bare necessities allows for a quicker impact. “We can continue to train them, but the end state being with no Marine mentor involvement, can they do it on their own,” said 1st Lt. Brice C. Turner, the platoon commander and acting team leader in Master Sgt. Jason Cawthons’ absence. “Whether they are receptive or not it just takes more training at the less receptive checkpoints.” The ANP admires the Marines and aspires to be like them helping the PMT train by example. “They just want to fight like us. You will see them walking around and they have their boots bloused, but they don’t know why, and a couple of them have taped flashlights to their rifles because we have flashlights on ours,” said Frantz, 24, from Mattoon, Ill. “I
GARMSIR DISTRICT, HELMAND PROVINCE, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan-A member of the Afghan National Police practices putting a tourniquet on Petty Officer 2nd Class Zachary E. Frantz, a corpsman with the police mentor team, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, during a combat lifesaver course at one of the ANP posts surrounding Hazer Joft, July 5, 2010. Performing practical application portions of the course is one of the best ways to help the members of the ANP understand what is being taught to them because of the language barrier., Lance Cpl. Jeremy
think that as long as we keep putting ourselves out there for them and doing that training for them, they are going to pick it up and put it to good use.” Officers who have graduated from the police academy are usually the ones who take the training more seriously. Supporting themselves, families and protecting their community makes channeling their priorities during training exercises very difficult for Marines. Performing the training at the ANP posts allows the team to cater the training to the needs of the police officers that are located there. Training each post commander extensively makes continued application of the skills taught easier. “It’s more of a ‘train the trainer mentality,’ where the post commander can train his police on how to apply a tourniquet, why you need to apply a pressure dressing instead of a tourniquet to the neck and why not to use a tourniquet as a belt,” said Turner, 24, from Encinitas, Calif. “We teach those lessons so if someone does get hurt around here, the Marines aren’t always going to be there to help out and their not always going to have a corpsman there, they can save each others lives.” Combat lifesavers course is one of many different types of training provided by the PMT that will help the ANP succeed over time. The quick impact of these short courses builds the knowledge of a greater number of officers in a shorter period of time. “They fight just like we do, so it’s good for them to have that training in case any of them get hit,” Frantz said.
Regional Command Southwest stands up By Sgt. Heidi Agostini, I MEF
CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan — The newly formed Regional Command Southwest raised the NATO flag during a ceremony signifying the unification of all international security forces in southwest Afghanistan here, July 3. Governor Gulab Mangal of Helmand province and Governor Gulam Dastagar Ezad of Nimroz Province attended
MILITARY NEWS I MP the ceremony along with senior governmental officials from the Helmand provincial reconstruction team, the Afghan national security forces, and coalition partners. Regional Command Southwest is responsible for security in the Helmand and Nimroz provinces in southwestern Afghanistan. Along with the Afghan government and security forces, seven other nations contribute to RC (SW) to bring security to the region. Those nations include the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Georgia, The Kingdom of Denmark, The Kingdom of Bahrain, and the Republic of Estonia. Marine Maj. Gen. Richard P. Mills, the commander of RC (SW), made history by being the first U.S. Marine to command a NATO regional command in combat. Mills was the commanding
general of the I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), which is a Marine Air Ground Task Force largely manned by Marines from Camp Pendleton, Calif. “It is a distinct privilege for all of us to stand up Regional Command Southwest,” said Maj. Gen. Mills. “We are truly building on the outstanding work of all who have served here in Helmand and Nimroz provinces. This is a natural military progression based on the number of troops serving here and the priority placed on Helmand and Nimroz provinces.” The deputy commander, U.K. Brigadier George Norton, and several other nations round out the command’s staff sections. The new organization provides improved oversight of ISAF forces operating in Helmand and Nimroz provinces. With the majority of ISAF
forces based in southern Afghanistan, the formation of the new headquarters permits commanders in the south to focus on geographically smaller areas, ensure greater partnering between the Afghan national security forces and ISAF and deliver the levels of security required for governance and development to continue to spread in the region. The North Atlantic Council authorized the command’s establishment based on efficient and effective command and control considerations. The troop surge last fall added an additional 10,000 Marines into Helmand province, bringing the combined total of coalition forces to 50,000 in RC (S). RC (S) had six provinces and 50,000 troops before the RC (SW) establishment date. With the new RC (SW) the ability to command and control is optimized. RC (SW)
has nearly 30,000 troops to include Task Force Helmand and Task Force Leatherneck. Lt. Gen. David Rodriguez, commander of ISAF Joint Command, said, “The establishment of Regional Command Southwest significantly increases the ability of the Afghan National Security Forces to partner with the coalition.” “RC (SW) stands here today to build upon the successes of our predecessors,” said Maj. Gen. Mills during the ceremony. “Much has been done, but much remains to be done. We know there’s still hard fighting to be done. We know there are casualties that must be endured. We know there are battles to fight. But we know there are elections to hold, jobs to create and security to bring. I promise you the insurgents will not prevail.”
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 9
Hueys take to skies supporting ANSF, NATO troops By Gunnery Sgt. Steven Williams, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (FWD)
2.75-inch rockets, the Huey is rigged for dominance. Its four-blade rotor provides intense power for getting to the fight in a hurry even with the massive firepower attached to it. And some high-tech tools in the cockpit give the pilots an edge, including the capability to downlink with UAVs in the area to see what they can see. But as with any machinery or weaponry, the Huey is only as strong as the crew using it. Lee and his partner, Sgt. Trevor Cook, another crew chief, work hard to meld as a seamless team. “We have to learn each others’ tendencies,” said Lee. “You also have to learn the pilots’ tendencies and build the crew coordination concept that it’s one team, one fight inside the helicopter. You have to coordinate everyone’s actions so they come off smoothly without any notice that there are actually four guys flying the helicopter – it seems like one.” As a Huey of one, the team becomes a lethal weapon system. However, HMLA-369 also serves another critical mission for ANSF and NATO forces – many times acting as eyes in the skies. Teamed up with the AH-1W Cobra on some occasions, Huey Marines roll out at the request of ground forces to scan the area for threats.
CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan — Marine Corps aviation assets in Afghanistan bring a huge advantage for Afghan national security forces and NATO troops who are constantly ambushed by an enemy that rarely sticks around to fight. So, while the insurgents hide behind their surprise tactics, Marines with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 369 are bringing a little surprise of their own. It’s called the UH-1Y Huey. Bell Helicopter named it the “Venom.” Marine pilots and crew fondly call it the “Yankee.” But no matter what you call it, the thought of it alone is striking fear in the enemy. “A lot of times we’ll get a call for troops in contact,” said Staff Sgt. Jonathan Lee, an HMLA-369 crew chief, “and we’ll scramble out of here, get down to the contact point and just the sound of us coming into the overhead is the fight stopper because the Taliban and insurgents realize that they just lost any illusion of fire superiority when we came on station.” Outfitted with an M134 minigun, a GAU-17/A .50-caliber machine gun and
No matter what they’re airborne to do, the Huey Marines stay armed and dangerous and they’re proud of the fact that ANSF and NATO forces below know that the mere sound of helicopter blades pounding in the air above signals a sure victory. “And we just hope we get down there fast enough that we don’t lose another Marine or any coalition forces,” said Lee. “We’re trying to keep them as safe as possible. And if the time comes, we’ll throw it down and hopefully take the
heat off the ground guys and make the bad guys wish they had never messed with us.” “There is no better feeling than protecting your brother,” said Cook. “And that’s exactly what we’re here to do.” It’s a mission all of the Huey crews take pride in as they take the skies, hoping to quell the enemy attacks before another coalition partner or Afghanistan civilian falls victim to the enemy’s savage attacks.
Are You Country, rock music artists visit USS Scout A Fitness Fanatic? By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brianna K. Dandridge
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Page 10 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
Sailors assigned to USS Scout (MCM 8) took a much needed break from daily maintenance operations as country artist, Natalie Stovall and members of the rock band SafetySuit paid a visit to the ship July 8. According Stovall, the visit was important and allowed her to do something special for the military community. The musicians were thrilled by the opportunity to play for the troops and visit a U.S. Navy ship, said Stovall. “This trip has been a great experience, and it has been an honor to be able to play for the troops,” said Stovall. Stovall is relatively new to the country music scene, beginning her career as a child performer in Opryland Kid’s Club. The performers also held a free concert at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Bahrain July 7, sponsored by Navy Entertainment and the base’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation. During a tour of Scout, the artists were shown the ship’s bridge, mess decks and command information center. Following their tour, Stovall and the members of SafetySuit met with Sailors for autographs and pictures. Many of Scout’s Sailors were able to attend the concert at NSA Bahrain and were excited by the opportunity to meet the performers in person. “The concert was really good,” said Mineman 2nd Class Christopher Southland. “It was cool to meet them.” Stovall and SafetySuit are currently travelling throughout the 5th Fleet Area of Responsibility (AOR) performing at military installations. Next they will travel to Djibouti and USS Nassau (LHA 4) to perform. “Serving the troops was an opportunity that I just couldn’t pass up,” said Zack Morse, SafetySuit band member. “It has been a pleasure to perform for them.” Scout operates in support of ongoing 5th Fleet AOR maritime security operations (MSO), with the ability to protect ships and their crews from seemingly invisible threats in the water. Additionally, seaborne mine countermeasure ships contribute to MSO by conducting waterborne security missions and protecting oil platforms. The ships also perform escort duties, direct liaison and joint operations with coalition patrol forces and combatants.
THOSE WHO DARE Remembering the Greatest GenerationLittle-known WWII details preserved in first war novel of its kind “I have read many war books, but none like this. It will grab you on page one and not turn you loose until the final page. I understand Phil Ward’s second book is in the hopper and I can’t wait until it comes out. If you are looking for a military thriller based on actual events, Those Who Dare is a great read.” —Dan Savage, retired publisher, Waco Tribune-Herald
Chapter 2 Leopards in Action By Phil Ward
Less than twenty-four hours after the official French surrender in a railway car outside Paris on 23 June 1940, a small raiding flotilla consisting of the 18-knot steam yacht HMY Jamarna and seven RAF crash boats set sail. Six of the airsea rescue launches were commanded and manned by Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve personnel while the seventh, for reasons never fully explained, was crewed by civilian yachtsmen. Seated forward in the lead boat, Lieutenant John Randal pondered what he had gotten himself into. Though well intentioned,
the naval preparations for this inaugural Leopard/Commando raid had pretty much been a shambles. You either use military skills or lose the capability, and unfortunately for this Royal Navy enterprise, amphibious operations had not been in vogue in the British military since Gallipoli. It was well understood that flatbottomed landing craft were necessary to place troops on a hostile foreign beach; there were none to be had. Lieutenant Cdr. J. W. F. Milner-Gibson was finally forced, as a last resort, to suffer the indignity of borrowing seven air-sea rescue crash boats from the Royal Air Force, of all places. Each launch was capable of carrying thirty fully armed raiders. On board were the troops of No. 11 Independent Company, temporarily designated No. 11 Commando for this operation, under the command of Major Ronnie Todd. The troops were armed with exactly half the Thompson submachine guns in all of England. Lieutenant Randal had thought Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Clarke was joking when he first told him there were only forty Thompsons in the entire country. If any self-respecting Axis spy had learned that startling piece of intelligence, he would probably not have reported it. In fact, no military observer from any industrialized nation would have believed it, considering that most South American banana republics
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had more automatic weapons than the Imperial Forces at that moment. The mob in Chicago sure did. When the Thompson Company offered to sell their weapons to the British military prior to the war, the idea had been rejected outright on the grounds that “Gentlemen do not arm themselves with weapons best suited for gangsters.” Due to a series of delays, the twenty Thompson submachine guns had arrived just before the mission launched. The weapons training program had been short and to the point. Lieutenant Randal demonstrated how to load loose rounds into the magazines, how to fit the magazines into the weapon, how to work the charging handle, and how to find the location of the safety and the magazine release. Not one single round was fired in practice before the “leopards” set sail. The Operations Order called for RAF twin-engine bombers to buzz the four beaches where the Commandos would be coming ashore to drown out the noise of the boats during their run in to shore. Lieutenant Randal had serious reservations about the air cover. What did the planners think was going to happen when the bombers buzzed in? His best guess was that the Germans in the vicinity would immediately stand to and man their antiaircraft guns. And they might take time off from their antiaircraft duties occasionally to smoke
a cigarette and gaze out to sea. That could not be good; rapid-fire antiaircraft cannons cranked down to point-blank range would likely have a chilling effect on a small-scale amphibious landing. Sometimes you could over-plan a thing. Buzzing an enemy beach you were getting ready to land on was one of the worst tactical ideas he had ever heard. Commander Milner-Gibson had sailed with the raiding party to act as their master navigator and to guide the main party, carrying in his lead boat, Major Todd, a contingent of No. 11 Commandos and the three observers: Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Clarke, Lieutenant Terry Stone, and Lieutenant John Randal, who was really starting to regret he had not spoken up earlier to oppose the buzzing-the-beach part of the plan. It got worse. Commander MilnerGibson’s compass failed. Despite having reconnoitered this stretch of coast on nine previous nights in search of a suitable landing area, he got it wrong. The main party sailed straight up to the harbor entrance at Boulogne. The commander realized his mistake when the lighthouse keeper, having heard the sound of airplane engines, turned on the light to see what was happening. Lieutenant Randal was fairly certain he wasn’t the only “leopard man” having second thoughts about service in Commando Forces at this particular continues on next page >
July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 11
THOSE WHO DARE time. The main party made a hasty U-turn and beat a retreat. Meanwhile, instead of flying a combat air patrol high overhead, the RAF’s Avro Ansons buzzed in low and tight and continued to zoom around just above the raiding force, doing everything but beaming a bright light on the little flotilla and announcing over a loud hailer, “Here we come.” The pilots clearly had never provided air cover for an amphibious landing force before and had no clue how to go about it. Ordered to protect the Commando raiding party, they were determined that nothing was going to happen to them—not on their watch. “Now, this is what I call close air support,” Lieutenant Stone remarked, tapping a Player’s cigarette on his sterling silver cigarette case as one of the twin-engine aircraft blasted so low overhead he could almost touch its belly. The Commandos ducked instinctively every time one of the planes thundered over. If Commander Milner-Gibson’s face, like that of the raiders, had not been blackened with charcoal from a burnt cork taken from a champagne bottle and roasted on the point of a bayonet before the mission, it would have been purple right now. “Ruddy RAF is giving away the show,” he seethed. He was the maddest sailor Lieutenant Randal
had seen in his entire life—and that included his time in the Army-Navy Club in Manila. Lieutenant Stone leaned over and muttered, “I reckon our commander was something on the order of as furious as old M-G the day the first armored car arrived at the 2nd Life Guards to replace our famed black horses.” The U-turn at Boulogne put the operation well behind schedule, but at long last the air-sea rescue launch the command party was in slid onto the beach. Sand dunes were visible to the front. Major Todd and his men were up over the side and away in a flash into German-occupied France. Lieutenant Colonel Clarke was under strict orders not to go ashore; a pretty difficult directive to follow considering that the boat he was in was beached as planned. He and his two lieutenants paced anxiously back and forth on the sand at the water’s edge, awaiting developments. There was total silence all up and down the coast. No one was sure where they had landed. The second boat of their party had become separated and failed to land with them. Time dragged by. Originally, the plan allowed for three hours ashore, but the delay caused by the U-turn had cut that down to less than two. Suddenly a lookout called, “Aircraft, nine o’clock.” In the dark they were
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Page 12 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
unable to identify it, but the shadow of the aircraft’s silhouette could be seen offshore, skimming low over the line of breakers behind them. Luckily, the Luftwaffe aircrew—if it was a German plane—did not seem to notice the Commandos. For all they could tell, it could have been part of their own air cover looking for something else to buzz. Lieutenant Randal swung his Zeiss binoculars out to sea and thought he spotted the missing RAF crash boat. When he pointed it out, Commander Milner-Gibson barked, “Bloody E-boat, you fool!” It was the worst imaginable scenario: a shallow-draft, extraordinarily fast, heavily armed enemy warship, capable of chewing the Commandos’ unarmed air-sea rescue launch into matchsticks, showing up at the exact time and place when they were at their most vulnerable. But once again the main party’s luck held. Like the aircraft, the German torpedo boat did not see them and disappeared into the night. Things were tense on the beach after that. From the south came the crackle of automatic weapons fire and the thump, thump of hand grenades. The night glowed with Very lights arching into the sky all down the coastline. “Those are Thompsons,” Lieutenant Randal explained. “One of our raiding parties.” Unidentified aircraft thundered overhead. “The show’s started!” Commander Milner-Gibson shouted. Lieutenant Randal could hardly hold the commander’s enthusiasm against him operation, but it was rather an awful lapse of noise discipline. Major Todd reappeared out of the dark, carrying his Thompson submachine gun at the high port. He conferred anxiously with Lieutenant Colonel Clarke and Commander MilnerGibson. “With the heightened air activity of unknown origin and the possibility of an E-boat being somewhere out in the Channel behind us, now seems as good a time as any to call it a night and make for home,” the colonel said. “Heavily armed men heading this way,” Lieutenant Randal announced in a loud whisper, interrupting the leader’s conference. “Bad guys!” A Wehrmacht bicycle patrol, moving along the water’s edge, had somehow penetrated the security perimeter set up in a half moon around the air-sea rescue boat. Major Todd jumped to his feet with visions of Victoria Cross’s dancing in his head and leveled his Thompson at the patrol. Unfortunately, his finger hit the magazine release instead of the safety, and the heavy, twenty-round magazine clattered against the shale of the beach, alerting the Germans. The Nazis immediately opened fire and, being trained men, did not disengage their magazines until they ran empty. The first short burst from the German patrol leader’s 9-mm MP38 machine pistol knocked Lieutenant Colonel Clarke over the bow and back into the boat. Then, in the confusion of the moment, the Germans broke contact and fled, getting clean away. Things happened very fast after that. The rest of the landing party returned to the crash boat on the double and reembarkation began immediately. The German E-Boat came roaring back
but blazed past at speed and kept on going headed south. The angry sound of high-performance engines screamed overhead. Enemy? Friendly? Who could say? Commander Milner-Gibson made ready to put to sea. Lieutenant Randal pounced on Lieutenant Colonel Clarke, who was bleeding profusely from the head. In the dark and the confusion of the night it was not easy to establish the extent of his injuries. Black-faced men were clambering over the side and into the boat with their weapons clanging. Somebody was taking a head count. The boat began to slide back out into the Channel. “What’s happening, John?” the colonel groaned. “We’re getting the hell out of Dodge, sir. Now, will you hold still while I try to figure out where to put the tourniquet?” “But I’m bleeding from the head!” “That’s a problem, sir.” Lieutenant Colonel Clarke started laughing manically. “Who will ever believe this story? I create, name, recruit, plan, and get killed on the first amphibious Commando raid in modern history.” “You’re not dead yet, sir. There’s a pressure point directly behind and slightly under your jaw. Now, if you’ll just press down hard and keep steady pressure on it, I think we can get the bleeding stopped. As far as I can tell, you’re only nicked. I can’t find any other entry or exit wounds, but they nearly shot your ear off.” “You make quite sure you back me up on the fact that I was in the boat at the time I was hit.” “No problem, sir. If anybody asks, I was sitting next to you when it happened, one hundred yards offshore.” The crash boat eventually linked up with the boat that had become separated from them. As the morning dawned golden, a flight of Hawker Hurricanes appeared to provide air cover and stayed with them the whole way back to Dover. The Commandos sailed into a hero’s homecoming. Ships at the quayside sounded their klaxons, blew their sirens, and sprayed streams of water from their firefighting equipage. Sailors manned the rails and cheered Churchill’s Leopards ashore where they were met by the popping flashbulbs of the hurriedly assembled local press corps. Not all of the members of the raiding party fared so well on their return, they learned later. Due to the intense secrecy of the mission, when part of the flotilla sailed back into Folkestone, no one was expecting it. The exuberant fighting men had taken their young skipper’s recommendation—“splice the main brace, boys!”—at face value. They broke open the emergency containers of “medicinal” intended to revive shot-down pilots plucked from the icy waters of the Channel, and medicated themselves forthwith. The harbor authorities took one look at the boatload of dirty, armed drunks and arrested them on the spot, thinking they might be deserters. It took some doing before the misunderstanding was sorted out, though it was never clear what the men were supposed to be deserting from. While they were waiting at the hospital for Lieutenant Colonel Dudley Clarke to receive medical attention, Lieutenant John Randal gave Lieutenant Terry Stone his opinion of the operation.
