MILLIONAIR Spring 2023

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Eco-luxury meets sustainability and beyond

Julia Roberts in Chopard Alpine Eagle Ice Cube
Portrait©Picture by Alasdair McLellan for Chopard
Julia Roberts wearing Chopard Haute Joaillerie earrings
Portrait©Picture by Alasdair McLellan for Chopard

Spring 2023

Welcome to our first issue of the year, and fittingly for new beginnings, let me introduce myself as Millionair’snewHealthandWellnessEditor.

fittinglyfornewbeginnings,letmeintroducemyselfas Millionair’snewHealthandWellnessEditor.

Whether it’s a new Pilates studio opening in your neighbourhood, Matcha Lattes appearing on your favourite coffee bar menu or your go-to designer brand launching an activewear line, there’s no escaping wellness is everywhere. Luckily, my new Wellness section has you covered and will keep you up to date and in the know on the latest products, destinationsandtrends.

In this issue, I’m sharing the seven beauty and wellness rules I live by and the daily self-care routine I followtohelpmelookandfeelmybest.There’salsoa round-up of where to shop for wellness brands, my favourite new product launches along with what I’m loving,usingandreadingrightnow.

Guest editors note

wellness beauty fashion

Get ready to enjoy all your regular favourites. Discover our wonderful fashion and Jewellery from our Fashion director Marcella Martinelli with a wonderful 1970s-inspired story photographed by the one and only Matt Hind with beauty from the talented Ruby Hammer. Read the exclusive interview by Juliet Herd with the creative and unique JewellerydesignerGlennSpiro.

So, in the spirit of encouraging you to make this your healthiest and happiest year yet, why not pour yourself a cup of green tea, get comfortable and take a few quiet moments toyourselftoexploreourlatestissue.





Claridges Coronation

Jewellery Pages

The Cover Shoot



Founder, Editor in Chief, Designer, Publisher, Art and Beauty Contributor


Creative Editor & Jewellery/Fashion /Watch director


Beauty Editor


Contributing Editor


Contributing Wellness Editor


Contributing Fashion Editor







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Anonlinepublicationwhichisreleasedbi-monthlyanddistributedworldwide. Crossinginternationalboundariestodelivercutting-edgebrandsfromacross theglobe. Inspiringindividuals,eco-luxury,thelatestbeauty,couturefashion,travel,art andculture.Ensuringeveryreaderreceivestheirdiversedoseofeverything luxuryandinspirationalwithjustoneclick,theprofessional,thesocialiteand thevisionarycanaccessMilliOnAir.


AllcontentiscopyrighttoMilliOnAir™Magazineandwherestatedinsideany edition.AnyreproductionofanypartofMilliOnAir™Magazineisstrictly forbidden,unlesswithpriorpermission.MilliOnAir™Magazineispublishedby Joomag,anyviewsexpressedinanyarticlesorinterviewsarethoseofthe individualsandnotnecessarilythoseofMilliOnAir™Magazine..





Words by Juliet Herd

To meet Glenn Spiro, jeweller extraordinaire, is rather like being granted an audience with a bona fide old-fashioned movie star. He certainly looks the part; tanned and trim, he’s as light on his feet as a Fred Astaire and as debonair as a Cary Grant in his tailored grey trousers and black polo neck sweater.

He is on the phone when MilliOnAir is ushered into his suitably sumptuous, chandeliered office in his glass and mirror-lined Mayfair atelier, once the domain of legendary fashion designer Norman Hartnell. It’s like stepping into another era – when style, good taste and enduring quality were what counted.It’snosurprisetolearnthat this elegant space is where the late Queen was fitted by Hartnell for her weddingdressandcoronationrobe.

With its high ceilings and original architectural features, the room is the perfect showcase for Spiro’s collection of antique Cartier silverware and eclectic artwork and furniture, including a vintage Wurlitzer jukebox he picked up in Dallas and, in true fashion, promptly upgraded in the most luxe of materials, lapis lazuli and malachite. “I just pootle around; like Steptoe andSon,Ikeepbuying,”hejokes.

Client call finished, Spiro, 62, takes a seat behind his beautifully restored 1940s burl wood desk and announces that he hasn’t read the list of questions sent to him in advance. It’s more honest that way,” he declares, an observation that even his PR, present for our interview,admitsisrefreshing.

As he, himself, says, he prefers to “shoot from the hip”, which he then proceeds to do for the next hour or so as he takes us on a rollercoaster journey through his colourful and unconventionalcareer.

Spiro’s eponymous brand, known simply as G, is considered one of the most sought-after private high jewellery houses in the world, quietly patronised by discerning international collectors for its one-of-a-kind pieces, crafted from rare and exquisite gemstones. A natural innovator, he often combines unusual materials, such as titanium and carbon, with timeless precious and semi-precious gems to create unexpected, cutting-edge designs. He only makes something when he finds the right stones.

Apartfromtheflagshipby-appointmentLondonatelier,therearenowsatellitesalonsin Los Angeles and Saint Tropez, and a new permanent boutique in Saint Barthelemy. Spiro’sworkcanalsobefoundintheVictoria&AlbertMuseum–hisiconicPapillonring, featuring titanium wings encrusted with green tsavorites, was donated to the museum byoneofhismostfamousclients,singerBeyoncé,in2018.“It’sverynicetoseemylittle ringintheV&A,”hequips.

Forthejeweller,“itis,andalwayshasbeen,aboutthestones”,sourcedfromaroundthe world and chosen for their character and history. He specialises in “old stones”, with somedatingasfarbackasancientMesopotamia.Hisextraordinary“MaterialsoftheOld World” collection includes such audacious and dazzling pieces as the G Cuff, featuring a Tibetan Dzi bead, made of agate and once prized as a protective amulet, and a pair of earrings crafted from ancient Bactrian flat square beaded agate tiles from the 2nd and 3rd millennium. Another highlight is a turquoise and diamond pendant set with 3000year-oldEgyptianceramics.

“I started off to get a job, which happened to be in the jewellery business; to put a few dollars in my bank so I could buy things.”

Although he’s not superstitious or into New Age mysticism, he admits to an almost cosmic connection with his esoteric gems. “Some stones have good energy and some don’t,” he says simply. “Somestonescomeinandyougo,‘It’snot a happy stone’. I’m not really into crystals and stuff but in a weird way, these are grown-up crystals that have good energy, and when you open a box and see one, youthink:‘Woah,theyhaveastory’.There issomethingsexyaboutthataswell;their journey and how they end up on my desk.” He tells the story of a beautiful brooch he once bought and instinctively heldonto,eventhoughhedidn’tknowits provenance. “I loved it and didn’t want to sell it,” he says. After some sleuthing in the archives at Christie’s years later, he discovered the piece had been designed by Queen Mary and had once been part ofherprivatecollection.


would have liked to have gone into entertainment in some manner. I love that world, it’s cool and

fun and interesting but I chose the art world and it’s given me a lifelong career”

Spirodidn’tsetouttobecomeajewellery designer.Asheputsit,“Istartedofftoget a job, which happened to be in the jewellery business, to put a few dollars in my bank so I could buy things.” “Without blowing my own trumpet, I think I could have gone into anything and done okay,” he continues. “I would have liked to have gone into entertainment in some manner.Ilovethatworld,it’scoolandfun andinteresting,but Ichosetheartworld, andIcan’tbeanythingbutrespectfuland honourableaboutitbecauseit’sgivenme alifelongcareer.”

Hehascertainlycomealongwayfromhis days as a truant schoolboy in Bethnal Green in London’s East End. The eldest son of a door-to-door salesman or “tallyman”, as he describes him, and housewife mother, he grew up in a loving butcash-strappedhousehold.“I’veagood mum and dad; it was tough, though,” he reflects. “Dad comes home with a few quid and by the time you’ve paid all the bills, there wasn’t much left.” Young Glenn’s education was patchy, to say the least. “I did go to school, but I tended sometimes to forget where it was,” he laughs. “I wasn’t taken there by my parents,itwasn’tthattypeofthing.Itwas a rough school but it was alright, we foundourway.”

After leaving school at 14 and working variously as a shoeshine boy, hair-washer and market trader, he was taken on aged 15 as an apprentice at English Art Works, Cartier’s London workshop, and it was there that he was introduced to the heady world of high jewellery. He clearly showedanaptitudefordesignandbythe age of 21, was running his own business with a workshop in London and a reputationforcreatingunusualpieces.

“I’m not someone who conforms,” he reiterates. “So, I kept knocking on doors I shouldn’t have and seeing things I shouldn’t see and then testing things and being argumentative, and I suppose eventually you end up somewhere if you are persistent enough. I love the art of buying things that most people don’t wanttobuy,butthenIbuythemandthey like them. I’m a bit of a leader that way. I think I’ve got the courage of my convictions; I’ve got my own mindset, whichmakesyousomewhatindividual.”

As an odd-jobbing teenager, he had caught the eye of Christopher Davidge, then an ambitious young employee of auction house Christie’s, later to become its managing director and finally, CEO. “I used to wash his cars,” says Spiro. “He was someone who liked me, and when I went into jewellery, I made his wife bits and pieces. He introduced me to his world, which was really exciting. I had no idea.”

He recalls being taken by Davidge to the 1987 auction of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, which sold for a record £22.5million. “He sat me in the front for my 25th birthday, three seats away from the guy who bought it,” he says. “[The price] was like [theGDPof]acountry!”

