Jun 01, 2012

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Serving Active and Retired Military, DoD Workers and Civilians for Over 35 Years

Volume 36 • #11 • June 1, 2012

for civilians also

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official.” –Theodore Roosevelt “Speak softly, (or not at all), and carry a big stick.” – Richard Matz

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What made theodore such a great man? In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated and Roosevelt became President at the age of 42; he remains the youngest president. Roosevelt attempted to move the Republican Party (GOP) toward Progressivism, including trust busting and increased regulation of businesses. Roosevelt coined the phrase “Square Deal” to describe his domestic agenda, emphasizing that the average citizen would get a fair share under his policies. As an outdoorsman and naturalist, he promoted the conservation movement. On the world stage, Roosevelt’s policies were characterized by his slogan, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Roosevelt was the force behind the completion of the Panama Canal; sent the Great White Fleet on a world tour to demonstrate American power; and negotiated an end to the RussoJapanese War, for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. continues on page 26 >>>

The Military Press June 1, 2012

Publisher Richard T. Matz Editor / Design Trevor Watson Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Sales Director — Multimedia Mike Miller Account Representatives: Michelle Hull, James Wyatt Public Relations Lisa Matz Production / Web Manager Sandra Powers Graphic Design / Web Joe Yang Distribution Ernest Moralez Dennis Winks

General Patton Original Oil By Rick Timmons See more of Rick’s art on page 18

America’s greatest general

George Smith Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) was an officer in the United States Army best known for his leadership as a general during World War II. He also developed a reputation for eccentricity and for sometimes-controversial gruff outspokenness—such as during his profanity-laced speech to his expeditionary troops. In World War II, he commanded corps and armies in North Africa, Sicily, and the European Theater of Operations. In 1944, Patton assumed command of the U.S. Third Army, which under his leadership advanced farther, captured more enemy prisoners, and liberated more territory in less time than any other army in history. A German field marshal speaking to American reporters called Patton “your best” (general).

continues on page 8 >>>

9715 Carroll Centre Road, Suite #104 San Diego, CA 92126 Tel 858.537.2280 www.militarypress.com

WIN MOVIE TICKETS What actor plays General Patton’s driver in the 1970 movie “Patton”? Email answer to: contest@militarypress.com

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see more on page 31>>> June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 3


The Citizen and the Government By Cal Thomas


n the Aesop Fable “The Grasshopper and the Ant,” there are moral, economic and political lessons for our time, or any other. As the story goes, the lazy grasshopper wiles away his summer days singing and hopping and having an allaround good time while industrious ants work and march and struggle to carry kernels of corn to their anthills, storing up for the winter to come. As you would imagine, the inevitable happens. Come winter, the ants have plenty of food to see them through the cold, fallow months. The fun-loving grasshopper has nothing. The grasshopper begs the hardworking ants to share their bounty, but they refuse. Let’s begin with the political lesson. Government, the grasshopper in this little morality tale, is constantly trying to get its citizens, the ants, to cough up more and more of what they’ve earned by the sweat of their brows so that it might pay for its own needs. The latest of many recent examples occurred last week in Maryland where the majority Democratic legislature

passed another tax increase on “the rich.” Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley and the legislators have

tying the state’s new state-local tax bracket, according to the Washington Post, with that of “...the District’s for fourth-highest in the nation.” Es-

The government

The citizen lowered the definition of “rich” from the arbitrary $250,000 established by President Obama, to $100,000 for individuals and $150,000 for couples filing jointly. Maryland residents will now be slapped with a new tax on top of already high state and local taxes,


pecially in the expensive Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C., incomes of $100,000 and $150,000 are barely middle class. The tax hike caused the Democratic comptroller, Peter Franchot, to protest. Franchot told Washington radio

station WMAL his fellow Maryland Democrats “try to be loyal and want to be supportive of their party, but they’re becoming very frustrated with this long list of almost indiscriminate tax increases that we’re faced with on an annual basis.” Only if the tax-and-spend “grasshoppers” start feeling the heat from the taxpaying “ants” are they likely to reverse course. Some of that heat may soon be coming from people who are fed up enough to act. There are reports of wealthy individuals and some businesses from states with high taxes, including Maryland and certainly California, moving to states with a lower state tax, or no state tax at all. The economic lesson is this: Human nature has demonstrated that if government can squeeze more money out of its citizens without having to cut wasteful spending, it will; and if citizens can get other people’s money without having to earn it, they will become addicted to government and come to regard the sustenance as an entitlement. Compare the huge number of ineffective and wasteful government programs with The Marshall Plan of 1948, which established the Economic

Cooperation Administration, the intent of which was to provide $13.3 billion in U.S. aid to Western European countries to rebuild industry and put people back to work after World War II. Much of Europe is in crisis today because it has become a victim of its own welfare state. Instead of industry, there is indolence. Economies are in trouble because government, not the individual, has become su-

ernment takes money from people who earn it, government has a responsibility to spend it wisely and in ways that achieve the ends set down in our founding documents.Chief among these is that noble sentiment found in the Preamble to the Constitution about promoting “the general welfare.” By “spreading the wealth around,” rather than teaching and encouraging

In America, too, many of our domestic programs merely sustain people in poverty rather than help them to become self-sufficient. Liberal politicians, especially, think this is perfectly fine because addiction to government means addiction to them and to the perpetuation of their liberal agenda. preme. France just elected a socialist president, rejecting necessary austerity. The European gravy train has derailed. In America, too, many of our domestic programs merely sustain people in poverty rather than help them to become self-sufficient. Liberal politicians, especially, think this is perfectly fine because addiction to government means addiction to them and to the perpetuation of their liberal agenda. The moral lesson is this: When gov-

individuals to build wealth for themselves, government robs people of the joy produced by human initiative; indeed it takes from them one of the building blocks that makes us unique among living things: the dignity and reward of work. The moral, political and economic lessons of the past are in fables and reality to teach the present and ensure a better future. By ignoring them, Europe and America risk repeating costly mistakes and suffering the consequences.



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speak softly . . . T he original quote, “Speak softly and carry a big stick,” came from one of our greatest presidents — Theodore Roosevelt. Of course the meaning behind his quote was that the United States should maintain the strongest military power in the world. I must agree with President Roosevelt’s quote with a small addition, and that would be, “Speak softly... and carry a big stick.... and keep your mouth shut.” I feel that our government should keep its “BIG MOUTH SHUT” and stop telegraphing our punches and plans to all our enemies. Stop telling Iran, Afghanistan and al-Qaeda the number of troops and dates we will remove our military from these foreign lands. When you’re involved in a game of poker, the last thing that you do is show everybody your hand, but that’s exactly what our government is doing. Now think for a moment. If you were the enemy, what would you do with the abundance of information about the comings and goings of our troops? Would you engage the enemy in battle or would you wait until the odds were in your favor? The main goal of our political parties is winning

the next election even though it might mean killing hundreds of our brave military men and women. The pandering for votes has gotten to the point where the present administration has sold out our country by condoning illegal immigration, crooked unions, and



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by pretending to support minorities and our gay communities! As Americans we all have the obligation to find a solution to eliminate any and all political parties and politicians who put themselves, greedy companies or individuals ahead of our country! Ted-

dy Roosevelt said it best back at the beginning of the 19th century, and I quote: “No prosperity and no glory can save a nation that is rotten at heart. We must ever keep the core of our national being sound, and see to it that not only our citizens in private life, but, above all, our statesmen in public life, practice the old commonplace virtues which from time immemorial have lain at the root of all true national well-being.” We all must understand that Teddy Roosevelt made that quote over 100 years ago. Just think of the advances that the world has made in the last 100 years. With all our technology and tremendous advances in communication, what’s happened to truthfulness, hon-

esty, integrity and our belief “In God We Trust?” We all understand the separation of church and state but when we eliminate God from everything the majority of us believe in, it just might have something to do with the sad situation our country and this world is in! Even President Obama’s former minister, the Rev. Wright, believes in God. Lest we forget his comment, and I quote, “God damn America.” Our new politicians must figure out a way that they can protect and defend the greatest country on Earth without putting our military men and women in harm’s way! The United States needs to strengthen and support its military with the monies needed to protect us, our children and our grandchildren. Let’s give the $52.7 billion spent on foreign aid to our military for new technology to protect and defend our country. I hope Obama will change his campaign tactics and put our nation and its welfare at the top of his agenda! If he fails to do this and Mitt Romney picks up the torch, then Romney should become our new president. And if Mitt Romney fails to put our country first then hopefully our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, will challenge and become president. Far-fetched? Maybe. Out of my mind? Could be. When you get to the point of not picking up a newspaper or turning on the television, radio or Internet because of all the doom and gloom, it’s a sad affair. I am part of the media and opinions put me in the same boat with the very people that I condemn and write about. If you want to jump into the boat, be careful the name of the boat just might be Titanic II. Richard Matz Publisher I’d like to hear what you think? email me: rmatz@militarypress.com

5 myths - foreign aid

By John Norris

Foreign aid has few domestic allies. Aid programs weathered steep cuts in the recent budget deal in Congress, and a plan from Rep. Paul Ryan (RWis.) would slash spending on international affairs and foreign assistance by an eye-popping 44 percent by 2016. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has called for the abolishment of aid programs, including to Israel, and protests in the Middle East have evoked sharp questions about the effectiveness and goals of U.S. aid. What’s the point of U.S. foreign aid, and does it do any good? Let’s topple a few misconceptions and find out.