MILITARY LITERATURE EXCERPT I MP It was not kind. The colonel was sitting on a stretcher— in a fair degree of pain, covered in dried blood, clutching a bandage to his ear— listening to the exchange. “Do you have a better idea, Lieutenant Randal?” he snapped, finally. “Sir, the Apaches, never numbering more than a thousand men total, raiding out of Mexico into the Arizona Territory, had over one-third of the entire strength of the U.S. Army chasing them for something like ten years. The Apaches seldom operated in groups of more than twentyfive or thirty warriors. Most war parties consisted of fewer than ten adult male Indians, the bulk being teenage boys.” “Your point is, Lieutenant?” “What I think would be more effective sir, is a small, lightly armed, self-contained raiding outfit of not more than one boatload of handpicked men. They could strike from the sea like lightning, be gone in an instant, show up unannounced somewhere else, then do it all over again, night after night. That’s the way raiding ought to be done, sir. Guerrilla war, and plenty of it.” “What is your opinion, Lieutenant Stone?” Lieutenant Colonel Clarke asked. “I should like to be a part of something like that, sir! Sea cavalry—only we ride fast boats instead of horses.” “In that case, gentlemen, I shall arrange for orders to be cut for you two to get started no later than tomorrow. Acting Captain Randal, you are in command, with Lieutenant Stone as your deputy commander as soon as I can release him from MO-9. Make something happen, gentlemen, and do it with celerity.” The colonel stifled a groan through gritted teeth. He gave Lieutenant Randal a thoughtful look. “Maybe you want to rethink recruiting from the independent companies,” he said. “No. 11 did seem a trifle amateurish tonight. I would dearly love to know how that German patrol managed to infiltrate undetected through our perimeter.” “Lesson learned, sir,” Lieutenant Randal said. “Just because a military unit thinks it’s an elite force does not make it so.” The next morning the London Times screamed, “BRITISH RAIDERS LAND ON ENEMY COAST!” The people of Great Britain were euphoric. Prime Minister Winston Churchill proved a trifle more fickle, as Lieutenant Colonel Clarke reported privately to Lieutenants Randal and Stone. According to the colonel’s sources, the PM had penned across the bottom of his copy of the report—admittedly, a sanitized version designed to show in the best light possible an operation some described as “brilliant” and others “bold and daring”—the words, “Unworthy of the British Empire to send over a few cutthroats.” “Not the kindest assessment we might have wished for the very first Commando operation,” the colonel ruefully remarked. “It’s a good thing he doesn’t know what really happened,” Lieutenant Randal said. “John, is what you told me actually true, the bit about one thousand Apaches tying down a third of the entire U.S. Army for ten years?” “That’s what they taught us at the Cavalry School, sir.” “Hmm. Maybe instead of Commandos I should have named them Apaches.” To help preserve the oral history of the Greatest Generation, decorated Vietnam vet, former Army Ranger, author and political insider Phil Ward offers fans of military fiction a historically accurate account of an American soldier fighting alongside British forces. For the first time, the war novel genre will get a glimpse into the often-forgotten, but pivotal events in the early stages of World War II. Ward’s upcoming book, Those Who Dare (Greenleaf Book Group, August 2010) is the first in his series of World War II novels about British hit-and-run raids against Germany – all led by a U.S. soldier. Ward unveils aspects of the early stages of the war that have never before been covered in fiction, like small-scale raiding, with meticulous accuracy. Those Who Dare begins as John Randal, an American volunteer in the British Army in 1940, escapes Calais where he helped the Green Jacket Brigade make a last stand against a German Panzer onslaught. Randal is later offered the opportunity to raise a small-scale force to conduct raids against the German occupied French coast. The story follows the training and action of Major Randal’s Strategic Raiding Force, featuring a colorful cast of dedicated men and women with little experience at unconventional warfare as they overcome tremendous obstacles to pioneer modern hit-and-run raiding. Their adventures include epic battles at sea, daring pin-prick raids and the first British combat jump of the war. Ward says the idea for Those Who Dare developed from his lifelong interest in small unit tactics, which he taught for 26 years in the U.S. Army. His passion for the personal stories of men and women who served in World War II served as key research in the making of Those Who Dare. PHIL WARD - As a result of his heroic service in Vietnam, Ward received the Silver Star, the Soldier’s Medal, the Bronze Start with Valor Device (three awards), the Army Commendation Medal with Valor Device (three awards), the Purple Heart (two awards), the Air Medal, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry and the Combat Infantry Badge. His unit was the recipient of the Presidential Unit Citation. Ward also spent a great deal of time behind the scenes of Texas politics as son-in-law to the late Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Bob Bullock. Ward lives in Austin with his wife and currently serves as the President of USA Training Company, a national driving safety organization. For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
Those Who Dare by Phil Ward (Greenleaf Book Group, August 2010, ISBN 978-1-60832040-0, $24.95). www.ThoseWhoDareBook.com
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 15
2010 Suzuki Kizashi GTS Base Price: $22,499 Price As Tested: $22,879
Legacy, Nissan Altima and Volkswagen Jetta, to name a few of the heavy hitters, Suzuki knew it had to be impressive right It’s always a “fun” week when I get to out of the gate. And impressive Kizashi test drive a true, all-new car produced is, especially with its consumer friendly by the company that sells it, in this case entry point of only $18,999 complete the 2010 Suzuki Kizashi GTS. Kizashi is with a long list of standard features. a Japan built, 100-percent Suzuki-bred The new Kizashi feels more like a mid-size automobile that will definitely European-built sedan both from behind stir the pot in the highly competitive the wheel and when you check the mid-size market. underpinnings. The ride is on the firmer With competition like Chevy Malibu, side, the seats are great, handling is Toyota Camry, Honda Accord, Subaru7/12/10 very good, everything one really JiffyLube_MilPress_#3BEA9D9.pdf 1:57:02 and PM
needs comes as standard equipment. With I expect to be excellent build quality merged with a sport tuned suspension and attractive interior, Kizashi then adds to the combination a finely done exterior. (I thought it looked like Volkswagen’s Jetta when I first saw it). With all this going for Kizashi, the folks at Suzuki then up the ante in its bold mid-size play by offering a consumer friendly entry price of just $18,999. When combined with its long list of standard items, the overall recipe allows the new Suzuki to outpace the competition in many areas. To explain my “real Suzuki” earlier mention, it is not uncommon these days for a car manufacturer to have vehicles produced in other countries by cooperative manufacturers. In Suzuki’s case, Korea has been a major supplier, and the cars have been quite good. But this time around, there will be no Korean-built mid-size Suzukis, as this pedigree offers up a mid-size vehicle more impressive than any other car that has displayed the Suzuki badge. Everywhere I looked, I liked what I saw. Even things that weren’t visible to the eye impressed me, like Kizashi meeting the 2014 NHTSA crash standards with 5-star frontal and side crash ratings thanks to strong steel reinforcement and eight air bags. Included are side and curtain airbag protection all around. Some of the standard amenities worthy of note are cruise, dual-zone air, traction control, Smartpass keyless entry, excellent electronic brakeforce 4-wheel ABS Bosch disc brakes, 4-wheel independent performance tuned suspension with KYB shocks, and much more. I could go on and on, but this is where your Suzuki dealer comes in for more info and a test drive. Our upscale GTS tester adds a power sunroof, 425-watt 10-speaker Rockford Fosgate stereo system, 18-inch tires on alloy wheels, fog lamps and illuminated sun visors. Inside, Kizashi is top quality, with sporty accents, great seating, and all the aforementioned amenities. All the powers are there and everything is within easy reach. Under the hood,
Page 16 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
the only engine currently available is a 2.4-liter 4-cylinder that produces 185 horsepower and 170 lb. ft. of torque. My tester came with a fine shifting 6-speed manual transmission while a continuously variable automatic (CVT) is also available. I especially like that Suzuki added a sixth gear to the manual, as many companies stop at five with smaller four cylinder engines. The overdrive sixth gear is what allows 29 MPG highway possible, with 20 City the other EPA number. If you want an AWD version, it’s available and comes only with the CVT tranny. If you seek more power, wait until Kizashi either adds a turbo to the 4-banger or introduces a rumored to be coming V6 engine. For now, the 4-cylinder will provide acceptable performance, with 0-60 MPH in a not so neck breaking time of about 8.5 seconds. (Yes, I’d like to see a little more power to go with those great looking chrome tipped dual exhaust). We took Kizashi on a trip to Watkins Glen for the Sahlen’s Six Hours Of The Glen Grand Am event, and navigated some nice country roads in spirited but not law breaking fashion. The car handles like a sports car, and then fit in nicely in the Glen’s parking lot with more than a few onlookers showing interest. Small drawbacks include smug rear foot legroom if you are transporting larger size adults and the lack of more power. The legroom is one area where the larger competition models do better. Important numbers include a wheelbase of 106.3 inches, 3,241 pound curb weight, 13.3 cu. ft. of cargo space with an expandable rear seat passthrough and a 16.6 gallon fuel tank. I really like the new Kizashi, even if the silly name sounds more like the popular Kashi cereal that is so popular these days. It deserves serious consideration and a test drive if you are shopping this segment. Likes: All Suzuki bred, lots of features, looks, handling, price. Dislikes: Rear seat legroom, clutch felt a bit soft, needs a turbocharger. (Greg Zyla is a syndicated auto columnist).
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“ALL WORK GUARANTEED” FREE ESTIMATES • Year has teamed with Burt Reynolds to produce a special Burt Reynolds Edition 1977 style Trans Am. This “Smokey and the Bandit” based Year One creation meets super car performance in a limited production, hand-built muscle car. Year One’s modern performance makeover injects several levels of power from either an LS2 GM engine or a Pontiac style V8, at the discretion of the buyer. For more info, see www.yearone.com. (Year One photo).
Q: Greg, I enjoy reading your articles in the Owego, New York, paper and wanted to know how well the restoration car companies are doing? Companies like “Coker Tire” and “Year One” are big in my mind. Are they still doing well? Thanks again for your nostalgia car columns. George, Owego, New York. A: George, in my opinion yes, although I don’t have access to their profits! The reason I feel the many restoration companies out there are doing fine is because the hobby of car restoration and customizing is strong even in times of recession. Granted, sales might fluctuate, but there’s nothing better for the soul than a visit in your garage with your special interest car, be it for an oil change, interior or exterior upgrade or just a nice wax job. A few years ago, I interviewed Kevin King, President of Year One, Inc., with warehouse and corporate offices in Braselton, Georgia, one of the two companies you mention. Coker Tire, the other you mention, is the most popular tire restoration company out there, hands down. King’s “Year One” expanded its offerings to included full size replica bodies and complete cars (see photo). Today, Year One offers parts, accessories and services for numerous vehicle lines, including traditional restoration parts and services along with performance and appearanceenhancing components. Kevin was quick to point to the popularity of cars from the 1960s to the 1970s when we spoke. Said King, “A big part of the success at Year One comes from the fact that we deal in products of great interest to the baby boom generation. When we started back in 1979, our clientele consisted primarily of the hardcore muscle car enthusiasts that never lost
interest in the cars as they ‘grew up’ and started their own families. Fortunately for us, the muscle car hobby has grown tremendously over the past couple of decades, in large part because the baby boom generation has matured and is now at the point where they still have some discretionary income for their interests. King also said that Year One has lots of customers that are interested in muscle cars now that have never been in the hobby before. It’s not that they didn’t like the cars when they were younger; it’s just that the pressures of raising families and becoming established took precedence in their lives. “Today, these people have raised their kids, and they can indulge themselves a bit, and lots of them are looking at the cars of their youth for that indulgence,” said King. And, as we now move close to ending the first decade of the new century, King sees more companies join in the restoration boom. Said King, “Our thoughts are that certain vehicles retain their popularity long after their particular core constituency has moved on. We see it in the continued popularity of street rods, for example, or ‘55-57 Chevys. The folks that were around when those cars were first built aren’t the ones who are maintaining the popularity of that segment. We feel muscle cars will certainly fall into this group. We’re to the point in the hobby now that reproduction muscle cars are being built - new Camaro and Mustang bodies, fiberglass Novas, etc.; this follows the pattern of ‘32 Fords and ‘55 Chevys. It’s hard to see where the popularity of this particular segment will peak, or in fact if it already has. But we are quite confident there will be strong demand for cars and parts for this era long into the future.”
