2025 Spring Programme - A Journey Through Folk Wisdom and Contemporary Vision

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湧動的暗綫——遊走在民間智慧與 當代視野之間

Lining Revealed – A Journey Through Folk Wisdom and Contemporary Vision


Busy Needles: Textile Embellishments of Hong Kong


Artefacts of Motif

11:00am-7:00pm|逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays


CHAT, 2/F, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong CentreforHeritageArtsandTextile

Lining Revealed – A Journey Through Folk Wisdom and Contemporary Vision


的拼布花被到農耕小島的絲網印染,這些在 民間傳承已久的手工技藝和日常物品,是許多 當代藝術家的創作材料或靈感來源。民間工藝 和當代藝術都源自於人類對創造、表達、交流 和身份的基本追求,是人類情感和智性的表達 方式。

之間的互動關係,將當代藝術創作、手工藝品 和歷史文獻並置呈現。展覽借助當代藝術的 批判性思考和創意表現,揭示民間工藝所蘊 藏的歷史、社會和文化意義,以及為當代視野 帶來的種種啟發,同時強調當代藝術實踐在 文化傳承和延續上的重要角色,例如讓我們 警惕對手工製作的過度迷戀和推崇,也提醒 我們超越現代社會的價值框架和意識形態去 理解民間工藝的內涵和意義。



From beadwork to embroidery, straw weaving to paper craft, patchwork quilts of nomadic tribes to silkscreen prints of agrarian island communities, handicraft techniques and everyday objects inherited through time immemorial have often been sources of inspiration and materials for contemporary artists. Both folk craft and contemporary art originate from humanity’s innate desires for creation, expression, exchange and identity, and are vessels for conveying emotion and reason.

Lining Revealed examines the interactions between folk craft and contemporary art by juxtaposing artworks, handicrafts and archival documents. Through the critical lens and creative manifestations of contemporary art, it reveals the historical, social and cultural signi!cance embodied in folk craft and the role craft plays in reinvigorating contemporary vision. The exhibition also speaks to the importance of contemporary art in the continuity of cultural heritage, such as challenging the over-celebration of the handmade and encouraging us to look beyond the value frameworks and ideologies of modern society to uncover the deeper content and meaning of folk craft.


Participating Artists




Salima HAKIM


HAN Mengyun


HE Yongdi


Young In HONG








YE Funa


YIM Yen Sum


YIU Kwan Kit Ellen



阿瑪古兒.門利巴耶娃與蘇阿德.加拉 Almagul MENLIBAYEVA and Suad GARA



Special Display: CHAT at The Mills


材料替代日益稀少的天然材料。阿里‧貝瓦吉 在峇里島海岸發現大量纏繞在樹根上的塑膠 繩,看上去就像是樹木自然生長的一部分,促使 貝瓦吉萌生將它們轉變成編織材料的想法。

在 2020 年初疫情期間,貝瓦吉聘請了兩位當 地居民擔任助手,協助拆解和清洗收集到的 塑膠繩,並將其紡成不同顏色的塑膠細線。隨 後,他與一家在疫情前已面臨經濟困境的小 型傳統峇里島編織作坊合作,將這些細線編 織成抽象的紡織藝術品。目前,項目的合作者 已擴展至超過 15 人,不僅為受疫情衝擊的人 們帶來實質幫助,也推動環境永續,在峇里島 及更廣泛地區持續進行生態教育。

Weaving the Ocean began with the idea of replacing vanishing natural materials with new, commonly available ‘natural’ materials. Ari Bayuaji discovered an abundance of plastic ropes tangled in the roots of trees on the coast of Bali. These ropes, appearing as an organic part of the trees, inspired him to repurpose them as weaving material.

In early 2020, during the pandemic, Bayuaji recruited two local assistants to help unravel and clean the harvested plastic ropes, turning them into !ne, colourful threads. He then wove the threads into abstract artworks at a small traditional Balinese weaving workshop that was already economically vulnerable before the pandemic. The project has since expanded to include over 15 collaborators, not only supporting those affected by the pandemic but also educating people in Bali and beyond about environmental sustainability.