1. Republicans hate foreign aid.

U.S. assistance to Costa Rica helped that nation become a champion of democracy and human rights as well as of regional trade agreements. Similarly, the United States and India were badly estranged at different points during the Cold War, but U.S. assistance to India helped spark the “green revolution” that prevented massive famine in the late 1960s. Today, India is one of America’s most important allies in Asia. And aid sent to troubled regions now can save money in the long term. As Defense Secretary Robert Gates noted last year: “Development contributes to stability. It contributes to better governance. And if you are able to do those things and you’re able to do them in a focused and sustainable way, then it may be unnecessary for us to send soldiers.”

Former congressman Tom Delay (RTex.) once noted that it was difficult for lawmakers to explain to their constituents why they were more interested in helping Ghana than Grandma. Yet every Republican president since Dwight Eisenhower has been a staunch advocate for foreign aid programs.

Continues on page 10



2. Foreign aid is a budget buster.

In poll after poll, Americans overwhelmingly say they believe that foreign aid makes up a larger portion of the federal budget than defense spending, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, or spending on roads and other infrastructure. In a November World Public Opinion poll, the average American believed that a whopping 25 percent of the federal budget goes to foreign aid.

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3. We give aid so countries will do as we say.

Ken Adelman, Reagan’s U.N. ambassador, was shocked when he showed up at the United Nations in 1981 to find that countries receiving U.S. development assistance didn’t always support Washington. As Adelman put it in a recent Foreign Policy article: “Did all that money buy America any love?” But foreign aid is not designed to make countries like us. The United States wants stable democratic partners that are reliable allies in the long run. Aid builds these relationships, even when the countries we help don’t support us in the short run. For example, the Reagan administration didn’t approve when Costa Rica inserted itself into multiple conflicts raging in Central America during the 1980s. But

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Military Feature

America’s greatest general Continued from page 3

Criticisms and controversies: Patton’s problems with humor, his image, and the press. Unlike Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was popular with troops partly for his self-effacing humor, Patton disliked jokes aimed at himself, feeling that accepting such jokes would decrease the respect which he felt that troops should have toward their commanders. Patton reportedly had the utmost respect for the men serving in his command, particularly the wounded. However, he tended to classify cases of psychological battlefield breakdown as malingering. Many of Patton’s directives on caring for the enlisted men under his command, such as ordering that captured supplies of enemy food and liquor be delivered to frontline units were overlooked in the media in favor of more popular news items, such as his system of fines for officers and men who failed to shave daily and wear helmets and leggings at all times. The fighting elements of Patton’s Third Army had guaranteed mail deliveries, priority on hot chow and showers, regular uniform issues, plus liberal distribution of passes and unit rotations out of the line.The Stars and Stripes cartoonist, Sergeant Bill Mauldin, who habitually portrayed front line infantry as exhausted, begrimed footsloggers Willie and Joe came in for special criticism, even prompting Patton to summon Sergeant Mauldin to his headquarters, where Patton unsuccessfully attempted to convince Mauldin into drawing a cleaned-up version

of the popular comic strip. Patton was capable of the occasional blunt witticism: “The two most dangerous weapons the Germans have are our own armored halftrack and jeep. The halftrack because the boys in it go all heroic, thinking they are in a tank. The jeep because we have so many God-awful drivers.” During the Battle of the Bulge, he famously remarked that the Allies should “let the SOBs [Germans] go all the way to Paris, then we’ll cut ‘em off and round ‘em up!” He also suggested facetiously that his Third Army could “drive the British [his allies] back into the sea for another Dunkirk.” While Patton has a reputation today as a senior

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general who was both impatient and impulsive, with little tolerance for officers who had failed to succeed on the battlefield, the truth is somewhat different. Compared to Omar Bradley, Patton actually fired only one general during the entire war, Orlando Ward, and only after two warnings, whereas Bradley sacked numerous generals during the war.

Patton’s well-known custom ivory-handled revolver.

Patton deliberately cultivated a flashy, distinctive image in the belief that this would motivate his troops. He was usually seen wearing a highly polished helmet, riding pants, and high cavalry boots. He carried flashy ivory-handled, nickel-plated revolvers as his most famous sidearms (a Colt Single Action Army .45 “Peacemaker” and later also a S&W Model 27 .357). His vehicles carried overContinues on page 11

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Commentary Continued from page 6

5 myths - foreign aid 4. Foreign governments waste the aid we give them.


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During the Cold War, some foreign aid was directed to friendly dictators with little regard for their own people, such as Zaire’s President Mobutu Sese Seko. Local corruption also swallowed assistance to Haiti after 2010’s earthquake. But when aid is wasted, it’s more often a result of stateside congressional inefficiency. For example, Congress mandates that 75 percent of all U.S. international food aid be shipped aboard U.S. flagged vessels — ships registered in the United States. A study by several researchers at Cornell University concluded that this subsidy of elite U.S. shipping companies cost American taxpayers $140 million in unnecessary transportation costs during 2006 alone. The Government Accountability Office noted that between 2006 and 2008, U.S. food aid funding increased by nearly 53 percent, but the amount of food delivered actually decreased by 5 percent. Why? Because our food aid policies are swayed by an agribusiness lobby that stresses buying American, not buying cheaply.

5. No one ever graduates from U.S. foreign aid.

The notion that poor countries are doomed to stay poor has always been part of the foreign aid debate in the United States. Nations across Latin America and Asia were dismissed in the 1960s as perennial basket cases, yet countries in both regions combined sensible reforms with a jumpstart from U.S. assistance programs to achieve dynamic, lasting growth. According to the United States International Trade Commission, 10 of the 15 largest importers of American goods and services, including countries such as South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, graduated from U.S. foreign aid programs. That’s the most enduring truth about foreign aid: Though it probably won’t do more than blunt the suffering in some places, it can make a lasting difference in countries committed to change. Sure, it’s a bet. But it doesn’t have to be a long shot. John Norris is the executive director of the sustainable security program at the Center for American Progress.



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Military Feature

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Continued from page 8

sized rank insignia and sirens. His speech was riddled with profanities. While Patton had many detractors in the press, he also received praise from others, including a tribute from a UPI writer who wrote, “Gen. George S. Patton believed he was the greatest soldier who ever lived. He made himself believe he would never falter through doubt. This absolute faith in himself as a strategist and master of daring infected his entire army, until the men of the second American corps in Africa, and later the third army in France, believed they could not be defeated under his leadership.”

On 10 July 1945, the AFN Munich commenced broadcasting as the first AFN station in Germany. The first broadcast, “Good morning! This is AFN Munich, the voice of the 7th Army!,” made by Major Bob Light, infuriated Patton so much that he demanded that the responsible person was to be court martialed. Unknown to Light, the 3rd Army had taken over charge of Munich the previous night from the 7th Army. Patton, not a friend of the American Forces Network in the first place, was shaving at the time and actually cut himself on hearing the broadcast.

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 11

Sports News - sports-central.net

Foul Territory: Ranters, Ravers, and Slow Players By Jeffrey Boswell

Vilma Found a Good Lawyer By Hiring a Headhunter — Sus-

pended New Orleans Saints lineback-

er Jonathan Vilma filed a defamation lawsuit against Roger Goodell on Thursday, claiming the commissioner crippled Vilma’s reputation and harmed his football earning potential. Vilma said if he can’t play defense this year, then Goodell will have to.

Busch Baby

— NASCAR fined Kurt Busch $50,000 and placed him on probation until July 25th for his actions at Darlington last Saturday. Busch sped through Ryan Newman’s pit stall and bumped Newman’s car after the race, sparking a heated confrontation between crew members of the two teams. The oft-fined Busch unofficially became the driver to have experienced the most “G’s.”

Manny Pacquiao was banned from

the Grove, a ritzy Los Angeles shopping mall, after stating that he feels homosexual men should be “put to death.” Pacquiao’s inflammatory statements accomplished the near-impossible — by making Floyd Mayweather seem more likable.

For a Change, Someone’s Paying Taylor For Something — Law-

rence Taylor is auctioning off his Super Bowl XXV ring, and expects to make $100,000 from the sale. The ring is encrusted with 19 diamonds, as well as 20 years worth of cocaine residue.

Johnny Tapia Dead from a Drug Overdose Rodman sentenced After being declared clinically dead five times before in his life, this time Johnny Tapia is gone forever. Considered “one of the greatest fighters ever,” by Mike Tyson, Johnny Tapia died in his home in Albuquerque, NM from a drug overdose. Johnny Tapia was a prized boxing champion, winning 3 world championships. Although he won many fights and was respected as a skilled professional boxer, Johnny Tapia battled with drugs, alcohol, mental illness and numerous suicide attempts. His whole life he suffered trauma, from living through his mothers murder in 1975, her murders’ gruesome death in 1983 (that re-opened the wound), numerous drug overdoses, and problems in his marriage. In 1995, he was court ordered to drug rehab after a domestic despute with his wife and found himself back in rehab in 2003. He also lost his brother in law and nephew in a car crash on their way to see him in a hospital after he overdosed. It seems like Johnny used drugs and alcohol to kill the pain he was suffering from years of trauma. “Larry Merchant, the boxing analyst, told Playboy in 2004 that Tapia was “a five-to-one underdog to survive his own childhood.” Johnny Tapia is survived by his wife Teresa Tapia and their three children. You don’t have to lose your life to drugs and alcohol, there is help. If you need to talk to someone is regards to your drug abuse or if you’d like to get a loved one help please call our 24/7 crisis hotline at 877-711-4673.


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12 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman, known as much for his off-court antics as his court skills, was sentenced to 104 hours of community service and three years probation for failing to pay child support. Rodman, 51, was found guilty on four counts of contempt last year for failing to keep up to date with payments. Orange County Superior Court Commissioner Barry Michaelson advised Rodman to put his skills to useful purposes in serving his sentence. “My suggestion is to use your talents as a motivator, as a fine, fine athlete and as a fine person to assist others in need,” Michaelson said. While Rodman noted he is not earning as much money as he did in his NBA heyday, he said he still plays in Asia and Europe and is “making enough to keep everyone satisfied.”