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 17
SPORTS NEWS By Steve Aschburner I MP
Lessons from Baseball’s first half At nearly the half-way point of the Major League Baseball season, we have a pretty good idea now of who is going to be what. With the exception of a few big trades in the possible offing (Cliff Lee, Roy Oswalt, Ozzie Guillen’s Twitter account) teams are going to have to win or lose the race based on the parts already under the hood.
Angelos’ ownership reign hangs on the city of Baltimore like a White Castle fart in a car with no windows. And until he goes/sells/dies, nothing else matters.
So, with that in mind, let’s take a look around baseball, see what we’ve learned.
St. Louis Cardinals — The expectations game in St. Louis is creating a skewed view of this team. Chris Carpenter is giving up too many home runs — but he’s 8-1 with a 2.83 ERA. Albert Pujols is striking out too much, but he’s seventh in the NL is batting average, and fourth in homers and RBI. The bottom line is this is the best team in the NL Central and should
Baltimore Orioles — Hey, Peter Angelos, it’s you! You could hire Phil Jackson to manage this club with the ghost of Vince Lombardi as his bench coach and they still wouldn’t crack .500.
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Boston Red Sox — Remember when David Ortiz was just another aging fat guy? Then he hit .363 with a .788 slugging percentage in May. Sooooo ... either Ortiz is immune from the laws of physical nature dealing with fat old guys, or he’s found a way around them (wink wink nudge nudge). Either way, the Sox will have a say in how October unfolds.
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Page 18 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
have no time losing to the Dodgers in the NLDS again this year. San Diego Padres — Great bullpen. Decent pitching. Turrrrrible offense. They’re already starting to fade (9-9 in June) and that’s before playing four of the final six first-half series on the road. If you’ve got to lay bets on one firstplace team collapsing in the second half, the Padres have to be 1 or 1a (the Braves’ home/road split is cause for concern). Atlanta Braves — 24-7 at home, 1821 on the road. The good news is that the rest of their schedule has more home games than road games. The bad news is that they’re unlikely to carry a .774 winning percentage at home through the rest of the year. They need to win more on the road to hold off Philly and the Mets (if they make the big pitching move they need). Philadelphia Phillies — So maybe they should have just hung on to Cliff Lee after all. They will doubly regret the move if the Mets can somehow land Lee from the Mariners. That would suck. New York Mets — Jose Reyes is only going to get better. Carlos Beltran is on his way back. And I fully expect Omar Minaya to add some starting pitching in a trade market that’s going to have some very decent arms on the block. Translation: this is going to be a team to be reckoned with. Florida Marlins — Small budget teams need two things to be able to make a serious run to the playoffs: good pitching and good chemistry. The Marlins have a stud ace in Josh Johnson, but the rest of the staff is a mess. And no team with a schmuck like Hanley Ramirez as its best player is going to have great team chemistry. Toronto Blue Jays — You know how some girls are hot because of the context in which we know them? That’s the Blue Jays. In any other division, they’re a hot cheerleader. In this one, they’re somewhere between Ugly Betty and Amy Winehouse.
don’t want to see in the playoffs. The starting pitching is there. The bullpen is there. The offense is there. The divorce lawyers are there. It’s going to take a team firing on all cylinders to send them on vacation. Arizona Diamondbacks — I hate to see them start the fire sale this early because I still think they have the raw talent to be a much better club than they are right now. But something isn’t clicking with this club, and so you have to change the players or the coaches. I’d start with the coaches, but that doesn’t seem to be the direction they’re taking. And so some lucky club is going to reap the spoils. Colorado Rockies — Despite Ubaldo Jimenez’ incredible start, there are too many holes to overcome the Dodgers. Missing Troy Tulowitzki for the next two months certainly isn’t going to help. Washington Nationals — I want to blast them for holding back on Stephen Strasburg, but even old-school Hall of Famers started slow. Bob Gibson didn’t top 150 innings until he was in his third season at age 25. Nolan Ryan was 24 in his fifth season. Roger Clemens was 24 in his third season. Strasburg is in his first season of pro ball and just 21 years old (22 next month). The Nats are doing the right thing, even if it’s going to suck to see him shut down in early September. Chicago Cubs — The injury to Aramis Ramirez has been a huge blow to this team. Without top-flight pitching and an offense that is very hit-or-miss, it’s hard to see Lou Pinella getting this club near the post season. San Francisco Giants — Tim Lincecum’s return to humanity, with a 4.60 ERA in his last five starts, has to be of concern. He’s the magic ingredient they need to contend. Houston Astros — Holy cow this team turned to suck quick. The only real reason to pay attention to them now is to see how they bolster another playoff team by trading Roy Oswalt and/or Carlos Lee.
Pittsburgh Pirates — Yeah, whatever. Los Angeles Dodgers — If I’m an NL team right now, this is the one squad I
Los Angeles Angels — They might get to the playoffs on experience and guile, but the offense is liable to get
shutdown by top opposing pitchers, and the pitching is liable to get beat-up against top opposing offenses. If they get matched against an AL East team in the playoffs, they’re getting beat.
Oakland Athletics — Typical A’s ... a lot of good young players mixed in with a few old guys who are about to be traded for some more good young players.
Tampa Bay Rays — Their pitching is still somewhat of a worry, but they have the lineup to hang with the Crips and Bloods. I just hope to God they don’t find themselves having to dump Carl Crawford and Carlos Pena for money reasons while they’re still in the hunt.
Seattle Mariners — What did you expect when you signed Milton Bradley? You didn’t think he made it on to his eighth team in 11 years by being a critical part of winning franchises, did you?
Texas Rangers — The Rangers are no joke. They have the highest AL run differential outside the AL East, the fourth-best team ERA in the AL, and the third-highest team batting average in the AL. Don’t expect Texas to fade anytime soon.
Of course, these are just snapshots in time, and there
is certainly plenty of time left, but it’s no stretch to think what we see now is a fairly close approximation to what we’ll end up with in the dying days of September. So if you’ve got bets on a Dodgers/Yankees World Series, keep those betting slips in a safe place.
Kansas City Royals — Rick Ankiel, you are one of the top five greatest baseball disappointments of my life. Also, Zack Greinke is the reason you don’t spend a high-round fantasy draft pick on starters from crappy teams. A 2-8 record with a 3.94 ERA and sub-1.2 WHIP? Are you kidding me? Detroit Tigers — The pitching isn’t there and there’s a brewing fire sale on the horizon. Law or no law, Jim Leyland is going to be chain smoking like a mofo. Milwaukee Brewers — I don’t care where they are in the standings, you don’t trade Prince Fielder this season when you have the nucleus to compete in 2011. That’s just dumb. Chicago White Sox — Hey President Obama, shove Ozzie Guillen and his massive ego in that pipe in the gulf and everything will be fine. New York Yankees — Best record in the majors yet again. If they don’t end up in the ALCS, I’ll be absolutely shocked. Like BP-really-gives-a-crap shocked. They’re just too solid. Minnesota Twins — Don’t look now, but Delmon Young is hitting .387 in June with 16 RBI in 17 games. If he can be a steady contributor, and Ron Gardenhire gives him regular ABs, he could be the key in getting the Twins to the next level. Cincinnati Reds — With Johnny Cueto regressing (7.15 ERA in his last four starts), it’s going to be more important than ever for the Reds to get second-half contributions from Edinson Volquez and Aroldis Chapman. That’s what you call putting your last dollar on a long shot. Cleveland Indians — When your city’s biggest sports story of the summer is whether a basketball player will stay or go, your baseball team is no damn good. For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 19
Bobcats’ Jackson not intimidated by Heat’s new star trio
tephen Jackson sent out a couple of messages on Friday, the day after LeBron James shook the NBA with his decision to form a superstar trio in Miami. First, vacation time should be over for his Charlotte Bobcats teammates now that they’re in perhaps the most powerful division in the league. Second, don’t crown the Heat champions just yet. “They’re going to be great,” Jackson said. “It’s going to be good for basketball. It’s going to be good for the city of Miami. It’s going to be exciting for the game. At the same time, they’ve got to go out there and win games just like every other team.” While he thinks James should have signed with Chicago or stayed in Cleveland and “showed a little more loyalty,” Jackson isn’t backing down from the challenge of being in the same Southeast Division as a now stacked Heat team that also includes Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. “I’m not one of those guys who’s going to lay down just because they put all those guys on the same team,” Jackson said. “I don’t think anybody on my team is going to lay down. We’re going to come out and play. Everybody has respect for those guys, but at the same time you have to win games to get respect on the court.” So far the Michael Jordan-owned Bobcats have lost ground in what’s been a league-altering week of free agency. While Charlotte is hamstrung from making a splash because of salary cap woes, its rivals have made giant moves. None are bigger than what the Heat accomplished. The team that was fighting for playoff positioning with Charlotte late last season re-signed Wade, got Bosh and then were the winner in the LeBron sweepstakes when the two-time league MVP announced Thursday night he’s bolting the Cavaliers. “If I were LeBron, I would have gone to Chicago or I would have stayed home and showed a little more loyalty to my city and my team,” Jackson said. “But I’m not LeBron. That’s the best decision for him and everybody has to live with it.” That’s when a defiant streak kicked in for Jackson after he mingled with kids at Jordan’s fantasy basketball camp at Time Warner Cable Arena. After averaging a team-best 21.1 points last season and leading the Bobcats to their first playoff berth, Jackson isn’t ready to slip into the background in a division that also includes Dwight Howard and Orlando, Atlanta with Joe Johnson and Washington with rookie John Wall and Gilbert Arenas returning. “I love it,” Jackson said. “This is what I play for, to overcome odds. ... If you think you can just wait until September to get ready? You’ve got to start getting ready now.” The Bobcats team that begins next season is likely to have a different look. Point guard Raymond Felton is expected to leave in free agency. Center Tyson Chandler could be traded to free up cap space. Forward Tyrus Thomas is a restricted free agent. “We’re still trying to shake our roster up,” general manager Rod Higgins said. No matter what they look like, they’ll face a task four times a year that few could have envisioned: James, Wade and Bosh on the same team. “The feeling of knowing that they’re stacking this team and we still have the ability to go out there and beat them, I think that’s something that I’m working for,” Jackson said. “I think individual defense comes into play a lot now that you have those three great one-on-one guys on the team, great playmakers on the team. “Saying all that it, can be done. They’re definitely still beatable.”
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Play in post could be key to success for Heat’s new trio to be Pat Riley’s next priority. Aside from being a good finisher, Miami’s center must defend the rim because although Bosh is tall and athletic, he’s never been much of a defensive presence in the paint. Last season’s Raptors, with Bosh manning the paint, were one of the
worst defensive teams in recent history. On the perimeter, the Heat should be fine defensively. Neither Wade nor James is a terrific one-on-one defender, but paired up, they will create havoc in the passing lanes and find themselves with plenty of fast-break opportunities. This is going to work. But in order for it to produce championships, James, Wade and Bosh will all have to make adjustments. If James can develop a post game, Wade can become a better 3-point shooter, Bosh can become more of a defensive presence and Pat Riley can cobble together a complementary supporting cast, we may have a new NBA dynasty.
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The low post may be the best place on the floor to put a great passer. With James in the post against a smaller defender, he’ll get extra attention and, with their heads turned, the defense will be at more of a disadvantage than if he had the ball at the top of the key. So if he’s got shooters around him, James will have the ability to pick the defense apart with his passing. Bosh is not a low-post big. He prefers to get the ball at the elbow and works from there. And it’s unlikely that the Heat are going to add much of a low-post presence at center with nothing but minimum deals to offer. The Heat will also run the pick-androll often. Bosh is an excellent pick-andpop option, as he can shoot well out to 17 feet is also good off the dribble. It will be important for Miami to find a center who can finish at the rim, because both James and Wade will draw extra attention when they come off high screens, providing opportunities under the basket for both the screener and the weak-side big man. Miller, if added, will be an excellent addition to the big three. As one of the best shooters in the league, he will flourish in catch-and-shoot situations and is an unselfish passer and a good rebounder for his size. Still, the Heat will need even more depth in their backcourt. Mario Chalmers is the only other player on the roster, and while he’s a talented combo guard, he’s neither a great distributor (averaging just 5.4 assists per 40 minutes last season) nor a great shooter (32 percent from 3-point range). Keyon Dooling, who has played for the Heat and lives in the area, would be a great addition. Dooling, who was waived by New Jersey in June, had injury issues last season. But, he shot 40 percent from 3-point range in two seasons with the Nets. As either Miami’s starting point guard or as a key reserve, he would help space the floor and make defenses pay for double-teams. A center to play alongside Bosh has
The Miami Heat’s new big three will sell a ton of tickets and have people talking (and writing) about them all season. The Heat should be the favorites in the Eastern Conference, and they’ve got a great shot (five great shots actually) at breaking the franchise record of 61 wins set back in 1996-97. But when LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh step on the floor together, how exactly is it going to work? After being the focus of their former team’s offense for years, this trio will have to learn how to adjust to playing off the ball. James accounted for 44 percent of the Cavs’ points last season via his own points and assists, while Wade accounted for 40 percent of the Heat’s points. They’re each used to having the ball in their hands and controlling the offense. Neither is used to being the guy a teammate looks to when he is double-teamed nor is either player a great 3-point shooter. It won’t be an easy adjustment, but they’ve had some experience with it in All-Star games and international competition. They will each create opportunities for each other, but neither will flourish in catch-and-shoot situations. They’ll be better at using openings for easier drives to the basket. James is one of the best passers in the league and even if he’s not the Heat’s starting point guard, it’s very likely that he will be playing a lot of minutes there (which should make for some interesting matchups). Miami’s most used lineup just might be James, Wade, Mike Miller (who’s expected to be the Heat’s next addition), Bosh and a center to be named later. No matter who he’s matched up with, James will almost always be bigger and stronger than his opponent. In order to take full advantage of that, he needs to get comfortable in the low post. Wade has developed a low-post game over the years, but James has not. Now’s the time to make a change.
