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Celebrating 35 Years of The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and


Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 35 • No. 47 • Thurs., Nov.24, 2016 - Wed., Nov. 30, 2016 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Milwaukee Downtown flips the switch on the 2016 holiday season

Photos by Yvonne Kemp

On Thursday, November 17, 2016 Milwaukee Downtown BID #21 hosted Milwaukee's Annual Holiday Lights Kick-Off Extravaganza to light up downtown's parks and streets for the 18th season during its switch-flipping ceremony at Pere Marquette Park. Performers in the Milwaukee Holiday Lights Festival Kick-Off Extravaganza included: local variety band Platinum; USO-style trio The Radio Rosies; Dance Academy of Mexico; professional fire performers Brewcity Fire Brigade; local singer Jenny Thiel; R&B soloists Robin Adkins and Carol Molex; Elation Dance

Center; Fred Astaire Dance Studio; and a fireworks spectacular. Following the ceremony, free Jingle Bus rides sponsored by Meijer operated from Pere Marquette Park to take guests past all the newly lit scenes. After opening night, Jingle Bus rides sponsored by Meijer will operate from 6 to 8:20 p.m., Thursdays through Sundays, November 18 – December 30. Rides are $1 per person and depart from The Shops of Grand Avenue – Center Court, 275 W. Wisconsin Ave.

One Accord Foundation hosts Pre-Holiday Networking Mixer

Former corporate executive, community leader and mentor Mary Dowell launches new book

Photo by Yvonne Kemp Photo by Yvonne Kemp

On Thursday, November 17, 2016 the One Accord Foundation hosted its Pre-Holiday Networking Mixer at the Tripoli Country Club, 7401 N. 43rd Street. The event was hosted by Shanna Saleem Katina Jewel and featured musical entertainment by Christopher's Project. The mixer was held to introduce the community to new One Accord Foundation board members Cecilia Gilbert, Ralph Hollmon, Margaret Henningsen, and Corey Lewis. One Accord Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit 501c3 organization providing assistance to children who are aging out of foster care and are college-bound. The organization provides scholarships to assist the students with their first four years in college. The success of One Accord Foundation is dependent entirely upon the financial and product support of corporations, private sponsors and individuals. One Accord Foundation’s Tommie L. Reid Scholarship Fund is the family support these students need to make it through college and become responsible citizens who can give back to their community.

On Friday, November 18, 2016 former Johnson Controls executive, community leader and mentor Mary J. Dowell (left), added a new title to her list – author. Dowell hosted a book launch event at Boswell Book Company, 2559 North Downer Ave. The event included a discussion and book signing. The book entitled, "Playing Through the Fence," is part memoir, part self-help for emerging leaders or anyone seeking inspiration while facing obstacles in her career journey. Nineteen local Milwaukee women share powerful reflections of fortitude and accomplishments in their lives and careers, sometimes against what seemed like impossible odds, as they challenged barriers on their paths to success.

An NCON Communications Publication


Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Rebuilding Our Community

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

By Dr. Andrew Calhoun, Ed.D. Special to the Milwaukee Times

We’re just getting started It’s been quite an emotional rollercoaster ride over the past few weeks for most of us who believe in fairness, truth and the American Dream. We also believe that a person should be viewed by the content of their character, by what they say and how they conduct themselves; rather than by the color of their skin, faith or gender. But like a lightning bolt during this political season a lot of what we hold as basic values and common sense treatment was all but thrown out the window. Many Americans woke up on the day after the election

in total shock and soon began to realize that many of the social gains made over the past eight years will soon be gone. Each of us expects some change, but “racial change” is another story altogether. It is especially more painful if it affects you and your family directly. So regardless of who was going to win the race to be president of the most powerful nation in the world, we certainly did not expect this outcome. If this political cycle has taught us anything it is that we can never take things for granted and to always cherish these special moments

to participate in the political process. We also learn how to not surrender our emotions to anxiety, complacency, fear and hopelessness. This season has also taught us that we have to participate in the process, to not sit on the sidelines and hope for another day or look for more qualified candidates to

Growing Spiritually In Jesus

appear. Like my mother use to say… “This is what we got to deal with and so let us deal with it.” I know that this is going to be an interesting chapter in our American experience of presidential leadership. But like all things that begin, a day will come when things will change again. Our mission then it to keep focused on what we can do for there is plenty of work that remains undone in our communities. So in the meantime, let’s see how things go, get more involved in the process and by all means let us continue to pray for better days.

Dr. Andrew Calhoun can be heard each week at Grace Fellowship Church, 3879 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, 53212. You can follow him on Google, Facebook, Twitter #AC53 or email The opinions expressed in this editorial are those of the writer and not of the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper or NCON Communication, its staff or management. "Rebuilding Our Community" is a weekly column exclusive to the Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper.

Dr. Hugh Davis Jr., Th.D Pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee WI. 53206

Did Jesus exist before He was born in Bethlehem?

Did Jesus exist before He was born in Bethlehem? Could it be that the man that is called Jesus existed before He was born; and if that be the case, what are its implications for all of us? If the man called Jesus did exist before He was born as a babe in a manger in Bethlehem, according to the how, when, time, and place; then it is incumbent upon us to either believe it or reject it. It would certainly support the premise concerning the Christmas story, and all of the other stories surrounding His character. That would mean that every other Bible narrative would be interwoven with Him, and or delineate Him. That would make for the argument that Jesus would be the topic of all Bible narratives.

of the branch of creation called humanity just like us. But if He did exist before He was born, then He would not be just like us, but on the other hand we did not exist Could it be possible that before we were born. Jesus existed before he was born in a manger in BethleThe Bible the Word, conhem of Judah? Yes, most af- sidered by many to be the firmatively, I believe that the gold standard by many, as Bible the Word of God sup- the ultimate authority on ports the narrative of there life, (although not as highly being a real personality that received as such in these last fits the New Testament and days), gives us much inforOld Testament proposition mation supporting the truth concerning Jesus existing be- concerning Jesus’ existence fore He was born. in the Old Testament ( before He was born) and in the There are those that could New Testament. never accept this reality, or to them, the idea, or the possiReality is reality, even bility that Jesus could have though everyone has their existed before He was born; own idea concerning what that would make Him spe- is truth and reality. The fact cial, and as far as the world of the matter is there is our is concerned, there is noth- truth based on our experiing special about the man ences, culture, moral comcalled Jesus. He talked like us, pass, cultural norms, and walked like us; He had emo- mores; and there is God’s tions like us, and was a part truth based on the Bible the

An NCON Communications Publication

I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I Luke 10:18 (KJV) 18 And know him, and keep his say- he said unto them, I beheld ing. 56 Your father Abraham Satan as lightning fall from rejoiced to see my day: and heaven. he saw it, and was glad. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper Louvenia Johnson Luther Golden Nathan Conyers (1981-2008) (1981-2005) (1981- ) Lynda J. Jackson Conyers, Publisher Jacquelyn D. Heath, Editorial Page Editor

Word of God, which is the ultimate truth not based on any other truth, nor is it undergirded or supported by any other thing other than that which comes from God. It is the truth ( the Word of God) standing on its own merit and does not need substantiation by any other, but is the truth and nothing but truth. The bottom line is: God’s word is truth regardless of any other truth, and He was there before Bethlehem. Next: How is it possible that He existed before Bethlehem and the manger? John 5:46-47 (KJV) 46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? John 8:55-56 (KJV) 55 Yet ye have not known him; but

The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper NCON Publications welcomes letters to the editor, as a response to subjects reported or analyzed in the newspaper or on other issues of interest to the community. All letters must be legible, and contain a signature and a phone number. Submissions must be received by Friday to be considered for the following Thursday’s publication.


Publisher/President Lynda J. Jackson Conyers Graphic Artists William Gooden Michelle Anibas

Founders Louvenia Johnson Nathan Conyers Luther Golden

Website Manager Antonio Alexander

The Milwaukee Times Weekly newspaper is published each Thursday at 1936 N. MLK Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Telephone: 414-263-5088 • Fax: 414-263-4445 Email: •

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Christian Times

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Counseling Corner

By Rev. Judith T. Lester, B.Min. M.Th

Building a healthy self-esteem (Conclusion) Low self-esteem causes depression, unhappiness, insecurity and lack of confidence. Those with low self-esteem allow other’s desires to take preference over theirs. The side effect includes inner criticism – that nagging voice of disapproval inside that causes one to stumble at every challenge. As a result, one may find it much harder to begin new or challenging projects. On the other hand, self-esteem increases your confidence and allows you to respect your own wishes. If you have confidence, you will give priority to your wishes and you will respect yourself. If you respect yourself, you can respect others. Therefore, building self-esteem can help you improve your relationships, your personal performance and your happiness. This week this column will conclude by setting down the balance of the steps to building a healthy self-esteem as outlined by Carlson in his writing: “Counseling and Self-Esteem.” 4. Make realistic demands on yourself. When one validates themselves, they are saying, “I can” be

who I really am without pretense, fear, guilt or shame. I am free from thinking more highly of myself than is realistic and from thinking less of myself than my talents and abilities warrant. I do not have to deceive myself or others. (Galatians 6:3, 4) Discover your own talents and then learn to love and appreciate the unique person that God made you to be! 5. Welcome the truth about yourself. In spite of Jesus’ assurance that knowing the truth will set a person free (John 8:32); Jesus offers no guarantee that the process will be comfortable. For

some, like the rich young ruler and the Pharisees, knowing the truth was painful. Yet for others, like the woman at the well, the truth relieved them of guilt. Welcome the truth about yourself and don’t try to be someone else, but be proud of who you are! 6. Give of yourself. Self-esteem builds when we give ourselves to the service of others. (Matthew 25:40) This service to the poor, the hungry, the imprisoned and the widows should make us feel good about ourselves. 7. Live with God’s love and forgiveness. A foundation to self-esteem is the

ability to forgive ourselves. As you experience God’s love and forgiveness, you can then love and forgive yourself. God encourages us to remember that we were loved even while we were still in our sin (Romans 5:8) and that His love is unconditional (Ephesians 4:8). 8. Be patient. Just as our spiritual life is a developmental process; so our self-esteem is an ongoing process. In our high tech society, fast and efficient answers set the stage for us to expect immediate answers in other parts of our lives. This is an unrealistic expectation because personal growth is a lifetime process. Beloved, people with low self-esteem often have little confidence in their abilities and question their self-worth. High self-esteem consists of the positive thoughts and feelings you have about yourself and it affects how you think, act and feel about others, as well as how successful you are in life. Having a healthy self-esteem is not competitive or relative; but rather it is the state where a person is at peace with them-

selves. However, in order to build a healthy self-esteem, we need to be reminded that no one is perfect. Identify and accept your own strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has them. Next month, my daughter, Camille B. Lester, B.A., Psychology and African-American Studies, will address “The Joys of Chocolate Milk: Demystifying Black Women Breastfeeding.” Camille will complete her Master of Science Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University (Spring 2017). She plans to pursue her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. The writer does not assume responsibility in any way for readers’ efforts to apply or utilize information or recommendations made in this article, as they may not be necessarily appropriate for every situation to which they may refer. This information is for educational purposes only. If you would like to contact Rev. Lester, write to her c/o P.O. Box 121, Brookfield, WI. 53008.


