Miltimes 11 20 14 issue

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Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 33 No. 47 • Thurs., Nov. 20, 2014 - Wed., Nov. 26, 2014 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Roland Martin has guests rolling up their sleeves at Waukesha Branch NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner

Roland Martin Offering an explanation why he chose to speak without his jacket, TV News One host Roland Martin said because “There’s more work to be done” because some of the electorate has “pissed Republicans off.” Martin then went on to explain what he meant. “When you look at what’s happening with social justice, economics and voting, there is more to be done," Martin said. Martin suggested that black voting records of late have “pissed Republicans off nationwide and they’ve figured out ways to stop Blacks from

voting.” Martin said his comment doesn’t suggest that Democrats are good and Republicans are bad. He explained that what he was talking about was “factually correct after the 2010 midterm elections.” And that’s the reason why across the nation we’re witnessing the rampant number of “voter suppressions bills being passed and because the Republican party is not growing its base and the only way to restrict people from voting and I’m not just talking about Voter I.D. let me be real clear, we have a clear situation that there is one side that wants to constrict and put barriers up that we haven’t seen in four decades,” Martin explained. People who do not like the minority voter turnout will pass laws in their state, like Texas and Pennsylvania, that make it very difficult for some people to vote, which he described as being not “ just about African Americans! This is not just about young people, this is a question of what is right and wrong and all these attempts to stop (Continued on pg. 13)

Beechie Brooks celebrated 90th birthday with family, business associates and friends The Big Eazy Ressold real estate. taurant became a bit Never satiscumbersome to mafied, Brooks in neuver in as the crowd the mid-1950s opergrew larger Saturday, ated Brooks’ Guyoso November 15, 2014 Restaurant at 626 W. when family, friends North Ave. And later and business associates in the mid-1960s he atgathered to eat, drink, tended the Wisconsin dine and toast Beechie School of Real Estate O. Brooks on his 90th where he earned his birthday. real estate license after Brooks was born which he began selling on the family farm in real estate for Baldwin Wynne, Cross Counand Green Realty. He Staff Photo ty, AR on November later founded Beechie Beechie Brooks 12, 1924. He was the O. Brooks’ Realty omyoungest of 12 chilpany, which was locatdren. ed at 929 W. Atkinson After completing grade school, Ave. Among his many other memorahe went to Childress High School ble and notable things Brooks accomin Wynne, AR where he complet- plished are: he served on the organized courses in elementary electricity ing committee of North Milwaukee and carpentry. After high school, he State Bank and as a Director for four completed a course in agriculture at years after the bank opened; he deAM&N in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. signed and built Brooks X-Press Car In 1944 Brooks was drafted into the Wash at 2225 N. 7th Street; he served U.S. Navy where he served two years on the board of Inner City Developin Okinawa, Japan. In 1946 he was ment Corp.; he served on the City of honorably discharged and he moved Milwaukee Board of Assessment; he to Milwaukee where his brothers and served as president of United Resisters were living. It was in Milwau- alty Group; served eight years on kee where he found opportunities to the Wisconsin Real Estate Licenses train in cement and brick masonry, Examining Board; he designed and building and construction. developed the Halyard Park SubdiviBrooks met his late wife, Verna- sion; he served on the Central City dine, and they were married on June Development Corporation Board. 8, 1947 at St. Mark A.M.E. Church. This corporation was responsible for They have one daughter, Cassandra. the development of the Masterpiece Over the years, Brooks worked as a Complex located at N. 6th and W. Walfurniture salesman, a brick mason and nut streets.

BloodCenter of Wisconsin and Jammin’ 98.3 team up to encourage

Photo by George Neal

At the 7th Annual "Give the Gift of Life Donorship Drive," Lynnette Owens (top photo, center) donated blood to help save lives in the community. She is pictured along with donor specialists Stephanie Branch, Cera Stolpe, Shanette Cooper, Natalia Acosta who assisted in collection of blood donations. BloodCenter of Wisconsin and Jammin’ 98.3 teamed up for the "Seventh Annual Give the Gift of Life Donorship Drive." The drive was held Saturday, November 15, 2014, at the Northcott Neighborhood House, 2460 N. 6th St. The event was designed to encourage more African Americans to become blood, marrow, organ and tissue donors. To thank donors for their life-saving gift, Jammin’ 98.3 gave away a pair of tickets to the Sesame Street Live show “Let's Dance,” to the first 50 individuals who visited the Be The Match

and/or Wisconsin Donor Network booth. In addition, BloodCenter of Wisconsin provided all attempting blood donors with a voucher for a pair of tickets to one of two Milwaukee Bucks games. By donating at the Gift of Life drive, community members provided a life-saving gift those needing transfusions, organ and tissue donation and those who suffer from sickle cell anemia. As studies have shown a higher success rate when blood, tissue and organs come for members of the same ethnic background.

Photo by George Neal

As part of the "Give the Gift of Life," event co-sponsors, Milwaukee Urban League Guild and Jammin' 98.3 where on hand to encourage visitors to the Northcott Neighborhood House to donate blood and sign up for "The Be The Match," marrow registry, and the "Yes I Will Wisconsin," organ and tissue registry. Pictured (from left) are Milwaukee Urban League Guild president LeVarn Clay; Milwaukee Urban League Guild chief inspector of polling site Johnny Miller, Jammin' 98.3 on-air personality Andrea Williams, Azariel Hawthorne, and Milwaukee Urban League Guild vice president Marie H. Britt-Sharpe. For more information about the Bloodcenter of Wisconsin or any of its donation programs please visit www.bcw. edu.

This Issue:

Improved quality of Medicare plans…Page 11 Black women bear the brunt of premature… Page 13

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

National & Local News

Faith Temple and Now Unto Him Ministries team up to "Feed the Community"

Staff Photos

Faith Temple Church along with Now Unto Him Ministries hosted their 15th Annual Feed the Community on Saturday, November 15, 2014. More than 350 people were served. Pictured are Feed the Community volunteers serving food to residents, along with (left photo, from left) Apostle Cynthia Luckett of Faith Temple and Pastor Patricia and Apostle Curtis Robinson of Now Unto Him Ministries.

Local officials tour IMPACT NAACP Milwaukee Branch elects 211, encourage residents to new president and officers The NAACP Milwaukee forts, initiatives and collabo‘get covered, stay covered’ Branch elected officers and rations. We invite others to executive committee members in an election that took place on Saturday November 15, 2014. Fred Royal was elected president. Others elected to office include: • Clarence Nicholas 1st Vice President • Paul Blackman 2nd Vice President • Lititia Minor 3rd Vice President • Eric Johnson Treasurer Fifteen persons were elected to serve on the Executive Committee. All will assume office on January 1, Photo by George Neal 2015. According to outgoing On Friday, November 14, 2014 Milwaukee Mayor Tom president James Hall, “The Barrett and County Executive Chris Abele were joined election was smooth and transparent. It reflects that by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Re- the organization is unified gional Director Kathleen Falk and IMPACT President and supports those elected & CEO Michael Davis to kick off open enrollment in to leadership. The NAACP the Health Insurance Marketplace. With the Health Insurance Marketplace opening havParadise Sanctuary ing started on Saturday, Nov. 15, officials toured IMMissionary Baptist PACT 211, located at 6737 West Washington Street, the Church regional call center assisting area individuals to find in2705 West Clarke Street person assistance for health insurance enrollment, beMilwaukee, WI 53210 fore providing an update on area events and resources Rev. David K. offering health insurance enrollment assistance over the Blathers, Sr. Pastor enrollment period. (414) 264-2266



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MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- ) Lynda J. Jackson-Conyers, Publisher Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper NCON Publications welcomes letters to the editor, as a response to subjects reported or analyzed in the newspaper or on other issues of interest to the community. All letters must be legible, and contain a signature and a phone number. Submissions must be received by Friday to be considered for the following Thursday’s publication.

Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson-Conyers Marketing Manager & Assistant to the President George Neal

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continues to play a vital role in advocating for justice and equality in our community. We will build upon our ef-

Thanksgiving Day Testimony Service 11:00 A.M. Thursday, November 27, 2014 Come One, Come All!

join the NAACP and become active members. Now is a perfect time.” The inauguration of the new officers will occur at the December membership meeting which will be held the third Saturday in December (December 20th) at 11:30 a.m. (the regular meeting time) at the branch offices located at 2745 N King Drive.

Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

Founders Louvenia Johnson Nathan Conyers Luther Golden Printing Manager Angel Reyes

The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: •

PAGE 3 • MILWAUKEE COURIER • SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2014 The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication



By Rahim Islam

The Black male of - AEducation targeted group 4) a 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board we’ve(part come long way but we have a long way to go ... Part 2

