Nov 01, 2010

Page 1


Volume 34 • Issue 21 • November 1, 2010 • Serving Active and Retired Military and DoD Workers for Over 34 Years

Special Edition

Volume 34 • Issue 19 • October 1, 2010 • Ser ving Active and Retired Militar y and DoD Workers for Over 34 Years


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Volume 35 • Issue 21 • November 1, 2010

Our first duty is to remember

Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James T. Conway, with retired commandants Paul X. Kelly and Alfred M. Gray, prepare to lay a wreath next to the memorial stone and Beirut Cedar tree in section 59 of Arlington National Cemetery on Oct. 17, 2010. The laying of the wreath concluded the ceremony, leaving the reminder; those who lie buried are not forgotten.

The 23rd of October; ‘Our first duty is to remember’ By Pfc. Christofer P. Baines, Headquarters Marine Corps

Training Corps detachment of Mount Vernon High School laid white roses on the graves of those who died that day. To conclude the ceremony, a remembrance wreath was placed by the memorial stone next to the Beirut Cedar tree in section 59. “We hope you will be consoled in the knowledge that others remember, you are not forgotten and never will be,” said Carmella LaSpada, executive director of the Whitehouse Commission of Remembrance. “Love has brought us together today, a love for those we honor, and a love for our nation.” This year, numerous guest speakers, including 28th commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Paul X. Kelly, 29th commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Alfred M. Gray, Jr., and Lebanese Ambassador Antoine Chedid were present to recognize the sacrifices of the veterans and their families, fulfilling the promise that they will never be forgotten. “They lost their lives while in a peace keeping mission,” Chedid said. “I’m here to pay tribute to them for their bravery. They paid the ultimate sacrifice in the service of peace. Twenty-seven years later, their memory is still in our hearts.” For the Marines, sailors soldiers who were there, the memory will forever remain etched in their minds. Craig Renshaw, president of Beirut Veterans of America, said it’s important to remember the lives of the men who died that day. Most Marines knew at least one person who died. For them, the memory is going to be there forever, but it’s up to the chapters, those who were affected and a younger generation to remind others what happened when we suffered the first blow in the war on terror. “Remembrance is not letting the memory of the guys who gave their lives be forgotten,” he said. “It’s all about them.”

ARLINGTON, Va. — Veterans, families, friends and various dignitaries gathered under blue skies at section 59 in Arlington National Cemetery on Oct. 17 to remember their loved ones and brothers in arms. Since 1984, the remembrance ceremony has been an annual event of sorrow and celebration for the men who gave their lives during a peace keeping mission in Beirut. At approximately 6:22 a.m., on Oct. 23, 1983, an Islamic terrorist drove a yellow delivery truck into the lobby of the Marine Corps barracks at Beirut International Airport. The vehicle exploded with a force equivalent to 12,000 pounds of TNT, destroying the building and killing 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers. Additionally, 58 French paratroopers were killed in a separate attack just two minutes later as they were mobilizing to assist their fellow service members. “Most of our countrymen probably believe this global war on terror started on 9/11,” said Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James T. Conway. “I don’t believe that for a moment. I believe it started in October of 1983 when we first saw a significant strike on the young men – Marine, Navy and Army, who were in that building in Beirut.” During the ceremony, families of the fallen were called forward to lead everyone in the pledge of allegiance. Leaders, dignitaries and veterans spoke about the courage and sacrifice of all who were affected by the tragedy. Furthermore, the Junior Reserve Officer For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 3

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0% APR up to 72 months on select new vehicles. On Approved Credit, All Military and other Credit Union Members welcome. All the discounts include all applicable rebates at time of sale Page 4 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS


Letters to Military Press

Dear MP, As a freedom-loving American citizen and Naval officer stationed at Camp Pendleton, I was appalled at the treatment given to Che Guevara in Jerry Sierra’s column (“Che Guevara: Good Guy or Bad Guy,” October 15, 2010; Volume 34, Issue 20). Leaving aside Mr. Guevara’s direct responsibility for the anti-Monroe Doctrine Communist uprising in the Western hemisphere during the 1950s, not to mention the fact that he basically hitched his wagon to the rising star of human rights violator-in-chief Fidel Castro during that time, can anyone take an honest look at history as well as Mr. Guevara’s perverted legacy and somehow argue that he was ANYTHING BUT a bad guy? Or are people nowadays so enamored with the iconic photo of Che that they just prefer to gloss over and ignore the fact that he routinely shot Cuban citizens who dared to defect or desert the island during the revolution? In any case, the fact remains that NOT ONE WORD was mentioned in the article about the killings, about the BRAGGING (via his diary) once about putting a bullet in a man’s head who dared to defect, or about the myriad of human rights violations that Cuban citizens have suffered at the hands of Castro and Che’s legacy since those fateful years. And for that I say, shame on you. Anyone who can overlook these important historical facts is either delusional, devoid of historical understanding, or perhaps a pathetically lethargic combination of both. And for my part, I will not be reading Military Press any longer now that it’s joined hands with this anti-freedom murderer’s legacy. I find it grossly offensive that articles like this one are being published in a military magazine while our brave men and women in uniform are waging heroic battles all over the world AGAINST the ideals of characters like Che Guevara. Sweet dreams. -John Gibson LTJG, CHC, USN

iconic image and gloss over or ignore the facts . . . i think, embarrassingly we have done some of the latter. Thank you for keeping us on our toes, and hope we can have you return as a reader. I’ll forward your note to our publisher as I’m sure he would also like to reply. Thanks, Trevor Trevor, Thanks for the rapid response, and I’m glad you can see the error of what’s happened. Profiles of historical figures is definitely a good thing, but ensuring that the profile is factually balanced is VITALLY important... particularly in the historically illiterate age in which we live and particularly as it pertains to a character like Che Guevara. I may have spoke too soon when I said that I would stop reading MP altogether. Forgive me if I was overly pugilistic. Your candid response combined with the amount of what appears to be decent material in the magazine actually makes me want to continue reading; if for no other reason than to keep an eye on the “Good guy/bad guy” column to ensure that you’ll make good on your promise to thoroughly research future subjects. And I hope you will. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from the publisher if he chooses to write. -John Gibson Hey John, We certainly don’t want to lose any readers that use the word ‘pugilistic’ . . . had to look that one up. Glad you are back with us! - Ed Hey Guys, Was thrilled to see that you featured Elvira! I’ve been a fan for years, used to love Movie Macabre. I am so excited to see that she is coming back with a new series. Sheridan, Northern Cal.

John, You’ve made some excellent points . . . I certainly do not know much about Guevara. There was no intent to glorify this person, we were trying ‘in haste’ to begin a column that would profile different figures in our history, both good and bad. In retrospect, we should have not acted with such haste and done some more research. And yes, you are absolutely right on the mark, that people are enamored with his

MP, Elvira still looks great! You guys nailed it with the interview.Cool, thanks. Matt, SD Don’t worry readers, we’ll be back with more of our gossip & entertainment in our next issue. We wanted to focus on our veterans with this issue.

We welcome your comments, critique and opinions. Send to:

Military Press Newspaper Publisher Richard T. Matz Editor / Design Trevor Watson Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Graphic Design Dayna Gomez Account Representatives: Michelle Hull, Trina Estes, James Wyatt, Amy Vega

9715 carroll centre road, suite 104 san diego, ca 92126 Tel 858.537.2280 For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 5


Military folks financially more savvy than civilians

The notion that military people are too busy training, fighting or moving between assignments to pay close attention to personal finances is challenged by results of a new survey. The first-ever “Military Financial Capability Study” finds that service members are more likely than civilians to keep up with monthly expenses, save for their kids’ education, avoid payday lenders, invest in stocks and bonds, and even check on their own credit scores. Where military members clearly need more financial counseling is credit card balances. Twenty-seven percent carry more than $10,000 in credit card debt versus only 16 percent of civilians surveyed. But overall “we can definitely say that [military personnel] are more savvy than the general population” regarding personal finances, said John M. Gannon, president of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is the largest independent regulator of securities firms

doing business in the United States. Its Investor Education Foundation, which sponsored the survey, operates on the fines collected from security firms that violate laws to protect investors. Since 2006, the foundation has partnered with the Department of Defense to improve military financial readiness. It holds financial forums for service members, provides continuing education to on-base financial counselors and offers fellowships for military spouses to become Accredited Financial Counselors. The foundation’s campaign to educate military people got its initial funding from $6 million paid by First Command Financial Planning, Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas, in 2005 to settle charges brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission that the company had mislead military investors. The new survey of 700 service members and 100 spouses was conducted online in June and July of 2009. The results were linked to a national civilian survey on financial capabilities FINRA conducted earlier. The report cautions that some disparities in answers from military and civilian respondents reflect demographic differences. Military respondents

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(619) 398-8252. Page 6 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

were more likely to be younger, male, employed full time and high school graduates. Also, the military sample didn’t precisely reflect the current force. There was a higher proportion of officers surveyed (31 percent) and a smaller proportion of young enlisted (10 percent in pay grades E-1 to E-4). Still, Gannon said, the results capture financial challenges for military families and serve as a good baseline for future surveys. Feedback from Defense and military officials who track financial matters, Gannon said, is that “our data is very spot on” in identifying issues that the troops face. The report can be found online at: foundation/@foundation/documents/ foundation/p122257.pdf

living expenses if needed. That varied by rank, of course, falling to 39 percent for junior and mid-grade enlisted and rising to 67 percent for officers. “Fortunately, military personnel and their spouses are less exposed to the financial risks of unexpected medical emergencies than civilians as they are covered by health insurance,” the report notes. Fifty-two percent of military respondents with financially dependent children were saving to send them to college. Only 41 percent of civilians with children were doing so. Among respondents with bank accounts, which is virtually all service members, 21 percent of military respondents versus 24 percent of civilians had taken out some sort of non-

Fifty-two percent of military respondents with financially dependent children were saving to send them to college. Only 41 percent of civilians with children were doing so. It’s no mystery why the survey shows military people more financially literate than the civilian population, Gannon explained. “If you look at the level of effort that the Department of Defense has put into financial readiness compared to private sector employers, it’s really tremendous,” he said. He noted that a personal financial manager can be found on every base and the services have mandatory financial education requirements, starting from boot camp. “There aren’t too many private sector employers that have such substantial programs,” he said. The survey found that 36 percent of military respondents have trouble paying their monthly bills but that compares favorably to nearly two thirds of civilians reporting trouble. Fifty percent of military respondents reported having emergency money saved to cover at least three months of

bank loan over the last five years. That could be payday loans, auto title loans, pawn shops or “rent-to-own” stores. A third of junior enlisted respondents had used these services. Worried that such lenders preyed on the military, Congress in 2007 set a cap of 36 percent on annual interest that can be charged military borrowers. Its full effect likely isn’t seen yet in this survey, Gannon said. Military respondents, Gannon said, already are “much more likely to comparison shop for financial products and they’re much more willing to check their credit report and credit scores. That is something that the Department of Defense, through its financial readiness program, has always stressed and the numbers are really outstanding. I mean 72 percent of military respondents have obtained a credit report in the last 12 months [compared] to 40 percent of

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By Gunnery Sgt. Bill Lisbon, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma

MARINE CORPS AIR STATION YUMA, Ariz. — After nearly seven months of watching Afghanistan’s skies, the 79 homecoming Marines of a Yuma-based air control squadron spent the morning of Oct. 15, 2010, with their focus closer to the ground, scanning the anxious crowd of family and friends for a familiar face. Arriving shortly after sunrise, the members of Marine Air Control Squadron 1 reunited with loved ones waiting on the air station. Any signs of jet lag from the long flight or grogginess from waking up a 3 a.m. to welcome someone home were erased, exchanged for teary embraces or laughter. Often both. “They served well. Their families are happy for them to be home,” said Maj. Richard Callahan, the squadron’s executive officer. Increased operations in southern Afghanistan kept the Marines busy, directing air support for approximately 800 priority missions to assist ground troops in combat with enemy fighters. And those were just a handful of the approximately 50,000 flights the MACS-1 Marines managed in just seven months, said Gunnery Sgt. Tim Clark, the senior air director for the squadron’s tactical air operations center. “It’s definitely the busiest deployment I’ve been on,” said Clark. Operating from Camp Leatherneck and three forward operating bases, the Marines kept an eye on everything in the surrounding skies, including the separation of military and civilian air traffic in the region. Before departing Afghanistan for home, the Marines passed their duties to another batch of approximately 100 MACS-1 troops who deployed in late September, said Callahan. Not all the faces welcoming the Marines home were familiar. Clark’s son, Ethan, was born in June. Until Friday, he’d only seen photos of his son. “I was anxious to see what he looked like in person,” said Clark, who also has a 4-year-old daughter, Payton, with his wife, Jaime. The couple are natives of Birmingham, Ala. “It’s very good to finally meet this little guy,” he added.

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USS Wyoming (SSBN 742) and USS Georgia (SSGN 729) homeported in Kings Bay, Ga., and USS Maine (SSBN 741) and USS Ohio (SSGN 726) homeported in Bangor, Wash., are the initial four submarines that have been selected to integrate female officers into their crews. The blue and gold crews of the four submarines will each be assigned three female officers. Two of the women will be submarine officers, and the third female officer will be a warfare qualified supply officer. They will be assigned to their first submarine duty station after completing training, which consists of nuclear power school, prototype training and the Submarine Officer Basic Course. They are expected to report to their assigned submarines beginning December 2011.





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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 9

Veterans Day Facts

What is Veterans Day? On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.

In 1954, President Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. In 1968, the Uniform Holidays Bill was passed by Congress, which moved the celebration of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October. The law went into effect in 1971, but in 1975 President Ford returned Veterans Day to November 11, due to the important historical significance of the date. Britain, France, Australia and Canada also commemorate the veterans of World Wars I and II on or near November 11th: Canada has Remembrance Day, while Britain has Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November). In Europe, Britain and the Commonwealth countries it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m. every November 11.

Veterans Facts

The brave men and women who serve and protect the U.S. come from all walks of life; they are parents, children and grandparents. They are friends, neighbors and coworkers, and an important part of their communities. Here are some facts about the current veteran population of the United States. 9.2 million veterans are over the age of 65. 1.9 million veterans are under the age of 35. 1.8 million veterans are women. 7.8 million veterans served during the Vietnam War era (1964-1975), which represents 33% of all living veterans. 5.2 million veterans served during the Gulf War (representing service from Aug. 2, 1990, to present). 2.6 million veterans served during World War II (1941-1945). 2.8 million veterans served during the Korean War (1950-1953). 6 million veterans served in peacetime. As of 2008, 2.9 million veterans received compensation for serviceconnected disabilities. 5 states have more than 1 million veterans in among their population: California (2.1 million), Florida (1.7 million), Texas (1.7 million), New York (1 million) and Pennsylvania (1 million). The VA health care system had 54 hospitals in 1930, since then it has expanded to include 171 medical centers; more than 350 outpatient, community, and outreach clinics.

