VOL. 104
/ NO. 2
Milk Messenger (USPS # 345-320) is published bimonthly by the Michigan Milk Producers Association, 41310 Bridge Street, Novi, MI 48376-8002. Periodicals postage paid at Novi and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Milk Messenger, PO Box 8002, Novi, MI 48376-8002. President and Chief Executive Officer Joe Diglio Managing Editor Sheila Burkhardt, Senior Director of Member and Government Relations
Fall is finally here (at least unofficially)! Kids are back in school, leaves are changing colors and the nights are colder… all meaning that harvest is here or right around the corner and before we know it local meeting season will be here.
On the Cover On the cover is this year’s OYDCs Kip and Rochelle Siegler, elected at their local
Editors Allison Stuby Miller, Communications Manager Emily Kittendorf, Communications Coordinator Advertising Emily Kittendorf, messenger@mimilk.com, 248-474-6672, ext. 234 Publication Designer reZüberant! Inc., Stacy Love rezudesign.com Printing Foresight Group, Stacey Trzeciak staceyt@foresightgroup.net
farm in Westphalia, Michigan. Kip’s a social media star with a crazy large following
Publication Office MMPA Milk Messenger P.O. Box 8002, Novi, MI 48376-8002
on YouTube – so official he even has his own merch shop. Learn more about him and
p: 248-474-6672 f: 248-474-0924
Rochelle on page 24 and find more information about the conference on page 22.
e: messenger@mimilk.com
meeting last year and selected as finalists last month. I had a chance to meet them in August at the OYDC Conference held at Brent and Emily Simon’s (last year’s OYDCs)
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In this Issue Nothing is more fall than back to school and football! Michigan State University is in session and the animal science department has strengthened dairy’s position by
Established in 1916, MMPA is a member owned and operated dairy cooperative serving dairy farmers in Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin and Ohio.
creating additional dairy-focused classes as part of a new dairy concentration. I met
An Equal Opportunity Employer – F/M/V/D
with three faculty members to learn more about it and other exciting dairy-related
Subscriptions: mimilk.com/subscribe MMPA members - 50¢ per year Non-members - $5 per year
updates at MSU (page 16). Also back to school are MMPA’s summer interns, Faith Adam at Purdue University and Monika Dzuiba at MSU. Learn more about them and their internship experiences on page 11. And finally, the wait is over to view the results of the 2021 MMPA photo contest
Circulation: 2,600
(page 14). The views of the dairy lifestyle are stunning and harvest lends itself to some of
(ISSN 0026-2315)
the most beautiful photos! Take time to capture them for next year’s contest! I wish you a happy and safe harvest!. milk messenger / SEP-OCT 2021