This is happening all over the country as you know and there’s a reason for it. Most recently -- doubtless, you’ve heard of this -- city officials removed the statue of Teddy Roosevelt from outside New York’s Museum of Natural History. The bronze statue has stood there in the Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda facing Central Park since before the Second World War. Now it’s gone ! People who erected that statue 80 years ago would be confused by this, no doubt. They did not consider Teddy Roosevelt a controversial figure. In fact, Roosevelt was the most popular president in American history. He was also the most American president. No other country could have produced Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt’s virtues mirrored the values of America. He was physically brave. He was profoundly literate, highly selfdisciplined and amazingly energetic. He was the youngest president in our history. He saved our economy from corporate monopolies. And by doing that, he made the American middle class possible. He created the national parks. He created the Panama
Canal, the Food and Drug Administration, and then he kept going.
Personally, Roosevelt was a famously decent man. In 1901, he invited his friend Booker T. Washington to dinner.
No African-American had ever eaten in the White House. Democrats roared with rage at the idea. For the crime of having a meal with a black man, they attacked Teddy Roosevelt and his wife for the rest of their lives. But Roosevelt never bowed. He gave the finger to the mob, and he continued cheerfully on. Teddy Roosevelt was a hero to millions of Americans. He still is. That’s precisely why they tore down his statue. They know that if they can force you to watch as they topple your heroes, they have won. The Left Activest claim that Teddy along with Pres. Washington and Thomas Jefferson are all racists . Well it doesn’t appear so looking at the picture below .
The Radical Left can decide how you raise your children, how you vote, what you’re allowed to believe. What you’re allowed to say . Once they’ve humiliated you, they can control you and that’s why across the country, mobs are tearing down America’s monuments. In the cities of Richmond and St. Paul, Minn., they’ve torn down statues of Christopher Columbus. They did the same thing in Boston. Boston’s mayor now says it’s time to remove a statue of Abraham Lincoln, the man who freed the slaves. It’s racist. In Oregon, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were torn down. In San Francisco, the mob demolished statues of Ulysses S. Grant, Junipero Serra, and
Francis Scott Key. On the pedestal of the Key monument, they spray-painted, “Kill the colonizers” and “Kill whitey,” just in case
you missed the point. One thing all of these Americans, now canceled, have in common: Not one of them fought for the Confederacy. Pulling down their statues had nothing to do with the Civil War -- at least not the first Civil War, the one that took place 150 years ago. Democrats understand that very well, and they support all of it. In every place where the mob has destroyed public monuments, Democratic leaders have backed them as they did it. But at the same time -- and you should know this -- so have many Republicans. This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. It is not superficial. It is deep and profound. It has vast ambitions. It is insidious; it will grow. Its goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge Western civilization itself. At least one prominent conservative tweeted his approval of this. . Tearing down statues is a federal crime,
but no one in Washington even considered enforcing that law.This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. It is not superficial. It is deep and profound. It has vast ambitions. It is insidious; it will grow. Its goal is to end liberal democracy and challenge Western civilization itself. This is an ideological movement. The ideas that fuel it have incubated for decades on college campuses. We paid for all of it, by the way. The rest of us were so thrilled that our kids got into Duke that we decided to ignore what Duke was actually teaching them and we are continuing to send big checks. That is a mistake. It was one of the greatest mistakes we’ve ever made. For most people, the primary joy in life is the act of creation, making something good and useful, whether it’s dinner for your family or a deck off the back of your house or a solid day at work. The most profound act of creation, of course, is having children -new life itself. Healthy societies celebrate all of this. They understand that the impulse to create is how civilizations are built. But they also recognize that there are forces arrayed against creation and they vigilantly defend themselves against those. In every society, there are those who seek to destroy. They destroy for the same reason that troubled boys torture dogs or shoot house cats. Inflicting pain makes them feel powerful. We used to call people like that anti-social forces. They still exist. We just pretend they don’t. Or worse, we excuse their behavior. We coddle them. We fund them. Wall Street sends them money in the hope that they will be destroyed last. The rest of us just look
on confused. We don’t really know what’s happening, but the destroyers know. They know exactly what’s going on. The forces of destruction have grand ambitions. It’s not just about the Teddy Roosevelt statue. They plan to rule this country.