William Henry “Bill” Mauldin (October 29, 1921 – January 22, 2003) was a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist from the United States. He was most famous for his World War II cartoons depicting American soldiers, as represented by the archetypal characters “Willie and Joe”, two weary and bedraggled infantry troopers who stoically endure the difficulties and dangers of duty in the field. These cartoons were broadly published and distributed in the American army abroad and in the United States.

Page 10 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Veterans Day Events Thursday, November 4th 12:00 pm

8:30 am U.S. Citizenship Oath by 100 Service members USS Midway Museum Downtown San Diego, CA Thursday, November 11th - * * Veterans Day * * 11:00 am - 1:00 pm San Diego County Veterans Day Parade

Association of U.S. Navy Presentation for Veterans Coronado Island Marriott, 2000 Second Street Coronado, CA

Parade route on Pacific Highway from Cedar to Harbor Dr. San Diego, CA 1:00 pm Veterans Museum & Memorial Center Open House 2115 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 6:00 pm

“Swinging For Freedom” Celebration USS Midway Museum Downtown San Diego, CA 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm ? Cal-Diego PVA Veterans Day Events at the stern of the Midway Museum next to Harbor Drive. USS Midway Museum Downtown San Diego, CA

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Honor Our Veterans Parade 1550 Magdalena Ave. Chula Vista, CA The parade starts at Santa Ventia Park runs in in front of the school and then into the school. The parade is in conjunction with lessons taught in local schools primarily at Veterans Elementary School. 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

29995 Technology Drive, Suite 103 Temecula / Murrieta, CA 92563 Phone: (951) 501-9822

“Veteran of the Year” Recognition Luncheon Veterans Museum & Memorial Center Presentations Scottish Rite Center, Mission Valley San Diego, CA Saturday, November 6th 8:30 am Annual Walk for Veterans Home with Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2111 5K Walk from Chula Vista Veterans Home to Post 2111 at 3rd & ‘I’ 7:30 am - 2:30 pm Retired Military Personnel NRSW Seminar & Resource Fair Rock Church at Liberty Station 2277 Rosecrans St. San Diego, CA 92106 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Veterans Day Program and Honors Ceremony Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial atop Mt. Soledad La Jolla, CA Sunday, November 7th 10:00 am Salute to Veterans Judo Contest Rancho Buena Vista High Vista, CA Tuesday, November 9th 10:00 am - 3:00 pm ‘Honor-A-Hero, Hire-A-Vet’ Job & Resource Fair - hosted by EDD, download the flyer from the Veterans Employment Committee web site. Double Tree Hotel 7450 Hazard Center Drive San Diego, CA. Wednesday, November 10th Marine Corps Birthday

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 11

Cliff Spencer - Boy marine to bloodied veteran

By Dayna Gomez

Two weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Cliff Spencer at age sixteen joined the Marine Corps. I interviewed Cliff Spencer, now eighty five years old, about his experiences aboard the USS San Francisco, in particular the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. Cliff was placed on the USS San Francisco in late March. As a 2nd Gunner, PFC Spencer saw a lot of action in the Pacific. He was involved when the USS San Francisco took part in covering and aiding in the landing on Guadalcanal, and also participated in the Savo Island Battle on August 8-9. The island’s bay is riddled with sunken ships and is now called “Iron Bottom Sound”, 42 ships lay under water. November 11, 1942, the USS San Francisco, and her Task Force (T.F.) got underway and headed towards Guadalcanal. All the while they were shadowed by a Japanese recon. plane. On November 12, The USS San Francisco and it’s T.F. arrived off of Lunga Point. Everything was going as planned with the mission, transports unloaded Marines storming the beach. The T.F. was providing cover for the landing. With the mission done, the USS San

Francisco got underway. One hour later the T.F. was met with 21 Japanese planes. The USS San Francisco sustained much damage from the bombardment. At one point a Japanese torpedo dropped a torpedo, it missed the ship, but the plane flew into the ship, and then rolled off the side. During the crash the Control Tower was destroyed and From PFC Spencer’s account, 22 men died instantly and eight more later from their injuries. When the assault was over, the USS San Francisco with it’s T.F., shot down 19 of 21 Japanese planes. After the attack, the wounded were sent to the USS President Jackson. Mere moments later, a large Japanese fleet was heading towards

our position.The USS San Francisco finished escorting transports out of the area. The USS San Francisco along with the other ships in the T.F. reassembled, returning with 1 Heavy

Page 12 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Cruiser, 3 Light Cruisers and eight Destroyers. At 0130 the T.F. entered Lengo Channel. On November 13, the Japanese fleet was discovered only 25k meters from their position. At this point our Task Group moved to intercept the Japanese ships. At about 0200; we opened fire on an enemy cruiser off our starboard beam. Minutes later we targeted a small cruiser off our starboard bow. Unfortunately during the battle we accidentally target the Atlanta. The damage caused by our gunfire was tremendous. During the barrage, Admiral Scott was killed. By the time we realized we were shooting at a friendly, we immediately cease firing. But the damage was done. Next they targeted the Hiei and the Kirishima,while doing so we realized the japanese cruiser Nagara, a destroyer and a battleship were firing at us. While manning his gun he was hit with several pieces of shrapnel. Several Marines nearby were badly injured. At this point Cliff, bleeding from shrapnel wouds and extensive damage to his hand, tried to make it to sick bay, but he could not. He went back to the gun for cover, and again used it to target the enemy ships. Cliff was hit with more shrapnel and had to be helped by a sailor to sick bay. With all communications lost on the San Francisco,we were joined by the Juneau and

the Helena. The ships were helping escort the San Francisco to Espiritu Santo for repairs and provide medical relief to our ship. About an hour later; Cliff was sitting in a cabin looking out toward the Juneau when a Japanes sub fired three torpedoes at the San Francisco. The first torpedo went in front of us, the second went behind us, and the third torpedo porpoised under the San Francisco came back up and made a direct hit on the Juneau. PFC Spencer said it was less than 30 seconds for the Juneau to disappear. When it was hit, it disintegrated into a plume of black smoke. When the smoke settled the water was calm with no visible sight of the ship or survivors. The T.F. later found out that the Juneau was the ship carrying the five fated Sullivan Brothers. When Cliff was sent to the 142nd Army Hospital, he had 131 puncture wounds in his body and he had lost his thumb. Cliff Spencer is a true American Hero, and he is damn proud. Cliff resides in Ramona, CA. He is a lifetime member of Ramona’s MCarthur VFW Post 3783.

Gretchen Mol as Gillian Photo credit: Abbot Genser / HBO

Why fold our flag 13 times? You probably thought it was to symbolize the original 13 colonies, but we learn something new every day!

The 1st fold of the flag is a symbol of life. The 2nd fold is a symbol of the belief in eternal life. The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing the ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of the country to attain peace throughout the world. The 4th fold represents the weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance The 5th fold is a tribute to the country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, ‘Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.’ The 6th fold is for where people’s hearts lie. It is with their heart that They pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America , and the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. The 7th fold is a tribute to its Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that they protect their country and their flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of their republic. The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day. The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and Mothers. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded. The 10th fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of their country since they were first born. The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are ! uppermos t reminding them of their nations motto, ‘In God We Trust.’ After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington, and the Sailors and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for them the rights, privileges and freedoms they enjoy today. There are some traditions and ways of doing things that have deep meaning. In the future, you’ll see flags folded and now you will know why. A country that demonstrates this kind of disrespect towards its children, towards its soldiers, and towards God, will not continue to prosper I don’t think.

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 13

Boxing Round-up

As if orchestrated, the theater of unexpected produced two spectacular third round knock outs on Friday night at Chumash Resort and Casino in Santa Ynez, California. Ortiz v. Harris Vicious Victor Ortiz (28-2-1,22KO’S) out of Oxnard, California, dropped Vivian Harris (29-6-1,19KO’S) from Brooklyn, New York four times on the way to a third round TKO victory in their light welterweight scrap scheduled for ten. Mosley v. Mora

Marquez v. Santiago The night of boxing was televised by ShoBox, The New Generation. The night featuring unbeaten lightweight Archie Ray Marquez (10-0, 7KO’S) stopping Juan “Chago” Santiago (13-4-1, 8KO’S) from Denver, Colorado with the barrage of punches in round three.

Los Angeles- In a very ugly twelve round super welterweight fight, in front of thirteen thousand five hundred ninety one fans at the Staples Center in downtown, Los Angeles, legendary Sugar Shane Mosley and Sergio Mora fought to a draw. Judge Kermit Bayless scored the fight: 115-113 for Mora, David Denkin scored it116-112 for Mosley and Lou Moret had it 114-114 making it draw. Despite the draw fans will not be clamoring for a rematch. Despite out throwing and out landing Mora by a bit, Mosley had to settle for a draw.

Cain Velasquez defeated Brock Lesnar to become the first Mexican UFC Heavyweight Champion.

Alvarez v. Baldomir Young Mexican super star Saul Alvarez (34-0-126KO’S) thrilled thunderous crowd at the Staples Center knocking out hard punching Argentine Carlos Baldomir (45-13-6,14KO’S) with a brutal left hook at 2:58 of the sixth stanza.

Coleman v. Lopez Once beaten light welterweight Tim ”Pit Bull” Coleman (18-1-1,5KO’S) landing one a punch picture perfect right uppercut that ended the night and title shot aspirations for former Olympian from Venezuela, Patrick “ El Elegante” Lopez (20-3,12Ko’S).

Story and Photos contributed by Ray Flores

THE UNDERCARD Ponce DeLeon v. Escalante Tribal warrior, former junior featherweight champion Daniel Ponce De Leon(40-2,33KO’S) annihilated hot young prospect from El Paso, Texas, Antonio Escalante((23-3,15KO’S) via a brutal third round knock out. Straight left hand followed by a vicious right hook had Escalante on the floor senseless. “I loosened up and got into a groove,” said de Leon after the fight:” I didn’t feel his punches at all. I want a world title shot again.”


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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 15



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Effects of Anabolic Steroid Abuse in Men • infertility • Breast development • Shrinking of the testicles • Male-pattern baldness • Severe acne and cysts Effects of Anabolic Steroid Abuse in Women

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 17

SPORTS By Art Garcia I MP

Self-Inflicted Wounds

Have you heard the joke: “I went to a hockey game last night and a boxing match broke out?”

Well, some 63,000+ Chargers fans paid to see an NFL game against the threetime Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots last Sunday and an all-too-familiar comedy routine broke out. Thanks to careless ball-handling, lack of focus, inexcusable lack of effort and the usual special teams blunders (two muffed kickoffs, a false start, missed game-tying field goal), the Chargers fell to the Patriots 23-20 for their third straight defeat. “This was very tough, we’re just not finishing,” said cornerback Donald Strickland in a silent locker room following the game. “We can’t put ourselves in a hole like that. We came out and wanted to start out fast, and we did that as a defense… but then we come out in the second half a little flat and give up a long drive for a touchdown. We have to be finishers, you know? So we just need to go back to work.” If the Chargers turnovers weren’t so pitiful, it would be laughable. They lost their 10th, 11th and 12th fumbles all before halftime last Sunday – the latter two resembling the kind of mental mistakes one would see at a Pop Warner football game. Mental Lapse no. 1: On their first drive of the second quarter, rookie receiver Richard Goodman makes a diving 25-yard reception of a Philip Rivers pass at the Patriots 41-yard line. However, in the excitement of making his first NFL reception, Goodman inexplicably leaves the ball on the ground as he jumps to his feet to celebrate. Realizing the whistle was never blown, the Patriots quickly jumped on the live ball to record their second fumble recovery of the day.

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Page 18 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Mental Lapse no 2: On their ensuing drive, the Chargers move the ball from their own 19-yard line to the Patriot 32 where on a 1st-and-10, Rivers gets pressured and throws what appears to be a lateral pass in the flat that bounces off of Jacob Hester’s hand. And just like Goodman’s gaffe on their previous drive, Hester stands dumbfounded as the Patriots pick up another live fumble and return it 63 yards to the Chargers 8-yard line. Although both turnovers yielded just three points for the Patriots, the fumbles stalled two Chargers’ drives inside Patriot territory. And with the Chargers losing the game by only three points, one has to ask (in their best Slim Pickens impression from the movie ‘Blazing Saddles’): “Just what in the Wide, Wide World Sports is going on here?” Whether it’s lack of discipline, focus or attention to detail, nobody – players and coaches alike – seems to know the answer. “It seems like its all of that,” Strickland said. “They got three turnovers on defense and we didn’t create any. Despite holding them to just field goals and having as many three-and-outs as we had, we still need to find a way to create turnovers – they had three and we didn’t have any. That’s been the difference in all the games we lost – turnover margin. “I can’t really put my finger on it right now. But to hold an offense like that to less than 100 yards in the first half, and then for them to come out and have a scoring drive on the opening drive of the second half – we need to shut them down as a defense. “But the talk is done. We have no more games to lose. We know we have the talent to go far, but you’re only as good as you play – and right now we’re killing ourselves.” After starting the 2009 season 2-3, the Chargers went on an 11-game winning streak and finished the season 13-3 and atop of the AFC West. With the Tennessee Titans coming to town this Sunday and having to travel to Texas to face a muchimproved Houston Texans team the following week, the question remains – does the Chargers team have it in them to recover from this embarrassing 2-5 start? “We can only worry about us and focus on us and try to get us going in the right direction,” said tackle Jeromey Clary. “As long as we’re doing things right on our side of the ball, and the defense is doing right on their side and the special teams are doing well, then we’ll be able to handle anyone. “The thing is that we all have a lot of heart and we’re all really competitive and we’re going to stay at it the entire time. So it don’t matter if we’re up by 20 or down by 20, we’re going to keep working do everything we can to get back into the game more efficiently.”

The Endzone “It just comes down to execution and all of us has to be on the same page at the same time for this thing to work,” said Clary. “It’s like Norv tells us all the time, ‘There’s no magical call, magical play, or magical formation – it just comes down to all eleven guys doing the same thing at the same time in order for this thing to work.’”

Lou Gehrig is considered the best First Baseman to ever play the game.

Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading abou the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but major statistics .340 / .442 / .632 kindness and encouragement from you fans. 2721 H, 493 HR, 1995 RBI, 1888 R Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn’t consider it * MLB record for grand slams (23). the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even * AL single-season record for RBI -184 one day? Sure, I’m lucky. Who wouldn’t consider it an honor * Drove in over 100 runs for 13 seasons in a row, averaging 147 from 1926-38. to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball’s * Top-five all-time in RBI, OBP, slugging, greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with that OPS (1.080), OPS+ (179). wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent * Played in 2,130 consecutive games the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart The native New Yorker played for the student of psychology, the best manager in baseball today, Yankees from 1925 through 1939. He Joe McCarthy? Sure, I’m lucky. was a member of the 1927 Yankee’s Championship team, known as ‘MurWhen the New York Giants, a team you would give your derer’s Row’. right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift — that’s For his durability, Gehrig was nicksomething. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and named ‘The Iron Horse’ , however, durthose boys in white coats remember you with trophies — that’s ing the 1939 season Gehrig’s health rapidly declined due to Amyotrophic something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who Lateral Sclerosis, later known as Lou takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter — Gehrig’s Disease. that’s something. When you have a father and a mother who On May 2, 1939, after playing in 2,130 consecutive games, Gehrig told manag- work all their lives so that you can have an education and build er Joe McCarthy to take him out of the your body — it’s a blessing. When you have a wife who has lineup. He never played again. been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you “Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day” was dreamed existed — that’s the finest I know. held on July 4, 1939 at Yankee Stadium. On that day 61,808 fans were witness to So I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, the most dramatic scene ever held on a but I’ve got an awful lot to live for. Thank you. baseball field. Following is Gehrig’s faAPM-1078_Nexcom_B&W_LIC_4.625x6.222.pdf 7/1/10 11:43:03 AM — Lou Gehrig at Yankee Stadium, July 4, 1939 mous farewell speech from that day.

