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The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 36 • No. 01 • Thurs., Jan. 05, 2017 - Wed., Jan. 11, 2017 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Remembering Those We Have Lost in 2016

Gus Kelly

Jim Thompson

James Lewis

Bernie Leveringston

Janice Byas

Norma Wiener

Gregoire McKay

Devonte Cobb

Mary Joyce Thomas

Clifford Wilson

Earl C. Watts

Rev. Hosie Walker

Vera Walton

Dexter Phillips

Mattie Berry

Eugene Bishop

Barbara Drayton

Allie Campbell

Orlandes Powell

Fred Clinton

Cierra Imani Silverton

Joseph Lucus

Ruthie Beauchamp

Lula Coleman

Carl Rodgers

An NCON Communications Publication

Local News

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Milwaukee Urban League selects Dr. Eve Hall to succeed Ralph E. Hollmon as President and CEO

Commits to continued strong collaboration with African American Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin through transition and beyond

The Milwaukee Urban League (MUL) announced Wednesday, January 4, 2017 that Dr. Eve Hall, currently president and CEO of the African American Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin (AACCW), has been named its next president and CEO. Dr. Hall replaces Ralph E. Hollmon, who has led the Milwaukee Urban League since 2002 and is set to retire in 2017. “Dr. Hall is the ideal choice to build on the momentum of the Milwaukee Urban League at a pivotal time for our community,” said Noah Fenceroy, chair of the MUL Urban League and search committee. “Her non-profit management experience, passion for the mission of the Urban League and deep ties locally and nationally will enable her to take the work and impact of the Milwaukee Urban League to the next level.” Dr. Hall has extensive leadership experience in education, government and non-profit. The core of her work has been fundraising; building programs and partnerships to increase education and career opportunities for students; and enhancing professional training and development for adults while leveraging the power of edu-

Dr. Eve Hall cation, business, government and community working together. Past roles have included Chief Innovation Officer/Vice President of Programs/Executive Director for the Thurgood Marshall College Fund; Vice President of Public Affairs for Family Service of Milwaukee; MPS School to Work Administrator reporting to the Superintendent, and Director of former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson’s Milwaukee Office. Clifton Phelps, AACCW Board Chairperson stated, “When Dr. Hall was selected president/CEO in 2012 her goals were not only to strengthen the foundation of the organization, but invigorate its members and stand-

ing in the community. We are happy to say she not only accomplished her goals but exceeded them. The African American Chamber of Commerce has a strong board, significant membership base, signature programs, and an annual breakfast which last year drew 500 attendees. She returned AACCW to a position of prominence in the community and our Board of Directors is forever grateful.” Phelps added, “Though we are sad to see her go, we are proud of the work we have been able to do together to renew the chamber. We look forward to continued collaboration with the Milwaukee Urban League on issues that affect all of us. The AACCW now looks forward to raising the organization to an expanded level of impact and effectiveness for our members throughout the State of Wisconsin.” Dr. Hall received a B.S. degree in educational psychology from Florida A&M University, an M.S. in administrative leadership from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Doctorate in Educational Leadership from

Hall’s successor. Dr. Hall takes the helm at the Milwaukee Urban League on January 23, and Hollmon has agreed to serve as an advisor for a period of time to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. “We are grateful to Ralph Hollmon for all he has done for the Milwaukee Urban League and the broader Milwaukee community,” Fenceroy added. Ralph E. Hollmon “During his tenure, he has significantly imCardinal Stritch University. proved the overall financial “I am honored to have condition and stewardship the opportunity to lead the of the organization, while Milwaukee Urban League to being an advocate for stubuild on the same mission dents and adults who have that has guided my work at benefitted from the critical the African American Cham- education, employment and ber of Commerce of Wis- racial inclusion programs the consin for almost five years,” League offers.” said Dr. Hall. “Both organizations are focused on eco“It has been an honor to nomic vibrancy for African lead the Milwaukee Urban American families and com- League for the past 14 years, munities through education, and I am very proud of the employment and economic impact we have had and will development and I can envi- continue to make in this sion strong collaboration be- community,” Hollmon said. tween the two organizations “None of this would have and others as we all work to- been possible without outgether to make Milwaukee a standing Board members, a stronger city.” great staff and the generosity of the philanthropic, busiAACCW’s search will be- ness and corporate commugin immediately to select Dr. nity.”

MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- ) Lynda J. Jackson Conyers, Publisher Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper NCON Publications welcomes letters to the editor, as a response to subjects reported or analyzed in the newspaper or on other issues of interest to the community. All letters must be legible, and contain a signature and a phone number. Submissions must be received by Friday to be considered for the following Thursday’s publication.


Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson Conyers Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

Founders Louvenia Johnson Nathan Conyers Luther Golden

Website Manager Antonio Alexander

The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: • An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Rebuilding Our Community Keep hope alive Trying to find a way to deal with some of the complex issues of urban America continues to be at the top of the list for most concerned residents. It is not an easy task, to say the least, especially when there is so much that needs to be done in terms providing better housing, reducing crime, making health care affordable, access to quality education, alleviating poverty, creating sustainable employment and dealing with overt racism. And this is just a partial list of issues to perhaps have more. There is more than enough to deal with that gives even the staunchest advocate a reason to pause and to take a deep breath every now and then. Each day the beat goes on and the challenges do not get any easier as the cycle of issues keeps on repeat-

ing themselves regardless of who is running for the highest office in the land. There is so much to do and for many people... their lives too often hang in the balance by the decisions and policies made by those in charge. Finding real solutions to growing problems takes a lot of energy, vision,


By Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D. Special to the Milwaukee Times

goodwill, collaboration and building strong community relationships. I must admit to you that being out on the front lines is a job that is not clearly understood or appreciated most of the time. But people do know that it is necessary to have someone out there

helping some of the most vulnerable people of our society deal with homelessness, domestic violence, mental illness and drug addiction. If those issues are not addressed they can soon grow into something more. There is a great need in our society to have people standing and fighting for equal rights, human rights and voting rights. The sad reality is the fact that there are not enough people making that kind of difference. Sometimes progress is slow and sometimes good intentions are misunderstood, but it takes people who accept the calling to “be the difference” that keep things moving in the right direction. I know that a lot of people just believe that it is someone else’s job and that they are not a part of the solution. They would rather sit on the side-

lines and become a part of something that requires less personal responsibility or to just do things for comfort sake. But in the end and regardless of political views... “The needs are real and the people are real too.” Dr. Andrew Calhoun, can be contacted at andrewiiicalhoun@, Twitter #AC53, and Facebook. You can hear Dr. Calhoun each Sunday at Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee 414-265-5546. The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or NCON Communication, its staff or management. "Rebuilding Our Community" is a weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.

By: Marian Wright Edelman President of the Children's Defense Fund

Prayers for the work ahead for our children This has been a trying year for so many children in America — confused, consumed by and afraid of the intolerance, hatred and anger of adults. How do we keep the promises we have made to our children? How do we make a better America that values each and every child, regardless of skin color, faith, gender, sexual orientation, disability or immigration status? How do we remind our political leaders with unwavering clarity that every child is sacred and that God did not make two classes of children? This is not a time to weep. This is a time for work to ensure justice. As we look to a new year, here are a few prayers to help guide us for the work ahead. O God, help us recover our hope for our children's sake. Help us recover our courage for our children's sake. Help us to recover our discipline for our children's sake. Help us to recover our ability to work together for our children's sake. Help us to recover our values for our children's sake. Help us to recover a spirit of sacrifice for our children's sake. Help us to recover our faith in Thee for our children's sake. **

quite legally. O God, forgive and transform our rich and powerful nation which thinks security rests in missiles and bombs rather than in mothers and in babies. O God, forgive and transform our rich nation for not giving You sufficient thanks by giving to others their daily bread.

We pray and stand for children who need our voice. We pray and stand for children blessed by parents who care and for children without a parent or anyone who cares at all. We pray and stand for children filled with joy and hope and for children whose days and nights are joyless. We pray and stand for children with hope and for children without hope whose spirits have been dimmed and dashed. We pray and stand for children high on play and study and laughter and for children high on heroin, cocaine and ecstasy. We pray and stand for children for whom we pray every day and for children who have no one to pray them along life’s way.

We pray and stand for children poised by circumstance to soar and conquer life’s challenges and for children bogged down by hunger and homelessness and violence and miseducation and struggling so hard to survive. We pray and stand for children who love to read and for children who can’t read at all, for children who learn with excitement and for children told by adults they cannot achieve. We pray and stand for children who we expect and help to do well and for children whom no one believes in or helps succeed. We pray for parents, grandparents, teachers, preachers, political and community leaders that we will be a help and not a hindrance for children we call our own and for

all the children God created who are part of our family too. ** O God, forgive and transform our rich nation where small babies die of cold quite legally. O God, forgive and transform our rich nation where small children suffer from hunger quite legally. O God, forgive and transform our rich nation where toddlers and school children die from guns sold quite legally. O God, forgive and transform our rich nation that lets children be the poorest group of citizens quite legally. O God, forgive and transform our rich nation that lets the rich continue to get more at the expense of the poor

O God, help us never to confuse what is quite legal with what is just and right in Your sight. Help us to stand together and vote to make America just and right for all Your children. Marian Wright Edelman is President of the Children's Defense Fund whose Leave No Child Behind® mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities. For more information go to www.childrensdefense. org. The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or NCON Communication, its staff or management.

