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Milwaukee’s Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 32 No. 50 • Thurs., Dec. 12, 2013 - Wed., Dec. 18, 2013 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Billions served, while workers remain underserved

By: Raina J. Johnson Special to The Milwaukee Times

In more than 100 cities across the nation, December 5, 2013 was a worker day of action. Fast food workers stood together to show solidarity in their efforts to raise the minimum wage and get their fair share from the billion dollar corporations that employ them. Demonstrations began as early as 6:00 a.m. in Milwaukee, with more than 100 people. According to a news release by University of California at Berkeley, their report, “Fast Food, Poverty Wages: The Public Cost of Low-Wage Jobs in the Fast-Food Industry,” revealed that the fast-food industry costs American tax payers nearly $7 billion annually because its jobs pay so little that 52 percent of fastfood workers are forced to enroll their families in public

assistance programs. In Wisconsin, low pay ends up costing our state $166 million every year. Workers are fighting back and raising their voices in order for action to be taken by the state legislature or federal government to raise the minimum wage. On the day of action, events took place in Milwaukee, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Green Bay, Madison and Racine. According to Wisconsin Jobs Now, in the Milwaukee area there are 18,250 frontline fast-food workers. Chants of “We can’t survive on $7.25” began at 6:00 a.m. and a few workers walked off the job to a crowd of supporters chanting, “C’mon out, we’ve got your back!” All are working towards $15 an hour and the right to form a union without interference from employers or unfair la-

Striking workers protesting here in Milwaukee about the low wages of fast food workers are part of a nationwide movement. bor practices. Following the 6:00 a.m. strike hundreds more workers and supporters gathered at the Wisconsin Jobs Now office, 1862 W. Fond du Lac Ave for a briefing, then pro-

ceeded to a march and rally at other fast food locations throughout the city. Workers say they will not give up in the fight for fair wages and a better future and they have a lot of peo-

ple supporting them in that fight, such as Rosalynn Wolfe from the League of Young Voters and many other coalition partners.

Northwest Activities Center hosts first annual O'Bee's Toy House

Staff Photos

The Northwest Family Activity & Events Center hosted its first Mrs. O’Bee’s Toy House on Sunday, December 8, 2013. This event was open to children 12 and under who were accompanied by an adult. Each child was permitted to select a toy. Children were also able to enjoy the special treats provided by the friends of Mrs. O’Bee. The center is located at 4034 W. Good Hope Road and is available to the public to host special events. For more information, please call 414-540-9630 or 414-462-6020. Pictured at the event are (left photo, from left) funeral director and corporate officer J.C. Frazier; Victoria Frazier; Santa Claus; and Milwaukee Times founder Nathan Conyers. Also pictured (right photo) are two of the young participants, ten year-old Jakiah Blake, and her sister, eight year-old Kyaire.

The future of bus service and mass transit in Milwaukee County: A community conversation On Wednesday, December 4, 2013, Veolia Transportation, one of the participants in the now stalled bid to operate the Milwaukee County Transit System, held one of two community forums on the future of Milwaukee’s mass transit system at Coffee Makes You Black, located at 2803 N. Teutonia Ave. The conversations included a review of best practices from across the country and a discussion of current innovations in a rapidly changing industry and how they might apply to Milwaukee County. Pictured at the event (from left) are Veolia business development vice-president Rahul Kumar; Veolia vice president Mike Setzer; and Veolia senior vice president Dick Alexander.

Photo by George Neal

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication

National & Local News

Nelson Mandela passes: World mourns South Africa's first black president

South Africans are mourning the death of the man who led the fight to end the system of apartheid and then went on to lead the country itself. "We will always love Madiba for teaching us that it is possible to overcome hatred and anger in order to build a new nation and a new society," President Jacob Zuma told reporters Friday, December 6, 2013, using the affectionate clan name shared by his countrymen for Nelson Mandela, who died December 5, 2013 at age 95. He will be buried following a state funeral on Sunday, December 15, in his ancestral hometown of Qunu in the Eastern Cape province, Zuma said. The official memorial service was held Tuesday, December 10, 2013 in First National Bank Stadium in Johannesburg. From December 11-13, his body will lie in state at the seat of government in Pretoria, where he served as president, Zuma said. Zuma had announced the death late Thursday in a nationally televised address. "Our nation has lost its greatest son, our people have lost a father," he said. "Although we knew that this day would come, nothing can diminish our sense of a profound and enduring loss." On the grass near Mandela's home in the Johannesburg suburb of Houghton,

children spelled out with rocks "We love you Mandela." Others wept as they lit candles; still others danced and sang in celebration of a life well lived. His death was felt around the world. Nearly 8,000 miles north of Johannesburg, in Paris, leaders from 53 African countries attending a summit on peace and security observed a minute of silence for Mandela on Friday. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela In recent years, the 1918 – 2013 nation's first black president had battled health issues that included ment of silence. multiple hospitalizations for At New York City's Apollo treatment of a recurring lung Theater in Harlem, which infection. Mandela had visited in 1990, Many South Africans the marquee bore a tribute. didn't get the news until Fri- "In memory of Nelson Manday morning. dela, 1918-2013," it said. "He In Soweto township, where changed our world." Mandela lived before he was Man of complexities imprisoned for 27 years, Mandela helped South Afgiant posters of his face rica break the practice of raadorned streets. Residents cial segregation and do away surrounded his former red with white minority rule. brick house on a busy street Imprisoned for nearly and sang songs of freedom. three decades for his fight Memorials popped up against apartheid, he was from Los Angeles to Chica- freed in 1990 and quickly set go, where mourners placed about working to unite the flowers and candles in front nation through forgiveness of murals bearing his like- and reconciliation. ness. In Washington, crowds His rejection of vengeance gathered in front of the led him to assume roles that South African Embassy. led from freedom fighter to In Adelaide, Australia, prisoner to a world symbol cricket fans observed a mo- of the struggle against racial

oppression. And, four years after he left prison, he became the nation's first black president, cementing his place in the consciousness of the nation and the world. 'We all knew he'd leave us at some point' His recent bouts of illness had prepared many South Africans for Thursday's announcement. "We all knew he'd leave us at some point," said Tony Karuiru, a Johannesburg resident. "But we were hoping that he would be with us during the festive season. It's the holidays, I just wish God would have given him a few more days with us as well." Thomas Rabodiba said that, though he had expected Mandela's death, he was having a hard time accepting it. His legacy Mandela will be remembered for many things, but his message of forgiveness and reconciliation may resonate the most. "Mandela's biggest legacy ... was his remarkable lack of bitterness and the way he did not only talk about reconciliation, but he made reconciliation happen in South Africa," said F.W. de Klerk, South Africa's last white president and Mandela's predecessor. His casket will lie in state for several days in Pretoria.

Next week, it will be flown to his ancestral hometown of Qunu for a state funeral and burial, sources said. Leaders react Until that funeral, Zuma has ordered flags around South Africa to be flown at half-staff. "He is now resting. He is now at peace," Zuma said late Thursday. The U.S. government and Buckingham Palace also lowered their flags to half-staff. "Nelson Mandela achieved more than could be expected of any man," President Barack Obama said Tuesday at the public memorial service in Johannesburg. "We have lost one of the most influential, courageous, and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this Earth. He no longer belongs to us -- he belongs to the ages." In recent years, plans for a fitting farewell were hammered out among the government, the military and his family. Events over the next 10 days will culminate in a state funeral to be broadcast worldwide and a private farewell for those closest to him.

The rehabilitation of our block and the “Green Bay Packer House”

A little reminder about life insurance.

By: State Representative Evan Goyke

A curious little reminder.

On our block it was the “Green Bay Packer House.” I write ‘was’ because the City of Milwaukee has thankfully begun rehabilitating this historic home, which for too long sat abandoned, boarded up, and painted bright green and gold. I love the Green Bay Packers, but those are not great colors for a home outside of Lombardi Avenue. The “Packer House” has consistently been our block’s biggest problem. Frequent trespassing and vandalism plagued the property. When there is a “Packer House” on your block, you bear the burdens of lowered property values, increased criminal activity, and overall deterioration of quality of life. This year, the City of Milwaukee will boldly invest millions of dollars to alleviate this burden. The State Department of Financial Institutions has committed two million dollars, but the State Legislature has yet to sincerely join the fight. This winter, I am introducing multiple bills to help our neighbors

State Representative Evan Goyke preserve, protect, and promote the sale of abandoned properties. The five bills seek to protect abandoned properties from theft and vandalism; hold parties accountable if demolition becomes necessary; invest in communitybuilding spaces when a property is demolished; provide incentives for the sale of foreclosed homes; and allow access to winterize and secure homes that are abandoned. As the debate over these ideas begins, my hope is that our focus remains on the fu-

ture and that we avoid the temptation to attach blame for the foreclosure crisis. Shifting blame avoids debating solutions and serves no one. Without excuse, the crisis of abandoned homes must be earnestly addressed and addressed now. If you walk by the “Packer House” today, it still has boarded windows, but it has the protection of a new roof and lost its unattractive paint job. Our block excitedly follows its rehabilitation, we chat about the progress, and we reminisce on what it used to be. One coat of paint changed the feeling on our block. We should do what we can to repeat this success. It can mean so much. The five bills, introduced together, offer the legislature an opportunity to empower the private market, local units of government, and existing

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neighbors in the fight to save our neighborhoods, blockby-block, house-by-house. It is my hope that these efforts will provide the mechanisms needed to move forward so our neighborhoods can once again be a place of prosperity and where families can live, love, and build their dreams together. Vince Lombardi once stated, “The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.” While Coach Lombardi may have disagreed with painting over the green and gold, he would applaud our block’s determination to rise again.

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002030 – 1/06

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


Rebuilding our Community

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- ) Lynda J. Jackson-Conyers, Publisher Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

By Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D. Special for the Milwaukee Times

Standing Tall - Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela of international sanctions. Under his remarkable leadership, he was able to usher in a new age for South Africa and the world. During his one term as president he promulgated a new national constitution, created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses, land reform, combat poverty, unemployment and expand healthcare services. As a result of his leadership he was able to lift the international sanctions and restore the country's status as part of the United Nations. Even through much of his life Mandela was considered a controversial figure, he gained international acclaim for his activism and philanthropy. In all he received

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper NCON Publications welcomes letters to the editor, as a response to subjects reported or analyzed in the newspaper or on other issues of interest to the community. All letters must be legible, and contain a signature and a phone number. Submissions must be received by Friday to be considered for the following Thursday’s publication.

Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson-Conyers Marketing Manager & Assistant to the President George Neal Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

Discovering my true self in Africa

By Tony Farrell

“We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.” Those were the words of Nelson Mandela, (19182013), who became the first black South African to become president of South Africa. His journey to the presidency and his life long struggle for equality for all South Africans is truly noteworthy and is a standard to live by. His work included dismantling the legacy of apartheid, tackling institutionalized racism, poverty and fostering a national racial reconciliation. Mandela, who attended the Fort Hare University and the University of Witswatersrand, studied law. He rose to prominence in the African National Congress (ANC) and participated in various campaigns to stand against the oppressive apartheid government. In 1962, he was arrested and convicted of conspiracy to overthrow the state government and was sentenced to life imprisonment. After serving 27 years in various prisons, including Robben Island, Pollsmoor and Victor Verster, he was released in 1990. His release came in part due to the growing international campaign that lobbied for his release as well as the effects


Founders Louvenia Johnson Nathan Conyers Luther Golden Accounting Terry Taylor Printing Manager Angel Reyes

The Milwaukee Times email address: miltimes@gmail.com The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: miltimes@gmail.com

over 250 honors as well as the Nobel Peace Prize, the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Soviet Order of Lenin and the Bharat Ratna from India. His impact continues to shape and reshape the focus of how people of various backgrounds can live together in peace and with respect. This also means to find ways to move forward and a willingness to work together for the common good of all people. His legacy has affected us all in more than one way or another; perhaps this week and during this holiday season; all of us will take time out to reflect upon a life lived in harmony with real human values. Dr. Andrew Calhoun, can be contacted at andrewiiicalhoun@ gmail.com, Twitter #AC53, or call 414-571-5015.

Prince of Peace Baptist Church hosting Christmas Dinner and Worship Service Prince of Peace Baptist Church, 3701 N. 35th Street, is hosting a Christmas Dinner and Worship Service on Sunday, December 14, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. During the worship celebration, members and guest will hear a message from Rev. Richard Watkins, Sr., of The Way of Cross Missionary Baptist Church. The public is invited to come worship and celebrate the birth of Jesus. The Rev. Dr. Steven R. McVicker is pastor.

Building churches through pastoral schools of agriculture Among the many places I visited in Burkina Faso, the most impressive one was a Christian Pastoral Training School built by Pastor Jacques Nignan, located about 'a twenty minutes’ drive south of the capitol city Ouagadougou near Sabtoana. Pastor Jack, as he was called, spoke very good English. He told me that God had given him a vision that he was supposed to build an agricultural school for the pastors, and he was working to fulfill that vision. He also told me that God would be sending others to help, and he believed I was one of those people. His farm was very impressive to me. It included managed livestock and breeding in pens, using horses to power farm equipment, storing food to feed livestock during the dry season, beekeeping with honey production and capturing animal waste for multiple uses. The animal waste was processed through an anaerobic digester which yielded methane gas for cooking and light. The byproduct of that was used to grow maggots to feed chickens, and the byproduct of that was dried out and used as fertilizer on the fields. Expansion was well under way; under construction was a roofed cow pen as well as large student and faculty housing buildings. It was by far the most sophisticated farming operation I visited in Burkina Faso, and it was just getting started. When I arrived, the first class to ever go through the school was soon to graduate. Pastor Jack told me that the pastors in Burkina Faso do not make any money at all just by being a pastor, but rather they become a pastor because God has called them to serve Him. Therefore, it is critical they are able to farm successfully in order to support themselves and help their community prosper. Thus Pastor Jack started his school which teaches modern farming techniques in conjunction with both pastoral and business training. The combination of the three skills, he told me, was

critical to the success of any new church being formed in Burkina Faso. I felt privileged to spend two full days teaching twenty new pastors all about composting with worms, including building their first vermicomposting system together with them. They invited me to come back the following day for their graduation, and it was a delightful celebration. Shortly after I returned to the US, I learned that Pastor Jack had passed away from diabetes. Now I feel strongly compelled to help secure Pastor Jack’s legacy by helping to continue building the school he envisioned and began. This project is now the focus of my current and future work in Burkina Faso. To be continued next week with “Prosperity for all people begins with fertile soil” Tony Farrell started his current business venture, Farrell Marketing Technology LLC, in April of 2011. Over his lengthy career as an information technology entrepreneur, he has worked on tens of thousands of computers and helped dozens of business to have smooth running, efficient computer infrastructure and great looking web sites that generate more business through search engine optimization. In February 2012, Tony began intensive organic farming on a small scale in his living room, including vermicomposting and aquaponics systems, and he completed Growing Power’s Commercial Urban Agriculture program in May 2012. Tony is a graduate of the Milwaukee-based Victory Garden Initiative’s Food Leader and Permaculture Design Certificate Programs and is building a local microgreen production business called Farmer Tony’s Mission Greens. Tony recently returned from a three week agricultural mission trip to Burkina Faso, marking his first foray into international work. This series tells the story of that journey. Tony welcomes comments and feedback, and he may be contacted through his personal email address tony@farrellfamily.org.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication



Abundant Faith Church of Integrity 6737 North Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 www.yourabundantfaith.org (414) 464-5001 Abiding Faith Fellowship Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule:

Pastor Anthony Oliphant Sr. 4600 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53210

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School ………………… 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship …… 10:30 am Tel: (414) 444-2822 Fax: (414) 444-2877

Pastor Robert Pyles

Sunday Worship… 10:00 a.m. Tuesday……………6:15 p.m.

“Discover Your Abundant Faith”

ADULT LEARNING LAB New Life New Beginnings Outreach Suite 205 3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 445-1072 Free Computer Classes ECDL License Software Registration Fee $25 Wed. 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. evening 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Weekly Open Enrollment

Pastor Charles G. Green ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 2033 W. Congress Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-445-3303 Rev. Steven H. Harris, Sr., Pastor Order of Services Sunday School ....................... 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship..... 10:45 am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study .... 6:30 pm Thursday Mission ................... 6:00 pm Thurs. Mass Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Come Home to Antioch

6618 North Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 527-9986 Phone Sunday School.............................9:00 am Sun. Worship Service..................10.30 am Wed. Bible Service.............……… 6 pm These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. -John 16:33

Calvary Baptist Church Rev. John R. Walton, Jr., Pastor 2959 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Phone: 414-372-1450 Fax: 414-372-0850 Website: www.CalvaryBaptistMke.org

BETHEL Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 3281 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Willie F. Dockery, Jr. “The Church on the Grow”

Weekly Schedule

Sun. School ………….… 8:30 a.m. Sun Worship ………….. 10:00 a.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ……………………. 7:00 p.m. 442-8970.

Dr. Robert L. Sims, Pastor BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH “THE HOUSE OF MERCY” 2909 N. 20th Street. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Tel: 414-442-1323 Fax: 414-442-1324 E-Mail: bethesda.baptist@sbcglobal.net

Order of Service:

Sun. Enrichment Hour …………..…… 8:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship …………….... 10:00 a.m. 3rd Sun. Communion Service ……..... 7:00 p.m. Tue. Prayer & Bible Class ………….... 6:30 p.m.


BLESSED DELIVERANCE Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J. Anthony Phillips

Sunday: Sun. School ........................................ 8:15 a.m. Morn. Worship ................................ 9:30 a.m.

2215 North 23rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 763-9136 (414) 763-9136 (Fax) BlessDeliverance@aol.com

Wednesday: Bible Study .................... 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Weekly schedule: Sun. School ................. 8:45-9:45 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study ......... 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Saturday: Early Morning Prayer ......................... 7:00 a.m.


Rev. Dr. Mary Jean Lewis-Jiles 2176 N. 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly schedule: Sun. Worship ......................... 10:45 a.m. Sunday School ........................ 9:00 a.m. Sat. Teacher’s Mtg., ................. 9:00 a.m. Wen. Prayer Service & Bible Class ....... ........................................... 6 - 8:00 p.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Class ............ 9- 10 a.m.

Corinth Missionary Baptist Church 1874 N 24th Place Milwaukee, WI 53205 Phone: 414-933-1987 Fax: 414-933-3545 www.corinthmbc.com Rev. John Laura, Pastor

CHRIST TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C. Elder Travis D. Evans, Sr., Pastor 2778 N. 10th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-263-0500 church office www. ctemplecogic.og Opportunities to Worship Sunday School ……………9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship ..... 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship ..... 7:00 PM Wed. Evening Worship .... 6:45 PM

3649 N. Teutonia Ave. Elder Milwaukee, WI 53206 Stephen Hawkins, pastor.

Citadel Of Praise Church of God In Christ 2328 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 299-0608 Deon Young, Pastor

Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 11:00 a.m. Phone 445-1980. Do watch us grow. Come and grow with us.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun. Celebration of Worship…………….…………… 12:00 p.m. Wed. - WoW Pastoral Teaching ………………………...……………… 7:00 p.m.


Rev. Dr. Demetrius Williams, Pastor COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH OF GREATER MILWAUKEE 2249 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly Schedule Church Sun. School ................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ........ 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Prayer Service ................. Wed. 6:00 p.m. Church phone: 414.445-1610 Fax: 414.449-0252

Weekly Schedule

Sunday School 0 9:00 A.M. Sun. Morn. Worship 10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study 0 7:00 P.M. Transportation Available Wednesday - Mission -6 :00 pm Thursday Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 pm “A Church Empowering Lives with Gods Word”

Fellowship of Love Missionary Baptist Church


2329 North 12th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Pastor Rev. William Jackson Missionary Arleathia Myers 414-934-0753 Weekly Schedule Sun. School ........................... 9:45 a.m. Sun. A.M. Worship ............... 11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ...... ................................................. 7:30 p.m. Second Sun. Fellowship: Feb., May, Aug., & Nov ..................................... 4:00 p.m.

