賈凱.斯里布特:人人嚮往快樂 Jakkai Siributr: Everybody Wanna Be Happy

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賈凱.斯里布特,《二零一八》,2018(局部) 圖片提供:賈凱.斯里布特 Jakkai Siributr, Two Thousand Eighteen, 2018 (Detail) Image courtesy: Jakkai Siributr


Jakkai Siributr: Everybody Wanna Be Happy 種學織文 Seed to Textile

11.11.2023-13.02.2024 11:00am-7:00pm | 逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays CHAT六廠是你的社區藝術館

CHAT is Your Community Museum at The Mills

香港荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠CHAT六廠 CHAT, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

六 廠 紡 織 文 化 藝 術 館

參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳欣賞併條機示範 Visitors observing drawing frame demonstration at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery



CHAT六廠(六廠紡織文化藝術館)位於荃灣 南豐 紗廠,即 南豐 紡 織 昔日在 荃灣 的廠 房原 址。CHAT六廠所策展的多元化項目包括展覽與 共學計劃兩大類型。透過這些項目,我們希望為 大眾編織創意體驗。我們誠邀參觀者去感受香 港紡織業勇於創新的精神;並在紡織的領域裡, 於當代藝術、設計與歴史共冶一爐的氛圍下,展 開一段段啟發思考的旅程和交流。

CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is an art centre located at The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Through its multifaceted curated programmes, which include exhibitions and co-learning programmes, CHAT aims to be an art centre that weaves creative experiences for all. We invite our visitors to experience the spirit of the innovative legacy of Hong Kong's textile industry and engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave contemporary art, design and heritage.

1990年代環錠紡紗機 Ring spinning machine in the 1990s


Jakkai Siributr: Everybody Wanna Be Happy CHAT六廠 2023冬季項目呈獻泰國知名當代 藝術家賈凱.斯里布特的個人展覽。是次展覽 將回顧斯里布特逾 20年來的藝術實踐,展示 其 掛氈和雕 塑作品,以 及為 泰國難民持 續 進 行的工作坊,對泰國以至其他地區當下迫切的 議題作出發人深省的回應。 斯里布特以紡織 建立自己獨有的藝 術語言, 並積極地運用刺繡、拼布、絎縫等形式進行創 作,對泰國社會中的權力濫用作出批判,並引 起大眾關注被漠然置之的聲音。 當2020年新冠肺炎肆虐全球時,斯里布特創 作了《黃熱病》及《白瘟疫》等作品,均描繪因 疫情而暴露的種族主義襲擊和歧視。然而,斯 里布特並不僅僅描繪疫情下消極的社會現象, 而是積極 運用他的藝 術創作帶來改變。藝 術 家亦利用了香港受疫情而影響生計的人士穿 過的制服,為是次展覽創作委託作品。 透 過精心挑選的物料 和技巧,斯里布特的近 作成為一個催化劑,喚 起 對社會邊 緣 化社群 和弱勢群體的關注。因此,展覽以獨特而深入 的方式回顧斯里布特的藝術歷程,並以引人深 思的方式探索快樂的涵義。 高橋瑞木 策展人

特別展覽 Special Exhibition

In Winter Programme 2023, CHAT hosts the solo exhibition of acclaimed Thai contemporary artist, Jakkai Siributr. The exhibition offers a retrospective of Siributr’s artistic practice spanning two decades, featuring wall-hanging and sculptural pieces, as well as an ongoing workshop for refugees in Thailand. The exhibition presents a stimulating commentary on the pressing contemporary issues in Thailand and abroad. Since he established his own artistic language with textiles, Siributr has proactively created the works with embroidery, patchwork and quilting to make critical commentaries on abusive power in Thai society and draw attention to unheard voices. When the COVID-19 global pandemic broke out in 2020, Siributr created textile pieces like Yellow Fever and White Plague which depict the racist attacks and discriminations that the pandemic exposed, but also proactively used his art to alleviate the situation by supporting workers who have been made redundant due to the pandemic. For the exhibition at CHAT, Siributr has created new works using uniforms worn by people in Hong Kong and Thailand who also suffered a negative impact on their livelihood due to the pandemic. With a careful selection of materials and techniques, Siributr’s recent works act as a catalyst to raise awareness for marginalised communities and underprivileged groups in society. In this way, the exhibition promises to offer a unique and insightful retrospective of Siributr’s artistic journey, and to explore the meaning of happiness in a thought-provoking and engaging way.

