â«×€×§×¢×ªâ¬ pkaat
Pkaat / Bulb Israel Designer Craftsmen's Association Beit Ha'omanim (Artists House), Tel Aviv December 2009 – January 2010 Curator: Nir Harmat Catalogue design and production: Studio Milli & Rachel Photographs: Oren Izre'el English Translation: Yotam Ben Meir The exhibition and catalogue were made possible through the generous support of the Culture Administration, The ministry of Culture & Sport Measurements are given in centimeters: height x width x depth (right to left) ÃÅ All rights reserved to the Israel Designer Craftsmen's Association
The Culture Administration The ministry of Culture & Sport
Beit Ha'omanim (Artists House) 9 Alcharizi St. Tel Aviv www.telavivcity.com/artisthouse
Miri Or Ora Bustan Tali Blumenau Joan Ben Nun Tsila Goldstein Dov Gazit Ilana Graf Dvora Dudai Neta Dor Adan Mira Weinstein Erica Weisz-Schweiger Yael Chananel Odelia Lavie Rina Levitt Ella Lustig Shula Liss Tamar Nissim Dania Chelminsky Leshem Dorit Koh Lidia Rozansky Abbey Flam Rotbart Dafna Sartiel
The catalog is in the memory of Joan Ben-Nun, who worked and contributed to promoting Israel Designer Craftsmen's Association. Joan had a passion for life and to people surrounding her. She explored nature and was inspired by it; A dry leaf, wooden window, texture of a tree or the ground dries after a flood in the desert. Your creation and being will always be remembered and cherished.
A Bulb embodies bipolar possibilities: the whole and the empty, the awaken and the dormant, the alive and the dead, the beginning and the end. The 22 exhibiting artists examine the Bulb as an object or as a concept and explore the different meanings that they evoke. A bulb or corm in botany is a sub-terrine accretion organ, the sustenance nucleus, a place for accumulation and a potential source for growth and coming into being. Much like in a scientific experiment, the exhibition's artworks disassemble and analyze the Bulb, unveiling the secret held in between its layers. Those tiny sprouts of the soul representing a whole bulb, which preserves the transient reality in a capsule of memory, of compressed time, a capsule of space and of existence. Conceived metaphorically as a 'living-dead', it is an object which embodies a possibility for awakening, a potential for life, for growth and for prosperity; or, in a reversed process, collapsing back inside, into the essence, the substance, into a concentrated, condensed source of life, which could also be drained. On its diverse stratum, the Bulb expresses a reduced, essentialist starting point which conceals life within itself. It stores the collection of characteristics which makes the occurrence into what it is and returns to the central âspineâ of the item, to the essence and the fundamental. It functions, if you will, as a womb or an incubator that creates life forces. Nevertheless, there is no essential connection between the sign and the reference; how will the butterfly look like after emerging from the cocoon? What will be the flower's color after blooming out of the dry corm? From the outset of mankind's history the Bulb has been an indicator and a symbol for life and growth, and in different cultures it is attributed unique qualities of prolonging life, of enhancing the male's sexual potency and of carrier of the genetic code that sustains humanity and maintain its continuation. The exhibition provides a