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Military News

City Proud of Veterans Needs Community Service Center By Bob Zimmerman, Veteran Advocate America’s Finest City receives virtual crown as Senator John McCain proclaims San Diego as America’s most promilitary city Memorial Day 2012 Ceremony at the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center in Balboa Park. Over 5,000 were in attendance at the event. Veterans past and present basked in a sun-drenched blue sky day in America’s Finest City. The day brought accolades from around a proud San Diego County — home away from home for active duty Marines, Sailors and America’s largest population of military veterans past and present. For an American county to have such a proud military legacy, it seems fitting that such an honor might be

complemented with a “San Diego County Veterans Community Center.” If you will, a “Thank You For Your Service” center that could be dedicated to serving the needs of veterans in search of life after serving as sworn defenders of freedom. Such a complex should be an endeavor by all segments of this proud community, i.e. the general population and both the business and industrial community, and operated as a non-profit 501 (c) 3, providing all donors with an income tax deduction. A food-for-thought Idea that could evolve into a much needed service for those who’ve delivered FREEDOM for all, at a cost of life and limb, and for some, wounds they will live with for life. They are our American Preeminent Volunteers.

Policy Summit on Obesity and Military Readiness As the leading medical disqualifier for young adults denied entry into the armed forces, obesity poses a major national security risk. Some 27 percent of potential recruits weigh too much to

enlist in the armed forces, and the military discharges about 1,200 first-time enlistees each year before their contracts expire due to weight problems. Weight Watchers International, Inc., recently convened a policy summit to examine the growing national security threat posed by a shrinking pool of Americans lean enough to serve in the military. The event brought together experts from the public and private sectors to discuss the roles that government, communities and health professionals can play to reverse this trend and guaranteed the national is able to recruit and sustain a healthy armed forces.

Tim McGraw Building Homes for U.S. Veterans By Donna Lyons Military Community Examiner The country music superstar is giving away 25 mortgage-free houses — one for each stop on his upcoming “Brothers of the Sun” tour with Kenny Chesney — to wounded or needy service members. McGraw will kick off the campaign with a Memorial Day concert for military members in New York during Fleet Week. McGraw’s sister, grandfather and uncle are all veterans, and is one of his best friends. He said he is in a position to be able to go on tour and provide something incredible for those who serve. He is partnering with the charity Operation Homefront and Chase on the program.

Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine

Gracious and friendly, Temecula Valley Southern California Wine Country’s colorful event launches Summerfest at Lake Skinner, June 1 to 3. The event features evening hot air balloon glows and morning balloon ascensions. Taste the valley’s award-winning premium-varietals and proprietary-blends; enjoy food-and-wine pairing; arts-and-crafts; rock-and-roll band, Lifehouse; country-music artists, Phil Vassar, Chris Cagle. The event is located at 37701 Warren Rd., Winchester, CA 92596. For more info, visit www.tvbwf. com.

Sundance for the Troops

The cultures of Tinseltown and Washington melded together recently at the sixth annual GI Film Festival (GIFF), by honoring former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot. Perot, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and longtime advocate for veterans causes, was presented with the Lifetime Hero Award by organizers. Reluctant to give interview during the last several years, Perot told The Washington Examiner, “It’s been a real privilege to be able to work with the military and help people, and it’s very nice of them to recognize it tonight. “But the real issue is, we’ve got to take care of those people.” Actor Joe Mantegna, a regular on the TV series “Criminal Minds,” received the GI Spirit Award for his advocacy of veterans causes and his work as co-narrator of the annual Memorial Day Concert in Washington, D.C.

HELP WANTED Are you high-energy & enthusiastic? Will train military spouse to become advertising rep for The Military Press Newspaper. Salary plus commissions. Must have good, clear speaking voice and, most of all, be excited to learn a career in advertising. Call Richard

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 13


Military News There will be all sorts of entertainment to keeps the kids interested and adorable adoptable pets to choose from if adoption is in your future. There also will be free refreshments for all attendees and drawings for prizes. Anyone who visits the dealership now through June 10 will be entered into a drawing to win the use of a Lexus for Father’s Day weekend! Everyone is welcome to participate, but dads are especially encouraged. For more info, call 760-690-2720 or tjackson@lexusescondido.com

We will select one entry to win $100! One entry per person. Mail to: Military Press Survey, 9715 Carroll Centre Road, Suite 104, San Diego, CA 92126.

Age group: 20-35 36-45 46-55 56-75 75+ Sex: Male Female Race: African-American Asian Caucasian Hispanic Native American Other Number of children: None 1-2 3-4 4+ Where do you live? On base Own home Rent home Rent apartment Gross annual household income: Less than $25,999 $26,000-$49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 Over $100,000 Decline to state Status: Active duty Retired Civilian Spouse

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Do you own a motorcycle? Yes No Are you more likely or less likely to patronize a business that offers a military discount? More likely Less likely

Texas Hold’em Poker Mentor A Tourney Join the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 472 on June 16 at 6 p.m. at Military Child

How often do you take a vacation? Once a year Twice a year More than twice a year (good for you) Almost never How often do you take a “staycation?” Once a year Twice a year More than twice a year Almost never How often do you purchase goods online? Every great once in a while Frequently Sometimes Never If you or your spouse are attending college, is it: Online Local institution If you are not attending college now, do you plan to further your education? Yes No

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14 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas for a fun-filled evening of poker to help support the military. Funds raised help all branches of the service, active or retired. All proceeds will assist agent orange victims, help the homeless, the hungry, plus provide scholarships for children of vets or grandchildren of Vietnam vets. Tournament registration if $125. Email boxlar180@yahoo. com for registration and room reservation info.

Register Now for Video Game Tourney

The 760 Lans Premier Gaming Tournaments is a regional video game tournament being held on June 23 and 24, 2012 aboard Camp Pendleton. This tournament series is southern California’s premier event for gamers all around the state. This event will offer many game divisions such as Gears of War 3, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 with its main games being Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Super Street Fighter 4 AE. For more info or the register, visit www.760lansPGT. com.

Dads & Dogs at Lexus Escondido

The Escondido Humane Society and Lexus Escondido present Dads & Dogs on June 10 at the dealership.

A little support makes a BIG difference… mentor a military child. Operation Bigs, a program of Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County in partnership with Navy Region Southwest, is an after-school mentoring program which pairs adult volunteers with military children. “Big” volunteers meet with their “Littles” once a week for one hour at their elementary school or local military housing Community or Youth Center to play board games, sports, or simply talk about life. Male and bi-lingual active duty volunteers are especially needed. A small commitment on your part can make a BIG impact on the life of a military child whose parent is deployed or on duty. Get started making a difference today! Visit www.SDBigs.org/ OperationBigs or call 619-674-0483.

Thieves Disrupt Base Communications

In early May, the U.S. Navy became aware that some phone services to Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake experienced an interruption due to the theft of fiber optic and copper cabling in San Diego County. All phone services to China Lake were stored and no other impact to communications capabilities in the Southwest Region were reported. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department previously reported that they discovered what appears to be a cut of approximately 75 ft. of fiber optic cable and six feet of 600-strand copper cable missing from an area in East County.

Military News

Fallen Soldiers vs. Celebrities New Website Honors Real Heroes In Honor of Our Veterans

Honor Flight San Diego (HFSD) is an all-volunteer non-profit created solely to honor America’s veterans for all their sacrifices. HFSD transports U.S. heroes to Washington, D.C., to visit and reflect at their memorials at no cost to the veterans. Top priority is given to the senior vets — WWII survivors, along with those who may be terminally ill. Of all the wars in recent memory, it was WWII that truly threatened our very existence as a nation — and as a culturally diverse, free society. Now, with over 1,000 WWII vets dying each day, our time to express our thanks to these brave men and women is running out. Please donate to help fund a Fall 2012 flight. Make checks payable to: Honor Flight San Diego, and mail to: Honor Flight San Diego, ATTN: Donations, 9423 Keck Court, San Diego, CA 92129. For more info, call Gary Roehm, Fundraising Director, 619-892-2058.

With commodity celebrities owning the attention of the modern mass media, two veterans from Oklahoma announce the launch of a new website to shine the spotlight on those who often go unnoticed. AmericanHeroProject.org is the work of Clint Davis (Navy vet) and

Veterans Grave Marker Medallion

The VA has streamlined the process for families of deceased Veterans to receive a medallion which can be affixed to grave markers at private cemeteries and indicates the Veteran status of the deceased. The medallion is a device furnished in lieu of a traditional Government headstone or grave marker for Veterans whose death occurred on or after Nov. 1, 1990, and whose grave in a private cemetery is marked with a privately purchased headstone or marker. Under federal law, eligible Veterans buried in a private cemetery are entitled to either a governmentfurnished grave marker or the medallion, but not both. More information about the medallion or headstones and markers can

Dustin DeMoss (Air Force vet). The site and its associated Facebook group will remember one fallen service member each week, with the hope of shifting the media’s attention back to those who have given a sacrifice that most celebrities are not brave enough to entertain. be found at www.cem.va.gov/cem/ hm/hmorder.asp. To download the VA Form 40-1330M, Claim for Government Medallion, go to www.va.gov/ vaforms/va/pdf/VA40-1330.pdf.

Employment Help for Wounded Warriors, Disabled Vets

For many wounded, ill and injured service members and disabled veterans, physical recovery is just the beginning of the home front battle. Faced with a “new normal” and a different set of circumstances, many struggled to find meaningful employment. Luckily, the Veterans Benefits Administrator’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program (VR&E) is available to help. For info, please visit www.vba. va.gov/bin/bre/.