Abundant Faith Church of Integrity 7830 West Good Hope Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

(414) 464-5001

ADULT LEARNING LAB Abiding Faith Fellowship Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule:

Pastor Anthony Oliphant Sr. 4600 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53210

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School ………………… 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship …… 10:30 am Tel: (414) 444-2822 Fax: (414) 444-2877

Another Chance M.B.C.

Pastor Robert Pyles

“Discover Your Abundant Faith”

Weekly Schedule

4441 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 527-9986 Phone

"Not Perfect, But Forgiven"

Order of Services Sunday School......................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship....................11:00 am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study....................6:30 pm Thurs. Mass Choir Rehearsal...............7:00 pm Come Home to Antioch

Bethany Church of God in Christ 1930 North 13th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Office #: (414) 885-6010

Pastor Charles G. Green

Sunday School.............................9:30 am Sun. Worship Service..................10.45 am Wed. Bible Study.............……… 6:00 pm

Sunday Worship… 10:00 a.m. Tuesday……………6:15 p.m.

New Life New Beginnings Outreach Suite 205 3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 445-1072 Free Computer Classes ECDL License Software Registration Fee $25 Wed. 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. evening 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Weekly Open Enrollment

Pastor Donell Allen, Sr.

Sun. School………….….....9:00 a.m. Sun. Service…….……......10:15 a.m. Wed. Bible Study….............7:00 p.m. Fri. Drug Prevention…........6:00 p.m. Fri. Praise Team Rehearsal...7:30 p.m. Sat. Commty. Outreach........3:00 p.m.

"Bethany, the little church with a big heart; where everybody is somebody." - Pastor Allen

BETHEL Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 3281 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Willie F. Dockery, Jr. “The Church on the Grow”

Weekly Schedule Sun. School ………….… 8:30 a.m. Sun Worship ………….. 10:00 a.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ……………………. 7:00 p.m. 442-8970.

Pastor Robert Armstrong BETHESDA BAPTIST CHURCH “THE HOUSE OF MERCY” 2909 N. 20th Street. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Tel: 414-442-1323 Fax: 414-442-1334 E-Mail:

Order of Service: Morning Worship .....................8:00 AM Sun. Enrichment Hour ...........10:00 AM 3rd Sun. Communion Service..3:00 PM Mon. Prayer..............................6:30 PM Tues. Bible Class......................7:00 PM

An NCON Communications Publication

Christian Times

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


Calvary Hill Temple Apostolic Faith Church 8401 N. 60th Street (St. Martin’s) • Brown Deer, WI 53223 Phone: (414)442-0099 • Email:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Phone: 414-372-1450

Order of Service Sun. Christian School/Manna…12:00 p.m.

Fax: 414-372-0850 Website:

Tues. Prayer/Bible Class………10:00 a.m.

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES BLESSED DELIVERANCE Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J. Anthony Phillips

Wed. Broadcast 1560AM…10:45-11:15 a.m. Thur. Prayer/Bible Class…………6:30 p.m.

Sunday: Sun. School ................................... 8:15 a.m. Morn. Worship ................................ 9:30 a.m.

2215 North 23rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 344-9645 (Office) (414) (Fax)

Rev. Dr. Mary Jean Lewis-Jiles 2176 N. 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly schedule: Sun. Worship ......................... 10:45 a.m. Sunday School ........................ 9:00 a.m. Sat. Teacher’s Mtg., ................. 9:00 a.m. Wen. Prayer Service & Bible Class ....... ........................................... 6 - 8:00 p.m. Wed. A.M. Bible Class ............ 9- 10 a.m.

Pastor/Founder - Jeanetta Perry, DD(P.A.W) Wednesday: Bible Study .................... 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Weekly schedule: Sun. School .................... 8:45-9:45 a.m. Sun. Worship ........................ 10:00 a.m. Wen. Bible Study ......... 10 a.m. & 6 p.m.

Saturday: Early Morning Prayer ......................... 7:00 a.m.


Ministers: Elder Jessie Reed, Elder Jimmie Sanders, Elder James Hartlep, Evangelist Dorothy Evans, and Mother Annie Mae Hartlep

Corinth Missionary Baptist Church 1874 N 24th Place Milwaukee, WI 53205 Phone: 414-933-1987 Fax: 414-933-3545 Rev. John Laura, Pastor

CHRIST TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C. Elder Travis D. Evans, Sr., Pastor 2778 N. 10th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 414-263-0500 church office www. ctemplecogic.og Opportunities to Worship Sunday School ……………9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship ..... 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship ..... 7:00 PM Wed. Evening Worship .... 6:45 PM


3649 N. Teutonia Ave. Elder Milwaukee, WI 53206 Stephen Hawkins, pastor. Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ......................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ..................... 11:00 a.m. Phone 445-1980. Do watch us grow. Come and grow with us.

Citadel Of Praise Church of God In Christ 2328 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 299-0608 Deon Young, Pastor WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun. Celebration of Worship…………….…………… 12:00 p.m. Wed. - WoW Pastoral Teaching ………………………...……………… 7:00 p.m.


Weekly Schedule Sunday School 0 9:00 A.M. Sun. Morn. Worship 10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Service 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study 0 7:00 P.M. Transportation Available Wednesday - Mission -6 :00 pm Thursday Choir Rehearsal - 7:00 pm “A Church Empowering Lives with Gods Word”

2249 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Weekly Schedule Church Sun. School ................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ........ 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Prayer Service ................. Wed. 6:00 p.m. Church phone: 414.445-1610

Fellowship of Love Missionary Baptist Church

CORNERSTONE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 2329 North 12th Street Milwaukee, WI 53205 Pastor Rev. William Jackson Missionary Arleathia Myers 414-243-2684 Weekly Schedule Sun. School ........................... 10:00 a.m. Sun. A.M. Worship ............... 11:00 a.m.

DAMASCUS Missionary Baptist Church 2447 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Dr. Ellis Wilkins, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sun. School ............................. 9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ......................... 10:30 a.m. Baptist Training Union (BTU) ... 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship ..................... 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class ..... 6:00 p.m. Phone: 374-6650 or 263-9229.

Eternal Life Church of God in Christ

Rev. B. L. Cleveland, Pastor & Founder Mother E. L. Cleveland, First Lady 7901 N. 66th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 Ph: (262)242-2878 • Fax: (262)242-0978 e-mail: Worship Services Sunday School..............9:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship...............…11:00 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study............................7:00 p.m. Thursday Bible Study & Evangelical Service ...................................................................7:00 p.m.

EVERGREEN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1138 West Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 265-0400 • (414) 265-0424 Worship Schedule Sun. Church School .................. 8:45 am Sun. Morning Worship ............... 10:00 am Wed. evening Prayer, Bible Study, & Spiritual Formation .................... 6:30 pm

For more info. visit:

Rev. Judith T. Lester, Pastor

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Worship Services Temporarily Held at New Covenant Baptist Church 2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210 Sunday Morning Worship 12:15 p.m.

905 West North Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206

God’s Will & Way Church of God in Christ

Friendship Progressive Baptist Church 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Michael A. Cokes, Sr. and First Lady Tangie Cokes Order of Service Sun. Early Morn. Worship.............9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship Service...............10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study...................... 6:00 p.m. Come G.L.O.W. with us. Stay in touch by texting 71441 and the word theship. Our motto: “No more church as usual”

Pastor H.S. McClinton Genesis Missionary Baptist Church 231 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53224 Rev. A.L. Douglas Jr., Pastor ORDER OF SERVICE Sun. School .......................... 9:15 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ......... 10:45 a.m. Praising, Great Preaching, Teaching Other ministries to be announced. Church Telephone: 372-7675 Pastor Telephone: 372-7743


Weekly Services: Sun. School ............... 10:00 AM Sun. Service ...............11:15 AM (414)933-3280 (414)-933-3469 3100 West Lisbon Av. Milwaukee, WI 53208

Pastor Willie Genous & First Lady Evangelist Jo Genous

2900 N. 9th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 264-4866 Service Times Prayer M-F ………. 9:00-9:30 a.m. Sunday Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ………. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer ……………… 6:30-7:00 p.m. Bible Study ……… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal ………… 8:00 p.m.

Where there is peace in the midst of the storm

Church Phone: (414) 263-6113

Joseph H. Jackson, Jr. - Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ....................... 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship .................. 10:45 a.m. Wen. Bible Study .................. 6:00 p.m.

God’s Glory Church Min.

7017 W. Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 Office: (414) 630-0752 Email: Pastors Founders: Elder O.R. and Evang. A. McCoy

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship……….....………Noon Wed. Bible Study…….......……6 p.m.

Prayer every Tuse. & Thur. @ Noon

God’s Glory Church Ministry 4679 No. 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414)875-0660 Order of Services: Sun. School………… 9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship……….11:00 a.m. Wed. Bible Study……6:00 p.m. Fri. Evening Evang....6:30 p.m.

Pastor/Founder Jeanetta Perry BA, DP (PAW)

An NCON Communications Publication

Staff: James Hartley Angela Hartley Jeanitta Perry Dorothy Evans Jessie Reed Mother Annie Hartly Jammie Sonders

Grace Fellowship Church of Milwaukee “Helping God’s People To Find Their Place In A Complex World.” Worship Schedule Sun. Bible Study ...........10:00 a.m. Sun. Worship ................ 11:15 a.m. 3879 North Port Washington Milwaukee, WI 53212 414-265-5546 Rev. Andrew & Brenda Calhoun

Greater Faith Outreach Ministries, Inc. 1934 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 414-562-5183 Bishop Bernard Dotson, Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School ....................... 9:30 Sun. Morning Worship ...... 11:30 Sun. Evening Service ........ 7:30 Tues. Prayer Service ........... 7:30 Wed. - Bible Class ............... 7:30 Fri. - Family Night or Evangelistic Service .............................. 7:30 Sunday 1560AM ........... 1 until 2

Pray Line: 562-5183

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

GREATER GALILEE Missionary Baptist Church “Where Jesus is Lord” Pastor Johnny C. White, Jr. 2432 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Weekly Schedule: Sun. School ........................................ 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ...................... 10:30 a.m. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study ...................... ............................. 11:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. (414) 562-1110 - Church


2479 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53210-2947 Office Phone: (414) 871-LORD (5673) Kenneth E. Cutler, Sr., Pastor Worship Schedule Sun. School ........................................... 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ....................... 10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting ........................... 6:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study ................................. 6:30 p.m.