multi-medium view on the subject and its different representations using a variety of techniques, some of which refer to the Bulb's meaning in the Greek mythology. Theseus, King of Athens, finds his way out of the labyrinth with the help of the string bulb given to him by Ariadne, and overpowers the monstrous Minotaur, leading the Athenians out of the labyrinth. The use of the string in the exhibition, implicating the âAriadne's stringâ, indicates a feminine force of rescue and salvation. Other works in the exhibition created from materials in their unprocessed, raw form, as if striving back to matter, to its primordial, âbulbishâ essence. One can identify a combination of organic / natural and industrial materials that creates a tension between the basic look of the bulb and the contemporary and industrialized visual. The artworks weave a braided bulb of voices, points of view and references to counter forces, to awakening as well as whithering and falling asleep; to sprouting, emerging and revealing as well as collapsing and extinction; to nature's cycle and life's existential kernel. Nir Harmat, curator
Tali Blumenau, b. 1949, Israel âCyclamens Hillâ 160x200, Mixed Media
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±ÏÂ¥Ïâ Ãâ«×××â ××××× ×ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«××עתâ ×ךק׀×תâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â±ââxâ€ââ
Miri Or, b. 1945, Israel âThe Bulb has Burst I IIâ 41x51 cm, Mixed Media on Paper
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ï¥µâ Ãâ«××ך×â ××ךšâ × â¬ Ãâ IIâ Iâ â«×€×§×¢×â ×׀קעתâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ ×¢×â × ××ךâ¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â¥Â±xµ±
Ella Lustig, b. 1953, Israel â24 hours+, a dayâ 310x50 cm, Lambda Print
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïµâ¥â Ãâ«×××â ××ס××ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«â€â שע×תŽšâ ××××â¬Â¥Ã â«×šâ ××׀סâ ×××××â¬Â¢â«â¥â סâ¬Â±âxµâ
Erica Weisz-Schweiger, b. 1947, Romania âHuman Cocoonâ 24x18 cm each, Mixed Media on X-ray slide
â«Âšâ ך××× ××â¬Â±ÏÂ¥ââ Ãâ«×ך×ק×â ×××סâ ש××××ךšâ × â¬ Ãâ«×€×§×¢×ªâ ×× ×ש×תâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ ×¢×â ׊××××â ×š× ×××â¬Â¢â«×â ×â¬Â¢â«â€â סâ¬Â¥x±â
Lidia Rozansky, Argentina âAgain and Againâ Print
â«×××××â ך××× ×¡×§×šâ ×ך×× ××× ×⬠Ãâ«××××ךâ ×××××â¬Ã â«××׀סâ¬
Odelia Lavie, b. 1976, Israel âGolemâ 70x220 cm, Mixed Media in Textile
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïâââ Ãâ«××××××â ×××ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«××××â¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ ××קס×××â¬Â¢â«âââ סâ¬xâ€â€â
Ilana Graf, b.1958, Israel Untitled 21X30 cm each, Screen print on paper
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïµââ Ãâ«×××× ×â ×ךףšâ × â¬ â«×××â ××תךת⬠â«×šâ ××׀סâ ךשתâ ×¢×â × ××ךâ¬Â¢â«×â ×â¬Â¢â«â€â סâ¬Â±xâ¥â
Ora Bustan, b. Israel 1952 âTo Feelâ 26x29x21.5cm, Mixed Media
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïµâ€â Ãâ«××ך×â ××סתךâ × â¬ Ãâ«××ך××שâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ¬Â¢â«ââ€â סâ¬xâ€Ïxâ€Â±Ãµ
Dorit Koh, b. 1952, Israel âRenewalâ 40 cm diameter, recycled cotton thread
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïµâ€â Ãâ«××ך×תâ קךâ × â¬ Ãâ«×ת××ש×תâ¬Ã â«×â ק××ךšâ ××××â ×××ª× ×â ×××××ך××â¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â¥â
Dov Gazit, b. 1934, Tchernovitz âFinal Timeâ 24.5x34.5 cm, mazonit print
