Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo

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圖片提供:BUAISOU 攝影:西本京子 Image courtesy: BUAISOU; Photo: Nishimoto Kyoko


Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo

種學織文 Seed to Textile | 花樣百出 Patternways

29.10.2022-05.02.2023 11:00am-7:00pm| |逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays CHAT六廠是你的社區藝術館

CHAT is Your Community Museum at The Mills


CHAT, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

六 廠 紡 織 文 化 藝 術 館

參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳欣賞併條機示範 Visitors observing drawing frame demonstration at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery



CHAT六廠(六廠紡織文化藝術館)位於荃灣 南豐 紗廠,即 南豐 紡 織 昔日在 荃灣 的廠 房原 址。CHAT六廠所策展的多元化項目包括展覽與 共學計劃兩大類型。透過這些項目,我們希望為 大眾編織創意體驗。我們誠邀參觀者去感受香 港紡織業勇於創新的精神;並在紡織的領域裡, 於當代藝術、設計與歴史共冶一爐的氛圍下,展 開一段段啟發思考的旅程和交流。

CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is an art centre located at The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Through its multifaceted curated programmes, which include exhibitions and co-learning programmes, CHAT aims to be an art centre that weaves creative experiences for all. We invite our visitors to experience the spirit of the innovative legacy of Hong Kong's textile industry and engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave contemporary art, design and heritage.

1990年代環錠紡紗機 Ring spinning machine in the 1990s


特別展覽 Special Exhibition

Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo 「青出於藍:BUAISOU之日本天然藍染工作」 為日本年輕天然藍染工匠團隊BUAISOU首個 大型 綜合展 覽。展 覽中將以沉浸式 裝 置 展現 團 隊 的 藍 染 作品、工 具 和真實 還 原 工作 室 空 間,藉此介紹他們「從農地到衣櫥」的獨特做 法與嶄新傳承。 BUAISOU扎根於德島,沿用日本傳統發酵的 模 式 製作天 然 藍 染,從 種 植 蓼 藍、發 酵 染 缸 以 至 染 布,堅 持 絕 大 部分 過 程 以 人手 製作, 尊重傳統工藝。在 秉 承百年工藝的崇高傳統 之時,BUAISOU將日本天然藍染的領域從紡 織品拓展 到日常傢 俱 產品如櫈子等。透 過 與 Jimmy Cho o、To r y B u r c h、NIKE、Ar tek 等國際品牌和設計師進行各種形式的合作,為 這 歷 史悠久的工藝注 入新元素,與當代觀 眾 進行互動。 是次展覽著眼於BUAISOU獨特的作業精髓與 生產過程,透過自然發酵進行生產以及將應用 物料循環再用,並將這種堅持貫徹到工具製作 和工作室建造的過程中。透過這次展覽,我們 邀請參觀者一同從大家日常所用的熟悉布料 出發,深入瞭解BUAISOU以日本天然藍染工 作來維持自然、人類和織物之間固有的和諧生 態的理念,反思其中所蘊含的勞動價值。 高橋瑞木及須藤玲子 聯合策展人

圖片提供:BUAISOU 攝影:西本京子 Image courtesy: BUAISOU; Photo: Nishimoto Kyoko

Absolute Blue: BUAISOU Works with Japanese Natural Indigo is the first comprehensive exhibition to introduce the works by BUAISOU, a young craft collective working with Japanese natural indigo. The exhibition will feature immersive installations of BUAISOU’s indigo works and introduce their unique farm-to-closet practices and innovative techniques through a display of their dyed works, tools and recreated studio space. Based in Tokushima, BUAISOU pursues the craft of Japanese natural indigo dye through traditional fermentation methods. From cultivating, processing and fermenting indigo, to dyeing, most of their production procedures are performed manually using traditional methods. While upholding the revered traditions of the centuries-old craft, BUAISOU has pushed the boundaries of Japanese natural indigo dyeing beyond textiles and communicates with contemporary audiences through diverse collaborations with international brands and designers from Jimmy Choo, Tory Burch, NIKE, to Artek and more. This exhibition will highlight BUAISOU’s unique working model and ethical production. Through natural fermentation processes without the use of industrial chemicals and material recycling for their tools and studio they work in, BUAISOU maintains and champions a harmonious ecosystem between nature, human and textiles through their works of Japanese natural indigo. Throughout the exhibition, visitors are invited to reflect on the value of labour woven into the familiar textiles we use daily. Takahashi Mizuki and Sudō Reiko Co-Curators