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 21
SPORTS NEWS By Steve Aschburner I MP
Riley masterfully, painlessly has put the Heat back on top Forget looking around South Beach. The greatest evidence of the improbability of what just happened, the greatest perspective of what Pat Riley pulled off while no one was looking, can be found far up the Eastern seaboard, away from the party and the video clips of the announcement being beamed from the side of the arena. The Knicks went 61-103 the last two seasons and gutted the roster as they jumped into the LeBron James game. The Nets spent tossed bodies overboard to build the kind of war chest that would get them in the sweepstakes, went 46-118 in the process and in 200910 threatened the league record for fewest wins. Riley? A couple months of discomfort. Give or take a long lunch. The Heat hit the free-agent jackpot without enduring the agony of impatient fans like those in New York or the kind of empty arenas like the one in East Ruth-
erford, N.J., or any of the self-inflicted lacerations in the name of clearing cap space. That makes what went down Thursday night of an entirely new magnitude. Miami didn’t merely land LeBron James after adding Chris Bosh and retaining Dwyane Wade. It added two of
close to touching bottom. The Knicks did nothing wrong in their pursuit of James. If anything, they did right. Donnie Walsh took over a roster in salary-cap hell, locked down by bad contract over bad contract, not to mention a lot of bad players whose development suffered as Isiah Thomas used
The Knicks went 61-103 the last two seasons and gutted the roster as they jumped into the LeBron James game. The Nets spent tossed bodies overboard to build the kind of war chest that would get them in the sweepstakes, went 46-118 in the process and in 2009-10 threatened the league record for fewest wins. Riley? the biggest chips and kept a third in the biggest free-agent bonanza in history -- the top three prizes of the summer -- without spending a couple dozen months or so on the rack. It swung this massive resurgence without coming
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games to catch up on his rest. Walsh, a respected veteran executive, absolutely had to get to a new beginning even if it didn’t lead to James, and even if it’s a tougher sell with New York expectations and Madison Square Garden ticket prices. Same thing across the river. The Nets did nothing wrong. If anything, they did right. Rod Thorn, also a respected veteran executive, cleared salary while also building a real future, with 2009 All-Star Devin Harris at point guard and Brook Lopez in the early stages of a very promising career at center. This can’t be a time of mourning for a franchise that has a new energy of an incoming owner, plans to be in a New York City arena in two seasons and a promising young core of players. It’s just that Riley pulled off the James-Bosh split without nearly the hair loss. That’s what makes Wednesday with Wade and Bosh and Thursday with James and wing man Jim Gray almost remarkable. The Heat of 2008-09 were 43-39, third in the Southeast Division and a five seed in the Eastern Conference playoffs, before losing to the Hawks in seven games in the first round. Wade led the league in scoring and finished eighth in assists. Enough interest remained that they were 15th, right in the middle, in attendance. The Heat of 2009-10 were 47-35, third in the Southeast and a five seed in the playoffs, before losing to the Celtics in five games. Miami was a very good defensive team and won close games. This was not a group waiting for the season to pass. And attendance held at 15th. And now, with the new three in Miami, they’re back. Maybe better than
ever. The Bulls did something similar. They did it better in the blueprint, actually, remaining respectable while positioning themselves for the great summer chase, creating the necessary cap space while maintaining the roster with Derrick Rose, the improving Joakim Noah, Luol Deng and Taj Gibson. The Bulls just didn’t finish better this week, though they landed an important addition by signing Carlos Boozer. Riley stuck it to the Knicks. Everyone has to acknowledge that he did a masterful job and that they’ll really have to live with both Riles and his ego now. He wrapped up the three brightest lights -- and appears on the verge of signing Mike Miller as well -- without getting close to the Knicks’ 61-103. Riley also is the only person whose reputation does not depend on the outcome of the new grouping. There is no debate over whether he made the right moves -- every personnel boss would have done the same thing. So if this thing goes down in flames of conflicting personalities or someone’s inability to accept a supporting role, it’s on coach Erik Spoelstra and it’s on the players . Most of all, it’s on James. The team president has spoken and maneuvered. And he has done it without two seasons of anguish. Scott Howard-Cooper has covered the NBA since 1988. You can e-mail him at showardcooper@aol.com and follow him on twitter.
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 23
SPORTS Q & A By Jefferey Boswell - Sports-Central.org
Russell: Elixer of the God-Awful
Former Oakland Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell was arrested on Monday in Mobile, Alabama, and charged with possession of codeine syrup. Is Russell’s attempt at criminal behavior as weak as his attempt at NFL stardom, and does his arrest signify the next step in the downfall of the No. 1 overall pick in the 2007 NFL draft? Let’s be careful not to judge Russell too quickly, for it is entirely possible, and likely that, given his relatively clean background and millions of dollars
at the ready for legal advice, Russell will make a plea and avoid a criminal charge. If that happens, then it will be official: JaMarcus Russell commits crimes like he plays football — without “conviction.” Russell was nabbed on July 5th at his home in Alabama, arrested for possession of a controlled substance. His arrest resulted from a two-month undercover operation in Mobile, as, once again, Russell fell victim to his inability to recognize “coverage.” Russell was booked and released on $2,500 bond, petty cash when you consider that he was paid over $30 million by the Raiders. And, in what had to be an embarrassing development, a bloated and out-of-shape Russell wasn’t even able to be released on his own recognizance. Russell should be ashamed of his actions. Not because possession of codeine syrup is a serious offense, but because possession of codeine syrup is not a serious offense. Yes, his arrest is disappointing, all right. But not disappointing because he did it, but disappointing because that’s all he did. Codeine possession is a serious offense, you say? Then why did Eric Clapton sing about “Cocaine” and not
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Page 24 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
“Codeine?” Heck, why did Clapton do cocaine and not codeine? If codeine is such a big deal, then why didn’t Nate Newton traffic it? Codeine is nothing more than glorified cough syrup, and can easily be obtained over-the-counter, assuming your dealer works from behind a counter. Reportedly, codeine acts as a depressant on the central nervous system, often causing impaired thinking and slowed reactions, effects eerily similar to what the Oakland draft gurus were experiencing when they made Russell the number one pick in 2007. Russell may be the biggest bust in NFL history, but his arrest certainly doesn’t amount to the biggest bust for the Mobile Police Department. Now, if this was Mayberry, I’d be impressed. But Mobile has to have bigger problems than a codeine ring. What’s the Mobile P.D.’s secret name for this sting operation, “Operation Ahem?” It would seem that Russell’s arrest equates, in Mobile’s eyes, to the highprofile takedown most departments aim for in such massive operations designed to take evil drugs, like codeine, off the market. But really, Russell is “high profile” not because of what he’s done. It’s what he hasn’t done that makes him famous. And he’s done nothing. There’s no doubt Russell signed a few worthless autographs for Mobile’s finest at the station, and the cops probably lauded their efforts in clearing a few ounces of codeine from the streets. Sorry to burst your bubble, City of Mobile, but this arrest barely warrants news coverage. And Russell’s crime hardly deserves attention in its own right, because some NFL stars have done worse, much worse. Until Russell can step up his game and achieve true infamy, his plight lacks relevance. In this age of gun-packing, dogfighting, police-slugging NFL players, and the Cincinnati Bengals of yore, football fans have come to expect more from players, and that applies to criminal activity. We like our favorite, and sometimes not-so-favorite, players making that shameful perp walk to commissioner Roger Goodell’s interrogation bunker, where a multiplegame suspension awaits. Not only will Russell not get an invite to training camp this year, he won’t even get an invite to Goodell’s office. Not for possession of codeine syrup. If Russell is lucky, Goodell may request a doctor’s note. It’s this lack of effort that cost Russell his job with the Raiders as well. Sure, Al Davis and company weren’t happy with his commitment to the game, but they have to be even unhappier with his commitment to immoral behavior. In addition, Russell’s crime, or lack of it, is an affront to the Raider organization’s thuggish reputation, honed by years of questionable behaviors, ranging from
Ken Stabler’s issues with alcohol to Sebastian Janikowski’s reputation as the worst date in the NFL. Would Stabler even have dabbled in codeine? No, not when a shot, or eight, of whiskey drowns sorrows equally as well, if not better, particularly when followed by a nice, leisurely drive. Could Stabler have pulled off his role in the famous “Holy Roller” play if he wasn’t liquored up? No way. It’s a given that codeine wouldn’t have emboldened him with the liquid courage to do such a thing. And when a kicker’s, of all people, legal issues and perverted actions overshadow those of the quarterback, albeit a former one, something is not right in Raider Nation. Heck, even Lester Hayes possession of Stickum was more of a “crime” than Russell’s, and Stickum is street legal. In some respects, it’s hard to fault Russell for abusing codeine. I’m sure Russell enjoyed introducing himself as a former NFL quarterback, but when doing so, he experienced an overwhelming urge to “clear his throat.” Codeine is a cough suppressant, so it apparently allowed Russell to refer to himself as a quarterback with a straight face. And maybe Russell’s commission of such a petty crime is not necessarily a function of stupidity, but lack of stupidity. You have to be immensely stupid to be an NFL player and try to sneak a gun into a nightclub, or an airplane, or to fund a dogfighting operation. Russell is clearly not stupid enough to commit similar offenses, nor is he bold enough. His arrest on codeine possession was a swell first effort, but to truly run with the big dogs, he’ll have to do more. In essence, Russell will have to “get stoopid.” In his defense, maybe that’s what he was trying to do with the codeine all along. So, where does Russell go from here? Well, he’s already gone “down,” so, from there, he can only go up. Obviously, his “comeback” has been momentarily derailed by codeine. That’s assuming a comeback was in the works. Unless he discovered some new age, codeine-based training regimen, it doesn’t appear that a comeback was a part of his immediate plans. To begin his path on the comeback trail, Russell needs to step up his game, physically, mentally, and criminally. This entails an intense workout regimen, scouring of playbooks, and unwavering attention to the police news. As Michael Vick, Pacman Jones, Plaxico Burress, and others have shown, to truly leave an impression on the NFL, it often helps to leave an impression on the law, namely with your fingerprints. I say to Russell: lose the codeine, find a more habit-forming drug, punch a bouncer, shoot up a strip club. Prove you have what it takes to be an NFL superstar.
HEALTH & FITNESS I MP Do I need a breast lift? Over the years, factors such as pregnancy, nursing, massive weight loss and weight gain, the force of gravity, and aging take their toll on a woman’s breasts. As the skin is stretched and loses its elasticity, the breasts often lose their shape and firmness and begin to sag. Many women desire to obtain a fuller and perkier look, to improve their look. During a consultation with Dr. Pousti, he provides the patient with his most honest opinion depending on the severity and complexity of their case. In order to achieve the look the patient desires, Dr. Pousti discusses the best and safest possible options, including the risks and complications involved in the planned procedure. Since every woman’s case is unique, her options for the procedures may vary. Most women benefit from a breast augmentation alone depending on the original breast shape and size and the location of the nipple-areola complex.
This 30-year old patient is 4 months post-op surgery of breast augmentation.
In this patient’s case. She is a perfect candidate for a straight-forward breast augmentation. This 20-year old patient is 1 year post-op breast augmentation surgery.
There are a number of patient’s who are borderline between a breast augmentation and a lift. If a large enough implant is used to fulfill a lift, then the patient must have realistic expectations and understand the benefits of a lift versus breast augmentation alone. Dr. Pousti is selective with his patient’s who can benefit from just the augmentation. This is determined by what the patient would like to achieve and depending on the placement of the nipple-areola. However, some women may require a breast lift (mastopexy), which improves the placement of the nipple-areola complex. Some prefer not to have a lift because it involves more incisions. Breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. Unfortunately, mastopexy surgery does not guarantee permanent results and the need for revisionary surgery may be necessary.
In the operating room, Dr. Pousti performs markings prior to the procedure to ensure symmetry. The planned procedure is discussed in detail with the patient. Depending on the severity and complexity of each individual case, there are three different types of incisions available: the “Benelli” or limited lift, the “lollipop” lift, and the “anchor”lift. All three lifts involve incisions around the areola. Dr. Pousti uses this to his advantage, and enables him to reduce the size of the areola. Many women choose to have this done as well to improve the look of the breasts. The Benelli lift or “limited” lift involves a “donut” incision around the areola. Patients who have less severe ptosis, or “sagging” may benefit from this type of lift. The Benelli lift is far less invasive than a full mastopexy (breast lift), however, it does not provide a longlasting result. A “lollipop” lift involves an incision around the areola and a vertical scar. This type of incision allows the Dr. to tighten and remove more excess skin and tissue to achieve a perkier and fuller look. Notice the significant lift of the nipple-areola complex in the before and after picture of the patient below. This 41-year old patient from Jamul, California is 3-weeks post-op breast augmentation/mastopexy (breast lift) surgery involving a “lollipop” incision. Although, mastopexy involves additional incisions, it does provide a longer-lasting result. Incisions will heal overtime and fade with the tincture of time. Patient’s are instructed to avoid
any heavy-lifting and strenuous exercise for the first 2 months post-op. The last lift, involves an “anchor” incision, which involves an incision around the areola, a vertical line down the center of the breasts, and a horizontal scar underneath the inframammary fold. Most patients who require this type of incision have experienced massive weight loss or have a large amount of excess skin removed and tightened. Based on the before and after photos of these patient’s, you can see the results between the different lifts available to achieve a new and improved look. Recovery time may vary depending on the type of lift performed and how the patient heals. Dissolvable sutures are used and steri-strips may be applied to aid in the healing process. The patient is unable to shower for about 2-3 weeks to avoid any complications. A surgical bra is worn for about 4 weeks to support the breasts. Dr. Pousti has experience in performing these procedures for a broad spectrum of patient’s. www.poustiplasticsurgery.com
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 25
TRUE PATRIOTS This month, with the celebration of the birth our nation on the 4th of July, I wanted to touch on the meaning of being a true patriot and share some of the story of how Francis Scott Key had the desire to serve his country and fellowman and make a difference in this great country’s history. Francis Scott Key grew up during the beginning of this land’s story. It was when he was serving during the war of 1812, in the middle of saving a friend’s life from the hands of the enemy British, he was held on his ship to await the attack of the British on our shore. Throughout the night he watched and looked for our great ensign still waving over Fort McHenry, which protected the city of Baltimore. When the battle was over and the flag was still there, he frantically wrote down the thoughts and feelings that ran through him. What was composed became The Star Spangled Banner. It was later adopted in 1931 as our national anthem. Francis Scott Key did what he wanted to do in his life; he served others and is known today as a true patriot.
Like The Star Spangled Banner, we honor our flag and nation with songs, salutes and celebrations. If you think about it, our flag has inspired many to accomplish so many amazing things; from those who honorably stand behind it in battle to defend the freedom it stands for, to one posting it on the dusty surface of the Moon to show how dreams can be realized. Old Glory, The Stars and Stripes, are also flown over the caskets of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve freedom. It is one of the most powerful symbols we have to inspire such devotion and feelings. Those who know me know that most of my personal belongings often display this great inspirational ensign. In fact if you have been in my offices you will find numerous flags, eagles and patriotic symbols. My vehicles fly them proudly and many of my clothes display them. It is not just a nice thing in my mind. It is truly an awe inspiring, meaningful symbol of the great blessings we all enjoy here in this “land of the free and home of the brave.”