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Christian Times

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Healing Grace

God's Glory Church Ministry

5384 North 60th St. Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 463-5035 e-mail: web:

Superintendant Victor C. Davis, Sr.


Worship Services Sun. School ................................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship ........... 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Tues. PM Prayer ......................... 6:00 p.m.

GREATER SPIRIT EVERINCREASING CHURCH (Service at New Prospect Church) 2407 W. Nash St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Wed. Bible Study ...................... 6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday Worship......................1:00 p.m. 1st & 5th Sun. P.M. Worship....6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer....................6:30 p.m.

Fri Intercessory Prayer ............... 7:00 p.m. Fri. Deliverance Service ............ 7:30 p.m.

Your Community Church • Won’t You Join Us? Hallowed Missionary Baptist Church

(414) 355-4545 MAILING ADDRESS: 7631 W. Glenbrook Rd. Milwaukee, WI 53223

Sunday School.................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.............11:00 a.m. Wed. Open Bible Discussion.......... .............................................6:30 p.m. (414) 444-2620

Order of Service Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School.........................................10:00 AM Sunday Evening Worship...........................6:45 PM Tuesday Prayer....................................12:00 Noon Tuesday Prayer & Bible Band....................7:00 PM Tuesday Pastoral Teaching........................7:30 PM Friday Prayer.......................................12:00 Noon Friday Evangelistic Service........................7:00 PM

3800 N. Washington Road Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 265-5161

Word of Hope Telecast • Sunday 9AM • ION/PAX TV • Channel 55/Cable Channel 15 Word of Hope Broadcast JOY WJYI 1340am • Mon – Fri 3:15 PM-3:30 PM

Bishop C. H. McClelland


Word of Hope Ministries, Inc. Social Services, Health Care, ATODA, Employment Services, Family & Individual Counseling, Free Computer Training/ GED assistance, Prisoner Re-entry Services (414) 447-1965

“Holy Cathedral is A Ministry That Touches People”

“A Local Church With A Global Mission”

4245 N. 60th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216

Pastor Nathaniel Deans Sunday School .............. 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Sunday Service ........... 9:15 a.m. to Noon Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible class .................... ........……….. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thu. Bible Class ...... 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Come hear a Word from the Lord, it will change your direction.

Holy Temple Firstborn MB Church, Inc. 4960 N. 18th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 414-264-4002 (Office) Dr. Lezar & Lady Burnside Pastors

Dr. Betty S. Hayes, Pastor & Founder of Holy Mt. Carmel MBC 2127 W. Garfield Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 and Christ Gospel On The Rise Soul Saving Ministry, Harrell, AR. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sun. Words To Grow By....................9 a.m. Sunday Worship........................10:45 a.m. RADIO MINISTRIES Sat. (Milwaukee) WGLB 1560 Sat. at 9:15 a.m. • Sun. at 8:25 a.m.

Sunday School...................8:00 a.m. Sun. Worship......................9:15 a.m. Tues. Bible Class................7:00 p.m.

(414) 344-5361 (Office) Prayer Line - (414) 446-713324 hr.

“Changing Lives with a Changeless Word”

Jesus Is The Way Ministries (C.O.G.I.C)

JEREMIAH Missionary Baptist Church

HOLY TEMPLE Missionary Baptist Church

Weekly Services Sun. School………………9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship……………10:00 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study…...…6:30 p.m.

2677 North 40th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53210 Church Office (414) 447-1967

Rev Aaron Morgan, Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sun. School........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship............11:00 a.m. Wend. Bible Study & Prayer.............................6:00 p.m.

5202 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 Pastor/Teacher Rev. Kenneth Hughes

Lloyd Wright, Sr. Pastor, Author & Teacher 6151 N. Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 628-2367

Holy Cathedral Church Of God In Christ

Heritage International Ministries C.O.G.I.C. Dr. Nathaniel J. Stampley, D. Min. Mother Carolyn R. Stampley, M.Ed. Eld. Darrell Grayson, Assistant Pastor 1036 W. Atkinson Ave. • Milw., WI 53206 Phone: 414-264-2727 E-mail: Web: Weekly Schedule Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship....10:30 a.m. Monday - Friday Prayer...........6:00 a.m. Thursday Worship & Bible Studies....... ...............................................6:00 p.m.

Growing In Grace Fellowship Church

Founder's Elder O.R. and Evangelistn A. McCoy 15 Years of Ministry in God's Service 7017 West Medford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53218 One block North of Hampton Ave. on 70th St. 414-875-0660 Order of Services: Sunday School…………………11:00 am Sunday Worship…………………12 noon Wednesday Bible Study…………6:00 pm Friday Evangelistic Service………6:30 pm

The King’s Temple The House of the Living God

2034 W. Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Ph: (414) 265-5057 Fax: (414) 265-5029 Sunday School.............................10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship...........................11:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri. Daily Prayer..................10:00 a.m Tuesday Night Prayer.............6:00-7:00 p.m Thursday Intercessory Prayer - 7:00-7:30 p.m. Thursday Pastoral Teaching - 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Pastor Eugene Cowan, II Senior Servent Leader 4519 W. Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 Phone: 461-8484 • Fax: 461-9797 Weekly Schedule Sunday School.......................9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship...................10:00 a.m. Tues. Bible Class ..................... 6:30 p.m. “Transforming lives though the Word of God”

JERUSALEM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Donnie Sims 2505 West Cornell St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 442-4720 Sunday Service.......10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Night......7:00 p.m.

- Family AODA Treatment -

Pastor, Louis Fuller, Sr. Co-Pastor, Bea Fuller

- Transportation Available -

Pastor Jeffrey Coleman First Lady Brenda Coleman

“A Twenty-First Century Church”

Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church

Classes/Services: Daily Living Skills House Management Service Housing Assistance Life Skills Training Parenting Class

3500 N. Sherman Blvd. Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.....................10:30 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship..........11:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Class...........................6:30 p.m.

Spiritual Support Parent Assistance Education/Academic Skills Development Domestic Violence Services Mentoring Prison Ministry

Church 578-7425

Many Mansions Pentecostal Ministries, Inc.

Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church

8415 W. Bradley Road Milwaukee, WI 53224 414.355.0931, 414.355.7045(fax) (email) (website) Kairos International Christian Church (414) 374-KICC (5422) Sunday Community Ministry......................9:00 am Thursday Community Ministry...................7:00 pm Thur. S.E.T for Youth (Self Expression Thursday) ..................................................................7:00 pm

Pastors Terrence and Dr. Cheryl Moore


Rev. Christopher R. Boston, Pastor

Worship Schedule Sunday School .......................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship ......................10:15 a.m. WOW-Word on Wednesday.... 6:30 p.m.

Gatherings held at Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary School 3275 N. Third Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 (enter parking lot on Ring Street)

Time to Worship, Opportunity to Serve

Miracle Temple of Deliverance

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church 1345 West Burleigh Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Brandle C. Morrow, Sr., Interim Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School……………………9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service………..10:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study………….6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service……….7:00 p.m. Phone (414) 562-7200 Fax: (414) 562-7850 E-mail:


Elder Betty Steward, Pastor 1000 W. Burleigh Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Order of Service: Sunday Ministry …………10:00 a.m. Worship Service ……… 11:30 a.m. Thursday Bible Study …… 7:00 p.m.

“Where We Preach the Word, Teach the Word, and Live the Word”

Life & Liberty Church 2009 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Pastor Evangelist Erma Mosley (Located inside Solid Rock Church) Sunday School..................2:30 p.m. Sunday Worship................4:00 p.m. Tue.-Fri. Prayer..........12 p.m.-1 p.m. Wed. Praise & Choir Rehearsal....... ..........................................5:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Class...............6:00 p.m. All Are Welcome

Weekly Schedule: Sun. Early Worship 0 8:00 a.m. Sunday School 0 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study 0 6:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule:

Sunday School..........................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship Service..............10.30 a.m. Wed. Bible Service.........………… 6 p.m. “We’re Stepping Into The Kingdom by Stepping Out on Faith” - 2 Corinthians 5:7

Founder: Pastor Nalls 3131 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone: 414-871-1103 E-mail: Weely Schedule: Sun. School……………......…9:30 a.m. Sun. Service……………...…11:30 a.m. Tues. Night Prayer & Study……………….…..……6:00 p.m. St. John 14:2 Vers.

Mount Hermon Baptist Church

Monumental Missionary Baptist Church

2407 W. North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 933-2443 Rev. Roy C. Watson, Pastor First Lady, Sharon Watson

Pastor Rodney Cunningham 7265 North Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 228-6779 Phone

1809 W. Atkinson Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: 414 871-8178 Fax: 414 871-8143 E-mail: Facebook: Mount Hermon-Baptist Church MOUNT CARMEL Missionary Baptist Church 1717 W. Meinecke Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Hugh Davis, Jr. ThM. ThD, Pastor Sunday School......................9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship.......................10:45 a.m. Sunday BTU..........................6:00 p.m. Monday Night Mission............6:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer and Bible Study .......................................6:00-8:00 p.m. Certified Marriage, Drug & Alcohol, and Pastoral Counselor Church: 264-2560 Pastor’s Study: 264-8001

Order of Services: Enhancement Hour Sun. ……… ………….......……………. 9:00 A.M. Sun. Worship …......….. 10:00 A.M. Wed. Prayer & Bible Study .......………………………. 6:30 P.M. Bobby L. Sinclair, Pastor

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Christian Times

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper


New Creation Missionary Praise Church

New Covenant Baptist Church

2315 North 38th Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. F. L. Crouther, Pastor Phone: 873-1221 Fax: 873-8614

1404 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 (414) 372-7544 (Church) (414) 510-5367 (Cell) Order of Service

MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John K. Patterson, Pastor 5277 North 36th Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 Sunday School..........8:00-9:15 a.m. Sunday Service.................9:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Class……Noon & 6 p.m. Church phone 414.461-7755 Home phone 414.226-6075

Weekly Schedule

Sunday School.......................9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship........................11 a.m. Thurs Prayer Service.............6:30 p.m. Thurs Bible Study.................7:00 p.m. MOUNT ZION Missionary Baptist Church 2207 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Phone 372-7811 Rev. Louis Sibley, III, Pastor Sunday School........................9:15 am Sunday Worship..........8 am, 10:45 am 1st Sunday Communion immediately following morning worship. Wed. Bible study and Prayer Meeting .......................................6:30 - 8:30 pm.