Attheageof29,Spiromadethedecision to close his workshop and take up Davidge’s long-standing offer to join Christie’s London in order to expand his horizons, a move he describes as “going backwards againtogoforwards”– oneof his many trusty life hacks. “The truth is, I worked in a five-square-mile [radius] – I had a little place in Farringdon Road and then a South Molton Street atelier. I thought,there’salotofinterestingpeople out there and I can’t get to them. I wanted to let the world know that Glenn was here.” Concerned not to sound immodest, he jokingly adds: “Not that I’ve got much to give, but whatever I’ve got, I wanttogiveit!”

In 1992, by then a senior director at Christie’s, Spiro moved to the US with his first wife and baby son Joe to launch the auctionhouseinLosAngeles.

“The truth is, your worst of times end up being your best of times. I had terrible daily fear that it can all break down, so you’re careful and respectful of what you’ve got and achieved”

During nearly a decade living there, he oversawaseriesofkeyjewelleryauctions, the first of their kind in California, and gained the international experience he craved. “It was an amazing experience, really fantastic,” he says. “There was a clearblueskyeverysingleday,andaman came every night to clean my car. I never sawthatcardirtyineightyears.”

But after the breakdown of his marriage, he was ready for a change. “I came back and started again, and all of a sudden, I startedseeingtheworldmoreclearly,”he says. “It was a risk for me, it was humiliating, and my ego was hurt a little bit,butIdecidedtodoitbecauseifIkept going down the same path, I would have ended up not where I am now. You know what?Itookarisk,anditpaidoff.”

He uses the analogy of a boxer who repeatedly gets hit in the head in the ring before learning how to protect himself fromhisopponent’sblows.“I’mfrightened of that guy punching me, but I’ve learned how to duck,” he laughs. “You know something? I call life Snakes and Ladders; you get a six, and you’re all excited, and then you go, ‘I’m right down the bottom again’. But the truth is, your worst of times end up being your best of times. I had terrible daily fear that it can all break down, so you’re careful and respectful of whatyou’vegotandachieved.”

Discreetly and steadily, he began building his reputation as one of a small band of international dealers known for their ability to conjure up the most elusive of precious gems. He sourced and created one-off couture items for famous high jewellery brands, with price tagsupwardsof$100,000,whilegrowing his private client base, largely through whispered word-of-mouth in the jet-set hauntsofthesuper-rich.Lookingforthe perfect D-flawless 10 carat diamond? Chances are, Spiro had it. Where anotherjewellermightbeabletoboasta single,rarepigeonbloodBurmaruby,he would produce a handful – all steadily acquired over time to be transformed intoashow-stoppingnecklace.

But while Spiro’s designs might be bold and original, he makes a point of creating pieces that are ultimately wearable. “When I look - without mentioning names – at some designers making things that are extraordinary, [such as] a brooch half your body size, [I ask], who buys that? I try and create things that are beautiful but also commercially viable, that people can wearandenjoy.”

Wouldhecalltheminvestmentpieces?“I never use that word ‘investment’,” he shudders. “Because it’s a return every year of a certain percentage, and as we’ve seen in life, not everything improves that way. Some things are great,somearenotgreat;youbuythese things because they are beautiful and have intrinsic value. Do I think they are investments as such? I think that’s a harsh word. We’re not investment bankers, we are jewellers and we have gems.”

Equally, he’s learnt the hard way not to be lured by false economy when making a purchase.“Doyouknowwhat,wheneverI’ve bought for money it’s always gone wrong,” headmits.“EverytimeI’veboughtcheap,I’m stuckwithit;Idon’tlikeitandninetimesout of ten, I don’t sell it. Because I’d be lying if I told someone I like it, and I won’t lie. It’s all emotional. If you don’t have emotion or passion,youareinthewrongbusiness.”

In 2014, he launched the G by Glenn Spiro collection at Harrods, the first under his own name, and two years later, opened his salon at 26 Bruton St, Mayfair, the former Hartnell atelier. The story of how he came to occupy the palatial Art Moderne building of the Queen’s dressmaker is the stuff of a Hollywood rags-to-riches script. He was a callow apprentice when he first entered its hallowed doors, having been entrusted to accompany a Cartier client to a fashion show being held there. “I sat in the corner and I remember looking up at all the glass and thinking how beautiful it was,” he recalls.

The chance to lease the Gerald Lacostedesigned Grade II-listed property arose whenhenoticedthatthelightswerealways off on the first floor. He made some enquiries, found out it was owned by membersoftheAbuDhabiroyalfamily,and declared his interest, despite being told it wasn’t available. As luck would have it, one of the princesses was a fan of Spiro’s work and a deal was duly struck. “I didn’t even come and have a look,” he grins. “He [the estate agent] said, ‘You can’t sign the lease without seeing it’, and I went, ‘Yes, I will’. He said,‘Whyareyoudoingthis?’,andIsaid,‘It’s exciting when you don’t know. It’s like a blind date.’ It’s got a good vibe. I am very lucky.”

Coral necklace
Diamond and turquoise earings
Bangles - Broches
Sunrise earrings
Glenn and his son Joe

In keeping with the original style, which mixedtheoldandthenew,Spiroworked with London-based interiors company Korner Interiors to restore original features such as the early 1900s’ chandeliers,andintroducefurniturethat covered the various époques represented in his collections. Stand-out pieces in this oasis of hushed opulence include a pair of Marco Zanuso senior chairs upholstered in La Closerie des Lilas fabrics by Misia and Rubelli; a pair of 1970’s Italian black resin lamps with lucite details on Herve van der Straeten tabourets; an Ai Weiwei sculpture and a 1952FlorenceKnolldaybedsofa.

So, who is the Spiro client, fortunate enough to feast first-hand on the extravagant pieces on display in the salon, including a pair of titanium earrings set with 1842 Brilliant-cut diamonds and a bangle mounted in 18k yellow gold and bronze and set with emeralds and two lion-carved garnets? “The G girl,” he explains, “is a woman who is confident in herself, enjoys the finer things in life - not collecting money but nice things around her – and someone who travels a lot. She also has a good sense of humour and doesn’t takeherselftooseriously.”

Heneverlendstocelebritiesbecausehe doesn’t seek brand recognition. “If I make a necklace for half a million and youcameinandsaid,‘I’veseensomeone [else] wearing it’, then it becomes second hand,” he reasons. “You don’t really want to wear second hand becauseyouwanttobetheladytowear it - you are rich enough and confident enough to know what you want to buy andwhenyouwanttowearit.”

As if on cue, he breaks off our conversation to engage in a text exchange with a visiting A-list Hollywood actor client, eager to see somenewpieces.Spirosuggeststhatrather than meeting at the star’s hotel, he pays a visit to the atelier. “He said he’ll come by today,” he tells us, smiling. “He’s bought someverynicethings.Nicefellow.”

Spiro is clearly at home among the global glitterati – and is very much a part of that crowd himself, with a holiday villa in St Tropez and a schedule that sees him spending months at a time travelling between his bases in LA, Paris, the South of France and now, St Barts, where he strolls to work in his shorts. With his natural charm, jokey manner and egalitarian outlook(whichhesaysheinheritedfromhis father), it’s easy to see why he fits so well intothisrarifiedworld.“Iam[over]60now;I have a bus pass,” he says proudly. “I like speaking to loads of people; I like people. I thinkthat’smyhobby.”

Hecontinuesreflectingonhisgoodfortune: “I know who I am today, and I am blessed: my family and my kids are great, and I have amazingfriends.Iamshockedthattheyare my friends; they are proper good peoplesuccessful, wise, caring, and intelligent. If I gave advice to a younger person, [it would be to say] it’s a blessing to put people in your corner who are better than you because that brings your game up. I definitely like myself more today than I did whenIwasyounger.”

If his initial drive to succeed stemmed from abasicneedtosurvive–“wehadnomoney, andweneededtogetoutthereanddoit”–then the secret of his continued success relies on the careful management of his business.

“I want to make sure I have no bills, that my parents are okay and my kids are alright, and I have stuff in there that I don’t have to panic to sell. We don’t borrow money. This business does not work if you treat it as a business [by] borrowing money. If you’re behindtheeightball,it’sveryhardtohitthe right ball when it’s your turn. We are in a verystrongpositionandIamproudofthat. Wehavestucktothatphilosophy.”

He lives with his second wife Arabella and their two teenage daughters, Sienna and Skyla, in London. His son Joe, 30, who has joinedhiminthefamilybusiness,andeldest daughter,Talia,25,areregularvisitors.Heis devoted to his own parents Sheila, 85, and Malcolm, 87, and takes great pride in the fact that he is able to look after his father, now in a nursing home following a stroke. “He has given me the biggest gift to look after him, so it’s my job and I’ve loved it. I teasehimandwejokeallthetime.”

His parents must be proud of him? “Uncomfortably,” he agrees, laughing. “They think I am like a film star. They don’t come from this world; they think I live this ridiculouslife.Thetruthis,Idoinaway.You forget; maybe [one is] out of touch with what it used to be [like], a little bit. I’m blessed. I really am, I moan every day but I amstillblessed.”

He was on the selection committee of last year’s PAD London art and design fair, charged with reviewing new applications according to the criteria of ethics, quality and aesthetics. He has some cautionary advice for aspiring next generation Spiros andpointsoutthereareveryfewathislevel

- he cites JAR in Paris, Bhagat in India and possibly Taffin in the US – mainly because thereisn’troomforanyoneelse.