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Page 26 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
As with Francis Scott Key and all those who serve their fellowman in the military, servicemen and women are honorably giving of themselves, and willingly bearing other’s burdens. Throughout the scriptures we have been taught to do this. Actually many of us have the opportunity to do similarly for those around us and often give all we have for others. There are many times when we are not feeling our strongest, but when put to the test, find that we are of great value to someone else in need of a helping hand, leg, or arm. A story that exemplifies this is one about …Bob Butler, “who lost his legs in a 1965 land mine explosion in Vietnam. He returned home a war hero. Twenty years later, he proved once again that heroism comes from the heart. Butler was working in his garage in a small town in Arizona on a hot summer day when he heard a woman’s screams coming from a nearby house. He began rolling his wheelchair toward the house but the dense shrubbery wouldn’t allow him access to the back door. So he got out of his chair and started to crawl through the dirt and bushes. I had to get there, he says. It didn’t matter how much it hurt. When Butler arrived at the pool there was a threeyear-old girl named Stephanie Hanes lying at the bottom. She had been born without arms and had fallen in the water and couldn’t swim. Her mother stood over her baby screaming frantically. Butler dove to the bottom of the pool and brought little Stephanie up to the deck. Her face was blue; she had no pulse and was not breathing. Butler immediately went to work performing CPR to revive her while Stephanie’s mother telephoned the fire department. She was told the paramedics were already out on a call. Helplessly, she sobbed and hugged Butler’s shoulder. As Butler continued with his CPR, he calmly reassured her. Don’t worry, he said. I was her arms to get out of the pool. It’ll be okay. I am now her lungs. Together we can make it. Seconds later the little girl coughed, regained consciousness, and began to cry. As they hugged and rejoiced together, the mother asked Butler how he knew it would be okay. The truth is, I don’t know, he told her. But when my legs were blown off in the war, I was all alone in a field. No one was there to help except a little Vietnamese girl. As she struggled to drag me into her village, she whispered in broken English, “It okay. You can live. I be your legs. Together we make it.” Her kind words brought hope to my soul and I wanted to do the same for Stephanie.” We all have opportunities to assist another, to sometimes be their legs,
their arms, and their friend. When we lay our lives down to help others, even if it is anonymously, our ability to love increases. Then, if you think back on when you have done this, when we get back to our own issues, they tend to seem much lighter and easier to handle after helping others. In a very real sense, we lay our lives down every time we put the interests and needs of another ahead of our own. As Francis Scott Key wanted to be known as a true patriot, we too can be known for our desire to serve. The quiet, non-history making service that we give to others, including those in our own family, is of great value. One day in the future, we may actually be surprised to discover how significant and heavenlike this service really is. May I encourage us all to seek for opportunities to serve our fellowman and find the joy that follows, even when you aren’t expecting it. This month, I hope you please take a moment to remember those who continue to give their all around the world and in our local areas for each of us. Enjoy this patriotic month and please be safe. As always, it is my hope that this message will help you this week to, “mount up as on eagle’s wings”, and renew a little of your strength to keep moving forward and find joy…(Isaiah 40:31) Until next time, may God bless you all and may God continue to bless our great nation… SEMPER FI Chaplain Ringo, is the Command Chaplain at MCRD H&S BN, holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Counseling, and is a Certified Trauma Specialist. www.yourchappy.com www.lifetraumasolutions.com serviceforhumanityfoundation.org
Cell Phones at Summer Camp? Just Say Click By Mitch Albom
The Fourth of July always meant summer to me, and summer, when I was very young, meant summer camp. And summer camp meant disappearing into another world. It was a world of woods and fields and bunks, a world without Mom and Dad, without friends from the neighborhood, without TV, without movies, a world where you wrote letters to communicate with your “other” life. You know what? That never scared me. Today, kids get the shakes about summer camp, because they might have to surrender their cell phone, BlackBerry, Droid, PDA, iPhone, iTouch or iPad. Some will opt out of summer camp altogether if it means they can’t arrive with their plugs, adapters, chargers and monitors. Apparently, it’s a dilemma for summer camps, which, after all, need kids to operate. And it’s obviously a dilemma for the campers. But after looking into this a bit, you know whose dilemma surprises me the most? The parents. It is often Mom and Dad who want little Joey to be in touch at all times. It is Mom and Dad who can’t bear the thought of not having their baby within the press of a speed dial. Check out the message boards and forums on camp Web sites. You will find a startling number of postings by parents who think their kids SHOULD have cell phones all through summer camp. Some worry about safety. Some worry about their child’s loneliness. Some worry about bigger issues. We can’t live in constant fear Consider this parental response to a Houston Chronicle article about camps limiting cell phones: “Without some means of timely communication, hormonal pre-teens are left in the control of teens and adults they don’t know -- and at increased risk of sexual abuse.... “Yes, it can be a pain ... but, if it also raises a few red flags, as in ‘Oh, I’m doing great. I’m Tim’s favorite so he sneaks me candy in the evening,’ limited cell phone use is invaluable.” Wow. So now summer camp is one more hangout for pedophiles, and those who don’t look for “red flags” are irresponsible parents? It brings me back to a question I ask more and more these days: How did we ever make it through childhood? Apparently, there was danger lurking at every turn. Horrible people. And we just lucked our way through. Or maybe today’s freak-out parents are the result of too many shocking news stories, too many ads and too many manufacturers who know the quickest way to a sale is to make people believe they’re safer with the product than without. To which I must say -- and I’m not being glib here -- it’s summer. Lighten up. We can’t enjoy life while filming it The fact is, every counselor isn’t a pedophile and little Timmy, if he’s old enough for overnight camp, doesn’t need to talk to Mommy and Daddy
every minute. Meanwhile, if a kid has a cell phone, he usually then has a texting device, a camera, an Internet connection and a 24-hour connection to social networks like Facebook. So I’m in favor of a ban on all electronic devices once you step on that camp bus. And like those nervous parents, I say this out of fear. I fear kids are losing the ability to exist. When we went to camp, we were in the moment. We jumped in the pool; we didn’t film ourselves jumping in the pool. We spoke while looking eye to eye; we didn’t text each other across the bunk. Kids who have to give up their smart phones or computers for summer camp -- thereby losing touch with Facebook -- worry about becoming invisible. But they are erasing themselves from the real world every minute they spend in the virtual one. Kids need to learn that memories are not the same as storage devices and feelings are not the same as postings. Summer camp is a great place for that. I can’t remember all the sensations from childhood, but I can sure remember the heat of a campfire on my face, the freeze of a popsicle on my lips, the sweaty shirt that stuck to me after a baseball game, the excitement of a letter from home. No phone was necessary. No one needed an alert. You can’t absorb an experience if you’re constantly sharing it. Remember, as kids, we didn’t have any problem letting go for the summer. As parents, we shouldn’t either.
Michael Steele had the right idea
shown he can sometimes think outside the box defined by those who irrationally reject any contrary views on foreign policy”, observed RLC board member Dan Sheill. “We wish he had stuck by his statement and not backed down so quickly.” Chairman Steele was right to call this Obama’s war, because by choosing to continue it against all good sense the President has taken on responsibility for the costs and the consequences of the war. This creates an opportunity for Republican candidates to stand up for fiscal responsibility, smarter foreign policy and more efficient use of the military by running against Obama and his war. Ronald Reagan won the Cold War because he understood that the best use of our military is to use it as a deterrent and to let our enemies wear them-
selves out with military adventurism and risky long term deployments. We are now making the same mistake that the Soviet Union made. Do we want to suffer the same fate? “We are not the world’s policeman, we are not the world’s babysitter and we’re not the world’s social worker,” said RLC Chairman Dave Nalle. “America is a great and charitable country, but we should remember how the Soviet Union was brought down by overreaching ambition, and realize that we can no longer afford to bear the world’s burdens alone. Michael Steele has opened up the debate on Afghanistan. It’s time for sensible Republicans to take the lead on this issue and express their dissatisfaction with this unjustifiably expensive war which no longer serves its intended purpose.”
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By Dave Nalle
It’s time for Republcians to open a debate on the war in Afghanistan AUSTIN, TX – Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has drawn fire over a recent statement about the war in Afghanistan. Some have suggested that his comments were inappropriate or unpatriotic. Others have asked for his resignation. We believe in this instance his critics are dead wrong. Chairman Steele raised an important issue in an appropriate context, even if he later caved to pressure and backtracked. We hope Steele’s comments will help to open up debate within the party over issues where our leaders have not always seen clearly. When Chairman Steele brought up the war in Afghanistan he was talking about campaign strategies for Republican candidates, and broaching the possibility that some of them might not support a continued American presence in Afghanistan. Some Republicans have been shocked by this, but the Republican Liberty Caucus can assure the doubters that we have thousands of members and hundreds of candidates who share his doubts about the wisdom of expensive long-term military occupations and nation building programs. In particular, many question the practicality of dragging out the war in Afghanistan with no clear objective and little chance of any positive outcome at an unjustifiable cost to taxpayers. “We haven’t always been impressed with Chairman Steele’s leadership in other areas, but in this instance it is refreshing that the leader of our party has For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
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How to answer job interview questions and be prepared Job interviews can be filled with anxiety if you are not prepared for the questions and the answers. Preparing for your job interview is a lot more than updating your resume and getting a haircut. Doing your homework is critical to your success. In the current competitive job market, no amount of research is too extreme, says Jodi Berkshire, assistant director of Career Services at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. No one can anticipate every question an employer might ask, but you should be prepared to
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1. “Tell me about yourself.” Don’t mistake this one for an easy question. If you don’t carefully prepare your answer prior to the interview, it will show. The interviewer is not interested in where and when you were born, your childhood, your family or your hobbies. Craft a short response that gives a thumbnail sketch of you professionally. This is a great place to insert some of your sterling qualities and accomplishments and make sure that they dovetail with the requirements of the position for which you are interviewing. Be positive and enthusiastic and whatever you do, don’t ramble.
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gracefully handle the most commonly asked questions. To prepare for the job interview, Berkshire says here are a few questions you should be expecting:
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2. “What do you know about our company?” “How did you hear about us?” Or, “Why do you want to work for us?” These are all variations on the same theme. The real question is: Did you do your homework? Any interviewer will expect that you have researched the company. That means that you should know their website inside and out. Have you Googled the company? Have you read any recent articles about them? If the only information you have to offer is what any person off the street who isn’t applying for the position knows, it shows that you don’t care enough and you’re not very thorough. 3. “What are your strengths?” “Why should we hire you?” You can count on this question cropping up at some point during the interview. Here’s a simple way to prepare. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half vertically. On one side list all the specific technical qualities that you possess. Look at the job description and consider each skill that is mentioned. For example, if the job description mentions software skills that are required and you have those skills, go ahead and list them. In the other column, list the personal qualities that you bring to the job. These could be things like punctuality, reliability, enthusiasm, work ethic, professionalism, etc. Again, take another look at the job description and anticipate what qualities that hiring manager would be looking for. Here is your chance to sell yourself. Don’t be afraid to let them know what a great addition you’d be to their company.
you did, try to take responsibility while making it clear that you would handle things differently today and that you learned a valuable lesson. Keep it short and sweet and don’t be tempted to go into long, complicated explanations.
4. “What is your greatest weakness?” “How have you overcome it?” Be careful with this one. It is a potential minefield. This is not the time to bare your soul and reveal your deepest insecurities. Whatever you do, don’t say you procrastinate, have trouble meeting deadlines, arrive late or that you don’t get along well with others. You have two good choices here. You can either choose a weakness that is really a strength to an employer (you become so engrossed in your work that you find it hard to take a break until the project is completed), or choose something that you had to master at the beginning of your career that would be an expected learning curve for any entry-level recent college grad (you didn’t really grasp project management in your first job and you had to make a deliberate effort to learn about time lines and time management.). If you choose the second example, make sure that you stress how your performance increased once you mastered the missing skill.
5. “What would your past employer tell me about you?” Again, tread carefully. Do not, under any circumstances, say anything negative about any past employer. Settle on a few of your strongest qualities and concentrate on those that reflect your strong work ethic and professionalism. Here is another perfect opportunity to sell yourself, but once again, be careful not to ramble. 6. “Why did you leave your last position?” If you left because you relocated or were offered a better position, you can breathe a sigh of relief. But what if you were terminated by the company? It’s not the end of the world; it happens to everyone at some point in their career. Again, do not say anything bad about your last employer. If your position was eliminated due to budget cuts, say so and make it clear that you have nothing but fond memories and good feelings about the company. If you were let go because of something
7. “What kind of salary are you looking for?” You can be assured that the interviewer knows what they are willing to pay. Again, there is no substitute for doing your homework. You should research what similar positions are worth in your area. Be careful to compare apples to apples on this one. A copywriter in New York can expect a higher salary than one in Detroit. Also look closely at the amount of experience and the skills required. A recent college graduate will not command the same salary as someone with five to 10 years of experience. You might say something like, “My research tells me that graphic designers in this area are generally earning (average salary range). How does that fit with what your company is offering?” And make sure that you can justify why you should command that salary range you are expecting. Once you’ve done your research, practiced answers to commonly asked questions and become comfortable with the idea of selling yourself, remember to smile. In most interview situations, the candidate who appears to be relaxed, confident (not arrogant) and enthusiastic, usually has the best chance of being hired. To learn more about The Art Institutes schools, visit www.artinstitutes.edu/nz.
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 29
Menopause: The Musical comes to California It’s time to kick-up those high heels! The international hit show Menopause The Musical® is returning to California this summer on an eight city tour! Set in a department store, where four women with seemingly nothing in common but a black lace bra meet by chance at a lingerie sale. The cast laughs at their woeful hot flashes, forgetfulness, mood swings, wrinkles, night sweats and chocolate binges. A sisterhood is created between these diverse women as they realize that menopause is no longer The Silent Passage! It is a stage in every woman’s life that is perfectly normal! The laughter-filled 90-minute production includes parodies from the classics of the ‘60s and ‘70s and ‘80s. Starring in this off Broadway smash hit are Megan Cavanagh best known as Marla Hooch from A League of Their Own as (Earth Mother); Kimberly Ann Harris who made her Broadway debut in The Color Purple as Church Lady Doris will play the role of (Professional Woman) and long time Menopause The Musical® veterans, Liz Hyde as (Iowa Housewife) and Lisa Fox as (Soap Star). Menopause The Musical® has launched a women’s movement that has superseded entertainment and become a must-see event. It is estimated that nearly 11 million women have attended a performance since the 2001 opening in Orlando, Florida. Inspired by a hot flash and a bottle of wine, Menopause The Musical® is the work of writer and producer, Jeanie Linders. She created the show as a celebration of women who are on the brink of, in the middle of, or have survived “The Change”. “Most women know intuitively that every other woman is experiencing hot flashes or night sweats,“ says Linders. “There is always a close friend or two who can sympathize or identify with her, but when they are sitting in a
theatre with hundreds of other women, all laughing and shouting‚ ‘That’s me! That’s me on stage!’ they know what they are experiencing is normal. They aren’t alone…or crazy. It becomes a sisterhood.” Since its first performance, the show has evolved as a grassroots movement of women who deal with life after 40 and all the challenges that result from the mental, physical, and spiritual freedom of being a woman. The producer of the show is GFour Productions. Executive Producer, Kathi Glist says, “It may not be Shakespeare, but our focus is different. We want to bring women together and empower
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them. This is an event – a happening. It resonates with just about any woman over 40, but it is enjoyed by all including the men who laugh just as hard as their wives.” Menopause The Musical® has entertained audiences across the country in more than 250 cities and in a total of 14 countries. Internationally, the show has visited Australia, Canada, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, United Kingdom, Singapore, South Africa, and South Korea. Each week women of all ages and stages find their spirits lifted by the show’s light-hearted look at
menopause. No longer is it The Silent Passage! TICKETS ON SALE NOW! San Diego, CA July 14th – 18th San Bernardino, CA July 20th – 25th Lancaster, CAJuly 28th – August 1st Long Beach, CA August 3rd – 8th Thousand Oaks, CA August 12th – 15th San Jose, CA August 18th – 22nd San Francisco, CA August 24th – 27th Sacramento, CA August 28th – 29th For ticket information visit: www.MenopauseTheMusical.com
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 31
Nic Cage cast his spell in ‘Sorcerer’s Apprentice “BLACK MAGIC operates most effectively in preconscious, marginal areas. Casual curses are the most effective,” said William S. Burroughs. WELL, there is nothing “casual” in all the spells cast and magic performed in the upcoming Jerry Bruckheimer Disney blockbuster “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” starring Nicolas Cage. The enchantments are wildly spectacular and all take place in Manhattan. So, if nothing else, for New Yorkers it is amusing to watch dragons conjured and fireballs created around familiar landmarks. And the special Cinema Society/ Amnesty International screening of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” happened in little old New York on Wednesday night. The Sorcerer himself, Mr. Cage, and dozens of fashionable types braved the sultry heat wave and traveled down to the Tribeca Grand Hotel for the movie and then walked three blocks to the Soho Grand Hotel for the outdoor afterparty. (OK, Nic Cage took a limo. He is the star, after all!) Most of the luminaries looked remarkably fresh -- do well-known people come equipped with internal air-conditioning? Among the enchanted throng -- Calvin Klein, Zac Posen, S. Epatha Merkerson, James Lipton, Nina
Griscom, Kelly Bensimon, Catherine Keener and then lots and lots of young beauties, male and female, in various states of flimsy summer wardrobe, treacherously high sandals and flipflops that require the wearer to keep up those pedicure dates. Though the weather outside was frightful, and the concept of an open-air party seemed most unpleasant, it turned out well. Maybe it was those giant fans, or the way the area was tented, or perhaps those delightfully refreshing pink mojitos, which were used to wash down the salads and pastas and little burgers and tuna sandwiches. Sit-down space was limited so there was lots of stand-up eating -- juggling drinks, utensils and plates. Even a supermodel or two were required to perform magical feats of manipulation in order to nibble a lettuce leaf. (One such was the adorable Agyness Deyn who looks straight out of a 1967 issue of Vogue.) The evening’s host, Andrew Saffir, wore seersucker and he, too, carried on as if it wasn’t more than a comfy 75 degrees at the buffet table. Mr. Cage made a few brief opening remarks at the screening, mostly concerning his involvement with Amnesty International, about which he is passionate. (Before the film began,
But most charming -- and surprising, given a few of his more violent action flicks -- was his commitment to family films as a way to bring families together, to give children wonderful memories -- not just of the movies themselves, but that movie-going is part of their family life and tradition. Cage is convinced that movies are a force for good and can deeply influence children on the right path. there was a short, showing Nic down South, among the still-suffering victims of Katrina.) But most charming -- and surprising, given a few of his more violent action flicks -- was his commitment to family films as a way to bring families together, to give children wonderful memories -not just of the movies themselves, but that movie-going is part of their family life and tradition. Cage is convinced that movies are a force for good and can deeply influence children on the right path. Well, he certainly convinced a room full of sophisticated city folk, that’s for sure. Cage is also a co-producer on the movie. “THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE” has 70 million on the opening weekend written all over it. Cage is the agesold sorcerer who has searched for centuries to find the “apprentice” who will help him free his beloved (gorgeous Monica Bellucci) and prevent Morgana (Alice Krige) and Maxim Horvath (Alfred Molina, gloriously wicked) from destroying the world. They want to let loose hundreds of other demons in their quest for apocalypse. The movie is loosely based on Arthurian legend and it also pays homage to the famous Disney cartoon, “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice,” from the classic “Fantasia.” (Mickey Mouse uses magic to clean up a dingy castle.) The new movie employs live action and dazzling CGI to make the
Page 32 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
mops and brushes do their thing. Mr. Cage is attractive and amusingly deadpan, though inevitably intense -it’s Nic Cage, after all! -- as Balthazar Blake -- the wizard who has been patient long enough. Cage looks great with his mane of wild hair and very cool clothes -- especially his black leather duster from a century or three ago. Less successful is Jay Baruchel as Dave, the apprentice. The character is understandably nervous and confused at his circumstances, but Baruchel is a mass of twitches, mannerisms and awkward bits of business. After a while, he gets on your nerves. (This is the kind of role Michael J. Fox could have done brilliantly 25 years ago.) But maybe young girls who go to see this will find Baruchel appealing and boys of all ages will find Teresa Palmer, as Dave’s girlfriend, very appealing indeed. The special effects are fantastic. There’s really nothing that can’t be done in movies today. The technological expertise is mind-blowing. So is the sound! But if you go to a movie like this, expect to emerge with temporary hearing issues. Anyway, it looks like a big hit to me. “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” opens on July 14. One more thing. Nic Cage has a great lower lip. Pouty. Not Hapsburg pouty -- spoiled and petulant. (Like Marie Antoinette.) More determined and sexy. His lower lip alone could cast a wicked spell.