日期 Date 15.03-18.05.2025


The Hall, The Mills

時間 Time 10:00am-10:00pm

Ari Bayuaji, Weaving the Ocean, 2024 Image courtesy: Ari Bayuaji


Highlighted Events


Artist and Curator-Led Tour

導賞團 Tour

藝術家 Artists

工作坊 Workshop 1

日期 Date


星期六 Sat

時間 Time

下午 4時30分至5時30分 4:30-5:30pm

地點 Venue

CHAT六廠前台 CHAT Reception

收費 Fee


須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate

阿里.貝瓦吉、韓夢雲、 阿瑪古兒.門利巴耶娃、 艾希莎.沙迪諾娃、 葉甫納、姚君潔 Ari BAYUAJI, Young In HONG, Almagul MENLIBAYEVA, Aziza SHADENOVA, YE Funa, YIU Kwan Kit Ellen


HAN Mengyun,

策展人 Curator

王慰慰 WANG Weiwei

語言 Language

英語 English


Revisiting Handicraft: Kwan Kwa Marriage

Gown as Case Study

講座 Talk

日期 Date


星期六 Sat

時間 Time

下午3 時至4時30分


地點 Venue


講者 Speaker

黃國興 Timmy WONG

語言 Language

粵語 Cantonese

免費 Free

按金 Deposit HK$50

須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate

4 2


Silkscreen Printing and Aroma Sachet Making Workshop with Hand-Woven Fabric

藝術家 Artist

日期 Date


星期日 Sun

時間 Time

下午3時至5時 3:00-5:00pm

地點 Venue CHAT工作室 CHAT Studio

何永娣 HE Yongdi

語言 Language

普通話及粵語,設有簡單 英語傳譯 Mandarin and Cantonese with simple English interpretation

收費 Fee


須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate


Bright Fabric of Dong: Band Weaving Experience

工作坊 Workshop

日期 Date


星期六 Sat

時間 Time

下午3 時至6 時 3:00-6:00pm

地點 Venue

CHAT客廳 CHAT Lounge

藝術家 Artist

邢振 XING Zhen

語言 Language

普通話及粵語,設有簡單 英語傳譯 Mandarin and Cantonese with simple English interpretation

收費 Fee


須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate

CHAT迴廊及客廳 CHAT Arcade & Lounge


Artefacts of Motif

自古以來,龍的呈現形式多不勝數。在古代中國, 龍的圖案尤與宗教、皇權相關,一般百姓並不能 使用。如今,它巧妙應用於民間日常生活及節慶 場合,成為表達願景的象徵。此展示由帶有龍 元素的 CHAT 六廠藏品出發,思考傳統圖案形象 是如何被延續和給予嶄新的演繹、其象徵意義和 氛圍從何而來,以及評賞新演繹時的相關考量。

織光機 Illumin-Loom

《織光機》是位於 CHAT迴廊的嶄新互動體驗,邀


自由配搭多種向香港紡織文化致敬的視覺元素, 設計自己的專屬圖案。


熱轉印貼紙的形式輸出作品,也可於「手作半 個鐘」工作坊把作品製作成手提袋。更歡迎你在 網站報名參加「織光點點」工作坊,於CHAT六廠

紡織項目團隊的專業指導下,設計獨一無二的 電腦袋!

In the Arcade, the interactive experience Illumin-Loom invites you to create your own pattern on the colourful light strips of a digital ‘loom’, featuring visual elements that pay homage to the textile heritage of Hong Kong. In addition to downloading a digital image of your creation, you may speak to our staff and

The dragon has taken countless forms through the centuries: in ancient China, it was reserved for religious or imperial use; today, it is a symbol of prosperity widely applied in everyday life and on special occasions. Through the dragon motif, this display of CHAT Collection objects explores how traditional motifs are sustained and reinterpreted, how they gain character, and how the success of their contemporary interpretations is measured.

策展人 Curators

李勺言 Bruce LI

麥巧琳 Megan MAK

output it in the form of a heat transfer sticker, or even make a tote bag in a 30-Minute Making session. Also feel free to register online for our Pixel to Stitch workshop and design a laptop sleeve under the expert guidance of CHAT’s textile programme team!

裝置、平面及遊戲設計 Installation, graphic and game design pill & pillow, HATO


Tours & Support CHAT


Learn about CHAT’s exhibitions and displays through various guided experiences!