“It’s ironic — this morning I visited a major online news outlet and was greeted with the headline “Celebrity Stunners who don’t even need makeup,” yet this week we lost seven U.S. service people in Afghanistan,” DeMoss says.

Helping Military Homeowners

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), offered through the Making Home Affordable Program, announced new changes that may benefit military homeowners. Previously, assistance did not apply to those who moved for job-related purposes because their home was no longer their primary residence or because they were not behind on payments. Effective June 1, those who move due to PCS orders may now be eligible for assistance and need not be in default. If you are unable to determine eligibility, contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) directly for more information. You can also check out the
MakingHomeAffordable.gov website or http://goo.gl/tJclP.

Post 911 GI Bill, Veterans & My CAA Eligible

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 15

Military History

The Berlin Airlift June 27, 1948 to May 12, 1949 Following World War II, a delicate balance of power had surfaced between the once united Allies: Great Britain, the United States, France, and the Soviet Union. The opposing economic structures of capitalism and communism emerged triumphant at the end of the war. The two blossoming superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, sought to ensure their permanence by negotiating territorial claims throughout the globe. At the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, Europe and the Far East were partitioned off as spheres of influence to their respected Ally governments. Germany was divided into fourths allowing each Ally to run its division by a military government until a suitable national government could be devised and the country put back together. This divided Germany, under direct supervision of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Allied Control Council or ACC) and the Kommandatura, was to become the first battleground of the emerging Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The year of 1948 was a critical turning point in the presidency of Harry Truman. He was staring down the barrel of a re-election campaign, presented with his lowest approval rating

to date, and faced with the threat of a possible World War III with the Soviet Union over a developing situation in Berlin. Furthermore, Truman’s record against the Soviets, up to this date, had been ineffective in keeping them from occupying Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Republicans were calling him soft on communism and Senator Joseph McCarthy was at his prime on his communist witch hunts in Washington. In regards to the German situation, General Clay remarked that the mood in the western zones was “more tense than at any time since surrender.” British and American staff were leaving Berlin for the expanding administration of Bizonia, giving Berliners reason to believe the Western powers were leaving. Food rations in some parts of Germany were being cut to 900 calories a day, far below the recommended daily allowance for adequate nutrition. Labor unrest was prevalent throughout all the regions of Germany. Communist groups on all sides of Germany were gaining followers because they offered hope and prosperity in the future. American, British, and French authorities were facing their worst fears....a beleagured German people searching for

drastic solutions. In early September 1947, the United States had, along with Great Britain, combined their zones into one military province called “Bizonia,” hoping to bring security back to the German people. This formal joining helped to provide economic stability to a cash strapped British zone. Soon after, France followed suit and annexed its section to Bizonia. The new Trizone leadership now looked to secure some economic stability in the midst of the German recession. In February 1948, the United States and British proposed to the ACC that a new four-power currency be created. The Soviets, however, hoping to continue the German recession, refused to accept the new currency, in favor of the overcirculated Soviet Reichsmark. By doing so, the Soviets believed they could foster a communist uprising in postwar Germany through civil unrest. In a March 1948 meeting of the ACC, it was evident that no agreements could be reached on a unified currency or quadpartite control of Germany and an infuriated Marshal Sokolovsky and his Soviet delegation stormed out of the meeting. Both sides

waited for the other to make a move. Trizonia, finally, in an effort to stabilize the economy, established its own currency on June 18, 1948. The Soviets, trying to push the west out of Berlin, countered this move by requiring that all Western convoys bound for Berlin travelling through Soviet Germany be searched. The Trizone government, recognizing the threat, refused the right of the Soviets to search their cargo. The Soviets then cut all surface traffic to West Berlin on June 27. American ambassador to Britain, John Winnant, stated the accepted Western view when he said that he believed “that the right to be in Berlin carried with it the right of access.” The Soviets, however, did not agree. Shipments by rail and the autobahn came to a halt. A desperate Berlin, faced with starvation and in need of vital supplies, looked to the West for help. The order to begin supplying West Berlin by air was approved later by U.S. General Lucius Clay on June 27. President Truman, wishing to avoid war or a humiliating retreat, supported the air campaign, against many advisors wishes. Surviving a normally harsh German winter, the airlift carried over two million tons of supplies in 270,000 flights. The blockade of Berlin was finally lifted by the Soviets on May 12, 1949. Berlin became a symbol of the United States resolve to stand up to the Soviet threat without being forced into a direct conflict.


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16 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

Heard the one about the . . .

If the first paragraph of the main story today doesn’t trigger the effect in the bonus fact, try reading the former aloud. It still may not work but it couldn’t hurt. — Dan Lewis

“Death By Chocolate”

The Nazi Chocolate Bomb The term “Death by Chocolate” sioned the British Royal family fallusually refers to a dessert recipe — ing prey to the ruse, opening up a bar chocolate cake served with chocolate of chocolate only to find a very rude ice cream, chocolate syrup, sometimes — and deadly — surprise. with chocolate brownies or chocolate According to the candies or chocolate shavBBC, while ings on top. explosives Chococamoulate, flaged as chocofood were late, and found on Nazi more chocagents in olate. For most, Turkey, none Death by Chocolate made it to the seems like a wonderful UK. However, idea. The Nazis agreed four similarly — but took the term more constructed cans literally. of peas, en route to In 2005, the British intelligence Buckingham Palace, agency MI5 released a treasure trove did make it to Ireland beof documents and photographs of camfore being intercepted. ouflaged equipment used up by Nazi Of course, it’s incredibly unclear as saboteurs. Among the documents re- to why the Nazis believed that a memleased was the item depicted above ber of the Royal family would be open— a sketch of what seems to be an or- ing up their own cans of peas. dinary chocolate bar. But instead Bonus fact: of containing nouSay or hear a gat, caramel, or word over and Rice Crispies, over again, and these chocolate it may lose its bars contained a meaning to you. bit more punch. Almost all of This unique brand us have experiof Nazi chocolate enced it, and you were rigged to exmay have experiplode. enced this after The chocolate reading first senbars were more tence of the first akin to hand greparagraph above. nades than the (Your brain, afconfections they ter a while, may purported to be. have been unable They were steelto center in on encased explosives the meaning of covered with chocthe word “chocoolate, all wrapped late.”) This hapup in a candy barpens due to “a like wrapper. To psychological detonate the bomb, Hitler — Talk about a true phenomenon in the operative (or ‘Fruit and Nut Case’ which repetition would-be victim) causes a word or would break off the first row of “choc- phrase to temporarily lose meaning olate,” revealing a canvas strap. The for the listener, who can only process strap worked like the pin in a hand the speech as repeated meaningless grenade; once it was removed, there sounds,” as explained by Wikipedia. would be only a few seconds before the The name of that phenomenon is “sebomb would explode. mantic satiation.” The likely target of the chocolate? Gizmodo states that the Nazis enviFor advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

A man complaining to a friend: “I had it all - money, a beautiful house, big car, the love of a beautiful woman ... then ... pow! ... it was all gone!” “What happened?” asked the friend. “Ahhhh ... my wife found out ...” I looked at the network television schedule for tonight (election night in the USA) and saw that I had four choices — election coverage, election coverage, election coverage, and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Some choice — all the shows are about blood-sucking parasites who are masters of deception and prey on the innocent. One Sunday a cowboy went to church. When he entered, he saw that he and

the preacher were the only ones present. The preacher asked the cowboy if he wanted him to go ahead and preach. The cowboy said, “I’m not too smart, but if I went to feed my cattle and only one showed up, I’d feed him.” So the minister began his sermon. One hour passed, then two hours, then twoand-a-half hours. The preacher finally finished and came down to ask the cowboy how he liked the sermon. The cowboy answered slowly, “Well, I’m not very smart, but if I went to feed my cattle and only one showed up, I sure wouldn’t feed him all the hay...”

Telltale Signs You’re a Drunkard.... You believe that spilling a beer is alcohol abuse. Beer ads make sense. You wake up to the sound of your dog drinking out of the toilet and you’re so dry that it sounds mighty thirst quenching. You fall down a flight of steps and DON’T spill a drop of your beer. You grow a beard because it stops beer that’s running down your chin.


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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 17

patton (1970)

Patton (1970) is the epic film biography of the controversial, bombastic, multi-dimensional World War II general and hero George S. Patton. The larger-thanlife, flamboyant, maverick, pugnacious military figure, nicknamed “Old Blood and Guts,” was well-known for his fierce love of America, his temperamental battlefield commanding, his arrogant power-lust (“I love it. God help me, I do love it so. I love it more than my life”), his poetry writing, his slapping of a battle-fatigued soldier, his anti-diplomatic criticism of the Soviet Union, and his firing of pistols at fighter planes. The film, shot in 70 mm. widescreen color, received a phenomenal ten Academy Awards nominations and won seven major awards: Best Picture, Best Actor (Scott refused to accept the honor), Best Director (Franklin J. Schaffner), Best Story and Screenplay (Francis Ford Coppola and Edmund H. North), Best Art Direction/Set Decoration, Best Sound, and Best Film Editing. Its other three nominations were: Best Cinematography, Best Original Score (Jerry Goldsmith), and Best Special Visual Effects. The story was based on two books: Patton: Ordeal and Triumph by Ladislas Farago and A Soldier’s Story by General Omar Bradley (portrayed by Karl Malden). As a result of Coppola’s breakthrough win in 1970, he went on to write and direct The Godfather (1972). Although George C. Scott portrayed the famous general perfectly and became Scott’s archetypal film, the role was also considered by Burt Lancaster, Rod Steiger, Lee Marvin, Robert Mitchum and John Wayne. The subject matter was remade as a TV-movie entitled The Last Days of Patton (1986), also with Scott in the lead role.