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 19


A Soldier Died Today By A Lawrence Vaincourt

He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion, telling stories of the past. Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; they were heroes , every one. And tho’ sometimes, to his neighbors, his tales becam e a joke, All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew whereo f he spoke. But we’ll hear his tales no longer for old Bill has passed away, And the world’s a little poorer, for a soldier died today. He will not be mourned by many, just his childre n and his wife, For he lived an ordinary and quite uneventful life. Held a job and raised a family, quietly going his own way, And the world won’t note his passing, though a soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great. Papers tell their whole life stories, from the time that they were young, But the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed and unsun g.

Page 20 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land A guy who breaks his promises and cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow who, in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life? A politician’s stipend and the style in which he lives Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives. While the ordinary soldier, who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal and perhaps, a pension small. It’s so easy to forget them for it was so long ago, That the old Bills of our Country went to battle, but we know It was not the politicians, with their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom that our Country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand, Would you want a politician with his ever-shifting stand? Or would you prefer a soldier, who has sworn to defend His home, his kin and Country and would fight until the end? He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us we may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier’s part Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start. If we cannot do him honor while he’s here to hear the praise, Then at least let’s give him homage at the ending of his days. Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say, Our Country is in mourning, for a soldier today.


Was the Atomic Bomb Justified? Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki “There were those who considered that the atomic bomb should never have been used at all. I cannot associate myself with such ideas… I am surprised that very worthy people—but people who in most cases had no intention of proceeding to the Japanese front themselves— should adopt a position that rather than throw this bomb we should have sacrificed a million American and a quarter of a million British lives… ” Winston Churchill, leader of the Opposition, in a speech to the British House of Commons, August 1945] March 1946’s Operation Coronet was planned to take Tokyo with a landing of 25 divisions, compared to D-Day’s 12 Divisions. Those who argue in favor of the decision to drop the atom bombs believe that massive casualties on both sides would have occurred in Operation Downfall, the planned invasion of Japan. The U.S. side anticipated losing many soldiers in the planned invasion of Japan, although the number of expected fatalities

and wounded is subject to some debate. U.S. President Truman stated after the war that he had been advised that U.S. casualties could range from 250,000 to one million men. In a study done by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in April 1945, the figures of 7.45 casualties per 1,000 man-days and 1.78 fatalities per 1,000 mandays were developed. This implied that the two planned campaigns to conquer Japan would cost 1.6 million U.S. casualties, including 370,000 dead. In addition, millions of Japanese military and civilian casualties were expected as a result of such actions. An Air Force Association history of the 21st century says, “Millions of women, old men, and boys and girls had been trained to resist by such means as attacking with bamboo spears and strapping explosives to their bodies and throwing themselves under advancing tanks.” The AFA noted that “[t]he Japanese cabinet had approved a measure extending the draft to include men from ages fifteen to sixty and women from seventeen to forty-five (an additional 28 million people).” Supporters also point to an order given by the Japanese War Ministry on 1 August 1944, ordering the disposal and execution of all Allied prisoners of war, numbering over 100,000, if an invasion of the Japanese mainland took place. The US military had nearly 500,000 Purple Heart medals manufactured in anticipation of potential


casualties from the planned invasion of Japan. To the present date, all the American military casualties of the 60 years following the end of World War II—including the Korean and Vietnam Wars—have not exceeded that number. In 2003, there were still 120,000 of these Purple Heart medals in stock. Because of the number available, combat units in Iraq and Afghanistan are able to keep Purple Hearts on-hand for immediate award to wounded soldiers on the field. Speedy end of war saved lives Supporters of the bombing argue that to have waited for the Japanese to surrender would also have cost lives. “For China alone, depending upon what number one chooses for overall Chinese casualties, in each of the ninety-seven months between July 1937 and August 1945, somewhere between 100,000 and continues on page 21



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SEMPER COOL Marine pledges to donate $1 million to wounded combat veterans

Barry Fixler enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1967 as a mischievous kid from Long Island, N.Y., with only naïve notions of the adventure of being a Marine. By the time Fixler entered the reserves in 1971, he was a man with a foundation for life formed from his service in the Corps, a new appreciation for his country and a lifelong dedication to helping others, especially those who fight to keep America free. Fixler does most of his giving quietly. The Bardonia, N.Y., jeweler for years has quietly shared his good fortune with people who seem to have fallen through the cracks of our society. Wounded U.S. veterans, truck drivers

down on their luck and families of people who have gone missing are among the many who have benefitted from Fixler’s compulsion to help when and where he can. So pardon Fixler for seeking as much notice as he can muster regarding his latest endeavor: Semper Cool. Semper Cool, to be released in November by New York-based Exalt Press, is Fixler’s book of memoirs recounting the formative experiences from his service in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. Fixler was one of the Marines who fought the Siege of Khe Sanh, and his memories from that historic battle are among the many dramatic, harrowing and sometimes humorous stories that he shares in Semper Cool. Fixler is donating every dollar that he earns from the book to members of the U.S. military who have been wounded serving their country, and their families. So he naturally wants to sell as many books as he can. Fixler served in Vietnam during the middle years of the war (1967-1968) and was among the few Marines to survive the entire Siege of Khe Sanh uninjured.

“At the Khe Sanh Veterans Association reunions the guys toast to me as the only Marine in the room without a [Purple] Heart,” Fixler said. Fixler subconsciously drew on his Marine Corps experiences on Valentine’s Day 2005, when he was confronted by two pistolpacking criminals who tried to hold up his store. Fixler fought back, and the dramatic shootout was captured on videotape that was shown on television programs across the nation, gaining him some notoriety. He relives that morning in detail in Semper Cool. Semper Cool is a compelling glimpse into the heart and mind of an average American with extraordinary experiences who continues to draw on those memories to serve his country in any way that he can. Despite his low-key approach, Fixler’s efforts to help others already have gained recognition. He was named Veteran of the Year for 2009 in Rockland County, N.Y.

I lost my grip. For one quick second, I opened my eyes and actually saw the tops of trees. I was falling from the sky, and the only thing I could think of was that I was above the trees. I had enough time to tell myself to curl in a ball, like doing a cannonball at the swimming pool, and close my eyes and wait to hit the ground. That’s what I remember, waiting, waiting for the pain … But when I hit I bounced straight up. Swear to God, just like a trampoline. I was thinking, “What the … ?!” I had no idea what I had landed on. The first time, I must have bounced 10, 15 feet, but it felt like jumping out of a six-story building onto a trampoline. Like I hit and bounced up three floors, then two floors, then one. At the same time my helmet flew off, and—how I was thinking to do all of this, I don’t know—I tried to flatten myself out so I wouldn’t be such an easy target for the enemy. I was still wondering what I had landed on by the time I reached cover. Well, for about six weeks, none of us had wanted to get our mailbags. The helicopters would come and drop mailbags, but no one wanted to run out the hundred feet under fire to get them. We had to get our ammunition and food, but screw the mailbags. We weren’t gonna get killed for mailbags. So the mailbags piled up. They must’ve been stacked four, five feet high, and I’d landed right in the middle of them. That’s why I bounced: Those mailbags that nobody wanted to risk their lives for saved me. The three guys who got stuck on the chopper made it back the next afternoon while I was eating C-rations in one of the trench bunkers where we slept. They thought I was dead. I could hear them talking to the other guys. “We seen Fix get blown out of the helicopter! We seen Fix get blown apart!” Their eyes saw me fly out the back of a helicopter in mid-air while under heavy fire, so they assumed I was dead. When they finally saw me sitting in the bunker they looked like they’d seen a ghost. “But we saw you get blown out of the helicopter!” “That’s right, but I’m right here. Yo! I’m fine.” We always appreciated the mail. Copyright © 2010 Barry Fixler Reprinted by Permission of Exalt Press, LLC

The Helicopter Story EXCERPTED from SEMPER COOL By Barry Fixler Published by Exalt Press Pub Date: December 1, 2010

Vietnam was a helicopter war. Choppers were the main transports for food, ammunition, mail and men. Get in fast. Get out fast. That was the helicopter pilots’ mantra. One day, during the siege of Khe Sanh, two of our guys got hit real bad. When that happens what you do is take the Marine who’s seriously wounded and put him in a poncho, maybe 100 feet from the landing zone. One guy takes the poncho by the feet and the other guy gets it by the head and you run to the medivac chopper. You try to coordinate it so you get there just as the helicopter touches down. I was holding one of our wounded guys by the head end of his poncho, making eye contact with him. His entire body was soaked with blood. How he was still breathing I don’t know. He was turned inside out. All of his organs were exposed, but he was still alive, and his eyes were fixed into mine. “You’re going to be fine; you’re going back to the world,” I said to him. “You’re making it back fine. Back home. You’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.” But I was thinking, “Just die already,” because the guy was obviously in shock, and he wasn’t going to make it. The helicopter was on approach and four of us ran out carrying the two wounded Marines. We were catching heavy fire from mortars and rockets. The two guys carrying the first Marine scurried straight inside the helicopter. I was last on the ramp, and as soon as I got there, the pilot started taking off because the helicopter was being riddled with shrapnel. The cockpit glass was a mess. Pieces of it were in the co-pilot’s face. Mortar shrapnel sliced through the hull of the chopper. I was barely on the ramp and the helicopter started lifting off. Next thing I knew, I was dangling from the ramp clinging to the poncho, and I couldn’t reach anything else to hold.

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Was the Atomic Bomb Justified? Debate over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki continued from page 19 200,000 persons perished, the vast majority of them noncombatants. For the other Asian states alone, the average probably ranged in the tens of thousands per month, but the actual numbers were almost certainly greater in 1945, notably due to the mass death in a famine in Vietnam. Newman concluded that each month that the war continued in 1945 would have produced the deaths of ‘upwards of 250,000 people, mostly Asian but some Westerners.’” The end of the war liberated millions of laborers working in harsh conditions under a forced mobilization. In the Dutch East Indies, there was a “forced mobilization of some 4 million—although some estimates are as high as 10 million—romusha (manual laborers)...About 270,000 romusha were sent to the Outer Islands and Japanese-held territories in Southeast Asia, where they joined other Asians in performing wartime construction projects. At the end of the war, only 52,000 were repatriated to Java.” clarification needed] The firebombing of Tokyo had killed well over 100,000 people in Japan since February 1945, directly and indirectly. Intensive conventional bombing would have continued or increased prior to an invasion. The

submarine blockade and the United States Army Air Forces’s mining operation, Operation Starvation, had effectively cut off Japan’s imports. A complementary operation against Japan’s railways was about to begin, isolating the cities of southern Honsh from the food grown elsewhere in the Home Islands. “Immediately after the defeat, some estimated that 10 million people were likely to starve to death,” noted historian Daikichi Irokawa. Meanwhile, fighting continued in The Philippines, New Guinea and Borneo, and offensives were scheduled for September in southern China and Malaya. The Soviet invasion of Manchuria, had in the week before the surrender caused over 80,000 deaths. In September 1945, nuclear physicist Karl T. Compton, who himself took part in the Manhattan Project, visited MacArthur’s headquarters in Tokyo, and following his visit wrote a defensive article, in which he summarized his conclusions as follows: “If the atomic bomb had not been used, evidence like that I have cited points to the practical certainty that

there would have been many more months of death and destruction on an enormous scale”. Philippine justice Delfin Jaranilla, member of the Tokyo tribunal, wrote in his judgment: “If a means is justified by an end, the use of the atomic bomb was justified for it brought Japan to her knees and ended the horrible war. If the war had gone longer, without the use of the atomic bomb, how many thousands and thousands of helpless men, women and children would have needlessly died and suffer ...?”


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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 23


In every country and government type, there is always one person at the political top who makes the key decisions and determines the national policy, or leads to it - the national leader. Some of these leaders were clearly the aggressors, while others led the war against aggression. Some leaders succeeded, while others failed to stand against stronger powers. Some leaders were caught in the middle between stronger countries and were forced to take a side, while others were able to remain neutral and save their nations from the war.

short attempt to improve relations with the US failed, he ordered to go to war and attack Pearl Harbor in December 1941. He gradually took more ministerial roles, and in Feb. 1944 also made himself the commander in chief, like Adolf Hitler did. When he realized that Japan was going to lose the war he resigned. The military continued to control Japan until the end of World War 2, which came

Adolf Hitler - Nazi dictator of Germany (1933-45), planned and started World War 2, committed suicide at the end of the war.

when the Emperor Hirohito which was until then passive, ordered to surrender in order to prevent further inevitable destruction of Japan. After the war Tojo was executed for his responsibility to

General Hideki Tojo - Prime minister of Japan (October 1941 - July 1944). With a long militarist tradition, Japan became extremely militarist and aggressive in the 1930s and was practically governed by military leaders. Tojo, an aggressive army General, became minister of war in July 1941 and prime minister in October 1941. After a

Japan’s war crimes.

Hitler was a Methamphetamine addict! From 1942, the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler received daily injections of methamphetamine from his personal physician, Dr Theodor Morell. The Führer was also familiar with cocaine. Hitler’s ailments have been attributed to everything from tertiary syphilis to Parkinson’s disease. But many of The Führer’s clinical signs and symptoms may have been caused by his exotic drug regimen. In Hitler’s Wehrmacht, methamphetamine tablets branded as Pervitin were liberally distributed to German fighting troops throughout the War. Amphetamines are “power drugs” that reduce fatigue, heighten aggression, and diminish human warmth and empathy. How could Hitler continue to exert such a grip on the German people until the last days of the War? Talking to a prison psychologist while awaiting trial, ex-Governor General of Poland Hans Frank (1900-1946) describes Hitler’s charismatic effect on him... “I can hardly understand it myself. There must be some basic evil in me. In all men. Mass hypnosis? Hitler cultivated this evil in man. When I saw him in that movie in court, I was swept along again for a moment, in spite of myself. Funny, one sits in court feeling guilt and shame. Then Hitler appears on the screen and you want to stretch out your hand to him . . . . It’s not with horns on his head or with a forked tail that the devil comes to us, you know. He comes with a captivating smile, spouting idealistic sentiments, winning one’s MilitaryPressOctB& 1 09/07/2010 9:21:34 AM loyalty. We cannot say that Adolf Hitler violated the German people. He seduced us.”

