紡織文化 編織共鳴 We are Textile Culture Net!

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Summer Programme 2022 We are Textile Culture Net! 開放 Opens 11:00am-7:00pm 逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays 香港荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠CHAT六廠 CHAT, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong CHAT2022編織共鳴紡織文化夏季項目27.08-09.10.2022



experiences for all.


(CentreCHAT for Heritage, Arts and Textile)

CHAT 址。南豐紗廠,即南豐紡織昔日在荃灣的廠房原六廠(六廠紡織文化藝術館)位於荃灣 CHAT 開一段段啟發思考的旅程和交流。於當代藝術、設計與歴史共冶一爐的氛圍下,展港紡織業勇於創新的精神;並在紡織的領域裡,大眾編織創意體驗。我們誠邀參觀者去感受香共學計劃兩大類型。透過這些項目,我們希望為六廠所策展的多元化項目包括展覽與 1990年代環錠紡紗機 Ring spinning machine in the 1990s 參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳欣賞併條機示範 Visitors observing drawing frame demonstration at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is an art centre located at The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Through its multifaceted curated programmes, which include exhibitions and co-learning programmes, CHAT aims to be an art centre that weaves creative We invite our visitors to experience the spirit of the innovative legacy of Hong Kong's textile industry engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave contemporary art, design and heritage.

紡織文化 編織共鳴 We are Textile Culture Net! 特別展覽 Special Exhibition CHAT六廠夏季項目「紡織文化 艾蓮娜‧伊普拉托紡織設計中心的亞歷山德拉‧滕佩斯及覽中精彩的部分:「關於關於工人」(由意大利上合作項目「紡織文化連線」過往舉辦的三個展術館及本地設計師、藝術家携手製作。展覽與工作坊於一室,展示作品由歐洲紡織藝編織共鳴」集合 内 術館的瑪塔.科瓦萊維斯卡策劃)。策劃)和「你的物件」(由波蘭羅茲中央織品美自荷蘭蒂爾堡紡織博物館的舒爾克.霍特斯瑪莎利聯合策展)、「共同線」(由來 CHAT 在工作坊部分,之間的對話。品呼應,與上述三個展覽的展品並置,引起彼此會從館內的當代藝術藏品和過往項目中挑選展六廠亦 CHAT 將展廳轉化為一個共融的公共活動空間,作為六廠的共學及社區團隊 CHAT 在「紡織文化港的不同社群。一部分,並透過研究和實驗性工作坊連繫到香六廠持續進行的「種學織文」社區計劃的編織共鳴」, CHAT 和可持續的明天。者參與其中,共同為社區建構一個更具說服力六廠邀請參觀 CHAT’s Summer Programme 2022 We are Textile Culture Net! is a combination of exhibition and workshops which stemmed from CHAT’s collaboration with textile institutions in Europe and Hong Kong-based artists and designers. The exhibition introduces highlights from three exhibitions presented by CHAT's online international partnership project Textile Culture Net; namely, About ABOUT A WORKER ( co-curated by Alessandra Tempesti and Elena Ianeselli from Lottozero), Common Threads (curated by SjoukHoitsma from TextielMuseum and Your Things (curated by Marta Kowalewska from The Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź ).

CHAT responds to the highlighted works with selections from CHAT’s contemporary art collection and past projects, juxtaposing them to create new dialogues between these exhibitions and projects.

Expanding the network to include diverse communities based in Hong Kong, half of CHAT’s galleries are transformed by the Learning and Community team into a communal space for a series of workshops as part of CHAT’s ongoing community programme Seed to Textile.