DAMASCUS Missionary Baptist Church 2447 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Dr. Ellis Wilkins, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sun. School ............................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ......................... 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union (BTU) ... 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ..................... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class ..... 6:00 p.m. Phone: 374-6650 or 263-9229.

Eternal Life Church of God in Christ

Rev. B. L. Cleveland, Pastor & Founder Mother E. L. Cleveland, First Lady 7901 N. 66th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 Ph: (262)242-2878 • Fax: (262)242-0978 e-mail: cogiceterrnal@yahoo.com Worship Services Sunday School..............9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship...............…11:00 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study............................7:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Study & Evangelical Service ...................................................................7:00 p.m. For more info. visit: www.cogiceterrnal.net

EVERGREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1138 West Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 265-0400 • (414) 265-0424 Worship Schedule Sun. Church School .................. 8:45 am Sun. Morning Worship ............... 10:00 am Wed. evening Prayer, Bible Study, & Spiritual Formation .................... 6:30 pm

Rev. Judith T. Lester, Pastor Worship Services Temporarily Held at New Covenant Baptist Church 2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210 Sunday Morning Worship 12:15 p.m.

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 905 West North Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Church Phone: (414) 263-6113

Joseph H. Jackson, Jr. - Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ....................... 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 10:45 a.m. Wen. Bible Study .................. 6:00 p.m.

God’s Will & Way Church of God in Christ

Friendship Progressive Baptist Church 3276 North Palmer Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 Rev. Michael A. Cokes, Sr. and First Lady Tangie Cokes Order of Service Sun. Early Morn. Worship.............9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship Service...............10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study...................... 6:00 p.m. Come G.L.O.W. with us. Stay in touch by texting 71441 and the word theship. Our motto: “No more church as usual”

Genesis Missionary Baptist Church 231 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Rev. A.L. Douglas Jr., Pastor ORDER OF SERVICE Sun. School .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ......... 10:45 a.m. Praising, Great Preaching, Teaching Other ministries to be announced. Church Telephone: 372-7675 Pastor Telephone: 372-7743


3401 N. 76th St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53222 414-875-9825 Worship Schedule: Sunday Worship .................... 11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study ..................... 7:00 p.m. “CHURCH ON THE CORNER FILLED WITH LOVE”

Pastor Willie Genous & First Lady Evangelist Jo Genous

2900 N. 9th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 264-4866 www.godsww.com Godww65@yahoo.com Service Times Prayer M-F ………. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Sunday Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ………. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer ……………… 6:30-7:00 p.m. Bible Study ……… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal ………… 8:00 p.m.

Where there is peace in the midst of the storm

Pastor H.S. McClinton


Weekly Services: Sun. School ............... 10:00 AM Sun. Service ...............11:15 AM (414)933-3280 (414)-933-3469 3100 West Lisbon Av. Milwaukee, WI 53208

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


CHURCH LISTINGS ARE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: GOD’S GLORY CHURCH - MONUMENTAL M.B.C. God’s Glory Church Ministry 4679 No. 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414)875-0660 email: godsglorychurch@sbcglobal.net

Order of Services: Sun. School…………… 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship………….11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study………6:00 p.m. Fri. Evening Evang. …….6:30p.m.

Worship Schedule Sun. Bible Study ...........10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ................ 11:15 a.m.

“That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” -1Corinthians 1:31

Pastor O.R. and Evangelist McCoy

Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee “Helping God’s People To Find Their Place In A Complex World.”

3879 North Port Washington Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-265-5546 Rev. Andrew & Brenda Calhoun

Greater Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc. 1934 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 414-562-5183 Bishop Bernard Dotson, Pastor Worship Schedule

Sun. School ....................... 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ...... 11:30 a.m. Sun. Evening Service ........ 7:30 p.m. Tues. Prayer Service ........... 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Bible Class ............... 7:30 p.m. Fri. - Family Night or Evangelistic Service .............................. 7:30 p.m. Sunday 1560AM ........... 1 until 2 p.m.

Greater Mt. Sinai Church of God In Christ

GREATER GALILEE Missionary Baptist Church “Where Jesus is Lord” Pastor Johnny C. White, Jr. 2432 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Weekly Schedule: Sun. School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........ 10:25 a.m. Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study .......... ...................................... 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (414) 562-1110 - Church


Home Phone: (847) 872-0883 2479 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53210-2947 Office Phone: (414) 871-LORD (5673) Kenneth E. Cutler, Sr., Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........ 10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting ............ 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study .................. 6:30 p.m.

God's Glory Church Ministry

5384 North 60th St. Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 463-5035 e-mail: office@greatermtsinai.com web: www.greatermtsinai.org

Worship Services Sun. School ................................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........... 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Tues. PM Prayer ......................... 6:00 p.m.

Superintendant Victor C. Davis, Sr.


Wed. Bible Study ...................... 6:30 p.m. Fri Intercessory Prayer ............... 7:00 p.m. Fri. Deliverance Service ............ 7:30 p.m.

Your Community Church • Won’t You Join Us?

GREATER SPIRIT EVERINCREASING CHURCH (Service at New Prospect Church) 2407 W. Nash St. Milwaukee, WI 53206 ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday Worship......................1:00 p.m. 1st & 5th Sun. P.M. Worship....6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer....................6:30 p.m. (414) 355-4545 MAILING ADDRESS: 7631 W. Glenbrook Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

Growing In Grace Fellowship Church

5202 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 Pastor/Teacher Rev. Kenneth Hughes Sunday School.................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.............11:00 a.m. Wed. Open Bible Discussion.......... .............................................6:30 p.m. (414) 444-2620

Founder's Elder O.R. and Evangelistn A. McCoy 15 Years of Ministry in God's Service 7017 West Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 One block North of Hampton Ave. on 70th St. 414-875-0660 Order of Services: Sunday School…………………11:00 am Sunday Worship…………………12 noon Wednesday Bible Study…………6:00 pm Friday Evangelistic Service………6:30 pm Come hear a Word from the Lord, it will change your direction.

Holy Cathedral Church Of God In Christ

JEREMIAH Missionary Baptist Church

2677 North 40th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53210 Church Office (414) 447-1967 www.holycathedral.org Order of Service Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School.........................................10:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship...........................6:45 PM Tuesday Prayer....................................12:00 Noon Tuesday Prayer & Bible Band....................7:00 PM Tuesday Pastoral Teaching........................7:30 PM Friday Prayer.......................................12:00 Noon Friday Evangelistic Service........................7:00 PM Word of Hope Telecast • Sunday 9AM • ION/ PAX TV • Channel 55/Cable Channel 15 Word of Hope Broadcast JOY WJYI 1340am • Mon – Fri 3:15 PM-3:30 PM

Bishop C. H. McClelland


Word of Hope Ministries, Inc. Social Services, Health Care, ATODA, Employment Services, Family & Individual Counseling, Free Computer Training/GED assistance, Prisoner Re-entry Services (414) 447-1965

“Holy Cathedral is A Ministry That Touches People”

Dr. Betty S. Hayes, Pastor & Founder of Holy Mt. Carmel MBC 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 and Christ Gospel On The Rise Soul Saving Ministry, Harrell, AR. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sun. Words To Grow By....................9 a.m. Sunday Worship........................10:45 a.m. RADIO MINISTRIES Sun. (Camden, AR) KAMD.........8:45 a.m. Sun. (Warren, AR) KWRF...........9:30 a.m. Sun. (Milwaukee) JOY 1340.......7:30 p.m. Sat. (Milwaukee) WGLB 1560....2:55 p.m. (414) 344-5361 (Office) Prayer Line - (414) 871-1208 24 hr.

Holy Temple Firstborn MB Church, Inc. 4960 N. 18th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-264-4002 (Office) website:htfirstborn.org Dr. Lezar & Lady Burnside Pastors Sunday School...................8:00 a.m. Sun. Worship......................9:15 a.m. Tues. Bible Class................7:00 p.m.

“Changing Lives with a Changeless Word”

HOLY TEMPLE Missionary Baptist Church 4245 N. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216

Pastor Eugene Cowan, II Senior Servent Leader 4519 W. Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Phone: 461-8484 • Fax: 461-9797 www.JeremiahMBC.com

Sunday School .............. 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service ........... 9:15 a.m. to Noon Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible class ...... ......................……….. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thu. Bible Class ...... 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule Sunday School.......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:00 a.m. Tues. Bible Class ..................... 6:30 p.m.

Pastor Nathaniel Deans

2034 W. Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Ph: (414) 265-5057 Fax: (414) 265-5029 Sunday School.............................10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship...........................11:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Daily Prayer..................10:00 a.m Tuesday Night Prayer.............6:00-7:00 p.m Thursday Intercessory Prayer - 7:00-7:30 p.m. Thursday Pastoral Teaching - 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Family AODA Treatment - Transportation Available -

Pastor Jeffrey Coleman First Lady Brenda Coleman

“A Twenty-First Century Church”

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

Life & Liberty Church 2009 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Pastor Evangelist Erma Mosley (Located inside Solid Rock Church) Sunday School..................2:30 p.m. Sunday Worship................4:00 p.m. Tue.-Fri. Prayer..........12 p.m.-1 p.m. Wed. Praise & Choir Rehearsal....... ..........................................5:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Class...............6:00 p.m. All Are Welcome

Pastor Rodney Cunningham 7265 North Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 228-6779 Phone Weekly Schedule:

Sunday School..........................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship Service..............10.30 a.m. Wed. Bible Service.........………… 6 p.m. “We’re Stepping Into The Kingdom by Stepping Out on Faith” - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Classes/Services: Daily Living Skills House Management Service Housing Assistance Life Skills Training Parenting Class Spiritual Support Parent Assistance Education/Academic Skills Development Domestic Violence Services Mentoring Prison Ministry

8415 W. Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53224 414.355.0931, 414.355.7045(fax) (email) inquire@TheLambMKE.org (website) www.TheLambMKE.org Kairos International Christian Church (414) 374-KICC (5422) www.kmg-wi.org Sunday Community Ministry......................9:00 am Thursday Community Ministry...................7:00 pm Thur. S.E.T for Youth (Self Expression Thursday) ..................................................................7:00 pm

Pastors Terrence and Dr. Cheryl Moore

St. John 14:2 Vers.