An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

The Counseling Corner

By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th

Ignorance is not bliss: The importance of sound biblical doctrine to God’s people (Part 1) “You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine.” - (Titus 2:1) Doctrine is the teachings of the church as they relate to the truths about God. Since one’s faith is based on a specific message, that Christ died for our sins, (1 Cor. 15:3-4) sound doctrine thus becomes very important. Author, Myer Pearlman agrees. He writes: "Doctrine will always be necessary if men ask, 'where did I come from, what am I, and whither am I going?' It is often said; it does not matter what a man believes if he does right. This is one way of dismissing doctrine as having no importance in relation to life. But every person has a theology whether he knows it or not; man’s actions are influenced by what he believes." (Pearlman, Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible, p. 9). So, after hearing a sermon at a conference recently, that gave me the inspiration to address this topic. The message

was simple: every believer is commanded to study and to continually grow in grace. As one commentary notes, this process of spiritual growth begins by knowing Christ initially in regeneration and it continues in one’s deepening relationship with God. Both are crucial. Without the initial knowledge, there is no opportunity for growth. Sadly, because the Body of Christ has taken little time to study, the tragedy is that there are many church members who, if they were asked what they believe, could not

tell; and who, if they were asked why they believe it, would be equally helpless. Thus, this makes it necessary for the Christian to study so that he/she can tell in whom they believe and why. It is ignorance that binds knowledge. If God’s people lack a firm network of sound doctrinal roots, they are left defenseless before the cults, other persuasive false teachers of our day, and unable to safeguard their hearts and minds against error. (Matt. 22:29, Gal. 1:6-9 and 2 Tim. 4:3-4.) That is why Paul

warns Timothy to: “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim. 4:16). It is the study of doctrine and God’s Word that stabilizes us. Those who hope to survive any degree of emotional sanity and mental stability must have a solid diet of sound biblical theology, clearly understood, taught and consistently digested and regularly put into action. We should not meet the challenges of postmodernism, secular, non-Christian and contemporary worldview by abandoning the Bible, but by using it carefully, theologically and effectively. There is nothing on this earth as important as God’s Word to His people. It is one of the facts of the human mind, however, that a person thinks only as much as they must. It is not until one finds their faith opposed and attacked that they begin to think out its implications and begin to realize the riches of orthodoxy.

Where are you in the learning and growing process? Do you have a yearning in your spirit for a deeper study of God’s Word? Is doctrine important to you? Then, this writer invites you to join me this month in an examination of the importance and benefits of sound biblical doctrine. Next Week: Attributes of Scripture The writer does not assume responsibility in any way for readers’ efforts to apply or utilize information or recommendations made in this article, as they may not be necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. This information is for educational purposes only. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.


Abundant Faith Church of Integrity 7830 West Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

(414) 464-5001

ADULT LEARNING LAB Abiding Faith Fellowship Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule:

Pastor Anthony Oliphant Sr. 4600 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53210

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School ………………… 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship …… 10:30 am Tel: (414) 444-2822 Fax: (414) 444-2877

Another Chance M.B.C.

Pastor Robert Pyles

“Discover Your Abundant Faith”

Weekly Schedule

4441 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 527-9986 Phone

"Not Perfect, But Forgiven"

An NCON Communications Publication

Order of Services Sunday School......................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship....................11:00 am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study....................6:30 pm Thurs. Mass Choir Rehearsal...............7:00 pm Come Home to Antioch

Bethany Church of God in Christ 1930 North 13th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Office #: (414) 885-6010

Pastor Charles G. Green

Sunday School.............................9:30 am Sun. Worship Service..................10.45 am Wed. Bible Study.............……… 6:00 pm

Sunday Worship… 10:00 a.m. Tuesday……………6:15 p.m.

New Life New Beginnings Outreach Suite 205 3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 445-1072 Free Computer Classes ECDL License Software Registration Fee $25 Wed. 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. evening 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Weekly Open Enrollment

Pastor Donell Allen, Sr.

Sun. School………….….....9:00 a.m. Sun. Service…….……......10:15 a.m. Wed. Bible Study….............7:00 p.m. Fri. Drug Prevention…........6:00 p.m. Fri. Praise Team Rehearsal...7:30 p.m. Sat. Commty. Outreach........3:00 p.m.

"Bethany, the little church with a big heart; where everybody is somebody." - Pastor Allen

BETHEL Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 3281 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Willie F. Dockery, Jr. “The Church on the Grow”

Weekly Schedule Sun. School ………….… 8:30 a.m. Sun Worship ………….. 10:00 a.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ……………………. 7:00 p.m. 442-8970.

Pastor Robert Armstrong BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH “THE HOUSE OF MERCY” 2909 N. 20th Street. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Tel: 414-442-1323 Fax: 414-442-1334 E-Mail:

Order of Service: Morning Worship .....................8:00 AM Sun. Enrichment Hour ...........10:00 AM 3rd Sun. Communion Service..3:00 PM Mon. Prayer..............................6:30 PM Tues. Bible Class......................7:00 PM

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Christian Times

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Calvary Hill Temple Apostolic Faith Church 8401 N. 60th Street (St. Martin’s) • Brown Deer, WI 53223 Phone: (414)442-0099 • Email:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Phone: 414-372-1450

Order of Service Sun. Christian School/Manna…12:00 p.m.

Fax: 414-372-0850 Website:

Tues. Prayer/Bible Class………10:00 a.m.

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES BLESSED DELIVERANCE Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J. Anthony Phillips

Wed. Broadcast 1560AM…10:45-11:15 a.m. Thur. Prayer/Bible Class…………6:30 p.m.

Sunday: Sun. School ................................... 8:15 a.m. Morn. Worship ................................ 9:30 a.m.

2215 North 23rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 344-9645 (Office) (414) (Fax)

Rev. Dr. Mary Jean Lewis-Jiles 2176 N. 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly schedule: Sun. Worship ......................... 10:45 a.m. Sunday School ........................ 9:00 a.m. Sat. Teacher’s Mtg., ................. 9:00 a.m. Wen. Prayer Service & Bible Class ....... ........................................... 6 - 8:00 p.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Class ............ 9- 10 a.m.

Pastor/Founder - Jeanetta Perry, DD(P.A.W) Wednesday: Bible Study .................... 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Weekly schedule: Sun. School .................... 8:45-9:45 a.m. Sun. Worship ........................ 10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study ......... 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Saturday: Early Morning Prayer ......................... 7:00 a.m.


Ministers: Elder Jessie Reed, Elder Jimmie Sanders, Elder James Hartlep, Evangelist Dorothy Evans, and Mother Annie Mae Hartlep

Corinth Missionary Baptist Church 1874 N 24th Place Milwaukee, WI 53205 Phone: 414-933-1987 Fax: 414-933-3545 Rev. John Laura, Pastor

CHRIST TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C. Elder Travis D. Evans, Sr., Pastor 2778 N. 10th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-263-0500 church office www. ctemplecogic.og Opportunities to Worship Sunday School ……………9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship ..... 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship ..... 7:00 PM Wed. Evening Worship .... 6:45 PM

3649 N. Teutonia Ave. Elder Milwaukee, WI 53206 Stephen Hawkins, pastor.

Citadel Of Praise Church of God In Christ 2328 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 299-0608 Deon Young, Pastor

Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 11:00 a.m. Phone 445-1980. Do watch us grow. Come and grow with us.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun. Celebration of Worship…………….…………… 12:00 p.m. Wed. - WoW Pastoral Teaching ………………………...……………… 7:00 p.m.



Weekly Schedule Sunday School 0 9:00 A.M. Sun. Morn. Worship 10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study 0 7:00 P.M. Transportation Available Wednesday - Mission -6 :00 pm Thursday Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 pm “A Church Empowering Lives with Gods Word”

2249 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly Schedule Church Sun. School ................. 8:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ............................. 9:00 a.m. Prayer Service ................. Wed. 6:00 p.m. Church phone: 414.445-1610 Fax: 414.449-0252

Fellowship of Love Missionary Baptist Church

CORNERSTONE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2329 North 12th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Pastor Rev. William Jackson Missionary Arleathia Myers 414-243-2684 Weekly Schedule Sun. School ........................... 10:00 a.m. Sun. A.M. Worship ............... 11:00 a.m.

DAMASCUS Missionary Baptist Church 2447 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Dr. Ellis Wilkins, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sun. School ............................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ......................... 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union (BTU) ... 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ..................... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class ..... 6:00 p.m. Phone: 374-6650 or 263-9229.

Eternal Life Church of God in Christ

Rev. B. L. Cleveland, Pastor & Founder Mother E. L. Cleveland, First Lady 7901 N. 66th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 Ph: (262)242-2878 • Fax: (262)242-0978 e-mail: Worship Services Sunday School..............9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship...............…11:00 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study............................7:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Study & Evangelical Service ...................................................................7:00 p.m.

EVERGREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1138 West Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 265-0400 • (414) 265-0424 Worship Schedule Sun. Church School .................. 8:45 am Sun. Morning Worship ............... 10:00 am Wed. evening Prayer, Bible Study, & Spiritual Formation .................... 6:30 pm

For more info. visit:

Rev. Judith T. Lester, Pastor

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Worship Services Temporarily Held at New Covenant Baptist Church 2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210 Sunday Morning Worship 12:15 p.m.

905 West North Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206

God’s Will & Way Church of God in Christ

Friendship Progressive Baptist Church 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Michael A. Cokes, Sr. and First Lady Tangie Cokes Order of Service Sun. Early Morn. Worship.............9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship Service...............10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study...................... 6:00 p.m. Come G.L.O.W. with us. Stay in touch by texting 71441 and the word theship. Our motto: “No more church as usual”

Pastor H.S. McClinton Genesis Missionary Baptist Church 231 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Rev. A.L. Douglas Jr., Pastor ORDER OF SERVICE Sun. School .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ......... 10:45 a.m. Praising, Great Preaching, Teaching Other ministries to be announced. Church Telephone: 372-7675 Pastor Telephone: 372-7743


Weekly Services: Sun. School ............... 10:00 AM Sun. Service ...............11:15 AM (414)933-3280 (414)-933-3469 3100 West Lisbon Av. Milwaukee, WI 53208

Pastor Willie Genous & First Lady Evangelist Jo Genous

2900 N. 9th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 264-4866 Service Times Prayer M-F ………. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Sunday Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ………. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer ……………… 6:30-7:00 p.m. Bible Study ……… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal ………… 8:00 p.m.

Where there is peace in the midst of the storm

Church Phone: (414) 263-6113

Joseph H. Jackson, Jr. - Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ....................... 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 10:45 a.m. Wen. Bible Study .................. 6:00 p.m.

God’s Glory Church Min.

7017 W. Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 Office: (414) 630-0752 Email: Pastors Founders: Elder O.R. and Evang. A. McCoy

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship……….....………Noon Wed. Bible Study…….......……6 p.m.

Prayer every Tuse. & Thur. @ Noon

God’s Glory Church Ministry 4679 No. 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414)875-0660 Order of Services: Sun. School………… 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship……….11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study……6:00 p.m. Fri. Evening Evang....6:30 p.m.

Pastor/Founder Jeanetta Perry BA, DP (PAW)

Staff: James Hartley Angela Hartley Jeanitta Perry Dorothy Evans Jessie Reed Mother Annie Hartly Jammie Sonders

Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee “Helping God’s People To Find Their Place In A Complex World.” Worship Schedule Sun. Bible Study ...........10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ................ 11:15 a.m. 3879 North Port Washington Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-265-5546 Rev. Andrew & Brenda Calhoun

Greater Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc. 1934 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 414-562-5183 Bishop Bernard Dotson, Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School ....................... 9:30 Sun. Morning Worship ...... 11:30 Sun. Evening Service ........ 7:30 Tues. Prayer Service ........... 7:30 Wed. - Bible Class ............... 7:30 Fri. - Family Night or Evangelistic Service .............................. 7:30 Sunday 1560AM ........... 1 until 2

Pray Line: 562-5183

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

GREATER GALILEE Missionary Baptist Church “Where Jesus is Lord” Pastor Johnny C. White, Jr. 2432 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ........................................ 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ...................... 10:30 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study ...................... ............................. 11:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (414) 562-1110 - Church


2479 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53210-2947 Office Phone: (414) 871-LORD (5673) Kenneth E. Cutler, Sr., Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School ........................................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ....................... 10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting ........................... 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study ................................. 6:30 p.m.

An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Healing Grace

God's Glory Church Ministry

5384 North 60th St. Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 463-5035 e-mail: web:

Superintendant Victor C. Davis, Sr.


Worship Services Sun. School ................................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........... 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Tues. PM Prayer ......................... 6:00 p.m.

GREATER SPIRIT EVERINCREASING CHURCH (Service at New Prospect Church) 2407 W. Nash St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Wed. Bible Study ...................... 6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday Worship......................1:00 p.m. 1st & 5th Sun. P.M. Worship....6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer....................6:30 p.m.

Fri Intercessory Prayer ............... 7:00 p.m. Fri. Deliverance Service ............ 7:30 p.m.

Your Community Church • Won’t You Join Us? Hallowed Missionary Baptist Church

(414) 355-4545 MAILING ADDRESS: 7631 W. Glenbrook Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

Sunday School.................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.............11:00 a.m. Wed. Open Bible Discussion.......... .............................................6:30 p.m. (414) 444-2620

Order of Service Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School.........................................10:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship...........................6:45 PM Tuesday Prayer....................................12:00 Noon Tuesday Prayer & Bible Band....................7:00 PM Tuesday Pastoral Teaching........................7:30 PM Friday Prayer.......................................12:00 Noon Friday Evangelistic Service........................7:00 PM

3800 N. Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 265-5161

Word of Hope Telecast • Sunday 9AM • ION/PAX TV • Channel 55/Cable Channel 15 Word of Hope Broadcast JOY WJYI 1340am • Mon – Fri 3:15 PM-3:30 PM

Bishop C. H. McClelland


Word of Hope Ministries, Inc. Social Services, Health Care, ATODA, Employment Services, Family & Individual Counseling, Free Computer Training/ GED assistance, Prisoner Re-entry Services (414) 447-1965

“Holy Cathedral is A Ministry That Touches People”

“A Local Church With A Global Mission”

4245 N. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216

Pastor Nathaniel Deans Sunday School .............. 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service ........... 9:15 a.m. to Noon Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible class .................... ........……….. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thu. Bible Class ...... 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Come hear a Word from the Lord, it will change your direction.

Holy Temple Firstborn MB Church, Inc. 4960 N. 18th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-264-4002 (Office) Dr. Lezar & Lady Burnside Pastors

Dr. Betty S. Hayes, Pastor & Founder of Holy Mt. Carmel MBC 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 and Christ Gospel On The Rise Soul Saving Ministry, Harrell, AR. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sun. Words To Grow By....................9 a.m. Sunday Worship........................10:45 a.m. RADIO MINISTRIES Sat. (Milwaukee) WGLB 1560 Sat. at 9:15 a.m. • Sun. at 8:25 a.m.

Sunday School...................8:00 a.m. Sun. Worship......................9:15 a.m. Tues. Bible Class................7:00 p.m.

(414) 344-5361 (Office) Prayer Line - (414) 446-713324 hr.

“Changing Lives with a Changeless Word”

Jesus Is The Way Ministries (C.O.G.I.C)

JEREMIAH Missionary Baptist Church

HOLY TEMPLE Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Services Sun. School………………9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship……………10:00 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study…...…6:30 p.m.

2677 North 40th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53210 Church Office (414) 447-1967

Rev Aaron Morgan, Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sun. School........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship............11:00 a.m. Wend. Bible Study & Prayer.............................6:00 p.m.

5202 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 Pastor/Teacher Rev. Kenneth Hughes

Lloyd Wright, Sr. Pastor, Author & Teacher 6151 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 628-2367

Holy Cathedral Church Of God In Christ

Heritage International Ministries C.O.G.I.C. Dr. Nathaniel J. Stampley, D. Min. Mother Carolyn R. Stampley, M.Ed. Eld. Darrell Grayson, Assistant Pastor 1036 W. Atkinson Ave. • Milw., WI 53206 Phone: 414-264-2727 E-mail: Web: Weekly Schedule Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship....10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday Prayer...........6:00 a.m. Thursday Worship & Bible Studies....... ...............................................6:00 p.m.

Growing In Grace Fellowship Church

Founder's Elder O.R. and Evangelistn A. McCoy 15 Years of Ministry in God's Service 7017 West Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 One block North of Hampton Ave. on 70th St. 414-875-0660 Order of Services: Sunday School…………………11:00 am Sunday Worship…………………12 noon Wednesday Bible Study…………6:00 pm Friday Evangelistic Service………6:30 pm

The King’s Temple The House of the Living God

2034 W. Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Ph: (414) 265-5057 Fax: (414) 265-5029 Sunday School.............................10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship...........................11:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Daily Prayer..................10:00 a.m Tuesday Night Prayer.............6:00-7:00 p.m Thursday Intercessory Prayer - 7:00-7:30 p.m. Thursday Pastoral Teaching - 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Pastor Eugene Cowan, II Senior Servent Leader 4519 W. Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Phone: 461-8484 • Fax: 461-9797 Weekly Schedule Sunday School.......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:00 a.m. Tues. Bible Class ..................... 6:30 p.m. “Transforming lives though the Word of God”

JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Donnie Sims 2505 West Cornell St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 442-4720 Sunday Service.......10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Night......7:00 p.m.