An activist called Shaun King issued the following demand on Twitter: “All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus and his European mother and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy created as tools of oppression, racist propaganda. They should all come down.” Before you dismiss that idea as absurd, the rantings of some crank on social media, keep in mind that Shaun King is the most famous Black Lives Matter leader in this country. Black Lives Matter is now more popular than either major political party. So, don’t be surprised when they come for your church. Why wouldn’t they? No one is stopping them. The forces of destruction have grand ambitions. It’s not just about the Teddy Roosevelt statue. They plan to rule this country. What will happen if they do? Well, you may imagine that self-defense is
bulwark against chaos. In this country, you assume you can always defend yourself and your family. That’s a pillar of our civilization, of all Western civilizations.
One woman assumed that, too , she was driving through Louisville, Ky. According to local police, the woman found herself surrounded by protesters who were blocking the road. They stood in front of her car with a megaphone. She argued with them to let her pass. One of them produced a gun. The woman tried to flee. When the woman stopped at a red light a block later, another protester pointed a gun at her. Again, she hit the gas and made it home alive. On Sunday, National Public Radio published an article about the incident. The headline of that piece: “Vehicle attacks rise as extremists target protesters.” In other words, for trying to escape from being murdered, NPR called this woman an extremist who was “targeting protesters.”
Think about that and you’ll begin to understand why so few citizens have tried to stop the mobs as they pillage our country. Antifa doesn’t own the statues in your city’s parks; it doesn’t own your city. You do. You
help pay for it. But what would happen if you tried to defend public property or even if you tried to defend your own property?
You know the answer. You’d be swarmed by federal agents, you’d be Roger Stoned with the help and complicity of CNN and NPR and so many others. You’d be the criminal. There’s no question. You’ve seen this happen before.
To a remarkable degree, federal law enforcement is now driven by political imperatives. Certain kinds of so-called hate crimes top the list of priorities. They’ll draw the FBI faster than you could summon the local police to your house during a home invasion, even when, as is so often the case, they turn out to be hoaxes.
Meanwhile, actual hate crimes -- brutal crimes in which Americans are gravely injured -- are ignored completely. They take place on our streets with shocking regularity. The media don’t cover them. They often go unpunished entirely. But you already know. Laws are not applied equally in America. Some victims are considered more deserving than others, despite the fact we’re all citizens. Justice is not blind. Never
in our lives has this been more true than it is right now, and is very likely to get worse. That’s the aim of this movement, of these riots -- to overthrow the value, the principle of equality under the law. Our president Joe Biden has no independent thoughts of his own. He has no core beliefs. He is empty. He’s a perfect Trojan horse. For the people who’ve taken over the Democratic Party, he is perfect. A few foolish souls will attempt to point out the obvious, what’s true. Of course, there are racists here, as there are everywhere. But overall, this is the least racist country in the history of the world. Millions of Africans want to move here. Many already have. Our last president was black. What are you talking about?
Those people will be silenced. Anyone who defies the narrative will be silenced. By that point, the category of hate speech will have expanded to include anything they don’t want to hear and will be criminalized, a federal offense. You watch. If they can tear down a Lincoln statue because it’s racist, they can ban the First Amendment.
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were holding the wrong person that he heard some of the guys talking in the den about the mother upstairs getting it on with a couple different guys , but they didn’t care .
They said that the mother described the person that raped her had dark hair and was about 5 ft 10 and of course when I walked into the kitchen I had dark hair and I was about the right height . My brother asked the guys to bring the mother downstairs and back into the kitchen. He then had the students take me into the living room and he sat down in the chair in the kitchen . He said when the mother comes in just ask her if she was sure that the person sitting in the chair was the one that raped her . When she came in they asked her the question and she looked at my brother and said
My brother was smart enough to realize that he, Marty and myself were about the same size and had the same color of hair. The guys that were holding me apologized and let me go and my brother said to Marty and me let’s get the hell out of here immediately . We went out jumpe in our car and took off down the street and no sooner had we left the cops passed In the opposite direction headed for the house on “ Millionaire’s Row “. The next day my brother got a call from his college friend who told him after the cops arrived and questioned a few students they realized the mother was guilty of letting minors drink alcohol and willingly invited a few of the guys into her bedroom !