New Beginning Seed Faith M.B. Church 138 West North Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Bishop Clayton, Sr., and Lady Renee Duckworth

SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 11:30 AM Thursday

The Church were the heart is (II Chronicles 31:21)

Prayer Bible Study

Service Begins each Sunday at 1:00 P.M.

Food Pantry Food Bags* 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. *Please Call For Appointments Hot Meals 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. T.V. Ministry every 2nd Tue. of the month on Channel 96, 8-9 p.m.

Wednesday Night Worship Service……………………………7:00 p.m. (Last Wed. of the month)

“A Church With A True Gospel Praise” New Dawn Worship Center 3276 N. Palmer Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 PH: (414) 393-1290 FX: (414) 393-1234

Rev. Ann Smith, Founder & Pastor

Sunday Church School……………8:00 a.m. Children’s Church - 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sunday……………………………9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…………9:30 a.m. Wed. Family Night Sunday School Expository………………………………5:30 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Prayer & Praise…………………………………6:00 p.m. Wednesday Family Night Bible Classes………………………………6:45 p.m.

5:30 PM 6:30 PM

New Holy Ghost Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church “God so loved the world” - John 3:16 104 West Garfield Street Milwaukee, WI 53212 “Come as you are” Office: (414) 264-4852 Church: (414) 264-3352

6063 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 444-3106 Pastor Johnny L. Bonner, Jr. “Building On The Vision”

Order of Service Sunday School ……… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship .. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Service …. 7:30 p.m.

Ph.#: (414) 708-4884 Come and worship with us!!!

Rev. L.C. Martin, Pastor

Rev. Dr. Terrell H. Cistrunk Pastor

New Outlook Church of God in Christ 2449 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 406-0258

Sunday School..........9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship......10:30 a.m. Weds. Bible Class.....6:30 p.m. NEWPORT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH

Weekly Schedule:

NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Dr. Archie L. Ivy, Pastor/Teacher 2433 W. Roosevelt Drive Milwaukee, WI 53209 Phone (414) 871-0350 • Fax (414)871-4219 E-mail: Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship ………................. 9:30 a.m. Sun. School ............................... 8:00 a.m. Wed. Morning Prayer & Bible Study.……………..10.30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Mid-week Service (last Wen. of the month) ............. ......................................6:00 p.m. “Partnering with God, Practicing Biblical Principles, Strengthening Families”

New Greater Love Baptist Church

New Life New Beginnings World Ministry & Outreach C.O.G.I.C 2516 West Hopkins Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Evangelist Margaret Stone, Pastor

Sunday School…………………………….10:00 a.m. Worship Service…………………………..11:00 a.m. 3rd Tues. The Ecumenical Prayer………...6:30 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service……………………..10:45 a.m. Last (2) Wed. Freedom from Addiction Ministry…………………………11:15 a.m. Wed. Food Pantry……………………….12:00 noon Fri. Prayer, Miracle, Prophetic Word……..7:00 p.m. Every 1st Weekend Revival Service: Fri. - 7:00 p.m. • Sat. - 7:00 p.m. Sun. Evening - 6:00 p.m.

Dr. Mark A. Allen, Sr. Pastor NEW PARADISE Missionary Baptist Church 2353 West Fond Du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI. 53206 Tel: 414-265-0512 Fax:414-265-1910

Worship Services: Sunday School....................9 : 00 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship.......11: 00 a.m. Tues. Prayer Meeting..........6:30 p.m. Tues. Bible Class.................7:00 p.m. “Come Spend A Day In Paradise”

The Open Door Christian Worship Center Church, Inc.

Sun. School..........8 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................9 a.m. Wed. Bible

Pastor Robb Taylor and First Lady Vanessa Taylor

Study....................6 p.m.

“Bringing Light Into The Community” - Philippians 4; 13-14


2237 N. 11 St. Milwaukee, WI 53205 (414) 265-5881 Order of Service Sunday School …………… 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship …………… 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study ……… 7:00 p.m. Vo i c e s o f N e w p o r t R e h e a r s a l ………………………………… 7:00 p.m. Rev. W.L. Smith, Sr. , Pastor

Pilgrim Baptist Worship Center

“Teaching, Preaching, and Reaching for Christ” Rev. Martin Childs, Jr., Pastor

Pastors: Apostle Kenneth Lock Sr. and Prophetess Michele Lock

3223 West Lloyd Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Phone:(414) 444-5727 Sun. A.M. Worship……………8:30 a.m. Sun. P.M. Worship……………12 noon Tues. Prayer/TNT Bible Study ………………………………6:30 p.m.

PARADISE SANCTUARY Missionary Baptist Church 2705 W. Clarke Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 Rev. David K. Blathers, Pastor

Sunday School.................9:30-10:45 am Sunday Worship.........11:00 am-1:15 pm Wed. Pastor Bible Information Session, Prayer and Testimony..................5-7 pm Sat. Choir Rehearsal and........................ Youth Bible Study..........11 am - 1:30 pm Church (414) 264-2266, Pastor (414) 449-2146

Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church 2028 W. Cherry St., Milwaukee, WI 53205 Rev. Maddie Turner, Sr., pastor

Sunday School...............9:05 a.m. S u n d a y Wo r s h i p . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 : 4 0 a . m . S u n . C h u r c h Training Union, 6 p.m. Wed. Prayer Service & Bible Study ...............................6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

3737 North Sherman Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church Phone: 414-873-1045 Church Fax: 414-873-4101 Website: E-mail:

“A New Testament Church” Sunday Worship …… 8:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School: …………… 9:30 a.m. Mon. Bible Class ……..… 6:00 p.m. (Women) Tues. Bible Class ……......……… 12:00 noon Tues. Men’s Support Group …..….. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Class ……… 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ……… 7:30 p.m. Thurs. Bible Study ………………… 1:00 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Service……………... 2:00 p.m. Fri. Youth Fellowship...............…. 6:000 p.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast (2nd Sat.).....9:00 a.m.

Rev. George M. Ware Pastor

2975 N. Buffum St. Milwaukee, WI. 53212 P.O. Box 241772 Milwaukee, WI. 53224 Sunday Church School.........9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship.................10:45 a.m. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study ......................7:00 p.m. Church Office #: (414) 265-7171

Church Telephone: 344-2400

Progressive Baptist Church “Equipping God’s People, Building God’s Church, Advancing God’s Kingdom” Pastor Walter J. Lanier 8324 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53222 Phone: 414-462-9050 Prince of Peace Baptist Church 3701 North 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-6700 • (414) 444-6701 fax Steven R. McVicker, Pastor

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School .....................................9:00 am Sunday Worship .................................10:00 am Tuesday Bible Class.............................6:00 pm Tuesday Prayer ....................................6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal ........................5:00 pm Welcome to Peace

Senior Pastor Evangelist Barbara Williams Co-Pastor Elder Dexter Williams Power House Deliverance Church 4344 N. 27th St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414-442-2234 Sunday School...............................9:30 Sunday Morning Service...............11:30 Tuesday Night Prayer Service........7:00 Wednesday Bible Study.................7:00 Friday Community Food Pantry........2-4

Transportation Available (414) 449-0122

An NCON Communications Publication

a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Worship Schedule: Sun. School.......................................9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study..........................Noon Wednesday Bible Study.....................6:45 p.m.


Redemption Fellowship Baptist Church Robert A. Angel, Senior Pastor 3500 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Phone: (414) 875-1926 Website:

Robert A. Angel Senior Pastor

Weekly Schedule Sunday School.................................9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship...........10:00 am Sunday Broadcast JOY 1340 - 4:30 pm Wednesday Bible Class.............7-8:00 pm

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Thursday, November 24, 2016


Christian Times

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Prayer House of Faith Pentecostal Church, Inc.

Rev. Dwain E. Berry -Pastor Risen Savior Community Baptist Church

4778 N. Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 466 - 3807 Alice O. Green, Founder Dr. Shane E. Rowe, Sr. & Pastor Lekeesha C. Rowe, Senior Pastors

2201 N. Dr. MLKing Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212

Services: Sunday School Sunday Worship Wed. Prayer Meeting

Children’s Min. Sun...................11:30 a.m Sunday Worship.........................12 Noon Tuesday Prayer/Bible Class.....6:30 p.m.

9:00 am 11:00 pm 6:00 pm

Phone (414) 460-8107

Showers of Blessings Fellowship Church


623 W. Center Street Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 873-0933 Pastor James Grant, Sr. Co-Pastor, Kimani Grant

Rose Hill Missionary Baptist Church Rev. J.L. Holmes, Pastor 2024 N. Martin Luther King Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sunday School.......................9 a.m. Sun. New Member Class........9 a.m. Sunday Worship...............10:45 a.m. Tue. Prayer Meeting - 6:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class..........6 p.m.

SCOTT CHRISTIAN YOUTH CENTER & OUTREACH C.O.G.I.C. 2741 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Pastor Annie Naomi Scott

Weekly Schedule Sun. S u n. Wed. Fri.

Church phone (414) 264-0360 Office (414) 264-3978 Transportation Available

Sc hool..........................9 : 3 0 S e r v i c e......................11: 0 0 Night Bible Class...........7: 00 N i g ht S er v i c e...........7: 0 0

a.m. a .m . p.m. p.m.

SHILOH BAPTIST CHURCH 4801 West Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 444-1200 • (414) 444-1212 fax

Charles E. Holmes, Pastor

Sun d ay S c ho o l.............................12 : 3 0 p.m. S u n d ay S er v i c e s........................... 2 : 3 0 p.m. We d nesd ay B i b le S tu d y.................7: 0 0 p.m. Fr i d ay Fellowship...........................7: 0 0 p.m. Emergency Food Pantry every Tuesday Hot Meal Program Mon., Wed., Fri. Clothing Bank 2 days • Spiritual Counseling available • 24-hour Dial-A-Prayer 263-1929 Crisis Hot Line for Runaways 263-6515 Future programs: computer classes, sewing classes

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday School .....................................9:00 am Sunday Worship .................................10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class.............................6:00 pm Thurs. Choir Rehearsal ........................6:00 pm

Come Home to Shiloh

Dr. Robert T. Wilson, Sr., Pastor St. John's United Baptist Church 2439 West Hopkins St. Milwaukee, WI 53206

Sunday Worship Service

Tel: 414-871-4673 Fax: 414-871-2373 email:st.johnsunitedmbc@

Rev. Lee A. Shaw, Pastor

3489 N. 76th Street 10:00 - 11:30 A.M. (414) 502-7584

5375 North 37th St.• Milw., WI 53209 (414)795-6397

Wednesday Service

Sun. Sun. Tue. Wed.