CHAT六廠特別展出 Special Display: CHAT at The Mills

今季,BUAISOU的全新委託作品讓紗廠坊搖 身一變成為蓼藍草園。天窗下,23塊藍綠色的 長形絲織布橫跨中庭兩側,形成一片鬱蔥的景 象。這些絲織布由BUAISOU於德島縣上板町 自家農場新鮮採摘自的蓼藍葉染色。一個個生 動的葉形圖案,頌揚着大自然與生俱來的美。 This season, The Hall of The Mills will transform into fields of indigo with a special commissioned installation by BUAISOU. Beneath the skylight, visitors will see a lush fabric landscape of 23 blue-green silks stretching across the atrium, dyed with fresh indigo leaves grown on BUAISOU’s farm in Kamiita-cho, Tokushima prefecture that celebrates the intrinsic beauty of nature. 地點 Venue 南豐紗廠紗廠坊 The Hall, The Mills

日期 Date 29.10.2022-27.11.2022

時間 Time 上午10時至下午10時 10:00am-10:00pm

免費 Free 圖片提供:BUAISOU 攝影:西本京子 Image courtesy: BUAISOU; Photo: Nishimoto Kyoko

關於BUAISOU About BUAISOU BUAISOU團隊於2015年成立,扎根於以傳統日 本藍染聞名的德島縣上板町,從種植蓼藍、製作 染料「蒅 蒅」至染色,實踐多種日本天然藍染方法; 他們的染品不限於紗線和布料,亦有材質堅硬 的家具。由品牌成立之初,他們便開設為工人而 生的原創時裝系列;直至2018年,他們實現了人 手染製牛仔褲的夢想。

圖片提供:BUAISOU 攝影:西本京子 Image courtesy: BUAISOU; Photo: Nishimoto Kyoko

BUAISOU was founded in 2015 in Kamiitacho, a place known for traditional Japanese indigo dye. From farming ai (Japanese natural indigo), to fermenting sukumo (dye) and dyeing, BUAISOU have conducted diverse practices using Japanese natural indigo dye, dyeing not only yarn and fabric but also furniture with hard materials. From the very beginning of their establishment, they have been making their original workers’ clothing line. In 2018, they realised their dream of making hand-dyed indigo jeans.


Other Exhibitions

種學織文 Seed to Textile CHAT六廠將展出2022年夏季項目「種學織文」參 與式展示收集得來的成果。由項目種子隊聯同不同 年齡、性別、能力與種族背景的社群成員及參觀展 覽的觀眾共同協作,透過使用回收織物及自然材 料進行藝術探索,聯手擁護一個可持續的未來。

花樣百出:往來香港地緣之圖案 Patternways: Visualising Hong Kong in Transition 特別展示呈現 4 種對香港意義深遠的圖案,並聚 焦探討每款圖案的設計以及其曾流通的地區, 反映出香港這個城市多年來如何定義自身及把 握流變的地緣關係。

The special display presents 4 significant patterns of Hong Kong. Each pattern is examined as a designed product and the way it has circulated worldwide. By connecting us with other places, patterns reveal Hong Kong as a city constantly open to and defined by change. 地點 Venue 陳廷驊基金會展廳 The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

開幕日期 Opening Date 09.10.2022 (展期至2023年底 Until end of 2023)

時間 Time 上午11時至下午7時 11:00am-7:00pm

免費 Free

CHAT presents the collective results of Seed to Textile from Summer Programme 2022 with works made by our Seeders, community partners and visitors using recycled textile and natural materials. Involving communities across all ages, genders, capacity and ethnic background, we invite all to share the joy of creation and advocate for a sustainable future. 地點 Venue CHAT 迴廊及客廳 CHAT Arcade and Lounge

日期 Date 29.10.2022-05.02.2023

時間 Time 上午11時至下午7時 11:00am-7:00pm

免費 Free


Welcome to the Spinning Factory!