acres and a mule, sharecrop- man and woman. Even to- we somehow replicate and bination of so many Black ping, etc.). However none of day, there are too many ex- even expand these patholo- households without a father, these efforts were sustaining amples where the relation- gies generation after genera- coupled with the lack of exenough to have any Education real im- Fund, shipheisdecidmarred NAACP between theDefense tion.andToday, in addition to pressed love itthat can only Legal McLaurin employed Although acknowledged Moreover, Marshall pact. Additionally, the psyBlack man and Black womalcoholism, our Black men come from a father, creates Thurgood Marshall and some of the plaintiffs’/plained to sue the state in order Education Fund and sued argued that the disparichological impact of slavery an. How else do you explain have a predisposition for an emotionally blinded boy to be admitted to the Unithe NAACP Legal Defense tiffs claims, a three-judge to attend the University of ties between the “white” was never addressed.Missouri’s It's as lawthat nearly 75 percent of drug use. Just like during that who will replicate this versity’s “white” law school. and Education Fund to panel at the U.S. District school. and “black” law schools if, once freed, these traumas Black families are headed by slavery, none of these intoxibehavior when he becomes He argued that the argue his case, a case Court that heard the cases By 1938, his case were so great that the only and hurt would magically dis- women? Given the structur- cants are grown or manufac- an adult. which eventually went to ruled in favor of the school reached the U.S. Supreme education that he was remedyappear. would beHow to allow inconsiderate al deficiencies that exist to- tured in our neighborhood In addition to the emoRahim Islam receiving in the “black” law the U.S. Supreme Court. In Court, and, in December of students like Murray to and consistent were the slave day, with the educational and but they somehow find their tionalboards. abuse that our parents school was not opinion delivered on the The plaintiffs then thatissue. year, theeconomical Court sided advancement attendmasters the University’s law this Rahim Islam is a National regarding of of the waysame into anour community have perpetuated as a apresult academic caliber as the same day as the decision pealed to the U.S. with him. school.Remember, slave owners be- Black women over Black men uninterrupted. Does this re- of slavery, they haveSuSpeaker and Writer, Convepassed that he would in Sweat, the Court stated Court. abuse unThe six-member majority The Baltimore Cityancestors Court ner of Philadelphia Commulieved our weren't coupled with theeducation mass media mind be you of anything? downpreme the physical receiving if he attended the that the University’s actions When the cases came stated that since a “black” agreed and the University nity of Leaders, and President/ human. Animals don't have bombardment of "negative" We tell our boys that being der the guise of discipline “white” law school. concerning McLaurin were before the Supreme Court law school did then appealed to the MaryCEO of Universal Companies, a soul so there is no need to Black men messages (i.e. he a man means hiding his feel- (this too is the result of Rahim Islam When the case reached adversely affecting his in 1952, the Court consolinot currently exist in the land Court of Appeals. a community development and address their psyche. will only hurt you; I can do ings, as if he shouldn't have slavery). Too many of our U.S. Supreme to learn andthe ordered datedare all five cases under State of the myself; the In 1936, Court ofpreviously, education management company Asthe I stated theMissouri, bad by I don't need Court any. It's noability question that children extremely trauin 1950, the Court unanithat they cease immedithe name of Brown v. “equal protection clause” headquartered in Philadelphia, white slavein favor masters con- no man, etc.), these numbers boy is conflicted emotion- matized by slavery practices Appeals also ruled Murray v. Maryland mously agreed withally him, Board of Education. required stateonly to get worse. PA. Follow Rahim that Islam ofonMurray ducted numerous onthe can but heately. must figure out a of discipline (i.e. whippings and ordered the studies (1936) - Disappointed FaceBook(Rahim Islam) law & school howtotoadmit perfect conditions deep to beTHANK an emotional During slavcitingof as its reasonway the blaGOD FORbeTHE and beatings). Marshall personally provide, withinThese its boundarhim.the American the University of Maryland Twitterof(@RahimIslamUC) institution of slavery rooted insecurities of our between ing and to NAACP!! hide it from others ery any/all rebellion by our tant inequalities argued the case before the ies, aand legal education for Two years later, Murray School Law was rejectthey moved from "breaking" Black men werethe further exac- lawthis is a direct boysAlthough was methewith exUniversity’s school Evencharacteristic today, the NAACPyoungCourt. raised Gaines. In other words, ing black applicants solely graduated. The American a slave "making" a slave. erbated by the use alcohol fromand slavery. During slavery brutality by the slave (theof school for whites) continues to fight justicetremea variety of legal issues on the state provided Missouri ex reltoGaines v. since because of their race,institution of slaveryin 1933 has had Given desperate (self-medication). did we were on constantly taught In an to keep the Where hastily erected school behalf of Blacks with master. appeal, theeffort most common legalstate education for white Canada (1938) the - Beginning beginning Thur-a greater impact on our than that slavesLegal lived under, he it could we get from? reminded that attempts we weremadethe boy alive, the mother blacks. The In otherand words, the recent one was that separate students, not alcohol for in 1936, theall NAACP good Marshall (whopeople was we have been taught or fulfound that our ancestors had slave masters poured it into without a soul and therefore was allowed to implement the “black” law school was by nearly 35 states to roll school systems for blacks send black students, like Defense and Education himself rejected from this ly appreciate. The biggest a great predisposition for inour families and allowed exwithout feeling. Our feelings the punishment instead of “separate,” but not “equal.” back the Voting Rights and whites were inherently Gaines, to school in anFund decided to take on law school because of its damage done during the toxication and domestic viotreme usage at least one day didn't matter and if a mother the slave master. Her punLike the Murray case, Gains of the 1960 using unequal, and thus vioother state. racial acceptance policies) the case of Lloyd Gaines, enslavement of our ances- lence. So what did the slave a week (Sunday). survival forsuppresher ishment also severe the This Court ritual found thewas onlyto create numerous voter late thewas “equal protection Sweat v. Painter (1950) a graduate student of decided to challenge this tors was the emasculation master do? He encouraged has survived today, with so son, she had better train him and brutal but she definitely appropriate remedy for sion tactics (most of those clause” of the Fourteenth - Encouraged by their University (an practice the Maryland of the inBlack man, and Lincoln his family violence by pitting many of our fathers be- to mask any pain or hurt. No would keep the boy alive (this this situation was to admit legal challenges were to the U.S. victory in Gaines’ case, all-black college) who apcourt system. leadership role as a provider the man and woman against ing "functional" drunks and matter what happens he is didn'tAmendment always happen when Sweat to the University’s temporarily won). Constitution. the NAACP continued to plied to the University of Before a Baltimore and protector of City his family each other in the most pri- extremely hostile to their not suppose to respond and/ the slave master initiated the law school. In theour caseemancithat came punishment). Furthermore, relying legallyspouses sanctioned Law School but doesattack Court in 1935, Marshall So Missouri and his community. af- mal ways (how a man and children when or react. Since After yearsonof McLaurin v. Oklahoma to be known as Brown v. sociological tests, suchour racial discrimination in was denied of hishis wife is drunk. We must remember pation and after several gen- this behavior and after argued that Donald Gaines ter emancipation, America reallybecause feel when Higher our Board of Education as the one performed by higher education. In 1946,onlyBoard race. having sexual relations Murray was just qualiattempted toas address the with that we're four oftoRegents five of erations, boys are deniedwas emancipation, our discipline Education (1950) In 1949, actually the name given to social scientist Kenneth a Black man named HerThe State of Missouri fied as white applicants wrong it had perpetuated the slave master and she tries generations from slavery and the affection and love they of our children can only be the University five separate Clark, and data, he man Sweat applied to the gave Gaines the option to attendthe the Black University against manofand the to manage him by appearing many of these negative char-of Oklahoma need to become men.cases Howthat categorized as other inhuman and admitted George McLauwere heard by the U.S. also argued that segre- an University of Texas’ “white” of either attending an Maryland’s School of Law Black family through public to like it). Over time, these acteristics are still alive and can you love when you've brutal treatment befitting rin, a Black man, tonever its beenSupreme Court concerning gated school systems law school. all-black law school that enemies and that it(i.e. was Reconstruction) solely due policy tricks created and strong. It continues through loved (emotional animal (remember we're had not doctoral program. the issue of segregation in a tendency to make black Hoping that it would not and ownership competitors would build (Missouriof the Black the socialization process that abandonment)? The com- human). to his land race that he was (i.e. it40 have to admit Sweat to did not have any all-black rejected. the “white” law school if law schools at this time) Furthermore, he argued a “black” school already or having Missouri help to that since the “black” law pay for him to attend a law existed, elsewhere on the schools which Murray University’s campus, the school in a neighboring would otherwise have to state hastily WI set up•an state. attend were nowhere near 4025 N. 50th Street • Milwaukee, (414) underfunded “black” law Gaines rejected both the same academic caliber school. of these options, and, as the University’s law At this point, Sweat employing the services of school, the University was Thurgood Marshall and the employed the services of violating the principle of NAACP Legal Defense and Thurgood Marshall and the “separate but equal.”

However, it required him to sit apart from the rest of his class, eat at a separate time and table from white students, etc. McLaurin, stating that these actions 397-3899 (Kinlow) were both unusual and resulting in adverse effects on his academic pursuits, sued to put an end to these practices.

public schools. children feel inferior to While the facts of each white children, and thus case are different, the such a system should not main issue in each was the be legally permissible. constitutionality of stateMeeting to decide the sponsored segregation case, the Justices of the • (414) 380 - 0900 (Ralph) in public schools. Once Supreme Court realized again, Thurgood Marshall that they were deeply and the NAACP Legal divided over the issues Defense and Education Fund handled these cases. Continued on page 7

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The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication


Rebuilding Our Community

By Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D. Special for the Milwaukee Times

Pushing the envelope The more you think that we are making progress in our country, the more things remain the same, especially in terms of discrimination, wealth disparity, gun violence, high rates of unemployment and the percentage of people and families living in poverty. This is just a short list, but we all know the list is long and continues to grow. If you have the time, one can just pick a cause and find more work to do than they think. What makes the situations even worse is that many people and organizations are not focused on being the champion to address an issue, they are either just trying to monitor the situation, do what they can, ill-

equipped to fully address the issue or just look the other way. In either case scenario, instead of reducing the high levels of a particular issue, many community problems continue to fester and grow. To make things even worse is the amount of rhetoric being spewed out through the media on particular issues... and of course without a solution. So much of it is just talk and always with a negative spin. If you listen to it long enough it can become intoxicating, addictive, polarizing and leads to more inactivity. As a result it is becoming more of the same, say what you want to say, do what you want to do and blame everyone one else for the condition.

Being Frank It’s no one's fault

Everyone has certain things they wish to achieve before dying. There are bucket lists made up of things people would do if they had a certain amount of time left. A North Carolina schoolteacher told a student that one item on her list would be to kill all the black people. This was a startling admission coming from an educated person. But looking at the programming most people get growing up, is there any surprise that someone would choose this option? Cynthia Ramsey was honest in her choice of last things to do this side of purgatory. Of course the African American community was outraged. Ramsey was suspended for a few days without pay and went back to work. There were many people confused about how someone in this day and age could have such a view. In reality the question is: how can someone not have this view? The image of the black person in the United States is a paradox in its foolishness. The image is a paradox because it is constantly changing but stays the same. The black male has always been a symbol of aggression and menace; the black woman one of unsatisfied, untamed lust and sexuality. Nothing accomplished in the United States by African Americans has changed that. Is there any reason a white person wouldn’t want to get rid of them? How hypocritical of African American people to be upset that someone wanted to kill them. The music that is topping the charts reeks of degradation and murder.

These are not hit songs for the Klu Kluxer to sing; these are songs the average African American 5-year-old sings. The music put out by African American artists reinforce the age-old stereotypes of menace and sex. This along with the high violence rate among African Americans it seems as if they want to kill themselves. Ramsey’s admission shouldn’t be shocking to anyone in the United States. In the USA race is taught everyday in some form or fashion. You have areas of the country where few if any African Americans live but hate groups exist. The programming all citizens get through school and television is one of subliminal hate. You have people who have little or no contact with African Americans scared or hating them. One reason is the media. The media seems to thrive on putting African Americans in the worst light. There are stories about deadbeat dads to mothers who put their children in the trash. If you take the time to research, these atrocities are not limited to the African American community. The media would have you believe that crime always has a black face. African Americans themselves are to blame because many reporters and producers are black. America was founded on freedom of speech. Ramsey has a right to her opinion. While many may moan, and even march, this is true. Instead of attacking Ramsey and those with such beliefs people have to realize it isn’t any individual's fault. Most people just think what they (Continued on pg. 19)

This is not some new philosophy that just began today, it has been around a long time... It may surprise you, that there are many who subscribe and buy-in with this kind of thinking. They catered to this home grown wisdom and believe that the people who espouse this mind set have a right to push it to the limits and to see how far they can go with something without

getting caught. But like all things in life... what goes around also comes around. Too much foolish talk can turn people off and they will begin to look for another voice of reason, someone that will speak and represent them. What is needed today are people who are willing to “stretch the limits,” of what is possible. To go further in believing and doing; changing the outcomes of residents, building stronger communities that mean something, and to inspire another generation to believe once more in the American Dream. It is the ability to innovate, inspire others to believe and do something that wasn’t previously thought possible. And

for good measure, they begin to ... set a new standard of excellence. If we are going to make a profound different, then we need to know how and when to push for the right causes and let the record speak through our compelling arguments that our best days are always in front of us. What do you think? Dr. Andrew Calhoun, can be contacted at andrewiiicalhoun@, Twitter #AC53, Facebook, or call 414-571-5015. You can hear Dr. Calhoun each Sunday at Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Rd. Milwaukee 414-2655546.