Inviting community members to take part in research and experimental workshops, the programme traces textile-manufacturing down to its origin through conducting artistic exercises to envision a sustainable future. In We are Textile Culture Net!, we invite visitors to co-create artworks to realise a more compelling and sustainable tomorrow by and for the community. CHAT六廠國際網

「紡織文化 編織共鳴」將展示

種學織文 Seed to Textile 與CHAT六廠共學 Co-Learn with CHAT 續的生態循環?我們如何能互相展望並共創一個實用而又可持在艱難的時刻,紡織能為我們帶來甚麼啟示? CHAT 六廠 2022 實驗。届時,織品及天然材料進行有關紡織與環境的研究與他們扎根香港,並聯同各合作社群,利用回收紡麗莎、鄭淑宜、郝立仁、馬穎汶及流行與斑馬。項目由種子隊成員策動,當中包括破格空間、伊織文」計劃裏一系列的社群創作歷程。這個夏季夏季項目將展示及延伸「種學 CHAT 種子隊員一起交流創意!背景的社群一同以共創者的身份參與其中,與樂場等。歡迎來自不同年齡、性別、能力與種族化、零廢棄生活方式、回收衣物、藍染及紡織遊收費的工作坊及活動,議題及體驗包括紡織文展覽期間,參觀者可在展廳參與一系列免費或可持續的明天。參與其中,共同為社區建構一個更具說服力及凝聚創意與啓發交流的公共空間,參觀者受邀六廠的展廳將轉化成為一個 What does the textile making process teach us particularly in trying times? How can we envision a new sustainable ecosystem by working with one another? CHAT’s Summer Programme 2022 presents a series co-creation community projects under its programme Seed to Textile.This year, Seeders, including Breakthrough Art Studio, Elizabeth Briel, Eastman Cheng, Hao Lap Yan Benjamin, Ma Wing Man and Pop & Zebra, initiate research and experiments around unwanted textiles and natural materials with diverse local communities. CHAT’s galleries will transform into a communal space for creative encounters and exchanges where visitors are invited to realise a more compelling and sustainable tomorrow by and for the Throughoutcommunity.theseason, visitors will be able to take part in a variety of free, walk-in and paid workshops at CHAT’s galleries, with topics and experiences ranging from textile culture, zero-waste lifestyle, alternative ways of reusing garments, indigo dyeing, textile playground and more. We welcome participants of diverse age, gender, capacity and ethnic backgrounds to join our Seeders in collaborative art-making!

館)、羅璧如(瑪塔.科瓦萊維斯卡(波蘭羅茲中央織品美術舒爾克.霍特斯瑪(荷蘭蒂爾堡紡織博物館)、樂康軒嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校、東華三院璧中學、流行與斑馬、艾瑪.昆托、再生服裝、小學、馬穎汶、香港知專設計學院、保良局李城鄭淑宜、亞穆納.福扎尼、郝立仁、海壩街官立服務處、彭美拉.博澤克、破格空間、伊麗莎、關於工人、香港非洲中心、循道衛理亞斯理社會樂情軒、東華三院 CHAT (斯蒂(意大利普拉托紡織設計中心)、高橋瑞木六廠)、亞歷山德拉.滕佩 CHAT六廠) Sjouk Hoitsma (TextielMuseum, Tilburg, the Netherlands), Marta Kowalewska (The Central Museum of Textiles in Łódż, Poland), Law Pik Yu Eugenia (CHAT), Alessandra Tempesti (Lottozero, Prato, Italy), Takahashi Mizuki (CHAT) 參展單位 Exhibition Participants ABOUT A WORKER, Africa Center Hong Kong, Asbury Methodist Social Service, Pamela Bożek, Breakthrough Art Studio, Elizabeth Briel, Eastman Cheng, Yamuna Forzani, Hao Lap Yan Benjamin, Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School, Ma Wing Man, Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College, Pop & Zebra, Alma Quinto, Rebirth Garments, St. Mary's Canossian School, TWGHs Lok Ching CMHEPSC, WGHs Lok Hong ICCMW 策展人 Curators: 參展人 Participants: 關於工人,《關於工人–深圳 》,2020 圖片提供:關於工人 ABOUT A WORKER, ABOUT A WORKER – SHENZHEN, 2020 Image courtesy: ABOUT A WORKER 亞穆納.福扎尼,春季 / 夏季藏品,2018 圖片提供:荷蘭蒂爾堡紡織博物館 Yamuna Forzani, Spring/Summer collection, 2018 Image courtesy: TextielMuseum, Tilburg

The Mills building was formerly a cotton spinning factory owned by Nan Fung Textiles.

