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Milwaukee's Only “Blue Chip” Community Newspaper

Weekly Newspaper

“Journalistic Excellence, Service, Integrity and Objectivity Always”

Vol. 34 • No. 22 • Thurs.,May 14, 2015 - Wed., May 20, 2015 • An NCON Publication Serving The Milwaukee Area • 65¢

Milwaukee Urban League hosts National Achievers Society annual recognition banquet

Photo by Yvonne Kemp

The Milwaukee Urban League hosted its National Achievers Society 2015 Induction Ceremony on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Student Union, 2200 East Kenwood Boulevard. Printed in the program, Milwaukee Urban League President and CEO Ralph Hollmon said: “This is a special day for the Milwaukee Urban League, because we have an opportunity to recognize some of our best and most gifted students…who understand the value and importance of education… in our global, technological society … (which) unlocks the doors of opportunity.” A huge assembly of Black, Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic families attended the event to cheer on their son or daughter, offering support and

Democratic Legislative Caucus hosts public session

Public transportation, one-cent sales tax, energy woes, new arena are top concerns heard during listening session

encouragement and to capture a photograph of this historic moment in their child’s life as they journey on to fulfill their life’s aspirations. All of the students were recognized for their scholastic achievements. However, a group of 20 high achievers and honor roll students were each awarded a laptop computer. The keynote speaker was Grady L. Crosby, Chief Diversity Officer of Johnson Controls. He leads the company’s government relation strategies, sustainability efforts and its philanthropic initiatives in order to maintain the company’s commitment to social responsibility, community involvement and the environment. He joined Johnson Controls in 2011.

$375,000 in new funds to provide summer employment for 200 additional youth

Photo by Robert Bell

Photo by Steve Waring

Pictured (from left) Rep. Evan Goyke, Rep. LaTonya Johnson, Rep. Daniel Riemer, Rep. Mandela Barnes, Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa, and Rep. Jonathan Brostoff. “Stay tuned,” State Rep. Evan Goyke commented to some 60 members of the Milwaukee Democratic Legislative Caucus who attended a listening session on the Wisconsin state budget May 9, 2015 at Centennial Hall in the Milwaukee Public Library. Rep. Goyke represents the Wisconsin 18th State Assembly District. During introductory remarks, he noted that it is the state legislature, not Governor Scott Walker, that approves the state budget. Indeed some cuts proposed by Gov. Walker have already been rejected. The caucus was held to

determine the top priorities of their constituents. In addition to Rep. Goyke, present for the caucus were Rep. Mandela Barnes, 11th Assembly District; Rep. David Bowen, 10th Assembly District; Rep. Jonathan Brostoff, 19th Assembly District; Rep. Daniel Riemer, 7th Assembly District; Rep. LaTonya Johnson, 17th Assembly District; Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa, 8th Assembly District and vice chair of the Democratic Caucus; and Rep. Josh Zepnick, 9th Assembly District. (Continued on pg. 2)

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Alderman Russell Stamper, Common Council President Michael Murphy, 1st District Alderman Ashanti Hamilton and other community stakeholders were all smiles Monday May 11, 2015 at the offices of Running Rebels when they announced $375,000 of new funding to help create an additional 200 new summer jobs for teens. By Steve Waring Special to the Milwaukee Times

Monday, May 11, 2015 at the headquarters of the Running Rebels, 1300 W. Fond du Lac Ave. City of Milwaukee Mayor Tom The Running Rebels is a notBarrett, 15th District Alderman for-profit organization founded in Russell Stamper and Milwaukee 1980. Its mission is to develop MilCommon Council President Mi- waukee’s youth mentally, physically chael Murphy jointly announced and spiritually, according to infor$375,000 in new funds to provide mation provided on its website. summer employment for an additional 200 Milwaukee area youth on (Continued on pg. 2)

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