By Frank James IV

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

Christian Times

The Counseling Corner


By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th

National Alzheimer’s Awareness (Week 4, Part II) In continuation of raising awareness regarding Alzheimer’s, this week this writer will present Stages 5-7. The seven stages are based on a system developed by Barry Reisberg, M.D., Clinic Director of the New York University School of Medicine’s Siliberstein Aging and Dementia Research Center. Dr. Reisberg notes that everyone will experience the same symptoms or progress at the same rate.* Stage 5: Moderately severe cognitive decline. Gaps in memory and thinking are noticeable, and individuals begin to need help with day-to-day activities. At this stage, those with Alzheimer's may: • Be unable to recall their own address or telephone number or the high school or college from which they graduated; become confused about where they are or what day it is. • Have trouble with less challenging mental arithmetic; such as counting backward from 40 by subtracting 4s or from 20 by 2s. • Need help choosing

proper clothing for the season or the occasion. • Still remember significant details about themselves and their family. • Still require no assistance with eating or using the toilet. Stage 6: Severe cognitive decline. Memory continues to worsen, personality changes may take place and individuals need extensive help with daily activities. At this stage, individuals may: • Lose awareness of recent experiences as well as of their surroundings. • Remember their own name but have difficulty with their personal history. • Distinguish familiar and unfamiliar faces but have trouble remembering the name of a spouse or caregiver. • Need help dressing properly and may, without supervision, make mistakes such as putting pajamas over daytime clothes or shoes on the wrong feet. • Experience major changes in sleep patterns—sleeping during the day and be-

coming restless at night. • Need help handling details of toileting (e.g., flushing the toilet, wiping or disposing of tissue properly). • Have increasingly frequent trouble controlling their bladder or bowels. • Experience major personality and behavioral changes, including suspiciousness and delusions (such as believing that their caregiver is an impostor) or compulsive, repetitive behavior like handwringing or tissue shredding. • Tend to wander or become lost. Stage 7: Severe or latestage Alzheimer's disease. In the final stage of this disease, individuals lose the ability to respond to their environment, to carry on a

conversation and, eventually, to control movement. They may still say words or phrases. At this stage, individuals need help with much of their daily personal care, including eating or using the toilet. They may also lose the ability to smile, to sit without support and to hold their heads up. Reflexes become abnormal. Muscles grow rigid. Swallowing is impaired. If you are living with someone diagnosed as having Alzheimer’s, some ways you can help is removing any rugs in your home that a person could trip over; keep the temperature of your water heater low to avoid scalding by burning water, remove any plants from the home that are poisonous if eaten; remove bathroom door locks as persons with Alzheimer’s will often lock the bathroom door and forget how to open it. Beloved, as indicated last week, currently there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but treatments for symptoms are available and research continues. There is a worldwide

effort under way to find better ways to treat the disease, delay its onset, and prevent it from developing. If you are interested in more information regarding Alzheimer’s, you can call the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900 or visit them online at *Article’s Source: Alzheimer’s Association. Next Week: National Epilepsy Awareness The writer does not assume responsibility in any way for readers’ efforts to apply or utilize information or recommendations made in these articles, as they may not be necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider. You are encouraged to discuss with your doctor any questions or health concerns you may have. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.

The Greater Mount Zion MBC 2479 N. Sherman Blvd • Mil., WI Rev. Kenneth E. Cutler Sr., Pastor

CHURCH LISTINGS ARE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: ABIDING FAITH FELLOWSHIP - BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH Abundant Faith Church of Integrity 7830 West Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 464-5001


Pastor Anthony Oliphant Sr. 4600 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53210

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School ………………… 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship …… 10:30 am Tel: (414) 444-2822 Fax: (414) 444-2877

Pastor Robert Pyles

Sunday Worship… 10:00 a.m. Tuesday……………6:15 p.m.

“Discover Your Abundant Faith”

New Life New Beginnings Outreach Suite 205 3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 445-1072 Free Computer Classes ECDL License Software Registration Fee $25 Wed. 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. evening 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Weekly Open Enrollment

Another Chance M.B.C.

Pastor Charles G. Green ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 2033 W. Congress Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-445-3303 Rev. Steven H. Harris, Sr., Pastor Order of Services Sunday School........................ 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship..... 11:00 am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study..... 6:30 pm Thurs. Mass Choir Rehearsal. 7:00 pm Come Home to Antioch

6618 North Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 527-9986 Phone Sunday School.............................9:00 am Sun. Worship Service..................10.30 am Wed. Bible Service.............……… 6 pm These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. -John 16:33

BETHEL Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 3281 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Willie F. Dockery, Jr. “The Church on the Grow”

Weekly Schedule

Sun. School ………….… 8:30 a.m. Sun Worship ………….. 10:00 a.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ……………………. 7:00 p.m. 442-8970.

Guest Include: The Metropolitan MBC and interim Pastor Rev. Brandle Morrow. Theme: Appreciating the goodness of God. Psalms 100:4-5

Abiding Faith Fellowship Baptist Church

Thanksgiving Worship Service November 26, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Dr. Robert L. Sims, Pastor BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH “THE HOUSE OF MERCY” 2909 N. 20th Street. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Tel: 414-442-1323 Fax: 414-442-1324 E-Mail:

Order of Service:

Sun. Enrichment Hour …………..…… 8:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship …………….... 10:00 a.m. 3rd Sun. Communion Service ……..... 7:00 p.m. Tue. Prayer & Bible Class ………….... 6:30 p.m.

Please feel free to come out and worship the Lord with us. Bethesda Baptist Church cordially invite you to attend a BLACK TIE BANQUET to honor Dr. Robert L. Sims and Etharine Melton-Sims for 40 Years of Ministerial Excellence Friday, December 19, 2014 at 6 p.m. To be held at The Radisson Mayfair 2303 North Mayfair Road Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Tickets: $50.00 per person For more information or tickets, Please call (414) 442-1323 or Sis. Armstrong at (414) 445-0678

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication



Calvary Hill Temple Apostolic Faith Church 8401 N. 60th Street (St. Martins) • Brown Deer, WI 53223 Phone: (414)442-0099 • Email:

2959 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206

Order of Service

Phone: 414-372-1450

BLESSED DELIVERANCE Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J. Anthony Phillips 2215 North 23rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 763-9136 (414) 763-9136 (Fax)

Fax: 414-372-0850

Sun. Christian School/Manna…12:00 p.m.


Tues. Prayer/Bible Class………10:00 a.m.


Wed. Broadcast 1560AM…10:45-11:15 a.m.

Sunday: Sun. School ................................... 8:15 a.m. Morn. Worship ................................ 9:30 a.m.

Thur. Prayer/Bible Class…………6:30 p.m.

Pastor/Founder - Jeanetta Perry, DD(P.A.W) Wednesday: Bible Study .................... 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Weekly schedule: Sun. School ................. 8:45-9:45 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study ......... 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Saturday: Early Morning Prayer ......................... 7:00 a.m.

Ministers: Elder Jessie Reed, Elder Jimmie Sanders, Elder James Hartlep, Evangelist Dorothy Evans, Mother Annie Mae Hartlep


Rev. Dr. Mary Jean Lewis-Jiles 2176 N. 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly schedule: Sun. Worship ......................... 10:45 a.m. Sunday School ........................ 9:00 a.m. Sat. Teacher’s Mtg., ................. 9:00 a.m. Wen. Prayer Service & Bible Class ....... ........................................... 6 - 8:00 p.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Class ............ 9- 10 a.m.

Corinth Missionary Baptist Church 1874 N 24th Place Milwaukee, WI 53205 Phone: 414-933-1987 Fax: 414-933-3545 Rev. John Laura, Pastor

CHRIST TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C. Elder Travis D. Evans, Sr., Pastor 2778 N. 10th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-263-0500 church office www. ctemplecogic.og Opportunities to Worship Sunday School ……………9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship ..... 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship ..... 7:00 PM Wed. Evening Worship .... 6:45 PM

3649 N. Teutonia Ave. Elder Milwaukee, WI 53206 Stephen Hawkins, pastor.

Citadel Of Praise Church of God In Christ 2328 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 299-0608 Deon Young, Pastor

Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 11:00 a.m. Phone 445-1980. Do watch us grow. Come and grow with us.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun. Celebration of Worship…………….…………… 12:00 p.m. Wed. - WoW Pastoral Teaching ………………………...……………… 7:00 p.m.



Weekly Schedule

2249 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly Schedule Church Sun. School ................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ........ 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Prayer Service ................. Wed. 6:00 p.m. Church phone: 414.445-1610

Sunday School 0 9:00 A.M. Sun. Morn. Worship 10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study 0 7:00 P.M. Transportation Available Wednesday - Mission -6 :00 pm Thursday Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 pm “A Church Empowering Lives with Gods Word”

Fellowship of Love Missionary Baptist Church


2329 North 12th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Pastor Rev. William Jackson Missionary Arleathia Myers 414-934-0753 Weekly Schedule Sun. School ........................... 9:45 a.m. Sun. A.M. Worship ............... 11:00 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ...... ................................................. 7:30 p.m. Second Sun. Fellowship: Feb., May, Aug., & Nov ..................................... 4:00 p.m.

DAMASCUS Missionary Baptist Church 2447 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Dr. Ellis Wilkins, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sun. School ............................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ......................... 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union (BTU) ... 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ..................... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class ..... 6:00 p.m. Phone: 374-6650 or 263-9229.

Eternal Life Church of God in Christ

Rev. B. L. Cleveland, Pastor & Founder Mother E. L. Cleveland, First Lady 7901 N. 66th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 Ph: (262)242-2878 • Fax: (262)242-0978 e-mail: Worship Services Sunday School..............9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship...............…11:00 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study............................7:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Study & Evangelical Service ...................................................................7:00 p.m.

EVERGREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1138 West Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 265-0400 • (414) 265-0424 Worship Schedule Sun. Church School .................. 8:45 am Sun. Morning Worship ............... 10:00 am Wed. evening Prayer, Bible Study, & Spiritual Formation .................... 6:30 pm

For more info. visit:

Rev. Judith T. Lester, Pastor

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Worship Services Temporarily Held at New Covenant Baptist Church 2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210 Sunday Morning Worship 12:15 p.m.

905 West North Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206

God’s Will & Way Church of God in Christ

Friendship Progressive Baptist Church 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Michael A. Cokes, Sr. and First Lady Tangie Cokes Order of Service Sun. Early Morn. Worship.............9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship Service...............10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study...................... 6:00 p.m. Come G.L.O.W. with us. Stay in touch by texting 71441 and the word theship. Our motto: “No more church as usual”

Pastor H.S. McClinton Genesis Missionary Baptist Church 231 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Rev. A.L. Douglas Jr., Pastor ORDER OF SERVICE Sun. School .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ......... 10:45 a.m. Praising, Great Preaching, Teaching Other ministries to be announced. Church Telephone: 372-7675 Pastor Telephone: 372-7743


Weekly Services: Sun. School ............... 10:00 AM Sun. Service ...............11:15 AM (414)933-3280 (414)-933-3469 3100 West Lisbon Av. Milwaukee, WI 53208

Pastor Willie Genous & First Lady Evangelist Jo Genous

2900 N. 9th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 264-4866 Service Times Prayer M-F ………. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Sunday Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ………. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer ……………… 6:30-7:00 p.m. Bible Study ……… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal ………… 8:00 p.m.

Where there is peace in the midst of the storm

Church Phone: (414) 263-6113

Joseph H. Jackson, Jr. - Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ....................... 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 10:45 a.m. Wen. Bible Study .................. 6:00 p.m.

God’s Glory Church Min.

7017 W. Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 Office: (414) 630-0752 Email: Pastors Founders: Elder O.R. and Evang. A. McCoy

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship……….....………Noon Wed. Bible Study…….......……6 p.m.

Prayer every Tuse. & Thur. @ Noon

God’s Glory Church Ministry

4679 No. 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414)875-0660 godsglorychurch@sbcglobal. net

Order of Services: Sun. School………… 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship……….11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study……6:00 p.m. Fri. Evening Evang....6:30 p.m.

Pastor/Founder Jeanetta Perry BA, DP (PAW)

Staff: James Hartley Angela Hartley Jeanitta Perry Dorothy Evans Jessie Reed Mother Annie Hartly Jammie Sonders

Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee “Helping God’s People To Find Their Place In A Complex World.” Worship Schedule Sun. Bible Study ...........10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ................ 11:15 a.m. 3879 North Port Washington Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-265-5546 Rev. Andrew & Brenda Calhoun

Greater Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc. 1934 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 414-562-5183 Bishop Bernard Dotson, Pastor Worship Schedule

Sun. School ....................... 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ...... 11:30 a.m. Sun. Evening Service ........ 7:30 p.m. Tues. Prayer Service ........... 7:30 p.m. Wed. - Bible Class ............... 7:30 p.m. Fri. - Family Night or Evangelistic Service .............................. 7:30 p.m. Sunday 1560AM ........... 1 until 2 p.m.

GREATER GALILEE Missionary Baptist Church “Where Jesus is Lord” Pastor Johnny C. White, Jr. 2432 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Weekly Schedule: Sun. School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........ 10:25 a.m. Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study .......... ...................................... 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (414) 562-1110 - Church


2479 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53210-2947 Office Phone: (414) 871-LORD (5673) Kenneth E. Cutler, Sr., Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........ 10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting ............ 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study .................. 6:30 p.m.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication



God's Glory Church Ministry

Healing Grace

5384 North 60th St. Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 463-5035 e-mail: web:

Superintendant Victor C. Davis, Sr.


Worship Services Sun. School ................................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........... 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Tues. PM Prayer ......................... 6:00 p.m.

GREATER SPIRIT EVERINCREASING CHURCH (Service at New Prospect Church) 2407 W. Nash St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Wed. Bible Study ...................... 6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday Worship......................1:00 p.m. 1st & 5th Sun. P.M. Worship....6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer....................6:30 p.m.

Fri Intercessory Prayer ............... 7:00 p.m. Fri. Deliverance Service ............ 7:30 p.m.

Your Community Church • Won’t You Join Us?

(414) 355-4545 MAILING ADDRESS: 7631 W. Glenbrook Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

Growing In Grace Fellowship Church

5202 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 Pastor/Teacher Rev. Kenneth Hughes Sunday School.................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.............11:00 a.m. Wed. Open Bible Discussion.......... .............................................6:30 p.m. (414) 444-2620

Founder's Elder O.R. and Evangelistn A. McCoy 15 Years of Ministry in God's Service 7017 West Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 One block North of Hampton Ave. on 70th St. 414-875-0660 Order of Services: Sunday School…………………11:00 am Sunday Worship…………………12 noon Wednesday Bible Study…………6:00 pm Friday Evangelistic Service………6:30 pm Come hear a Word from the Lord, it will change your direction.

Lloyd Wright, Sr. Pastor, Author & Teacher 6151 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 628-2367 Weekly Services Sun. School………………9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship……………10:00 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study…...…6:30 p.m.

Holy Cathedral Church Of God In Christ 2677 North 40th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53210 Church Office (414) 447-1967 Order of Service Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School.........................................10:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship...........................6:45 PM Tuesday Prayer....................................12:00 Noon Tuesday Prayer & Bible Band....................7:00 PM Tuesday Pastoral Teaching........................7:30 PM Friday Prayer.......................................12:00 Noon Friday Evangelistic Service........................7:00 PM

Heritage International Ministries C.O.G.I.C.

Dr. Nathaniel J. Stampley, D. Min. Mother Carolyn R. Stampley, M.Ed. Eld. Darrell Grayson, Assistant Pastor 1036 W. Atkinson Ave. • Milw., WI 53206 Phone: 414-264-2727 E-mail: Web: Weekly Schedule Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship....10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday Prayer...........6:00 a.m. Thursday Worship & Bible Studies....... ...............................................6:00 p.m.

“A Local Church With A Global Mission”

Word of Hope Telecast • Sunday 9AM • ION/ PAX TV • Channel 55/Cable Channel 15 Word of Hope Broadcast JOY WJYI 1340am • Mon – Fri 3:15 PM-3:30 PM

Bishop C. H. McClelland


Word of Hope Ministries, Inc. Social Services, Health Care, ATODA, Employment Services, Family & Individual Counseling, Free Computer Training/GED assistance, Prisoner Re-entry Services (414) 447-1965

“Holy Cathedral is A Ministry That Touches People”

Dr. Betty S. Hayes, Pastor & Founder of Holy Mt. Carmel MBC 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 and Christ Gospel On The Rise Soul Saving Ministry, Harrell, AR. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sun. Words To Grow By....................9 a.m. Sunday Worship........................10:45 a.m. RADIO MINISTRIES Sat. (Milwaukee) WGLB 1560 Sat. at 9:15 a.m. • Sun. at 8:25 a.m.

Sunday School...................8:00 a.m. Sun. Worship......................9:15 a.m. Tues. Bible Class................7:00 p.m.

“Changing Lives with a Changeless Word”

(414) 344-5361 (Office) Prayer Line - (414) 446-713324 hr.

Jesus Is The Way Ministries (C.O.G.I.C)

JEREMIAH Missionary Baptist Church

Holy Temple Firstborn MB Church, Inc. 4960 N. 18th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-264-4002 (Office) Dr. Lezar & Lady Burnside Pastors

Weekly Schedule Sunday School.......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:00 a.m. Tues. Bible Class ..................... 6:30 p.m. “Transforming lives though the Word of God”

JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Donnie Sims 2505 West Cornell St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 442-4720 Sunday Service.......10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Night......7:00 p.m.

- Family AODA Treatment -

Pastor, Louis Fuller, Sr. Co-Pastor, Bea Fuller

- Transportation Available -

Pastor Jeffrey Coleman First Lady Brenda Coleman

“A Twenty-First Century Church”

Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church

Classes/Services: Daily Living Skills House Management Service Housing Assistance Life Skills Training Parenting Class

3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.....................10:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship..........11:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Class...........................6:30 p.m.

Spiritual Support Parent Assistance Education/Academic Skills Development Domestic Violence Services Mentoring Prison Ministry

4245 N. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216

Pastor Nathaniel Deans Sunday School .............. 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service ........... 9:15 a.m. to Noon Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible class ...... ......................……….. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thu. Bible Class ...... 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The King’s Temple The House of the Living God

2034 W. Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Ph: (414) 265-5057 Fax: (414) 265-5029 Sunday School.............................10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship...........................11:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Daily Prayer..................10:00 a.m Tuesday Night Prayer.............6:00-7:00 p.m Thursday Intercessory Prayer - 7:00-7:30 p.m. Thursday Pastoral Teaching - 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Pastor Eugene Cowan, II Senior Servent Leader 4519 W. Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Phone: 461-8484 • Fax: 461-9797

HOLY TEMPLE Missionary Baptist Church

Church 578-7425

Kairos International Christian Church (414) 374-KICC (5422) Sunday Community Ministry......................9:00 am Thursday Community Ministry...................7:00 pm Thur. S.E.T for Youth (Self Expression Thursday) ..................................................................7:00 pm

Pastors Terrence and Dr. Cheryl Moore Gatherings held at Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary School 3275 N. Third Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 (enter parking lot on Ring Street)

Time to Worship, Opportunity to Serve

Many Mansions Pentecostal Ministries, Inc.

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

8415 W. Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53224 414.355.0931, 414.355.7045(fax) (email) (website) /TheLambMKE

Rev. Christopher R. Boston, Pastor

@TheLambMKE Worship Schedule Sunday School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ......................10:15 a.m. WOW-Word on Wednesday.... 6:30 p.m.

Miracle Temple of Deliverance

Elder Betty Steward, Pastor 1000 W. Burleigh Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Order of Service: Sunday Ministry …………10:00 a.m. Worship Service ……… 11:30 a.m. Thursday Bible Study …… 7:00 p.m.

“Where We Preach the Word, Teach the Word, and Live the Word”

Life & Liberty Church 2009 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Pastor Evangelist Erma Mosley (Located inside Solid Rock Church) Sunday School..................2:30 p.m. Sunday Worship................4:00 p.m. Tue.-Fri. Prayer..........12 p.m.-1 p.m. Wed. Praise & Choir Rehearsal....... ..........................................5:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Class...............6:00 p.m. All Are Welcome

Weekly Schedule: Sun. Early Worship 0 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 0 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 0 6:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule:

Sunday School..........................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship Service..............10.30 a.m. Wed. Bible Service.........………… 6 p.m. “We’re Stepping Into The Kingdom by Stepping Out on Faith” - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Founder: Pastor Nalls 3131 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: 414-871-1103 E-mail: Weely Schedule: Sun. School……………......…9:30 a.m. Sun. Service……………...…11:30 a.m. Tues. Night Prayer & Study……………….…..……6:00 p.m. St. John 14:2 Vers.