Benito Mussolini, was the prime minister of Italy (1922-1943). A former journalist, he went to politics and formed the Fascist party, whose ideology, Fascism, called for a oneparty state, total obedience, patriotic nationalism, and aggressive militarism. The ideology and its implementation in Mussolini’s Italy influenced Adolf Hitler’s own ideology, Nazism, which was a combination of Fascism with extreme racism. Initially Mussolini led a rightwing coalition, but later Italy became a one party state. His treatment of unemployment made Mussolini popular, but the military aggression of Fascism led to its failure. Mussolini was eager to demonstrate the “strength” of his regime by invading weaker neighbors. In 1935 he invaded and occupied the peaceful Ethiopia from Italy’s nearby colony in East Africa. In 1936, the two Fascist dictators, Hitler and Mussolini, signed an alliance. In 1939 he invaded and occupied his small neighbor Albania, and Mussolini then enhanced his alliance with Hitler to a full military alliance. Mussolini knew that his military was not very effective, but when the Germans defeated the French and British forces in mid 1940 he thought it was safe enough for him to attack Britain and the collapsing France too and declared war, and in October 1940 he also invaded Greece, and was repelled. Mussolini had a million soldiers in Libya, and he sent them to attack the small British force in Egypt. The Italian Navy and Air Force attacked British ports and shipping in the Mediterranean, from Gibraltar in the West to Haifa (Israel) in the East. Despite its numerical strength and the fact that British forces in the Mediterranean were greatly outnumbered and very stretched, the Italian military could not defeat them anywhere, and was severely beaten by the British, and simply had to call for the help of the much more capable Germans. Mussolini’s Italy became a German puppet, and even sent troops to participate in Germany’s invasion of Russia. Eventually, British and American forces eliminated the Italian and German forces in North Africa and followed in July 1943 with an invasion of Sicily in South Italy. It was clear that Italy was losing the war, so several days after the invasion Mussolini was replaced and arrested in a remote mountain castle. Hitler sent commandos to rescue his friend from captivity. In April 1945, when German defence in North Italy collapsed, Mussolini was captured by Italian partisans and executed .

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HISTORY I MP Russia too, and enormous amounts of American military equipment and material were transferred to Russia during the war, allowing the Russian military industry to focus on mass production of the main weapon systems and ammunition. Despite the strong sympathy of the American public in support of Britain and against Nazism, only an attack on the US could persuade the American public to go to war. The attack eventually came from the opposite direction when Japan surprise attacked the US naval and air bases in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in December 7, 1941. The destructive surprise attack ended American isolationism and the US joined the war and allied with Britain and Russia to defeat the aggressors Axis of Nazi Germany, militarist Japan, and Fascist Italy. The mighty American industry went into full war production effort which dwarfed those of both allies and enemies, allowing the relatively small US military forces to rapidly grow to a mighty force, and defeat Japan and help Britain and Russia defeat Germany and Italy. President Roosevelt died in April 1945, shortly before the end of the war, and succeeded by vice president Harry Truman.

Winston Churchill kept warning of the Nazi danger in pre-war years. He was elected prime minister of Great Britain after the total collapse of the appeasement policy of his predecessor Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain failed to understand that aggressors like Hitler can not be appeased. Churchill became prime minister on May 10, 1940, at the same day when the German Blitzkrieg invasion of France began. After the quick collapse of the French military, Britain itself was under a threat of a German amphibious invasion, and was attacked by the full force of the German Luftwaffe. It was also under a maritime siege by the German U-boat submarines. At these very difficult and dangerous times, Churchill, “the British Lion”, excelled as a wartime leader. His fighting spirit raised the morale of the British people. He also forged a strong alliance with the US. Churchill is one of the main World War 2 leaders, and one of the most prominent national leaders in history. Joseph Stalin was the very brutal Communist dictator of Russia (19281953). In the years before World War 2 Stalin murdered or imprisoned almost all of Russia’s senior military officers, and millions of other Russian citizens, in a paranoid and unprecedented wave of political terror. This clearly weakened Russia and further encouraged Hitler to attack it. The pre-war pacifist strategy, military weakness, and anti-Communism of Britain and France led Stalin in August 1939 to decide that making a deal with Hitler is a better way to protect Russia from Hitler than making an alliance with Britain and France against him. As part of the deal Russia invaded half of

was S .

Poland after Hitler started World War 2 by invading Poland. In June 1941, after conquering the rest of Europe, Hitler did what he promised for 18 years and invaded Russia. In addition to the great weakness caused by the absence of experienced senior officers because of Stalin’s political murders, Stalin further damaged the Russian military’s ability to fight by first obsessively ignoring all the intelligence warnings of the incoming German invasion, and later by obsessively enforcing a rigid and very wasteful defensive strategy which helped the German military to achieve tremendous victories in the summer of 1941 and brought the Germans all the way to Moscow. Only then Stalin realized that he must allow his Generals to fight the war more professionally, not obsessively. He made the brilliant General Zhukov his top military advisor and also sent him to command the forces directly in key battles. This finally allowed the huge Russian military to exploit its full potential and succeed. After the war ended, Stalin’s horrible political terror quickly returned and continued until his death. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States of America (1933-1945) initially followed a very strong political demand to remain neutral and isolate the country from foreign wars, but he realized that the Nazi aggression was a global threat and the total opposite to the values of democracy and freedom, and persuaded the Congress to allow selling weapons to Britain and France, later declaring that the US will become the “arsenal of democracy”. In May 1941, when German expansion and its attacks on British shipping to the US increased, he declared a state of national emergency, and realistically assumed that US forces will eventually have to participate in fighting against Nazi Germany. When Germany invaded Russia, he extended the military aid to

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 25

FEATURE By Martin Jacobs I MP

The WWII PinUp

World War II turned the pinup into a major industry. Any artist who could draw or paint an enticing figure of a senuous woman became part of a phenomenon that blossomed during the war. Pin-up art showed a fulllength view of a female subject with an element of a theme or story. The models used by the artists usually were attired in form-fitting outfits like bathing suits, sun suits, skimpy dresses, or occasionally in provocative and intimite apparel like lingerie. Sometimes pin-ups appeared in the nude, but this was the exception, not the rule. Pin-ups came in all sizes, and vied for space in GIs’ lockers and on their walls and ceilings with photographic images of popular movie actresses like Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth, Veronica Lake and a host of others. A name synonymous with the legendary pin-up was Alberto Vargas, a popular illustrator who gained worldwide fame when Esquire magazine introduced the “Vargas Girl” to America in 1940. His dreamlike “Vargas Girls” were published on calendars, note pads, playing cards and magazine ads, and even were painted on the fuselage of American fighter planes and aviators’ flight jackets. Pin-up matchcover art was popular with GIs and is coveted by collectors. Legendary artists like Vargas, Elvgren, Mozert, Moran and others contributed their

artwork. By 1942 the pin-up had become a icon for American GIs. As our troops boarded transport ships and planes for overseas destinations, they not only carried pictures of their loved ones left behind, but also of their favorite pin-ups to give them something to dream about during the lonely days and weeks away from home. George Petty was another popular pin-up artist who captured the fighting man’s fancy. The “Petty Girl” appeared in magazine centerfolds, billboards and specialty products. Together with the “Vargas Girls,” these images warmed the hearts not only of GIs away at war, but also of civilians on the homefront. During the war punchboard games were found in most bars, clubs and taverns both on the homefront and overseas. Gil Elvgren’s pin-ups offered an indefinable “something extra” that not only made him enormously popular with GIs, but also the envy of other contemporary pin-up artists. His skillful use of “situation” poses created an endless variety of clever scenarios, much to the delight of our troops. Elvgren’s pin-up booklets with wartime themes were shipped by the thousands through APO and FPO military mails to American soldiers around the world. Earl Moran’s pin-up style was quite different from Vargas, Petty and Elvgren. His pastels were equally sexy, but tended to be more serious and moody. Another popular pin-up artist was Rolf Armstrong. Already a renowned artist by the time the war started, Armstrong’s glamorous

Actress Betty Grable, legs insured for a cool 1 million!

Pin-Ups for Vets, an award-winning non-profit, today announces the release of their 2011 calendar. Available for pre-order on , the calendar features Pin-Ups for Vets creator, Gina Elise, posing in the style of a sultry 1940’s pin-up girl. Calendars can also be ordered on the website for hospitalized Veterans and deployed troops. The proceeds from the sales go to improve health care at VA and military hospitals nationwide. The Pin-Ups for Vets calendar is a volunteer effort started by Elise in 2006. Elise delivers the donated calendars across the U.S., visiting Veterans in VA and military hospitals, spreading cheer and nostalgia, and thanking our Nation’s heroes for their service to our country. Elise visits the hospitalized Veterans decked out as a 1940’s pin-up girl. Beyond visiting Veterans hospitalized in the States, Elise takes care to send hundreds of the Pin-Ups for Vets calendars to troops stationed overseas, complete with personal messages of gratitude. These calendar gifts have greatly served to boost morale. “The Pin-Ups for Vets project gives me the opportunity to visit and brighten the day of our hospitalized Veterans who are often bedridden for months at a time with few or no visitors,” said Elise. “These hospital visits allow me to not only bring smiles to our service members of today, but to also pay homage to World War II veterans, like my Grandfather Lou, and to our Vets from all generations who served our country.”

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Gina Elise is currently searching for a corporate or private sponsor to fund her “Pin-Ups For Vets VA and Military Hospital Tour” across the U.S. It is her goal to visit at least one VA or Military hospital in each state. “Many of our ill Veterans openly weep. The are overcome with emotion during these bedside visits.” says Elise. “My goal is to honor and thank as many of our Veterans as I can. I am hoping to find a tour sponsor so I can keep visiting and thanking our Vets. ” For additional information on Pin-Ups for Vets and to learn how to buy a calendar for a hospitalized Veteran or deployed service member, please go to:

FEATURE I MP beauties had appeared on magazine covers, sheet music, greeting cards and other items. These earlier pin-up images showed only the models’ heads, but with the enormous popularity of the full-length pinup during the war, Armstrong soon turned to this more typical style. Two female pin-up artists – Zoe Mozert and Pearl Frush – became superstars during the war. Mozert often used herself as a model for her pastel pin-ups, posing in front of a mirror as she worked. Frush shared the spotlight with Mozert, working primarily in watercolor and gouache to draw her pin-ups. She is best known for her glamour girls in the calendar art market. Betty Grable, the famous American actress who appeared in many films during the war, was the most popular pin-up model of World War II. Her legs allegedly were insured for a staggering $1 million! Grable was painted by various artists, and her likeness appeared everywhere. Soldiers overseas and men at home all clamored for a Grable image to pin on their walls. Grable’s famous back-to-the-camera swimsuit pose that showed off her gorgeous gams appeared on countless World War II aircraft. The most famous was a B-17 with Grable painted on its fuselage that was named Sentimental Journey after the World War II hit song. As a reminder of the war effort, Grable’s famous pose still adorns this legendary bomber, which makes annual appearances at various air shows and exhibits as part of the Confederate Air Force. Stationery and envelopes with pin-up art produced by Bell Engraving Co. helped boost the morale of American troops. It would be impossible to list all of the pin-up artists who contributed to the war effort. Nevertheless, their idealized visions of American women undoubtedly fired the imagination of our troops, boosted their morale, and ultimately helped America win the war.

Actress Betty Grable was the most popular pin-up of World War II. This image of her painted on the fuselage of a B-17 bomber is world-famous.






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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 27

I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making. – Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945; also known by his initials, FDR) was the 32nd President of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he forged a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDR’s combination of optimism and activism contributed to reviving the national spirit.Working closely with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, he died just as victory was in sight. ‘The Peoples Car’ - The VW Beetle becmes a huge hit.

Events World War II Ends! Hitler commits suicide (April 30); Germany surrenders (May 7); May 8 is declared V-E Day. San Francisco Conference establishes the United Nations (April–June). Potsdam Conference (Truman, Churchill, Stalin) establishes basis of German reconstruction (July–Aug.). US drops atomic bombs on Japanese cities of Hiroshima (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9). Background: nuclear weapons Japan signs official surrender on V-J Day (Sept. 2). FDR dies (April 12) and Harry S. Truman becomes president. Manhattan Project tests first atomic bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico (July 16).

Mildred Pierce is voted best movie of ‘45

A B-25 bomber flies into the Empire State Building, damaging the 78th and 79th floors and killing 13 (July 28).

Miss America:


The FCC creates the commercial broadcasting spectrum of 13 channels, and receives 130 applications for broadcast licenses.

US GDP (1998 dollars): $223.2 billion Federal spending: $92.71 billion Federal debt: $260.1 billion Dow Jones High/Low: 195/155 Consumer Price Index: 18 Unemployment: 1.9% Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.03

World Series

Detroit d. Chicago Cubs (4-3)

Oscars awarded in 1945

Academy Award, Best Picture: Going My Way (Paramount) Nobel Prize for Literature: Gabriela Mistral (Chile)

Bess Myerson (NY)

Movies The Lost Weekend, Mildred Pierce, National Velvet, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Spellbound

Music Gene Autry, “At Mail Call Today” Bing Crosby, “Aren’t You Glad You’re You?” Judy Garland, “This Heart of Mine” King Cole Trio, “The King Cole Trio” Glenn Miller, “Glenn Miller” Carousel soundtrack Frank Sinatra, “Put Your Dreams Away”

Books W. H. Auden, The Collected Poems Gwendolyn Brooks, A Street in Bronzeville Miss America - Bess Myerson

Mildred: That Ted Forrester’s nice-looking, isn’t he? Veda likes him. Monte: Who wouldn’t? He has a million dollars. Page 28 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Meeting Franklin Roosevelt was like opening your first bottle of champagne; knowing him was like drinking it. – Winston Churchill

How Much things cost in 1945

During the final stages of World War II in 1945, the United States conducted two atomic bombings against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan

Cost of a gallon of Gas 15 cents Average Cost for house rent $60.00 per month Average Cost New Car $1,020.00 Men’s Shirt $2.50

Average Cost of new house $4.600.00 Average wages per year $2,400.00

Popular Culture “Your Lucky Hit Parade” Broadcast For The First Time Orwell published his anti-Stalinist allegory Animal Farm, Arthur C. Clarke puts forward the idea of a communications satellite in a Wireless World magazine article. Steve Martin August 14th -- Waco, Texas, United States Percy Spencer accidentally discovers that microwaves can heat food In 1945 only 5,000 homes have Television Sets

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. – Winston Churchill

For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 29



Between 1945 and 1954, the Vietnamese waged an anti-colonial war against France and received $2.6 billion in financial support from the United States. The French defeat at the Dien Bien Phu was followed by a peace conference in Geneva, in which Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam received their independence and Vietnam was temporarily divided between an anti-Communist South and a Communist North. In 1956, South Vietnam, with American backing, refused to hold the unification elections. By

1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government. To support the South’s government, the United States sent in 2,000 military advisors, a number that grew to 16,300 in 1963. The military condition deteriorated, and by 1963 South Vietnam had lost the fertile Mekong Delta to the Vietcong. In 1965, Johnson escalated the war, commencing air strikes on North Vietnam and committing ground forces, which numbered 536,000 in 1968. The 1968 Tet Offensive by the North Vietnamese turned many Americans against the war. The next president, Richard Nixon, advocated Vietnamization, withdrawing American troops and giving South Vietnam greater responsibility for fighting the war. His attempt to slow the flow of North Vietnamese soldiers and supplies into South

Dates 1964 - 1975

Page 30 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Served Battle Deaths Other Deaths Wounded 9,200,000 47,410 42,788 153,303

Vietnam by sending American forces to destroy Communist supply bases in Cambodia in 1970 in violation of Cambodian neutrality provoked antiwar protests on the nation’s college campuses. From 1968 to 1973 efforts were made to end the conflict through diplomacy. In January 1973, an agreement reached and U.S. forces were withdrawn from Vietnam and U.S. prisoners of war were released. In April 1975, South Vietnam surrendered to the North and Vietnam was reunited.