常設展示 Permanent Display


The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery

南豐紗廠現時的建築曾是南豐紡織的棉紡廠房; 在陳廷驊基金會展廳內,髹上綠漆的牆和高窗是 本地紡織業輝煌歲月的痕跡。「紗廠絮語」將展示 香港紡織業簡要的起始和發展,輔以豐富照片、 棉紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。陳廷驊基金會展廳設 有不同部份,讓你親身操作舊式紡織工具,體驗 棉紡過程,甚至為你的棉紗成品設計標籤。 展覽空間設計:

Exhibition design Assemble 平面設計:

Exhibition graphic design HATO

The Mills building was formerly a cotton­ spinning factory owned by Nan Fung Textiles. The green walls and high windows in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery are vestiges of the golden era of Hong Kong's textile industry. The exhibition Welcome to the Spinning Factory! will present a brief but intensive history of Hong Kong's textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. You are also invited to experience the manual cotton-spinning process using traditional spinning instruments, and design and create your own cotton label at the workshop stations in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery.

展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」 Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory!


CHAT Shop積極推廣手工藝文化,為紡織及 文化愛好者精心搜羅各式各樣香港本地和亞 太區內的工藝品牌。 CHAT Shop is the destination for textile and culture lovers who appreciate curated merchandise from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific that embodies the heritage and innovation in the culture of making. CHAT六廠原創 CHAT Originals 「CHAT六廠原創」推出冬季新品「漁網袋」及 「換裝娃娃磁貼」。 「漁網袋」以打蠟棉繩加以傳統漁網編織技巧 全人手製造,由CHAT六廠與香港設計工作室 Milk Design合作,透過女青賽馬會青健坊(沙頭 角)支持,由沙頭角退休漁民共同研發並製作。 為回應傳統觀念裡「理想身材」和性別定型, CHAT六廠聯同插畫家Sasha Lind創作了「換裝 娃娃磁貼」,為性別流動的娃娃設計一系列突 顯個性和充滿可能性的衣飾磁貼套裝。 另外,CHAT六廠亦將聯乘日本傳統藍染工匠 團隊BUAISOU,於冬季項目期間,推出兩件限 量CHAT六廠原創產品,敬請關注!

This season, CHAT Originals launches brand new products, namely, the Fishnet Bag and the Dress-Up Doll Magnet Set. Handmade with traditional knotting techniques, the Fishnet Bag is a collaborative effort between CHAT and Hong Kong-based design studio Milk Design, with the support of retired fishery community in Sha Tau Kok, coordinated by YWCA Jockey Club Y Care Elderly Centre. Responding to conventional ideas of ideal body shapes and gender roles, CHAT collaborated with illustrator Sasha Lind to create the Dress-Up Doll Magnet Set featuring a gender-neutral doll with a wardrobe full of personality and possibilities. Collaborating further with Japanese craft collective BUAISOU, CHAT will launch two more limited edition CHAT Originals products later during the Winter Programme exhibition period, so stay tuned!

換裝娃娃磁貼 Dress-Up Doll Magnet Set HK$178

與CHAT六廠共學 Co-Learn with CHAT

手作半個鐘 30-Minute Making 即場參與手作活動,製作自己獨一無二的圖案作 品!活動主題靈感來自同場展出的「花樣百出」特別 展示。4種活動內容定期替換,歡迎任何人士參與。

Enjoy a walk-in making activity and bring home a unique work of pattern inspired by the concurrent special display ‘Patternways’! The 4 activities are rotated on a regular basis and are suitable for all to enjoy.