“I don’t think too many should be doing this, if you want to know the truth,” he says. “Because they won’t all be able to eat and I’d rather they didn’t go hungry. It takes much more than just sitting down drawing a picture and making a piece of jewellery - that’s the easy part! The hard part is selling it and the even harder part is getting paid for it. In the mid to lower end, I think many people are coming through, but they’ve got to mix it in with some commercial sense, because there are as many hungry jewellers as there are artists. They talk a good game but it’s very hard to put a poundinthepocket.”

He’s equally sceptical about the move into high jewellery by some of the big fashion brands. “Look at all the big fashion houses merging into jewellery. I find it amazing that not one jeweller has made a pair of shoes or trousers, but every fashion brand is making jewellery. Why are they doing it? Because they have the customer and think they can makesomegoodmoney.IgetitbutdoI think it is good business? No. I don’t thinkanyofthemaremakinganymoney. It’snoteasy.”

Still, he’s not complaining. “At the moment, life is pretty damn good,” says this inveterate hip-shooter, bidding us farewell as he prepares to welcome his Hollywoodhigh-roller.

It's been known as the Annexe of Buckingham Palace


To celebrate and mark the Coronation of King Charles III, Claridge’s - the legendary Mayfair hotel - often referred to as the ‘annexe of Buckingham Palace’- will unveil a series of special royal moments this May 2023.


historical archives to unveil some of its most memorable royal moments and treasures. ShowcasedforalltoseeinClaridge’sCoronationArchiveWindowsonthehotel'sground floor, this display will focus on royal coronations throughout the 200-year life of the hotel.

These precious mementoes include pages from Queen Victoria’s diary, celebratory fans created by the hotel in 1911 for the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary, and Claridge’s menus and cocktail cards created for the coronations of King George VI in 1937 and Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

''Forthosewithasweet tooth,thehotel’s signatureClaridge’s CrestCakewillhavean extraregaltouch''

Claridge’s Coronation Archive Windows will be open to view in the hotel’s lobby throughout the month of May 2023, when the Mayfair hotel will also be proudly flying Union Jack flags across its entrance bringing a sense of pomp and ceremony to Brook Street.

In addition, to mark this special moment, Claridge’s Artist in Residence David Downton will unveil a new colour portrait of King Charles 111 to sit in the hotel’s Talking Heads Gallery–acollectionofportraitsshowcasingfamoushotelguestsofpastandpresent.

Meanwhile, for those with a sweet tooth, the hotel’s signature Claridge’s Crest Cake will have an extra regal touch. The crown in the hotel’s emblem acts as a symbol of status and Claridge’s royal appointment, and so – for the week of the Coronation – will be flourished with gold leaf. Following the hotel’s tradition of mixing special Coronation cocktailsovertheyears,Claridge’snewestbar-ThePainter’sRoom-willcreateaspecial drinks menu, nodding to the fact that King Charles himself is a celebrated painter. The cocktail list will reflect the King’s love of his garden at Highgrove and all things floral, botanicalandsustainable.

Claridge’s has long been seen as ‘the royal hostelry’ from as far back as the nineteenth century and has a wealth of royal stories and anecdotes. For one Coronation, extra emergency flagpoles had to be added to the brickwork of the hotel in order to fly the flags for the many different royals and royal dignitaries staying at Claridge’s. Another legendary royal tale was that a few days before a notable royal occasion, when a harassed diplomat telephoned the hotel and asked to speak to the King, the response was,“Certainly,sir,butwhichone?”.

smart unveils the all-new #3: The iconic brand’s first-ever sports utility coupé celebrates world premiere

Sharing the same design philosophy as the smart #1, the Mercedes-Benz global design team have charged the allnew smart #3 with a premium and sporty look – both inside and out.

The exterior silhouette of the all-new smart #3 creates a vibrant and elegant body, while the spacious interior architecture offers a futuristic and premium yet sporty experience.

“We are proud to finally present our first-ever sports utility coupé, the all-new smart #3 to the world. As an all-electric pioneer smart is committed to uncompromising quality of experience and interactions. Our goal has always been to address the multifaceted and changing needs for mobility. Therefore, smart will keep on expanding its product family to offer a variety of cars that optimally suit different customer groups and lifestyles.”

The design of the smart #3 represents an even sportier interpretation of the design philosophy created exclusively by Mercedes-Benz global design team, while keeping state-of-the-art connectivity as the guiding principle. With the launch of the smart #3, smart remains true to its original pioneering vision of exploring the best solutions for futureurbanmobility.

Premium design inside and out

The design of the smart #3 is defined by seamless, smooth lines and athletic curves,aimed at enhancing its aerodynamic performance. The body is further accentuatedwithnumerousdesigndetails.Atthefront,slimmeddownCyberSparksLED headlightsarepairedwithadistinctive“sharknose”andA-shapewidegrill.Onthesides, the prominent two-tone roof meets the smooth, continuous e-line that connects the Apillar and C-pillar, creating an elegant sporty silhouette. The spoiler, C-pillar and the rear fender combine with the bumper to create a modern curvature, while taillights with pixelatedelementsenhancethevehicle’spremiumfeel.

n the interior, the cockpit reaffirms the model’s sporty energy with circular shapes evocative of turbine intakes, embedding voluminous elements throughout the calm and stylish architecture. The sculpted dashboard flows seamlessly into a high console, housingthecentralcockpit,a12.8-inchelevatedcentralscreen.

historical archives to unveil some of its most memorable royal moments and treasures. ShowcasedforalltoseeinClaridge’sCoronationArchiveWindowsonthehotel'sground floor, this display will focus on royal coronations throughout the 200-year life of the hotel.

The combination of natural light from the halo roof and artificial illumination from multicoloured ambient lighting further enhances the airy interior atmosphere. Thanks to a longer wheelbase the smart #3 offers an even more spacious interior. Integrated headrests additionally increase the driving comfort and underline the sporty interior design concept. Meanwhile, the infotainment system, equipped with a 13-speaker Beats®Soundsystem,complementstheavant-gardesmart#3cabinexperience.

Furthermore, the smart #3 will come in new and exciting colours, including a vibrant Photon Orange Metallic and a futuristic Electric Blue Matte exterior as well as a new VibrantBrowninteriorvariant.

The smart #3 will be presented to the European audience at IAA in September 2023, before launching in the respective European markets early next year. Further details on thenewsmart#3fortheEuropeanmarketwillbereleasedatalaterstage.

The first model in the new product range, the smart #1, has made its European market debutandissettoarriveintheUKinsummerthisyear.






Thebuttonisadornedwithasculptedlionin 18Kyellowgold.


The Aria jewellery collection by FOPE


FOPEArianecklaceinwhitegold,“TheAria jewellerycollectionbyFOPEismadewith delicate18-caratgoldmeshchainsand inspiredbytheathleisurefashiontrend





CHANEL is pleased to announce that Penélope Cruz, actress and House Ambassador, will join the J12 “IT’S ALL ABOUT SECONDS” campaign with MargotRobbie,AliMacGrawandZhouXun.TobeunveiledinApril2023.

Through these intimate exchanges and joint interviews, Penélope Cruz, Margot Robbie, Ali MacGraw and Zhou Xun, reveal their stories in 12 questionsand12answers.

The muses have questions to each other's answers and answers to each other'squestionsaboutthemostdecisivesecondsintheirlives.

They wear the J12 33 mm in black or white highly resistant ceramic, equipped with the Calibre 12.2 self-winding movement made by the Swiss KenissiManufacture,co-ownedbyCHANEL.

An icon of CHANEL Horlogerie, the J12 reinvents itself over the years in timelessandaudaciouscreationsthatembodytheCHANELallure. #J12 #CHANELWatches #ItsAllAboutSeconds @penelopecruzoficial MilliOnAir Magazine

Let Yourself Shine

Sif Jakobs is the talented woman behind the brand

'Sif Jakobs Jewellery'' . Her travels, lifestyle and instinctive passion for design have created a very personal jewellery label devoted to creating affordable luxury.

Sif was born in Iceland, trained as a goldsmith in Sweden and has been based in Copenhagen since 2000. For years, Italy has been her second home. Her love for Italian elegance is a constant source of inspiration, which is also reflected in the titles of her collections, which are mainly named after Italian cities.

But also her home country, Iceland, is a source of inspiration for her designs. Acountrythatcaptivateswithitsbreathtakingnature.

“I love to design jewellery that makes women shine. In fact, “Let Yourself Shine” is one of my favourite mantras. It says exactly what my jewellery does! The designs are exclusive, original and with a raw elegance. They accentuate and enhance a woman’s natural beauty by adding an essential and eye-catchingsparkle”.

Sif Jakobs Jewellery is known for eye-catching and elegant jewellery creations,oftenwithacoolNordictouch.

"The design reflects memories of my childhood in Icelandic nature, where impressive rock formations, mysterious springs and volcanic structures surrounded me" Sif Jakobs.

A Touch of GOLD


The decadent faces to watch when you have hours, minutes or seconds in your schedule. Enhanceyouroutfitwithaprecious statementwatch,addingatouchof gold.Ifyouareattendinganelegant event,ahead-turningtimepiecewill bethemostopulentpartofyour look,"MarcellaourWatchEditor reveals,“whenitcomestopicking theperfectpiece,youarespoiltfor choice."