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 1345 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Brandle C. Morrow, Sr., Interim Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School……………………9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service………..10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study………….6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service……….7:00 p.m. Phone (414) 562-7200 Fax: (414) 562-7850 E-mail:

Mount Hermon Baptist Church

Monumental Missionary Baptist Church

2407 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 933-2443 Rev. Roy C. Watson, Pastor First Lady, Sharon Watson

Pastor Rodney Cunningham 7265 North Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 228-6779 Phone

1809 W. Atkinson Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: 414 871-8178 Fax: 414 871-8143 E-mail: Facebook: Mount Hermon-Baptist Church MOUNT CARMEL Missionary Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Hugh Davis, Jr. ThM. ThD, Pastor Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship.......................10:45 a.m. Sunday BTU..........................6:00 p.m. Monday Night Mission............6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer and Bible Study .......................................6:00-8:00 p.m. Certified Marriage, Drug & Alcohol, and Pastoral Counselor Church: 264-2560 Pastor’s Study: 264-8001

Order of Services: Enhancement Hour Sun. ……… ………….......……………. 9:00 A.M. Sun. Worship …......….. 10:00 A.M.

Bobby L. Sinclair, Pastor

Wed. Prayer & Bible Study .......………………………. 6:30 P.M.

MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John K. Patterson, Pastor 5277 North 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 Sunday School..........8:00-9:15 a.m. Sunday Service.................9:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Class……Noon & 6 p.m. Church phone 414.461-7755 Home phone 414.226-6075

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication



New Creation Missionary Praise Church 1404 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 372-7544 (Church) (414) 510-5367 (Cell)

New Covenant Baptist Church

2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. F. L. Crouther, Pastor Phone: 873-1221 Fax: 873-8614

Order of Service

Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.......................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship........................11 a.m. Thurs Prayer Service.............6:30 p.m. Thurs Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. MOUNT ZION Missionary Baptist Church 2207 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Phone 372-7811 Rev. Louis Sibley, III, Pastor Sunday School........................9:15 am Sunday Worship..........8 am, 10:45 am 1st Sunday Communion immediately following morning worship. Wed. Bible study and Prayer Meeting .......................................6:30 - 8:30 pm.

Rev. Ann Smith, Founder & Pastor The Church were the heart is (II Chronicles 31:21) Service Begins each Sunday at 1:00 P.M. Ph.#: (414) 708-4884 Come and worship with us!!!

New Holy Ghost Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church “God so loved the world” - John 3:16

Bishop Clayton, Sr., and Lady Renee Duckworth

Sunday Church School……………8:00 a.m. Children’s Church - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday……………………………9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…………9:30 a.m. Wed. Family Night Sunday School Expository………………………………5:30 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Prayer & Praise…………………………………6:00 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Bible Classes………………………………6:45 p.m. Wednesday Night Worship Service……………………………7:00 p.m. (Last Wed. of the month)

Food Pantry Food Bags* 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Please Call For Appointments Hot Meals 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. T.V. Ministry every 2nd Tue. of the month on Channel 96, 8-9 p.m.

“A Church With A True Gospel Praise” New Greater Love Baptist Church

New Life Church - West 3410 W. Silver Spring Dr. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 PH: (414) 393-1290 FX: (414) 393-1234

104 West Garfield Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 “Come as you are”

SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:00 AM

NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Dr. Archie L. Ivy, Pastor/Teacher

Office: (414) 264-4852 Church: (414) 264-3352

6063 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 444-3106 Pastor Johnny L. Bonner, Jr. “Building On The Vision”

Order of Service Sunday School ……… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Service …. 7:30 p.m.

Rev. L.C. Martin, Pastor

Sunday School..........9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship......10:30 a.m. Weds. Bible Class.....6:30 p.m.

2433 W. Roosevelt Drive Milwaukee, WI 53209 Phone (414) 871-0350 • Fax (414)871-4219 E-mail: Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship ………................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. School ............................... 8:00 a.m. Wed. Morning Prayer & Bible Study.……………..10.30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Mid-week Service (last Wen. of the month) ...................................................6:00 p.m. “Partnering with God, Practicing Biblical Principles, Strengthening Families”

New Outlook Church of God in Christ 2449 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 406-0258

Prayer Bible Study


5:30 PM 6:00 PM

New Life Childcare Center Ages 6 wks - 12 Yrs Now Enrolling 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. (414) 393-1290 Rev. Dr. Terrell H. Cistrunk Pastor


The Open Door Christian Worship Center Church, Inc.

Weekly Schedule: New Life New Beginnings World Ministry & Outreach C.O.G.I.C 2516 West Hopkins Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Evangelist Margaret Stone, Pastor

Sunday School…………………………….10:00 a.m. Worship Service…………………………..11:00 a.m. 3rd Tues. The Ecumenical Prayer………...6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service……………………..10:45 a.m. Last (2) Wed. Freedom from Addiction Ministry…………………………11:15 a.m. Wed. Food Pantry……………………….12:00 noon Fri. Prayer, Miracle, Prophetic Word……..7:00 p.m. Every 1st Weekend Revival Service: Fri. - 7:00 p.m. • Sat. - 7:00 p.m. Sun. Evening - 6:00 p.m.

Dr. Mark A. Allen, Sr. Pastor NEW PARADISE Missionary Baptist Church 2353 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI. 53206 Tel: 414-265-0512 Fax:414-265-1910

Worship Services: Sunday School....................9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship.......11:00 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting..........6:30 p.m. Tues. Bible Class.................7:00 p.m. “Come Spend A Day In Paradise”

Sun. School..........8 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................9 a.m. Pastor Robb Taylor and First Lady Vanessa Taylor

Wed. Bible Study....................6 p.m.

“Bringing Light Into The Community” - Philippians 4; 13-14


2237 N. 11 St. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 265-5881 Order of Service Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship …………… 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study ……… 7:00 p.m. Voices of Newport Rehearsal ………………………………… 7:00 p.m. Rev. W.L. Smith, Sr. , Pastor

Pastors: Apostle Kenneth Lock Sr. and Prophetess Michele Lock

3223 West Lloyd Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone:(414) 444-5727 Sun. A.M. Worship……………8:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship……………12 noon Tues. Prayer/TNT Bible Study ………………………………6:30 p.m.

Pilgrim Baptist Worship Center

“Teaching, Preaching, and Reaching for Christ” Rev. Martin Childs, Jr., Pastor

PARADISE SANCTUARY Missionary Baptist Church 2705 W. Clarke Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. David K. Blathers, Pastor

Sunday School.................9:30-10:45 am Sunday Worship.........11:00 am-1:15 pm Wed. Pastor Bible Information Session, Prayer and Testimony..................5-7 pm Sat. Choir Rehearsal and........................ Youth Bible Study..........11 am - 1:30 pm Church (414) 264-2266, Pastor (414) 449-2146

Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church

2028 W. Cherry St., Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Maddie Turner, Sr., pastor Sunday School...............9:05 a.m. Sunday Worship...........10:40 a.m. Sun. Church Training Union, 6 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Study ...............................6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

3737 North Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church Phone: 414-873-1045 Church Fax: 414-873-4101 Website: E-mail:

“A New Testament Church” Sunday Worship …… 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School: …………… 9:30 a.m. Mon. Bible Class ……..… 6:00 p.m. (Women) Tues. Bible Class ……......……… 12:00 noon Tues. Men’s Support Group …..….. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Class ……… 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ……… 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study ………………… 1:00 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Service……………... 2:00 p.m. Fri. Youth Fellowship...............…. 6:000 p.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast (2nd Sat.).....9:00 a.m.

Church Telephone: 344-2400

Rev. George M. Ware Pastor

2975 N. Buffum St. Milwaukee, WI. 53212 P.O. Box 241772 Milwaukee, WI. 53224

Sunday Church School.........9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.................10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ......................7:00 p.m. Church Office #: (414) 265-7171

Prince of Peace Baptist Church 3701 North 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-6700 • (414) 444-6701 fax Steven R. McVicker, Pastor

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School ....................... 9:00 am Sunday Worship................... 10:00 am Tuesday Bible Class .............. 6:00 pm Tuesday Prayer...................... 6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal .......... 5:00 pm Welcome to Peace

Progressive Baptist Church “Equipping God’s People, Building God’s Church, Advancing God’s Kingdom”

Senior Pastor Evangelist Barbara Williams Co-Pastor Elder Dexter Williams Power House Deliverance Church 4344 N. 27th St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414-442-2234 Sunday School...............................9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service...............11:30 a.m. Tuesday Night Prayer Service........7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. Friday Community Food Pantry........2-4 p.m.

Transportation Available (414) 449-0122

Prayer House of Faith Pentecostal Church, Inc.

4778 N. Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 466 - 3807 Alice O. Green, Founder Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr. & Pastor Lekeesha C. Rowe, Senior Pastors

Children’s Min. Sun...................11:30 a.m Sunday Worship.........................12 Noon Tuesday Prayer/Bible Class.....6:30 p.m.

Pastor Walter J. Lanier 8324 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53222 Phone: 414-462-9050

Worship Schedule: Sun. School.......................................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study..........................Noon Wednesday Bible Study.....................6:45 p.m.


Redemption Fellowship Baptist Church Robert A. Angel, Senior Pastor 3500 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Phone: (414) 875-1926 Website:

Robert A. Angel Senior Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sunday School.................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship...........10:00 am Sunday Broadcast JOY 1340 - 4:30 pm Wednesday Bible Class.............7-8:00 pm

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication



Rev. Dwain E. Berry -Pastor

Rose Hill Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J.L. Holmes, Pastor 2024 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sunday School.......................9 a.m. Sun. New Member Class........9 a.m. Sunday Worship...............10:45 a.m. Tue. Prayer Meeting - 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class..........6 p.m.

Risen Savior Community Baptist Church 2201 N. Dr. MLKing Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Services: Sunday School Sunday Worship Wed. Prayer Meeting

9:00 am 11:00 pm 6:00 pm

Church phone (414) 264-0360 Office (414) 264-3978 Transportation Available

Phone (414) 460-8107

Shone M. Bagley Ministries /

Phone #: (414) 699-1962

623 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 873-0933 Pastor James Grant, Sr. Co-Pastor, Kimani Grant Weekly Schedule Sun. School..........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Service......................11:00 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Class...........7:00 p.m. Fri. Night Ser vice...........7:00 p.m.

Showers of Blessings Fellowship Church

YOUR CHURCH HERE Call us at 263-5088 or visit us at 1936 N. MLK Drive. Milwaukee, WI 53212 SAINT GABRIEL’S C.O.G.I.C.