發展與社會文化的重大貢獻。載著關於城市與創造精神的故事,以及對香港經濟陳設風格,在飲食文化中的應用。每件日常物品盛史痕跡,並了解到不同的紡織物料、技術、裝搭與織品和工具發現紡織、製造與飲食業在香港的歷活當中。在展櫃內,你會從一些看似平平無奇的紡紡織的創造和想像力,豐富地體現於香港的日常生程,甚至為你的棉紗成品設計標籤。同部份,讓你親身操作舊式紡織工具,體驗棉紡過紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。陳廷驊基金會展廳設有不香港紡織業簡要的起始和發展,輔以豐富照片、棉本地紡織業輝煌歲月的痕跡。「紗廠絮語」將展示在陳廷驊基金會展廳內,髹上綠漆的牆和高窗是南豐紗廠現時的建築曾是南豐紡織的棉紡廠房; 展覽空間設計: Exhibition design Assemble 平面設計: Exhibition graphic design HATO 與張西美聯合策劃 Conceived in collaboration with Edith Cheung 展覽 Exhibition 為食紡織 Textile for Food 展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」 Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory!

The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery The inventiveness and imagination of textile are reflected in the everyday life of Hong Kong.At the display, you will discover historical traces and learn about textile materials, techniques and styling discovered from humble, everyday items from textile, manufacturing and catering industries. These objects unveil stories of the power of making that contribute to the city's economic development and material culture.

紗廠絮語 Welcome to the Spinning Factory! 陳廷驊基金會展廳

The green walls and high windows in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery are vestiges of the golden era of Hong Kong's textile industry. The exhibition Welcome to the Spinning Factory! will present a brief but intensive history of Hong Kong's textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. You are also invited to experience the manual cotton-spinning process using traditional spinning instruments, and design and create your own cotton label at the workshop stations in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery.

Come witness Hong Kong’s only operating drawing frame machine in action! On one Saturday each month, machine operator Auntie Yee (Leung Fung Yee) revives the machine and converses with audiences. How do you turn cotton into wearable, usable textiles? In this demonstration, visitors can observe how cotton fibre is spun into yarn. The demonstration welcomes all for viewing and questions! (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays) 日期 Date 17.09, 15,10.2022 時間 Time 1:30pm, 3:30pm. 5:30pm 日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:30pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 1:00-4:00pm 機器,並邀請觀眾交流。每個月的一個星期六,機器操作員梁鳳儀將示範齊來見證香港最後一台運作中的併條機起動吧!棉花是如何變成可穿、可用的紡織品?這個現場示範可讓參觀者近距離觀察棉絮紡成紗線。活動期間我們樂意與參加者傾談和討論。 與CHAT六廠共學 Co-Learn with CHAT CHERRY Draw Frame Demonstration 手工紡紗示範 Hand Spinning Demonstration 以上活動於陳廷驊基金會展廳舉行,無須預先登記。 活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 All events are walk-in only and take place at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms. 免費 Free 免費 Free 「櫻桃」併條機示範

CHATShop 太區內的工藝品牌。文化愛好者精心搜羅各式各樣香港本地和亞積極推廣手工藝文化,為紡織及 CHAT 金杯標籤汲取靈感,由純棉製造,並與香港的紡織工業歷史致敬。與本地藝術家劉智聰合作,今季推出 CHAT六廠 作為棉紡廠的地理根源互相呼應。 CHAT 六廠原創 CHAT CHATOriginalsShop 金杯純棉手巾 Golden Cup Cotton Handkerchief HK$ 88 金杯標籤 Golden Cup Label 「金杯純棉手巾」從 CHAT六廠館藏中的標誌性 「CHAT 六廠原創」產品,「金杯純棉手巾」,向

CHAT Shop is the destination for textile and culture lovers who appreciate curated merchandise from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific that embodies the heritage and innovation in the culture of making.