Lily Gabriella Ouhlala gold cuff Piaget Limelight high jewellery cuff watch

AspreyxAndersenGeneveThe‘HeuresDuMonde’Worldtimer,limitedto24 pieces,istheperfectcombinationofuniqueandmoderndaycraftsmanship,Pink

Chanel gold watch
Cartier Baignoire gold watch
Tissot gold watch Tissot PRX
Chanel Mademoiselle Prive Lion cuff watch
Patek Philippe Rose Gold with Blue Leather Strap Unisex
Hamilton Pan Europ Automatic
Fabergé gold & enamel watch with suede strap



HighJewelleryGucciHortusDeliciarumHigh Jewellerycollectionmeaning‘Gardenof Delights’inLatin—blendsGucci’srich heritageinItaliancraftsmanshipanditseverdistinctivecreativityinone-of-a-kind masterpiecesdistinguishedbyunique artistry,exceptionalquality,andacute attentiontodetail.

Delivering Luxury

keypieces ofopulentjewels thatwilllastand thatwewilllove forever.

LuckySpringclip 18Krosegold,Carnelian, Mother-of-pearl,Onyx

Delivering Luxury

EarringsRubyandyellow gold.
Chopard diamondsHauteJoaillerie earrings
DonnaHouranixGemfields ToDivinityRing.

Delivering Luxury

Gucci goldbraceletwith diamonds. Adler ring"Twirly"inyellowgold andenamelanddiamonds. FOPE Aria_longnecklacegold.


Iconicanecklaceinrosegold. BibiVanDerVelden emeraldslicetulipearrings.



Pastels always bring a bit of fun and lightness into the Spring season. These colour schemes are so soft and peaceful yet refined and contemporary. A beautiful transitional story, elegant and striking, and perfect for dancing in a field of wild flowers.

Rose Carmine Pastel Diagonales Long Jacket
Ju-nna Dress
A.Bohemia and the Wolves Dress
Pherahs Bag
Moushe Rings
Marc Jacobs Bag
LNB Jewellery Blue Topaz Gems and Blue Ceramic Stars Bracelet and necklace. illi


Titaniumearringssetwithbrilliant-cutdiamondsandoneemerald-cut naturalsapphireandbrilliant-cutsapphirering

JennyPackhamWillowchiffondresswithfeathersandbejewelled neckline GinaCoutureMaisiegoldslip-onsatinshoes


"Sunrise"earringsincolouredtitaniumsetwithbrilliant-cutdiamondspinkandorangesapphires HartiSWIMhand-paintedone-shoulderswimsuitmadeofrecycledplasticbottles BrunelloCuccinelliblackcottontrousers

G by Glenn Spiro
Necklace with coral and titanium rondelles set with diamonds featuring semi-precious coral beads. Alexander McQueen Resort 2023
G by Glenn Spiro
"Hibiscus" brooch in titanium and gold set with 3'955 Brilliantcut rubies, pink sapphires and Yellow brilliant-cut diamonds.
Dior Mid Length Belted Dress in Beige Cotton Gabardine and Dio rodeo Small Brim Hat

G by Glenn Spiro
Silver earrings set with old cut diamonds and round Diamond Reveal Watch, quartz movement, in red gold set with Brilliant-cut diamonds and Brilliant-cut rubies.
Borgo de Nor Aubrey crepe midi dress
G by Glenn Spiro
"Clover Leaf" earrings in Titanium set with Brilliant-cut Sapphires and Diamonds. Red gold ring set with one cushion shape flat Rubellites and round Diamonds.
A Magnificent pair of bangles in Red Gold featuring peachy morganites, Oval shaped honey zircon, Round orangy brown diamonds and Pink sapphires.
Dolce & Gabbana black satin dress and gloves
G by Glenn Spiro
Yellow and white gold earrings set with one Emerald cut Colombian, one Octagonal flat yellow diamond, one Pear shaped Colombian emerald, yellow oval rose-cut yellow diamond, emeralds and diamonds.
One bangle with antique cushion, cabochon, Colombian emerald and round diamonds. A ring in yellow gold set with an old mine Colombian emerald and two Zi-tan wood pieces diamonds and a Tsavorite. Akris chiffon dress
G by Glenn Spiro emerald earrings and necklace in rose gold and emerald.
left hand: a diamond band and a yellow gold ring with one Colombian emerald.
Right hand: One Emerald ring mounted in rose gold and one emerald and one pear-shaped Diamond ring in rose gold. Malan Breton pleated lamé dress
Alexander McQueen Resort 2023
G by Glenn Spiro necklace with
G by Glenn Spiro necklace with coral and titanium rondelles set with diamonds featuring semiprecious coral beads, a bracelet in rose gold with corals and diamonds and a Toi and Moi ring in rose gold and black PVD set with two kite-shaped diamonds.
G by Glenn Spiro
Necklace in White Gold and set with Natural multi-coloured Pearls Round orangey-brown and reddish-brown Diamonds and Multi-coloured quartz.
left hand: a red gold ring with one shield, a fancy deep brown yellow diamond, and one brilliant-cut diamond. A rose gold ring set with one octagonal tourmaline and round diamonds.
Right hand: rose gold ring set with one pear-shaped Diamond and one round Diamond. Brunello Cucinelli suede jacket and trousers



Created by

Charlie Gay previously at Alexander McQueen.

A collection of Elevated Denim & wearable, stylish pieces made in Los Angeles and available worldwide.


Apujan SS23 Fantasy Hotel in the Sky



ApujanSS23Women'swear collection







loved British Queens. Her Maj, aka Queen ElizabethII(whomadeasurprisedebutvisit to LFW in 2018) was a great loss to many and then came another great loss for the fashion community with the sad news of Dame Vivienne Westwood's passing. Our 'Grand Dame of Punk', the gritty, Northern, no-nonsense genius who did things her way.

Despite her anti-establishment sentiments, Westwood consistently championed the classics, referencing tartan and kilts, Harris Tweed, historical paintings, crinolines, corsetry and all things costume dramareimagined and reinvented into her unique, eclecticandidentifiablecreations.

Her signature 18th century-inspired corset, named 'Stature of Liberty' and presented as outerwear, debuted in 1987 with Westwood explaining, 'I play around with sexuality because I don't like orthodoxy in any shape or form'. This piece went on to become one of the brand's most enduring and iconic designs, which is certainly still relevant today.

Having never permanently fallen off the radar, it seems that the corset is still very much in favour as numerous Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter 2023 designer shows confirmed. Perhaps it's our ongoing love affair with the 90s, the current popularity of period dramas, a backlash from the recent loungewear years, or a bid for posture correction after months of WFH (ie, working from the sofa). For whatever reason, corsetry is a trend that's not going awayanytimesoon.

Westwood's husband and creative partner, Andreas Kronthaler, who delivered the Vivienne Westwood Spring/Summer 2023 show, paid homage with a simplistic virginal corset, contrasted with ethereal romantic drapery. Other designers' interpretations were fresh and wearable. Either combined with casual denim streetwear, styled with sophisticated soft tailoring, sexy sheers, pretty florals and delicate romantic fabricsallmadeawelcomeappearancethisSpring.

Whateveryourstyleormood,thereare myriadwaystostylethishistorical undergarmentwithcontemporary confidence.Andarguably,weowethis enduringtrendtoDameViv,circa1987.

Black corset T-shirt, Dion Lee at
Beige Moire bustier top, Christopher John Rogers
Red floral cropped corset, Dolce & Gabbana at
Multi floral corset, Zimmerman at
Black satin bustier, Dolce & Gabbana
Sheer floral corset top, Miaou at
Black satin bustier, Dolce & Gabbana

Robe ProtectingPeople &thePlanet



The ultimate shield for everyday life


D-Robes Outdoors is a British brand creating sustainable, unisex dry robes and accessories for adults and juniors.

Launching NEW colourways, warm sand and opal grey for summer 2023.

Every D-Robe is sustainably built using a recycled polyester fleece inner and recycled nylon outer shell, featuring adjustable features and taped seams for extra comfort and protection. Finished with a plethora of practical pockets (you will be amazed!), a D-Robe is destined to be your wardrobe staple for years to come.

Versatile for guaranteed comfort wherever you are and whatever the weather –whether you are wild swimming, dog walking, hiking or on your daily commute to work– D-Robes are versatile enough for any occasion and any weather you may encounter!

Consciously crafted pieces are designed to keep you dry, comfortable and protected wherever you are and whatever the weather, leaving you free to be.


Personal Luxuries

Glamorous Vibrant Elegant

Leavealastingimpression asyouleavetheroom.

Alexander McQueen



Bella Freud


Christian Louboutin





Francis de Lara x Gemfields



HUDA beauty




A Chic CollaborationCountry

British clothing and footwear brand Welligogs has collaborated with its ambassador, London model, fashion journalist and designer, CC Mason

Welligogs is one of the brands I’ve worked with the longest here in England. The first thing that caught my eye was their quality - I actually saw one of their blazers on someone else and immediately fell in love


A stunning soft blossom pink wool jacket, CC’s signature colour and a favourite of WG’s, coupled with our renowned contrast details. The hand stitching is finished to the highest quality, and the wool blend allows for breathability whilst keeping you warm. There is an exquisite velvet trim on the collar and both pockets, and our signature WG cuff detailing makes a reappearance. This jacket for women is a simple single-breasted style and shouldbeprofessionallydry-cleanedonly.

Welligogs began its story in 2000 when founders Kim and Ray made the decisiontomovefromAustraliatoEngland.Kim,beingBritish,alwayswanted to eventually move back home and give her four children a British upbringing. Ray, a born and bred Aussie, was reluctant to leave the sunshine but agreed that pastures new, albeit being on the other side of the world, wereworthinvestigating.

We would love to know the story about you and Welligogs.

CC: Welligogs is one of the brands I’ve worked with the longest here in England. The first thing that caught my eye was their quality - I actually saw one of their blazers on someone else and immediately fell in love, so I decided to contact them to see if they’d like to work with me as a brand ambassador. We worked together for years, and their craftsmanship never wavered, so I knew they were the perfect brand to approach when I was looking to start my clothing designjourney.