Howard later became an attorney here in California and unfortunately was killed in 1999 by a drunk driver We spent almost 60 years together and I lost more than a
In 1960 my brother Howard, his friend Marty and I were invited to a party by one of Howards college brothers . The party was in an exclusive , wealthy suburb of Pittsburgh called Shadyside , on 5th avenue, apt nicknamed “Millionaire’s Row”. My brother was a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh and when we arrived at the party there were many students from the University. Of course there was a couple kegs of beer and needless to say after an hour or so half the party was bombed. I only had a Coke as I didn’t like the taste of beer and was having a great time as there were as many girls as there were boys. The party was actually being held by one of the girl students from the University and her mother was present and didn’t seem to mind whether any one of us was of age. She joined right in and was drinking as much if not more than the rest of the crowd . After about an hour she staggered
upstairs and no one seem to miss her at all. About an hour later her daughter went upstairs to find her mother laying in bed naked and I guess the mother was embarrassed because of her nakedness and said that she had been raped .
The daughter came downstairs and told a couple of senior guys about what happened upstairs and they immediately began to hunt for the rapist. The mother came downstairs , sat in the kitchen and when I walked in she said “ He’s he’s the one that raped me ! Immediately the three seniors grab me put me in a chair and called the police . I told the three guys that this was insane and I had not consumed any alcohol and never went upstairs but nevertheless they were holding me untill the police arrived. The Mother and daughter went back upstairs I guess to wait for the police . As soon as my brother heard about me being held in the kitchen he told the guys that they
she was absolutely sure that he was the one. Then the mother went into the living room and my brother had our friend Marty sit in the chair. The mother was brought back into the kitchen and ask to make a positive identity of the guy sitting in the chair was the one that raped her . She looked at Marty and said “I told you guys before he’s definitely the one” and they told her to go back upstairs and wait till the police arrived .
brother I lost the best friend anyone could ever have .. Over the years Howard was always at my side , protecting me and he was my hero .
Later on when I became successful I hired him as my lawyer and general manager but I could never repay him for being my Keeper ! God bless You …Howard
The Supreme Court allowed U.S. border officials to continue expelling migrants under a policy known as Title 42 indefinitely, granting a petition from Republican-led states to prevent the Biden administration from immediately ending the pandemic-related measure. The high court decided to hear a request from 19 Republican-led states who were seeking to delay the end of Title 42, which was originally set to expire on Dec. 21 because of a lower court order that found the policy to be unlawful.
The Supreme Court will now hear arguments on whether it should allow the Republican-controlled states to defend Title 42’s legality during its February 2023 session. In the meantime, the court agreed to suspend the lower court order which had invalidated the expulsion policy. That means Title 42 will likely remain in
place for several months pending the high court’s review.
First invoked in March 2020, at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Title 42 is a public health law dating back to the 19th century that federal border officials have cited to expel migrants 2.5 million times to Mexico, or their home countries, without allowing them to request asylum, a right enshrined in U.S. and international refugee law.
Top officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under both the Trump and Biden administrations have insisted that Title 42 was designed to curb the spread of the coronavirus by limiting the entry of migrants. But the policy’s public health rationale has been contested by outside experts and the CDC’s own scientists.
Jackson joined conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch in opposing the Republican-led states’ request. In a dissenting opinion in which he was joined by Jackson, Gorsuch wrote that it was improper for the Supreme Court to keep the border expulsions in place, noting the GOP states did not “seriously dispute that the publichealth justification undergirding the Title 42 orders has lapsed.”
Gorsuch recognized the states’ concerns about Title 42’s termination potentially fueling a bigger spike in migrant arrivals, but he said, “the current border crisis is not a COVID crisis.”
Federal courts, he wrote, “should not be in the business of perpetuating administrative edicts designed for one emergency only because elected officials have failed to address a
different emergency. We are a court of law, not policymakers of last resort.” In fiscal year 2022, a 12-month time span that ended Sept. 30., federal authorities intercepted migrants a record 2.3 million times along the U.S.-Mexico border, with just over one million of those detentions leading to expulsions under Title 42, according to Customs and Border Protection statistics. The Conservative Coalition of GOPled states that sued over Title 42’s termination this spring moved to intervene in the case in a bid to keep the expulsions in place indefinitely.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming have argued that Title 42’s end will worsen the humanitarian crisis along the southern border.