- Family AODA Treatment -

Pastor, Louis Fuller, Sr. Co-Pastor, Bea Fuller

- Transportation Available -

Pastor Jeffrey Coleman First Lady Brenda Coleman

“A Twenty-First Century Church”

Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church

Classes/Services: Daily Living Skills House Management Service Housing Assistance Life Skills Training Parenting Class

3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.....................10:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship..........11:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Class...........................6:30 p.m.

Spiritual Support Parent Assistance Education/Academic Skills Development Domestic Violence Services Mentoring Prison Ministry

Church 578-7425

Many Mansions Pentecostal Ministries, Inc.

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

8415 W. Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53224 414.355.0931, 414.355.7045(fax) (email) (website) Kairos International Christian Church (414) 374-KICC (5422) Sunday Community Ministry......................9:00 am Thursday Community Ministry...................7:00 pm Thur. S.E.T for Youth (Self Expression Thursday) ..................................................................7:00 pm

Pastors Terrence and Dr. Cheryl Moore


Rev. Christopher R. Boston, Pastor

Worship Schedule Sunday School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ......................10:15 a.m. WOW-Word on Wednesday.... 6:30 p.m.

Gatherings held at Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary School 3275 N. Third Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 (enter parking lot on Ring Street)

Time to Worship, Opportunity to Serve

Miracle Temple of Deliverance

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 1345 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Brandle C. Morrow, Sr., Interim Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School……………………9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service………..10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study………….6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service……….7:00 p.m.


Elder Betty Steward, Pastor 1000 W. Burleigh Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Order of Service: Sunday Ministry …………10:00 a.m. Worship Service ……… 11:30 a.m. Thursday Bible Study …… 7:00 p.m.

Phone (414) 562-7200 Fax: (414) 562-7850 E-mail:

An NCON Communications Publication

“Where We Preach the Word, Teach the Word, and Live the Word”

Life & Liberty Church 2009 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Pastor Evangelist Erma Mosley (Located inside Solid Rock Church) Sunday School..................2:30 p.m. Sunday Worship................4:00 p.m. Tue.-Fri. Prayer..........12 p.m.-1 p.m. Wed. Praise & Choir Rehearsal....... ..........................................5:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Class...............6:00 p.m. All Are Welcome

Weekly Schedule: Sun. Early Worship 0 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 0 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 0 6:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule:

Sunday School..........................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship Service..............10.30 a.m. Wed. Bible Service.........………… 6 p.m. “We’re Stepping Into The Kingdom by Stepping Out on Faith” - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Founder: Pastor Nalls 3131 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: 414-871-1103 E-mail: Weely Schedule: Sun. School……………......…9:30 a.m. Sun. Service……………...…11:30 a.m. Tues. Night Prayer & Study……………….…..……6:00 p.m. St. John 14:2 Vers.

Mount Hermon Baptist Church

Monumental Missionary Baptist Church

2407 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 933-2443 Rev. Roy C. Watson, Pastor First Lady, Sharon Watson

Pastor Rodney Cunningham 7265 North Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 228-6779 Phone

1809 W. Atkinson Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: 414 871-8178 Fax: 414 871-8143 E-mail: Facebook: Mount Hermon-Baptist Church MOUNT CARMEL Missionary Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Hugh Davis, Jr. ThM. ThD, Pastor Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship.......................10:45 a.m. Sunday BTU..........................6:00 p.m. Monday Night Mission............6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer and Bible Study .......................................6:00-8:00 p.m. Certified Marriage, Drug & Alcohol, and Pastoral Counselor Church: 264-2560 Pastor’s Study: 264-8001

Order of Services: Enhancement Hour Sun. ……… ………….......……………. 9:00 A.M. Sun. Worship …......….. 10:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study .......………………………. 6:30 P.M. Bobby L. Sinclair, Pastor

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Christian Times

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


New Creation Missionary Praise Church

New Covenant Baptist Church

2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. F. L. Crouther, Pastor Phone: 873-1221 Fax: 873-8614

1404 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 372-7544 (Church) (414) 510-5367 (Cell) Order of Service

MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John K. Patterson, Pastor 5277 North 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 Sunday School..........8:00-9:15 a.m. Sunday Service.................9:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Class……Noon & 6 p.m. Church phone 414.461-7755 Home phone 414.226-6075

Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.......................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship........................11 a.m. Thurs Prayer Service.............6:30 p.m. Thurs Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. MOUNT ZION Missionary Baptist Church 2207 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Phone 372-7811 Rev. Louis Sibley, III, Pastor Sunday School........................9:15 am Sunday Worship..........8 am, 10:45 am 1st Sunday Communion immediately following morning worship. Wed. Bible study and Prayer Meeting .......................................6:30 - 8:30 pm.

New Beginning Seed Faith M.B. Church 138 West North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Bishop Clayton, Sr., and Lady Renee Duckworth

SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:30 AM Thursday

The Church were the heart is (II Chronicles 31:21)

Prayer Bible Study

Service Begins each Sunday at 1:00 P.M.

Food Pantry Food Bags* 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Please Call For Appointments Hot Meals 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. T.V. Ministry every 2nd Tue. of the month on Channel 96, 8-9 p.m.

Wednesday Night Worship Service……………………………7:00 p.m. (Last Wed. of the month)

“A Church With A True Gospel Praise” New Dawn Worship Center 3276 N. Palmer Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 PH: (414) 393-1290 FX: (414) 393-1234

Rev. Ann Smith, Founder & Pastor

Sunday Church School……………8:00 a.m. Children’s Church - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday……………………………9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…………9:30 a.m. Wed. Family Night Sunday School Expository………………………………5:30 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Prayer & Praise…………………………………6:00 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Bible Classes………………………………6:45 p.m.

5:30 PM 6:30 PM

New Holy Ghost Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church “God so loved the world” - John 3:16 104 West Garfield Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 “Come as you are” Office: (414) 264-4852 Church: (414) 264-3352

6063 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 444-3106 Pastor Johnny L. Bonner, Jr. “Building On The Vision”

Order of Service Sunday School ……… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Service …. 7:30 p.m.

Ph.#: (414) 708-4884 Come and worship with us!!!

Rev. L.C. Martin, Pastor

Rev. Dr. Terrell H. Cistrunk Pastor

New Outlook Church of God in Christ 2449 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 406-0258

Sunday School..........9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship......10:30 a.m. Weds. Bible Class.....6:30 p.m. NEWPORT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH

Weekly Schedule:

NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Dr. Archie L. Ivy, Pastor/Teacher 2433 W. Roosevelt Drive Milwaukee, WI 53209 Phone (414) 871-0350 • Fax (414)871-4219 E-mail: Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship ………................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. School ............................... 8:00 a.m. Wed. Morning Prayer & Bible Study.……………..10.30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Mid-week Service (last Wen. of the month) ............. ......................................6:00 p.m. “Partnering with God, Practicing Biblical Principles, Strengthening Families”

New Greater Love Baptist Church

New Life New Beginnings World Ministry & Outreach C.O.G.I.C 2516 West Hopkins Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Evangelist Margaret Stone, Pastor

Sunday School…………………………….10:00 a.m. Worship Service…………………………..11:00 a.m. 3rd Tues. The Ecumenical Prayer………...6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service……………………..10:45 a.m. Last (2) Wed. Freedom from Addiction Ministry…………………………11:15 a.m. Wed. Food Pantry……………………….12:00 noon Fri. Prayer, Miracle, Prophetic Word……..7:00 p.m. Every 1st Weekend Revival Service: Fri. - 7:00 p.m. • Sat. - 7:00 p.m. Sun. Evening - 6:00 p.m.

Dr. Mark A. Allen, Sr. Pastor NEW PARADISE Missionary Baptist Church 2353 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI. 53206 Tel: 414-265-0512 Fax:414-265-1910

Worship Services: Sunday School....................9 : 00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship.......11: 00 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting..........6:30 p.m. Tues. Bible Class.................7:00 p.m. “Come Spend A Day In Paradise”

The Open Door Christian Worship Center Church, Inc.

Sun. School..........8 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................9 a.m. Wed. Bible

Pastor Robb Taylor and First Lady Vanessa Taylor

Study....................6 p.m.

“Bringing Light Into The Community” - Philippians 4; 13-14


2237 N. 11 St. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 265-5881 Order of Service Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship …………… 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study ……… 7:00 p.m. Vo i c e s o f N e w p o r t R e h e a r s a l ………………………………… 7:00 p.m. Rev. W.L. Smith, Sr. , Pastor

Pilgrim Baptist Worship Center

“Teaching, Preaching, and Reaching for Christ” Rev. Martin Childs, Jr., Pastor

Pastors: Apostle Kenneth Lock Sr. and Prophetess Michele Lock

3223 West Lloyd Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone:(414) 444-5727 Sun. A.M. Worship……………8:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship……………12 noon Tues. Prayer/TNT Bible Study ………………………………6:30 p.m.