The Blossom Tailored Jacket is stunning, was the design and colour your idea?

CC: Thank you so much! When I first started speaking to Tess, who has taken over the helm at Welligogs, about the design, I started by referencing designs thatalreadyexistedintheirrange.

Whenever I design for a brand I always keep in mind the size of the company, and Welligogs is small but mighty, so it was easier for them and more cost effectivetomodifyandmakebespokean existing pattern. After our first meeting, we both knew that the blazer HAD to be pink, and with that agreed, Welligogs reached out to their factories to create a custom blended wool, and they presented me with all of the available options.

I chose the blend and the velvet from those, and they sent me the prototype! From the prototype, we also designed andcreatedacustomlabelandhangtag which matched the colour of the blazer, which was a real pinch-me moment when they gave me some of the samples!

My favourite part of the blazer is the bespoke lining with coordinating piping, which is something they’ve never done before.Itreallyaddsthat‘wow!’moment!

Will you continue to collaborate with Welligogs? We love their boots and want them in the beautiful Blossom colour.

CC:Well,I’lljustsaythis-thedayafterwe launched the jacket at the Cheltenham Festival, I was already FULL of ideas for Autumn/Winter, so keep your eyes peeled!

We absolutely love your style, your bags, and now this jacket. Will you be bringing out a whole CC range?

CC: That’s the goal! I absolutely love designing, and I have since I was a little girl! My mom used to sew all of my clothing when I was small, and we would go to the fabric stores to pick fabrics together for different outfits. She even had little labels made with my name on them in gold thread that she would sew into the clothes! I always promised her that, one day, we would create a whole brandtogether,andIfullyintendtokeep that promise! In the meantime, I am learning SO MUCH from designing for and with other brands, and it’s really invaluable!

Can you tell us what is next on your journey?

CC: There’s so much in the pipeline right now, including my return to television! I was a body double and stunt double in HollywoodontheshowPrettyLittleLiars as the Black Widow, Red Coat, and a few other villainous characters, and now I’ll be on a new TV show coming out on Discovery and Discovery+ this summer which is all about supercars (and my crazy pink car obsession!) I’m also working on a few other TV things, but I can’t tell you about them yet! Of course, I’ll still be modelling, designing, writing, andcreatingcontentonlineaswell!

Spreading positivity, one scarf at a time

Metri Holliday

Your destiny is freedom, creative expression and self-love; our beautiful designer silk scarves are infused with meaning and symbolism to positively inspire you - and add elegant style to your look.

Luxury Silk Scarves for Women Who Want to Elevate Their Style & Mindset

Metri Holliday silk scarves were born from a desire to create something for women to wear that not only effortlessly elevates their style but transforms their mindset too.

Unlock your greatness and shine your light.

Be inspired to do something today that will draw positive frequencies into your day and help your light shine bright. When you wear these scarves, your light will shine brightly fromtheinsideout,andtheauthentic,loving, andpeacefulyouwillinspireotherstoo.


Your destiny is freedom, creative expression and self-love; our beautiful designer silk scarves are infused with meaning and symbolism to inspire you positively - and add elegantstyletoyourlook.


The choice is yours; use the power of intention to create the state of mind, body and emotions from which you can attract abundanceintoyourlife-nomatterhowyou defineit.

A glance at your Metri Holliday scarf reminds you of your intent for today and the things youwanttomanifest.


Industry expert Ruby Hammer MBE discusses...

A holistic approach to beauty and well-being.

When I’m busy at work and at home, I can find it difficult to set aside 'me' time to focus on myself, so booking into a spa gives me undistracted time. Over the years, I have visitednumerousspasathomeandabroad,withthemajorityfocusingonrelaxationand pampering. This year I opted for a luxurious escape that combines health and well-being on a deeper level with history and culture. The Palazzo Fiuggi spa is a stunning resort offering everything you could possibly want, from a luxury retreat, from stunning architecture to world-class dining to a range of treatments and experiences designed to help you look and feel your best. Located 50 minutes outside of Rome, it fuses holistic therapiesandwesternmedicineina16th-centurypalace.

''Youcanstart yourdaywitha yogaclassinthe stunning courtyard,takea hikethroughthe nearbyhills,orjoin acookingclassto learnabout traditionalItalian cuisine''

Beauty with RUBY HAMMER

Mystayincludedaseriesofdiagnostictests–an ECG and vascular ultrasound to determine my cardiovascular health, blood analysis and a full body scan, all under the supervision of the clinic'sexpertmedicalteam. The data is then used to tailor your program to you, focusing on nutrition, fitness and lifestyle alongside relaxing therapies to help you achieve long-termresults.

Partaking in thalassotherapy and hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage and aromatherapy massage, cryotherapy, and skin-boosting facials, I left the resort after seven days, feeling completely rejuvenated.

Partaking in thalassotherapy and hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage and aromatherapy massage, cryotherapy, and skin-boosting facials, I left the resort after seven days, feeling completely rejuvenated.

In addition to the spa, the resort offers a range of activities and experiences designed to help you feel your best. You can start your day with a yoga class in the stunning courtyard, take a hike through the nearby hills, or join a cooking class tolearnabouttraditionalItaliancuisine.

Of course, no luxury resort would be complete without exquisite dining options, and Palazzo Fiuggi spa certainly doesn't disappoint in this regard. The on-site restaurant serves up delicious dishes made with the freshest local ingredients, all packed with immune-boosting nutrients.

A seven-day programme starts from £6,600, a significantinvestment,butthebenefitsaremore thanworthit.


on-site restaurant servesup delicious dishesmade withthe freshest local ingredients, allpacked withimmuneboosting nutrients.''

Beauty with RUBY HAMMER


Palazzo Fiuggi owes its success to the unique properties of its water, whose source lies in the region’s natural springs. Celebrated for its healing powers for over 600 years, Fiuggi water – ‘the water of wellbeing’ – is at the heart of many wellness programs. Not only is the water used as a detoxifier at the start of every program, but it can also be found in the Thalassopools.


A cutting-edge treatment that utilises cold temperatures to promote healing and wellness. This innovative therapy involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures, typically between -100°C to -140°C, for a short period of time.Thepurportedbenefitsincludetherelease of endorphins, which can help to reduce pain and improve mood, as well as a reduction in inflammation, improved circulation, and a boost totheimmunesystem.

Fine Dining

Whilst you enjoy your own personalized menu, expertly designed and prepared to match your nutritional requirements precisely, you are invited to the Heinz Beck Cookery School, where you’ll learn to pick and use fresh and nutritious ingredients to create nutritious, healthy and utterlydeliciousmealsathome.

Ruby recommends…

Combining my must-haves for natural beauty. Whether you prefer a natural look or have just sixty seconds to get ready, this kit is for you. Brush up your brows, tight-line your eyeliner and add a slick of nourishing lip serum balm, andyouarereadytogo.


''ThePalazzo Fiuggispaisa stunningresort offering everythingyou couldpossibly want,fromaluxury retreat,from stunning architectureto world-classdining toarangeof treatmentsand experiences designedtohelp youlookandfeel yourbest.''

World Earth Day

with ROADS Fragrances

Shop consciously this World Earth Day - the fragrance brand making a difference...

ROADS has partnered with to plant large woodlands of native trees, including Birch, Oak, Scots Pine, Willow and Alder. Ireland is the most deforested country in Europe, with previous coverage at 80%; today, just 1% of that is left. Through this reforestation programme, these forests will be protected and managed and will never be sold or felled

Gift guideFor the partnership, ROADS has committed to planting one native tree for every bottle of fragrance sold – resulting in new forests that will remain. The natural native woodlands also support natural ecosystems by providing habitat and food for birds, mammals, and insects.

On average, one acre of new forest can sequester about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. The brand is committed to tackling and addressing issues of declining biodiversity and theunfoldingclimatechallenge.

‘‘Hundreds of the trees we planted in the beginning are now over three metres tall. I’ve seen birds flying through them and balanced on their branches, other animals eating and finding shelter and building homes beneath them and this is just in the first few years. We look forward to witnessing the journey from saplings into adolescence. At Hometree we know that we might not see many (if any) reach maturity but it was a blast planting them and it’s been such a pleasure to work beside so many passionate people inasimpletaskofplantingtrees.”—Co-FounderMattSmith.

ABOUT ROADS - Founded by Irish creative

Danielle Ryan, ROADS is an international lifestyle brand that not only includes luxury perfumes, but also one that publishes art and design books and makes films and documentaries.

Bitter End is inspired by the West of Ireland; its nonconforming beauty, the impact of its barren but arresting landscapes, its isolation. The scent is natural and herbaceous and surprisingly fresh.

TOP: Bergamot, Ylang, Galbanum, Peach

HEART: Jasmin, Rose, Lily, Hyacinth, Neroli, Orris

BASE: Crystal Amber, Musks, Precious Woods, Cedarwood

Art Addict is inspired by the heady lustre and creative buzz of the international contemporary art world.

TOP: Green Apple, Pink Freesia

HEART: Dewy Violet, Wild Orris, Lush Greens

BASE: White Amber, Silk Musks

Big Sky captures the enormous presence of the African sky; a roof of ever-changing pictures between land and cosmos represented by a play of bright citrus and sultry notes.