7100 W. Villard Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. Pastor Darry Tucker Prophetess Paula Tucker

Order of Service Sun. School...............9:00 a.m. Sun. Worship...........10:15 a.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting & Bible Class .........................6:30 p.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE School ………. 9:00-10:00 a.m. Worship … 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bible Study …… 7:00-8:00 p.m. Nicotine Treatment ……… 6:00 p.m.

ST. TIMOTHY COMMUNITY Baptist Church 3701 N. Teutonia Milwaukee, WI 53208

ST. PETER MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3057 N. 35th Street Milwaukee, WI 53216 Church: 414.442.6389 Home: 414.463.5535

Rev. Mose A. Fuller, Pastor Home: (414) 871-2933 Church: (414) 445-2958 Sunday Church School....9:30 A.M. Sunday Worship............10:45 A.M. Wed. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study .........................................6:00 P.M.

ORDER OF SERVICE Sunday School..................9:00 am Sunday Worship..............10:30 am Tuesday Bible Class..........6:00 pm

True Heart Missionary Baptist Church

TRUE LOVE Missionary Baptist Church 210 W. Keefe Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53212 Phone: 414-264-6869 Rev. Garry Levy, Pastor


Rev. W.J. Walker, Pastor

Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Mid-Week Schedule Tue. Spiritual Development Ministry 6:00 P.M. Thursday Christian Ministries 6:00 P.M. Thursday Music Ministry 7:45 P.M. Victorious Child Care, Inc. Open Enrollment 1st - 2nd Shirt - 6:00 A.M. - Midnight Monday - Friday Ages: 6 weeks - 13 years old Office: (414) 562-0530 Tracy Rushing, Director

UNITY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. NATHANIEL JOHNSON, JR. PASTOR 3835 WEST FOND DU LAC AVE. MILWAUKEE, WI 53216 Tel: (414) 445-9249 • Fax: (262)-670-6505 email: Worship Services: Sunday School...........................9:30 a.m. Sun. Worship...........................11.00 a.m. 4th Sun................................Communion 1st Sun....................................Baptizing Wed. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study.......6 p.m. “A Little Church With A Big Heart”

a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.

Our Weekly Worship Schedule Church Sun. School ………… 8:30 a.m. Celebration of Worship ……..10:00 a.m. TIP for Growth (Prayer & Study) & AWANA (youth)……...........6:30 p.m.

ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 914 East Knapp Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Rev. Dr. C. Steven Teague-Rector Sunday’s Worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Music, Nursery Handicapped Accessible (414) 276-6277

Temple of Judah Church

Pastor David W. Stokes 8620 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53225 Inside Redeem Pentecostal Church Office Phone: (414) 326-4811 Weekly Services: Judah Cafe’........................... 10:00 am S u n d a y S c h o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : 0 0 a m Sunday Service.....................12:15 am Vo i c e o f F a i t h B r o a d c a s t o n J O Y 1 3 4 0 AM....................Sundays @ 5:30 pm Tu e . M a n a & B i b l e S t u d y. . . . . 7 : 0 0 p m Prayer Manna Mon.-Fri...............6:00 am “A Christ Centered Ministry-Bringing people into the presence of God”

TRINITY Missionary Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. Harold Turner Sunday School...................9:00 Sunday A.M. Worship........10:30 Sun. P.M. Worship...............3:00 Tuesday: Prayer Meeting, Mission Bible Class....................6-8:00

a.m. a.m. p.m. Mtg., p.m.

Church: 873-3326 Home: 353-5958 2829 N. Teutonia Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53206

The Upper Room Baptist Church

Unlimited Life in Jesus Christ Christian Church 623 W. Cherry St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 Inside the Boys and Girls Club Pastor Sudie B. Jones Services: Sunday School......................10:00 Sunday Service.....................11:00 Tue. Choir Rehearsal...............6:00 Tue. Prayer & Bible Study 6-7:30 Tue. Youth Meeting..............6-8:00 Wed. Recovery Services.....6-7:30 John 14:27

am am pm pm pm pm

Pastor: Willie F. Brooks Jr. 2200 W. Center Street Milwaukee WI 23209 414/265-5455 Worship Schedule: Sunday School ………9:30 a.m. Morn. Worship…..…11:30 a.m. Mon. Women Circle Min. …… Wed. Bible Study……7:30 p.m. Soar Men Min.……11:30 a.m.

Way of the Cross Missionary Baptist Church

2661-63 N. Teutonia Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53206 Office: (414) 265-4850 / Fax: (414) 265-3817

Rev. Edward E. Thomas

2500 West Medford Ave. • Milwaukee, WI 53206 OFFICE: 414 -562 -1129 • FAX: 414-562-4713 EMAIL: WWW.TCBCHURCH.COM

Weekly Schedule Sun. Worship......10:30 a.m. Tus. Bible Study....6:00 p.m. Wed. Mission.........3-7 p.m. Wed. Fellowship...6:00 p.m.

Victory Missionary Baptist Church

Sunday’s Order of Service Sunday Church School 9:00 A.M. Sun. Baptist Training Union 10:00 A.M. Sun. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M.

Weekly Schedule: Sunday School..................9:15 Sun. Worship.....8:00 and 10:45 Wednesday Bible Study.........10 Wed. Bible/Prayer Service - 7:15

Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church 2190 N. 49th Street Milwaukee, WI 53208 Church: (414) 444-4244 Office: (414) 444-8947 Fax: (414) 444-7924

Weekly Schedule: Sun. School …………… 9:00 a.m. Sun. Morn. Worship…10:30 a.m. Tu e s . P r a y e r M t g & B i b l e Study…………………… 6:30 p.m.

TABERNACLE COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH "A preaching, teaching, healing community of faith.."Matt. 4:23

5418 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53210 (414) 393-WORD (9673) Sunday Morning Worship............10 am Tuesday Night Study......................7pm Ripton A. Stewart, Pastor

4300 West Villard Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 464-0390 Rev. Robert McFarland, Sr., Pastor

Order of Services Sunday School...............9:30 a.m. S u n d a y S e r v i c e . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : 0 0 a . m . Communion Services 1st Sunday......................7:00 p.m. Wed. night Prayer, Bible, Service & Mission..............................6-8 pm Mission mtg. every 2nd Wed.

1616 W. Atkinson Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53206 Rev. Darryl Williams, Pastor

Phone: 562-8030

The Reverend Don Darius Butler,Pastor

Pastor Oscar Elim


African Methodist Episcopal Church

1401 West Hadley Street Milwaukee, WI 53206 Office: (414) 265-2725 Rev. Kurt Boyd, Pastor Weekly Schedule Sunday School ………............................................... 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship…..................................10:30 a.m. Tuesday Noon Day Mission...................................................11:00 a.m. Evening Mission....................................................6:00 p.m. Tuesday Prayer Meeting.......................................6:30 p.m. Bible Study…........................................................7:00 p.m.

ZION HILL Missionary Baptist Church 1825 W. Hampton Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53209 Rev. Russell Williamson, Pastor Sund ay S c ho ol......................8 : 3 0 a .m. Sunday Wor ship...................10 : 0 0 a.m. We d n e s d ay Pr aye r S e r v i c e a n d B i b l e Study: 10-11:30 a.m. and 7: 00-8: 00 p.m. Phone: (414) 263-1777

An NCON Communications Publication

What's Happening

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Milwaukee Urban League Guild hosts first annual Game Day Afternoon

On Saturday, November 19, 2016 the Milwaukee Urban League Guild hosted its first annual Game Day Afternoon at Mr. J's Jazz Lounge, 4610 W. Fond du Lac Ave. Games included Bid Whist, Spades, Dominoes, cards, good food, music, prize drawings, fun and exciting table games. Members of the Milwaukee Urban League and guests on hand to network as well, including Milwaukee Urban League president and CEO Ralph Hollmon.

Photo By Yvonne Kemp

Community Brainstorming talks: The Future of Water In Milwaukee

On Saturday, November 19, 2016 the Community Brainstorming Conference held their monthly breakfast forum at Saint Matthew C.M.E. Church, 2944 North 9th St. The topic for this month's meeting was "Phase #1 - The Future of Water in Milwaukee: What Does the Community Need to Know and May Need to Understand?" It is the first of a series of discussions on Milwaukee's drinking water supply and what needs to happen to keep it clean and lead-free for the future of our community. Pictured at the discussion are (from left) panelists Freshwater for Life Action Committee spokesman Robert Miranda; Milwaukee Water Commons co-executive director Brenda Coley; and Innovative Healthcare, S.C. director Dr. Annette Stokes.

Photo by Robert Bell

Stepping up to help others with Step Up Shoe Drive

Miltimes Staff Photo

Twelve-year-old Z’Neiyah Williams and her grandmother Towanda Ford filled the “Step Up Shoe Drive” barrel at The Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper office with their donations on November 18. Z’Neiyah, who is a member of Monumental Baptist Church, decided that she had too many shoes that she either no longer wore or that no longer fit her feet and so she and her grandmother contributed enough pairs to bring the barrel past the full mark. The shoes will benefit people in Haiti, Kenya and Honduras. An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Aurora Health Care

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Leading the charge against cancer. So you can get back to leading life. When you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, you want to know you’re getting the best care. And at Aurora, that’s what you get. A team of experts dedicated to providing you with personalized care along with the latest and most innovative treatments available. But most importantly, you’ll know you‘ve got a partner in the fight against cancer.

Find a specialist or get a second opinion at

(08/16) ©AHC

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Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

COMMUNITY COLUMN To celebrate its 60th, UWM gives thanks by giving back By Angela McManaman The year 2016 has been an important one for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It’s the year that UWM earned a prestigious “top research university” designation from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. It’s the year that UWM revealed plans to become a Hispanic-Serving Institution to enroll and educate Wisconsin’s fastest-growing population of college-aged students. And, 2016 is the year that UWM celebrated its 60th anniversary. Its official birthday was Sept. 25, 2016, but the university will keep the celebration going for the entire academic year with a “60,000 Hour Challenge.” Everyone with an official UWM connection is welcome to participate – students and staff, faculty and alumni. UWM students already complete about 50,000 hours of service yearly in Milwaukee. They just need help accumulating an additional 10,000-15,000 hours of service in food pantries, shelters for the homeless, K-12 classrooms, beach cleanups,

“This happens at hundreds of nonprofit agencies that address issues related to poverty, youth, the arts, health, social justice and more,” Marks said. “Their impact, hour-by-hour each week, is profound when you think about the collective, and I think it’s possible for us to exceed 60,000 hours if we can tap into our alumni base. Many of them are already volunteering here in MilwauUWM students registered nearly 1,300 voters over a three-week period this fall. kee. Now they can easily add On Make a Difference Day, Nov. 7, more than 600 UWM student volunteers their hours to the challenge prepped area homes for winter. These efforts and many more count toward using the online form.”