CONSEQUENCES: 1. The Vietnam War cost the United States 58,000 lives and 350,000 casualties. It also resulted in between one and two million Vietnamese deaths. 2. Congress enacted the War Powers Act in 1973, requiring the president to receive explicit Congressional approval before committing American forces overseas. It was the longest war in American history and the most unpopular American war of the twentieth century. It resulted in nearly 60,000 American deaths and an estimated 2 million Vietnamese deaths. Even today, many Americans still ask whether the American effort in Vietnam was a sin, a blunder, a necessary war, or a noble cause, or an idealistic, if failed, effort to protect the South Vietnamese from totalitarian government.

Negative stereotypes of Vietnam veterans and efforts to overcome There are persistent stereotypes about Vietnam veterans as psychologically devastated, bitter, homeless, drug-addicted people who had a hard time readjusting to society, primarily due to the uniquely divisive nature of the Vietnam War in the context of U.S. History. That social division has expressed itself by the lack both of public and institutional support for the former servicemen expected by returning combatants of most conflicts in most nations. In a material sense also, veterans’ benefits for Vietnam era veterans were dramatically less than those enjoyed after World War II. The Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended, 38 U.S.C. § 4212, was meant to try and help the veterans overcome this. In 1979, Public Law 96-22 established the first Vet Centers [1], after a decade of effort by combat vets and others who realized the Vietnam veterans in America and elsewhere (including Australia) were facing specific kinds of readjustment problems. Those problems would later become identified as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the early days, most Vet Center staffers were Vietnam veterans themselves, many of them combat veterans. Some representatives of organizations like the Disabled American Veterans started advocating for the combat veterans to receive benefits for their war related psychological trauma. Some U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs hospital personnel also encouraged the veterans working at the Vet Centers to research and expand treatment options for veterans suffering the particular symptoms of this newly recognized syndrome. This was a controversial time, but eventually, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs opened Vet Centers nationwide. These centers helped develop many of the debriefing techniques used nowadays with traumatized populations from all walks of life. For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

The Vietnam veterans who started working in the early Vet Centers eventually began to reach out and serve World War II and Korean vets as well, many of whom had suppressed their own traumas or self-medicated for years. Veterans, particularly in Southern California, were responsible for many of those early lobbying and subsequent Vet Center treatment programs. These men founded one of the first local organizations by and for Vietnam veterans in 1981 (now known as Veterans Village [2]). Vets were also largely responsible for taking debriefing and treatment strategies into the larger community where they were adapted for use in conjunction with populations impacted by violent crime, abuse, manmade and natural disasters, and those in law enforcement and emergency response. Other notable organizations that were founded during this period included the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and the National Organization for Victim Assistance. These organizations continue to study and/or certify posttraumatic stress disorder responders and clinicians. There are still, however, many proven cases of individuals who have suffered psychological damage from their time in Vietnam. Many others were physically wounded, some permanently disabled. However, advocates of this point of view ignore the many successful and well-adjusted Vietnam veterans who have played important roles in America since the end of the Vietnam War such as Al Gore, Fred Smith (founder and president of Federal Express), Colin Powell, John McCain, Craig Venter (famed for being the first to map the human genome), and many others.

Vet Nominees for 2010

VOY Nominee Gene Pellerin Leroy Acosta Ed Langmaid Len Kaine Renee O Johnson Billie Kay Boughton Hector Ornelas SgtMaj William Vann Mike Judd Tom Garcia Angel Aviles Jack Ensch Samuel ‘Sy’ Brenner Patricia Bull Earl Van Inwegen Sam Duran Waldo Joe Brunner Gary Rossio Tony LoBue Robert Ruffato Richard DeRosset Errol Samuelson Frederick Kleyn Jerry Garcia

Organization Chula Vista Veterans Home Foundation City of Chula Vista Navy League, San Diego Council Golden Rule Society University of California, San Diego, Moores Cancer Center University of California, San Diego, Veterans Association International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Montford Point Marines Veterans Village of San Diego City of Oceanside, Council Member Kern Military Officers Association of America, Pendleton Chapter American Ex Prisoners of War American Ex Prisoners of War Navy Nurse Corps Assn Mt Soledad Memorial Association Urban Corps of San Diego United Veterans Council Veterans Medical Research Foundation Congressman Bob Filner Pearl Harbor Survivors Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 472 Department of Veterans Affairs, Regional Office Scottish Rite of San Diego Association of U.S. Army

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 31


World War II, or the Second World War[1] (often abbreviated as WWII or WW2), was a global military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, which involved most of the world’s nations, including all of the great powers, organised into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million military personnel mobilised. In a state of “total war,” the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked by significant events involving the mass death of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, it was the deadliest conflict in human history,[2] resulting in 50 million to over 70 million fatalities. The war is generally accepted to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and most of the countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth. Germany set out to establish a large German empire in Europe. During 1939 to early 1941, in a series of successful military campaigns and political treaties, Germany conquered or politically subdued most of continental Europe apart from the Soviet Union. Britain and the Commonwealth remained the only major force continuing the fight against the Axis in North Africa and in extensive naval warfare. In June 1941, the European Axis launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, giving a start to the largest land theatre of war in history, which, from this moment on, was tying down the major part of the Axis military power. In December 1941, Japan, which had already been at war with China since 1937,[3] and which aimed to establish a dominance over East Asia and Southeast Asia, attacked the United States and European possessions in the Pacific Ocean, quickly conquering a significant part of the region. The Axis advance was stopped in 1942 after the defeat of Japan in a series of naval battles and after devastating defeats of European Axis troops in North Africa and at Stalingrad. In 1943, with a series of German defeats in Eastern Europe, the Allied invasion of Fascist Italy, and American victories in the Pacific, the Axis had lost strategic initiative and passed to strategic retreat on all fronts. In 1944, the Western Allies invaded France, whereas the Soviet Union regained all territorial losses and invaded the territory of Germany and its allies. The war in Europe ended with the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops and subsequent German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945. By that time, the Japanese Navy was defeated by the United States, and invasion of the Japanese Archipelago (“Home Islands”) became imminent. The war ended with the total victory of the Allies over Germany and Japan in 1945. World War II left the political alignment and social structure of the world significantly altered. While the United Nations (UN) was established to foster international cooperation and prevent future conflicts (such as World War III), the Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers, setting the stage for the Cold War, which would last for the next 46 years. Meanwhile, the influence of European great powers started to decline, while the decolonization of Asia and of Africa began. Most countries whose industries had been badly damaged began moving toward economic recovery and across the world political integration emerged in an effort to peacefully stabilise after-war relations.



The Korean War (1950–armistice, 1953) was a military conflict between the Republic of Korea, supported by the U n i t e d Nations, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and People’s Republic of China (PRC), with air support from the Soviet Union. The war began on 25 June 1950 and an armistice was signed on 27 July 1953. The war was a result of the political division of Korea by agreement of the victorious Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War. The Korean peninsula had been ruled by Japan from 1910 until the end of World War II. In 1945, following the surrender of Japan, American administrators divided the peninsula along the 38th Parallel, with United States troops occupying the southern part and Soviet troops occupying the northern part. The failure to hold free elections throughout the Korean Peninsula in 1948 deepened the division between the two sides, and the North established a Communist government. The 38th Parallel increasingly became a political border between the two Koreas. Although reunification negotiations continued in the months preceding the war, tension intensified. Cross-border skirmishes and raids at the 38th Parallel persisted. The situation escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces invaded South Korea on 25 June 1950.It was the first significant armed conflict of the Cold War. The United Nations, particularly the United States, came to the aid of the South Koreans in repelling the invasion. After early defeats by the North Korean military, when a rapid UN counter-offensive repelled the North Koreans past the 38th Parallel and almost to the Yalu River, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) came to the aid of Communist North. A Chinese counter-offensive repelled the United Nations forces past the 38th Parallel. The Soviet Union materially aided North Korea and China. The threat of a nuclear war eventually ceased with an armistice that restored the border between the Koreas near the 38th Parallel and created the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), a 2.5-mile (4.0 km) wide buffer zone between the two Koreas. During the war, both North and South Korea were sponsored by external powers, thus facilitating the war’s metamorphosis from a civil war to a proxy war between powers involved in the larger Cold War. From a military science perspective, the Korean War combined strategies and tactics of World War I and World War II—swift infantry attacks followed by air bombing raids. The initial mobile campaign transitioned to trench warfare, lasting from July 1951 until the 1953 border stalemate and armistice.

World War II Korean War

Dates 1940 - 1945 1950 - 1953

Page 32 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Served 16,112,566 5,720,000

Battle Deaths Other Deaths Wounded 291,557 113,842 671,846 33,686 20,560 103,284


YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN Gulf War The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirtyfour nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq. This war has also been referred to (by the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein) as the mother of all Battles, and is commonly known as Operation Desert Storm for the operational name of the military response,[13] the First Gulf War, or the Iraq War. The invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi troops that began 2 August 1990 was met with international condemnation, and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by members of the UN Security Council. U.S. President George H. W. Bush deployed American forces to Saudi Arabia almost 6 months afterwards, and urged other countries to send their own forces to the scene. An array of nations joined the Coalition. The great majority of the military forces in the coalition were from the United States, with Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Egypt as leading contributors, in that order. Around US$40 billion of the US$60 billion cost was paid by Saudi Arabia. The initial conflict to expel Iraqi troops from Kuwait began with an aerial bombardment on 16 January 1991. This was followed by a ground assault on 23 February. This was a decisive victory for the coalition forces, who liberated Kuwait and advanced into Iraqi territory. The coalition ceased their advance, and declared a cease-fire 100 hours after the ground campaign started. Aerial and ground combat was confined to Iraq, Kuwait, and areas on the border of Saudi Arabia. However, Iraq launched Scud missiles against coalition military targets in Saudi Arabia and against Israel.

Operation Desert Storm The Second Persian Gulf War (known in the U.S. as “Operation Desert Storm”—Aug. 2, 1990-Feb. 1991 – On August 2, 1990, Iraqi forces invaded and quickly conquered the small, oil-rich emirate of Kuwait. Almost immediately, an international coalition of nations gathered a powerful military force under the authority of the United Nations and the leadership of the United States, first to defend the United States, first to defend the oil-rich kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and secondly, to force Iraq to withdraw from occupied Kuwait. From the beginning of the crisis, the United Kingdom, led by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, worked very closely with the U.S. in assuming a determined posture against Saddam Hussein’s territorial ambition..

Operation Iraqi Freedom The Third Persian Gulf War (known in the U.S. as “Operation Iraqi Freedom”)—March 19, 2003- Present– The current war can be seen in at least two distinct phases: The Invasion and the Occupation. Though Saddam’s regime fell fairly quickly, the insurgency was able to gain strength in large part because the U.S. and Coalition leadership was slow to recognize that they had a nascent guerrilla movement underfoot. Though the Iraqi people have voted, and now have an elected government (featuring a Kurdish president!), the situation is now changing from a war against the occupier, to becoming more of a civil war among Iraqis.

Dates Served Battle Deaths Other Deaths Wounded Gulf War 1990 - 1991 2,322,332 148 1,194 467 Operation Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom stats not yet available. For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 33


some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut. If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.

Ficticious Characters Just before Christmas, an honest politician, a generous lawyer and Santa Claus were riding in the elevator of a very posh hotel. Just before the doors opened they all noticed a $20 bill lying on the floor. Which one picked it up? Santa of course, because the other two don’t exist!

A Cowboy’s Guide to Life Never squat with yer spurs on. There are two theories to arguin’ with a woman; neither one works. Don’t worry about bitin’ off more than you can chew, your mouth is probably a whole lot bigger’n you think. If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of

Never smack a man who’s chewin’ tobacco. It don’t take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep. Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut. Never follow good whiskey with water, unless you’re out of good whiskey.

NEW INVENTIONS BY BLONDES: The water-proof towel Glow in the dark sunglasses Solar powered flashlight Submarine screen door A book on how to read Inflatable dart board A dictionary index Powdered water Pedal powered wheel chair Water proof tea bags Zero proof alcohol

Redneck Joke I Love You

English..... I Love You Spanish..... Te Amo French...... Je T’aime German...... Ich Liebe Dich Japanese.... Ai Shite Imasu Italian..... Ti Amo Redneck..... Nice Tits

Inspirational Messages Not Heard Pygmy goats on a At Work high after grazing on 17. There is no “I” in “teamwork.” But there is in “management kiss-up.” ‘magic’ mushrooms 16. If you do a good job and work hard, you may get a job with a better company someday. 15. The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts. 14. Doing a job RIGHT the first time gets the job done. Doing the job WRONG 14 times gives you job security. 13. If you think we’re a bad company, you should see the competition. 12. Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings--they did it by killing all those who oppose them. 11. We put the “k” in “kwality.” 10. 2 days without a human rights violation.


Former actress Alexandra Bastedo has told how she found her three pygmy goats staggering around wildly after they ate psychoactive ‘magic’ mushrooms growing at her animal sanctuary. A vet told her that the trio, named Homer, Marge and Lisa after The Simpsons characters, were ‘tripping out’ from the Psilocybin mushrooms. The goats suffered hallucinations, vomiting and lethargy, taking two days to recover from the mushrooms which were growing in the paddock. 9. Your job is STILL better than asking, “You want fries with that?” 8. We build great products when we feel like it and don’t have any reason to call in sick. 7. If at first you don’t succeed, try management. 6. Teamwork means never having to take all the blame yourself. 5. The beatings will continue until morale improves. 4. Pride, Commitment, Teamwork. Words we use to get you to work for free. 3. If at first you don’t succeed, delegate it. 2. Plagiarism saves time. 1. Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.