Patton: “Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.” [Visiting an ancient battlefield] Patton: “The Carthaginians defending the city were attacked by three Roman legions. The Carthaginians were proud and brave but they couldn’t hold. They were massacred. Arab women stripped them of their tunics and their swords and lances. The soldiers lay naked in the sun. Two thousand years ago. I was here. ” [Outmaneuvering Rommel] Patton: [referring to Rommel’s book, “Infantry Attacks” or “Infanterie greift an”] “Rommel... you magnificent bastard, I read your book!”

Military Press

Tidbits Your brain has the potential to remember everything you have ever experienced, read, heard and seen. The only problem is you can’t recall it. But it’s all in there somewhere. Your body is constantly replacing cells. So much so, in fact, you have a completely different body than you did seven years ago. The amount of information your brain can hold is believed to be up to 1,000 terabytes. The IBM super computer Watson, the one the one Jeopardy contestants competed against, has 16 terabytes of RAM.

18 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

Gone But Not Forgotten

Date of Birth 12 April 1923, Austin, Texas Date of Death 22 January 2004, Los Angeles Born Johnnie Lucille Collier in Texas in 1923, she lived there until she was nine, when mother left her philandering father and moved with Ann to California. Even at that young age she had to support her mother, who was hearing-impaired and unable to hold a job. After taking tap-dancing lessons, she got jobs dancing in various Hollywood clubs while being home-schooled. Then, in 1937, RKO asked her to sign on as a contract player, but only if she could prove she was 18. Though she was really barely 14, For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

she managed to get hold of a fake birth certificate, and so was signed on, playing dancers and ingénues in such films as Stage Door (1937), You Can’t Take It with You (1938), Room Service (1938) and Too Many Girls (1940). In 1939 she appeared on Broadway in “George White’s Scandals” and was a smash, staying on for two years. Eventually RKO released her from her contract, but Columbia Pictures snapped her up to appear in such WW II morale boosters as True to the Army (1942) and Reveille with Beverly (1943). When she decided to get married, Columbia released her from her contract. The marriage was sadly unhappy and she was divorced in two years. This time MGM picked her up, showcasing her in such films as Easter Parade (1948), On the Town

(1949) and Kiss Me Kate (1953). In the mid-’50s she asked to leave to marry again, and her request was granted. This marriage didn’t last long, either, nor did a third. Ann then threw herself into work, appearing on TV, in night clubs and on the stage. She was a smash as the last actress to headline the Broadway production of “Mame” in 1969 and 1970, and an even bigger smash in “Sugar Babies” in 1979, which she played for nine years, on Broadway and on tour. She has cut back in recent years, but did appear in the Paper Mill Playhouse (Millburn, NJ) production of Stephen Sondheim’s “Follies” in 1998, in which she sang the song “I’m Still Here, “ a perfect way to sum up the life and career of Ann Miller. June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 19

Featured Cover Artist

it’s an honor to have art on our cover this issue by artist, rick timmons

Rick Timmons was born in St. Petersburg Florida & raised in Dallas Texas where he attended junior high & high school. Prior to attending art school , he spent the next four years doing construction work’ along with traveling throughout Europe and the Middle East, Canada, Mexico, and all over the United States. After finishing work at the Art Institute of Dallas, Timmons joined the Dallas Fire Department in 1981 ... There he spent the next 13 years as a firefighter / paramedic, and a member of the department football, power-lifting and rodeo teams.He began being picked up by numerous southwest art galleries and in 1987, was chosen to do commemorative paintings for the both of the Texas and New York Firefighters Associations. In 1994, he made the tough decision to retire from the Dallas Fire Department and pursue fulltime, the love of his life, his oil portrait painting. It turned out to be a resoundingly good decision. With oil portraits along with firefighter and equine oil commissions increasing, Timmons first opened the doors at Loco Gringo Studios in January of 1996 .. His oil portraits and oil paintings have since been accumulated by people from every walk of life, including celebrities, media personalities, business executives, civic leaders and professional athletes. His equine and sports art has regularly shown at Lone Star Park as well as the Gallery of Sports Art located within the Ballpark at Arlington Texas. His oil art paintings have been featured inside the pages of magazines such as ART NEWS, along with Southwest Art Magazine and “Equine Images” and have been sold all over the United States as well as around western Europe. In addition to his commissioned portrait work Timmons is currently involved in several mural projects in the Dallas area for the Matt Martinez family and projects in north Oak Cliff for Schenkel - Miranda Holdings

www. locogringostudios.com

Use Your Mouse www.MilitaryPress.com news / gossip / shopping / entertainment / travel + a lot more

20 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 21

Chappy’s on Eagle’s Wings

By Chaplain Ringo, www.yourchappy.com

Memorial Day & Appreciation for those who Serve and Lead


his was a very special Memorial Day weekend for me… I just completed the ten day trip of “Run for the Wall” and “Rolling Thunder” Riding for those who can’t… The Ride is to support the call for more effort to bring home those who have served and are MIA’s or POW’s. It was a real special experience to see all the support in the small towns from LA to

Dave Barr, myself and another Vet walking through Arlington after having some of our guys lay a wreath at the tumb of the unknown soldier. DC. The people in these towns showed how they were so very thankful for those who have given so much. It was truly an honor and privilege to ride with other Veterans for such a mission. I wish more of America caught

this vision… With all the chaos throughout the world today, I am ever more grateful for those who serve and for the leaders in our battlefields for freedom. It has been said: “Leadership is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth.” One of the difficulties in understanding leadership is the inability to comprehend the fact that “true leadership begins in moral commitment, and that its techniques are derived from, and legitimated by, the nature of that moral commitment.” Former Commandant of the Marine Corps, General Charles C. Krulak taught: “from the early patriots of the Revolution to Marines of the present, there has been an unbroken line of service excellence in times of peace and war. We are proud stewards of this heritage, and it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to hand it down to future generations. Our forebears expect it, our nation needs it, and future generations of Marines demand it.” Some of our early nation’s leaders felt so strongly about the need for divine help in the leadership of our country, that they inscribed the motto “In God We Trust” on all of our nation’s currency. It is a constant reminder of our real source of power, willing ser-

World record m/c rider Dave Barr and my wife, Shirley Ringo. vice to others and good leadership. This is true in our homes, work, and country and in all the areas of our life. We, as true God-fearing leaders, in whatever our circle of influence, can pave the way for the liberties we all long to enjoy and celebrate. True leaders find every way they can to liberate the people for whom they have stewardship. King David taught: “He that ruleth over man must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” (2 Samuel 23:3) He was speaking to all leaders in all places. We see with our great leaders such as George Washington with his well-known

Also at Qualcomm on Father’s Day is special guest speaker at “Encouraging Men to Live, Love & Lead” Hosted by Dr David Jeremiah, Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church

Tim Tebow

Hear the riveting life story of Heisman Trophy Winner and football great Tim Tebow Gates open at 8 a.m. • Event begins at 10 a.m. TIM WILL ALSO PARTICIPATE IN THE S.D. FATHER’S DAY FEST WALK! 22 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

prayer at Valley Forge, and our current president who in a recent speech and news conference said that he includes time each day seeking guidance in prayer. We should feel so inclined in our lives. It is the leader who seeks guidance on bended knee who will win and keep the love and respect of his or her followers. Business leader Max DuPree says it like this: “The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers.” Are they learning, serving, and achieving their highest potential and required results? It is this quality connection between good leaders and followers that is vital to true success in most all our endeavors. Those who exercise wisdom, discernment and even a righteous use of their power, set human souls free to think, feel, dream, make attempts, reevaluate, try again and finally achieve true greatness. President John F. Kennedy believed highly in this and stated the following: “I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.” General Krulak also said: “Whether you lead, follow or get out of the way, someone is watching you! Your presence, personal appearance, character and actions in every circumstance are under observation. Lead by example. Be good followers.” Real leaders lead with justice and liberty, “in fear of God.” May we each seek to do the same in our areas of stewardship and appreciate those who give so freely of their lives in the service of their fellowman. I hope you had the opportunity to pay honor and respect this Memorial Day for those who have given us so much… It is my hope that this message will help you this week to, “mount up as on eagle’s wings,” and renews a little of your strength to keep moving forward and find joy… “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not be faint.”…(Isaiah 40:31) Until next time, may God bless you and may God continue to bless our great nation… SEMPER FI

‘THE WAR’ is a Masterpiece! Critically-acclaimed epic “The War” now re-released in high definition. I remember as a young kid in the late ’70s being absolutely mesmerized by a TV documentary series called “The World at War.” It was a BBC production narrated by Sir Lawrence Olivier and made by Sir Jeremy Isaacs. This film is un- paralleled among World War II documentaries and more than 30 years after its initial broadcast,

“The World at War” remains the definitive visual history of WWII. Here in America, we have a master in the art of making war documentaries. His name is Ken Burns, and he is the most gifted and prolific producer of films about American history. Known for his style of using archival footage and photographs, Burns’ documentaries have been nominated for two Academy Awards, and have won Emmy Awards and many, many other honors. I was delighted recently to receive a review copy of the epic film “The War,” now being released on Blu-ray. Six years in the making, this epic seven-

Image credit: PBS Distribution

Military History

part film directed and produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick explores the history and horror of the second World War from an American perspective through the personal accounts of men and women from four quintessentially American towns. Revealing the most intimate human dimensions of a worldwide catastrophe, the 15-hour documentary paints a vivid portrait of how the war touched the lives of every family on every street in every town in America. What I really liked about this film was that it is told honestly and emotionally from the point of view of everyday, average American citizens. Let’s face it, why even try to remake “The World at War!” I have been thoroughly engrossed in this film, reminded of the horror of war and uplifted by the beauty of the human spirit, especially in times of such great suffering and conflict. I highly recommend this collection! Do yourself a favor and purchase a copy posthaste. – Trevor, The Military Press “The War” is narrated by Emmy Award®winner Keith David and includes voiceovers from acclaimed performers such as Tom Hanks, Samuel L. Jackson, Josh Lucas, Adam Arkin and Eli Wallach and features recordings by Norah Jones and Wynton Marsalis, as well as war-era favorites from Benny Goodman, Nat ‘King’ Cole and more. Presented in pristine high-definition, the Blu-ray also boasts nearly two hours of special features including filmmaker commentary, deleted scenes, additional interviews and a making of featurette.