TOP: Citrus, Lemon, Orange Flower

HEART: Geranium, Patchouli, Papyrus, Oud Note

BASE: Amber, Sandlewood, Cashmeran, Myrrh, Vanilla

Fresh and invigorating, Afropolis is inspired by contemporary Africa. it represents the unique cultural energy of its cities; the dynamism of its arts and commerce and unique sense of style.

TOP: Gin, Juniper Berries, Fresh Citrus, Spearmint

HEART: Blonde Woods, Iris, Oakmoss, Marine

BASE: Ebony Woods, Vertiver, Amber, Cashmere Musks

A pioneering vision for your hair

Gennaro Dell' Aquila is an Italian hairstylist and entrepreneur on a mission to revolutionise women's haircare by introducing 100% natural colouring systems in his salons.

"At GA salons, we believe in creating beauty through nature. Our sole aim is to guide our clients to rediscover their natural beauty." Gennaro Dell'Aquila

When using chemicals over a long period of time, hair weakens and you become a slave to the maintenance that follows. It is our belief that using our methods we can create beautiful, luxurious hair that grows healthier over time.

Opening a Hair Salon in the most prestigious parts of London to make an immediate impression in the rich and varied landscape of hairstyling is no easy task. With a seemingly healthyappetitefornovelties,thiscityseemstobetheperfectplaygroundfortheinventive and creative. But it takes more than creativity to make it work. The owner of GA Salons, GennaroDell'Aquila,hasachievedthiswithhissimpleapproachofcreatingbeautythrough nature combined with the saying that true beauty extends far beyond physical appearances.

On my first visit to the Kensington Salon, I choose the very popular Cezanne treatment, a frizz-zapping and lustre-adding treatment that harnesses the power of keratin, vitamin B, botanical and sericin, which is a component of silk to loosen curls and smooth hair making the hair feel silky.

After careful and meticulous application of the products by the highly skilled and professional hairstylist, my hair was blow-dried and straightened to perfection, making me wonder if my curls will ever return. Gennaro has created and developed 100% natural, plant-based alternatives in his hair products that result in effortlessly luxurious, healthy hair,andaftermyfirstwash,Icouldseethedifferencestraightaway.

Beautiful soft curls, no frizz and healthy-looking hair. The treatment lasts around four months and shows no signs of fading after all this time, giving my hair manageability and softness.

Discreet yet inviting, The GA salons attempt to intensify the experience of a variety of natural and unique treatments and take it to a new level of sophistication; set in the most prestigious and beautiful parts of London, I am swayed to believe that they have succeeded.


Transport yourself across the globe with an olfactory journey to the most desirable destinations. Scent your space to evoke the ultimate escape.


OSTENS PATCHOULI HEARTNO.II - £95 | 50ml Patchouli Heart from Indonesia is soft, warm and more modern compared to the cult Patchouli making this fragrance fresh, aromatic and elegant. Delicate notes of Iris resin and Violet leaf add a soft, powdery, vintage-like quality that’s brightened with Ambroxan and Patchouli Heart to create a clean, aromatic fragrance with a distinctly timeless quality.



Under the “artistic residency” of Christopher Chong, Thameen London is proud to announce the release of the first fragrance of The Britologne Collection, titled FANFARE. Fanfare is inspired by the Flower Market in Covent Garden with notes of Neroli, Flower Market Accord, Vermouth and Vetiver.

OFFICINE UNIVERSELLE BULYEAU TRIPLE SUMIHINOKI- £135 | 75ml A unique water-based perfume, with deep notes of smoked cypress, softened with Hinoki wood and incense. This distinctive and sensual accord enfolds the skin like velvet, Sumi Hinoki manages to capture the elusive essence of the precious smoke emanating from Japanese Cypress wood.


Never Go Alone has designed a collection of go-anywhere wellness products to empower you to live and travel responsibly.

The inaugural collection, 'Edition One: Sandstone', is a range of products that reimagine personal wellness, designed to create a memorable sensory experience with thoughtfully selected ingredients and sublimely tactile materials.

The Renew Hand Cream reduces inflammation and dryness and strengthens the skin barrier to reverse signs of ageing and protect from environmental stress. This hydrating , non-greasy formula delivers reparative antioxidants and skin-replenishing peptides with soothing oils and marine algae to heal damaged skin, repair the cuticles and leave the skin barrier nourished and pleasantly scented.

This one-of-a-kind formula utilises powerful skincare ingredients such as Ceramide to lock moisture into your skin, Ginseng & Green Tea Extract to protect your skin from free radicals, and Chamomile & Calendula to soothe and calm irritation. Combined with naturally derived 65% alcohol to neutralise germs & bacteria, rounded out with our signature earthy ‘Sandstone’ scent to linger softly, providing aromatherapy.

The Hand Wipes act as sanitiser, skincare treatment and a subtle unisex fragrance in one. Packed with clinical skincare ingredients to leave your hands nourished, 65% alcohol to neutralise germs and bacteria. Made of biodegradable wood pulp and safe for skin or surfaces.

Moonlight Concentrate

Skin Rei’Aya

Rei’Aya [ pr.Ree-A-Yah ] derived from the Arabicmeaning‘tocare.’

“Want To Transform your skin while you sleep with our Award Winning advanced nightserum?

Moonlight Concentrate is designed to help yourskinrecoverandrejuvenateovernight.

The product is enriched with Bakuchiol, a plant-based ingredient that promotes collagen renewal, reduces wrinkles, and increases skin elasticity. The serum works to repair the skin barrier, maintain hydration, and leave your skin feeling naturallysoftandhealthy.

Moonlight Concentrate is an excellent addition to your skincare routine if you liveinanurbanareaandarelookingfora high-quality night treatment to combat the effects of pollution and other environmentalstressorsonyourskin.The serum is Halal, ensuring that it meets strict purity and quality standards. It is also fragrance-free, ethically sourced, and suitableforsensitiveskin.

Overall, Moonlight Concentrate is is used by more than 1150 customers with 89% visible results after 3 weeks of use. If you're looking for a night serum that is effective, safe, and convenient to use, then this product may be an excellent choiceforyou.

Lets spread A Healthy Skin Culture across theglobe.”

Moonlight Concentrate

Developed specifically to help your skin recover its natural health after the stresses of urban life. This is a high-quality night treatment that simultaneously works to rejuvenate your skin, fight signs of ageing and prepare your skin for the next day. Enriched with Bakuchiol, Moonlight Concentrate promotes collagen renewal, reduces deep-set wrinkles, and increases skin elasticity.

Urban Shield

Ithelpstorepairtheskinbarrierand maintainhydration,leavingyourskin feelingnaturallysoftandhealthy.A simpletouchofluxury,Moonlight Concentrateisamust-haveinyour skincareroutine. Forpurity,quality,andconvenience, MoonlightConcentrateisHalal. MoonlightConcentrateisfragrancefree,ethicallysourced,andsuitablefor sensitiveskin.

An enriching day serum for the ultimate defence against the harsh urban environment. Banish the stress of air pollution, blue light, and harmful UV rays. Urban Shield offers multiple benefits in one intelligently designed product for unparalleled dermal defence.

Thisdelicatelyenrichingdayoilis infusedwithmarinebambooand micro-algaeextracttoprotect, nourishandcomfortyourskin. Richinantioxidantsandantiinflammatoryoils,SkinRei’Aya UrbanShieldwillmaintain hydrationandfightsignsof ageing–keepingyourskin radiantinsideandout. UrbanShieldisHalal,fragrancefree,ethicallysourced,and suitableforsensitiveskin.


Body Beauty & Crystals

BEAUTYSLEEPBATH&BODYCRYSTOILisa blendoflavender,rosewoodandgeraniumcharged withamethystcrystalstorelaxandrenew,releasing stressandnegativeenergy.

AscendtoahigherplacewithHIGHERSELFBATH&BODYCRYSTOIL,ablendofcitrus lemon,blackpepper,andeucalyptus-infusedwithrosehip,passionflowerandCitrine crystals,ahigh-vibrationstonetocleansenegativeenergiesandattractabundance.

The Good Skin Coach


Amba is an award-winning facialist, skincare expert & makeup artist.

With a varied background in the beauty industry for three decades, Amba is an advocate of ‘grown-up’ beauty & best known for creating fresh, flawless, glowing signature looks.

''Over the years, I have become known for my bespoke “Beyond a Facial” treatment, which is a perfect blend of clinically backed skincare, science-led results, & wellbeing, always incorporating “The Amba Method" sculpting & draining massage''

When did you first become interested in beauty and skincare?

I have been pretty obsessed with skincare, make-up & fragrance from a young age. At first, I didn’t realise working in the beauty industry was an option, but after seeing a beauty therapy course advertised at my localcollege,whilstlookingforaplanB(plan A was to go to dance college, but that is another story) I have never looked back and washookedfromdayone.

How has beauty evolved over the years?

The industry has changed so much over the last three decades. When I trained in the 90s,theaveragepersondidn’townamobile phone; now, approx 92% of the population walks around with the internet in their pockets. We relied on magazines, beauty press&tradeexhibitionstokeepuptodate with new innovations & launches. The training was strict and thorough, with far fewer courses; now, students can obtain qualifications online in a matter of days, which is scary, but hopefully soon to change.

The average consumer is more informed, educated & seeks results, but equally, so much information can be overwhelming & I notice we are going back to basics a little with a more holistic approach. Technology advancements are exciting, with the need forinvasivesurgerybecomingatrendofthe past.

What are the latest beauty trends?

