Analyse results

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Analysis of Survey Results.

By Millie Iron

Our results show that 81% of our audience were familiar with the genre of music we wish to use within our music video. This is probably because its a sub genre of Indie music, a genre that many struggle to define. Many think the Indie genre only incorporates a certain style, however it actually just refers to an independent record label. Despite this, its still promising that a significant amount of the audience will be able to recognize the genre to our music video and thus make links to it.

From the beginning, we always preferred the narrative genre rather than the performance because we can integrate a plot and will look more professional than an attempt at a performance based video. However, our results show that despite Narrative being more favored than performance, our audience prefer a music videos which features both Narrative and Performance. This contradicts my initial expectation, but is understandable considering the genre we have selected. In light of this, although we plan for our film to be significantly Narrative based, we may add some shots of the characters lip synching certain lyrics that relate to them. This may also drum the lyrics into the audiences minds to ensure the plot is understood.

Responses Included: • Distracts from video content/ • Because when they don't it's left to your own imagination and you can relate to your own lives so the lyrics become more personal • It forces the listener to think of the song in a specific way.

From our survey results, we can conclude that 70% of our audience prefer a music video of visual representations to the lyrics. Those who do not, believe that it distracts from their own thoughts and interpretations of the video. In light of this, we plan to produce a video that has a subtle sense of lyrical to visual representation so that the audience are aided towards the narrative yet still open to interpret the video how they wish. Personally, this was the expected response in regards to this question. We plan to further this by the use of sections of diegetic sound over the soundtrack, so that the link between the lyrics and the actions of the characters is more explicit.

By allowing the audience to choose from multiple options, we can narrow down the exact location in which we can use. The majority of our audience, prefer the use of Urban locations and everyday settings in comparison to studio and rural locations, which is good considering Urban and Everyday settings are the locations found mostly within our chosen genre. Such results are significant because I believe the most important convention of a music video is the location and thus we hope to ensure the location fits to the favors of our target audience. Therefore, we plan to act directly upon our audiences reference and film our music videos in Urban Settings like tunnels and Everyday settings to create a sense of realism, also common within our chosen genre.

Mise- en –scene is thoroughly important in influencing the opinion of a music video, this is evident through our survey results where 87% of our audience agree. In light of this, we plan for the costumes of our character to reflect their emotions and thus symbolize and foreshadow events that will occur later. Because of the independence surrounding our chosen genre, costumes will be casual and consist of oversized shirts of dark colours. Prior to this, although I though costumes were significant I didn't’t realize the extent of the impact they had upon the judgment of the entire video.

Editing is another key element to consider when constructing a music video. Our audience prefer a video that’s minimally edited rather than heavily, which is convenient considering that music videos of the Indie Rock genre are usually minimally edited in order to reflect a sense of social realism. Therefore, in light of our research and the survey we will attempt to make our music video as realistic as possible with editing limited to action matches and cutting.

Responses Included: • I would prefer something that is open for the audiences own interpretation. not in your face, it could mean two different things

Because we have chosen to take a narrative route in our music video, the storyline is crucial. Indie Rock music video’s are renowned for delving into plots that are controversial in mainstream media, so we have decided to definitely focus on a problematic storyline. In light of this, we listed the 3 most common and left it to our target audience to decide via the survey. Relationship issues was preferred by almost half of the audience and thus we have chosen too base our music videos around a relationship breakdown. Nevertheless, In light of the mixed opinions of our audience, we have also decided to incorporate elements of alcohol and drug abuse into our music video.

This result has made us realise the importance of costume, hair and make up within our music video. Especially since we plan to focus on the audiences opinion towards the characters, to evoke a mixture of emotions, such as dissatisfaction, sympathy and suspense. Therefore we plan to place more emphasis on Mise-en-scene to engage the audience.

These results reinforce our initial opinion regarding the importance of location within music videos as well as the significance of character representation through setting. In light of this, we will attempt to consistently link the characters current state of mind to the location, meaning we will use a variety of different locations within urban and everyday settings.

Our results have influenced us to have a male lead within our music video and in doing so follow the traditional roles within the Indie Rock genre. I believe that the audience were inclined towards a male lead because our chosen song in sung by a male band and thus the lyrics can relate to our music video more so than that of a female lead.

In light of our Market Research, our Music Video will be based on/ contain: •

Location= Urban/ Everyday Setting •

Male Lead

Revolve around a Relationship Breakdown with consequent Drug and Alcohol abuse.

Use of both Diegetic and Non- Diegetic sound. A subtle use of Visual Representation of the lyrics.

• Focus on Costume, Props, Hair and Makeup and Colour. •

Minimally edited to reflect social realism.

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