/TheLambMKE @TheLambMKE

Rev. Christopher R. Boston, Pastor

Worship Schedule Sunday School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ......................10:15 a.m. WOW-Word on Wednesday.... 6:30 p.m.

Gatherings held at Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary School 3275 N. Third Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 (enter parking lot on Ring Street)

Time to Worship, Opportunity to Serve

Many Mansions Pentecostal Ministries, Inc.

Founder: Pastor Nalls 3131 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: 414-871-1103 E-mail: SonnyKn@sbcglobal.net Weely Schedule: Sun. School……………......…9:30 a.m. Sun. Service……………...…11:30 a.m. Tues. Night Prayer & Study……………….…..……6:00 p.m.

“Transforming lives though the Word of God”

Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church

Jesus Is The Way Ministries (C.O.G.I.C)

JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Donnie Sims 2505 West Cornell St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 442-4720 Sunday Service.......10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Night......7:00 p.m.

Heritage International Ministries C.O.G.I.C.

Dr. Nathaniel J. Stampley, D. Min. Mother Carolyn R. Stampley, M.Ed. Eld. Darrell Grayson, Assistant Pastor 1036 W. Atkinson Ave. • Milw., WI 53206 Phone: 414-264-2727 E-mail: heritageintmin@yahoo.com Web: heritageintmin.org Weekly Schedule Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship....10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday Prayer...........6:00 a.m. Thursday Worship & Bible Studies....... ...............................................6:00 p.m. “A Local Church With A Global Mission”

Miracle Temple of Deliverance

METROPOLITAN Missionary Baptist Church

1345 W. Burleigh Street. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Willie D. Wanzo, Sr., pastor. Weekly Schedule: Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship Service.........10:45 a.m. Phone: 562-7200; fellowship hall, 263-9063; Residence 463-1488.

Elder Betty Steward, Pastor 1000 W. Burleigh Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Order of Service: Sunday Ministry …………10:00 a.m. Worship Service ……… 11:30 a.m. Thursday Bible Study …… 7:00 p.m.

“Where We Preach the Word, Teach the Word, and Live the Word”

Monumental Missionary Baptist Church

2407 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 933-2443 Rev. Roy C. Watson, Pastor First Lady, Sharon Watson Weekly Schedule: Sun. Early Worship 0 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 0 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 0 6:30 p.m.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


ChurCh Listings are in aLphabetiCaL Order: MOunt CarMeL M.b.C. - prOgressive baptist ChurCh New Beginning Seed Faith M.B. Church 138 West North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Mount hermon baptist Church

MOuNt CarMEL Missionary Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. hugh Davis, Jr. ThM. ThD, Pastor Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship.......................10:45 a.m. Sunday BTU..........................6:00 p.m. Monday Night Mission............6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer and Bible Study .......................................6:00-8:00 p.m. Certified Marriage, Drug & Alcohol, and Pastoral Counselor Church: 264-2560 Pastor’s Study: 264-8001

1809 W. atkinson ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: 414 871-8178 Fax: 414 871-8143 E-mail: Secretary@wi.rr.com Facebook: Mount hermonBaptist Church Order of Services: Enhancement hour Sun. ……… ………………………. 9:00 A.M. Sun. Worship …….. 10:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study ………………………. 6:30 P.M.

Church phone 414.461-7755-1610 home phone 414.466-1512

Bobby L. Sinclair, Pastor

new Creation Missionary praise Church

new Covenant baptist Church

2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. F. L. Crouther, Pastor Phone: 873-1221 Fax: 873-8614

1404 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 372-7544 (Church) (414) 510-5367 (Cell)

Weekly Schedule

Order of Service

Sunday School.......................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship........................11 a.m. Thurs Prayer Service.............6:30 p.m. Thurs Bible Study.................7:00 p.m.

Bishop Clayton, Sr., and Lady Renee Duckworth

Mt. OLIVE BaPtISt CHurCH rev. John K. Patterson, Pastor 5277 North 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 Sunday School..........8:00-9:15 a.m. Sunday Service.................9:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Class 9:15 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Sunday Church School……………8:00 a.m. Children’s Church - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday……………………………9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…………9:30 a.m. Wed. Family Night Sunday School Expository………………………………5:30 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Prayer & Praise…………………………………6:00 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Bible Classes………………………………6:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Worship Service……………………………7:00 p.m. (Last Wed. of the month)

Food Pantry Food Bags* 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Please Call For Appointments Hot Meals 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. T.V. Ministry every 2nd Tue. of the month on Channel 96, 8-9 p.m.

“A Church With A True Gospel Praise”

MOuNt ZION Missionary Baptist Church 2207 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Phone 372-7811 Rev. Louis Sibley, III, Pastor Sunday School........................9:15 am Sunday Worship..........8 am, 10:45 am 1st Sunday Communion immediately following morning worship. Wed. Bible study and Prayer Meeting .......................................6:30 - 8:30 pm.


2237 N. 11 St. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 265-5881 Order of Service Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship …………… 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study ……… 7:00 p.m. Voices of Newport Rehearsal ………………………………… 7:00 p.m. rev. W.L. Smith, Sr. , Pastor

Service Begins each Sunday at 1:00 P.M. Ph.#: (414) 708-4884 Come and worship with us!!!

104 West Garfield Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 “Come as you are” Office: (414) 264-4852 Church: (414) 264-3352 Order of Service Sunday School ……… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Service …. 7:30 p.m.

Rev. L.C. Martin, Pastor New Life Church - West 3410 W. Silver Spring Dr. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 PH: (414) 393-1290 FX: (414) 393-1234

NEW HOPE BaPtISt CHurCH Rev. Dr. Archie L. Ivy, Pastor/Teacher

Sunday School..........9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship......10:30 a.m. Weds. Bible Class.....6:30 p.m.

The Church were the heart is (II Chronicles 31:21)

new holy ghost tabernacle Missionary baptist Church “God so loved the world” - John 3:16

New Greater Love Baptist Church

3029 N. 35th St. Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 444-3106 Pastor Johnny L. Bonner, Jr. “Building On The Vision”

rev. ann Smith, Founder & Pastor

2433 W. Roosevelt Drive Milwaukee, WI 53209 Phone (414) 871-0350 • Fax (414)871-4219 E-mail: newhopebc@ameritech.net Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship ………7:30 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Sun. School .................. 8:55 a.m.-9:55 a.m. Wed. Morning Prayer & Bible Study.……………..10.30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Mid-week Service (last Wen. of the month) ...................................................6:00 p.m. “Partnering with God, Practicing Biblical Principles, Strengthening Families”

SuNDaY Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:00 AM New Life New Beginnings World Ministry & Outreach C.O.G.I.C 2516 West Hopkins Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Evangelist Margaret Stone, Pastor

Sunday School…………………………….10:00 a.m. Worship Service…………………………..11:00 a.m. 3rd Tues. The Ecumenical Prayer………...6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service……………………..10:45 a.m. Last (2) Wed. Freedom from Addiction Ministry…………………………11:15 a.m. Wed. Food Pantry……………………….12:00 noon Fri. Prayer, Miracle, Prophetic Word……..7:00 p.m. Every 1st Weekend Revival Service: Fri. - 7:00 p.m. • Sat. - 7:00 p.m. Sun. Evening - 6:00 p.m. www.highergroundchristainwomensmovment.org

Dr. Mark a. allen, Sr. Pastor NEW ParaDISE Missionary Baptist Church 2353 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI. 53206 Tel: 414-265-0512 Fax:414-265-1910

Prayer Bible Study

the Open door Christian Worship Center Church, inc.

rev. Dr. terrell H. Cistrunk Pastor


“Teaching, Preaching and Reaching for Christ” reverend Martin Childs, Jr., Pastor

pastors: apostle Kenneth Lock sr. and prophetess Michele Lock

3223 West Lloyd Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone:(414) 444-5727 Sun. A.M. Worship……………8:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship……………12 noon Tues. Prayer/TNT Bible Study ………………………………6:30 p.m.

5:30 PM 6:00 PM

New Life Childcare Center ages 6 wks - 12 Yrs Now Enrolling 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. (414) 393-1290


Worship Services: Sunday School....................9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship.......11:00 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting..........6:30 p.m. Tues. Bible Class.................7:00 p.m. “Come Spend a Day In Paradise”


ParaDISE SaNCtuarY Missionary Baptist Church 2705 W. Clarke Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. David K. Blathers, Pastor

Sunday School.................9:30-10:45 am Sunday Worship.........11:00 am-1:15 pm Wed. Pastor Bible Information Session, Prayer and Testimony..................5-7 pm Sat. Choir Rehearsal and........................ Youth Bible Study..........11 am - 1:30 pm Church (414) 264-2266, Pastor (414) 449-2146

Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church

2028 W. Cherry St., Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Maddie Turner, Sr., pastor Sunday School...............9:05 a.m. Sunday Worship...........10:40 a.m. Sun. Church Training Union, 6 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Study ...............................6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Church Telephone: 344-2400

Pilgrim Baptist Worship Center

3737 North Sherman Boulevard • Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church Phone: 414-873-1045 Church Fax: 414-873-4101 Website: www. pilgrimrestmilwaukee.org E-mail: preachingchrist@ pilgrimrestmilwaukee.org

Sunday Worship …… 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School: …………… 9:30 a.m. Mon. Bible Class ……..… 6:00 p.m. (Women) Tues. Bible Class ……......……… 12:00 noon Tuesday Prayer Service …...……… 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Class ……… 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ……… 7:00 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study ………………… 1:00 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Service……………... 2:00 p.m. Fri. Youth Fellowship (1st Friday) ........…........ ..........................................… 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. Sat. Men’s Prayer Breakfast ........... 9:00 a.m. (4427 W. Fond du Lac Ave.)

Progressive Baptist Church “Equipping God’s People, Building God’s Church, Advancing God’s Kingdom”

“a New testament Church” Rev. George M. Ware Pastor

2975 N. Buffum St. Milwaukee, WI. 53212 P.O. Box 241772 Milwaukee, WI. 53224

Sunday Church School.........9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.................10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ......................7:00 p.m. Church Office #: (414) 265-7171

Prince of Peace Baptist Church 3701 North 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-6700 • (414) 444-6701 fax Steven r. McVicker, Pastor

WEEKLY SChEDULE Sunday School ....................... 9:00 am Sunday Worship................... 10:00 am Tuesday Bible Class .............. 6:00 pm Tuesday Prayer...................... 6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal .......... 5:00 pm Welcome to Peace

Senior Pastor Evangelist Barbara Williams Co-Pastor Elder Dexter Williams Power House Deliverance Church 4344 N. 27th St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414-442-2234 Sunday School...............................9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service...............11:30 a.m. Tuesday Night Prayer Service........7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. Friday Community Food Pantry........2-4 p.m.

transportation available (414) 449-0122

Prayer House of Faith Pentecostal Church, Inc.