PARADISE SANCTUARY Missionary Baptist Church 2705 W. Clarke Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. David K. Blathers, Pastor

Sunday School.................9:30-10:45 am Sunday Worship.........11:00 am-1:15 pm Wed. Pastor Bible Information Session, Prayer and Testimony..................5-7 pm Sat. Choir Rehearsal and........................ Youth Bible Study..........11 am - 1:30 pm Church (414) 264-2266, Pastor (414) 449-2146

Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church 2028 W. Cherry St., Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Maddie Turner, Sr., pastor

Sunday School...............9:05 a.m. S u n d a y Wo r s h i p . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 : 4 0 a . m . S u n . C h u r c h Training Union, 6 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Study ...............................6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

3737 North Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church Phone: 414-873-1045 Church Fax: 414-873-4101 Website: E-mail:

“A New Testament Church” Sunday Worship …… 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School: …………… 9:30 a.m. Mon. Bible Class ……..… 6:00 p.m. (Women) Tues. Bible Class ……......……… 12:00 noon Tues. Men’s Support Group …..….. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Class ……… 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ……… 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study ………………… 1:00 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Service……………... 2:00 p.m. Fri. Youth Fellowship...............…. 6:000 p.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast (2nd Sat.).....9:00 a.m.

Rev. George M. Ware Pastor

2975 N. Buffum St. Milwaukee, WI. 53212 P.O. Box 241772 Milwaukee, WI. 53224 Sunday Church School.........9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.................10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ......................7:00 p.m. Church Office #: (414) 265-7171

Church Telephone: 344-2400

Progressive Baptist Church “Equipping God’s People, Building God’s Church, Advancing God’s Kingdom” Pastor Walter J. Lanier 8324 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53222 Phone: 414-462-9050 Prince of Peace Baptist Church 3701 North 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-6700 • (414) 444-6701 fax Steven R. McVicker, Pastor

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School .....................................9:00 am Sunday Worship .................................10:00 am Tuesday Bible Class.............................6:00 pm Tuesday Prayer ....................................6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal ........................5:00 pm Welcome to Peace

Senior Pastor Evangelist Barbara Williams Co-Pastor Elder Dexter Williams Power House Deliverance Church 4344 N. 27th St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414-442-2234 Sunday School...............................9:30 Sunday Morning Service...............11:30 Tuesday Night Prayer Service........7:00 Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 Friday Community Food Pantry........2-4

Transportation Available (414) 449-0122

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Worship Schedule: Sun. School.......................................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study..........................Noon Wednesday Bible Study.....................6:45 p.m.


Redemption Fellowship Baptist Church Robert A. Angel, Senior Pastor 3500 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Phone: (414) 875-1926 Website:

Robert A. Angel Senior Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sunday School.................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship...........10:00 am Sunday Broadcast JOY 1340 - 4:30 pm Wednesday Bible Class.............7-8:00 pm

An NCON Communications Publication

Wealth Building

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


MONEY MATTERS Money talk: Financial jargon demystified With plenty of technical jargon, an array of innovative and new financial products to tailor to your specific situation and an evolving industry, it can be hard to keep up with all the financial terms out there. Thrivent Financial knows finances aren’t everyone’s favorite topic, so we’ve compiled a short list of some of the most common finance terms, translated into plain English.

much you pay in taxes, these two terms may be important to discuss with your tax advisor come tax season. Let’s say you’ve invested $10,000 in a stock that grew over the years to a value of $25,000. Your capital gain would be $15,000. If you sell that stock, you’ll pay taxes on that gain. Compounding: The act Investing words of taking interest earned on Asset: Something you own an investment and putting it that has value. In the case of back into the investment to personal finances, something earn still more interest. Ever that has either a monetary or marvel at how some old an exchange value, such as savings bond worth a few cash or the home you own. hundred bucks when you Capital gain: The prof- received it as a kid magicalit from selling an asset for ly blossomed into thousands more money than you orig- of dollars years later? You inally paid for it. If you sell can thank compounding. it for less, you have a capiDividend: When talking tal loss. Since capital gains about a publicly traded comand losses can affect how pany, dividends refer to the

IS YOUR FINANCIAL PICTURE CLEAR? I can help account for the uncertainties in life— planned and unplanned events—as well as the changing economic environment. Maybe you are recently divorced, widowed or retired and in need of financial guidance. As a financial consultant for Thrivent Financial, with over 25 years of experience, I can help bring clarity to your financial picture by focusing on what’s important to you. My goal is to look out for you, so you can look to the future with confidence! Let’s bring your financial picture into focus. Contact me today.

Charlotte Ghazarian ChFC®, CLU®, RICP® Financial Consultant Suite 123 5205 N. Ironwood Rd. Glendale, WI 53217


Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. They are also registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55415. For additional important information, visit

Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • 800-847-4836 1590013-090916

An NCON Communications Publication

portion of a company’s profits paid out to shareholders. One of the other places profits can go is back into the company. When talking about a mutual fund, dividends are generally made up of the dividends received from the stocks held by the fund or the interest received for the bond holdings of the fund. Typically, dividends are paid each quarter or twice a year. Diversified portfolio: An investment strategy that spreads your assets over a variety of stocks, bonds and other investments. This is fancier way of saying “don’tput-all-your-eg gs-in-onebasket.” This can also be referred to as “asset allocation” and your financial representative may talk about “looking at your asset allocation.” It simply means to think about how much money you’re putting into what type of investment. Asset allocation affects both the risk and the return you can expect from your financial assets. Dollar cost averaging: Investing smaller, fixed amounts at regular intervals, like $100 per month. Load: A fee charged by certain mutual funds. These fees can be charged when you purchase a fund (frontend load) or when you sell a fund (back-end load). Retirement plan distribution: A payout of funds from a retirement plan. These funds can come from a company-sponsored 401(k) or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Different retirement plans will have different options as to when and under what circumstances you can take your money from the plan. You’ll typically want to wait until you are at least 59 1/2 years old before taking money out of your qualified retirement plan to avoid early-withdrawal penalties. Retirement plan roll over: Transferring funds from one retirement plan account (e.g. 401(k), IRA, etc.) to another retirement plan account. The funds are not subject to tax or penalties, and continue the tax deferred growth. Insurance words Cash surrender value: The amount of money you’d

receive if you decided to cancel your permanent life insurance contract, before it becomes payable upon death or maturity. Cash value: The money you can access from tapping the accumulated value of a permanent life insurance contract. Contracts vary from insurer to insurer, though, so be sure to talk with your financial representative to make sure you understand your life insurance contract. Elimination period: The amount of time you’ll have to wait until insurance benefits are paid. In general, the shorter the elimination period the more expensive the contract and vice versa. Exclusion ratio: A ratio applied to each annuity payment to find the portion of the payment that is subject to income tax and the portion, which is considered to be an income tax free return of your investment in the annuity contract. Say you invested $10,000 per year in an annuity for 30 years, for a total investment of $300,000. Because of compounding, this amount might appreciate to $1,010,700 by the time you begin withdrawals—$710,700 more than your original investment. You’ll pay taxes on that $710,700 but not on the original $300,000, which means in this scenario you’ll receive about one-third of your withdrawals income tax free. Living withdrawal benefit: As applied to an annuity contract, a living withdrawal benefit usually guarantees the annuity payments and/ or guarantees a minimum income over a specified period to the annuitant and/or beneficiary of the contract. Rider: Special coverage added to insurance contracts and annuity products to cover additional items or provide extra benefits. With life insurance, one popular rider is a “waiver of premium,” allowing you to keep your coverage without paying if you become ill or disabled. These add-ons cost extra but can help you customize your insurance so you’re covered for special circumstances. Preferred risk: Insurance companies reward positive decisions and lifestyle choices by offering reduced insurance rates. Or if a doctor’s checkup shows a clean bill of health, it can help to lower your health or life insurance premiums. Special risk: If your lifestyle or circumstances suggest that the odds are better

than average that you’ll collect on your insurance, you’ll be deemed “special risk” and pay a higher price for the coverage. Standard risk: When you buy any type of insurance, the standard price you pay for that insurance will depend on your age, health, lifestyle and other factors affecting the odds that you’ll collect on that insurance. If you meet the company ‘standards’ you’re entitled to purchase insurance without special restrictions or extra fees. Financial terms aren’t always easy to understand. A first step in selecting a financial advisor is making sure you’re working with someone who is speaking a language you understand and never be afraid to ask for clarification about a term you don’t recognize or understand. This article first appeared in Thrivent Magazine. To read articles from previous Thrivent issues on a variety of these topics, go to links Charlotte Ghazarian’s office is at: 5205 N Ironwood Rd. Ste 123, Glendale WI, and she can also be reached at: (414) 9638644 About Thrivent Financial Thrivent Financial is a financial services organization that helps Christians be wise with money and live generously. As a membership organization, it offers its more than 2.3 million member-owners a broad range of products, services and guidance from financial representatives nationwide. For more than a century it has helped members make wise money choices that reflect their values while providing them opportunities to demonstrate their generosity where they live, work and worship. For more information, visit Thrivent. com/why. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/ producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit While diversification can help reduce market risk, it does not eliminate it. Diversification does not assure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market.