Page 34 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 35

AT THE MOVIES with Roger Ebert I MP

NOW PLAYING “Conviction” (Drama, R, 96 minutes). Hilary Swank in

“Life as We Know It” “Stone” (Comedy, PG-13, 113 minutes). When (Drama, R, 105

a strong performance as a high school dropout whose brother is convicted of murder. Convinced he is innocent, she goes back to high school, graduates college, gets a law degree and appeals the case. Sam Rockwell plays the brother, Melissa Leo is a vengeful cop, and Juliette Lewis is a shaky witness. Based on a true story. Rating: Three stars.

their best friends are killed in a crash, Holly and Messer (Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel) are appointed as joint custodians of their 1-year-old, Sophie. Also, they have to move into Sophie’s mansion. But Holly and Messer can’t stand each other. So what happens when they start trying to raise Sophie? You’ll never guess in a million years. Or maybe you will. Rating: Two stars.

minutes). Robert De Niro and Edward Norton playing against type and at the top of their forms in a psychological duel between a parole officer and a tricky prisoner who has his number. Milla Jovovich plays the prisoner’s wife, who attempts to help her man by playing a mind game with De Niro. Holes in the plot but not in the performances. Rating: Three stars.

“Winnebago Man” “Scrappers” (Documentary, not rated, 85 minutes). “Nowhere Boy” (Documentary, not rated, 90 minutes). (Biographic drama, R, 97 minutes). The Jack Rebney became an unwitting global celebrity when the outtakes from a 1988 promotional film he did for Winnebago went viral on YouTube. He interrupted take after take with impatient outbursts at the crew, the equipment, the Winnebago and the universe. But who was he? What made him tick? Twenty years later, documentarian Ben Steinbauer finds him living as a hermit in a cabin in the woods, and creates a funny, touching portrait of an uncompromising man. Rating: Three stars.

Beatles are only distantly on the horizon in this deeply felt biopic of young John Lennon, growing up in Liverpool. He’s at the center of a tricky relationship involving his mother, whom he didn’t know growing up, and his aunt, who raised him. From these years perhaps came the simultaneous elation and sadness of many of his songs. Aaron Johnson as John, Kristin Scott Thomas as his Aunt Mimi, Anne-Marie Duff as his mother, Julia. Rating: Three and a half stars.

A portrait of Otis and Oscar, two selfemployed collectors of scrap metal, who troll in their trucks the alleys and vacant lots of Chicago for metals that can be sold. They work hard, they support families, they perform recycling on metals that might end up buried in garbage, and they like the work -- its freedom, its independence. But scrap metals dropped from $200 to $300 a ton to $20 with the economic collapse, and now their trade is desperate. See this and you’ll never look at a scavenger with the same eyes. Rating: Three and a half stars.

clue: they all starred in classic war films

Name the star • Name any movie they were in. 5 winners will be drawn that have correct entries, and will win a pair of movie tickets from UltraStar












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GREAT WAR MOVIES With limited space in our paper and an enormous list of truly great war movies, this was difficult, but in our opinion these are some of the greatest war movies made. If you think there’s a movie that should have been on our list, send me an email:

The Civil War

entirely of African-American men (apart from the officers).

Gone with the Wind (1939)

Gettysburg (1993)

Gettysburg is a film that dramatizes the decisive Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War. The film, written by Director Ronald F. Maxwell, is a close adaptation of Michael Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize winning 1974 novel The Killer Angels.

Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic romance-drama film adapted from Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 novel of the same name. It was produced by David O. Selznick and directed by Victor Fleming from a screenplay by Sidney Howard. The epic film, set in the Old South in and around the time of the American Civil War, stars Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, and Hattie McDaniel. It tells a story of the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era from a white, Southern point of view.

It received ten Academy Awards (8 competitive, 2 honorary), a record that stood for twenty years. In the American Film Institute’s inaugural Top 100 Best American Films of All Time list of 1998, it was ranked number four. It has sold more tickets in the U.S. than any other film in history, and is considered a prototype of a Hollywood blockbuster. Today, it

is considered one of the greatest and most popular films of all time and one of the most enduring symbols of the golden age of Hollywood. The film was the longest American sound film made up to that time - three hours and forty four minutes in length, plus a four minute intermission. continues on page 38

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Glory (1989)

Glory is an American drama war film based on the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry as told from the point of view of its commanding officer, Robert Gould Shaw during the American Civil War. The 54th was one of the first formal units of the U.S. Army to be made up

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November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 37


Since TRI Pointe Homes’ Eagle Ridge made its debut last month in Oceanside’s preferred golf course community of Arrowood, home buyers have been eagerly anticipating the opportunity to own one of the neighborhood’s 26 single-family homes. Now the wait is over, sales are now

underway and prospective buyers are urged to visit the sales office as soon as possible for best selection. With amazing prices starting in the low $400,000s, Eagle Ridge is a collection of distinctive two-story residences ranging from approximately 2,362 to 2,495 square feet, including four


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Page 38 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

bedrooms and three baths plus a twocar garage. The heart of every home is an expansive great room with fireplace, where fun-filled family memories will be born, and friends and relatives will be treated to special occasions. Adjoining the great room, each home’s gourmet kitchen features a handy island that provides the perfect gathering place for casual dining and entertaining. Upstairs, a grand master suite offers an elegant enclave of rest and relaxation, including a luxurious master bath. In Plan One, families will discover the added benefit of a downstairs bedroom and bath that are ideal for a teenager, a live-in relative or overnight guests. The home’s three upstairs bedrooms also take on the added dimension of spacious walk-in closets. Plan Two is enhanced by an airy loft, which offers possibilities ranging from a handy home office to a family recreation area or perhaps an extra bedroom. Both plans offer the option of a roomy private balcony off the master suite – a great spot for admiring scenic views of the surrounding landscape that many of the homes reveal. An Eagle Ridge address brings with it all the lifestyle amenities that make Arrowood one of Oceanside’s most desirable communities. The centerpiece of Arrowood is an 18-hole public golf course that features spectacular scenery and a beautiful Craftsmanstyle clubhouse with grill and lounge along with a driving range and pro shop. Arrowood’s attractions also include a recreation center where residents can enjoy a junior Olympic-size swimming pool, meeting room, picnic barbecue area and tot lot. For commuters, Eagle Ridge is a short distance from the I-5 Freeway and the Coaster, Metrolink and Amtrak Surfliner train station. To learn more about Eagle Ridge, take I-5 to Highway 76 East, continue for approximately four miles and turn left onto Douglas Drive. Proceed approximately four miles, pass Vandegrift Boulevard, and enter the Arrowood community. Turn right on Village Drive, right on Treetop Road and left on Breakaway Drive to Eagle Ridge, where the sales center is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additional information is available by calling 760-231-5896 or visiting

Del Sur Welcomes Builder Davidson Back to MasterPlanned Community • Kensington at Del Sur homebuilder now taking over The Sentinels Del Sur welcomes Davidson Communities back to the San Diego master-planned community celebrating architecture and sustainability. The builder who brought Kensington to Del Sur now is taking over at The Sentinels. A grand re-opening of the distinctive new-home neighborhood is planned for February. “The Sentinels neighborhood is architecturally remarkable, a perfect complement to the Del Sur community and a prime palette for builder Davidson Communities,” said Bill Ostrem, president and CEO of Black Mountain

Ranch LLC, developer of Del Sur ( Davidson Communities, as part of a joint venture with Mountain Real Estate Capital (MREC), purchased 17 Sentinels home sites and four Sentinels model homes built by Laing Luxury, in collaboration with Baywood Development. Located along Tuscan-like hilltops within coastal-close Del Sur, the distinctive and luxurious two-and three-story homes at the Sentinels by Davidson are expected to be available for pre-sale by the end of the year, with prices planned from the $800,000s. The model homes also will be available for sale soon. Construction for the first phase is expected to start before the year ends, with the first homes available for spring move-in. For more information about the

L.C. EmbroidEry & CLEanErs Same day service available

HOUSING NEWS I MP neighborhoods selling. Others include: Bridgewalk by Standard Pacific Homes, Madeira and Mandolin by Shea Homes, and Pasado by William Lyon Homes. For more information on the neighborhoods at Del Sur, visit

Enjoy a New Home Up to $85,000 in Year End Savings from Brookfield With several homes available for immediate move-in at all five Brookfield Homes San Diego-area neighborhoods, and with up to $85,000 in savings, buyers can be in a new home for the holidays. “Buyers are taking advantage of record low interest rates, our limitedtime reduced pricing and the incentive dollars available to help pay for upgraded flooring or closing costs,” said Lora Heramb, vice president of sales and marketing. “Incentives can also be used to buy down the already historically low interest rates or pay homeowner association dues on homes that we want to close by year-end. This is an unbeatable combination of value for today’s wise homebuyer.” Brookfield offers new homes ranging from affordably priced townhomes in Chula Vista to eco-savvy single-family detached homes in Carlsbad, and luxury residences in between. Communities with new homes now available include: With up to $50,000 in holiday savings and a new low tax rate of 1.21 percent, Rockrose at The Foothills in Carlsbad has one home available for immediate move-in. Known statewide for its

cutting edge energy and water saving features, Rockrose homeowners can enjoy savings of more than $1,000 per year on electricity costs thanks to multiple eco-savvy products and systems. Ranging from 2,116 to 3,167 square feet with three to four bedrooms, Rockrose is now priced from the high $500,000s. For more information, visit the sales office at 3538 Glen Ave. in Carlsbad or call 888-284-8861. Offering savings up to $74,000 and a new low tax rate of 1.17 percent, Mahogany at Old Creek Ranch has three homes ready for immediate occupancy. Located in the hills of San Marcos just east of Carlsbad, Mahogany’s one- and two-story homes range from 2,410 to 3,875 square feet with three to five bedrooms. Prices now range from the high $500,000s. For more information, call 888-559-7734 or visit the sales office at 1756 Burbury Way, San Marcos. Up to $85,000 in savings are available on three move-in ready homes through

nOW SeLLinG!

UnCLe SaM WantS yOU... tO Have a BeaUtiFUL neW HOMe!

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Spacious two-story homes IF T






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15 5


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Oversized two-car garages




Four bedrooms and three baths

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2,362 to 2,495 sq. ft. of family living space


Eagle Ridge is just outside the San Luis Rey gate on Vandegrift of Camp Pendleton in Oceanside’s master-planned golf course community of Arrowood. With the extended military tax credit, it could be your new address.

the end of the year at Serenity at The Estates at StoneBridge. Located in Scripps Ranch within the Poway Unified School District, five-bedroom homes range from 4,040 to 4,759 square feet. Homes at Serenity are priced from the high $800,000s. For more information, call 888-572-5861 or visit the sales information center at 14426 Old Creek Road, San Diego. With up to $37,000 in savings and a new low tax rate of 1.66 percent, Trellis at Windingwalk in Chula Vista features two-story, single-family detached homes with prices starting in the mid $400,000s. Four floor plans offering four to five bedrooms range from 2,361 to 2,620 square feet. Many luxury upgrades are included in the movein ready homes, such as landscaping, security systems and stainless steel appliances. For more information about Trellis, visit the model homes at 2346 Trellis Street, Chula Vista, or call 888520-3599.


Sentinels by Davidson, visit the Del Sur Ranch House, 15455 Paseo Del Sur, San Diego, CA, 92127, or call 858.481.4200. The Ranch House, San Diego’s first LEED Platinum building, is open from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Model hours vary by location. The Sentinels residences are designed by Scheurer Architects and have three to four bedrooms, 3.5 to 4.5 bathrooms and from 2,772 to 3,433 square feet. The home sites range from 6,988 to 8,234 square feet. Built in clusters of eight homes on the perimeter of an interior plaza, the Sentinels by Davidson at Del Sur are elevated to capture breezes and views found within the microclimate of the San Dieguito River Valley. Designed to reflect rustic European villages, the Sentinels floor plans feature private interior courtyards and inviting rear patios that set the scene for elegant indoor/outdoor living and entertaining. “The architecture at The Sentinels has proven to be very successful, ever since the first cluster was built at Santaluz nearly a decade ago,” said Bill Davidson, president of Davidson Communities. “Going forward we are honored to reposition interior cabinetry and fixtures to match today’s tastes and best represent overall these authentically Italian-styled residences.” Homes at the Sentinels by Davidson at Del Sur are within walking distance of neighborhood parks with pools, playgrounds, picnic areas and barbecues. Located within the Poway Unified School District, Del Sur is also convenient to two new schools, Del Sur Elementary and Del Norte High. Del Sur is located in the coastal hills of North County, just a few miles from the coast. The Sentinels by Davidson will be among several new-home




Visit or call 760.231.5896 for more information

UP tO $8,000 tax Credit FOr aCtive MiLitary* For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

1021 Breakaway Drive, Oceanside, CA 92057




Prices effective date of publication and subject to change without notice. All square footages are approximate. Models do not reflect racial preference. CA DRE #01888935 *Members of the military serving outside the U.S. have an extra year to buy a principal residence in the U.S. and qualify for the credit. Thus, an eligible taxpayer must buy, or enter into a binding contract to buy, a principal residence on or before April 30, 2011. If a binding contract is entered into by that date, the taxpayer has until June 30, 2011, to close on the purchase. Members of the uniformed services, members of the Foreign Service and employees of the intelligence community are eligible for this special rule. It applies to any individual (and, if married, the individual’s spouse) who serves on qualified official extended duty service outside of the United States for at least 90 days during the period beginning after Dec. 31, 2008, and ending before May 1, 2010.

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 39

VA Loans and Valuable Tax Credits for Military Homebuyers Military personnel get the best deals on beautiful new homes in Menifee and Temecula. Act now and earn up to


World War 1 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)

(German: Im Westen nichts Neues) is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. The book describes the German soldiers’ extreme physical and mental stress

$18,000 in new home tax credits! Lot 73

Brighton at Heritage Lake 2,891 Sq. Ft. 4 Beds • 2.5 Baths 3-Car Garage 8,288 Sq. Ft. Lot

$271,465* Lot 3

‘Casablanca’ (1942)

This is a love story and not a boots-andbayonets saga, but it’s one of the greatest American films of all time. And it works so well because of the stakes involved, during the war, and the detachment from civilian life felt by many of these soldiers upon returning home from the front. The novel was first published in In 1930, the book was adapted as an Oscarwinning film of the same name, directed by Lewis Milestone.

Gallipoli (1981)

Laurel at Wolf Creek

as the Nazis are the primary reason why Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) is rooted in his café in Casablanca and why Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman) and Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid) are on the lam and why they all come together in an exquisite script by Julius and Philip Epstein and Howard Koch.

2,976 Sq. Ft. 4 Bed • 3 Baths 3-Car Garage 5,515 Sq. Ft. Lot

Schindler’s List (1993)

$350,820* Lot 65

$206,785* Lot 37

“Schindler’s List,” is a true masterpiece and almost completely bereft of the sentimentality Spielberg is often

Parkside at Heritage Lake 1,711 Sq. Ft. 3 Beds • 2 Baths 2-Car Garage 7,378 Sq. Ft. Lot

Redwood at Wolf Creek 3,506 Sq. Ft. • 5 Beds 3 Baths • Tech Loft, Library & 3 Car Garage 9,458 Sq. Ft. Lot

Two Australian sprinters face the brutal realities of war when they are sent to fight in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey during World War I.

