CHAT Winter Programme 2020 Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch 31.10.2020-28.02.2021 | 11:00am-7:00pm Closed on Tuesdays 逢星期二休息 CHAT, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong 香港荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠CHAT六廠
六廠 2020 冬季項目 CHAT 尹秀珍:補天
Yin Xiuzhen & Song Dong, Sky Patch, 2020 (Video still) Image courtesy of the artist 尹秀珍與宋冬,《補天》,2020(錄像截圖) 圖片由藝術家提供
Visitors observing drawing frame demonstration at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery 參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳欣賞併條機示範
CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile)
CHAT 六廠 (六廠紡織文化藝術館)
CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is a part of the heritage conservation project of The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Through its multifaceted curated programmes, which include exhibitions and co-learning programmes, CHAT aims to be an art centre that weaves creative experiences for all. We invite our visitors to experience the spirit of the innovative legacy of Hong Kong's textile industry and engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave contemporary art, design and heritage.
CHAT六廠(六廠紡織文化藝術館)是南豐紗廠 保育項目的一部分,即南豐紡織昔日在荃灣的廠 房原址。CHAT六廠所策展的多元化項目包括展 覽與共學計劃兩大類型。透過這些項目,我們希 望為大眾編織創意體驗。我們誠邀參觀者去感 受香港紡織業勇於創新的精神;並在紡織的領 域裡,於當代藝術、設計與歴史共冶一爐的氛圍 下,展開一段段啟發思考的旅程和交流。
Ring spinning machine in the 1990s 1990年代環錠紡紗機
Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch 尹秀珍 : 補天 Fracture and suture, opposition and integration— these antithetical motifs and concepts are explored in Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch, which includes Yin’s new series of video works and a number of her best-known works. Using her familial relationships as an entry point, Yin delves into and reinterprets her mother’s past as a textile factory worker and the role it plays in family estrangement and intergenerational communication through her exhibited works. What follows is a sentimental contemplation on the monumental impact China’s industrial development has had on the country’s social fabric and the lives of its people. On top of her iconic works featuring used garments, a number of past photography works and installations paint a fuller picture of the artist’s cross-medium practice, while also given new meanings and depths as presented
Special Exhibition 特別展覽
in the current context. The exhibition space, designed by Yin herself, is meant to break the conventional way of visiting CHAT’s galleries. The whole space is given a new look with a visiting route that includes the permanent display at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery as part of the experience, thus incorporating stories of Hong Kong’s textile industry into the seasonal presentation.
Yin Xiuzhen, Microcosm, 2016 , Courtesy of the artist 尹秀珍,《小宇宙》,2016,藝術家提供
「尹秀珍:補天」圍繞著割裂與縫合、對立與交融 等等意象展開,在呈現尹秀珍全新創作的影像 系列的同時,也將展出她的數件代表性作品。 藝術家以自己的家庭關係為出發點,在新的影 像和裝置作品中回溯和重新演繹了其母親在紡 織廠工作的個人歷史以及不同世代間的隔閡與 交流,並以此牽動起對整個中國工業發展過程 中社會結構重組與個人生活巨變的反思。除了 標誌性的、以舊衣縫製而成的作品之外,數件 過往的攝影、裝置等作品讓我們得以全面地了 解尹秀珍更為豐富的、跨越多種媒介的創作實 踐,同時這些作品亦在當下的語境中被藝術家 賦予全新的意義和詮釋。 在這次的展覽中,尹秀珍精心設計了展覽的空 間,極大地改變了CHAT六廠的展廳,打破了習 以為常的觀看方式。CHAT六廠常設的陳廷驊基 金會展廳被巧妙地納入參觀路徑中,那些關於 香港紡織業發展的內容亦自然而然地成為了季 度展覽的一部分。 Yin Xiuzhen, Round Fan, 2019 , Courtesy of the artist 尹秀珍,《團扇》,2019,藝術家提供
CHAT at The Mills Special Display by Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch · In Transit 尹秀珍CHAT六廠特別展出:補天 · 中轉站 In this solo exhibition hosted by CHAT, Chinese artist Yin Xiuzhen has created a spatial installation titled Sky Patch · In Transit specifically for The Hall of The Mills. 20 suitcase-shaped artworks hanging in the air constitute a patch of ‘sky’ stitched out of fabric, and on the ground beneath them are various installations reminiscent of airport facilities, creating a space similar to that of an airport terminal. Majority of the works are made by sewing together a large number of second-hand clothes, a material Yin frequently works with. 6 of the 20 suitcase-shaped works come from the installation Sky Puzzle (2015) and are made up of pieces of second-hand blue clothing, while 5 other works in various colours were made from second-hand donated by 5 permanent members of the United Nations. Protruding from the open suitcases are miniature models of buildings sculpted from the fabric of the clothes as a symbol of national power. The remaining 9 large-scale ‘suitcases’ will interact closely with locals in Hong Kong. According to Yin, the number ‘9’ carries significant meaning in traditional Chinese culture and is an allegory for ‘to the greatest extent’, and is a heartfelt wish from the artist to the full stop city.