“A towering film. Ken Burns’s finest work.” —Brian Williams, “NBC Nightly News”

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 23

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 25

THE 13 REBELS MOTORCYCLE CLUB 1953s “THE WILD ONE” INSPIRATION 1953s iconic biker flick The Wild One starring Marlon Brando and Lee Marvin, was loosely based on two actual California motorcycle clubs of the day having a highly charged clash in the small town of Hollister, CA. Bran-

Shell Thuet of 13 RMC working on a HD Knucklehead, 1946.

Lee Marvin in ‘The Wild One’ do portrayed 13 Rebels leader Shell Thuet, while Lee Marvin’s character “Chino” was based on “Wino Willie” Forkner of The Boozefighters. Fact is– the gangs were not rivals (although “Wino Wilie” was an ex-member of the 13 Rebels– asked to leave actually for rowdy behavior) and the Hollister incident never happened, at least not to the extent that LIFE magazine or The Wild One portrayed it. Yeah, some guys drank and drag raced a little– it happens. What else happened was a counterculture was born– rolled Levi 501 jeans, boots and leathers (Hello Schott Perfecto!) became the uniform that rebels and bikers lived in, and that polite society demonized.

13 Rebels MC history– The 13 Rebels Motorcycle Club (13 RMC) was started in 1937 by Ernest “Tex” Bryant. “Tex” and the other

13 Rebels MC member Ardin Van Syckle. We’re talkin’ standup guys, not hoodlums— former flyers and servicemen in WWII looking to keep the rush alive. They were solid citizens who loved the sport and brotherhood of riding— accomplished racers, builders and all-around honorable men. 12 top-seated motorcycle racers from Southern California made up the founding members of the club. The 13 Rebels MC was, and still is, an American Motorcycle Association (AMA) sanctioned club. While not the oldest motorcycle club in the U.S (that being the Yonkers MC of Yonkers, NY established in 1903), the 13 RMC has a rich racing and colorful history that has shaped some of this sports historic motorcycle folklore. The 13 Rebels Motorcycle

Club is still in existence today with chapters in various states. The Club is still sanctioned by the AMA. It has been awarded the organization’s “historical status,” meaning the club has been verified by the AMA as being over 50 years old. The 13 Rebels MC exists to carry on the spirit and tradition of the original motorcycle clubs. We are a familyoriented motorcycle club bound by brotherhood, camaraderie, and the love of the sport of motorcycling.

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 27

Cover Feature

Test Drive 2012 GMC acadia Denali awd

theodore roosevelt Continued from page 3

At the end of his second term, Roosevelt promoted his friend William Howard Taft for the 1908 Republican nomination. He toured Africa and Europe. On his return in 1910 he broke bitterly with President Taft on issues of progressivism and personalities. In the 1912 election Roosevelt tried and failed to block Taft’s renomination. He launched the Bull Moose Party that called for farreaching progressive reforms. He lost to Democrat Woodrow Wilson, as the Taft conservatives gained control of the Republican party for decades to come. Roosevelt led a major expedition to the Amazon jungles but contracted diseases which ruined his health. He died relatively young at the age of 60. Roosevelt has consistently been ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents.

By Greg Zyla Base Price: $46,690 Price as tested: $51,615

Classic Quotes Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country. A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues. A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.

Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike. Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. I am among those Americans whose ancestors include men and women from many different European countries. The proportion of Americans of this type will steadily increase. I do not believe in hyphenated Americans. I do not believe in GermanAmericans or Irish-Americans; and I believe just as little in English-Americans. Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.

Spring Portraits of Your Loved Ones


This issue we’re driving GMC’s top line 2012 Acadia Denali AWD, the most expensive of the Acadia family. With prices starting at $33,415 in SL front drive dress, Acadia shares mechanicals with siblings Chevy Traverse and Buick Enclave in this popular mid-size SUV/Wagon segment. Available in either a 7- or 8-passenger format, our Denali came standard with just about every convenience and dress-up package available, and then added a $1,890 touch screen navigation, $1,445 DVD rear entertainment system and beautiful white pearl diamond paint for $795 (beautiful). As mentioned in previous tests, I feel Acadia is the best looking of the “GM bunch,” especially with Denali’s unique fascia, chrome exhaust tips, 20-inch 2-tone chrome wheels, badging and color matching fender flares. It all adds to the muscular yet welcoming aesthetic touch, finished off with GMC’s “big red badge” most prominent on Denali’s chrome honeycomb grille. Driving manners are excellent, featuring secure handling and ultra comfortable highway cruising characteristics. Power comes from a 3.6-liter V6 that produces 288 horsepower and 270 pound feet of torque. The torque has a nice power band thanks to GMC’s 6-speed electronic automatic transmission, which is now standard across the Traverse, Enclave and Acadia lines. GMC Acadia continues to earn numerous consumer magazine recommendations and insurance association awards. Add GMC’s 5-year/100,000 mile limited powertrain warranty, and you’re ready for many worry free miles. Important numbers include a wheelbase of 118.9 inches, curb weight of 4,857 pounds, 7.4 inch ground clearance, 22 gallon fuel tank and 16 city and 23 highway EPA estimates. Cargo space goes from 24.1 behind the third seat to a spacious 116.9 cu. ft. with all seats folded. There’s no mistaking GM has a big winner with GMC Acadia. Regardless of trim, you see them everywhere…which is the best measure of success. Likes: Denali treatment, heat and cool seats, cabin room, safety ratings. Dislikes: Limited towing abilities, no “extra horsepower” for top line Denali.

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 29

Entertainment News

will the real Sacha Baron Cohen ever “come out?” Sacha Baron Cohen: The Man and the Masks By Peter Bart

Wherever your attention wandered these past two weeks, it was all but impossible to avoid the posturing of Admiral General Aladeen — i.e., Sacha Baron Cohen, in full regalia. There he was at Royal Festival Hall in his orange Lamborghini, wielding a golden pistol, and on Jon Stewart’s show, accompanied by his virgin bodyguards (yes, even Stewart acceded to Sacha’s demand to be interviewed as his movie character).

Sacha has made the media rounds now as Ali G., Borat and Bruno, stubbornly refusing to appear as Sacha, which has led many to ask, is there really a Sacha Baron Cohen? I’ve met Sacha often enough now to conclude that it’s a legitimate question. Sacha’s personality disorder (if that’s what it is) provides a flashback to another mythic name that was in the news recently, Johnny Carson, the King of Late Night. A superb “American Masters” documentary on Carson reminds us how, during his 30-year reign, Carson would be consistently charming and accessible before the cameras, only to disappear into a shell

once his last TV guest said bye-bye. Given his marginally

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30 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

bipolar personality, those in Carson’s tiny inner circle were not surprised when he engineered his total disappearance once his show went off the air. I was lucky enough to have dinner with Carson a couple of times and came away feeling that, as with Sacha, his TV persona represented an invented character — one he did not wish to tug around in his personal life. I’ve also been treated to an occasional glimpse of the private Sacha and even persuaded him once to do a live show before an audience — with Sacha as Sacha. Stripped of his outrageous cover (he was promoting “Bruno” at that time), he seemed uniquely uncomfortable in advancing his own opinions — so much so, that he came across as intentionally bland. The real Sacha, I am told, is brilliant and well read, comes from an orthodox Jewish background and is extraordinarily difficult to work with on a professional level. That’s because colleagues must deal with the demands not only of Sacha but of the bizarre personalities whom he becomes. In “The Dictator,” Sacha has helped concoct a bawdy political farce that, unlike “Borat,” is scripted — much of it clumsily. Sacha’s performance is inspired — A.O. Scott of the New York Times calls him “a cross between a camel and a chameleon” — except when his character is supposed to have a love interest (women in Sacha’s movies are laughable, not lovable). Filmgoers willing to sit through the dead zones will relish the vulgar hilarity, as well as the political message — what other movie is dedicated to Kim Jong-il and sprinkled with Dick Cheney jokes? But will Sacha Baron Cohen be able to build a career around a succession of outrageous characters, appearing in public only as his alter egos? Will he abandon the brilliant pseudo docu style of “Borat” for scripted roles? (He had a part in “Hugo.”) In short, will the real Sacha Baron Cohen ever “come out?” During his amazing career, Johnny Carson remained brilliantly self-protective, retaining his on-camera persona, but that was before the era of TMZ-style reporting that would have magnified his divorces and other secret neuroses. Sacha Baron Cohen is a provocateur, of course, not a host. He is the manic Admiral General Aladeen, the despot of Wadiya in North Africa who is obsessed with his nukes as well as with his virgin bodyguards. Can an actor who wallows in comedic chaos remain invisible?

By: Mike Sampson

The New Bond Girl is HOT!