4778 N. Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 466 - 3807 Alice O. Green, Founder Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr. & Pastor Lekeesha C. Rowe, Senior Pastors

Children’s Min. Sun...................11:30 a.m Sunday Worship.........................12 Noon Tuesday Prayer/Bible Class.....6:30 p.m. www.prayerhouseoffaith.org

Pastor Walter J. Lanier 8324 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53222 Phone: 414-462-9050

Worship Schedule: Sun. School.......................................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study..........................Noon Wednesday Bible Study.....................6:45 p.m.

Website: www.progressivebaptistmilwaukee.org

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


ChurCh Listings are in aLphabetiCaL Order: redemptiOn FeLLOwship bC - ZiOn hiLL missiOnary baptist ChurCh

redemption Fellowship baptist Church robert a. angel, senior pastor 3500 n. 26th street milwaukee, Wi 53206 phone: (414) 875-1926 Website: www.redemptionfc.org

weekly schedule sunday school.................................9:00 am sunday morning Worship...........10:00 am sunday Broadcast JoY 1340 - 4:30 pm Wednesday Bible Class.............7-8:00 pm

robert a. angel Senior Pastor

Shone M. Bagley Ministries /

Phone #: (414) 699-1962

rev. Dwain e. Berry -pastor risen savior Community baptist Church 2201 n. Dr. mlKing Dr. milwaukee, Wi 53212

services: sunday school sunday Worship Wed. prayer meeting

9:00 am 11:00 pm 6:00 pm

phone (414) 460-8107

Showers of Blessings fellowship Church


Rose Hill Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J.L. Holmes, Pastor 2024 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sunday School.......................9 a.m. Sun. New Member Class........9 a.m. Sunday Worship...............10:45 a.m. Tue. Prayer Meeting - 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class..........6 p.m.

2741 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Pastor Annie Naomi Scott Sunday School.............................12:30 p.m. Sunday Services...........................2:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. Friday Fellowship...........................7:00 p.m. emergency Food Pantry every tuesday Hot Meal Program Mon., Wed., Fri. Clothing Bank 2 days • Spiritual Counseling available • 24-hour Dial-A-Prayer 263-1929 Crisis Hot Line for Runaways 263-6515 Future programs: computer classes, sewing classes

Church phone (414) 264-0360 Office (414) 264-3978 Transportation Available



Shone M. Bagley, Sr. Ordained Minister

Christian Counselor, specializing in family & crisis, call anytime.

Masters in Christian Counseling

4801 West Capitol drive Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-1200 • (414) 444-1212 fax WEEKLy SCHEDULE Sunday School ....................... 9:00 am Sunday Worship................... 10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class .............. 6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal .......... 5:00 pm

Come Home to Shiloh

Dr. Robert T. Wilson, Sr., Pastor St. John's United Baptist Church


P.O. Box 291 Oak Creek, WI 53154

Church & Public Event Speaker: - specializing primarily to those who want to know how to get out of their slavery mentality.


2429 West Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209

Sunday Worship Service 3489 N. 76th Street 10:00 - 11:30 a.M. (414) 502-7584 Wednesday Service 7100 W. Villard ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Pastor darry Tucker Prophetess Paula Tucker

Tel: 414-871-4673 Fax: 414-871-2373 email:st.johnsunitedmbc@ yahoo.com

Rev. Lee a. Shaw, Pastor 5375 North 37th St.• Milw., WI 53209 (414)795-6397

Order of Service Sun. School...............9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship...........10:15 a.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class .........................6:30 p.m.

ORdER Of SERVICE Sun. School ………. 9:00-10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship … 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tue. Bible Study …… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Wed.NicotineTreatment ……… 6:00p.m.

The Reverend Don Darius Butler,Pastor

Pastor Oscar Elim


african Methodist Episcopal Church

1616 W. Atkinson Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Darryl Williams, Pastor Weekly Schedule: Sunday School..................9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship.....8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study.........10 a.m. Wed. Bible/Prayer Service - 7:15 p.m. Phone: 562-8030

ST. PaUL’S EPISCOPaL CHURCH 914 East Knapp Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Rev. Dr. C. Steven Teague-Rector Sunday’s Worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Music, Nursery Handicapped Accessible (414) 276-6277

ST. PETER MISSIONaRY BaPTIST CHURCH 3057 N. 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church: 414.442.6389 Home: 414.463.5535 ORdER Of SERVICE Sunday School..................9:00 am Sunday Worship..............10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class..........6:00 pm

Temple of Judah Church

Pastor david W. Stokes 8620 W. fond du Lac ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225 Inside Redeem Pentecostal Church Office Phone: (414) 326-4811

voice of Faith Broadcast on JOY1340 AM....................Sundays @ 5:30 pm Tue. Mana & Bible Study.....7:00 pm Prayer Manna Mon.-Fri...............6:00 am “a Christ Centered Ministry-Bringing people into the presence of God”

Pastor: Rev. Harold Turner Sunday School...................9:00 a.m. Sunday A.M. Worship........10:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship...............3:00 p.m. Tuesday: Prayer Meeting, Mission Mtg., Bible Class....................6-8:00 p.m. Church: 873-3326 Home: 353-5958 2829 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

TRUE LOVE Missionary Baptist Church 210 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Phone: 414-264-6869 Rev. Garry Levy, Pastor

Order of Services Sunday School...............9:30 a.m. Sunday Service...........11:00 a.m. Communion Services 1st Sunday......................7:00 p.m. Wed. night Prayer, Bible, Service & Mission..............................6-8 pm Mission mtg. every 2nd Wed.

Sunday Church School....9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship............10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study .........................................6:00 P.M.

TransformaTion Temple

5418 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 393-WORD (9673) Sunday Morning Worship............10 am Tuesday Night Study......................7pm Ripton A. Stewart, Pastor

2661-63 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: (414) 265-4850 / Fax: (414) 265-3817 Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sunday’s Order of Service Sunday Church School 9:00 A.M. Sun. Baptist Training Union 10:00 A.M. Sun. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M. Mid-Week Schedule Tue. Spiritual Development Ministry Thursday Christian Ministries Thursday Music Ministry

6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:45 P.M.

Victorious Child Care, Inc. Open Enrollment 1st - 2nd Shirt - 6:00 A.M. - Midnight Monday - Friday Ages: 6 weeks - 13 years old Office: (414) 562-0530 Tracy Rushing, Director

4300 West villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 464-0390 Rev. Robert McFarland, Sr., Pastor

Weekly Schedule:

Sun. School …………… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship…10:30 a.m. Tues. Prayer Mtg & Bible Study…………………… 6:30 p.m.

TaBERNaCLE COMMUNITY BaPTIST CHURCH "A preaching, teaching, healing community of faith.."Matt. 4:23

2500 West Medford Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53206 OFFICE: 414 -562 -1129 • FAX: 414-562-4713 EMAIL: WWW.TCBCHURCH.COM

Our Weekly Worship Schedule Church Sun. School ………… 8:30 a.m. Celebration of Worship ……..10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting……….........6:30 p.m.

The Upper Room Baptist Church

Unlimited Life in Jesus Christ Christian Church 623 W. Cherry St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Inside the Boys and Girls Club Pastor Sudie B. Jones Services: Sunday School......................10:00 am Sunday Service.....................11:00 am Tue. Choir Rehearsal...............6:00 pm Tue. Prayer & Bible Study 6-7:30 pm Tue. youth Meeting..............6-8:00 pm Wed. Recovery Services.....6-7:30 pm John 14:27

Pastor: Willie F. Brooks Jr. 2200 W. Center Street Milwaukee WI 23209 414/265-5455 Worship Schedule: Sunday School ………9:30 a.m. Morn. Worship…..…11:30 a.m. Mon. Women Circle Min. …… Wed. Bible Study……7:30 p.m. Soar Men Min.……11:30 a.m.

Way of the Cross Missionary Baptist Church

Victory Missionary Baptist Church

Rev. Edward E. Thomas

Rev. Mose A. Fuller, Pastor Home: (414) 871-2933 Church: (414) 445-2958

True Heart Missionary Baptist Church

TRINITY Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Services: Judah Cafe’........................... 10:00 am Sunday School......................11:00 am Sunday Service.....................12:15 am

ST. TIMOTHY COMMUNITY Baptist Church 3701 N. Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53208

UNITY MISSIONaRY BaPTIST CHURCH REV. NaTHaNIEL JOHNSON, JR. PaSTOR 3835 WeSt FOnd du LAc Ave. MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 Tel: (414) 445-9249 • Fax: (262)-670-6505 www.unitymb.com email: unitymbchurch@gmail.com Worship Services: Sunday School...........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship...........................11.00 a.m. 4th Sun................................Communion 1st Sun....................................Baptizing Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study.......6 p.m. “A Little Church With A Big Heart”

1401 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Office: (414) 265-2725 ZION HILL Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule Sun. School ………… 9:30 a.m. Sun Morn. Worship … 10:45 a.m. Tues. Bible Study … 6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service … 6:30 p.m.

1825 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Rev. Russell Williamson, Pastor Sunday School......................9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Service and Bible Study: 10-11:30 a.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. Phone: (414) 263-1777

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication

What’s Happening?

Kohl's donates truckloads of holiday gifts to Penfield Children’s Center More than eighteen Kohl’s associates delivered truckloads of more than 600 wrapped holiday gifts for children enrolled at Penfield Children’s Center on Friday, December 6, 2013. The gifts, donated by Kohl’s associates, were handed out on Saturday during Penfield’s annual holiday party. Over 90 percent of the children served by Penfield Children’s Center live at or below the federal poverty level and these gifts may be the only gifts they receive this holiday season. Kohl’s presented Penfield with a check donation for $25,000 which will be used to support programming at Penfield. Pictured at the event are (upper left photo, from left) are Raven Williams, Shandle Floyd, and Penfield Children's Center president Christine Holmes.