UWM’s “60,000 Hours” service challenge. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey) voter-registration drives and other acts of volunteerism. Chancellor Mark Mone says the 60,000 Hour Challenge is a way for UWM to give thanks to its hometown – for six decades of service, support and partnership – by giving back. “There are many ways to participate in commemorating UWM’s six decades of education, research and community engagement,” Mone said. “Recognizing and celebrating where we came from strengthens the resolve for where we are going. And we will continue working and

serving with our nonprofit partners across Milwaukee,” Mone said. “Service to Milwaukee doesn’t just make our city stronger, but it provides research and relationship-building opportunities that we all can learn from.” The 60,000 Hour Challenge is coordinated by the Center for Community-Based Learning, Leadership, & Research at UWM. Service hours are being tracked on an easy-to-use website,

its goal, but they believe it’s possible – and they are aiming for it – for the campus community to exceed 60,000 hours. Students, faculty, staff and alumni have already logged 5,000 hours, and the contest continues through May 2017.

“Many UWM students, faculty and staff volunteer week after week, year after year, logging a few hours a month,” said Laurie Marks, director of the Center for Community-Based Learning, Leadership, & Research and Organizers say that they’ll a UWM alumna. be pleased if UWM meets

Nearly one third of MPS schools move up a category on the latest State Report Card Fifty—nearly one third— of Milwaukee Public Schools are in a higher performance category in the newly designed 2015-16 School and District Report Cards, which were released Monday, November 21, 2016 by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The new State Report Card measures the academic performance and growth of schools and districts across the state using a common set of metrics. "We believe these report cards better reflect the performance in our schools," said MPS Superintendent Darienne Driver. "We still have significant work to do, but we are headed in the right direction. I am proud of the hard work of our students, teachers, staff and families. We are seeing growth in student achievement and closing the academic gap." Schools and districts are ranked in one of five categories - Significantly Exceeds Expectations, Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Meets Few Expectations or Fails to Meet Expectations. • Three MPS schools now Significantly Exceed Expectations • Twenty-one schools Ex-

ceed Expectations • Thirty-one schools Meet Expectations • Forty-one schools are categorized as Meets Few Expectations • Forty-two schools are categorized as Fails to Meet Expectations Because of the differences in the calculations between the 2013-14 State Report Card and the current version, a direct comparison cannot be made. However, Milwaukee Public Schools

An NCON Communications Publication

If you’re a UWM student or alum, professor or staff member, and you haven’t logged any service hours yet, please visit The 60,000 Hour Challenge webpage. To learn more about UWM’s 60th anniversary and related events, please visit

believes the current State Report Cards better reflect the performance the district is seeing internally. As a district, MPS no longer is in the Fails to Meet Expectations category, but the Meets Few Expectations category. MPS' local STAR assessment data shows growth in student achievement and signals that the district is closing the student achievement gap: • Literacy is improving across all grade levels

• The number of students on target for proficiency in reading improved last year by two percent • Early reading schools improved significantly, with 51 percent of all K5 and first graders on target at the end of the school year, compared to only 43 percent on target at the beginning of the school year • ACT statewide data showed students meeting readiness increased 1-2 percent in English, reading, math and science. The data also showed an increase in students meeting readiness in all four tested areas Changes made to the State Report Card by the Wisconsin Legislature last year recognized the impact of poverty on student achievement and of growth in student achievement. MPS continues to target areas where improvement is needed. Student absenteeism is one area. The district is working on a number of strategies to improve attendance, including providing mentors for students, implementing of the My Brother's Keeper Program and partnering with families to stress the importance of regular attendance.

North Division High School seeks volunteer tutors The North Division High School Alumni Association is seeking volunteers to tutor students in reading, science and math. Tutoring will take place after school from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Tutors are asked to commit at least one day per week from February through May. We need assistance from the community in order to help our students succeed. If interested, please contact Helen Harris at (414) 616-3237 or Jim Smith at (414) 267-5101 or at jsmithmiltimes@

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Free Meal Locations in

Milwaukee Saint Benedict's Capuchin Community Services - Holiday Community Meal 924 W. State St. Milwaukee, WI 53233 Nov. 24, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ONLY; a traditional Thanksgiving Meal will be served. (414) 271-0135 ext. 214 Main - Kenny Howard (414) 271-0135 ext. 215 Main - Br. Rob Roemer Saint Vincent De Paul Society - Northside Meal Site 2600 N 2nd Street All Peoples Church Milwaukee, WI 53212 http://www.svdpmilw. org Nov. 23, 12 noon to 2 p.m. (414) 374-4095 Main (414) 462-7837 Alternate Administrative Office Saint Vincent De Paul Society - Southside Meal Site 931 W Madison Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 Nov. 23 - Closed Nov. 24 - 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. Nov. 25 - Closed http://www.svdpmilw. org (414) 649-9555 Main Mount Zion Baptist Church Thanksgiving Dinner and Fashion Share 2207 N. 2nd St, Milwaukee, WI 53212 http://www.mtzmke. org/ Nov. 24, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thanksgiving meal will be served along with life music. Afterwards, there will be a clothing give-a-way. 414) 372-6174

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Holidays 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Eight tips for stress-free holiday entertaining 'Tis the season to eat, drink, and be merry, but sometimes playing hostess can feel more like a burden than a blessing. We asked the party pros for advice on how to throw the perfect soiree—headache-free! 1. Forget about flaws "Surrender the notion of the 'perfect' holiday," says Kathleen Hall, Ph.D., founder of The Stress Institute. Rather than focusing on shortcomings, think about what you can realistically handle this season and write it down. "I often prioritize a list with the top things I absolutely need, and then go down the checklist," says Hall. If you can host a dinner but don’t have time to whip up homemade desserts, there’s no shame in swinging by your favorite bakery. 2. Put time on your side "The most stressful thing about planning is running out of time," says event planner Mindy Weiss. Start your party prep as early as possible to make room for surprises like unexpected guests or winter

weather. Try making a schedule and assign yourself manageable tasks each day, so you won’t feel overwhelmed. For instance, you can decorate weeks ahead of time, shop for groceries a couple days in advance, and start chopping or baking the night before. 3. Know who’s boss Learn to delegate, says Hall. Whether you need help cleaning up the yard, scrubbing the guest bath, or making a playlist, ask your spouse or child to pitch in so you aren’t doing it all. 4. Ditch the complicated sit-down menu Party planner and host of My Fair Wedding David

Tutera suggests abandoning the multi-course meal altogether. Consider cocktail foods or desserts for a “great gathering with a lot less fuss, and a lot less time requirement from guests who likely have a calendar full," he says. If your budget allows, save time by ordering food from a caterer or buying prepared dishes and desserts from the market. Toss the boring store-bought packaging and place edibles on festive platters, sprinkled with nutmeg or adorned with sugar-dusted sprig of cleaned pine. 5. Mix up a holiday cocktail Serve a pre-mixed drink, such as sangria or eggnog, which you can prepare beforehand in batches. Not only will you make guests feel special with a signature cocktail, you might even save money. "Purchase one or two large beverage servers where you can pre-bath up to 40 cocktails,” says Colin Cowie, lifestyle expert and party planner. “Set out glasses on trays with an ice bucket and your guests will help themselves." 6. Upgrade your buffet Trade in the traditional buf-

fet for interactive food stations you can set up around the dining room, creating movement and encouraging mingling. Cowie suggests skipping the tired holiday lineup and opting for plates such as charcuterie, smoked salmon on rye bread, and one warm dish like turkey stew, chicken pot pie, or risotto. Lay out small cups and spoons for guests to sample the spread. 7. 'Twas the night before the party "The key is to set everything up the night before," says Cowie. "That way, the day of the party, I just have to put food and drinks out." Rearrange any furniture or gather extra seating; restock the restroom with toilet paper and clean towels; decide where to put the drinks. 8. Festive fragrances Don’t splurge on overpriced scented candles when you already have the aromas of the season sitting in your kitchen. "Sliced citrus fruits, apples, cinnamon sticks, or spices like cloves will give the air cozy scent," says Tutera. "A few fresh pinecones or cinnamon sticks in a crackling fireplace will have the same effect." Fill small bowls with fragrant pieces and display throughout the dining room and bathroom.

Nine stress-free holiday decorating tricks Even if you're throwing a last minute get-together, setting the mood with fabulous décor doesn’t have to be stressful (or cost a fortune!). To help you deck out your home this holiday season, expert event planner David Stark shared his most festive DIY decorating tips using items you already have, including a display of candy-filled apothecary jars and dinner napkins topped with ornaments straight off the Christmas tree. 1. Take something old and make it new again Have some old figurines or other holiday nick-knacks in the attic. A good cleaning and a fresh coat of gold or silver paint can turn grandma's old plastic reindeer figures into a modern art masterpiece. Old ornaments can be dipped in glue and coated with glitter to freshen them up. And old cheap Dollar Store figures can look like a million bucks with some decoupage glue and gold or silver leaf. 2. Create a candy bar Who doesn't love candy? Stark suggests creating an impromptu "candy store" on an entry or side table with lidded apothecary jars in various sizes. Fill them with colorful taffy, chocolates and gummies, and put scoops and small baggies on the table. "When guests drop by, they can take a sweet reminder of

their visit on the road with them," Stark says. Candy has a long shelf life (especially individually wrapped kinds), so you can enjoy the look all season long. 3. Leave some ornaments off the tree If you're having a dinner party, keep the table decorations simple. Stark suggests using your favorite holiday ornaments as napkin adornments. "Tie them to a cinched napkin at each place setting, "he says. "Vary the ornaments for a more informal gathering or keep them uniform for a dressier look." 4. Use ribbon scraps to update candles Customize plain pillar candles with colorful ribbon trims wrapped around their bases. "Pin the ribbon directly into the candle with small stick pins or use a decorative pin to add further flair," Stark says. "From classic holiday motifs to tartan plaids

and velvets, you can change from day to day in the same way you change your outfit!" 5. Wrap gifts early Use holiday gifts you will be giving this season as décor in your home before you give them. "Don't hide them in the closet or under a bed to get them out of the way," Stark says. "Make them beautiful, and enjoy them yourself for as long as you can." Choose a coordinated group of papers, bows, and adornments that look great in your home, and stack them throughout your house on side tables. 6. Don't forget the bathroom! Stark likes to write holiday greetings like "Ho! Ho! Ho!" or "I'm so glad you're here!" with a dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror. Or you can channel your inner-artist and draw a Christmas tree or menorah. "It's a fun way to add a little humor and surprise to your home," Stark says. "And after, a damp rag wipes it all away!" 7. Use up glitter from a school project Search your home for clear, decorative canisters. If you don't have any handy, invest in a few because they won't go to waste. You can use them to store snacks in the kitchen or cotton balls in

the bathroom during the rest of the year. For the holidays, Stark suggests filling them with confetti, glitter and sequins for a sparkly touch. "It creates a glimmering holiday tableau," he said. 8. Have a cake stand do double duty Head to your backyard to search for pine cones and acorns to fill a basic, domed clear cake stand. Follow Stark's easy instructions to make this unique and dramatic centerpiece: 1. Hold the dome upside down by its handle with one hand. 2. Fill the upside down dome with the pine cones and acorns to the brim. 3. Take the base, turned upside down and cover your dome as if it was a lid. 4. With both hands, quickly turn the whole set right side up so that the cake stand and lid sit as they were intended. 9. Don't buy it, print it. Need a place card for that dinner party, short on tree ornaments, or need some festive artwork for the home? Don't run out and buy it, print it yourself. There are hundreds of websites that offer free clip art for downloading and printing. Invest in some high quality printing paper. Print on a card stock and clip out decorations, tags, cards and more. Or print some festive art or scenes on glossy paper and place them in gold or silver holiday frames to hang around your home.