AT THE MOVIES With Roger Ebert I MP
RESTREPO strong emotions. The deaths of men they fought with are almost impossible for them to speak of. The memory of Restrepo lived on in the guitar lessons he provided and his book of flamenco songs. He was a great favorite. After Outpost Restrepo grew from a dugout into a proper position with shelter and fortifications, they felt right having named it for him. They all speak with special dread about an operation named Operation Rock Avalanche, through deadly country, where Kearney says the enemy was so close a Taliban fighter once took a man’s weapons from him. They come under fire three, four, five times a day. There are many fire fights in the film, but they all share one feature: We never see the enemy, and we never see the American targets. This is hard, hard duty. A 15-month tour. Our admiration for these men
National Geographic presents a documentary produced, directed and photographed by Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger. Running time: 94 minutes. MPAA rating: R (for language throughout including some descriptions of violence).
“Afghanistan” is a word on the news, debated in terms of our foreign policy. Almost an abstraction. Nobody thinks about foreign policy in “Restrepo,” a documentary shot during the 15 months an American company fought there under almost daily fire. They were in the Korengal Valley, described on CNN as the most dangerous place in the world. It is also one of the most desolate, even in the arid land of Afghanistan. Sparse vegetation clings to the rocky, jagged terrain. There is dust everywhere. It is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, and in the movie, at least, the troops only actually see one Taliban fighter -- and the man who saw him thought it was the last sight he would ever see.
The Taliban is an elusive presence, moving freely through the landscape and population, and there is one point when the company is ambushed and takes fire from 360 degrees. That all of them were not killed seems surprising. The film is named after the first one of their number to die, a 20-year-old medic, Pfc. Juan S. Restrepo. Battle Company is led by Capt. Dan Kearney, whose plan is to establish an outpost at a key point on Taliban battle routes. The men occupy the position at night and start digging in, using the earth to build fortifications. They catch the enemy off guard. The successful maintenance of Outpost Restrepo, named for their dead comrade, turns the tide of war in the hostile valley and frightens the Taliban. But the hearts and minds of the locals remain an uncharted terrain. Kearney holds a weekly council with the local elders, a group of men who could not look more aged, toothless and decrepit if they tried. A portrait of one would be all you needed to suggest the poverty of the region. One elder complains he has lost a cow. It’s explained that the cow became tangled in razor wire and had to be put out of its misery. He is offered compensation: The cow’s weight in rice, beans and sugar. He wants cash. His heart and mind are not won. The location footage is intercut with debriefings of the survivors conducted soon after they’ve been flown out to Italy. They use understatement to express
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grows. Their jobs seem beyond conceiving. I cannot imagine a civilian thinking he could perform them. It would take much training -- and more importantly, much bonding. There is the sense they’re fighting for each other more than for ideology. At a low point when a nearby company has taken heavy losses, Kearney talks to his men not in terms of patriotism, but in terms of finding the MFs who are shooting at them, and going out and killing them. The film is nonpolitical. It was filmed at great personal risk by the war photographer Tim Hetherington and the author Sebastian Junger (“The Perfect Storm”). It raises for me an obvious question: How can this war possibly be won? At the end of the film, a title tells us U.S. troops hve withdrawn from the Korengal Valley and therefore Outpost Restrepo. No reason is given.
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 35
AT THE MOVIES With Roger Ebert I MP
Cell 211 “Cell 211” is a thriller about a man’s attempt to save his life by thinking quickly. It never explains. It simply sets out the situation and shows us what he does and what the results are. You might be surprised by how much more exciting this is than conventional action. The film won eight Goya awards, the Spanish Oscars, this year. It deserves them. In addition to its effectiveness as a thriller, it is also a film showing a man in the agonizing process of changing his values. And it is a critique of a cruel penal system. It doesn’t preach, it doesn’t end with a message, but it makes us think. The story involves Juan Oliver (Alberto Ammann), a serious young man who reports a day early for his new job as a prison guard. We spend a little time with him at home with his wife, Elena (Marta Etura). She is pregnant. They are head over heels in love. They don’t have much money, but his new job will be a big help. As other guards are taking him on a tour of the prison, he is knocked unconscious in an accident. They carry him to a bunk in an empty cell, Cell 211, and are calling for help when
a violent prison riot breaks out. Their lives are in danger, and they must leave him behind when they flee. He regains consciousness and hears what is going on outside. He doesn’t know why he’s been left behind -- he probably doesn’t recall the falling debris that knocked him unconscious -- but he knows his shoes, shoelaces and belt are fatal giveaways that he’s not a prisoner. And now we enter into real time with him, as he boldly walks into a public area and passes himself off as a new prisoner who was admitted only shortly before. The rioting prisoners are desperate. They’re led by a brutal strongman, a lifer with nothing to lose named Malamadre (Luis Tosar). Juan reads the situation immediately and improvises. Instinctively he takes the role of a man siding with his fellow prisoners. When he makes canny strategic suggestions, he seems to prove his worth. I don’t want to describe any more than that in specific terms. Those really would be spoilers because in “Cell 211” it is actually impossible to anticipate what will happen. The story follows no established formula. It
4.5"X 6.5" MILITARY Page 36 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
discourages attempts at anticipation. It unfolds convincingly at every stage, but unpredictably. As Juan faces more stringent tests, he continues to improvise, sometimes devising masterstrokes. The events in the cellblock are paralleled by two other stories: In the prison office, the warden and security staff monitor the security cameras. And in the city, Elena does some shopping and then learns of the riot in the prison where she knows her husband went that morning. Another strand consists of flashbacks to their loving moments together, which are much more effective dropped in like this than coming before everything. The dynamic in the film happens between Juan and Malamadre. In a subtle way, the director, Daniel Monzon, shows an understanding developing. Malamadre is relentless and unforgiving, resentful when Juan takes the lead in making suggestions, but admiring of the new man’s courage. Very gradually, in the midst of the chaos, they exchange personal information. As Malamadre’s understanding of the full situation changes, his interpretation of it keeps pace. He isn’t a stupid man. Given his information, he makes logical decisions. When his information changes, he responds sanely and not without reason. The term “mounting tension” is an overused cliche. To use it here would be appropriate. Little by little, one
development at a time, the situation becomes more critical and the options for Juan and Malamadre grow more limited. And Juan’s life always hangs in the balance. There is a moment, indeed, when he says something on a walkie talkie that would have betrayed him if anyone had been listening. The actors are well chosen. Luis Tosar, as Malamadre, is a powerful man, shorter than Juan but more muscular, his head shaved, his mustache and beard somehow ominous. Alberto Ammann, as Juan, is of medium build, not aggressive, a convincing mimic in the role he adopts. He is not too heroic and Tosar is not too villainous. They are trapped in this situation and unwittingly they come to share it.
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DRHorton.com All rights reserved. Prices subject to change without notice or obligation. *Federal tax credit of up to $8,000 available to first-time, qualified service member homebuyers (or up to $6,500 for repeat buyers) who enter into a binding contract to purchase a home on or before April 30, 2011, and close escrow on or before June 30, 2011. A “qualified service member” is a member of the uniformed services of the United States, a member of the U.S. Foreign Service or an employee of the U.S. intelligence community, who served overseas for at least 90 days between January 1, 2009 and April 30, 2010. Income limitations apply. Amount of tax credit, if any, is not paid to buyer upon close of escrow. Buyer must claim the tax credit on buyer’s federal income tax return. Not all buyers will qualify. This information is provided for general guidance only and does not constitute tax advice. Please consult an accountant or attorney for your particular situation. Visit www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com for complete details. California state tax credit of up to $10,000 available to new home buyers who close escrow on a qualified new home on or after May 1, 2010 and before August 1, 2011 (as long as a binding contract is signed by December 31, 2010). The amount of any CA state tax credit is applied in equal amounts over three successive tax years and is allocated by the state on a first-come, first-served basis. Amount of tax credit, if any, is not paid to buyer upon close of escrow. Buyer must claim the tax credit on buyer’s state income tax return. Not all buyers will qualify. This information is provided for general guidance only and does not constitute tax advice.Please consult an accountant or attorney for your particular situation. Visit www.ftb.ca.gov for complete details. Financing offered by seller’s affiliated lender, DHI Mortgage Company, Ltd., CA Dept of Corporations License # 4130364. Licensed under the CA Residential Mortgage Lending Act. Additional restrictions may apply. Please see a D.R. Horton sales agent for complete details. D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. – CA DRE License #01258550. Western Pacific Housing Management, Inc. – CA DRE License #01256083. CADO Real Estate Group – CA DRE License #01525182. 7/10
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 37
nearby bike trails that follow the San Luis Rey River directly to the beach and harbor. Children will attend two brand-new schools, Cesar Chavez Middle School and Del Rio Elementary, which are both conveniently close. North River is less than eight miles from the I-5 Freeway and the Coaster, Metrolink and Amtrak Surfliner train station, which makes it an ideal location for commuters. To find out more about North River and start the pre-qualification process to become a homeowner, call 760-433-8091 or send e-mail to sfobel@taylormorrison.com.
Demand is strong for Taylor Morrison’ s North River in Oceanside With model homes nearing completion at Taylor Morrison’s North River in Oceanside, demand is strong and anticipation is high as the interest list for the community continues to grow. “We’re getting lots of calls and e-mails from prospective buyers who see North River as an exceptional value,” stated Steve Wolpin, vice president of sales and marketing for Taylor Morrison. “One of their first questions is ‘Will prices really start in the $230,000s?’ and the answer is yes. It will be possible to own a brand-new home in a gated community just minutes from the beach for a truly affordable price.” Adding to North River’s affordability, Taylor Morrison is offering FHA & VA
financing and no Mello Roos taxes. The stylish three-story townhomes of North River will range from approximately 1,132 to 1,372 square feet, including two to three bedrooms and two and one-half to three baths. Private decks will be perfect for enjoying Oceanside’s coastal climate, and every home will encompass a two-car attached garage. North River residents will be able to walk to a Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market and several restaurants directly across the street. Additional shopping opportunities are nearby at Mission Marketplace, which features a Kmart, Henry’s Farmers Market and 13-screen movie theater, and Town Center North, which is anchored by a Walmart Supercenter and Vons supermarket. Recreation is also within walking distance at two community parks. Melba Bishop Park and Recreation Center features baseball and soccer fields, a new skate park and a gymnasium. Mance Buchanon Park offers five athletic fields, two tot lots, picnic areas and more. Bicyclists will appreciate
Del Sur starts construction on its fifth neighborhood park With a labyrinth and lap pool, the new Kristen Glen park was designed with Del Sur’s adult residents in mind Construction is now under way on the fifth community park within Del Sur, designed to provide recreation and respite for the community’s grown up population. “Open to all residents, Kristen Glen features amenities we’re sure all Del Sur residents will appreciate, ” said Bill Ostrem, president and CEO of Black Mountain Ranch LLC, developer of Del Sur (www.DelSurLiving.com). “Designed with Del Sur’s adult population in mind, the park will include a lap pool and hot tub, as well as a grass and stone labyrinth.” All parks at Del Sur are designed to be energy efficient, with solar-heated pools, and attractive landscaping featuring drought-resistant plantings
that use only reclaimed water. Cost savings from these conservation efforts are passed along to residents. The new Kristen Glen park is expected to be complete in early 2011. A sixth neighborhood park will break ground later this month and will feature a play area with swings. Four new communities are now selling at Del Sur including two neighborhoods by Shea Homes San Diego, one from Standard Pacific Homes and one from William Lyon Homes. Twelve model homes are available for viewing. For more information, visit www.DelSurLiving.com. Del Sur has a strong environmental ethic, which is evident throughout its residential neighborhoods, within its construction practices and in its recreational amenities, including18 miles of hiking trails spread out over 1,800 acres of dedicated open space. Recognized by local civic, planning and environmental groups for its environmentally conscious design and “smart growth” principles, the pedestrian-friendly community of Del Sur eventually will have 2,500 homes.
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*This is not a representation or guarantee of eligibility for tax credits. Restrictions apply to this program. Homebuyers should consult their tax advisor. For details and information on restrictions and availability of tax credits see www.federalhousingtaxcredit.com Prices subject to change without notice.