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017


What’s Happening

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Are you at risk for vision loss? See the best you can see. See an Eye Care Specialist. In addition to cataracts and other common eye concerns, African-Americans’ risk for vision loss or blindness is 8 times more than whites for glaucoma and 3 times more for diabetes. How can you protect yourself and your family? Call Eye Care Specialists and mention this ad to schedule a comprehensive exam. We’re pioneers in eye surgery procedures and lead the way in detection, tracking & treatment technology. And, we’re affordable—accepting Medicare, Medicaid & most insurances at three locations, including Mayfair Road across from the mall and downtown in the Wells Fargo building across from the Central Library.

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An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Prayer House of Faith Pentecostal Church, Inc.

Rev. Dwain E. Berry -Pastor

4778 N. Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 466 - 3807 Alice O. Green, Founder Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr. & Pastor Lekeesha C. Rowe, Senior Pastors

Children’s Min. Sun...................11:30 a.m Sunday Worship.........................12 Noon Tuesday Prayer/Bible Class.....6:30 p.m.

Showers of Blessings Fellowship Church

Risen Savior Community Baptist Church 2201 N. Dr. MLKing Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Services: Sunday School Sunday Worship Wed. Prayer Meeting

9:00 am 11:00 pm 6:00 pm

Phone (414) 460-8107 SAINT GABRIEL’S C.O.G.I.C.

623 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 873-0933 Pastor James Grant, Sr. Co-Pastor, Kimani Grant

Rose Hill Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J.L. Holmes, Pastor 2024 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sunday School.......................9 a.m. Sun. New Member Class........9 a.m. Sunday Worship...............10:45 a.m. Tue. Prayer Meeting - 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class..........6 p.m.


Church phone (414) 264-0360 Office (414) 264-3978 Transportation Available

Sc hool..........................9 : 3 0 S e r v i c e......................11: 0 0 Night Bible Class...........7: 00 N i g ht S er v i c e...........7: 0 0

4801 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-1200 • (414) 444-1212 fax

Pastor Annie Naomi Scott

Weekly Schedule Sun. S u n. Wed. Fri.


2741 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

a.m. a .m . p.m. p.m.

Charles E. Holmes, Pastor

Sun d ay S c ho o l.............................12 : 3 0 p.m. S u n d ay S er v i c e s........................... 2 : 3 0 p.m. We d nesd ay B i b le S tu d y.................7: 0 0 p.m. Fr i d ay Fellowship...........................7: 0 0 p.m. Emergency Food Pantry every Tuesday Hot Meal Program Mon., Wed., Fri. Clothing Bank 2 days • Spiritual Counseling available • 24-hour Dial-A-Prayer 263-1929 Crisis Hot Line for Runaways 263-6515 Future programs: computer classes, sewing classes

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School .....................................9:00 am Sunday Worship .................................10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class.............................6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal ........................6:00 pm

Come Home to Shiloh

Dr. Robert T. Wilson, Sr., Pastor St. John's United Baptist Church 2439 West Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Sunday Worship Service

Tel: 414-871-4673 Fax: 414-871-2373 email:st.johnsunitedmbc@

Rev. Lee A. Shaw, Pastor

3489 N. 76th Street 10:00 - 11:30 A.M. (414) 502-7584

5375 North 37th St.• Milw., WI 53209 (414)795-6397

Wednesday Service

Sun. Sun. Tue. Wed.

7100 W. Villard Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Pastor Darry Tucker Prophetess Paula Tucker

Order of Service Sun. School...............9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship...........10:15 a.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class .........................6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE School ………. 9:00-10:00 a.m. Worship … 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bible Study …… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Nicotine Treatment ……… 6:00 p.m.

ST. TIMOTHY COMMUNITY Baptist Church 3701 N. Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53208

ST. PETER MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3057 N. 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church: 414.442.6389 Home: 414.463.5535

Rev. Mose A. Fuller, Pastor Home: (414) 871-2933 Church: (414) 445-2958

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School..................9:00 am Sunday Worship..............10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class..........6:00 pm

Sunday Church School....9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship............10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study .........................................6:00 P.M.

True Heart Missionary Baptist Church

TRUE LOVE Missionary Baptist Church 210 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Phone: 414-264-6869 Rev. Garry Levy, Pastor


Rev. W.J. Walker, Pastor

Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Mid-Week Schedule Tue. Spiritual Development Ministry 6:00 P.M. Thursday Christian Ministries 6:00 P.M. Thursday Music Ministry 7:45 P.M. Victorious Child Care, Inc. Open Enrollment 1st - 2nd Shirt - 6:00 A.M. - Midnight Monday - Friday Ages: 6 weeks - 13 years old Office: (414) 562-0530 Tracy Rushing, Director

UNITY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. NATHANIEL JOHNSON, JR. PASTOR 3835 WEST FOND DU LAC AVE. MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 Tel: (414) 445-9249 • Fax: (262)-670-6505 email: Worship Services: Sunday School...........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship...........................11.00 a.m. 4th Sun................................Communion 1st Sun....................................Baptizing Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study.......6 p.m. “A Little Church With A Big Heart”

An NCON Communications Publication

Weekly Schedule: Sunday School..................9:15 Sun. Worship.....8:00 and 10:45 Wednesday Bible Study.........10 Wed. Bible/Prayer Service - 7:15

914 East Knapp Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Rev. Dr. C. Steven Teague-Rector Sunday’s Worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Music, Nursery Handicapped Accessible (414) 276-6277

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Our Weekly Worship Schedule Church Sun. School ………… 8:30 a.m. Celebration of Worship ……..10:00 a.m. TIP for Growth (Prayer & Study) & AWANA (youth)……...........6:30 p.m.

Temple of Judah Church

Pastor David W. Stokes 8620 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225 Inside Redeem Pentecostal Church Office Phone: (414) 326-4811 Weekly Services: Judah Cafe’........................... 10:00 am S u n d a y S c h o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : 0 0 a m Sunday Service.....................12:15 am Vo i c e o f F a i t h B r o a d c a s t o n J O Y 1 3 4 0 AM....................Sundays @ 5:30 pm Tu e . M a n a & B i b l e S t u d y. . . . . 7 : 0 0 p m Prayer Manna Mon.-Fri...............6:00 am “A Christ Centered Ministry-Bringing people into the presence of God”

TRINITY Missionary Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Harold Turner Sunday School...................9:00 Sunday A.M. Worship........10:30 Sun. P.M. Worship...............3:00 Tuesday: Prayer Meeting, Mission Bible Class....................6-8:00

a.m. a.m. p.m. Mtg., p.m.

Church: 873-3326 Home: 353-5958 2829 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

The Upper Room Baptist Church

Unlimited Life in Jesus Christ Christian Church 623 W. Cherry St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Inside the Boys and Girls Club Pastor Sudie B. Jones Services: Sunday School......................10:00 Sunday Service.....................11:00 Tue. Choir Rehearsal...............6:00 Tue. Prayer & Bible Study 6-7:30 Tue. Youth Meeting..............6-8:00 Wed. Recovery Services.....6-7:30 John 14:27

am am pm pm pm pm

Pastor: Willie F. Brooks Jr. 2200 W. Center Street Milwaukee WI 23209 414/265-5455 Worship Schedule: Sunday School ………9:30 a.m. Morn. Worship…..…11:30 a.m. Mon. Women Circle Min. …… Wed. Bible Study……7:30 p.m. Soar Men Min.……11:30 a.m.

Way of the Cross Missionary Baptist Church

2661-63 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: (414) 265-4850 / Fax: (414) 265-3817

Rev. Edward E. Thomas

2500 West Medford Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53206 OFFICE: 414 -562 -1129 • FAX: 414-562-4713 EMAIL: WWW.TCBCHURCH.COM

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship......10:30 a.m. Tus. Bible Study....6:00 p.m. Wed. Mission.........3-7 p.m. Wed. Fellowship...6:00 p.m.

Victory Missionary Baptist Church

Sunday’s Order of Service Sunday Church School 9:00 A.M. Sun. Baptist Training Union 10:00 A.M. Sun. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M.

1616 W. Atkinson Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Darryl Williams, Pastor

Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church 2190 N. 49th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Church: (414) 444-4244 Office: (414) 444-8947 Fax: (414) 444-7924

Weekly Schedule: Sun. School …………… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship…10:30 a.m. Tu e s . P r a y e r M t g & B i b l e Study…………………… 6:30 p.m.

TABERNACLE COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH "A preaching, teaching, healing community of faith.."Matt. 4:23

5418 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 393-WORD (9673) Sunday Morning Worship............10 am Tuesday Night Study......................7pm Ripton A. Stewart, Pastor

4300 West Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 464-0390 Rev. Robert McFarland, Sr., Pastor

Order of Services Sunday School...............9:30 a.m. S u n d a y S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : 0 0 a . m . Communion Services 1st Sunday......................7:00 p.m. Wed. night Prayer, Bible, Service & Mission..............................6-8 pm Mission mtg. every 2nd Wed.


Phone: 562-8030

The Reverend Don Darius Butler,Pastor

Pastor Oscar Elim


African Methodist Episcopal Church

1401 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Office: (414) 265-2725 Rev. Kurt Boyd, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ………............................................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…..................................10:30 a.m. Tuesday Noon Day Mission...................................................11:00 a.m. Evening Mission....................................................6:00 p.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting.......................................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…........................................................7:00 p.m.