Paths of Glory (1957)

American war film by Stanley Kubrick based on the novel of the same name by Humphrey Cobb.[1] Set during World War 1, the film stars Kirk Douglas as Colonel Dax, the commanding officer of

Members of the military and certain other federal employees serving outside the U.S. have an extra year to buy a principal residence in the U.S. and qualify for the credit. An eligible taxpayer must buy, or enter into a binding contract to buy a principal residence on or before April 30, 2011 and close on the purchase by June 30, 2011. Members of the uniformed services, members of the Foreign Service and employees of the intelligence community are eligible for this special rule. It applies to any individual (and, if married, the individual’s spouse) who serves on qualified official extended duty service outside of the United States for at least 90 days during the period beginning after Dec. 31, 2008, and ending before May 1, 2010. for complete guidelines on the California state tax credit. *Prices, plans and terms effective date of publication and are subject to change without notice. All square footages are approximate. Homeowner’s Associations and maintenance corporations are supported by all residents and maintain recreational facilities and common areas. Public facilities and some roadway construction will be funded by special tax assessments. See a Sales Representative for details. 10/10

Page 40 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

knocked for. Liam Neeson plays war profiteer Oskar Schindler, who eventually develops a conscience and rescues many of the Jews in his employ from certain death. The term “triumph of the human spirit” is too casually thrown around when describing such stories, but here it’s absolutely appropriate.

The Great Escape (1963)


Standard Pacific Homes California Real Estate License No. 01138346

by Col. Nicholson (Sir Alec Guinness), the Brits decide to show their captors a thing or two about work ethic, obligation and dignity by performing the task a high level while maintaining the honor of the officers involved. Unfortunately, they don’t know that Allied forces have a plan to bomb the bridge as soon as it’s complete. The crux of the film is a riveting battle of wills between Nicholson and his Japanese counterpart, Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa). Based on Pierre Boulle’s novel and also starring William Holden and Jack Hawkins, it was one of the highlights of Lean’s long and illustrious career. It not only won seven Academy Awards but was the No. 1 film at the box office that year.

French soldiers who refused to continue a suicidal attack, and who must defend them.

World War 2 ‘The Bridge on the River Kwai’ (1957)

David Lean’s epic surrounds British POWs forced by their Japanese captors to build a bridge in a rugged jungle. Led

John Sturges directed this testosteronefilled, fact-based adventure yarn about the mother of all escape attempts from a German POW camp. The iconic image is that of Steve McQueen high-tailing it away from his Nazi pursuers, but summing it up by that alone is selling it way short. The strength of this picture is in the battalion of supporting actors playing expertly crafted roles, among them Charles Bronson, Sir Richard Attenborough, James Garner, Donald Pleasence, James Coburn and David McCallum. There are equal amounts


GREAT WAR MOVIES of revealing character moments and white-knuckle thrills, thanks to the crackling screenplay by James Clavell and W.R. Burnett. The film was passed over by the Academy, garnering just one nomination for film editing. But it has gone on to occupy a hallowed place in the annals of war films as well as inspiring new generations of motorcycle enthusiasts.

From Here to Eternity’ (1953)

In “The Godfather,” Mario Puzo’s reference to singer Johnny Fontane wanting to land a role in a war picture

The Thin Red Line’ (1998)

Whereas Spielberg got his point across

to rejuvenate his career is said to have been inspired by Frank Sinatra securing the role of Pvt. Maggio in this, which earned the crooner an Oscar. But “Eternity,” set against the backdrop of life at Pearl Harbor before, during and after the Japanese attack, is more than that. It’s escapist melodrama of the highest order. Director Fred Zinnemann took on a job of adapting a hugely popular novel that many said could not be made into a movie without severely altering its scope and racy content and put it into the pantheon of cinematic classics. The cast also includes Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr, Donna Reed, Montgomery Clift and Ernest Borgnine. The image that lingers is the one of Lancaster and Kerr rolling around in the surf together, but there’s so much

going on, including some of the darker aspects of military life.

‘Patton’ (1970)

Sometimes the perfect actor meets the perfect role. That was the case here with George C. Scott playing Gen. George S. Patton Jr., the esteemed tank commander of the U.S. Army who was respected by friend and foe alike. Sometimes biopics can fall into an annoying “and then this happened” formula. But the script by Francis Ford Coppola and Edmund H. North feels fresh and original throughout. Also, this is the unvarnished truth, illustrating the general’s many faults, and not simply a glossy red-white-and-blue celebration of an American military legend. While this is a war picture on an epic scale,

Right Rate. Right Now.

2.875%* 4.836 %

by using thousands of bullets in “Saving Private Ryan,” director Terrence Malick did so with a choice few reserved for key moments in telling a story about events surrounding the battle of Guadacanal. Adapted from a novel by James Jones, it’s a poetic discourse on the impact of war upon the hopes and dreams of young men. Malick juxtaposes the blood and gore and madness with the serenity and beauty of nature to great effect.

The Dirty Dozen’ (1967)



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Like “The Great Escape,” this picture boasts a macho cast of Hollywood heavyweights in a ripping tale of military convicts recruited for a suicide assault on a German stronghold. But it’s often misunderstood. It’s not all guts, glory and gunpowder. In fact, most of the action is reserved for the third act. The meat of the story follows this motley band of misfits as Lee Marvin (brilliant as a rebellious major at odds with his superiors who has to impose discipline on his newfound charges) struggles to whip them into shape. The cast includes such rough-as-burlap personalities as John Cassavettes (who received an Oscar nom), Telly Savalas, Charles Bronson and Jim Brown along with Donald Sutherland, Ernest Borgnine and Robert Ryan. Directed by Robert Aldrich from a script by Nunnally Johnson and Lukas Heller, “The Dirty Dozen” has become one of the gold standards for high-octane guy movies.

Standard Pacific Homes California Real Estate License No. 01138346 *This financing example is based on a sales price of $399,900 with a 3.5% down payment and a minimum credit score of 640. The mortgage is a 30 Year Fixed FHA conforming loan with a 1-0 buydown for the first year. Loan amount of $389,759 with an interest rate of 2.875% (4.836% APR) and monthly principal and interest, taxes and insurance payments of $2,333.08 for the first year. Year 2 through 30 the interest rate will be 3.875% and monthly principal and interest, taxes and insurance payments of $2,548.75. Monthly HOA dues are additional and are not included in the above payment. This financing example is based on a 30 year fixed VA loan with a 0% down payment and a minimum credit score of 620 and maximum loan amount of $417,000. The mortgage has a 1-0 Buydown with a Note rate of 3.875% (4.372% APR). Buyer must qualify for financing at the Note rate of 3.875%. The interest rate is reduced to 2.875% for Year 1 and is 3.875% for Years 2-30. Based on a sales price of $399,900 and a loan amount of $408,498, monthly principal and interest, taxes and insurance payments are $2,154.74 for Year 1 and $2,380.82 for Years 2-30. VA loan amounts from $417,001 to $650,000 available with minimum credit score of 720 and 6 months cash reserves after closing. Additional loan qualification requirements as established by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs may apply. Interest rates may not be available at time of loan commitment or closing. All loans are subject to credit approval. Restrictions and conditions may apply. **Seller contributions toward buyer’s closing costs including seller paid buydown costs cannot exceed maximum limits established by loan program for which buyer qualifies. HOA assessments are additional and not included in the above payment. Interest rates, payments, terms and availability of this loan program, and the sales price, are examples only and are subject to change without notice. Interest rates may not be available at time of loan commitment or closing. All loans are subject to credit approval. Restrictions and conditions may apply. This loan program is available through Standard Pacific Mortgage, Inc. licensed by California Department of Real Estate, Real Estate Brokers License Number: 01227562. Tel: 1-800-325-5363. NMLS# 89607. Not applicable on prior sales. 11/10

For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 41


GREAT WAR MOVIES Adam Goldberg, and Jeremy Davies) as they search for paratrooper Private James Francis Ryan (Matt Damon), who is the last surviving brother of three fallen servicemen.

The Korean War Pork Chop Hill (1959)

The Manchurian (1962)


Frank Sinatra and Oscar-nominated Angela Lansbury star in this John Frankenheimer thriller about men brainwashed during their time as POW’s in Korea and one man’s quest to find out what really happened. Remade against the backdrop of the Gulf War in the early 2000s.

The Vietnam War Apocalypse Now (1979)

Francis Ford Coppola’s provocative vision of the human “heart of darkness” revealed through the peculiar madness of the Vietnam War. A United States Army officer/trained assassin is sent into the depths of a southeast Asian jungle to seek out a renegade colonel and terminate his command during the Vietnam War.

the focus is more about the magnitude of one man whose life is deeply rooted in conflict, who needs an enemy and the thrill of combat to make him feel alive. The only sad part about “Patton” is that Karl Malden’s excellent portrayal of Gen. Omar Bradley is so overshadowed by Scott. The film received 10 Academy Award nominations and won seven Oscars. Ironically, although Scott won one of them for playing a highly competitive individual, he refused to accept it because he didn’t consider himself in competition with any actors.

The Deer Hunter (1997)

Tracks a group of steelworker pals from a Pennsylvania blast furnace to the hunting grounds of the Alleghenies to the lethal cauldron of Vietnam. It is a drama of friendship and courage and of what happens to these qualities under stress. Starring Robert De Niro, John Cazale, John Savage, Meryl Streep, Christopher Walken.Winner of 5 Academy Awards in 1978, including Best Picture.

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Is a 1998 American war film set during the invasion of Normandy in World War II. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Robert Rodat. The film is notable for the intensity of its opening 27 minutes, which depict the Omaha beachhead assault of June 6, 1944. Afterwards, it follows Tom Hanks as

Lewis Milestone directed this film which stars Gregory Peck as a lieutenant in this war film set in Korea. Peck and others are opposed by Communist Chinese fighting for North Korea. Robert Blake and George Peppard also star (as does Norman Fell, aka Mr. Roper of Three’s Company).

Born on the Fourth of July (1990)

Forrest Gump (1995)

Coming Home (1978)

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Based on the book by veteran Ron Kovic. Film follows him from his days as a zealous teen who eagerly joins up for the Vietnam War, to his return from the war as an embittered veteran, paralyzed from mid-chest down. Chronicles his disillusionment with the country’s continued involvement in Vietnam, his physical struggle and his emergence as a brave new voice for thousands of disenchanted vets. (145 minutes) View trailer A poignant love story set against the social upheaval of the Vietnam war. Set in 1968, the story concerns a woman who, while her husband is serving in Vietnam, falls in love with a paraplegic while performing volunteer work at a San Diego veterans hospital. 1978.

Captain John H. Miller and several men (Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Barry Pepper, Vin Diesel, Giovanni Ribisi,

The story follows the life of low I.Q. Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) and his meeting with the love of his life Jenny. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950’s through the 1970’s including a meeting with Elvis Presley, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, fighting in Vietnam, etc. The problem is, he doesn’t realize the significance of his actions. Forrest comes to embody a generation.

Vietnam war drama which begins with a depiction of the brutality of Marine Corps training and then shifts to Vietnam, focusing mainly on a group of Marines responding to the Tet Offensive of 1968.

Your Dream...the BEST Home at the BEST Value! NEW STATE Tax Credits May Add up to $10,000!*

2 & 3 story single-family homes Starting in low 400,000’s

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*This is not a representation or guarantee of eligibility for tax credits. Restrictions apply to this program. Homebuyers should consult their tax advisor. For details and information on restrictions and availability of tax credits see Prices subject to change without notice.

Page 42 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

Terraza at Otay Ranch

For all that you do

Thank You Shining Stars!


5,000 VA LOANS $O Down & $O Closing $

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At these LOW PRICES , today’s LOW INTEREST RATES , VA APPROVED, and $5,000 Shining Star Bonus , YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO WAIT! Call, Click, or Visit us Today!



The Olson Company reserves the right to make changes to prices, programs, features, floorplans, availability, scheduling and delivery of homes, terms and conditions without prior notice or obligation. All home square footage is approximate, and pricing is effective at date of publication deadline. Realtors must register their client prior to first visit to the community to be eligible for commission. Shining Stars $5,000 bonus is available to all military veteran personnel and those currently in active service. See Sales Counselor for details. ©2010 Olson Homes, In Town Living, Inc. Willow WalkTM, and Rio WalkTM. All Rights Reserved. DRE LIC #01297656 | DRE LIC #01877641

For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 43

TRAVELS with Howard Hian I MP

CALIFORNIA ROUNDUP San Diego’s East County/Julian

- There’s more going on this month besides apple pies. The Tour de Julian occurs November 6 and 7. Hundreds of riders compete in 28-mile and 55-mile bike rides through the area’s scenic backcountry.. For details, logon to The Third Annual Julian Open Studios and Galleries Tour takes place November 23 and 24. Painters, sculptors, potters and jewelry makers display their work. Check www. for more information.

San Diego – Want a two-story high, 70,000 gallon aquarium in your house? The Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography/University of California, San Diego can help. They now have a live HD web cam that displays an underwater view of their kelp forest. At any given time, one may see leopard sharks, garibaldi, eels, barracuda, giant sea bass and more. Weekly shows with divers feeding the animals take place at 12:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 PM on Saturdays and 10:30 AM on Sundays. Visit the live kelp cam at http://

Truckee and South Lake Tahoe – It’s the beginning of the ski/snowboarding season and here are a few tidbits. The 2011 TransWorld SNOWboarding Resort Guide lists Northstar and Sierra-at-Tahoe among the top 10 resorts in the United States. “To make it as one of the ten best, a resort has to rank high in both the park and pipe categories, as well as in other crucial areas such as nightlife, snowfall, vibe, lodging, food, et cetera,” explain the editors of TWS. Additionally, both resorts are recognized in the top 10 best parks in the nation. Information can be found online at or by calling 1-800-466-6784. Sierra-at-Tahoe’s website is or call 1-530-659-7453. The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe is situated mid-mountain on

the Northstar-at-Tahoe ski area and features ski-in, ski-out access with mountain services. It brings the area’s ski trail count to 92. Beginning December 15, a new adventure skiing option will be available. Pacific Crest Heli-Guides,, in partnership with HeliTahoe, is offering helicopter skiing and snowboarding. They will access more than 100,000 acres of privately owned lands located along the spine of the Pacific Crest. Safe travels and enjoy the journey… Howard Hian Thanks to the various websites for information and photos. Before you go, please check dates, rates and availability. Some restrictions may apply.

Garden Communities super military specials!! LegacyBeautiful 1, 2 & 3BR Condos w/attached garages. NEW Fitness Facility, Clubhouse, Pool & Spa. Cats are welcomed. Walk to everything. Just moments from MCAS Miramar!


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Page 44 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS


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$1,486 per month*


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You may qualify for Vista’s down payment assistance program! Call or Visit Our Sales Office Today!