Dewy, glowing skin is still around with the aim to use skincare as make-up on flawless “lit” complexions. The skin barrier has become a buzzword as we all manage to destroy it at somepointoverthelastfewyearsofexcessive exfoliation. Retinol is far from new, but a fresh approach of gentler formulations used regularly as appose to going in hard and experiencingweeksofshedding&sensitivity.

The obsession with ingredients is still around, encouraging companies to come up with the next best thing. However, very few new ingredients pop up, but clever delivery systems and formulations put a new spin on results-led skin care.

Exosometherapyusesthepowerofyourstem cells to rejuvenate skin; this will be something we slowly see a lot more of for in-clinic treatmentsandinjectablealternatives.

What is your famous natural ‘glowy’ skin finish, and how can this be achieved at home?

MyfavouritelooktocreateisanaturalParisian “un-done” skin finish with a glow that looks lit from within. Super hydrated skin is plump and pushes out fine lines, and gives a smooth, almost shiny surface, in all the right places, of course.

Layer hydrating and moisturising products from thinnest to thickest, not over loading with too many silicone-based formulations toavoidpiling.

Stick to creamy based make-up products buffed in with fluffy brush, or warm fingers, using illuminating, soft highlights on the highpointsofthefacetocatchthelight.

Can you share five tips to incorporate into your beauty routine?

Spend a few mins in the evening massing in your cleanser (preferably cream or oilbased). This boosts circulation, lymph draining, delivering nutrients to skin cells, and sculptingpuffyareas.

Switch out flannels and muslin cloths for super soft micro-fibre, which removes makeup inaflashandavoidsirritation&manualexfoliation.

Consider working a mild retinol into your night-time routine. Don’t feel the need to work uptothestrongestformulas;consistencyiskey.

Try getting into a habit of removing your make-up/ SPF as early as possible instead of just before climbing into bed. This gives longer for your night-time actives to work and eliminatestheriskofskippingstepsasyouaretootired.

Daily protection is a must, as UVA rays (the ageing ones) are around all year. Find a formula and texture that works for you and that you enjoy the look of. It needn’t be cloggyortoothick.SPFinourtintedmoisturisersandmake-uparenotquiteenough.

Where can we find you?

I run clinics in Derbyshire & London and can be found by typing Amba Logan into most socials.



As the seasons change and we head into the drying colder months, it is worth investing the time on your lips to keep your pout soft and supple.

Anytime you feel your lips are dry, you should apply a lip balm or serum. Apply all over the lips, making sure to include the outer corners and reapplying as necessary throughout the day. If you have very dry lips, there are also great overnight Lip Masks to hydrate whilst you sleep.

Inspired by skincare, LIP SERUM BALMS are a hybrid of colour and care. Infusing a rich ingredient complex with pigment for lips that look as good as they feel.

Meadowfoam Seed Oil The perfect ingredient for locking in moisture for a nourished feeling.

Licorice Leaf Extract Visibly smoothes the skin around your lips and balances the moisture content for a refreshing look.

Dipalmityl Hydroxyproline + Palmitic Acid (plant-derived) Helps strengthen your skin barrier and reduce the look of fine lines.

Cocoa Butter Helps to soften dry and rough lips.

Apply alone for a dewy wash of colour or over lipstick to add an extra dimension.

Ruby Hammer Lip Serum Balm is available in 6 shades Berry, Red, Pink, Nude, FX and FX Gold, £18 each.

Sweet Dreams and More

Goodsleepisaboutbothquantityandquality. Wakeupenergisedandrefreshedandwork moreeffectivelyduringtheday.

DEEP SLEEP contains a unique 11-nutrient formulation of amino acids, botanicals, vitamins and minerals, such as Montmorency Chery, Glycine, 5HTP, vitamin D3 and Magnesium to reduce tiredness and fatigue.


Taking the Wellness Route to Become Your Best Self

the WELLNESS influencer

Millionair’s health & wellness editor, Lucy Wakefield, shares her finds.favourite

Invest in Your Skin

Good skin comes from more than just using good skincare. It’s a holistic approach – lifestyle habits, nutrition and more. This is something myBlend understands more than most. Centred around the power of three synergies, Nutri – water-soluble daily supplements and prebiotics, Derma –a comprehensive 23-product skincare line-up and Tech – innovative beauty tools to enhance the effectiveness of their products, including a state-ofthe-art LED, mask that provides a spa-at-home experience. Definitely, on my wish list to invest in and try.

This Month I have been...

Making more time for myself and my thoughts, thanks to Joy, Papier’s Wellness Journal, £26. The journal encourages you to start each day with a fresh mindset and note down what you’re grateful for. Inside are 12 weeks’ worth of pages to reflect on your mindful goals, habits, meals, water intake and sleep. Choose from an array of gorgeous shades from avocado green to sky blue, or personalise by choosing the colour, font and wording. Also, makes the perfect gift for your ‘healthy girl friends.

Hot Destination

Looking for somewhere to socialise, network and, most importantly, on our work/life balance list….unwind? Look no further than The Other House, a new private members group with a holistic difference. Not only do they offer all the fabulous services you would expect from an exclusive club they also have an incredible wellness space featuring a vitality pool, sauna, steam room, yoga and meditation studios. And with locations conveniently situated in South Kensington and Covent Garden, this could be your new home-from-home with a luxury wellness twist. Visit for bookings and enquiries

Store Spotlight: Selfridges

While I love the convenience of ordering online, nothing comes close to browsing London’s department stores. Selfridges has stolen my shopping heart when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Besides an amazing array of natural beauty products, supplements and sexual wellness brands, you can also experience radiance-boosting treatments at The Light Salon and grooming expertise at the Blink Brow Bar. Get glowing from inside and out, and then stop off for a green tea at London’s hippest green tea bar JENKI for everything matcha. My go-to order? An Iced Rose + Collagen

Everyday Wellness

Inner beauty supplements fascinate me. There’s not a vast body of research to back up claims that they produce plumper skin and stronger hair and nails, but personally, I’ve seen a huge difference when I take them regularly as an add-on to a healthy diet. WelleCo’s The Super Greens Daily Elixir, £63, is one I can recommend wholeheartedly. The original daily all-in-one super greens, it’s still the best in my mind, and if there’s anyone to trust on the ‘beauty-from-within’ approach, it’s Elle Macpherson, who had this blend created specifically to counterbalance the effects of her former on-the-go, caffeinated, busy life. If it works for Elle, it works for us—a very worthwhile

Shelf Care

One habit I’m working on is ending my day reading a book instead of scrolling my phone. These are the titles that are by my bedside and highly recommended for anyone like me committed to improving their mindset and self-esteem.

Manifest Dive Deeper, Roxie Nafousi – the latest must-read from the Queen of Manifesting. Get your hands on a signed copy with this link and be ready to change your life. ORDER HERE

8 Rules of Love Rules, Jay Shetty – this book guides you on your quest for love as you build a foundation first with yourself, then with others and, finally, with the world.

Atomic Habits, James Clear. If you want to build better

habits, change your routine and level up in 2023, make this your next go-to read.


last word

Hanging Lemon Henrietta Abel Smith

A True Wonder of Time and Nature


42.1,atrueWonderofTimeand Nature,offeringanultimate expressionofLOUISXIIICognac.

Forthethirdtimeinhistory,inanunexpecteddeparturefromtheordinarypassage of time, Cellar Master Baptiste Loiseau uncovers the third milestone in the RARE CASKlegacy:RARECASK42.1.

Inexplicable and unpredictable, a single tierçon has just unveiled its uniquely exceptional aromatic profile, giving a distinct expression of LOUIS XIII Cognac never encounteredbefore,andwithanunexpected42.1%ABV.

Keptinobscurityandseeminglyundisturbed,theeaux-de-vieinsideareundergoing anenchantingtransformation.Theydeepenwithemotionalintensityandfascinating mahogany hues that will one day radiate once brought into light. The combined forces of Time and Nature acting through an endless number of interwoven cycles giveLOUISXIIICognacitsinimitablecomplexity.

“While the singularity of a Rare Cask rests on a miracle given by nature, the know-how that is necessary to its creation was born from a transmission of an art, from generation to generation, where each cellar master perpetuates the gestures of predecessors.”his says Baptiste Loiseau.

Transmitting art

The uncovering of a RARE CASK is a unique moment in the life of a LOUIS XIII Cellar Master, as such a spontaneous, rare occurrence may never happen in a single lifetime. Through three unique blends of unguessable yet anticipated perfection, the RARECASKcollection pays testimony to the legacy of the House and successive Cellar Masters.

“While the singularity of a Rare Cask rests onamiraclegivenbynature,theknow-how that is necessary to its creation was born from a transmission of an art, from generationtogeneration,whereeachcellar master perpetuates the gestures of his predecessors.”–saysBaptisteLoiseau.

Caring for Wonders

RARE CASK 42.1 is the first edition of the RARE CASK collection to be presented as a ritual set. The black crystal decanter is accompanied by crystal glasses ornated with black quatrefoils and a serving pipette featuring a black medallion. The forming of each decanter is a spectacular demonstration of the juxtaposition of art and savoir-faire. Inspired by a flask unearthed on the battlefield of Jarnac in

Thesingletierçonprovidesalimited number of just over 775 decanters, specially crafted from black crystal by Baccarat. RARE CASK 42.1 illustrates the importance of Caring forWonders–forTimeandNature, at the crossroads of art and savoirfaire.

Rare Cask story begins in 2004, whenCellarMasterPierretteTrichet identified a centennial tierçon of eaux-de-vie with a richness and intensity never encountered before and an exceptional 43.8 degrees ABV. This became the first Rare Cask, so special that only 786 black crystal decanters were released. ThesecondRareCaskwaslaunched in 2013 with a yet different ABV of 42.6. Today, LOUIS XIII unveils its third ever special edition with Rare Cask42.1.