Indian pacifist and leader Mahatma Gandhi is murdered
Israel is declared as an independent state
The First Polaroid Camera is goes on sale at the Boston Jordan Marsh department store
British National Health Service Act creates the NHS
The World Health Organization, also known as WHO, was
The founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) took place
The Treaty of Brussels, also known as the Western European Treaty,
The Summer Olympics, also known as the Games of the XIV Olympiad in London
Long Playing Record USA made of vinyl and played at 33 rpm
The US and UK begins a massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens of West Berlin following the Soviet Blockade.
Porsche is founded
1 million households own Televisions was 5,000 just 3 years earlier
Inventions Invented by Inventors and Country ( or attributed to First Use )
Random Access Storage Device For Computer England by Freddie William’s team
Long Playing Record USA made of vinyl and played at 33 rpm
Transistor Radio USA from Bell Laboratories
Popular Culture
The game of Scrabble is introduced by James Brunot ( was an earlier invention by Alfred Butts in the 30’s ) they
saw the game when called Lexiko and started making it in their home and changed the name to Scrabble
FILM The Red Shoes
FILM The Road to Rio
FILM Easter Parade
Musical South Pacific Opens on
Science & Mechanics Magazine 20 cents
Movie Ticket 60 Cents
Cauliflower 15 cents per head
Chewing Gum 12 cents for 3
The idea that the United States of America is diminishing in power geopolitically, militarily, financially, economically, demographically, socially, morally, spiritually, culturally, in matters of healthcare, and/or on environmental issues. There has been debate over the extent of the decline, and whether it is relative or absolute. Those who believe America is in decline are declinists
China challenging the United States for global
dominance constitutes a core issue in the debate over American decline. For instance, the United States is no longer an uncontested superpower in every region of the world According to the 2021 Asia Power Index, within Asia, the United States still takes the lead on military capacity, cultural influence, resilience, future resources, diplomatic influence, and defense networks, but falls behind China in two parameters: economic
Shrinking military advantages, deficit spending, geopolitical overreach, and a shift in moral, social, and behavioral conditions have been associated with American decline.
Some scholars say that the perception of decline, or declinism, has long been part of American culture.In a poll of 1,019 Americans, 79% of those surveyed said that America is “falling apart”.[
After another devastating loss to end their season, the Chargers front office have some major decisions this offseason if they hope to compete for a playoff berth next season in a very tough AFC Conference.
Having already fired three coaches, the Chargers find themselves squarely behind the eight ball with a projected $-19,931,524 per Pro Football Focus (PFF).
Aside from 15 unrestricted free agents, general manager Tom Telsco must also deal with a potenial dilemma with veteran receiver Keenan Allen, who has two years left on a four-year, $80,000,000 contract extension he signed in 2020.
A third-round pick out of Cal in 2013, Allen has been underrated throughout his career despite making five consecutive Pro Bowls from 2017-21. Allen missed seven games to injury this season (36 games overall) and is due $15,500,000 in base salary as well as a $3,500,000 roster bonus, bringing his cap number to $21,700,000 (Tim Crean/Sportscasting).
With a dead cap hit of $6,900,000, Crean writes the Chargers could save over $14 million if they opt to cut or restructure Allen’s contract.
In his end-of-season press conference, Telesco indicated he would like to keep Allen in the fold saying, “Good players make money, and I would rather have a lot of good players on our roster than a lot of cap space.”
Although he’s in the red regarding cap space, Telesco has options he can use to free up some money needed to cover the cost of draft picks, free agents and contract extensions — namely quarterback Justin Herbert.
Per OTC, here’s a look at the highest-paid players who could possibly restructure their contracts to free up cap space. 1. Joey Bosa ($24,000,000), 2.
restructure Allen’s contract rather than letting him go. It’s clear Allen has become Herbert’s go-to receiver in third down situations, and with Herbert having to learn his third offensive system in four years under a new coordinator who has yet to be hired, you don’t want to mess with the trust he has in Allen.