參加者在導賞體驗中進行互動 Participants engage in the interactive guided experience

共融導賞之旅 Accessibility Tour

載譽歸來的「共融導賞之旅」將加入更多香港紡織文化元 素,由不同能力的導賞員合作帶領,融入手語雙語設計,以多 感官方式輕鬆探索香港紡織業的發展與精品。

The highly acclaimed multisensory tour returns with more textile cultural elements from Hong Kong. Delivered in both sign and spoken languages by docents with different abilities, it explores the city’s textile industry through selected collections.


Every Sunday from 20 April 2025: 3:30pm, 4:30pm


即場免費參與。 Free and walk-ins welcome.

策展人 Curator

羅璧如 Eugenia LAW


Check out our website for dates and times of different tours

支持我們 成為CHAT六廠廠友

Support Us by Becoming a CHAT Friend


推行多項社區活動,促進多元共融的對話,現誠邀 你一同為社區注入文藝活力!成為 CHAT六廠廠友

或贊助人即可享有 CHAT六廠小店購物折扣和迎 新禮物,更可參加各項專屬活動和優先預約指定 工作坊。歡迎掃描二維碼查看詳細資訊。

As a non-pro!t textile heritage museum, CHAT can deliver diverse community programmes thanks to the continued support of its members. By becoming a CHAT Friend or Patron, you will enjoy not only CHAT Shop discounts and a welcome gift, but also exclusive events and priority booking for selected workshops. Scan the QR code to !nd out more.

Learning Tour on Sustainability

從舊機器到新穎的發明,CHAT六廠為你介紹香港紡織發展 與環保的關係。

From historical machines to new inventions, this tour looks at the relationship between Hong Kong’s textile development and the environment.

請聯絡我們預約時間。Please contact us to book a session.

成為紡織文化藝術館會員 專享獨家禮遇

Support our textile heritage museum and enjoy exclusive member privileges


CHAT 六廠是香港的紡織文化藝術館,位於南豐 紗廠二樓,即南豐紡織昔日在荃灣的棉紗廠房

參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳參與「手作半個鐘」活動 Visitors participate in 30-Minute Making at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery 原址。CHAT六廠於 2019年 3月開館,透過展覽、

工作坊和社區活動,提供有關紡織文化的新 知識,激發創意和培育人才。我們致力保育 本地的物質和非物質紡織遺產,並邀請大家體驗 香港紡織業的創新精神,參與一段段啟發思考的 旅程和交流,將文化、藝術和紡織交織在一起。


CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is Hong Kong’s textile heritage museum located on the 2/F of The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Opened in March 2019, CHAT offers new knowledge while nurturing ideas and talents through exhibitions, workshops and community programmes. Committed to preserving local tangible and intangible textile heritage, CHAT invites everyone to experience the innovative spirit of Hong Kong’s textile industry and engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave heritage, arts and textile.

你可透過網上捐款支持我們的工作 You can support our work by making a donation online


Busy Needles: Textile Embellishments of Hong Kong

陳廷驊基金會展廳 The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

刺繡、釘珠、抽紗——這些精巧的布面綴飾技巧, 對我們很多長輩都不會陌生。經過一番細想,它 們更勾畫出二十世紀香港工藝產品製作及流通的 特質,如手工的規範化、女性的勞動與領導、為 迎合出口市場而轉變的傳統技法,以及製作者與 消費者之間的隔閡。

「忙碌的針線」展出瑪利諾修院學校基金的刺繡 材料、曾流通於香港的潮汕抽紗品、珠片業及其 家庭式作業、傳統裙褂製作技藝等案例,同時鼓 勵觀眾發掘對香港工藝的另類及個人見解。


Welcome to the Spinning Factory!


輔以豐富照片、棉紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。展廳更 設有不同互動工作坊與示範,詳情請參閱下一頁。

Welcome to the Spinning Factory! presents a concise history of Hong Kong’s textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. We also offer various workshops and demonstrations in the gallery. See the next page for more information.

展覽空間設計 Exhibition design Assemble

平面設計 Exhibition graphic design HATO

Embroidery, beading, drawnwork – these intricate tasks were once skilfully carried out by many of our older generations. Upon closer look, they also illustrate the defining qualities of commercial craft production and circulation in 20th-century Hong Kong, such as systematisation of skilled work, female labour and leadership, adaptation for export markets, and alienation between makers and consumers.