Making a house an opulent home with 'nicnac'.

nicnac. was conceived by two best friends, both conveniently called Natalie, who share a personal passion for all things interior décor.

Whilst one Natalie has been a high-end fashion buyer for over a decade, personal styling and running several successful designer stores, the other Natalie accomplished an interior designer business for fourteen years with a thriving West London design studio and showroom.

Over a glass or two of wine, they decided to combine their two creative minds and join forces to create nicnac.

Our favourite pieces:

Moon Jelly


Tanna Abstract


Luxury Set of 6

Cushions | Blue


Bijou Crystal

Phoenix Table

Medina Chair

Oyster Pearl Lamp


25 years on Motcomb Street, Belgravia




Lincoln Seligman


Lincoln Seligman has devoted much of his career to large-scale works for contemporary buildingsaroundtheworld.

These are mainly installation sculptures, giant suspended mobiles designed for atrium spaces, airports and other transportation hubs,andintimatepaintingsoflocallifeinthe areashevisits.

This May, he is returning to the gallery for his fourth one-man show with works out of his Cotswolds Studio and many travels to India andbeyond.

Impressions of the Turf


OSG’sImpressionsoftheTurfiscomingbacktothegallery,withtwonewexcitingartists, LaraRobinsonandJessicaHills,whobothcapturethetheatreandpulsatingatmosphere oftheracecourse.

As well as this, the show will also include two returning painters Clementine St John Webster and Michelle McCullagh, who, with their distinctive approaches, capture horses andracingintheirinimitablestyle.

Rajasthan Farmer, Lincoln Seligman
And They’re off , Lara Robinson

Christopher Baker – ’Midnight Sun’ 26th September – 14th October

BakerwaseducatedatKinghamHillSchool.HetrainedatWestSurreyCollegeofArtand Design and the University of Exeter and has received several awards and scholarships, includingaRoyalAcademyLandscapeScholarshipandanArtsCouncilGrant. HehasexhibitedextensivelyintheUKandCanada.Constablehasverymuchinfluenced his early work, while his later works, of predominantly landscape subjects, are in the modern impressionist or abstract style, showing the influence of previous British landscape painters who eschewed solid objects and detail in favour of expressing the spiritual elements of their subjects, such as Turner. OSG is excited to be showing Christopher’sworkforthefirsttimethisSeptember.

Ushuaia Christopher Baker


Pearson Cooper 18th October – 11th November

Inspired by desert planes and bustling savannahs and all their wonderful creatures, on her travels to India, Africa, Oman and the UAE, Michelle has given substance to her ideas born in the silence of these landscapes and the solitude of the wilderness. She chooses subjects that are powerful and challenging but her a¡nity with them is always paramount. Her honest approach and draftsmanship is apparent in each cast bronze and faith- fully executed drawing, achieving greater perception into their individual characteristics. OSG is thrilled to be presenting Michelle’s work again following her fantastic 2020 exhibition ‘Reigning Cats and Dogs’.

Caracal Michelle Pearson-Cooper


Abel Smith 15th November – 3rd December

Henrietta studied at Charles H Cecil Studios in Florence, Italy, from 2009 to 2012. Since then she has worked from her London studio producing portrait commissions and stunning still life paintings, that evoke the compositions of the 17th Century Dutch and Flemish school.

Henrietta’s talent and unique approach contribute to her ability to produce both spellbinding but also intimate scenes and OSG is delighted not only to be hosting her exhibition this November but also to be introducing her style to the gallery.


Pereira – ‘Wild Seas’ 6th – 22nd December

‘Wild Seas’ will showcase a series of stunning seascapes by a master in this field, Garry Pereira.

Whether calm waters or wild conditions, he has the ability to bring the emotion of the sea for those who love it to canvas and panel.

It may be hard to believe, but a number of these atmospheric pieces are painted out at sea on fishing boats and trawlers of the Norfolk and Suffolk coast to the surprise and admiration of the fishermen he accompanies.

Garry Pereira and OSG are so looking forward to presenting this wonderful collection of recent works for a show in the lead-up to Christmas.

Hanging Lemon Henrietta Abel Smith
Forecast I & II Garry Pereira


only better


snacks containing no refined sugar that are low in natural sugar, vegan, gluten and dairy-free, compostable, palmbiodegradable, oil and plastic free.

Art Welovechocolate.We’ve butalwayslovedchocolate, roadsomewherealongthe wentitlostitsway.So,we thanksonaroadtripand toourchildren decidedtobringreal chocolateback,only better.

Prodigy Snacks make chocolate, only better. Delicious chocolate enables us to make healthier lifestyle choices for ourselves and our planet every day. B-Corp certified and created by chocolate lovers, for chocolate lovers; Prodigy reinvents the much-loved classics to be better all-round, creating indulgent and tasty sweet treats with no compromises.

Founded by husband and wife Sameer and Neena Vaswani, the Battersea-based brand is committed toofferingchocolatesnacksthatcontainnorefined sugar, artificial sweeteners, or sugar alcohols. All Prodigy products are plant-based and uniquely low in natural sugar, with an average of just 7g per serving,settinganewstandardintheconfectionery industry.

Havingstartedhiscareerasachef and restaurateur, Sameer has first-hand experience in the world of food manufacturing, including the widespread industry use of cheap, harmful ingredients and their damaging impact on the environment and our bodies. So, alongside Neena, they set out on a mission to offer chocolate with all the taste they loved but with additional benefits to both people and the planet, creating delicious, indulgent chocolate treats made from single origin cacao and highqualityplant-basedingredients.

What’smore,ProdigySnacksproductsalsosupport gut health with the brand’s signature Chocolate and Salted Caramel developed to include natural prebiotic fibre and vegan, gluten, dairy and palm oil free.Currentlyavailablefromprodigysnacks.comas well as at Holland & Barrett, Ocado, Planet Organic, WHSmith Travel, Co-op, Whole Foods Market and on-board EasyJet flights, all Prodigy Snacks products are also wrapped in compostable, biodegradableandplastic-freepackaging.

We make delicious chocolate that enables all of us to make healthier choices for ourselves and our planet every single day. Chocolate that contains no refined sugar, is low in natural sugar, vegan, gluten and dairy free, biodegradable,compostable, palm oil and plastic free too.

Prodigy Snacks’ moreish and sugarslump free chocolate is available to enjoy in single-serve bars. Ranging fromclassictoinnovative

The current Prodigy Snacks offering is complete with a range of biscuits. On offer are Prodigy’s Chocolate Oatie Biscuits, a uniquely thin and crumbly biscuit base with just a hint ofsalt,coveredinsmooth,richcacao chocolate and Chocolate Digestive Biscuits, crunchy and crumbly, this is the Prodigy Snacks take on a muchloved classic; a satisfying and snappingly thin wheat-free digestive base covered in rich cacao chocolate.

Prodigy Snacks products can be purchased from Discoverchocolate,onlybetter.


Depending on your mood and your style.

Beautiful scents can bring up fond memories, making it important to think about choosing the perfect fragrance to wear on your special day.

Think about those anniversaries in years to come; you’ll be brought back to your big day.

Whether you go for a classic, bohemian, modern or romantic wedding, your style will help you choose your scent.

Aligning your perfume with your personality is the way to go. Here are our absolute favourites.


Thisisafragrantevocationoftrue happinessthatcomesfrom momentsofsimplicitywhenyou feelsafeandloved. Cloud9is clean,comfortinganddelicate. Withtopnotesofblossom, bergamotandlilyofthevalley, complimentingmidlayersofrose, violetandiris,aboveamusk, heliotropeandvanillabase.



Unexpectedly,thisfragranceis bold,voluptuous,addictivefloral, fullofripe,jammyblackcurrant andcrushedTurkishrosepetals liftedbypinkpeppercorn.This intriguing,intense,almostmiddle easterninterpretationofroseis instantlywarmandenveloping. Alreadylovedbyfragrance aficionados,RoseIspartaisfast developingacultfollowing.



InspiredbyCoventGarden’siconic FlowerMarket,FanfareCologneElixir fromThameenLondonembodiesthe beauty,vibrancy,andcharacterofthe historicsite.Thisdecadentfragrance captivatesasitunfolds,openingwith beguilingwateryfloralandcitrus accords,blendedovertherichand daringheartnoteofvermouthand sumptuouslydarkdepthsofthebase notes,smoothmusk,patchouliand vetiver.



BluegardenofPersepolis, enclosedwithwallsandshadows, wherethefragranceofthe tuberoseisinfusedintheevening warmthandintheblackmaneof thegods.Lunarflowersofivory andmother-of-pearl,fruitsofgold andruby,vanillabeansandclove flowerslikeleatherpillows.


Starry Starry Nights

The Ring

PartoftheStarryNightCollection, theStarryNightRingaddssome subtleandmodernsparkleto yourhand.Craftedfrom hallmarkedsterlingsilverand platedinrhodium(foratarnishresistantsilverfinish)or18ctgold, featuringpavé-setcubiczirconia stones.

The Bangle

MeettheStarryNightBangle.A statementpiecethatisstilldelicateand easytowear.Letitshinebyitself,or stackitalongsideyourotherbanglesand bracelets.Craftedfromhallmarked925 sterlingsilverandavailableinrhodium (foratarnish-resistantsilverfinish)or 18ctgoldplatedfinisheswith14pavésetcubiczirconiastonesforamazing sparkle.

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