P.O. Box 291 Oak Creek, WI 53154

Church & Public Event Speaker: - specializing primarily to those who want to know how to get out of their slavery mentality. -


Shone M. Bagley, Sr. Ordained Minister

Christian Counselor, specializing in family & crisis, call anytime.

Masters in Christian Counseling

SCOTT CHRISTIAN YOUTH CENTER & OUTREACH C.O.G.I.C. 2741 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Pastor Annie Naomi Scott Sunday School.............................12:30 p.m. Sunday Services...........................2:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. Friday Fellowship...........................7:00 p.m. Emergency Food Pantry every Tuesday Hot Meal Program Mon., Wed., Fri. Clothing Bank 2 days • Spiritual Counseling available • 24-hour Dial-A-Prayer 263-1929 Crisis Hot Line for Runaways 263-6515 Future programs: computer classes, sewing classes

SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH 4801 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-1200 • (414) 444-1212 fax

Charles E. Holmes, Pastor WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School ....................... 9:00 am Sunday Worship................... 10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class .............. 6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal .......... 6:00 pm

Come Home to Shiloh

Dr. Robert T. Wilson, Sr., Pastor St. John's United Baptist Church 2429 West Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209

Sunday Worship Service 3489 N. 76th Street 10:00 - 11:30 A.M. (414) 502-7584 Wednesday Service 7100 W. Villard Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Pastor Darry Tucker Prophetess Paula Tucker

Tel: 414-871-4673 Fax: 414-871-2373 email:st.johnsunitedmbc@

Rev. Lee A. Shaw, Pastor 5375 North 37th St.• Milw., WI 53209 (414)795-6397

Order of Service Sun. School...............9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship...........10:15 a.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class .........................6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE Sun. School ………. 9:00-10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship … 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tue. Bible Study …… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Wed.NicotineTreatment ……… 6:00p.m.

The Reverend Don Darius Butler,Pastor

Pastor Oscar Elim


African Methodist Episcopal Church

1616 W. Atkinson Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Darryl Williams, Pastor Weekly Schedule: Sunday School..................9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship.....8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study.........10 a.m. Wed. Bible/Prayer Service - 7:15 p.m. Phone: 562-8030

ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 914 East Knapp Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Rev. Dr. C. Steven Teague-Rector Sunday’s Worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Music, Nursery Handicapped Accessible (414) 276-6277

ST. PETER MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3057 N. 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church: 414.442.6389 Home: 414.463.5535 ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School..................9:00 am Sunday Worship..............10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class..........6:00 pm

Temple of Judah Church

Pastor David W. Stokes 8620 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225 Inside Redeem Pentecostal Church Office Phone: (414) 326-4811

Voice of Faith Broadcast on JOY1340 AM....................Sundays @ 5:30 pm Tue. Mana & Bible Study.....7:00 pm Prayer Manna Mon.-Fri...............6:00 am “A Christ Centered Ministry-Bringing people into the presence of God”

Pastor: Rev. Harold Turner Sunday School...................9:00 a.m. Sunday A.M. Worship........10:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship...............3:00 p.m. Tuesday: Prayer Meeting, Mission Mtg., Bible Class....................6-8:00 p.m. Church: 873-3326 Home: 353-5958 2829 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

TRUE LOVE Missionary Baptist Church 210 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Phone: 414-264-6869 Rev. Garry Levy, Pastor

Order of Services Sunday School...............9:30 a.m. Sunday Service...........11:00 a.m. Communion Services 1st Sunday......................7:00 p.m. Wed. night Prayer, Bible, Service & Mission..............................6-8 pm Mission mtg. every 2nd Wed.

Sunday Church School....9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship............10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study .........................................6:00 P.M.


5418 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 393-WORD (9673) Sunday Morning Worship............10 am Tuesday Night Study......................7pm Ripton A. Stewart, Pastor

2661-63 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: (414) 265-4850 / Fax: (414) 265-3817 Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sunday’s Order of Service Sunday Church School 9:00 A.M. Sun. Baptist Training Union 10:00 A.M. Sun. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M. Mid-Week Schedule Tue. Spiritual Development Ministry Thursday Christian Ministries Thursday Music Ministry

6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:45 P.M.

Victorious Child Care, Inc. Open Enrollment 1st - 2nd Shirt - 6:00 A.M. - Midnight Monday - Friday Ages: 6 weeks - 13 years old Office: (414) 562-0530 Tracy Rushing, Director

2500 West Medford Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53206 OFFICE: 414 -562 -1129 • FAX: 414-562-4713 EMAIL: WWW.TCBCHURCH.COM

Our Weekly Worship Schedule Church Sun. School ………… 8:30 a.m. Celebration of Worship ……..10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting……….........6:30 p.m.

The Upper Room Baptist Church

4300 West Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 464-0390 Rev. Robert McFarland, Sr., Pastor

Weekly Schedule:

TABERNACLE COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH "A preaching, teaching, healing community of faith.."Matt. 4:23

Sun. School …………… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship…10:30 a.m. Tues. Prayer Mtg & Bible Study…………………… 6:30 p.m.

Unlimited Life in Jesus Christ Christian Church 623 W. Cherry St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Inside the Boys and Girls Club Pastor Sudie B. Jones Services: Sunday School......................10:00 am Sunday Service.....................11:00 am Tue. Choir Rehearsal...............6:00 pm Tue. Prayer & Bible Study 6-7:30 pm Tue. Youth Meeting..............6-8:00 pm Wed. Recovery Services.....6-7:30 pm John 14:27

Pastor: Willie F. Brooks Jr. 2200 W. Center Street Milwaukee WI 23209 414/265-5455 Worship Schedule: Sunday School ………9:30 a.m. Morn. Worship…..…11:30 a.m. Mon. Women Circle Min. …… Wed. Bible Study……7:30 p.m. Soar Men Min.……11:30 a.m.

Way of the Cross Missionary Baptist Church

Victory Missionary Baptist Church

Rev. Edward E. Thomas

Rev. Mose A. Fuller, Pastor Home: (414) 871-2933 Church: (414) 445-2958

True Heart Missionary Baptist Church

TRINITY Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Services: Judah Cafe’........................... 10:00 am Sunday School......................11:00 am Sunday Service.....................12:15 am

ST. TIMOTHY COMMUNITY Baptist Church 3701 N. Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53208

UNITY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. NATHANIEL JOHNSON, JR. PASTOR 3835 WEST FOND DU LAC AVE. MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 Tel: (414) 445-9249 • Fax: (262)-670-6505 email: Worship Services: Sunday School...........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship...........................11.00 a.m. 4th Sun................................Communion 1st Sun....................................Baptizing Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study.......6 p.m. “A Little Church With A Big Heart”

1401 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Office: (414) 265-2725 Rev. Kurt Boyd, Pastor ZION HILL Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule Sun. School ………...... 9:30 a.m. Sun Morn. Worship … 10:45 a.m. Tues. Bible Study ….... 6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service ....6:30 p.m.

1825 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Rev. Russell Williamson, Pastor Sunday School......................9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:45 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Service and Bible Study: 10-11:30 a.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. Phone: (414) 263-1777

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014


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An NCON Publication

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

What’s Happening?


Improved quality of Medicare plans and steady premiums are great news as Open Enrollment begins By Marilyn Tavenner, Centers which began on Ocfor Medicare & Medicaid Ser- tober 15 and ends on vices Administrator December 7, Medicare wants everyone Fall is a wonderful time of to know that quality year. Changing leaves. Cooler continues to improve weather. It’s also the season both in Medicare Adfor people with Medicare to vantage and in the review their current Medi- Part D Prescription care coverage, as Medicare Drug Program. Open Enrollment begins. Each year, plan As we prepare for Medi- costs and coverage care Open Enrollment, can change. During

Attention High School Seniors: $60,000 will be given to 30 area students and YOU could be one of them! Go to to apply today! Deadline is January 20, 2015.

Questions? Call the RMHC Scholarship hotline at 414-270-7234.

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open enrollment, seniors and people with disabilities across the country have the opportunity to review their current Medicare coverage and see if they want to make any changes for the next year. It’s important for people with Medicare to take the time to make sure their current situation still meets their health care needs best. To help people choose a plan, Medicare calculates plan “star ratings” for Medicare health and prescription drug plans. Each plan gets a number of stars on a scale of 1 to 5—with 5 being the best—based on quality and performance. These ratings are designed to help people with Medicare, their families, and caregivers compare plans, in addition to information on their premiums and benefits. This year, people with Medicare who choose to

enroll in a Medicare health or prescription drug plan will have access to more high-rated, four- and five-star plans than ever before. Approximately 60 percent of Medicare Advantage enrollees are in a Medicare Advantage Plan earning four or more stars in 2015, compared to an estimated 17 percent back in 2009. Likewise, about 53 percent of Part D enrollees are currently enrolled in stand-alone prescription drug plans with four or more stars for 2015, compared to just 16 percent in 2009. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, enrollment in Medicare Advantage will increase to 42 percent to an all- time high of over 16 million and Medicare Advantage premiums will have decreased by 6 percent. For people with Medicare, this is good news in how they receive care. Plans that are higher rated deliver a highlevel of care, such as improving the coordination of care, managing diabetes or other chronic conditions more efficiently, screening for and preventing illnesses, making sure people get much-needed prescription drugs, or getting appointments and care quickly. A high rating also

means these plans give better customer service, with fewer complaints or long waits for care. If you have Medicare and need assistance, you can visit, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800633-4227), or contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). You should have received the 2015 “Medicare & You” Handbook and important notices from your current plan, Medicare, or Social Security about changes to your coverage. If you’re satisfied with your current coverage, there’s nothing you need to do. Better quality in Medicare health and prescription drug plans isn’t the only good news for people with Medicare. For most seniors who have Original Medicare, the 2015 Part B premium will stay unchanged for a second consecutive year at $104.90. This means more of seniors’ retirement income and any increase in Social Security benefits will stay in their pockets. The Part B deductible will stay the same as well. Medicare is working hard to make sure this good news continues so that seniors and people with disabilities will continue to get the health care coverage they deserve.


“I found a better deal on prescriptions.”

“We found lower co-pays.”

“I found a plan that works better for me.”

WHAT WILL YOU FIND DURING MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT? You’ll never know unless you go. Compare your current plan to new options. See if you can lower some costs or find a plan that better suits your needs. Many people do. Even if you like your current plan, check to see if the costs or coverage are changing at Or call 1-800-MEDICARE for help.