賈凱.斯里布特,《更衣室》,2017 圖片提供:賈凱.斯里布特 Jakkai Siributr, Changing Room, 2017 Image courtesy: Jakkai Siributr

Takahashi Mizuki Curator

CHAT六廠特別展出 Special Display: CHAT at The Mills

今季,賈凱‧斯里布特的「沒有地方」將於南豐紗廠 紗廠 坊呈 獻,此 項目為一 個需 要 群眾參與 的 「呼喚與回應」刺繡裝置,嘗試與泰國北部無 國籍的撣族 人 建立持 續的對話。斯里布特邀 請公眾在撣族孩子的刺繡作品上加上縫線,在 「難民」和「我們」之間建立更為強烈的聯繫。 Come to join ‘There’s no Place’ at The Hall of The Mills this season. A collaborative ‘call-and-response’ embroidery project by Jakkai Siributr, it seeks to create an ongoing dialogue with the stateless community of the Shan tribe in Northern Thailand. Visitors are invited to add their embroidery onto pieces previously made by children of the tribe as an emphatic response and connection. 日期 Date 11.11-03.12.2023 免費 Free

時間 Time 上午10時至下午10時 10:00am-10:00pm

為於泰國及緬甸邊境的撣族難民舉行的工作坊 圖片提供:賈凱.斯里布特 A workshop with Shan refugees near the Thai-Myanmar border Image courtesy: Jakkai Siributr

關於賈凱.斯里布特 About Jakkai Siributr 賈凱.斯里布特是一位泰國曼谷的藝術家,擅 長 運用紡織品及刺繡創作,以編織與縫合關 於宗教和政治取態之間衝突的故事,這些非官 方個人故事往往被主流敘述遮蔽。他參與過 的國際展覽包括美國三藩市亞洲藝術博物館 「Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past」(2012)、布里斯本的昆士蘭藝術館/ 當代藝術館舉行的第九屆「亞太區現代藝術三 年展」及紐約藝術和設計博物館「Garmenting: Costume as Contemporary Art」(2022)。 Born and based in Bangkok, Siributr employs weaving and embroidery in his artworks to weave and stitch unofficial individual stories about conflict between religious and political beliefs, which are often overshadowed by grand narratives. Siributr participated in international exhibitions including Phantoms of Asia: Contemporary Awakens the Past at Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (2012), the 9th Asia Pacific Triennale of Contemporary Art at the Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art in Brisbane (2018), and Garmenting: Costume as Contemporary Art at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York (2022).


About Seed to Textile

CHAT六廠一直致力探索紡織與環境千絲萬縷 的關係,故於2019年發起了持續進行的社群 計劃「種學織文」,透過追溯織物製作過程中 物料的源頭,發掘紡織品、人類與自然之間的 當代意義。在計劃進入第四個年頭之際,我們 希望把過去從社區累積的經驗和學習傳承給 年輕一代,培養青年種子隊。 今 年,計 劃 先 邀 請本 地 農 夫 打 開序 幕,由他 們擔任導師到校園農圃和南豐紗廠的紗廠耕 地,傳授可用於製造天然染料的植物的種植 知識給本地中小學生。利用親手種植的自然 資源,我們和第三年參與本計劃的跨界別藝術 家郝立仁緊密合作,聯同另外兩組本地藝術家 設計與舉辦一系列工作坊,創作富日常實用功 能的藝術作品。郝立仁利用廚餘及學生種植 得來的天然材料製作自然染料染製紡織品。 本地藝術工作室Mudwork設計與舉辦一系列 木工課,與學生們一起製作能 舉行 流 動工作 坊的木製染料車。藍染藝術家張德儀則教授 學生們零浪 費裁剪和縫紉的製衣技巧,親手 縫製獨一無二的有機衣物。8個月的學習及創 作成果將於CHAT六廠2023冬季項目展出。 我們邀請觀眾一起探問:我們能通過與自然 世界和彼此合作,來實現可持續的生態嗎? 參與計劃學校 中華基督教會基法小學(油塘)、海壩街官立小學、荃灣聖芳濟中學 鳴謝 賽馬會老圍中藥園、嘉道理農場暨植物園、⼼慈瑜伽及療癒圈、 香港有機生活發展基金