Special Display 特別展出
中國藝術家尹秀珍在這次CHAT六廠舉行的個 展中,為南豐紗廠的中庭空間──紗廠坊特別 創作了大型藝術項目「補天·中轉站」,被高高懸 掛的20個行李箱形狀的作品構成了一片被縫合 的「天空」,而地面上各種會讓人聯想到機場設 施的裝置則圍建起一個類似於機場客運大廳的 空間。大部分作品都由尹秀珍慣常使用的材料 ──大量收集而來的衣物──拼合縫製而成。 懸掛著的「行李箱」其中6個是來自藝術家在 2015年創作的裝置作品《拼一片天空》,布質 材料是穿過的藍色衣服,另外5個的布料則由 聯合國5個常任理事國的國民所穿過的衣服縫 製而成,分為5種顏色,上面縫製出的建築則是 各國的權力象徵。餘下9個最大的「行李箱」將 與香港本地群體互動。對尹秀珍而言,9在中國 傳統文化中有着「長長久久」 、 「至高」和「至深」 等寓意,也是藝術家對這座城市的衷心祝福。 Exhibition period 展期 26.09-08.11.2020 Installation inspection counter opens daily between 11:00am-7:00pm 裝置安檢入口將於每天上午11時至晚上7時開放
Public Participation 公眾參與項目
The activities of Sky Patch · In Transit encourage participants to come together for creative exchange and compromise in these challenging times. Arrive in this ‘airport terminal’ on selected dates to ‘patch’ the sky with blue second-hand garments. Please refer to Event Highlights for more details. 「補天 · 中轉站」鼓勵參加者共同創作、解決問題。 歡迎在指定日子到達「中轉站」 ,用二手藍色衣服 「補天」,詳情請參考「精選節目」。
Yin Xiuzhen, Sky Puzzle, 2016-20 (Detail), Courtesy of the artist 尹秀珍,《拼一片天空》,2016-20(局部),藝術家提供
About Artist 關於藝術家
A leading figure in Chinese contemporary art, Yin Xiuzhen (b. 1963, Beijing, China) explores themes of the past and present, memory, globalisation, and homogenisation. Yin began her career after earning a BA from Capital Normal University’s Fine Arts Department, Beijing, in 1989. She is best known for her sculptures and installations comprised of secondhand objects like clothing, shoes, and suitcases. Inspired by the rapidly changing cultural environment of her hometown Beijing, Yin arranges and reconfigures these recycled items to draw out their individual and collective histories. Her assembled materials operate as sculptural documents of memory, alluding to the lives of individuals who are often neglected in the drive toward rapid development, excessive urbanisation, and the growing global economy. 尹秀珍(生於1963年,中國北京)是中國當代 藝術的代表人物,作品致力於探索過去和現 在、記憶、全球化和同質化的主題。尹秀珍於 1989年獲得首都師範大學美術系文學士學位 後開始了她的職業生涯,並以巧妙採用了衣 服、鞋子和手提箱等材料的雕塑和裝置作品 而聞名。受到她故鄉北京瞬息萬變的文化環 境所啓發,尹秀珍收集並重新配置了這些舊 物,以描繪出它們所蘊含的個體和集體歷史。 她收集的材料充當了記憶的載體,指向個體 的生活,而這些個體往往在快速發展、過度的 城市化進程以及全球經濟的增長之中,遭受 忽視。
Photo courtesy: Yin Xiuzhen 圖片提供︰尹秀珍
Event Highlights 精選節目 2
CHAT with Artist: Yin Xiuzhen 與藝術家聊天:尹秀珍
Curator Tour of Yin Xiuzhen: Sky Patch 「尹秀珍:補天」策展人導賞 Tour 導賞
Talk 講座 Date 日期 31.10.2020 Sat 星期六
Venue 地點 CHAT Lounge and Zoom CHAT 客廳及 Zoom 網上平台
Date 日期 07.11.2020 Sat 星期六
Venue 地點 CHAT CHAT 六廠
Time 時間 3:00-4:30pm
Artist 藝術家 Yin Xiuzhen
Time 時間 3:00-4:00pm Language 語言 Putonghua
Curator 策展人 Wang Weiwei
Language 語言 Putonghua 普通話
Free 免費 RSVP 須預先登記
Free 免費 RSVP 須預先登記 $50 Deposit 按金
Public Participation: Sky Patch · In Transit 公眾參與項目:「補天 · 中轉站」 Workshop 工作坊 Date 日期 31.10, 01.11, 07.11.2020 Sat & Sun 星期六及日
