Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled

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Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled 19.03-10.07.2022 | 11:00am-7:00pm 逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays 香港荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠CHAT六廠

CHAT, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

六廠 2022 春季項目 CHAT 再紡東亞系列二: 邊織邊拆的網

Spring Programme 2022

參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳欣賞併條機示範 Visitors observing drawing frame demonstration at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

CHAT 六廠 CHAT (六廠紡織文化藝術館) (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) CHAT六廠(六廠紡織文化藝術館)位於荃灣 南豐 紗廠,即 南豐 紡 織 昔日在 荃灣 的廠 房原 址。CHAT六廠所策展的多元化項目包括展覽與 共學計劃兩大類型。透過這些項目,我們希望為 大眾編織創意體驗。我們誠邀參觀者去感受香 港紡織業勇於創新的精神;並在紡織的領域裡, 於當代藝術、設計與歴史共冶一爐的氛圍下,展 開一段段啟發思考的旅程和交流。

1990年代環錠紡紗機 Ring spinning machine in the 1990s

CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is an art centre located at The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Through its multifaceted curated programmes, which include exhibitions and co-learning programmes, CHAT aims to be an art centre that weaves creative experiences for all. We invite our visitors to experience the spirit of the innovative legacy of Hong Kong's textile industry and engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave contemporary art, design and heritage.

再紡東亞系列二:邊織邊拆的網 Spinning East Asia Series II: A Net (Dis)entangled 「 再紡東亞」系列展覽的第二章節「邊織邊拆的 網」邀請了16組活躍於東亞地區、或以東亞相關 課題作為考察對象的藝術家參展。藝術家們以開 放的態度,在創作的材料、技術、主題等方面,以 織物為基礎進行全新嘗試,將紡織所蘊藏的文化 意涵注入他們的思考和表現方式之中,為藝術實 踐開放出更多可能性。 本次的展覽聚焦那些存在於東亞不同群體之間 的充滿緊張與對抗,但又相互牽制依賴的關係。 在世界變得越來越緊密相關,但對立紛爭日益加 劇的今天,對東亞關係的討論可以提供出一種實 踐經驗,讓我們從中考察如何在複雜的連帶關係 中保有自身立場和特點,同時亦讓不同文化的人 們得以反觀自身的問題。而在深受周邊地區及全 球化影響的香港展開這樣的討論,尤其具有重要 的意義。 參展藝術家們就不斷變化著的東亞關係進行實 踐性的探索,展開不同程度的共同研究、考察 和聯合創作,或在作品的展示方式上彼此回應。 這些藝術家不約而同地將目光投向歷史的深 處,投向曾對東亞各地的政治經濟和社會文化 帶來重大影響的地理空間、生活方式、產業領 域或文化潮流,去探尋糾纏在東亞網絡之間的 種種共通課題。

王慰慰 策展人

特別展覽 Special Exhibition

Titled A Net (Dis)entangled, the exhibition and second chapter of the Spinning East Asia Series features 16 groups of artists based in East Asia, or whose creative research revolves around East Asian topics. The participating artists approached their work with an open mind and from various angles with regards to textile culture, from its materiality, associated techniques, to subject matters and more. For these artists, the cultural significance of textile informed their way of thinking and form of presentation, which has opened up countless new possibilities for artistic expression and experimentation. The exhibition precisely hones in on the interdependent yet conflicted web of East Asian relations in today’s context. By bringing into discussion how maintaining one’s own identity and uniqueness within a larger complexity can be practically achieved, the exhibition provides a point of reference for people from diverse cultures for their own reflections. This discussion is particularly pertinent to Hong Kong, a city influenced by the surrounding geographic region and globalisation. Delving into the ever-evolving East Asian relations, the artists engaged in varying levels of individual or collective practiceled research, creative collaborations, or dialogue through the display of their works. Collectively, the artists gazed deep into history to scrutinise the geographical spaces, lifestyles, industries or cultural zeitgeists that shaped the political, economic, social and cultural outlooks of East Asia to examine the region’s shared influences and struggles.