Photos By George Neal

Mack’s Heating & Refrigeration Gas Furnace Servicing Duct Cleaning Removal of Lint from Dryers

James Mack

2491 W. Fond du Lac Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-550-9696 414-265-7003 Serving the Community for Over 50 Years ADVANCED EDUCATION DEGREES:

Mack’s Heating & Refrigeration Gas Furnace Servicing Duct Cleaning Removal of Lint from Dryers

James Mack

2491 W. Fond du Lac Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-550-9696 414-265-7003 Serving the Community for Over 50 Years






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The National College of Education at National Louis University (NLU) has earned its reputation as the leader in preparing educators to be successful in leadership roles for more than 125 years in Illinois and over 30 years in Wisconsin. If you are ready to advance your education career there’s never been a better time. NLU’s programs are designed to fit the lives of busy adults who are managing other life priorities. Flexibility is built in, so you can achieve your educational goals without compromising your other responsibilities. REQUEST MORE INFO




celebrating over 30 years in Wisconsin

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication

What’s Happening?

'Family and Friends Day’ held at Calvary Hill Temple Apostolic Faith Church

Staff Photos

Pastor Jeanetta Perry and the congregation of Calvary Hill Temple Apostolic Faith Church, 8401 N. 60th Street, held their First Annual Family and Friends Day on Sunday, November 17, 2013. The Family and Friends Day speaker was Pastor Charles Watson of Temple of Prayer Christian Worship Center. “Just One Word from the Prophet” (Luke 1:70-71) was the theme of Pastor Watson’s message.

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Milwaukee Times Printing & Publishing 1936 N. Dr. MLKing Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 • (414) 263-5088

Pallbearers In Loving Memory OfSmith Eddie Bland • Qwayland

The Measure of a Man

Not, “How did he die?” But, How did he live?” Not, What did he gain? But, “What did he give?” These are the units To measure the worth Of a man, as a man, Regardless of birth. Not, “What was his station? But, “Had he a heart?” And, “How did he play His God-given part?” “Was he ever ready With a word of good cheer? To bring back a smile To banish a tear?” Not, “What was his church?” Not, “What was his creed?” But, “Had he befriended Those really in need?” Not, “What did the sketch In the newspaper say?” But, “How many were sorry When he passed away?” - From the Family

Pallbearers Eddie Banks, Sr. Eddie Banks, Jr. Jeffrey Jones Robert Morris Connell Patterson, Jr Fletcher Payne, Jr.

Charles Cager • Johnny Thomas Grayor Thomas • TS Arnice

Flower Bearers

Breonn • Teal • Kajon


May 23, 1927

Final Arrangements Provided By:

Phone: 414.447.6000 • Website: http://newpitts.com

Reid’s New Golden Gate Funeral Home 5665 North Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Programs Designed and Printed by:

Rev. Lovelace Redmond - Officiating The Milwaukee Times Printing & Publishing

wer Bearers

A Celebration Pallbearersof the Life of Robert Knighten II • De’Undre Greer Jar Quise Knighten • Daniel Allen III Romero Tabor • Jacob Washington

ins and Friends


vely card or sat quietly in a chair; oral piece, if so, we saw it there. dest words that any friend could say. re at all; just thought of us that day. did to console our hearts, o much whatever the part.


eland Cemetery North 43rd Street aukee, Wisconsin



Milwaukee Times • 414-263-5088 er King, Jr. Drive • Milwaukee, WI

Processional.............................................Minister and Family

J.W. Ward • Arthur Ward • Cleveland Watkins


Scripture Reading........................................................Minister November 27, 2013 Acknowledgement

Cards and Condolences................................Monette Harmon Interment

Valhalla Memorial Gardens Remarks (limit 2 minutes, please).......Family and Friends 5402 North 91st Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin


The family of the late Wiley Lewis Ragsdale acknowledges, with sincere appreciation, the many comforting messages, floral tributes and other expressions of kindness evidenced at this time in thought and deed. Final Arrangements Entrusted to:

Obituary.......................................................Monette Harmon

August 19, 1987


November 24, 2013


Floyd Brown • Marc Brown • Chad Manuel Bill Dickey • Larry Dickey • Justin Roby

Honorary Pallbearers

Demonn Williams • Marlon Williams Jamar Evan • Daval Little


The family of the late Annie Ruth Brown acknowledges, with sincere appreciation, your understanding, your prayers, and all acts of kindness shown at this time of bereavement


Monday, November 25, 2013 Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 6400 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Musical Selection.......................................Michelle Howard “I Won’t Complain”

Leon L. Williamson Funeral Home

Leon L. Williamson - LFD • Cassandra Winters - LFD, MBA

Cornelius L. Cobbin - LFD • Pastor Charles Green - LAFD Recessional................................................................................... Staff: Linda Gold-Caesar • Elder Albert J. Carrington, Jr.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Final Arrangements Entrusted To

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Visitation: Leon 9 a.m.L.-Williamson 11 a.m. • Service: Funeral 11:00 Home a.m.

Bethel Baptist Church

414-374-1812 St. Gabriel Church GodWinters, in Christ Leon L. Williamson, LFD •of Cassandra LFD, MBA Linda th Gold-Caesar, Elder Albert J. Carrington, Jr. 5375 NorthStaff:37 Street • Milwaukee, WI

2030 West North Avenue Programs Designed and Printed by: Milwaukee, Wisconsin The Milwaukee Times Printing & Publishing Co. 1936 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive

Milwaukee, WI 53212 • (414) 263-5088 Rev. William Robbins - Officiating

Pallbearers John Rayford • John Paige, Jr. Ken Howard • Greg Bonds • Gerald Ingram

Annie Ruth Brown

Honorary Pallbearers Brenton Paige • Corey Paige Interment Graceland Cemetery 6401 N. 43rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53209

Pastor Victor Davis, Officiating

Home Going Service For Shirley K.


March 31, 1951 Sunset:

November 24, 2013

2157 N. 12th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53205

Celebrating Life, Honoring Memories.

Ms. Sonya Bland - President (414) 519-5200

Designed and Printed by Milwaukee Times • 414-263-5088

Offi ciating Minister: Rev. Lee A. Shaw WI 1936 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive • Milwaukee,

Arrangements Entrusted to:

October 5, 1942

Designed and Printed by Milwaukee Times • 414-263-5088


November 17, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013 • 11:00 a.m. Walking in the Spirit Ministries

Programs by: Street 6420 WestPrinted Mitchell The MilwaukeeWest TimesAllis, Printing & Publishing Co. Wisconsin 1936 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. • Milwaukee, WI 53212 Pastor Elliot Jones - Officiating (414) 263-5088 • http://milwaukeetimesnews.com/

We Print: • Obituaries • Bookmarks • Memorial Posters • Thank You Cards • Casket Panels • Prayer Cards

Washington •

Sunrise :

Acknowledgement The family of the late Shirley K. Washington-Simmons acknowledges, with sincere appreciation, the many comforting messages, floral tributes and other expressions of kindness evidenced at this time in thought and deed.


Mack Dunlap • Raymond Echols • Elder O.P. Renfro Cheryl Cocroft • William Brooks

Viewing: 9:00-11:00 a.m. • Funeral: 11:00 a.m.

Celebrating The Life Of

Visitation: 10:00 A.M. Funeral Service 11:00 A.M.

Reid’s New Golden Gate Funeral Home 5665 North Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209

Eulogy....................................................Pastor Elliot Jones Second Viewing............Grace Memorial Funeral Directors Final Arrangements Entrusted To


Trinity Missionary Baptist Church 2829 North Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin Programs Entrusted to: Reverend Harold Turner, Pastor Milwaukee Times Printing & Publishing Co Bishop Umiko Jones - 1936 Officiating MLK Drive • (414) 263-5088


Musical Prelude...........................................................................

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

Viewing: 10:00 a.m. • Service: 11:00 a.m.

Milwaukee Times • 414-263-5088

Perhaps you sent a lovely card or sat quietly in a chair. Prayer.................................................................Apostle Grant Perhaps you sent a floral piece, if so we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words that any friend could say; Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Musical Selection.................................Elder Michael Lewis Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you soAcknowledgement much whatever the of part.

Graceland Cemetery 6401 North 43rd Street Milwaukee, WI

Final Arrangements Entrusted To:

Patton Funeral Home 2535 North Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 414-264-0600 Douglas Patton, Director

James P. Watkins • James Eric Lawson • Robert Spencer Major Lee Ward • Hubert Stanford • Kenneth W. Morris

April 11, 1924

Lance C. Chapple Interment

Wilson Family


November 26, 2013

Pallbearers Order of of Service Celebrating the Life Wiley Lewis Ragsdale Honorary Pallbearers


Honorary Pallbearers

James Bell, Jr. • Willie James Grays, Sr. Jabari Greer • Ralph Green


GOD’S WORSHIP AND PRAISE TEMPLE 6416 W. Capital Drive • Milwaukee, WI 53216

The family of Audrey Patterson gratefully acknowledges, with sincere appreciation, the many acts of kindness, prayers, cards, calls, and flowers shown during our time of bereavement. We give an honor to God for the gift of friends and family for their expression of love and support.


October 27, 2013

The family of Hazel Bell Stribling-Edwards would like to thank all of you for your compassion shown through words of encouragement, flowers and benevolence offerings during this time of bereavement. God bless each of you abundantly…

Viewing: 10:00 a.m. • Service: 11:00 a.m.



December 13, 1926

Don’t ever get disheartened, no matter what life brings. Our God alone is in control and watching over things. He knows each teardrop you will shed; He knows just how to dry it. He only wants what’s best for you; Sunrise have faith and don’t deny it. August 14, 1944 He has a lookout on your life from sunset till sunrise. And nothing ever happens that will take Him by surprise. Our God controls the universe Sunset each second of its span, 25, 2013 And He controls the destiny ofJuly each child in His plan. Our God will not abandon you; His love has no loophole. His eye is always watching you; He’s in complete control.

