What kind of media institution might distribute your media products and why?

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media products and why?

Mainstream film: Our film is an example of a mainstream horror because it’s a popular genre (psychological) which relies on the instabilities of its audience, drawing them into the plot. This is a reoccurring convention within the psychological genre in which we have emphasized by leaving the possibility of the return of the villain open. This is similar to The Ring 2002, in which I have analyzed in depth within the textual analysis document in our films Research element. The supernatural elements within the plot are also a mainstream and popular narrative within horror films, so this too is why we have chosen to use a mainstream media institution to distribute our film.


Because our film opening has mainstream qualities, I think that the best medium of distribution would be a mainstream cinema, like cineworld. This way it is available on a mass scale to any one ( within the age rating) who wish to watch it. This makes our film more accessible than that of a film only shown at independent cinemas or online. Because it’s a mainstream film, it can also be advertised within the cinema prior to other films being shown. After initial cinema release, the film will be available on DVD and blue ray in popular supermarkets and other stores

The correct method of distribution of our film ( Mainstream cinema) is also confirmed by a first time viewer Luc Terry: “I would pay to see this in the cinema�

Distribution It will also be available on TV sites like Netflix, once again attracting a large audience, who favor simplistic yet effective plots, similar to ours. The aim of mainstream films is to cater for a wide audience of the lowest common denominator. Our film fits well into this category as its easy to follow and can be understood by those who are neither intelligent or educated, nor cultured. Because of its mainstream roots, our film will be highly advertised and hopefully our audience will recommend it to others, increasing its popularity.

Budget Our film will have a large budget in order to fit into it’s mainstream category. This is because there is a range of different sounds, both diegetic and non diegetic, which needed to be recorded, using expensive recording equipment. We have also used a range of technical equipment like the crane and track which require a rather high budget to use. However, such a budget would only be relevant if the film was completed, using similar techniques and equipment to what we have used to construct the opening.

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