An NCON Communications Publication

Holidays 2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Holiday style 2016: How to wear the holidays' trickiest trends The holiday season is the perfect time of the year to really prove our sartorial chops. But where's the line between cool and costume? How can one pull off Grandma's vintage tiara without looking like Honey Boo Boo? Stress no more — we're here to help you master the holiday's trickiest fashion trends. Ahead, how to wear velvet, glitter, winter white, and more...without looking like your own Nightmare Before Christmas. Black velvet — Black velvet is a '90s throwback we love to indulge in over the holidays. For those that fear an all-velvet look, it's easy to break things up with a skirt in a similar color but in a contrasting texture (sequins, knits, or heavy silks). Glitter shoe — Since glitter is so fanciful, it's smart to pair it with more structured work wear in nighttime fabrics like silk. Choose nonblingy jewelry and a patterned topcoat to balance out your shoes. Patterned tights — The easiest way to wear colored tights without veering into tween territory is to only choose luxe-looking staples in black. Contrary to what you may have thought,

Confused by this season's holiday trends (clock wise from top, left) black velvet, glitter shoe, patterned tights, party pants, the tiara, and winter white? Don't be. black can easily be mixed and matched — just choose pieces in different textures (leathers, velvets, etc.) to keep things from looking too macabre. Party pants — A printed pair of pants can feel intimidatingly "fashion-y," but it's one of our favorite uncon-

ventional party looks that is totally worth stepping outside of your comfort zone for. Wear it with a pair of simple pumps and a simple peplum shirt to up the femininity factor. The tiara — The glittering, sparkling, rhinestone-studded tiara can be worn out-

side of the pageant circuit... as long as you choose the right ones. We're partial to the ones that lay flat against you head (no princess towers, please!), worn on top of the forehead. Pair them with a boyish shirt and flat shoes for a low-drama look.

Winter white — The key to doing an all-white look without appearing as if you're about to appear on a Christmas special in Rockefeller Center is to wear white in modern cuts and toughgirl shapes, like moto jackets, slim trousers, and structured sheath dresses.

Holiday style 2016: Holiday makeup trends for African American skin By: Juliette Samuel, Esthetician, author and publisher I've just spent the past two hours in a big box store trying to make a decision on a simple tube of lipstick. I never venture far from what I always wear and the only time you'll ever see me wearing a full blown made up face is when I have to have a photo shoot. Even then I'm begging the makeup artist to keep my look as natural as possible. Because it's the holiday season and everyone is thinking parties, I found myself in a space of study. I found a comfortable little nook and looked at all of the offerings that were available.

Not everyone lives in cold climates so your hands and your toes become a unit in warm climates. Then it becomes a necessity for your feet to be just as well manicured as your hands, maybe even more so. Pucker up because a night out on the town during the holidays isn't complete withHoliday trends in African out a 'kiss', especially New American makeup Year's Eve. From nail polish to eye Luscious lips in red, (rushadow, lipsticks and lip by-cherry-candy apple), purgloss, the choices were amaz- ple passion or radiant bronze ing. Imagine granny smith are bound to leave an imapple green and charcoal pression on the cheek of an gray but with glitter and this admirer. was for your eyes. Speaking of eyes, the Setting a foundation for smokey eye look is always a makeup fashion statement but it reThe foundation of any ally seems to be part of the great looking skin is the holiday makeup look. regimen that you use on a Nail polish can give you a daily basis. Without taking pop of color whether it's the care of your beautiful dark holiday season or the middle skin, your makeup doesn’t of summer. Your hands are stand a chance. Eventually always making a statement you'll begin to see pimples, and a well-manicured nail is large pores and dullness to a must. your skin even when wearing

An NCON Communications Publication

makeup. nitely needs very little make- up foundation. Unless you're using makeup as a camouflage for a particular skin condition, its purpose is to enhance your beauty. The more diligent you are with your skin care regimen the less of a foundation you will have to wear. When you take care of your skin it will be well moisturized and have a radiant luster to it. Well-moisturized skin looks healthier and defi-

Proudly Presents

The 32nd Annual Black Excellence Awards Friday, February 24, 2017 at The Italian Conference Center 631 E. Chicago St. • Milwaukee, WI 6:00 P.M. - Social Hour 7:00 P.M. - Dinner & Program For more information, please call the Milwaukee Times at 414-263-5088

Our 2017 Keynote Speaker:

Genevieve Michel-Bryan

VP/Broadcast Director at BLACK ENTERPRISE

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Holidays 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Simple steps to prep for a delicious turkey dinner



ne of the most memorable moments at any holiday dinner is when a moist, delicious turkey is brought to the table. Everyone grabs their forks at the sight of a perfectly brown bird glistening with juicy flavor. Make sure your holiday meal is a special one by following these simple tips for making the perfect holiday dinner: Planning the Meal n


Get your plans in writing, including your menu, how many people will attend, any special dietary needs of guests and what time you plan to serve the meal. Buy the turkey early, and look for a bird with a pop-up timer in the breast, which ensures proper cooking time. Learn more at

Thawing the Turkey n

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Thaw your turkey in the refrigerator for 24 hours per 5 pounds in weight. For example, a 20-pound bird takes four days to thaw. Thaw it faster by covering with cold water in the sink and changing the water every half hour per pound of turkey. Don’t unwrap a frozen turkey before thawing. Refrigerate the turkey as soon as it has thawed, or cook it immediately.

Preparing the Bird n n



Baste the turkey with extra-virgin olive oil, butter, margarine or wine. For an unstuffed turkey, place a stalk or two of celery, seasonings, a cut-up onion and a handful of parsley in the cavity to keep it moist. If you stuff the turkey, pack the neck and cavity loosely with stuffing prepared just before you plan to cook the bird. Heat oven to 325 F. Place turkey breast-side-up on a rack in a shallow roasting pan.

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Lay a “tent” of foil loosely over the turkey to prevent over-browning. The turkey is done when the meat thermometer is 180 F and the stuffing is 165 F. If you don’t have a meat thermometer, look for the red stem to go up on the pop-up timer, press a thumb and forefinger into the thick part of the drumstick to see if it feels soft or wiggle a drumstick to see if it moves easily. For easier carving, let the turkey stand at room temperature for at least 20 minutes.


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For example, if you serve salad add something new, such as olives, pearl onions, raisins, nuts or mandarin oranges. Mashed potatoes are expected. For a flavor kick, try adding mustard, garlic or other flavors when mashing. Add color to your favorite green vegetables by placing pimento or strips of steamed red bell on top. Try an unconventional take on stuffing, such as making stuffin’ muffins in muffin tins or serving stuffing inside an empty green bell pepper.

Serving a Sweet Treat n


Watermelon is a source of antioxidants and vitamins, and has more lycopene than any other raw fruit or vegetable. You can also opt to serve a sweet treat with your turkey with this recipe for Watermelon Cranberry Sauce.

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After two hours at room temperature, cooked food should be stored in the refrigerator. If possible, carve the entire turkey before the meal and store the extras as soon as everyone has a plate. There are many great recipes that feature leftover turkey, such as stir-fry with vegetables, wraps, tacos, burritos and, of course, good, oldfashioned turkey sandwiches.

To help with planning and preparation, and for more delicious recipe ideas for your holiday gathering, visit To learn more about food promotion and view a photo gallery of classic celebrities, such as Bob Hope, Phyllis Diller, Abbott and Costello, Dinah Shore and others, with turkey and other foods, visit

Preparing Homemade Rolls n


n n n n

Purchase Frozen Rhodes Ready to Bake Rolls, which give you that original homemade taste with no preservatives. Coat baking pan and large sheet of plastic wrap with nonstick cooking spray. Place frozen dough on the pan and cover with oiled plastic wrap so it won’t stick to the rolls as they rise. Let rolls rise for 4-5 hours, until they double in size. Carefully remove the plastic wrap. While you are carving your turkey, put rolls in the oven at 350 F and bake 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. Brush tops with butter or olive oil, if desired. Dinner rolls can also be used to create side dishes or desserts, such as this Butterscotch Bubble Loaf.

Don’t Forget the Add-Ons n

Surprise your guests with something different from years prior, such as new recipes or add-ons.

Watermelon Cranberry Sauce

Recipe courtesy of Servings: 4 4 cups fresh cranberries 1/2 cup organic sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract lemon juice (from 1 lemon) lemon zest (from 1 lemon) 1/2 cup maple syrup cinnamon 2 cups minced watermelon In 3-quart saucepan over medium-low heat, heat cranberries, sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest until simmering. Simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until cranberries are tender, about 15-20 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add maple syrup and cinnamon to pan. Simmer another few minutes. Remove from heat to rest 10 minutes. Stir in watermelon and serve warm, or chill and serve cold.

Planning for Leftovers

Butterscotch Bubble Loaf

Recipe courtesy of 24 Rhodes Yeast Dinner Rolls, thawed but still cold 1/2 box non-instant butterscotch or vanilla pudding mix 1/2 cup pecans, chopped 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup butter or margarine Heat oven to 350 F. Cut dinner rolls in half and dip in dry pudding mix. In sprayed Bundt pan, arrange rolls, alternating with pecans. Sprinkle any remaining pudding mix over top. Combine brown sugar and butter. In microwave, heat together about 1 1/2 minutes until butter is melted and syrup is formed. Pour syrup over rolls. Cover with sprayed plastic wrap. Let rise until doubled in size, or even with top of Bundt pan. Carefully remove wrap. Bake 30-35 minutes. Cover with foil for last 15 minutes of baking. Immediately after baking, loosen foil from sides of pan with knife and invert onto serving plate.