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WWW.MEDICARE.GOV 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY 1-877-486-2048) 10/24/14 10:52 AM

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication


Bulletin Board Doerfler studies archeology and paleontology using every-day objects

Engineering his way to the Big Apple

MPS Photo

Students in Nola Morrell’s K4 class are creatively learning about archeology and paleontology using every-day objects. Each week the class focuses on a different letter and this week, X is the letter of the week. X is for Xray and eXcavation, which leads into dinosaurs, which then leads to paleontology and presto the class store turns into a laboratory! The children dig for dinosaur bones in the sand table and fill test tubes and graduated cylinders with pasta, pom poms and rocks. In the process of learning science vocabulary, the students have fallen in love with the skeleton, Mr. Bones!

MPS Photo

Derek Mizell, a graduate of Milwaukee Public Schools’ Rufus King International High School, has a holistic view of his long-term personal and professional goals. “I’d like to be successful, both financially and spiritually, emotionally and physically,” Mizell said. In the shorter term, the Rufus King grad plans to study chemical engineering at NYU, located in the heart of lower Manhattan in New York City. Five years from now, he expects to be earning a master’s degree.

American Chemical Society offers college scholarships in chemistry for minority students The American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholars Program is accepting applications from African American, Hispanic/Latino and Native American students who are pursuing, or intend to pursue, bachelor’s degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology or related majors, and who are planning careers in the chemical sciences. Renewable awards from $1,000 to $5,000 per year are given to qualified students entering or already in community colleges and fouryear institutions. ACS accepts applications from graduating high school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Applications will be accepted from November 1, 2014 through March 1, 2015, for the academic year 20152016. Applications are accepted online on the ACS Scholars Program website ( Additional information is available by calling 1-800-2275558, extension 6250, or by emailing A degree in chemistry prepares students for employment in such varied fields

as: medical research and drug design, environmental studies, forensics, food, the search for alternate energy sources, safeguarding national security, and engineering new materials. ACS established the Scholars program in 1995 to attract underrepresented minorities to the chemical sciences and to build awareness of the value and rewards associated with careers in chemistry. In addition to financial support, the program provides mentoring and research and networking opportunities that help students acquire the skills and credentials needed for a successful career. To date 2,568 students have received a scholarship through the ACS Scholars Program. African Americans comprise 52 percent of the recipient pool, Hispanic/Latinos represent 42 percent, and American Indian students are at 6 percent. More than 1,500 ACS Scholars have graduated with a bachelor’s degree in a chemical science. Of those students, 44 percent are known to have gone on to graduate school, and 39 percent are known to have entered the chemical science

workforce. The ACS Scholars Program is generously supported by: • Benefactor $1,000,000+ PPG Industries Foundation, Inc. • Visionary Partners $500,000+ GlaxoSmithKline Procter & Gamble Beauty & Grooming Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation • Sustaining Partners $250,000+ 3M Corporation ACS Petroleum Research Fund Dow Corning Foundation DuPont Schering-Plough Research Institute • Partners $100,000+ AstraZeneca BASF Bayer Foundation Dow Chemical Company Foundation Société de Chimie Industrielle – American Section Xerox The program is also supported through the generosity of many individual donors, ACS local sections and ACS members, including more than 60 former ACS Scholars.

PARKING Adjacent to the east and west side of the building are two fenced-in parking lots.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

Health & Fitness

Black women bear the brunt of premature births in the U.S.


African American women are almost two times more likely to have babies too early

By Kellee Terrell Findings from a new international report may startle you: The U.S. has a higher rate of premature births, ranking above 125 countries such as Rwanda, Uzbekistan and China. Born Too Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth arrives after an exhaustive joint effort from about 50 lead international, regional and national organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the March of Dimes, Save the Children, and The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health. Twelve percent of all American babies are born premature — before 37 weeks — and that

translates into roughly half a million babies a year. Chris Howson, vice president for global programs at the March of Dimes, told Kaiser Health News that while nearly two-thirds of all preterm births worldwide occur in sub-Saharan African and Asia, the U.S. rate shows

that "this is not just a developing country issue." African American women are bearing the brunt of this issue. In 2009, while white women had a preterm birth rate of 10.9 percent, the rate among African American women was 17.5 percent. So why are these rates so

high? The report suggests that in countries such as the United States, women are on fertility drugs and are having multiple babies at one time, which can play a factor into the high rate of premature births. But the main factors include obesity, diabetes diagnosis, heart disease, smoking, lack of prenatal care, poor maternal health and drug and alcohol use. While poverty, education, age and access to health care play a role, past data shows that even Black women with college degrees who earn higher incomes still have higher rates of preterm labor than their white counterparts. Health experts believe that high levels of stress due

to racism, post-traumatic stress disorder and genetics could also explain these disparities. To help address this issue, in February, President Obama launched a $40 million program aimed at reducing the number of premature births, especially among physicians who agree to or pressure their patients to induce before 39 weeks without having any serious medical complications. Giving birth before your due date (40 weeks) can have some serious health consequences including higher risks of cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, developmental and intellectual issues and even death.

Make your child’s shots less stressful Vaccines help protect babies and young children against 14 serious diseases. Even though you are keeping her safe from diseases, it’s hard to see your child cry when she gets her shots. But you can take some steps before, during, and after a vaccine visit to ease the pain and stress of getting shots. Before your visit Read about the shots your child will get in advance. CDC’s vaccine webpage has a lot of useful information to help parents understand the importance of on-time vaccination. You can review

this information before your appointment, and then, you can ask your child’s doctor any remaining questions or concerns you have about vaccines. You may also want to bring your child’s vaccine record to show the doctor, and pack a favorite toy, book, blanket or other comfort item. For older children, be honest— shots can pinch or sting, but not for long. Remind them that shots help keep them

child and smile, talk softly, or sing. Hold your child tightly on your lap, if you can. Take deep breaths with an older child to help “blow out” the pain. After the shot, hug, cuddle, and praise your child. For babies, swaddling, breastfeeding, healthy. or a bottle may offer During your visit quick relief. Comfort and reDistract your child with a assure older children if they toy, a story, a song, or some- cry. thing interesting in the room. After your visit Make eye contact with your If you notice redness,

PremAture birth 1 cAuse of infAnt deAth in milwAukee is the #

United Way is investing in programs that ensure more babies have a healthy start. Join us.

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Be part of the change. Give. AdvocAte. volunteer. That’s what it means to live united.

Roland Martin (Continued from pg. 1) people from voting is unAmerican,” Martin said. Emphasizing more work needs to be done, Martin suggested the audience recommit to volunteerism in their community. Martin said the audience they should be saying “ As long as there is breath in your body, we should be saying, “use me where you need me” in the words of the great Maya Angelou. Martin summed up his presentation to the audience: “This event should not be seen to show our appre-

soreness, or swelling from the shot, place a clean, cool washcloth on the area. These reactions are usually mild and resolve on their own without needing treatment. If your child runs a fever, try a cool sponge bath. You can also use a non-aspirin pain reliever if your doctor says it’s OK. Some children eat less, sleep more, or act fussy for a day after they get shots. Make sure your child gets plenty to drink. If you’re worried about anything, call your doctor.

ciation or to hang out, this should be seen when couples renew their wedding vows; this should be seen as an opportunity for me to say what is it that I committed to do. Write down something you will commit yourself to doing and the difference you will make, and then celebrate small successes in the change and impact you’ve made on the community. What we actually did in a basement to plan a boycott in Montgomery, we changed the world.” That will occur only if you’re willing to roll your sleeves up, and commit yourselves, everybody can get to work, Martin concluded.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

Meal Times

Easy recipes for your first Thanksgiving Day feast

By William Scott Gooden Special for the Milwaukee Times So after all these years of Mom being the one to host Thanksgiving dinner, she has decided this year, to hang-up her apron and let someone else take over. Graciously you volunteer your lovely home to host your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and their assorted significant others and offspring. You have cleaned and decorated your home in such a warm and tasteful way, that it would make Martha Stewart herself beam with pride. You have armed yourself with every Thanksgiving related kitchen and serving implement suggested by the Food Network. But there is still one problem. You have never made a turkey meal that didn't involve sliced turkey, cheese, lettuce, bread and mayonnaise. The solution: you need some real easy to follow recipes that will still "wow" your family. Here are four dishes that will make you the hero of this year's Thanksgiving but won't kill you in the process.

Easy Herb Roasted Turkey: Ingredients: 1 (12 pound) whole turkey 3/4 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons dried basil 1 teaspoon ground sage 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 cups water Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Clean turkey (discard giblets and organs), and place in a roasting pan with a lid. 2. In a small bowl, combine olive oil, garlic powder, dried basil, ground sage, salt, and black pepper. Using a basting brush, apply the mixture to the outside of the uncooked turkey. Pour water into the bottom of the roasting pan, and cover. 3. Bake for 3 to 3 1/2 hours, or until the internal temperature of the thickest part of the thigh measures 180 degrees F (82 degrees C). Remove bird from oven, and allow to stand for about 30 minutes before carving.

Make-Ahead Turkey Gravy Ingredients: 6 turkey wings 2 medium onions, peeled and quartered 1 cup water 2 quarts chicken broth, divided 3/4 cup chopped carrot 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Arrange a single layer of turkey wings in a large roasting pan. Scatter the onions over the top of the wings. Roast in the preheated oven for 1-1/4 hours or until wings are browned.

We hope to see you at the 30th Anniversary of the

Black Excellence Awards Friday, February 27, 2015 at The Italian Community Center 631 E. Chicago St. • Milwaukee, WI 6:00 P.M. - Social Hour 7:00 P.M. - Dinner & Program

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Tickets $65 per person / $650 for a table of 10 For more information, please call the Milwaukee Times at 414-263-5088.