Martin Thomas - Officiant

1936 MLK Drive • Milwaukee, WI • (414) 263-5088


Sunrise :

Hazel Bell Stribling-Edwards

Audrey L. God Is In Control Patterson

Friday, December 6, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dr.12• Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Visitation:2031 10:00West a.m. •Capitol Service: Noon

Donne Rushing • Otis Bradley rentiss Wilson • Eddie Wilson

Honorary Pallbearers

Celebrating the Life of

Khalil Green • Devyn Edwards


June 6, 1985 Knowing that God is the Beginning and the Ending, the family, with humility, accepts the passing of our beloved mother, sister, aunt, niece, grandmother, great grandmother and friend.

Clifton McClain, Jr.

Keith Green Jr. • Fernando Williams • Kentrail Green Chris Edwards • Nobel Edwards • Ahmed Majeed

Evan Trenton Brown

Jenophus Allen Brian Jones Tommy Jones John Patterson Billie Wright

Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat quietly in a chair; Perhaps you sent a floral piece, if so, we saw it there. Interment Perhaps you spoke the kindest words Glen Oaks Cemetery 4530 North Green that any friend could say. Perhaps you were not there at all; just thought of us that day.Bay Avenue Milwaukee, Whatever you did to console our hearts,Sunset we thank you soWisconsin 53209 Nov. 28, 2013 much whatever the part.

Pallbearers Homegoing Celebration Of

God looked around his garden And found an empty place, He then looked down upon the earth And saw your tired face. He put his arms around you And lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful He always takes the best. He knew that you were suffering He knew you were in pain. He knew that you would never Get well on earth again. He saw the road was getting rough And the hills were hard to climb. So he closed your weary eyelids And whispered, ‘Peace be Thine’. It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn’t go alone, For part of us went with you The day God called you home.

Honorary Pallbearers


Glen Oaks Cemetery 4530 N. Green Bay Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209


In Loving Memory of God’s Garden

Friday, November 29, 2013

Visitation: 10-11 a.m. • Service: 11 a.m.

Reid’s New Golden Gate Funeral Home 5665 N. Teutonia Ave. • Milwaukee, WI Pastor Henderson Wood - Officiating

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Remember your loved one with the best!

See our large selection and speak with a friendly staff member on obituary designs and printing services. Call us at (414) 263-5088 for a free quote.


The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


Bulletin Board Rufus King drummers lining up for victory…again

The Rufus King High School varsity team won the annual MPS Battle of the Drum Lines last weekend, taking the title for the ninth time in eleven years. Riverside High School placed second and Rufus King’s JV drum line took third. Also competing were Audubon High School, Bay View High School and Reagan High School. The Rufus King majorettes and drum lines from Bay View Middle School, Lincoln Center of the Arts and Wedgewood Park IB Middle School also performed. Music has been a key part of MPS’ efforts to bring more art, music and physical education specialists into schools. More than 90 art/music/ PE specialist positions have been added over the past two years.

Congratulations Rufus King High School!

MPS Photo

Lincoln statue now seen in a new light

The choir from MPS' Lincoln Center of the Arts Middle School performed at the Light the Lincoln event Monday, December 9, 2013 at the Milwaukee County War Memorial, where the switch was flipped on new lighting for the Abraham Lincoln statue. A Lincoln impersonator recited the Gettysburg Address inside the War Memorial before the ceremony and toured Lincoln Avenue School Tuesday morning. Lincoln Center of the Arts has an extensive arts curriculum, offering courses and extracurricular activities in band, chorus, orchestra, jazz ensemble, drum line, theater and the visual arts.

MPS Photo

A warm welcome

MPS Photo

Sherman Multicultural Arts School staff and students handed out hot chocolate and pastries to parents in November as they dropped off their children at school. Located in the heart of the Sherman Park neighborhood, the K4-8 school is led by Principal Lonnie Anderson (center).

MPS announces sponsorship of Child and Adult Care Food Program Milwaukee Public Schools announces the sponsorship of the Child and Adult Care Food Program began in September at the following sites: Allen-Field, Bethune, Brown Street, Browning, Carson, Cass, Clarke, 81st, Engleburg, 53rd, Forest Home, Gaenslen, Greenfield, Hopkins/Lloyd, Kagel, Keefe Ave, King Elem, La Causa, LaFollette, Lincoln Elem, Longfellow, Maple Tree, Metcalfe, Mitchell Street, Parkside, Pierce, Riley, Rogers, Sherman, Siefert, Story, Thoreau, Thurston Woods, Townsend, Vieau, Vincent, Wedgewood Park, and Zablocki. These schools provide dinner meal for children enrolled in after school activities at these locations. The Child and Adult Care Food Program receives funding from the U.S. Depart-

ment of Agriculture (USDA) and is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The Program provides financial assistance to child care centers so that nutritious meals can be integrated with nonresidential child care services. The goal of the Program is to improve the diets of young children and increase the opportunity for children to eat a variety of nutritious foods. The meals and snacks served meet standards set by USDA. The amount of reimbursement received by the Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsor is based upon the household incomes of the children enrolled for care. A larger reimbursement is paid for meals served to children from low income households. For more information, please call (608) 2679129.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication

Health & Fitness

Talking Health with Dr. Carter


By Dr. Lester Carter Owner, Carter Drug Store

Get healthy with probiotics (part 1) Probiotics…for life Probiotics are beneficial microbes that live in our intestines. Coming from the Greek, meaning "for life," the term probiotic was likely coined as a witty response to the word antibiotic. The therapeutic use of probiotics began when the benefits of "probiotic therapy" after a course of antibiotic therapy was recognized. Many people mistakenly believe this is the only use of probiotic supplements. Probiotics have many functions in our bodies. It is now recognized that for optimal health, it is a good idea to take probiotics as a regular addition to our daily supplement program, right along with the other matrix supplements recommended by your doctor. Since probiotics are essential to the effective use of the nutrients we eat, it follows that they are also essential to our overall health and digestive wellness. Living primarily in the small intestine

(referred to as "the gut"), probiotics 1) assist in the digestive process; 2) help to alleviate gastric disorders; 3) eliminate bad breath; 4) prevent yeast infections; 5) lower blood cholesterol; 6) produce some B vitamins and vitamin K; and 7) stimulate the immune system. Amazing microbes Surprisingly, the mass of microorganisms in our intestines can weigh up to 4 pounds the size of the human liver! In a way, this mass functions like an organ. It is made up of 400-500 different species of microorganisms, each of which has many types of strains. Although this number may seem very large, only 20 types of microorganisms make up about 75 percent of the total. Another surprise, throughout the digestive system, their numbers can be as high

wanted bacteria and fungi from proliferating out of control. This is important because the proper bacterial balance of the intestines determines whether there is a suitable environment for the wall of the colon or one that constantly initiates it. In turn, this determines how well we absorb our food or whether we develop "leaky gut". Looking more closely, we find that intesas 100 trillion. In fact, probi- tinal bacteria are not static. otics outnumber the cells of They are highly active and the human body by as much constantly in a state of flux. as 100 to one!!! The following factors faThis large population is vor the growth of harmful made up of both health- bacteria: ful and harmful species. By • stress, the unchecked weight, there are actually consumption of refined or more bad guys. processed foods, However, among the many • excessive alcohol, birth functions of desirable mi- control pills, some food adcroflora is the job of keep- ditives, ing the undesirables in line. • some cortisone-type As beneficial bacteria thrive, drugs, radiation and/or rathey help discourage un- diation therapy,

• fluoridated and/or chlorinated water, exposure to toxic metals, • pollutants, and, of course, antibiotic therapy. When the bad guys outnumber the good guys, ill health and accelerated aging are the result. The overgrowth of potentially dangerous microbes, is a condition called dysbiosis. A prime example of dysbiosis is a Candida albicans infection. In this situation, there have not been enough beneficial bacteria to hold the C. albicans in check. Results can range from a simple vaginal yeast infection to a variety of complaints. Beginning with gastro-intestinal and genitourinary tract problems, these can extend to include allergic reactions, mental-emotional symptoms, and glandular and organ involvement. (Continued next week)

Through the tinsel and the tears By Lori Stahl, Grief Specialist Interfaith Older Adult Programs, Inc - Family Care Case Manager Whether you are newly bereaved, or remembering the death of a loved one during this time of the year, the following tips may be helpful to you. Whether we are ready or not, the holidays have arrived. For the past few months, the stores have already begun to flood us with music, cards, lights, tinsel and trees. But when our hearts are heavy and filled with the deepest

of sorrow, it does not matter to know how many more days there are to the holidays. For the parents whose dreams are shattered as their child will not be unwrapping their presents, for the widow whose bed is empty, for the widower who is trying to learn how to cook and for the family who is learning how to live with the empty chair at the table, I offer you some gifts this season. Patience: Patience for yourself and for others. Slow down and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that you can get through this holiday sea- son despite the intense emotions you are experiencing. Remember no one is perfect and you are feeling vulnerable. Know that all of your cooking, baking and decorating do not need to be accomplished. This is the time of year when your energy level is often very low and not as it once was. Do what you feel you have the energy for and allow that to be enough. It is okay to give yourself permission to change your traditions and to say no. Time: This gift understands that grief is like an emotional rollercoaster with highs and lows each and every day. As you begin to live through the memories of your loved ones, slowly the intensity and depth of your feelings change. The painful memories begin to fade and are slowly replaced with memories of one’s smile, of your days together versus apart, of the life you shared and the fact that your loved

one LIVED....not just that he died. It’s not the fact of how long grief takes, but what you do with your time that makes the difference. Talk, cry, scream, play, pray and laugh are ways of healing the hurts through time. Touch: Touch someone with your presence this season. You may want to have your family volunteer at a food pantry, deliver meals or visit in a nursing home. Include your loved one in all of your gatherings by lighting a special candle and sharing stories. You can toast your loved one and feel his presence around the table. Set the table with paper placements and have everyone write a special message or share a funny story. Tears: Tears are healthy and a sign of strength. Tears show a sign of courage that you are not afraid of releasing. We cry because we loved. Tears are a necessary part of the grieving process. It’s nature's way of healing the mind and heart from the greatest injury of all. Allow yourself the luxury of limping till your pain has healed and you can slowly begin to walk again. Gentleness: Forgive yourself for surviving after the death of your loved one. Know if you could have changed the events surrounding the death of your loved one, you would have. When a loved one's death is out of your control, it is easy (Continued on pg. 14)