The Bond girls don’t always offer up much of substance in the 007 films but their casting and appearances through the franchise is nothing short of iconic. There have been plenty of rumors as to who would be the latest Bond girl in the upcoming Bond film but with this morning’s announcement of SKYFALL, we now know that French actress Bérénice Marlohe will be Bond’s latest lady friend. But who exactly is Bérénice Marlohe? Marlohe is a mostly unknown actress and model and I don’t just mean unknown here in the US. Her IMDB biography has two sentences and one is that she was just cast as the Bond girl in SKYFALL. The other notes that she made appearances on French TV shows “Père et maire,” “R.I.S. Police scientifique” and “Équipe médicale d’urgence.” In the film, Marlohe will play a “glamourous, enigmatic character” named Severin. Glamorous and enigmatic? Sounds like pretty much every Bond girl... She may not have a whole lot of acting experience to reflect back on so here’s a look at Marlohe’s other work: looking really hot.

Bérénice Marlohe


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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 31

Top Speed

Melandri wins again for BMW Motorrad Motorsport!


n amazing performance by Marco Melandri on the works S 1000 RR at month’s last Superbike World Championship round at Miller Motorsport’s Park saw the Italian rider take a win and a second place to catapult him into second place in the points, just 18 behind leader Max Biaggi. Race one saw Melandri burst through from ninth on the grid up into third place. The Donington Park race winner passed Carlos Checa at the beginning of lap two and took the lead on lap five, passing Tom Sykes in the process. With the now familiar sight of a BMW S 1000 RR leading a WSBK race, Melandri knew his main threat would come from Miller specialist Checa, already a four-times race winner at the American circuit. True to form, Checa went to the front on lap seven and was able to pull a slight gap on Melandri, who was conscious of Max Biaggi and Jonathan Rea closing fast. By half race distance, Melandri had shaken off the challenges of the two behind him and stuck to his task of trying to stay in touch with Checa. Visibly pushing hard, the Italian RR rider narrowed the gap considerably, setting the fastest lap of the race in the process, but after making a couple of mistakes in the closing laps, he decided to play it safe and settle for the vital 20 championship points that another second-place podium finish brings. Team-mate Leon Haslam, who had started from 13th on the grid, finished the first race in tenth, just behind BMW Motorrad Italia Goldbet SBK Team rider Michel Fabrizio. In glorious conditions and temperatures nudging 30 degrees, race two saw Melandri work himself up into second position again before the red-flags came out after several laps. After a lengthy delay to safely prepare the circuit for racing again, a restarted 18lap race saw Melandri get the holeshot but Checa forced his way past on the first lap. However, the reigning WSBK champion crashed out of the race on lap 5 leaving Melandri leading the race. Before long Melandri had Jonathan Rea and Chaz Davies for company, with Max Biaggi joining the battle several laps later. A four-rider thriller fol32 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

lowed with Melandri losing the lead on lap 10 and slipping down to third before regrouping and retaking second place back from Davies. With Rea back in his sights, Marco upped the pace, setting his fastest lap of the race as he targeted his second WSBK victory of 2012 on the RR. It took until the 18th and final lap for Marco to take the lead again, which he then successfully defended in a thrilling battle with Rea. It was the race of the season so far and an extremely successful outing for Melandri, who collected 45 points out of a maximum 50 and moved up into second place in the points. Leon Haslam rounded off a difficult weekend at Miller Motorsports park with an eighth place finish in race two. Marco Melandri: “It is amazing. My team and BMW did an awesome job. Here in Miller it was my worst weekend last year, and it was the worst for BMW, too. So going home with two podiums, a win and a second place, is like a dream. In race one, I was pushing like in qualifying from the first lap until the end. The tyre was working very well until the end. Yesterday we were struggling a bit too much, but today fortunately the weather was better for us. And I was feeling even more comfortable on the bike with less fuel in the tank. I tried to make the life not easy to Carlos, but in some corners, I could not go his line with the four cylinder bike. I tried to catch him, but on the last lap I tried not to push too much because it was easy to make a mistake, and a second place and the podium was good after such a tough qualifying. In race two, for sure I had a little bit of luck in this race with Carlo crashing. I was struggling a little bit in the beginning, and when Johnny passed me I lost the concentration. It took me some time to catch him. But again, when the fuel dropped down I felt so much better on the bike and fortunately I could pass Johnny on the straight because my engine was so strong. Otherwise it would have been very difficult for me to try to make a pass. I am happy because the bike is working well on different types of tracks. But now we have to be focused, we cannot think that

we are going to be on the top every Sunday so we have to keep working. But my team made a great job, thanks to everyone, to all the guys back in Germany. I am so happy and proud to be with BMW. This is the best team I ever worked with.” Bernhard Gobmeier (BMW Motorrad Motorsport Director): “What a fantastic day for BMW Motorrad Motorsport! Having in mind the extremely difficult weekend we experienced here at Miller last year, for sure we would not have expected today’s results. We knew that we had made steps forward, but we would not have dreamed of winning here. Marco was with the top from the first practice session on until today. Unfortunately it did not run smoothly for Leon this weekend. He had electrical issues and only had very few laps to set up the bike. To make matters worse, he had a puncture in Superpole. I am convinced that at Misano, Leon will be among the frontrunners again. So far we have been competitive on every circuit we raced on this season. And for Misano we again expect to be fighting for the victory. Tonight we are going to celebrate - after our one-two victory at Donington came with a bitter after-taste, the whole team has deserved a real party tonight. A big thank you to Marco and Leon, to the whole team here at the race track and in Stephanskirchen and Munich. Each of them contributed to this great result.” Result race one 1. Checa (ESP) Ducati; 2. Marco Melandri (ITA) BMW Motorrad Motorsport; 3. Biaggi (ITA) Aprilia; 9. Fabrizio (ITA) BMW Motorrad Italia Goldbet SBK Team; 10.Leon Haslam (GBR) BMW Motorrad Motorsport; 14. Badovini (ITA) BMW Motorrad Italia Goldbet SBK Team. Result race two 1 Marco Melandri (ITA) BMW Motorrad Motorsport; 2. Rea (GBR) Honda; 3. Biaggi (ITA) Aprilia; 8. Leon Haslam (GBR) BMW Motorrad Motorsport; 12. Fabrizio (ITA) BMW Motorrad Italia Goldbet SBK Team; 13. Badovini (ITA) BMW Motorrad Italia Goldbet SBK Team.

Entertainment News

Will Depp and Burton rise again with ‘Dr. Phibes’? By Liz Smith

“WE ALL go a little mad sometimes.”– Norman Bates, “Psycho.” THE JOHHNY DEPP/Tim Burton big-screen retooling of TV’s legendary “Dark Shadows” hasn’t been released yet, though the trailer looks fabulous. (This new version appears to be intentionally funny, as opposed to the unintended yucks sometimes generated by the series, which taped live.) But another Burton/Depp collaboration is already said to be in the works. These two have paired seven times over the years. They are the Laurel and Hardy of surreal horror/fantasy. Rumor has it that the boys will recreate the famous Vincent Price villain, Dr. Phibes. All horror fans recall 1971’s “The Abominable Dr. Phibes,” with Price as a mad doctor set on avenging the death of his wife. It was one of the late actor’s most beloved characterizations. (He reprised the role a year later in “Dr. Phibes Rises Again.”) Both Johnny Depp and Tim Burton have spoken of their fondness for Phibes. And also for Vincent Price. Indeed, Burton wrote the role of The Inventor in “Edward Scissorhands” specifically for Price, which was the actor’s final big-screen appearance. Now screenwriter and author William Goldstein has worked up a new Phibes novel, “Dr. Phibes: In the Beginning.” Goldstein is no stranger to the character, having penned similar novels when the two “Phibes” films were released. The book is in the hands of Warner Bros. and producer Jon Jashni, who has pitched it to Burton and Depp.

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 33

34 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

meet Adrianne Palicki Date of Birth 6 May 1983, Toledo, Ohio, USA Nickname Annie Height 5’ 11” (1.80 m) Adrianne was born in Ohio and graduated from Whitmer High in Toledo. She didn’t take the stage in her first play until she was a sophomore at Whitmer High School (where she was runner-up for homecoming queen). While in high school she played basketball and ran track. Her parents still live in West Toledo.

Trivia She worked at Togo’s as a sandwich maker when she first got to LA. Was a runner-up for homecoming queen at Whitmer High School. Ranked #79 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2007 list. Attended Whitmer High School and graduated in 2001. Has a tattoo of her parents’ names - Jeff & Nancy on her arm.

Personal Quotes When I lived in New York for those three months, I needed to see a play every week, because eventually that’s where I want to end up. I think the character of “Kara” on “Smallville” (2001) was a little different from the one in the comic because her motive is different. She’s not evil by any means, whatsoever, but she does come to Clark for a specific reason. She doesn’t really have a sense of right or wrong; the morality isn’t there. My psyche has been very impacted in that there are moments where you’re, like, ‘Do I really want to do this?’ Though I know in my heart this is what I really want to do, the question was: would I enjoy the process itself? I would love to do Broadway, I don’t think there’s anything more amazing than theatre. Okay, Supergirl is number one. Maybe I could be Supergirl on Broadway! That would be perfect. In all honesty, it’s unbelievable to get these roles. You work so hard when you’re trying to be cast and to get a guest role on a low budget show would be a dream come true, but to be able to do these two shows and play these characters, there are no words. I am so lucky to have done them. We had a fight scene that was amazingly well-choreographed, but then Mr. Woo came in and said, ‘Very good, but do this’, and he goes in there and starts fighting. It’s just amazing to see John Woo kick alien ass! It’s not something you get to see very often.