ZION HILL Missionary Baptist Church 1825 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Rev. Russell Williamson, Pastor Sund ay S c ho ol......................8 : 3 0 a .m. Sunday Wor ship...................10 : 0 0 a.m. We d n e s d ay Pr aye r S e r v i c e a n d B i b l e Study: 10-11:30 a.m. and 7: 00-8: 00 p.m. Phone: (414) 263-1777

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017



Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Bulletin Board

Milwaukee Public Schools move some schools to early start calendar in 2017 Secondary, IB and year round schools move to August start date

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors voted unanimously at their Thursday, December 29, 2016 meeting to move all secondary schools, International Baccalaureate schools and year-round schools to an early start on August 14, 2017. The board also asked the administration to pursue further research on changing the K-8 elementary school calendar in the future. Traditional elementary schools will start on Sept. 5, 2017. The early start calendar proposal is part of the dis-

schools: • The four-year high school graduation rate in MPS is 58.2 percent, compared to 88.4 percent statewide • Eighty-three of the district's 158 schools remain on the state's "Fails to Meet Expectations" or "Meets Few Expectations" list • The average ACT composite score in MPS is 16.5, versus 20.1 statewide "I want to thank the Board trict's plan to improve out- moved up a grade in the for standing up for our comes for students. While state report card, there is young people and supporting MPS schools are showing much work to do, particular- an opportunity for students signs of growth and have ly in high schools and middle to have this extra learning

time," said MPS Superintendent Darienne Driver. The proposed change to the calendar allows for the addition of a "J-term", a four-week optional credit recovery and enrichment program in June in between the end of the regular school year and traditional summer school in July. The additional learning time the J-term provides, along with the early start in mid-August, gives students more time to catch up, keep up and get ahead in school.

Marvin Pratt Elementary School awarded $5,000 grant from MKE Fellows

The North Division High School Alumni Association is seeking volunteers to tutor students in reading, science and math. Tutoring will take place after school from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Tutors are asked to commit at least one day per week from February through May. We need assistance from the community in order to help our students succeed. If interested, please contact Helen Harris at (414) 616-3237 or Jim Smith at (414) 267-5101 or at j s m i t h m i l


North Division High School seeks volunteer tutors

Realizing a need to support, grow and retain diverse workforce talent in Milwaukee, MKE Fellows was founded by Milwaukee business leaders and philanthropists. On December 20, 2016 the organization awarded a $5,000 grant to Marvin Pratt Elementary School to support education and character development. MPS Superintendent Darienne Driver accepted a check on behalf of the school from John Daniels of Quarles & Brady at a luncheon honoring all grant recipients. Marvin Pratt, for whom the school is named, was also present at the awards event. The grant will directly impact African American boys and youth and supports MPS’ Eight Big Ideas to Improve Student Success–Educate the Whole Child Pictured at the donation presentation are (from left) Quarles and Brady, initiative. LLP Chairman Emeritus John Daniels; MPS Superintendent Dr. Darienne MPS is grateful for the support of the MKE Fellows! Driver; and former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt.

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An NCON Communications Publication

Health & Fitness

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

January is “National Glaucoma Awareness Month”

'Sneak Thief of Sight' threatens black community By Cheryl L. Dejewski

ogist with credentials from Harvard and Johns Hopkins.

Glaucoma is known as the “Sneak Thief of Sight” because Benefits of laser treatment the most common type is painless “Laser procedures are and progresses so slowly that most highly successful at conpeople don’t notice symptoms for trolling glaucoma and reyears—until severe permanent ducing the need for drops damage has already occurred. or surgery. This is especially Glaucoma is a leading cause of important for people who alblindness, especially for blacks. ready have other conditions In fact, black Americans have a requiring daily medication(s) 6-8 times higher risk rate, and at that they have to worry about least one in five age 75 and oldbuying, taking and tracking,” er has the disease. How can you says Michael Raciti, MD, an protect yourself? The partners at eye care specialist who conEye Care Specialists, an ophthalducts continuing education mology practice that has focused on lectures for fellow doctors. caring for Milwaukee’s black community since 1985, advise that Detection + Treatment = you schedule regular eye exams to Vision Protection check for glaucoma, strictly follow “Glaucoma-related sight eye drop and laser treatment recWhen undetected and untreated, glaucoma can cause a gradual “tunneling” of vi- loss is often preventable ommendations, and learn the fol- sion that progresses unnoticed until permanent sight loss occurs. with prompt diagnosis and lowing facts. care. But all of our expertise, equipment and treatments How glaucoma affects vi- Risk factors injury. but treatment can usually are of no use if patients sion Brett Rhode, MD, Head halt further damage and vi- don’t come in for check-ups “The front of your eye is of Ophthalmology at Auro- Symptoms and detection sion loss. The most common or follow recommended eye filled with a fluid that sup- ra Sinai Medical Center, lists “Since glaucoma and other type is a lifelong condition drop guidelines,” says David plies nutrients and maintains the following risk factors for sight-threatening conditions that requires continual man- Scheidt, OD, past president the eye’s shape. If the proper glaucoma: are typically painless and can agement with prescription of the Milwaukee Optometamount does not continually  Age: Glaucoma is progress without symptoms eye drops to lower pressure ric Society. pump in and drain out, pres- most common in adults over for years, regular eye exams (by either decreasing flusure builds up. Glaucoma is age 40, and the risk increases (every two years) are vital af- id production or increasing More Information a condition in which pres- with age. ter age 40, especially if there outflow). Encourage your siblings and sure inside the eye dam Heredity: People is a family history of eye disother family members to be checked ages the optic nerve (the with a sibling or parent who ease,” says Daniel Ferguson, Laser treatment for glaucoma, especially if one of part of the eye that car- has glaucoma have a 5-10 MD, an eye surgeon who “In some cases, when you has the disease. If any of you ries visual information to times greater risk of devel- performs advanced drainage drops alone cannot control do not have an eye care specialist, the brain). If this pressure oping the disease themselves implant procedures to alle- pressure, side effects are in- you can call 414-321-7035 for a persists without being di- and should be screened every viate glaucoma-related eye tolerable, or multiple drops free educational booklet and inforagnosed and treated, it 1-2 years. pressure. A comprehensive are required, laser treat- mation about scheduling a comprecan cause permanent loss  Ethnicity: A black exam should include: ment may be an alternative. hensive screening (usually covered of side vision and eventu- person has a 6-8 times highSLT (which increases fluid by insurance or Medicare) at their ally possibly all sight,” ex- er risk of going blind from Ophthalmoscopy (a look drainage) and ECP (which offices on 7th & Wisconsin Avplains Mark Freedman, MD, glaucoma than a white per- inside at the back of the eye decreases fluid production) enue, Mayfair Road across from senior partner at Eye Care son. Hispanics and Asians to check for signs of glau- procedures take less than the mall, or 102nd & National Specialists, a leading local also have higher risk rates. coma, like abnormal optic 10 minutes to perform and Avenue. They also offer informaophthalmology practice that  Other factors: Di- nerve size and loss of pink are covered by Medicare tion at cares for tens of thousands abetes (doubles the risk of coloring), Tonometry (a and most insurance plans,” of glaucoma patients. glaucoma), nearsightedness, check of inner eye pressure explains Daniel Paskowitz, steroid use, and previous eye done either with a puff of MD, PhD, an ophthalmolair or by painlessly touching the eye), Visual Field Testing (to create a computerized “map” of the existing range of sight), Gonioscopy (use of a special lens to look at the drainage angle in the eye), and an OCT laser scan (a painless scan similar to a CT scan to diagnose, track and treat changes to the optic nerve and retina—often before damage occurs). Disability Rights Wisconsin seeks Public Interest Dangers of having glauAttorney in Rice Lake, Madison or Milwaukee office coma to assist benefit specialists in disability-related public Glaucoma-related “tunbenefits cases, conduct trainings, and provide direct legal neling” (loss) of side vision makes it difficult to climb representation. For detailed Position Announcement, stairs, stay in the proper drivsalary range, and application requirements, visit www. ing lane, detect obstacles, etc. for more information. Glaucoma has been shown to increase the risk of havEEO/AA employer committed to a diverse workforce. ing a car accident by up to six Submit resume and cover letter to or mail times and triples the risk of falling. to: HR, 131 W. Wilson St, Ste 700, Madison, WI 53703. Deadline: 1/23/2017 to be considered for first round of Medical treatment (with interviews. Will remain open until filled. prescription eye drops) Glaucoma can’t be cured, An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Black Excellence 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Educating for Excellence

Proudly Presents

The 32 Annual Black Excellence Awards nd

Friday, February 24, 2017 at The Italian Conference Center 631 E. Chicago St. • Milwaukee, WI 6:00 P.M. - Social Hour 7:00 P.M. - Dinner & Program

Special Honorees: Milwaukee Public School Educators Lester Binns, Parkview School Nelson Foley, Lincoln School of the Arts Anthony McDaniels, Carson Academy Austin Russell, Westside Academy II Ronald Williams, Bethune Academy Burnell Young, Hi Mount School


Community Leadership Dr. Eve Hall - Milwaukee Urban League Keith Stanley - Near West Side Partners, Inc.