Remember the great connection quarterback Dan Fouts had with receiver Charlie Joiner in the high-powered Air-Coryell offense? Herbert and Allen have a similar connection. Allen, who will be 31 in April, has led the team in receiving yards in five of his 10 seasons.
The Endzone: With head coach Brandon Staley safe for at least another season, all eyes will now focus on Telesco, who begins his 11th year on the job.
Under his direction, the Chargers own a 79-83 regular season record and are
81-86 overall, with three playoff appearances — including wins in 2013 and 2018 — and no division titles. Like the Rams in 2021, Telesco was aggressive last offseason and went all-in by signing Mack, Jackson and others to big-dollar contracts hoping to get to the Super Bowl or at least do some damage by going deep in the playoffs. However, losing 31-30 in the first round after having a 27-0 lead was devastating to a team that many pundits felt had a good shot to challenge the Chiefs for the division title. There is no doubt Herbert will sign a contract extention, the big question is can Telesco and Co. manipulate the cap enough to surround their franchise quarterback with enough talent to win the Super Bowl?
Signing Herbert to a long-term deal is priority No. 1 so it would be wise to
One weekend, a husband is in the bathroom shaving when the local kid Bubba he hired to mow his lawn, comes in to pee. The husband slyly looks over and is shocked at how immensely endowed Bubba is. He can’t help himself, and asks Bubba what his secret is. “Well,” says Bubba, “Every night before I climb into bed with my girlfriend I whack my thing on the bedpost three times. It works, and it sure impresses her ! The husband was excited at this easy suggestion and decided to try it that very night. So before climbing into bed with his wife, he took out his thing and whacked it three times on the bedpost. His wife, half-asleep, said, “Bubba? is that
A Man Saw A Lady With Big Breasts. He Asked, “Excuse Me, Can I Bite Your Breasts For $1000?” She Agrees, So They Go To A Secluded Corner. She Opens Her Blouse And The Man Puts His Face In Her Breasts For 10 Minutes.”
Eventually The Lady Asks, “Aren’t You Gonna Bite Them?” He Replies, “No, It’s Too Expensive.”
Wife: “Our New Neighbor Alwaysmakes love to His Wife When He Leaves For Work. Why Don’t You Do That?”
Husband: “How Can I? I Don’t Even Know Her.”
A husband says to his wife, I bet you can’t tell me something that will make me happy and sad both at the same time.
“She thinks about it for a moment and then responds, “Your thing is bigger than your brother’s.”
Teacher: “Which Book Has Helped You The Most In Your Life?”
Wife: “My Husband’s Check Book!”
Wife: Can U Help Me In The Gardening ?
Husband: What Do U Think I Am…A Gardener ?
Wife: Can U Fix The Door Handle ?
Husband: What Do You Think I Am… A Carpenter ?
In The Evening, When Husband Came From Work, He Saw Everything Has Been Fixed.
Husband: Who Did All This ?
Wife: Our Neighbour. But He Gave Me 2 Options….. Either I Should Give Him A Burger Or make love with him
Husband: I Am Sure U Must Have Given Him A Burger.
Wife: Who Do U Think I Am……. Mcdonalds ?!!
A teacher was teaching her second grade class about the government, so for homework that one day, she told her her students to ask their parents what the government is.
When Little Johnny got home that day, he went up to his dad and ask his what the government was.
His dad thought for a while and answered, “Look at it this way: I’m the president, your mom is Congress, your maid is the work force, you are the people and your baby brother is the future.”
“I still don’t get it” responded the Little Johnny.
“Why don’t you sleep on it then? Maybe you’ll understand it better,” said the dad.
“Okay then...good night” said Little Jonny went off to bed.
In the middle of the night, Little Johnny was awakened by his baby brother’s crying.
He went to his baby brother’s crib and found that his baby brother had taken a crap in his diaper.
So Little Johnny went to his parent’s
room to get help. When he got to his parent’s bedroom, he looked through the keyhole to check if his parents were asleep. Through the keyhole he saw his mom loudly snoring, but his dad wasn’t there.
So he went to the maid’s room. When he looked through the maid’s room keyhole, he saw his dad in bed with the maid.
Little Johnny was surprised, but then he just realized something and thinks aloud,
“OH!! Now I understand the government! The President is screwing the work force, Congress is fast asleep, nobody cares about the people, and the future is full of shit!”