Page 38 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
Terraza at Otay Ranch
Helen Mirren rides high at her ‘Love Ranch to Paul Verhoeven’s classic. (Scoff if you like, but “Showgirls” is a classic.) So what about “Love Ranch”? Well, director Hackford does a splendid job of evoking mid-’70s Nevada, and the film’s various melodramatic twists and turns hold audience interest. Yet there’s a whiff of made-for-TV-movie about it. You know; those compelling tales the Lifetime Channel used to ladle out -- women in jeopardy. (Believe me, Helen’s madam is in a constant state of jeopardy!) This melodramatic aspect of the film is already receiving harsh treatment from some critics. Well, real life can be pretty melodramatic and “Love Ranch,” while it takes some liberties, is based in truth. BUT, let’s face it. This movie is essentially a tribute, a valentine if you
will, from Taylor Hackford to his wife. Helen’s character is multi-faceted to the max -- hard, soft, sensual, cold, wise, foolish, heartbreaking and heartbroken. (“I’ve been dead for years,” she says toward the end. “I just didn’t know it.”) I don’t know if the script is up to Mirren’s talents. Then again, as far as I’m concerned, Shakespeare ain’t up to Helen’s talents either. But she makes the most of every gesture, every inflection and every glance. When she finally succumbs, after years in a sexual desert -- wow! Her performance is a primer on Great Acting 101. And Hackford photographs her -- after the madam blooms in love -- like a man besotted. I guess he is. Aren’t we all? Incredibly, Helen’s young onscreen partner, Sergio Peris-Mencheta meets her all the way. He is convincing in all
his various, inexplicable moods and actions. He is sexy as hell. (But, better looking in real life. He had to put on 30 pounds to play a boxer. Now he is trim and even sexier.) Sergio is a big deal in Spain, where he has made many movies. Judging by his “Love Ranch” charisma, it’s high time Spain shared. He is genuine heartthrob material -- the new Antonio Banderas. Many women in the screening room seemed much affected by the film -Helen’s character suffers, but she is an empowering figure. No matter what one thinks of prostitution, legal or not, Miss Mirren paints a female portrait of surrender and survival that is beside the point of love for sale.
Qualified service members can still receive the homebuyer tax credit.
Menifee D OA ILR RA
toward the purchase of a new home. To learn more, visit FederalHousingTaxCredit.com.
Act now! Centex. Put yourself in a better place.
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Take the plunge. Visit The Lakes in Menifee today. Single-family homes from 1,901 to 2,916 sq. ft., with 3 to 6 bedrooms, 2 to 3.5 baths from the low $200,000s Gated Community • Jogging/Walking Trails • Sports Fields/Play Equipment Barbeques/Picnic Areas • Walk to Elementary School
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duty. If you’ve returned from duty or are currently deployed, you may qualify for up to $8,000
Great news for those serving our country: The deadline for the federal homebuyer tax credit has been extended by one year for qualified service members ordered on official extended
Up to $8,000 federal tax credit extended for qualified service members!*
”I WAS an extra on the new ‘Wall Street’ movie, a party scene. What a horrible experience. Hours and hours of waiting. Over and over again. No wonder they call extras ‘cattle.’ No wonder actors are all drug addicts and drunks. I wanted a drink myself after it was finally over ... Keith Richards actually takes really good care of himself, believe it or not, and he has incredible genetics, his parents lived till their 90s. He is indestructible. ... I just did a pilot with Jimmy Smits. It’s called ‘Garza’ now. It started out as ‘Outrage.’ I liked ‘Rough Justice’ but my son told me it sound like a gay bar in Washington!” If you sit quietly long enough you can overhear the most amusing things. The above are snippets of various conversations that took place at the little special screening of Taylor Hackford’s “Love Ranch” starring his fabulous wife Helen Mirren. (Hackford refers to Helen as “the greatest actress in the world. And since I am married to her, I feel it’s my duty to find great roles for her!”) WELL, Mr. Hackford certainly found an interesting role for Helen! In “Love Ranch” -- a movie based on true events surrounding the famous legal bordello in Nevada -- Britain’s Dame Helen is a tough American madam, adept at handling her rowdy girls, the money made from sex, and also her cretinous gangster hubby (Joe Pesci). Before the movie unreeled, there was a cocktail reception in the tiny foyer outside Dolby screening room. Among the throng crammed in to catch a glimpse of Mirren -- Peggy Siegal, Julie Taymor, Mark Jacobson, Philip Carlo, Jeff Sackman and others too interested in prostitution to mention. This small space does not make for comfortable chat once stars arrive. (Unless you are Showbiz 411 scribe Roger Friedman. He could conduct an incisive interview on the lip of an erupting volcano.) When Helen did arrive, she looked fabulous, sexy in a little black something or other, with bling sparkling at vital pulse points. She tried to give everybody her attention and a reasonably original quote. Not easy. (These gatherings are much more difficult on the creative process than any acting chore.) What was truly impressive about this queenly dame is how she made sure she introduced her hot co-star, Sergio Peris-Mencheta. He plays the boxer with whom Helen’s character has a torrid affair. And she was also lovely with Elise Neal, who appears as one of Madam Helen’s hookers. Joe Pesci could not attend. He was tending to his ailing mom. Also absent was the divine Gina Gershon who enlivens every one of her scenes as a Love Ranch employee. (Gershon looks exactly the same as she did back in “Showgirls.” I say it’s her incredible bone structure. Some critics, perhaps because of Gershon’s presence, are comparing “Love Ranch”
The Lakes Sales Gallery 29286 Fenwick Circle Menifee, CA 92584 (800) 719-0945 Three, Beautiful Model Homes Open daily, 10 am to 6 pm, Monday, 1 pm to 6 pm
*The extension of time that these credits may be available is based upon dates of “official extended duty” and may not be available in all circumstances. Federal tax credit of up to $8,000 available to qualified first-time homebuyers. Federal tax credit of up to $6,500 available to qualified current homeowners who are purchasing a new principal residence and have owned and resided in a principal residence for any five-consecutive-year period during the last eight years. Qualification for tax credit based upon first-time homebuyer status/current homeowner status, modified adjusted gross income, purchase price of home, and other IRS qualifications. Both tax credits are subject to conditions and restrictions. Both tax credits are only available for a limited time. General information is available at www.FederalHousingTaxCredit.com. Centex does not advise on any personal income tax matters or issues. This information is provided for general awareness only and is not intended for the purpose of providing legal advice, accounting advice, tax advice, or consulting advice of any kind. See a tax advisor for complete details. We strongly urge that before you purchase a home, you seek advice from a professional that is familiar with your personal facts and circumstances. They can assist you in determining whether you qualify for the new credit, any possible extension of time that the credit may be available to you, and the amount available to you. Prices shown are estimated base prices, do not include lot premiums or options and are subject to change without notice. Square footages are approximate. This material shall not constitute an offer where prior registration is required or if void by law. Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be an actual representation of a specific community or neighborhood. Models do not reflect racial preference. © 2010 Centex Homes. All rights reserved.
For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 39
Michael Buble’s ‘Crazy Love’ ... Lindsay Lohan – Crazy Finally Ending? “I can’t believe it’s been seven years since I first put my arms around you!” Yeah, well, when you’re 87 years old, like I am, you seldom find yourself being embraced by an appealing and talented young man who would say such a thing. The brilliant singer Michael Buble was holding me close backstage at the Mohegan Sun after his love-drenched performance with thousands of screaming girls (shades of Frank Sinatra at the Paramount) and many of their elders, who were equally enthusiastic. Michael was referring back to my 80th birthday party where he appeared as a virtual unknown to sing “Just the Way You Look Tonight.” I was flattered that Michael remembered this memorablefor-me event because now he is one of the biggest stars in the firmament. Michael is on his “Crazy Love” tour, which appears at the RBC Center in Raleigh, N.C., tomorrow night and then segues on to Charlotte, N.C., Jacksonville, Fla., New Orleans, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Sacramento, San Diego and on July 28, Las Vegas. I went to the Mohegan Sun recently with Michael’s famous press agent, Liz Rosenberg, and her talent booker husband, the witty Phil Citron. After a wonderful dinner in the gambling casino’s new Bar Americaine (buttermilk fried chicken, anyone?) we caught
Michael’s show with its incredibly big visual backgrounds, its brilliant orchestra and its opening act. The latter is called Naturally 7 and in it seven talented black artists make their own musical instrument sounds to accompany their soul-defying music. They are so deft you can hardly believe what they are doing onstage. In the middle of his show, Michael called on Naturally 7 to come back to the stage and help him be propelled off and carried back to midpoint in the huge auditorium. There he did part of his show from a platform so the people at the back got a better look at him in person. It was masterful and he touched fingers and hands with hundreds of jumping jack fans that were clamoring to tear off his little black suit. There was quite a scuffle for his discarded towel. I don’t know how these hysterical women really get the full gist of Michael’s artistry because they are in the main busy taking phone photos of him. Michael entertained us with some cute stories about his new Argentinean fiancee, Luisana Loreley Lopilato de la Torre. He admitted, “I’m just a little bit afraid of her myself.” It was fascinating to me to see a very good singer like Michael Buble become a huge show biz audience entertainer. But he has developed quite a stage personality, a down-to-earth, give-andtake attitude to his fans, incredible video
Page 40 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
backgrounds and he gives his musicians a lot of well-deserved credit. He doesn’t just stand there and sing. Far from it. He even included a brief Michael Jackson dancing tribute. I’d be a fool not to love Michel Buble, my “discovery,” in a manner of speaking, and special thanks to Liz Rosenberg. Incidentally, at dinner, Phil Citron discussed current events. He asked me how I had liked being fired by the tabloid newspaper, the New York Post, after 33 years as a byline to be replaced by the Eliot Spitzer hooker who is now a Post specialist writer? This had never occurred to me before and Phil and I had a good laugh. I must be sure to send the New York Times this little P.S. for my obit, which I know is already prepared. They have to add this bit! SPEAKING of The Post, their frontpage story this week was Lindsay Lohan being given 90 days in jail and 90 days of rehab. This, in a world that is falling apart with important events. I guess it was a happy day for TMZ gossip Website biggie Harvey Levin and for Perez Hilton and thousands of others who hate Lindsay Lohan from near and far. The level of glee at Lohan’s decline is frightening to observe. This seems a little to me like Middle Ages bearbaiting. Lindsay is sick and everybody is cheering that she’s gonna “get hers.” So congratulations to Dina and
Michael Lohan, as well -- two of the most incredible parents in show biz history. They make Joan Crawford look tame. Dina and Michael seem to have spent their years half-a--ed raising Lindsay and sharing her brief glory days; then jumping up and down for attention as she flopped. He especially seems an insincere attention whore who spent most of Lindsay’s childhood in and out of jail himself. Now as a concerned parent, he gives press conferences at the drop of a hat. As for Lindsay, just turned 24, it’s difficult to gauge whether such punishment will actually help her. Her sentence stems from several DUI’s back in 2007. She did not adhere to probation requirements and alcohol education programs. Last month there was the incident of the SCRAM bracelet after she stupidly flew to the Cannes Film Festival where the dingo ate her passport, just days before a court appearance. Even if not drinking, she seems incapable of staying home and puts 15 herself in jeopardy nightly. So probably Escondido the court should have jailed her after the Cannes event. Now she’ll have two more weeks to fall apart publicly, followed by the tabloid press. Encinitas She appears to have no coping skills whatsoever. Parents and “friends” failed here. So maybe this is the emotional Poway bottoming out that is required to save her from herself. I have personally dealt with alcoholics who did get into rehab 1 Miramar and let it work for them and those who Marine Base Santee never did; it’s a total crapshoot as to 805 what finally happens. 2 If Lindsay has hit bottom, then this El Cajon 3 is not the end of the world. It just might 8 be a new beginning. Maybe she’ll see Lemon Grove the light and become the new Angelina San Diego 6 Jolie -- responsible, hardworking and 32nd Street civic-minded. (Or just a responsible Naval Base hardworking movie star. The star we all thought she’d be.) 4 But with alcoholics one can never 5 tell. And aren’t they always just the most Chula Vista fabulous people in the world when they aren’t drinking? I will be holding good thoughts for Lindsay Lohan and her comeback.
ON THE COVER By Reed Johnson I MP
Shakira has domination in mind
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We provide an affordable and supportive home-like setting for those who have a sincere desire to develop a sober life-style. • Rents starting @ $425/Mo. ($100 Security Deposit) • Utilities Included • Located in North San Diego County (Only 6 miles from Camp Pendleton) • Walk to the Sprinter Station, Oceanside< Shopping and 12-Step Meetings
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The driven Colombian singer, who names Alexander the Great among her heroes, has the album sales and tour grosses to prove that her global appeal makes her a force to be reckoned with. Everyone was waiting for the petite woman with the pre-Raphaelite blond curls to emerge with an entourage. And from the moment Shakira stepped onstage in stiletto boots, skin-tight pants and jacket and a long gray muffler, it was clear who was running the show. For the next hour or so, the Colombian pop star sorted out the paces of her performance, issuing detailed instructions to her music crew, demonstrating moves to the young female dancers in her retinue and conferring in low voices with her manager and choreographer. Then she whipped through a rehearsal of “Waka Waka,” all the while chewing gum and exuding artfully casual glamour. For the evident workaholic and selfadmitted control freak, it was all in a morning’s labors. A few minutes later, seated in her dressing room, makeup removed, looking relaxed and munching candy, she spoke of the need in the music business for always “being on top of your game and making sure that the perception is coherent with what you want to express” creatively. For the 33-year-old Shakira, who has been in the spotlight since puberty, that means “being in survival mode all the time”-- and sweating the details. “I read once that Alexander the Great would’ve not been great, that great, if he would’ve not traveled with the historians who documented his multiple battles and his victories,” she mused. “So documenting your work is important, making sure that the work, if it’s well done, if you put many hours and effort and energy into that, that it does its job, that it’s presented the right way. “And that’s when you make sure that you’re surrounded by intelligent people who can also contribute to your career in great ways . . .,” she continued. “You can’t win a battle if you don’t have the right army behind you.” Conquering the media There’s something about Shakira’s Arabic-Latinate mezcla of brains, looks, cooing voice and bilingual charm that causes writers to get gushy. One recent magazine report declared that her giggles were “so cute they could come from a baby unicorn.” Without adding to the journalistic overkill, let’s just say that
face to face she registers as extremely sharp and engaging and matches her pin-up girl image as far as it’s possible for a mortal to equal a Photoshop’d fantasy.. Wherever touring takes her, Shakira said, she tries to carve out time to ingest the local culture. “Last time I was in L.A., I remember, I went to an Indian performance in Venice Beach, a classical Indian play. It was a very beautiful play, with professional, classical Indian dancers, classical Indian musicians. And all of that sort of feeds me.” From the moment she entered show business, Shakira has used her fame, time and personal checkbook to underwrite charitable projects, setting up a foundation when she was 18. Her work mainly has been directed at helping children rise from impoverished backgrounds through education (her charity has built five schools in Colombia and is working on a sixth), and she regularly jets around the world to meet with billionaire philanthropists such as Mexico’s Carlos Slim, World Bank officials and aspiring do-gooders. In her own case, Shakira explained, the impulse behind her political activism was unequivocally personal. When she was 8, her jeweler father went bankrupt. Her family was obliged to sell off most of the furniture in their Barranquilla home, along with the air conditioner and both cars. “I couldn’t believe my parents! I thought they were the most incompetent business people in the world! And I was so upset. And my dad and my mom took me to the park that day, where all the kids who were orphans are sniffing glue to deal with the tragedy of their own lives and hunger and the solitude of their lives. Little kids, like my age, sniffing glue and barefoot. They just wanted to show me another reality that was much worse than mine. . . . Those images of those kids left a huge impression.” There’ve been published reports that Latin pop’s reigning bilingual princess is pondering putting aside her career for a while to move into that parental state herself, with her longtime boyfriend, Antonio de la Rúa, whose father is the former president of Argentina. Asked if that’s true, Shakira utters a swift, emphatic reply. “Well, now I can’t think of breaks. You know, all my energy is so adrenalized, I can’t think of anything else but putting together my next world tour, and the ideas are flowing and the wheels are in motion. I’m like a train who can’t stop right now. But I think that when it does stop, the next station will be baby station!” She laughed at herself, something that, for all his undoubted accomplishments, it’s hard to imagine Alexander the Great ever doing. “But I wouldn’t stop for long,” she noted. “I need to continue being creative. It’s my nature.”