Military/Public Service Myra Edwards- City of Milwaukee Mayor's Office George Matthews - U.S. Army (retired)

Community Service Rayna Andrews - Feeding America Dennis Walton - Milwaukee Fatherhood Initiative

Minority Business Frank McCollum - Frank's Hand Car Wash Gladys Weston - Gladys and the Clips Beauty Salon

Corporate Trailblazers Al Hill - Milwaukee Center for Independence Mechelle King - Park Bank Gabrielle Rabon - Kohler Credit Union Terrance Slaughter - Marquette University Robin Talbott - Tri-City Bank

Our 2017 Keynote Speaker:

Genevieve Michel-Bryan

VP/Broadcast Director at BLACK ENTERPRISE

Our Partners in Excellence:

Education Alice Pugh - Milwaukee Public Schools Dr. Gary L. Williams - UW-Milwaukee Extraordinary Achievement Kevin Evans Charles Queen Fred Reed Health Cassie Scaife, RN - Ascension Surgical Services Dr. Ben Tobin - Froedtert and the Medical College of WI Law Steven DeVougas - Quarles & Brady DeAngela Luna- Northwestern Mutual

Music Tony Neal - V&J Foods Religion Dr. Betty Hayes - Holy Mt. Carmel MBC Rev. Dr. Russell Williamson - Zion Hill MBC Social Services Diane Beckley - St. Ann Center Frank Tyrelle Perkins, III - Milwaukee Public Schools Sports Cynthia Cone - Milwaukee Magic Senior Softball Team Albert E. Jackson - Milwaukee Public Schools Volunteerism Ella Dunbar - Social Development Commission Johnny Kimble - Milwaukee Public Library

Media LaToya Dennis - Milwaukee Press Club/WUWM Earl Stokes - Jammin' 98.3 FM

Scholarship Winners: Renique Brown - Washington High School

The Milwaukee Urban League

Montae Brown Crawford - Riverside University High School Michael Green - Wauwatosa West High School Nathan Gollop - Milwaukee High School of the Arts Kayla Howze - Nicolet High School Siarah Jones - Rufus King International High School Savanna Samuels - Rufus King International High School

For more information, please call the Milwaukee Times at 414-263-5088

An NCON Communications Publication

Meal Times

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Simply add watermelon to see resolution results



he start of a new year is the perfect time for new beginnings, including a fresh start on eating healthy. The trick to making this year’s resolution stick is introducing smart eating habits so tasty and easy that your eating plan becomes more a way of life than a short-lived commitment. One easy way to achieve that habit is by adding watermelon to your daily diet, giving your body a low-calorie option to curb an appetite for unhealthy snacks. Set reasonable goals. A deprivation diet is destined to fail because eventually your body will rebel. Instead, aim for well-rounded meals with moderate portions. If weight loss is your ultimate goal, know that losing two pounds a week is generally considered the maximum. Satisfy your sweet tooth. Everyone, even the most dedicated health food fans, experience cravings from time to time. Most experts agree that it’s OK to answer your sweet tooth – in moderation of course. Before you take the plunge, think about whether there are other options that could be a good substitute. For example, instead of a sugary candy bar, consider a naturally sweet slice of watermelon for a cholesterol-free, fat-free way to satisfy cravings at only 80 calories per 2-cup serving. Watermelon contains fiber and water, and packs a wealth of health benefits, including strong levels of vitamins A, C and B6. Stay well hydrated. During the cooler winter months, it’s easy to let water consumption slide because you’re not feeling the heat and thirst you do in warmer weather. However, the dry winter air can also be hard on your body, so it’s important to keep that water flowing year-around. Most adults should aim for eight glasses of water each day, but you can also boost your water intake with foods that have a high water content, such as watermelon, which is 92 percent water and contains protein and fiber so you are satisfied on fewer calories while boosting your overall hydration. Find more inspiration for health-conscious habits in the new year at

Watermelon Protein Bites

Recipe courtesy of Anya Shinall of Anya’s Eats 1 cup pitted dates, soaked purified water 1 1/2 cups sprouted watermelon seeds, divided, plus additional for garnish 1 tablespoon coconut butter 1 cup fresh watermelon, chopped 1/8-1/4 cup roughly chopped beets (optional) Chop dates in half. Place dates in bowl of purified water and soak 1-2 hours. Remove dates from water bowl and place them into food processor. Pulse a few times then add 1 cup watermelon seeds, coconut butter and watermelon. Add chopped beets, if using. Blend until well combined, scraping sides of food processor as you go. Add remaining watermelon seeds and pulse, leaving some seeds chunky. For smoother texture, continue to blend. Remove mixture from food processor, place in small bowl and cover, allowing to cool in refrigerator 30 minutes. Remove mixture from fridge. With fingertips slightly wet, roll mixture into balls and place on a plate. Once done rolling, add watermelon seeds to top. Place watermelon bites in freezer 1-2 hours, or until frozen.

Island Fruit Salad Servings: 2 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons coconut sugar 1/2 lime (1 tablespoon), juiced 1 1/2 teaspoons rum extract 2 kiwis, peeled and diced 1 orange, sectioned and halved 2 cups seedless watermelon, chopped

2 teaspoons flaked, sweetened coconut In small bowl, combine water and coconut sugar; microwave 20 seconds. Stir to completely dissolve sugar. Let cool. Once cool, add lime juice and rum extract. In medium bowl, add kiwi, orange and watermelon. Pour rum juice over top and thoroughly toss. Let sit 30 minutes to allow flavors to blend. Divide fruit salad into two bowls and sprinkle with coconut.

Steel-Cut Oats with Watermelon

Servings: 2 1 cup 1 percent milk, plus additional (optional) 1 cup water 1/2 cup steel-cut oats 3/4 cup diced seedless watermelon 2 tablespoons dried tart cherries or cranberries 2 tablespoons chopped pecans 2 tablespoons maple syrup In medium saucepan over high heat, bring 1 cup milk and water to gentle boil. Pour in oats. Stir; return to gentle boil then reduce heat to simmer, stirring occasionally, 20-30 minutes. While oats are cooking, in small bowl, combine watermelon, dried fruit, nuts and maple syrup. Portion out oats and top with watermelon mixture. Add additional milk, if desired.

An NCON Communications Publication

Make Water Mouthwatering

A simple infusion of flavor gives water an instant upgrade, whether you’re looking to add some variety to your daily water consumption or you’re hosting an event and want to offer guests a unique and nutritious beverage. Use your favorite herbs and fruits to create one-of-a-kind combinations that provide refreshing rehydration. Try these pairings: n Watermelon with basil, mint or lime n Strawberry with lime and basil n Cucumber and rosemary n Mixed berries and mint n Pineapple with coconut

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Soil and Water Outreach Coordinator, Milwaukee River Watershed Environmental Resources Center Are you a community or environmental educator interested in supporting soil health and water quality improvement efforts? UW-Extension is currently partnering with others in the Milwaukee River Watershed to engage stakeholders in improving soil health and water quality, with an emphasis on rural non-point source pollution. The Soil and Water Outreach Coordinator will be responsible for working with the Milwaukee River Watershed Conservation Partnership (MRWCP) throughout the Milwaukee River Watershed to create and implement an outreach strategy to share research-based information and lessons learned among participating organizations, researchers, private sector, and other stakeholders. The Environmental Resources Center of the University of Wisconsin-Extension brings the educational resources of the University to individuals, businesses, non-profits, governmental agencies and communities to address critical needs and improve quality of life. Consider applying today! Application deadline: January 24, 2017 For details on how to apply visit: We are an AA/EEO employer

Day Care Van Driver A position for a part-time van driver for Mt. Zion Child Development Center is currently vacant. Call (414) 372-6052 for further information.

Happy Birthday Salutes! Wishing You All The Best! January 3rd Faith Fumbanks

January 17th La-Nia Davis

January 4th Joyce Davis Ollie Lever

January 18th Adrianne Pitts January 21st Temika Davis

January 5th Dominique Fumbanks James Edwards Fumbanks, Jr. Henrietta Smith

January 22nd Zieuir Davis

January 6th Dave Randle

January 24th Iris Sanders

January 8th Katie Smith

January 25th Kenneth Miller Evonne Shackelford LaVeenya Sheila Ann Cooper

January 11th Josephine Hall January 12th Shirley Davis Clarence E. Ingram, Jr. Natasha Ingram Jo Ella Gross January 15th Cuca Vazquez-Johnson January 16th Bruce Davis

January 26th Jada Hutcherson Kimberly Davis Mary Margharet Turner January 28th Mary Willis Blackmon January 30th Estella Barnett January 31st Eddie J. Ingram

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or e-mail them to

An NCON Communications Publication

Pick'N Save

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

20% OFF



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An NCON Communications Publication



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