An NCON Communications Publication

Holidays 2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Happy Birthday Salutes! Wishing You All The Best! • Bay View American Legion: Christmas Tree Lighting, 6 p.m. Dec. 7, Post 180, 2860 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. • Captain Frederick Pabst Mansion: "Twilight Tours," 5:30-8 p.m. Nov. 27-28, "A Grand Avenue Christmas" (through Jan. 10), 2000 W. Wisconsin Ave., (414) 9310808. • Charles Allis Art Museum: Movie Time film classic "Holiday Inn," 7:30 p.m. Dec. 9, "Santa at the Allis," 10 a.m.-noon Dec. 12, 1801 N. Prospect Ave., (414) 2788295. • Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin: Holiday Artisan Market, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 5-6, 500 N. Harbor Drive, (414) 765-9966. • Doll & Teddy Bear Show & Sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 6, American Serb Hall, 5101 W. Oklahoma Ave. • East Town Holiday Market: 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Dec. 3, Chase Tower lobby, Water St. and Wisconsin Ave. (414) 271-1416. • Historic Third Ward: "Christmas in the Ward," 5:15 p.m. Dec. 4, Catalano Square, Broadway and Menomonee St., (414) 273-1173. • Lakefront Brewery: Alternative Gift Fair and Buy Local Fair, 1-5 p.m. Dec. 6, 1872 N. Commerce St. • BMO Harris Bank: "Storybook Village" Holiday Display, Nov. 30-Jan. 4, 770 N. Water St. (414) 765-7700. • Milwaukee Public Museum: European Holiday Village, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 4-5, 800 W. Wells St., (414) 278-2728. • Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory: Holiday Show Dome (through Jan. 3), 524 S. Layton Blvd., (414) 6499830. • Pere Marquette Park: Holiday Lights Festival, (through Jan. 3), 900 N. Plankinton Ave., (414) 220-4700, www. MilwaukeeHolidayLights. com.

• Quaker Friends Meeting House: International Gift Shop, hand-crafted gifts from Wisconsin and around the world, 5-8 p.m. Dec. 4; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 5, 3224 N. Gordon Place, • St. Sebastian Parish: Holiday Boutique, 9 a.m.-noon Dec. 5, 5400 W. Washington Blvd., (414) 453-1061. • United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay: "Celebrate the Gift of Jesus" live outdoor Nativity, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Dec. 11-13, 18-20, 819 E. Silver Spring Drive, Whitefish Bay, (414) 964-2424. • UWM Union: "A Children's Holiday Festival," 10 a.m.-noon Dec. 5, Ballroom, 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd., (414) 229-3111. • Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum: Holiday Tea, 3-5 p.m. Dec. 1, "A Very Vintage" Open House, 5:309 p.m. Dec. 18, "A Very Vintage Christmas" holiday décor display (through Jan. 10), 2220 N. Terrace Ave. (414) 271-3656.

November 2nd Lawrence Chamberlain, Sr.

November 10th Essex Chamberlain

November 4th Lynda Jackson Conyers Michael Davis

November 12th James Fumbanks Jeremy Fumbanks Ramona Owens Edna Porter

November 5th Lawrence Chamberlain, Jr. Wendell Thomas November 6th Carla Smith Maurice Bridges, Sr. LaVern Smith Maurice Smith Desmond Graves November 7th Maurice Smith Helen Porter Selestene Junior Crystal Davis November 9th Page G. Hawkins

November 13th Vera Clark Jasyr Henley November 14th Myrtle Wilburn November 15 Abe Taylor Nathan Conyers Daria Greaves th

November 16th Jeryca Graves-Sinclare

November 18th Janie Saffold Shequilia Henderson November 21st Eric D. Hawkins November 22th LaMarr Johnson November 23rd Charlene Johnson Charlettel Johnson Crystal Chamberlain November 26th Tyrese W. Johnson November 28th Tyesha Holland Jay-Ron Miller November 30th Tiffany Weather Ester M. Davis

Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who has just celebrated or is about to celebrate a birthday? Stop by our office with their name on Monday to get them in that week’s edition of Happy Birthday Salutes! Visit us at 1936 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, call us at (414) 263-5088 or e-mail them to

• Village of Hartland: "Hartland Lights" with Canadian Pacific Railroad Holiday Train, noon-10 p.m. Dec. 5, downtown Hartland. (262) 367-2900, or • Wade House: "A Wade House Christmas" features handmade period Christmas decorations, mid-Victorian traditions, hands-on activities and refreshments, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 5-6, W7824 Center Road, Greenbush, (920) 5263271. • Watt's Tea Room: Breakfast with Santa and Elf, Dec. 5, 12, 761 N. Jefferson St., (414) 290-5720. • West Allis Public Library: "Holiday" Book Sale, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 12, 7421 W. National Ave. (414) 3028503.

• Pfister Hotel: Tree Lighting Ceremony, 5-6:30 p.m. Nov. 29, 424 E. Wisconsin Ave., (414) 273-8222. • Polish Center of Wisconsin: Holiday Bazaar and Champagne Brunch, 10 a.m.2 p.m. Dec. 6, 6941 S. 68th St., Franklin, (414) 529-2140.

An NCON Communications Publication

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Have a job opening, an event announcement, contract bid, or services you want to advertise? Then give us a call at 414-263-5088. We have reasonable rates for Classified and small ads. NOTICE Milwaukee Public Schools is requesting quotations for three Divisions to Pre-Purchase Pumps, Boilers & Water Heater Equipment Only, no labor, for the FY17 Cyclic Heating Plant Replacement at Hamilton High School. Equipment specifications, quotation requirements and guidelines may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc.; 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics, Inc. for availability of proposal documents. Documents may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ The HUB, Student Employment and Participation requirements for this contract are 0%. All questions should be submitted in writing to Mark Bethel of Milwaukee Public Schools' Facilities and Maintenance Services, fax number (414) 283-4682. No questions will be answered verbally. No verbal information from any source is to be relied upon by any respondent in the development of their response to the request for quotation. Only questions submitted in writing prior to 4:00 PM on Tuesday, December 06, 2016 will be answered. No questions will be answered after that date and time. These responses will be documented by way of addenda, which will be forwarded to all bidders. Submit all quotations to Mr. Mark Bethel, Project Specialist of Design and Construction of Facilities and Maintenance Services, 1124 North 11th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 no later than 1:30 PM on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Darienne B. Driver, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools 11211842/11-18-22-29/12-6

CAREGIVERS need care, too. Are you caring for a loved one with dementia, Alzheimer's disease, a disability, or raising a grandchild?


The Classifieds

OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 North 11th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 18, 2016. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 North 11th Street, directed to the attention of Mr. Travis R. Luzney, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 1:30PM, in accordance with plans and

specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage

rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier's Check: 10% of Contractor's Base Bid. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM UPGRADE

Anna F. Doerfler

3014 W. Scott Street Milwaukee, WI 53207 MPS Property No. 125 MPS Project No. 2894 The HUB requirements for this project are 25% The COIN requirements for this project are 10% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 200 Hours Educational Activities: 10 Hours Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00 The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc.; 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics, Inc. for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may not be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services' office or at A/E Graphics. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, (414) 283-4611. Darienne B. Driver, Ed.D. 11211831/11-18-21-29/12-6 Superintendent of Schools

OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT Office of the Milwaukee Public Schools, DIVISION OF FACILITIES AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 1124 North 11th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 21, 2016. Sealed proposals will be received at 1124 North 11th Street, directed to the attention of Mr. Travis R. Luzney, P.E., Director of the Division of Facilities and Maintenance Services, pursuant to Section 119.52(3) Wisconsin Statutes, until Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 1:30 PM, in accordance with plans and specifications for the following work: All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) are subject to the prevailing wage rates and hours of labor as prescribed by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors of the City of Milwaukee consistent with provisions of Section 66.0903 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BID GUARANTY TO ACCOMPANY BID: MPS Bid Bond, Certified or Cashier's Check: 10% of Contractor's Base Bid. PROXIMITY CARD ACCESS CONTROL INSTALLATIONS BID PACKAGE II Various MPS Sites, Division 7¡12: Brown St, Clarke St, Holmes, Keefe, Lafollette, Maryland Ave. MPS Project No. 3856 The HUB requirements for this project are 0% The COIN requirements for this project are 0% The minimum Student Participation requirements for this project are: Paid Employment: 200 Hours Educational Activities: 0 Hours Deposit for Drawings and Specifications: $25.00 MAILING CHARGE: $35.00 The bidding documents may be obtained 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; Monday through Friday from A/E Graphics, Inc. 4075 North 124th Street, Brookfield, WI 53005; phone (262) 781-7744; fax (262) 781-4250. Call A/E Graphics, Inc. for availability of bid documents for pick up. Plans and specifications will be loaned to a prospective bidder upon receipt of the deposit listed, which deposit will be returned upon surrender of the plans and specifications in good condition. Bid documents must be returned only to A/E Graphics, Inc. Plans and specifications may not be examined at the Facilities and Maintenance Services' office or at A/E Graphics. Plans and specifications may also be viewed online at A/E Graphics, Inc. @ Each proposal shall be for a fixed lump sum. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive informalities. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at the bid opening through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aids. The following TDD number is available for the hearing impaired for questions prior to bid opening, (414) 283-4611. Darienne B. Driver, Ed.D. 11213710/11-21-28/12-1-8 Superintendent of Schools

Interfaith Older Adult Programs offers FREE HELP AND SUPPORT for family members and friends who help older adults. Contact a Family Caregiver Support Network Resource Specialist today and learn how Interfaith can CARE FOR YOU! Mention this ad and receive a free gift.

(414) 220-8600•

An NCON Communications Publication

Pick'n Save

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Milwaukee Times Weekly Newspaper






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An NCON Communications Publication

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2/ 5 $



Unless Otherwise Noted, prices good FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 - Wednesday, November 30, 2016

We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct all printed errors. Not all items and prices available at all locations unless otherwise noted. Prices subject to state and local taxes, if applicable. No sales to dealers. Purchase requirements exclude discounts, coupons, gift cards, lottery tickets, bus passes and use of Fresh Perks Card®. All prices “with card” are discounted by using your Fresh Perks Card ® *Free promotion will be applied to item of least value.

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