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3801 Marquette Place, San Diego, CA 92106 Tel: (619) 223-6577 Amenities too numerous to list. These places are fantastic! Now this is what I call living! – Trevor, The Military Press July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 41
California Roundup Balboa Park
Torrey Pines
San Diego is the place to be in July. Stop number one is Jolla. From high bluffs overlooking the Pacific, featuring the rare Torrey Pine, to an underwater ecological park, there is a full range of activities for visitors of all ages. For kids, there are tide pools, safe beaches, boogie boarding and the Birch
Aquarium. Adult activities include world class shopping, kayaking, snorkeling, great dining and the La Jolla Playhouse. For the family, free Concerts by the Sea (on Sundays) along with a picnic is a must. To find out more, call 1-800848-3336 or visit www.SanDiegoNorth. com. Stop number two is Balboa Park,
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San Diego’s crown jewel. This 1,200 acre, mid-city oasis features seventeen museums, performing arts (the Old Globe and Spreckels Organ Pavillion), lush gardens, the world famous San Diego Zoo, restaurants, shopping, the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater, the House of Hospitality and the Spanish
Village Art Center (featuring local artists and crafts). As a public service, residents and military personnel are offered free admission to various museums on a rotating basis on the first four Tuesdays throughout the month. Logon to www.BalboaPark.org or call 1-619-239-0512 for information. Stop
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Page 42 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
*For individuals who serve on qualified official extended duty service outside the U.S. for at least 90 days during the period after Dec. 31, 2008 and before May 1, 2010. The $8,000 tax credit is available for homes purchased before April 30, 2011 and closed by June 30, 2011. The $8,000 tax credit is for first-time homebuyers or someone who has not owned a principal residence during the three-year period prior to the purchase. Please see a Taylor Morrison Sales Associate for details and visit www.taylormorrison.com for additional disclaimers. Taylor Morrison Services, Inc., DRE # 00968975. © June, 2010 Taylor Morrison of California, LLC. 6/25/2010.
TRAVELS WITH HIAN I MP number three is Mission Bay Park and SeaWorld. During July, the park is open late and features a spectacular “Into the Blue” fireworks display every evening to the soundtrack of the “Blue Horizons” show. Go to www.seaworld.com to visit their website.
treat is the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which offers a thrilling ride up to the 8,500 foot level where it is 40 degrees cooler than at the desert floor. The tram is only one of three rotating ones in the world. For details call 1-800-515-TRAM or go online to www.pstramway.com. California Facts -
Angels Flight
Los Angeles - The historic Angels Flight Railroad has reopened in downtown Los Angeles after a nine year absence. Billed as the “World’s Shortest Railway,” the 298-foot ride via twocar funicular connects Bunker Hill at California Plaza on the top and Hill Street on the bottom. When Angels Flight first opened in 1901, it connected the mansions and bungalows atop Bunker Hill with the bustling commerce below along Broadway, Hill and Spring streets. Angels Flight operated continuously until 1969, when it was dismantled and put in storage. Preservationists and the Angels Flight Railway Foundation restored Angels Flight and it reopened in 1996. It was taken out of service again in 2001 while extensive repairs were made. Today, the historic funicular once again connects thriving downtown neighborhoods, with bustling culture and commerce. Bunker Hill is now a financial and arts district, home to office towers and world-class cultural institutions including the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), the Music Center and Walt Disney Concert Hall. Below, one finds condos, bank buildings converted to lofts, trendy restaurants and a flourishing arts district. The train
Did you know that California produces more than 350 crops? Almonds, artichokes, figs, olives, persimmons, pomegranates, prunes, raisins and walnuts are commercially produced only in the Golden State in the USA. California has 4.1 million national park acres and 1.3 million in state park acreage. Think about that when you are planning your vacation.
Palm Springs
0 y* r 0 a t ,0 r Mili
$x 8Credit fo
Six hundred museums around the country, including several in San Diego, have created Blue Star Museums. They all offer free admission to active duty military personnel and their families through Labor Day 2010. For a complete list of participating organizations go to www.arts.gov. Safe travels and enjoy the journey… Howard Hian www.Travels-with-Hian.com Thanks to the various websites for information and photos. Before you go please check details, dates, rates, availability; some restrictions may apply.
mber Woods by Watt Communities
is the most spacious and attractive new home neighborhood in the area. These elegant new three to five bedroom,
Special to the Military Press
two-story residences provide comfortable family living in a very desirable location and a spectacular overall value.
Only a select number of these big and beautiful new homes are available Don’t wait. Hurry over to Amber Woods today, and enjoy special Grand Opening pricing!
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Front yard landscaping
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1104 Woodcrest Lane, Vista, CA 92083
July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 43
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Page 44 July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS
$800 & up. Spacious 1Bedroom, private patio/balcony, A/C, refrig., NO PETS! 145 W. Clemmens Ln
1,2 & 3 Bedroom apartment homes available in Falbrook, Oceanside, Poway, Lakeside and La Mesa, Dogs welcome at several properties upon approval. Military Programs available. Please call 619.956.6341 for more information
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LAKeside 1br $725 • 2br $925
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Call Kris 619.390.0625 MiLiTARY disCOUNT roommate wanted Private House. Own Master Br w/shower/toilet/sink. Shared LR, kitchen & small dining area. 10 min. to Miramar. $
700/mo incl. util's.
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1, 2, 3, & 4br‘s thru-out s.D. EZ Acess to Fwys & Bases. Minutes to Shops & Schools 858.271.8007 -Mention Ad. House for Rent oceanside 4Br
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Call Linda 858.484.6997
condo: 2br/1ba
Upstairs unit w/Priv. balcony Park-like grounds. Newer appl, Fridge, W/D, AC. Granite c'tops, SS Sink, Hrdwd floors, carpet, tile kit/ba.
1100/mo. + $1100 dep.
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selling or Renting, advertise it here. to place an ad call:
1Br, 1Ba, 2Br, 1Ba, Gated Comm., Pets OK.
We have studio & 1Br apt homes!! 2927 4th ave., sD 858-344-5025 Call TODaY! mILItArY wELCOmE
Unfurnished Studio, Walking distance to the Gas Lamp and Balboa Park. Rent $875, Pets Welcome. deposit $500, all utilities incl. call us at: 619-237-7611
San MarcoS newer condo w/balcony & patio
3br/3.5ba 1969sf, 2-car gar. Newer appl's, comm. pool, near schools & freeway $2400/mo. + $2400 dep
roommate wanted private House. own Master Br
4471 44th Street
Move-in specials Rancho hills apartments
s o l et ' s all pitch in!
1 Month FREE!st
Call for details 1Br from $1345 2Br + loft $1495 townhoMe + gar. $1675 Foreclosure Forgiveness Credit Friendly
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601 S. twin oaks Valley rd.
welcome to
Talmadge area 1st month Free Spacious 1 & 2Br's starting @ $780/mo*. A/C, Gated Entry, Pkg Garage Elevator, Laundry Facility, North of El Cajon Blvd.
*Ask About Specials
1Br, 1Ba, w/ all Amenities, onsite lndry, pool/spa. Close to major shopping & dinning. Close to 52 & 125. Pet friendly. No applic. fee/ deps for active duty military.
Office - 619-255-8084 Cell - 619-569-6395
Banker's Hill living: Walk to Hillcrest, minutes to Gaslamp. Our apartments have everything you'll need.
MISSION ARBOR APARTMENTS Now leasing Large 2br apartment homes Ideally located in Mission Valley
760-798-2794 Solana Vista
3% oFF- Military/Student disc. Spacious 1 & 2Br's Available $ 300 MoVe-in SpeciAl
Call us at 619.285-9910
$ 1099 2Br/1Ba, immediate Move-in. Cov'd Prkg, Lg Storage, BBQ Area, Oversize Pool, Priv. Patios, Lush Landscaping. 915 Brooktree ln., vista, 92081
VISTA Studio, 1br & 2br apts. With garage or carport. Close to Restaurants/Shops Pet Friendly, under 25lbs.
GReat Move-In SpecIalS! call today 760.295.1062
For pictures: gemjule2000@yahoo.com
Bella Vista First Month FRee! 2BR/2BA, W/D in unit. Pool & Jacuzzi. $1195/mo. Cats Ok w/Pet Deposit. 1515 Date St., Vista 92083
RooMMate wanteD
Private House. Own Master Br w/shower/toilet/sink. Shared LR, kitchen & small dining area. 10 min. to Miramar. $
700/mo incl. util's.
call 858.243.0268
w/shower/toilet/sink. Shared lR, kitchen & small dining area. 10 min. to Miramar. $
700/mo incl. util's.
call 858.243.0268
South bay Pvt. Entrance/Pvt. Bath 700/mo +
Utilities incl.+ Hi-speed Internet 5 mi. from IB Naval Exchange John - 619. 575 . 8248
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July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 45
COMICS AND FUN STUFF Universal Crossword
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Cut your losses personally, professionally or financially. Working from home may be difficult at first but it’s your uncertainty that stands in your way. Sometimes you have to give something up in order to get something better. 3 stars TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You can make a strategic move that will help you personally and professionally. Networking will lead to an opportunity you don’t expect. Your determination, drive and leadership ability will lead to an interesting offer. 5 stars GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don’t rely on promises. You will be left to your own devices when it comes to financial or personal responsibilities. An emotional issue will arise if you are not attentive or flirt with someone you should probably leave alone. Follow through with any agreement you make. 2 stars CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don’t let uncertainties caused by others lower your confidence. You have the discipline, energy and mindset to accomplish whatever you decide to do. A professional decision that affects your position shouldn’t be looked at as a negative. 4 stars LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You need to get out and experience new people, places and pastimes. Get involved in something that can alter the way you live and think. Ask questions and share your vision. 3 stars VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Taking an aggressive path will show others you are serious about your pursuits. Take care of personal matters or do something that will make you feel good about yourself and your future. Love is in the stars. 3 stars LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): As long as you stay on top of matters, you will do just fine. As soon as you let someone interfere or influence your decision-making, things will spin out of control. Don’t mince words or lead anyone on. 3 stars SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): An aggressive approach will be your best bet and will bring the highest returns. Publishing, traveling or researching new ways to make the most of something you are already doing will lead to greater advancement. Money is apparent if you launch a project. 4 stars SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You can expect to meet with opposition no matter what you do or with whom you deal. There is a chance to make money by cutting your overhead. Making changes to your residence or investing in a service or skill you have will eventually pay off. 2 stars CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Put yourself on the line. You have what it takes to accomplish your goals. There is money in the stars and deals that can turn your life around. Your expertise, skills and talent will not let you down. 5 stars AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You may think someone you are dealing with is being critical but it’s likely this person just wants to help you be and do your best. Try to be patient and use the advice being offered. Out of chaos will come peace and opportunity. 3 stars PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your indecisiveness might cause you to miss out on a great opportunity to partner with someone intent on being successful. Don’t shy away or opt to take part in recreational activities when a little hard work has the potential to change your world. 3 stars
Edited by Timothy E. Parker July 20, 2009 ACROSS 1 / 6 Big blue ox 10 Be up against? 14 A pound has 100 15 Discharge, as light 16 Chow down uptown 17 Emperor penguin’s realm 20 Big shot in the bar? 21 Watercooled pipe 22 Beast of burden 25 “Clumsy me!” 28 Flower girl, maybe 29 Condition caused by high temperatures 33 George of the Jungle obstacle 34 Aquarium owner’s bane 35 Bit of smoke 37 Without cheating 43 Gratis 44 Vatican sculpture 46 Boring, slangily 50 Placing in proper rank 53 Composer of “Bolero” 55 Reason to backspace 56 Adderley of jazz 57 Line___ (listed individually)
59 Cathedral section 62 Site of many mysterious disappearances 68 “May I get you anything ___?” 69 Refines, as wine 70 They climb the walls 71 Not the original color 72 Ox-cessory? 73 Accelerating forces DOWN 1 Masseuse employer 2 Cariou of “Madame X” 3 Breadcrumb carrier 4 One who crosses the line? 5 Present for the teacher? 6 Casino customer 7 “What ___, chopped liver?” 8 Big name in lighters 9 Carve on crystal 10 Skillful 11 Argue 12 Break a tie? 13 Giggle sound 18 Blood blockage 19 Suffix with “restrict” 22 “Eureka!” 23 “To thine own ___ be true” 24 Heroic prose narrative
26 Like some suspicious substances 27 A schussboomer uses them 30 “Chi” lead-in 31 Feudal field hand 32 Abbr. after a lawyer’s name 36 Cocoon inhabitant 38 Word before and after “in” 39 Without a hair out of place 40 Be bedridden 41 Line straight from the horse’s mouth? 42 Where Enceladus was buried 45 He’s special to the FBI 46 Bought off 47 In the past week or so
48 Not sympathetic 49 Companion of hawed 51 Thinly populated 52 A Pueblo people 54 Romanian monetary unit 58 “Animal House” character 60 “He” and “she” follower 61 Covetousness 63 “It was twenty years ___ today …” 64 William Shatner’s “___War” 65 Alexander ingredient 66 “He Got Game” director 67 Apostrophe follower, often
(Editors: For editorial questions, contact Nadine Anheier, nanheier@uclick.com.)
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Publisher Richard T. Matz
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Tel 858.537.2280
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Shop supply charges in the amount of 6% of labor charges will be added to invoices greater than $35. These charges will not exceed $25 and represent costs and profits. Shop supply charges not applicable in CA or NY. Non-mandated disposal or recycling charges, if any are disclosed above, may also represent costs and profits. Specific product offerings and tread designs may vary. Prices, warranties, car service, credit plans and other offers available at Firestone Complete Auto Care; see affiliated for their competitive offers and warranties. *If you do not achieve guaranteed mileage, your Firestone retailer will replace your tires on a pro-rated basis. Actual tread life may vary. All warranties apply only to original owner on originally installed vehicle. See retailer for details, restrictions and copy of each limited warranty. †MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENTS REQUIRED. Applicable to purchases made June 1st through December 31st, 2010. APR: 22.8%. Minimum Finance Charge $1.00. CFNA reserves the right to change APR, fees and other terms unilaterally.
For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280
July 15, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 47
AT&T salutes all those who let freedom ring.
15% MILITARY SERVICE DISCOUNT FOR ALL ACTIVE DUTY, RETIRED, AND RESERVE U.S. ARMED FORCES. See store for details. Special restrictions may apply.
VISIT A STORE AT&T STORES ▲◆ Carlsbad 2525 El Camino Real, Ste.162, (760) 729-9215 ▲◆ Carmel Mountain 11954 Carmel Mountain Rd., (858) 674-0774 ▲◆ Chula Vista 555 Broadway, (Suite #1070), (619)-691-9709 ▲◆ 878 Eastlake Parkway, (Suite 1510), (619) 421-2397
▲◆ Clairemont 3998 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.,, Ste. A, (858) 490-8840 ▲◆ Del Mar 12873 El Camino Real, (858) 793-4888 ▲◆ Downtown 252 Broadway, (619) 238-3638 ▲◆ Encinitas 1560 Leucadia Blvd., Ste. D, (760) 635-4363 ▲◆ Escondido 1268 Auto Pkwy., Ste. B, (760) 432-4200 ▲◆ La Jolla 8657 Villa La Jolla, #115, (858) 638-1440
▲◆ Mira Mesa 10754 Westview Pkwy., (858) 621-2000 ▲◆ 8225 Mira Mesa Blvd, (858) 693-0815 ▲◆ Mission Valley 2011 Camino Del Este North, (619) 293 4630 ▲◆ National City 3030 Plaza Bonita Rd #1470, (619) 267-8147 ▲◆ Oceanside 2530 Vista Way, Ste. N, (760) 967-0134
▲◆ Point Loma 3361 Rosecrans Blvd., (619) 758-0819 ▲◆ Rancho San Diego 2883 Jamacha Rd, (619) 660-6075 ▲◆ San Marcos 133 S Las Posas Rd., (760) 752-3273 ▲◆ Santee 50 Town Center Parkway, (619)-448-1798 ▲◆ Vista 347 Vista Village Dr., (Suite 101), (760)-940-9851 ▲ Servicio en Espanol ◆ Phone, Advanced TV and Internet from AT&T Sold Here
Monthly Discount: Service discount applies only to the monthly service charge of qualified plans and not to any other charges. See store for details. Special restrictions may apply. Coverage is not available in all areas. See coverage map at stores for details. ©2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo, and all other marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
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