Venue 地點 The Hall, The Mills
Time 時間 2:00-6:00pm
Capacity 名額
Language 語言 Cantonese with informal English interpretation
Free 免費 RSVP 須預先登記 $50 Deposit 按金
南豐紗廠紗廠坊 8
Yin Xiuzhen, In Transit, 2020 (Detail) 尹秀珍 ,《中轉站》,2020(局部)
Events may be subject to change, please stay updated via CHAT's digital platforms. 活動安排因應最新情況而調整,敬請留意CHAT六廠的社交平台及網頁。
Visitors participating in Sky Patch · In Transit 公眾參與「補天 · 中轉站」
Welcome to the Spinning Factory! 紗廠絮語
Exhibition 展覽
The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery 陳廷驊基金會展廳
The Mills building was formerly a cotton spinning factory owned by Nan Fung Textiles. The green walls and high windows in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery are vestiges of the golden era of Hong Kong's textile industry. The exhibition Welcome to the Spinning Factory! will present a brief but intensive history of Hong Kong's textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. You are also invited to experience the manual cotton-spinning process using traditional spinning instruments, and design and create your own cotton label at the workshop stations in The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery. Exhibition design
Exhibition graphic design
南豐紗廠現時的建築曾是南豐紡織的棉紡廠房; 在陳廷驊基金會展廳內,髹上綠漆的牆和高窗是 本地紡織業輝煌歲月的痕跡。「紗廠絮語」將展示 香港紡織業簡要的起始和發展,輔以豐富照片、棉 紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。陳廷驊基金會展廳設有不 同部份,讓你親身操作舊式紡織工具,體驗棉紡過 程,甚至為你的棉紗成品設計標籤。
Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory! 展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」
Welcome to the Hong Kong Market! 歡迎來到香港市集!
The history of Hong Kong's textile industry is one of invention and innovation. At the gallery, you will discover history narrated through humble, everyday items made by Hong Kong’s vibrant textile industry and learn about the textile techniques. These day-to-day textiles tell us about local stories, the creative spirit of Hong Kong and the manufacturing industry that contributed so much to the forming of the city. 香港棉紗工業無疑是創意和想像力的代表。在展 廳內,你會從一些看似平平無奇的用品和衣物上發 掘到香港紡織業歷史的痕跡,並了解到不同的紡織 技巧。每件日常織物訴說著富有本土特色的故事和 創新精神,並為香港的經濟發展作出重大貢獻。
Conceived in collaboration with Edith Cheung 與張西美聯合策劃
Silkscreen printed cotton minibus signs from the 1970s 1970年代棉質帆布上以絲網印刷加工的小巴牌
CHAT is located on 2/F of The Mills. Free shuttle bus service to The Mills available at Tsuen Wan MTR Station Exit A4, please refer to CHAT’s Visit Page via QR Code for more information. CHAT 六廠位於南豐紗廠二樓。 港鐵荃灣站A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼 到CHAT六廠「參觀」網頁了解更多。 For tickets and RSVP details, please visit 有關登記留座的詳情, Founding Donor Main Donor 創始捐助機構 主要捐助機構 請瀏覽
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