日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:00pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 2:00-6:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

收費Fee 每份 HK$40-HK$60/set

「櫻桃」併條機示範 CHERRY Draw Frame Demonstration 齊來見證香港最後一台運作中的併條機起動吧! 每個月的一個星期六,機器操作員梁鳳儀將示範 機器,並邀請觀眾交流。

Come witness Hong Kong’s only operating drawing frame machine in action! On one Saturday each month, machine operator Auntie Yee (Leung Fung Yee) revives the machine and converses with audiences.

日期 Date 19.11,17.12.2022, 14.01.2023

免費 Free

時間 Time 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm

手工紡紗示範 Hand Spinning Demonstration 棉花是如何變成可穿、可用的紡織品?這個現場示 範可讓參觀者近距離觀察棉絮紡成紗線。活動期 間我們樂意與參加者傾談和討論。

How do you turn cotton into wearable, usable textiles? In this demonstration, visitors can observe how cotton fibre is spun into yarn. The demonstration welcomes all for viewing and questions!

日期及時間 Date & Time 星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:30pm 周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 1:00-4:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

免費 Free

以上活動於陳廷驊基金會展廳舉行,無須預先登記。 活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 All events are walk-in only and take place at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms.


Event Highlights 1

製作你的Marimekko半截裙 Make Your Own Skirt in Marimekko Fabric 工作坊 Workshop 日期 Date 05.11.2022, 21.01.2023 星期六 Sat 時間 Time 下午2時至6時 2:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese 收費 Fee HK$780 須預先登記 RSVP 地點 Venue CHAT 實驗室 CHAT Lab



製作你的聖誕禮物:升級漁夫帽 Make Your Own Xmas Gift: Upcycled Bucket Hat

藍的故事:繪本親子工作坊 Story of Blue: Family Creative Reading Workshop

工作坊 Workshop

工作坊 Workshop

日期 Date 19.11.2022 星期六 Sat 時間 Time 下午2時至6時 2:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese 收費 Fee HK$480 須預先登記 RSVP 地點 Venue CHAT 實驗室 CHAT Lab

日期 Date 19.11.2022 星期六 Sat

語言 Language 粵語 Cantonese

時間 Time 下午3時至5時 3:00-5:00pm

合作單位 Collaborator Rolling Books 地點 Venue CHAT 客廳 CHAT Lounge

收費 Fee HK$280 須預先登記 RSVP



製作你的NUNO聖誕織物 Make Your Own Xmas Gift in NUNO Textiles

天然植物染 Natural Botanical Dyes

工作坊 Workshop

工作坊 Workshop

日期 Date 24.11.2022 星期四 Thu 下午3時至7時 3:00-7:00pm 03.12.2022 星期六 Sat 下午2時至6時 2:00-6:00pm

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese 收費 Fee HK$380 須預先登記 RSVP 地點 Venue CHAT 實驗室 CHAT Lab

日期 Date 17.12.2022 星期六 Sat 時間 Time 下午1時至3時; 下午4時至6時 1:00-3:00pm; 4:00-6:00pm

活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。 Events may be subject to change; please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms.

語言 Language 英語及粵語 English and Cantonese 收費 Fee HK$150 須預先登記 RSVP 地點 Venue CHAT 工作室 CHAT Studio

CHAT 六廠位於南豐紗廠二樓。 港鐵荃灣站A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼 到CHAT六廠「參觀」網頁了解更多。 Free shuttle bus service to The Mills available at Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A4, please refer to CHAT’s Visit Page via QR Code for more information. 創始捐助機構


Founding Donor

Main Donor



Supported by


由奥村商事株式会社、株式会社BONARM及岡田育大支援BUAISOU藝術製作 Artwork production of BUAISOU is supported by Okumura & Co., Bonarm and Ikuhiro Okada

有關登記留座的詳情, 請瀏覽 For tickets and RSVP details, please visit


Enquiry 查詢 enquiry@mill6chat.org +852 3979 2301 mill6chat

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