Ãâ«Âšâ ×Š×š× ××××¥â¬Â±Ïâ¥Â¥â Ãâ«××â ×××תšâ × â¬ Ãâ«×××â ס××€×â¬Ã â«×šâ ××׀סâ ×××× ××â¬Â¢â«â€â סâ¬Â¥Ãµxâ¥Â¥Ãµ
Dvora Dudai, b. 1945, Poland âField lâ 37x15x40 cm, Mixed Media âField llâ 40x34 cm, Lambda Print
â«Âšâ ×€××××â¬Â±Ï¥µâ Ãâ«×××ך×â ××××ךâ × â¬ ÃIâ â«×©××â¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ¬Â¢â«ââ¥â סâ¬x±µxÂ¥â ÃIIâ â«×©××â¬Ã â«×šâ ××׀סâ ×××××â¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â¥âxâ¥Â¥
Shula Liss, b. 1946, Israel âBed Detachedâ 21 bulbs 10 cm diameter each, Mixed Media
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±ÏÂ¥ââ Ãâ«×©×××â ××סšâ × â¬ Ãâ«×׊עâ ×× ×תקâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ¬Â¢â«×â ק××ךâ ×â¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â±ââ â«â€â ׀קע×תâ¬Â±
Miri Or, âPakaa Hapkaatâ, 41x51 cm, Industrial Oil Paint on Paper
â«××ך×â ××ך⬠š¢I IIâ â«×€×§×¢×â ×׀קעתâ¬Â¢ â«×šâ ׊××¢â ש××â תעש××ת×â ×¢×â × ××ךâ¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â¥Â±xµ±
Yael Chananel, b. 1959, Israel âThinking Entrapmentâ 49x21x17 cm, Paper Sculpture
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±ÏµÏâ Ãâ«××¢×â ×× × ×ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«×××××â ××ש×ת×â¬Ã â«×šâ ×€×ס××â ×× ××ךâ¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Â¥Ïxâ€Â±x±â
Rina Levitt, b. Israel âThe Power of New Lifeâ 73x100 cm, Monotype Print
šâ«×š×× ×â ××××⬠Ãâ«××××â ש×â ××××â ××ש××â¬Ã â«×šâ ××׀סâ ××× ×××××€â¬Â¢â«â¥ââ סâ¬x±ââ
Tsila Goldstein, b. 1948, Israel âHuman Bundleâ 80 cm diameter, Mixed Media
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±ÏÂ¥ââ Ãâ«×Š×××â ××××ש×××ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«×€×§×¢×ªâ ×× ×ש×תâ¬Ã â«×â ק××ךšâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ¬Â¢â«âââ סâ¬
Neta Dor Adan, b.1955, Israel âCrawlersâ Flash video loop
â«â šâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïµµâ Ãâ«× ××¢â ××ךâ ××ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«××××××â¬Ã â«×€××שâ ×××××â ×××€â¬
Dania Chelminsky Leshem, b. 1961, Mexico âSlicedâ 135x70x35 cm,â Mixed Media
â«Âšâ ×קס×ק×â¬Â±Ïâ±â Ãâ«×××× ×¡×§×â ×שךâ × â¬Ãâ«×× ××â ׊⬠Ãâ«×€×š×ס×תâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ¬Â¢â« â סâ¬Â±â¥Âµxââxâ¥Âµ
Mira Weinstein, b. 1948, Israel Untitled I II 100x60 cm each, Mixed Media on board
â«Âšâ ך×תâ ××â¬Â±ÏÂ¥ââ Ãâ«××ך×â ×××× ×©×××ךâ × â¬ IIâ Iâ â«×××â ××תךת⬠â«×šâ ××× ×ק×â ××¢×ך×תâ ×¢×â קך×××â¬Â¢â«â ×â¬Â±ââxââ
Tamar Nissim, b.1962, Israel âRemainsâ performance
â«Âšâ ×שך××â¬Â±Ïââ€â Ãâ«×ª×ךâ × ×ס×ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«×©×ך××תâ¬Ã â«××׊×â¬
Dafna Sartiel, b. 1965, Israel âBurstâ 52x37 cm, Print, Drypoint
â«â ×שך××â¬Â±Ïâµâ Ãâ«××€× ×â שךת××ךâ × â¬ Ãâ«×ת׀קע×תâ¬Ã â«×šâ ××׀סšâ ת×ך××â ××שâ¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Âµâ€xâ¥â
Abbey Flam Rotbart, b. 1954, USA âPassages: Dormancy / Re-growth / Arousalâ 50x100 cm each, photography, silk screen print, Sublimation Print on Polyester Fabric
â«â ×ך׊×תâ ××ך×תâ¬Â±Ïµ¥â Ãâ«×××â ×€××â ך×××ךךâ × â¬ Ãâ«â ××ך×××תâ¬Ãâ â«â ׊××××â¬Ãâ â«×ª××ך×תâ«â ×תע×ךך×תâ¬Ã šâ«×šâ ׊×××ךâ ××׀סâ ךשתâ ×ש×â¬Â¢â«×â ×â¬Â¢â«â סâ¬Âµâx±ââ â«××׀סâ ×¢×â ××â ×€××××ס×ךâ¬
Joan Ben Nun, 1949 â 2009, South Africa âSecretâ 6x10x9 cm, Natural fibers compression
â«âââ€Âšâ ×ך××â ×׀ך×ק×â¬Ïâ â â ±ÏÂ¥Ïâ šâ«×××â ××â × ××â¬Ãâ«×⬠Ãâ«×¡××â¬Ã â«×šâ ×××סתâ ס××××â ×××¢×××â¬Â¢â«ââ סâ¬x±âxÏ
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