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication

Personal Finance & Business

New study finds typical U.S. households of color have no retirement savings U.S. retirement crisis most severe for Black, Latino households

A new report calculates the severity of the U.S. retirement security racial divide. The analysis finds that every racial group faces significant risks, but people of color face particularly severe challenges in preparing for retirement. Americans of color are significantly less likely than whites to have an employer-sponsored retirement plan or an individual retirement account (IRA), which substantially drives down the level of retirement savings. "Race and Retirement Insecurity in the United States" examines racial disparities in retirement readiness among workers and households age 25-64. It analyzes workplace retirement access, retirement account ownership, and retirement account balances. “I’m alarmed by the severity of the retirement racial divide,” said Nari Rhee, PhD, report author and NIRS manager of research. “It’s well documented that regardless of race, the typical working-age American household is far off-track toward accumulating sufficient savings to meet their basic needs in retirement. As we dig deeper into the data, we find an even worse situation for blacks, Latinos and Asians. For example, only four out of ten Latinos and about five out of ten Asians and blacks work for employers that sponsor retirement plans, compared to six out of ten white employees. With low access to retirement plans and low wages, what we’re ultimately seeing is little if any retirement savings among people of color. “To further illustrate the extent of the racial divide, a typical white household near retirement has nearly $30,000 saved in retirement accounts, clearly an insufficient amount. A typical black or Latino household near retirement fares even worse, with zero dedicated retirement savings in a 401(k) or IRA. For working-age households, the average retirement savings is only about $20,000 among blacks and $18,000 for Latinos – a small fraction of the $112,000 average among white households,” Rhee said. She added, “With little else to depend on besides Social Security when they retire, people of color are especially vulnerable to reliance on public assistance and economic hardship in old age. Our research makes it clear that placing a special focus on improving the retirement readiness for Americans of color is absolutely essential to solve the national retirement crisis.” The key findings are as follows: 1. Workers of color, in particular Latinos, are sig-

nificantly less likely than White workers to be covered by an employersponsored retirement plan—whether a 401(k) or defined benefit (DB) pension. • Only 54 percent of black and Asian employees and 38 percent of Latino employees age 25-64 work for an employer that sponsors a retirement plan, compared to 62 percent of White employees. • These racial disparities are much more pronounced in the private sector than in the public sector. Blacks, Asians, and Latinos are respectively 15, 13, and 42 percent less likely than whites to have access to a job based retirement plan in the private sector, compared to 10, 9, and 12 percent less likely in the public sector. • Households of color lag behind White households in coverage by pensions that guarantee lifetime retirement income. While 24 percent of white households have a pension through a current job, only 16 percent of households of color do. This disparity is primarily due to

the fact that just 12 percent of Latino households are covered by a pension plan— half the rate of white and black households. 2. Households of color are far less likely to have dedicated retirement savings than White households of the same age. At the same time, retirement coverage appears to be positively associated with the existence of dedicated household retirement savings in both groups.. • A large majority of black and Latino working age households—62 percent and 69 percent, respectively—do not own assets in a retire-

ment account, compared 37 percent of White households. • The racial gap in retirement account ownership persists across age groups. • Households with pensions through a current job are more likely to have dedicated retirement savings in a 401(k) or IRA type account than households without pensions: 74 percent versus 66 percent, respectively, among White households, and 52 percent versus 40 percent among households of color. 3. Households of color have substantially lower retirement savings than white households, even after controlling for age and income. • Three out of four black households and four out of five Latino households age 25-64 have less than $10,000 in retirement savings, compared to one out of two white households. • Among near-retirees, the per-household average retirement savings balance among households of color ($30,000) is one-fourth that of white households

($120,000). • Across age groups, households of color with at least one earner are half as likely as white households to have retirement savings equal to or greater than their annual income. For instance, only 19 percent of households of color near retirement have this much retirement savings, compared to 41 percent of white households of the same age. "Race and Retirement Insecurity in the United States" serves as a companion to NIRS’ July 2013 study, "The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think?," which documented a significant retirement savings gap among working-age households in the U.S. This research is based on an analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve and analyzes data for whites, people of color and—where data permits—blacks, Latinos, and Asians. The full report is available at http://www.nirsonline.org. Source: The National Institute on Retirement Security

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The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


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The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication



DECEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS Tinsel and tears (Continued from pg. 11) to place blame on yourself. Take time to be gentle to yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Finding a “new normal” in your daily routines and will slowly begin to occur. Bereavement work is time consuming and exhausting. Remember to pace yourself and know your limits. Gift of memories: Give yourself the gift of saying your loved one’s name out loud, invite others to do the same and the stories and memories will flow. If you send out holiday cards or letters, cherish your loved one’s memory by writing their name in the card and then drawing a heart around their name. Memories are our connection to the past, the present and to our future.

Weekly Newspaper • Printing & Publishing Co.

The last gift I would like to share is the gift of Hope and Love. I want to give you the hope that you will find yourself again as your work through your grief. When the days ahead are bleak and you are struggling to get through, know that your loved one is always in your heart. I pray you find the courage and strength to begin again.. The memories you have of your loved one will stay in your heart forever. You can share the love that they gave you with your family and friends and know that this is a gift for a lifetime. May all the gifts you receive and give this holiday season bring you a warm sense of hope, peace, and love. Need help with your older adult caregiving? Please call: Interfaith Older Adult Programs Family Caregiver Support Network 414-220-8600.

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Let's Come Together In the Beauty of Holiness for Time To Pray Service

Walgreens 2826 N. MLKing Dr. 2222 W. Capitol Dr. 2727 W. North Ave. 4808 N. Hopkins St. 7171 N. Teutonia 76th & Mill Rd. LENA’S 4061 North 54th St. (Midtown) 4623 W. Burleigh Ave. 2322 W. Oak St. 4030 N. Teutonia Dr. Libraries Washington Park Library Central Library (Downtown) Banks Columbia Savings 2000 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Seaway Bank 2102 W. Fond du Lac Ave.

North Milwaukee State Bank 5630 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Pick’N Save 2355 N. 35th Street 5700 W. Capitol Dr. 7401 W. Good Hope Rd. Other Locations Carter Drug Store 2400 W. Burleigh St. Dismuke Insurance Agency 8201 W. Capitol Dr. City Hall 200 E. Wells St. The Milwaukee Times Offices 1936 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr.

BMO Harris Bank 2745 N. MLKing Dr. Also be sure to visit your local churches to get your copy of The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.

Saturday, December 14, 2013 St. Gabriel COGIC 5375 N. 37th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 10.00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. "Give ourselves Continually to prayer, and to Ministry of the Word" (Acts 6:4) This event is being sponsored by The Prayer Committee of

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 N. 11th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 6, 2013. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 N. 11th St., directed to the attention of Ms. Gina M. Spang, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 1:30 P.M., in accordance with plans and specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier’s Check: 10% of Contractor’s Base Bid. NEW TOT LOT Honey Creek School 6701 W. Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53220 MPS Property No. 334 MPS Project No. 2188 The HUB requirements for this project are 10% The COIN requirements for this project are 10% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 100 Hours Educational Activities: 10 Hours Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00 The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc., 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services’ office. Bid documents may not be examined at A/E Graphics, Inc.. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ www.aegraphics.com. Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, 283-4611. GREGORY E. THORNTON, Ed.D, 10453403/12-6-12-19-26-1-2 Superintendent of Schools.

Happy Birthday Salutes! Wishing You All The Best! December 2nd Willie Brown Dalvery Blackwell December 3 Jewell Neal Crystal Smith


December 4th Joyce Davis Deonte Lewis

December 12th Kemi Green December 14th Myrtle Wilburn December 16th Tranace K. Leonard Eric D. Madison December 17th Terry Pinder

December 5th Gloria Dupar Lamitt Jenkins

December 20th Rachel Lee

December 6th Darnell I. Ingram

December 21st Anna Taylor

Decmeber 7th Debra Hint

December 24th Ruby Jackson

December 8th Keith A. Ingram Jason I. Miller Anthony J. Miller Rev. Herbert McGuin, Jr. Dwight Howard Nando Scott

December 25th Esther K. McGuin Marquise Johnson Deshae Lewis

December 9th Hattie B. Cooper

December 28th Deborah A. Avery

December 10th Milkell A. Cooper Nathaniel Banks

December 29th Randal Lee

December 11 David Chamberlin Mariah Chamberlin th

December 26th Elnora Breath

December 30th Kenya Lindsey-Taylor Audrey Nanabray

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or email them to miltimes@gmail.com.

Pamela L. Pease 4775A N. 37th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209

Prayer House of Faith, Inc.


Prayer House of Faith 4778 N. Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 323-9620

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, December 12, 2013 - Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An NCON Publication


The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Presents

The 29 Annual th

Friday, February 28, 2014 At The Italian Conference Center 631 E. Chicago St. • Milwaukee, WI 6:00 P.M. - Social Hour • 7:00 P.M. - Dinner & Program For more information, please call The Milwaukee Times at (414) 263-5088 or visit us at 1936 N. Dr. MLK, Jr. Drive.

2014 Keynote Speaker: Jamila Hunter Vice President of Comedy Development for ABC

Saluting the Best

2014 Special Honorees: "Young Influencers and Game Changers" Erickajoy Daniels • Dr. Romel Smith • Cory Nettles • Christopher Boston • Melissa Goins Brady Corp.

Children's Hospital

Music: - Candice R. Dillon - Milton Childs Media: - Toya Washington WISN TV 12 - Tim McMurtry Mueller Communications Extraordinary Achievement: - Linda Presberry Law: - Nancy Joseph US Magistrate Judge

Generation Growth Capital

LISC Milwaukee

Maures Development

Social Services: - Geri L. Lyday Milwaukee Country - Mattie Payne Social Development Commision Community Leadership: - Rev. Willie Brisco - MICAH - Monte Mabara


- Rev. Marilyn Miller Reformation Lutheran Church - Bishop Clayton Duckworth, Sr. New Creation Missionary Praise Chruch

Our Partners in Excellence:

The Milwaukee Urban League

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