CHAT's ongoing community programme Seed to Textile has been tracing the roots of textile production since 2019 and exploring the contemporary significance of the relationship between textiles, humanity and the nature world. Stepping into the 4th year, we extend our experiences and learnings from the community to the younger generation to nurture our young Seeders. We unfolded the programme by inviting local farmers to pass the knowledge of growing plants that can be used to create natural dyes to primary and secondary school students at school farms and the rooftop farm of The Mills. With our hand-grown resources, multidisciplinary artist Hao Lap Yan Benjamin used food waste and plants cultivated by the students to create natural dyes for textiles. Local art studio Mudwork led woodworking workshops and, together with students, built a cart that will be utilised to conduct dyeing workshops on-the-go. Indigo artist Makie Chang taught students zero-waste cutting and sewing techniques to fashion bespoke organic garments that are one-of-a-kind. The results of their 8-month-long efforts will be exhibited in CHAT Winter Programme 2023. We invite our audiences to join us in exploring: Can we achieve a sustainable ecology by collaborating with the nature world and with each other? Participating schools C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong), Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School, St. Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan Acknowledgements Jockey Club Lo Wai Chinese Herb Garden, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Metta Yoga & Healing Circle, Sustainable Ecological Ethical Development Foundation

由本地學生組成的青年種子隊以自家種植的植物染製布料,並製成衣服。 Young Seeders from local schools create garments with fabrics dyed with self-grown plants.


展覽 Exhibition

Welcome to the Spinning Factory! 陳廷驊基金會展廳

The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

南豐紗廠現時的建築曾是南豐紡織的棉紡廠房; 在陳廷驊基金會展廳內,髹上綠漆的牆和高窗是 本地紡織業輝煌歲月的痕跡。「紗廠絮語」將展示 香港紡織業簡要的起始和發展,輔以豐富照片、棉 紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。陳廷驊基金會展廳設有不 同部份,讓你親身操作舊式紡織工具,體驗棉紡過 程,甚至為你的棉紗成品設計標籤。

展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」 Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory!

花樣百出:往來香港地緣之圖案 Patternways: Visualising Hong Kong in Transition 特別展示呈現 4 種對香港意義深遠的圖案,並聚 焦探討每款圖案的設計以及其曾流通的地區, 反映出香港這個城市多年來如何定義自身及把 握流變的地緣關係。

The special display presents 4 significant patterns of Hong Kong. Each pattern is examined as a designed product and the way it has circulated worldwide. By connecting us with other places, patterns reveal Hong Kong as a city constantly open to and defined by change.

The Mills building was formerly a cotton­ spinning factory owned by Nan Fung Textiles. The green walls and high windows in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery are vestiges of the golden era of Hong Kong's textile industry. The exhibition Welcome to the Spinning Factory! will present a brief but intensive history of Hong Kong's textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. You are also invited to experience the manual cotton-spinning process using traditional spinning instruments, and design and create your own cotton label at the workshop stations in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. 展覽空間設計:


Exhibition design Assemble

Exhibition graphic design HATO

CHAT 六廠小店 CHAT Shop

CHAT六廠小店積極推廣手工藝文化,為紡 織及文化愛好者精心搜羅各式各樣香港本地 和亞太區內的工藝品牌。 CHAT Shop is the destination for textile and culture lovers who appreciate curated merchandise from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific that embodies the heritage and innovation in the culture of making.

CHAT六廠原創 CHAT Originals CHAT六廠原創香港密蜜多用途袋以CHAT六廠 特別展示「花樣百出:往來香港地緣之圖案」 為靈感,重新演繹由平面設計師胡兆昌先生 提供、來自香港首間絲織廠——美亞織綢廠 的經典紡織設計,並攜手本地商標廠以提花 技術織造出全新的配色組合。商標行業可追 溯至絲織行業,由本地商標廠重新設計及製作 的多用途袋,既敘述了香港絲織行業一段重要 卻容易被忽略的故事,亦為紡織愛好者提供 一個趣味與教學兼備的生活用品。

香港密蜜多用途袋 Hong Kong Busy Bee Multipurpose Pouch HK$410

Inspired by CHAT’s special display Patternways: Visualising Hong Kong in Transition, the CHAT Originals Hong Kong Busy Bee Multipurpose Pouch reinvigorates a traditional weaving design found in the archives of Mayar Silk Mills, Hong Kong’s first silk weaving factory, courtesy of graphic designer John Wu. Working with a local label-weaving factory, the original pattern was recoloured and jacquard-woven, then assembled into a utility pouch. The recreation of the design and its weaving process through a labelmaking factory, an industry with roots in silk weaving, recounts an important but often overlooked story of Hong Kong’s silk industry. This multipurpose pouch is a fun yet educational lifestyle product for textile lovers and trendsetters alike.