李清月,《光○ 1》,2021 圖片提供:李清月 Li Qingyue, Aura ○ 1, 2021 Image courtesy: Li Qingyue

Wang Weiwei Curator


Participating Artists

車昇彦 Cha Seungean 陳逸雲 Chen Yiyun 朱駿騰 Chu Chun-Teng 何銳安 Ho Rui An 鎌田友介 Kamata Yusuke 康瑞璟 Suki Seokyeong Kang 加藤 翼 Kato Tsubasa 李繼忠及伊佐治 雄悟 Lee Kai Chung and Isaji Yugo 李清月 Li Qingyue 文美桃 Man Mei To 朴智希 Park Jeehee 王博 Wang Bo 王雅慧 Wang Ya-Hui 王懿泉 Wang Yiquan 山內光枝及全基善/松田基善 Yamauchi Terue and Jeon Gisun/ Matsuda Motoyoshi 楊圓圓 Luka Yuanyuan Yang

朱駿騰,《河鰻》,2021(錄像截圖) 圖片提供:朱駿騰 Chu Chun-Teng, Eel, 2021 (Video still) Image courtesy: Chu Chun-Teng

楊圓圓,《廣場》(選自《大連幻景》系列),2017-19 圖片提供:楊圓圓及AIKE(上海) Luka Yuanyuan Yang, Squares (from the Dalian Mirage series), 2017-19 Image courtesy: Luka Yuanyuan Yang and AIKE, Shanghai


展覽 Exhibition

Welcome to the Spinning Factory! 陳廷驊基金會展廳

The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

南豐紗廠現時的建築曾是南豐紡織的棉紡廠房; 在陳廷驊基金會展廳內,髹上綠漆的牆和高窗是 本地紡織業輝煌歲月的痕跡。「紗廠絮語」將展示 香港紡織業簡要的起始和發展,輔以豐富照片、棉 紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。陳廷驊基金會展廳設有不 同部份,讓你親身操作舊式紡織工具,體驗棉紡過 程,甚至為你的棉紗成品設計標籤。

展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」 Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory!


Textile for Food 紡織的創造和想像力,豐富地體現於香港的日常生 活當中。在展櫃內,你會從一些看似平平無奇的紡 織品和工具發現紡織、製造與飲食業在香港的歷 史痕跡,並了解到不同的紡織物料、技術、裝搭與 陳設風格,在飲食文化中的應用。每件日常物品盛 載著關於城市與創造精神的故事,以及對香港經濟 發展與社會文化的重大貢獻。

The inventiveness and imagination of textile are reflected in the everyday life of Hong Kong.At the display, you will discover historical traces and learn about textile materials, techniques and styling discovered from humble, everyday items from textile, manufacturing and catering industries. These objects unveil stories of the power of making that contribute to the city's economic development and material culture. 與張西美聯合策劃

Conceived in collaboration with Edith Cheung

The Mills building was formerly a cotton­ spinning factory owned by Nan Fung Textiles. The green walls and high windows in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery are vestiges of the golden era of Hong Kong's textile industry. The exhibition Welcome to the Spinning Factory! will present a brief but intensive history of Hong Kong's textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. You are also invited to experience the manual cotton-spinning process using traditional spinning instruments, and design and create your own cotton label at the workshop stations in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. 展覽空間設計:


Exhibition design Assemble

Exhibition graphic design HATO

與CHAT六廠共學 Co-Learn with CHAT


30-Minute Making 即場參與手作活動,製作自己獨一無二的紡織作 品!活動主題包括「布塊拼貼」、「二元編織」及「再 造飾物」,適合所有人士參與。

Enjoy a walk-in making activity and bring home a unique work of textile! Activities including ‘Fabric Collaging’, ‘Binary Weaving’ and ‘Upcycled Accessory’ are suitable for all.

日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:00pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 2:00-6:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

收費Fee 每份 HK$20 HK$20/set


CHERRY Draw Frame Demonstration 齊來見證香港最後一台運作中的併條機起動吧! 每個月的一個星期六,機器操作員梁鳳儀將示範 機器,並邀請觀眾交流。

Come witness Hong Kong’s only operating drawing frame machine in action! On one Saturday each month, machine operator Auntie Yee (Leung Fung Yee) revives the machine and converses with audiences.