Busy Needles examines embroidery materials from Maryknoll Convent School Foundation, drawnwork from Swatow that circulated through Hong Kong, beadwork and its cottage industry, traditional kwan kwa marriage gowns and more, at the same time encouraging alternative and personal views of craft in Hong Kong.

展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」 Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory!


30-Minute Making

即場參與活動,製作獨一無二的手作作品!熱縮鎖 匙扣、蠟染小布袋和《織光機》熱轉印手提袋等 四種以香港紡織工業歷史為靈感的活動主題可供 選擇,歡迎任何人士參與。

Join a walk-in making activity and bring home a unique piece of handicraft! Ranging from heatshrink keychains to wax print pouches and Illumin-Loom heat-transfer tote bags, four craft activities inspired by Hong Kong’s textile industrial heritage are available and suitable for all.


CHERRY Draw Frame Demonstration


每個月的一個星期六,機器操作員梁鳳儀將示範 啟動機器,並與觀眾互動交流。

Come witness Hong Kong’s last operating drawing frame machine in action! On one Saturday each month, machine operator

Auntie Yee (Leung Fung Yee) demonstrates how it works and converses with the audience.


Hand Spinning Demonstration


讓參觀者近距離觀察棉絮紡成紗線,也可與義工 傾談並提問,了解CHAT六廠及紗廠的歷史。

How do you turn cotton into wearable, usable textiles? Here you can closely observe how cotton !bre is spun into yarn. Our volunteers will also gladly chat with you and answer your questions about CHAT and its past life as a spinning mill!

日期及時間 Date & Time

星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:00pm

周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 2:00-6:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

日期 Date 15.03, 19.04, 17.05, 28.06, 19.07.2025

時間 Time 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm

日期及時間 Date & Time

星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:30pm

周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 1:00-4:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)




CHAT六廠小店積極推廣手工藝文化,為紡織及 文化愛好者精心搜羅各式各樣香港本地和亞太區 內的工藝品牌。

CHAT Shop is the destination for textile and culture lovers who appreciate curated merchandise from Hong Kong and the Asia-Paci!c region that embodies the heritage and innovation in the culture of making.

CHAT六廠原創 CHAT Originals

CHAT 六廠與織物收藏家何永娣合作,用中國 崇明島的手織絲網印染土布,製作了一系列限量 版袖珍包。這批珍貴的土布皆生產於1960至1990 年代,圖案獨特且種類豐富,主題包括農業生產、 基礎建設、自然景觀等,並糅雜紅雙喜、萬字紋等 傳統紋飾,反映中國當時的社會文化面貌。

藝術家阿里‧貝瓦吉收集並拆解峇里島海邊散落 的塑膠繩,將它們紡成不同顏色的細線,創作了系 列作品《編織海洋》。他用同樣材料為「CHAT六廠 原創」特製了限量版手環,並結合了峇里島當地 製作的銀製配件。其靈感來自於峇里島的傳統三色 手環Tridatu,帶有保護、聖潔與幸運的意義。

CHAT and fabric collector He Yongdi present a series of limited edition mini pouches made from hand-woven silkscreen printed fabrics from Chongming Island, China. Produced between the 1960s and 1990s, these fabrics intermix motifs of agriculture, infrastructure, natural landscape and more with traditional symbols such as the red ‘double happiness’ and the swastika, re ecting the socio-cultural characteristics of China at the time.

Artist Ari Bayuaji unravels plastic ropes collected from the coast of Bali and spins them into thin, colourful threads to create the Weaving the Ocean series. For CHAT Originals, he has created limited edition bracelets using the same material as his artworks. Completed with silver parts from Bali, these exquisite accessories take inspiration from the traditional three-coloured Balinese bracelet Tridatu, which symbolises protection, sanctity and luck.


港鐵荃灣站 A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼


CHAT is located on 2/F of The Mills.

Free shuttle bus service to The Mills is available at Exit A4 of Tsuen Wan MTR Station.

Scan the QR code to visit CHAT’s ‘Visit’ page for more information.

創始捐助機構 Founding Donor

主要捐助機構 Main Donor

合作單位 Partner

支持機構 Supported by

屬於大家的紡織文化藝術館 培育創意和人才的明日工廠

Textile heritage museum for all, Factory of Tomorrow for new ideas and talents

有關登記留座的詳情, 請瀏覽 For tickets and RSVP details, please visit


查詢 enquiry@mill6chat.org +852 3979 2301

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