與CHAT六廠共學 Co-Learn with CHAT

手作半個鐘 30-Minute Making 即場參與手作活動,製作自己獨一無二的圖案作 品!活動主題靈感來自同場展出的「花樣百出」特別 展示。3種活動內容定期替換,歡迎任何人士參與。

Enjoy a walk-in making activity and bring home a unique work of pattern inspired by the concurrent special display ‘Patternways’! The 3 activities are rotated on a regular basis and are suitable for all to enjoy.

日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:00pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 2:00-6:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

收費Fee 每份 HK$40-120/set

「櫻桃」併條機示範 CHERRY Draw Frame Demonstration 齊來見證香港最後一台運作中的併條機起動吧! 每個月的一個星期六,機器操作員梁鳳儀將示範 機器,並邀請觀眾交流。

Come witness Hong Kong’s only operating drawing frame machine in action! On one Saturday each month, machine operator Auntie Yee (Leung Fung Yee) revives the machine and converses with audiences.

日期 Date 18.11.2023; 16.12.2023; 20.01.2024; 03.02.2024

免費 Free

時間 Time 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm

手工紡紗示範 Hand Spinning Demonstration 棉花是如何變成可穿、可用的紡織品?這個現場示 範可讓參觀者近距離觀察棉絮紡成紗線。活動期 間我們樂意與參加者傾談和討論。

How do you turn cotton into wearable, usable textiles? In this demonstration, visitors can observe how cotton fibre is spun into yarn. The demonstration welcomes all for viewing and questions!

日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:30pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 1:00-4:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

免費 Free

以上活動於陳廷驊基金會展廳舉行,無須預先登記。 活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 All events are walk-in only and take place at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms.


Event Highlights 1


沒有地方 There’s no Place

藝術家與策展人導賞:人人嚮往快樂 Artist- and Curator-Led Tour: Everybody Wanna Be Happy

工作坊 Workshop

導賞團 Tour

日期 Date 11.11.2023 星期六 Sat

藝術家 Artist 賈凱.斯里布特 Jakkai Siributr

時間 Time 下午2時至4時45分 2:00-4:45pm

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese

地點 Venue 南豐紗廠紗廠坊 The Hall, The Mills

免費 Free 須預先登記 RSVP

日期 Date 11.11.2023 星期六 Sat

藝術家及策展人 Artist and Curator 賈凱.斯里布特、高橋瑞木 Jakkai Siributr, Takahashi Mizuki

時間 Time 下午5時至6時 5:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese

地點 Venue CHAT 六廠 CHAT

收費 Fee HK$50 須預先登記 RSVP


生活知色:自然染圍巾 Life in Colour: Scarf Natural Dyeing Workshop 工作坊 Workshop 日期 Date 02.12.2023 星期六 Sat

藝術家 Artist 郝立仁 Hao Lap Yan Benjamin

時間 Time 下午3時至6時 3:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

地點 Venue CHAT 工作室 CHAT Studio

收費 Fee HK$380 須預先登記 RSVP



毛茸茸聖誕佳節:手搖針織工作坊 Christmas Cheer: Machine Knitting Workshop

零浪費藍染上衣製作 Zero-Waste Indigo Top Making

工作坊 Workshop

工作坊 Workshop

日期 Date 09.12.2023 星期六 Sat

藝術家 Artist 朱莉婭.威爾莫特 Julia Wilmott

日期 Date 16.12.2023 星期六 Sat

藝術家 Artist 張德儀 Makie Chang

時間 Time 下午2時至6時 2:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese

時間 Time 下午3時至6時 3:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 粵語 Cantonese

地點 Venue CHAT 實驗室 CHAT Lab

收費 Fee HK$680 須預先登記 RSVP

地點 Venue CHAT 實驗室 CHAT Lab

收費 Fee HK$480 須預先登記 RSVP

活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms.

CHAT 六廠位於南豐紗廠二樓。 港鐵荃灣站A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼 到CHAT六廠「參觀」網頁了解更多。 Free shuttle bus service to The Mills available at Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A4, please refer to CHAT’s Visit Page via QR Code for more information. 創始捐助機構


Founding Donor

Main Donor

有關登記留座的詳情, 請瀏覽 For tickets and RSVP details, please visit




Enquiry 查詢 enquiry@mill6chat.org +852 3979 2301 mill6chat

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