日期 Date 26.03, 16.04, 21.05, 18.06.2022

免費 Free

時間 Time 1:30pm, 3:30pm. 5:30pm


Hand Spinning Demonstration 這個現場示範可讓參觀者近距離觀察棉絮紡成紗 線。活動期間我們樂意與參加者傾談和討論。

In this demonstration, visitors can observe how cotton fibre is spun into yarn. The demonstration welcomes all for viewing and questions! 日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:30pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 1:00-4:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

免費 Free

以上活動於陳廷驊基金會展廳舉行,無須預先登記。 活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 All events are walk-in only and take place at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms.


CHAT Shop積極推廣手工藝文化,為紡織及 文化愛好者精心搜羅各式各樣香港本地和亞 太區內的工藝品牌。 CHAT Shop is the destination for textile and culture lovers who appreciate curated merchandise from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific that embodies the heritage and innovation in the culture of making.

CHAT六廠原創 CHAT Originals CHAT六廠原創產品大多經自家製造或透過與 國際知名藝術家和本地合作夥伴共同設計及製 造。此系列為我們的參觀者提供別具特色及充 滿意義的紀念品,延續CHAT六廠的創意體驗。 在陳廷驊基金會展廳展櫃名為「為食紡織」的 陳設,我們與本地動畫藝術家李鈺淇及蜜蠟布 品牌Ingreenity合力製作印有展櫃插畫的4款蜜 蠟布,取代用完即棄保鮮紙或食物膠袋,為食 環保。

「為食紡織」蜜蠟布 Textile for Food: Beeswax Wraps HK$249

CHAT Originals are thoughtfully designed products which are often produced inhouse or in collaboration with prominent international artists and local collaborators. The collection aims to present our visitors with meaningful souvenirs to continue the CHAT experience. For the display ‘Textile for Food’ at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery, we have collaborated with local animation artist Lee Yuk Ki Florence and beeswax wrap brand Ingreenity to develop reusable beeswax wraps featuring illustrations from the display. These beeswax wraps are available in 4 colourways and are perfect for keeping food fresh and promoting green living.


Event Highlights 1

打破寂靜之日 The Day to Break the Silence 特別呈現 Special Presentation 日期 Date 19.03.2022 Sat 星期六

藝術家 Artist 加藤 翼 Kato Tsubasa

時間 Time 3:00-4:00pm 下午3時至4時

合作單位 Collaborator The Interzone Collective

地點 Venue 南豐紗廠紗廠坊 The Hall, The Mills

粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

語言 Language

免費 Free

加藤 翼,《胡士托 2017》,2017; 圖片提供:加藤 翼 Kato Tsubasa, Woodstock 2017, 2017 Image courtesy: Kato Tsubasa


與藝術家聊天:何銳安 CHAT with Artist 講座 Talk 日期 Date 13.04.2022 Wed 星期三

藝術家 Artist 何銳安 Ho Rui An

時間 Time 5:30-7:00pm 下午5時30分至晚上7時

合作單位 Collaborator 陳璽安 Zian Chen

地點 Venue Zoom網上平台

粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

語言 Language

免費 Free 須預先登記 RSVP


BUILD_CMYK:再造工作坊 BUILD_CMYK: Upcycling Workshop 工作坊 Workshop 日期 Date 23.04, 21.05.2022 Sat 星期六

語言 Language

時間 Time 2:00-6:00pm 下午2時至6時

收費 Fee HK$680 須預先登記 RSVP

粵語及英語 Cantonese and English

地點 Venue CHAT實驗室 CHAT Lab

活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms.

何銳安,《Lining》,2021(錄像截圖) 圖片提供:何銳安 Ho Rui An, Lining, 2021(Video still) Image courtesy: Ho Rui An

CHAT 六廠位於南豐紗廠二樓。 港鐵荃灣站A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼 到CHAT六廠「參觀」網頁了解更多。 Free shuttle bus service to The Mills available at Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A4, please refer to CHAT’s Visit Page via QR Code for more information. 有關登記留座的詳情, 請瀏覽 創始捐助機構 主要捐助機構 For tickets and RSVP Main Donor Founding Donor details, please visit



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Enquiry 查詢 enquiry@mill6chat.org +852 3979 2301 mill6chat

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