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Beautiful townhome residences with all the amenities: • Large floorplans 1274 to 1357 sq. ft. • Custom crafted cabinets • Granite countertops in kitchen • Stainless steel appliances • Fireplaces in some models • Attached garages

Don’t miss this great opportunity! *Offer and/or incentive valid though preferred lender ONLY. Payment reflects 3.5% down based on a purchase price of $239,900. Payment includes P & I, taxes and Mortgage Insurance. Payment does not reflect HOA dues $220 Monthly. Offer and/or incentive subject to change without notice. See agent for additional information. Hallmark Communities and its affiliates reserve the right to modify features, plans and pricing without notice and/or obligation.

For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

Sunrise Senior Living appreciates our veterans. Stop by any Sunrise community on November 11 to receive a token of appreciation for your service to our country, learn how Veterans Benefits can support your senior living needs, and take a tour.

Join us in honoring you. Visit to learn more today!

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 45

IN THE NEWS with Liz Smith I

Barbara Leamings’ Great New Churchill Biography

“A great statesman prevailed over a great revolutionary; the writer over the orator; a cosmopolitan over a racist; a democratic aristocrat over a populist demagogue; a traditionalist over a radical; a patriot over a nationalist!” This is how historian John Lukacs compared Sir Winston Churchill to his implacable enemy, Adolf Hitler. Another historian, Barbara Leaming has now entered the ranks examining the great British leader and she calls her new book “Churchill Defiant: Fighting On: 1945-1955.” Well, you may think you know all about the man who saved England and, yes, Europe, by his unending courage and “never give in” attitude during World War II. He has been celebrated as few men have down through the ages. But Ms. Leaming has given us a new vision of what

happened after Churchill, age 70, was mercilessly booted out of power right after the war ended in 1945 and what happened between then and 1955 when his own party forced him to retire. I well remember seeing many pictures of Sir Winston in his all-too-sad declining years. He died in 1965. But for a while, he was a fixture of international paparazzi society; always seen sitting in a wheelchair, covered in a blanket, senile and silent, on the deck of Aristotle Onassis’ yacht. For Onassis, Churchill was a principal “get” -- a super-celebrity to show off -- an icon of what

Page 46 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

used to be to enhance his guest list. Ms. Leaming tells a rousing story of what went before that, all about the human politician who was determined not to quit, a fighter who didn’t know how to throw in the towel and a man who had achieved power and was determined to get it back and keep it. He was, as Jon Meacham says, “driven by a noble dream: the making of peace in a nuclear age.” It’s all here, so much stuff that I thought I knew, but didn’t: how Churchill had to struggle with FDR and then with Truman over their mistaken beliefs that Joseph Stalin was a friend, not an about-to-be enemy ... the invention of the atom bomb that changed everything ... how the “Iron Curtain” speech, which was made so famous at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., came to be ... Churchill’s final falling out with Dwight D. Eisenhower ... his perseverance against his own party members ... his disregard for and the stumbling blocks he threw in the way of his heir, Anthony Eden ... and his valiant physical fight to come back from several diminishing strokes that crippled him. This is exciting historical writing and if you don’t think history is exciting, well, I fear you will -- as they say -- be condemned to live through its repetition. Churchill was the greatest figure of an epic century. You need to know about the last 10 years of his public life.

SHea’S YEAR-END AT 1.875% (4.348% ApR) 1

s IN H o T D E A L TA : CHuL A vIs AG Av E AT LK W IN D IN G WAng


M os A IC AT Es Lo M A s v E R D

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vi A tt ac he d Li Sq. Ft. 1 58 1, • 1,464s 2 • 2-3 Bedroom 0 Incentive 00 0, $3 to p U • s2 de ra 0 in Upg • Up to $20,00 80,000s • From the $2

vi C ou rt ya rd Li Sq. Ft. • 1,822-2,253 s 2 • 3-4 Bedroom 0 Incentive 00 0, • Up to $3 s2 0 in Upgrade • Up to $15,00 60,000s • From the $3

vi D et ac he d Li Sq. Ft. 8 67 2, • 2,342s 2 • 3-4 Bedroom 0 Incentive 00 5, $3 to p U • s2 de ra 0 in Upg • Up to $30,00 70,000s • From the $4



vi ng A tt ac he d Li Sq. Ft. • 1,175-1,605 s 2 • 2-3 Bedroom 0 Incentive 00 0, • Up to $3 s2 0 in Upgrade • Up to $23,00 60,000s • From the $2

vi A tt ac he d Li Sq. Ft. 1 89 1, • 1,579s 2 • 2-4 Bedroom 0 Incentive 00 0, $3 to p U • s2 de ra 0 in Upg • Up to $35,00 20,000s • From the $3



1.875% first year rate, 2.875% second year rate and 3.875% fixed rate for 28 years. Rate and APR are based on a FHA 30 year fixed rate mortgage for a home with a purchase price of $225,000 and a 3.5% down payment on a FHA loan. Offer valid to well qualified borrowers, financed through Shea Mortgage along with a Shea Homes incentive package. APR includes a 1% origination fee. Not all buyers will qualify. Interest rates as of 10/7/10 and are subject to change without notice. Must purchase and close by 12/29/10. Equal Opportunity Lender. Communities are by Shea Homes Limited Partnership and Shea Homes Marketing Company, independent members of the Shea family of companies. California Department of Real Estate, Shea Homes Marketing Company, Broker, License No. 01378646. This is not an offer of real estate for sale, nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents of any state or province in which registration and other legal requirements have not been fulfilled. To receive a real estate commission, Broker must accompany Buyer on Buyer’s first visit to the community. Shea Mortgage Inc. is licensed by the California Department of Real Estate, License No. 01197403. Additional conditions, restrictions and limitations apply. 2See Community Representative for specific homesite savings. Some homesites have larger/ smaller incentives, or less/ more upgrades. Prices effective date of publication and subject to change without notice. All Square Footages are approximate. Models do not reflect racial preference.



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For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280




November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 47


GREAT WAR MOVIES Platoon (1988)

Oliver Stone’s breakthrough as a director, Platoon is a brutally realistic look at a young soldier’s tour of duty in

Vietnam. Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen) is a 1968 college student who quits school to volunteer for the Army. He’s shipped off to Vietnam, where he serves with a culturally diverse group of fellow soldiers and under the two men who

lead the platoon: Sgt. Barnes (Tom Berenger), whose facial scars are a mirror of the violence and corruption of his soul, and Sgt. Elias (Willem Dafoe), who maintains a Zen-like calm in the jungle and fights with both personal and moral courage even though he no longer believes in the war. After a few weeks “in country,” Taylor begins to see the naivete of his views of the war, especially after a quick search for enemy troops devolves into a round of murder and rape. Unlike Hollywood’s first wave of Vietnam movies (including The Deer Hunter, Apocalypse Now, and Coming Home), Platoon is a gruntseye-view of the war, touching on moral issues but focusing on the men who fought the battles and suffered the wounds. In this sense, it resembles older war movies more than its Vietnam peers, as it mixes familiar elements of onscreen battle with small realistic details: bugs, jungle rot, exhaustion, C-rations, marijuana, and counting the days before you go home. This mix of traditional war movie elements with a contemporary sensibility won Platoon four Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director, and a reputation as one of the definitive modern war movies.

More Recent Conflicts

The Hurt Locker (2008)

The Hurt Locker is an American war film about a three-man United States

In the Valley of Elah (2007)

In the Valley of Elah is a film written and directed by Paul Haggis, starring Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron, and Susan Sarandon. The film’s title refers to the Biblical valley where the battle between David and Goliath is said to have taken place. The film was shot in Jordan within miles of the Iraqi border, because Bigelow wanted to bring greater authenticity to the film. This benefited filming by supplying many Iraqi refugees for extras and the unmistakable heat of the Middle East.

The Messenger (2009)

Is a drama film starring Ben Foster, Woody Harrelson, Jena Malone, and Samantha Morton. It is the directorial debut of Oren Moverman, who also wrote the screenplay with Alessandro Camon. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team during the Iraq War. The film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and the screenplay was written by Mark Boal, a freelance writer who was embedded as a journalist in 2004 with a US bomb squad in Iraq. It stars Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, and Brian Geraghty as members of the EOD unit and follows their tour of duty as they contend with defusing bombs, the threat of insurgency, and the tension that develops among them.

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Page 48 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

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Page 52 November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS

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Helps prevent early tire wear. We’ll inspect steering/suspension and align to vehicle to manufacturers’ specifications. Most vehicles. Parts and shims extra if required. Subject to in-store equipment availability and employee qualifications to align vehicle. Additional charge may apply to vehicles equipped with Stability Control Systems.

Most vehicles. Price includes oil filter recycling.

S a v e


1 1 / 3 0

S a v e

t h r u

1 1 / 3 0

Large selection to choose from. Interstate batteries offer long life and reliable starting power. Installed, savings off in-store regular price. See store for a copy of nationwide written limited warranty.

The #1 replacement brand battery in North America S a v e t h r u 1 1 / 3 0



We’ll install new brake pads, resurface rotors and inspect brake components. Most vehicles. Price per axle. Grease seals and wheel bearing repack extra if required.

Ask about our Lifetime Brake Service S a v e t h r u 1 1 / 3 0

See store for complete service description and details. Redeem coupons at your participating Firestone Complete Auto Care store. Not to be combined with another offer on same product or service and not to be used to reduce outstanding debt. No cash value. Offer void where prohibited.

together, we’ll keep your car running newer, longer. CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS



ON BASE Camp Pendleton Bldg. 1327 Vandegrift (760) 430-7063 Bldg. 51091 51091 Basilone Rd. (949) 492-1143

1-800-LOCATE-US • m a i n LatMesae n a National n cCity e •San Diegos e r vSaniDiego c e • San tDiegoi r e s Santee Carlsbad 2545 El Camino Real (760) 434-8392 El Cajon 435 N 2nd St (619) 440-2626

5577 Lake Murray Blvd (619) 462-3280

2531 E Plaza Blvd (619) 475-6171

1136 C St (619) 233-7121

16646 Bernardo Ctr Dr A (858) 487-3302

6977 Friars Rd Ste 140-A (619) 297-6440

9763 Mission Gorge Rd (619) 449-9440

Chula Vista 830 Broadway (619) 425-1515

National City 943 Highland Ave (619) 477-2109

San Diego 1245 Garnet Ave (858) 272-9232

San Diego 4161 Convoy St (858) 279-7472

San Diego 9690 Reagan Rd (858) 271-0260

Vista 1762 University Dr. (760) 941-4313

Shop supply charges in the amount of 6% of labor charges will be added to invoices greater than $35. These charges will not exceed $25 and represent costs and profits. Shop supply charges not applicable in CA or NY. Non-mandated disposal or recycling charges, if any are disclosed above, may also represent costs and profits. Specific product offerings and tread designs may vary. Prices, warranties, car service, credit plans and other offers available at Firestone Complete Auto Care; see affiliated for their competitive offers and warranties. *If you do not achieve guaranteed mileage, your Firestone retailer will replace your tires on a pro-rated basis. Actual tread life may vary. All warranties apply only to original owner on originally installed vehicle. See retailer for details, restrictions and copy of each limited warranty. †MINIMUM MONTHLY PAYMENTS REQUIRED. Applicable to purchases made June 1st through December 31st, 2010. APR: 22.8%. Minimum Finance Charge $1.00. CFNA reserves the right to change APR, fees and other terms unilaterally.

For advertising information call: (858) 537.2280

November 1, 2010 THE MILITARY PRESS Page 55

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Visit a store Plaza at imperial Valley, 500 e Danenberg Dr., suite 100, el Centro, Ca, (760) 352-1244 AT&T STORES ▲◆ Carlsbad 2525 El Camino Real, Ste.162, (760) 729-9215 ▲◆ Carmel Mountain 11954 Carmel Mountain Rd., (858) 674-0774 ▲◆ Chula Vista 555 Broadway, (Suite #1070), (619)-691-9709 ▲◆ 878 Eastlake Parkway, (Suite 1510), (619) 421-2397

▲◆ Clairemont 3998 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.,, Ste. A, (858) 490-8840 ▲◆ Del Mar 12873 El Camino Real, (858) 793-4888 ▲◆ Downtown 252 Broadway, (619) 238-3638 ▲◆ Encinitas 1560 Leucadia Blvd., Ste. D, (760) 635-4363 ▲◆ Escondido 1268 Auto Pkwy., Ste. B, (760) 432-4200 ▲◆ La Jolla 8657 Villa La Jolla, #115, (858) 638-1440

▲◆ Mira Mesa 10754 Westview Pkwy., (858) 621-2000 ▲◆ 8225 Mira Mesa Blvd, (858) 693-0815 ▲◆ Mission Valley 2011 Camino Del Este North, (619) 293 4630 ▲◆ National City 3030 Plaza Bonita Rd #1470, (619) 267-8147 ▲◆ Oceanside 2530 Vista Way, Ste. N, (760) 967-0134 ▲◆ Point Loma 3361 Rosecrans Blvd., (619) 758-0819

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*AT&T imposes: a Regulatory Cost Recovery Charge of up to $1.25 to help defray costs incurred in complying with obligations and charges imposed by State and Federal telecom regulations; State and Federal Universal Service charges; and surcharges for government assessments on AT&T. These fees are not taxes or government-required charges. Mobile broadband and other services not available in all areas. See coverage map at stores for details. Offer available on select phones. Limited-time offer. Other conditions & restrictions apply. See contract & rate plan brochure for details. Subscriber must live & have a mailing addr. within AT&T’s owned wireless network coverage area. Up to $36 activ. fee applies. Equipment price & avail may vary by mrk & may not be available from independent retailers. Phone Return Policy/Early Termination Fee: None if cancelled in first 30 days; up to $35 restocking fee may apply to equipment returns; thereafter $150 or $325 depending on device (check Agents may impose add’l fees. Subject to change. Unlimited voice services: Unltd voice svcs are provided solely for live dialog between two individuals. No additional discounts are available with unlimited plan. Offnet Usage: If your mins of use (including unltd svcs) on other carriers’ networks (“offnet usage”) during any two consecutive months or your data use during any month exceed your California/LVS/HWI offnet usage allowance, AT&T may at its option terminate your svc, deny your contd use of other carriers’ coverage, or change your plan to one imposing usage charges for offnet usage. Your offnet usage allowance is equal to the lesser of 750 mins or 40% of the Anytime (8.5" 11.125") 9/15/2010 mins incl’d withxyour plan (data offnet usage allowance is the lesser of1:10:18 24 MB or 20% ofPM the KB incl’d with your plan). Sales tax calculated based on price of unactivated equipment. Smartphone Data Plan Requirement: Smartphone requires minimum DataPlus (200MB); $15 will automatically be charged for each additional 200MB provided on DataPlus if initial 200MB is exceeded. All data, including overages, must be used in the billing period in which the allowance is provided or be forfeited. For more details on data plans, San Diego Union Tribune go to Monthly Discount: Service discount applies only to the monthly service charge of qualified plans and not to any other charges. See store for details. Special restrictions may apply. Screen images simulated. ©2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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