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 35

“A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards.” – Theodore Roosevelt

• Queen Victoria dies on Jan. 22 after a reign of nearly 64 years, and is succeeded by her son, Edward VII. • The Boxer Rebellion officially ends on Sept. 7 with the signing of the Peace of Beijing. • President: William McKinley • Vice President: Theodore Roosevelt • U.S. Population: 77,584,000

More U.S. Statistics... • J.P. Morgan creates the United States Steel Co., which will become the first $1 billion corporation in the world. • Federal spending: $0.53 billion • Unemployment: 4.0% • Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02 Wimbledon Women: Charlotte Sterry d. B. Hillyard (6-2 6-2) Men: Arthur Gore d. R. Doherty (4-6 7-5 6-4 6-4) Kentucky Derby Champion

Entertainment • Nobel Prize for Literature: René F. A. Sully Prudhomme (France) More Entertainment Awards... • Constantin Stanislavsky, founder of the Moscow Art Theatre, formulates the revolutionary Stanislavsky Method of acting, which requires actors to see and hear on stage as they do in real life, enabling them to react to theatrical situations in the same way they naturally would.

Nobel Prizes in Science

• Scrooge, or, Marley’s Ghost • Trapeze Disrobing Act • A Busy Corner at Armour’s • A Chinese Market • A Close Call

• Chemistry: Jacobus H. van’t Hoff (Netherlands), for laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions • Physics: Wilhelm K. Roentgen (Germany), for discovery of Roentgen rays • Physiology or Medicine: Emil A. von Behring (Germany), for work on serum therapy against diphtheria • Guglielmo Marconi successfully receives wireless signals transmitted from England to Newfoundland. • The first Nobel Prizes are awarded.

Films • Fire! • President McKinley Inauguration Footage (Taking the Oath) Star Theatre

36 May 15, 36 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

“For a short time we lived quietly. But this could not last. White men had found gold in the mountains around the land of winding water.” – Chief Joseph

“In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest.” – William McKinley As President McKinley begins his second term, he is fatally shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz (Sept. 6). Theodore Roosevelt is sworn in as successor after McKinley dies on Sept. 14.

”Tooth soap” cost 25¢ Board at College for 40 weeks cost $59 Average cost of house $5,000 Oldsmobile car cost $650 One pound of coffee cost 15¢ Postage stamp 2¢ $1 in 1901 = $26.40 today

“A day without a laugh is a wasted day.” – Charlie Chaplin For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280


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gram other goodies like complimentary wi-fi, newspaper and bottled water are thrown in. For details logon to www.omni.com or call 1-619- 231-6664 for reservations. Military discounts are available. Plan on cocktails and dinner at McCormick & Schmick´s Seafood Restaurant; loved the mussels, their house salad (big enough to split), shrimp and four cheese mac and the sea scallops. The “fresh list” of seafood is impressive and there is a new menu daily.

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agents. It’s historical fiction with the intrigue and shifting alliances that exist even today. The La Jolla Playhouse has garnered more than 300 local and national awards for its productions, including a Pulitzer Prize for Drama and 30 Tony Awards for its Broadway transfers, as well as the 1993 Tony Award for Outstanding Regional Theatre. Go to www.LaJollaPlayhouse.org for a complete schedule or call the box office at 1-858-550-1010.

The Annual Summer Solstice Event presented by the Del Mar Village Association (DMVA) is June 21 from 5 PM to 8 PM at Powerhouse Park (1658 Coast Boulevard). It marks the arrival of summer and over 20 Del Mar restaurants and 15 California wineries and breweries will be offering food, beer and wine tastings. There’s also live music and a silent auction. It’s a fund raiser for the DMVA revitalization and the event has sold out in advance for the last five years in a row. Go to www.summer.delmarmainstreet.com for details.

La Jolla

Blood and Gifts, a spy tale, opens at the La Jolla Playhouse June 12. It is the story of the Soviet-Afghani conflict in the 1980s. It retells the secret spy war and interplay between the CIA and Russian, British and Pakistani

Temecula Valley

June kicks off Summerfest in Southern California Wine Country. June 1-3 is the Temecula Valley Balloon & Wine Festival. Every Saturday in June, the Old Town Temecula California-Certified Farmers Market is open from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It features local growers and artisan-food purveyors offer fresh, seasonal fruits, vegetables, cheeses and fresh-baked goods. The Old Town Temecula Street Painting & Plein Air Festival is June 22 – 24. 100+ artists create colorful, 10x12 foot murals on asphalt and plein air artists paint alfresco on traditional canvasses. For the complete summer calendar logon to www.temeculacvb. com.

“for the best deals visit your local mwr office!” 38 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

Safe Travels and enjoy the journey… Thanks to the various websites for photos and information.

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June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 39

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AT YOUR SERVICE Let us help you create a new home that suits you.

You deserve to be rewarded for all you do for your community. Visit one of the Southern California KB Home communities below and learn more about our special homebuying opportunities for qualified military personnel.

Edgewood at The Cove in San Jacinto

Sycamore at Hidden Hills in Menifee

• 1,394–2,233 sq. ft. • 3–5 bedrooms, 2–2.5 baths • solar power system included

• 1,846–2,966 sq. ft. • 3–5 bedrooms, 2–3 baths • RV accessible home-sites

Call (951) 487-2887 for directions.

Call (951) 672-8553 for directions.

Villages at Monument Park in Perris

Manzanita at Paseo del Sol in Temecula

• 1,250–2,530 sq. ft. • 3–6 bedrooms, 2–3 baths • easy freeway access

• 1,628–2,224 sq. ft. • 3–5 bedrooms, 2.5–3 baths • solar power system included

Call (951) 443-0859 for directions.

Call (951) 225-9860 for directions.

Fox Hollow at Crown Valley Village in Murrieta

Twinbrook at Crown Valley Village in Murrieta

• 1,551–2,597 sq. ft. • 4–5 bedrooms, 2–3 baths • solar power system included

• 2,595–3,563 sq. ft. • 3–7 bedrooms, 2.5–4 baths • solar power system included

Call (951) 677-4110 for directions.

Call (951) 461-4676 for directions.

Turnberry at Sierra Park in Riverside

Shady Grove in Fallbrook

From the high $100s

From the high $100s

From the mid $200s

From the mid $200s • • • •

1,488–2,357 sq. ft. 3–4 bedrooms, 2–2.5 baths gated community pool and park

Call (951) 353-1815 for directions.

From the mid $200s

From the high $200s

From the high $200s

From the low $400s • • • • •

1,968–3,500 sq. ft. 3–5 bedrooms, 2–4.5 baths RV and boat storage on-site no Mello-Roos solar power system included

Call (760) 728-1061 for directions.

Broker Cooperation Welcome. A 2.25kW solar power system is included as a standard component of a new KB home at Edgewood at The Cove, Fox Hollow at Crown Valley Village, Manzanita at Paseo del Sol and Shady Grove. A 3.15kW solar power system is included as a standard component of a new KB home at Twinbrook at Crown Valley Village. Energy bill savings are based on estimated monthly costs for electricity and gas for a home as designed (not as built) with the corresponding solar power system compared to estimated monthly costs for electricity and gas without the system. KBH makes no guarantee of energy production by any solar power system installed with a home or of energy costs or savings, if any, experienced by any homeowner. Energy costs and savings, if any, will vary by floor plan, home size, occupancy, daily activities, appliance usage, thermostat settings, climate conditions and orientation of the home and the solar power system size and operating conditions, among other factors. KBH reserves the right to modify, discontinue or replace any solar options at any time without prior notice. Other restrictions and limitations may apply. Solar power systems are supplied by SunPower Corporation®. KBH and SunPower Corporation are independent companies. SunPower and the SunPower logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunPower Corporation. Payment of Broker Co-op requires Broker or agent to accompany and register buyer on first visit and comply with Broker Co-op Agreement. Plans, pricing, financing, terms, availability and specifications subject to change/prior sale without notice and may vary by neighborhood, lot location and home series. Buyer responsible for all taxes, insurance and other fees. Sq. footage is approximate. HOA applies. Photos may depict upgraded landscaping/options and display decorator items/furnishings not available for purchase, and may not represent lowest-priced homes. See sales representative for details. KB Home Sales–Southern California Inc. (CA Real Estate License 00242327). SOCAL-102153

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS 41



Two crunchy all white meat Tender Strips® topped with mayo, crispy lettuce and pickles all served between two slices of buttery Texas toast. Chula Vista Third Ave. & Moss 619-426-0411


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Mixed chicken includes legs, thighs and white meat bone-in chicken. Present coupon when ordering. Limit one per coupon. Void where prohibited. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid only at participating U.S. Church’s restaurants. Prices may vary. Substitution extra charge. ©2012 Cajun Operating Company, under license by Cajun Funding Corp.

Present coupon when ordering. Limit one per coupon. Void where prohibited. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid only at participating U.S. Church’s restaurants. Prices may vary. Substitution extra charge. ©2012 Cajun Operating Company, under license by Cajun Funding Corp.

Mixed chicken includes legs, thighs and white meat bone-in chicken. Present coupon when ordering. Limit one per coupon. Void where prohibited. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid only at participating U.S. Church’s restaurants. Prices may vary. Substitution extra charge. ©2012 Cajun Operating Company, under license by Cajun Funding Corp.

Mixed chicken includes legs, thighs and white meat bone-in chicken. Present coupon when ordering. Limit one per coupon. Void where prohibited. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid only at participating U.S. Church’s restaurants. Prices may vary. Substitution extra charge. ©2012 Cajun Operating Company, under license by Cajun Funding Corp.

42 June 1, 2012 THE MILITARY PRESS

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Expires 7/30/12 Present coupon when ordering. Limit one per coupon. Void where prohibited. Not valid with any other offer. Offer valid only at participating U.S. Church’s restaurants. Prices may vary. Substitution extra charge. ©2012 Cajun Operating Company, under license by Cajun Funding Corp. P7-331

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