2. Place browned wings and onions in a 5 quart stockpot. Add water to roasting pan and stir, scraping up any brown bits on the bottom of the pan. Pour the the water from the pan into the stockpot. Stir in 6 cups broth, carrot, and thyme. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer uncovered for 1-1/2 hours. 3. Remove wings from the pot and place on a cutting board. When the wings are cool, pull off the skin and meat. Discard the skin and save the meat for another use. Strain contents of stockpot through a large strainer into a 3 quart saucepan. Press on the vegetables to extract any remaining liquid. Discard the vegetables and skim the fat off the liquid. Bring the contents of the pot to a gentle boil. 4. In a medium bowl, whisk flour into the remaining 2 cups chicken broth until smooth. Gradually whisk the flour mixture into the simmering turkey broth; simmer 3-4 minutes or until the gravy has thickened. Stir in the butter and pepper. Serve immediately or pour into

containers and refrigerate or freeze. Will's Super Stuffing Ingredients: 2 1/4 cups chicken stock 1/4 cup wild rice 4 tablespoons butter 2 cups fresh sliced mushrooms 2 cups diced celery 1 cup chopped onion 4 cups corn bread stuffing mix 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning Directions: 1. In a medium sized saucepan combine the chicken stock and the wild rice. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and let simmer until rice is tender. 2. In a large skillet melt the butter. Add the mushrooms, celery and onion. Cook until the vegetables are soft. 3. In a large bowl mix the cornbread stuffing and poultry seasoning. Add the rice and the vegetables and mix well. Use to stuff turkey or bake on its own. More chicken stock can be added if stuffing is dry. (Continued next week)

Special Honorees: Military Women

- Maj. Gen. Marcia Anderson U.S. Army - Violet Armstrong U.S. Air Force - Michelle Carter U.S. Army Reserve & National Guard - Berdie Cowser U.S. Army - Lisa Cross U.S. Army

- Mary Katherine Fowlkes U.S. Coast Guard - Michelle Lipsey U.S. Marine Corps - Virdia Ofei U.S. Navy - Sedoria Outlaw U.S. Army - Barbara Robinson U.S. Air Force & Army

"Saluting The Best In Our Community"

Extraordinary Achievement: - Steven Tipton and Son Community Leadership: - Al Holmes, President and CEO, My Father’s House - Min. Greg Lewis, Pastors United Minority Business - Reid's New Golden Gate Funeral Home - Scruggs Shoe Repair Sports: - Michael Goodwin, Milwaukee Bucks

More Honorees To Be Announced

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

Art & Entertainment

What to do in Milwaukee this Holiday weekend

By Lynda Jackson-Conyers and William S. Gooden, Special for the Milwaukee Times

Spend "Black Friday" at MPM and witness the most unusual holiday tradition - the lighting of the massive humpback whale skeleton that hangs over the grand staircase. Free with admission to the museum.

Need something for you and the kids to do over the long Thanksgiving weekend. Well the holidays are upon us and there is plenty happenings in Milwaukee.

88th Annual Holiday Parade, Downtown MilwauThur., Nov. 20th: kee, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 101st Annual City/Country For 88 years the Milwaukee Tree Lighting, at Red Ar- Holiday Parade has been a row Park, 4:45 p.m. - Join local tradition with over 100 Mayor Tom Barrett, County units including marching Executive Chris Abele and bands, floats, giant balloons, Master of Ceremonies John local personalities, costumed McGivern in lighting the characters, live animals, and holiday the Christmas Tree the main man himself, Santa in Red Arrow Park. Clause. Milwaukee Holiday Lights Festival Kick-off Extravaganza, at Peré Marquette Park, 6:00 p.m. - Join the festivities with dancers, ice carvers, music, fireworks and Santa as the city kicks-off the holiday season by lighting up downtown Milwaukee. Jingle Bus Rides, at The Shops of Grand Avenue (Center Court) Nov. 20 Dec. 28, 6-9 p.m. - See the lights of the city with a 40 min. narrated tour by one of Milwaukee's Downtown ambassadors. Only $1 per person

Hilton Milwaukee City Center Tree Lighting Ceremony, Hilton Milwaukee City Center, noon - 2 p.m. - After the holiday parade join the Hilton Milwaukee for their tree lighting, with live music and free hot coco. Mele Kalikimaka - Holiday Floral Show, The Mitchell Park Domes, Nov. 22 - Jan. 4 - Shake off the cold and enter a tropical holiday wonderland.

Fri. Nov. 28th: Kooky Cooky House, Discovery World, thru mid January - The legendary Sat., Nov. 22nd: Kooky Cooky House which Westown Holiday Bazaar, graced Milwaukee's Capitol at the Shops of Grand Av- Court Mall from the 1960s enue (2nd level), 8:30 am - thru the 1980s, will once 2 p.m. - Get a jump on your again delight families. holiday shopping as artisans offer everything from food The Lighting of the to jewelry and art. Whale, Milwaukee Public Museum, 11:30 a.m. -



Kohl's Design It! Lab: Black Friday Holiday Extravaganza, Discovery World, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Get a head start on decorating for the holidays by creating products inspired by the beauty of winter. Also available is a limited-edition holiday ornament (first-come, first served). No preregistration necessary. Gingerbread Day, at Betty Brinn Children's Museum, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Catch the fun of Gingerbread Day the the Museum! Help build a kid-sized gingerbread house in the Be A Maker space and listen to tasty tales. Christmas Around Milwaukee Bakery Bus Tour, Nov. 28 - Dec. 21 - Travel around the world and back on this guided tour. Sample or purchase delicious holiday cookies, candies and pastries from a collection of Milwaukees' best bakeries. Call 1-800-979-3370 for more information. Sat., Nov. 29th: Small Business Saturday, Historic Third Ward, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Support locally owned businesses as Milwaukee retailers offer incentives and specials during this one-day sale.




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The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper


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The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication


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The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication


The Bronze Directory

Push/Pull or Drag in for Extra Cash!


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Connect with us at to see a slide show of your community event: 1.) Go to; http:// milwaukeetimesnews. com 2.) Scroll down to recent articles 3.) Click on event link 4.) Click on photo to begin slide show.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication



ANNOUNCEMENTS Happy Birthday Salutes! Wishing You All The Best! November 2nd Lawrence Chamberlain, Sr. November 4th Lynda Jackson Conyers Michael Davis November 5th Lawrence Chamberlain, Jr.

The New Jubilee Community Choir Invites You to

A Celebration of Advent

November 14th Myrtle Wilburn November 15th Abe Taylor Nathan Conyers November 18th Janie Saffold Shequilia Henderson November 22th LaMarr Johnson

November 6th Carla Smith Maurice Bridges, Jr. LaVern Smith Carla Smith

November 23rd Charlene Johnson Charlettiel Johnson

November 7th Maurice Smith

November 28th Tyesha Holland

November 10th Essex Chamberlain

November 30th Tiffany Weather Ester M. Jones

November 12th James Jeremy Fumbanks Ramona Owens

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or e-mail them to miltimes@


Buying Or Fixing Up A Home In Jefferson, Ozaukee, Washington or Waukesha County? We Can Help!

Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:00 PM Dr. Wallace Cheatham, Director

St. Mark A.M.E. Church

1616 W. Atkinson Ave. Milwaukee, WI

Rev. Darryl R. Williams, Pastor

An Open Door Program

NOTICE Milwaukee Public Schools will receive sealed quotations for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and materials necessary, including public liability and property damage insurance to perform all work necessary and incidental to the Interior Painting – Suites #217 & 272 at Central Services Administration Building, 5225 W. Vliet Street; Milwaukee, WI 53208 until 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services; 1124 North 11th Street; Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233; to the attention of: John Linn, Manager of Design and Construction. The HUB, COIN and Student Participation requirements for this project are 0%. Plans and specifications may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc.; 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics, Inc. for availability of bid documents. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ A Pre-bid Walk Through is scheduled at the site on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at 9:00 AM. Meet at the South parking lot entrance. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. DARIENNE B. DRIVER, Ed.D, 10638452/11-14-18-25-12-2-9 Superintendent.

Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church 1830 W. Hadley St., Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 263-6770 Ebenezer is seeking a pastor. Please send resume to 1830 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53206.

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

LENA’S 4061 North 54th St. (Midtown) 4623 W. Burleigh Ave. 2322 W. Oak St. 4030 N. Teutonia Dr. Libraries Washington Park Library Central Library (Downtown) Banks Columbia Savings 2000 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Seaway Bank 2102 W. Fond du Lac Ave. BMO Harris Bank 2745 N. MLKing Dr. North Milwaukee State Bank 5630 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Pick’N Save 2355 N. 35th Street 5700 W. Capitol Dr. 7401 W. Good Hope Rd. Other Locations Dismuke Insurance Agency 8201 W. Capitol Dr. City Hall 200 E. Wells St. The Milwaukee Times Offices 1936 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Or visit our website at: to download a free PDF version of this weeks paper. Also be sure to visit your local churches to get your copy of The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.




Walgreens 2826 N. MLKing Dr. 2222 W. Capitol Dr. 2727 W. North Ave. 4808 N. Hopkins St. 7171 N. Teutonia 76th & Mill Rd.

An NCON Publication

Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 N. 11th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 14, 2014. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 N. 11th St., directed to the attention of Ms. Gina M. Spang, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Thursday, December 18, 2014 at 1:30 P.M., in accordance with plans and specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier’s Check: 10% of Contractor’s Base Bid.

Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 N. 11th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 14, 2014. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 N. 11th St., directed to the attention of Ms. Gina M. Spang, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Thursday, December 18, 2014 at 1:30 P.M., in accordance with plans and specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier’s Check: 10% of Contractor’s Base Bid.



Washington High School Complex 2525 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53210 MPS Property No. 035 MPS Project No. 2369

Vincent High School 7501 N. Granville Road Milwaukee, WI 53224 MPS Property No. 033 MPS Project No. 1716

The HUB requirements for this project are 20% The COIN requirements for this project are 20% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 400 Hours Educational Activities: 10 Hours

The HUB requirements for this project are 0% The COIN requirements for this project are 0% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 0 Hours Educational Activities: 0 Hours

Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00

Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00

The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc., 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services’ office. Bid documents may not be examined at A/E Graphics, Inc.. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, 283-4611. DARIENNE B. DRIVER, Ed.D, 10638492/11-14-20-26-12-4-11 Superintendent.

The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc., 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services’ office. Bid documents may not be examined at A/E Graphics, Inc.. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, 283-4611. DARIENNE B. DRIVER, Ed.D, 10638472/11-14-20-26-12-4-11 Superintendent.

You are invited!

I-94 East-West Freeway Study Draft Environmental Impact Statement Public Hearings

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation invites you to public hearings on December 3 and 4, 2014 regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the I-94 East-West Corridor Study. Project information will be the same on each night; stop in to see information on design alternatives, costs and potential impacts. Opportunities will be provided for written and spoken testimony. The I-94 East-West Corridor extends from 70th Street to 16th Street and includes the Stadium Interchange. For more information call project supervisor Jason Lynch at 414-750-1803 or visit us on the web: Interpreters for both Spanish speakers and the hearing impaired will be available.

Hearing Date/Time Wednesday December 3, 2014; 3pm - 7pm Tommy Thompson Youth Center - State Fair Park, Gate #5, 640 S. 84th St. MCTS Route 67 (Note: the westbound I-94 exit at 84th Street will be closed, use the 68th/70th exit. State Fair Park is accessible from 76th Street or 84th Street.) Thursday, December 4, 2014; 5pm - 8pm Marquette High School, 3401 N Wisconsin Ave (enter from Michigan Street parking lot) MCTS Routes 10, 35, 30

It’s no one's fault (Continued from pg. 4) It takes a strong person to realize that the indoctrination they received as a child through adulthood was wrong. It takes a free thinker to judge a person on actions and individually and not as a group. It takes the biggest person to accept others for who they are and understand that the way they think or act isn’t their fault. Frank James IV © 2014 beingfrankwithfrank@ The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or NCON Communication, its staff or management. Being Frank is a bi-weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper. .

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Paper

Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Wednesday, November 26, 2014

An NCON Publication

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