Collaborating with local artist Lau Chi Chung this season, CHAT brings forth a brand new CHAT Originals products, the Golden Cup Cotton Handkerchief, to pay tribute to Hong Kong’s textile industrial roots. Drawing inspiration from CHAT Collection's iconic golden cup label, a symbol of excellence and quality in Hong Kong’s textile industrial past, the Golden Cup Cotton Handkerchief is 100% cotton to honour CHAT’s history as a former cotton-spinning factory.

活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms. 精選節目 Event Highlights 1 2 工作坊 Workshop 工作坊 Workshop 工作坊 Workshop 導賞 Tour 5 Curator Tour of We are Textile Culture Net! 時間 Time 下午3時 03:00pm 語言 Language 及英語(星期日)粵語(星期六) Cantonese (Sat) and English (Sun) 日期 Date 27&28.08.2022 星期六及日 Sat & Sun 地點 Venue CHAT六廠 地點 Venue 畫廊一 Gallery 1 地點 Venue 展廳一 Gallery 1 從棉絮到織布體驗工作坊 Card-Spin-Weave Workshop 時間 Time 下午3時至5時 3:00-5:00pm 時間 Time 下午3時至5時 3:00-5:00pm 時間 Time 下午4時至6時下午1時至3時及 1:00-3:00pm & 4:00-6:00pm 語言 Language 粵語 Cantonese 日期 Date 28.08.2022 星期日 Sun 日期 Date 24.09.2022 星期六 Sat 日期 Date 08.10.2022 星期六 Sat 染色山水:戳針刺繡體驗 Dyeing Landscape: Needle Punching Experience 語言 Language 粵語 Cantonese 須預先登記 RSVP 收費 Fee 須預先登記HK$280 RSVP 收費 Fee 須預先登記HK$380 RSVP 日期 Date 27.08-09.10.2022 時間 Time 下午2時至6時星期六、日及公衆假期:星期一至星期五:下午4時至6時 Mon-Fri 4:00-6:00pm Sat, Sun & Public Holidays: 2:00-6:00pm 體驗 Experience 3 4 策展人 Curator 羅璧如、高橋瑞木 Law Pik Yu Eugenia and Takahashi Mizuki 藝術家 Artist 鄭淑宜 Eastman Cheng 合作單位 Collaborator 循道衛理亞斯理社會服務處 Asbury Methodist Social Service 藝術家 Artist 破格空間 Breakthrough Art Studio 親子風呂敷製作工作坊 Family Furoshiki Making Workshop 靛藍浸染體驗 Indigo Dip & Dye Experience 地點 Venue 展廳一 Gallery 1 地點 Venue 南豐紗廠紗廠耕地 The Deck, The Mills 語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese 語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese 收費 Fee 須預先登記HK$150 RSVP 藝術家 Artist 流行與斑馬 Pop & Zebra 「紡織文化 編織共鳴」策展人導賞

mill6chat.org 創始捐助機構 Founding Donor 主要捐助機構 Main Donor 請瀏覽有關登記留座的詳情, For tickets and RSVP details, please visit Enquiry 查詢 +852enquiry@mill6chat.org39792301 CHAT 港鐵荃灣站六廠位於南豐紗廠二樓。 A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼 到CHAT六廠「參觀」網頁了解更多。 Free shuttle bus service to The Mills available at Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A4, please refer to CHAT’s Visit Page via QR Code for more information. 合作單位 Partners 支持機構 Supported by mill6chat

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